#my mom literally said shes tired 3 times already how many other hints do you need
evilestscientist · 1 month
When I’m in a overstaying my welcome competition and I see my relatives enter the room:😦
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aangsglider · 3 years
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Regarding this post I made someone left a comment under it and it won’t let me tag them but I thought why not just address it here and make a short statement about it?
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Ok so-
1. Katara is motherly person. And she doesn’t want to be seen as ‘motherly’. Or at least just ‘motherly’. She wants to be a kid. She wants to have fun. She wants to show people (specifically Toph) that she is capable of having fun. So by calling her motherly over and over again diminishes her character and makes it seem like she’s not a kid who just wants to be a kid, (especially already when a lot of her childhood has been robbed because of the war) and have fun. As if having motherly qualities is a bad thing. As if Katara wasn’t more or less forced into taking up a motherly role from an early stage. We literally have a whole episode about this (The Runaway). But you know the one person who wasn’t heavily involved in that episode? Aang. Because whether she does act motherly to him or not- there is never an implication that Katara is like Aang’s mother. And Aang doesn’t even seek a mother in the first place. He never had one, he doesn’t need or depend on one because again, he’s never had one. Or at least never had one present. If you want to imply that having genuine care for someone = motherly, then okay work away I guess. Honestly a very old and tired take with no hint of Katara being Aang’s mother figure in the series. Besides I think it is relatively gross to imply that Katara was like his mother when for the most famous example, this:
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If you and your mom look at each other like this then run. Besides, it often offends many women by being called ‘motherly’ just for wanting to take care of their significant other. Or as a matter of fact- anyone. If you are motherly, you don’t need to resent that role. You can embrace it. In fact, some women even joke about being like a mother to their significant other because of how much they care about them and they like to show it.
2. When did Aang ever say- “I feel like a brother to you.” Let me go over exactly what was said and why it was said:
Aang: “On stage, when you said I was just like a brother to you and you didn’t have feelings for me.”
Katara: “I didn’t say that. An actor said that.”
Aang: “But it’s true isn’t it. We kissed at the invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we’re not.”
Katara: “Aang, I don’t know.”
Aang: “Why don’t you know?”
Katara: “Because we’re in the middle of a war and we have other things to worry about. This isn’t the right time.”
First of all, Aang only guesses that’s how Katara must see him. And that’s because as he said, they kissed at the invasion and he thought they were going to be together, but they’re not. That’s why he thinks she see’s him as a brother. Secondly- Katara doesn’t view him as a brother for all the obvious reasons but literally for what she says:
“I didn’t say that. An actor said that.”
If Katara did think of him as a brother- then she would’ve said it. “You’re right, I do see you as a brother.” Or she wouldn’t deny it. But right after- Katara let’s him know it’s not her feelings she’s confused about- it’s the timing. They are in the middle of a war.
3. Lol okay so I’ve basically sorted out all above why kataangers aren’t delusional lmao. But the ‘too’ bit? Where did I imply that z/utarians are delusional? (Maybe I think a lot of them are but we’re referencing that other post I made and that they commented on) I literally stated a canon fact. Katara see’s Zuko as stiff and humourless. Genuinely get over it...But what they said is literally all their own made up logics. So my logic doesn’t need to cut anything? What was I trying to cut? A canon fact? Did I say that means you can’t ship z/utara? Don’t get upset over a simple post that is true.
4. And their final point- you mean their build up of that one moment in which Katara felt sympathy for him in the last episode of book 2 and then he betrayed her? Then they were friends for the last second of TSR and five episodes after that? Uhhh okay? I don’t really care? What has that got to do with anything? Zuko and Katara have a great friendship, of course they do, but that’s all it will ever be.
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spade-riddles · 3 years
Sorry mate TTA but I'm gonna need more cuz it's easy & convenient for you to say all that AFTER the fact. Hell any one of us couldve sent in that ask. Perhaps ur legit but I still feel like ur just another hater making up stuff to make us look stupid.
Anonymous asked:
And we should care, why, Tea Time Anon? I'm not seeing any reason to continue supporting those two women or to put any faith into what you say.
Anonymous asked:
I really really really hope that that teatime anon isnt giving us false hopes. Like im already at the edge, one more step and im out. But right now im taking 2 steps back and hang around… again.
Anonymous asked:
Well! It's a REALLY good thing for the girls that buying out of contracts is a thing, then, isn't it!
Because them doing it ASAP is the ONLY thing that will make it so that the number of people that will support them as a out couple ISN'T so low that you can count them on one hand! 😒🚬
Anonymous asked:
Yeah sure like she moved the re-release of her most successful and most anticipated album ever *at the last minute* because of Karlie. As if she was ever gonna incorporate Karlie while married to a Kushner (the divorce wouldn't have come right away). I used to believe so much in tta. But the timeline of events they describe doesn't make sense. Am not falling for the "pivot" excuse anymore.
Anonymous asked:
“I think you all may have guessed that a PR divorce was planned and cancelled because of his Instagram deletion and subsequent reactivation.” No offense to you SR, but this sounds really manipulative. Make us feel good for something we indeed were assuming to gain our trust in order to then excuse their inconsistencies. Also even if 1989 were to be released on May, Speak Now was never gonna be released in July as they had said. Too short of a rollout for 1989. Explain that TeaTimeAnon. 🤷‍♀️
Anonymous asked:
Renegotiate!? Come on. Nope. Taylor better carry on, cause that is bullshit if true. Hell nah. Karlie is ridiculous to keep agreeing to shit—and Taylor is ridiculous to keep going along with it. Nope. Sorry. 😏
I do feel like something was coming in May for sure. I'm not sure what's going on, but things are for sure off. And it is weird that she all of a sudden announces RED 5 months early after dropping 1989 merch. Cool, no problem, but a weird rollout.
Anonymous asked:
Uh why does KK need money from jerk if she has Taylor? The whole she needs his money thing which is why she’s staying is getting to be an old excuse.
Anonymous asked:
There's no way the jerklie divorce was scheduled for the end of May. The end of the contract maybe. But there's absolutely no way they'd be getting divorced 3 months after the birth of the baby. It would have drawn too much unnecessary attention.
Anonymous asked:
Lmao tea time is just saying what we’ve all been saying. They are NOT legit. Stop trying to convince us that they are. They sound like regular fans taking a guess. Enough
Anonymous asked:
Sigh. I am a long time Kaylor and I really don’t find 🍵 credible. There was nothing in that explanation that we haven’t already speculated about at length on here. Unless there’s some strong corroboration of why they’re a trustworthy source, I really don’t need anymore “tea”.
Anonymous asked:
I mean come on. Would a real insider reveal so many details about Karlie's contract which is STILL ongoing in a place that is HEAVILY monitored by Jerk's team? Are we really that naive to believe that someone is offering such precious info without any care? TTA is either a troll or worse... they're dangling fake hope again right when everyone has started saying how sick and tired they are and how pointless it is to still support them. TTA must prove themselves, or not bother us ever again.
Anonymous asked:
Some of what TTA is saying makes sense... But here's my big question: Is Karlie sad and blue every day for months like Taylor talked about in Hoax? Or is she willingly prolonging her contract, pushing Taylor's re-recording schedule, and making it harder to untangle her and her kid from the K*shners? Both cannot be true. I'm not a big Karlie fan rn, but I think it's the first option. Also, TTA said 1989 TV would drop 5/14. So K renegotiated and T pushed 1989 in under 2 weeks? I'm skeptical.
Anonymous asked:
… so a “PR divorce” was scheduled for May, but instead we get Karlie w Joshua’s mom walking the baby and Karlie posing for pics in their stunt apt and a Father’s Day post? Among other pap walks? Literally makes NO sense.
Anonymous asked:
If anything is worth staying tied to the K*shners when you had a chance to be free, I have no respect left.
Anonymous asked:
can someone clarify what the 3rd part of tta's message?? taylors sm, interviews have been messy? like no?? that was(is) karlie?? the only "mess" on her part are that she sent out clues for multiple albums, and even that I refuse to believe that such a meticuluous planner as taylor did not take absolutely every factor in consideration, especially one as big as jerk renemwing their contract or whatever exactly went down. here im assuming that jerk had the power to single handedly renew [PART 1]
the contract, and that the term 're NEGOTIATE' is used loosely, because what could the kushners possibly have to offer to karlie other than money- black, dishonest, taxpayers' money- even her rep isnt being helped by the kushners, so why would she agree to extending their stupid skit that no one signed up for? and taylor has more than enough money to last 7 lifetimes. and if jerk had the power to renew the contract without karlies involvement, there is just no way that taylor didnt [PART 2/4]
take that into consideration. Also, the 22 weeks and men's day thing is too perfect to be planned on a whim, but it is possible that like some anon had previously said, it was planned for 2022, so we can overlook that. but otherwise, there are only so many possibilities: 1. 1989 was postponed because karlie DECIDED to continue playing house with the kushners for money. in which case, either a) taylor supported her (seems unlikely but still possible) or b) they broke up because of this [PART3/4]
2. karlie and jerk are together for real and have a kid together and karlie refused to being a part of 1989 tv era because she doesnt want kaylor rumours again, which i agree would be unpleasant if she really is with jerk, taylor is or is not with joe, and karlies refusal caused 1989 to pivot, and all of us kaylors are delusional to think there is anything more between them. <PART 4/5>,
3. karlie is, infact, bearding with jerk but kaylor broke up a while ago and taylor doesnt want to relive 1989 tv so soon after her breakup because it would remind her of karlie. 4. they broke up sometime in the past and taylor asked her now ex to be part of the 1989 tv era and she refused. 5. tta is a fraud. these are really the only situations i think are plausible, others are free to add more and share your thoughts on these. <PART 4/5>
also, another thing that has me doubting the credibility of tta is how direct their messages are. there is a chance that spade is/was legit because they spoke the same language as taylor- one of codes and puzzles. but tta's messages are wayy too straightforward to be approved by taylor i think. so either, as another anon requested, show some proof, like maybe a single release date for red tv or something, or stop sending supposed "tips" <PART 5/5>
Anonymous asked:
Convenient that TTA shows up after Red TV has been announced. Taylor has been dropping hints about all her albums since before May. Red tv being next makes sense and there is Easter eggs and evidence that was the case. Also: if negotiations happened at start of May, why was KK dropping 1989 hints as recent as last week. It’s doesn’t make sense.
Anonymous asked:
TTA: What about Speak Now TV coming out on July 9th, like you said last time? That album has nothing to do with Karlie. Taylor said pretty clearly that the next album she's releasing is Red TV. So what's your explanation for Speak Now's release being pushed to some unspecified date?
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Week Year 3 Day One
Another year, another of @gojira007 and their blog @boundforfreedomsonsal hosting another week of one of the best OTP’s of fiction. Here’s my entry for Day One: Dawn.
Foreward: Another year; another Sonally Week! Here’s my entry for Day One, and hope ya’all enjoy. This one is a sequel of sorts to my “Surprise” Day entry last year, where after some heckling over certain aspects of his romance with Sally; Sonic gets the news he’s gonna be a big brother! Instead of a literally dawn I decided to do a more thematic ‘dawn of a new part of life’ aspect than the actual time of day.
The blue furred Hedgehog in question continued to pace the floor, seeming to either not hear, or simply not regard the call of his name. He stopped, but not to reply, and began to tap his foot repeatedly as he often did in a show of impatience. Soon he was pacing yet again, causing the one trying to get his attention to sigh in exasperation, again.
“Sonic!” Raising her voice, just-oh-so-slightly, Sally again, attempted to get the attention of her fiancé’ this time reaching out and managing to grasp his tail and give it a small yank. Probably not the best thing for Sonic’s pride as he let out the cutest squeak in response, but Sally didn’t mind. Smiling coyly yet with a hint of apology in her eyes as he turned to face her, she reached for his arm, softly rubbing it. “Calm down a bit hun, you’re going to wear the floor out.” Rubbing his slightly sore posterior, Sonic gave his beloved a mild glare that softened almost as soon as it appeared; agitation giving way to the concern plaguing him. “Sorry Sal, it’s just, well it’s been over an hour since the expected due date. What’s the hold up?”
A voice quips from a chair along the opposite side of the waiting room from Sonic and Sally. “Well that’s how labor sometimes goes Sonny-boy. I mean you didn’t exactly pop out as soon as your Ma’s water broke. Slow-going was the name of the game.” Chuckled Charles Hedgehog, finding much amusement in his nephew’s impatience. An impatience he very much empathized with, but knew better than to get too riled up at this point. “So an hour past when the doctor expects the babies to come is small change, especially compared to how you made everyone wait a whole ten hours and ninety-one minutes before you finally graced us with your presence.”
Sitting besides Charles, Rosie Woodchuck let out her own dainty but hearty giggle as she reached to give the silver-furred Hedgehog a gentle squeeze of his hand. “Oh the language coming out of that room. We both feared for your brother’s manlihood if not his existence.”
“I wasn’t that hard on Mom was I?” Inquired Sonic with genuine curiosity mixed with a mild hint of indignity. His gaze only half-way went to his Uncle and Rosie; mainly because he still found it weird they were dating. Correction had been dating on the down-low since, well, a long time with the two only having a ‘break’ when he’d been roboticized all those years. He was genuinely happy for them, but it was still just plain weird to him.
“I think pregnancy is hard for any woman the first time around, or so I read and was told.” Mused Sally as she gently pulled Sonic to sit beside her, rubbing his quills to both straighten them out, and to soothe his nerves. Not unlike Sonic she was still processing the semi-recent revelation that her beloved former Nanny and Sir Charles had been dating under everyone’s noses for so long. Then again should she be surprised? Both were rather private people about their personal lives outside of whatever they did with friends and family. Not to mention the true reason they kept it quiet back in the day had more to do with concerns their positions in the Royal Court would cause unrest for some if their more intimate relationship came to light.
Looking toward Rosie, Sally was now curious about her own birth given the topic. “Were Elias or I rough on Mother?”
Rosie shook her head, “Not really, Elias took some time, but your dear Mother thankfully did not have too rough a time of it. Her calm demeanor kept up even dealing with labor pains, and the end result more than made up for it. You were much easier, as she knew what to navigate and you only took so many hours after the labor contractions began to grace us with your presence.” She smiled fondly, thinking about the two occasions, then giggled. “That said she wasn’t above occasionally reminding your Father it was his fault she was in that state, and well, that’s her story to tell more than mine.”
Snickering, Sally looked at Sonic with a very straight face, barely keeping a grin from forming. “I promise if we have kids, not to threaten your masculinity. That said, I will probably get my vengeance some other way.”
Lifting an eyebrow, Sonic elbowed his girlfriend-now-fiance’ gently in the arm. “Oh reeeeeeeally? Well you gotta catch me first Sal.”
“I already did.” She murmured, leaning in to kiss his cheek as she laced her fingers with his.
“Got me there,” Relenting, Sonic returned the smile, as well as the kiss, planting it on her fluffy cheek before leaning back in his seat. His concern for his Mother and his impending siblings, slightly alleviated for the time being.
The elder couple shared a look, one they had often shared when they were witness to the dear love and devotion between Sally and Sonic. From children to adults, the two always seemed to be a pair they fit so well, it was clear as day even when they were in diapers or arguing up a storm as toddlers, to their teen years. The small things in life that made all the gloom and doom of the past decade and some odd-change worth living for. Soon everyone’s heard turns as the double-door leading to the maternity ward opened and Doctor Quack limped out, leaning on his cane carefully, but with a confident stride; showcasing he’d come to master the walking tool quite well.
Holding up his free hand, both to interrupt as well as allow Quack to pull down his mask, his bill forming into a smile. “Your newborn sister and brother are here, healthy and loud, and your Mother is doing very well herself.”
The four cheer as they stand up, mindful this was still a hospital and kept it down, but their jubilation was completely understood.
“Can we see them?” Asked Sonic, already antsy and looking ready to speed down the corridor.
“Yes, we’ve already handled all the post-birth clean up, and checked their vitals as well as Bernie’s, who herself wishes to see you all as well. So I see no issue with allowing visitation right away, but do keep it brief, they do need their rest.” Advised the water-foul doctor as he kept himself straight, if just to fight off his own fatigue which was now creeping up after the long labor. “Just NO running Sonic, got it?”
At the mild admonishment, the Hedgehog simply grinned. “Me? Run through a hospital? Would I do thaaaaaaaaaaaat?”
“Yes, you would.” Everyone else remarked with amazing timing and matching deadpan. To which Sonic rolled his eyes.
“Sheesh, talk about a crowd! Anyway let’s go, let’s go!” Sonic urged, already half-dragging Sally along, forcing his beloved to keep in rapid pace close to him as they held hands still. Sally simply went with it, laughing softly at Sonic’s outright adorable impulsive need to see his new siblings. Chuck and Rosie merely followed at their pace, but there was certainly a spring in their step as well.
Eventually the group, along with Doctor Quack, reach the room designated for Bernie and her newborns. Managing to keep Sonic at bay enough, Quack pushed the door open for them and cleared his throat. “Jules, Bernie, your guests have arrived.”
Like an impatient puppy, Sonic squeezed past Quack, Sally trailing hand-in-hand still from behind. His emerald-green eyes, zeroing-in on the target, even as his breath hitched softly as a wave of emotion floored Sonic as he finally gazed upon his Mother and new siblings. As tired as Bernie Hedgehog looked, nothing could dull the intense love and adoration in her eyes and face as she held two swaddled bundles in her arms. Her husband Jules’ own expression was a mirror of his wife’s, only tinged with the pride only a Father can know. Each look up their expressions beaming more at the sight of their eldest child, with Jules instantly waving him over.
“Hey there son, come say hi to your baby brother and sister!”
