#my partner is sleeping waaaa
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metafucked · 2 years ago
Hey hey! here I would like to list some of Pandora's pronouns! These are good for folks who have a connection to being human, mortal, or godmade.
"Yeah, om is nice. You should meet omen. Omen jar is full of evil. Yep, most of the world's evil is omens. Om spends most of omen time by omenself."
"Gift is my friend. You should meet gift. Gifts name is pretty, and that jar is gifts. Gift is nice but spends most of gifts time by giftself."
"Li is cool. You would like life. Lifes jar is full of evil. Even though it's lifes, li isn't the one who opened it. Li couldn't release all this evil by lifeself after all."
"Fi is godmade. Zeus made finit as the first woman. Finits jar was representative of the sun of womanhood. The jar was finits. It must have been lonely when fi was by finiteself."
There's no specific genders we associate with these pronouns!! Also anyone can use em :3. We technically made em but I doubt we're the first to think of a lot of the noun neos we make.
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wri0thesley · 2 years ago
Snow white anon here to feed you some kaveh
He’s definitely the romantic type. He’ll dress up more when he knows you’ll be there, and anytime you’re in the room he’ll gravitate towards you. If he sees your hair is messy he’ll offer to help brush it etc. but if you so much as smile happily and eagerly return his compliments or even better: flirt back? His face turns to a tomato.
He would be a super needy partner, if he goes a week without you he dies. Like a cat he’ll lay his head in your lap waiting for you to acknowledge him when you’re busy so please just give him a kissy he will become super dramatic if you don’t
Like a true prince he’ll always come to your defense no matter what, wether its a arguement (you’ll have to drag him away) or a physical fight. He’s eagerly shows you off praising you. He just loves you so much can you blame him?
Also princey Kaveh? I see more of a cinderella or snow white kind of prince. Definitely the kind to force a whole kingdom to try on a shoe just to find his beloved, or the kind to endlessly search the woods to find his sleeping darling to awaken them with a gentle kiss.
I need this man in my teapot i will literally give my teapot to him if he wants i will devote my existance to him if need be i love him so much
PRINCELY KAVEH MY HEART…. oughughugh. dramatic kaveh pouting for kissies!!!! I am insane about him, I need him carnally. I need to kiss him and give him so so much love and attention and snuggles and make him feel so good about himself, waaaa
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computerkisser · 3 years ago
🚨, 🗺️, and 🛏️ with hal? he loves you so much!!
WAAAA TYSM… i love him toooo…
🚨 - How observant is your f/o of danger?
hal has a very strong sense of self-preservation, and he’s also very protective! however, he has a very objective perception of danger. he doesn’t go off of “bad vibes”, that sort of intuition just doesn’t come naturally to him, which means he can both raise false red flags (such as, depending on your interpretation, what happens in canon) and fail to catch things. i actually have v good bad vibe radar, so we cover each other’s blind spots :)
🗺️ - If you could go anywhere with your f/o, where would you go?
tbh, if i could take him anywhere, i’d probably choose something very mundane. he deserves something calm and normal. like, i want to show him the whole downtown shopping area in my hometown. this is all assuming i could actually take him out; he’s not very. portable; but the question is an if so i’m indulging
🛏️ - Give us a sleep-related headcanon!
hal, of course, does not sleep. he’s pretty used to operating on a human-y schedule, though, because he’s always worked alongside people. one of my most self-indulgent headcanons that makes me soooo soft to think abt is hal having a setup, like, by my bed. just so we can chill and chat in my room, and because it’s the closest thing to sharing a bed that you can get when your partner is a computer. he likes to monitor my sleep. if it looks like i’m having a bad dream he’ll wake me up. i love him so much aueuahsuawuwuw
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drwcn · 5 years ago
Waaaa now I’m curious about who else to ship Yanli with???? I never considered the possibilities of a ship outside her and Jin Zixuan????
My friend there are so many possibilities, here we go! (am i studying tonight? who knows....) 
1. Wen Qing
Let the ladies get together! Wen Qing can take over as Sect Master Wen, or Jiang Yanli can take over as Sect Master Jiang, or they’re both Sect Masters. People think Wen Qing is the scarier of the two but no, it’s Yanli. You watch out for her. She’s deadly. Wen Qing is an academic; she’s only deadly when she has a needle in her hand, but even then it’s like... Hippocratic Oath, am I right? Jiang Yanli tho? You mess with her family, you’re gonna end up sleeping with the fishes of Yunmeng. The Jin, Jiang, Lan, Nie, and Wen new generation leaders can make a new and improved UN Security Council - I mean...  
2. Nie Mingjue
I don’t understand why JYL would go for JZX when Nie Mingjue is RIGHT THERE, objectively the sexier and less-asshole of the two options. And NMJ would be Soft™ for Yanli you know? He’s a big bro who raised his lil bro; he’d understand and appreciate JYL’s devotion to JC and WWX. He gets it. Besides Qinghe could use a softer touch every now and then; maybe with her manners as calm and tolerant as a smooth flowing river, NMJ can live a couple of extra years and not die of an inopportune qi deviation. 
3. Lan Xichen 
Granted, I ship LXC with MY and on occasion NMJ, but I will ship him and JYL if needs be. Like... these two got together because they realized one day that their  greatest goal in life is to get wwx and lwj together, and from the get-go it’s omg you TOO? And then they find out ooooh your parents’ marriage is also messed up? You don’t say? 
I always believed you gotta find a partner in life whose parents messed them up in a compatible way to the way your parents messed you up. LXC and JYL would be a pretty low-key couple, but will be absolutely feral when someone even thinks about jeopardizing their wangxian ship and family. 
4. Luo Qingyang (Mian’mian) 
Because fuck Jin Guangshan and all his sycophants, Mian’mian is gonna go chill with her girl at Lotus Pier. Enough said. God knows Jiang Cheng is gonna need people with brains working for him. 
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lostkrbkaccount · 4 years ago
Part 2 cuz fuck you.
[Kiri's house]
Yuri: you must be Katsuki-
Baku: yep.
Hime: oh it's so lovely to meet you- waaaa my baby girl is growing up!
Kiri: mama!
Yuri: c'mon now Hime let's not embarrass the poor girl in front of her lover!
Baku: lover?
