#my neighbor had it and I hang out with her at the dog park a lot. plus I have a sore throat
milfbro · 3 months
if this is dengue AGAIN while on my period AGAIN I will. Idk I will kill myself. sorry I can't think of anything funny to say
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heavenlyheesire · 4 months
i could take away your hurt
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WHO : rockstar!jay x fem!reader
GENRE : fluff, childhood best friends to lovers!au, ft. the boys of enhypen (lmk if there's anything I missed)
SYNOPSIS : in which your four best friends start a band and you happen to have the biggest crush on the frontman aka your childhood best friend
WC : 7349 words
˗ˏˋ  ur listening to :: 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER's heartbreak girl ˎˊ˗
1:55 —————————•—————— -3:18
♪ i'm right here when you gonna realize that i'm your cure ♪
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Growing up with four boy best friends was indeed something you wouldn’t brag about. Especially when those four boys were your neighbors. And still are. Even though the members have moved out of their parents’ houses and lived in a rented house together, there wasn’t a day that passed when one of the four came by their parents’ place to annoy the living shit out of you. 
Heeseung, the eldest of the five, lived to the left of your house. You remembered when you first moved to his neighborhood and he had introduced himself to you the minute you stepped out of the car. He was excited to finally have someone to play with since his older brother didn’t like his company so much. So after two weeks of unpacking and getting the house settled and completed, Heeseung came over to hang out with you. The first thing you guys did together as kids was play a game of basketball. Which in turn, led you guys to become buds with Jake. 
Jake, the third oldest of the five, lived right across the street from you. He was in the front yard with his dog, Layla, when he saw you and Heeseung playing. Happy to finally have new friends in the neighborhood, he went inside to tell his mom he was gonna be across the street with Layla to play with some kids. Running over with Layla in tow, he shyly asked: “can I play with you?” You turned to Heeseung and he nodded his head. Jake smiled brightly and grabbed the ball to shoot in the hoop. Two weeks later, you, Heeseung, and Jake were playing fetch with Layla in his front yard when you met Sunghoon. 
Sunghoon, the youngest of the five, lived right next to Jake and across the street from Heeseung. He had been at the park that was five minutes away from the neighborhood with his mom, little sister, and dog, Gaeul, when he needed to go to the bathroom. Walking back to his house with Gaeul leading the way, he hummed a song his mom had on repeat that morning. He looked to the right of him and saw you, Heeseung, and Jake playing with a big fluffy dog when the dog suddenly barked at him, making the three of you turn in unison. You had softly told him, “your dog is so pretty, what’s its name?” Sunghoon blushed a little bit and said while looking at the ground, “her name is Gaeul.” You smiled at his shyness, “come hang out with us.” He looked up and nodded. A month later, Sunghoon introduced you guys to his cousin, Jay. 
Jay, the second oldest of the five, lived to the right of your house and happened to be cousins with Sunghoon. The day you met Jay, you and the boys were sitting in Sunghoon’s game room playing on the Wii when his mom had called you all for lunch. Walking downstairs with your belly’s empty and hungry, you sat at the table ready for whatever Mrs. Park had conjured up. She had made cheese tteokbokki, which was devoured within minutes. After sitting at the table, full and satisfied, the doorbell rang. Sunghoon had gotten up to answer it and came back with a boy around your age. “Guys, this is my cousin Jongseong, he just came back from visiting his family in Korea” Sunghoon informed the gang. Jay looked at the boys and smiled at you then said: “you guys can call me Jay!” There was a series of okay’s from the other two boys but you just stared and slightly nodded. 
That was all you remembered from hanging out with them. You got home that night, got ready for bed, and stared up at the ceiling, thinking of Jay’s boyish smile. And that was the moment you knew you were infatuated with him.  
Years went by and you all got older and that bond between the five of you grew stronger. 
You were there for each other for your first heartbreaks, your first kisses, your first relationships, and everything in between. But for every first Jay had, you wished it was you in those moments with him. Even after all those years of being best friends since the ripe age of 7, of sharing secret glances, slow dances in the living room, and holding hands during scary movies, you were still best friends, but oh how much you wanted to be more. The way Jay was always there for you, how he held you when you cried and was your shoulder to lean on. It all made you warm and fuzzy inside and made your heartache. 
At the start of your guys’ senior year of high school, you had realized your crush on Jay was getting you nowhere. So you decided to get into a relationship to hopefully get over this little crush on him. And you did, although, there was a small part of you that hoped you and Jay would end up together someday, somehow. 
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Laying around in Heeseung’s garage with the door open, the five of you decided to play Guitar Hero. Jay was on the guitar, Sunghoon was on the drums, and Jake, Heeseung, and you were on vocals. The game counted down from five, and Sunghoon hit the drums to signal the group. Jay followed strumming his guitar and Heeseung sang into the mic “I've been roamin' around, always lookin' down at all I see, painted faces fill the places I can't reach.” Jake continues the next lyrics, “you know that I could use somebody, you know that I could use somebody.” You looked at the four boys and shyly sang next, “someone like you and all you know and how you speak, countless lovers under cover of the street.” You passed the mic around and went back and forth singing the lyrics. 
Jay looked at you letting loose and having fun for the first time in a while and he felt his heart swell with pride. You looked so happy being with the four and all he wanted in that moment was to always be the cause of it. The cause of your smile, the cause of your laughter, the cause of your overall happiness. Something in him had always felt different about you. Maybe, it was the fact you had known each other since you were seven, or maybe it was because you were the first female who had found him cute, besides his family of course. Whatever it was, he had known from that fateful summer day ten years ago, you were someone he wanted to hold onto for as long as he could. 
Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he focused on the red, blue, green, and yellow dots passing on the screen in front of him. Excitement filled the veins of the five as they were nearing the end of the song. Jake, Heeseung, and you sang your final line together, “I've been roamin' around, always lookin' down at all I see.” Sweat dripped down your guys’ forehead as it was 100 degrees outside, you all drank out of your water bottles. “Hey Seung, I’m gonna go get a water bottle from inside, I finished mine '' you panted. Jay hurriedly got up from his spot on the couch and held out his bottle, “you can have mine, I’m not thirsty.” You grabbed it out of his hand, “are you sure, because you look like you need one.” Jay smiles and looks at the ground shaking his head, “I’m good, seriously, you take it.” 
You all look towards the screen waiting for the game to load your final score. A couple of seconds later, a big 100 pops up on the TV and you all jump up and down and land yourselves into a big bear hug. Smiles and laughter could be seen and heard from you all. Once you separate from the hug and lay on the big couch in Heeseung’s garage, Sunghoon stands up and looks at the four of you with a devilish grin. Jake looks to the left of him then the right and back to the boy in front of him, “oh no, I don’t like the look on your face.” Sunghoon rolls his eyes at that but says “it’s nothing bad, but what if… we started a band?” Everyone looks around and smiles, excited for what was to come. 
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It’s been three years since you got into a relationship with your boyfriend. He was sweet and kind, but oh so frustrating. He never understood your point of view on anything and tried to control everything you did. You argued day and night over everything and anything. It was a never-ending battle between the two of you. None of the boys liked your boyfriend, they thought he was entitled, narcissistic, and controlling. You know you should listen to them, but sometimes you felt like he was the best you were ever gonna get.
“Jongie~, my heart hurts, I can’t believe he said that to me,” you said over the call. Jay puts his phone on speaker, “wait, what’d he say again? I didn’t quite catch it, love.” Love. Love. It was things like that made you wonder if he felt the same way about you that you once had for him and maybe still do. You scoff remembering what your boyfriend had told you an hour ago, “he said I shouldn’t be friends with you and the guys anymore because apparently and I quote ‘the boys have the hots for me and are only friends with me because they wanna sleep with me’ what an asshole huh.” He sits up angrily, “he said what to you?” Nodding your head, you respond to your best friend “yes!! Like who in their right mind tells their girlfriend that her best friends only want her around to hopefully fuck her? That is so fucked like damn, good to know he thinks of me as just a hole.” He rolls his eyes just thinking about your boyfriend, “you’re not, he’s just a bitch, I don’t know why you stay with him when he treats you like shit.” You sigh and look away, “Jong, we’ve been over this a thousand times already.” “And yet, I still don’t understand why, you’re an amazing girl, you’re beautiful, gentle, kind-hearted, selfless, any guy would be lucky to have you,” he tells you as if he doesn’t say these exact words every week to you when you and your boyfriend fight. This time you roll your eyes, “I just… I don’t think I’ll ever deserve anything better than him.” Jay stayed silent, letting his brain process your words and he was confused. How could you, the most gorgeous and angelic person he’s ever gotten the privilege of knowing, think so low of herself? He finally says “you should, just, leave him” and be with me Jay thinks. He lets that thought linger in his mind before letting it go. The silence between you two is comfortable, although a bit heavy. Letting out in a soft sleepy voice, “thanks for being a friend Jongie… I’ll call you tomorrow at 10.” He hums in response and the call ends. 
Thanks for being a friend. 
It was something you always said at the end of every call that infuriated both of you. Jay hated that you only thought of him as a friend and you hated that you had to bury these old feelings for your best friend. As you both lay in bed waiting for sleep to whisk you away, you thought maybe one day, someday. 
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Walking into the studio, Jay goes to grab his guitar, “you guys ready to practice?” A round of yes is heard from the boys until Heeseung says “ hey, where’s Y/N? She’s always here to tell us if we sound good or not.” He tunes his guitar before responding, “she and her idiotic boyfriend got into a fight, again, so Gaia and Sunoo took her to go shopping to get her mind off it.” The boys all groan out loud wishing their best friend was there with them. Jake speaks up, “at least she’s with them instead of that tool… are we practicing the new songs Jay wrote today?” Sunghoon shouts from behind his drum kit “yes we are, Jay I don’t care what you think, we need to practice those songs.” Jay shrugs his shoulders, “fine, we’re performing them tomorrow anyway, might as well.” Gasps are heard from everyone around the room, “are you sure about this Jay, Y/N’s gonna be at the show tomorrow” Jake utters. Sunghoon follows up “yeah and you wanna perform the songs you wrote about her?” Jay stops strumming his guitar and thinks okay maybe adding those songs to the setlist without telling them was a bad idea. He starts tapping his foot on the ground, “you guys are reading too much into it, I just thought maybe we could perform something new for the fans.” Murmurs from the boys put Jay at ease and once everyone’s ready and gives a thumbs up, Jay counts them in, “okay… 1, 2, 3…” 
Knocking on your door startled you from the book you were reading. The door to your bedroom opens and Jay pops his head in. He laughs at you holding your chest and your heavy breathing, “did I scare you angel face?” You grab a pillow from your bed and launch it toward him but he dodges it, “that isn’t funny Jong, I almost had a heart attack.” Jay laughs even harder, falling onto your bed and crushing your poor dog, Cheshire. A scared bark rings out from under him and he immediately gets up. His eyes wide, he looks from you to your dog, “Chessy I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Petting her chocolate brown fur, he looks up at you and mouths the word sorry. You mouth back it’s okay. “Why are you at my house anyway? It's 8 pm and you have a show tomorrow” you question your best friend. He looks around the room trying to come up with an excuse, “uhhh, my mom needed help with something around the house and I thought I’d come to visit you and Chessy over here.” He grabs the small dog and hugs her, but she jumps out of his arms and runs out the door. You laugh at this, “you do know she doesn’t like you, right?” He nods at you and smiles. You grab this hand to inspect his calloused fingers, running yours over the rough skin. The light music you had on in the background played into the comfortable silence around the both of you. “Are you excited for the show tomorrow? Seung told me you were playing some new songs, can I hear them early?” You excitedly asked the handsome man sitting right next to you. He roughly shakes his head “nope no, that’s not happening, you get to hear them tomorrow with the rest of the Novas.” Whining out loud, you say “oh come on, I’m Blood Moon’s best friend and first fan, don’t I at least get some special treatment?” Jay scoffs “you get to watch our rehearsals, but I can tell you the titles of the songs, that is if you want to know them.” A minute of silence goes by without Jay telling you anything. You jump out of the blankets and stand on the bed, “out with it Park!!!” Jay smiles at your excitedness but still waits for a couple of beats. Frustrated, you slap his toned bicep, “Jongseong~, tell me already!” He puts his hands in the air, “okay I surrender, now stop hitting me… the new songs are Just Saying and~ Heartbreak Girl.” 
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The venue Blood Moon was performing at was big, the biggest stage they’ve ever played to date. The four boys were hanging in the dressing room, getting their nerves under control, but a particular frontman was panicking. “Jay, please sit down and drink some water,” Heeseung tells the younger boy. Sunghoon speaks next, “everything is gonna be alright cousin, chill out.” Jake leans out from the bathroom shouting “and please stop pacing, it’s making me anxious!!” Jay sits on the small couch next to the mirror and huffs, “what if she doesn’t like the songs? What if she figures out they’re about her and hates me forever? Guys, what if she figures out I’ve been in love with her since we were seven?...  I can’t do this, I can’t go on.” He suddenly starts breathing heavily and the three boys hurry over to the couch. Jake responds, “listen, she’s not gonna hate you, you’ve been best friends forever and she won’t break that up because of some silly songs okay.” Sunghoon yells out the open door to the dressing room, “can someone bring us a bag of ice!?” Heeseung reassures Jay, “Jong, it’s gonna be okay, you have to trust us and you have to trust yourself.” 
After a few minutes, you walk in with a bag of ice in one hand and your phone in the other. Your hand angrily typing, you say “here’s that bag of ice you wanted.” Heeseung jumps out of his seat, walks to you, and gives you a hug, “you’re an angel, give it to Jay and put it on his chest please.” You look around wondering what happened to your best friend that he needed ice. You spot him on the couch and sit next to him, “what happened Jongie?” Jay grabs the ice from your hand and places it on his racing heart, “just nervous for the show is all.” The ice helped to calm his growing anxiety and nerves down. Looking towards the rest of the boys on the other side of the room, they nod their heads. You ask him “are you sure? You’ve never been this nervous before a show though.” He laughs, “well, there’s a first for everything.” You laugh along with him until your phone rings. Looking down at the screen, you roll your eyes and angrily type out a message again. Scoffing out loud and laying back on the couch, you rub your eyes. Jay notices your off behavior, “what happened to you?” You sigh out loud and fold your legs to your stomach, “Just a stupid argument with he who shall not be named.” Not again Jay thinks but keeps that thought to himself. Jay utters “what about this time?” You sigh, “he wanted me to hang out with him instead of coming to your guys’ show.” He doesn’t say anything, thinking about what you said. Lost in his thoughts, he doesn’t notice your loving stare directed towards him. 
The argument with your boyfriend has made you realize a lot. Being with someone who only ever wanted to fight over stupid, meaningless things was truly so frustrating to everyone around you as well as yourself. You realize why be with someone who treats you like a trophy when the guy who has always had your best interest in mind was right in front of you. Maybe it was time to come to terms with your ever growing feelings for your best friend and confess, even if it ruins the bond you cherished so deeply. The day was full of firsts for everyone. 
