#my poor fucking best friend is about to have a miserable time for the next two weeks
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elytrafemme · 11 months ago
i love that my philosophy professor of two semesters now gives us agency to write about effectively whatever we'd like for our final research paper. anyway i'm about to liberalize the hell out of the stanley parable
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iguessitsjustme · 17 days ago
When It Rains It Pours Ep 5 Thoughts
I looked at the time and decided that not only was it not too late for me to watch the next episode, but it is in fact time to keep watching. I don't know how long this one will be but my god I hope those two escape their relationships/situationships soon. I can't keep watching my boys get hurt like this. Under the cut:
Okay I looked at the episode summary simply to learn his name. Kazuaki. I got it. And if I don't got it, that's fine. Because I just wrote it and I can always look. Perfect. Go me.
The fact that they are meeting halfway. That is a compromise. That is how relationships work. The fact that they cared to listen to the other and then decided on the compromise. My god these two are already so much better together than they are with their partners (I know he's not really Sei's partner but you know what I mean) and they haven't even gotten together yet.
Are these two gonna fuck?
Currently the opening song which slaps, but if you stick around to the end of the liveblog, I will share extra thoughts tonight. Cause I am pissed at certain characters and their fuckery and I gotta get my rants out of my system.
The TOE.
The gentle caress vs the man that pushed on it to see if it would hurt. The man that was so gentle and held it like it was a fragile thing in case it caused pain vs the man that tried to cause pain. So I'm killing the best friend, yeah?
There is a whole discussion before they actually have sex. Kazuaki is asking if it's okay to do things or not say certain things before actually getting started? He might be cheating right now but honestly, green flag. And also she deserves it. Not that anyone deserves it. But she's fictional and a bastard so she deserves it.
Telling him that he's not bad or dirty? Oh my heart. Oh my HEART.
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I'm looking you dead in the eye and telling you I'm fine. It's not my fault if you don't believe me.
I NEED to talk about the music in this scene but I cannot because work has smoothed out all the wrinkles from my brain and I need to wrinkle it up again but I NEED to talk about it.
I think that's the first time I've seen Sei smile.
But also these two. They found themselves in each other. They found a piece of themselves in each other. They both knew they were missing sex but I don't think they knew how miserable they were having no one to talk to. Not truly talk to. The deep meaningful talks that connect us and bond us. Neither one of them had that with their partners. They had superficial conversations. Moments of wanting to say something but not being able to. But they found the connection they were missing in each other and I am FINE don't LOOK at me like that.
God I need to talk about the music when Sei goes home too cause my god talk about tone shift. When that bastard is on the screen the dissonance in the music is actually difficult for me to listen to. Oh it hurts my poor little fragile ears.
Do these two need to hurt me like this? Do I not suffer enough already?
Oh she looked at his phone. Good riddance. She doesn't deserve him anyway.
Oh so you all made me watch this and now I have to WAIT. You all wanted me to SUFFER. Biting you all too (but affectionately).
Anyway rant time.
I hate the girlfriend because was she expecting to keep our boy in limbo for the rest of all time? She wants a marriage and kids but she doesn't want to actually ever talk to her partner? She sees him as future husband and future sperm bank. But she doesn't see him.
And don't even get me started on the rat bastard "best friend." Does Sei not have a Line because he doesn't want a Line or because his friend doesn't want him to have one. How alienated is Sei from the world and from others? He doesn't really talk to anyone at work which would be his one place he can talk to people. What would have happened if that wrong email address thing hadn't happened? Why does Sei feel like a parasite in a place that should feel like his home? I have lived with my best friend before and I can tell you one thing for sure. I never felt like a parasite. The reason that place felt like home was because it was both of us. Everywhere. WHERE is Sei in that apartment? Where is he? What are his interests? What are his aesthetics? Where is my boy????
I have thoughts. Many thoughts. It will take me roughly two business days to process those thoughts. Just in time for the next episode I'm told. Which will then mean that it will take me another two business days. What did they put in this show for it to do this to my brain?
I should go to bed. Maybe I will wake up with coherent thoughts. Who knows.
Also this may or may not be the last liveblog I do now that I'm caught up. We'll see how I'm feeling on..Thursday? That's the next episode right? If I don't do another liveblog, then thank y'all for reading my silly little brain thoughts. And if I do keep liveblogging then I'll see you on Thursday.
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armpirate · 1 year ago
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 9
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 14 minutes
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Jimin's eyes instantly went to Jungkook as he entered the office, seeing his friend deep in thought while he stared at a random spot on the floor.
—I told you not to leave me alone with Elijah —he first said, quickly getting Jungkook's attention.
—Well, I didn't really have a choice —he shrugged—. What did he say?
—I doubt he's gonna give us much money this time —Jimin sighed, walking back to his seat—. He said how the gym seemed to be in a good state for the type of people that come.
—The type of people that come? —he scoffed with his words, tilting his head— It's a gym in a shitty neighborhood. The boys that come here do it because they have no other choice and this is where they start. If he's entitled ass can't understand what I want is for those same boys to stay here because they'll grow...
—Jungkook, give it up. It's not my money, and even I think this place isn't worth it —Jimin's harsh words took him by surprise—. All I know is that you go to each one of those fights, and risk your ass in exchange for nothing. Well, yes, make those assholes' egos bigger.
—You have no fucking idea what you're talking about... This place was once a place where fighters really thought they'd have a future, when I started, I...
—Jungkook, you're a failed boxer. Stop it. You're holding on to this, and risking being in jail or killed because you can't move on from this shit.
Jimin interrupted him again, finally daring to tell his friend what he thought about those fights and why he kept insisting on going there himself instead of sending any of the boys he wanted to train.
—No one's going to see you fight and think you're a boxer worth signing. You think those people actually go around illegal fights and randomly pick the poor boy who's trying to make boxing a thing to live from? At most, the best boxer is a meth addict, fighting his life for a shot and then giving up on it until he needs money again.
—If you hate all of this so badly, why don't you leave? Take your things and look for somewhere else to work.
—If I leave, I doubt there will be anyone holding you back from doing a lot of things you shouldn't do.
Jimin knew how impulsive Jungkook was. It was what got him into that big problem he was in at that point. Doing things out of instinct, to later find out it wouldn't work out was Jungkook's day to date since he grew up. And clearly that gym and everything that came with it were no exemption.
Jungkook's tongue poked through his cheek until it reached the lip ring on the right corner of his mouth. There were many things he wanted to say, but that he tried to hold back from saying because he just didn't want to fight with Jimin.
—I can't close this place —he simply said.
—I really want to understand why. I really want to walk in your shoes and understand why you're so attached to this. But as much as I think about it, I can't get to a logical answer.
It was the same argument every time Elijah showed up in the gym. Jimin was using even similar words to the ones he used the past month when they were told the only thing they needed to upgrade were the boxing bags.
—Honestly, at the end of the day, I'm just a worker, I'll be able to walk away when all of this falls down. Because it will at some point —Jimin assured him—. I'm just giving you advice for your own well. You're a grown up, and I'm no babysitter, so I guess it's up to you, regardless of what I say.
Jungkook wasn't even paying close attention to Jimin's words. He could hear what he was saying, he could make some sense out of the few words he managed to hear, but his brain was also on the other little problem that would probably make everything blow up if he only let her get away with what she wanted.
Whatever Jimin thought, whatever his warnings were, they all could wait for another moment.
—And you aren't even hearing what I say —he sighed—. Why do I even bother talking to you...
—That's the only thing I might agree on with you. Why do you keep talking about this every time when you know I won't change my mind?
Jimin didn't bother to answer back to his friend. Through the years, he had learned it was way more effective to just ignore him and let him be. He already warned him, he already gave him the advice, there wasn't anything else he could do for that stubborn prick.
—Who was that girl, by the way?
—That's the neighbor I told you about.
His head was thrown back in exhaustion when he heard that, getting ready for the reason as to why she bothered to look for him in such a rusty place.
—What the hell did you do to her now?
After he told him about her after the few incidents they both had, Jimin's instance was clear on the matter. He didn't let him defend or excuse himself, because for Jimin there was no excuse to the way he behaved. Other than the obvious one.
—I did nothing to her. She couldn't be here because, you know, she likes me?
—She was anything but happy to see you —he commented, with his eyes focusing somewhere else.
Jungkook almost bragged about what happened two days back, but he bit his tongue, regretting even the thoughts that encouraged him to do it. He had never been the type to do anything like that, not even in high school when his brain was in another head that wasn't exactly the one above his shoulders.
—That's her nature, actually —he walked past him, taking a seat at the chair placed in the corner of the office—. I'll deal with her later.
—"Deal with her" —Jimin scoffed—. Just let her live in peace, for fuck's sake.
—She's the one that came looking for me and I'm the one that needs to let her to live in peace?
Jimin ignored his comment, giving him one last tired look before he picked a few things from the table and stepped out of the office.
What he actually needed to do was to find a way to get out of whatever she was planning to do cleanly.
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Her crossed heels were resting over the coffee table, giggling as she grabbed a fistful of popcorn as she watched the reality show she found herself hooked to. It wasn't even intentional. She remembered she was just folding her clothes, with her TV on as always to fill up the silence of her home, when she found it more interesting seeing a couple arguing about a possible affair than practicing the right way to fold her knitted sweater.
—Karen, he doesn't deserve you —she encouraged the blonde woman on the screen—. Beautiful, rich, and smart... yet she ended up with that asshole that should be kissing the floor she walked on.
She could only roll her eyes when she saw the girl crying, to then kiss the man in front of her -and that had cheated on her twice already in less than a year. For sure love was blind, because in no universe she would forgive a man who did that to her. To begin with, she wouldn't even date a man like that.
She turned down the volume of the TV when her phone ringtone sounded above the cracked whins of the girl. Her face instantly lit up when she saw her sister's name and picture on the screen, rushing to pick it up at the same time she went back to the same posture on the couch.
—Hey, copycat —she cheerfully greeted Y/n.
—Please, don't call me that —her huff was clearly heard from the other side, making her sister laugh at her reaction.
It was a nickname that would probably stay with her for the rest of her life, and that was caused by having an older sister by five years. It was the most normal thing for a twelve year old to look up to her seventeen year old sister.
Unlike her, Hannah was that type of girl who belonged to that one particular clique in high school, and that kept that same group in college -and even after she moved out of the country to Malaysia. She was the person she looked out for the most when everything seemed to be turning upside down.
—How are you?
—I'm okay —she sighed—. My boss is whiped for me and my work, so I finished earlier today —she bragged—. Actually, not really. He told me to leave early to close a deal for an article, but I ended up going home after it didn't work out.
—You should've gone back to the office —her sister called her out.
—Oh, sorry for doing the minimum for the minimum salary —she mocked, rolling her eyes—. Not all of us do almost one thousand per year.
It was the first time in her life she had a comfortable job, and the callosities on her palms were only the reminder of how hard she had to work to get to where she was. And of course she didn't expect Hannah to understand either. It wasn't her fault things started going south after she moved out and chose to study abroad, forcing her and her brother to leave those higher studies aside to focus on earning money to pay the bills.
—Are you ready for next week? —her voice softened.
Y/n left all those thoughts aside, the jokes were slowly vanishing, as soon as she asked about the next week. Moving her feet back to the floor, she sat properly on the couch, as if she was being watched, but it was just the fact that a more serious matter needed her body language to be more serious as well.
—I already asked for two days off —she answered.
—I'll be in Chicago by Wednesday —Hannah announced softly, careful with her tone.
—For how long will you stay?
—A week. I think it'll be good for mom to be with someone.
Y/n understood what Hannah meant with that, or at least she hoped she was referring to the fact that their mother would need to spend time with her daughters, aside from Mitchell, during such a hard time.
Although she didn't omit the idea of Hannah actually meaning what she first thought, considering she was the one who disliked the idea of their mother getting married again, and even considered not attending the wedding.
—You know she's not alone, right? —Y/n tried to remind her— Mitchell is always with her, and...
—I mean her family.
—They've been married for four years. I think he's pretty much part of our family as well.
And she knew she hit a sensitive button when she heard Hannah's huff on the other side, wondering when she'd finally accept the fact that their mother fell in love with someone that treated her right and that genuinely loved her and cared for her. Something that their father never did, even if Hannah wanted to believe he did.
—I think I don't really need to tell you what I think about that whole thing.
—It's not like I care either —she cut her off—. Mom's happy, and that's all that matters to me. After everything she's gone through, the least we could do is celebrate her happiness the same way she has always celebrated ours. She deserves that. And Noah would've also thought the same thing. If you aren't willing to do it for her, or for him, don't bother on coming, and stay in Klang.
The last thing her mother needed on the anniversary of Noah's death was to have Hannah making obvious how much she disliked Mitchell, for no logical reason whatsoever, and as much as she loved and appreciated her sister, she wouldn't allow her make it harder for her mother to deal with such a painful time along with her poor attitude.
—You're right —she agreed, clicking her tongue—. I'll make an effort for mom, and Noah.
She was almost going to ask her how things were going where she was, but her door bell interrupted her before she could even formulate the question. Taking a quick look through the peephole, she could feel her small smile dropping and turning into a disgusted expression when she saw Jungkook trying to take a look through the hole.
—I heard your steps —he warned her, before she could even think of ignoring him.
—I'll call you in ten minutes, alright?
She guessed he was there because of the reason why she showed up at his gym, although she expected him to be annoyed and against his will when she imagined him doing that exact same thing earlier that day. But he was smiling funny, showing off his two dimples and the two lip rings on his lips as soon as she opened the door.
—Can I step on your side, or will you kick my ass?
—You don't need to step on my side for me to do that —she rolled her eyes.
Jungkook wasn't surprised in the slightest by her rude answer, he was actually expecting something like that and it was exactly why he dropped his comment first. For some reason, he liked the way she talked to him and how she always had an answer to everything he said.
He ignored her as he stepped inside, walking past her at the same time he heard an unbelieving scoff before the door clicked.
—Oh please, come in —she ironically said—. You're home.
—Thank you —he ignored her tone, and the meaning behind her words—. You look better when you're being nice.
—And you look acceptable when you don't talk —she barked back—. Are you here to talk about what I told you about?
—A glass of water, please.
He didn't really need the water, he wasn't even thirsty, but he just wanted to make the most out of that moment. And he couldn't lie, Y/n looked her hottest when she was annoyed at him.
Her tongue pocked through the space between her chin and her lower lip, making a bulge momentarily show up as she tried to resist the urge to tell him she regretted ever reaching out to him for help.
—Actually —he stopped, when he saw her walking to him with the glass of water—, do you have coke?
If she had been only a bit stronger, that glass would probably have broken down in pieces under her fingers.
She offered him the glass filled with coke, taking a deep breath when he thanked her for it with the cockiest of the smiles. She knew he was trying to test her patience, reaching to her limit to get her to break down, but she wasn't going to give him that.
—Did you think about the article?
Instead of answering, Jungkook took the glass to his lips, gulping the bubbly drink and letting go a loud "Ah" as he exhaled.
—Right. The article —he nodded.
Y/n was hopeful when he seemed to be thinking about that. And bold of her to assume he was actually trying to remember the possible ideas he came up with, or how he was trying to word what he was going to tell her.
—I'm not going to do it.
She could feel her left eye twitching as he said his answer out loud with the most calming of the smiles, as if he wasn't close to death after rejecting her proposal just to piss her off. Jungkook was going to take another gulp of the drink, but Y/n snatched the glass from his hand before he was able to.
—Why not?
—One: I don't have time for your bullshit. Two: I'm not risking my ass. If you want to make all those people behind the fights angry, that's on you. Three: I don't want to.
—If you don't help me...
—What? You'll expose me in the article? —his head tilted, widening his eyes in fake sympathy— You won't do that. And you know why?
She wasn't sure she wanted to know. Only hearing him reject her petition was enough for her to feel tempted to reach for the closest knife and commit a crime.
