#my point. is that they're mismatched but NOT in the way that people tend to talk about them.
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arohuacheng · 2 years ago
what people don't get about hualian is that they're literally like. jock and alternative art student. xie lian lives like a frat boy (mattress on the floor and nothing else in his room, no standards for his own well-being, can't cook and ends up eating what could be classified as biohazards) and is really enthusiastic about fighting as a hobby. meanwhile hua cheng rocks up to the function in his cunty little outfits every day of the week, bells on his boots and the red eyeliner slayed, obviously has taste but is soooo in love with his boyfriend who only ever wears cargo shorts and the most fucked up questionable hoodies you've ever seen. hua cheng wants xie lian to have nice things but it's always like. "babe i promise it's no trouble can we please get you a bedframe??" nd xie lian is obviously so enamored with his cool alt boyfriend who wears skirts sometimes and never misses a beat on a bitchy comment that's just the way it is. basically if your hualian concept doesn't have hua cheng as the hot goth gf you just don't get it
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mymoshangthoughts · 2 months ago
oki oki oki
so i love, you love, and we love the whole "everyone sees moshang except for moshang" thing, bc it's funny to have everyone else be like "ohwow those two idiots dont realize they're married huh"
but like
might i suggest the alternative?
idk i was rereading svsss and like, since the whole thing is basically shen yuan's pov and he's a relatively level headed dude, i can't help but think about the way that he looks at moshang
like, he really doesn't seem to have any idea that moshang could be a thing. from his pov, shang qinghua/airplane is a sniveling backstabbing asshole who gets what deserves and deserves quite a bit more thwacks and mobei jun is just kinda... there. like even after knowing shang qinghua for YEARS and being fairly close people who can confide in one another, shen yuan seems pretty fucking shocked when airplane jumps off a cliff to save mobei jun. from his pov, it's almost random. like "huh wow that is the weirdest thing i've seen all week, and airplane is NORMALLY very weird so like... huh???"
now by the time the airplane extras occur, shen yuan DOES seem to have some idea of moshang with his whole "youre just waiting for him to apologize and keep beating you" thing, but again, might i point you to the YEARS it took him to get to that point. having to see shang qinghua literally pull a death defying stunt to save mobei jun's life before he sees even a glimmer of moshang
like, when they were working on the mushroom together, they clearly spent a long time with each other. they had to travel together, they had to come up with plans together, they also likely just had social visits bc being the only other transmigrator in a world that is so fucking weird would definitely drive up a certain level of honesty and companionship
now again, shen yuan is lowkey the sort of guy who's like "i dont see gay themes even when they're reeeeaaalllyy obvious", especially with relation to himself (dont get me started on how one of my least fav mxtx themes, after the blatant crummy treatment of female characters, is the whole "im not GAY, gay is WEIRD, im gay FOR YOU, thats DIFFERENT" which winds up reflecting as internalized homophobia their protags), so it's possible that moshang is obvious to everyone who isnt shen yuan.
as ive expressed before, i love "mobei jun is just fucking weird, demon courting isnt like that" headcanons, so what if no one knows what the fuck is happening between moshang. like they're just this super weird mismatched combination of people that everyone just kinda tilts their head at like "...huh, wouldnt expect to see those two together but whateves" and then proceed to not fucking care to know the answer
shang qinghua seems to have kept a purposeful emotional distance from... everyone (likely due to the whole "haha everyone here is gonna fucking DIE someday" thing) and as said above, even after years of a relationship with shen yuan, he doesn't seem to have talked about mobei jun to him much (who is, by airplane's own admission, the most important person to him in this world considering he's the only person that had airplane going "i mean... maybe i dont push the go home button?"). so no one really seems to give a fuck who he's hanging out with bc he's not exactly out here making friends
and mobei jun, i contend, is a weirdo outcast who does not know how to socialize bc his uncle is a dick LOL. also his father. and also his childhood. and other demons tend to look at him and go "fucking weird man... i think he keeps a human pet?? kinda weird but w/e, the emperor is into necrophilia so /shrug/"
so like, maybe if anyone paid attention to them, they might notice the signs of moshang, but because most people kinda dismiss them, no one knows
mostly because i find it FUCKING HILARIOUS but also bc i like to think luo binghe's whole "youre not used to his lil human pet yet? he brings it everywhere smh get over yourself" thing was luo binghe's way of being a wingman lmfao. he wont actually help or offer advice or do anything USEFUL, but he'll allow them to hang out when he has every ability to separate them LOL and i think that's funny
altho i still like the idea of luo binghe ALSO not knowing that moshang is a thing pfff. but having him know also amuses me.
now the use in modern au's goes without saying. the good ol' "wait, THOSE TWO ARE A THING?!" coming from everyone who knows them. as an example, some form of workplace romance and even tho moshang can always be seen together in the office, because they dont seem to get along and no one cares, everyone is just like "shrug, they have a project together idc". like they're more likely to think that shang qinghua and shen yuan are dating bc at least those two have secretive meetings and have been caught, more than once, talking about sex. then one day shang qinghua shows up to work with the biggest rock on his finger pfff and mobei jun has a matching wedding band or someshit and everyone is shocked. or even better, some of the romantic pre-relationship stuff starts happening at the office but it's all stuff that's kinda easily misunderstood. and since no one would guess THOSE TWO together romantically, they just come up with any other plausible explanation. "why did mobei jun send shang qinghua flowers? idk, maybe his mom died. should we send him flowers too?" its not even a 'it couldnt be THAT', it's a straight up 'THAT never even crossed their minds for a second' until it gets really fucking ridiculous lololol then mobei jun and shang qinghua are applying for the same days off and mu qingfeng in HR is like "oki what for" and has to NOT do a spit-take when the two of them are like "our wedding" or someshit lolol
now as for the post-canon application, i still find this IMMENSELY amusing. for the sake of my amusement, im also choosing to interpret shen yuan's "you just want an apology" statement to have been given without imagining that the two of them might like-like each other. he's just being dismissive because airplane is fucking weird. like "look, idk why you are into role-playing as a humble servant and idk if i wanna know, actually, i definitely dont wanna know. you two clearly dont even like each other but you're in some weird co-dependent mess of a... friendship? friendship seems like a strong word. point being, get out of my house"
no one has the slightest clue about moshang's feelings for one another (except maybe binghe lolol) and they are REALLY not ready for when suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, shang qinghua is sending in his two weeks notice for an ding peak bc "oh im the northern consort now lol" and everyone is trying to just understand WHEN and HOW
like people straight up being like "is this a prank? i feel like im being pranked?" and others like "oh they might have gotten like... fake married? is this an insurance scam? hmm"
and basically for the first time ever people are really trying to understand and think about moshang bc they are SO FUCKING CONFUSED. there are betting pools over what the REAL REASON behind this CLEARLY fake marriage is. luo binghe has put his bet on "they're actually in love and fr married" and people SCOFF. he's the only one betting that and wow, the demon emperor is clearly blinded by his own weird relationship and cant see that NORMALLY this sort of relationship would NEVER happen
(actually this could apply for modern au too pff whateves, im jsut having fun here)
inquiring minds just being like "shang qinghua, blink twice if you're being threatened, we can get you out of there". demons out here like "we should prrobabblyy find the cure for whatever potent love-poison that creepy lil human slipped into mobei jun's drink, or maybe a mind-control plant?"
