#my momswap
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su-momswaup · 6 months ago
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salamander-crimes · 9 months ago
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kind of obsessed with my swap au peridot design
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kazi574 · 8 months ago
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AU Peridot without her limb enhancers. She's not short, but she still needs them.
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silverlining-ships · 2 months ago
I am actually so sick for Momswap Jasper
I rewatched the Momswap fake episode that came out a LONG time ago bc I'm considering trying to find a Jasper voice actor for something and. Fuck. Not only is it just really well written, but a maternal Jasper is EVERYTHING to me you don't understand. Like ofc my Jasper will always be my favorite, but. Getting to see this Gem who wouldn't even consider Steven as *dumbed down Rose Quartz* for 90% of the show's run, in a lens where Steven is the son of her commander and she would do ANYTHING for him. And wants him to become stronger. It MAKES ME SO SICK like AAAAAA
Plus the og Homeworld Gems is such a fascinating dynamic. I could talk about the dynamics of a Peridot/Lapis/Jasper team that was built under the hand of Rose Quartz for FOREVER.
And....... maternal Jasper......... Jasper who is still tormented by the loss of her commander, Jasper who is fond of the Earth, the place she had DESPISED, because of the rebellion she fought for, now trying to take up the mantle and lead the team.
It just. it makes me so sick. I love this character
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minijenn · 4 months ago
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Another commission, this time around a Stebel sketch dump for @616mcu who wanted various Stebel doodles across the various UF AUs. So we got our standard UF Stebel, some comedic tension in Reverse/Diamond, some cuteness in Rises/Momswap, adorable Swap vibes, and some cute Crystal Falls stuff. Gotta say while Stebel isn't my top MK ship (Stedip owns my whole ass heart), these two are pretty precious imo
Commissions are CLOSED.
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saltypearl712 · 3 months ago
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Y’all I’m sorry this has been in my files for like 2 months now I completely forgot about it but finally went back and finished it !!
Finally remembered because I noticed my Steven Universe content is getting attention again
Anyways I call it the Crystal Shift au! ❤️🩷🩵💜
It’s an idea I had a few years back kinda like the iconic Momswap aus
The idea is that it shifts the gems Rose and Pearl ended up with, (hence the name) so rather then Garnet and Amethyst events change and they end with Bismuth and Spinel! (I also had a version with Jasper instead of Bismuth that’d be fun to explore too)
Also Transparent version and Lineup below
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toomooth · 1 year ago
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momswap has me by the throat
(im not super familiar with what designs i wanna go with for my own personal projects so bare w the designs)
(also i did the first two pages like 4 months ago lol)
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twiniverse · 10 months ago
I noticed the temple fusion appears in the Iolite episode. Do you have a name and a full design for her?
For now I'm just calling her Obsidian. She *does* technically have a full design but only as a Temple right now lol. I do have to actually get around to fully designing her.
Actually, she was originally designed as a standard Momswap Temple (I've often mentioned that I was originally going to do the og Homeworld Trio).
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You'll notice Pearl is in here, too. The original intention was that Pearl, at some point, had to be poofed because she went a little whacko. Her Gem was actually stored in the Temple's Pearl and she would have been released during an Earthquake or something that would have broken the Temple's Pearl. It was kind of a strange mix of Black Pearl, Bismuth, and Spinel.
That story has long since been abandoned though. Now Ruby and Amethyst have been added and Jasper was removed. The bottom pair of arms has also been swapped, and the position of the sword will be different in Twiniverse, too.
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(Note, when Iolite mentions the Temple being different she's referring mostly to the addition of the house, but that wasn't really made clear in the comic. Originally it was going to be a gif transitioning between past and present versions of the Temple... but like many other earlier comics I just couldn't be bothered. This is one instance of my original intention to include gifs in the comic much earlier than I started doing so)
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 6 months ago
Since Miraculous Ladybug is becoming for more mature audiences it should split povs between Marinette and Adrien. Its upsetting how Adrien has such a main character backstory yet he's not apart of it or a major character in the show even though he feels like it. It feels like he should be Marinette's costar but he's treated as some guy most of the time. I get that Marinette's the main character but still Adrien feels so wasted on. Honestly he kinda reminds me of Steven Universe. Dead mom, complex with not being entirely human, well meaning but absent dad(Gabriel's hearts was in the right place but just went down hill). Like when Adrien finds out about the whole sentimonster thing imagine the identity crisis he's gonna have. I also wonder what they're gonna do with Emilie. She's not dead anymore and she was the driving force for why Gabriel did what he did. I wonder if she's gonna be a good mom or if the fan theories are right and she's just as bad if not worse then Gabriel. Rose haunted the narrative because she was so important if it wasn't for her and her actions we probably wouldn't even have Steven Universe or the many momswap aus. But after Gabriel got all the Miraculouses Emilie felt kinda of forgotten and last minute when she was talked about.