—If my face shows up in that article, your video will show up on every social media. You think anyone will take you seriously after that? Or that anyone will pay attention to something that's an open secret after I share your video? —he scoffed, smirking as he leaned to her— Bouncy writer —he moved his hands in the air, emphasizing on the title—. Or maybe you'll be able to come up with a better title, since they'll probably ask you to cover it up.
Her blood started boiling. Her whole body was like a kettle reaching the highest temperature, and everything inside of her was close to blowing in a matter of seconds.
—Why so quiet? You thought you really had me, huh? —he rested his back on the backrest of her couch, getting comfortable as if he wasn't in big danger anywhere near her— You're good, but you need a little more practice on the streets to get me.
She stared at the glass, thinking of how nice it'd feel to throw the liquid right at his face, or just crash the glass against his head, but she held back. Jungkook was lucky she worried more about the mess he'd leave on her couch if she actually did any of those than what he'd look after doing that.
—Get out —she calmly said.
Jungkook was surprised by how calm and relaxed she sounded, and how she didn't even look at him as she pointed at her door.
—Didn’t I speak in English? I said: “Get out” —she stood up, emphasizing even more on the door—. If you aren't going to help, you have no reason to be here. So, leave.
—I thought that, since I'm here, we could...
—Wasn't I clear enough earlier today or...?
His hands raised up in the air, giving up at what he was aiming to say before he stood up. He was already used to Y/n closing the door right at his nose, that was why he didn't even flinch or be surprised when it smacked against the doorframe centimeters away from his face.
She stopped when she saw the almost full glass of coke on her table. She'd have to throw that away anyway, so she listened to her intrusive thoughts and chose to actually do what they asked her to do.
Jungkook opened his door again, pride lighting up his face after he saw her waiting for him to open the door.
That sided smile would only last five seconds, before she spilled all the content of the glass over his head, making him gasp by how cold the liquid felt over his body and how unexpected it all was.
—You were so thirsty for coke, it seemed a waste not to let you finish it —she smiled.
—You're crazy.
—Oh, you have no idea. But don't worry, you're about to see —she assured him.
One thing for sure: she was about to turn his life into a nightmare.
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year ago
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Chapter 16 - Fight!
Summary: Y/N fights Midoriya and Shouto in front of an audience. Is she able to win against the two top heroes and go back to being a hero? We shall see.
Feat. Present Mic and Aizawa!
Warnings: Swear words, Katsuki makes a few horny comments here and there, mentions of Shouto’s PTSD, one broken rib. Or two. Or three.
First Chapter Master List
“Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, welcome to the battle of the year!” Present Mic yells into his speaker with utter enthusiasm. Why is Present Mic here? You have no idea, but you can’t wait to get a signature because you freaking love his talk show. “Y/N versus Midoriya and Todoroki! Yeaaaaaah!”
The whole building cheers.
You heard it right. The whole building. It’s a fucking full house.
The whole agency is here except a few who decided to stay behind to keep the business going (Katsuki had to give them a double hourly wage to make them stay at work, by the way.), which doesn’t surprise you as Katsuki’s team is quite known for being overly enthusiastic when it comes to mock battles and hero stuff, then there’s Mina, Kaminari, and a shit load of people from the wedding, possibly Katsuki’s old classmates and friends, all sitting in one corner and cheering for both teams which doesn’t make any fucking sense, but okay. Next to the famous Present Mic there is a grouchy black haired man with a massive white scarf thingy around his neck; he has a camera by this left side and a notebook on his lap.
“Why. Just why.” The man mutters under his nose; thankfully you are amazing at lip reading, so you don’t actually need to hear him to know what’s up. His face is contorted into a frown as he stares at the blond with nothing but pure judgment.
“Oh come on, sensei! Have some fun!” The guy snickers but “sensei” only rolls his eyes at that.
“I’m here to take notes and to film the fight for Midoriya for analytical purposes. I’m not here to have fun.”
“We are here to have fun, let’s go, Mic sensei wooohooo!” Kaminari yells and the whole audience cheers at that.
Dang. You’ve never had a stage fright before. Needless to say, now you do.
“Deku, what the actual fuck, do you want to die, you idiot?! This is not what we’ve discussed!” Katsuki clearly felt the nervous vibes coming from you and is absolutely fucking livid right now.
“Kacchan, I swear it wasn’t me. I only asked Aizawa-sensei! No one else!”
“Why is Auntie Inko hiding behind the pillar then?!” Katsuki tries his best to look less aggravated as he waves to the shy, green haired woman with a forced smile on his face. Midoriya then stares at his Kacchan with nothing but gratefulness, tears prickling his eyes from seeing his childhood rival being nice to his one and only mother he loves so much.
“Mum doesn’t count, does she? She’s family.” Deku mutters, ready to have his face blasted off.
“Do you see my shitty family here, Deku?! Huh?!” Kacchan yells at the poor guy; Midoriya points right where his mum is with a barely concealed smile.
“Yeah, they are right behind my mum.”
“The fuck?!”
Katsuki is having a brain fart moment. He’s so fucking confused it’s kinda hilarious.
“It’s my fault, Katsuki.” Kirishima comes over with guilt deeply etched into his face. “I accidentally told Denki about it and then… well, you know him. I’m sorry.”
“Fucking hell.”
“My family isn’t here.” Todoroki adds. The guy didn’t make a single noise until now so you kinda forgot he’s also here.
“Shouto, you are not helping, but thank you for trying.” Izuku, who’s clearly used to Todoroki’s miserable attempts to save the day, leaves a tiny kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek.
“10 minutes until show time, are you guys ready?!” Present Mic’s voice comes through the speaker again as the light around the outer edges of the building dramatically go down.
“If you hurt her, I’ll fucking kill you, you fucking overpowered energizer bunny.” Katsuki grabs the green head’s shirt by the neck and pulls him closer with a sneer. “One fucking bruise and…”
“Kacchan… I respect you but I’m here to win. You wouldn’t want me to go easy on her, would you?”
Katsuki only contemplates for a few seconds, the tips of his ears coated pink as he lets go of the poor guy, completely defeated.
“I can cauterize wounds if things get out of hand.”
You’ve never seen Katsuki so terrified in your whole life. His face is pale like a sheet and he looks five seconds away from throwing up all over the floor.
“Nope. We are not doing this. We are going home. Nope. Fuck this.” Katsuki is about to pull you towards the exit but Izuku jumps between the two of you.
“Shouto, you were doing so well...” Midoriya sighs and puts his hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, Katsuki. I swear I won’t do any serious harm to your girlfriend. I also think she can protect herself and she’ll be able to keep up with us with no problems. Please, sit down and enjoy the show.” Midoriya pushes you to the side slowly, but Katsuki’s grasp on your hand is relentless.
“Come on, bro! I heard Auntie Inko brought you some muffins!” Kirishima chimes in, pulling him towards the seats, his hands massaging the blond’s shoulders. “Come on now!”
“Just one minute and I’m going.” Katsuki tears himself out of Kirishima’s grasp. Todoroki and Midoriya make their way towards the other end of the battlefield while Kirishima takes a few steps back to give you some privacy. “Kick their asses, baby. I fucking… I fucking believe in you. I love you and shit. Fuck.”
The whole audience gawks as Katsuki snuggles into the crook of your neck like a little kitten looking for attention. You rake your fingers through his messy hair out of habit, playing with the strands and leaving tiny kisses on the top of his head until he finally looks up and lets you kiss him properly, right in front of the whole fucking building.
“Oh my god! What a day to be alive! Bakugou Katsuki aka Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight just got a kiss from the mysterious hero! You go, lover boy, good for you!”
“That’s his girlfriend!” Kaminari yells into the air helpfully. “He’s in love, sensei!”
“Oh my god, dear listeners! The beast has been tamed! I’m so proud!”
“Shut the fuck up.” Katsuki mutters into your neck, his whole face probably the color of a ripe tomato.
“He said shut the fuck up!” You yell to the interpreter with a shit eating grin on your face.
“Ahh, well, there is a lot of things I can do but that ain’t one of ‘em!” Mic giggles and the whole audience roars.
“That’s true.” Sensei mutters with a nod and Mic makes an offended face at that.
“Five minutes to go. Are we are ready, dear listeners?!” Present Mic yells again and the audience cheers. Loudly. Dang, they are really fucking excited for this shit.
“Keep your eyes on me, loverboy.” You wink at your boyfriend; he visibly shivers under your confident gaze.
“Couldn’t keep my eyes off you even if I’d try.”
… damn, you two won’t sleep a wink tonight, that’s for sure.
“Three, two, one… go!”
The two heroes charge at you right away, their movements completely synchronized and clearly planned out; needless to say having two heroes that are so used to each other fight against you should be a huge disadvantage for you but here’s the thing; you can do whatever you want. And by whatever, you mean you can literally just…
Deku’s movements halt right away, his face contorted into a confused frown as he looks at his partner in pure terror.
“Goldfish is a quirk that makes the other person forget what they were about to do a few minutes prior. It’s quite harmless unless used… well… in cases like this. Well done.” The “sensei” steals the speaker from Present Mic who’s completely bamboozled by seeing the number one hero so lost on the battlefield. This would be the perfect time to counterattack but seeing how many people have gathered here today you decide to give them a little show instead; Todoroki comes out of his own stupor and charges towards you while Midoriya slowly tries to put himself back into the present but suddenly, his quirk changes sides in the most literal sense; his right side becomes his hot side while his left side starts to frost over rapidly; having such a change is already quite a pain in the ass but here’s the thing - to be honest this was a bluff but it clearly worked -; while his quirk swapped sides, his body didn’t, hence why his body is now affected by the effects of the quirk.
“Fuck!” Shouto yells as the flames start to burn his heat-sensitive skin…
“Y/N, stop! Anything but that. Please.” Izuku begs and he looks so horrified you cancel the quirk right away. There is something in his eyes, something painful and deep and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that you somehow managed to touch a sensitive topic here. You look at Katsuki who’s standing by the side of the battlefield; he looks at his friend apologetically, his eyes somehow regretful.
“This is good practice.” Shouto’s sudden grin surprises the whole audience. “Sometimes, you need to face your biggest fears and if this would be a real fight, there wouldn’t be a pause. On the battlefield, there is no time to dwell on the past.”
“Is pro hero Shouto giving a speech in the middle of the battle?!” Present Mic screeches. “Also, how many quirks…?”
“All of them. Her quirk is called ‘quirk manifestation’. It’s the strongest quirk in the whole world as she can use several different quirks at the same time for as long as she wants to. Until she can stay focused, she’s unstoppable.” Sensei answers with a deadpanned face.
“Wow, you did your research.” You yell back to him with a grin. Thankfully, the mood is slowly shifting back to relatively normal now.
“I’m Eraserhead. I work underground. Gaining intel is my virtue.” He mutters smugly. “But for this intel I must thank my former student, Midoriya. His notes on you were quite… detailed.”
“Quirk me again.” Shouto suddenly yells, completely ignoring his old teacher. Midoriya looks at the guy like he just lost his mind and by the absolute manic grin on his face, he might be right about that.
Also, can we stop for a moment and talk about the fact that Todoroki Shouto is wearing his emotions on his face? You are a taken woman, but damn, he should do this more often.
“Are we going berserk? Plus fucking ultra then.” Midoriya grins back and by the random eye fucking those two just did a few seconds prior you are quite sure they’ll also have a long night after this.
“Come at me you gay disasters.” You give the two a manic grin and… well… they do.
First, Todoroki somehow finds a way to use his quirk even with the disadvantage. You manage to slip on the tiny, almost invisible ice he manages to sneak under your legs; the ice travels further up, pinning you to the ground but not for long; with your quick thinking you manage to counterattack with pink flames, because why the fuck not, melting the ice on your legs then charge forward towards the half and half hero but you change your stance last minute; you attack Midoriya instead, your emotions concealed with a quirk you just came up with to not trigger his danger sense; he catches your hand with black whip but you make your body intangible and slip out of the grasp; he tries to save himself by using his Smoke Ray but it’s all in vein as your favorite quirk is X-Ray Vision; Midoriya also made a massive mistake with using this quirk of his as he also made it impossible for his partner to see you, basically rendering him useless for the next few minutes until the smoke dissolves.
“I really want to gossip about the sexual tension between the two boys on the battlefield but… what a mistake! Todoroki’s lost in the smoke and Midoriya is just about to get hit by… uuuuh, that must have hurt!”
You just landed a massive hit right at Midoriya’s ribs using a mixture of Kirishima’s hardening and super strength while Todoroki is still wandering in the smoke, trapped and probably extremely frustrated.
Something cracked. Fuck.
“Izuku!” Todoroki finally emerges from the smoke, putting on a massive ice wall right between you two.
“She broke my fucking rib, Shouto.”
Suddenly, a furious Todoroki jumps through the wall, shattering it into pieces as he lands a massive hit on your shoulder and you fall to the ground.
“Midoriya is OUT! Nothing is as strong as a fury of a wounded lover, though! Get her, Todoroki!” Present Mic yells, exhilarated.
Katsuki looks like he’s about to pass out which is quite understandable to be honest. This fight is fucking intense.
“Was that really necessary?!” Todoroki yanks your wounded arm and pushes you down.
What he doesn’t know is that you are not actually in pain anymore; you already healed yourself but he doesn’t need to know that.
“You know I didn’t mean to do that.”
“Ten more seconds and Todoroki wins!”
“What kind of monster are you?!”
“The one on the good side. The one who really fucking wants to go back to work and save people.”
It all happens really quickly. You use a slime quirk to get out of Todoroki’s intense grasp and blast his face using your own version of your boyfriend’s quirk; the pink, cotton candy scented one you used to bully Katsuki with. You make sure to not use too much power this time and mostly just blind the hero for long enough to use your own version of Midoriya’s black whip - it’s quite a useful quirk as it’s heat and frost-resistant, basically indestructible. In only a few seconds, the half and half hero is rolled up like a little burrito, surrounded by black whip everywhere but his face.
“Sorry about triggering your PTSD in the beginning. I’m also sorry for hurting your boyfriend. I’ll heal him as soon as this is over.”
“It’s fine, it has been ages since I’ve been challenged by someone. Felt fucking nice.” Todoroki tries to wiggle himself out but it’s all in vain. It’s game over for him.
“You guys are amazing. If this would have been an actual life or death situation I’m quite sure you would’ve won.”
“Stop flattering me, you literally took that hit on your shoulder just to be even.”
“Anyway… it was a great fight. Thank you.”
“Todoroki is out, Y/N wins! WHAT A FIGHT! Congratulations!” Present Mic yells while the whole audience whistles. Midoriya’s mother is crying so you make a note to yourself to apologize to her later.
Todoroki is by Midoriya’s side the moment he’s free. You are just about to go over to heal him and say sorry when Katsuki jumps on you from behind, turns you over to him and kisses you with so much fervor your legs almost give up under you.
“You fucking madman.” Katsuki grins, his worried eyes long gone in exchange for pure exhilaration. “You don’t know how to hold back, do you?” Suddenly, Katsuki’s lips skim your ears. “Why don’t you go all unhinged in bed with me tonight? I want to see what else you can do…”
“Katsuki, this is not the time.” You reprimand with a little giggle. “I need to take care of your broken friend first.”
“You can take care of my…”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, you horny weirdo.” You put your palm on his face and push him away playfully in the middle of his sentence. The shit eating grin on Katsuki’s face is so fucking adorable you kinda want to kiss him but this is really not time for it.
“Y/N!” Todoroki yells, frustrated. By the look of it, it isn’t just Midoriya’s rib that’s broken but his mind as well; he’s mumbling to himself, still sitting on the floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the facility. Needles to say, he’s crying.
