#my hand is soooo fucked now but it was Worth to make the background
kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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30 days of Harvest Moon day 11 - welcoming a new animal / photograph
yeah i just really love pony’s energy in this scene
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Seven: Pink Dress
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The sex that was just had couldn't be put into words it lasted forever and he never wanted to stop she lost count of how many orgasms she had. But she would never forget how deep he was inside of her and how he made her feel. She'll remember the people in the next room knocking on the wall to tell her to quiet down she'll remember the headboard constantly beating on the wall and his lips being on every inch of her body she'll remember his chain hitting her in the face with each stroke and his hand wrapped around her throat tightly.... She'll remember it all.
He made it that way on purpose. He needed her to make her way back to him because he wasn't through with her yet regardless of what he said he liked her... a lot and he looked forward to seeing her but her decision to suddenly stop the sex because she wanted more ... didn't make sense to him. So he did what he knew how to do and that's fuck her just the way she likes she never had to tell him what she likes he just knew her body inside and out he knew when to tease her he knew when to give her his all or ease up he knew her.
But now that was all over..... according to her. He had just finished putting his clothes on as she watched him completely mesmerized. Her body glowed she hadn't felt that good in a while. Goodbye sex hit different Her face was relaxed In a smile. He stared down at her taking mental pictures. "So this is bye fr? Or you've changed your mind?" She bit her lip. Sitting up she covered her body with the blanket and began to speak
"That was amazing .... But I still have to let this go for my sake I could really fall for you and then I'll just be stuck.... Stuck loving you from the background stuck waiting on you and stuck being number Two and I'm just too damn good for that... you can agree with that" He came back closer to her grabbing her head gently kissing her lips and her forehead staring deep in her eyes. "Yeah you are completely right you deserve somebody who can give you more than I can right now but selfishly I want you around so if you ever wanna come back around just hit my line? Okay?" "Okay" He kissed her one last time his fingers went under the blanket and slowly entered her making her gasp.
"Give me one more before I go" her back arched as she grabbed his arm digging her nails in as she moaned and grinded against his hand. "I'm really gon miss this pussy ... it's so damn good" "Fuck... mmmm" she said softly his thumb rubbed her sensitive clit and she released all over his hand. Her eyes were closed but he watched her cum taking her all in.He needed to remember her just like that. He sighed pulling away from her "Alright I gotta catch my plane in a couple hours soooo...I gotta go" he kissed her again "goodbye LaMelo be safe" he walked towards the door slowly "hopefully this isn't really good bye" he says before shutting the door. She lays down calming her breathing down.
This was a new chapter in her life.... And it was gonna be worth it.  She settled in the bed drifting off to sleep. The next morning when she woke up she took her time getting up then she brushed her teeth took a bird bath and went and worked out after she worked out she came back in taking a shower she hadn't heard from Jayson until he texted. "It'll be tickets at the door saved under your name" "oooou professional I would've bought my own tickets though " "well now you don't have too.... can't wait to see you" "Ditto💕"
Everytime she moved her body she could still feel Melo she was so tempted to text or call him and hadn't even been 12 hours yet. Is it wrong to have two boyfriends? I mean neither has committed to her so why does she have to be committed to either of them. She's sure Jayson isn't a saint he's a NBA player he's getting some from some where it's no way he's not. Why can't she do the same? And when and if he wants to be official she'll just drop Melo. But what if she can't ever truly drop Melo should she just stay in the shadows ... what should she do?
A few hours passed by and she was at the game with her friend once again. She dressed very boho chic today a cute plain black top with black and white polka dotted pants with wide pant legs and cute sandals that showed her fresh pedicure and her faux Locs was pulled up into a high bun. "So you and Jaylen 👀" YN says smirking at her friend looking her up and down "I haven't spoken to him since that night" YN gasped "did you fuck?" "Yeah and uh it was decent but I was expecting more it's my fault really" "more in what way?"
" aggression? Idk like you saw how we were in the club he was tonguing me down and when we got back to my place he turned into a little puppy like I had to guide him but he did put it down but I don't like feeling like I have to take charge🙄" "it's cause you're not patient😂 he probably would've stepped up"
"hmmm maybe so but regardless he hasn't hit me up so maybe I was wack" "I doubt it he might text it's just been two days" "speaking of two days ... what made you stay? I love having you in my city but you're never here this long" "You right and a little birdie told me he would make it worth my while... so I'm trying it out" "J.T?" "Mhmm" YN naturally bit her lip thinking about him "aye if y'all get together then I'll see you more... I'm here for it" "shittt me too but if you miss me friend come and see me😩😩"
And finally the national anthem was sung and the players were called individually she watched as Jayson glanced up into the stands to try and find her but he didn't see her yet. But the game was about to start. So he started to focus. Jayson,Jaylen and three of their teammates took the floor.
"Maybe Jaylen will work for you" YN said softly to her friend "we will see ..." "what about doctor bae?" "He still trippin after our date got canceled he hasn't planned another one and I tried too yesterday but he came up with excuses shit pointless Fr" "that sucks cause he seemed sweet" "they always seem sweet in the beginning" YN sighed " yeah man 🥺"
                          *Time Skip*
It took until half time but he finally saw her in the stands his team was only down by 5 it's been a close game this whole time. She loved the way he looked up at her like she was a new opportunity he saw something in her that she didn't see in herself yet. When the game started back up it's like he had a second wind. He had made an additional 15 point points in the third quarter and by the time the game ended he had 58 points which is super close to beating his record. With him going off like that they won the game the Grizzles had no clue what to do they weren't expecting that at all.
After the game she had planned on getting dinner and then going to sleep. Jayson would be spending time with his son for the night and then his mother would get him tomorrow and that's when she would see Jayson. She was nervous about it honestly she had no clue what they would be doing but hopefully they get to know eachother and become friends and maybe build to more she was excited for the future .
                     *the next day*
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It was three in the afternoon and Jayson was downstairs waiting for her. He decided to keep his plans a secret. YN didn't like surprises too much because she like to know what she should dress for. Like if they were doing something fun and then going out to dinner at nice restaurant maybe some jeans and a cute shirt so she could move if they were going bowling she needed socks it's multiple things she wanted to know but he told her nothing so she settled on a maxi dress she put heels in her bag to dress it up
For dinner but it was comfortable enough that if they had a picnic or went walking she would be fine in her sandals. Her jewelry was champagne colored. He was outside the car for her which made her smile. "You look beautiful I love your hair" she had decided to take her faux Locs out since she was anxious about the date so it took her mind off it so now her hair was in high puff. "Thank you ... you look nice too" his look was casual but she found him so sexy.
After he said thank you he opened her door letting her in and then he shut the door after her. Then he got into the car he glanced at her. She smiled "Do you wanna tell me where you are taking me JT" "oooou you calling me JT now?" He pulls off "that's what other people been calling you I thought I would just fall in line" he laughed
"don't be like others be different" she smiled "okay stop switching the subject" "you like how I did that huh?" "Nahhh you too slick you almost got me" she laughed "okay last time ima ask can I at least get a hint?" "I guess you can get a hint.... It's one of my favorite spots I think you'll like it it's a nice day" "hmmm so is it outside" "yeah it's outside" "I'm dressed okay for it though?" "You're dressed perfect" she smiled "thank you"
"you seem a little more shy today what's going on?" "I'm not trying to be... I'm just digesting everything and I was drunk the first time you met me drunk YN is a different type of girl but I am a little nervous I'll be honest" "hmmm why?" "Dates make me nervous.... Spending time with new people make me nervous I'm a home body" "mmm I get that I do I'm laid back myself so I appreciate you spending time here choosing to stay a few days to get to know me I know you could be doing better things" "I don't wanna be anywhere else .... I'm enjoying my time here " she smiled he grabbed her hand softly. " well don't be nervous or shy....I'll guide through it all"  She wondered if that was layered like what would he guide her through just the date? Or the whole relationship since she was timid but she felt like that question was too loaded for the playful mood they were in so she remained quiet
When they were close to their destination she glanced out the window "oh wow that is so beautiful I haven't seen anything like this" "that's where we going so I'm glad you like it" he smiled wide she glanced at him "you had this planed or are you just stopping cause I like it?" He laughed "it's the plan.... We have a tour guide and everything" "oh my goshhh I'm so excited .... What's the name of this place?"
"Charles River it has a lot of nice spots" he parks the car "so do you always take people here?" he laughs as they get out of the car. "Nah I wouldn't recycle no place with you" he waits for her behind the car as she fixes her dress and grabs her bag walking back to meet him. "Wellll maybe you can come to my city some time ... if you like me by the end of the night" she grabs his hand make the first move he smiles squeezing her hand quickly and then keeping a strong hold on it. He was glad she initiated touching him cause he was trying to respect her space and boundaries but now he knows she's open.
They headed to the bridge to meet the person giving them a tour "I'm sure I will still like you" "you know what I couldn't stop thinking about the other night?" "Nah enlighten me?" "That kiss..... you kissed me like you've been waiting for me" he smiled laughing slightly "maybe I have..... like I don't go out that much but I happen to meet you the one time I choose to go out with Jaylen you weren't supposed to be out either but you ended up out .... Now how that work....I deserve you" she smiled "I'm not perfect at all I'm a little Fucked up" "and that's fine cause I am too but like I said .... I deserve you" they finally make it over the hill where the tour guide introduces himself and walks them to a golf cart. YN was great that it would be some space between him and them
"You guys can sit on the back and I can talk you through things or I can just drive and if you guys have questions you can ask" "which do you prefer?" YN asks smiling "honestly the latter it's all self explanatory except for a few historical moments you may enjoy" "okay you don't have to explain everything then" YN laughed slightly as they sat down "thank you mam..... I wish I gave more people like you tours..... ima huge fan by the way" he glances back at Jayson turning the golf cart on
"thank you sir" YN says making a joke Jayson shakes his head "thank you man" Jayson says smiling  "you're welcome .... alright let's go!!!" The tour guide got hype all of sudden speeding off making Jayson and YN laugh. "Mind if I play my radio?" The tour guide asked "no man you can call play it" Jayson says so the Tour guide turns it on
"now back to you" Jayson says licking his lips making YN blush "back to me what?" "You said you a lil fucked up .... So what made you dead that lil situation you was in?" "It was time.... I rather not get my feelings tangled in with someone who is always gonna just see me as a second option... he agreed I deserve better" "but he couldn't give you better?" "I'm sure he could have but he didn't want too" "as long as you know" Jayson smirked making YN lift an eyebrow
"what you mean?" "If a man wants to do something he will... like me I just met you two days ago but I was able to plan this date while getting to know you.... And working and it's all because I wanted to get to know you even if this doesn't develop into a relationship even though I hope it does but if it doesn't I know I gave my all" she smiled and kissed his lips quickly she was sure why she was being so bold but she liked it
"not in front of the trees YN" he said jokingly she bit her lip "well ...that was very pg compared to the kiss I was thinking about" he licked his lips "ahhh you can show me that in the car....." "you don't like pda?" "sometimes but getting carried away and can't do anything about it ... that'll fuck me up" it's the way he looked at her he meant every word he said " get carried away how? What you wanna do to me?"
