#my oldest sister is like 20 years older than my youngest brother
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do i think that abby is going to be a charlie stand-in rather than an elizabeth stand in?
not necessarily.
am i going to bring it up now so that i look like a genius if it turns out to be the case?
#listen. the books REALLY like playing around with alternate versions of charlie#it would not be far fetched for the movie to do it too#if she ended up being charlie it would be like. a 30% chance that she's a robot#or some other method of replacing an original charlie who has died#henry just gets into human cloning or some shit#explaining the wide age gap between her and mike as her brother#though it could also just be that sometimes sibling ages are Like That#my oldest sister is like 20 years older than my youngest brother#fnaf#fnaf movie
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Do you know if Jamil or Kalim is older? While Kalim's birthday is in June and Jamil's in September, if their in the dame school year then doesn't that mean Kalim was born in the June after the year Jamil was born? Does canon say anything about it?
Canon doesn’t state one way or another; I think the devs just made everyone in the same year level generally the same age for the sake of simplicity. The differences in age that would naturally occur due to them being born in different months is not really acknowledged.
If we look at everyone’s birthdays with the assumption that everyone in the same year is the same age at the start of the main story, then Jamil (September birthday) is older than Kalim (June birthday). Because the NRC school year begins in September, this would make Ace and Jamil, the September birthday boys, older than their respective peers at the start of the main story. That would mean Kalim must be born the summer after the year Jamil was. I think… (I’ll be honest here, doing math with dates is not my strong suit 💀)
If you’re curious…
First Years (oldest to youngest 16-year olds):
Second Years (oldest to youngest 17-year olds):
Technically Silver if you want to count him as 417 years old
Jamil (confirmed as the oldest second year in a tweet by Yana)
Jade and Floyd
Silver (if you want to consider him as being 17)
Third Years (oldest to youngest 18-year olds):
Lilia (since he’s going on 700ish now)
Malleus (since he’s confirmed to be 178 years old)
Leona (he’s 20)
Rollo (including him here because we do happen to have an official birthday for him, which is Feb 2nd)
Ages of other main story characters (birthdays not confirmed yet):
Crowley is ??? but Very Old since he has been headmaster of NRC for at least a century
Trein is 58
Crewel is 32
Falena is 30 (Leona says his brother is 10 years older)
Vargas is 30
Fellow is 26 (he says he is 20-something in Playful Land; the official profile released with his SSR confirms the specific age)
Sam is 25
Chenya is 18 (third year at RSA; estimate based on the Dwarves calling him “senpai” and not yet being sent away yet for the required internship of fourth year students)
Neige is 17 (second year at RSA)
The Seven Dwarves are estimated to be 17 (since they are said to be second years; however, they might actually be much older than this since dwarves count as a type of fae)
Skully J. Graves is a first year student, so he’s ~16
Cheka is 5
We also know the ages of a few siblings, like Ace’s older brother being 23 (7 years older) or Jack having two younger siblings (an 11 year old brother and a 7 year old sister). However, since they don’t appear in the main story, they are not listed here. For more information on the TWST boys’ family members, check out this post!
#twisted wonderland#twst#Ace Trappola#Kalim Al-Asim#Jamil Viper#Scarabia#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#notes from the writing raven#question#twst resource#twisted wonderland resource#Heartslabyul#Savanaclaw#Octavinelle#Rollo Flamme#Pomefiore#Ignihyde#Diasomnia#Cheka Kingscholar#Chenya#Che’nya#Neige LeBlanche#NRC Staff#Falena Kingscholar#Farena Kingscholar#Fellow Honest#book 7 spoilers#Seven Dwarves#Skully J. Graves
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Could you give us more about trans Time? (If that’s okay!)
Love that hc btw, it makes me really happy ^^
hell yes i can!! I love trans Time, trans that man's gender. oot link is like the vibes of transgenderism compressed into one single silly little guy (gender neutral). however people trans oot link's gender is always correct in my mind (i personally hc him to be ftm but i really do love seeing any version of him that's not cis)
im gonna apologize rn for any typos or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic and my laptop works against me sometimes lmao
anyways not sure what exactly you wanted to know (and feel free to ask more questions!!) but i think this was in reference to my modern au post so!!:
Time was born in the late 70s (since the au takes place in present day and he is a good 25 years older than Twi), so growing up he didn't really see a whole lot of trans people who could've helped him realize he was trans sooner, especially because his childhood was mostly him having an awful time with his physical health and arguing with his father for the chance to go to public school and not be homeschooled like his siblings (he is the youngest of 6) because he didn't get along with all of them and wanted to meet new people
Looking back on it NOW he can recognize he realized he was trans when he was like, 12, but at the time he didn't really know what that was and just cut his hair short and didn't understand why he got so happy when people mistakenly called him a boy
There was a period of time where he was confused and thought he was a lesbian (he is bisexual) and he dated Ruto for like a year in high school but they kinda ended up becoming friends instead (they're STILL friends), and then he dated Sheik, who is a trans man, and the realization hit him like a bus
He graduated high school and then just kinda dipped off the map, he didn't realy have friends (besides Ruto, and MALON considered them friends but he didn't realize she liked him that much) so he didn't really keep in contact with people except for Sheik (he was also doing pretty bad physically at this point in time), but he started socially transitioning around 18 and was able to start medically transitioning around 20. Not all his siblings were super accepting, and he's completely cut contact with one of them, but his sister closest to him in age who was his best friend growing up was his biggest supporter
(this modern au takes place in a modernized Hyrule kingdom loosely based on where I live because obviously where I live is the best idea I have of how modern sociey works since I'm living in it, lmao, but Hyrule kingdom was a little more progressive in the late 90s and while gender affirming care wasn't SUPER easy to access, it WAS accessable. the main issue for Time was transphobia from his oldest brother and the people from his INCREDIBLY tightknit town, because outside of that people didn't know he was trans)
Malon was fully aware he was trans because she met him before HE realized that, so when those two got together he didn't have to worry about telling her or anything. And they WERE going to adopt kids at some point, but then Time's sister died and her husband had passed away too and she'd written in her will that she'd wanted Time to take care of her baby (Twi), because she wanted him to have a wonderful environment growing up and she trusted Time more than their other siblings even though they'd all already settled down and had their own kids and were experienced parents (also to be fair, she didn't expect to die and leave her 13 month old an orphan. it was just an IN the event of her death kinda thing, she very much would've rather been able to raise her kid herself)
Time doesn't really give two fucks about passing, not anymore, he wears what he wants, but most people DO assume he's a cis man because he's decently tall and has a deeper, monotoned voice. Transphobia does still exist in Hyrule Kingdom, though it's not as bad as it was when Time was a kid, and also the city where the boys' apartment in is incredibly LGBTQ+ friendly (not that that means homophobia and transphobia don't exist, it's just a much safer area to be out that other places in the kingdom) so he doesn't ever feel like he has to HIDE being trans. He goes to pride parades sometimes (when he knows he won't get overwhelmed) and he and Malon are definitely that older couple who give out free supportive parent hugs to people who really need it
Legend in this au is also a trans man, and I wouldn't call Wild cis but he's amab and uses he/him pronouns at the moment while he figures things out (he's also perfectly fine with they/them)
#hitting the blorbos with the transgenderification beam to cope with the current state of america#jes's miscellaneous modern au#lu time#jes ask
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As someone with 5 younger siblings, I refuse to believe that the marauders era characters were almost all only children.
So may i present, MY SIBLING HCS FOR THEM!!!
James- Defo an only child, spoilt rotten and couldnt do anything wrong in his parants eyes. Monty and Effie had him relitively old too, like probably early-mid 40s. Defo a planned baby, they were probs trying for a while but it didnt work so they started to think that they waited too late, so james was like a miricle to them.
