#my mom walked in the room while I read it (we both saw the movie together in spanish) and she agreed
kuramirocket · 12 days
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What is this book even talking about? Mario never offered to help Peach save the Mushroom Kingdom in the film. If anything he practically demanded that she help him find Luigi.
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"Make fun of me all you want, but you are going to help me find my brother...please."
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He added the last part, 'please,' when he saw her reaction and probably realized he should be more respectful to someone he was asking for help. Lol.
Mario only wanted to accompany Peach because she was going to try and stop Bowser who he was told is evil and likely already captured Luigi.
Mario's priority throughout the entire film was finding and rescuing Luigi. His brother was his number one motivator in everything and what kept him going and what made him fight Donkey Kong in the ring.
Don't get me wrong. Mario is nice and cares about others and he did help save the MK. He's not going to let people just be hurt, ofc, but again, his priority and thoughts were always towards Luigi from the start.
Anyways, just me reading a book geared towards very young audiences and being like 'actually no.' Lol
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enchantedbarnes · 2 years
Uncle Buck Returns
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: Our little menace of a nephew has secured a date for you. Here is part 2 to Uncle Buck.
Word Count: 1401
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: what in the actual f👀 is going on 😅 I was expecting maybe 10 or so people to read Uncle Buck. My notifications haven't stopped going off since I posted. Thank you so much everyone that read it and enjoyed it. I hope you also enjoy this little continuation. P.S. GIF replies are my love language so if you enjoy send me your best (or worst 😈) 🫶
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As soon as the pair return home and walk through the front door, Benji skips his way in shouting, "MAWWAGE! MAWWAGE IS WHAT BWINGS US TOGEVAH TODAYYYY!" Arms high above him as he rushes through the living room in search of his parents.
"Benji, please don't make me regret letting you watch my favorite movie," you sigh, flopping onto the couch, hands covering your face.
He stops short and looks back at you, "Have you the wing?" He bows and giggles, then turns back around to continue on with his search.
"You're back!" Your sister shouts while she snatches Benji up into her arms, covering the small boy in kisses. "Did you have so much fun with Auntie today? Why are we shouting Princess Bride quotes?" She gasps, "Did you get to meet the dread pirate Roberts??"
Benji looks up at her in confusion, "What? No Mom, we saw Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson! And guess WHAT!"
"Ohhh, what?!"
He whispers into her ear and throws his head back laughing like a tiny evil madman.
"You did what???!" She laughs.
You groan from the couch.
She walks both of them over to you.
"Did I understand him correctly, is there something we should know? Are you betrothed to a super soldier?"
"I'm gonna go throw up," you groan again.
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Sweating doesn't even begin to cover it.
Your entire body feels like it's on fire.
You agreed to meet Bucky for a late lunch the following day. You've been sitting on the floor by your closet for what you thought was 30 minutes now, staring into the clothing abyss, spiraling into an internal panic.
You don't go on dates. You keep to yourself. It's comfortable. Living in a combined household with your sister and her small family you're certainly never alone.
What are you even supposed to talk about?
Your current job is nothing super exciting to talk about. You do like to go to concerts and musicals... However you can't really imagine the 106-year-old super soldier going to a pop punk or metal show, nor do you imagine him attending Wicked 3 times. Note to self: do not bring up Rogers the musical. Yikes.
Your sister has already talked you off a ledge 3 times since last night when you got home.
While still wallowing in self pity and loathing, two outfits are scattered by you and you have three more in your arms.
Your sister walks by your open door and backtracks peering in.
"Y/n," she sighs, "just wear the first outfit. You'll look great, I promise." She walks over and grabs the armful of clothes from you, dumping them on the bed and grabbing the first outfit. Your favorite pair of black jeans and a sweater you bought specifically because it was so damn soft.
The doorbell rings and your eyes widen. "He's early?!"
"He's on time, you would have noticed if you weren't staring into space for the last hour."
"Don't worry we'll keep him distracted while you finish getting ready."
"Oh sure, don't worry. That fills me with all the confidence..."
"Benji has already asked him to marry you, what's the worst that could happen now?"
"I don't even want to think about the answer to that. So many possibilities come to mind."
You grab your outfit and start rushing around.
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"Can I get you something to drink, Bucky?" Your sister asks while she moves about the room.
Bucky and Benji are seated at the kitchen table, just off from the living room. Benji is across from him with his tiny arms crossed on the table, and a very serious look on his face.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"Ok, I'm sure she'll be down in just a moment. Make yourself at home. Hopefully we will see you around again soon," she smiles, "I'm just gonna go switch the laundry over quickly. Benji," she looks down at him while pointing two fingers at her eyes and then over to him, "behave yourself," she warns while leaving the room.
The table stare down continues.
"Where do you live?" Benji asks.
"In the city," Bucky answers.
"You have a house?" Benji fires back.
"Own or rent?"
"Where’s your office?"
"I don’t have one."
"How come?"
"I don’t need one."
"Where’s your wife?"
"Don’t have one.."
"Yet," Benji squints with a tiny smirk, "but how come?"
"It's a long story."
"You have kids?"
"No I don’t."
"How come?"
"It's an even longer story."
"Do you prefer dogs or cats?"
"Both are fine."
"Do you have one?"
"I have a cat. Names Alpine."
"Is Steve Rogers really on the moon?"
"What's your record for consecutive questions asked?"
"He's up there all right." Bucky answers with a nod.
"Your metal arm and regular arm match well with how ginormous your muscles are."
"How nice of you to notice."
"I’m a kid, that’s my job."
Bucky raises a brow, "Why am I getting the 3rd degree here?"
"Just checking in on my investments. If this didn't work I was going to ask our neighbor Frank, but he kind of sucks," Benji shrugs his shoulders.
Before Bucky can question the language and what the 8-year-old said, you walk into the kitchen and quickly look back and forth between the two of them.
"Oh no, how long have you two been alone in here?? What did he say?" You ask Bucky, looking over at Benji quickly after, "What did you say??" Your eyes narrow.
Benji grins and holds your purse up for you. "Have fun storming the castle," he cheekily smiles with that glint in his eyes.
"Benji," you glare down at him.
Bucky clears his throat while standing up from the table. Walking over to you he points to a small bouquet of flowers that were already in a vase waiting on the kitchen table, "Um, these are for you…" he smiles.
"Thank you so much, they're beautiful," your reply is breathless while you look at the arrangement filled with a small mix of your favorites.
"He also gave me this," Benji holds up an RC truck with a Captain America shield painted on the side.
"That was very nice of him, did you say thank you?"
"Duh," he rolled his eyes while grabbing the remote to the car and rolling it out to the living room, "Thanks Future-Uncle Bucky," he grins and chases after it.
"Anyone ever tell you guys he's kind of a strange kid?" Bucky whispers conspiratorially while offering his arm to you.
You throw your head back with a quick laugh. "Oh, you have no idea."
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Your date is going better than you expected.
You have managed to not make a complete fool out of yourself so far and both of you seemed to be enjoying your time together.
You have apologized multiple times for Benji's antics.
Bucky laughs, "He reminds me a bit of a young Steve and my sister Rebecca combined. Didn't realize that combo was possible, it's a little terrifying. I hope they have great medical insurance," he jokes.
"His father's a nurse, so we have in-house medical on demand. My sister tried to convince me to go to law school so someone can represent him when he undoubtedly tries to take over the world. Guess I can save some money and time on law school now that we have a super soldier plus a Captain America connection that can potentially stop him before lawyers need to be involved."
"Your sister already welcomed me to the family when she opened the door to let me in," he smirks.
You put your face in your hands, elbows leaning against the table in support.
"Well now you know where her small menace gets it from."
Bucky helps pull your chair out for you as you're both about to leave. As you stand up your purse falls off the back of your chair, spilling some of its contents on the floor when it lands.
Bucky ducks down to help collect your things when something shiny appears next to your chapstick. His eyebrows furrow as he picks both up and holds them up to you.
You let out a slightly strangled cough as you realize what he's holding up to you.
Bucky Barnes was kneeling holding up your peppermint chapstick and your Grandmother's opal ring that was supposed to be safely in your jewelry box at home.
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Next: Part 3 Lord of the Pins
@pono-pura-vida @bitchy-bi-trash @random-writer-23 @jvanilly @clintsupremacy @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction
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catwrites9 · 3 months
I saw you wanted request. You can choose either Tara or Sam. T or S break up with Reader to protect them during the Ghostface attacks but then they realize it was a mistake and not helping so they try to get R back
It’s A Bad Idea, Right?
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
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Warning: Violence, cussing, not proof read, change of pov, a bit of angst but a happy ending, idk what else
W/N: IM BACK GUYS, I’m rn just finishing my old asks and then I’m going to work on new things and get back into writing I’m happy to be back.
It starts off like any other day, you go to your classes, see your friends but something’s off. Tara’s acting weird the whole time, even when you try to ask her how she is or what’s wrong she just says she’s fine…. It’s now night time in New York and a perfect Thursday night for the weekly horror night. You get dressed and start heading to the apartment. But the whole time you feel like your being watched. The dread fill your stomach like it always use to. Your mom then calls you, this can’t be good.
Tara’s pov
“I just can’t let her be in danger because of me” I said to the group. Ghostface is back and I can’t let just let my girlfriend get hurt because of it.
“Tara this has to be the stupidest idea you’ve ever came up with, she’s been nothing but the best girlfriend to you and I mean she was able to protect herself against the random frat guy I mean come on be a big girl and just tell her what’s happening and give her the choice to leave”Mindy said annoyingly while trying to find a movie
“I just think it’s the best option so that she stays as far away from me” This has to be the best choice right.
“For once I think I’ll have to agree with Mindy even though I was skeptical of your girlfriend at first it’s just going to put her more in risk by leaving her alone” Sam said
“Then what after, after you break her heart you’ll just beat ghost face and go back to her like nothing” I stayed silent at Mindy’s words.
There’s a knock at the door….
Your pov
I knocked and waited for a response as Chad opened it hugging you but as you entered the apartment the air was tense. Something is wrong.
“Hey guys, what movie are we watching?” You said trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey, can I talk to you really quickly?” Tara said, her body language was off.
“Yeah” You walked towards her room with her.
She shut the door”We need to break up”
“We have to break up, I'm sorry”We both start tearing up.
“What do you mean Tara, why”
“We have to break up it’s for our own good”
“What did I do Tara, what, why why are you doing this”
“IT JUST FOR OUR OWN GOOD”She yelled at you everything getting silent the chatter in the living room stoping.”DAMN IT LISTEN IT'S FOR OUR OWN GOOD”
“why..” I said almost as a whisper, she thought for a moment while crying.
“BECAUSE I DONT LOVE YOU” she yelled. The shock of the moment as even the cars outside went silent. You broke down into tears as you rush out the house everyone having a sympathetic look as Mindy, Sam, and Anika all had the saddest looks and Chad started heading towards Tara’s room.
Tara’s pov
I stayed in my room. why did I say that. I do love her, what’s wrong with me. Chad entered to comfort me but I wasn’t having any of it. I entered the living room just wanting to find my Keyes to leave the house.
“Your not leaving Tara” Sam said while holding up my keys.
“Wtf Tara” Anika said looking back at me from the kitchen table.
“What come on guys I did my plan she’ll be save now and she can’t be hurt by me anymore.”
“Tara that was the stupidest idea even you know you’ll never have her back ever again” Anika yelled getting up from the couch.
“Tara” “Not now Sam” “No you know what I’m done with this gentle parenting thing what the fuck where you thinking I mean she was the best thing for you and even you you break it off now she’s still has a chance of getting chased by ghost face because she was already seen with you Tara”
“No…. She’ll go back home probably to see her mom”
“How do you know that Tara” Sam made the best point how do I know that ghostface will just not follow her.
“It’s a bad idea,right? Right Tara I mean she’s now alone and vonerable to ghost face” I stayed silent as everyone left.
Your pov
You couldn’t understand what you did wrong. She didn’t love me?? You went into your bed and cried. The outfit you wore to her house still on you with the memories with what happend that night forever reambered with what was suppose to be a normal movie night. You cried for what felt like house until your phone rang with a no caller id. fuck… You ansered it know who was going to be on the other line.
“Would you like to play a game it’s called Sam or Tara” The voice you dreaded the most Ghostface. You imideatly got up and ran through your door, knowing you only lived just a block from Tara.
“What do you want from me”
“To Pick Sam or Tara”
“What if I don’t”
“Then they both die, a lose lose. Come on this should be easy for your ex or Sam, such a near and dear friend of yours that knows your secret.” Your heart dropped. How does ghost face know that? You heard cry’s of them both.
“What if I give up Myself”
“It doesn't work like that”
“Think of it you leave Sam and Tara and you get me and that will then lead some people into New York and they’ll fall into your trap”
“Tempting but no” you climbed up the stairs to their house running to their door which is open.
“You have 5 seconds”
“Times up”
Ghostface stabs Sam, while not realizing you hung up the phone they go for a stab to Tara as you tackled Ghostface. Being able to stun them and you got up and flipped the table on them. You grabbed a pocket knife from Sam and cut her hands and you go for Tara but being tacked back from Ghostface. Sam tries to uncut Tara’s hands and Ghostface punches you multiple times each blow making you more light headed. You grab a book from beside you as you smash it against their head making almost a gunshot like noise. You got up holding your head as your hearing slowly came back. You see the sisters yelling and pointing. At that moment you felt a knife through your shoulder as you looked to your left and saw the ghost face getting up. There’s two of them great.
The second Ghostface digs the knife into you, twisting it. The sharp pain subsides as the adrenaline takes over your body seeing the first ghost face going towards the sisters. You elbow the Ghostface behind you in the ribs as they hunch down in pain as you push all your strength into hitting their head on the wall next to you, knocking them out. You shoulder check the other one over the couch as the sisters help you push it over them. You run out the apartment together as you all run down the stairs into the cops.
Now in the hospital you and Sam are right next to each other, Sam being in worse condition than you, as Tara is sitting on the chair in front of you as the group is outside due to only family being able to come in.
