#my little baby boy in 4k angst
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demigod-of-the-agni · 2 years ago
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post another picture and i will Fight Back 😤😤the war will begin
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Since y'all liked my last one so much here's more "what if Pav did have his canon event" doodles 😇
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bamboozledbird · 26 days ago
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oᥒᥴᥱ ι'm ყoᥙrs ι'm ᥲᥣᥕᥲყs ყoᥙrs //stiles stilinski imagine characters: stiles stilinski, fem!reader, mentioned malia tate pairing(s): stiles x you word count: 4k tags: exes to ???, hurt some comfort, set in s5 warnings: some light emotional cheating, i think that's it, sad boy hours, *pats stiles’s head* this boy can fit so much trauma in here
a/n: long time no see. i've missed you my babies, and thank you so much for all the love while i was gone. i'm back with my usual overdose of angst and em dashes. i can't help it; i have a sickness. also, the timing of when stiles and malia got together is a little fudged, so they probably started dating in 4b.
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It’s an icy slice of fear that wakes you up. A white flash of ‘fight or flight’ behind your sleep-sticky lids. A rattling that doesn’t belong to the pitter-patter of sleet or the whiplash of wind against your bedroom window. You sit up on your forearm, peek out from behind your fleece blanket, and pray until you’re nauseous that there isn’t a pair of glowing eyes waiting for you on the other side of the glass. 
The sleet leaves angry rivulets in the dirt-smudged panes. Sad little lines of streaming water, flooding in time with the choppy squall—you can’t help but think it looks like weeping.
A soft sigh falls from your mouth and stirs the stilted air in the room: No skulking eyes…but a foreboding sense of unease still looms above your head like the plumes of steely clouds outside your window. They swallow every trace of starlight and shift every so often in your peripheral vision, almost like they’re alive.  
The rattling sounds again, soft but deafening in the darkness. It’s a familiar sound, someone scrambling on the loose tiling of your roof, but a forgotten one. It's strange, sweet-sharp, and out of place in your current reality.
A noise that shouldn’t exist outside of a memory. 
Stiles spills into your room and lands on his knees, dripping water onto the hardwood floor. His hair is plastered to his forehead from the storm outside, and the dark clouds are a mocking reflection of the look on his face. 
The moon has eclipsed all the sunlight in his eyes, and it feels so, so cold.
For a moment, you think you’re dreaming, or maybe you’re still stuck in that luminescent oil slick spill between sleep and consciousness. Stiles looks like something from a dream—from a nightmare. He’s a boy, but he isn’t. He’s there, but he isn’t. He’s lost to something you can’t see, swept up in the storm and turned into something else.
The glow of your phone illuminates the pinch of your brow, the squint of your bleary eyes. 3:27 am. Stiles used to sneak in through your window a couple times a week, even during the day, just to avoid the parental inquisition. He still does sometimes, rarely, only when Beacon Hills is on the verge of collapsing—and it always seems to be 3 in the morning. 
He only ever needs you at 3 in the morning now. 
It makes you feel a little sick, the reminder that the only string tying you together now is barbed wire.  
You sit up in your bed and wait for Stiles to say something—to move—but he doesn’t. He just sits there, soaked to the bone on his knees, and stares at something beyond the shifting shadows on your bedroom walls. 
Stiles doesn’t reply. Doesn’t even make a sound. 
You crawl out of your bed and sit down on the floor next to him, draping a woven blanket over his shoulders. It almost matches his flannel, blue and checkered. It’s a little thing that would’ve made you smile before, mostly because Stiles would get this warm look in his eyes when you did: so fond it felt like worship. 
It’s fall. The air smells like apples and earth. You watch the shadows of little fish swim in jagged circles through murky lake water. Stiles is a warm presence against your side. 
He buries his nose in your hair and hums, “You like the pieces.”
A fish breaks from the group and bubbles near the surface. Its silver scales gleam in the setting sun: a piece of a fractured landscape, a detail that steals all the color in your peripheral vision. 
You watch the fish swirl for a moment, almost like it’s dancing, and then shrug with a little grin. “I guess.”
You feel Stiles smile against your temple.
“Me too.”
Now, the only color your retinas can detect is black. 
Stiles’s pupils swallow his face, and they stick to everything like tar. Seep into the room and stain the moonlight until the blue haze over his skin looks more sickly than luminous. He looks alarmingly corpse-like, so still on your floor, slimy from the storm keening outside—hollowed out from the storm rotting inside. 
You sigh after a moment; a soft little sound to break the surface of strained silence coating the room. “Come on.”
It doesn’t take much prodding. Stiles bends to your guiding hands mindlessly and sits down on the edge of your bed without so much as a grunt. Pliant and robotic in the same breath. Ever the paradox, your boy is.
He’s not, really. Yours, that is. 
Not anymore. 
Not for a long time. 
“Everything’s so fucked up.” 
Stiles is quiet, but his whisper still startles you. His voice is raw—and maybe, you’d really convinced yourself that he was dead. It feels like he is sometimes. At least, a version of him. Stiles, in the mole-speckled flesh, he’s a ghost of the boy you knew, a killer of the figment boy you never lost. A paradox. So difficult to read. Impossible to hold on to. 
Stiles doesn’t notice that you’ve gone silent, but he doesn’t really seem to notice anything beyond the wet film over his eyes. 
“I don’t…I don’t see a way out this time. I don’t know…” he scrubs a hand over his face and looks infinitely older than eighteen, “I don’t think I can fix it—any of it.”
You’re reminded, briefly, of the night he broke up with you. When you looked up, saw the look on his face, and you knew. You have the same sick feeling in your stomach now, and you want to crawl inside yourself until the flip-flopping of your intestines stops—to wring them into little knots until there’s nothing left. 
Stiles looks like he feels about the same, so small on your bed for such a lanky man. 
“What?” You pull your knees to your chest and hold onto your shins so that you don’t reach for him. “The Nemeton? We’ll find it again…eventually, and—”
“No,” Stiles grits his teeth and closes his eyes, “I mean, yes, but it’s…everything. Everything’s falling apart.” 
“Not everything. You’ve always got—”
“Not anymore.” Stiles gets that dead-inside look behind his eyes again, and your stomach turns. “You and me…and Scott—”
Your sheets whisper against your legs as you shift towards him. “Scott?”
You’ve seen Stiles wear pretty much every expression under the sun—backlit by shitty diner lights, laughing; tangled up in navy sheets, panting; drenched in sweat, sobbing—but god. The way Stiles looks now, like his soul has been bleached from his bones, drained from his eyes with a power drill, it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. Worse than the when the Nogitsune stole his face, because it’s Stiles. Whatever this skeleton on strings is, it’s him.  
“I fucked up.” Stiles whispers so softly you can barely hear him over the cracks in his voice, “I fucked up so bad.”
It takes you a second to realize that he’s talking about Scott. Dumb, considering you asked, but you’ve imagined him saying that to you so many times it almost feels like a memory—like he’s talking about you. 
You clear your throat and pull at a loose string on your blanket until it snaps. “He’ll get over it. He always does.”
Stiles just shakes his head, keeps his eyes trained on his muddy sneakers. “Not this time.”
Your fingers twitch with the impulse to grab his hand. “What happened, Stiles?”
“I…” Stiles rubs his hand over his mouth, trying to wipe away the taste of his thoughts. He swallows and then stands, tugging a little on his wet hair until it sticks up in random tufts—it would be cute under any other circumstances, if Stiles didn’t have a disturbingly manic look in his eyes and a desperate tumble of words flooding from his split lip. “The ends justify the means was just a thought experiment, right? Machiavelli was an academic, not a soldier—you know what kind of people actually practice Machiavellianism? Stalin, Mao—Peter ‘fuckin’ killed my own niece’ Hale.”
Your brow scrunches as you try to find the invisible path connecting all his seemingly disjointed thoughts. “Stiles—”
“And I know I rag on Scott all the time for being too soft,” Stiles sneakers squeak against the floor as he continues pacing, without a breath or so much as a glance in your direction. He might as well be pontificating to the darkness. “I mean, fuck, how many times have I said it’d be easier if we just killed the psycho? A dozen? Definitely enough for one of those stupid fuckin’ ‘take a shot’ memes.”
Stiles stops abruptly mid-step and finally looks at you, really looks at you, for the first time tonight. His Bambi eyes look so big right now, completely open and boundless on his sweet face, like the child he hasn’t been since sophomore year. “I didn’t…I don’t really mean it, you know. I don’t actually want...” 
His voice is so small it breaks your heart.  
“I know,” you say softly, coaxing him to stay here with you, in the moment.
Stiles blinks at you slowly and hangs his gaze on your face like it’s the moon. “I know it would kill him…feeling like this.” He spits it out like ‘this’ is something vile, poison on his tongue.  
Your stomach sinks, and a prickling sensation of hot-cold settles through your sinew. You lick your drying lower lip and methodically rub your clammy palms up and down your thighs. “Feeling like what?”
Stiles’s momentary dip into the present fades with the next blink of his clumped lashes. 
He starts pacing again, bending and flexing his fingers with twitching gestures that clarify little and worry you greatly. “I get it, totally support it as a concept. I mean, the greater good outweighs a scumbag or two—conceptually, because how do you really define scumbag? And that’s if you use a qualifier; real consequentialists think it’s totally fine to kill whoever the fuck you want as long as it’s in the name of a good outcome.” 
You blink a few times and drag your tongue over your teeth, “Right…killing innocent people: bad. That’s the general consensus.”
Stiles’s eyes dart back to your face. “What if they aren’t?”
“Aren’t what?” 
Maybe, if it weren’t almost four in the morning, you’d be able to follow his tangential breakdown. Maybe, if you hadn’t become dependent on his quiet sleep-babbling to fall asleep at night, if he hadn’t become the only thing capable of bleaching the nightmares from your eyelids, your temples wouldn’t be throbbing so violently. But it is almost 4 am, and you haven’t fallen asleep next to Stiles in over a year—no matter how right he looks when he sits down next to you on your bed.
Stiles’s throat bobs with his swallow before he says, “What if they aren’t innocent?”
“Stiles,” you grab one of his hands and search his face, scan every solemn line and curve for some semblance of meaning, “what’s going on?”
Stiles chews on his bottom lip and lets out a ragged breath, going stiff—bracing himself for the fallout. His voice is thick with fear when he finally whispers, “What if they were going to hurt someone you cared about?”
You let out a heavy sigh and study his expression, eyes flickering across the unrelenting question written in his pinched forehead and glassy eyes. “Do the ends justify the means?” 
Stiles nods and bites down on his jagged thumbnail, “Yeah.”
You hold Stiles’s gaze so that he can see your eyes, so earnest they almost look pained, and nod, slow and definitive. “Yeah.”
It takes a second, but when his body catches up with his brain, Stiles collapses in on himself. Turns into a ragdoll of relief and wet clothes, and drops his head into his shaking hands. 
“F-fuck,” Stiles exhales and wipes his face dry with cruel scrubs of his hands. “Sorry—I just…” he digs his thumbs into his temples and trembles, “I’m losing my fucking mind, and I didn’t know where else to go.” He glances up from his hands, looks so devastatingly lovely as he peers up at you through his wet lashes it hurts, and murmurs, “There wasn’t anywhere else…anyone else. Nobody…” 
Stiles shakes his head slightly and clears his throat, but his words are still syrupy with so much meaning when he says, “I don’t really feel like I’m…me anywhere else.” He pauses again, and you forget how to breathe when his gaze refocuses on your eyes. His tongue flicks over his split lip, and then he whispers, “I’m not me unless I’m with you.”
This boy. This boy. He can wreck you without even trying. 
You have to reorient yourself before you get stuck on the drizzle of honey in Stiles’s eyes. They’ve always been so…alive. There’s an entire ecosystem in his irises, savanna grass swaying under the glow of sunset. A blackhole in his pupils, bending and distorting your every thought to Stiles, Stiles, Stiles.  Stop. Breathe. Count your fingers. 
Your arms are around your shins, the air is cold, and Stiles has someone who isn't you.
You still wake up with the taste of him sticking to your teeth, sweet honey and sharp cloves, but it’s never enough. Lately, it lingers like a cavity.  
You spent so long thinking you weren’t supposed to be friends, and you weren’t. You were supposed to be together—now you don’t know what you’re supposed to be. How can you belong to a memory?
What does Stiles think when he looks at you now? Does a thought even come? 
Does he ache for who you were that Friday at the lake? Does he still love that girl in his arms–orange and warm under the setting sun, blissfully unaware of the end? 
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Oh, he does.
Stiles aches for you, thinks of you, constantly. He meant what he said; he only feels solid when it's just you, him, and the shiny little bubble that keeps out the rest of the world. He doesn’t feel…real when he’s around other people, pretending like everything’s fine. Like he hasn’t lost every shiny piece of the life he had before his mind was stolen. 
That’s how it is for Stiles now; there’s before, and then there’s after. He can feel the schism widening with every single fucked up thing he does. Lately, it feels like that’s the only thing he does: completely and catastrophically fuck up. 
The thing is, when they finally got him—it—out, Stiles thought that would be it. Happily ever after. Evil expunged. Demon defeated. End-stop. No page turn. Cheers to the Nemeton. Stiles learned, very quickly, that you can’t purge darkness. It always leaves a mark. 
The days after…everything, Stiles discovered that rotting was a real human emotion. He still can’t believe people don’t smell it on him. The remnants of Stiles haven’t stopped putrefying in the Nogistune’s absence, and he just knows, somehow, that something this malignantly alive is contagious. He didn’t want to ruin you—doesn’t, Stiles corrects himself before he can finish the thought—doesn’t want to contaminate something so good with something so sick. 
Or maybe…maybe it was because Stiles knew that you’d see it. You’d see it, and you’d leave. 
The only clean thing he has is memories. He can’t stain the past. The figment girl in his mind can’t hurt. Can’t die. Can’t run. Stiles keeps you there—or, at least, some version of you, a you he can keep underneath the shelter of his ribcage, where you can watch the sunset turn fish scales into topaz in his maroon jacket, happy, forever.
Stiles can’t really remember the last time he saw you, the real version of you, happy. You must have laughed without him at some point, but he can’t think of anything other than when you were with him. Well, that, and the end. Stiles remembers the end with painful clarity. 
You were at a lake. The lake. Somehow, it only occurs to Stiles now how shitty that must’ve been for you. Anyway, you just sat there for a while, and he just listened to the silence wash over the world like a flood until the sun reached its peak. He remembers thinking: Holy fuck, this is what they meant. All those stupid songs and poems. This is what it means to break. Stiles couldn’t stand the way you kept your eyes closed, like you were afraid of seeing the inevitable car crash. If I kiss her, he’d thought, everything will be okay. If I kiss her, she’ll forgive me. 
Stiles didn’t kiss you. He just said, “I’m sorry,” and the words hung heavily over your heads. In the harrowing quiet, Stiles thought: I never realized cordial could sound so much like cowardly. 
“What are you doing here, Stiles? What is this?” 
Your voice drags Stiles from the gutters of his mind, and feels a fresh wave of shame when he hears how tired you sound. What is he doing here? Stiles knew it was a mistake before he even started his Jeep, but the flicker of doubt in Scott’s eyes drowned out his best intentions. 
“I just…” Stiles swallows, and his hand moves to scratch at his wounded shoulder reflexively. He…he just needed to be with the only person on the face of this planet that still knew him—who would get it.
You get tired of waiting, and when you speak again, Stiles feels about two inches tall. 
“You should be with her.” You say it nicely enough. Polite. No venom to fill the awkward hollowness. Cordial. 
Fuck. Stiles fucking hates cordial. He kind of wishes you would yell at him. At least, then, he’d know that you still cared. 
Stiles clasps his hands together between his thighs and leans his weight onto his elbows. He probably should be with Malia. No. He definitely should, but he’s not. And right now, like this, he doesn’t want to be. 
“She’s not good at…” Stiles clears his throat and sits up a little, “she tries, but she just…can’t.”
It’s not even her fault, and that’s probably the worst part about it. He doesn’t want to be another bad thing that’s happened to Malia Tate, but bad things just seem to be his specialty lately. 
“You know why you like her, right?” you say softly, not unkindly, but Stiles thinks he isn’t going to like the answer—mostly, because he’s sure it’s true. 
“No.” Stiles pauses and draws a circle on his knee with his pointer finger, “Well, I mean, yeah. Didn’t know you put so much thought into it.”
You don’t bother to dignify such a blatant lie with a direct response. That’s fair, Stiles thinks, and tries not to shrink in on himself.
Instead, you lift your shoulder like it’s made of marble and murmur, “She needs you.”
It’s innocuous enough—sweet, even, under different circumstances—but Stiles feels it like a blade. He clears his throat; it doesn’t help the dryness. He manages to arch a brow as he pushes out a raspy little, “So?”
The corner of your mouth lifts into a small smile; Stiles can still see it quiver. “You’re a control freak,” you bump his knee with your own, and it’s the first place on his body Stiles can actually feel, “and you and I both know she’s never going to be the one to end it.”
That was just like you; even your jokes are wrapped up inside an argument. It always left him frozen in a maddening power struggle between quipping something snarky and kissing you. No one else has ever managed to keep him on the ropes like you, and maybe that’s why no one after has managed to keep his, admittedly, short-attention span for long. After all, Stiles has always liked his sweetness with a little bite. 
Of course, now there’s no sweetness between the two of you. It’s all uncomfortable silences and unspoken thoughts that leave his teeth aching for something more
Stiles’s jaw goes tight as he brings his lips to his knuckles, feeling a bit like bearing down on the bone. “That’s what you think happened?” He glances at you, eyes a little haunted, “I couldn’t control you, so I ended it?”
You tilt your head to the side, so sympathetic it makes Stiles a little nauseous, and murmur, “I think you realized that I didn’t need you; I think it scared the hell out of you.” You say it so softly, carefully—and it impales him in the heart, right through the fucking center. 
It would be one thing if you were angry; people say stupid shit they don’t actually mean when they’re angry all the time—but this? You look like you mean it. You look like you mean it, and you’re saying it for his own good. The look on your face, it looks a whole lot like the truth 
Maybe it is. 
It’s not like you’re wrong. Stiles remembers thinking it, more than once. He remembers more than a few mornings where he woke up to the sound of your breathing, your warm breath washing over his neck, and he thought he’d probably die if you ever stopped. It felt like an epiphany every time, the reminder that without you his world would be irreparably changed. 
Dark. Without you, Stiles’s world would go dark. 
Maybe, the Nogistune was just an excuse. Maybe, Stiles had been leapfrogging over his heart since the moment you met. Avoiding the future. Wrapping the present around your body and constantly thinking: I can’t believe it's not over yet. 
Yet. Yet. Yet. 
Maybe, Stiles thought about it so much he tempted fate. Maybe, that’s why the Nogistune chose him. Maybe, he should stop scapegoating the devil. He did end up with Malia after all. 
It’s different with her. Not bad necessarily, just different. He takes care of her, and he’s good at that. Making the plan. Having the answers. 
Being in control. 
With you…that was different. 
Stiles is a cynic at heart, but when he looked at—looks at—you, he felt less lonely. When he was with you, he kind of got why his dad used to always show up to work 15 minutes late because he got distracted by the way his mom made coffee. The simple domesticity, the comfort of a morning routine for the rest of his life, the concept of tried and true blue love: Stiles got it all when he saw you.  
You saw his happiness, and you gave it back to him. Every single time. That kind of love…it’s become abundantly clear to Stiles that kind of love is hard to find. Like maybe, once in a lifetime hard to find. 
Stiles swallows hard and shakes his head. “Whatever it was that I was afraid of,” his voice drops to a whisper, “this is so much worse.”
You’re still the only person he can really cry in front of. Stiles is reminded of that when his eyes burn and something wet drips onto his lips. He sniffles quietly, feeling so incredibly small when he realizes the sound is coming from him. 
Stiles can’t look up from his shoes—won’t—and then you speak. You’re so quiet he almost misses it. 
“Life’s a lot better when you’re in it.”
The corners of Stiles’s mouth twitch into a small smile. The first one in about a week. Feels like much, much longer. 
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hhnguyen · 2 years ago
life of a traitor
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I’m really sorry if this one seemed a bit messy, because I was trying to convey the feelings from multiple POV’s at the same time instead of just one. ps. i will drown in the Lo’ak x Tsireya ship. My OTP for life. 
♢ Pairing: Dad!Jake Sully x Oldest daughter!Reader, Lo’ak x Tsireya, Dad!Jake Sully x Lo’ak
♢ Word count: 4k 
♢ Genre: angst, family comfort - Warnings: cursing, Jake being a bad dad for once but we still love him 
⌲ Description: “You have shamed this family.” Words hurt and they sting. Yet you make sure your dad gets to feel that very pain in the wake of Lo’ak’s return. 
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“The Sully boy has been found!”
“The oldest is with him! They’re both back!”
You were holding your breath, you realized, as the village got closer. The lit-up lanterns that seemed like mere specks of stars in the night from a distance not long ago now seemingly looming over you with intimidation for what was to come. Both of you were perched on the backs of the Metkayina warrior's mounts that had spotted the two swimming back into the reefs after sending the tulkun off. 
And with Atanzaw flying above your heads, shining in the dark with his bioluminescent marks, it was an easy spotting as an uproar had started. 
Your brother reached the dock first, thanking the one who helped as you followed up shortly after doing the same. 
As if as one, both yours and Lo’ak’s gaze locked onto Ao’nung standing at the very front beside his parents. He was silent, though you didn’t know if that was due to the aftermath of his scolding or guilt for nearly killing your brother.
For his sake, it better had been the latter. 
You merely stood back as Lo’ak was ready to pounce on the boy himself until your dad quickly intervened with raised hands of peace, and you could not stop the disappointed roll of your eyes. 
“Hey…” Jake was trying to make eye contact with him, but sensing how his youngest son was too busy death glaring at the Olo’eyktan’s heir it was a futile try. “Let’s have a look at you.”
“He’s fine, he’s fine. Just a few scratches,” your dad declared, obviously nervous and trying to appear calm. 
“Define fine,” you muttered, not bothering to be too discreet and catching both the eyes of Tonowari and Jake. 
Your mother was next, as she threw herself down on the lower ledge and grabbed Lo’ak by his shoulders, nails probably digging in uncomfortably for a short moment. There was clear distress for her child on her face, but also the aggravation of him getting into trouble again. A very familiar combination when it came to your baby brother, admittedly. 
You still made sure to be closer to him as you stepped up, shoulders just barely brushing your dad’s arm in passing and hovering a mere few inches behind. A silent shield to be used if needed. 
“I pray for the strength that I will not rip the eyeballs out of my youngest son!” She growled with a frustrated grab at his face - Lo’ak did nothing but lean away, face stone cold in all the chaos. 
His indifference was worrying you as you reached out to subtly hook your little pinky around his own. An action that only the two of you and Kiri could do with your extra fingers. His body didn’t reveal anything besides the slight twitch at the touch, but he didn’t pull away, and you took it as a good sign. 
For now. 
“No. My son knows better than to take him outside of the reef,” Tonowari pushed Ao’nung down to his knees by the back of his neck, a sight that gave you immense satisfaction as your lips curled up into a small smirk. “The blame is his.”
Your father was trying his best to de-escalate the situation, you knew that. And although you had a lot to say, things were going smoothly at this point, so they were held back. 
“Okay, let’s go,” Jake accepted it, urging Lo’ak to get a move on and you started to follow until the next words made you freeze in shock. 
“No. This is not Ao’nung’s fault. This was my idea.”
What the fuck was he doing?
Stupid, stupid boy!
Your heart was starting to pump, the disbelief at that flat-out lie from Lo’ak not making it any better. And you made sure to voice it. 
“Lo’ak!” Your hiss was hardly low in volume, or gentle in its approach. It was a harsh, aggressive sound that made several people look as you grabbed your youngest brother’s arm and pulled him to you. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
You were pretty sure your nails were digging into his skin much more painfully than your mom’s did. 
But as the idiot that he was, he wrenched away from you and continued on as if you hadn’t spoken. “Ao’nung tried to talk me out of it. Really.”
