#my kalakand
tech-vaia · 2 years
0 notes
isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
WIP #3
I actually plan to finish this one eventually, although I'm not sure when it will happen, so I figured I'd post it.
This is Kaveh and Cyno's first meeting in my childhood friends au!
The boy is small where he stands half-hidden behind his guardian, fingers clinging to Professor Cyrus' robes as the adults chat in the doorway of his home. Kaveh can only see a glimpse of his red eyes peeking out from behind the fabric. 
His parents warned him not to get too excited even as Kaveh practically vibrated with anticipation. Cyno is shy, they said, and not used to other children. He doesn't like to be touched so make sure to keep your hands to yourself.
All Kaveh heard was that his potential new playmate is lonely-- a feeling he knows well. 
Very few of Kaveh's peers understand his drawings of pretty buildings or why he bothers using such specific colours on the flowers that surround them instead of doing whatever he wants. He needs the aesthetic to be just right, while his peers prefer rainbows that don't match at all. They think he's odd because of it, and Kaveh wonders if Cyno will think the same. He hopes not-- it would be nice to have a friend. 
The adults move into the sitting room and Kaveh gets his first real look at Cyno as they sit on plush sofas across from one another. His first impression of Cyno being small was true-- he's only a year younger than Kaveh, but he looks even younger. Maybe it's the thinness of his limbs, how short he is, or the way he shrinks back under the adults' attention like he's afraid somebody will hurt him. The sight makes something protective well up in Kaveh's chest. He doesn't like the idea of Cyno being so afraid in his own home, and hates that he might be part of the cause.
Cyrus has tea and treats laid out on the low table set between the two families. He passes Cyno a piece of Kalakand wrapped in a napkin, who accepts it with the quietest thank you Kaveh has ever heard. The square milk-based sweet is messy, but Kaveh loves it, and eagerly takes one when offered. 
Across from him, Cyno eats in silence. His white hair falls before his eyes, obscuring his features. Kaveh picks at his own treat, thinking. 
The entire reason he's here is because Cyno doesn't have many friends. Since he and Kaveh are the same age, their parents decided to introduce them, but Cyno doesn't seem very interested in the idea. It makes Kaveh's stomach twist uncomfortably. What is wrong with him that nobody wants to be his friend?
"Cyno," Cyrus eventually says. His voice is soft, like when Kaveh tries talking to one of the stray cats that live in his neighbourhood. "Why don't you show Kaveh your bedroom? I'm sure he'd like to see your books."
Cyno's head snaps up, his eyes full of abject panic as he stares at his guardian. Kaveh wants to tell him that it's okay, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to be friends. He doesn't get the chance before his mother pushes him forward, a mirror to Cyrus' gentle urging. 
Eventually, Cyno gives in. He stares at the floor, shoulders tense, and quietly leads Kaveh from the room as the adults' conversation slowly picks up again, the topics light and meaningless. Kaveh can't help but wonder if it's because he and Cyno were there, and whether the discussion will turn more serious when they're out of earshot. Adults dislike talking about certain topics around children, even though Kaveh is eleven now. 
The house is smaller than Kaveh's, and not as clean. It makes sense. Kaveh has both his parents to maintain the house, while Cyno only has Cyrus. He wonders if it's lonely without a mother. 
He knows Cyno is adopted. His parents told him before they came so that he wouldn't be surprised that Cyno and Cyrus don't look the same. Now, Kaveh can only wonder where he came from. His dark skin and white hair are unusual in Sumeru, but Kaveh's parents warned him against asking personal questions. Part of Kaveh wants to ignore that advice. Cyno looks uncomfortable, though, so he doesn't ask. 
Cyno is silent as he walks, his feet not making any sound. He doesn't look back to make sure Kaveh is following, but his shoulders are tense as he listens. It makes Kaveh feel loud. 
They enter a small room. It's smaller than Kaveh's own, but his house is bigger. It certainly has fewer books, though. There's a shelf against one wall full of volumes. Some are leatherbound, others are held together but glue and twine, or have colourful covers. They didn't come from the same source; Cyrus must have worked hard to find them all. Kaveh even recognizes some of the titles, although he doesn't read often. The Akademiya is discouraging it in favour of leaning more on the Akasha. His parents don't like that decision, but they haven't explained why.   
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
8. Mera naam ishq
For prev parts :: Masterlist
Early mornings usually were the best, cooler than rest of the day and they gave an opportunity to witness the world waking up with the Sun.
As it was second of Monday of shravan, Y/n got up a little earlier than usual, hastily dusted and cleaned the house and took a bath. Ram too cut his yoga and meditation short by few minutes and rushed down.
Y/n quickly tried to assemble all the offerings.
"Where's my yellow kurta?"
