#my mom called this morning to ask if I’d gone back on
Guess who’s rejoining the wonderful world of antidepressants. After a a year and a half off them. Really gave it the old college try
However we (therapist, dietician, and I) have come to the conclusion brain simply doesn’t make serotonin on its own. Which I guess objectively isn’t a moral failing, but it sure feels like it is. And might have something to do with my stomach issues, apparently.
I just can bring myself to call the doctor to put me back on them. I’m nervous and I worked so hard to come off of them and everyone was so proud of me.
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pipwritesoccasionally · 2 months
perfect little family
dad!nanami x mom!reader
in which your daughter visits you at work and your perfect husband comes with her!
warnings: fem!reader
higuruma mention because i love him too
the day started off ordinarily. you’d gone to work as you always did, even stopping by the bakery next to your daughter’s daycare to pick up a croissant. it was hot and buttery, just how you liked it, and it lessened the feeling of dread that came from working in a law firm every day. 
“good morning!” you exclaimed to the assistant at the front desk, who smiled right back. you’d been good friends since you’d started working in the firm three years prior. 
“good morning (y/n)! how was your weekend?”  
“not long enough. the kiddo decided that she didn’t want to get any sleep, so kento and i were going a little mad. luckily, she’s at daycare for the day, so i can get some peace and quiet while at work,” you recalled, feeling some of the exhaustion seep back in. 
“i know right! my twins wouldn’t sleep through the night for months at a time and i thought i would pass out right here at my desk.” 
“i can’t imagine what we would do if there were two of her. she’s so cute, but she can be a menace. if kento weren’t around to help her i think i’d just have to quit working.” you loved bringing up your wonderful husband, as he truly was the person who made everything alright in the world. 
“i’m so jealous!” one of your coworkers groaned as they walked by. “when do we get to meet this perfect husband of yours (y/n)?” 
“sorry, we’ve just been so busy lately! no one told me the terrible twos last until they turn four! i promise i’ll get him to come out sometime!” you apologize, knowing that your coworkers have been begging to meet kento ever since you began working here. you two were a more private couple, so you didn’t really have pictures of him on your desk. just some notes from him or your daughter, as well as a calendar with all of the important dates on it. 
“oh (y/n), higuruma said he left some papers on your desk to fill out before your meeting in an hour.” your friend at the front desk said, and you thanked her before heading there to fill them out. 
the stack was menacing, but you got it all done, and ran to meet with your boss and the other attorneys of your firm. you slid the door open and shuffled to sit in your seat. higuruma gave you a slight smile in acknowledgement, and you smiled back. you’d become something like friends in the few years you’d worked at the firm, so at least he was a friendly face. 
“alright, i’m here to make sure we’re all on the same page about the client we’re defending before our meeting with them on thursday.” your boss began, before making his way through the information in the documents you had been given earlier. 
he was in the middle of talking when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. you grabbed for it, meaning to shut it off, before realizing it was from your daughter’s daycare. 
“excuse me, i need to take this. it’s about my daughter. sorry!” you exclaim, rushing out the door of the meeting room and answering the call. 
“hello! is this (y/n)?” a cheerful voice on the other side spoke. 
“yes it is! is something wrong?” 
“your daughter seems to be not feeling well, and she keeps asking for you. is there any way you can come pick her up?” you frowned, remembering that she had been fine this morning. not to mention the fact that your schedule was jam packed all day, and that missing these meetings would severly affect your performance in front of the client. 
“i’m so sorry, my schedule is entirely full. however, my husband kento should be home today, is there any way you can call him?” 
“of course! we’ll call him right now,” the daycare worker says, and hangs up. you sigh, and head back into the meeting. 
hours later, you were in another meeting, this time with some new attorneys, as your boss had asked you to discuss your firm’s processes when it comes to civil or criminal trials. you were currently presenting in front of a group of ten, when a knock echoed across the room. the group went silent, and the closest attorney stood to open the door. 
as soon as the door was open a crack, someone pushed it open and ran over to you. 
“mama! mama!” a little figure ran across the room and threw herself at you, barely making it so you could catch her. she had kento’s brown eyes and (h/c) hair, making her instantly recognizable as your daughter. 
“sweetheart, what are you doing here?” you whisper at her, placing her on your hip. 
“i wanted to see you, so daddy said we could come see if you were busy! but then the lady at the front desk said you were here in a meeting, so i came to see you!” she smiled, her grin showing the spot where she’d lost her first tooth a month ago. 
“well we can’t play right now, but you’re welcome to watch me present if you can sit quietly in that chair over there.” you point at the empty chair, but she shakes her head. 
“no mama! i want you to hold me,” she pouts, and you know that you have to give in. you sigh, before standing straight and grabbing the control for your powerpoint. 
“slight change of plans. this is my assistant, (d/n), and she will be helping me present.” you tell the other attorneys, who are holding back laughter, before continuing your presentation. 
once it’s over and the other attorneys begin to pack up, you take your daughter’s hand and lead her back to the lobby, where your husband is surrounded by a group of your coworkers, including the one from earlier. 
“so, what brings you to the firm?” one woman giggles, clearly infatuated with him. 
“my wife works here,” he says, pushing his glasses up with his hand to show off his wedding band. 
“wife??? who’s your wife??” one of the other women exclaims, but at that moment your daughter chooses to run at him in a full spring. 
“were you now?” he says, placing her on his hip. “where is your mama anyways?” 
“i’m right here,” you say, and the group of women turn to face you. 
“(y/n)?? he’s YOUR husband??” the coworker from earlier says, and you nod. 
“how can you not have pictures of him on your desk?? he’s gorgeous!” she yells, and you laugh. 
“he mostly takes pictures of me and (d/n), but it’s more of just a safety thing so people don’t find out where he and (d/n) live.” you reply, smiling. you walk past them to your husband, who pulls you into his other side immediately. 
“hi darling, sorry about her,” he mutters, pressing a kiss to your temple. you hear a chorus of squeals behind you, and your friend from the front desk asking them to disperse, but you pay them no mind. 
“it’s no big deal. i think the new attorneys were less stressed out because she was there.” you poke your daughter on the nose, and she giggles. 
“anyways, we should probably get going. when will you be home?” kento asks, and you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“early today, i just have one meeting left and then i’m done. so in around two hours?” you feel the vibration of his chest as he hums. you pull away and step back towards your office, still facing your little family. 
“alright (d/n), say bye to your mom,” kento says, and your daughter waves with an enthused “BYE MAMA!”
you wave back, watching them leave. nothing could compare to the feeling of your perfect little family.
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penkura · 4 months
First Mother's Day
Note: I decided to do a special post in what is now my OP Men as Dads series, and do a Mother's Day headcanon/blurb post. I understand this day can be rough for some, but I hope that whether you celebrate or not, whether your mom is in your life or not, that you have a lovely day otherwise and if this isn't your cup of tea, I hope there's something else that can entertain you today. <3
If you'd like my thoughts on other OP men as dads (Shanks, Kid, Usopp, etc.), please just ask and I'll give an answer! I'll include Luffy in this despite my viewing him as a son or brother, but it probably won't be x Reader based. Requests are being worked on as well.
I am using baby Ace image to break up this and the actual content from now on lol. He's just so cute. 🥺
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Ace is going to go all out for your first Mother’s Day. He’s buying flowers, candies, and cards, all from him and your daughter. Even if you tell him you don’t want anything except a quiet day at home with the two of them, he’s buying you gifts.
He’ll likely buy you a bracelet with your daughter’s name on it, or maybe a charm bracelet with her birthstone, so you can add any more in the future if/when you have more children. Ace will try to make you breakfast in bed, but he ends up burning the bacon to the point your smoke alarm goes off, and you have to open all the windows to air out the house the rest of the day (at least it’s a nice day out). He orders out breakfast from a nearby diner to make sure you have something that morning, he’ll even try to take your daughter out for a walk or to Luffy and Sabo’s place for the day to give you a break, but you insist on going along.
“You should have the day off though!”
“Ace, I don’t want a day off. Rogue is only three month’s old, and I’d much rather spend the day with you and her than alone. That’s not a fun Mother’s Day to me.”
The three of you end up at Luffy and Sabo’s place, the two uncles absolutely adoring their niece as she coos and lets them hold her without any crying or fussing. When you get home later that night, Ace watches you get Rogue ready for bed. He knew from the start that you would be a great mother, and sometimes, he just wishes his own mother was around to see it, and to meet her granddaughter.
Law has a plan that gets thrown off when your son decides to be born a week earlier than expected, on Mother’s Day itself. He still tries to do something for you, even though the original plan of taking you out for brunch and giving you a quiet day at home while you waited for your baby to be born was now out the window. He should’ve known, ever since he met Luffy all his plans go haywire at some point. At least it led to you two meeting eventually.
Once you’ve gone to sleep and your son Rosi is in the nursery at the hospital, Law slips out to quickly put something together. He has a gift for you, a mother’s ring that will fit into your wedding band, he just needs flowers, or chocolate, or something to add to it. He doesn’t really like to be cliché, but he ends up with flowers, at least they’re something pretty you can have in your hospital room and when you’re released to take your baby boy home.
The girl in the hospital gift shops tells him he looks happy, even if Law doesn’t really show it. She swears it’s just something in the way he speaks while he asks her to pull together a small bouquet for you. He is happy, beyond that actually, knowing you two have a son, you both are healthy and safe. He has a family again, his very own. The flowers and ring aren’t enough to convey his gratitude to you for giving him a family to call his own, but it’s a start. There will be plenty more times for him to do so in the future.
When Law gets back to your room, you’re awake again and in the middle of nursing your son, a nurse helping you when you need it. She notices the flowers he’s brought and leaves you both with a smile, saying she’ll come back in a few minutes.
“Where’d you get off to?”
“Had to get something,” Law comes over and presses a kiss to your forehead, giving you a smile, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Penguin has thought of what to do every day since your daughter Wren was born. He’s come up with multiple ways to celebrate your first Mother’s Day, but nothing seems just right to him. He’s thought of brunch, breakfast in bed, giving you a day out with your friends while he watches your daughter, or even a weekend trip away, leaving your baby with her grandparents, but nothing works out. Restaurants and diners he calls are all booked up already, you hate eating in bed because of crumbs, your friends all had plans either with their own mothers or their spouses and kids, and your own parents were out of town for the next two weeks.
He ends up with no real plans for the day and feels terrible about it as it approaches. Its going to be another normal Sunday for the three of you, he hates the idea of that because it’s your first Mother’s Day, it should be special, shouldn’t it?
When the day finally comes around, Penguin is up first, hearing Wren’s little babbles through the baby monitor, and going to pick her up. At nine-months-old she’s figured out how to stand up on her own, still no steps being taken by herself, but when she sees Penguin enter the nursery, she grins and starts bouncing up and down, holding the rail of her crib and shouting “da” over and over. It makes Penguin smile as he picks her up, kissing her chubby cheek which makes her squeal.
“Good morning, Wren! Let’s keep quiet, mommy’s still asleep, okay?”
He laughs a bit, lifting her up over his head to make her giggle again, as she reaches her little hands towards his face.
“You know…a great gift would be for you to say ‘mama’ for the first time, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re close! Now, just say ‘mama’.”
Wren sticks her tongue out while she tries to speak, Penguin helping her along for several minutes until she finally says something close to ‘mama’.
Penguin sighs a bit, but nods as he brings Wren down and kisses her cheek again, making her giggle as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“You two sure have been having fun.”
Both look to you in the doorway, no shortage of smiles among the three of you, as Wren lights up and starts to reach for you, trying to say she wants you to hold her. You both take just a moment too long to get her to you, and it makes her fuss and kick her legs a bit.
You didn’t even get her in your arms, you and Penguin both freezing in place for a moment while Wren continues to fuss and whine, almost in tears since you haven’t held her yet.
“Her first word!!” You quickly take Wren from Penguin and hug her close, kissing her cheeks and forehead telling her how proud you are of your little girl. “This is the best Mother’s Day gift!”
At least that worked out, even if he didn’t have a plan in mind.
Sanji wouldn’t have waited nearly a year to celebrate you as a mother if you hadn’t forced him to. With fraternal twins to now take care of and raise, you’ve both been through bouts of exhaustion and elation over the two babies you brought into the world. Sora and Angel, your precious blessings, were nearly a year old, and you’d already started planning a birthday party for them, completely ignoring the fact Mother’s Day was a few weeks prior to their turning one-year-old.
Sanji didn’t forget, he had a plan, one that included your twins scribbling away to make cards for you, though he didn’t expect the two to be so fussy about it and mark each other up more than the papers. He learned very quickly to not give babies or toddlers markers, unless they were washable. You still don’t fully realize how Sora ended up with a bright green mark over his right eye and Angel had a hot pink line down her left arm.
The rest was simple, breakfast in bed, made by your professional chef husband of course, and whatever else you wanted for the rest of the day. If you want to lay in bed and watch TV without interruption, he’d put your twins in the stroller and take them to the park. If you wanted to turn your phone off and sleep the day away, he’d take over and leave you alone until you needed anything. Whatever you want, it’s a day to celebrate you as the mother of his children, he wasn’t going to deny you anything.
But when you do tell him what you want, after finishing off breakfast, Sanji’s a bit surprised.
“Are you…sure?”
“Mm-hm,” you nod and try to keep Sora from grabbing the butter knife on the tray, making him whine while Angel slept in Sanji’s arms, “I want to spend the day with the three of you.”
“You…do that every day though, my love.”
“So?” smiling, you kiss the top of Sora’s head and watch Angel as she starts to stir awake, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands, “You guys are my family. I hate the idea of not being with the three of you today, so I’d rather just spend it like we always do.”
Sanji nods a bit, seeming to understand, greeting Angel when she wakes up fully with a kiss to the forehead. It makes you happy to watch him with both your children, but especially your daughter. How could he ever think you’d want to spend the day alone? Not when you had these two blessings as your children and Sanji as your husband.
“We could still take these two to the park later, maybe burn off some energy so they nap at a decent time.”
“Of course! Whatever you want, my love.”
Zoro doesn’t even fully realize that its Mother’s Day until Nami says something to him. The past few weeks with your son have been exhausting for both of you, but he can’t believe he forgot that this was a thing. He has nothing planned and isn’t sure what to do. He’s running out of time, it’s literally just a few hours away before Nami offers to take you out for the day wherever the Sunny docks in the morning. Zoro will stay with your son on the ship, and you’ll get a day off from being a mom and wife, the two think it’s the best thing to give you on such short notice, though Nami does up the interest on his debt again for this.
You don’t even get to say good morning to your husband or son before Nami has dragged you off to whatever she has planned, its really just a normal girl’s day out with shopping and lunch. Most of what you buy isn’t even for you, it’s baby items that you need or clothes you think are adorable. It just ended up making you miss your son more as the day went on.
When you do get back to the ship, your son is wailing and no one has been able to calm him down, not even Zoro while he tries his hardest and lightly bounces your baby as he shushes him gently. As soon as you drop your bags you’re taking him from your husband and holding him close to calm him down.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, mommy’s here, Keitaro. I’m back.”
He slowly calms down once he realizes its you, burying his little face in your shoulder and keeping a tight grip on your shirt. When you ask Zoro what the deal was with Nami dragging you off the ship so early, before you even had the chance to hold Keitaro that day, he explains the situation and it just makes you tilt your head.
“…it’s Mother’s Day?”
You hadn’t even realized it. That just makes Zoro feel bad that it caused your son such distress, and he and Nami both apologize for not talking to you about it beforehand. They both assumed the other had discussed it with you. You didn’t really care to celebrate, all that mattered was being with your husband and son, the rest of your day spent with just the two of them.
Note 2: Out here dropping names like I didn't say I'd make a post about that at some point lol. So, the firstborns in order of character are Portgas D. Rogue, Trafalgar D. Rosinante (called Rosi cause it's too damn cute), Wren, Sora and Angel, and Roronoa Keitaro.
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
kavuk si
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kavuk si [English] vin. betray
Neteyam has chosen a woman, and you know it isn’t you.
1,471 words
Fishing was supposed to clear my mind and calm my nerves, but I was throwing my spear too forcefully, and it was making the fish almost unusable. Plus, I was missing a lot, and that was only serving to further fuel my anger and frustration.
“It’s just a rumor,” my sister said again as I huffed and pulled my spear from the sandy riverbed.
“It is not,” I replied. “His own mother is said to have confirmed it. He has chosen.”
Even without looking at her, I knew Kawti was rolling her eyes behind me. It had been my wish to come fishing alone, but there wasn’t much I had truly done alone since Kawti was born 13 years ago. Despite our seven year age difference, she was my best friend, and I was usually happy to have her along.
Just - not today. All morning, all anyone at home could talk about was how the eldest son of Toruk Makto was finally going to choose a woman, and he was going to make his declaration soon. I knew, in my heart, that Neteyam would have told me already if I was his choice. Just last night we had gone hunting together, and I had eaten the evening meal with his family - he had plenty of opportunity to tell me himself.
Even though we hadn’t exactly expressed how we’d felt, I thought I had been pretty clear in my affections and desires, and I’d thought Neteyam was just shy. Now I felt like a fool. He had not stolen any kisses, or any other affections, and I had been leading myself on. He simply wasn’t interested.
“Come, Y/N. Mom will be expecting us back soon.” Kawti hopped down from her seat atop a tree branch, and extended her small hand to mine.
I grabbed my meager bag of mangled fish, and followed her back to Home Tree.
When the rest of my family went to dinner, I stayed back. I wasn’t hungry, in fact I was feeling a little ill, and really did need a little bit of time alone. 
Kawti was annoyed, but her optimism was childish. Not only did she think it was just a rumor, but she claimed to be sure Neteyam was ‘completely in love’ with me.
As if she knew anything about love. She was just a kid.
I could only sit in our little alcove of Home Tree for so long before becoming restless. I was feeling ridiculous, too. If Neteyam did not want me, and had chosen another, then I would have to grow up and move on. There were many fine men in our village, and I knew one would choose me - and I would choose them in return.
I could only barely lie to myself, as dread gripped my chest at the thought of mating with anyone else. So I stood up, trying to shake the thoughts from my head, and walked outside. It was quiet, as most were gathered for the evening meal, and the quietness left me too much to my dark, depressing thoughts.
Without direction, I began walking towards the forest.
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called, and I hesitated before turning.
“Teyam,” I said through gritted teeth. I looked over my shoulder to see him jogging to catch up, a wooden bowl full of food in his hands.
He looked handsome, I thought before I could stop myself. Neteyam always looked handsome, but there was something different... he was wearing a large necklace made of leather that was reserved for special occasions, and his face was painted as if for battle or a ceremony.
“Your mother said you were ill. I brought you this.” He extended it to me, and something about the gesture turned my sadness to rage.
He could choose another woman, ask her to be his mate, and still pretend to be concerned about me? To bring me food? How dare he!
“Bah!” I said, waving my hand. “Leave me, Neteyam.”
He furrowed his brow in confusion and tilted his head to the side, his ears flicking back and forth. “Do you need the healer?”
“No. I need to be alone.” I stepped back, but he stepped forward to follow.
“I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice firm, and extended his hand to me.
I looked at him skeptically, tilting my head to the side, and sighed. It had always been hard to stay mad at Neteyam, and the look on his face was very serious.
I put my hand into his, noting how much larger his was, and we went back into my family’s alcove in Home Tree together.
Neteyam did not let go of my hand when we stepped inside, and I tried to savor it. If he was to belong to someone else soon, this might be the last time we were ever truly alone.
“Well, what do you need to talk about?” I asked, trying not to let my voice waiver. “My family will be back soon.”
This was not even close to the truth, and Neteyam knew it. My mother could talk for hours every night, and my sister was usually exhausted by the time they returned from their socializing. It would be at least an hour before they returned.
Neteyam looked everywhere in our modest home but at me, and I squeezed his hand. “Teyam, spit it out!”
“Damn, you don’t make it easy, Y/N!” he replied in a huff, and my eyes widened in surprise.
“Sorry,” I said, unsure of what I was apologizing for. He was the one who should have been apologizing to me.
Why had we gone on all those rides together? Hunted together? Taken meals together, spent time with each other’s families, if he had not intended to be mine?
“You are mad at me,” he said quietly, and I finally allowed myself to look into his eyes.
“Yes,” I said in a near-whisper. “I am.”
I took my hand from his and crossed my arms over my chest. “They are saying.. they are saying you have chosen a woman. Everyone is to celebrate the mating of the Chief’s son.”
His eyebrows rose up and his shoulders fell. “Well... this is true.”
I nodded, stepping away from him. “Who is she? Ni’awtu? She’s a fine hunter. Or... Petani? She has a fine skill on the loom, and would make a good mate.” I blinked hard to stop the tears rushing into my eyes.
I jumped with surprise when Neteyam laughed so hard that he threw his head back. “You are joking!” he exclaimed.
“I am not! Tell me who it is!”
With considerable effort, Neteyam stopped laughing and closed the gap between us again. He reached out, gripping my upper arms with his hands, and leaned in close.
“You are mad because you are jealous, but you are jealous of yourself, Y/N. Ni’awfu may be a fine hunter, and Petani weaves very well on the loom, but I do not love them. I do not love anyone else.”
Blinking hard, it took me a few moments to understand what Neteyam was saying to me. I stood, slack jawed and stunned, forcing him to continue speaking.
“I wish to ask you to be my mate before Ewya, to spend your life with me, to mother my children, Y/N.”
