#my other children too but if I show all of them we’d be here the entire day
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evolnoomym · 8 months ago
Plant updates incoming 🪴🥰
My Alocasia birthed one new leaf, I’m crossing my fingers for more soon 🙏🏻
The philodendron gets soooo many new leafs but these ones with the green mixed in look so gorgeous 😍
And last but not least the Monstera finally pushed out the new leaf I’ve been eyeing for weeks 🥹🤍
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theocddiaries · 1 month ago
[In Stone's café, Shadow brings the bill to Maddie, who is sitting with her children. He gives Sonic a piece of cake.] Shadow: On the house. Knuckles: Oh, nice! If I’d known we’d eat for free because you’re dating the waiter, I would’ve asked him out myself. Everyone: Shhh!! [They see Robotnik passing by with a box in his hands. He stops and looks at them after hearing the commotion. Maddie waves, and he nods in acknowledgment before leaving the café.] Tails: It’s not the meal that’s free; it’s just the piece of cake for Sonic. Knuckles: Ugh, it’s always Sonic! Why never me?! …Oh, right, because now you’re a couple… Everyone: Shhh! [Robotnik, comes back into the café, looks at their table suspiciously. They all give him fake smiles, and he continues on his way.] Shadow [in a low voice]: Knuckles, for the umpteenth time, you can’t say that here because Ivo and Mr. Stone don’t know. Knuckles: What? That you lost your voice? Sonic: That he’s dating me, knucklehead. Maddie: Sweetheart, trust me, you’ll feel better if you tell them. Shadow: No. They’re letting me live in their house; I can’t impose even more by telling them I’m dating Sonic. No offense. Sonic: None taken. Tails: But Maddie’s right. You don’t have to tell Eggman; you could tell Stone, and he could tell him for you. Knuckles: Who’s "he"? Stone or Robotnik? Robotnik [about to leave again]: What? Knuckles: What? Robotnik: Were you calling me? Knuckles: No. Robotnik: Oh. Knuckles: We were mentioning you. Robotnik: What??? Maddie: Yeah, because we wondered if one can order food to go here? Robotnik: The hell I know. Ask Stone, it’s his café. Sonic: Then what are you doing here all the time, coming in and out? Robotnik: What does it matter to you, little pest! [continues on his way] Shadow: Sonic, you’re not making it easier. [Robotnik comes back in, still holding a box.] Sonic: But what's he even doing? Knuckles: Wait. Does Robotnik know or not? And what is it we know? Because I’m-- Maddie: Knuckles, honey, remember this morning when you asked me if you could use the living room to do your training? Knuckles: Yes. Maddie: Well, you can. Let’s go. [gets up] Knuckles: Oh, yes! [jumps out of his seat]: Free food and a family training session, this is the best day of my life! [Tails gives Maddie a pleading look, but she just makes apologetic gestures as she ushers him away. Sonic and Shadow are left alone.] Sonic [stands up]: Look, if it helps, I think Stone will take it well and support you. And they’re not 'letting' you live with them. You’re part of their family; they won’t kick you out over something like this. And if it ever happens, which it won’t, you’re always welcome at my place, okay? [puts a hand on his shoulder] Shadow: Thanks-- Robotnik [approaching with Stone, still holding the box]: Shadow. [Shadow sweeps Sonic’s legs out from under him, making him fall, so it looks like he was holding his arm to keep him from falling.] Robotnik: How many times do I have to tell you to just let him fall? I deserve to laugh, too. Sonic: Eggman, why don't you go to hell? Robotnik: Later. Now, Stone and I want to tell Shadow something. Stone: Shadow… Um. Ivo and I are dating. Sonic: My condolences, Stone. Robotnik: Shut your mouth! Stone: Is that okay with you? Shadow: Yes. Sure. Stone: Really? [sighs]: That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Robotnik: Mine too. [shows them the box, which is empty]: I've been walking with an empty box because I didn't know how to approach this. [sets it down] Stone: It’s best to just say it. We’re all family; we can’t keep such important things from each other. Shadow: …Right. Stone: Well, when you’re done with the tables, come help me prep the daily special, okay? Shadow: Sure, I’ll be right there. [Stone leaves with Robotnik.] Shadow: …I guess I have to tell them, don’t I? Sonic: It’s your call. But I’m glad you see Stone is trustworthy. Shadow: Hm… [grabs the box]: First, I’m going to take a walk with this and hope it helps me too.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 2 months ago
Waiting for Superman
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~600
Warnings: fluff
Summary: For decades, you’ve been coasting through life thinking you’ll never find “the one” until you take Spencer to a bookstore, and he manages to find something to pass the time.
Square Filled: waiting for superman by daughtry for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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Spencer loves books. He reads nearly twenty of them in a week. However, he is a fan of nonfiction, not fiction like you love. The new bookstore that just opened near your house only had fiction books stocked, nothing that would ever catch Spencer’s eyes. Still, he goes because it’s what you love.
Most people who know Spencer know that he is patient, calculating, thoughtful, and very friendly. That all gets thrown out the window when he comes to the bookstore with you. He’s like an impatient child who only comes along because he has to. He gets bored very easily since his big brain is always running away from him, so it takes a lot to keep him engaged. It’s why he’s so good at his job. His mind is constantly engaged by whatever unsub has made it to the briefing room.
Spencer huffs as he follows you around the bookstore, and you pick a romance book off the shelf.
“You know you didn't have to come with me.”
“I want to hang out with you, even if it means being in here.”
“How romantic,” you roll your eyes playfully.
“Are you almost done? I know of another bookstore that has books we’d both like.”
“Spencer, this one is closer, and we have to meet my parents for lunch. If we went to the other one, we wouldn’t get back until late.” Spencer leans against the bookshelf and is quiet for maybe five seconds. “Okay, how about you go to the cafe and get something to drink, yeah?”
Spencer grumbles but doesn’t answer you. You go back to reading the backs of books, pushing Spencer aside in your mind. He leaves your side to go find something else to do. If this is Spencer’s only flaw, then you consider yourself pretty lucky. You were at the point in your life where you thought you’d be alone forever.
Every date you went on, you weren't connecting to anyone. Either they were too boring, too stinky, too full of themselves, or they had their eyes on other girls. None of them were ever right until you met Spencer. He kept his attention on you every time you two were together, always put your first, and made sure to remember every detail you’d tell him about yourself.
Okay, that last one is his natural ability to remember everything, but he made a conscious decision to do it.
You spent what felt like a lifetime for someone like Spencer, so you’re not going to let him go that easily.
Over the next hour, you read and grab books that are interesting to you until you have a pile in your hands. You had just gotten paid and felt like spending a chunk of your paycheck on books. Knowing there is nothing for Spencer in here, you search for him in the small bookstore. He’s upstairs sitting in a book nook with half a dozen kids sitting around him. Their parents are near just watching Spencer read a book to them.
His eyes are wide, he does funny voices for the characters, and he engages each of the kids in the story he’s reading. You set your books down on a table and lean against it, content with watching him. Each kid is mesmerized and hooked to every word he’s saying, and the parents don’t mind the nice break from their children.
“What about the dragon? Who is going to slay it?” a child asks.
“Princess Annabelle is.” All the children gasp. “I know. Usually, the prince does but I think Princess Annabelle is tired of waiting for someone to do it for her. Let’s see how she does it.”
Spencer flips to the next page and continues to the story. He looks up and locks eyes with you, and you give him a slow-growing smile.
It’s right here and now that you’ve decided this is the man you’re going to marry. You’ve been waiting decades for your Superman to show up, and it’s been in front of your face the whole time.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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reccyls · 18 days ago
The Robin Who Grazed the Reaper’s Secret Eagerly Awaits His Words (Part 2)
My translation of Victor's 2025 birthday story
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue (Victor's POV)
In the sitting room of an orphanage, we sat opposite of the young man who was in charge of the facility.
Victor: If you have any difficulties, feel free to share them with us.
According to William’s mission report, the previous orphanage director and his associates had been dealt with.
(The former director had abused the children here, and even taken part in human trafficking.)
Orphanage Director: I know I’ve only just become the director recently. Orphanage Director: But there are still some children who are wary of me…
The troubled director had no clue about what his predecessor had done.
(William’s fake mission was to verify whether or not the new director had any connection to the previous one.)
But Victor had already determined the man’s innocence.
Victor: If it’s all right, could we meet with the children?
The director showed us to the orphanage’s garden, where I could hear excited voices chattering.
Kate: They look like they’re doing well.
Victor: The most important thing for children is that they’re happy.
Victor’s profile as he watched over the children was overflowing with affection.
Victor: When these children grow up, they will be the foundation that supports this country. Victor: Just like you.
His hand was still holding mine. Aside from his warmth, there was something else that made my heart race. And right then, a boy pointed at us.
Energetic Boy: Those grownups are being lovey-dovey!
Kate: L-Lovey dovey!?
At the boy’s shout, the other children began ooh-ing and aah-ing as they gathered around. However…
At the periphery of my vision, I could see a girl with a guarded look in her eyes. Victor noticed her too, and he smiled.
Victor: Everyone, look closely! On the count of three, flowers are going to fly out of our hands!
Raising our joined hands high in the air, Victor encouraged the children to count along.
Victor: Three! Two! One! Abracadabra!
Children: Wow!!
I was as surprised as the children were when flowers began raining from our hands.
Victor: Oh? I think today’s a good day for me. Victor: That’s not all I’ve got!
Flowers sprouted from Victor’s sleeves, and doves flew out of his coat.
(That girl looks a little more relaxed now.)
I looked over the girl, who was now looking directly our way.
Victor: Kate.
I realized that Victor had slipped something into my hand, and then I slowly approached the girl. When I reached the nervous girl, I crouched down and opened my hand.
Wary Girl: Wow…
A flower unfurled in my palm.
Kate: That mister over there is really good at magic tricks. Kate: Do you want to watch some more with me?
It took some time, but the girl eventually nodded and put her hand in mine. Making sure she was okay, I stood up.
Kate: Let’s go!
In no time at all, we’d gotten close to the children and played with them in the garden. However…
(I’m… at my limit… Victor’s amazing…)
He was the exact opposite of my exhausted self, still overflowing with energy as he played with the children. Even the children who were initially wary were now happily running about hand-in-hand with Victor.
(The mission may have been fake, but I’m glad we came here today.)
Even if Crown punishes the wicked, the wounds of those affected by their evil don’t disappear. But life goes on.
(So that no one will ever hurt anyone like these children have been hurt…)
Kate: I need to work harder.
Victor: I think you already work hard enough.
Kate: Victor! I thought you were still playing with the kids?
I didn’t notice when Victor had sat down beside me. He gave me a self-pitying smile.
Victor: I’d forgotten that children have infinite energy.
He let out an enormous sigh, and as I laughed, I placed my hand over his.
Kate: You shouldn’t work too hard either, all right?
Victor: Hm?
Kate: Both Crown and I care about you a lot. We don’t want you to push yourself too much. Kate: When you find yourself overwhelmed, it’s fine to reach out to someone else for help.
Victor normally works so hard that we’ve had to resort to creating a fake mission to get him to take a break.
(It really does worry me…)
Victor: You’re the same as ever.
A gentle, yet somehow melancholy, smile found its way onto Victor’s face as he brushed my cheek. When I realized he was touching me, I felt my face heat up. But then–
Kate: Oh!
I suddenly remembered something important, and stood up abruptly.
Victor: Kate? What’s the ma-
Kate: I- I, um. I have to, uhh, wash my hands!
Throwing out the first excuse to cross my mind, I raced away, ignoring Victor’s calls behind me.
(William helped make the reservation, but I’m still amazed at how well it turned out. I’m glad.)
Carefully packed in the box I was holding to my chest was Victor’s birthday cake. The important errand I had to run was to pick up the cake William and I had ordered.
(Victor must be pretty worried right now after I ran off…)
The cake shop was only a few minutes away from the orphanage. However, the sun was now beginning to set, so I quickened my pace.
Kate: I hope Victor likes it.
Absorbed by my thoughts, I didn’t notice the hand reaching out to me from behind.
Kate: Wha-
The moment I realized that something was being pressed against my mouth, I felt myself growing weak. The box slipped from my grasp.
Kate: Vic… tor…
The world went dark.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months ago
I'm mad at him but still sending a request for him... "He did'nt do right, it's too bad now" with young (or maybe even old) John Dutton, please??
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @noxytopy @foxfables@ solar-raccoon @toheavenwmydrms
Companion piece to:
The One That Got Away - In light of Lee's recent wedding, John reflects on the one that got away.
The Other Woman (NSFW) - John was never meant to be with Evelyn.
Duty - Dutton men don’t marry for love.
Meet John's son here:
The Fifth Man - After reading through Lee's journals Kayce realises he has another brother.
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The biggest torment for John Dutton is seeing you around town with that baby, the one that has Lee’s eyes and Kacey’s hair. The rumour is that he’s the result of a one night stand at the rodeo but John knows better, he knows that boy is his.
He can still remember the night you’d summoned him to the summerhouse. He’d thought it was another tryst, another seduction but you’d handed him a sonogram instead.
“We’re having a boy.” You’d told him and all he could think about is how it’s three months after his wife’s death and he already has four other children at home.
“We’ll take care of it.” He promises you, his hands lightly squeezing his shoulders. “I’ll have Rip come by, he can take you to the clinic in Helena, I’ll take care of the cost and anything you need afterwards.”
“You promised we’d have a family.” You’d said your voice breaking and he had cradled your face between his hands and whispered.
“It’s just not the right time.”
It’s in that moment that you realise there will be no right time. You’re staring down the barrel of forty with no husband, no child. This is your last chance, your only chance and if you have to do it alone, then so be it.
“It is for me.” You tell him as you draw away. “I’m going to have this baby, with you or without you.”
He drops by a couple of days later with an envelope of cash, ready to change your mind but you don’t answer the door despite the fact your car is in the driveway. He leaves the envelope in the mailbox, hoping that you’ve come to your senses, that you’ll make the appropriate arrangements.
It’s four months later you deliver a healthy baby boy, you call him Joseph, an ode to your dead father.
In the first few months he doesn’t get the chance to see his son, your brother Jack takes a break from his time on the rodeo circuit to help you with the baby. He catches glimpses of you around town, baby Joseph always cradled against your chest, cuddling in close. Every time it feels like a brand plunging into his chest because this is what his future should have looked like all those years ago.  
You, him, a family of your own.
His days full of laughter and love.
Instead his heart is barren and his son is growing up without a father or siblings.
“I’m ready.” He tells you the following year, after his father passes away. “We can get married, we’ll say I adopted him…”
“He’s your fucking son.” You snap back as you stand before him in the kitchen of your farmhouse, both hands resting on your hips. “The very least you can do is acknowledge that.”
“Lou, you know I can’t bring that kind of scandal to the ranch…”
It’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back because you have loved this man, you have sacrificed for him, you have wasted the best years of your life waiting for him and all of it was for nothing.
“Get the fuck out.” You erupt, picking up a mug from the draining board and hurling it at him. It smashes on the wall behind him, shattering into a hundred pieces. He feels a bite across his cheek as a stray shard slices into his skin, a warmth trickling down his cheek. “If you come anywhere near me or my son again, I will tell everyone that I fucked you the night of your wife’s funeral, I will show them the letters you wrote and that reputation you’ve spent the past twenty years protecting, it’ll all be for nothing.”
He leaves then, blood running down the side of his face as he gets back into his truck and stares at you through the kitchen window, his son now clasped in your arms, your lips brushing over his soft hair.
This is the curse of the Dutton men, he realises as he starts up the engine. They don’t get a happy ending, they just get the ranch.
Love Young John Dutton? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 2 months ago
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
part five
pairing: james potter x black sister!reader, regulus black x sister!reader
genre: angst with like maybe a little fluff?
el's thoughts: this is part five! hope yall enjoy!
main masterlist | regulus masterlist | james masterlist
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Regulus and Y/N Black showed up at the Potter’s manor once again. Almost a year had gone by since the first time and the twins returned completely different people. They were no longer the scared children in need of help and shelter. 
Y/N knocked on the door swiftly and took a step back as she straightened her trench coat lapels. Regulus stood behind her, just over her shoulder keeping an eye on the surroundings behind them. 
The door opened cautiously and the twins were met with a pair of the most striking green eyes.
“Black,” Lily Evans said.
“Evans,” Y/N nodded curtly in response. “We were wondering if we could speak to Sirius?”
The redhead had eyed the skeptically. “What makes you think he’s here?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Please Evans, I’m not an idiot.”
“And neither are we.” 
Y/N saw immediately how her eyes cast downward to her cloaked forearm. Y/N’s stomach turned as she looked back to Regulus who also seemed uneasy. Y/N pulled at her sleeve and cleared her throat. “Please… let me see my brother.” Y/N inhaled deeply, “I beg of you, Lily.”
Lily sighed out of pure pity. “Alright, go around back. I’ll send him that way.”
Regulus eyed the redhead in distrust but led Y/N to follow her directions either way. They weren’t in a position to argue.
They walked to the back of the manor and saw Sirius waiting on the back porch anxiously running his hands through his hair. When he saw his younger siblings he lit up like a light bulb and rushed to hug them tightly.
“Oh thank Godric! I thought Lily was pullin’ my leg.” He made no move to let them go. “Are you two alright? I got so scared when you didn’t return, and then I got no letters from the both of you-”
“We’re fine, Siri,” Y/N mumbled into his shoulder as she held him back just as tightly. Without her realizing it, the ache of missing her eldest brother only grew as time passed. She missed the way he held her. The way he comforted her as if she were a child. “We’re alright. Promise.”
Regulus was the first to break up the hug and he cleared his throat while blinking quickly to rid himself of the tears that prickled in the back of his eyes. “Sirius, we came here to tell you something.”
“You’re Death Eaters? I’ve heard that already.”
“Yes, we’re Death Eaters, but that wasn’t what we came all this way to tell you. We’re not idiots.”
Y/N forced herself not to roll her eyes. “We came to get help and offer our services.”
“Offer your services?” Sirius trailed off, confusion swimming in his eyes. 
“We know the Dark Lord’s plans, having heard everything first hand. We can be valuable to your cause don’t’cha think?” Y/N said with a mock confidence and cockiness that her eyes didn’t carry.
“No.” Sirius shook his head, looking between his two little siblings. “Abouslute not. Do you know what you would be signing up for? That’s basically asking to die.”
“Sirius, please.”
“No, I won’t allow it. You can’t just put your lives on the line for the sake of others.”
“Is that not what you’re doing? What James, Remus, and Peter are doing?”
“That’s different…”
“How?” Y/N nearly snapped. “Tell me how is it any different? Sirius our lives are already on the line every day we wake up. We didn’t sign up for this. We didn’t want this life, so let us gain what little control we can. I want the risk to be worth something, Sirius.”
The older Black shook his head, “It’s too dangerous… I can’t.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing you’re not really in charge of us then. Isn’t it?” Regulus snipped.
“We are doing this, Sirius. With or without your support,” Y/N looked up at him with tears lining her eyes. “But we’d much rather have you stand up for us.”
Sirius stared at his siblings in silent mourning of their youth before he nodded slowly. “Okay, I support you both.”
James walked into the Potter’s kitchen. His parents left the house to him and he opened it up to the order, not wanting to stay in the house alone or let it sit empty and useless. His parents wouldn’t want that. 
Normally only he and Sirius actually lived there but since a few weeks ago Y/N and Regulus moved back in. Some of the other Order members would spend a night or two but never stayed longer. So it took a few days for James to get used to other people in the house again. 
Y/N sat at the kitchen counter nursing a cup of tea, that by the looks of it had gone cold a while ago. She sat in her pjamas with one knee brought up to her chest and the other tucked under her with her chin on her knee. She looked tangled up but made it look comfy, almost enough to convince James that if he put himself in the same position he would be just as comfortable. 
“You look lost.” His voice startled her, causing her to jolt a little. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“Oh… no, no you’re all good. Sorry.” Y/N repositioned herself and let her painted nail trace the rim of her mug, her eyes became unfocused again as she stared into the dark liquid. 
“No need to apologize, love.” James walked to the stove where the kettle sat and turned it on again. The pet name that slipped from his lips went unnoticed by him but caught Y/N’s attention, though she wouldn’t mention it.