Are there any other shows that you sometimes compare Miraculous too?
I don't think that Miraculous is aiming at more mature audiences now unless there was some announcement that I missed? If anything, I'm expecting season six to tone things back down because I'm guessing that it's going to be a soft reboot. New main villain, new animation style, new school, the signs are all there.
Shows rarely ever change their target audience like that. It's just too risky a move. You have to redo the marketing and somehow convey to parents that the show is no longer safe for their child as it's aimed at teens now. But anyone who wants a more serious show for teens isn't going to want to sit through the first five seasons which were not written like a serious show for teens, so the audience for this would be the small subsection of viewers who want to watch their childhood favorite get more serious.
While that's certainly a demographic, it's not the massive one you get when you stick to anyone ages five-and-up. Since five-and-up is also where the toy sales are and Miraculous has a lot of tie-in toys, it would be pretty wild if they abandoned that demographic at this point. I dug up an old tweet that I remembered seeing to give my warning some extra backing. For full context, this was in reply to a tweet asking if the writers consider the teen audience when writing the show:
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[Image description: a tweet from the show's head writer reading "they are not the primary audience. The main target is kids 5 to 12 max. It doesn't mean we don't consider older audiences. But it means that whatever we write must not leave the kids behind."]
This tweet is admittedly over two years old and anything is technically possible, but I would strongly caution you against having expectations for more serious content unless you know something that I don't. The show was originally sold as to investors, distributors, and so on as a kids show and, unless they were able to renegotiate those agreements, it's going to stay a kids show.
I'd also caution you against assuming that Emilie is alive. I thought that was where the show went, too, but statements from the writers have made it pretty clear that Emilie is well and truly dead, which further supports my soft reboot theory. Bringing her back means a stronger tie to the previous seasons and you don't want that for a soft reboot.
Please don't read this as me praising that writing choice! I think it was stupid as hell to magically bring back Nathalie while killing off Emilie. They were both dying and only one of them is a domestic terrorist who actively chose death by knowingly using the broken Miraculous. The other is a Good And Pure Soul Who Was Too Perfect For This Cruel World (or, at least, that's what the show seems to want us to think). Plus, if you're going to use the wish, do something big! Change the status quo! But that's not how formula shows work so they probably couldn't do that.
Quick side note: this is my best guess as to why the leaked scripts indicated that Emilie was going to come back when season five ended the show. Series finales are usually allowed include elements that would ruin the formula if the show continued because the show isn't continuing. Season finales are not allowed to do that because the next season needs to stick to the same formula. When season five went from end-of-show to a mere end-of-season, that probably signed Emilie's death warrant. Sorry Adrien, no happy ending for you! Hope you like being an orphan!
Moving on!
In my opinion, it feels like they only used the wish to let Gabriel die and get rid of Emilie without it being too traumatic for the indented audience, but it's still basically a murder suicide being treated as a happy ending which is wild! At least it was a pretty one where the murderer and his victim ascended into the light?
We admittedly might see larger impacts from the wish next season as we don't explicitly know what the wish was, but have they ever let a season finale lead to something interesting? Not really, so I don't see why that would change now. I'm not even sure if Adrien's sentistatus is going to come up again. It should, but it may also just fizzle out because the writers don't know how to deal with it. The sentimonster thing is not the kind of plot point that you can handle in 20 minutes, especially when you have to include some sort of akuma fight, too. Bringing up the sentistuff would also complicate a soft reboot so, yeah, I have no idea if they're ever going to touch it again.
As far as recs for shows like Miraculous go, I'm afraid that you'll have to be a little more specific about what you're looking for because Miraculous is trying and failing to be a lot of things. If you want a duo show with a lot of banter, a badass female lead, and a goofy-but-narratively-important male lead, then I'd point to Kim Possible. If you want a team show with romantic undertones, then Teen Titans is a good pick. If you want identity shenanigans, magic, and romance, then American Dragon Jake Long might be worth checking out in spite of the very dated slang, though fair warning that one is enemies to lovers. It's done in a very fun way, but it's not a partner show like Miraculous kind of is and the romance is also not the main focus.