Sirius/Regulus- Obviously theyre brothers, feel like they were planned but unwanted. Like, walburga was betrothed to orion, who was lot older than her btw, and they had to consumate their marrage right away, so i feel like sirius was consieved on their wedding night. Walburga wouldve been 13-16 at the time, and orion wouldve been 25-32. Feel like they had another pregnancy right before regulus but it miscarried early on, so when regulus was consived they just pretended that it was the same one. Regulus wouldve been consieved very shortly after sirius bc theyd like as many heirs as possible, like the rest of their family. They wouldve been all disapointed when he was born a girl and i think he wouldve been a difficult pregnency too. After that they wouldve tried again, and had multiple miscarriges before they finally stopped trying.
Remus- Hope and Lyall wanted more kids after remus, but instead they decided that after remus was bitten it woud just be too difficut and not fair on the other kid or remus to be in that situation.
if we're going with the theory that remus was put up for adoption or somthing bc his parants either died or couldnt take him, then i reckon hed have a younger half sister, about 7 years younger than him, and two younger half-brothers, roughly 5 and 9 years younger than him. But either way i feel like hope and lyall had remus young, at like 18 or 20. Defo wasnt planned.
Peter- Peter would've had an older brother by about 10yrs i think. He doesnt see him anymore and hes THAT family member that the rest refuse to talk about for some reason. feel like he also has a 3 years older sister who he was close with, but died in the 1st war a while b4 he betrayed everyone. his brother wouldve been unplanned and his parants wouldve had him at about 21-24. Peter and his sister were both planed tho.
Mary- Girl has a LOT of siblings. Feel like shes a middle child, but the only witch in the family. Has about 6-8 siblings maybe, her being directly in the middle of them all, and also being a bit overlooked bc shes not always home and lives at a bording school, unlike the others who get public school. think she wouldve been rlly close w the youngest sibling before she started hogwarts, but then she started missing them growing up, so they ended up getting distanced. The oldest of her siblings wouldve been unplanned, but after that her parants just decided to go for it and keep having more. They all wouldve been in a relitively cramped flat in south london, probably with their parants in one room, the two oldest kids in another room, three middle kids in another room, and two youngest in a seperate one.
Lily- Honestly i can see it very well how it is, cannon compliant with her and petunia. Feel like they were both planned, and had a pretty mainstream and nuclear family.
Marlene- BROTHERS. Shes the youngest and only girl out of all of her siblings. She has one older brother by about 3-4 years, and then she also has about 3 or 4 older step-brothers from 6-10 years older than her. She was planned, and her parants originally wanted to have more kids after her, but they ended up splitting.
Dorcas- Feel like shes an only child tbh. Possibly has a younger sister, but she would be about 12 years younger than her or something. Would probs still be in hogwarts when dorcas died. Both would've been unplanned, but kept anyway.
Barty- Every ounce of bartys being just screams only child. He was planned, (and regretted) and his mum wanted one more kid after him and close in age, but his dad didnt want any more, so his mum just decided to use the "perfect on 1st try" phrase all the time. Think his parants wouldve been about 27-29 when they had him.
Evan/Pandora- ROSIER TWINS, OBVIOUSLY. They were planned babies, but i hc that their mum died in childbirth, so their dad raised them alone for about 3yrs, before he started dating and eventually married another woman, their step-mum. And about a 7-10 year age gap later, they had their little half-brother Felix. Evan liked him, but pandora LOVED him, and a few parts of him reminded her of regulus too. Felix was defo planned as well.
Brief bonuses
Alice- Has a younger brother and sister. Her brothers about 2 years younger than her, her sisters about 5 years younger. Her and her brother were planned, her sister was not.
Frank- Has a brother one year younger than him, both were planned.
Xeno- Has a brother 12 years older than him. His brother was planned, but he was not.
Molly/Gideon/Fabian- Gideon and Fabian were older than molly and both unplanned, and would always tease her. The twins were about 2 years older, and molly was also unplanned.
Minnie- Idk why, but i feel like she had a twin sister that died unexpectedly young. Take that how u will.
(R.I.P Maggie smith)
#gay#70s#marauders#siblings#headcanon#hcs#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#regulus black#peter pettigrew#pandora rosier#evan rosier#lily evans#lgbtq#mary macdonald#marlene mckinnon#dorcas meadowes#barty crouch jr#felix rosier#molly weasley#molly prewett#gideon prewett#fabian prewett#xenophilius lovegood#alice longbottom#frank longbottom#minerva mcgonagall#sibling headcanons#marauders era
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Full Name and Family Headcanons
For the extended 141 family plus the fruity bastard betrayer (derogatory (affectionate)), some more complete than others. If any of this is directly contradicted by canon, I don't care, that's why they're headcanons
John Steven Donald MacTavish
Two loving parents, the youngest with at least 3 older siblings, all sisters. Closely enough related to the Chief of the Name and Arms of MacTavish to a) be considered low upper class and b) know his exact place in the line of hereditary succession. Also the kilt he wears on special occasions is always the modern MacTavish tartan, do your research. Grew up in Bonnyrigg outside Edinburgh and is emotionally attached to Sir Salter Scott
Simon Lorcán Riley
Same family and circumstances as '09 Ghost (extremely poor, abusive dad, oldest of two boys), but give him loving maternal grandparents and three cousins. He's Irish by ethnicity and heritage, which a few family members kept alive and passed down to him, but British by nationality. His great-great-(great-?)grandparents migrated to Manchester during the Great Hunger, but his aunt moved back to Ballylongford where some of the family originally lived. His cousins and maternal grandmother are all alive but think he's dead and he keeps it that way for their safety. His middle name is after his maternal grandfather who died when he was young and was given to him by his grandma. I do also hc he's trans and have a deadname headcanon for him but I don't share those. The specific neighborhood he grew up in inside Manchester was Beswick
Kyle Adam Garrick
Grew up in Brixton in London, relatively poor with two loving but working parents, but also with an enormous tight-knit community and more neighborhood aunties and uncles and cousins than he knew what to do with. Has one baby sister but she's 20 years younger than him so she's a baby baby and he was already enlisted and moved out when she was born
John Matthew Price
Grew up in Anfield in Liverpool, near the football stadium. Avid fan, ropes Ghost into Liverpool vs Man United debates every season. Ghost doesn't even like football. Middle class, working dad and stay at home mom, older sister, younger sister
Gary Parker Sanderson
Working poor, older sister, younger brother
Katherine Emma Laswell
Middle class child of divorce, no step-siblings or step-parents, lesbian wine aunt who's basically Kate Kane (coincidentally Kate's favorite superhero)
Nikolai Antonovich Pokrovsky
Absent parents, one younger sister
Farah Leyla Karim
Canon family - two loving parents killed by AQ, one older brother. Her middle name is the Georgian spelling of the Arabic name Layla (see my post about Urzikstan and Abkhazia for why this spelling)
Alexander Jeremiah Keller
Two older sisters, two triplet sisters (one an hour older, one three hours younger), two younger sisters, single mom, also raised by aunt and grandmother
Alejandro Ernesto Vargas Leon
Grew up working poor, dad died when he was three, mom had to work, older brother 4ys older took jobs for the cartel starting at 12-ish to make ends meet and left Ale as the "man of the house" at 8. Also has one 4ys younger sister (same dad, mom was pregnant) and 12ys younger twin baby brothers (different dad who chose not to be in the picture, oopsie babies). He loves the twins but wants to hang them upside down by their shoelaces more often than not, his sister is just as mischievous but more mature and subtle about it which made her easier to raise
Rodolfo Ildefonso Parra Rosales
Born into a poor family, cartel killed his parents when he was three, adopted by a single mom after that. His new family is unrelated to the Cartel but his bisabuela is just as feared and respected as El Sin Nombre and La Araña before her, if not more in some parts of the city. Learned his best chancla skills from her. Only child but grew up in a massive multigenerational multifamily home with at least 20 older cousins - was the baby until he was 7 and now he's the second youngest
Phillip Windsor Graves
Upper class, born to parents who had an heir to the company because it was expected of them but who didn't actually want or like kids. Essentially raised by a rotating cast of nannies
#/incoherent noises/#call of duty#cod mwii#soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#kyle gaz garrick#captain price#gary roach sanderson#kate laswell#farah karim#alex keller#alejandro vargas#rudy parra#phillip graves#headcanons#call of duty headcanons#cod nikolai
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okay this is probably going to make no sense and like 80% of it is pulled straight out of my ass but i thought it was fun to try and figure out
my ideas for how old each of the known charming cousins are and how they're all related
okay so. there's only one named aunt/uncle, and thats fairest, who's mentioned as the "youngest aunt," and is in a group of princesses that can be gathered to be vaguely similar to darling's age. bcuz shes explicitly singled out as an aunt, i think that means she is def older than the group though, so i'm gna say shes in her mid-20s maybe, so lets say like 24 or 25 maybe?