“What’re you doing up?” Y/N asked quietly, allowing him to take her cup and dump the cold tea.
“Couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?”
“Same reason apparently.” 
James hummed, putting a new tea bag in her mug while pulling out a mug for himself and doing the same. Y/N had finally realized that he was making her a new cup of tea and straightened up. “You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem, your cup had already gone cold. Unless you didn’t want another one…” James trailed off.
“No, I do,” Y/N spoke quietly, wringing her fingers together mindlessly. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
James placed the freshly made cup of tea in front of Y/N, the steam curling up in soft, lazy tendrils. He gave her a small smile before settling into the chair opposite her, his own tea cradled in his hands. The kitchen was quiet, the kind of quiet that felt heavy but not quite unwelcome. James found it oddly comforting.
“So,” he began, his voice cutting through the silence but not in a harsh way, “what’s on your mind? What’s keeping you up?”
Y/N blinked, surprised by the direct question, but then again she shouldn’t have been surprised. “Oh… just stuff,” she said vaguely, her fingers fidgeting with the mug.
James tilted his head, studying her carefully. “You’re not very descriptive, are you?”
A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, but she kept her gaze down. “Just… everything, I guess. The war, Regulus, Sirius, m-my parents…” Her voice faltered, and she shrugged as though it wasn’t a big deal, though the weight of her words said otherwise. 
James nodded, his brow furrowing. “That’s a lot to carry all alone.”
Y/N shrugged again, still not meeting his eyes. “I’m used to it by now.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to do it alone.” His voice was soft but firm, and Y/N finally glanced up at him. There was something in his expression-–an openness, a warmth—that made her chest feel a little lighter, even if just for a fleeting moment.
“Yeah, well,” she said, trying to shrug off the vulnerability creeping in, “not much of a choice these days, is there?”
James didn’t press her, sensing she wasn’t ready to share more. Instead, he smiled, raising his mug. “Here’s to sleepless nights in the Potter kitchen. At least we’re not alone in our misery.”
That coaxed a small laugh from Y/N, a sound James found himself wanting to hear more often. “Cheers to that,” she said, clinking her mug against his softly.
Over the next few days, James found himself seeking Y/N out more often. Whether it was helping her brew potions for the Order, get ready to go to a Deatheatter meeting, or simply sitting with her in the living room while she read. He couldn’t seem to stay away. He liked the way her face softened when she was deep in thought, the way her laugh—when she let it out—filled the room like sunlight, a drastic contrast to her usual persona.
Y/N, on her part, was equally drawn to James. She hadn’t expected him to be so kind, so patient. She’s always known him as Sirius’ blood-traitor best friend, the one who was always laughing and causing trouble. But the day he found her crying in the hallway changed her perspective entirely. But this James added to her changed perspective. This James, the one who brought her tea without asking and listened without interrupting, was someone she found herself wanting to know better.
One evening, they were sitting on the porch steps, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The air was cool, and Y/N had wrapped herself in a blanket. James had brought out two mugs of hot cocoa, handing one to her without a word. 
“You’re really good at this, you know,” she said after a long silence.
James raised an eyebrow. “Good at what?”
“This,” she gestured between them and around them. “Making people feel… safe.”
He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I think that’s just you, Y/N. You make it easy.”
Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away, hiding her smile behind the rim of her mug. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she muttered, though there was no usual bite to her words. “You’ve taken care of Sirius for years now and have made him feel safe. Even Regulus feels safe now.” She trailed off, “Well, as safe as we could be.”
James hummed and stayed silent.
As safe as they could be.
It was Sirius who noticed first.
He walked into the kitchen one afternoon to find James and Y/N sitting close together at the counter, their heads bent over a piece of parchment. James was explaining something, his hand occasionally brushing against hers as he pointed to the page. Y/N didn’t pull away, her face lit up with one of the rare smiles Sirius hadn’t seen in such a long time.
“Oh, this is interesting,” Sirius drawled, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe.
James and Y/N both looked up, their expressions a mix of guilt and annoyance. “What do you want, Sirius?” Y/N asked, rolling her eyes.
“Nothing,” he said, grinning. “Just enjoying the view. You two look cozy.”
“Bugger off,” James muttered, though his ears turned red.
Sirius’s grin widened. “Alright, alright. Don’t let me interrupt your... working.”
As Sirius left, Y/N groaned, burying her face in her hands. “He’s never going to let this go.”
James laughed, reaching out to gently nudge her arm. “Let him have his fun. It’s not so bad, is it?”
Y/N peeked at him through her fingers, her lips twitching into a reluctant smile. “I suppose not.”
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anemonelovesfiction · 9 months ago
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18~ Trapped Together
Aged Up! Rotxo x Fem! Human Reader
Warnings ⚠️: P! In V!, light mentions of eating out, light mentions of handjob
Not Proofread
This was a hard one to come up with and I feel it was rushed? What do you guys think?
Word Count: 2k
I’m human.
He’s Na’Vi.
How convenient was it that we’d both chosen the same hiding spot to avoid getting caught after Spider had introduced everyone to the game of hide and seek. I placed my hand on my beating heart in an attempt to calm myself after having found him in here, his head and ears had perked up as soon as my frightened squeak had left my lips, although he had already been looking in my direction as I’m sure my footsteps had made him aware of my presence.
“I did not mean to scare you,” He sweetly proclaims as he holds both of his giant hands out to show he meant no harm, its funny how there are some parallels within our species when it comes to expressing things.
“I can find another place to hide since you were already-“ I pause as he raises the back of his hand to touch his lips in an attempt to get me to stop talking, all I could do was stare dumbfounded until hearing the slightest echo come through the cave.
“Is anybody in there?” Tuk’s tiny voice bounces through the cave and I can feel the hairs from my body standing up as if I’d been caught doing something I shouldn’t have. I can feel my body stiffen and my eyes widen as I look over at Rotxo whose mimicking my movements, a shiver runs past my spine as I hear her footsteps and am unsure if she’s attempting to walk into the cave or if she’s decided to walk away.
“If you leave now you will get caught.” Rotxo whispers, but it was kind of obvious, Tuk’s curious nature would lead her in the cave to double check if anyone else was in there since she’d failed to investigate in the first place and that would count against both teams.
This wouldn’t have mattered had we been playing a normal game of hide-and-seek, but we weren’t. Spider had decided to make a bet between the Omatikaya and Metkayina, whichever party got captured in its entirety would have to do the other players chores for a week. Knowing Rotxo’s playful nature he wouldn’t want to be the first one caught from his own team, but he also knew how Tuk’s brain worked, hence his willingness to share this hiding spot.
“You’re only saying that so you don’t get caught and cost your team a point.” I whispered back with an amused look in my eyes, withholding my laughter, a smile playing at my lips as I stared into his gorgeous honey-green eyes. His own small smile making an appearance.
“Want to play our own game until they give up on finding us?” He suggests, I could honestly use a distractor to keep me from getting bored, plus the longer we played the more I could bond with him and not have to rely on staying friends with the younger children who were more open and curious about being close to a human, Tsireya was open but was often busy teaching many children how to dive.
The game was called nervous and you got five seconds to touch the other person somewhere on their body to make them nervous, and considering the size of his hands compared to mine, he was bound to touch my entire body in two turns! Okay maybe not two, but it would be pretty damn close.
His innocent and adorable face mixed with his not-so-innocent touching was what got us into our current make out session, my lungs were burning and begging me to put my mask back on but I couldn’t bring myself to care, just a few more seconds, I’d learned to hold my breath like everyone else and my body was craving more intimate touches.
But it didn’t take long for him to slide my mask onto my face right as he’d disconnected his lips from mine and I’d decided to take in a big breath of air at that moment, my body somehow having landed on his lap.
“You have to stop waiting too long between breaths, Y/n.” He stated sternly although the amusement danced around his eyes, one of his hands on my waist and the other on the back of my head to hold the mask steady. I could only stare between his eyes and his mouth before he eventually got the hint and playfully rolled his eyes.
“How much longer are we going to keep playing this game?” I asked although I didn’t seem to mind playing it.
“Are you bored of it already?” He asks with his head tilting to the side some.
“I think I want to play something else,” I shift in his lap and hear him inhale through his nose, feeling the softest of bulges beginning to poke me, knowing exactly what I was doing “And it feels like you do too.”
It hadn’t taken long for him to undress me, his fingers had carefully grazed along my flesh every once in a while, causing goosebumps to erupt in their wake. The softest of flicks of his tongue along my breast and the rest of my body, most importantly my pussy, had a dizzying affect on me and easily had my head dragging along the floor of the cave making a mess of my hair.
My own hands had looked comically small in comparison to his cock but at that moment I hadn’t cared, as I attempted to wrap one hand around it and struggling until I brought my other hand up for assistance. The amount of precome leaking from the tip as I teased his head was surprising, enough for me to manage to spread it around his entire shaft, then again given their size and how gifted the metkayina men appeared to be, I should have expected it.
“I do not want to finish yet-“ He gently pries my hands off of him, I look up at him through my mask and nod gently, tempted to lick the precome off my hands but stopping myself as it meant I’d have to take my mask off.
“Why don’t you lay down for me?” He suggests with a half smile and I smile shyly back at him, laying myself down onto the floor of the cave, some sand having snuck in and prickling my skin lightly.
I’m carefully holding the upper half of my body up by using my elbows for balance as he kneels down, placing his own hands between mine.
“Take a breath,” He states as one of his hands come up from between our bodies, carefully taking a hold of the bottom of my mask, I take a deep breath in and feel him lift the mask off me, his lips coming onto mine.
He slowly uses his lips to push against my mouth, causing me to lower myself onto the floor, feeling his other hand slowly trail down my side, grasping my hip and gently squeezing it, pulling back from our kiss and placing the mask back on my face.
“Are you ready?” He asks sweetly and all I could do was nod, one of his hands coming back to tuck itself under my chin, forcing it upright, making my eyes meet his.
“Words, please.”
“I am ready,”
“Will you tell me if I hurt you?” He asks sweetly and it makes my heart melt.
“You are rather tiny, compared to your body, I am kind of big,” He points at myself and himself respectively. I could only place my hand on his to get him to look back over at me.
“I promise I will tell you if it hurts too much.” I stated honestly, my hand going from his over toward his cheek, taking my own mask off and kissing him before placing the mask back on.
He nods once and shifts his weight between his knees on the floor, his cock still hard and leaking precome, bobbing lightly at his movements. I lay myself down and watch as he cages my body in with his, one of his hands going down to stroke his cock twice before placing himself up against me, slowly pushing in.
I could feel myself stretch to accommodate to his size, a huge sigh leaving my lips, I could see his head moving fast and his ears flickering before facing me, eyes checking mine for any sign of pain.
“I’m fine, keep going,” I urged, one of his hands cupping my mask where my cheek was.
“I promise,” I repeated again with a nod.
I could see him wince lightly before slowly pushing his hips back in, grazing against a special spot making me moan loudly, hearing it echo around the cave as he continues pushing in.
“Feel good?” He asks and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice, I could only answer with a sharp cry as he continues grazing against that same spot. I could finally feel his hips against my own, his balls slapping against my ass lightly.
At some point I must have wrapped my legs around his waist as I attempt to push myself into him to feel more of his cock pushing inside me, feeling giddy as I did so, my heart rate accelerating.
“More,” I stumbled to think in Na’Vi but managed to utter that word out, feeling cock drunk at the moment, and feeling him sliding out while gliding against the same spot had me seeing stars, I grunted as I attempted to grind my hips upward but failed at meeting his thrust back in, only howling in pleasure as he did, my voice bouncing around the cave.
“Shh, you do not want them to catch us, do you?” He whispers in my ear and I bring my bottom lip up between my teeth to hush myself at that moment, biting down harder as he thrusts back in, the distinct sound of his balls slapping on my skin being heard.
“I’m close-“ I huff out and close my eyes tightly as I feel the tip of his penis slightly kissing my womb.
“You’re very tight, you feel amazing,” He mumbles into my neck before feeling his canines nibble down onto my neck, causing me to clench down onto him, feeling his cock hitting the best spots inside me all over again.
“Rotxo I’m going to-“ I didn’t even get to fi ish that sentence as I came over his cock still thrusting deep into me, hearing him groan loudly at the feeling of my orgasm as he attempted to continue his previously set pace, failing to do so as he too comes. His cock spurting hot ropes of cum into my waiting womb, desperation filling him as he attempts to push his cock deep within me as he comes undone.
“Where are Rotxo and Y/n!” Ao’nung asks in a frustrated fashion after having been searching for the pair alongside the his sister, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Spider, and Kiri. Tuk had been following the big kids as they searched for the two missing from their group.
Everyone desperate to find the other person not belonging to their group in order to win the bet, and each side growing frustrated at not being able to find the other player.
“What about that cave?” Tsireya is quick to ask as she points toward it.
“Nobody was in there when I checked earlier.” Tuk pipes up as she twirls around on the sand before them, picking up one of the seashells from the floor and marveling at it’s beauty.
“Did you actually look inside or ask if anyone was in there before moving on?” Lo’ak asks with his hands crossed across his chest.
Tuk just shrugged it off as she continued picking up more shells off the ground, finding more interest in them than she had during her game of hide-and-seek. Her childlike wonder having gotten the best of her, making her forget all about the bet that was going on.
“You do know if both of them are in there this game ends in a tie, right?” Kiri asks as she attempts to not roll her eyes at Ao’nung and Lo’ak.
“So?” Ao’nung was quick to say.
“That means nobody does any extra chores.” Neteyam points out.
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raspberryfingers · 19 days ago
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 15)
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WARNINGS: Discussion of suicide
Word Count: 7.5k
When I went down the stairs to the small seaside terrace, I found Bronn there waiting. Jaime hadn’t arrived yet, which naturally made sense. It was Jaime. 
In either case, the sellsword was walking around, twirling his weapon. The sight of the sparring swords made me cringe; I hadn’t used one in years. Jaime needed it though, and so I would acquiesce. I’d been more than happy to oblige Tywin in his suggestion that I help Jaime, but it suddenly hit me that I was not fighting one of the best swordsmen in Westeros anymore. I was now fighting a novice who was accustomed to excellence. 
“Hello, Bronn. I haven’t left you here alone for very long have I?” I greeted, simultaneously worried that he’d been waiting for both Jaime and I to show up for quite some time now. Fortunately, I was only 3 minutes late, as we’d agreed to meet at 3:00. 
“No, not at all. Suspect we might be waiting a while longer for goldhand, though,” he replied, sighing and rubbing his hands on his knees. I only smiled. 
“Goldhand? Glad to know you think so very highly of me.”
Bronn and I turned, finding that Jaime was standing at the stairs too. I couldn’t hold in my laugh, shaking my head when Bronn ignored the comment and only handed Jaime his sparring sword.
“Sparring swords? I haven’t used one of these since I was a boy,” he remarked condescendingly, almost as if he wasn’t the one who needed it. I got adjusted to my own blade’s weight as Bronn explained its necessity to Jaime. It was certainly quite a lot lighter than anything I was used to–I’d have to be careful that it didn’t slip from my hands.
“Hey! Not- fair!”
I watched as Bronn instantly lunged at Jaime, wasting no time and catching him entirely off guard. Jaime’s upset exclamation did nothing to stop the sellsword, and I watched his moves very intently--there was a sort of trickery about them that was fascinating. I wondered if this entire endeavor might also benefit my skills. 
Jaime was clearly overwhelmed though, and I could tell he was frustrated. To know so much and yet feel so wrong, I was certain that must be infuriating. 
“Bronn, wait a minute. It might be easier for him… well, perhaps we ought to start this way,” I intervened, motioning for him to stand down. Jaime looked at me inquisitively as I held my sword in my non-dominant hand and put the other behind my back. Bronn shook his head.
“That’ll just make both of you stumbling idiots.”
“Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it’s worth a shot.”
Seeing me level the playing field seemed to reassure Jaime, perhaps inspiring confidence so he wouldn’t feel like he was the worst swordsman in the world after all. I gave him a gentle smile, though it was quickly followed by an attack.
As I swung at him, I had to admit it did feel rather backwards, the same as–or perhaps even worse than–writing with the wrong hand. Double wielding daggers was far different than this. I couldn’t begin to imagine how Jaime felt knowing this was his forever now. Though, he blocked just as well as I’d swung, and we quickly found ourselves in a rhythm. It wasn’t a good one, to be clear--it was awkward and slow, but a rhythm nonetheless.
“Look at the two of you go, the best in all of Westeros fighting like small children. And you’re still getting your ass kicked, Lannister,” Bronn remarked just as I disarmed Jaime. I was quick to glare at the sellsword.
“I’ve got more experience with both hands, Bronn. A dagger might be different but the instinct is still there. Leave Jaime alone, he’s doing well and he’s trying hard. You’re the one sitting on your ass and getting paid, so I don’t want to hear it,” I shot back, ducking one of Jaime’s attempts as he picked his sword back up and swung at me. Bronn laughed and put his hands up defensively.
“And what do you suggest I do? Clearly you’ve got the situation handled. I feel absolutely no guilt in sitting here and making money for it.”
“And if I was to tell the Lord Hand he was paying you for nothing?”
“Well you wouldn’t, ‘cause you haven’t got a large stick up your ass.”
I merely smiled and scoffed at Bronn, who had the most smug look on his face because he was entirely correct. It wasn’t as if Tywin didn’t have the money, and I technically had demanded to take over. All the more fun for me. 
In the midst of my banter with Bronn, though, Jaime admittedly caught me rather relaxed and unfocused, and took the opportunity to disarm me. I didn’t hide my surprise at first, I’d been having an easy time against him thus far. But he’d listened to Bronn, and taken advantage of the situation. I smiled and nodded with approval as I grabbed my sword and refocused on our duel. 
Jaime was picking up speed, and so was I. There was an occasional falter, but the skill and tactics were still engraved in his mind, I could see it in his eyes. Though, he was building a bit too much confidence for a man that was training his other hand, which led me to swiftly alter my sword to my dominant hand, knocking Jaime down like a cup off a table. The shock in his eyes was visible, he certainly had not expected that; he sputtered out a protest. Bronn began to laugh at the scene.
“H-Hey! That was entirely unfair! You switched back to your dominant hand the moment you felt too intimidated-”
“Intimidated? I don’t doubt my ability to knock you down just as well with my other hand, Jaime. Your confidence was showing, confidence you don’t have a right to anymore. Your name means nothing if any average swordsman can beat you, and don’t forget it. If I truly wanted to, if I truly felt intimidated, I could use my proper hand and knock you down as much as I wanted, but I’m not here to embarrass you. Still, you don’t get to be upset when I’m not bringing myself down to your level,” I said firmly, though only enough so as to get my point across. Jaime sighed, but knew I was right. I extended my hand out to help him up, and he took it. I watched him brush himself off.
“You’re right, and I apologize. You needn’t bring yourself down to my level. You shouldn’t, really. I just wish you would be a bit more like the average man, is all.”
I quirked an eyebrow.
“But I’m not a man, nor am I average. Your father did not ask me to help you because he wants a regular swordsman, he wants you to excel. I have no intention of letting your father down. Nor you, for that matter.”
I grabbed his sword from the ground, handing it back to him. I switched my own sword back to my wrong hand, and he faltered for a moment.
“I’ll stay with you today, but keep your confidence in check. Understood?”
“Understood, Lady Tyrell.” 
I could feel the sweat coming down my neck, and I felt even more on my back. I’d been practicing with Jaime all afternoon, and the sun hadn’t been as forgiving as I had. I’d had one of my handmaidens send for Cerella so that she might draw a bath for me as I returned to my room, and I was grateful for it when I saw the steaming tub upon entering my chambers.
Cerella was sitting on a stool beside the tub, apparently waiting for me. I shook my head at her, waving my hand to suggest it wasn’t necessary. 
“I’ve no need for help today, Cerella, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Know I appreciate it all the same.”
“No need to apologize, my lady. I’ll leave you be, but don’t hesitate to call for me should you change your mind,” she replied, getting up from her seat as I approached the tub. I took a deep breath as though about to reply, but the look on her face told me it was something she wouldn’t give up. I opted to smile and nod instead.
She left me with haste, and as soon as the door shut behind her I was tearing the clothes from my body, entirely glad I’d chosen something I could take off without any help. I stepped into the tub once all my clothes were discarded, and a sort of immediate relaxation washed over me. Memories of the inn flooded back as I sank all the way into the water. 
