#my inbox is open to send me hatemail
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egot1stical · 1 year ago
making the worst tumblr post ever and talking about winterkov. ONCE.
in canon i think they should never date (because simon is too sadsack) but instead have the worst one night stand ever.
listen; winter king is clearly down to fuck himself (definitely “i’d make a bunch of clones, i am pro clone-fucking”) but simon (“what if my clone is evil”/“i would not want to fuck my clone because my self loathing is THAT strong”) would need to be at the lowest point in his life or they’d both need to be absolutely shitfaced.
halfway through the episode they have extremely mediocre sex offscreen that winter king keeps insisting was really good and then simon feels really weird about his thousand year dry spell being broken by himself from another reality. he does not bring this up to fionna or cake at all. cake can sense it. in the b plot marshall and gary discuss if theyd fuck another universe’s version of themself.
the show then continues as normal except when he talks to (gol)betty she’s like omnipotent or something so halfway through the most dramatic conversation of their lives she’s like. “unrelated but im kind of jealous. i always wanted to fuck a clone of myself. how was it” and then simon unlocks shrimp emotions and after a minute of silence just says “it was okay” and then moves on
if you disagree. i don’t know what to tell you
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living-for-fiction · 1 year ago
Still waiting to get even a single piece of hatemail after bogleech promised that his followers would be swarming me with it if our conversation was public. Not sure where they are. Maybe they're scared to put names to hate messages? I've had anon turned off for a couple years, after getting a rash of anonymous rape threats that contained personal information. Could just be that his fans are cowards who don't actually stand by their hate mail.
Could also be that his adoring fans don't actually love him so much they'll spend their time trying to throw down with a rando on the internet for disagreeing with him.
But another possibility - and I think this is the most likely one - is that most people just do not care all that much about fanart and fandom stuff. They see something distasteful, go "ew gross," and keep scrolling instead of clutching their pearls and deciding to spend their time and energy harassing people over it. Which, ironically, is what I've been advocating for this whole time - that unless a real person is being hurt, when you see something gross, you should just go "ew gross" to yourself and scroll past, or block if it truly bothers you. I have no idea if people have blocked and/or unfollowed me over this nonsense, but if they have, good on them for curating their spaces! No hard feelings in the slightest, that would be ridiculous. But no one has bothered to send me hate mail, which both is the healthy thing and also kind of goes to show that the vast majority of people really aren't going to get all that worked up over fan fiction and fanart.
Who'dathunk? But if anyone actually DOES want to send me some hate mail about this, feel free, my inbox is open (albeit only for people who will attach their names to their messages).
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ardently-queer · 1 year ago
I got a variation of that comment a couple days ago on a fic I started writing in I think early 2020 and it's like beloved fellow denizen of the internet four years is not old. You don't have to apologise I love that you enjoyed this so much you wanted to tell me about it, especially specifically and at length do you know how GOOD that feels?
Writers with published books from the fuckin seventies still like getting fan mail about how those books made a reader feel because it's not about how relevant and immediate the comment is it's like, each time there's a new reader who comments that's a new person the story reached and touched somehow and that's really kind of beautiful?
AO3 isn't a forum. There's no interaction rules like no necro-ing topics, either specifically written or unspoken, because it's not a forum, that's not how it works. Your comments are a combination of a letter directly to the author (which is why you should still be polite and not an ass because like, yeah, we see all of it, there's a real person on the other end) and like if there were pages in books at the end of each chapter where each new reader could tell the next readers who came after them how that chapter made them feel. There's no time limit on any of that.
Just realising while writing this that my meds are wearing off which is PROBABLY why I'm made of feelings and ramble and oh god I can't remember synonyms for this but like. Yeah. If something you read, saw, watched, listened to, anything, made you feel good or helped you realise things about yourself or changed your perspective a little or provided you some catharsis and you have the chance to tell the creator and you want to? TELL THAT CREATOR. If you feel like sending hate mail you really probably shouldn't because that's asshole behaviour, that comes under if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing (this is about unsolicited criticism and hatemail not 'hey what the fuck this is really transphobic' or similar but honestly like even then, sticking that in the comments section of something on AO3 is honestly, there's not a whole lot of point like it's not wrong to want to tell someone that but it doesn't tend to DO anything useful it's honestly generally better to just kind of take a screenshot and chuck it in a friend's DMs and be like hey look at this bullshit i scrolled past while looking for something else because a cathartic bitchfest about it is honestly gonna do more for you than sending a rage directly to the author who will more than likely just delete it and if they don't they're gonna a: reply and probably not kindly and then freeze your comment thread or b: leave your comment thread open specifically so that every other reader who reads it and doesn't agree with you will tell you so, for ever, in your inbox, for ever. zero point even if you're justified in your distaste.)... But the flipside of that is like. If you do have something nice to say. SAY IT. PUT NICE THINGS INTO THE WORLD. LET GO OF THE IDEA THAT BEING EARNESTLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THINGS YOU LOVE IS CRINGE.