I took in a long, deep breath. My hands were shaking and the tears had filled my eyes, I could no longer hold them back. It was so hard to find any appropriate response. I had spent years pining over Neteyam, and all day today sure that my chance was gone and I was going to have to watch him with someone else - which would have been a fate worse than death.
“Neteyam, I... of course, yes. I, I have always...” I stuttered and stammered as tears fell down my face.
Graciously, Neteyam stopped our needs for words by leaning down and pressing his soft lips to mine in a kiss I felt as if I had waited so long for.
My body felt on fire instantly, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, deepening the kiss.
It felt like a long time before we pulled apart, both smiling like a couple of idiots.
“You are mine, Y/N,” Neteyam whispered, pressing his forehead to mine. “How could you have thought I would choose anyone else? I have always been yours.”
Tears spilled freely now, and I put my hands on either side of his face. “I feel foolish. I have always been yours, Neteyam.”
He hugged me tightly, pulling my body completely flush with mine, and I breathed him in deeply.
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wolverigrl · 8 days
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Farewells and Distractions
Hugh Jackman x reader (actress)
Prepare yourselves for some jealousyyyy! And well, I already have ideas for the next part! I'm so obsessed right now, send help.. :')
Warnings: fluff, angst, nothing more!
Previous Part
It was early, far too early for me to be awake, but there I was, driving Hugh to the airport. He sat beside me, quiet, his hand resting on my thigh, occasionally squeezing as if to remind himself that I was still there. I glanced over at him, taking in his profile - the way his jawline looked in the dim morning light, the faint tiredness under his eyes. He was heading to Sydney to visit his family for a few weeks, and I’d be joining him the next week. We had planned it so we could have some time apart and then reconnect, just the two of us, after he spent time with his parents and siblings. But as we drove, the reality of that week apart felt heavier than I expected.
“You have everything, right?” I asked, my voice softer than I intended. I already knew the answer. Hugh was meticulous. There was no way he’d forgotten anything.
“Yeah, I’m all set." he replied, his voice equally soft. He glanced out the window for a moment before turning back to me. “I hate leaving you, though.”
I smiled, but it didn’t quite reach my eyes. “It’s just a week. I’ll be there before you know it, and we’ll have all that time together. Just us.”
“I know,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss my temple. “But it still feels too long.”
We pulled into the airport, and the moment I put the car in park, my stomach flipped. I hated goodbyes, even temporary ones. Hugh reached for his bag in the back seat, and then he turned to me, eyes locking with mine in a way that made everything else seem to fade into the background.
“I’m gonna miss you." I whispered, my throat tight with emotion. I didn’t want to cry - God, it was only a week - but I couldn’t help it.
“I’m gonns miss you too, love." he said, and then he pulled me into a kiss. It wasn’t rushed or hurried like I expected. It was slow, almost reluctant, like neither of us wanted it to end. His lips moved against mine with the kind of tenderness that made me want to cling to him and never let go.
When we finally broke apart, he pressed his forehead against mine, and I felt his breath fan over my face. “I love you." he whispered, his voice barely audible.
My heart skipped a beat. I’d known for a while that I was falling in love with him, but those words… I wasn’t ready to say them yet, not because I didn’t feel them, but because it felt like too much, too fast. I smiled instead, pressing another soft kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you soon.”
He nodded, pulling back and grabbing his bag. With one last glance, he headed inside, disappearing into the terminal. I sat there for a moment, staring at the space where he had been, feeling an ache in my chest that I wasn’t sure how to shake off.
The week without Hugh stretched out longer than I anticipated. I had plans with Ryan and Blake - they were supposed to keep me busy while Hugh was gone - but those plans fell through when Blake called me that afternoon.
“Hey, y/n!” Blake’s voice crackled through the phone. “I’m so sorry, but Ryan and I have to cancel for this week. We’re flying out to Canada - his mom needs help."
“Oh no." I said, leaning back against the couch. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, nothing serious. She just needs an extra pair of hands for a bit. We’ll be gone for a while.”
I tried not to let the disappointment creep into my voice. “No worries. Family comes first. We’ll hang out when you get back.”
After hanging up, I tossed my phone on the couch beside me and sighed. So much for that distraction. I glanced at the screen, wondering if Hugh had texted, but the silence between us was understandable - he was busy with family, and with the massive time difference, we hadn’t spoken much.
As if on cue, my phone buzzed. I grabbed it, expecting a message from Hugh, but instead saw Chris’ name.
CHRIS: Hellooo! What are you up to? I'm in Boston for the week. Scott, Carly and Shana are coming over. Wanna join?
I blinked, a little surprised by the spontaneous invitation, but the thought of spending time with Chris and his siblings sounded like the perfect way to take my mind off Hugh being gone. After a moment of hesitation, I decided to go.
Y/N: Might just take you up on that. Hugh's in Sydney and my plans here fell through.
CHRIS: Perfect! Let me know when you’re coming!
Hugh was busy, and it wasn’t like I was going to spend the week moping around. Plus, I would also meet my other friends, who I haven't seen for a while!
The days in Boston were great. Chris and his siblings were as always easy company, and I found myself laughing more than I had in days. We spent our time wandering through the city, grabbing food at hole-in-the-wall places, and drinking in tiny bars that didn’t care if we lingered for hours. I wasn’t constantly texting Hugh, mostly because the time difference made it hard to sync up, but we exchanged messages when we could even if it was mostly just short messages or a quick selfie.
Y/N: With friends in Boston. One day left! Miss you❤️
HUGH: Hope you have a great time. Miss you too. Can’t wait for you to get here❤️
One night, Chris’s brother snapped a candid photo of us all laughing at some stupid joke Chris had made and posted it on Instagram. I didn’t think much of it at the time - just a fun moment with friends.
After I reposted Scott's photo, I somehow got a weird feeling, because Hugh neither liked nor commented on it. He usually does that with all my posts.
But then my phone buzzed. It was a call from him. I frowned, glancing at the time. It was the middle of the night in Sydney.
“Hey!" I answered, stepping out onto the balcony to get some quiet. “Isn't it late in Sydney? What’s up? Are you okay?”
There was a pause on the other end, and I could hear the hesitation in his voice. “Yeah and yeah I’m fine. Just couldn’t sleep.”
I smiled, leaning against the railing. “What’s keeping you up? Family stuff?”
“Yeah, a little. I miss you." he said, his voice soft, but I could sense something else there too. Something unspoken.
“I miss you too. I’ll be there soon. My flight's tomorrow at noon.” I reassured him, but the nagging feeling that something was wrong wouldn’t go away.
There was another pause before Hugh spoke again. “Yeah okay. Just text me when you're at the airport. What have you been up to?”
“Just hanging out with some friends." I said, hoping to keep things light. “Boston’s been nice. It’s a good distraction.”
“I’m glad." he replied, though his tone didn’t sound completely convinced. I wanted to press, to ask him what was really going on, but something held me back. Maybe it was the distance, or maybe I just didn’t want to have a serious conversation at 3 AM Sydney time.
We talked for a little while longer, mostly about what he’d been doing with his family - going to the beach, having long dinners with his parents. It sounded peaceful, and I couldn’t wait to be there with him. By the time we hung up, I thought things were okay between us.
When I finally arrived in Sydney, I was ready to be wrapped up in my boyfriends arms, to forget about the distance and just be with him. But something was off the moment I saw him at the airport. He hugged me, kissed me, but there was a hesitation in his touch, a distance in his eyes that I hadn’t expected.
“Everything okay?” I asked as we got into the car.
“Yeah, just tired.” he said, brushing it off, but I could tell something was wrong and I didn’t push. Maybe he was still caught up in family obligations.
Over the next couple of days, that distance grew. He wasn’t as affectionate as usual, and when I tried to kiss him or initiate anything more intimate, he pulled back, offering a soft smile but nothing else. It was confusing, and frankly, it hurt.
It all came to a head one evening when we were sitting in his living room, and I could feel the tension crackling in the air between us.
“Hugh." I said cautiously as I looked at his profile. Iis something wrong? You’ve been distant since I got here."
He looked at me, his jaw tightening as if he was wrestling with something he didn’t want to say. “Why didn’t you tell me you were spending all that time with Chris?”
I blinked, caught off guard. “What? I told you I was with friends in Boston.”
“You didn’t tell me Chris was one of them." he said, standing up, pacing now. His hands were in his pockets, but I could see the frustration in the way his shoulders tensed. “I saw your Instagram photo, y/n. You and Chris.. you looked really comfortable.”
I stood up too, feeling my heart race with a mix of confusion and frustration. “I didn’t think it mattered. It wasn’t just me and Chris - his siblings were there too. We’re friends, Hugh. That’s all.”
“I know you’re friends, but that’s not the point!" Hugh interrupted, his voice rising slightly. He turned to face me fully, his eyes searching mine as if trying to find something he couldn’t quite name. "You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you just tell me it was him?"
I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Because it wasn’t important, Hugh! We were in a group, it wasn’t just the two of us, and I didn’t think it would bother you. Chris and I are over. We’ve been over for years."
Hugh’s face tightened, and he took a deep breath, clearly trying to keep his composure. "But you two were something once. And now you’re still close, still spending time together, laughing together. I trust you, y/n, but… it’s hard for me to ignore the fact that you didn’t think it was worth mentioning."
I stared at him, feeling my own frustration bubbling to the surface. "Are you seriously mad because I didn’t explicitly say Chris was there? You know we’re friends. I didn’t hide it. I didn’t lie to you."
"It’s not just about Chris," Hugh snapped, finally letting the words spill out. "It’s about everything. You didn't even say anything back to me at the airport! I couldn’t help but felt like you didn’t really want this and went to see him. Maybe I’m too old for this, for you. And when I see you with someone like Chris, who’s younger, who shares your world more than I do… I just start to wonder."
His words hit me like a punch in the gut. I hadn’t realized he’d been carrying all this around with him, this insecurity about us, about our relationship. "Hugh, how could you even think that? We talked about the age difference and you were the one who literally said, that it's fine! It doesn’t even matter to me, and it’s never been about that. I didn’t realize you felt this way… you should have told me."
"I didn’t want to burden you with it. Especially after you were concerned about our relationship and the media." he muttered, turning away, his shoulders slumping slightly. "It’s my issue, not yours."
"No, it is our issue if it’s affecting us like this." I said, stepping closer to him. "You should have told me you were feeling like this, Hugh. I don’t want you to feel insecure about us, or about me spending time with anyone. I love being with you and I want to be with you."
He ran a hand through his hair, still not meeting my eyes. "It’s hard. I see how easy it is for you and Chris to be around each other after you have been together and I thought… maybe I’m holding you back and the thought intensified after you didn't say 'I love you' back."
I felt my chest tighten, a knot of frustration and sadness coiling inside me. "Hugh, that’s not true. You’re not holding me back. I’m with you because I choose to be. Chris is a friend, but you’re the one I want to be with. You’re the one I’m in love with. Also you caught me off guard with that and it was somehow too much for me to tell you before we said goodbye."
At that, Hugh’s eyes finally lifted to meet mine. For a moment, his expression softened, but the weight of everything still hung between us. "I don’t want to feel this way, y/n. I don’t want to doubt us."
"Then don’t." I said, stepping closer, placing my hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart under my palm. "You don’t have to doubt anything. I’m here with you because I want to be, not because I feel like I have to. I love you, Hugh. I love you in ways I didn’t think I could. And I need you to believe that."
He swallowed hard, and for a moment, I thought he might cry, or that I might cry, but instead, he pulled me into his arms. He held me tight, his chin resting on top of my head as he whispered, "I’m sorry. I’m sorry for letting this get to me."
I hugged him back, feeling the tension slowly ease out of him as we stood there, wrapped up in each other. "I’m sorry I didn’t think to tell you about Chris." I murmured against his chest. "I didn’t mean to make you feel like you couldn’t trust me."
Hugh kissed the top of my head, his arms tightening around me. "I do trust you. I just… I get scared sometimes too. It's my first relationship after a long marriage. It's new to me too."
"I know." I whispered. "We’ll figure it out together."
After a few minutes, I pulled away gently, looking up at him. "Do you want to talk more about it, or…?"
He shook his head, smiling softly. "No. I think we’ve talked enough for tonight." Then, his expression shifted, something playful creeping into his eyes. "How about we make some dinner? I know we’ve got some things we could whip up."
I smiled, grateful for the change in tone. "That sounds good. Let’s go cook."
Standing in Hugh's kitchen, I stirred the vegetables as the aroma of garlic and fresh herbs filled the air. Hugh was chopping some tomatoes next to me, the sound of his knife tapping against the cutting board rhythmic and soothing. We'd been talking for a while about upcoming projects - the usual couple interviews and some new film roles hat were coming our way.
He glanced at me with that familiar twinkle in his eyes. "You know, they've asked for some couple interview next month. Think we can manage to look civilized for one hour?" His lips curled into a teasing smile.
I raised an eyebrow, stirring the sauce as I shot him a look. “Do we really have to talk about that now? I thought this was our quiet time.”
Hugh chuckled and set his glass down, pushing away from the counter to move closer to me. “It is, but you know they’re going to ask us sooner or later. They’re all dying for a chance to talk to us - Hollywood’s favorite couple.”
I rolled my eyes, though I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, sure. You might be used to the spotlight, but I’m still getting used to it. Besides, I think they’re more interested in you than me.”
He slid up behind me, his arms snaking around my waist as he rested his chin on my head. “Oh, they’re definitely interested in you, trust me. And I think we make a pretty good team. You’re a natural on camera.”
I laughed softly, shaking my head. “That’s because you’re always cracking jokes and making me laugh. You're the one who always makes some smartass comment that gets us off track, but I don’t think I could get through an interview without you by my side.”
Hugh kissed my temple softly, his lips brushing against my skin. “Exactly. That’s why we should say yes to a couple of these. It’ll be fun. We can give them a little peek into our life.”
I sighed, stirring the sauce as I leaned back into him. “Alright, alright. I’ll consider it. But only if you promise to keep it light. No deep-dive, personal stuff.”
He raised an eyebrow, his breath warm against my ear. “No promises. They always find a way to ask the hard questions.”
I turned to face him, my hands sliding up to rest on his chest as I narrowed my eyes. “Then you’re answering those.”
He laughed, leaning down to press a quick kiss to my lips. “Deal. I’ll take the tough ones.”
As I turned back to the stove, Hugh kept his arms around me, his body pressed close to mine as he spoke. “You know, I’ve been getting some new film offers too. There’s one that might shoot in New Zealand next year.”
I felt a twinge of excitement at the mention of New Zealand. “Really? That sounds amazing. Have you decided if you’re going to do it?”
He shrugged, his hands absentmindedly playing with the hem of my shirt as he spoke. “I’m still thinking about it. I want to make sure it won’t take up too much time. I’d rather spend more of it with you.” His voice dropped, soft and intimate, and I couldn’t help but smile at how effortlessly he shifted from teasing to sincere.
I turned to face him again, this time resting my hands on his arms. “You’re really not going to stop making me blush, are you?”
He grinned, leaning down to kiss me again, this time slower, lingering. “Not a chance.”
We stood there, the conversation fading as our lips met again and again, the kitchen suddenly feeling much smaller as the heat between us built. It wasn’t long before the playful kisses turned into something deeper, more urgent, and I found myself wrapped in his arms, pressed up against the counter, his hands sliding up my back as he kissed me like he couldn’t get enough.
Just as I was getting completely lost in the moment, Hugh pulled back, his breathing heavy as he gazed down at me. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you." he said, his voice a little more serious now.
I blinked, trying to focus through the haze of desire. “What is it?”
He hesitated for a moment, his thumb brushing over my cheek as he spoke. “The kids… they’ve been asking about you. They want to meet you.”
I froze, my heart skipping a beat. His kids. I knew this moment would come eventually, but the thought of meeting them, of stepping into that part of his life, made my stomach twist with nerves.
“Oh.." I said softly, my voice betraying my uncertainty. “I didn’t know they’d been asking about me.”
He nodded, his expression gentle but serious. “Yeah. I called them yesterday and they’ve been curious for a while now, but I didn’t want to bring it up until I felt like we were both ready.”
I swallowed, the weight of his words sinking in. “And… you think we’re ready?”
He held my gaze, his hand moving to cup the back of my neck. “I do. But it’s up to you. If you’re not ready, we can wait. There’s no rush.”
I took a deep breath, my mind racing. Meeting his kids was a big step, and the last thing I wanted to do was mess it up. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel like it was the natural next step. Hugh was such an important part of my life now, and if his kids wanted to get to know me, maybe it was time.
“I think I’m ready." I said, my voice steadying as I spoke. “I’d love to meet them.”
The relief on Hugh’s face was instant, and he pulled me into a tight hug, his lips pressing against my hair. “You have no idea how happy that makes me." he murmured, his voice filled with emotion.
I smiled against his chest, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. “I just hope they like me.”
Hugh pulled back, his hands framing my face as he looked down at me with absolute certainty. “They’re going to love you. Just like I do.”
I bit my lip, my heart swelling at his words. “I love you too." I whispered, feeling the weight of those words settle between us.
Hugh smiled, his eyes soft as he leaned down to kiss me again, this time slower, more deliberate. “I know.”
We stood there for a few moments, wrapped in each other, the conversation lingering in the air. But as the sauce on the stove began to bubble, Hugh pulled back with a playful grin. “Alright, we better finish this before we burn the house down.”
I laughed, shaking my head as I turned back to the stove. “You’re the distraction, not me.”
Hugh stepped up behind me again, his arms wrapping around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “You know..” he murmured, his voice dropping to that low, teasing tone that always drove me crazy. “You could be right. But I think you like it and that we may need small breaks in between cooking."
I tried to focus on stirring the sauce, but it was impossible with him pressed up against me like that, his hands sliding up under my shirt, his touch warm against my skin. “Hugh.." I breathed, already feeling my resolve weakening.
“Hmm?” he hummed, his lips brushing against the side of my neck. “You were saying?”
I let out a soft moan, leaning back into him as his hands tightened around my waist, pulling me closer. “You’re impossible." I managed to say, though my voice came out shaky.
“Impossible?” he echoed, his mouth moving down my neck, sending shivers through my entire body. “I think you like me just the way I am.”
I laughed breathlessly, trying to keep the sauce from burning as he continued to kiss my neck, his hands exploring every inch of me. “The sauce is going to- ” I started, but before I could finish, the sound of bubbling and sizzling filled the air, and I realized that it was already too late.
“Shit!” I exclaimed, quickly turning off the stove as Hugh stepped back with a satisfied grin on his face.
He laughed, leaning against the counter as I tried to salvage what I could of dinner. “I told you we needed a break.”
I shot him a look over my shoulder, but I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. “This is your fault.”
He shrugged, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Maybe. But I think you enjoyed it.”
I rolled my eyes, turning back to the stove. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Damn right, I am,” he said with a wink, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
Even when everything else was up in the air - work, interviews, meeting his kids -  knew that as long as we had moments like this, we’d be just fine.
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sturniozo · 9 months
Tutor part Nine (Final Part)
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A/n: If you haven’t read the other parts I suggest you do! Also I had a lot of fun writing this and it’s kinda sad to me that it’s over since this is my first series. I really loved this fic so much and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting and bearing with me throughout the whole series. I love you all so much.
I still can’t make my mind up about Chris. Although Nick has a point, I still can’t get over Chris’s audacity. What makes him think he has the right to tell me I can’t be with anyone?
But Nick swear Chris likes me. He swears Chris has feelings for me and would do anything for me, that he’s distraught now that I’m not talking to him. Even if he is, what do I do?
Do I forgive Chris? In a different perspective it wasn’t a big deal. It mostly just hurt. Maybe I’m overreacting. But I couldn’t help but be upset. I take a deep breath and snap out of my thoughts. I look up at Nick who’s passed out on my couch and I smile to myself. I get up and walk to the kitchen, taking my phone off the charger and sitting at the island counter.
I bite my lip before clicking on Chris’s contact and pressing the call option. I press the phone to my ear and close my eyes. It’s not even a full second before he picks up.
“Y/n?” He says, sounding like he doesn’t believe it’s me calling him.
“Hey Chris.” I say quietly, as to not wake up Nick.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I think… I think I overreacted.”
“No, you were right. I was a dick for that. I like you. I should have just told you that instead of playing around with other girls and getting jealous when another guy liked you.”
“I like you too Chris.” I say back.
“You do?” He breathes.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Can I come over?”
“Yeah, but Nicks asleep.”
“I’ll be fast, I swear.” Chris pleads.
“Come over.” I say and Chris immediately hangs up. I creep back through the living room and to the front door where I wait outside for Chris.
It’s not long before Chris comes running up the street. “Y/n!” He says as he approaches me.
“Hey Chris.” I smile at him.
Chris doesn’t even give it a second thought before he leans down and smashes his lips against mine. Our lips move in sync as our tongues dance together. He pulls away breathlessly. “I’m so sorry. I swear I’ll be the best boyfriend you can have I-“
“Just shut up.” I say and press my lips to his again. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck and his hands stay on my hips. Chris pulls away.
“What is it?”
He smiles at me and kisses me again. This time softer. He pulls away and presses a quick kiss to my forehead.
“I have to go, Matt’s covering for me in case mom and dad notice I’m gone.” Chris tells me.
“Just one more kiss?” I ask which makes Chris smile and press his lips to mine once again.
“I really have to go.” He chuckles and pulls away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?”
