#my pookie james potter guys
iamthemoonagedaydream · 14 hours
' James frowns. "Regulus, love isn't... When I talk about love, I don't mean romantic love exclusively, you know that, don't you? Love is—it's not just romance. It's in... everything. Life. The breeze. Sunshine and snow. It's everywhere, in us and around us, even just...blood. Love can be blood, too. Blood spilt. Blood in our veins. Blood flowing in the people around us."
Regulus stares at him, his eyes a little wide, lips parted a bit. Honestly, it makes James feel ridiculously flustered. Regulus looks—well, there he is, a star, and he's starstruck.
James feels his stomach go all topsy-turvy from a sudden migration of butterflies, and he has to violently clear his throat before continuing. "What I mean to say is, no matter what the Hallows think, romantic love isn't some goal everyone should feel the need to meet. Some people don't feel that way, and that doesn't mean there's no love in their life. No one needs romantic love to be fulfilled as a person. Not everyone wants it, and then there are those who aren't ready, and all of it is okay. That doesn't mean there's an absence of love or that you're getting it wrong. You're not, Regulus, I promise."
"I know some people don't want it—romantic love, that is—and you're right to say that's okay, and that it's not required, but I—I do want—I—" Regulus halts, swallowing harshly, and James feels like his heart splinters a little bit. Regulus shakes his head abruptly, coughing. "Anyway, that's not—I'm not even getting the whole...love thing right from any angle, James. I'm—I'm genuinely shit at it."
"Regulus," James says softly.
"I don't know how to make people love me," Regulus croaks, "and I don't know how to love properly in return."
"I think you're being too hard on yourself," James tells him honestly. "Love isn't just something you say; more than anything, it's something you feel. If you feel it, then you're already doing it. And you feel it, Reg, I know you do. If for no one else, then for Sirius." '
So happy rn. I js did the thing where you search on a computer for words with ctrl + f and then searched for love isn't lols
So proud of myself mwahahahahahaaaa
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addsalwayssick · 3 months
Listen, Evan wasn’t a stalker. He really wasn’t. Not until he met a gorgeous man who went by the name Barty Crouch Jr. He had black hair, snakebite piercing, and dark green eyes. His body was lean and beautiful. Evan wanted to know it better.
He saw him and he couldn’t look away. He watched through his windows. He stalked his social media. When he was gone, Evan gave himself entrance to Barty’s house. He hoped Barty wouldn’t notice a few pieces of clothing missing.
Evan had originally met Barty at a club. It was late, nearly 1 in the morning. Everyone was grinding and dancing on each other, Barty and Evan no exception. Evan would like to say that if Barty hadn’t started grinding on him, he wouldn’t have even been drawn to him, but he knows that’s not true. Evan saw Barty from the moment he walked into the club.
Barty had been drunk. Drunk on something stronger than the drinks the club had. Evan had grabbed his waist and pulled him in closer as they moved to the beat of the music playing. It was hot and sweaty, blinding lights flashing on them both. Evan had never seen someone as lovely as Barty.
Evan wanted to take him home, but a man who was also quite pretty, but not as pretty as Barty, came and took him away. Evan followed them. He learned Barty’s name from when the other man said it in a lecture about ‘Don’t dance with random ass men, Barty. You’re going to get killed someday.’
Barty had just smiled crookedly, biting his lip lazily.
So that brings Evan to where he is now. Hiding in a car outside of Barty’s house. He had seen him bring a man that Evan had never seen before into his home, straight to the bedroom. Evan had never felt such burning hot jealousy in his life. He grit his teeth and watched through the bedroom window as they did things Evan could only wish to doing to Barty.
They met for a second time at a grocery store. In one of the off moments where Evan wasn’t stalking Barty, he liked to go shop or clubbing or something stupid like that. He was pushing his cart around the knife section, hoping to find one that would work for his latest dissection he wanted to do.
