#my movie 14 amon
mutatedleemon · 9 months
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new year’s present for @fishymom-art ( @mymovie14 )
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werewolf1903s · 6 months
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@mymovie14 @fishymom-art
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dolorum-magne · 1 year
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Ya'll please go watch [My Movie 14] over on YouTube, its an incredible ongoing slenderverse series created by @fishymom-art!
"[My Movie 14] is about a teenage paranormal YouTuber Mile, who died prior to the events of the series. Their brother, introduced as The Editor, finds their laptop and creates a channel as an archive. But he soon realises that there was something strange happening to Mile and decides to investigate it."
You can watch the series over on their YouTube channel here
And you can follow the official My Movie 14 tumblr for video updates and additional content at @mymovie14
It's such a good series, I'd definitely recommend checking it out! There's also an official discord server, so if you do like the series, you should be able to find a link to the server on the creators tumblr!(tagged above)
Version without the logo overlay below the cut
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fishymom-art · 4 months
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it wasn't my idea, i swear
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thatchaoticace · 1 year
Spoilers for MM14 new video
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Me at Amon:
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reshramlove1ob · 10 months
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So here are my YuuXuan ship kids, Amon and Ace!
-They're twins, both boys, age 9.
-Birthday: Nov. 14
-Both have a simplified and weaker version of their parents' powers, and both posses both parents powers.
-They are very protected under the Esper Union. If their existence was to be found out by outside sources, organizations like the Shadow Decree would definitely take advantage of them.
-Tang Xuan’s coworkers love them both very much, and take protecting them seriously.
-The only people who know of their existence outside of the Esper Union is Tang Xuan’s family besides Tang Yun, Yamato (that was a whoopsie but he’s chill for the most part), and Li Guang (also a whoopsie but she swears to keep her mouth shut).
-120 cm, and is the older twin.
-A sunny and nice guy...when he gets to know you. He's actually very shy around new people.
-Despite looking more like Tang Xuan, he’s much better at wielding Yuuhime’s powers.
-He loves to climb, weather it be on the walls, in trees, or on adults, he’ll be bound to be climbing on something.
-He loves to tease Ace, being a big stink a lot of the time. But at the end of the day, he’ll glad snuggle up with his brother for a nice nap.
-He loves his family a lot. He hates how Tang Xuan and Yuuhime go out to fight miramon all the time, when he just wants them to stay home with him and Ace.
-When he’s nervous, he wraps his tail around himself to try and comfort himself. Or, he hugs into one of his parent’s long hair.
-125 cm, and the younger twin.
-He’s shy too, but not on the level of Amon. He enjoys to get to know new people, it just takes a second to click. He can be a little grumpy at times, which is why Amon has such a fun time teasing him.
-His favorite pastime is reading. He loves Sci-Fi specifically, and will read any book that even mentions space. He also lives for horror and thriller, begging Yuuhime to take him to any scary movie that comes out.
-He practices both parent’s powers very often, wanting to someday be a great hero like Tang Xuan and the other hero’s he sees on the tv. He wishes to find a way to get rid of the miracles one day, so everyone can be happy.
-He likes it when Amon plays with his hair. He loves seeing all the ways he can style his hair.
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werewolfsoldat · 11 months
heres a decent introduction to this account. UGH
THIS ACCOUNT WILL CONTAIN POSSIBLY TRIGGERING CONTENT, CONSISTS OF: sexual situations/themes, guns (shotguns and rifles preferably), demonic or offensive art or portyral (nazis), slightly gross or weird things
names i go by (do not call me all. just pick one): Amon (mainly prefer), Jürgen, Pazuzu, Hans, Wolfgang, Gargoyle, all thatz
pronouns: he/it. I do not like being called by any feminine pronouns or as they/them. Its fine if you dont know me and call me by they/them, but if you do then DONT. i also hav some neopronouns that are optional to call me
im queer.
Im a minor. im not gonna be in october tho RAAHH (im 17)
Im a werewolf and minotaur otherkin + pupgender + some other neogenders related to canidae.
I am mentally disordered. I do not feel very comfortable discussing my diagnoses currently, may edit this and add them tho. (im severely schizophrenic + ASD and may have possible mpd)
I like Third Reich and Wehrmacht stuff. I do not idolize or sympathize with Nazis in any shape or form or seem as if I do. Your stupid if you think I am. I also like other things such as Demonology or just mythology in general. I also like human-animal monsters (such as Gozu, The Minotaur, all that) I also like hunting, gardening, fishing, all that!