“Let me reboot the crybaby.” You grin at the big lump on the floor while most of the audience goes back to work. Katsuki’s friend group and the two senseis are still seated, probably waiting for you guys to wrap up and listen to their feedback.
This will be a long fucking day.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- I know. This is fucking late. Honestly, I had the busiest two weeks of my whole life and I only had one day off which was the 25th and that was all. I don’t remember the last three days. Like I actually don’t think my soul was in my body. I have no recollection of the days either so yeah, I’m sorry folks who always tell me to chill the fuck out, I definitely did not listen this time. 😂
- Midoriya’s grave mistake and the whole drama around his behavior will be explained in the next chapter. Aizawa will give him a harsh feedback. 😂
- I’m really excited about the last chapter because it will have Steven in it. I fucking love Steven. I will miss him so much.
- The next chapter will be the last official chapter, then there will be one extra part and that’s probably it! BUT! If you guys have any ideas for possible extra chapters I’m more than keen to listen and maybe one day I’ll come back to this and write some cute extra chapters for you guys! So even if you read this months after I posted this, feel free to leave a comment about what would you like to see and stuff!
- Also, I’ll will start posting the Kirishima spin-off a few weeks after this one ends so if you want to be on the tag list, leave me a comment!
- I got myself a really aggressive looking cactus today. He has MASSIVE spikes all over and he looks like he could literally kill a person. His first thing after I bought him was to prick my finger. So obviously I named him Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight because he’s a prickly little fuck like him.
- I’ll shut up now. Happy new year and all that jazz. 💜💥💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai @porusuniverse
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alex-turners-world · 7 months ago
Well here is my opinion on these things 🙊// I honestly don't think he will get carried away, he is almost 40 years old and that photo did not look very good on him, he will get wrinkles and, in my opinion (possibly delusional), on the car tour he will He looked very happy, I was surprised to see that people said the opposite because when I saw the whole tour he seemed much healthier than on the 2016/2018 tour, it seems that he is sober and he really seems happier. . 2018 seemed miserable, now not so much. I think she's just old and getting older // As for the Louise thing, I don't like it, but I don't think she's miserable being together. Sure it's a little... Weird... That they don't even live together after 6 years, but I think people look at random photos of them with bitch faces resting and see that he's miserable and hates her. And then pictures come out where they're smiling together and they're like, Oh my God, it's fake and he hates her! I don't know how I could, it's none of my business, but I think they just don't like dads harassing them on the streets haha. He can get whoever he wants, I don't think he'll stay with Louise for long if he hates her, even if it's her fault and he cheated on her, I don't think he'll have the willpower to stay. a relationship for a long time. 6 years if she is miserable. Since he is with her it seems like he is sober, now he also seems healthier, I think she is good for him. But I don't know haha ​​// Hahahahahaha 😂 I have the feeling that this Anonymous is Louise or Amanda Hahahahahaha 😂 The Car tour has been Alex decline in style, (and I am NOT referring to his Artistic level) (YES not to his level Personal), he looked so sad like he was working hard, he looked so angry at how people talked at his concerts while he sang, he looked so sickly (I know we shouldn't talk about other people's bodies, but Alex looks exaggeratedly thin and messy the whole fucking tour in the same clothes) (honestly, if you compare him to Matt, Jamie and Nick, he doesn't even look happy or healthy physically speaking) I know he's 38 but the poor men looks like he's 50. By far, Alex looked healthier and happier in 2016 with The Last Shadow Puppets on the Everything You've Come to Expect tour, literally speaking in every interview and concert video. Alex is pure happiness next to Miles Kane. On the Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino tour in 2018 we saw Alex proud of his work, in interviews he defended each song and the new musical concept that the band had adopted, while on The Car tour, in interviews Alex looks weak , maybe lazy for having to apologize for not making noise to the fans or lazy because some fans have not been able to understand that the man and his friends have evolved and matured, come on, they are men about to reach 40 years old. I don't know how much Louise has influenced Alex, but Alex definitely needs a true Muse to inspire him and clearly Louise didn't inspire anything at least in the 4 years of their relationship before The Car.
Well I don't think he looks 50, he looks his age or even younger than his age I would say. But he definitely looks sad and unhappy with his life. It was just the vibe he gave off this tour. He was very unenthusiastic this tour and it was boring to watch because he was so done. He looked like he didn't want to be there. And the interviews...such a shame he didn't say much about it, just half arsed answers and conversations about Matt's lame photo aka cover of the album (sorry, I'm really not a fan of Matt's photography, it's so boring). Alex did look happy and proud talking about tbhc album, I think it was his best work by far and it's a pity the album didn't get the recognition it deserves.
As for him looking happy during eycte tour, well...he was high and drunk for the most of it, so... But I agree that he looks happier, more enthusiastic and more open around Miles. Don't we all when we're around our best friends?
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cherienymphe · 2 years ago
Your comment didn't offend me! I just wanted to explain the reader's side of things because I do understand the concern for how Nat will feel. It's a sticky situation and I won't say whether or not Nat will be fully understanding about it, but Nat will see where the reader is coming from. Nat has guilt of her own she's dealing with on behalf of the reader (that will only worsen after the next chapter). Tbh they're both just miserable and feeling guilty about the other.
And yeah I see why you would want the reader to just tell Peter outright about that night when he asked, but I think there's this assumption Peter will be lenient on her solely because the reader entertained that thought herself. The reader understands the severity of what she did. That's why she doesn't want it to ever come out. Nat neither. I was serious when I said in their eyes, the reader's offense is worse than Nat's. The reader's betrayal is bigger than Nat's. The reader knows she fucked up so bad and it's why she'll never tell the truth about that night unless she's literally forced to because doing so won't make anything easier. It'll just make things a hell of a lot worse
Okay whew! Because I love commenting and I know sometimes I get carried away with my opinions as if I wouldn’t be a mess in this world. I would be doing so much worse than her, and she’s actually holding up really well considering. Every time I think I would be angry in her shoes I remember them boys killing her friends in cold blood and I calm right down. She’s doing well in such a confusing and awful situation.
But back to the conversation, I do understand her side better now, I just feared that Natasha would rather be punished than have it come out that she was pregnant so I was living by that possibility. But I get that the reader felt guilty and wanted to do her best to help her friend in anyway she could, especially since she knows she’s barely eating. But it’s sad that just the chance occurrence that the reader was looking out the window at that very moment will cause so much pain for the both of them. Because I know I joked about snitching but I wouldn’t be able to do that either. And now she’ll pay just for looking out the window and letting a victim escape her abuser.
But I seriously find it so wild that watching the crime is worse than doing it. Natasha runs away but the reader letting her is the real offense? These men are so twisted. Otherwise they would understand why no woman would want to expose the other women like that. They forget that all of these ladies are unwilling participants and in theory they should all be happy if a wife gets away and comes back with help. That’s how broken their minds are because how would you expect her to tell on her friend just for wanting freedom? And I think I did assume he would be more lenient but with the way you phrase it, it makes sense that the information should never get out, although it will anyways. Poor reader. It’s not even like she plotted to help, it was purely coincidence that she saw Nat leaving.
Yes to them, Nat running is only a big deal because she's done so after literal years. She's tried before and they expect it of all the wives when they first take them because why wouldn't they? They're always prepared for it within the first year but Nat has been there for so long and Bucky deluded himself into thinking she was fully settled and he had her completely under his thumb so she'd never run. Even still, a wife making a run for it? Horrible and inconvenient, but not something unheard of nor something they haven't dealt with before.
Reader on the other hand? Reader not telling is a big sign to show where her loyalties lie and it's not with her husband or any of the other men but the wives. Especially Nat. Reader is dangerous now. Because if any of the other wives want to try to escape or hell, want to hurt their husband, the reader isn't going to say anything. Nat accomplished much on her own, but what could she have accomplished if she had help? Nat running only put herself in danger, but in not telling, it shows that the reader is willing to put her wellbeing on the line just to help another wife against her husband and that's a mindset they can't tolerate. Even when she told Peter about the pregnancy, it could've gone so bad for her. Peter could've punished her like Steve would and he would've been "in the right to". He could've told Bucky immediately, put her on blast for the whole household and it's why while I get feeling for Nat who may or may not be pregnant and who may or may not want Bucky to know, the reader really essentially threw herself under the bus just for the chance to keep Nat from being physically hurt
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jvstheworld · 1 year ago
My Ted Lasso Re-watch: S2E2
Oh Jamie, going from reality TV, to talk show and looking like a muppet. Also, the bit with Phil and Holly has not aged well with ermmm... Recent discoveries behind the scenes. Not of Ted Lasso, of the talk show This Morning.
Man City doesn't want Jamie. But he still has support of fans, that's good. We do eventually find out why he left Man City.
Beard and Jane are not a good or healthy couple. They should not be together. Beard deserves better but the thinks that's what he deserves.
Nate micromanaging Will. He's just doing his job, and doing it well. Leave the poor guy alone.
Aww, Will has a girlfriend. Good for him.
Roy cares about his new team. Especially Kokoruda and Phoebe. Too bad he wants nothing to do with Richmond.
Keeley knows what she likes in a man and isn't afraid to express it. Go Keeley.
Ted riding the lawn mower, what a dork.
Ted is hurt about Dr Sharon staying for the season because he still doesn't trust her. Even though it's good for the team and later him. She does have a cool bike though.
Ted is confusing. He wants to be included about decisions for the team but wants Higgins to make his own mind up about things. It was Higgins's idea to bring Dr Sharon in and since he is director of football operations (what does that even mean)? He should get a say in what is best for the team. And Dr Sharon is what is best for them.
Nate is still too quick to complain about Will. I will say, personally I find lavender to be kind of horrible to smell.
No one wants Jamie. Because he shows no loyalty to anyone. And clubs and the public have seen that. They don't wasn't to sign him for something if he's just going to jump ship when he gets bored.
Ted bursting though doors is everything to me. I love that manic pixie dream boy. But yeah, don't barge into a therapist's office.
Sudeikis does actually play video games in real life, because they are fun. If something is taking over your life you should change your habits to prevent it from taking up most of your waking hours. This only applies to non-addictive things. You don't want to deprive yourself of enjoyment because that will make you miserable, but just adjust how you view that relationship you have with it. It's why some people struggle with dieting. Because they try to eliminate the things that are 'bad' for them, instead of accepting that they can be part of their diet but not a major part of it.
Ted is very disarming. He wants to know everything he can about a person straight away. But Dr Sharon sees through it.
Keeley mentioning Dubai Air, for the campaign that Sam will be a part of next episode.
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. I have watched too much Supernatural to have gotten that joke before Ted did. Plant and Page were Sam and Dean's most used aliases. You are off your game here Ted, Dr Sharon really must have you rattled.
'What a fucking arsehole' is back again, because Dr Sharon doesn't eat sugar. I'm going to have to keep track of how many times it's said in the show.
As much as Rebecca might know what her problems are, she still show see a therapist because they would have knowledge and the capabilities to help her move on from her relationship with Rupert. She manages on her own well enough, but there are still things that might need addressing. And Ted, he works out that he needs help eventually. Friends aren't your therapists, they can only do so much to help. If you need help, see a professional, your friends are your support network to help keep you in the right path to getting to a healthier emotional state. You're not burdening people by sharing your problems, but they might not always be able to help you in the way you need, that's where professionals come in. Spoken as someone trying to get that help now.
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2dkapsddr · 5 months ago
September 24th, 2024 - vivid/stasis, IIDX 31, StepManiaX, GITADORA GALAXY WAVE, SDVX EG, DDR WORLD, Arcaea
welp... this is it... my final true day of summer vacation before i had to return to the evil, brutal, vicious clutches of School (yet even worse, as i was entering University now!!!) . but alas, i can't delay it any further and i can't do anything about it now . so hey, why not make the most of it today as my last day of vacation before my grand return?
so that's what i planned today -- eating breakfast at my workplace, watching the Transformers One movie in the mall's AMC, and then spending the rest of the day at Round 1 Bowling & Amusement!!! (except, due to my dog Pissing everywhere and me having to clean up after him and my room, i missed out on the first part... opting instead to grind out some vivid/stasis AACs to scratch that rhythm itch since i still had to clean through my whole room and get ready for college day 1 . once that was over with, though, i made my way over to the mall to deliver Rasis to my friend and then enjoy the Transformers One movie... which was INCREDIBLE Oh My God you all HAVE to see it aghhhh peak cinema...)
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but now that the movie was finished, i got some fries from my friend to eat, and i entered the round 1, it was time to Video Gaming... first on IIDX!!!! i really wanted to play SDVX, yeah, but it was super full and impossible to get a set in, so have these scores anyway!!! they're alright, nothing too special, but i still think they're nice -- most notably, i finally scored an EXH-CLEAR on Show [SPA-9] as my first Lv. 9 EXHC!!! (tripping jumping's SPA-10 chart is Evil as Fuck, ESPECIALLY on Random)
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a quick break where a local dance gamer friend and i found an abandoned double credit on SMX, and decided to play Team Mode!!! ...didn't go too well (may or may not have played the first song on 400 BPM Reverse), but we had fun!!!
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...since we weren't quite in the mood for DDR and SDVX was STILL full, we went over to try playing some IIDX together -- each of us playing one set on each side, and each of us failing miserably on the right side... but when it was my turn on the left side, i actually kinda killed it with my scores!!! check these out!!!
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went back past the DDR cabs and to the SDVX cabs, where the giant party that was once there had suddenly finally left??? it was the perfect time to seize the opportunity and play on them ourselves, but i was really itching to play some Drummania for some reason... and right i was about that, because i ALSO KILLED IT when i played my set!!! turns out i hadn't played on my card since Fuzz Up, so i'm sure it must've been a surprise for the cab to see me SHREDDING IT on these scores despite my poorer performances from way back...
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but like i mentioned earlier, the SDVX cabs were freed up, so it was time to game on those!!! and despite the cabs having been so popular before, i managed to get three consecutive sets on one cab since everyone wanted to either take breaks or play other games (which i already did!! hah!!!) . scores i got out of it weren't all that bad either -- sightread AAA+ on ENDYMION [EXH 17], a poor yet fun sightread on Booths of Fighters [EXH 17], a massive upscore and potential UC/PUC opportunity on Daichuu Stage [EXH 17]... and an amazing 966 sightread on KIMIDORI Streak!! [MXM 18] as 18 clear #2!!!
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then lastly, hoping to have my best session now that i'd tried all the non-dance games (plus SMX), i gave DDR a shot seeing some of my friends there !!! i was expecting it to go well, but i ended up gassed out after a few short sections and a few expectations too high... maybe i can get back at 'em next time, but i really felt disappointed by how fast my stamina depleted and carried that saddened feeling throughout the rest of the day, even to sleep... can't do much about it now, but it's just sad to feel :[ so as consolation (and as the only score photo from today in my possession), have this wonky sightread 52p PFC on Buta Thunder [ESP-13]....
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back at home, i slowed down the grind a ton and tried to focus more on preparations for my first day of classes at university, but i did still game a little bit!! most of it (the last three scores) were just for defying the rules of a challenge (mmmhmm... "chill songs" indeed...), but i did finally get a PM on Redraw the Colorless World (FTR-9, MAX-15) as FTR PM #179!!!
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meganmk28 · 6 months ago
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I'm so fkn sick of these fairweather "fans" of @taylorswift One day they adore her & she's the best thing ever. The next day they hate her, bash her, talk their shit & call her a traitor ALL BECAUSE she has friends in a different political party. Imagine being so closed minded & miserable in life, you gotta attack a person you've NEVER met. These so called fans obviously don't listen to her music. The woman is 34. A grown ass female who can do whatever the fuck she wants. Leave the girl alone. Why anyone has their panties twisted & so far UP THEIR ass over someone living their life, is beyond me. When I tell you these are the craziest fans I've seen, I'm NOT lying. I thought groupies were bad... I was wrong. This poor girl can't do anything without some kind of criticism. Attends a FB game... grown ass men cry. Goes to a tennis match with friends, grown ass people flipping out. Like what can she do? I don't blame her for disappearing for the time she did. Y'all are insanely crazy. She literally wrote these lyrics. @taylorswift I am so sorry you have fans like this. Please know there is many people who care about you & love to see you happy no matter who your friends are. 💜💜💜
"I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this BITCHING and moaning I'll tell you something about my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing"
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lolaskmeanything · 2 years ago
So much shit has gone on in my life recently and I’ve pretty fucking done if you wanna get real about it.
