#cremecius aclassi cosplay
whiskeyteacosplay · 8 years
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Thank you very much! It’s always really nice when people like my work. I hope you dont mind me posting this instead of answering privately, when thinking about how to answer I realized I would probably write a lot and need link and the ask box is really small compared to saving an ask as a draft then editing from there.
First things - Materials. Someone I used to hang out with had been working with Sintra and said it was working very nicely for them, and even sent me a link to a good deal on Amazon. It’s way more than I need for just Krem but the extra at such a good price when I haven’t worked with the material before was A+. I also picked up a heatgun because while some tutorials I found said they used the stove top or oven I wasn’t about to get bad burns from cosplay, I got enough finger sizzling from hot glue. Plus the heatgun lets me control the exact area i wanted heated. Throw in a hot glue gun, a thick towel, an exato knife with extra blades and some cardstock and I think that’s about everything for the basics?
Patterning and by extension making - There are dozens of tutorials for this out there, just google something like “sintra armor tutorial” or “cosplay armor patterning” I got a lot of my ideas from craft foam armor tutorials and just tweeked them a bit. For patterning I personally used cardstock since its not as thick as cardboard, not as thin as printer paper and I had a ton on hand. I’d say you could maaaybe get away with heavier weight construction paper but I found cardstock was really nice for keeping shape. It took a lot of time and just as much tape but basically I looked at other peoples wip of armor, tried to see what shapes they used and experimented.
But one you have the shape and everything of the paper pattern you want down all you really need to do is undo the tape an trace the pattern onto the sintra. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN CUTTING IT OUT. I essentially made a groove with my pen as I traced to get a ditch to cut into, but even then if I went too fast I cut off mark. Once the piece was cut out, on most of them I beveled the edge by being super careful and shaving at them at an angle with the exacto knife. Not needed but I thought it was a nice touch imo (like the gauntlet portion I shaved the inside of one piece and the outside of the other).
When the shapes are cut out, plug in that heat gun and get ready to shape! Please make sure you’re wearing nice thickness gloves and covering any body part you’re going to use for shaping with a nice thick towel or something. Example for the forearm portion of my armor I wrapped a thick dish towel around my arm and taped it in place, slowly heated the center of the piece I was working with on both sides and pressed it against my covered arm, rinse and repeat till you get the full shape you want!
Then hot glue the pieces that need to go together together, prime it, paint it and seal it!
For the straps and things since I also dabble in leather working I used those skills as well though you can probably just cut a piece of vinyl or pleather or whatever and either set them with grommets like I did (punched a hole with an awl and set them with my mallet and grommet tools) or use something like office file brads to keep the pieces in place.
Honestly my BIGGEST help was this person right here - http://tatjna.com/
They have both a Grey Warden tutorial and, the most helpful thing EVER since their armor is pretty similar in most spots - a Knight Captain Cullen tutorial. They broke down the build into several in depth tutorials and I totally had this open the entire time I was working on Krem.
So far the only things that tutorial hasn’t helped me with is the odd shapes for Krems knee and elbow guards, which I’m still puzzling over.
I hope this helped! If you need any more assistance my inbox is always open! (my chat box should be as well? I think) I’m more than willing to poke through my saved and bookmarked tutorials for other armor guides to send your way if you need them. Happy building!
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