#my hobby: abandon wip
cinmonpunch · 1 year
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Ellie’d totally got banned from all Jackson fairs.
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sentimentalslut · 1 month
Sometimes I want to yell at you to update your fics but I remember you’re a whole ass lawyer and have a life.
also writers block dont forget the writers block
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intakeofbreath · 8 days
not brandon sanderson saying on his lecture that one of the worst jobs to have if you plan to write is the one i have 💀
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televenus · 11 days
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fulcrvm · 9 months
2670 words into a new dreamling wip, which means i now have 16408 words of across 14 (?!) different dreamling fic wips after nearly one and a half years of trying to post even one complete sandman fic at all. goal for the next five months to get at least one or two of them posted 💪💪
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returntotheground · 1 year
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something happened with my art and it doesn't look like complete shit rn even in the wip stage what the fuck
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
Thinking about starting a new hobby at 1:30am is the Devil talking and they’re so right
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Heyyyy bestie 👀
just read your jack frost series (so good btw) and have been reading some of your other work *cough* smut *cough* and i was wondering if you'd venture into the spicier stuff with him? ik some people think its a bit weird bc rotg is a kids movie and all, so obv your choice, but just thought i'd put it out there xx
yknow now that you mention it...
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
I've reached that stage in creativity stagnation where I once again go back and read my own fics and go omg this is good.... how'd I ever do this???
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mimicteruyo · 1 year
tfw you finally put together a full chapter outline of the wip that’s become the bane of your existence and realise to your horror that you need to invent a whole new chapter to put in the middle (unrelated to the other chapter in the middle where you know about one plot point and that’s it)
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halorocks1214 · 2 years
me deleting the tumblr bookmark on my computer and the app on my homescreen the night before bcuz i wanted to force myself into a break since i wasn’t feel great about Other Things getting back online One Time to check my notifs before i go to bed
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#so. ive been pretty detatched from m/c/y/t as a whole recently. not to the point that ill abandon fics#but enough that i only engage with content directly on my dash (no going into the tags is what im saying)#for now im just gonna chill. maybe write those other fandom fics i mentioned on my writing blog since the hobbies taking up most of my time#have been wrung a little dry lol#mostly im just gonna wait and see how this plays out. i plan to start writing for m/c/y/t again eventually of course#as for d/s/m/p related stuff that could be Officially Done Finally.#any completed fic will stay up. the WIPS will at the very least be orphaned (if not outright deleted)#this is worse case scenario Everything Plays Out Badly tho (i guess if you can say it hasnt already)#i think im gonna fully uninstall/logout. i didnt want to logout bcuz resigning in is annoying but that looks like what its gonna take F#mutuals feel free to ask for my discord over a tumblr ask in case any of yall wanna talk while im Offline and Touching Grass For Once#regardless of mutual status if you wanna send in an ask i might pop in to answer it and then pop back out#mainly because i rarely get asks anyway LMAO i highly doubt ill get any now#i say use an ask bcuz i get emails for those. comments and/or dms dont reach me outside of tumblr#i think what will bring me back the soonest is if i actually sit down and watch cour 2 of season two for t/&/b YES I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET#cringefail moment i know#otherwise thats basically where ive been. i have a bunch of funny videos saved in my likes that ill queue for yall#as well as some fandom posts in my drafts ill sprinkle in there#drink water stay safe etc etc#i will see yall on the flipside <3#oh also b4 i forget VOTE SNIFFER
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 1 month
WIP Folder Game
I was tagged by @sagemoderocklee <3
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oof okay here we go. These are literally just named by what the document is called lol you'll see that many of them do not have proper titles unless they've already started being posted to ao3
Also, do outline-onlys count? I'm adding them
North Star (posted)
Holy Fool Colored Blue/My Sweetest Downfall (technically posted)
I Come With Knives (posted)
It's Disco, Baby! (posted)
Not God, Not Us, But Something Else (posted)
lemon-wedges art fic
tarot story
angstober days 1 2 3
blair witch au
Dawn Won't End the Night (posted)
musician au
Big Brother Daichi Feel Good Story
daichi fightchi
Jujustu Kaisen:
The Sound We Make Inbetween
yuuta pre zero scene
Ouran High School Host Club:
kyouya horror exercise
kyouya possession
I'm..... not ever comfortable tagging people but I'm ESPECIALLY not gonna be able to tag as many people as I have wips lmao sorry.