“I’m sorry” it was all Tara said as you looked confused.”I do love you I mean fuck I love you with all my heart I’m so sorry for what I said I was just trying to protect you from this whole situation”
“Tara it’s ok I get it, I’ve done it before, I just wish you told me why so I could have explained everything I already know what was happening.”
“What do you mean” before you could get a word of my mom walks in Sydney Prescott though she isn’t your real mom she stepped in after both your parents were killed from ghost face.
“Mom, you shouldn’t be here Ghostface can get you” You said said while hugging her
“Your moms Sydney Prescott” Tara said while drawing your attention back to her.
“Yes Tara, this is why I wish you would have told me no matter what I would have been included, especially with my mom, and that’s the secret ghost face we were talking about. And yeah Sam already knew because of that whole interrogation she did to me when we first were dating.”
As time passed Sam went in to undergo surgery as it’s only you and Tara left as your mom went to stay with Sam.
“I’m so sorry I should have told you”
“It’s fine Tara really and I mean if your ok with it we can get back together, really I understand what you were thinking I’ve thought the same”
“Yes, will you Tara carpenter be my girlfriend”
“Of course” you kissed as if nothing ever happened.
“Does this mean that we have to change our anniversary”
“I don’t know hopefully no I can’t remember dates well”
“Tara, shut up” you said while kissing her again.
A/N Hope fully you guys liked this give me any feed back and also I’m open to requests from people from my masterlist.
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ribread03 · 20 days
Letter Home
M. Sturniolo
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When Matt finds a letter you are writing home about him…
Warnings: making out
Ri.talks: this has to be one of my favorite things I’ve written ever! I love the song that goes with it and i even use some of it in the letter that y/n is writing! The word could is a heavy 1.1k 🤭
Also please listen to the song if you don’t know it! The letter will make a lot more sense if you do!
You are sitting at your desk with a pen and piece of paper. You are currently writing a letter home to your mom and dad about your new boyfriend, Matt. Talking about his looks and how he treats you like your are queen.
“Hi Mama,
I met this really sweet guy here in Boston, his name is Matt. Daddy might not like his job, he’s a YouTuber with his TRIPLET brothers. They are both really nice, their names are Nick and Chris. They always have me over for movie nights and just to hang out.
Matt has the prettiest blue eyes. Daddy will like the fact that he opens the door for me any where, the car door, the front door, doors to gas stations, every door you could imagine. He always makes sure that I’m happy and never gives me a reason to cry. He always finds an excuse to spoil me, whether it be getting my favorite take out or buying me a new stuffed animal; you know how much i love my stuffies he loves his the same!
He feels like the right person, my forever. He’s not where we are from but he is everything I could ever need.
He’s recently gotten me to wear Celtics green, it’s his favorite basketball team. I always cheer when he does even tho I don’t watch many sports, I still like to be there with him.
I love you mama,
Y/N <3”
You’re pulled from your thoughts by a knock on your front door. You know it’s Matt, the two of you were going to have a movie night. Getting up from your desk, you quickly make it to the front door opening it for Matt.
“Hi Matt” you say with a warm smile, stepping aside to let Matt in. He is quick to pull into a warm embrace once he is in the door, swaying gently as his arms wrap around your torso tightly.
“Hi,” he says softly as he pulls away from you, a smile on his lips. The two of you walk side by side to your room, hands brushing slightly as you walk.
You don’t stop at your bedroom door, you continue walking to the bathroom. “I have to pee then I’ll be right in,” you say opening the bathroom door and disappearing into it.
Matts POV
I watched as y/n walked past her bedroom door and towards the bathroom. Her voice floats through the air as she tells me she will only be a minute. I step into her room quickly glancing around and finding some of the new little pieces of decor she’s placed in it since I’ve last been in it.
My eyes follow the walls to her desk that is right next to me. There is a piece of paper on it, something thats not normal there. Picking it up I flip it over, my curiosity getting the best of me.
I saw her handwriting, “a handwritten note,” I think to myself. Reading the note I come across my name, then Nick and Chris’s. Once I finish reading the some what personal note back to her mom and dad my heart flutters with love, feeling full of it. I go to place it back down on the desk the way I had found it, but not before she opened the door to her bedroom.
Back to Y/N
“Matt you weren’t supposed to see that!” You quickly say while grabbing the note and bringing it, the side with words to your chest. Butterfly’s filling your stomach as you look at Matt. Your cheeks flush at the thought that he had read what you wrote.
All Matt does and stare at you in what looks to be pure awe. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before speaking, “Y/N I- I don’t know what to say.” You can see the slight gloss in his eyes, “do you mean everything on that?” He points at the paper in your arms.
“Mhm” you hum out, nodding your head lightly; scared that if you talk to loud your voice might break. All of the sudden he smashes his lips on yours, you didn’t realize at first but once you did you started kissing him back. The only sound in the room is the wet sounds of your lips and teeth colliding, for the first time ever.
Matt pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva connecting them still. His forehead rest on yours as the two of you catch your breaths. Your heart is beating fast as you pant along with Matt. “Matt,” you whisper out, still catching your breath.
“You’re writing a letter home about me?” Matts voice breaks slightly, seeming to be surprised about the fact you are writing a letter home to your parents.
“Yeah,” you say with a soft smile. “When it’s something important to me I like to write home.” At your words Matt places another kiss on your lips, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks. This one is different than the first, this one is slower as if Matt’s trying to tell you he feels the same towards you; that your special to him to.
Matt breaks the kiss, leaving a few small pecks before he speaks. “That- Y/N, That means so much to me,” his voice is low. Matt kisses you softly again, smiling into the kiss as he does so.
You pull away from Matt, your forehead resting on his again, your breaths mingling. “You’re a good kisser,” you whisper out with a small giggle. Your arms go around his torso, bringing him closer to you.
“Yeah?” Matt whispers with a small smile on his face. You nod your head, your smile matching his.
“Yeah” you say matter a factly, letting out another soft laugh. “A very good kisser.” You place the letter back on your desk, face down just like it was before. You pull away from Matt for good this time, moving to sit on your bed.
“Good to know,” Matt says with a smile, walking towards the bed. He sits down next to you, scooting to be right at your side. You turn the TV on, clicking on Disney+ and scrolling to the Star Wars movies.
The two of you have been having movie nights two times a week since you started dating. Recently you’ve been working on the Star Wars movies, now on the third one. Clicking on the movie, the description starts to scroll on the screen, Matt has made it kinda his thing to read them to you.
You smile as his voice floats through the room, reading every word that slides across the screen. As the movie starts you snuggle closer to Matt’s side, your leg draping across both of his.
As the night continues both you and Matt start to drift asleep. In each other’s arms, the credits of the movie rolling on the TV as a soft snore leaves Matt’s lips. A smile still on your lips as you fall into a deeper sleep in Matt’s arms, the night coming to a quick end.
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leah-lover · 6 months
My mommy. Alessia russo x daughter! reader.
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Reader is jealous of her mother's pregnancy.
You loved your mama. 
Obviously everybody loves their mom but with you it was different. You wanted to be on her, near her and in her eye sight at all times. When you would wake up she was the first thing you thought about, and you wanted her to be the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes. Alessia loved you too, she loved your clinginess, your smile, your strawberry like smell, and laughter. 
Today started out like any other day. You woke up, washed your face, took your stuffed bear and headed to your mommies’s room. They were still asleep, tangled up in one another. You stood up at the foot of the bed and jumped on their sleeping bodies. 
“Honey I told you to stop doing that.”said you mommy half asleep. 
“Come here bear, I still want to snuggle.” Said your mama, Alessia, opening her arms for you. You always looked up to these moments with you and your mommies tangled up in bed. 
“We love you so much baby bear, you know that right.?.” Said your mom. You worry in her voice but you didn't give it much attention. 
“I love you too mommy.” You add.
Your mommy gets up to go make breakfast and you stay in bed with your mama. 
“We have a surprise for you baby bear today.” She says with the biggest smile on her face. “ We are gonna spend the day together at the park just you mommy and me.”she adds. 
“But mama no training today, no football?.”you ask. 
“No care bear, just you mommy and me at the park. Let's go get dressed then.” she says before picking you up and taking you to your room. 
Today was the best day in your recent memory. Mommy, mama and you went to an amusement park, a real park where you and Alessia played football. You had lunch at your favorite place, went to the mall and bought some new toys and ice cream. It was a perfect day. When you came back home all of you were tired. And just when you thought the fun ended Alessia turned the TV on and put on your favorite movie and you had a family doing along. After one of your performances you looked at your mommies only to see Alessia's hand on your mommy's belly. You knew what that meant. Ight mean that mommy was pregnant and that a new sibling was china come and share your mommies with you. You then felt your chest rise and tears built up on your eyes. 
“No.” You yelled. “ No, brother. No sister, just me, mommy, mama, and footy.” You say before storming off to the stairs.
Your mothers didn't expect this huge of a reaction but they still ran after you. 
“ Baby bear please calm down deep breaths my love is okay.” cooed Alessia rubbing your back. You couldn't control what was inside of you and you didn't know what it was you just wanted to cry. 
“It's okay baby we are your mommies we love you we always will.” Said your mommy. 
“No, mama mine. Mine alone.” You say stomping you get on the ground. 
“I am yours baby. I will always be yours and I will always love you, play with you and hang out with you baby.” says Alessia trying to get you to calm down. 
“Baby Olive sleep on aunt Beth. Don't want brother to sleep on you. I sleep on you.” You say referring to Beth and Viv's new born baby. 
It was clear that jealousy was the reason behind your outburst. “But baby Olive is so young she still needs her mommy to help her to sleep. You will sleep next to us if you want to.” says your mommy. 
You busy your face on Alessia's neck crying even more. “I only have one baby bear in this world that I love and that you. It will always be you. I  promise. I will love both of you so much.” says Alessia rubbing your back and giving you kisses all over your face. 
“ Are you okay now buddy.”says your mommy. 
“Think so,”you reply.
“Okay lessi is gonna give you a bath while I prepared your bed is that okay.” She asks. 
“Please bear pjs mommy.” You demand which is granted as your mommy gives you a kiss and walks past you 
About an hour later you find yourself in bed with both your mommies reading you a story. 
“It's okay mommy. I can have a brother. You will love me the same.” You say and put your hands on your mommy's tummy. 
This gesture brought some much needed heart warming Emeryville in the room. 
“Yes we will.” Says Alessia tucking you in bed before giving you a kiss before heading out of your room to let you sleep.
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nikka-v · 2 months
Chemistry- Pedro Pascal x fem! Reader smut
Summary: You are at winter holiday with your boyfriend Tom. But when you meet older man called Pedro, your whole life changes.
Warnings: nsfw, swearing?, smut, shower smut, oral (fem! receiving), age gap! (reader is in her 20s), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys), cheating, Pedro and Tom are not famous
Minors DNI, please!!
It is such a long time since I have written something. This is not proofread but I hope you will not find any big mistakes as English is not my first language. This imagine is based on my favourite movie and I just had to write it even though it took me really long time. Enjoy! 🤍
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You did not plan this. Cheating was never your option when you thought about it but let's be honest, your relationship with Tom was not exactly prospering as one would say. You liked him a lot, maybe a little bit of love was still in there but it was not as when you began. He was not a rich guy, but he was a nice, real gentleman and always supported you, no matter what but sometimes he was just a bit too much of a homebody but not in a bad way of course.
You first met him when you were nineteen through your friends. He immediately caught your eye and your friends managed to get you to hang out. Tom was working at this little bistro as a cook so it was a minimum wage job but he always managed to get you nice things or flowers and always thought about your future together, such as getting an apartment together or a little house. It lasted four years before you met Pedro, four years during which you loved Tom dearly, but it just was not meant to be, well at least that's what you told yourself that day when you first saw him.
Three years ago
It was only the second day of your long-awaited holiday in a Ski resort which was few hours from New York where you lived with your mom in an apartment. You first noticed the extremely charismatic man in the hotel restaurant where he was sitting just a few tables away from you with this charming smirk on his face. He was already looking at you and raised his glass a little as if he was cheering for you. Tom was just reading some article in the newspapers that the waitress gave him, he always preferred to read them on paper and not on his phone, so he was not paying you much attention which you definitely did not mind. The hot stranger waved at the waitress to bring him a bottle of champagne, opening it by himself and pretending that the cork fell on his head which made you laugh a little so you looked at Tom quickly who just looked up.
"I am happy that you think that it is a ridiculous price as well. Really, we would both have to find another job if we wanted a car like that," he said, thinking that you were laughing at the price of a new BMW car which was just released. You could not then look at the man again as Tom put down the newspapers and finished his coffee while talking to you about hitting the slopes later.
When you were leaving the restaurant you turned around quickly to smile at the stranger and before Tom could notice you turned to the exit, leaving the hottest man you've ever seen behind, hoping to see him again.
Your hopes did not take long to happen because when you went snowboarding, you saw him in a bar which was under one of the cableways, sitting in a lounger with a golden retriever right next to him, a glass of champagne in one hand and a book in the other one. But he noticed you immediately as well and as you discretely waved at him, he almost fell off the lounger because he wanted to wave back but you were already behind him.
That day you saw him once again as you went to your room with Tom from dinner. If you walked a little slower you would have missed him but luckily (for you, definitely not for Tom) he stopped the elevator to let you step in.
"We are good, we can wait for the next one," Tom said, frowning a little at the older man who had once again a cheeky grin on his face and his eyes were jumping between you and Tom.
"Okay then," he said, shrugging his shoulders a little and selecting his floor. You looked at Tom and then at the man, deciding if you should do something and after a quick thought, you caught the closing door to stop it.
"No, we will not wait. Floor six," you said resolutely and stepped inside, smelling a really nice cologne with a distant smell of cigarettes which worked together amazingly.
"Hello there." the man smiled at Tom, clearly with a provocative undertone but Tom was not easily provoked so he ignored it, or maybe he just did not hear it there.
