#my mouth is tingling with spice yo
levynite · 2 months
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I made a chicken and angel hair pasta lunch for mother and myself but don't let the sheer beigeness fool you; there's nearly half a tablespoon of local Sabasco hot sauce stirred into the sauce before dumping in the pasta.
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Yes it's a riff on Tabasco and made out of those small fiery chillies that are either just as hot or hotter than jalapenos.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
letting them have spicy food on a date
gender neutral reader
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As long as he gets to spend time with you, Hiori’s down to try a little bit of whatever. He’s never been too picky to begin with, and while his parents’ strict lifestyle hasn’t given him too much freedom to explore different kinds of foods, he’s glad that you’re there to show him all sorts of new things. He might cough a little bit and down a bit of water, but spicy food is no competition for Hiori! He’ll down anything you pick out on the menu like a champ, and at the end of the date, he’ll insist that he pays. He’s not going to let you spend your hard earned coin on him, not when he’s on the path to accumulating a bit of a paycheck himself through Blue Lock, so he’ll simply tell you that you can repay him by showing him another yummy place to check on your next date together!
“Is it too much? I can ask them to get you more broth-,” you trail off worriedly, noticing how pink your boyfriend’s cheeks are. Hiori shakes his head, and he swallows down another mouthful of the spicy soup before smiling up at you softly as if to reassure you that he’s really alright. 
“It’s a bit spicy, but… I can handle it. It’s really good! My parents never let me have something this spicy growing up.” His lips press into a thin line at the mention of his family, but he shrugs it off the best he can for you. “But I get to have it now, with you. And I want to taste it to the fullest!”
“That’s all nice and good, but are you sure? There’s a fine line between enjoying things to the fullest versus biting off more than you can chew.” You grin, tapping your fingers against the restaurant table. “No pun intended.”
Hiori lets out a small chuckle at your horrendous joke. A boy like Hiori reminds you of winter: his frost-like cyan eyes and hair, the way he touches you like the first breath of snow, his words dissolving sweetly as if they were snowflakes on the tip of your tongue. Sometimes you wonder if the world is too intense, too fiery for someone like him, but the more you feed him experimental spoonfuls of your love, the more he develops an appetite to melt himself bare all for you.
“I’m sure,” he reaffirms, and he takes another generous spoonful and swallows it down without any issue as if to prove his point. “Although I don’t think some of the guys back at the Blue Lock program can say the same. I bet that Karasu would go home crying if he tried any of this.”
You raise an eyebrow, surprised. “Karasu? With that tongue of his, you’d think he’d be able to handle worse.”
“You’d be surprised. Want me to prove it to you?” Hiori asks. His normally innocent eyes sparkle with a tinge of boyish mischief. “Why don’t we order some to take to him? And we’ll see how long he lasts.”
Ever the gentleman, if anything disturbs Yukimiya’s peace, he won’t really let it show unless he has a real reason to be honest. Yukimiya could be burning inside out, with his tongue barely hanging on for dear life, and you’d have no clue that whatever the two of you are scarfing down was too spicy for him. If it’s something hot in temperature, he might have to wipe his glasses a few times, and he’ll vehemently deny that there are tears in his eyes or that there are beads of sweat on his forehead. He has to keep up his act of being a loving and princely boyfriend when he’s in public, but once you let your guard down when you’re with him in public, Yukimiya will show you how to properly turn up the heat.
“I have to admit, love-,” Yukimiya sighs, not-so-discreetly dabbing at his damp forehead with a napkin, “I have no clue how you manage to eat any of this without any issue. And I thought I was used to handling spice! Your food is at least three shades redder than whatever I ordered. It makes me worry for you.”
You shrug, and you lean over to taste a little bit of the dish Yukimiya ordered. It barely leaves a tingle on your tongue, and you debate for a split second whether or not you should play nice. Yukimiya has always been nothing but the most caring and sweet boyfriend you could ask for, but situations where you could make him squirm are hard to come by. 
So, duh, you have to tease him.
“Hmmmm? Worry for me?” You innocently cock your head to the side. “Why, is it too spicy for you, Yuki? I thought you could handle that much… If it’s too much, do you want me to eat it instead?”
Yukimiya coughs unceremoniously into the crook of his arm, and he shakes his head. As lovely of a boy as he might be, just like every single player in the Blue Lock program, he has an ego that he can’t part with, not even when it comes to you. “Nonsense, sweetheart. I can handle this much with ease. I said I’m worried for you. You have no reason to worry for me.”
“Ehhhhh?” You lean over the table, and you press your hand against his forehead as if to measure his temperature. His beautiful wavy hair brushes up against the back of your hand, the ticklish sensation sending tingles up your spine. Yukimiya is disgustingly handsome, even when he doesn’t intend to be, and you purse your lips together. “But you’re sweating soooooo much! Jeez, Yuki, if you can’t handle this much spice, how are you going to handle me?”
Despite the joking tinge in your voice, the gaze Yukimiya flashes at you is dark, sensual, and it makes your knees instantly feel weak. He grabs your wrist, and he squeezes just the slightest bit as if to warn you.
“Trust me,” he whispers, chuckling under his breath, “Don’t you think I’ve developed enough tolerance to try things a bit spicier? Even more so when it involves you, dear love…”
Oliver is a fiend for any and all spicy foods. It’s enough to make you wonder how his poor stomach survives. Whenever the two of you get hungry, you can bet that he’ll suggest something spicy to eat. To make matters worse, he guzzles down spicy food as if it’s nothing, and if you let your guard down, he’ll totally reach over and steal the food off of your own plate too. You can’t get too mad at him, or he’ll yank out the “I’m a grown man and a professional athlete, so I have to eat a lot!” card. Either way, if you somehow agree to treating him for a meal, prepare yourself for the spiciest eatery in town and for him to clear multiple plates of food. Just make sure he brushes his teeth right after, or he’ll definitely try to steal a kiss!
“I know that poor toilet of yours is going to be crying later.” You shake your head incredulously as Oliver scrapes his plate clean, the glass of water you fetched for him earlier still untouched. “Or your tongue. I don’t understand how it’s possible for a human to eat all of this and enjoy it.”
You watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows down the last of his meal, and he sits back, finally satisfied. He licks his lips clean, and he winks at you. 
“What can I say?” He laughs nonchalantly. “You know I can’t hold myself back when it comes to hot things. That includes food and cuties just like you.”
You scoff, folding your arms and looking away from him with a huff. Oliver can be so ridiculously cheesy with you, and he plays it off as him being a romantic guy by nature. You seriously wonder how he managed to pull so many lovers when every pick up line he spews makes your skin crawl, but at the end of the day, you know you’re not any better. You’re formally dating him, after all, so as cringe as his courtship might be, you’ve come around to learn to love it.
Not that you’d ever admit such a thing to him.
“If you’re done eating, let’s get the check,” you dismiss him quickly before he spews even more of his widely “loved” sweet-nothings at you, and you fumble for your wallet. “I said I’d treat you-”
“Ah, ah, ah, no need for that.” The defender quickly flips his own wallet out, and he waves you away. “C’mon, I’m a guy with a big boy job now. You don’t need to treat me to anything. I should be the one treating you. That’s the perk of dating a pro-athlete, don’t you think?”
“You sure? I don’t mind.” You look at him firmly. He waves you off again, and you acquiesce and put your wallet away.
“All you need to do is treat me to some sweetness later, if you catch my drift.” The boy flirtatiously winks at you again, and any goodwill you had towards your boyfriend immediately drops. You deadpan at him, looking at him square in the face with the most lifeless eyes you can conjure up, and you reach for your wallet again.
“Nah, I’ll just pay.”
The boy looks like he’s going to explode just a mouthful in. Not only does Kaiser have a horrible spice tolerance, he’s also ridiculously stubborn and refuses to stop eating once he starts. He’s also dead set on impressing you, so he’ll choke down whatever you order, even though his tongue is on fire and he’s two seconds away from crying like a little baby. You don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t look particularly handsome when he’s fanning himself and downing every pitcher of water he can grab, but you appreciate the sentiment of at least finishing whatever he started. Just be sure to look up the route for the nearest ice cream store, because Kaiser’s going to need a cold treat after anything spicy. 
The blond barely holds back a cough, and he raises a hand to signal that he’s alright. You don’t buy it for a single second. He’s making good progress on the spicy stew he decided to try, but he also looks like a ticking time bomb with how red he is in the face. 
“Kaiser, you don’t need to finish it. Why don’t we get it packed up to take home, and I can finish it instead?” You offer, not wanting your boyfriend to sear off his taste buds, all because he refused to quit eating something out of his clear comfort zone. 
Kaiser shakes his head stubbornly, glaring down at the remaining stew. “Absolutely not. I’m not a coward, and I’m going to finish eating this.”
“Oh my god.” You bury your face in your hands, and you groan loudly. “Kaiser, you’re not a coward for not finishing something that’s too spicy for you. Quit being stubborn before you hurt yourself.”
“I’m not gonna hurt myself,” he hotly retorts back. “Besides, even if I do, you’ll be there to tend to me, won’t you? Give me a little kiss on my tongue to make me feel better?”
He looks at you hopefully, blue eyes all sparkly with the idea of you French-kissing him. You wonder if he’s the idiot for considering the idea or if you’re the idiot for even dating him in the first place. You decide to make the smart choice of snatching his spoon out of his hand and motioning for the waiter, ignoring the wails Kaiser lets out when you’ve stolen his moment of glory.
“You’re sooooo mean to me!” He pouts, sticking his very irritated lips out. “How am I supposed to impress you if you don’t let me do anything?”
“You can impress me all you want on the soccer field,” you quickly shush him, tapping his forehead with your pointer finger. “If you want a kiss, just say so. I don’t need you doing all sorts of mental gymnastics for my attention.”
Kaiser pauses for a moment, but he grumbles out, “Fine. Guess I’ll let it slide if you’re agreeing to give me a kiss. Okay then, pucker up, darling!”
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solomonish · 4 years
Way To Go MC, You’ve Allowed Yourself to be Poisoned (Demon Brothers)
CW for: descriptions of food and eating, brief descriptions of choking-like symptoms. (mainly in the intro, though the individual stories mention coughing, (light) blood and fainting). there will be talk of food and keeping an eye on what is being eaten in the individual character stories as well.
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Ahh thank you nonnie! I got tired and stopped at the demon brothers but I’ll finish the nowdateables later if you want! Which let’s be real, I’ll probably do soon because I wanna write for Solomon lol
I hope you like it!
It started off like any other night, with you grabbing a seat at the dinner table as the last of the food was placed in the middle. Someone beside you took your plate and gave you your portion for you, smiling at your murmur of thanks as they set it down. You waited until the last person, Levi, sat down, smiling at him as he muttered something about finishing a level to nobody in particular. 
The moment you ate your first bite of food, something felt...off. Your tongue was tingling the slightest bit and you swore you could feel an uncomfortable heat follow the food as it slid down your throat. Thinking it was just a weird Devildom spice - after all, you’ve been here for how long? and nothing has happened yet? - you take another bite and immediately regret it.
Though such a food was no big deal for demons, it was powerful enough to knock you out of your chair and hunch over, grabbing your stomach as you cough forcefully in a desperate attempt to get the food out. Your insides were burning, your airways closing in and your chest crying out in pain the more you coughed. Soon enough, tears clouded your vision, and though you could hear the chaos around you, the only thing you could focus on was what felt like fire burning you from the inside out.
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When you start coughing:
The moment you let out a little cough, his eyes are on you curiously. It’s just a remnant of the days when you were still so new to it all: the fragile little human makes a strange noise, be prepared to save a life.
He almost let his eyes fall from you, but he noticed that you weren’t stopping. It wasn’t the first time you had caused a scene at dinner, saying something afterwards about it “going down the wrong tube.” Still, this seemed...different.
When you fall off of your chair, he’s out of his before you even hit the ground. He’s kneeling by your side a second later, trying to tilt your head towards him so he can fully understand what is happening.
He finally realizes that you aren’t just choking and this is much more urgent when the blood starts coming out of your mouth.
He takes his attention away from you for a moment to ask who cooked dinner, and the brothers promptly rat out Mammon.
Though Lucifer is clearly agitated at that, he decides to lecture later and instead ask what Mammon put in the dish. Everyone erupts at once about halfway through because “How could you have forgotten what that will do to a human??”
That’s the last thing you remember for yourself - whether from the poison itself or being unable to breath through all your coughing, you passed out fairly quickly afterwards
Taking care of you afterwards:
Lucifer isn’t the type to panic in the moment. He’s very accustomed to taking the lead and having everything under control.
That’s in the moment, though. When he has Satan mix up the remedial potion, he’s fine, checking over you and keeping his brothers a safe distance away while he makes sure you’re still breathing. Once you’re safely in bed, brothers having been banned from your room until at least morning, and he’s the only one left lingering in the doorway, that’s when it all begins to set in.
There’s less regret and more general uncertainty in these moments - it starts with him wondering if he should really leave you alone, and soon enough it spirals into him reminding himself just how careful he needs to be with you in the Devildom. (And really, after taking charge of seven demon lords on accident, isn’t it just like you to get killed by a spicy leaf? Honestly, he should’ve known better.)
Once you finally do wake up, he tries to act like his normal “down to business” self - “I’ve told my brothers they are not to overwhelm you today, though we both know how that will go. I’ve made Leviathan figure out what bland foods are safe for humans, you’ll have to take it easy for now as your stomach is still irritated. Let me know immediately if you feel woozy or nauseous for any reason-” He prattles on and on, and though you’ve stopped paying attention you can still feel the softness in his tone
He tries to be gentle with you, and you have to remind him that you were just poisoned, not bedridden for months. Sometimes he’ll shoot you a glare and try to justify himself by saying it’s just like you to make another foolish mistake, but others he just won’t say anything and will keep the hand he has placed on your lower back “for safety”
Firmly believes in establishing as many preventative measures to keep this from happening again, so the next few weeks are going to be....a lot.