Lie, lie, lies!
The word thundered in your head as you pinched your eyes shut with a rigid sigh. Your parents had so clearly lost their patience as your dad went up first, your mom grabbing Lo’ak either in anger or confusion. “Lo’ak!”
You weren’t sure of anything, to be honest. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally finished. 
“Come on,” Jake’s voice was sternly laced with exhaustion as you both followed him.  “I got this one.”
How many times hadn’t you heard that sentence? 
There was a tense moment of silence as your family walked away, but Tuk was absent you noticed. Which was a good thing in itself, supposedly. She didn’t need to see this ugly side of your family so young - there were certain moments for learning, whereas others would just create minimal trauma. Just like now. 
“Dad, you told me to make friends with these kids, that was what I was trying to do-”
“I don’t want to hear it.” 
You cautiously straightened up at the apparent held-back anger and glanced at your mom, hoping she might help to diffuse the situation. But her glare was still firmly settled on Lo’ak, as you licked your lips anxiously. 
This situation was not reached its peak yet, the comprehension of the current mood washing over you. 
“You brought shame to this family.”
It felt like the air had been sucked out of your lungs and stones beings violently shoved in their stead, eyes widening at the horrible words your dad…no, Jake Sully just blatantly said to your brother. 
Because this was not the dad that you knew. 
How could he? 
Saying such words when Lo’ak was already struggling with himself. 
Couldn’t they see that? 
It was so clear, your confusion nearly befuddled you enough, but not quite.
Because your anger was there. Simmering, boiling - ready to erupt at any moment - because this wasn’t fair.
Your baby brother was being so strong. 
Oh, how his expression squeezed your heart almost painfully. The way his shoulders just only drooped before straightening back up and fists clenching as his cold mask slipped back over the hurt that had been there only for a single second. 
“Can I go now?”
Don’t go. Please, don’t go. 
“Any more trouble I’ll tie a knot in your tail, you read me?”
“Yes sir.”
Just fucking stop.  
With a flick of his eyes, your dad dismissed Lo’ak like he was one of his soldiers, and as you tried to reach out for him, your baby brother ignored you with a visible lean away. 
An action that hurt you more than you realized until now. 
“Where were you?” Your mom spoke for the first time, turning to Neteyam. 
Someone that had nothing to do with this whole fiasco. 
“Yeah, what happened to keep an eye on your brother?” 
You spoke before he could. “Where were you?”
Both of your parents turned to look, identical frowns on their faces as they stared you down at your tone. But you would not budge at their intimidation. 
“Excuse me?”
“How could you?” 
“Y/N this is not the time for one of your tirades again.”
The disbelieving laugh that you let out was so out of character that even Kiri’s eyes widened warily. 
Your sister was someone who often silently observed those around you. And she knew that at this point there was no going back. You were clearly losing it. 
“Y/N…” Your mom noticed the same, sensing the seams of your sensibility started to fray at the edges as you and Jake were locked in a stare-down. 
You grinned widely, all teeth on show as your arms spread to the side. “You know what? Thank you for suggesting that dad! I would love to actually!”
Tirades were your favorite part time after all. 
His eyes narrowed dangerously, a finger hovering in the air as Jake hissed in a breath before muttering out harshly - his eyes flickering to the curious audience gathering at your volume. “Watch yourself, young lady.” 
“Why?” Your reply was all but spat out. “Are you embarrassed? Ashamed perhaps?”
“Y/N, you do not speak to your father like that!” Your mom’s voice snapped up, gaze hard with a hint of surprise which you assumed was due to your attitude. 
Admittedly a side that you had never shown before. Or at least managed to hold back in tense moments. 
“Why the hell not?!” your words were met by the gasps of Kiri and Neteyam at the audacity, but they were easily ignored as you whirled to look at your father. 
He had his lips peeled back in a mid-snarl, his animalistic side coming out to warn you of the hierarchy in this family.
“You always speak to us like that! Whenever your emotions are too much to handle and you lash out at us. You say it’s our fault all disguised under your excuse of being a worried parent!”
“Lo’ak is fourteen, dad!” Making sure you had his attention you stepped closer. “Four-teen. He’s fourteen and already thinks he’s a fucking failure - and do you wanna know why that is?” there was no pause in your words as you threw them at his face. “Because of you.”
“You do not get to talk to me this way, Y/N,” Jake was clenching his jaw to the point he was sure his teeth would shatter. “I am your father-”
“-what father tells their child they’re ashamed of them?” You offered him a bitter smile. “The one I know sure as hell doesn’t.”
“Your brother made his choice. These are the consequences that follow-” your dad was having a hard time holding back with the way his voice raised mid-sentence before forcefully stopping himself and releasing a breath. “-that follow along with his actions. I am trying to teach him a lesson.”
“Did you ask him?”
“Did. You. Ask. Him?”
Jake sighed in frustration, his hands coming up to grasp at empty air. “What are you talking about?” 
“Did you even bother to ask your son whose fault this really was?” you weren’t interested in hearing his answer. “Do you even know your son? Because I do, and do you wanna know why again? Because I damn well pay attention!”
The laugh coming out of your dad made chills appear on your skin, but you were already far too deep in to turn back. Things were already fucked up, then why not cross the line a little more. 
“Okay then, you little smartass. Are you telling me I don’t care about my own kid?”
He thought he had you there.
 “Caring and knowing are two very different things.” This time you were the one who had him. Shutting down his own retort. 
“You say you love us. You say you care for us. But also that we worry you, and that we disappoint you. Fine - that’s fine dad. But you don’t get to say that we have shamed you.”
For once during this entire duration, you hesitated. 
Your next words were waiting on the tip of your tongue, heavy and loaded - something you didn’t want to say, but a part of you needed to let them out. To let your dad, or even Jake Sully, the former marine soldier hear them to his face from someone close to him.
To feel the same stabbing pain that Lo’ak most certainly did earlier. 
Your aggressive protectiveness came victorious. 
So you let them loose. 
“You don’t get to say that; because we’re not the ones who betrayed an entire race to be where we are.”
Jake stumbled back in shock as if those very words had shot him right in the chest and he couldn’t stop them. Stop the truth that they were covered in. 
It was like a pin dropped in the heavy silence that followed between the loose circle your family stood in. Your mother for the first time in her life since giving birth to you hissed in protectiveness over her mate - at her own daughter - your brother sprung to your side and twisted you away with a snarl of your name, in warning, not scolding. Whereas Kiri remained still, eerie gaze never leaving you.
However, you weren’t done. 
“Hurts doesn’t it?” your voice croaked as Jake’s eyes slowly raised to meet yours. “Words.”
You left without saying anything else.
Warm. Gentle. Comforting and so loving.
Tsireya’s hold on his hands was always a welcoming feeling. 
Her touch seemed to ground him more than he sometimes realized. A feeling that was unfamiliar to him mostly, and one that always reminded him of you. 
But right now, with the two of them sitting on a boulder on the edge of a patchy space of grass and gazing out into the star covered night together, it was a touch that calmed the stabbing hurt from earlier and made the night all more bearable. 
Lo’ak had no idea how many hours that passed since the chaos that had ensued after returning with you. His hearing basically stopped working after his dad’s true feelings had slapped him in the face with their words - that stung more than an actual slap would have. 
He would have rather taken that slap. 
“Are you okay?” Tsireya’s voice was soft and light, so sweet in its tone that he couldn’t even stop the small smile on his face after the tumultuous day. 
“I will be,” he admitted honestly. He would always be somewhat okay after a few days, that was the truth. 
The real question was if he would ever heal from it. That one he wasn’t so sure about. 
Lo’ak might not have been mistreated or even abused by his family. A minimum that was expected for a happy life. Because in a certain perspective, he was fortunate in the life that he did have. 
Two caring, protective parents. 
Four loving siblings. 
A grandmother for Tsahik. 
And a home. Kind off. 
Then why didn’t he feel fortunate?
“You can always rely on me, you know that right?” 
Eywa. How beautiful her large eyes looked staring up at him from her place, where her head was previously leaned on his shoulder. 
They were sparkling, he swore. The aquamarine color of them stood out even more in the darkness surrounding them. The bioluminescent lights of nature surrounding them made her all the more ethereal in his gaze.
So large and so loving and caring in the way they always looked at him. 
And not for the first time, Lo’ak found his own gaze wavering - flickering down lower on her face and to her lips, which were adorably pulled down in a slightly concerned pout for him. 
They might be young, just fourteen-year-old kids still growing. But he wasn’t stupid or ignorant at his age. He was well versed in romantic feelings and commitment to your partners, and how to cherish each other if the right one ever did appear. 
And his dad made good on his promise to teach them all about teenage hormones and urges, and how to control them in a respectful manner. To know when it was too early to start exploring what he wanted or not. 
Lo’ak wanted to kiss her. He knew that. It wasn’t a secret. 
But it was too early. And in the aftermath of his falling out with his parents, it seemed too…raw. 
He didn’t want to use someone he was growing to care more for each day as a way of making himself feel better. 
And Tsireya deserved better, being the kindhearted person she was. And he wasn’t quite there to give it to her yet. 
But one day, he hoped he would be. 
“Thank you,” was all he managed to say in reply offering a small tug of his lips as she stared at him for a moment longer before turning away, the clear tell of redness on the tip of her ears as she realized their proximity for the first time. 
He didn’t see a reason to tease her about it, not wanting to break the serenity that they were currently in. It was somewhat possible to block everything that happened. 
He did say somewhat. 
The rustling of bushes becoming louder made both of them straighten up and turn back, only to see Jake coming closer in a slow yet determined stride. 
Lo’ak felt his heart starting to beat faster, a sudden change from the steady calm it had managed to find in the last couple of hours. 
The reality was catching up to him again at the appearance of his father. 
Tsireya turned to look at him with her concerned wide eyes again, he didn’t manage to answer her before his dad had reached them - but Lo’ak didn’t expect to notice the nervous fiddle of his hands as Jake stopped only a few feet away. 
“Hey kids-” his pause was out of character. “Do you mind if I speak to my son a bit, Tsireya?”
As if Lo’ak couldn’t fall for the girl more than he already did. Because instead of letting the presence of his father and Toruk Makto completely intimidate her, she turned to him first; Silently asking if he wanted her to leave. 
Jake seemed to be surprised himself, although pleasantly so. He has been so used to everyone outside of his family doing most things at his beck and call, both as a clan leader and war hero. He had clearly underestimated the relationship between the two young teens in front of him. 
Tsireya stood to leave quickly at the assuring nod of Lo’ak, before parting with a polite smile in Jake’s direction and going back to the village with one last look over her shoulder. 
There was a moment of complete stillness before Jake came and sat down on the space previously occupied next to Lo’ak. The boy didn’t even bother to acknowledge his father, simply staring out at the lapping water, shoulders hunched over. 
His two braids on the side of his face felt like the only shield to cover him as he let them hang, avoiding eye contact firmly. 
Jake let out a heavy sigh, having already expected the cold behavior of his youngest son. 
He didn’t blame him either. 
He had acted like a grade-A asshole, with the biggest A to exist in the universe. And towards his own child too. 
Jake Sully has never claimed parenthood to be easy in any way. It was a hard, taxing journey that he obviously was still trying to learn from. It was a road that never stopped no matter how old his kids got. He would always be a father, but he’s admittedly been a shit one as of late. 
And that wasn’t only according to you. 
Your words had hurt. Like a damn punch to his face. Or ten. 
That was true - Neytiri knew it too. And that made him think and regret. If those words stung him as they did, how much had he hurt his own kid by saying something he didn’t even mean?
Not really at least. 
Jake had been angry at the moment. Pissed off, to be honest. But it was also the overwhelming worry of his kid’s disappearance that made him act out. But it was no excuse for anything he had said.
You were still avoiding him. Well, ignoring is more like it. Which was even worse. Besides your siblings, you were actively shutting out the presence of both him and Neytiri despite their tries in the last few hours to speak. 
Kiri was the one to voice out your thoughts. “She won’t speak unless Lo’ak forgives you first.”
Was it strange that Jake was still proud of you? You owned the same pride he did as a young marine and his first moments on Pandora. 
An unyielding pride that often got him in trouble. 
But for you, it was a pride that protected your siblings even against your own parents. 
“You know, sometimes I think you deserve a better dad.”
Lo’ak didn’t reply, but the shift in his body assured Jake that he was paying attention. 
“I never wanted kids. Never even thought of having them until I met your mother. The world was already shitty enough as it was, so I didn’t see a point in bringing new life into it. And after my injury, that thought cemented.”
“Well, I’m sorry for ending up being your kid,” his low mutter was an inner thought not ever planning to see the light of day. Especially in front of the man himself. But he couldn’t stop himself. 
Jake let out a shuddering breath, finally realizing how deep this…trauma his youngest son was experiencing. And you had been right again; it was all his fault. 
“No, no Lo’ak,” moving closer, his son didn’t resist as he gently grabbed the back of his nape to push their foreheads together. 
Despite his bitter words, his body still relaxed at the comforting feeling. Because it was obvious - even after everything, he still loved his dad. Still craved the comforts of his protective touches, and his overpowering hugs that were rare but much needed whenever offered. 
“I’m sorry, son,” Jake whispered, eyes clenched shut and voice wavering with tears. “I have not been the father you needed since the war started, I know that now. I will try to improve, and I can’t promise I won’t fuck up further in the coming days, but I will never not love you.”
Lo’ak wanted to cry. 
And in the protective embrace of his dad, he did. He let those long held tears flow loose, dripping down his cheeks and starting to obscure his vision as his breath started to heave at the force of it all. 
“What I said wasn’t true. I am proud of the man you’re starting to grow into, and you have never shamed this family. I am the one who should be ashamed, never you.” 
“I-I am sorry-”
“Stop saying sorry,” Jake demanded pulling his son closer. “Your sister was right. My burdens should not fall on your shoulders. You’re still young and deserve to be a child, not a soldier. So I am sorry.”
Pressing his lips against the crown on his youngest boy’s head, Jake only held him as his silent tears turned into soft sobs. All the pain and hurt that he had bottled up because of him, finally being lifted off his young shoulders that should have never been born them to begin with. 
“Will you ever forgive your old man of his faults?” His dad asked after several minutes he finished crying, his deep voice hoarse with nerves. 
Lo’ak had no idea how long his meltdown lasted, only letting out everything in the presence of his dad without restraint until he had no more tears left. It could have been five minutes or ten. Who knew at this point? 
“You’re my dad…” he had whispered in return. “I will always forgive you.”
There was a thankful smile on Jake’s face, wrinkles crinkling in the corners of his wet eyes. “Then you’re a far better person than I have ever been. Thank you.”
He swallowed, and for the first time in a while, his next words had never been more genuine than at this moment. 
“I love you, dad.”
There was a firm, warm squeeze around his body at hearing that. 
“God, I love you too, kiddo. So much you don’t even know.”
Maybe he’d been mistaken after all. 
Lo’ak doubted this would be the end of their turmoils because life came with them. It was just how it was; parents get angry at their kids, siblings get angry at each other and vice versa. 
It was expected, but at least from now on he would be assured of his parents’ love for him, and their presence would be constant and there whenever he would need them despite their own faults as people.
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Updates will unfortunately be a bit slow moving forward. My 3rd semester has started and I’ve started to prepare for my MA thesis + 4 classes, so my days are packed 🥲
@nao-cchi @eywas-heir @ssc7514 @spicycloudsalad @calums-betch @httpjiikook @ricecakeslove @fanboyluvr @iwaslikeblah   @the-wandering-pan-ace @avatarloversblog @eternallyvenus @enchantinggoateefox @arianapntn @heydemonsitsme @slyvixen1029​ @promiseofeywa @love13tter @directioner5life @bambisposts-blogs @melllinaa  @sugarmummystuff6 @lovekeeho @marit332 @hai-kbai @missroro @lola2004sworld @kage-yaa​
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thevillainswhore · 2 years ago
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Hello, my lovelies! Welcome to my masterlist! I’m so happy to have you here. I hope you enjoy your time and I encourage any questions or requests. Happy reading, love Mollie 🤍
Fic Key:
☁️ fluff, 🔥 smut, ❤️‍🩹 angst, 🖤 dark
Please take care to read all warnings on my fics — they have been labelled for a reason. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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Bucky Barnes
Deserving ❤️‍🩹
Bucky has internal scars too deeply imbedded that cause him to hide away from the world on the bad days. But he always knows, no matter how long he takes, you’ll forever be waiting for him on the other side — the light to bring him home. (3.2k)
Dancing With The Devil | Part Two 🔥
You were always a sensible girl — an angel some would say. But how quickly are you willing to shred your wings when the devil himself is so damn tempting? (5.2k)
Loverboy ☁️
Bucky, a lovesick, pining super soldier, vows to keep his feelings for you a secret — no matter how obvious his crush may seem. Those plans are ruined between a meddling Sam, an embarrassing fall, and a visit to the medbay with you. (4.3k)
Revenge Sweeter Than Honey 🔥
When Bucky’s professor unfairly grades his college assignment, ruining his perfect GPA, he finds a way to get revenge — And doesn’t his sweet little wife look delicious? (9.2k)
A Forbidden Invitation 🔥
You think a one night stand from the summer, the best fuck of your life, is a done deal — a single, heated encounter that now lives vividly in your memories. But you learn that your actions have consequences when you befriend a new student, starting in the new term, and she invites you over to meet her Dad. (11.5k)
You Look Good On Camera, Baby 🔥
Bucky’s not letting you leave the photobooth, not until he’s had his way with you. (2.8k)
The Ties That Bind Us 🔥
Even though Bucky is your ex-husband, you still have to see him often because of your shared son. But the heated tension, the spark that is still very much alive after your divorce, finally reaches its peak when you come home from your date. (5.7k words)
Read Between The Lines ☁️
There shouldn’t have been anything unusual about your routine visit to the local bookstore. Your life was simple and mundane, even if you were a daydreamer at heart. But you were pleasantly surprised when this time you met a handsome stranger between the shelves. (6.6k words)
Spoiled And Stuffed 🔥
Bucky surprises you with a gift on your birthday. (2.6k words)
Tension 🔥
You’re devastated when your usual massage therapist becomes unavailable at the last minute, but an unexpected trainee is more than happy to handle you. (4.2k words)
Perverse Desires 🔥
Assigned an undercover mission, you’re partnered up with the bane of your existence, Bucky, to pay a visit to a sex club. What could go wrong? (4k words)
Anywhere Away With You ☁️🔥❤️‍🩹
Old ghosts from your past threaten to disturb the peace you’ve made with your new life. Will temptation steer you away? (11k words)
The Love In The Woods Collection ☁️🔥
After years apart, Bucky, a small town lumberjack, and Dolly, his best girl, find their way back to each other as adults.
A series of oneshots, drabbles and snippets following the course of two old school friends and their blossoming relationship.
The New Tricks Collection ☁️🔥
An alternate universe starring two college students; Bucky, the star football player and Buttercup, his best friend’s little sister. Follow their main journey together as they learn their mutual pining isn’t one sided after all through an array of firsts. (30k)
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You 🖤🔥
Bucky, the IT and technology expert of your office, has been secretly obsessed since the moment he set his sights on sensitive, naive, little you. But, your only fault is your repetitive ability to get your heartbroken by fuck boys. So, naturally, he has to do whatever it takes to make you see he’s perfect for you… Right?
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Steve Kemp
A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing 🖤
It was an art - one that took many years and many sacrifices to perfect, and Steve had managed to become a master at it. There was just one thing he would not fully commit to sacrificing, at least not the important parts that kept life essence flowing: you. (2.6k words)
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lokischocolatefountain · 2 years ago
Whiskey and Wine
Fandom: Narcos
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Rating: 18+ (Smut, angst, hurt/ no comfort. Warnings: Prostitute!reader, misogynistic terms to describe sex workers, mentions of domestic violence.)
Word count: 4k words
Summary: He drank whiskey and she drank wine. After years of offering her the wrong drink, Javier finally buys her the right one.
A/N: Venturing out to Javis who are no happily married and madly in love, so it’s angst central, baby! Let me know if you like this sad boi and go check out my other Javi (and Joel Miller) fics in my masterlist.
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Wine was not Javier’s preferred choice of drink. He could count on his hand the number of times he’s had wine throughout his life. But when he was at the store, looking to replace his bottle of whiskey, the dark green wine bottle caught his eyes.
“I’ve told you I don’t like whiskey,” she said, settling into his couch and tossing her handbag on his coffee table.
“I know,” he whispered, pulling out the bottle of wine he’d stashed in the bar. A smile found its place on his lips as he uncorked the bottle and poured it into a wine glass he bought especially for the occasion. The dark crimson, almost black filled the glass. When he’d filled his own glass, he put the bottle down on the counter.
“That looks familiar…” she said, turning the bottle around to see the label. Her eyes twinkled as she read the name of the brand she’d once told him she liked in passing. It was a long time back. Before Cali, before Los Pepes. When she’d only just become his informant. And it took him all this time to buy a bottle of wine for her. It wasn’t for a lack of wanting.
“You remembered,” she remarked, her eyes softening. They raised their glasses and let it clink together before taking a sip. Eyes closed, she nodded as though appreciating the taste. In his head, the nod was also for him, an approval, a good boy for choosing the right drink. It wasn’t his favorite. It tasted much too…fruity. But he took another sip. If it was good enough for her, it’s good enough for him.
“How have you been? How’s Miguel?” He asked about her kid who he could only remember as a two year old.
��He’s good. Getting alarmingly taller. I’m good, all things considered. It’s better now, in Medellin. I guess it’s Cali’s turn now. Is it bad there like Medellin used to be?” She asked. He took a seat next to her. Took her hand. It had been so long since he’d touched it. So long since it pulled at his hair as he buried his face between her legs.
“It’s a little more covert in Cali. The Godfathers run the cartel like a corporation. There’s this veneer of decency about them that Escobar didn’t have. But you peel back the layer and you’ll see all the same brutality.”
“Is it harder? I mean, I don’t care about Cali like I cared about Escobar. That could just be because I’m from Medellin and have no reason to be in Cali. But I don’t see anyone else giving a shit either. Must make it hard,” she said as she toyed with the loose tie around his neck.
“It does… ‘s like people think everything’s fucking perfect after Escobar died. It isn’t. You take down one monster and another one takes his place.”
She placed the glass of wine on his coffee table and put both her hands to use. She undid his tie and tugged it off his collar before rolling it up around her index finger. “Who is the next monster then? After Cali.”
Whoever the fucking CIA wants there.
“I don’t know…” he sighed before he reached out and unfurled his tie from around her finger. He tossed it back over his shoulder and took her hands in his, turning them back and front to admire them. He took her right hand and placed a kiss on each finger, looking up to catch her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and head tilted, she considered him like she was trying to figure him out.
“Why do this job if you think there’s no end?”
His shoulders slumped and he looked away, unable to meet her question. His hand stilled around hers. “I don’t know,” he answered again, his voice devoid of emotion. She’d always read him perfectly. Just one look at him was enough for her to know he’d had a bad day. After a lifetime of bad days, she still had a way to know exactly what worried him. One of them at least for he worried about multiple things at once.
“Let me take care of you, Javi…” she whispered, closing the gap between them. She was close enough that he could feel her breath and see the texture of her skin beneath her makeup. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, taking her lips between his. A sense of peace filled him as she melted into his arms. He moved her hair aside and cupped her cheek, gently holding her in place for him.
Burying himself in women and booze was second nature to him. Yet he hadn’t really indulged in the former since he came back to Colombia. Not after the first night with the woman from work.
Whiskey, women, work. The three Ws that kept his world running. Nibbling at her chin the way he remembered she liked, he was happy to have his trifecta back. And it mattered that it was this woman he’d found again. She was something of an addiction for him back in his Medellin days.