"Good afternoon." he only said politely, ignoring his presence as much as he could. You, on the other hand, were not capable of ignoring him. He was standing just a few centimetres away from you, and you unknowingly brushed your shoulder over his.
"They definitely need to change the menu for the next days or I will start protesting. You in?" the man looked at you with a laugh, making you giggle as you quickly nodded.
"Of course, I will be your partner in crime. I am y/n." Tom almost invisibly shook his head but stayed quiet even when you shook the man's hand.
"Pedro," he said with a cheeky smile that rarely left his lips. You almost felt how tense Tom was behind you before the elevator stopped and you all stepped out, clearly having rooms nearby. Tom quickly walked towards the door of your room and you saw the man stopping in the room just next to you.
"Sleep well my partners in crime!" the stranger called to which Tom just rolled his eyes.
"Night," he murmured, just to be polite and disappeared into your room but you looked at the man once again.
"Bye." he planted a little kiss on the card from his room and waved it to you as if he was sending it to you which made your stomach drop a little.
"Goodbye, sir," you said, flirtation clearly detectable from your voice so you got inside with a little smile on your lips.
"That is such a weird man," Tom said as he laid on the bed and looked at his phone which he left there before.
"Come on, don't be rude, he was friendly and proper fun." you tried to be supportive of the stranger but the only reaction you got from Tom was him rolling his eyes and getting up to take a shower. You meanwhile changed into an oversized shirt in which you usually slept and jumped to the bed with a phone in your hand just to answer a message from your best friend who you quickly informed about the handsome stranger. You knew you could have trusted her with your life and that she would not tell Tom about your, at that time, silly little crush.
When Tom got out of the shower, you were already half asleep but he did not even care as he fell asleep without a word. That was not surprising, your relationship was not doing so well for some time and you rarely even touched each other.
The next morning you were rudely awakened by a church bell, 6 am was like midnight for you so it only made sense that you moaned out loud in frustration, well for you it made sense, for Tom it was annoying and he abruptly turned his back at you and hugged more his pillow.
"Why are you awake? Go to sleep," he murmured, making you frown.
"How can I when this is happening?" you sat up but the men next to you completely ignored your rhetorical question and fell asleep instead. You rolled your eyes, standing up and only in your oversized t-shirt and took one of the blankets to put it around yourself, walking out of the room to a small terrace, where you took a deep breath and rudely looked at the church. You stood there for like a minute before you looked at the next balcony where you saw the mystery man standing.
"Good morning." you smiled at him and leaned over the railing a little bit, almost as if you wanted to get closer to him even though there were like two meters between your balconies.
"Well, hello." he smiled at you and lightened up a cigarette.
"So I see that the bells also woke you up," you said with annoyance clearly detectable in your voice.
"Look I get it, they wanna praise God and love him but why don't they do it somehow differently? I work in an advertisement company, I get it that it may bring people to churches but why don't they choose a different method?" he said enthusiastically and made you laugh with that. "Billboards, social media posts or some spots on TV. Maybe even a hot air balloon that looks like Jesus, but ringing bells on Sunday morning, that is crazy!" he exaggerated and you knew he was just joking and it really made you laugh.
"So you work in an advertisement?" you asked after a few seconds of quiet, not letting the conversation stop.
"Yeah, I create slogans for companies," he said with cigarettes between his lips. Just as you wanted to say something back to him, you heard barking from his room. "Come on Luca, wait a minute, we will go." he looked into his room, talking with the dog that you saw sitting with him under the cableway. "Sorry, I have to go walk Luca."
You quickly turned around and looked to your room where Tom was still sleeping as if it was the middle of the night.
"Wait!" you whispered loudly and saw how the man looked from his room, curious about what you wanted. "Can I come with you?" you asked boldly, not knowing what to expect.
"Sure, of course." he smiled and before you knew it you were walking out of the hotel with him and his dog. Luca was jumping around you, clearly excited to be outside in the snow. "And, you are here alone?"
"Not completely, I am here with Luca." Luca barked as if he understood, making you smile lightly.
"I don't understand how can you be here just with a dog. I would be crying myself to sleep every day." it was nice, talking to someone who was not mad when you spoke what was on your mind.
"I mean, everyone is alone at the end when you think about it." the way he spoke, made you smile even though he said something so sad.
"And why are you here alone?" you didn't hesitate to ask, turning so you were walking in front of him but looking at him at the same time.
"Well, I broke up with my girlfriend. But I am not sad or mad about it, it was bound to happen from the start." he kneeled to hug Luca to probably show that he was okay with that all.
"I can't imagine being here without the partner that you were supposed to come here with," you said but kneeled as well to pet the golden retriever. It was so easy to speak to him, that is why you did not understand why after almost an hour of an amazing conversation he just disappeared for the next few days.
You were looking for him at his usual spot in the bar under cableway, in the restaurant during dinner but it was as if he vanished. It took you almost three days before you chose to try a different pub on the hill. That is where you found him, standing on the terrace with a glass of wine in his hand and Luca lying next to him. You stood next to him and just looked at him before looking away for a second.
"Where the hell have you been for those three days?" you asked, not caring if that was too bald, but honestly the chemistry between you was so readable during the walk that you just did not want to believe that he did not feel it.
Nothing. He stayed quiet and looked through his glass of wine before he drank a little. But you did not let that confuse you.
"I said, where have you been those three days?" you repeated with a cheeky little smile on your lips. Now he looked at you and took a deep breath before he spoke.
"Truthful or socially acceptable answer?" he asked, taking another sip from his glass and you really wanted to take the glass from him and drink as well to boost your confidence.
"Truthful, of course." your eyes were stuck on his lips as he answered.
"I was trying to avoid you." his voice was a bit raspy and it made you attracted to him even more. And you exactly knew why he tried to avoid you. He felt the same way. He had to. You just chuckled, not saying anything more because you were satisfied with the answer he gave you, you were happy to hear that your feelings were reciprocated.
That evening you got drunk with Tom in a small pub next to your hotel, maybe that was the reason why you were so confident. Tom went to the toilet, almost hitting a wall when he tried to walk through the door there because of all the vodka you guys drank and that's when you saw him. Pedro came inside, Luca as always right next to him and he was getting a bottle of wine to go.
"Please do you have a pen?" you asked a young waitress who just walked next to you. She handed you the pen and before she could ask you if you wanted a paper as well, you already started to write on a napkin your number and quickly started to walk towards Pedro. Luca was the first one to notice you and he welcomed you with his wagging tail.
"Hello." you stood close to Pedro with a grin on your face which clearly showed that you already drunk a little bit too much.
"Hello," he repeated after you and raised his eyebrows, clearly amused by you.
"What are you doing tomorrow evening around eleven?" you asked without thinking too much about it and gave him the napkin with your number.
"Why? You wanna invite me to a threesome?" he asked, laughing quietly, but he was curious about what you wanted to tell him.
"Call me on this number." he smiled and took the napkin to his hand.
"You should better return, he is coming back." Pedro nodded discreetly the way that Tom went before and you abruptly ran towards your table.
"Let's drink." you gave Tom a drink when he sat down and as you both drank, you looked at Pedro and winked at him.
And he really did call and it made you feel things that you've never felt before. You did not sleep together but even without that, it was the most intimate night you've ever had. It did not take long before you agreed to meet when you came back home to New York.
You were hyped, telling your best friend over the phone about the date but some little part of you was a bit resistant because of Tom. You were living apart, he was in a small rented flat and you lived with your mom who was always away for her work so it seemed like you lived alone. You were sure that Tom would not find out but still, your consciousness was alarming you about the possibility of Tom finding out.
Before you knew it, you were already sitting in the beautiful restaurant, sipping from a glass of red wine and talking with Pedro about everything that came to your mind. He was smart, gentlemanly, funny and all the things you wanted in a man.
"Oh god, I am doing this again," he said suddenly, looking into your eyes.
"What are you doing?" you asked, confused by what happened and sipped your wine.
"We are talking here freely, telling each other funny things and thoughts and we are completely avoiding mentioning Tom, just so we can pretend that there is not a potential unfaithfulness in the air." his explanation did not make you think about Tom too much, you were completely captivated by this man, wanting to risk it all.
"But you know what? I am bored of this pretence. I am bored of pretending that I am not trying to get you comfortably drunk, or that I am innocently touching your leg. If you think that you are ready to start something with an almost fifty-year-old, moody man, then you have to really be sure about it. I want it, but do you, mi amor?" as you were listening to his monologue, you calmly drank your wine even though your heart was beating so quickly it almost jumped out of your body.
"If I did not want it, would I still be sitting here?" you asked, confidence somehow radiating from you. And that was the only reassurance he needed. Not even an hour later you were already sitting in a taxi, deciding which apartment to go to. There were gentle touches but your lips never met which made you want him even more.
"I'm going to take a shower," you said as you entered your apartment. "You are free to join me," you added with a smirk when he did not answer. His eyes lightened up and as you slowly walked backwards towards the bathroom, he was so close to you that it surprised you how you resisted with the kiss. But this thought left your mind immediately after you entered the shower and the hot water touched your skin almost as fast as Pedro's hands touched your body and his lips yours.
It was as if something exploded, the chemistry was almost visible between you and you could not hold yourself anymore, you needed his hands all over you, you needed his lips on you and mainly, you just needed him. He was holding you so close to him that you felt his hardening cock against you, making you moan quietly to the kiss. His hand travelled from your neck lower, over your chest, ribs, and hips and when you felt his fingers touch your clit, your legs almost stopped working.
His lips left yours, moving to your neck and you felt two of Pedro's fingers slowly enter you. Honestly, if it was not for the shower, it would make no difference as just the way he was kissing you made you wet. You dragged your nails across his back as he hit the perfect spot, making you almost see stars. This was something completely different than what you had with Tom, this connection that you two had was almost primal, it made you feel things through your body that you've never felt before.
Lost in the amazing feeling of his fingers you first did not even notice Pedro's lips leaving your neck but then you felt him kiss your thigh and it was as if you woke up, looking quickly down at him, meeting with his eyes. The smirk on his lips made you smile even more before you moaned out loud, feeling his lips sucking on your clit in a perfect rhythm with his index and middle finger.
"So pretty down here, mi amor," he murmured, sending vibrations through your clit. One of your hands moved to Pedro's curly hair, keeping him close to your core and your head leaned on the wall behind you. His short beard was scratching you, growing the sensation of his mouth even more. Your moans were like a song for him, wishing that he could hear them daily.
He licked you so good, you were filled with bliss, your eyes closed, your fingers curled in his hair.
"I fucking love this." you cried out loudly, ignoring that someone from other apartments could hear you.
"Cum for me baby." it did not take long before you do exactly that. Your legs started to shake and if you were not leaning against the wall, you would probably fall.
"Pedro.. Oh god." you moaned loudly, your hips bucked and you felt how Pedro fastened his movement, almost feasting on you as if his life depended on it.
You let out another sharp, whiny sound as you get to the edge, your body tensing and you almost feel how Pedro smirked because of how good he made you feel and he watches you through your orgasm, not even blinking.
By the time you were coming down, he was holding you against him to comfort you in a way that you really liked. Kissing you tenderly he shared your taste with you and you couldn't help but smile at the kiss because the whole situation was absolutely crazy to you. But you would not change it, you wanted to do this again and again.
"I am going to take you to the bed now and fuck another orgasm out of you," he whispered to you, making you get goosebumps even though you were really hot. As he picked you up, you instinctively put your legs around his waist and turned the water off so you could really move to the bed.
"This is so much better date than I expected," you mumbled to the kiss, feeling his rock-hard dick against you when he laid you down on the bed. It made him laugh quietly and kiss you again.
"I am glad that you expected that this is gonna happen," he said with a smirk but before you could have said anything to him, you felt his fingers on your clit again. He positioned himself over you, entering you maybe a bit too quickly but you could not wait either so you were happy to finally feel him inside you.
He started at a faster pace, too deep in his haze to even try to slow it down but you loved it. You loved the way his dick filled you up, how he whispered Spanish words to your ear and how he was paying attention to everything about your body. When he heard you moan at a particular moment, he repeated his movement. He was completely lost in you.
"Please, Pedro... You will make me cum again." you cried out loud, scratching him with your nails on his back and pushing your hips against his, making him go even further. It did not take him that long to feel his thighs shake a little but he just wanted his release to be in the same moment as yours so he touched your clit again, making there small, quick circles. You stopped breathing for a moment as you felt the pressure building in your inner core.
The moment when you reached your climax you felt how he pressed himself to you one last time, his release spilling into you. You were holding him so close to you, needing the comfort of his body in a moment like that.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, whispering sweet nothings, kissing and holding onto each other. Pedro then stood up and brought you a hot, wet towel, helping you to clean yourself before he hugged you again and refused to let you go. But the truth is, you did not even want him to let you go, you needed to stay like this with him.
"Where were you my whole life, mi amor?" he whispered suddenly, making you laugh quietly. You knew that this was what you wanted. Even though you loved Tom before, this was your future. This man was going to be yours.
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anonymousewrites · 7 months
A Good Day for Death Valentine's Day Special 2024
Wednesday Addams x Reader
            Ordinarily, Wednesday wasn’t a fan of Valentine’s Day. It was too sappy for her, and romance wasn’t her thing. That being said, everyone else being out on dates or with friends meant that Nevermore was quiet, and if there was one thing Wednesday liked, it was solitude.
            She could come out of her dorm with her typewriter to work on her novel without being bothered. She finished her work for the day, packed away her typewriter, and walked towards the library to pick out a book to read.
            Wednesday paused as she passed a hallway full of empty classrooms. Sounds echoed out from within, music and singing with a mysterious tune. Wednesday wasn’t someone to not investigate, so she walked down the corridor and arrived at a classroom. She looked in and saw the projector turned on and playing an animated movie. The character on screen sang dramatically, the sound reverberating through the silent school.
“Our son will be married, According to plan.”
            Wednesday glanced between the unique animation and looked at the desks at the front of the room. She was a bit surprised to see (Y/N) alone. They were leaning on their hands while watching the movie.