He smiled staying quiet for a while she watch him intently as he thought about the many positions he could put her in but that was for a different time.
"It's the first date.... So just kiss" "you sure?" "That's all you're gonna do.... So that's all I wanna do.... No sex for you" she laughed loudly "why you acting like you know me already what if I have sex on the first date?" "You bluffing that didn't even sound right coming out your mouth stop it" she smirked "you right" "yeah yeah I know" "but you don't like to be teased?" "Nah I don't even like them games at all" she bit her lip
"I'm a teaser...." "If you tease me I'll tease you so bad you'll never wanna try me again" Now that was sexy "wanna bet?" She smirked "look at the trees and stop playing with me" he smiled pulling her closer "even though you didn't ask.... I love being teased" "mmmm that makes sense then" "what makes sense?"
"Your whole attitude especially when I say certain things I see your eyes light up" she shook her head "my face always tells on me man" "yeah it does it's how I'm getting to know you" "so ask me something........ something you really wanna know and I'll answer honestly" "are you using me as a rebound from the last situation? Cause even if it wasn't a relationship it was clearly serious to you and if I'm a rebound or distraction I just wanna know " "I don't believe in rebounds I wouldn't use anybody especially not a innocent person just so I can feel better no.... You asked me out and I like spending time with you that's why I'm out"
"last question about that situation if he dropped everything and said I wanna be with you would you drop everything too?" She thought for a second "Honestly if he cheated on her what would make me different? I couldn't trust him enough to be my boyfriend" she shocked herself with what she said cause she never really Thought about it but now it was clear she had made her decision. Waiting on Melo was stupid cause she doubts he'll change so why add herself to the cycle she's glad she got out now"Wow that's a different way of thinking" "I mean .... It's the truth "
"sorry did I get you down?" "No no I just hadn't thought about it .... I asked him if he could ever be serious with me and he said no he would never leave his girl and that made it easier to leave.... It had nothing to do with you but if I'm still being honest you came at the perfect time" "and why is that?"
He smiled which made her smile too " you have me out in public in broad daylight ..... with no issues and you made time to do it" "so what that mean?" "It means someone would date me like Fr date me .....  I'm pretty and I'm smart with personality I get that but that's not always a selling point to be wifed" "well you wife material so let's make sure this thang work I know you fresh on the market but I wanna put my bid in and snatch you back off " she smiled he kissed her lips softly making her relax It was easy with him it had never felt so easy with anyone
"I want to start by being honest" "don't tell me anything you have a clean slate ... starting now it's me and you fuck everything else" "you sure?" "I promise"
"I'm happily off the market.... After the first date Damn" "not even after..... during .... You like me already I'm that good" "that's my damn problem" she shook her head laughing "well.... You my problem now so say hello to your new chapter" he kissed her check
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
okay i’ve listened to 5sos5 a handful of times now so i think i have a general vibe check in my head so! i thought i’d do a track-by-track bc that’s what the Cool Kids™ are doing and i am but another lemming rushing towards the cliff that is the trends of the 5sos side of tumblr. also this got so fucking long so if you read the whole thing you get as many gold stars as you want lol
Easy For You To Say: this is the song that stayed stuck in my head after I listened to the whole album. It’s incredibly catchy and has heaps of good lyrics! Admittedly I don’t really follow the entire narrative but I think that’s more of a me thing than a reflection of the lyrical content. (and i do get most of it! there’s just a few threads i have yet to tie together.) i love the play on words that is “a piece of peace of mind”. sonically it has me bopping my head to the beat basically the whole way through! I think it’s in a good location in terms of the album as a whole
COMPLETE MESS: definitely a single for a reason! it’s one you can shout-sing along to which is always a plus i like the rushing sound leading into the chorus/other different moments, and lyrics-wise i love that it can be read as platonic or romantic love :)) that’s how you know they’re catering to me. also! michael’s part! the way it changes the tonality/meaning and the way you can hear him smiling as he’s singing!! and of course the fact that all of them sing on it!!! we love to see it! my main con is that it’s pretty repetitive lyrically but still i won’t hold it against them. this song makes me want to write a fic that would fit the title “you make me (a) complete (mess)” so badly but alas i have yet to come up with a plot to match its energy
Bad Omens: i LOVE the way this song plays with leaving the “else” off the phrase “you love somebody else” it’s soooo narratively interesting and i would love to see an angsty unhappy ending songfic that utilizes this concept (if anyone wants to write it *eyes emoji*) i like the way it loops very nicely (it fades in and out in the same way which is satisfying) (and possibly a metaphor for the futility of the relationship? but maybe i’m reading into things too much lol) the line “I should have known right there and then you were a runaway” feels like a very 80s lyric (and not just bc it reminds me of runaway by bon jovi lol) i will say i am not as in love with it as everyone else seems to be (idk why it’s the big hit out of the non-singles?) but it’s not bc it’s bad, it’s just probably not going to have me obsess over it
Take My Hand (Joshua Tree Version): if any song deserves to be called vibey it’s this one. i think the musicality and the lyrics really work well together in this song, especially for the verses. there’s an almost melancholy feeling to it and now that i’ve listened to it several times it’s started to resonate with me more and more. like a lot of the songs on the album i’m not sure how often i’ll go out of my way to listen to it, but that’s more bc this album isn’t necessarily in my go-to genre than a measure of the song's individual worth. i feel conflicted about the extension to the song, bc on the one hand behind the scenes-type stuff! the voice note vibes make me soft! But idk if it actually adds anything to the song on its own,, like if i didn’t love the band i don’t think it’d really do too much for me. also what is he saying the background! it doesn’t sound like all the same lyrics! let me hear it!!! omg i forgot to mention the “few more souls on the bus now” line it’s just *chef’s kiss* no notes nearly made me cry when i heard that bit live ngl
Me Myself & I: another banger of a single (that is a bit too repetitive for its own good) it’s catchy it’s fun to sing along to and i honestly don’t have much else to say about it lol
CAROUSEL: the first time i listened to this all I could hear for the first,, minute? at least? was a taylor swift 1989 lost track and i have yet to totally shake that off lol. (see what i did there?) driving metaphors!!!! there is a tiny part of me that’s reminded of u2’s city of blinding lights during the chorus (which is a compliment btw) but that’s just bc i’ve listened to that song way to many times lol. it’s a good song, but i honestly have very few opinions about it other than why is it capitalized?? is it tied to the other capitalized songs somehow??? 5sos tell me what your thought process is!!!
Older: skip! sorry y’all it’s just not my vibe i rarely like piano ballads as it is and i just think that it has several places where they *could* have done something cool and then didn’t. i will say seeing the performance of it in the tofu live show did melt my frosty heart but not enough for me to add this one to my liked songs.
HAZE: idk why it’s titled what it is but it’s a bop! I love the way the vocals swap off; it’s done quite cleverly imo and i think it shows the different strengths of each of their lyrical styles well (if i’m right that the vocals match some of the writing credits) it’s vibey it makes me want to stick my arms and pretend i’m cruising :)) also thematically it’s a little like a dog waiting impatiently by the door bc their person is out and about which i love
You Don’t Go To Parties: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the cashton vocals!!!! the bass!!!! the car metaphor!!!! also the repetition of the number five anyone?? clearly they’re 555sos fans /j also they’re totally referencing the maine in the second verse right guys? guys? but in all seriousness i love how visual the storytelling is! the lyric “racehorse trippin' on the dirt that you got on me” is very !!! especially bc the beat for the verses almost “trips” over itself (although maybe that’s just me reading into things lol) also i am very happy that my opposite vibe-check wish/comment that i made way back when they first dropped the titled kinda came true bc it’s def more of a banger than people were predicting :)) we love to see it. i am ignoring the fact that the title is capitalized incorrectly but telepathically i’m telling them to put their song titles through that capitalization checker next album
BLENDER: !!!!!!!! banger of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is def my favorite of the singles it’s just *such* a bop i will never listen to this song without remembering bouncing around in the very tiny cabin i was quarantined in at the time this song dropped and honestly i don’t hate it! this song makes me smile every time i hear it i love the line “ricocheting off the bed” even though i’m honestly not sure i’m interpreting it right i love the bassline i love how danceable it is!! i don’t have anything coherent to say lol it’s a bop idk what more you could ask for
Caramel: i don’t have the vocabulary to talk about the instrumentals in this song but it’s a vibe! it’s a song that demands you move your shoulders and i’m lowkey here for it. the harmonies are tasty the chorus is catchy the bridge is mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i’m fascinated by the choices made in the outro but in a positive way? altho i could take or leave the acoustic bit tbh. in a less positive note, we all agree that the only reason it’s named caramel is bc there aren’t a lot of songs named that and they wanted a certain number of one word titles, right? bc unless there’s some deep meaning i’m missing there’s no reason for that to be the title (that being said i’d love to for there to be a secret meaning please tell me 5sos i want the secret caramel knowledge) the other negative of this song is that it’s inevitably going to start a debate over the right way to say caramel (which isn’t the way they say it in the song fyi)
Best Friends: when i first started listening to the album i took a moment to accept the fact that this song could be a love song and that i’d be okay with it and then it was a friendship song and i got to breath a sigh of relief lol. the chorus is wonderful to shout with your bff (this has been tested 😊) it captures this younger feeling compared to the other songs on the album and i vibe with it! the line “life is like a poem written on a bathroom wall” is *such* a good lyric and conjures up such specific images! it’s a banger it’s a song to bounce along to i could see it in a jukebox musical as like the happy triumphant near-the-end song
Bleach: talk about a mood shift! (i think this is the song that reminded me of maisie peters? i’m pretty sure) i love the swapping of the vocals, it does something different in this song than in the previous songs which is fascinating to me! i love the line “everything i was spinning down the drain” it’s just. yeah. it’s a good quiet song for the album; it fits in well and is a good breath in if that makes sense
Red Line: a train song!!! i can’t wait to listen to this on my next train ride y’all don’t even know. it’s got vibes and a cool concept. that being said it’s not a huge standout song on the album, but not through any particular fault of its own; i don’t think it’s going to be one i listen to a ton (other than on public transport lol) i do like how the standard version closes out with the train door sound, it’s fun!
Moodswings: i love how the song makes me sway in play (you could say that i’m almost swinging) (get it? it’s a play on-[gunshot]) i would love to see an apocalyptic take on this song tbh (“through bloodshot eyes the sky is fallin’” anyone?) i think it’d make a deliciously angsty songfic! also love the self-destructive and codependent nature of the lyrics i just think that they portray it well!
Flatline: a bop! it’s a great “first love” love song it’s catchy it’s got some slightly strange lyrical undertones in the pre-chorus that i would love for someone smarter than me to analyze bc otherwise i’m going to coming up with a truly unhinged explanation (and that is a threat) i can def see why it’s a bonus song but still good!
