#my poor sweet dragon boy what have they DONE TO YOU
I noticed that in most scenes Adamai is in he seems to just like.. daydream and like be in his thoughts a lot. for example in season 3 there are times where he just stares into the void a lot
Especially in season 4 he can be seen standing motionless and mostly staring at the floor
It makes me wonder what he thinks about 🤔
(Also I noticed in season 3 when he dozes off he seems to turn more grey.. which is concerning-)
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Like bro are you like OK??
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
How they are with their kiddos/babies ! ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, and nanami
content: no curse!au fluff, established relationship (marriage), children, families.
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Gojo Satoru
"Look at my little boy, he looks just like me, what a heart stopper you'll be when you get older!" He praises his two year old, Kenji Gojo.
"'Toru stop trying to manifest our son into a hoe." Satoru turns to you with a loud gasp, eyes wide, and it causes your little boy to giggle.
"How could you say such words, in front of him? Don't listen to Mommy. Daddy was never a player. Never ever!" Kenji has no clue what's happening he just laughs at his father's dramatics.
"Oh brother, I hope he doesn't turn into a drama queen like you. And yes you were a player before I got with you. Remember when you kissed my friend then like ten minutes later tried to kiss me?" Satoru was a menace in college. Every time you bring up that specific college memory he always says-
"Ugh, blame Suguru! He was the one who made me take shots when I didn't like to drink." There it is. That was excuse for two-timing you and your best friend back then.
"Save it for someone who believes you. Kenji, don't be like Daddy when you grow up, okay?" Your husband knows you're joking but he can't help but whine and feel like you're being against him.
"Otay Mommy! Daddy is hoeeee. Hoe hoe hoe. Merry Christmas!" Your poor little boy thinks he's saying the noise Santa makes instead of a derogatory term and it's hilarious.
Of course you encourage him, "Daddy's a what?"
"Hoe!" Kenji screams out with a smile on his face. Satoru frowns loosing his playfulness.
"I-i guess my family just hates me... no one loves me." He sighs loudly to sell it to you guys but you don't buy it. He sits in the corner pretending to cry. "Boo hoo..." Kenji waddles his way over to his father patting his head.
"No cry Daddy, you not a hoe. You Daddy." Satoru fakes a loud gasp when he hears his son comfort him, thinking Satoru is actually crying.
"Really?!" He asks the little boy standing next to him.
"Yeah, Daddy is cool!!" Satoru chuckles, picks up is little boy and tosses him into the air. The small white haired child screams in delight as his father catches him, and you can't deny that all the trouble you and Satoru had in your relationship was worth seeing this.
Geto Suguru
"And then, the monster ate the twin girls who didn't go to sleep at their bed time-"
"Ooooookay. I think that's enough bed time stories from Papa." You say ushering your girls to bed, Hana looks scared out of her mind but Kana's eyes are sparkling with curiosity.
"Awww, Mommy, it was just getting good!" Kana whines, you know she wants to hear whatever else Suguru makes up on spot but he scared Hana who looks like she wants to cry.
"I know sweetie, but I don't think Hana really liked that story." The girls are six and full of energy at any given time.
"Come on baby, let me tell Kana the rest." Suguru matches his daughter's tone, knowing you'll give in.
"Alright, fine, but you need to apologize to Hana, look at her." Your husband looks at his younger twin daughter and he does feel kind of bad for scaring her like that. Suguru likes telling scary stories and myths to his girls just like his father had done to him. He always thought they were super cool.
"Oh, Hana, sweet girl. Papa's sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. How about I tell you and your sister a different story?" Hana looks a little doubtful as do you, but Suguru grants you a smile. He knows you trust him so you give him a stern look before kissing his forehead.
"Don't take too long, I need my cuddles." He smirks, kissing your hand, "Of course my dear."
The twins coo in unison at their parents romantic gestures, they think it's the coolest thing ever. "You girls have your stuffed animals?" He asks them and they nod together waiting for his story.
He tells the two about a princess who needed saving. Her long lost sister came to save her from a scary dragon and they lived happily together.
"That sounds like me and Hana!! I fought the scary dragon and Hana was the princess!!!" Kana says with excitement. Sometimes Suguru sees two little girls he used to foster in his own girls. He wonders how they're doing these days. They're probably grown up by now or at least in their late teens.
"I really wish Mommy had let me name you guys Nanako and Mimiko." He whispers with a soft smile. Kana looks at him in confusion rubbing her tired eyes, Hana's already asleep.
"Huh?" Kana asks.
"Nothing my dear, good night, little one." He tucks her into bed and gives her a tend kiss on the forehead.
"Night night, Papa." She says with a yawn and Suguru makes his way downstairs to join you.
Kamo Choso
Choso bites his lip looking down at his son, the boy looks a lot like you he thinks. Ryuji is his name, you let him name him. "I didn't mean to break it." He whines to his father. Choso has a soft spot for his boy. He reminds him a lot of his little brother Yuji.
"I know bud, but what will we tell Mom when she gets home?" Ryuji had accidentally broken your favorite ceramic mug. Choso was not sure what he signed up for when he got you pregnant but it sure wasn't this.
He and his son were always getting scolded by you. Every time Ryuji gets into some kind of trouble it also happens to be Choso's fault for not watching him closely as you always say. The truth is, Ryuji seems to get into trouble even with his father watching him closely.
"Um... we can tell her it was at the edge of the counter and i walked past it and it fell down. Then it will be her fault for leaving it by the edge." Choso smiles at his devious ten year old. He knows lying is bad but if you heard what really happened you'd scold both of them.
What actually happened as that Ryuji was playing in the kitchen, even though you've warned him against it many times and he knocked your mug down onto the ground.
"Good idea, kid. I don't want to hear Mom yelling again. I might get couch treatment again." Choso shivers at the idea of sleeping on the cramped couch rather than in his warm bed with you.
"You remind me a lot of your Uncle Yuji." Choso says ruffling his son's hair. "You and Mom keep saying that and I don't know if that's good or bad."
"It depends. Yuji can be both." Choso chuckles. His son gives him a crushing hug.
"I love you dad, you're doing great." And Choso didn't know how much he needed to hear those words but they were getting to him.
Fushiguro Toji
"Quit kicking your Ma, ya little brat." He threatens your swelling belly. He gives you a questioning look when you glare at him. Those emerald eyes challenge yours in a staring contest.
"What is with you and threatening our unborn children?" Your question is followed by a giggle.
"Gotta let the brats know who's in charge." He blows out a breath and puffs his chest, you find the whole ordeal ridiculous. The man is a girl dad for crying out loud. Even his oldest, your step-son thinks his father is a clown. And before Tsumiki died there were three daughters in his life.
He thinks your third one is bound to be a boy, but you're secretly hoping for a girl just to further sink Toji's idea of having a little boy to boss around. Megumi comes around maybe twice a month to see his little half-sisters, which means Toji is surrounded by girls all the time.
You like to joke around with him and say, "What do you know? Girls seem to follow you wherever you go." He always grumbles about it being stupid and unfair.
"As I was saying-"
"DAD!!!!! MY HAIR OH NOOOOOOO." Toji's up off the couch in seconds answering at his daughter's beck and call.
He walks into her room to see her braid was messed up. "What happened, Doll?" He asks her, undoing the braid so he can redo it.
"Yui undid my braid!! She took my hair tie and ran to her room!!!" She squeals, in horror at her little sister's thieving.
"Oh did she now? I'll go have a talk with her once I braid this back up." He's gentle with his tender-headed daughter. He quickly braids her hair back up, the pattern memorized. 100% self indulgent bc im tender headed.
"I have this green hair tie, is that okay, sweet girl?" She sighs quietly. "Where are the blue ones?" Toji clicks his tongue. "I can go get one real quick if you hold the end of this braid." He tells her and she's quick to do it. Her favorite color is blue after all.
She cheers when her father returns with a blue hair tie. He ties it up quickly, "Okay let me go talk to Yui." Nami nods brushing out her baby doll's hair.
Toji makes an appearance in front of his four year old's door, she's making her dolls scream at each other. "What was da reason?!!!!" She screams pretending to be one of the dolls, "I had a reason." She makes the other say.
Toji rolls his eyes, his daughter has been watching too much TV with you. "Excuse me miss Cardi B, why did you steal your sister's hair tie?" His hands are on his hips and his eyes are squinted to add to his authority.
"Whattttt, Dad, you know dat?" She asks as if her dad lives under a rock.
"Tch I'm not old, I know what memes are. Now answer the question." She rolls her eyes. You tell Toji she gets her attitude from him.
"If you haf to know I needed it, so I could give Sprinkles a ponytail." Sprinkles is the dog Toji said he was NOT going to get for his girls but caved in and got anyway.
"Ya coulda asked me or your Ma for one rather than stealing it right from your sister's hair." She shakes her head in disagreement. Toji wonders what's going on in her head right now.
"Dad you don't get it! It had to be that one!"
"Why that specific hair tie?" She goes silent turning away from her father and mumbling something Toji can barely hear.
"Speak up, princess." She scoffs and sighs and folds her arms. Wow the sass is unreal.
"Sprinkle thinks Nami is super cool so she wants what Nami has." Toji isn't stupid he knows his daughter is using the dog as a place holder for how she admires her older sister. Yui doesn't like to admit it though.
"Are you sure it's Sprinkle who thinks Nami is super cool?" He gives her the chance to be open with him and she sighs taking the bait.
"I guess. I think Nami is super cool." She murmurs and Toji smirks.
"It's alright to think your sis is cool, Dad didn't get to grow up with any cool siblings. Just annoying cousins."
"Mai and Maki are cooler than you, Dad, not annoying!" The man in question raises his brow his smirk never leaving, "Okay since I'm not cool. I guess I won't take you out for treats anymore when Ma says no."
Little Yui gasps, bursting upward like a rocket and running toward her dad. She hugs his leg, her little head looking up at him, "I was kidding Dad. You're super cool. Please don't stop taking me for treats!!"
Toji smiles, picks up his little girl and tickles her. She screams out for him to stop, "Huh? I can't hear what you're saying."
"Nami help!!!!"
In seconds Nami's attacking her father in a playful manner, "Let go of my sister!!"
"Okay then." Toji holds his daughter upside down by her feet, as she screams some more. "MA!!! HELPPP!!!!"
"Toji put her down." You say in a half-hearted manner.
"She is down. Upside down."
Nanami Kento
"See, you're getting the hang of it, Hiro." Kento softly encourages his son who's struggling with his math homework. You had tried to help him but he screamed that what you were saying didn't make sense. So of course you yelled back, letting your emotions get the better of you.
Kento had stepped in to keep you two from ripping each other's heads off. Plus all that screaming had woken up the baby. You could hear her crying.
That was about an hour ago. You quietly walked into the dining room with your seven month old baby girl cuddled up to your chest as you held her tight.
The sight of your husband helping your son warmed your heart, but you also felt guilt hot in your stomach for yelling at him, he's only twelve.
"Hey, Hiro. Can I talk to you, hon?" You ask softly. Both your son and Kento turn their heads upon hearing your voice. He nods at you and you inhale deeply, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, bud, I didn't mean it."
His eyes soften as do Kento's.
"I'm sorry too, Mom. I started it. You were just trying to help me." Kento's smile encourages you to walk closer to the table which you do.
"We should have had Dad come help in the first place, huh? I'm not good at explaining." Hiro shares a laugh with you, and Kento cups your cheek.
"Explanations might not be your strong suit but you're still a good mother, baby." Hiro gags at his father calling you "baby" he hate when you two get sappy.
You move your head a little so you can kiss his palm. As expected Hiro covers his eyes and making more throwing up noises.
"Oh hush, one day you'll find someone for you, and you'll be just like me and your mother." Kento says rolling his eyes and you giggle. Even though you guys have your differences you guys always forgive each other at the end of the day.
Your little girl coos quietly and Kento holds out his arms gesturing for his little girl.
"She's just had dinner, so she might fall asleep on you." Your warning doesn't bother him at all, if anything, you'll probably have more pictures to add to your baby gallery on your phone if she falls asleep in his arms.
She's already a dad's girl and she's only seven months old. You thought maybe Hiro would be a mama's boy but he's definitely his daddy's son.
You don't mind though, well, sometimes you're a little jealous that you have to share your man with your kids. Kento's a very lovable man though, so you can't blame them.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Mini hcs with Idia, Malleus x Reader⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Small notes: both of them are sillies. Reader tried to break up with them (just as a joke).