Sets up an alarm so he can remind you every lunch not to pick any of the “not safe for humans” options. Probably also gets you a seat in a class that goes over poisonous plants in the Devildom. 
Do not try to skip this. It’s easier for everyone if you just let him ease his mind how he likes.
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When you start coughing:
At first, Mammon assumes that you just heard the joke he made and (naturally) started laughing so hard your weird little human body couldn’t take it
So essentially, you start choking and he starts laughing at you thinking you’re laughing together
That all stops the moment you fall out of your chair and double over, suddenly dry heaving on the floor.
He sort of short-circuits for a second, not entirely sure what to do until one of the more knowledgeable brothers stoops down beside you
They tell him to just keep your airways clear and make sure you’re still breathing while they go to get the elixir they need, and he does. It’s one of the few times they see him so serious - he just doesn’t want to mess up, so he doesn’t focus on any of their comments or bite back
(”Gee, Mammon’s actually stepping up for once” “Yeah, too bad he was the one that poisoned them in the first place”) 
(Lucifer: he WHAT)
Taking care of you afterwards:
Mammon is usually the first thing you see in the morning, so that doesn’t come as a surprise. What does surprise you is how quiet he’s being. 
When you sit up and groggily ask, “Is something wrong?” (barely getting the words through your swollen lips) he is torn between trying to say something smooth (”N-not now that you’re okay!! not that i care....”) or calling you a dumb human. So instead he just stares at you
Eventually you can get it out of him what happened, and it explains why your face feels like it had been burned and your stomach feels gross
Mammon says he’s going to come up with a surefire way to protect you so nothing like this ever happens again, but his version of protecting you is sticking by your side 24/7 and he already does that so?
You’re the one that’s going to have to take the lead. Make a list of common ingredients that are SUPER deadly to humans and make sure you both have one for reference
Soon enough, though, he figures out how he can help you without your guidance and you catch him pointing out what’s safe without you having to ask
He follows you to the lunch line and examines the clear plastic boxes until he can point out a few human-safe options. He’ll bend to whisper in your ear in line at some fast-food joint. If you’re not sure, he’ll be the first to ask before you even remember that’s something you should be doing anyway.
He’ll even try to make dishes he thinks you’ll like without the poisonous ingredient! Sometimes it takes a few tries but if he wants you to try something with him, he WILL make it himself
When it comes to you, Mammon really will give you the best care he can. Sometimes he just needs that extra push to think things through.
(And if this wasn’t a push. a hard shove. over a cliff. into shark infested waters)
(don’t do this again, mc. his demon heart can’t take it)
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When you start coughing:
Levi has never mentioned how his brother don’t normally speak much to him at dinner and he’s just learned to be highly attuned to you. He notices a lot of little things you do, and is normally the first to realize when you’re choking or something.
That’s why, when you start coughing this time, he is the first one to panic. He knows that that isn’t a normal cough, he just doesn’t know what to do about it.
He looks down at his plate and realizes what’s on it, something he cries out right when you fall to the ground, clutching your stomach. You’re on the other side of the table and his brothers are already crowding around you, so Levi doesn’t get to see the blood and can only hear your coughing.
When your coughing gets weaker as you faint, he freaks. the. fuck. out. Did you die?? Even as he tries to look over his brother’s shoulders, he can’t get a good grasp of what happened until somebody tells him.
(It doesn’t matter much though. He’s still stuck in a loop of wondering what he could’ve done if he had gotten to dinner sooner, if he had managed to score a coveted seat next to you, if he had just looked at his plate or offered to take over for Mammon...)
Taking care of you afterwards:
You wake up in your bed and Lucifer is the one who comes in, asking you how you feel and if you’re up to classes to die. 
Being poisoned sure does take a lot out of you, so you ask to stay. Lucifer gives a quick nod and warns you not to shirk your duties, wishing you a fast recovery and letting you know that (human safe) food has been set aside specifically for you.
You doze off soon after (hey, a sick day may as well be spent sleeping in, right?) and when you wake up, somebody else is there, looking at you with inquisitive orange eyes and nearly scaring you half to death.
When you scream, he screams, backing up into your dresser and knocking some of the things off of it. 
“I-I’m sorry-! I was just- told to check up on you- just in c-case....I’ll leave now!”
Boy’s gonna make you chase after him when you’re basically sick smh
If you go to his room and demand to be let in, he will - and he’ll let you stay under the guise of “well if you have to check on me every hour it’ll be less of a hassle if I just stay here...”
You won’t be able to get him to say he feels guilty for letting this happen, but when you pick up on the signs ensure him that he’s doing fine taking care of you. HIs cool room helps soothe your mouth (which is still a little irritated), and you’re honored he has an alarm set to check up on you
You know he’s feeling better about it all when an alarm goes off and he just asks “Hey you good?” and he chuckles a little bit when you respond “Hold on I gotta check my own pulse....... yeah i think i’m good”
Overall he is worried but he doesn’t know how to communicate it? So it’s a lot of quick, worried glances and double checking nutrition facts on packages before he hands them to you.
He kind of leaves you to your own devices, but he does send you worried glances every now and then until you’re recovered. He also makes it a point, when Mammon’s on dinner duty, to tell him exactly how he prepared the meal, though you don’t know if it’s for your sake or just to bother him. Probably both.
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When you start coughing:
Satan has taken to leaving his books in his room for most dinner and talks to you in their place, so he notices what’s in the dish pretty quickly.
However, the second step of realizing what it could do to a human doesn’t quite hit him until you’re already on your second bite.
He reaches out to grab your wrist anyway, watching you cough while also staring at him in confusion. As he watches your face redden and your mouth swell, you take your wrist from his grasp and cover your mouth with your hand.
He’s the one who knows what to do, so he appoints someone to keep and eye on you while he runs (yes, runs, but he’ll act all cool about it if his brothers bring it up later) to his room to get some potion that’ll (hopefully) negate the effects
(Don’t let him hear me say this but) he’s similar to Lucifer in that he’s very level-headed when it happens - somebody needs to be focused on the cure when some of his more dramatic brothers are screaming (looking at you, Mammon and Asmo)
Taking care of you afterwards:
Satan might be the best at taking care of you, but he’s probably also the least fun.
Once he realized a while ago how fragile a human could be (and that he was interested in actually keeping you alive rather than just watching how long it takes for something to hurt you), he put in an effort to read up on how to help a poisoned human in the Devildom.
He knows how you must be feeling, and he offers you soothing teas or even a (human safe!) numbing lip balm to help you out.
(He finds great pleasure in how ridiculous you look, now that the danger’s passed - though he won’t tell you outright, you can tell it by the amused grin he isn’t even trying to hide)
Don’t be surprised if you catch him eyeing your plates of food for a while after the incident, and any time you catch him in the act he’ll look at you, take a drink out of the nearest cup and lift his eyebrows in a weird little acknowledgment that he’s been caught before saying “It looks tasty.”
Overall, he’s the standard amount of worried? Even though he will take every opportunity to tease you about how you looked afterwards or how feeble you are to be taken down by something so small (jokingly), he won’t ever get out of the habit of double checking your food to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
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When you start coughing:
Asmodeus eyes you warily when you start coughing, but continues with his entertaining until you hit the ground.
He’s by your side in an instant, hands hovering over you as if he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself (he doesn’t).
He doesn’t remember calling for Satan, but Satan is the one who kneels by you, so maybe he does? His focus is on you and deciding on something he can do to help.
This ends up shielding your face, puffy and a mess from your tears and retching, from the others who are all peering over at you in concern. He knows it’s not the most pressing detail, but he figures that maybe he can preserve your dignity a little bit, no?
He follows the action with his hands covering his mouth nervously, watching as they have to force a potion down your throat now that you’re unconscious. He’s allowed to stay by you once they determine that you’re safe since he normally doesn’t cause too much of a fuss - not when he looks as pale and miserable as he does now, anyway.
Taking care of you afterwards:
He’s not too experienced in the healthcare field, but boy does he know self care! He knows how to get your skin feeling less gross after the rather...irritable reaction it had and the best way to rest is if you feel totally physically relaxed, right?
For a while, if your stomach still feels like it’s churning or you’re otherwise unfocused, he’s the first to defend you from anybody who thinks you’re overreacting. 
Also makes sure nobody outside of the house knows how...unsightly of an ordeal it was. He isn’t shaming you internally or anything, but he’d loathe to have such an unpretty picture in people’s heads when you’ve been nothing but showstopping the whole time beforehand!
Will make sure to grab a seat across from you juuust before you take a bite for a while. It doesn’t matter if he’s across the room in the middle of a story or if you’re at a cafe with someone else and he’s still home. You’ll find him sliding in wordlessly to the seat across from you and watching you intently, making sure you’re eating something that isn’t going to burn you from the inside out.
Has multiple websites bookmarked on his D.D.D. that tell him what is poisonous to you and makes sure YOU are aware of what you’re putting inside your body before you eat it. He seems to genuinely think you’ll forget to save yourself from such a life-threatening situation, but the pout he gives you when you try to get him to stop is enough to convince you to live with it.
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When you start coughing:
When you start coughing, he reaches over and starts patting your back absently in the way that usually helps.
He notices the way you grasp onto the table in an attempt to keep yourself up, coughing into your other hand as it gets worse by the second. When you almost slip off, he reaches out to catch you before you hit to floor
Is ready to do the Heimlich when one of his brothers stops him because 1) he’d probably snap you in half, and 2) that’s not what’s happening
He watches blankly as Satan approaches him, laying you down gently as instructed. That’s probably worse, watching you writhe on the floor like that.
He’s the one instructed to help hold you down so they can feed you the potion cure. He wants to hold your hand but it’s covered in blood, and he doesn’t want to risk loosening his grip on you and you somehow spilling it.
Taking care of you afterwards:
He’s the one most shaken up about the whole ordeal, I’d think? While the others are definitely worried he’s the one that has the BIGGEST problem with the feeling of helplessness so I think it would bring back some memories
He definitely keeps a watchful eye over you until you can tell him coherently that you’re okay, and even then he’s still treating you like porcelain for a short while
He can’t help it! Any time he’s reminded of just how frail you can be (and how unexpectedly something horrible can happen) he just...needs a few gentle moments to collect his thoughts.
Does NOT want you even looking at anything that has that plant in it (or anything else poisonous for that matter). Will straight up eat an entire dish from the pan if you give it a glance that he thinks means you’re thinking about eating it. He can usually get away with it since that’s similar to what he already does, but every now and then you see the look in his eyes and wonder if there’s something more to it
He’ll warn you in the future if he knows something is poisonous, but if you’re trying something new he’ll automatically ask you “Can you eat that?” If he doesn’t know, he can at least remind you to check for yourself.
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When you start coughing:
Very few things can snap Belphegor out of a drowsy dinner stupor. You suddenly falling on the floor and coughing your insides out is one of the things that can.
If his brothers weren’t so concerned with you, they’d have a few quips about how quickly he startled awake
The first thing he does is dart his eyes back to the table, where he quickly realizes that they just inadvertently poisoned you. When he turns back, it seems the others have already come to that conclusion and someone is running off to help you
He knows that he doesn’t have much to offer in terms of help, but he will tear somebody (Mammon) away from you and kneel next to Beel.
He keeps himself under control by comforting Beel as he holds you down. 
There’s definitely a sick feeling in his stomach, something familiar about you lying on the floor and bleeding that he doesn’t like. He pretends to be averting his eyes at the sight of them forcing a potion down your throat and not some regrettable memory.
Taking care of you afterwards:
You wake up and Belphie is curled up next to you in your bed. Nobody else is in the house and it’s 3 PM. You feel gross and you can’t reach your phone to actually confirm what time it is and you have no idea what the fuck is going on until he wakes up
Which he does, after you poke and prod him enough and he’s very grumpy about it
“yeesh, you get poisoned and suddenly you think you’re the princess of the devildom”
“I get WHAT”
Definitely is planning to get Mammon back tenfold
He tries to act nonchalant about it but he does keep waking up ever few hours and lifts his head to like. check that you’re good for the first day or so. 
Sometimes he gets this sad look in his eyes and you have to smooth his hair back and reassure him that everything’s okay. It works a little but if he thinks he can trick you by pretending to sleep and then steal a few moments where he can Brood on his own while STILL cuddled up next to you, he will.
Suddenly takes an interest in what you’re eating. Every day. Every meal. 
He doesn’t go to check on you but he does text you a few minutes before lunch or if you’re getting dinner somewhere other than the house “What are you planning on eating?”
Gets real huffy if you don’t give him a straight answer. Usually will respond with a “Whatever don’t get yourself almost killed again”
If you decide to get cheeky and answer “Probably straight poison, like right out of the mysterious bottle with a skull on it” he will just say “ugh, sounds like you. have fun.”
“...seriously, don’t do that mc.”
he sets alarms to wake up so he can make sure you don’t ingest literal poison be a little nice to him please
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plainbrunettelbl · 5 years
ABO (A) Rancher Bakugo Katsuki x (O) Mail Order Bride Reader Train Ride to a New Life (Chapter Two)
Word count: 2255
Warning: None. 