“Okay everyone, you’re on in five, please be ready and by the stage” one of the stage managers yelled from the hall. The boys were scrambling to their feet and jumping in front of the mirror for their finishing touches. Shattered yells of “do I look good” and “let’s go” are heard from the boys. You shake your head at your best friend’s antics, “you all look fine, now hurry up to the stage, I’ll be in the front with Gaia and Sunoo cheering you on!!” Jay looks at you one last time before jogging over to the door and giving you a hug, “thanks for being here for me, uhhh, for us.” Smiling at his small slip-up, you hold him against you tighter wishing this moment would last forever. 
The crowd cheers and screams. An uproar of fans shouting Blood Moon over and over again. It was exciting to finally be able to see your best friend’s band perform again after a couple of months. The lights went down and everyone in the arena shouted and jumped for joy. As the music for “Flicker” played, suddenly everyone went silent. Jake sang first and everyone instantly fell in love, “It feels like we’ve wandered every day in search of each other”, Jay continues, “and been facing each other across different spaces,”, Heeseung goes on “from a far distant place, yeah, yeah,”, and Jake finishes off the first verse, “across countless nights.” The song continues on with loud chants and cheers from thousands of Novas in the crowd. They sang along and enjoyed the music as the show went on. You were in awe of the boys’ performance. 
They once had pestered you about joining in on the fun when they first started, but despite your love for music and singing, you knew you could never perform on a stage without the feeling of utterly throwing up. So you settled on being the bands’ number-one fan and supporter, which the boys appreciate so very much. 
The music slowed and the lights brightened. Jake had been cocky about how passionate their fans were but no matter how many Blood Moon shows you’ve been to, Novas’ energy and sheer love for the band always managed to shock you. It was heartwarming to know so many people listened and enjoyed the music your best friends were so devoted to making. 
“Welcome to the Under the Moonlight Tour, we are Blood Moon,” Jay says into the mic, “how we feeling so far?” Novas everywhere in the arena shouted and hollered for the boys, ready for the rest of the show. The four boys on stage laugh and hold their hearts, overwhelmed with the amount of love and support they got back. Sunghoon grabs his mic, “guys, they’re already this excited and it’s only been four songs, I wonder how they’re gonna feel when we perform the next song.” 
Sunghoon hits the drums causing the lights to go down again and the rest of the four follow. The music to a song you know all too well playing all around the arena. It was the first song Heeseung had written and the first song the boys had ever shown to you as a band; although the song was a little cringy to you at first, it quickly became one of your favorites and held so much meaning to the five of you. It still upsets you that they never put it on official streaming services, but you’re sure you can make the boys cave in one day. 
Dancing along to the lyrics beside Gaia, your girl best friend, and Sunoo, Gaia’s boyfriend. Sunoo was holding her in his arms and singing the lyrics to her while they enjoyed each other’s company. You wanted what they had but with the boy on stage who always looked for you in the crowd. After the show, I’ll tell him you think. 
Heeseung stopped playing his guitar and turned to the front row, looking for someone. Once he had you in his sights and locked eyes, he sang, “but now who knew, that she’s in the crowd of my show.” You roll your eyes at him but sing along to the music. “Nothing to lose, she’s standing right in the front row, the perfect view,” Heeseung continues “she came along on her own, and there’s something that you should know.” He points at you then Jay, smirks and winks right back at you, leaving you flustered. Out of the four boys, Heeseung was the only one who knew about your crush on Jay. More like forced it out of you when you were twelve years old at the annual summer party your neighborhood hosted. You did however suspect Jake and Sunghoon caught on to your feelings for Jay, and if they did know, they never said anything to you, thank goodness. The song continued with everyone being super hyped because them playing “Try Hard” only happened once in a blue moon. 
“Try Hard” ended and although everyone was bummed, they were equally happy to have experienced it live. Jake played his bass still and talked into the mic, “they really liked that one huh?” He laughs at his joke and continues, “we’re glad you liked it, it’s one of our favorites too, but I’m gonna slow it down even more, uhm, this next song, a very special song, it’s about a girl named Amnesia and it goes something like this.” They start playing the chords and all around the arena, Novas start to quiet down and sing along softly. 
Jake wasn’t lying, it truly was a very special song. You remember when they first played it for you. You, the boys, Gaia, Sunoo, and his two friends, Jungwon and Riki, were having a bonfire late at night on the beach. It was chilly and the breeze caused your skin to form goosebumps and the fire to burn even brighter. Jay and Heeseung had brought their guitars along and lightly started to strum them. It was a soft melody that left you feeling nostalgic and somewhat sad. They sang the lyrics into the open air and you were in awe. You had no idea they could write a song so emotional yet so beautiful. Toward the end, you got teary-eyed and snuggled closer into your sweater paws. Sunghoon turned to face you and chuckled, wrapping the blanket he had around the both of you and giving your head a soft peck, which in turn caused Jay to frown and look at the sand beneath his feet unbeknownst to you. 
All those memories came flooding back and before you knew it, you were crying. Gaia turned to her right and saw your tear-stricken face. She immediately grabbed your face and wiped your tears away. You smiled at her sweet actions and hugged her in return. Turning back to the stage, you see Jay looking at you so you give him a tip-lipped smile and a thumbs-up. He goes back to rocking out on stage but making sure to keep an eye on you. 
Every emotion known to man rushes through Jay as the next few songs fly by. He knows what songs are coming next and he wasn’t prepared for it at all. He has no idea why he’s so nervous. He’s performed for big crowds and important music industry people; however, no one as important as you. His hands were clammy and his voice a little shaky, he tried to shake it off, tried to make the anxious feelings go away. He looked at his fans, at his brothers on stage with him, nothing seemed to work. But the moment his eyes landed on your figure, like a weight lifted from his shoulders, everything was lighter. Everything vanished from his vision and it was only you and him in the arena as if a spell was cast on the two. So mesmerized by you, that he forgot where he was altogether. 
Heeseung’s next up to talk, “so Novas, as you know we all write songs together, BUT these next two are written purely by our sexy leader Jay, so let’s give it up for him!!” The crowd cheers and you cheer along with them. Jay gets shy and turns toward Sunghoon’s drum kit to hide his blush. He drinks some water and says into the mic, “question for all our Novas, can you keep a secret?” Thousands of yes’s are shouted into the air, startling the boys on stage. Jay laughs, “okay good, because the next ones are new and have never been played for anyone before, so let’s keep this between us.” 
“You got a boyfriend and he's a total loser, all your friends tell you that he's got no future, but they like me, just saying” Jay starts, “he barely takes you out and if he does he's late, and when the check comes he always makes you pay, I'd never do that, just saying.” 
Gaia grabs your hand and you start dancing around to the beat when your phone rings in your pocket. Pulling it out, you look at the screen and see it’s your boyfriend, so you hit decline. Going back to the show and trying to ignore your phone until it becomes unbearable. “What is it that you want now?” you say into the phone once it’s up to your ear. Your boyfriend scoffs on the other end of the line “don’t even start with your bullshit already, not when you ditched me for those losers of best friends you have.” It’s unbelievable how you’ve put up with this for three years straight. Rolling your eyes, you ask again, “what?” He says with a matter of fact tone, “I want you to leave the show and come be with me. Now.” At his ghastly request, you hang up the phone and return back to the show just in time for the final chorus. “You should leave him, ‘cause it really makes me sick, just saying, just saying, you don't need him, I'll help you get over it, just saying, just saying, when you change your mind, I'll be waiting 'cause I'm better than him, just saying, when you change your mind, I'll be waiting, just saying, just saying.”
Barely catching the final lyrics of the song, you look towards Gaia, “was that song about what I think it’s about?” She slowly turns toward you, “if you’re talking about your shitty, short dicked boyfriend, then yes.” Suddenly everything made sense. The compliments, the stares he thinks you didn’t notice every now and then, the protectiveness, the way he absolutely hated your boyfriend. Did he have feelings for you or were you just reading in-between the lines and hearing what you wanted to hear?
Jay looked in your direction, scared to see your reaction only to find you with a confused look on your face. He was terrified and worried you wanted nothing to do with him after this show. Despite his anxieties, he held it through and kept going. Continuing into the next song, Jake sings the opening lyric, “you call me up, it’s like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts that you'll never get over him gettin' over you, and you end up crying and I end up lying 'cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do.” Gaia turns towards you and smirks, “oh this song is 100% about you, for sure.” You scoff while hitting her shoulder in disbelief, trying to listen to the music. Jay walks up to the mic and sings, “and when the phone call finally ends, you say ‘thanks for being a friend,’ am I going in circles again and again.” The next few lyrics have you shocked. 
“I dedicate this song to you. 
The one who never sees the truth.
That I could take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the daylight.
I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure?
Heartbreak girl.” 
All you could think to do was stare with your mouth wide open in shock. 
You stare at the man who’s been by your side your whole life. The man who watched you go through the different phases in your life. The man who never judged you for those phases but instead supported you. Were you truly that blind to never notice his affection for you? You tried to focus on the lyrics, tried everything to focus on your best friends, but all you could think about was your racing heart. Your eyes found Jay’s and suddenly, everything was alright. Something inside of you felt like everything would turn out okay. You smiled at him and your heart did a little flip. Feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you quickly grabbed it. The message your boyfriend had sent completely did it for you. 
HIM : what the hell is your problem? ur acting
like such a bitch right now, i just wanna spend 
time w you and you dont even care wtf 
It was the final straw. You couldn’t put up with it anymore. All the nonsense fighting and the stupid arguments. There was no point in being in this relationship if you were unhappy. 
YOU : We are over. Don’t contact me anymore. Bye. 
Shoving your phone back into your pocket, you look up only to find Jay staring at you with concern. Suddenly, all those negative thoughts and insecurities about your now ex-boyfriend faded as soon as you saw his chocolate-brown eyes. Your mind occupied with Jay and Jay only. You lightly shook your head and melted into a smile wishing for time to speed up so you could finally confess your feelings to the man who’s always held your heart. 
The show was winding down to its last song and although the fans were sad, you on the other hand were buzzing with excitement and nerves. 
Sunghoon grabs the mic and says “I wanna say thank you to every single person that is here, you rule!” Jay speaks next, “thank you for listening to our music, thank you for coming down today, and thank you for being awesome in general! Thank you very much!” Jake yells into the mic, “give it up for you guys!” Heeseung laughs, “last song we’re gonna play is a cover of Barbie Girl!” which makes everyone in the arena shout. Jay turns toward you and says “this is Orange Flower You Complete Me, thank you so much! Sing along if you know it! Good night!”
Heeseung and Jay strum their guitars, Sunghoon hits the drums, and Jake strums his bass and sings the opening line, “I was, I was far, I was falling before you shined on me, it was dark, it was dark, it was dark before you woke me up.” Sunghoon continues, “you have a flower in your hand and you smile brightly at me, yeah.” Jay follows up next, “the curse is gone, so I’m yours right now!” 
Dancing and singing along to your favorite song from their new album with your best friends without a care in the world is truly a moment you’ll never forget. Something about those times when it’s only happiness and joy and nothing else that makes you want to freeze time so you can always feel this way. The song goes on with you shedding a few happy tears and taking in the uproar your four best friends have made. It’s crazy to think just three years ago they were practicing in Heeseung’s garage horribly to performing for thousands of fans. 
“In full blossom, I feel you yeah, like the flower language of love, only you fill me up” Jay sings ending the song. The crowd cheers the loudest they ever have, startling the boys a bit. They grab some water and stand in the middle of the stage. Holding hands, they take their final bow of the night. They all say into the mic, “we’re Blood Moon, we love you so much, get home safely!” The four boys wave goodbye to their fans and start their journey to the dressing room. 
As the house lights came on, Gaia grabbed your shoulders and hugged you. She clears her throat, “good luck babe.” You chuckled at her words and hugged her tighter, grateful for her support. Pulling away from her embrace, you give her a smile and nod your head, “thank you, Gee, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sunoo comes up behind Gaia and takes hold of her waist, “hey honey, we gotta go soon.” 
Gaia nods and smiles as Sunoo gives her a forehead kiss, “okay Sun, I’ll meet you in the lobby, I’m gonna walk Y/N back to the guys’ dressing room.” He nods and waves goodbye to you. Walking to the entrance of the arena, he calls out, “good luck Y/N, go get your man!!” You turn to your best friend and she laughs. “You told him!?” you question the girl next to you. Gaia chuckles, “he overheard us on the phone once!!” 
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Walking down the corridor to the dressing room, your palms get sweaty and your insides start to turn. Never has a hallway been this long before. Never has your heart raced this fast before. Never has your mind thought this many thoughts before. Never have you ever doubted yourself this much before. 
What if it’s all just a big misunderstanding and he means all those things as a friend?
What if he was directing all those things to the girl behind me?
What if when I confess to him he’ll realize he doesn’t actually want me? 
What if it’s all some ruse to humiliate me in front of our best friends? 
Gaia shakes you back into reality, “girl are you okay?” Blinking the negative thoughts away, you nod and shyly say “yeah, just a tad bit nervous is all.” The girl in front of you playfully rolls her eyes, “you got this, I love you, tell me everything tomorrow!!” Gaia embraces you again and you whisper “I will, now go get back to YOUR man.” You watch her as she happily skips back to her lover and wish you could feel that way. 
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you stare at the closed door of the dressing room. You close your eyes and gather your thoughts, trying to prepare yourself for what’s about to come. Lightly knocking on the door, you wait until you hear a faint “come in”. 
Your shaky hands grab a hold of the doorknob and slowly enter the room. Closing the door behind you, you turn around and see your four boys. Somehow, when the four boys who were laying on the couch came into your vision, all those nerves and doubtful thoughts went out the door. 
The four boys stand up to greet you, “Y/N!! We hope you enjoyed the show, thank you for coming!!!” You smile at their excitement and respond, “you guys did so good, I’m blown away by your performance every time I see you live!!” Their faces turn shades of pink and red and they start murmuring thanks. Making eye contact with Jay, you shyly smile at the ground. 
Jay clears his throat, “um hey Y/N, could I talk to you? Privately?“ The words you’ve dreaded to hear since they played Just Saying not too long ago. You look up at your best friend and slightly nod. Shuffling is heard from the 
back of the room as well as coughs. Jake looks around before scratching his head and says “we’re gonna go help pack up the equipment, see y’all later.” The younger ones follow Heeseung out the door with Sunghoon closing it shut leaving you and Jay alone for the first time that day. 
The two of you stood in a comfortable silence, neither of you wanting to speak up first. 
Choosing to break the silence, you utter “you and the guys did so good out there tonight, I’m so proud of you!” Jay smiles at the ground blushing then looks back at you. He responds “thank you, love, I’m glad you decided to come tonight instead of hanging with your boyfriend, as horrible as that sounds.” You shake your head and laugh at his statement. Shakily, you say, “ummm he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” 
Jay’s heartbeat picks up and he internally smiles. Never has he been so excited and elated to receive such devastating yet amazing news. He pretends to ponder on what you said, “oh is that what happened during the show?” You nod your head at him, trying to work up the courage to tell him how you really feel about him. There’s another moment of silence between you two. Jay scans your figure then your face and decides to just take the risk. 
“Fuck it,” Jay says under his breath. He grabs your waist, pushing you against the cold door of the dressing room, his hands tracing your curves, and smashing his lips on yours. Shocked at first, you stood there not knowing what to do until he bit down, nibbling at your lower lip. You finally come to your senses, moaning into the kiss, and move your lips against his.