Where do i even fucking begin.
My two best friends that are the only people I feel like I enjoy hanging out with are now literally about to be cut out of my life. We’ve had a lot of intergroup issues (because they leave me out of fucking everything) and the thing that I’m about to say just made me rethink everything. So we were out this weekend having drinks having a great time, and then out of nowhere a plan to go to Asia come up. This plan had been something they had spoke about and I hadn’t head a single plan. So clearly looking like a complete and utter idiot I was like come the fuck again? Like huh? Then I was told I wasn’t invited because of financial tuff...they were telling me in a nice way that U’m fucking too poor to go. I was wildly offended, but I put a pin in it and called it a day. The next day I didn’t have the time to think about it, I had work stuff I had to deal with, but come Monday, I fell apart thinking about it, being in my own thoughts really got me. These are my closest friends who i had known half my life and they don’t tell me about a huge trip. Also side note if it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t have even crossed paths. They suck each others dick so hard its the most insane shit I’ve ever seen. I’m not that type, I’m not gonna suck anyones dick, but one of them for sure more than the other. Probably because one has no friends and the other has friends outside of the threesome I HAD CREATED. 
So, I was thinking this morning when I got up for work. I can either put my energy into being sad, and miserable and care about what two (sorry for what I’m going to say) fat, sad, pathetic whores do to me, or I can spend my energy and time putting effort into people who give that same effort back and who care about me and my feelings. 
I told myself a while back I wasn’t going to put in time with people who didn’t give a fuck about me, or who didn’t serve me. I really really really fucking hate it, bit I just don’t think these girls are worth it anymore. I just don’t think these girls give a fuck enough about me to keep them in my life. I don’t need constant attention, I din’t need constant validation from them, I just don’t want to constantly feel like I’m the third wheel anymore. I’m too good for that, and I don’t deserve it. I deserve people who want me around, invite me to do things, who are willing to go out of their way when I need them like I do for others. I’m not putting up with the stupid high school shit that I feel like this has become. I’m done and I hope they have a bad time in Asia. Sorry bitches.
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silvervioletvalentine · 2 years ago
Never too much to someone that can’t get enough of you.
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Pairing : Charles leclerc X Cherrie (fem!)
Word count : 8k
Warnings: fluff . So much love it’ll make you sick. Lovesick Charles. A lot of the colour red. Idk that’s it I think?
I can’t believe the amount of love I got on my recent kylian mbappe fic!! I’m so happy you guys liked it. So here’s a Charles one!! Hope you like it xoxo
Charles tried and failed miserably to acted casual and uncaring as he asked the unspoken question of the night , clearing his throat and gently nudging Pierre's arm from where he was sat next to him at the table . Waiting to be served their overpriced food for the night .
He had spent the last half hour nursing a glance of wine and sending the occasional anxious glance towards the restaurant door , hoping to catch a glimpse of her familiar wild hair and pretty face , or even just to catch the sound of her loud voice that he often heard before he even caught a glimpse of her.
But as the minutes past buy and the rest of the guys at the table began to mutter impatiently about how hungry they were and how unfair it was for them to have to wait like this , he felt himself grow restless.
Unable to take it anymore , his worry and curiosity got the best of him.
"Where's cherrie? Is she still coming?" He asked Pierre quietly , not wanting to draw attention to himself by asking the unspoken question.
It was bad enough that every time he saw Cherrie , he turned the colour of her name. He didn't need to the rest of the drivers to pick up on his ridiculous little crush either . He would never hear the end of it.
Pierre looked over at him with a small smirk , being the only one to know about Charles infatuation with the loud mouth troublemaker of the grid .
After being the only one there to hear Charles drunkenly ramble on about how beautiful and strange she was , a few bottle of wines had him almost crying as he told Pierre about how much she scared him and how fucked up it was that he liked it.
Now every time he mentioned her , his friend would get a smug little knowing look on his face . One that said 'I know everything' and wasn't afraid to rub it in his face .
Charles really should be carefully about who he drinks around in the future .
"How would I know?" He answered with a small smirk , shaking his head at him in amusement .
He thought it was funny that his quite , kind and always polite friend was infatuated with a woman the complete opposite of him. One that enthralled him yet scared the absolute shit out of him at the same time .
Charles didn't even know why he had gotten so obsessed with her so quickly . Maybe it was because she was everything that he wasn't . Perhaps he liked the fact that he could never guess what she would do next.
Because Cherrie was loud , obnoxious and blunt. Always saying whatever came to her mind without any thought to filter the good from the bad beforehand. She just didn't give a shit .
If you told her yes , she would say no.
If you told her not to do something , she would do it.
If you said she wasn't capable of doing something , she would do it and then do it again just to hit the mark and rub it in peoples faces .
She was fearless. Confident and she never took anyone's shit. Charles really did admire that about her.
However to others she could also come across as rude , mean and a complete and utter bitch. A title that she wore proudly , uncaring of what anyone thought of her .
Because at the end of the day she was a winner . She was the one bringing in the points for Ferrari , she was the one that was permanently on the podium. If she wasn't number one , she was never below the top three .
So what did it matter if she partied every night? If she ran around the hotel lobby in her underwear , drunk and serenading the poor guests there with a terrible version of welcome to the jungle?
And what did it matter if she never had a serious boyfriend? If she was seen with a new man each month? From footballers , to actors and musicians . She wasn't particularly picky. Because they never lasted long anyways.
And so what if she got into public fights all the time? As long as she didn't fuck up her knuckles too much , she could still drive and she could still win. Just like she always did. It was no big deal.
Being her teammate was a rollercoaster . Because while Charles admired and was envious of her driving skills , wanting to know more and wanting to know just how she did it. There was the small problem of how she made him feel.
He wanted to talk to her. Wanted to ask her a thousand and one questions that sprung to mind . He wanted to know her , he wanted to know everything .
He wanted to be her friend . Definitely wanted to be more . But unfortunately for him , he had never been very lucky. On the track and off the track apparently.
Because as soon as she looked at him and flashed him her pretty smile , it was like his brain shut down and he turned into a red coloured zombie who suddenly could no longer form a sentence or even return her smile.
So instead , he blushed and ran away like a coward each time . Mumbling some excuse about how he was needed elsewhere or that someone was calling him, even though his phone never rang.
So no. Because of this, Cherrie and himself weren't particularly close despite being partners on the track. And he only had himself and his own nervousness to blame for that.
Because she did try. She always shouted a pleased hello at him when she passed by. Always tapped the top of his helmet in good luck . Always told him that it would be him on the podium with her next time , giving him hope after yet another failure from his team.
She invited him to parties with her. Yet He always declined because he was a stupid , scaredy cat who was so scared of fucking up and saying something wrong to her , that he was was fucking it up by not doing anything at all.
He was certain that she must think that he had a problem with her by now.
Because lately those happy greetings had stopped and no longer did she invite him to hang out with her anymore . And he knew it was his fault , but what was he to do? He just couldn't help it.
She turned him into a stammering , blushing teenage mess again.
"You talk to her don't you?" Charles finally muttered to his question . Frowning back at Pierre in pure annoyance .
He knew for a fact that Pierre was close to Cherrie . Had seen the multiple posts and photos of them together at random parties and clubs , they had even gone on holiday together with a few other drivers too. They looked like they had the time of their lives together , meanwhile he had bitterly scrolled past their posts with a pout on his face . Having told Cherrie that he couldn't go with them because he had stomach flu.
He didn't have stomach flu but it felt like he did when he saw pictures of her in a tiny dress and sitting on his best friends lap in Hawaii .
Pierre gave him an amused glance . Watching his anxious friend taking another sip of his wine while talking another glance towards the doors.
"Yes I do. We're good friends . Something that you could be with Cherrie if you simply stopped being such a whimp." He simply replied . Getting out his phone and pulling up their texts . Humming to himself as he read the newest one she had sent him ten minutes ago.
"She's running late . Apparently she's had a wardrobe malfunction." He told him.
Charles scowled at him , inhaling deeply as he fiddled with his glass between his fingers .
“Not that simple mate. She must think there's something wrong with me. She doesn't invite me out anymore." He muttered , upset with himself .
Pierre sighed at that. Shooting him a sympathetic glance , yet the amusement in his eyes wasn't fading at all.
"There is something wrong with you. It's called being in love." He stated matter of factly .
He said it So bluntly that Charles choked on his gulp of wine in shock, coughing loudly as he slammed his fist against his chest. Staring with wide, terrified eyes at his friend just as the woman of the hour stumbled in.
Perfect timing .
Cherrie came strutting over to their table In dark red , six inch heels that showcased her tanned and toned legs . Small leather shorts hugging her hips and ...
No shirt. Charles felt like he was going to pass out as he continued to splutter on the droplets of wine that were now trying to kill him.
Pierre snickering beside him as he looked between the two of them happily , as though he was watching his own personal comedy show.
"You won't believe the day I've had!" Cherrie exclaimed as she through her clutch down onto the table with a huff . Nothing but a small , black lace bra covering her upper body.
Then she took note of Charles choking to death at the end of the table and glanced over at him in concern .
Raising a perfectly arched brow in worry as she strutted over to him and starting patting him on the back in hopes to help him.
Kneeling down slightly so that she could see his reddening face , her large chest now in his eyesight from her lack of shirt .
Dear god. Charles thought in misery as he tore his eyes away from her chest and squeezed his eyes tightly shut. I'm being tortured .
"Are you good?" She laughed as she patted the top of his head as well before getting back to her feet and sliding into the chair opposite him. Eyes still glancing curiously at him as his coughing fit finally came to an end . Although the red on his cheeks wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Unable to look her in the eyes , instead settling to glare back at his giggling friend beside him.
He hummed tensely "yeah. Just- the wine-" he motioned helplessly to his now nearly empty wine glass . Beyond mortified now.
He could see lando and Daniel grinning at him from the other side of the table , Carlos simply shaking his head at him with a smile full of pity .
So , perhaps he wasn't as discreet with his infatuation with her as he had previously thought .
lovely . Fucking lovely .
Cherrie nodded along as though she understood . Grabbing her own glass that had been waiting for her and taking a swig , kissing her teeth afterwords with a slight grimace .
"Mmm. Yeah no wonder you choked. Not the best. Anybody want some vodka?" She said with a grin as she opened up her clutch and pulled out a red flask with her name engraved on it .
Daniel whooped happily as he made grabby hands at the flask. Cherrie chucking it to him with a laugh as the waiters finally began bringing out their food now that she had arrived .
It was Carlos who brought up the elephant in the room. Glancing down at her bra that hardly covered anything with a curious look on his face , titling his head .
"Cherrie?" He called over to her just as the waiters left , getting her attention again .
She just hummed as she looked down at her plate of mushroom and chicken pasta , nodding her head happily to herself as she picked up her fork.
"Yeah?" She shoved a spoonful of heaven into her mouth. Raising a brow at Carlos impatiently as her flask was passed around the table . Everyone brightening up now that food was served with the option of pure vodka too.
He glanced again at her chest and then over to Charles who had his eyes glued down to his plate , seemingly in a staring contest with his own food.
"Where is your shirt? You do know that it is missing right?" He asked her kindly . Wondering if she simply had forgotten to wear one . It wouldn't be the first time .
Cherrie just sighed and glanced down at her chest with a slight pout on her face , frowning a little in annoyance .
"I got my shirt caught caught in the elevator door and it ripped off. I couldn't be bothered going back home . The bra covers what it needs to." She muttered around a mouthful of pasta , utterly starving and not giving a shit about manners then.
Charles swallowed roughly. He didn't think that it covered what it needed to at all.
Taking another quick glance up from his plate to confirm his thoughts , he chewed on the inside of his cheek and quickly averted his eyes again.
Yep. Didn't cover much at all.
Lando grinned over at her "I think you look great Cherrie! You're making a fashion statement . Next new trend hopefully!" He cheekily joked as he reached over the table to high give her .
Cherrie just giggled as she slapped his hand and rolled her eyes at him with a grin.
Pointing her fork at him playfully "oh lando. Dear little lando. You wouldn't last a minute if all the women in the world started to look like me and dress like me . You wouldn't be able to handle it." She teased as she took another swig of the wine to wash down her pasta with.
Lando gasped , offended . "I would too!" He exclaimed.
Daniel laughed loudly "spoken like a real man. You sound like a five year old! I would too!" He mocked him , giggling as he ducked out of the way of the incoming smack.
As the others began to banter between themselves , Cherrie took the chance to tap her heel against Charles ankle .
Making him flinch so hard he smacked his own arm against pierres who gave him a amused shake of his head. Feeling sorry for his friend now. This was utterly pathetic.
Cherrie let out a chuckle as she gave him a curious glance . Wondering why he looked so flustered and red.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little ..." she twisted her lips not wanting to accidentally insult him . "Like your car." She instead settled on making , Pierre snort loudly .
Frowning at him curiously before turning her gaze back to Charles who had , if it was possible , gone an even darker shade of red .
Clearing his throat , he gave her a nervous smile and nodded his head. Clenching his fork in his hand as he twirled his spaghetti around on his plate , finally meeting her eyes and keeping them there.
He wondered then if Axl rose had written that verse just for Cherrie. It seemed fitting .
'She had eyes of the bluest skies as if they thought of rain , I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain.'
Her eyes were just as beautiful as the rest of her. Because of course they were . There wasn't anything ugly about her . She was perfect in his eyes.
Even as she sat there , missing a shirt and taking a swig from a flask of vodka . Eyeliners smudged beneath her eyes and her painted nails all chipped and messy. He still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world .
Fucking hell. He was absolutely screwed. There was no coming back from this was there?
"I'm okay." He quietly confirmed . Trying to gather every ounce of courage he had to just talk to her like a normal human being for change .
“Er-how's your cat? Sirius right?" He asked.
Pierre gave him a look. Letting out a long , pitiful sigh. Horrified at the lack of game his best friend had. He really needed to school him on the art of flirting. Desperately in fact .
Cherrie let her smile fall from her lips, letting out a dramatic sigh as she widened her eyes at him like she was suddenly really sad .
"He died." She said keeping a straight face as she watched Charles’s face go white . His mouth parting in shock while his face displayed nothing but horror , seemingly having lost his voice .
As he just continued to blink at her in disbelief , his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. She couldn't hold it back any longer, feeling bad , she burst out into laughter .
Reaching over to flick at his hand , she shook her head with a teasing grin.
"I'm kidding! I'm just joking char! He's alive and well. Can't you tell from all the cat hair on me?" She giggled as she picked a ginger hair from her bra strap with a smile.
Charles couldn't stop himself from exhaling loudly in relief . "Oh mon dieu! Shit.." he breathed out a shaky chuckle.
Clutching his hand over his anxiously racing heart . Having thought that he had really fucked up, again.
"He's alive?" He repeated just to be sure . Eyes still wide from the shock of her little joke. Sure that she was trying to kill him.
Cherrie just nodded her head as she sucked the pasta sauce from her fork slowly , popping it out of her mouth once she was done with a sly little grin.
Seeing the way Charles eyes were glued to her lips , she ran her tongue against the bottom of her glossed lip just to tease him some more .
"Mmm. He's so fucking fat. I've tried dieting him but nothing is working ." She told him with fondness in her voice as she pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture of her cat. Turning it around to and leaning over the table so Charles could see it clearly .