additionally, there's a theme of siblings' names starting with the same letter. however, that's sort of each cousin group, so i think that each of grandpa auspicious and grandma alluring's kids were named with a different letter, and then they each named their kids w those letters. ADDITIONALLY, in a lot of big families, as someone from a decently big family, there are often a bunch of second-cousins, who are your parents' cousins, and second-cousins-once-removed, who are their kids. so to fill in some weird gaps in ages/etc, in addition to just the number of kids, i think grandma alluring probably has a sibling, and them and their family & grandkids are also involved in the Family Ball. grandma alluring probably ended up w the sort of core oldest palace bcuz she was the older sibling, so its kind of js like the family homestead now or whatever. also, the charmings are pretty patriarchal, so if shes the older one and still ended up w the house, her sibling is def another sister.
okay so, known sibling groups:
daring--dexter--darling, grandma alluring's side, all ~16
courageous--cherished--charity, i think they'd be from gma alluring's side as well bcuz darling and dexter interact w her like theyre decently close; charity is def ~16 as well, and courageous is little so maybe like 4-7ish? cherished is w/ charity in the group of princesses that's around darling's age, so ive kind of randomly decided she's a tiny bit younger, maybe ~13-14 idk, and likes feeling like a part of things.
gallant--glorious--gutsy--gracious--gorgeous--good-enough, bcuz they start w G their parent wld be born after fairest, and since she's the "youngest aunt" im js assuming fairest doesnt have a younger brother, so theyre gma's sibling's side; good-enough is canonically 5yo, and the average age gap between siblings is ~4yrs, so lets say gracious+gorgeous are like 10 and 12 ish, gutsy a couple years older, and gallant and glorious a few more years older.
and then, not explicitly stated as siblings, but beauteous, breathtaking, beloved, and bountiful. bcuz im only basing this around two branches of the family, theyre gna be two pairs of siblings. bountiful isn't in the group w fairest/other B princesses/charity/darling, so i'm going to assume she's younger. bcuz beauteous and breathtaking r the first two mentioned im gna say they're siblings even tho that doesnt rlly make sense, and then beloved & bountiful are sisters. idk who'd be from which side though. and not sure why i feel this way but id say bountiful is ~12ish, beloved ~18ish, and then beauteous and breathtaking maybe like 18 and 20 or smth idk just to even it out and make less of a gap from fairest's age to the others.
okay now those who dont have explicitly stated siblings or vague context clues like the Bs
earnest is described as "throwing around the younger charmings w daring," so id put him maybe two years older? just to try to keep some variety in the ages. just for funsies i think he'd be from gma's sibling's side, idk why. there are two more named charmings that start w E, so to even out the number of cousins on each side, i think those two are siblings, and from gma alluring's side. that's elegant and errant. elegant can be whatever age i think, maybe similar to bountiful or a couple years younger idk. errant is stated as having told good-enough he was too little to get anything on the quest, so i think making him 2-3 years older at 7 or 8 is reasonable (also it fits into the avg sibling age gap of 4yrs purely by chance).
there's one other charming that starts w/ C, and that's caring, so she's going on gma's sibling's side.
and then the last two named charmings' names both start with F, and that's fearless and fragile. i have literally no ideas abt their ages, so like think abt them however you want lol, and im putting them on gma's sibling's side, bcuz fairest is only 25ish, and bcuz shes hanging out w a group of like younger princesses idk if she seems the type to have kids yet.
so, basically, i think it looks something like this:

sorry the photo is sideways, also i could NOT be bothered to put assumed/theorized ages on there, sorry.
#PLEASE give me ur thoughts#like please#eah#ever after high#eah charmings#daring charming#dexter charming#darling charming#this is gna be relevant to my rewrite/au btw. if u care#preble after high#prebles pile
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Because I am insane and sleep deprived, here is my attempt to make sense of the batfamily ages and what I believe they are currently at, with full explanations. Fair warning, although I have done like, legit research and have reasonings, some of these still fit into headcanons.
Bruce - 45
Dick - 28
Babs - 30
Jason - 23
Tim - 21
Steph - 22
Cass - 23
Damian - 14
Duke - 17
Bruce is the oldest, obviously. However, when he first adopts Dick he is still young himself. Hence why along with their father-son relationship, they sorta have a brotherly relationship. (Specfically in classic comics, Bruce would often refer to him as a brother. ) I like how it complicates their relationship and how it shows he wasn't really ready to nessicarily handle a child. I like to hc that he got adopted at 8, which would make Bruce 25 when he adopted him.
It was difficult to settle on this age because the age in which Dick became Robin has been changed so many times. Originally, he was 7. New Teen Titans says he was 8. Other comics say he was 10, 12, and even 15. I feel like most people say 8, and for the sake of my own agenda, I'm saying 8, and you can not stop me.
I think 28 is a good age for Dick. Babs similarly should be around his age as they grew up together (at least in newer canon since she used to be quite a bit older.), but she's always been portrayed as older even when around her age, and to kinda account for the weirdness surrounding her age I put her as 30. She becomes Batgirl at 18, and likely becomes Oracle when she's in her 20s, probably around 23.
Batman tells Cass multiple times in Batgirl 2000 that she and Jason were the same age, so that makes it easier to rule the two together. Addiontally, Cass, Steph, and Tim are all around the same age range, Cass being the oldest, so that makes things easier too. Cass starts operating as Batgirl at 18 which would make Tim around 16 when she takes the cowl. This works since Tim became Robin at around 13 and he had been Robin for a good amount of time before Cass became Batgirl. I think it's a litttle longer than I'd like. But whatever. I was considering ignoring canon and saying he becomes Robin at 14, because I think 2 years as Robin before Cass rather than 3 is more fitting but whatever. It does fit since Tim was introduced way earlier than Cass, however real time doesn't really affect these ages. Anyways, big sister Cass supremacy I think people forget she's one of the oldest. I think she might have been de-aged to be around Tim's age but FUCK that she was originally Jason's age and this is my headcanon and I like to thing N52 didn't fuck everything up in my happy Tumblr space.
We know Steph is 1 year older than Tim because she's a freshman in college during Batgirl 2009, and he's a high-school dropout in Red Robin 2009 as he searches for Bruce. Stephanie becomes Spoiler at 15, and Robin at 16. She comes back when she's around 17-18. This lands our 2000s trio with ages at 23(Cass), 22(Steph), and 21(Tim).
Jason is a mess. At least I thought he would be, but it actually turned out kinda perfect. We know Jason and Cass are the same age, so he's at 23 with her. He becomes Robin at 12, and dies at 15. He comes back as Red Hood at 18 and was dead for around 3 years. Jason Todd is 18 when he comes back to life because right before War Games, Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave, on his 18th birthday!!! and of course the event that acts as a sort of aftermath to War Games is Under the Red Hood so Jason is 18 when he first becomes Red Hood. Cass is still a fairly new character when UTRH happens, so i think her being 18-19 when he comes back fits well. Tim being around 16 kinda fits nice too as hes around the same age as Jason when he died. I think Steph being so close in age also helps since so many parallels are drawn between the two.