I hadn’t seen Tywin in two days now, which really wasn’t much, but felt odd when I considered just how routinely I was seeing him. The water was warm, and I felt myself grow warmer as I wondered what I might do if he should see me like this again. Though, I truthfully knew the hypothetical was easier to handle. Even with Tywin there was still a lingering fear, the intrusion of my memories. 
And then there was my fathers voice in my head, so set on me getting married and having children. I couldn’t ever imagine wanting to have sex with whatever lord he’d marry me off to, and it made the fear larger. Someday the intrusion would be so much worse than the flashbacks. I felt my eyes begin to tear up.
I was quick to push such thoughts from my head; I wasn’t being married off just yet, it would be futile to make myself so scared. Thoughts of Tywin calmed me, and I even caught myself in a smile as I considered that reporting my session with Jaime would be an excellent reason to go see him.
Still, that would be later. I moved my head back, letting the water run over my hair as I massaged my scalp. It was nice to be alone like this sometimes. I wished that water could stay warm forever. I ran my hands over my arms, over my sides. I could feel a change in the texture of that skin, somewhat rougher from the healed scar. It was odd to know there was a real, physical reminder of the time I’d spent with Tywin. It had been a little over a year now since the Battle of Blackwater, and I felt myself freeze as I realized it.
A soft breeze from outside chilled my skin, and I shivered. The water was getting colder, just as I knew it would. I was quick to finish washing up, and I let out an uncomfortable sigh as I stood up in the water and adjusted to the air around me. I stepped out, quickly wrapping myself in the towel that Cerella had left for me and drying myself off. 
I did not yet feel like putting on a dress, so I simply put on my undergarments and a robe, then ventured out to my small balcony for some sunlight. I pitied Tywin, who was surely stuck at his desk. There hadn’t been such pleasant weather for a while. I pitied myself even more, though, when I heard a knock at my door.
“Your grandmother, my lady!” Ser Elias announced from outside. I sighed out with relief, shouting back for her to be let in. As my grandmother entered she only scoffed at my state of undress.
“What are we paying your chambermaid for? Why hasn’t she dressed you?” She grumbled, taking a seat at my table while shaking her head.
“I requested to be alone, I’m rather exhausted in all honesty. I was going to sleep for a little while and then call for her,” I explained, now a bit irked at the thorn in my plans. I defeatedly opened up my closet and searched for something to put on. I figured I might as well wear something pretty if I was going to see Tywin later, and opted for a white dress with green and gold ornamentation. I went over to my door and popped my head outside to tell Ser Elias to call on Cerella after all.
“I’m afraid I’ve something rather serious to discuss with you, my dear.” My grandmother suddenly spoke, catching my attention as I closed the door. I quirked an eyebrow at her, wondering what she could possibly have to say. I supposed it was odd of her to come visit my chambers, but Margaery would pop in for no reason other than to chat sometimes, so I had figured she was doing the same.
“What is it?” I questioned, sitting down at the table with her.
My grandmother made an odd face, as though she truly did not want to say whatever she was about to and was trying her hardest to make herself speak. 
“It’s- It’s rather complicated, my dear, and I- well, your father intended to send for you and tell you himself but I convinced him you might take it better from me. I don’t want you to panic when I tell you what it is that I’m going to say,” she rambled, though it really all just confused me more than anything. My stomach began to drop, wondering what might be so serious that my grandmother felt I’d take it better from her. A betrothal?
I shook the thought from my mind, surely it wasn’t.
A knock at the door made my grandmother pause before continuing, and as Cerella entered my grandmother stopped altogether. 
“Well, get ready first dear, then we can have this discussion. It’s nothing urgent,” my grandmother noted, though something told me she merely just didn’t wish to have this discussion in front of others. My stomach was churning, but I nodded in compliance and silently allowed Cerella to dress me. I normally wouldn’t have been so rude, but my grandmother's sudden mysteriousness was disconcerting. I had no words at the present moment. 
Though it already took a long time to do my hair, this time in particular I felt as though hours had gone by when Cerella was done. My one consolation was that she’d made it look very pretty, letting the braids form a crown. My grandmother bade her leave when she had finished. 
I turned to the Queen of Thorns with trembling hands.
“What is wrong, grandmother?”
A slight grimace. 
“Come sit down with me, please,” she said softly. There was a look of sadness in her eyes, and I felt my heart drop. I had no clue what to expect, but regardless I was terrified. I did as she asked, and felt the trembling worsen when she pulled out a letter. Its contents were serious, I knew that much.
“Your father came into my room about an hour ago, far happier than he ought to have been. He gave me this,” she said, handing me the letter. 
I unfolded it and immediately began to read, my throat dry now. I was so overwhelmed that I could not read entire sentences, but the skimming I did was terrifying. The words betrothal, son, ‘join our two houses,’ and the signature of Walder Frey at the bottom of the page all stuck out to me. I felt sick.
“(Y/N) you must understand that I kept you from this as long as I possibly could. If there was anything to be done, know that I would have done it. Your father will listen to me no longer, he sent the proposal the second the war ended. He would not even listen to me when I told him that another, better match could surely be secured. The war has made relations messy, and he seemed of the opinion that you would be unhappy regardless, so he ought to just do as he pleased. I am sorry, my dear, I truly am.”
I could hardly even hear my grandmother's words, instead there was simply ringing in my ears. I could do nothing but attempt to regulate my breathing. I felt frozen, but I wanted to run. I needed to run. 
I attempted to snap myself back into reality, and the little success I had was enough that I could rise from my seat at the table. I stepped back, and when my grandmother said my name I simply shook my head. 
“(Y/N), please, let us discuss this. It will not be so bad as it seems, I promise.”
Her words meant nothing to me, and I could only mutter out a feeble ‘excuse me’ as I fled the room. I was not running, but rather walking with great exertion to the Tower of the Hand. It was the one place I could go.
Tears threatened to spill but I would not let them, I was not accepting this reality just yet. I focused on my walking, focused on each step closer to the Tower I was. I had to see Tywin, and I had to see him now.
The guards outside Tywin’s office knew me well by now, and I was grateful for it, because I doubt I had it in me to speak another word without sobbing. They simply announced me and opened the doors when they heard the Lord Hand yell back.
The moment I stepped inside and saw Tywin--unable to even wait for the doors to close--I let out a noise akin to a whimper, followed by my eyes welling. I could not keep myself from sobbing. 
I would never be with him like this again once I was married.
Tywin got up from his desk and rushed towards me as fast as he possibly could, though I sank and fell to the floor before he could reach me. He got down beside me, taking me into his arms without a moment of hesitation.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), what is it? What’s wrong?” 
I heard the door close behind me and let myself fall apart. My face was buried into his chest and gods I couldn’t even quiet myself down. I was sobbing so hard I feared I might be sick. I could only clutch at his arms,
“I’m here, dear girl. Shhh, I am here,” He whispered softly, petting my hair as I wept. The motion calmed me a little, and I felt very much like a child. For some reason, that did not bother me at the moment. I wished to be a child again, I wished to be held like this forever.
Instead, I could only see myself at the Twins. I saw myself surrounded by people that I did not know, by armies that I did not lead. I saw myself laying and fighting back tears as a son of Walder Frey rutted on top of me.
“M-My father,” I finally managed to get out, choking on my tears and pushing my face into Tywin’s neck. It was warm, and his scent brought a great comfort.
“Your father?”
“He sent Walder Frey a letter, r-requesting that I marry his eldest eligible son,” I cried out, sniffling and raising a hand to wipe my eyes. In all honesty, I believed my life was over. I had told Tywin I’d need to marry soon, but I certainly hadn’t expected it to be now, nor to a son of Walder Frey of all people. Given that I’d been--at the very least--hoping to go to Sunspear a year or two down the line, I could feel nothing but dread.
I felt Tywin inhale, and he pulled me back to look me in the eyes. He was angry, but he did not let me see it.
“I won’t allow it. Don’t worry yourself, (Y/N), I’ll convince your father not to go through with it. I’ll convince him to have the raven shot down-“
“No! No, Tywin, that’s just it, he’s already received a reply and Lord Frey accepted!” I choked out, hot tears still streaming down my face as I shook. I pushed myself back into his arms, disconsolate and an absolute mess. Tywin was silent, and normally I would’ve thought it strange, but I was in so much distress that I couldn’t even be bothered to think about it. 
“My father wanted an alliance, and he figured I’d be upset with any marriage, so he sent the raven without even bothering to tell me,” I said between sobs, wishing more than anything that I could just stay in Tywin’s arms forever, that I wouldn’t have to get married to anyone. 
“(Y/N), you mustn’t worry. I mean it, I won’t allow the union.”
I heard him but did not listen, I only lifted my head so that I might speak to him.
“I don’t want to get married, Tywin! I don’t want to get married, and I don’t want to marry one of Walder Frey’s sons. I don’t want to- I can’t- I can’t…” I was beginning to hyperventilate, so distressed at the thought of being shipped off to live at the Twins. And once that was dealt with, my name would fade away just as every other woman’s did. 
“(Y/N) listen to me, I’m going to speak with your father and convince him this isn’t wise,” Tywin said, lifting my chin so I’d look him in the eyes. I was so panicked that even that did not calm me, and I shook my head.
“That’s just it, Tywin. My father doesn’t listen to anyone. He does whatever he pleases, he’s not going to- to listen to you, he wouldn’t even listen to my grandmother,” I said, sniffling as Tywin brought his hands to my cheeks and wiped the tears away. 
It was useless, of course, they just kept falling, and I kept spiraling. My gaze fell and I continued to hyperventilate. A sort of anger began taking hold, and I stood from my seat on the floor.
“I don’t want to marry Walder Frey’s son. I don’t want to marry at all! I just want to be left alone, I want to stay as the head of the Tyrell army and live in peace! Free of a lord I cannot tolerate, free of children that only remind me how much freedom I have lost… I can’t…I can’t! I won’t! I won’t let them take me!” I spewed, hardly even processing what I was saying. I was pacing, and I was only growing more erratic. Tywin had stood too, and he watched me with great concern. He decided intervention was necessary, and he rushed towards me.
“(Y/N), breathe!” He said sharply, taking my hands in his own, and pressing them to both my chest and his. “Take deep breaths. Be calm, you are alright.” He took deep breaths himself so that I might mimic them, and he watched me try to take slower, longer breaths through my tears. When I no longer sounded erratic, he removed our hands.
I sniffled and glanced out the window, and a feeling that I was all too familiar with came back to me for the first time in nearly a decade. The scenario was not inevitable. I could jump at this very moment. 
“I would rather kill myself than marry him,” I whispered, lip quivering. Tywin had been wiping my cheeks when I said it, and he went eerily still as he heard the sentence leave my mouth. His hands left my face, and he grew serious.
“No. You will do no such thing.”
I looked out the window, and defeatedly continued to cry. An odd sort of acceptance with what I felt I had to do came over me. 
“It’s my only option, Tywin… I will not marry him. I’m going to kill myself,” I choked out, lip trembling and body shaking with my tears. I did not give the Lord Hand time to reply, instead I felt myself drifting towards the window, and an increasing speed in my feet. It took Tywin a moment to realize my intention, but as soon as he did he chased after me. I sobbed as I ran toward my escape, but the Great Lion was faster. 
“(Y/N) NO!”
Two arms wrapped around me from behind, dragging me away from the window with more strength than I had ever felt someone exert before. Tywin was trembling too when he set me down all the way across the room. He gripped my upper arms then, tighter than a furious mother grabs a child. 
His eyes were filled with fear and shock, and the way he was looking down at me brought me back. I was filled with guilt seeing him like this. He could not find words, and as a tear slipped from his eye he pulled me into his arms once again. I was motionless for a moment, but I could not keep myself from holding onto his back in turn. 
“I’m sorry, Tywin. I am sorry… forgive me… I don’t… I don’t know… I’m frightened, very frightened,” I whimpered out, though it was muffled by his coat in my face. I felt him shake his head. 
“I cannot lose you, (Y/N). I cannot lose you. No matter how lost you feel you must not leave me, promise it now. I will not let go of you until you promise it,” Tywin replied, holding me even tighter than before. I felt myself crying again, and for a moment wishing more than anything that someone had been there for me this way when I’d needed it as a girl. But it did not matter right now, all that mattered was the man before me. He would save me, I knew it.
“I promise… I promise, Tywin. I’m so sorry… I’m sorry,” I cried out, gripping him just as tight now. We stayed that way for a bit, and he was the first to pull away. It was strange to see him cry like this. Strange to know that someone valued my life so deeply. 
Tywin motioned to the table, gesturing for us to sit down. I sniffled and nodded, and whispered a thank you when he pulled out two chairs so we could face each other. He took one of my hands in his when we sat down.
“Let us… let us discuss this rationally. If we put our heads together we can certainly find a way out of this, I am sure of that if nothing else,” Tywin said after a moment. I wanted to agree, but I could only shake my head at him.
“I cannot avoid marriage forever, Tywin. And in some regards, my father is right. I would be distraught no matter who it was that I had to marry, even if I was admittedly hoping for better. Still, no matter what, I am forced into irrelevance. No matter what, I will lose my title as head of the Tyrell army…” my lip trembled now, “No matter what, I am forced to lay there and take the touching and impregnation… I’m almost afraid I’ll end up murdering my lord husband when he tries it. I can’t let such a thing happen to me again. I attempted to kill myself the first time… I can’t imagine… I can’t do it all over again, Tywin. Not again, and not alone.”
Tywin’s grip on my hand tightened, and when I looked up at him his face was no longer soft, but suddenly firm. There was fire in his eyes. I furrowed my brows with inquisition.
“You’re not going to experience any of that, I’ll make sure of it. I will keep you safe.” He rose from his seat then, striding towards his desk and pulling out paper and quill. 
“Tywin, how could you possibly… I don’t understand,” I said, also getting up and slowly approaching his desk. I stopped a few feet away, he had not sat down in his chair, which suggested that neither should I.
“If I cannot convince your father, then I will turn to more drastic measures. I will have Walder Frey’s son taken care of,” he explained, to which my jaw dropped. Tywin only looked up from the letter he had begun after a few moments of silence. I sputtered out a reply, somewhat overwhelmed.
“Tywin… he doesn’t need to die. I don’t want to marry him but he doesn’t- he doesn’t deserve that,” I said, truly hoping he wouldn’t do such a thing.
“I don’t care. You can’t marry a dead man. Your father can arrange as many marriages for you as he likes, I will see to it that none of them ever happen. I will have every single man in Westeros murdered before you are married to them,” he said, walking back over to me and placing his hand under my chin. My heart began to skip, but too much was happening for me to process it.
“Tywin… realistically you cannot do this again… people would talk, I would receive accusations… you can’t-”
“Then you will marry me.”
My eyes widened as I looked up at the Lord Hand. What?
“The next time your father secures a betrothal, I will propose. There is not a man in all of Westeros more technically eligible than I am, your father would not refuse me. You would lose the army, yes, but nothing else would plague you. I would not touch you, I would do nothing but provide. You would stay here with your family,” Tywin explained, and as calmly as one might describe the weather. I was still in shock at the suggestion, and a small pang of sadness went through me. I would marry him, but he would not love me. In the sept, he would kiss me out of obligation, and I would kiss him out of love. At the wedding, he would deny a bedding ceremony not just to protect me, but because he had no intention to ever consummate the marriage. For the first time a slight jealousy filled me. I was not Joanna, but a friend, and our marriage would not be one of love, but instead a favor. 
But then it hit me. To have loved Joanna so dearly, to never have remarried, to never even have considered it despite all his talk of family and legacy. None of those things had convinced Tywin to take another bride, and yet he had suggested it like nothing in my moment of need? I might’ve understood it if he had--in his persistent delusion--suggested Jaime, but he had not. Something did not add up.
“You would marry me even though you don’t love me? You loved Joanna dearly, you would not remarry for nothing. Why, Tywin? Tell me why,” I demanded, confused but also speaking with conviction. I knew the Lord Hand well enough to know this was unusual. I wondered if my near suicide had surprised him.
“You overstep with this question,” he replied, but he was not angry, he was vulnerable. He did not want to answer. I knew now that my previous actions could not have been the cause. Then what was it?
“Tell me, Tywin, please.”
He took a deep breath, and a sudden passion overtook him. In a million years, I never would have dreamt his answer. His voice cracked when he first spoke, and I detected a hint of anxiety that disappeared as fast as it came. He suddenly seemed reckless.
“Very well… if you are so adamant. It is because- because I will never let another man have you, (Y/N). Do you understand? You may not want to be mine, but until the day I die, you will be no one else’s. I could not stand to live and watch another man make you smile, to watch him hold you and kiss you. But more than that, I could not stand by and watch you be miserable. I swore to you that I would protect you, I have cut out mens tongues and had others killed in keeping this vow. What has happened to you in the past plagues me. That I could take away your pain… I would give every piece of gold in Casterly Rock. Alas, I cannot take it away, but I won’t see you violated again. I care too much… I- I do love you. I am in love with you, and you must forgive me for it.” His speech increased in pace and decreased in volume as he spoke, and I saw him tremble ever so slightly. For most of his declaration he had looked anywhere but at me, until the very end of it, where suddenly he could not look away.
My lips parted, and my entire body felt hot. My heart would not stop racing, and I feared I must’ve looked like a fool, because I felt another tear slide down my cheek. I was utterly overwhelmed. 
Tywin was in love with me?
He was gazing at me with all the adoration and passion in the world, and I’d never seen him look so gorgeous. His eyes were the same turquoise blue they’d been in the sept at Loras’ wedding, but he looked as though he might cry. He appeared so overcome with all of his feelings, just as I was with mine. 
“Tywin…” I whispered, feeling two more tears fall. He looked terrified, as if he was waiting for me to be disgusted with him. I noticed it then, a tear falling from his own cheek. 
“I am sorry. Know that my suggestion of marriage was not… was not ill-intentioned, I meant what I said, I would never have touched you. My love and respect is too great to ever do a thing that should bring you discomfort. The idea was not born of my feelings, only the willingness to offer the solution. Nevertheless, I’m sorry, (Y/N), please… forgive me,” he whispered. My heart dropped as I watched him take a step away from me with his eyes on the ground.
He believed his feelings were unrequited.
“No! No… Tywin… Tywin, I love you. I love you!” I managed to gasp out, stepping forward and taking his hand in my own as I did. My throat was dry and my emotions a mess, but I couldn’t let this slip; I couldn’t ruin all that had passed between us. He’d just admitted he felt the same way--I needed to do something. 
When Tywin processed what I’d said in response, his eyes widened, and he looked me in the eyes again. I watched his lips part, and he exhaled as if he’d been holding in a breath. There was a minute of silence, like neither of us could entirely process what was happening. He was in love with me, and I was in love with him. We were in love with one another.
I suddenly saw something spark in Tywin’s eyes.
He inhaled, and stepped back towards me. He gazed upon me with near desperation. “If you speak truthfully, then I am yours. Yours to look upon, yours to touch, to command. Your word is my scripture, (Y/N), and one I would follow most piously.”
It took me a moment to process his words, and then I realized what he was suggesting. He would do nothing I did not ask for, he would not risk an ounce of discomfort, just as he had said earlier. I opened my hands to invite his own. 
“I mean what I’ve said… I- I love you. Kiss me, please…I would like you to kiss me.”
His eyes scanned my face, and detecting no falseness, he did as I asked. With a hand in my hair and another coming to my hip, Tywin exhaled shakily and met my lips with his own. 
His lips were soft, and for a moment I detected vulnerability in his movements. I kissed back in the same gentle manner, softly laying my hand on his cheek and brushing my thumb against his stubble the same way his stubble brushed my upper lip. 
Tywin made a small noise as we both took a breath, and he seemed content to end the kiss there, or perhaps expected that was what I wanted, but it was not. I chased his lips, and this time kissed him. I was not so gentle.
A moment of surprise, followed by reciprocation, came from the Lord Hand. His hand was not just in my hair now, but at the back of my head, and his kiss was suddenly hungry. 
I had always imagined that to kiss a man again would bring back memories and cause panic. I found none of those things here, and I was surprisingly desirous of Tywin. So much so that I pushed my tongue into his mouth. How I found it in me after the emotional turmoil of the last hour was beyond my comprehension, but nevertheless the feeling was there.