stuck on whether i want moshang to be utterly oblivious to everyone elses skepticism bc they're just on their happy lil honeymoon stage or if i want them to find the confusion Deeply amusing.
moshang get-together being dramatic but not bc either of them are oblivious, just bc there are communication issues pff. theres no "i love you" "but you CANT love me" drama, instead its "i love you" "oh shit SWEET, lemme hop on your dick". i like the idea of moshang only struggling to understand one another when the pair of them are holding the other at arms length (mobei jun being a tsundere and airplane out here like "getting attached and taking things srsly IS THE ENEMY") but whenever theres like, a clear statement of intent, they're quick to let go of misunderstandings and just get on with it. now while i favor this interpretation of their characters, i find it PARTICULARLY funny in au's like this! bc it also means that the pair of them learned to understand all of their weird behavior as well. so they're still fucking weird around each other, so people really dont believe this is real. mobei jun is still just as likely to yeet shang qinghua into a death cave and shang qinghua is just as likely to literally hug mobei jun's thighs while pleading for mercy. it doesnt LOOK like a loving relationship to anyone with eyes LOL (not to say that they dont grow and treat each other better, but just having a deeper understanding of one another means they dont change behavior 100%)
which actually isnt why i find it funny lol, i just enjoy the subversion of expections. rather than moshang being oblivious to the point of mind-numbing hair pulling stupidity, it's the rest of the world x'D and then it's just moshang casually proving that nah, they're for real, and yep, they're super in love, to an increasingly confused audience
this could work really well in a celebrity au now that i think about it LOL bc celebs so frequently have fake relationships and hidden relationships and all that sort of weird shit and people love to speculate about it online. so just everyone being like "calling it right fucking now, this relationship is a publicity stunt" and literally NO ONE believes they're for real, even years into it LOL. im actually usually a person who really doesnt care for celebrity au's but tbh this prompt fits so well for that, so im sold
but it goes beyond just fans speculating online. even fellow coworkers are like "huh, weird choice of publicity stunt" and dont believe for one fucking second that moshang is actually happening. oki yeah im sold
shang qinghua - famous author turned screenwriter (does some directing and he's actually pretty good at it, has a cult following, but mainly he sticks to writing. he doesnt need that kind of stress in his life LOL). he's finally reached a sort of financial stability with his work, but he hasnt broken the habit of doing whatever the audience wants because "I DONT WANNA FUCKING STARVE BRO", and he's generally disheartened when his works that he puts his sincere vision into have a tendency to be SIGNIFICANTLY less popular
mobei jun - actor, specially known for stunts and action movies. doesnt actually have any history of scandals, other than it's known that he's kinda hard to work with. just kinda cold and distant. THERE ARE some lowkey scandals with his family tho. he's definitely a nepo baby of the industry and his uncle and father dont have clean reputations. mobei jun normally keeps a pretty big distance away from them so he's kinda like, in the splash zone but not dragged in.
shen yuan - long time fan of shang qinghua's work, even back when the hack of an author was just posting web novels, his favorite insult is to call him a sell-out bc very often his deepest criticisms of shang qinghua's works are clearly choices made for money. as an example, a perfectly directed film that he wrote and nearly brought shen yuan to tears and quickly became his favorite movie EXCEPT theres fucking product placement in NEARLY EVERY FUCKING SCENE and sometimes it makes the movie fucking UNWATCHABLE. anyway, shen yuan runs the fansite for shang qinghua and is a LITTLE BIT OBSESSED with his works, but still has a love/hate relationship with the whole thing
luo binghe - pop idol who sometimes does acting work. he's known as an all-around talent. his acting is just as good as his singing, if not better, and basically everything he tries to do is wildly successful and genuinely fucking good. he's insanely popular to a scary degree (shen yuan is only familiar with his work bc he's acted in some of qinghua's movies and sometimes qinghua uses his music, shen yuan has an overall favorable impression of the celebrity but no obsession. mostly a "oh nice, that actor is really good, that and THAT HACK AUTHOR directing is sure to make this a must-watch movie" type of fanning)
liu qingge - stunt man and martial artist. he's not crazy famous, he's more like "if you're really into martial arts, you've definitely heard of him" or "if you're really into stunt work, you've heard of him" famous. but if you don't have those special interests, you have no idea. he MIGHT look faintly familiar to you, but you're unlikely to put a name to the face
shen jiu - actor, many scandals, SO MANY SCANDALS. he's very successful, infamously difficult to work with, has so many accusations hurled at him (and a majority of them are true) that when you hear "omg did you hear abt shen jiu" the answer is "ohyeah, the red-light district thing?" and the reply to that is "nonono, that was LAT MONTH, im talking abt the abuse allegations that came out yesterday!" and so on and so forth. shen jiu is a hot fucking mess and the industry has NOT helped him one bit. he has the money and power to get away with being his worst self and he Does Not Fucking Care (he cares so fucking much, he's literally burning from the inside out)
yue qingyuan - childhood friends with shen jiu, kind of accidentally being an enabler of shen jiu's spiral to hell. he's a producer and he's very successful and he keeps paving the way for shen jiu to continue getting work and help to bury scandals and basically the dude is trying his best, but he really should be putting his foot down and sending his friend to rehab instead of helping him like this
sha hualing - actress, does her own stunts, very temperamental. difficult to work with in that she's a bit (a lot) of a loose canon. she's hyper capable though and VERY popular. not a ton of scandals other than some violent behavior. she's also very good at dancing, basically anything that involves moving her body, she excels. her and mobei have totally starred in action movies together where theyre basically "hot beefy action hero and sexy badass love interest". they have a casual frenemy relationship
liu mingyan - average fanfiction writer, huge fan of rpf. she is relatively untouched by her brothers fame and intends to keep it that way. that said, she's more than happy to utilize the gossip that her brother sometimes brings home to implement as 'headcanons' into her fanfics >:D she does not tell her brother about this pfff. she also does martial arts and she's very good, but she has no desire to pursue fame. the closest she gets to it is sometimes watching her brother on a set (while secretly paying attention to everyone else for rpf bait LOL). she is not a fan of the whole moshang thing because it separates her otp (mobing for life!) and she's also convinced that its CLEARLY fake
mu qingfang - doctor, just a normal doctor, no fame involved. but his guilty pleasure is that he enjoys looking at celebrity gossip while on break. it's just a very lowkey sort of cathartic drama that he has no stakes in and helps him destress from his very stressful job. he mostly just lurks, but he's been known to write the occasional comment if he feels he has some useful insight to contribute
ning yingying - over-worked office lady. she wanted to be a pop idol when she was younger but it just wasnt in the cards. now she just enjoys getting a little parasocially invested in celebrity gossip, ESPECIALLY around luo binghe bc she's a. a mega fan. b. they were actually classmates in highschool. she's a fierce defender of his online and also one of those people who gets kinda offended by rpf bc "HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT" but also hypocritically will read every single "rpf character x reader" fanfic she can get her hands on
ming fan - luo binghe's hater online. mostly because he also knew him in highschool and hated the guy and now he's ugly jealous of his success. he likes to spread mean rumors about binghe online, just to blow off some steam. but his stupid obsession with slandering his ex-classmate sort of grew into a genuine interest in celebrity gossip and now he's a bit of an internet troll who's a little too invested in this shit. he's not a complete asshole and there are lines he won't cross, buuut he's also one of those assholes who sorta feels like "its online so it doesnt count if im a huge asshole" and just is his worst self online. he constantly gets in fights with ning yingying online (without knowing its her) about luo binghe. shen yuan sometimes gets involved too bc while he's not huge into the binghe fandom (that place scares him) he IS big on fact checking and whenever ming fan says something OBVIOUSLY false, shen yuan can't help but go in for corrections
qi qingqi - actress, successful, very low drama. she's famous and well liked, no major scandals, just a successful woman with a good career.