Barty, surprisingly, was also there. Barty looked at him with a glimmer of recognition. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”
Evan grinned. “Nah. May have seen each other at a club or something. I’m Evan.” Evan told him, scanning the knife section for a small one.
“I’m Barty,” Barty said. Evan knew that. “Could I- could I get your number?” Barty asked, playing with his tongue ring.
Evan froze. Never in his 2 months of stalking Barty had he asked for someone’s number. “Unless you’re not gay or something.” Barty murmured, unbothered. He picked out a knife and placed it in his cart. He looked at Evan expectantly.
Evan raised his eyebrow. “Sure,” He said, handing his phone to Barty for him to place his number in.
“Cool. Thanks,” Barty said, swaggering out of the section, his hips waving gently.
Evan was totally a stalker. When he and Barty weren’t making out or going on dates or bar hopping, Evan would look at him through his windows or lens.
He was sure he had been sneaky about it until one day in the midst of winter. It was cold out, but Evan didn’t mind. He wanted to see Barty. He hadn’t seen him for two days, and didn’t want him to look desperate if he asked again. He shivered as he watched Barty pick up his phone and type on it.
He felt a text come in. Evan looked down at this phone and grinned. ‘Please just come inside. I know you’re watching me. It’s fucking cold out there.’
Evan let himself in through the door with the key he had and put his jacket on the coat rack.
“You can get back to stalking me tomorrow. It’s cold outside and I need warmth.” Barty said, waving him over to the couch.
“How long have you known?” Evan asked as he sat besides Barty on the couch.
Barty covered them both with a blanket and rested his head on Evan’s shoulder, shuffling in tight. “Since the beginning. The club.”
“Ah I see.” Evan nodded. He wanted to feel embarrassed, but he simply couldn’t.
“I hoped you would like the show that James and I put on for you.” Barty said. Evan could hear the smile in his voice.
“James? Who’s that?”
“The man you saw me fuck. I told him all about you, and he agreed to give you a show.” Barty told him.
“How kind of you. Though I didn’t enjoy it very much. Seeing you so exposed though? That I liked.” Evan murmured, his hand running down Barty’s stomach.
“Hoped so.” Barty mostly got out before it turned into a breathe.
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luveline · 1 year
hey pookie bear❤️❤️ i was wondering if u could do james x reader but enemies to lovers/one bed troupe, i can’t find enemies to lovers with james very often and my mind is craving it. thank you ily❤️❤️
hey!! ily tysm for requesting!!! —you and co-worker!james share a hotel room for the night. fem!reader, 1.5k
James Potter is the most insufferable, arrogant, suffocating boy you've ever met in your entire life, so when you hear you'll be sharing a room with him tonight, you shut down. Total icy silence. If he wants conversation, he can ring one of his irritating mates. 
It feels borderline illegal to have your workplace make you share a room considering, but you're adults, and the trip was supposedly all inclusive. Not even the most luxurious per diem could make this worth it, though. 
James lays in the middle of the bed, arms behind his head, skin awash by lamplight and hair a dark halo against the crisp white linens. He grins at you and you despise how handsome he is. Handsome, and such a fucking prick of a man. 
"Won't you join me?" he teases. 
You've kept your vow to ignore him until that point. "Please don't lie on my side of the bed." 
He moves over, looking startlingly apologetic. You'd believe he was repentant, but he asks, "What's the point? You'll be in my arms sooner or later." 
You nibble the inside of your lip. He agitates you, he irks you, but you know James is a good guy. His irritating mates are the same. When you joined the office, he made sure they all remembered to celebrate your birthday though it'd only been a few weeks. When you fell up the icy steps on the way in one morning, James didn't take the piss. He helped you up into the doorway and frowned at your bloody knees and ripped tights like they physically pained him.  
"Do you want to shower first?" you ask. 
"I shower in the mornings. Thank you. But I can strip down now if you'd like." 
"James, please," you say, rubbing your eyes. You'd usually have something much more biting to say, but you're tired. At the last second, you summon the energy. "No one wants to see that." 