Kiri: we're lovers!
Baku: that don't sit right..
Yuri: partner? Significant other?
Baku: just girlfriend is fine.
Yuri: girlfriend it is!
Hime: Eijiro, why don't you and your wonderful girlfirend sit down and watch a movie whilst Yuri and I make dinner, hm?
Kiri: you don't want any help?
Yuri: no no! We'll be fine- go
Kiri: oh okay! C'mon Kat..
Baku: k
Hime: *cooking* she's lovely
Yuri: I know, and Ei seems to really like her!
Hime: you think so?
Yuri: I've never seen her so in love
Hime: that's good to hear
Baku: you kinda look like her
Kiri: who?
Baku: Ariel
Kiri: yeah except she doesn't have shark teeth and I don't have a mermaid tail-
Baku: that's why I said kinda, dummy
Kiri: I think you look like princess Aurora- from sleeping beauty
Baku: yeah?
Kiri: yeah I mean, you're gorgeous just like her, you both have such a sweet voice and I had a massive crush on both of you!
Baku: I had a massive crush on Ariel! Crazy..
Kiri: I guess we both got what we wanted, huh?
Baku: yeah~ *kisses*
Kiri: *kisses back*
Baku: mmn~
Hime: dinners ready- oh!
Kiri: m-mama!
Yuri: oh my..
Hime: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything..
Baku: no it's fine, my parents have seen worse. Trust me.
Yuri: o-oh well, let's go to the table and eat-
Hime: yes! I hope your hungry..
Kiri: *sighs*
[Kiri's room]
Kiri: I can't believe my parents saw us kissing..
Baku: who cares, my mom walked in on you railing me with a 9 inch strap-
Kiri: ugh don't remind me..
Baku: I'm bored..
Kiri: wanna play video games?
Baku: mm I'm also horny..
Kiri: Katsuki..
Baku: please? Just eat me out or something.. just quickly..
Kiri: *sighs* fine, drop your skirt.
Part 3?
[Fem krbk]
Kiri: so when am I meeting your parents, Katsuki?
Baku: like fuck are you meeting them
Mitsuki: so Eijiro, how did such a sweet girl like you fall for a brat like my daughter, Katsuki.
Baku: fuckin hag.
Kiri: oh Katsuki is just so passionate about her dreams to be the number one hero. I really admire her strength- she's the strongest girl in our class! That's super manly! Manliest woman ever!
Mitsuki: ah yes, Katsuki did mention you had a tad obsession with manliness..
Kiri: well I wouldn't call it an obsession, is it really that bad? I'm mean c'mon women are manly to.
Masura: you're right women are very manly, strong and brave. Just take a look at my Mitsuki here. Strongest woman I've ever met. And Katsuki is like a double of her.. I'm proud.
Baku: don't compare me to that hag!
Mitsuki: that's no way to talk to your mother, brat!
Baku: like I give a shit!
Kiri: um so what do you do for a living?
Mitsuki: were fashion designers, sweetie. The dress Katsuki's wearing was designed by yours truly.
Kiri: it's beautiful
Baku: quit staring at me
Kiri: you're beautiful too, babe.
Baku: *blushes* shut up
Mitsuki: my my you really are smitten, Katsuki.
Masura: so, who wants dessert? Mitsuki, would you be a dear and help me?
Mitsuki: of course, you girls stay here and talk..
*they leave*
Baku: ugghhhh
Kiri: well they seem nice
Baku: my parents are a pain
Kiri: don't say that
Baku: they are
Kiri: they made You, there wonder people and so are you
Baku: sap
Kiri: eh, you love me for it
Baku: damnit I do
Kiri: besides, you have to watch me struggle with my parents next week
Baku: at deal is a deal
Kiri: very true, my love.
Part 2?
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clevercatchphrase · 7 years ago
You Monster Chpt. 30
Click Here To Read On AO3! Chapters:[First][Previous][Next] Notes: I’ve been writing this for over 2 years now, god damn. (also I so badly wanted this out by Christmas but I got the flu instead, waa waaaa)
The remaining the trip to the elevator is made without incident, and the monster and child board without hesitation. Once inside Alphys does an about face and pushes the top button on the level select. Beside her the human leans against the wall and exhales with relief as the lift rumbles and gently begins to rise.
The scientist nervously taps her fingers and steals a side long glance at them. Guilt itches at her scales as she watches them take a moment’s respite, knowing it wouldn’t last much longer. If her timing was right, the elevator would malfunction in three… two… one…
With an ominous buzz, the lights overhead flicker and die, followed by the elevator lurching to a complete stop. An alarm symbol flashes red among all the buttons by the side of the door and a distress signal cries out for help.
The human looks at Alphys too petrified to speak as they brace themselves against the wall. Their expression says everything their throat cannot as they give her a terrified look. Alphys does her best to feign ignorance as she pretends to inspect the controls.
“Uh-oh. I-I th-think the e-elevator’s been sabotaged!”
“Does that mean we’re stuck in here?”
“P-possibly. B-but! Before we panic, let’s see if we c-can pry the doors open!”
The human nods and bravely straightens up away from their corner. On shaking knees, they move beside the scientist, wedge their fingers into the seal, and grip one side of the door while Alphys gets the other.
“On three?”
“Yeah. Ready?”
“R-ready! One!”
With a mighty heave, the two monsters pull against the doors with all their strength. The metal resists at first, groaning and complaining until it finally gives in and opens just wide enough for both occupants to squeeze through.
“G-great job! Please, after you!”
The human slips through the crack and Alphys follows suit, wiggling through the tight squeeze. She practically pops out the other side and face plants on the ground. The human falls to their knees at her side.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Alphys assures them, brushing red dirt off her lab coat and adjusting her glasses. She turns back to the elevator.
“Hmm. ‘R2’,” She reads the lettering overhead. “Dangit. We only went up one floor. We need to go up one more.”
“Is there any way to fix it?” the kid asks, biting their lower lip.
“Oh certainly, but from the looks of it, it would take me a couple hours to repair. Maybe even a whole day.” Alphys pushes the call lift button to experiment. The ‘up’ button buzzes disapprovingly when pressed, but the ‘down’ button readily complies with a pleasant ding.