I like movies. My favorite films currently are Schindler’s List, Bad Moon, Cujo, Gingadensetsu / Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, Gozu, Šišanje, Good Boy, Lamb, The Long Long Holiday, Sgt Stubby, Madness Combat (not a film i know idk what to consider it..) and some others. May post about those.
This account is also not kid-friendly. If you are below the decent age of 14, do not interact. Do not also interact if you are sensitive, have a weak stomach, or easily offended or shocked.
I am also up for rp (EW CRINGE) with some ocs. (especially if you like war rps because have my ocs are war relted uGH)
Reichblr member. didnt know if thats a positive term or not but im using it because people who post ww2 stuff use it...
I have fixations on certain members of the NSDAP (Josef Mengele and Amon Göth), but I do not idoloize them in ANY way.A A A A A
i was born in Germany but live in US. wide reciever and safety in footbal (american football i shall specify im a YANK-KRAUT) hell yeah pure muscle
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sharlmbracta · 9 months
CONTENT WARNING: everyone is ruined. Stereotypes everywhere. this shit is so bad it turns a whopping 360 it turns good
cherry-picking chapters are encouraged yes
arranged for myself the funniest excerpts from the funniest chapters i deemed so
if someone else somehow clicks to my horrible tastes as well. then uh. hell yeah.
Chapter 1:
“Zuko? What are you doing?” he asked upon seeing the prince loading up a dinky little ship that looked totally out of place beside the naval fleet.
“I’m going to capture the avatar and restore my Xbox privileges,” Zuko decreed. Shortly thereafter, the plank lifted, and Ozai could only stare in disbelief as the ship pulled away from the dock.
“Goodbye, Father!” Zuko shouted, waving at him from the deck of the ship as he grew smaller and smaller — further away with every passing second.
Chapter 38:
“THEIR,” Ozai screamed.
“AZULA’S PRONOUNS…” Ozai passed out on the bathroom floor.
“My God, his whole personality was in that beard,” Steve realized. “His whole ideology. The core of who he is…” He panicked, and it dawned on him what he had to do. “I’ve got to keep him drugged until it grows back.”
Chapter 45:
The door burst open, and Jet walked in, his mouth wheat rippling menacingly in the breeze. Zuko wondered about that mouth wheat whenever they encountered each other. Did he put the same wheat in his mouth every day? Wouldn’t it get soggy after a while? If not, then where was he finding wheat in Ba Sing Se? Was he at least washing it before he put it in his mouth?
“I’m telling you, these people are firebenders!” he cried for the sixteenth time since Zuko and Iroh had started working in the tea shop. The wheat bobbed in his mouth. Zuko had never seen Jet without his wheat. Why did he always have it? Was it like a pacifier? Did he just like the taste? Did he take it out to eat? Did he eat in the first place? Was Jet even human?
Chapter 49: Short Feng
The pair of Dai Li agents thrust Long Feng forward, and he fell on his face at Azula’s feet. She reached down and placed a hand on his forehead like she was about to Amon away his bending (seriously, did they just never explain how Amon could do that?)
Instead, a transformation took place. A blinding light shooting out from his body, Long Feng shrank and compressed like he’d been put in a trash compactor where he belonged. When the light faded, he was no longer Long Feng.
Chapter 51:
Suddenly, Ozai heelied into the war room, wearing shutter shades, a mesh crop top that said “my eyes are up here (only Steve is allowed to look at my abs),” and booty shorts that said “heelies to escape my feelies” on the ass.
“I’m so tired of formal wear,” he remarked, climbing onto the throne. Unused to his new heelies, he nearly tripped going up the stairs.
“Dad… why…” Azula groaned, covering her face with her hands. She couldn’t look. Maybe one day, she would be a powerful enough firebender to burst into flame on the spot just so she wouldn’t have to deal with this.
Chapter 3:
“Fire Lord Ozai is no more! From this day forward, I shall be known as… Fucking Fire Lord Ozai!” he announced, and the crowd went bonkers.
“Sweet, does that mean that I’m the Fucking Princess?” Azula piped up again.
“No, dumbass. I just told you that you get to be the regular fire lord,” he barked.
