#my mutuals not in FNF here is all of this so you can interact as well
numbuh-72 · 4 months
Artist's Message/Update
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Hey everyone! Artsy_Lexi here!
Hope everyone has been doing all right and staying safe out there!
I have some stuff I would like to say in regards to Numbuh 72's blog and the plans for what's to come in the future, so buckle up and grab a can of soda!
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First off, I wanna thank the people who've been around to support me and my work ever since I returned to Tumblr under Numbuh 72, you guys are all amazing and I've been having a blast starting to know some of you guys, through my fellow mutuals~. I will say, ideas continue to develop in my head for stuff to draw and interact with you guys and have some fun with our characters!
With that in mind, I'm already almost to 25 followers on here! I do plan on doing a small celebration for this milestone that's already about to be achieved, so once I hit it, stick around for a DTIYS art challenge and be on the lookout for a new hashtag that I will put for my oc, Gianna Chavez!
Aside from that though, allow me to give yall an update for what I plan to do to...better organize this blog;
So I have a lot of ideas for this blog that's been running around my head for ages now and I've been struggling on what idea to do first; This would include
Alternate Universes (FNF, Roblox, Little Brother, etc.)
Finishing up OC Ref sheets, well, updated versions of them-
RP Doodles for RPs that I'm doing as we speak
LOG Data (I've been typing away for days on some of these to catch up on the stuff-)
Creating my own Headcanon for Sector V and other canon characters (Basically a universe for Gianna-)
And so much more!!!!
Don't worry though, I'm gonna be taking as much time as needed to be able to properly organize all of these awesome ideas, though I think for the meantime, I'm gonna try and focus on Gianna's main storyline that involves her improvement on the Treatment Program and how she will successfully get out of it!
Most of her adventures she will have, I plan to maybe do them via roleplays or from doing asks with all my moots and at one point, involve them in the main storyline for Gianna! (That is of course, I get consent for those that see this~)
So the LOG Data you see, those are actual reflections from roleplays that I have completed or in progress that I think are considered worthy for Gianna to report, for this is part of her program to see if she has been improving or not during the course.
I might even at one point ask for help now and then from my friends to gib ideas and of course properly credit them since they are all amazing~
As far as how I will tell the story on here, I have some ideas of doing Arcs with chapters, following with illustrations now and then, or maybe attempt to do a comic series. Who knows, we shall see~
I'm hoping though to try and get more asks in her inbox since sadly it's been empty for the most part and I was hoping people were curious to know her more while I work on some stuff on the side.
Don't worry though! Everything's all good! I'm just pushing a gentle reminder that the Asks are open for Gianna and the ocs listed that are open for questions~ <3
Now inspired by the lovely @kandykatz's way of their organizing their master posts, I might go for that way of organizing my stuff properly, or might do some twists, who knows, still gotta figure that out-
I...think that's all I have for now in what's the plan for this blog, if anything comes to mind I will edit this post or maybe do a part 2.
Thanks guys for taking the time to read! I hope to continue cooking up in the kitchen with yall and have some fun here~
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@masterofthehighgroud​ has sent: Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition 1 | 2 | 6 | 12
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// My rules has a section showing the fandoms/communities I don’t want to interact or rp with! Here’s a reminder to it:
MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, Fnaf, League of Legends (Arcane won’t get a pass), Genshin Impact, Fnf, Disney and MCU (I’m debating on whether or not, I’ll give the comics a pass tho...)