The Lion let out a low, guttural moan, and my boldness was not unrewarded. Tywin pushed his own tongue into my mouth, and I found myself moaning even louder. There had been so much waiting, so much desire for him, that now, doing this, my entire body ran hot.
Still, I trembled, and I reached for Tywin’s shoulders to steady myself. He noticed this, and fully pulled away from me then. Concern was displayed on his face, and he gave a nod to ensure I was alright. I took a deep breath, nodding back before smiling at him. He smiled back.
I hugged him then, whispering his name. He replied in kind.
He was sweetly petting my hair, but the pounding I could hear as I pressed my head to his chest was incredibly telling. I could still feel my own heart racing. 
“I have regrets…” I began, still a little breathless. Tywin instantly moved away, prompting me to look up at him. I shook my head at the apprehension on his face.
“I have regrets that I did not tell you how I felt sooner, Tywin. I have wanted to do that since the day at the inn. I have longed to…” I explained, watching him relax as he realized my meaning. 
“Why didn’t you? You cannot have been oblivious to my own sentiments. I have been kind, I have been passionate, and I have been exceedingly jealous of all of your male companions,” Tywin replied, though I knew his frustration was rooted in vulnerability. I placed my hand on his chest. 
“I forced myself to be oblivious. To entertain the idea of you loving me back would have been dangerous, no matter how clear it may have been. I’m confrontational, if I suspected that you reciprocated my feelings—and had been wrong about it—I would’ve risked ruining our relationship. I shook the thought away every time it came up. I’m sorry that I did,” I told him, trying to discern a clear emotion on his face. 
Tywin was silent for a moment, but soon thereafter shook his head. 
“It is not important anymore. I love you and you know it now. You know the extent of it, all you need to do is reflect upon every action made towards you since we went hunting.”
“You’ve loved me for that long?” I was in utter shock.
“Yes, yes I have. I did not push you away that day at court because I was afraid of friendship. Well, perhaps I was, but I was more afraid that I could not only be content with that. I have since come to understand that to be around you is more than enough as it is,” he explained, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt my cheeks heat.
“And… and your earlier offer… well you somewhat explained but I was overwhelmed and I just- well, do you want to marry me?” I questioned, trying to gain further clarification. His previous words had been passionate, and I’d felt a bit lost for some of it. Tywin shook his head, and my heart dropped for a moment.
“I don’t wish to, no. But allow me to explain myself before you are disheartened. To begin with, I did not believe a marriage to you would include love, as I said it was an offer made to help you. To know that your feelings are reciprocated reassures me, but I suppose I am… Well, it is not my own desire to remarry just yet. Plus, marriage will still revoke something that is dearest to you. Hence why my proposal was a solution and not an act of love. If you… if you should like a… a courtship, for lack of a better term, I would certainly be obliged to that. That is my present desire. From there, the question of marriage could arise again, but I don’t believe either of us particularly wants it at the moment. However, the offer is still in effect. I would not hesitate for a moment to marry you if it ensured you were safe and relatively happy. But it is likely another month or two before your father acquires another betrothal. Let us use those months, if you are willing, to determine our feelings. A marriage between us might not need to be only a solution at all,” he said softly, to which my face flushed. I was so in love with him I could hardly handle it. The suggestion of beginning a relationship, let alone the possibility of eventually marrying each other for love, was making me ecstatic. 
Tywin extended his hand out, seemingly inviting me into a relationship with him. I wasted no time in taking it into my own, and when I did he simply looked at me. I wished, in that moment more than ever, that I could know what he was thinking. But he smiled at me, truly smiled, and that told me all I needed to know. I smiled too, of course, and let my eyes close as he leaned back in and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. 
I blushed and buried my face in his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. Gently, his arms came around me. By the way he was breathing, I could hear him smiling. One of his hands came to pet my hair, and I felt content.
“Tywin, I don’t want anyone else to know. I just want it to be us,” I said softly, lifting my head to look at him. He nodded.
“I was going to suggest the same. I don’t want my children getting involved, nor do I want others to know I have a weak point. It’s safer if we keep it a secret, at least until- well, until our relationship is more defined, either by choice or necessity,” he said, eyes scanning my face. I nodded in agreement. It was rather funny to know that one way or another I would be this man’s wife. Though, selfishly I hoped my father would drop getting me married altogether, perhaps then I could secretly be with Tywin and keep my military position at the same time. No solution necessary. 
I pulled away from the Lord Hand with a tired sigh, and flattened out my dress. Tywin looked at me with an all-consuming fondness.
“I might’ve mentioned it earlier if not for your distress, but you look breathtaking in this dress. Absolutely breathtaking,” he complimented, whispering the last part to himself in something akin to disbelief. I felt myself blush.
“Thank you, Tywin. Perhaps I need to start wearing it more often.”
“By all means.”
I laughed softly, lifting myself on my toes to kiss his cheek before slowly drifting away. He stopped me first, though, grabbing my wrist and pulling me in to kiss me once more. I felt breathless when he let me go, and I couldn’t stop smiling when I walked away.
When I reached the door, I turned and found him still standing there, looking at me in awe.
“I’ll see you soon, Tywin.”
“Of course, my dear.”
I smiled again and left the room, unable to keep myself from laughing when I shut the door behind me. I was positively giddy and over the moon with what had just happened. In fact, so much so, that I wouldn’t even remember why I’d gone to see him until the next time I spoke with my grandmother. 
I did not want Walder Frey’s son to die, but in some cruel way, the thought of Tywin killing a man just so he could protect me, just so he could have me to himself, was attractive, and dare I say even erotic. 
I wanted to feel worse about the whole thing, but I simply couldn’t. I was Tywin’s now, just as he was mine. From that moment on, the two of us wouldn’t let a single thing stand between us. We loved each other, let the fearsome consequences come.
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@fullmoonshadowwrites @kishie8 
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1001scoganmusings · 1 month ago
Ruin me
Touch repulsed blackhat x touch starved reader
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A/N: hey guys here’s the story that’s been bouncing around in my head, crazy style. Yes I finally watched it. Cudos to those that get the reference. Any who, I wanted to explore more of the touching dilemma black hat seems to have. We’ve seen it in the show. Him touching others good, others touching him bad. And I thought it would be a really cool idea to get explore. Let me know what you think. I’m really feeling this story considering it’s kinda different than all my other smutty stories. Also those who have been patiently waiting for irrevocably ruined pt 2 I’m working on it as we speak so expect more Valentino and vox content because you know they are my fav toxic demons.
No trigger warnings this chapter unless you count swearing
Idk how many words this is I wrote it directly on tumblr mobile so yeah but it’s pretty short.
“Feelings unspoken are unforgettable.”
-Andrei Tarkovsky (1983, Nostalghia)
If it’s one thing I’ve come to understand is black hat’s love hate relationship with touch.
Despite him using it to his advantage in certain moments, it’s never skin to skin. There’s always a barrier. As if to keep the world at bay. Be it his clothes that cover him from head to toe. Or his proficient use of his gifts. Unnerving and unsettling those from getting too close.
And always only ever if he is the one initiating the touching because god help you if it was the other way around. You just minght lose the offending limb, if not your life.
*“Pinches ratas aladas y sus pinches reglas. ¡Me vale verga, seguiré haciendo negocios aquí si así lo decido¡”* said black hat angrily, climbing in behind me and slamming the car door shut. The downpour of rain barely missing us. “Wasting everyone’s time with that joke of a meeting. Imbeciles!” The metal of the door handle bent slightly from the force of black hat’s grip. We sit across from each other decompressing. Him more than I.
Rain pelts harshly now on the glass windows of the limousine, throwing itself from the sky and drenching the city. A flash of lightning illuminates the sky and the shadowy figures leaving in their fine clothing and expensive cars from the Empire State Building.
We’d just come out of a stressful meeting with heaven’s embassy. Apparently it was up for debate if eldritches were allowed to do business on earth. The question being, should they, the eldritch kind, even be allowed on our plain of existence if they weren’t sanctioned by heaven nor created by god? Did their presence go against the will of god? Did them being in our universe, on earth threaten the very creations of the lord like the leviathans before them, locked away beneath the seas?
There was no diffinitive answer. The debate, cut short due to infighting, would continue next week. Much to the anger of not only my boss but also his ilk who had much invested in not only the global economy but with hell’s economy as well.
So much money was to be lost if the ban went through. Not to mention territories that had been owned for centuries. All gone and up for the taking. Heavens taking.
But then again no one was fooled. We all know what the meeting was actually about. It’s wasn’t money or even territories, that was just a consolation prize in comparison to the jackpot. The revoking and banning of foreign magickal power from humans. Heaven didn’t want humans to have access to powers outside of gods. Or should I say, their god.
So much for sharing with our neighbors or however Jesus said it.
It suited the angels just fine to have humans beg them like dogs, and they the masters deciding who gets a miracle as a treat rather than giving direct results and actúa helping people like the eldritches did.
A symbiotic relationship quickly developing between humans and the children of the cosmos in the 21st century. One that was strong enough to draw the envy of heaven’s children.
You know because humans might get ideas. Might think for themselves and unite once and for all. Might out grow the outdated beliefs and propaganda the angels so pitifully clung to. How stupid of them to not realizing the very nature of this hearing, if they do ban the eldritches is only going to speed up that process for humanity once help is gone.
Good. Let the winds of change fall in human favor for once. God knows we’ve needed it for so long. The idea of man leading themselves with no masters is an exciting one to say the least.
Black hat removes a cigar and a v-cutter from his inner coat breast pocket. He uses the v-cutter to snip off one of the end. And with a snap of his fingers produces a small green flame from his thumb. The strange green glow illuminatea his handsome features as he uses it to light his cigar. The interior is instantly filled with a fragrant and sweet rich pine aroma.
With a wave of his hand the fire is gone, casting us back in to darkness. He takes a long drag, exhailing clouds of smoke that swirl about him like dragon’s breath.
His sharp and penetrative golden gaze flicks to me. And my pulse quickens. It’s as if his eyes can see through me. In to my thoughts, my being. In to my very soul.
And who knows perhaps he could.
I wanted to look away. To hide just how those eyes affect me so. But then I’d lose. Lose this stupid game of chicken he loved to play with me.
To see who would back down first. Me or him.
“Surely they’re all talk. How would they even enforce such a ban?” I blurt our unable to take the oppressive silence. My voice seeming to have broken the intense, what, charge within the limo?
Surely not. Black hat on occasion had told me he had no heart with which to feel. But he felt anger and rage didn’t he? So therefore he must feel love and affection too.
The idea seeming so obsured despite being simultaneously correct.
He didn’t speak. In fact he was quite for so long I thought he had ignored my question completely.
“They will not pass the ban.” He answered, his voice low and gravely. “I’m sure of it.” He crosses his legs and I try to ignore the way my heart skips a beat as his foot brushes agaisnt my leg.
Don’t be stupid. It was just an accident. He’s not flirting.
“How can you be sure?” I reply, tucking in my legs and crossing them at the ankles. Keeping myself far from his touch before I embarrass myself. “Didn’t you hear what they said about the leviathans? What if they lock you guys up?”
“God locked away the leviathans, not angels.” He corrected, giving me a pointed look. “And if my sources are correct, which they usually are, he hasn’t been as involved with heaven for quite some time. They’re on their own.” He smiled darkly.
“Either way, they could have new weapons or tech, or something. This is a serious matter for us.” His eyes trail down to my lips at the mention of the word us. “Sir, how can you be so nonchalant about this? You know once the angels get it in to their heads to do something it’s always hard to dissuade them.”
“It’s simple.” He shruggs, tapping his cigar letting the ash fall to the floor. “The angels can not even contend with their own god. They scraped by the skin of their teeth just banishing Lucifer, one of their own. Not even being skilled enough to kill him. How can you expect them to content with us, children of the cosmos with powers that supersede that of this reality, including they’re god.” He said so matter of fact it was hard to not believe him.
“Nothing is going to happen. They would be fools to even try. The might of the cosmos is far greater then the will of heaven. And if they think we will go quietly they are sorely mistaken. Though you must be giddy with the news.” His face unreadable as he takes another drag. This time blowing tendrils of smoke at me. They curl and wrap around me like smokey tentacles.
“Giddy about what? Losing the longest and most stable job with health benefits I’ve ever had, hardly.” I disperse the smoke with a wave of my hand.
“That sad fact aside.” The limo comes to a halt at a red light. Black hat presses a button on his door cracking open the window slightly to let some of the smoke out. “Don’t think this ban will get you out of your contract. You belong to me.”
This time I do look away. Thankful for the darkness hiding the way my face heats up at his declaration. I know he doesn’t mean it that way but I can’t stop my traitorous heart from beating wildly in my chest at his words.
“I know, the contract is unbreakable and binding in all realms.” I say, repeating the words I’ve heard ever since I stepped in to black hat’s office at the tender age of eight.
A tithe my father had tried to pull to get out of his own deal. One soul for another. That’s what he’d said.
The maniacle laughter black hat had let out at his proposition haunts me to this day. No one weasels their way out of contracts. That simply wasn’t how business was done at black hat organization.
“That’s right,” and I can almost swear I here an inkling if delight in his inflection. “Mine even in death.”
“Jeeze with how much you remind me it almost sounds like you would miss me if you did have to leave.” I grin, chancing a look at his face.
Black hat says nothing, his face completely blank. For someone who supposedly wasn’t good with emotions, he sure was a master at hiding them.
My thoughts are interrupted by a cold gust of wet wind against my face. Black hat had opened his door, stepping out and tossing his cigar on the the wet pavement before effectively putting it out with the sole of his shoe. “I’ll make my own way home. The car is feeling too constricting,” He barks an order at the driver to take me home.
“Sir I’m sorry, wait,” I absentmindedly grab his wrist to stop him. Grabbing my umbrella and placing it in his hand.
It wasn’t until I felt his arm go ridged and taut that I realized my mistake. I was touching him. His skin hot to the touch beneath my palm. His hand tightly fisting the wooden handle of the umbrella so much so I was sure it would snap in two.
A lead like weight settles in my stomach and I can scarcely breath. Rooted to the spot and unable to move.
This was it. He was gonna rip my arm off. And worse still, I was still gonna have to clock in tomorrow. Injuries be damned.
His eyes bore in to mine for what felt like an eternity even though I’m sure it was only seconds. He raises his hand and I freeze. Waiting for the violent strike like I’d seen so many times before for others.
But to my complete surprise he gently grasps my hand and extracts his wrist from my grasp, removing my hand from the small sliver of flesh between his sleeve and glove. Not even bothering to say anything before turning on his heel and walking away. Disappearing in to the dark deluge of the rain till my eyes can hardly make out his sillouette.
I sit there, rain soaking the door and my lap, in shock. Black hat hadn’t hurt me.
I finally let my self breath, closing the door and let the driver take me home.
My thoughts buzzed in my mind. One after the other chipping against my sanity like a sculptors chisele agaisnt a marble slab.
Why hadn’t he had a melt down like all the other times. What was different?
Even now as I lay awake in my bed, the feel of his skin, so warm and softer than anything I’d ever felt. The memory still etched in to my palm. The question though continues to plague me. What had been different this time?
I roll over on my side and slip in to a restless sleep. Letting the darkness take me in to its warm embrace knowing I would have to face black hat tomorrow.
Perhaps I didn’t understand black hat as well as I thought I did.
*Fucking rats with wings and their fucking rules. I don’t give a fuck, I’m going to continue doing business here if I decide to!
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shadowsndaisies · 2 years ago
that time where everyone met birdy
main masterlist codename: nightingale series masterlist
so this is another hc for my codename: nightingale series, but this is the first time Dinah introduces Birdy to people outside of Star City, and it's the root of Robin's crush on her, but also the root of her friendship with Wally.
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so dinah brings her to her first meet up with Wally, Dick, and kaldur.
and in the way the numbers have been crunched via fic magic — there is no roy yet (more to come on this later)
Nightingale has not made her official debut just yet, so she’s just going by Birdy.
Which explains the nickname a little
Dinah shows up with this little girl and she's dressed in black leather, black combat boots, and black lipstick. She looks like a little mini Canary, and it's adorable, because she's small
she has about 3 to 4 inches on Robin since girls grow earlier.
she’s just barely shorter than wally who’s a few years older
Dinah introduces her to everybody, “I’d like everybody to meet my new partner in crime, everybody this is Birdy. She hasn't made her official Star City debut just yet, we’ve got a bit more training to complete, but she's getting there.”
Bruce, who knows exactly who Birdy really is, is watching her with his analytical eyes, because he wants to see how she's doing, how she’s adapting, to ensure that she really is ready for this. It’s the first time he’s seen her in person in a while, probably since the trial of her parent’s murderers.
Flash manages to make a small crack about replacing GA that gets a ghost of a smile on yns lips
“Finally get sick of GA, Canary? You know we’d have been happy to replace him ourselves,” he flirts a little, but all the adults know it’s completely playful. “Then again, if I had to stare at his ugly mug everyday, I’d probably want to find someone else to partner with too,” he sighs, pulling a light chuckle out of Aquaman, and a small smile on your face.
which B is very happy to see, because frankly, he’s not sure he’s seen birdy smile since before her parents deaths
The kiddies on the other hand, are in awe, they want to know more about this new person, because oh my gosh, it's a girl! and oh my gosh she’s kind of adorable!
without a doubt they’re underestimating her the slightest bit— except rob, because he knows that looks can be deceiving, because Bruce had taught him not to underestimate anyone.
So maybe, Flash gets a little cocky. He looks at Birdy and sees she's small, and realizes know she hasn't actually said anything yet and she's standing just to the side of Dinah, but a few steps behind, almost like she wants to hide behind her mentor.
So flash looks at the kid and looks at KF and then looks at Dinah and is like “what about a little action, huh, Canary? 10 bucks that KF can take your baby bird,” Dinah raises an eyebrow and looks at him, and she's like “really flash? Betting on the children?” The flash shrugs, “we’re here to see their skills, make sure they’re up to par, no?” he adds, defending his offer.
Before anyone else can say anything Oliver saunters up and is like, “I’ll take that action,” looking straight at flash, “but only if you make it 50 bucks.”
and robin who is analyzing the new girl sees as her lips turn up just the slightest bit, and how she stands just a bit straighter, basking in Oliver’s confidence of her.
Flash accepts.
Dinah’s like “all right boys before you go and pull your wallets, why don't we actually check with the kids?”
KF says he's down, absolutely underestimating Birdy
The boys pull him over to them for a second, and whisper in their little huddle
robin: you sure about this man?
KF: shes little, she’s new, it shouldnt be too bad
aqualad: perhaps we should not judge this particular book from her cover?
KF: maybe someday, but look at her? she’s like 10!
But then everyone shifts to look at Birdy because again she still hasn't said anything yet.
YN raises an eyebrow at KF, looks him up and down, and then turns to Dinah and shrugs
safe to say, she lays him flat on his ass despite his powers. and she does it quick.
Kaldur and Ollie are laughing
Bruce has got this lil quirk of a smile at the corner of his mouth
Barry’s caught between laughing and awe because that little girl who’s less than half his height, just took his boy down.
Wally’s on the ground groaning, but he looks at her when she steps into his line of sight, blocking the ceiling, and offers her hand to him to pull him back up.
and instead he says “marry me” gaining a slightly bashful smile from her, and a new round of laughter from the boys.
Birdy, ever a team player, sobers her look just a little, and finally says something.
“your stance was off from the very start. Speedster or not if you don't have a good footing you'll never win in a fight.”
But Dinah?
Dinah’s so proud of her kid. Not only because she won, which is huge, but she did exactly what D would want her to do, she helped her ally improve, and you can be damn sure that Wally’s careful with his stance going forward, and Dinah knows it’s because of what happened that day.
leaving Rob, who, at first bust out laughing watching his best friend go down to the floor so fast, but he’s also in awe because omg she’s so cool!
flash hands over the $50, and ollie takes it winking at Birdy, ruffling her hair as dinah rolls her eyes but squeezes Birdy’s shoulder appreciatively so Birdy’s smiling because she made them proud..
GA: way to go kid, how about we get aqualad next, huh?
Canary: Arrow!