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You just asked him… For what?? I mean, do you have a dead wish to joke this way?? Kidding, just kidding, he won’t do such things as you’re his favorite child of man! But still… Please tell him immediately that this is a joke!
If you decided to continue this cruel joke of yours… He’ll probably just smirk and say “No”. Simple cold answer? NO. INSIDE HIM THERE’S A DISASTER! He’s so worried right now. But won’t show it. Of course he won’t, poor dragon boy…
Just hug him and tell him that it was just a joke. Or you’ll find people outside all covered in snow and frozen in their places.
“My dear, I would never do something against your wish, I want you to be happy. But if I did something wrong, please, I’m so sorry, It won’t happen again. If you don’t want to talk with me about this, talk with Lilia or Silver, but please, don’t leave m- What? A joke?”
Now you got a pouting dragon boy, laying with his head on your lap. Hug him more tightly, child of man! He was worried so much just for a joke?? Of course he laughed, finding it amusing, but it doesn’t mean that he forgave you immediately.
You’ll probably spend your whole night in his dorm room, hugging him and tell him, that you won’t leave and saying every 5 sec how much you love him. Until one of you will fall asleep <3.
Oh? Really? I mean… He expected that one day… But not so soon. He was stunned, but didn’t force you to stay. Like… He never expected to have gf/bf from the beginning. But he managed to keep his emotionless face.
But when you walked outside his room. He’ll probably cry. I can imagine him go sit on his bed, looking down on the floor, not being to say any word afterwards. He laid down on his bed, covering himself with his blankets, hugging one of demon plushie toy, trying his best not to cry. Asking himself “What have I done wrong?”.
Please, tell him that it was a joke, or Ortho will use his laser beam on you^^ (just joking... Or not. GO APOLOGIZE). Ortho will try to cheer his big brother up, of course! And he’ll probably bring you back to him for a little talk.
“What?? A-a joke??? Pff, of course I know that it was just a joke! Like, imho! Normies have such awful jokes, it was too obvious that you were JUST JOKING!” “Idia, your eyeliner and mascara are all over your fac-“ “IT’S NOT!!!”
Now, apologies will be accepted only with hugs, sweets and watching some cute and fluff anime to ease his nerves.
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ My first hcs like this, hope you like it! Should I do it with Vil and Azul next??
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streamafterlaughter · 4 months
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summary: a night out with your friends turns sour, but you’re rescued by an unexpected hero
A/N: i wrote a chapter based on this post for my main fic, but feel a desperate need to write it again putting more detail into it bc i love a fictional man covered in blood idk what to tell you!!! let me know if you want a part II, im feeling a miniverse comin’ on (dw, chapter 23 of FD is in the works, i promise!) reblogs and comments always appreciated!
tags/tw: friends to lovers, mentions of sexual harassment, blood, violence (eddie gets in a fight), swearing, slut shaming, confessions, drunkish!eddie. (lmk if i missed something!) fluff, angst, slight hurt/comfort. reader and eddie are about 22-23, out of high school, happy etc etc. best friend!robin and best friend!steve feature, of course.
Your friendship had been simple, at first. You and Eddie had met as kids, before boys had cooties and girls were lame. Eddie had been cornered on the playground, by some giants in the grade above you. They'd shoved him against the chain link fence, their greasy leader demanding he hand over his lunch money. When Eddie blubbered that he didn’t have any, that he hadn’t eaten lunch in weeks, the goons cackled at him, shoving him to the ground while calling him things like “trailer trash.” You couldn’t stand it, even at eleven years old. The poor kid, with hair buzzed closely to his scalp, dressed in all black, carrying around a battered notebook with doodles of dragons on its cover. Your face had warmed with anger, hands balled into fists ready to swing on the group that would outnumber you five to two, or five to one if you were being realistic. This kid clearly wasn’t a fighter.
“Hey!” You had shouted, stomping your worn out converse against the mulch of the playground. “What the hell are you doing, Jared?” You hadn’t been afraid to get in the kid’s face, brows furrowed together as you jabbed your tiny finger into his puffed out chest. “What’s he ever done to you, huh? I don’t think it’s his fault your mother left.” You know now, it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but it had worked. Jared’s goons had gone silent, anticipating his retort, but all he’d done was cry. What a bitch.
When he’d run, tail tucked between his legs, you’d turned to the cowering boy behind you, offering your hand. “You okay?”
He’d nodded, clearly still shaken up but trying to be brave. “I can take care of myself.” Of course, it had been embarrassing. Not because you were a girl, or younger than him, but you were braver. You didn’t give a shit what people thought of you. Even then, he could tell. You were fucking cool.
”Yeah, sure looked like it. Whatever. I’m Y/n.” You held out your hand to him again, this time to shake, like you were a seasoned lawyer, or something.
“Eddie.” He’d taken your hand, given it a brief shake, but you could tell he was nervous by the way your palm stuck to his.
”Hi, Eddie. You wanna walk to Benny’s with me? Get some burgers?”
He’d shaken his head. “I don’t have money.”
You’d only shrugged. “I got it.” You didn’t think mentioning that Benny was your uncle, or that you and your friends could always eat free, was worth mentioning. From that day on, you and Eddie had been inseparable.
The Hideout is loud. You’re wrapped around your best friend’s arm as he leads you through the bar. It’s the only time you’ve seen this place busy, let alone filled with people that don’t qualify for a discount at Denny’s.
The crowd must be the fault of the band. They're full of life on the tiny stage in the back of the bar, somehow convincing patrons to take to the sticky wooden floor to dance.
“You wanna drink, sweets?” You hear him even over the loud music, like a siren call meant only for you.
“Yes, please!” You look up at Eddie, who’s already staring at you. His rich brown eyes sparkle in the dancing stage lights, and you find your tongue in knots at the sight of him.
He nods, sliding his jacket from your shoulders before seating you at a table. “I’ll be right back!” He promises before skipping off to the bar. You keep your eyes trained on him, hypnotized by the way he glided towards the bar, weaving between the mass of gyrating bodies.
You can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him started changing. You assume it had to have been high school. He started growing his hair out, dressing in leather and denim, and listening to a lot of heavy metal. Something about it was attractive to you, watching your best friend become the man he is now, at twenty three years old.
Even with an exterior most find scary, Eddie is still the kindest soul you know. That’s what really pulled you in. He’s always treated you with kindness and care, never once letting you leave his house angry, and knowing just what to say to calm you down. He always makes sure you’re home safe after a night drinking, sometimes even willing to forfeit his own fun to drive you to your place, or crash at his trailer.
Of course, these feelings have stayed stuffed deep, deep down. You can’t bring yourself to ruin what you have with him, risking your closest friendship to maybe be told what you want to hear.
“Hey! You still in there?” Eddie waves his decorated hand a few inches from your face, and you’re dragged back to earth. He places your drink on the table in front of you.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” He rests his chin on his knuckles, full attention on you, and you feel your face warm.
“Just happy to be out with you is all.” Not a lie, but not exactly the truth. Safe.
“Alright.” He’s never been one to pry. “You wanna dance?” The song has changed to something slower, and you try not to read into his timing as you nod your head cautiously, taking Eddie’s hand as he leads you to the floor.
Eddie places his hands on either of your hips, and you can’t help but stiffen. “This alright?” He must have felt it too.
“Yes, yeah,” You stumble to reassure him, nervous you’ll scare him off. He’s always been such a gentleman, so careful with you.
You drape your arms around his neck loosely, casually. Safely. Still just two friends, swaying to some angst ridden tune you can’t understand the words to.
It’s later when Steve and Robin arrive, already drunk from spending the night at a concert in the city. You’re still not down for the count, and Eddie’s nursing his sixth drink of the night as the music has switched from guitar driven to computer beats coming from a turntable.
“Since when does The Hideout hire DJs?” Robin shouts over the bass driven music, eyes squinting in the bright lights.
“Ever since the place sold to some big wig in Indy, they’ve been doing this shit on weekends!” Eddie informs her as Steve starts talking about how “this is actually a great business tactic.” You decide now is a good time to slip back to the bar for a refill.
Unfortunately, you are one of about fifty people to have that idea, and you groan as you fight to find an open space along the counter. You mumble “excuse me” after “sorry” after “move, please!” until you’ve almost reached the front. As you’re about to order, you feel a hand squeeze your ass.
You whip your head around, and come face to face with a large, muscular man in a tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans.
“Hey, baby,” He winks, the disgusting smirk on his face sending a chill through your body. “You here all by yourself, gorgeous?” Your throat tightens. This is what it’s like, you know that. You shouldn’t be by yourself, that was your mistake. Your throat tightens, impossibly dry, before looking back up at this man. He is seemingly a foot and a half taller than you, likely able to break you in half using only his bicep, and he’s is standing way too close. You can even smell the whiskey on his tongue. “Uh, well,”
“Cmon, let’s go dance, huh?” He interrupts, snatching your wrist with an iron grip, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he leads you towards the dance floor, already formulating an escape route. You’ll say you need to use the bathroom, then you’ll find your friends and leave. Easy enough, right? Unfortunately as you reach the dance floor, the song slows again and you find yourself flush against this beast of a man, his big arms caging you into his chest. You feel the tears start to well in your eyes, blurring your already obscured vision. Your heart drops into your stomach when you realize you are completely, fully, and hopelessly trapped.
“Sooo,” Robin turns to Eddie, who’s been staring across into space, daydreaming about you for the last five minutes. “Where’s your girl?”
“What?” He’d heard her, but he wants to hear it again. And again and again.
“Your baby, dingus! You’re one true-“
“Would you shut up?” He interrupts her slurring of teasing, aching jabs, feeling his face heat up with every syllable. “She’s not my- y’know, she’s not mine.”
“Oh, please!” Steve snorts, causing Eddie to whip his head to look at him. “We all know she’s yours, and you’re hers, and all that romantic bullshit, okay? No use trying to squirm out of it. Be grateful you got that much. We all know she loves you.”
He rolls his eyes, but his heart is skipping with each word. He wants to believe them, desperately. He can’t bring himself to have those hopes, though, not about you. He’d only disappoint you, or scare you off when he got too close. It’s better, keeping you at a distance. Safer.
“Is that… No,” Robin looks beyond Eddie, and he turns to follow her gaze. He finds you easily, the only figure he’d recognize in such a loud, multicolored environment. You’re squished against a boulder of a man as you sway to the music, but he can’t see your face. Eddie feels his heart catch in his throat as he turns back to his friends.
“See? I told you she’s not mine.” He clears his throat when he hears his own voice crack. Not fucking now.
“Who is that guy?” Steve asks, craning his neck to get a better view.
“Probably just some club sleaze, she’s probably not even having fun.” Robin shrugs. Her comment clicks in Eddie’s brain before it clicks in her own, though.
“I gotta go.” He shoves himself from the table.
“Should I go with him?”
Robin shrugs. “That dude is gigantic. Maybe watch his back.”
“Hey, um,” The song has ended, and you need to get the fuck out of here. “I’ll be right back, I gotta use the ladies’ room,” You peel yourself away from him, but he grabs your arm before you can.
“Nuh uh, you can use the bathroom at my place. C’mon.” There will be no talking yourself out of this. Usually you can confuse a man into leaving you alone, but this guy’s different. You can sense the danger, the complete lack of empathy, like it’s a scent he’s giving off. You have to make a scene.
You twist your arm, writhing to get out of his grip, when you feel the cooling rings of a familiar hand on your shoulder. “Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is low, so this man/monster can’t hear him. “I’m gonna get you out of here. Hang on.” He moves in front of you, between you and the giant causing him to drop your arm. There’s an angry red ring of his lasting grip around your wrist. “You gotta problem, buddy?” The guy puffs his chest out at Eddie, like some weird, animalistic instinct to seem bigger. Like he needs that advantage.
“Yeah, I do. Why were your hands on my girl?”
You try not to think about the words too much. Despite the situation though, you feel your heart skip. Steve joins him beside you, placing his hand on your other shoulder protectively.
“Your girl, huh? Well your girl’s a fuckin’ slut then, she’s been dancing with me for the last ten minutes.”
“What the fuck did you just call her, you prick?”
“You heard me bitch boy, she’s a slut! And I like my girls dirty.” Before Eddie can respond, the guy swings his arm into Eddie’s unsuspecting face as you watch, frozen and helpless. Your hands fly to your mouth to muffle the shriek, but you catch the attention of some nearby patrons.