“Yeah. I promise.”
Chris walks off and I head back inside. I lean against the door after I lock back up and smile. I sit back down on the couch next to Nick, who’s still sleeping soundly.
There’s a knock on my door first thing in the morning, waking me and Nick up from sleep. I groggily get up and answer the door, and Chris walks in and immediately hugs me tightly, kissing my lips.
“How long was I asleep?” Nick asks as he sees Chris kiss me. We pull apart and Chris smiles at him.
“She called me last night and I apologized.” Chris smiles. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close.
“Hm. Gross.” Nick says as he walks to the kitchen.
I giggle and face Chris who’s got a cutesy smile on his face. “Kiss?” He asks and I nod. He leans down and kisses me softly.
“If I have to watch that one more time I’m gonna throw up.” Nick says behind us. I pull away from the kiss and laugh. “I mean, it’s great that you guys are together and all, but I’d rather not see you guys get your freak on.”
Chris just laughs and pulls me to the couch and sits down with me. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. “What do you wanna do today?” He asks me.
“I dunno.” I shrug.
“I think we should go on a date. A real one.”
I giggle. “A date? What did you have in mind?”
“I don’t know, what would you like for a date? Anything you ask for, and it’s yours.”
I think for a moment before answering. “Subway.”
Chris smiles at me. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Tag list : @freshloveforthefit @sturniolo14 @sturniolosreads @bethsturn @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @dwalk41202 @blahbel668 @sturnioloenthusiast
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
It’s been ten years since you’ve seen Wanda. A lot has changed for her
Note: This is a soft one. Enjoy it!
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You were always certain that Wanda Maximoff is the love of your life. She was your best friend in college, and you always felt like there was something more.
But it takes two people to start a life together. And you never told her how you felt.
You watched her marry a man as you stood by her side as her maid of honor. She was happy with him. You knew that much was true.
But still you longed for the woman. Eventually, her husband caught air of it and he told you to stay away from Wanda. You didn’t have much choice but to do so.
Ten years have passed and you haven’t so much as seen the woman on the street, but when you go into a restaurant for lunch today she’s sitting there in a corner booth.
You know it’s her. It has to be her.
Approaching her table cautiously, you overhear her speaking to two boys you hadn’t seen before.
“Boys, you can get milkshakes today,” she tells them. “If you promise to be good for Uncle P later.”
A couple of responses come from the kids. Wanda glances up at the feeling of someone coming towards her.
Her eyes catch yours before she quickly looks away. Could it be you after all of these years, she wonders.
“Hi Wanda,” you speak first. She looks into your eyes again. It’s really you. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi- hi y/n,” Wanda says, her voice cracking from the shock of seeing you again.
“How are you?” You ask her. “It’s been so long.”
“Yeah, it has,” Wanda agrees. “I’m doing okay.”
You’re about to speak again when one of the boys asks who you are.
“Oh, I’m y/n. An old friend of Wanda’s,” you introduce yourself.
“I’m Tommy and this is my brother Billy,” the boy says. “Wanda is our mom.”
Of course she is. Wanda always dreamt of being a mother. And you always knew she’d be a damn good one.
“It’s very nice to meet you boys,” you reply. “I’ll leave you to it. Good to see you again, Wanda.”
You begin to walk away when Wanda calls after you.
“Y/n, do you still have the same number?” She asks. You nod. “I’d like to see you again soon. To catch up?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you say. You flash her a smile.
After all of these years, you truly would love to reconnect with the woman. She texts you later that night and asks if you want to meet her for coffee. You agree easily.
The next morning you get dressed in an old college tee you’re pretty sure began as Wanda’s and some pants.
Wanda is early to the coffee shop. You walk to her table and she stands to greet you.
“You look nice,” you tell her. She’s wearing a black dress that frames her body well.
“Thank you,” she says, a tinge of pink on her cheeks. “I’ve got a meeting later.”
You order a drink and settle at the table with her. Neither of you know what to say first.
“So, how have you been Max? I mean other than you having the boys. How old are they?” You ask her.
“They’re 10,” Wanda says. “Twins.”
“Like you and Pietro. How sweet,” you remark. “I’m really happy for you. I know you always wanted to be a mom.”
“It’s the best,” she says. “Most days.”
“Not all?”
“Not anymore. I’m on my own,” Wanda says.
You notice there’s still a ring on her finger. But the look on Wanda’s face tells you something has happened.
“Oh Wands, I’m so sorry,” you say.
“It’s alright. It was sudden. One day he was okay and the next he was gone,” Wanda says, barely scratching the surface of the grief that tries to bury her. “About a year and half ago.”
“Can I- is it okay if I hug you now?” You ask her.
She nods and you cross the table to wrap her into a hug. Years of missing each other and grief of your own friendship makes the moment heavy.
Wanda cries into your neck as you rub her back soothingly. It feels like no time has passed but at the same time like you’re completely different people now.
“I missed you,” Wanda says through her tears.
“I missed you too,” you say.
She pulls away from your neck, but you keep your arms around her. You give her a small, reassuring smile.
“Would you want to come over for dinner sometime?” Wanda asks. “After yesterday, I told the boys about how much fun we had in college. They want to get to know you.”
“I’d love too,” you say. “As long as you’re cool with me telling them all about you back then.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Wanda says, a chuckle following her words. “Tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night,” you agree.
Soon, you say goodbye to the woman for the day. And you have to admit you miss her since you’ve left.
It’s late in the night when you send her a text. It’s not risky in content, but it’s risky in reaching out to her.
Your phone rings two minutes later.
“Wanda?” You answer it. “I wasn’t expecting you to call me.”
“I was up,” she says.
“Stressed?” You ask. She usually was when she couldn’t sleep.
“Very. What are you doing right now?”
“Laying in bed thinking about us,” you reply. “About you.”
Your hear Wanda take a deep breath on the other end of the line.
“Was there an us?” She asks. Taking another her breath, continues, “Is there an us?”
“Wanda,” you breathe out. “You must’ve known at least partially that I loved you.”
“I think I tried to ignore it,” Wanda admits. “I didn’t want it to be true. I didn’t want to possibly not be friends with you, but then you left anyways.”
“He asked me to leave,” you say. “I didn’t want to do it.”
“I was worried about that,” Wanda says. “That he asked you to. It felt so sudden.”
Wanda’s breath is shaky. She is finally letting herself feel everything.
“I never would’ve left you.”
“I know,” she says. “I was about to tell you I was pregnant when you disappeared.”
“Wanda,” you mumble. There’s silence on the line.
“Can you come over?” She asks you.
“Yes please.”
You throw on some clothes and drive to the address Wanda had texted you. Just about ten minutes down the road from your house.
When you get there, your hands shake with nerves. You really couldn’t tell how Wanda was feeling. But you weren’t going to say no to seeing her again.
Just as you’re about to knock on the door, Wanda opens it wide. She steps outside.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hi,” she greets you. “The boys are asleep so I thought we could talk out here.”
She gestures to the swing on the front porch. You sit down next to her.
“I was going to ask you to be their godmother, you know,” Wanda says.
“I would’ve loved that.”
Wanda nods. You take a good look at her in the front porch light. She’s older, but she still looks the same. Her green eyes grab your attention, but her warm smile keeps you drawn to her. Wanda has always been so kind.
She notices you examining her face, but you don’t feign any embarrassment. You just lean in closer to her.
“I can’t ever get over you. I’m here. And it’s torture being so close and not being able to kiss you,” you tell her.
“So kiss me then,” Wanda says. It’s music to your ears.
Over fifteen years of longing comes to fruition with the feeling of her lips on yours. Wanda sighs in content against your lips. Being with you feels so safe, so warm.
The kiss becomes heated and Wanda pulls at your shirt.
“Come inside?” She asks.
“I dreamt of the day you’d ask me that,” you say. Wanda answers with another kiss to your lips.
You stand up together and walk inside her house.
Maybe Wanda Maximoff is the love of your life after all.
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 5
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake takes you on the date he wishes he would’ve all those years ago.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, oral (m receiving), etc.
Jake’s phone vibrates on his nightstand as he gets into bed.
🐓: So? Did you talk? Was I right?
Jake: Yeah we talked.
🐓: And?
Jake: …you were right.
🐓: HELL YEAH! I fucking knew it! You could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Did you…you know 😏
Jake: I want to take her out on date first.
🐓: Where are you gonna take her?
Jake: I don’t know, kind of limited with the leg. I just want it to be special.
🐓: Where did you take girls for dates in high school? Do that with her.
Jake: We’d pick up food at the local car hop, park somewhere to eat then fool around in my truck bed.
🐓: Sounds…great?
Jake: 🖕🏻there wasn’t much to do for teenagers around here back then. But honestly, I think Charlie would love it. I’d have to ask my sister for my truck back though. She takes care of it while I’m gone for me.
🐓: Emma? She’s a 10 🥵
Jake: No.
🐓: She single yet?
Jake: She’s not interested.
🐓: So she is single.
Jake: I’m going to bed.
🐓: You realize I’m going to meet her at your wedding, right? You’re just putting off the inevitable.
Jake: Goodnight Bradshaw.
Jake smirks at the thought. Bradshaw probably thinks Jake’s just being a protective older brother but it’s just the opposite. Emma looks like a sweet southern belle but she would eat him alive.
He hesitates before biting the bullet and texting Emma; he’s always been a little scared of her.
Jake: Hey Emma Lou.
Emma: Hey! When did you make landfall? Everything go okay?
Jake: Almost 2 weeks, and not really. I was hit on the way back to the carrier and had to eject. I broke my leg and got a little beat up on the way down. I left the hospital forgetting Ma and Dad are gone so I’m staying with Charlie. They don’t know yet, please keep it that way. You know how much this trip means to them. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, my head was a little messed up and just didn’t want you to worry or take time off from that new job.
Emma: WTF!?!?? That’s fucking bullshit, Jake. I’m a large animal vet with 2 partners that are happy to cover for me. I wouldn’t have had an issue getting off of work and you know it.
Jake: I do know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight.
Emma: No shit.
Emma: Are you okay?
Jake: Getting there. Charlie’s been doing my PT, I saw ortho and that’s healing okay. I have a video visit with a therapist tomorrow.
Emma: Therapist?
Jake: Diagnosed me with PTSD after the accident. I’m feeling better already but if I don’t go to therapy they’ll ground me longer.
Emma: The Navy grounding you will be the least of your worries once Mom finds out. I’m not gonna be the one telling her.
Jake: Thanks. I really am sorry. Any chance you’re coming this way in the next few days? I need the truck if you don’t.
Emma: How are you gonna drive it? Not sure how bad you hit your head but you need 2 feet for a manual.
Jake: I’m not, Charlie’s going to.
Emma: Did she get new furniture and not tell me?
Jake: No…it’s a lot to text. I’d rather tell you in person.
Emma: I’ve got a sick heifer to see in the morning but otherwise I’m free. I’ll be there around 11. I think Lee’s got a vet call in the area around 2 so I’ll see if he’ll take me back home so you can keep the truck.
Jake: Sounds good. Love you.
Emma: I’m still mad, but I love you too.
Jake’s up before you and has a cup of coffee waiting as you stumble into the kitchen with a yawn.
“Don’t make plans tonight. I’ve got something in mind,” he says, leaning on his good leg before pulling you into his chest.
“Mmkay,” you yawn, snuggling into his chest like you’ve always wanted to with his hugs. “Can’t wait.”
“I told Emma last night, she’s going to come over around 11 so we can talk,” Jake cringes.
“Will she be gone by the time I get back?” You joke, all too familiar with her temper.
“Why? You scared?” He teases.
“Yes. I know you are too,” you laugh.
You let him hold you for a few minutes, both enjoying the intimacy.
“I’d ask you to join me in the shower but that’s an accident waiting to happen,” you smile, pulling away from his chest to press a kiss to his lips.
His eyes fall closed at your words. “Soon enough.”
Jake stares at your butt in your scrubs from the porch as you walk to your car. You catch him looking as you open the door and quirk a brow at his sheepish grin.
“Can’t figure out if you’re wearing underwear, I didn’t see any panty lines.”
“You don’t get panty lines if you wear a thong,” you wink as you get in, laughing at the way his eyes widen.
You’re normally a no-show underwear kind of girl, but you felt like wearing something sexy today when Jake said he had plans.
You give him a little wave as you head to work.
Jake had just finished his virtual visit with the therapist when Emma pulls up in his grandpa’s old Chevy that he and his dad fixed up together.
Emma gives him a bone-crushing hug before smacking him upside the head.
“Ow,” Jake grumbles, rubbing the spot she hit him.
“You deserve a lot more than that. You’re lucky you’re injured,” Emma says before bending down to greet Cash.
“So why does Charlie need the truck?” Emma asks, throwing Cash’s ball.
“She doesn’t. I’m taking her out tonight. Well, she’s driving but I’m planning it.”
“Taking her out where? Why do you need the truck for that?”
“Ray’s and then up to Breakneck Hill,” he responds, not looking at her.
“Isn’t that where you used take your dates to park?”
It takes her a minute to catch on, but she jumps to her feet with a whoop when she does.
“Seriously?!” She laughs, “Man, it’s about fucking time.”
He looks at her puzzledly.
“You’ve been in love with each other for years,” she sighs. “That’s a great idea though. I just washed ‘er so the bed is clean. Want me to throw some blankets back there for you?”
“I didn’t think that far, but yeah, that’s a good idea.”
20 minutes later, Emma’s got the back of the truck filled with blankets and pillows, a perfect place to eat and watch the sunset.
“Perfect! Now you have a place to stretch out and bang. Do you need condoms? Wait no, forget them. I’m ready to be an auntie,” Emma says as she steps back to look.
“Uh, no. We haven’t-I mean, we aren’t-“ Jake stutters, flushing bright red.
“I’m kidding, Jesus. Don’t stroke out on me. Got anything for lunch?” Emma laughs, patting Jake on the shoulder, right where he’s bruised.
Emma wraps his cast and stays nearby just in case he falls while he showers.
“Lee’s almost here,” Emma says, giving Jake another hug. “Let me know how it goes. And tell Charlie I’m not mad at her, just you.”
Jake rolls his eyes but hugs her back. “Will do. Thanks, Em, love ya.”
“Love you too, don’t forget to forget the condoms!” She replies as she heads out the door.
You smile when you see Jake’s old truck in the driveway, wondering what he’s up to.
Jake’s asleep on the couch when you get inside, but he wakes up when you close the door.
“Oh hey, sorry I must’ve fallen asleep after Emma left,” he yawns.
“Let me change and I’ll be ready to go,” you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek and slipping off your top as you walk down the hall.
Jake sgets down the stairs and hobbles along to the driver's side of the truck, awkwardly opening the door for you.
“You want me to drive? I don’t think I’ve driven it since you got too wasted to drive at Clay Williams's graduation party,” you laugh, climbing up.
“Ugh, I can’t even smell Jäegermeister without gagging,” Jake shivers as he closes the door.
You lean over and open the passenger side, taking the crutches he hands over. He surprises you with how easily manages to get in with one leg.
“Where to?” You ask, pushing in the clutch and starting the truck.
“Ray’s,” he answers with a smile.
“Then to Breakneck to fool around?” You guess, wiggling your brows.
He nods. “Only if you want to, we don’t-“
“I want to. I’ve always wanted to,” you reply, leaving out how jealous you’d get when he’d take girls out there.
An hour later you’re sharing a chocolate milkshake in the back of the truck. It’s just the two of you in the empty lot.
“I wonder what my mom would think of us being together,” you say as you watch the sunset. The sky is a beautiful canvas of pinks, oranges, and reds.
“I think she’d like it,” he replies.
A flicker of movement catches your eye and you hold your breath when a butterfly lands on the hand that’s holding yours. It rests for just a moment, slowly flapping its orange wings before flying away.
“Me too,” you whisper.
“So what’s next? We ate our burgers, shared the milkshake, and watched the sunset. Is it a dry handjob while you rub me through my underwear for 10 seconds then ask if I came?”
“How’d you know?” He teases, leaning in for a kiss.
He kisses you slowly and lazily, committing every sigh to memory. As his tongue flicks yours you can’t help but imagine it elsewhere.
You soon grow impatient and find yourself straddling his lap again.
“Jake, touch me. Please?” You pant.
“‘Course sweetheart. Here?” He asks, pulling the top of your sundress down, exposing your braless chest to him. “Damn, Charlie,” he rasps, looking over your breasts hungrily before sucking a hardened bud into his mouth. His fingers come up to pay attention to the neglected side and he alternates; biting, sucking, and pinching you into a frenzy.
You find his free hand and bring it under your dress, running his fingers over the soaked material of your thong. He shudders when he feels the evidence of what he’s doing to you.
Before his fingers even touch you without the barrier of your underwear, you cry out, your fingers in his hair pull; your orgasm taking you both by surprise.
“Did you cum?” He chuckles breathlessly against your chest as you come down.
“I did,” you smirk, trying to catch your breath too as you climb off him, then unbuttoning his jeans. “Your turn, but I want to get my mouth on you.”
Your eyes widen as you pull him out. “Jesus. Not sure if you’ll fit, but I’m gonna try.”
“That’s not…I didn’t know that was an option-oh fuckkkk,” he gasps when you pull his tip into your mouth.
Your eyes drift closed and you moan at the salty taste of his precum. More you think as you swallow and suck more of him into your mouth, using your hands to stroke his base.
He’s making the hottest, most desperate sounds as his chest heaves. It hasn’t even been a minute before he’s warning you. “Char-Charlie, wait sweetheart. I’m gonna cum,” He pants, gently tugging at your hair to pull you off.
But you shake your head and moan; you want to taste it.
“Oh…oh God,” he whimpers as he finishes in your mouth, jolting when he feels you swallow his spend.
You pull up the top of your dress after you release it from your mouth and gently tuck him back into his jeans. He surprises you when he pulls you up for a deep kiss, groaning when he tastes himself on your tongue.
“You’re…that was…holy shit,” Jake chuckles. “So much better than a dry handjob.”
You laugh before pulling him back in for a kiss.
You’re so wrapped up in each other that you don’t notice the squad car pulling into the lot.
The smug voice of the local police officer over the megaphone has you jumping apart.
“Keep it in your pants ‘til you get home, Seresin. Don’t make me call your mama.”
A/N: First date ✅
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs.
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lynzishell · 2 months
The Present 🧡 Chestnut Ridge
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Transcript below the cut:
Joseph:  There’s really no easy or satisfying answer I can give you. Phoenix: I just don’t understand how you could leave. I look at Aspen and Dawn, and I could never… I find it hard to believe you cared about us at all.
Joseph: Your mom and I… we were… [short laugh] volatile. Truth is, I loved her with everything I had, but we were no good together. All passion and no sense, both of us stubborn as all get-out. We loved hard and we fought harder, especially when we were drinking. And we were always drinking. Always partying, getting into all kinds of trouble.
And then she got pregnant, and… god, we were so happy. We thought having a baby was gonna change everything. We were determined to get it right, to be the best parents we could.
She stopped drinking immediately, and I tried, I did. I’d stop for a while, but then I’d have a bad day, or we’d have a big fight, or I’d just walk by the bar… Eventually though, I’d come home drunk. She’d be disappointed, angry, and she’d give me hell. And the next day I’d apologize, promise to do better. For a while I would. I’d do everything I could to be the partner and father you two needed me to be, but it was only a matter of time before I’d fuck up again. And we just got trapped in this cycle.
I refused to accept the fact that I was an alcoholic. Instead, I hated myself for being weak. Resented your mom for being stronger than me, and for trying to change me. There was a time when it felt like all we did was fight. Sometimes I’d pick fights with her just to make myself feel justified in having a drink. She gave me so many chances, but eventually her patience ran out and she told me to leave.
I didn’t think… I was calling her bluff, thinking I’d show her, I’d be gone for a few days, or a week, and then she’d beg me never to leave again. I was clearly delusional.
When I came back, she’d changed the locks.
She told me she was done with me, and that I’d never see you again if I didn’t get help. I should’ve listened to her. I should’ve checked myself into rehab that day. But I didn’t. Instead, I lost it on her. We had the worst fight we’d ever had, and I left.
It was years before I finally walked into a meeting, before I finally said the words, “My name is Joseph Vega, and I am an alcoholic.” Even then, every day was an uphill battle. I never knew anything else. I didn’t know how to cope with anything without drinking, and I almost gave up. I wanted to. The only reason I kept trying was you. I wanted to be the father you needed, that you deserved.
The first time I hit ninety days, I went to see your mom, to show her that I’d done it. I told her I wanted to see you. But she said it wasn’t enough, to come back when I’d been sober a year, and we’d talk. I was upset, but I agreed. I was determined for things to be different this time, to prove to both of you that I’d changed, no matter what it took. And I did it, I earned my one-year chip and the next day I went to her, asked her when I could see you. When I saw the look on her face, I knew she never had any intention of letting me back into your life.
I should’ve taken her to court. I should’ve fought for you. But instead, I did what I’d always done. I felt sorry for myself. I blamed the world for my misery. And I found the nearest bar to drown it all out. I gave up. Decided she was right, that you were better off without me.
Phoenix: … Joseph: Phoenix, there’s never been a day when I haven’t thought about you. I didn’t leave because I didn’t want you. It was never your fault, and I hope you know that. Phoenix: … Joseph: You gonna say anything?