AquaMan: I think it would be in the best interest for my wallet and my protege if I declined that bet
aqualad: I concur
NG: (beams nice and big at the praise)
wally: (quietly to the boys only) seriously I think im in love
rob: (just in his head) wow she’s pretty
B: (suppressing a smile while addressing everyone) shall we begin the training exercise? or would anyone else like to attempt a round with our newest addition?
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everything tags:
dc tags:
@grey-water-colors @batarella @loninctzencarat @escapenightmare
cnng tags:
@babymango-writes @smile-more19 @bruiscdlikeviolets @truly-dionysus @farfromjustordinary
@sometimeseverythingsucks @dweeb-central @lucy-roo @casedoina @cipheress-to-k-pop
@anonomano @seninjakitey @wherethesidewalkens @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving
@officiallydarkgeek @midnxghtblue @unini @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient @dontmesswithbeebo
@raggedyoldwitch @tinybeantm @unicorn-mya @bouqet-of-gay @duckmylife18
@kendallambrosio @hanbetired @torchbearerkyle @cynthiarose07 @lolsnacks
@mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea @notsostraightweeb @cryingnotcrying @sassyspanishartist
@we-flower-fan @laurcad123 @aces-tattooartist @awkward-youtube-trash @so0bercore
@sanovr @feverish-dove @raginghellfire @mischiefmanaged71 @evermoore580
428 notes · View notes
srjlvr · 1 year ago
“once upon a time, two runaway royals found their peace and comfort in each other” — sim jake
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sim jake x fem!reader genre: strangers to lovers , fake relationship , he fell first but she fell harder , runaway royals , fluff , angst ! warnings: mentions of pregnancy(nothing serious i promise trust me) , mentions of food (not specifically, just meals). | NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
WORD-COUNT ; 6.9k+
NOTE. i admit, it took me a while to finish it and gosh im so disappointed in this one too omfg- its kinda awful at first but it gets a bit better towards the end(?) just hope y’all won’t be disappointed ! hints of sunghoon’s story are here as well<3
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“did someone ever told you how pretty you are?”
“yes, numerous times actually”
“we’d make a pretty couple together”
you rolled your eyes for the nth time this week. it’s your fifth date for this week so far, you’ve honestly had enough of your parents setting you up with disgusting princes who search for nothing but your beauty to show off.
“no, not with you sorry” you replied and quickly left the place back to your palace.
“i can’t believe you keep setting me up with some creeps!” you disturbed your parents’ dinner and barged into the dining room.
“sweetie you already know why we’re doing this,” your mother spoke, “you need to find someone to marry already! your older sister already did that”
“i don’t care about my older sister nor marriage, those filthy princes care nothing but my face”
“well that’s a good thing then! you’re very popular amongst the princes you know”
you groaned. your parents will never get you, will they?
every person you’ve met, every prince that you went on a date with, each one of them kept complimenting you and your beauty.
all princes are the same, you’re sure of that.
you’ve heard dozens of times the same sentences again and again.
“we’d make a pretty couple together” , “my future kingdom will be happy to have such a pretty queen like you” , “if i’ll marry you i won’t need to worry about having beautiful children” — yuck.
all you want is someone to notice you and care for you not because of your beauty, you want someone to love you because of your personality, not because of how pretty you look in their eyes.
what’s so special about you and your beauty anyway?
ever since you were born your parents showed off your beauty. even your older sister didn’t get much attention.
your beauty is clearly beyond compare and because of that you got pretty popular amongst the royals. every kingdom knows you as the most beautiful princess out there.
they made you some kind of trophy, that whoever gets you is a winner. it’s disgusting.
objecting you is disgusting and considering you as a trophy is sickening.
you can’t lie, you’d definitely date yourself if you could, but you believe that there’s a lot more beyond than your beauty only.
“the date didn’t work out?” your father asked you.
“obviously,” you rolled your eyes, “you should stop trying to set me up with princes”
“not going to happen until you find someone to marry” your mother glared at you, “we’ve set you a new date tomorrow, you should go sleep early today”
you sighed and went back to your room.
you have to stop this, until when are you going to suffer?
this is your only chance. run away now or never.
at night, you packed your stuff. you hate the fact that your closet is full with dresses. stupid princess’ dress code.
you packed only small amount of dresses, and a lot of money. tons of money.
you waited for the right time and when it was late enough, you sneaked out slowly and surely.
when the cold breeze hit your skin you shivered but smiled, you were finally free.
you ran away, far away from your palace and hometown.
you ran until you saw a tall building, probably a hostel where you could stay for the night.
“welcom— are you princess y/n or am i just blind” the one who sat behind the counter greeted you.
“um i think you got mistaken” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, okay. it must be late and i’m just tired” he said, “how can i help you?”
you ended up spending the night in the small hostel. it’s not something you’re used for, but luckily, you could easily adjust that kind of life.
you left early in the morning, not wanting to get noticed by anyone as you were still a bit close to you hometown and the citizens might still recognize you. you couldn’t take that risk of being caught.
a few hours passed and hybe’s kingdom was a chaos yet again.
this time, the queen was a bit angry since someone ditched her son.
“how can that princess just not show up!” she shout angrily.
“jake, i promise i’ll talk with her mother and sort this whole thing out” she added.
jake sighed. it was supposed to be his fifth date for this week and he’s been more than tired of his mother’s endless nagging about marriage.
out of all the seven brothers, she chose to bother jake the most, setting him up for loads and countless dates.
today, he was supposed to have a date with a princess named l/n y/n or something. he honestly couldn’t care less at this point.
he had never heard about that princess, but his mother couldn’t stop praising her for her beauty.
she can’t be that pretty, right?
it was later that day when your kingdom announced you as missing.
your parents woke up to nothing but anxious feeling around the palace as you were supposed to be awaken up earlier than usual but were nowhere to be found.
your mother cursed under her breath, not only that her daughter is missing, now she has to deal with the queen of hybe’s kingdom and her son.
how is she going to face them now?
she paid a visit in hybe’s kingdom a few hours later, speaking with the queen and trying to calm her down.
“she’s missing, nowhere to be found around the kingdom” your mother told the other queen.
“i understand, we’ll do our best to help you find her. it’s unbelievable that a princess is running away just like that”
jake, who heard the whole conversation grew some curiosity about you.
how dare a royal blood run away like that? is it that easy? how are you doing right now and how did you even manage to run away?
he jumped from his bed and walked to his older brother heeseung.
“hey!” he called heeseung who was busy daydreaming about something.
“hm? oh hey”
“what are you doing?” he sat next to his brother that laid on his bed.
“just thinking about something”
“something or someone?” jake teased.
“does that matter?” heeseung groaned and sat up next to jake, “what did you want to talk about?”
“have you ever thought about running away from this palace?”
after hours of walking from one city to the other, you arrived to a small village.
it looked too welcoming and warm outside, it definitely had you drawn to it.
as you entered you’ve met with some fellow villagers who worked on their beautiful green, full with flowers, fresh fruits and so much more garden.
it looked really disconnected to the royal life you know. life in this village seems so peaceful and quiet.
you asked the fellow villagers to meet the head of the village and maybe convince him into letting you get a house.
“we have a free house down this road, it’s a bit far from the center of this village but i’m sure you’ll get to meet everyone in this village as fast as possible” he said warmly and you gladly accepted the idea.
“are you sure i’ve never seen you before? you look very familiar” he added and you quickly shook your head, “you’re probably mistaken, a lot of people told me i look like the princess in the other kingdom there but it’s not the case at all”
“i see, let’s go! i’ll show you around” he smiled and lead the way.
“your house is free to live in, no need to pay for rent or buy this house, this house belongs to the village” he explained as soon as you entered your new house.
it’s small, but it looks so comfortable. your palace is huge, this little house is definitely not something you’re used to. but something about this house feels different, different than anything else you know.
“in return, you need to work for the village” he added, “every morning we wake up and each one of us volunteers, whether it’s in the garden, or the local stores around, you just need to sign in and start working!”
you nodded and your tour kept on going.
“running away? are you insane? do you even hear what you’re saying right now?” heeseung angrily remarked.
“i’m not saying i’ll do that, i was just asking if you ever thought about that” jake sighed.
“no, i haven’t,” heeseung shook his head, “royal life is not so bad, why would i even think about running away?”
“you’re falling in love with a commoner and now i’m the insane one” jake mumbled under his breath, “okay good talk! i was just asking”
jake left his older brother’s room and sighed.
is it that wrong to run away? then why did you, l/n y/n decided to leave your royal life and run away?
jake then knocked on his other brother’s room sunghoon.
sunghoon is quite literally jake’s best friend. they know everything about each other and always talk to each other when life gets too hard.
whenever jake wants to cheer up, he goes to sunghoon. whenever sunghoon needs a shoulder to lean on, jake gives him his.
“sunghoon” jake called his brother.
“hm? is everything okay?” sunghoon asked right away.
“what about you?”
“i honestly don’t know man, the girl i want doesn’t want me so i don’t really know what to do” sunghoon sighed, “but you haven’t answered my question and i asked first”
“everything is fine i just….” jake froze for a second.
how would sunghoon react? just like his older brother heeseung? no, no. sunghoon is definitely different than heeseung.
but should he ask him? what could possibly happen?
“just…?” sunghoon asked curiously.
“i was just wondering if you ever thought about running away” he finally let out.
sunghoon was quite for a few seconds, trying to process what he just heard.
it made jake nervous and anxious, will he get angry? no, he has no reason to. is there a possibility that sunghoon will go snitch on him to their parents? no, sunghoon’s not that kind of person.
or maybe yes? god, it’s making him go crazy.
“what made you think about running away?”
“huh?” jake was left confused. how did he know?
it’s as if sunghoon can read his brother’s mind because a second after he giggled, “you wouldn’t ask me that question if you yourself never thought about it”
jake chuckled, “answer me first i’ll answer you then”
“yes” sunghoon quiet down his giggles, “i thought about it, also thought about giving up on my crown multiple times”
“i was supposed to have a meeting with another princess today” jake finally spoke.
“mom just can’t rest about that, can she?” sunghoon rolled his eyes and jake shook his head.
“her name is l/n y/n—“ “no way! the most beautiful princess?”
sunghoon cut him mid-way through his sentence and jake shrugged.
“how come i’ve never heard about her?”
sunghoon then put his hand on jake’s shoulder and laughed, “jake” he sighed, “only pretty people know other pretty people”
jake rolled his eyes and shoved sunghoon playfully, “whatever you say”
“what about her though?”
“i was supposed to go on a date with her, but she didn’t show up”
“oooooh she ditched you”
“shut up”
“sorry man, it happens to the best of us”
“you can’t be saying all those stuff when the woman you want to marry doesn’t even love you”
“hey, we’re not talking about that” sunghoon pointed at jake seriously and jake could only sigh.
“sorry, i was about to say that she’s now missing, she ran away from her palace”
“no way!”
“yes way! her mother came here to explain the whole situation”
“this is serious” sunghoon gasped and jake nodded.
“that made me think about the possibilities of running away” he fiercely looked into sunghoon.
sunghoon nodded and laid his hand over jake’s shoulders, “if it thrills you and interests you, do it”
jake looked surprised into sunghoon’s eyes, “really? you don’t think it’s insane or crazy?”
“hey, you know what’s crazy?”
“yes i already know the woman you love doesn’t love you back! just go and apologize or something!”
“what makes you think i didn’t do that already?” sunghoon groaned.
“should i just run away now?”
“go for it”
“wait not really, you’re still not ready, take a few days and think about it throughly” sunghoon stopped his brother before he was going to do anything stupid.
“you’re right” jake nodded, “i’ll take a few days”
your first day volunteering in the local convenience store just started. you were greeted by most of the villagers with a wide smile and a lot of compliments.
“oh you’re so pretty! would you like to meet my son? he’s really really handsome i think you’d make a cute couple” one of them said with a smile.
you just shrugged her off, thanking her and laughing it away.
“are you sure i haven’t seen you before? you look like the—“ “princess from the other kingdom, i know” you smiled, “i heard that a lot”
“i have to meet your parents one day! how come they have such a pretty daughter and you’re still single?” she asked innocently.
the reminder of your parents made you stop everything you did.
what are they up to right now? do they even care about you being gone? are they going to search for you?
“are you okay y/n?” she waved her hand in front of your face, “yes, my parents are just really far away from here and i haven’t seen them in a while, we don’t talk a lot” you continued helping her and sent her off.
you like your work and new home. you can definitely see yourself spending the rest of your life in this peaceful place.
“boys, as you already know, princess y/n is missing,” the queen told her seven sons, “if any of you get to hear about her, please let us know”
the boys nodded. sunghoon glanced at his brother jake, who was busy thinking and daydreaming about something.
“jake,” sunghoon called, “is everything okay?”
all the eyes in the room looked at him now. “hm?” he asked, “oh yes don’t worry”
“are you sure jake? i know it’s not fun to be stood up” the queen pat his shoulder and his siblings all tried to hide their laughs.
“yes i’m fine”
sunghoon then dragged his brother into his room and forced him to sit on his bed.
“something is wrong” he said.
“guilty” jake sighed, he was trying his best to hide his feelings today, “i just haven’t slept, i’m tired, that’s all”
“okay” sunghoon nodded, “go sleep then”
“that didn’t work as well as i planned it to work” sunghoon mumbled under his breath.
“get up” he ordered.
“why?” jake tilt his head in confusion.
“we’re going to search for the princess”
“are you planning to sneak out right now? are you crazy?” jake’s eyes widened.
“no jake, we’ll just have a walk around the town”
they did end up having a walk with a few guards by their side.
sunghoon is was busy looking around while jake spent his time asking about the runaway princess. needless to say he doesn’t even know how she looks.
“have you seen princess y/n?” jake asked one of the civilians, “who?” the civilian asked back.
“princess y/n” jake repeated, “the most beautiful princess…” he hoped your nickname would be familiar to the civilian but it was no use.
“you’re not helping me here” jake rolled his eyes and shoved his brother.
“sorry, was just thinking about something”
“something as ways to get into your enemy’s heart?”
“she’s not my enemy”
“i’m pretty sure she’d tell me otherwise”
sunghoon groaned and pushed his brother playfully, “let’s just go back, we’re not getting closer to something anyway”
a few weeks passed and sunghoon managed to keep his brother and stop him from running away through manipulating him into doing other things to make him forget about the whole idea.
a few weeks passed ever since you were announced as the runaway princess.
a few weeks passed ever since the village you moved in, became your home.
life in the village was the best thing ever happened to you.
all the villagers welcomed you with open arms and also fell in love with your beauty.
they called you the village’s princess. ironic isn’t it?
you almost completely forgot about your royal life. you got used to their modern uniforms, apparently not only dresses were in fashion!
your own kingdom was almost long forgotten and so are your parents. everything you grew up to suddenly vanished from your new life in the village, you became one of them already.
a few weeks passed since jake asked his brothers about the whole running away idea, and he’s still thinking about it up until this day.
he hasn’t been sleeping well ever since he first thought about it. which is probably the reason to why he looks like a zombie walking around the palace.
his mother also stopped bothering him about dates. she thought he was too broken from being ditched. ouch.
another day full of adventures and sunghoon’s endless distractions passed, and after dozens of sleepless nights he decided to make his run away plan.
before he does that, he went to talk with the most responsible brother in his opinion, jungwon.
it was midnight already but jake couldn’t wait until sunrise, he has to let it all out.
luckily for him, jungwon was wide awake in his bed.
“jake? is everything okay? what makes you come here at midnight?”
“i have to tell you something” jake bit his lips, “it’s important, really”
“can’t it wait for the morning?” although jungwon was wide awake, he couldn’t really process anything as his mind was occupied by something else.
“i just wanted to say that i’ll be gone for a while. i don’t know for how long” jake sighed, “could be days, weeks, months or never”
“jake what are you talking about?”
“just please, don’t search for me and help me out on this one”
“do you even hear what you’re saying?”
“i’ll be fine, i promise” jake licked his lower lips out of anxiety, “i just really need a break from all of this life for a while”
jungwon tilt his head. he couldn’t understand his older brother at all.
“everything is just stressing me out, i just need some quiet” he continued.
as much as jake tried to hide it, his brothers could’ve seen he wasn’t being his best lately.
jake would usually be the first one to wake up in the morning and then would jump on each one’s bed to wake them up with a hug after then of course, but lately something has changed in jake.
he suddenly stopped hugging or jumping around, even started to wake up the last without even calling good morning.
it was obvious he needed some help.
“do you think it’d help you?” jungwon asked.
“do you think running away would help you find peace?” he repeated and jake nodded.
“so you do you” jungwon smiled, “i’ll miss you though”
jake smiled even wider than jungwon and hugged him, “thank you”
“i’ll just tell mom and dad you’ve went to pay a visit in your friends’ kingdom for a few months and explain the situation” jungwon blinked a few times, “please don’t disappear forever”
“i won’t, i promise” he held out his pinky and jungwon interlocked his pinky.
“i’ll kill you if you won’t come to my future wedding”
“i’ll probably marry before you and you’d be able to see my wedding in this palace” he chuckled, that was a sign for jungwon that jake is not going to be gone forever, and it made him smile to know that his brother won’t be a runaway prince for long.
a few hours later jake finally made his way out of the palace, leaving a note beside sunghoon’s bed telling him that he’ll be gone for a while.
he’s going to miss his brothers for sure.
the next morning you woke up earlier than usual, feeling a bit uneasy and something was bothering you.
you slowly got ready for the day and went out of your house to have a little walk alone around the village.
you were taking your time to take in the beauty of the village you’ve been living in for a few weeks already, closing your eyes and breathing slowly as you held your hands together.
you finally opened your eyes just to notice a small figure slowly making it’s way into the village.
that person looks so tired and overworked.
the person was wearing a big sweater with black pants, he also has a quite big bag on his bag as he takes slow steps.
you moved a bit closer to the person in hurry. calling the person so you’ll get noticed by him.
“hey! hello! do you perhaps need help?”
the person slowly looked at you and his eyes formed into a soft gaze, as if he was thankful that he finally saw another person.
you noticed he started to walk closer to you in hurry, and somehow you didn’t feel threatened or scared at all.
you finally reached to him with a smile and he looked at you.
“who are you?” you suspiciously asked. “i’m sorry madam, let me introduce myself, i’m sim jake, hybe’s-“
“hybe’s prince” you gasped, you heard about hybe kingdom a few times and you heard about sim jake, and to be honest, you can’t think of anyone who didn’t hear about them.
the kingdom is one of the famous kingdom out of all, you never would’ve imagine they have such a handsome son amongst the seven of them.
“and you are?” he shrugged off the fact that you just cut him in the middle of the sentence.
“i’m l/n y/n—“ “the runaway princess?”
“huh?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“are you l/n y/n the runaway princess?”
“was that a question?”
“no! i’m not the runaway princess”
“are you lying?” he raised a brow, clearly not believing you.
“was that a question again?”
“fine! here, you can take me away” you said, holding your hands together for him to handcuff you.
“i’m not really a runaway but whatever, let me take my clothes and things before i—“ “no wait wait—“ “i understand that my parents sent me but look, i’m having fun here i enjoy my time and—“
“y/n stop” he raised his tone a bit and put his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place, giving you a chance to take a look at his face.
both of you froze for a few seconds.
gosh he’s so pretty.
so the rumors about her beauty were so true.
you realized you were holding your breath for a long time now and finally pulled away.
he coughed, “i’m sorry, you kept panicking and i had to stop you”
“n-no it’s okay”
were you just stuttering?
you couldn’t help it, his voice is so soft, and his gaze just makes you lose your mind.
you usually hate looking at people’s visuals first time you see them but he’s so breathtaking.
“i just wanted to say i have no intention of taking you back to your parents, i’m a runaway too”
“i’m not a— you know what? you’re probably tired, let’s get you home” you took his hand and dragged him back to your house.
your house in the village is small, but enough to hold two people.
you have one bed, for two people. you’d have to share your bed with him or else one of you would have to sleep on the floor.
“this is my house, feel free to do whatever”
you don’t know why you trust this person so much, he could’ve lied to you about him being a prince, especially a hybe prince.
but you somehow found yourself putting a lot of trust in him.
