#my krem cosplay
kesterite · 1 year
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hattedhedgehog · 1 year
Do you plan to cosplay Krem again? Which cosplay was easier to make, Cullen or Krem? Which is easier to wear?
I'd love to wear Krem again, once I resize and fix some bits. I've gained muscle since starting T and the gambeson and chainmail skirt are too small now!
I'd say Cullen FELT easier to make, but only because a lot of the skills I had going into the project had been learned by making Krem. Krem was difficult in that there was a lot of math and precision involved, but I could reference historical garments more easily for it; Cullen was more asymmetrical and had some design leeway, but the practicality of the construction was a challenge. Cullen had so many design elements that made me go ??????????????? Like his stupid back-lacing boots.
By far the easiest to wear is Cullen, if only for the fact that I can stretch my arms over my head and sit down in it! (I love Krem but my god he must get so tired of his armour. No wonder he stands on chairs.)
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aclassitag · 7 months
This blog was first made shortly after the release of DA:I, when the fandom was godawful to the only trans character we had. Hence the name aclassitag, a tag where we only have the classy Krem content. Nowadays it's not as bad anymore, so herein comes the Kremnaissance
full tag list nsfw (includes fanfic & fanart) fanart — fanfic — cosplay
character tags
inquisitor iron bull bull's chargers
shipping tags
(*full list of ships on full tag page, below have the most content)
shipping (includes all ships) krem x oc krem x inquisitor krem x iron bull krem x cole krem x cullen krem x dorian krem x scout harding
messages, mod post
krem week 2024
22-28 July!
transparency: one single mod now operates this blog, the original creator. i occasionally do rb my own krem stuff onto this blog
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thuviel · 2 years
60. Who do you wish had been given more story?
62. A character you think deserves more fan love?
69. Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)?
94. Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)?
95. Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game?
And 100. But little differently :DD how would your warden, hawke and inquisitor be when they could meet each others/be in the same room?
Finally can ask these amazing questions!! I wanna ask about everythingggg AAAA!!
60. Who do you wish had been given more story?
Oh boy okay here we go. Maevaris, 100%, let her be in a game or give us a whole book about her, just more Mae!! Also most of the side characters in da2 tbh, I know it was a rushed game and I know the devs had bigger plans and more story there, I wish we got to see it!! also Felassan Felassan Felassan Felassan Fel-
62. A character you think deserves more fan love?
I don't really pay that much attention to what other fans love. If I find a niche character I like I will find the 3 people who make content for them and be happy with that haha. That being said I hope everyone reads The Masked Empire so they can all get to know Felassan ❤
69. Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)?
Krem! Also Faron of course. Maaaaybe Merrill if I ever feel comfy enough for that.
94. Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)?
I did make an Inquisitor cosplay! It's still unfinished but wearable!
95. Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game?
Oh I am the wrong person to ask this question ^^' First off I know like 3.5 actors, and the other issue is that if I already have a face and voice to a character it becomes nearly impossible for me to imagine them differently (which they will always end up being when played by another actor). Sorry xD
101. But little differently :DD how would your warden, hawke and inquisitor be when they could meet each others/be in the same room?
*sweats nervously with not having a canon warden*
Okay okay, if going with my Tabris warden, Aranya. I think Faron would really look up to the Hero of Ferelden, and he would probably ask a lot of questions about how she dealt with the sudden responsibility and weight on her shoulders. You know, just asking for a friend... Aranya would try to answer and interrogate him on his role as Inquisitor, she would definitely warn him about stupid shem politics. But eventually she wouldn't be able to control herself and just ask a million questions about his Dalish culture and life in the clan. Hawke would probably think it's dope af meeting them both and would be cracking jokes and asking inappropriate questions, he and Faron would get along swimmingly. Aranya would probably think Hawke is super annoying and roll her eyes constantly, but I think she would recognise that subtle hint of tragic melancholy hiding under the surface, I think if they got time to really get to know each other they might be able to bond and share over their personal tragedies.