Eddie doesn’t go down, though. The adrenaline keeps him on his feet. “Oh, we’re doin’ this now?” Eddie smirks as he wipes the blood from his split lip. “Cmon, I know you got more in ya than that. You’re massive!” Eddie taunts him before launching at the guy, managing to double him over with a punch to the gut. “You’ll have to do more than that if you want her, big guy. I’ll lay down my fuckin’ life in this bar for that woman.”
The crowd has now turned their attention to where Eddie’s got the brute in a headlock. He gets one more punch in before his opponent breaks out of his grasp, sending his elbow straight into Eddie’s nose. “Oh, ho, ho,” Eddie cackles maniacally as he lifts away from the counter, blood now dripping from his nostrils into his mouth, staining his skin and his shirt. “Look at you, tough guy.” He spits a mouthful of blood onto the bar floor. “Real big of you beatin’ on someone a quarter your size.”
Before anyone else can make a move, the bouncers are rushing up behind them, escorting both men out the front entrance while you follow behind with Steve and Robin. It takes six guys to move the giant, leaving Eddie to comply with the disgruntled manager. You watch as your adversary curses at Eddie before walking into the night, disappearing before anyone could think to call the cops.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?!” Robin is laughing nervously as she looks between you and Eddie, then to Steve with that annoying, know-it-all glint in her eyes.
“Eddie, he could have fuckin’ killed you!” Steve, ever the babysitter, scolds his friend with an elbow to his ribs, causing Eddie to wince in pain.
“Yeah, maybe, but if it meant keeping her safe-,” He cuts himself off as he meets your teary eyes. “Oh, no. Sweets, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, barely able to look at the bloody boy in front of you. He’s hurt because of you. You were supposed to keep him safe.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie.” You whisper, afraid your voice will betray you for speaking at full volume. “You shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have let you.” The tears are warm on your cheeks when they spill, and as quickly as they do, you have six arms wrapped around you.
“Get some rest, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You shut the cab door behind you before following Eddie into his trailer. You don’t want to be alone tonight, and Eddie has graciously offered a sleepover at his place.
“How’s your face?” You ask, already on your way to the freezer for an ice pack.
“I’m fine, honey, I promise.” His voice says otherwise, low and scratchy from a night of straining it. “How are you doing, though?”
It’s a loaded question. How are you supposed to feel, watching your best friend risk his life for you? You’re grateful, sure, but the guilt eats at you still. “I’m just so, so sorry Eddie,” You carefully lift your hand to caress his swollen cheek. “You really didn't have to do that.”
“What was I supposed to do? Let him hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself.” He shakes his head, wincing in pain. “I meant what I said. I’d risk my life to keep you safe.”
You shake your head, not accepting his answer. “Why?” It’s meek, barely a whisper as you blot the remaining blood from his lip.
“What do you mean why?” His words are muffled by the tissue.
You huff, getting upset despite yourself. “You’re telling me you’d put yourself in danger if it meant keeping me out of it? What’s the point? Why do that to yourself because I’m too stupid to make the right decisions? What do you gain from that?”
He shakes his head, clearly frustrated. “Do I have to gain something from it? I do it because I love you, y/n. Simple as that.” You gape at him, and he rolls his eyes, the beginning of a smirk twitching on his face. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“It would be helpful, yes.” You’re just about begging now, the nervous sweat causing your shirt to stick to you.
“Sweets, I accepted that I would die for you a long fuckin’ time ago. If it meant keeping you happy, I would tie myself to the train tracks. Or, in this case, let some fucker twice my size beat the living shit out of me.”
You can’t accept it, logically. Your brain won’t let you believe any of his claims. “But I don’t-“
“No.” His voice is stern, almost scolding. “No more of that ‘I don’t deserve you’ shit. Okay? Absolutely not. Because you do. You saved my life all those years ago, and I promised myself I’d make sure to protect yours, too. You are my best friend, and the absolute love of my life, so I’m gonna give you everything I’ve got.” He laces his fingers with yours, and you watch as his rings catch the light.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel that way about me, I’ll never ask you for that, it wouldn’t be fair. But I can’t stand by when you’re in trouble, it’s not what I do.”
Your heart is fighting to free itself from your ribcage. It wants to jump from your skin, straight into Eddie’s open palms. Though the ever present coward in you wishes to curl up inside yourself and hide from him, everything else in your body is being pulled towards him, compelled as if by nature.
Before you even notice you’re crying again, Eddie wraps himself around your shaking frame, rubbing soothing patterns on your back as you sob, open mouthed and ugly, into his t-shirt. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.” He coos, and you focus on his breathing, matching the pace to calm the stutter of your cries.
You claw at his jacket, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and pine soap. You need him closer. He tightens his grip on you, and you look up to face him. His own cheeks are wet with tears, his eyes screwed shut trying to stifle the bite of the wracking sobs you know the strength of well. This is the only chance you’re getting, so you move with calculation. Despite the anxious pounding of your heart, and everything in your head telling you that he’s not yours and never could be, you crane your neck to reach Eddie’s split and swollen lips, squeezing your eyes shut as you place your mouth on his, ever so gently.
Before Eddie can react, you’re gone, face inches away from him as his eyes flutter open. “Whoa. Uh, w-what… what are you doing?” He sputters, face now bright red, and you feel your own cheeks blush.
“I’m- I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed… ” You cover your mouth with your hand to hide the shame, feeling the fire in your stomach. You have just ruined years of friendship, and for one stupid kiss! But Eddie’s beaming, and he’s still gripping you close to him. “I've just wanted to do that for so long.” You admit shyly, shifting against his grip, ready to retreat, but he holds you tighter.
“Can you do it again?” His voice is more confident now. You’re not sure you’ve heard him correctly, but when you look at him, it’s undeniable.
You mirror his smile, nodding before leaning into him again. He makes the connection, taking the lead as your body contorts around his, lips locking together as he holds you flush against him. His lips are so soft, and he’s so gentle with you, even though you can tell he’s eager, like maybe he’s also wanted to do this for a while. The thought causes you to smile against his lips, and you feel his own lips stretch against yours as your hands move from his shoulders to his hair.
One of his hands moves from your waist to caress your face, holding your jaw like a precious pearl he’s discovered after years at sea. Your tears fall freely now, ones of overwhelming love for Eddie, ones you never could have hoped to shed, content letting them simmer in the pit of your throat if it meant keeping your best friend. You’re breathless when he lets you go, fighting the urge to chase after his lips. After almost a decade of wondering what Eddie would taste like, what kissing him would feel like, now you get to know. “I have been in love with you since that day on the playground,” He confesses, tightening his arms around your waist to keep you close. “But I’m such a chicken shit, I didn’t wanna ruin anything. You were so sweet to me, I couldn’t risk losing that, losing you.” The words seem to spill from him now, like he’s been craving to tell you. You suppose he has.
You take in the sight of your best friend, battered and bruised for the sake of your honor, like a knight thrown into battle without armor. He’s beautiful, even in black and blue. You bring your hand to his cheek, rubbing small circles on his skin as he leans into your touch. You could stay here forever, you think. “I love you too, Eds. I have for as long as I can remember.” He smiles at you, lip splitting again but he doesn’t even flinch. You return the grin, feeling your cheeks ache from how wide you’ve stretched your mouth. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” You kiss him again, letting yourself taste the blood he’d spilled for you, a silent promise that you’ll make sure he never has to again.
taglist @children-of-the-grave :p
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - I'm Late, I know
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - we waiting 2 weeks I guess? Bah.
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 13fin - I wasn't impressed by the last ep at all. Trash watch happened here.
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My final thoughts:
Based on alittlebixth's omegaverse novel #พิษเบ๊บ’ set in the world of car racing omegaverse. Thailand brought us the world's first omegaverse BL but then failed to lean into the courage of its a/b/o convictions by not emphasizing the difference between our world & theirs, adding & subtracting characters & allegiances + a weak ending. With earnest performances, enthusiastic sex scenes, a fantastic side couple, and some delightful scenery chewing - the actors tried… poor things. It's just the story failed both them and their parent genre. Frankly? I just wanted it to be more outrageous and trashy, since I never expected it to be good. Instead, it was just… meh. 7/10
(Imma remind all the newbies that this is not unprecedented from me with hugely popular BL.)
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 10 of 12 - I like it but there’s a high % of this show that doesn’t interest me. Anything to do with the side couple, or the friend group, or the cooking competition drives me into a comatose state of UGH. That means that in this episode, I paid attention to about 5 minutes worth. 
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - I'm ready for this to be done. I think they were trying to be this year's Big Dragon, but they just aren't good enough. I really didn’t need a third couple.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - I'm warming up to FueangKrom a bit. It’s cute. I am finding the pacing interesting. That pacing might be bad, but right now it’s simply different. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love For Love's Sake (Korea Weds iQIYI) 5-6 of 8 - I still love this show a lot, but this 2 ep installment felt a little disjointed. I’m not sure if that’s the narrative structure or the subs. The captions are shockingly bad for a KBL and I don’t have enough Korean to make up for their clear failings. 
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - Oh the return of the manic pixie dream ex. This is all very high school drama for purportedly grown-up adults. But them both being jealous and then kissing was sweet.  
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - They remain adorable and the sunshine robot is very sweet. But it is a little slow. 
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 3 of 6 - I prefer the episodes when we get more of them onscreen together. But this was fine. 
Happy Ending (Korea Tues YT) 3fin - The ending disappointed me (are you surprised?). What can I say, not Strongberry's best as far as I’m concerned. High school besties that many could be sweethearts. I don’t like an ending that’s left up in the air. 6/10
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It's Done but...
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
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It's Airing But...
[NO INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 12 eps - Gave me Luminous Solution vibes. It finished, is it worth it?
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) 12 eps - finished, horror, supposed to be very philosophical, I think I'll give it a go.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting Up
2/16 My Strawberry Film (Japan Gaga) - not quite sure how much BL this one is, because... Japan, but we shall see.
2/17 A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - Khonprot, a third-year head hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through many girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks maybe a boy has a chance. Unless this is really good I probably won't I hate the WeTV interface...
Still Coming in Feb
2/24 Unknown (Taiwan Youku) 12 eps - Older brother tough guy criminal breadwinner looks after his sister and defacto adopted little brother. Little bother falls in love with him and is sent away after a stolen kiss. But when he comes back…
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
We gotta talk about LFLS this week. Look at Korea go!
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Talking about a dead fish kiss, how meta! This will end up on one of my best of the year moments. I could not have been more gobsmacked.
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Also something rarely directly addressed, particularly for same-sex firsts.
And then, a claiming trope, a personal favorite of mine.
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Thank you Korea!
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I just love them. (Pit Babe)
(Last week)
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darkestspring · 2 months
YoImagine a teenage Senya, she is so cute and sweet, many nobles see her as the way to join the Targaryen house, but of course she has her protector, Aegon III, everyone knows that he loves Senya and well he is the son of Daemon so he is a threat, Imagine what would happen if a noble (Lannister perhaps) started courting Senya shamelessly, Well I think they would find the poor idiot's disfigured body very soon.
a disgusted look settled over aegon's face as he realizes that the lannister idiot is trying to court his lovely cousin. That stupid fool, Tyrell Lannister.
Aegon knew what the nobles thought of senya, to marry senya was to marry a princess, to marry into house targaryen, that had ruled westeros for many years, it disgusted him to think of any of them charming his beloved cousin.
Tyrell was a third son, if he went missing, what could be done against him? He was the queen's second youngest son, and daemon targaryen's first born son. what could they do against him, a prince of the current queen?
actually, that wasn't a bad idea.
Violence isn't always the answer, his mother would have told him.
Do whatever you must to keep her by your side. His father would have said.
Violence it is.
"If i see you near Senya again, I'll feed you to my dragon." Aegon hissed, rage present on his face as he pressed the hot poker against his chest, not even flinching as Tyrell Lannister screamed in pain.
No one would even hear him, not where he had taken him.
"This is my only warning to you. Consider this.... a well taught lesson. I'm a nice person, so I'll let you keep your life this time." Aegon smiles but it was an unkind smile as he places the white hot poker into its holder again.
he put on quite the show, eagerly retrieving maesters and playing the act of a concerned prince. The lannister boy stayed quiet out of fear, insisting all his would were accidental.
He soon watched as he returned to Casterly Rock, before looking at Senya who was holding onto his arm. "It's sad to see him go." She sighed before looking up at him with that precious smile of hers. "At least I have you."