Sleeping with local prostitutes was no strange thing for the men at the embassy. Steve was one of the very few who didn’t indulge. And no, it wasn’t because he was married. Plenty of married men dipped their fingers into the money from their paycheque that they were meant to send back home to support their wives and kids. He just stumbled into the practice by using them as informants. While they all slept with prostitutes, he felt that he was different from the other men. He didn’t pump and dump them, didn’t fuck a different one each time. When he was sleeping with someone, he sought them out frequently and didn't sleep with others for the period. It didn’t make him a fucking saint. Of course not. It was just what he needed to do to collect intel. It was also to ensure safety. AIDS was no laughing matter.
He felt her expert hand pulling at his belt. He helped out, unbuttoning his pants for her. In a second, her hand was on his cock. He bucked into her hand, his body desperate for her touch after having gone so long without.
Javi loved women. Loved painted lips and long hair. Loved their elegant fingers wrapping around his cock and roaming his chest. He loved having them at the mercy of his tongue and making them scream his name until they could only make incoherent noises of pleasure. He loved all women, but he loved her much more than the others.
“Missed you so much, querida,” he breathed into her exposed neck. “So fucking much.”
He had given pieces of his heart to everyone in his life. Everyone he’d ever met who wasn’t an explicit enemy held a piece of him, held the power to crush it between their hands and ruin him. He broke off a huge chunk of himself for her. Or maybe it was gradual, he thought as he pulled her onto his lap.
He pushed her skirt up to her waist and adjusted her on him so that he could feel her wet heat on him. She grinds over him, eliciting a hiss. He grabs her by her hips, stalling her movements. “You keep that up and I’ll come before I’m inside you.”
She laughed and stopped struggling in his grip, allowing him a smidge of mercy. One look at the twinkle in her eyes and the upward curl of her lips was all he needed to realize that the process was gradual. Each time he invited her into his leather couch and then his bed, he gave her a piece of himself. Each time she asked if he was okay, each time she said just the right things to make him relax if only for the night, each time she did more than she needed to do for a paying client.
“Let me take you to bed,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist to pick her up. She pressed her hand on his chest in a silent request to stop. He raised an eyebrow at her and searched her features for clues.
“Want a quick one first.”
“First?” He asked, brushing his lips against hers. “Is that a promise for more?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed before giving him a quick peck, making him smile. “I missed you too, you know?”
His heart warmed when she nodded in confirmation. Moments like this had him believing that maybe, just maybe, she might feel a little something for him too. It was pathetic, really. To believe the things women in this profession told men to make them feel good about themselves. It was no different from shop assistants telling you that the shirt you tried on looked good on you. It was good business.
He sneaked a hand beneath her top, caressing the soft skin with his callused one. She lifted her arms, helping him pull the top up before tossing it aside. She leaned back, accommodating him as he grazed her nipples through her bra with his teeth. The cheap lace scratched his tongue, making him snap the hooks in the back, releasing her from the wire-lace prison. He took her tits in his large, greedy hands, relishing in how she pushed into his hands.
In turn, she undid the buttons of his shirt, spreading her fingers over his chest and running them all over him as he ground himself against her. She whimpered, pushing back against him before she reached between them and stroked his cock.
She reached into her purse that sat on his coffee table and came back with a condom. He let her put it on him, shuddering at her touch as she stroked him a few times. Lining him up with herself, she took all of him in just one go. A groan rumbled from the depths of his chest as her velvety heat molded itself around him. “Hard and fast, Javi. Want you to get your stress out.”
“You’re so good for me. So good, always…” he praised, lifting her up and down his cock. “I missed you,” he mumbled. He needed her to know, know that this wasn’t just some line. He wasn’t saying things in the heat of the moment. He really did miss her, buried himself in other women and gone home to fuck his fist because they didn’t satisfy him like she did.
They weren’t so receptive to my touch, he wanted to say. They didn’t hold me like they cared. Their smiles didn’t wipe away the worries of my day.
Her earrings jumped with their dance, the little bells that hung from the base tinkling as they joined the sweet melody of her soft sounds. The red of her lips had grown light from his greed, was smeared beyond their boundaries. As he pulled her to his chest, he smelled the faint fragrance of her rose scented perfume, the one she always wore. It wasn’t anything uncommon, he’d smelled it on several women after her and drove himself mad with yearning. But on her, it smelled just a little different. It mixed with her natural scent, her intoxicating pheromones that was just her, that he wished he could bottle up and keep at his bedside.
Their lips found each other again, tasting each other, drinking up the sounds of the pleasure they gave each other.
A thin sheen of sweat coated her neck, making her glisten under the golden light from the street lamps streaming through his window. Mesmerized by the bouncing of her tits, he fucked into her harder, faster, letting his eyes enjoy the treat. His lips, jealous of the taste his eyes got, wrapped itself around a nipple. His hand grabbed the breast as his teeth nipped at her. She trembled in his arms as he let out a groan into her flesh.
“Yeah, baby. Say it again, say my name.”
“Javi…please, faster.”
Gripping her harder, letting his nails dig into her flesh, he obliged. He thrusted into her, faster like she requested. She threw her head back, granting him access to her neck. He kissed and licked and nipped, tasting her sweat and her skin. He kissed scars and birthmarks and the little black moles on her skin that he had memorized like the streets of Laredo. Take a right from the mole on the right collarbone and go straight up to find the heart shaped mark on her shoulder.
He reached between their bodies, groping around for her clit before he found it with her “Fuck, right there Javi!”
With as much tenderness in his touch as the hardness of his thrusts, he began to play her clit. She bucked into his touch and writhed on his lap. He lost himself in her, his overactive mind finally calming down. Miguel Rodriguez and his almost-capture before the efficient hand of bureaucracy meddled had left his mind. Stechner, the CIA, Ambassador Crosby— it all ceased to exist.
Tension gripped his thighs, his balls, every-fucking-where. He threaded his fingers through her hair and guided her eyes to his. The tug of her hair had her tightening around him. He pulled again, his chest rumbling with his groan as she reacted expectedly. He spoke her name in a plea, not really knowing what he begged for. She rewarded him with her little whimpers.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” she hummed appreciatively as she touched him. She spread her hands over the expanse of his chest, fingers healing scars old and new.
Her touch was addictive. When she dropped her hand from the force of his thrusts, he took them and placed them back on himself. He needed her touch. He needed to know she was wrapped around him in more than one way. Contrasting his harsh strokes, she brought a gentle hand to his face. Her thumb caressed his bottom lip. Before he could take the finger between his teeth, her hand wandered away. It caressed his cheek, the softness of the touch making him close his eyes.
“Fuck! ‘m close. Keep fuuu— mmm, so fucking good, baby. Just like that!” She screamed encouragements, keeping him maintaining the pace she liked so much. He couldn’t keep his eyes off hers as they glazed over. A sense of pride filled him to see her like this. After all his failures that week, he was doing something good. To bring her ecstasy, that was above anything he’d managed to fuck up. She tightened around him, pulling the world together around their bubble. The globe was now just them, just the noises she made for him.
With one final cry, she crumbled in his arms, falling limp, relying on him to hold her up. He pulled her to him and let her slump down on his chest. “Did so good,” he praised as he used her for his sake. She continued contracting around him, the remnants of her orgasm still vibrating around his cock. He gritted his teeth as he struggled to maintain his thrusts, the intervals between each thrusts growing and shrinking and growing again.
Words struggled to escape through his labored breaths, yet he chanted her name in between curses. “Fuck, fuck, fuuuu— I love you.”
She gasped and jolted in his grasp. His words took a second to sink into him as he blanked out from the feeling of her around him. As he spilled into the condom, his world stilled. It then came crashing down, from the high and from the realization of what he’d just said.
Downcast eyes focused on the stop where they were connected. His arms fell to his sides. He kept them there, not wanting to trap her in case she wanted to escape.
The words echoed in his ears— I love you I love you I love you. There was no escaping, not for him.
“I’m sorry.”
Javier still didn’t have the confidence to look at her. Not when she climbed off his lap. Not when she walked around his apartment, collecting articles of her clothing. Not when he heard her pour herself a glass of wine.
Pink painted fingernails wrapped around a glass of whiskey entered his range of vision. He accepted it. He needed a fucking drink and wine wouldn’t cut it. He mumbled a thanks before he took the glass to his lips, closing his eyes as the liquid burned in its way down his throat.
“Take it back.”
Of all the things he’d expected her to say, this wasn’t it.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t mean that.” Her voice trembled as she spoke. She tilted his head up by his chin with a finger, forcing him to look into her eyes. They were glazed with tears. She held them in, let them pool around her. “Take it back.”
He shook his head. “I meant it— mean it.”
She scoffed before turning away and walking up to his bar. Glass of wine abandoned, she poured herself a finger of whiskey. She brought her hands up to her face and though he couldn’t see it, he knew she was wiping her tears. “Do you know how many men have told me they love me, Javier?”
A weight settled in the pit of his stomach. A deep ache found itself in his chest. Rejection had never felt so heart wrenching.
“It happens. Too many men say it. They find their wives boring, are sick of their kids, are tired from the monotony of their jobs… Doesn’t mean it’s real. I need you to understand that.”
“I don’t have a wife or kids. My job is anything but monotonous.”
She shook her head before taking a swig of her drink. “Doesn’t have to be that specifically. It’s just— people say it all the time. More often than you think. When life is hard… A lot of men come to me when life is hard. It’s easy to say shit like that to someone you’re fucking.”
She was rationalizing her way out of it, giving him logical explanations as to why what he said wasn’t true.
“Your job is hard, you’re in your late thirties and you don’t have a solid relationship. So you’re just saying that to me. To fill some void. You could’ve said that to any whore.”
He flexed her fingers and glared at her back, hoping to burn a hole through her skin. He planted his face in his hands and closed his eyes, attempting to get his breaths to a normal pace.
“Is that what you think you are to me? Just some nameless, faceless woman?” He asked, voice trembling with the fear of a yes from her.
“It’s not that— Javier… I’ve been doing this job for a while. I’m just one of the many nameless, faceless women. It’s just part of the job. I don’t take it personally.”
“I love you,” he reiterated despite her strong rejection. He must be a masochist, inviting more pain after his first taste of it.
“Just what do you think will happen by saying that? This is real life, not Pretty Woman. You should keep those delusions to yourself. When you wake up tomorrow, you’ll realize you didn’t mean it.”
“I mean it. ”
“And what?” She snapped. “And we live happily ever after? You take me back to Texas and give the whore your dead mother’s ring? Kids, white picket fences, happily ever after?”
He opened and closed his mouth, unable to muster up the courage to ask himself the questions she asked him. He wasn’t thinking when he told her he loved her. Not the second time and most certainly not the first time. Were you supposed to have the answers to those questions when you told someone you loved them? Fuck if he knew. The last time he said it was to Lorraine and they were much too young to be thinking about marriage and kids.
“You’ll love me today and you’ll love some other girl tomorrow. Another pretty brunette you pick up from a brothel.”
“I don’t know what you think of me, but I don’t just go around saying that to fucking everyone.”
“You think you love me. Because you’re stressed and lonely and have nothing beyond your job. You thought you loved Helena.”
“Don’t,” he warned, his voice strained. His mind filled with images of Helena, her beautiful eyes marred by fear as she lay trembling on a ratty old mattress, her mind far away from her body. Hands shaking, he took a sip off his whiskey.
“That is what happens to women like us when we get close to men like you,” she continued despite his warning. He put his drink down and clutches his head in his hands. There were only three women he’d fallen for— Lorraine, Helena and now her. What an unfortunate series of choices. “You’re good, you’re kind and you treat me like a human being. Bare fucking minimum, but you’d be surprised how rare that is for women, prostitute or not. Maybe you really loved Helena. Maybe you were just feeling guilty about what they did to her. I don't know that. Whatever you wish to accomplish by telling me…telling me that—it’s not going to happen.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, for what felt like the hundredth time that night. She came up to him, finally showing him her face as she filled his empty glass with amber liquid. He took her hand in his and rubbed circles on the back of it.
“The scar on my back. I didn’t tell you where I got it,” she said, her voice too calm to be discussing the large welt on her back.
“It’s from the first man who told me he loved me.”
His thumb froze. He tightened his grip on her. As though holding her tight would keep her away from the man she was speaking of.
“He was sweet, handsome. Paid well, treated me better than any of the other men I was sleeping with. Just like you.”
“I would never— I’m not like him. I couldn’t hurt you,” he said as he shook his head, defending himself against a man he didn’t know, but abhorred.
“I know…” she whispered, her eyes holding only kindness for him despite his confession. “I know. But I didn’t know it back then, the difference between men like you and men like him. I was nineteen, barely an adult and already in this profession. I believed him. It was hell. Almost three years of it before he went off and died somewhere.”
“Many men have told me they love me since. None of them I could believe. You, I can’t afford to believe. Because unlike the rest of them, you can break me. Because I feel all kinds of things for you. And I can’t live with knowing there was a chance, I can’t afford to break. Not again.”
He nodded, gave her a sad smile through his clouding vision and let go of her hand.
“Now tell me you didn’t mean it. Lie if you have to. Please,” she said, her voice breaking at the request.
“I didn’t mean it.”
Minutes passed before she spoke again. Or were they mere seconds? He didn’t know.
“Maybe it was my fault that I didn’t take money from you the last few times.”
Maybe. Maybe he wouldn’t have fallen in love if they’d kept it as a transaction and nothing more. If he’d forced some cash into her hands before leaving her place, he wouldn’t be here, what was left of his lonely heart breaking into even smaller pieces.
“Now pay me and drive me to my friend’s.”
They found themselves outside her friend’s place where she was staying during her trip to Bogota. The ride was silent, but no longer awkward or uncomfortable. Even after having his soul ripped out of his body, he was still standing. So was she. He glanced at her face, illuminated golden by the street lamps and took her in for what would most certainly be the last time.
“Your job has no end, you know that. There will always be new monsters to hunt but only one life for you to live. Go home. Find some nice Texan girl, take care of your Papa’s ranch, have the kids and the white picket fence,” she said, giving him one last smile before climbing out of his car.
“You too,” he said with all his heart. “Miguel, more kids and the white picket fence. With some nice Medellin boy. Oh and the restaurant you want to open. All the best.”
“All the best to you too, Javier.”
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svmjaeyvn · 1 year ago
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter eight pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
tap below to continue
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word count: 4k
warnings: smut, oral (m&f rec), unprotected sex (kinda, readers on the pill), creampie (wrap it up!!!), praise, dirty talk, couple good girls thrown in, kinda public sex they’re fucking IN A TENT WITH EVERYONE ELSE 10 FEET AWAY, basically the whole chapters them having sex sooo
a/n: a little sex scene just for funzies 🤭
JAKE HAD A problem. A rather hard one that didn't seem to go away even with his night walk that he forced himself on in the chilly air. With it being the last night of your group vacation, he had been struggling with the lack of privacy the campgrounds held.
Any other circumstance he would've been fine, however, with seeing you in a tiny little bathing suit the past two days, the thin strings holding little to the imagination and almost seemed untrustworthy due to how your perky boobs bounced with each step and the cheeky bottoms showed off practically everything, skin glistening with your lovely tanned skin in the water and near all day view of your body, Jake was pent up to say the least.
It certainly didn't help that since you two have gone far past regular boundaries already, you opted to sleeping in a large shirt and cotton underwear as your preferred method most of the time was no underwear at all, but you figured to be polite, wearing some was the best choice. Each night Jake had laid next to you, the outline of your curves shown under the thin sheet as the humid air only left it comfortable enough for one. When you'd wake up in the morning, majority of the time the sheet had been tossed off most of your body, giving Jake a clear look at the roundness of you ass and thick thighs that peaked out beneath.
And tonight seemed to be the breaking point for him. After making his rounds in saying goodnight, he had led himself into the shared tent only to see you in his shirt, a sheepish smile on your lips as you turned to him, hair pulled up all messy and in the midst of cleansing your face.
"I got my other shirt dirty," You told him before he could question you upon it. "Let me wear it tonight, yeah? It's what a good boyfriend would do," You teased, a small pout upon your lips as you peered up at him with the tilt of your head.
Jake had no other option but to oblige. You sat so pretty in his shirt, the outline of your tits beneath the thin material more than enough to make him puddy in your hands and he had merely agreed to everything you said for the next thirty minutes until the lamp was turned off and you rolled over for bed.
You weren't dumb, you could see how Jake's demeanor changed, much more quipped and having a hard time actually looking you in the eyes. But still, the thought of doing anything with the other tents a mere 10 feet away, there was no way you'd go through with it. Thus when you rolled over, you truly intended to sleep for the night, a sigh of content leaving your lips only to be wide eyed and awake fifteen minutes later.
You had heard Jake exit the tent only to come back five minutes later, him muttering under his breath and proceeding to toss and turn. Assuming you had fallen asleep due to the steady rise and fall of your breathing, he had been doing his best to get comfortable but it was hard when his bulging tip was practically begging for attention, far too pent up to go away anytime soon.
Growing tired of the constant moving on his end, you rolled over, eyes immediately falling down to the obvious length that pushed against the material of his sweats, the words you intended to speak suddenly forgotten in the process. Your lips parted, not knowing what to say while Jake lets out a deep sigh.
"You mind helping me out?" He mumbles, voice raspier than usual as his hand begins to palm at his cock through the material of his pants. The lack of light made it hard to see, the small pile of wood left to burn out outside being only minimal dim illumination but you could see his blown out pupils and desperate eyes, airy breaths leaving his lips in the process.
"Everyone else can hear," You whisper, hesitant but you couldn't help the wetness that began to accumulate between your legs, clenching your thighs at the sight of Jake who seemed so eager and in need of your touch.
He shakes his head, reaching out to draw you closer. His lips captured your own, messily locking with enough force to indicate how pent up he felt. "We'll be quiet," He reassured against your lips.
A soft moan erupted from your throat muffled by his mouth against yours. The kiss turned sloppy, teeth clanking together as Jake guided one of your hands down to his crotch. His head fell back upon your hand wrapping around his length through the sweats, a breathy sigh of content coming from him.
All clear judgment had been thrown out the window, you obliging to his word without hesitation and your hand momentarily left his cock to hook your fingers along the waistband of his pants. In a swift motion and the lift of his hips, you pulled the restricting clothing down in one movement, his boxers dragged along with it leaving his hardened dick to slap against his stomach.
Your eyes slightly widened at the sight. Although you had hooked up once, Jake was more focused on getting you off that night, not allowing for you to have a proper glimpse of his full length until now. You had definitely felt how big it was, but now having your hands wrapped around the girthy base it seemed impossible for you to even take.
Placing small peppering kisses around his thighs, each growing closer to his length as your hand slowly pumped up and down his shaft, you smile upon Jake's whiny moans that quietly filled the air between you. Your tongue licked up from his base all the way to the tip, kitten licks along his reddened head before your lips wrapped around him. Starting off slow, you began to adjust to the size, ensuring to keep your teeth out of the way as you bobbed up and down, taking in more and more of his cock each time while one of your hands stroked the remaining length.
Pulling away momentarily, you allowed your hands to do the work while taking in a deep breath in prep. Your eyes flickered up to meet Jake's, his brows pinched together as he attempted to stay quiet, the gaze one that cause you to smile, content with the obvious way you made him feel good.
"What're you smiling about?" Jake huffs out, hand going behind your head to pull you back down his cock. This time, however, you hallowed out your cheeks, full trust in your usual lack of a gag reflex and taking his entire length down your throat, holding it at his base while you feel his cock twitch at the new sensation of your mouth. "Fuck," Jake hissed out, his hand holding a fistful of your hair as his hips bucked further down your throat. "Such a good girl, so good with your mouth," He rambled on, eyes rolling back in pleasure as you began to bob up and down, nearly having his full shaft in your mouth.
Growing needy, Jake took advantage of the opportunity. Fucking his dick into your mouth, his hips moved up and down at a continuous pace, the wet sounds of your saliva heard and beginning to pool around his crotch. Your eyes shut at the up and down, doing your best to keep your jaw unhinged but as he suddenly stopped, pushing your head all the way down as far he it would go, you tapped his thigh feeling a gag erupt from your throat.
Jake pulled away, allowing you to let out a cough as you caught your breath. "I'm sorry, I’m sorry, you're doing so well pretty girl," He praised, thumb wiping away the spit that accumulated at your chin.
"Asshole," You huff, blinking away the few tears that pooled at the corner of your eyes. He let out a chuckle, gently pushing your hair from your face and pulling it into a makeshift ponytail.
"You're okay baby," Jake coos guiding your mouth back to his cock with a teasing smile. You roll your eyes but comply, the smug expression wiped off his face as soon as your lips were wrapped around him once more. With his jaw falling slack and eyes pinching closed, you felt a certain boost of confidence, proud of how good you made him feel. "Fuuuck," He drawled out, seemingly confirming your thoughts with a whiney gasp hitching in the back of his throat as you peer up at him, cock still in your mouth and pretty eyes locked on him. "Fuck, you feel so good baby, pretty little mouth takes me so well,"
You felt hit dick twitch as it reached the back of your throat, your hand and mouth simultaneously bobbing up and down along his shaft which seemed to be more than enough to cause Jake to squirm beneath you. Quickly pulling you away from the grip he still held on your hair, a breathy laugh left his lips as he leaned back.
"What?" You asked innocently, lips pouted together and slightly swollen. He shakes his head, you knowing fully well the answer to your own question but he instead pulls you up to him, barely allowing for you to wipe away the excess spit from your mouth before his lips locked with yours once more. The kiss caught you by surprise. The hot open mouthed pecks trailed down from your mouth to your neck, only pulling away to push up his shirt from your body and reconnect his lips to your hardened nipples.
One of his hands rolled the bud between his fingers, providing it some attention while his mouth sucked on the other. His other hand trailed down to your thighs, softly nudging your legs open with minimal effort and his fingers found way to your underwear, a low hum erupting from his throat feeling the wet spot through the material.
"Jae," You mewl, bottom lip tucked between your teeth in attempt to stay quiet. Slowly pulling the cotton of your panties down at a pace that seemed excruciating long, Jake smiled seeing at how you bucked your hips, desperate for some form of friction against your swollen cunt. "Please,"
"So needy," He tuts with the click of his tongue, his fingertips finding their way back to your wetness beginning to circle along your pussy and watching as you let out a rather loud moan. "Shh, you have to stay quiet baby," Pushing the material of the shirt into your mouth, he ensured you were biting down on it to muffle the low mewls that continued to erupt from your throat. His head dipped down, finding its spot between your legs for a second time and more than pleased by the sight of your pretty cunt that begged for more.
Licking a long stripe between your lips, a hum of satisfaction came from the sweet taste you held. No longer willing to tease, Jake deviled fully into lapping up and down, ensuring to focus on your swollen clit as his nose rubbed against it every so often. Your hips bucked, a hand finding way to Jake's hair and tugging at it slightly which earned a small moan from him, one that vibrated directly against you and caused your eyes to shut in pleasure. The other hand fiddled with your tits, pinching at the sensitive bundle of nerves and doing your best to stay quiet though it proved to be difficult.
Jake continued, egged on by the way you attempted to squirm away from him, legs clenching together but he merely pushed your thighs apart. The familiar sensation began to pull in your stomach, your whines growing more frequent as you neared your high.
"Oh fuck, please, please," You whispered out, voice high and pornographic, eyes rolling back as you moved against his mouth. "Please, please Jae,"
Just as you felt your release on the brink of bursting, a loud whine left your lips as Jake pulled away. His hand clamped over your mouth, shushing you as he peppered kisses to your thighs. "I'm sorry pretty girl," He whispered, though his apology came pitiless as he wore a rather amused smirk watching your hips buck in attempt to gain any type of attention to your swollen clit. "I don't want you to cum yet," He shushes you, lining himself between your legs. He stared down at you, hand pumping along his shaft for a few moments as you pouted.
"Asshole," You repeat for a second time, few heavy breathes in attempt to regain your composure but that was thrown out as soon as his tip began to rub along your slit. Jake hummed before he spit into his hand, mixing your arousal with his saliva as he coated his tip.
The feeling of his dick beginning to enter your cunt caused your eyes to squeeze shut. Certainly turned on but not quite used to his length yet, there was a slight burn as he slowly inched in, allowing for you to adjust before he bottomed out inside you.