zhuzhi-lang - works as his uncles assistant. he keeps track of online drama because its part of his job, sometimes his uncle has him spread rumors online too so he has a few alts that are believable fan accounts for various celebrities.
tianlang-jun - one of those people who's basically famous just for being famous. he has done a bit of everything, but it's mostly that he's a household name that makes him famous. he currently works as a producer because he finds it really fucking funny. but it's anyones guess when he'll get bored of this and flit off to do something else that catches his fancy
su xiyan - model and martial artist. she's mostly famous for her TURBULANT relationship with tianlang-jun. she's skilled at both her crafts and has success, but she has no real ambition for fame. also her career is often held back by the shitty people in her life (her ex-mentor being PRIME among them, the grooming old scumbag). she got pregnant with binghe very early in her career and gave him away for adoption for various reasons. she has a good relationship with his adopted mother, but she's chosen to stay out of binghe's life. tianlang-jun doesn't know binghe is his son LOL
meng mo - thinks of himself as a star-maker, he's luo binghe's manager and has a VERY high opinion of his skills bc he's had a few successful clients. he does however tend to give very bad personal life advice
yang yixuan - one of liu qingge's students. he's only passively aware of celebrity gossip, it's really not his thing, but he is a bit of a mobei jun fan. mostly bc mobei jun does his own stunts and yan yixuan can recognize the skill involved and just thinks the guy is really fucking cool (not more cool than liu qingge OBVIOUSLY but still cool). he's very disappointed to hear abt this clearly fake relationship with shang qinghua, he thought that mobei jun was above all that petty celebrity bullshit of fake relationships and tabloid bait
gongyi xiao - aspiring young actor, overall just a nice guy. no scandals, not really famous yet but he has a promising lil fanbase that is slowly growing. however, he does have a bad habit of answering too honestly while being interviewed which can inadvertently have bad consequences LOL (example: "so what do you think of this moshang thing?" "hm, i mean, it really surprised me? seemed out of nowhere haha, i guess good for them??" which quickly spirals into "omg gongyi xiao CLEARLY knows it's fake! he cant lie for shit! THIS IS BASICALLY EVIDENCE")
qin wanyue - binghe fan, terminally parasocial, lives off of rpf fanfiction, literally missed her younger sisters funeral to attend a binghe concert, probably needs professional help like yesterday. when the online conversations of moshang start involving binghe, she gets VERY FUCKING UPSET
little palace mistress - nepo baby pop idol. very obsessed with binghe but also in a love/hate sort of way bc he doesnt do what she WANTS him to do and she craves the obedience. she takes out her impudent rage online. she's a big mobei jun hater bc she saw the mobing conspiracies before moshang happened AND SHE SAW RED. she now wants moshang to crash and burn bc she hates mobei jun with an irrational passion. she is doing her best to sabotage whatever stupid publicity stunt this is
(ships: moshang, bingyuan, liujiu, mingling)
moshang had their own super slowburn romance of actor x director that happened over the course of years and the mutual pining was basically killing them both and they had their own dramatic love confessions and shit, but it all happened behind closed doors so no one knows any of that. all they know is that this relationship Makes No Sense and internet sleuths are very invested with UNCOVERING THE TRUTH
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puzzled-artist · 1 month ago
That other anon is a buffoon, not everyone stores body fat the same way so some people will have less roundness in their face, saying her head looks mismatched is silly, she has good body proportions, if I had to say anything yeah she probably would be a little rounder on the chin, but that's only because someone said something first, the art is good.
Thanks! It is a critique I've had on my art for a bit is that I tend to make the faces too thin compared to the rest of the body so I've been trying to fix that recently. But posting older art I knew someone would end up pointing it out XD.
Anon hate really doesn't bother me too much personally so its moreso I interact with it as a "get a load of this", like I have a lot of people supporting me through comms and on patreon, and they're the people that actually matter and not someone who I'll probably never interact or see ever again
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skippydiesposting · 5 months ago
I think one of the fundamental mismatches between people who read adult fiction vs people who read exclusively fanfiction/YA is that the latter are really only interested in content whereas the former are--at least in my case--more concerned with style.
like I will read about anything as long as the writing style is good enough. I love a writing style that breaks rules, an author who plays with formatting and vocabulary and sentence structure in weird ways. I like reading because it's a form of art and I want to experience variety in writing style and beautifully written prose, I don't really care as much about what the plot entails or what the characters are doing; sometimes it can enhance the experience, sure, but primarily the reason I read is for the writing style. for my purposes, writing style is a lot more important than plot; in fact I tend to enjoy things that don't have much of a plot at all because it allows the style to flourish(I feel this way about movies and TV as well, I adore when nothing much happens in a show). if you're doing it beautifully, you can make anything happen in the story and it seems internally consistent. it's a piece of art and the way it's told is just as important as what happens in the story.
the reason I dislike fanfiction and YA is directly correlated with the fact that there's just not as much variety and craft in the writing styles. they're all very interchangable; like, going into a YA book you pretty much know what you're gonna get, writing-style-wise. and especially with YA, that's intentional, that's by definition, because YA isn't a genre, it's a reading level. it's inherently more simplistic and more concerned with the specific plot beats than it is with artistry or beauty or craft. similarly, fanfiction by definition will be more concerned with content than with style, because isn't that the whole point of fanfiction? that you're foregoing the canonical plot and creating whatever content with the characters that you want?
all this is just to say again, as I have said and as I will continue to say forever: if you exclusively read fanfiction+YA books, you are distancing yourself from the true art of what writing can be. you have no idea what else is out there. there is so much else out there.