Noticing that Sally seemed a bit frozen, Sally found back a ‘snerk’ that wanted to come out, and simply pulled him along. Upon seeing the two infants, mewling and cooing, her own eyes mist. “Awww, they’re adorable!”
“Y-yeah they are…” Sonic managed a dry chuckle,  why did his throat feel so dry? He’d been psyched for this ever since his Mom laid the bombshell she was pregnant nine months ago! Of all the times for Sonic the Hedgehog to choke and lose his cool, it’s this? He didn’t lose his cool this much, asking Sally to marry him for Almighty’s sake! Leaning over he got a much better look at the two.
One of the two clearly favored their Mother’s more light-purple coat, another had the milder-blue of his Father. Both were cute as a button, and just, the sounds they made! Sonic usually wasn’t one to obsess over cute things, but he was entranced. “So we got names for these two? Or do I call em’ Li’ Sib one, and two?”
“We were thinking of Sonia, for this little angel.” Explained Bernie as she gently pet the back of her daughter’s head. The newborn curled against the warm hand that carried the scent of her Mother. “As for this handsome young man, I was thinking of something with M, like Manwell or Manny.”
“If he’s anything like Sonny-boy he’ll be one manic child.” Chuckled Charles as he and Rosie moved closer taking the end of the bed so as to not crowd anyone.
Something about that line struck a chord with Jules, who instantly adopted a thoughtful look as he rubbed his chin. “Manic, manic, why not Manic?” He grinned even as his wife looked at him rather funny. “Face it hun, if Sonic’s any indication, these two are going to be spirited, and it kind of goes well don’t you think?”
After a moment, Bernie tired rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she however smiled, “Manic it is. However if that name causes him woe, I’ll be sure he knows he has you to blame.”
“Anybody gives him or Sonia woe I’mma deck em’.” Sonic proclaimed, pounding his fists together.
“Nor alone,” Agreed Sally as she leaned against him. They weren’t her siblings biologically, but already she had decided she would help protect them at all cost.
“Triple, and quadruple so.” Added Rosie, who nodded along with Charles. The family was united on this front.
“Fantastic.” Giggling, Bernie kissed the heads of her newborns. “Hear that, your family is ready to murder for you.”
“You all can plot future murder later, as much as I hate to spoil the moment, Mother and both newborns need rest.” Spoke up Quack as he stood at the door, keeping silent until now.
Yawning, Bernie nodded in agreement, she was drained. Her gaze lifted to her husband. “You get some rest too, you’ve been up with me through all this.”
“I didn’t do even a fraction of the work; but, rest sounds good.” He yawned, quickly covering his mouth. “Mind if I just crash here Doc?”
“I’ve already asked an orderly to bring a rollaway for you. I know better.” Smiled the duck-doctor in a knowing fashion. “Now come now everyone, time to go.”
Looking at his parents, Sonic instantly stated. “We’ll visit tomorrow, promise.”
“Looking forward to it son, looking forward to it.”
Giving his siblings one last look, Sonic smiled and winked at the two infants. “Welcome to the world you two, hopefully by the time you can talk and explore the world there’ll be one last fat-man to worry about. That’s a big-bro promise!”  
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | Drabble 3
Okay so...this is set the day after the MC meets Hoseok’s parents and is from Hoseok’s POV! So...it’s 2.3k so a bit of a long drabble (especially given how short the chapters of Flower are) but I suppose you’ll enjoy it. Please reblog if you liked it and leave me comments about what you thought about another venture into our leading man’s head!
You get to find out a bit more about Hoseok, his mindset, his past and his relationship with his mom here :D
This isn’t proof read at all btw lol
Hoseok watches his mom carefully as she makes her way round the kitchen, the ingredients for her banana nutella pancakes laid out before her as she prepares to make him breakfast. It’s the day after he’d introduced you to them for the first time and you’re still upstairs, fast asleep in the double bed that had been his since he was sixteen.
Unsurprisingly, he’d gotten up long before you had. Over the course of your relationship so far, Hoseok had discovered that you could sleep forever if allowed whereas he quite liked to be up and about in the morning. Which was why he was up at only 8am on this fine Sunday morning.
Neither of you had intended to stay the night but by the time the movie you’d all been watching had finished, you’d been fast asleep against him and he’d been loath to make you wake up to travel all the way back to yours. So instead, with the permission of his parents, he’d taken you upstairs and carefully tucked you into bed before curling up beside you.
At the moment though, it was only him and his mom awake which was why she was indulging him with his childhood favourite. Licking at his lips, he takes a sip of the sweet, fresh apple juice and sighs softly to himself. There’s a lot of times he wishes he could go back and fix things with his parents when he’d been an ass to them.
He’d said a lot of things he hadn’t really meant, things that had been hurtful for the sole purpose of being hurtful because he was angry. It hadn’t been a pleasant experience raising him as a teenager and he was aware of that now, aware that he couldn’t change anything but it still made him feel guilty for what he’d put them through.
His parents had loved him despite whatever he’d thrown at them and he was just thankful now that they hadn’t thrown the towel in. That they’d persevered and given him chance after chance. It had taken him a while, but he’d finally opened up and taken that chance after years and now he was determined to not ruin things for them again.
They’d lost one child already, he didn’t want them to lose a second.
“Do you want me to cut them into Power Rangers?” She says suddenly and he realises he’s let his thoughts get away with him. Blinking rapidly, he processes what his mom says before laughing and shaking his head, remembering how she used to cut them for him back then. She’d gotten a special pancake...tin or whatever they were called to make him Power Ranger pancakes.
“I think I’m okay to just eat normal ones now mom. But thanks. Next time I feel like defeating Rita Repulsa, I’ll let you know.” It makes her laugh and he smiles at the sound, realising that you were completely right when you’d teasingly called him a mommy’s boy when you’d found out he called her every other day and talked for hours. You’d meant it in a positive way but it was true all the same.
There wasn’t a lot he wouldn’t do to make his mom happy. Not when he’d spent so long making her sad.
“Well, I’m just checking. You’ve not asked for banatella pancakes in a long time.” She turns round and hands him a plate piled high with pancakes, more cut bananas carefully placed atop the pile of extra Nutella that he loved so much. Banatella had been what he’d nicknamed them when he’d been like...six or something.
Hoseok shrugged, placing the plate down in front of him and picking up his fork. A careful bite has his mouth filly with fluffy, perfectly made pancakes that fill his mouth with sweetness. Humming happily, he tucks in and eats contentedly while his mom cleans up. He wants to protest her making this without making herself anything but she brings a bowl of muesli with fresh strawberries to the table and sits opposite him.
“I wasn’t expecting you both to stay the night.” She says, beginning the conversation as she takes a sip of her coffee. It’s black, like she always has it, and he’s always amazed that she can drink it like that.
“We weren’t gonna, obviously. But she gets tired very easily and gets a teeny bit grumpy if I wake her up. Didn’t think it was worth it.” Shrugging, he eats another mouthful and looks down at his plate.
“I peeked in at you both this morning, I’ll be honest. It was cute though. She was almost sprawled over the top of you.” His mom laughs lightly, her smile bright as she remembers and Hoseok can’t help but laugh in response.
“Yeah...she does that. There’s like zero concept of how to sleep next to someone ‘cos she’s never had to before. I don’t really mind, doesn’t wake me up. Except that time she accidentally punched me in the face in her sleep. Didn’t mean to, but I woke up to a sore jaw and her hand right there.” He snorts at the memory, fingers rubbing at his jaw as he gets a phantom pain.
“I think I’ve done that to your dad a few times so I guess you might expect it a little more.” The conversation dies down a little after that and the two of them just eat, the silence comfortable. But Hoseok has a question burning within him that he’s a little surprised about, a need to check that his mom likes you. That she approves.
He doesn’t want to say it though because he feels a bit stupid acting like that. At almost twenty-nine years old, he doesn’t need his parents approval anymore. But he’s spent a large portion of his life being an asshole to them and never doing anything right. So he has a need to make sure that he’s doing this right.
“You like her, right?” Mentally, he facepalms as he realises that he’s asked the question in the most childish and attention seeking way possible. There was even a little hint of whining in his voice, which he doesn’t even understand because why the hell would be whining about this? Maybe it’s because it’s his mom or something.
She pauses in her eating, looking at him intently and he resists the urge to fidget under her stare. That was a mom stare for sure and he feels like he’s done something bad. Like whenever she caught him smoking weed in his bedroom in high school or that time he’d had to hide a girl in his closet. 
He’d been a wild teenager, he admits this.
“Yes. I like her. And so does your dad. She’s very sweet and kind. A little shy and a little awkward like you said, but...she’s nice. I’ll admit, she’s not what I expected when you announced that you had a girlfriend you’ve been dating for longer than three weeks,” He pulls a face at that. “But I’m glad of that actually. You had some...dubious choices back then.”
“I think you mean that I was chronically allergic to the concept of a relationship and therefore only ever ‘dated’ girls had the same opinion as me.” That was a nice and polite way to put it, he thinks to himself proudly. Better than saying ‘I liked to stick my dick in women who had no expectations of a future’. 
Thinking back, he really was an asshole for years.
“You mean that you slept with women, you didn’t date them?” His mom says dryly, a brow raised in amusement at him as he sputters at her bluntness. Literally, there’s bits of pancakes everywhere now and he’d be embarrassed about that if he wasn’t mortified over the fact his own mother had just openly pointed out that she was highly aware of his previous sex life.
“Mom!” He whines, rubbing at his mouth to make sure there’s no residue and cleaning his lip ring. “Yes. That. we don’t talk about that anymore. That was a different Hoseok. He had...low standards. For everything apparently.”
“Well, I’m glad that you raised them with Y/N. She’s honestly lovely and if you were acting like how you used to act, then I’d say you don’t deserve her. But you’ve changed a lot and it’s very clear that you love her and want to try hard. And she obviously loves you too.” Playing with a piece of banana, he pokes his tongue into his cheek as he considers her words.
He knows you love him. You haven’t told him yet, but he knows. The level of trust and faith you’ve put into him to not hurt you was a little humbling and only part of why he was trying so hard with you. Hoseok’s past was filled with many women, sure, but he honestly believed it was because he’d just never found anyone he’d clicked with and wanted to be in a relationship with.
“This is going to sound incredibly sappy and I kind of want to sink into the floor just thinking the words. But it’s like I met her by pure chance when I wasn’t looking and she’s everything I wanted. I have to work a little, be incredibly understanding and slow with her but...I’ve never found someone that I want to try so hard with before. Even that first date, when I was just going along to give it a try and realised this girl is nothing like any other girl I’ve been with before, I knew that I’d found something worth keeping. She’s just...she’s not perfect. And she’d be the first to tell you that. But it’s like...I’ve never been so fascinated with someone, her mind goes a million miles a minute and I can barely keep up but she comes out with the most random shit and I love it. I don’t know what it is about her but...I found her by accident and I never wanted to let go once I did. God that was really lame, wasn’t it?” He cringes.
His mom is smiling so happily though and he realises that her eyes are glassy, causing him to whine once more as he realises he’s made her cry. Which is ridiculous, why is she crying?
“Why are you crying!” Hoseok protests, a little outraged that his incredibly soft words had made her cry but more worried about the fact he’d made her cry. What had he said to cause this?
“It’s nothing sweetheart,” She says, her voice strained as she reaches forward and grasps his hand. “It’s just...hearing you talk about her. I don’t think you realise just how much you love her really. Your face lights up and you get this smile. I spent a long time thinking that I’d never get to see you this happy, that you’d never settle but you didn’t just find someone to love. Hobi, my baby boy, I know you’ll roll your eyes at me but I really do think you’ve found your soulmate.”
Okay, she’s right. He does want to roll his eyes at her when she says that but he doesn’t. Because he can see how happy she is and how emotional she is to hear that he’s finally found the happiness and stability that he’d obviously been searching for for so long. He’s not an idiot. He recalls his therapy very well and he’s pretty convinced that he never settled for anyone before because he didn’t believe that he should just settle for someone he liked.
His sister never got the chance, so he should make sure that he found the one. Oh god, he’s being just as sappy and romantic as his mom now. She’s putting these thoughts into his head, that has to be it, he thinks to himself. But he doesn’t say it because she looks happy, and that’s all he wants.
“I’m not gonna say that’s cheesy. Okay no, it was definitely cheesy mom. But...I’m not gonna say no either. And I would like it if we could both just forget this conversation ever happened please. I feel very embarrassed right now and I know it’s fine for men to talk about their feelings but there’s talking about their feelings and then there’s talking about their feelings to their mom. I just...as long as you like her.” And now he’s gone awkward, causing his mom to laugh as she picks up his empty plate and places her equally empty bowl on top.
“Hey, hey, I can clean it! You made it, I’ll clean it.” He says insistently, standing to take them from her. But she simply shakes her head and gestures to him.
“Nope. You should go back up and wake her up for breakfast too. It’s fine, I’ve got it. You want to forget the conversation happened? Go bring her down for breakfast. Otherwise she’s going to hear all about how her big, tattooed and pierced boyfriend melted into ice cream talking about her.” He recognises that tone in her voice, the teasing one that’s edged with more than a little sarcasm.
Hoseok recognises it because he does it himself and he locks his jaw at realising he’s been outmaneuvered by his own mother. Not surprising really. She did give birth to him and all. So he does what any dutiful son would do in this moment and backs down at the threat. Before leaving though, he pauses in the kitchen doorway and points to her, eyes narrowed.
“For the record, I’m only going because we’re going somewhere today and she needs to get up. It has nothing to do with me telling you things. If you think it’d embarrass me, you’re totally wrong. I don’t know what woman wouldn’t like to hear that her ‘big, tattooed and pierced boyfriend’ was getting all mushy over them. So ner.” And with that, he does that very adult and mature thing of sticking his tongue out at her before leaving.
His moms laughter is sweet music to his ears as he climbs back up the stairs and he smiles in response.
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 09
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Warnings: Mentions of weed (third-party)
Word count: 2,850
Note: I’m not emotionally ready to continue with this story sjfdnjfsdfjd.
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
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“Y/N, it’ll be fine.” Jimin waved you off as you complained to him over lunch. “No, it really won’t. She blasts loud rock music, smokes weed INDOORS and leaves creepy goth dolls everywhere. It’s scary. It’s like they’re always watching you.” You shivered at the end of your sentence and Jimin rolled his eyes at your exaggeration. “Just complain to the Admins then.” Your roommate had started off okay, now, 2 months in, she had turned into an absolute monster. “I was going to but she said ‘complain about me and I’ll skin you alive’ and now I’m just scared.” Jimin cringed looking at you with sympathy, he put both his hands on your shoulders. “It was nice knowing you, Y/N. If you die can I have your boyfriend?” You were about to punch him till you stopped midway. “Jimin, you’re a genius!” You hugged him instead and hurriedly left. Jimin was offended at you abruptly leaving but shrugged it off, eating the rest of your sandwich happily.
You quickly ran to sit at the seat next to Jungkook’s desk once he was done taking a statement from this middle-aged woman. “I need a favor.” Jungkook was typing up the statement he just took, focusing on his computer, he nodded at you to continue despite how busy he seemed. “I need you to make my roommate listen to me.” He sighed, you had complained to him about your roommate nearly every day now. “Y/N I told you I can’t just arrest her or threaten to arrest her whenever I want.” “But you don’t even have to do anything, just show up in your uniform and she’ll probably get the hint. Please?”
Jungkook didn’t want to look at you. He already knew you’d be pouting and he was weak against your pouts. “Y/N it’s not very ethical to scare someone just because you don’t like them.” You groaned childishly, she was a horrible person and you couldn’t have possibly been the only person who thought so. “You don’t understand, I haven’t slept peacefully at all for the past month.” Jungkook handed you a pair of keys from his back pocket. “Go to my apartment after your classes and sleep there, okay? I’ll let you stay with me till we get your roommate situation sorted.” You hugged him tightly even though he was very busy and probably did not want to be hugged. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Jungkook was suffocating under your grasp so he pulled you away and kissed you goodbye.
When Jungkook told you his apartment was a little extra you were not expecting something that extra. Maybe you were just too accustomed to the extremely small dorm but this was surely not a normal apartment. It was on the top floor of some building and it had glass walls which you could apparently tint to solid black and the kitchen was bigger than your entire dorm. The living room was very modern and had an electric fireplace. And, the coolest part which you had discovered accidentally was a TV which came out of the table. You were quick to flop onto the couch, turning on the electric fireplace to keep you warm and praying that your random falling-off-the-bed habit wouldn’t follow you to Jungkook’s apartment.
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at you when he got home. You were sleeping peacefully hugging one of the couch pillows but on the floor. He didn’t want to wake you up so he quietly put his keys down and went into his room to change out of his uniform. You woke up from the quiet rustling, you’ve always been a light sleeper and it was a curse. When Jungkook came back you smiled at him tiredly, rubbing your eyes. “Did I wake you up?” You shook your head, not wanting him to feel bad. “Did you sleep well on the floor?” You nodded quickly before stretching out your tired limbs, not picking up his sarcasm. “Yeah but I’m still sleepy.” You tried to go back to sleep but Jungkook stopped you, sitting next to you on the couch. “Just stay awake for now, it’s only 6. I don’t want you to wake up at 3 in the morning.” You crossed your arms angrily, scowling at his very logical proclamation.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” You hummed back in agreement, your eyes still trying to pull you back into sleep. “What do you want to watch?” You shrugged, while slowly sinking into the extremely comfortable couch again. “You choose, I chose Bad Boys last time.” “Yes, and it was a great choice. Grace us with your exquisite taste once again.” You laughed sarcastically before offering a pointed glare, he ruffled your head lightly to which you glared harder. “You said they over accommodated the action parts with humor and it made the movie unbearable.” Jungkook winced at your incredibly vivid recollection of that night, messing up your hair again right after you had fixed it. “I’m not a big fan of movies.” You patted down your head, trying to fix the small mess he made. “What, how can you just not like movies? There are so many different ones out there.” He continued to skim through the selection using his remote. “They just seem boring to me.” You rolled your eyes though he didn’t see. “Of course they seem boring to you, your life is basically a James Bond movie.” Jungkook chuckles before ruffling your head once again officially ruining your ponytail. “You have clearly never watched a James Bond movie before.” You gave up trying to fix your ponytail, now too fixated with taking it out to care about what Jungkook had said. You chose a movie nonetheless.
