#my phone wouldn't charge and i had nothing else to do
saturnplaza · 2 months
Did I just listen to the entirety of live in Denver, pretending to be in place of Brendon Urie and have a whole as hour long concert by myself to my wall at four in the morning.
Yes, yes I did...
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xvysarene · 2 months
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𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕝
Pairing: Sylus x Fem!Reader Words: ~3.1k Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Eventual fluff Notice: Y/N is not MC, Profanities, Mentions of wounds Summary: There was a connection between you and Sylus that went beyond the typical boss & his right-hand woman dynamic. When you finally had enough of his recent behaviour since his return, you decided it was time to quit.
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“We agree to your terms, and as soon as we finish the down payment, we expect to see the firearms—”
Before you could even finish, the heavy double doors swung open with a crash. Sylus strode in, a dark aura clinging to him, and you knew that nothing good would come out of it.
“The deal is off.”
You gasped. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
“Ms. Y/N, I thought you said you could handle this deal solo?” Marcel—that cunning eel of a man—drawled lazily. “Looks like Mr. Sylus here still doubts your ability, even after all this time.”
On any other day, you would have knocked the smug grin off Marcel’s face. But your attention was fixed on your boss, Sylus, whose expression was a cold, impenetrable mask of indifference.
“I’ve worked on this for months. Alone. When you were gone chasing shadows,” you hissed, “You have no right to dictate me.”
Crimson eyes met your gaze with a fire of his own as he stepped closer. “And do I need to remind you who’s the leader of this organisation?”
How dare he!
It took a while for the others in the N109 Zone to stop belittling you, to finally trust you as Onychinus’s indispensable weapon who could hold her own ground, even entrusted to run the organisation in his absence.
And he knew this.
“I don’t meddle in your affairs, so stay out of mine.”
He exactly knew what, or who, you were talking about.
Somehow, this conversation was no longer about the deal; it was about something else that had been creating a rift between you both.
“You don’t understand—”
“You have no idea what I understand!” you snapped, jabbing a finger at his firm chest.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Luke entering the room to usher Marcel out.
“If you’re looking for a new job, my organisation is always open for a pretty little thing, buttercup.” He threw a mischievous wink your way.
The man was clearly not uncomfortable with the commotion; it was satisfying to see Onychinus crumbling before his own eyes.
Kieran cautiously stepped forward. “Boss, Y/N, let’s take a moment—”
“You think I wouldn't find out about your little escapade with ‘Miss Hunter’?”
That struck a nerve; Sylus’s eyes narrowed. 
“What?” you continued, your tone dripping with sarcasm, “Mephisto accidentally charged your card with millions just to buy every single protocore in the auction?”
Any heartfelt emotion you held for him was swallowed by fury and disappointment that had been building for some time. This was the last straw, a volcano ready to erupt.
“I’ve warned you before, Sylus.”
Ever since he came back from doing who knew what, he had been distracted. Physically, he was there—but he wasn't present.
Conversations that once flowed easily between you were now peppered by half-hearted responses.
As a last resort, you decided to prepare dinner for him and the twins that one night, something you periodically did when the mood struck, in the hopes of getting him to come around.
Luke and Kieran were happily munching on the lasagna and sipping wine from Sylus’s favourite bottle, their lively chatter filling up the dining room.
But the man who was supposed to be the centre of it all took only a single bite before abandoning it for his phone.
“Sylus, could you please put your phone down and enjoy the dinner?”
The twins froze, eyes flickering between the two of you, sensing the impending storm.
Yet Sylus didn’t even acknowledge you, his attention firmly fixed on the screen in his hand. Somehow, it was more important than the company around him.
“Can you get off my back for once?” Red eyes snapped to yours, flashing with irritation.
“You are losing me,” you repeated the words you had uttered that night. The tremble in your voice was a blend of rage and a deeper, more vulnerable feeling.
Sylus's eyes flashed, revealing the first hint of emotion that you recognised—a wounded look, perhaps, or something else that you didn’t dare to think about.
Kieran, determined to defuse the tension, squared his shoulders. “We all should take a breather and approach this with clearer heads.”
Eyes still fixed on your boss’s handsome face, the words came out with unwavering finality, “I quit.”
Ripping the brooch from where it rested just above your heart, you hurled it with such force that it bounced off his chest before skidding across the floor.
The sharp, unmistakable crack echoed throughout the silent room.
Sylus's jaw tightened, a muscle ticking in his cheek. “Fine.”
And that was it. There were no apologies, not even a 'thank you' for your dedication to Onychinus all this time.
“Please, don't do this. We need you,” Kieran’s voice had a note of desperation in it.
A bitter laugh slipped from your lips. “Your boss has made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t need me anymore. Apparently, he has more pressing matters than ensuring the organisation's interest.”
Sylus crossed his arms, his voice cutting like a cold knife. “If you're going to leave, then leave. We don't have time for theatrics.”
With that, you turned on your heel and walked away.
Luke, having just returned from escorting Marcel out, caught sight of the unexpectedly angry tears in your eyes and called out your name as you rushed down the hallway.
What you didn’t expect from quitting was the depth of void it created in your life. You missed the twins’ oddball humour and even found yourself longing for Mephisto’s often irritating caws.
It felt strange not to see the black bird outside of your bedroom window or atop the lamppost, as it normally would.
Despite the financial cushion provided by Onychinus’s paycheck, restlessness drove you back to the N109 Zone before long.
“Thought that we’d never see you again, missy.”
The familiar surroundings of Elysium provided a soothing balm to the loneliness gnawing inside you—the rich scent of aged booze mingled with the sound of rolling dice filling your senses.
“You’re not the only one surprised,” you muttered lowly, sitting down on one of the stools.
“Guess you are more used to staying here than Linkon now,” the young woman behind the bar chuckled. “Many might see it as a slum, but the N109 Zone has its charm.”
During Sylus’s absence, you had called the base as a second home. Staying there made it easier for you to manage the daily operation, sparing you the hassle of travelling back and forth to Linkon.
“What would you like to drink? It’s on the house.” Before you could answer, the woman beat you to it. “Rum and lemonade?”
A sudden feeling of yearning washed over you. It was Sylus who had first introduced you to this concoction right here, you had even questioned his taste at the time, but it had since become one of your favourite drinks.
You gulped the emotion down. “Yes, please.”
She sent you a sympathetic smile, obviously understanding what crossed your mind.
The burn of the rum started to warm your body as the second glass went down easily. Each sip brought back memories of standing side by side in battles and conversations shared in quieter moments, a foolish longing that settled deep within your chest. 
As you set it aside, you felt someone slid on the vacant stool beside you, encroaching on your personal space.
“What’s a pretty girl doing here all alone?”
“Leave me alone.” You didn’t even look at his direction.
Funnily enough, though you normally no longer felt the weight of the brooch—a symbol of your affiliation with Sylus and Onychinus—you now felt its absence vividly, like a phantom heaviness above your left breast.
With it, no one ever truly dared to come near you, wary of crossing paths with Sylus.
Without it, however, meant you were no longer under Sylus’s protection.
The man sidled closer, clearly not taking the hint. “Still playing hard to get even without Sylus behind you? You should have seen him dragged out of the raid like a ragdoll by his pair of thugs. It was pathetic.”
Your heart stuttered, finally looking at the man beside you. “What did you say?” 
Sylus, hurt? It was unthinkable. You had seen first-hand how his wound healed quickly.
“Heh, you really don’t know, do you?” His smile widened, revealing yellowed teeth. “The idiot went to finish Marcel off by himself last night. Imagine taking down dozens of Marcel’s men alone, with all their weapons.”
He daringly placed a hand on your thigh, fingers digging in. “So bitch, you’d better get off your damn high horse and listen. Without Sylus, you’re just another pretty face.”
In a quick manoeuvre, you slammed his head on the bar. His painful howl was cut short as you drew your concealed gun, the barrel pressed firmly against the back of his skull. “Touch me one more time and I’ll paint this bar with your brains.”
The barkeeper approached, her expression impassive as she took in the sight of your gun pressing against the man's head. However, when she noticed the colour draining from your face, a look of surprise crossed her features.
“You didn’t know?” she asked, her tone softer than you expected. “I thought that was the reason you came back here.”
Ignoring the curious stares of the other patrons, you stormed out of the bar, the weight of fear heavy on your shoulders.
The city's familiar streets blurred past as you made your way to the base, and you thought you heard familiar caws in the distance.
You didn't spare a second thought as the electronic lock still buzzed with recognision when your palm and iris scans were verified. The reinforced doors opened, granting you access just like usual.
Luke and Kieran met you in the hallway, no doubt alerted to your arrival. Whether by Mephisto or the security alert, you weren’t sure.
Even with their masks on, their surprised body language was unmistakable.
“How did you find out? Boss made sure that none of us tips you off,” Luke asked.
“It’s true?” you demanded, your voice was tight with anxiety. “About Sylus?”
The twins exchanged silent glances. “He’s in his quarters,” Kieran said slowly. “But be warned, he is in a foul mood.”
As you moved swiftly down the familiar corridors, your heart pounded in your chest. The smell of antiseptic hit your senses as you slid the door open, revealing the dimly lit room.
Sylus was seated on the edge of the bed, his back to you as he changed his bandages. “I told you guys to leave me alone. I’m fine,” his voice gruff.
You took a steadying breath. “Sylus.”
His silhouette tensed, and the set of his shoulders turned rigid. Slowly, he turned to look at you.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was rough.
“I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. The sight of bandages covering his injuries made it difficult to articulate your thoughts. “Why did you go after Marcel?”
“This isn’t a place for someone like you right now.”
That comment was odd, but you dismissed it as you crossed the room, closing the gap between you. Up close, you could see the bruises and wounds peppering his body—dark, angry splotches that marred his skin, evidence of the brutality inflicted by Marcel’s men.
While the healing process was slower than usual, it was still significantly faster than it would be for an ordinary person.
You had been working with him for quite some time yet you had never before seen him in such a state.
“I’m fine,” he repeated, catching your concerned gaze.
“You don’t look fine,” you said firmly. “I’m not going anywhere until you explain what happened.”
Sylus shifted on the bed, wincing slightly as he rested his back on the headboard. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, “Marcel was the one behind the bombing of the hunter’s grandma’s house.”
As much as you felt sorry for the UNICORN hunter, you couldn’t understand why he would put his life on the line for her.
Was it because of the connection they had with the Aether Core? Or was it something else?
Unconsciously, your steps faltered backwards. The anxiety for his well-being took a backseat as the grip of jealousy clawed at you.
It was stupid to feel this way.
Suddenly, you felt rooted to the spot, your body freezing in place. The unexpected use of his Evol caught you off guard. 
“You came all the way here, so you’d better damn well listen to me before jumping to any conclusions.”
Even in his weakened state, he managed to pull you back to the edge of the bed and keep you seated there. He wasn’t close enough to touch, but not so far that you couldn’t see the fatigue etched into his features.
“I kept her around because she was useful. Marcel had been trying to frame Onychinus for the bombing.” His fists clenched, knuckles white. “But that wasn’t what set me off, that scumbag had been running his mouth about you, spreading lies of your incompetence, claiming that you’re nothing more than an empty shell.”
You looked at his injuries pointedly. “You took on his entire army because he taunted me?”
He sighed deeply, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration. “Don’t you see? I was the one feeding him that narrative. He had the front seat to everything that happened that day. I’m the one who unravelled the respect you worked so hard to earn.”
Was that a hint of guilt you heard in his voice?
“He’d been saying that you’d be better suited working in a whorehouse.”
Well, that explained the man's aggressiveness back at the bar, you thought.
“I’m not your responsibility anymore, you don’t need to protect me.”
Sylus looked away. Despite his rough edges, there was a glint of raw, exposed emotion that he struggled to conceal.
“It’s not just about responsibility,” his voice low, “Some things... they’re not as simple as just walking away.”
This was the Sylus you recognised—the same man who, in fleeting moments, had looked at you with an intensity or a softness that spoke of unfulfilled longing.
Everything had shifted since that one kiss, an impulsive act born from an evening of too much drink and unspoken feelings. A kiss that, in its haze, blurred the lines between what was accepted and what was desired.
Yet, every subtle brush of his hands, every act of ensuring your safety, was a quiet rebellion against the boundaries he had set from the start—this was not a place where work and pleasure were meant to mingle.
“That was the reason you called the deal off that day.” You fit the puzzles together.
He nodded. “I had a feeling that he was up to something.”
“And yet, I still don’t understand why you had to go behind my back with the hunter. This”—you gestured to his injuries and the distance between you—“could’ve been prevented.”
You tried to mask the hurt. “I thought you trusted me.”
Sylus shifted closer, and even though you felt that his Evol no longer held you in place, you allowed him.
“It wasn’t about trust, not in the way you think,” his voice was softer now, “If he found out you were involved, I couldn’t risk him coming after you.”
“I don’t need your protection as much as I need your honesty. And you were being a jerk.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe.”
He reached out, his fingers gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Leaning in closer, he cradled your jaw with a careful touch.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice catching in your throat at the intensity in his eyes that he didn’t try to mask any longer. “For caring. But I’d rather not see you get hurt again.”
“Can’t promise,” he murmured, “I will always stand between you and anyone who dares to harm you.”
You could feel the warmth of his breath before his lips touched yours, moving in a gentle, unhurried rhythm.
He wanted to savour this moment, to truly taste you with a clear head, unclouded by any alcohol.
Though, before long, a more primal voice seemed to overtake him. The intensity of the kiss grew, fueled by the unfiltered emotions coursing between you.
It was a fierce, unrestrained need to claim you.
No longer feeling tender, his tongue urged your lips open with a determined persistence. Sylus groaned into your mouth as you parted easily, the need to taste you becoming more urgent.
As he took a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back, your gaze locked with the searing flame in his eyes.
A sudden weight pressed against your neck, and you looked down, startled, to find a crow whose wings arched protectively around a red diamond pendant. It was similar to the brooch he had given you, but this was more than an accessory.
It was more personal—more intimate.
“Will you do me the honour of becoming my partner again?” His voice was husky with emotion. “Onychinus needs you. I need you.”
Carefully, you pushed him down the bed, legs spreading daringly caging his form. “Maybe if you beg a little more, I’ll consider it.” 
Both his eyebrows arched in surprise, visibly taken aback by your boldness.
“But, weren’t we supposed to keep work and pleasure separate?” you teased.
A hint of a smirk curled at the edges of his lips. “I’m the boss. I make the rules. Besides, this is more than just a pleasure.”
His large palms settled on your hips, fingers splaying across the curve of your body with a possessive yet tender grip, pulling you closer.
“Can I start by begging you to kiss my wounds and make them better then?”
As he whispered his request, his masculine hands sneaked their way inside your clothes, fingers trailing a line of fire against your skin. Just as the moment heated up, a rustling noise came from outside the door.
The two of you paused, eyes narrowing with suspicion. 
Suddenly, the door creaked open just a fraction. Before either of you could react, Luke and Kieran let out a startled yelp.
“Oh no! They’re doing the hanky panky!” Luke whispered loudly, scandalised.
In a flurry of hurried movements, the twins slammed the door closed and bolted down the hallway, leaving you both staring after them in stunned silence.
Sylus sighed, hiding his face in the soft bend of your neck. “We’ll definitely have to set some new rules about privacy too.”
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 months
Hey I’m the anon that asked about the JJ fic. I’m so sorry i definitely should’ve checked who you wrote for. If it’s ok could you please do the same prompt but with Emily instead? Thank you so much and sorry again
Hey! It's absolutely no worries, there's nothing to apologise for! Your request just reminded me that I had made a list of characters I wrote for but when I went to look for it, I couldn't even find it, so how was I supposed to expect other people to? Anyway, I hope you like the fic!
summary: tatted!reader is new to the team and she talks back to Emily so one day after work Emily corners her and teaches her a lesson about respect. warnings: public sex (parking lot), bratty!reader (i think), fingering, dom!emily (who's also kind of a bitch:)) 1.4k+ wc
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When Emily first joined the team, it had taken people time to warm up to her, so she knew the importance of showing kindness and respect to new members of the team. However, when she'd seen you walk through the bullpen doors for the first time, she knew she'd have a problem with you on the team. Not for any personal reasons per se, but rather due to the effect you had on her. Clearly a few years younger than the others on the team, you walked confidently, wearing an all black outfit; trousers and a top with elbow-length sleeves that put no effort in covering the tattoos snaking down your arms. Emily briefly wondered where else you had tattoos that she couldn't see.
"Well that's no good." Had muttered Derek, trying to hide his smirk while looking up at Emily's reaction to you walking in. It didn't take a profiler to figure out she was attracted to you, and unfortunately for her, you were able to read all her signs. Over the first month of you working at the bau, you had pieced together why she could barely hold eye contact with you, avoiding speaking to you altogether until her behaviour completely changed and she started acting bossy towards you, holding eye contact for perhaps a little too long, trying to intimidate you. She was unsuccessful. Even though you didn't mind that she liked you, sharing knowing glances with Derek, who you had quickly grown close to, you didn't appreciate being treated any less nicely than your other teammates due to a little crush.
One day, on a local case in Quantico, you and Emily had been put in charge of getting lunch by the big bossman Hotch, a list of everyone's order written on your phone. "Hey, y/n," Emily started, at the end of a very awkward drive. You hummed, turning your head to face her. "I'm just saying this out of care for you, coworker to coworker. I don't think your tattoos being on display is professional for work. Strauss wouldn't appreciate them." You tried not to let your annoyance show on your face, instead shooting her a smile and saying "Well I'm sure Strauss would appreciate the fact that they don't get in the way of my work, wouldn't she?"
It was obvious to the rest of the team when you returned that tensions between you and Emily were high. Emily tossed the takeaway bags on the table with an irritated sigh, her jaw clenched tightly. You sat on your chair around the circular table in the conference room, tugging your sleeves higher up your arm. "Hey guys," You started smugly "do you think Strauss would have a problem with my tattoos?" You got a mix of responses, starting with JJ's "Well, she hired you so..." And Derek's straightforward "No she shouldn't." while Spencer only stared in confusion, glancing between you and Emily. "Yeah, I didn't think so." You stated, looking straight up across the table where Emily sat, opening her container of food.
That night, you and Emily had been the last to leave, frantically finishing up your reports. It was a silent race, an unspoken battle. You slammed your last file close in victory, running up to Hotch's office to hand it in before packing up your things, hoping to get to the elevator before Emily magically finished her reports too. Fetching your keys out of your bag when the elevator doors opened, you clicked the button to unlock your car, jogging to pull the door open and dropping your bag on the driver's seat when a shout of your name had you shutting the door frustratedly, spinning on your heels. "Oh shit." You mumbled, watching the taller woman storm over to you. You could just get in your car and drive away before she got to you, but... you were intrigued.
You stumbled backwards when she kept on charging your way despite how close she already was to you, your back hitting the cold steel of your car. The woman stood chest to chest with you, a hand coming to rest on your car right next to your head, dropping the bag she carried on the floor next to your feet. "What, so you think it's funny to just call me out like that in front of all my coworkers?" She seethed, her face only inches away from yours. Your breath shook when you replied "Well I wanted to hear their insight on what Strauss would think of my tattoos before I did anything about it." Gasping at the hand grabbing your waist, you couldn't help but glancing down at Emily's lips, licking your own in the heat of the moment
Emily's breath hit your face when she chuckled and you swallowed, thighs clenching slightly. "It's so fucking obvious that you want me." She scoffed, hand on your waist lowering to grip your hip. "Says you. Couldn't make eye contact with me for a month." You squealed when her lips hit yours in a desperate kiss, both your hands coming up to cup her jaw. Emily pushed her knee between your legs, thigh pressing against your pussy, making you gasp. She took the opportunity to slip her tongue in your mouth, moaning when she felt you grind your hips down on her thigh. "Take this as a sign to respect people when they give you advice, okay?" She panted, biting down on your lower lip. You whined, pushing her away from you by the shoulders so you could bite back with "What kind of advice is telling me to cover up my tattoos?"
"Well unless you want me pouncing on you every day, I'd suggest you take it." She whispered before reconnecting your lips together, her hand lowering from the side of your face so she could unbutton your trousers. Tugging Emily closer to you, you briefly separated your lips from hers to whisper "Yeah, no way I'm taking that advice." Your words were cut off into a gasp when Emily slid her fingers under your panties, finding your clit in no time. "Emily, we're gonna get caught!" You whispered, all hints of sass leaving your voice. "Not if you stay quiet sweetheart." She kicked one of your legs to the side, making you spread them further as she rubbed your wetness around your entrance, pressing kisses on your neck.
Probing two fingers at your entrance, she slowly sunk them into your core, observing your face carefully. The second your jaw fell open, a loud whine escaping you, she slapped her free hand on top of your open mouth, quickly averting her gaze to the rest of the parking lot, making sure you in fact would not get caught. "What did I just say?" She angrily muttered, pressing herself against you even more, trapping you between her body and your car. Both your arms moved, one wrapping over her shoulder to help hold you up, the other coming up so you can grip her bicep tightly. Her fingers were quick to move in and out of you, the graphic squelching noises louder than the sounds of pleasure you were making, head leaning back against the cool steel of your black car with your eyes shut tightly.
Desperate for more friction, your thighs squeezed around Emily's hand, a silent plea for more. Her hand didn't budge against your mouth, even when you drooled on it, instead slowing the hand inside you so she could rub your clit with her thumb while thrusting in and out of you. You're sure her hand will start cramping at any moment now. Your brows furrow, and you moan quietly against her, accepting the forehead kisses she gives you as a compromise for trying to stay quiet. You try telling Emily you're going to cum, but your words muffle against her hand. However, she somehow gets the hint from the way you give her a desperate look and your thighs start shaking, moans getting harder to compress. "Shhh, good girl, good girl." She mutters, leaning so close to you her breath hits your ear.
