#my life is a bruh moment
milimeters-morales · 1 year
top ten reasons to live: this !!!!!
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eowynarchives · 4 months
coworker: haha you zoned out for a while. what were you thinkin about?
me when i lie: oh nothing haha
internally: how should i start chapter two of my treebark fic when i get home
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eumenisz · 3 months
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ah, what a day to be alive and browse through tumblr🤙🏻
i can sense someone feeling very hurted.
the poor little thing lives in a dream world. and to change yout blog to a hater thing, after you "liked" Ewan... i can only laugh at how pathetic this is. maybe, when their frontal lobe develops, they'll realize how stupid they were but i think there's no hope for that. i hope Ewan never sees this side of the "fans".
this is just simply disgust me.
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cookinguptales · 1 year
now that I'm done imagining a jar of peanut butter, can I just say that I love that Shane and Ryan have shifted away from traditional true crime to just shootin' the shit about weird-ass mysteries?
I always liked the "let's talk about weird mysteries" aspect of buzzfeed unsolved, but being real with you, I'm uncomfortable with true crime and the culture surrounding it. like... as someone who lost a loved one to a violent (and temporarily unsolved) crime, I've seen firsthand how internet theorizing can make a traumatizing time even harder and like. it's fucking rough, man.
I get that it makes money and all (which... is a whole other can of worms) but when you view human suffering as entertainment, it's so easy to forget about the real people who will actually be affected by what's put out there on the internet.
so I'm happy that Shane and Ryan seem to be leaning a lot more into "wow, some unhinged shit happened! how fucked up is that?" on mystery files. more of this, please!!
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evenceflux18 · 7 months
Dang it, they shoulda atleast gave me a time to rest tonight rather than overthink over another financial problem to deal with, and they had to trick me for that...
I already gotten scam on my one commission (I don't think they'll gonna show up not even an updates or anything..)
And now, even on my college, seriously? A very big disappointed sigh
They always expected me to always give them what they want on time and I'm getting frustrated how they think it was easy for me to earn even just a penny
I'm literally broke, why do they even expect me to pay with that kind of amount immediately...
And now it's going to be my fault for not paying them cause they gonna use my payment for their own use, when I literally said that I'm gonna pay them when I had the extra money and they hecking said "YES!"
Then what the heck is this kind of stunt they doin right now, c'mon😭
It's pretty rare for me to rant on my page but sometimes, when it's too much or it was overwhelming for me, I just wanna let it out here, sorry about it ya'll😔✌trying my best to keep it all together💖
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rambles-of-mine · 26 days
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This defines me.
Source: Pinterest
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dollivication · 2 months
guys uhm. picsart didn’t work for me; the stickers weren’t showing up for literally anything i searched and uhm. basically i deleted it nd now my phone won’t lemme redownload it. and uhm
i deadass think the themes gonna be stuck on hello kitty dante for eternity LMFAOOOOO i’m so cooked
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rivilu · 2 years
Watched absolution because I saw a certain spoiler and was intrigued, loooonggg post of spoilers and thoughts under the cut
Are we are really surprised the supercop zealot is bioware's canon divine? lmao.
I generally liked the cast of characters quite a lot, Roland Lacklon and Qwydion most of all, Miriam is cool too, just not top spot for me. she's like. Number 4 on my list. Of surviving characters that is.
Rip Fairbanks. Made the rookie Ser Jory mistake of mentioning his loving wife more than once within the intro of the series. You will be missed.
The writers really said make them think we will finally switch up the Mage Is Always The 'Traitor' reveals (that aren't even true for games 1 and 2 but the joke is marketable so who cares for accuracy right) but then just do the same thing again. I have a feeling they think they are playing 4d chess when really it's just predictable.
The action was well executed and I liked the romance with Roland and Lacklon, it was cute :)
The show handled Tevinter better than I expected but my expectations were subterranean so that doesn't mean much.
Still don't care for the way bioware deals with blood magic. With Dorian we finally had a smart opinion on it [that the writers didn't try to stamp out or treat as stupid, sorry Merrill]- that it's simply a tool as long as there's no victims, but here we backpedal again into the narrative going 'anyone that even THINKS of blood magic is and always will be evil full stop'. Yes we're talking about a Magister here i'm not defending Rezaren in specific I'm just weary of how they'll treat it going forward.
Speaking of the guy, he was fine as a villain. pretty decent portrayal of a guy whose position of power deludes him into thinking his goal is noble and righteous no matter what, even to the detriment of the people he's supposedly trying to help, because well. He never saw them as people in the first place. 'Family' maybe, whatever that's supposed to mean to him, but still property. Things he gets to do whatever he wants to do with.
Miriam using his harrowing as an example of a moment he chose not to defend her or her brother though, is kinda meh. Bc girl, he was actively trying and failing not to get possessed, his mother's the one to blame for that specific instance and you KNOW it, I know we had to see that scene for exposition but i'm peeved jdshfjd I bet there were maaany more backstory examples of him being shit to choose from anyhow.
There was an Attempt at moral grayness at least two times in the show, with Tassia and Hira, and they are both... interesting.
Tassia imo does it better, as as the knight commander she can be safely [and firmly] put in the villain box, but the added levels of grey with her caring for her people's safety, opposing the venatori etc make her interesting to watch in a way where I may not be rooting for her but I don't want her to die either, yanno? She's a bit like if Aveline were an anti-villain, and actually decently well written at that. She gets spot 5 of my list.