Jungkook didn’t mean to fall asleep, he wanted to stay awake but his body betrayed him. It was towards the end of the movie when you turned to look at Jungkook, realizing he was asleep the whole time. “Wake up Jungkook you’re missing the best part.” Jungkook woke up to be met with your tearful face. “Why are you crying?” He was panicked when he woke up, you glared a little before angrily gesturing at the screen. “Maybe if you watched the movie you’d know.” Jungkook sighed before rubbing his eyes sleepily.
Jungkook went to check his phone and his heart dropped at the messaged he’d received. “What’s wrong? I was just kidding you know. I’m glad you got to rest.” You turned to him with worry painted on your face. “Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry.” You shook your head not accepting his answer, you were nothing if not perseverant. “Something’s clearly bothering you Jungkook, you can tell me.” You were soft with your words, you wanted to help him liked he continuously helped you. “It’s nothing.” “But-” “For fuck's sake Y/N it’s not important just drop it!” He yelled at you a little this time, his voice was firm and intimidating but you weren’t scared, you knew how difficult it was for some people to talk about their problems. “It seems pretty important to me.” Jungkook groaned before getting up from the couch and storming off, you let him, thinking you went a little too far.
He didn’t come back for a while and you were getting worried. You felt bad for trying to pry into his personal life so you went to go look for him so you could apologize. You knocked on his office door but you were met with silence. You opened the door slowly but Jungkook noticed you immediately. “What’s up, did you get hungry?” You shook your head and frowned a bit at his cold tone, he wasn’t happy with you and you understood why. “I’m sorry for trying to make you talk, I just wanted to help.” You spoke with an extremely soft voice in hopes that it would help you in getting him to forgive you. “Thank you for trying to help but you wouldn’t understand.”
Your face stiffened at his words but you bit back a witty remark. “Well if the only reason you’re not telling me what’s troubling you is because you’re afraid I won’t understand then I’m staying right here.” “What?” Jungkook bent his laptop screen a little, this time visibly annoyed with your rambling. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.” “Fine by me.”
Jungkook didn’t think you were serious, but now you were lying upside down on his office couch with your feet against the wall. It had been 3 hours since your declaration and you were not budging. “Y/N, it’s 10:30, go to bed.” You held your phone to your chest and looked at him. “Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong.” His face scrunched in annoyance once again. “For the last time, there’s nothing wrong.” You went back onto your phone. “I could do this forever.” Jungkook had decided enough was enough and picked you up over his shoulder. “You’re going to sleep.” You started slapping his back, telling him to put you down but naturally, he didn’t comply.
He took you to his room where he softly threw you onto his bed, getting his covers out from underneath you and trapping you in them. “Go to sleep, I’ll join you later.” You stuck your tongue out at him before angrily turning over to face the other side. Jungkook ignored your little outburst and went back into his office, he read the message over and over and each time he felt his heart plummet to his feet.
Do you have a girlfriend, Jungkook?
Read 7:36
Jungkook knew his mother and he knew that all she wanted was for Jungkook to get married and start a family like his older brother. Then Jungkook remembered the one person possible of telling his mother about his relationship was his older brother. He sighed, exasperated, not knowing how to reply to her. On one hand, he didn’t want to lie to her, but on the other, she’d ask to meet you and Jungkook wasn’t sure how to tell her you weren’t Korean.
You felt the bed dip which softly woke you up. You looked at the digital clock Jungkook had on his wall. It was nearly 1am. “Jungkook…?” You felt him turn around to face you and that’s when you realized. You’re sleeping in the same bed. You’re sleeping in the same bed.  You began to get nervous because despite you dating for a bit you were yet to get intimate with each other. “Do you have a phone charger I can borrow?” You stuttered over your words and your voice was barely above a whisper. “Pass me your phone.” You took it out from underneath your pillow and Jungkook simply put it on his bedside table. “Jungkook I really need it charged.” He chuckled at your whining, pulling you in to lay on his chest. “Relax baby, it’s a wireless charger.” “But what if my phone slid-” Jungkook cut you off by smothering your face into his chest. “Go to sleep.” And you did just that.
When Jungkook woke up the next morning you were still asleep, though now you had somehow ended up on the edge of the opposite side of the bed. Jungkook pulled you back to stop you from falling but you just turned around to aimlessly throw around your arm, trying to find his body. Jungkook’s heart warmed at your perpetual cuteness though you kind of looked like those inflated things at car sales. You opened your eyes tiredly once you realized he wasn’t next to you. “Why are you awake so early?” “What do you mean it’s 12pm?” You jumped out of bed really quickly only to see the clock read 6:30. “I hate you.” Jungkook didn’t hear you over his laughter, even he could be childish sometimes. He gave you a quick peck on the forehead before he left for work and you lulled back into your slumber.
Your 8:00am alarm woke you up and you begrudgingly turned it off, accidentally falling off the large bed in the process. You have an uncanny habit for falling off furniture and you genuinely don’t understand it. You got ready for your last weekend tutoring class, you decided you were going to take the weekends off, seeing that you’re financially stable enough. Saturday mornings were usually quiet in New York and you enjoyed the crisp weather and calm streets. The eerie silence before the inevitable hustle that was soon to come. You walked to your university from Jungkook’s apartment which was a good 20-minute-walk at your fastest but you didn’t mind. It was nice to be outside of your university for once.
You spent the rest of your day planning out your tutoring lessons and getting easily distracted by Netflix an embarrassing number of times. You played video games on Jungkook’s PlayStation but you were quick to infer that your skills were subpar. You had to admit the need to get better was an insatiable desire, you played for far too long and before you knew it, it was already midnight.
Jungkook came home far later than usual, around 1am to be exact. The second he entered the living room he collapsed onto his couch, letting out a loud huff of discontentment while removing the bulkier parts of his uniform. Jungkook didn’t notice you in the kitchen and you were glad he didn’t. You were moping at 1am while eating cereal, it was not your best look. You tried to quietly escape with your food but you accidentally dropped the spoon and Jungkook quickly turned to the side, prepared to pull his gun out of its holster. “Oh fuck, it’s just you.” You quickly bent to pick up the spoon, losing your appetite now. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jungkook didn’t reply, too tired to notice the weirdness of this situation and you were unbelievably thankful for it. He said he was going to shower before standing up and heading to his room. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, very quietly throwing away your cereal and washing the bowl.
When Jungkook got out of the shower, he assumed you were asleep which is why he was openly changing into his clothes right in front of your seemingly unconscious body. You closed your eyes quickly the second his towel dropped and you squeaked a little which blew your cover. “Y/N? Are you still awake?” You answered with a confident ‘no’ before realizing how stupid you were. He chuckled at you. “What, you’ve never seen a man naked?” You groaned at how he was clearly enjoying this predicament. “Not in real life! No!” He stopped laughing now.  “Wait so, Miss I’m-so-grown-up Y/N is actually a virgin?” He was now dressed, though only in boxers and you were beginning to sweat nervously. “Okay listen, sex doesn’t measure maturity, leave me alone.” He ruffled your hair again, something he enjoyed doing which just brought you and your scalp great pain. “I’m kidding, Y/N, don’t cry.” He was cooing at you like an infant so you pushed him with all your strength as he tried to get onto the bed. “Fuck you!” He laughs uncontrollably before getting under the covers. “I know you won’t be able to.” You quickly stood up in an outburst of frustration. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” Jungkook pulled you back by your wrist and you fell back into his arms where he kissed you softly on the cheek. “I’m kidding, you know I love how innocent you are.” You glared back at him feeling violated. “I’m not that innocent.” Jungkook didn’t want to deal with your whining so he nodded and let himself fall asleep, spooning your angry body which was now turned away from him.
Jungkook fell asleep before you and looking at him peacefully in a deep slumber made you feel bad. Looking back at his tired face you conferred that he deserved much more than just 1 day off. You wondered just how stressful it was for him to work in such a job and you thought about your future occupation too. You were well on your path to becoming an orthopedic surgeon, seeing as operating on bones seemed to be a lot less scary than brains or hearts. You began to realize that perhaps medical school isn’t the worst possible thing, if Jungkook found it worth this much exhaustion to help people then you’re sure you could toughen up and get through some shitty classes. While you were sitting up, deep in thought, Jungkook pulled you back down into the bed as he cuddled you closely. “Stay with me.” His morning voice was deeper than his usual one, his groggy tone was exceedingly attractive but you tried to not let it get to you, letting yourself be engulfed by Jungkook’s sleepy arms.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 8) | The Boyz Imagine
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Ep 8: In which Mae and Kevin have THE TALK, and Juyeon and Hyunjae gossip about them. 
The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series. 
Main characters: Kevin, Juyeon, Hyunjae and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz
Genre: fluff, slice of life, BROMANCE BRUH 
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
Kevin's heart is racing in his chest and up his throat. Suddenly, it feels a little too hot in the room, his coat weighing down on his shoulders like wet clothing that makes him want to squirm in place. 
He knows he can't avoid this forever. But he also can't seem to look into Mae's eyes, for fear of what he might find there. 
Running a hand over his face and allowing a sigh to escape, he answers, "yes. Yes, I do."
He focuses his attention on her feet. Silence reigns over the room as he contemplates whether he should bolt out of the door. 
"You idiot."
He forces himself not to wince, preparing for the rain of rejections that will splatter his body like arrows.
And then, Mae is punching his shoulder, "you idiot. You're so stupid." 
Surprised, his eyes flutter up to her face only to see her flustered, somewhat guilty expression. Realization dawns, chest releasing its tension. 
He grabs her wrist in mid-punch to halt her actions, unconsciously pulling her closer as he does so and there's no chance of hiding his joyous surprise when the said woman averts her eyes this time as though she is embarrassed.
"I like you too," comes her mumble, "why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to tell you? I was friendzoned before I even tried."
"I didn't friendzone you."
"You kept saying how you'd never date any of us because we were like brothers to you."
"Okay fine," she pauses, "I might have said that. But that's beside the point. The point is…"
She trails off unsurely then and Kevin's heart practically skips a beat at how close they are. A little closer and his lips can touch her cheek. 
"The point is that we're both idiots running circles around each other," Kevin says. 
"Excuse me, weren't you the one hiding underneath YOUR DESK?"
"I was panicking, that doesn't count."
They trail off into another bout of silence, albeit comfortable this time. Kevin allows his thumb to stroke the underside of her wrist, relishing in its softest and not failing to catch the hint of a smile Mae tries her hardest to tuck away behind a mask of nonchalance. 
Ring ring ring!
UGH, Kevin feels like groaning out loud as he whips his phone out of his coat pocket before slamming it to his ear with barely restrained annoyance. 
Of all times, why now?
"Dr. Moon! Patient Seunghee who you sent for an MRI scan is having difficulty breathing! Her blood levels are dropping rapidly and she says she's having chest pains."
"I'll be there in five. Where are you?"
"Block four Pediatrics, doctor."
"I'm coming. Try to calm her down."
He snaps his phone shut as Mae allows her hand to return to her side, "emergency?"
"Yeah. She was admitted yesterday. Seemed fine though," he mumbles, brain already speeding through his thoughts at the numerous reasons why her body is reacting this way and unconsciously striding towards the door, when he swivels back round to face Mae. 
"We need to talk."
Mae waves her fingers at him, "go. We’ll do that later.” 
He doesn't need to be told twice before dashing out of his office and down the corridor.
"Psst. Juyeon."
Juyeon glances back at the door to see it ajar, with Mae's head peeking out from the slit. He looks back at Doctor Sangyeon talking about the medical care for one of his patients and hands his clipboard over to the other intern before quickly slipping out of the office. 
"What is it?" He asks, taking note of her flustered expression and...is she blushing?
"I told Kevin." 
His eyes grow wide, "told Kevin...what?" 
"That I knew about him liking me," she pauses, "and that I like him."
"What? Wait--" Juyeon frowns in confusion, "is this why you pulled me out?!"
"What?!" She can't help but stomp her foot lightly and is glad that at this time of the day, there aren't many doctors around to see the frazzled state in which she's in, "Hyunjae's in surgery and I needed to talk to someone."
"Thanks for making me sound like the last option that you have."
"Juyeon, not the time for jealousy right now."
"But, okay wait--what did he say?"
"That...he thought I had friendzoned you all and that's why he never said anything."
"He does have a point."
"I did not--when did I friendzone you?!"
"Oh come on, Mae. You totally did, remember when we were--"
"Juyeon!" Sangyeon's voice booms out from his office and the said intern tenses up in panic. 
The door slides open to reveal the said doctor looking more than a little displeased. 
"Sorry Dr. Sangyeon," Mae quickly fibs, "it's my fault. I needed some data for the reports I'm writing up and Juyeon has them."
"Well make it quick. I need him."
"Yes, doctor."
Mae waits until the door slides fully closed before quickly ushering Juyeon away, "I'll see you later."
Juyeon pauses, hand on the doorknob, "dinner?"
"I want steak."
"Ask your girlfriend to buy you some."
He pouts, "you're so mean."
"See you, loser."
"See you."
"Love you."
"Keep that for Kevin." 
Juyeon wastes no time in shutting the door before Mae can come and kick his ass. 
The moment Hyunjae steps out of the surgery room to peel off his mask and let out a relieved sigh -- a sign that the surgery has gone well without any complications -- his phone starts buzzing through his pants pocket. Fishing it out and seeing Juyeon’s name flash across the screen, he pulls his face into a grimace before accepting the call. 
He presses it to his ear, “I don’t have ramen. You gotta go buy some.” 
“That’s not why I called,” Juyeon retorts at the other end of the line. 
Hyunjae rolls his eyes. He moves towards his office, nodding at the few nurses along the way, “yeah? What do you need then?” 
“Are you done with surgery?” 
“I answered the phone didn’t I?” 
“Come to the cafeteria.” 
“But I’m tired,” Hyunjae whines.
“Trust me, you’ll want to hear this.”
When Hyunjae steps into the cafeteria a few minutes later, it doesn’t take him long to spot Juyeon sitting at one of the corner tables tucked away in a corner, digging into his food with barely contained gusto. Smiling at the sight that brings back memories of his own internship days, Hyunjae quickly grabs his own tray, fills it up with food and curry (beef stew, his favourite) and goes to join the katter at his table. 
“Hello stranger, haven’t seen you around here in awhile,” the older man says while taking his seat opposite Juyeon. 
“I’ve been needing to hand in reports back to back and I have a surgery at six tonight. I’ve literally got only this time to eat,” Juyeon replies.
“Oh? With who?” 
“Jacob. His interns are taken up with the Emergency Department so Sangyeon sent me over.” 
“Damn,” Hyunjae shoves a spoonful of food into his mouth, “so? What’s so important that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he catches sight of the grin blossoming over Juyeon’s face and lighting his features up like a Christmas tree. 
“What?” Hyunjae asks impatiently, “What is it? Tell me!” 
“Mae dropped by to see me this morning.” 
“And she said--” 
“Wait wait,” Hyunjae cuts him off, “she didn’t come to see me?! Wow, that’s just rude of her--”
“You had a surgery.” 
“Oh right. Go on.” 
“So she came to me and said--” Juyeon proceeds to lower his voice, “that she and Kevin had THE TALK.” 
Hyunjae blinks, “Huh?” and then, realizing the importance of Juyeon’s words, his eyes widen, “WHAT--”
Juyeon doesn’t hesitate to shut him up by shoving some curry into his mouth, “shush!” 
“Sorry,” Hyunjae mumbles with his mouth full. He swallows it quickly with some water, reaching over to slap Juyeon’s shoulder in the process, “tell me! What talk?! What do you mean?! Do you mean--” 
“Yeah,” Juyeon shoots him a pointed look, “yeah. THE TALK. You know what I mean.” 
“And?! What did he say?! Don’t tell me he denied it!” 
“Keep your voice down!” Juyeon glances around just in case there are any eavesdroppers, “anyway, yeah they talked. And they--well, I guess they came to an agreement that they both liked each other--” “About time.” 
“Yeah. Apparently he told her that he thought he was being friendzoned.” 
“Oh yeah, wouldn’t surprise me there. Mae has some amazing friendzoning skills,” Hyunjae’s shoulder lifts into a shrug at that, causing Juyeon’s eyebrows to stitch together, “what do you mean?” 
“Let’s just say I thought Mae was pretty cute--” 
Juyeon gawks before smacking his arm, “Why didn’t you tell me?!” 
“--Before she opened her mouth,” Hyunjae finishes with a roll of his eyes, “that girl has like a sniper inside her tongue. With the amount of shit she spouts on a daily basis, I’m surprised her tongue hasn’t fallen off yet.” 
“Oh. yeah. She’s kind of rough around the edges.” 
“Not that I mind that type of girl. But it’s just Mae. I can’t see her as anything more now,” Hyunjae says with a shudder, “also, I think my mom might have dissuaded me from even thinking about dating her.” 
“But your mom loves her.” 
“Exactly my point. I don’t want her getting any in on who I can date or not. It’s my life, I can do whatever I want.” 