When your quiet moans subside, Emily finally removes her hand from over your mouth, instead using it to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. She lets you catch her breath before pulling out of you, buttoning up your trousers while you observe her quietly. "Thank you." You finally say timidly. Emily grins, leaning in for one last kiss. "How about you let me take you out on a date this weekend." You nod with a laugh, turning around to tug your car door open. "Oh my god, we're so dumb." You gasp, spinning to face Emily again. At her confused expression, you continue, stating "We could have done all of that in my fucking car." Emily laughs, leaning down to pick up her bag before she walks off, calling out "Good night!"
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help keep a queer disabled system couple from breaking NC with my rapist ❤️‍🩹
(CW: parental abuse/familial trauma, death from cancer, alcoholism, domestic violence, homelessness, sui + hospitalization, incest/rape, victim-blaming, abandonment + gaslighting by a toxic friend, harassment involving police, disordered eating)
please don't tag my post. proof of situation provided in imgur album.
i've held off on publicly asking for help beforehand, as i know there are many people in more dire circumstances right now. but i'm at a point where it's absolutely necessary.
i moved out of state to live with my partner system (we both have DID) in March of this year. we already planned to live together, but circumstances forced me to escape and go NC (no contact) with my remaining family for my safety.
i lived in my childhood home for my whole life until this year. my parents and extended family have always been abusive, but things escalated after my mom passed from Stage 4 lung cancer. my father started deteriorating after her diagnosis in 2018, and since her death in 2022, our relationship is no longer salvageable.
his alcoholism worsened significantly, resulting in multiple instances of him driving home drunk, collapsing, and almost being charged with a DUI. he hasn't hit me since i was 13, but he's acted domestically violent by slamming and hitting things whenever i've angered him. he threatened me with homelessness twice for being suicidal (once after a four day hospitalization, once after an attempted overdose), knowing full well i had no resources at the time and would've ended up on the streets. i attempted to escape last year, but my paternal aunt purposefully sabotaged it, forcing me to stay in an unsafe situation and suffer quietly. my mother's family abandoned me in 2020, and they no longer accept me (specifically for being queer/trans, disabled, and a vocal leftist), so they wouldn't help even if i wanted to resume contact.
it took over a year to move out due to my father controlling every aspect of my life with the justification of me being disabled. i tried to get his blessing for me to move in with my partner; but he refused to let me leave him, and he made it clear his disapproval of my relationship was because he didn't want me to have any autonomy outside of him.
the breaking point came after three days of nonstop verbal and emotional/mental abuse from him over an argument he started; everything culminated in him raping me while i was incapacitated. both my best friend of three years and their partner offered for me to crash at their apartment while my partner planned to get me. they also escorted me to a sexual assault center in my state to get a rape kit done.
i burned nearly every bridge in the process, as the people who could help me sided with him. but i didn't anticipate my friends to abandon me, too. they spent my last three days with them coercing me into changing my escape plan and dismissing my visible distress at how doing so would jeopardize my safety. less than 12 hours before we left, my best friend abandoned me via text, saying they'd refuse to help me if i didn't get police involved. anything i said in response resulted in gaslighting from them, mainly using therapy speak of "boundaries" and "triggers" to justify their actions. i cut contact with them after my partner told me they planned to drop me from the start (they told my partner this in a phone call while i was out) and discovering a cruel vague post they made after i last texted them. the last time i ever reached out was to send them money to get through their own situation.
since then, my partner and i have struggled financially. they're currently one write-up away from being fired, and their supervisor has always been volatile, so confronting him or going to anyone else at their job will do nothing. they've gotten help from their grandparents, but they're similarly abusive and unaccepting of them for the same reasons, so it hurts them to beg them even if they're unable to go NC right now.
i'm unable to reapply for disability, and previously lucrative sources of passive income have currently dried up. i'm waiting for orientation to be scheduled so i can start my new job, but we've financially suffered in the meantime. my account was charged off, and i only just now paid off a month's worth of PayPal debt; most of the debt came from paying off medical bills after i was injured in late April (currently contemplating pursuing legal compensation but nothing's set in stone).
i had to break NC twice for my father to help, but it's been triggering both times. i had to block his number before due to him harassing me via call/text, and he made me talk to police twice by falsely reporting me missing.
i cannot risk breaking NC again if my future job falls through or my partner loses theirs. we both had to skip meals several times within the past month to keep from buying food, so it's gotten scary already.
anything you can send helps. if you're unable to, PLEASE share this wherever you can. i also do writing commissions, so DM me to know my rates and what i'm willing to write.
ca | pp | vm
imgur album
(edit 6/18/24: created a new imgur album link; had no idea why the first one was inaccessible, but hopefully this is better formatted and contains additional context)
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goose-duck · 3 months
Creepypasta incorrect quotes 🦆
i know nothing abt anything, this was a request from forever ago, have fun reading these :D
Nina: better hope you don't lose a finger
Jeff: oh, I've got nine more
Jane: you don't even have a dick
Jeff: and yet my personality makes up for it
Jeff: *yelling about leaving*
Toby: at least the trash is very insistent on taking itself out
Hoodie: Toby's got a test tomorrow, do you know that?
Masky: no?
Hoodie: does he know that..?
Toby: know what?
Hoodie: he doesn't.
Jeff: *coughing*
EJ: *cooking right beside him* Jeff!!
Jeff: uh oh
Jeff: anti-cyclonic freak
Toby: excuse me?
Sally: what the flying fig tree is happening!?
Jane: *gasp*
Nina: *shock*
Jeff: *laughing*
Masky: wish I had something to throw at him...
Hoodie: you have a phone
Masky: wouldn't wanna break it on his thick skull
Jeff: anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?
Nina: no?
Jeff: well, they should.
Toby: there's a big chicken in the fridge. It's in the way of the milk...I think it's a turkey?
EJ: for Thanksgiving, Toby.
Toby: it's still in the way of the milk.
Ben: this is weird, y'all are weird, I'm gonna go home.
Jeff: wanna know the most pointless thing I've ever seen?
Masky: you?
Jeff: a sphere.
Sally: If operator man makes us go outside today I'm gonna cry and my tears will freeze and it'll hurt so I'll cry more...
Ben: yeah, he's the kinda guy to make us play badminton in a hurricane
Jane: look at my story, do it.
Jeff: why's it so ominous? Why are you being ominous?
Jane: it's like a threat
Jeff: IM NOT
Jeff: I'm no dickpe
Jane: you're no dickpe but you're a dickle
Jeff: dick pee
Jane: dick pickle
Toby: time flies when you have no idea what's happening
LJ: I slipped on a pumpkin today...it really caught me off gourd! *Laughing*
Everyone else: *silence*
Masky: *opens door*
Masky: *looks to his left and sees Toby* oh my god
Masky: *looks to his right and sees hoodie* oh my god
Masky: *closes door*
Slenderman/operator (whatever he's called idk): I'm a business man. My business? Crime.
Nina: *drinking pumpkin spice drink*
Jane: pumpkin spice is cinnamon and lies
Toby: *talking to Masky* I make jokes Hoodie should be in a nursing home, what would you be in? A coffin?
LJ: what are you looking for? A job? A man? A job, man?
Toby: I can pull a push door but I can't pull anything else
Jeff: *acting foolish*
EJ: it must be stupid o'clock
slenderman: this isn't a democracy here. I'm in charge.
Jeff: I'm deciding to start a revolution against this injustice by doing whatever the hell I want!
Slenderman: you can't just do that.
Jeff: says who?
Slenderman: me.
Jeff: no.
Sally: seagull, seagull, seagull
Ben: shut up!! I'm trying to sleep!
Ben: SHUT UP!!!
Ben: aughhhhh
Jane: chairs are better than real boys
Jeff: proni icik
EJ: what?
Jeff: hüñyâ
EJ: okay.
EJ: my eyes were leaking.
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Imagine Pope telling Benny you've gone missing while on a stakeout
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"Come on man, why all the cloak and dagger?" Benny jibed, "you're going to have to tell us why we're here anyway. Why did we have to follow some ridiculous instructions to get here."
"'cause we're all probably being watched, I couldn't risk anything else going wrong with this mission."
"What do you mean?" Frankie questioned. The atmosphere suddenly got very thick and uneasy.
"I um, so-" Santiago paused, unsure of how to start.
"Spit it out Pope." Tom jumped in.
"Okay, so you know I mentioned the set timings they brought people in, under the cover of night so they had more privacy?" the silence continued, "so with them knowing who I am. I needed to bring in a face they wouldn't bat an eyelid at..."
All four men wore heavy set expressions, cogs turning in their minds at where Santiago was going with this. Benny shared a look with his brother. Not liking where this was going.
"So I called in some help. Just know I didn't force this okay. I asked for a favour."
"Christ man. Spit it out." Will snapped. Not liking how sheepish Santiago was acting.
"It's Y/N. Okay she was doing some night recon for me and two days ago she went radio silent. And we had a strict agreement to check in once every 24 hours. So I knew she was okay." Santiago blurted out.
"Are you fucking kidding?" Benny asked, not sure how to take the news.
"I can't tell you how much I wish I was Ben. I'm sorry."
All five men had a soft spot for you. Having known you for a number of years. Friendships had developed across continents with them. They all cared about your safety as they did each other. Spending time both on the battlefield and at home. You'd even moved cities to be closer to the group. Since then spending a huge chunk of your time with the Miller brothers. Well. One to be particular. Benny and you had a different kind of relationship. One that had never progressed from the gooey eyed longing looks at one another from across the pool table. Among every other place you guys hung out. You supported him ringside at every match. Cheering him on and giving him the push to fight just that little bit harder. Earning you the title of good luck charm after Bennys fourth win in a row once you started coming along.
Saying that you had a special place with all of the guys. You were a constant with Frankies family. Supporting his wife while Frankie had his drug charges cleared up.
You even introduced Will to his fiancée.
Tom had listened to your advice on how he would be able to start repairing his relationship with his daughter. Resulting in them going on their first dad-daughter camping weekend.
Pope had always been a bit of an enigma with the group. But you too had a special place with him. You helped him hash out many a crazy idea. Toning them down when he got too into the idea of taking down huge conglomerates widely known to be untouchable.
"Fuck. Where was she last supposed to reach you?" Benny asked, leaning forward in his seat.
"She always called my phone from a payphone just outside the market. At two o'clock. But that last two days I've heard nothing."
"Where was she staying?"
"At a hotel on the outskirts of town, room 203. Self catering kind of deal."
"Right, Fish and Will. Go to that payphone and see if there's any sign there. I'm going to stay put see if she turns up here. Benny-"
"Go to the hotel. Got it."
The boys sprung into motion. Grabbing what they needed and heading for the truck they arrived in.
"Benny, I'll drop you off at the hotel." Santiago offered, earning a nod from Ben.
He followed closely behind Santiago. Still on the fence about whether he should give him an earful in the car of the way.
"She better be alright."
"I know. You're gonna kick my ass if she isn't."
"Damn right. But I know you didn't do this on purpose."
The ride was pretty quiet from then on. Both men itching to get to the hotel to confirm their hopes.
Benny couldn't help but scan everyone's face as they passed. Hoping she would just appear on a street corner unharmed.
Pulling up in the car park to the hotel. Benny was out the door even before Santiago could turn off the engine. Scanning the room numbers he headed for the stairs. Taking them two at a time, he followed the descending numbers. 213, 212, 211... Round the corner to the side of the block. He continued, 206, 205, 204... Pausing as he locked eyes on 203. Bracing himself for the worst he reached to twist the door handle, light pressure made the already opened door swing fully open.
Letting out a quiet whistle. Signalling to Santiago, Benny reached for the pistol he had stashed in the back of his trousers. With the curtains pulled the room was dim, when he didn't immediately spot you his guard remained on high alert. The room didn't look trashed. But it didn't exactly look neat and tidy. There was some semblance of disarray.
Benny recognised your belongings though. The notebook you always scribbled in. The snacks you never went anywhere without. He even recognised one of his boxing sweatshirts in the messy bed.
Relaxing his stance, Santiago took over scanning the rest of the room. Benny looked through the ripped up paperwork on the bed, seeing you'd made notes about the targets for him. Santi headed for the bathroom, to cover all bases.
"Benny get in here now!" Santiagos voice jolted Benny out of his thoughts.
Preparing himself to see something he didn't want to, he practically ran into the bathroom. Almost tripping over a crouching Santi. Who was hovering over your unconscious figure slumped in between the wall and the toilet bowl.
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megumisgirl · 1 year
I would let Nerd Megumi spit on me, run me over, finger me to hell, make me cry, slam me, choke me, pull my hair, literally obliterate my holes. And I would still love him.
Thank you
gurl... this gave me an idea and.. therapy is optional, and i might need to go after this ahhhhaa double post today!!
"she's a virgin. they get wet so... easy." megumi x fem!reader
it was your twenty birthday and you felt so excited to celebrate it with the people you most loved, your family and your boyfriend, inumaki. it was a normal day for you, nothing special even if it was birthday. your boyfriend needed to go for some important meeting and here you were, sitting in your room all alone, eating the huge cake meant to serve so many people but now it belongs all to you.
a single tear left your eyes as you frowned, looking at the cake you just kept eating it. it was your party, and you'd cry if you want to. your eyes moved slowly towards the phone as it pinged, alerting you that a new text appeared in your phone. you sighed, picking it up, thinking it was another text for inumaki apologizing because he was going to be late but it wasn't it.
happy birthday, butterfly. 01:23pm. thinking of you... 01:24pm. *one attachment sent.*
your breath hitched as you looked at the photo. his glasses were fogged up and he was shirtless, his hair wet and drapping over sea blue eyes, water droplet coated his abs and his dick was springed free. the tip slightly red, and the you could practically feel it throbbing from the screen.
you and megumi had a strange relationship. after everything that happened, you two decided to go your seperate ways since he was more focused on studies than you. an evening with your now-ex megumi, was him studying and you just looking at him hoping he would just pay the littlest bit of attention to her.
plus there was something else you wouldn't discuss with megumi, sometimes his actions were a bit... possesive. yes, like everyone other girl you liked it when your man was a bit protective of you, but megumi was different. what he hid behind those glasses and baggy dorky clothes, he made it up at night wearing a hood with a baseball bat in his hand, beating the hell out of your classmates who flirted with you.
it scared you. how easily he could do this, and how he could live with it. how he could commit these crimes and go unnoticed, and everyone would be scared to even file charges since his guradian was gojo fucking satoru, crime cindiate. so i guess, what more did you even expect? being that nerdy kid, it was the mask he wore to hid the actual man that he was.
a bad, bad man.
and you were worse, for wanting him even after all this. knowing all of it, knowing he was the one who beat them up, put some of the kids into hospitals with broken ribs and arms, your heart ached for them. so he stabbed it. broke your heart, and you broke his by breaking up with him.
you closed your phone, shutting your eyes tightly before you sighed, wondering how low can you get from here before your phone pinged again.
*2 new attachments sent.* Are you lonely, butterfly? 1:44pm.
You didn't need two seconds to reply. Now, you're lower.
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megumi was deep inside you, the tip of his cock poking through your lower stomach. you whimpered against him, your back pressed against the hard wooden tables. you put your elbows behind you, trying to help your back but megumi pushed you.
"the fuck do you think you're doing, hmm?" he winced, pushing you roughly. you groaned at his rough touch. this was his way of taking revenge on you, making you wait, holding your come in and never. when i say never, i mean it. it has been two hours, and you still haven't come once, but megumi, he hadn't either. if you were hurting, he was too.
"m-.." you whimpered, "my back-"
"what?" he snapped, "it hurts?" you nodded, and in turn you got a slap in return. it stung, badly. your cheeks heat up as his hand roughly grasped your neck, making you look at him, all teary doe eyed and beautiful.. all for him. his heart warmed for a second, before he snapped back to normal.
the humility, the embarassment, the feeling you felt at the moment, hatred? anger? no, that's not it. arousal. you liked it, and that was much, much, worse.
"open your mouth." he ordered. it was a weird thing to ask, even for you. you frowned, not doing as he asked, making him slap you again. you cried out this time, he was being rough, and you cried because you liked it. "open. your. mouth." you did it without question this time, he gathered some spit in his mouth and threw it in your mouth. your cheeks warmed up as he looked at your face, "swallow." you followed as he did, making him smile. "my sweet girl, m'sorry for being so rough."
this was the other thing with him. all that pent up competitiveness from studying so much and the constant pressure of winning and being first, it made him rough with you in bed. too rough. and you weren't complaining, it's just sometimes you wished he was... nicer.
"its okay." you whispered out. the knot in your stomach tightening. he groaned, pushing him inside you with such force, it made you scream. he pulled your hair to bring you closer to him even though you were facing him, he was out-of-control. his mind was gone and this was all his body's doing.
"god... sqezeeing me so tight, s.. s-sweet girl," he groaned. "come with me." he repeated constantly as he came. his mind leaving his body as he came inside you, and you came all over him, ruining his pants that were by his ankle and your birthday dress.
"so pretty, so sweet, my girl." he whispered in your ear as he cooed you from your high. your breathing was ragged and barely there. your hands went to his waist and brought him close to hug him. "happy birthday, butterfly." he whispered.
"thank you, megs." you said, hugging him closer. the door opened abruptly as your eyes widened. you pushed megumi away, brining your dress over your chest to cover yourself.
"happy birth-" inumaki stopped, his eyes moving to the both of you. "what freak show is this?!"
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inumaki stood in the middle of the door as you sat on the chair with your hands on your neck, nervously fidgeting with yourself as megumi stood opposite you, towering over inumaki as he smoked a cig.
"how long has this been going on?" he asked, looking at you. you sighed.
"this is the first time we connected after we broke up, i-" you stuttured, running your hands through your hair. "i never wanted this to happen. you can break up with me if you want to, this is... you don't deserve this, i'm sorry." you apologized, humiliated with your behaviour. but megumi doesn't say anything, just look at you.
"we will break up, but how could yo-"
"cut the crap, toge." megumi snapped, making your head look up at the two men in front of you. "aren't you cheating on her with nobuko tadaka?" your eyes moved to inumaki and he looked at you, his cheeks all red.
"i- how did you know about-?" you stood up, ready to leave. "no, baby, i can explain!" you looked at them with a boring expression.
"no need." you said with your hand in front of you as he approached you. by now, you've had enough of their bullshit, enough of men being.. well, men. not being treated right and still going back to them. knowing your worth, you deserve better than these two knuckle heads here. "why dont the two of you fuck each other? since that's what you two do anyways!"
you left abruptly, slamming the door. megumi smirked, taking the cig from his lips and blowing it in inumaki's mouth.
"she's a peice of work, isn't she?" he smirked, half-scoffing as he left the room.
"she sure is." inumaki sighed.
GURL... THESE MEN SUCK (real) also my birthday just passed by!! june 29th, and it sucked so bloop bloop
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withahappyrefrain · 10 months
Okay but I’d love to talk mob Peter and model on his yacht where he is supposed to be on vacation but keeps having to do work which leads to his girl getting bored/ finding ways to get him to focus on her and like at this point peter is no longer nervous and bad at dating he’s pissed and someone’s getting fcuked on a deck
YES also this got away from me whoops
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When Peter said he would be on vacation, it really means he would be working only fifty percent of the time.
It's better than the whole time. And it certainly wouldn't be difficult to lure him away with a skimpy bikini, with promises of hot tubs and cocktails.
At least, so one thought.
The skimpy bikinis were becoming more beneficial for even tanning rather than seducing Peter.
Apparently vacation time is the best time for everything at work to go to shit.
It makes sense that Peter is the go to person. He's in charge, which means they want his approval before making a decision.
But why did it have to take thirty to forty five minutes for a damn decision to be approved?
It doesn't help that they were having such a lovely time out on the deck before his phone rang, his mouth exploring yours, hands about to discover that there was nothing underneath that cute little sundress you had on.
It has been twenty minutes past too long since he answered the phone.
Which left you no choice but to take matters into your own hands.
You flipped over onto your stomach, the action causing the hem of your dress to rise past your thighs.
Peter saw, given by the way he raised an eyebrow. For a moment, his eyes were fixated on you, on your body. But then someone calls his name over the phone, and he's back to talking to Felicia.
That just won't do.
So you prop yourself up on your knees and elbows, arching your back enough for the hem of your dress to slide closer to your waist, giving Peter a generous glimpse of your ass, revealing the surprise you had planned for him.
When you looked back, his eyes, now dark, were fixated on you. His free hand was running along his beard, up and down his freckled neck, a nervous habit he displayed ever since your first date. Long fingers danced along the silver chain you loved to pull on.
He holds his hand up, fingers spread as he mouths "five minutes" to you.
But that seems like an eternity.
You truly didn't mean to moan so loudly when your fingers found your clit. They weren't as thick or calloused as Peter's, but feeling something after going untouched this whole morning felt incredible.
It's so good that you don't hear Peter abruptly and gruffly hanging up. You don't hear him unzip his pants or reach for the bottle of lube.
When you do feel, is his cock slamming into you, a hand grabbing both of yours and holding them by your wrists.
"You little slut, just couldn't fucking wait," He hisses, slamming into you, ignoring your cries of pleasure.
"N-No. Needed it s'bad," you whine, unashamed.
His cock makes you feel so full, makes your toes curl, makes you unable to focus on anything other than how fucking good he makes you feel.