Ram's voice traveled over the sweet rose itra in the air. Before she could answer, he called out again.
"Where's the towel?"
"Yellow one is soaked in soap and water, and towel is out here."
Wiping the sweat on his neck, he came out. "What do I wear then?"  Seeing him in nothing but a white dhoti, Y/n quickly looked down. His skin shone like gold, Y/n prayed for mercy.
She silently vowed to not let him distract her from the pious day.
"You have dozen others, wear anyone of them."
Blue and gold silk hugged her figure, he clenched a fist and breathed out through his nose. Her supple curls were wet and reached her waist.
She had adorned her hands with gold bangles, the bangles he had gifted her with. They looked good on her. His cheeks lifted in elation, eyes crinkled- he was thankful that she was too taken by her work to notice him.
So Ram tried to dampened his smile before she'd had a chance to look at him.
He felt peace envelop him. Beneath the jasmine incense and the sizzling ghee of the diya was her itra, soft and subtle.
"Why are you standing there? Go."
With widened eyes, he looked at her moving around the house. Embarrassed at how boy-ishly he acted around her, Ram quickly collected the towel and locked himself in the bathroom with buckets of cold water.
Y/n kept chanting under her breath. Her hands took some of the flowers and put them aside. The fragrance danced around the house.
The sky was starting to get lighter by second, she grinned wider. It looked like it would rain thankfully it wasn't brutally humid but rather cold.
Ram folded his sleeves, walking towards her, "did you-?"
He gestured towards the small puja to her left. He really felt as though the ground beneath him moved as her lips stretched in the most intoxicating smile.
Bobbing her head in a yes, she got up. His hand brushed against her arm, "Chalo phir."
Peacocks screamed in distance.
"I guess it's gonna rain today as well."
He understood that her workload doubled whenever it rained. Ram couldn't help but laugh at her disappointed face.
As they walked through the street their neighbors joined. Together they all sang and laughed.
In his heart Ram hoped they won't encounter any officer. It was a festive and pious day, he did not wish to come in contact with reality.
They were indulging in a fantasy.
His heart did not wish to let go. His fingers found Y/n's and he held on.
Look, he heard whispers from behind him. Understanding that they were talking about him and Y/n, he sighed. It wasn't his fault that he found comfort in his wife.
He held on. Grasp on her hand might have tightened a bit.
Finally when they reached, he let go and bent to touch the ground and take blessings.
Red stone of the stairs was wet and slippery.
"Y/n you didn't forget anything na?" He pointed to the stalls selling everything that could be offered.
"Nhi," they kept walking but then she gasped and held his arm, "we need to get more flowers. For evening?"
He remembered, they were invited to the rudrabhishek that was being organized at the public hall few kilometers away from their house.
As they sauntered back they got the flowers.
Y/n dragged him to the sweet shop, "bhaiya!" She asked for one kilo of pede.
"Aur kuch?"
Ram stood behind her and took out his wallet. "Kuch ghar k liye lena?"
Not giving her a chance, he bent forward and pointed to the motichoor k laddu asked the vendor to pack one kilogram of those.
"No," both men stopped and looked at her.
"Kya hua?"
"That's too much. Half of laddu and half of kalakand," her eyes darted to the top of the shelf, "some curd too."
Exiting the shop, he spotted a fruits stacked in a cart. "Want something?"
She thought about it, they were already going to take sweets as prasad. "Ha, bananas."
By the time they reached home, Ram had bags in both of his hands. "I'm so happy half the market was closed or you would've bought everything home."
She rolled her eyes at the jab.
"It's not raining, go and get the wheat or after a few days the prices will go up."
Setting everything aside, he joined his hands, "Jaisa aap kahe devi ji."
"Eat something first," She ran back from  the kitchen to stop him,  seeing him shake his head Y/n made a face, "fine, I'm making tea. Drink that and go."
The kitchen wasn't a mess for once as they were both fasting. Small mercies of life.
As the water boiled they sat under the fan.
"What have you been reading these days?" Y/n had noticed a fat book on his desk had replaced his diary.
Combing his hair back, he smiled. Of course she noticed. Somehow the realization that she picked up on his stuff made his insides fuzzy.
"Taitriya upanishad."
She leaned in. Never having read for herself, she jutted her chin out, urging him to continue.
Keeping his hands on the table, he leaned in as well as if they were about to share secret. "It's a part of Krishna yajurveda. The om sahanavavatu comes from taitriya upanishad."
Y/n sat up and scrunched her face.
Ram leaned further, resting his head on his arms and looked at her antics. "Kya hua devi?"
As if that explained everything, she clasped her fingers on his biceps and dragged him to the kitchen.
"Now I can listen to you and make tea properly."