            “(Y/N)?” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) started and turned. They smiled when they noticed who it was. “Oh, hi, Wednesday!” They reached over and paused the movie. “How are you?”
            “I thought everyone had gone out for the holiday,” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “All of my friends had dates.”
            “I do not,” said Wednesday.
            “We’re friends?” said (Y/N) teasingly.
            “By the typical definition, I suppose,” said Wednesday, but she knew that they were. And, of course, she had a crush on (Y/N), but that was neither here nor there (another lie).
            (Y/N) grinned. “Whatever you say!” They tilted their head. “What are you up to today while everyone else is out?”
            “I worked on my novel,” said Wednesday, walking farther down in the room to the row of desks (Y/N) sat out.
            “That’s cool. I just slept in, wrote a few melancholy poems about love—very ‘tragic poet’ of me, I know—and came in here to watch a movie,” said (Y/N). “Do you want to join me? If you’re not going to do anything.”
            “I had planned to read,” said Wednesday.
            “Oh, well, then, have fun,” said (Y/N), a little (lot) disappointed that Wednesday didn’t want to hang out. They knew their crush wasn’t exactly a people-person in any sense of the word, but they had hoped maybe she’d want to spend time with them since they were both alone and friends.
            “…How long is this movie?” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) brightened. “A little over an hour.”
            Wednesday pretended to consider, but she already knew she was going to stay. (Y/N)’s companionship was nice, and a nice moment alone with her crush would be…pleasant since usually Wednesday was also around other people.
            “I will still have time to read,” decided Wednesday. “I’ll stay.” She sat down at the desk next to (Y/N). “What are we watching?”
            “Corpse Bride,” said (Y/N). “It’s a fun Tim Burton musical. It’s on the spooky side. My mom and I watched it a lot growing up.”
            “Is it a love story?” asked Wednesday.
            “Yeah, but it’s got ghosts and murder and mystery, so you’ll enjoy it, too,” said (Y/N).
            “You chose something you thought I would enjoy?” said Wednesday, not missing anything.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and they chuckled nervously. “Well, you know, I knew you’d be in Nevermore, so I thought I’d choose something you’d enjoy in case you came in.”
            Wednesday felt the now-familiar—but still disturbing—warmth enter her chest at (Y/N)’s consideration. “That’s…unusual.”
            “To think of my friend?” (Y/N) laughed. “You need to get more friends, Wednesday.”
            “I don’t have an affinity for people,” said Wednesday.
            “Neither do I,” said (Y/N), shrugging. “I guess we make sense together, then. Two people not great with others but okay with each other.”
            Wednesday allowed herself a smile. “I suppose so.” She steeled her features and faced the screen. “Now, how much have I missed?”
            “Oh, not much! The movie just started. Basically, what you need to know is…” (Y/N) began to ramble.
            Wednesday had to fight not to stare at them as they spoke so passionately and happily. It was pleasant to watch them be so happy and bright. Wednesday knew they were right: she and (Y/N) worked well together. They understood each other well, and Wednesday liked that (Y/N) was her friend. And it was nice to know they felt the same way.
            It was amusing that neither knew they felt the same in another way.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 months
No following; Planet of the Apes fanfic Chap. 1
*Author's note*
Okay so we're gonna try something new here tumblr. Ever since I saw the new Planet of the apes film a month ago I got interested in the fandom once again but never thought anyone wrote fics for the fandom. After reading some on FF.net as well as here, it got me wanting to write a series while I'm on a writer's block for my current series. And thus this series was born.
This entire series will encompass the Andy Serkis trilogy and will be a Caesar fic. But it is STRICTLY PLATONIC so if that's not your cup of tea, no hate and just move on. This is my story and I'll write it the way I want to.
Now to those who wish to give this series a chance as you read, leave a comment down below if you wish to be tagged for updates (rn I'll be binge posting cause I've already got 10 chapters ready to go and be read).
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst, swearing, violence. So this won't be for the light of heart (at least until I get to Dawn and then War).
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Some say that the bonds between human and animal are a unique thing.  That there’s an unbreakable trust between the two and that they are fated to always be together.  Others say that like soulmates, there’s always an animal for a person who needs them the most.  For me, I would end up having the most unique of all bonds with an animal that is closest to my own species of animal.
This is the story of such a bond, this is the story of Lin and Caesar.
It was nightfall and pouring down rain as I rode home with my best friend Gabriella and her mother.  Gabi and I had known each other since Pre-K after we both had a love for the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.  From that moment on we’ve been inseparable.  Currently I was getting a ride home with her mom after our strings class.
She and I after school go over to the rec center every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights and perform with the San Fransisco Strings and Orchestra for minors.  Gabi plays the cello and I play the violin.  We’re both pretty good if I do say so myself, our teacher tells us that we could eventually go far into the world of music if we set our mind to it.  But I think I’m good cause of my genetics, after all my grandpa was a former music professor and conductor.  But he doesn’t really play anymore, or at least he tries to.
We soon stopped at my house and I said grabbing my things and readied my umbrella.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Montez.”
“Anytime Lin sweetie. Watch out crossing the dark, wet sidewalk.”
“I will, see you tomorrow in class Gabi.”
“See yah Lin.” I quickly opened the door and opened up my umbrella before quickly racing across the sidewalk and up the stairs to my front door.  I took my key and unlocked the door but not before waving one final time and soon Mrs. Montez drove off down the road.
I entered inside and shook off my umbrella before hanging it to dry.  I also took off my raincoat and hung it up beside it before walking further into the house proclaiming.
“Hello? Grandpa? Uncle Will?” that’s when I heard the sound of cooing, like a baby cooing but it wasn’t human.  I set my violin case down to the banister by the front door and walked into the study room where I found a large box with holes sitting on the table.  As I got closer to it, I heard my uncle say.
“Oh perfect timing, guess that means I can show you both.” I turned and saw both my uncle and grandpa coming around from the kitchen entry.
“Show me what?” uncle Will walked passed me, ruffled my hair and stood over the box.
“Hey grandpa.”
“Hey sweetheart. Get another gold star from Ms. Honey for good behavior?” I smiled solemnly.  Ms. Honey was my kindergarten teacher, my current teacher is Mr. Simmons. 
My grandpa for the past couple of years has been dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.  Uncle Will told me that it’s a disease that slowly eats away at the brain’s cells, affecting memory and sometimes body function.  You see, my parents died in a plane crash when I was just 3 years old and in their will they had the next guardianship be my grandpa.  But two years ago, that’s when the disease started to take its effect on him.
So my uncle Will had to move in with us to help not only take care of me but of grandpa too.  And when he’s at work and I’m at school, a nice nurse comes in and helps take care of grandpa.
“Grandpa, I’m in the 4th grade. My teacher is Mr. Simmons. You know the nice man you and uncle Will met last month at the school picnic.” He looked dazed for a second but then said.
“Oh right, yeah I knew that.”
“Dad, Lin, come check this out.” Uncle Will said trying to redirect the conversation.  We came over and the second we looked inside, there lay a baby monkey.
“Is that a monkey?” I asked with a head tilt.
“He’s actually a chimpanzee, an ape.” Uncle Will corrected me.  Grandpa was in pure awe as he slowly reached in and touched the baby chimp.
“What is that? Is he injured?” he asked as I took notice of a mark right around the right side of his chest.  It was a prominent balding mark in a unique shape, a long oval shape with an additional stripe at the top.  Kinda reminded me of an incomplete cross or an unfinished F.
“No, I think that’s a birthmark.” Uncle Will said as he crossed into the kitchen and started putting some things into the fridge.  All the while grandpa picked up the baby chimp and lifted him high into the air like he was Simba.  The little guy was just small enough to fit between both of grandpa’s hands.
“Listen Lin,” he told me before he began quoting, “‘But as for Caesar, kneel down, kneel down and wonder.’”
“He’s so cute.” I awed as I reached out and touched his little toes.
“Yeah don’t get too attached, either of you.” Uncle Will told us.
“So why bring him here then if we can’t keep him?” I sassed.
“He’s not a dog or a cat, not even a bunny rabbit. He’s a wild animal. My coworker promised he’d try to find an animal sanctuary for him in a couple of days.” I let out a exasperated groan.
“Animal sanctuaries are still prisons.”
“Don’t get smart young lady.” My uncle playfully reprimanded as he pointed at me.
“It’s not polite to point.” I sassed back.
“Polite? Okay, I’ll show you polite.” My uncle said as he shut the fridge and giving me that narrowed but playful look in his eyes.  I took off running as he raced after me.  I got only up four stairs before I felt two arms wrap around me and he swung me away from the staircase and the next thing I felt was a wet finger in my ear.
“Yeah your mom did this to me all the time when we were kids, now it’s payback.” He laughed.
“I’m innocent in this vile act!” I proclaimed dramatically.
“But you must pay for the sins of thy mother young youth!”
“Will, Maria, you two better stop horsing around in there.” At hearing my mom’s name we both settled down and a somber feeling was in the air.
“He’s been calling me that on and off for the past week.”
“Honestly who can blame him. You look so much like her when she was your age.” He said with a soft smile and he ruffled my hair again.
“Yeah. And when have I ever lied about anything in regards to my big sister?”
“Exactly.” He then playfully nudged my side with his before changing the subject.  “Now please tell me you managed to eat dinner cause I’ve had a long day of work and I don’t feel like cooking anything.”
“Lucky for you, the rec center was hosting a pizza party after the past few months prepping for Districts last week. Maestro Fiyero said we earned a little break after working us so hard.”
“Good. Now why don’t you brush your teeth and get ready for bed.”
“Why does my curfew have to be 9 o’clock? I’m 10 years old, not five.”
“Growing girls needs sleep too you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell grandpa I said goodnight will yah?”
“Will do kid. Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
“You too.” I grabbed my violin and raced on upstairs and did my nighttime routine before getting into bed and turning off the light.
As the night progressed, I soon heard the sounds of shrieks coming from the hallway.  I opened my eyes and looked at my clock to see that it was 2:30am.  I got up and let out a cough and muttered to myself.
“Need some juice.” Quietly I walked down the hallway towards the stairs but as I came to the bathroom I could hear the shower running as well as the bathroom sink.  Did grandpa accidentally leave the water running again after taking his shower?  No, Uncle Will would’ve turned it off by now.
I knocked softly on the door and I heard my uncle’s voice say.
“It’s just me dad.”
“I’m not grandpa.” I heard footsteps and the door cracked open and when he saw me, he brought me into the bathroom before closing it.  Immediately I was hit with the heat that had been trapped by the hot water that was coming from both the shower and the sink.
“What are you doing up so late Lin?”
“I heard shrieking and then I got thirsty.”
“Ohh sorry, guess this little guy woke you up too huh?” it was then I took notice of the baby chimp swaddled up in my uncle’s arms.  I looked down at him and he looked up at me, moving his grip from my uncle’s finger to mine as he cooed.
“He looks like he has a cold.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, his nose is kinda runny.”
“Well that’s normal for babies sometimes. He’s barely a day old. You definitely had a runny nose when you were born.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Oh yeah you were quite the little snot monster. The original boogeyman, or boogeygirl.” He said taking his free hand that was on top of the baby chimp and playfully gripped my nose.
“Uncle Will!” I whined softly which made him laugh.  Our moment was stopped as the baby chimp let out a few more coos before snuggling up to uncle Will, all the while the grip on my finger got a bit tighter.  I smiled down at him and said as I stroked my thumb over his tiny fingers.  “Are you sure we can’t keep him?”
“I’ll—think about it. Holding him like this….makes me think back to the day you were born. Boy your mom wouldn’t let me near you at first. Feared I was gonna drop you, she always had that fierce mama bear instinct right from the get-go. Even when we were growing up and as she tormented me at times. When I needed it, she was there with her hot-headed attitude.”
“I miss her uncle Will.”
“Me too kid. Me too.” I leaned up against him and he rested his head on top of mine giving it a soft kiss.  “Go on back to bed, I’ll stay up with him.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m used to all-nighters, one day you might get there when you’re composing your first symphony. But for now, head back to bed.”
“Can I still get my juice first? I’m thirsty.”
“Just this once. Just be quiet when passing Charles’ room.” I nodded before leaning down and gave the baby chimp a kiss to which he let out a cute yawn and quiet hoot.
“Goodnight little chimp. Night uncle Will.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and he said goodnight to me as I quietly left the bathroom shutting the door immediately as I got out.  I went downstairs, got my drink and went back to bed.
The next morning I was finishing my breakfast and packing my school books into my backpack as uncle Will was coming down with the baby chimp and set him up in my old high-stool chair that grandpa had kept.
“Where’s my car keys?” grandpa asked as he was patting through his robe and pj pockets.  “My car keys where’d you put them? I need to get Lin to school!” he said urgently.
“Dad.” Uncle Will calmly spoke to him. “You-you don’t drive anymore. And Lin takes the bus.” Grandpa looked at him with a blank stare before turning away and telling him.
“I know that.” It really does make me sad to see grandpa this way.  He always looks so dazed and lost, like he’s here with us but at the same time he’s not.  Sometimes he’ll just sit there and stare off into space, frozen in his spot and not say anything for a really long time.
“Here, why don’t you feed him? Can you do that?” uncle Will suggested holding up a baby bottle filled with milk.
“Of course I can.” Said grandpa coming over.  As uncle Will went to get his coffee (blech!) grandpa came over and grabbed the bottle which made the baby chimp go crazy with hunger as he reached out for it.  As soon as it was in reach, he grabbed the bottle from grandpa’s hand and immediately began drinking it as fast as he could.
I dropped my fork and stared at him in awe.  I was told that babies always needed help being fed for at least several months and yet after just being born yesterday, he was feeding himself.
“Will, look at this.” Grandpa said as uncle Will came back into the kitchen and saw what we saw.  “How old is he? Like a day old, two days old?” Uncle Will sat down as he examined the baby chimp confused.
“Yeah.” Uncle Will said lowly as he kept his eyes on the baby chimp.