"Yeah, I can tell. Showing off your cunt to me and everyone else who's sailing by," He grunts, his tough facade almost faltering when your walls squeeze his cock so well.
"T-took s'long. Couldn't help it." It's really a miracle you're able to speak somewhat coherently, considering the way Peter's rutting into you, his fingers drawing circles on your aching clit.
"Oh? Now it's my fault you just couldn't wait five minutes?" His fingers are moving with precision, "Let's see if I can beat my personal record of making this cunt come over my cock.'
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muddyorbsblr · 10 months
reckless girl pt1
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: @holdmytesseract
Summary: When you didn't show up for your date with Magnus, the last place he thought he'd find you was inside the Ystad police station…in a holding cell
Pairing: Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: talks of injuries; cliffhanger at the end
Things to be aware of: established relationship
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"Why so glum, Martinsson? Not enough sleep?" Kurt clapped a hand on the curly blond haired detective's soldier, jerking him out of his worry spiral. "Girl trouble?"
Magnus lifted his chin from his joint fists, unable to iron out the furrow between his eyebrows. "Something like that…Y/N, my girlfriend. We were supposed to meet after my shift last night and she never showed. Hasn't called or texted either."
"Maybe she ghosted you, lad," Svedberg jested from his desk. "Had enough of the barflies clinging about you, did 'erself a favor."
"No," he said with conviction. "She wouldn't do that, that's not her." You'd been dating for long enough that he knew you wouldn't just disappear from his life with no contact like that. There was something else going on, there had to be. Another reason why you weren't at the restaurant last night. Another reason you weren't picking up your phone.
"Maybe try her again," Kurt offered. "If you still have nothing, you can always find a reason to patrol around her area and pay your girl a visit."
"Really? You won't be cross if I did?"
"For anyone else I'd suspend them on the spot if they attended to matters of the heart while on duty but I'd rather have the brightest bulb in the station actually functioning in the station, rather than have his mind wandering off to where his lady could be." He gave the younger detective a tight smile, knowing full well that had he been in Martinsson's spot, he'd be doing the same thing. "Try her again."
This time your phone rang twice before someone answered. "This is the Ystad holding area, and the owner of this mobile has been detained until--"
"Officer Jansen?"
"Detective Martinsson? Why are you calling--"
"Where's Y/N? This is her phone I've been trying to reach her since last night and--"
"Well last night a Ms Y/L/N was brought here for holding and we confiscated this phone off her person. Drunk and disorderly behavior," Jansen offered.
Just then another voice, your voice, spoke through the line. "Hey, the other guy was drunk and disorderly, it's not my fault the wanker couldn't fight!"
Magnus took a deep breath, a mix of both frustration and relief. Mostly the latter knowing now where you were exactly and that he would most likely see you in the next few minutes. "Jansen, I don't know what she did but I can guarantee you she probably had a good reason for it. Could you maybe…I dunno, let her off with a warning? I'll talk to her, make sure this doesn't happen again."
There was a deep sigh from the other end of the line before the officer spoke again. "Fine. She doesn't have a record, and the other guy seems to be too embarrassed to press charges seeing as he got his arse beat by a woman, so her name stays clean. But if this happens again--"
"It won't," he answered, a little less conviction in his tone. "Could you please send her here, though? I've been on edge since last night."
"Say no more, I'll have her there with an escort in a few minutes."
It didn't take long until another officer from the holding area stepped into the detectives area, and Magnus finally laid his eyes on you. And he saw red.
The second the officer uncuffed you, he was rushing over, placing his hands on your shoulders trying to assess the damage done. Your neck was red and purple, the skin of your knuckles split and bloodied, cuts and scrapes all over your face. There even seemed to still be specks of dirt in some of the wounds.
"Hello, sweetie," you spoke after a few moments of him taking stock of the injuries you sustained, wincing when you tried to give him a smile and it opened the wound on your lip that had only healed a fraction of the way the night before. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the restaurant--"
"Never mind that, darling," he waved off your apology, taking your hands in his and pressing his lips to the backs of your fingers, being careful not to touch any injured portion of your skin. "All I care about right now is that you're safe." He jerked his head over to his desk. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. And then you can tell me what happened. Starting with who dared lay a hand and bloody up my precious angel's face like this."
"My sister Stella's in town and we went out straight after my shift to grab some drinks--Ach." You flinched at the stinging of the alcohol-soaked cotton round that he pressed to the cut on your cheek.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he sighed, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, ignoring the teasing remarks from the other detectives on the floor as he tended to your wounds. "But we have to get these cleaned out so they don't get infected. We've already lost so much time since these just stayed as they were the entire time you were in that holding cell."
"I know I know," you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut when he resumed disinfecting the cuts. "It's not my first fight, you know. Still stings like a right bitch every bloody time, though."
He finished dressing the wounds on your face before moving to your cut and bruised knuckles. "Did no one even come to check on you before they booked you last night?" he grumbled, seeing the caked blood and dirt around these wounds as well.
"No. Everyone's attention was mostly on the other guy, making sure he got to the hospital safe and all that."
"Ah, so you're the mystery assailant," Kurt spoke up, walking up to Magnus' desk. "I just got off the phone with the hospital about some professional pick-up artist, whatever the shite that is, and how he refuses to press charges because if anyone knew what happened to him it'll ruin his image." He stuck out a hand toward you. "Kurt Wallander, I'm Magnus' supervising officer."
You gave him a little wave in response. "Not exactly how I pictured meeting Magnus' workmates, but I'll take it. Hi. Y/N Y/L/N, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'd shake your hand but--"
"I'll be quite cross with you if you split open your wounds over pleasantries, sweetheart," the blond detective butted in. He turned to his supervisor. "Hang on the case you were called to this morning? The assault victim? That was--"
"Hold on…if the wanker didn't press charges, does the word 'assailant' still apply to me?"
"Yes," both men said at once.
"But I'm willing to consider this a case deservedly closed since firstly, the pervert wanker chose not to press charges. And second, he's had it coming for a long while. Man's got an entire binder of reports for sleazeball behavior, but we just don't have the laws here yet to book someone for unjust vexation," Kurt told you both before addressing you directly. "Just don't make a habit out of getting detained or else I won't be able to do anything about the station giving your boyfriend grief over dating a 'bad girl'." He put the last bit in air quotes, jerking his head over at the desks of the jeering detectives on the other side of the floor.
"I'll do what I can," you shot back, scrunching your nose in place of a smile. "But in my defense, he was getting handsy with my sister and she's a little too peaceful and zen that the woman wouldn't hurt a fly, I had to."
"Careful, darling. Wallander here has a soft spot for the hero types, he might just issue you a gun," Magnus joked, finishing up on your knuckles and pressing a soft kiss to the bandages.
"Considering that the man you put in the hospital is just one in a large group of men doing much of the same?" the senior detective shot back. "I might just, might even give Linda one just to err on the side of caution and all that." He took a finger at you. "You be careful out there. Willing to bet my badge you ticked off a good few unstable men with egos bigger than their brain power. Some of them might be capable of a bit more than a few cuts and scrapes. And might be on the hunt for who put one of their own in casts and stitches."
"I'll keep safe. Thank you, Detective Wallander." You stood up and gave an awkward wave, making a motion to start walking out of the station. "I should get going. Wouldn't want to take up more of Magnus' time while he's at work."
That got the blond detective shooting out of his seat. "I'll see you out, then." He led you out the station, hand securely at your waist as he made sure you could walk properly. "Go straight home, tell your sister you're safe and you're not going to jail. And then tomorrow, how about we meet for breakfast after you've had some rest?"
"Yes, Sir," you answered playfully before throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you, Mags," you whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek. "I love you."
His heart caught in his throat at your words. You'd never said it first before. "I love you, too, little spitfire." He tucked his fingers under your chin, pressing a tender kiss to your lips before letting you go. "I'll see you in the morning."
Only when morning came, he sat at the restaurant near the station all alone, letting a whole hour pass before concluding that you weren't coming once again. Going off of what had transpired the day before, he showed up at the Ystad police station's holding area a good hour ahead of his shift, ready to try his luck at talking your way out of whatever situation you'd gotten yourself into.
"Morning, Martinsson," Jansen greeted him once the officer caught sight of the blond curls descending the stairs. "What brings you here so early--"
"Is Y/N here? Again?"
The officer began typing away at the system, giving commentary along the way. "She's a bit of a baddie, isn't she? Getting booked there twice in just as many days--Huh…" Jansen tilted his head in confusion at the information on the screen. "I don't see anything from last night's records. Maybe check the holding cells just in case? Sorry, Martinsson."
Magnus let out a sharp exhale, the frustration radiating off him in waves. "No worries. Thanks, Jansen." He set off toward the three holding cells they had in the station, only one of them being occupied by a drunk driver that was booked last night and was awaiting for his wife to bail him out. The other two were empty and clean as a whistle, no sign of anyone having even been there in the last 24 hours.
He picked up his phone and tapped on your name, his heart thundering in his ears as he waited for you to answer. "Please tell me you just slept in, sweetheart," he mumbled, his body already shaking with every second his call went unanswered.
But then the line got picked up, and his heart lodged itself in his throat.
"Hello?" The voice of a woman. But not yours.
"Who is this?" he nearly barked at the stranger's voice. "Where's Y/N?"
"I'm Stella, her sister, hold on who the hell are you?"
"Magnus, her boyfriend. Where's your sister? Why do you have her phone?" His tone became more impatient.
"She was supposed to meet me last night for dinner. Told me she needed to get some rest after what happened the other day that got her arrested," your sister explained, the answer making the detective even more panicked. "She never showed, figured she slept too long and I'd pick her up for some breakfast, but--" Her breath hitched on the other line, a jagged exhale coming through from her end as she composed herself. "She's not here. And the place is a mess. Hang on--If you're the boyfriend, you're the detective, right?"
"Y-Yes, yes I am." He could barely manage the words; he felt so hollow inside, dreading what words he would hear next.
"I'd like to report a crime, then," Stella spoke, her voice wavering as she tried to put up a brave front. "My sister's missing, there's blood on the floor. Someone's hurt my sister."
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A/N: Eeeeeee I'm so excited to give this one to y'all! It's been a while since I started on another request and when I tell you that the words just started flying when I got into the vibe that this story was gonna give. I know I know…there's a cliffhanger…but there will be a part 2 in a few days and we're gonna see just what happened after YN left the station…
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
Magnus taglist: @vbecker10
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1989stanz · 8 months
Well, two days ago I promised a fanfic to you all, so it is here! It's a inheritance games fanfiction and I hope you enjoy it. I accept any type of criticism, but just don't offend me. Thank you! @aaal-iz-well @myster3y @myfairkatiecat @riddles-n-games@aria-1105 @formulalina15
Jameson lost a 911 and has to deal with his penance.
All characters are from Jennifer Lynn Barnes's book The inheritance games. None of them are mine! Mentions of Nash Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Avery Grambs, Gigi Grayson and Maxine Liu. There's some cursing and mentions of murder, but nothing serious. The author didn't deep dive in these two delicate topics. No spoilers and no smut!
English is not my first language! So I apologize for any mistakes.
(P.S.: I'm always open for fanfic suggestions.)
Words count: 17K (sorry for being so long. I just couldn't help it 😭)
Jameson was never the type of person you could call “phone addicted.” He didn't spend much time scrolling because he was always busy with his brothers, a riddle, or doing something that the police would certainly arrest him for it. As a result, charging his phone wasn't something that occupied his mind, that's why his phone died often. That's what happened on this day. He was in a phone call with Xander when suddenly his phone went dead. Letting out a sigh, he opened the bedroom he shared with Avery to search for his charger. The room was quite a mess, with clothes on the floor, in the bed and hanging lazily around a chair. It reflected the owners' minds: messy as hell, but still comfortable somehow. There was a colored cube on the floor he accidentally stepped on and kicked away as he continued looking inside a drawer.“Where is it?”, he thought.“I know it's here. I remember the last time I used it and I put it in this drawer. . .” Before he could properly finish his inner monologue, he felt IT before he heard or saw it. He felt it strong and passionately inside of him, and deep inside he just knew what it was. Someone was approaching—HER. He felt her presence almost all the time when she was around. His heart would just stop as a true and genuine felling he had never felt before her took over his entire body and soul. It was exaggerating to describe it this way, but every single thing he felt and thought about her was exaggerating. “Jamie?”, Avery spoke and, oh, he loved her voice, specially when she said the nickname his brothers gave to him. Nobody else beside them had the right to call him this was, but her? Just listening to his nickname set his blood and entire body on fire. Hungry. He was hungry for everything, even for her—specially for her. “Heiress?”, he finally turned around and his heart pounded faster when he finally looked at her and realized why she called him. Her eyes were gleaming—they were always so bright when they stared at Jameson's eyes—, a challenge that he couldn't back down on her face. He clearly wouldn't back down from anything she proposed. “Jamie.” Avery knew he loved when she said it, so she usually did it when she wanted his whole attention to her, and god-damn, she was wearing one of his shirts. She had never done it before, but it looked way better on her. She looked beautiful, he thought to himself. And he FELT how Avery had an enormous effect on him. Forget hungry. He was starving just for a piece of her.
Smirking, he said, “So, now you steal my shirts?”, his green eyes glowing more than ever.
“Only when I want to catch you off guard, like now”, her eyes told what she didn't: Avery was enjoying what she was doing to him. Of course she did, he was acting like a damn dog. They stared at each other and did not break eye contact as she walked up to him and pressed her lips to his. The kiss wasn't soft or slow. It was breathtaking, and when she pulled away, he wanted more. Forget the charger, it could wait, but his hunger could not. And probably the 911 call he received from one of his brothers could too.
Grayson would never admit, but he was terrible. Not physically, Grayson Hawthorne was at no time physically terrible. He always makes to sure to be looking good. But mentally? His mind and feelings were so awful that just “terrible” wasn't an appropriate answer. He was drowning in work—again—, swimming like crazy and doing anything that was humanly possible to stop his brain from echoing a name. Her name. So that's why he was standing again at the place Emily had died, so-and-so far from the ground. He had no equipment and wondered—again— what would happen if he jumped. Of course, it was just a thought, Grayson wasn't going to jump, but just the adrenaline that he felt with this thought kept his entire head quiet. Her name wasn't there for a moment. But moments didn't last forever, so that's why he decided to finally go back to the house.
Once he arrived, his whole body ached for something. Escapism. Her name was there again, and he knew a way to stop it. Grayson quickly took some turns around the house, and before he could even think about it, he was in the cellar. Without realizing, his hands grabbed a Tequila, took off the cover and his nose caught the smell of the liquid. Eve. Eve. Eve. Eve. He took a swing. Eve. Eve. Eve. He took another swing, this time longer than the other one, and… Nothing. It was calm. And he took more long swings. He hardly allowed himself alcohol, but in that occasion he drank it like his life depended on it. 
Halfway through the bottle, one thought broke through his shields: “You need someone”. That hit him, hard. But for one second he stopped taking swings and recognized the obvious: he was broken, drowning, but he didn't have to be alone. He had his brothers and Avery and, somehow, that was everything. Eve couldn't touch this, it was totally his and only his. His family. That's what they were. So he picked his phone from his pocket and only sent one message for each of his brothers: 911.
Nash and Xander appeared in a heartbeat and, for reasons he couldn't tell, his heart overflowed with love. He felt it warm and quiet on his chest for the first time in a very long time. Nash was the first one to look at him, raising one of his eyebrows, “So what's the deal, little brother?”. Xander whispered in Nash's ear, “He seems drunk to you too, or did the explosion I caused today already affecting me?” Grayson almost raised an eyebrow when he heard his words. That would explain his clothes that seemed to be set on fire. Instead, he chose to analyze the room he requested their presence. The gaming area was an enormous place full of all kind of games, physical games—like bowling—or just games that required thinking, like chess. Being more specific, Hawthorne chess.
After four rounds of Hawthorne chess and three Grayson's victories later, strip bowling was the chosen game, and he found out in the worst way possible that strip bowling wasn't for him. Nash didn't have his boots and his socks. Since his brothers demanded when they first played strip bowling that Nash's cowboy hat wasn't a piece of clothing, he was shirtless but had his cowboy hat on. Xander didn't have shoes and socks anymore, and Grayson…was winning. He didn't wear a coat, shoes, socks, and his shirt. But he was happy to be with his brothers…or at least two of them. Grayson turned away as soon as he noticed that Jameson wasn't there and asked, “Where's Jameson?” 
“Probably doing something very dangerous and assuming risks that could get him to have a meeting with God!”, Xander replied with a smile. Nash frowned his eyebrows, “I called him like 10 times, and he didn't pick up.” Wasting no more time, Grayson reached for the phone in his pocket and called Oren. The bodyguard picked up immediately. “Any problem?”, he asked, his voice calm and powerful and useless for someone like Grayson, who knew the word “power” like the back of his hand. “Where's Jameson? Is he in danger?”. He could hear the way the bodyguard shrugged. “No danger in sight, if you don't consider sleeping in Avery's bedroom a dangerous thing to do.” Jameson was sleeping, and it was almost offensive that he lost a 911, but then he realized. Jameson lost a 911, and he was going to pay for it like Grayson did. He smiled and turn off the phone call. “As much as I love to see you smile, I can tell where this is going”, Nash replied. Xander was amused, his eyes as bright as the sun. “So Jameson really lost a 911?”. They didn't answer, but instead the rest of the evening was wasted between plans and more plans for his penance.
1:00 am
Jameson noticed that he lost a 911 call, and he knew his brothers would come after him with a wicked plan. Surprised wasn't an adjective to describe his emotions when Xander appeared out of nowhere at night and started to play a trumpet. But furious and about to end Xander were appropriate words. “STOP!”, he yelled through gritted teeth, trying to cover his ears with a pillow. Nash put a hand on his little brother shoulder to stop him. “Enough, Xan. Enough.” Grayson was behind him, and Jameson could swear he almost smiled. Reluctant, he got up from the bed. “It's time for my penance.” It wasn't a question, and nobody corrected him. Instead, he just received a devilish smile from Nash. It was going to be a very, very long night. 
1:30 am
Max was spending the Christmas holiday at the Hawthorne house in her own wing, where his brothers dropped him. She smiled, a big and bright smiled that he almost feared. Almost. “Hello, little duck.” He snorted. “Not sure about being a duck.” She meant dick, but he chose to ignore it. “However. Just sit in this chair and let me do my magic.” He sat, and she covered his face in a really white foundation, drawing a smile with her makeup pencil, covering his cheeks a really shiny red. “I think I know what you're doing, but I better be wrong.” Max smirked, and he decided that smirking didn't look good on her. Actually, it was never a good thing when someone who wasn't him smirked. “I can't tell you. Xander made me promise.” 
“I think so.” And he let her finish, putting a blue wig on his head, covering his hair. Thrilled, she picked a small mirror on the desk, showing his reflection to him. “Do you like it?”. He was right indeed. Xander had asked his girlfriend for a clown makeup for him. She gave him a card with an address written on it as he left her wing. He was going to kill Xander. Suffocated, precisely. With his own damn wig. Opening the card, there was an address that he did not recognize:
Flower Boulevard Street, 89
P.S.: Gigi must drive.
2:00 am 
Gigi knew how to drive a car. Of course she did. At least that was what she told him before breaking all the traffic laws. Jameson wasn't a fan of laws and endless rules, but after this 30 minutes painful ride and almost dying more times than he could count, he was a new fan of the traffic law, apparently. She stopped in front of a building, some pop music blasting on the radio, his face so white that it looked like he was a ghost. After a few minutes of searching for his soul that clearly was lost along the way, his eyes analyzed the construction. He had thought about the worst places that his brothers would have chosen as a location for the evening, but a big and luxury hospital didn't cross his mind, not even once. But there he was, standing in full clown clothes in the hospital parking. Gigi grabbed his arm. “What are you waiting for? I thought you liked a challenge.” He did, and that's why he entered the construction.
2:15 am 
He managed to get lost inside the hospital, but that was way better than Gigi getting lost four times while driving 'cause she insisted on not using the GPS. After a few minutes, he founded his brothers. Unfortunately. “Wooow! He looks awfully amazing”, Xander shouted. “This isn't your best moment, little brother”, Nash laughed. Grayson just looked, without saying anything at first. Then he raised an eyebrow. “I think you lost something, Mr.Clown”, he told Jameson, pulling out leather pants from his hands. Not common leather pants, but THE leather pants. He was doomed.
2:25 am 
Out of all his brothers, Jameson was the leanest, but the leather pants still squeezed him really tight. It was almost painful, and he needed ten minutes to make them fit. “Comfortable?”, Grayson asked, enjoying this moment more than anything else. Jameson gave a Cheshire cat smiled, not giving him the satisfaction to see his discomfort. “More than ever, big brother.” Grayson smirked, and he wondered why everyone was suddenly smirking at him all the time. Nash leaned on the doorway, his cowboy hat hiding his smile. “Ready to put on a show, Jamie?” A show? What the actual fuc...”
“I have balloons!” Xander tossed three bags of balloons at Jameson's face, and he caught each one, his face marked with confusion. “Why do I need balloons?” 
“For the kids!”, Xander smiled, thriving. “There are some sad and unfortunate kids on this hospital that need some fun and joy in their lives, and you're going to bring fun and joy. That's what clowns do, isn't it, Mr.Clown?” 
He could feel the need to wash off all the makeup in the sink bathroom and take off his ridiculous clothes, including his fancy clown shirt. But he promised it to his brothers. Grayson had called and he didn't come. That was his penance. “Where are the kids?”, he asked. 