Both your moans mixed with one another, Jake's particularly whiney as he stilled himself, having to gain some composure before he came just from feeling your warm walls wrapped around him. He had no idea what it was about you, but the feeling of your warm pussy was intoxicating, one he never wanted to forget after gaining the privilege.
"You're so pretty," Jake mumbled, slowly beginning to move as he pushed his fingers into your mouth, muffling your moans. "So fucking pretty, your little cunt wrapped around my dick taking it so well. Such a good girl my love," Keeping his strokes deep and slow, the feeling more than enough to have you squirming against his hips.
Your muffled moans, the sound erotic sounds of your skin clapping together, and the slight squeak of the air mattress was certainly more than enough noise for everyone else to get the general picture of what was occurring, not to mention your tent that shook with each passing stroke. Far too drunk on the feeling of his cock that continued to kiss your cervix, you paid no mind to how loud you were, focused on your own desires and the familiar build up the began to brew once more.
Jake was more aware of how loud you two were, however, that didn't provide any indication for him to stop. In fact, it seemed to urge him to do more, the thought of letting everyone know just how good he filled you up and how you begged for him to continue did wonders for his ego. It turned him on more if humanly possible.
"Please keep going," You slur as he removed his fingers from your mouth, instead using them to circle around your clit that seemed to be needing attention.  He continued to fuck you at a consistent and deep pace, intending to get you to your high first but the feeling of your cunt squeezing around him more and more drew him to the edge. "Please, Jae don't stop," Your whiney plea led to a pornographic moan, Jake picking up the pace to fuck you through your built up orgasm.
He groaned feeling you clench around him, his dick twitching slightly from how tight you became. You had to pull away his hand from your clit, the friction far too overstimulating as he stayed consistent with his strokes, though they began to grow more shallow as you felt your ears ring at the over abundance of pleasure.
"Oh baby," Jake moans, the breathy whine leaving his lips as he gripped your hips tightly.
"You gonna cum baby?" You mewl, hands reaching around his shoulders as your nails dug into the skin slightly. Pulling his head close to yours, you capture his lips in a chaste kiss. "Come for me, please baby, go ahead,"
Your words broke the thin string that Jake held onto. Your lips crashed together, his moans muffled into your mouth feeling the warm sensation fill your cunt, Jake pumping himself through with shallow strokes before halting, his body suddenly feeling weak as he fell on top of you.
A small laugh left your lips with Jake's arms barely able to support his weight, otherwise crushing you beneath him as he took heavy breaths. Your hands pushed away the hair that stuck to his forehead due to the beads of sweat that accumulated at his hairline. Wincing as he pulled himself out of you, allowing for the cum to drip out of your hole while placing his t-shirt beneath you to catch any that dribbled down, Jake rolled onto his side with deep breathes.
"We need to do that more often," He says aloud, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips before pepper light pecks to your shoulder.
"You're lucky I'm on the pill," You tut, sending him a pointed look to the mess he made.
Jake shrugged. "You told me last time," He explains, his lack of care for the potentials explained by the wave of his hand. "Best case scenario, it's works properly," He grins, finding the fact that he may have been developing a breeding kink rather exciting, you being the first and presumably only that he’d do so with. "Worse case is we have a kid, no biggie,"
You smack his arm, rolling your eyes at his nonchalantness while sitting up. "Don't manifest that," You tsk, adjusting your own shirt while holding the other article of clothing close to your core, feeling the warmth that continued to dribble out. "C'mon,"
"Where we goin’?" Jake groans, reluctantly sitting up as he watched you grab a pair of shorts to slip on.
"I have to pee, especially since someone decided to do this," You emphasized, watching the boyish smile form back on his lips, entirely pleased with his doing. "It's dark as shit outside, I'm not going to piss in a tree by myself,"
"You're the one who told me to come," He defends but nonetheless slipping on his shorts without argument. Unzipping the tent, he steps out into his shoes first, holding open the material for you to follow. "Lets go princess,"
You roll your eyes, though thankful for the now died out fire as it hid your smile that ghosted upon your features. You tucked the spare toilet paper roll and hand sanitizer from your things under your arm before slipping out. Jake held out his hand as you two stood, his flash from his phone being the only light indicator and he took a moment to glance over the other tents, ensuring no one was still out.
Your hand slipped into his, following his lead and focused on the rocky ground to not trip over your own feet. Jake led you to a secluded area far from any other campers in the tree line, the actual porta potties a drive away down the road meaning it was out of question for now.
"Okay, go away," You shooed him, finding your footing behind a bush that you deemed adequate enough.
"Seriously?" He snickers, finding it hard to believe you refused to pee in front of him while he was quite literally inside you moments ago.
"I'm pee shy," You defend, sending him a pointed look as he laugh. Shaking his head, Jake wandered away, far enough to provide you some privacy but still within hearing range and the light in view. "Okay, just, whistle or something,"
"Oh yeah ‘cause whistling in the pitch black dark in the middle of nowhere isn't creepy at all,"
"Then hum!" You huff, now squatted behind the bush and mentally cursing yourself for giving in earlier which led to where you were now. All for some dick. "Go pee too before you get a UTI,"
Waving you off, Jake silently obliges to your word. Humming a random tune loud enough to drown out any noise that would come from you, you both silently proceeded with your business. In the midst of cleaning yourself up, Jake's voice broke the air once again. "Hey,"
You pinch your brows, standing up straight to see him walking your way once more. "What?" A mischievous smile took over his lips, quirking a brow. Holding out his hand for you to spritz the sanitizer into his palm, he rubs it in before answering.
"You hungry?"
                 "FESS UP," SUNGHOON held out his hand toward Ni-ki as you and Jake tiredly slipped out of the tent. It was morning, the rising sun beading down had caused you to wake up early the past few days, the heat making it hard to sleep anytime past 7am and after the escapades of last night, you felt particularly sluggish.
A yawn escaped Jake's lips as he slipped past you, a quick kiss placed to the side of your head as he made his way to the portable stovetop where Heeseung seemed to be cooking up breakfast. You made your way to the others sat along their respective chairs. Yunjin had a wide grin on her lips, sipping from her cup of coffee while Jay shook his head, though the amusement that lingered in his expression wasn't unnoticed.
"What?" You ask, settling into your seat while Ni-ki huffs, placing a 10 dollar bill into Sunghoon's hand who pocketed it with a smile.
"You let me down," The youngest tsks, swirling around the milk that was left in his bowl of cereal. Pointing an accusing finger in your direction, you tilt your head not knowing what he meant.
"You guys are loud," Jungwon pipes in with a yawn, rubbing at his eyes while Sunoo follows with a small nod.
"Should've went and fucked in the woods, at least then we wouldn't have had to hear you," Jay snickers, watching as your eyes widen in horror. The reaction caused the group to burst into a fit of laughter, Jake and Heeseung joining the group with hot bowls of ramyeon in hand in the midst. "Kept everyone up last night too when you decided to have post-sex snacks,"
"Aftercare," Jake shrugged, jumping into the conversation with ease and seemingly unfazed by the conversation topic. He pulled your legs to drape along his lap, a comfortable position that had been your go-to considering Jake had become particularly clingy and in need of having some form of touch. He held out your own bowl to you, carefully handing it over while you sent him a small thanks. "We're a couple, what'd you expect?"
"I did expect it," Sunghoon corrected, holding up the money he gained from the bet he placed with Ni-ki upon wether or not the two of you would've hooked up over the trip. You raise a brow, tilting your head while he smiles innocently.
"You were trying to bet me about Yunjin and Heeseung while betting on me with Ni-ki at the same time?" You confirm, watching as he held up his hands with a small shrug.
"Easy money," Sunghoon said nonchalantly. "I knew someone was going to so,"
"You bet with me about Heeseung," Jay frowned his brows at the new information.
"___ said no so had to go to someone else," He explained causing you to roll your eyes. A small snicker came from Jake, him squeezing your leg before taking a bite of his food. Sitting up, Yunjin looks around, visibly confused by the topic at hand as she gestured between herself and Heeseung who sat silently eating his own bowl, his smile hidden by the fact that he was eating like his life depended upon it.
"What bet about Heeseung and I?"
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year ago
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Separation Anxiety (Chapter 08)
Put your lips on my scars and teach me to love
When a ritual separates Sukuna from Yuuji, Sukuna is delighted to find that besides having his own body, there is also another gift handed to him: The brat has lost all his memories and is now the perfect little plaything to take home and manipulate. At least, that's the plan. But the King of Curses isn't prepared for the feelings that come along with being human again. And another complication is how cute the brat is when he has no idea who Sukuna is and, instead of hating him, treats him with genuine love and affection. So, without realizing it, Sukuna suddenly finds himself on a journey of learning how to be loved and how to love.
++ Masterpost ++
Pairing: Sukuna x Yuuji Genre: Memory Loss AU, fluff, smut, light angst Word Count: 4k Playlist: Separation Anxiety Warnings: 18+, smut, mentions of violence, dub-con (Yuuji has lost his memories, and Sukuna lies to him about being boyfriends). All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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Chapter 08
Your love is scaring me. No one has ever cared for me as much as you do (Scary Love by The Neighbourhood)
"Am I still a good boyfriend, Sukuna?"
Big golden eyes gaze sheepishly at him. The question catches Sukuna by surprise.
"What do you mean, sweetheart?"
A moment ago, they were busy watching a movie while sharing the occasional kiss. But now the brat is squirming uncomfortably on the couch next to Sukuna. A light blush is staining his cheeks when he explains,
"I probably changed a lot because of the memory loss. And I... I just want to know if I still make you happy. Am I still what you want?"
Sukuna frowns. Where is that coming from?
"Of course you make me happy."
You are the perfect stupid little pet that I hoped you'd be.
But the boy is worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.
"I just feel so weird. I mean, we live together and everything. I'm pretty sure we already had lots of sex. And I really like what we do, but... but I always feel like... I feel like a virgin. I have no idea what I'm doing when I touch you. I can't remember. I'm sorry if this isn't what you're used to from me, baby. But I'll learn it again. You can teach me again, right? Please teach me how to touch you in every way you need."
Sukuna's breath catches for a moment. He is sure the brat has no idea what his words are doing to Sukuna. How desire pulses through him, making his veins tingle. How his pants feel too tight all of a sudden. How his fingers want to touch so fiercely that they leave bruises. How his teeth want to mark the brat up for days to last.
Itadori has such an enticing innocence about him. It makes Sukuna's head spin. The way the boy gives himself to him, bearing his all to Sukuna.
The brat's cheeks are glowing deep red now, but he sounds indignant, unashamedly spitting out all those words in his eagerness to be a good boyfriend.
"I promise I can become him again!"
His hands are balled into fists, and his eyes burn with a hard conviction, just like the old Itadori before the memory loss. He is cute like this.
A smile spreads over Sukuna's face, and he reaches out to put a long finger under the boy's chin and tilt his head up.
"Oh, sweetheart. You are perfect the way you are."
My sweet little pet. Just as broken and obedient as I like it.
He silences the brat's complaints with his mouth, claiming his lips with a searing kiss.
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Sukuna always knew the brat would look cute on his knees. And he was right.
The best thing about it is that Sukuna didn't even have to force him to do it. Itadori is willingly kneeling on the living room floor, between Sukuna's spread thighs, mouth stuffed full of Sukuna's cock, making unashamed loud slurping noises and soft moans, so eager to please, so turned on by having his boyfriend's cock in his mouth.
He asked, or rather begged, Sukuna to please let him blow him. To teach him how it works again since he cannot remember.
He's such a good pet. And Sukuna treats him accordingly. Running a hand through his hair, petting him, cooing at him, praising him for being so obedient.
"My good boy. So sweet for me. Look at me."
The boy's eyelashes flutter, and he looks up at Sukuna while his sweet mouth is still wrapped around Sukuna's thick length. Big golden eyes meet Sukuna's gaze. They glow so prettily, like liquid gold filled with desire and devotion. All for him. All for Sukuna.
His cock twitches in the boy's mouth. Long fingers tangle in soft pink hair, and a low groan falls from Sukuna's lips. He never was one to deny himself pleasure, always taking what he wanted. But this here is the most delicious thing. To have the brat willingly on his knees for him, so happy that he is allowed to suck Sukuna's cock.
His inexperience is showing, of course. His rhythm is a bit off, and he doesn't know how hard to suck at first. But Sukuna teaches him, guiding him up and down on his cock, and soon he can't help but groan and fuck into the boy's mouth, reveling in how good it feels.
One of the things Sukuna always appreciated about his former vessel is that he is a fast learner.
Itadori sucks and slurps happily on Sukuna's cock, looking into his eyes while he does so, ignoring the tears that gather there and instead taking Sukuna even deeper.
When Sukuna cums, Itadori moans loudly and eagerly swallows all his warm seed.
Sukuna smiles at him afterward, wiping the corner of the brat's lips where a small trail of Sukuna's cum trickles down his chin. He looks so pretty like this. Sukuna catches the cum with his thumb and pushes it into the brat's mouth, laughing softly when the boy instantly begins to suck again.
"Yes, eat it all up, darling. You're such a sweet thing."
He can see the way the boy basks in Sukuna's praise. So happy that he could please his boyfriend.
Itadori sighs happily and nuzzles his cheek against Sukuna's inner thigh. His smile grows even brighter, and his golden eyes gaze deeply into Sukuna's, filled with nothing but affection and adoration.
"I love you, Kuna."
The world stops spinning for a moment.
Everything fades away. Everything except those big golden eyes that look up at Sukuna with so much love.
Sukuna's fingers in the boy's hair tighten. The fake smile on his face freezes, making his cheeks feel uncomfortably tense.
He thought he would be ecstatic upon hearing these words coming out of the brat's mouth. He thought it would be the ultimate victory to make his loathed former vessel fall for him. To take the brat's heart and soul hostage. To have Itadori Yuuji completely at his mercy.
But strangely, Sukuna doesn't feel any joy. The only thing he feels is rage.
It doesn't make sense, but he's angry at the brat! How can Itadori be so stupid? So naive? Doesn't the foolish boy know that love is a dangerous thing? How can he be so trusting and give his love to a monster like Sukuna? How can he serve his precious little heart on a silver platter and give Sukuna the best weapon to destroy him?
Sukuna lets out a slow breath, trying to collect his thoughts again. He doesn't know why he feels such apprehension all of a sudden. This is what he wanted! This is what he planned!
The corners of his lips twitch, and he forces himself to loosen the tight hold on the boy's hair and instead pets it gently.
He can do this. He knows what's expected of him. He knows what to say to bind the brat even more to him.
And so, he smiles at the brat, all charming and sweet, and for the first time in his long life, Sukuna says those cursed words that he never thought would leave his lips,
"I love you too."
It's almost like he can taste the ancient magic those words hold, even though they are just a lie. But they work their magic on the brat regardless.
A happy giggle falls from Itadori's lips, and a second later, he climbs into Sukuna's lap, straddling him and hugging him tightly, all flushed and giddy before his lips press against Sukuna's in a passionate kiss.
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Another day, another movie night with Itadori all up in Sukuna's space.
He is a cuddly little pet. The moment they sit down on the couch, he is already seeking Sukuna's touch. It's gotten even worse during the last few days after the love confession.
At first, the brat just leans against Sukuna's side and rests his head on Sukuna's shoulder. But soon, a hand is placed on Sukuna's chest, and this hand wanders down to caress Sukuna's abs first through his shirt and then more intimately when that hand slips under the thin shirt.
Sukuna smirks. The brat is such a shameless little slut around him. It fills him with the utmost glee to see this inexperienced little virgin so starved for Sukuna's touch and knowing that the brat never touched anyone else like this.
This is how it was always meant to be. The brat was made for him, after all. It's only right that Sukuna is the only one who is allowed to be that intimate with him.
Itadori Yuuji belongs to him alone. Sukuna already claimed what's rightfully his. He already lived inside that body, walked in that skin, wore that face, held that heart in his hand, heard those thoughts, and felt that soul's red and golden warmth. He already claimed the brat in more ways than anyone else ever could.
And yet, he wants more.
He wants to take Itadori in another way. In the most primal way. He wants to throw him down and fuck him and fill him with his seed, claim him completely.
The brat's hand is slipping into Sukuna's pants now, massaging his hardening cock slowly while his strong warm body snuggles against Sukuna, and hot wet kisses get trailed up and down Sukuna's neck.
Something about it makes Sukuna's blood sing. He cannot wait any longer.
"Come here, baby."
He pulls Itadori onto his lap. His hands sprawl over the boy's firm ass possessively, kneading it roughly through his sweatpants, smirking when he hears the needy moan falling from the brat's lips.
Sukuna makes sure to position the boy right where he wants him, so he can feel Sukuna's hardness rub against his ass, letting him know how things could be. How things will be.
The boy whines loudly, his face flushed and his eyes brimming with desire.
Sukuna chuckles softly, watching the brat with a gleeful expression. He can't help but tease him.
"What do you want, darling? I didn't catch it."
"I want... I want more! Please!"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow,
He's basking in the power he has over the stupid brat. How sweet this is! To hear Itadori beg him for more. It's almost addictive.
"Yes, please. I want to be even closer to you... I want you inside me. Please..."
His words sound needy, and his fingers twist desperately in the front of Sukuna's shirt.
Sukuna's cock throbs, making his pants sticky with his pre-cum. This is what he wanted when he started this stupid little game! The brat is all hot and bothered for him, practically begging him to fuck him.
It's perfect. Sukuna smirks up at the brat. Yes, he will claim the boy tonight. He will be inside him again, will fill him again.
They make it to the bedroom in a tangle of limbs, their lips locked, never stopping the hungry, sloppy kisses, their tongues licking at each other, mixing their spit obscenely. Strong hands tug and tear at each other's clothes.
Sukuna pushes the brat onto the bed, grinning broadly as he looks down at the horny boy, half-naked and so hard for him, golden eyes clouded by lust, kiss-swollen lips whimpering the sweetest little pleas, begging Sukuna to take him, to make him his. To ruin him.
Sukuna wants to commit this moment to memory. It's just one of his many victories, but this one holds a special sweetness.
He joins the brat on the bed, and they are back to hungry kisses and demanding touches, undressing each other hurriedly, gasping when their freed hard cocks rub hotly against each other.
The brat chuckles suddenly, big golden eyes blinking up at Sukuna, a sheepish grin on his face.
"I know we did this before, but I can't remember... and I am so nervous somehow. I don't know what to do. It feels like my first time."
Sukuna almost laughs out loud. The brat is so pathetic. So trusting, so stupid. Beautiful.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll take good care of you."
I'll make sure to enjoy this thoroughly, knowing that I will take everything from you.
The brat smiles at him with that stupid love-drunk expression, eyes glazed over from horniness but a sweet, dopey smile on his face, full of affection and trust.
"I know... just like you always do. I love you so much, baby."
He is lying on his back, naked, all spread out for Sukuna, giving himself to Sukuna completely.
Sukuna takes a moment to savor his victory and appreciate the sight before him. The brat's beautiful, smooth, tan skin, the firm muscles, and the pretty cock standing hard and tall, oozing pearls of pre-cum for him.
Sukuna's chest feels full and warm. The brat is his to take. His to do with whatever he wants.
He crawls between the brat's thighs, pushing them further apart and gazing down at him with hungry eyes. The feral part of him wants to just take the brat by force, ram his cock into that tight little hole unprepared, and make the brat scream, use him like the little toy he is.
A low growl vibrates in the back of Sukuna's throat.
But he has to take it slow. He has to stay in his role as the loving boyfriend. 
And so he hastily prepares the brat, fingering him open, telling him to be a good boy and spread his legs. And, of course, the naive brat does anything Sukuna asks of him. Blushing deeply but spreading those muscular thighs shamelessly.
Sukuna's own breathing is loud in his ears as he leans over the boy and fucks him open with two fingers, watching him squirm and moan and push eagerly onto Sukuna's hand.
The boy is pathetic, a blushing horny mess that grabs at Sukuna's arms to pull him closer but has no clue what to do with all the needy desire he feels.
It stirs the dark lust in Sukuna even more. He pats the brat's hands away and captures them, fixing his wrists on the pillow above his head with one hand as Sukuna presses him down and smirks at him.
His cockhead is teasing the brat's hole, brushing slightly against his heat, not pushing in yet, but just playing with him, making him even more desperate.
He grabs Itadori's chin with his free hand, pushing his thumb between the brat's lips and prying them open.
Sukuna's blood feels on fire as he lets a thick thread of spit drool into the brat's open mouth, claiming him, marking him, and making him take everything Sukuna chooses to give him.
He watches hungrily as Itadori's eyes cloud over with lust, and a loud, needy moan falls from his mouth as he swallows Sukuna's spit obediently.
The boy is so endearing in his inexperience and eagerness to please. It makes Sukuna's cock throb almost painfully.
You want to be mine so bad, huh, brat?
Golden eyes look up at Sukuna with a pleading look, and Itadori opens his kiss-swollen and spit-covered lips to breathe a whiny,
"Please fuck me, Kuna."
And something in Sukuna's brain snaps.
He pushes into the brat with a violent thrust that makes the brat cry out in pain. Finally claiming him completely, burying his whole length deep inside the brat's tight ass.
Sukuna groans in pleasure, triumph filling his senses akin to the feeling of walking over a battlefield after a victorious battle.
Mine. You're mine.
He tightens his hold on the brat's wrists, pushing him down with his full weight, not giving him any time to adjust to the feeling of being filled, but rutting his hips in a punishing pace, fucking him deep and hard. So overcome with desire that he becomes careless. He wants to hear more of the cries of pain! He wants to ruin the brat! Wants to make him bleed and scream and bruise him for days!
But instead, another sound carries to his ears. The brat moans in delight. And his strong legs wrap around Sukuna's waist as if wanting to pull him even closer.
"Ah! Feels so good, Kuna!"
Something doesn't make sense. Why is the brat moaning in pleasure and pulling him closer?
A second later, Sukuna becomes aware of the familiar tingling sensation of his reverse cursed technique.
His eyes widen.
He unconsciously used his technique on the boy, healing him and taking the pain from him, leaving nothing but pleasure, even as Sukuna fucks into him brutally.
He falters momentarily, the tight hold on Itadori's wrists loosening so the brat can free his hands. But he doesn't push Sukuna off him.
Instead, he puts his hands on Sukuna's back, pulling him closer, caressing his muscles needily, digging his nails into them as he grinds against Sukuna and moans his name,
"Sukuna.....ah baby! Please, please don't stop!"
Golden eyes full of love and trust meet surprised light-blue ones, and Sukuna feels like he is falling.
Like he is drowning in the soulbond, they used to have, feeling it wrap around him again, engulf him and swallow him whole. He is one with Yuuji again. Their bodies and souls are connected again in this intimate moment.
When he spills his seed deep inside the boy, it is with a loud, breathless moan, a sound he can't remember ever making before.
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Sukuna doesn't understand it. What is this feeling? He can remember what it was like to be a human a thousand years ago. Not everything, of course, but he remembers feeling various emotions. He remembers feeling anger and joy, desire and hatred. Strong emotions that filled his body with their fire.
But lately, he feels something else. It's not as loud, not as violent as those emotions he remembers. He cannot quite place it, but he's pretty sure he never felt anything like it before. It's nagging him. Why does he not know what this is?
He is pretty sure it has something to do with the brat, though. With the way the old Itadori Yuuji, the one who approached Sukuna with nothing but hate, is gone, and in his stead, there is this other Itadori Yuuji. The one who looks at Sukuna with nothing but love in his eyes. The one who holds him every night and snuggles against him, all trusting and sweet.
It has to do with the way the brat cares about him.
It has to do with the way the brat says he loves him.
It's the most dangerous curse of all. That's what Sukuna heard back in his time, and the words stuck with him.
Love is a weakness. A way to ruin yourself and others. A dangerous addiction. A form of insanity. It makes the ones afflicted with it vulnerable. Love is a wild force. It's uncontrollable. A magic so ancient and potent that Sukuna fears even he has no power over it. And the loss of control is an idea that makes his skin crawl.