Phoenix: Did you hit her? Joseph: What? No! We fought, yes. We’d scream and shout and throw shit, and I’ll admit, I said some awful things to her when I was drunk, but I never laid a hand on her. Ever. Phoenix: Really? Joseph: Yes. Why would you think—
Phoenix: So, tell me what happened next. You came back that night. The next morning, she had a black eye and told me we had to move because our home wasn’t safe anymore. Because of you. Joseph: [sighs] Shit. Phoenix: Yeah, shit.
Joseph: No. Look, I did come back that night. I came back drunk and angry and demanding to see you. I tried to force my way into the house. At one point, I shoved the door in on her and that’s how she got the black eye. It was my fault, yes, but I did not hit her.
Phoenix: Just because it was a door and not your fist doesn’t make it any better. Joseph: You’re right. You’re right, it doesn’t. My temper got the better of me and I fucked up. Phoenix: …
Joseph: That why you keep looking at me like you wanna punch me? Phoenix: … Joseph: You can. If it’ll make ya feel better, have at it. I deserve it. Phoenix: I’m not going to hit you. Joseph: Why not? Phoenix: ‘Cause I might not stop.
Joseph: Y’know, I see the way you fight to keep your temper in check. Clearly, it got the better of you too at some point, didn’t it? Phoenix: We’re not talking about me. Joseph: Hm.
Phoenix: How do I know you won’t fuck up again?
Joseph: I guess you don’t. For what it’s worth, I’m not the same person now that I was then. Every day I wake up and make the choice not to drink. Some days it’s every hour. But I’m not doing it alone, we have support here. I help run AA meetings in town, and there are people I can turn to if I need help, and people who rely on me to do the same. We have a good life here. I’m not going anywhere.
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 18
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Sunday, November 15; 1:00 PM - Park.
This morning, I woke up in the arms of Joan, who was still fast asleep. My head hurt so much that I was glad I hadn't been woken up by his cries. I quickly realized I had a hangover. I had to text Mapi to understand how I ended up in my bed without her. Usually, we go home together. She replied an hour later, telling me about my exploits from the previous night with Bronze. I felt guilty immediately. She's going to give me hell when I return to Manchester. I'm already mentally preparing myself, knowing she won't go easy on me. To change my mind, I suggested going to the park with Joan before I left. He jumped for joy. I told my mom, who didn’t even react. We're even more at odds than before. This atmosphere made me eat and leave for the park right after. Here I am, sitting on a bench watching Joan play with kids hIS age in the playground. I'm happy to give him one last good moment. He often looks at me to wave, and I happily wave back. I jump when I feel two hands rather roughly placed on my shoulders.
- BOO!
- Oh damn, Maria !
She bursts out laughing as she sits down next to me. I immediately relax, letting out a sigh of relief.
- You're crazy!
- I can't help it if you still get scared so easily, she giggles. I love scaring you every time!
I roll my eyes in amusement. And they call me a child. Bronze would change her mind if she knew Mapi.
- How are you feeling since yesterday? she asks seriously. Is your headache gone?
- Yeah, after three pills and a good cold shower, I say, making her laugh.
She may be my best friend, but she's the first to make fun of me. She's the type who would laugh before asking if I'm okay if I fell. She calms down, and I smile when she waves to Joan in the distance.
- Your flight is at three, right?
- Yeah, I sighed.
- Joan's going to miss you, you know.
- I know... He asked me if she could fit in my suitcase this morning. I laughed a lot.
- I bet, she chuckles. He could probably fit, too, I'm sure.
- Probably, yes.
I smile, watching my brother. I'm going to miss him so much if he only knew. If I could, I’d take him with me. I sincerely hope he'll stop misbehaving while I'm gone.
- Excited to go back?
- Not really, given what's waiting for me...
- That bad? she laughs.
- Bronze is really mad at me. She texted me this morning, telling me not to message her all day and that we'll talk face-to-face tonight.
- Ouch. She seemed nice when I talked to her yesterday.
She's not laughing this time. She must have understood that I'm not at my best. Bronze trusted me, and now I've let her down again. I always mess up. What was I thinking, calling her in the middle of a party? Even drunk, I should have known better.
- You like your supervisor a lot, huh?
- What makes you say that? I asked, intrigued.
- It's obvious. You're practically biting your nails with guilt, she smiles in amusement. You're singing a different tune than your first days when you called me crying, saying you hated her.
- Well, I was being rebellious in the beginning, I chuckled. We’ve moved past that. I realized she just wanted to help me.
- Yeah, but I don't know, I feel there's something more. Isn't there?
- You're probably right... Things have been different between us since my detox... I admitted.
- Different how?
- I don't know, I sighed, leaning back against the bench. It's just... different. She was nice, even though she didn't pity me.
- What aren’t you telling me? she raises an eyebrow.
She noticed I'm hesitating to continue. I look at her for a moment, biting my lip.
- I-I don't know... I had a low point after my detox, I finally confided. She was there, having spent a week taking care of me... I don't know what came over me, but I just broke down. I needed to tell her how I felt about everything that happened.
- And did you?
I nodded timidly. I feel guilty knowing it took me three months to confide in Mapi. It took me barely half that time to do it with Bronze, whom I barely know. In the end, I don't really know her. I don't know anything about her or her life. I still wonder why I feel the need to confide in her.
- Hey, I don't blame you if that's what's worrying you, she said, placing her hand on my knee. Maybe she's the one you need. Well, she corrected herself seeing my expression. I mean, if you feel comfortable with her, go for it. She only wants what's best for you; it's obvious. Just look at how she reacted last night and the blackmail she makes with you.
- They're deals, I corrected her. Deals that I agree to after negotiation... I know they're for my own good and effective. The thing is, she’s never judged me, never pitied me. Even when I was weak... She always treated me as if I were the same, and I feel heard.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Of course.
- Do you have a relationship with her?
- What? I exclaimed. Of course not! What makes you think that?
- Maybe the fact that you called her "baby" last night.
- I did what? I screamed.
Oh my God. I'm in even deeper trouble than I thought. Mapi can't help but burst out laughing at my distraught face. I start to wonder if she's playing a cruel joke on me. That idea quickly fades when she speaks again.
- OK, I guess you're not lying given your reaction. You're not dating her then, you promise? I wouldn't mind, you know!
- No! Are you crazy?! Never in a million years! I'd never even think of it! She'd probably punish me just for thinking that! Oh damn... I say, sinking into the bench. She's going to kill me...
- Why? It's not that dramatic. But if she does, I'd like to see it! It's not every day you see Ona Batlle being put in her place!
- Believe me, she's the first to manage it, I sighed. I'm in big trouble. I should never have gone to that party, I groaned, running my hand over my face. I told you it was a bad idea!
- Hey, don't blame me! It was just a party where you had fun, that's all. You didn’t mess up. I didn’t even have to refuse drugs; you did it yourself! Plus, you got at least three numbers.
- Hmm... It was a good party, but it's not worth it. You don't know my supervisor!
- Relax! I'm sure you'll handle the situation. She doesn't seem that bad. She was worried about you. Besides, she wasn't here to keep an eye on you. Maybe it made her anxious?
- That's exactly why she's going to yell at me! I promised her I wouldn’t do anything wrong.
- You didn't do anything wrong, she rolled her eyes. Well, how about we change the subject, huh? I can see this is killing you, she chuckled.
She's probably right. She doesn't give me a choice and starts talking about stories from last night and her girlfriend. As for me, I talk a lot about my new friends and the camp. Joan interrupts us, reminding me of the time. Saying goodbye to Mapi is painful. I miss her more than she lets on. It's going to be hard to hold on until the next holiday. I especially feel that Bronze will make it harder for me to go out. I'm already depressed just thinking about it. I have only myself to blame. I ponder all this on the way back. I barely have time to stop by the house before heading to the airport. Joan insisted on coming with me. I didn’t see any reason to refuse since Hector would be there. I know he'll take good care of him. When we're there, he enjoys helping me check in my bags. It's only when we head to the boarding gate that he starts to realize what's happening. Especially when the intercom announces the imminent departure of my flight.
- I don't want you to leave, he cries, tears streaming down his face. It was way too short.
- I'll be back soon, don’t worry.
- Next weekend?
- We'll see... I can't promise anything, I grimaced. Oh, I almost forgot.
He looks at me intently while I rummage through my backpack. I pull out a big brown teddy bear. His eyes light up. When I saw it in a shop window in Manchester, I immediately thought of him. I had to get it for him. I silently thank Bronze for making me go out last week. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to bring him anything.
- Is this for me?
- Of course, I handed it to him. So you can sleep with it and think of me every time you see it. It will remind you that I’m thinking of you and that I'm never far away.
- Thank youuu!
I barely have time to crouch to her level before his little arms wrap tightly around me. I smile, feeling the teddy bear between us. He clings tightly to it when we part.
- It smells like you!
- That's normal. It’s been in my stuff for a week, I chuckled.
The intercom brings me back to reality. I sigh in annoyance. The silver lining is that Joan's tears have stopped, replaced by a big smile.
- I'll be waiting patiently for you.
- You better! No more mischief, you promised me.
We pinky swear, and I kiss his forehead. I ruffle his hair while saying goodbye to Hector. I walk towards the flight attendants to hand them my ticket. I’m one of the last to board, so there isn't much of a line. I barely have time to settle in before the plane takes off a few minutes later. I put my headphones on and close my eyes, thinking about everything that happened this weekend. I’m dreading this return. I really don't feel good about it. I reach the point where I can hardly fall asleep.
Sunday, November 15; 6:10 PM - Manchester Airport.
The plane just landed. The flight attendant had to wake me up when it was time to fasten my seatbelt. I managed to sleep a little, thanks to my calming music. She joked that she might become my personal flight attendant if I keep flying like this. I get the feeling she likes me, and it's mutual. After all, we’re both young. She’s also very beautiful, exactly my type. Her blue eyes stand out perfectly with her dark hair. I smile at her and say we’ll see each other next time, which seems to please her. I grab my bag from under my seat and exit the plane. I take the initiative to turn off and put away my headphones. Bronze is picking me up, and I know she doesn't like seeing me with those things on my head. I hope she hasn't changed her mind. The last thing I need is for her to send a taxi because of what I did. If not, I'll have to face her right away, but at least it will be over. I'm relieved when I see her in the arrivals hall. It's the second time I’ve seen her in regular clothes. She’s wearing jeans, a sweater, and a jacket over it. I cringe when I see her arms crossed. It looks like she's not hiding her anger this time. I take a deep breath before walking over. I hold back a smile because I’m still happy to see her again.
- Hi, Bronze... I say timidly.
She only gives me a nod in response. I think I'm getting off easy. She could have completely ignored me. We collect my suitcase without saying a word. I don't dare force a conversation, so I wait patiently for her to speak. Maybe I would have preferred a taxi after all. We reach her car, and she opens the trunk for me. I put my suitcase in, and then we sit in the front. I said I would wait for her to start, but this silence is unbearable. I'd rather she let out her anger than ignore me.
- Bronze... I'm sorry for what I did.
- You're such a damn fool! she snaps.
I lower my head, staying silent. At least it’s clear. She's mad. Without warning, she suddenly swerves to the side of the road. Luckily, my seatbelt holds me back, or I would have gone through the windshield. She stops the car and turns sharply towards me.
- You're such an idiot, Ona, she yells without giving me a chance to respond. You just came out of detox, and here you are starting again! Was the first time not enough for you?! What will it take for you to understand how serious this is?!
- I'm fine! I shout back. Why are you overreacting so much?! You're not my mom, my girlfriend, or even just a friend as far as I know! Even my mom doesn't care where I spent my evening, so why do you care so much?!
- Do you even think? she scolds, raising her voice even more. You called me at three in the morning from Barcelona, completely wasted. Damn it, Ona! Can’t you imagine how worried I was for a single second?! You called me in a terrible state while I was stuck across the country, unable to do anything! I asked you one thing. Just one thing! Not to go to places like that, and you did it!
- No, I retort. You asked me not to touch illegal substances, which I didn't! Even while drunk, I refused everything!
- And you feel proud of that?! Just for what you told me, I should ban you from leaving the camp for a month! I was so wrong about you, she finishes, lowering her voice. I thought you were more responsible and mature, but I guess not.
I close my eyes to absorb those last words that sting. I've been called immature twice in two days. I jump when she vents her anger by hitting the steering wheel violently. I didn't think it would affect her so much. She's right. I'm just a reckless kid. I never should have worried her like that. Nothing would have happened if I hadn't had her number.
- I'm really sorry, Bronze... You're right, it was immature of me. Mapi convinced me to go to meet her girlfriend... I just had a few drinks, I promise. I never intended to worry you. I shouldn't have called you while partying. I found out this morning what I did from Mapi and immediately regretted it. I didn't want to disappoint you. Not you.
I don't dare look at her. I needed to get that off my chest. I nervously play with my fingers, waiting for her response. I'm afraid she'll hold this against me for a long time. I’d hate myself if I lose her trust. She sighs heavily, running a hand through her hair.
- Yes, you were immature, she agrees. I never thought you’d do something like this after the last time ended so badly. However, I also need to apologize. I shouldn't have overreacted like that. You're right; we're not that close, but I'm still your supervisor, and that doesn’t stop me from worrying about you.
- No, you don't have to apologize. It's my fault, and it’s your job to correct me... I appreciate you worrying about me like this. You're not mad at me anymore? I bite my lip.
- Oh, I'm still mad. If it were up to me, I'd keep you grounded all Monday to teach you a lesson. You're lucky I don’t have a valid reason to report to the administration.
I suppress a smile. I wasn't entirely wrong when I told Mapi I’d probably have to do extra laps. I finally dare to look at her for the first time since we got in the car. She's looking at me too. I’m sure she hasn't taken her eyes off me since the beginning.
- What can I do to make it up to you?
- What can you do? she repeats, raising an eyebrow. Stay away from parties for a start. As for the rest, we'll see, I'm thinking.
- You can't be serious? You're not really going to stop me from going out, are you?! I've never been grounded in my life!
- Well, there's a first time for everything.
- I'm twenty, Bronze! Parties are what people my age do! What do you think your other students do on weekends, huh?
- You're not like the other students, Ona. You’re my student, under my responsibility. Besides, you just came out of detox, and I'm sure you were around drugs all night.
Take that. I bite my lip to stop myself from confirming her suspicion. I deserve this. I think I’m getting off easy. I'm sure she was a hair’s breadth away from restricting my outings. The only thing holding her back is our deal.
- Am I wrong?
- Excuse me?
- Am I wrong? she repeats sternly.
- No, I whisper. But I didn't touch anything, I promise.
- I wonder how you managed to hold out in just two weeks. I want you to promise me something.
- Promise what?
- No more parties... Please.
- Fine, no more parties, I roll my eyes. You explain that to my best friend.
- No problem, I’ll tell her myself if I have to.
I raise an eyebrow. She really will do anything to get her way. Now I'm banned from partying. Even when she's thousands of miles away, she'll have an influence on me. Just thinking about it frustrates me, but I know she's doing it for my sake.
- Are you hungry?
- Are you asking me if I'm hungry?
- Let's go eat.
She doesn't have to ask me twice! She changes direction once we’re back on the road. She doesn't ask my opinion on where to go, but I trust her. In the end, I’m not doing too badly after this confrontation. She could have forbidden me from leaving Manchester if she wanted. The meal goes smoothly. We talk about our weekends without going into details. She just confirmed that she saw her ex to return her things and spent both evenings with friends. She asked me to detail mine, so I told her about my afternoons with Joan and my night out. I avoided talking about my mother, not wanting to go into details. Our little evening ends around nine o'clock. She dropped me off at the street corner near the camp so I could walk back alone, to avoid being seen arriving together. I wished her good night then.
I hurry back to the school, feeling the cold. I forgot how much warmer it was in Barcelona. I'm relieved when I reach the dormitory. The place is far from warm, yet I feel more at home here than in my own house. I must be abnormal. I take my time climbing the stairs now that I'm warm. I struggle a bit to carry my suitcase. It's always a hassle to get it up the stairs. I stop at the entrance of my room, thinking about what's about to happen, and it doesn't take long. As soon as I step inside, Alexia literally jumps on me. I lose my balance, unintentionally taking both of us down, narrowly avoiding my suitcase.
- You're crazy, I laugh.
- I missed you so much! I thought you’d never come back.
I giggle when she helps me get up. She helps me bring my things into the room. She is already in her pajamas. Then again, I didn't come back early tonight. I ask her how she is while I start putting my things away in the closet. If I don’t do it now, I never will, knowing myself.
“Did you have a good weekend?” she asks me.
“Great! Joan didn't want to let me go at the airport; it was almost painful... And you?”
“Yeah, awesome! I finally got to see my girlfriend”
I stop dead in my tracks. Girlfriend ? She’s never mentioned a girlfriend. I furrow my brows and slowly turn to face her. She bites her lip to stifle a smile.
“Your what? Since when do you have a girlfriend?”
“Uh... yeah, girlfriend.”
“Wait, wait... You talk to me all day long and you've never mentioned this?!”
“Sorry,” she chuckles, “but it’s a bit complicated...”
I furrow my brows again. She seems very nervous, but I don't see why she would be. It’s normal to have a girlfriend, right?
“I think you have the right to know now... First, I want to apologize for not telling you sooner, but I couldn’t... not until I knew if I could trust you.”
“Why? It’s not a state secret as far as I know.”
“Yes, it’s true. Sorry, but you'll understand if you let me talk.”
Just when I thought I was going to have a quiet evening after Bronze, I was wrong. I sigh as I put the sweater I had in my hands away. Since it seems to be an important subject, I prefer to sit comfortably on my bed to talk.
“Alright, go ahead. I’m all ears.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be? You have the right to keep things from me. You don't have to tell me now if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to. I trust you.”
I smile. It's a pleasure when someone tells you that. After all, we’ve known each other for a month and a half, and I've never betrayed any of her secrets so far.
“Go ahead then. I'm listening.”
“Well... First, it’s been two years since Alba and I have been here,” she begins, to which I nod. “I’m dating someone from the school... or rather someone who used to be here, but probably not in the way you think.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you remember the story you heard about an instructor and a student? The one you mentioned one night with Leah after your punishments?”
She already has my attention. I nod to show I remember.
“Both were expelled, right?”
“Not exactly...”
“What do you mean? Wait, don't tell me it was you?!”
Her silence says it all. I'm stunned. Alexia broke such a serious rule? What’s going on! This is impossible. She’s such a model student... Yet the fact that she bites her lip in front of me makes it clear that it might be true.
“Okay, assuming it was you... why are you still here then?”
“It’s quite simple,” she sighs. “They knew who the instructor was... but not the student. They just knew it was someone from this room, since... since she came here a lot during our breaks.”
“I don't even want to know what you did here.”
I grimace in disgust, making her laugh. Now I’m imagining her with a complete stranger whose face I don’t even know. I’m still waiting for more explanations.
“I had another roommate before you, Luna. A reckless one like you. She absolutely wanted to leave to live her life with her boyfriend, unlike me who had my sister and best friends here... So Luna got blamed instead to be able to leave. My girlfriend, on the other hand, couldn’t escape being expelled.”
“Wow... I didn’t expect that!”
“You’re not upset?”
“Why would I be upset? You do what you want,” I say with a smile. “Are you still with her then?”
“Well, I don't know. You never know, and yes, of course, we’re still together!”
“Didn’t Alba take it badly, the whole thing?”
“She doesn’t know... If she did, I’d be in big trouble,” she giggles.
I've noticed that Alba is very overprotective of her. I don’t even know how she puts up with it. I would have set her straight by now if I were in her place. I think she loves her too much to do that. She’s her sister, and she’s always taken care of her, after all.
“But how did you manage to see her if Alba doesn’t know?”
“I pretended to visit a friend to come back here.”
“I see. Well, tell me everything now while I finish putting my things away. What's her name?”
She smiles broadly. Her stress has subsided. She probably didn’t expect me to be this interested. I really like Alexia. I told her I was her friend, and now is the time to show it. I get up and continue to unpack my suitcase while she starts her monologue. I learn a few things, like her name. Her name is Jennifer. She’s tall, muscular, and tattooed. According to her, she’s the perfect girl. I almost want to call her Aphrodite given the way she describes and compliments her. I thought she was exaggerating until she showed me a photo of them. I realize she’s really handsome for her type, and the nickname I was thinking of giving her fits perfectly. She tells me about their beginnings, explaining that she was the one who made the first move by trying to get her attention in any way she could. She even flirted with her. She resisted for a long time before giving in to temptation. When she finishes, and so do I, I rush to take a shower quickly before curfew. Luckily for me, I manage to turn off the light a few minutes before ten.
“Thanks for not judging me, Ona.”
“I will never judge you Ale. Goodnight, Alexia.”
I turn over in bed to face away from her. I try to fall asleep, but my mind is too occupied with what she just told me. Luckily for me, fatigue gets the better of me.
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
can i get a request: daddy kink and age gap with him🤭 plzzzz
Oh, you’re naughty!!! Here you go hunni! This one was a challenge. I hope you enjoy it.. 🙈🫶🏻
Won't You Stay With Me Until The Morning Sun
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*Michael’s POV*
I woke up, looking around the room with a big smile on my face— a smile that faded once I reached out, finding the spot next to me cold and empty. The ruffled sheets and clothing that littered the floor was now the only tangible evidence of last night. Where is she?.. The phone rang loudly just as I sat up, my legs hanging off the edge of the mattress. I moved towards the noise, taking a deep breath before picking up the phone and holding it against my ear.