3:35 am
One hour and ten minutes later, Jameson was at the edge of a breaking down. Sure he could deal with one or two kids playing with his wig, trying to pull his clothes, licking his face when they thought he couldn't see, getting on the ceiling, screaming, crying, popping the balloons, trying to slap him, laughing and making jokes of him, swearing, running and so much more. But twenty? It seemed and felt like hell. He couldn't even judge the kids, 'cause little Jamie was worse than that kids. He looked at Nash after one of them spat on his face, “Please, Nash. Please stop this.” All three of them laughed, Xander more pleased with himself than ever. He had video every time a kid did something to him and threatened to send them to Avery. Jameson didn't even try to stop him, his little brother was going to show Avery one way or another. And he was mortified. “Please. It's been one hour. I can't handle more.” Jameson Hawthorne didn't beg, of course not. But he was about to get on his knees if Nash didn't look at him and decided that the poor boy had enough. “Alright, kids!” He shouted and all of them immediately stopped what they were doing, something that Jameson couldn't do. He felt jealous. “Form a line, so the clown can say goodbye to you all.” They said an audible “noooo”. Apparently, they liked to torture him. He went to say goodbye to every kid when they finally formed a line, some of their names carved on his brain as he passed. Brian. Yasmin. Joe. Kloe. Patrick. Pablo. Iago. . .
“Where's Iago?”, Kloe said, looking behind her. Jameson counted the kids and there were only 19 of them. Oh, hell. “Nash”, he looked at his oldest brother while he nodded, understanding what he meant with just one word. “Go there, Jamie. We'll stay here.” He took a glance at the kids. “So, how are we feeling about dancing?” They screamed in excitement. Jameson couldn't understand how he did it. 
Where were this kid? Jameson had searched absolutely every god-damn room of the hospital, had warned the nurses, and they still had not found him. He couldn't help but remember when he disappeared as a kid. It didn't take a couple of minutes to find him, it took hours. Sometimes even days. He swallowed hard, thinking what would happen if Iago wasn't found. What if he was in danger? How would his parents react? What if he managed to get out of the hospital…
“Oh my god, Iago! Can you calm down for a second? You're going to spill my coffee all over the room.” He heard someone say in a room at the end of the hallway, stopping to look what was going on. Gigi trying to take Iago off of the ceiling with a cup of coffee in her hand. The scene was a one to be recorded, if Jameson wasn't freaking out. “Iago! Get off of there!”, he commanded, and surprisingly the kid seemed to hear. “I don't know”, Iago mumbled and he looked worried. Scared. That shattered Jameson's heart. He picked up the kid, careful to not let him fall or break the ceiling. “Thank you”, the infant wrapped his hands around his neck, not letting go. Gigi was very embarrassed. “I couldn't get him off, he didn't hear me.” Jameson was so confused on why she was still at the hospital, at 4 am, drinking coffee. But all he did was to shrug, “They don't hear me too.” And they walked back to his brothers only to found Nash dancing with them. God has favorites, he thought. 
8:00 am 
Ten minutes later they arrived at Hawthorne House and Jameson dropped dead on his bed. After taking off the makeup, clown clothes and the leather pant, obviously. But his body naturally woke him up at 7:45, and he couldn't get any sleep after that. And that's why he was on the roof when he heard steps. “You put out quite a show to the kids.” It was Grayson talking.“The hospital called, asking if you're going to visit again.” Not a chance in hell. He liked the kids—actually, loved them— but he couldn't handle them all at once. It was draining. Grayson knew it, that's why he was smirking, almost showing a smile. “You know”, Jameson started, “that I only didn't pick up because my phone had died?” It was basically his way of saying that, if he knew that Grayson was calling, that he needed him, he would appear in seconds. And he always would. Despite all the offenses, the teasing and the fights, Jameson would walk through hell for Grayson. He knew that, and Grayson would do the same. If all that it took to make him laugh, smile or to just take the weight off his shoulders a bit was to see Jameson dressed up as a clown, he would do it a hundred times. And he would do it over and over, no just because “that's what brothers do”, but because that's what you do when you love someone—you show them your love and loyalty. 911 wasn't just a simple code, it was meant to their brothers know how much they loved and appreciated each other, even though sometimes they have a hard time telling or showing it. Jameson knew the meaning behind this simple code, and it would kill him if Grayson thought that Jameson didn't care for his older brother. They all cared for each other, that's what made them the Hawthorne brothers. Not just the DNA because, when you grow up between the Hawthornes, you couldn't care less for biology. “I know,” Grayson replied, and his tone gave something else. Of course, I know, but I won't go deep into it right now, he seemed to say. So they just stood there, watching the sun and enjoying each other's company, without admitting it.
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hueningchu · 1 year
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Never again.
Genre: Heeseung+Jake x Cheater!Reader
Parings: Smut, Angst, Established relationship
Song: “Unfaithful” by Rihanna
Warnings: Smut, Angst with a sort of happy ending, Mentions of cheating on partners, Established relationship, Toxic friendships and Toxic relationships, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Spanking, fingering (I apologize in advance if any of this is cringy)
Summary: After one more month of sneaking behind Heeseung’s back, You and Jake are beginning to get messy with covering it up. It all comes crumbling down when Heeseung receives a text from someone. What is the text about? Who sent it? How will they explain themselves? Who will Heeseung blame in the end?
Pt. 1
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You would like to say those hours a day you spent with Jake was not worth it but..my god it was. You did not regret a single minute that you spent with Jake. Heeseung was so sweet and so attractive but Jake was just something else to you. He made you feel good but so bad at the same time. The electricity and the heat you feel between you and Heeseung was nothing compared to how you feel with Jake. People say girlfriends are supposed to have butterflies of excitement when their significant other walks in the room. However, when yours walks in the room you feel guilt and nervous butterflies. Nervousness that at literally any moment Heeseung can ask you..
"So you and Jake have been getting along pretty well?" Hee asked with his back turned to you while he stirred his drink. Distracted by your phone, you almost missed the question, so he cleared his throat and repeated it. "You and Jake have became good friends, no?"
Getting asked that so out of the blue made your voice a tiny bit shaky but you were hoping Heeseung did not notice that."J-jake? Oh! Yeah he's uh..really cool. That's probably why he's your best friend huh?" You tried to give a normal answer that wouldn't sound suspicious but that sort of failed.
"Why is your voice so shaky? Geez, I'm only asking a question." He giggled and flashed you a smile. His sweet smile was a sign that you were off the hook.  "But really quick.." Hee got up and walked into the bedroom to fetch his phone that was charging. "I got this text today." When he walked past the couch, He tossed the phone to you so you could read over the text. "Take a look at it. It'll make you laugh." Heeseung giggled again before walking back in the kitchen.
You felt your heart stop the minute you saw the contact name of the person who the text was from. It was a very long paragraph to Heeseung, from none other than...Jake.
Jake: Hey r you up?
Heeseung: It's like 3 in the morning.
Jake: You answered tho..
Heeseung: Well no shit. I'm awake
Heeseung: I'm just pointing out that it's late as hell and you're texting me
Jake: when has this ever been a problem in our friendship?? You used to text me at 5am to get ready for school together😭
Jake: Don't think I forgot lmao
Heeseung: Shut up
Heeseung: what did you text me about tho?
Jake: oh yeah
Jake: It's kind of a lot so like should I tell you in person?
Heeseung: why did you even text me if you weren't gonna tell me until later..
Jake: I'm sorry
Jake: I feel really bad about it. So I guess I'm avoiding the topic..
Jake: I'll just tell you now then
Heeseung: Are you trying to make me nervous or sum??
The next text Jake sent to Heeseung was the last of the chats for that conversation. It was a lengthy paragraph explaining how you and him have been together without Heeseung knowing. You could start clapping on the spot because of how good of a show Jake put on. God, he acted like such a quiet and innocent little boy in front of Hee but if only his best friend knew the things jake would do while he kept Heeseung completely oblivious. All of those little moments you had with Jake were coming back.
"Yo. Wanna ride with me to go get snacks. When I come back the three of us can go." Heeseung said to Jake as he grabbed his keys out the dish near the front door. "Y/n is still getting ready so by the time I get back she should be ready to go."
"Nah, I'll stay here and keep y/n company. I don't mind keeping an eye out for her." Jake smiled at his bestie before Heeseung quickly left out the door. "Hey, y/n!" Jake yelled out for you as he hopped off the couch to walk into you and Heeseung's shared bedroom, where you were currently getting ready. "Hey." He poked his head in the doorway and smirked at you.
"Hey?? Did Hee come back already? You guys ready to go?" You we're sitting on the bed, putting on lipgloss and adding the finishing touches on your makeup.
"He actually just left. I wanted to come see what you were up to. Maybe we have some time to fool around a bit." The sneaky boy started to walk over to you and smiled. "You look so sexy with all that makeup on." Jake leaned down and went in to kiss you.
"Are you crazy? He could walk in at any minute. Besides, I just finished my makeup!"
Jake grabbed your chin. "Come on. I didn't say we had to screw or anything. Let's just.." he shrugged and sat down next to you. "Makeout or something before he gets back."
When he tried to kiss you on your freshly made lips again you moved back and rest your elbows on the bed. "Stop it! It's obvious when people get done making out. Especially with the way you do it."
"Come on. We are gonna be with Heeseung all day. I need something to think about while we watch the movie." He sounded so desperate for you. He started to use the baby voice he uses when he wants something. When you shook your head again which caused him to groan and put his head in your lap. "Please babygirl..I can't go a whole day without kissing your pretty plump lips." That's what got you. The second you leaned down to give him a deep kiss, you both heard the front door open. "Awe that's him. Well, let's get this day over with.” Jake hopped up and stood with his back facing the door. “And don't say anything stupid that'll get us caugh-"
Jake could barely finish his stupid sentence before Heeseung walked in and leaned on the doorway. "Let's get going. Y/n, Put the snacks in your bag."
All the flashbacks and memories were running through your head while you read the text message. "Heeseung.." Before giving him an explanation you realized there wasn't one and just started thinking of which excuse you should go with. "What is this?" Oh. That's really how your instincts decide to play it? The oblivious act was not gonna work on Heeseung and the way you were executing it, that act wouldn't work on anyone.
"That's exactly what I'm asking you. Why do I have my friend texting me at 3am, telling me that he's been fucking my girl behind my back?"
"Jake is a dirty liar. I don't even know why he would tell you that. Let alone why you would believe him."
"I don't know. I've been friends with him for almost 15 god damn years and he's never slept with any of my girlfriends so.."
You tilted your head, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "So?..."
"So I'm guessing it's true." Heeseung walked over to you. "I should have known." He shook his head. "I should have known the minute I caught you leaving the house in the middle of the night." Heeseung was getting himself worked up. You could tell he was slowly boiling over. "I'm so fucking stupid. You told me.." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You fucking told me you were going out for gas and I believed you. I can't believe I trusted you."
"What about Jake?" You quietly said.
Heeseung tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Did you seriously just ask me that? What about him?"
"Why is it all my fault and why is none of the blame on him?" Just as you said that you both heard a doorbell ring, causing your heads to turn towards the front door.
Heeseung chuckled and started to walk over to the door. "Funny you ask that. Cause I actually called him earlier and asked if he was busy. Told him that if not then he should come over so the three of us could talk." When Heeseung went to open the door you couldn't take it. You wanted to leave but there was no where to run. So you ran up to Heeseung and tried to convince him otherwise.
"Please Hee. Don't do this." You pleaded for him to just ignore it or tell the person on the other side to go away. You knew it was Jake and your heart couldn't take anymore stress or heartbreak.
"Don't call me that. I don't ever wanna hear you use that nickname again." Heeseung replied before pulling away from you to open the door for the visitor. Of course, it was just who you expected.
When the door swung open and you were both met with the main manipulator himself, You looked away and ran into the kitchen to get away from what was awaiting you. While Heeseung on the other hand faced his best friend head on. The minute he opened the door, Heeseung gave Jake the most bold and serious stare possible.
Jakes 'sincre' eyes met Heeseung's serious ones and he only said three words. "I'm sorry, man."
"Yeah. You said that already." Heeseung said as he leaned a arm on the door frame. "Don't just stand there, come inside."
Heeseung shut the door after Jake walked in. "So.." Jake took his coat off and started to walk towards the living room. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. She probably ran upstairs." Heeseung just stood near the front door, covering his face with one of his hands as he let the other rest on his hip. He was thinking about how hard this whole conversation was gonna be. "She's embarrassed."
Jake chuckled and started walking up the stairs to go find you. "Embarrassed? What is she embarrassed for? She did this to herself."
When you overheard Jake say such lies you came out of the kitchen. You were almost just as mad as Heeseung now. "I did this to myself?!"
You scanned the room for Jake and tears almost fell when you seen him and his shit eating grin standing at the top of the stairs. "There she is. There's the bell of the ball. Or should I say the lying cheating slut." Your eyes widened when Jake came at you with such vigor. He walked over to you and then pointed at Heeseung. "Look at him." When you wouldn't turn your head to face Heeseung's, Jake grabbed your chin with his other hand and forced you to. "Look at how hurt you've made him. All because you wanted one night of fun with me."
"It was more than one night, you asshole!" There goes the tears. You pushed Jake away from you and shook your head to get his grip off of you.
That's when Heeseung decided to jump back in on the argument. "How many nights exactly was it, Y/n?" He took Jake's spot and stood right in front of you. "Was it a special occasion type thing or was it every other weekend?" Heeseung pulled out his cellphone. "Oh, how about this? Let's go through our messages and see just how many times you have used a shitty excuse to blow me off."
Jake walked over and leaned on Heeseung's shoulder. "Should we make a game out of it? Try to guess which excuses are real and which ones are fake."
When Heeseung pulled up the messages he scrolled back a bit and then let out a giggle. "What about this one?" He showed Jake and kept it hidden from you. "Was she telling the truth?"
Jake took time to read it and then he giggled too before shaking his head. "Sorry but she was lying. It’s what women do, Heeseung. They lie and cheat.”
Gosh this was SO ironic coming from him. The fact Heeseung hasn’t called him out yet surprised you but it seemed most of his anger was towards you. "Who do you think you are? Don't try to pin this all on me." You turned to Heeseung and threw your hands in the air. "How can you let him stand here and talk about you like this? How can you let him come into our home and disrespect us?!"
"Us?! No y/n, I don't think you understand. There is no more us." Heeseung pushed you out of the way and walked up the stairs. He was gone for a bit before walking back with two suitcases. "And this home is no longer 'ours'."
"Are those my things? Are you throwing me out?!" You started to run up the steps but before you could Heeseung threw the bags over the stairs. You stood there shocked for a moment before the anger struck. "What the fuck! I'm not just a animal, Heeseung! You can't just throw me out onto the streets whe-"
"I can and I will. Do you expect me to keep you here after what you've done to me?"
"So let me get this straight." You pointed to Jake who was standing at the bottom of the stairs so innocently. "You'll kick me out and never speak to me again but there's no repercussions for Jake?" You gave Heeseung an exasperated look. "Am I the only one who this falls on? What's so special about Jake that you just can't bring yourself to lay the iron fist on him?
"What do you want me to do Y/n?! Want me to get in a fist fight with him because my girlfriend made a move on him?"
"He was the one who made a move on me first!"
Jake shook his finger. "Uhh actually no. That's a lie because if I remember correctly you told me that you had been wanting to hook up with me for months before I even brought it up to you."
"Ah ha!" You pointed at him again. "So you do admit that you're the one who made a move on me first!"
When Jake realized you caught him he switch the topic so no blame could fall on him yet. "I told you the first time we did it that it would never happen again. I made it clear that it was a mistake and that I never wanted to continue contact after that."
"I never asked for you again after the first time."
"So explain to me how you and Jake became a casual thing. If neither of you contacted the other after the first time then how did this become an item."
"Jake called me a two weeks after and told me he couldn't control himself. He said he knew it was wrong to go behind YOUR back but he couldn't help it and needed me in his bed again."
Heeseung looked hurt by this information and sent Jake a perplexed look. You knew he was secretly hurting and was trying to keep it together but he asked for the truth. So you gave it to him.
Jake definitely noticed the look Heeseung gave him so he took that as the cue to start explaining himself.
Only he didn't explain himself. Instead he shifted the blame again and somehow made Heeseung even more mad at you. "Oh? Was I the one who hit you up on Valentine's day and practically begged you to come over and fuck me?"
"Wait..Valentine's day?" Heeseung turned back to you with his brows furrowed. "Didn't I have to spend Valentine's Day in the ER with my brother?" You seen Heeseung start walking down the steps towards you. "I thought you were sick in bed all day and couldn't come with me to the hospital.
When Heeseung said that Jakes eyes widened and he held a smirk on his face. A smirk that made it obvious that he was trying not to laugh. "So..how is it possible that you were sick at home AND over my house on Valentine's Day?"
More tears found their way in your eyes when Jake fed into the fire that was burning in Heeseung. "I n-never went over Jake's house. Heeseung, I swear. I was at home on Valentine's Day." Your emotions started taking control and you started falling apart inside. The lying was a clear sign of that.
"Heeseung." Jake looked over at his best friend. "Why would I lie about something like this? Shit, I even have pictures in my camera roll that me and her took on Valentine's Day."
When Heeseung got quiet Jake knew it was the perfect time to convince him. "Take a look. They aren’t dirty pictures or anything. Just some pics we took at dinner." Jake pulled out his phone and started tapping and scrolling until he found the picture he was referring to. "Check the date."
Heeseung's face got even more sour when he seen this piece of evidence. "Seriously, Y/n?! While I was at the hospital with my brother?!" You jumped when he got loud. You don't know why. Heeseung never hit you but you were so scared. "To think that my girlfriend would rather fuck my best friend than come with me to the hospital to care for my brother is...a wake up call." He started to walk over to you. "I'm surprised I didn't find out earlier. Love makes you so blind and oblivious sometimes."
When you thought Heeseung would zero in on you some more for the horrible truth he just found out, he turned around. "And you." He looked straight at Jake and shook his head. "I can't even begin to tell you how hurt I am."
Jake put his head down in false shame and nodded at Heeseung's words. "You're right. I'm sorry I let me and y/n's  relationship get this far."
Heeseung waited to hear more from Jake but that was it. Heeseung raised an eyebrow. "So why did you do it?"
"I'm sorry?" Jake was a bit confused by the question.
"You said you knew your relationship with y/n shouldn't have gotten that far. So why did it? Why did you call her back and tell her you needed more."
Jake rubbed his arm. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Heeseung..You know I'm not the best with girls and so when y/n showed me the passion and love that she did I couldn't just let her go. I wanted more of that passion in my life."
"So what.." Heeseung shrugged and tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn't wanna cry. He wanted to be a man and face this situation with a cold attitude but it was too much..even for him. "Are you like..in love with her or something?"
Jake whipped his head up at Heesung and quickly shook his head. "N-No. I don't love her but I-"
Heeseung walked down the steps, walking past you until he reached Jake. "Are you saying you wanna steal her love and passion away from me?"
"Heeseung, I-"
No matter what Jake tried to say, Heeseung wouldn't let him get one word in. "Because that's exactly what you did. You stole her from me and ruined a perfectly good relationship. I can't even live in the same house as her anymore because all I can think about when I look at her is how you defiled and ruined her."
"He didn't ruin me, Heeseung." You tried to speak to him and get him on your side. "I'm still your perfect angel." You couldn't stop sniffling. "I'm still your baby."
Heeseung shook his head. "No. It's not the same anymore. God, I can't believe this is ending like this." You could see a tear fall onto his cheek but before you could wipe it for him, he turned away from you and Jake.
"It doesn't have to end like this!" You followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of him with your hands together. "Please. Please give me another chance. I'll be better to you, I promise."
"No." Heeseung sat down next to you and took one of your hands into his. "I can't do that y/n. If I take you back then I'll have to break it off with Jake." Heeseung said this quietly to you so that Jake wouldn't hear.
I nodded my head and leaned closer to whisper to Heeseung. "Do it. Break it off with Jake and keep me. Jake was the one who started all of this turmoil. You should hear the things Jake used to say about you when we were alone."
"What type of things did he used to say?" Heeseung asked as he looked up at you and held your hand.
Just then Jake slowly stepped into the living room and you could see a scowl creep across his face when he caught glimpse of the hand holding you and Heeseung were doing. "Ask him yourself. Jake tell him about the things you used to say."
Heeseung let go of your hand and stood up to question Jake. "You gonna explain?"
Jake chuckled and wore that stupid smirk again. "Explain what? Explain how y/n used to scream out about how she wanted me and how i fucked her better than you?"
Before Jake could speak anymore a loud smack echoed throughout the room. "Could you have at least some respect. Is this situation not serious to you?"
The slap from Heeseung immediately made Jake go wide eyed. "I was just quoting what your so-called girlfriend said about me."
Heeseung went for another smack but Jake managed to block this one. "Did you just say 'so called' girlfriend? She was my very serious girlfriend who I loved very much.” Hearing Heeseung speak in past tense broke your heart and stunned your hope of a second chance.
"Listen. I'm sorry if you think I'm being disrespectful about this but you need to wake up and realize that she's the problem here." He put his hand on Heeseung's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Our friendship was perfectly fine before she came along."
"Our relationship was perfectly fine before YOU came along!" You stood up behind Heeseung and put your hand on his back.
"Get your hands off of him, slut." Jake pulled him away from you.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Didn't you hear him earlier? He's throwing your ass out."
"No. He said he's reconsidering giving me a second chance." You grabbed Heeseung's hand. "Right?"