Star wars stuff in specific.  I’m intimidated and iffy about Legends characters, simply because I’m still not 100% knowledgeable about it (I’m learning more and more about it). Kotor/jedi fallen order/any of the SW games... I’m also not well versed in them, so I’ll also be hesitant to interact with them. With all of these things said, here are my straight ‘no’s. Unless I’m well acquaintanced with the mun behind the muse, I’ll not write with any of the sequels era characters (As stated in my muses directory. Although I’ve watched the trilogy, I’m not entirely familiar with it, which contributes to my overall lack of interest in interacting with it). Then there are the Starcruiser hotel, and the theme park attractions which are at the very bottom of everything thus getting the biggest no (I don’t think I have to talk about how the vibes between those things, don’t fall in line with anything else within the SW universe, right? Nah man, y’all can keep and try to excuse the +6k dollar LARP mess [which I heard that Disney is looking to double the prices so Y I K E S])
And as I’m writing this: I also won’t RP with Andor muses, until the serie is over.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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// I’m not a fan of those fix-it AUs. No matter what it may be about. ‘No order 66 palpie chokes on a croissant & the galaxy is all fine & dandy uwu AU’, ‘clones are just one big family & jango is their dad uwu AU’. I understand the desire for those types of plots for fanarts and fanfics, but when it comes RP? Killing off the tragedy in SW is the equivalent of, burning down SW’s very essence. Also I’ve noticed that with these plots, they always end up watering down so many things about SW. The name of the series is literally Star wars, the war IS meant to be ugly, I don’t think anyone should sugarcoat that.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
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// I think that the Kenobi series hype is long dead by now, SO I can finally say this, without sb coming out of the woodworks to crucify me for it. Reva was mediocre at best (the actress put on her best, it is just that the script she was handed to was bad. The odds were against her.). She most certainly wasn’t the worst thing that came out of the show, see young Leia (wtf did they do to thIS KID?) and Tala (who? I literally forgot about her 5 secs after her death).
I just wished that Lucas arts hadn’t wasted their time with fan-baiting, hate-baiting its audience, all while using Ingram as a meat-shield for every single criticism towards the show. And instead taken their time to properly iron out this character. BC as she currently stands? It’s bad... That pitiful attempt at a redemption? Yeah, it could use some MUCH needed work, instead of just slapping it on her then calling it a day. But I’ll take what we got, over whatever the drafted one had in it (Cody’s legacy is safe... For now...).
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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// What’s up with all the weird anons me and many of my mutuals have been getting? I’ve never had to deal with anything like it, in all of my RPing years. What’s up with people not knowing how to use the block function, and blacklisting feature?
I’ve received multiple anons, whining about the fact I write cloneshipping. Or even having meltdowns over some of my HCs. I want to believe this is the result of how the search function on tumblr now operates, so it searches with anything that contains the searched words, instead of the tags. So, I’m chalking it up to being just strangers, finding my blog unaware of what this blog is about. But at the same time, there is a part of me that thinks I’ve received hate from actual RPers over that. BC god forbid, blocking sb and moving on with their day, is just too simple.
There is never a bad reason to not block someone. Even if it may sound silly in your mind, just block/filter out whatever is bugging you. It’s a whole lot better than hate-reading, or exposing yourself to shit you know that causes you discomfort.
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phantom-howl · 18 days
Pinned Post
Updating this properly now
Hi yall! Just a real quick pinned for ya!!
Some rules before you interact:
Please for the love of ancients don't talk to me about NSFW. I don't mind if you like it and I don't mind if an NSFW account follows/interacts, I just don't feel comfortable discussing or drawing it.
Pronouns are "I don't give a fuck", but I prefer they/xe if you wanna get technical.
I swear a lot text-wise. If you caught me in a VC I don't.
I'd prefer any questions about the Ask64 blog, or likewise other personal stuff to be DMed rather than sent through the ask box. If you DO use the ask box, please don't use anon. I realize a lot of my newer followers don't know what Ask64 is, but still.
Do NOT ping me in those ping games. Two mutuals get a pass on this. They know who they are. On that note, also don't send me chain mail. Triggers the ol' anxiety real bad.
Don't ask me to collab on an FNF mod with you unless we know each other. Any other type of project though I'm more than happy to hear you out on. Had a bad experience with FNF modding is all.
Assholes will be blocked. I will not tolerate rude people in my online space here. I've had enough of 'em.
I will respond to a LOT of names but Neo is the one I mainly use. Ray, Chaos, Tord, Dipper and Kaz are also the current favorites. You can also just refer to me however's comfortable, I'm not super picky on my name. The only two I request you NEVER call me are Wolf & Phantom.
Tag info, side blogs & other places to find me under the cut!
"#>:)" is my favorite tag. Anything I wanna save usually gets tagged with this so I can find it later.
"#neo is rambling again" is my original post tag, though sometimes a post that's not mine will be tagged with this if I added my two cents in a reblog.