Emotions: i want a proper rock cover of this song so fucking bad please i would pay real people money for it i think i deserve it!! michael’s voice is, of course, *chef’s kiss* i do wish the lyrics weren’t so,, broad? if that makes sense? i think the bridge threw me off lyrically the first time i listened to it bc i was like ‘yeah i get this feeling’ and then the bridge was just. not relatable lol but that’s a me thing (and now part of me’s like ‘are there some sarcastic undertones?’ bc i’m here for it if they are) but yeah i don’t really know how i feel about this song yet i think if i get my hard rock cover then it could be my next favorite song but until then it’s just a sort of vibe ig
Bloodhound: swapping vocals to change the narrative!!!! we love to see it!!!! very tasty bassline the beginning of the chorus makes me giggle a little it’s a funky beat i’d love for it to get a cheesy halloween themed music video the bridge makes me wish i could step dance (is that the right phrasing?) everyone who’s said michael singing “he took an L” is perfect is so correct i am mind melding with you
TEARS!: this songggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you may call me predictable for saying this is one of my favorites but come on. how i could not love this song??? once again the cashton vocals coming in clutch i mean this really is a song for the rhythm section in all the ways! the line “i’ll feel better if i let myself sink deeper” is really going straight for my jugular and i am 100% here for it. it’s such a good exploration of these kinds of depressive states and i just!! hrghhhhhhh also their voices on the last “alive” in each chorus????? SO fuckin tasty i want to eat that one note. the bridge reminds me strongly of something but i can’t think of what it is :(( also ashton’s voice on “fifty rounds of uppercuts i’m bleeding”???? i am going to throw myself into a pit. i understand why they made it a bonus song from a stylistic standpoint but also why. it deserves to be on the main tracklist. it’s got a great mixture of the style of superbloom but make it 5sos and i love that for it! my only complaint is the title like. wtf guys. like yes that is what it sounds like when it’s said in the song but that doesn’t make it title material! but that’s okay i forgive them since it’s such a banger <3
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saveourskinship · 4 years
I Just Called To Say
Hermione’s phone was ringing. Hermione’s Muggle phone that she only used to call up for takeaways and talk to her parents was ringing. At 1am. On a Friday.
She stared while it had its tantrum, demanding her attention. Her glare fierce enough to Incendio the bloody thing if she narrowed her eyes the teeniest bit more.
“Oh, for fuck’s s-” she picked the phone off its cradle, “What? I mean, Hello?” 
A kind of breathless, panting sound came down the line.
“I just wanted to call and tell you I don’t love you.”
Hermione didn’t recognise the voice, it certainly wasn’t her mum or dad. It wasn’t even Dev from the Indian place down the road. 
The call continued, “So no matter what you see or hear to the contrary... just know I absolutely, definitively do not love you.”
Hermione was silent. What do you even say to a call like this?
“Bloody hell, please say something so I know you understand what I’m telling you!” The voice was insistent and annoyed. 
Annoyed with her. For not replying to that insane declaration.
“Who is this?” she asked.
The voice grumbled, offended. “Draco Malfoy, of course!”
Hermione had never heard his voice run through electronic means. But now she thought about it, there was a tone of prattishness that even the wonders of technology couldn’t disguise. 
He also sounded drunk, which is to say not as clipped and articulate as usual.
Hermione was puzzled that he even knew how to use a phone.
“Right. Malfoy, you know you’ve called Hermione Granger’s phone?”
He paused. “Are you not her?”
“No, I am she. I was wondering if you knew whose phone you called.”
“Of course I bloody do! You know your number is listed in this ridiculous book where the phone is located and any maniac could just call you up!”
“That is becoming very clear,” Hermione deadpanned. “In fact, I’ve had one such call tonight.”
A shocked gasp came from the other end. “See? Infernal Muggle contraptions! Harrassing pretty witches. You ought to look after yourself better, Granger.”
Hermione could hear the distinctive shenanigans of Harry and Theo in the background.
“OK, and that’s all you wanted, Malfoy?” she sighed.
“Um, yeah. I guess so.” 
The voices of Harry and Theo were louder now.
“Oh Salazar take me, Harry! It’s open on ‘G’!” Theo yelled.
“G for Granger?” Harry’s slurring, teasing voice cackled.
“Must be! Because we both know Draco just looooov-” a distinctive muffling sounded and a clatter like the phone was dropped.
Hermione could hear laughter and indistinct exclamations.
Just as she was about to hang up the phone, Malfoy was back. 
“So yeah, I don’t love you, OK?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Next time you call me Malfoy, you better make it worth my while.”
There was a confused silence on the other end. 
“You can ask Harry what that means. Good night,” she hung up and pulled the phone out of the wall, going back to sleep.
There was a contrite and hungover Malfoy on her doorstep the next day.
“I take it Theo sent it to you?” he looked away, embarrassed.
Hermione raised her eyebrows and nodded.
“I’ve been playing it on a loop all morning.”
A video could be heard further in the house. A loud, aristocratic voice was ranting while two others laughed madly.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” Harry wheezed. “Tell us again, Malfoy!” 
“Yeah, for the camera this time,” Theo sing-songed.
“About Granger you mean? I don’t love her... I love her sooooo much. Like I honestly think she was handcrafted for me like a- like a custom-made Italian shoe or a cashmere blanket.”
The unrecorded real-life Malfoy was bright pink while Hermione tilted an amused head at him.
“OK, well, excuse me Granger while I go find a convenient bridge to throw myself off,” he turned away, but she called him back.
“Malfoy, do you know what a booty call is?”
“Something to do with pirates?” he guessed.
Hermione shook her head.
“What is it then?”
She paused. “Do you really love me soooo much?”
He pouted, “I’m guessing you’ve seen the tape enough to determine whether I was lying or not.”
“Hm, true,” she mused, twisting her mouth and coming to a decision. “Well a booty call is when one person calls the other at an unsociable hour with a particular purpose in mind.”
Malfoy’s eyes flicked to the side, thinking. “And that is what you thought I was doing when I phoned you last night?”
“What I hoped when I heard it was you,” she replied, looking at him through her lashes.
He still didn’t seem to understand properly but the way he leaned against her doorframe all lean and tall and gorgeous in addition to hearing the tape replay him recounting her very many qualities had her feeling confident.
“So what is the purpose of it?” he asked, trying to remain casual.
Hermione pulled him inside and closed the door, pressing herself flush against him and raising herself on her tiptoes so there was only a hair’s breadth between their lips.
She could feel his heart pounding beneath her hand as it snaked up his chest and heard him swallow at her proximity. A rush of heat flashing through her.
“Let me give you a demonstration.”
And she closed the gap.
153 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 3]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, anal play, panty stuffing, toys that have fake cum, a bit of drunk ‘n dom!seungcheol, masturbation, daddy!kink 😳😏 yall! and we are back! I’m sorry we had to take a pause from last week but hopefully we won’t have anymore issues! 😭😭  this chapter is about 6.5k so strap in for the ride yall! and as always, thank you all soooo much for the support and love on my fics T_T it means so much to me! 💕 I hope yall have a good weekend bbys!! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - ?
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dom.cheol has donated $250
angelhan: :( i still cant believe i missed ur morning show…
chwenon: me too, i wouldn’t have stayed up til 6am had i known lol
sleepy_wonu: tbf, i couldve gotten kicked out of lab if i got caught watching… worth it tho
dom.cheol: i was at work but anything for u, baby.
You can’t help but pout at the camera reading the comments; knowing that some of your viewers were working or in class when you had done your surprise show. “Aww, m’sorry… I know it was so out of place for me but… You guys probably get it too, right?” You pause, sliding off of the pillow you were sitting on top of. You’d done a short show tonight; doing a strip tease for the camera before mounting a pillow and grinding against it until you came; fingertips gripping onto the silk as breathy moans spilled from your lips.  
“Y’know? When you wake up and you’re just so needy.”
hoshi_tiger_xx: all the time, baby!
gentleman_josh95: literally me this morning ;(
“Right? See you guys get me!” You giggle. The sound of donations and comments sound off in the background as you zone out for a second.
It had already been a couple days since then and this was your first show back. You and Seungcheol had texted sporadically; a little bit of awkwardness on both ends if you were completely honest. He seemed genuinely shy which was not what you expected at first but you also knew it must’ve been weird for him to suddenly have unrestricted access to you. Seungcheol seemed to be unsure of what he was able to ask you or talk to you about, even though you had assured him that you wanted to get to know him just like regular friends.
In your case, Seungcheol was undeniably hot and seemed to really like you which sent the butterflies in your stomach soaring each and every time your phone pinged.
kitty_junjun: hey can i ask a weird question
You tilt your head, eyes blinking cutely at the camera. “Of course!”
kitty_junjun: do u think you’ll ever have a show with someone else? Like a guest or sth? I know we’ve asked before but i’m just curious since your anniversary is comin up again...
Biting your lip, you watch as the others chime in, asking the same question. In truth, you had considered it maybe once or twice. But that came with risks. Not only would you have to find someone who was okay with being on camera with you, but you also ran the risk of losing viewers if they weren’t happy with who it was or how it turned out.
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Seungcheol bites his lip reading the comments; he’d thought about it too.
He thought about if he’d be jealous, which he convinced himself he wouldn’t be. He would.
And whether or not he would pay to be the person to join you on cam and fuck you in front of all your viewers.
He definitely would.
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“Mmm… I mean, I definitely thought about it before? But wouldn’t it be weird to see someone else on my shows? And, like, an actual… guy?” You watch the comments fly past, donations getting lost in the flurry of comments saying that you should do it.
universe_WZ: and miss the chance of seeing u getting fucked and put in ur place like a good girl?
universe_WZ: i will pay top dollar
alphagyu97: same
artist8hao: also same
dom.cheol: you already know how much we’d all love to see your cute lil cunt getting filled up with a real cock, sweetheart.
You bite your lip in thought, glancing at the camera with a coy expression. “Hmm, okay! I’ll keep thinking about it… I really want to but it’s gonna take some time to find the right person and make sure they’re okay with being on cam with me too~”
j__min: u should ask me, i cam sometimes too… we should collab ;)
Trying to hide the awkwardness, you laugh it off, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Oh? A camboy that watches me? That’s interesting~”
There were usually only 13 of your viewers who you considered to be your ‘regulars’ and you knew them all by their usernames. Of course, there were others who seemed to comment here and there and lots of anonymous donations and comments as well. But the newcomer seemed to be very interested in you and you weren’t sure how to take it just yet.
“Hmm~ Okay! I think I’m gonna end the show here! It’s getting kinda late now, huh? I ended up staying and chatting too long again~”
dom.cheol has donated $300
universe_WZ has donated $100
dom.cheol: it’s okay baby we like talking to u :)
sleepy_wonu: agreed
You stick your tongue out, winking at the camera before you say your goodbyes and last few thank you’s.
“I’ll see you guys next time~ Sleep well and dream of me!”