Detective Comics #790
Duke is still a teenager, and he is regarded to be one of the youngest bats, but still quite a bit older than Damian. In We are Robin, Duke is 16, as shown in the who are the robins bonus art. He is still a newer character and hasn't been Signal for long. I assume that by the time Batman and the Signal rolls around, he's 17 and is still currently 17.

We are Robin #4
I'm pretty sure Damian was 14 in Robin (2021) but I could be wrong it's been a while since I've read it and I never finished it so idk if he ever aged since then. He became Robin at 10, so in those 4 years, he's obviously grown and matured a lot, but I mean, who doesn't those are formative years. I was gonna bump him up to 15. However, this doesn't work. He is supposed to be 10 while Tim is 17. (Babs says he's ten during Batgirl 2009, and we established Tim is 17 during this.) To keep it consistent with the others, I'm keeping Damian at 14.

Batgirl 2009 #17
Feel free to correct anything I said here if it's incorrect. I am not perfect nor all-knowing. Also I'm horrible with math and numbers so I probably fucked something up here so feel free to make fun of me for that. Or you can make fun of the issues I have below.
Issues :
Dick can't be Robin at 8 if I stick with these ages because that would mean at the time Tim is 1 which means he wouldn't even be able to remember the show which means he would never be Robin.
I would've liked Bruce to be a little younger when first taking Dick in, but also I think Bruce is at his best when he's a middle aged man and I didn't want him to be below 45 because I wanted him to be on his late 40's.
It's hard to characterized Duke after We Are Robin because he's supposed to he a teenager, however he was 16 in We Are Robin and it feels like he should have been Signal for a bit longer than that. This isn't as big of a deal, because I still think it's believable for him to have only been signal for about a year, and it's mainly just DC inconsistency, but it still bugs me.
Damian's entire age is sorta messy and there's definitely issues with it lol.
I think Cass' age is around the same as Tim's post 52 to fit with him since their the same generation. But i chose to ignore that, and you can't stop me I choose what canon I want.
Anyways, if you've read all of this, I fear you might be a little crazy. However, thank you!!!!!! Feel free to like leave your own opinion/headcanons. I LOVE hearing them. Thank you! Bye!

#batman#dc comics#dc#im kinda insane#batfamily#batfam#comics#cassandra cain#robin#delirious tumblr user slippy rants
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i forgot my signoff (i know, i know, i have a form of memory loss its fineee) so i'm becoming 🔔anon, my past life forgotten to all, including myse— thats a bit too edgy, anyways.. family au!! here are their full names because im a weirdo
kaboodle 'underscore' halo (youngest sister, adopted, 16)
pearce 'clown' halo (middle child, 20. also get it?? pearce cuz it sounds similar to pierce?? im so creative)
rasplin 'vytee' halo (oldest brother, 23, vytee pronounced like 'YT')
ivory 'cello' halo (oldest sister, 26)
[notice how they are all 3 years apart in age? yeah idk thought it'd be cool]
brad 'bad boy' halo (father, yes i made badboyhalo the dad cuz they're all demons)
the mother isnt in the picture, their memories of her are like in those edgy animes, just a tall woman with black hair, black vertical horns coming out of her forehead and a strange blur covering her face.
‼️‼️bonus: lifesteal doesnt know clown has a family, or even siblings. they find out when clown accidentally goes 'youre more annoying than both my older siblings' towards someone, and now they live in fear because clown has OLDER siblings that are probably some menacing warriors (technically kinda right-ish)
-🔔 anon
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SUMMARY: In which Y/N finds out that not all families are bad.
A/N: I've wanted to write something more consistent given that I want my writing to improve and this can't be done if I write tiny bodies of work.(hope I'll get more than 20 likes on this one)
A/N: Since I couldn't find anywhere how Jonathan's sister are named they'll be in this fic as such:
O/S= oldest sister
M/S= middle sister
Y/S= youngest sister
❗Every interaction is (sadly) purely fictional.
❗ English is NOT my first language so be kind.
"Y/N it's final! You'll come, that's it!", his mother's voice was cutting through the phone.
"I won't come, if Jonathan's not welcome!", Y/N retored. "And not the 'We have to stand you, because otherwise we won't see our youngest son.' welcoming."
"Sweetie, come on... It's your father's 65th birthday. It might be his last one." , his mother said, trying so obviously to cry. "Besides, that boy can survive for a few hours without you. You're not conjoined."
It had always been always like this. Since he was born and his older brother, Joseph was 6, their parents, especially their mother had been giving them very strict roles. While Joseph could be away for weeks, without leaving any trace he was alive, Y/N had to to be glued by his mother's hip because "he was too fragile for the real world", even if 17 year old Y/N was applying for university already, since he skipped 12th grade, while Joseph was held back numerous times, not because he was stupid, quite the opposite. However, his mother thought that he could make something out of himself without any "fancy schools".
This pattern didn't change later in life. When he was 24, Y/N married a astoundingly beautiful woman, Carmen, whom he met at university. Even then, his mother had complaints regarding his daughter-in-law. In her opinion, Y/N should have focus on getting his law degree, then hiring in a "decent" law firm, instead of "marrying his life away", because "what woman in her right mind would want to be with him, out of all men?". Although his mother couldn't stand Carmen, 3 years later when they divorced, because he find out he was gay, she always pestered him how Carmen was out of his league and how "it was supposed to happen sooner or later".
(Back on track)
"Mom, not even Jesus can resurrect as much as you and dad do every time you say that this birthday is going to be your last one", Y/N said unfazed.
"So you're going to leave your own family behind because of a british man who pretends to be other people for a living.", his mother (ridiculously) pointed out.
"This man, for your information, is my boyfriend. You'd know that if you called out of genuine interest, not to make me pay for some new, unneeded renovation." , Y/N said slightly angry.
"I'm telling you, stop fussing over that... boyfriend of yours that much. We both know what happened between you and Carmen and we both know you will happen again." ,his mother said matter-of-factly .
"Is that all?", Y/N wanted a know.
"So, you'll come or not-", his mother hadn't finished her sentence before Y/N hang up.
Later that night, when Jonathan and Y/N were watching the movie in their bedroom, the former paused it and looked at the latter.
"Darling can I ask you something?", the british nervously asked.
"Go on."
"I know that you won't go to your father's birthday and I can tell that bothers you, but that day my parents host a dinner and I don't want you to be all by yourself-"
"I don't like where this is going", Y/N mumbled.
"Just shut up, will you?", Jonathan teased him. "As I was saying, would you like to come with me to this dinner?"
"But-" , that's all Y/N got to say before Jonathan interrupted him.
"No 'buts'. Also no 'I don't want to be a burden' or 'I don't want to embarrass you'. I want you to come; my parents are starting to get curious about the man who made their son ramble for hours like a 16 year old with his crush."
"Alright. If you insist..." , Y/N finally said.
"I do insist." , Jonathan added. "Trust me, love you're going to love it." , he said before kissing his forehead. "Now after we finish this film, we got to hop straight in bed" Y/N gave him a smug look "Not for that reason, you dimwit. We have to leave the house pretty early tomorrow." , Jonathan said.
"How early?"
"11:30 AM, my love."
After they finished the movie, they laid in bed, Jonathan was between his partner's legs, his head on his stomach, while Y/N talked about whatever happened that week at work.
"Sweetheart, I'm begging you, please stop talking. Tomorrow will be a long day and I want to sleep." , Jonathan groaned.
"Alright, love." , he yawns. "I'm quite sleepy myself. Goodnight, I love you."
"I love you too, darling." , Jonathan said back.
When Jonathan woke up in the morning at 8 AM, the first thing he sensed was the absence of his boyfriend and it had to do with the smell of breakfast that was coming from the kitchen.
"What smells this delicious?", he said as he saw his boyfriend in front of the stove, with a tired expression of his eyes.