“thank you y/n” he smiled at you.
you smiled softly at him back and poured him a glass of water, “rest for a bit, i have to work today so i’ll come back later, we’ll talk it out when i’ll be back”
you saw him setting his things away and giggling a bit when he noticed your bed, “are we going to share that bed?” he asked.
you chuckled, “go sleep for now, we’ll talk everything out”
you left your house and went to your workplace.
jake took his time to look around your house.
it’s a small house, not something that he’s used to, but he knows for sure that he feels so comfortable in this house.
anyone who called you astonishing was right. your beauty really is beyond compare.
he noticed a photo hanged on the wall besides your bed. you were in the middle, surrounded by a lot of people who held a big smile on their face.
the background looked like the village, could they be the villagers? why do you have a picture with the villagers instead of your family?
and why is your smile so heart stopping?
he shrugged off his thoughts and went to sleep after he wasn’t able to sleep the whole night.
the day passed by slowly, every minute felt like a year. you kept looking at the clock every five minutes and your coworkers noticed your weird behavior.
“y/n, you’re distracted today” the head of the village teased you.
you love the villagers, and they love you. they take care of you so well and make you feel at home. they know you too well to notice how you feel, and as of now, they know that you’re more than distracted.
“i just have some on my mind” you chuckled, “don’t worry about that”
“ay, are you having some boy problems?” another one said with a smile.
“you can say that” you giggled as they all gasped.
“y/n has a new guy?”
“no! i was counting on you and my son!”
you laughed at their cute comments and shook your head.
just a few more hours and you’ll be able to see him again.
you entered your house, expecting to see a sleeping jake on the bed, but he was actually searching for something to eat.
“uhm” you coughed and he jumped, “oh! hi”
“hey” you smiled and put your things away, “we got a lot to talk about, are you hungry? let me make some food”
he nodded shyly and you chuckled. he’s so cute.
“so,” you settled your food on the table and stared at him, “how and when did you run away?”
“straight to the point i see”
“you gotta be straightforward sometimes” you shrugged.
“i ran away yesterday night, i felt too suffocated in the palace and i had to take a break, i just sneaked out, like you did” he sighed, “we were supposed to have a date you know, on the day you ran away”
“yeah, then your mom came to our kingdom and announced you as missing,” he took a bite from the food, “you were some kind of my role model of running away”
“what do you mean?”
“i started thinking about the running away situation because of you, i’m so glad i finally met you”
he raised his head and shared an eye contact with you.
you stopped for a second to take another look on his face. how will you be able to stand him now?
“yeah,” you nodded, “i’m happy i finally met you too”
“it’s my turn now,” he smiled, “why did you run away?”
“same as you, royal life can be suffocating and annoying” you shrugged, “numerous of dates with disgusting princes, i hated that”
he nodded, understanding the way you feel. “i’m sorry to hear that” he put his hand on your shoulder and showed you a little and comforting smile.
you leaned in and hugged him, “thank you”
he was a bit taken aback, but hugged you back within five seconds.
you needed to feel some kind of affection so you hugged him, ignoring the fact that you met him less than 24 hours ago.
“you have to teach me the way of living here, my plan is to stay here for a long time, you know” he said, his chin on your shoulder and his hands holding you tightly, “is there another free house around? i can get out and search if you—“
you pulled away from the hug and shook your head, “we’d have to live together and sleep on the same bed, i believe we’d get used to it”
both of you giggled and continued eating.
you spent the rest of the night talking and updating each other.
you told him everything he needs to know about the life in this village, and told him you’ll take him to your workplace tomorrow, so you can work together.
he updated you about whatever happened after you ran away, and without even noticing it, it was already past midnight.
“we should go sleep,” you suddenly said, “we have a lot to do later today”
he nodded and got up from his seat, “you’d also have to teach me how to cook” you giggled and nodded.
the morning came and it was already time for you to go to work.
“y/n! you brought a man today!” one of your coworkers who, noticed jake that was standing next to you cheered.
“yeah, meet jake, he’s my—“ “boyfriend!” all of the villagers who were in the store cheered.
“no i—“ “y/nie we don’t need to hide it anymore” jake cut you off and held your hand.
your eyes widened and you froze, “huh?”
“oh y/n! i’m so happy for you!” the elders said and hugged you.
“i brought jake today because i thought he could join our work here, please accept him to this village” you asked the head of the village.
“of course! our princess’ village finally has a prince now!” jake’s soft eyes glanced at you as you smiled.
“thank you”
the day passed as fast as the light, you taught jake everything he needs to know and got hundreds of compliments about your new relationship.
“my boyfriend? really?” you asked as soon as you arrived back home together.
“what was i supposed to say?”
“cousin? childhood friend? family’s friend? i can list more”
“fine fine i’m sorry, i thought it’d be more easy to play in a relationship” he giggled and you sighed.
“i’ll make some food now you should go shower” you smiled and he nodded.
“please teach me how to make some food” he begged while you put your plates on the table.
“i learnt everything from the villagers” you giggled.
“do you have any plans of coming back to your palace?” he suddenly asked.
you were a bit taken aback, “i don’t know” you shook your head, “this village became my house, i love everyone here, they’re like my family and home i’ve never had”
jake nodded and listened carefully.
“i love my parents, but they were making me so anxious around them and here i suddenly forgot how does it feel to be anxious around someone. i must say i really do miss my royal life, who knows? i might come back in a few weeks”
jake moved closer to you and cupped your cheeks, “take your time, i’m staying here with you until you decide to go back”
it felt like time stopped. when he cupped your cheeks and looked at you with his soft eyes, you suddenly felt anxious, but not in any bad way.
butterflies went crazy in your stomach and your cheeks turned slight red, you could melt from his touch.
you were too focused on feeling anxious that you didn’t even notice how red jake’s face turned. he didn’t even realize what he was doing until half a minute after. he was awfully close to you and you somehow managed to make him go crazy inside his mind.
both of you pulled back and cleared your throat.
“we should—“ “yeah, let’s go sleep”
ever since that dinner, months passed by.
you and jake became super close to each other, you were so into the fake relationship that you got used to calling jake your boyfriend.
you and jake cuddled up in your bed, awfully close to each other and playing with each other’s fingers.
it became a usual thing for you two, every night you’d get ready to go to bed together and cuddle until you fall asleep in each other’s hands.
“y/n” jake suddenly called, “hm?” you hummed in response.
“how many dates have you been forced to go to?”
you giggled, “what kind of question is that?”
“did you fall in love with someone you went on a date with?” he asked.
“did you ever date someone?” he sounded serious, and asking those questions didn’t help either.
“no, i haven’t” you replied.
but i fell in love with you, you wanted to add.
you felt bad, you were slowly falling in love with jake. it was supposed to be a fake relationship and nothing more than that.
“good morning” jake got up and noticed you were cooking something for breakfast. he back-hugged you and kissed your cheek, “good morning” you replied.
“i thought about going on a walk today around the village! i also promised the head of the village to help him with some things” jake updated you about his plans for the day.
damn, it really feels like you’re in a relationship with him. how can you not fall in love with someone as sweet as him?
you nodded and sent him off.
you must do something about your stupid heart that fell in love with that perfect human being.
jake took the day off, so you were working alone today.
his absence was really present in work today, not only you missed him in work.
“hey y/n! where’s your boyfriend?” one of the customers asked and you chuckled, “he has a name you know”
“but he took the day off, he’s a bit unwell today”
on the other hand, jake was busy with the head of the village, going around with him and helping him with whatever.
“are you sure about that?” jake asked the head of the village.
“i’m more than sure! you can do it jake!” he pat his shoulder and jake grinned.
“you’ll see the results tomorrow,” he smiled, “don’t tell anyone until you do!”
jake ran back home and got ready to cook some dinner for you.
“jake! i’m home!” you called and he showed up, hugging you tightly and planting a kiss on your cheek.
“i missed you” he pout.
you’re still not used to feeling that much of affection, especially from him.
what’s wrong with your heart? why can’t it stop beating so fast around him?
you giggled and kissed his cheek back, “i’ve been away for only a few hours”
“that still doesn’t change the fact that i missed you, plus a few hours is like an eternity for me”
he guided you to the table that was full with food you guessed he made.
“you made all of that for me?” you asked and he nodded, “thank you!” you hugged him and he returned the hug.
“i have another surprise for you,” he pulled away from the hug and you looked at him confused.
he went down on one knee and took out a box while holding your hand with his free hand.
“y/n,” he called out, “it’s been a while since we’ve first met, and at first i thought you were some snobbish who threw everything away just like that. but soon you became my inspiration to run away from my boring and annoying life, and i think it was the best decision i’ve ever made.” he giggled,
“when i saw you i was shocked, mostly by your impossible-to-beat beauty, but also by your kindness. you took care of me as soon as you saw me, and taught me everything i need to know here, you made me forget about the fact that we’re in fact, royals”
“i felt alive around you, with each day that comes by i fall more and more deep in love with you and i can’t help but want to spend the rest of my life with you” he looked generous, as he really meant every word that just came out of his mouth.
“so l/n y/n” he cleared his throat and opened the box to show a beautiful yet small and shining ring, “will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?”
“yes! a million times yes!” you helped him get up and hugged him tightly as the tears finally fell down from your eyes.
he pulled away a bit to look at you and wiped your tears, “i love you” he suddenly said and his lips crushed into yours.
you kissed his soft lips and put your hands around his neck to get closer to him.
as you pulled away due lack of air, you played with his hair and stared at his beautiful eyes, “i love you too jake”
“thank you! for making me feel like a part of your family, for accepting me no matter what and for always caring about me,” you cried out, “i’ll always be thankful for each and one of you”
you and jake decided to leave the village and return to your kingdoms. you have to get marry and get your own kingdom of course.
but that also meant that you need to leave the villagers, who became your second home in no time.
“we’re going to miss you too,” one of them said, “don’t come back unless you’re pregnant!”
all of you laughed and you kept hugging each of them.
all the villagers got so excited about you and jake, and even prepared their own presents for your marriage.
“they’ll definitely be invited to our wedding” you told jake and he instantly agreed.
finally, you arrived to your kingdom. you took some deep breaths and jake stood next to you, holding your hand and playing with the ring he put on your finger a few days ago.
“you’ll be fine, they missed you a lot” he reassured you and you smiled, “thank you”
both of you entered the palace and saw the queen and the king sitting in front of the door, as if they have been waiting for you to enter.
“y/n” your mother whispered, her eyes widened and her hands started to shake. “y/n!” your father shout and ran up to you to cage you in his arms.
the queen followed right after her husband and the three of you hugged until you felt like you couldn’t breath anymore.
“y/n our daughter! i missed you so much” your mother cupped your cheeks and looked at your glossy eyes who were filled with tears.
“i missed you too mom,” you dad coughed, “and i missed you too dad”
your mom then noticed jake who was standing next to you.
“jake! how did you—“
“i ask your permission to marry your daughter” jake bowed in front of your parents.
“i love her, more than anything else in this world, and i’m willing to do everything to protect her and keep her safe” he added.
your parents looked at you confused and you showed them your ring on your finger.
“yes, of course!” they cheered, “and you young lady, we have a lot to talk about” your parents pointed at you, “after the marriage of course!”
jake picked you up and spun you around, “we can finally rule our own kingdom and visit our favorite village” he whispered.
you nodded as he leaned his forehead against yours, “thank you, jake” you pecked his lips, “i love you”
he then put his hands around your waist and kissed you deeper and desperately, “i love you too, more than you could ever imagine”
“you still have your parents you need to inform about the marriage, you know that right?” your mother, who was a witness to everything that just happened, said.
you and jake nodded awkwardly and updated your parents that you’ll be back in a few together with jake.
a week later, the wedding was held in hybe’s ballroom.
“i think your mother hates to wait” you told jake as soon as you were informed about your wedding date and he giggled, “it’s not like i could wait any longer to finally marry you”
at the celebration, jungwon and sunghoon came up to you and jake.
“see? i told you i’ll marry before you!” jake ruffled the younger’s hair and giggled. “thank you for bringing jake back” sunghoon smiled at you and you giggled.
“he’s actually the one who brought me back”
“yeah it’s really hard to believe that” jungwon grinned and jake threatened to hit him.
“we’re really happy for the both of you” they said and the both of you thanked them.
“hey jake?” you called him and he turned to his side to share an eye contact with you, “yes, my dear wife?”
him calling you his wife made your whole body flutter.
“i’m more than happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you” you held his hand and he smiled.
“and i’m more than lucky to have you by my side for the rest of my life y/n”
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fourthwingfan · 11 months ago
Madness - Chapter 12
Hi, My Lovely Readers! I really appreciate your messages. You guys are awesome!
And as I promised the new chapter is here. Enjoy :)
Presentation Day is unlike any other. The air is ripe with possibilities, and possibly the stench of sulfur from a dragon who has been offended. Never look a red in the eye. Never back down from a green. If you show trepidation to a brown…well, just don’t.
—Colonel Kaori’s Field Guide to Dragonkind
There are 169 of us by the time the morning is done and, and with our time we’ve placed first out of the thirty-six squads for Presentation—the piss-inducing parade of cadets before this year’s dragons willing to bond.
Anxiety seizes me at the thought of walking so close to dragons determined to weed out the weak before Threshing, and I suddenly wish we’d placed last.
The fastest up the Gauntlet was Liam, of course, earning him the Gauntlet patch. Pretty sure he doesn’t know how to take second place. But I’m really proud of him. He deserves it.
The box canyon that makes up the training field is spectacular in the afternoon sun, with miles of autumn-colored meadows and peaks rising on three sides of us as we wait at the narrowest part, the entrance to the valley. At the end, I can make out the line of the waterfall that might be just a trickle of a creek now but will rush at runoff season.
The leaves of the trees are all turning gold, as though someone has brought in a paintbrush with only one color and streaked it across the landscape.
And then there are the dragons.
Averaging twenty-five feet tall, they’re in a formation of their own, lined up several feet back from the path—close enough to pass judgment on us as we walk by.
“Let’s go, Second Squad, you’re up next,” Garrick says, beckoning us with a wave that makes the rebellion relic on his bared forearm gleam.
Theo and the other squad leaders stayed behind. It’s only the five of us.
“Into formation,” Garrick orders, his tone all business, which doesn’t surprise me given that his leadership style is more mission first, niceties last. Go figure he seems to be so close to Xaden. Unlike Xaden, though, the right side of his uniform has a neat line of patches proclaiming him Flame’s section leader as well as more than five patches advertising his skill with a multitude of weapons.
Interesting. We’re in the Tail section. Why is he here?
We comply, and Liam and I end up near the back this time.
Garrick’s hazel eyes skim over us. “Hopefully Theo has done his job, so you know that it’s a straight walk down the meadow. I’d recommend staying at least seven feet apart—”
“In case one of us gets torched,” Ethan mutters from ahead.
„Correct, Ethan. Cluster if you want, just know if a dragon finds disfavor with one of you, it’s likely to burn the whole lot to weed one out,” Garrick warns, holding our gazes for a beat. “Also, remember you’re not here to approach them, and if you do, you won’t be making it back to the dormitory tonight.”
“Can I ask a question?” Vila says from the front row.
Garrick nods, but the ticking of his jaw says he’s annoyed. I can’t blame him. Vila annoys the shit out of me, too. It’s her constant need to tear everyone down that makes most of us keep our distance.
“After Gauntlet I met a couple of the second- and third-years, and I talked to some of them…”
“That’s not a question.” He lifts his brows.
Yep, he’s annoyed.
“Right. It’s just that they said there’s a feathertail?” Her voice pitches upward.
“A f-feathertail?” Rio sputters from directly in front of me. “Who the hell would ever want to bond a feathertail?”
I roll my eyes, and Liam shakes his head.
“Professor Kaori never told us there would be a feathertail,” Ethan says. “I know because I memorized every single dragon he showed us. All hundred of them.”
“Well, guess there’s a hundred and one now,” Garrick replies, looking at us as if we’re children he’d like to be rid of before glancing back over his shoulder at the entrance to the valley. “Relax. Feathertails don’t bond. I can’t even remember the last time one has been seen outside the Vale. It’s probably just curious. You’re up. Stay on the path. You walk up, you wait for the entire squad, you walk back down. It really doesn’t get any easier than this from here on out, kids, so if you can’t follow those simple instructions, then you deserve whatever happens in there.” He turns and heads over to a path before the canyon wall where the dragons are perched.”
We follow, breaking away from the crowd of first-years.
“They’re all yours,” Garrick says to the quadrant’s senior wingleader, a woman I’ve seen a few times in Battle Brief murmuring to Xaden. Her uniform still has her signature spikes on the shoulders, but this time they’re gold and look sharp as hell—like she wanted to throw in a little extra badass today.
She nods and dismisses him. “Single file.”
We all shuffle into a line.
Liam is at my back and Rio just ahead of me, which means I’ll be treated to his commentary the whole time, no doubt. Awesome.
“Talk,” the senior wingleader says, folding her arms across her chest.
“Nice day for a Presentation,” I joke.
“Not to me.” The senior wingleader narrows her gaze on me, then motions to the line of cadets before her. “Talk to your nearby squadmates while you’re on the path, as it will help the dragons get a sense of who you are and how well you play with others. There’s a correlation between bonded cadets and level of chatter.”
And now I want to switch places.
“Feel free to look at the dragons, especially if they’re showing off their tails, but I would abstain from eye contact if you value your life.” She pauses long enough for that bit of advice to sink in, then adds, “See you after your stroll.”
With a sweep of her hand, the senior wingleader steps to the side, revealing the dirt path that leads through the center of the valley, and up ahead, sitting so perfectly still that they might be gargoyles, are the hundred and one dragons who have decided to bond this year.
The line starts, and we give one another the suggested seven feet before following.
I’m hyperaware of every step as I walk down the path. The trail is hard beneath my boots, and there’s a definite lingering odor of sulfur.
We pass a trio of red dragons first. Their talons are almost half my size.
“I can’t even see their tails!” Rio shouts from in front of me. “How are we supposed to know what breed they are?”
I keep my eyes locked at the level of their massive, muscled shoulders as we walk by. “We’re not supposed to know what breed they are,” I respond.
„Fuck that,” he says over his shoulder. “I need to figure out which one I’m going to approach during Threshing.”
“Pretty sure this little walk is so they can decide,” I retort.
“Hopefully one of them will decide you don’t get to make it to Threshing,” Liam says, his voice quiet so it barely reaches me.
I laugh as we approach a set of browns, both slightly smaller than General Sorrengail’s Aimsir, but not by much.
“They’re a little bigger than I thought they would be,” Ethan says, his voice rising. He’s in front of Rio. “Not that I didn’t see the ones at Parapet, but…”
I look over Rio’s shoulder to see his wide gaze flickering between the path and the dragons. He’s nervous.
“So Ethan, how long do you know each other with Liam?” I ask him, continuing to walk forward past a handful of oranges.
“What?” He asks.
“We’ve been squadmates for a few months now, but I don’t know much about you.” I try to distract him.
“Well our family were close before…you know.” He says slowly, tugging down his sleeves. Yeah, I know. “We practically grew up together. And we were always in trouble. Mostly because of him.”
“Come on, really?” I laugh and glance back at Liam. He smirks and shrugs.
“Yes. He and his sister were real troublemakers.” Ethan laughs with us.
“But you never said anything. You always took the blame with us.” Liam says behind me.
“That’s true.” Ethan nods. “Because we’re friends.”
“I didn’t even know about your sister.” I say over my shoulder, lowering my gaze immediately when I accidentally make eye contact with one of the oranges.
“She’s just like you. I think you would get along well.” Liam says. “Sloane is fierce and her personality is matches yours.”
“What do you mean by that?” I glare at him.
“You’ll see. She joins us next year.” His voice is thick with concern.
“Don’t worry, Liam. We will be there for her. I promise.” I smile at him.
I will do anything to make him survive the year. That’s the least I can do for him.
“And what about you?” Liam asks. “Are you going to write someone once we get priviliges?”
“Yeah. Probably for Mira.” I say. “She used to write letters for Violet and me. And I think it’s a bullshit rule that we are not allowed to write letters in the first year.”
“You don’t think it encourages loyalty to the wing?” He asks.
“I think I’m just as loyal to her whether I’ve had a letter from her or not,” I counter. “There are bonds that can’t be broken.”
