#my heroine - silverstein
coffin-hopping · 2 months
not to be corny on main but I just went through the songs I used to dedicate to my exes while I was dating them and….the bpd must have been hitting HARD because even i was seeing the signs and my silly ass STILL didn’t leave
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Some emo love
An incredible selection!
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illsadboy · 23 days
La droga è stata la mia amante, e non avrei mai pensato che sarebbe finita così. Lei mi ha avvolto nella sua morsa, mi ha dato una sensazione che non potrei mai dimenticare.
Tu eri tutto ciò che desideravo, ma mi hai tolto tutto.
Mi hai insegnato a vivere, e poi mi hai ucciso lentamente.
Mi hai promesso che sarebbe stato tutto migliore, che l’amore avrebbe guarito tutto. Ma ogni parola che dicevi era una bugia, ed ero cieco, non riuscivo a vedere la verità.
Tu eri tutto ciò che desideravo, ma mi hai tolto tutto.
Mi hai insegnato a vivere, e poi mi hai ucciso lentamente.
Ora sono qui, rotto e solo, a chiedermi perché ci sono ancora. Hai lasciato cicatrici che non guariranno mai, e mi hai spezzato nel profondo.
Tu eri la mia eroina, ma non sei più la mia salvezza.
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thebean-17 · 3 months
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n1ghtm3ds · 6 months
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hauntmexthree · 1 year
Not now or forever will I ever change you
I know that to go on I’ll break you, my habit
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nat1em0xd · 6 days
Oh, to be a teen in the 2000s
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r0ttingst4r · 5 months
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☠︎☠︎ u taught my <33 a sense I never knew I had ☠︎☠︎
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rjzimmerman · 18 days
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Excerpt from a review of the book, "Smithsonian Trees of North America," authored by W. John Kress, from Smithsonian Magazine:
When W. John Kress was in college and pondering what life was all about, he used to climb up into a treetop and stay there for hours at a time. “I wanted to be away from everything else and be with nature in some way,” he says now, speaking to me from his home office in leafy Vermont.
Kress is the author of a new book, an 800-page tome called Smithsonian Trees of North America. It’s an incredibly thorough guide to just about every leaf, needle, flower, seedpod and pinecone you’re likely to come across as you walk around the United States or Canada. Kress—a research botanist emeritus at the National Museum of Natural History and former interim Under Secretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institution—wrote the text and took most of the photographs.
He notes that the book doesn’t cover all the tree species in North America—a global tree assessment published in 2021 estimated that there are 1,432 of them. But the 326 species the book does include account for 98 percent of the trees on this continent, north of Mexico. (The U.S. and Canada share many more species of trees with each other than they do with Mexico, so it’s common for botanists to consider the lands south of the border as a separate region.)
“We take trees for granted a lot,” Kress says, as I glance out the window at a flowering crepe myrtle in my own backyard. “And that was the point of the book. Not every tree is the same. Another point of the book is that we’re losing that diversity. We need to start paying attention.”
When it comes to the animal kingdom, you’ll hear people talk about “charismatic species”—the elephants, pandas, lions and dolphins that never fail to attract zoogoers or sell plush toys. Conservationists hope these alluring creatures will serve as ambassadors, making people care about entire habitats and all the other forms of life within them.
With the notable exception of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, you don’t usually see tree toys or arboreal characters in children’s cartoons. (Let’s not talk about the dismembered heroine of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree.) And yet trees are all around us if we’re lucky, an underappreciated backdrop of shade and greenery. Kress wants people to care about the individual trees in their neighborhoods, form relationships with them and, through that, build a deeper connection with nature.
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scramboileditlog · 23 days
This cold weather wakes my emo core. Pahinga muna yung gangstashit ko.
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sauce-central · 8 months
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discovering the waterfront - silverstein stimboard
x x x / x x / x x x
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x-tetrodotoxin-x · 2 months
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Day 9: A character or ship from media that you loved as a child.
Dorothy. Return to Oz.
I had a weird upbringing and very restricted media i was allowed to watch, why I got fixated on this movie as a child snd especially the first half where she's in a mental ward is beyond me but i love her. She's just like me fr
// My Heroine - Silverstein // Dr. Strong - Cage // Hallucination - Block McCloud // Help honey, I'm in hell - 6host //
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lunarlegend · 4 months
trying to find a non-spotify version of 'My Heroine' by Silverstein (a song i have known since i was 16) to reblog, and while scrolling i randomly come across a post about Aranea that someone tagged "my heroine" 🥺❤️
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cold--carnage · 11 months
Dean was so right. this song fits so fucking well it hurts
"I bet you laugh at the thought of me thinking for myself"
I'm sure you fucking do
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king-for-a-weekend · 1 year
Tag game
I was tagged by @anamityaffliction to post five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation then tag 5 people. Thank you!
I tag: @anchorghost @let-the-sun-rain-down-on-meee @resurrect-the-sun @thats-the-teen-spirit @emptyxthrone
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killaura · 1 year
tagged by my sweet @killedanhour to pick 10 shuffled songs from my on repeat playlist (content of which is a real shocker)
these are so fun to me :’)
I don’t have enough working brain power to figure out who to tag rn so do it if you wanna <3
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