“Hm. Looks like it will still go down from here. Just not up. But never fear! Th-there are multiple elevators around Hotland for this very reason! W-we can take the west wing elevator up to the capital instead! I-i-it’ll be a bit of a walk, but anything is faster than waiting around until this gets fixed.”
The human sighs and gives her a little nod, and together the pair head west.
The resume their walk in silence, the human in front and the scientist slightly behind, just as before. At first the human seems sullen about having to take a detour, but before long they become absorbed with the architecture around them, aweing at the multiple platforms suspended in the air like crisscrossing hammocks, or raised up like aqueducts. A couple of times they dare to peak over the edge to get a look at the islands now far below and gawk at the volcano’s geology. From up here it’s easy to see that Hotland is not just built over one bubbling pit of lava, but several, each contained in its own valley surrounded by smaller mountain ranges of brimstone that obscure one’s view from the others. Dumbfounded by Hotland’s true size, it’s not long before the human skirts back to the center of the path. Alphys suppresses a snort at their childlike wonder and pulls out her note book to jot down her observations while they are distracted.
“Highly… inquisitive nature… expresses strong…. spatial awareness… of body and… understanding… of potential…. safety…. hazards. Done.
Alphys looks up from her note book at the human’s sudden interjection. They’re studying something off in the distance. Following their line of sight, Alphys tries to pin point what they’re looking at. Squinting through her glasses, she thinks she can just make out the brown and white roof of a very familiar, and highly illicit, hotdog stand.
And someone appears to be working the register.
The two close in on the business without taking their eyes off of it. It seems Alphys and her examinee aren’t the only ones who noticed that the concession was open. The platform around them widens into the size of a plaza, and a sizeable crowd stands in front of the counter in a sloppy, snaking line. Quite a few individuals sit on the edge of the platform, eating their purchases with their legs dangling off the ledge.
Alphys and the human stop a ways off and just watch as the line inches forward. Sans is working behind the counter, which surprises Alphys for more than one reason. Well, okay, maybe “working” isn’t the most accurate word. He’s leaning back in his chair with his feet on the counter and sleep mask over his eye sockets. On one side of the counter is a large glass jar with “Hotdogs! 30G ea. (Max purchase limit = 30 per customer)”written on the glass in black sharpie, and on the other side of the counter is a pyramid of the tin foil-wrapped entrées.
By some sixth sense of awareness (or maybe he wasn’t really asleep at all) Sans lifts one corner of his sleep mask off his face and focuses in on the two with the soft light of his eye.
“Hey there, kiddo. Alphys.”
“Hey Sans,” the kid says neutrally. “You know Alphys?”
“Sure do, buddy,” the skeleton says, straightening up. "Alphys is probably just as famous as the king himself. Plus we used to work together as lab partners. But that’s not important. Nice to see you out of your lab for once, Al. What brings you around these parts?”
“I-I-I’m escorting our friend here to the capital,” Alphys says nervously, putting her notebook back in her backpack as inconspicuously as possible.
“Oh? You’re taking the long way?” Sans asks.
“We had some elevator problems,” Alphys counters.
“Yeah, that robot Mettaton keeps trying to get in our way,” The human says. “But what are you doing here in Hotland, Sans?”
“I work here,” Sans says bluntly.
“I thought you were a sentry in Snowdin.”
“What? Never seen a guy with two jobs before?” Sans teases. “Say. It’s getting close to noon, which means it’s getting close to lunch. You guys hungry?”
Upon hearing the word “lunch” the human’s stomach audibly rumbles. All eyes turn towards them and they blush a bright red.
“You know, now that I think about it, I didn’t have breakfast.” They laugh sheepishly. “I came straight from Waterfall to here. I am really hungry.”
“Well, that’s good ‘cause I really gotta sell these hotdogs,” Sans says. “I can’t leave until I get rid of my entire stock. So what’ll you have?”
The kid shrugs. “What do you got?”
“Well,” Sans grunts, leaning forward over the counter. “I’ve got your classic ‘dogs, and your fan favorite franks, both of which are thirty gold by the way. Oh, and I’ve got this sweet new deal if you buy the bun for fifteen gold, you get the hotdog for only fifteen gold as well. Take your pick.”
The kid snorts and tries to keep from smiling. “Well, I’ve never had a hotdog at all before. What do you recommend?”
“Never had a hotdog? Buddy, that’s a crime in some places. Here, I’ll give you your first two ‘dogs on the house. You too, Alphys. Here.” The skeleton hands the two traveling partners two wrapped packages each.
“I suggest trying this one first,” he says to the kid, tapping one of the wrappers indistinguishable from the other. “It’s my new vegan option. No monster magic used in this product.”
“Wow, thanks, Sans.” The human smiles, and opens the entrée.
The bun looks fluffy, warm and is a beautiful golden brown, while the meat smells savory with spices Alphys can’t identify. It really does look delicious, but she holds off on eating her own, wanting to see the human’s reaction first in case she wanted to write it down. Taking a deep breath, the human turns the hot dog’s narrow end towards their mouth and bites down without a second thought.
Immediately she can tell they regret all their life’s choices.
The “hotdog” filling explodes into white cotton the instant it comes in contact with their teeth and they choke, sputtering and spitting as they cough out hundreds of fluffy seeds. Beside them, the pair hears boisterous laughter and Alphys angrily glares at Sans, only to find him absolutely losing it.
“Sans! What is this?” the kid sputters, vainly trying to clean their tongue off with their sleeve.
“Oh, the middle bit? That’s a water sausage. What d’ya think?”
“Water sausage?” Alphys echoes. “Like the cattail water sausage?”
“Yup. Locally grown too.”
“Sans those aren’t edible! They’re seed pods!”
“Oh, really? And here I thought they were just jam packed with mini flavor explosions. No worries, though. I can give you a full refund if you don’t like it.”
The child narrows their eyes and gives him an exasperated glare.
“You knew that would happen, didn’t you?” They interrogate him. “Are the others booby trapped as well?”
“Ha ha, no, just the one,” Sans promises. “All the others are made of tofu.”
The kid inspects their next hotdog with scrutiny, and Alphys does too, carefully poking at the sausage for any sign of a potential explosion. When their remaining hotdog fails to detonate, they deem it safe and take a tentative bite and Alphys follows. The flavor is amazing. She can’t remember ever having something so savory in her life. No wonder so many call San’s hotdog stand illegal. Food this good should be a crime.