She grated ginger after adding sugar and waited again. He leaned against the door frame, "it has three, you could say parts? Shiksha Valli with twelve anuvaka, Ananda valli with nine anuvaka and bhrigu Valli."
As they sat sipping on hot tea, Ram told her about the first anuvaka of shiksha Valli that he was in mid of. It was all about the initiation of a kid as a student.
He went on about the profound meanings and the reflection of the author.
Y/n understood most of it, it stirred a curiosity in her but it was Ram's enthusiasm that captivated her.
Unknowingly she caught his hands between her palms, "I want to learn more."
Tilak on his forehead creased as lines of joy formed, "every night before bed? We'll study together?"
The light in her eyes took away his breath. Dark shadows of clouds and glow of lamps, free long hair- she looked surreal.
Lighting cracked in the sky. A burst of wind blew her curls.
Just like that their small world snapped out of existence.
"Go.. it might rain anytime now," She followed him to the door, "hurry back home, okay?"
Y/n boiled potatoes for night and went up to get the clothes. She looked at the small vases in a corner on the roof. Rose was starting to grow now that monsoon was here. Jasmine flowered heavily as always and the rest looked healthy green.
As the clock struck two, she started gathering everything to take with them.
She wondered why her neighbors rented out the hall that was so far from their home but then she remembered how many people would gather and sighed.
They had asked for a decent daughter-in-law for their son, and now that he was married and had a kid on way, this was as good a time as any.
She changed into a green silk with blue borders. The gold bangles on her hands,  blue studded earrings and red bindi- she decided to tie her hair in a loose bun.
As she got done with putting on the mahavar, Y/n blew all the lamps and locked the home.
She fixed the dark blue blouse matching with the earrings.
The clouds loomed above them. She felt good.
The neighboring ladies called for her. Hastily she grabbed the prasad and the keys and left.
She had left a fresh pair of kurta on the bed for Ram.
"It's such a pleasant weather no? We're lucky."
She smiled and nodded along and got into one of the four rickshaw they had called. Kavita from two houses removed was with her, she had long luscious hair and most expressive eyes.
"Arey didi, I can hold those for you," Y/n took a bag from her kept it in her lap with her own bag. Kavita had a thing for taking too much with her wherever she went.
"Y/n, what are you gonna offer?"
"Pede and fruits."
She then listened to the woman go on and on about her day. Y/n smiled and nodded, enjoying wind in her ears. Every inch of her being danced in joy as they neared the venue.
The hall was down a muddy road, the grass was thick and water hung onto the blades like pearls.
Holding the bags in one hand, Y/n collected and lifted her saree to keep it from touching the ground. Once she stepped on the pavement, she let go and looked around.
The entire premise was covered in beautiful flowers.
She forgot them.
He bhagwaan.
Y/n prayed Ram would notice and bring them with him. Seeing a frown on her face Kavita shook her, "what happened?"
Her hand came up to hold her mangalsutra, and she prayed to God.
Shortly after they left their sandals under small shelter outside, Y/n was pulled into the kitchen. Prasad was being prepared in huge cauldrons.
Grateful that she had decided to put her hair up, Y/n stirred the kheer, she smiled. There was no cereal being used, only milk and dry fruits. In a corner milk was being thickened for various sweet dishes.
Another one of the three rooms had all the supplies required for the actual puja. Children ran in and out of the rooms, screaming and laughing.
Entire neighborhood was going to be here along with their relatives. Even a big hall and an extra room was starting to seem small to her.
Several ladies were in a corner, singing and playing dholak.
The family was busy in welcoming everyone and handing out everything the pandit asked for.
Women in the kitchen tittered.
"Kya hua didi?" Y/n asked.
The lady beside chopped the dried coconut leaned towards her, "Reshma is telling everyone of the marks on the daughter-in-law's neck."
Regretting that she even said something, Y/n rolled her eyes to mask her blush and turned back to the milk she was stirring for kheer.
"How much sugar was added?"
The elderly woman standing behind her stopped her from adding more. "More than I would have added."
As soon as she left, a woman in orange saree came about and grumbled about her miser nature and added more.
Y/n's arm was starting to hurt. "Didi can you take over for a bit?" Exchanging places she sat on the stool, relieved to be a bit away from the flame. She started grating coconut.
Manjire resounded under all the tandem.
A group of small girls ran in squealing and started playing around.
One of them stepped on a plate and fell, elbowing the nearest in the process, one almost ran in the wall and one stubbed her toe on a stone.
Within a second the room turned into a chaos' domain.
Women screamed at their kids, one of the girl cried, few ladies looked on in exasperation while other were in stitches.
Y/n looked around happy, with just two people in her house, she had forgot how it felt.