"#phantom asks" is where most of my answered asks are.
"#neo art" is where I (am trying to) put all the art I post on this account & my art blog reblogs
@phantom-howls-shit is my art blog. Any art I do I reblog on this blog if it's not outright posted there.
@downward-spiral-askblog is my passion project! Please check it out ^^, the youtube connected to it can be found here
@tails-heritage-post is a heritage blog for Tails from Sonic. Please send submissions. @tailsheritagepost is the heritage rp version of the heritage blog so the main blog doesn't get flooded.
@eddsworld-heritage-and-archive is both an Eddsworld heritage blog as well as an archive for all things Eddsworld. Again please send submissions.
@eden-outcasts is both parts comic & ask blog for my Captain Laserhawk OCs.
@ask-imp and @ask-n0rsk1 are eddsworld clone askblogs. Neither are active anymore but they still exist ^^
My main youtube can be found here! Please feel free to check it out!!
Here are my GameJolt & GameBanana, though I'm not super active on either. I do check GameJolt at least once a day tho.
My artfight can be found here, and I usually change the roster a lot between seasons so keep an eye out.
Then there's my discord server :D, where I post updates about EVERYTHING I do & host events sometimes!
Here's my AO3 where I post pretty much all my fanfiction. It's a mess of fandoms but it exists ^^
This is my Bluesky, and I'm working on getting that more active. No I will not get a Twitter. Bluesky IS Twitter just no musk.
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vanillahub · 2 years
Things you should know before becoming a mutual  
List 10 or more things you find to be essential for your blog. Essentially, highlight your rules! Let people know what they should be aware of and expected, from you! Then tag anyone you would like to learn more from! Feel free to steal this~
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You must be at least +18 years old to even follow this blog. I’m well over the +20 years old mark, I’m uncomfortable having minors around me and my blogs (agelless blogs will be softblocked). I’m also constantly delving on subjects that just aren’t suitable for any minors, so really, there’s absolutely no reason why they should be here, period.
Your blog must have: a rules page, muse’s info, a sample of your writing (I have a preference for para/lengthier replies. I don’t like heavily formatted replies, if I find myself struggling to read your stuff then I will give it a pass) and there shouldn’t have a lot of OOC/things that are unrelated to RPing (negativity, very personal stuff, political rambles, support of call out culture, heavy on the discourse side of things, etc.).
Be mindful, english isn’t my first language! While I welcome and accept help with my grammar/writing, don’t use that to your advantage, so you can spin & twist the things I say for whatever reason. I’ve had this happen to me one too many times, and I guarantee you it’s not fun.
Mun =/= muse, fiction isn't reality. If you don’t have that concept clear, and you have a hard time separating those things. Then don’t even bother coming close to me.
Fictional kins and self-inserts aren’t welcomed here. Regardless if you're an OC, or if you hide behind a canon character. I feel IMMENSELY uncomfortable with people who heavily live through their muses, due to very bad experiences in the past. I’m not here to fulfill anyone’s fantasies in that way. Don't be dodgy about it.
Be upfront about what makes you uncomfortable, establish your boundaries and don’t ever be afraid to tell me I’ve crossed a line for you whenever we are plotting/writing something. I ALWAYS ask this to all of my partners, whenever I approach anyone to get discussions going. I always ask out of genuine care, for the other. Unless you tell me I’ve screwed up, there’s no way I’ll be able to fix it or even apologize for it.
Fandoms and communities I outright refuse to interact with: MLP, Undertale, Homestuck, FNaF, FNF, Genshim Impact, League of Legends (Arcane isn't an exception), Disney and the MCU.
Things that will make me unfollow: too much unrelated stuff to RP being constantly posted, if I feel like I’m only being used as a +1 follower to your count and lastly. If I no longer can see our muses interacting, either because their developments are clashing or plotting has taken nowhere.
I preemptively block users, that rub me in the wrong way. I also softblock users, when I don’t want them following my blogs. Take the L, don’t try to reach me out through other means. And for the love of God, don’t try sending people in an attempt to score an answer for you.