Charles couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the obese fluffy cat on her screen. It's face so scrunched up it made it look like a moody old man.
"Aww. Fitting name though. He does look really Sirius." He muttered in amusement .
His eyes flickering back up to watch her as she laughed loudly at his joke. Pride filling him at the sight of her beaming smile as she looked at him with bright eyes.
"Finally! Someone gets it!" She exclaimed happily . Almost bouncing on the edge of her seat in excitement .
"The amount of times I've had to explain his name is ridiculous.." she rose a brow at him , biting down on her lip in glee as she watched him giggle at her pun.
Charles felt some of his confidence return to him , like magic. Unable to believe that she was a Harry Potter nerd too. Who would have thought?
"Good one." He grinned shaking his head in amazement . Running a hand through his hair as he watched her suddenly stand up and drag her chair to the end of the table so that she was sat right beside him instead .
Resting her elbow on the table right beside his , she held up her phone between them as she flicked through her photos and stopped at one in particular .
"Oh my god. I knew you'd be a slytherin!" He laughed as he looked at the photo of her in slytherin uniform . Broomstick and all as she posed beside her cat who was also wearing a Hogwarts jumper , looking as unimpressed as ever .
Cherrie clicked her tongue . "Pretty obvious huh? And you're ..." she squinted her eyes at him thoughtfully . Tapping her finger against her lips as he grinned over at her shyly . Feeling a little self conscious from how intently she was looking at him.
"A Hufflepuff." She stated confidently. Nodding her head along with her words as she locked her phone and gave him her full attention instead .
Charles sighed long and hard . "Yeah. I'm not gonna ask how'd you know . I scream Hufflepuff don't i?" He mumbled with a sheepish smile .
Cherrie just laughed and nudged his shoulder with her own.
"You'd look good in yellow . Little badger." She whispered to him , wiggling her eyebrows teasingly . Before reaching over to fill another glance of wine , easily moving on like she hadn't just turned his world upside down .
Instead she got back up and wandered down the table to Daniel and lando who wanted to show her a new card trick they had learned on the way there.
Leaving Charles to exhale shakily and lean back
Against his chair. Pressing his hand against his rapidly beating heart .
A lovesick smile tugging at his lips as he watched her laugh at something the guys had said . Roasting them like no tomorrow as she easily guessed how they had done their trick .
Pierre glanced at his friend with a smirk , taking in his red face and heart shaped eyes as he watched her. Wondering what it would take for Charles to admit that he was in love .
The final time that Charles knew he was in too deep was a random Saturday night when he had finally picked up the phone and let Cherrie persuade him to hang out with her .
After making her promise him that there would be nobody else that he would be forced to socialise with and that she wasn't tricking him just to drag him out to some club she was always at . He finally agreed .
With his heart in his mouth and firmly telling himself over and over again that this was just a casual hangout between budding friends. That he could totally act like a normal guy and not embarrass himself for once . That everything was going to be okay .
He arrived at her apartment with a bottle of bubblegum wine that he had found after hearing Daniel rave about it to him one time . He figured Cherrie would like it. Even if she didn't she would still drink it . It wasn't in her nature to turn down alcohol . So that was one thing he didn't have to worry about .
But as she let him in with her blonde hair sectioned into two pieces and holding up a bottle of bright red hair dye in her hands. He felt his face fall. Oh god.
"Cherrie please don't tell me that you've brought me here to change careers." He pleaded as he placed the bottle of wine and chocolates he had also brought for her down onto her coffee table.
Standing in the middle of her front room with his hands pressed against his hips, staring fearfully at the bottle of hair dye that she was thrusting in his direction with a gleeful smile upon her pretty face . Dressed in just a baggy Ferrari shirt and nothing else . Charles wondered how much more his heart could take.
Giggling like a crazy person as she dashed to her front door and locked it so he couldn't escape . Returning to him to see him looking exasperated, pressing his hands over his face with a groan . Knowing that he had no choice but to go along with whatever crazy shit she wanted to do now.
"What's wrong with being my impromptu hairdresser? Fuck me. Bubblegum?!" She suddenly squealed as she picked up the bottle of wine and held it up to her eyesight . Looking like a kid at Christmas .
Charles grinned as he gently took the bottle from her hands and opened the cap.
"Where's your wine glasses?" He asked her while glancing over to her kitchen curiously . It was a mess. He wasn't surprised . She didn't seem like the neat and tidy type of woman anyways.
Cherrie just scoffed and gave him a judgemental look. Grabbing him by the arm of his sleeve and dragging him down the hallway and into her bathroom where her temporary salon would be.
"What are we? Old? We drink from the bottle like champions Charles!" She tutted at him as she took the bottle from his hands and took a long swig. Pulling it back from her lips after she had swallowed, letting out a impressed hum.
Licking her lips at the sweet taste  "wow that was really nice." She murmured in actual surprise.
"Where'd you get this from? I want more."
Charles took the bottle back from her and took a small sip for himself . "Daniel. He's got a load of it. It's his favourite wine ." He mumbled taking another long sip as he watched her pull out a small stool right in front of the large mirror  and sit herself on it . Once against thrusting the hair dye at him impatiently .
"Cherrie.." he groaned warily as he carefully took the bright red bottle from her hands . Glancing at her long blonde hair worriedly .
"Are you sure? I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to be the one responsible for fucking your hair. You'll hate me if I mess up." He muttered nervously as he stood behind her . Taking another large gulp of wine because there was no way he could do this totally sober .
Cherrie just sighed as she tilted her head back so that she was looking up him upside down , Charles quickly reaching out to place his hand on the back of her neck to stop her from toppling off the stool and onto the floor .
"I could never hate you Charles . You're too cute to hate." She simply told him before straightening herself up again. Giving him another blinding smile that had his stomach feeling like a damn zoo.
"Just think of it as paint . You just need to cover all the blonde and then it's done . It'll look good." She said confidently as he began to gently take out one of the hair ties in her hair . Softly running his fingers through the strands to make sure there was no knots .
He sighed, heart fluttering in his chest at the trust she had in him  "okay. You're right. Pass me the gloves." He mumbled . Quickly pulling them on and glancing nervously at the hair dye in his hands .
Hesitating long enough that Cherrie groaned and rolled her eyes at him playfully .
“Come on babe. It's not that hard I promise! Don't you think I’d look good In red?" She teased him . Wiggling her eyebrow at him once he looked up to catch her gaze in the mirror .
Flushing slightly, he looked back down at the bottle and pulled off the cap. Clearing his throat quietly as he started to squeeze the dye onto her hair , the bright red standing out against her usual white blonde .
"Of course you do. Red suits you best." He muttered honestly. Beginning to work more of it into her hair . Quickly catching on and getting through it all.
Cherrie smiled "see? You're doing so good! I knew you could do it Charles ." She praised him.
Watching with a keen eye as his skin lit up the same colour as her hair . Clearly he liked being praised. She'd keep That in mind for another time.
Taking another swig of the wine . She glanced into the mirror and looked at the matching red Ferrari tracksuit he was wearing . His hair all messed up and face soft and boyish as he concentrated on doing her hair .
Feeling her eyes soften as she took in how relaxed he looked now. He was always so jumpy around her . She could barely speak to him without him looking like he was going to run away. She hasn't actually expected him to agree to come to hers that night anyways . She just thought she'd try her luck .
Pierre told her it was because she made him nervous . That he didn't know how to act around her sometimes .
Cherrie knew that she could be too much sometimes . A little too loud. A little too chaotic . A little too much of everything .
But her dad had always told her that you could never be too much for someone who wanted all of you . So she wasn't going to change herself for anybody.
She just had to wait for the right person at the right time. She was sure of it . Someone would love her someday.
"Reds your colour too ya know.." she whispered to him after a couple of minutes of comfortable silence between them. Something else that was rare for her too.
She had always had a problem with silence . Always felt the need to fill in the gaps by running her mouth and chatting shit all the time.
But with Charles it was different . She didn't feel uneasy with the silence. She felt safe and at ease . She felt like she didn't have to put on a act or play up for him. She could just be herself .
She just liked being around him. He made her difficult mind go quiet. He made her feel calm. She didn't know why.
Charles peered up at her with a soft smile tugging at his mouth . Nervously Biting down on the corner of his lip once he noticed the honesty written all over her pretty face . She meant it.
"Thank you." He let out a shy chuckle . Finally finished with her hair. He carefully made a bun and wrapped a random hair tie around it to keep it in place at the back of her head . Pulling off his red gloves he placed them into the bin in the corner of the room . "All done. How long do we wait?"
She hummed as she took another swig of the nearly empty bottle . Passing it over to him so that he could have what was left .
Slowly getting up from her seat with a yawn, stretching out her back . Raising her arms above her head and till she head a click. Feeling her shirt raise above her hips and no doubt giving him an eyeful of lace . She didn't care .
"Half hour. Shall we open another bottle of wine up?" She asked him already heading to the kitchen anyways .
Charles grinned as he followed her out only to stop by the couch and gasp happily at the sight of the fat cat staring back at him.
"Sirius!" He exclaimed to the fat ginger cat who just meowed at him. Hurrying to kneel down on the floor beside him, he slowly put out his hand in front of him for the car to sniff .
"You're just as fat as your mommy said. So cute .. yes you are .." he said in a baby voice as he gently scratched behind his ears . The cat purring loudly as it closed its eyes in bliss.
"Hey! Don't call him fat! It's a secret!" She giggled as she came back into the room with another bottle of wine opened up.
Charles looked up at her with a grin "you mean he doesn't know that he can't fit through the cat flap?" He carefully stood to his feet before picking the cat up into his arms with a little difficulty.
"Sorry." He said to Sirius before taking his seat on the couch and putting the cat down on his lap. Stroking his fingers through its endless fur .
Cherrie shook her head with a smirk as she collapsed onto the couch beside him. Taking a drink from the bottle before she passed it over to him. Leaning over to grab the chocolates from the table , she flipped the lid and groaned in delight .
"Charles I could marry you. Wine and chocolates? Fuckin perfect." She sighed out happily . Missing the look of adoration he shot her as she shoved the biggest one into her mouth .
Sucking on the chocolate she leant back against the cushions and got comfortable . Turning her head to look at Charles who has done the same .
"Which one do you want?" She asked him nodding towards the chocolates .
He didn't look away from her smile . Still stroking Sirius in his lap.
“I want Cherry." He simply answered .
Cherrie paused for a second before giggling . Picking
Up the cherry flavoured chocolate and bringing it to his lips .
Shaking her head and feeling a little flustered as Charles leant forward and took the chocolate from between her fingers with his teeth.
"That could have went both ways. Cheeky Charles." She teased him as she flicked the end of his nose before turning on the tv and putting on Harry Potter on.
"Fuck yeah." He mumbled once he saw what she had put on . "The first movie is the best one." He said.
Cherrie thought then that she might be in love.
"It is. God. It's just perfect . The vibes are immaculate In this one . You know I used to have this huge crush on snape when I was growing up." She told him as she took another long swig from the bottle of wine . Her belly feeling warm and fuzzy as she blinked her eyes over at him with another giggle.
Vodka made her crazy. Wine made her giggly and tequila would get her pregnant . So strange.
Charles looked at her in disbelief , pulling a face at her as he reached for another chocolate from the box in her lap.
"Really? Why?" He laughed , eyeing her judgementally .
Cherrie simply shrugged . "Dunno. Think I liked the whole bad guy thing. I also had a thing for Draco
And Tom riddle too. So..." she trailed off grinning.
Charles looked at her like she was insane . "I don't get it . If there bad people or if they do bad things why does that make you want them? Why do you go for the Badboys?" He asked her curiously . Also hinting towards her real love life too.
She had a terrible track record of dating assholes. Or guys that looked like they could kill you in one go.
If that's what she wanted , then he stood absolutely no chance . He wasn't a bad boy. He hated staying up past midnight . He hated being stuck in crowds . He had cried when he accidentally stood on a ladybird .
He had also cried when a bird had smacked against his car window and died.  Would she like that? Could he somehow spin his emotional sensitivity to be attractive? He didn't know how but he was willing to do anything to try.
Cherrie hummed as she thought about it. Her eyes scanning his face as she took in the soft freckles and pink tint of his lips. He looked so soft and cozy , she just wanted to melt into him.
"The thrill maybe? I'm not sure . I've never dated that type for more than a few weeks though .. so I don't think I'll date the bad boys ever again." She murmured to him before taking another swig of wine.
Her words were like music to his eyes . Hope filling him quickly . No more Bad boys to compete against . Amazing.
"I want true love. Ya know , the I can't live without you true love . I want want my mom and dad have." She told him as she stumbled up to her feet . Charles reaching out to press his hand against her back and arm as she swayed. The alcohol rushing to her head .
"It's time?" He asked while glancing at the clock to see that half an hour had passed . Gently ushering her into the bathroom , he pressed the button and carefully pulled off the shower head .
Cherrie giggled as she knelt down in front of him. Gazing up at him with rosy cheeks and glassy eyes.
Charles wasn't doing much better either as he laughed as he looked down at her. Putting his hand under the water to feel the temperature , flicking specks of water at her face once he was done.
Hiccuping she gripped his knees as she let him turn her around so that her back was facing the tub.
"Ya know I've been in this position many times before but never like this.." she smirked up at him. Giggling as she wiggled her eyebrows at him. Gently pinching his thigh just because she could.
Charles was confused for a moment , wondering what she was talking about , before finally glancing down at her on her knees in front of him and understanding .
Flushing red , he rolled his eyes with a drunken grin. The two bottles of wine really helping his confidence as he gently pushed her head back to hang over the tub.
"Well you need something new to spice up your life. I won't leave bruises , I'll only leave red hair." He slurred a little , blinking heavily to focus his eyes as he began to rinse out the dye from her hair .
Putting his own knees on either side of her hips as he leant over her , Cherrie watching from underneath heavy lids .
Scrubbing at her scalp to get the red out , he grinned down at her . Leaning down to bump the tip of his nose against her own just to hear her laugh again.
"What if I want bruises and red hair?" She cheekily asked him. Laughing loudly as he splashed her in her face again.
Tutting In fake disapproval , pursing his lips to try and contain his own sly grin. He shook his head .
"I could let you fall into this tub. That'd leave some
Bruises." He joked as he ran his fingers through her hair again. Making sure it was all out.
She pouted up at him . Feeling him grab her elbows to pull her back up to her original height. Closing her eyes for a moment as her head spun , she grimaced.
Charles watching her in concern as he gently ran his hand over the back of her head. Reaching over to grab a soft towel , he carefully wrapped it around her wet hair .
"You okay? Head rush?" He asked her quietly. Softly rubbing at her shoulder till she opened her eyes again.
Humming tiredly , she nodded her head . Rubbing the towel against her head .
She smiled. "You're so pretty." Was all she mumbled better staggering back Up to her feet and stumbling her way into her bedroom.
Leaving Charles to blush and run his hands over his face , giving himself a moment to gather himself before following her into her room.
Seeing Cherrie sat at the end of the bed as she hummed a song to herself , he looked over to her dressing table and picked up a de-tangle brush before walking over to the bed .
Crawling behind her so that he was leaning against the headboard before he spoke up, gently nudging her back with his foot to get her attention.
"Cherrie. Come here ." He softly said as she finally let the towel drop from her hair . Making his eyes widen in amazement .
"Wow it's so bright! Just like out cars. It looks amazing." He gushed In awe at the sight of her now bright red hair. 
Cherrie grinned happily as she crawled over to him and slotted herself between his open legs so  that her back was to his chest. Feeling him carefully section her hair before began he began to brush through it.
It was quite between them for a few minutes as Charles continued to brush out her hair till it was silky smooth .
Then he set the brush aside and simply wrapped his arm loosely around her neck and chest, sliding further down the bed so she was able to cuddle into his chest.