“Hi, little brother.”
“So, how are you? How’s the lovely Y/N?” I could tell by his tone he wasn’t asking because he actually cared.
“She’s great— I’m great. We are fantastic! How sweet of you to ask!” I responded sarcastically, if only he was here to see what finger I was holding up just for him. “How are you?”
“Alright, listen, mom is on my back, so that’s the only reason I’m making this phone call.”
“What is it now?”
“She’s not very fond of your lady..” he took a deep breath before adding. “She thinks Y/N is using you.”
“Well that’s not true.”
“I know and I told her that, but she insisted I speak to you about it. I mean I understand where mom is coming from, Y/N’s beautiful and young— like twenty and you’re all gross and old— like seventy..”
“I am not seventy! Or gross! You’re older than me you schmuck..” I cut him off annoyed with where this conversation was going. “Do you think she’s using me?” I asked, hurt laced within my voice.
“Honestly, at first I did, but she seems very sweet. I can see that she genuinely cares for you, god knows why. Regardless, she seems like a good one. I have no issues with her— just do me a favor and don’t go sucking face at anymore televised events. Mom nearly had a heart attack.”
“Well, thank you for that. I know how difficult it must be for you to discuss how incredible my life is. Fine. For you, I’ll do my best to keep it PG, but no promises… I mean have you seen Y/N?”
“Shut up. I have… and let me just say—“
“I’m gonna stop you right there before you say something that makes me want to slap the taste out of your mouth.” All I heard was his obnoxious laughter as I hung up the phone. Idiot.
Quickly, I freshened up before heading downstairs, where I was confident I’d find my better half. As I reached the bottom of the stairs the sound of cabinets opening and closing carried me to the kitchen. There, I found the woman of my dreams— she had her hair held up by a clip, a thin shirt covering a portion of her torso and a pair of my boxers gracing her hips and thighs. She looked good enough to eat…
“Hi baby!” Y/N chirped, as she made breakfast for the two of us. I felt a tug at my heart as I admired her every move, she danced around the counter humming along to the radio. I focused on the way her hips swayed, causing me to twitch in my pajamas pants, I couldn’t help but feel hungry again— for anything but food.
“Who was that on the phone?” She asked.
“Morning beautiful, it was just Jermaine, they all caught the VMA’s last night.”
“How is he?” She asked sweetly, genuinely waiting for an answer. I wish they could see this. I wish they could understand her more. She loves me so much— and that love naturally extends over to my family. She cares so much. She’s like no one I’ve ever met.
“Good. He and my mom send their love.” I smiled at the half lie I just told. I know in my heart my mom will come around, so to tell Y/N what the phone call was really about would only hurt her. It wasn’t necessary.
“They are so sweet! We should have a dinner next weekend and invite everyone. I’ll cook—“ I smiled at her enthusiasm, watching as her plump pink lips continued to move, the words lost on me, I was too far gone.
She’s absolutely mesmerizing.
I couldn’t help myself.
Slowly, I made my way over to her, placing my hands on her hips and rubbing small circles into her exposed skin. Oh, her skin, it’s so smooth— so delicate— so delicious. Goodness, I love crop tops. Don’t get me started on Y/N’s love for going braless. I desperately buried my face in her neck.
“Stop it…” she giggled, but didn’t move away, so I continued. Leaving small kisses down her neck and shoulder until suddenly she spun around. “Do you ever think about anything else?” she teased, oh, I love when she teases me.
I didn’t respond, instead I pulled her into me kissing her deeply. She let out a small yelp as she felt my tongue slip through her lips, her breathing becoming uneven as I massaged the inside of her mouth. Her small hands set firmly on my back, I carefully guided her backwards until we the bumped into the counter. With our lips still attached, I slid my hands down her curvy backside taking my time of course, earning yet another giggle from Y/N, I quickly connected my hands to the back of her thighs, lifting her up on the counter top.
“Michael!—” I didn’t give her the chance to continue as I sucked on her neck making her eyes roll back. “The food is going to burn.” She said breathlessly, I tore off the boxers she was wearing, slowly I began spreading her legs.
“I’m not hungry for food.” I answered, positioning myself to touch her where she needed me— wanted me most. I could feel her unraveling— it was a beautiful sight.
“Oh my—“ she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
“There you go baby.” I bent down leaving kisses along her hip bones as my fingers danced around her tender spot— I sped up, I was dying to hear her moan my name.
“Come on baby. Say my name.”
“Da—Michael! Baby— right there!” I watched triumphantly as she came undone, trying to catch her breath she reached out grabbing a handful of my shirt and pulling me onto her. She became rough when she wanted more— I loved it, I took it as a compliment. It boosted my ego to see that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. She started tugging at my pants— I smiled at the sight of her hungrily undressing me.
Now, unclothed, I pressed against her again, my index finger leaving a trail of goosebumps across her chest. Oh, her chest— I rested my palm against her cleavage before bending down to leave my mark. I dragged my tongue across her right breast— feeling her squirm beneath me, I wore a smirk on my face because nothing turned me on more than teasing my girl.
“More daddy.” Y/N moaned in my ear. I stopped my movements, looking over her face curiously, unable to understand the effect she had on me.
“What was that?” I asked softly, my eyebrow raised, she finally opened her eyes, my fingers on her chin forcing her to look at me.
“Oh god.” She covered her face, unwrapping her legs from my waist and turning away from me. “I’m so embarrassed.”
I didn’t say anything. I advanced towards her, hovering over her once again, positioning myself in front of her sweet spot, hand wrapped around my throbbing cock I began exploring her folds. I kissed her again— more passionately, if that was even possible. She began frantically grabbing at my hair, as she nibbled on my bottom lip, reaching down and attempting to connect us like we both yearned for. Her delicate hand around me, gently pumping back and forth, guiding me to her entrance, it took everything not to explode right then. Her touch was intoxicating..
“Oh, Michael.”
“Who’s Michael?” I questioned, halting my movements and giving her a teasing smile.
“I- please.”
“Please what?”
“Touch me.”
I looked deep into her eyes as I placed just my tip into her, deliberately moving as slowly as possible, she squirmed against me desperately trying to pull me further into her. I held her off enjoying the sight in front of me. She’s perfect— she’s everything.
“Michael! More please.”
“Michael?” I grabbed her chin forcing her to look into my eyes. “Baby, Michael’s not here..” a soft shade of red taking over her cheeks, she narrowed her eyes at me, quickly understanding exactly what I wanted. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her voluptuous chest against mine with purpose, looking into my eyes as she licked her lips.
“Daddy?” Y/N said, batting her long eyelashes innocently, oh, she’s going to destroy me.
“Yes, my love?”
“I want more— I want you deeper please daddy.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Please, I need you daddy..”
“As you wish pretty girl.”
My hands holding onto her sides firmly as I pushed into her, the sound of our skin slapping together filled the air, along with numerous pops as our dishes were rattled off the counter smashing to pieces on the ground. A small appliance across from us, spitting out black smoke as the waffles continued to burn. The pan on the stove crackling uncontrollably, needing to be tended to as the eggs quickly became inedible. And the tea pot screeching to be shut off as hot water shot out of it.
Y/N and I didn’t bat an eye, only wanting to be exactly where we were. We shared a knowing look as we laughed against each other’s lips, refusing to separate ourselves and ignoring the chaos surrounding us.
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goatyuuji · 11 months
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Must reads:
i’d like the sun to set with you by @chuuyasoup (T, 8.8k)
What changes is this:
Geto Suguru does not say, how arrogant. He does not say, kill me if you want, there’s meaning in that too. He does not look at Gojo Satoru with unfamiliar indifference and he does not assume that he won’t understand.
Or, Suguru extends an offer on that day in Shinjuku. Satoru accepts it.
愛のある場所; river of light (that brings me to you) by cosmichorrour (T, 66k)
A lesson in love is a lesson in swimming. Except for Suguru, it's getting dropped into the deep end with the tide licking at his neck, no kickboard or life preserver keeping him afloat.
(Or: This is how Satoru finds the ocean.)
Caesura by cielelyse (M, 85.5k)
The first time they meet, Suguru and Satoru do not like each other. Arrogant, cocky, insufferable, they think. Despite the smirks Shoko gives Suguru, or the sighs Yaga gives Satoru, they do not like each other.
Until a mission changes that.
paper cuts by HamsterQinghua (T, 36k)
“Hey,” he starts. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Understatement of the century. “My name’s Suguru Geto, what’s yours?” It’s a question asked purely for formalities, and he’s sure Gojo knows that, but he’s still unprepared for the other’s answer.
“Your mom,” Gojo drawls out, and Suguru realizes he’s starting to see why people want this kid dead.
or, Suguru is a contract killer. his final target is Satoru Gojo. this isn't a problem until it is.
The Traveller's Song by No_Ir (E, 23k)
When it comes, the death of summer is vapid and quiet. It tastes like stale water and smells like memories gone bad in the heat. Nothing mourns it and the air is speckled with bits of seawater that cling to the dampness on the back of his neck.
Crickets chirp throughout the night and the bed is too warm to sleep in, so he buries his face into pillows that smell like dust and salt and ignores the stabbing behind his eyes till he can feel the irritating warmth of another day on his back.
I miss the sea, he thinks, staring at the familiar outline of the window, palm resting on the friend-shaped dent on his bed. Exhaustion drapes itself over his shoulders and sweat beads like pearls at the roots of his hair.
I miss the sea like I miss my friend
Punishment For A Monster by @duckiemimi (T, 8.1k)
“Yeah! Oh, my name is Gojo Satoru, by the way.” He hides the hurt behind his teeth, his grin wide and friendly. He thought he’d only have to introduce himself once to someone he called his best friend. It’s strange to repeat words from more than a decade ago to the same person. “You can call me Satoru.” He hopes he calls him Satoru.
“I’m Geto,” he says back. You were Suguru to me, Gojo thinks. “Nice to meet you, Satoru.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” He leans against the wall beside him, tries to look nonchalant as he does. “So, do you come here often?”
Geto thinks Gojo is just a lonely guy who wants friends. Gojo just wants to know if he remembers him, even just a little bit.
bang bang, kiss kiss by bunkuto (E, 12.7k)
Suguru brings men home and Satoru wonders if, judging by the pangs in his chest and the sudden overwhelming urge to punt these hookups into the sun, he’s homophobic. They figure things out slowly.
Puppet On A String by @killjoyproductions (E, 6.8k)
Huh,” he muses. “Are you… saving yourself for marriage?”
“Are you asexual?”
Satoru shakes his head. “I’m not asexual, just a virgin.”
Golden hour by damiselart (E, 38.6k)
the one in which Satoru doesn't run away at sunrise and has an existential crisis over morning sex.
love is all I ever yearned for; not this affection carved in stone by getoswrongs (juyang) (T, 15k)
“You’re a menace,” Suguru mutters.
“You do this all the time? Making clay dicks before you turn them into bowls and vases? And it took some loser dude you met at age 27 for you to realize you like dick?”
Suguru is a potter and Satoru is in love.
smile like brass by @chuuyasoup (T, 15k)
Upon arriving at the scene, it’s hard to say whether turning up just five minutes earlier would have made much of a difference.
As it stands, there is a lot of blood. Too much blood to be explained away, and too many strong residuals to be traced back to anyone other than Satoru.
Or, Suguru arrives at the Time Vessel Association hideout a little too late. This changes things.
152 notes · View notes
urhoneycombwitch · 9 months
witch of ages, cleft for me [part I]
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🍯 honey flavour: Christmas-themed fluff and comfort
🐝 the bees: Eddie x greenwitch!reader, ft. The Gang (special appearance by Max Mayfield herself)
wc: 3.8k
Content warnings: weed mention, cussing, reader is given a nickname (Poppy), fem verbiage/motifs used for reader, r is a witch with a troubled home life, fluff, pov Eddie for part I.
foreword: new series alerrrrrt. self-inserty? MAYHAPS. I’ve endeavored to keep reader neutral enough for general x reader purposes while still givin’ her some flavour. please lmk if I need to update the cw to make things more clear. smut in later chapters planned so MDNI. happy readin’!
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Christmas has never been Eddie’s favorite holiday.
When he was a kid, and his mom was still around, sure- he’d do the whole peppermint sticks in cocoa, snowman-making schtick, but that was ‘cuz his mom was his favorite person and, well, shit, he didn’t have any Scrooge-like tendencies back then. He was just a kid.
The lack of holiday cheer came later, settled in around teenage-dom, never quite left. Eddie can count on one hand the number of memorable Christmases he’s had, and this one sure won’t be added to the list.
Wayne had made a valiant effort that morning to distribute the cheer- holiday radio buzzing tinny over the stove while he flipped pancakes for the two of them. Didn’t even grouse at Eddie for taking a premature smoke break. Over breakfast, he’d slid a brown paper-wrapped parcel across the table and said, “Merry Christmas.”
“Wayne,” Eddie teased, slamming a hand in the middle of his chest, syrupy palm sticking to the old band t-shirt he was wearing- “I thought we said no gifts. You’re going soft on me, old man.”
“Old man my ass,” Wayne had muttered, but Eddie was already tearing into the paper.
It was a killer gift. Special edition Tolkein, bound in red leather, gold lettering and vines curling around the sides. 
Eddie was stunned into silence as he turned the book over in his hands. Wayned tapped the edge of the chipped mug he held, thoughtfully. 
“You survived this year, boy. That’s something to celebrate.”
Clearing his throat that’d gone stuffy with emotion, Eddie flipped through the pages reverently. “Well, shit. I keep up my living streak and you get me a sword replica next year, that what you’re tellin’ me?”
Wayne had chuckled, then risen from the table to ruffle his nephew’s hair. “Don’t push your luck, kid.”
He’d offered to take Eddie along on his Christmas Day Drive (as he’d called it, which was actually just code for Wayne and his fishing buddies getting sloshed on schnapps in some dingy Hawkins living room), but Eddie had declined (assuring Wayne that no, actually, he wasn’t gonna be moping around the house- in fact, Steve’s throwing a party and he’s gonna go).
Which they both knew was code for Eddie staying home and getting high. Wayne took his time getting out the door, shuffling around the kitchen, instructing Eddie to eat something in his absence, finally taking off in that rickety excuse for a pickup just before noon.
Which suited Eddie fine. Really. He was sprawled out on the couch now, arms lax above his head, dozing catlike, thinking about lighting up one of those joints rolling around under his bed. Trying not to think about you.
And sure, yeah, maybe he stayed home ‘cuz he was hoping you’ll call. The holidays are making him sentimental, not pathetic. 
‘Kay, maybe a little pathetic.
You’d been over at the trailer last night, curled into his side on the couch while Wayne snoozed in the corner chair, It’s A Wonderful Life playing for no one in particular, when you’d told him quietly that you weren’t gonna be around the next day.
“You mean for Christmas?” He’d asked, rubbing a smooth path up and down your arm. “How come?”
Your fingers plucked a steady rhythm at one of his shirt buttons, head resting on his chest, so all he saw was the crown of your head while you explained. “I mean, I’d rather be here. With you and Wayne. It’s just… my dad asked me to hang out. And he never does, yanno? Least I can do is give my old man a few hours to try and make it up to me.”
Eddie was quiet for a bit. Even though you knew about his turbulent familial life (god knows he’d told you more about it than anyone else in his life- your fault for being such a goddamn good listener), he didn’t think a lecture about how disappointing fathers could be was quite appropriate. 
So he’d said “Sure, sweetheart, if that’s what you want,” and he’d kissed the top of your head, breathing in that earthy blend of cardamom and sweet mint that you’d tapped into your skin that morning, and you’d thanked him for understanding and gave him a kiss so soft he could’ve cried. 
You looked like you were going to cry, yourself, saying goodbye later that night in the doorway, backlit dreamily with soft streetlamps, arms wrapped tight around your frame to keep out the cold. 
He’d kissed you goodbye once, twice, got a little goofy with it and pressed quick manic kisses across your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, your eyelids that were scrunched with amusement, as if he was trying to memorize your face with his lips.
“Just one day apart. We can do that, right?” He’d said, holding you at arm’s length, trying to assure himself just as much as you. 
Your eyes were misty underneath the rim of your knitted hat, but you’d nodded, hiding the tremble in your bottom lip with a brave tilt to your chin. “Just one day apart.” And with a final kiss, you set off down the snow-covered path, waving a red-mittened hand over your shoulder before getting into your car.
So you weren’t gonna call today, Eddie knew that. He’d have you tomorrow, curled in his lap with that strange herbal tea that you were always trying to get him into, and you’d tell him all about your holiday with your dad that you lived with but barely knew. 
Just one day apart. He could deal with that, right?
Eddie groans, scrubbing his hands over his face and turning belly-down into the couch. 
The thing is, he’s not the overbearing type. At least, he tries not to be. But when you meet the girl of your dreams under circumstances such as the end of the world, you tend to be a little more on the anxious side of things. 
Eddie can’t actually remember the last time you’ve spent more than a few hours at a time apart in the last four months; at first it was you playing nurse, tending to Eddie for weeks after the demobats had fucked him up, rotating from couch to makeshift floor-bed that was probably hell on your back. Not that you’d complained. 
Those days were a narcotic-fueled haze in Eddie’s memories; the first week he really only surfaced when he smelled the bergamot wafting from your neck each time you leaned over to change his dressings, or when he heard the gentle tinkling of those delicate flower chain earrings and stacks of thin silver bracelets you wore.
And then your time spent by his side just sort of naturally… evolved, along with your feelings for each other. He’d been crushing since high school on the starry-eyed, quiet little thing that sat behind him in Kaminsky’s class. The fact that you were rumored to be a witch really only encouraged his flirting by the day. 
You weren’t so easily enamored with him- not playing hard to get, necessarily, but you never seemed to have time for romance- what with your whole saving the world thing. Information that Eddie was now privy to, after all that Upside Down shit. 
Eddie would have happily taken his crush to the grave (nearly did, he has Dustin to thank for dragging his bony ass topside) if it meant keeping things between you both smooth. Because it was smooth, easy, as natural as breathing, being around you. The fact that you made the first move as soon as he was healed up (on this very couch, no less) was a dream come true. You’d basically attacked his mouth, a story he loves to drag up at the most torturous times just to see you light up with embarrassment before he kisses it better.
So now you wear one of his guitar picks on a chain around your neck and he spends his spare change on moody 70s cassettes to stock in his van for the midnight drives he loves to take you on; neither of you want to put a boyfriend/girlfriend label on each other ‘cuz it feels weirdly trite, for the amount of intimacy you’ve got going on. 
Belonging, though, that’s a phrase you’ve both used before, to each other. You’re mine. You belong to me. Said sweetly and chastely during backyard BBQ’s at the Harrington house, with possessive fierceness between open-mouthed kisses, whispered cozily under the cover of thin sheets and sprawling nights. 
He was your boy, for sure. You were his girl. And fuck’s sake was this day without you dragging its goddamn heels.
Eddie pounds a closed fist into the couch cushion, petulantly, then shoves himself up and off, the metal chains at his hip clinking with the sudden movement. He roots around in his bedside table drawer, then the top of his bureau where you stash your clothes sometimes- clothes that probably still smell like you. If he’s gonna be pathetic, mind as well be really pathetic, right?
Eddie’s just pulling out one of your lacy tanktops with a victorious fist pump when there’s a knock at the front door. If it’s carolers interrupting this pity-party, he’s gonna lose his shit.
But it’s not carolers. It’s Max Mayfield, red braids poking out of a green knit hat that he knows for a fact you made her last winter. She’s holding a blue tin of Danish butter cookies, customary scowl on her freckled face.
“You gonna let me in or make me freeze to death? Don’t think I won’t call child services on you, Munson.”
She ducks under Eddie’s arm, and he lets the door shut behind her with a bang. “Look, Red, Merry Christmas and all that but I’m really not in the mood to-”
Max holds out the tin, bracketed by her fuzzy mittens. “These are for you. My mom’s making me take some ’round to all the neighbors.”
Eddie pops the lid and is mildly surprised to find not the customary butter cookies but a neat stack of gingerbread people, with gumdrops for buttons and chocolate chip eyes peeking out from the wax paper. 
He lifts an eyebrow at the girl, who’s dripping melted snow into his carpet, and can’t help but tease. “These look like they took some effort, Red. You treat all your neighbors this nice?”
Max glowers again, crossing her arms best she can against the thick puff of her coat sleeves. 
Eddie bites the head off one of the cookies and points the desiccated corpse in her direction. “You want something, huh.”
“No,” Max says, a little too quickly, then sighs, and cranes her neck down the hallway. “Not from you, anyways. Where’s Poppy?”
Eddie flinches a little at the nickname the kids all use for you (an homage to the red lipstick you used to wear, or maybe it was the detention you got for getting caught with a jar of the seeds on school property freshman year, the story changes each time he asks) and drops the partially-eaten cookie back in the box. “She’s not here today.”
“She’s here every day,” Max counters, still looking down the hallway hopefully.
“Trust me, I wish I was lying to you,” Eddie continues, snapping the tin closed and setting it on the kitchen counter. “She’s with her dad for Christmas.”
“Poppy is willingly spending time… with her dad… for Christmas?” Max repeats the information slowly, as if she thinks Eddie is not so bright.
He lets his silence and return scowl do the talking for him. Max stamps in place, knocking more snow onto the carpet, annoyance rolling into uncomfortability. “Uh. Okay. Well… I guess I’ll just… ride my bike to the party across town. In this blizzard,” she tacks on, pointedly.