“No wonder you’re still single.” 
“And you’re whipped.” 
“Mae came to me first though.” 
“Because I had a surgery!” 
“Yeah whatever, loser.” 
Tagging: @juyeonzz​ @thesingingfae1905​
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! 
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itsthecupbros · 4 years
Just a scene
I wrote this with @shattered-ecilpse-varian last night for out hogwarts au and I thought Id format it here-
Mugman looked into the mirror of the 4th floor boys bathroom and saw and felt his face flush blue. It was near midnight, no no one should walk in on him, but he was still anxious. Bracing his hands on either side of the sink and taking a deep breath, he looked himself over. Maraca, a hint of dark blue eyeshadow, light pink lip gloss. He knew that if his father, heck, anyone in his old neighborhood saw him like this, they would never wash the blood out of the road. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the cold surface of the mirror. After reassuring himself, he released the sink and took a step back, looking at himself in the clear glass surface. The long blue dress gently brushed the tops of his bare feet as he turned slightly on the spot. It had two straps, leading his white shoulders and upper back exposed. He thought he looked amazing, but then all of the the memories and facts came crashing down onto him. What people would think, what they would say. Guys can't wear dresses, guys can't appear like this. His face flushed dark again and he looked at the cold floor, trying to push away the shame already rising in his face.
Indigo was wandering around stress forcing him to walk was exhausted he couldn't sleep so he sweared he heard loud angry footsteps coming his way he quickly entered the boys bathroom panic-stricken he didn't want to get in trouble all over again. He saw his crush dress up in a beautiful dress he just froze staring not knowing what exactly to say
It was a few moments before Mugman noticed him. He turned and let out a Yelp, taking a step back as his face flushed darker in embarrassment. "I-Indigo! Wh-what are you doing here?" He looked downward, his face hot. He braced himself for indigo to laugh at him, or cry out in disgust, or ridicule him in some other manner.
"Tt. Um.. you... i..." Indigo flushed red looking down dying inside "I'm sorry I...I didn't m-m-mean to i-intrude I'm sorry"
"N-No! Please! I-I was just startled..." The toon let out a nervous laugh, avoiding his eyes and rubbing at the elbow joint of his prosthetic, suddenly self conscious that it was so exposed.
"Um... what what are you why are you up this late?: Indigo mumbled softly squeezing his already scratched off and red arm trying to stay awake trying to not let anything bad happen
"I-I just wanted to... to t-try some things on without the boys from my dorm looking on..."
"Oo...um understandable..." Indigo smiled a little scratching a little. "Um....you...you looked look nice..."
Mugman flushed darker. "R-really? I..I wasn't sure... you.. you don't think I look like... l-like a freak? ..o-or something...?" He wrapped his arms around himself, still avoiding his eyes.
Indigo shook his head  "N-no! I no? You don't!"
Mugman seemed stunned for a few seconds before he gave a chiming laugh and a glowing smile, his eyes shining. "..thank you..."
Indigo just gave an embarrassed thumbs up. He looked away and tried to think of more conversation "Um...so...... you can't sleep I'm guessing?"
"...no... too many nightmares..." mugman replied, looked away and biting his lip.
"Mmhm...same.... want to wander around?..um I've been doing that for the past... I don't know how many hours.. we can try to find new secret passageways and such! I do that when I can't sleep or I just watch over the dorm.. but it seems like Atlas got that one covered tonight" Inido smiled looking down reaching out his hand.
Mugman reached out, gripping it gently and smiling. "I think I'd like that..."
Indigo smiled nervously holding his hand and it started walking. "Okay! Let's do this"
Mugman giggled as he started speeding up. "Come on, I know this great hidden room up ahead!"
Indigo smiled letting the toon go first  "Okay! Show show!"  He said fidgeting, extremely excited and well happy. He was barely flustered anymore just happy to hang out with someone
Mugman rushed around a corner and ducked through a tapestry, starting to talk as he sped by. "My older brother is quite the troublemaker. On our first day, he showed me and lost the best spots in the castle. You would t believe the trouble he's gotten himself into in the past..."
Indigo quietly followed knowing a bit about getting in trouble "Mmhm! that's always nice"
After running down a passageway for a while, mugs turned a corner and came to a large open room with a small fountain off to the side, ornate pillars around the walls, and a tree growing in the center. Mugman smiled. "This has to be my favorite of the places he showed me... I'm not sure what it's used for, but I think it's beautiful..."
Indigo stared gobsmacked he started looking around and just smiled "Whoa..."
Mugman gently squeezed his hand. "...I know right...?" His voice had taken a softer tone.
Indigo gently squeezed back   "Yeah.."
Mugman looked at him and felt his heart flutter, warmth rushing to his face. He looked away again, pushing the feeling down. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't want to tempt fate.
"So...um.." Indigo squeezed his hand a little and started walking to the tree "Let's hang out?"
Mugman walked beside him, squeezing back. "We'll have to be back before morning, but I'd love that..."
"Okay... that sucks" Indigo mumbled softly and sat  down exhaustion hitting him hard
"...tired...?" Mugman asked with a small smile.
"Always.." Indigo mumbled softly rubbing his eyes
Mugman hesitated "...I get that.. some... things... have been happening lately... I... I actually really need to talk about it... s-so.. can I vent to you...?" 
"Mm..do tell... I'm here.." Indigo smiled, as his eyes closed he was quietly listening
Mugman paused for a few moments, bracing himself "okay.. s-so... I...I suppose I should start at the beginning... C-Cuphead and I got kicked out of the house when I was 3... our mom was a witch, but she didn't tell our dad until after I was born. She... she died shortly after... I don't know how... our dad was already n-not fond of us because we were wizards, but when he found out my brother was gay... it was the final straw..." he paused, taking a deep breath to stop the tears forming in his eyes. "...w-we lived on the streets for a while until cups could get enough money to rent an apartment. One day, we found another toon. He literally bumped into us on the streets and begged us to help him, he said he was being hunted and he had been under the control of dark wizards for over a year... we weren't sure, but took him in... he didn't remember his name... so he gave himself the name lost... surprisingly, we were accepted into this school and were able to escape for a while... unfortunately, apparently the people who had been controlling lost didnt want to give him up... th-they... came for him... I-Ive never see Lost so scared... he was screaming and begging... we fought them off... but... we didn't get out in one piece..." he gestured to his prosthetic, tears were starting to slip down his face. "...what scares me most is that they... they hired someone... they call themselves void and they're one of the most wanted magic users in country... they crushed cuphead's hand and... they never stop until they get the job done... we have an agreement with the headmaster... so we can stay at the castle over break... b-but I'm still terrified every night that they'll find us... Im terrified they'll take lost and kill the two of us for standing in their way... and.. th-theres no way to know if today will be the last day... I.. Im just so scared..."
Indigo just stared at him worried and bewildered. He just didn't know what to say he just looked down hugging himself
Mugman realized he'd been rambling, his face flushing. "O-oh jeez... I'm so sorry... I ruined it, didnt I...? I-I shouldn't dump that on you... jeez... stupid, stupid..." he bit his lip. He completely ruined it. They were having such a nice night... Indigo didnt need to hear about all the terrifying things going on without him and his brothers...
He quietly pulled him into a hug. He quietly mumbles "I'm so sorry..."
He closed his eyes and hugged him back, repressing a sob as all the emotions he had been repressing came crashing down on him at once. The horror of watching his own brother screaming and begging for mercy. The terror of living every day having to wonder if this would be the last time he would see the sun. He was trembling, clinging to indigo as his resolve finally broke and he sobbed into his shoulder, his body shaking I violently as wave after wave of emotion crashed into him.
Indigo gently held him rubbing his back. He tried to comfort him, he was pretty sure it wasn't good enough but he had to try
He choked out apologies as he struggled to regain control, praying indigo wouldn't hate him and already hating himself for dumping his own emotions onto the person he considered his best friend.
 Indigo just started softly speaking in German in a tune of a lullaby. He scooped him up the best he could and just held him continuing to speak
After the toon managed to stop himself from sobbing, he continued to cling to him, his arms wrapped around him and his face buried in his chest.
 The twin buried himself into him as well mostly in his shoulder. He didn't cling on to him as tightly but he still held on to him still mumbling that German tune
After a few minutes, mugman took in a shuddering breath and gently pulled away, looking downwards. His mascara was smudged and there were black tear tracks running down his pale face. He kept his eyes downcast. "I-I'm sorry... you mustn't think much of me now... right...? ...s-sorry... I just... g-god I'm so weak...
Indigo shook his head holding both of his hands not caring about the prosthetic. He just tiredly mumbled "....you're strong...you're strong.."
Mugman hesitated "...I-I just broke down in your arms and you still tell me I'm strong.. I... I really don't deserve you as a friend..." his voice was weak and broken as he bit his lip. "...you don't deserve me dumping this on you... I-I'm sorry..."
He hugged him tightly "N-no I... don't go please" Indigo's voice out of nowhere became weak and filled with terror
He hesitated before squeezing his hand, swallowing the lump in his throat before nodding, his voice only a whisper. "O-okay... I won't go..."
"Sorry.." He eventually mumbled his eyes closed trying not to slip into sleep
"...please don't be... I'm the one who just dumped a ton off emotional trauma onto you..."
Indigo mumbled incoherently clinging onto him exhaustion finally pulling him down to slumber
Mugman ran a hand through his hair, soon realizing that he had fallen asleep. He started to panic for a few seconds before managing to calm himself down, leaning back and letting his eyes flutter shut, focusing on indigo's even breaths. Maybe just a little rest... he could... wake up before morning.... before he could stop himself, he drifted into unconscious.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH14
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,771
- Author Note:Late update again hmm i was a little busy these days with work ;(  i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 14
Panting heavily, Hoseok threw his body on the floor while catching up his breath. He spent almost 12 hours in the studio since last night. Despite having a busy schedule following these year-end awards show, he still had to practice for their upcoming comeback which scheduled early February. On top of all, they will start filming their music videos tomorrow. Guess, the cold weather will not stop them from doing whatever is needed for upcoming back.
Unlocking his phone, the digital clock displays 7.30 in the morning which means he really need to head back before Jin and Jimin gave him the 15th call of the day. They had been inquiring his whereabouts and demanded him to come back home instantly since 2 A.M. Believe it or not, Jimin stayed up all night because he was worried sick when Hoseok did not show up after midnight.
“Dead tired. How can I survive my journey back home” he yowled softly. His phone vibrated, and he quickly answered it mindlessly. A soft yell at the end of the line causing him to inch his phone away a little “The hell” he whined.
With heavy sigh, Hoseok rolled his eyes and pressed his phone close to his ear again “I got carried away, so I spent whole night in the studio. I am planning to head back in a bit” he could hear other voice protest behind Jin, that must be Jimin.
“How many times should I remind all of you to not sleep in the practice room. Yes, we must work hard but there is no other place than home. Get back home and rest. We are on our way to the company” Jin sighed.
Hoseok sat up with a wide eyes “But.. I need to be here to practice together with everyone” he bit his lower lips dwelling himself into a deep thought. It was not a big decision to begin with but still it got him into thinking the impossibilities. Jung Hoseok worried too much.
“YAH WHAT PRACTICE? YOU HAVE PRACTICED ALL NIGHT ARE YOU INSANE?” Jin yelled in the speaker angrily. He was practically annoyed with Hoseok’s persistence.
“Geez, your voice could damage my eardrums. Calm down hyung”
“HOW CAN I? YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME. Jung Hoseok we will be arriving in 10 minutes, if I see even a strand of your hair there, you are so dead” Hoseok flinched at his childish threat.
Jimin snatched the phone away from Jin’s hand turning the grumpy grandpapa even grumpier. He ignored the older guy’s glare and proceeded with whatever he had in mind “Yah hyung, I waited for you all night. You told me you would come back around 3, but you didn’t show up. I am upset” Hoseok chuckled at the image of Jimin pouting in between his whining.
“I am sorry Chim. It was too much fun here plus I fall asleep in the studio” he lied not wanting to prolong this unnecessary worries caused by him. Knowing them, those boys would not let things go away that easily. Indeed, their bonds were painfully over the top sometimes.
“Alright, make sure to head back and rest. We have to film our music video tomorrow. And, oh do you need Manager hyung to send you back? If so, wait for us till then and hyung can send you back home” Jimin’s pressed with a hint of concern.
Hoseok hummed “I have called a taxi, don’t worry. I don’t want to get killed by Jin hyung” shuddered at the thought of grumpy Jin, he decided to leave before anyone else arrive. The last thing he wanted was to hear Jin’s lecture. His head is already pounding due to the overnight practice that he had. Guess, things just got too a little out of hand.
“Okay then, I am ending this call. I think there is food for you since Jin hyung prepared breakfast this morning. Oddly, he cooked a lot. So, make sure to eat alright?” Jimin chirped showing his worries over Hoseok’s health. He could be a real sweetie pie sometimes, worrying of others but not himself.
He was touched by the younger guy’s sincerity and responded “I will. Don’t worry! I will see you in the evening okay?” Jimin passed the phone back to Jin as Hoseok digested for one more minute of Jin’s lecture, before the one-sided conversation ended.
“Don’t forget to put on warm clothes, it is cold outside” said Jin before he ended the call.
Relief by the abrupt ending of his nagging, Hoseok packed his stuff getting ready to head out.
Now, he finally got his mind back on track, Hoseok could feel his body aching in pain. Over practice was never a good thing. He overdid it, sleep is what he needed.
Seul stood there motionlessly staring at the food on the table with a wary look. This was by far the weirdest thing that these people ever did. Why would they cook this much and left the food on the table as if they never ate it? Her brows creased into a frown making her ponder upon the image in front of her.
“Leftover food? But smell fresh”
“Did Jin cook these? I mean obviously since he is in charge of cooking, said mom” she hummed, taking few steps forward to the kitchen top. A small pink note was placed neatly underneath the crystal bowl caught her attention. Lifting up the bowl, she unfolded the note scanning the content carefully.
 Seul-ssi, eat before you start working, you need that at least. Don’t overwork yourself, I have cleaned my room. You don’t need to feed Odeng and Eomuk, I will do that when I get back in few hours.
 Seul gawked upon reading the notes, this was so unacceptable and weird. Why would the Kim Seokjin prepared breakfast for her? Before she could decipher the things in front of her properly, she received a message from Jin.
An unexpected text message that literally sent tingle down her spine. Shoot, why must she have felt this way? Was it because it was the Kim Seokjin or the onstage Jin? Whatever it was, this feeling was not supposed to interfere with her works.
    Seul rolled her eyes with a small giggle bewildered by Jin’s absurdity. As if like her body made to listen to Jin’s order, she took a seat on one of the stools and started to dig in happily. Contrary to her response to Jin moment ago, she was happy to see the food laid effortlessly beautiful on the table. Even though, it was a little too much for a girl like her, but out of courtesy she would eat some of it.
Was she trying to please the almighty Seokjin?
She munched down the food painfully slow just because her tummy was not made to consume food this early and she was eating this for the sake of Jin. Judging by his stubbornness, disobeying his words would only put her in a sticky situation. Seul had too much things in her head at the moment, to add Jin was a big no-no.
She spent another twenty minutes finishing quarter of the food on the table and decided to snap a quick photo to be sent to Jin. It annoyed her, yet she did it with no complain, all she cared was to start her work already before Jin popped in front of her and ruined everything.
Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose with a slight frown. Easing the pain that had been taunting his head only to add another sickness in him, now he wanted to throw up. Not in the taxi, not here. He chanted in his head weakly.
“Young man are you alright?” the taxi showed his concern upon seeing Hoseok’s pale face. Not to mention, he broke out in a cold sweat.
Hoseok nodded not to forget to smile, something that he was accustomed to do every time he conversed with someone. They arrived at their destination not long after and Hoseok paid the fees before headed out quickly. His head and stomach could not take it anymore, he needed to empty it.
He took the chance to run to the nearest bush just beside the building, as he grew very sick every time he delayed the process. His stomach heaved with a profound feeling of nausea and without warning, he finally vomited. Crouching down, he forced the liquid out of his throat.
Hoseok had never been this sick. He felt hot and cold.
Palming the cold wall behind him, he stabilized himself. Hoseok finally stood up on his feet with a deep sigh. His body should not betray him now. Tomorrow was supposed to be the first day of filming and it could not be delay just because of him.
I just need a rest, it will get better tomorrow. He made a mental note to himself.
He took a moment to regain his breath before entering the building. A pang of dizziness hit him hard causing Hoseok to curse under his breath with a heavy wheeze. As soon as he reached their floor, he went out almost immediately bumping into a trash can in front of him.
“Shit..” he grumbled.
The image in front of him was a little too blurry making it hard for him to find the door to their place. Grunting in pain, he forced himself until he saw something familiar which him assumed to be a key to their place. A sigh of relief escaped from his cold lips as he pressed his forehead against the door, punching the password shakily.
Seul was alerted by the clicking sound, “Shoot. who is back at this hour? Jin?” she sighed in disbelief. Seul had given up playing hide and seek with Babytan since everyone knew her existence, she might as well just show her face without worrying of those things anymore.
Placing down the delicate vase neatly on the table, she made her way to the nearest wall of the entrance just to have a little look. If it is Jin then it should be alright, if it is Min Yoongi then she is ready to flee before another fight erupt between them.
It will not be their manager, right? That will be so screwed up.
She blinked curiously at the wobbly figure few metres away from her, looking a little too odd in her eyes. His rapid breathing was seriously disturbing and not to mention the man was ringing wet with sweat. Hoseok was struggling to kick his own shoes and once in awhile he would lean against the door regaining his consciousness. He really did not want to pass out right there.