Kavita shook her and pointed at a lady standing at the doorstep. She beckoned Y/n.
"Can you find me sugarcane syrup and honey?"
She got up, handing over her work to someone else and freed her pallu which was tucked in her waist.
Outside the kitchen, the hall was complete mess. Kids were fighting over the mats. There was mud all over as the pandit sculpted a shivling and the rest of the shiv parivar. Men were busy chatting away out in fresh air.
Her eyes searched for Ram. It shouldn't have taken this long.
Everything was starting, people were piling in the hall.
Every other second her eyes darted towards the entrance. Where was he?
Ram ran fingers through his hair, brushing back the damp locks. He hoped he wasn't too late.
"Arey Ram!"
A tall, lanky guy called stood ahead.
"Ha!" Together they went in.
He quickly found his wife sitting one person removed from the idols. He sat beside her.
"Where were you?"
Y/n remarked a 'that's not what I asked' and looked ahead, smiling.
He looked sideways amused and noticed the dark curls that hung near her jhumke.
It was almost night and there was no electricity. Y/n few other women got up to get lamps.
Ram listened attentively to all the chants. He wasn't ready to Y/n come out with a plate full of diyas. The golden glow of flames on her skin looked ethereal. Divine.
A beauty from far away enchanted lands.
His eyes drank in the view. Amongst all the noise his ears heard the sweet sounds of her payal.
The silk around her waist shuffed as her hips swayed. Her timid walk was alluring.
He cursed. She had tied up her hair, the radiance accentuated her neck. There was nothing to take his eyes off, to distract him.
The golden mangalsutra. The sacred thread of his name.
It drew him in. He looked on unabashedly. She was wearing the token of their bond. Her eyes shone brighter than sun and moon.
His heart felt full.
If this was to be end of his time, he'd be content. The most beautiful woman was his wife and she was very close to being his purpose.
His eyes didn't stray for a second, not even when she sat beside him. He kept staring. No amount of prayers would ever express the gratitude he felt.
"You look stunning." His lips grazed her ear shell. His eyes caught how her breath hitched and her body stilled.
Aware of the surroundings again, he sat upright allowing a small smirk to grace his lips.
Everyone was focused on the holy fragrance in the air. Ram tried his best too.
He did.
Everytime he'd try to look ahead, he'd hear soft clincks of her bangles. Rose overpowered incense.
She'd occasionally repeat after the mantras, and his muscles would strain with sensations. Her breathy repetitions cast a charm.
His breaths sped up.
Since the hall was crowded they were sitting closely. Ram had shifted a bit back to avoid their knees from bumping, it was quickly proving itself as the mistake of the night.
She was directly in his line of sight and not even an inch away. How was he supposed resist touching her?
He didn't.
Soft, spilt second brush against her arm. Ram's eyes stayed fixed on the idols. He pressed his lips together.
He could see Y/n turned back a little but he was looking ahead so she turned back, saying nothing.
The next time it happened, she turned again and asked if he wanted something.
Ram widened his eyes and looked at her with the most innocence he could muster.
Once again she turned back. But then it happened again and again.
He almost laughed as she half faced him with a knowing look and hissed to stop.
"Stop what?"
Unhappy that he wasn't graced with an answer, he hunched his back. It gave him the advantage to be close as he could be to her without the questions from people.
Slightly tilting his head, he bumped her back.
Y/n bit her lip. This man.
Earlier she couldn't tell if he doing this on purpose, but now, oh he knew alright.
His breath hit her neck, goosebumps erupted all over. She suppressed a shiver. He couldn't find a better time or place to be... to be playful?
This time she glared at him.
It only tickled him further. He didn't know what had possessed him but he was having fun teasing her.
His eyes sweeped the room, once he was sure no one was looking. He leaned forward, purposefully brushing his lips in her hair, just behind her ear, "kya hua jaan? You look.. ahh frazzled."
Her heart began to palpitate, blood rushed to her cheeks. She knew she couldn't handle it.
In a sudden she stood up and went to the store room. Y/n thanked the dark, no one could see her red ears. As soon as she was in, she braced herself against the wall.
Slowly she breathed in and out, trying to calm her heart. Her knees felt weak.
She just needed a breather.
The pounding in her ears couldn't subside, her heart could calm down before it skipped again.
Her eyes opened in shock. Footsteps echoed in her ears. "I was looking for honey!" Pushing against the wall she took a step forward.
Haphazard thoughts bombarded her. She cursed the man behind her state. Despite herself she sighed in relief when she saw him.
"Ram what-"
He almost broke into a grin. Yellow light reflecting off her gold bangles made her look delicate like the rose scent she wore.
Adoration surged through him.
A lone diya in the corner illuminated his face enough for her to see the teasing glint in his eyes.