"Breakfast. Your plate is on the table, now I'm making mine.", Y/N said.
"What have I told you about not cooking this month?" , Jonathan asked him, freshly out of the shower, hugging him from behind, while he tip-toed over his shoulder.
"What have I told you about not walking around shirtless in the mornings?", Y/N answered.
"I'm not." , Jonathan said.
"So if I turn around, you'll be wearing a shirt?", Y/N asked.
" No, don't turn... You'll burn your food.", Jonathan quickly said.
"I'll take the risk.", the man said and turned to his partner. "Put a shirt on baby, you'll get a cold", he said as he kissed Jonathan's forehead.
"Alright, dad." , he said as he went to the bedroom to pick one.
When he got back, shirt on and all, he saw Y/N already about to finish his breakfast.
"Hungry, darling?", Jonathan wanted to know.
"Very.", his partner retored.
"Well, don't eat too much. Gotta keep space for dinner."
"Anyway, I'll hop in the shower and get dressed.", Y/N said before he went to the bathroom.
In the meantime, Jonathan finished his meal. -Isn't his boyfriend so sweet to not get him to spend extra money on breakfast?-. Then he picked out some clothes form Y/N's their wardrobe and patiently waited for him to come out of the bathroom.
"Is this appropriate for the first meeting with your boyfriend's family?", Y/N asked him.
"Appropriate?! They'll ask me "Who's this supermodel? You told us he's a lawyer." , Jonathan said, fawning over his boyfriend's attire.
"Shall we get going? I know we still have time, but you know how the traffic is on the weekend." ,Y/N suggested.
"That's actually quite clever my love."
"We're taking my car." ,Y/N rushed to say.
"Why? Mine's working as well as yours.", Jonathan rebutted.
"Just because. No hidden reason.", Y/N answered, avoiding his partner's gaze.
"Love, look at me. I know why you want us to take your car. You want to show my family that you're worthy not only for me, but for them as well and what does "I'm rich" rather than a nice car? I know that you drive that car only when you're around your parents or people whom you want to impress. That doesn't matter for me or my parents. Your love for me will always be enough." , Jonathan stated. "Now, can you please wait for me in the passenger seat so I can get everything my parents asked for?"
(Time skip to the moment Y/N & Jonny got to the latter parents' house cus I'm lazy ://)
"I won't do it. You knock." , Y/N said as he hid behind Jonathan.
"Fine, you big baby." ,he answered after he knocked. Then a woman who resembled Jonathan's eyes opened the door.
"Come on in" ,she said. "Everyone is waiting for you."
"Hi, I'm Y/N-"
"I know who you are. Little Jonny can't stop talking about you. I'm O/S, by the way."
"Isn't she a sweetheart?", Y/N asked his boyfriend.
"Actually she is." , the actor responded.
As on queue, Jonathan began to introduce his partner to the family members who were present at the function, the most eventful interaction consisting in one of his nieces saying that Y/N looked like (insert animated character).
Then, they approached Jonathan parents who, if they were excited to meet their son's partner, they managed to hide it well enough to explain Jonathan acting talent.
"Mother, father this is Y/N, my boyfriend." , Jonathan said surprisingly nervous, even if they knew about Jonathan sexual orientation and supporting his and Y/N's relationship.
"Nice to meet you—" ,Y/N held his hand, wanting to shook it with his boyfriend's parents.
"Put that hand down and come here.", his mother said before she hugged him. "It's so nice to meet you. After I heard so much about you, I couldn't wait to meet you any longer." After Y/N told Jonathan's mother that the feeling was mutual, he shook his father's hand.
"It's great to have another lawyer in the family." ,the older man stated.
"As if Y/S boyfriend would ever compare to my Y/N", Jonathan said.
"Jonny, that's not nice." ,Y/N said.
"It's true though. You don't meet a space law attorney everyday." ,his boyfriend rebutted.
"Alright, let's cut the 'my boyfriend is better than yours' contest and let's go to the kitchen and eat., his mother said. "I think you're quite famished after the journey here."
At the table, Jonathan and Y/N became the hot topic of every discussion, though they didn't mind it .Jonathan was glad that his family reacted as expected, while Y/N enjoyed to be among a family who the main way of entertainment of some of the members were gaslighting and personal attacks.
After the dinner was served, The members spread in little groups in the living room, each of them minding their own business. In this atmosphere of familiarity, Y/N and Jonathan were sitting on the couch, talking about everything and nothing when the latter's parents come to them.
"Boys I know that you are to leave, but we-" ,his mother started.
"We want to ask you to spend the night here. It's too late to set off. We've prepared the guest room for you." ,his father completed.
"What do you say?", Jonathan asked Y/N.
"I don't have any clothes for the nights-"
"I have plenty in the car." , Jonathan said.
"Aren't you prepared for everything today?" ,Y/N teased Jonathan, then he turned to his parents and said "I guess we'll be spending the night in the Bailey residence."
"So, how do you like the Bailey experience so far?", Jonathan asked Y/N.
"It's been good. I'd give it a B+." ,Y/N answered.
"Only a B+?!", Jonathan inquired, feigning intriguinence. "I have to fix that."
"Well, I'd not yet seen a performance from a Bailey.", Y/N said seductively.
"Oh, unacceptable!", Jonathan exclaimed, mimicking disappointment. "I must fix that. I don't want you to have a bad impression."
"What did you think of?" ,Y/N wanted to know.
"You'll see, my love." ,Jonathan simply answered as he began to undress his partner.
"Wait! No. We'll make too much noise.", Y/N rushed to say.
"Don't worry, darling. I'll make sure you won't say a peep."
God he was making it hard. Both his dick and to not fuck in his parents' house.
"You know we won't."
"Please!", the british begged.
"Not tonight, but if you bring that nerd look from Jurassic and I'll make you see the asteroid that extinct the dinosaurs off this Earth."
"Fine. You win, but you're sleeping in your birth suit tonight."
"You're insatiable."
"A man's gotta do what a man's got to do." , Jonathan said before falling asleep.
In the morning, a ray of the morning sun passed the curtain resulting in waking him up. He checked his phone to see what the time was. It was 8:36 AM. When he turned to his boyfriend he saw that he was taking is sweet time sleeping.
After he had enough of looking at the serene expression of his partner and decided to head into the kitchen, hoping he could get his hands on a mug of coffee, not before putting on the clothes his boyfriend had gently peeled off him last night.
"Good morning, sunshine." ,Jonathan's mother said. "Fancy some coffee?"
"You've read my mind." ,Y/N groggy said.
As the time went by, Y/N and the woman discuted about what's like being an audiologist (yes, that's a real thing) and that colleague of Y/N who's cheating on her husband with his cousin, until Y/N saw the clock on the wall hit 10 o'clock.
"As much as I like gossiping with you, I have to go to the bedroom until Jonathan realises I'm not in bed-"
And he didn't get to barely finish his sentence and he heard a voice he couldn't confuse:
"Y/N? Y/N?!!!"