Fireworks set off in your stomach and you thought your heart might just explode. It was like something you’ve never felt. You’ve kissed plenty of guys before but it never felt like this. It never felt like you wanted to give up everything and run away to a far-off place with them. It never felt like floating on top of cloud nine into heaven. Heart swelling with so much happiness and joy, you couldn’t help but shed a few tears. 
Jay pulls away from your soft plush lips, resting his forehead on top of yours, relishing in this moment. Suddenly, the both of you hear shuffling from the other side of the door. The sound of deep huffing and puffing as well as Heeseung shouting “just put us all out of our misery and admit it already!” You laugh along with Jay and your other best friends through the door. His eyes still closed, breathing in your sweet scent, he finally says the five words you’ve longed to hear since you were seven: “I’m in love with you.” 
Full of emotions, you couldn’t help but burst into tears again. Jay, concerned about your reaction to his love confession, grabs your face in his hands and hurriedly lets out “oh my God, why are you crying?! Does me being in love with you disgust you that much!?” Shaking your head, you laugh, “no, you dumbass, it’s because you love me back but I spent all of this time thinking you’d never love me that way!” 
This time Jay shakes his head, letting out a little laugh in disbelief. “You really are so oblivious, huh? For years, I have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence. I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you all those years ago... It’s you. It’s always been you.” 
All you could do was smile at him with tears in your eyes. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bring him closer to your body and lightly peck his lips. Bright smiles on both of your lips, you run your fingers through his hair and jokingly say “so, am I your heartbreak girl or were you talking about some other bitch?” He rolls his eyes at that, throwing his head back, “you’ll always be my girl, my heartbreak girl.” You nod your head at that and snicker, “are you sure?” Jay catches your drift and smirks down at you, “how bout I show you?” He grabs your waist, pulls you towards his body, and molds his lips onto yours for the second time. Your body melts into his as you smile into the passionate kiss almost as if this is where you were meant to be: wrapped in his arms, without a care in the world. 
As the two of you walked to your neighborhood park, hand in hand, you looked up at the sky. The moon and stars were shining brighter than they ever had. Looking back at your best friend, you remember you once looked at him as a friend until you realized you loved him and he loved you in return. You smiled to yourself knowing the heavens approved of your newfound love and would grace the both of you with its angelic love and light for as long as you held and cherished each other until the end of this life and onto the next one. 
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an :: this is the second fic I've written on here, so if you could let me know if you enjoyed it, I'd appreciate it sm !! constructive criticism is always welcome, BUT remember to use kind words and send them through my asks box PLEASE AND THANK YOU !! <3
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hope you had an angelic time & drown in heaven again soon !!
© heavenlyheesire ..
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upon-a-starry-night · 7 months
Number Neighbors Pt.20
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
When you’re finally released from the hospital they send you home with a list of instructions on how to take care of your wound and some medication. You sigh in relief at the sight of your apartment, it wasn’t the most extravagant place but it was comfortable and familiar, and you had actual food here. 
Tired of hospital food, you head straight for the kitchen when you spot the roses Leon had sent you. They’re still fresh and it doesn’t feel right to just throw them out considering you two ended on a good note. Instead, you set your bouquet from Nat on the counter and take apart the roses from Leon. You individually wrap them in some leftover tissue paper and despite your stomach grumbling you head back out of your apartment. 
You head to the park closest to your house and begin handing the roses out to random strangers you pass. An old lady sitting by herself, a man and his dog, and a group of women walking down the sidewalk. The deed makes you feel good about yourself and the smiles on their faces help remind you of all the good things in life. 
It’s a reminder you need after what happened.
You go to hand the last rose to a woman sitting on a bench on her phone when she looks up and you realize you recognize her
“Y/n! Oh my god!” You smile down at your coworker and her face lights up when you hand her the rose. “This is so sweet, thank you” You’re prepared to bid her a good weekend and leave when she stops you, grabbing your arm. 
“Wait- okay this might be kind of short notice but there’s this party coming up in a week and I really don’t want to go alone- plus you promised me we’d start hanging out” 
You do vaguely remember promising one of your coworkers that you two would start hanging out after you bonded over workplace struggles. Parties aren’t normally your thing but she’s got this bright and hopeful look in her eyes and honestly, you could probably use the socialization.
Shrugging, you figure it wouldn’t hurt to go, your habit of spending your weekends cuddled up with your TV and your snacks had been less and less appealing these past months anyway. 
“Sounds like fun! Will you text me the details?” She nods excitedly and hugs you and it makes you think of your mother. She would be so excited to hear how outgoing you’ve become and you can’t help but think it was all because of Nat. Not because she told you to go out (Although she did so very often), but because her presence just seemed to have that impact. Her sass and humor pulled you out of the slump that you’d been stuck in for what felt like forever. In the past few months, you’ve done things you hadn’t done in years and it felt amazing. 
You waved goodbye to your coworker with the promise of texting her more often and headed home. 
You didn’t know why but you had a feeling everything was going to change next weekend.
You weren’t panicking. You weren’t. You just hadn’t been to a party in a long time and your coworker definitely forgot to mention just how fancy the dress code was and now she was coming in half an hour to pick you up and you had no idea what to wear.
So obviously after a 5 minute mini-panic attack, you opened your phone to text Nat
I’m having a crisis
What’s going on?
I have a party tonight and
I’m told it’s very fancy
Look at you socializing!
Har Har
Don’t patronize me
So what’s the problem?
If you need to brush up on 
Pop culture or recent celebrity drama
I am NOT the person to ask.
I need help finding an outfit
and you sounded like someone 
with impeccable style
If I knew calling you was all I had to 
do to get you to compliment my style 
I would’ve done it a lot sooner.
I’m pretty sure all my fancy clothes 
have dust on them.
I’m surprised you have any at all.
What have you got?
Well, I’ve got a red dress, a gold strapless one,
and a black one with a thigh slit.
Black. Definitely. 
I should’ve guessed that’s what you’d choose.
Rude. black goes with everything okay?
And it hides drink stains ;)
…okay you might have a point.
But now the real crisis-
Gold or silver jewelry.
Show me your options.
*Images Attached*
Definitely that silver bracelet.
And the pearl earrings.
Is that dust on your jewelry box, Y/n?
No! Shut up!
For good measure, you send her a picture of your middle finger, to which she responds with an emoji with its tongue sticking out. It makes you chuckle until you see the time and frantically begin scrambling around your room to grab stuff for your shower. Not to mention you had to find a way to cover up your healing shoulder wound. You send Nat another brief text as the water is warming up since you know you probably won’t get the chance to text her until after the party.
I’ve got to get ready but
Thanks for your help, Nat<3
Of course.
Have a good time, Y/n ❤️
Nat had all but gotten used to the fluttering feeling she felt when she texted you until that damn phone call. Everything in her had been screaming at her not to do it, that you would recognize her voice and everything would fall apart. But after what happened to you she knew both of you needed it, maybe her more than you.
It was brief. So brief.
She was trying so hard to show you her authentic self while still making sure you didn’t recognize her but more of her actual voice slipped out than she intended. She couldn’t help it, she lost all train of thought when she heard your voice.
She loved the way you said her name. She could hear you say it a million times over but the call was cut short by her gift to you arriving. She didn’t mind though, not when you sent her photos of your flowers every day with cute captions like “longest I’ve ever kept anything alive!!” and “they still smell so good!?” and she won’t even mention the backflip her heart did when you sent her a picture of the dying flowers you pressed to keep them for longer.
She was glad you liked them. She was glad about everything when it came to you. She’d never consider herself an optimist but you were definitely changing her perspective on life.
Her mind drifted to the party you were going to tonight and she briefly wondered if it was the same one she was expected to show up to tonight, but it was a Friday night in New York and there was no way out of the hundreds of parties tonight you two would happen to be at the same one. Not to mention she didn’t see your name on Stark’s guest list. 
She sighed as she read your goodbye and looked to her closet. It was about time she got ready for her own party. God knows what Stark would have her doing this time, it was better to prepare for these things early.
A/n: Q& A in the comments while we wait for the most anticipated chapter of this series?~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat @toouncreativeforausername @ordelixx @autorasexy @blacklightsposts @vmpnano @jono723 @sylencr @saraaahsstuff @autorasexy @gay4hotmilfs
174 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 1 year
MICHAEL BERZATTO — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: whew I’ve been debating if I wanted to get into writing for Michael again. For the works that I’ve already dropped for the bear I’ve gone back to rewatch the episodes to connect it to my work and episode 6 is tough! The entire show isn’t some walk in the park ofc but knowing what we know of Michael? They deliver it all in pieces but it’s enough. We’ll only ever get to see Michael through everyone else’s eyes since that’s all that’s left and it’s really messed up to think about. My summer prompts are supposed to be light hearted but I’m also a angst loving writer smh. Brace yourselves.
Originally had no intent of adding a prompt to the mix just like Richie’s but here’s what I’m using: “you’re gonna melt. Get in here.”
*GIF BELONGS TO: @darlingshane
WARNINGS: talks of living a traditional future, heavy mental-health fic, mentions of opioids, and a sprinkle of sexual content somewhere.
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[130 days BEFORE 7 fishes…]
His eyes are closed but he’s not asleep.
He hears the front door creak open but Michael knows not to get his hopes up. He’s curled up on the stoop, finding it as his second bed over the past three days. Between the stoop and the grass, it all depends on what feels more comfortable but he cannot take the cold shoulder from her.
Except he has no choice, he already attempted to barge his way through once before but the semi-automatic pistol that was pressed into his cheek from her uncle was a hint for Michael to take it easy.
It feels like something light touches his back, shaking him to open his eyes. He’s wrapped in a blanket of his as he shifts, one arm coming up to block the light from blinding him. After a moment, Michael realizes it’s her sock covered foot that shook him awake as she pulls her long leg back. He wonders if she’s off to the gym again and his clears his throat, ready to greet her this morning but her words beat him to it.
“You’re gonna melt. Get in here.” Her chocolate eyes are set out into the street, beyond the gate, already aware that her neighbors witnessed what Michael’s been up to these days.
Michael’s groaning as he sits up, eyes scanning the front yard and the neighbor’s house to the left of you. It’s a elderly man who’s a vet and Michael swore he’s nothing but a old racist with the way he always eyed how Michael was affectionate towards her in public, whether it was him kissing her goodbye before he headed down to Chicagoland, him spinning her back around into his arms when she was trying to leave for the gym at early hours, or just them hanging out in their backyard by the pizza oven he and Richie built together. The vet’s locking up his door with his gray Great Dane trained right beside him, it’s almost instant that his eyes peer right over to Michael’s.
He knows he raises a two-finger salute to the man to irritate him but surprisingly the man gives a sneer of a smile in his direction, shaking his head as he goes down the stairs.
That felt like an insult in itself.
“Old fart,” Michael states as watched him head down the street with his dog.
Michael turns back to the front door, which is ajar and she’s no longer standing in the door way.
She’s left it open for him.
Michael hurries to get to his feet now to enter the brick bungalow home. What used to be his home. Should still be his home. He closes the door shut behind him, keeping the rising heat of the morning where it belongs, his blanket slowly slipping from his shoulders as he tries to pick up on what’s changed in the weeks of his absence.
To the left into another room, there’s still the small table right against the wall that’s adjacent to three large windows in the living room. The console table is now painted a pale blue with small dainty looking pictures seated right on top, faux white peonies that resembles her favorite flowers (Michael’s brought home plenty of those for her to see in the morning) are placed on top of some books, followed by a large mirror that’s hung up on the wall.
Which leaves Michael to get a glimpse at himself and he almost gets angry at how pitiful he looks right now when he knows it’s his fault that he’s in this situation, that he put them there. So he rubs at his face, fingertips brushing over the slight stubble that he’s letting grow in since he hasn’t been in much of a mood to shave, mentally telling himself to get a grip so he can hopefully get back on track with her.
The love of his life.
Blowing out a breath, he sees the door to his right cracked open which was their bedroom and he wants nothing more than to hold her there in his arms again. Their bedroom held many nights of love and hurt but that’s not something that can be changed. It’s just the way it was.
Michael tears his eyes away from the door, already sensing that she wasn’t in there and walks through the living room to his left, pass the stairs tucked in the corner, along with another door behind the half-wall on the right which contained the laundry room and continued around the corner to the kitchen.
He’s standing in the middle of the hardwood floor as she has her back to him, hands leaning against the counter as she stares out the window in front of the kitchen sink. Michael’s already tossing his blanket on the arm of one of the kitchen chairs, feeling some sort of comfort in their updated black and white modern kitchen.
She doesn’t initiate the conversation and there’s clearly tension in her shoulders that Michael is itching to be behind her. Itching to get rid of what he’s caused but he knows it’s probably best that he doesn’t act on impulse just yet.
That doesn’t stop him from scraping the chair around so it’s facing her, plopping down and stretching his back as some sort of massage he needs for himself. Folding his arms with his legs spread out, he picks up on the temperature and says, “it could be colder in here you know?”
Michael always preferred colder weather compared to hot. If he was still in the house, rest assured this place would be below sixty-eight and he knows she had to have the thermostat on at least seventy-four.
She represented summer with a natural glow to her bronzed skin and dark lengthy wavy hair, full of sweet smiles that usually matched the sparkle in her brown eyes and tasted like peaches, with a touch that felt like summer sunrises, and a laugh that flowed like the gentle flutter of butterfly wings. She’s the light that Michael wanted to stay in, hold onto, and be part of.
He hated how his consistent winter blues began to disrupt the warmth of her being.
“…you can go back outside and deal with heat exhaustion or you can just be quiet.”
“I think we’ve done enough of this silent treatment, Lena.” Michael rasps, “just talk to me.”
“What good is talking going to do if we’re never on the same page anymore…or if ever?”
“What do you mean?”
“Michael, do you realize how much you showed your ass at my sister’s baby shower last month?” She whirls around, back pressed against the counter now, “Do you realize what you said to me?”
Michael clenched his eyes shut, scratching at his eyebrow and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah honey, I know. And I regretted it ever since.”
“Do you?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. I fucking love you with all that I have, which ain’t much but it’s something… I just—I can’t always be everything to everyone all the time.” Michael says, feeling his eyes burn.
Lena feels her own eyes close, welling with tears as her brows furrow. Michael knows that look and he’s off his feet now, ready to walk around the small island that’s keeping him from her.
Lena’s hand goes out, stopping him from coming any closer to her, “uh uh. Don’t.”
With her eyes open, the tears spill from the corner of her eyes and she doesn’t bother to wipe them away this time. She sniffs as she chews on the back of her bottom lip for a bit, “so what do you want to do about this?”
“We talk it through.”
“For what? Closure?” She laughs humorlessly, “to ease your heart? although you already broke mine a couple of times. You can’t claim to love somebody and break their heart repeatedly, love shouldn’t have to hurt this damn bad. Love should feel better than this.”
It wasn’t all bad being with Michael. Sure they’ve only been together for a solid four years since Lena wouldn’t count the back and forth prior to that. Michael was dealing with a situationship before he took a full interest in Lena and she wasn’t going for it. Lena always wanted a love that mattered and she kept choosing Michael Ira Berzatto but lately it doesn’t feel reciprocated.
Michael drops his head, resting his arms against the island as he stretches in search of words, “…you’re right it shouldn’t and I’m sorry that nothing in life is ever easy. I want to be with you but sometimes it just doesn’t feel worth it and it’s not anything you’ve done it’s just how it feels to me.”