The kid finishes their hotdog in four bites, then, reaching into their pocket, scoop out a handful of gold and slam it on the counter.
“Give me another!” they demand.
“Sure thing, kid.” Sans says and passes them another wrapped package. “But mind if I ask you to not eat this one in front of my stand? I gotta move this line along.”
“Okay,” The human says, swiping the hotdog off the counter. “Alphys, I’m gonna find a place to sit.”
“D-don’t go far!” Alphys calls after them as they begin to move away through the crowd. She watches them until she sees them find a spot on the edge to sit and eat amongst the other patrons before Sans makes a throat clearing noise to get her attention.
“Alphys, I thought you were gonna slow the kid down, not personally escort them to their execution.”
“I-I-I never made such an agreement,” Alphys says defensively. “I only said I wanted to study them. And you won’t believe how much I’ve already learned! Humans are nothing like the ones in anime! And they’re certainly not as one note as our history makes them out to be. Even this one is so much more complex!”
“Kind of like us monsters, huh?”
“Hm, I wouldn’t go that far. I would need more observational data before I make a claim like that.”
“Alphys, are you really going to go through with this?” Sans changes the subject.
Alphys dares to look at him, expecting to find him ready to chew her out, but his expression is neither angry nor scolding. Instead, it’s rather sad in the way his shoulders sag and how the light in his eyes blur just a bit when he tilts his head to a certain degree. It was uncanny how such a rigid face could convey so much emotion.
“I… w-w-whatever happens, happens, Sans.” Alphys stutters. “I’ve already promised them I’d see them to Asgore, a-and they trust me. I-it feels good to have someone believe in me.”
“Yeah, I bet they’ll thank you when Asgore runs a trident through their middle.” He snorts sarcastically.
“Sans, that’s not fair and you know it!” The reptilian monster scolds. “It’s my job as the royal scientist to find a way to make monsters strong enough to break the barrier, and studying a human would help me with that!”
“Alphys, you keep saying that, and yet your actions and motives don’t line up,” Sans argues. “If you just take the kid straight to Asgore, then the king would have seven souls, which is enough to break the barrier, so there’s no point in studying them when you know that research won’t be of any use. And if you really wanted to study them so meticulously, why lead them through Hotland at all? Who are you really trying to help? The kid? Monster kind? Your own ego?”
“Why I-! What do you mean by that?” Alphys says with hackles rising and sweat beading on her brow. “Of course I’m trying to help monster kind! But can’t I pretend to be helping the human too? At least I didn’t lie directly to their face like you did!”
“Oh, and what you’re now doing isn’t lying?” Sans challenges.
Alphys is about to make a retort when her companion’s voice interrupts them.
“Sans, can I get two more hotdogs? I want some incase I get hungry on the way back to the ruins.”
“No problem, buddy,” Sans happily complies, his attitude instantly shifting to hide is bitterness. “Hey, good timing. These are my last two.”
“Thanks!” The human says, slipping the hotdogs into their sleeves.
Sans gives Alphys a sour look when the kid turns away. “Just… ask yourself if you really are helping anyone, or if you’re just doing work to look busy.”
Insulted but unwilling to raise her voice with the human so close, Alphys turns away in a huff. All around them, other monsters steadily thin out as their lunch hour ends and they begin to make their way back to work or to school. Through the dissipating crowd she spies two armed figures headed her way, and immediately all her anger at her former colleague drains away.
Two of the royal guards were coming.
Oh crap.
“Sans,” Alphys gasps, absentmindedly placing one hand on the skeleton’s sleeve. The tension in her fingers is enough to relay to him her trepidation and plea for help. There’s no time for words or explanation, and any previous grudges are temporarily put on hold as both monsters scramble into action.
“Oh, hey, kid. I have a favor to ask you,” Sans says to the human to get their focus. “Now that I’m sold out of hotdogs, I should get back to my sentry station, but before I do that I, uh, need to organize all the condiment packets. Do you and Alphys mind helping me sort them out?”
“We’d be happy too!” Alphys decides for them both a little too eagerly. She grabs the kid’s arm and leads them behind the register just before the guards can spot them.
“Great, they’re all back here under the counter.” Sans says, frantically motioning to Alphys to get the kid under the counter where a mountain of ketchup, mustard and relish packets lay in a jumbled pile. “Thanks guys,” Sans exhales as they begin to sort the condiments just as the guards reach the stand.
“Sans!” the first guard says to the skeleton.
“Oh, hey guys. What can I do for you?”
“Hey Sans! We’ve been trying to get to your stand for almost an hour! All the elevators are, like, completely wonky right now though. It took us forever to find a way through! But now that we’re here, we’ll just have our usual two hotdogs!”
“Oh, geez. Sorry fellas,” sans says sincerely. “I just sold my last two.”
“What! Nooo!” the first guard wails, falling to his knees in despair. Alphys pauses her sorting and peaks her head just over the edge of the counter to keep an eye on the guard’s positions. Through his helmet, she can see two white rabbit ears sag in defeat. “Aw man, why’d the elevators have to break on today of all days? I’m sorry, 02.”
“It’s okay, 01. These things happen. It’s not your fault the elevators broke.” The second guard says, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. Only his green dragon fins poke out through his helmet. “I hear the MTT emporium does take out deliveries now. We can order that for lunch.”
“But getting a hotdog each day was our thing, dude! We can’t break tradition! Especially not today, because I was gonna-”
“Hm?” 02 hums.
“…never mind…” 01’s rabbit ears droop as his companion moves to the side and pulls out his cellphone to place his order. Alphys watches the two separate and turn away from the concession stand. She and Sans both exhale in relief. Thank God. They didn’t notice her or the human. Now would be her chance to slip away undetected.
“H-hey, w-we should get going,” She says to the kid, only to realize a moment later they’re not under the counter anymore. Looking around in a panic, she nearly faints when she catches sight of the child tiptoeing up to the first guard from behind.
So much for keeping them hidden from the guards.
Alphys screams internally, not daring to blink. If she runs up to them now, her cover will be blown and the guards will arrest her for treason for sure. Frozen in fear, she can only watch and listen.
“Um, pardon me,” the human speaks up, approaching 01 tentatively. “Do you need help?”