There’s a beat of silence. Eddie drums his fingers against the countertop. It’s hardly a blizzard, and there’s less than an inch of snow on the ground, but he knows what you’d do, if you were here, which you usually are.
“Goddammit,” Eddie cusses, before snatching his keys off the hook behind Max’s head and stuffing his arms into his thermal flannel, muttering, “If she wasn’t actively making me a better person, you’d be a popsicle, Red.”
On the drive to Steve’s, Max pokes around in the dash and complains about the lack of Kate Bush before settling on a Fleetwood Mac tape and shoving it into the deck. 
Stevie Nicks croons Rihannon over the speakers, and Eddie thinks maybe he’ll get a few minutes of peace and quiet but no such luck. He’s making a slow turn onto the main road when Max asks, “What’s this?”
Eddie fights the urge to snatch the crushed velvet jewelry box out of Max’s mittened grasp and stares resolutely at the road. “I’m trying not to spin out and kill us in a fiery wreck, kid, would ya put that back where you found it?”
She bumps the dash compartment closed with her knee. “Someone’s testy today. Is it for Poppy?”
“Yes,” Eddie grits out, white-knuckling the wheel. “Christ, Max, you’re like the annoying little sister I never asked for. Would you put it-”
There’s a quiet snick as Max ignores him and opens the box. “C’mon, don’t you want a lady’s opinion?”
“Lady, my ass,” Eddie mutters. It’s pretty quiet in the passenger seat area all of a sudden, and he forces his gaze to stay safely on the snowy road as he asks, “Well?”
“Cute,” Max muses. She lifts the delicate chain from the box, the charm at the end swinging like a pendulum with the movement of the van. “A little on the nose, though, don’tcha think?”
Eddie was afraid of that. But when he saw the tiny poppy in perfect cast silver at a jewelry store on his big city excursion last month, he couldn’t help it. His girl makes him all sorts of mushy.
“Put it back,” he tells Max again, the fight going out of his voice, and she complies, this time, reaching out to pat his shoulder after reassembling the box.
“Don’t worry. Girls go crazy for that cheesy shit. Especially if they’re in love,” she says, sagely, gloved fingers absently playing with the gold heart locket around her own neck. 
“Uh huh,” Eddie says, with a pointed grin aimed sideways at the girl.
“Shut up.” Max flushes beet red, then reaches for the volume dial and cranks Stevie up to ten.
The Harrington house is a flurry of activity, apparently chosen as the main hub for the Gang and their various extensions. Mrs. Byers chirrups a hello as he passes the kitchen, Nancy waving a wooden spoon in greeting. There’s a cheer from the group of boys in various states of sprawl over a board game on the living room floor when Eddie clomps in, Max practically shoulder-checking him on her way to Lucas’s side. 
If anything, this party will be a welcome distraction from the silence that is his trailer without you. Eddie figures he’ll hang around for a bit, help eat up some of Harrington’s fancy holiday food, and dip into his weed reserves (that lacy tanktop of yours on his mind) before the bell tolls six.
After giving a dorky salute to his Hellfire kiddos, Eddie drops into the last available couch cushion: next to Argyle (silk black hair adorned with a pair of reindeer antlers), who turns sleepily and gives him a weed-laced lazy smile. 
“Heyyyy, brochacho. Where’s your girl? I still owe her some cold hard cash money for those morels,” Argyle says.
“She isn’t here.” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose. Maybe this party won’t be a good distraction after all, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t wanna keep bringing you up anyways. “What the hell are morels?”
“Mushrooms!” Jonathan pipes up from the end of the couch. Judging by the red eyes, he’s just as gone as Argyle. 
Eddie isn’t judging. Christmas is hell without the help of weed and pretty girls.
“Yeah, dude, mushrooms.” Argyle slings an arm around Eddie’s shoulders, talking over the raucous noise of the kids engaged in a tense game of Monopoly a few feet away. “She’s a wicked good forager. Better than my mushroom guy back in Cali by a loooong shot.”
“Morels are the ones that look like brains,” Jonathan says, focused on his attempt at a house made of paper money on the coffee table in front of him. 
“Brains,” Argyle confirms. This seems to set Jon off in a fit of giggles, and then Argyle starts up, snickering into his closed fist, and the sight is almost enough to get Eddie to crack a smile when Steve Harrington appears in the archway.
“Uh oh,” Jonathan says, practically spasmodic at this point, “His hands are on his hips. That means he’s pissed about something.”
“Would you chuckleheads knock it off?” Steve snaps, hands still set on his hips in prissy little fists when he rounds on Eddie. “And seriously, man, you couldn’t’ve waited until the afterparty to get them stoned?”
“What, you think I did this?” Eddie gasps in faux shock. “I’m real hurt, Stevie, that you think these fine established gentlemen would need my help in getting their hands on good kush.”
This sets the boys on the couch off into conniptions again, this time Dustin barking at them to “Keep it down, assholes, we’re getting cutthroat over here,” and Nancy calls out “Language!” from the kitchen, which has Mike yelling back at her, and Eddie is just starting to enjoy himself when Steve whips the towel previously over his broad shoulder at Eddie’s face.
“If you’re done wreaking havoc here there’s someone on the landline for you,” Steve says, bending down to wipe crumbs from the coffee table.
That wipes the smirk off Eddie’s face. He sits up ramrod straight. “Who?”
“Who do you think?” Steve shoots back, and then shouts at the board game group, “ALL right, which one of you little shits spilled orange soda on the rug?”
There’s a return yell of “LANGUAGE” from the kitchen as Eddie hustles down the hall, the noise of the party fading as he reaches the mounted wall phone. He nearly pulls the cord from its socket in his haste to get the receiver to his ear- “Shit- hello?”
“Hi, Eddie.” 
Eddie sags against the wall, letting his head tip back, eyes closed all the better to savor your voice- “Sweetheart. Thank god. I was dyin’ out here. Say my name again, would ya?”
“Eddie,” you laugh, and it’s chiding, but he doesn’t care, too flush with relief at hearing from you.
“How’s this nightmare of a holiday treatin’ my girl, hm?” he asks, settling the phone into the crook of his shoulder. If he had it his way, there’d be technology to laserbeam your voice permanently into his eardrums. 
“It’s okay,” you sigh down the line. “I tried calling you at the trailer first, then when it kept ringing I figured you were at Steve’s party.”
“Yeah, honey, I’m at Steve’s. You want me to come pick you up?” Eddie brightens at the idea, warming up to it the more he talks. “I mean, I’d keep you all to myself, but it’s Christmas and I’m feeling generous. All anyone’s asked about so far is where the hell my girl is at.”
“That’s sweet,” you reply, and Eddie thinks you sound a little distant, a little… off, somehow. “No, that’s okay. I’m not in a partying mood. I just wanted to hear your voice, that’s all.”
“Well you have it, sugar,” Eddie purrs. “You want me to read to you? There’s a real slick copy of the phone book hangin’ right next to me. Could really get you going.”
Eddie’s only partly joking. He’d happily read the yellow pages to you until his voice gave out if it meant keeping you on the line for a little longer.
He can picture you so clearly in his head- sitting pretty in that bay window, sock feet tucked under your thighs, twirling the phone cord around your fingers in anxious little twists as you speak softly- “That’s okay, Eds. You enjoy the party, okay? I’ll come by the trailer tomorrow morning with your gift.”
“Sure,” he replies, a little deflated. 
After saying his goodbyes, he hangs the phone back on the hook and returns to his spot on the couch, leg bouncing a frenzied beat amid the chaos.
He lasts about three minutes like this, which he feels is more than generous.
As he’s sliding his arms back into his green fleeced flannel, there are a few jeers from the peanut gallery about how “Eddie’s going to suck some face with his girlfriend”, which earns the room a halfhearted and generalized middle finger. 
Mrs. Byers stops him in the hallway, but it’s just to hand him two cling-wrapped plates of food with a warm, knowing sort of look about her.
And then Eddie’s off into the night to see his girl. 
okay hoped you like it gonna post pt. 2 soon follow if u wanna see when it comes out!!
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Heart’s Munition
Chapter 4
Pairing: Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid single mom!reader
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: mentions of blood, hospital visits, mentions of a seizure, Elijah being a lil shit (in a cute way of course),
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Series Masterlist
“Where is she?” Steve demanded an answer through gritted teeth.
“She’s resting in her room.”
“Why didn’t anyone call me sooner?”
Steve took the stairs two at a time. He was furious and someone would be paying for this soon enough.
“You had that meeting with Hansen. If I remember correctly you said to not disturb you because you wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Also the doctor was with her anyway.” Bucky said as he followed Steve up the stairs.
Steve didn’t knock, he just slammed the door open. Peter sat at the foot of the bed and jumped at the sound.
“What the fuck?” You said as you walked out of the bathroom. “Can you be more careful?”
“Who did this?” Steve ignored your question and looked from Peter to Nat, who was reluctantly laying in bed.
She had been cornered while she was alone. Now Nat was a good fighter, even one of Steve’s best. She also had gained his trust a long time ago, along with Bucky and Sam. So whoever did this knew her abilities to defend herself and still managed to get the upper hand. That wasn’t good, it meant his people were being watched.
“You know who it was. They were sending a message. If they can get to us, they can get to you.” Nat said between pained breaths. She looked bad. Black and blue bruises all over her face and chest. She had a cut lip and a few scratches as well as one eye shut due to the swelling.
“We’re going to send a message back. Do you know who actually did it?”
“It was Quentin Beck.” That was all Steve needed to hear before he was out the door. Bucky again followed closely behind.
“Do you need anything else Nat?”
“I’d like to sit up a bit more.”
“Sure thing. Peter, come help me.” You moved around the bed and helped her sit up while Peter added some pillows behind her.
“Thanks. Peter, could you get me my gym bag, it’s in the trunk of my car.”
“Sure thing.”
Peter hurried out of the room and Nat looked over at the nightstand and then around the room.
“Have you seen my phone?”
“You didn’t have a phone on you when you were brought in.”
“Fuck. Ok, you need to tell Steve they probably have my phone. Go.”
You say a quick ok as you hurry down the stairs and into the hallway that leads to Steve’s office. He’s yelling orders, you can hear his voice by the stairs. It takes you knocking a few times before Sam opens the door. The tension in the room is palpable.
“What?” Steve snaps.
“Nat wanted me to tell you that she thinks they have her phone.”
“Fuck. We have to go now. Someone call Jensen and Stark, let them know they need to burn the phone.”
Everyone starts walking out and you ask them to be safe. You close the door before Steve can walk out and the glare he sends your way would make anyone flinch but you don’t.
“Get out of my way.”
“Listen I know you’re angry but you need to calm down.”
“Calm down? Are you serious? One of the people I swore to protect almost died and you’re asking me to calm down?”
“Yes.” You say in a soft and almost sweet voice. “If you go out there blinded by rage how many more people will end up hurt? They’re already pissed enough as it is, you can’t afford to lose anyone else.”
You see his demeanor change slightly. He’s still angry but he’s reigning it in.
“Also if anyone else ends up hurt I’m going to be pissed as fuck.”
The corner of his mouth lifts a little. The smile is barely there but you’ll take it.
“Even if it's me?” He asks.
“Meh- depends on how injured you are.”
He smiles this time but it’s gone just as quickly.
“Be safe out there and make sure you kick some ass.”
“You’ll take care of her for me?”
“You know it.”
Steve nods in your direction before walking out and you sigh. It was barely morning and the chaos of it all was already giving you a headache. But you marched up the stairs again and checked up on Nat one more time before starting on your regular duties.
When your work day ended you waited about half an hour and no sign of Steve or his men. Dom and Coulson both nagged until you left.
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You had been asleep for maybe half an hour when your phone rang. With Eli getting worse you were sleeping less. So you were in a bad mood as you answered the phone.
“What?” You didn’t even know who you snapped at.
“I’m sorry for calling at this time but we need you at the house.”
“Coulson? What happened?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here. You’ll be getting paid four times your regular pay.”
“Uh- I need… I need a few minutes.”
“That’s fine. Dom will pick you up.” He didn’t wait for you to reply.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you dial Mrs. Fields number and ask her to stay with Elijah.
“What the fuck happened?” Your eyes grew wide as you took in the living space. There was blood everywhere. The floor, the walls and the furniture. It’s like the fight had happened right there.
“They just got back not too long ago. No one is seriously injured but we need to get rid of the blood. Boss only trusts you and that you won’t say anything.”
“Of course not. Before I start with the cleaning, does anyone need anything?”
“Probably some steady hands. The adrenaline is wearing off by now. They’re taking care of their wounds.” Coulson informs you as he nods towards Steve’s office.
“It’s gonna hurt baby but I’ll be quick.”
“I’ve heard that before.” You hear Bucky say with a chuckle.
“You guys are together?” You ask from the door.
Both Sam and Bucky turn to the door, the latter turning red immediately. Sam just gives you a small smile.
“You didn’t know?” Sam asks.
“Didn’t have a clue, you guys are cute together.”
“You hear that babe, we’re cute together.”
“I knew that already Samuel.” Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Anyways, what are you doing here?”
“Doing what I always do, cleaning up your messes. But I wanted to check in to see if anyone needed anything.”
“We’re good here but maybe check in on Steve. He’s up in his room. The other guys are in the kitchen.” Sam says and you just nod and leave them be. You can hear them saying sweet nothings to each other and can’t help but smile.
As you walk back out toward the living room you see Clint and Scott on one of the couches. They were beaten and bloodied too and they were getting the couch dirty. You sent a worried glance in their direction but they just waved you off as they rummaged through the first aid kit. On the stairs there were drops of blood everywhere and they led all the way to the third floor, Steve’s floor. It made you wonder how bad it had been and if this was a win or a loss for him.
You knocked at the door, where you could see a smudge of blood on the doorknob. There was no answer so you knocked again and still nothing. Worry settled into the pit of your stomach at the thought that he may be passed out on the floor. You open the door and call out his name but nothing. His clothes are on the floor by the bathroom and you hurry over and knock but don’t really wait for a response.
“Steve, are you o-oh my god! I’m so sorry.” You turn around and cover your eyes when you realize his state of undress.
“Y/N, It’s ok I have sweats on.”
“Still I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to barge in on you like this. It’s just you didn’t respond and I saw the blood so I thought you needed help.” You rushed out.
“It’s really ok, you can turn around now.”
You drop your hand and turn around, he does in fact have sweats on. How had you not noticed? More importantly, how had you not noticed the injuries he had? The longer you stare the more you realize he has tattoos all over.
“What the hell happened?” You rushed over, completely forgetting the embarrassing moment just seconds ago.
“A fight.”
“Yeah but everyone looks like shit. Did you lose?”
“Not really.”
“Well if this is you winning I don’t want to see you losing.” You say as you look up at him. “Let me get the first aid kit.” You turn and head to where Steve keeps the first aid kit. “Sit.” You motion for him to sit on the countertop.
“Why here?”
“Because my back hurts and this will be easier to reach the cuts.”
He just nods and sits where you told him to. Steve’s breathing is even until you touch him around his ribs. You think it’s because there’s pain but he knows better. The light touch of your fingers on his skin sends shivers down his spine and although he’s imagined your hands on him it was never like this.
“Sorry what?” He looks down at you.
“I think you might have a concussion or some type of head injury.”
“No, I was just thinking about what needs to happen next. I’m fine.” He says but really he was thinking about how your touch would feel everywhere else on his body.
“Ok well this is going to hurt.”
You work silently the next few minutes, cleaning and bandaging him up. During the whole process you feel his eyes on you. Every move you make he watches silently.
“Ok, all done.” You put away all of the supplies and make a mental note to have Coulson refill it. “I should go and get started.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Of course. Call me if you need anything and please rest.”
“Doctor’s orders?” He teases and you level him with your best mom glare. “Fine. I’ll rest. Maybe I should have put you out there to interrogate people.”
“The house would be less bloodied.” You murmur before pointing at the bed. “In bed, now.”
“Ok mom.”
You laughed because he sounded so childish but you noticed the way his eyes softened as you did. Like you instructed Steve laid in bed but grabbed his phone and made some calls. There was more to be done and Quentin Beck still needed to answer for what he did.
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You made it home right around noon and were beyond exhausted. You dismissed Mrs. Fields and took a quick shower, thankful that Elijah was taking a nap. Instead of going to your couch you scooped him up and cuddled with him as you took a nap of your own.
The afternoon was spent in a daze. Some sleep, some tv and some food while you stayed close to Elijah. At around nine at night you get a text from Coulson telling you to sleep tight. It was code for don't leave your apartment, which meant that whatever was going on with Steve and his enemies was close to where you were.
For most of the night it was fine. You were watching a movie with Elijah but when you turned to tell him something he was slumped to the side. His breathing was shallow and he was non responsive. You panicked and dressed in your pajamas you grabbed him and your purse in order to get to the hospital.
Steve and the rest of his men had taken up residence in the waiting room of the hospital. Everything had gone sideways in a heartbeat and now they were waiting for news for one of their own. He was already anxious enough but the next few minutes would leave him utterly confused.
“Help! Someone please… he’s not breathing.” Steve heard your voice, frantic and desperate as you walked in through the emergency room doors.
Bucky and Sam immediately got up and stood next to him to see what was going on. The last thing they expected was that you were carrying a child.
“Please, help him! He’s not fucking breathing.”
Your second cry for help snapped Steve into action.
“You,” he pointed at a nurse that was taking his sweet time on the phone. “Get your ass up and help her.” He got in the nurse’s face, his voice low and menacing. “If something happens to him I will end you.”
The nurse looked like he was going to shit himself. He rushed over to you as he called out for a stretcher. He asked you a few things before rushing him in to get Elijah breathing again. Steve had to hold you back from running after them.
“It’s ok, He’s getting help. You need to calm down, sweetheart.” He whispered but you still tried to free yourself from him embrace.
“Please he has to be ok.”
“Hey,” Bucky cups your face and wipes away the tears. “He’s going to be just fine.”
“You don’t know that.”
“They’re going to do everything they can, Doll. But we need you to breathe. You have to be ok when he wakes up.”
Bucky grabs your hand and places it on his chest and he takes a quick look at Steve who is still holding you. Both of them match their breathing as Steve softly asks you to do the same and eventually you calm down.
“Sweetheart,” Steve turns you around so that he can look at you. Your eyes are red and your cheeks are tear strained. It breaks his heart to see you like this. “Who is that? Is he your little brother or something.”
By now he had pulled you into the waiting room the rest of his men were at. They all knew you so they were concerned at seeing you so distraught.
“He’s my son.” You say in a low sad voice.
Steve was left speechless and so was everyone else. Never in his life did he imagine you to be a mother but a lot of things clicked into place. He silently told two of his men to move to allow you a seat and of course one next to you for himself. Steve never lets you go though, he keeps you tucked into his side but you’re too upset to notice the closeness.
“You have a son? Since when?” Sam asks.
“Since eight years ago.”
“This isn’t one of those situations where your parents died and you had to take care of your little brother so now you’re technically his mom but not really?” Scott asked really fast. Steve shot him a glare over your head.
“He’s my son, my baby ok. I carried him for nine months in my belly. I have the pictures to prove it or I can show you the video of me pushing him out of my vagina if you want. ” You snapped.
“Sorry, it’s just, you’re so young.”
You rolled your eyes.
“It’s called a teen pregnancy, look it up.” Then you look at him and frown. “I’m sorry Scott I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“Ok that’s enough, everyone out. Except for Bucky and Sam.” Steve ordered, reluctantly the men left.
“No problem, sweetheart.”
He’s called you sweetheart three times in the last few minutes but you don’t say anything. Right now you relish having someone at your side. Sitting alone in the waiting room was always the second hardest thing for you to do.
“Do you need us to call someone?” Steve asks and pulls out his phone.
“No? Your parents or your son’s father?”
You give him a humorless laugh.
“The latter broke up with me the minute I told him I was pregnant and the former kicked me out when they found out. So no, there’s no one to call.” You sighed, “Wait, maybe Peter? He knows about Eli. So does Coulson and Dom by the way.”
“I’ll call Dom, I’m sure he won’t mind coming in.”
“Wait, where is Peter? I haven’t heard from him all day.” You look from Bucky and Sam to Steve. None of them would look you in the eyes and you sat up straighter. “Why are you even at the hospital?”
“Don’t sweetheart me. Why are you here?” You ask again, cutting Steve off.
“He was shot. He’s currently in surgery, that's why we’re here.”
“Bucky what the fuck.”
“Thanks Bucky, at least you had the decency to tell me.” You glare up at Steve.
“I didn’t want to stress you out more than you already were.”
“Family of Elijah Y/L/N?” A nurse calls out from the doorway. Immediately all four of you get up.
“Is he ok?”
“Yes, we got him stabilized and we’ll be moving him to a room. Why don’t you follow me and I’ll take you to him. Only two people at a time though.”
“It’s just me.” You give the nurse a sad smile. You’ve only taken one step when someone grabs your hand.
“And me. Call me when you hear about Peter.”
Steve squeezes your hand to reassure you that he’s there for you. Both of you silently follow the nurse as she brings you to the small room Elijah is in until he’s moved upstairs. The moment you’re behind the closed curtain you rush over to his side. You take his hand and lean down to press a few kisses on his forehead before whispering that you’re there with him. Steve just stands back and watches the scene unfold. His heart aches for you and he wants nothing more than to give you some sort of comfort.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what does he have?” Steve asks after a few minutes of silence.