And yet, the brat dives into this madness head first.
Why is he like this? No wonder Sukuna is feeling all kinds of strange things lately! The brat is confusing him! He is making Sukuna see things he has never seen before.
The boy is sitting on the kitchen counter with his stupid, bright smile, looking like he has nothing to worry about. Telling Sukuna how glad he is to be with him and how happy he is about this life they have. There's nothing but sincerity in his honey gaze.
It's a concept so foreign to Sukuna. Everyone he ever encountered had their own agenda. Their own motives. Their own selfishness which influenced their actions.
But not Itadori. He is selfless to a fault.
Itadori Yuuji is a contradiction. He is so weak and so strong at the same time. It makes Sukuna's mind spin as he tries and tries and tries to wrap his head around it.
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Sukuna is standing at the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, one hand touching the cold window pane lightly as he stares unseeingly over the nightly city.
He cannot find any rest tonight. He had to untangle himself from the heavy and warm body of the brat to walk to the kitchen and get a cold glass of water before he came here to look at the endless sea of twinkling lights.
He cannot fight this uneasiness that has been plaguing him for the last few days.
Anytime Sukuna's lying on the couch during a lazy afternoon with the brat draped all over him, cuddling him and resting his head on Sukuna's chest, sometimes looking up at him with hazy eyes and ruffled hair and an affectionate smile, Sukuna is scared.
He is scared because there's a strange warmth spreading through his chest, and he is too aware of how loudly his heart is thumping.
He's losing control.
Things are slipping out of his hands, and he doesn't know how to stop it.
The brat means something to him. He cannot quite say what, but something makes him want to have Yuuji around. Safe and sound, wearing that happy, genuine smile on his stupid face.
He wants to keep the brat safe. Sukuna wouldn't mind burning this whole city down and killing everyone in it. He doesn't care about the pain or destruction he causes, even enjoys it. But now there is one person he doesn't want to stand in this chaos.
So, instead of hurting him, Sukuna's hand always finds its way into soft pink hair and strokes it gently, holding the brat in place, holding him close, making sure he won't get up and leave Sukuna's embrace.
This is a development Sukuna didn't see coming. He doesn't like it.
It terrifies him.
Does the brat have power over him? No one ever possessed any power over Sukuna! No one!
Is it because they used to share a body? Does it have to do with this strange separation anxiety he is experiencing since their souls were forcefully separated? Is it fear of losing this bond they had? A bond formed by fate itself?
Itadori's soft, warm voice speaks up behind him. Sukuna doesn't turn his head. But a moment later, strong arms wrap around him from behind, and the same voice asks again, closer this time, breath warm on Sukuna's neck, a warm muscular body snuggling against his back,
"Are you ok, Kuna? Did you have a nightmare?"
That stupid nickname! Sukuna grits his teeth. He wants to lash out at the brat, wants to slice him open, and tell him no one calls Sukuna like that. But he cannot do it. He hates it, but deep down, there's a part of him that feels so warm anytime the boy calls him Kuna.
Is that part of it? Of being loved by someone? To feel this warmth when they wrap you in their love and care? The sheer power a name holds when spoken by someone who loves you. The way Itadori says that name in such a tender tone. As if it is the most precious thing he owns. As if the name alone carries love.
Sukuna isn't ok. He is far from it.
But he nods and laughs softly,
"Yes, I'm ok, darling. Just needed something to drink."
Yuuji's arms tighten around him, and his head rests on Sukuna's back.
"Alright, but you can always talk to me if something's worrying you, ok? I love you."
"I love you too."
Empty words that are so cruel in their deceiving nature. One loves, and one doesn't. One says the truth and one speaks lies. And yet, tonight, the words taste dangerous on Sukuna's tongue.
He unfocuses his eyes from the city view and looks at the soft reflection of his face on the window pane. Wide, terrified, light-blue eyes stare back at him.
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Finally a new chapter!!! I had such a hard time editing this, but I am happy to finally share it. That last scene is one of my favorites in the whole story. I love the thought of Sukuna looking terrified at being confronted with Yuuji's genuine love and care. Love must really be a scary thing to our dear King. Uncontrollable and powerful. Well, Kuna YOU were the one who wanted to play this little game ;)
Ahahaha I am so soft for Sukuna slowly falling into Yuuji's sweetness and not being able to get out of it again. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Comments and reblogs would be very sweet!!
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hongcherry · 2 years ago
found trouble || p.sh (m)
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"After not hearing from Seonghwa for weeks, you find him outside your home in the middle of the night. Needless to say, you have a lot of pent-up anger, but so does he."
🏍 Pairing: biker!Seonghwa x richGirl!Reader (afab)
🏍 Rating/Genres/AUs: M(18+); Angst, smut; Biker au, bad boy/rich girl au, friends to lovers
🏍 Warnings: reader has she/her pronouns, lots of arguing and insults, cursing, pet names (princess, baby), reader cries 😔, oral (f & m rec), fingering, unprotective sex (take the necessary precautions!), p in v, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, reader is a brat and Seonghwa doesn’t have that, pussy and ass smacking, hickeys/marks, hwa’s a bit of perv at the end oops
🏍 Word Count: 4k
🏍 Author's Note: Okay, you guys asked for it! Part two of Seeking Trouble. Big shout out to my 🪱 anon in my feedback form who was the catalyst to me actually writing a part two. The "emotionally constipated brat tamer hwa" really stuck with me LOL. Anyway, thank you for the support everyone! ♥️ Please enjoy.
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Tossing your phone onto your bed, you let out a big huff.
That stupid prick.
It’s been four weeks since you heard from Seonghwa.
Four weeks since your last late-night trip to the hilltop outside of town. You’ve tried to contact him, but every text message and phone call goes unanswered. After a few days, you gave up trying to reach him, but you can’t help but check your phone every few hours anyway.
Nearly another week passes when you’re woken by a low rumble outside.
You’ve heard that sound plenty of times. Perhaps the familiarity is what pulled you out of your slumber.
You hurriedly climb out of bed, tugging on your night robe as you stumble to the window.
You can’t see the lights from Seonghwa’s bike, but you know he’s out there. At least, he was out there.
There’s a temptation to climb out of your window to find him; however, your path downward is nonexistent—unlike the movies. You’re not stupid enough to try either.
Instead, you quickly snatch up a pair of shoes and slip them on as you rush out of your room quietly.
It’s cold outside, and the robe you wear doesn’t warm you at all.
You wrap your arms around yourself, and peer left and right. There’s no sign of him.
You strain your ears but also don’t hear the sound of his motorbike.
Cursing mentally at your shit timing, you start to turn around. Though, shuffling to your left makes you halt.
“Who’s there?” you shout in a whisper.
More shuffling, then there’s a low voice.
“Don’t you know it’s safer to stay quiet in situations like these?”
Seonghwa’s figure appears from around the corner of your house.
“Oh, shut it! What are you doing here? Why have you been ignoring me?” you huff, walking toward him.
Seonghwa starts to remove his habitual leather jacket once he sees your appearance, but you stop him with a hand up.
“I don’t want it,” you stubbornly say.
He eyes you for a moment but goes through with his intention anyway.
His body heat from the jacket feels good over your shoulders; however, you’re still mad at him, so you shrug it off and let it fall to the floor.
Seonghwa sighs, picking it up and shaking off whatever dirt got on it.
“Are you going to answer me or—”
“Glad to know you’re still the same you,” he interrupts.
You furrow your brows. “Did you lose brain cells on your little vacation? Answer my—”
“I don’t know why you’re the one upset, you wanted the space,” he replies, face hardening at the memory from weeks ago.
Two days after the hilltop rendezvous, he got an envelope slipped under his shop’s door. In it, was a message from you stating you were tied of his boring life and to forget about whatever was going on between you two. To make it better (or worse), there was a hefty amount of cash in it.
“What the hell are you talking about, Hwa?” you ask.
“Did you lose brain cells on your vacation?” he repeats your insult earlier.
You glare at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“No,” you reply firmly.
You scan his features. It’s hard to read his thoughts with his blank stare, but you can tell from the increased rise and fall of his chest that he’s mad.
He can stay mad.
“Here,” he pulls out a white envelope from his back pocket and hands it to you.
You take it, confused.
“What’s this?” you wonder and peek inside. Your eyes widen at the sight of cash. Swiftly, you shove it against his chest.
“I don’t fucking want your stolen money,” you hiss. “Where on earth did you get this?!”
“Are you playing stupid?” he straight up asks, to which you’re taken aback.
“You’re trying to get me arrested,” you accuse.
“No,” he growls through clenched teeth. “I’m giving back your money. I don’t need a monetary incentive to leave you alone. I’m not desperate… Unlike you.”
You blink at him, mouth dropping open.
“First, are you high or something? I never gave you this money. Second, what am I desperate for? I have more money than what’s in that envelope.”
Seonghwa shoves the money back in your hands, and for a moment, it’s like a game of hot potato with both of you exchanging the cash. Eventually, it finds itself on the floor between you and him.
“It was slipped under my shop’s door weeks ago, and from what I know, no one from your family knows about the place, so they couldn’t have framed you. None of my brothers would do this either, so,” he trails off to let you connect the dots.
You listen to him attentively, becoming more puzzled with each word that leaves his mouth.
“I didn’t do that,” you say with a shake of your head.
Seonghwa glances at the envelope with a deep sigh.
“Why are you being so difficult? Just let this end like you wanted it to,” he exasperates.
“I haven’t visited your shop in a month. That,” you point to the cause of this argument, “wasn’t me.”
You try to think of who could’ve done this but come up blank. The only thing you can think of is someone had followed you and delivered the message. But who would care that much that you hung out with Seonghwa?
Does this mean your family knows?
Seonghwa looks up, hair covering his eyes, but you don’t need to see them to know how he’s feeling. The tightness in his jaw gives it away. He’s furious. 
He’s rarely gotten this upset when around you. Your brain works overtime to think of a way to calm him down.
“If I wanted to end things, I would’ve done it to your face… without money,” you say.
“Then do it.”
His tone is hard. Cold. Emotionless.
“Do what?”
“End it.”
“End this?” you try to clarify, gesturing between your bodies.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, princess.”
Although the nickname has never been a favorite, it’s never sounded so cruel until now.
“Seonghwa,” you say quietly.
He takes a step closer, and you take one step back.
He takes another, and so do you.
The action reoccurs until your back is pressed against your house’s wall.
“You want someone to take you away from this town? Find someone else,” he demands. “As I said before, Jongho would’ve itched your desire for freedom. But at this point, find someone I don’t know. Jongho doesn’t deserve to be treated how you’ve treated me.”
“What are you talking about?” You try to steady your trembling voice. Something about his words makes your heart clench painfully.
“I know you’re smart, baby. I know you know what you’re doing.”
A shake of your head.
He scoffs and moves away from your body to trek a small circle to calm his nerves. You stay pressed against the wall. You get a feeling you’re not invited to move.
“You’re so tired of this life you live. You need something new. Something–someone–that gives you a thrill, right?” he questions.
You stay quiet.
“I do that, don’t I? I give you that thrill you crave,” he continues and steps closer again.
When you don’t reply, he tilts your head to get a better look at you.
“I asked you a question.”
“You do.”
“And that’s all I do. That’s all you need me for,” he concludes.
“That’s not true,” you argue.
“It’s not? Then why do you want me to stay?”
You swallow hard.
The first response in your head is because you like him. But that’s too simple. And that’s not something you’re fully on terms with.
Your hesitation confirms Seonghwa’s already-made answer.
He scoffs harshly and starts to move away again, but you quickly reach out to grab his arm.
Something about your touch causes Seonghwa to slip out of your reach and pin your wrists to the wall in a matter of seconds. You don’t even realize what’s happening until he’s done and glaring at you with daggers you don’t want pointing at you.
“Because you want someone at your beck and call? Because you want to fuck someone your parents won’t approve of? Does that make you feel like the ‘badass’ you so desperately want to be? You want to be reckless and careless and free-willed?” he taunts. “You can be all that with someone else.”
“I only want you,” you plead, voice betraying your attempt to stay strong.
Seonghwa can see the wall you’ve built chip away. It motivates him to push onward.
“You only want me because I’m already here. If we were to end this, you’d have to start from scratch,” he says.
“No,” you say lowly, but Seonghwa ignores you. He ignores the weakness of your voice and the glossiness of your eyes.
“Or maybe you’re afraid no one will put up with your bratty attitude. You’re going to be stuck in this big mansion, playing Simon Says for the rest of your life because you’re too much of a coward to leave the nest—”
“Stop!” you cry, a few tears falling from your eyes. You tug your wrists from his grasp roughly and push his chest.
He stumbles back but still stares at you viciously.
“Did I get it all right, Yn?”
Your real name sounds foreign from his mouth, and it sparks the defiance inside you.
“No, because your brain is fucking empty,” you snarl. “You don’t know anything!”
He laughs darkly. “I got it all right because you wouldn’t be so upset if I didn’t. You’re just a rich, little—”
“I want you to stay because I like you!” you bark quickly.
That shuts Seonghwa’s yappy mouth.
His jaw clenches once, twice, then he’s rolling his eyes.
“You like the idea of me. You like the leather, the bike, the trouble, the freedom.”
You’re too mad to give a damn anymore.
You stalk toward him, giving his torso a shove with each word you spew.
“I like your humor, your laugh, your thoughtfulness, your stupid smile. I like how you let me vent. I like that you’re not faking who you are with me.”
You’re breathing heavily at this point, tears streaming down your face. Your anger is what’s keeping you warm on the chilly night. It’s what’s driving you to keep talking. To keep spilling your inner thoughts to the man before you.
“The trouble attracted me, but your personality made me stay. You and your stupid—” a hiccup. “Your stupid—”
You try to finish your sentence, but the words won’t come out. The only thing that escapes your throat is a choked sob.
Your fists are clenched in Seonghwa’s shirt, head resting against his chest as you heave.
Seonghwa’s standing still as he listens to your cries.
He came to check on you despite his better judgment—disguised as returning the money. This… This he never could have imagined happening.
Seonghwa’s been aware of his feelings for you for a while. He came to terms with them and accepted that they would only be reciprocated in his dreams. Though, now that he knows your true feelings, he’s stumped.
You sniffle and gradually pull away.
“Go,” you rasp.
You reach down and hold out the envelope.
“I may not have given this to you originally, but it’s obvious this person was right. This was going to end eventually. Why not now? Consider this payment for gas or whatever.”
Seonghwa looks at the envelope.
He does nothing for a while, and it makes you agitated. You shake the envelope and are about to repeat yourself when Seonghwa slaps the item out of your hands and grabs your extended hand.
He tugs you to him, crashing his lips upon yours so roughly it hurts your lips.
But the pain is welcomed.
The pain in your lips eases the pain in your heart.
Your arms wrap around his neck before jumping in his hold. He catches you with ease, gripping you harder than necessary.
His tongue moves quickly in your mouth, claiming it in a way you’ve never experienced before.
You’re tightening your legs around his waist when the sound of a window opening above pulls you both apart.
Your mother peeks her head out and stares down with bugged-out eyes. She calls your full name, but the effect it once had doesn’t stir in you now.
Seonghwa lets you go and starts to step away, but again, you stop him.
“Take me somewhere,” you say, ignoring the yelling your mom is doing. Soon, your dad’s voice joins hers.
Seonghwa’s shoulders deflate a little. “Some things never change, huh?”
You shake your head and step closer. “Take me somewhere so I can stay with you. You’re right. I’m a coward. I don’t want to be their puppet anymore.”
He licks his lips in thought.
“Please, Hwa,” you beg. “I’m serious. I’m ready to leave it all behind.”
Seonghwa smirks slightly, glancing from your parents and back to you. “All for some guy in leather?”
You smile, grabbing his helmet and handing it to him. He shakes his head and pushes it toward you instead. He wasn’t prepared for extra company and only has one. He would rather you wear it.
Seonghwa pushes the motorbike’s kickstand with his foot before climbing on.
“All for some guy in leather with a dorky smile,” you say as you follow suit.
“Get off that bike right now! Have you lost your mind?” your mother yells.
“I’m going to call the cops on you, young man. Kidnapping is a big crime, punishable by law!” your dad adds.
“What does he have on you, Yn? What are you doing? No—! Stop! Stop that motorbike!”
Your mom’s voice fades off into the night as Seonghwa drives off.
You’re smiling like crazy beneath the helmet. For the first time, you feel the weight off your shoulders fully. You know you’ll have to face your parent’s wrath eventually, but for now, you’re worry-free. Your shackles are gone. You finally made the decision you’ve been wanting to make. You just needed a little push… A little help.
Despite Seonghwa’s earlier warnings when you first met, you release your hold on his waist and spread your arms out. Your eyes close as you feel the wind rush past you. For a few seconds, you feel like you’re flying.
You’re liberated.
You’re addicted to the feeling.
Seonghwa moves a hand to rest on one of your thighs while he slows his speed. He can hear your laughing and cheers as he drives, and it brings a smile to his lips—lifting his spirit.
The moment you arrive at Seonghwa’s small apartment, you’re tugging off each other's clothes. You both move with haste. Your hands and mouths are all over the other. It’s as if you only have ten minutes to live.
“Fuck, I missed your mouth,” you gasp as he’s flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue fast. Two of his fingers are gliding in and out of your soaked hole, filling his apartment with lewd noises.
He hums against you as he pulls away.
Seonghwa continues to finger you open while he replies, “I bet you did. Your little toys didn’t do much for you, hm?”
“No,” you shake your head. “You feel so much better.”
He chuckles and lowers down again, licking and sucking your clit until you’re moaning his name continuously and squeezing his fingers as you come.
Seonghwa runs his tongue along his bottom lip as he sits back.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs and adjusts your body so you’re sitting upright on the couch—your ass close to the edge.
You spread your legs, reaching out with weak arms to pull him closer. He leans in to give you a sweet kiss.
He keeps his lips on yours while he presses his hard length against you, slowly rubbing it between your folds.
“Hwa,” you mewl into the kiss.
“What do you need?” he asks as he pulls away until his lips are brushing yours.
“You inside me.”
“You sure it’s not me without smart remarks?”
Flashbacks to that night whizz in your mind, and suddenly you fear he’ll leave you without an orgasm. Granted, you just came, but you still want more. You crave more.
Quickly, you clutch his sides so he can’t move away.
“No! ‘m sorry about that. You can say and do whatever you want,” you ramble in desperation.
Seonghwa smirks and angles your face upward slightly.
“See, baby? Punishments work.”
The comment makes you huff at him, pushing your nails into his skin slightly as you move your head out of his grasp. “Don’t be so cocky.”
“You gonna’ get smart with me right now, princess?” he chuckles dryly.
You stare at him, fighting the urge to snap back, but you lack self-control.
“You’re such a—”
Seonghwa raises an eyebrow in warning. There’s a small part of him that wants you to fight back just so he can punish you again.
“Sexy man.” You end lamely, ultimately deciding to comply so you can get what you’ve been craving for weeks—him.
He smiles. “Say what you were going to.”
You shake your head and tug his hips toward you, hinting at what you want. Seonghwa just moves back.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re obedient now,” he coos mockingly.
“You are sexy,” you protest with a pout.
“But I’m also what?” he prompts.
You sigh, relenting, “You’re also an arrogant asshole.”
There’s a sharp pain against your cunt without warning.
“Repeat it.”
“Seonghwa,” you whine loudly. “Please, just need you inside me.”
“Repeat. It.”
“You’re an arrogant asshole.”
Seonghwa gives another slap against your aching pussy, then rubs your clit fast, causing your hips to buck.
“This arrogant asshole is going to fuck you until you can’t even say those words anymore.”
You don’t get the opportunity to reply as Seonghwa pushes his cock into your walls.
Your mouth falls open at the sensation, heading lolling back.
Seonghwa wastes no time as he starts moving his hips immediately. The stretch of his cock has your mind going muddy, words getting jumbled together to form incoherent sentences.
“My poor baby,” he murmurs and slows down, exchanging speed with power. “Been all alone in her big mansion.”
You whine at his words, remembering how alone you felt when he was away. How needy you were for his touch in the late of nights. Nothing could ever replace his touch, no matter how hard you tried to imitate it by moving your hands the way you remembered him doing.
“Missed you,” you mumble.
Seonghwa kisses your pouting lips.
“Needed me to sneak in and fuck you dumb, right?” he continues, and you nod.
He chuckles, thrusting in particularly hard and earning him a loud gasp from you.
“I always wanted to fuck you in that fancy bed of yours,” he confesses with another powerful snap of his hips. “I probably would’ve had to stuff your pretty mouth with your underwear to keep you quiet.”
“I wish you did,” you say breathlessly.
“Maybe we can make that happen when we get your stuff,” he smiles, pace becoming languid.
“You think they’d let me take stuff their money bought me?” you huff.
“Who says we need their permission?”
“I rather not be arrested by my family.”
“I doubt they’ll arrest you,” he laughs softly.
You shake your head. “They’re crazy. You never know.”
“We’ll work something out,” he promises.
At some point, you couldn’t decide if a relationship with Seonghwa was worth leaving the world you were familiar with behind. Though now, with him in your arms and completely in your heart, you know your answer.
You would happily give up your elegant big room for Seonghwa’s minimal small one.
Seonghwa ducks his face to give you another kiss, then he’s picking up his speed. Your body’s being pushed up the couch, and there are a few times Seonghwa grips your hips to readjust you.
“No one else, but me, right?” he pants against your ear. “You’re mine now?”
“Yes. Just yours, Hwa” you reply, walls squeezing around his thick cock as the pleasure builds inside your tummy.
Seonghwa reaches one hand down to circle your clit while the other pushes your chin up so he can have easy access to your neck. Before, he wasn’t allowed to mark your skin in case your family saw it. Now, he could do whatever he wanted.
Your eyes close, moans falling past your parted lips at all the pleasure Seonghwa is giving you.
“Wanna’ come,” you beg, pulling his body close. “Please let me come.”
Seonghwa can’t help but chuckle at how whiney your voice sounds. He knows you’re thinking about the last time on the hilltop.
“Show me how badly you want it,” he says, and then flips you both so you’re straddling his lap while he sits on the couch.
You don’t let the sudden position change distract you; your hips move as soon as you’re balanced.
Seonghwa groans lowly, one hand resting on your hip while the other goes back between your legs.
You’re rolling your hips so fast that your body aches quickly, but you push through the pain because the high you’re chasing is greater than that.
“Fucking my cock so well, princess,” Seonghwa praises.
You moan in response and soon, your legs are giving out and you’re collapsing against his chest as pleasure washes over you.
However, Seonghwa doesn’t let you rest as long as you wish. He’s pushing you onto your knees in front of him, pumping his cock rapidly.
Your hands rest on his thighs and you lean in, mouth falling open for him to use.
Seonghwa takes the invitation without a second thought—gliding his length between your lips and moving your head as he pleases.
His moans are getting louder the closer he gets to his climax.
The sounds of him hitting the back of your throat cause him to push you off as he releases over your chest.
“You missed,” you frown, glancing down at the white liquid scattered across your breasts.
“No, I didn’t,” he smirks. Despite knowing how much you love the taste of him, he couldn’t let you get away with the names you called him earlier. 
Seonghwa bites his lower lip as he stares at the mess he made. “Could have you walk around like that for hours.”
You groan and push at his thighs lightheartedly. “Fucking perv.”
He laughs, offering you a hand to help you up.
“You wouldn’t like that?” he questions playfully.
“Hm, sounds like a new form of punishment then,” he hums, more to himself.
“As if! You’re not making me waltz around your apartment covered in your cum.”
Seonghwa says nothing, but the smirk plastered on his face tells you he’s very serious.
“Not today,” he reassures. “Let’s get cleaned.”
You decide not to argue—partly because there’s a high chance he will conduct his new punishment idea—and nod, following him to the bathroom. However, something peeking out of the pile of discarded clothes catches your attention.
You make a quick detour and pluck out the once-white envelope.
Seonghwa turns to watch you when he notices you’re not behind him.
“You took this?” you ask, surprised.