He glares at you like he's remembered he doesn't like you. 
He leans over the edge of the bed and pulls a book out of his suitcase where it lays in arm's reach. 
"I didn't know you could read," you add. 
"Points off for awfulness. Put your jammies on, shortcake, I wanna see what you packed." 
He's being a creep to annoy you. It's working. You grab your pyjamas and a change of underwear and leave his presence to the small bathroom for a quick shower. You take your time to dry off. It's too big a wish to have him be sleeping when you emerge, and sure enough, he's wide awake but changed into his own pyjamas, plaid bottoms and a white t-shirt. 
"Now I know you're obsessed with me," he says, raising his eyebrows over the pages of his book. 
You cross your arms self consciously over your near identical pyjamas, the bathroom door closing behind you. 
James waits for you to put your dirty clothes in your suitcase before piping up again. "You look adorable." 
"Fuck off, please." 
He snorts and kicks the sheets down the length of the bed. Stretching with a groan that makes your stomach hurt, he puts his novel tented down on the nightstand. His glasses are next. He looks different without them but no less handsome. If anything, the eagle shape of his nose is more pronounced without them, as is the little pink scar on his cheek, stark against his brown skin. 
"You're an awful roommate," he says decisively, "you use all the hot water, you leave the windows open, as now you're ogling me. I feel rather objectified." 
You avert your eyes guiltily. "You might want to take your temperature. You likely have a fever, considering how delusional you're acting."
"Ooh, burn." 
Face hot with spite, you push back the sheets on your side of the bed and turn off your lamp. After a second, James turns off his. 
"You're not brushing your teeth?" you ask. Your voice lacks a specific bite, fatigue kicking in. 
"Did while you were in the bathroom." 
"What'd you do with the toothpaste spit?" 
"Swallowed it." 
You laugh. It sounds much too friendly, and you hate it. "You're disgusting," you mutter. 
You slide down flat on your back and pull the sheets over your legs and stomach, more than aware of his nearness and the heat of his body already waiting for you under the thin quilt. He smells nice, this close. Like deodorant, mint, but something else that snags your attention. 
You hate him so much sometimes —he steals your pens constantly from your desk, he never offers you a cup of coffee even when he's making them for everyone else, and he's lazy. He doesn't do his third of the finances on time. He nudges his desk into yours to make your small figurines fall over and calls it 'earthquake training'. They're fucking plastic. James Potter drives you up the goddamn wall, and being close to someone like this couldn't be more awkward. You're stiff as a board. 
"I was only kidding earlier," James says. He's quiet, but so is the room. He might as well yell. "I wouldn't lay a finger on you if you didn't want me to." 
"You gave me a snakebite three days ago." 
"I thought you had a bug on you," he says furiously, having had this argument already. "That's not the point. If you want me to sleep on the floor, I'll do that. I have no intention of making you uncomfortable." 
"You've already failed, then." 
He sighs. "I can go sleep on the floor in Sirius and Remus' room." 
"They wouldn't have you in the bed?" you joke lightly. They have a close friendship. It's nice, even though you might pretend they're a throuple whenever single girls visit the office to ruin his chances. 
"Oh, they probably would." 
"It's fine. Don't… don't bother. It's not a big deal for me if it isn't for you. I know you wouldn't try anything." 
"Of course. You're a bitch, but I don't believe you're that kind." 
James laughs loudly, his chuckles shaking the mattress. You swear you can feel his eyes on your face, though the room is bathed in darkness and the strings of scarce red light blinking from the alarm clock. 
"Good. I'm not that kind of bitch," he agrees. 
"Well. Goodnight." 
"Yeah, goodnight, shortcake." 
You roll your eyes at his nickname. Whether your short or tall isn't his concern, James calls you shortcake because he's very tall, and he holds that against you often like a schoolyard tease, papers held out of reach, your figurines hidden in alcoves or on top of cabinets.
You turn onto your favoured side and try not to care that you're facing him. James falls asleep first, his breath slowing until a snore emerges, his weight dipping the cheap mattress. Combined with your own, you start to slide toward one another. 