Chapter 4:
Without any warning, somebody kicked through the door like the beginning of the timeless masterpiece that is the first Shrek movie.
“Father, I have captured the avatar!” Zuko announced. “Where’s my Xbox?” He turned to the bald little kid lingering behind him. “Oh, yeah, Aang, meet my dad, and Dad, this is Aang. Where’s my Xbox?” he repeated obnoxiously.
“Nice to meet you, Mister Fire Lord,” Aang said pleasantly.
Chapter 14:
Ozai clambered to his feet, and held the noodle picture up against the wall, across from the pile of hay. “I think I’ll put it right here. How does that look?”
“I like it. I’ll come visit again, and I’ll bring real food next time. And I won’t make fun of you, either,” Aang promised. “See ya!”
“Thanks, kid.” Ozai cracked a weary smile for perhaps the first time since his imprisonment. Perhaps the noodle fanart would ward off the ghost.
Chapter 22:
“Okay, Silent But Deadly, do your thing,” Ozai commanded.
Silent But Deadly inhaled deeply, his third eye glowing. A sudden explosion tore the room into fragments, the deafening boom setting off car alarms and making dogs bark several dimensions over. Azulon’s guts sprayed everywhere. It was metal as fuck.
“What the hell?” Ozai screamed to make himself heard above the ringing in everyone’s ears. “That wasn’t silent!”
Chapter 24:
“I know you’re looking to find out what’s in the attic,” she said. “Your mother doesn’t want me to tell you this, but it’s her stash. It’s no normal pot, though. It’s a strain she cultivated herself called Waxy Meatball Frozen Zipper. She doesn’t want you two smoking any because it’s extremely rare and hard to grow, not to mention that you have to be a level 57 anarchist to use it to teleport like she does.”
“Use it to teleport?” Azula echoed. “That’s what all this was? So she wasn’t a hallucination all those other times?”
“She was real, all right.” June disappeared back into the rafters. “Ask her for some once you’ve thrown bricks at a few more banks. See you guys at dinner.”
Chapter 23 (cw politics(?)):
Iroh t-posed in the middle of the battlefield, levitating menacingly. Time slowed around him. He really hated to invoke his god-powers, but things were getting ridiculous. “Why can’t I just run my fuckin’ tea shop in peace?” he sighed quietly, then with a roar, he announced, “I DECLARE THE FIRE NATION TO BE A CAPITALIST-COMMUNIST ANARCHO-FASCIST STATE. AND I WILL BE LEADER.”
The fighting stopped. “Dude, all right, sounds good to me.” Zuko tossed aside the fifteen guns he’d brought out of his gun room.
Chapter 52:
Ozai was considering hopping inside to get a milkshake, but just then, the avatar rolled up in a slick black Mercedes. Aang flicked off his sunglasses, tore off his shirt, and slammed the car door shut. “Do you want to fucking go, old man?” he challenged him. “Do you want to fucking go inside and discuss this over a lovely meal instead of resorting to violence?”
Ozai wished that he, too, could slam his car door in a display of masculine fury, but the minivan door glided shut calmly. Ozai tore off his shirt, circling the avatar. “I will fuck you up!” he threatened. With all that fire burning, it was hot out, and he really wanted that milkshake. “Let’s settle this like men! Over a menu!”
Chapter 1:
“Wait! It was just a joke! I’ll give you your Xbox back! Please! Come home, son!” he yelled from the shore. “Please…”
A single tear slid down his cheek. If only he hadn’t been so cruel.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
okay so i just watched my movie 14! its an interesting web serial. i really miss slenderverse horror. and to see that its only just begun, how fun! here is some barely coherent thoughts :
-to explain the premise badly, it is this : local youtuber becomes victim of elaborate trolling campaign by demons.
-hm, based from what i gather, this is the situation (cmiiw) : mile starts a youtube channel, they are going to close down the channel due to lack of interests, but they were sent a message from amon (introduction video)
-throughout this several month period, mile started to get increasingly agitated, showing the classic telltale signs of slender sickness (coughing in the hotel video) (looking over cameras and beating the shit out of people that cares about your wellbeing in the secret remember video), and did several things under amon's influence. at first, they simply think amon is just a helpful benefactor to their channel, but amon starts to get even more present in mile's life until they even questioned if amon had access to their personal files (hotel video) this is confirmed in the caption under 8, which is encrypted in caesar cypher.