“I’d be loyal to her, too,” Rio says, turning around and grinning as he walks backward. “She’s one hell of a rider, and that ass. I saw her right before Parapet and damn, Aelin. She’s hot.”
We pass by another set of reds, then a single brown and a pair of greens.
“Turn around.” I make the spinning motion with my finger. “Mira would eat you for breakfast, Rio.”
“I’m just wondering how one of them got all the good traits and the other looks like she got the leftovers.” He refers to Violet.
“You’re an asshole.” I flip him the middle finger.
“Just saying, maybe I’ll write a letter of my own once we get privileges.” He turns and continues walking.
We pass more dragons, and my breathing starts to settle. The smell of sulfur disappears, or maybe I’ve just grown accustomed to it. They’re close enough to torch us, but I can’t hear them breathing or feel it, either.
We pass the halfway mark and continue.
Is the way the dragons stare at us scary as hell? Absolutely, but they want to be here the same as we do, so at least I hope they’ll be judicious with their firepower.
“When did you come up with your plan about the rope? Or the dagger?” Liam asks. “I know it bothered you a lot, that Violet couldn’t make it to the top. You could have told me. You can trust me, you know.”
“I trust you with my life, Liam! And we didn’t think of it until yesterday,” I answer, taking the time to look over my shoulder so I can see him. “And if it didn’t work, I didn’t want you to be an accomplice. You have a real future here, and I refuse to bring you down with us.
“I don’t need you to protect me.”
“I know. But it’s just what friends do, Liam.” I shrug as we walk by a trio of browns, the soft crunch of our boots on the dark gravel path the only sound for a few minutes. “You protect me, I protect you. It’s simple.”
“You keeping any other secrets up there?” He asks.
“I think it’s impossible to know everything there is to know about someone. But you know me the best.”
He snorts a laugh. “If that wasn’t skirting the question.”
“At least I was honest.” I laugh too.
“You guys done bonding back there?” Rio sneers. “Because we’re almost to the end of the line, if you haven’t noticed.” He pauses in the middle of the path, his gaze swinging right. “And I still can’t figure out which one I’m going to choose.”
“With arrogance like that, I’m sure any dragon would feel lucky to share your mind for the rest of your life.” I pity whatever dragon—if any—chooses him.
The rest of the squad is gathered ahead of us, facing our direction at the end of the path, but all their attention is focused to the right.
We pass the last brown dragon, and I inhale sharply.
“What the hell?” Rio stares.
“Keep walking,” I order, but my gaze is transfixed.
Standing at the end of the line is a small golden dragon.
Sunlight reflects off its scales and horns as it stands to its full height, flicking a feathered tail around the side of its body. The feathertail.
My jaw drops as I take in the sharp teeth and quick, darting movements of its head as it studies us. At its full height, it’s probably only a few feet taller than I am, like a perfect miniature of the brown next to it.
I walk straight into Rio’s back and startle. We’ve reached the end of the path, where the rest of the squad has been waiting.
“Get off me, Melgren,” Rio hisses and shoves me back. “Who the hell would bond that thing?”
My chest tightens. “They can hear you,” I remind him. “And who the hell would bond you?”
“It’s fucking yellow.” Vila points right at the dragon, disgust curling her lip. “So not only is it obviously too small to carry a rider in battle, but it’s not even powerful enough to be a real color.”
“Maybe it’s a mistake,” Ethan says quietly. “Maybe it’s a baby orange.”
“It’s full grown,” Liam argues. “There’s no way the other dragons allow a baby to bond. No human alive has ever seen a baby.”
“It’s a mistake all right.” Rio looks at the golden one and scoffs. “It’s freakishly weak.”
“It looks powerful enough to burn you to death,” I counter.
“Maybe you should be the one to burn to death, Melgren.” He sneers. “You’re useless. You’re only trying to protect Sorrengail because she’s weak, and because of this you’re weak too. The likes of you should be eliminated.”
Before I can say anything Liam lunges between us, grabbing Rio’s collar. “Don’t ever say that about a squadmate, especially not in front of unbonded dragons.”
“Let him go—he’s just saying what we’re all thinking,” Vila mutters.
I turn slowly to stare at her. Is this what happens to us the second we’re out of hearing range of any superior cadet? We turn on one another.
Ethan puts his hand on Liam’s arm. “Don’t make a mistake in front of them. We don’t know what they’ll do,” he whispers. And now we’re grouped up.
I shuffle backward a little as Liam drops Rio’s collar.
“Someone should kill it before it bonds,” Rio sputters, and for the first time in my life, I actually want to kick someone while they’re down…and keep kicking until they stay down. Or I should simply kill him. It would be easier.
„It’s just going to get its rider killed, and it’s not like we get a choice if it wants to bond us.”
“You’re just picking up on that now, are you?” Liam shakes his head.
“We should go back, they’re staring at us” Vila says, her gaze darting around the group.
We take off one by one, leaving the suggested space between us. Rio is the first, Liam goes before me this time and Ethan follows behind, with Vila bringing up the rear.
„They’re pretty incredible, aren’t they?” Ethan says, and the wonder in his voice makes me smile.
“They are,” I agree. “I’m so excited to see which dragons will choose us.”
“They’re honestly a little underwhelming after seeing that blue at Parapet.” Vila’s voice carries all the way to Liam, who turns around with a glare.
“Like this isn’t stressful enough without you insulting them?” He asks.
I need to defuse this quickly. “Yes, Sgaeyl is amazing but, don’t think these dragons sizes mean they’re weak. And it could be worse. We could be walking past a line of wyvern, right?”
“Oh please, Aelin, spare us. You’re ridiculous.” Vila says sarcastically. “Let me guess. Wyvern are some elite squad of gryphon riders created because of something we did at a battle.
“You don’t know what a wyvern is?” Liam asks, then begins walking again. “Didn’t your parents tell you bedtime stories, Vila?”
“Do enlighten me,” Vila drawls.
I roll my eyes, continuing along the path. “They’re folklore,” I say over my shoulder. “Kind of like dragons but bigger, with two feet instead of four, a mane of razor-sharp feathers streaking down their necks, and a taste for humans. Unlike dragons, who think we’re a little gamey.”
I notice each dragon as we pass, but my heartbeat steadies. “Violet’s father used to read to us those fables every night,” I tell her. “And Violet seriously asked him one time if her mother was going to turn into a venin because she could channel.” I laugh at the memory.
Liam chuckles as we walk by a set of glaring reds. “Did he tell you people supposedly only turn into venin if they channel directly from the source?”
“He did, but it was after her mother had a really long night, and her eyes were bloodshot red, so she freaked out and started shrieking.” I laugh harder. “She took her book of fables away for a month because the guards all came running, and Violet was hiding behind her brother, who couldn’t stop laughing, and, well…it was a mess.” I keep my eyes front and center as a large orange sniffs the air when I pass.
Liam’s shoulders shake with laughter. “I wish I could have seen it.”
“That sounds like some border-village nonsense.” Vila scoffs. “Venin? Wyvern? Anyone with a modicum of education knows that our wards stop all magic that isn’t channeled directly from dragons.”
“They’re stories, Vila,” I say over my shoulder, and I can’t help but notice how much ground we’ve covered.
One of the dragons blows air on us. There’s a smell of sulfur. Maybe we should hurry before the dragon decides to scorch us.
„Oh my gods, the smell,” Vila complains.
“What did you expect? They’re dragons.” I roll my eyes, turning around to level a glare at her, but Liam’s face makes me pause.
His eyes are as wide as saucers, and his mouth hangs open. “Aelin.”
It’s a whisper, and I wonder briefly if I heard him as much as I saw the word forming on his lips.
A warm huff of steam blows against the back of my neck. My heart thunders, the beat increasing erratically as I take what might be my last breath and turn toward the line of dragons.
The golden eyes of not one but two greens meet mine, consuming my field of vision.
Oh. Fuck.
To approach a green dragon, lower your eyes in supplication and wait for their approval. That’s what I read, right?
I drop my gaze as one chuffs another breath at me. It’s hot and appallingly wet, but I’m not dead yet, so that’s a plus.
The one on the right chortles deep in its throat. Wait, is that the sound of approval I’m looking for? Shit, I wish I’d asked Mira.
I lift my head and suck in a sharp breath. They’re even closer. The one on the left nudges my hands with its giant nose, but I somehow stand my ground, rocking back on my heels to keep from falling over.
Greens are the most reasonable.
The one on the right sets its nose right at my breasts and chuffs again.
What. The. Hell.
It inhales, making that noise in its throat, and the other shoves its nose into my ribs, making me raise my arms just in case they feel like taking a little nibble.
“Aelin!” Liam whisper-shouts.
“I’m all right!” I call back, then wince, hoping I didn’t just seal my fate by screaming in their ears.
Another chuff. Another chortle, like they’re talking to each other as they sniff me.
The one under my arm moves its nostrils to my back and sniffs again.
Realization hits and I choke out a tight, surreal laugh. “You smell Teine, don’t you?” I ask quietly.
They both draw back, just far enough for me to look them in their golden eyes, but they keep their jaws shut, giving me the courage to keep talking.
“I got if from Mira.” Slowly lowering my arms, I run my hands over my snot-covered vest and the armor carefully sewn into it. “She collected Teine’s scales after he shed them last year and had them shrunk down so she could sew them into the vest to help keep me safe. You will meet her sister too. Violet is here and she has the same vest as me.”
The one on the right blinks.
The one on the left sticks its nose in again, sniffing loudly.
“The scales have saved me a few times,” I whisper. “But no one else knows they’re in there. Just Violet, Mira and Teine.”
They both blink at me, and I lower my gaze, bowing my head because it feels like the thing to do. Professor Kaori taught us every way to approach a dragon and exactly zero ways to disengage one.
Step by step, they retreat until I see them take up their places in line in my peripherals, and I finally raise my head.
“Thank you for not eating me.” I smile at them.
“Aelin!” Liam groans.
Taking several deep breaths, I try to lock my muscles to keep me from shaking.
 „Aelin.” Liam is only a few feet away, a look of terror in her eyes. He must have been right behind their heads.
“I’m fine.” I smile and nod. “I have dragon-scale armor under the vest,” I whisper. “They smell Mira’s dragon. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t,” he whispers. “You’re all right?”
“Other than having a few years of my life shaved off.” I laugh.
“Let’s get out of here.” He nods, his gaze darting toward the line of dragons.
“Good idea.”
He turns and walks back to his place, and once there’s fifteen feet between us, I follow.
“I think I just shat myself,” Ethan says, and my laughter only pitches higher as we move through the field.
“Honestly, I thought they were going to eat you,” Vila remarks.
“Me too,” I admit.
“I wouldn’t have blamed them,” she continues.
“You’re insufferable,” Ethan calls back.
I focus on the path and keep walking.
“What? She’s obviously not fit to be a rider. We need to be strong and mercless. We need to choose a dragon-“
A blast of heat singes my back and I halt.
Don’t be Ethan. Don’t be—
“Guess the dragons think she’s insufferable, too,” Ethan mutters. Our squad is down to four first-years.
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seenoversundown · 8 months ago
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Josh Kiszka x Quinn (Enby OC)
Warnings: Fluff, Thoughts/Discussion of having children, Jake’s ratty boots, sandcastles, improper (or proper, depending 🤭) use of “daddy”
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: The crew has a beach day and Quinn has to grapple with how hot Josh is when he takes care of others.
Author's Note: This one is a little bit short, but I don’t want to give too much away before you all actually meet Josh and Quinn 🤭 Please enjoy!
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Where to begin?
I taste the summer on your peppery skin
“Summersong” The Decemberists.
When Danny and Melody floated the idea of a family beach day at Rangeley Lake a few weeks ago, I had been convinced it would never come to fruition. Jake runs a tight ship at the bar, so I was sure he’d take issue with all four boys being away for the day. But Jake either decided to live a little, or he knew we’d never let him live it down if we missed out on a beach day because of him. Regardless of his reason, he left the bar in the hands of one of his steady bartenders for the day.
And so, I find myself surrounded by bags and spinning in a circle in the bedroom, trying to remember what I'm doing.
Double-checking the supplies, that's right.
“Bug!! Are you ready? We need to head out in about 15 minutes!” Josh yells from across our apartment.
I shift items around the bags I’ve been packing all morning, taking stock to ensure we have everything.
Sunblock, extra clothes, extra shoes, kindle, towels, a blanket…
“Yeah, Starlight! I think we’re good to go!” I shout back.
I jump, feeling his arms wrap around my middle as he rests his head in the crook of my shoulder.
“No need to yell; I'm right here,” he whispers against the shell of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. He presses a kiss directly below my ear before slowly pulling away and spinning me around to face him.
“You scared me,” I giggle, staring into his eyes.
“I’m sorry, dear. I was just coming to see if you needed help getting our bags to the car.”
He moves toward the bed and slips them over his arms, rushing out of the room before I can even respond.
He loves caring for me; he’ll be such a good dad one day.
The thought slips into my head before I can even hope to stop it. It’s a conversation we’ve kicked around a few times, usually after a few glasses of wine, but not anything we’ve discussed seriously.
I shake my head to stop further thoughts from creeping in.
We’ll table that for now.
I hear the front door click closed, signaling that Josh is headed down to load the car, and I walk out to the living room to put on my sandals. I sit on the couch, pulling out my phone to check The Girl's group chat.
Wilson: Sam and I are about to get in the car
Charmander: I’m fighting with Jacob about appropriate shoes for the lake.
Charmander: Again.
Melli Vanelli: Loafers?
Charmander: …His boots this time 😫
Wilson: If he shows up in those boots, he’ll never hear the end of it.
Charmander: I have told him that. He insists he doesn't care.
Melli Vanelli: Last time he insisted he didn’t care about being made fun of…
Wilson: No offense, Char
Charmander: None taken.
I laughed, remembering the group effort of gentle bullying that led Jake to find the love of his life semi-reluctantly.
Me: I vote we let him wear the boots.
Me: Maybe we can bully him into finally throwing them away.
Charmander: You may have a point, Quinn.
Wilson: Only time will tell
The door clicks, and Josh sweeps back in.
“Ready, darling?”
I let out one final chuckle and stood up from the couch. I slipped my phone into the front pocket of my overall shorts before walking over to Josh.
“I am, my love,” I say, leaning forward and kissing the tip of his nose.
The way his cheeks heat up at the small gesture makes my stomach swoop.
He laces his fingers through mine and gestures toward the door.
“Your chariot awaits!”
I follow him out the door and down to the car, hopping into the passenger's seat.
We pull up to the main parking lot about 2 hours later, and my limbs scream at me.
“Thank God,” I practically shout in Josh’s face as he opens my door.
I hop out of the car and shake my legs out.
“I’m too old to remain in one position for so long.”
“Oh, is that so?” Josh gives me a wink.
“Don’t what?”
“You know exactly what,” I roll my eyes but can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of me.
“Mmm, I don't think I do,” he grabs the straps of my overalls and pulls me in for a kiss.
I look around the parking lot, noting that we are somehow the first couple here.
Interesting considering Sam and Willa were the first to leave. I’ll file that away for later. Oh well, better make the most of it.
“Alright, let’s go claim a spot before the other tourists descend.”
We grab our cooler and bags and wander to the beach, claiming a spot closer to the treeline at the lake's edge.
I watch as Josh lays out our towels and sets up an umbrella.
“My baby won’t get a sunburn today,” he says, pulling a tube of sunscreen out of one of our bags, “now lay down and take your clothes off.”
I roll my eyes at his phrasing but unbuckle the straps of my overalls and slide them down, leaving me in my olive-green sports bra and swim shorts.
I set my clothes aside, lay on the towel in front of me, and close my eyes, feeling the sun soak into my skin.
Josh crawls overtop of me, straddling my hips and places a featherlight kiss between my shoulder blades.
“You’d think after all this time I'd be used to it, but your beauty is staggering.”
What did I do to deserve him?
He opens the sunscreen and squeezes a bit into his hands, rubbing them together to warm it up before massaging it into my shoulders.
A small moan escapes my lips as he hits a particularly tense spot.
“Jesus Christ”
I jump, hearing Sam’s voice to my left.
“They’re at it again, Bird!”
“Leave them alone, Sam,” Willa snarks, “they're in love.”
“Can’t they be in love like that in private?”
I feel Josh shift on top of me, and I lift my head, opening my eyes just in time to catch a glimpse of Sam being smacked in the chest by the bottle of sunscreen.
I huff a small laugh through my nose and pat Josh’s leg, signaling him to let me up.
“Sorry, Sam. We take sun safety very seriously,” I start, “but that’s beside the point. Would you care to tell us why you allegedly were the first to leave, but we somehow got here before you?”
I fix him with a wicked grin, and he quickly shuts up.
“That’s what I thought.”
“That’s enough of that,” Willa chimes in, grabbing my hand and pulling me away, “I'm stealing Quincy. You boys can finish setting up while we wait for the others to arrive.”
A few hours later, after the rest of the group arrived, I find myself on the beach, surrounded by the three best women in my life.
Willa leans up from her towel to look at me.
“So, Quindolynn,” a cheeky grin overtakes her face, and I sigh, already knowing where this is going.
“Wanna share with the class how Josh has managed to bring out the side of you that doesn't care about PDA?”
“Yeah, if you wanna tell us how Sam has managed to break your obsession with punctuality.”
A chorus of “Oohs” sounds off from Charlotte and Melody, and I whip my head in their direction.
“Careful, there—” Willa and I say simultaneously, and we both dissolve into a fit of giggles as she motions for me to take the lead.
“I’m sure we could ask y'all something similar.”
“We absolutely could, Q,” Willa laughs, “for example, Charlotte… isn't it interesting how you took a day off work.”
“I take off work all the time,” Charlotte scoffs.
“Sure you do, Charmander,” I cut in, “but you left your phone in the car this time. No work emails.”
I can feel her eyes roll from behind her sunglasses, but she doesn't say a peep.
“And Melli,” I continue, “I’ve noticed you've not been fretting over anyone today.”
“OR trying to fight,” Willa adds.
Melody snorts a laugh.
“Well,” Melody starts, “I think we all have the same answer. Good dick!”
“Cheers to that,” Charlotte quietly responds.
“Is that how you convinced Jake to wear normal shoes, Hottie Lottie?” Willa asks through a laugh.
“Maybe, maybe not…” she responds, steepling her fingers under her chin.
The conversation lulls into a contented silence, and I turn my attention to Josh. He’s down near the water with Melody and Danny’s daughter, Iris.
I watch as she grabs his hand to get his attention.
She always has his attention when she's around. He loves that little girl. And I love how much he loves her.
Once she’s sure she has his attention, she signs something to him.
I can't quite make it out from up here, but I see Josh flash her a toothy grin before he scoops her up and runs into the lake with her.
My stomach swoops, watching as he picks her up and gently throws her into the water.
Iris’s wild giggles carry through the air as she swims the few feet back over and clings to Josh, asking him to do it again.
“QUINN!” Melody practically yells, grabbing my attention from Josh and Iris.
“You were in your own little world over there,” she laughs, “been trying to get your attention for a minute.”
An embarrassed blush creeps up my neck and over my cheeks.
“Sorry, I was distracted.”
“No need to apologize. You just got your heart eyes on.”
“I suppose I do,” I laugh. “It's hard not to when I’m staring at the love of my life.”
“Mhmmmmmm, especially when they're playing with babies,” she winks at me.
She's honestly too good at reading me. I should work on that.
“HA, I hadn't even noticed.”
Melody cocks a skeptical brow at me.
“If we’re telling lies today, I still believe in the Easter Bunny. Look, babe, it's easy to get lost in your man when he’s acting like a daddy. Nothing wrong with it at all.”
I roll my eyes and scrub one hand down my face.
It’s useless to deny it.
“It’s unnecessarily hot, seeing him play with babies.”
“Amen,” Charlotte pipes up, lowering the book she’s been reading, “I've had to distract myself every time Jake picks her up.”
Willa hums in agreement.
I abruptly stand up from my towel and wipe my hands on my shorts.
“I’m gonna go hang out with them.”
“Just make sure you hand Iris off to Daniel before you start your weird PDA,” Melody laughs, “she's innocent!”
I turn and flip her off before walking down the beach.
Josh is standing about waist-deep in the water, holding Iris and pretending to drop her as she squirms in his arms.