Seul came out from her hiding after making sure the person was the sunshine Hoseok instead of their manager. She took a pace towards weak Hoseok “Hey are you alright?” she inquired worriedly.
“Who is there…Are you Seul…” he mumbled incoherently trying to stand up on his feet, but it really failed him. Seul had managed to catch him before he had tumbled to the ground. It was not easy for Seul’s petite body to manage his weight at first, yet she pulled through it afraid Hoseok might get hurt in process.
“Your body is burning!” she exclaimed with a soft gasp. Hoseok was mumbling some nonsense in her shoulder something that could not be translated “We need to get you to bed” Seul wrapped one of his arm around Hoseok’s waist, switching his position to comfortable one before making their way to his room.
The journey to his room felt closer yet so far. She took time to drag Hoseok who was not even fully conscious to begin with. Seul put him to bed with a soft pant due to the excessive energy that she exerts to bring the sick guy safely to the room. She thought of waking him up to get his shirt change since it was drenched with sweat, but it took her a moment to think whether she could just change it without telling him.
Seul took a seat beside weak Hoseok, his skin looked extremely dull and pale. After Hoseok passed out, she removed his shirt with one eyes opened. The image of shirtless Hoseok was making her shy when she was not supposed to feel this right now. Seul cleaned him up as best as she could with a warm and wet cloth. He was burning up with fever and even shivering in his sleep.
She then rummaged through his closet choosing the warmest cloth that he had and quickly dressed him back before he caught a cold. Placing the back of her hand on his forehead, she monitored his body temperature with a heavy sigh.
“Who should I call? Jin?” she pressed her lips together. She knew it would be a bad idea to leave Hoseok alone in that condition, someone needed to be here and watch after him. As for her, she would gladly to do the task, but she had a work to tend in an hour. Her only choice was to call one of the members which happened to be Kim Seokjin, so they were aware of Hoseok’s situation.
Glancing at Hoseok’s figure laying helplessly on the bed, she decided to give Jin a call. She did not want to talk to be associated with any of Bangtan’s members at first, since it really came to this what else she could do. Someone’s life is at stake.
A soft voice rang in her ears bringing her out from her dreamy state “Seul? Why are you calling me?” Jin said cheerfully.
“Is this even a time to argue?”
“Jin oppa” his voice was stern.
“Okay..Jin oppa, or whatever. One of your members is down with fever” she spat in annoyance after Jin forced her into calling him oppa.
Jin stood up almost immediately and started panicking “Who? Hobi?” Seul cringed at the end of the line upon hearing his high pitch voice.
She tilted her head in confusions, the name did not ring any bell or was it a nickname among the boys “Hobi who?”
“I mean Jhope.. Jung Hoseok”
“Ah..Hoseok-ssi..Yes, it is him. He came back just now looking super ill and he almost passed out at the front door. Thank god, I was still here” she muttered with a hint of concern and sympathy. There was a commotion behind Jin, it must be the boys since they sounded desperate questioning Jin.
Jin scowled lowly asking them to tone down so he could continue his conversation with Seul at ease “How is Hobi? I will go back in few minutes; can you stay with him until then?” he pleaded in hope Seul would give in to his request.
“I am planning to do that. That is why I am calling you. I have to leave in an hour, can you make it by then?”
“Yes, I can make it. I will be there in 15 minutes”
“Alright then, get here safely” she quickly hung up before Jin could say anything more to her previous response. Why on earth would she say such thing as if Jin is her boyfriend? Oh god, Seul what a mess.
Jin on the other hand was dumbfounded by her response. It really made him turned giddy inside but scratch that, he still had something important to be worried off, like Jung Hoseok’s health. The room turned dead silent as everyone attention was on Jin. He gave them a weird look, “Hyung, what happen to Hoseok hyung?” the maknae chewed his lower lips nervously.
“Seul said Hobi passed out. He is down with fever” Jin grabbed his thing on the couch getting ready to head out.
“Seul? The caretaker lady? Is she there now?” Jimin flinched.
Jin nodded “Yes, and I need to get to Hobi since she has work in one hour. So, tell manager hyung i will look after Hoseok and let him know whether he needs to meet doctor or not” the maknae line nodded in unison with a deep sigh.
“Take care hyung, let us know if his condition is worsening” said Taehyung, watching the older guy disappeared from their vicinity. Jin shook his head in disbelief, scolding Hoseok in his head. He really could not believe that guy. The result of overworking last night caused him to be this way.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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saranghanuuu · 4 years
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Love Lasts Forever / An Incurable Case Of Love (Koi Wa Tsuzuku yo Dokomade mo) is a 2020 romance-comedy-medical Japanese drama based on Maki Enjōji’s 2016 manga series of the same name. It stars Takeru Satoh playing the role of Dr. Tendo Kairi and Kamishiraishi Mone as Sakura Nanase.
Love Lasts Forever / An Incurable Case Of Love (Koi Wa Tsuzuku yo Dokomade mo) tells the story of Sakura Nanase who accidentally (or should I say, fatefully) encounters cardiologist Tendo Kairi after an old woman collapsed on the street due to vasospasm. Sakura is greatly impressed on how Dr. Tendo handled the matter at hand and falls in love with him at first sight. After Dr. Tendo complimented Sakura for playing a key role of screaming for help for the old woman, she then realized her desire to become a nurse for a chance to meet him again.
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Five years later, she was admitted as a nurse trainee at Hiura General Hospital where Dr. Tendo works. Sakura confessed to him on her first day of work, only to receive a blunt rejection. Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Tendo is dubbed as a “devil” at work for being a perfectionist and for criticizing other doctors and nurses. Sakura earned the title “hero” in the cardiology ward because of that daring confession, but Dr. Tendo sees her as nothing but a “boulder” hindering his job due to her clumsiness. However perhaps with love and patience, nothing is impossible. Sakura continued to pursue the seemingly cold-hearted Dr. Tendo, especially after she was placed under his team. She now aims to receive his validation both at work and in love. Will Sakura be able to succeed in this sweet ordeal?
I haven’t seen a Japanese drama in a while and it’s highly unlikely for me to watch one as my hands are full of Korean dramas these days (I am currently watching 3 ongoing and 4 finished series). But then I happen to see a fan-made video again circulating in Facebook about Love Lasts Forever. The FMV is so well-done that I was fascinated - covering all the meaty parts from start to finish. That’s when I decided I should gamble my time for this. It appears to be just an easy-going series, I thought, which will be a good catch since everything’s so complex recently. I started it with low expectations... And I unexpectedly loved it so much than I can handle!
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WARNING: I suggest you not watching this if you are tired of this kind of plot, OR you prefer complicated stories, OR you expect this to focus on the medical aspect than romance. I want to save this drama from your disappointment. On the other hand, this drama suits best for hopeless romantics who fairly need a breather from the intricacies of life.
Since I never once reckon Love Lasts Forever to be a perfect drama, I am setting aside my criticisms. Instead, I am listing the things that made me fall for this series:
Kamishiraishi Mone is sooo KAWAII! Yes, this is the first reason HAHAHA😁 The way she speaks is very cute that it made me an instant fan. Of course it followed that I researched about her and found far more interesting things! She is a singer and the voice actress behind Mitsuha Miyamizu of Japanese anime film Your Name at that! She even sang an OST of Your Name entitled Nandemonaiya. Whoa~ So impressive, this girl.
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Right on acting. I am well aware that Japanese series tend to be OA and loud. This one is no different, but more of on the entertaining side than cringeworthy.
Clichè theme, yes, but the kind you will never get tired of. Admit it or not, your heart still flutters on stories of a tsundere male lead falling head over heels with a clumsy but bright female lead
Similarity with Itazura Na Kiss - anyone who watched this drama will be able to tell, I suppose. Itazura Na Kiss is evidently one of my most loved stories that I made several posts about it here in my blog. But I guess Love Lasts Forever stood out in a way that it's more relaxed and less toxic (just like what a user commented on my previous post).
Love Lasts Forever showed justification behind Dr. Tendo's strict and aloof personality, which brought more excitement as Sakura slowly breaks down the walls on Dr. Tendo's heart. It is thrilling when they do this in a drama really. Dr. Tendo initially drew a line between him and Sakura, so him growing as an expressive character is one for the record! He gave so many reassurances to Sakura that he loves her, that it was never a mistake that he chose to be with her.
Kiss kiss kiss overload!
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In my standard at least, Takeru Satoh is not handsome (sorry hah~), but I must admit he's oozing with sex appeal. He's a good kisser too and I love it🙈 And since we're already talking about kissing, Kamishiraishi Mone's responses to kissing scenes are really good too. It's not awkward and will indeed make you feel the tension.
Feel-good OST! This is on repeat in my playlist nowadays and everytime I listen to it, it brings back all the heart-fluttering memories in the drama.
Every episode has a distinct story to tell.
Hilarious side characters! And second and third couples that are likewise lovable - Dr. Kisugi x Sakai and Nishi x Ryuko
My happily ever after ideal ending - a marriage.
FUN FACTS/TRIVIAS ABOUT THIS DRAMA (Compiled from Blitzfansub)
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Dr. Tendo is your stereotypical “Do-S” character (literally translated to “Super-S”) where normally the “S” stands for sadistic. Because they just say Do-S, the running joke is that he can be both super stoic and super sadistic at the same time.
It is part of Japanese politeness to describe *every* *single* *action* the nurse takes. And every time they touch the patient, or get too close to them, they literally say “pardon me”. It doesn’t sound natural in English, but not translating those lines will also be unnatural. The cultural difference is that in US, the nurses try to keep a conversation with you to distract you from the discomfort. In Japan, they tell you everything about it so you don’t get uncomfortable.
Team Tendo or Team Kisugi is of course, a double entendre. It means a doctor-nurse assignment as they described in the show, but they hint at it as also being “a fan of…” Tendo or Kisugi.
You may have noticed Dr. Tendo’s favorite phrase is “baka” and while it can translated to any one of stupid, idiot, retard, there is a distinction based on context. When he’s calling her “baka” at work, he’s insulting her lack of experience, and not necessarily her lack of intelligence. That’s why “retard” was used. In Episode 3 when Sakura mimicked Dr. Tendo in self-deprecating way, she said “idiot” and he defended himself saying he wasn’t that harsh. At the end of this episode, when she called him out, the baka he used was a very endearing kind, so the word “stupid” was used.
The scene where Dr. Tendo pretends to fall asleep after Sakura gets out of the shower may be seen as “cruel” in American culture but it’s a classic “gentleman move” in Japanese romance plots. He’s worried that she feels too pressured if he’s awake, so he pretends to be asleep and alleviate the pressure to have sex. I hope you can all appreciate his kindness!
A line from Episode 8 that literally says “It’s all your fault for making this weird kid be attracted to you” is such a hard line to sub. Like, who says that?! I mean, never mind that it sounds awkward. Nobody I know thinks like this (that it’s her fault he’s attracted to her). So translating isn’t just about replacing Japanese words with English words, but it’s also about placing it in the correct context. In this case, such a scenario would never happen in America because no guy says this in a lovable/jealous manner. Every guy that says this is a psychopath!! So what do you do in this case? The translator took a stab at the possible context and rephrased it to sound a bit more normal. If the context turns out to be different, the translator probably have to rephrase it significantly. Just a little “behind-the-scene” on how subtitling works!
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Difference from Manga: In episode 6, Miori is supposed to be the younger sister of Minori. Most people assume they are twins because that was the setting in the manga. However, the drama never explicitly mention them being twins. But if you check TBS’ website… it mistakenly shows Miori as 33 and Minori as 26 even though Minori is suppose to be older. And furthermore if you read the description for Miori, it says “Minori’s twin sister” so… in conclusion, the TBS website is a hot mess!
The amusement park Dr. Tendo and Sakura went to was filmed at Tokyo Dome City.
Takeru Satoh gave a “behind the scene” talk where he said that removing Sakura’s hair tie in the living room scene of Episode 8 was ad-libbed. He thought of it on the spot because the drama has used hair tie as a symbolism for “focused career-mode Sakura”, and untying her hair there showed that he’s treating her as a woman.
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Another behind the scene talk regarding last scene of Episode 8: The editors were going to start the I love… song at the point where Dr. Tendo shows up, but the editors said “it’s probably obvious that he’s going to show up, so might as well start the song early and match Dr. Tendo’s appearance with the crescendo.”
Bath culture is big in Japan. People don’t normally just take showers. That’s why when Sakura’s mom realized her house is not fit for a guest to take a bath, she sent the whole family to a public bath (called sento).
In a scene where Sakura’s trying to act cute in Episode 9, Dr. Tendo literally says “Did you eat something spoiled?” because there’s a reference that you act out of character when you eat something bad. This reference doesn’t work in English, so instead, “hitting yourself in the head” is used.
In the scene on Episode 10 where Nishi is introducing himself to Dr. Tendo, he actually calls Dr. Tendo “younger brother.” This is because even if he is younger than Dr. Tendo, if he marries his older sister, Nishi automatically becomes the “older brother-in-law” in turn making Dr. Tendo the “younger brother-in-law”.
In Japan, the “best man” of the wedding is usually the groom’s boss.
Apparently this series was so popular it crashed Paravi (TBS streaming site) few hours after EP10 release!
Not long ago, I was afflicted by an emotional disturbance that lasted for two months. It affected my everyday living so much that I had a hard time sleeping. After watching this drama, it faded away, to my surprise. I owe my happiness these days to this show. Maybe that's how I can sum up the fun of watching this. I hope the same goes to you!
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im not that familiar with treatsforbeats i watched like. a few videos but other than that i know nothing! but i would be glad to hear you info dump!
there is SO MUCH..... im gonna put a read more below because this turned out to be way longer than i expected. but you asked for me to infodump so here goes
okay so. treatsforbeasts, i dont know what the whole meaning behind the channel is. i cant specifically say what the goal of the channel’s content is because its all in my interpretation. but i do know that there are meanings behind each video as silly as it may seem and im just gonna list them off here (note that not all videos will be included since i may not be able to interpret every one, also this is going from earliest to most recent)
1. men with small hands carry very little treats to give to little girls with the sharpest little teethinterpretation of this video is csa/child sex trafficking. “little treats” refers to pills or some form of drug (small, makes u trip). however the “sharpest little teeth” could represent the little girl fighting back.
2. mom ordered ants for my birthdaychild abuse. mother forces son to watch and/or possibly engage in inappropriate activity with her husband.
3. i love jesusobviously a dark parody of christianity/catholicism. shows how blindly some fanatical christians/catholics will follow their beliefs, to the point where they no longer truly “follow” it as theyve warped the message to fit their own morbid desires (using christianity/the bible to excuse hatred and judgment upon others).
4. i me you love godanother dark parody of christianity/catholicism. i believe it mocks how fanatical christians/catholics focus only on the negative aspects of the bible instead of learning the true messages, as many of the words used are from the bible and are negative words.
5. behdsPROBABLY just a silly video but, i think it represents how people let negativity embed itself into their lives and complain about it even though it’s so easy to just let go of it.
6. jaffreymocking some sitcoms for how dumb and repetitive they can be.
7. kiss papa’s mustachepossibly child abuse, again.
8. storytimereferences/implies child abuse. storytime is also the name of one of treatsforbeasts’ songs on his Sanguinarius - Sin Nomine album.