I don’t do well with people, who are CONSTANTLY moving around. Every other day making new blogs then abandoning old ones, picking up new muses and every so often changing their pen names. I’ve learned how there’s no enjoyment for me get out of those folks. I really need partners who wish to stick around, for the long run.
Just because we’re mutuals, and we’ve exchanged a few messages, it doesn’t mean we are friends. It’s nothing personal, but please let things take its natural course. I’ve been in this awkward situation, one too many times over the years.
I will not dumbify or tone down my portrayals, please, avoid muses that you know will touch on subjects that are touchy or make you uncomfortable. No hard feelings.
Shipping is FUN, but that’s not my priority. I’m definetely being a lot more chill in this blog about that, compared to my other ones. But still, I take huge enjoyment out of plotting & developing my muses. As such, shipping ends up taking the backseat most of the time.
It’s pretty easy to tell when someone is trying to befriend me, in hopes of scoring freebies from me. You guys aren’t being subtle at all...
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painfulbass · 3 years
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I added links to the Google Doc. If you don’t know who Ruv is, or you tell me you don’t know much about him, I’m going to send you what’s in there.
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That really is all the content there is. Like, outside of small things Dooki.Doodlez has drawn, or headcanons you can find here and there, that is all there is for this character. I don’t think it’d take more than an hour to really look into all of it, and a decent half is just listening to music. Beyond that is all of the bonus content songs that I can share with you if you are interested, but absolutely none of it has anything to do with lore. Hope this helps in any with coming up ideas, plots, threads, relationships or anything.
I’m always willing to come up with a way to have Ruv have a crossover verse with your character, but FNF isn’t REALLY that hard either. It’s just a world filled with rap battles instead of actual conflict. Trying to win over your girlfriend’s parents? Rap battle. Trying to stop a demon from corrupting people? Rap Battle. Trying to stop Tankman from killing you and your girlfriend? Rap Battle. Distraught seeing your girlfriends mom and dad hold Santa at hostage with a gun? Rap Battle. Like.... congrats that's the basic summary of the world. It’s mainly the Mods that have far more intricate and interesting stories in them.
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peachypizzicato · 3 years
an about? on MY blog? its more likely thank u think (semi outdated, will be replaced eventually, f/o list is up to date though :3c)
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hi there! i’m opal/anemone, but my friends call me callie/cal and sometimes i refer to myself as peachy so anything is fine! i’m 20 and my pronouns are she/her (but they/them are fine too)!
this is my main self shipping blog! pretty much every post here will either be about self ship in general or my f/os and their source, so if you aren’t keen on those this probably isn’t the blog for you!
i self ship mostly as a comfort thing, so my main purpose here is to just chill and have fun! :)
some important things to note:
-as stated, im an adult! as far as this account goes that means i’ll curse fairly often, so if you’re uncomfy with that you may want to tread lightly! (i also have an nsfw side blog, minors please do not follow or interact there, adult followers are welcome to ask for the url!)
-i can put on an outgoing face when posting, but im actually really nervous with new people! so please be mindful if you decide to hop into dms, small talk is pretty difficult for me!
-i don’t really have any notable triggers or anything like that, just don’t be weird, y’know? my account is meant to be safe and comfortable for everybody!
my tags:
-peachyrambles: textposts usually, just me runnin’ my yap
-peachyart: my art, if that wasn’t obvious! more often than not revolving around self ship, but sometimes crossposts from my general
-peachymisc: any post that isn’t exclusively text but also isn’t a high enough effort piece to fall under the art tag, middle of the road type stuff
-peachy’s prized possessions: gifts and fanart and the like! pretty much anything that people make for me, it means the world to me <3
-[name] appreesh/appreciation: reblogs or submissions from friends n muts that i interact with a lot!! sometimes also on fanart of inserts n things if we’re close enough :0
-peanut gallery: anonymous asks/submissions, regardless of whether they’re identified or not (identified anons usually get the previous tag too!)
-i don’t do content warnings much, but i’d be happy to within reason! don’t be afraid to ask :)
ship specific info:
-i don’t really have a huge problem with others shipping with my f/os, all i ask is that everyone shows mutual respect! nobody is more entitled to them than anybody else, there’s enough of them to go around!