-amon is a demon. referenced in the lesser keys of solomon as the demon over life and reproduction and it is said to induce eagerness and reconcile friends and enemies, something that are also referenced in the captions in 8 (induces eagerness) and hotel (the quote referencing poe's the raven poem) (also possible connection with mile inducing brian and nina to suicide?) it often took the form of a man with raven's head or a man with dog teeth. if his nickname wasnt obvious enough, one of the secret videos spelled it out by displaying the sigil and another secret video (remember) shows mile ecstatic over receiving a copy of lesser keys ars goetia and ended up with them looking dejected and throwing away the book
-that scene can be interpreted in two ways. it either show mile opening the book and finally realizing that amon is not a person as they read the entries, or a jump cut to the future while the early scenes is them during the early times of working with amon and the next is a scene of them opening the book again after significant damage has occured and throwing it away in regret / disgust. i think its the latter
-anyway, back to mile's work partnership with amon. dead animals at my door is the biggest information so far of what they done under amon. a notable thing is that they have "silenced" aunt penelope and is responsible for the brian and nina suicide (perhaps by way of magic from ars goetia? the bloodied state of the book during remember indicates mile might have been using it to do these awful things. they might have summoned amon to the physical world, or they might provide brian and nina as sacrifices, whethere its on purpose or something they did accidentally as they become intrigued in fact-checking the spells in the book they were given)
-one thing for sure is that brian and nina is murdered because/for amon. the caption, relating them as the lovers card placed them both under the bindings of a demon (referred to as ANGEL)
-this is mile at their worst. they have killed possibly three people and knocked out their brother (OH NO HERE COMES MILE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR) anyway, one thing im intrigued with is that, other than their brother (the editor) not remembering anything about the fight that lead mile to running away to a hotel, he also say that he doesnt know mile that well during the phone conversation with cody (8). i think his amnesia extends far, not just during the time mile is influenced by amon, but also for their entire life. its a common occurence for slenderverse protagonists unfortunately. mile and the editor might actually have a close relationship for all we know. and the various references on their home life (you'll end up just like mom and dad) (i left the house when i was 16) made me start to think that their parents arent just the boring flavor of abusive, but might even responsible for mile and the editor to be trapped with amon. look, mile has always suffered from hallucinations, are they picked up by amon because of this vulnerability? or is this because mile was meant to be amon's plaything from the very start?
-for now though, it almost seems like mile accidentally sold their soul for youtube fame to a demon (wow, demons these days are catching up with the times. also, whatever deal mile made, i dont think its worth it. like, if i had to kill three people, i should at least have mr beast level of view counts lol)
-another asides : the stalker? who are you? you seem to be inhabiting (heheh) mile's body but the mask was meant for cody. this stalker however, simply knows more things that they let on. it could be cody, sending out cryptic warnings ala tim's alter ego masky in marble hornets or a future version of mile that has went through unimaginable eldritch horrors until their personhood is twisted beyond recognition but now they might have a chance in running away from amon ala firebrand in t12. could be the editor himself, a supressed version of him that remembers everything that went down during the few months before mile's death.
-one thing for sure. stalker speaks in riddles. they add videos, change captions, put out morse codes and caesar cyphers and quotes referencing things that are relevant to our investigation. they also refer that there are three people presiding over the channel.
-my obvious and strongest guess would be the editor, the stalker, and amon watching over the whole thing. however, based on typing quirks alone we could guess that there are another secret man on the channel.
-one would be editor. two would be stalker, but the third... they could have posted only the captions on the article video, since it was a drastic departure in style than the quotes and cyphers. or disregarding that video, we can divide the captions as either cyphers or quotes. the cyphers could be the mysterious person, calling out the editor to remember and to listen to mile's warning (who could be the one posting references to ars goetia so editor would stay away or learn how serious the being theyre dealing with)
-however, the most confusing is the captions in the 28.10.22, it is weirdly sincere and direct. it could be a message for the editor (line about finding closure)
-based on the rather straightforward message, i feel like its the kind of things the stalker would say. and also, i might be reaching here, but if the stalker did speak using quotes, then referencing a stanza from poe's the raven could be a subtle expression of grief and apology (the poem was about a guy feeling haunted by a raven because he felt grief over lenore's death) while warning that theyre dealing with a demon with a raven head. im leaning over the "the stalker is corrupted!mile" prediction because of this
-take all of this with a grain of salt though. there are plenty of things i havent looked over twice. we dont even know how amon could be another iteration of slenderman other than his victims suffering from similar diseases. if i have the time, i'll revisit and make another post about my theories. cant wait to see this series grow :)
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
Continuing my OC reveals because I have lost track of my tags for this and I have so many that would like to say "Hi", we have one of our "bad guys" today. hmmm....