He gives you a lopsided smile. “It’s mine after all.”
“I’m with a thief?” you laugh.
He shakes his head and takes the envelope out of your grasp. “No, I just take what’s mine.”
With the last word, he places the item down and pulls you against his chest.
“Oh? Do you?” you tease and move your arms around his neck.
“You disagree?” he asks.
“No,” you smile.
“Thought so,” he chuckles, pecking your lips. “Now, let’s go. I’m getting cold.”
He starts guiding you to the bathroom, but you turn to glance back briefly to look at him.
“Weakling,” you taunt.
As soon as you turn around, there’s a smack against your ass that has you stumbling slightly. Seonghwa makes no effort to stabilize you. Thankfully, you don’t actually fall.
“Get your ass in the shower, or I’ll tie you up and leave you with my cum over you,” he threatens, a devilish smile forming on his lips.
Your eyes narrow. You want to disobey him, but the better part of you knows better.
At least for tonight.
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A/N: Again, thank you for the love you all gave this couple ♥️
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taglist: @nina-at-any-time, @jexizia, @ssaboala
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galexystern · 2 years ago
the other shoe
pairing; steve harrington/reader
rating; T
word count; 4k
warnings; fluff, a little angst, jealousy, allusions to smut
desc; steve learns his definition of love isn’t necessarily correct.
"Hey, baby," you hear Steve say just before he plops down on the bench next to you. You hold up a finger, and he waits patiently for you to read until the next section break. When you get there, you place your bookmark, close the book, and properly turn to him.
"Hi, pretty boy," you finally reply, making him beam. You lean forward and he eagerly meets your lips for a tender kiss. He pulls away but you keep your head in the same place with your eyes closed. "You smell good."
"Thanks, sweetheart." He kisses your forehead and you sit up again. "It's a new cologne. What do you think?"
You inhale deeply, making him chuckle. "I like it," you eventually say. "It suits you."
"Guess it's a keeper then."
"Just like you."
He points to himself in shock and you laugh. He can't help but break and join in. Your laugh is just too infectious. "You too, beautiful."
You present your cheek to him and he kisses it wetly. You make a face and wipe away the extra spit. Steve puts on an affronted expression. "Wiping off my kisses, are we?"
You shrug. "When they're gross, I guess."
"My kisses would never be gross!" He lunges at you and you screech in laughter as his hands descend to tickle you mercilessly. "Take it back!"
"Never!" You yell, trying to squirm out of his grip, but he's got muscle and mass on you so it doesn't really work.
"I'm not gonna stop unless you take it back!"
A few more seconds of tickling torture and you finally pant out, "Okay! Okay. Your kisses are never gross."
"Thank you." He stops and brings his hands back to himself. "How are you, baby? How's the book?"
"It's so good!" You gush. He smiles; he loves hearing you rave about the things you like. He'll never get tired of it. "I think maybe you'd like it too."
He raises an eyebrow, skeptical.
"Just hear me out," you rush out. "It's this big heist duology and these six characters have to team up even though they don't really know or like each other but they become a family anyway and there's magic and there's love and all of them are morally gray characters and no one is too good and everyone worships money and it all seems impossible but they have to find a way to pull it off anyway."
He holds out a hand wordlessly and you pass him the book excitedly. Steve doesn't read that much—he can read, of course, and likes to sometimes, but there are other things he likes to do more—but your opinions are important to him so he'll usually read what you recommend. But you're picky about your recommendations; you know how he feels about reading, and you'd rather not offer than get a no in response. So when you do say you think he'd like something, it holds more weight. You're usually right.
Steve skims the blurb and feels his interest piquing. He does love a morally gray character and the found family trope. "Okay, angel. I'll read it after you."
You light up. "Really?"
"Of course," he replies, grinning at you. He also loves it when he makes you so happy.
You squeal a little and clap your hands, and Steve's smile grows wider if possible. "Yay! We can talk about this book and then read the second one together! Like our own little book club!"
"Won't your other book club get jealous?" He teases.
You roll your eyes and shove him lightly. "They'll be fine. They're not the jealous type."
"You never know."
"Meh." You wave a hand. "But how are you? How was class?"
"Actually kind of interesting." Steve had just come from his Botany class, which he'd chosen to fulfill a science credit requirement. He'd never been a fan of science, but he likes learning about nature and different types of plants and species. Suspiciously, it doesn't feel like science at all.
"I told you that you would like it."
"And you're always right."
He'd been sarcastic, but you just nod as if he'd been serious. "Exactly." Steve laughs and pulls you in for another sweet kiss. You're both smiling when you part.
"Oh, I wanted to ask you something," he says abruptly, just remembering why he'd sought you out on the quad in the first place.
You hum, motioning for him to go ahead.
"The boys invited me to go see the latest Mission: Impossible movie with them tonight. Is that okay?"
"I'm not your mother, Steve," you joke. He rolls his eyes fondly.
"We'd talked about hanging out tonight is all."
"No worries, that's fine. I'm not a big M:I fan anyway. You can just explain it to me in detail when you come home."
"Should I take notes?"
"Yes, there will be a pop quiz and it will affect your grade." You two grin at each other. "Besides," you continue, "I have actual book club tonight."
"Did you finish that book already?" Steve taps your current read sitting between you.
"No," you admit. At Steve's snicker, you add, "But their pick was so boring! I was dozing off every time I tried reading it."
He smirks. "They might quiz you."
"Ah, well." You shrug. "What's it gonna do? Tank my GPA?" You smile at Steve's grin. "We're still on for date night tomorrow, right?"
"Absolutely, pretty girl. Got a plan and everything."
Your eyebrows raise. "Oh? That's kinda sexy."
Steve preens a little. "Is it? I had no idea."
You slap his upper arm gently and he pretends to be mortally wounded, making you giggle. At that, he swoops in and gives you one last kiss before standing.
"Gotta get to my next class. Thank you, baby. Love you."
"Love you." You blow him a kiss, and he catches it and places it into his pocket for safekeeping. Your laugh follows him as he walks out of the quad, making him feel lighter than air.
Steve looks at the time on his dashboard clock. "Shit!" He yells, pushing his car to move just a little faster, but not too fast. He doesn't want to get pulled over and be even later than he already is. His knee bounces at every red light and he has to consciously stop himself from biting his nails. He knows you hate it when he does that; it always leaves his fingers cracked and bleeding and sensitive.
He speeds into the complex's lot and parks haphazardly, briefly checking he's between the yellow lines before sprinting to the doors and up the three flights of stairs. He bursts through the door into your shared apartment, slightly winded.
"Baby?" He says loudly, frantically. He hears you yell from the bedroom and he rushes in to find you sitting on the bed, all dolled up with nowhere to go. It makes him feel worse.
"Hi, my love," you say, setting down the book you were reading and standing. You walk over to him and give him a kiss. "Everything okay?"
Steve takes your hands in his. "I'm so sorry I'm late, sweetheart. Class got out late and then there was this huge construction zone—did you know they're doing construction on Margrove Ave? I did not. Traffic was backed up forever and...ugh, I'm sorry."
He looks at you to see...you holding back a grin? His brow scrunches in confusion. Eventually, you do break into a grin.
"It's alright, baby. No harm done."
"But you look so pretty and I kept you waiting and it was mean..."
"First of all, thank you for saying I look pretty." You kiss his cheek softly. "Second, you didn't do it on purpose. I don't mind. You're here now."
"Yeah," you answer with a tiny giggle. "Really."
Relief floods Steve's face and he sighs. "You are the best."
"That I do know." You follow it up with a wink and Steve laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you for a passionate kiss. You can't help your laugh, breaking it, and he leans back to look at you lovingly.
He sets you back down. "Let me just change quickly and we'll get outta here."
"Okay," you say with a nod. He kisses your temple before heading to the closet and switching out his regular clothes for something a little nicer. When he emerges wearing a nice polo half-tucked into a pair of khakis, shiny sneakers on his feet, he finds you back on the bed and your nose in the book. He clears his throat and you look up at him. "What's so interesting in there?" He teases.
He walks towards you and tries to grab the book, but you slide it out of the way, your expression a little nervous. Now he really wants to know what you're reading, so he darts around the other side of you and snags it before you can hide it again. You make a little noise of surprise and he looks down to see that you were reading the second book of that duology you'd convinced him to try. The one you were supposed to read together.
He looks back at you, face curiously blank, and you blurt out, "I'm sorry, baby! I know we said we'd read it together but it was just so good and I couldn't resist."
Steve finally breaks into a smile and laughs. "Angel, it's fine. I couldn't care less if you read ahead. As long as you don't spoil it."
You make a face in horror. "You know I would never!"
He laughs harder. "I know, honey. I know."
You huff an exhale. "Well, I'm sorry anyway."
"You don't have to be sorry." Steve gathers you into his arms. "I don't care. Plus, I was late so it's just balancing the scales."
"But that doesn't matter."
"Neither does this."
"Then I guess nothing of importance happened."
Steve barks out a laugh. "Guess not," he teases back, making you break into a smile. "Ready to go?"
You nod and he helps you stand, tucking your arm into his elbow as he leads you out into the night.
"I'm home!" You shout from the front door as you slip off your shoes and coat.
"Hi, baby!" Steve yells back from the kitchen. You walk down the hall and into the room, permeated with a delicious aroma of spices. He's standing at the counter, chopping something on a cutting board, as pots and pans sizzle on the stove.
You go up to him and wrap your arms around his waist, making sure to do it slowly and carefully so he doesn't accidentally cut you or himself. "Smells great in here," you mumble into his shoulder, peering over it to see him slicing red and green peppers. "I'm starving."
"Good," he replies, distracted by his task. "Dinner is in fifteen." He finishes the pepper he's working on and sweeps them into a bowl on the side. Before he can set the next vegetable on the board—carrots, from the nice, little line he has them in on the counter—he turns around in your arms. He wipes his hands on his jeans before placing them on your hips and pulling you in for a long, sensual kiss. "Missed you today."
You giggle when he presses tiny kisses to your cheeks and nose and forehead. "Missed you too. Class was so boring. I was dying to get out of there."
"Well, now you're here." He squeezes you into a tight hug. "Where you're supposed to be."
"Sap," you tease and then yelp when he pinches you lightly.
"You love it," he replies, smiling smugly.
You roll your eyes but smile. "Unfortunately, I do."
"Unfortunately?" He goes to get you back for that but you dance away from him before he can. You laugh as he playfully chases you around the tiny kitchen, finally backing you up against the table. "What do you have to say for yourself, little miss?"
You grin cheekily. "Sorry, daddy."
Steve groans a little at the pet name, unintentionally thrusting his hips and half-hard crotch into yours.
"Nope," he says suddenly and stops himself from moving again. You whine a little. "Ah-ah. That's for later."
You make a face. "Meanie."
He grips your chin between his thumb and index finger and makes you look up at him. "But later, I expect to see the good little girl I know and love."
"No promises," you reply wickedly. You slip your mouth over the tip of his thumb. You watch Steve's eyes darken, and then release it and add cheerily, "Shall I set the table?"
"Brat," Steve mutters. He pinches your chin lightly and then steps away. He goes back to the cutting board while you gather plates, silverware, napkins, and glasses on the table. As you set them, you ask, "Baby, did you get the book back?"
Steve freezes. After you and he had finished the second book in the duology, he'd loaned it to a friend who'd read the first one and wanted to finish the series. It'd been a couple weeks and you'd recently asked him to get the book back so you could find the quotes you'd highlighted and copy them down—a favorite pastime. He kept meaning to ask his friend but also kept forgetting.
"Um," he says to you. "No. I forgot again." He spins around. "I'm really sorry, princess."
You look up at him and he tenses, waiting. But then you shrug and go back to setting the table. "Okay. Next time you see him, can you grab it?"
Steve just blinks at you. "What?"
You glance up. "Next time you see Oliver? You can get it back?"
"Oh, uh, yeah." He bobs his head oddly. "Next time, definitely."
"Sounds good," you sing back to him as you finish. He turns back to the vegetables and cuts at a slower pace.
"Sweetheart?" He calls out tentatively. You hum back in response. "Can you stir the pot on the stove for me?"
"Course, honey." You go to the stove and do as he asked, sniffing deeply. "Smells so good, Stevie. What is this?"
"Chicken marsala," he answers, relaxing a little.
"Yummy." You take a little taste, which Steve catches as he pours the carrots into the salad bowl.
"Little miss!" He exclaims. You jump back from the stove and smile sheepishly. He points the knife at you. "Got a little attitude tonight, huh?"
You shrug, eyes going up as you try to look innocent. You look angelic to Steve, but definitely not innocent. He sighs and shakes his head, setting down the knife and picking up the bowl. He brings it to the table and you follow him eagerly. He surprises you by whipping around and catching you around your waist, making you shriek in laughter. He tugs you in close and you hum when he kisses you hungrily.
"I should teach you a lesson right here," he murmurs lowly. Your breath hitches.
"Maybe you should, daddy," you taunt.
"Maybe I will."
But when he dips back down to kiss you again, your stomach grumbles loudly, breaking the moment. You giggle as Steve rests his forehead against yours in exasperation. "Alright, alright," he says. "Food first."
He tries to let you go but you keep your arms locked around his neck. You bring him down into an intense kiss, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip so he'll open his mouth. He does so with a moan, and you dive in, tasting him. You explore for another minute, running your fingers through his hair, and then you separate and step away. He stares at you in bewilderment.
"Just a preview of later," you say with a wink. Then you turn away and flounce to the fridge to pull out a wine you and Steve both like. He tries to regain his composure...or at least, fake it until after dinner.
Steve can't sleep. He's been tossing and turning for hours. It's infuriating; he has an early class in the morning and you're asleep beside him—he just wants to curl up around you and drift off as well. But a thought's been nagging at him for a while and he's been pushing it away, and now it's coming to get its revenge and robbing him of necessary, restful sleep. He lets out a quiet groan and turns onto his other side yet again.
"Baby?" You murmur sleepily.
"Fuck," he swears under his breath, "I'm sorry, angel. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's fine." You yawn and turn to face him, eyes still closed. "What's wrong?"
He studies you. "Why do you do that?"
You blink blearily. "Do what?"
"Say it's okay whenever I fuck up."
"What?" That's gotten your attention and you wake up a little bit more. "What do you mean?"
"Don't you love me?"
"Baby," you say, worried now. You scoot forward until you're next to him. You prop your head onto your hand and rest the other on his chest. "What are you talking about? Of course I love you. I love you so much."
Steve shakes his head petulantly. "Then why do you let me get away with so many things? If you love me, you're supposed to hold me accountable."
"Get away with things? What things?"
"Like...like forgetting to get your book back from Oliver. And being late. And cancelling plans."
"Baby, those aren't fuck-ups."
"Yeah, they are. I made those mistakes and you don't care."
"You're right, I don't care." He looks hurt so you hurry to continue, "About those things. They're so small and unimportant. I care about you." He still seems skeptical. "Stevie, my love, you didn't do those maliciously. You weren't trying to cause me harm or hurt me. You apologized and felt bad in the moment. That shows you care. And those things are just little inconveniences. They don't matter in the end. I don't care if you’re a little late as long as I get to see your pretty face at some point. Cancelling tentative plans that aren't set in stone is perfectly fine. And getting our book back from Oliver isn't life or death. You forgot; I don't mind. I forget things all the time. You know how bad my memory is." Steve cracks a small smile. "And waking me up you didn't mean to do. You said so yourself. So how could I be mad at you? What is there to be mad about?"
"I don't know," he says timidly. "Aren't I supposed to be perfect? For you?"
"Baby, you are perfect for me. But you don't have to be perfect in general. Humans are the definition of imperfection. As long as you apologize and don't do anything to hurt me on purpose, I'm okay."
"I would never hurt you on purpose."
"I know, my love." You move your hand to his cheek and rub your thumb against it gently. "You can't make everyone happy all the time; that's just how it is."
"I just..." He trails off. When he looks at you, you nod encouragingly, so he tries again. "You never get angry. I want you to get angry."
"Doesn't that show you care?"
"Oh, beautiful boy," you coo. "I love you. But anger does not equal care. Especially not about small issues that don't matter in the grand scheme of things." He shrugs. "Besides, I can be angry. I'm just not gonna be angry at you."
"Why haven't you been?"
"Why would I be? You've been a perfect gentleman. You've been the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." That gets Steve to smile wider. "You show me you love me all the time. You being late does not negate those other, bigger things you do. You know?" Finally, he nods a little and you sigh with a smile. "Feel better?"
"Yeah. I do love you, a lot."
"I love you too, baby." You kiss him sweetly, and he reciprocates happily. "Cuddle me?"
He nods, eagerly this time, and you turn over so he can press his chest against your back. He sighs against your neck and his breath makes you giggle. "Love you, angel."
"Love you too, Stevie. Sweet dreams."
You slam your car door and lock it hastily as you stride quickly to the door of the restaurant. You throw open the door, ready to apologize profusely to Steve for being late. You spot his beautiful head of hair and head towards him before stopping in your tracks.
There's a cute, perky little waitress standing at his table, smiling widely, laughing loudly, touching his arm now and then. It's obvious she's flirting.
You see red.
You stomp over, pasting a fake smile on your face as you slide into the booth next to Steve, right in front of the waitress. "I'm so sorry I'm late, baby." You kiss him, which startles him, but he leans in to kiss you back like normal. "I missed you so much," you add when you lean away. Then you turn and look up at the waitress brightly. She's watching you in disbelief and annoyance. "Hi! I'll just take an ice water. Thank you!"
She huffs and walks away, shoulders hunched. You roll your eyes as you go to the other side of the booth and cross your arms. Steve looks at you warily.
"Hi, angel," he says hesitantly.
Your attention goes to him and you melt a little looking at his sweet face. "Hi, my love," you reply, reaching out a hand across the surface. He automatically brings his hand up and intertwines your fingers.
"You okay?"
"Are you...angry?" You shrug. "At me?"
"No, no, no," you rush out, "not with you, pretty boy." The waitress comes back and sets down your waters a little too hard, making the liquid splash out onto your arms. You glare at each other as she walks away again. Still squinting after her, you say, "I'm angry with entitled little bitches who think they can steal my man right under my nose."
Steve blinks a little, and then a sly smile spreads across his mouth. "Ah."
You glance back at him. "What?"
"You're cute when you're jealous."
"Pfft," you roll your eyes, "I'm not jealous."
He raises an eyebrow in amusement. "That right?"
You take your hand back so you can cross your arms again. "Yup," you reply, popping the p.
"Angel." He wiggles his fingers. "Come back." It takes a minute, but you eventually cave and reconnect your hands. Steve brings them to his mouth and he kisses the back of yours softly.
"Told you I get angry," you say lightly.
Steve huffs out a laugh. "And you're always right."
That makes you smile. "Exactly." You keep studying him. "I am sorry I was late, though."
"It's fine, honey. I don't mind."
"See? I don't mind either."
"Oh, you don't mind you were late?"
You pull his hand towards you and try to bite it for his teasing. He laughs and tugs back so they're resting on the table again. As he rubs his thumb across the back of your hand, you relax again.
"I don't mind when you're late," you clarify.
"But you do mind when—what did you say?—'entitled little bitches' flirt with ‘your man’?" He smirks.
"Yes, I mind that very much," you answer primly, making him chuckle. "In fact, it makes me pretty angry."
His eyes glint. "That's pretty sexy."
"Oh?" You bare your teeth in a sinful grin. "You like seeing me possessive over you? Marking you as mine?"
His foot caresses your calf as it slides up. "Mhm. Maybe you can do that later. Physically.”
"You know, I will." You play footsie back with him. "Show the world you belong to me."
He swallows back a small moan. "Fuck, yes."
Out of nowhere, a pair of menus slap down on the table beside your hands, and you two startle back. The waitress smirks before strutting away, but Steve doesn't take his eyes off you. You gaze at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
When it dies down, Steve hands a menu to you and you open it. He squeezes your hand and so you look back up at him.
"I love you, you know that?" He says softly, lovingly.
"I know. I love you too." You beam at each other. "Now," you continue, "there’s another series by that same author. I’ve heard it’s so good. It’s about secret societies at Yale and magic and hell and demons and slow burn romance and more found family and a girl who can see ghosts. Thoughts?"
179 notes · View notes
weird-obsessed-girl · 2 years ago
Wolfstar Fic Rec List
by order of word count. still adding.
even though i've only recently got into the marauders era, i have already racked up so much i want to read. this is me trying to keep on top of it.