"Go on. Tell her no." Jake’s grip on his shoulder tightened.
Heeseung broke away from the both of you and he put his hands up defensively. "Both of you need to back up." He stammered. "I don't even know what to think anymore. All of this is too exhausting."
"It's an easy answer." Jake stood near Heeseung. "She's out of the picture."
"Jesus, Jake. Why are you being so overbearing?"
"Because you are having sympathy for this girl who backstabbed you."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you." You said under your breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Come on Jake. You're not a very innocent soul in this." Heeseung let slip.
"So what? You're on her side now?"
"I'm not on anyone's side! There are no sides in this!"
You sat back down and started to suddenly cry again. Both of the boys stop and looked at you. One of them came to comfort you and the other didn't.
Can you guess which one comforted you.
"Baby.." Heeseung kneeled down and rushed to your side. "Why are crying again?” He brought a hand up to rub your knee.
Of course it was Heeseung. It was always him. How could you not tell that Jake never truly loved you. Jake was only using you for pleasure. If anyone is to blame for this, it’s you for trusting Jake. With his dumb smile and empty words.
"You're gonna leave me Heeseung." You sobbed. "Aren't you?"
"I'm.." He paused and looked away from you. Trying to figure out the answer to that question for himself. He still hasn't decided what he wants to do. "I don't know, Y/n. I just know I love you."
"So you are basically saying you're taking her back?" Jake scoffed. "Gosh, you're so stupid."
That's when Heeseung snapped even more. "Seriously? What is your problem?! Do you have no shame or remorse?!"
"I have remorse but I'm just telling you this girl is not worth fighting for."
"You just stumble in and ruin my relationship. Do you even feel bad about what you did?”
Jake shook his head. “If it means I saved you from wasting your time on her.”
Heeseung stood up again. That was it. He couldn’t do anymore of this back and forth. "Get out. This is our home and I need you to leave right now." Heeseung raised his voice and pointed to the door.
You've never seen Heeseung yell at Jake like that. They are best friends so you have never seen them really argue. Unless it was over the video game. When Jake stood in silence for a while he eyed the two of you and both, you, and Heeseung could tell he had so much more to say. He looked like he wanted to blurt out a thousand things at once. "Do you really want me to leave?"
"Yes. Want me to walk you out?"
Jake widened his eyes and shook his head. "Nah. That's fine." He waved his hand in the air and turned around to walk to the front door.  "I've been here a thousand times. I know my way out."
Heeseung waited until he heard the door open and close. He let out a sigh he never knew he was holding in. "It's just you and me now." Heeseung had a sort of disgusted look on his face as he turned to eye you up and down. "How could you let him do that." He shook his head and walked up to you, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. "You let him see and touch all of the places that were meant for me." His other hand started to travel up your t-shirt as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I was your first and I was supposed to be your last."
"I'm s-so sorry." The tears were still running from earlier. You couldn't tell if the mood was more or less tense since Jake left. You looked up at him and leaned into his chest. "Please don't make me leave. I'm sorry I caused this."
He sighed and put the hand that was cupping your face behind your head, holding you close to him. God he wanted to scream and scold you but he just couldn't bring himself to truly kick you out. He loved you and all the chaos that came with you. It's not like you did this on the daily or anything and he knew that. That's why he was seriously considering taking his girl back. He wanted his sweet princess back.
"I'm not gonna kick you out."
You leaned back and looked up at him with wide teary eyes. "Really?"
He nodded.
"Does this mean you are gonna break it off with Jake?"
"You know I can't do that, baby." He kissed your head. "He's my best friend and I can't abandon him. Just like I can't abandon you."
"Oh Heeseung.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped up into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to prove myself to you and show you that I'm gonna be better."
"You keep saying that but you are gonna have to show me now." Heeseung lightly pushed you down on the couch. "How about you take your pants off." With no hesitation you listened to him and took your pajama pants off. You then took your shirt and bra off to get it out of the way.
"You a little excited?"
Nodding, you spread your legs for him.
He chuckled. "Jake's right. You are a fucking slut. I never seen this side of you before." Heeseung leaned in, reached his hand down and started to harshly rub your clit. "You're always so incredibly innocent for me." He swears when he took your virginity and you looked at him with that doe like gaze he fell in love with you and you're pure like aura. He couldn't lie that he sort of liked this side of you too. You were just as submissive as before but a tad bit more straight forward.
Just when he got you wet enough, Heeseung stopped rubbing you and leaned back again. "Turn around for me."
Once again, you did as he said and turned around on your stomach.
"You gotta understand that I can't let you off too easy, baby." Heeseung started rubbing your clothed ass before he landed a hard slap on it. "If I don't show some assertiveness then you're gonna think it's okay to go around whoring yourself out." Another smack landed on one of your cheeks.
You let out a helpless yelp. "I promise. I'm never gonn-"
That landed you another hard smack "Don't speak. I'll tell you when you can talk to me."
He started undoing his belt and he swung it out of the loop holes before folding it. "Get over here and lean over my lap." Before he could say anything else, you bent over his knees. “Should I give you the pleasure or pain first?” He started to rub your ass again where he smacked earlier.
Not wanting to piss him off anymore, you waited a bit to answer because he told you not to speak unless he said so. “You can talk now, honey.”
“Pleasure!” You blurted out. “Give me pleasure. I’m begging you.”
He thought about it and nodded. “Alright baby. Whatever you want.” Heeseung set aside his leather belt for now and quickly pulled your panties down. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head up to whisper in your ear. “I’m gonna finger fuck you until you beg me to lay my cock into you.”
Ughh why was he so irresistible. Every word slipped off his tongue like a symphony and it incited the heat in your lower abdomen. Slowly you felt his hand creep right between your thighs and you opened your legs best you could. Heeseung slipped two wet fingers past your folds. Your man knew exactly what you wanted because he wasted no time pumping and pistoling his fingers in and out of your plush cunt.
Since Heeseung was getting tired of waiting for his turn he decided to speed up the process of you getting yours. The way he decided to do this however was something you were a bit scared for. He let go of your hair and reached over to grab his belt. “I’ll show you what dirty cheaters get.”
A loud wham filled the room, followed by a yelp from you. He continued fingering you roughly as he hit your ass with his belt ever so often. "Did I not fuck you good enough? Or did you just get tired of me? Is that why you went and had Jake take over for a while?"
"No Heeseung. I could never get tired of you."
"Then why did you do it darling?"
You stayed silent and looked down in shame when you had nothing to say. "It's okay. I'll make sure he never gets in your pretty little head again." Heeseung grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you off of his lap as he stood up. "Make sure you stay dumb for me and my cock only."
Heeseung pushed you down by your shoulders and you looked up at him, while getting on your knees. Watching as he pulled his layers of clothes down and let out his unbelievably hard dick. “I gave you pleasure then pain. You put me through so much pain and so now you have to give me my pleasure.”
You moaned as you took him in your mouth. Letting him do as he pleased. You were so pliant for him. The safe feeling you got from Heeseung made you start to think. You couldn’t believe you ever took this for granted. “Your pussy is probably gushing wet while sucking my cock. Isn’t it?” Heeseung kept a fistful of your hair in his hand while he thrusted his hips towards your face. “You wanna touch your pretty pussy, don’t you?”
When he could feel and so he pulled your head back and made sure you looked up at him. “Go on. Play with yourself while I cum on your face, gorgeous.” He took his other hand and started jerking right in front of your face, groaning when he caught a glimpse of you actually moving your hand down to begin playing with yourself.
You whimpered as one of your fingers slipped past your entrance. Heeseung could feel his first orgasm of the night coming and you were trying to finish what Heeseung started earlier.
Your whole body tensed up to give you a warning that your orgasm was here. As if all this wasn’t enough, Heeseung groaned loudly while his cum dripped onto your face and lips.
Heeseung bent down and grabbed your chin roughly. “Look at that face. So cute.” He leaned so close that his lips were almost touching yours. "This is your last chance, you little whore. Don't fuck with me again."
Everything was still so fuzzy but you managed to nod slowly. "Of course. Never again."
He kissed you deeply like he's never kissed you before.
"Never again."
word count - 5.6k
Notes: I’m so happy I am finally in a mood to start writing again. This is not very good for my first work back but it’s something light. Hope it’s okay and please ignore any grammar or English mistakes!
156 notes · View notes
sneverussape · 4 months
many the miles, 1/2
evans!severus au
the one where 13yo severus sneaks off to cokeworth and unwittingly gets caught by his older sister, and they both end up on a train to the midlands OR a long meandering sibling-focused two-shot that i've been dying to write because these two wouldn't stop arguing in my head and it was driving me NUTS
wc: 6866 (more or less)
cw: mentions of epilepsy, growing up in the 90s/2000s, discmans, Fruit Polos (rip), being yelled at by older siblings in public places, 2000s eyebrows, swearing, whatever else
for @greens-your-color :)
Severus froze mid-step at the sound of his name being called among the crowded orange halls of St. Pancras. It had been faint, as though coming from a distance or a fading dream, and his first thought was to consider whether his new potions regimen included late-onset hallucinations.
Fantastic, he thought grimly, but proceeded to steel himself to accept the possibility with reluctant grace. When his name was called out loud again, however, and this time with a hard edge, he frowned and quickly reconsidered the odds, deciding that hallucinations didn’t normally grow louder or fiercer as time went on. Besides…hallucinations didn’t tend to make Mercutio react, and as it was, he had already turned to face the opposite way, his massive tail thumping hard against Severus’ leg.
There was something in the way his name was said that instinctively made him spin on his heel so fast that he nearly got whiplash. At first there wasn’t anything worth noting, but soon enough his eyes focussed beyond the crowd and he was met with the sight of a rather familiar blur of wild blonde hair and clenched teeth running towards him with all the speed and rage of a charging Erumpet…if said Erumpet was just over five feet and wore paint-stained overalls with their mother’s soiled red wellies (exactly the ones she usually wore when mucking about the garden and which he knew a fox had pissed on just days before).
His jaw seemed to unhinge, and he felt himself gaping in disbelief. Alarm flared hot and heavy in the pits of his stomach.
“Petunia…?!” Severus said with no small amount of trepidation. Between the possibility of being subjected to medication-induced hallucinations or his indignant older sister, he much preferred the former than the latter. Hell, death would be the preferred option to Petunia in a massive strop. His instincts screamed at him to run and find a dark corner to hide, but his trainers stayed firmly glued to the spot as he watched the figure approach.
Please don’t be her…please don’t be her, he found himself wishing, though he knew it was futile. The figure had already stopped in front of him, red-faced and breathless from the run, with the look of a creature possessed. Their chest heaved and their eyes flashed, and within the stuttering silence, there was a brief moment when Severus still held out the hope that this could all be a dream—
“You little…shit.”
A manicured nail poked him in the chest. Hard. Severus winced. Definitely (and unfortunately) not a hallucination then. Mercutio yipped again, happily. The traitor.
Severus held up his hands as though he was under arrest. Well, he technically was.
“Hang on—ow! Hang on, I can explain…” Raw fear made his words skitter and stumble past his teeth. His tongue had gone dry and suddenly wanted to make a home for itself on the roof of his mouth. “Listen, Toons, it’s not what you think—”
“No, no, no, you listen! Just what do you think you’re doing, Severus Tobias Evans?!”  As though on cue, Petunia exploded, and Severus was suddenly awash in a tirade that rang and echoed across the station’s stone walls in a manner that would rival any well-placed Sonorous. “Do you know how worried I was?! I took my eyes off you for one hour and I came back to find your room empty with nothing but a cryptic note on your desk and the last redialed number on the phone one to a cab company leading here! It cost me sixty quid to get here, mind! Sixty! I’ve not washed my hair and I’m supposed to be revising for my exam! I only agreed to watch you for Mum and Dad since they said you were ill and not having lessons today. You’ve no business to be here. WHY ARE YOU HERE?”
Severus grimaced as Petunia shouted the final question, his ears burning something fierce. He hadn’t seen or heard her that furious in ages. The last time he could remember that she had exploded the same way was when he and Lily had been experimenting with their magic a year or so before they got their Hogwarts letters: they had ended up lopping the tip of Lily’s finger clean off and had attempted, quite unsuccessfully, to fix it themselves. Petunia had reached a similar volume then (possibly due to the amount of blood on the kitchen floor), but that one at least hadn’t been a public bollocking – she had calmed down enough by the time they had run over to Andi and Ted to ask for help, and had subsequently handed the reins off to the Tonkses for a second dressing-down; the memory of a particularly potent stinging hex against his palm wasn’t something Severus would soon forget.
This time it was different. They were out in the open and Lily wasn’t available for him to tag team with. If Lily had been there, she’d have likely covered for him so this entire situation wouldn’t even be happening. But as it stood, he now had to deal with an irate Petunia all on his own where strangers could ogle at them, and wasn’t that a treat?
“It isn’t what you think it is.” Severus forced himself to speak, although his voice was higher than he’d like. “It really isn’t.”
“Oh it isn’t? Because what I think is that you’re in heaps of trouble and that’s not even the whole of it.” Petunia spoke in a tone that eerily sounded like their mother’s and it made Severus’ skin crawl.“This really has to be the most idiotic thing you’ve done, Severus. Congratulations, you’ve exceeded expectations entirely with this act. What on earth could possibly justify your being here—”
She stopped mid-rant and Severus saw as she focused on the rucksack he was carrying, her eyes wide as they traveled up to his face. “Hang on, what is that?”  She gasped, looking genuinely aghast. “Severus, are you running away?”
Severus groaned, resisting the urge to slap his forehead with his palm. Of course his sister would jump to that conclusion. “I just told you it isn’t what you think it is! I’m not running away.”
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to think given that we’re in a bloody train station and you’ve a bag with you! It’s not like I’ve caught you lollygagging at the corner store!”
“Toons, just—” He was getting equally frustrated and had to resist with his entire being from telling Petunia to just shut up for a bloody minute to make his ears stop ringing and from bringing them further embarrassment. God, he hoped none of the people around them knew who they were. “It really is going to be fine, just let me…” His words were starting to fail him again, and Severus clenched his fists at his sides. “Look. It’s only a daytrip, I promise. I’ll be back even before Mum and Dad get home, but you have to let me do this, Toons. Trust me.”
The shade of red Petunia’s face turned into wasn’t one he had ever seen on any living person before.
“Trust you—?! Severus, you’re thirteen! I can’t even trust you with a pocketbook of matches! And a daytrip? Are you mad?! Are you playing hookey just to go on holiday? Are you…” And this time, Petunia was mindful enough to look round and lower her voice before speaking the next sentence: “Are you going to Hogwarts, because I swear if you are—”
“What? No!” Severus frowned. “Why would I go to Hogwarts?” The first term for that year had barely started, and besides, he had already gotten approval to have several Advanced lessons that wouldn’t be taught to Lily and the rest of their class until later in the year. Apart from wanting to visit his sister, Hogwarts held very little appeal for him.
“How am I supposed to know what goes on in your head?” Petunia fumed. “Mum and Dad gave me specific instructions to keep an eye on you today because they said you were ill.” She peered closer at his face. “But you’re not, are you? You’re sneaking off to God knows where while they’re away!”
Severus felt himself flush. He hadn’t needed any of Lily’s Fever Fudge to fool his parents earlier that morning before they had left for their outing, but being called out on it now made him feel several levels of shame that he didn’t think he was capable of feeling. Petunia hadn’t even tried to see if he had a temperature; she had already cottoned on.
“Technically,” he muttered, “I am ill…with a chronic condition…”
“Oh, Severus!” Petunia exclaimed, and she really did sound like their Mum when she was at the end of her tether. It was freakishly uncanny. “How could you lie to them about this? Do you know how worried they constantly are about you? How I—” She stopped herself mid-sentence before consciously attempting to regain her composure. After a few uneven breaths, she leveled a glare at him.
“Right, you are going to explain now,” she ordered, her voice now deadly calm. “Or I’m phoning Mum and Dad, and you will be in so much trouble I doubt you’ll even be let out until you’re eighty.”
“You wouldn’t! That’s not fair!” Severus gasped. The worst possibility he’d considered in his plan was having his parents overly worry, causing them to stay behind. Careless as he was with many others’ feelings (his sisters sometimes included), his parents were the utmost exception and he took great care of theirs above all else, since he often despised how much they had to pause their own lives for his sake. The thought of his plan unraveling in such a way that it would make them cancel their holiday altogether made him sick to his stomach. Mum had even bought an entirely new wardrobe for it even though they were only going to be gone for the day. “They’ve been looking forward to this outing for months!”
“Well bully for you, I guess you should have stayed home like you were supposed to, then.” Petunia crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head. “Talk,” she commanded.
Oh, Petunia was a tough nut to crack. If it came down to it, he knew she’d force the answers out of him somehow. Sometimes, Severus was glad his older sister wasn’t magical at all; he was sure she’d end up an Unspeakable, and the thought itself was enough to make him shudder.
“I really am not running away...” Severus said, and it took all his willpower to not allow his voice to tremble. He wasn't afraid, how could he be? Petunia was the height of a Christmas elf. But his knees felt weak all the same. And did his voice just break? Merlin. “Everything was all planned out. I put out a note just in case, but I wasn’t really expecting you or anyone else to find it.” He felt very much like a child as Petunia raised a razor-thin eyebrow at him (it looked so awful, why was this a fad? But both his sisters would kill him if he ever so much as breathed his opinion about them), but somehow managed to ramble on. “Anyway, I was going to go and be back before anyone could find out.”
“How could you think I wouldn’t check on you at any point?” Petunia looked deeply unimpressed which, honestly, was her default expression, but this time it seemed more pointed. “I would have had to make sure you hadn’t died before Mum and Dad came home…” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Severus, did you ward your room?”
Bleeding buggering hell, his sister should have really just joined the police force. An economics degree or whatever it was she was in uni for would be far too dull for her. Having Petunia as a copper would lower the crime rate in Britain to single digits, he reckoned. Between him and Lily, she had already garnered enough practice.
As in that moment, when the stilted silence between them already gave her the confirmation she needed.
“Severus Tobias Evans!” Petunia thundered, anger flooding her features once more. “How could you do such a reckless thing! You know Mum and Dad specifically told you to not put any kind of ward or charm on your room…it’s not safe!”
This time it was Severus’ turn to glare. Although he knew his family’s rules and their protectiveness always meant well, he couldn’t help but feel suffocated when they insisted on his safety as though he was made of spun glass.
“It was just the one time and you broke through well enough!” He said hotly. “That shouldn’t have even been possible with the Notice-Me-Not up!”
He was equally annoyed and perplexed at having been caught, especially knowing that it was due to Petunia being unaffected by the charm enough to enter his room. His sister was notoriously averse to magic, and simple charms usually worked on her effortlessly. To his surprise, Petunia scoffed at his statement. She raised her wrist and showed the bright green bracelet clasped around it. The same bracelets their parents wore, all of which were in the same fluorescent color as Mercutio’s enchanted emergency collar. Severus groaned, recognizing it right away.
“You’re bloody joking! How do you have one?” Part of him wanted to throw a tantrum, as pointless as it was. The bracelet would make Petunia the third person to have the ability to know of his general well-being whether he wanted them to or not. The very thought made him want to snap it off and chuck it into the Thames. “St. Mungo’s said it was only for parents and guardians!”
“I asked, and they gave me one when I came of age,” Petunia said snootily. “Your little tricks don’t work when your safety is concerned. The bracelet started growing warm all of a sudden this morning and I knew you were up to something. Now here I am, and my toast has been abandoned and is growing cold in the kitchen as we speak.”
“You were supposed to be revising for exams. I checked your timetable and everything and Mum had left me sandwiches in my room so you wouldn’t need to bother.” Severus was fuming. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Don’t even think of giving me lip,” Petunia snapped at him with a warning tone that instantly made him internally recoil, although he continued to glare at her. “And of course you went through my things even though I’ve told you a million times not to! And…hang on…if you bunked off your tutors today then even Andi doesn’t know your little scheme, whatever it is. She wouldn’t have expected you at her house today for lessons.”
It was more a statement than a question and Severus flinched. He had been avoiding trying to think of what Andi would do to him once – if – she found out.
“It would have been fine…” he said as he unconsciously rubbed his palm where Andi’s stinging hex had last been cast.
“Oh fine, he says!” Petunia’s sudden outburst earned them a few startled glances. “This is not fine, Severus, if you still haven’t noticed. You’ve told no one? Are you daft? If anything happened to you whilst you were out…we wouldn’t even know where to start!”
“I was only going to be gone for a couple of hours.” Severus couldn’t understand what she was so worked up about. In his mind, his plan made perfect sense. “I’ve been gone for longer to the library.”
“You’re comparing this to a trip the library, really? Have you utterly lost all sense? Do you truly not understand the danger…?!” At Severus’ defiant expression, Petunia groaned. “Seriously, I am going to end up tearing my hair out…what if you had gotten kidnapped? Mugged? What if you had become seriously ill at any point?”
Her eyes flashed at the words, although he needed no cues, verbal or otherwise, to understand what it was she was referring to. He crossed his own arms, mirroring his sister’s defensive pose.
“I wouldn’t have,” he said with full confidence. “But even if I had a fit, it would be fine. I’ve been taking my po—medicines, and Mercutio’s here—”
“Mercutio wouldn’t have been able to protect the people with you, you absolute numpty!” This time, Petunia didn’t look angry but terrified. “Did you not consider that in your grand plan? Mercutio could get you to hospital but someone apart from you could get seriously hurt with your…abilities…and then where will we all be? I don’t fancy being in prison—in either world! Mum and Dad either, mind!”