Title: ABO (A) Rancher Bakugo Katsuki x (O) Mail Order Bride Reader Train Ride to a New Life (Chapter Two)
Summary: Cooking for Bakugo didn’t go as planned and you seemed to pick up a new friend. 
(Gif not mine) 
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💥-It was just a week after you asked for his pillow. 
💥-You still hadn’t bonded yet but it was getting there. You would now kiss him on the cheek before he left to manage the ranch for the day. You were used to doing chores around the house for your parents but nothing could prepare you for the early hours. 
💥-Bakugo was used to getting up before the sun. You were not. 
💥-You still were stubborn in waking up to cook him a breakfast though. Even when he could see you dead on your feet stirring the oatmeal you were both lovingly and sleepily making for him. 
💥-He didn’t like a lot of sugar in his diet but the way you added brown sugar and cinnamon in the oatmeal made his mouth water and heart warm. Plus it was kinda nice to have someone who cared enough about him to wake up and make him breakfast. 
💥-He was used to the fried eggs and a cup of coffee before heading out to check on his cattle. The darkness of the house when the sun wasn’t quite up yet always kept him company during those times.
💥-Now he had your cute bedhead and half-lidded eyes to greet him in the morning. His heart couldn’t stop beating at the sight of your adorable frame yawning over the stove. 
💥-You would still be in your nightgown, fully prepare to crawl back into your nest and get a few more hours of sleep before finally waking up for the day. 
💥-You stood in front of the doorway. He held yesterday’s leftovers in a metal lunch pail to eat later on in the day. You had half a mind to buy him another considering it looked a little rough around the edges. 
💥-“Have a good day, Alpha.” You sweetly said, looking up into his eyes. 
💥-Before he could get his cowboy hat from the hook you snatched it up and delicately placed it on his spiky locks. His Alpha all but sat down like a puppy. 
💥-“Aren’t you looking handsome today.” You would smile before pecking a kiss on his cheek and send him on his way. He had to wait five minutes after he left the house before he could mount his horse. 
💥-He was sure if he didn’t he would ride Fred straight into a fence.  
💥-Your Omega would eye his door as you passed it down the hall to get to your room. 
💥-She desperately wanted to sleep surrounded by his scent. 
💥-The pillow was great but your Omega couldn’t get enough. She wanted to make a nest on his bed and burrow in it for hours. You blushed at the thought. You didn’t have much experience with men so everything was still so new to you. 
💥-You hoped you didn’t mess anything up. 
💥-You would push away those thoughts before coming back to your room and cuddling with the pillow he gave you. 
💥-You would get there, in time. 
💥-You placed a steaming plate in front of him. You couldn’t wait for him to try it. 
💥-“I followed all of your tips on how you cook your steak. You made it so well last time. I hope I cooked it right.” You nervously stood by the table. 
💥-“I am sure it’s fine. You didn’t have to go through all of the trouble, Y/N.” He didn’t want to make you feel like you were forced to cook for him. He didn’t mind spending time in the kitchen. 
💥-“Nonsense. You just spent all day under the blistering sun, you need a good meal to keep you upright. I wouldn’t want my Alpha wasting away on me.” You hid snicker when you saw his cheeks flush red at your words. 
💥-He didn’t know what to say to that so he just got to work on cutting a bite for him to try. He lifted it to his mouth and chewed. You know you hadn’t known him long but you could tell something was off in his expression even when he tried to keep it neutral. 
💥-“What’s wrong? Did I overcook it?” You asked, leaning over to look at the color of the steak. 
💥-“It’s good.” He said, holding back an odd expression. 
💥-“No, it’s not. Tell me what’s wrong.” You pleaded, hoping to correct your mistake for next time. 
💥-“Why did you add cinnamon?” He asked, genuinely perplexed. 
💥-“Cinnamon?” You repeated, your heart dropping into your stomach.    
💥-You quickly picked up his fork and knife before cutting yourself a bit. You chewed a few times before grimacing. 
💥-“Oh no.” You breathed, sadness blooming in your chest. You ruined two perfectly good steaks. You rushed back to the kitchen and saw the offending spice sitting on the counter among the others. 
💥-You had grabbed cinnamon instead of cumin.
💥-You leaned against the counter, tears pooling into your eyes. You knew it wasn’t something to cry over but your emotions were all over the place. Starting a new life was stressful. 
💥-You didn’t hear him come in. 
💥-Before you knew it two tanned arms wrapped around you from behind. A soft purr was coming from the Alpha. Hoping he didn’t cross a line he leaned down and scented you. He was hoping to calm you down.
💥-You melted like butter. 
💥-“I didn’t say it was bad, Omega. I was just wondering why you added it in.” He muttered, his breath warming your neck as he spoke. 
💥-It sent tingles up your spine. 
💥-“I’m sorry.” You sniffled, bring up your hands to lay on top of his. 
💥-“There is nothing to be sorry for, Omega.” He assured, squeezing you a bit more tightly.  
💥-“I’ll make you something else for lunch tomorrow. You don’t have to eat it. Since I messed it up I don’t mind having it.” You said, turning around in his arms. 
💥-You sad eyes meeting his concerned ones. His gaze hardened a bit at your words. 
💥-“No way. You made it for me. Of course, I am gonna eat it.” He replied, certainty in his voice. 
💥-“I want you to have a good meal. Not one that you have to force down.” You said, determined to change his mind. 
💥-Lunch was his only break for the day. You didn’t want to ruin it for him. 
💥-“I will savor every bite, Omega.” He smiled, loving your stern face. 
💥-“But..” Before you could argue some more he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips. 
💥-You could taste the cinnamon on his tongue. 
💥-“We need to head into town later today,” Bakugo stated, digging into his eggs. 
💥-“Oh? I was gonna ask you when I could go into town for groceries. We are running low on a few things.” You hummed, sipping your coffee. 
💥-“I have been meaning to leave you some money.” He realized, leaning back in his chair. 
💥-“Money? For groceries?” You asked. 
💥-“No. I will give you money for that. No, money that you can spend freely.” He said, clasping his hands together. 
💥-“I don’t need it, Alpha. I already have what I need.” You said, refusing the thought of taking his hard-earned money. 
💥-“I want you to buy what you want, not what you need.” He said, his voice not taking no for an answer. 
💥-“But it is your money.” You rushed, feeling uncomfortable at the thought. 
💥-“Our money.” He corrected, his voice going a bit deeper. His Alpha wanted to provide for you. 
💥-You looked at him unsure how to respond. 
💥-“It is our money, Omega. We are gonna be bonded in the future so what is mine is yours. Plus I make money so I can spend it on my mate.” He said, leaning over and taking your hand in his. 
💥-Your heart warmed at his words. He was such a kind and thoughtful Alpha. 
💥-“Okay.” You whispered, looking down at your plate. 
💥-You would take his money but it didn’t mean you would spend it. 
💥-Bakugo said he was going to check something down at the lumber mill. He wanted to meet with the owner about a deal for the wood he wanted to buy to add more fences on the ranch. 
💥-He said something about how the owner Shoto and he didn’t get along too well but he thought he would bargain with him anyways. 
💥-He parked the horse and wagon outside of town. 
💥-While you were walking into town you noticed you got a few looks from the townspeople. They started oddly at your Alpha holding your arm. It was like they were astonished by something. 
💥-You wondered what that was about. 
💥-You bid him farewell and told him you would meet him back at the wagon. You walked into the general store and looked for what you needed. While comparing prices on different brands of flour you overheard the conversation in the next aisle. 
💥-“I heard Bakugo walked into town with an Omega on his arm.” A girl whispered. 
💥-“What? Bakugo?” Another questioned. 
💥-“Yes. I can’t believe it myself. How did he get an Omega? Most don’t even want to walk next to him.” The first voice replied. 
💥-“He is known to be a little hot-tempered. I feel bad for the poor thing.” The second voice sighed. 
💥-Before you could hear more they walked off. What did they mean by that? The Alpha you knew was nothing short but kind and caring. You pondered their conversation before choosing your flour and purchasing your things. 
💥-You smiled as the purple-haired Alpha packed up your things. He seemed nice. You wished him goodbye before walking out with your purchases. 
💥-You had walked back to the wagon no problem. You set your stuff into the back and say in the front. You were admiring the landscape before you heard something rustle within the trees. 
💥-The sound startled you. You eyed the treeline, afraid of what was lurking. Could it be a wild bear? Wolf? Before your mind could conjure up any more scary animals and small figure bursts out from the bushes. 
💥-It seemed to be a puppy. 
💥-You awed at the sight. You jumped down from the wagon and walked its way. 
💥-“Hello. Are you by yourself?” You asked, squatting down and letting it sniff your hand. 
💥-It was pretty quick to trust you, within a second it was on its back wanting you to pet his belly. You giggled and did just that. He was a little dirty and matted, he was likely a stray. 
💥-He was so pretty, he had black, brown, and white spots. His eyes were an icy blue. 
💥-“Do you want to come to sit with me? It can’t be safe for you in the woods.” You cooed, picking up the small ball of fur before making your way back to the wagon. 
💥-You wished you had something to feed him you felt his ribs against your hands as you carried him. 
💥-He was content sleeping by your side. You continued to stroke his head while he slept. You wondered if Bakugo would mind having a dog. You hoped he didn’t mind the new addition. 
💥-Before you could think up of something to get him to agree to the puppy you heard footsteps coming up to the wagon. You quietly covered the puppy with your dress. He didn’t sit to close to you to notice the lump. 
💥-“I finally got that bastard to agree. He nearly rose it up twice the amount I had in mind. Luckily we met in the middle.” He grumbled, climbing up next to you. 
💥-“That’s good.” You commented, hoping the puppy wouldn’t wake up. 
💥-“Yeah. He is gonna have it delivered to the house in a week. I am gonna be busy digging the holes for the posts.” He said, urging the horse to move. 
💥-“What are you building fences for?” You wondered, keeping a hand on the puppy so it didn’t fall. 
💥-“I’m getting a Brahma bull lent to me by another rancher. We want them to breed with my girls. I need to keep them in a fence together to higher their chances. The other fences are for other things I might add later on.” He said, eyes on the road. 
💥-You don’t think you ever saw a bull before. You wondered if there were as mean as they said. You didn’t have time to think about that for too long before your dress started rustling. 
💥-A small yap was heard before the puppy started chewing on your dress. Bakugo was quick to halt the wagon.
💥-“You hear that?” He asked, looking around. 
💥-You didn’t know what to say. Apparently, you didn’t have to do any talking before your furry friend escaped from under your dress and pounced onto your lap. He was smiling up at you with his tongue out. 
💥-Your Alpha’s shocked face made you burst out laughing. He looked too cute. 
💥-“So what do you think about adding to our little family?” You giggled, loving the way he blushed when you mentioned family.
I know nothing really happened but I have might continue this into a third part. So many of you liked it and I have a few ideas in mind. I am not gonna call it a series since my brain suddenly turns empty when I label fics that. 
I hope you liked this chapter all the same. 
The western AUs I write are gonna take place in the same town so everything is gonna be connected so look out for that. Thanks for the support. 💕
P.S The dog is a puppy Collie. They are cute. Check them out. 
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lyb-s · 4 years
sweet hell
[seo changbin]
i was expectant to coming home to him sitting on our shared bed, which had been empty from his warmth. i smiled at him and lit the red candle on my bedside table with the same lighter he used to glint a cig. i understood his business was the reason for his absence but when he grabbed onto my forearm to pull me onto his lap, sliding his arms around the fabric clinging on my waist, i suddenly couldn’t care less.
“..missed you.” his soft voice caused goosebumps to rise as he remained his arms around me. but he was slightly taken aback when i put my hands to his chest and pushed him against the headboard to stare into his dark eyes. i turned my head away from him, to the large glass panel facing the overview of the city. there was barely any light in our room, the visuals of our silhouettes and shadows sprinkling spice to our night. a night i wouldn’t bare to forget.
the night i was finally content and happy.
i was waiting for him to come back. i craved his reappearance. and like i had longed for he returned to me, wanting his daily dose of love again.
“i really missed you, aeri-”
“i know.” i cut his words like the edge of a butterfly blade, closing the gap between us as he leaned in, too. his warm minty breath glazed over my lip gloss, his big hands caressing over the crevices of my waist, playing with the hooks of my fishnets. at first it was a soft peck, but slowly with his gradual domination he started going deeper, working his way to a full and passionate kiss. the smirk on his face made me feel tingles around my body, along by the cause of his gentle and fluent touch.
i hadn’t realized that i was letting out little sounds until he pointed it out with a low mumble. “you look so hot..”
i was starting to believe he missed me as much.
i heard ringing on the bedside table, his phone lit up in my peripheral vision. changbin, who was clearly invested in the moment told me not to mind it.
“my manager can wait, babe.” he says as he reaches out for my body again but his eyes immediately displays shock once he heard a metal rattle behind him. “aeri? what are you doing?” he said as he looked down on his wrists, which was locked tight with a hefty handcuff. i hover above him, trapping his stuck figure as i withdrew a hand knife from my pocket and looked at him dead in the eye, the fear he pulled out was enough to satisfy my motivations.
“aeri what the fu-” i heeded my index finger to hush him, admiring my black acrylics. i trailed the tip of his knife against his broad chest.
“baby...” i said in a sweet, alluring voice. “you thought i’d let you go so easily?”
“are you going to kill me? are you crazy?!”
i shrugged, reaching over the bedside table and pulling one of the drawers open, taking a strawberry from a box. i put my fingers under his chin and brought the fruit up to his plush lips.
“try it.”