I'll tag @bananahwormz @nightingaleflow and @uriekukistan (if you guys want to/haven't been tagged already, ofc <3) Everyone else I can think to tag has already been tagged :')
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Paradigm Check-in
welcome to a new series- that i'm going to call "paradigm pwednesday" because there aren't any days of the week that start with p so pwednesday is just going to have to- where i write something in paradigm and share it because otherwise i'm never going to finish this book
8/2 (somewhere in chapter seven)
But now she's at the motel, alone, and it's been hours. Sid had two people to take down tonight, so it certainly makes sense that he'd be taking longer than Delilah, but it still doesn't make it any easier to handle. She's not so much worrying about the man as wondering what it would mean in terms of Marcus. If Sid got caught, would Marcus blame her? Probably not. They're partners, sure, but it's clear that Marcus thinks of Sid in a higher regard than Delilah. It might make sense for Marcus to blame Sid if something went wrong with her, but not the other way around. Sid has at least twenty years of this under his belt, which means if anything happens it's his own damn fault. Somehow, the thought isn't as comforting as she thinks it should be. 
#i have this thing where i find it unreasonable for myself to not write a book quickly because somewhere along the line#i have equated fic writing with novel writing#and my brain goes ''if you can write a book-length fic in a few months why can't you write a book-length book in a few months?''#so anyway now i feel guilty for writing fics and bad for not writing books#congrats girl you ruined the one hobby you love#i tried to write some mac fic the other day and instead just felt dread and guilt#because i knew there were numerous other things i should be writing with my limited free time#i think i just need to get it in my brain that working on certain projects doesn't mean i don't care about other projects#it just means at that moment that i have inspiration for thing A and if i tried to work on thing B all that would happen is#i'd feel super frustrated and want to bang my head against the computer#i need to shake my reflection in the mirror and say ''it's okay if you work on other projects if that's what brings you joy at that moment'#wips are never abandoned they are just patiently waiting their turn and i will stand by that fact forever#ugh. anyway i feel anxious this morning thinking about this so good for me you took a perfectly good morning and you gave it#anxiety. look at what you did.#and it's so stupid because it's not like i don't want to write this book#if i didn't want to write it i simply would stop writing it. it sucks because i really DO want to write this book it's just being annoying#atm#anyway the moral of the story is sometimes writing happens and sometimes writing doesn't happen and sometimes it happens to the wrong thing#and i'm just going to have to live with that#ok i gotta get out of these tags now. final words being: be kind to yourself be patient with yourself love yourself you got this#(to both myself and to you <3)#also for the record i am totally okay lol. every author goes through mental blocks and this is hardly my first and it won't be my last#i know it'll pass i just need to take a breathe and be kind to myself#ok new wednesday challenge everyone take a moment to take a breathe and be kind to yourself. this is a threat
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tossawary · 8 months
Having written a lot of complete, novel-length fics at this point... I want to say that it's a lot of work and that it's not weird to struggle to complete a creative project. I don't think it's a moral failing to have WIPs or abandoned works or ideas that just don't pan out for whatever reason. It's not a Bad Thing that you've done to yourself or to anyone else.
Like, I don't want to position myself as a big fandom authority here, I just want to speak from my experience and maybe reassure someone by agreeing that completing any creative project is not easy. I have WIPs and abandoned works you haven't seen. I have ideas that I know I'll never follow through on, both achievable and unachievable ones. Writing takes time and effort that has to be taken from elsewhere, and sometimes work is too exhausting and dinner still has to be made and decent sleep is too important, so you just can't do it. Dedicating time to any one hobby means less time for others and that kind of sucks sometimes. Sometimes, I just don't FEEL like writing and I'm not going to "suffer for my art".