Fucks sake, you think, edging back. 
Space reestablished between you, you close your eyes and try not to think about what he looks like when he sleeps. As you nod off, you feel the soft skin of a hand curling around your forearm. A quarter circle rubbed into your pulse. 
James wakes first, and he is Oh so thankful. He isn't a pervert, he swears, he has no idea why he's curled around you like this. Hugging your arm to his chest like a teddy, his face curved downward, his nose pressed to your forehead, he wakes and he panics hard. 
You aren't touching him back. Sunlight filters in through shitty translucent blinds and kisses your unassuming face, your lashes lightened, your lips pointed down in sleep. He worries something's upsetting you while you doze. He bites his tongue. 
It's none of his business. None of his business why you're having a restless morning. 
James twists and lets your arm fall naturally back onto the sheets, squinting in the sun at the alarm clock. It's barely five AM. You needn't wake for another two hours but you will, if you keep frowning. 
James holds his breath. Carefully, he settles back onto his side facing you and cups your face. It feels too intimate, too much. He pulls his hand away after half of a second, opting to take your hand again instead. 
He's seen you cry before. Bloody hands and knees, humiliated and cold, you'd sniffled on the steps leading into the office and asked him not to tell anyone. Remus and Sirius know everything there is to know about James. His genuine but waning dislike for you, his budding crush. And yet, after pretty much a lifetime telling them every secret he'd ever come into contact with, James didn't tell them about that. He gave you the packet of tissues from his pocket, and he told you a lie about falling in the exact same place a year before you started working with them. 
The expression you gave him then is the same you wear now as he rubs the palm of your hand with his index fingers. You're comforted. Your unseen unhappiness abates.
James falls asleep like that, drawing shapes into your hand. 
i love him i want him to be my office frenemy. ty for reading!! pls reblog if u enjoyed it means so much to me!
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
A happy home (realizations pt 2)
Title looks like a Midwest emo song name dude 🙏give me strength
Barbie dolls: Jegulus x reader (James, Regulus, Your punk ass).
Words: 2.4k ish
Summary: Reggie is all like muh I don’t deserve love I’m just a poor peasant boy then he’s all like muh i should ignore all my friends bc I’m just a poor boy from the bourgeoisie and then you and James are like no 🥺 pookie and then hilarity ensues
Warnings: it's kinda angsty but it ends happy trust, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of Remus' dick, Harry Potter possibly mentioned, James has a mustache for about three sentences, regulus is all emo, its alright guys first one waa better ngl
Pt 1
After you and James used the classic kiss & run technique on Regulus, his mind was swamped with questions. Baby Black was having yet another crisis. Barty and Pandora had started a tally board marking up all his catastrophes. He was somewhere around the double digits at this point. Regulus wanted love, as any poor emo poetry loving teenager, but he felt he didn’t deserve love. He wanted. He wanted so much. Regulus wanted a house with a screeching screen door. He wanted a wrap around porch. He wanted beautiful tiles in his bathroom. He wanted nick nacks. A cluttered home is a house full of love and life. He wanted color in his home. Regulus’ parents’ house (attention to house not home) was cold. Regulus wanted a home. He thought of it frequently, planning the decor and colors. He would go to his little home in his head for comfort. After panic attacks he found himself pressed into a rocking chair, sitting on his wrap around porch and staring out at the beautiful garden in the backyard. His book open in his lap, his favorite pen between his fingers, tracing over his initials. Next to his chair was a small table with a mug full of his favorite tea.
With the more time he spent with you and James, he felt his fantasy home adapt. Suddenly when he visited he found your sweater flung over the back of his couch, James’ pictures on the wall. Which he could accept. Friends left their things at each others’ homes all the time. Friends made it onto each other’s walls frequently. He could handle your friendship infiltrating his home. Regulus appreciated you both no matter how much he threatened to kill you. It was his love language.