Severus felt the blood drain from his face at her words. The image of a train suddenly exploding mid-track and people losing assorted limbs due to his accidental magic ran unbidden through his mind’s eye and made him wince. It was true that he had only considered what would happen to him if he had gotten a fit at any point during the trip; he had forgotten about its effects on other people entirely. His family and the Tonkses and his tutors always seemed to know what to do…but he hadn’t planned on them being with him, had he?
Suddenly, Petunia being so spitting angry no longer seemed as ridiculous given that perspective.
Merlin’s bloody bollocks, he was a knob.
“I…” he licked his lips. “I didn’t…I didn’t mean…Look. Toons.” He attempted to placate his sister by being entirely upfront. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”
“That much is obvious.” Petunia snapped, before releasing what sounded like a pent-up sigh. She took a long pause before she reached for his hand. Her fingers were cold as she squeezed his. 
“Listen, Severus, you honestly frightened me to death. Now…I won’t tell Mum and Dad, but let’s just go home, all right? Let this be the end of the adventure. We’ll forget about this and maybe I won’t use it as leverage against you in the future. All right? Let's just go.”
She tugged him in the direction of the exits, but he resolutely stayed put. Grateful as he was for his sister’s reprieve (a rare treat as far as he was concerned), he knew he couldn’t go. This had taken months of planning and he had already come so far.
“No,” he shook off Petunia’s hold. “No, I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go today. It’s my only chance.”
“To do what?” Petunia, bless her, looked as though he’d hit her with an extremely powerful Confundus but was expending all her energy to fight it off. She pressed her palms against her eyes. “Go where? Severus, are you actually delirious? I don’t understand—”
“WHAT?” Petunia dropped her hands to gawk at him, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. Her lips moved almost involuntarily although no further sounds came out. When her vocal chords seemed to have caught up with her, it was for high-pitched hissing and sputtering, making her sound rather like an anaphylactic snake, or an irate tea kettle.
“I’m sorry, you were planning to go where? The Midlands? NOW?”
“Yes.” Severus fished around in his pocket and produced the tickets he’d already bought. He’d saved his pocket money for weeks for this trip, and he’d even had to do some odd jobs around the house and for some of the neighbours. “The train is leaving in half an hour. You can go home and wait for me there, or just wait for me to come back here. But either way…I’m going.” He licked his lips nervously. He’d never stood up to Petunia this determinedly before and he was terrified of the possible consequences (Petunia could be quite vengeful, even for the pettiest things) but he didn’t want to mull over it now. Thankfully she seemed too distracted by the current circumstances to even ponder on future punishments.
“Are you even allowed to go?! As a child?? With a dog?? The police are going to be notified!”
It was a valid concern, but one that Severus had already covered. “I’m thirteen, it’s allowed, I checked,” he said, by means of explanation. He pulled Mercutio closer to him, who happily nuzzled his face into his hip. “Mercutio too. We’re not going to make trouble so there won’t be any reason for the police to come.”
This time, Petunia really did look as though she was about to murder him, and Severus was glad they were surrounded by people on all sides. She threw him a pointed glare before shifting her attentions to the clock on the wall, then the signboard, then her (well, their mother’s) shoes in movements so rapid Severus was wondering how it didn’t hurt her neck. It was a long minute before she started muttering a string of curse words that he was sure would have earned her a mouthful of soap if Mum had heard her.
“Bloody hell, I’m not even wearing socks.” Petunia whined as she tugged at the ends of her hair. “And…what am I wearing…fuck fuck fuck. I look properly mad.”
“Just stay here then…do a bit of shopping,” Severus offered, hoping his sister would take the bait. Petunia was as vain as the day was long, and he was sure the prospect of her getting a new wardrobe in case she met any of her many exes on the street was more enticing than tagging along with him to their old hometown while wearing mismatched clothing. “I’ll keep mum about the bills to Mum and Dad. And there’s…ah…a makeup store down the street, I think. I won’t be gone long—"
He made to already turn and walk away but was held fast by a tight grip on his collar. He yelped and when he looked up and there was only familiar determination in Petunia’s eyes, one he would normally associate with tyrannical despots or Andromeda Tonks whenever she requested audience with Headmaster Dumbledore for his ever-changing homeschooling curriculum.
“Right, you little miscreant. Listen here and listen well.” Petunia held him in place with an iron grip to his shoulder, bending a little so she could hiss straight at his face. All previous traces of amicability had been wiped away from her features. “Since you obviously won’t be dissuaded from your insane plan, I have no other choice but to fall in line with it. But let it not be said that I agreed with this! No, not at all! Because the second, and I swear, the second anything goes wrong, Severus Evans, I am taking you back home, kicking, crying and/or screaming, and Mum and Dad are going to hear all of it, you understand?”
“Hang on, you mean you’re coming?” It was Severus’ turn to sputter in shock. He had not, in the thousands of possibilities considered in his plan, anticipated either of his sisters coming with him. Lily had of course been removed from the equation at the onset, but Petunia, of all people?! No amount of Divination could have predicted this sorry lot. Forget the exploding train, there was going to be blood on their seats before they could even leave Kings Cross.
“But…your exam!” He finished lamely, his brain unable to think of any other valid excuse that could keep his sister in London.
“Sod the exam. I’m not going to fail that class. But Mum and Dad will have my head if I let you go off alone and something happens to you.” Petunia had a dangerous gleam in her eye. “You will owe me for a thousand years for this, whether or not we get out of this unscathed. Now come on. Let’s get this over and done with. I need to buy a ticket.”
Dumbfounded, Severus followed his sister as she stalked towards the ticketing booth, wild hair, dirty wellies, and all.
Merlin’s pants, what had he gotten himself into? 
The train that would be taking them back to the Midlands (back home, a voice in his head said experimentally, but his stomach clenched painfully at the words) was nothing like the Hogwarts train. The Midland Mainline train was long and boxy, painted a dull green all throughout and covered liberally in a speckled coating of soot. Severus caught Petunia’s sneer when she first laid eyes on it, and she had automatically held out a hand as though to keep him back. Severus rolled his eyes before grasping her wrist and pulling her forward, ignoring the squeak that left his sister’s mouth as soon as they crossed from the platform to enter the compartment. He led them both to their seats, Mercutio at a leisurely pace beside them. It wasn’t a peak hour, thank Merlin, so locating their spot was simple enough, and he and Petunia both settled in rather quickly.
“How long was it again?” Petunia had chosen the seat adjacent from his, so he had full view of her sour expression.
“Two hours.”
A groan then a loud thump as she leaned hard against the window. “Bloody hell.”
“Shouldn’t you remember?” Severus barely remembered his life in Cokeworth but had counted that more as a boon than anything. He realized that although he had asked his parents more than once about their previous lives there, he had never thought to ask his sister. Trying to remember himself was a bit like wading through scenes being played on moth-eaten video tapes. “You were old enough when we moved, weren’t you?”
Petunia threw him a withering look. “We had a car, Severus, if you don’t remember being squished to within an inch of our lives at the back. We never took the—what the hell are you doing?”
Severus looked up from the small mountain of items that he had dumped from his rucksack onto the foldaway vinyl table that sat between them.
“Precautions,” he said, waving his sunglasses at her before putting them on. Even from behind the dark lenses, he saw as Petunia considerably paled at his response.
“You said you had taken your…your medicine.” Petunia’s wariness about magic extended to even their terms, and referring to his medication as potions was not something she could do even on a good day. At the moment, she looked as though she completely regretted being in an enclosed space with him; she looked fit to bolt. “Do you feel a fit coming on now? And don’t even think about lying!”
“Oh, will you relax,” Severus chided her as he untangled his headphones before putting them on his head. “I told you; I took my medicine already. This is just to…not tempt fate so to speak.” Pet Shop Boys on low was somehow effective at keeping fits at bay, and he had bought several CD sleeves with him in case.
“Severus…see here.” Petunia rapped at the tabletop, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. “Swear to me.”
“Swear to me that the second you start to feel something off, you’re telling me and we’re getting off this train. I don’t know how exactly, but we’re getting off.”
Severus rolled his eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Toons, we’ve barely made it out of London…”
“I don’t care. Swear it, Severus!”
“Fine, yes, I promise to tell you,” Severus grumbled.
“Also I’m calling the shots. When I tell you we’re going, we’re going. There will be no ifs and buts, I am responsible for you during this trip and so help me, if you fight me, you are going to sorely regret it.”
Her directives made him clench his teeth, but there really was little he could do. Petunia’s presence already granted her default authority, and though Severus was loathe to do so, he knew agreeing to the path of least resistance was the most efficient way of getting through the trip with his sanity intact at the end. He could plot his revenge later.
“Fine,” he fought the urge to stick out his tongue, “but I don’t have to like it.”
“Good.” Petunia sat back in her seat, looking just a smidge bit relieved. “All we have to do is ride this out and hope your brain is calm enough the entire time.”
“I’ve told you though, the potions—” Severus stopped when Petunia hissed loudly, and begrudgingly corrected himself, “I mean, the medicine…it’s working this time around, believe it or not.”
“Working in what sense?” Petunia’s lips pursed. “It never does, or else Mum and Dad would have been crying in relief.”
“This batch works well enough. No fits so far while I’ve been on it, and it’s already been a fortnight.”
Petunia frowned skeptically. “But…? There’s always a ‘but’.”
Severus sighed. They had been battling his condition collectively for so long that none of them ever accepted any easy answers; doubt and anxiety always shadowed any sort of hope.
“There are some side effects. I didn’t really lie about being ill. The medicine makes me ill, but it’s just…fevers and headaches. Usually late in the afternoon then it lasts until early morning the next day.”
Petunia groaned. “You sod. And this is part of your plan too, I suppose? You’d taken into account that you’d be gallivanting off in the morning to the Midlands and coming back into London later in the day with a raging fever, is that it?”
“It’s hardly raging; it’s more annoying than anything.”He had debated not telling Petunia about the symptoms but had already learned from experience that it wasn’t wise. Besides, she already had the medi-bracelet from St. Mungo’s; she would know at any rate. “And a fever is child’s play. I’d take that over having a fit any day.”
“It’s hardly healthy to be getting those every day, Severus.”
Severus shrugged as he sucked on a Fruit Polo. The train was wobbling a bit even at the speed it was going, and it was already giving him a bit of a headache. “Well, if you’ve noticed, I’m not exactly the poster boy of health anyway.” He would have scrapped the entire plan if the new potions mix had had a worse effect, but since it hadn’t, the point was moot. He just had to do his utmost best to not be triggered into a fit which was, quite honestly, easier said than done, but Dad always quoted about boats being in harbors and their not being made for that, so Severus figured this was something along those lines. “I can take it. I know my limits.”
“Oh, please.” Petunia scoffed, but said nothing more on the matter. She glared stormily out the window as the train sped past Greater London, as if the view was a personal affront. “This is insanity,” he heard her mutter to herself.
Her eyes flitted across the aisle to the other seats of the train, and Severus knew she was imagining the worst-case scenario and figuring out an exit strategy (or several). Petunia had always been a bundle of nerves and paranoia, and it had only seemed to grow worse as they got older. He watched as her fingers knotted and unknotted themselves on the table before they were clasped against the sides of her head.
“Ugh, I can’t believe we’re doing this. Mum and Dad are going to kill me.” She groaned into the tabletop, and Severus wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I am going to kill you.”
Severus scoffed. “I’m sure if you wait long enough, the epilepsy will do it for you. That way, you don’t have to get your hands dirty—what?” He was startled as Petunia gasped, lifting her head so suddenly that it nearly sent her toppling backwards into her seat. “What?”
“That isn’t funny! Severus, you mustn’t say things like that!” She had paled so much her freckles stood out in contrast. “Take that back!”
“Oh, so you can threaten me but I can’t say the truth? It is funny. Dad calls it gallows humour.” He left out the bit where Dad didn’t like him making jokes about his illness either, but he didn’t often tell Severus off for it. “You just said it yourself: it’s hardly healthy to be ill this much. And at some point you’re going to have to accept—”
“Oh, just shut it,” Petunia snapped, and this time, there was real heat in her words. “Shut up right now. We’re not discussing this, not now, not ever.”
“What? You were the one who started—”
“Shut it, Severus!”
Severus bristled at being scolded and dismissed. It had been a while since he’d been alone with Petunia in such close quarters, and he’d forgotten how maddening it could be. While both his sisters had the habit of yo-yoing through emotional extremes, Petunia’s mood swings carried with her the weight of her authority as oldest and made it near impossible to defy her lest she follow through on any hidden or implied threats. Plus she could be downright nasty without trying.
“I didn’t ask you to come along,” Severus said. He felt so cross with his sister at that moment that felt compelled to goad her into an argument, consequences be damned. “You decided that all on your own, so don’t take it out on me. I didn’t want you here.”
“Well that makes two of us,” Petunia glared at him. “This isn’t exactly how I pictured my free day would be.”
“You can leave anytime, you know. The next station is in twenty minutes.”
“And that’s how we solve this, you reckon? I don’t have a choice, Severus!”
“Yes, you do because I don’t want you here! Look, I’ll pay you to go back.”
“Are you being serious right now? You realise I can put a stop to this merry jaunt of ours in a snap if you push me to it?”
“Do it then,” Severus was tired of her holding her authority over him. This trip shouldn’t have been that difficult but with Petunia there it was starting to feel like pulling teeth. “Do it already. You keep threatening to so just do it. I don’t care. I don’t.”
Somehow, he was close to tears although he couldn’t understand why. His head felt hot and heavy and his eyes stung. Petunia looked at him incredulously.
“The only reason I’m here,” she said slowly, “is I know…I can see how much this means to you. I wouldn’t have agreed otherwise. But even without your condition, you’re still only thirteen. I don’t care how grown-up or invincible you think you are. You aren’t going across the country alone with only your service dog for company.”
Severus’ face burned. “You think I’m too weak.”
“I think you’re a child.” Petunia said exasperatedly. “A rather reckless and stupid one, I might add.”
“You realize you being here with me makes you rather reckless and stupid too? You’re in as much danger being here with me than if you’d just stayed behind.”
“Yes, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! That’s my business, not yours. Besides, there’s no way I could have made any other decision.”
“Why? You clearly have more important things to do and I’m always bothering you and everyone else. I would’ve thought you’d have liked a day off to yourself without being shackled into taking care of someone else—”
“You’re not ‘someone else’, you’re my brother, you idiot, and I’m not leaving you alone!”
The statement halted their argument in its tracks. Severus had already been close to being properly angry but found that he couldn’t think of a rebuttal to Petunia’s claim. He shut his mouth with a snap of his teeth and glared at his sister instead. Their small corner was quickly plunged into a filled silence and for a moment, they stared at each other, unyielding, but then Petunia’s gaze softened, and she sighed.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you an idiot. But you are a child, literally, and that’s not something you can use as a defensive argument. You are also being an utter pain in the arse right now but that’s also because you’re my little brother and that’s part of your job description. Now, look…I really don’t want to argue on a train of all places. Let’s just agree that this entire situation is mad and be done with it. We’ve already paid for the bloody tickets so we should at least see it through.”
Severus glowered, not wanting her to get the last word in. “You’re being a right tit too and I hadn’t even wanted you here.”
Petunia nodded sagely. “Touche.”
She held out her hand for a Fruit Polo and Severus grudgingly gave her one. It was as good a peace offering as any. They sat and sucked on their sweets in silence for a long while, listening to the clacking and rumbling of the train on the tracks and each other’s slowing breathing. It was just calm enough to lull him into a stupor, which felt rather nice, given that his headache had persisted throughout their fight and had steadily grown to a dull throb.
“Why are you doing this anyway?” Petunia’s voice floated over to him in the haze. “Why go back to Cokeworth at all? Didn’t we already do well leaving all that behind?”
Severus opened his eyes, not even realizing he had closed them. He frowned at being caught off-guard. “I’m not playing Twenty Questions.”
“It’s a simple enough question seeing as we’ve already had a hundred arguments and I’ve already lost at least a hundred quid to this madness.” Petunia’s words were harsh, but her tone was mild. She wasn’t picking a fight; she was genuinely curious. “We’ve not even been back in Cokeworth since we left and now, all of a sudden, you skip your beloved lessons and lie to our parents in a fit of inspiration? The least you can do is tell me why.”
Severus bit his lip, unsure of his desire to share any more than he had to. His chest felt tight around the memory of the day he saw Tobias, larger than life but washed out and faded, standing on the street where they lived. It was his closest-guarded secret and one he hadn’t even breathed a mention of to anyone, not even to Lily. The conversation he’d had with him hadn’t even lasted five minutes, but Severus recounted it almost obsessively, picking through his father’s words and expressions, the small movements of his hands and the slump of his shoulders. He’d known then that he had to go back to Cokeworth, but the exact reasons were lost even to him.
“Ghosts,” he said simply, and Petunia frowned.
“Ghosts,” she repeated. She studied his face, worry pinching her features. “Severus…” and now her voice was gentle, “…did something happen?”
“No.” Severus said, the lie rolling easily from his tongue.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” Severus breathed. “I just need to see it again, I think.”
Petunia’s face took on a strange expression. “Listen, I know we hardly talk about it but you have to know that it may not be what you expect or remember. I just want you to realise that. You were very young…and things…things were very very different.”
“I know,” Severus had already considered the possibility that what his glitchy memories could recall was far from reality, and the few photos they had at home didn’t really do it justice, “but it’s still worth seeing for myself.”
Petunia looked unconvinced, in fact she looked ready to put a stop to the trip once and for all, but she didn’t. She crossed her arms again unhappily but leaned further back in her seat as though in resignation.
“We’ll stay an hour and a half at the most. And we’re getting lunch first. You’ve gone all pale so I don’t care what you say, you’re drinking your second set of medicines where I can see you. Any arguments and I’m taking all of us back. I don’t care if we would have to get a cab all the way back to London. Clear?”
Severus gave her a grateful nod, glad to obey her orders for once. Bossy as she was, having Petunia there meant that he wasn’t required to think of the menial things, which was nice. He also realised that as badly as he had wanted to go back to Cokeworth, he also didn’t want to dwell too much on the matter. The memory of town itself felt like an old wound that still ached when touched or jostled, and he didn’t really want to figure out why that was until he had to, until he was there. If he had been alone, he wouldn’t have been able to help himself from picking at it his thoughts until they rattled about his head, unanswered. It would have eventually driven him mad. Arguing with Petunia and generally having her there had quieted them down somewhat, and for that he was relieved.
“Right, I’m just going to ignore you for the next hour then. I’m knackered and I don’t want another fight. Count sheep in the meadow and don’t bother me unless it’s an emergency.”
Not that he would have ever told her though.
“Crystal,” Severus said, before rolling over in his seat and shutting his eyes, soothed by the rhythmic clacking that surrounded them and warm in the knowledge that he wasn’t alone.
the story about tobias' unexpected visit to severus is here.
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imagobin · 6 months
Leorio friend head canons:)? Just like general stuff for being his friend
Ooooh yess been meaning to start writing about Leorio on my own for a while, but looks like the asks beat me to it lol Thank you for requesting this! I definitely have thoughts about being Leorio's friend
🩵Friendship with Leorio HCs🩵
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Med school:
You and Leorio enrolled in the same med school at roughly the same time, and ended up in the same class.
However, he didn't seem really interested about making new friends at first, only interacting with you and other classmates if necessary and focusing on his studies. Though he'd occasionally show up to parties to pick up ladies.
You were admittedly curious about him, not only because rumors had it he was a Hunter, but also because of how passionate and determined he was to really make what he studied for into a career.
The opportunity to finally talk to him presented itself on a quiet afternoon in the school's library.
Oddly enough, Leorio wasn't busy studying that day; he was just sitting on a window sill, trying to call someone on his phone. You saw him sigh, concern plastered all over his face... then he noticed you staring at him, flinched and went back to acting as if nothing had happened. "Oh hey y/n! S-sup?"
You ask if everything is okay, and he tries to deflect the question at first, but eventually gives in and tells you about a friend of his, Kurapika, who hasn't been answering his calls lately, and he's very worried for him.
You listen to Leorio, offer some words of comfort. He's really glad that he got to talk about this with someone, and that if you ever needed someone to talk to he'd always be available.
Ever since then you two have made it a habit to chat during breaks and hang out outside of class, going out for a coffee or studying for exams together.
Caring to a fault:
The closer you got to Leorio, the clearer it was that he's willing to put the people he loves above anything else.
When for whatever reason you miss class, he's always the first one to send you a text asking if everything is okay.
He also tells you what topics were talked about that day, if there's any assignments, and even sends you the notes he's taken during class! He wants to make sure you don't fall behind on your studies.
Leorio would also take all your concerns seriously, whether they have to do with your mental or physical health. He's completely willing to offer unbiased advice, and genuinely gets concerned if you tell him you've been feeling unwell and you can't figure out why that is yourself.
Man's going to spend hours researching your symptoms, and find ways to make you feel better.
Once he develops his Hatsu he's even more efficient at that, and often jokes that he won't charge you a dime for a diagnosis. You know full well he wouldn't charge anyone money for that, that's just not the kind of guy he is.
He tends to behave as a big brother a lot of the time, even reminding you to eat and drink if you're one who often forgets to, and even makes sure you get enough sleep.
Basically, he's always looking out for you.
Good fun:
Of course, being caring isn't the only thing he's got going on for him, the guy is also genuinely fun!
There's never a boring moment when you're with him, whether it's because he's gotten himself into trouble or because he's just bringing you with him to a party... you never really know with him, sometimes it's both.