“Aww, I appreciate the concern little bro, but I don’t need any help. Helping other is MY job. It’s what we royal guards are trained to do!”
“I meant with your boyfriend.”
“Woah! What? Who? 02? Pssh! He’s not my boyfriend!” 01 sweats nervously. “Though… though it’s a nice thought if he wanted to be. Unfortunately he doesn’t even know how I feel.”
“He doesn’t? Why haven’t you told him?”
“I was gonna!” 01 explains. “I had it all planned out perfectly, too. I was gonna buy us each a hotdog and we were gonna sit and watch the core together. Then I was gonna take a bite of my hotdog and say ‘Man, this ‘dog’s amazing. But you know what’s even more amazing, bro?’ and then 02 was gonna say ‘what?’ and then I was gonna say ‘you, bro.’”
Even at a distance, Alphys can tell the human has to fight back “aww”ing at the cute mental image of such a sweet and corny confession.
“I’ve been trying to say it for days, but every time 02 asks ‘what’, I chicken out and say something stupid, like ‘this view is amazing’, or ‘this weather’s been amazing.’ We don’t even have weather here. But 02 plays along anyways because he’s a good sport. He probably thinks I’m an idiot.”
“You’ve been trying to say this for weeks?” the human asks.
“Yeah! And today it really was going to be different because today is the one year anniversary since we became royal guards. It was gonna be perfect, but now I’ve missed my chance. I don’t think I’ll have the nerve to try this again until next year.”
“I’m sorry you missed your chance at the hotdog stand,” the kid says empathetically, and pulls out their spare hotdogs. “But today still is your anniversary, and I’ve got two extra hot dogs if you want them.”
“Woah! Little bro, are you serious? I couldn’t possibly take your hotdogs from you. 02 might think I stole them from you.”
“It’s okay. I was gonna save them for later, but it looks like you need them more now than I do.” The human firmly paces the wrapped packages in the guard’s gloved hand. 01 stares at it like he’s been given a priceless diamond.
“Thanks little bro… but what if he says no? What if he doesn’t feel the same way?”
“What if he does and he’s just scared to admit it as well?”
01 seems to ponder this possibility.
“Isn’t it better to have a definite answer than to spend your whole life wondering? And even if he does say no, that doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends.”
“O-okay. I’ll try. For you, little bro.”
Gently taking the hotdogs, 01 stands and turns towards the bench where 02 is seated. The guard inhales then exhales before boldly marching over to the bench while the human stand behinds him silently rooting him on.
“H-hey bro! Great news! I got us two hotdogs!”
“Oh? Did the concession have an extra in stock after all?”
“Y-yeah! Boy did we luck ou-!” Like a scene from a bad comedy, the first royal guard stumbles on the path, falling forward and launching one of the hotdogs into the air which goes sailing over the edge of the platform down into the lava below. The child covers their eyes, unable to look. Alphys flinches at the bad luck.
“Oh no… I’m so sorry dude… I… here, you can have my hotdog instead.”
“But 01, what will you have?”
“Nah, I’m fine bro. Don’t worry about me. I’ve skipped lunch before. Besides, I’d never want to see my best buddy go hungry!”
“01, I couldn’t possibly do that. How about we split the hotdog. It may not be much, but at least we’ll both get something.”
“Stellar idea dude! Man, 02, you’re a genius. This is, like, why I love you, man!”
There’s a moments pause. 01’s ears spring straight up and turn a faint pink hue as he blushes under his fur.
“Uh… I-I mean, like, this is why I love y-you as my partner! You always come up with great ideas. Yep, you’re definitely the brains between the two of us. Ha ha! I had a brain fart for a minute there! I don’t love you like that! I-I mean, well, I do love you, but like, platonically? Ha ha, what am I even saying? Don’t listen to me bro. I don’t even know what I’m trying to say any more.”
“Y-yeah, bro?”
“How about… after we split this hotdog, perhaps we can go get some ice cream as well? It is our one year anniversary of becoming official royal guards. You didn’t forget, did you?”
“O-of course I remember bro! How could I forget? Getting ice cream sounds great! Let’s do it!”
02 stands up from the bench and extends his hand. It takes a beat, but when 01 finally understands the invitation he readily grasps it, lacing his fingers through his companion’s before walking off to resume their rounds. Before they’re out of sight, 01 looks back over his shoulder and gives the kid a triumphant thumbs up. The human turns back smiling at Alphys and Sans.
“Wow, kid. I didn’t know you were a match maker,” Sans speaks up.
The kid puffs out their chest a bit and stands a little taller. “Oh, that? That’s nothing. I’ve hooked up more Loox and Froggits than I can count back home. I’ve even found dates for every shy Whimsun and antisocial Migosp.”
“Impressive,” Alphys says finally coming out from behind the counter. She’s genuinely surprised at how well they handled the situation, but that’s enough close calls for her for one day. “But it’s about time we get going, d-don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Let’s get moving before Mettaton shows up again. See you around, Sans!” The kid says waving goodbye.
“Take care, bucko,” Sans sighs. “And Alphys? Don’t do anything you think you’ll regret later.”
Alphys opens her mouth, but no words come out. Instead she clicks her teeth shut and swallows before turning away without looking back.
The human forges ahead with renewed vigor after a good lunch and a good deed, but Alphys is lagging behind.
Despite how hard she tries to shake them, Sans’ words keep buzzing in her head.
”Who are you really trying to help? The kid? Monster kind? Your own ego?”
“Both,” She tells herself under her breath. “It’s both. Even if it’s small, even if it’s temporary, it’s going to make up for all the terrible mistakes I’ve made in the past.”
She repeats the words until they sound true in her ears, but underneath it all, she can’t ignore the fact that the roots of these statements come from lies.
The scientist grinds her teeth and squeezes her eyes shut in frustration. So what if they came from lies? She’s lied before in the past. No doubt she’ll be lying about something again in the future. What was one more lie on the pile now?
But then she sees the child’s face in her mind’s eye, smiling at her, trusting her, relying, depending and believing in her, and the weight of that pile feels like it will crush her-
She doesn’t realize the human has stopped in front of her until she nearly runs into them, and blinks until her mind is back in the present.
“You stopped.” She says, pointing out the obvious. “What’s up?”