Regulus seemed to pull away. Suddenly you never saw him in the library, he didn't appear next to you, he didn't even hang out with Sirius and the others. He was actively avoiding you both. You tried to pretend you were wrong and just making things up. You knew it was true after you saw him in the Gryffindor commonroom again. 
But after you both kissed him, granted on the cheek, he malfunctioned. Regulus’ home changed rapidly. He was rocking in chair again, following the vines of the tomato plants with his eyes. His train of thought interrupted by the squeals of a small child. Regulus wondered what on earth was a child doing in his fantasy home. A small boy, no older than three or four, ran around the corner of Regulus’ porch. His little bare feet stomping on the wood. Regulus felt himself smile like nature. The boy was decked in jean overalls, a red shirt underneath. A small truck printed on the shirt was peaking out from under the edge of the overalls. He looked like James, Regulus realized. The boy heard louder footsteps following after him and squealed louder. The boy jumped into Regulus’ arms muttering something about ‘papa’. Regulus looked up from the boy to see James. Though now he had grown out his mustache, and wore matching overalls with the boy. James scooped the boy out of Regulus’ arms. James pecked Regulus’ cheek before dropping the three year old back to his feet. He ran off, zooming around the garden patches. James quickly went after him. James raced after the boy. They both laughed. The boy squealed when James caught him and tickled him. Regulus tore his eyes away when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He found you sitting next to him, in a matching rocking chair. You moved your hand up to his hair. You looked older, like James, not by much but enough for Regulus to know you all had left Hogwarts. You kissed Regulus on the lips gently. He felt warm. You leaned closer and leaned into his ear. You whispered to him that you loved him. Regulus felt his eyes prick with tears and his throat dry. You stood up and took his mug off the table. You walked away muttering about him drinking so much tea people will think you’re dehydrating him like a raisin.
It was change. Regulus didn’t like change and he didn’t like identifying his feelings. He couldn’t like you and he couldn’t like James. You were in a relationship. He can’t. He couldn’t. But he wanted. Regulus knew he wasn’t ever good at controlling his wants. So he avoided you and James. Regulus knew if he made eye contact he’d fall all over again. If he fell his heart home would be crushed. Regulus had to protect his home.
Regulus was sitting with Sirius. They were both talking and laughing comfortably. It was one of the few times you've seen Regulus without his journal in front of him. He caught sight of you standing at the steps of the Gryffindor commonroom. Regulus' smile fell and he quickly stood up. Regulus muttered something to Sirius before swinging his bag over his shoulder. As he breezed past you, you whispered a goodbye. He didn't return it, he didn't make eye contact, he ignored you entirely. Sirius had asked you what that was about but you just left the commonroom as silently as Regulus.
You brought it up with James. He was just as upset as you. The one thing you both feared was making Regulus uncomfortable and that's exactly what you had done. You and James had to have burned your trails into the floors with all your pacing but you decided on what to do. You'd confront him. Even though it seemed all Black relatives hated confrontation it was all you could do. You confront and apologize and beg him to come back to the group. You both missed his insults so much you felt sick. You looked for him everywhere. Days went by before you were finally able to find him. He was hunched over in the library. Regulus was sitting as far away from his regular table as possible. He was scribbling away in his journal, as usual. He glanced up when he noticed people approaching. Regulus quickly shut the journal and went to grab his bag.
"Please." James whispered. James sat in front of Regulus. You sat next to James. Regulus stared at the ceiling before gently letting his bag drop to the floor again. He sat back in his chair and rested his hands on top of his journal. You steeled yourself, clutching James’ hand under the table for support.
“We’re sorry. For everything. We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. We were just being-“ You paused. You wanted to make everything make sense to Regulus. You needed to explain yourself, you couldn’t live with yourself if you left this thread hanging. “Brainless. We were just trying to harmlessly flirt and we would’ve stopped the second we felt you uncomfortable. We misread you, obviously. We miss you. You’re avoiding us and the rest of our friends. We need you to come back. We’ll leave you alone, we won’t even look at you if that works for you, so long as you come back. So.” You stopped and cleanched your jaw. You felt like you might cry if you kept talking. Though you already seemed to do a lot of that. James dropped your hand to rub your shoulder.