There’s a lump in Lena’s throat but she can appreciate the honesty this time around. She hears what her boyfriend is saying to her and she knows Michael loves her dearly but these moods he gets in along with the hurtful things he says and the disappearing acts isn’t healthy. So she had to kick him out (off the couch) to get a better sense of how to deal with this but the reality is she wasn’t. She closed him out even when Michael tried to come back the next day to locked doors since he always forgot his key, so she gave him a duffel bag full of his clothes to take with him to his mother’s for a little while.
Until he got the picture.
Lena didn’t necessarily want Michael to go back to his childhood home with Donna but she learned from Tiffany that’s where he’s mainly been. She didn’t think about where he would go but all she knew was that she needed him out. Michael didn’t want to put his shit on Richie or Tiffany but he also didn’t want to spend nights alone down at Chicagoland. He wanted to be in bed with the woman he felt truly connected to. Talking to her until sleep found them, holding her.
He wanted to be with his home.
It’s been a whole month and Michael was ready to do something about his relationship with Lena. She was not someone he wanted to lose but he couldn’t help the spurts that erupted in his brain.
“Michael you told me you didn’t want to marry me or have a family with me in front of my family. I thought that was something we were building towards…something we wanted to add to this life we share together. We got this house together so what’re we doing here if that’s off the table now?”
Michael’s envisioned a life with Lena the moment he expressed that he was in love with her, sitting parked along the curb one rainy Chicago night over milkshakes and pork chop sandwiches, He thought about kids that maybe looked a little like himself but mostly had Lena’s good qualities…the moment they entered the house together with their new set of keys. He thought about being brought to tears seeing Lena in a wedding dress being led down the aisle by her uncle/godfather.
Of course he wanted all of that with Lena…he just didn’t know if he deserved it. It was contradicting to think about if maybe that’s how his own father felt when he looked at Michael, Natalie, and Carmen but that didn’t erase the hurt he put them all through including his mother.
“I didn’t mean it. None of it. I was in my head, the bad parts you know?” Michael clenched his biceps with his hands as he struggled to get the words out, struggling to make it all make sense, the way he felt.
Lena deeply exhales, head dimming, that the brim of her hat is shielding her face that Michael just wants to yank it off. He didn’t like when Lena did that, hide her pretty face or her emotions but it was hypercritical because Michael’s been hiding a lot of the weight. He just didn’t want anyone to know that, however Lena knew this and she wasn’t just anyone. How could she not? She’s seen it all inside of this house and just simply being together, she just wanted Michael to trust her and let her in.
“I get it…but we’re supposed to be a team. Together. I do love you and I want to support you through this but I can’t help you if you choose other methods that’ll push me away.”
“What? You think I’m some sort of project for you? Like I’m one of those horn dogs down at the gym that need some pointers? I don’t need fixing, Lenny.” The way he used her nickname felt like it was against her, condescending almost.
“That’s not what I’m saying to you at all.” Lena’s voice was always so soft like the melody of a harp and she always knew how to keep her tone leveled despite the disrespect she was feeling from the man she loved, “what I’m saying to you is I’m recognizing that you’re going through something. I’m your girl, what makes you think I wouldn’t? My dad…you know Michael. I’m not trying to fix you, I’m trying to love you through it all.”
Michael met Lena a month after her father passed tragically. She was outside of the restaurant, leaning against the building and Richie was the first to set eyes on her, telling Michael there was some, “babe,” just lingering outside.
That was a question mark in itself since Chicagoland had all sorts of people making themselves comfortable on the street. Michael didn’t expect to find someone like Lena there on the fresh touch of winter, warm smiles despite the frost beginning to hit.
“Hey, you’re gonna freeze out here, Mr.” Was the first thing she said to him over her shoulder, once she realized Michael’s been watching her while she paced, lightly tapping a harmonica against her fingertips.
She’s stunning to say the least as Michael breaks his stare to glance down at his short sleeve attire. He shrugs, “Nah, don’t worry about me. I take ice baths for fun, it’s kinda my thing. You on the other hand, look like you’re ready for Christmas.”
It’s only the beginning of October but Lena’s dressed like she’s prepared to spend a night out in Antarctica, wool hat with a pompom attached to it, huge gold hoops poking through her dark hair, a winter coat that was probably two sizes too big for her frame, and some furry boats. He laughed about it then and still laughs about it now, she was cute as hell not being used to Chicago’s weather and thinking some fifty to low forty degree weather bothered Michael.
A smile was still placed on her face that Michael couldn’t help but to mirror, “You caught me, I am actually looking for the chunky man with the white beard. He likes to wear red a lot.”
“Yeah, i think he’s in there. Probably enjoying a requested pastrami grilled cheese with a side of tomato soup and a spiked hot coco to go.”
“Sounds filling.”
Michael nods, “with my hands on it, you bet your doll face it’s something special. Now…what warm meal can I get you?”
“Oh you’re kind, I…can’t go in there.”
Michael blinks, “why not? I hear from some of my team you’ve been out here every Thursday around this time just watching. There’s nothing in there that’s gonna hurt ya, I promise.”
“…this was my dad’s place where he liked to have lunch. He was a musician and travelled a lot but he’s a Chicago native through and through. When I would spend summers with him, he’d take me here for lunch for the Penne Alla Vodka when I was a little girl…then I stopped spending summer’s with him.”
Michael listens carefully to this and asks, “what’s his name?”
“Lionel. Lionel Marsalis, he had a familiar relationship with the previous owner…which I’m assuming is probably your dad.”
Michael takes this information in and knows it rings a bell. He’s seen a black and white picture of a man that was standing beside his father and uncle Jimmy once before, holding a harmonica up to his lips while his father had his head thrown back in laughter. Uncle Jimmy was full of smiles, and the only one with his eyes set on the camera as the man in the middle played on with his eyes closed.
“Well in that case, we’re practically family already!” Michael holds out his hand for Lena to grasp, “And you’re no stranger, so you deserve a seat inside don’t you think? C’mon in, I’ll even let you get the best seat in the house…which is right next to mine.”
Lena thinks about it, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before she had to just take a chance and enter. However she had a man here who had some sort of a connection to her father just like she had to his. So she places a warm hand in his cold rough one, Michael giving her’s a squeeze followed by a grin as he began walking backwards, reaching out for the door to lead the way.
“And I don’t ever want you to stop loving me,” Michael exhales, “I just don’t want my issues to outshine what’s good. What we got, it’s good isn’t it?
“We can’t keep ignoring this though, don’t you get that? It’s causing us both more harm than good.” Lena says, “Did you get rid of them?”
Michael freezes in place, not expecting Lena to bring this up. He thought the focus would just be on him being reckless with his mouth during a bad time. He couldn’t tell you what got into him, popping in at his supposed sister-in-law’s baby shower, the numerous questions of when he was going to pop the question, have kids of his own with dear Lena, got to be all too much for the usual charismatic man.
And he unfortunately took it out on Lena.
As if right on cue, Michael feels the pinching and throbbing in the palm of his left hand. The scarred hand he carelessly injured last winter when he was having a low moment down at Chicagoland. That ultimately added to his routine of numbing pain by the quietness of a certain white horse pill.
“Don’t lie to me, Mike.”
Michael huffs, “I’m not, want to check my pockets?”
“Yeah, maybe I do.”
“Go for it then.”
Lena hesitates but Michael holds her stare. It was hurtful that their relationship resulted in this, a sense of trust almost lost now. Yet it was just as hurtful for Lena to figure it out and Michael not being comfortable enough to confide in her. She wanted him to sink into her especially when he was feeling low but Michael felt like it was selfish to do that. Selfish to dim all the light that Lena is by his darkness. He wasn’t flashy but his love for Lena was genuine and damn right he wanted the world to know. That pride was something ferocious! He was positive that the best thing he’s ever done was love Lena Marsalis and he wanted everyone to see just how happy they made each other so why would be even dare ruin it with his ongoing pain?
That didn’t make sense to him. What made sense was loving as hard as he could, tussling with the bear that was deep inside, against anything that wanted to challenge him.
He would never go down without a roar.
Michael’s dark eyes are focused only on Lena as she takes slow steps towards him. He’s standing up straight now, standing sideways from the island as Lena approaches him. She’s playing with her fingers and Michael knows that is a nervous habit, he can’t bring himself to be pissed that she’s doing this because his heart goes soft just as the thought of her alone.
She’s inhaling as she stands face to face with Michael, eyes trailing over his features as if she could ever forget what he looks like. When her hands brush against his waist, as if she could ever forget what he feels like, and when her fingertips just touch the outline of his Jean pockets she breaks.
A sob erupts over her frame and a balled up fist goes up to her mouth to almost slam it back down. However the damage was already done as she’s fighting to catch her breath through her sobs, and the furrow in Michael’s brows hits his face and he can’t help but to pull her hard against his chest. He’s holding Lena again and it’s easy for him to swallow her pain, the pain that he’s caused. The motion of him pulling her to him, knocks her hat off from her head and Michael’s replacing that barrier with his lips pressing to the top of her rosemary scented head.
Lena’s hands are balled up against his chest, nails almost gripping his shirt as she cries and Michael just squeezes the top of her shoulders with one hand and the other holds her by the back.
“We’re gonna be fine. I’m gonna be fine. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Michael chants with his lips on her forehead and Lena only clenches her eyes tighter.
Those apologies don’t come without the fear of wondering if this was truly it for ol’ Mikey and Lenny. However they don’t dwell on it when Lena places open mouthed kisses against his beating throat. A rumble forms at the action and Michael’s hands are sliding down her lower back as she’s looking at him now with fresh tears.
“Let’s go back to bed,” her voice is hushed as Michael is caressing her face now.
He nods because he feels it too before he smashes his lips right against hers, almost stealing the air right from her lungs.
And Lena let’s him.
He carries her like he’s done before the first time they entered this house together long ago, without the ring or the title but that didn’t matter. Their feelings for one another was just enough then.
Michael can’t keep his eyes off Lena as she lays on the bed, eyes low and reaching up to rest the palms of her hands flat against his chest where his heart beats. His hand rests right against her’s, keeping it tight in his hold so she knows that his heart can be completely in her hands if it’s still what she wants.
They hold eye contact, even when he’s peeling off her gym pants and he’s kissing her soft thighs and shea butter scented skin. His hand rests flat against the thin material that’s shielding him from one of her most sensitive parts and it’s pulsating just from his touch alone leaving her whining, which is music to his ears. He lays against her before his finger shifts the material to the side.
“I love you,” she says to him, “always.”
And that almost makes him want to cry as he slides inside, “I love you too, Lenny. So much.”
He groans while settling inside, trying to burn this feeling into his mind forever, how they almost melt together, welcoming what they’ve been missing. Their hands rise up along the bed, clasping onto each other as Michael begins to find rhythm against the downfall of what once was.
There’s a candle that sits on Lena’s night stand, burning in the distance as they release together. Equally there’s tears on both of their faces as Michael pulls back to get another good look at Lena. Her fingertips are brushing his tears and he leans down to kiss hers away.
‘I miss you.’ She thinks and Michael’s lips tells her just the same before he lays down beside her, pulling her to rest against his chest in the room they share.
And she’ll always miss Michael, especially when she crosses that bridge on her way to work, the same place she can’t bother to do her morning jog along anymore, and that same bridge where they spent many nights together, knees pressed together as he animatedly talks about some wild story she has to act like she’s hearing for the very first time but doesn’t mind, just happy to see a smile on his face.
It’s the same smile that matches the one she catches when they share a bed together. The last time he really had the chance to hold her before a harsh winter came to his childhood home without her by his side, with her hand caressing the scruff on his jaw, thigh tossed over his hip. Her fingers start trailing every detail of his face from the bridge of his wide nose, the crinkles by his dark eyes, and the smooth smile of teeth that splits onto his lips although their relationship has completely altered…the love would always still be there even if at a distance.
His eyes are closed but he’s not asleep.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙  ༘♡ ⁀➷ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁎̩͙ ⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙  ༘♡ ⁀➷ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁎̩͙ ⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙  ༘♡ ⁀
Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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ultrajaphunter · 8 days
Residents of an Ohio city that has been flooded with tens of thousands of migrants, mainly from Haiti, have been shocked by reports the newcomers are hunting and eating their pets and local wildlife like ducks and geese.
A Facebook post from a local community group for Springfield, Ohio has gone viral, after it warned residents to “keep a close eye” on their pets and on animals in public parks.
“Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!!” the post begins.
“My neighbor informed me that her daughters friend had lost her cat.
She checked pages, kennels, asked around, etc.
One day she come home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbors house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, & they were carving it up to eat.
I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at Snyder park with the ducks & geese,
as I was told that last bit by Rangers & police.
Please keep a close eye on these animals.”
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hoonspookie · 10 months
Layla's Dog Sitter jake x reader
AAAAA this is a (very) late birthday post for our dearest ikeu!! + sweet venom is sooo goood! also this is a bit rushed m'sorry 😖😣
neighbor! jake x dog sitter! reader , fluff , rushed , female reader
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You were Layla's dog sitter, your neighbor, Jake, who works as a professor at a nearby college, unlike you, who worked from home as a freelancer, mainly in video editing and tutoring in english.
And due to your less hectic schedule, You're able to take care of your hot neighbor's dog! Which is why you're in front of his front door, pressing on the doorbell next to his door.
"Hey Yn!" Jake opens the door, he was wearing a white button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and tucked into black slacks, black glasses sitting on his face.
"Hi Jake! I'm here for Layla" You respond, a soft smile on your face. "Ah yes, Layla! Come in, I already have Layla's dog bag prepared so you're all set" He says, making way for you to come in.
You nod, walking in, taking off your shoes near the dog before exceeding further, you could see Layla by her food bowl, happily eating her breakfast.
"You got here quite early Ynnie!" Jake snickers, it was only 5 in the morning and Jake leaves at 7. "Well.. I wanted to get to know Layla's owner better! I don't get to talk to you much!" You say softly, fiddling with your fingers as you felt a bit nervous.
"That's so sweet of you, Yn" He responds. "Let's go to the kitchen and get you some coffee" He added, leading you towards his lovely kitchen.
As Jake poured you your coffee, he decided to start the conversation. "Hm, so, what did you want to know?" He asked, letting you think for a bit. "What are you teaching? I didn't really think you'd be a professor" You giggle, but you were genuinely curious.
"I teach Physics, dear" He smiles at you, handing you the coffee mug. "Oh? I didn't expect that.." You hum, blowing softly on the hot drink.
He lets out a laugh he's so fine , "Why? What'd you think I teach?" He looks at you, a brow raised as he gently scratches Layla's head, veins showing on his fair skin.
"Expected English" You say honestly. "Well.. that was one of my choices but I liked Physics better" Jake says, explaining the reason why he chose to be a physics professor.
"Well, what about you? why do you have so much time on your hands, hm?" He suddenly asked, making you smile. "I'm a freelancer" You answer.
He takes a few seconds to respond, too focused on his adorable dog, Layla, she was a smart girl, very fluffy too.
"Ah, I see, that makes sense.." He says, standing up and stepping closer to you. "Well, Layla's going to the groomers today for a bath, and maybe you could take her on a walk and..."
"I hope to speak to you more often like this" He smiled.
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
And indeed did you both start talking often, It was now a Saturday, you were getting ready to dog sit Layla.