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Seungcheol takes a deep breath, rolling his computer chair away from his desk as soon as you go offline. You’d been as cute as you normally were, but this time he felt like your lust filled eyes pierced the screen a little harder than usual.
He reaches for his phone, opening your text window before typing a quick response. ‘Great show tonight, baby. ;)’ Pausing, he wonders if it’s a little too weird to text right after you’d finished a show; but instead hits send. The read receipt shows up immediately after which alerts Seungcheol you already had your text window up when he messaged you.
babygirl 🍒 : i was just about to message u!! hehe, how are u?
Seungcheol bites his lip. Would it be too much to call? He ponders.
‘Hey, is it okay to call? If ur busy, it’s okay. Just figured it’d be quicker than typing.’ He hits send before he can regret it, watching as the read receipt shows up under his message again.
In a few seconds, it’s his phone that rings, your display name at the top as he accepts your call.
“Cheollie!” Seungcheol’s heart threatens to beat out of his chest at your nickname for him, hand clutching the phone tightly as he tries to calm himself down. “Hey, sweetheart. Sorry, you must be tired? I just thought this would’ve been quicker.” He chuckles, standing from his computer chair as he makes his way towards his bed.
“Oh, not at all! I’m just tidying up so I have you on speaker right now~ If that’s okay?”
“Mm, of course, baby.”
Seungcheol takes the time to lay in his bed, a deep sigh escaping him as he relaxes into the sheets. “Everything okay, ‘Cheol?” Your voice is soft and gentle; music to his ears as he stares at the ceiling.
“Yeah! Just… the comments have been weird, huh?” He ends it with an awkward laugh, hoping you knew exactly what he was talking about.
“Oh, are you talking about people asking me to invite someone or the new guy in the comments?” Seungcheol doesn’t know which he wants to talk about first. “I guess both?” He inquires, hoping that it’s not too prying.
You make a humming noise on the other end, deciding which one to address first. “Mm, I mean… I would love to have someone else on the show with me but I don’t know… Don’t you think it’d be weird? I feel like I’ve been doing my show for so long by myself but maybe I should start trying other stuff…” You trail off, leaving it open-ended for Seungcheol’s opinion.
“It’s ultimately up to you, sweetheart. But---But if you do, just promise me you’ll make sure everything with this person checks out, okay? I mean--I just want you to be safe, don’t let it just be some weirdo off the internet.” Seungcheol blushes, words leaving his lips in a hurried mess. Sometimes he hated how overprotective he was of you. “And--and make sure they take a STD test and stuff, y’know?” Your giggles pour out of the phone receiver as Seungcheol hides his face in one of his pillows.
“Is this in reference to the ‘j__min’ person offering their services?” Yes.
“No…” Seungcheol mutters, somehow already knowing that you didn’t believe it.
“‘Cheol~ don’t worry. I’m not gonna get into cahoots with someone I don’t know. And honestly, it kinda weirds me out how he came out of nowhere… Makes me wonder if he was some anonymous viewer or donator this entire time and then decided to have a name.” There’s a pause on your end; Seungcheol hearing the washing machine going off.
“And anyway, if I were to do a cam show with someone else, I think I’d want to know them really well, don’cha think? Like a friend, maybe?”
Seungcheol lets you go to sleep after 15 more minutes of chatting; making sure you down a glass of water and get some food delivered before he lets you go for the night.
He places his phone down onto the nightstand, tugging his shirt off as he stands. But his phone pings not a second later, confusion crossing his features as he picks it up.
‘Hey hyung, don’t forget we’re going to that new diner across town tomorrow after work!!! I’m gettin me some disco fries baby!!!! - ggukie’
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Seungcheol ends work 30 minutes later than he should the next day and Jeongguk watches from the concession stand as Seungcheol trudges over, fingertips running through his silvery-blue hair as he sighs.
“Some kid fuckin’ puked in the restroom and nobody wanted to clean it up so guess who did.” He complains, leaning his head onto the cool countertop as Jeongguk pats his head comfortingly. “Not my job but you should’ve called someone else. Where was Yoongi-hyung?”
“Gone, as per usual. We both know he clocks out 30 minutes early.”
The two laugh half-heartedly, making sure they have their things before they leave for the night. The night shift crew had already checked in just a few minutes prior; Taehyung and Hoseok waving them off as they leave.
They hop into Seungcheol’s car; Jeongguk already fiddling with the radio controls as Seungcheol puts in the address for the new diner that had opened up. “I hope this place is good. It seems to get a lot of good reviews for a place that just opened up, like, two weeks ago.” Jeongguk nods, settling into his seat as Seungcheol pulls out of the parking lot.
“We live in a city that’s straight out of an episode of Riverdale. I mean, we work at a roller rink? And there’s diners all over? But we’re in the present day with present day technology? Soon we’ll be Archie and Jughead. Except I want to be Jughead since I have the tattoos so you can be Archie. Or we can both be, like, from the Serpents but I still want to be Jughead.”
Seungcheol raises a brow at Jeongguk’s references.
“I don’t know that show so all of that just went over my head.”
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It takes approximately 30 minutes to get across town; the huge neon lights from the diner welcoming them into the parking lot as Seungcheol parks the car somewhere near the entrance.
“God, was it just me or did that take a long time? I’m fuckin’ starving.” Seungcheol mutters; hopping out of the driver’s seat. “I think you’re just hungry, hyung.” Jeongguk offers, jogging up to the other male as they make their way to the doors.
Thankfully, the place seemed relatively empty for a Thursday night, a lone male standing at the front of the diner in a pastel coloured uniform.
“Hey! Welcome to Dynamite, my name’s Jun! Table for two?” Seungcheol nods slowly, eyes narrowing at the male who, for whatever reason, seemed familiar.
Jun picks up two menus, guiding them to a booth in the far corner of the diner. “We’re just a little understaffed tonight so I’ll also be your server tonight! Can I get you guys some water to start?” The two nod as they sit in the multi-coloured booth. “Hey, can I ask you something?” Jun blinks, nodding slowly as Seungcheol peers up at him from where he’s seated.
“I feel like I’ve met you? It’s weird. I’m pretty sure we’ve never met though…?” Seungcheol trails off, confused eyes meeting Jun’s. Jun wracks his brain, unsure, but feeling the same way. “I dunno, I feel the same but I’m pretty sure we never met. Maybe a past life thing?”
Jeongguk laughs, eyes too focused on the menu in front of him. “Oh, that’d be weird as fuck.”
“Anyway, I’ll come back with your water!” Jun walks away, leaving Seungcheol and Jeongguk to go through the menu.
“Hey, Seungcheol-hyung?”
“I know you said you’re usually busy on the weekends but I’m doing a PUBG stream on Saturday and was wondering if you wanted to hang? I asked Yoongi-hyung too and he’s coming over to drink and hang out.” Seungcheol’s lips press into a firm line, eyes burning holes into the menu in front of him.
Jeongguk was a video game streamer sometimes and his streaming schedule lined up with yours which is why Seungcheol almost never had a chance to watch or be a part of Jeongguk’s. “Um, what time is it at?”
“I’m thinking of streaming from like 6PM to midnight or somethin’. But you don’t have to be there the entire time! Just thought it’d be cool to hang out on the weekends for once.”
Seungcheol nods slowly, glancing up at Jeongguk who’s already staring back at him. “I can probably show up for a bit? I need to leave by 10 though, I, uh, sleep early sometimes.” He knows Jeongguk doesn’t buy it, but a smile paints itself onto the younger male’s face in an instant.
“Cool! Wow, didn’t think you’d say yes actually.”
The older male nods, a tight smile on his lips. Your cam schedule was almost always on time; Fridays, Saturdays, every other Monday, and every other Wednesday at 11PM. Sometimes you’d have surprise shows, like before, but you often kept to your schedule unless something important came up. “I know, I get so busy on the weekends, y’know?”
Jun comes back with their waters, setting them down on the table before fishing out a pad and paper to take their orders. “What are you doing on the weekends anyway? I feel like I’ve never asked directly but you never return my calls on Fridays and Saturdays.” Seungcheol freezes mid-order, hands gripping the laminated menu. “Um, and a cherry coke, please, thank you. And I told you ‘Guk, I… I just like to unwind on the weekends, I like to enjoy my quiet time so--so sometimes I just turn my phone off, y’know?.”
Jeongguk puts his order in with Jun who runs their order back before he walks off again. “Is working at the roller rink that bad? I know it can get wild sometimes but… are you thinking about quitting?”
In truth, Seungcheol had thought about it before when he was first starting out at the roller rink. But he also knew it paid too well for him to leave just yet. “Nah, just… it gets loud, y’know? I end up doing jobs around the place that I’m not qualified to do. And with Namjoon-hyung gone still, we’re shorthanded. I thought about picking up another job for some extra cash, but with what time?” Seungcheol grabs his glass of water, lips puckered around the plastic straw as he takes a sip.
“You should cam!”
Water sprays all over the table as Seungcheol sputters, choking on the liquid. “The---what!?” Jun runs over with a stack of pink tissues, helping to wipe up the water as Jeongguk stares from across the table with a wide grin. He waits until Jun leaves again; eyes fixated on Seungcheol and the crimson blush that coats his cheeks and ears. “It’d be easy money for you. You’re not exactly ugly, and you can cover your face!”
“Why exactly are you suggesting that!? Why’d you go straight for that!?” Seungcheol screams under his breath.
“Let’s be real, it’s crossed my mind so it’s probably crossed yours too. You can always just game too, but if you need cash quick y’know… And hey, I have some extra equipment so…” Jeongguk trails off, wiggling his eyebrows at Seungcheol suggestively.
Seungcheol had actually thought about that too. Maybe once or twice.
But after he’d spoken to you and found out just how difficult it really was to keep your viewers engaged and how difficult it was trying to find new ideas to bring to your cam show, he knew it wasn’t as easy as most people thought it’d be. You always put in extra effort in your cam shows and it was a whole production with effort and ideas. Sometimes it took you days to even come up with a theme for a show and sometimes it didn’t do as well as you’d hoped.
“Um, if I ever do, I’ll let you know ‘Guk.”
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Saturday comes sooner than Seungcheol knows and he’s antsy. He could barely even enjoy your cam show from the night prior knowing that he had to haul ass back home after Jeongguk’s stream. He plots out the drive home; times it just perfectly so he still has some spare time to relax before your show starts.
For a second, he wonders if it was the right decision or if he should’ve just stayed home like he normally did. But he quickly shakes the thoughts out of his head; glad to get out of his apartment and spend time with his friends on the weekends for once.
He makes it to Jeongguk’s place on time, a box of beer tucked under his arm when he knocks on the door. Shockingly, it’s Yoongi on the other end who greets him; a lopsided smile on his face as he ushers Seungcheol inside. “‘Guk was setting up so…”
“I brought more beer! He said you were spending the night on his sofa so drink all you want, hyung.” Yoongi nods, plopping back down onto the sofa as Seungcheol makes his way towards Jeongguk’s PC room.