“So, we’re so sorry.” James finished for you. Regulus stayed silent. He looked between you and James. You saw it in his eyes, hatred, disgust, repugnance. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing you’d only see his distaste in his eyes. Never seeing all of Regulus in his eyes again, made your throat close and tears collect in your eyes. You pressed your hand against your mouth, looking away from him. You would not cry in front of him. You would not make Regulus feel like this was his fault. James squeezed your shoulder, moving his soothing hand to your back.
“I’m not good.” Regulus whispered. You quickly looked at him. How could he think that? He was staring down at his journal. Regulus squeezed his own hands, you knew his rings must’ve hurt. Regulus sucked in a sharp breath. “At speaking how I feel. I usually avoid it. I’d rather sit in silence than speak up.” He looked up. His eyes had tears like yours. You hadn’t made eye contact with James since before speaking but you assumed he was probably teary eyed as well. Regulus slid his closed journal to the middle of the table. He stood and pulled his bag over his shoulder. Regulus tapped on the table with his pen twice.
“Just return it.” Regulus whispered before leaving the library. You watched him walk away. You looked to James. Your tears had left leaving behind pure confusion.
“Did we just get told to go fuck our selves in poetry nerd?” You asked James. He looked just as confused as you. He glanced at the journal.
“He did say he’s bad at saying his feelings, maybe he wants us to read his feelings.” You stared down the journal. It was bound in black leather. A small string wrapped around it thrice. It was unsuspecting. You didn’t want to read it though. That felt wrong, going into Regulus’ private brain like that. He was constantly writing. His deepest darkest thoughts, you assumed. You once sneaked a peak at Sirius’ diary and you truly never needed to know in that extreme of detail what Remus’ dick looked like. You looked to James. He stared at you. You pressed your lips together, contemplating. You gently picked up the journal, scared it would shatter under your fingertips. You unwound the string. You pulled the front cover up. You found the first page had Regulus’ initials. You smiled and held it toward James for him to see. He laughed and turned the page. You saw the pages were full of Regulus’ flowing handwriting. Overflowing really. The lines of his poems were pressed up against each other. His letters interning with each other like a lovers hold. If you weren’t already absolutely totally in love with him, you would’ve fallen more looking at his pretty messy letters.
The last poem made you melt entirely. Regulus started speaking of a cold home. All the walls stained with blood and screams. He moved. A nice home with a porch, a reading nook, painted walls, a coat rack, a garden in the back, and you. He moved into a home with his two lovers, their presence sweeping over every inch of the house. There was ding in the doorframe to your shared bedroom, James had pulled a dresser up the stairs and tried to squeeze it through the door. You had painted in small forgotten corners of the house. A sunflower on the side of one of the kitchen drawers, a moon added to the coat rack, a heart on the corner of Regulus’ bedside table. The back door was newer than the rest of the house, James had flung a snowball so hard one winter he shattered the glass. Regulus had started talking of the rocking chairs on the back porch. His sentence fell off, unfinished. You set his journal down, leaning back in your chair. James followed your lead. You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Baby Black liked you both back. Say that 5 times fast. You sighed. You stretched your arms over your head.
“McGonagall did say we needed 20 minutes of reading everyday.” You whispered to James. He nodded and pulled the journal closer between you two. You both held onto it with one hand leaning closer to each other to read Regulus’ writing. You read and read and read and read. Regulus wrote so much he had to get new journals fairly regularly. This journal started a few days before meeting Sirius’ friends. The fast few pages were Regulus stressed with his workload. After that there was the first mention of you. Regulus spent a whole page explaining how gorgeous he found you. He spent another page after talking all about how handsome and beautiful James was. All of which you agreed with.