You weren't sure why since he doesn't really have you come in during the weekends but you didn't mind if it meant seeing him more often.
Putting on your favorite perfume, a pair of denim shorts and a basic v-neck top, checking on your hair before locking your door and making your way to Jake's house.
"Hey Jake, I'm here for Layla" You smile softly at him. "Hey Yn, actually.. uhm, that was just an excuse, I actually just wanted to spend some time with you.." He says, a sheepish smile forming on his face, making your cheeks turn red.
"You could've just said so!" You giggle.
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
And now, every Saturday, when both of you are free, you guys would hang out, either going out or staying at his house.. But you can't help but think that your crush on your lil neighbor was being reciprocated.. or maybe you were just delulu!
You and Jake took Layla on a walk to the park, you were eating ice cream that Jake had paid for whilst he ran around with Layla, laughing loudly, he was so cute. After a while, he came forward to you, standing there with his hands behind his back.
"Hm?" You looked up at him in confusion, he pointed towards your handkerchief before quickly putting his hands behind his back and giving you a big smug grin as he leaned forward.
You roll your eyes playfully, giggling slightly as you pat his face dry with the soft cloth.
He would always link your arms together whenever you both took Layla on a Saturday walk, he enjoys your company, sometimes subconsciously moving his hand down to intertwine his fingers with yours whilst he'd rant about his students that would disrespect him or stare at him too much, huffing in frustration as he ran his free hand through his luscious locks.
He was the one who mostly initiates hanging out, sometimes calling them 'friendly dates', but there was something different about this one.. you both were having some coffee outside of a Starbucks with Layla eating from her portable food bowl next to you.
You though, had a waffle that had whipped cream and chocolate syrup, you seemed to not have noticed the small mess on the corner of your lips when Jake suddenly reached out with his hand, cupping your jaw with his thumb rubbing the mess off.
He was driving you crazy, like if he wanted to go on a date, he could've just said so like 🤭, he was so sweet.. like honestly.. he was giving you mixed signals and it was pissing you off!
☆ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。 ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° *⁠. 。
You were now getting dressed up all pretty, putting on a cute black dress, Jake was taking you out today to a nice restaurant.. and whoo.. this better be a confession or else you'd be the one to confess.
After a few minutes, you heard your doorbell ring, immediately running down and putting on your velvet, four inch block heels and opening the door.
"Hey Jake!" You smile softly at him as he takes your hand, "Hey love, you ready?" He asks, you simply give him a nod. The nicknames.. it was taking a toll on you! these are not neighbor nor friends behavior!!!
Once you both got to the restaurant and ordered, he cleared his throat.
"Hey.. uhm, Ynnie, you know.. I'm really thankful for you taking care of Layla and it's clear she's grown attached to you, soo please, take this as a thank you" He says with a soft smile.
You smiled softly at him, the gears on your head now no longer working, ack!! "Thanks, jake!" you say, so that it wouldn't be so awkward.
Once your dishes and wine got to the table, and a few minutes into eating.. he suddenly spoke. "And Yn.. I like you, the past few months of us hanging out has made me grow feelings for you.. and I'm glad that Layla's attached to you... at least I'm not the only one.."
Jake speaks, a shy smile on his face with his cheeks so red. He looked adorable, giggling nervously to himself.
"I like you too, Jake!"
note: HELPP this was so rushed, sorry about that!! and Layla was rarely or barely mentioned TT but i hoped you guys enjoyed it either way hehsbaksn
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you recently reblogged a post that said "the grief is never ending but so are the strange ways love will find you again and again" or something to that effect, and it hit home really hard.
my mama was my best friend in the whole world. she adopted me the day i was born, we had similar trauma and chronic illness so she was super understanding of my needs, she fully supported me being queer, we both loved to do art and various crafts, we liked similar things, had similar senses of humor, told each other everything and hung out every single day.
in 2020 she passed away very suddenly. i wont say anything further, it would be potentially triggering and absolutely sad and its not really necessary to my point.
me and my dad were devastated and we had to lean on each other so much. everything was crap for a long while.
but today, i am living in a mobile home on my dads land, right next door to his house. my two partners, one of which ive dated for 7 years and the other for 4, have moved in with me. (polyamorous, not cheating.) we are so happy together. we take care of each other.
today i gave one partner a haircut and infodumped about my current favorite show to the other. one of them is currently snoring loudly in my bed. we adopted a dog, her name is iggy. we go to my dads for weekly dinners, holidays, to hang out, and whenever theres a severe weather warning lol. we go to the library and the park together. we do boring errands together and have fun doing them. we cook and clean and go to appointments and get groceries and watch movies and play games and cry and laugh together. theres a pride flag on our wall. the neighbors are nice and iggy has made friends with every dog in the neighborhood.
im sorry for the wall of text, just like... damn. it really actually does get better, doesnt it? the world is actually full of love and kindness and beauty. the grief stays, but the love grows so so much larger around it.
if you read all of this, thank you.
I am so happy that love is growing around your grief! I love my mom so much and I can't even imagine the pain losing her would cause, and it is just so beautiful to hear that life can grow around even something as terrible as that. So thank you for sharing this with me!
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she-karev · 2 months
Man’s Best Friend (Andrew DeLuca Dog Imagine)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Station 19
Canon Episode: Season 4 Episode 4
AN: Hey guys I’m a dog mom so I decided to give Andrew a dog. The dog of this story is based on the actor, Giacomo Gianniotti’s, IRL dog named Jazz. If you want proof just go on his Instagram page.
Summary: Andrew DeLuca tries to get back in Amber’s good graces, but she rejects him again. Meanwhile Station 19 tries to calm down a drug addict and abusive couple who have a three-legged dog that overdosed on cocaine. A concerned neighbor brings the dog to the hospital where Andrew is at the pit and revives the dog.
Words: 4023
April 8th 2020
Maya looks around the pasta hanging out to dry in her and Carina’s kitchen as well as the cheeses around the island in growing anxiety. She’s a woman who likes control especially in her own home but she knows it’s not just her home anymore it’s hers and Carina’s.
Lately Carina has been on a cooking binge and while Maya found it sexy at first now, she finds it to be an inconvenience to have ingredients for a whole party in a pandemic. She tries to hide her stress as she walks around her roommate Andy Herrera who looks more amused than Maya at the kitchen being turned into an Italian restaurant.
“I-I always dreamed of living inside a Buca di Beppo, and…and now we do.” Andy jokes.
Maya explains, “Carina is hanging all this to dry. She says that it reminds her of home.” A little of her stress shows as she asks her best friend, “What do I do with this?”
Andy smiles holding a cheese slice, “I don't know. Throw a dinner party?”
Andy sniffs and is taken back by the scent as Carina walks in with her brother behind her. Andrew DeLuca came by after making a request to Carina last night about making a dish so he can give it to Amber as a symbol of his love and an apology.
“Oh, you like that one?” Carina smiles, “It's Basilio. Pesto-flavored and made from unpasteurized sheep's milk.”
Maya looks at Andrew curiously feeling her stress grow at having guests over without her knowledge. She shoves it down, however knowing better than to antagonize her lover’s brother. Instead she asks the Italian man calmly.
“Hi, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to get something from Carina, she said she just got it out of the oven this morning. I had to get them while they’re hot.”
Carina pulls out a small white cake box with a window showing that instead of cake it has cannoli’s instead.
Andrew gratefully takes the box, “Thank you, hopefully these will do the job.”
“What job?” Andy asks, curious about what his intentions are, and he explains.
“The job of convincing a prickly resident to love and forgive me once she sees I am serious about my mental health and my commitment to a relationship she told me is dead twice now.”
Andy hmms at that, “Most guys give flowers and chocolates.”
“Amber hates flowers.” Andrew informs her plainly, “And she says chocolate is good but sour gummy bears are her sweet tooth’s love.”
Maya chuckles, “She sounds…unique.”
Andrew sighs wistfully, “You have no idea. I better get going while these are still fresh thanks again.” Carina grins as her brother leaves, “Wish me luck!”
Andy chuckles before turning to Maya, “Uh, we're gonna be late.”
Maya nods and looks at Carina who is washing tomatoes. She caresses her back before walking away but not before shouting to Carina and the world, “I love you!”
Carina looks at Maya with an amused grin and the blonde firefighter leaves while Carina laughs.
April and Amber get out of Amber’s car that she parks behind Jackson’s apartment building. Their shift ended an hour ago so April proposed they carpool together so they can save the planet one way. Amber didn’t resist, mostly because she’s too tired and worn out to object, but still.
April slings her purse over her shoulder while Amber gets her backpack from the back, “How did it go with Ian Talbert’s lawyer?”
Amber saddens reminded of her patient who died after putting her on the will. She slings her backpack and slams the door, “He was asking me questions to make sure I didn’t persuade Ian before he died. After that he left me about 50 grand from Ian’s account.”
April’s eyes widen at that amount, “Wow, he wasn’t kidding about leaving you everything.”
“Well yes and no.” Amber explains as they walk to the front entrance, “Most of his estate went to his ex-wife and a variety of military charities. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t get everything. I wouldn’t know what to do with all of that money let alone 50 grand.”
April shrugs, “You could donate it or invest in a new place.”
“Real estate is hell right now and your neighbors are much cleaner. I’ll think of something once this whole thing is over.”
“Do you have work tomorrow?”
They turn left at the corner on the sidewalk, “I have a shift tomorrow afternoon so I’m just gonna spend the day reading trashy novels. I just hope the next patient I have in the ICU he’ll walk out with everyone clapping. God, I want someone to get a good clap out.” Amber holds the military tags in her hands as she misses Ian.
April looks at her in sympathy, “He didn’t blame you; you know that.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean I don’t blame myself.”
Amber and April finally arrive at the front entrance where Amber sees Andrew DeLuca on the bench outside. He is wearing a leather jacket, blue shirt and jeans with a black mask on his face. Amber’s shock is hidden by her red fabric mask as well as April’s who is wearing a purple mask.
Andrew stands up holding the white box and greets, “Hi I uh wanted to come by and see how you are since Grey was admitted to the ICU.”
Amber’s shock morphs to annoyance over Andrew not taking a hint and looks down on the ground with her arms crossed while April is next to her watching how the scene plays out like she’s watching medical Bridgerton.
Andrew clears his throat, “Anyways I brought you something special. It’s cannoli’s.” Amber closes her eyes at the symbol of the cannoli’s as he continues, “I thought some sweets would help and I know how much you liked the dark chocolate chips inside the filling.”
Amber exhales annoyed as April looks at her waiting for her reaction but she stays silent while the Italian waits there with the box in his hands. The red headed doctor decides to step in desperate for this to not be awkward.
“It looks delicious Andrew.” April says for Amber who glares at her before glaring at her ex-boyfriend.
“She does not speak for me; I speak for me so I am gonna speak for me to you so you can get this through your thick skull.” Andrew frowns sensing a verbal lashing coming, “When I tell you you’re not gonna earn my forgiveness I mean it. When I tell you that I am not getting back into this crap fest of a relationship with you I mean it. This is not some high school, ‘I hate him because I love him’ crap this is me putting myself first after I made myself vulnerable for you and you hurt me in every way you knew would do the trick. And then you walked away without so much as letting me know if you were alive or not which at this point I don’t give a damn about either!”
Andrew stands there frowning while April is next to them trying to look anywhere else besides the soap opera right in front of her. Amber exhales before continuing.
“You are untrustworthy, you are unpredictable, you are unstable, and I have had enough of all of that to last all our lifetimes. I am 150 percent certain that if I give you another chance you will slip, and I will once again be forced to raise a mentally incompetent child whose main goal is to hurt me or neglect me and I am not doing that again! So I don’t want you coming to me with Italian pastries or sweet words to make me forget the hell you put me through because I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear from you!”
Andrew stands there with a hurt look that makes April feel sympathetic towards him. Amber growls under her breath and briskly walks away from them pushing the front door open. April gingerly approaches Andrew taking the box from him while he sighs at another brutal rejection.
“Sorry.” April says not knowing what else to do. She walks away from him and follows Amber expecting to find her in front of the elevator. But she spots Amber opening the door to the stairwell, so she runs toward her and starts walking up the stairs with Amber a flight ahead.
“Hey why are we taking the stairs? Elevators were invented, you got the memo right?”
Amber is breathing steadily as she climbs, “Your ex is taking up the gym so I gotta get my exercise somehow. Plus, the maskless Karen’s don’t take the stairs and it’s less awkward than an elevator ride with them.”
“I bet.” April begins to pant as the exertion is getting to her but she continues to talk to Amber while they climb, “Hey speaking of exes are we gonna talk about your brutal dismembering of yours five seconds ago?”
“You are my friend, not his you do not get to take his side.” Amber tells April angrily.
“I am not taking sides I am just saying maybe you could have made your point a little less viciously. Especially when he’s trying to get back in your good graces.”
“He dumped me, kicked me out and compared me to my mom.” Amber coldly reminds April who is lagging behind, “And that was just the day of the blizzard, do you want me to list all the other things that make his attempts look like trying to glue together shredded paper?”
April pants overexerted, “You need to stop.”
Amber doesn’t notice as she’s climbing the stairs without a problem unlike April, “Do not tell me what to do.”
“No, I mean stop!” Amber stops midway through the steps causing April to stop and lean against the railing clutching her chest, “I’m having a cardiac event these stairs are killing me. You have no idea how lucky you are to be 29.”
“26.” Amber corrects a heaving April who looks up annoyed, “I skipped 4th and 9th grade and finished undergrad in 3 years.”
“I hate you.” April exhales deeply as she leans against the rail to Amber’s confusion.
“Didn’t you have to do basic training in the army or something?”
April gulps, “That was a long time ago and I was a surgeon on the field not a soldier.”
“Either way we gotta keep going, do you want me to carry you soldier?” Amber asks sarcastically.
April shakes her head and stands up straight, “Let’s do this, just keep a slow pace please.”
Amber rolls her eyes but goes back to climbing at a relatively calmer pace as April walks up behind her, “I’m not trying to make this harder for you and I’m not taking sides I’m just saying maybe give the poor guy credit where credit is due.”
“I am not moving back in with him.” Amber emphasizes.
“I’m not saying you should I am just saying all that anger and rage you have towards him isn’t just killing him it’s killing you too.” Amber scoffs at April’s analysis, “Look the world is imploding we don’t need you blowing it up as well. Maybe you can lessen the resentment just a bit and see things from his point of view.”
Amber scoffs, “Yeah, I know his point of view, I know the stress and the crazy that filled his head for months before he came to his senses. I have had to do that with my mom and brother so I wouldn’t be so mad at them, and I have had it. I have had it with the crazy and the trust issues and being a checklist of apologies when they take their meds after a crazy spiral, I am not gonna do that again. And that scene was me making it clear, trust me he’ll thank me for getting his foot in the door and showing him there’s no future where we could possibly work.”
A loud thud stops Bailey as she enters the supply closet. She sees the sound coming from Andrew DeLuca roughly organizing the supplies they have on the shelves. He puts the storage bins on the shelves with so much force they rattle. Even though he’s wearing a mask she sees in his eyes the frustration that she can tell is coming from some place other than work.
“DeLuca?” Andrew stops in place for a moment before putting another bin on the shelf with a little less force, “Is there a reason you’re organizing the closet like it’s a boxing gym?”