The End
#jonathan bailey#jonathan bailey fanfic#jonathan bailey x reader#jonathan bailey x male reader#new writers on tumblr#mlm#male reader#gay
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Headcanon: Coral Island Dateable Characters Age Range
1.Chaem: 22-24 (Youngest) 2.Eva: 23-25 3.Kenny: 23-25 4.Macy: 25-27 5.Lily: 25-27 6.Leah: 25-27 7.Surya: 27-29 8.Luke: 27-29 9.Rafael: 27-29 10.Noah: 29-31 11.Wakuu: 29-31 12.Millie: 29-31 13.Alice: 31-33 14.Suki: 31-33 15.Scott: 31-33 16.Theo: 31-33 17.Zarah: 31-33 18.Mark: 33-35 19.Ben: 33-35 20.Raj: 33-35 21.Yuri: 33-35 22.Nina: 33-35 23.Pablo:35-37 24.Aaliyah: 35-37 25.Charles: 37-40 (Oldest)
Reason: [ ] I headcanon Chaem the youngest because she is a volleyball athelete and so tend to be more on younger side. Other than that if you experience her heart event she has this young confident energy that scream "OFC I CAN WIN". [ ] Both Chaem and Eva is naive and lack of experience the difference is that Chaem is overconfident because she dont know better and Eva is timid so she lean more toward wishful though that full of unrealistic goal. [ ] Kenny also younger because his boyish vibe and his heart event depict him still full of wonder. [ ] Macy, Lily, Leah idk how to explain it, but they seems not as naive as Chaem, Eva, and Kenny. However they also has this attitude "I do this job because of my hobby" and still consider possibility to change to another job which give the impression they still in their mid 20. [ ] I headcanon Surya is younger than Wakuu is because Surya is still working his fellowship / PHD which put him under 30. Meanwhile Wakuu despite looking young he actually professional Astrophysic which take time [ ] Rafael may look like he in his 30, but personaly he giving someone that still under 30. Also based on the family photo it seems like Pablo already in his teenager years while Rafael is around 5-6 years old so i can see Pablo in his mid 30 with 8 years age gap. [ ] I assume Alice and Suki in their early 30. Because how Suki look like she in her mid 30 while Alice in her mid 20. So I make median and choose early 30 for both of them. Noah will be around the same age based on Noah conversation that Noah and Alice is childhood friend so i assume they around the same age. However I make him bit younger than Alice because he just seems younger than Alice. [ ] Scott is professional archeologist so atleast in early 30 and so I make Zarah around his age because they just seems like around the same age because they had work together before. Other than that Zarah fashion giving me 90-early 2000 which give me strong millenial. [ ] I can see Lily and Theo sibling age gap is around 6 years because while Theo obviously in his 30, but he doesnt look that old to be in his mid 30. [ ] Mark is younger brother of Anne which I assume in her mid 30 so Mark must be younger than that. [ ] Based on what Ben said funbucket already with him even when he was a "baby". Lets assume by baby he mean around 5-15 years old and funbucked live more than 15+ years old. We can assume Ben in his early 30 and so I headcanon him around 33-35 years old he just look older than his actual age. [ ] For Millie and Raj I just based on their vibe, interest and their interaction with other character. [ ] Nina is around 33-35 years old because she just giving woman that free and independent and can do whatever she want. I want to make her older, but based on lore she childhood friend with Luke which I cant see older than 30 years old. I can see 6 years age gap childhood friendship, but more than that I dont think so. [ ] Aaliyah is in mid 30 because she Noah older sister and average age of astronaut is 34 so i guess her age range is make sense. [ ] Last, both Charles and Yuri is doctor which the study take long time. Charles is the main doctor so he def more experience/older than Yuri so I choose late 30 for Charles other than he just look old. Meanwhile Yuri 33-35 based on she is travelling doctor, but not look old enough to be in her late 30.
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TCM Game Family relationships
So recently I got confused because I looked at the wiki for TCM and there’s a lot of misinformation surrounding everyone’s relationships. I believe there is a lot of inbreeding in the Sawyer family, however I do not think it was to the extent of Drayton being both Leatherface’s Dad AND brother so I did a little research. Then I was playing the game and noticed in each family member's lore it failed to mention how they were related. Like sure, they’re all in the Sawyer family but… how? After more investigation, these were my best guesses.
Update: I will add to this, every time a new family member is added.
Cook/Drayton Sawyer
Alright so despite common misconception, Drayton is NOT the father, he’s the older brother. All things considered, he’s probably decades older than both Bubba and Nubbins and it can be assumed that due to being that much older than his brothers, he was basically their Dad, which is likely why so many people think he literally is their father. It’s unknown who the actual Dad is, I’ve seen some people claim that Grandpa is the father and they all call him Grandpa because he’s old, but he seems way too old to be the dad especially since Leatherface is only in his early 20s along with Sissy.
Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer
Bubba is the youngest sibling, as he was only 26 in 1973. He was born a year after Sissy, making her his older sister.
Hitchhiker/Nubbins Sawyer
Nubbins is the second oldest alongside his twin brother Chop Top. Technically Chop Top isn’t in the game, however, he’s from the second film which is canon to the first, even if the game only has the rights to the first film. Anyways, Nubbins is 28 in the original film, which is set 4 months after the game, so Nubbins is 28 years old, along with his twin. Sissy is his younger sister being 27, and Bubba is the youngest and is 26.
Alright, now we get to the interesting parts. So from what I’ve been able to gather, Sissy is the main three’s younger sister, being a year younger than Nubbins and Chop Top. I saw somebody claim that Drayton adopted her but I couldn’t find a source for that so I’m just assuming that’s a headcanon. I believe she is related by blood, mostly because if she was adopted it would’ve been mentioned like it is with Johnny. I think the reason people believe things such as her being adopted is because she is more distant from the other family members, but that’s simply because she ran away a lot. Drayton does say “Grandpa’s taken a liking to you” implying she’s “new” to the family, but that could just be referring to her having been gone for so long before returning. It should also be mentioned a lot of people believe Sissy is the same "Sissy" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, however, this is not true, so we can disregard that character when discussing this one.
Johnny Sawyer
Okay, now we get to the theory and speculation. The thing is, with Johnny and Nancy we don’t get a clear relationship and I’ll go into that more with Nancy’s section. Anyways, Johnny is actually adopted and not related by blood. His real mother was killed by Nancy, who decided to raise him in the Slaughter Family, claiming she was his Aunt and that his real mother had abandoned him. Despite claiming this, she has adopted him as her son and is thus his mother, and since the Aunt thing was a lie it can be disregarded. The thing is, Johnny seems to be like a cousin towards the main members, and doesn’t seem to be another brother. Again, it’s hard to tell because the game is very vague with relationships, but since he doesn’t live with the main family and none of them really seem to like him, it can be assumed he’s more like a distant cousin than a middle brother. Again, this is an educated guess and it could literally come out that Johnny is actually Leatherface’s brother, who fucking knows? If somehow he is Bubba's brother, that would make him the youngest sibling as he is only 25.
Black Nancy
Alright so, continuing on from Johnny’s speculative section, Nancy’s relationship is also not very clear. It’s evident she’s from another side of the family and is likely older than Drayton. She’s the head of her household but to be fair it’s just her and Johnny there anyway. Johnny is her adopted son, making him part of the Family. Now, Nancy’s relationship is not known, considering that Johnny is viewed as a cousin to the main group, this would imply Nancy is their Aunt, which is very possible but we also never meet the actual parents so I can’t really say who she is the sister of. She and Cook seem to have a close relationship, considering the portrait of them together. I can’t tell what the photo could mean, it’s not really a family photo since it’s just them two. It’s possible she’s maybe his older sister and is thus an older sibling to the others, perhaps the photo is because she's closest to Cook (both in age and in their relationship) but I somewhat doubt this. I’ve seen it tossed around that she and Cook are together but I have a few reasons why I don’t believe this. For one, they could very well be siblings and I know the Sawyers have inbreeding going on, but I don’t really want to condone that shit. For two, Nancy’s entire thing is killing her husbands, if she was with Cook wouldn’t she have killed him? And finally, I doubt her connection to the Slaughter Family is simply dating one of the members, it’s heavily implied she was born in this family, especially since she raised Johnny in the family too. My final guess is she is a cousin, making Johnny a second cousin to the main family, but again, I can’t really confirm or deny any of this, it's just theories and speculation.
So “Hands” is canonically a distant cousin to the Sawyer’s, likely meaning he is in a similar boat to Nancy, where he is part of the family but also not that close with the rest of them. It’s also canon that he’s the one who started Bubba’s obsession with cutting off peoples faces, as Hands ripped off a man’s face at a biker bar, and during a family function he gave it to the child Bubba. This also means Hands is likely around the same age as Cook and Nancy, and despite being Cook, Leatherface, Hitchiker and Sissy’s cousin, he is likely seen as more of an Uncle to Leatherface, Hitchhiker and Sissy, similar in the way that Cook is seen more like a father figure to Leatherface and Hitchhiker, despite being their older brother.