“you’re fucking insane—”
“try. it.” my tone was firm. why was he so stubborn? i opened his mouth and placed it in, making him chew it out of terror.
a few seconds pass and he’s choking onto the sweet edible locket. i could tell from his face that his tongue can taste the bitterness of the deceiving, plump red berry. i stayed there, watching him squirm and gasp under my control.
“i-it hurts!” he retched out, making me lean down to kiss him. i stood with my black heels once his body had stopped moving, going over to the buzzing phone.
SIDE #2 is calling..
“and i hope it hurts like fucking hell.”
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smokingtomas · 5 years
So how do you picture Soma and Erina confessing their feelings base on the manga !? I'm still salty how it went and just here to satisfy my cravings. Lol
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Warning: Trust me, this could be the (NSFW) ending you prefer. ;)
A Silent Conversation
It startled her when Soma pulled her arm to the side between the crowd of their friends just to say, “You’re staying for sake later, right?”
But what surprised her even more was her mouth slightly gaping and stuttered, “Oh, um, sure.”
So it happened just as it was planned– when all their friends are leaving, she waved them goodbye. Alice apparently decided to get out the door last just to grab her arm and whisper something that wasn’t on Erina’s mind.
“Good luck, Erina. And by luck, I mean you’re so gonna get a good load of it.”
This girl just knew how to embarrass her. “Goodbye, Alice!”
Nothing interesting occurred from the point she shut the door behind Alice. Not even when he swept the floor as she helped him wash the dishes. 
Erina kept thinking that Alice didn’t know what she was talking about. That her assumption was nothing but a mere tease in an orderly Alice fashion. Good luck, schmood luck– the girl had even managed to dodge his questions regarding the dish he served her. Thanks to her friends who fought to get a spoonful of his–
“Yo, Nakiri,” Soma’s touch on her shoulder jerked her out, “Ready for that sake?”
“R-Right, I’ll just have to wash this pan.”
“Nah, it’s alright. Leave it and sit here.” He said, opening up a bar chair for her.
She glanced at where he rest himself, just him casually filling her glass with sake. Just before she turned back, Soma looked up and chuckled.
“Cmon, what’re ya waiting for? This good sake ain’t gonna drink itself!”
With that, she set the pan aside. “Very well.”
The clinking of their glasses followed by the word kanpai had turned into a few more pours, episodes of travel stories, a series of laughs, and were spiced with some unapologetic grazes on arms and thighs. 
Both of them had realized how rare these kinds of moments are. Where they were alone in a room and only their voices echoed. Where Erina would start to notice new things each time he came back from his months of travel.
The corners of his eyes that crinkled when he laughed too loudly, or the recent knife cuts on his callous fingers, or that strong arm that reached through her to tuck a piece of her blonde locks behind her ear.
And how it never failed to heat her cheeks.
“Wow, your hair is really, really short now.” He pointed out.
“Long hair is tedious to take care of.” Erina brushed the back of her hair, “Do you not like it?”
“You kidding? I love it. Makes you ten times hotter.”
Now, this is an example where you need to stay cool, Erina. “Flattery and flirty remarks won’t change how I think of your dish, Yukihira-kun.”
He laughed at her remark, “We’ll get back to that, but I’m serious. You’re beautiful in long hair, and hot in short.”
“Well, if you start using proper hair products, I’m sure you would… not look half bad.” She hesitated.
“I’d take it as a compliment. Cheers.”
Once again, they took another shot.
“So how long will you stay this time?” Erina asked.
“Uhm… a while, I think. Haven’t booked a ticket anywhere in the near future, so I’ll just be here in Yukihira. Updating the menu and serving ‘em to our regulars.”
She couldn’t help the release of her long breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, but it was no secret that she acknowledged the relieve.
“I see.” She took a sip from her glass.
“Aren’t ya gonna ask why?”
“Yukihira, you just said you wanted to update the diner’s menu.”
“Technically, that’s what I’d be doing in the time being.” Soma corrected, “Go ahead, ask me why I’m staying.”
“Ugh, fine.” Erina rolled her eyes, “Why do you plan on staying so long?”
“‘Cause I miss cooking for you.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
“Y-You do?” Then as if something jolted her, she shook her head, “I-I mean, hmpf. It’s always cooking with you. Isn’t there anything else you want to say to me?”
He slowly cocked his head forward. “Like… how I know you’re looking forward to eat my cooking too?”
My God, he hadn’t changed. “No! It’s– ugh, nevermind.”
He laughed once again. Damn, those crinkles making him look cute.
“Cmon, Nakiri. Y'know how I feel about you.” Soma ruffled her hair. “You already forgot that hell of a kiss before I left the last time?”
Of course she hadn’t. It had intoxicated her brain and left her sleepless for a week.
She remembered said moment as if it was photographed. 
He’d placed his palms on her cheeks and pressed his lips gently against her. When he’d deepen his movement, it was silence. There were no passerby with luggage, no crooked voice announcing it was his flight’s last call, or the thought of him leaving her again for months.
Even just thinking about it, that tingling sensation on her lips and butterflies in her stomach came back.
Wait a second– she did know how he felt. Yes, he kissed her well, alright. 
Was it her that hadn’t said or did anything?
“No, Yukihira. I remembered well.” Erina finally said, “But do tell me if what’s coming is better.”
It might be the alcohol taking charge, or it could be her plain desire, but as she lifted herself from the chair and grab his cheek, her body wasn’t aware that her lips were already on his.
Yes, she was trembling. Yes, her heart was jumping out of her chest. But none of it mattered when the feeling from that autumn came rushing down like a waterfall. Lips were as soft as she remembered and she wouldn’t know what to do if he’d kissed her back at this moment.
So before he had the chance, she pulled away and opened her eyes slowly, revealing how he’d been mimicking her movements.
She gulped, wiping her lips as she rose completely and headed through the door, “Goodnight, Yukihira.”
In her mind, saying that goodnight meant she’d rather go home and overthinking what just happened, or even worse, what could have happened if she’d stayed.
But a good grip on her arm stopped her from taking another step.
“Y’know it’s rude to kiss a guy like that and walk away, right?”
Soma’s voice was an invitation and her soul would want to be an attendee. All it took was another step from him and a good pull of her waist back into his arms, drowning into that deeply familiar kiss that swept her feet away.
The feeling was welcomed with her lips’ slow dance, reciprocating the gentle brushes he kept on gifting, and she didn’t mind his fingers that crept up through her back to finally end up tangling her short blonde locks. 
To her, it wasn’t just about the growing heat, or that tongue of his that had started invading her mouth making her gasp for air, it was also their buried feelings– the newfound emotions she only recognized ten years after a pair of golden eyes started haunting her dreams.
So when Soma got hold of both her legs around him, she let him lift her off the ground and hooked her arms behind his neck.
The dance continued as soon as Erina was rested on one of the dining tables, but it was cut short and the sensation had moved to the junction of her shoulder. A small whimper escaped her, but the urge to remove his white t-shirt was bigger.
As his top flew across the room, she didn’t have much chance to admire his physique. Even in the split second he undid her blouse, she knew he’d spared some time to work out.
His lips never left hers. His hands wouldn’t stop grazing her exposed thighs. And she found it hard to hold back her sweet noises when they left to roam around, touching and nibbling on her other sensitive flesh.
That was before he suddenly lifted a knee to hover over her. Ragged breath fanned over her like a tempting sin.
“Nakiri,” He whispered, “Should I stop?”
She shook her head quickly before pulling him in for another kiss. It quickly turned into a blur when she found him buckling his fingers to the hem of her skirt.
He looked up to her for confirmation, and when she responded with a nod, he slowly pulled every single fabric covering her most sensitive areas before landing his lips back on hers.
Erina’s head rested on the table’s hard wood and she was weak. Her knees had been trembling, and it trembled more when his fingertips gently tease her inner thighs. She didn’t react when she felt his lip dropped. All she squirmed to was the feeling of his digits, finding that spot that felt too eager for him.
Moans after moans went into his mouth. Mirroring the rhythm he set was her arched back that continuously bucked at his thumb. He’d kiss her at times to suppress her noises, but he’d be the only one to end up groaning. She knew he enjoyed sketching away his feelings this way– in a delicious, circular motion. And the harder his finger pushed, the louder her moans had gotten.
And when she was on the edge, he stopped and fished his wallet.
“Wh-Why did you stop?” She panted, obviously disappointed.
“Condom,” He told her, “No way I’d leave you like that.”
She smiled and rose up to help him free, watching with anticipation as he rolled the rubber on himself.
It didn’t take long for him to finally dipped inside her, colliding their warm skin that melted into one. He kissed her goosebumps, before kissing her lips once again. He tasted so sweet even when it was only their breaths that meld, and she couldn’t stop the crave her god tongue desired.
She never understood the words she wanted to say to him because what she felt was deeper than its surface. It had been eating her alive, and she’d die if he’d never known of it.
With that feeling, with every thrust he stroked, gentle or rough, she pulled him deep. Maybe the only way he’d acknowledge it was only by the desperate moans of her lungs whispering his name in his ear. He’d know these voices, the peak she had reached, only belonged to him.
This was that silence conversation: where only their bodies spoke, and their heart listened.
And as he hushed and cursed her name repeatedly, his throbbing strengthened, that was where she knew he felt the same.
“Yukihira,” Erina mumbled as he zipped up her top, “It was good.”
He chuckled, kissing her shoulder, “Are you talking about my cooking or the sex?“
“I’ll let you figure it out.” She said, "Thank you for today, Yukihira.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” Soma responded.
He held her in his arms for what felt like a long time. Long enough for her to notice and not minding the seafood smell intact on his t-shirt. All she felt was that warm embrace she had missed.
“Sweet dreams, Yukihira-kun.” She pulled away and gave his cheek a peck.
“Wait, Nakiri. You’re leaving?”
“W-Well, it’s 2 am. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your rests.”
“Oh…” He said dejectedly.
Strange– she’d never heard that tone before, “Wh-Why? What’s wrong?”
“Don’t you… wanna stay? I mean, you just had a drink and it ain’t good to drive after all that sake you just drank, y'know.” Soma persuaded. “And I got a great breakfast recipe I’d make ya in the morning! What a deal, eh?”
“Yukihira, I have my driver waiting for me. I’d just have to give him a call.”
“Aight. Then stay for me.”
She blushed.
“Don’t go, Nakiri.” He pulled her into another embrace, “Stay for a little while, will ya?”
“For how long?”
He paused and caressed her hair.
“If I say forever, would you do it?”
Erina swore her heart was about to burst. It was the first time he spoke something somewhat heartfelt. No food. No recipes. Just him as a man, showing his vulnerable side.
She knew she needed to say no more– she knew he meant it.
“I… suppose I can arrange that.”
A/N: YEAAAA so I haven’t written this kind of thing in a pretty long time so… feedback would be greatly appreciated :) and the only non-anon in the bunch @lisa786786, hope this helps and good luck if you decided to create it!
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tonyspep · 5 years
a home sweet home (with a couple kids running in the yard)
a/n: soooooooo like this is all @rocketrhap4229's fault lol. she is just as in love with dad!richard as i am, so she wasn't going to tell me no even though i have like a million other things i want to write right now. i added dad!kit for me because i can't resist him and i love the idea of him as a dad as much as i love dad!richard. this came from listening to the beatles song “ob-la-di, ob-la-da.”
~*~a home sweet home~*~
(with a couple kids running in the yard)
pairing: richard madden/you and kit harington/you
summary: just a day in the life of dads richard madden and kit harington
rating: k+
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being a great father is like shaving. no matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow.
reed markham -
You bite down on your lip, twisting the flesh between your teeth, staring at the text Sadie – Kit's fiancee` - sent you, yoga in twenty. kit and jax will be @ your door. don't you dare say no this time. we need this. one of them definitely remembers how to change nappies like rich's sister beth taught them. and the other can warm up a bubba right quick. they'll be fine. braaaaaaaandy. c'mooooooooooon.
You can hear her voice – that thick Yorkshire accent, so different than your Midwest twang (as Richard calls it) – in the text, how she elongates the one 'a' in your name to eight whenever she's trying to get her way. The two of you became fast friends as soon as the boys introduced you on a double date nearly three years ago, but you swear you've known the brunette your whole life, that she's the sister you never had but always longed for as a little girl who had to deal with three older brothers growing up.
You sigh, fingers threading through your shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, knowing ultimately that she's right.
You need (desperately) to get out of the house, to converse with an actual adult again, to feel – your heart clenches briefly, a pang of guilt rushing through – like a woman, not just a mother. Buuuuuuut... the familiar tingle of what if creeps up your spine and your ready to back out because what if Ruby does need you? What if – god forbid – something happens to her? You'd never forgive yourself.
She won't be so tiny and breakable forever, you reason, but right now she is... Having just learned how to walk on her oh-so-adorably tubby legs, still crying when she falls on her bum even on the carpet, still needing you in the most wonderful way, and you just can't take any chances. Not right now.
Before you can send your usual i'm sorry, there's Richard's familiar burr coming from the doorway to your room, “Ye better not be doin' what I think you are,” He warns, eyes narrowing sharply.
He's in front of you in three easy strides of his lean legs, large hand cupping your cheek so gently and you can feel the cool silver of his wedding ring against your skin. His crystal eyes bore into yours and his perfectly plush mouth twists wryly as he laughs, low and warm, “Do ya really think so little of me? That I can't be left alone with Ruby for – what – two hours tops? And I won't be alone, anyway. My best mates Kit and Jax will be here, too.”
You laugh at the way he considers Kit and Sadie's two and a half year old little boy one of his mates. As if he and the mini-Kit (that little boy really is the spitting image of his father, right down to the unruly mop of deep black velvet curls they share) would be going down to the pub for a pint.