Andrew chuckles darkly, “Let’s see, I got saddled with a bipolar diagnosis, made an embarrassment of myself in front of the entire medical community, have to work at a hospital in the middle of a pandemic and just an hour ago the woman I love told me to fuck off when I tried to ply her with cannoli’s.” Bailey frowns at that feeling bad for him, “I’m hoping my luck will change soon and I’ll contract this virus and die inside one of those depressing cubicles.”
“That is not funny.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.” Andrew bitterly says before grabbing a bin and throwing it at the floor getting more mad at himself by the minute, “She called me another mentally incompetent child she was burdened with which you know I can take it because let’s be honest it’s more tame than the crap I said to her. It’s probably what I deserve after I stupidly destroyed the only good relationship I have even been.”
“The mental illness did that you didn’t.” Bailey tries to tell him to no avail.
“Like mental illness got her mom to neglect her and her brother to almost kill her?” Andrew asks that stops Bailey in place, “Maybe if she didn’t have so much of that crap happening to her over and over again we could be…but we can’t. She doesn’t want me because she thinks I am gonna be like her mom and my father and make false promises to get better only to keep disappointing her. And…and the thought of doing this to her again makes me sick, it makes me promise not to her but to myself that I will not go down the path of my father, that I will be better than him.”
Bailey nods and speaks again, “Have you said all of this to her?”
Andrew chuckles bitterly, “She is not reciprocal of me right now, trust me.”
“DeLuca, I separated from my husband when I was slipping too. I made him feel like it was his fault that I was on the verge of another heart attack. I made him leave and it wasn’t until I got better, I realized my life was less stressful with him in it than without.” Bailey sighs at that rough time before continuing, “Now when I came to my senses, I knew it would take more than one apology to get him to take me back. I knew I had to fight for my marriage after I almost broke it. I knew I loved him enough to show him I am not gonna run again and that I was here to stay. Can you tell me if you feel that way about Amber?”
Andrew inhales and exhales behind his mask, “I do.”
“Then tell her all of that and if she still doesn’t trust you…then find a way to live your life without her because she can’t be your salvation, you have to be that for yourself.” Bailey leaves Andrew to think over her advice.
Vic and Travis enter the scene and see the pregnant woman outside her house smashing tables and chairs with a baseball bat and spouting bible verses in anger annoying her neighbors.
“Do unto your neighbors as you would have them do unto you!”
Travis and Vic start gowning before entering the yard, “Oh, fun. Church.”
Vic asks the lady from a distance, “Ma'am, are you alright? We received a call about someone being struck by a-by a baseball.”
Gina hits the chair with the bat and yells at her neighbor, “You want me to call the cops every time you get in a fight with your ugly husband, huh?!”
Travis tries to calm down the agitated woman, “Hey, ma'am! Ma'am! We're not the police.”
“I still don't want you here!”
“Okay, we're actually from the Seattle Fire Department.” Vic holds a mask to Gina, “Can you please put this on?”
“God protects us!” Gina defends.
“Yep, God protects us with masks!” Travis argues back.
Vic gets back to topic as Gina hits a beer can with the bat, “Ma'am, we got a call about a head injury. Can you tell us what happened?”
“Yeah, I got drunk nine months ago and had sеx with my loser husband! That's what happened! Eddie, try not to be such a bitch baby your whole life!”
Vic speaks to the radio, “Alright, Bishop, this is Aid Car 19. We're gonna need some backup here.” Vic sees the empty dog bowls and a dirty rope leash that was untied, “Ma’am do you have a dog? Is he violent?”
Gina sees the empty leash and growls, “Where the hell is that whining bitch! Hey!” She yells at the neighbors next door, “Which one of you stole Jazz?! I’m gonna crack your skulls if you don’t give him back!”
An Asian teenager speaks up from behind her dad, “Shut up Gina my mom’s taking him to the vet after your loser ass husband fed him drugs when he was barking!”
Travis looks at the neighbors and the angry woman in shock, “What? You…What?!”
Andrew walks around the pit seeing as many patients as he can before he goes home. The pit is a welcome relief compared to the covid ICU. Suddenly an Asian woman in her early 50’s runs inside the pit carrying a three-legged black pitbull/labrador that is slowly losing consciousness in the woman’s arm who looks frantic.
“I need a doctor help!” Andrew sees her and is surprised by the dog but approaches her.
“Ma’am what is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
The woman shakes her head, “No it’s not me it’s the dog my neighbors they fed him drugs to shut him up and I got him untied when that cunt Gina wasn’t looking, please help him.”
The story takes Andrew by surprise and he reacts, “Okay, um get him on a bed.” The woman puts the dog on the bed where he lies on his side whining causing Andrew to feel bad, “Do you know what this dog ate? Marijuana? Coke? Heroin?”
The woman thinks, “Um coke I think or maybe it was meth I think I don’t know what my crazy ass neighbors are into the guy was always strung out of his mind and he had marks all over his arms.”
“Okay it sounds like cocaine, Narcan!” The nurse hands him the Narcan and he does the math as quickly as he can to figure out the right amount to give, “Okay he’s 20 pounds give or take, 0.4 kilograms per milligram. That’s…9.07 times 0.4 is 3.6 milligrams Narcan.” He takes a syringe and squeezes out the right amount before inserting it in the dog’s hip and pushes the plunger. He anxiously waits several moments for a reaction, “Come on buddy, come on.”
The dog suddenly barks and stands on his three legs on the bed looking around the room excitedly causing Andrew and the woman to exhale in relief. The dog whines as he looks at both of them with interest. Hunt enters the pit and is taken back by the dog in the pit so he approaches them for answers.
“Um DeLuca?”
He explains to his boss, “Dog came in from overdose apparently his owner fed it to him to shut him up. I gave him Narcan and he’s responding.”
“I brought him in, I wanted to take him to the pet emergency room, but I was afraid it was closed like everything else, so I came here.” The woman swallows the lump in her throat, “Thank god I did though, I couldn’t handle a pandemic let alone a dog who was killed by his idiot owners.”
Andrew chuckle slightly, “I think your putting those in the wrong order of horrible events.”
“I’m a dog mom so I’m really not.” The woman scratches the dog behind his ears, “Please tell me you’re not gonna discharge him back to that son of a bitch.”
Andrew straightens up and looks at the dog in sympathy as he lies down on the bed relaxing, “We need to detox his system and if what you told me is true I think a shelter is a better place for him that with those people.”
The woman nods, “Okay I should probably go and make sure my family wasn’t killed by Gina and Eddie aka Bonnie and Clyde on drugs. Plus the cops might want to know what happened assuming they get there. Those damn idiots make as much noise as this and it’s gotten worse since quarantine.”
DeLuca exhales at that, “When you put it like that a shelter might not sound so bad for this guy.” DeLuca strokes Jazz’s furry back who whines in pleasure at the attention.
After hooking up Jazz to the activated charcoal via nasogastric tube and sedating him so he can lay still, DeLuca goes over the chart he made for the furry patient. He snorts thinking about the nurses and Bailey’s reaction to reading a patient chart for a dog. Vic and Warren enter the pit with Eddie handcuffed to the gurney with a facial laceration. The drug addict notices the dog and yells out.
“Hey that’s my dog!”
Vic holds an ice pack to her jaw, “Eddie stop it, don’t make things worse.”
“That’s my dog man what the hell is he doing here?” DeLuca notices and feels anger at the man for acting concerned over a dog he almost killed, “Jazz was supposed to be tied up how did he get out?”
Andrew marches over towards them with a look of fury, “Your Eddie?”
“Yeah man why is my dog here?”
“Your dog is here because your neighbor did the right thing and brought him here after you fed him coke!” Andrew says in anger over Jazz.
“Okay DeLuca that’s enough.” Vic says to ease the patient who starts to cry.
“No, I’m just getting started. If she didn’t do what she did your dog’s heart would have stopped because his owner is an evil junkie!”
Eddie sniffles, “I just want my dog man come on.”
“Did you do that to his leg?” Andrew asks about the three-legged pet, “What did he do? Did he bark too loudly or wake you up from a hangover, so you decided to cut off his leg as punishment?”
Eddie shakes his head, “No man he came like that I felt bad for him when I saw him at the pound I wanted to help.”
“Giving him drugs is helping?” DeLuca asks in anger, “A shelter can give him better care than you ever could. And cruelty towards an animal is gonna show if you ever try to get him back. I bet you didn’t think about that when you were plying him with drugs.”
“He’s all I got left man come on.” Eddie whimpers pathetically that makes DeLuca shake his head.
“Cry me a fucking river.” Andrew coldly says before looking up at Warren and Hughes who stand there awkwardly, “Take him to Trauma 1 and get him as far away as possible from the dog until I take him to a shelter.”
The paramedics wheel a crying Eddie away while DeLuca goes over to Jazz who is sleeping. He looks down at the dog saddened by his previous living situation wondering how someone can be so cruel to their own dog.
Next Part Here
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pjunicornart · 5 months
can u feed us lazy four info, like how did they meet? fav hangout spot? some random stuff they do together? stuff like that :3 if youve had time to develop them??? considering u probs plan on writing lazy wilro.....
SO. 👏
All of the Lazy Four exist within the same universe. So we have Wilbur, who lives in the Robinson estate on the outskirts of the city. Penny is a pop star originally from Chicago, but now lives in the city due to the rich estates and luxuries. Pop star life, y'know. Violet is a skater girl who goes to Wilbur's school. It should be noted that within Lazy Days, the Parrs DO NOT have superpowers. But, I did give them professions/hobbies which elude to them (Mrs. Incredible is a silk ribbon dancer, for example. Keep this in mind). Last but not least, Hiro is a third generation Japanese-American immigrant living in his grandfather's cafe with his older brother and aunt.
How they met: Well, Wilbur, Violet, and Hiro all go to the same school. So they met there. As for how they met Penny, there is a story there. Because of who Cornelius is, he has quite a lot of connections and "high profile clients" as his PA would put it. A couple of years ago, he was sent on a lengthy business trip. He had to bring Leo (Wilbur's baby brother) along since he was only a year old at the time. Wilbur was 13 about to be 14 when this happened. Wilbur tagged along because Neil promised they'd do something awesome for his birthday, and he didn't let work get in the way of that. This was a trip to Norway, so they figured they could do birthday festivities there as a special occasion. But first, Neil had to meet up with his client, who just so happened to be Penny's father, her manager. While the two men were discussing boring business stuff, Penny and Wilbur were able to hang out. At the end of the ordeal, they had exchanged numbers and kept in touch. Back home, Wilbur (over video calls) introduced Vi and Hiro to Penny, and the rest is history.
Some stuff they do: They mostly hang around the Robinson estate, because the family is fun. Well, also the hot tub and theater. Individually, Violet hangs out at the skate park, Wilbur in the home library, Penny in her garden, and Hiro wherever food is, tbh. Boy can't get enough of sweets. Not related to the kiddos, but Neil became good friends with Helen because they were in the same silk ribbon dancing class. Vi thinks her mother is better/more flexible, but Wilbur laughs in his father being a gymnast, yogi, pole dancer, and silk ribbon dancer. Take that Vi!
Miscellaneous points: - Wilbur is always reading something. Sometimes, he just can't shut up about the newest book he's reading. - Tadashi is still alive! Because I like him. The fire still happened, so Tadashi does have severe burns he has to treat every day. Luckily, Wilbur's father knows a thing or two about treating burns. - Sometimes Violet secretly wishes her siblings could be like Wilbur's. Quiet and polite! - It's pretty well known that Leo only likes to be held by/in the presence of Neil. However, he tolerates Penny and Wilbur. Probably because they were there when he was away from Neil for the meeting. - All of them are babies when it comes to horror. Except for Violet. She loves horror, especially psychological horror akin to Cooking Companions or That's Not My Neighbor. - Penny has three dogs. Bolt (duh), Lightning, and Shock. - If we're talking about Wilro, Wilbur calls Hiro "mio dolce." Half of Wilbur's family is Italian, so he knows some words/phrases. "Mio dolce" is a pet name. It can mean "my sweet", "my love", or "my cake." - Whenever all four of them are in Hiro's aunt's cafe, they ask for the day old donuts. - Violet can't whistle or snap her fingers. - Hiro is only slightly terrified of Wilbur's little sister's (Mazie) pet snake. Its name is Bananaconda. - Yes, Hiro knows how to bake! Instead of being a prodigy in inventing like his bro, he's an advanced baker with very intricate techniques. All figured out by the time he was nine. - Penny became a pop star when she was twelve. She mostly did kid's TV beforehand, before she got her career in music. Think... Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande, just without the gross tongue stuff and home wrecking. - Violet does name her skateboards. Her favorite is Pico. - Wilbur is canonically bisexual, Hiro is pansexual, Penny is a straight ally, and Violet is a demigirl lesbian. - Bit of a sad point here, but Wilbur did struggle with an eating disorder (anorexia) when he was 12 and 13. Unfortunately, he inherited his father's body dysmorphia.
In regards to the Wilro fic... It will be inspired by the one Wilro image I did. It will also be pure fluff, since these are teenagers and I'm not about that gross shit! =D They'll be in the Robinson estate, and I'm unsure if we'll see any more Robinsons. We'll see. I gotta do some planning.
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Neighbours - Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader and Tyler Joseph!Best Friend x Reader
Warnings: None! Super fluffy <3
A/N: This is my first writing post ever! This came from a writing prompt where the reader ends up with Tyler but I was having a Josh day when I wrote it so it's more focused on Josh! Hope you enjoy and feedback is appreciated!!
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It was early winter, two weeks from the end of the school term and our short winter break. Driving to and from school were some of my favorite moments during the week. I got to listen to anything I wanted as loud as I wanted to, which included some of my friends’ music. Parking outside the house, I got out and unlocked the door, letting my dog out. A small golden cockapoo who always jumped up on me whenever she saw me. 
“I missed you too Liberty,” I laughed and grabbed her leash, heading out to take her for a walk. My neighbor and classmate Josh always met me and took his dog Jim for a walk with us. Liberty led the way as we walked over to his house, but before we could knock on the door a white car drove past us. 
“Hey!” It was Josh, running late from school. Josh was almost never late but looking close at the car I noticed another boy was in the car, a basketball player in their year above us.
The car parked and Josh got out running over and giving Liberty a good cuddle. The other boy got out of the car, he was wearing a white basketball jersey with red writing on it, number 3. 
“Oh yeah, this is Tyler,” Josh turned back to look at the boy. Tyler. He gave me a shy wave. I’d heard about him through the grapevine, he was one of the best highschool basketball players in the region. 
“How did you guys meet each other?” I asked, knowing full well that Tyler was probably trying to use Josh for his grades. While Josh was considered cool by the jocks, he would never be seen hanging out with them. 
“Tyler came up to me in homeroom and showed me a demo he made a few weeks ago. He wanted me to play something on the kit for him.” Of course it was a music thing. Josh couldn’t pass up an opportunity to play music with people, even if the person was a jock. “I’ve actually got to set up the kit inside. Tyler, do you want to go around the block with y/n?” Tyler nodded and Josh went inside. 
“Josh has told me a lot about you,” Tyler looked forward at Liberty as she led the way. 
“Oh really?” I mutter. 