9. hymns for him (1 + 2)just total parody albums of christian rock. vocals make you feel like youre dying but its actually kinda good to listen to in some parts
10. i screaming inside my headRoii (the character)’s first appearance. also probably symbolizes how depressing some kinds of music are
11. felines have nine livesnot sure but i feel like this is a warrior cats reference, in complete and total honesty (dont watch it if you dont like c/at d/eath though, its fictional but. yeah)
12. beastsreflection of society as a whole
then there’s. the two short films and sin nomine. so i’m gonna delve into that now and be warned, it’s fuckin long
treatsforbeasts is the self-titled short film and the first longest video on the treatsforbeasts channel. basically what i get from this is that treatsforbeasts, the channel itself, symbolizes an actual channel that chauncy (the child character in the short film, who is portrayed as a literal oral fleshlight with a body) watches. he consumes these concepts, such as internalizing misogyny (claw-paw skit), toxic masculinity (can i like balloons skit) and being exposed to a normalization of christianity (heaven and hell skit). there’s also a skit in which a spider binge eats and then proceeds to throw it up, which chauncy actually mimicks when his father brings him food.his father very much disapproves of these messages being shown on tv. he tells chauncy in regards to the claw-paw skit, when chauncy belittles the female character, “that’s not very nice, now is it”, and says “you can like ballons, you can love balloons if you want to”. his father goes on long tangents about how many institutions have normalized and inherited the concepts of christianity, and that it is one of the contributing factors of violence in the world. he references colonization, the holocaust, and in general mentions minorities.we learn that the father actually ended up being a father to chauncy in the first place due to (nsfw tw) masturbating in a sock to a picture of robert smith, and 9 months later chauncy was born. so technically there is no mother. the father talks about the meaning of life, and how everyone on the inside is a little bit of a freak, but there’s only two real ways you can accept that: 1) realize that your freakishness gives you a special lense through with you see the world and aid it in the ways the sane and happy ones probably cant, and 2) realize that real way number 1 is just lying to itself and that youre still a somewhat integral part of the lives of those you care for so deeply. he says that choosing which way to live really reverts back to the meaning of life, that you cannot live day by day believing there’s no reason to. “but whatever reason you give yourself to live, [...] you do it, because it is correct to live.”
sin nomine comes after the first short film, but i’ll delve into that after because really it touches on many many of the points and interpretations here.
the second short film, the beast is dead, was released just this year on valentines day! i think the main focus of the short film ranges from relationships to just once again a mockery of christianity/catholicism. once again it starts off with a father and his son. there is no mother figure present though she’s said to have left, due to the father watching too much “birdies”, a show, which i think is a metaphor for porn addiction. the father is implied to being prone to neglecting the son’s wants and not really caring for him, being disappointed in him, etc. etc..something important about the beast is dead is that it uses masks to portray those who are “followers” and those who are not. the father, interestingly enough, does not wear a mask. he seems to acknowledge what his son is saying when he goes on philosophical rants as well, but disregards them as nonsense and ends up leaving after bonking him with the stupid spike (metaphor for how parents will shut their children up by giving them a phone or toy to play with).the three other characters who don’t use masks in the beast is dead are Roii, Tom, and Doctor Zoughth (pronounced Zoth). Roii makes a comeback, finally! but this time he’s singing a song called “i love the sound of screaming babies”. it symbolizes how men will impregnate women and then run off, whether or not because they fantasize about pregnant women. it could also be a want of seeing a hurt child (hence the line “i know that all of you watching must think i’m insane, for loving when something so innocent is in so much pain”).however another interesting factor is that, the characters who don’t have masks, aside from Tom and the father, have red eyes at some point. this is a metaphor for how they’ve lost their humanity. Roii, at some point in the music video scene, only has one red eye whereas his other is normal. this hints at how part of him has lost his humanity while the other is still in tact.the other character that has red eyes is Dr Zoughth, but instead of him having only one red eye, both his eyes are red. this doesnt show until later though when he’s taken Tom away from the masked characters (followers). Dr Zoughth is very much self-aware. he is not blind, but simply has lost his humanity. Tom tries to reach out to him, to get him to think differently, that maybe resorting to coping with emotional struggles by worshipping something simple like flesh or something more higher than himself and forgetting his own mortality isn’t the healthiest way to live. but Dr Zoughth, having been long gone already, does not accept this and executes Tom.his own personal disciples grow tired of his tyranny and kill him and perform a ritual of some kind, disposing of his body (in the river i think, not sure). this entire ending of the film is basically the title, the beast is dead. but, i believe the beast is not dead, personally, because someone like Zoughth will always live on in other people, other beasts.there’s also a scene called grandma hespar and i think it implies how little people focus on sexual abuse towards men (when it’s from women).
anyways, with that being said, it’s time for sin nomine.
so now that i’ve explained pretty much all of treatsforbeasts to you, and whoever else is reading, it’s clear that the person behind this has issues with christianity (or catholicism), and child abuse. the person behind treatsforbeasts is Jordan Diniz, as he is also the person behind sanguinarius.
sin nomine is a very personal reflection of jordan’s life from what i gather. it depicts his struggles with how he views the world around him, whether that be due to personal experiences or not. at first i interpreted most of sin nomine to be the story of someone who is lgbt, but with jordan himself coming to me and telling me he is straight (POLITELY), it’s clear that is not the case.
so it most likely has to do with trauma. either religious or not, or both. it even says in the song storytime (remember i mentioned it earlier?), “fast hand, white hot trauma, reverberates inside the skull. innocence and intellect raped, reveals a view of a darker world. flesh on flesh, the bonds of affection - confused for the bonds of submission and fear. self-hatred and mistrust repel all beauty that comes near.” i don’t like to say that this solidifies a personal experience, but it’s highly possible.
a lot of sin nomine kind of goes over the same points in different ways, but it makes you think. i definitely feel like something happened to jordan at some point in his life but that is his story and it’s not my place to truly tell, since i don’t know him personally.
there’s also the other channel, adrianturcher. it has videos with seemingly no real purpose except for there being two videos with the same names of two songs on sin nomine, “nex memoria” and “a fetish for psychos”. nex memoria is just a compilation of clips that seem to symbolize the process of death (nex memoria is a latin phrase which very roughly translates to “memory’s death”). a fetish for psychos is a bunch of old clips from parties and shows that possibly jordan himself attended. they’re from 2002 judging by the date in the video. the lyrics in the song “a fetish for psychos” also seem to hint at these events, so it’s possibly that it’s like looking back on happy memories that make you feel sad instead or something. the song also might possibly reference a mother at the beginning.
sanguinarius also has its own channel simply called sanguinarius. there’s the music video for divine comedy (one of the songs on sin nomine) and a cover of because you’re young by david bowie, posted on his birthday a year after his death.
anyway, that’s. pretty much all i have to say. jordan diniz is a fuckin’ mastermind, he’s really good and cool and he’s very kind from my experience talking with him a couple times. he supports the gays as well!
sooooo, treatsforbeasts does have some very creepy/unsettling moments in its content but its EXTREMELY good and i recommend getting into it if you can. 100/10
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
take my love and run
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Lauren's POV
First show done. Our FIRST official show from our OWN tour is done.
" Thank you so much San Francisco! " I screamed and waved to the fans as I awaited for the girls to say goodbye. I signed a few more autographs and took a few more selfies while I waited.
" You rock San Francisco! " Normani added, jumping up and down, joining me with the whole autographs and selfie session.
" We love you San Francisco! " Camila shouted while picking up the things on stage that the fans have thrown.
" Goodnight San Francisco! " Dinah said blowing kisses at the fans making them cheer louder.
" Thank y'all so much for coming to our first show! Y'all been great! We love you! " Ally finished and the show was over. We ran off stage trying to quickly remove our ear pieces while carefully placing our mics . After placing our mics we immediately ran to our dressing rooms while giving high fives to those that cheered saying good job on the way. The idea of performing is always so exciting, it's just such an adrenaline rush. It's like I'm in the concert with them not performing but actually enjoying the music and the people.
" --Jam session. " I heard Camila say taking me out of my head.
" I feel so blessed doing this with you guys. " Ally cooed trying to remove her costume, well struggling to remove her costume.
" Aw. Ally. " we all irrupted and looked at her  
" Alright girls great job! Congrats on the first show usually we'd go out or something but sadly not tonight seeing that we have to be at our next venue before 7 to get everything set up. So we need to able to leave here by 1 am. Is that possible? I promise you we will celebrate tomorrow night. " Janelle our manager asks popping into our dressing room. We gave her a simple yes tried to get everything done and be on the bus by 1 . I know it doesn't seem like we don't need that much time, but along with getting ourselves situated, we also had to clean our dressing room, the crew had to pack everything up.
" Lo! " Camila says catching my attention which was weird so I had one of those; ' who me? ' moments.
" Yes? " I turn around, finally answering her. She revealed a smile before saying;
" You're phone, " she shook my phone in the air indicating she had found it.
" Can you throw it, " I simply asked getting ready to catch the phone.
" No!- I'll just hand it to you, " she scolds holding the phone close to her
" Alright, " I turned back around to what I was doing, and decided that I'll grab it before I leave.
I was much calmer now, and the idea of Camila knowing no longer weighted on my shoulder. Mani was right if I don't act suspicious nothing will happen. I mean this is probably just a stupid crush that won't take much to get over, they do say time heals all wounds.
" Here you go, " Camila comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist trying to place my phone in the bag. Which made me uncomfortable, but I had to remember to act normal, but none of what she's doing is normal. Acting as if she can just pick up where she left off. But instead of moving away I placed my cheek with hers awkwardly. " Thanks. " i faked a smile. Mani looked at us for a moment and gave me a sympathetic smile with a hint of ' I told you so '.
" Here we go, you're back " she moves from behind me to next to me
I'm back really? Wow! Fuck I didn't even know I left. I immediately tried to shake off the rude remark and get back to replying.
" I told you, I was just nervous, " I smile through my teeth trying to hold the hurt in my eyes,
" Alright girls, you ready? " Janelle popped in again
Normani and I said yes while the rest said no. So we decided to head to the bus first.
" Do you feel better? " Mani ask while we put our stuff in our bunks
" Yes actually, " I sigh in relief
" Good, " she stops putting her things in her bunk and hugs me
" Okay. " I answer
" Ah, alright here's the thing, " I stop and look at her
" What? " she sighs and grabs my hand and we walk to the back room
" You need to talk her. " I stood there not knowing if I heard that right or I'm about to go crazy. She can't be serious about this, I'm literally going out of my mind about how to keep this between me and her.
" Mani we already talked about this, I can't and you know that. I literally just got over that fact that she iced me out for a year just so she can have a relationship with Austin or whatever she'd like to say. "
" Laur you're never gonna shake this off, an- "
" It's just a cru-"
"Stop lying to yourself! " she huffed shocking herself, she knew it wasn't like her to raise her voice at anybody like this.
" Lauren, you and I both know you are in love with her. No matter how many times she breaks you, you still get up and fight for her and the only way to get over this is to tell her or do something other than watching from a distance slowly dying. " she interrupts
" So what? I can be heartbroken again. So I can learn from putting myself out there, or so she can ice me out again. Maybe she'll do it for 2 years if I'm lucky. Yea, no thanks I'm good" I sarcastically answer
" No, so you can stop suffering, it's killing you, "
" I will never win. Whether I talk her or not I am still going to get hurt. " I explain to her
" Lauren you can't live a life of fear, " Mani continued
" Mani, I can't. And it's not even about fear anymore it's more about me protecting myself. " I started to cry again
" I'm sorry honey c'mere" she gave me another hug
" I know you mean well but I can't do much. "
" Are we? " I questioned trying to hold the melody of sobs ready to come out,
" Of course, you guys are like friendship goals. You guys are practically dati- " before she could finish my sobs abruptly interrupted her
" No?! We're not! Last time I checked when you date someone you don't shut them out. You don't ignore them. You don't Mani you just don't! Especially over a fucking guy! Who doesn't even deserve her! " I huffed getting out of her hold, and began pacing the room balling my fist slowly.
" Woah. I thought you liked Austin? " she wondered, making me laugh in disgust.
" Ha! Your funny Mani. There are a billion nerves in my body and every single one of them cannot stand him. He doesn't deserved her! She could have somebody so much better than him! " I groaned walking to her bed and fell faced down onto a pillow, letting our a rather frustrated scream.
" Okay if he doesn't deserve her then who does? " I look up from screaming and saw her smirk.
" I-i don't know, it doesn't matter. He just doesn't deserve he alright. " I answered looking her as seriously as possible
" I still don't understand why you don't just ask her what's happening? " Normani shrugged
" Don't you think I've tried? Mani? But she shuts me out, acts like I'm crazy. " I sobbed again,
" Well- " she began
" What Mani? What did I do to her? I want to fix it. " I cried
" It's alright, let's get you fixed up before questions are asked. "
" Mani? Laur? " Ally says catching our attention
" Shit well we don't have much time but stay in here while I distract them, maybe I can put them to sleep or something. With one of those pressure point thingys. " Mani says
" Mani we are not spies, " I chuckled at her crazy idea.
" But we could be though, " she smiles sheepishly and left.
I closed and locked the door so I could fix myself up, while fixing my mascara I over hear their conversation. Most of them I couldn't make up, but I heard them all ask where I was. And I heard Mani's funny yet convincing excuse
* She's talking to her mom, *
* Oh I want to say hi, * Camila says clapping her hand
* You can't! * Mani yells and I couldn't help but chuckle.
* Why not? *
* She said it was pretty personal, *
* Shoot how personal could it be? * Dinah laughs
* It's kind of family matter, * Mani continued
* Is she alright? * Ally questioned letting out a little laugh at the end.
* Yea. Why don't we play never have I ever or something, * she says getting them all walk in front of her
I no longer heard them in the bunks, I unlocked the door and walked out to where they were. On the right side of the living area sat Camila, Ally and Dinah, while Mani sat on the left.
" There she is, " Mani says grabbing me and pulling me to her side, using me as some sort of shield. I guess the questions got a little too intense for her.
" So whats going on? " I sang trying to act as casual as I possibly could.
" Mani wanted to play a game, " Dinah said looking up from her phone and pointing at Mani, she added a quick pause before continuing her sentence.
" Girl it's not like we just performed a 3 hour set, or have been up since 6am " Dinah sarcastically counter, laying her head on Ally's shoulder.
" Alright I'm in, " I shrugged, slowly nibbling on my lower lip.
" Sorry guys, I'm really tired. Night." Camila sighed, grabbing her phone and waited to see if anybody else would go to bed.
" Yea ya'll crazy. Later. " Dinah nods in agreement and off they went.
There was an awkward silence for a good 5 minutes before we started a game. Most of the questions were common and nothing unusual " have you ever been drunk, or are you still a virgin things " between those lines.
" Mani girl this isn't really fun, " Ally said putting her hands back down to her lap
" Alright what do you guys wanna do then? " Mani ask crossing her arms
" Let's talk secrets, " Ally says making Mani and I exchange looks. Secrets was something rare between us girls but I think we can make an exception for this one.
" And by the looks of it, you guys have some juice, " she laughs
" Truth or dare, instead? " I practically jumped, hoping it could stop the shorter woman from squeezing the information out of us.
" Alright, but one way or another I'll get y'all to spill. " Ally smiles sheepishly
" Right, " Mani laughs, nervously playing with her sweaty hands
The truth or dare wasn't interesting at all. I mean I thought it was funny when Mani told Ally to put toothpaste on her lips for the rest of the game. I didn't see the significance, until a minute later Ally started fanning her lips saying its stings. And of course we couldn't have been mature about it, so Ally dared Mani to do the same thing only with horse radish. I knew if I kept playing it safe I would be call a pussy and Lauren Michelle Jauregui is no such thing.
" Well Lauren? " Ally says
" Dare. " I smirk
" Go up to the bus driver, and ask him to borrow his radio and say * everyone Lauren Michelle Jauregui needs to take a shit.* " she says gaining a high five from Normani
I glared at them both, but I knew it had to happen and it's not like it's the worst I've done. I walked up to the bus driver and turn back to the girls. But I only earned a gesture of "go-on".
" Listen man, I'm about to do something and I will not be proud to do said action. So I ask you to not judge me. " he gave me an odd look but then focused back on the road.
I picked up his radio and got myself ready. Not only will the people on his radio hear it but so will the bus. I sigh and took a big breath and said
" Lauren Michelle Jauregui needs to take a shit. " I say onto the radio making half of the staff run to the front and look at me
" Lauren." they all said at once while the girls laugh
" It was a dare calm down. " I put the radio back and patted the bus drivers shoulder
" Thanks, " I whispered and sat back down on the couch
" Happy? " I ask
About 2 hours into the drive our energy has died down. We only asked each other questions now.
" Truth, " I answer yawning
" Uhm okay how's it going with Luis? " Ally asked making me choke. Sure after the tour we got back together but before I left for this one we broke up again.
The only one that knows about his and I's break up is Normani. And no it wasn't because I liked Camila we both had mutual feelings about the break up this time. He said that he can't be waiting for me forever and I agreed, I don't think it would have been fair to just keep him waiting. Or to expect that he would still be waiting for me, not with all the touring I've been doing for 2 years straight. We agreed to be friends and frankly nothing has changed. I mean we've had quite the relationship since my career but we're okay now.
" Oh he's great you know college and stuff. " I lie
" That's good, I envy you guys getting through all this stuff. Long distance A plus girlfriend. " Ally added and I nod
" You've got Troy, " Mani laughed
" I'm getting really tired, I think I'm gonna go to sleep. " I stood up and gave them each goodnight's before disappearing into my bunk.
Just the thought of Luis made me want to talk to him again. Last time I saw him was when we had coffee before I left for LA. That was also the same day we agreed to break up but we still went out as friends.
I decided to pick up my phone and text him.
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I laid in my bunk pondering things in my head until he responded.
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I was starting to regret texting him, not only did he sound like Normani but now my eyes are so weary and tired I would fall asleep soon enough.
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But before I could answer my eyelids were too heavy and I fell asleep.
-- February 28, 2015
Next Morning..
" Lauren? " someone whispered next to me, I groan in response
" No Mani, "
" Lauren, " the voice continued
" Shut up Mani and let me sleep, "
" Lo, " I haven't heard that voice waking me up in a long time
" No, "
" Lauren, " Camilla opened my curtain and began shaking me
" Later, " I pulled my curtain closed
" Lauren we have an interview in 2 hours c'mon. " she opens my curtain once more and I groan
" Fine. " next thing I knew she was laying next to me placing her head on my neck
" Yea well I'm up. " I turn around and pushed her onto the floor
" Ow Lauren, aren't you going to help me up? " she complained and stayed on the floor.
" Sorry Camila we've got an interview remember, " I playfully smirked and walked to the bathroom
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ahgasescenarios · 6 years
Shut Up and Kiss Me- A Yuta Best Friend! Au
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Word count: 3k
Genre: Fluff
Plot summary: You've been best friends with Yuta for years, so much that you can't remember a time when he wasn't a part of your life. When you're dragged to a party by his friends, you're far from being eager to go. Will the night be a total nightmare like you expected or will it turn into a dream come true?
A/N: I'm back with another story :) I know it's not my best and I wrote this kind of in a hurry, so don't judge me too harshly. I literally made myself cringe so much throughout this story, I sincerely apologize for the cringe to come. I hope you enjoy reading nonetheless and don't be shy to let me know in my inbox if there's anything I can do to improve my writing!! Also, requests are still open so don't be shy| Hope to come back with a new story soon
  We all have that one person who's been with us through thick and thin. Whether it be a childhood friend, a sibling or a significant other, we feel the same gratitude. For you, it was a childhood friend: Yuta to be exact. You two had known each other ever since you were in diapers, so to say you were comfortable with each other would have clearly been an understatement. It was the typical, cliché scenario; your mothers were close friends and had given birth at the same hospital, at the same time (well, almost).
From then on began to form a beautiful bond between the two of you. You had been through everything together from baby photoshoots (because yes, your moms were actually that cheesy) to your first heartbreaks. You had been friends with him for so long that you felt like you would be lost without him. He had helped you become the person you were today and you couldn't imagine your future without him being in the picture.