Turning on her front so that she could rest her chin on his chest , she slid one arm around his waist and hooked her leg up over his hip to get comfortable.
Yawning tiredly , feeling so safe and warm with him
As he carefully pulled up the cover so that it was over the both of them.
"How do you like your eggs Charles?" She asked him quietly after a few moments of them just looking at each other smiling .
He leant his head back against the pillow with a sigh of contentment . Unable to believe his luck.
Heart hammering in his chest so fast that he knew she must have heard it. Yet he was too drunk to care.
Gently running his fingers up and down her spine  as he gazed down at her in awe. Taking in the soft slope of her nose and way her lashes naturally curled up towards her sharp eyebrows.
Before his eyes were finally drawn down to her softy and pouty lips that were tinted from the wine.
Swallowing quietly , he exhaled a little too shakily.
"Scrambled ." He finally answered . Low trembling.
"How do you like Your coffee?" He asked her just as quietly . Planning on running To the local cafe in the morning.
He felt her lips curve up against his chest. A soft giggle escaping her as she reached up to cup the back
of his neck in the palm of her hand. Squeezing gently.
"Sweet. Really sweet." She murmured softly before before titling her chin up and closing her eyes .
Charles just smiled as he tilted his head down to meet her halfway , pressing his lips against her softly . Tasting the sweetness from the wine and the chocolates they had consumed .
Humming against her mouth as he gently cupped the back of her head in his hand , scratching his nails against her scalp in a soothing motion that had her moaning against his lips .
Flicking her tongue up to taste the roof of his mouth , she titled her head to deepen the kiss before nibbling teasingly at his bottom lip. Pulling it back before finally pulling away enough so that they could breathe.
"I want pancakes for breakfast. With fresh fruit and syrup." She whispered to him as she softly traced the shape of his lips with her fingertip . Feeling him exhale shakily beneath her .
"An I prefer hot chocolate to coffee." She added as an after thought . Giggling.
Charles breathed out a giddy laugh . His heart so full it felt like it could explode . He could only hold her closer and tuck his face down into her neck. Kissing under her ear and against her jaw over and over again.
He was going to kiss her in every place on her soft skin that he had dreamed about .
He was going to caress her in ways that he had fantasied about since the moment he had met her .
Feeling his emotions bubble up , he swallowed down the lump in his throat as he kissed her again . Just because he finally could now.
"I'm in love with you." He finally admitted to what he had been denying for so long .
Pierre was right . He was a man in love.
Cherrie didn't seem too surprised . Only pleased as she kissed the corners of his mouth before kissing her way down to his chest , then pressing a kiss over his pounding heart .
"I know. You're not very subtle ." She breathed out a laugh of adoration before gently tapping his chest three times . "Luckily for you neither am I."
His smile lit up his face as he gazed up at her like she was his own personal heaven. "Yeah?"
She giggled at the look of disbelief on his face . As though he couldn't believe what she was saying. As though it was impossible for it to be true .
I love you
I’ll love you forever If you let me.
I want you . I want every part of you . The good , the bad. The promises. The dreams. The hopes.
He wanted to be her best friend .
She could never be too much for him, not when he wanted every piece of her.
He wanted her mornings , he wanted her evenings, he wanted her midnights .
He just wanted her. Bathed in the afterglow of their love.
"Yeah." She nodded her head softly in confirmation .
"Cause I'm in love with you too. I had to be. I've never waited this long for anyone in my entire life!" She joked , although it was true .
Patience really was a virtue she supposed .
Sometimes you’ll spend a lot of time chasing the wrong person when your light was their all along. Just waiting to guide you home.
Charles flushed with love before laughing loudly In total happiness . Pulling her back down to his chest and holding her close . Never planning on letting her go again.
Because she loved him. Him. Just him. All this time he had wasted being so afraid .
He would never let fear control him again. He was going to give her the world. He had plenty of lost time to make up for after all.
"I'm gonna get you the best damn pancakes and hot chocolate I can find." He promised her then. Making her giggle again.
"I'll hold you to it. I'll scramble those eggs too. And maybe in the morning you can give me the bruises too …now that you've given me the red hair." She teased him.
Charles just sighed blissfully , kissing her again. And again and again .
"Oh mon dieu. Je t'aime. pour toujours.."
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sacredsorceress · 4 years ago
Lollipop || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x rogers!reader
summary: your brother and his best friend find themselves in a fight after a few boys don’t know when to shut their mouth.
a/n: reblogs and replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 1.9k
warnings: fighting, mentions of blood, someone makes a suggestive comment about reader
masterlist || request || taglist
“What do you think you’re doin’, punk?” He asked, plucking the lollipop from your hand. “I thought Steve told you to stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
Kneeling beside you behind the dumpster, Bucky pulled the wrapping off of the top of the lollipop, slipping it into his mouth. Swatting your brother’s best friend, you scolded him in a hushed voice.
“Hey! Big mouth!” You whispered. “Can you stop talkin’ so loud? Someone’s gonna find us if you don’t shut up. Thanks for stealing my lollipop by the way.”
“Yeah?” Bucky said, raising his eyebrows, pulling the candy out of his mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’. “Consider it payment for keepin’ my mouth shut. The hell you doing back here anyway?”
You were asking yourself the same question.
You and your brother Steve always walked home together at the end of the school day when he met you at your locker after the final bell rung. However earlier that day, your brother had come up to you, his eyes unable to meet yours, telling you to wait for him out front after school was over for the day because he ‘had something he had to do’ afterwards. Not even giving you a chance to ask him why, your brother had stormed off to his next class.
Not one to mind your own business when it came to Steve, as soon as the dismissal bell rung, you disobeyed his orders, making your way to the back of the school, hiding behind the dumpster you and Bucky were situated at now.
“You mean he didn’t tell you?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
“What?” He asked. “I haven’t seen him since lunch. Why? What’d he say?”
Shaking your head, you glanced at the door of the building as it opened. “Nothing. He was acting really weird-”
Cutting yourself short, you stopped speaking as you saw two boys you recognized, coming out the back door of the school, laughing with one another. Shutting yourself up, you tugged on the sleeve of Bucky’s t-shirt when you saw none other than your brother Steve emerge from the door seconds later.
“Hey!” Steve called to the two boys.
“What the hell is he doing?” Bucky whispered to you.
Pulling his shirt tighter, your eyes growing wide, you both continued to watch the scene unfold in front of you.
“Listen, Rogers, if you know what’s good for you you’ll go back inside.” The boy you recognized as Matthew said, turning around.
“Take back what you said.” Your brother said, his hands balling into fists at his side. When he received no answer from either of the boys, he raised his voice. “I said take back what you said in the bathroom!”
The two boys glancing at each other, one of them raised his voice.
“Yeah? Or what?”
Rather than replying, you watched as your brother raised his fists to his eye line, but before anything could come from it, one of the boys strode over to Steve, swinging a punch to his face before he could even block it, the other kicking him to the ground.
“Shit!” Bucky swore, shrugging your hand off of his shirt and rising to his feet. “Stay here.”
“But Buck-” You began.
Taking the lollipop out of his mouth, he shoved it into your hands, pointing his finger at you. “I said- stay here.”
You watched with wide eyes as your brother’s best friend, made his way around the dumpster, over to the fight happening before your eyes.
“Hey!” Bucky called, the boys’ heads turning at the sound of his voice. “Pick on someone your own size.”
Grabbing the collar of one of the boy’s shirts, Bucky shoved him against the wall, throwing a punch to his face.
“What the hell did these guys do to piss you off so bad, Steve?” Bucky asked, holding Matthew against the wall.
Answering for him, the boy smiled, showing off his bloody teeth. “All I said was that it’s a good thing y’all are so poor. If the Rogers could buy better clothes we wouldn’t get to see Y/n’s panties through her skirt every time she-“
“Keep her name outta your God damn mouth!” Steve shouted before he took another blow to his face.
Beginning to feel his blood boil at the sight of the boy in front of him, Bucky’s jaw clenched as he grabbed Matthew by the collar with both hands and threw him onto the ground.
“C’mon Barnes,” The boy laughed. “You’ve seen her. You’re tellin’ me you spend all your time with that charity case friend of yours without wanting anythin-”
Practically seeing red, Bucky climbed on top of him, and began throwing a series of punches against the boy’s face. 
Although you were Steve’s sister, Bucky had known you well enough that he wasn’t going to back away from a fight where your name was being dragged through the mud. He had known you practically his whole life- you and Steve were a packaged deal, having been adopted by the Rogers as an infant and raised as Steve’s sister. Although he teased the hell out of you, he had always had a soft spot for his best friend’s sister and he wasn’t about to let some asshole talk that way about you without getting his face beat in.
Despite Bucky’s orders, you couldn’t sit by and watch your brother get beat up by the boy on top of him while Bucky took out the other. Slipping the lollipop that was in your hands into your own mouth, you grabbed the piece of plywood that was laying against the dumpster beside you and stood up. Making your way around the dumpster over to where the fight was going on, you came up behind the unnamed boy that was on top of your brother. Lifting the piece of wood in your hands, you swung it across the back of the his head.
A loud yelp erupting from the boy’s mouth as he fell to the ground, off of Steve grabbed Bucky’s attention.
“What the-” Bucky exclaimed looking up to see you standing above your brother and the other boy. “I thought I told you to stay-”
Before he could finish his sentence however, distracted by you, the boy below him took advantage of the situation to swing a punch right into Bucky’s eye.
“Shit!” He shouted in pain, but before Matthew could throw another one, Bucky threw one last punch across his nose, the boy immediately screaming in pain.
“My nose!” He shouted, hands shooting to his bloodied face. “I think you broke my fucking nose!”
“Yeah?” Bucky asked, pulling on the boy’s collar and bringing his face inches from his. “If you even think about the Rogers girl again, I’ll kick your fucking teeth in, alright?”
Nodding wildly, he scrambled to his feet, running back towards the door of the building, the boy you had hit with the piece of plywood, holding the back of his head close behind him. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, you dropped the piece of wood at your side, closing your eyes until you felt the lollipop slip out of your mouth.
“Wha-” You began, opening your eyes.
When they did, your eyes landed on a bruised up Bucky slipping the lollipop into his own mouth once again.
“You owe me another one.” You said.
“Yeah right.” Bucky scoffed, pointing at the black eye that was forming on his face. “This shiner’s worth two of these stupid things and I got it because you, missy, don’t know when to stay put.”
Shaking your head, you turned to look at your brother and his bloodied face, resting your hand on his shoulder before turning back to Bucky.
“Steve needed help!” You exclaimed, attempting to defend yourself.
Shrugging your hand off, Steve shook his head. “I didn’t need your help, Y/n.” He said. “I could’ve handled those guys.”
You knew Steve wasn’t one to ask for help- he hated it actually. With his stature and health people were always either giving him help he didn’t ask for out of pity or actively working to make his life even more miserable. You understood that because of all of this he didn’t ask or want your help, but you didn’t help him because you didn’t believe in him, but- for the same reason as Bucky- because you cared. 
Knowing better than to make the situation worse, you sighed in defeat, nodding.
“You’re right.” You said to your older brother. “I’m sorry.”
Watching the scene in front of him, Bucky laid his hands on both of your shoulders.
“Listen, those guys were assholes.” He said glancing at each of you. “They deserved to get their ass kicked by three people. I don’t think we’ll have to worry about them again for a while now.”
As Bucky and you sat waiting for your brother on a bench in front of your shared high school for him to grab his wallet, you looked up at Bucky. Although you had to squint your eyes from the sun shining above the buildings, you gazed at your brother’s best friend’s face- the way the lollipop stick hung outside his mouth, the scruff that was already covering his jawline and even the bruise that had begun to form around his eye.
Shaking your head to clear your mind, you cleared your throat.
“Buck?” You asked.
“Yeah?” He replied, staring ahead, hand still on the stick of the lollipop in his mouth.
“What...” You began, fiddling with your fingers. “What was that fight all about anyway?”
Furrowing his eyebrows, and slipping the lollipop out his mouth he turned to you.
“You didn’t hear any of that?”
Staring straight ahead, placing the candy back on his tongue he thought about the fight that had just unfolded and the sick things the kid who’s face he beat in said to cause it. He knew nothing good would come from you knowing and he knew even more that no matter how much he tried he wouldn’t even be able to say the words to your face.
“Same old stuff.” He shrugged, not meeting your eyes. “Ya know, about Steve’s height and shit.”
Shaking your head, you scoffed.
“What assholes.”
Before anymore could be said, the sound of the front door of the school swinging open drew you and Bucky’s attention, Steve emerging from inside the building.
“Anyone steal anything?” Bucky asked, pushing himself off of the bench.
Chuckling, Steve opened his wallet to reveal... nothing.
“Not if there’s nothing to steal.” Your brother laughed.
Making your short trip back to your respective apartments, you followed behind with Bucky and Steve, laughing along with their jokes along the way despite their bruised and battered faces and the events that had transpired not even a half an hour before.
When Bucky made it back to his building, the stick of the lollipop still in his mouth, he waved back to the two of you. Watching as you and your brother made your way back home until you both had left his line of sight, Bucky couldn’t help but think about how one day the Rogers siblings would stop getting themselves into fights, but until that day came he swore he would do whatever it took to protect his best friend and his ‘punk’ little sister who- despite his best efforts- he had always saved a special place in his heart for.
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personasintro · 4 years ago
drunk over sober | ksj drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; getting through the evening in his presence calls for help and that's why you decide to reach for one thing that could possibly get you through it, or maybe it helps you in a whole another way
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst (?), fluff, enemies to lovers au
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: explicit language
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 4.5k+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned by @xxxjkxux​, hope you like this! x
drunk over sober | sober now
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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What did you do in your past life to deserve this? To deserve such an overly confident, snarky, cocky bastard to be in your life. Why couldn't your friends find a nice human being that is polite, friendly and modest? Not… him.
And the fact everyone is so okay with him acting like he owns everything just makes your blood boil even more. Why the hell did you even agree to come here in the first place? Oh yeah, because one of your friends Jimin, assured you he won't be here. But rather than be mad at Jimin for lying to you because well, your worst enemy – the epitome of evil is right here, you're actually more mad at his presence.
Or maybe because he's enjoying this night to the fullest, even has the decency to lift up his glass of wine at you as he cockily quirks up one of his brows and sends a smirk your way. You gape at him like a fish, features twisting to a deep scowl and a glare. But he looks even more amused at your obvious anger, living for it.
“Y'know, this glaring at him won't do anything.”
The melodic voice resounds next to you, your eyes moving from the devil himself to your friend who's looking at Seokjin amusingly before he looks at you with the same amused eyes. That's great! Even he's enjoying this. Are you the only one being miserable? Maybe you should leave this bar, leave the group of your friends to maybe open a bottle of wine for yourself.
“Don't talk to me,” you grit, trying to appear intimidating but it only makes Jimin chuckle which makes your brow twitch in irritation. “You lied to me. You told me he won't be here tonight.”
“I didn't lie,” Jimin clarifies, “He wasn't supposed to come but decided to tag along at the last minute.”
“Of course, he did,” you roll your eyes. “He likes to make my life miserable.”
Now it's Jimin's turn to roll his eyes, finding the hatred between you two pathetic and childish. You don't even know how it started. Seokjin always made you irritated from the moment you met him. You don't like overly confident men, thinking they can do anything and act however they like. Then he started to make fun of you, throwing snarky remarks your way ever since he noticed the way you clearly wasn't very fond of his presence. And it quickly turns into bickering whenever the two of you are in the same room.
He has already managed to comment on your outfit the second he saw you.
“This is not your grandma's funeral, Y/N.”
How dare he bring your poor grandma into this? You know he did that just to annoy you, that doesn't make it okay.
To be fair, you did tell him something back. “Oh really? Says the man who's wearing his dad's clothes.”
