kou-toru · 7 years
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so im rly out here trying to see how many times i can pass off haikyuu fanart as homework
facial expression sheet for week 6 of steve ahn’s online drawing workshop! as someone guilty of drawing basically two expressions on any given character, this was an especially challenging week – but i learned a lot from doing it :D
also: oikawa! 🌱
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kou-toru · 7 years
can waterbenders bend oil can earthbenders bend glass can airbenders bend sound can firebenders bend mixtapes
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kou-toru · 8 years
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look im not naming names but ppl started reblogging my bokuoi stuff again so i. i got inspired
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kou-toru · 8 years
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“I can never remember my dreams. Yet, I know that in them … for something,  for someone, I’m always searching.” 「君の名は。」
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kou-toru · 8 years
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♔Some legends are told                Some turn to dust or to gold♔
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kou-toru · 8 years
Feeding their children
Kageyama: how did he end up setting the container on fire. Did you really leave the tinfoil on. Even his months old baby is questioning him.
Hinata: the kid ends up biting his hand instead of the spoon. Hinata screams so loud and flings his arms everywhere jesus christ
Noya: full on flings the food into the baby's face by using the spoon as a catapult.
Asahi: "what if they poisoned this"
Tanaka: baby ends up vomiting all over the table and he just gets up and leaves
Suga: Literally gives his baby the cutest bib and he ties they're hair up so they don't get too messy aw aw
Daichi: Daichi goes full on Dadchi and eats the congealed substance to try and get his kid to eat it but ends up vomiting with diarrhoea.
Yamaguchi: "please don't cry" y'know "i might as well be dead"
Tsukishima: pours so much salt in the food to make his baby as salty as he is
Oikawa: "lol you thought this was for you. You thought wrong, you little shit."
Iwaizumi: "this isn't fucking chicken. Chicken isn't supposed to be in shape of sausages. Why do you eat this shit?"
Hanamaki: flips the baby's bottle
Matsukawa: "you want your bowl" he lifts it up then flips it and slams it down "360 NO SCOPE JOHNNNN CENNAAAA"
Kenma: "soo.. You like DRAMAtical Murder?"
Kuroo: sending vids to Bokuto "bro look at this she's eating- FUCK NO DONT EAT YOUR BOOGERS I DIDNT RAISE YOU LIKE THI-"
Yaku: "how come you're like months old but already bigger than my torso"
Lev: "this'll make you big and strong! Like me! You midget! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Akaashi: "it wasn't in the contract that I had to feed you"
Bokuto: force feeding bird food
Ushijima: "Soo.. Son." Take a deep breath "Shiratorizawa."
Terushima: "u were made from my sperm" thanks now I don't have an appetite.
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kou-toru · 8 years
Mutuals try this
cry with me about how Oikawa Tooru deserved better
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kou-toru · 8 years
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kou-toru · 8 years
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kou-toru · 8 years
Oikawa Clothes HCs(=゚ω゚)ノ
。he’d marry converse shoes if he could. He has one in every style, in every color in both high top and low cut. His favorite are grey ones with aquamarine stars on them that glow in the dark 。he wears a cute black bracelet with teal lava rocks on it whenever he misses Iwazumi 。he has a lot of Iwazumi’s clothes in his closet that he often wears. He won’t even notice when he slips on his shirt until he actually looks in the mirror 。yogapants. He wears yoga pants constantly. He likes the way they cling to his legs and how good they make his butt look, same with leggings, skinny jeans, etc. They especially look REALLY good on him when he has to bend over or when he crosses his legs and make the muscles flex 【its caused Bokuto numerous heated thoughts, it’s even worse since they both share a dorm and its nearly impossible not to】 。he wears over sized sweaters. Mostly with something on the front in kanji, like his pink sweater with ‘sleep’ on the front in white kanji, or his grey sweater with 'Tokyo’ in black bold letters on the chest, or anything that has one of his favorite TV shows names on it 。anything alien themed he wears it. he has a sweatshirt with an alien face on the front with 'I’m so pretty, I’m out of this world’. Iwazumi would say he should through it out if it didn’t actually make him look cute 。he wears hair clips. He gets one in every color that has an animal on it and he uses them to clip back his bangs when they get in his eyes too much. 。he wears Nike and adidas clothes sometimes. He usually wears adidas sweatpants that he’s made sure make his legs look godly 。he paints his nails. 。he has a few flannels hell tie around his waist or wear over a hoodie. His favorite colors to wear are grey, red, purple, and light blue. 。helooksgoodinpurple 。ripped jeans. He likes dark jeans with rips and tears in them and sometimes rolls them up at the bottom 。when he isn’t wearing converse shoes he’s wearing worn out vans or flat shoes 。he sometimes puts his hair in a bun or a ponytail, but he gets embarrassed about it 。he has a ring set he got from Makki on his seventeenth birthday that come with rings in all sizes. He wears one on his pinky toes 。he adores tribal shit
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kou-toru · 8 years