I'm going to tag: @dogmomwrites @blind-the-winds @talesofsorrowandofruin
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Amon Gahar
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope. Dad was original in that respect.
2. When was the last time you cried? Big boys don't cry, darlin.
3. Do you have kids? Oh yeah, and they're a lot like their old man. I haven't had one for a few centuries though. Been a little busy.
4. Do you use sarcasm? Fuck honey, is there someone who doesn't?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?  Depends. Female, her eyes. Male, is he swingin a sword at me.
6. What's your eye color? Blue on a good day, black on a bad one. *winks flirtatiously*
7. Scary movies or happy endings?  I am the Prince of Wrath, darlin. I love a good war movie, action. What I consider scary, and you consider scary, *leans forward with a grin* those are two totally different things. *winks*
8. Any special talents? I can make Leviathan lose his cool in about 5 seconds, have been able to be around Abriella without losing my damn head, and know how to be diplomatic. Some of my brothers could learn a few things.
9. Where were you born? I was snapped into being before the Earth was formed, Darlin. *winks* I got lots of experience...in all things. *grins*
10. What are your hobbies? Startin wars, startin fights, bein an ass.
11. Have you any pets?  A tiger, snow.
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12. What sports do you play/have played? Blood ones
13. How tall are you? 6’8 1/2”
14. Favorite subject in school? Didn't need it
15. Dream job? If I can convince the beauty Abriella not to take my head off, I'd like to be a war correspondent. Lots of wrath to absorb and feed me. I could lay off havin to create conflic and just absorb the auras of the humans around me. It would also let me visit a few beings I kinda miss...not gonna name names though.
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing
Let me know if you'd like +/-
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stardustdiver · 1 year
nine people you would like to get to know better
@flingsky tagged me forever ago, i put it in my 'do it later' brain folder, then i forgot about that brain folder x.x
i tag @cassieoctavia @caorann8 @shearah @oathkeeper-kima @pyjamaenzel @amons-hat-enthusiast @capriccio-ffxiv @tee-ffxiv @cybercrayons as per title, only if you want to 👉👈
three ships
im not much of a shipper person so uh, 1 - fitzsimmons (marvels agents of shield), my favourite nerd pair who FINALLY GOT THEIR BREAK i swear the writers gave them pain and despair just because 😖. 2 - moenuri (final fantasy 14), also another blessed nerd pair, but one half was taken from us way too soon.
first ship ever
fitzsimmons, all of AoS i was hoping theyd get a break from their trauma but they kept being put in the trauma machine
last song
idr which song exactly but i had mellow lofi morning playlist playing in an attempt to help me wake up with some chill music and not a TIME GOTTA GET UP PANIC, i think its helping
last movie
in cinemas, across the spiderverse, 10/10, hyped for beyond the spiderverse. in general, i think encanto that my mam put on in the living room a lil while ago, also good film
currently reading
rebel fire by ann sei linn, the sequel to rebel skies. took me a while to think about getting into a different series after finishing the wayfairer series by becky chambers, but its getting interesting, basically avatar but instead of water and air bending its all paper-bending and making origami creatures and weapons but with your ✨️mind✨️
currently consuming
last thing i ate was aldis chocolate pringle shapes, idk they look like pringles but they are chocolate and also mint chocolate and little rice crispies pieces in there.... idk, but its breakfast time i need breakfast too
currently craving
chilli jam cheese toastie :)
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Today in Tolkien - October 6th
This is the night of the attack at Weathertop, when Frodo is stabbed with the Morgul-blade.
In the morning they found, for the first time since they had left the Chetwood, a track plain to see. They turned right and followed it southwards. It ran cunningly, taking a line that seemed chosen so as to keep as much hidden as possible from the view, both of the hill-tops above and of the flats to the west. It dived into dells, and hugged steep banks; and where it passed over flatter and more open ground on either side of it there were lines of large bolders or hewn stones that screened the travellers almost like a hedge.