-i don’t really have specific tags for ships, since i’m awful at thinking of clever ship names, but currently i only have a few (mostly from the same source, fnf, no less!) so they aren’t terribly hidden!
-however, for reference, my s/i’s are:
•penelope “penny” (rom: senpai [week 6]), who you can see in my icon!
•olive (rom: garcello [smoke em out struggle mod], plat: annie [vs annie mod]), with the bright red hair! (content hiatus)
•elodie (rom: chris [demonic discourse mod/hellbent]), with the ponytail and the big round glasses!
•cordelia (rom: raine whispers, child: golden guard/hunter [the owl house]), with the pointy ears!
•autumn spice cookie (rom: roguefort cookie [cookie run ovenbreak]), from like one single post!
•snickerdoodle cookie (rom: eggnog cookie, plat: tiramisu cookie [cookie run ovenbreak]), from the… more posts?
•calliope “callie” (rom: nadia, muriel, and asra [the arcana]), with the two-tone hair!
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floragators · 3 years
(PINNED POST) My Stuff ig
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(Heads up!! Some of the links are not working due to the fact I changed my username from cottonbunrun to floragators)
(More heads up!! This account is strictly SFW, there maybe some slightly suggestive stuff or sensitive topics discussed briefly but absolutely no explicit NSFW content! I will make a separate account for that when I’m ready. I do tolerate NSFW accounts but you will not see that around here.)
( For my Godzilla and Transformers content, go to @kaiju-gurlfriend and for my non-self shipping one go to @crackicrossiships)
( As a selfshipper, I’m honestly okay with sharing most if not all of my f/os and I never intend to belittle or make someone uncomfortable for loving the same f/o. Trust me I have encountered people who attacked me just for liking the same character for goodness sake. I honestly want to be friends with most of them!
So please if you can’t tolerate sharing the same f/o then DON’T interact with me, I will not always be able to catch on as quickly to someone disliking me because we share the same f/o. However especially DO NOT interact if you actively attack other selfshippers or oc x canon cause then your just being an asshole. Good day self shipping nation.)
General info:
My preferred name is Alligatia but you can also call me Gatia! I don’t mind my irl name but I prefer to keep it private unless we are very close mutuals.
I’m Aceflux Bisexual Aroflux Aegoromantic and Demigirlflux Nonbinary. My preferred pronouns is they/them and occasionally she/her.
I’m Hispanic/Latino with my mom being Uruguayan and my dad being Cuban. I’m also born and raised in Florida, so yes I am a florida man/hj
I’m in college and currently majoring in Psychology! However I do wanna hopefully pursue or do animation on the side, if I ever get the chance to ofc.
I’m an diagnosed and yet undiagnosed neurodivergent individual that does have Anxiety but also might have Autism, ADHD, and OCD. I do infact have IEP but I’ve never actually been to the doctor to get diagnosed with who, who knows. I also do have intrusive thoughts that are currently getting less frequent but still are there to vibe check me.
I am infact a furry and I do draw all kinds of anthro art. I am indeed a huge non-human lover even when i was a kid. I love robots, aliens, and different kinds of monsters that I do also simp over. Please respect that and for the love of all goldfish crackers, don’t believe in the stereotype that all furries are sexual. Plz and thank you.
My birthday is February 3rd!! I’m currently 18 years old.
I’m in my healing arc as a people pleaser/hj
Links to certain stuff:
New and Improved F/o list!!
FNF Alligatia (Minus Version) (Soft Version) (Algal Gatia)
BTAS Gatia/Arkham Nurse Gatia
Spooky Month Serpente
Rhythm Heaven Fever Gatia/Garia
Cherry Bomb(Whitty x GF) Au Info
Art info kinda-
Elementary School au
Whitty au stuff (Soft! whitty)
Wattpad Book on my Fankids with my f/os
My fankids with my f/o listing
Heads Up! Talk about my mental health
Outdated stuff:
Alligatia FNF Self insert
Joyfriend FNF Self Insert
Serpente MC Self Insert
(HAS BEEN REVAMPED) Arkham Nurse Gatia
A thread on how to help support Palestine:
(I’ll update the list if I need to!!)