“Oh he’s a smart one isn’t he?” said grandpa as he came around and sat on the other side of the baby and gently placed his hand on top of his head.  “What are you gonna name him?”
“I—I don’t know.” Uncle Will said unsure.  That’s when I saw it.  Now I’m no monkey or ape expert but from pictures I’ve seen in books they normally have dark eyes, mostly brown but this little guy.  His eyes were green.
A green eyed baby chimpanzee.  One look into his eyes and I knew that he was something very special.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
@funsonmunson-again's Birthday Week Writing Challenge Oliver Soon-to-be-Munson and the Best Birthday Ever The Eddie: Janitor!Eddie The Prompt: #6: write me something domestic. use your eddie of choice, reader pregnant or not, just give me something for my ovaries to combust to. show me dad!eddie Words: 3.8k? It just kinda... happened. 😳 Contains: Oliver's first birthday with Janitor!Eddie and Teach. Notes: I did some bad math and figured they'd get Oliver in about 1994, so this is meant to take place that summer, while they're just fostering him. Then somebody dropped new Eddie Age info and I was too far into it to recalculate. Disregard if this conflicts with the official timeline. This contains no I Love You's - because I don't know if they're there yet at this point, and those firsts aren't mine to write anyway. (But I'd love to read them, hint hint.)
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"Ollie's got a birthday coming up. Any ideas?"
"Hmmm," Eddie hums, crawling into bed after a long day. He settles his head on your chest and wiggles the rest of his body so close, he's nearly on top of you. You smile and wrap your arms around him. You both lie there and think quietly for a moment.
"I don't think we should do anything too big," he says thoughtfully. "Just something normal. If his mom gets him back, we don't want his next birthday to be drastically different."
"Good idea," you agree, twirling a strand of his hair in your fingers. "What's considered normal these days?"
"You're asking me about normal?" he chuckles.
"Nevermind," you laugh. "What was your most memorable birthday?"
"The year it was just me and my mom," he answers quickly. "Dad was in jail. Mom made me a cake and gave me a little red matchbox car. It was all I played with for months."
"Aw," you coo, scratching his scalp gently.
"Then Dad got out and stomped it 'cause I left it in the floor." You kiss the top of his head and hold him a little tighter.
"What was yours?" he asks.
"We were never really big on birthdays. Just dinner and a present or two. Cards from relatives. Very low-key."
He hums and nuzzles into you. You let out a sigh.
"I kinda feel like we should just ask him, but I think it would put too much pressure on him. Poor baby's still afraid to ask for seconds at dinner. Even if he had something in mind, he probably wouldn't tell us."
A sad silence falls over the room. You want to give your sweet boy the world, but you don't know if he could handle it just yet.
"Wayne used to take me to the movies," Eddie says.
"Yeah. Dollar Days at The Hawk."
"The Hawk?"
"There used to be a theater on Main Street, before the mall moved in and turned it into a ghost town. When times were slow, and there was nothing good out, they'd show old movies. A double feature for a dollar. It was old black and white stuff, mostly. The first time Wayne took me, it was pirate movies. That's what kicked off my pirate era."
"Pirate Eddie, huh?"
"Oh yeah. Talked like a pirate for almost a year. Badly. Every stick was a sword. Surprised Wayne didn't make me walk the plank." You chuckle, and you can feel him grinning into your chest.
"I bet you were adorable."
He scoffs. "Pirates are not adorable! They're rough and tough!"
"If you say so, baby." You kiss the top of his head again with a grin.
"Anyway, that was our thing. My birthday's a movie dead zone, so there was usually a Dollar Days promotion going on. I don't think we ever saw pirates again, though. It was mostly westerns after that."
"Was there a Cowboy Eddie era?"
"You bet there was, little lady," he drawls. You cackle and quickly quiet yourself, hoping you hadn't woken up Ollie. "I was gonna move out west and live like the good ol' days. I wanted a ranch with horses and cows and a good dog and a pretty lady."
"Well, one out of five's not bad, I guess." He looks up at you in confusion. "You got the lady, at least," you tease with a wink.
"That's all I need," he whispers. You give him a kiss on the forehead, and both return to your previous positions.
"So, making Oliver a cake and taking him to the movies?"
"Sounds good to me."
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"Good morning, birthday boy!" you smile from the stove, where you're keeping an eye on the bacon.
Oliver has finally wandered in, still in his pajamas. He's hugging his teddy bear with one arm and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. This child is the cutest little thing you've ever seen.
"Happy Birthday, bud," Eddie says, coming in from the living room.
"Thanks," Oliver says shyly, looking at the floor.
"What do you think: Breakfast first, or a present?" Eddie asks the boy with a mischievous grin.
Oliver's eyes light up, but he shrugs.
"What do you think, sweetheart?" Eddie asks you.
"I think I'm not quite done over here yet, so you should probably start with a present. That alright with you, Ollie?"
He nods, and you grin at him.
Eddie ducks back into the living room and returns with a neatly wrapped box, which he sets on the table with an exaggerated grunt. Oliver looks from the gift to Eddie to you, silently asking permission.
"It's okay," you encourage him with a smile and a nod.
He sits at the table and carefully unwraps it, almost like he's afraid of what's inside.
What's inside are ten Hardy Boys books.
The school library had a few random volumes left over from the 50s, and Ollie always had one checked out. They were his favorites; he would read the same four or five mysteries over and over again.
You'd never seen a child so happy about getting a book. His jaw dropped, and he reached out and ran his finger along the spines. You'd found a boxed set of the first ten books at a thrift store. They looked almost like new.
"They're really mine?"
"Of course, bud," Eddie assures him.
"For keeps?"
"Yup," you chirp.
First, he hugs his books. Then he hugs Eddie. Then he runs over and hugs you. (You step away from the stove when you see him coming, not wanting him to get too close to the hot pans.) And then he returns to his books, staring at them like he's afraid to take them out.
Eddie seems to sense this, and pulls his chair closer.
"Have you read any of these yet?" he asks.
"This one," Oliver points to a spine, "and this one. I think."
Eddie pulls out the first book Oliver pointed at and reads the summary on the back.
"Yeah, that's my favorite!" Oliver says in amazement when he sees the cover of the book Eddie holds, which is facing him. He excitedly pulls the rest out, one at a time, and carefully inspects each cover.
While he's busy poring over every detail of the cover art, Eddie gives you a smile that almost makes you forget the breakfast you're supposed to be cooking. The ding of the oven timer brings you back to reality.
Turning back to the stove, you hurriedly pull out a pan of biscuits and start turning off burners. Eddie gets up and pulls down a stack of plates for you.
"Alright bud, ready for breakfast now?"
Oliver nods, carefully putting his books back into their box, in the correct order. He tries to pick it up off the table, but struggles until Eddie swoops in. He's just a little guy, after all.
"Wanna put these in your room for now?" Eddie asks. Oliver nods and follows him to the bedroom; Eddie with an armful of books and Ollie with his teddy bear. By the time they get back - the books had to go on a shelf, obviously - breakfast is on the table. Bacon, and eggs, and biscuits made from scratch. The only person who was a bigger biscuit junkie than Ollie was Eddie, so you had two very happy and full boys that morning.
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"What time's the thing?" you asked inconspicuously, washing the last of the dishes.
Eddie, who's on drying duty, looks down at his hand. He'd written down the showtime when he double-checked the paper that morning. "11:20."
"You wanna get Ollie dressed while I hop in the shower? If I go out smelling like bacon grease, every dog in town's gonna be chasing us."
He laughs and kisses your forehead, hanging up the dish towel and heading for Ollie's room. You drain the sink and make your way to the bathroom, smiling when you overhear Eddie teasing a fun birthday adventure while trying not to spill the beans.
After you're all dressed (and de-baconed), you hop in the car. Ollie watches curiously from his booster seat in the back.
"Where are we going?"
"Do you really want to know, or do you want it to be a surprise?" You turn around and give him a smile while Eddie drives. "It's okay either way. It's your call, bud."
Oliver shrugs.
"Do you want a hint?"
He thinks about it, then nods his head. A nod instead of a shrug. Progress!
"We're going to the movies."
Confusion clouds his little face.
"Have you ever been to the movies before?" you ask with a smile, hoping that it's disguising the panic you suddenly felt. Had he really never been before? Is this going to be overwhelming for him? Why hadn't you thought of this?!
"Like when we rent tapes?"
"Not exactly. We're going to a theater."
His face is blank.
"It's a big room in the mall, with lots of seats and a huge screen."
"Muuuch bigger than our TV," Eddie adds.
"And we watch the movie there?"
"Yup, on the big screen."
You look at Eddie helplessly, and he chuckles at you.
"Because it's fun," he says. "My Uncle Wayne used to take me on my birthday when I was little. We'd get a bucket of popcorn, and a drink, and then go sit in a comfy chair and wait for the lights to go down. They show you previews of other movies coming out soon, just like on the tapes we rent. And then they turn the real movie on. You've never seen anything like it. It's so big! It doesn't even matter what the movie is. It's just a cool thing to see, and a cool place to be."
"Especially when you're there with your favorite people," you add, looking at Eddie with a smile. He reaches over and squeezes your hand.
"So, sound like fun?" you ask, turning your attention back to Ollie.
He nods. You'll take it.
Oliver is understandably nervous when you arrive at the theater. It's his very first time, after all. He clings to your side from the minute you help him out of the car. Eddie buys the tickets at the box office out front, and sticks them in his front pocket. You walk Oliver around the lobby to look at the posters while Eddie waits in line to buy a bucket of popcorn and a drink from the counter inside.
Ollie's eyes linger over the candy counter when you come to meet Eddie, but he doesn't say a word. That's alright. You'll hook him up later, you think with a smirk. Moms have their ways.
("Their ways" meaning you bought candy at the dollar store a few days ago and hid it in the bottom of your purse. You feel no shame about this. Movie theater candy is highway robbery. Just the facts.)
With a bucket of popcorn and a gallon of soda, Eddie leads the way into the theater. He picks a spot in the back, away from everyone else, and you all get settled in. You check your watch.
"Ten minutes to go. Probably a good time to hit the bathroom," you note. Eddie nods.
"Wanna hit the head before the movie starts, buddy?" Oliver shrugs. "C'mon," Eddie says with a smile and a tilt of his head. They leave together, and you guard the popcorn.
They come back just in time. Oliver sits between you, munching on popcorn and looking around. There's not a whole lot to see in here; it's a morning matinee, and the movie's been out for a while, so there's only a handful of other people. Then the lights go down, and Oliver tenses.
"It's alright, it just means the show's about to start," Eddie whispers to him. Oliver looks to you, and you nod in agreement. He sits back in his seat and pulls his knees up, resting his chin on them. You and Eddie share A Look over his head.
And then the screen comes to life. Oliver's eyes widen. You and Eddie are both trying to watch him without being obvious about it, and failing hilariously. You watch him all through the previews, completely transfixed by the clips on the giant screen in front of him.
When the theater chain's roller coaster intro came on, you thought Oliver was going to lose his mind. His eyes were the size of saucers, and his jaw was dangerously close to coming unhinged. You and Eddie grin at each other. This was the show you came to see.
And then the lights dim more, and the movie starts. Oliver perks up at the Disney logo, which he is very familiar with. You and Eddie's traditional Friday night plans of "dinner and a movie" looked a little different these days, but you loved them just the same. Maybe more.
A song blasts through the speakers scattered throughout the theater. Oliver leans forward, seemingly possessed by the music, inching closer and closer to the empty seat in front of him as each new animal appears. By the time the lions show up, he's standing, grasping the top edge of the chair in front of him with both hands, like it's all that's keeping him from falling into the movie.
You cover your mouth and look over at Eddie, who is grinning so hard, it looks like it might actually split his face.
After a few minutes of letting him soak it in, you reach forward and hook your finger through his belt loop, pulling him back to his seat gently. He lands on his chair with a light bounce, but doesn't seem to notice. You and Eddie share another grin, and start digging into the popcorn.
You've never seen any child pay such close attention to anything for so long in your life. And you've spent quite a lot of time around them. But Oliver remains focused throughout the entire movie, from the opening sunrise to the final scene where the good guy triumphs. He didn't even get scared during those freaky hyena scenes.
When the lights finally come back on, Oliver sits back in his seat and breathes for the first time in an hour and a half. He looks up at Eddie, then at you.
"Well, what'd you think?" you ask.
"This was the best birthday EVER."
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The cub's ruling may have come a little early, because the day was still young.
Oliver had been too captivated by the movie to eat anything, and you and Eddie had only eaten half the popcorn, so you brought the bucket home with you. You looked back at him, munching on a handful and staring thoughtfully out the window. You wished you knew what was going on in his head…
But you soon found out. After he'd eaten his fill of popcorn and had time to process the mind-blowing event of going to the movies for the first time, and he started talking. And he didn't stop.
He told you about his favorite scenes, and his favorite characters, and what his favorite song was, and that he knew all along that the good guy would win in the end. He'd memorized so many details from the movie, after only one viewing, you were extremely impressed. You and Eddie nodded along happily, laughing and gasping in the appropriate places of his passionate re-telling.
By the time you got close to home, Oliver had nearly talked himself out. His blinks were becoming longer, and he leaned his head back against the seat. Eddie, who'd been keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror, took the long way around instead of his usual shortcut. Oliver was asleep when you pulled in the driveway.
Eddie handed you the keys and opened the back door to unbuckle Oliver and pull him out. You led the way up the front steps and unlocked the door, holding it for your beautiful boys. Eddie carried Oliver into his room and came back out with a grin.
"You think he liked it?" he asks, causing both of you to burst into a fit of hushed giggles.
"Wayne'll be here in an hour and a half. Wanna get stuff ready, or lay on the couch for a few?" Eddie asks. You look at each other for approximately three seconds before heading to the couch.
You doze for about an hour, then get up and start working on Oliver's birthday dinner. You've got a salad to make and a cake to ice. Eddie's got grilling to do. After all the vegetables are washed, Eddie goes to wake up Oliver. When they return to the kitchen, you send them both outside with a pan full of vegetables wrapped in foil. Eddie might not be great with the baking, but the man can grill anything.