Part of the reason I was drawn to Miraculous is that shows about superheroes don't tend to have a strong romance element to them, so there aren't a ton of options for me to give you when it come to shows that fill a similar niche. However, if you're willing to go into the realms of fanfic, then you've got a wealth of options. Pretty much any property with secret identities will have fics about identity shenanigan romances. Love squares are nothing new. I've been reading them for years! I basically watched Twelfth Night when I was about eight and never looked back. Identity shenanigans or bust!
People will even bring them into fandoms that don't have any secret identities because identity shenanigans are really fun to play with! They make for some of the best romances. I'm sure that you can also find them in novels, but it's not something I've seen a lot of, so I mostly stick to fanfic for my identity shenanigan needs. That's where almost all my recs are from.
Should I do a fanfic plug to demonstrate what I mean? Yeah, why not. This baby deserves more readers and, if you like Miraculous, then you'll probably love this. (Seriously, if you read it, feel free to come talk to me about it. It's so good and also proof that I really am drawn to very specific tropes. What can I say other than I know what I like?)
We Didn't Start The Fire by ohhgingersnaps
Ava is all burned out, literally— she’s an exhausted JojaCo employee by daylight, and pyrokinetic superhero The Phoenix by moonlight, until she accidentally starts a fire at work and has to blame it on her superpowered alter-ego to avoid being discovered. The Phoenix is forced into early retirement, and with nothing else to lose, Ava moves to her grandfather’s old farm for a new start. Between restoring the farm, resolutely bottling all of her feelings, and trying to keep her powers under wraps, Ava has a lot on her plate. She’ll figure it out. Eventually. She hopes. Meanwhile, the hacker Memento, Phoenix’s good friend and confidant, is left to pick up the pieces alone after her sudden disappearance. He’s fully convinced that she didn’t start the fire, and he’s determined to discover the truth and clear her name... As long as he doesn’t fall for the pretty new farmer down the road, first. Part superhero AU, part mental health recovery arc, and part rom-com, topped with a generous serving of secret identity love square shenanigans, hurt/comfort, shameless flirting and banter, and dramatic irony.
I've mentioned before that I don't like OC main characters. Video games are the one exception to that rule. I'm really not big on reader inserts (no judgement, just personal preference), so when I read fanfic for a video game with a self-insert type main character, I'm looking to read about people's fully developed OCs, but I also want a good deal of the focus to be on the game's characters as they're the only reason I'm looking for stuff to read. That's what this fic is and I love it!
I also wouldn't normally rec fanfic for properties outside of Miraculous since this is specifically a Miraculous blog, but this is Stardew Valley fanfic, which is why I picked it over fic from other, more complex properties. If you don't know that game, it's a farming sim whose cast is developed enough for you to get attached to them, but who don't have a ton of depth, so you can read this sucker without having touched the game because there's no deep lore here. The game dev is apparently pretty open about the fact that he kept lots of things about the characters ambiguous so you could read things like their relationships and ages in whatever way makes you happy. Only prep work I might recommend is reading the character summaries from the game's wiki and you'd only need to do that for the named characters.
As I said above, fics like this are where I get my more-serious-story-with-identity-shenanigan-included itch scratched and are what I'd recommend looking for in either fanfic or original fiction form if that's what you like as TV shows just don't seem to have this kind of content, probably because TV shows often draw plot lines out to maximize views while novel-style stories generally have a clear end goal, which is why it can be hard for TV romances to feel satisfying. However, there are certainly a ton of TV shows that I haven't watched, so if anyone has recs for anon, then feel free to drop a comment or give this a reblog with your rec list.
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wizling · 7 months ago
Hi, sorry I was going through your art tags and I've just gotta ask - what's the momswap au? it seems really neat!
hi, thank you for reading my blog!
I'm going back about a decade here but i will do my best to answer: it was a very loosely defined project to swap the stable parent of the awakening future kids to imagine how their lives would've been different that because I am who I am mostly exists as cynigowain shipping art. (cynigowain is VERY real in momswap and it's important)
for example, Nah in momswap au is Miriel's daughter. while Laurent is interested in extending and understanding Miriel's work by using scientific principles, Nah will only do the experiments her mother recorded exactly as they were written in her book, and really struggles when she finds out that Miriel was kind of making things up as she went along. Nah's coping method was to deify a loose collection of notes and believe it revealed a truth about the universe because Nah is kind of a teacher's pet at heart and she needed to believe that Miriel's notebook had some kind of authority because she didn't have Miriel around to teach her anything directly
Inigo in momswap is Cordelia's son, and he carries a lot of resentment towards his mother because she made everything look effortless while he had to try and still couldn't do what she did. while Olivia shared his shyness and insecurity and could commiserate and try to help him with it, Cordelia can't understand it at all, and is equally frustrated that her future son is a lazy useless flirt with no ambition.