“Yep. He told me you hate jocks,” Tyler tugs on the collar of his jersey. Of course Josh told him that. It wasn’t that I hated jocks, I just didn’t trust them. Tyler was no exception. “You do know I only started playing basketball because I had no one to hang out with, right? I’ve always liked music. I’ve seen you and Josh hang out together at the music store before, you’re both so talented.” He was trying to make me like him. Tyler was a quiet boy. Yes, he was popular and a great sportsman but there was something different about him. Music was that something. Tyler wasn’t the tallest of the basketball players at our school, he didn’t have the average build, nor did he have the normal haircut of a basketball player. I’d seen him in middle school with grown out hair before he buzzed it off once he became a senior. The buzzcut worked for him, to some extent. 
“I’ve seen you too. You’re a good player Tyler, not that I care much about sports.” He laughed at that. We turned the block and started to walk back towards Josh’s house. I was alway tired the moment I got home from school. Josh and I normally talked out the day together, I wished he was there with me. 
“Thanks, y/n.” We turned into Josh’s driveway and I waved goodbye. 
After a couple months of Tyler spending Fridays and weekends at Josh’s place, we’d all become good friends. Even Tyler and I had spent some time alone, Tuesday lunchtimes we hung out in the library and worked on our projects together. 
“Y/n! You won’t believe this,” Josh ran into the library with Tyler following close behind. Josh had picked me up and spun me around in excitement. 
“What?” I laughed once I felt my feet back on the ground. This had to be good. Tyler had caught up to Josh and stood next to him with a smile on his face. They both stayed quiet. 
“What?” I urged further. 
“Do you want to tell her?” Josh turned to Tyler.
“Hmm, do you?” he responded. 
“Just tell me!” I laughed, shoving Josh away as he wrapped his arms around me once again. 
“We got a record deal,” Tyler beamed. 
“No. No way!” I looked up at Josh, who was still holding me and smiling down at me. “I told you Tyler, I told you you’re talented!” I could feel the happiness flowing through my veins. “What are we gonna do to celebrate?” 
“I’ve got work tonight but you and Ty should definitely do something together,” Josh suggested. Ty had a basketball game after school which would probably end around five and Josh started working at 4:30. The plan we’d made was for me to hang with both of them at different times that day and the next we’d all get together and listen to their tracks for their sophomore album. The perfect plan. We all sat down for lunch, hiding the food under the table so we’re not caught by the librarian, and worked on our assignments. 
“Wait, so are you guys going to drop out?” I asked Josh. Tyler was playing his game while Josh and I were sitting in his car. 
“I don’t think so. We’ll just record during the semester and then once we graduate we’ll probably tour,” he responded. Josh and I were sitting in the back seats, before we met Tyler that was where we ate lunch, in Josh’s car in the school parking lot. 
“I’d miss you if you went on tour Josh,” I sighed. He ran a hand through his curly hair and looked at me with a look I couldn’t entirely understand. “What?”
“You’re beautiful. You know that right?” I still didn’t understand what was going on. “Come here,” Josh opened his arms and I moved so I was sitting right next to him. “No matter what happens with this record deal, I will always be here for you. But I promised myself that if anything ever happened with my music I’d tell you how I really felt about you.” I stared blankly up at his hazel eyes. 
“I like you too,” I grinned before he could say anything, “if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have let you hug me like you do.” He let out a sigh of relief and rested his forehead against mine. 
“Good. I’m gonna kiss you now.” I nodded as he placed his lips gently against mine. They were soft, warm. He cupped my jaw and tilted my face up towards his so he could reach down and kiss me. I placed my hand around the back of his neck and tangled my fingers through his curls. He groaned when I pulled away, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” Me too Josh, me too. 
“Games over!” Tyler opened the passenger door to find us still cuddling in the back seat. 
“Did you win?” I asked, still leaning against Josh. 
“Yup,” Tyler grinned.
“Of course you did,” Josh laughed as we both got out of the car hugged, him sneaking a quick kiss on my shoulder. We’d agreed to wait till the next day to properly tell Tyler what was going on, let us enjoy it for a wee bit. Ty and I walked to his car, he threw his bag in the trunk and got in the driver’s seat. 
“Where you wanna go?” he asked, pulling out of the parking lot. 
“The lookout?” Tyler and I had our own spot in Columbus, a little lookout about 10 minutes away from school. Ty nodded and handed me the aux cord. 
“So, what was up with you and Josh?” He asked as I scrolled through my phone to play some music.
“You guys were acting all funny in the backseat,” he raised an eyebrow. 
“No we weren’t.”
“Dude yes you were!” Tyler laughed, “I know he likes you Pip.” Damn it Josh! Of course you tell Tyler everything!
“He kissed me,” I had to bite my lip to avoid smiling like an idiot. 
“No!” Tyler reacted like a teenage girl, “I knew it!!” I nodded excitedly as we pulled into our usual spot. “I knew you guys would end up together.”
“Sure you did Ty. But you can’t tell him I told you because we were gonna wait till tomorrow to tell you.” 
“I can’t believe he held himself back from bragging to me,” he scoffed. Tyler’s reaction was better than I thought it would be. “I can’t wait till you guys name your son Tyler.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
May I request a one shot Harry Potter with a reader who’s basically his personal healer, they’ve known each other since they were neighbors and she always looked out for him and banged him up and Harry is super protective of her.
first night back ; harry potter
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synopsis: for once, harry's the one cleaning up y/n and making sure she's okay.
warnings: foul language, muggle!reader, punching, blood, harry being hit by vernon, reader being hit on, cat-calling, author likes the color green too much smh, tw: dursleys, this is a lil violent, kinda veered off the request i'm sorry 😣❤
reader's pronouns: she/her
harry left the house in a rage. not only had Dudley 'accidently' tripped harry, but was also given a sharp slap to the face by his uncle for 'lying' about what happened.
fuming, harry practically stomped to the park. muttering colorful words and kicking small rocks, he didn't notice the neighbor girl quietly singing an old song and petting a black dog on an area of grassy field.
"harry?" she called.
the teen whipped around, startled. he sighed in relief when he realized it was y/n. "hey y/n," he greeted, moving to sit by her and the dog, who was looking pretty grimy.
y/n squinted at him. bringing her hand up, she tilted his face in her hold. harry's eyes widened slightly. "what happened this time? it's odd for me to be needin' to be healin' ya when ya just got back," y/n asked, rubbing a thumb over the dark outline on his cheek.
harry's ear were flushing a dark red. quickly swatting y/n's hand away, he shrugged. "oh, y'know... just a day in the life of a Potter." he tried to laugh it off, but y/n wasn't having it.
the dog moved to lay in both of the teens' laps, looking eager to witness y/n's argument. "oh," she began. "so this has absolutely nothing to do with the screaming match i hallucinated earlier?"
the dog seemed to smile before looking over to harry for his reaction.
harry looked down. "y/n... it's really- it's really no big deal. dudley just, uh, just made me slip-"
"and that motherfucker making you slip up warranted a screaming match that ended up in you probably bein' kicked out for the night?" y/n asked automatically, bright eyes waiting to be told wrong.
harry sighed. "i only got mad because i'm still s- y/n, sweetheart you worry too much."
"maybe you simply don't worry enough." y/n suggested.
harry swallowed. "y/n-"
y/n's hands shot out, grasping his face and pulling him toward her. the dog yelped at the sudden movement.
"harry i'm serious." she said.
releasing him, the dog jumped up and started licking y/n's face, tail wagging happily, smacking harry in the face.
spluttering, y/n pushed the dog away. "i guess you were serious too," she mumbled, wiping his face.
the dog jumped around the two happily, causing y/n and harry to laugh.
when the dog finally tired himself out, he flopped down against y/n and stared up at harry. "no no, darling, stand up. we're goin' back to my house." y/n said, and stood up, joint popping.
harry rose, still sore from falling off his broom the previous day, and fell in step beside y/n.
the dog, who was still being called 'The Dog', followed y/n and harry happily. sirius had a protective eye on y/n the second she offered him food and spent her lonely time with him. it was a welcome happiness from being shooed away from adults. she had a good sense of humor that reminded him too much of himself and his friends when they were all young and naive and (mostly) happy.
harry and y/n's conversation was cut short from a loud wolf whistle from across the street. sirius, harry, and y/n all looked at the small group of older guys already looking over at them. "damn girl! ditch that kid and come hang out with us!"
y/n sighed and flipped the guys off and continued walking.
hearing them talk amongst themselves gave y/n the time to grab harry's arm and drag him away. sirius growled at the group, already picturing ripping their throats out, like buck in call of the wild.
he was still growling when y/n called for him.
the sounding of footsteps made y/n walk faster, grip on harry's arm tightening immensely.
"hey, we're just bein' nice an' all. come on, ditch that mutt and-" the guy didn't get to finish his sentence before y/n scoffed, trying to walk faster.
the guy reached for her arm. "don't fuckin' touch me." y/n spat in the guys face, eyes burning with a glow harry had never seen before.
the guy's eyes hardened and he stuck his hand out and grabbed y/n's arm and tried to rip her from harry. but y/n punched him straight in the face. sneer on her face, she brought her knee up and kicked him in the crotch. while he was doubled over, she pushed him down to the ground and started sprinting the other way.
holy fucking shit. what the fuck?
harry quickly regained his senses and turned to follow y/n, and soon sirius followed suit.
a block later, y/n waited, doubled over and gasping for air. sirius bounded faster to y/n and almsot knocked her over by the force of which he jumped at her. when harry finally stopped, he helped y/n to her feet. he ignored the slick liquid on her knuckles, and brought her into a tight hug. her finger threaded through his hair, and her face snuggled into his neck. harry felt bad for being giddy at the feel of her so close to him while knowing what just happened, but he couldn't help it. it was fucking hot to watch her absolutely hand that guy his ass, but was scary to watch her go from the girl who always cleaned up his face and knuckles after getting into fights that seemed ro follow him everytime he came back from school.
"you're okay, love. just breathe," harry murmured, rubbing y/n's back.
sirius whined at their feet. it was distressing to see y/n cry. he nudged her leg and whimpered.
y/n pulled away, scrubbing at her eyes and turning to sirius to give him a watery smile, but with the street lights now on, they glinted off her cheeks and revealed the tears still leaking out of her eyes.
"lets jus' go," y/n said, grabbing harry's hand.
"yeah. yeah let's go home."
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aidenwaites · 4 months
It's been four years and they're not together anymore thank god so I can finally talk about that time, summer of 2020, one of my friends was dating our other friend's ex, he lived an hour away and neither of them had a car so I was making twice weekly drives out there for all of us to hang out together, I spent two weeks on zero rest because I was babysitting my grandma's dog and she + the faulty fire alarm system in the neighbor's house wouldn't let me sleep, I was getting constantly dragged into this couple's arguments while the rest of our friend group is complaining about what an asshole Friend 1 has become since he started talking to this girl, I'm playing therapist and number one confidante for both him and the girlfriend at this point,
one day I go over to her house (not a great situation I knew this) and there was a bowl of macaroni on the stove that fully had maggots in it (I cleaned this up) (in way over my head), worst day of my life comes up where I'm with the couple and I take them to get food, and then I can't go into my own house to hang out to eat because my stepmom is cleaning and doesn't want me to, so we go to a park and sit in a gazebo while it's raining,
they get into the worst argument I've ever witnessed them get into (in which the guy brings up the crush he had on me in high school, for some fucking reason), I walk away, I come back and he's telling me he wants me to go to Walmart, I piece together that he wants to go FIGHT my EX-COWORKER because I invited the guy to a dnd game and he said something maybe flirty to the girl (didn't know she was dating anyone) (backed off after she said something / she told me she hadn't been made uncomfortable), I say I'm not doing that, and no you are not walking home, I'm driving them to the gas station for reasons I don't remember when he's in the backseat talking about how girls don't know when guys want to have sex with them and calls me "dense" to my face as if thats a normal thing to say to a person who's done a hell of a lot for you in the past six months,
This all culminates in an argument over a discord call in which I finally call him on some of his shit and end things, go into another call with some of our other mutual friends, say "Man I feel like I just dumped someone in a toxic relationship or something" and proceed to get told by my most aware friend, who'd been waiting for this moment for those six months, "you kinda did"
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We picked up our key fob for the private dog park today. I wasn’t planning on going during the weekend but we were already there so I let her in to sniff around. We were there for about an hour and she got to meet five dogs. (Two bully-mixes, a young Barbet, a jack russell mix, and black Heinz 57)
I’m really proud of her. She didn’t mind when dogs would come into my space looking for treats & affection. She was super friendly and welcoming to everyone but didn’t jump on any humans. She was one of the most playful & social dogs there but wasn’t charging into other dogs like she used to as an adolescent. There was an old dog that snapped at her a couple times but she didn’t retaliate at all. I told her to “walk on” (her cue to keep walking and don’t hang around the trigger) and she quickly adapted to going around him and staying out of his space. She did well with both big and little dogs and had a great time. I don’t think I’m super keen on going back when it’s so busy but a couple of dogs during the week should be plenty for Mandana to play with and still allow me to have some control over the situation.
She let me know when she was ready to go and we headed back to the car for some water and a quick picture. I’m really happy to have a new off-leash space for her to explore and I’m hoping this will continue to improve her relationship with the neighbor dogs.
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punks-never-die205 · 28 days
Cat daddy/ dog father anon from several days ago. I have a few headcanons from your response.
When Kid was still living in an apartment, he started off with adopting a cat. She's at least 2-3 yrs old so he didn't have to worry about high energy levels and getting her spayed.
He helps get her used to the idea of a scratching post and is vehemently against the idea of declawing. (The shelter is against it). He looks up a few videos on how to build a cat tree for his Jessica.
A/n: Please think twice about declawing guys, it's basically cutting off the first digit of the toe/knuckle. And cats put all their weight on their toes when they walk. I can tell you some horror stories about the declaws I've seen. It's practically an amputation with life altering results.
She greets him at the door when he comes home from work every day, purring happily and rubbing against his legs. It gives him a smile and compliments on how she's so polite. Living alone in an apartment is better when there's someone there who's excited to see you.
Spring and summer are tough for her, he tries to stay on top of brushing her fur before bed every night to keep the hairballs under control. Any messes she makes is fine, it's not her fault. "I'm not mad, accidents happen."
K:"I'd hang out with you guys after work, but it's Wednesday and I have plans with a lady." H: "You have a date with a girl" K: "No, I made plans with my cat."
There's a saying in the cat owner community: A man w/ a dog understands responsibility, but a man w/ a cat understands consent.
When he finally gets a place of his own, he considers getting a dog but he's never had one before. He's not even sure if Jessica would like having a dog in the house either.
He volunteers at the local shelter on the weekends to get a little bit of understanding of how to care for a dog.
He does his homework and learns as much as he can about the various needs of a dog and the commitments he has to make. Positive reinforcement training is the best form of training.
He adopts a dog that he grew fond of during his volunteering time. Nobody seemed interested in taking an older dog which is baffling because he has such a good personality. He's even house broken and gets along with cats.
Like Jessica, Champion is excited to greet Kid when he comes home from wherever he's been. "Why hello there, I missed you too."
Fireworks are not fun for either of his fur babies. Why do his neighbors have to set off fireworks in the neighborhood every 4th of July weekend!? Do it at a park or a parking lot FFS! Why must people be so rude?
He talks shit about people who piss him off at work, Champion is such a good listener.