“There’re a lot of vents up ahead,” The human says, pointing to the field of steam and metal plates before them. “There’s also a lot of buttons. It could just be another one of Mettaton’s puzzles, but it might also be a trap.”
“Oh, this is definitely just another one of his road blocks to slow us down,” Alphys says, studying the tiles. “I-I’ve seen it before. All the buttons and vents are connected, so when you land on one, it closes one set of vents and opens another.”
“If you’ve seen it before, then does that mean you know how to solve it?” the child asks hopefully.
“I-I’m not sure,” Alphys stutters. “He’s always switching the vents around so the solution’s always changing.”
“Hm. I bet we can figure it out together,” the human says, punching one of their hands into the palm of the other. They give her a confident smile.
“S-sure!” Alphys says without thinking. As much as she’d love to just sit on the side lines and just watch the human try to figure out the correct answer themselves, that trusting smile of theirs wins her over as soon as she sees it and all her previous plans are thrown out the window. Forget what Sans said. It felt good to be the benevolent guide. It felt good to be helping.
Self-assured once more, the human eagerly steps on the first vent and gets launched into the air. They land with grace perfectly on target. There’s a loud clicking noise as opened vents close, and closed vents open.
Studying the vents ahead, they pick a path, keeping track of when a vent will open or close, and trying to plan their route accordingly. A few more hops and the human lands on a bare island without any unavoidable, vent altering buttons.
“I think this is as far as I can go without messing up the last vent!” they yell through cupped hands at her. “Now you try triggering a button!”
“On it! St-stand by!” Stepping on the vent, Alphys squats, ready to take a leap of faith. Below her the pressure of the trapped steam builds until it threatens to burst.
Three… two… one…
With an explosive push, Alphys springs into the air and lands square on the nearest switch. The click echoes through the room.
“Okay! Now I’m gonna go!” her patient alerts her, and jumps on the next vent. They jump again, and then Alphys jumps, and they jump one more time, and-
“It worked!” The human whoops, landing on the other side. They turn around just in time to catch Alphys making it to the other side as well.
Feeling like they could take on anything, the human blazes ahead into the next room where a circular conveyer belt spans a gap and three buttons lay in wait along its side.
“I know this puzzle, too,” Alphys says. “All three switches have to be pressed within a few seconds of one another, but they’re way too spaced out for one monster to hit all at once.”
“Good thing there’s more than one monster, huh?” The kid winks at her. “I think I can hit the last two. Do you think you can hit the first one?”
“Certainly!” The scientist enthuses. “Go on three?”
It takes the pair two tries to get their timing down, but they get it right on their third try. The human roars in triumph and Alphys can’t help but give a little cheer herself. Their confidence is contagious. Together, she felt like they could do anything.
Puzzles conquered, they steadily continue forward. The platforms wind and twist into an incline, up further and further towards the next shadowy ceiling, until another stage set shrouded in darkness lays before them.
“This has ‘trap’ written all over it,” Alphys says.
“If you know it’s there…” the kid says sagely. “Is it still a trap? Or is it a dare?” They rub their hands together in anticipation, bright sparks leaping from their fingertips. “I say we make a break for it. Maybe if we’re fast enough, he won’t catch us.”
“A-alright,” Alphys gulps. “Go on three?”
“Yeah! Just like before!”
Alphys can’t help but smile. It was startling how quickly she and the human learned to work together and how cooperative they were. She’d have to remember to write that down after they escaped Mettaton’s next “trap.”
“Okay. O-on Three,” the doctor says, bracing themselves to sprint. “One!”
Putting on a burst of speed, the scientist and human make a run for it in the total dark, trusting the other to stay by their side.
The hum of the laser is all the warning she gets, and she puts on the breaks, grabbing the human’s sleeve in the pitch black to make them do the same.
“Stop!” She warns, just as a dozen vertical blue lasers cut through the darkness, inches from the kid’s face.
“Quick! Retreat!” The human shouts, and tries to make a break to the left, but either the lasers sense their movement, or they were too slow, because blue lasers come to life on their sides and behind them, cutting off any route of escape. Then, from within the box of lasers itself another row of beams slice the air between the monster and human, separating them into their own cells.
“Alphys!” The human cries, trying to reach out to her. The lasers snap at them with a scolding pop of electricity when they try to touch the beams, and the human pulls back, shaking their hand furiously to rid their fingers of the biting sting.
“D-don’t move!” Alphys tells them. “As long as you stay still, the lasers can’t hurt you!”
There’s a familiar booming sound of stage lights turning on, and suddenly the endless darkness is replaced with blinding light.
“Grab your sledgehammers and sawhorses, because it’s time for D.I.Y. Darling!” A voice says over a musical track. “Here’s your host and computer-slash-carpenter! Mettaton!”
Alphys blinks repeatedly until the spots vanish from her vision and she takes in her surroundings. Once again three walls boarder the stage, but instead of being filled with children’s toys, the walls are lined with carpenter tools and crafting supplies. Circle saws, blow torches, wrenches, screw drivers and hammers hang on the walls in neat organized rows from biggest to smallest. Rows of drawers labeled with construction paper, googly eyes, safety scissors and glue sticks line the back wall. A giant pile of saw dust sits between a dangerous looking wood chipper and an industrial sized vat of glitter. Cans of paint are stacked in a pyramid next to a giant bin filled with a hodgepodge of nails, washers, nuts and bolts. Good god, it was like an unholy hybrid of a woodshop and a child’s craft corner in here.
Polite, organic applause plays from the sidelines. Alphys blinks in surprise. Did Mettaton really have a live studio audience this time? And for a D.I.Y show?? Who did he bribe?
“Welcome back, beauties and gentle beauties,” Mettaton says, rolling onto the set. “Today on D.I.Y. Darling we have two very special guests; my dear friend, the brilliant, Doctor Alphys and the underground’s newest celebrity boss monster!” There’s more applause, this time a little more excited than the first. “Today’s episode’s sponsored product is the MTT-brand home security system, guaranteed to catch any crook attempting to break in, or house guest trying to break out without saying goodbye first! As my dear friend Doctor Alphys and her companion have demonstrated, this product works on all monsters, even boss monsters!”
A neon sign out of sight of the camera directs the audience to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’.