The entire room is lined with LEDs, posters of anime and various video games lining all the spaces between the soundproofing pads that Jeongguk haphazardly attached to the wall.
“Yooo, how’s the setup coming?”
“I’m almost ready!”
It takes 20 more minutes of Jeongguk fiddling before he sits in his expensive gaming chair; Seungcheol close behind as he watches the younger male pull up the loading screen. “You’re not drinking, hyung?”
Seungcheol shakes his head, legs crossed as he leans back in the spare desk chair. “Nah, I drove here. Gotta be responsible, kid.” Jeongguk shakes his head, placing his headset and mic on before starting his stream.
“Hey guys! Welcome back to Golden Closet Gaming! I’m doing a PUBG stream tonight and one of my closest friends is here so if you hear him on the mic, that’s definitely not a ghost this time!” A concerned look crosses Seungcheol’s features but he laughs lightly. “Hey guys, I’m Seung---I’m, uh… I’m---SCOUPS!” He blurts out in a hurry; using his gaming username instead.
“And I’m your main player, JK!”
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Watching Jeongguk game so seriously is interesting for Seungcheol. They take a break an hour and a half into Jeongguk’s streaming session to get food and drinks; immediately going back to the PC room right after.
But it makes Seungcheol wonder what it was like on your end to always be alone filming in your bedroom to thousands of people in such an intimate setting. For a second, it makes him sad, wondering if you ever felt lonely after your shows were over. Or if you were so tired and could barely take care of yourself.
I would’ve gladly been the one to take care of you after your shows, he thinks.
“Fuck you too, asshole! Get the fuck out!”
Jeongguk’s screaming brings him out of his sad thoughts; a brow raised as he peers at the screen. How the younger male had the energy to game for so long was beyond him sometimes.
“Uhhh anyway comments are asking what I should stream next week? I dunno, give me some ideas? Not the SIMS again though...” Jeongguk mutters. “Oh, j__min said I should play The Last of Us?”
The name has Seungcheol perking up in an instant, leaning over Jeongguk’s shoulder as his eyes dance over the comments.
j__min: bro u were supposed to stream that like 4 streams ago, wtf 
seokGENIE: its a good game tho, id be interested in seeing how badly u do
j__min: actually yea me too lmao
Seungcheol’s eyes narrow slightly. Surely it couldn’t be? He thinks. The typing style wasn’t the same at all but the username was, which sent Seungcheol’s mind into a frenzy at the possibility.
But unfortunately for Seungcheol, Jeongguk launches into another match which means he had to wait another time to ask about it. He notes it mentally, making sure to get answers as soon as he can.
10PM comes sooner than Seungcheol expects and he lets Jeongguk know when it’s 9:50PM and while they’re in the middle of a break that he needs to go.
“Damn, where did time go? But okay, hyung! Sorry we didn’t really talk and I just gamed the entire time but maybe next time we can actually do something else? Go out for drinks maybe?” He shoots the older male his best puppy eyes until Seungcheol sighs and gives in, nodding as he fishes for his car keys.
“I’ll see you at work, okay?”
Seungcheol waves at Yoongi still glued to the sofa; a tiny wave of his own as he wishes Seungcheol a safe drive home.
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He makes it home at exactly 10:32PM, toeing his shoes off before shucking off his jacket and tossing it onto the back of the sofa. He shuffles to the kitchen and grabs a few beers out of the fridge; already downing two entire bottles before he even makes it to his PC.
The buzz feels good when he sits down, taking a swig of his third bottle as he boots up his computer. In the meantime, he checks his phone, scrolling through apps and deleting notifications.
A text pops up at the top of his phone’s screen.
babygirl 🍒 : see u soon :)
Seungcheol smirks; ego inflated knowing that he was the only one getting that text message.
He checks the clock, 10:56PM, and loads up your profile, simultaneously finishing off his third can of beer since he’d gotten home.
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For whatever reason, you’re nervous when you finally sit down in front of your camera setup tonight. You adjust your baby pink lace bra that Seungcheol had gotten you; a cherry blush on your cheeks as the giddiness pours over you.
Checking the clock, you notice it’s already 10:59PM, finger hovering over the ‘rec’ button before pressing it.
It takes a second before the comments already start flooding in; the sound of donations and comments flying across the screen in an instant.
“Whoa~ You guys are so eager tonight, huh? Already so many donations! Thank you!” You shift slightly onto your side, biting your lip. “We’re already so close to the minimum donations for me to start… what’s up with you guys?”
tangerine_kwan: I’m so glad to see u, yesterday was not enough
therealchan99: fuckin talk abt it dude, i almost quit my job im stressed i need to see u princess
dom.cheol has donated $500
dom.cheol: fuck, baby i need to see your pretty lil pussy already i’m so fuckin hard
Your eyes go wide with Seungcheol’s massive donation. He usually waited until you were mid-show or towards the end to donate such huge amounts of money and yesterday he seemed relatively quiet during your show. It threw you off slightly, but you just assumed he might’ve just been going through some things at the time. “Seems like you guys had a rough week, huh?”
xcaliburDK: gOD u dont even know, ur literally my stress relief, beautiful
kitty_junjun: yea i just started working at a new place and its… weird, just glad to be off today
Pouting at the camera, you lean in a little closer. “Hmm, guess I should start then, shouldn’t I~? Since you all seem like you need a ‘lil escape~”
gentleman_josh95 has donated $45
sleepy_wonu has donated $70
sleepy_wonu: please put us out of our misery, baby
You can’t help but giggle, sliding the bra straps down your shoulders before you unhook the material and toss it to the other side of the bed. “This cute setup didn’t last very long this time! Should I upload some pics later to my private room?”
alphagyu97: plz
chwenon: yes yes yes lewds plz
“Okay~” You pause, fingertips hooked onto the sides of your panties. “I actually… wanted to try a new toy…” You murmur, shyness taking over as you slowly slide your already wet panties down your thighs. Sitting back down, you slide them off completely before you place them next to you, glancing at the comments as you cross your ankles.
artist8hao: wait was that…
universe_WZ: i think so
hoshi_tiger_xx: plz plz plz let us seeeeee
dom.cheol has donated $200
dom.cheol: spread your legs, sweetheart. Let daddy see.
You clench your teeth at the arousal that pools in your lower abdomen; shaky legs parting towards the camera. Squirming slightly, the plug that you had eased into your ass shifts, making you mewl at the feeling. You’d tried using your fingers in the past, but by far, the toy was the biggest you’d used yet.
“I--I… I bought this toy m-myself ‘cause I wanted to… wa--wanted to… start learning how to t-take cock in my ass too…”
The way you sit on the bed has the toy fully seated inside of you, toes curling against the bed sheets as your hazy eyes flit to the camera. “I dunno how long I’m gonna last, it feels so good~” You moan, grinding against the sheets underneath you.
angelhan has donated $150
angelhan: i’m begging please, panty stuffing
You bite your lip, eyes dancing over to the lace material sitting next to you. “Hmm~ I don’t think I’ve ever done that on my show before… Should I try it?” You ask cutely, flashing the camera a cheeky smile. The donations pour in like rain; the pinging making your stream lag for a second as it tries to keep up.
dom.cheol has donated $400
tangerine_kwan has donated $100
dom.cheol: fuck, sweetheart lets see you get those panties fucking soaked
universe_WZ has donated $200
“Guess we have our answer?” You laugh airily, reading a few of the comments that were basically begging you to.
Spreading your legs as wide as you can, you maneuver yourself against your pillows; grabbing the lacy material. You quickly adjust the camera with a remote, zooming in until it’s focused on your soaking folds. “Ngh, I’m already so fuckin’ wet… this plug is really making me feel so full~”
dom.cheol: i bet your cute lil ass could barely take my fuckin cock huh
“Mmh, is daddy gonna fuck my ass and make me cum nice and hard?”
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yes, yes yes, god yes!
Seungcheol could die right now and be happy.
He wraps a hand around his cock, hips shallowly thrusting up into his closed fist as he watches you run your own fingertips through your wet folds before you sink two of them into your tight pussy. His eyes flutter shut, the image of himself fucking your tight ass as you whine and beg for his cum dancing behind his eyelids.
The alcohol in his body has him on edge even quicker; the grip he has on his cock loosening so he doesn’t cum as quickly.
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“A-ah… g--guess it’s time to try this…” You whisper, reaching for the lacy panties. You drag the material up your thigh teasingly, swinging it around your wet fingertips before you place it against your entrance.
You take a deep breath, slowly pushing the panties into your pussy.
tangerine_kwan: oh my god oh my god
alphagyu97: fuck thsts so hot fuck
angelhan: spread your legs more, please god
Your lust filled eyes glance towards the comments, shakily spreading your legs as far as they can go. “O-oh god it--it feels suh--so good…” You mewl, pressing the material further and further into your pussy.
“It’s d-different but… but it’s--it’s--mmh!” 
You’re cumming before you know it, toes curling against the sheets as you cum around the toy in your ass and your fingers and panties deep inside your pussy.
Your legs threaten to clamp shut in an instant, which you fight off; the sound of donations and coins clinking flooding your eardrums. “I--fuh--fuck, I--I didn’t know I was gonna c-cum from that!” You let out a breathy laugh, moaning as you continue to push the panties inside of you until the fabric is completely gone from the camera’s view.
chwenon: now will u sell those
hoshi_tiger_xx: please once again i am begging I AM BEGGING
“Aww~ I wish I could… but you guys know my rules~” You pout; body warm and fuzzy after your first, unexpected orgasm. “God, I didn’t… I really didn’t know that’d make me cum so easily~”
dom.cheol: fuck sweetheart, your cute lil cunt cums so fuckin easily
“I know~ I have such a greedy pussy… Always want something filling me up…” You wink at the camera, reaching for a toy that was out of view. “I have another toy~ hehe, tonight is just full of new things, huh?”
You show the toy off to the camera, shifting so that you're on your knees instead. “It looks like a regular dildo right? But it’s full of cum! Not real cum anyway, but cum lube… It’s not the same but it’ll have to do for now~”
therealchan99: oh fuck oh god
sleepy_wonu: aww is the princess gonna let it cum in her cute ass?
artist8hao has donated $75
kitty_junjun has donated $50
dom.cheol: lets see that ass fuckin take all that cock baby
dom.cheol: let it cum in ur pretty lil hole
dom.cheol: fuck
You zoom your camera back out, turning to your side enough so that you could still see your monitor but also still be in frame. “Yeah? Does daddy wanna see how a good girl takes cock in her ass?” Moaning, you reach behind you, fingers on the end of the plug as you slowly pull it out. The stretch makes your back arch slightly; legs trembling when the larger part of the toy finally breaches past the puckered muscle.
The sudden emptiness only makes you reach for the dildo faster, covering it with lube before you place it against your ass. “D’you think I can take it?”
tangerine_kwan: i kno u can baby
sleepy_wonu: yes eys yes
dom.cheol: daddy knows u can, sweetheart
You place the toy at your puckered hole, biting your lip and telling yourself to relax before you slowly start easing it into your ass. “O-oh fuck…” You had made sure the toy was on the smaller size since it was your first time but the stretch of it still had your body tensing up almost immediately.