and to be very very clear like. yes. This absolutely applies to erotic art, writing etc like this isn't just a rose-tinted view of how you should do because I'm a naive asexual, sex negative or something, or based on my place in the section of AO3 where we write entire plotted-out novels with thought given to themes and writing mechanics out of love, spite, sheer nerdy fixation or a combination of the above.
In the cases of NSFW media, the creator will often specify in an author's note or similar what their boundaries are for the kinda comments they're comfortable receiving. Just because someone drew or wrote something ridiculously hot doesn't mean they want to hear about how many times you jacked off to it because being an artist, author etc of erotic media does not imply consent to anything beyond 'i wrote/drew/otherwise made a thing for people to read/look at/watch/listen to' like, do keep boundaries in mind and don't be a creep but. if someone wrote lovingly crafted erotica of many thousands of words you can tell them you thought it was hot and thank them for sharing it. if someone spent hours and potentially art materials painting something gloriously pornographic and you love it you can tell them that too. It's the same as with any other media: you are not entitled to a conversation with the creator, they don't owe you a response or reciprocation or even space in their comments section if you're being creepy or otherwise kind of an ass. But if you enjoyed it, they put work into it and shared it with the internet often for free and you can and should tell them that you like their work. And if they DO have a note saying they're cool with it, like, yeah, if you found it hot and ran out of vibrator batteries or lube or cramped your hand like there are people who are absolutely gonna love hearing that from you because that's also about how their work affected you and IF IT'S SOMETHING THEY'RE COOL WITH that's gratifying for an artist to hear.
thinking about that post of people assuming ao3 has an algorithm and also about how bonkers persistent the view is that ao3 is social media lite. like with startling regularity I get comments saying something along the lines of "it's probably weird to comment on a fic this old--" no it isn't!!!! this is an archive I am literally just assuming you searched for a selection of specific tags or sorted by kudos or looked back on my pseud or any other number of completely normal ways to use an archive site ?? kill the tiktok ghost in your brain and comment on old stuff it's NOT weird
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fertilize-my-eggs · 3 years ago
Alright I'm open my inbox, I'll let's y'all talk or message there but don't send fic requests beacuse I'm still writing the oneshots, a simple hello would be fine with me x3 just don't send hatemail or unwanted criticism.
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erogeproxy · 5 years ago
a note about hate
What I absolutely LOVE about the hatemail I get on tumblr is that the people that send me those msges are so dead-set in their opinions about me (mind you, none of them actually know me) and instead of moving on, literally moving on / unfollowing me / blocking me - whatever that entails, they’re constantly checking up on what I do, searching far and wide to find something I’ve said or posted that they can use against me in order to slander / belittle me.
I myself I’m a very melancholic person, I have so many insecurities and mental struggles that I deal with on the daily, I’m not in the VERY least bit content with my life but hell, I never, EVER take it out on people I’ve never met / most likely will never meet. I never go about my day as I usually do, and stop to check up on my favourite person to hate online. Wasting my breathing living hours sitting down on my computer coming up with the perfect way to dismantle someone’s psyche through an anonymous message. Fuck, no bro! I try to better myself, idk make something out of my day! How the fuck can you people be that cookoo, shameless and hateful at the same time? 
Like to all the people that are constantly berating me for smoking weed, have yall ever considered taking up that hobby? Instead of like, harassing people online on the daily in order for yous to feel better about your selves? Cause damn some of you could sure use some muscle and brain relaxants and I’m telling you that one for free!