“The doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him or how to help. He’s been sick for about a year. We’ve tried different medicines but nothing seems to really work. He has his good days but recently it’s been all bad days. ”
You struggle to hold back a sob. Elijah’s health has been declining so quickly that you fear it’s only a matter of weeks or even days before you lose him. Steve gets closer to you and pulls you into a hug. You cling to him like your life depended on it. Even with Mrs. Fields there to help you, you’ve always felt truly alone in life. Somehow it felt different with Steve there.
Steve excuses himself for a moment and disappears outside of the curtain. Just as quickly as he left he comes back and wraps you in another hug.
The sound of the curtain being pulled back has you moving away from him. A young man walks in with a tired smile on his face and lets you know he’ll be moving Elijah. He moves around the space efficiently and soon enough he starts pushing the hospital bed down the hallway. Steve places a hand on your lower back and guides you. He doesn’t stop you from leaning into him while the elevator goes up. Your eyes are half closed when Eli is finally set up in a private room. That wakes you up and you’re quick to protest that you can’t afford a private room.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” Steve tells you.
“What? No way. He’ll be fine in a shared room. There’s no way my insurance will cover this.”
Steve cups your face so that you have to look at him. His expression is stern as he looks at you.
“I don’t like repeating myself, sweetheart. But I will right now. Don’t worry about it, you focus on Elijah. That’s all you have to do, try to rest so that when he wakes up you can be there for him.”
“Fine,” you murmur before looking at the clock on the wall. “I can squeeze in two hours of sleep before I have to be in.”
“Be in where?”
“For work?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Steve mutters, looking st you completely dumbfounded. He has never met anyone that has made him go through so many emotions in such a small time frame.
“No, I have to work. I need the money.”
“Fuck the money, Y/N. As of this moment you are on paid leave and you don’t come back until he’s out of this hospital.”
You shake your head. “I can’t accept that.”
“Well you don’t have a choice.”
You both start whisper yelling at each other now. Steve grabs you by your arm and pulls you outside of the room.
“I do and I’m going into work.”
“And who is going to be here when he wakes up?”
“My neighbor, she’s his sitter when I’m at work.”
Steve rubs a hand over his face. The situation hits way too close to home. The only difference is that now he has the power to do something and he won’t take no for an answer, even if he knows you’re stubborn as hell.
“If you had to choose between you being here or the sitter being here if money wasn’t an issue, which one would it be?”
“Me obviously.”
“And I’m giving you that opportunity. Please, don’t think about work or about your paycheck. I will pay you, I promise. Just be here for him. I promise you there won’t be anything that will make your kid happier than you being the first person he sees.”
Your eyes well up with tears again as you look from Steve to Elijah’s frail form on the bed.
“Ok, but only for a few days and then I’m back at work. I don’t like just taking money, I have to earn it.”
“For fucks sake woman. How about you take a week and then we’ll talk about it.”
“This isn’t a negotiation.”
“One day and I’m back at work.”
“Three,” he gives an exasperated sigh before shaking his head. “Three days and we will talk before you even think about working again.”
“Fine. Also you have to let me know how Pete is doing.”
“Deal. So is this what Peter found out when I had him follow you.”
You nod as you walk into the room. At the other end there was a window seat that doubled as a bed. There was a pillow and a blanket already folded and ready for use.
“I begged him not to tell you.”
“I didn’t want anyone to threaten Eli so that they could use me against you. I don’t want to put him at risk, I take a long way home just to make sure I’m not being followed.”
Steve’s hands were on his hips as he listened to you. That wasn’t something you should have to worry about when all you were doing was working to try and give your son a chance to live.
“Why not work somewhere else?”
“Because people don’t like to hire single mothers. Before I started working for you I had to work two to three jobs and I barely ever saw him. When I found the job posting as a maid I just went for it. It was enough that I could quit the other jobs and even get an apartment. But then he started getting sick and well here I am.”
He just nodded. It felt like he was watching memories from his childhood replaying right in front of him.
“I don’t need you to feel sorry for me or anything. I’ve managed just fine.”
“I don’t feel sorry for you. I admire you even more now.” Steve says. “Get some rest, I’m gonna head back to wait for news on Peter and Dom will be here in the morning. Anything you need he’ll get it for you.”
“Thank you.”
Steve just offers a small smile and walks out.
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By day break Steve was already back on his way to the room Elijah had been set up in. He had some coffee and breakfast for you, as well as good news about Peter. Thinking you’d be awake he was already calling your name as he walked in.
“Y/N, the surgery was a success.” He stopped in the middle of the room when he realized you were asleep beside Eli’s bed. He frowned when he saw you hunched over sitting on a chair while holding your son’s hand.
Steve was surprised to find your son looking back at him. He placed the coffee and breakfast down on a table and moved the other side of the bed.
“Hi Elijah, how are you feeling kid?”
“Are you my doctor? You don’t look like one.” Eli asked in a hushed voice as he sized up Steve. He looked frail but tough.
“No, I’m your mom’s friend.”
“Wrong.” Elijah furrowed his brows. “My mom doesn’t have friends. And she doesn’t have a boyfriend either, so you’re not that.”
Steve chuckled but then cleared his throat when he saw Elijah was glowering at him.
“Well I’m sure she does have friends. But anyways, you can call me Steve and I'm your mom’s boss.”
“Oh, and you brought her breakfast?”
“Yeah. Is that bad?”
Eli shook his head. “No, but I’ve heard mom tell Mrs. Fields you’re an ass. So that was nice of you.”
Steve couldn’t help but laugh at that. Elijah was a little copy of you, especially that mouth of his.
“So how are you feeling bub?” Steve sat down as he waited for an answer.
Elijah looked from Steve to you and back. A certain kind of sorrow that no eight year old should ever experience crossed his eyes.
“My tummy hurts and so does my head. But really I’m worried about ma.”
Steve’s eyes softened as they looked your way.
“She’s barely been sleeping. I know she checks in on me while I sleep. And I know that she was probably really scared last night.” His lower lips trembled. “And I’m scared too.”
Steve’s heart ached for this kid. He knew exactly how he felt, having to spend so many nights in the emergency room with his own mother.
“Scared of what?”
“That I won’t get better and then ma is gonna be all alone.”
If mob bosses cried this is where it would happen. Steve had to look away for a moment and compose himself.
“Well, I’m not going to let that happen. I’m gonna make sure you see the best doctors available. But I need you to promise me something.”
“That you’re not gonna give up. Even when you’re in pain or extra sick, you’re gonna keep fighting.”
“I promise.”
“Good.” Steve smiles. “Now, how about you wake her up and I’ll have the food reheated.”
Steve stood up and grabbed everything. Just as he headed toward the door he could hear Elijah calling you softly. With a look over his shoulder he could see him gently caressing your face.
You stirred from your very uncomfortable sleeping position and were greeted with a very happy Elijah.
“Eli.” You smiled as you sat up and stretched. Immediately you felt the ache in your body from having fallen asleep the way you did. It didn’t matter though, your sweet boy was awake and that’s all you could ask for. “How long have you been awake?”
“A while.”
“Then let me get a nurse.”
“One already came by. I asked her not to wake you up. She didn’t say much, just that everything looked fine.”
“Ok, well I’ll ask when someone comes back. Did they say you can have breakfast?”
“Yeah, it will get delivered at the regular time.” Eli nods.
“Ok good.”
You smile again at him and stand to kiss his forehead. As you pull back you hear footsteps and assume it’s a nurse.
“Good you’re up.” Steve says as he stroll in. “Got you breakfast.”
You just looked at him for a moment. Surprised by the kind gesture you give him a quick thank you before taking what was in his hand.
“Elijah, this is my boss.”
“Steve, I know.”
“It’s Mr. Rogers to you.” You corrected.
“I told him he could call me Steve.”
“When did this conversation happen?”
“While you were drooling on your arm.” Steve teases. You send a playful glare, the exchange making Elijah giggle.
“How is he?”
“The surgery was a success.”
“Oh good.” You breathe a sigh of relief.
“What surgery?”
You looked over at Elijah wondering if you should tell him or not. “Peter got hurt. He had to have surgery but he’s ok now.”
“Oh, can we visit him?”
“I’ll see what we can do.”
There was a little knock on the doorframe and you all turned to see Bucky and Sam. They both had their arms full of bags and smiles on their faces.
“Good morning.” Bucky said as he walked in and proceeded to dump all of his bags on the window seat. “Hey kid.”
Elijah just looked at you waiting for an explanation.
“Eli, this is Bucky. My friend.”
“If you finish that sentence you’re gonna be grounded until you’re 30.”
“You never told me you had friends. Why haven’t I met him before?”
“Because we’re new friends, kid. I also work with Steve and we’re best friends.”
“And him?” Eli motions to Sam who was also placing bags on the seat.
“I’m Sam. I’m also friends with your mom and with Steve.”
“What about Bucky?”
Sam and Bucky look at you to see if you were ok with Elijah knowing.
“Sam and Bucky are partners, baby.”
“Like cops or like boyfriends?” Eli asks.
“Like boyfriends.”
The tone of his voice let you know he was about to destroy you with whatever he was going to say next. You frowned by m but answered anyway.
“If guys can have boyfriends now, you’re never gonna get one.”
Sam, Steve and Bucky started laughing and Elijah seemed very happy about it. Even if it was at your expense.
“Do you want your mom to have a boyfriend?” Bucky asks as he looks at Steve with a smirk.
“Maybe, but he’d have to go through me first. And I’m not gonna make it easy for him.”
“And now you have us and we’ll help you.” Sam adds.
“Ok, I think that’s enough about me. What did you guys bring?”
“Gifts.” Bucky announces with a smile. He moves over to the pile of bags and starts to walk some over to the bed. “These are ‘get well soon’ gifts. From your new uncles, kid.”
Elijah’s eyes were wide as he looked through the bags to find legos, remote controlled cars, a drone, another video game console, more video games and gift cards. He was so excited the nurse had to come in and check on him because his heart monitor was showing an increase in his heart beat.
“Can I keep it?” The question had been directed at you.
All eyes were on you. It wasn’t that you necessarily wanted to take these things away, you just wanted Eli to learn that not everyone would be as giving. To not expect everyone to just give him stuff, that sometimes he would have to work for what he wanted. Before you could say anything Steve caught your eye. He nodded with a small smile, silently telling you to let Eli keep everything.
“Of course you can, baby. You heard uncle Bucky. They’re ‘get well soon’ gifts. Now what do we say?”
“Thank you.” Eli beams.
“You’re welcome.”
Bucky and Sam move to sit beside him and the three of them start playing with some of the toys that are already on the bed.
“We’ve lost them.” Steve says jokingly as you walk to stand beside him.
“They’re gonna teach Eli everything I don’t want him to know aren’t they?”
“I'm going to completely blame this on you.” You quip.
“I’ll take full responsibility. But while we’re here, I had them bring you some things too, so that you can freshen up if you want.”
Steve had started motioning for the other bags on the seat across the room when the monitors attached to Elijah started beeping erratically. He slumped backwards and he was unconscious on the bed.
“Get the toys off the bed.” You tell Sam and Bucky. The four of you move quickly and remove the last toy just as the nurses and a doctor walk in.
“Get them out of here.” A doctor instructs, referring to you and the guys.
Steve puts his arm around your waist and pulls you out of the room while you fight to stay beside Elijah.
“They need their space to work.” He mutters in your ear.
You stop trying to get out of his hold, it’s the only thing that’s keeping you up at the moment. Steve turns you away from the hospital room and into himself. Your silent tears make their way onto his dress shirt but neither you nor him seem to care.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” A doctor calls out as someone wheels out Elijah. “We are taking him to have some scans done but at the moment we think he may have suffered a seizure.”
“A seizure? But why is it happening?”
“It's only a possibility that it’s a seizure. We’ll do our best to find out what’s going on. We’ll bring Elijah back in about an hour or so.” He says before he walks away.
You just stood there, trying to process what you’ve just been told. This was just another symptom in a long list of things that had been happening to your son.
The men looked at each other unsure of what they should do. It was heartbreaking on so many levels. First, seeing a child so sick and with no answers was enough to soften the heart of most. Second, you yourself were fairly young and having to go through something like this wasn’t easy. Add to it that you were working for a very dangerous man and it added to your stress. Third, you were all alone from what they had learned. Well not anymore, I’m that moment Steve had decided that he was going to be there for you no matter what. He didn’t know that Sam and Bucky had spoken about the matter as well and they were willing to provide you support in whatever capacity you needed it. Whether it be emotional, physical or financial. Right now it was emotional and Bucky was the first to move and bring you into a hug and let you cry into his chest.
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3 days.
That’s how long you had been in the hospital. 3 days and still no closer to any answers. Elijah was stable enough to be discharged and around noon Sam was waiting in front of the hospital in an SUV to take you home. He had already packed up everything for you the night before and taken it down to the house, all you had to do was walk down with Elijah and the nurse that was pushing the wheelchair he was in.
“There he is.” Sam smiled as you walked out the main glass doors. “Ready to leave this place little man?”
“Yeah, I just want to go home.”
Sam looks at you confused. The plan was to stop at your place to grab some things and then stay at Steve’s place for a while.
“Baby, we’re only only going to stop by the apartment so that I can get a few things. We’re staying at Steve’s place for a few days so that I can work.” You remind him.
“Oh ok.”
Sam gives you a sympathetic smile and helps get Elijah in the car before opening the door for you to get in. The drive is quick and before you know it you’re in your apartment grabbing a duffel bag and placing some clothes in there for yourself and Eli.
“Y/N?” You hear from the front door.
“In Eli’s room.”
“There you are child. Who is that man that has Elijah? He didn’t let me get close enough to say hello.”
“That’s Sam, he’s a friend from work.”
“My dear, where are you going? Did something happen to Eli?” She watches as you move around the room.
“Nothing new. My boss said I could stay at the house for a few days and keep Eli with me so I’m just packing a few things.”
“What, couldn't he give you the time off?”
“Yes, he was more than willing to give me the days off but I didn’t want to. So we compromised. I’ll see you in a few days ok. Could you lock the door on your way out? And call me if you need anything.” You say over your shoulder as you walk out and head back to the SUV.
Eli fell asleep on the ride to Steve’s place. So when you got there you grabbed him while Sam and Bucky grabbed your things. At the sound of Dom’s voice Steve steps out of his office and heads to the living room to find you with Elijah in your arms. God, you looked exhausted.
“Let me take him.” Steve says in a quiet voice as he grabs Elijah from you.
He nods his head in the direction of the stairs and you follow him up. You had agreed to stay on the second floor but he just walked past the hallways and up another flight of stairs, his floor.
“Steve. I thought we agreed that we would stay on the second floor.” You whisper.
“I changed my mind. I want you close in case you need me.”
He gets to the top of the stairs and heads to the left hallway. It’s still on his floor but there’s some distance. Steve nods towards one of the doors and you open it so that he can walk in. The room is huge as most of the other rooms are. This one has been prepared especially for you though. Elijah’s new gaming systems have been hooked up to the tv. There’s a basket with some self care products in it for you. Some new pajamas for both of you and the other things that Sam and Bucky had bought and taken to the hospital. Everything was neatly arranged and all you had to do was rest. This was a dream and it was why you were against it.
Going back to your small one bedroom apartment is going to be difficult. Especially for Eli since you know everyone will want to come by and spend some time with him. Bucky had even started a schedule so that everyone had time to hang out and not overwhelm him. The only type of support you’ve had since he was born was Mrs. Fields and you weren’t sure if it was that you were tired or your honest gratitude or a mixture of both but you wanted to cry. Actually you did cry, silent tears as you watched Steve lay Eli down and tuck him in. You had never seen him be so gentle and you asked yourself why couldn’t he be Eli’s dad. He would be a great father, you just know it.
“C’mere.” Steve startled you out of your daydream as he hugged you. You leaned into it, desperate for any kind of comforting touch. “It’s ok, just let it all out.” He rested his hand on your back and moved it up and down soothingly.
“I’m such a mess, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Why don’t you take a bath and then a nap. It might help you relax. I’ll have Dom send dinner for you both.”
“Oh it’s ok, I can go down and get it.” You say quickly but Steve just shuts the idea down.
“Nonsense. He already volunteered to do it.”
Steve smiles and turns you toward the bathroom. “Go relax, you deserve it.”
“Thank you, for everything.” You say over your shoulder.
“It’s the least I can do.”
Later that night, before Steve goes into his room he can’t help but check in on you. He knocks softly but with no answer he decides to just open the door. The sight causes his chest to tighten. With the light of the hallway he can just make out your form on the bed fast asleep. Elijah clings to you like a koala with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him tight. As if he would disappear if you let him go.
Steve has decided then and there that he will do everything in his power to give you the answers that you so desperately need. The best medical team and treatment to make Elijah better and if you let him he’d give you so much more. But he knows you’re stubborn. He also knows that the way to get you to agree to anything is to include Elijah in it. Steve would be lying if he said that little boy hasn’t already stolen a piece of what he thought was his cold dead heart. But like mother like son and you’d both weaseled your way in there even when he promised himself he wouldn’t let something like that happen again.
Ch 5
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rosemarycovet · 1 year
In my room- billy loomis x reader
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(billys pov)
“are you gonna let me in?
“hello?helllooo?”I heard tapping from my window knowing exactly who it was
I was trying not the drift off in class as stu rambled about some nonsense when 2:45 the bell went off
thank god I thought to my self I got up and quickly left the class room speed walking through the halls with my head held low
I didn’t bother acknowledging anyone
many people think i’m odd just because I keep to my self I only talk to stu and our ‘friend group’
which are other people I don’t consider worthy of my time
but I mostly walk alone
avoiding girls that gush over me and the pathetic boys at school trying to start small talk with me
as I walk out the school building I avoid the sunlight with my chalky tone
some may say i’m a gaslighter and manipulative which they aren’t wrong
with my ‘piercing eyes’
I get home I don’t say anything
like there’s anyone to greet ain’t no one there
my mother had abandoned me
and my father is barely ever home,I don’t care.I walk in and right up stairs to my room
I go straight to bed take a quick nap and just wait patiently until dark because that’s when the real show starts
‘Tap tap tap’
I hear from my window I smirk knowing exactly who it is
I see her
(y/n).my baby is what I like to call her
she’s as beautiful as ever as she gives me a sweet soft smile
she’s young and pretty
she comes to my room and we talk at night
she’s demonic and bloody in my eyes
but she holds me tight every night i’m in my bedroom with her i’m never alone
and I kiss her cold lips until morning comes then she’s gone and i’m off
but she only exists in the dark of my room
as me and my ‘friends’ are sitting at the fountain for lunch I sit next to stu as randy sits in the middle of stu and tatum and Sidney is next to tatum
god how much I hate Sidney she’s the reason my mom left me
yet she doesn’t even know
I kept catching her staring at me yet pretended as if I didn’t notice
I know she likes me it’s obvious
but my feelings are the opposite for her
I wish she would die
I wish I could kill her right now
I have planned to kill her with the rest of the group but making stu my partner
there’s so much of sidney I can’t stand same with the rest of them as they talk about meaningless stuff
and all I can think about is my love
I’d do anything for her
as me and her laid in my bed I do adore her as I said before I’d do anything for her and it’s always in my room that we’re the closes
I try to smile but i’m always frontin
but I do love her and at least that’s something.She doesn’t talk much but when she does it gets cold
usually we just lay there and we hold eachother
we’re lovers we don’t need others
certainly i’m all she needed and she is everything I need I don’t need anyone else but her
one night one of my mother’s cat that she also had abandoned had jumped up on the covers
and it scared my baby,cause she don’t like pets.
she had scrambled out of the room
It had made my blood boil that the cat had frighten my baby so I twisted it’s fucking head of its neck
“look baby it’s bloody it’s gone it’s doomed” I had cried out to her
“please come back to the room..don’t ignore me” I begged her
this was more than a sick love story
If she was ever to leave me or was left with out her I’d bring a gun shot to school
and I will for any reason if she wants me to
I hate it that she has to leave when the light comes on and if I had it my way the fucking sun would be gone
sometimes when we’re kissing I start shaking when she slips me that tongue it taste like bacon
she looks sad
uh-oh something wrong.my baby’s upset
“baby what’s wrong?” I asked her as I tuck a strain of her hair behind her ear
“billy one of the neighbors kid had spotted me sneaking in and now I can’t come back cause they know our secret”
unless I can make them keep it if I do she’ll still be able to come
the next day i’m in their backyard as I slipped my ghost face costume on with a shotgun and knife
cut the screen,I went and found the kid
blew a blow of spaghetti to the side of it’s head Then their daddy was next he ran down the hall as I chased after him he was quick to fall as I shredded his throat.
I gripped the knife and started stabbing the shit out of his wife
after Is was done with them I went back home a bloody mess still in my ghostface costume with a job well done
as I washed up in the sink and but the bloody costume in the washing machine waiting for baby to come
like I said I do anything for her
I waited and and hated for 3-4 hours to hear her tapping
then finally she arrived as always she had a soft smile on her face as I held a smirk
“baby I got rid of them you don’t have to worry”
she stared at me a bit surprised
“you got rid of them?..for me?”
“of course baby I’d do anything for you”
she smiled and ran up to me as I picked her up and took her in my room
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pandorafairy · 2 years
Neteyam x Reader x Lo'ak - Love Triangle
Aged up, Omaticaya
Contains: angst, kissing, jealousy (fluff?)