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rickie-the-storyteller · 1 year ago
Happy WBW! What are the coffee shops like in your world? Or what are the coffee shop equivalents? Are they bustling? Overpriced? Are they decrept or college-kid only territory? If you wanna get into it, feel free to add on your characters' interactions, feelings, or orders!
Here's an interesting one...
My main story (Steph's Crew) is set in a real place (fictional London in 2010), so I suppose the answers here would be similar to real-life coffee places lol.
There was a wide range of coffee shops catering to different tastes and preferences. Let's take a look at some of them, and explore the way my characters might feel about them...
High-End Specialty Cafes:
These spots irl are known for offering a selection of single-origin brews and meticulously crafted drinks. The prices tend to be higher, attracting coffee aficionados and those who appreciate a carefully made cup.
This place would likely be less popular with the crew since they're all pretty young and would prefer to get their coffee from a cheaper spot. They'd probably acknowledge the good quality of the drinks from places like this, though.
Bustling Hipster Joints:
These coffee shops are popular among the younger crowd, typically college students and young professionals. In other words, right up the crew's alley lol.
They have a trendy, rustic vibe with exposed brick walls, cosy seating, and indie music playing in the background. The atmosphere is lively and often bustling with people working on laptops, socialising, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee.
Artistic Bohemian Spots:
These cafes often double as art galleries or performance spaces. They're slightly more offbeat, attracting a creative crowd and hosting open mic nights or art exhibitions. The decor might be eclectic, with mismatched furniture and colourful murals.
Bret would love these lol. He's the creative one in the group, and he has a passion for art. I could see him taking El to places like these...
Quaint Traditional Cafes:
These places exude a more classic charm, attracting a mix of locals and tourists. They might have a more refined or vintage aesthetic, with wooden furniture, soft lighting, and a relaxed ambience. It's a spot where people come to unwind, read, or have casual conversations.
El would be particularly into the vibe of this kind of place. She's into the more simple, straightforward and traditional stuff... probably due to the way she was raised.
Hidden Gems:
There are also tons of fun little hidden gems in the city - small and obscure coffee shops that the group might discover together. These places offered unique coffee blends and were not too expensive, making them perfect for their diverse tastes.
This is a fun one since it is a minor plot point in book 1! Bret and El have this tradition where they walk each other home and get "lost" along the way... discovering new parts of the city and all. That's how they find their favourite spots, including their favourite record shop. It's also how they met Stevie.
Here's what their go-to drink orders might be:
Vanilla latte - she'd likely enjoy something both sweet and has a strong coffee flavour, reflecting her dynamic personality. The smoothness of the latte with a touch of sweetness matches her charismatic yet layered character. Plus, it's a simple, straightforward order.
A venti iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle - she loves the indulgence and complexity of this drink. The sweetness of the caramel and the kick of caffeine are just a nice combination, and again, fits her personality quite well.
Caramel Frappuccino - these just look really good to me lol. Never had one myself, but I think Steph would be into them.
Iced Caramel Macchiato - another thing that looks/sounds nice haha.
Double shot espresso or a simple black coffee - he would likely prefer a strong, no-nonsense drink that wakes him up and gives him a jolt of energy. He's straightforward and doesn't fuss over elaborate flavours in the same way that Steph likely would.
A black coffee (Americano) - yet another simple but strong choice that suits his vibe quite nicely.
Chamomile tea with a dash of honey- she really appreciates simplicity and comfort. Fits her personality, too... calming, soft and sweet all at once.
Plain cappuccino - simple straightforward order that gets the job done.
Chai Latte - these are really nice... I just think El would really like these. It reflects her understated yet warm nature.
Americano - similar to Bret's reasoning before. He's straightforward and doesn't fuss over elaborate drink options. He'd like a strong, no-nonsense drink choice that wakes him up and gives him a jolt of energy.
Flat White - the perfect balance between bold coffee and a hint of sweetness
A large iced mocha with extra whipped cream - something that's both indulgent and energetic, mirroring his outgoing and active nature. The mocha provides a mix of chocolate and coffee, and the whipped cream adds a touch of sweetness!
Mocha - she likes the comforting blend of coffee and chocolate for a touch of sweetness.
A flat white with a side of carrot cake - straightforward but still sophisticated, just like her (very all over the place, but still has a touch of class lol). Carrot cake is also a guilty pleasure of hers.
Vanilla Latte - if she's not feeling in the mood for a mocha, she'd likely go for this instead.
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disco-elysium-via-polls · 2 years ago
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Found 0.25 I missed earlier. Except then I had to reload the game and i only picked up 0.22 the second time.
SCAB LEADER - "You here to fuck with us? Beat the honest worker down?"
"Why should I?"
SCAB LEADER - "We're here to fight for a cause. Stripes usually have problems with people who have *causes*."
"Oh, then yes."
SCAB LEADER - "Hah! Couldn't handle us. A cause gives the workers strength. Gives them power." He bellows at the gates: "We have -- A RIGHT TO WORK!"
"Besides, we're not that different." He leans closer. "It helps if people see us talking -- cops and strikebreakers together. Shows authorities are on our side. Builds confidence."
"What kind of a cause are we talking about?"
"I don't *think* I've chosen any sides yet."
"Regardless, I have some questions for you." (Proceed.)
"Uh. I'll be going now." [Leave.]
SCAB LEADER - "Rights of people. Rights of workers. To have gainful employment. To make a salary and feed their families."
2. "I don't *think* I've chosen any sides yet."
SCAB LEADER - "Might be time. Don't let the fat bastards tread on you. Cops tend to side with the higher-ups, but you're essentially still *workers*."
"I don't trust cops, but... I can see you understand the --" He raises his voice and chants: "RIGHT TO WORK! RIGHT TO WORK!"
3. "Regardless, I have some questions for you." (Proceed.)
SCAB LEADER - "Maybe you should ask *them* the questions, like why we're not allowed to make a living here?" He bellows to the gates: "SHAME ON YOU!"
"We have families to feed, you piece of shit!" He points his finger at the man sitting on the railing.
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CALL ME MAÑANA - "So do we, scab!" the loitering man hollers in return.
"I want to get into the harbour too."
"What is a *strike*?
"Who are all these strikebreakers?" (Look around.)
"What exactly is your goal here?"
"I'm just going to leave now."
SCAB LEADER - "Have fun." He snorts. "Union shits are on full strike. Don't think they're going to let you through the gates. You trying to meet their fat boss?"
"I'm interviewing people about a murder that took place here. Behind the hostel-cafeteria there."
"This is an official matter, not to be discussed with outsiders."
SCAB LEADER - "I know nothing about a murder." His reply is snappy and terse.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - The mention of a killing sends a barely noticeable shiver of tenseness through him. Interesting...