It takes a long and torturous minute until the toy is fully seated in your ass; body buzzing at the sensation. “G-god it--fuck, it feels even better than the plug~” You whine, maneuvering until you were sitting down on the toy completely.
You let your body adjust to the new feeling for a moment before you’re bouncing on the dildo, loud cries and garbled moans spilling from your lips. The new feeling has you chasing your high insanely fast; tuning out the comments and noises as you focus on your own pleasure.
Your mind can’t help but imagine Seungcheol again; his hands roaming your skin and his deep voice growling filthy praises into your ear as he fucks you from behind. You clench around the toy and the panties still in your pussy, wrecked sobs on your lips at the thought.
Before Seungcheol, you always imagined nameless hands on your body or even resorted to thinking about other videos you’d seen to help get you off. Some days it was harder and some days you were cumming in under five minutes. But now that Seungcheol had a name and face to you, it was impossible for you to imagine anyone else fucking you.
“Shi---it, I--I wanna cum!”
dom.cheol: already? Fuckin greedy lil ass
dom.cheol: cum, sweetheart. Let daddy cum in ur tight ass too
universe_WZ has donated $100
alphagyu97 has donated $75
You alternate from bouncing on the dildo to swiveling your hips; reaching a free hand down to rub circles around your swollen clit. “Already? Can I cum?” You whisper, mind already a puddle of goo now that you were so close.
kitty_junjun: cum
xcaliburDK: cum
chwenon: cum
dom.cheol: you heard them, sweetheart. Cum. Now.
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Seungcheol’s grip on his cock tightens after he sends the comment; growls spilling from his lips as he watches you bounce on the toy. His cock throbs in his hold, already feeling himself just as close to his orgasm as you were to yours.
“Fu--fuck I’m cumming! D---daddy!” You cry, slamming yourself down onto the toy as you cum hard. Seungcheol bites his lip to keep in his own screams; streaks of cum landing on his shirt and jeans as he works himself through his own orgasm.
He tries to keep his eyes focused on you in the midst of his orgasm, watching as you squeeze the base of the dildo until the cum inside starts to pour into your ass. “O--oh god!” You mewl, still thrusting the toy into your ass.
Seungcheol’s mouth goes dry when you reach a shaky hand between your legs, fingertips dipping into your pussy and pulling the soaked lace until half of it is in view of the camera. His grip on his cock tightens, moans on his lips when you then slowly start pulling the dildo out of your ass; the fake lube immediately spilling out of your ass and onto the bed sheets and sliding down onto the panties.
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universe_WZ: oh my god oh ymg f
xcaliburDK: eyeeeeeee
kitty_junjun: i
You push the fake cum out, soft cries on your lips as the last bits of your orgasm roll through your body. The fake cum feels slightly cold which sends a shiver up your spine as it drips down your legs.
“Mmh… god that---that was intense…” You mumble, upper body slumping against the sheets.
You reach a hand between your legs again, making sure you’re in the camera’s view when you tug on the panties again; this time pulling them all the way out as you groan.
alphagyu97: if ur not selling those can it be a giveaway
alphagyu97: make it a raffle
You toss the soiled fabric to the side, mindful of the puddle of fake cum soaking into the sheets as you readjust your tired self in front of the camera. “You guys really want these, huh?” You laugh, responding to a few other stray comments asking for the soaked material. Your entire body is tingling from all the new sensations, mind going a mile a minute with the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Slumping forward, you thank your viewers again, yawning as you stretch out. “I think I need a bubble bath now~ ‘m so messy!”
hoshi_tiger_xx: we love a messy girl ;)
therealchan99: fuck yea we do
Letting a few more viewers leave donations, you start saying your goodbyes; wishing everyone a good weekend before you blow a kiss to the camera and sign off.
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Seungcheol sends one last donation of $550, jaw clenched and cock still throbbing.
He reaches for his phone on instinct, opening your text window. Pausing, he grins. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system but he opens his camera app, flipping it so that it’s on him as he snaps picture after picture of his cum covered torso and his free hand still wrapped around his hard cock.
Smirking, he opens your text window again, thumb dancing across the keyboard with renewed energy.
‘fuck, princess. your fuckin show got me so hard. those panties were fuckin soaking from how much u liked getting ur ass fucked huh? I bet i could get u to cum just from me fuckin your cute lil ass... probably wouldnt even need to touch ur clit or fuck your cunt to get your tight walls cummin for me. but ur a greedy lil thing arent u? probably would still want a toy to keep that pussy nice n sated. fuck, im still hard even tho i already came once.’
He hits send before he thinks twice, quickly attaching a few of his own pictures before he locks his phone and tosses it onto his desk.
Seungcheol’s body is sensitive from his first orgasm still, but his hips thrust up into his closed palm again; head leaning up against the headrest as he lets out harsh breaths. His eyes flutter shut, eyelashes tickling his skin.
This time his imagination runs wild; hands tangled in your hair while he tugs on it, forcing your back straight against his chest as he fucks into you hard and fast. He imagines your sweet voice begging him to let you cum, walls tight around his cock when you fall apart on it.
“Fuck!” He cums hard, body rigid as his free hand digs into the armrest and the air is knocked out of his lungs.
Seungcheol vaguely hears his phone pinging in the background; mind hazy as the waves of his orgasm wash over his body.
When he starts to come down, he slumps against the chair, sleepiness already taking over with his two orgasms and the alcohol still in his system. He mentally makes a note to get rid of his soiled clothes another time, tiredly reaching for his phone.
He stares at it through his blurry vision, barely making out your name before he blinks the tiredness away enough to read your message.
babygirl 🍒: hehe~ does daddy want my panties then? i’ll gladly give them to u if u want them~ 😚
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too-kinky-to-live · 3 years
happy vo.re day everyone!!! here’s my cringe fic to commemorate :-) 
(no ao3 link this time im too self conscious) 
this idea came about while talking to the lovely @chili-kinks and they made this in conjunction with my fic so please check them out!!
anyway this fic features pre.game oum.asai and soft, same size vo.re, you have been warned. also bad words
The screen cut to a large Monokuma towering over the latest blackened, a small blonde girl with a long pigtail. The demonic bear picked up the girl and began to lick all over as she struggled in his grasp. Slowly lifting her above his head, Monokuma bent his head back and opened the gates of hell: his half-fanged mouth, with drool beginning to form around it. The girl was screaming and flailing about as she was lowered further down to her demise. Monokuma’s fist released her without effort, the blackened dropping right into his gaping maw. It slammed shut with a metal clang, and the bear gave a loud, deafening gulp. 
Saihara’s eyes were glued to the T.V., in a more intense manner than usual. What a cruel way to go, even for Danganronpa standards. He had many ideas about his own execution someday, but this… this was definitely one to consider. He could only imagine how she felt wriggling around in his large belly, put to an eternal sleep with a comforting blanket of warmth. His shaky hands moved to text his boyfriend Ouma, who sadly couldn’t make it to their weekly Danganronpa viewing because of heaps of school projects. He knew Ouma was more into the mystery aspect of the show than the gruesome killings, but he simply couldn’t resist. 
Saihara: omgomgomg did you see the latest episode???
Ouma: I did. I had it on in the background so I could work. 
Saihara: what did you think of the execution? :D
Ouma: It was… something. Unexpected, definitely. 
It was difficult for the taller boy to contain his fantasizing, to say the least. 
Saihara: i love the way she was screaming for dear life,,, it was soooo satisfying in the end! god i wish i were monokuma… tasting a victim would be so worth ittt
Ouma: Uh, Saihara?
Saihara: yea?
Ouma: I think you should go to bed. You have school tomorrow. And… you’re scaring me a little. 
Saihara: sorry kichi… but fiiiine ill see you tomorrow.
The last thing he wanted was to make Ouma uncomfortable. And he was a man of his word, he’d take his advice and get to bed. However, there was one thing he wanted to try first. Rummaging around in his snack drawer, he found a small bag of Monokuma-themed gummy bears. He couldn’t stop thinking about having something whole run down his throat… and what better way to do it than try on a small candy? He frantically opened the bag and plucked out a red gummy. Dangling it above his drooling maw, he licked his lips. 
“My first victim… down the hatch!” 
He shoved the gummy in his mouth and had to stop himself from chewing. Positioning it for swallowing, he let it slide down his throat with a hard gulp. Saihara traced a hand over his chest to feel it going down to his stomach, shivering slightly. What an amazing feeling… he couldn’t chew these ever again! He happily shoved more in his mouth and gulped them down, pretending they were meek little prey against his predatory might. 
Saihara tossed the bag aside and rubbed his belly blissfully. One day, maybe he could have a person inside him. Despite his affinity for Danganronpa, he could never bring himself to kill someone. He was going to rely on Team Danganronpa’s directors to change that for him. No, he merely wanted someone in his belly for a while, just to feel what it’s like. 
Surely a normal human like him couldn’t achieve that, right? 
Only one way to find out. 
Ouma looked on nervously as Saihara effortlessly swallowed half a sandwich whole. His previous victims included sushi, apple slices, candy, cookies, and brownies. It was almost inhuman how the taller boy could open his mouth to fit a seemingly endless array of food. 
"Saihara, you're gonna make yourself sick."
Saihara simply chuckled. "I'll be fine, 'Kichi." 
The smaller boy knew Saihara had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Danganronpa, but he never would have imagined it would affect him this much. Despite how unnatural it was, Ouma couldn't help his morbid curiosity. He couldn't deny how interesting the latest execution was (no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise), and a small part of him absolutely loved watching Saihara scarf down food and seeing it travel down his throat. 
Nope, he definitely didn't enjoy this. 
Every so often, the taller boy would lift his food above him and slowly ease it into his mouth, as if to simulate eating a person. Ouma was immensely thankful the other patrons of the cafe were ignoring them. Maybe this sudden fascination would fade once the next Danganronpa episode came out; but with Saihara, anything was possible. 
Saihara: hey could you come over today? i wanna try something. 
Two weeks later, Ouma received a rather unceremonious text from Saihara one night. 
Ouma: Sure. What is it you want to try? 
Saihara: i don't think i can say over text
Ouma furrowed his brow, his mind racing to the absolute worst possible scenarios. Did something happen between him and his uncle again? 
Ouma: ...why not? 
Saihara: i just can't i'm sorry 
Saihara: pls come over asap 
Ouma: Alright.
It was unsettling how vague his friend was being, and that made him all the more worried. He hurriedly packed his things and ran to Saihara's house. 
The two sat across from each other on the floor in Saihara’s room, neither saying a word. The taller boy had his eyes cast down, deep in thought with Ouma left to wonder just what the hell happened to him. The air was unnerving, and Ouma couldn’t take it anymore.
“Are you okay, Saihara?”
The boy in question took a second to look up at him, meeting his eyes with an emotionless face Ouma had not seen in him before. 
“Do you remember the episode where the girl got eaten alive?”