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Growing up, my mom always told me to be patient. I always wanted to release the arrow too early or strike the fish too soon. She said to be patient and good things will come my way. She knew about my crush, the one I’ve had my whole childhood. She would just smile, her knowing smile, and say good things take time. She never told me what to do if my patience turns out to be for something else or someone else. And she’s gone and I can’t ask her. 
Last night is when everything changed, when all my patience led me to someone unexpected. Lo’ak and I were out on our ikrans. The moons were high in the sky, the entire forest glowed, and Hometree seemed to be smiling at us. We flew until we were so exhausted we both collapsed on the forest floor and stared at the treetops. Lo’ak rolled over and faced me, his yellow eyes radiating in the dark night. The air got suddenly sweeter, the space between us grew smaller, and his lips dangled right before me, inviting me to come closer. Our lips had been moments from touching when I came to my senses. I scurried to my feet and bolted back to Hometree with Lo’ak calling after me. 
I don’t know what got into me. I’ve spent my entire childhood having a crush on Neteyam. When my mom died, he became my friend and brought me into his family. I watched him grow into an adult and warrior, my heart beat for him through every phase. Neteyam never felt the same way, or if he does, he’s never shown it. 
I thought if I was just patient, that my first kiss would be Neteyam but last night– I’d almost kissed Lo’ak. The shock of it still courses through my veins. I keep seeing Lo’ak’s face in my mind, the way he was looking at me… I want him to look at me like that again. 
A piece of fruit hits me in the face, jolting me out of my thoughts. “Seriously!?”
“Why do you have that look on your face?” Kiri asks as she twirls her breakfast around her fork. I always eat breakfast with the Sully's. Thankfully, today it’s just Kiri and me as we sit on a thick branch of Hometree. 
“What look?” I ask, pretending to be oblivious. “I’m just eating.”
“Mhm,” Kiri mumbles before taking a sip from her cup. “Looked like you were having some serious thoughts. Deep, aching—”
“Whose deep and aching?” Lo’ak smirks as he suddenly comes up behind Kiri. My heart drops into my stomach at the sight of him. His eyes meet mine, sending a jolt through my whole body.
He smiles at me as something flickers in his gaze. Longing? Regret? I don’t recognize it. I swallow nervously and he opens his mouth to say something when Neteyam comes in. Neteyam smacks Lo’ak on the back lovingly, his eyes wide with amusement. “Now, what are we talking about over here?”
“Oh great,” Kiri says as she turns to her brothers, “Skxawng 1 and Skxawng 2.”
Lo’ak looks away and sits down next to Kiri, his eyebrows furrowed together. I don’t have time to think about what that means because Neteyam plops down beside me.
“Oh, I’m definitely number 1,” he says confidently to Kiri before he turns and winks at me. I inhale sharply. His blue skin glitters under the morning sun and his woven headband sits prettily on his forehead. I look quickly away hoping he doesn’t notice the blush on my cheeks. Even after all this time, he still makes me blush. 
“So,” Lo’ak says, his eyes flickering between Neteyam and me, “what deep, and oh so aching—”
“Shut up!” Kiri exclaims before shoving Lo’ak. Lo’ak laughs and whisks his sister's hands away. She shakes her head. “Y/n was all lost in thought.” 
Neteyam’s head snaps towards me. “What were you thinking about?”
I freeze. Last night, the beautiful forest, the pounding of my heart, the way Lo’ak’s hands fluttered so close to mine, the way his lips dipped down towards me…
Lo’ak raises his eyebrows as a small smirk forms on his mouth. “Hmmm,” he tilts his head, “must have been something so, very, juicy.” 
All my blood rushes to my face as I struggle to meet Lo’ak’s eyes. He begins to grin. That cocky asshole! I roll my eyes and throw a piece of fruit at him. He dodges to the side as the fruit whizzes past him. “Damn, girl!” 
“She doesn’t have to share if she doesn’t want to,” Neteyam states. I force my eyes away from Lo’ak’s smiling face to find Neteyam studying me, his ears twitching on the side of his head. 
Drums sound through Hometree and footsteps immediately pound throughout the inside. Kiri jumps to her feet, balancing in the wind, her tail swishing between her legs. “We gotta go,” she says to me before grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. 
“We’re helping hunt for your Dad’s birthday celebration tonight,” I clarify to the boys as they look questioningly at us. 
Kiri runs off the branch and into the main part of Hometree. I start after her, my feet rubbing against the familiar bark when Lo’ak’s voice calls out to me. “Y/n! Wait!” 
I pause at the archway to the rest of the tree as Lo’ak runs over. Neteyam stays out on the branch, watching his brother’s retreating back. My hands swing anxiously at my side, I don’t know what I’ll say if he brings up last night…
“Look,” he begins as he stops in front of me, “about last night.”
Oh, great. “Lo’ak, you don’t have to say anything.”
“No, I want to say something,” he says adamantly. His lips are pulled in a straight line, his eyebrows are slightly arched, and his eyes are centered on me. I’ve never seen Lo’ak look so serious in my life. I nod, encouraging him to continue. 
His shoulders loosen like he’d been worried I wouldn’t listen to him. “I want to talk to you.” The drums pound louder. The hunting party will be leaving any minute. I bite my lip and look down the hall. Lo’ak follows my gaze and tenses. “You have to go.”
“I want to hear what you have to say,” I reply immediately, surprising myself. I hadn’t realized how true those words were until they came out. I do want to know what Lo’ak has to say. I want to know a lot more about the boy in front of me. 
He smiles, it takes over his whole face. “Let’s go to the celebration tonight, together.”
I’ve never accepted an invitation before. I’ve always waited for Neteyam, I never thought I’d want to go with someone else. Lo’ak is still smiling, his cute eyebrows are quirked up and his ears are sitting happily on his head. My stomach begins to flutter and a small smile finds its way onto my lips. “I’d like that.”
The drums are beating one after the other, the sound penetrates Hometree. If I don’t leave now, I won’t make it to the hunting party. I quickly reach out and grab Lo’ak’s hand. His fingers wrap around mine immediately before he squeezes. “I’ll see you tonight.” 
I squeeze his hand in return. I start to leave when Neteyam catches my eye. My smile falters. He’s standing with both his arms crossed in front of his chest. His eyes are narrowed on Lo’ak and my hands, his ears flat against his skull. 
 I braid my long hair down my back, placing various feathers in as I go. I changed out of my hunting gear and now wear a woven necklace and my mom’s beaded chest piece. I rub it lovingly as I peer into the mirror. My mom always wore this piece to festivals. My heart clenches at the thought of her sweet face. Even after all these years, I miss her everyday. 
“Thinking of her?” Neteyam asks. I jump at the sound of his voice. I hadn’t heard him coming, I’d been so lost in thought. Understanding coats his features as he watches me touch my mother’s piece. 
“Yea,” I whisper, full of longing, “how did you know?”
Neteyam shrugs slightly. “I know you.” 
I catch his eyes in the mirror. He gives me a small smile that flickers in my stomach. He does know me. We’ve been best friends our whole lives: I bandaged his first wounds and he helped me hunt my first sturmbeest. 
He tilts his head to the side, keeping his gaze locked on mine. His face is so familiar, like a warm hug to my soul. My breath catches, he’s so beautiful it hurts. I turn away, trying to act natural. 
Neteyam clears his throat, something he usually doesn’t do unless he’s nervous. But why would he be nervous? “Do you want to—,” he begins as I place a thin necklace of vines around my throat. “Here, let me.” Neteyam comes up behind me, the warmth of his body seeping into my back. I halt as his smooth hands gently pull my hair to the side. He clasps my necklace and lets my hair fall back before sharply inhaling. 
“What?” I ask cautiously.  
“You’re stunning,” Neteyam says immediately. 
My eyes widen. Heat rushes to my cheeks. He’s never said anything like that to me before. My mouth falls uselessly open. Neteyam runs a hand through his braids nervously. “Sorry I—,” he clears his throat, “I just wanted to ask if you want to skip the celebration?” 
I cock my head to the side. “I think your dad w0uld notice if his own son wasn’t there to celebrate his birthday.” 
Neteyam rolls his eyes before smiling sheepishly. “Come on, y/n. We haven’t been swimming by the pond since we were kids.”
A small smile begins forming on my lips. I love swimming with Neteyam, the way he jumps in the water, his arms wrapped around me, pulling me right in with him. I open my mouth, a yes forming on my lips. 
“You can’t swim tonight,” Kiri states as she walks up from behind the mirror. I freeze. How long has she been listening? Kiri curls one of her eyebrows up and looks at us. “Dad would flip.” 
“Kiri,” Neteyam mumbles in irritation. 
“Besides,” Kiri nudges me over and leans into the mirror, “Y/n is going with Lo’ak.”
I go cold as all the blood vanishes from my face. Neteyam turns his head very slowly until he is staring right at me, his tail flicking behind him. “What?” 
Kiri begins braiding her hair in the mirror. “He asked her this morning. Isn’t it cute?” Her eyes cross mine in the mirror and she smiles. “I think it’s cute. Don’t you ‘teyam?” 
Neteyam’s lips turn downward for a brief moment before he smiles, his cheeks twitching. His eyes look strained as he nods his head. “Yea, yea. I didn’t know you were going together.” 
I try to catch his eye but he won’t meet my gaze. “It was last minute,” I say, trying to make it seem casual. Not that it should matter to Neteyam who I go with. It doesn’t matter to him, right? 
He rubs his hands against his leg. His fingers look like they’re trembling. Are his hands shaking? That only happens when he’s angry or upset. I take a step towards him without even realizing. “Neteyam?”
“That’s fine!” He says piercingly. I jerk back at the tone of his voice. Kiri stops braiding, confusion on her face. My tail swishes between my feet as Neteyam shakes his head slightly. 
“Sorry.” He coughs unnaturally. “I just remembered I have some things to do.” He straightens himself. Kiri raises her eyebrows and peeks at me from the corner of her eye. “Have fun with Lo’ak,” he finishes, his lips peeled back like the words hurt. 
Then he leaves. I stare after him, dumbfounded.
“Mhm,” Kiri grunts, “I wonder what’s gotten into him?”  
The party has just begun. The Sully’s are surrounded by various clan members, all of them greet Jake happily. Neteyam stands rigid, more tense than usual, as he talks with various people. Lo’ak stands off to the side chatting with Tuk and occasionally making eye contact with me.
I stand on the outskirts of the celebration, waiting for Lo’ak and observing. The drums are in full motion, beating rhythmically as various couples dance around a fire. Food and drink are being distributed throughout the clan. Conversation and smolders of laughter fill the space. I love celebrations at Hometree, they remind me of how much I love my clan. 
Lo’ak begins to move through the crowd and comes towards me. His hair is pulled back, highlighting the arch of his cheekbone. Excitement pools in my gut, making my insides tingle. 
In front of me, a little girl settles in beside her mother as they share their meal. It feels like someone punched me. Tears suddenly coat my eyes. I look away, there’s no use in wishing my mom was here when she isn’t. 
“I really hope Tuk goes easy on the sweets or my mom is gonna be pissed,” Lo’ak says with a chuckle as he joins me. I blink a few times, forcing the tears and memories away. Lo’ak’s chuckle fades away as he catches my expression. “You okay?”
“Yea,” I say before smiling at him, “I’m great.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “You sure?” I nod and try not to watch the little girl wrap her arms around her mom. “What are you thinking about?”
I pause. Neteyam’s face instantly comes to mind. He’d know right away that I was thinking of my mom. He’d see the little girl in front of me and just know. The way he always just knows. I sigh causing Lo’ak to tensen. 
“It’s nothing,” I quickly say and squeeze Lo’ak’s shoulder, “I’m fine, really.”
Lo’ak relaxes at my words before extending his hand. His five fingers stare up at me. He grins. “So, you wanna dance or what?” 
I shove Neteyam out of my mind. Lo’ak is the one who asked me out. Lo’ak is the one I almost kissed. I smile and place my hand in his. He wraps his fingers around me, warmth spreading through my palm, as he leads me towards the fire. 
My hand fits easily in his. He pulls me through the crowd with his head held high like he’s proud to be seen with me. And people are definitely looking. Various clan members eye us curiously before whispering to one another and pointing at our conjoined hands. I usually don’t like attention but something about being seen with Lo’ak makes me feel good; it feels right. 
A grin is plastered on my lips as we reach the fire. The heat of the flames greet us as Lo’ak turns to me. “Try and keep up.”
I scoff playfully. “Excuse me?”
“What?” Lo’ak smirks. “I am the best dancer here.”
I smack his arm and shake my head. “You are a cocky asshole, you know that?”
Lo’ak leans towards me until his lips are right by my ear. “And you like it.” His hot breath hits my neck, sending shivers down my body. 
Heat rushes to my face as he pulls back, a smirk still spread on his face. He watches me for a moment, his eyes full of amusement before we both begin to laugh. His laugh is so pure, it chimes in my ears like an angel's song. I hadn’t realized how much I liked his laugh. There’s so much I hadn’t realized about him. 
I’m watching him laugh, the way his eyes crinkle, when I notice a figure moving behind him. Neteyam. He’s standing on the outskirts of the celebration, his eyes locked on Lo’ak and I. I’ve never seen him look so… I don’t even know. His eyes are dark, his lips are in a flat line, his ears turned back. I’ve never seen that expression on his face before. It fills me with nerves and I quickly look away before he notices me watching him. 
“You know the moves?” Lo’ak asks, bringing me out of my stupor. I nod my head and he lets go of my hands. The drums shift gear into a new song and we dance. We dance in circles around each other, sometimes swinging, or skipping, and other times slowing down and coming closer. He puts his hands on my waist and I slip my fingers around his neck. We dance for hours, even as the music changes and couples leave and return, we stay close to the fire, moving our bodies in perfect harmony. 
His eyes are a brilliant shade of yellow and they only grow brighter as he watches me. We meet each other with smiles and giggles as our hands and bodies touch. Lo’ak wasn’t lying, he is a good dancer, but I happen to be one too. We glide effortlessly together. People definitely watch us, I even caught a few clan members whispering about how good we look together. I also caught Neteyam watching, Jake had come up to him and was pointing at Lo’ak and I. Neteyam had shook his head, his tail flicking behind him. 
Now, the drums are beginning to slow and my feet are tired. Lo’ak pulls me off the dancefloor, his fingers intertwined with mine. He walks to the outskirts of the party and grabs me a drink. I take it and down it in a moment. 
“Thank you.” My voice sounds exhilarated. “That was really fun.” 
He smiles, a genuine one that reaches all the way to his eyes. “Told you I was a good dancer.”
I roll my eyes again as a smile fights its way onto my lips. Jake and Neytiri are talking with Kiri on the other side of the space. Where is Neteyam? I scan the crowd for him but I don’t see his familiar braids. 
“So,” Lo’ak says, “I wanted to talk to you.”
His serious face from earlier pops into my mind. My heart begins to pound. Uneasiness spreads through me and I’m not entirely sure why.
Lo’ak waits a moment for me to respond, and when I don’t, he continues, “I’ve always thought you’re pretty and kind and brave.” 
Now, my heart is banging so hard in my chest I’m scared he’ll be able to hear it. I smile at his words but I’m also terrified of them.
“And after yesterday,” he takes a deep breath, “I can’t deny it anymore.”
I can feel my eyes widen as he looks at me in earnest. He grabs my hand and squeezes it, his fingers caressing my skin. I swallow. 
“I like you. I have for a while,” Lo’ak says confidently. There’s no fear or doubt in his voice. No one has ever said that to me before. I’m suddenly lightheaded. I stare at him, unable to form words. His smile twitches, like he’s growing slightly nervous. Then it hits me like a tidal wave. Lo’ak, laying his heart out for me. Lo’ak making me laugh. Lo’ak with his yellow eyes and deep stare. How could I not have seen it earlier?
I exhale deeply and squeeze his hands back. “I like you too.” 
Lo’ak’s face beams, happiness seems to shoot out of every part of his being: his ears perk up, his eyebrows arch, and his mouth parts. He shakes his head slightly like he can’t believe it. He brings his hand up and cups the side of my face. My hands begin to shake with nervousness and excitement. He leans into me as my lips begin to part. My first kiss…
“Lo’ak!” Jake’s voice cracks through the air. We both tensen, his mouth just inches from mine. “There’s someone I want you to talk to,” Jake hollers again from in the crowd. 
Lo’ak curses under his breath and let go of my cheek slowly like it’s torture. No, no, no. My body screams in his absence as he takes a step back. He tilts his head to the side. “To be continued.”
I can’t help the stupid grin smeared on my face. He winks at me before turning and heading into the crowd. 
I stand completely frozen, my palms clammy, my heart pounding, and my cheeks sore from smiling. I run a hand through my hair, sweaty from dancing. I suddenly feel hot. Really hot. I need to get some air.  
I slip through the crowd and into the night, letting the cool air surround me. Hometree glows warmly from behind me as I walk further into the forest. I inhale deeply, smelling the familiar pine and fresh air. A prolemuris chitters happily as it swings from a nearby tree. I love the forest, especially at night, when all the plants and flowers are glowing under the moons. It’s a perfect night, absolutely perfect…
“What are you smiling about?” Neteyam’s voice cuts through my thoughts. I flinch at his tone and turn around to see him leaning against a tree. He’s taken off his celebration cloths and his braids hang loosely around his face.
My smile slips off my face. “What’s going on with you?”
 “What do you mean?”
I cock my head to the side as if to say, seriously? “We’re best friends. I know something is bothering you.”
Neteyam’s eyes narrow. “What makes you think that?”
“You snapped at me earlier and you ditched the celebration,” I say as I motion to his clothing. He nods slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. There’s a glint in them, one I don’t recognize but it makes my body feel like it’s on fire. He doesn’t speak, he just keeps staring at me. I put my hands on my hips. “You don’t have anything to say?” 
He pushes his toned body off the tree and walks briskly towards me, his ears twitching against his head. “Oh,” he says breathlessly, “I have plenty of things to say.” 
“So say them!” I retort, a sudden wave of anger washing over me. 
“You know what,” he looks up before shaking his head, “it doesn’t even matter now.” 
He takes another step, his entire body is rigid like he’s bottling up so much fury he can’t handle it. He moves to pass me, heat radiating from him, when I grab his shoulder. His eyes widen at the strength of my grip. 
“Tell me,” I say hotly. I can feel the scowl on my face and flick of my tail. I don’t even know why I’m so angry but everytime I see Neteyam’s face, it fills me with so many emotions I think I’m going to drown in them. 
He pauses, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He stares into my eyes. “You shouldn’t be with Lo’ak.” 
“You don’t get to say that!” I yell at him. Tears prick at my eyes as I shake my head. 
He turns so he’s directly facing me. He places his hands on my shoulders like he wants to shake me. “Why not?” His grip on me tightens as his lips turn downwards. “He’s my brother and your—”
“I’m what?” I scream, rage taking hold of my entire being. “Your friend? Your best friend?”
“You’re mine!” He yells back at me. 
I blanch. All the fury in me dissipates. The animals in the trees go silent. Neteyam breathes heavily in front of me. 
“Neteyam,” I whisper, feeling suddenly exhausted, “why are you saying this?”
He exhales sharply like he’s also letting all his anger out. His hands move from my shoulders up to my face, they cup my cheeks gently. He lifts his fingers so that my eyes meet his. “I didn’t realize it until tonight,” he says softly, “I know you might not feel the same but I had to tell you.”
I scoff lightly. How could he not know? He tilts his head to the side, confused by my reaction. I look down before meeting his gaze again. “Neteyam, I’ve been yours for so long.” Neteyam’s hands tighten around my face and his eyes brighten. I bite my lip before continuing, “but things are complicated.” 
He sucks in a breath of air before leaning his forehead on mine. “So let me uncomplicate them.” 
My heart skips a beat at his voice: husky and deep. His fingers trace circles along my cheeks, making me melt in his palms. His bends down towards me, his familiar sculpted face, inching closer to my lips. I should push him away but I don’t want to. My entire life, I’ve wanted my first kiss to be with Neteyam. The boy who knows everything about me and still wants me. I tilt my head, giving him easier access to my lips. He smiles at the movement before our lips brush against each other.
He kisses me gently and holds the sides of my face like I’m precious. I soften against him, letting his strong arms hold me as we kiss. His lips move perfectly against mine, sending tingles through my body. I tangle my hands in his hair as he wraps his long fingers around my waist. It’s everything I've ever wanted my first kiss to be. 
He pulls me closer, our lips staying firmly together. I run my hands from his hair to his chest, feeling his strong muscles. He groans slightly and kisses me harder. Warmth and desire spreads through my body as all my worries wash away. All that matters is Neteyam’s lips on mine. 
He opens his mouth to deepen the kiss, his fingers gripping me tightly. I smile against his lips when a familiar voice cuts through the air. “Y/n?” 
We jump apart, breaking our kiss instantly, and whip around. Lo’ak stands between two trees, his hand hovers in front of him like he’s frozen in shock. Flowers lay crumpled on the ground in front of him. My heart clenches; he brought me flowers. He begins to shake his head, disbelief filling his eyes. 
Growing up, my mom always told me to follow my heart. She said that as long as I listened closely; it’d never lead me astray. She never told me what to do if my heart wants two different things. She never told me what to do if my heart splinters in half. And now, she’s gone and I’ll have to figure it out on my own. 
Thank you for reading!
This was requested by @victoriuss
Let me know what you think and if you want more <3
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