“Eventually,” He murmurs, leaning in close so his lips are mere centimeters away from that spot below your ear, the one that will always drive you mad. “You'll have to leave me and Ruby alone. You can't stay cooped up in this house forever. Go, you know want to. You don't always have to be Mummy,” His words are so delicious against your skin, the heat of his breath making your knees weak. “You're still Brandy, y'know. The funny, smart and utterly gorgeous woman with the most perfect mouth made for the most sinful of things that has got me just as head over feet now as I was the day I saw you for the first time strutting up and down that runway.”
You don't know when you reached out for him, but you realize your hand is gripping at the front of his t-shirt, and you're basically anchoring yourself, your fingers clutching at the soft fabric so your weak knees don't completely give out. A shudder rolls through your body, a gasp leaving your lips as he bends to slant his lips along yours. Instantly, his lips move hungrily with your own, your mouth easily acquiescing to his insistent tongue, opening with no resistance at all to allow his to tangle with yours.
You're practically panting when you two finally pull apart, air being a nasty necessity and all of that, and you wonder how after having a one year old and being married for two years, he still makes you feel knock-kneed and light-headed like he did when you were jet-setting here and there without a care in the world? Your only true concern at that time being whether you had packed enough underwear as he had this terrible habit of ripping them clean off you, having no patience when it came to getting his mouth and hands on every inch of you, inside and out.
No one told you it would still be like that years later, and everyone you knew seemed to say all the heat and sparks dimmed significantly after a baby was put in the mix.
But Richard seemed determined not to let that happen.
Before you could suggest Kit and Sadie taking Ruby and Jax to baby yoga so you could have your husband all to yourself – the heat pulsing low in your stomach was definitely getting to you – a tiny voice you'd never mind hearing came from the doorway, “Bubba,”
You couldn't stop the smile that spread across your lips at the sight of your little girl. Ruby Jaymes wasn't quite two yet, still having nearly six months to go for that milestone, but she was walking (stumbling, mostly) and talking (babbling, mostly) and while limited in both skills, you couldn't stop the pride welling inside at seeing her stand on her own, not at all wobbly.
“Bubba,” The word both she and Jax used instead of bottle, the little girl clearly having picked up the vernacular from the slightly older boy, was said louder this time and with a demanding edge. Though she inherited your strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, her pout was all Richard, especially when she thrust her larger bottom lip forward.
Before you could move, she was a giggling mess, having been swept into her father's strong arms as he tickled her softly round tummy and nuzzled her nose. “C'mon, sweet girl,” Gentle and light as he brushed her sleep-matted hair away from her vibrant green eyes. “Let's get you a bubba. Mummy has to get ready for yoga. She's having a play date with Auntie Sadie and you'll have one with me and Uncle Kit and Jax.”
“Jax? Play?” Her tiny voice was so hopeful and the happy squeal she let out when Richard told her yes, their voices fading as he continued down the hallway, made your heart flip.
“Yes!” You couldn't help the triumphant holler when Brandy finally texted you back that she would be ready in fifteen for yoga. It felt like a life time since the two of you had done anything together without Jax and Ruby tagging a long. Not that you didn't love your son and your god-daughter – you loved both so much sometimes it scared you, honestly – but the two of you needed to have time just to yourselves, you couldn't lose yourselves in the joy of being mothers. You were still women and even if you had to drag Brandy kicking and screaming, you would remind her.
“Yes!” You heard the familiar trill of your son's voice as he sat in his high chair, fingers dipping into his cinnamon flavored oatmeal. You couldn't help but laugh as he tried to stick his entire goop-covered fist into his mouth, slurping at the fingers that managed to fit. “Noooooooo,” You murmured, the word over-shadowed by your laughter at the oatmeal smeared across his chubby cheeks.
“Jax,” You scolded but there were the baby blues peering from the same ridiculously long lashes he inherited from Kit and you melted. He had your eyes and the dimple in your left cheek but everything else was all Christopher Catesby Harington, which made you think you'd let him get away with murder as long as he looked at you, all bashful and sheepish, the same way Kit would when he did something wrong.
“Mess,” He gigled slapping his hands together and just before he could reach out and touch your face, like he was want to do, you quickly plucked him out of his high chair and brought him to the kitchen sink. “Yes, you made a mess, but you won't turn Mummy into a mess.”
As you turned the faucet to lukewarm – so as not to scald his tiny hands – you felt the familiar rasp of a beard against your cheek along with the heady scent of spice and citrus invading your nose as a wall of nothing but warm, firm muscle became pressed against your back.
“No,” You heard, low and sensual in your ear. “It's Daddy's job to make a mess of Mummy,” and you swore your knees buckled as you jostled Jax in your arms, your hold suddenly not as secure as it was nearly a few moments before.
“Christopher,” You hissed, your cheeks flaring with heat that was quickly spreading throughout your entire body. Before he could continue, there was Jax's delighted yelp of, “Daddy,” and then there was a theatrical growl from Kit and you knew his hands were scrunched into 'claws' as he made his voice comically low while he grabbed for Jax saying, “No Daddies here only Jax eating monsters and this monster is very hungry, you see.”
“Daaaaaaddddddy,” A wail before howls of laughter break through as Kit savagely tickles him.
Briefly, as you watch your fiancee` and your son, you wonder if it's too late for you to cancel on Brandy. You know she'd be all too happy to say with Richard and Ruby just as you'd be about staying with Kit and Jax. You twist your lip between your teeth, huffing at how just seeing your boys together makes you turn to goo and you're about to reach for your phone when a large hand stops you.
“Don't,” Kit's voice is bordering on the kind of stern he only uses when his head's between your legs and his mouth is bringing you to the most blissful oblivion. “You've been trying to get Brandy to do something without Jax and Ruby for months. You'll have plenty of time for the three of us to lay about together. Soon they'll be in school and being chauferred by all of us around town for this practice and that recital and to go to so and so's house and birthday parties and the lot. You can't forget to be Sadie just because you're Jax's Mummy.”
There's a protest on your lips, so close to being let out when he bends to silence it in the most effective of ways, drawing your mouth into his. Even with your son in his arms – or maybe because your son is in his arms – the kiss grows heady and passionate as if a match was struck to an already smoldering ember.
You pull away first, panting, as you stare into his familiar deep eyes. His voice is low and rough, heat pinging all along your skin as he murmurs, “I quite like Sadie,” and there he goes humming the infamous Beatles tune your parents named you after.
He breathes the title, “sexy sadie,” against the glide of your neck and you don't know how you're standing, but you know he's right. You can't back out of your yoga session with Brandy. You're not just a Mom, but a woman as well. And thank God you've got a fiancee` who's all too happy to remind you.
“Are you sure you've...” Richard quickly cuts you off, laughing low under his breath while Ruby happily sucks on her binky in his arms, “I know all the emergency numbers, including your Mum's and yes I know how early it is in Davenport right now just like I know she'll pick up, anyway. You're going to yoga, not war, darling.”
Your eyes narrow into slits, your lips settling into a thin line, which he quickly kisses away. His forehead is pressed against yours as he tells you, softly, “Everything's going to be fine. This is isn't the first time you've been gone for an hour or two. Our little gem will be just as perfect when you come back.”
Before you can quiz him on what to do if she gets fussy before her nap, the doorbell rings and then rings again and again and both of you can hear a scolding hiss from Sadie on the other side, “Jax, stop it.”
Then there's Kit's easy laughter, “I think Uncle Rich and Auntie Brandy know we're here buddy.”
“Ruby!” You hear the toddler yelp and you can't stop the red velvet kind of warmth spreading through you. You forget about your irrational fears about leaving your daughter alone with her father and as soon as you open the door, you and Sadie fling yourselves at each other, hugging tightly. Yes, you did need this girl time, together, without the kids tagging along.
“We'll be back later,” She trills over her shoulder after both of you had said goodbye to Jax and Ruby, instructing them to be good and before you can change your mind, she's grabbed your hand and is dragging you out your front door. As you slide into the passenger side, you can't stop from giggling, “Were we telling Jax and Ruby to be good or the boys to be good?”
She giggles as well and both of you at the same time say, “The boys,” before she pulls away from the curb and begins the short drive to your favorite yoga studio.
“Alone at last,” Richard's tone is teasing but Kit knows he got the same lecture from Brandy that he got from Sadie. “They act as though we've never been alone with them before,” He shakes his head as he sets a squirming Jax on his feet who immediately makes a beeline for Ruby who is sitting on her play mat in the middle of the living room, touching her blocks. “I know we're not doing the day to day that they are, but we're not completely clueless.”
“Exactly.” The Scotsman agrees. “It's not as if we're dealing with two complete terrors, either. I was infinitly worse at this age than Ruby is. Sarah says she's just like Brandy was; quiet, easy. Cautiously curious I believe was the phrase.”
“Jax can be a little difficult,” Kit admits, fingers scrubbing through his curls. “But none of this terrible twos business your mates try to scare you about. Don't know why he's not a fan of naps, though. I couldn't get enough of those. Wish it was acceptable to nap about now,” He laughs, setting the houndstooth baby bag that accompanies the little rascal whenever he and Mum are out and about near the couch.
“We're going to be fine,” Richard states. “They'll play a little, soon it'll be nap time and they'll be rested for when the girls come home so they can relax.”
“Too right.”
Their plan of play a little and soon it will be nap time wasn't as full proof as they thought it was. It was a gorgeous day outside and Jax and Ruby began to get restless. “Ducks,” The little boy announced, climbing up his father's right leg. Ruby parroted the word, “Ducks,” and mimicked the little boy's movements as best she could with Richard's leg, though she fell back down quickly and that's when the floodgates opened.
Before Richard could even take a breath, her gem-toned eyes that matched her mother's began to water and then her mouth opened. The wail she let out was deafening to say the least. As if Jax could sense his playmate's distress, his own lip began to wobble and just as he began to sniffle, Kit scooped him up into his arms and began to rock him back and forth, hoping to quell the impending cry.
“Hey, sweet girl,” Richard cooed, cuddling Ruby close as she whimpered, her face buried in his neck. “It's all right. You're okay,” He assured, peppering her curls with kisses before he moved onto her red face that was wet with rolling tears. “You're okay.” He repeated again, until her tiny body finally stopped shaking.
“Peppa,” She whimpered, referring to her favorite stuffed animal. It was really the original way Piglet had been drawn by AA Milne, the whole set a gift from Emilia, but she insisted on calling the pig “Peppa,” for some reason. Lifting himself from the couch, Richard brought Ruby into her nursery to collect the animal, hoping just having the plush in her arms would calm her.
While Richard got Peppa for Ruby, Kit had pulled the stuffed Toothless out of Jax's baby bag. Though, Emilia would always tell Jax to say 'Rhaegal' whenever she came to visit her god-son, the little boy would just laugh and say, 'no, toothless, millie.’ The animal seemed to calm him, staving off the cries that would always make Kit fearful that he was bloody awful at fatherhood.
“Ducks,” The toddler stated, his chubby finger pointing at the bay window in the Madden's living room. Kit sighed, not sure he and Richard were at all prepared for what he knew Jax wanted. Though, they lived in the city, Sadie was determined their son was going to have a relationship with nature, as she had grown up on a farm that had been in her family for generations.
She loved London, but was a country girl at heart. Hence why Jax was asking for ducks. Kit knew as long as it wasn't rainy and wet, she took him to the park nearly every day and would pack a quick lunch and bring along lettuce and corn along with birdseed for the ducks at the pond.
“Ducks,” Ruby repeated the word as she and Richard emerged from her nursery and Kit knew he and Richard were sunk.
Getting the little girl ready was more of a challenge than either Kit or Richard would have thought. Normally she was as mild mannered as Richard had described earlier, but she seemed to fight her father at every turn. She insisted on not wanting to be dressed, squirming and slipping from his grasp, running as fast as her tubby legs could carry her, no longer seemingly distressed by stumbling and falling.
And when Kit would try himself, she would tug and pull at his curls, nearly tearing hairs out by the roots while Jax would laugh and she'd blink innocently up at her Uncle.
Nearly a half an hour later, she was ready. Not quite dressed in the way Richard knew Brandy would prefer her to be, but she wasn't in her pajamas anymore... Sort of. She was in a different pair and over the bottoms she had insisted on wearing the little pale pink tutu that had been one of the many gifts Richard's Mum had given her while she wore her brown Uggs on her feet, not wanting to wear sneakers or her the little flats she so adored whenever Brandy dressed her.
The Burberry baby bag that came with her everywhere was bursting, not as neatly packed like it always was when she and Mummy took trips around town, but Richard wasn't taking any chances. After the way she wailed and was almost inconsolable about falling earlier, he made sure to be prepared for any scenario that could arise. Nothing tore him up inside like seeing his little gem in such distress.
How long they had been tearing off pieces of lettuce from the head they grabbed from Richard's fridge, they didn't know, but the rain came fast and sudden. “Bloody hell,” Kit cursed, grabbing for Jax while Richard muttered several curses under his breath, scooping Ruby up quickly along with her baby bag. Neither child seemed to mind the sudden spring storm, happily squealing and opening their mouths to catch rain drops.
Not wanting them to end up sick, a warm bath was next on the agenda, which turned into a whole different adventure. Richard knew with how small Ruby still was, Brandy – for fun – would sometimes, especially in an instance like this (those spring storms that came out of nowhere that London was prone to), bathe her in the kitchen sink. He had come home plenty of times to find them – only the hair on his little gem's head being visible through the mountain of lavender scented bubbles – in the kitchen, sometimes the bubbles spilling onto the counter or even the floor.