"Yes, I'll always be here for you." Aegon agreed, ignoring the knowing look his fathered leveled him with.
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goodeapple · 2 months
how much do i have to pay you to write something with current canon show Aemond and Ysilla
absolutely CERO dollars (bc this has been in my drafts bEGGING to come out teehee)
“it is just gossip, my prince. something to pass the time between the smallfolk. words fill the mind when there’s no food to fill the belly-”
“i said,” aemond cuts off the squabbling squire, his tone icy. “tell me what was said about the princess ysilla.” 
the boy pauses, the blood draining from his face and leaving behind a sunken gray parlor. when he speaks again, his voice quivers like a blade of grass in a storm. 
“they’re saying she’s pregnant. quick work by the blacks to solidify ties with the north. or with the riverlands. the word is, she is some moons along. so the… union must have taken place soon after your business with the late prince lucerys. many are saying cregan stark, the wolf of the north, must be the father as he is very committed to the black’s cause. very committed to the princess and their coming child-”
“leave me.” 
the squire doesn’t need to be told twice. he turns tails and scurries off, the heavy chamber door thudding shut behind him. the prince regent sits alone in the council room. all else is quiet, save for the war raging in his mind.  
aemond shouldn't be surprised- he's not, in a way. bastards are rhaenyra’s specialty. certainly, she would implore her daughter to spread her legs and whelp out an alliance in the form of a babe. and if the father is indeed stark that fucking mongrel, how aemond wants to carve into his belly and pluck out his entrails until they are but a noose to hang him with then aemond knows he needs to tread cautiously.
‘this war will not be won with dragons alone.’ fucking horseshit. he'll burn down winterfell on the morrow if he wishes, until there's nothing left but ancient ash and stone. he'll kill the wolf in his own den, lest he has not already made room for himself in ysilla’s bed. 
unbidden, fantasies of his niece swollen and plump with life rush forth. pregnancy would suit her: the swell of her hips filling out, the golden gleam from her skin glowing bright, the blessing of her bosom busting out of her neckline. 
another vision, of a swaddled little thing in green and gold blankets, cradled in her arms so tenderly. ysilla would coo and shush them with her sugar sweet voice, all the while the babe would suck milk out of her heavy, aching breast, the dusty rose of her nipple bitten and spit shiny. 
green and gold blankets. a foolish fantasy… but fantasies, have no chance of coming true. 
“you’re pathetic. you and your lush of a brother ruin dinner and taunt my brothers into behavior that is unlike them, and you won’t even think of apologizing? our families are balancing such a fine line, and yet you dance on it with glee.” ysilla judges with such a biting clarity, she leaves no room for argument. she barged into his room like had the right to, and plucked the book he was reading right out of his hands and sent it flying into his wall. and now, she subjects him to this? her righteousness makes him choke. 
“your poor poor, bruised brothers.” aemond pouts mockingly, before erupting into laughter. his niece flinches, more frightened by that then she would be if he shouted. “i hope aegon rang luke’s head like a bell. and i? i should’ve struck jacaerys the same as he attempted to strike me.” 
ysilla regards him with something close to sympathy, but there's too much detestment alongside it to be at all good-natured. 
“what a sad, small man you make, aemond. my pity is the only piece of me you may have. never my respect, never my admiration, just my pity.” 
aemond takes her words and swallows them down, lets the sharp edge of them carve a jagged line down his gullet. if she wants to try her hand at cruelty, aemond will show her how it is done. 
“the word of a bastard born girl means little to me. i do not have your respect? the only value you have within you is that of your last name. and that name ysilla, is not Velayr-”
ysilla’s palm crashing into his cheek stops him short. he toys with the idea of praising her- she hits harder than her brother could ever hope to. even in her brutality, her touch upon him is warm and the heat spreads to the rest of him as if he's being engulfed in a forest fire. 
“do you think that hurt? come on, you can do better than that.” aemond taunts, pulling upwards into his full height. he towers over his niece but she does not yield, straightening her spine in an admirable attempt to seem formidable. “hit me.” 
so she does- striking him again and again. a slap, a shove, a scratch, the next harder than the last. but still, he advances, accepting it all with a greed that has drawn open a pit inside his belly. ysilla spits and snarls, her adrenaline making her blows land soundly but sloppily until her back collides with the edge of his table. aemond catches her wild hands in his own and pins her wrists behind her to the tabletop. the smooth expanse of his cheek will soon begin to bruise like a ripe peach but for now, it glows ruby red, the very color of ysilla’s wine stained lips. 
“not a dragon at all, i see. mayhaps, you’re more akin to whatever your father’s sigil is- whatever that may be.” oh how he wants to devour that fury that springs to life within her valyrian eyes. maybe not velaryon, but undeniably targaryen. 
“you’re sick. you’re as sick and twisted as that fucking scar on your face-”
their kiss is more fight and fury than anything sweet. teeth catch tongues, and they battle for an upper hand neither are willing to give.
aemond sweeps his arm across the table, books, cups, and papers careening to the ground. he spins ysilla around, humming in appreciation as she arches back into him. she places both hands on the table, trying not to seem too eager as she widens her stance and therefore, opens her legs.
“don't care to look at me?” she asks primly, her haughty tone only dampened by the lust heavy on her tongue. the one-eyed prince can't wait to hear what she'll sound like when she's praying to him for release.
“quite the contrary, issa dõna. unless you wish to leave here in tatters, let me unwrap you like a gift and take my spoils as such.” 
his words strike the right chord as he hears ysilla take in a shaky breath. she clutches at one of his hands pinching at her hip and guides his touch upwards, until aemond has a handful of her breasts. maybe it will be him that prays to her for salvation.
every button on her dress he pops apart reveals slips of skin he mouths at hungrily. she tastes of honeysuckle and salt, and he'll bet a million gold dragons her cunt tastes even better.
ysilla’s hands go behind her, fumbling and toying at his belt until she unlatches it. her hand dives into his breeches, cupping the pulsing thickness of his hard cock. he voices a warning groan into the nape of her neck, grazing his teeth along her skin in a promise. 
“aemond, do it. take me… ruin me.”
and when she begs like that, he cannot find it in himself to deny her. 
it was the night before his father died. the last night they were all together- the last night he’d seen her. only a handful of days before he and luke met for the final time in storm’s end…
he can’t be… it’s not possible. well… it’s possible but his niece isn’t stupid- she must’ve drank moon tea the morning after they… 
but what if she hadn’t? 
aemond snarls, sending the spherical stone once in his fist across the room in a vociferous clatter. all of his thoughts- aegon, harrenhal, his mother, the iron throne- melt away and leave behind a thread that has begun to unravel. ysilla, ysilla, ysilla. 
he has to see her. he has to know for certain.
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drottni · 11 months
LBFAD Rewatch Part 11:
1. The way he can't even LOOK at her as he tells her "I knew this was a dream from the beginning " 😭😭😭😭
2. XLH's master reeling in her two boyfriends with bait. Like "come here you poor miserable little fishies. I got some juicy worms for you."
3. idc how epic of an intro you get Lady Arbiter and her little pet dragon, YOU DONT JUST HIT MY BOY DFQC LIKE THAT. NO. *angry glares* Also my poor baby just closing his eyes and bracing for it like "ah shit here we go again". Him thinking he just deserves it 😭🥺 Can he just have a break plz.
4. "So she has been saving me since we first met. And I have been hurting her." 🥺🥺🥺
5. Changheng: The splitting process is very painful. No matter what you must persevere.
DFQC who has been through every torture life could throw at him: -_- Bro. I got this.
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6. DFQC as soon as Changheng leaves: *cue music* I am in my plant parent, cottage core, countryside girlie era. I am gonna be so full of love you will have to come back to me.
7. If he doesn't plant you like a seed, carry you around in a pot like a baby, water you with freshly collected dew with gentle drops, take you for morning sunrise walks, talk to you continuously, and watch over you even while sleeping, he ain't it. WHY WAS THIS SO ROMANTIC. SHE IS LITERALLY IN A POT OF DIRT AND I AM GUSHING OVER THE ROMANCE. No one is doing it like them.
8. XLH having to create straight up physical barriers between her and DFQC so that he can't come close enough to see that emotionally she's barely holding on. How his pleading eyes and sweet apologies are two seconds away from making her cry. She can barely even muster anger towards him.
9. The bridge scene: *exists*
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11. DFQC: For her, I will alter fate.
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13. DFQC: There is nothing in this world that can shake me.
Taisui: *grasping at straws, panicking* What if the love of your life forgot about you? What then?
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14. The fact that its DFQC who reminds XLH aka "Goddess who says she will only care about the 3 realms now and not personal desires", that she has to kill him to save the three realms. The fact that her love for him is and always will be stronger than anything else. The fact that he knows this is what must be done and is the one to convince her to do it! AHHHHH KILL ME.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Dark!Yandere Aegon II Targaryen.
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Dark!Yandere Aegon Targaryen x Bastard Fem Reader.
This is a scenario HC’s. 
Plot: Being the bastard of Daemon Targaryen had its perks, like getting his traits of chaos and the love for mischief. A certain prince loves to be your puppet. 
Notes: You are willing in this, this is more darker then most of my other fics. Your appearance doesn’t match daemons. I’m going to make general yandere Aegon because this is different and I kinda love how dark he is. <3
Taglist: @whatafreakingloser @have-a-good-day-x1000 @second-try-stevie @prettyinblack231
Warnings: Dark yandere tendencies, this is much darker then most of my other fics, suggestions themes. Writing mistakes.
If you are sensitive to hard topics don’t go one.
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Being the famous bastard of your father was always a amusement to live through. People always looking down on you for being born, saying you're a disgrace to the Targaryen house and you should be thankful your father took you in.
You always loved the way they shouted at you. You took pleasure in making people angry, but for just breathing? That has to be Accomplishment.
Your mother- You were told, was in love with the prince. Saying he always sent her gifts and did sweet things for her, they seemed to love each other. Then they had you out of wedlock and he didn't know about you until years passed when he returned with his wife Laena.
Your mother had passed and you lived with your aunt working for her as a servant, scrounging for anything you could get. Your family saw you as the downfall of their house but decided to at least give you a roof to sleep under for the memory of your mother.
That's when daemon and his family showed up. As soon as he saw you he knew you were his, the hint of mischief in your eyes he knew to well. He then took you away and promised you'd live with your new family, his. Laena took you in and treated you well and you grew to love your younger sisters.
No one could tell if you were targaryen or not, not having white hair and having similar features to your mothers. But daemon gave you a egg to catch and to your surprise it did. You named her Zammory.
Now everyone knew you were a targaryen, and close to your father. You were often caught in fights and showed no respect for anyone but your close family, something daemon taught you. You did what you felt was best at times and took no one’s bull and you enjoyed it. You always had a fire burning in your soul and it could never be put out.
You trained alongside your dragon and train with a sword, bow and anything you can use to kill. You studied poison and could make remedies to heal. You stayed being the shadow and that’s how you liked it: Free to do what you pleased.
When you where old enough you traveled to kingslanding in secret to see what all the fuss was about. You didn’t bring Zammory with you so you traveled by bouts, you were good at hiding. The crew on the ship could all be dead if you wanted to because no one knew of your presences.
As you walked around the streets you took time to notice everything. The way you could easyly spot the poor form the rich, the whores from the ladies and you’re favorite was the thieves But you stayed to looking at the carts full of merchandise, it seemed over crowded and you wandered why they haven’t done anything  about it.
Just then while moving through the alleyway you’re chest was hit by something hard and you moved to catch your balance. “Watch here your going.” You yelled and glared at the cloaked boy. He smelled of alcohol and his face red and black, dark circles under his eyes that said that he hasn’t gotten a good nights sleep in years.
“Oh, fuck off.” He slurred and shoved you weakly and continued to walk away while you watched. He pissed you off, you could gut him like a fish and no one would know it was you. His body wobbled as he tried to lean on the walls to help him stand up but his body gave out and he fell to the ground.
You heard him whimper and you always enjoyed watching people in pain but for some reason this felt different. You felt a slight guilt for the boy being in such a sorry state, what has he been through to make him such a pathetic human?
“Where do you need to go?” You ask wrapping his arm around yours and lifting him up. “Sh- I need to get-” he hiccuped, “Castle.” You looked down at him to see his eyes trying to focus on your face from being so close to passing out.
His eyes only could see so much but what he saw he would never forget. Such a beautiful face: One of his salvation. Had the gods finally blessed him with happiness? It must be because he was going to make you his.