“I… I want to try it out. I’ve been practicing so I could make it happen.”
Saihara couldn’t possibly think this would work, right? Humans aren’t capable of eating each other without… killing the other. Ouma shuddered. 
“Saihara,” he spoke slowly. “Do you really think you can do this? I mean, Danganronpa is just fiction after all… and one of us wouldn’t s-survive,” his voice began to quiver. 
The taller boy sat up slightly and looked at Ouma with soft eyes. “I won’t let that happen. I’ve been looking stuff up. I’ve been training myself. And… you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” 
Part of Ouma didn’t want to. That part was constantly pushing the fact that this could end up very bad. However, another part slowly began to rise up - the feeling of being the closest he can to the one he has a crush on. And of course, there was that naughty side of him thrilled at the idea. 
“...I’ll do it.”
Saihara’s eyes lit up. “Really?!”
“I trust you. And, well, I’m kinda curious too.” 
Hearing Ouma have mutual feelings to this weird activity made Saihara’s heart race. The smaller boy began to remove his clothing, too embarrassed to make eye contact with his crush. Saihara finally noticed how bony Ouma was. He’d make sure to get him a proper meal later. Ouma removed everything but his boxers, feeling somewhat self-conscious and looking away with a blush. 
“Could you uh, close your eyes while I do this? I don’t think I could make eye contact with you.”
Ouma complied and Saihara inched his way towards him, shaking slightly. Ouma trusted him. He wasn’t about to let that be for nothing. Raising himself above Ouma’s head, Saihara opened his maw until it became unhinged. He gently bit down on the smaller boy’s head of hair. The flavor was a sweet grape with a bit of lavender, which made Saihara drool slightly. He couldn’t help but smile in bliss as he took more of the boy in. He felt Ouma flinch a bit, so he brought his hands to Ouma’s arms and rubbed for reassurance. The smaller boy calmed down and Saihara reached his shoulders. 
Perhaps it was Ouma’s smaller stature, but this was going a lot easier than Saihara had anticipated. He wanted to lick at him to get more of his sweet flavor, but he didn’t want to gross him out. He also wished he could ask how Ouma was holding up, but, well… he was a bit preoccupied. As Saihara reached the smaller boy’s torso, he realized the boy had entered his stomach. He was already feeling full, but there was no going back now. He took a hand off of Ouma to rub his belly, his hand gliding over the dent created in it. Reaching Ouma’s boxers wasn’t nearly as thrilling of a milestone, since his taste was interrupted by bland fabric. 
He picked up the pace and shoved the covered part of Ouma’s body down his gullet. He mentally apologized for being so rough. Resuming the wonderful taste of Ouma, he slid down his spindly legs. All that remained was below the knees, and those were consumed just as quickly. Saihara could feel Ouma squirming a bit to get comfortable, and that’s when the true euphoria started. 
It felt fucking amazing. 
It was everything he hoped it would be. He leaned back and let an arm support him from behind, using the other to support the massive weight added to him. His stomach stretched past his knees with many bumps protruding from it. Red-faced, Saihara panted heavily with his tongue lavishly hanging out. God, this was so worth it. He rubbed around to feel for Ouma, who was surprisingly calm during the whole ordeal. 
He opened his mouth to ask Ouma how he was doing, but a massive belch burst from his lips instead. The smaller boy, meanwhile, was fumbling around trying to make out his surroundings in the dark. His body was drenched in saliva; but strangely, no stomach acid was present. The world quaked around him as Saihara let out a loud burp, and Ouma found it hard to be grossed out given his current circumstances. 
“Are you *urp* okay, ‘Kichi?” 
Saihara’s hand found Ouma’s head between the fleshy wall separating them, and Ouma couldn’t help but lean into the touch. He never saw himself in the stomach of his crush, yet here he was. 
“I’m okay. It feels… really nice,” he blushed, accentuated with a small rub to the stomach walls. He was amazed at how elastic Saihara’s stomach was, he hoped he wasn’t putting too much strain on it. 
“Haah… I’m great, ‘Kichi! The best I’ve ever felt, actually! You tasted incredible,” he grinned, licking his lips. 
Suddenly, the buttons on his dress shirt holding on for dear life relented and popped right off, exposing his large belly. That was… pretty hot, Saihara realized. Ouma started to rub more of the walls surrounding him, causing Saihara to moan rather loudly. He was a complete mess around his crush, but it was just too difficult to contain his bliss. 
“Saihara, why aren’t there any stomach acids yet?” 
The taller boy gave his belly a gentle pat. “I found recipes online for drinks that *hic* could subdue stomach acids for a bit. It looks *hic* like they worked pretty *hic* well, huh?” 
Ouma smiled and let himself lean back into the warm stomach walls. 
“You’ll let me out when I’m ready, right?” he asked tiredly. 
“Of course,” Saihara whispered, rubbing Ouma’s head.
“Thank you, Saihara.”
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
The Photographer // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
So I made a one-shot based off of the picture down here!
Word count ~ 3.1k
Summary - y/n is a celebrity photographer, and Matthew's birthday is coming up. This calls for a birthday shoot.
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Ever since I was in sixth grade, I dreamed of being a photographer. But back then, I was just taking candid pictures of my cat (Peanut Butter), and random flowers that my mom had graciously planted for me. I really never planned on taking nice, professional pictures of people.
But here I was.
I went to 'California College of Arts' in San Francisco for 4 years. After that, I had a bit of trouble getting myself out there. I had a decent following on my instagram. People liked the pictures of my dog, and the pictures of nature that I took on my many travels. But likes and follows don't get you money, at least not enough. So I switched my focus onto more interesting things.
Advertising yourself as a photographer wasn't an easy task. You had to be ruthless, and be willing to get rejected and not back down. So I did what any semi-sane person would do.
I messaged over 50 celebrities asking of they wanted to do a shoot with me. I sent them my prices, and what kinds of shoots I was willing to do. I didn't have much hope for it, but it was worth a try.
And that's where it began.
Out of all of the messages, Andrew Lincoln, AKA Rick from The Walking Dead messaged me back.
*Hello Miss y/l/n! I've actually seen quite a few of your nature shots and I have always wondered how your photos would turn out with people. I would love to be your Guinea Pig.*
He sent me days he was available and I did his shoot. After posting his pictures, my popularity shot from there.
That was a few years ago, I was now taking photos for multiple celebrities. I was ultimately known for my black and white shoots. I had, in fact, just gotten done with a shoot of A.J. Cook. She had requested *me* to take her pictures for an up and coming article that was being written about her. I, of course, gratefully said yes, being a huge fan of hers, along with the whole Criminal Minds cast.
I emailed her all of the pictures I had taken, edited and all, while simultaneously posting them on my instagram.
It was mere hours later before a notification popped up on my phone of an email that I could not believe. Theres no way that he was emailing me, right?
*You have an Email from Matthew Gray Gubler*
*Hi there! I saw your shoot on AJ's instagram and my birthday is coming up. My manager wants me to do a birthday shoot, and we both like your black and white style. I know it's not usually the kind of thing you, birthdays, do but I figured it was worth a shot, and I think you have some real talent. Let me know when you are free next. I am on a break so my schedule is relatively flexible.*
I could safely say that it was a good thing that I lived alone because I don't think I have ever screamed louder into a pillow. Matthew has been one of my favorite celebrities for the longest time. If we were going to be completely honest, once I started watching Criminal Minds, I immediately had a crush on him. This wasn't exactly the profession to be in if you were going to have a celebrity crush. I was often invited to red carpets and movie premiers, so I met quite a few stars. I never thought I would have to worry about slipping up on my professionalism.
Because I never thought I would even meet him.
My obvious answer to his request was yes. I would never *ever* miss an opportunity to have a photoshoot with someone so inspiring and meaningful to me. So I started writing an email back.
*Hi Matthew!*
Should I address him like that? Is that unprofessional?
*Hi Mr. Gubler*
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
*Hi Matthew!* We are gonna stick with that. *I don't know if this is too short of a notice, but I actually have a free spot tomorrow. (Of course if that doesn't work for you, I can figure something out for later, and try to fit it in before your birthday). I have a few ideas for props that I can send you? Let me know how I can help.*
I sent it and ran my hands through my hair, tossing my phone back onto my comforter. I had taken pictures of so many awesome celebrities:
• Selena Gomez
• Robert Downey Jr.
• Dylan O'Brien
• Grant Gustin
• Holland Roden
• Danai Gurira
But this was by far the coolest one, in my mind at least.
While waiting a little to anxiously for a reply, I decided I was going to make myself some lunch, Ramen. I set my phone on the counter as I boiled my noodles, peering over at the blank screen every few seconds (but really they felt like **minutes**).
Just as I was adding the flavour packet to the bowl my phone buzzed. I jumped slightly, spilling part of the packet out of the bowl.
"Damnit." I quickly wiped the salt into the trash can and snatched my phone, seeing another email.
*Tomorrow is actually perfect, and I would love to hear your recommendations on props, clothes, anything really. I'm going to leave my number on this email so we can have easier contact of that's okay with you.*
Wow, alright. I will now have Matthew Gray Gublers number in my phone. I made a contact for him.
**It's y/n, soooo for props. I figured I could bake you a cake! I took a few baking electives in college so I could make a really nice one and we can do something with it. I recommend you bring clothes you like to wear that are black and white. (Other colors work too, but it just looks and flows better if it's black and white). I will set the rest of the stuff up. I will be ready for you by 1 pm if that's okay.**
*You would bake me a cake?! That would be super cool thank you! I would love that. I will bring a few black and white outfits. Would it be weird if I brought a black and white Kimono?*
A chance to see Matthew in a kimono? Please yes.
**Oh my gosh please do. I would love to take pictures of you in an infamous kimono of yours.**
*Awesome! I will see you tomorrow at 1. Heres my managers info for you to sell the billing to.*
He attatched his managers email. I just sat at my kitchens island, smiling like a true dork at my phone.
**And here is my address, I run the studio at my house. What is your favorite cake and icing by the way? :)**
Was a smiley face unprofessional?
I need to chill out.
*Vanilla cake and chocolate frosting possibly? I will eat anything though probably. :)*
Now I was really smiling at my phone like a psycho idiot.
**Alrighty, see you tomorrow**
Since I didn't want to wake up too early tomorrow, I decided I was going to start the cake tonight. I had quite a few recipes held in my cabinets. I located my vanilla cake recipe and put my pre-made chocolate frosting on the counter.
After about an hour of preparing, making a cake from scratch, and putting it in the oven. The cake was finally done and cooled. I added black cocoa to the frosting to make it completely black and got out my white gel.
*You made it 3 decades :)*
Was scrawled in calligraphy on the top of the cylindrical cake. I added white drips down the sides and white multi shaped sprinkles to the bottom part.
I set it in my fridge and got ready for bed. I know it's going to be hard to sleep just thinking about tomorrow.
My alarm woke me up at 10 am, never before this had I woke up with a smile on my face before 12.