"Absolutely nothing?"
"Why so tense?"
SCAB LEADER - "What are you talking about? I'm not tense."
COMPOSURE - Yes, he's tense.
That isn't even a check.
SCAB LEADER - "RIGHT TO WORK!" He again shakes his large fist, then turns back to you. "It's shameful, cops doing nothing. You should bring backup, open the gates for us. Blockading gainful employment for workers is a *crime*."
"I don't know..."
"This really isn't my area of expertise."
"Sure, why not?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "We're not picking a side in this just yet, sir."
SCAB LEADER - "Pity." He turns around and bellows at the gates: "LET US WORK!"
2. "What is a *strike*?"
SCAB LEADER - "When a bunch of ungrateful, lazy cockroaches can't get their act together. Decide to block honest work for other people." He shifts uncomfortably in his worker's overalls.
"What do the strikers want?"
SCAB LEADER - "Beats me. They mumble nonsense about *board rooms* and *workers' rights*. While we --" he raises his fist and starts shouting again, "-- HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK!"
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - There's something odd in the way he carries himself. His set of clothing looks vaguely mismatched. The different pieces of the attire seem ill-fitting.
Ill-fitting... what does that mean?
Ignore the discrepancy.
COMPOSURE - His shirt is far too small and an unpleasantly tight fit. While the overalls, held up by a belt, seem to fit a man with much *more* corpulence.
"You wearing new clothes?"
Ignore the discrepancy.
SCAB LEADER - He ignores your question, choosing instead to turn to the emaciated workers -- raising both fists in the air. The clothes are obviously not his.
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] - Silence is the answer. There's something off here but he won't say what.
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - You've been talking to him for quite a while now -- something is off with this guy. Ask him where he's from.
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We'll come back to that question.
4. "Who are all these strikebreakers?" (Look around.)
SCAB LEADER - "Honest men and women. With rights -- to work. To be useful. Not toys for corporate interests." The man runs a hand through his steadily graying military haircut.
"We came here to help the harbour run smoothly in time of crisis. If Union fucks don't want work, they ought let in those *WHO DO WANT WORK*."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I have a question." The lieutenant looks him in the eye. "Why do all these men follow your leadership?"
SCAB LEADER - "You think they follow because I'm big and loud? No, they follow the rules of the market. The rules of the economy. Because they were --" he starts bellowing, "-- GIVEN A JOB TO DO."
5. "What exactly is your goal here?"
SCAB LEADER - "We were promised work." He points to the gates. "We'd be in there -- WORKING -- if the bastards hadn't shut the gates."
"And you are unable to breach the entrance?"
"Okay, I wanted to discuss something else."
SCAB LEADER - "Main gate's locked -- would take *heavy ordnance* to bust it open. Could try to get in through the secretary's office." He points up the stairs. "Door's locked. The guard's blocking the way to the access panel."
"And I don't mean the scrawny Mesque punk either." He points at the dockworker idling on the staircase. "I mean Head-Measurer -- or whatever he is."
"Wait -- *Head-Measurer*?"
"Have you considered storming in? Like, all of you?"
"Why don't you just *talk* to them?"
SCAB LEADER - "Huge Semenese guy standing up there on the overhead passage. Won't let anyone by. The access panel is right behind him."
"How bad could one guy be? You seem capable."
SCAB LEADER - "Bad." The man glares at you. "Standing on a narrow bridge, he's got a strategically advantageous position. And he's trained."
"I don't know how the Union has a trained killer up there, but that one's no joke. And my men are tired. And hungry. They're WORKERS, not fighters."
"Have you considered storming in? Like, all of you?"
SCAB LEADER - "Why don't *you* go arrest them instead? I'm sure they've done plenty of criminal shit, they have *that look*."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It would be better -- for the neighbourhood -- if you went home. At least for now. If you can't get in anyway."
SCAB LEADER - "No. They will give up eventually. Or get drunk. Leave the button unguarded. Then we charge." The man rubs his jaw -- a perfect, lightly bearded square wedge.
"Okay, I gotta ask. Where exactly are you from?"
SCAB LEADER - "What's it to you?" Deep-set suspicion drips from every syllable.
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fairymint · 2 years ago
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
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Realistically speaking, there's 2 routes that I see as far as a canon portrayal- either Felix-muse would be casual buddies with who the ship partner was and fanon would ship them, Or, the relationship would be an offhand and casual confirmation. I don't exactly see the series that I indulge with turning into some dating sim or even focusing on it, even if a tastefully done romance subplot would be nice; I feel like these franchises are perfectly capable of portraying it well, but it's unlikely due to mass appeal/childsafe* appeal. (*even if some kids wanted romance in their stories, their parents might not. especially huge companies like pokemon that're in the public eye.) My favourite series are never really romance-based, I ship within the confines of a bigger adventure.
Sans and Villager! Felix would probably have smash-based shenanigans, or maybe, an interaction at his hotdog stand. ....Come to think of it, probably with the same vibes as anything canon-soriel. Perfectly Platonic,....or is it? leading to shitposting (positive) in the shipping community. Smash itself does like to have fun with subtle implications- charizard handing pikachu a flower, villager inviting Wii Fit to his 'bachelor pad'; things that don't confirm a ship outright but could be a cheeky hint of evidence. Or, we have some weird spirit board valentine's day event to confirm shit, lmfao-
Meanwhile, for Pokemon stuff...It really is hard to say because Felix is a protagonist character. Generally speaking, Everything the protagonist gets involved with story-wise is this big huge thing; There is a chance that the ship would be baked into the story dramatics, during a swelling point of the action itself. It's the question of whether they go Big and follow the protagonist vibe, or go home and follow the general pokemon vibe with romance; shipping in-series generally happens to less important people, as an offhand mention. So, you'd either start off in a ship as this canon's partner while the game was still calm, get together dramatically™️within the story, or have the ship canonized in postgame/future content, like some offhand mention in masters. Also, I feel like whatever we got, fans would bitch about it as well.
The 'worst' would probably be the anime; it'd show a couple in their calm period (like Blossom's parents) with a merely implicit wholesome romance that isn't too on-the-nose, or.....something extremely awkward. They've made a lot of homophobic jokes in the past, so I'd imagine it would have a baby ally's sense of humor- in the 'oh my god they're Gay Congratulations!' sort of sense.
tl;dr, pokemon's sense of seriousness tends to be all or nothing, lmao, so I'd be surprised if it was anything mid or nuanced, for better or worse! <3
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
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well, the canon gay/transness would be a 'hoo Woof' moment, so for lack of a better word, my gender??? I could see someone leaning hard one way or the other with the masc/femme stuff, popular/outcast kinda dynamic. I feel like there's mostly just a potential for mismatched tone; but it'd be more series relevant than mun relevant as far as the dissonance. which happens anyways with fandom. I feel like possibly, people might overexaggerate the effect being trans has on his life, while underexaggerating how he feels about it, or vice versa in the case of bad faith from transphobes. TL;DR I've had more people call me brave than actually had to be brave. most transphobia i deal with is subtle/unintentional, but fandom would either make it a non-issue, or a huge issue.