It's certain you made your friends laugh, both of you did. They always have fun whenever it comes down to your bickering. Seokjin didn't even look offended by your comment, just smirked your way as he gulped down more wine. That pisses you even more. He barely shows annoyance or any negative reaction. He always remains calm, amused and cocky. It pisses you off.
And of course, he doesn't look as if he's wearing his dad's clothes. He looks far from it. He might be close to his thirties, but he looks amazing. But surely, he knows that. Everyone knows that – even you. But you'd rather have your arm cut off than to admit it out loud.
“You both are freaking stubborn. Whatever the two of you have going on, you need to sort it out.”
“Sort it out,” you scoff, “As if that's possible.”
“It is,” Jimin says, a grin making its way to his lips. “I feel a certain tension here.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you while you frown, glaring at him for a moment before you let his words sink in and you realize what he's hinting at.
“Oh, fuck no!” you exclaim, wanting nothing else than to punch him for even mentioning that but you know you'd feel awful later. “Y'know what? I won't let him get to me. I'm gonna have fun.” you say lightly, your tone awfully fake but you go along with it as you gulp the rest of your wine.
“Now, I'm gonna get some more.” you inform him, Jimin's mouth is opening.
“That's not what I--”
But you're already gone, making your way towards the bar to order more wine but not before you brush past Seokjin giving him the nastiest glare. However, it only makes him chuckle, turning around for a moment to look at you amusingly as he's met with your back and swaying ass.
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You usually make good decisions.
You always think through things because usually, you're a responsible person.
Usually – that's the key word because you're certainly not proving yourself to make good decisions. As much as you'd like to blame it on Suckjin (yes, because he really sucks), it's your own fault for deciding that drinking might be the best idea for how to get through the night. Part of you wanted to leave as soon as you saw his dumb and handsome face but you haven't seen your friends for two weeks and you wouldn't give him that satisfaction to show him how much his presence affects you. Or more like it annoys you.
Who are you kidding. He certainly affects you more than you'd like to admit, if he didn't – you wouldn't keep ordering wine (and probably going bankrupt because you'd save a lot of money by buying a whole bottle of wine, rather than buying one glass every ten to fifteen minutes). However, you're in a bar and it's quite obvious you pay more than you'd if you just bottle an alcohol from a convenience store.
Also, if he wouldn't affect you that much you'd listen to your friends' worries and advice to slow down. You did the right opposite. You feel like you started ordering even more frequently.
But most importantly, if he wasn't affecting you, you certainly wouldn't throw up into the toilet of the ladies restroom.
And the fact you embarrassed yourself in front of (not just your friends) but also everyone in a bar while running to the ladies with a hand over your mouth, to keep the vomit inside until you're free to let it out.
Oh, fuck so fucking embarrassing.
Your knees ache as you hug the toilet, not caring about possible bacterias laying on the toilet seat. If you were sober, you'd actually be so disgusting.
When one of your female friends comes to check on you, you rasp out that you're okay and will be out in a few minutes. You weren't.
You've been here for god knows how long but considering how many women already went to use the restroom, you must've been here for quite some time. Luckily, you stayed quiet and didn't throw up while anyone else was here.
Your stomach is uncomfortably clenched reminding you that you're about to have a wild awakening in the morning full of regret, you know you emptied everything in your stomach. You've a weird sour taste in your mouth, causing you to groan disgustedly at yourself. Once you flush the toilet for like the fifth time by now, you get the courage to walk out and check your appearance in the mirror.
You look awful. You also feel like it.
You rinse your mouth a few times, feeling lucky that no one has decided to come here to see your head in a sink while spitting out the water to get rid of that awful taste of vomits in your mouth. Your make-up is slightly smudged but it's actually not that awful once you wipe your undereyes and the smudged mascara there.
Once you're ready, knowing you've to walk out of those doors to face the others (and by that, you don't just mean your friends but also everyone that witnessed you clearly ready to throw up), you brace yourself and open the door.
You're startled to be met with Seokjin leaning against the wall, standing there just on the opposite side of you as your eyes meet right away. He sighs, awfully similar to sighing in relief, as he takes your appearance and eyes you up and down.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, straightening himself.
“Like shit,” you answer honestly, grabbing the side of your throbbing head. “I think I'm still drunk.” you tell him, stumbling when a woman makes her way towards the restroom and you've to move to let her in since you've been standing right in front of the door.
Seokjin stretches his arms towards you, getting a faint hold of your wrists. HIs brows are furrowed while he stares at you.
“Come on, let's get you home.” he says, taking a few steps closer to you as you glare at him.
“You?” Is the only thing you let out of your mouth, ready to resist but Seokjin holds you close since you seem to have barely any balance.
You might've thrown up everything in your stomach, but your head throbs and you're still very much drunk.
“Yes,” he answers simply, “Everyone else went home. I told them I'd get you home safely.”
You scoff, not believing your friends. So, they just left you here? With him? They know you don't like him! The hell, you hate him! They know all of it and yet, they left you here with him.
Little do you know, Seokjin promised to take care of you. He was met with a few skeptical stares from your friends but Jimin assured them it's okay. The smirk Jimin gave Seokjin just as he was walking out of the bar didn't go unnoticed by him.
And here he is. Has been waiting for half an hour for you. He did get worried, wondering if you hadn't passed out on the floor or something and had this urge to just walk into the ladies restroom, knowing that might've got him kicked out of this bar.
Luckily, you walked out of there before he really decided to do it.
As much as you hate Seokjin, and doing a stupid decision, you know the smartest option for you is to just go with him. It's dangerous to go alone and even though you want to prove to him you don't need him or his help, you kind of do and it definitely helps to get you home safely, just like he promised to you and his friends.
So you huff under your breath, brushing past him but saying nothing in return but you know he's right behind you, feeling his presence following you out of a bar.
“Oh shit, I haven't paid for my drinks.” you exclaim once you make it outside.
Thank god, no one stared at you while walking out of a bar. You already feel embarrassed as it is.
“I took care of it,” Seokjin tells you, phone attached to his ear as he ignores your suspicious eyes and calls a cab for the two of you.
You groan, feeling your legs getting weak so you sit on a curb, hugging your arms as you feel a chilly breeze on your exposed arms.
After he makes the call, hanging up with a polite “Thank you, we'll be waiting”, he's joining you and sitting beside you as you eye him suspiciously again.
He probably feels your eyes on him, but he stares ahead watching cars passing by.
“Why would you pay for me?” you ask, voice drowsy as you keep your tired eyes on him.
He turns his head to you, staring at you for a moment as he lets out a chuckle. “I expect you to pay me back. I'm no charity.” he scoffs causing you to scoff back.
“Don't worry,” you murmur, feeling angry for some reason even though of course, you'd pay him back. You wouldn't let him pay for such an expensive wine, or even if it was a cheap one, just so he could use it one day against you. You don't need his money.
But deep down, you're glad he took care of it so you could just walk out of the bar and not spend any longer in it than necessarily. What you're angry about is the way he reacted. And here you thought he's being weird by the whole taking care of you thing. He's still the same idiot.
Your thoughts are cut off by him taking off his suit and throwing it over your small figure. You instantly feel the heat from it, knowing it's his body that made it warm. You open your mouth, staring at him surprisingly as he chuckles at your reaction.
“Well, don't look at me so surprised.”
“I am surprised,” you point out, “Thanks though.”
“What? I didn't hear you?”
You look at him again, opening your mouth but once you see the corner of his mouth twitching, you know he heard you and is just making you say it again.
“Your mistake.” you huff.
You don't know for how long you sit there waiting for the cab, but you feel yourself getting more and more tired, looking for a place to lean your head against which happens to be Seokjin's shoulder. You're too out of it to check out his reaction or realize what you just did.
His shoulder feels nice. The one you kept making fun of him, actually you made fun of both of his shoulders. Suddenly, you start feeling guilty for it and you blame you being drunk for it because you're already opening your mouth.
“I'm sorry for making fun of your shoulders,” you mutter, yawning sleepily. “They feel nice.”
Seokjin laughs, actually it's something between a laugh and a chuckle but he finds your confession and apology funny nevertheless.
“I know you secretly love them.” he teases you, causing you to groan in response. Oh god, you're so out of it.
“I hate you secretly.” you inform him, causing him to snicker.
“It's not that big of a secret.” he points out, making you chuckle for some reason. He's right. It's quite obvious.
“You hate me too, don't make me feel guilty.”
“I don't hate you,” he tells you, sounding serious for a second before he chuckles. “You just can't take some teasing.”
You lift your head up quickly, groaning when you feel it spin as your vision gets blurry. You glare at Seokjin, seeing double – two Seokjins – but you glare at him nevertheless.
“Teasing?” you exclaim, “That's not teasing! That's pissing me off and you know it.” you snap but lay your head back when it starts to hurt even more. He lets you, scoffing a little.
And he stays quiet, letting the distant sounds of cars and people chatting that walk past you be the only sound between you two. You're on a verge of actually falling asleep, closing your eyes for the first time since fighting the urge to close them since you laid your head on Seokjin's shoulder.
But yet again, Seokjin manages to open his mouth again and for some reason, you're not as annoyed as you'd normally be.
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
It's so random, you don't get why he's asking you this but you're also very drunk to put too much thought into it.
You let his question linger in the air and in your mind, pursing your lips slightly in a silent thought before you come up with a quite sober answer. “I think everyone is in your life for a reason.”
“Oh, so I'm in your life for a reason.” he teases you and if you looked up at him, you'd see him wiggling his brows.
“Yeah, to piss me off apparently.” you tell him, getting to hear a breathy laugh from him.
“You piss me off too,” he says, sounding both amusing and accusing at the same time. Maybe even offended too. “But I like you.” he admits.
It's like a slap to your face and thanks to your drunkenness, it takes a while to fully understand his words but once you do, you whip your head in his direction while looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
“You what?”
“Come on, isn't it obvious?” he laughs almost bitterly, but keeps his tone light and even when he looks at you with his dark brown eyes, you see nothing but softness in them.
Okay, you're really drunk.
“Do you think I'd take care of you, borrowed you my suit to keep you warm and waited in front of the restroom for half an hour just because I hate you?”
You're speechless, not fully realizing that Kim Seokjin, the Kim Seokjin that makes fun of you whenever you're around, just confessed that he doesn't hate you. And admitted verbally and loudly what he's done for you so far. Even though you didn't ask for it, you know deep down you appreciate it.
“I don't understand…” you mumble, “What about all the teasing and annoying me?”
“It's just teasing, it's not my fault you can't take a joke.” he snorts, causing you to send him a glare. It's just a small confirmation that yes, he still acts like a dick but the difference is, that you're not overly mad over it and don't want to slap his handsome face.
“You and I have a different concept of a joke,” you scoff, “I don't like those jokes.”
“Alright, no more teasing and jokes,” he says, causing you to raise your brows at him lazily. You don't believe him. “Don't look at me like that, I'm serious. And just a reminder, you haven't been going easy on me too. I'm just lucky I have thick skin and can take a joke.”
You want to have some smartass response, to say something back about how he's making it seem like you're some kind of a prude that can't joke around, because you can. You're quite a fun person to be around. He just doesn't know that side of you because you just straightass go into an attack mode whenever he is around.
And as your drunk mind thinks about it, you do feel an obvious guilt slowly building but you're too drunk to fully tell him what you think. But you try your best, muttering the first thing that comes to your mind.
“I'm sorry to joke about your shoulders,” you almost whisper, pouting. “I like them. They're comfy. At least this left is.”
That's right, you've been leaning on his left shoulder only.
Seokjin snorts at that before he erupts laughing, causing you to cringe at the loud sound close to your ear but you find yourself smiling. He catches the sight of your smile, his laugh slowly dying as he keeps his lips stretched into a similar one.
“I can assure you my right shoulder is just as comfortable,” he remarks, causing you to snort as you nod at him. “I don't know what's up with you and my shoulders. You said far more mean things about my own personality than my appearance.”
You cringe at that, feeling the guilt even more. Perhaps it's the tone in his voice that makes you think that you making fun of his personality rather than appearance somehow affected him too.
“I'm sorry,” you murmur, hiding your face back in his shoulder once he looks at you, chuckling as you not so sneakily hide your shy face. “You said mean things to me too.”
“I'm sorry,” he says back, louder and more confident than when you said it. “I think we both have something to feel guilty about.”
You just nod, muttering something about how long it's taking for the cab to arrive. Seokjin is not sure if you did it to change the topic purposely, or you're just so drunk that you mind drifts elsewhere. Nevertheless, he coaxes you to stand up as he helps you, not minding the way your body practically stumbles into his in the middle of it. He has a tight grip on you, tucking a few restless strands of your hair behind your ear. Yeah, he commented that too. Something about how having your hair in a bun makes you look like you're in a job meeting rather than hanging out with your friends in a bar.
He cringes at that, having the need to apologize for that but you seem distracted by something else and that something else happens to be his lips. You're shameless, maybe you don't realize that you're staring and that he obviously sees you… but you just keep staring.
“I'm sure I made fun of your lips too.” you drunkenly murmur, causing Seokjin to breathe out a chuckle.
“You did.” he confirms your suspicion, causing you to sigh.
“I like them.” you tell him honestly, eyes lazily closing and smile stretching to the same lazy and drunk smile. And you bluntly reach towards them, your point finger tracing the bottom lip.
Seokjin feels the tip of his ears heating up, wondering how it must look like to someone that just walks by. You're in front of a bar with you drunk while tracing his lips as if it's the most normal and common thing ever.
“You know,” Seokjin starts, your finger no longer in front of his mouth. “I think I prefer you drunk over sober.”
That makes you snort, chuckling slightly as you lean towards him and bump your forehead into his chest. Wow, it's hard. You stay like that, trying to ignore the throb in your head.
“I think I prefer you when I'm drunk than when I'm sober.” you admit, causing him to laugh, hands respectfully on your back as you keep swaying slightly.
Suddenly, you've this urge to look at him because god knows if you'll ever have that opportunity. So you do, finding him already looking at you.
“But I wish you were sober now, though.” he admits too, your brows furrowing in a confusion for a moment.
“So I could kiss you.” he bluntly responds, your eyes widening and for a moment, you feel like you sobered up. That's not true, though. You just feel like it.
“You--you want to kiss… me?” you point at yourself, wondering if this is some kind of sick joke of his, so he can laugh about it later.
But he looks honest, staring at you with a deep glance. It makes you swallow dryly.
“Yeah,” he nods, “But you're drunk. And I don't want to take advantage of that.”
You stare at him cutely, your lips pouting without you even realizing and your pupils are big and waiting, causing him to grab your face gently. He traces his thumb over your lips, similar to what you did just a few minutes ago while tracing his own plush lips.
You called him Kylie Jenner look-alike if you remember correctly. God, you were such a bitch.
You like his lips.
“I'm not that drunk,” you stupidly protest, causing Seokjin's brows to raise in shock from your sudden interest in him kissing you. But he quickly shakes himself out of it and chuckles at your eagerness.
“How about a compromise?” he asks, catching your interest as you nod without thinking of it.
It's until he leans towards you, face just a few inches from yours. You can feel the heat coming off his breath, warming your face while your heart seems to be the only thing sober and awake.
His lips are so close, he is so close. You can smell his incredible and expensive cologne making you almost whimper in his direction but before he can take another inch closer to you, you realize something and panic.
“Wait, wait!” you exclaim, catching him off guard as he stares at you surprised while pulling away slightly, giving you some space as your hand is already on your mouth.
Are you about to throw up? Oh fuck, he'd be so embarrassed if you throw up at the idea of him kissing you.
“I threw up!” you inform him which makes him snort because he obviously knows that.
He heard weird noises that undoubtedly came from you while he was waiting for you.
But he doesn't tell you that to not make you embarrassed. He's not that big of a dick, even if you think he maybe is.