heres my masterlist which includes jegulus, drarry and tomarry
I Wish I Could Miss You - Engie_Ivy
Hurt no Comfort, Ex-Azkaban Sirius, Angst | G | 800
early morning rain - woman_in_the_moon
domestic fluff, established relationship, talks of uni but haven't graduated from Hogwarts yet | G | 1.2k
On the Edge - KittyCargo
Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut | E | 2k
Let's Go Out With a Bang - orphan_account
Modern Setting, Deaf Sirius, Customer Service | 2k
Seasons - KittyCargo
Getting Together, Meet Cute, Teacher Remus | G | 3k
Swipe Left for Safety - Remy_Writes5
Flirting, Meet-cute, Modern au | M | 3k
tell me what you want, say it like an oath - drowsyanddazed
friends to lovers, mutual pining, jealous remus, marauders era, first kiss, getting together, sharing a bed | T | 3k
Five Times Remus Lupin Rendered Sirius Black Speechless (and the One Time Sirius Turned the Tables) - remuslives23
5 + 1, Fluff, Mpreg | M | 3k
Close to You - sad_gay_and_lonely
sirius and eyeliner, boys in love, making out, getting together, marauders era, sweet | T | 3k
Remus “The Casanova of Gryffindor tower” Lupin - nephele_baino29
mutual pining, jealous sirius, fluff, love advise, love confessions, get together, marauders era | 4k
A Supplementary Story - elixirsoflife
Modern Muggle Au, Vampire Sirius, Fluff and Crack | M | 5k
The Love There That's Sleeping - victoria_p (musesfool)
M | 5k
Glow Up - CelestialWolf72
glow up, fluff and smut, getting together | E | 5k
flickering shadows of love - I_am_Eli
angst, hurt/comfort, hopeful ending, pining, requited unrequited love, pre-slash, panic attacks | M | 5k
Remus Lupin and the Case of The Missing Jumper - ThatFilmGraduate
No Voldy, Established Relationship, Fluff and Humour | 5k
(UN)WANTED - NightTempus
dom remus, post-the prank, angst with happy ending, getting together, possessive remus, makeup sex | E | 5k
Identically Pining - brandileigh2003
disabled remus, oblivious remus, oblivious sirius, get together, woomflower friendship, howgarts era | T | 6k
(in my room) i want you here - dykesiriusblack
marauders era, sixth year, spin the bottle, first kiss friends to lovers, pining | T | 6k
Where all roads meet (waiting for you) - blueberrywizard
character study, angst and feels, hurt/comfort, non-linear, marauders era, established relationship | E | 7k
The Wolf, the Dog and the Pup - Mechie63
wolfstar raise harry, grimmauld place, therapy, angst | 7.5k
Best Friends Brother - seaveymalfoy
i think this is more focused on Jegulus but wolfstar is very present, happy ending, getting together, brotherly relationship between sirius and regulus | 7k
You can't do magic, the muggles are watching - GeekMom13
voldy died in 1st war, dadfoot, moomy, kid fic, fix-it, good narcissa | E | 10k
A Store of Happiness - coyotesuspect
Canon Divergence, Raising Harry | G | 11k
Flickers of a Flame - DestielsDestiny
hurt/comfort, x-men fusion, found family, BAMF sirius and remus | T | 12k
The End is a Great Place to Start - A_diantum, mindabbles
marauders era, getting together, fluff and smut | E | 12k
Secret Letters - Msmoony_m
child abuse, hurt/comfort, walburga finds out | M | 13k
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - writingwillow
meet-cute, baby harry, no voldy, remus didnt go to hogwarts, fliff, getting together | T | 14k
A Story of a Not-So-Innocent Remus and a Too-Jealous-for-his-own-good Sirius - gracegraylove
top remus, jealous sirius, hung remus, friends to lovers, fluff and smut | E | 14k
Too Little Too Late - swings_and_roundabouts
sad as shit, hurt/comfort, angst, exes, grief/mourning, modern setting | M | 14k
You're All I Need To Get By - jlpierre
boyfriends, smut, some humour, flirting, established relationship, secret relationship | E | 16k
Everyone Is Someone At Home - FivePips, shadow_prince
historical au, viking remus, celtic prince sirius, banter, resolved sexual tension | E | 16k
The Shower Incident - licensedtofangirl
Marauders Era, Oblivious Remus, Mutual Pining, Getting Together | E | 20k
C'mon, Baby, Let Me Get To You - seaxnce
also jegulus, 10 things i hate about you, getting together, marauders era | 21k
Better in the Morning - BrigidFaye
fix-it, fluff and angst, mating bond, marauders era, major character undeath, dumbledore bashing, reunions | E | 22k
Multiplying Parents - heartofspells
get together, harry sets wolfstar up, meet-cute, humour and fluff, found family, muggle au, secret dating, sirius raises harry | T | 23k
Kintsugi Souls - PhantomGrimalkin
Soulmate Au, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love, Child Abuse | M | 25k
holding Out - saintgarbanzo
raising harry, canon divergence, getting together, angst, with a happy ending, unresolved sexual tension | E | 25k
Finding Andromeda - ThatFilmGraduate
established relationship, no war au, found family, sirius tries to find andromeda, anxious sirius, smut, family reunions, happy ending | E | 26k
Not If It's You - estas_absentis
sirius gets a trial, getting back together, remus raising harry, then wolfstar, canon divergence, angst with happy ending | E | 26k
When the rain washes you clean you'll know - starredscars
angst, pining, marauders era, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, jealousy | M | 26k
Neither Hide nor Hair - puuvillaa
one night stands, remus didnt go to hogwarts au, no voldy, happy ending, auror sirius, werewolf politics, they dont know eachother, and think the other is a muggle | E | 28k
Theories of Magic and Mind - M_Leigh
Memory Loss, past child abuse, Hogwarts Era, First war, lie low at Lupin's | T | 28k
Finders, Keepers - varsavia
canon divergence, lily and james live, established relationship, professor remus, domestic fluff, happy ending, parents wolfstar | T | 28k
Antics and Romantics - Mystirium_Inc
friends to lovers, marauders era, get together, first kiss, romance, eavesdropping, smut, coming out | E | 28k
His Secret Soulmate - TheBiButterfly
fluff, soulmates, marauders era, valentines day, frottage | M | 29k
a memory stolen, a memory gained - maladaptivewriting
marauders era, memory loss, getting together, coming out, smut and fluff, child abuse | E | 30k
Common Woodbrown - imochan
canon divergence, raising harry, character study | M | 36k
That Old Black Magic - fallovermelikestars
Marauders Era, Remus is homeschooled until 6th year | M | 37k
Adventures in Solitude - deathcabformoony
getting back together, peter in azkaban, raising harry, mutual pining, canon divergence | T | 37k
Man On The Moon - monetstcroix, Tpants
canon divergence, getting back together, post 1st war, angst | M | 39k
The Most Noble and Ancient House of…Lupin-Black? - Zip1106
grimmauld place, canon compliant, fluff, wolfstar after azkaban | T | 39k
I Think I’m Feeling It Now - valkyriesforlife
also jegulus, bad parenting, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slowburn, marauders era, hurt no comfort | M | 40k
that’s the art of getting by - sarewolf
remus raising harry, canon divergence, sirius black is freed from azkaban, angst with happy ending | M | 40k
that’s the art of getting by - sarewolf
Post-Marauders Era, Post-War, Raising Harry, Angst with a happy ending | M | 41k
When the ice burns - duermevela
muggle au, fluff and angst, orphan remus, happy ending, found family | M | 44k
R.J.L. Reads A Self Help Book - Lassolo
Pining, No Voldy, Sixth Year, Self confidence, Marauders Era, Get together, friends to lovers, happy ending, jealous remus and sirius, love confessions | M | 45k
It Won't Come to That - areyoutherelarry
fix-it, remus saves sirius from azkaban and gets harry, sirius and remus live, wolfstar raise harry, starts in marauders era | M | 50k
The Fault of Walls - dustmouth, maraudersaffair
alcoholism, depression, grimmauld place, angst with happy ending, canon divergence, second war, first time/love | E | 52k
Halcyon Days - enigmaticblue
focus on harry but wolfstar raise harry, sirius lives, canon divergence | T | 57k
Sirius Black and the Great Dress Code Revolution of 1977 - notspicy
non binary sirius, sixth year, marauders era, pining, oblivious remus, getting together | E | 61k
The Scientific Method - mcdynamite
Mauraders Era, miscommunication, Pining, requited unrequited love, sharing a bed, friends to lovers, smut, first time, turth or dare | E | 62k
waterloo - frogsandfairies
Friends lovers, fake relationship, truth or dare, mutual pining, marauders era, fluff and humour, coming out | T | 67k
A Month and a Mandrake - etymolodrarry
sirius and crew becoming animagi, fluff and angst, marauders era, getting together, fluff and angst, slow burn, mutual pining, coming out, magical theory | T | 69k
Let Me Get What I Want (This Time) - Sierra_Sitruc
Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Fix-It, Oblivious Sirius | E | 70k
Boy - hypercharles
Canon Divergence, Homeless Harry found, Raised by Sirius, Powerful Harry | no rating | 71k
Sirius Black & The Six - BellaBabe
non-magic au, getting together, pining, modern setting, past child abuse, band fic, inspired by daisy jones, angst with happy ending | M | 79k
It Was Only A Kiss! - remuslives23
boys in love, honestly idk | M | 79k
Drunken Nights - Galxcs
heartthrob Sirius, Marauders Era, mutual pining, depression, alcohol abuse | T | 79k
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
also drarry, time travel, established relationships, first war, slow burn drarry, suicidal thoughts, manipulative dumbledore, canon divergence | T | 89k
Stealing Harry - copperbadge
sirius saves harry from dursleys, bookshop keeper sirius, found family, canon divergence | M | 100k
Take a Look Through My Eyes - CiciWeezil
Arthur meets and invites Newt Schamander over, Peter is discovered, remus deals with the truth, takes in sirius, wolfstar raise harry | T | 117k
Would That I - third_crow
Soulmates, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Everybody Lives | T | 131k
Best Friend's Brother - bizarrestars
modern marauders, muggle au, flirting, falling in love, getting together, humour | M | 329k
168 notes · View notes
cuffmeinblack · 2 years ago
Garreth Weasley masterlist
Ao3: cuffmeinblack
Buy me a cuppa 🖤
Full masterlist for all characters is here
Reader inserts female unless specified otherwise.
If you're here you might be interested in the Weasley's Wizarding World discord server...
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NSFW alphabet headcanons 🔞
Garreth in a relationship headcanons
Weasley family headcanons
Garreth Weasley x f!OC
read on ao3 | moodboard | cinematic trailer
angst, friends to lovers (166k)
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Garreth Weasley is the first prisoner to walk free from Azkaban in centuries. As he tries to pick up his life from where he left off, he soon realises that his imprisonment has reshaped the man he once was. Battered and broken, he draws on the strength of a friend to right the wrongs he's suffered. In matters of justice and those of the heart, will truth finally out?
Who Else But You? - fluff, Yule Ball, 11k words
The news of a Yule Ball sends ripples of excitement throughout Hogwarts' seventh years, though Garreth Weasley is less than enthused. Mandatory dance lessons are also an unwelcome distraction from his experimental brews and upcoming exams.
Closing time - suggestive drabble, 500 words 🔞
After hours in their shop, Garreth finds himself tempted by Adanna.
Garreth Weasley x reader
Game On (ao3 link) - smut, modern AU, 3.3k words 🔞
Garreth draws attention whenever he plays, but you've had enough of the spectators' ogling and decide to show them who he belongs to.
A Library Defiled (ao3 link) - smut, 1.7k words 🔞
An tense encounter in the library shatters the barrier between friends and lovers.
Out of bounds - collection of smutty fluff with loose plot, 18.6k words 🔞
You agree to help Garreth sneak into his aunt's chambers to retrieve some confiscated notes. First part reads as gn!reader.
Dreamful Sleep (ao3 link) - fluff, smut, 3.5k words 🔞
Garreth's habit of sleepwalking is driving his friends and roommates insane, until you start to find him in the midst of his dreaming.
Needless Apologies - light angst, hurt/comfort, gn!reader, 1.2k words
Garreth comforts you after a run-in with goblins.
Seek me (ao3 link) - fluff, gn!reader, 2.4k words
Garreth comforts you after you have nightmares
Just a little tingle - smut, explicit, 1.4k wordsn🔞
Garreth has you try an experimental potion.
Love-drunk - fluff, gn!reader, 2.1k words
You have a crush on Garreth, but your pursuit is complicated by Sebastian-fucking-Sallow.
Tamed - smut, 1.4k words 🔞
Garreth is your little Gryffindor bitch boy.
Spills and thrills - smut, 1.6k words 🔞
Detention smut.
Strands of copper - fluff, gn!reader, 1.3k words
You end up idly playing with Garreth's hair.
Guilty pleasure (ao3 link) - smut, pegging, 3k words 🔞
Behind closed doors, Garreth has no qualms about indulging in his guilty pleasure.
Encore (ao3 link) - smut, 2.2k words 🔞
Garreth always gets worked up after a gig, and tonight is no exception.
Painted Canvas - fluffy drabble
Sharing - fluffy drabble
Unexpected - mildly spicy poem
Garreth Weasley x Ominis Gaunt
You need only ask - fluff, smut, 36.1k words 🔞
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Garreth Weasley has admired Ominis Gaunt from afar, offering his secret assistance in their shared potions classes. Ominis finds out and wants to know why.
Audio excerpts: chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
Lost and Found (ao3 link) - fluff, angst, 5.4k words 🔞
A love story told in five scenes.
Repercussions (ao3 link) - smut, 2.4k words 🔞
Ominis is driven to distraction by Garreth's voice.
My own
'Ominis and Garreth adopt a baby' drabble. Audio.
Garreth Weasley x reader x Ominis Gaunt
Proposition (v1) (ao3 link) - f!reader, smut, 4.3k words (audio excerpt) 🔞
Proposition (v2) (ao3 link) - m!reader, smut, 4k words 🔞
You've always held an affection for your best friend, Garreth Weasley, but he is very much taken by Ominis Gaunt. You weren't expecting Ominis to come to you with an intriguing proposition.
Garreth Weasley x Sebastian Sallow
A dress to remember (ao3 link) - smut, 2.5k words 🔞
Sebastian surprises Garreth with an outfit he knows will get the Gryffindor's attention.
Garreth Weasley x reader x Sebastian Sallow
Uneasy arrangement (ao3 link) - smut, 2.5k words 🔞
Sebastian allows you to indulge your fantasy of sleeping with Garreth, as long as he's there.
Garreth Weasley x Sebastian Sallow x Leander Prewett
Friendly competition (ao3 link) - smut, 5k words 🔞
Garreth and Leander find out that Sebastian has been fooling around with both of them; he thinks he can have his cake and eat it, but perhaps the two Gryffindors are eager to show him the perils of overindulging.
Garreth Weasley x Andrew Larson
Helping hand (ao3 link) - smut, 3.7k words 🔞
When Andrew finds Garreth sneaking ingredients from the potions stores, he lets him go instead of throwing the Gryffindor in detention. That second's hesitation will be his undoing, to his great delight.
Garreth Weasley x Natsai Onai
Potions Prodigy, Romance Genius - fluff, rom-com, 2.4k words
Garreth and Natty find themselves the victims of Ministry bureaucracy whilst exploring their fledgling relationship. After a revelation of the heart, Garreth decides to take action.
No pairing
These Days Worth Living (ao3 link) - fluff, 1.6k words
Part of the Weasley Wednesday Christmas collaboration
As the first wizarding war draws to a close, Garreth spends time with his extended family and reflects upon his long and fulfilling life.
Making you breakfast
Garreth and Ominis adopt a baby
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stellafeline · 2 years ago
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(gif not mine)
Adult!Neteyam Sully x Omaticaya!Reader
content: established relationship, poor communication skills, fluff, kiss and make up, bad writing, characters aged up
warnings: slight angst, insinuation of smut- but no smut, otherwise nothing i think
word count: 4k
proofread, but barely proofread so sorry for any typos there may be.
a/n: this is my first ever fic posting on this blog. anything that i may write in the future won’t be based off of the canon story, just because my bby boy deserved to live. if it does have details from the comics/movies- it will be loosely based. James Cameron you will pay.
i haven’t written fanfiction since i was fourteen so i’m sorry if it’s shit. be gentle with me. feedback is oh so appreciated. love you❤️
He kept his head and eyes low, unable to meet your gaze.
His head swirling with uncertainties, shame, and of course- anger with himself. This afternoons interaction with you still in the forefront on his mind, haunting him while he tried to go about his duties with helping the trainees.
He couldn’t get the look on your face out of his mind-
Your big honey colored eyes, wide and hurt looked at him while you twiddled your fingers.
A habit that he picked up on when you were upset or uncomfortable.
You couldn’t believe him. You had finally built up the courage to ask him if he could finally take a night to spend time with you. You wanted to show him a little spot you had found while gathering herbs for Mo’at.
It was perfect, located near where the original home tree used to be rooted.
A small pond with an island of grass near the middle, seemingly perfect rocks set up where you had already imagined him lounging on relaxing, while you finally got to pull out the handmade paints that Tuk had made you.
A couple weeks ago, she had noticed your peaked interest when Norm had brought you to the lab to show you how the new alarm system was set up.
You both frequented the lab together, bothering the scientists for books from earth. Tuk didn’t have much interest, but she was attached to your hip.
So alas, when you went to the lab- so did she.
While Tuk had him distracted- asking him what all the different buttons on the panel on the wall did, you took the chance to wander a couple feet away. You had noticed one of the scientists had left out some strange looking brushes, paper, a tray of multiple colors tabs, glass of water.
You walked over to the table, cautious fingers grazing the paper. You took note of the already painted image on the paper. It looked like a flower of some-sort, you assumed it was one that grew on earth.
You had been mesmerized by the simple painting, and ever since then- you’d been bugging Norm for information regarding different painting styles and art forms.
You had even convinced him to show you a strange moving picture on a tablet that gave you insight on how to wield the brush, flow with the paper, and to trust the process
Norm called it a “how to” video. How strange.
While you were a healer in the clan- your hobbies include making instruments, jewelry, and clothes for the people.
You had thought you could take up the human past time of putting the wet pigment on a piece of paper, creating art that could be passed down. Or even to just make something that was absolutely beautiful.
It had seemed easy enough.
The na’vis traditional way of story telling was through word of mouth and music. Your eyes had sparkled at the thought of sharing past experiences through this form, something different.
And Tuk saw everything. Her being the sweetheart she is, had taken the time (much to Norms displeasure since he was the one to help) and created a couple different paints to gift to you.
When she gave them to you this morning, you had cried like a baby. The gifted paint set wrapped in the cutest way with paper and brushes rolled into a bow of twine.
You hadn’t gotten the chance to show Neteyam yet since he didn’t seem to make it home for lunch in your shared hut, so that lead you to quickly scurry through the trees in search of him during training hours.
While walking to the training field, you let the sun embrace your face while you smiled to yourself. You felt so warm all over, enjoying the very air the great mother had blessed you with.
Neteyam seemed to have to spend more time with his father training lately. You only truly got to see him during the night, but the poor man was always so exhausted when he returned, quickly stuffing his mouth with food that you had prepared so that he would come home to a warm meal, and then promptly laying down to sleep, mentally preparing for the next day.
You always had understood, even when you felt love deprived. You understood why he had to do this and didn’t want to burden him more.
That obviously didn’t mean you didn’t steal him away for the day when he did have a free day. You definitely would and would take him deep into the forest to simply get a moment of peace with him.
Everything seemed to be going so well lately other than that slight detail.
While skipping over streams and following frequently taken trails, your mind drifted to thoughts of his laugh, the crinkle in his eyes when he smiled, how strong his hands were.
It was probably pathetic just how much you thought of your mate, but that didn’t matter as you currently felt a smile splitting your face once his broad back and long braids came into view.
You let out a cute war cry to make your presence known. You thought it would have made made him crack a smile at your more than normal antics.
He was speaking with a fellow warrior, ears perking up when he heard your call.
You didn’t mind intruding, you had done it before and your yawne had always seemed so happy to see you.
Which led you to confusion seeing the grimace on your mates face as he watched you walk up to him.
“Ma ‘Teyam” you purred, reaching out to graze his face. Brows pinching when he moved his head back to avoid your touch. “Why such the long face?”
Your face screwed up even more when he replied. Taking note that the other navi that he had been speaking to quickly walked away.
“What is it that you need right now?” his eyes snapped to the side, not bothering to look your way again.
The curt reply surprised you, never in the many moons you’ve know him and have been mated to him- has he ever been this cold with you, which lead to a pregnant pause before you could spit out a response to him.
“Hmm?” he tried again. His patience obviously already thin.
You felt your hands clasp together, trying to stand up straighter.
Being completely thrown off balance and usual confidence completely squished by your mates sudden coldness, you managed to squeak out an answer.
“O-oh I was just wondering if you’d like to come with me to a new spot I found that I think you’d find very relaxing after eclipse. We could bring a basket with some fruit and a lantern. I was thinking a date night? and Tuk made me some paints that I’d really like to sh-“
“I can’t, sorry narlor”, he cut you off, holding his hand up to signal that he wasn’t finished speaking. “I don’t have time for childish activities now or then. I must go to the meeting grounds tonight to speak with my father for the next raid. In fact you should be with grandmother right now for your own duties, not here.”
Your ears immediately pressed back towards your skull at hearing his tone, hurt filling your body. Tail going still.
It had taken a moment to fully process his words, but by the time you did, he had already pressed a chaste kiss to your head and walked away.
You stood there for a couple more moments, watching his large frame become smaller with distance.
You hadn’t realized that Neteyam had watched your face completely morph from giddy and happy, to like someone had spit in your face. He had to walk away before he changed his mind on the answer he had given you.
He wasn’t happy with how he responded to your question. He wanted nothing more than to take you up on the offer. He felt horrible with how short he was. You were his sunshine.
But he had duties to attend to, and you needed to understand that. Sometimes he couldn’t always the ‘Teyam you’re used to.
He was going to be the leader of the clan soon. The weight of all the responsibility was crashing down on his shoulders. It didn’t help that he had just gotten a heavy scolding from father for letting you distract him lately this morning, leaving him with a bad taste in his mouth.
Jake has been having him out on the field, in meetings, and leading hunts religiously. Taking any spare moment away from Neteyam. He was beyond exhausted and fed up.
Tears gathered in your eyes while you walked home, willing yourself to get it together since you still had duties to finish when you returned.
Just like Neteyam said, you bitterly thought.
The sick and injured were well, still sick and injured. It didn’t stop for your trampled on heart.
So moral of the stories?
All you wanted to do was simply lay with him while you finally got to play with your new paints while he got to wind down after putting in long hours of ensuring that the clan had capable warriors and hunters.
But here you are now, tending to his wounds silently cursing yourself for having shaky hands.
You hated how you currently felt. You felt like you potentially blew earlier infraction out of proportion. Feeling stupid at being so upset at Neteyam for being simply busy.
On the other hand, you wish you would’ve bitten his head off in-front of the trainees.
That would have served him right for giving you the cold shoulder, something he’s never done in the entirety of your union.
Since you had returned home from the training field, the short tempered tone and annoyed face of your dear beloved haunted your mind.
Had you truly caught him at a bad moment or was there something else?
Did he actually find spending time with you childish?
The longer you thought about it, the angrier you became.
How dare he? How dare he just brush you off like that? What could you have done for him to suddenly look at you like another chore?
You had been preparing fresh bowls of water for new rags to go in, loudly sighing every couple minutes while deep in thought.
You hadn’t even hear the familiar footsteps wander their way into the tent.
Neteyam hasn’t been able to look you in your eyes since he stepped into the tsahik’s tent, needing to tend to the large gash on the side of his arm. He had gotten it after flying too close to the cliffs near high camp in the hallelujah mountains.
He had needed to clear his head, or at least that’s what his father barked at him when he kept losing his sparring matches with fellow warriors during their training session this evening.
He was distracted, thinking about you of course.
Distracted when he was training and distracted when he was flying.
He couldn’t get the look you had out of his head. Your trembling lips, the way you shrunk into yourself, and worst of all- the hurt that flashed through your eyes. He hated it. He hated himself in that moment. He hated speaking to you like that. He knows he should clue you in to what all he’s had on his plate lately, but he’s never wanted to put his stress onto your own shoulders. But he had done something worse.
He has dimmed the shine of his sun with his foolish choice of words.
When he had gained control over his ikran and landed, the animal was already prepared to fly off as soon as it felt his body weight jump off the beast. Leaving him to walk the rest of the way home with a bloody arm.
While he walked back to base, the young worrier could not help but to sigh of himself.
Even the banshee was angry with him.
So here he is now, trying not to look at you while you caress his body gently, circling around him. Looking for any other scraps and cuts he could possibly have gotten.
Gentle fingertips running across his skin, leaving trails of sparks.
While you worked on his wounds, you couldn’t help but notice him lean into your touch. Testing the waters and seeking comfort. You allowed the small action, for now anyways.
While you couldn’t help but to heal him with loving touches, you’re still wary of being around him currently.
The pit in your stomach would not go away. No matter how much you tried squashing it down. You could not get his words out of your head.
He knew you were upset with him. Eywa knows you were probably even angrier with him after seeing him walk into the healing tent with a grimace on his face and blood running down his arm. Your face morphed from shock, worry, to irritation as you guided your mate to a table with healing supplies that you had been organizing moments prior to his arrival.
He took the chance to steal a quick glance, peaking up to look at your face.
Big mistake.
The look on your face only made the young warrior feel worse.
Your lips set in straight line, eyebrows slightly furrowed, and tail whipping while you worked. Your eyes slightly swollen, it looked like you had been crying.
Had you been crying throughout the day? He had seen you last hours ago.
His stomach twisted at the thought.
Quickly diverting his eyes, focusing his attention to the dirt on your feet.
Your ears twitched downward every time you found a little scrape or knick around his shoulders. You grabbed the healing salve- wiping it along his shoulders and arms, causing him to hiss in pain with every wipe of thick ointment onto his skin.
You took a look at the cut along his arm that ran from the top of his shoulder to the end of his elbow. It wouldn’t need stitches, but would be annoying to keep clean and to heal properly.
After cleaning the wound and wrapping it with long leaves to ensure that no dirt or unneeded moisture could interfere with the healing process.
Running your fingertips over the choker that adorned his neck, taking notes of the frayed pieces on the front and where it was tied together. Taking a mental note to take off the necklace when he fell asleep to repair it. You wouldn’t want him to lose the dear piece of jewelry during battle, training, or whatever misfortunate adventure Lo’ak drug him into that he would have to fix before their parents found out.
You knew how important the necklace was to Neteyam. It had been the first piece of jewelry that you had gifted him during the period that he courted you.
The craftsmen ship was subpar, you had been only a girl when you made him it. He never let you recreate it for him, saying the original meaning was too dear to him to have a remake.
A gruff clear of his throat dragged you out of your daze and you caught yourself still staring at him. You had been lost in thought.
Why were you even worried about the necklace right now? He’d probably find that childish as well.
Seeing his puppy dog demeanor, caused you to soften your gaze and relax your shoulders. You could tell he was chastising himself for being so careless with not only himself, but also the well-being of his ikran.
But still, you were pissed.
Eywa you were so mad at him.
But regardless, you decided that you would talk later about your earlier conversation. You knew it probably wasn’t the time to bring it up. You had to put your feelings to the side to deal with what was in-front of you.
“____”, he whispered, reaching how to grab your arm. Only missing it by a hair as you walked away from him.