“ Son of a bitch.” You groans and slapped his face as he went back and his body weight dipped. His hood moved and you could see the white shiny hair poking out. “Fuck.” He was one of them. The real Royal Targaryens. You wanted to drop him right there and steal his shit, but maybe you could gain something from this.
You could finally met the people you’ve been hearing so much about, this one seemed to be young just like you but you wondered if he was Aegon or aemond. Either way, you wanted to get your hands in a challenge and this seemed like a good place to do it.
You took him to the castle walls and men opened the gates and pointed their swords at you. “I’m just here to drop off something I think the king and queen are missing.” You dropped him on the ground and put your hands up smirking.
They grabbed him and began to pull him away but he muttered, “She comes…Need her to come.” As much as they didn’t want to they brought you in and you followed proudly that your plan as worked.
You came to learn that he was 13 and only a year young then you, he was prince Aegon the oldest son of the king. Your Cousin.
They lead you to the queens chamber and they took Aegon away but he didn’t complain because he was fully knocked out. As soon as you entered the room you’re spine was sent a shiver and the atmosphere.
“Come,” Queen Alicent said from her place on the couched. You moved closer and sat in the side in front of her but not next to her where she patted. “You brung the prince back. If you care explaining what happened I’d like to hear the details.”
“I was roaming the streets until your son dumped into me and decided to be a cunt, you should teach him not to be arrogant because I was close to killing him. But then I realized it was the prince.” You put on a fake smile but showing you that you were also being sarcastic. “Then I took him back where he asked, because he is a prince.”
She started at you for a moment. “Have we met before?” The smile on your face turned into a smirk to answer her question, “No but you have met my father. It seems he have started a family Reunion.” You slid down your hood removing its pins to keep it in the place and showed your face fully.
She looked down at the necklace hanging above your clothes, but her eyes went down when you moved to show your swords handle. “You’re Y/n?”
“The famous Bastard in the flesh.” You clapped your hands together watching her head turn. Her face was showing signs of being afraid, discussed and discomfort but with a lot of confusion. “You’re probably wondering what I am planning, why I returned your son without killing him.” Her small head tilt confirmed that you were right.
“I want to make my own destiny, as much as I love my father I know he did the same. You will have to repay me for returning him, I don’t want gold or pretty little gift baskets.” You lean forward and her eyes narrowed at you.
“Then what do you want?” You loved making people feel uneasy, it was fun to get under her skin and it was so easy. “I want a place in court. I want to be a protector, yours or your daughter’s, Aegons or even the kings. For who, I do not care. I just want a place here.”
She wanted to turn you away but if daemon or even Viserys heard that she killed you or even tried she’d be in hell. She agreed to your terms and made you her daughters protector. You sent letters to your father saying you had gained a spot at court. He was angry and annoyed but you left one detail in your letters showing him that what you planned was devious.
All Aegon could do was remember your face. When he hears you stayed in court he was relieved. He couldn’t understand it but he felt like he needed you to breathe and he couldn’t bare you being away from him.
He tried and tried to get close to you but you made it a game. Never caring for his words of taking you to bed and you always laughed and picked on him.
He loves the way you glared at people or the smirk you get when you angered anyone. A beautiful woman that was made just for him. He knew you wouldn’t love anyone but him and him you, but that never stopped him from taking the whores in the streets. But he only pictured you..
He was always chasing after you, trying so hard to get your attention. You would smack him for anything wrong he would say but he loved the sting. Making sure you knew of his feelings each day, but you only smiled and walked away each time.
Then came the day at your stepmother’s mothers funeral. You didn’t look at him once and rushed off on your dragon. It was a sad day but no one saw you shed a tear but you looked terrifying, your face in a straight line and eyes filled with anger.
You stood with your father and sister most of the time to reconnect, you held their hands and let the cry on you but you still showing no sigh of grief. When your father laughed at the speech vaemond gave you smirked along beside him.
Aegon drank his way into his cups and watched you all night. He wanted to hold you close and tell you it was okay to feel emotional but you would just push him away. So he got so drunk and laid at the bottom of the stairs.
The last person he expected to come be with him was you. You took the ale from his hands and sat down next to him with a huff, “It seems your the only one here that isn’t throwing a sob story.” He smiled and sat straight up looking at you staring at the wall.
“I throw a sob story every day. Might as well give you a chance.” His heart tightness as you laughed. He had made you laugh. That captivating laugh. “Aegon, will you promise me something?” You turned to look at him.
“Anything.” He stared right into your eyes with honesty. You took his chin into your fingers and he lost his breath. “I know how you feel about me, never change that. I’ll reward you someday. But I am going to leave with my father so I have to leave you but I will come back to you in the dead of night.” Inching close to his face.
“You will only love me. Do you understand?” The grip on his chin tightened and your tone demanding. He gulped and moves his head and he agreed to do anything for you. “That’s a good prince.” You finally praised him and he felt like the world had gone away and it was just you.
You kissed his lips and he whimpered at the feeling. He tried to put his hand on your waist but you slapped it away and connected your fingers with his. You were so dominating and had full Control over him…He loved it.
You pulled back and got up while he tried to follow you his head was pounding and he fell back down. “You’ll be good for me Aegon wouldn’t you?“ you looked like a goddess standing above him. “Yes my love.” You hummed and walked away and that’s the last thing he remembered before blacking out.
The last time he saw you was in the main hall later that night, you held your sister behind your back and glared at his younger brother. He didn’t care, if he could he would be over there with you.
After everything that went down you found it amusing but he could see your anger at your sisters being hurt. You both shared a look before you left. It was a look to remind him of your words and his promises.
He’d always remember.
Aegon was torture with life and the fact he did not have you by his side anymore. But that didn’t stop him from his love getting worse. He found a away to send assassins to kill anyone who got close to you, they watched over you everyday. You being skilled knew that they were his but let them stay because it was just another part of your game.
Years went by and you grew into a young woman, body finally taking its form. And you used that against him at night. He would have to get on his knees and beg for you, saying the things he felt for you. “I belong to you.” He would always say. You treated him roughly, punishing him, making him cry and begging.
But he loves any attention you gave him and would do anything for it. He even swear if you wanted his brothers head on a spike he would give it to you. He meant it. Deep in the night you stripped him of his dignity and made him work for it.
He was going crazy without you being with him, drinking himself to doom each night you weren’t there and going to be with as many whores that looked like you in any resemblance. He kept a pillow you had laid on and threaten to kill anyone who washed it. 
He stole plans from his mother and otto and reported them to you, anything he remembered and heard he told you. I see Aegon being so obsessed he saw his family as just place holders until he has you.
Aegon was disappointed when you didn’t show up with your family at lukes hearing, had you not wish to see him? Had he done something to upset you. He thought he was doing a good job.
Later that morning he was hidden, kidnapped, tried to run away and sail to you, lost his father, and then crowned king.
Where the fuck were you?
Where had you been in all of this, why can’t he just do one normal thing and keep you happy. He didn’t want to become king, he just wanted to be with you. Until the crown was placed on his head and all we wanted was to be with you. How could he use this to get you to love him?
When you heard the news of everything that had happened you weren’t surprised. When they planned the war you just looked around at them waiting for the best moment to chime in.
It wasn’t until later when Jace volunteer for him and Luke to go get support. You stood up, “Send me to kingslanding. You will have the thrown and kingdom by the end of the day.” 
The way you said it make daemon realize this is what you had been working on your entire life. You had a puppet and you were going to pull its strings. He was so very proud of you.
Needless to say you went to aegons chambers that night. The next morning you had taken the crown and his love. He swore in front of thousand of people that he stepped down as king and placed Rhaenrya as heir. He was to cut of his marriage with his sister a wed you.
He threatened his family that if they tried to stop him and saying anything against his words he’d have then killed.
Yandere Aegon is only alive to serve you. 
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presidentheartbeat6 · 4 months
The Temeraire Playlist...
Hi. Hello. I am here today to ramble on about the music I've got on my temeraire playlist.
My music taste is. Strange. Blame my dad.
GRAND NEW SPIN (GOLD CELESTE): Starting out strong with a song that reminds me of willzing. There are! A lot of these!!! On here. You have been forewarned.
Anyways I think this is from Tharkay's perspective. "A longing for things to begin" (Ok but pining Tharkay. methinks.) / "A place where truth is not a sin" (THEIR HOME!!!! POST CANON!!!!!!!!! yea guess what the truth part is I dare you. I'll give you a hint its their GAY LOVE)
MEDICINE (LOVING): Will Laurence.
"You felt for the words like the wings of a bird, riding the winds of a dark form you heard" (!!!!! TEMRER!!!!!!!!!) / "A voice speaking low, it said 'I swim the deep waters, dreams are my eyes, deeper than blue'" (this but.. Tharkay.. dreaming about blue eyes..)
And then the last few lines are. Laurence to Tharkay & Granby :,)
TWO FOR NERO (EVERYTHING EVERYTHING): Ok so I can't put an everything everything song and NOT talk about it. Fair warning I'm crazy insane about this song. Like wild. My blog name is actually based on the everything everything song called (you guessed it) president heartbeat.
Now this song. Starts out a little strange. You're like 'where are these guys going with this???' And then about halfway through. You get to. The Part. You'll see what I mean. Pllllss tell me what you think about this song I'm so curious if it's just a me thing or what.
Anyways... this song is soo. Will Laurence. But specifically it's Granby talking about him.
"We met inside a war zone" / "And you never tell me anything, you never tell me anything" (EARLY BOOKS LAURENCE POV, HIM & GRANBY WHEN HE'S STILL FIGURING OUT THE CORPS. HEAVY BREATHING.) / "I can't remember dates and times, and I'm sorry for the years I was a shipwreck boy" (Laurence POV amnesia arc. Yeha.) / "I'd rather dash myself up on the rocks, than see you waste away your day with clocks, in every corner of your parent's home" (amnesia arc granble POV gheaaauugh) / "And there's no world war coming in, all the reasons I've been worrying, just forget the parts you'll never need, all these things I'll tell you when you wake up" (SO FUCKED UP SO FUCKED UP SO FUCKED UP. hahahaha Point of View: Granby when his best friend loses all memory of him lol hahaha!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!)
ok sorry I'm done. there are even MORE lyrics that relate to them in this song than the ones that I listed btw. some ODDLY specific ones too. I wish I could listen to this song for the first time again.
DRAGON EYES (ADRIANNE LENKER): no this is definitely not just on here cuz dragon is in the song name how dare you. anyways this song is sososoooo willzing.
Just think like ... tharkay's perspective..... "When the hot sand burns my feet, you have cool hands, you are sweet" / "As the coastline is shaped by the wind, as we make love and you're on my skin, you are changing me, you are changing me" / "I just want a place with you, I just want a place" (do I even need to say it?!!?? ok fine. their house. post canon.)
IN OUR BEDROOM AFTER THE WAR (STARS): dare I say Tharkay Laurence Granby friendship.........
"It's us, yes, we're back again, here to see you through, 'til the days end" (YEAH. YEAH. GRANBY AND THARKAY @ LAURENCE.) / "She's gone, she left before you woke, as you ate last night, neither of you spoke" (beautiful awkward early day willzing) / "And if you lost it all, and you lost it, well we'll still be there when your war is over" (AGAIN!!! THEM AT LAURENCE!!)
TO GO HOME (M. WARD): GRANBY & LITTLE>???>?>?>? finally a song NOT about Laurence. except this could probably still be about Laurence if u squint.
"Sailing on a sinking ship, into the sunset in day" (poor granble forced onto all those many. long. boat voyages LOL) / "To think I'll have to give it all up someday" (just thinking Abt how they'd never be able to get legally married and even if they do stay together how they'd live their lives in constant fear of being found out) / "And if I ever treated you mean, you know that it was only because, I'm sorry, I couldn't have you for my own"
"What a beautiful face, I have found in this place, that is circling all 'round the sun" (Tharkay inner monologue whenever he sees Laurence) / "What a beautiful dream, that could flash on the screen in the blink of an eye and be gone from me" (the dangers of Laurence dying in the line of duty, etc, etc) "And one day we will die, and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea" (thinking about temeraire spreading their ashes lol lol lol I am laughing so hard rn hahahahaha. spreading them TOGETHER I might add. United even in death) "With one you loved so long ago, now he don't even know his name" (*whispers* amnesia laure- *gunshots*)
SIMULATION SWARM (BIG THIEF): Mmmm yum yum I love this song. It sort of gives me Granby & Laurence vibes.