Momswap Cynthia is Panne's daughter and she's reached the mistaken conclusion that because she's made it this far she won't ever die, because she's special. Panne is struggling to find a starting point for the reality check.
Owain as Nowi's son has all his chuuni suspicions confirmed and he's insufferable for it. he's disappointed that even after time travelling he can't find out much more about their great and noble dragon lineage and that his mother mostly wants to have fun instead of brood about their (obviously incredibly important) destiny
I had a full list of who went where at some point but all I can remember is that Kjelle was Chrom's daughter (which kind of worked, except Lucina is a very patient person who just doesn't like other women and Kjelle has no patience and hates all men), Laurent was Tharja's son/lab tech, Sumia had Noire i think? Noire had a lovely childhood at least
if i find the list it would be a fun project to draw them all out.....
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 9 months ago
Actually I don’t feel bad for what I did on DA. And there’s a good reason for that.
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Well I may be controversial for causing drama for everyone to hate one me, And they blame me for a certain user they making a certain user leave this site which they know and Miss her and I know her too, SIKE!!!!! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!! DO I MISS HER?!?! HELL NO!!! Because there’s a good reason why I made her leave, what, does that make me the hero? Or still the villian today?
I honestly wanted to vomit after reading this, I can’t believe this is the WORST FAKE FRIEND I EVER ENCOUNTERED!!!!!!!! LIKE WTF, I STARTED A FUCKING DRAMA WHICH MADE HER LEAVE AND NOW EVERYONE HATES HER (even I do) FOR MAKING A NSFW ROLEPLAY!?!?!? And to make things worse, literally everyone saw and me the whole thing by LA scrapping one of her OC’s Moon the Bunny just to avoid criticism, LIKE WTF GIRL!!!! We See It, I see It, Even the roaches on my cabinet see it. And by saying this, I am the reason I made LACollie Leave Deviantart, Which Honestly I find it pretty funny now everyone hates her and let’s be a little honest here everyone, We all know that the best user of DA is a true villian and by saying this, I think I may have warned everyone about this by making my death hoax, but still I’m ain’t no saint and I’m pretty surprised and somewhat proud for what I did, I’ve never felt THIS evil before, or better, Super Evil! You can call me the Evil Queen Bitch or The Demon Child. because I feel like calling everyone a bunch of swear words from my dirty mouth, Also I think I need some outfits for everyone, Since I’m felling super evil after what I did and proud of what I’ve done, And if @momswapped was there . . . . . . OH get a load of ass and barnacles because IM SUPER EVIL!!!! LIKE IM SO EVIL NOW!!!!!
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salamander-crimes · 9 months ago
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swap au lapis :3
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kazi574 · 9 months ago
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My MomSwap AU Connie. now with colour
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silverlining-ships · 2 months ago
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whoever was the anon that suggested my sona be the "mystery girl" of the momswap universe. you are my best friend now.
just some silly doodles heavily based on the screencaps for this episode. I really do truly love momswap au - I think it puts the homeworld gems in such an interesting spot character development wise, and I love trying to incorporate all of the main story bits they have in canon to their momswapped selves. it's an au I would love to explore a bit more!!
also, respectfully, seeing Jasper do anything human like drive a car is so attractive .......... I'm normal
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komorebigold · 2 months ago
Ah yes. My Steven Universe momswap AU comics. Am I cringe enough yet for you? I've had students that know about these... nerds.
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More Stevonnie! This time with the Momswap AU. I borrowed Facet-5′s designs for this. Mostly… I suck at backgrounds.
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minijenn · 6 months ago
I loved the latest chapter, Miss Jen! It was nice to use "gnomes" to decrypt the message, and it brought a wave of nostalgia for the origins of the Mystery Kids that I sort of did in Momswap Rises. The execution and theme of trust were done beautifully, and I'm looking forward to how the events of Gem Glow will turn out in the new UF. What would you say was your favorite moment to write in the chapter?
Thanks! Honestly my favorite part was just having the kids all meet each other. The initial interactions between Steven and Dipper and then Connie and Mabel especially were a lot of fun since they’re the two most starkly contrasting pairs betweeen the MK I figured why not bring them together first out of everyone?
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