It’s more than fine to disagree with what I post, what I do, what I say, truly. But opening my inbox most days, I don’t get genuine criticism, I don’t get prompts to start a conversation with someone who disagrees with me. I get pure vitriolic hate, that usually has to do with me showing off / proffiting off of my body or with the fact that I smoke weed, none of which is something that affects ANYONE besides me.
Imagine, just imagine being that fucking hateful and bitter that you constantly hate on an adult woman tryna get by on the internet because you don’t agree with the way she lives her life. 
Because that’s what it comes down to doesn’t it? Just hating women who are minding their own bussiness doing the best they can do get by.
Get a fucking grip bro 
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theboyz-engup · 6 years ago
EngUp’s 1000 Followers Events!
✧✧ URL Giveaway ✧✧ Follow Forever✧✧ Updates Schedule ✧✧ To All The Boyz I’ve Loved Before- Masterlist✧✧
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。・゚゚・ Hello, beautiful deobis! I think the best news I got for this 2019 was this blog getting 1000 followers and I just want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. (more under the cut)・゚゚・。
。・゚゚・You’ve all made me so happy and I’m so glad my work has reached out and touched so many people. Whether you’re here for my rbs or my posts, you’ve all been so supportive and kind and I’m so grateful to have you all following me. Thank you for caring for me during my little hiatus, for checking up on me and always keeping up with TBZ. Thank you for sending me messages and for your continuous support. I will continue to grow with this blog and do my best to make sure I’m putting out the best content I can for everyone to enjoy. 
。・゚゚・The new theme will be put up soon! As will new rules and more pages for you all to navigate through such as posts with 100+ notes, 200+ notes, etc. etc. The Masterlist will also be going under construction and will be made into a new page. Requests will be reopened once I’ve cleared out the requests I have in waiting, however my inbox is open for any sort of chat, feedback, hatemail :p etc etc
。・゚゚・As for my events! I’ve decided to have as much as I could to make up for how lacking I’ve been as of late. The above links will take you to each of them; there is a Follow Forever, a URL Giveaway, the start of my monthly updates schedule, and the opening of my new series: To All The Boyz I’ve Loved Before!
。・゚゚・ Once again, thank you so much for following me, for being the wonderful humans you all are, and for supporting my work. I am forever and ever grateful and I will continue to work harder to be better for you all. With love, Admin Zea
.・゜゜・More about the Series...・゜゜・.
This is based off of a twitter thread (and ofc the idea from the movie with the original title) found by a fellow EngUp admin on another platform and it’ll take aspects of each video and incorporate it into one big fanfic. This fanfic will chronicle the high school life of you, the reader, and the 12 most life changing crushes. There will be three boys per each year and each member posted will follow the other in terms of time. I’ve posted the masterlist, which can be found linked above and the updates of these parts will be noted in my monthly updates schedule! I really hope you all enjoy it, I’ve spent quite some time figuring out the logistics behind the whole story and fitting it all together and I’m really proud of where it’s going so! I’m very excited to share this all. 
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liquorisce · 7 years ago
The SyaoSaku Shenanigans, Chapter 4
Short update because I’ve been overrun with feels thanks to the new anime. 
I know a lot of you have been asking for wedding night Syaosaku sexy time, but that will come. Don’t worry. You have no idea how much I value all your comments and suggestions. 
In the meantime, I present to you, a glimpse (Syaoran POV) of how it all started...
[You can read the previous chapters here : FF.net/Ao3]
The Beginning
Rated M.
Syaoran's been losing sleep.
It's been driving him crazy for weeks.
It's just his imagination, he tells himself, because it surely can't be that Sakura's actually been wearing a new perfume, wearing her skirt rolled up 3 inches, and… is that lip gloss he sees on her small, delicious mouth?!
It's gotten to the point where Sakura - sweet, loving, girlfriend that she is - felt his forehead to make sure he wasn't running a temperature.
"Hmmm," she worries, "You don't seem to have a fever… But you seem so tired lately, Syaoran-kun. Is everything okay?"
No, he wants to scream, to the vast, unfair forces of the world, everything is most certainly not okay, because even though she just asked him a question, all he is - acutely - aware of, is the way her hand felt on his skin, how soft her skin is and would be in places that he is battling his mind to stay away from, and the fact that she was so close, he could literally smell her lip gloss.