After that all his pages were dedicated to you two. Slowly as you worked through the pages together, and the candles around you melted, Regulus fell in love. His words were frillier. He spoke of a garden, and tea. Regulus told all about laying in field of flowers. He painted images of you three deep in love and extremely domestic. Regulus wrote of pain. The pain of knowing it could never be reciprocated, you were already with James and James was with you. The pain feeling every touch warm his heart before burning his skin with his own insecurities. He wrote how the kiss situation felt for him. All roses and sunshine until his own sick mind turned it against him, making him think it was all some big joke on him.
“We are really bad at reading people.” James muttered. You gasped and sat forward. Glad somebody said it.
“Right?!? Oh god we just can’t catch a break.” You clicked your tongue. James gently closed Regulus’ journal, wrapping the string around three times. You huffed and stood up. You and James left the Library, it was closing soon anyway. You both decided you had enough time before curfew to go to Regulus.
You returned his journal. Regulus stood in front of you staring and waiting. You and James let it all out. Laughing at your stupidity, apologizing for making him feel like he was some joke even if it was only for a few minutes, and confessing that a wrap around porch and back garden sounded perfect. Regulus was happy. He smiled at you both before telling you curfew was sneaking up behind you. James decided you three would get together and make plans on how to move forward with your relationship on Saturday in the courtyard. Regulus agreed. As you and James were heading off towards your own common rooms, Regulus called your names. He ran over to you from his commonroom door. He quickly kissed your cheek before James’. Regulus skittered off back to his commonroom without a second to spare. You smiled brightly at James. He returned the look. He intertwined your hands, swinging them back and forth. James started skipping down the hall, still holding onto your hand. You joined him. You were both carefree
You didn’t have anything to realize. You already knew you loved them both.
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permetutotheworld · 2 months
hi my name is Nyx, I use they/she pronouns, I’m an asexual lesbian, I’m autistic+adhd,
and I’m a minor (please don’t be creepy I’ve already had two people message me being weird and sexual)
I write a lot of poetry and I’m writing a book at the moment based off of the idea of multiple universes existing at a time, I sing and I love performing, specifically musical theatre
I ALSO TAKE REQUESTS!! I write poetry mostly for them but microfics tooo, for good omens, the marauders, percy jackson, les mis and any TJ Klune books that ive read, just pop a prompt into my inbox and ill do my best to get jt to you as fast as i can <3
my fandoms are : Les Mis, good omens, pjo, marauders, hunger games, aru shah, marvel, doctor who
my favourite music: queen, Maisie peters, the last dinner party, the crane wives, Taylor Swift, Florence and the machine, rene Rapp, Chappell roan, David Bowie, blondie, boygenius, most musicals
favourite books: house in the cerulean sea, under the whispering door, in the lives of puppets (all by TJ Klune)
my tags:
Nyx yaps: my silly little commentary on anything that happens to me
nyx vents: my life low-key sucks quite a lot at time so I vent a bit but I make sure to trigger warning everything triggering
nyx writes: I write silly little poems and stories that I post sometimes
Please dni if you’re queerphobic or discriminate against minorities in general, if you support trump or other dickwads like him or if you’re just going to be mean
also I do struggle a lot with mental health so I probably will randomly disappear or vent but I’ll make sure to trigger warning everything
I also have a James potter rp account which you can check out too!! @prongsie-rambles
i also have a nico di angelo one at @nico-sees-dead-people which is really cool too!!
if you like my blog you should check out my amazing mutuals whom I love and adore:
@xenocollector LES MIS RAAA
@sauntering-vaguelydownward literally so sweet ilysm/platonically
@marylily-my-beloved love you Fatimah omg
@cheekyboybeth very purple coded person and very cool also so genuinely lovely
@theoristswan5683 literally so nice omg they have the loveliest vibes 😭
@ashstillalive Amazing writer amazing person will happily beta read for you anytime
@mae-occasionally-reads so sweet so lovely so cool so glad we’re mutuals love you so much/platonic vibes only MY BEST FRIEND
@definitionoffuckup very cool individual
@ineffable-ezra I have more octopus facts for you!!!!!!!