"O my stars, winged creatures, gathering in silken height" (TEEEMMMERAIIRE! sorry I have to.) / "with the drone of fluorescence, flicker, fever, fill the form" (just thinking about Laurence watching over Granby one of the many times he's seriously injured. siiigh.) / "And you could be my brother, once again fall asleep with our backs against each other" / "I'd fly to you tomorrow, I'm not fighting in this war, I wanna drop my arms and take your arms and walk you to the shore"
TOUGH LOVE (FLYTE, LAURA MARLING): auhgguhgh more willzing feelings. just thinking about their adjustment period after fighting in the war where they're both trying to learn how to Be Normal about being in love. thisssss ssoonnggg gives me Tharkay POV vibes.
"I've been trying to hurt you, I've been holding you tight" (the ultimate paradox, pushing away those you love because you're afraid of it, and being so desperately in love you can't fully make yourself do it.) / "I've been learning to love you, am I doing it right?" / "How are you still breathing, with my hands all over your heart?" (I think that while Laurence is still eons from normal, once he comes to terms with it he's a lot... MORE normal about their romance than Tharkay. Laurence trusts him completely and it is. a little disturbing to Tharkay, perhaps)
THE SMOKE (THE SMILE): ohohohoho. this is a fucking PHENOMENAL song.
"It begs me, while I'm sleeping, I desire a second chance, I set myself on fire" (oh YEEESSSS post treason Laurence yum yum yum) / "Wakes me from my sleep, smoke wakes me from" (MUST I EVEN SAY IT. THARKAY RESCUE MOMENT.)
TRIPOLI (PINBACK): I'm too lazy to make an animatic. but if I WERE going to. it would probably be to this song.
"You know what's gonna happen, you know what's gonna happen, he's gonna go down, and he's gonna come back again" (Tharkay somehow miraculously returning to Laurence over and over and over again. soulmates. attracted to each other but also like LITERALLY physically attracted to each other in a magnet way. idk. SOMETHING.)
"You and a test of will, too many fallen, too many failed, nobody move, nobody move" (EGG HUNT111 and. bunyips) / "You and I, uneasy, livid" (OOAUGHHQ!! I just think yk like. being stuck out their in the elements day in and day out. all those horrible conditions. and again, the fucking bunyips. so many stressors.... them all being anxious and snappy with each other... angst soooso good...) / "Stop, it's too late, I'm feeling frustrated, I see no sign of fortress, I see no fortress" (looking for water, looking for the egg, looking to catch a FUCKING break for once) / "Another delay, too many hassles, where do we go? How do we follow?"
WILD WEST (GREGORY AND THE HAWK): I love Gregory and the hawk ssoooososososoooooooooooo much. SSOOOSOSOSOOOOO MUCH. I have sooo many of her songs on my aubreyad playlist... yeehhaANYWAYS this song is. soo. Laurence coded.
"Flightless skies, the fear, the doom, it's no surprise" / "Realize there's no sense in losing your mind before your time, in order not to worry, you write the words down, but it's a fools game" (AMNESIA ARC AMNESIA ARC AMNESIA ARC) / "Rise young sun, you're a tireless one, and you'll be back burning when the morning comes" (LAURENCE LAURENCE LAURENCE)
GET NUMB TO IT! (FRIKO): hahhakjdshnjsh would it be mean to say. John Granby. poor baby darling.
"Tip toe out from the backdoor down to the basement, where your funny faces always made me frown" (sneaking into littles' room...) / "And when I'm down, I'll dance in a fever cold and calm, with a sewn on smile and feet swollen and numb" (poor guy :( the granble <3) / "And it doesn't get better, it just gets twice as bad" (JHBKJNKJNKJN. yeah. he literally Cannot Catch a Break bruh.)
OOKAYY!!!!! thank you for reading WOW congrats if you got all the way to the bottom :DDDDDDD listen to one of these songs and tell me when you think :)))!!!!!!
If anyone ever wants to talk music with me literally ever...... pls. I am so here.
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dreamfyre03 · 6 months
A Dragon's Love
Warnings: Grief, mentions of death
Chapter 16: Grief and Dreams
Daenys sat in her room reading another book Jace had brought her, this time, a novel about a princess who fell in love with a dashing prince, but was stolen away by the evil sorcerer. It was quite engrossing, and she almost didn’t hear when the door opened, and Rhaenyra entered. “Sister.” She greeted her, surprised. “Daenys.” She stood across from her. 
“Have you come to kill me?” She asked her. “Despite my earlier outbursts, for now, your life is safe. You are better off to any of us alive than dead, and I’m no kinslayer.” Her sister replied. “Then why are you here?” “To give you a chance. The first strike has been landed against the greens, justice for their crimes. You can escape their fate, if you swear allegiance to me as your Queen.” Daenys felt fear creeping up her spine at her sister’s eerily calm voice. 
“Rhaenyra… what have you done?”
“I haven’t done anything. Daemon, however, has many friends, people in all places, in King’s Landing.You might be especially interested to know her a butcher they call Blood, and a rat-catcher they call Cheese.” She revealed. Daenys imagined the worse praying that her siblings were alive… Aemond… 
“My son’s death has been avenged, sister. A life for a life. A son for a son.” She said in a menacing fashion. 
She felt a ringing in her ears, and her heart hammering in her chest. The realisation hit her so hard it physically sucked all the strength out of her body that kept her standing. Daenys fell to her knees, as a sob overtook her. Aemond had no sons. Which could only mean…
Not sweet Jaehaerys. Not the little boy she held when he came out of her sister’s womb, smiling and giggling happily. Not Helaena’s pride and joy, and Aegon’s little miniature. 
Daenys felt the last thread of hope in her snap, letting out a guttural cry as she mourned the loss of the nephew she loved as her own son. “He was a child, Rhaenyra! An innocent child!” She screamed, not even feeling the stone floors bruising her knees. “So was my son!” Her sister shouted back at her. “But this is war, and war is not fair sister. You have a choice. You can choose your rightful Queen, or you can leave see what awaits you if you lay your life down for the Usurper King.” She said, shutting the door behind her as she felt. 
Leaving Daenys there, wailing and crying on the floor, nothing but a ball of grief on the ground, truly and utterly broken. 
She laid there on the floor for hours, not even registering the soft opening and closing of the door, and Jace’s voice that softly called out her name. She felt numb, lifeless. She knew Rhaenyra would want some form of debt for Lucerys’s death, but never did she think her sister was capable of masterminding the death of an innocent boy. The war was raging for probably a month, but to Daenys it felt like an eternity. Perhaps it was her grief, or her captivity talking. She felt like the days before her father died were nothing but distant memories. Dragonriding with Helaena, drinking and laughing with Aegon, poor Daeron, she wished she had more time with him, and Aemond, her beloved Aemond. It wasn’t until she felt her body being raised up and she saw Jace’s face did she register his presence. “Please talk to me, can you hear me?” He asked nervously, and she felt a cool hand touch her cheek. 
“He was just a child, Jace. Barely a boy, still so much like a babe. He still slept with his sister. When he was a babe, when he first said my name, he called me ‘Dany’. Just like Aegon did when we were children.” She didn’t know why she was rambling on like this, but surprisingly, Jace just sat next to her on the ground and listened. “Alicent was overjoyed Aegon had an heir. But Helaena, my sweet sister, she was just happy to have a child. She was so young when she had him, but I saw in the childbed, the moment she held him, there was nothing but love in her eyes.” Jace took her hand in his reassuringly, and in her grief she didn’t give the gesture a passing thought.
“Aegon was terrified to hold him, and Jaehaera. But when I finally convinced him to, it was as if all the pain in his heart simply melted away, and he felt genuine, true happiness in those moments. And now, that sweet child, a ray of light in his parents’ lives, is gone. Gods know I would have traded my life for his in a heartbeat.” 
“Don’t say that.” Jace spoke softly. She turned to look at him. “I would. I wish Rhaenyra had chosen to take my life to settle the debt, than his. I would have laid my life down smiling. I have spent my life trying to love my family, protect them, with what little power a woman has, and I could not help him. I left to go North to give them all a better chance of staying alive, and it has all been for nought.” 
Jace simply kept holding her hand, and Daenys had to ask. “Did you know?” “No. I had no idea until we received a raven from King’s Landing, announcing the death of Prince Jaehaerys, and proclaiming Prince Maelor as Aegon’s heir.” 
“I suppose you are glad, your brother’s death is avenged.”
He sighed. “Killing a child is not justice. Only killing the man responsible is.”
Her mind instantly went to Aemond, Daenys had no doubt he was blaming himself entirely. She needed to feel his arms around her, she needed to cry and grieve in the arms of someone who loved those children as much as she did.
“Please, eat, and get some rest. I’ll come back to see you in the morning.” He said, getting up, and helping her to her feet. She rose and went and sat at the table, where a plate of food was, she didn’t even recall hearing or seeing a servant come in. 
Before he shut the door, he turned around and called her. “Daenys?” She looked at him.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” 
“You mother would be livid if she knew you were in my rooms at such an ungodly hour.” “Ah yes, but she won’t know, will she, sweet sister?” Aemond grinned as he watched her sitting up on the floor in front of the fire in her room, letting the heat warm her skin as they shared a bottle of Dornish wine Aegon left in her rooms earlier that day. Her skin was flushed from the heat and the wine. Her hair was slightly tousled from being roused from sleep, but she didn’t mind. He had a nightmare, and couldn’t return to sleep, so he sought her  out instead, needing her presence to clear his mind. The firelight on her skin made her appear like a goddess radiating the beauty of Old Valyria, and when she drank again, and passed the bottle back to him, his eye couldn’t leave her frame as he watched her slip her sage coloured robe from her shoulders, exposing her pure alabaster skin to him, her shoulders bare but for the straps of her nightgown. Her wine stained lips curved into a kind, empathetic smile. “Do you feel better, brother?” She asked him softly, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. 
“Mmm” was his only response, as his eye closed, relaxing into her touch. She giggled, the wine’s effects beginning to show. “Aegon will be jealous when he learns I’ve taken his drinking partner.” Aemond said. She laughed. “I suppose you’ll have to learn to share me.” “I don’t think I could ever share you with anyone.” The wine loosened his tongue, and he realised his words, worrying that they would perturb her, but she simply gave him an affectionate smile, and shifted over to lie into his chest, and he tried not to look down her nightdress, but couldn’t resist the urge, and glanced downward to see the curve of her breast. “Well, you’ll have to learn. I received a letter from Daeron this morning.” “Mmm” “He’s excited to return for my name day. I told him he should come for yours instead, it’s only a few moons after, but he aches to return home.” “I would imagine so.” He couldn’t resist the urge and took advantage of their wine induced states, and pulled her closer to him, keeping his arm on her waist. She was so warm, and soft, and-
Aemond woke with a start in his bed, his sheets soaked with sweat, and Daenys’s name on his lips. Even in sleep, she haunted him. But he felt it was a blessing that she haunted his dreams, at least that way, the gods let him see her face. 
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farity · 8 months
Sorrow, part 2
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Elyse Darklyn, no longer the Lady of this particular House, walked to the front gates of the castle to bid farewell to the king and his family. They had done the House a great honor by attending the funeral and now the new Lord would take over for his dead brother, while Elyse would return to Duskendale, to find herself some semblance of a life amidst her relatives.
She saw her brother in law, the new Lord, as he spoke to the king, and then he turned to her, his beady eyes appraising her even as she wore black in morning for his brother. Whoever he married would have to turn a very, very blind eye, for no servant, boy or girl ,was safe around him.
When he extended his hand to her, she felt a frisson of fear and her step faltered.
He could do nothing to her now, Elyse thought. She was headed home. Free of this place. Free of the hell that had been her marriage.
"You may congratulate me, Your Grace," he was saying, hand still extended toward her, "for I will be taking my brother's widow and making her a wife once again."
Elyse stopped, blood pounding in her ears. Amidst the murmurs and turned heads from those present, there was one person who stood perfectly still, and she found herself turning to him.
The king's brother. The kinslayer.
Her breathing was uneven, and if she did not find something to hold on to, she was going to faint.
"Come, sweeting," her brother in law was saying, "for you may discard your widow's weeds and rejoice once more."
The kinslayer was looking at her, his single blue eye blazing as he examined her face, and then looked at her brother in law.
Elyse couldn't move. For to take one step was to doom herself to more of the same hell she had barely survived.