Really, only he can turn a chill party night into a game of 'run away from an angry boyfriend', just because he flirted with the wrong girl there.
And of course he drags you off with him, because buddies stick together!
On nights where things do go well, he has the bad tendency to get absolutely wasted, but it's alright, he's the funny kind of drunk, he gets all wobbly and starts talking nonsense until he falls asleep, probably on you. He's a mess.
Leorio at heart is a pretty adventurous guy, so whenever you guys are free from classes and exams, he often suggests to go on hikes and such.
Although a lot of the time, those hikes turn into him paying very close attention to the plants growing in the area you're exploring, taking note of any medical plant that could come in hand, because "You never know how much equipment you're gonna have on you to practice first aid!"
He's really resourceful like that.
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mashihope · 2 months
[The Day] || Bangchan, Stray Kids
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
• Member: Bangchan
• Group: Stray Kids
!! • Warning: Mentions of food, of self esteem issues and/or anxiety; Y/N is afab to match the person this is mainly written for.
• Synopsis: Your birthday has arrived. Your boyfriend Chan loves to pay attention to details and has been in charge of planning everything two months in advance. From the presents to the people he's gonna invite to the party, because this is truly going to be an unforgettable event.
[Note: The titles of the songs will be linked to their youtube video :) This scenario is a really late gift for @ailenuspot for her birthday, the cake went into the oven in 2022 and has just came out so the taste may not be as good as it could have been in the beginning. With nothing else to say, happy birthday! <3]
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"Come on, Y/N, Chris is waiting outside with the car. We can't make him wait any longer", your friend Hannah said while pulling your arm, trying to get you out of the room.
"I can't, this dress looks horrible on me, have you seen your brother? He's a walking work of art, I can't go there looking like this", you said, trying to pull down the zip of the dress in order to try another one on.
Hannah took your hands and held them in front of you, frowning.
"Y/N, first of all, you don't look horrible at all, you are and look beautiful, Chris would still love you and see you being just as pretty even if you decided to dress up with a trash bag. And second, I'm kinda offended that you're ignoring my divine beauty, where do you think he's gotten it from?", she said, trying not to laugh after her later words. She let your hands go and softly patted your cheek.
You checked yourself one last time in the mirror, trying to process her words and suddenly having an internal debate, wondering if it would be bettter for you to just wear a trash bag instead of that pink strap dress.
She pulled your arm, once again, taking advantage of the fact that you were distracted and finally managed to get you out of the room (ignoring your complains). You followed her out, picking up both of your bags so you wouldn't forget anything. She openned the door after taking a quick look at the time on her phone and walked faster towards the elevator, making you do the same.
You saw your boyfriend leaning against the car with his arms crossed, not being able to hold back the smile that had shown up on his face a few minutes ago while thinking about everything he had prepared, imagining your bright eyes and that smile of yours that he loved so much. He still hadn't noticed that you were already out and looking at him from the top of the stairs so he just kept daydreaming. Hannah shook her head after watching him for a while.
"We can go now", she hit his brother's arm playfully, trying to get his attention after walking up to the car. You were standing behind her so he hadn't see you yet.
"Y/N...", he said softly, trying to make you go out of your hideout.
Your cheeks turned pink when your eyes met. You saw that a thousand stars started to adorn those small brown planets you used to orbit around every day. You felt a tickle in your chest, a warm and familiar feeling, that one that fills you when you know you're safe, at home. That feeling turned into butterflies fluttering around your stomach as you noticed those little dimples that crowned his cheeks like diamonds. Those cheeks that you used to shower with kisses every morning, making the boy laugh under your dancing lips, unable to contain himself due to the tickling they made him feel with each fleeting kiss.
Hannah stood there, beside you, letting that little moment full of magic flow. Her eyes moved from her brother to you, and back to him. She knew it was a normal thing between you two and it usually happened when you stared at each other for more than five seconds… But it was hard for her to get used to and it almost gave her chills.
Neither of you spoke. That silence was more than enough to see and understand the thousands of words that were floating around you, Thousands of unspoken words that sweetly caressed the heart, making it beat faster. It had always been like that. Awkward silence? Never.
The soft summer breeze was the only one that could be heard at that moment, reminding you that you were not alone, making your little bubble of love and happiness burst to bring you back to reality.
"You look beautiful, Y/N", he finally said, still smiling and lovingly pecked your lips. You almost didn't notice that his kiss made the negative thoughts go away for a while.
Hannah made a disgusted noise and stuck out his tongue while walking towards the car door. "I TOLD YOU", she mumbled under her breath (way more loudly than she meant it to be), looking outside through her window after sitting down on the back seats.
Chan glanced at her, shaking his head after nervously chuckling, because he was, in fact, more nervous than he actually seemed. He wasn't afraid but was scared of something going wrong. He would never forgive himself.
At the same time, you were so nervous that anyone who looked at you could have confirmed that even your eyelashes were shaking. You had a love-hate relationship with surprises and no matter how much you tried to imagine it, you would have never guessed everything your boyfriend had prepared for your big day.
After checking once more that everything was right, Chan started the car and began to drive to the party place. To say the truth, you had left the house a little later than expected but he decided not to mention it because after being together for so long he could perfectly imagine the reasons behind that. He didn't want to make you feel guilty for something like that, even less on a day like this.
After a few minutes, the traffic light decided that it was the right time to make you stop. Seeing the line of cars ahead of you and how the drive would probably take longer, Chan began to hum the melody of a song, almost without realizing it. You frowned as you began to recognize it, but you couldn't remember which one it was.
"That sounds familiar, where was it from?", you asked glancing at both of them. Nobody said anything, Chan looked at his sister thorugh the mirror with a guilty smile. She smiled back while shrugging. "Okay, thank you", you said in such an adorable sarcastic way that Hannah hid her silent laugh behind her phone screen.
“According to my sources, ‘it’ should be ready in half an hour”, your friend said in a tone that was way too mysterious for your liking, not looking up from her phone. Chan responded with a sound of affirmation as he nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off the road. The cars started moving and he felt like he could finally breathe again.
"Why so much secrecy? Did I miss something?", you asked, looking at both of them while frowning. The silence that filled the car after your words was an indirect confirmation of your doubts.
Hannah decided to put on one of her many random playlists, hoping that it would distract you from asking more questions that neither of them could answer… At least, not yet. She started dancing in her seat as one of her favorite songs filled the silence of the car. Chan bobbed his head to the music.
Shortly after, to avoid making the journey too long for you, Chan decided it was time to change the playlist for one of his own this time. Polaroid Love started playing, drawing an immediate smile on your lips. You noticed Chan's hand giving your leg a gentle, affectionate squeeze, like every time he knew you were nervous.
An hour later, you looked up from your phone screen as you felt the car begin to slow down. You rolled the window all the way down to look around. A strong scent of flowers reached you, tolerable enough to take a deep breath. The place seemed to be a hotel almost on the outskirts, far from all the noise of the traffic. A pair of "miniature" gardens decorated the entrance on either side of the main door, from which steps with gold details descended. At the final part of it there was a man dressed in a suit, following you with his eyes and smiling from ear to ear.
"We're here", Chan said, not adding a single word. He wouldn't have been able to anyway, his voice was already starting to have a slight tremor (which you didn't notice, still admiring the flowers).
The car stopped and the man in the suit approached Chan's window, waiting for him to get out. They greeted each other happily with a hug. You couldn't help but feel confused, glancing at Hannah, but only managed to see her getting out and throwing herself into the man's arms.
Chan noticed you were still sitting and turned around. He let out a nervous smile, a little guilty perhaps.
"This is Louis, he's an old friend of the family. He's… like an uncle to us. Louis, this is…", your boyfriend began to explain, opening the door for you and letting you out.
"So this is the famous Y/N! It's a pleasure!", Louis approached you, followed by Hannah, "I've heard so much about you… I was starting to wonder who this Y/N is that is making my Christopher so happy…", he made a gentle attempt to take your hands, attentive to any sign of discomfort, "Thank you for everything you've done for him, I can't help but feel proud to see what this boy has become after all… And I know that part of it is due to you".
Your eyes began to fill with tears. There was something in the man's voice… You could feel the sincerity of his words, coming from the depths of his heart to brighten yours. Chan noticed it immediately, pulling you closer to him to put his arms around you.
After leaving the car for Louis to find a good parking spot, you walked towards the room where the party was going to be held, walking down wide hallways. You noticed a vase of roses (pink, to be precise) on a table. You turned around to talk to Hannah about it, but it was clear that she had disappeared at some point.
"Uh… Where's Hannah?", you turned around completely, letting your feet start to move. Chan gently tugged on your arm, "Don't worry, she must have stopped to go to the bathroom, let's keep going".
You looked at him, you had the feeling that he was lying, but why? Didn't he know where his sister had gone either? You would have liked to ask him one more time but he was already starting to walk away and you didn't want to get lost in that place.
After walking down a couple of hallways and turning around three times, the sound of music started to get closer. You could recognize the song when you were close enough to the doors, it was Darari by Treasure. Certainly, it was a song that had marked many of your dates, appearing when you least expected it (in a personal playlist of some ice cream shop worker, fans listening to it on their phone…) to turn it into a special song for you.
Chan stopped just before opening one of the doors and took a deep breath. He turned around and searched your eyes for any sign of imminent escape, "Are you ready? Should we go and wait a moment?"
"I'm fine, I'm dying to see what you've prepared", you approached him to leave a fleeting kiss on his cheek. His adorable dimples greeted you once again, anyone could have noticed at that moment how happy your boyfriend was to be there with you.
After gently taking your hand, he pushed one of the doors slowly. The sound of the music grew louder, you could even hear the guests talking, some of them laughing excitedly. Chan gestured for you to enter first, being the gentleman he always is.
Under all that noise, you began to hear a faint sound of knocking on the floor, one after another. You didn't have time to try to figure out where it was coming from when a cheerful ball of fur began to move between your feet.
If it hadn't been for Chan, you would have ended up sitting on the floor. Little Berry had recognized you the moment you had appeared through the door and hadn't been able to wait for you to approach her. Between little laughs and words of affection, you tried to pick her up in your arms. The love you felt for each other was obvious.
Stroking Berry's head tenderly, you began to look around. The place was very spacious, with enough tables for all the guests (which you would have sworn would be less, but apparently you were wrong), a dance floor and even a stage. The place was completely lit up, from elegant crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to the huge windows that collected the warm afternoon light. In every corner, you could see pink decorations of different shades, but none of them looked bad to the eye. You could even see numerous vases similar to those you had seen on the way to the room, all of them decorated with, once again, pink roses.
It all looked like a fairy garden, but the hotel's own decor made it clear that you were witnessing a scene straight out of a fairy tale in which you were the protagonist and that was your palace, with your prince.
"Chan…", you started to say. Neither of you spoke, he had been staring at you from the first moment, unable to hide that huge smile that had appeared on his lips when he noticed the sparkle in your eyes. It was just as he had imagined, maybe even better.
He approached you, with one hand on Berry's head and another on your cheek, and kissed you. All the desserts in that place would have never been as sweet as that kiss. After separating from you, he gave you another smile. He looked around, looking for his family. He saw his parents waving their hands in the air, trying to get his attention.
You walked towards that table, still carrying Berry in your arms like a baby. They had reserved a couple of seats for you and, at the same time, there were another two free seats, with no sign of his siblings.
You tried to ask about it, but you couldn't. After greeting your in-laws and letting Berry rest on one of the empty chairs next to yours, you didn't have time to exchange more words. The sound of a microphone turning on interrupted all the conversations. The little girl seemed scared, you tried to calm her down by stroking her head once more.
All heads turned towards the stage, beside the tables. Above him were Felix and Minho, waving to everyone with a smile. Some of the children waved back happily.
"I would like to welcome you all and thank you for being here. As you may know, today is a very special day, as we celebrate the birthday of a great person and friend to many of us", Felix began to talk, always trying to keep his radiant smile on.
"Some of you may have already started checking out the dance floor or even dropped by the bar, but I'm sorry to say that the drinks will start moving from nine o'clock onwards", Minho said, with one of his well-known mischievous expressions on his face. Some of the guests seemed disappointed after his words, others tried to hide in their seats, visibly embarrassed.
"Before all that, our dear host has taken care of preparing a series of activities so that we can all have a good time, from children to adults. Everyone will be free to choose what to participate in and, most importantly, when to stop doing so", Felix opened the small guide he held in his hand, encouraging the others to do the same with those on the tables.
"Following our motto of freedom, most activities will be open to the general public. Once again, it should be noted that the bar will be closed to anyone under 20… No, Jisung", Minho side-eyed him as he began to look as cheerful as a puppy hearing the words "go for a walk", "you need special permission, we don't want the scene on the bar from last time to repeat". His words seemed to resonate with some of the people there, laughing after imagining said scene. Jisung, on the other hand, tried to hide behind Changbin, who was also laughing remembering that day.
"If we follow the program", Felix turned around and glanced at Minho, letting out a tone in his voice that made it clear that it was important to not deviate from the established "script." Minho didn't even flinch, simply giving him a mischievous look. "We'll be able to see that there are three moments marked in pink, those are the most important of the entire event and, as expected, it would be good if we were all present".
"There will be an adult at all times in the activities making sure that… yes?", Minho looked up from the guide, having seen out of the corner of his eye a hand rising. "What if I need to go pee during the "pink" moments?", a boy of about six years old, who was sitting on his mother's lap, spoke up. "Well… It can be an exception, that's an emergency, we can wait, yes". The boy nodded, satisfied with the answer, to continue drinking his third glass of lemonade.
Felix moved closer to Minho and whispered something to him. Minho frowned, as if he didn't understand what his friend was saying. "When? Now?", he covered the microphone with his hand, trying to prevent the rest of them from hearing the conversation. He coughed to clear his throat. "According to what I'm being told, there will be a therapeutic corner where some shelter workers will be talking about some kittens they have up for adoption, to raise awareness among the little ones… And probably myself, too".
Minho said goodbye and quickly left the stage, eager to meet those cats. "My friend is heading right now to help the people of the shelter get everything ready, please excuse him, it's his weak point". Felix picked up the guide that Minho had accidentally dropped on the floor and cleaned it. "Getting back to the program, the door to the central gardens will be open at all times. In the room to our left will be the medical service to deal with any problems that may arise. To the right, next to the painting of the albino tigers, there is a small hallway that leads to the bathrooms", he winked at the boy with the (now fourth) lemonade, aware that this information would start to be useful to him in a few minutes perhaps.
Felix tried to give a brief talk about each activity, so the guests could start making plans. After that, he made sure all possible doubts were resolved and said goodbye, officially starting the party. He hurried to accompany Minho, knowing that it was all too likely that he had already stayed there playing with the kittens, forgetting everything else.
Chan turned around, looked at his parents with a smile and then at you, "Well, what do you think?", they looked at each other, not really knowing what to answer, "Honey, did you prepare all this by yourself?", his mother asked. Seeing the young man nod proudly, his father sighed, "Christopher, this is all very well made and thought, but I'm guessing you haven't rested a single moment…"
"I'm not going to deny it. Preparing all this has been exhausting, but at the same time it gave me all the energy I needed imagining the results, that smile that I adore so much is worth it all", he patted your head to make it even more obvious that he was talking about you, "also, I couldn't help but think about it every time I tried to sleep. So far, I can only say that all of those sleepless nights had been worth it"
"Honey… When did you grow up so much?"
Time passed without you noticing, and one of the important moments (according to the guide) arrived. You had spent most of it in the kitten area, listening to the small lecture by the shelter people and talking to the children there. Not to mention the kittens themselves, of course. You would have given anything to take them with you.
While you were playing with a small, striped grey naughty boy, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You would have never paid attention to that distraction if you hadn't recognized the scent of cologne immediately.
"What are you doing, love?", your boyfriend's head peeked over your shoulder. You could feel his breath on your cheek so you decided to break the distance by leaving a quick kiss on his lips.
“You should have known I wouldn’t be leaving here all afternoon”, you said, trying to sound innocent. The cat decided it was a good time to escape from your arms, taking advantage of the fact that you weren’t looking at him and ran off to jump on one of the toys.
“My bad", Chan smiled, at least he knew you had walked through all the activity areas before staying there. The butterfly sticker on your cheek, the cat-shaped balloon, and the flower bracelet gave away that you had spent quite a bit of time in three of them, in fact. “I’m sorry to tell you it’s time to say goodbye…”, he said softly, trying not to let his words affect you.
"I REFUSE!", you crossed your arms, "it's impossible for anything to get better than this. I'm not moving from here".
Chan looked at you with a mischievous smile, convinced that all this time by your side had been enough to have some tricks up his sleeve. He made sure that no one was paying attention to you and tried to leave a kiss on your neck. The result was automatic, he could feel a shiver running down your spine.
"CHRISTOPHER BAHNG!", you let yourself fall to one side, trying to get away from him, looking at Chan with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Oh no, the government name!", he simply laughed, watching your reaction, so funny to him.
"How dare you…?", you started to speak but a kiss interrupted you. "Y/N, my love, we have to go back, I promise you that we will visit the shelter another time, but now you have to say goodbye", he kissed you again, trying to convince you like that… You and your weak points.
As you walked back into the main room you saw that the tables had been moved. Someone had been making space so that the middle of the room was open and free, to let all the guests stand there.
“Why do I get the feeling that you've done that?”, you said, gesturing with your head at the tables. Chan followed your gaze, not entirely sure of what you were talking about since he had technically prepared everything for that day. “Oh, that. Kind of”, he let out a nervous chuckle. “I've had a little help, you would have seen that if you had decided to come around at some point”, he continued in a somewhat mocking tone. You simply rolled your eyes in response.
Felix ran past you to quickly walk backwards. “Do you think we’re all here? Minho and I are counting but we can’t get to agree”, he said, visibly nervous.
“Y/N, stay here, my parents will probably join you if they see you”, he let go of your hand and headed towards the stage, followed by his friend. They jumped up and started counting again. You could see them talking from where you were, but you couldn’t hear them. Felix was frowning. Changbin walked in carrying a little girl with chocolate stains on her face. Shortly after, a woman appeared with Seungmin.
“Youngseo!” the woman let go of Seungmin’s arm and quickly walked towards Changbin. “Where the hell have you been?!”
From what you could understand, the girl had been playing in the garden with her siblings, sneaked out to eat some of the desserts behind her grandparents' back, and tried to find the bathrooms to get rid of the evidence. Changbin had found her walking alone in another hallway, but she didn't seem scared. In fact, she had almost completely forgotten her mission and had set out to go on adventures around the hotel.
The woman, who was apparently her grandmother, had gone crazy looking for her. Seungmin had accompanied her to see the medical service while Changbin looked for his granddaughter. Her siblingss (who were older than the little girl) hadn't even noticed her absence.
Changbin took them to the bathroom so the girl could wash her face, making Felix's frustration increase. Chan watched his friend's desperation with a slight smile, there was something in Felix's gestures that he found certainly amusing. He put a hand on his shoulder and stepped away.
"Well, attention, I'd like to check that we're all present except for three people", he decided to approach the microphone, breaking his own rules. The guests began to look at each other, confused by the boy's tone.
Changbin came back, Felix put his hands on his head when he saw that he was alone. If it weren't for his friend's wink he would have started screaming. He stopped his mental count (once again) when he saw that the lady finally came in while leading her granddaughter by the hand.
He cleared his throat when Minho stood next to him, "Now that we're all here, I'd like to…", to his bad luck, the lemonade boy jumped up, previously sitting on the floor. “Wait!” he dropped the empty plastic cup and ran off towards the bathroom.
Felix looked at his friends with wide eyes, about to put into practice one of Minho’s evil deeds. Changbin started laughing from where he was, infecting other people in the process.
A few minutes later, the boy came back, walking calmly. When he noticed the glances Felix and his parents were giving him, he hurried back to join them.
Felix and Minho looked at each other and nodded in unison, as a sign that they were ready to finally get started. "Are we all here yet?", Minho asked, watching the guests carefully. Then he looked at Chan, who responded with a thumbs up. "In that case, and as we had announced, one of the most important moments of the day has arrived. We have tried to make sure beforehand that there were no problems, we apologize in advance".
"And now, let's welcome our dear flower boy", Felix added, smiling in your direction to try and send you a reassuring signal. He had been noticing all those invisible little clouds around you for quite some time, making your nerves all too obvious.
Minho walked off the stage, followed by Felix, and they left Chan waiting, swaying on his feet. His nerves were becoming more and more visible, he would have even sworn they were bigger than all those provoked during performances and concerts.
Everyone turned around when they heard the door open behind them. The speakers filled the room with Hyunjin's voice humming the melody of a song (which no one recognized at first), holding a big bouquet of roses (held between his arm and chest) while pushing a cart with his free arm, full of flowers different from those in the bouquet.
He walked through the middle of the room, in the space that everyone had left for him to pass through. He left the cart beside the stage and went up with the bouquet still in his arms. He nodded to his friend as a greeting, smiling so much that his eyes were about to close. They had a magical glow, almost as bright as the lights in the room.
Chan jumped slightly to get off the stage, took the microphone that Hyunjin handed him, and approached the flower cart. His hand wandered around the small garden, hesitant, but soon after, while picking up a yellow tulip, this was the signal needed for the music to start playing.
He handed out flowers to the guests while happily singing I'm Yours*. Each delivery seemed to have no meaning at first, but anyone who paid enough attention to the type of flower and the person in question would have realized that everything was perfectly planned in Chan's head.
There were all kinds of reactions, from blushing ladies to children grinning from ear to ear. Even Berry received a stuffed flower, made specifically for her. The little girl barked happily as a thank you, making the young man smile.