I will still be updating on this thing but that's what I got so far
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spraykit · 3 years
ok. y'know what. i'm just gonna make this kinda post 'cause i've been wanting to for a bit.
i am currently pretty mutual-less on here and basically none of my other kinds of friends have tumblr-
soo maybe if you have the same interests as me we could like. become mutuals and or friends! (this post might get long so read more if ur interested) (also tagging some of my interests sorry if it bothers you!)
i'm not gonna try being picky, but like. requirements include not being homophobic transphobic etc. like. don't exclude anyone also. not only when it comes to queer stuff but also neurodivergency and plural stuff.. and being younger than 18
my interests at the moment are deltarune (specifically spamton), newgrounds (fnf, madcom, etc.) and other minor things but those r the main two!
previous interests/ stuff i at least know about and have looked into are:
animal crossing (i just got a switch for christmas)
star stable online (still play it)
lemon demon/neil cicierega
fnaf (i've been going in and out of the fandom since i can remember)
undertale (duh)
clone high (BARELY remember a thing but it was cool!)
homestuck (never read it but i kinda like the concept sort of)
she-ra (love lesbian, barely remember anything tho)
hilda (the netflix series)
minecraft (i still play it)
and roblox which i play pretty often nowadays
my main "hobby" is drawing (digital art mostly) plus animating a bit! i also enjoy writing (wether it be stories or poetry). sometimes, i'm interested in learning about all sorts of queer things, and i even coined like 3 terms though i haven't shared them really.
some importantish things abt me:
i have memory issues so i might not always remember important or less important things, or i might mix up details of memories
i am a minor
i'm not from/living in an english speaking country. sometimes i mess up grammar or spelling
i don't always understand tone. even if it may seem obvious to you it might not to me if something is a joke, serious or if its platonic, or romantic. tone tags/tone indicators are great especially when we havent interacted a bunch before!
if there is anything youre uncomfy with that i do, please tell me and i will try to change my ways
i change interests often! this may be outdated in like, 2 months or so but i hope to still be at least a bit interested in the things i am interested in now if that makes sense?
ok now. if youve read all that stuff congrats! now if you like at least 3 of the same things as me then we could be mutuals! just uh. send me an ask or something! and i can follow you back and maybe send u my discord tag lol.
sorry for the long ish post again!
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penduulum · 3 years
I think it’s time for a new intro, so here we go!! (Promo appreciated ^^)
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Hi there!! I’m Juno, welcome to my blog!! I’m just a self shipper doing his best, so feel free to stay awhile if you don’t mind me gushing about them!!
A bit about me, I’m a genderfluid gay and my pronouns are he/it/skull/haunt! I’m neurodivergent (ADHD and on the autism spectrum) and psychotic with frequent delusions. I’m currently hyperfixated on a lot of media but I remain critical of all of it, especially Corpse Bride!!! If you’re a close friend you can ask me about more personal things like delusions I experience
My fixations currently (in no particular order) are:
Trolls World Tour, No Straight Roads, Lemon Demon, Nero’s Day at Disneyland, circuses + clowns, raves, bright colors, Corpse Bride, my f/os, and the SAW franchise!!!
As for my f/os, you can find the post where I try to list them all here!! I still need to update the tags for them but I will get around to those eventually!
Please do not interact with me if any of the below applies to you:
-MAP/p-do/L-li or sh-tacon . Get the fuck away from my page
-bigoted in any way (LGBTA+phobic, racist, ableist, islamphobic, antisemetic, etc)
-you kin either Skid from FNF or Giovanni Potage from Epithet Erased (I am both of them)
-you are here to make fun of or spy on me
-we share f/os I’m not comfy with sharing, or you post a lot about Victor x Emily
-you say slurs you can’t reclaim
-you post consistently about P/co’s Sch//l
That’s all for the dni!! If you don’t fit any of the criteria you can interact with and follow me :)
Mass sh\\tings, P/co’s sch//l, the words sh/ta and sh/tacon, derealization, Victor x Emily, the Hatzgang, and talk of teeth falling out or rotting. Catchall tag is “Juno don’t look” or “Juno look away”
That’s all!!!! Thank you for reading to the end, I hopefully look foreward to being mutuals with you!!!! :DD
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