Aragorn tells the hobbits that the path was made by the men of Arnor to access their forts along the walls when they were fighting Angmar, but that long before they had a great watch tower called Amon Sûl on the summit of Weathertop, and there Elendil watched for the coming of Gil-Galad in the days of the Last Alliance. Sam sings a portion of the song of Gil-galad that Bilbo translated.
It was already mid-day when they drew near the southern end of the path, and saw before them, in the pale clear light of the October sun, a gre-green bank, leading up like a bridge on to the northward slope of the hill. They decided to make for the top at once, while the daylight was broad. Concealment was no longer possible, and they could only hope that no enemy or spy was observing them. Nobody was to be seen moving on the hill. If Gandalf was anywhere about, there was no sign of him. On the western flank of Weathertop they found a sheltered hollow, at the bottom of which there was a bowl-shaped dell with grassy sides. There they left Sam and Pippin with the pony and their packs and luggage.
On the top of Westhertop they find the sign Gandalf left three days ago, and Aragorn interprets it. The rocks and grass are all scorched with fire from Gandalf’s fight with the Ringwraiths. Aragorn says he expects it will be at least 14 days from here to the Ford of Bruinen. The fact that they still manage to make that time even after Frodo is severely wounded - they reach the Ford of the 20th - is impressive on the part of them all. Frodo sees black specks on the road, two coming from the east and three from the west; Aragorn agrees that these are Black Riders, and they conceal themselves and go back dien the hill. Sam and Pippin find a Ranger camp, but there are also footprint of other boots from a day or two ago. Aragorn agrees with Sam that he dies not like the dell they are in, but there is no time to find anywhere better before nightfall. They make a fire as a defence, and at night Aragorn tells them old tales, including the Tale of Tinúviel. I wonder if, in Aragorn saying that the ending of that tale is not known, Tolkien is poking fun at his unfinished manuscript of the poetic Leithian.
Shortly after Aragorn finishes the story, the moon rises, and they see and sense the Ringwraiths outside the dell. The Ringwraiths approach, and Frodo under their influence puts on the Ring; what he sees of the Ringwraiths is matched by the movie depiction very closely. Frodo is stabbed by the Witch-king. Aragorn orders them to put Frodo by the fire, then disappears for some time, reawakening Sam’s suspicions; when he returns, Sam draws his sword and stands over Frodo. Aragorn has been trying, without success, to find out why the Ringwraiths have left rather than attacking again; he is very concerned by Frodo’s account, and then takes Sam aside and tells him he concludes that Frodo’s wound is intended to place him under the Ringwraiths’ control. Aragorn goes off to find athelas, which is uncommon and little-known in the North.
Frodo feels pain from the Morgul-wound on the same day in the two following years. One year later, he and the other hobbits and Gandalf have just left Rivendell the previous and are crossing the Ford of Bruinen:
When they came to the Ford of Bruinen, he halted, and seemed loth to ride into the stream; and they noted that for a while his eyes appeared not to see them or things about them.
“Are you in pain, Frodo?” said Gandalf quietly as he rode by Frodo’s side.
“Well, yes, I am,” said Frodo. “It is my shoulder. The wound aches, and the memory of darkness is heavy on me. It was a year ago today.”
“Alas! there are some wounds that cannot be wholly cured,” said Gandalf.
“I fear it may be so with mine,” said Frodo. “There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same. I am wounded with knife, sting, tooth, and a long burden. Where shall I find rest?”
Gandalf did not answer.
Then, a year later, in Bag End:
One evening Sam came into the study and found his master looking very strange. He was very pale and his eyes seemed to see things far away.
“What’s the matter, Mr. Frodo?” said Sam.
“I am wounded,” he answered, “wounded; it will never really heal.”
But then he got up, and the turn seemed to pass, and he was quite himself the next day. It was not until afterwards that Sam recalled that the date was October the sixth. Two years before on that day it was dark in the dell under Weathertop.
This is also the day that the story ends, the day that Sam returns to Bag End from the Havens.
The three companions…spoke no word to each other until they came back to the Shire, but each had great comfort in his friends on the long grey road. At last they rode over the downs and took the East Road, and then Merry and Pippin rode on to Buckland; and already they were singing as they went.