In a hushed tone she tried to berate him but was cut off when in just a couple of steps her back hit the wall.
"How are you this fine, holy evening, dear wife?"
She hated how his husky voice sent tingles through her, how she could barely form words. "Wha-" She had dreamed of stolen moments, clandestine meetings but all of those were just her fantasies.
"Have I told you how inviting your beautiful neck looks when there's nothing to take away the attention?"
He bent down and pressed a kiss just below her jaw. A sudden gasp left her.
He smiled stretching the contact before looking in her eyes.
Y/n was aware, she must have looked like a fool, gaping like a fish. The audacity shocked her. "What has gotten in you?"
She couldn't help but admire how his eyes twinkled.
His arms circled around her waist. He pushed her against the wall. She noticed how his gaze lingered at her neck. She really shouldn't have put up her hair.
"Ram, koi dekh lega.."
Her eyes closed, he leaned his forehead against hers. Her hands came up to his chest, "koi aa jayega-"
"Aane do."
Ram wasn't sure if she could feel his heart, he wasn't sure if she could tell what she did to him.
A crowd of almost a hundred people was right outside and he couldn't care any less. He didn't want to let go.
They breathed in the same air. The small, unsteady gasps from her lips tempted him to close the gap.
His knuckles brushed against her cheekbone before he ran his fingers through her hair, slowly undoing her hairdo.
Y/n tugged him closer instinctively and let out a shuddered breath. Her heart felt like it would leap out of her chest when he combed through and detangled a small strand.
"Kya kre ho.."
He didn't answer. Just kissed her hair and all the way to the crook of her neck.
His attention lingered on the gold chain resting prettily on her skin. Testimony of the union of their souls. The world began fading away for them.
Y/n could think of nothing but his touch. His knuckles mapped her face. His thumb traced the curve of her lips. His secure grip on her waist keeping her upright. His lips worshiping her. His proximity. His touch.
Him. Him. Just him.
He was consuming her and she wanted more.
She desperately  wanted more but anyone could walk in.
Sighing, he listened to her and loosened his hold on her. As much fun teasing her was, he really just wanted to hold her and rest.
"Let's go, it's almost over."
Y/n felt cold air take place of his warmth. "I know.. just a bit more."
She gathered her hair to a side and raised her eyebrows almost mocking him.
"Go or people will question." He slowly backed away and smiling to himself.
Hearing Aarti start, Y/n joined them as well. Looking at the beautiful shivling, she prayed for him, his welfare, she prayed be content and happy with him.
After the prasad was distributed, several people got ready to go back in a group as it was night. Asking her to hurry, he went to stand with men from his neighborhood.
As things were wrapping up, they all chatted away about various texts, families and weather. Ram breathed in fresh air after being in a heavily fragrant room.
They all waited for their wives.
Tip. Tip. Tip. It started as a small drizzle but quickly turned into heavy rains. Everyone outside ran in.
Loud murmurs broke out in the hall. Kids screeched in a corner, happy with the rain. Ram massaged his head, he just wanted to sleep.
He just wanted to hold his wife close to him and let sleep take over.
It rained with heavy winds. Wet leaves, water falling to the ground, air through the every small nook created a harmony.
People arranged themselves in small pockets, talking or just listening as they waited.
"I don't think this is going to stop anytime soon."
Ram in his mind thanked the guy for saying what he felt.
Women had arranged for kids to eat and sleep in the room. Y/n came to stand near her husband, "here.." She extended a decent sized bowl with kheer.
He hadn't eaten anything for a day and now he won't sleep properly either. She felt concern cloud her when he refused. "Ram-"
"When we go home."  He smiled and shook his head.
Y/n tugged at his wrist, standing closer, "who knows for long it'll rain.. just eat this."
"No, I don't want to hear your excuses. You'll eat or do I have to feed you like a kid?" Y/n cut him off before he could say anything. She took his hands and put the bowl in them.
"Ram bhaiya, come sit with us."
He smiled at the men sitting near the large doorway and went to sit with them.
Almost everyone was half asleep. It had been a long day.
He felt cold wind with slight rain hit his back for a second. He closed his eyes, this must be how plants feel everytime it rains, he mused.
He took a support of the frame and leaned back.
The ladies were huddled at the other end of the hall. His tired eyes searched for her.
The hair he had opened now rested at the front tangled in a loose braid. Wishing he was home he closed his eyes again.
Memories from various nights resurfaced. In each one she was in his arms.
He felt a low vibration just below his skin.
It was ridiculous how used he had gotten to physical affection with her. When he said he yearned to hold her even when she was at an arm's distance, he wasn't lying.
If nothing Ram longed she'd atleast sit next to him.
Time passed by, they all sat patiently. The thunderstorm didn't relent but.