Jax was all too happy to climb into the sink as well, except he did so before Kit could undress him, which made Ruby laugh and grab for her tutu that Richard had left on the counter.
“You two never do stuff like this for your Mummys do you?” Kit questioned, his eyes narrowing at the pair who were soaking in the sink. “No.” Jax chirped, shaking his head, his curls slinging water in every direction. “Mumma?” Ruby asked, her eyes darting all around the kitchen.
“No, Mumma,” Richard sighed, fingers carding through his hair. “Just Daddy and Uncle Kit.”
Kit had never been more thankful that Sadie had been the one to pack Jax's bag, instead of listening to him when he insisted that he could have, thank you very much. He never would have thought to put a change of clothes inside. After drying them off and nearly becoming soaked themselves, he and Richard sliced up a banana for Ruby who was just starting to have her baby teeth come in and an apple for Jax. They happily munched, feeding pieces to each other and them as well before their eyes began to droop.
And that's how you and Sadie found the four of them when they came home. It was later than they had expected, the yoga class having ended two hours before, but they couldn't resist getting a pedicure at the salon across the way from the studio.
“Sorry, we're...” Your voice trailed away at the sight that greeted you in the living room. Sadie nearly stumbled into your back because you had stopped walking so abruptly. “Oh my,” She whispered, light giggle underneath her voice.
Wearing her unicorn bathrobe and laying across your husband's chest was Ruby, both of them snoring softly, without a care in the world. Next to them were Kit and Jax. Kit was sprawled across the couch, his arm that did not have Jax secure against his chest, in Richard's face while the little boy was wearing his favorite pair of blue and white striped pajamas.
“Looks like they had a big day,” You murmured, unable to hide the snicker in your voice. “They sure did,” Sadie murmured back, struggling not to outright laugh. Both of you knew you didn't mean Ruby and Jax, like before you were definitely talking about Richard and Kit.
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wtfjd95 · 2 years
Why have I never had any Korean Bbq chicken before? It's delicious! Just enough spice to make my mouth tingle.
The Yo! Brand is delicious. I have get to try more but I would be willing to try more.
0 notes
kfawkes · 7 years
You are a glutton for punishment. I'm the same. For the Kiss Prompts. 14: A kiss on the neck. Any ship.
It’s time like 1983726532987 years later lmao.
I decided to go with a different ship this time! Just to spice things up lol. I know you’re a fan of DA and ME, but unfortunately I haven’t played DA sooooo I’m gonna go with a fresh pairing from ME…. I CHOOOOSE JACK AND MIRANDA!!  :D HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!
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The day had already been far too long for Miranda. All she wanted was to curl up with a nice cup of tea while she read some shitty romance novel. But here she was having to discipline Jack… again like she pretty much always was. Between throwing fits when she didn’t get her way and breaking things daily, to her homicidal tendencies… Well, let’s just say it was enough to keep Miranda on edge and most of the time it felt like a full time job. But as small as these annoyances started, they grew much larger after each mission. More and more Miranda felt herself fixating on each little thing Jack would say… Each irritating thing Jack would do… Until Jack was almost all she thought about.
Today, on the longest day she’d had since… Hell, probably since they’d found Shepard’s body- those feelings were no different. She felt that tingle of annoyance shifting low in her stomach, as it turn and spin its strangeness around her. Now as she sit in her office staring intently at Jack, she couldn’t help but… notice her. And more than once she found herself zoning out on the cluster of tattoos marking her lower stomach and chest… 
“What the fuck are you looking at?” Jack pressed her hands firmly on Miranda’s desk as she lean over and eye her with pursed lips sporting her own version of a snarl.
“Nothing… Never mind that.” Miranda shook her head as she straighten her stack of datapads ignoring Jack’s piercing gaze completely. “You can’t keep doing these kinds of things, Jack.”
“You’re not my boss, Cheerleader… Shepard is.” Jack raised a eyebrow as she tilt her chin downward eyeing her through narrowed eyes. “I don’t listen to you.”
“I might not be you boss, but Shepard left me in charge and you will follow my orders.” Miranda still didn’t look at her… because every time she did, she couldn’t keep her eyes still. Actually, they wandered just about everywhere but where they should be. 
Over her hips, her neck, her lips…
“Shepard has been MIA for 2 fucking days, she didn’t leave you in charg-” Jack started but was interrupted when Miranda stood mirroring her stance under heavy eyes, holding her face mere inches from her own. She felt the smallest jump in the pits of her stomach as a whiff of Miranda’s mint and honey scented hair surrounded her. 
“I’m your superior whether you like it or not. If you’ve got a problem following directions, I’d be happy to drop you at the nearest fuel station, or if you prefer I can open the airlock.” Miranda’s voice was stern and there was no hint of what was really going on in her mind present in her voice. Or, at least she hoped. “You pick.”
Jack narrowed her eyes to mere slits as she pushed her face a little closer. Was this her way of challenging Miranda’s orders? Was she testing the dedication to her threats? But more important to Jack, was what the fuck was that look Miranda was giving her? She couldn’t tell and truthfully she didn’t know what she was even doing either. Confrontational and impulsive like always; so here she stood a few inches from Miranda’s face thinking things she really shouldn’t be… Thinking of ways to kill her… but mostly thinking about ways she’d–
After a moment Jack watched those big blue eyes flutter in slight confusion as she open her mouth to speak. Watching as her round lips parted, and as nothing but a faint sigh came out. Watching as she shake her head lightly sending another wave of sweet mint floating towards her. 
Miranda was avoiding eye contact as she slid her top lip between two rows of pearly white teeth momentarily. When she spoke this time, she wasn’t confident, but nervous and her voice was light and quiet. “What?”
“What do you really want to say to me right now?” Jack didn’t move and her eye contact was unwavering. 
Miranda swallowed as she chew the inside of her cheek lightly. “I don’t follow.”
“I thought you were supposed to be a good liar.” Jack smiled slightly as she narrowed her eyes, studying Miranda more carefully. “Here’s an idea… Why don’t you tell me what you really think about me… Lets get all this damn dirty laundry out in the open shall we?”
A fight with Jack was the last thing she wanted, but it was clear she was fishing for an excuse to argue and with the strangeness of her recent feelings- well, it was hard not to react. Miranda sighed loudly, deciding she wouldn’t back down this time. “Fine. If you really want me to play your little game, so be it… You’re psychotic. You’re completely out of control, you’re arrogant, selfish, rude… immature… Yo-you’re messy, bit-” 
But before Miranda could finish, she felt a warm hand grip the nape of her neck as it pull her tightly forward. She felt the fingers lightly scratch the base of her skull as they form a tight fist around her hair. But mostly she felt Jack pressing her soft lips into her own. She felt herself giving in and kissing her back… 
After a moment she pulled herself backwards throwing a hand loosely over her lips as she trace the space Jack had just been. Behind widened eyes she look forward to Jack who stand with brow lowered staring to the ground. “You… What the hell was that, hm? What are you trying to do…”
“I… I don’t fucking know, alright? You just… I don’t know yo-you got in my head, and I’ve been…” Jack let out a soft sigh as she press the tip of her tongue to the corners of her lips still not looking to her. “Am I just fucked up?”
Before Miranda knew what she was doing she walked hastily around her desk and grabbed Jack’s face lightly between her gloved fingertips. A second later she pressed her mouth to hers again as she push Jack into the nearby wall, massaging her tongue gently with her own; sending chills through both their bodies. 
Jack pulled her handful of dark hair to the side now pinning her to the wall instead. She slid her hand up Miranda’s back as she press her body harder into her soft fleshy suit, feeling her firm body beneath it’s surprisingly thin fabric only made her desire grow. With another pull she revealed Miranda’s ivory neck as she trace every small freckle decorating it with small soft bites. When she reached behind her ear, Jack pulled a handful of hair tighter sliding a pierced tongue from collarbone to the tip of her chin. She felt Miranda press her hips forward with eyes shut and hurried breath as she kissed a line from her mouth to the center of her chest…
“We found Shepard!” Garrus busted through the door in a panicked fluster. His voice was strong and full of worry, but he didn’t seem to notice what he’d walked in on. “We have to go NOW. She doesn’t have much time.”
In the seconds of their intrusion they separated as quickly as they joined, both awkwardly adjusting things that didn’t need fixing as they wipe their mouths innocently. Miranda pulled a lip inward, avoiding eye contact with Jack as she straighten her hair uncomfortably and clear her throat a bit too loudly.
“Right, let’s get going.” She nodded profusely as she step forward behind Garrus leaving Jack in her office in silence… but not before sending her the smallest of smiles.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 12: The Time Jungkook Sang To His Tutor
Recommended Song: Just Come To Me by Homme
|All Chapters|
You found that not much had changed since you left Korea as Jungkook continued to be a little shit. But there is one surprising development from someone you didn’t expect.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 3878
Length: 12/?
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You had to admit you were a bit nervous. Sure you and Jungkook still acted normal when talking over Kakao (despite the rise in shirtless goodnight selcas) but talking over KaKao was different to seeing each other over Skype. What if the incident at the airport changed things? The entire flight home you found yourself awake, the events of your time in Korea playing on your mind. From getting coffee to cuddling up on the couch to the accidental kiss. When you landed you were exhausted from lack of sleep and trying to figure out how Yoongi could have pushed Jungkook so his lips landed directly on yours, but you dismissed the thoughts to the back of your mind. Things were normal. Things were going to be normal.
You sat in front of your laptop, criticising your crude Hangul drawn in Tippex on your keyboard as you waited for 12 o'clock to arrive. Maybe you should redo it... The Skype ringtone played out of your speakers turning your attention back to the time before answering. 4 minutes early. You ran a hand through your hair before pressed accept. Fuck it. Everything was going to be fine. Why were you acting so weird?
"Noona!" As if my magic, your frown was replaced by a bright smile that mirrored Jungkook's.
He was wearing his glasses.
"Hey, Kookie!"
"I miss you! It feels strange talking to a screen again."
"Yeah, it does. So what have you been doing today?"
Excitement lit up his features, "I've been working on some songs! Some to go on the next album and some just because."
You noticed he was twirling a pen between his fingers and grew curious.
"You seem troubled."
"Some of the lyrics...I don't know. They don't sound right." The pen stilled. "Would you listen to them?"
"Oh, I don't think-"
"Please? I need someone to listen before I submit them to Namjoon and the PDs."
"Um... okay then... if you really want to-"
"Thank You Noona!"
He was practically bouncing in his seat as he clicked away at a few things on his computer then a soft gentle rhythm sounded from his side of things. You could tell it was a rough draft, unpolished. A surge of excitement forced you to the edge of your seat as the realisation that Jungkook was singing you possible future Bangtan songs to you. You! Was this allowed?
His voice was soft, drifting lightly over the music neither distracting one from the other. He had even written lines for the rappers and you could tell he had specific members in mind for each verse. There was Namjoon's depth, Yoongi's  flow and Hoseok's tones. And they didn't seem to detach from the gentleness of the song.
You could imagine the complete song sounding a little like Young Forever. However, it sounded like something was missing. A bass line to give it some sort of strength. But then again, you didn't know what he had intended.
The music continued, yet he stopped singing and you turned your gaze to him.
"That's what I have so far. How does it sound?"
"It was good but there's something missing. And there are parts of the vocals that could sound better. Could you go through the chorus again?"
He did as you asked and you made him stop at a certain part.
"Ah! There! That would sound better if it was like this."
You demonstrated what you meant. He stared in shock.
"Y-you can sing?"
"Uh," you started to shake your head. "No, not really. I'm classically trained. Which is different."
"You can sing." He said definitely. "Your voice is beautiful."
"N-n-no. I never even finished my lessons. I'm so bad."
"Sing for me."
"No!" You winced at the sound of your shout. "I'd rather listen to you."
"But I want to listen to you." Jungkook seemed to scoot his chair closer and rest his elbows on the desk. "Would you sing with me instead then?"
You hesitated.
"What song?"
More clicking and then another song was playing. You recognised it as Sofa by Crush.
"If I'm really your bias you'll know the words to this."
He started, watching you expectantly, waiting for you to join in. You did at the chorus since it was the part you knew best.
"Niga itdeon sofa, neo eobsi na honja. I jarieman nama neol gidarijanha. (I’m alone on the sofa where you used to be. I’m here, waiting for you.)" He smiled as you began to sing and it gave you the courage to keep going. "So far nae gyeote neon so far away. Miryeoniraneun ge meonjiman nameun chae. Neol gidarijanha. (So far from my side, you’re so far away. I’m still not over you, only dust remains. As I wait for you.)"
After that, you sang the parts in the verse you remembered. You continued like that, singing the chorus with him then quieting down at other parts. As you approached the end of the song you noticed that he'd gone quiet. So you sang the few last lines as best as you could, even if it felt like your heart was going to fall our of your mouth.
"Y/N," Jungkook said, voice low and cautious. "Your voice is beyond beautiful."
You blushed, "It's really not. A-a-and you dropped Noona. What happened to formality."
"I'm too starstruck for formalities." He lowered his head as he chuckled. "I wish you were here so we could sing together..."
Your blush deepened and you ducked your head to hide it. You heard more clicking and an "al-assda (Got it)". You looked back up, curious.
"What have you got?"
He gave you a devious grin, "You'll see Noona."
"Did you screenshot me?"
"No..." So that was a yes, then.
"I will block you!"
"No, you won't."
"Yes, I will!"
"But you still need to teach me."
"Oh please. When I was in Korea your grammar dramatically improved and your vocabulary widened. You don't need me."
An almost desperate look took over his features.
"Yes, I do! I still need my Noona."