“But I rinsed my mouth!” you quickly jump to say, not wanting him to think like you stink or something. You made sure your mouth doesn't smell like vomits. The thought of him kissing you while you threw up just twenty minutes ago makes you want to throw up again. In your defense, you did rinse your mouth a lot and you no longer can smell or taste vomits in your mouth.
He chuckles, eyes scrunched as he inches closer to you and you almost protest (because just in case, you'd die of embarrassment) but you're taken aback when his lips find your forehead instead of your lips. He gives you a soft kiss there, smiling down at you as you gape at him with an open mouth.
This is the compromise he talked about, but you're too drunk to realize that.
“Come on, the cab is here.” he says, taking your hand in his as he leads you to a cab.
Once you both sit there, you give the cab driver your address before you allow yourself to finally relax and feel something soft under your butt rather than a hard pavement. You're not too shy to scoot closer to Seokjin, even though you've been glued to him from the moment you made it into the cab. You let your head rest over his right shoulder this time, commenting that it's comfortable too that makes him laugh.
It's the last thing he hears from you because he soon realizes you fell asleep, cuddling up to him. He's not sure if he'll be able to wake you up once you make it to your apartment building and he has no plans trying to get into your purse, so he sighs and tells the driver to drive you to his apartment instead. It's not far from yours anyway and the cab driver is more than happy to charge him for it.
But he doesn't care about money. If he did, he wouldn't pay that much money over the wine you drank and threw up all of it in the same day.
He wasn't joking when he said he wants you to pay back, but maybe now, he'll live without you paying him back. He can think of it as if it's redemption by burying the hatchet.
And as he glances at your peaceful sleeping figure that still is very much glued to his warm body, he knows it might be just worth it.
He just hopes you won't kill him in the morning once you find out you're at his place. And maybe, just maybe, he hopes a lot that you'll remember everything in the morning.
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isagisyoichi · 4 years ago
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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tarosin · 3 years ago
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo ranboo & others are mentioned - tommy won’t go home
this is part 14 to the great adventures series
an: I tried, days are a social construction on the tarosin blog… also i’m back baby <3
from the moment you were forced awake by tubbo streaming with ranboo, Tommy began sending several messages as in his own words you ‘weren’t answering him quick enough’, probably because you had only just woken up and had no idea what day or time it was.
Tommy: y/n
Tommy: y/n were going out soon I've decided so answer me
Tommy: y/n wake up
y/n: heh? I’m going nowhere I’m tired
Tommy: I’m sending you a ticket make sure you meet me there
it was around now you had the feeling you were going to be stuck with Tommy for a while and you had no idea what to expect. an hour later tubbo stopped streaming so you took this as an opportunity to say your goodbyes to tubbo and ranboo explaining you had no idea what was happening as Tommy refused to explain but you’d probably be back later so they don’t lock you outside like last time
“don’t smirk at me ranboo just because you’re tall doesn’t mean I can’t take you down”
“mhm sure yep”
“y/n you’re going to be late we’ll see you later”
soon enough you were with Tommy who finally decided to inform you of what was happening
“we’re going to go annoy George”
“great idea Tommy let’s go”
the pair of you stood at the door waiting for George to answer, the look on George's face is something you’ll never forget.
“Hello Tommy, is that y/n what are you doing here”
“Nice to see you too… the fuck”
a few minutes later you and Tommy were sat next to George when you found a rubber duck and started making it squeak annoying the others well that was until Tommy took it and started doing the exact same thing you were doing
“I now understand why you looked pissed George”
during the stream, you were sat in between the pair George looked at you and you nodded. a few seconds later George threw the rubber duck hitting Tommy, the pair of you left not long after that event and made your way to the hotel after calling tubbo to explain what was happening.
the next day you and Tommy met up with tubbo ranboo and George at a shopping centre where you were all almost immediately met with several people asking for photos and the chance to talk to you all, you hid behind ranboo until the crowd grew smaller. it didn’t take long for everyone to notice the piano before you had time to process what just happened tubbo ran to the piano dragging you with him accidentally pushing ranboo in the process
the pair of you began playing the piano Tommy joining shortly after. time flew by the five of you spent the rest of your time shopping and just enjoying each other’s company, before you knew it, it was time to get the train. you laughed at tubbo falling asleep on the window however karma quickly caught up as you ended up falling asleep on ranboos shoulder ranboo laughed quietly to himself not wanting to wake up you or tubbo
“I swear its always y/n and tubbo who fall asleep”
“its been a long day y/n couldn’t sleep in the hotel they kept mentioning something about ghosts I don’t know man they must have been watching too many horror films”
“mhm probably”
soon enough you were with the others, minx quickly pulled you into a hug
“Nice tattoo”
“I did it for money it was a sub-goal”
you and tubbo stood with Tommy looking at the ferret
“why’s it so long”
“tubbo does it look like I study zoology I play Minecraft for a living”
the next day you were at the beach, having only had a few hours of sleep the previous night it was safe to say you weren’t in the best mood, you sat next to ranboo occasionally falling in and out of sleep, ranboo kept an arm around you pulling you into his side making sure you were safe and didn’t hit your head on the rocks when you fell asleep. you were woken up by tubbo walking on something which he clearly shouldn’t be. eventually, you all made it back to tubbos house, Tommy and tubbo were in the kitchen while ranboo practised for mcc and you were asleep in the room you had been sharing with ranboo whilst he’s in the Uk.
the next day you all went out on another adventure, at this point you had no idea what was happening but you just went with it. you and Tommy chased a bird telling him about the subscribe button and giving him the name ‘funny boy’
“Why does that bird look just extremely anxious”
“because we’re too cool ranboo”
“maybe we should give him another name than funny boy”
it was at this point you all decided to leave poor Charles alone as it was pretty clear he wanted nothing to do with you.
the three of you made your way to the train station forgetting that the school students would be there, a few minutes later the three of you were swarmed by several students all trying to talk to you all.
“I think we might have got on when the schools are here”
“so thankful you pointed that out boo I thought we were being mobbed by several people cosplaying as school students”
“hi everyone hopefully no one has covid”
you backed away from the crowd moving closer to ranboo
“I bet tubbos really glad he chose not to come”
you tried to avoid the crowd by getting on the train, this failed miserably. people were excited to meet the people they look up to they were all determined to sit with you all on the train taking up the seats around you all, the three of you spent a lot of the train ride talking to them, unlike ranboo and Tommy you ignored the comments aimed at the three of you not wanting to get involved after all it was rather overwhelming so many people talking loudly at once, you ended up moving seats and had a quiet conversation with someone from your community, around half an hour later you were at your destination and said goodbye before joining Tommy and ranboo at wills. the three of you sat on the floor listening to will and the others practice. it’s pretty clear Tommy has a habit of finding things as you turned around to see him with a puppet of a shark pretending to bite you
“Tommy what are you doing”
“bye y/n scream it’s going to get you”
realising you weren’t going to scream he began telling joe, Wilbur and David to scream.
after spending time with the others and having a quick trip to the beach you Tommy and ranboo ended up at the shop recording the three of you on the security camera
“If you take a picture from there 50p”
you looked at ranboo tilting your head in confusion even though he was wearing a mask and sunglasses he was clearly equally as confused, he pulled you into his side noticing you were clearly starting to get anxious, you hated confrontation even though it turned out to be a joke it still shook you up a little bit
“I'm only joking my friend…but I did get them”
“you did we took it serious”
“aye you did”
the three of you walked away Tommy still laughing
“he scared me”
after a long day, you all went back to tubbos, you and ranboo decided to end the night early, the pair of you made your way to the shared room. you both spent a few minutes talking about mcc and how you were both going to win and coming up with new strategies. you must have fallen asleep mid-conversation as you didn’t remember seeing Tommy come into the room last night yet you were woken up by him complaining that ranboo playing mcc woke him up.
after getting ready you sat planning an adventure with tubbo
“So where do you wanna go bo”
“We should do something really cool”
“l hope you know that wasn’t helpful”
“pumpkin patch”
“it’s summer where do you think we’re going to find pumpkins…wait tubbo in October I’m taking you to a pumpkin patch it’ll be great we hardly spend time together as a pair near Halloween”
“I promise this year we’ll spend more time together”
your conversation was interrupted by Tommy and ranboo announcing they were ready to go to the beach again. once there tubbo sat arguing with Tommy and ranboo over them needing a life jacket. meanwhile, you had walked away collecting pretty rocks and sea glass putting them in the velvet blue bag covered in embroidered gold stars that dream had sent you as a thank you for the merch you sent him not long ago, you walked along the beach quietly talking to yourself
“ooh jack would like that and I could turn this into a ring for Niki…techno would like this and this would annoy schlatt it's perfect”
you laughed to yourself as you made your way back to the others thinking about schlatts reaction when he sees his gift. when you made your way back you watched Tommy swim over to tubbo leaving ranboo on his own probably waiting for you to return
“did you get any nice rocks then y/n you were out for a while”
“I did. come sit over there with me I’ll show you”
the pair of you sat next to each other away from the sea, ranboo matched your excitement every time you picked the rock you wanted to show him
“you’ve been collecting more than rocks? what’s that”
“I have !! you wanna see?”
“of course I do”
this was a moment neither of you would forget, the pair of you sat enjoying each others company looking at rocks and sea glass you had found on the beach ignoring the world.
@denkisclown @emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee @orkwardx0 @bearytime @kylobensgirl
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triplexdoublex · 4 years ago
Scotty Doesn’t Know
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: smut, cheating
A/N: based off this old song Scotty Doesn’t know from the movie Euro Trip. Colson has a small lesser known band in this fic. https://youtu.be/7_AKr1BEajA
“Does Scotty know you're here?” Colson asks as you unbuckle his pants
“No! What do you think I am? Stupid?” You question dropping to your knees.
“So, what’s your plan y/n, you just gonna string him along forever. C’mom already I want you to myself.”
You pull him free from the confines of his jeans “Can we talk about this later?”
“Y/N!” Colson scolds at your attempt to avoid the conversation for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full,” you respond coyly before stuffing your mouth with him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me!” He groans, pushing your hair out of your face and wrapping it around his fist. “You’re lucky you’re so fucking good at this!” He grits between his teeth slowly rocking his pelvis as he holds you in place, your cheeks hollowing around him as you suck.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you quickly try to silence it with your free hand before Colson hears but it’s too late; he lets out an annoyed groan and you know he heard it— Knows who it is . You distract him, sucking him harder, faster and cupping his balls — you know he loves it when you play with them. He’s told you on occasion that your head game is so good it could make him forget his own name; you’re just hoping now that it’s good enough to forget your boyfriend just texted in the middle of it, because the last thing you wanna do is talk about it … again.
Long after you’ve swallowed him down, you’re content with yourself thinking just maybe you really did make him forget about the mid-head text from your boyfriend when all of a sudden he springs it on you. “Did you text him back?”
“Who?” You feign innocence.
“Y/N don’t play stupid, you know who!”
“Oh, Scotty?”
“Yes, fuckin-Scotty. Who else?”
“Yeah, I just said ‘sorry I missed your text I was at church.”
“CHURCH!” Colson chokes out a laugh. “Just because you were on your knees on a Sunday morning , doesn’t count as church. Why can’t you just tell him the truth and break up with him already?”
“He’s my best friend's brother. It’s complicated. She made me promise I wouldn’t break his heart.”
“Sooo fuckin’ me behind his back is your solution to that?”
“Until I can figure out a way to let him down easy and not destroy my relationship with my best friend, yeah.”
“Solid plan,” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Be a shame if he found out about us before then.”
“You wouldn’t!” You can’t tell if you're scolding or pleading .
“I might,” he smirks.
“Colson, please!” —Pleading, you’re definitely pleading.
“Oh, relax Y/N, I’m not gonna tell him— maybe just help the poor fuck figure it out on his own.
By noon he’s got you on your knees again— hands and knees to be exact, pushing into you from behind.
“Oh fuck Colson, just like that!”
“Yeah, you like this dick, huh? Better than Scotty’s I bet!” He grips your hips roughly and snaps his hips forward. “Who fucks you better, him or me?” He taunts.
“You!” You answer without hesitation. He knows it’s the truth you’ve often complained about having to fake it with Scotty.
Just then your phone goes off blaring Scotty's ringtone
“Speak of the devil… Answer it!” He demands.
“Colson are you —?”
“I’m not playing — answer it or I’m not gonna let you finish!”
“Fuck— fine.” You reach down off the bed to the floor to retrieve your phone, while Colson keeps a firm grip on your waist, making sure he stays buried in your warm cunt. “Hel-lo” you answer, failing miserably to disguise how out of breath you are.
“Y/N? You alright?” Scotty questions.
“Sorry… umm yeah. I just—” you pause to suppress a moan “— I just ran to grab the phone.”
“Oh ok, I was just calling cuz the guys wanna take me out next weekend for my birthday but I didn’t know if you had anything planned for us already?”
Oh fuck, his birthday— you completely forgot. “Well… yeah, I did” you lie. “But it’s okay, go with your friends we can do something the weekend after.” You already have plans to attend one of Colson’s bands gigs this weekend anyways.
“Thanks, babe. You’re the best!”
Colson’s blood boils at the pet name. “Fuck” he drives his hips into you as hard as he can. Your teeth pierce into your lip as you bite back a moan.
“What was that!?” Scotty asks.
“The TV,” you answer quickly.
“Mmmm, you are so bad, baby,” Colson whispers into your flesh as he kisses between your shoulder blades. “I can tell you’re close, don’t hang up til you cum.”
“Oh whatcha watching?” Scotty inquires.
“Ummm… Horror movie— shit!” You choke out.
Colson brushes your hair of the nape of your neck and nuzzles into the crook.“C’mon baby, cum for me,”
“Must be really scary— you seem on edge.”
If he only knew how close to the edge you actually are right now .
“Yeah it’s really s— oh FUCK holy shit!” You scramble to hang up the phone as your orgasm hits; Colson’s following moments later.
“Uhh, Y/N! Fuck!” His moans are loud and exaggerated.
“I already hung up, dipshit!” You playfully punch him
In the arm after he pulls out.
You pick your phone back up and shoot Scotty a text ‘sorry, jump scare. I accidentally hung up.’
“Five minutes til stage.” A voice announces from behind the backstage curtain. Today’s the day of Colson’s band's big gig, and coincidentally Scotty’s birthday.
“Perfect timing.” Colson smirks as he pulls his pants back up over his ass and you button your top. “Nothing like a little backstage quickie, before a show.” He kisses you then heads to the stage; you take side stage, hanging out near the crew and equipment.
“How we all doing tonight?!” Colson shouts into the mic. The crowd cheers lively in response. “Aight, that’s what I like to hear! I’m gonna start out with a new song about someone special; the sexiest little sex kitten I know!” He looks to you. “Y/N get your sexy little ass up here!”
You blush as you climb the few stairs that lead to the stage taking Colson’s outreached hand and he pulls you up. Your stomach sloshes with nerves and excitement, simultaneously eager to hear Colson’s song about you and concerned about this getting back to Scotty somehow. You try to push Scotty to the back of your mind and just enjoy Colson song about you … until it starts —
“Scotty doesn't know that Y/N and me
Do it in my van every Sunday
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know ”
Oh, Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty”
Your hand flies up to cover your gaping mouth as he continues to sing— each line more divulging than the last. You can’t help but laugh and decide to throw caution to the wind at this point and begin to jump and dance along. Colson sneaks up behind you as he reveals more and more of your secrets into the mic, wrapping a hand around your neck as he snaps his hips forward against your ass.
“I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
Y/N’s got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing”
It’s as Colson sings one of the songs most incriminating lines—“I did her on his birthday” — that you notice a familiar face in the crowd making their way to the front. “Which is today by the way” he ad libs.
“SCOTTY!!” You gasp.
“Oh shit it’s Scotty!” Colson announces and then opts for a lyric change — “Scotty does know , Scotty does know!”
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