It's flattering to be held in high esteem sometimes for writing long and complete fan stories (I have other fan creators I personally admire for similar reasons), but I do want to make it clear that it's a lot of work (writing is work no matter what you're writing!), I'm pretty lucky to be able to do that work more frequently than many others, and I personally don't think anyone should hold it against themselves (or against anyone else!) if circumstances get in the way. Sometimes, things just don't work out and we need to give ourselves time, or even just move on. I appreciate people's slow-to-update WIPs and abandoned works and stories on lengthy hiatus and fic ideas that will never be written.
So, like, if anyone is feeling a little down because they have a story that they're struggling with... I feel that. I don't think it's weird if your fanfiction is important to you or to feel like you've fucked it up somehow. I don't think you're a bad person or a bad writer if you take years to finish a story or if you have to give up on one because you've outgrown it. I think it's cool to share what you have if you want to share it. I think you're cool.
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woozivrse · 16 days
um hi here are little bits of wips :3 all of them are like, kinda abandoned rn but i'm trying!!
popular! seungkwan x introvert! reader
digging through his bag, seungkwan pulled out a jacket for you. “here, wear it. if you're going to be here to keep me company then you will do it warm!”
“but won’t you be cold once you’re out of practice?” you held the jacket in your hands.
how svt cuddle, hoshi!
hoshi loves loves LOVES nuzzling into you. doesn't matter where, the neck? nuzzle. the top of the head? nuzzle. he also likes laying on top of you, he treats you as a personal pillow at all times, though it's usually just his head on you so he doesn't hurt you.
summer camp! (i don't actually have any ideas for this, so send some in if you have any!) it's all of svt but im considering making it a series where all the boys have an individual fic?
you looked fondly on the clearing, recalling so many memories from your childhood. soon, the campers from the city would be pouring into the field, excited–or maybe, just a little peeved that they had to be separated from their family and friends– for the start of the summer.
wonwoo x implied aromantic! reader! (this is pretty self indulgent tbh. also, not all aromantic ppl never end up in relationships! it's a spectrum)
books and other hobbies occupied your attention. it's not like you never noticed cute people, you had eyes of course, but you chalked it up to just aesthetic attraction and not romantic. and when your college literature class first began, you assumed it was the same thing. jeon wonwoo was, objectively, really cute.
girl group stan! seungkwan x boy group stan! reader— smau! (heavily HEAVILY wip. don't expect this anytime soon)
legally blonde au! elle! dk x emmett! reader, based more on the musical than the movie!
“sorry! i- that came out wrong. i don't mean to judge but, for a girl? who doesn't even like you?”
“it's love!” he argued. “i love her and she loves me,”
“...you sound insane, you know,”
“i know…” he sighed, holding his head in his hands, “just, we dated for years before this, we were together since senior year of high school!”
college au! both reader and dk are leads of the same musical! dk x reader (yes this is also legally blonde based PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE I WAS IN A PHASE) (also, HEAVYYYY WIP. NOT CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON)
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soulmate au! no one rn actually x reader! (this is the final boss of all my wips i started this back in october of last year so we'll find out if it makes it out of the trenches)
he grabbed your wrist, your compasses calming down at the touch.
“found you,” he grinned, eyes bright and breathless.
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and that's it! feel free to come talk to me about your favs, maybe they'll make it out of the trenches<3
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lordkingsmith · 7 months
Badly Summarized WIP Poll
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
…oh damn. lol, there’s so many. Ok, let’s see…I’ll do a couple of the cartoons I’m planning as well and offer multiple and none as options. Some I’ve partially abandoned but want to start again, some are actively being worked on
1) The Good Nurse
2) A Knight As Pretty As Hollyhock Blooms (part one of a planned trilogy with a possible spinoff)
3) The God and The Poet (sequel to gods and kings)
4) Sun Cracked Witch Glass (formerly known as no story for the history books, book one in a trilogy also being worked on)
5) l0VrB0i
6) Gods and Kings (prequel to the god and the poet)
7) Go Go Night Crew
8) Bodies Are My Hobby
Ok, so maybe the one that gets the most votes at the end of the week I sit down and get draft one done lol
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