"But by the sounds of it, you don't need my help anymore. Noona's job here is done." You shrugged, trying to appear disinterested.
"My spelling and grammar! They're bad. I need help. Noona please!"
"Namjoon can help you."
"My handwriting!"
"How can I help you from a different country?"
"I need Y/N-chingu! I NEED YOU GURL!"
"WAE DACHIL GEOL ALMYEONSEO JAKKU NIGA PIRYOHAE! (Why do I keep needing you when I know I’ll get hurt!)"
Your face screwed up.
"Who says I keep hurting you?"
"You broke my finger."
"Tae-oppa told me you lied and that it was just a dislocation."
Jungkook's eyebrows scrunched together realising he had been outed. He muttered something under his breath. Something about killing Taehyung.
"Why did you lie to me?"
He seemed to shrink in his seat, shoulders hunching in preparation for you to scold him.
"I wanted Noona to look after me."
You shook your head as you laughed. What would you do with him?
"Is it better?"
"Ye." He held it up to show you how he could bend it fully again. "I think Noona's kisses helped."
The word 'kisses' had your eyes growing to the size of dinner plates.
"Don't say that!"
"What? Why not?" His gaze flickered from his finger to you. "Did you think I meant...oh."
Why did he have to bring up kissing?
"You're blushing. Am I embarrassing you because of the kiss?"
"Don't~! If it was an accident then you shouldn't mention it!"
Though his lips seemed not to move, you heard him mutter something beneath his breath.
"What was that?"
"Yoongi-hyung shouldn't have pushed me. Kisses are too meaningful to happen so carelessly..."
You became concerned.
"...What did you do to him?"
"He got what he deserved."
Your jaw dropped. "You didn't hurt him did you?"
"So what if I did?"
"We do not solve our issues with violence. We get them to apologise."
"Did hyung apologise to you?"
"No, but he doesn't have my contact details."
He frowned.
"Then I should make him apologise."
"I'm not the only one. You were a part of the accident."
"Does... does that mean you kissed me back?"
"W-w-well there wasn't r-r-really a kisser or kissee. O-o-our lips t-t-touched and didn't m-m-move."
"I know how kissing works Noona."
He appeared unaffected by the topic of conversation, casually leaning back in his chair and grinning. You could kill him for how red your face was.
"I- can we not talk-"
"Are you embarrassed we kissed or because I'm bringing it up? Do you want to forget about it?"
Did you?
Unconsciously, your fingers came up to touch your lips, a faint memory of spice causing them to tingle slightly. Well, you assumed it was the spice.  No, you didn't want to forget. It was a once in a lifetime experience.
"Friends don't talk about kisses." Your voice had grown quieter.
There was a pause. You picked at a thread on your sleeve, avoiding looking at the screen so you didn't know what Jungkook was up to.
"Noona?" You hesitantly lifted your gaze. "Are you angry at me for teasing you?"
"Why did you tease me?"
"You're cute when you blush."
Your gaze hardened in annoyance and a growl slipped past your lips.
"Don't call me cute!"
"What are going to do about it?"
He grinned, knowing you couldn't hit him like you had last time.
"I'm blocking you and I mean it."
"No, you won't. You love me too much to do that."
You choked on thin air at that. 'Love'. You... you hadn't really thought about it... No. He was your friend. Any love you felt was platonic.
"I'm still blocking you."
"Nooo~ Please don’t! I’m really sorry. I’ll do anything.”
You fiddled with the hem of your shirt as you tried to think of something to say. His offer of ‘anything’ having temporarily derailed your train of thought. And then it occurred to you.
"These calls are meant to be lessons. But I haven't taught you anything so far today."
"It's okay, I like talking to Y/N-chingu."
"I like it too but you can't slack off."
He grabbed something off camera and held it up to show you a textbook. Part of the page had been highlighted in yellow and you could just make out some notes dotted around the edges. "I'm studying! Look, I've almost completed this book!"
Indeed he almost had.
"Seeing you inspired me to study harder!"
You smiled at the determination he had to learn.
"Aaaw. You're just adorable."
"I'd rather be called handsome but I'll take what I can get." Confusion was evident on your face. "How have your studies been? Your Korean was a bit too formal while you were here."
You went back to tugging at them hem of your top, ashamed of yourself.
"... I've been slacking..."
"I'm sorry!"
"But look!" You lowered your laptop screen so the Webcam faced the keyboard. "I installed a Korean keyboard. I can now type in hangul."
You straightened the laptop screen and we're surprised to see Jungkook wiping his eyes.
"Are you crying?"
He shook his head, "I'm laughing. You know you can get stickers. You don't have to use...nail-"
"Tippex to do that."
"It was an impulse decision. It was about 11pm over here and the shops were shut."
You crossed your arms over your chest and let out a huff.
"It doesn't mean you're not slacking though. How are you to teach if you can't speak the language?"
"Miming and charades?"
He chuckled.
"That's not quite good enough."
"Then next week we'll focus on correcting my formalities. But today let's just talk. Please?"
He nodded, bunny grin clear as day. And so you spent the rest of the lesson time talking about the things he did and what you were planning to do. It was only broken by his yawn.
"You should go to bed. It's late."
"Don't want to."
You folded your arms and raised an eyebrow. "My threat to block you is still available."
He yawned again. "I think it's time for me to go to sleep."
"Good BunBun."
He coughed a few times, caught off guard.
"G-g-goodnight Noona."
"Sweet dreams Kookie."
He waved goodbye with a small smile then hung up. You couldn't help but grin to yourself.
You went about your day, as usual, going to college and sending texts back and forth with Chubs. She was blaming you for corrupting her 'innocent’ mind. It made you laugh out loud and your lecturer to send you a disapproving look. You shrugged her off and used your phone to check your Tumblr due to the amount of notifications you were getting.
"What the fuck?"
You muttered a sorry to your lecturer and took the headphones from around your neck and plugged them into your phone.
On Tumblr, gaining notes by the second, was a video of you. Singing.
"Jeon Jungkook I'm going to kill you." You muttered under your breath, a few classmates shooting you confused looks.
The video was captioned: 'Noona jal noraehaeyo (Noona sings well).'
That wasn't the only video. There was one of him singing the song he was working on, mainly displaying your reaction: 'Gwiyeomb'. You reblogged both. Adding to one, 'Did I say you could record my singing?' And the other, 'You little shit'.
You got a response a few minutes later: 'No. I never gave you permission to dislocate my finger but you still did it.' Followed by a simple, 'I know.'
You noticed that someone else had reblogged from you. Someone had combined your’s and Jungkook's name to form a... ship name? It was called {ship name}archive. Curious, you clicked on the blog name and was taken to their page where you were greeted with something that confused you. Their header picture seemed to be a photograph of you and Jungkook together at the fair. But you never had a picture taken together. Upon closer inspection, you realised that the two separate images you had taken of each other holding the plushies had been photoshopped together to make it seem like a couple photo.
"What the...?"
Another look from the lecturer.
You scrolled through the blog. The description read: 'A blog dedicated to archiving the interactions of Jungkook and Y/N. The dorks.' Scrolling further down you saw the two videos they reblogged from you with various tags. Quite a few in all caps.
This person seemed to be quite the fan of your interactions.
Definitely quite the fan. There were posts where the OP was upset about you leaving Korea. More scrolling revealed pictures of you adjusting Jungkook's mask at the fair. Underneath those images were the tags: 'WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THEY'RE GOING TO KISS' 'DID SHE TAKE IT OFF OR PUT IT ON' 'I'M SCREAMING I NEED TO KNOW'
Even further back were the screenshots you and Jungkook had taken of each other when Namjoon was still a part of your lessons. The captions and tags were a little less...aggressive back then but it was clear the owner had been shipping the two of you from the start. And then you found what must have been the very first post. It was screenshots of posts from other blogs asking for someone to create a blog dedicated to the ship. The blog owner tagged all the blogs they had screenshotted and said: 'Don't worry I'm on it.'
You put your phone down to bury your head in your hands, an exasperated sigh slipping from your lips.
"Y/N. Are you okay?"
You looked up to see your lecturer peering over your shoulder with a concerned frown.
"Yeah, fine." You gave her a grimace and picked your phone back up again, scrolling to the top of the blog, which took a good minute due to all the posts.
You clicked on 'my main blog' and were taken to a blog you found very very VERY familiar. It was Chubs' blog.
"NO!" All the heads in the classroom whipped around to you, including the lecturer. You muttered an apology and sank down into your seat as you stared at your friend's blog.
It was her. Why out of all the people on Tumblr did it have to be her?
You immediately sent her a text. 'You run a blog that ships Kookie and I?!'
The response was immediate. 'Depends. If I say yes will our friendship be over?'
'Then yes. Hi, hello, it's me your daily {ship name} dealer. How can I help?...'
'Why do you run a ship blog? How did you get those pictures?'
'You guys are sweet together and I thought it would be nice for you and your fans to have somewhere to view your entire relationship...Someone anonymously submitted them to my blog. Why?'
'Just... There's some that look like they were taken by Jungkook. And the one of me adjusting his mask, I think that was taken by a group of girls that spotted us.'
'Oh...Maybe it was him who sent them to me... Idk...'
'There's no way Jungkook would submit pictures to a ship blog... unless he doesn't understand shipping.'
You stole a glance at your lecturer who was now sat at her desk doing god knows what, then sent Jungkook a message over KaKao: 'Did you know there's a blog dedicated to us?'
He responded a few minutes later: 'Ye! They have all our pictures! Isn't it cool?'
'Kookie... they want us to be a couple. In fangirl terms they 'ship' us.'
'They do? I tried to Google what it meant but I didn't understand urban dictionary. ARMY are awesome!'
'You're okay with it?'
'As along as you are. You know I'm your chingu and you're mine. It seems harmless...'
You let out an exasperated sigh.
'I... I guess it's okay. It is nice to have all are interactions in one place.'
'Exactly! Just don't tell them about the kiss... The owner keeps on saying she's dying. I don't want her to actually die.'
'There's no way I'm going to tell Chubs about the kiss.'
'Chubs? You know the owner?'
'She's a friend I met at the concert where you met me.'
'And she runs a blog about us! I didn't know that when I submitted those pictures!!'
'IT SAYS ARCHIVE. I WANTED YOUR CUTE FACE TO BE SEEN BY EVERYONE!' A second later. 'Please don't block me I forgot.'
You took a long breath in through your nose and slowly exhaled through your mouth. The class members sat near you shuffled their seats away as if sensing your murderous intent.
'You forgot? Maybe I'll forget to unblock you and all that'll be left of me will be the ship blog.'
'Please don't Noona! This is cyber bullying. I'm telling Namjoon Hyung.'
'You do that and I'm flying over just to take Bae off you and then flying home.'
'Oh uh... Bae is called Honey now.'
'I thought about what you said and Bae was inappropriate.'
'But Honey is still a term of endearment. You might as well have called her Jagi."
'Honey's fur is golden. Honey is the colour of honey.'
'Oh, well, in that case, it suits her... But you tell Namjoon about the blog and I'll be taking full custody of her.'
'I won't. I promise.'
'Good BunBun.'
'Are you going to tell Chubs that I submitted the pictures?'
'Yes, she's curious. Maybe you two can strike up a deal if you really want to post stuff about us to there.'
'Okay, I have to go Noona. It's past my bedtime.'
'Goodnight BunBun.'
'And Noona.'
'Don't be mad at Chubs.'
You smiled at that and sent him a thumbs up emoji, not wanting to keep him up any longer.
You switched contacts to Chubs and typed out a message telling her that it was indeed Jungkook. She rectified the post to give photo credit Jungkook's blog. You were thankful she only reblogged and posted online interactions and submitted content. Especially since you sent her texts about the coffee shop and arcade. It was important she respected your boundaries, which she seemed to be doing so. And you just hoped Jungkook wouldn't give her anything to post that would be overstepping any lines. The last thing you wanted was your personal life everywhere for people to see.
You don't know why but you decided to search the tag on Tumblr, just to see.
Wrong move.
There were posts imagining scenarios, none of which took place while in South Korea. You smiled at the cute comments beneath reblogs of pictures, but there some not so nice posts bashing, mainly you, and your role in this 'relationship' with Jungkook.
'She clearly forced him to make her his tutor.' 'No way would Jungkook ask someone as ugly as her to be his tutor.' 'What kind of tutor goes on dates with their student?’ It hurt to read stuff like that and you hoped Jungkook would never come across those posts.
You continued searching through the tag until you saw something interesting. A video clip, taken from a fansite with the caption: 'The day they met'.
"No fucking way."
You pressed play and were met by the sight of you kneeling before Jungkook at the fan meet. With your back to the camera, all you could see was Jungkook's face. You saw his polite smile turn into a bashful one as you complimented him and he responded in (and apologised for) his once broken English. And then you laughed as it became a look of shock that was replaced by him passing you his pen and something to write on. You couldn't believe someone had filmed it. You couldn't believe it had only just surfaced. The you in the video turned to leave and you saw your own blushing face. So that's how they knew it was definitely you then.
The camera shook a little as the person filming moved but it smoothly zoomed in further on Jungkook's face which was pointing in the direction you had left the stage. His bunny teeth were just visible as he nibbled on his bottom lip.
Leaving had meant that you hadn't been able to see his reaction. He was rather proud of himself before turning his attention to the next person. You paused the video and run a hand through your hair. Now would probably be a good time to refocus on the lesson but you couldn't.   
Too many thoughts were running through your mind, distracting you from the task you had started. You put your phone aside, ignoring the Tumblr notifications buzzing through every few minutes and attempted to get back on task.