Bones is another distant relative of the Slaughter Family. Not much is known about his relationship to the main family members, however he is clearly in on the whole cannibalism thing and helps out the family with his work as the local mortician. He’s likely around the same age as Cook, if not slightly younger.
I didn’t give Chop Top a section since he isn’t in the game but I already mentioned him and his relationship isn’t a mystery at all.
Anyways that’s my theories on the Family relations for the game, if any of you have other theories or hell, if any of you know more than me and know exactly what everyone’s relationships are, please feel free to comment or reblog, as I would love to know more lore about the game and films… Also Chop Top is coming to the game trust me bro.
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Between your sibling OCs (like Tiala to Kanoa and her other siblings or Callie to Graves), how old is the age difference?
Hello Anon! And that I will gladly answer this for ya! I will start off with Callie and Graves!
Between the two. Graves age is 40 years old in 2022. I don’t exactly know WHEN is his birthday and I got that age from one of @sleepyconfusedpotato post about the COD characters age which you will see right here!
Anyway, since Graves is 40 years old at the releases of MW2 in 2022. And Callie (my SC OC!) is in her late 30s. Sooooo. Somewhere between 36 to 40. But she’s not 40 years old at that year. She’s not born the same year as Graves. So I was thinking that she’ll be…2 years younger than him!
So she was 38 years old in 2022 when they released MW2 and turned 39 in 2023 when they released MW3 campaign.
Yup. She’s getting old. But still got that young beauty features.
So to answer this one for you Anon! Graves and Callie as being the siblings. They are about 2 years apart!
And now for Tiala, Kanoa and the rest of their siblings! Be prepared! For this is gonna be a LONG one!
Ahem. Ok!
We will be using Tiala as our main character to know the age difference between her and her brothers!
Starting off with her ELDEST brother, who had sadly passed away, is HŌNE TOA. Hōne had passed away at the age of 35 and that’s when Tiala JUST turned 16 years old. The day when she was waiting for her older brother to come home. So between 35 and 16. Hōne is 19 years older than Tiala. And the day that MW3 had been released, Tiala should be 28 and she’s 29 right now turning 30 years old this year in November. So for Hōne, in MW3 he should be 47 years old and he should be 48 right now and turning 49 this year in October.
Ok! Next up, we had SAMI TOA. Tiala’s 2nd older brother. Sami is only 3 years younger than Hōne. So between him and Tiala. He’s 15 years older than her. So going by the timeline of the campaign. In MW3, Sami should be 43 years old and he should be 45 right now since his birthday is around April (his birthday is around that month).
Next is RANGI TOA. Tiala’s 3rd oldest brother. Rangi is only 4 years younger than Sami. Between him and Tiala, he is 11 years older than her. Going by the timeline. MW3 he would be 39 years old. He should be 41 years old right now since it’s already past May (that’s his birthday in that month).
Now next up is your favorite BOI! KANOA TOA! Tiala’s 4th oldest brother! He is 6 years younger than Rangi and is 5 years older than Tiala. So in MW3, he should be 33 years old and is 35 right now since April had already passed!
And now to the younger brothers!
First one up is HEMI TOA! Tiala’s 5th youngest brother! Hemi is a police officer in American Samoa taking a police academy class. So between him and Tiala. He is 6 years younger than her. In MW3, he should be 22 years old and is 23 right now and will turn 24 years old this year once October comes.
Next one is IOSEFA TOA. He is 3 years younger than Hemi and is 9 years younger than Tiala. He’s in college right now since he signed up for it after he graduated from high school. In MW3, he should be 19 years old. Already turned 20 this year since February had passed.
TAMAH TOA is next y'all! We’re almost there! Tama is 1 year younger than Iosefa and 10 years younger than his older sister. He’s not taking classes or even working. He just usually stayed around the house to help out his parents. He sometimes assists his father in the mechanics of fixing the cars or trucks. Anyway, in MW3 Tamah should be 18 years old and is already 19 this year since April had passed.
FETU FETUAO TOA is next on the list! There’s only ONE more and then we’re done! Fetu is 1 year younger than Tamah and is 11 years younger than Tiala. He’s in High School at the moment and is ready to graduate. So he was 17 years old in MW3 and is already 18 since March already passed and graduated from High School!
And lastly, the TWINS! IONA and KIONA TOA! The twins are also 1 year younger than Fetu and 12 years younger than Tiala. And they sure are some troublemakers. The twins were 16 years old and were in high school. So in MW3, they are 17 years old and still in school. And will turn 18 this year until September.
Aaaaaaand there you have it! Whew! That is quite a work out for the brain and for my hands. Lol. I hope this satisfies your answer Anon! If you still have questions about my OCs, feel free to ask! I enjoyed giving details about my OCs! Love ya, pele!🥰🥰🥰
#toa siblings#toa family#captain kanoa toa#first sergeant tiala shark toa#graves siblings#lieutenant callie snipe graves#call of duty#call of duty graves#commander graves#philip graves#call of duty oc#cod oc#call of duty modern warfare#cod mw2#call of duty original character#call of duty mw2#ask islandtarochips#ask taro#anon ask
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No one asked me, but here's why Childe Ajax Tartaglia probably isn't 34
To preface this, no, I have not read the 4.2 story leaks, I have no plans to, and frankly, I don't care what they say as they do not change the following math. It could literally say point-blank that Childe is 34, and I would not agree with it.
I'm just here cause I found the 14+20 argument illogical. (14 being the age he fell into the abyss and 20 being the number of years ago that the disappearances started in Fontaine)
And a fair warning, I am bad at reading what my tone is unless it is blatant. If any of this sounds hostile, it was not my intent, and I am likely unaware that it reads as such. This is just how I write when I am trying to be as clear and understandable as possible.
So, why is it unlikely that Childe is 34? It's because of his mother and his number of siblings.
Childe has 3 named younger siblings and an unknown number of older siblings. 2 being the bare minimum and at least 3 being the more probable based on the original Chinese. And, because Chinese is not something I know how to translate correctly beyond a basic level, here's the copy/paste directly from the wiki explaining why Childe most likely has at least 3 older siblings.
As noted above, the Chinese version of "Tartaglia's Letters to Home" mentions 哥哥姐姐们 "older brother(s) and sister(s)," suggesting he has at least one of each. In "Character Story 5", he is called the 三子 "third son," which suggests that he has two older brothers and an unknown number of older sisters. Alternatively, the term 三子 "third son" could be ambiguous and indicate that he is the third child with two older siblings of unspecified gender. Combined with the clue from his letter to home, this would suggest he has one older brother and one older sister, but this possibility is less likely given the interpretation of the original Chinese. His phrasing of 哥哥姐姐们, with the plural marker 们, would be an unlikely way to refer to a single older brother and a single older sister; it instead suggests he has more than one of either older brothers or older sisters (or both). If he only had one of each, he most likely would have simply written 哥哥姐姐 without the plural marker. Therefore, the most likely possibility is still that he has two older brothers and at least one older sister.
Now, time for the math featuring hypothetical ages for Childe's siblings and mother. To be generous, I will be using ages at the extreme ends of the possible ranges, favoring the ends that make it more possible for Childe to be 34, saying that he has exactly 3 older siblings, that none of them were twins, and while also taking into consideration their mother's health and wellbeing.
First, we have to determine how old those 3 older siblings are. I will be giving each a 2.5ish-year age gap, as it is suggested that someone wait 18-24 months before becoming pregnant again. So for our hypothetical math, I'll say the oldest sibling is 40.
For their mother, I'll be going with 18 as the age she had her first child. (This is as low as I am willing to go; personally, I think this number should be at least 20, if not higher.)