@garden-of-runar the coolest person alive still can’t believe you followed me back
@ravenwordss literally so sweet love you/pl
@pyromaniacbibliophile my spouse bc we are married
@cossie-fauchelevant the one and only cosette to my enjolras <3
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hedgehog-troops · 6 months
as a desi person, who loves desi james hc, when i saw this one guy who pisses me off SO MUCH on my fyp and two people in the comments were like "james potter" LIKE NO KEEP MY POOKIE AWAY FROM THE THARKI AWAAM.
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moonsstan · 4 months
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hellooooooo im oti
• she/her
• im panromantic and probs asexual idk yet
• marauders + the lunar chronicles
• i play the piano (in music school) and i occasionally write a poem (havent written in months 😓)
• im trying to draw (im really bad at it guys help)
• marauders obsessed
• james potter kinnie
• im getting into 90s rock/punk/gothic music so if you have any recs tell me pls
• i also listen to conan gray and olivia rodrigo
• im friendly so please message me if you want i need more friends 😪
• @addsalwayssick is my pookie 🎀
• i broke my glasses today 😩
• i wanna be a journalist/radio host or maybe an oncologist
• im on the bus a lot and i see cool ppl so i have a tag for that
• i post abt tlc, marauders and life shit
Check out @barely-functioning-frog and I’s wolfstar university au fic !! It’s a work in progress, but it’s been so fun collaborating !! Go check it out rn !!
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Tag Game! ♥️✨💋
I was tagged by the lovely @habababa and @jadepresley Thanks guys! 💚
Rules: After answering the questions, tag ten followers who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Oi, I have a bunch! Heres a few: Gabi, Lailah, Pookie, Cookie, Pooks, Chingy (by my stupid ride or die irl @wholockjuggler), Bean and Unicorn (by @salazars), Mrs. Turner (Alex Turner), and Mrs. Tom (no distinguishing between the toms because I love them ALL) 😂✨♥️
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Scorpio
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 💚🐍✨
Favourite color: Grey and Teal
Time now: 00:21 am
Last thing I googled: Maori Haka Dance (No shame) 😉😘
Blankets I sleep with: A small, soft, fluffy blanket. I wrap myself up in it like a burrito 😂
Favorite Bands: Arctic Monkeys, Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Kaleo, Shere Khan (Theo James’ band), The Civil Wars, Nothing But Thieves, Glass Animals, Fleetwood Mac, Cage The Elephant, The Parlor Mob, Fever Ray, and so many more 😂
Favorite Solo Artist: First and foremost: TOM MOTHER FREAKING ODELL ♥️, Ed Sheeran, Jaymes Young, Barns Courtney, Hozier, James Bay, and I am sure a ton of others but my brain isn’t working currently 💔
Dream trip: I would love to travel around Europe with some friends 💙 I definitely want to travel to Scotland, Ireland, and England though. *I am a sucker for redheads ♥️*
Currently wearing: Joker Boxers and a Dark Mark crop top... tmi? 😂
Age of blog: I have technically had this blog for like... 5 years? 😂 I only have been active on it for a few months xx ✨
Things I post: Literally every post I see that has to do with Dramione and Hades x Persephone. I am not exaggerating. Other than that I mainly post Harry Potter related stuff, especially things with my ships (Dramione, Blinny, Deamus, Tombrax, Tomione, Lucissa, etc.) On rare occasions I will branch from that and post Tom Odell/Arctic Monkeys posts 😂✨♥️ 
As you can tell... I am pretty easy to figure out. 💀💀💀 Now onto the tagging! 
I am tagging (But you definitely don’t have to do this): @salazars, @gryff-in-the-game, @mrbenzedrine89, @harrypotterandthegobletofwine, @marauders-mess, @wynkenblynken, @writing-sloth, @astoriawho, @mischiefpuff, and @safewordisdevilsnare
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