It was going to be a long day.
A/N: Co-written with @tragicshadows. It's her 18th birthday tomorrow!!! Let's wish her a happy birthday for then shall we? 
What did you think? Isn't Jungkook just a little shit for bringing up the kiss to tease her?  What do you think about Chubs and her sneaky blog? Make sure to comment (ask, message etc...) and let us know your thoughts!
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limpblotter · 7 years
my latino dadsona name is Hank
“Dad….staring at the frying pan is not going to make dinner” 
“Yo se…yo se… (I know, I know)” Hank grumbled taking a deep breath. This shouldn’t have been so stressful. He had cooked for Amanda plenty of times, even when his spouse was still alive. When Hank cooked it was a show. (Mainly because there was a 70-30 chance of disaster but more often than not it was a success). Amanda and him had even made it into a fun bonding experience. 
Nothing like father-daughter duo harrowing over flames, oil splatters and Amanda’s innate need to try things while they’re still cooking. How she hadn’t gotten salmonella after all these years of prematurely taste testing he’d never know. “Is it because Matt  and Carmensita are coming over?” 
“You know Matt’s wife was Hispanic? You think he likes Hispanic food or …would it awkwardly remind him of his late wife? Would it be insensitive? Should I cook something else? Should I try making like…meatloaf?” Hank rambled nervously, in two hours Matt would be arriving with his daughter for a friendly dinner. Since the whole kiss and jam sessions they’ve been having their daughters have both been eased into their dads dating. An ease that went over so well…Hank was suspicious, something had to give. 
Amanda placed her hand on the pan and lifted it up, pointing the iron skillet at Hank’s direction. “Listen, cook from the heart, Chef Romeo! Matt will fall in love with the good eats.” 
“But nada!” Amanda waved the pan around a little too much, Hank felt like he needed to relieve her from her irony weapon of choice. “When in doubt make my favorite, its not every day your college girl comes home to her beloved padre!”
“Manda Panda, you’ve been coming home every weekend.” He smirked, of course he loved that.
“College is tough padre, I’ve got serious constipation from eating raw ramen.” 
“Raw? Why don’t you boil water in the microwave?” Hank took this moment of distraction and stole the pan away from her. 
Amanda shrugged a bit, “roommate tried to microwave canned soup still in the can and blew it up.” 
“Its look, that fire extinguisher you sent me totally came in handy” She fingergunned, “plus its not her fault we were high.” 
“I–uh… hey daddy-o I gotta turn in a paper before the deadline so I’m gonna do that…GOOD LUCK COOKING, LOVEYOUBYE” 
And with that, she was gone. No doubt avoiding the fact she was getting high in college…man how did she manage to be so cool when Hank struggled for years with Craig to even remotely be considered cool? Now alone until Amanda and Matt would arrive, Hank was left with his old cookbook. Recipes collected by his mother, his abuela and hers…a couple that belonged to his spouse. He ran his fingers over the aged pages of the cook book. 
Without thinking much he picked a page and started cooking. The therapeutic chopping of veg, roasting a chicken, boiling of rice. Before long the whole house smelled like savory spices and warmth. Amanda came home and made a beeline to the kitchen. “Locrio? Mmm My fav! …That was…” 
Hank nodded in silence, it was his spouse’s fav too. “The finishing touches made, there was a soft knock at the door. “Manda can you–”
“MANDA YOU’RE HOME!” The small girl threw her arms around Amanda’s neck and hung off her. 
“Woah-Car, watch it you’re going to break her neck.” Matt chuckled soulfully from the the doorway. “How’s college treatin’ ya, kid?” 
“Making memories and breaking stuff!” 
“Is that why you asked me about a new microwave?” 
“Shhh, Matt, dad” 
Hank’s dad senses were tingling. “What about dad?” 
Matt, Carmensita and Amanda all stifled a suspicious giggle as they walked through the door and made their way to the dining room. “Nothin’” They all said in even more suspicious unison. 
Once the company arrived, Hank felt the nerves kick him again. He walked, more like wobbled, over with the hot pot. Practically resting it on his belly for leverage. Dad bellies made good third hands when need be. Once it was set on the table he started serving up the moist rice and chicken dish. 
“Mm smells good!” Carmensita smiled as Manda showed her the ‘right’ way to cleanly eat a drumstick. While the girls were distracted with the good food, scattering rice grains everywhere. 
Hank took his seat next to eat, he was unable to eat. He watched as Matt chewed. He was beautiful even with mouthfuls of rice. Was this all too much? Was the dish to much? He should have gone for meatloaf. Hank kept his hands on his bouncing knees, nervous when a soft hand from under the table gently held his. “Its delicious.” Matt spoke softly, careful to not interrupt the girls. His eyes sultry and soft smiled as brightly as his lips did. 
Without further notice, Hank leaned in for a kiss when a hand slammed down on the tabletop shaking a few glasses. “DAD, no dessert before Dinner.” 
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iladdie · 7 years
What can we learn from the information given about the #laddiemp6 Octomore bottles without nosing and tasting them? This is an attempt by me to predict some of the notes I can expect based on the know how I currently have about the whisky making process.
The fun part would be that I write something in the blog that turns out, when tasting the drams on the 4th of May 2017, to be utter nonsense. That would spark some questions and it would make me learn!
Disclaimer: I haven’t a clue what these drams smell and taste like when I write this, but I want to test my knowledge and see if I can give it a fair snog. (<<<is that proper English?)
So what do I know about these Octomore’s? The Bruichladdich website gives some details on this dram which can be found here.
2010 Octomore cask – 4468
Distilled 2nd December 2010
Warehouse P2 L12,
Cask type – 2nd fill Rivesaltes (Hogshead)
I’m expecting Peat, Red Fruits, Nuts, Sweetness, all the standard Bruichladdich notes, but not yet Pineapple.
2003 Octomore cask – 0022,
Distilled 7th November 2003
Warehouse 12 B12,
Cask type – Ribera del Duero / Bourbon
I’m expecting Less Peat, Some Red fruit, dates, nuts, some vanilla, light oak, less sweetness, leather, clove and pineapple.
2010 Octomore cask – 4819,
Distilled 15th December 2010
Warehouse 14 13H,
Cask type – Fresh Bourbon
I’m expecting Big Peat, Wood smoke, Spice, Clove, Sharp, leather, fruitiness, saltines and the standard bruichladdich fruity / grassy / malty notes below that.
Image found on Bruichladdich.com ©
Ok, not lets find out what I can learn from doing a tad of research online into the casks types and the previous content.
Cask #4468
First up is Cask #4468, which was a 2nd fill Rivesaltes. Rivesaltes is a French fortified   wine from the Rouselion region of France.
Wikipedia quote:
Rivesaltes is an Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée for naturally sweet, fortified wines (vin doux naturel) made in the Languedoc-Roussillon wine region of France. They are similar to Muscat de Rivesaltes AOC wines, except the grape varieties are not restricted to Muscat. The wines are red or white, and made from Muscat, Grenache noir, Grenache blanc, Grenache gris, Macabeu and (rarely) Malvoisie grapes.
A grape from Portugal also has the name Rivesaltes, so this indication on the dram can also indicate a Portugese wine. lets presume that the French Fortified wine is meant. The notes that are found in Rivesantes are dependent in the type produced.
Ambré: An oxidative maturation of at least two years in barrels. Amber-colored wines with odours of nuts, almonds, roasted coffee and candied fruits.
Garnet or Rouge: The wine must be stored reductively for at least 12 months, of which three months on bottle. The young wine is deeply ruby ​​red and has aromas of red fruits (bramble, raspberry, cherry and cassis).
Tuilé: Is stored oxidatively for two years. The orange-brown wines, often rancios, smells of roasted coffee, cocoa, tobacco and confectionery fruit.
Hors d’Age: Is a Ambré or Tuilé which is stored for a minimum of five years.
Rancio: With the elderly a wine can be named “Rancio”. It is therefore an extraxified wine, which is stored for some twenty years.
So I think I can expect some nuts, coffee, (red) fruits, cocoa and tobacco from the wine together with some oak that comes from the casks.
The vanilla and spice influences should be low depending in how long the first fill casking lasted. Is there some information to be found how long the previous fill was in the Rivesaltes cask? Actually thanks to the Transparency campaign by Compass Box and Bruichladdich we know Rivesaltes casks are used in the making of the Classic Laddie.
Classic Laddie 14/009
So we know that after 7 years in a 2nd Fill Sweet Red and White Hogshead the content was used. This does not give us to much information on how long it was filled at first fill though. I am guessing that the first maturation is shorter or equally long. Why am I saying that? The first fill gives more in less time, so if the second fill was good enough as a component part, the first fill was probably ok too at that age. Not very scientific I know ;)
We also know the John Evans’ Valinch was in a Rivesaltes Cask.
I found only one Tasting Note for this dram on Maltkanzlei facebook 
Google Translated to English it reads: (sorry for the odd translation)
The 24th single barrel from BRUICHLADDICH’s single Cask series, just like this year’s Feis Isle single Cask bottlings, is a Rivesaltes barrel. What else was Rivesaltes? In short, it is a strong, sprinkled, liqueur-like southern French sweet wine with a particularly high sugar content, regularly obtained from the extremely aromatic muscatel grape. Eye / nose: Golden apple juice. Handwarum is the malt and diligently breathed it also, the frame agrees. In the nose, I also notice the ‘John Evans’ first a Laddie’s rather unusual, youthful alcohol note. Ouch, that is powerful! Okay, 9 years maturity are not the world and he also has nearly 60% ABV, which must be tingling basically. Nevertheless, there are barrels in which the nose is still rounder under similar conditions. Regardless of the alcohol influences, malty sweetness and a certain fruitiness are unmistakable in the nose. Palate: “Rich and full with an exotic fruity note: grapefruit, papaya and mango. The sweetness is complemented by the intensity and power of this dessert wine.” Thus Rivesaltes is tasted in the net z.T. Described. And so it finds itself in the beginnings also in the whiskey again. Amazing potpourri with exotic hints. Very unusual for Bruichladdich, where in the new spirit you find more European fruits like apricots and mirabelles. The Rivesaltes converts the Brennereich character here interesting. I wonder if the fruit notes remind me of my exotic love of my hotly-liked old Bowmores or Glenglassaughs. Hmmmh … the wineiness of Laddie is very much different from the old heroes. But he is not bad. I feel it very much in waves. Sometimes great, sometimes more of medium kind and goodness. Finish / Conclusion: Amazingly long finish. Toward the end, the winey sweetness and fruitiness of the palate of an unexpected malice, somehow a bit bitter, reminds me of the wash at Laddie. Somehow crazy. Again a nice Valinch with interesting aromas, as it should be with a single Cask – if one likes just Rivesaltes. Otherwise I make it a bit difficult for me. Good, but not really outstanding whiskey among the crew Valinches.
Also a 2016 Feis Ile Bottle was matured in a Rivesaltes Cask. I find some notes on this dram on the whiskynotes.be site.
To quote the whiskynotes website.
Bruichladdich 9 yo 2006 ‘Islay Grown’ (61%, OB – Feis Ile 2016, Chalice barley – Dunlossit Farm, Rivesaltes cask #3304, 410 btl., 50cl) Nose: very malty and slightly lactic, on porridge and breakfast cereals with milk. A custardy note, but without the overdose of vanilla. Quite a lot of fruity notes underneath, like peaches and ripe melon with drizzles of honey. Hints of wet hay and yellow flowers. A soft sea breeze as well. Not entirely my style.
Mouth: very sweet and fruity now, with a thick texture. Lots of apricots in syrup, or poached butter pears – really beautiful. Almost a pear liqueur, alongside the big malty notes. Some vanilla and candied ginger. Also a greener note, something zesty. Greengages. Butter pastry.
Finish: drier, woodier now and not too long. This one had some spectacular elements (due to the Rivesaltes maybe) and a few quirky sides, which makes it difficult to score. Around € 90.
There has actually been a Rivesaltes matured Bruichladdich before this cask. The Octomore 6 Year Old 2008 (cask 5716) – Rivesaltes Cask (Rest & Be Thankful) (70cl, 64.1%)
I haven’t been able to find any notes. Sorry ;)
Cask #0022
Cask #0022 is a Ribera del Duero / Bourbon cask. Another Octomore that also is a Ribera del Duero / Bourbon cask is the Octomore 07.3. Notes on this dram can be read on the Bruichladdich website and many blogs. Feel free to download the notes here.
The 07.3 is 5 yo and this much younger than Cask #0022. Cask #0022 is 13 years old and would therefor be more oaky, more red fruity, more nutty, more vanilla-like, more spicy and less peaty. Also Pineapple, tobacco and leather would come in from the standard Bruichladdich distillate.
Octomore 07.3
Cask #4819
I am not predicting anything on the last cask. Thats because I think this will be a good dram. Bruichladdich and First Fill Bourbon goes well together. It may just be resembling the Octomore Futures II – The Beast /167 . I could not tell personally but who knows, maybe someone can.
  Octomore Futures II – The beast
  So to summarise. I found a whole lot of “similar” drams.
2010 Octomore cask – 4468, could be like 2008 Octomore, Rest and Be Thankful
2003 Octomore cask – 0022, could be like Octomore 07.3, only far more mature
2010 Octomore cask – 4819, could be like Octomore Futures II – The Beast.
Who knows! I know one thing! The online tasting is going to be friggin amazin! I am really really really looking forward to comparing the second and last.
  Bruichladdich Octomore #laddieMP6 What can we learn from the information given about the #laddiemp6 Octomore bottles without nosing and tasting them?
0 notes