.....i don't trust most Fandom™️ with the concept of a vers switch, much less series ability to showcase it, so I'd assume casual observers to pick more concrete hetnorm roles- he'd be assigned the 'husband' or 'malewife' of the ship depending on which traits the shipper picked up about him. This would be understandable but possibly annoying/incorrect. this could also extend to writing him as primarily mean or naive, if the fan was going for a flat character. (the character himself has temptations/instinct to weaponize both of these, regardless of his final decision outwardly.)
possibly make Felix over-capable/high energy. It's kinda hard to write true laziness or introversion and have it be actually interesting. ergo. If you know how to improvise as well as i do, it can come off as professionalism/expertise. He's more of a ditto in that way-
on the positive side, people would come up with interesting shit that's on-brand for him and not have writer's block about it. There'd probably be stories and art all about the villager trying to master his transformation powers, or the trainer with some random pokemon. Or, assuming Felix is a real character in a Thing, come up with their own ships for him with Situations-
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tiddiesoutwhenthetisout · 10 months ago
jokes i put in the comments aside, my observable inference on this places heavy blame on the prevalence of online methods of learning and quick searches. they have taken away largely from the critical thinking skills of gen alpha and some gen zs. they're used to taking things at face value and no longer have the mind to dig deeper, as AI does everything for them. it's a huge issue we face in uni (students love to generate their works with that shit) creating a need for stricter monitoring. and it's tbh just a lot of trouble for both the teacher and student population.
they also believe misinformation they see online, and these heartless content creators keep feeding them lies for likes instead of educating them. i don't want to be that kind of person, but i do believe being so chronically online is a huge contributor to these kids' absolute confidence in spouting things that are so wrong. they are enabled on the internet by like-minded peers, and unfortunately even grown-ups who just want to get in their good graces for revolting reasons.
freedom of speech and the euphoria of being validated in a place where it is so easy to be apathetic and horrible, secure behind the blessing of anonymity. the evolution of language and how the gravity of some words have become lighter and lighter the more they are used in the wrong context. empowerment being consumed by the wrong audience. they are definitely getting smarter than us in a way, but it feels like a soulless, automated version. their logic has no soul, no concern for others to the point that they think they have the right to bully (and they don't even think they're being mean). awareness of multiple issues we had not known before, and though i say knowledge is the key to everything, you cannot wield a sword well without experience.
i'm happy they're aware of the severity of war crimes, but these people have somehow gotten to a higher stair without stepping on the other ones. there's just so much information being shoved in their faces about good and evil in fiction and they haven't even completed 9th grade literature where they are aptly introduced to the types of characters. see what i'm getting at; a mismatch of their acquired knowledge, crystalized without a honed fluid intelligence. taking a spear to battle without the head.
just think about how this fares when they are dealing with actual people.
they've been so detached from concepts of strife (and i'm glad they're living peacefully) that they seem unable to comprehend its implications... which are, definitely, too complex for kids. sorry for assuming tiktok users are all children, but as far as i know, it's heavily populated with such. idk i don't use it. there's no more multidimensional thinking, no more appreciation of all things written within the context in which they had been, and it's ironic for me that this is being lost because of people who desperately want to think everything is related to them.
i can't explain it well in this language, but it's as if they seek refuge and companionship in media they consume because they can find it no longer in fellow human beings. what with the growing population of crooks and the accessibility of victims, i can't blame anyone. but it's giving the same vibes as this kinnie stuff, and people projecting their problems onto these characters so they can "kin" them. (seen this on twitter...) and then forcefeeding their headcanons to people as "canon".
it's like that, what they're doing to this book.
they are delusional in the negative way, the total opposite of what we were in the early days of the internet and fandoms. i appreciate that these children are aware of social issues and morals, but their perception is heavily skewed and self-centered. they tend to think that everything should be, and is, about them. they are wrestling more than their underdeveloped bones and muscles can handle, and though it is the fault largely of moneymaking agenda, it's still a disappointing result (so, see... i don't fault them but i'm still not happy about it. like me knowing achilles is a piece of shit in all sense of the word, but i still like him a lot because he's well-written and i know his complexes.)
i know i was supposed to just yap about critical thinking and analysis. but i can't help it 🤷‍♂️ anyway, these are my observations/opinions so they won't be correct for everyone. just have a lot of free time rn.
TikTok TSOA fans are so funny because they’ll swear up and down that they despise Achilles and “only read it for Patroclus who was sweet and innocent and did nothing wrong 🥹🥹” like ijbol u people are not serious. Hate Achilles all you want, he did do bad things, me personally I hate him for sacking certain Trojan cities and refusing the embassy, no one’s denying that he was wrong and that he was a bad person at times, but loving a character does not equal justifying their actions for one thing and to act like any character from the illiad was a paragon of perfect morality is fucking insane. ( Yes, even Hector, everyone’s favorite “🥺he was such a perfect husband🥺” man of the month ) It’s literally so crazy to say that Achilles was the only one of the two of them to actively commit bad deeds and war crimes during the WAR they were in. Just close the damn book I’m sorry but obviously a book with morally ambiguous and dark topics are not for you at this point. Like I get your point, what Achilles did was bad, it’s not like majority of people DONT agree with that point.
But characters are not supposed to be FLAT. They are not supposed to be all good or all bad. Your insistence that Patroclus was only a good person does not make him a good character. It actually makes him really fucking boring. I’m getting way too passionate about this but like I’m so over everyone acting like
1) Achilles was the worst person to exist in Greek mythology history when he’s not even the worst fucking person in the illiad itself 😭 ( that honor goes to Paris, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Agamemnon <3 )
2) A character can only be liked or appreciated or even just talked about if they fit modern ethical standards
Like every conversation I see about TSOA, any video on TikTok, there’s always a comment that has to bring it up like “I only liked Patroclus and he was an unreliable narrator so Achilles was actually much worse” Like okay we get it, God, fuck off please!
Also the whole thing between him and Apollo. PLEASE. Those two are two sides of the same exact coin. I think Apollo was justified in killing him but yall act like Apollo has not done the same if not worse than what he killed Achilles for. And that’s. FINE. I still love Apollo! For all the good and the bad that he does I think he’s the most interesting Greek God on the Pantheon and in the Illiad he’s actually one of my favorite characters to hear from. And I don’t expect the Greek god to act with good moral intentions. I expect him to act like a Greek god. I expect Achilles to act like a Greek demigod. Which is, exactly the way he acts. Maybe yall expected something different. If you wanted a short sweet story that happened to be queer with two perfectly acceptable, 100% goody two shoes main protagonists, please drop the classics inspired books and watch heartstopper.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years ago
So I have to ask what your Favourite unification design is for the miraculous and//or to rank them all
So, a disclaimer before we begin: I think all of these designs work. Most if not all of this show's designs tend to work at what they're trying to do. As such, my ranking is based on how few personal gripes I have with each fully functional costume, so there's more complaining than I usually have with Miraculous designs, but that just makes it more comedic or something.