I only just noticed this on this reread; and I find it particularly moving. Merry and Pippin do not feel any special need of silence themselves; soon after they part from Sam they are singing. But they recognize, without anything needing to be said, that Sam needs silence in companionship; and they give him that, though the whole of a week-long journey together (Frodo departed from the Havens on Sept 29th), and it is a great comfort to them all. (And for someone like Pippin, who is not particularly noted for his tact, it also shows how he’s grown over the course of the story.)
But Sam turned to Bywater, and so came back up the Hill, as day was ending once more. And he went on, and there was yellow light, and fire within; and the evening meal was ready, and he was expected. And Rose drew him in, and set him in his chair, and put little Elanor upon his lap.
He drew a deep breath. “Well I’m back,” he said.
The final thing that I think we’re supposed to draw from this ending being on Oct 6th, the anniversary of Weathertop, is to conclude that by this time Frodo has reached Eressëa, and this year will no longer be pained by his old wounds.
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fishymom-art · 6 months
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Demo design of Amon for the MM14 comic
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scarareg · 5 years
☕️ Your thoughts on the Tokyo Ghoul :re ending.
☕️Oh god, I have a lot of mixed feelings until this day . I feel melancholic , sad, angry and disappointed.
☕️The one of who I am more pissed off is Takizawa. He just ends sad, lonely and angry when he was one of the most beautiful humans ever. He was just a victim. I hoped that in the end, he would be happy. That all the bad times would be worth it and he would end his life with friends but no. Only sadness for someone who never did anything except try the best he could and did everything for his friends. Gosh,poor boy. Same about Kurona. 
I do not have anything to say about Akira and Amon because they aren’t there. I have to re-read to confirm that I do not passed a page about them.It was weird.
☕️Then the Qs. They save Mutsuki and then promise they will be together and as a family , only to in the last chapter discover they live in different places, without talk that much .It just feels wrong. They should keep the promise. And how they found Shirazu body is so forced . I like Yusa though, it seems he lives with Urie and that makes me happy because he deserves a family and a nice place to grow up feeling safe , which he can call a home. I can imagine a slice of life about it. I want that spin-off of the Chateau!
I still think that Ishida had planned to tell us about Hide and his past in another way as he did, but because time has to be rushed. Still it makes me love Hideyoshi even more . one of the best characters for sure.
Suzuya and Shinohara made me cry hard. Juuzou has always been my baby and I want only good things to him. I thought the scene of Shinohara waking up would feel more forced but no. Ishida did it great and Im grateful for that. Im pleased that at least my boy was happy, alive and with his friends and dad.
Ui is the best!
☕️AyaHina is not canon 
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Now seriously, it’s sad them not getting that much screen time. They are cute with Ken daughter, I guess…
☕️I hate that Shuu do not have anything else besides his work, he deserves a movie-like love life. Im sure he could move on without Kaneki, but Ishida don’t want that and it pissed me off. At least he looks handsome.
☕️Naki being alive it’s a big NO. I like the dude but he had one of the most beautiful deaths of the manga and it lost all meaning. Like WTF Ishida.
☕️Talking about nonsense, what is Eto doing there in chapter 175? who knows. Why isnt she in the last chapter? who knows. I just do not have idea what Ishida was thinking. It makes no sense. Same with the Clowns and V. We never got anything of them. Just chapters of mystery without conclusions or answers. 
This still makes me think that the last chapter was Kaneki crazy imagination because he was dying (in the chapter 178 page 14) and in reality nothing of that happen and the world still in chaos , but now without him.  I remember thinking that this was created to confuse us .That maybe Ishida did that to return one day and create a part 3 if he wanted , but if not , at leas his manga has happy ending. I still think that but now I do not think the part 3 will come, but who knows. Everything could happen in the future.
☕️I have mixed feelings about Kaneki.In this last chapter I do not love him as the beginning , but I do not dislike him as I did with Black Reaper. But now I remember him as the guy I really look for and cherrish , I remember more the great times and how kind , intelligent he was. And how much he cares for others. I remember him drinking his coffe while reading , or taking care of Hinami and helping Shuu or talking with Hide. I still loving him and I feel grateful for that . One year ago I was afraid of hating him forever but he still being my boy. Look at that face
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Best things:
My boys, Yusa, Mutsuki and Ui looks great.
This ended longer than I thought, but hope you like it. Again,thank you alot for the ask!It’s always super fun to answer you.