"I smell trouble in Paradise," Yamazaki quips, one day, after football practice where Syaoran has positively channeled his frustration. "What's up with you and Kinomoto-san?"
"… Nothing," he bites out, Yamazaki's sing-song voice doing its best to bring the agitation back to the surface. "I'm fine."
"… Sakura's fine." ... But damn is she fine.
"… We're fine," he stresses, sounding utterly, completely, contrarily stressed.
"… You know what they say about couples being unable to talk about their problems," -
- "Stop," he groans, not wanting to hear about the possibility of how in Ancient Egypt couples wrapped each other in mummification paper to solve their issues - or some other dubious information of a similar bullshit level, that he always ends up believing –
"It's just…" he hesitates, and for good reason, because one - he sincerely doubts he's going to be taken seriously and two - everything he says will eventually, with utmost surety reach Mihara's ears, and therefore, run the risk of reaching Sakura.
He doesn't want to worry her, after all.
But he's losing his goddamn mind.
"… I can't sleep," he confesses, not wanting to elaborate that his sleeplessness is entirely self-induced after that one mortifying morning, where he'd woken up with a strange, satisfying bliss, only for it to be ruined by the embarrassing wetness he felt at his groin.
But alas, Yamazaki was far sharper than Syaoran had considered, and far more experienced in these matters of courtship. It hadn't taken long for him to put two and two together. 
The glint in his astonishingly open eyes - Syaoran had never seen Yamazaki's eyes open outside of football and Chiharu's affectionate physical abuse - was terrifying. 
"Oh," he breathes, sounding creepily fascinated, "Dear, sweet Li-kun is finally growing into a man."
... Syaoran wholeheartedly regrets his decision to open his mouth to his sorry excuse for a friend.
"Not to worry," Yamazaki chirps, having snapped out of his eerie daze, "… I have just the thing for you."
He whips out his cellphone, only to seriously peruse something, his phone following up with an innocuous ping.
"I've sent you everything you need to make yourself," - he looks at Syaoran knowingly - "you know, feel better." 
"… Wait," Syaoran asks, sounding totally confused, "… what do you," -
-  "… It's not your fault, Li-kun," he whispers conspiratorially, "Sakura-chan really does seem to be getting more and more beautiful with every passing day." He sighs, dramatically. "… A true cherry blossom."
"Bastard," Syaoran growls, "Don't you dare look at Sakura that way" -
- "… There's no need to thank me! We men must to help each other out. Well then, I must be going now! Chiharu-chan must be waiting for me. Bye!"
And he literally, zooms out of Syaoran's reach before Syaoran can sock him for checking Sakura out.
It's only after dinner and his 'goodnight' phone call to Sakura that he gets time to look at the e-mail that Yamazaki had sent him.
Subject : Have fun! ^_^
P.S : Make sure to wear earphones and keep your room door locked.
P.P.S : I forgot, you live alone, so forget what I said above and go crazy.
Syaoran's ears burn at the sight of the url. 
He knows what it is. 
Just because he's never been to the dark side of the internet doesn't mean he's been living under a rock all this while. 
He's rapidly punching Chinese curse words into his reply the same way he wishes he could punch Yamazaki in person.
But Syaoran is fifteen, tender and precious, and completely at the mercy of hormones.
... So he clicks on the link.
The girl is somewhat pretty - he does his best not to focus only on her boobs and also look at her face - and the clip is fairly short.
Syaoran figures five minutes of internet voyeurism isn't going to send him to hell.  
He watches as she smiles up at the guy - his face isn't visible, but what role does a guy's face play in a porno anyway? - taking his thing in her hand, giving a few short strokes.
Then without warning, or preamble, she proceeds to stuff the whole, entire thing down her throat.
He watches in morbid fascination as she bobs up and down a couple of times, resurfacing for air, a thin strand of sticky saliva stretching between her mouth and the tip.
He's caught between the odd feeling of his dinner rising in his throat, and wanting to unbutton his jeans, because man is it getting tight in there.
There's a shiver that runs down his spine, that doesn't feel too bad to be honest, just guilty and a little bit shameful, and that just intensifies the feeling further.
He's certain he can't watch this any longer and he shuts off his cellphone in a panic.
Beads of sweat have lined up his forehead, his breathing heavy, the friction of his jeans getting impossible to bear.