At some point (and after handing out all the other flowers), your boyfriend approached you, looking into your eyes. All that was left was the large bouquet of roses that he had apparently reserved for you. Among them were small photos (in which the two of you appeared) that he had chosen to add to the bouquet. Before giving it to you, he smiled looking down at the floor, suddenly feeling shy. Then, he placed the bouquet in your hands and kissed you, not caring about anything or anyone.
After separating from you, he looked at you again with that shy smile of his. Seeing your blushing cheeks, he gently ran his hand over one of them. For him, it was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen in his entire life. You didn't even get to say any word, you just blinked, still confused.
Minho and Felix returned to the stage. Felix proudly wore the daisy Chan had given him, adorning his golden head. Both held a set of cards they were going to use. This time, Jeongin joined them.
After approaching the standing microphone again, they lively commented on the recent delivery. Jeongin stated that he had been close to shedding a couple of tears but that the feeling had been so strong that it had stopped him from doing so on its own.
They started using the cards as a guide, chatting with the audience about different anecdotes and moments that Chan had offered them days before the event. Behind them, a large screen showed some related photos and videos. Funny, adorable memories, everything that the young man had wanted to share with the guests. Little pieces of pure love that did not fail to get reactions, from "oooh" to sincere laughter that seemed to come from the depths of a heart infected by the happiness that Chan was feeling at that moment.
After they finished, they did a quick little performance, staying silent for a few seconds and looking in various directions (which caused several people to do the same). "What's that sweet thing I smell?", Jeongin asked, "Maybe it's the side-effects of everything we just saw and heard?" Felix replied, shaking his head excitedly. Minho positioned himself between them and placed both hands on their heads, "Maybe we should investigate this incident, the culprit may appear and resolve our doubts."
Once again, the door opened, revealing a three-tiered cake, elegantly decorated with (edible) flowers and butterflies. On top of it, two candles indicated your new age. Behind the cake, pushing the cart, your friend Hannah tried to hide her meaningful red eyes behind a smile. By her side, helping his sister, was Lucas, the youngest of the siblings, who didn't seem to care in the slightest that the rivers running down his cheeks were seen by the guests.
The soft melody that filled the room was not able to muffle the boy's continuous sobs, which ended up infecting Hannah again. They did their best to leave the cake next to the food table, then went to take refuge in the arms of their parents, who pretended not to be moved by the scene. Little Berry slowly approached them to lovingly lick the leg of her two dramatic humans.
The brightness of the lights slowly began to dim, leaving only two spotlights illuminating the room. One of them was on the stage, under which your boyfriend waited patiently. Under the other one was you, shaking more than any of the pudding or jelly on the dessert table.
Chan gestured to the sound technicians, took a deep breath, and the music started playing. You could feel one piece fitting into another in your brain to form a small puzzle; the melody that both he and Hyunjin had been humming was none other than Marry You**. Despite this, you were unable to understand or process anything that was happening, your thoughts were still on the recent scene of the siblings.
The song ended, the guests clapped euphorically at the energy Chan had created on stage, trying to liven up the moment aware that some of them had previously succumbed to the emotion. He looked to his left and saw his friends crying in a corner, even Minho had dropped his "tough guy" facade.
"Oh, sorry to ruin the moment, I hope my friend H.ONE knows how to cheer this place up on the dance floor later", he let out a nervous laugh, some of the guests responded with laughter as well. Others tried to cheer him up, aware of the importance of the moment. "It's appreciated, it almost felt like I was in the middle of a concert", he laughed again.
"Let's see, well, I think I should try to find the right words, wait", some kids found the sounds he was letting out funny due to his nerves, he couldn't help but smile at this. He took a deep breath, "Uhm, okay, I think I got it". He cleared his throat and started talking.
"A long time ago, I used to be someone who was completely unable to imagine that it was possible to receive everything I tried to give to others. I've always been the type of person who did everything in my hand to make others happy, leaving myself aside. At the same time, I was not aware that other people tried to do the same for me, always insisting that I didn't need any of that. Little by little, and thanks to my family, friends and fans, I discovered that all of it was possible. I learned to accept it, because there were still moments when I wanted to reject it unconsciously. And one day, without realizing it, you came to my life, Y/N. I like to think that you came like a miracle and stayed like a dream. It would be a lie to say that I was already "cured" at that time, in fact, you appeared in a rather dark moment of my life. It's not something I usually talk about, but you began to illuminate my darkness without realizing it. There was something about that contagious smile, the way you used to say my name, those sweet eyes… that made me want to stay by your side without caring about anything or anyone. I think I didn't even ponder too much about it, I asked my members for a lot of advice, but I never doubted that this was what I really wanted to do. Fortunately, they all supported me, telling me all the time that they found me happier, freer, more comfortable with my life. I will never forget that moment, with your bright eyes and your sincere tears, after finally telling you what I felt. I would never change all these moments that we have shared together until today, for anything in the world. Opening my eyes in the morning and seeing you resting peacefully next to me is enough to draw a smile on my face and fill me with energy for the new day. Your arms are the refuge I long for every time I feel lost, while your eyes help me find myself again, being my guide to take me to that special place that only we can enter…"
He stopped in the middle of the stage, after walking around nervously, and sighed, pausing to gather his thoughts again. He smiled, not even able to look at you, but he could imagine your confused face and your red cheeks, once again. He decided to continue.
"After this long monologue of mine, I apologize, because nothing I could say would ever be enough to tell the world how much in love I am with you, my princess. As many words as there are stars in the universe are what I would need to tell you how much I love you and how happy and bright you make my life. And that is why, since without you nothing would ever be the same", he paused briefly to take a deep breath and descend towards the ground (receiving in response sounds from the guests in a sign of surprise and emotion), kneeling, he took out a small but significant box from the pocket of his jacket, to open it in your direction (with a slight but noticeable tremor in his hands and a shy smile on his lips),
"would you do me the great honor of marrying me?"
[*original version of I'm Yours / Marry You || **a different versión for each word]
♡ Official playlist: (I'd reccomend reading the scenario first)
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marmorafarms · 2 years
The Phone Call pt 2
Sebastian x Cis female reader
Hey everyone, and welcome to the second part of my three part Sebastian x Reader fic! The last installment will be coming soon! You can find the first part here!
Summary: Sebastian has been acting strange with you on the phone lately. When you figure out he's been jacking off while talking to you, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
18+ ONLY
Word count: 2,085 words
Warnings/content: Weed use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, phone sex, cis female reader
You liked to think you were an observant person. That nothing could slip by you. And you especially liked to believe that was true when it came to Sebastian. He had quickly become one of your best friends, and you knew him inside and out. Which was why it was such a shock when you learned his secret.
Three phone calls. It had taken three phone calls after your late night call about Clint to realize what was happening.
Each time you called, it had accidentally lined up with him posting a picture of him smoking a joint on his private snap chat or Instagram story. The picture was never about him smoking, the joint was just there. And when you called, the conversation was always…off.
Sebastian was never great on the phone, but after every call, you couldn't help but wonder what was going on. It wasn't that he was high. You knew what he was like when smoking, and it wasn't this.
He was typically giggly, relaxed, and if you were with him, cuddly. But recently he'd been having trouble focusing, and stringing together a coherent sentence was a challenge for him. Not to mention how out of breath he sounded, and how he always would drop his phone and hang up right after.
Something was up.
You wanted to call Sebastian tonight, even though you knew he was exhausted from his latest project. You kept meaning to ask him how much the gaming computer you had kind of asked him to build you would cost.
Sebastian had mentioned he knew how to build gaming computers, and you had said you would love to have one. Now that you were sure you really wanted one, you needed to see how far it would set you back.
You dialed his number, and to your great surprise, he answered on the first ring.
"Hey," he said, sounding a bit dazed. He was definitely high.
"Hey yourself," you said. "I had a quick question for you. Are you good to chat?"
"Oh uh…y-yeah I'm good," he said, sounding a bit nervous. Your eyes narrowed, but you chose to ignore it.
"So, remember how we were talking about how you can build computers? And how I want a gaming one? I was wondering how much it would cost if I asked you to build one for me."
"You uh…you want one? And want to pay for it?" he asked.
"Of course!" You said, flabbergasted. "I can't let you do that for free!"
"You're my friend," he said. "I won't charge you."
"I want to pay you," you insisted. "I'd feel like human trash if I had you build a whole ass computer for free."
"Your money isn't good here," he said firmly.
"Well, if I can't pay with money, how else can I pay?" You asked. And to your great surprise, he whined.
And not just any whine. This was a sound you recognized. Not from him, but from others. A whine you had only ever heard used in the bedroom while teasing your partner.
Was he turned on?
The idea that he was getting hot under the collar at the idea of you paying in "some other way" was shocking. Mostly because that idea seemed like something straight out of a low budget porno, and not something anyone would seriously suggest.
You were shaken out of this train of thought by the unmistakable click sound of a cap being opened. The sound wouldn't have grabbed your attention if it hadn't been immediately followed by the sound of fabric rustling.
Wait hold the fuck up.
Was that a lube cap you heard? Was he pulling down his pants? You shook the idea from your mind as he responded, but honestly you had no idea what he had just said. Mentally chastising yourself, you tried to get your thoughts out of the gutter. Jumping to the immediate conclusion that Sebastian was about to get off while talking to you over the phone was a stupid idea. But oddly, you found yourself wishing it was true.
Abigail had approached you about a month ago, and bluntly asked if you had a crush on Sebastian. You hated saying you had a crush, it felt so grade school. But you admitted that you did. Abigail had nodded slowly, and told you that if you hurt him, she would curb stomp you at the bus station and have zero regrets. Knowing Abigail, she was dead serious, so you promised that if Sebastian ever returned your feelings, you would treat him right.
But there had never been anything to suggest that he thought of you as anything but a friend. At least not until right this very second, assuming you were correct about what was going on. You knew that you would be up all night wondering what that click and rustling had been about, so you needed to get to the bottom of this.
The obvious way to go about it would be to just ask what the noises had been. But that would leave him room to lie, and you couldn't have that. You would be left wondering if he had been honest, and you didn't want to spend your night obsessing over that either.
No, you would have to be crafty. A small plan was forming in the back of your mind, a plan that could land you in a lot of trouble if you weren't careful about it. But what was life without a little risk, right?
"Sorry, I zoned out for a second. What did you say?" you asked.
"Oh um, just that you could help my mom in the shop or something." Sebastian said. His voice was pretty steady, but you felt that there was still potential for you to be correct about the situation.
"Hmm…the shop?" you asked, sounding pensive. "I've never been good at customer service. But I could help with building stuff or chopping wood. I enjoy getting…physical."
The pause you left before saying "physical" was truly cringe worthy in your opinion. But the slight hitch in Sebastian's breath told you that your sentence had hit as intended.
"I wouldn't want you to do more work…" Sebastian said slowly.
"Oh it's no trouble," you said casually. "Getting hot and sweaty doesn't bother me. A tank top and shorts would keep me plenty cool while working."
You could hear Sebastian breathing, but he didn't respond, so you continued speaking.
"I could even bring a whole change of clothes," you said. "After a hard day of work I have to change everything. You know, I should probably change into my pj's now. Get into something comfortable."
This was a total lie. You had changed into your pj's an hour ago. But Sebastian didn't need to know that.
"D-do you need me to…hang up?" Sebastian breathed, and you grinned. He sounded like he was in the middle of a heavy workout.
"No, no, don't worry," you said. "I'll put you on speaker. God, it's so hot in my cabin, I really need to get an A/C installed. I think it might be better just to sleep in my underwear," you said, heart pounding. You hoped this line would land, and not have Sebastian telling you off for saying too much.
"You…what?" Sebastian said. The boy wasn't being slick, you could hear him panting. He must be way higher than you thought. Time to up the ante.
"I was thinking about just wearing my bra and panties to bed. No shirt or pants." You were trying to sound calm and casual, as though you two talked like this all the time. You hoped it was working.
"Well uh…if…if you want to…" he said, valiantly trying to keep it together.
"I do want to," you said. "I think I'll strip now." You paused a few beats before speaking again, pretending you had actually taken your clothes off.
"Much better," you said. "You're lucky to be in the basement, it must be cool down there. You could probably wear as much or as little as you want."
Sebastian wasn't talking now. You were almost positive he was reaching his peak. Time to see if this was actually the case.
"I mean, you're probably not wearing much right now. Maybe your hoodie, but your jeans and boxers are on the floor, aren't they?"
"Excuse me?" Sebastian said, panic in his voice. He had been caught, and you knew he was going to try and wiggle his way out of this one.
"The way you're breathing is giving you away kitten," you said, tossing in a pet name to see what would happen. A slight choking sound on the other end led you to believe it had done something for him.
"Whatever you think is happening is…it's not. It's not happening, I–"
"You don't have to lie, Sebby," you said softly. "I know you're touching yourself while we talk. I just want you to know….I don't mind."
There was a pause.
"You don't?" Sebastian said, sounding very nervous. "You don't…it's not weird?"
"Oh it's definitely weird," you said with a chuckle, "Especially since I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time this has happened. But it's hot. I like it."
"I'm sorry," Sebastian blurted out, and you laughed.
"Don't be! I just said I liked it. And I was kind of hoping you could keep going. Maybe let me hear any sounds you've been muffling."
"What? Why?" Sebastian said, panic back in his voice.
"Because it's hot! So hot that I think I'll join in on the fun if that's okay," you said, lowering your voice slightly.
A full on moan escaped Sebastian's lips, and you could feel the heat pooling in between your legs.
"Sound good to you?" you asked in a breathy tone.
"Mmhmm," Sebastian mumbled.
You quickly kicked off your shorts and ran your fingers over your clothed pussy. You let out a pleased sound.
"My panties are soaked Seb," you said. "So wet just from thinking about you stroking your perfect cock."
There was a small whine from the other end, but nothing else. You guessed you would have to carry this conversation, but that was fine.
"Better take these off," you said, sliding your panties down your thighs and kicking them to the side. You wet your fingers with some of your slick and began rubbing your clit.
"Fuck…Sebastian it feels so good," you said, closing your eyes. "Wish it was your hand on me. Wish your fingers were rubbing me, going inside me…"
"Holy shit…" Sebastian gasped.
"Mmm maybe I should grab my dildo and use that," you panted. "I'd pretend it was your cock in me. God Seb, you'd fill me up so good…"
"Fuck I wish I was there," Sebastian moaned out.
"How would you fuck me if you were here?" you asked, rubbing your clit a bit faster. "Tell me Sebastian, how would you take me?"
"On top," Sebastian said. "Wanna see your tits bounce…wanna see your face when you cum."
"Oh baby yes, I wanna ride you so bad. Have you sit back and let me do all the work. I want it bareback Seb, I wanna really feel you. Want you to cum in me. You want that?"
"Fuck yes I want–oh shit I'm…I'm close…" Sebastian said, breath ragged.
"Me too, Sebby, me too," you panted. "I wanna hear you cum, please let me hear you cum!" You begged.
"'Kay," Sebastian mumbled. A few moments later you heard him swear, a long drawn out moan following behind.
You were in disbelief that you had just heard Sebastian cum. The sound was enough to push you over the edge, and you heard him swear again as you cried out his name.
For a few moments the only sound was the two of you panting as you came down from your highs. You sighed happily, and Sebastian hummed in response.
"That was…damn," Sebastian said.
"Yeah," you agreed.
"We should do that again," he said, and you chuckled.
"Yeah, but I want it to be in person next time."
"Doing anything tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked tentatively.
"Yes," you said. "This hot guy named Sebastian is coming over to rail me. I'm pretty excited."
Sebastian laughed lightly. "I'll be over at 8, yeah?"
"Sounds perfect."
The two of you hang up, and you set your phone to the side. You can't believe that just happened, but fuck are you glad it did.
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gatitties · 2 years
Manager Miniseries
─ Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─ Summary: The guys decide to test you to see if you can get the manager job
─ Warnings: oikawa
0 < 1 > 2
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They were all gathered in the volleyball club room, sitting in a circle with serious eyes, analyzing the plan proposed by several of the members.
"So what exactly do we do?"
Matsukawa glanced at his cell phone for the last time to ask, taking a quick look at each of the boys to lean more comfortably in his seat.
"She could be our manager."
Yahaba's eyes seemed to have little stars while the place Kindaichi was in seemed like a blooming scene, they could already imagine a lot of scenes where they were gentlemen helping a lady in distress.
"What if she's a fan of shittykawa?"
The mother of the team broke all hope with his clear but harsh words, there was no girl who didn't know Oikawa Tōru in high school, there was no girl who didn't like that stupid setter in one way or another.
"Iwa-chan, she didn't seem to know me." he pouted, crossing his arms, but before anyone could say anything else he spoke again with a smile "Oh! What if she played hard? I mean" he fixed his hair and looked at his nails "to get my attention."
He received a blow to the neck.
"It could be possible."
"Then why are you hitting me?!"
"I don't know, habit I suppose."
"Iwa-chan, so mean!"
That was how they decided to approach you, you could be their future manager if you weren't another one of Oikawa's obsessed fans. The plan was simple, they would have Oikawa bump into you 'accidentally' so that he would start flirting —as usual— so they could see your reaction and decide whether or not you could be part of the team.
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Late. Late was a word that was followed by your name, never in your short years of life have you arrived anywhere on time, for that very reason and because your brain did not remember to charge your phone last night is that you were running to get to class. Luck wasn't in your favor either, you arrived fifteen minutes late looking quite messy, although you didn't care about that, your teacher wasn't very amused, that's why you had a little talk with the vice principal. Luckily you would only have to do a couple of things, including cleaning the classroom for a week, well, that was better than a punishment from your mother.
Anything but confront that devil.
Currently you were lying on your table, trying to rest what you had not been able to do that night, but what was your fault? No one warned you that one of your most anticipated series was going to come out so late and you clearly wasn't going to stay without seeing an episode, despite the fact that you ended up watching almost an entire season.
"Here you are, I was looking for you."
You didn't bother to turn your head to see your friend, you just raised a hand, warning that it wasn't the best time to talk.
"You were late again?"
You hummed affirmatively in response. The newly arrived girl sighed when she saw you, you would never change, she left some of her snack knowing that you would not have brought yours and left to let you rest. Like clockwork you woke up five minutes before break was over to eat the sandwich that your pious friend had left you, you would thank her later for being an angel who feeds you. The following hours passed slowly, if it weren't for the fact that a classmate reminded you where the cleaning utensils were, you would have thought that you were still in class. You walked to the closet where things were kept, surprised to find nothing, it was literally empty.
'And how the fuck do I clean the class now? If there is no material I can't clean so…'
A mischievous smile crossed your lips at the thought of not doing your punishment. Coincidentally and out of convenience, the vice principal passed by—surely knowing beforehand that the objects in that closet had been used by other classmates—he simply told you that you could use the third-year ones because they finished a little earlier, so they wouldn't be being used. The previous smile was destroyed in seconds, grumbling internally for not being able to get free.
You walked slowly while letting out a yawn, you really needed to rest more. You picked up everything you needed —which were not a few things— staggering a bit, you affirmed the grip of all the objects against your chest so that they would not fall to the ground, which was totally unnecessary because you collided with a boy, throwing everything to the ground.
'Who's here so late? Aww, now I'll have to pick it all up.'
"Oh, I'm sorry."
A flirtatious voice filtered through your ears, you sighed seeing everything on the floor, rubbed your temples taking a deep breath, this would be a big headache.
"It doesn't matter, I didn't see where I was going."
"Let me help you."
When you looked up, you both looked at each other, remaining like that for a second until you opened your mouth slightly when realized a small problem. The boys hiding behind the corner were disappointed thinking that you really were a fan.
"Don't move."
You said calmly in a whisper as you studied the boy, rather something else that was on him.
"Huh? So you know me? I already knew that no one would resist me."
You didn't listen to his words because all your attention was focused on the mosquito that the boy had fluttering through his hair, you raised your hand slowly, Oikawa remained static thinking that you were going to pounce on him, he smiled arrogantly at that thought.
"I got you!"
You hit the head of the setter, leaving both the person who received the slap and the hidden boys stunned, that was not what he had in mind that would happen but he continued in the line of thoughts, still believing that you were his fan.
"what was that? Are you a masochist? I'm not really into those things but I could try them for you…"
You wiped your hand with mosquito remnants to start picking up the utensils thrown on the floor, forgetting about the boy who imagined grotesque scenes in his mind, before you could leave quietly he touched your shoulder with a triumphant smile.
"So when do you want to meet? I can make a space in my schedule for you, darling."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with me?"
"Who are you?"
All the guys that were there froze thinking the same thing. 'She doesn't know me' echoed in the captain's head, no, you're just being tough, right? He broke out in a sweat as he stared at the blank face of the you.
"B-but we saw each other a couple of days ago." you tilted your head thinking "You have to know who I am!"
"Oh! I know who you are, you're the boy I gave my friend's letter to."
The boy's spirit returned to be present in his expression of victory.
"But I don't know who you are."
And he was down again in a matter of seconds. Seeing the boy's downcast expression, you felt a little sorry, you tried to remember all those times when you were eating and didn't listen to most of what your friend told you, until a lightbulb went on above your head.
"I remember, you're Oiwaka!"
'Oiwaka' gasped as he seemed to want to cry, he quickly walked away to where his companions were hiding from him, giving up.
'Where has he gone? Well I don't care, what a weird guy'
You shrugged your shoulders to go finish your punishment, well, part of your punishment, you would think about what to do with the other part of the problem.
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