"There's no point in waiting now, let's all sleep here and we'll go tomorrow morning."
The arrangements changed once again. Several women went to their kids, others to their husband's and sat in loose groups.
He had moved to the mid, dragged by his neighbor who stretched his legs and half laid down.
"Ram? Thirsty?"
Y/n handed him a glass of water.
The silk was quite uncomfortable to spend the night in. She couldn't stretch her legs or even sit freely.
Ram opened her eyes and saw her shuffling every other second. At last she took an end of her heavily patterned pallu and enveloped it over her shoulder, creating a shield between herself and everyone else.
He let out a cold sigh. She was as uncomfortable as he was, perhaps even more.
He called and shifted near her.
He tapped lightly asking her to lean on him.
"No, everyone is here." Y/n whispered back almost bemoaning.
Last of diya extinguished as if on cue, plunging the hall in complete dark. Nature provided them a small getaway, a window of momentary peace.
"Everyone's asleep. You haven't rested for a second the whole day."
Several men and women were crammed in one hall. After an exhausting day, as Y/n looked around and saw lolling heads. People sat supporting each other and almost everyone's eyes were closed.
She repositioned herself and tentatively leaned on his shoulder careful not to put all of her weight on him.
Content, that's how he felt. Sure she wasn't in his embrace but he wouldn't pass up on any of this. One of her hand was hooked with his.
Resting his head on her, Ram's eyes closed. His hand found hers which was on his thigh.
Slowly he traced circles on the back of her palm.
Neither of them realized when they drifted off.
Hii since tomorrow is Sunday.. I figured Saturday evening could be the best to provide you all fluff (?) I just hope this makes you smile Hehe. Baaki ka you know, if you want to be added to the taglist pls say.
Tags : @thewinchestergirl1208 @budugu @yehsahihai @vaijayantheee @chaanv @rishi-sita @ronnoxandlumoss @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin @mizutaama @jeonmahi1864 @bromance-minus-the-b @ronaldofandom @sabi5 @saanjh-sakhi @maraudersbitchesassemble @whyismynamecommon @nyotamalfoy @rambheemlove @lite-teesko @jjwolfesworld
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
aaj ibaadat
saw this post and felt like I should write something for my favorite character-
He knew everyone forgot, but he wasn't wavered. Apparently it was just a fleeting time period for him too, another twenty four hours. He looked at the date on the top and by the time the child inside him smiled, he was already skimming through the newspaper. You did your everyday chore as if it wasn't a special day, as if you forgot too. He rode around with Akhtar that day, had a chat by the gates with Jenny, talked about some future events with Babai and smiled at you while leaving for work. He knew nobody remembers. Maybe one day when they would be sitting with him, talking mindlessly and maybe then it will hit them that for a year, Ram didn't share his birthday with anyone and it passed by just like another day. He was content with it.
So when Ram saw a car outside his house, he wondered if jenny came to meet you. But when he stepped in the house, he did not expect Akhtar's ammi in his living room. He was scared at first- did something happen to you? But her warm smile left him confused. On further progression he realized that everyone he knew and loved stood there, probably waiting for him. Akhtar, his family, Babai, Jenny, and- "jaldi karo, ram aate honge" you emerged from another room, carrying the pooja thaali. Ram grazed up and down, yellow chiffon with red blouse. Your hair in a braid with pins and curls, bangles adorning your wrists. Earrings reaching back in your hair from chains and a brooch attached. A black bindi and deep black kajal. Your lips red.
His presence took you by surprise, and lowkey you were scared. What if he didn't like all this? Before you could muster the courage to say something, Akhtar was already pushing Ram in his room. "Bistar pe jo kapde hai woh pehen lena" Akhtar closed the room behind him, leaving Ram to wear the new clothes Akhtar got for him. About fifteen minutes later, Ram emerged from his room, hair wet and the kurta pajama vibrant blue. You could not stop staring at him. He walked towards you, his hand clasped down from nervousness. "tumhe yaad tha" he muttered and a small piece inside you broke. You picked up the pooja thaali, sliding the tilak up his temple. "Apne pati ka janmadin kaun bhulta hai?" You said, feeding him a small piece of kalakand. He blushed, holding your pinky from his beside you.