A few minutes later, Wayne knocks twice, then lets himself in as you're starting to frost the cake you baked late last night.
"Hi, Wayne!"
"Hey, darlin'. You need help?"
"Nope, just finishing up. You need a drink?"
"Eddie's got the cooler outside. Uh…" You look up from the cake to see Wayne rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, just like Eddie does. "You got wrappin' paper?"
"Yeah, hall closet." You point, and he shuffles over and pulls out a roll of blue striped paper.
"Scissors and tape are in the top drawer closest to you," you point again. "You need help?"
"I can wrap a damn present, girl."
"Then why didn't you teach Eddie how?"
"Boy wouldn't sit still long enough." You both grin, and he pulls something out of his flannel pocket and drops it on the table, turning his back to you and getting to work.
You slather the last of the frosting on your cake as Wayne walks the roll of blue paper back to the closet.
"I, uh… I didn't have any."
"That's okay. I've always got plenty, appropriate for any gift-wrapping occasion. Help yourself, any time."
"Thanks. Uh... all I had was newspaper, and I didn't have time to make it to the store and back… I, uh, didn't want the boy to feel like he was an afterthought." Your heart swells, but you can already hear Wayne's "don't go gettin' all emotional on me, girl", so you take an alternate route.
"Wayne, you know it's what's inside the paper that counts," you say with a wink. He chuckles, and Oliver peeks his head inside the door.
"Eddie says to bring him some dang meat."
"Tell him to hold his dang horses," you laugh, reaching into the fridge for a plate of burgers and hot dogs. Oliver relays your reply out the door, and you can hear Eddie cackle from his place by the grill. Wayne stuffs the little package back into his pocket and reaches for the dang meat. You pick up your salad and follow him out the door, which Oliver holds for you like a gentleman.
While Eddie cooks his dang meat, Oliver tells Wayne about his day so far: breakfast, books, the coolest movie ever. Wayne grins, then pats his pocket with a questioning look at you. You nod. He pulls out his present, and hands it to Ollie.
"Another present?!"
"Yup. Happy Birthday, little man."
Oliver looks at you, and you nod, giving him the go-ahead. He tears off the paper to reveal two matchbox cars: a red one, and a blue one.
"What'd you get, buddy?" Eddie asks, leaning over to see. He freezes when he sees the two little cars.
"I figured you needed two so you could play with your-- with Eddie," Wayne corrects quickly.
"Thank you!" Ollie says with a grin, holding his cars closer to inspect the details. Eddie shares a look with Wayne, then looks to you. You give him a warm smile, knowing exactly what this reminds him of.
Dinner went great. You had burgers, hot dogs, roasted veggies and corn on the cob, salad, and potato chips. (Eddie insisted that having a cook-out without potato chips was against the laws of America. Wayne and Oliver backed him up on this. Who were you to argue with the laws of America, as decided by the people?)
You brought out the cake and stuck the candles in it. Eddie insisted that everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to Ollie, and proceeded to dramatically air-guitar his way through it. Oliver laughed so hard at Eddie, and at Wayne rolling his eyes at Eddie, he had to hold onto you for support. He finally caught his breath and blew out his candles. While Eddie was removing the candles and preparing to cut the cake, Ollie looked up at you with his big eyes. You leaned down closer, sensing that he wanted to tell you something.
"Do you want to know what I wished for?" he whispers.
"If you tell, it won't come true," you whisper back. He looks thoughtful for a moment, then grins.
"Cake?" he asks.
"Cake!" you repeat.
"Cake." Eddie says, placing a piece in front of Oliver, then handing you one across the table.
"Cake?" Wayne asks, not wanting to be left out.
"Cake!" Eddie says, giving Wayne a piece, then settling down with his own.
After everyone was properly caked, Wayne went home to get ready for work. You and Eddie performed a hasty clean-up (thank you, aluminum foil), and you put away leftovers while the boys played on the living room floor with their new cars. Ollie's favorite color is blue, so Eddie laid claim to the red car. (Even though you heard Ollie tell Eddie he could have the blue one if he wanted, like the sweetest boy in the whole world.)
You leaned on the counter and watched them play, racing and doing daring stunts and making hilarious sound effects as they recklessly 'drove' over any surface in reach. You could watch them for hours, but that would interfere with a certain birthday boy's bedtime.
Ollie never complained when you told him it was bedtime. Maybe because bedtime here meant he got to wear clean pajamas and crawl into his own bed with a full belly and his favorite teddy bear, and have a bedtime story read to him by people who loved him.
He was struggling to keep his eyes open when Eddie finished tonight's chapter of the fantasy book they'd picked out together. You tucked him in while Eddie turned on the nightlight.
"Good night, baby," you whisper with a kiss to the top of his head.
"Good night, buddy," Eddie said quietly on his way to the door.
"'Night," Oliver mumbles sleepily, "was best birthday ever."
It really was.
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Bonus: Oliver's wish was that he could stay with you and Eddie forever. I can tell you that now, because it already came true. 😉
Double Bonus:
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navibluebees · 2 years
can I get some more Mama Z-Dog content?
I have mommy issues
Babes, of course you can! & Same 😬
Please read before interacting.
Mommy Issues - Part 2
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You paced nervously. Your mom and her squad had been gone a few days now. You'd been wandering around the base and finally overheard that they'd be back soon. You were standing right inside the doors near the helipad when you finally saw them. They hopped off one by one, pulling their bags with them, unloading their extra equipment. In one swift move, you yanked a mask over your head and jerked the door open, taking off toward the helicopter.
"Mom! Mom!!"
Her eyes found yours immediately as she dropped her things to grab you. She met you halfway as you barreled into her, picking you up and wrapping your legs around her. You buried your face in her neck and whimpered. "You were gone for so long and I was so worried about you."
She pressed her cheek to the top of your head and rocked you tenderly. "I know, baby. I know. I wasn't expecting to be gone for as long as we were."
You pulled back, looking into her eyes, her brow furrowed in sorrow. Your face crumpled and you couldn't stop the hiccuping sobs that came out of you. "Mama, I was really scared you wouldn't come back."
Tears spilled out of her eyes and she clutched you tighter. "Can you guys get my stuff?"
After a quick affirmation from a couple of the others, she took off, rushing inside with you wrapped in her arms. She set you down long enough to take off your mask, grab a respirator for herself and take your hand in hers. You walked together down the hall until you arrived at the room you shared. She knelt down in front of you once you were inside and held both of your hands in hers.
"I've got some cuts I need to bandage, but how about you pick out some comfy clothes and a movie and we can have a cuddle and watch together, okay?"
You nodded eagerly but followed her to the bathroom. She smiled slightly. "What are you doing, baby?"
"I want to help."
Her face softened and she showed you which bandages she needed and how to apply the ointment. Once her cuts were taken care of, you both changed clothes and sat beside each other on the bed. She pressed play for the movie you'd chosen. After a little while, she pulled you into her lap, holding you so close and lovingly.
"I know you were scared, but I'm so proud of you. You've been so brave here and so helpful and I am so so glad that you're my child." She took your face in one hand, guiding your eyes to hers. "I will always come back to you."
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otherone12 · 3 months
I Can Help You With That...
Gerard way x Reader
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A/N: Hey!! Sooo i was bored and wanted to "practice" my english. I've never posted something like this and i wrote this instead of sleep... Let me know if you like it (:
- Word count : 1.195
Summary - You are his daughter best friend since ever, and always go to their house. One day, Gerard finds out that you are a comic writter, but you are also in some kind of art block. He says that he could help you if you wanted to and, well... this end up a bit different than you both expected.
- Warnings: NOT SMUT, Big age gap
- Ps: You and his doughter (i will not use her name 'cause i think it's weird) are 20 years old or something, and he's 47 (current era?).
- Ps2: I'll not use y/n...
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
3rd Person POV
   You were walking down the street to your best friend's house. You knock on the door and she comes with a usually smile on her face.
   - Hey! I missed you! - She said as she opened the door.
   - But we saw each other yesterday! - You laugh, hugging her and entering the Way's house.
   The place was absolutely pretty, you feel like you're never gonna get used to that. You've been going there every week since you were 12, but always get impressed with all that stuff.
   She led you to her room and there you two watched a movie and talked about how much better it would be if you were the directors, actors or whatever.
   When the movie ends, you two went down stairs to the kitchen to take something to eat. You saw a familiar face, long brown hair, the cutest nose ever and, of course, THOSE hazel eyes. Gerard was there. You would never admit it to anyone, but you find him really attractive.
   No. You can't think about your best friend's dad like that.
   He looked up the newspaper he was reading and smiled at you. You smile back as he picks a mug with coffee and takes a sip.
   - I didn't ask you about your comic! How is it going? - Your friend gives you a cup of coffe while you two are sitting at the table with Gerard.
   In the moment your bestie asked, Gerard looked at you surprised and curious.
   - I dunno... i'm in a fucking art block since the last time i show you the sketches. - you took a sip of your coffee and continued - I mean, i know all the story, but i can't find the way to put this together.
   - I can help you with that... if you want me to - He looks really excited, and even if you thought it was a bad idea, couldn't say 'no' to him. - I've worked at DC Comics, and also my comic turned into a Netflix series so...
1st person POV
   I really don't know how to feel about this. I mean, he's an amazing comic writer, and also he's so cute, and lovely, and- NO! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! It's so fucking wrong think about him this way.
   Well, he's cool, but I think spending time with him could make me fall for him for REAL.
   But i really need help. So i didn't think too much about it and just dropped the first thing that comes in my mind.
   - Sure! It will be awesome!
   - That's right, you're up for it tomorrow?
   - Yeah! After my shift, I'll bring my notes and sketches, then we can talk about the whole thing.
   I just get excited... sue me.
*** time skip ***
   With all my notes, drawings and stuff i'm in front of Way's house, waiting to someone to open the door.
   - Sup? -She looks hurried when open up the door and leaves the house. - I'm going out to my mom's place right now. So... if you need something, text me. - Since her parents divorced, my she keep 'froggin' between the both houses, and i never know where she will be until she say it.
   - So now you're leaving me? - I said, overreacting sadly - I thought you'd help me!
   - i'm not leaving you, and i never said i would help you... i'm not a professional. But I'm sure dad will help you. Now i gotta go. Bye!
   She gave me a fast hug and ran to the taxi cab as i got in the house.
   Gerard was in the living room, seated on the couch. He was wearing his 'Mercyful Fate' sweatshirt, and black jeans, pretty as alway.
   He stood up and greeted me, like usual.
   - So... what did you got in there? - He smirks and points to my bag.
   I started to unpack my notebooks, pens and some drawings I've done.
   - Well... The whole story I think. I know it's not perfect but i guess i-
   - lemme see - he took the script and read it carefully every detail. I'll not lie, i feel really judged and the only thing across my mind was "please like it". After the most slow ten minutes i have ever lived, he finally break the silence.
   - This is awesome. The main character has a good backstory. I also loved your art style.
I felt my face burn while I looked him in the eyes.
   - T-thanks - it was awkward, but i think he didn't notice.
   We spent the whole afternoon working together and everything was perfect, but when I was finishing the last draft of the day, he got closer to see how it was going, and I felt his hand on my leg. My heart started to race as I heard  his breath on my ear. I tried to keep doing my work, but I was melting on that chair and could barely hold the pencil.
   - Damn, this is beautiful. - He said practically whispering in my ear.
   I just smiled as he pulled back, so i started to pack my things to go back home. I stand up and looked at him.
   - Thanks for helping me... I was really confused about what to do with this.
   - That's fine, I mean, it's good to see young artists who are into comics and stuff. Thanks for letting me help, by the way.
   I hugged him. I don't know why, but I did, and damn it feels so good... He smelled like coffee. He was warm and I could easily sleep in his arms.
As I pulled away, he keeped his hands on my hips, I looked up to see his eyes and he moved his hand to my cheek. I pull my arms around his neck and we kiss. A passionate kiss, it feels like he wanted this for a long time.
I pulled away as I remembered that this was wrong. I mean, it feels great, but I was wrong. I'm his kid's best friend, there's no way this was right.
- I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you. I mean, i wanted to but... this was so fucking- i started
  - That's fine... it's not like I didn't want to. But you're right... we're not supposed to do that. - the look on his face was nothing like regret. Was obvious that he didn't wanted to stop it. - I'm sorry... it was... unprofessional or whatever...
   Okay, it's oficial, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. That's a green flag to try something....
   - That's fine. I totally could do this again... if you wanted to...
   His smile grows as he pulled me closer and kiss me again, a needy kiss. This time shyless, and I felt his tongue explore my mouth, as I runned my fingers through his hair.  
  I was trying to focus just on the way he kissed me, but flashes of conscience passed through my mind, and I started to think about how wrong kissing his soft lips was.
   We stopped the kiss and just looked at each other for a moment. Maybe it wasn't that wrong.
- I gotta go home now...
- Yeah, I think so... maybe we can keep working at your comic next week.
- I would love to.
> Pt2
That's it... requests are open btw ;)
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jordie-gvf · 2 years
home sweet home, josh
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dad!josh fic!
shoutout to my wife @mywaykiszka for knowing what joshes favorite movie was cause i didn’t 🫣
warnings : fluff, josh being a cutie, mentions of depression, reader has a target obsession! let me know if ive missed any!
word count - 2.8k+
this can be read as a second part to boom babies, but can also be read on its own!
It was no secret that Sage was his fathers son. He loved music and he loved his toy piano. Gardenia was her mothers daughter. She loved makeup and all things girly. Josh had gone on tour and was very upset he couldn’t bring his whole family.
The 3 of you facetimed him every night. He always looked so sad whenever we had to hang up, either Sage and Gardenia were tired, or he had to go on stage. He often called to show you his rhinestones and his outfit. Every night before he went on stage, he called and told you three that he loved you and that he'd be home soon.