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hayleysayshay · 6 years
Forgive me fandom, for I have sinned
This series has some proper hunks, right? Here is another arbitrary list with regards to our favourite middle-aged hotties, right?
15. Bumi
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Ancient Daddy could rock your world
14. Old Aang
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The Daddy to cause all Daddy-issues.
13. Amon (Noatak/ without mask)
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Think of the uses for bloodbending that aren’t evil, though? Yes, obey Daddy.
12. Unalaq
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11. Jeong-Jeong
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Deserting-Daddy. That rough hobo look is really something, isn’t it?
10. Iroh II
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How old are you meant to be, Daddy?
9. Tarrlok
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Yes, extra pony-tails Daddy. 
8. Hakoda.
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Cheekbones Daddy. Seriously, what are those.
7. Varrick
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He’ll ask you to do the thing, Daddy. 
6. Piandao
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Daddy, Master of Sword.
5. Amon (but with Mask)
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We all know the mask is the main appeal, okay? Secretive, revolutionist Daddy.
4. Toph Beifong
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Don’t argue with me on this. Chief of Police, Metalbending, won’t-take-your-fucking-shit, Daddy.
3. Tenzin
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My god, just- they went all out on this random shirtless scene. Tenzin is the old, wise daddy. He’d take care of you. Blowing you away, Daddy.
2. Tonraq
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Beefcake, good Dad and hot as fuck. He’s a leader. He throw spears and waterbends. And those eyebrows. Hot Dad, Daddy.
Also has a shirtless scene from when he was younger, and look at how well Korra turned out, so we know he’s probably still got it
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1. Ozai
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Okay, burn me to a crisp, Daddy. They always say evil is sexy, and theres something about his impecable facial hair and well-toned form. He is power incarnate, the Ultimate Daddy.
1. King Harrow
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Get on your knees, daddy- wait, wrong fandom
2. Iroh, but from the Movie
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Look, ATLA Iroh isn’t a Daddy. But Movie Iroh? Sure thing. There’s something about the hair, man. I know the movie is bad but, fuck. Forbidden Daddy.
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okietokiee · 5 years
21 Questions!
I was tagged by @klokbloked :D Thank you!
1) Nicknames: Kyle and Kyla and some variations of those mostly
2) Height: 5’0 ;-;
3) Last Movie I saw: Glass (It was my 4th re-watch and I loved it)
4) Favorite artists: I won’t @ bc I don’t wanna bother them :’) buuutt nairaneko, sonderrbeee, pinyapdraws, fairy-of-matter, and misudrawsshit <3
5) The song stuck in my head: Nine Inch Nail’s cover of Physical !! It’s such a skwistok song !!
6) Do I get asks?: Not really, but I wouldn’t mind if you guys sent them !
7) Other blogs:
These are older fandom blogs I had that I don’t really use anymore, but if you wanna check them out:
@mashneto (x-men), @cannibal-graham (Hannibal), @sir-eggsy (kingsman), @prince-patroclus (Les Mis/SoA)
8) Following: about 240
9) Amount of sleep: depends on what I’m doing the next day :P
10) What I’m wearing: pajama shorts and my slayer crop top
11) Dream Job: Forensic Pathologist
12) Favorite Food: taho (really yummy Filipino dessert!!) and Nutella crepes
13) Dream Trip: i feel like I already had it because I went to Japan last year and this January too ;o; but I guess it would be awesome to visit it again?? Maybe Europe too!
14) Play any instruments: violin and ukulele barely lol, but I really wanna learn the electric guitar
15) Languages: English, limited Tagalog, and limited Spanish :P
16) Favorite Songs: asjdkfbg This changes so much tbh, but my favorite songs are usually from the bands Nine Inch Nails, Amon Amarth, Gojira, Ice Nine Kills, Slayer, Behemoth, and Cannibal Corpse
17) Random Fact: I literally haven’t touched tumblr/fandom for over 4 years, and I only started again because I nEEDED somewhere to vent my love for these dumb Dethklok boys ToT I’m really happy to have a fandom to obsess about again, and I find it weird but also fitting that Mtl is the first fandom in 4 years to make me wanna be part of a fandom again :’)
18) Describe yourself as aesthetic things: foggy nights, colorful and overpriced desserts, and fireflies
(There aren’t 21 questions, but I think that’s it 🤔)
I tag: @phantummmutt @fiemaitr0 @danvssomethingorother and whoever else feels like doing this :D
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