Everyone sat around the dining table, having dinner and laughing the evening away. Everyone remembered.
tags: @rambheemisgoated @obsessedtoafault @budugu @adikavy @kafkaesquebestie @thewinchestergirl1208 @tinysmallworlld @aasthuu @chaotic-moonlight @chaanv
who else was in the taglist please help-
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tmmyhug · 2 years
:D glad you enjoyed the ask!! today we bought chamchams, pedhe, gulab jamun, laddus, and kalakand (rakshabandhan is on august 11)!!!. question - are you able to find indian sweets in the US? my dad lives there and he laments not finding any indian sweets,,,
mmmm that sounds amazing happy rakshabandhan!!! they’re not so easy to find in the us unfortunately (the good stuff at least) but my family is lucky enough to have a high quality indian sweet shop in downtown pretty close by. your dad may have to ask around and see where the indians in the area get their fix. the aunties at the local temples will definitely know lol
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sri2annapurna · 6 months
"Sri Annapurna: Varanasi's Best Sweet Store"
Sri Annapurna, recognized as the Best Mithai Shop in Varanasi, stands out for its delectable array of traditional sweets and its unique sweet corporate gifts. The iconic Banarasi Kalakand, my personal favorite, epitomizes the culinary excellence that has earned Sri Annapurna the reputation of being the Best Sweet Store in Varanasi. 
This revered Indian sweet shop in Varanasi has skillfully mastered crafting the perfect blend of flavors and textures in every morsel. 
The inviting aroma permeating the charming lanes of Varanasi is a testament to the unparalleled quality that defines Sri Annapurna. 
Whether you're a connoisseur of sweets or seeking unique sweet corporate gifts, this Mithai Shop in Varanasi is a haven for those who appreciate the rich, time-honored traditions of Banaras.
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serotaejin · 3 years
i had some mishti doi earlier this evening and thought of you, mayhaps YOU are MY mishti doi?? 💛
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T PLEASE THIS HAS TO BE THE CUTEST EDIT 🥺🥺 my mishti doi eating mishti doi <3
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sjoongki · 3 years
if you’re a poc, reblog this and write your favorite dessert (or savory dish if you don’t like sweets) from your culture in the tags
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sarah-yyy · 3 years
Top 5 (comfort) foods?
酸菜鱼 (fish with pickled mustard) on a cold night? ideal
can't go wrong with a good kalakand if i need some sugar
also can't go wrong with a good see ham kuey tiao
hmu with some bakut teh
xiaolongbao???? it's a bao??? and also soup???? incredible
(ask me my top 5 anything)
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herawell · 3 years
Don't reblog.
Ate 4 inches' worth of kalakand about ~5 hours ago and now my stomach is randomly knotting. Hopefully it doesn't become a stomachache. Last year I ate 6 kaju katli after dinner in one go, and the next day I had a stomachache so bad I was curled up in the fetal position in bed for 2-3 hours in the middle of the afternoon.
I very rarely eat junk food/sweets/mithai, so I never really learned the lesson that eating too much gives you a stomachache. Like I know it intellectually, but not practically.
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truedarkhcld · 3 years
"And do I get rewarded with dessert if I clean my plate?"
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“Yes. Haven made kalakand, and I made cinnamon noodle kugel, so you have options.”
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prfxxor · 3 years
"I brought mangoes. Do the deer here like those? I've read mouse deer eat fruit, and the Krakoan climate is tropical just like my country's---do you think it's safe? I wouldn't want the poor dears to take ill. In any case---they're in season right now splendid for people. I'm going to make chutney and kalakand later."
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'i'm sure they will find the fruit delicious, haven. thank you. some of them appear to have developed a bit of a sweet tooth, in fact. as for safety... considering all the things they naturally consume, i don't suppose a little mango will be what fell them. so far they seem to be... rather hardy animals.' one of them having the tenacity and perseverance to survive sebastian shaw on the daily.
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aadyeah · 4 years
Excuse me, wtf is milk cake
idk some people think its kalakand and I honestly don't know,,, i have had milk cake a couple of times in my life and that too in my grandma’s house so i don't know exactly but i can say kalakand is different and i don't really like it :/
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sly-merlin · 3 years
when you get this, please reply five things that make you happy and send this to your ten favorite people 💛❤💙
Lemme give u the list of my fav foods bcs food makes me super happy
Sweets : gulab jamun, laddoo, kalakand, rasgulla
Chai time snacks : samosa, sattpura, matthi both sweet and salty
Street food : chat papri, bhel puri, pav bhaji, aloo tikki.
South indian : dosa, sambhar, vada
Punjabi : kulcha, rajma, Punjabi curry, white chikpeas, black lentils, veg pulao.
Try all of these. Your tum tum would thank you
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cipher-dorito · 4 years
Can i pwease have all three ask thingies??
i am so sorry for answering this after AGES.
📜: I'll tell you an incident that happened to me
Okay so this is the story of HOW I GOT MY REVENGE
Okay. Not REVENGE revenge. But yeah.
So basically my dad and I love the same things, so he eats my share of treats and sweets ALL THE TIME. Be it chocolate or kalakand or whatever, you get the point. The thing is, he is more of a "gobble,gobble I must finish it now" eater, while i am a "nibble,nibble I will eat some now and keep some for later so that i can cherish this" eater.