Shower, he thinks, thoughts in a haze, wanting to strip himself of these clothes, hot, sticky and tight.
The cool air hits him first, followed by the steady stream of lukewarm water.
His breathing is loud, strained like the lower half of him.
He only touches himself with the intention to calm himself down, to make this strung-up, intense feeling go away, but it's like nature's passed down some kind of weird knowledge, instinctively teaching him to curl his fist around himself.
The feeling throws him off guard. It's crazy, the way he's instinctively jerking, gracelessly, with no rhythm, into his own palm, but it's a heightening, maddening rush of pleasure that he's never known before.
And he'd thought he was going to die of excitement when Sakura threw her arms around him and hugged him. He’d had no idea -
... Sakura.
It was a dangerous, arbitrary thought. And now it had sparked a series of unbidden images in his head - Sakura on her knees, gloriously naked, smiling at him, smiling at his -he needed to calm the fuck down, goddammit.
He shouldn't be thinking of her this way. 
... They hadn't even kissed, for god's sake! 
He'd always treated her courteously, looking after her, eating lunch with her, walking home from her… loving her.
... From a distance.
But this dark, suppressed corner of his mind reasons that it's not because he doesn't respect her that he wants her this way - he does, so much, and even more so when his mind wanders there anyway - to the sight of her taking him in her mouth, tongue laving up and down his length, her mouth warm and exquisite, he loses control.
It takes a minute for him to regain control of his breathing.
It takes another for the guilt to consume him. He'd beat himself up if he could, for thinking of Sakura this way.
It's a disgusting mess he's created in reaction to a truly beautiful image in his head, and he watches the water swirling it down the drain, wishing desperately, for it to wash his shame away along with it. 
~ TBC ~
Sorry for the abrupt ending! :P  Watch out for Sakura’s POV, coming soon!
Hatemail - for completely assassinating Syaoran’s character - and other comments are always appreciated in my inbox! <3
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safeyoific · 8 years ago
we will never see eye to eye, but i appreciate that you're unhappy with the person who took screencaps. i am very upset with that person. there was no need for them to try to start a war over this. for godsakes, you're allowed to block people whose content you want to avoid. that's not a personal insult. so, thank you for being clear that you don't condone the hatemail. and i'm sorry you received it, too—that was way out of line and they should feel ashamed for sending it.
I’m not so mad people sent me hate....they were incredibly misinformed. Hell, a few years ago I would’ve been just as angry. The lack of information & the method it was spread caused a huge uproar that really was not necessary. If i was called out, educated, & people didn’t bust my door down with kys messages I probably would’ve self-evaluated, adjusted & maybe deleted the list anyway, because I’m open to discussion and I never claim “the high ground” because there is no high ground. The moment you call yourself “superior” to all other opinions is the point where you become irrational and attack out of hatred & ignorance. Which is what happened here. 
However, I am FURIOUSLY displeased with the reaction this has prompted from grown ass adults to create blogs now dedicated to promoting r*pe, p*doph*l*a, and all the other Cursed things on my rules list. The whatever fic bang that started? Cursed. Cursed to the tenth power. Disgusting. The fact people are so spiteful to now create an unsafe space for so many people in the fandom is why I will continue this blog & abide by my rules to make it safe for people who want to avoid all of it. 
And yeah, I am beyond enraged people received hate as a result of the block list, because that was the opposite intention I had for it. Whoever sent hate (although nobody’s come forward yet to me to say, so I honestly have no idea) to the people on the blocklist in the first place deliberately disobeyed my direct rules & wishes, and they do not get to claim moral superiority because these authors write/support content that violates the rules list. They’ve violated the rule of not spreading senseless hate. If you disagree with someone, you take the time to explain to the person why it is problematic and if they disagree or attack you for trying to explain, then you leave them alone and block them because it’s honestly not worth your time. You don’t send them hate mail, or threatening messages. That is the opposite way to educate, and further inspires negative reaction to change & understanding.
Anyway, thanks for at least listening to what I had to say. The fact you didn’t come slamming into my inbox is honestly very mature & respectful. 
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fertilize-my-eggs · 3 years ago
I finally open my inbox but I won't take any request rn since I'm still burn out with writing sooo y'all can send something nice to me :> please no hatemail, I'll delete it or show it lol
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