Switched Au☆〜(ゝ。∂)
。The principals of Fukurodani and Aobajōsai establish a month where each team switch their setters with the other to change up the training routines during the summer. Aobajōsai gives up Oikawa and Fukurodani gives up Akaashi in return. As soon as Oikawa arrives to Fukurodani he can already tell he’s going to feel out of place【especially when there’s a nagging in the back of his head saying ‘iwa-chan, iwa-chan, wheres iwa-chan???’ And it’s making him sick a little】 When the coach introduces Oikawa to the rest of the team, Bokuto is the first to react, yelling out a ‘GWAH’ 【oikawa pouts and silently thinks: 'what the hell is gwah? What’s that supposed to mean??'】As soon as Bokuto sees Oikawa coming into the gym beside his coach his first thought is 'There’s a setter just as pretty as Akaashi?!’ His eyes are roaming all over Oikawa, trying to keep himself from bouncing in place, thoughts roaming through his mind a mile a minute: 'We have the Oikawa Tōru as our setter?!’ 'He’s much shorter than I thought!’ 'He’s super pretty wtf’ 'oh my god he’s looking at me’. Bokuto and Oikawa properly meet in the locker room when everyone is getting dressed and Tōru is putting all his stuff away in his locker for tomorrow. The ace comes up and extends his hand, proudly saying: “Welcome to the family Oikawa! I’m the captain, Bokuto Kōtarō!” 【Oikawa has a mild shock of 1) this guy being so LOUD and ENERGETIC even after their practice, although oikawa wasn’t here for that so he has no idea how much this guy was actually practicing. 2) the sudden realization that he’s not the captain of a team anymore and distantly thinks if Iwazumi is handling things at Seijō okay. But he’s Iwazumi, of course he is. 】 Bokuto immediately apologizes for scaring their new setter and tries to lighten the situation by talking about how grateful he is of having one of the best setters in the country. That seems to do the trick and it soothes Oikawa into starting a conversation with him, talking until everyone has gone out except for them; they know because all the players wanted to meet Oikawa separately on the way out. When Bokuto asks if Oikawa wants to walk with him, he’s turned down with a reason of the setter wanting to practice for a few hours, despite having a practice with Seijō that morning before he was drove all the way here. Although Bokuto is disappointed, he is surprised and impressed over how much time Tōru spends training. The ace soon leaves the gym with many thoughts. Fukurodani has a new setter for a month with looks at the same level as his Akaashi 【he wonders about his pretty brown doe like eyes, his pale skin that had a pink rosy color on his cheeks and how his hair is so beautiful curled, it makes his fingers itch in how much he wants to touch him all over, but he immediately dismisses that when a hot blush worked its way to his face.】 He’s glad he met the guy. He wasn’t as coy and cocky as all the stories he’s heard about him, but then again, this was only his first day here so maybe he wasn’t quite comfortable yet. Either way, he wouldn’t mind getting to know him better throughout the month. 【established Bokuto/Akaashi. Not really established Iwazumi/Oikawa, they’ve only kissed like twice, so it’s more of Iwazumi being patient for oikawa to be ready. Polyamory, breakdowns, switched schools, puppy romance, second thoughts, running away, pinning, Bokuto has a job, but not really, he’s just a guy that helps this old lady with a store, bokuto loves old people】
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kou-toru · 8 years
Oikawa Stressing HCs !(◎_◎;)
。when he gets stressed, he’ll start biting his nails and the skin around them like crazy, like every few minutes they��re back to his mouth and it’ll be very difficult to get him to stop【he needs to buy bandaids with how much his fingers bleed】 。he will consume so much food. There’ll never be a moment where he won’t be eating something. He’ll have a week’s worth of snacks in his bag and he’ll get up in the middle of the night to get food from the kitchen 。he’ll get very quiet. He’s usually a talkative person when he wants to be, but he’ll keep to himself for most of the day unless he’s around friends, that’s when his façade comes up 。he won’t be able to sleep for weeks. He’ll probably get nine hours of sleep at most for the entire week. His eyes get really droopy and weak looking and he’ll get bags under them 。he over thinks everything. Anything that he reads or hears he’ll pick it apart over and over to find its true meaning even when there could not be one. It drives him crazy and it might be the reason he doesn’t get much sleep either 。he’ll cry. Everyone needs to watch what they say around him because even a light reading joke can resort him to sobbing his eyes out to no end. It gets really bad if it’s something really important like volleyball or his exams. 。sad songs are his best friend 。he has a bad scratching habit. He’ll scratch at his arms, chest, thighs, anything if he’s really stressed out. It’s similar to someone tapping their foot when they’re anxious, he just does it subconsciously and its cause more painful scratches he cares to admit 。he takes hour long showers after days of not washing. When he does get in the shower after a few days of not bathing, nothing can get him out until he’s ready to come out himself. He’ll have a sad song on repeat the whole time, he’ll stay in even when the water is cold 。his outfits take a downfall until he’s just wearing loose sweatpants and a dirty shirt he hasn’t washed and flip flops 。his skin turns a more pale color and he’ll get pains in his chest that usually make him uncomfortable 。he’ll lock himself in his room with the lights off staring out his window at the stars to help himself feel better 。he'll isolate himself and it gets everyone worried 。he goes through like 50 packs of gum to try and stop himself from chewing on his nails