Now Hira. Is a prisoner of that good ol Mage Betrayal Russian Roulette. I'd seen a small spoiler about her being up to no good before watching, but even without that, when Fairbanks stabbed her I could just SNIFF that red herring. Again, the writers may think they're playing 4d chess but I know not making a mage (or more) the villain, is to them what apples are to doctors. Then her motivation is just. Not convincing to me. Her family was influential tevinters that wanted to improve conditions for the oppressed, then they were killed and/or ran out the country by the venatori for it. so... she jumps right to ethnic cleansing as the solution?
(And I do mean right to it. She did go to the inquisition first but that's what she wanted to get out of it.)
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Collateral damage is a funny way of referring to innocent people's lives queen!
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Idk something about that feels familiar. Betrayal, a mage that jumps to genocide, yet said mage is somehow granted more lenience by the narrative than that stance should EVER allow? Because here's the thing. no matter HOW fucked a country is, how terrible the politics and power structures are, 'wiping the country out' IS NEVER A MORALLY GREY THING. IT'S AS BLACK AS IT GETS. it is the power structure itself that must be targeted. (you know, the thing Anders tried to do and gets eternally condemned for?) Wanting to massacre an entire population is not an opinion that's up for discussion, it is not worthy of redemption, and it should not be written as if it is. This pattern of character writing is just. Concerning to me. Some of the characters with the most morally bankrupt stances being passed off as grey. And I could get far deeper into it here, nearly did in fact, but It's a tad too late in the night for a 5 page essay on fantasy and real world politics intersection. I'll just leave it at ''bioware's centrism is doing what centrism does best and blinding them to their world's actual political power dynamics and I think it's going to bite them in the ass sooner or later''
But enough of that, let's try to get back to something funny shall we?
The cheese jokes. Bioware please, the horse, stop, stop it's already dead!
(i dont actually mind but that was my original reaction so here you go sdfhjs)
Dragon cool. Like that it stays alive.
ok, sorry that's all I got. We have to tackle the elephant in the room now folks and i'm afraid I am not optimistic.
So. Meredith motherfucking Stannard is still alive and kicking. And while I can completely understand why people are excited, AN ACTUALLY GOOD VILLAIN IS BACK, WOOHOO! -i just can't help but think. When? When will this plot thread be handled? Because as much as I wish the titular character of dreadwolf would drop dead by act one, I highly, highly doubt it hjsdfjf. And if she can't be the main villain, or at least what Howe was to Loghain, then I don't want her to be in da4. Because that game has SO MUCH SHIT to tackle, with Elven Gods and Titans, the egg and also Antiva and the Qunari now for some fucking reason? Frankly I don't think they can even do THIS sum of things justice in a single game, unless things with the gods take a different turn and they aren't what solas said/villains for us to fight (please I hate the slavery thing so fucking much just for once retcon something to the benefit of religious minorities bioware i'm fucking BEGGING) so adding Meredith to the mix is not something I can picture working out. I don't want to get excited for her to be back (She was the spoiler that got me to watch the series) only to have it be a repeat of the templar/mage war in inq where she's lukewarmly taken out by act 1.
Also before I do an all in all, we all got that Hira is getting Played right. Like I dont like her much(at all), as stated previously, but she's still a mage. working for Meredith motherfucking Stannard. Is it too early to call her eventually dying from that dumbass decision orrr..? Because yes girly, she also wants to genocide your home country, but she has VERY different reasons from you and you're almost guaranteed to be first on the chopping block the moment the red lyrium cracks. (i dont find this bullet point bad writing btw this is just razzing the characters for fun jhsdj)
ok so all in all. the show's alright. I highlighted more of the bad than the good here because anything past da2 has that effect on me sadly, but the characters do Carry as per usual. And i'd say it's worth a watch for the action shots alone. Some of my fears of Bioware's direction were confirmed, and i am still not at all enthused about da4, but if a season two comes out I'll probably watch it. unnecessarily long post over, adiós.
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gregmarriage · 6 months
really just feels like the last four years of my life have been in pretty permanent stagnation, everything’s temporary and transitional, and i’ve been trying to fix it, but every time i do, something happens to make it worse
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mama-marleigh · 1 year
Bruh the bad part about having your entire childhood memories repressed because trauma is that all the good memories go too :(
Like I remembered a melody in a song and immediately had a breakdown because I suddenly remembered why I am the way I am and why I'm proud of it.
I rummaged through all my stuff on my dest to find a broken down music box just so I could remember the words that he said to me after years of not remembering anything about him.
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batesmotelofficial · 6 months
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gorbo-longstocking · 8 months
sorry to keep posting about my job but [farnsworth voice] great news everyone! im working significantly less hours next week (or according to the schedule i looked at five seconds ago its not up in the app yet) so ill be back on the writing grindset. my preferred grindset.
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rowanhoney · 9 months
actually today I’m very overwhelmed with love
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sirensea14 · 10 months
Hello!!! I love the ship of Bendy x Siren <33 I find it cute honestly, I was wondering if I can draw them together?? I want to make more fan arts for you soon cause you are Hella underrated (´ ∀ ` *)
Oh, Sure you can. ^^
*realizes what you said*
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shxwmaster · 1 year
// i start my first college english class tomorrow....
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trans-wojak · 1 year
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