You were getting the kids to bed when your phone rang. Gardenia said, “I'll get it Mommy!” and ran to your phone. She answered it and Jake’s face appeared. You heard him gasp and say, “Hiii Sunshine! Can you hand the phone to your mom?” You heard the pitter patter of 3 year old feet and in came Gardenia. She handed the phone to you and you saw Jake. “Hey Y/N. We seriously need to talk about Josh.” 
He noticed the color drain from your face and assured you, nothing was bad. You told him, “I'm putting your niece and nephew to sleep right now, give me one second!” He told you to do what you need to do.
After you read them a book and got them to sleep, you picked up the phone and called Jake back. 
“Is he okay, what's wrong?” you asked.
He frowned and said, “He's really depressed. He misses you guys so much. I have to share a room with him, he thinks I don't hear him cry in the shower but I can. Is there a way you can come see him?” 
You nodded and said, “I can try to take time off work. I'll have to let the daycare know. I'll let you know when we are coming.” 
He smiled and said, “We all miss you, we miss our niece and nephew.” 
You told him, “When's the next show?” 
He said, “two days.”
“We’ll be there.” 
You said bye to Jake and called your boss. You explained everything to him and he said to take as long as you needed to. 
You went upstairs and showered, did skincare and went to bed. You had already talked to Josh and they would have been on stage already. You picked out Josh's favorite movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. 
You had fallen asleep halfway through and you were woken up by your alarm. You turned your lamp on and checked your phone, no messages. 
You put your slippers on and made your way to their room. You walked in and saw them, both awake, playing with toys. Sage was playing with his piano, and Gardenia was on their shared iPad. Very much like his father, Sage disliked technology. 
You told them it was time to go downstairs and eat breakfast. You grabbed the iPad and put it on the charger while they went downstairs. You asked them what they wanted and they said pancakes.
You gathered all the ingredients to make them some pancakes. You had an incoming phone call from Josh. You handed your phone to Sage and he answered.
You finished making their pancakes and plated them with some cut up bananas and strawberries. 
You put their plates in front of them and handed them two glasses of milk. Josh noticed your hands come into frame and said. “Hey mama,” you smiled and grabbed the phone. “Hi hun, how'd you sleep?” 
“Terribly, I'm not next to you.”
You sighed and said, “Yeah, it's not easy taking care of two of Josh Kiszka’s children by yourself”
He laughed and said, “I miss you guys so much. Do you know if you're coming to a show or not?”
You shook your head and said, “I dont know”
He sighed and let you get back to your morning. “Alright, well I love you guys. Miss you! Kisses” and hung up.
You had gotten them dressed first and then got yourself dressed. You had packed their lunches the night before, so all you had to do was get their water bottles ready. Contrary to Josh, you were never late, so you grabbed their backpacks and lunches and put them in the car while they put their shoes on. 
They came out to the garage after saying goodbye to Lumpy, their fish, and got into the car. You buckled them in and got in the front seat. 
You drove them to daycare and got out to take them in. When you checked them in, you explained everything to the receptionist and she got them put in as absent for the next few days.
You went home and cleaned the house, packed bags, and made arrangements with your sister to come over and feed the fish. You decided to get your nails done and run to Target. Little did you know, Josh had you pulled up on Life360. He called you while you were pulling into the parking lot. 
“Why are you at Target?”
“Are you stalking me?”
“Yes. We don't need anything else from Target. Why aren't you at work?”
You felt your cheeks heat up and you had to come up with a lie, fast.
“Got the day off last minute, didn't feel good last night”
“What? What's wrong? What's happening? Are you pregnant?”
“Nothings wrong. Nothing's happening. No, I'm not pregnant.”
“Okay, what are you getting at Target? Can you get me a body wash?”
“What is this, 21 questions? Yes, I can get you body wash. I'm about to go in, so I'm gonna need to hang up Count Stalkula.”
He laughed and said, “Thank you for the body wash, Elisabeta.”
You smiled at his answer and told him you loved him. He said it back and left you to do your unnecessary Target shopping.
You stopped at the kids section first, getting Sage some shorts and Gardenia a few shirts. You saw a fluffy bear jacket and HAD to get them, you got two off the rack. You made your way to the stationary section, and got coloring books, colored pencils, markers, and crayons. 
You saw the dangerous section, home goods. You traveled down the mug aisle and grabbed 4 cute mugs that you think the boys would like. You got Jake a guitar mug, Sammy a piano mug, Danny a golf mug, and Josh a Dad mug. You looked at the home decor they had and got a few new pillows. You found some cute throw blankets and put two in the cart for the kids beds. 
You went to hygiene and got Josh his favorite patchouli body wash. You got yourself the new Native Gummy Bear body wash. You also got some kids curl shampoo and conditioner. You went over to the toy section and found some wooden toys. Sage had always thrown plastic ones and they didn't hold up as well as wood. You checked the time and saw it was nearly time for your nails.
You went to check out and paid for everything. You returned the cart and made your way out to the car.
You approached the nail salon and just went with simple pink. You finished up and paid and went to the daycare.
You picked up your little buggers and took them home. You planned on telling them tonight that they were going to visit their dad and uncles. By the time you got home, it was around 3:00pm. You unpacked their lunches and checked their folders for any homework. 
You asked them if they wanted to watch a movie and they ran to the couch and put on Moana. You made them some popcorn and got them juice boxes. 
When the movie finished, it was dinner time. You made chicken alfredo with roasted squash. You cut up their vegetables and got them some baby forks. Gardenia looked at you and said, “Mama, this is really good.” You smiled and thanked her. 
After dinner had finished, you told them to put their listening ears on. “Listen, tomorrow you guys aren't going to school, because we are going to see Daddy!” Sage shot up in his chair and said ‘Really Mama?! Were going to see him? And Uncle Jake and Uncle Sam, and Uncle Danny?” You nodded as they both came over to you and hugged you. You told them you had already packed their bags and that they would be leaving in the morning. You weren't very far from the show, so you were going to drive. 
You cleaned up from dinner while they did their homework at the kitchen table, telling them if they needed help, that they could ask you.
Sage came over and asked, “Mama, can you help me with this?” You shut off the sink and nodded. You went over to the kitchen table and sat down next to him. He looked at you and said, “I can't figure this problem out.” You held up ten fingers and told him, “Put down three fingers for me.” He pressed them down and you told him to count how many were left. He wrote down a seven on his paper. You asked them if they needed any more help and Gardenia asked you to check her paper. You checked it and told her they were all correct. 
Sage sighed and tapped you, “Mama, is this right?” You shook your head no and he put his head down. “How come I'm not as smart as Gardenia?” You gasped slightly and said, “It's alright, you're still learning.” He looked at you and said, “No, we are learning the same thing and she's better at it than I am.” You grabbed his hands and said, “Listen Sage, no one is perfect at everything. You will get there Sage, okay?” He nodded and you sat there and helped him.
Once he had finished, you checked it and told him they were all right. He smiled and hugged you. You got them two bowls of ice cream with cherries on top. 
You told them after ice cream that it was bathtime. When they finished, you put the bowls into the dishwasher and told them to go pick out their clothes. 
When you got upstairs, you heard them talking about how excited they were to see their dad. You went into their bathroom and got the water ready and pulled out the bath toys. 
When they had finished up, you got them in their pajamas and brushed out their hair and read them a book. Once they had fallen asleep, you walked into your room and packed your own bag. 
After you packed, you went to your vanity and took off your makeup. You changed into pajamas and went to bed.
Sadly, you had to wake up at 6:00am this morning to make sure you had everything you needed. You grabbed all the bags and packed the car. 
You went back inside and made a pot of coffee. You heard footsteps and down came Sage. “Hi mama,” he said and walked over to give you a morning hug. “Hi baby” You smiled and hugged him tight. He might be his fathers son, but he really is a mama's boy. 
Once Gardenia had gotten downstairs, you had started breakfast. You made eggs, toast, and bacon. 
You had finished cleaning up from breakfast as they both came down dressed and ready for the car ride. You packed the two blankets you got for them in the backseat of the car. You had already gotten dressed in the comfiest clothes. You packed snacks and water for the car ride. You told them it was time to get in the car. 
.You already packed their car bag. It had extra clothes, the iPad, and handheld toys.
You got them strapped in and put their blankets on them. You got in the car and put your belt on. You told Jake you were on the way. You put the directions into the GPS and pulled out. You made your way to the highway and took I-40 E all the way to Charlotte.
You made a few stops on the way, letting Jake know where you were and that you were closer.
You checked into a different hotel for 1 night, considering you were going to be seeing him tomorrow during the day. 
When you got to your hotel, you told Jake your room number and told him he could come to the room. 
You heard a knock and you opened the door. You welcomed him with open arms. He ran over to Sage and Gardenia and scooped each of them in his arms. “Uncle Jakey!” They said, simultaneously at the same time. He rubbed both their backs and gave hugs. He put them down and hugged you. 
“Thank you for coming. He misses you guys so much.” You smiled and said, “We miss him too. We cant wait to see him”
Jake had left to get ready for the show. 
You got ready for the show, dressing in white and gold, the same colors of the jumpsuit he was wearing tonight. You got them dressed in 70s groove, equipped with some sunglasses. 
When you got to the venue, you were in Jake's dressing room, waiting to surprise Josh on stage. Jake had told Josh that he wanted to hand out the roses tonight. Josh said yes, not knowing that it would be his children bringing them to him. 
Danny and Sam had come in to see you three. Danny hugged you first as Sam gravitated to the twins. 
Once everything was in order, it was time for them to go on stage. They hugged you and went off to stage.
“When do we get to see Daddy?” Gardenia had asked you.
You looked at her and told her, just a few more minutes.
Jake had a TV in his dressing room, so you put on Spongebob for them. You sat at his vanity as you asked Jenn for some rhinestones. She put rhinestones on your face, identical to his. Jenn got a call on her walkie, saying it was time. 
You picked up the roses and handed them to Gardenia and Sage. You put headphones on them to protect their ears from the sound.
The three of you made your way to the stage. As you approached the entrance, Jake came over and grabbed their hands. He walked up on stage as you followed. You could see Josh, and you saw him fall to his knees. They ran to him, forgetting about the roses. He scooped them into his arms and embraced them tightly. You saw him wipe his face off and he made his way over to you. He grabbed your waist and put his hand on your back. “Mama,” he said, quiet enough for you to hear.
The audience went wild when you came out, feeling all the love in the world.
Josh picked up the roses and put Sage in his left arm and Gardenia in his right. He had them help him hand them out. 
The show had ended and Josh grabbed your hand and led your mini family to his dressing room. Considering the show was late, by the time you guys got back to Josh's hotel room, your two beautiful babies were asleep on one of the beds. Jake offered to sleep in Sam and Danny’s room tonight, not wanting to disturb the Kiszka Family.
Josh had asked you to take off his rhinestones. 
He sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. You sat on his lap with makeup wipes and tweezers. You plucked off each little rhinestone and put them into a cup. You grabbed the makeup wipes and wiped his face off from the glue. 
He put his head on your chest and looked at his children. “God I missed you guys so much.” You smiled and kissed his head. You got off of him and put clothes in the bathroom for him. You made him tea while he showered. He got out and came into the room. You had taken off your rhinestones and got changed into your pajamas. 
He sat on the bed and did grabby hands towards you. You stood between his legs and threaded your fingers through his hair. He moaned into your stomach and wrapped his arms around your waist and grabbed your butt. Gardenia moved around and Josh immediately took his head away to make sure she was alright.
He put his head back onto you and mumbled, “I missed you Mama.” You kissed his head and told him you missed him too.
He rested his chin on your stomach and looked up at you. You kissed his lips, grabbed his hands, and held them.
He looked at his babies then back at you and said, “home sweet home.”
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hiya 👋 just want to say great work. I just saw flo at the Disney thing where she did a FaceTime to giant screen on stage and was wondering could you do a fic where character walks in when she’s on FaceTime and fans see them?
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader 
Summary: You accidently walked into the study while Florence was doing a live stream for a movie promo. 
| Fluff | 0.9K | No Warmings |
AC: Thank you for the lovely comment! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my work! I’m also happy to be writing another Flo one-shot!! I hope you enjoy this! 
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You’d just gotten home from the gym and some window shopping. Florence needed the house to be silent while she did some movie promotions for The Wonder & Puss in Boots 2, usually you’d keep to yourself and be as quiet as possible, but you weren’t exactly sure how long Florence would be, so you opted for a day out by yourself. Billie greeted you at the door with a wagging tail as you kissed the top of her head softly and scratched the spot behind her ear, “where’s mom huh? Still working?” you spoke softly to her, careful not to speak too loudly. Faintly you heard a laughter come from the entertainment room, just an extra living room really but it had a large window for natural lighting and that’s where Flo would do most of her video calls and podcast interviews through covid. 
“Come on girl, let’s go for a walk” you whispered to Billie who got excited at the secret word, walk. You grabbed her harness and put it on her before grabbing her matching lead and out the door the two of you went. Billie loved a good walk, a jog, and a bit of exploring whenever you and Florence were home and able to take her, if you were both away for work than the neighbour watched over her for you both. 
After the walk, another hour, you took a much-needed shower and got into your PJs. Flo was nowhere to be seen so you just assumed she was still in the extra living room doing pre-recorded interviews. Instead of watching TV you made your way to the study to grab a book to read in the meantime. 
“Oh no, we had a lot of fun on set” Flo’s voice spoke as you opened the door. “Shhh, I’m so sorry!” your cheeks went red. Flo looked at you from over her shoulder and smiled, a loud cheer like sound came from the laptop in front of her. “Is everything okay?” Florence asked, you nodded, “I was just gonna…never mind” you smiled with embarrassment as you began to close the door. 
“Is that the lovely Y/n in the background?” a voice from the laptop asked. Florence turned back to the device and smiled, “It is!” she replied, “I’ve been going interviews and other bits and bobs all day, so she’s been entertaining herself” she chuckled, “come here darling, let them see you” Florence looked over at you again. Slowly and nervously, you took the few short steps towards your girlfriend. 