“hmm?” you questioned, rinsing the bloody rag you had used to clean his wounds. You made a mental note to grab more salve and leaves to bring home, so that you could easily change the wrapping at home.
“Can you show me that spot you had spoken about when we’re finished?” he started, planning to make amends and to spoil you with affection to make up for his earlier foolishness. “I’d like to see it and see the paints Tuk had ma-“
“No” you cut him off. Feeling slightly bad that you had cut him off mid word like he had done to earlier that day.
“No?” his eyes widening, not used to you saying no to him.
“Precisely, no. I do not have time for childish activities. Neither do you, or so you said. You have to meet with your father tonight anyways, do you not?” You spat, letting your anger get the best of you. Your plan to not bring it up leaving you the second he asked.
His heart sank to his stomach. He hadn’t meant for you to take his words to heart.
You didn’t let him get another word in.
“I will see you at home.” Your eyes refusing to meet his, you didn’t want to give in on this. You knew if you looked into his eyes, you would grab his hand and lead the way.
Your feelings had been so hurt. Intentional or not.
Suddenly you felt a strong grip on your tail, pulling you into his firm chest. Large arms wrapping around your frame, caging you in.
You immediately started squirming in his hold, trying to get his arms to loosen up on their grip.
Sometimes your really hated how much larger he was than you.
The hold on you only tightened, his lips peppering kisses on your shoulder. His head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“Sevin, please.” he urged, hands wildly rubbing your body trying to get to melt into him.
Turning in his hold so that you would be facing him, his hands landing on the small of your back, pressing further into him.
With your ears pinned and eyes wide, you looked up at him. Waiting for him to speak further. Demanding your expression to remain firm, slightly failing when your lip quivered.
He didn’t, suddenly he was lost for words.
You waited and waited for him to say something. When nothing came, you took your exit. You let out a loud huff and broke away from his hold.
Gathering your satchel of personal belonging that you brought with you to the healing tent daily, picking up your shawl and wrapping it around your shoulders. He was your last patient of the day, you were set to go home now.
You left him in the tent without another glance, walking back to your shared tent. As soon as you stepped in, you let out a large sigh. If Neteyam did go with his father tonight, you most likely had a couple hours to reign yourself back in.
Deep down you knew that your mate didn’t need your attitude, you knew he had so much on his plate. He thought that he had been doing a good job keeping work and home separate, trying not to clue you in with how stressed he’s been.
But you knew him. He was your yawne. You had loved him since before you had even knew what love truly was.
You could tell everything was taking a toll on him. You thought about how his demeanor has changed while you took your braids out, they were in serious need to be redone.
Neteyam usually was the one to help you with your hair, but you had not bothered to ask him since that was the last thing he needed to worry about. So you’ll just wash your hair in the morning and leave it loose for the time being, it was your favorite way to wear your hair anyways.
Your poor baby. You were no longer mad, only feeling bad for snapping at him in the healing tent.
You thought about how the way his shoulders hunched, to the sore muscles that you spent hours rolling out, and the smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes lately.
You hadn’t seen him laugh in weeks. You missed it.
While deep in thought, you prepared a quick meal for him to have when he returned. Your stomach has been sour all day, so you decided that you’d just go to bed once the food had finished cooking.
You set out the meal on the table Neteyam had carved last spring, and walked to your shared mat. Bringing the blanket over your head, you allowed to let your bottled up emotions to spill over.
Curling your body up into a fetal position, wrapping your arms around your torso in a make shift self hug- you gently cried, willing yourself to sleep.
Neteyam padded into the hut, the meeting with his father went terribly. He didn’t listen to a word his father said. He was wracked with guilt, knowing your earlier tone was much deserved.
That of course led to Jake roaring at Neteyam, smacking the side of his head in attempts to get his attention. Jake realized quickly that it was a lost cause, his son too deep in thought to even begin to try to pry him out of his mind.
Jake knew he’d been running Neteyam hard, but he needed to be ready for when he was the olo’eyktan. He then decided that he would give his son a week of rest after this next raid was completed. Only needing to report for morning rounds.
After being dismissed, Neteyam headed straight to you.
He saw that the fire was dying and bowl of his favorite stew sat on the table. He didn’t initially see you, but after close inspection he spotted your small form curled up under the blanket sleeping, your hair poking out from the blanket.
His heart clenched at the sight, you usually always stayed awake and waiting for him to return.
He walked over to you and crouched down next to you, peeling the blanket away from your face. He took in your appearance.
Your hair was free from their braids, long raven strands flowing across the pillow. Your sweet face was tear stained and puffy, cheeks stained plum. Your pouty lips swollen from crying.
He mentally kicked himself, you had cried so much today. He wanted to wake you to fix everything.
Deciding against waking you due to you needing rest, he stood to his full height. Walking over to the table, he quickly ate his meal. Taking in his surroundings, he saw the paint set you had been talking about on the floor next to your satchel.
His heart clenched for the millionth time that day at the site. All you had wanted to do was show him your gift.
He vowed then that he would make things right in the morning.
Getting into bed, he tried to get comfortable but he couldn’t unless you were curled up into his body. Turning over to face you, his hand gently gripped your waist, pulling you to him.
He cursed himself and held his breath when you roused from your sleep. Big tired eyes slowly opening, blinking the sleep away as you took him in. You shyly smiled while snuggling in closer, nuzzling your cheek on his chest, placing a light kiss on his pectoral- quickly falling back to sleep.
He smiled at your cuteness, unsure if you were too sleepy to continue being mad. He chose to take this sign of good luck to give you a squeeze, somehow pulling you even closer. Signing to himself, falling into a deep sleep.
You slowly woke out of your sleep to the noises of the busy village and the snoring of your mate. Eyes blinking open, you turned your head to look at Neteyam.
He was sleeping so peacefully. One arm thrown over his face to block out the sun peeking through the tent flap the other firmly placed on your thigh- holding you in place. His chest rising and falling at a tranquil pace. The leaves wrapped around his arm needing a fresh set.
You scrunched your nose at his sleeping form, yesterdays concerns coming back to the forefront of your mind. You didn’t even hear him get home last night.
Tracing the freckles along his arm, battling with yourself whether or not you wants to stay in bed, basking in the warmth of the large man next to you or start to get ready for the day.
Deciding that you should probably get ready, you started to stretch. Raising your arms above your head, stomach hollowing as your back arched off the mat- legs trembling as you held your stretch out, letting out a loud yawn.
Sitting up from your laying position, you looked around your place. Neteyam must have gotten home much later than you anticipated, seeing as all of his ruck was hazardously thrown by the door. His bow and knife resting on the table.
You started to shift, preparing to stand up.
Suddenly you were yanked back down into a hard chest, barely able to breathe due to the hold he had on you. His tail wrapping around your thigh.
“Mhmm, where do you think your going, yawntu?” he purred into your neck, lips ghosting over the skin behind your ear.
“Good morning, ‘Teyam” you replied, trying to pry his hands off of your waist. You were determined to get ready and try out your paints.
Groaning at your squirminess, he flipped you so that your were face to face with him. Nose and lips centimeters away from touching. “We need to talk.” he grumbled, kissing the tip of your nose.
Your heart fluttered at the action, cheeks slowly growing a rosy color. You couldn’t help but to nuzzle your nose against his.
“About?” you questioned, deciding to play dumb. You wanted to see what his response would be.
“About how I spoke to you yesterday. I am so sorry yawne. I..” trying to get his thoughts together, “I should’ve never taken that tone with you and nothing you do is ever childish. I’ve just been so overwhelmed with training that I let it bubble over and took it out on you. Which is no excuse by the wa-“
You cut him off with a kiss, he was starting to ramble anyway.
Your lips danced with each other, lips lazily slotted together in morning bliss, his thumb softly caressing your cheek. Only pulling away when your lungs screamed for air, his lips chasing yours for more. Settling for soft pecks against your lips, he sighed.
“You know I was trying to tell you something important” He quirked an eyebrow. You only giggled, pushing your head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent in large huffs.
“I know, but I had already forgiven you before you even got home last night. Neteyam, baby, when things are getting to the point of you almost exploding- please talk to me about it. I can’t take the cold shoulder, especially when I don’t know why i’m receiving it. I understand so much more than you know, I don’t want us to spend another day like yesterday again.” You whispered against his neck.
“I will, my sunshine, I will.” He promised, his hand tickling the base of your tail. “Now, I was not a man yesterday, but let me make it up to you and show you how much of a man I can be.” He gave you a coy smile, already starting to flip you so that you’d be straddling him.
“Don’t you have to meet with your father for training?” you questioned, hissing inwardly at yourself for even bring that up. You didn’t want to let him go, you wanted to be selfish.
“I, my sweet one, am a free man for exactly one week. Only exception is to meet for morning rounds, but i think my father will get over it for just one day” he grinned, fingers pressing into your hips.
You couldn’t help but laugh and smile down at him while nodding, tucking strands of hair behind your ear, eyes practically sparkling. You leaned down to connect your lips, leading to a heated kiss.
Muttering I love you’s as hands explored lower regions- hearts pounding with love and desire, grinning into each others mouths.
Maybe you would show him that spot later today.
Laying on your stomach, basking in the sunlight- you were happily painting something the humans called a fairy. You let the paint flow as you created a human like woman with ikran wings.
Neteyam sat on the rocks, lounging with his arms behind his head- eyes closed while your tail is wrapped around his ankle. His skin still wet from the swim in the pond he took earlier with you.
Humming to yourself as you colored in her wings, absolutely content with your life with your mate.
Everything felt like sunshine.
please let me know what you think!
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whenyoucallmelover · 2 years ago
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everything i read this month! ✷
august flew by as it seemingly always does, but i still managed to read a decent amount! no smut recs this month…sorry to all of you naughty lil readers hehe, i just didn’t really read much smut this month for once.
(just a lil heads up~ i read a few fics this month that contained some scenes/discussions that may be upsetting to some. i find a lot of catharsis in writing + reading stories that i can see myself in, but i know it’s more triggering than therapeutic for some people! so please, as always, read the author’s tags & warnings!)
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✷ under 10k words.
🍎 Ice, Ice, Baby, @beelou (1.1k) tags; tooth-rotting fluff, figure skater harry, pining, no smut
🍎 Hold On Tighter, @hellolovers13 (1.4k) tags; no romantic relationship, coming out, trans harry, angst and feels
🍎 A Beacon of Hope, @justanotherghostblr (2k) tags; girl direction, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, insecurity, nesting, alpha/alpha
🍎 The Elf Who Saved Christmas, @ladyaj-13 (2k) tags; meet cute, christmas, mall elf harry, sweet big brother louis, fluff
🍎 listen to me, butterfly, wherewestood (2k) tags; a/b/o, alpha louis, omega harry, nesting, emotional hurt/comfort, established relationship
🍎 Take the Moment and Taste It, @hellolovers13 (4k) tags; strangers to lovers, first date, footballer louis, singer harry, fluff and smut, cheeky harry
🍎 Running Over Thoughts That Make My Feet Hurt, @enchantedlandcoffee (5k) tags; a/b/o, baker harry, little league coach louis, dad harry, omega drop, confessions, kid fic
🍎 The Scent Of Grapefruit, @red-pandaaa (5k) tags; fluff, no smut, demisexuality, coming out, established relationship, lots of cuddles
🍎 Sex Drunk Suckerpunch, @thinlinez/@gaygodlou (7k) tags; reverse sugar baby, sugar daddy harry, sugar baby louis, but! harry is louis’ baby, escort louis, fluff and smut, stubbornness, banter and humor, tw: brief mentions of death, age gap (25 & 39)
🍎 Your Secret's Safe With Me, @lightwoodsmagic (7k) tags; online friendship, secret identity, prince harry, friends to lovers, first kiss, fluff
🍎 In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers, @ladyaj-13 (9k) tags; bad dates, strangers to lovers, famous louis/non famous harry, fan harry, protective louis, tw: non-con elements (read end notes for more info!)
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✷ over 10k words.
🍎 Been Here All Along, @bravetemptation (10k) tags; college/university, american football, mascot harry, first kisses, mutual pining, quiet harry, jock louis, secret identity (...? kinda?), tw: panic attacks *absolutely adored this one! i found this to be a great representation of what social anxiety feels like to me and i really appreciated it! x
🍎 It's A Start, Anonymous (10k) tags; neighbors, angst and fluff, first meetings, hate to love (ok, hate is a strong word…annoyed neighbor-to-lovers?), protective louis, hurt/comfort, tw: past abuse
🍎 tread lightly on my ground, @lookslikefairytale (20k) tags; a/b/o, mpreg, miscommunication and misunderstandings, touch deprivation, omega drop, angst with a happy ending, mutual pining
🍎 (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It, @lululawrence (21k) tags; famous harry/non famous louis, friends to lovers, sharing a bed, assistant louis, emotional hurt/comfort, lovely sweet caring louis, harry styles needs a hug, touring, tw: panic attacks
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✷ multi-part.
🍎 Take me, Take Mine, @likelarryfics (54k, 5/5) tags; a/b/o, boudoir photoshoots, photographer louis, slow burn, healing and recovery, angst with a hopeful ending, tw: discussions of past abuse *favorite of the month <3 
🍎 Just a Flower Boy, Larryruinedme (70k, 15/15) tags; highschool au, popular louis, openly gay harry, jealous louis, secret admirer, first time, discovering sexuality, tw: mentions of homophobia *a classic fic that i just read for the first time…a lil late to the party; love a cheesy old fic tho!
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don’t forget to leave a comment and kudos for the authors & reblog their fic posts! ・゚*。・
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starsignchaser · 1 year ago
February 2024 starsignchaser Fic Recs!
Welcome back to everyones favorite time of the month; Where I tell you all the favorite things I read on AO3 in the last few weeks! I will admit, I took a step back into reading in other fandoms and also I spent half the month traveling so I didn't have a ton of time to read, unfortunately. Sorry! March will be better (maybe...) Anyway, let's get into it!
Baby, now my head is on backwards by messymoony (6k, rated E)
James has had a bad day at work. Regulus makes him feel better. t4t jegulus you have my heart!!
Meet on Telegraph Avenue by ani_wahstan (34.6k, rater E, features wolfstar!)
James Potter was doing his best not to defile his roommate's younger brother because Sirius told him to “keep his slutty hands off of Regulus or else," but finds himself unable to keep the promise.
my favorite jegulus fic of the month, you can just tell this is a labor of love from the author. I also really really loved the inclusion of so many different songs from the time period of the fic!
second chances by introvertedhufflepuff (34k, 10/10, rated M)
when Regulus is hit with a rogue spell that sends him back to a 6-year-old, Sirius is forced to face their adversities and grow past their animosity.
not only Jegulus but some v good Black Brothers Angst. this fic fits v well in my headcannon of who reg was as a child and I love getting to see Sirius of the "present" interact with little reg of the "past"
Perfect Little Life by CRAmber (6.5k, 5/5, rated E)
Just a collection of snapshots from the life of Jegulus raising Harry and being hot and in love.
I suffer from a terminal case of jeggy dads brainrot </3
The Vault by erlasart (comic, 2/2, rated M)
Harry is out for an evening walk when he sees Draco Malfoy disappearing into a seemingly abandoned building. Harry, of course, has to investigate.
I have been absolutely loving comic fics recently, I love seeing the art and the story work together and this one is really good!!!
No Place Like Home by dracogotgame (4k, rated G)
James Sirius has been at Hogwarts for exactly one day, and he knows he doesn't belong. All he wants is to go home. A late night Floo call fixes everything.
drarry dads <333
papa says harry potter helps people by jilliancares (10k, rated E)
Draco Malfoy is reintroduced into Harry's life when a little boy enters his shop, lost. The same little boy upends all his bookshelves, which Draco holds himself responsible for. It all kind of escalates from there.
Scorpius bringing these two dummys together <3
together we wait for silence by ashes_and_ashes (23.6k, rated T)
the combined swimming/road trip au that no one ever asked for and yet is now here
My fave drarry of the month!!! I LOVE fics like this with a somewhat nonlinear timeline and so much unspoken angst and UGH I just really really really loved this fic.
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anincompletelist · 1 year ago
hi sarah could u pls Rec me cute kid fics?
so sorry mental health has been in the gutter lately so it's taken me a hot second to fill this one but HERE! have some fluffy kid fics that I enjoyed :') <333
(also, I'm assuming that you mean fics in which there are kids and not fics in which they ARE kids, please let me know if you're looking for something different!)
Biology 101 for Babies (T+, 2k) by @clottedcreamfudge
“There's a boy,” Arthur says seriously, still holding a bright red crayon tightly in his fist. “At nurs... nurs'ry. He's new an' he's brown.” Henry, still twisting round to give Arthur his attention, blinks a couple of times, then very carefully takes his hands out of the washing up bowl and pulls off his gloves. “I see. What's his name?” “Michael.” “Alright. And why is it unusual that he is, as you say, brown?” Arthur frowns. “Nobody else is brown.” Henry realises with dawning horror and amusement that he is about to have one of the weirdest conversations of his entire life. “Arthur, my little love – you're brown.”
Queer little ducks hold a special place in my heart. (T+, 4k) by anarchyat4am (thanks@wordsofhoneydew for the rec!)
Henry... is more than a bit useless around hot guys. So when he finds the lost kid of the gorgeous dad who frequents his bookstore, he pulls himself together until they reunite, only to then be devastated by the revelation that the man thinks Henry hates him. And, well... courage always rises, and all that.
Confidential Memorandum (T+, 17k) by sherryvalli
"Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?" "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?" Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult. It was a little girl. "Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?" "Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter." [Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.]
[shelter/foster/adoption etc. fics]
Family Line(s) (T+, 26k) by notcanoncompliant
Henry and Alex had been thinking about fostering for years now, they were just waiting for the right kid to (aparently literally) fall into their life.
When You Smile, You Knock Me Out, I Fall Apart (And I Thought I Was So Smart) (G, 3k) by @interestinglittlerelationship
Alex is facing away from him, head bent over a pan of something that smells absolutely amazing. There’s an apron tied loosely around his waist. He looks so painfully domestic that Henry almost passes out. He would make such a good father. or Henry and Alex stumble upon a new dream and build a family together.
[and I know you said cute and probably meant fluffy, but I can't help adding my personal fave kid fic, but PLEASE DO PAY ATTENTION TO TAGS as most of the fluff is within other angst!]
a flicker, a spark (e, 83k) by acastle
“She truly is your daughter, Alex,” Henry sighs, defeated. “Fuck off, sweetheart,” he laughs, a soundbite of the sun. Henry forces himself not to physically react, the term of endearment sweet and menacingly familiar coming from Alex’s lips. It’s been years. “You know they’re useful.” “Ah yes, eyelashes, truly a formidable instrument in managing international relations.” Alex grins, and Henry is too late to catch the slightest downward lilt on the corner of his mouth, “Worked on you once, didn’t it?” Oh, did that ache. (Much had happened since the time Henry had told Alex to leave. Alex had passed the bar, gotten married, had the most beautiful daughter. And Henry, well. He stayed right where he was.)
and the accompanying piece:
sea of endless hope (e, 85k)
Henry watches Alex, the man he adores and loves so ardently, and the moment is palpable, delicate, and yet too large for even the sky to contain. He watches Alex, and in that moment, he wants to be his husband, the ache and urge of it almost unbearable. “Daddy!” Nena takes Henry’s hands, and he looks down at her, the angel who had saved him, and he smiles at her, quiet with emotion, letting her lead him into place. He would follow her, follow Alex, anywhere. (Henry, Alex, and their daughter, and the first years of coming home, forever.)
[and one of my own for good measure ha! again, please check tags!]
Something Borrowed, Something Blue (e, 116k)
When June gets engaged, Alex, her brother, and Henry, her best friend, are asked to be the official Guys Of Honor. There’s a month to plan the whole thing, which would be near impossible anyway, only made worse by the fact that being around each other the last several years has only ever led to petty fights and useless competition. Unfortunately, as the two most important men in her life - aside from her fiancé - they don’t really have much of a choice. Alex has a lot of feelings about this. As it turns out, Henry does too.
I don't read a ton of kid fics, but I'm definitely open to other recs as well! hope this hits the spot for you friend! :D
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daniwib · 1 year ago
911 Gen Fic Master List
This is a master list of my Gen rated 911 fic. There are separate master lists of my fic with other ratings.
A spell for nightmares & fractured hearts
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Light angst, fluff
Length: 4k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: season 3
How Buck helps Christopher heal after the tsunami, and how Christopher (and Eddie) help Buck start to heal.
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Angst
Length: 1k
Main Pairing: Buck-centric
Set: pre-canon
A brief glimpse into what Buck's life was like after Maddie left home. Left him. Alone, with their parents.
Hush Little Baby
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Angst, whump
Chapters / Length: 3 / 18.5k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: season 5b
Chris and Buck are staying together while Eddie is in Texas. Uncle Buck looks after Jee-Yun for a day as well - but then he tells Chris to hide in the bathroom with Jee and lock the door. Why was Buck playing such a strange game of hide and seek?
Stay with Me
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Whump
Chapters / Length: 2 / 9.7k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie; Buck and Bobby
Set: season 5b
What if Buck was still on the ladder when the truck went over the edge in 5x18?
Coffee to go, hold the acid
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Whump
Chapters / Length: 1 / 3.3k
Main Pairing: None
Set: season 2
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Or in this case, acidic, according to one of the women who was cat fished by one Evan Buckley. Will Buck survive the actions of yet another scorned woman?
I Once Was Lost
* one of my personal favorites
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: AU – Peter Pan fusion
Chapters / Length: 8 / 33k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: post season 5
Eddie didn’t want to be the man of the house. He just wanted to enjoy the last part of his childhood before he had to grow up. His father had other ideas.
Then Eddie met a boy who was wild and free. A blond-haired boy with eyes as blue as the sky, a smile as bright as the sun and a mark like a kiss on his brow.
A boy who could fly.
Careful What You Wish For
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Crack
Length: 3.7k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: post season 5
A tiny, sweet little elderly lady offers to adopt Buck. Wouldn't that be nice? A granny of his very own.
Wine Times 
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Crack, fluff
Length: 1.3k
Main Pairing: Athena & Hen
Set: season 6
Athena needs to vent about Bobby's antics in Florida and about how they are now apparently dog owners. Hen listens.
Hands of Fate 
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Magic AU, whump
Length: 4k
Main Pairing: Buddie getting together
Set: season 6
Eddie has his Saint Christopher medallion. Bobby has a simple cross he wears on a chain around his neck. Chimney his chewing gum. Hen eschews anything like that, saying she’s above superstitions, but Eddie’s seen her stroke a small photo of her family from time to time, much like he had in Afghanistan.
And Buck? Buck has a pocket watch. Small talismans all, to help them in times of need. In more ways than one, as it turns out.
The Silence Between Your Heartbeats Grows Louder Every Second
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Angst, whump
Length: 1.3k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: season 6b
Eddie’s reaction to Buck being struck by lightning.
Twice Struck
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Whump
Length: 1.4k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: season 6b
After the lightning strike, Eddie doesn't realize he's hurt as well, until they're on the way to the hospital.
Eddie's Heartache
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Angst, hurt no comfort, open ending
Length: 455
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: season 3
Neither Buck nor Christopher ended up at the VA hospital after the tsunami. After a long, hard shift, Eddie was looking forward to going home to his boys. Only, they aren’t there.
Three minutes and seventeen seconds
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Angst
Length: 3k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: season 6b
Eddie knew exactly how long Buck’s heart had stopped beating for after lightning struck him, because he counted.
He counted. Every. Single. Second.
The Journal of Christopher Diaz
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Epistolary fic, angst
Length: 1.8k
Main Pairing: pre-relationship Buddie
Set: season 6b
Christopher is given a school assignment the day that Buck is struck by lightning: to keep a weekly journal.
Burning Bridges with Taylor Kelly: How to Be Blacklisted by the LAFD 
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: General / none
Genre: Crack, angst
Chapters / Length:
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: season 6
Buck becomes the subject of intense media scrutiny after Taylor's book is published.
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