  School had always been a major stressor for you. You were an overachiever and you always aimed for the perfect grades, which resulted in you exhausting yourself constantly. You also never learned, judging by the fact that you repeated the vicious cycle on countless occasions (every time there was an exam coming up). Now that you had started college, you hadn't one bit. The only difference was the superior workload college demanded of you and the deadlines.
You were currently working on about 3 essays simultaneously, drowning in useless information found in books or on the Internet. Your head was swarming with Aristotle's "Theory of the Soul" and you were beyond tired of trying to grasp anything good ole Shakespeare was trying to express in his famous work, "Othello". When your phone rang, you were thankful for the much-needed break.
"Hey, you down for a pizza break?" Yuta's voice asked from the other end.
"Sure, I'll be ready in 15."
"Okay, it's on you though."
After which he hung up. It was a classic from Yuta: suggesting to go somewhere only to have you treat him. You weren't complaining though, you needed a break just as much as he needed his share of pizza.
He was outside your door fifteen minutes later as promised. He was wearing ripped jeans with a white shirt, denim jacket hanging loosely on his broad shoulders. He had always looked particularly good in streetwear which started to make you feel bad about your own choice of attire (which for the record was very comfortable).
You hadn't noticed exactly when Yuta had gone through puberty, but you knew how handsome he had become if the number of girls dying to sleep with him was any indicator. Yuta had always been attractive, but you weren't the type of friends to comment on that kind of stuff. Your friendship was fundamentally based on jokes and making fun of each other, justifying why compliments had never really come up.
"You coming?" He flicked your forehead impatiently.
Rolling your eyes at him, you grabbed your purse and left.
You were at the pizza parlor a few minutes later, thanks to Yuta's car. You sat down at your usual booth and the waiter didn't waste any time in making his way over.
"Good afternoon, may I take your order?" His attention shifted over to you imperceptibly.
"I'll have a large pizza and a coke", Yuta ordered.
"And for the beautiful lady?"
You blushed at his comment.
"I'll just be getting the strawberry milkshake please."
"Coming right up."
With one last wink, he was gone. You turned back to Yuta who was already grinning.
"Someone thinks you're cute." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You shrugged it off, changing the subject.
"So how's Winwin doing?"
Winwin was the boy's male best friend. They were also roommates which meant you saw him quite often.
"He's good but really busy learning Korean and studying non-stop. He works really hard, I admire him for it."
You agreed, sharing the same sense of admiration for the Chinese exchange student. Before you could carry on with the conversation, the waiter arrived with your order.
"Here you go. Enjoy your meal." He winked (again) before heading back.
When you noticed the extra cherry on top of your milkshake, a pink hue overcame your cheeks -but you were far too proud to let Yuta see you blushing because of such an insignificant gesture.
"You want a slice?" He asked, halfway done with his first slice already.
"I'm not that hungry, thanks. Besides, we both know that you can finish it all by yourself."
"You're not wrong." He grinned, eating like an animal as usual.
You had finished your milkshake some time ago while Yuta was left with one slice of pizza. You shook your head in disbelief. You knew he had a big appetite, but it never failed to surprise you when he ate such humongous portions like an entire pizza (where did the fat even go?).
"I don't understand how you're not fat by now."
He laughed but stopped himself, making you raise a brow.
"Wait, you've got some milkshake on your lips."
He took a napkin and leaned over the table, wiping the content off your face. For some reason, you were completely frozen. It wasn't like Yuta had never touched you before or anything like that, but this motion seemed different. You thanked him before lowering your head, confused as to what you had felt in that moment.
He drove you back home shortly after. He thanked you for paying even though he had made it clear earlier on that you paying was part of the deal. You worked on your essays for a few hours before going to bed, your mind hazy with new, unexpected thoughts.
  You had engulfed yourself in your studies and you truly hadn't seen the week go by. Every morning was the same: you woke up, drank your morning coffee, worked on your school projects, went to work then went to bed. You tried to squeeze some food into your busy schedule, snacking here and there, but you never really had the time to sit down and enjoy a real meal. After all, you had much more important things to worry about than your daily calorie intake. After what you would qualify as hell week, you were finally done with everything.
Just as you were about to fetch some snacks for a night of sappy movies, you heard knocking at your door. You groaned in frustration but answered anyway.
"What are you guys doing here?"
Standing before you were Winwin, Mark, Johnny, and Yuta. Johnny was the "tough one" in Yuta's group. While you weren't falling for his act, you tolerated the boy. Mark was a bit younger so you felt more protective towards him, but sometimes his innocence got in the way. As for Winwin, you appreciated being his company. You were both alike in the sense that you both needed some alone time and enjoyed basking in peaceful silence.
"We're going out, go change." The tallest one replied.
You pouted but did as he said regardless. You had settled for a skirt with a black sweater since you knew you would be cold by the end of the night. You retouched your makeup to look presentable before following the boys to Johnny's car.  Johnny hopped in the driver's seat, Winwin following his lead in the passenger's seat. Being the smallest in the group, you were forced to occupy the middle seat. You were squeezed between Mark and Yuta which didn't bother you much.
Mark turned to you with a shy smile on his face.
"I've never seen you in a skirt before, Y/N, it suits you."
"Yeah, you're looking fine tonight," Johnny added with a seductive (well, he tried) wink.
You blushed and thanked them shyly. You hadn't been complimented very much in your life which explained your reaction every time you received one. You weren't one of those girls who were naturally beautiful or who took hours to get ready in order to look absolutely beautiful. You weren't one to make an effort in the morning either, so you never really thought you were anything above average.
"Well, she's my best friend guys so you can't have her." Yuta retorted and if you didn't know him any better, you would've sworn you had seen a hint of jealousy in his eyes.
At this, his hand went to rest on your thigh protectively. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sudden contact.
The rest of the car ride was quite silent aside from your heart beating out of your chest - which you were sure could be heard by everyone. Yuta had always been an affectionate person, but lately, he had been tamer so every contact sent shivers down your spine. Odd, because you had never felt those same shivers beforehand.
When Johnny parked the car, it was obvious that he had brought you to a party. The music was so loud that you could hear it from where you were standing and you weren't anywhere near the house yet. You walked on the pavement reluctantly. You weren't in the mood for a party, you honestly just wanted to relax in the comfort of your home. You imagined yourself curling up in a blanket to binge-watch your favorite show and you pouted involuntarily.
 "You okay?" Yuta nudged you gently.
"Yeah, just tired." You smiled faintly before passing the threshold.
You regretted having agreed to accompany the boys the minute you stepped into the boisterous house. The crowd was already suffocating you and you had barely entered. There was obviously way too many people for the house's capacity, but it wasn't like anyone cared (they were all way too wasted anyway).
It wasn't before long that you lost the boys in the sea of people. You didn't even bother pouring yourself a drink, you just wanted to get out of there as quickly as humanly possible. You weren't too keen on the idea of having to squeeze past sweaty bodies all night and you knew that if you stayed, you would a) suffocate b) punch someone or c) have a mental breakdown. You chose none of the above and ran outside.
You sighed in relief when you could finally breathe the fresh air. You started walking towards the car, not really knowing what you were planning to do from here on out. You let your back fall against the vehicle, taking a deep breath to try and calm your nerves.
"Y/N? Why are you out here all by yourself?"
You opened your eyes to be met with Yuta's worried ones.
"I'm just not really in the mood, Yuta. Don't mind me though, go have fun."
"Nonsense, I'm not leaving you."
For some reason, your heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words.
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to take care of me."
He pinched your cheeks in an effort to comfort you which ended up causing you more pain than anything else.
"I always have and I always will. Now, do you want to go back to your place for a movie marathon? I know that's what you had in mind at first if you wanna ditch the guys I'm all in."
You nodded, trying to escape his touch since your cheeks were now burning. You didn't understand how Yuta could be so calm about physical contact when you were a complete mess the second he laid a finger on you.
The Uber didn't take long to arrive and you were most thankful for it. The quicker you got home, the better. The Uber driver understood that too by the looks of his speeding. At least you were home shortly, there was that. (Don't exceed speed limits kids, it's very dangerous.)
Yuta fetched the snacks while you took care of setting up Netflix and grabbing the blankets. Now that Yuta was joining you, you weren't too sure about your choice of movies. At first, you had wanted to watch some romantic movies, but you weren't sure it was a good idea given the circumstances. You gave up, deciding to let him choose instead.
When he came back bearing snacks, the first thing he did was hand you the Nutella, your go-to snack. It had been your favorite ever since you were both little, and you used to just eat out of it with spoons as if it was yogurt. Some people had "their song", but your thing held much more meaning and memories, even if at the end of the day it literally was just chocolate spread. This thing of yours had ended up badly at times when one of the two had eaten the last of it or when he "accidentally" smeared some on your white shirt, but it was all in good fun so all was forgiven today.
You ate your spoonfuls of the artificial chocolate and passed it to your friend, eyes fixated on the movie playing before you. You were so mesmerized by the film that you didn't notice Yuta plotting something next to you. He took another spoonful, but instead of bringing it to his mouth, he smeared it all over your hand.
"Yuta, what the hell?"
He giggled at your outburst, but the situation was far from being funny. You yanked the spoon out of his hand planning to get your revenge and smeared the chocolate all over his cheek.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that young lady."
You playfought like that for a few minutes before calling a truce.
"You're a sneaky one, Nakamoto Yuta."
You laughed, chocolate all over your figure now thanks to Yuta's scheming. Things had gotten back to normal, thankfully. You hadn't felt the odd feeling since you had come back home and you were hoping it would stay that way. You cherished your friendship with Yuta more than anything else and the last thing you wanted was to ruin it because of newfound feelings. If you could even call them that.
Deep in thought, you didn't notice the way Yuta looked at you. You didn't see how his eyes were taking in every detail of your face in awe. You had always been able to read Yuta, it was one of your many talents. But not knowing what he thought of you outside of the childhood friend etiquette bothered you slightly since you couldn't even tell if there was a possibility of something more.
You snapped out of your silly daydreaming and redirected your attention to the boy next to you.
"Dude, you wasted all my Nutella. You definitely owe me a new jar now."
You scoffed.
"It doesn't have to go to waste though."
"What do you-"
Before you could finish your sentence, you saw Yuta's eyes shift to a darker expression. It wasn't a glint you were familiar with and the thought of it excited you as much as it scared you. He leaned over painstakingly slow and took your hand gently. He pressed kisses on it and proceeded to lick the contents off. The moment his lips had made contact with your skin, you knew you were a goner.
Was this really happening? You didn't know, but what you did know was that you didn't want him to stop.
He pushed you against a countertop, trapping you between it and his body. His lips traveled to your neck where he had smeared chocolate as well. He gave it the same treatment, leaving you a whimpering mess underneath him. He moved to the corner of your lips, using his tongue to wipe off the excess chocolate.
"Yuta, what-"
He brought his index finger to your lips, silencing you. He looked into your eyes longingly and crashed his lips on yours. You kissed him back instantly, loving how soft his lips felt against your own. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss to which you responded with a moan. He smirked against your lips, adding his tongue to the equation. You didn't know when he had become such a good kisser, but you weren't complaining.
He hoisted you up on the counter, breaking the kiss so you could both catch your breaths. He smiled at your disheveled self, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He had always thought you were the prettiest girl in the world, yet he had never brought himself to voice his thoughts. He wasn't very good with words and he had always been scared of losing you if he said the wrong thing.
But now that you stood before him like this, he was just disappointed in himself that he didn't make a move on you sooner.
"What's wrong?"  You asked, having noticed him daydreaming for a few seconds.
"Nothing, I was just thinking about how good of an idea it was to leave the party early and come here instead. I bet tonight's going to be much more fun than what was originally planned."
You shook your head with a smile plastered on your face.
"Shut up and kiss me, Yuta."
He granted your wish, locking your lips once again.
You weren't quite sure when your feelings for Yuta had shifted into something more, but there was no doubt in your mind that you felt more than friendship for your best friend. Maybe somewhere along the way you had picked up on his subtle flirting and had decided that being with him wouldn't be so bad after all.
It was to be expected, though. The cliché had never been more alive; childhood friends turned lovers. Usually, you weren't one for clichés or for romance as a whole. You had always felt like movies overemphasized the reality of love and tried to idealize it for marketing purposes. But as you watched Pretty Woman in Yuta's welcoming arms that night, you thought that maybe you could make an exception for him.
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thedepthsremember · 6 years
TRR 3.20 "A Warm Reception" what does that mean. does that mean FIRE i am on edge
I'm expecting it to go all nice and heartwarming, and then Anton shows up at the end. We shall see.
Officially longer than any other TRR book! We’re in uncharted territory now!
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From what I saw from my roommate’s Liam playthrough, a lot of the carriage dialogue is mostly the same no matter who’s there, but, I do like this as a callback to awesome-storm Maxwell-Riley from the Homecoming ball, or Duke Whirlwind Dancemaster-Deluxe. With Maxwell, everyone keeps emphasizing how our lives together will be full of adventure and never be boring. ♥
You fools, take this chance to make out in the carriage! No! F O O L S 
Oh. Hello Ana! She’s got a new dress for us, of course. 
... Mehhhhh sorry not into that plasticy cutout look. Why do they keep doing that, it doesn't look like fabric. Sorry Ana, I’m gonna stick with what I've got. 
Maxwell says it doesn’t matter what Riley’s wearing, he and everyone else won’t be able to keep his eyes off her. :’) ♥ bro
Ana, a true friend (despite how I keep tossing out all her hard work) leaves us alone in the boutique. 
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We are a storm... a hurricane… a mega punching robot... of love
sweet nervous boy. Riley literally said “I do” (well, ‘hell yeah’ in my case) and he’s still can’t help doubting a little. 
now makeouts?? nope, Madeline. Girl you are about to get stabbed. ANA, WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP HER, I’M SORRY, I’LL WEAR THE DAMN DRESS
(If we keep trying and then getting interrupted, only to finally succeed I will actually love that.)
Oooooo the reception hall is so pretty! Damn, they have really been outdoing themselves with the art lately. First the cathedral, now this. *__*
People coming up to tell us how we made them cry out our vows! Yessss tell us all about your tears! Our love is powerful, baby.
Took no screenshots of Hana’s parents so I can ignore that they came. 
You know, at the beginning of the tour we heard Neville wasn't even planning on coming to the wedding so I guess that's........ ssssomethingg..g..........…
like maybe he’ll get shot this time. aim better, assassins 
Anyway, better people now! Hello friends! 
Hana says we were like a fairytale! Even Drake is getting poetic. Liam sees how much we love each other. Maxwell has won the wife lottery. Excellent, so much love here. 
Me and Maxwell, poster children for impulsivity: YEAH, JUST DO IT JUST JUMP INTO MARRIAGE IT'S GREAT
Bertrand : *SWEATS BUCKETS* 
Hgnngggg I would stab a man for that wedding food right now. I picked Drake’s beef pork stew and oh my god...……. How do they always make it sound so good??? 
[pause to google feijoada recipe]
Time for toasts! Maxwell’s...….. awwww. ;___; 
He starts it as a Once Upon A Time story of how Riley was whisked away to love a prince, but her happy ending was swapped when she fell for the court jester instead. 
(Flashing back to the apple festival and Maxwell being excited to be jester. Good times.) 
My heart is bursting. I love our story too T_T 
Andddd he just blurts out about the hippo tattoo to everyone and covers it up with an awkward metaphor. That's a deeply Maxwell moment and I love it. ♥ 
Omg. Might regret it but I desperately want to hear Olivia's idea of a wedding toast.
Olivia:  So soon after I met Riley I was like "I hate that bitch" Riley: a-awwww....thanks...…… 
I mean we also got married but like. you get it. 
“As we say in Lythikos, you’re still alive, so drink!” never change. 
Liam: Aww...…. He tries but falls back on being super formal, referring to me as "Cordonia’s newest dutchess” and me “being a friend to Cordonia and [him]”
It's ok buddy, sneak out whenever you're ready. Hana and Drake can cover for you.
Hana: Hana wins the toast both for having the most insightful things to say, and also being LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE (besides Bertrand) TO TALK ABOUT MAXWELL. She also made me cry, so like, triple points. 😢 😭 I love her so muuuuch.
Drake: “I knew you were trouble when you walked innnn~” 
Those were some real nice things you said about me but YOU ARE THE BEST MAN. 
I know I'm great and we're all in love with me, but come on. 
Alright here’s Bertrand, he’s gotta talk about Maxwell. 
new big bro you will be NICE to your BROTHER or I STG
starting out rocky what with the “wow Maxwell made like so many mistakes” business. let him rest, it’s his day, good lord 
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*snaps fingers in front of his face* BABS, FOCUS
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In which I will take any choice that turns Riley into a woo girl. And Kiara’s family continues to be my favorite. They’re coming over to Valtoria Revanasi all the time. 
After all that, my toast was … whelming. I did get my vows already, so I guess it’s whatever. 
First dance time! Aww this track is giving me HSS prom flashbacks. Michael I hope you're happy out there.
Apparently Maxwell picked the song, which can only mean he is a secret HSS fan. 
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“Partners” is such a lovely title for these two. I've always loved the term, you're partners in crime, partners for life, but they're also dance partners.  
Number of times Maxwell has done the dip kiss: 4. This boy SMOOTH AS HECK. 
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Bertrand is scandalized by our nonsense but Drake understands they should take what they can get.
(where are my boy’s damn jello shots) 
..... I think I just married Emperor Kuzco. 
Maxwell challenges Drake to a dance off, and holy shit Drake can dance. Or at least spin kick. I'm still fairly certain he has no sense of rhythm. 