Ask me DA questions :D
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buttonhedgehog · 5 years
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I was interviewed for an article about LGBT+ cosplay! It was really nice to have the opportunity to talk about my experience, and read about the experiences of other cosplayers. Read it HERE: (X)
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serphena · 4 years
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tiny puppy Barkspawn and slightly bigger, but still very much a puppy, all grown-up Barkspawn
@hattedhedgehog‘s Krem and Barkspawn photos and videos = perfection
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asparklethatisblue · 5 years
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Archery Practice gone wrong. 
With Me as Scout Harding and @hattedhedgehog as Krem
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brazenbells · 5 years
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whoops it's auburn o'clock
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tevinter-pariah · 3 years
so like the first dragon age game I heard about was inquisition. I thought Cole was like trans man because vibes and we have the same haircut, but then I misheard some dialogue (captions my beloved) and I was like Oh She's changed her name to Maryden (Idk how to spell it but turns out she was his potential girlfriend?? when I saw the romance I thought Cole was a lesbian but I also didn't know that Krem was a possible partner if Cole becomes a spirit and I thought Poly And Bi rights!! ❤️💜💙) and then someone was like agender Cole and VALID KING👑 and I still do not know what gender Cole has to this day. but he said trans rights. anyway I love the design of his pants and he has the best hat and therefore he has Link Zelda Gender ✨✨ we stan a ghost boy with the coolest knives ever seriously he looks so cool!!! anyway have a good day 🧡
There is so much lore to unpack here that you’ve gotten through osmosis that has sent me personally reeling and trying to figure out how to process it where to start, I cannot even anon, my beloved. Dragon Age is complicated as heck and the lore and canon and fanon is an actual bitch so I don’t blame you for the utter confusion.
From a lore standpoint, Cole is a spirit of compassion who is occupying the body of a former young male hedge mage, so he’s arguably hard to gender to begin with. He doesn’t really have an “official” gender or sexuality, and things get more complicated based on an in game choice to push him lean into his human or spirit side. I do agree he has the vibes™️ and I’ve always personally seen him as agender and a-spec. It’s really up to one’s interpretation and I mainly have my own thoughts just because he’s been a comfort character of mine for years now.
Also, in canon, Maryden is Cole’s partner if he leans more into his human side, whereas he is a matchmaker for Krem (our canonically trans!masc King) and Maryden if he becomes more of a spirit. I know this means probably nothing to you but I’m telling you anyway, ily.
Cole really does have the coolest pants, knives, and hat though! Like?? I want to cosplay him so much but the stress of his deceptively easy costume until you get down the details is a true tragedy. I do agree he 11/10 has Link Zelda gender which was a take I didn’t expect today but the one we all deserve so bless you anon and I hope you have a lovely day too!! 💛
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thatingloriousthing · 4 years
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Oh what is this?
Can it possibly be... The infamous second entry of the day for my Daily Chris Challenge? Well, you guessed right.
But how do I explain this?
This is all my brother's fault, we were talking about Dragon Age and I asked him where did he see Chris in that context and he immediately said he was the Iron Bull and Piers was Krem.
So this is actually straight out of my brother's brain, go after him not me.
So have a good cosplaying section from the BSAA boys.
@chris-is-not-evil come and rescue Chris from my evil Sibling!
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hattedhedgehog · 8 months
Hi, sorry to bother you but I saw you mention on your cosplay posts that you’re in the UK, I am too!
I was wondering if you were taking one of your Dragon Age cosplays to any UK conventions this year? I’d love to see them in person
Or if you were attending any in general, in a different cosplay or selling your art, I’d love to meet you, and support your art if you’re tabling ☺️
Thanks, hope you’re having a good day
Hello! It's not a bother at all, your message pleased me very much.
I won't be Dragon Age cosplaying at UK cons in the immediate future unfortunately (I'm going to costume college for the first part of the year which means all my cosplays are in storage at the moment), but I WILL be tabling with my art at UK Games Expo in May at the NEC in Birmingham. It's my first time being a vendor for my own art as opposed to being an assistant or guest, and while it'll be a shame not to be going in full Cullen or Krem as usual, I'm really looking forward to it. And who knows, I might be at other cons later in the year if time/£££ allow it.