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kou-toru · 8 years
Boku HeadCanons (^ν^)♡
Bokuto head-canons: 。he’s totally the type to sing loudly in shower likely metal songs or bohemian rhapsody a really late hour afternoon and put pajamas back on 。his hair can pull off all different types of styles 。he’s totally a family guy, he spends most his time taking care of his baby sister making sure she happy and has someone play with. Hell definitely want children in the future but will probably only adopt 。he and kurō got into volleyball after watching a few games together at a sleepover when they were kids and instantly became playing mates 。he has a pet rabbit he’s taken care of for years that he named Dani, the ending to ‘Fukurodani’ since he got the rabbit at the same time he joined that school. Akaashi really likes them and babysits often 。he often listens to Oikawa’s music playlist when they’re together, taking an interest in many Coldplay songs 。he had a soft spot for butterflies and how beautifully they fly around in the morning 。bokuto has actually taken a few drumming lessons in the summer 。his love for meat can rival oikawas love of chocolate when he’s really hungry 。he’s planning on getting a tattoo of owl wings as soon as he turns 20 somewhere on the upper of his back 。bokuto actually has a very quick temper that lasts only a few seconds, but he still manages to calm himself down before he can actually act on it with, mostly with methods Akaashi taught him 。 he can't cook to save his life 。he often daydreams in the middle of the day, mostly about his rabbit or how his volleyball career is going and what might happen
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kou-toru · 8 years
Oikawa HeadCanons (´・` )♡
Oikawa head-cannons: 。his favorite flowers are pink peonies, often buying them whenever he has the chance to. 。he often stays up past midnight marathoning SuperNatural 【his favorite character is Castiel】and watching all the seasons in one sitting. 。he absolutely loves chocolate. He’ll cry tears of joy if he sees brownies, chocolate cake, cookies, or any fudge in general. He has a real sweet tooth. 。drama queen doesn’t even describe how emotional oikawa gets in many situations. He will cry, he will scream, he will pout, he will grieve, and then he will cry again. He’s a complete cry baby. 。he’s actually really really insecure about his appearance and personality most of the time and it takes a lot out of him to put up an act even around his friends or people he knows. It takes a lot of time and patience to even get him to crack, and it’ll take even more time to have hike show himself willingly 。his curls are completely natural and everyone hates that 。he has a lot of moles all over his body, especially his thighs, legs and back. He has a tiny on just above his jaw on his face that iwaizumi finds cute 。he has his first ever volleyball hidden away in his closet, he’s very embarrassed if anyone sees it or questions him about it 。his favorite constellation deals with his zodiac sign, which is cancer. one of his favorite animals is a wolf 。he is such a dog person. He absolutely adores tiny dogs and would probably steal one 。he has a very bad habit in biting his nails and it annoys the hell out of iwaizumi since he’s trying to get oikawa to stop. If he so much as lifts a hand to his mouth he gets a punch on the back from iwa 。he actually likes how feminine his name sounds and loves hearing it even while it’s so rarely said 。he’s had a very vacant and empty childhood, having his sister already almost out of high school and his parents always so busy and away on business trips. It’s crushingly lonely and he hates every second he’s not around someone since it reminds him of the horrible times 。he loves listening to emotional piano songs early in the morning when the sun hasn’t even risen up yet and where you can hear the tree leaves rustling from the wind 。he’s dyed his hair a deep maroon once. once. 。he keeps like hundreds of plants in his apartment, it’s a wonder how they stay alive when he can’t even take care of himself mostly.
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kou-toru · 8 years
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( ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿) Secret Garden Au where Oikawa has a disease where a flower grows every time he’s hurt. Bokuto【a nurse assigned to Oikawa】desperately tries to find a cure to save him, but unknowingly does more harm than good. 【horror angst sad pinning disease minor characters deaths】 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n9w472VEqvk
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kou-toru · 8 years
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* 。boy band au where bokuto and kurō are signed up to be in a band after submitting videos to a studio in a contest. After getting impressing the studio and getting approved, they run into a road block when they’re told they need a third member of they want to make an actual band. They post up fliers all over the city and posters to advertise their band. All hope seems lost until bokuto hears the most interesting voice singing while he spends time in the public restroom. Or 。bokuto is screaming, kurō is desperate, and oikawa has no idea how he got into this situation.
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kou-toru · 8 years
ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿 •fairy! Oikawa • Waterbender!Oiks/Earthbender!Bokuto •Alien!Oiks
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