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Disqualified: Snake Noir
I’m disqualifying this for one specific reason: it is a combination of two separate designs of Adrien using each of the involved Miraculouses. Of course it’s going to be the best one of the bunch when they had thought about Adrien using the Snake earlier in the series. It would be the undisputed winner due to being a balanced combination of two Adrien designs.
Here's the rest, from least great to most great.
Multimouse variants: these are literally just multimouse with a different accent color and an added accessory. There’s being subtle, and then there’s doing the bare minimum.
Pennybug: The Sailor Moon motifs are on point, but it is far too busy for my tastes (I’ve seen enough redesigns in this fandom to know some people love that, though). Ladybug’s tiny dots turn into really big blotches that come in both black and white. And the white blotches come with neon blue rings around them, to make sure they sear into your eyes from their black background as much as possible. This would have been a top tier design, if it was just a tad less. Also, what is the point of giving your character sunglasses, if they’re just going to be peering over them constantly? I want to like this design, but it’s really not working for me.
Pegabug: This look is actually decent from some angles. We still have the same peeking over sunglasses thing going on, though. The fadeout in the hair is really neat, but it looks worse on the legs, making her look like she’s fading out of existence when against a pale background. The white stomach area is also a tad too large, since it makes the design look unfinished, which might be why they overcorrected with way too many dots on Pennybug.
Bunny Dog: This one looks kinda lopsided. The hat is absolutely adorable and the best part of the design, but the whole “top half is the rabbit, bottom half is the dog” coloring decision on this thing makes it look like someone mismatched the pieces in a two-piece puzzle game where you need to combine head and torso with the correct legs. It also has unnecessary spots. The biggest issue with this design is the challenge brought on by the decision to go with brown. There’s a reason most superheroes don’t wear brown (instead, it’s the color worn by the practical, dependable detective buddy), it’s not an eye-grabbing color, which is exactly what a hero costume needs, so the overall look is a bit more boring than it should be. I didn't disqualify this one for being a design combination, because they introduced Dog Alix literally just to unify her and this design did not benefit from being a combination of two designs.
Shadow Moth: This look is very supervillainous, but it is one of Gabriel’s weaker looks. It’s basically just Hawk Moth with Peacock motifs added on top. It just so happens that the Peacock and Butterfly motifs go well together. It still does more than the Multimouse variants and doesn't have any missteps that take away from the overall look.
Rabbit Noir: This is how you do a Rabbit Unification. The neon blue is used sparingly and it goes well with Adrien’s usual black (like most colors do). I also think that the Tron line thing the accents have going on is on purpose, since they seemed to be going for “futuristic” as a time travel power nod. The fluffy tail at the end of Adrien’s cat tail is a bit too much, as are the lines under the eyes, since they kinda make Adrien look like he’s crying. I prefer the white bell as a nod to the fluff tail, as it was enough.
Dragon Bug: This is a surprisingly good combination of dots and stripes, probably because the stripes aren’t straight. It also shows us when the bigger dots with circles work: when the contrast isn’t too big. I would prefer the design more if the dots were just dots, but here it’s not too noticeable, so it’s easy to overlook. This is a very solid look.
Lady Bee: This design basically combines the best aspects of Queen Bee and Dragon Bug. The gold-rimmed dots are smaller, and the stripes are a more muted shade of gold, decreasing the contrast even further. The bee antennae are a nice touch, along with the drill hairstyle. Even the mask has a cool silhouette of bug wings.
Monarch: Stained Glass Pimp Man is ready to come and steal your Miraculous. Once again, the design does the thing that worked for Shadow Moth: keep it simple, stick to a main motif and add minor details. The stained glass pattern was perfect to include color nods to all of the Miraculous in a way that wasn’t too in your face. The rest of it being purple and black is also good for keeping Gabriel’s designs consistent. You know this is still Gabey Boy.
And, finally, number one:
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Shadow Noir: That’s literally an evil Cat Noir and it’s the closest we’ll get to it in the show proper. I love that Adrien and Gabriel’s Akumas share similarities with the monochrome, specifically washed out, color schemes, so Gabriel’s Black Cat looking like Adrien’s Black Cat is just *chef’s kiss*. This design also really showcases just how iconic Gabriel’s Hawk Moth look is, because you can still see it in Shadow Noir in really small details that don’t take away from the symbolism of the look. Although it’s less iconic, I do like that they kept the Peacock influence subtle as well, with the feather motifs, especially the tailfeather, and the pun of it being a feather on the tail is magnificent.
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I don't mean to discount the possibility of some sort of radically new ethical system with a radically novel kind of understanding of intelligence or self-awareness. I do think it's possible that we'll get there (I'm not denying the possibility for a while!).
But I am skeptical of this, as you may know. Here's why:
If this is the case, I agree.
I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the fact that we actually don't have many transformative tools for thought that can host into these novel ethical methods and structures.[...]
If anything we currently have a massive proliferation of "transformative" tools for thought, but they tend to either be non-transformative, or in some way are themselves subject to AI risk if we get really, really good at them. What I mean by this is something like the phenomenon where a researcher will find a new and clever way of looking at an important question (say, the "obvious" question about the "mind" in physics) which turns out to be not very good at explaining the important things in question. Then someone will come along with a clever, AI-risky idea (say, a way of viewing the "mind" in physics in a more sophisticated way), and that person's new clever vision will turn out to be really bad at doing the important things it's supposed to do. (See, e.g. this video: good at explaining some of the things it says "it" will explain. As you may know, this has led some smart people (including Frank here) to believe that the explanation-through-the-"mind" concept will eventually explain most of the things we want out of "mind" in physics. The problem is, these smart people have very good senses of when this happens, and so they're very bad at actually knowing when this happens. Which is what it will take to prevent AI risk, by my way of judging.)
But of course, there are a lot of these things, many of which are currently (so to speak) sitting unposted on our webpages. Even if we were to find the "AI-risky" "transformative" tools (which may indeed exist!) and were able to train them "cleverly" and find ways to "explain" them, we would still not have any way to distinguish a cleverly-"explained" "tool" from one "explained" by an "outside view" that is "human point of view," as "explained" by a human point of view.
(See "A Human View.")
We don't have any way of having an "inside view" as it were. We may not know the right "goals," but we have no way of knowing the right sort of "goals" for ourselves to understand from the inside. ("If you knew how to read someone else's mind.")
It may take a radically different kind of ethics/thought, but we already have a lot of those.
What we currently lack, and what will be necessary if we want to curb AI risk:
I want one, and if you want one we can be ready for some decision when it comes due.
