#my oc: senan
laaskrin · 2 years
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Sketches of my elven babies.
I saw a few nerevarine fanarts where they revert back to chimer slowly and just….dope concept, so here we are
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laaskrinasty · 2 years
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Since nudity is now allowed, here’s a daedric noodle
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vector--xd · 2 years
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itsnimiosworld · 6 months
Me and my friends dnd characters for one of my sessions I DM!! My friends drew/had their ocs drawn and I drew one of mine!
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In order
Lakuna [Gummy] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Senan [Fish] - drawn Ritzniq
Peeko [Mindram] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Shi-on [Me/DM] - drawn by meee
Yoshiro [Mink] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Vafara [Ritzniq] - drawn by Ritzniq
Indigo [Candy] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Frankie + dog [Neve] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Carly [Nc] - drawn by Nc/nocreativity10
Otohime [Mink] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
Penelope [Jc] - drawn by mink/lowercasemink
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Last one of the trio, he's a bit different from the other two eheh 💦
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rengekaren · 4 years
Senan: Soo your name is Starscream
Starscream: Yes.
Senan: and it is read star-scream
Starscream: Yes...
Senan: but it can be also read as stars-cream
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therron-shan · 6 years
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sometimes i forget how wonderfully ripped my sith patriarch Senan is
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sickandvomiting · 6 years
Since it’s back to school time, what about one if the members if the blues band who’s in school picking up a bug at uni and suffering through practice while being clearly under the weather. Cue Avi or someone not in school being sympathetic, but also like, man taking the non-higher ed route really is a benefit sometimes.
[A/N: This was fun! Morgan is a TA for a big music history lecture, as well as a vocal tutor for younger underclassmen, so this fit him pretty well!]
When Morgan’s voice cracked on the very first note he sang, the group knew something was up. But he cleared his throat and kept going, and they dismissed it. When it happened again, Avi held a hand up to stop the rehearsal, and the instruments faded one by one into silence. He insisted he was fine. We can keep going, he’d said, but within five minutes he darted out of the room without a word of explanation, leaving the rest of the band confused and worried.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Elizabeth asked. “Should we go check on him?”
“I’d give him a few minutes. You know how he is,” Senan said, but his own eyes darted toward the door, brows clearly knitted together in concern.
“It’s probably the fuckin’ nor-.. Noro-…” Adam hesitated, searching for the word. “Norovirus!” He finally exclaimed. “It’s been goin’ around the underclass halls, and he said one of his students was sick at their desk the other day. Poor fucker had to clean it up.”
This earned sympathetic hums from the rest of the group, before they fell into an awkward silence. Shortly, the sound of muffled heaves came through shared bathroom wall.
“Definitely not okay, then,” Elizabeth said with a grimace.
Another silence followed. Adam plucked at the strings on his bass, and Senan shuffled his feet, unsure what to do.
“I’m gonna go check on him,” Avi said finally, before sweeping out of the room. They knocked lightly on the door of the bathroom, but when they didn’t get a response other than retching, they tried to door handle. It swung open easily, just as the red-faced Morgan spewed a massive torrent of sick into the toilet, face ducking into the bowl as it thundered into the water. He came back up with a gasp, and Avi gathered his dreads back from his face.
“Shit, Morgan,” they breathed as another plume splattered noisily into the basin.
“God,” Morgan croaked when he could finally get a breath. “I think– urp!– I think I might be sick,” he said wryly, wiping the tears of exertion from his cheeks. He reached for the box of tissues, but had to duck back into the toilet to vomit again.
“Understatement of the millenium,” Avi said, placing the box next to him and patting his back as he choked on a bit of sick that got lodged in this throat.
He shuddered under their slender fingers, but that last bout seemed to have emptied him out and he collapsed back against the bathroom wall.
“See, this is why I don’t go to college,” Avi said, earning a halfhearted chuckle from Morgan as he cleaned himself up and pitched the soiled Kleenex into the toilet when he was finished.
“Seems like a valid reason to me,” he shot back.
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zeddpool · 7 years
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Small doodle of another character from Thief, Dr. Senan McNeil
(I know I spelled his name wrong on the drawing, leave me alone)
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waterloou · 4 years
Hey yall, just wanted to put that I’m 100% down for crossovers!
OCs I can totally do something with:
- Masterlist (minus the ones listed below)
Ones I probably won’t do any crossovers on: (100% bc they are tied into another person’s universe and their own canon that differs greatly from the canon)
-Annabelle Finnigan, Bennett Westley, any of my next Gen kids, the Westleys, Axel Donahough, Didina Vinet, Florean Beaumont, Senan Caulkins, the Finnigans
-Ghoulies(msg me if you have a certain one in mind and I’ll lyk), Queenie, Dante, cd, Spyder, Bats, Duckie, Romeo, Omi, Henry
-(romantically)(bc of other crossovers) Jethro Rogers, Orion Todd, Erlking(valentin dimarco)
-(platonically) Ace Kensington, Matika Alvarez
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laaskrin · 2 years
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Ref sheet for Senan and Hircine. Enjoying their height difference ngl
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laaskrin · 2 years
pspsps, what's the story behind Senan and Hircine? or are you just vicariously realising your hight difference kink through them ✌
Senan was raised in a werewolf clan that was deeply devoted to Hircine, and she was taught to be a hunter from an early age.