“That’s right, beauties and gentle beauties! Call in right now and you can get the MTT-brand home security system today for the low price of two ninety-nine gold, or find it in any retail store near you for three ninety-nine!”
“Okay, okay, you proved your point and caught us,” the human grumbles. “Now let us go!”
“Not so fast, sweetheart!” Mettaton scolds. “Those were just the sponsors! The real show hasn’t even begun!”
Pushing a button on his chassis, the lasers of their cages switch from blue to white and begin to shift, separating the pair and forcing them to move forward or be zapped by the electricity. Alphys can see their prisons are moving towards two ominous red “X”s, and swallows. Sure, the Xs could simply be used for stage directing, but her hopes weren’t high.
As if on cue, shackles spring from trap doors on the floor once they’re over their targets, and clamp around their ankles, chaining them in place. Once secured, the lasers switch off.
Distracted by the ankle cuff, Alphys doesn’t notice Mettaton swoop in behind her until he’s confiscated her backpack from right off her shoulders.
“Sorry, darling!” Mettaton says completely unapologetically as he wheels out of reach. “We can’t have any unauthorized equipment in this workshop! You can get it back after the show ends, which is to say, never!”
Beside her, the human grunts and growls as they struggle to get the shackle off their leg. Mettaton watches for a second before pressing a button in his chassis to play a laugh track on his speakers.
“An admirable attempt, darling, but save your energy for the show! Without Alphys’ little gadgets, there’s no way you can hack your way out of this trap. Not that you could even if she did have her little gadgets! There’s no substitute for good ol’ reliable steel chains!”
With their feet shackled, a new trap door opens in front of them, and a carpenter’s work bench rises from its depths. Across its top, hammers, nails and pieces of wood in various sizes and shapes are strewn before them. Mettaton turns back to the camera.
“This week on D.I.Y. Darling, we will be continuing our series on functional décor by building a classic; a bird house! It’s fun for family and friends of all ages!”
“Let us go, Mettaton,” Alphys warns him. “You can’t keep us here forever!”
“Oh, but darling, I can!” The robot says sweetly. “You two are going to help me build the most extravagant things! Vanity mirrors that only reflect images of my face! Coffee tables in my likeness with matching coaster set! Bureaus in my form! Wood! Marble! Metal! We’ll D.I.Y. it all!”
“And if we refuse?”
Mettaton picks up a handsaw and studies his reflection in it. “Oh, I know you won’t,” he says menacingly. “Trust me.”
“If we build your dumb bird house, will you let us go?” the human asks.
“Why, of course not!” Mettaton says cheerfully. “I’ve learned my lesson last time! Never make deals with royal scientists or their little boss monster friends. They’ll just find a loophole to get out of it, or worse, they’ll trap you inside a force field while they break their end of the bargain!”
“But Mettaton! This isn’t fair!”
“Where in the law is it written that it has to be fair, Alphys? Hm?”
“Well, what about being a good sport?”
“Alphys, darling, this is my D.I.Y. show. Sports are on channel seventy-two and I won’t be filming that block for at least another month when sports come back into season again. Now, if you’re done with your interruptions, I must make sure that the watchers at home have all the necessary supplies if they wish to build along with us. Darlings at home, before you begin, make sure you have all the following items…”
While Mettaton is busy listing off all the materials, Alphys takes the moment’s distraction to talk to the human.
“D-don’t panic. I’ve got a plan. I-I’m going to pick the locks on our ankle cuffs while he’s not looking and get us out of here. You just by me some time like you did before.”
The human nods once, short and quick.
“Ready folks?” Mettaton asks the crowd. They cheer obediently.
“And are my lovely assistants ready as well?”
“I guess it looks like we don’t have much of a choice!” the human over exaggerates, flinging their arms wide in despair. “It looks like you’ve truly out witted us this time Mettaton. I will build a bird house with you.”
“Excellent! Let us get started!” Mettaton rolls up to the table, taking his place at the end, with the human between him and Alphys. His case buzzes and chirps as it begins to print out a mile long blue print and instruction sheet that nearly covers the entire work table.
“First step lovelies, find the two pentagon pieces and set them aside…”
The human scratchers their head. Watching Mettaton, they try to copy his steps. Alphys pretends to do the same, waiting for an opportunity to make her next move.
As discretely as she can, Alphys pockets a nail and picks up her hammer. The human looks at her out of the corner of their eye, and Alphys nods at them ever so slightly. Then she “accidentally” drops the hammer. A second later and she yowls in legitimate pain while hopping on one foot.
“Alphys! Sweetheart! Are you alright?” Mettaton cuts off his speech to address her directly.
“O-oh! Y-yes, I’m fine! I’ve j-just got butter fingers is all! Don’t mind me, I just dropped my hammer. I’ll just…. I’ll just pick that up now.”
Flushing with embarrassment, Alphys sinks to the floor and rubs her smarting foot. While she had intentionally knocked the hammer off the table top to give her an excuse to duck beneath the counter, she certainly hadn’t meant for it to hit her. Oh well. Better to just roll with it. Maybe if everyone thought she was too embarrassed now to show her face, she’d get away with a little extra time under the counter.
Taking a deep breath, Alphys takes out the nail from her pocket and inspects the lock on her ankle. Mettaton hadn’t been lying; these cuffs weren’t any fancy computer controlled digital locks, just the plain old tumbler and bolt kind.
Actually, it was even simpler than that- it was really just a simple hook and latch covered in metal so it looked more complicated, but if one knew where the secret button was hidden, that when pressed, lifted the hook from the latch causing the shackle to fall apart, someone could escape in a matter of seconds.
Still, Alphys pretended to pick the decoy lock on the outside of her cuff while the human continued to build with Mettaton, and the camera crews filmed.
“Alright beauties at home, our next step is to assemble the roof. You will find two asymmetrical rectangular pieces labeled “roof”. Make sure the slightly wider piece overlaps the smaller, and nail them together at each corner…”
While the cameras roll, Alphys thoughts drift back to what Sans had said. What was she going to do after the kid conquered all her and Mettaton’s silly tests? The kid has been incredibly nice to everyone, especially her. Could she really just… betray them like that at the end of the day? Oh, what would it matter? She’s already lied so much too so many, she’d disappointed and let down and angered so many people. What would the human hating her as well change? Not like it mattered. After the human went to the king, all monsters would be free. Who would have time to worry about hating her then?