"I must apologize, my lord," the king's brother said.
"Prince Aemond?"
"You see, the Lady Elyse and I have come to an agreement."
Elyse felt as if she was at the edge of a great precipice, and when the prince looked at her, she nodded.
"I do not understand."
Prince Aemond walked toward her, taking his time as if he knew that if he moved too quickly, she might bolt. When he offered his hand, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to clasp his fingers, and when he tucked her hand into his arm she clung to him, aware of the anger emanating from her brother in law.
She saw the prince shoot a pointed look at his brother, the king, and then he looked back at her. "After her mourning period is over, we are to be wed."
* * * * *
She didn't know if she should laugh or cry, so she did what she was used to and did neither. The king and his sister-wife were looking at her as they spoke quietly, while the king's mother, the dowager queen, sat silently next to her.
Elyse was used to disappointing people. She'd always disappointed her father, then her husband, and she'd certainly disappointed her brother in law, his angry red face the last memory she would have of him. She had been led into the royal wheelhouse and only after she'd realized that her betrothed was not joining her.
He'd be flying back on his dragon, of course.
"Would you like a sweet?"
Elyse realized queen Helaena was speaking to her and she immediately tightened her fingers in the fabric of her skirts. "Thank you, Your Grace, you are very kind." She reached out to take the tiny cake offered and smiled at the queen.
"I am very sorry for your loss, of course," Helaena said, "unexpected joy follows unexpected sorrow."
King Aegon rolled his eyes at the words and raised the shade to look out the window.
"There is much to learn," queen Alicent said then, "there is protocol and history, and you will be expected to serve in some of the charities. It is our duty to help the poor and honor the Mother in her love for those less fortunate. Every week, we . . . "
Elyse didn't care, she would do whatever was asked of her. She would keep her secret for as long as possible, and be grateful for the fact that she had been taken away from the hell she'd lived in for the last few years. She'd be grateful to breathe something other than the rotten air of her husband's breath, to hear words other than his foul jests.
And she would be grateful for the fact that she was spared yet another hellish marriage.
She hadn't spoken to her betrothed since he'd held her hand and taken her away, but one thing Elyse had learned amidst the insults and blows she had received during her marriage, and it was how to read people.
Why he had chosen to lie and save her, she didn't know, but she didn't see cruelty in him. And if he was a cruel man, well, she could flee. She knew King's Landing was a big city, she'd sewn her few jewels into the lining of her traveling dress, she'd slip away and no one would miss her and she would start anew.
She just had to hold on a little longer.
* * * * *
"Very well, my prince."
Aemond nodded and the servant left to prepare the bedchamber next to his.
He'd purposely avoided seeing his grandfather when he'd gotten back home, Otto Hightower would be furious when he found out Aemond had chosen a betrothed like the Lady Elyse. She was from a minor house to begin with, and now she was a widowed, childless woman who brought no political or economic advantage to the match.
But Aemond had seen the fading bruises on her neck and the terror in her eyes when her brother in law had said he was going to marry her, and he'd once again, acted impulsively.
At least this time, no one had died because of his carelessness.
He closed his eye and let his head fall back as he sat before the fire in his rooms.
He had to admit he'd been captivated since he'd seen her in her chapel, thanking the gods as she wept. He hadn't quite known what to think of that until he had seen her the next morning, her beauty marred by marks of violence, her poise and grace tinged with fear, and he'd known he had to get her away from here.
His quick mind had come up with no other solution other than tying her to himself and he'd spoken before the thought was fully formed. She had placed cold fingers on his hand and squeezed as if her life depended on it and he would find out just what had terrified her so much that she would willingly accept the lie he offered.
Kinslayer, they called him.
How awful was the alternative that she would marry him?
* * * * *
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writingsofwesteros · 1 month
Alicent had seen how her children had descending into despair with Nora's kidnapping, she herself struggled to remain strong for them when she thought about what her beautiful girl would be subjected to under Rhaenyra and Daemon's hands. Aemond was on edge, trying to remain the only one with a strategic mind but was slipping into madness along with Aegon. Since her father had returned to the council he had said what she knew Nora would also say- that they must not hastily rush into battle when emotions run high- it must be a strategic endeavour.
Her poor, sweet Helaena spent days sobbing, and mumbling nonsensically to herself, and Alicent had not felt this helpless since the death of her grandson. Even with Daeron's return, he himself was at odds with Otto who insisted the boy go back to the Reach, yet he insisted that he go to Dragonstone for his big sister. She couldn't let her family fall into shambles, not again. Perhaps her actions were reckless now, too, but she cared not, as the blue cloak covered her hair as she was led into the halls of Dragonstone. She'd left her dearest children sleeping in King's Landing, knowing that one of them was probably in the dungeons of this very stronghold.
It was a long shot, thinking that this would work. That Rhaenyra would believe her. But Alicent knew if she could get Nora out, and back to the capital on her dragon, that her children stood a fighting chance against Rhaenyra, Daemon and their Dragonseeds- especially if she tricked Rhaenyra into thinking that she would the given the city. After all, they had a Dragonseed of their own, did they not? Hugh Hammer resided in chambers at the Red Keep with his wife and daughter, Vermithor's new rider, a dragon which Aemond had explained to her rivalled Vhagar and Cannibal in strength.
"I did not believe it when they told me you were here." Rhaenyra's voice made her turn around. Like was funny indeed- were it months ago, she would have felt something entirely different when she heard that voice. But the loyalties of her girlhood were dead, and only a Mother's loyalties remained.
"Stranger things have happened," Alicent stepped forward. "Like you dressed as a Septa in the Sept of Baelor."
"You think highly of yourself to think that I will not have you join your daughter in the dungeons," Rhaenyra said. "She is-" "Alive? Yes, she is." Rhaenyra replied. "What do you want, Alicent?"
"I did not wish for any of this to happen," She confessed, looking at Rhaenyra. "I- I did not foresee what my children would become- Aemond is..." She hesitated, before taking a deep breath for she knew in her heart despite the words of her mouth that they reigned above everyone else in her heart. "He has become something I dare not speak...and Daenora...her hands are as bloody as her brothers." "Too much has been lost," Alicent told her. "There is little that can be done now," Rhaenyra sighed. "More must be lost before this can all be over-" "But what if...it were not so?" Alicent said. Rhaenyra raised a brow. "Tis imposible-" "Aegon still listens to me...especially with his sister gone," Alicent told her. "He heeds my voice still, I can-" "And you would expect me to let him live? And Aemond, Daeron?" Alicent's eyes closed as she spoke the words that broke her heart to say even if she did not mean them. "The lives of few....for the lives of many- tis a sacrifice we must make."
"I will ensure you are given the city with no bloodshed....if you let me take Helaena and her remaining children and flee. You will never hear of us again. But you must let Nora go, return to King's Landing." Alicent looked into Rhaenyra's eyes. Her former friend remained silent for a moment, before gesturing to the guard at the door. The stood in silence until the guard returned, and Alicent gasped softly- her girl, her beauty, her Nora, in chains, with her riding leathers torn, body bruised- blood and dirt tainted her silver hair. "Mother?" Nora's voice, though weak, still exuded a strength as she did not tremble nor hesitate, and her eyes told the same story. "Wh- what is this?"
Rhaenyra stepped forward, and said to her, "You have spent weeks in my dungeons speaking of how you shall reign down fire and blood on me, and all my children, my family- but even your own mother would hand you up to the executioner's block, in exchange for her own freedom. Even she does not believe in you anymore- she does not believe in Aegon's cause." "No," Nora shook her head. "You lie."
Rhaenyra smirked at Nora, who looked at her mother standing there, silent, not denying Rhaenyra's words.
"Mother?" Nora whispered in a small voice. Rhaenyra walked over to Alicent, and pulled her into a kiss, and though Alicent's heart no longer warmed for Rhaenyra, she kissed her anyway- Nora had to believe it was done, so that she would fight with all she had. "How could you!" Nora screamed. Rhaenyra broke this kiss, and told the guards, "Take her down to the beach and unchain her. Her dragon should be nearby. Then take her chains and place them on the Queen Dowager."
The last thing Alicent saw were the purple eyes of her daughter, brimming with tears- with hurt, betrayal, and anger.
!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD WRITE FOR THE SHOW !!!!!!!!
Alicent could not bear to look into her daughter's eyes for much longer as she ducked her head. Gods, what if she was never forgiven?
Rhaenyra's hand moved down her back and she did not feel a thing. It seemed she had completely given her heart to her children - and found herself without upset of that thought
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sweetestpopcorn · 9 months
How would you rank Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children in terms of greatness/potential? For me, Baelon was best out their children with Saera being second. I also think Viserra was a waisted potential. I think she could have done interesting stuff had she lived. Do you think perhaps maybe Baelon should’ve married her after Alyssa’s death? Obviously, no one could replace Alyssa in his heart.
Hi there :)
I have already kind of answered this regarding my thoughts about Saera and Viserra and none of it is good. I will just link them here and here . Legit they are just portrayed as mean girls with no real depth to them, though of the two, Saera is much, much worse. Viserra I can at least sympathise with since her parents seem to not give half a f_ck about her and did not even extend to her the same courtesy they did her siblings of having a say about her marriage (more here), but that's about it. I don't find anything else likeable about her she's just... empty.
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I will go from least favourite to favourite.
Saera and Viserra go right to the bottom of my list. Followed very closely by Vaegon by obvious reasons. Like Vaegon, it literally costs you 0 golden dragons to not be so unlikable.
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Then I would say Daenerys, she has a lot of sweet moments but dies young so I don't really know how she would have turned out. Besides, I know it's petty of me, but I don't like other characters having Dany's name. I do like Daenerys, Naerys's daughter but... yeah no more. You don't need more Daenerys, we have our Mother of Dragons. Yes, I know I am petty.
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Then Gael because... poor baby 🥺 seriously what was George thinking writing a character who is Alysanne's comfort, with some degree of cognitive disability be r...... by some random singer, give birth, lose her baby, and kill herself?! Like enough's enough. It's literally just to add tragedy to her story and honestly Turtle man it's getting f:cking OLD. I swear this man gets his rocks off by adding tragedy and terrible abuse to female characters. This when he can bother to make them more than a walking womb.
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Then I would say Aemon. Maybe he would be higher but at times I just feel he's too perfect if that's a thing. There’s just nothing wrong with him like 😂 he literally does nothing wrong.
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Daella comes next because I find her funny. She's such a drama queen 24/7 making everyone around her want to protect her XD even Alyssa. I kind of got the vibes at times from her that she kind of knew what she was doing to get attention. Like the fact that she and Alyssa are Rhaenyra's grandmothers just makes so much sense no matter how you look at it. In a way Rhaenyra seems kind of a mixture of both? With tons of stubborn and style added. Another moment that really endeared me to Daella was her very tragic death, and how despite all her suffering she still wanted to be given Aemma and to feed her. Prime mom material right there -> like you can tell both from her and Alyssa that Rhaenyra got some top notch mom genes.
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Then Alyssa of course, because she was THE queen. Literally she was just a better behaved version of her son and I'm here for it! I love how despite the fact that she was clearly a tomboy she still wanted to marry Baelon and give him an army of kids X'D because these two things are not mutually exclusive and liking or enjoying traditional boy things does not have to say anything about your sexuality or your desire to be a mother - just like being very feminine and liking traditionally feminine activities does not have to say anything about your sexuality or desire to parent. These are rules a society that does not understand nuance and in a sense is deeply sexist and stereotypical likes to put in place and that I find deeply harmful to people. But Alyssa is the BOMB, so funny, so bold, the way she embarrassed Vaegon who was a little sh:t *chef's kiss*
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Then there's the best man ever -> Baelon Targaryen
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Had his own cool nickname, The Spring Prince, funny, charming, sexy, single dad who never once forgot about his lady with the mismatched eyes, entered a tourney under the name of the Silver Fool... I don't feel like a need to say more, and in an era where all men were literally so problematic, Baelon was IT.
Baelon is what this fandom thinks Corlys is. Sorry not sorry.
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And that's it :D
Also no, and more important that should Baelon remarry, the question is did he want to remarry? And the answer is no, and any Baelon fan would respect the Spring Prince and his undying love for his lady with the mismatched eyes <3
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
Our Duties
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pairing: Lucerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
a/n: I try to make my stories/headcanons interactive to the fullest (as far as possible). I not detail reader’s appearance and english is not my first language. Why tumblr is fucking my gif’s quality?
warnings: curse words, fluffy, slight angst, happy ending.