Hopefully we'll be able to meet at some point this year! It's very sweet of you to think of me <3
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ian-and-out · 7 years
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Finally got to do this cosplay with a help of a wonderful friend and artist! I'll link when I have the right urls/media to link to since she made the armor but. This boy is so special to me. He made me feel more confident because he could exist unapologetically in media and so I should be able to do the same thing in the real world. Thanks for being you Krem, you're such a good boy.
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kuukkeli25 · 7 years
☆Life goals/dreams atm☆ #ToLiveOnMyOwn2k17 #KremCosplay2k18
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buttonhedgehog · 6 years
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“How do you take mirror photos while wearing your Krem gauntlets?” you ask. 
The answer: touchscreen gloves! I found these at Marks and Spencer for £10 and now I won’t have to take them off to check my phone at conventions.
I preferred fabric over leather because not only does hot glue stick to fabric far better, but fabric is thinner and more flexible. The foam of the hand armour will bulk up your hand, so you don’t want to have thick gloves or you might not be able to move your fingers very well.
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asparklethatisblue · 5 years
With me as Scout Harding and @hattedhedgehog as Krem
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whiskeyteacosplay · 8 years
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Thank you very much! It’s always really nice when people like my work. I hope you dont mind me posting this instead of answering privately, when thinking about how to answer I realized I would probably write a lot and need link and the ask box is really small compared to saving an ask as a draft then editing from there.
First things - Materials. Someone I used to hang out with had been working with Sintra and said it was working very nicely for them, and even sent me a link to a good deal on Amazon. It’s way more than I need for just Krem but the extra at such a good price when I haven’t worked with the material before was A+. I also picked up a heatgun because while some tutorials I found said they used the stove top or oven I wasn’t about to get bad burns from cosplay, I got enough finger sizzling from hot glue. Plus the heatgun lets me control the exact area i wanted heated. Throw in a hot glue gun, a thick towel, an exato knife with extra blades and some cardstock and I think that’s about everything for the basics?
Patterning and by extension making - There are dozens of tutorials for this out there, just google something like “sintra armor tutorial” or “cosplay armor patterning” I got a lot of my ideas from craft foam armor tutorials and just tweeked them a bit. For patterning I personally used cardstock since its not as thick as cardboard, not as thin as printer paper and I had a ton on hand. I’d say you could maaaybe get away with heavier weight construction paper but I found cardstock was really nice for keeping shape. It took a lot of time and just as much tape but basically I looked at other peoples wip of armor, tried to see what shapes they used and experimented.
But one you have the shape and everything of the paper pattern you want down all you really need to do is undo the tape an trace the pattern onto the sintra. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN CUTTING IT OUT. I essentially made a groove with my pen as I traced to get a ditch to cut into, but even then if I went too fast I cut off mark. Once the piece was cut out, on most of them I beveled the edge by being super careful and shaving at them at an angle with the exacto knife. Not needed but I thought it was a nice touch imo (like the gauntlet portion I shaved the inside of one piece and the outside of the other).
When the shapes are cut out, plug in that heat gun and get ready to shape! Please make sure you’re wearing nice thickness gloves and covering any body part you’re going to use for shaping with a nice thick towel or something. Example for the forearm portion of my armor I wrapped a thick dish towel around my arm and taped it in place, slowly heated the center of the piece I was working with on both sides and pressed it against my covered arm, rinse and repeat till you get the full shape you want!
Then hot glue the pieces that need to go together together, prime it, paint it and seal it!
For the straps and things since I also dabble in leather working I used those skills as well though you can probably just cut a piece of vinyl or pleather or whatever and either set them with grommets like I did (punched a hole with an awl and set them with my mallet and grommet tools) or use something like office file brads to keep the pieces in place.
Honestly my BIGGEST help was this person right here - http://tatjna.com/
They have both a Grey Warden tutorial and, the most helpful thing EVER since their armor is pretty similar in most spots - a Knight Captain Cullen tutorial. They broke down the build into several in depth tutorials and I totally had this open the entire time I was working on Krem.
So far the only things that tutorial hasn’t helped me with is the odd shapes for Krems knee and elbow guards, which I’m still puzzling over.
I hope this helped! If you need any more assistance my inbox is always open! (my chat box should be as well? I think) I’m more than willing to poke through my saved and bookmarked tutorials for other armor guides to send your way if you need them. Happy building!
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