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....Drake did not dispute the best friend comment and I'm counting that as a win for Maxwell. 
time. for. CAKE????! 
Real life me is a little sad I don’t have cake. I do have fancy rice crispies from my friend’s coworker’s wedding. It’s no passionfruit cake tho :’( 
(they successfully distracted me from wait where’s Olivia with cake. How dare you take advantage of my short attention span.)
Maxwell and Riley have matching swords. I might cry. That's the best.
..... Incredibly tempting to fuck up and cut the table. But OUR CAKE ok doing this right. 
WHOA Bastien hello, where'd you come from.
Aww Madeline has pleased her goblin father.
Maxwell is so happy about the Cheetah cake SUCCESSSSSS [sneakily high fives Gladys]
[I hope Gladys gets cake. At least 3 slices for Gladys.]
Ooooh so Savannah and Drake's mom still came! She’s off taking care of Bertie. Bring forth the Walker matriarch, I wish to meet her. [ spoilers: we do not :( ]
Uh oh Savannah is pissed and I bet I know why~
Bertrand's only just noticed oh dear.
Savannahhhhhh pleeassssse. These two need to work on commutation so bad. I TOLD YOU TO BE DIRECT WITH THIS DUMBASS. YOU'RE STILL HINTING. 
Bride awkwardly hovers outside her own reception trying to get her fool friends to communicate AGAIN.
Like I'm pretty patient and Bertrand is family but oh my god I can't be there for everything
Riley is tired too, bless her. We could totally have snuck off with Maxwell at this point but no, here we are. 
Ok Riley's prize for taking the diamond option to help Bertrand one more time is that she gets to cause shenanigans. You know my girl loves a good shenanigan! 
Oh my god are we getting the band back together YESSSSS
Stop one: Drake. He knows Riley by this point and senses shenanigans a mile away. 
Drake: You don't need my permission, Savannah’s her own woman and all that.  Bertrand: But I'd like it. Drake: ok then FUCK NO. Bertrand: :’O
Bertrand making the shocked face is always funny. Same with his mad face. Really just Bertrand emoting = comedy gold.  
Drake fully won Maxwell's respect with the breakdancing, and he's won Riley's by realizing he has the power to make Bertrand do whatever he wants right now. 
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Drake immediately regrets his abuse of power. Aaahaha ok, ease into it.
Somehow we talked Drake into singing. I'm just saying, this would have been so much easier with him last, when peer pressure was on the table.
Maxwell has been waiting for a moment like this moment his entire life, he'd pay to be part of this.
Liam would both do anything I asked and is always down for bromance time.
There is an option to panic and throw the bouquet at Neville. I have to try that at least once. But later. 
Man Riley should have demanded the boys reunite their quartet anyway. BEST WEDDING PRESENT EVERRRRR (after all their other gifts because those were actually really sweet)
Savannah: holy crap you're smiling  Bertrand: Well you make me happy so fukkin get used to it 
^Those are totally direct quotes. 
While I’m making other people happy - TIME FOR GIFTS! 
The book for Liam is a nice follow up to all his talk about how he wants to bring Cordonia peace. You’ve got faith that he can achieve his dreams! Aww.
Everyone else does surprised sprites but Drake is wary as ever. Smart dude.
Hana's gift............... Ok yeah let’s just...… move along. sigh. 
At least Riley succeeded through the roof with Maxwell’s gift, he was about to pass out with all the layers this gift has. Aww, that was so worth it. 
Honestly these were all kind of short. Meh. Maxwell’s was worth it, Liam’s was a nice second. 
Finally can we sneak off--??
Time to see other friends! We go to Kiara first, which is good. I continue to be proud of her forever. 
Penelope is me at every party. Where are the dogs. I can people watch just fine next to the dogs.
What do you know :D I have friends! Well. One friend. And no family. They’re really determined to leave that open, huh. You know, I’m okay with it. 
Daniel, I admire your thrift, especially considering what it must have cost to come here on a waiter’s salary, but someone is definitely going to think you're here to serve food.
..... Whelp that came true immediately. Hey Regina. 
Leo goes off with him. I guess they're bros now! 
or .... well. I've seen the posts going around. Make this a trip to remember, Leo! ;) 
Awwww nice moment with Regina. Look how far we’ve come!  I've always liked her. She's a practical lady. 
Wait...... I'm getting suspicious. We're just. wandering away......… mmm :|
oh noOOOOOOOOOOooo--[all goes dark]
Aw mannnnnnnn Gladys D: Riley is never trusting anyone in this broke-ass country again. Remember how we kept talking about how in New York you can trust people to be upfront with their intentions???? 
[throws Daniel and Hana into a suitcase] COME ON MAXWELL, WE’RE MOVING BACK TO NEW YORK. 
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I’m so sad, I liked her. I hope we can still win her back to our side. She seemed so surprised every time we treated her decently, I think there’s a chance. She probably got into this plot before she got to know us. 
Things we know: 
Liam is the only LI who doesn’t meet you in the hedge maze if you’re his LI. On the one hand, getting the king to sneak out is a whole nother level, but also he’s likely to have a big part in next week’s plot. 
The poor guy is also still definitely in love with you, even if you softened the blow with the closure option. And he’s especially taking it hard if you’re with Drake. We’ll see how those things go together. 
Olivia disappeared! Before cake. For their plot to work, they still need her around to make her queen. She’s loyal to Liam no matter what, but I’m still holding out hope that befriending her or not is going to play a part whether that loyalty extends completely to you. 
She was also our strongest defense, what with all her knives and proclivity for stabbing. So Olivia is likely to be okay, but who knows if they will be. 
Do they have our friends? We didn’t see them after gifts. concern.
what do you think? 2 more chapters? Wrap up evil plots and then have good things, hopefully? or just keep adding chapters and then it doesn’t have to end hahaaaa 
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enby-hawke · 7 years
personal no rb
Don’t understand. Like I have pot finally and it is working somewhat but I’m still manic. Like I can’t stop researching, and reading and brainstorming on how I can get my introverted ass to connect with the other activists I’m protesting with on Sunday. God I’m terrified but I’m tired of doing almost nothing but my time most days. And my mind is energized, I’m never hungry, but my body is exhausted. I’m pretty much just surviving on nuts and really got to calm the fuck down so I can eat food like a normal personal. This stupid fight or flight response just needs constant numbing. 
I mean a man who cited that the left were terrorists linked basically antifa information and history and black lives matter links. And I laughed and couldn’t resist putting a snarky reply about how all the articles were riveting reads.
And then he basically threatened that the FBI would become aware of me if they already weren’t. And now the paranoia won’t leave. Like I’m not making any real plans except to watch, protest, and learn as many useful skills as I can just in case, but I just said a few words and with that threat I am reminded of those before me who have already been taken just for speaking words. 
And I guess he really could do that. And every day I wake up and wonder “ Will Trump take me today or am I just being paranoid.”
Especially since my shitbag racist disphit of a father doesn’t care about the mongrel child he sired. I mean he was originally against Trump. Said he was an idiot. But he’s a moderate with no fucking morals and does whatever the fuck he pleases just like Trump does. In fact because Trump acts and feels so much like my father all of this is a triggering clusterfuck. Now that he’s seen that nothing “too bad” has happened now Trump’s the only way to lead us back to God.
And I don’t understand why I can’t unfriend him. I have cut so many people out of my life. For so many lesser offenses. And yet the man who is the one of the very sources of all my pain and fucked up ness I won’t let go of.
I’ve had this argument before. I’ve pleaded for my white father to see my humanity but he could only see me as white. He could only be proud in the white in me. And now I hate myself so fucking much because I’m white in everything but my skin. I know nothing. He erased my people from me. He never let me learn anything but shame and pain. I hate him more than I hate anyone and yet I still have the capacity to love him. 
Loving him hurts so much. He took everything from me. He always bullied me. Always pushed me around. Always accused me of being a slut (because I was raped repeatedly by trusted acquaintances as a child so now and now can’t help myself supposedly) Always told me lewd inappropriate stories about how he fetishized the women of my people and how much of a savior he was for rescuing my mother of what was surely a terrible life. He played every mind game he could of with my sisters and me. Twisting us against each other. Starting sibling wars so he could keep us from questioning his incompetent parenting. Shutting off Internet and phones rather than let me have any contact with my mother. Almost drove her to bankruptcy forcing as she fought for the courts for visitation. Drove her to depend on a monster of a man who uses her as a punching bag. Literally turned around without parking on a visitation trip claiming my mother didn’t show up again.
But my sisters and I were screaming and pointing, “That’s her car.” And I remember how he locked the doors so we wouldn’t run out. And he said if we unbuckled our seat belts that he swore that he didn’t beat children but he’d make an exception if we didn’t mind him.
And my sisters just sobbed. As we reached towards the back of the car, still grasping for our rightful hour that we had drive 3 hours to go to. 
She had family in the Philippines. She was popular and won many beauty contests and was known for being smart and pretty and hardworking. She could have been so much more if she hadn’t met my dad. I know it’s not my fault but I don’t know how to forgive myself for being born. I was the reason my mother would grow estranged alone in a country, no husband, no family like she was promised. He used her and when he couldn’t get her to behave like a fucking asian doll he never let me see her again just to get back at her. He claims that she falsely accused him of rape but he’s such a fucking awful person I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a rapist. He sure didn’t have a problem fucking my mom’s cousin when she was pregnant with me.
Ah god I don’t know what to do. Either way it’s making myself smaller to accomodate him on my sister’s behalf once again because “forgiveness is the only way and he did right for us by providing us basic needs.”
Gee dad. Thanks for not making me homeless until I was 17. I honestly hoped it would happen sooner but I might be dead in that timeline. (I was thinking of having that as the eulogy as a fuck you when my dad finally drops dead but I’m sure I’d never speak to my family again Xd.) Idk I’m just waiting to be free of his earthly body because the only good thing about our current situation is he isn’t holding my sisters prisoner anymore because he was finally declared incompetent enough to locked in a nursing facility. And I usually don’t wish that fate but he was going to kill my sisters otherwise. 
But I can’t go to my family, “Hey it’s been awhile. Dad wants to see me but he keeps putting Trump’s face on my timeline and I just want him to drop dead.”
How can I possibly be a good person when my gene pool runs with the most toxic family I know? My family drama fucking silences room? When people ask me about myself, all I don’t know how to answer because I feel more an action than a being. And that action is “DoEverythingInMyPowerToUnlearnAllTheToxicShitMyParentsTaughtMe”
I mean I don’t even know who the fuck raised me because I was too busy being an overloaded shit-tier mom at age 9 also balancing an elementary education. I only have stories and books and people in history to look up to. There were so few people in my life that ended up being actual good people. Most were shitty but tried, mega-tier shitty and likes it, and the best response I could hope for was something initially nurturing but almost immediately hinting that I should really get over it if they didn’t outright say that.
Anyways god I was awake for 24 hours again got to go the fuck to sleep. Brain are you done having your mindvomit cause I’d really like to rest now and this is just exhausting existence to live in. 
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superleeleehipster · 8 years
After reading some of the 7x13 spoilers as well as some of your reactions, I figured I’d put in my two cents on what’s happening in hopes of helping everyone sort out their initial feelings.
I’m going to point out some negatives for a bit but I’ll try and make it hopeful at the end!
SPOILER WARNING (under the cut)
So the recent spoilers about Carol and 7x13 sort of highlight a still ongoing problem with TWD in general, and that is a huge issue with plot holes and missed opportunities. 
It’s not just a shipper problem, for I can name tons of missed opportunities for Caryl. It’s a whole TWD problem, especially when it comes to relationships. I remember reading a good post from someone (can’t remember who) that talked about the lack in the ability to write good romance in the TWD, and it’s true. Most of the romances in the show haven’t had enough build up, or had mixed signals that threw us off so that when it did happen, we all threw our hands up like, ‘what?’.
But back to the missed opportunities. I just want to show you a few of plot holes that are not even Caryl related that show there’s problems with lazy writing:
1) We didn’t get to see Tara’s reaction to Denise. That whole relationship was kind of odd to begin with, for without any clues or hints, Denise suddenly kisses Tara after saving the other dude’s life. Then they became a loving couple... felt a bit forced and random.
2) We never found out whether or not Daryl read the ‘Survivors of Child Abuse’ book he found in ‘Consumed’. Yeah we found that out recently when one of the fans asked Norman and he said he did. But we had to find that out outside of the show, which is a bad sign.
3) Richonne canon moment was a bit sudden and surprising, and not necessarily in a good way. We found out from Danai (not the show) that there was a two month gap between 6x09 & 6x10. Soooo many missed opportunities within that time frame to show where Richonne’s relationship was heading. So when it did become canon, it almost felt forced. Like suddenly they’re making out, making love, and then holding hands the next day like they’ve been doing that all along. Don’t get me wrong, I love Richonne and they’re a powerful couple, but I felt bad for the shippers b/c it felt very anticlimactic.
4) We didn’t get to see Maggie and Daryl’s reunion. Yeah they’re supposed to have a talk in 7x14, but why not have both, ya know. I’m sure there were sections of 7x08 you could’ve thrown out in order to see the reunion, something the GA would rather watch but no...
5) We only got a fraction of character background for Glenn before he died. We knew he was a pizza man, we knew his mom used to cook good meat (3x01, when he said just like my mom used to cook it), and we knew the people that had an impact on him. But we got nothing else. He was an original character and he only got a fraction of background as the others did.
There’s so many more plot holes I can name but I’ll be merciful and stop while I’m at it. And don’t even get me started on missed opportunities for Caryl itself. GAH! 
All of these examples are a good indication of not only the not so good cycle that the TWD keeps repeating, but also where their focus truly lies: Their main focus is to tell the broader picture of the storyline (aka Negan vs Rick & TF) by using random/pointless plots for our characters in order to maneuver the story to where he wants it. And the character arcs are suffering b/c of it.
A very good example of OOC would be this Carol self-torture arc, which (I hope to God) will end next week. I know she’s going to fight, according to spoilers, but I hope she is indeed better by the time 7x16 roles around b/c I’m tired of seeing Carol miserable. She needs to be better dammit!! But I think @leonstrenton is right when she says that Carol will get better but it’ll probably be very unsatisfactory for the viewers b/c Gimps only put this arc in her story so that she was out of the way from Negan... AGAIN, THE MAIN STORYLINE IS WHAT MATTERS TO HIM.
Also, according to 7x13 spoilers, Carol doesn’t go back to Alexandria immediately after she finds out about Glenn. Now that doesn’t make any sense b/c Carol was literally on her hands and knees during 7x10 asking about her family. Now it just seems OOC for her (credit for this valid point goes to the lovely @ocean514)
See, if I were a good writer, I’d make her go back to the Kingdom, make sure Zeke agrees to fight, and then go back to Alexandria to tell them that the Kingdom is joining them... but again, MISSED OPPORTUNITY!!
Another good example of a character arc being affected is not being able to see Glenn react to killing his first live person in the entire series. That would’ve been really interesting to see how it would affect his character, but they apparently had no time to do that b/c the Negan showdown was approaching. 
Let’s have one more shall we. Abraham and Sasha’s whole... relationship? Holy crap that couple had so little couplish moments that it was hard to say if they had even kissed... b/c we never saw them kiss! It was implied they had sex I know, but it was probably the most random, rushed, and short couple I’ve ever seen on the show.
So this plot hole issue isn’t just with Caryl, it’s with everything that’s going on in TWD. So take comfort in the fact that it’s not just a problem with writing for Caryl, it’s a much bigger issue than just those two.
Now for some hope for Carylers:
I am a Caryl shipper till the day I die, and my mantra for any kind of couple I want to happen is this: If they are both alive, there is still a chance!
We are going to have to deal with some hate after 7x13 b/c people will see the Carol and Ezekiel scene with Ben’s little brother as a foreshadowing to a ‘family’ moment. Personally I feel like this is Carol making a step to coming back to herself. She’s willingly helping Ben’s brother, trying to comfort him with his loss, which is a HUGE breakthrough in how she feels about helping kids if you think about her history. And I’m glad she’s making that step.
Another issue with the Carzekiel business is that for whatever reason, when two characters of the opposite sex share screen time, it automatically mean they will be a couple. Khary Payton himself had said he was surprised at how quickly people began shipping Carzekiel, even though they only shared a small amount of screen time together. Honestly, I’m glad Carol’s spending time with Zeke b/c she needs a good friend, and Zeke is an awesome dude, so why not strike up a friendship? 
Shared screen time does not = canon couple! ( @thaliasandy I know you’ve said this before)
Caryl will go canon eventually, it’s just that eventually is the keyword at this point. Will there be missed opportunities to show that? Of course yes, there already has been. Will it feel anticlimactic or out of the blue? There’s a possibility of that. But here’s the thing that we can look forward to:
Whether we get subtle/small canon moment, or (for the love of god, please) larger canon scene between them, Norman and Melissa will kick it out of the ballpark. It didn’t matter that they barely had any dialogue during 7x10, they don’t need it, for you can see how well they understand each other without even talking. It would be nice as the GA to hear what they’re thinking, but I’ll take lack of dialogue for a beautiful first kiss. 
Don’t fret guys. I know it is very hard to keep shipping this couple, especially now with all the hate going around. I’ve honestly never seen an anti group so adamant at shutting Caryl down so badly... I don’t get why they hate it so much... but people are nuts. 
But don’t pay them any attention. Do what Mel wants us to do and just get along with each other and celebrate the amazingness that is Carol, Daryl, and Caryl. Friendly debates? Sure! Hateful/nutty anons? Just delete the message and ignore them, for they got nothing better to do than to feed off of our insecurities that we unfortunately have from waiting this long.
Caryl on guys!
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