He's not afraid to do baby talk while loving on his babies. If it makes them happy, then he's happy.
Whenever Kid gets bad news or becomes distressed over something, Jessica and Champion will stop whatever they're doing and try to comfort their daddy.
Kid loves his pets so much that he can't imagine living a life without them.
Love it =3
Single Modern Day Eustass Kid - Cat and Dog dad. 100%
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Captain Marvel: Part Nine
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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"Look what I got!" Monica says and races into the room with a box.
You and Carol walk over to Monica who is too eager to show her aunty the things she's saved for her. She begins with the pictures and explains them as she hands them over for Carol to look at.
"This is me and you on Halloween." The picture is of Monica and Carol with Monica dressed as a pilot and Carol in older clothing. "I'm Amelia Earhart and you're Janis Joplin." Monica takes out another picture of a young Carol standing next to her father. "Oh, this is you when you were little. You didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family." The third picture is of them at Christmas. "This is us on Christmas. I got more."
All the photos blend together and Monica's words fade into the back as Carol stares at herself through someone else's memories. Another picture is of Carol when she was little, and another when she graduated high school. This time, Carol lets the tears roll down her cheeks.
"How about we stop with the pictures, okay?" you ask gently.
"Okay," Monica takes them back. "Oh wait. I forgot, your jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it." 
Monica isn't here to shove things into Carol's hands, so Carol rummages through the box until she finds her old dog tags which had been burned in half.
"That was all that survived the crash, or so we thought," Maria explains.
"Are you okay?" you ask Carol and grab her hand.
"I don't know," she whispers. Someone knocks on the door and before Maria can get to it, Carol stops her. "Don't answer that."
"It's just my neighbor."
"They can change into anyone."
You, Carol, and Fury walk to the door carefully in case what's on the other side is a green alien pretending to be someone else. Carol opens the door and stares at a man who looks at her nervously.
"Hi, there."
"What do you want?" Carol asks with her eyes narrowed.
"Hey, Tom. This is my friend Carol and her girlfriend, Y/N," Maria introduces.
"Pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand, and when Carol grabs it, she sends a small wave of electricity through his body. "Yow! Static electricity out here's no joke. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie?"
"A closer looksie?" you ask.
"To see the bird parked out by the road? You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos?"
"I'm sorry. Tom, this isn't really a good time. I'll come by tomorrow. Okay?" Maria says and slowly closes the door.
"You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar."
The floorboards creak behind you and you turn to see Talos standing there in his true form with a shake in his hands. You and Carol hold up your hands in preparation for a fight, Fury aims his gun at Talos, and Maria stands there confused.
"Hang on a second, before you go swinging those jazz hands around and making a mess in your friend's house, hear me out."
"Oh, my God. What the hell?" Maria gasps.
You look out the window and see Monica outside with her mother, even though Maria is inside with you. The Skrull pretended to be her neighbor, then turned into Maria when it became relevant to him.
"No one's gonna hurt the girl. Just, don't kill me. It would really complicate the situation," Talos sighs.
"I'm about five seconds from complicating that wall with some ugly-ass Skrull brains," Fury threatens.
"I'm sorry I simmed your boss, but now I stand before you as my true self. Without deception."
"Who the hell is out there?" you ask.
"Okay, that's a fair point, but I'm sure that you understand, I had to take some precautions. I saw you two crush twenty of my best men with her hands bound. I just wanna talk."
"Last time we talked, we ended up hanging from our ankles."
"That was before I knew who you were. Before I knew what made you different from the others. I have an audio recording from Pegasus of your voice from a plane crash six years ago on a device I believe you call a 'black box'."
"They told me it was destroyed in the crash. How'd you get it?" Maria asks.
"Does she not understand? Young lady, I have a special skill that kinda allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be in."
"Call me young lady again, and I'm gonna put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be," she glares.
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?"
"Your ass," you, Fury, and Carol say at the exact same time.
"Okay, I get it. We're all a little on edge here. Look, I just need your help decoding some coordinates. If you sit down and listen to this, I assure you, it'll be worth your while."
"Call your buddy back inside and I'll listen," Carol crosses her arms.
"Deal," he nods. Goose walks into the room and presses herself against Talos' legs. When he feels the small creature, he bounces back in fear. "Oh, my God! Get that thing away! How'd that get in here?"
Carol picks up the cat and holds her toward Talos. The more she walks to him, the more he steps back until he can't go any further.
"The cat? This isn't what you're afraid of, is it?"
"That's not a cat. That's a Flerken."
"A Flerken?" Fury laughs.
All heads turn to see Monica there with the Skrull behind her. The Skrull transforms back into his true self, and he shrugs knowing he was just following orders.
"Come here, baby." Monica runs into her mother's arms, and she kisses the top of her head. "I have somewhere we can listen to that thing, but it's not here."
Maria has a study out back that is secluded enough to have this kind of conversation. Monica waits outside wearing headphones so she doesn't hear what's being said. She's too young to understand, and she would only get in the way at this point. Maria grabs the tape from Talos and puts it into her computer. The computers that Howard Stark had back then world a bit faster than this, but it eventually loads, and the audio clip plays.
"Punch in the coordinates. 5229,. -47, 8.768, 0.2," Lawson said.
"Copy that. Where are we going Doc?" Carol's voice came next. 
"My laboratory."
"Your laboratory? What do you mean?"
"Oh, no."
"Is that...? Wait, what is that? It's not showing up on my radar!" 
Carol, the woman you love, is confused but angry for not remembering this. You take her hand and she holds it tightly.
"Go Carol. Fly!" Lawson urged. 
The sounds of planes rushing around and weapons being fired are all that can be heard until you hear Carol's voice. 
"That's no MIG, Lawson. Who the hell are they?"
"Those are the bad guys. Fly faster, now."
"Yes, ma'am. What do they want?"
"Me. My work. I never should have brought you along," Lawson said regretfully.
"Here come some G's."
You're not sure what's happening since there is no video involved, but you can assume that Carol and Lawson tried so hard to get whoever is chasing them off their tail. Something hits the plane, causing it to fall back down to Earth.
"Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! Stay with me, Lawson!"
There are sounds of a crash, then nothing until you hear faint voices being picked up from the recorder that is still playing.
"Danvers, do you copy?" Maria asked over comms.
"Yeah, I copy. On the ground," Carol assured. "Your blood... it's blue."
"Never mind that. How's my hair?" Lawson jokes. "Help me out." When she does, Lawson groaned in pain. "I have to destroy it before they get here."
"What? Lawson?"
"You remember what I said about our work here? What it's for?"
"To end wars?"
"Yeah, but the wars are bigger than you know. You should know my name is not Lawson. My real name is Mar-Vell and I come from a planet called Hala."
"I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship, and your blood is blue."
"Listen, I spent half my life fighting a shameful war. Now, skedaddle before you give me any more regrets. Just remember the coordinates, okay? You've got to save them without me."
"Save who? How?" Carol asked.
"I've got to blow this engine before they find it."
Someone fires their weapon, and based on how Carol cried out, it was Mar-Vell that got hit.
"We have no interest in hurting you," Yon-Rogg said.
"What the fuck?" you gasp.
He was involved since the beginning. You knew something was off about that man, and this proves it.
"No?! Because all the shooting kinda gave the wrong impression!" Carol yelled.
"Where is the energy core?"
"Pararescue's on the way. You have two minutes until you're surrounded," Carol gritted out.
"Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation," Yon-Rogg laughed.
"No, wait! Do you mean that energy core?" 
Some more silence follows her words. Then, a loud explosion happens; the same explosion that came from the energy core being shot at. If you had to guess what's happening is that when Carol blew up the engine, she absorbed the Tesseract's power, which gave her the powers she has today. 
That's how she ended up on Hala. Her life was stolen from her.
"Commander, she's still moving. Permission to fire?" Minn-Erva said. 
That bastard knew everything that happened.
"Hold your fire."
"There's nothing left. The core has been destroyed."
"She absorbed its power. She's coming with us," Yon-Rogg decided. 
The audio clip ends there, and Carol storms out of the barn to grab some air. You quickly follow with everyone else behind you.
"He fucking lied to me!" she yells as her hands glow bright orange.
"Carol! Look at me." You grab her hands to calm her down. "I need you to calm down if we're going to try and sort this out."
"He lied to me," she sniffles with tears in her eyes.
"I know, and trust me when I say this... I will make him pay."
"You were right. Everything that I knew was a lie."
"Now you understand," Talos says from behind.
"What? What do I understand now?" Carol shouts.
"Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. He killed her because she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war."
"No. Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. I saw the ruins on Torfa."
"Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. We became homeless ever since we resisted the Kree rule, and they destroyed our planet. The handful of us that are left will be slaughtered next unless you help me finish what Mar-Vell started. The coordinates you found would've powered a lightspeed ship capable of carrying us to safety. A new home where the Kree can't reach us."
"They're not the bad ones, Carol. The Kree are. You know what they did to me before I met you. They haven't changed," you try to persuade her.
"Lawson always told us that her work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them," Maria adds.
"She wanted you to help us find the core."
"Well, apparently, I already destroyed it."
"No, you destroyed the engine. The core that powered it is in a remote location. If you help us decode those coordinates. We can find it."
"You'll use it to destroy us," she glares.
"We just want a home," Talos sighs. "You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Can't you see it now? You're not one of them. You never were."
"You don't know me. You have no idea who I am. I don't even know who I am!" she yells.
"You are Carol Danvers," Maria says and walks closer to her. "You are the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. You're smart, funny, and a huge pain in the ass. You are the most powerful person I know, way before you could shoot fire from your fists. Do you hear me?"
"We need to find that core and destroy the Kree once and for all. They haven't changed one bit," you back up Maria.
"I know I don't deserve your trust but you two are our only lead," Talos says. "We discovered that both of your energy signatures matched Mar-Vell's core. Now, we know why. If only you knew the importance of it to me. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab."
"Those weren't coordinates. They're safe vectors," Carol explains. "Orbital positioning and velocity."
"You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth," you say.
"That was the location on the day of the crash six years ago. If we track its course, we'll find it in orbit right now."
"It's just basic physics."
"In orbit?" Talos looks at his friend who just shrugs. "Was that so difficult to figure out? I mean, you're my science guy, right?"
"Yon-Rogg will catch up to you soon. We've got to get the core before he does," Carol says.
"Let me stay down here. I'll kick his ass," you growl.
"I need you with me," Carol whispers to you. "I can't do this without you."
"I'll stay and simm Carol," the scientist states.
"Mmm. So, the rest of you are going to space? In what?"
"A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I can handle the modifications," the scientist offers.
The plane you came here in is the one you're going to go to space in. Talos' science guy isn't too bright when it comes to figuring out where Mar-Vell's lab is, but he is damn good at modifying the plane to endure the height and possibly space. While they're doing that, you and Carol are talking to Maria and her daughter inside.
"Well, I could use a co-pilot. God knows she can't fly a plane," Carol jokes and nudges you in the ribs.
"I never needed to when I can fly," you brag.
You and Carol look at Maria who widens her eyes in realization.
"No. No, I... I can't. I can't leave Monica."
"Why? It's okay. I can stay with grandma and pop-pop."
"There's no way I'm going baby. It's too dangerous."
"Testing brand new aerospace tech is dangerous. Didn't you used to do that?"
"Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. Correct?"
All she gets in return is a shrug from Carol.
"That's what I'm saying. You have to go."
"You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions, and you're gonna give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? I just think that you should consider the kind of example you're setting for your daughter," she manipulates.
"I like her," you grin.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mommalosthermind · 2 months
Gonna do that thing where I rant about how other people confuse the shit out of me for a sec-
Because, honestly, is it a new thing? To be this up in everyone’s parenting? OR. Have i managed to mostly avoid this (from strangers. Family I’ve just. Stopped talking to.) by not having any friends as a kid and then also only recently being tricked into talking to neighbors by my Extreme Golden Retriever of a youngest child? I do not fucking get it.
*no*, mom up the street, I would NOT like to get a watch like your kid has, I do not care that it’s only $10/m on your phone plan. I do not need more bills, for starters!! I have three kids, you think i should be dropping 30/m? On a watch that’s more phone than watch? Girlie, they do not HAVE phones for a fucking reason. Several reasons. Oh, it’s for your peace of mind. Right. Well. Here’s a piece of mine:
I do not need to be strapping an expensive piece of tech onto my black hole of a kid. My son’s bedroom door has a hole large enough for a toddler to crawl through. I *know* he will break the damn thing if it’s not lost within 12 hours. And maybe it’s just me but buying something with the SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTANTLY SPYING ON MY KID seems like a BAD FUCKING PRECEDENT actually!!
“But he’s only 11!! What if he gets kidnapped! Or hit by a truck! Or lost! Or abducted by aliens!!”
Baby girl you watch too many cop shows. There’s no huge spike in violence, there’s better reporting and fear-mongering coverage. Do you think everyone is out to get you, specifically, because you watch too many cop shows, or because you’re so deep in your weird little cult that the brown kid across the street is the enemy despite being a grand ten years old?
My kid is just as safe—is actually more safe than I was as a kid, because a decent chunk of my hill town life I was on what amounted to a highway. That i was crossing regularly. By myself. Sometimes on a bike, to go read at the reservoir, or the river, or the school. Alone. By my self!! Where no one knew where I was because that was the entire point!! OH! And sometimes!! Not willingly at all!! Because when the fucking dogs got out I would stick my arm through the collar and get my ass dragged to the cemetery because there was no way my 80lb ass was stopping the nearly 300lb Great Dane that wanted to hang out with the birds across the highway but if I wasn’t with the damn dog when the neighbors alerted my mother I would be so very unbelievably dead. Anyway. I am not dead. I was not spied on by anything other than neighbors and the going-to-work traffic that became to used to watching me get dragged by dogs that they would just. Drive to my mother’s work and be like yo, your kid is flapping in the wind behind Hercules again.
I had to deal with MOOSE. I had to haul ass into the house because a mama bear wanted her kids to play on my swing set. I had to cross four fucking lanes of traffic to get to the park. I did not get a cellphone until I was sixteen, driving, and had a job, and even then it was because my mother gave me the first one because, and I quote, “when your ass makes a wrong turn and ends up in canada, you should maybe tell me.”
My youngest! Is wandering around the same three fucking self-contained streets! No one even comes down here unless they live here because there is nowhere to go. This is hilariously the most insulated place I have ever lived and I hate it so much because I can see into about eight different house from my backyard. I feel so watched all the time. Literally what do you think is going to happen if you don’t have a constant bead on your kid other than your kid having serious issues as an adult.
ANYWAY. That got away from me. The POINT. I am not making at all here is that I do not understand the need to be constantly spying on your kids in the name of safety. I don’t care how often you make sideways comments about how I’m a bad, neglectful parent. Especially from a woman who taught her kid that ‘you’re a good Christian’ is the highest compliment, and the word ‘lesbian’ is a heinous curse word punishable by like, death, or something.
I hate that I can’t exist anywhere in the world without being spied on or recorded, why the fuck would I normalize that for my kids who are independent people who deserve privacy and the right to learn how to be a person WITHOUT ME hovering?
Let! The kid! Roam! He’s got a watch! It tells the fucking time! He knows when to be home! And he’s in his own neighborhood, making friends and learning how to be something that isn’t me!
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