“Hi Y/n, it’s lovely to see you” the interviewer smiled. “It’s lovely to meet you” you smiled, Florence shyly grabbed your hand where the camera couldn’t see and squeezed tightly to assure you it’s okay. “I was just about to ask Florence about the post she put on Instagram last week of the two of you, is it safe to say the two of you are in fact a pair?” she asked with a smile, the audience woo’d at the idea. You looked down at Florence who was smiling at you already, her thumb stroking the top of your hand gently before she looked back to the laptop. “Yes, this wonderful, beautiful human being is my partner” she confirmed with the audience going crazy. 
“Well, congratulations to the two of you, you make a wonderful couple” the interview smiled once more. “Thank you, she’s amazing” you replied, “I’m just going to grab a book and wait for you” you whispered to Florence when she let go of your hand. 
You made yourself comfortable on the sofa with a book and Billie at your feet. It was around 6:30pm when Florence came into the living room with a big stretch before playfully taking your book from your hands. “Hey!” you looked at her with a pout, “I was reading that” you added. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too” she joked, leaving down and kissing gently. “Mmm, I guess I could forgive you after that” you hummed with a smile, Florence kissed you again. “Yeah, I forgive you” you said, gently pulling her over the head of the sofa and on top of you. She giggled at your action as you wrapped your arms around her. “Are you okay with everybody knowing?” she asked, brushing locks of hair out of your face. 
“That I get to call you, my girl? Of course, I’m okay with it” 
Flo smiled, looking into your eyes. “You really are adorable” she pecked your cheek. “Says you!” you kissed her lips once more before she removed herself from your body and wandered into the kitchen, “are you hungry, darling?” she called. “Depends, can I have the chefs special?” you replied with a smile to yourself. 
“What would that be?” you heard Florence chuckle, “extra cuddles in bed tonight” you made your way to the kitchen. “Well, in that case, of course my love” Florence smiled before pulling out ingredients from the fridge. 
Later that night, Florence kept her promise and cuddle you tightly while one hand ran her fingers through your hair. “Have I ever mentioned out beautiful you are? How soft your hair is and how much I adore your smile?” she spoke softly, your eyes already drifting to a slumber from the comfort of her hold. “You may have mentioned it” you mumbled tiredly. “Go to sleep my love, I love you” she said before you fell asleep. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | 
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chweverni · 11 months
Mate (pt.2) - the get together.
pairing; joshua hong x reader
synopsis; jeon yeon-du had to ruin your dress and maybe your mindset with what she said at the party, how are you dealing with all this?
word count; 858 words
author's note; pt.2 is out!! i think i'll add two more parts and we'll be done with this fic :)) comment for me to notify you <3 read part one here.
pt. 3 -> what are we?
you were now sitting on the ground, by the mini lake in the park. the street lights illuminated the deep, dark and still water. you picked up a flat stone, and attempted to skip rocks on the water, but well, it sank instead.
It's just a crush anyway. you thought to yourself. just give it some time, and all this will be better. you got this y/n!
‘New text from joshie!”, your phone vibrated. you hesitated to open the text, but you opened it anyway because it wasn’t his fault.
joshie 🐣: did you leave? (1)
you didn’t even stay for dinner (2)
i’m sad now (3)
can we call? (4)
wanna know if something happened (5)
you sighed, as you saw your phone ring again. you picked it up.
“hello? y/n! are you okay?,”
your eyes watered a bit, and maybe yeon-du was right. joshua was and would always be a good friend but never more than that.
you inhaled deep, mustering up the courage to even produce a few words.
“yeah, I just needed some fresh air. Uhm, did the party end already?”, you asked, resorting to your habit of pulling on the grass out of nervousness.
“mm-hmm, I called it off. someone spilled a lot of soda near the fridge, and a few even threw up. I’m never holding a party, ever again! birthday dinners are way better,” joshua said; you could almost imagine the cute pout on his face while saying all this. you chuckled lightly.
“my mom always held birthday dinners instead of parties as a child. i guess that’s why I wanted to leave early. sorry joshie,” you replied, sniffing as your nose became stuffed due to your failed attempt at crying by the lake.
“where are you? should I come over?”
you checked the time – 20:05 hours.
well, it is a bit late right now. you texted him your location and went to the entrance of the park, wiping you wet face for the one last time.
joshua came walking a few minutes later. he’s changed into some comfortable clothes. he waved as soon as he saw your face and his pace increased.
“Y/f/n Y/n, what’s that on your dress?! did you fall? i don’t think period blood can creep up your chest!”, joshua spoke, with pure concern in his eyes.
you smiled, “It’s nothing, really. someone bumped into me and spilled all of this.”
“doesn’t it stick to your body though? and it’s freezing cold out here! we ought to get you some fresh clothes to wear. come on, let’s go!”, joshua rambled as he grabbed your wrist.
your heart skipped a beat.
“are you sure this fits?”, you asked.
“It’s the best I can do!”, joshua shouted through the bathroom door. he offered you a white tee and his pajamas to wear. you stepped out after removing your pretty ruined make-up off of your face.
“where’d you keep my clothes?”, you asked as you sat on the edge of the bed.
“I’ll wash it and give it back. and no, this one’s on me. my parents warned me about throwing a party,” joshua spoke, with that awfully kind smile he always wore on his stupidly adorable face.
his room was well organized. It had a few posters of some rock bands he liked, a shelf full of physics books, frames of certificates he earned in various competitions — a golden child, indeed. you were in awe.
joshua cleared his throat to avert your gaze towards him.
“wanna reheat the food and eat it while watching a movie?”, he suggested. you agreed.
joshua asked you to choose a movie, while he reheated the food. you ended up re-watching the 20th century girl and oh boy, the scene was to look at. both dorks, shoved spoonful of rice up their mouths, as you sobbed as the ending was purely unfair!
duddenly, joshua’s phone vibrated. he scooted closer to you on the couch and checked the notification.
Yeon-du : why’d you invite that nerd to your party anyway? (1)
you felt awkward at what you saw and joshua quickly discarded his phone. he put down his bowl of fried rice as he stared at you in silence. you held back your tears and he read that pretty well.
“you remind me of me in middle school, you know?”, joshua added out of the blue.
it was now your turn to stare at joshua, but in pure confusion.
“I was basically a plaything for people to poke fun at in middle school. but then I went through this sweet glow up,” he batted his eyelashes which made you snort,” and suddenly, at high school, everyone sees me as their hallway crush!”
he held your hand.
“you were probably the first person I met her who despised me just ‘cause I solved a sudoku puzzle. Thank you,” he shot his infectious smile at you.
“y/n, would you promise me one thing?”, joshua asked.
“depends on what you’re asking for,” you replied, looking at him.
“promise me you’ll never, ever be sad around me; as long as we’re beside each other, we’ll be happy. all right?”
thanks for reading, come back for pt.3, okay? ;)
all creds to @chweverni on tumblr <3
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beebeebunni · 1 year
Saw the movie "Talk to Me" with my Mom today. We both really liked it. I'd give it 5 outta 5 Spirit Communing Hands. I do, however, have thoughts and questions. Will put under the cut because it will be long. Also SPOILERS.
Both my Mom and I agreed that we dislike Sue and Jade. At first, I thought I might have been overreacting when I thought Sue was being a bit much, but then my Mom leaned over and whispered, "Wow, she's a cunt." So, it was good to know my Mom also disliked her. She just seemed somewhat controlling in a way. Jade just seemed like a shit friend to Mia and shit sister to Riley. I'm assuming from the context we're giving they've known each other for a long time, long enough to consider each other family. So, Jade would definitely know it's the day of Mia's Mom's 2year memorial, and still actively ignored her phone calls. She also ignored Riley's phone calls when he wanted to get picked up from the skatepark. She then left the room when he was pleading to play the game. Not saying what happened to him was her fault, cause it was Mia's for caving and agreeing, but Jade shouldn't have stormed off after telling him no. Now, while I fully trust my best friend to back me if I told my little brother "No" to something, I still wouldn't just walk out of the room and leave them there with said game still out. All that being said, I have questions I hope the possible prequal or sequel will answer. Are the spirits actually who they say they are? My Mom and I talked about this on the way home. Was that really Mia's Mom? Is it possible that another spirit was pretending to be her Mom in order to either off herself and/or Riley? Why would her Mom's spirit claim her death wasn't suicide, but her Dad is saying it was? Who it telling the truth? Like the note Max read to Mia is a very plausible thing. If her Mom was on anti-depressants, she could have very well been having what for her was a "good couple days" which could easily have led to her killing herself (it's why suicidal thoughts are a warning on those kinds of medications). We don't get enough info on either of her parents in this film though so it's hard to say. Also, how did Riley get better? Was it because Mia died, and the ghosts just needed a death sacrifice to move off of Riley?
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tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Dead phone 📱
Craig Poole x fem!reader
Movie: Mr. Harrigan’s phone
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Part 7
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Today was Mr. Harrigan’s funeral, Craig spent all weekend working on the obituary and once Craig read it to me I found it lovely even under the circumstances“Craig you are going to be an amazing screen writer some day and I’m sure Mr. Harrigan would be proud of you, we all are” once I said that you could see the tears in his eyes and he got up and cried into my shoulder.
Craig and I had a few good cries, we both missed Mr. Harrigan, Craig and little more than me but Mr. Harrigan was there for me when my mom and I were having problems. Once we get to the church it was sad, not many people came to the funeral only about 13 people, sad cause Mr. Harrigan may have not been the great man but he was royal. But there was no family not even a niece for a second cousin he never married never had kids probably one of the reasons Craig Dad was leery about him going up there in first place. 
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Craigs POV
Reverend Mooney was to conduct the service and I was to read my eulogy and read from the bible.
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you.”
I look around the room and see Edna, smiling, and nodding at me. I saw some of the business types exchange looks at that, as well, Mr. Harrigan hadn’t shown them a great deal of kindness, or much in that way of forgiveness either. I go and sit down in between Y/n and my dad as the funeral goes on.
People are in a line saying there final good byes “Wanna take a last look?” Dad asked me and Y/n. She shook her head no “I wanna wait. I wanna be last.” Y/n and dad nod there heads
“Take your time. We’ll meet you outside.” They stand up and dad walks out, Y/n stands beside me and leans down puts her hand on the back of my neck and kiss my head, then pulls away I stand up and she gives me a hug
“I’ll meet you outside, okay?” She whispered, I nod my head then she pulls away and walk towards the door to meet my dad outside. I walked to the back of the line with only two people in front of me. One of the guys is on his phone while the other looks down at Mr. Harrigan.
I walk up closer to the casket looking down at his body.
He was wearing a suit, I’d never seen before, and the funeral guy had roughed him up a bit so he’d look healthy, except healthy people don’t lie in coffins with their eyes shut.
I look around to make sure no one is there before taking Mr. Harrigan’s phone out of my pocket and placing in in his suits inner pocket then take some lint of his tie, before hearing shuffling behind me you  only had to look at his black suit and white carnation to know he was the funeral parlour guy I suppose it was his job to close the lid of the coffin and make sure it was latched down tight a tear of death came over me at the side of him, and I was glad to leave that place and go to the sunshine and that sunshine was, Y/n
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
It was finally time for the interment of the casket and reverend Mooney decide to speak this time. “Many, who’ve come from far and wide, respected John’s…”
Mr. Harrigan was buried very near my mother. And not to far from Y/n’s father. I’d only been to her grave once. Dad visited her weekly, but I stayed away. I guess because if I did visit…I’d know she was gone forever.
“John Harrigan was a tough shell to crack, but I knew he was a fair man. I wonder if he’d be surprised that people showed up today.” Reverend Mooney finished and patted the coffin.
After a few moments of silence Dad, Y/n, I started walking to the truck when we got stopped “Excuse me. You’re Craig and Y/n, right?” Y/n and I looked at each other then back at the man.
“I’m Chick Rafferty. I handle…handled John Harrigan’s finances. I was hoping to have a quick chat. It concerns you having something of Mr. Harrigan’s.”
“Um…” “Uh…I…” Y/n and I chuckle nervously, we look at my dad and he looks back at us concerned “You should hear from his lawyers in a week or so.” Mr. Rafferty said looking at the both of us “Are we in trouble?” Y/n asked and dad stops before this goes any further “Yeah. What is this about?”
“Don’t worry. It’s a good thing.” The man gives us a polite smile and pulls out to envelopes out of his coat “Well, these should explain it all. I received it two months ago and was instructed to hold it until such an occasions as this.” Mr. Rafferty looked at us all and smiled “Well, have a good day.”
He walks away I look down at the letter in my hand, Y/n grabs my hands and slides it in hers and we start to walk to the car. We get to the truck with Y/n in the middle of my dad and I, as we buckle up our belts dad looks at us with a smile. So I look down then back at him.
“What?” I asked him, Y/n then turns to my dad confused “I think you guys might be in the will.” Dad said hopefully I look down at the letter “Should I open it now?” I said with optimism, he shrugged.
Y/n and I grab our letters and open them and dad starts driving home we read them aloud.
“Craig and or Y/n, if you’re reading this, I’ve died. I have you both with $800,000 in trust.” Dad look at us both in shock “The trustees are your father and Charles Rafferty. My business manager will now serve as my executor. I calculated the sum should be sufficient to see you through four years of college…and any postgraduate work you may choose. Enough should remain to give you a start in your chosen career. Craig you spoke of screenwriting and I heard Y/n take about being a director, and if it’s what you want, then, of course, you must pursue it but know that I do not approve. There is a vulgar joke about screenwriters. I will not repeat it here, but by all means, find it on your phones. Keywords “screenwriter” and “starlet” films are ephemera, while books, good ones, are eternal or close to it. You have read me many good ones, but others are waiting to be written. This is all I will say. Even with school expenses, your $800,000 may grow to a million or more by the time you reach the age of 26, when the trust will expire, and you can spend or invest the rest as you choose. PS. I will miss our afternoons together too.”
Y/n and I look at each in shock at the last sentence and I pull out my phone and go into Mr. Harrigan’s and I conversation and seeing the message I sent him last night.
Dad looks at both of us “What is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
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