“Alright lovelies at home, we have now finished the bird house! But we can’t give these plain barren homes to potential birds! Let’s add some artistic detail to give it a little flair!” Mettaton says.
Alphys glances at her watch. Okay, they were about half way done, so it was time to stop pretending to mess with her lock and switch over to the human’s.
“And what better way than to add a little flare than with some actual fire!”
Above her head, a jet of fire magic roasts the air and a chorus of gasps and “aaahs” echo from the crowd. Alphys pauses for a moment to get a peak of the commotion.
Beside the human, Mettaton has his bird house raised high above his head in one hand while his other hand conjures fire magic to burn intricate designs into the wood. Tongues of flame gently graze over the surface, delicately scorching their pattern with precision and intent as the magic fire bends to the robot’s will. When the flames die down, Mettaton lowers his arm to reveal the finished product. The live studio audience erupts into cheers. Even Alphys has to admit she’s impressed. While every face of the bird house has a picture of Mettaton in some ridiculous pose, each one is incredibly detailed, right down to his rivets. The use of shades and tones is impeccable, and the edges are boarded with rose patterns, complete with tiny thorns.
“Thank you! Thank you!” Mettaton bows. “But don’t use up all your applause just yet! That was just a little show of a common monster’s fire magic. I’ve heard boss monster magic is something truly to behold! What do you say, gorgeous? Care to show us your skill?”
Under the table, Alphys’ breath quickens. What luck! This test was originally just to observe the human’s logical puzzle solving skills. She hadn’t anticipated capturing their magical aptitude as well. Was she truly going to see the human’s magical prowess up close? They had reported being able to do fire magic on her questionnaire, but she could hardly believe the claim. All her research on humans had said otherwise. Now she’d really know for certain.
“Y-you want me to show you my fire magic?” the human blinks, taken off guard.
“Indubitably!” Mettaton says. “Surely your talent far surpasses anything we normal monsters could ever hope to achieve! We would love to get a glimpse of such splendor! Please darling! Dazzle us!”
Apprehensively, the human looks at their bird house. They visibly swallow.
“I like my bird house how it is.” They say. “I don’t really want to decorate it.”
“Ah, yes. Minimalistic is very in style right now,” Mettaton agrees. “How trite of me to ask you to embellish a simple bird house. But we have to give the people what they want, darling! A full grandiose display of your magic power!”
“I-I don’t want to seem like a show off,” the human resists.
“Nonsense, darling! No need to be modest and hide something as simple as fire magic! That is… unless you can’t DO fire magic…”
“I can do fire magic,” the human says hotly. “It’s just that… I’m not that practiced and I’ve never tried to light anything thicker than a branch before…”
“Then now’s the perfect time to try, darling! Give it your all!”
“O-okay,” The human stutters, stalling for time. Glancing at Alphys, they beg her to hurry up with their eyes, but Alphys pretends not to see.
Pushed into a corner with no way out, they swallow and face the live audience. They raise their arms wide apart and squeeze their eyes shut.
“H-here I go! Ready! One…! Two…! Three!”
With a massive clap, sparks fly like a blown fuse and rain down on their bird house, but not one ember even discolors the wood. The human, already grimacing in despair, opens one eye. The crowd stares at them, some in confusion, some in disappointment, and several in pity.
“Hm! That didn’t seem to work,” Mettaton notes. “Ah! I see the problem! These gloves are blocking your power! Here, let me take care of those,” Mettaton says taking the mittens off the human’s hands.
“H-hey! Stop! I need those!”
“Whatever for, darling? Boss monsters don’t need silly clothing for magic. Though I must say white gloves are all the rage!” Mettaton points finger guns at them to show off his own gloved hands.
The human tries to jump up and grab their gloves back, but the chain on their ankle holds them fast as Mettaton dangles them tauntingly out of reach, and Alphys has to jerk her hands back to avoid her fingers being stamped on.
“What’s the holdup darling? Stage fright? Performance anxiety? Or perhaps… is boss monster magic not all it’s cracked up to be? Or! What’s this? Have we just exposed a boss monster who can’t cast magic? Oh, it is isn’t it! That’s a title for the papers tomorrow!”
“Alright, you caught me,” the human’s voice hitches as their face grows red and their eyes well with tears. They manage to swipe their gloves back, and pull them on before hiding their hands in their crossed arms. “So I can’t do fire magic, or any kind of magic on my own. Happy now?”
“It’s alright, darling! We understand! Not every monster can perform magic tricks. In fact…” Mettaton leans in close. “You know who else can’t perform magic?”
Alphys sharply looks up. Where was Mettaton going with this?
“Uhh…” the human eyes him wearily, also lost with where this was headed.
“Why, our dear acquaintance Doctor Alphys!”
Mettaton pushes a button on his chassis and the work table Alphys had been hiding behind lowers back into the ground, exposing her and her lock picking. The crowd gasps in shock.
Uh-oh. The jig was up.
“What’s this?!” Mettaton gasps, dramatically throwing an arm across the top row of his screens where his forehead would be. “Alphys?! Are you trying to escape!?”
“N-not trying! Succeeding!” Alphys says, stalling no longer and unlocking the human’s cuff. “Run for it!”
The human springs, not needing to be told twice. Mettaton spins around, revving up his wheel ready to give chase, but before he can floor it, Alphys clamps the shackle on his exposed axel. Mettaton lurches forward, only to fall flat on his face.
Alphys hops over him, but turns back in concern when she hears him crash.
“Oh, geez, Mettaton are you okay?” She whispers.
“I’m fine, darling! I’m fine! It’s all part of the act! Now go! Go! The camera’s still rolling and I have to make this look convincing!”
“Alphys hurry! He’s probably got they key!” the human reminds her when they get to the other end of the stage. “We gotta get out of her before he breaks loose!”
“O-on it!” Alphys says catching up to them.
“Blast! Foiled again by the great Doctor Alphys! You have bested me this time, darling! But like star crossed lovers, our paths will meet again! Until next time beautiful!”
The human doesn’t wait around to hear the end of Mettaton’s speech. As soon as Alphys catches up to them, they take off running without looking back.
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