Leaving the Dragonstone hall, you hurried through the grey and unwelcoming corridors of the castle until you reached a far, dark corner. Your scream was loud before and after punching the rock wall in front of your, allowing yourself to cry violently. Your longtime bridegroom was dead. Not missing or injured. Dead. And there was nothing that could be done about your condition.
The truth is that you weren't crying for the grief or the pain that quickly took your hand, but for the sad misfortune of finding another bridegroom. Your deceased suitor had left to fight at Stepstones three years ago, he was a good lad who would give you healthy children and a prosperous life — your mother's words. However, you never fully knew him. He was a soldier, not a husband, and would certainly (quite possibly) become unhappy with you as the years passed.
You didn't notice Prince Lucerys Velaryon across the hall, deeper than you. He watched the entire scene in silence, slightly frightened by your condition. That was one of his places to hide and shed a few tears, not as many as you shed now, but expressed it all the same. What you both didn't know was that, at that moment, fear was a mutual feeling.
"My lady." The young prince's voice was shaky, drawing your attention automatically. Your face was wet and he almost regretted interrupting your moment, because he didn't know how to proceed.
Oh no. By the seven, not that.
"My prince." Forcing yourself to collect, you swallowed back the tears and the strangled cry that broke your lips. You didn't want to stop crying. You just wanted him to go away and let your pain contaminate the environment.
Luke felt like a fool. He interrupted you and didn't know what to say. Gods, he was pathetic.
"Your hand. You hurt your hand.” He forced himself to say, eyes widening. “I wasn't spying. I…” That was definitely worse for both of them. He just wanted to sink to the ground and hide from your presence. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, my lady.” His eyes dropped to the floor.
He was a sweet boy. A puppy among dragons. You didn't mean to scold him before, and now, with his shy and tense demeanor, you fear that you scared him with your earlier scene. He has nothing to do with your problems, nor guilt, so you just wave in his direction.
"Thank you my prince." You noticed that he was crying too, but to a lesser extent. Poor boy. "Are you okay?" You voice came out soft.
“Y-yes, I’m fine.” He lowered his head, embarrassed.
You know that your next act was inappropriate and thoughtless, but you didn't spare the impulse that made you approach the prince to hug him. It took Lucerys a moment to reciprocate, not knowing if your intention was to bring comfort to yoursel or him— you didn't know either. At the end of the doubt, he returned your affectionate gesture with his head resting on your shoulder, letting out the breath he had been holding.
Time seemed to freeze for the moment, neither of you pulling away from each other. Sometimes the comfort of a stranger could be good.
“See you later, my prince.” You murmured as you pulled away, watching him wave with puppy dog ​​eyes.
Later, your tears were added to the bathwater. Your chest was tight and desperate thoughts roamed through your head. The palpable fear at family's decision to find another groom choked your mind. You shouldn't be like this, after all, that's what you were raised for: getting married and having children. It was your function, your only and exclusive function as a woman and lady wife. You weren't Princess Rhaenyra and you couldn't reach a male-dominated place.
“The choice of another bridegroom will also be in your hands.” Assured your mother that night, almost making your sigh of relief audible. Fuck! — in the good sense.
Though the smile you radiated was genuine, a little apprehensive, across the palace Prince Lucerys stood terrified and confused. How could he not be? How do you expect him to assume the title of Lord of the Tides if he never had experience? He's not a seaman, he doesn't know how life at sea works, he's not even a Velaryon. He will be completely devoured by the waves of Driftmark.
“It is your duty, brother. I know it might sound scary, but eventually you'll start to understand.” Jace had said a few days ago.
He didn't want to bother his family again, nor did he want to be a nuisance, so he took to taking walks at night to release his turmoil alone. Perhaps the sea surrounding Dragonstone could guide him properly. Luke hadn't noticed sneaky footsteps behind him, surprising himself with your voice almost cut off by the strong wind.
"I didn't know we had preferences for the same places." The young prince turned suddenly with wide, surprised eyes, earning a sweet smile. "I didn't mean to scare you, my prince." Your hair flew violently along with your dress, stopping just inches from him. "I'm sorry if I bothered you earlier and now."
"No, you didn't." His voice was low and meek, sad smile on his face. “I’m sorry about your bridegroom, my lady.”
"Thank you my prince. May I accompany you?”
He nodded.
The first steps were marked by a comfortable silence, just contemplating the dark sky and cold wind that made the night pleasant, but it didn't take long for you to start:
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"
“Yes, my lady.”
“You don't have to answer if you don't want to, my prince, but why were you crying earlier?” Your tone was low.
“It was nothing, my lady, don't worry.” He answered uncertainly, pinching his nose. "And and you?" When he realized the question, his voice cracked a little. "I'm sorry, that was a stupid question."
"No. It was not." Your gaze fell on the sea, imposing, violent and infinite. A true force of nature. “I wasn't just crying for him. I didn't even know I needed to cry like that, I didn't know there was so much sadness and fear in me, I just… needed to get it out a little. It's normal, sometimes we need to intentionally cry.”
Your confession was true, contained in certain parts, but true. A previously unknown part of you wished he could open up. You don't know why, but you feel like he needed to be heard. Feels like he wanted to be heard.
“I don't like to cry.” Lucerys answered.
“No one likes it, my prince, but we need it sometimes.”
“II was scared.” He initiated. "I still am." His head lowered. “If you needed to do something that you don't feel capable of doing, but it is your duty to do it, what would you do?”
You think you understand the situation.
“Our duties were established without our consent, what would I say? Fuck the duties. What I would do? I would be reluctant to lower my head, but we know what the forces are like that command us and make us give in.” Your posture surprised him, drawing the young prince's wide blue eyes. “You may not feel prepared to command driftmark, but you still have time to learn, my prince. Why don't you travel to be tutored by Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys? You would learn from the best seaman that ever lived.”
“But I wouldn't be him.” He was quick to respond. “I will never be him.”
You let out a heavy breath, stopping to face him. “Yes, you will not be like him. I don't know how it feels, but I believe he'll do the best you can. Don't beat yourself up, my prince." Your smile was weak but sincere, being mirrored by him.
“Thank you, my lady.”
“Would you like to return?”
"No. Not now at least.”
Holding his forearm, your smile widened: “Well, I know a place among the mountains where the sky is clear and the stars are big, if you want to join me.”
With the shyest, sweetest smile you've ever seen, Prince Lucerys confirmed, following his trail through the mountains of Dragonstone in the moonlight.
For: @madame-fear ✨
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brittababbles · 3 months
House of the Dragon S2e1: blow by blow reaction on second watch
Spoilers beyond this point
1. I love the tapestry opening. Very reminiscent of GoT’s maps.
1a. Matt Smith gets top billing, huh? Interesting choice.
2. Ah Winterfell, and the Wall. And a nice thick northern accent doing voiceover. Is it weird that I can smell Winterfell? I’ve missed this place.
3. :( sweet Jace seems to be having a nice time in the North. Enjoy while you can, sweet boy. Though he’s got to be freezing at the Wall.
4. What does it keep out? Don’t worry about it, Jace. It doesn’t matter right now. That’s a different series entirely.
5. Jace looks hauntingly like Jon Snow when he’s standing on the wall and I Don’t Like It
6. Rhaenys not taking Daemon’s shit makes my soul less unhappy. She’s all “hey daemon remember how you let my daughter die? This is like that.”
7. In fairness, Daemon isn’t wrong.
8. “Would that you were the king” gods be good, Rhaenys. We’d all be dead
9. I have nothing to add about Rhaenyra in the Stormlands. The entirety of it is just beautiful and sorrowful.
9. Why are we still talking about the Stepstones? That was soooo last season, Corlys.
10. Who is this burly handsome fellow chatting with Corlys? He’s delightful. Dragging bodies out of the sea! Wowweee 😍
11. Dude if you can see her from that far out, that dragon is Vhagar. Chill.
12. Aegon seems to at least like his children. And Helaena, at least on some level.
13. “The rats” oh my sweet girl.
14. So. How long have you and Cole been doing this, Alicient? More than once? Is he your whore, perhaps?
15. But also why do you have to stop? You’re a widow. You can do what you want.
16. CHEESE?!
16a. And Cheese’s dog, whom I adore.
17. Aegon is… so bad at this being king thing. Just so bad at it and it’s weirdly endearing. Also little Jaehaerys? So sweet. Poor thing.
18. I love how nobody likes Tyland Lannister. I don’t like Tyland Lannister.
19. Aemond!
19a. Does Aemond straighten his hair or is it just like that?
20. I forgot about Otto Hightower. And Larys Strong. I am happier having forgotten them and shall continue to do so.
21. Larys knows you been fucking the lord commander, Alicent. And he’s spying on you. And he’s still the creepiest guy in a series that casually accepts incest as the norm.
22. Syrax is my second, maybe third favorite of the dragons and I have missed her.
23. Rhaenyra my Queen. My gods this was tragic. Daemon is right: she shouldn’t have done this alone. I’m glad at least Syrax is with her
24. “Aegon the Magnanimous” wh wh what 😂
25. You’re so bad at this Aegon. But I guess at least you’re earnest about it. Aegon the Frat Boy is too on point, I suppose.
26. You know, I don’t like Otto, but honestly. Bless his heart for herding his grandson through King-hood is painful to watch.
27. In retrospect, the odd shots of the castle make sense. This whole episode foreshadows the end of it with these weird, creeping shots of the Red Keep, particularly in the halls and through the railways.
28. I see that nobody in Aemond’s family understands him at all. Except maybe Daemon.
29. Oh that’s not someone knocking on the door. That’s the drums of the soundtrack. Heh.
30. Baby goats!
31. Mysyria is… not my favorite. But she does have a thorough understanding of Daemon that Rhaenyra seems to sometimes lack.
32. Whoa. Damn, Daemon. Easy now. Don’t break the table.
33. Syrax is back! Hi Syrax!
34. Aw, that Targaryen forehead touch.
35. “I want Aemond Targaryen” I feel like that’s a common feeling toward him, for better or worse, Rhaenyra. Just based on fanfic results alone.
36. Daemon I know where this plan ends and I don’t like it.
37. Jace! Mama Rhaenyra! Oh Jace is trying so hard to be brave for his Queen.
38. I’ve seen a lot of people raving against this sequence in the Sept but I really liked it. Alicent did not mean for Luke to die and I do think she still cares for Rhaenyra. Her childhood friend lost a son, and to pray for peace for a dead child is not something that should be shamed. Also on a cinematography level, the candlelight vs the pyre flames was gorgeous.
39. Little Joffrey is breaking my heart.
40. I spent a solid ten seconds trying to work out why Aemond was screwing around in Blackwater Bay because I assumed he had taken over the Cloak of Crime. But no! It’s Daemon! Again!
41. Ehhhh Blood and Cheese and I just don’t like it. Cheese is just gross.
42. Interesting departure. Daemon orders Aemond’s death.
43. Speaking of whom. Aemond is… odd. He isn’t wrong, but he overestimates himself. But then he’s not entirely wrong. His mother’s fondness for Rhaenyra could be seen as a weakness. Though he certainly is playing his own hand here.
44. Ah the “cunning spider” line from Cole that is just a hilarious projection.
45. Does Aemond not have to get up when Otto walks in the room?
46. No Otto. Vhagar is the greatest single power in the realm. Aemond is but a fly on her back.
47. Cheese’s dog looks so much like my dog and I am so upset about it.
48. So… y’all are just going to waltz across the throne room and nobody will notice? That’s… fine?
49. Loyal as a hound, eh?
50. I hold with Aegon the Frat Boy as his title.
51 Uh, you go up the stairs to get upstairs, Blood. That’s how upstairs usually works.
52. DON’T KICK THE DOG!!! 😫😫😫
53. So… Daemon told them that if they can’t find Aemond they should just… improvise? Any male’s head will do? That’s not what Rhaenyra said at all.
54. Why are they just wandering around the castle unchecked? This just doesn’t make sense
55. I really wanted to see a bit more from Helaena here. Some pleading, some begging, some bargaining, maybe. I know she’s probably shutting down emotionally, and Phia’s face shows terror - and guilt - very well. But this whole scene is just so odd. But, I do think there is something genuine about this performance
56. “They killed the boy” she’s in shock. This part didn’t feel at all out of place for the Helaena we’ve seen on screen.
57. And that’s it. What a strange episode.
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