#my hands can't stop typing
Went into writing this fic as a kind of Theo goes overboard trying to woo Liam in embarrassing ways to an over 10k monstrosity of idiots in love with secondhand embarrassment
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blujayonthewing · 7 days
one problem with felix is that I keep going 'oh you know what would be a completely logical consequence of the life circumstances he's experienced which are completely different than mine' where the answer is something I almost immediately recognize as being devastatingly relatable to myself
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girlscience · 22 days
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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jirachibaby · 1 year
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i just want to draw, this is getting ridiculous
yes it is counter intuitive to draw myself complaining, when drawing is presumably the source of said pain. but it's surprisingly cathartic.
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me: wakes up and uses my entire photo upload limit immediately
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chronicowboy · 11 months
trying so hard to rest my wrist but my lesbian pirates are calling to me like sirens and i've just found a bunch of old ideas i adore and GENDERENVY has been neglected for far too long and
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philcoulsonismyhero · 11 months
Spent this last week tired and in pain and I want to draw about it, but unfortunately aforementioned condition of being tired and in pain makes drawing impossible, so I guess I just have to suffer instead. Why this.
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hzrnvm · 1 year
emotional. happy, pissed off, all that.
#hzrn#im cool with being annoying hypothetically but the real kicker is that no form of communication exists that i can really use comfortably#every single form of communication out there. i can't use it. i can't fuckin talk bc the sounds are too hard.#i can't fuckin type bc the buttons are too hard.#i can't fucking body and hands bc motions are too hard.#i can't fucking art because art involves all those things.#damn fucking WORDS are too hard. i put so much work into them and i get nothing. nothing!#who made the world this way?! why is it that all communication and socialization is so. fucking. hard!!!!#i tried! i really really fuckin tried man! all last year i tried so so hard.#i fell FLAT on my face. NO ONE liked me. they called me a retard! they said i was scary‚ awkward‚ hard to be around!#they did coordinated social attacks on me! then when i come back to school this year and i even *think* about trying again‚ they say#'nobody wants him here. and he should stop caring'#well right about then‚ is where she gives up! she has closed her eyes‚ she has given up hope!#i gave up trying to exist socially at school. the two paths are being myself and getting bullied‚ or not being myself and getting nothing#today was a good day for me all in all but idk.#the only reason i dont hold grudges like crazy is because of my object impermanence shit#although this might as well count as a grudge. i think it's somewhat justified though‚ because in my case it's more like#if you hurt me seriously then i'll think about it pervasively until you do something to redeem yourself in my mind.#probably that's part of the reason im so scared of being myself and shit#this is probably the reason why im so scared of being myself. bc everytime i tried i got bullied‚ mocked‚ demeaned. and that shit piles up.#i just spend mosta my time not thinking about it! just like i spend mosta my time not thinking about who i am‚ my future‚ my past and on!#siiiigh. sigh sigh siiiiiiiiigh#it's ok to like this post by the way#in fact it's encouraged. im directly and clearly asking you to.#im not making this post for nothing. im making it in the hopes that someone will read what i said.#although really no one will. why the hell would anyone fucking read this. get fuckin real.#i know for certain i'll wake up tmrw with this at at maximum like. 1 like. 2 if im really the luckiest girl in the world.#and i know how i sound caring about likes and shit. but really all it tells me is someone read this. and i really fuckin need someone to re
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keii · 2 years
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Jowa big
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masquenoire · 6 months
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He'll growl and bite at Roman's dogs if they even boof at him.
Type Bingo || Accepting!
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Rorschach's threat towards his dogs is quickly drowned out by a terrifying scream, the sort of primordial sound one might expect from an enraged pterodactyl. How dare he? Roman slaps the letter as though it had personally offended him and it did because the stinking vigilante had scored unusually high, far too high for the crime lord's comfort. "Why you-you! Little son of a bitch!" Roman roars. He's so angry he can't get any more words out, breaking out into furious Italian that even somebody fluent in the language wouldn't understand the rate he was talking at. Grabbing the paper, Roman tears it in two, Rocco and Dante's boofing escalating to frantic booms as they feed off the manic energy in the air. Roman was incandescent with rage and not even a bottle of whiskey was going to calm it.
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werewolfhooligan · 8 months
drawing my first comic in a WHILE and it is . SO stupid
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yasutheculprit · 7 months
learning to manage my anger by microdosing on hatewatching obtuse youtubers play my favorite bideogame
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zukkaoru · 1 year
achievement unlocked: blew my nose so hard it gave me a nosebleed??
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gaminedyke · 1 year
any time i do something slightly out of my comfort zone i wonder if this is the end and i'm a lawless man i'm a final girl i'm a drunk driver. basically i get scared
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maethinks · 1 year
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so I don't understand where exactly this fear of speaking came from. I guess it's many many reasons. At work the other day, it was just me and one older girl closing and we don't talk very much, or even ever. I did the dishes and she cleaned the outside and, i don't think we talked at all. And sometimes I wanted to say something but couldn't. And sometimes I did say something but she didn't hear me, like how I said I could mop but she just went ahead and started mopping before I could. So I think that is one thing. Being unheard.
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