Iris sees me approaching before Josh does, her face breaking out in a massive grin. She unclasps her little arms from behind Josh’s neck and flings them around wildly in a double wave.
I have to stifle a laugh as Josh fights to keep hold of the slippery child.
‘Play?’ Iris signs to me.
‘Of course!’
A wild giggle peels from her mouth before Josh finally turns around.
He visibly relaxes when our eyes meet.
I begin to walk into the lake, making grabby hands at Iris.
Josh meets me halfway and hands her over.
“I missed you, Bug,” he tucks an errant curl behind my ear before moving his hand down to pat Iris’ back.
“We’ve hardly been apart.”
“Doesn't matter, I still missed you.”
And that's fair; I miss him whether we’re apart for minutes or days.
“I missed you too, my love,” I admit, softly kissing his cheek.
He drops a hand on my lower back and gently ushers me in the direction of the towels that he had set aside for himself and Iris.
I gently drop Iris to the sand and watch her toddle to Josh.
‘Dry me?’
‘Of course, princess.’
He bends over and opens a towel for Iris, wrapping her in it and kissing her forehead.
Those pesky thoughts from this morning return, and I imagine Josh doing the same to our kid one day.
Ow. My heart.
Still wrapped in her little towel, Iris picks up a small plastic bucket and waves it at me.
‘Sandcastles?’ I ask, putting two and two together.
Iris furiously nods and runs over to a free spot of sand.
I grab Josh’s hand, following behind her.
It’s not long before Iris has us in a little sandcastle assembly line.
She fills the buckets, Josh packs the sand and carefully places it where Iris tells him, and I use my fingers to add designs to the sand buildings.
She decided we were building a little compound for our ragtag family.
She points at each building, telling me who it belongs to so I can make personalized designs.
An elaborate bird for Willa and Sam, a skull and crossbones for Jake and Charlotte, Beautiful flowers for Danny and Melody, and stars for Me and Josh.
Iris requested a more elaborate Castle in the middle of the compound to live in.
‘You want to live alone?’
‘No, but sometimes adults need alone time.’
Josh guffawed at her response.
“She’s so little and so wise.”
I nod at him before I go back to adding designs to her castle.
“Food’s ready!” Jake yells from across the way.
I notice Melody and Danny walking in our direction to collect the child.
My eyes shift over to Josh, and I decide to mess with him a little bit.
“Come on, Daddy,” I say lowly, watching him swallow at the word, “let's get Iris to her real parents.”
I hand Iris over to Danny, waiting for him to walk off. I glance over to Josh, taking in the bewildered look on his face.
I love making his brain short-circuit.
“Um—” he starts, “D-daddy? You hardly ever call me that.”
“Well, I've never wanted to make you one as badly as I do now.”
“M-ake me one?”
“Yes, Josh.”
He turns around, eyes darting around the group.
“Right now?” He grabs my hand.
“Why don't we start when we get home?” I laugh.
“But we could practice now; make sure we know what we’re doing!” he begins dragging me toward the parking lot.
“Are we really about to go fuck in your car like teenagers? You can't wait till we leave?” I jokingly chided him.
“Yes and no,” he drags me a little bit quicker, “I have needed you all day. And I refuse to wait any longer.”
He turns around and catches me off guard with a kiss that leaves me wanting more, and I know that I’m going to let him get his way.
I always do…
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varianwinchester · 1 month ago
Guys I just got to the episode where…
Mary passes over?!?! Wtf!
Here’s my thoughts:
1) NOOOOOTT MARY!!!! I loved her!
2) this was rushed and makes no sense,
3) (even if it had something to do with the actress) that’s the point
4) as ironic as a show dealing with ghosts for this to be the first true time in dealing with grief -as loss of a loved one, they made it so where it was not too deep but spoke more than what a lot of other shows do
Mary won my heart from the first episode with her gentle voice. And became a favorite with her “getoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetout” (all of them are technically my favorite but I might have them ranked and she was top 3). If she had to be the one to leave, I wish we got some build up of her telling of her witch trial. Since that was an ongoing block of hers and joke in the show. Though I don’t mind not knowing the intricacies of what happened- the reactions from the rest of the ghosts was hilarious in itself. There are crumbs to why she passed over but ultimately it was really sudden. And I think that is telling for death in real life. In reality, we don’t get hints or date- medical conditions excluded. In reality, for anything if not truth it feels like we are here one day and gone in a second. So our subject of the episode is primarily grief. Everyone dealt with the loss differently and plainly which you never quite see on a TV. Everyone knows the 5 stages of grief, but that is a thing created for people with a terminal illness. Real grief does include those of course but never linear and never them all entirely and I’m sure different stages too. Denial is such a curious one because you can be there and still forget, the way Fanny called for Mary to watch “the loose lips women” actually made me cry. On TV we see people cry and get angry, but I haven’t seen an honest portrayal of irritability as with Julian. Perhaps we see people go to God, but we never see such a desperate search and holding onto hope to see someone again as we do with Pat and Kitty. And I think we neglect how literally funny that death can make us selfish-well to the extreme it can be like Thomas did, but really it is introspection. A hitting realization on how short our time is and how life can turn on a dime. And the most heartbreaking of all (in my opinion as it reminds me of my mother) the need to keep busy, to not stop or lest you break the way the Captain does. I think it is very telling that we’d have such a storyline alongside one with a birthday party- a birthday party with such a large gap in age that was miscommunicated. Because we have children juxtaposed with the end. Although Mike thought we’d be hanging with twins who were familiar with the concept as the elderly are, children know no death, these are lucky enough to live in a world of blissful ignorance to the fact that there can be an end. Children are filled with life, life has just begun after all.
I even relate to Robin, I designate stars in the sky too.
Idrk what else to say, but I loved this episode despite losing Mary.
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therianconfessionsblog · 2 months ago
this is kindof just a really late follow up to my last anon but like ,, i just want to say that there is really only one piece of criterion that makes you a therian and that is identifying as or seeing yourself as an animal in some way. i dont really think that “identifying with” and “identifying as” are in any way mutually exclusive, obviously someone can do both. I’m not saying that they are synonymous, per se, but if someone says they identify with or have a connection to an animal so much that they see themselves as one (even if it’s Not all the time), but they say they don’t identify as one and they still call themselves therian i dont care. Like its a non-issue to me. If every therian was only allowed to identify as an animal in a literal and accurate sense, we’d have to have a serious conversation about like… More than half the community then.
Identity is confusing. Words are confusing. “Identify as” is incredibly broad and multi-faceted. Yes, I agree that people generalizing the community is bad. Spreading misinformation is bad. But we also have to understand that most of the misinformation and generalization is being spread by children, which is Normal and Common in any community. It doesn’t mean they’re all intentionally “watering down” therianthropy, it doesn’t mean that the community is “over” or whatever other doomsday description people use, and it doesn’t mean that they Aren’t therians. You can still be a therian even if you get the definition completely wrong. Being right isn’t part of the criteria.
I’m just kind of sick and tired of everyone hating eachother. I’m sick and tired of people on here like… acting like the kids in this community are being “Evil” on Purpose. If you were their age now don’t pretend like you somehow would magically not fall for any misinformation on therianthropy. I know *I* did at that age, I literally used to be anti-therian even though it was so obvious I was one.
I’m not saying you have to teach them or educate them, but at least show them that it’s okay to not be seen as normal by the rest of society. That’s really what all of this is about in the end, because I think it’s important to understand that the only reason any of this is happening is because young therians were being hated, bullied, and harassed by non-therians in the first place. When you are young, acceptance by others is everything. Denial of who you truly are is commonplace. Less than a decade ago I was that same kid, and I’m sure a lot of you were that same kid too, thinking that abandoning your animal was the right thing to do, thinking that making fun of the ones who saw themselves for who they really are would make you normal.
Acting like young “tiktok” therians are the enemy is not the way to go about this. I absolutely understand being upset because having people try to change the meaning of something you’ve identified as for so long is obviously upsetting. But they are only mean because the world is mean to them. I’m not saying that some of the things they say in retaliation to physical therians, CLCZ, and anyone who tries to correct them is right or justified, but im saying this is an explanation of their behavior. Ignore them and block them if you must, but don’t try to divide the community over the fact that a child was wrong.
-🦮🌓 / moondog
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octahyde · 9 months ago
twst trans headcanons for pride or something hi
It’s pride month so I figure I might as well post my transcanons!! If I did my sexuality headcanons we’d be here all day so I’m just doing the stuff I relate to The Most know what I’m sayin…
Please note that unless otherwise pointed out, I am totally cool with different headcanons!! These are just where I think the specific characters land, and just because most characters aren’t listed here doesn’t mean I think they’re cis per say, just that I don’t have any particular hcs about them gender wise
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Riddle Rosehearts- Trans Man, Gay, He/Him*
This is one of my biggest ones… I think having femininity shoved down his throat and existence made him unable to explore his real gender. Even when he got accepted into NRC, there was a shock because his mother had been prepping him for an elite girls’ school. She went through with him going so she could brag to others behind his back. (“Did you know? My daughter is going to NRC. She’s the only girl who has ever been accepted!”)
Part of why he’s so militant on rules is because it’s the only way he can function mentally- he is desperately afraid of what will happen when his mom realizes he’s trans, so he enforces them strictly to feel like he’s doing something right.
He was so malnourished his breasts never developed and his periods are spotty at best. This doesn’t ease his dysphoria but rather makes him feel more dysphoric; he feels his body is broken and can’t even do what it’s “supposed” to do right.
He doesn’t have a need to get top, but he does get phallo when his hormones are fixed. “Average size, nothing too grotesque, please.” Throughout all of this Trey is by his side, unwavering in support. Trey is the one person who has known him in every stage of his transition and the only one Riddle intimately confides to.
Eventually Riddle does pursue law; after several months-long IOP sessions for years he IS stable enough to be a lawyer righteously and justly. Meanwhile, Trey runs his family bakery in stead of his parents before him. The two adopt two sons, and eventually after years of being in therapy and having Riddle’s gynophobia eased, a baby daughter as well.
Through all this shit of being married with children to another man who is openly gay and having full testosterone and a literal phalloplasty, Riddle only sees himself as “A devoted ally of the LGBTQ community.” Nobody tell him.
*This is a hc I am VERY staunch on, and I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with anything fem!Riddle related, be it genderbends or headcanons. That being said! Everyone has their own relationship with gender and I have nothing wrong with people having these hcs, and I even see where transfem Riddle is coming from. I just personally prefer to have it kept away from me.
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Cater Diamond- Trans Man, Bi, He/Him
I’m not sure if this is a popular hc or not?? I thought it was but I’m just realizing it’s because every Cater is Transmasc Cater in my eyes so I could just be projecting onto cis stuff without realizing it DIS IF NSFJFN
Anyways Caycay is a trans guy and it’s a lot of why he has disdain for how his sisters treat him, even if they don’t realize it. Similar to Riddle having femininity forced on him, but in a different way and significantly less extreme.
In general, Caycay has a streak of hiding most if not all of his real self under his peppy attitude and social media addiction (his lab vignette, Wish Upon A Star), if not outright resentment (his Halloween vignette) for people who are legitimately as shallow he acts when they don’t have a care in the world (Borderline Personality Disorder).
I think that follows through in his dysphoria; he shows himself as a happy, carefree guy who is just happy to be a guy, but underneath that he does have resentment for his cisgender peers for having what he wants- especially without family knowing he’s a guy but treating them as their little tomboy sister with different pronouns anyways.
His chest dysphoria is particularly bad; he has D cups and every time he puts his binder on he wants to die. Not above self harming, either, but I don’t have any hcs firm on that kind of thing for him. Has likely skipped class on days where it’s particularly bad. Trey Clover, #1 Cis Ally, is also the only person he confides into as well, when his guard is down he’s vulnerable enough (which is to say, not often).
He gets top surgery basically the second his fourth year starts, he’s too much of a suicide risk without it. He can take or leave phallo, but is mostly just fine with what T does to his penis and doesn’t see a need to pursue it. He ends up marrying a bad bitch influencer on Magicam and is basically just a trophy husband when she starts getting actual gigs in advertising. They have a very happy r/childfree life also.
He moves to the Queendom of Roses to be closer to Trey as well. After NRC, he gets a lot more vulnerable and transparent about how badly he really is doing. Trey is the one who drives him to and helps his intake for when he needs inpatient (which is a lot), as well as his ride to and from IOP every day.
Trey Clover’s schedule is basically wake up, get started on the baking for the day, have breakfast with his family, pick up and drop off Caycay at IOP, open + morning shift, lunch break (picking Caycay up and getting McDonalds because that’s all this dumb bitch ever wants, then dropping him off at home), afternoon shift +closing, making dinner, and being intimate with Riddle during their allotted Love Making Time if he so chooses. This is his life and, somehow, it’s his dream life and the happiest he can even be. God bless Trey Clover.
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Jamil Viper- Nonbinary (Genderfluid), He/She (alternating)
I don’t have much to elaborate on here, basically since I got into TWST I’ve just naturally alternated on he and she for her depending on how I feel that day LMAO. Her nonbinanry swag…
Nondysphoric and never medically transitions. She probably has more feminine clothing but for the most part doesn’t really feel a need to do anything to herself. She Likes Women In A Gay Way which is the best way I know how to describe it, even knowing other terminology (and also being uncomfortable with them from trauma). Marries a normal person after NRC and is also r/childfree, but is the worst influence on Najima’s children.
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Epel Felmier
do i even need to fucking elaborate on this.
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Vil Schoenheit- Transhet Woman, She/Her**
Content warning for mentions of an eating disorder, specifically anorexia.
Listen trust me I know a Beautiful Trans Woman when I see one.
She’s out when she’s at NRC and on light E, but that’s it at that point because of her career. She has Turbo Dysphoria, which is exacerbated by her relationships with Neige and Epel- the fact that Neige is so effortlessly soft and beautiful despite being a cis man, and Epel being afab and having such a frail and feminine form but wanting to be masc caused deep resentment for both. The trans envy and projection is a major force in how she treats Epel and why she is so hard on him and trying to mold him.
Eventually, her anorexia causes her to black out and collapse during a shoot. She’s rushed to inpatient for a few months so she can recover. There, she comes to terms with the fact that Neige isn’t her enemy and never was- especially when he regularly visits to make sure she’s ok. He’s genuinely worried about her after all the shows they’ve done together.
She also makes the decision to cut Rook from her life, as he was majorly encouraging a lot of unhealthy behavior- including the eating disorder that landed her there in the first place.
Along with this, she’s finally put on a higher dose of E in the hospital, because it’s a very big contributor to why she got as bad as she did. When she’s stable for a few months after being discharged, she gets breast augmentation for D cups and a vaginoplasty as soon as she can.
Also she actively pursues getting closer to Neige out of thanks for him and they get married and have children and the euphoria Vil feels getting pregnant is crazy. The end
**I am VERY aware this is a controversial headcanon, and one many feel goes against Vil’s entire character. I am not denying Vil is canonically a gnc man, nor am I going after people for not viewing her this way. This headcanon is very personal to me as a gnc trans man and other trans people I know. All I ask for is respect and that you block me if this headcanon bothers you instead of trying to argue with me.
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Idia Shroud- Transhet Woman, She/Her
Content warning for actual discussions of self harm (specifically cutting), along with amputation.
My most surprising and shocking transcanon out of all of these
Idia is literally like… what if you took a bunch of white trans women in STEM and put them all in a room together and tasked them with making the most stereotypical boymoder they possibly could. Coding? Check. Loves SHMUPs? Check. Posts about hyperspecific weird obscure interests on the internet? Check. Dresses really nice in MMORPGs despite not putting effort in irl? Check check check. It’s legitimately stunning to me that this isn’t a more popular headcanon. She probably has thigh highs on under her pants at all times.
I unsurprisingly have a LOT of thoughts about this; I’m hardcore yume so I will likely leave that out because it’s personal but tbqh I have enough thoughts to write a book without that.
During the incident that killed Ortho, Idia was out for 3ish days afterward. When she woke up, not only was Ortho gone, but her legs were, too- the phantom took them in the attack, and she had to have them amputated. She ended up as a double below the knee amputee. This incident all gave her EXTREME CTPSD. (Which like, it’s canon it gave her CPTSD and informs every single action she makes and the entire fandom is ableist as hell for infantilizing her autism uwu and ignoring the CPTSD completely, but that’s another post for another time.) It also lead to severe schizophrenia and BPD. She eventually developed prosthetics in the style of Ortho’s legs she wears in her personal life, but at NRC she wears near indistinguishable realistic ones out of fear of sticking out even more. The trauma from everything and lack of proper help eventually lead to cutting herself regularly; specifically at her shoulders.
She realized she was attracted to men around 14-15 through BL. (I will never stop saying DMMD Changed Her Life and she is still in love with Clear to this day. People don’t compare her to Yaoi Jesus for nothing.) It was around her second year when her egg cracked (this time it was Touhou) and she realized she wasn’t a little gayboy.
By her third year she was boymoding; to feel more comfortable she started wearing sports bras and panties underneath her uniform to feel at least a little more like a girl. She was much more openly A Girl online in MMOs and Discord servers based around breaking Mario 64 down to its metaphorical molecular level.
In her fourth year she Finally gets on meds, and the side effect of Risperdal for her Turbo Psychosis gives her gynecomastia. After she’s graduated she goes on E, which, uh. Combined with the Risperdal ends up being very kind to her.
She only ever goes on E, she’s got breast development covered and her genitals don’t particularly bother her. Over time she gets mild shrinkage and gets less erect, which is all she really needs to feel herself. In general, she’s more focused on if she feels like a girl in her body as opposed to if she passes.
I know I said it but she is SUCH a Thigh Highs tgirl. She has ones that accommodate her legs and she basically can’t live without a pair on, they’re SUPER comfy for her. She also dresses like a Hot Topic egirl LMAO… short black skirts, big comfy t shirts and sweaters, some comfy dresses along with really nice ones when she does go out. I have like an entire image board I made of her the other night.
Also I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: regardless of what gender you view Idia as, she wears cat eye glasses. Nobody has good vision looking close to the screen in the dark as she does, and the second she heard “cat” she didn’t bother looking at any other options.
I don’t want to talk about yume stuff because it’s REALLY embarrassing but smfns my sona is a girlmoding (outside of NRC) trans man and as they get closer and start dating over the years they transition together… it’s a very close and intimate thing for both of them. They also have 3 cats (a white one named Clear, a gray one named Ryoji, and my queen and god.) And Ortho and CR-BS01 and 02 live with them also… a happy family.
I think they eventually have kids after Idia’s nerves are calmed about the curse (she gets pregnant because I’m sure as HELL not making a self insert not have phallo let alone have a uterus. This is a universe where a guy can turn people into sand I’m sure fertility treatments for people without vaginas exist), and none of the kids end up inheriting it because her and her parents have successfully handled the phantoms :)
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Epel Felmier For Real This Time- Trans Man, Gay, He/Him***
My masc king… I feel like I don’t really have to discuss his transness; he’s overwhelmingly the most popular transcanon for a reason LMAO But just for the sake of it: his docile feminine frame and being compared to femininity bothers him significantly, and he much more desires to be seen as masculine and tough. It really isn’t that hard to see him as a trans guy (speaking as a trans guy who relates to him myself).
His chest is a modest B-C cup, but that still gives him dysphoria and stresses him out when he wears binders. He has much, MUCH more severe bottom dysphoria, though. (matchies with his housewarden OMG) Unlike Riddle, though, Epel goes All In when he gets his phallo size.
He also visits Queendom of Roses with Deuce more often and regularly after Rabbitfes so Dylla can sneak him some T. MILF of the world. Please god just one cha
(His family supports him. It’s just he’s so out in the middle of nowhere T is hard to get. That’s what his MILF in law is for.)
Him and Deuce settle on his farm with Deuce as a mechanic, both for vehicles in Harveston and also the surrounding area past it. (He may or may not get well known and a lot of clients from blastcycle customs too)
They adopt a boy and it’s literally just their Gay Masc Life on the Family Farm. No girls allowed.
***Unsurprisingly, I also do not like any works featuring fem!Epel; my stances on it are the same as my ones on Riddle.
NOT FEATURED IN THIS POST: Ruggie is simultaneously a gay twink and a butch lesbian at the same time. His gender is an enigma even to me.
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