I always thought of Hircine as a little more "hands on" with his followers than the other daedra. He seems a little more interested in their life. So somewhere along the line, Senan caught his attention, and later became his lover. But Hircine is a daedric prince, so it’s not like he’s suddenly going to go all lovey dovey for one of his follower, even his lover. That’s why i said they were less romantic, it’s not like he’s abusing her or anything! She’s very aware that he’s a daedra, and that daedra don’t feel emotions the same way mortals do.
For the most part, Hircine is content to just keep an eye on her while she lives her life, occasionnaly popping in for some "quality time". He was quite pissed when Senan was taken by the worm cult and sacrificed to Molag Bal
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laaskrin · 2 years
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Senan ref sheet.
I had so much trouble figuring out how to make an outfit with no metal in it, since as nomads, her clan wouldn’t have access to a forge. They could buy it from cities, sure, but it would be unpractical and expensive if all their basic clothes had metal in it. So laces everywhere, yay!
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laaskrin · 2 years
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Wake up babe, new oc just dropped!
My ESO vestige, Senan!
She's a bosmer. Her clan was banished from Valenwood after they started worshiping Hircine , abandoned the Green Pact and became werewolves. They then became nomadic hunter gatherers, traveling all across Tamriel, selling pelts and handmade goods like bows.
She was captured by the worm cult while in town to barter.
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Totally wasn't too lazy to post this last night
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sickandvomiting · 6 years
character a is sick and has been for a while but their symptoms haven't really bothered them and they haven't noticed until character b pointed it out (sees that character a is pale, brushes against them and can feel their fever, points out how many tissues they're using, etc) ~ineedmysickfix
[A/N: I’m sorry if this sucks. My brain is dying but I really liked this prompt and had to write it tonight with The Boys]
When Adam walked in to the apartment he shared with Senan, he was not expecting to be greeted by the sight of his roommate bent over the desk, surrounded by a veritable mountain of crumpled tissues. He seemed to be intensely concentrating on something. Composition homework, upon closer inspection. As he wrote scribbled something down on the paper in small, scrawling letters, he absentmindedly pulled another tissue from the box and held it to his nose. He didn’t seem to be aware of the fact that Adam had returned, and tossed the soiled wad haphazardly toward the overflowing bin, missing completely. There had to be at least three quarters of a box strewn all about; they were across the desk, spilling from the mouth of the little bin, piling up on the floor. Apparently he was concentrated enough (or out of it enough) that he had just dropped a few on the floor around him.
“Dude,” Adam breathed, stooping to pick up one of the clumps of paper. He held it carefully between two fingers, keeping it at distance as Senan startled at Adam’s sudden materialization behind him.
“God, don’t sneak up on me like that!” Senan scolded stuffily, swivelling in his seat to face his roommate. His nose was chafed bright red – no doubt from the endless absent rubbing and wiping. Two bright spots highlighted his cheeks, and his watery eyes were also rimmed with red, but the rest of his face seemed starkly pale and sunken in contrast.
“Jesus, you look like death, man,” Adam said, kicking a few of particularly far tissues toward the trash can.
“I’m fine,” he insisted, congestion clipping his words and making his voice sound stuffy and thick.
“Oh sure,” Adam drawled sarcastically. “What’s with the ten boxes of tissues on the floor, then?”
Senan looked around him, realization dawning slowly on his face splotchy face.
“I… Wow. I hadn’t even realized. The fuck,” he breathed. He rubbed his nose as a drip threatened to fall from it’s tip, and as it bent Adam could actually hear the creaking congestion.
“So, bad news, Sen. I think you might be sick,” Adam said with a wry chuckle, pressing a hand to Senan’s forehead.
The palm was cool and refreshing, and Senan leaned into the touch, only just realizing how dreadful he actually felt.
“I think you’re right,” Senan replied with a congested snort. His small chortle quickly devolved into a hacking cough, and Adam thumped him hard on the back. “Fuck,” he groaned when he finally came up for air.
“Beds and meds. That’s what you need,” Adam said, and when Senan opened his mouth to protest (I still have work to do! is what he had meant to say), Adam pressed a finger to his lips. “No arguments.” He helped Senan out of the desk chair, supporting him when he swayed dangerously upon standing, and led him to bed.
He dropped him unceremoniously onto the lumpy mattress, and Senan groaned as the motion made his head throb. He immediately started gathering the blankets about himself, and with Adam’s help successfully swaddled himself in a sort of nest, the only part of his still visible being the top of his head.
Adam darted off to the kitchen to dig some Tylenol out of the cupboard. While he was in there, he grabbed a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup and heated it up in a bowl, and within five minutes returned to Senan’s bedside with the pills, water, and soup.
By the time he returned, however, Senan was already fast asleep, snuffling snores muffed by the mass of blankets. Adam sighed, setting the items on the bedstand.
“One time I try and be nice,” he muttered, but stroked the visible hair gently, smiling sweetly when Senan unconsciously nuzzled into the touch.
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