Now, we both are CRAZY about milk powder, and my mom got a jar of it one day and he ate the WHOLE FRICKIN THING when I was in school. I was so gutted when I saw the empty jar, while my dad giggled.
So, I got another jar of milk powder, and hid it in a container, which I kept in ANOTHER container, which I hid in a cabinet in the kitchen. (My mom promised to cooperate). Everyday, I went to the cabinet and opened the layers of security and ate two spoonfuls of milk powder, and closed everything. Then I would casually walk to my dad and ask him how his day was going, and as he would tell me, my eyes would sparkle with glee coz he didn't know a thing.
🎶: I'll tell you which song you remind me of
You remind me of some pretty cool early 2000s desi bops? Total Dil Chahta Hai vibes ;)
Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe from Dil Chahta Hai:D
💞: I'll tell you 3 things I love about you
1. Your art is MINDBLOWING! Your blogs are so sophisticated and did I tell you that your art is MINDBLOWING?? Coz yeah it is MINDBLOWING.
2. You are so frickin supportive and you always back me up, in fact you always have all your mutuals' backs and that is really admirable :)
3. I feel so happy whenever you send me asks, and seeing you on my dash always makes me SO HAPPY :D Keep flooding my inbox, cake!
👁️: I'll try to describe how I perceive your aesthetic
Since I already said that you give me total Dil Chahta Hai vibes, I'm just gonna elaborate further - Goa trip, driving on an empty road under the sunny sky, an amazing breeze, carefree days. (I know you'll be like whaa coz your blog theme is pretty much black and purple but yeah, i get sunny vibes from ya!)
Thanks for the ask @apocalyptic-saboteur !!♥️💚🧡💛 (So sorry for the late reply :))
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pakcheers · 4 years
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Cakes and Bakes is the best bakery in lahore. The first bakery of Cakes and bakes was opened by Riaz-ul-Hasan in 1995 in Samnabad, lahore. Now there are many branches of cakes and bakes in lahore. And it is one of the Best Bakery in lahore.
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The best bakery in lahore Cakes and bakes are having many items in their shops for example they are having Out class bakistry items like delicious Chicken bread, Chicken donuts, Pizza’s, wraps, Chicken Tikka BBQ piece, Drum Sticks, Bread rolls, Arabian pizza slice, sandwiches etc.
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In Sweets The best bakery in lahore is having Wonderful variety like Biscuits (chocolate, strawberry, orange and chocolate chip), Sweets (baklawa, Moti Chur Laddu, Black Gulab Jamun, Brown Gulab Jamun, White Rasgulla, Plain Barfi, Kalakand, and Balu Shahi) delight full cakes, the variety of cakes include Pineapple Cake, Special Black Forest Cake, Death by Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Zig Zag Cake, Chocolate Marble Cake, walnut Fudge Cakes, Fruit Slab Cake, Plain Slab Cake. They also make fresh birthday cakes and picture cakes on orders Mouthwatering Brownies and Pastries in several flavors like Blue berry, Black Forest, and chocolate chip etc.
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Not only These things are in the best bakery of lahore there are many things. There are many things like snacks and salad. Snacks include their potato chips, Nimko, Namak paray, methay paray and wafers etc. Salads include Russian salad and simple salad. The best bakery in lahore also serves vegetable cakes, samosas, cutlets and chicken piece. Except these things in there shop they are having many drinks like juices, flavored milk and other drinks etc. They are having chips, popcorns, snacks etc. They are also having big freezers of Ice creams and K&NS or Menu frozen items in their shops which include chunks, kofta, kabab, Patties and other items.
The best Bakery in lahore Cakes and bakes has also started Slushes in some branches which are not too much expensive and are in affordable range which are in 3 different flavors. Mango, Strawberry and Orange. Cakes and bakes are also having Grocery items in their shops like their company’s jams, bread, rusks and bakarkhani. The other grocery items include milk, mayonnaise, Ketchup, Jams, kids Powdered milk (like Pedia sure, Nido, Cow gate, milo and Horlicks), Sweet Drinks (like Jamesheereen, Rooh e Afzha etc.), Tea Whiteners, tea, Cerelac, Cereals and Flakes.
The best bakery in lahore has Recently started Live Pizza in some branches. Which is very much Delightful and tasty. The flavors of Pizza include Malai Botti Pizza, cakes and bakes special pizza, chicken Barbeque pizza, Chicken Tikka pizza and chicken Fajita pizza. All flavors of pizza are very much delightful. I Advise you all to try their pizza, visit their bakeries and try their all bakery items I hope you’ll enjoy eating their bakery items
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