So, for her to have a 40-year-old child, she currently would be 58.
But we're not done; we have the 3 younger siblings to add. To simplify things, I will only focus on Tuecer since he is the youngest, so his age is the only one that matters. The general consensus (that I also agree with) is that Tuecer is somewhere between the ages of 8-12; I will be using 12.
At 58, their mother then would have been 46 when she had Tuecer.
While this is not impossible, at this age, their mother is 6 years into the potential range of beginning menopause and has an extremely low rate of 3-4% at most of successfully becoming pregnant.
This is incredibly low and is the youngest their mother could be if we set Childe's age to 34 without endangering her health.
Their mother's age if Childe is 10 years younger? 48, setting her at 36 when she would have hypothetically had Tuecer and outside of the potential onset of menopause and that 3-4% rate of pregnancy occurring.
So, statistically speaking, it is incredibly unlikely that Childe is 34; thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
#jordans bitching again#genshin impact#childe#tartaglia#ajax#hi i brought sources#medical sources to be precise#yes that is how badly the “Ajax is 34” thing bothers me#oh and also direct translations of the original text i brought those too#and for reference i think he is 21 or 22 but that's just me#think what you want regardless of this post#but like i said before this bothered me a lot so i wanted to air my thoughts out to hopefully make me less hung up on it#will it work? who the fuck knows
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How does the Rasputin family breakdown? Like ages, deaths, stuff like that
Also any other hcs you wanna share!
this hopefully will not get too long.
So, first of all, we obviously have Grigory Rasputin himself & his wife, Praskovya Rasputin, who had three children;
Mikhail Rasputin, called Mischa, born before the isle was created, but taken there once it was when he was four years old. Mischa is dead, but his cause of death is unknown, as is the time. Fact is that he probably passed early because the only memories his next-oldest sibling had of him were very blurry. He would be around twenty-five now, but likely didn’t live past six.
Dmitry Rasputin, called Mitya, was just like his brother born before the isle was created and taken there when he was two years old. Mitya died of a particularly cruel beating by his father when he was nine years old and would be twenty-three now if he had lived. He was a very caring and protective older brother to his siblings, specifically Marya and Varya.
Anna Rasputina, called Anya, was born a few months after her father and brothers were sent away, always stayed sickly, and ended up passing away when she was only a few weeks old. She is not on any death records of the isle because they simply don’t know that she existed. Anya would be around 21 now if she had lived.
(Side note: I know it’s confusing that these two are called Dmitry and Anya because we already have Dimitri and Anya (Anastasia) in their story, but I am basing them off of real-life Rasputin children. For it to be clearer, the heroes are Dima (a different short form for Dimitri) and Anastasia or Nastya.)
After those three, we have four Rasputin kids that do not have a notable parent other than him:
Maria Rasputin, called Marya by most but usually Mascha by her father, the girl who lived! She was born around the same time as her half-sister Anya, but is probably a little bit younger. She’s also currently 21, but is mentally (due to being isolated for most of her life and having 3+ different neurodivergencies etc.) closer to around 6. she is not stupid, she just doesn’t have the life experience that you would expect her to have. Marya is part of Harriet Hook‘s pirate crew as the medic.
Varvara Rasputina, called Varya, is a year younger than Marya, would-be 20 years old but died of untreated pneumonia at age 12. she is kind of the baby of the longer-living Rasputin kids. Varya was blind on one eye due to head trauma and generally more careful and anxious than her siblings. After her death, she was dropped off on the side of a road by her father, later found by members of Harriet‘s pirate crew, and buried in the dragon hall cemetery.
Gregoriy Rasputin, called Schora, is three years younger than Varya, and much less well known. He died about a year after his birth, and would be 17 right now. It’s unsure what actually happened to him, but there’s a good chance his father was involved. Marya doesn’t like to talk about him, suggesting that it was not a peaceful end.
Praskovya Rasputina, called Pascha, n o t Rasputin‘s wife, but a youngest child named after her, two years younger than Schora, so she would have been around 15 now. She was something of a favorite of her father, often affectionately called Paschenka, and being generally better taken care of than any other child. It can be assumed that Rasputin didn’t have anything to do with her death, which happened when she was still an infant.
I technically have a lot of random headcanons about them but I don’t think I can actually put them into words very well so here, have a short summary of all my Rasputin kids, I might add on later if I think of anything else
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Meet Calhoun!
His Lore:
- Calhoun was 10 years old during the great escape. (The middle child)
- He was sort of like a glass child growing up. Their father always either focused on the two oldest or the two youngest siblings.
- Calhoun always stuck to himself, though he and Molly had a very good bond when it came to enjoying alone time. The two of them would often sit on a high branch in the troll tree together, just silently watching the world go by. Just enjoying each other’s company.
- During their search for refuge after being separated from the main group of trolls, Calhoun took it upon himself to look after Marlow and Bramble’s egg when Molly and Malone were trying to figure out where to go and what to do.
- If the two older siblings were arguing, Calhoun would distract Marlow with a game or a story, to keep him from getting upset.
“Hey, Marlow, wanna play ‘I Spy’?”
“Okay, Cal!”
“Okay, I spy with my little eye…”
- Calhoun knew Molly only did what she could for them. Understanding that she too was just a kid. But he also agreed with Malone on some aspects of their travels through the forest.
“Molly, Malone has a point…staying hidden sounds better than running through the open…”
“Cal, we will be fine. Listen to me, and we will be okay.”
- Calhoun did not want to leave her in that thorn bush. Malone basically had to drag him through the long grass and cover his mouth to stop him from calling out for Molly.
- Calhoun had been carrying Marlow on his back, and could feel his younger brother clinging to him for dear life as they ran from their sister and the Bergen.
- After the three brothers and the egg found the den, Calhoun tried to convince Malone to go back for her, but to no avail. Malone stating that she was gone and wasn’t coming back.
“Mal! We have to go back for her!”
“She is gone, Cal! We can’t do anything!…like she said, listen to her, and we’ll be okay…so just-…Listen to me, Cal, and we will be okay…”
- After that, Calhoun never argued or disagreed with Malone over anything. Always listened to him.
20 years later…
- Calhoun was responsible for expanding their living space by making bigger rooms, more storage space, etc. and turning the den into a large underground bunker.
- Over the years, he became so dependent on Malone’s opinions that he was unable to form his own opinions on anything. Always having Malone tell him what the bunker needed.
- He also always makes sure that Malone’s rules are followed by the younger brothers when Malone is out.
- He still thinks about Molly. Sometimes, when he feels bold, he tries to talk about her with Malone. Only to be met with a scolding and the older brother leaving the bunker to cool-off….He stopped trying to bring her up after that.
- Calhoun found Malone’s secret memorial site for Molly. He secretly visits the site to “talk” to her and catch her up on how the others are doing.
“Hey Mol…I think you’d like Bramble. He’s an amazing person. Kinda reminds me of you…wish you could’ve met him…”
- fully believes that she is dead and gone, but he used to be obsessed with finding her. That was until Malone told him that if she was alive, he would’ve found her already when he went out foraging...Calhoun gave up on trying to find Molly.
- The only thing he disagrees about with Malone is that their living situation is all Molly’s fault….but he’d never tell Malone that.
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my family dynamic is so fucked up cause i was raised with my step brother who is 7 years older than me and we always refer to each other as being siblings which makes people think we're full siblings but we aren't. and he had a kid when he was 17 and she is less like my niece and more like my baby sister and her dynamic in the family is like that of the youngest child and so i have major middle child syndrome despite technically being the youngest. in my biological family i am considered the youngest and my oldest blood (half) sibling is over 30 years older than me and i have nieces and nephews who are almost 10 years older than me and i became a great uncle at the age of 20. and im also the only one in my immediate family with my last name and that did indeed effect my psyche a lot as a kid cause my step dad's last name (which is my mom's last name and brother and niece's last name) decorates my childhood home despite the fact that it isn't my last name.
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