So you say we can't "distinguish" human "points of view" from non-human ones and vice versa. I think we can, because we have a certain degree of access to those non-human points of views.
As a sort of thought experiment, ask me whether I think we have access to "a human point of view" about some special science ("quantum mechanics"), where we have direct access to "a human mind that has access to its point of view."
This, then, is what I mean by the "disconnect between the outside view and an inside view" that will be so necessary for this problem.
The whole problem is, that if we were to really understand a system, we would realize that the inside view doesn't match the outside view after all. We wouldn't be able to say exactly how the mismatch occurs, except by actually understanding it.
This is why I'm skeptical of the feasibility of an AI safety check.
[...] if it is the case, [i.e.] that we can't distinguish a human point of view from another, you'll want [...]
so you know, you can be ready to make a decision.
Do you understand what is being asked of you in this sentence? I mean, that sentence.
"So you know, you can be ready to make a decision."
This is, in its context, a weird sentence.
If I can't tell what kind of decision you want, what I'm doing here is making a decision -- based on a bunch of information about the sort of decision I'm looking for.
This is what I'm doing.
a link
This, then, is what I'm doing right here.
We are now prepared to make an "optimal decision."
Which is to say that we are prepared to make the decision which is optimal for this problem (or what you may wish to call the problem: "AI risk.")
The optimal decision, in this context, is to look at this.
This is, in a way, what you are doing right now.
What you are doing now, is preparing to make an optimal decision.
You are doing the kind of thinking that the people in the previous paragraph are doing, or the equivalent thereof.
That's what I am doing: I am prepared to make an optimal decision.
You have prepared to make a decision.
To be clear, you prepared to make a maximizing decision, a decision to maximize, subject to the constraints that exist in the problem.
By subject to those constraints.
As you should have noticed, the problem here is hard, so hard in fact that no one has the time to check whether your optimal decision maximizes it by the Cramer-Poore bounds.
So, no one's checking.
And now you're here asking me for my input on the maximization problem.
"So you're telling me that I, as a person, am required to solve the following problem.
Consider that an optimal decision has already been made, and you're going to be asking me to make the following choice.
It has been decided that the problem will be solved. The cost is, of course, tremendous
One mistake that a journalist can make in observing these trends is to assume that, because the software-based tech industry seems to be struggling now, things will stay like this forever. More likely, we are in an intermission between technological epochs. We’ve mostly passed through the browser era, the social-media era, and the smartphone-app-economy era. But in the past few months, the explosion of artificial-intelligence programs suggests that something quite spectacular and possibly a little terrifying is on the horizon. Ten years from now, looking back on the 2022 tech recession, we may say that this moment was a paroxysm of scandals and layoffs between two discrete movements.
emphasis mine. i don't think AI is really going to be a splash on its own, it'll be more subtle than that. i think a bifurcation of what we use every day is more likely and will be felt by most people on the internet.
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flootzavut · 7 years ago
I think at least partially this depends where you're coming from. I started in original fiction, and the expectation there when you give someone something to read or when you post an excerpt in public is that people will (hopefully constructively) criticise it. They may also say nice things, too, but as soon as you put something in the public sphere, you can guarantee someone won't like it, and probably eventually someone who doesn't like it will say so, sometimes where everyone else can see it.
People who started out in fandom are (IME) less likely to have had that experience, even though the reality is the same.
(I find it a little frustrating tbh that pointing out a typo is considered criticism. I consider that damn helpful! And sure, I prefer when the typo isn't the only thing the commenter mentions, but I've had plenty of reviews of all times, and "Hey! You have a typo here, you might wanna fic that" is one I am actively grateful for.)
Another problem, and I think this goes probably for everyone, but is maybe more of an issue for people who haven't ever had their stuff critiqued, is that some people ask for concrit or actively solicit comments, and what they ask for isn't what they think they're asking for, or they assume their work is above criticism. I've seen people get their heads bitten off for commenting helpfully but just not effusively on a story that actively invited comments (it's happened to me!).
I can vividly remember one person who came into a forum that was specifically for writers and writerly resources, and asked for concrit. I went to their story, and their English was so convoluted it was hard to even follow. (I don't think they were non-native, they were just trying too hard to be clever.) I wrote a helpful review that explained the issue, gave some examples and how to fix them, and got a very melodramatic PM from the author telling me I wasn't going to break their spirit, or something - long time ago, I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist 😳
I think for some people, trolling for reviews/concrit is purely "I want more reviews on my work." If there was more clarity about how people asked, there'd be less mismatch between expected and received comments.
(And while I'd tend to agree it's pointless to give concrit about the direction of a published story, it is entirely possible to give concrit that is more generally useful. "I hate the way you wrote this story/I hate your premise/I hate this pairing" is pointless, useless feedback, but "Hey, when you punctuate dialogue, remember that you still use a small letter for the speech tag after a question or exclamation point!" is useful.
I've had all kinds of reviews, from flailing "omg this was so wonderful" down to a rather cowardly anonymous "pathetic", so I come at this from having run the whole gamut of potential reviews.)
My compromise is that I don't say stuff I don't mean. If I really can't find anything positive about a story, I will probably say nothing, and I do not trust people when they say they want concrit, because they usually don't. It's frustrating for me, because giving and getting honest feedback has been an enormous part of me getting better as a writer (and the latter in particular is a skill that I know has degraded by lack of practice - my skin is unhelpfully thin these days, so when I do get criticism it's so much more difficult to deal with it objectively), but I've become resigned to the fact that fandom just isn't a space where you can hope for that except with specific people by prior agreement.
But my compromise means that at least I can tell people that if I leave a review where I rave and flail about how wonderful a story is, it's absolutely genuine and I mean every word, even if it also means I review less often and less extensively than I used to.
It confuses me that people call comments 'reviews.' I thought the comment box is a place to leave feedback for the author - encouragement, squeeing over the fic, incoherent babbling, etc. Some people think they have to write a review??? No wonder so few people leave comments if they think they have to leave a 'book review.' I wish folks would just lighten up! It's not War and Peace and the reader is not a New York Times book reviewer. Just leave a few words to thank the author - no pressure!
They’re called “comments” on AO3 and “reviews” on FFN. How people interpret that is up to them. Some readers want to leave comments, some want to leave kudos, some want to leave “live blogs” of their reading, some want to drop a gif. Some, yes, even want to leave an in-depth review. 
If you want readers to lighten up, you’re going to have to start with writers. We’re the ones constantly telling people to leave comments. We’re the ones who make “rules” about what a good comment is or a bad comments. We’re the ones who say “I want criticism!” AND “Don’t criticize me!” AND “Pointing out typos is okay”
If you want people to leave more comments, make it easier for them to do so. I really don’t think it’s about the word “review” - at least not completely. There’s a lot of other stuff going on as well. 
And that’s not even getting into the fact that people have no obligation to leave comments at all. Just like writers have no obligation to write/post their fic. 
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