I took a quick shower and dressed in a white and blue floral romper with my hair in a high ponytail. Now it was time to set up backgrounds for the shoot.
I had two stations downstairs where I took all my photos. I set the first one up very normal with a white background and a rustic black stool. The second one was set up with another white background but littered with black streamers and big *30* black and white speckled balloons strung at the top.
Once I was done with all that. It was nearing 1. I slipped the cake out of the fridge and slid it onto my island. I glanced up at the clock above my stove.
Since I just had a little bit of time, I went a put some simple makeup on. I usually don't wear makeup when taking pictures of people, but for obvious reasons, I was making an exception.
Just as I was leaving my bathroom I heard a knock at my door. I walked swiftly to my door and opened it shakily.
"Hi!" He held up the clothes that were hung lazily over his arm. He smiled that million dollar smile and I could have sworn he looked me up and down.
Wishful thinking I guess.
"Welcome!" I stepped out of the doorway, silently inviting him in. "If you wanna set your stuff down, those stairs to the right lead you down the the studio."
"Thanks." He scurried down the stairs as I grabbed the cake and followed him down. I set it on a table that I had down there, he peered over at it and immediately burst into fits of laughter.
"I knew you had a sense of humor, so why put something normal and boring on the cake." I laughed with him as he tried to catch his breath.
"This is so perfect." He laughed a little more. "Thank you, so much." I shrugged with a smile. I posed him in front of the streamers with the cake.
He made some silly faces and smiled like there was no tomorrow. Next I brought him to the more plain station, sitting him on the stool. I looked through the lenses of the camera and glared a bit.
"Hey can you put your left leg up on the second peg of the stool?" I asked, pointing to his leg.
"This one?" He put it on the third. I shook my head. "This one?" He moved it down the the fourth. He was smiling a sly smile, seemingly challenging me.
"Let me do it for you." I had to pose people often, but posing him was going to be a little harder for me, considering I found him painfully attractive.
I moved his leg up to the second one and patted it.
"Now leave it there, so I don't have to help you again." I giggled, walking back to my camera. Taking a picture of him leaning forward on the stool and smiling. I then made him laugh and got a good genuine one of him leaning back and laughing. After all that, I proposed that we eat some cake and took a break.
I cut him a slice and handed it to him with a smile.
"So, tell me about yourself." He said, eating a bite of his cake.
"Well, I have always enjoyed photography. I love all types of art, so I also draw and paint often. And I have a black cat upstairs. His name is-" and I stopped, blood rushing to my cheeks. He is most certainly going to ask me the name, and I do not want to tell him.
He stared at me expectantly. "What is his name?" He motioned me to go on.
"Uh," I laughed a little awkwardly, setting my hands in my lap and staring at them. "His name is Spencer. As in Spencer Reid..." I glanced up at him and saw a huge grin break out on his face.
"So you like Criminal Minds? I never would have guessed. You just don't seem the type."
"Well all my memorabilia is in my room, just so people don't think I'm weird for having quite a few framed and signed posters." I smiled up at him, pushing around the remaining cake crumbs on my plate.
"One, That's not weird, that's awesome. Two, can I please meet Spencer and take pictures with him in my kimono."
I don't think I have ever heard a better sentence in my entire life.
"Yes, absolutely! I'll go get him." I clunked up the stairs on my search to find Spencer. I went to his usual spot first, my bed. Luckily he was sitting there, licking his outstretched foot. "Hi baby! You are about to take pictures with the guy you are named after. He almost as cute as you!" I grabbed him from the bed an headed back downstairs. I walked in with the accidental impeccable timing to see Matthew in his barely tied kimono, showing off his chest. My eyes widened a bit and he tied it off fully.
"Is this the famous Spencer?! He is so cute!" He reached his arms out at Spencer. My little fluff ball curled up into him instantly, cuddling into his silky kimono.
We took many many pictures of Spencer and Matthew together. I think maybe my cat likes him more than he likes me now.
"Okay, last idea. How about we just take some more up close pictures of me feeding you some cake?" It came put as a question because I didn't know how comfortable he would be with it.
"Perfect!" I cut another slice of the cake and brought it over to him. We were both sitting on the floor.
"This might be a little awkward, okay?" I giggled as I leaned back to get his whole face in the shot. This proved to be very difficult as I was using my left hand to take the picture. I fed him the cake with the right as he looked at the camera with a more seductive look. I could have melted into the floor.
I decided to switch hands so I could take the photos better, but now my very uncoordinated hand was the one picking up the cake. As I went down to get another section of the cake for another angle of feeding this sculpture of a man, I instead dipped my thumb right into the deep black frosting.
"Shit, I'm so sorry hold on." As I went to stand up and grab a napkin to wipe my thumb off, Matthew grabbed my wrist lightly.
"Hold on, uh, I have an idea, before you do anything." I sat down with a confused look. "I saw someone do this in another shoot. But we totally don't have to do it. I just thought it would be a different idea." His words were more rushed than usual.
"I'm sure I've done weirder things for other shoots, don't worry. It's *your* shoot." I reassured him, though my head was swimming wondering what he was going to do.
"Ok. So. What I'm going to do is put your thumb in my mouth, and I'm basically gonna, uh, suck on it while kinda smiling?" He could barely get through the whole thing without laughing.
"Alright, weird request but I like it!" I giggled for what seemed like the 30th time today. "And to make you feel better, yes, I have done weirder."
"Thank God."
"So I am guessing you want me to do something like this with the rest of my hand, ya know, the part that's not in your mouth." I stated as I placed my hand on his cheek. He let a slow breath out, staring into my eyes.
"Yeah, exactly."
"Okay." I said with a shrug, grabbing my camera from the ground. He opened his mouth with an all too familiar wide grin as I placed my thumb in. His mouth closed around it and he smiled, just a little. I brought my camera to my face, capturing the moment that I would have forever in my mind and in a small frame on my bedroom wall, for sure.
I slipped my thumb from his mouth and watched as his face turned extremely red. To save him embarrassment, I immediately stood up and grabbed a napkin to wipe the rest of the frosting off.
"Can I see it?" He motioned to the camera. I nodded, sitting down right beside him, showing him the picture. It showed off a closer look at the rose tattoos I had near my wrists and the shiny watch that was gifted to me by my mom. "It turned out good! I really hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"Oh no! Of course not. Total opposite." As soon as I said that I regretted it.
"So that made you extremely comfortable?" A sly smile was making it's way onto his face.
"That's, that's not- You know what? Sure, yes." I chuckled. "You don't really make me uncomfortable at all to be honest. So no, you didn't make me uncomfortable."
"Well I'm glad." He smiled and we sat in silence for a moment.
"Well I guess that's it yeah?" He nodded. "Well this was fun. Thanks for being an excellent subject to take pictures of."
He gathered his stuff as we went back upstairs. Once at the door, Spencer came up to him, rubbing on his leg. He bent over to pet him.
"So, I'm not sure if you are single or not." I could feel the blood draining from my face. Was this really happening right now? "But I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date?"
Yes, this was happening right now.
"Really?" I could tell I sounded extremely excited, but at this point, I didn't even care.
"Yeah, you are super laid back, funny, talented, and you aren't scared away by how weird I am." He laughed, "So yes?"
"I would absolutely love to."
"Great. I'll text you." He winked and waved as he closed the door, leaving.
My back went against the door. I couldn't keep in the squeal so I just embraced it and squealed my heart out, doing a little dance.
Which was quickly ended when I heard a knock at the door.
"I'm sorry, I want to get to know you better immediately." He let out a nervous chuckle. "Are you free for the rest of the day?" I was sure that my face was red as a tomato.
"Yes I am." He grabbed my hand, dragging me outside.
"Then let's go."
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lvrdream · 4 years
belonging | dobrik
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anonymous said: Hey so I had something pop up in my head out of nowhere and it's gonna sound crazy but I'll give it a shot! Can you do one where the reader started distancing herself from everyone and everyone is noticing so they come up with a plan but it doesn't end well, in the end, she tells them that she doesn't belong there and that she doesn't fit in. It ends with fluff or whatever🤪
plot: y/n feels like david would be better off without her
a/n: i got carried away and this strayed a little bit from the request but i hope you like it! send me some david or shawn requests!!
david, of course, was the first one to notice when y/n started to come around less and less. he started to notice that she would blow him off, especially when he made plans with the other members of the vlog squad. he thought maybe one of their friends had made her uncomfortable, but couldn’t come up with a single person that was a common thread, so then he thought that maybe it was just him that was the problem. maybe y/n wanted to break up, david thought, but was quickly proved wrong when carly had asked him why y/n was acting so distant recently.
mariah suggested the thought that maybe she wasn’t feeling the group settings, so she invited her to go get coffee, and y/n accepted after being reassured multiple times that it would only be them.
when mariah and y/n met for said coffee, mariah tried to dance around the subject for a while, but eventually, she found the words tumbling out of her mouth.
“so, david mentioned that he thought you might be wanting to break up with him…” mariah says, but it comes out as more of a question, and truthfully, she was kind of scared of how y/n would react and even more scared that y/n would confirm david’s doubts.
“what?” y/n almost chokes on her coffee. “why would he think that?”
“i don’t know…” mariah says, but quickly continues, “we’ve all noticed that you have been hanging out with all of us less.” y/n nods her head slowly, and moves her gaze from mariah’s face to the window, not wanting her friend to see the water that seemed to quickly form in her eyes. the two girls stayed quiet for a couple minutes, that seemed to drag on for hours, mariah started to wonder if y/n was going to ever answer her.
“i…” y/n starts to explain, but quickly closes her mouth. “if i tell you this, you can’t tell anyone okay? not david, not heath, absolutely no one.” mariah nods her head. “david and i have been together for almost a year and a half now, and we have obviously known each other longer than that, but a couple weeks ago, he mentioned that he wanted me to move in.” y/n takes a sharp breath, the tears in her eyes only collecting more as she talks.
“you don’t want to?” mariah asks softly, grabbing y/n’s hand that rested on the table.
“no, no. i mean, yes, i do. so bad. but i feel like… i feel like david deserves to be with someone so much better than me. he deserves someone who can be one of the stars of his vlog. someone who makes him laugh the way the rest of you can make him laugh. i’m just normal, boring old me. i’m not a youtuber or have a crazy talent, i have a desk job, and…” y/n can’t bear to continue, she lets out a sob, but quickly covers her face, trying not to get the attention of the other coffee drinkers in the cafe.
“oh, honey, you know david doesn’t care about all of that stuff. he loves you, y/n. so much.” mariah squeezes the hand that isn’t covering y/n’s face.
“i know, i know. and i love him more than i have ever loved anyone. i just feel like i don’t belong, riah.”
when they left the coffee shop, mariah quickly broke her promise to y/n and called david. it broke david’s heart to hear that the girl he loved with his entire heart was struggling to feel like she fit in with the people he considered family.
david quickly made his way over to her apartment and let himself in. he found her asleep in her bedroom with the tv playing reruns of grey’s anatomy on a low volume in the background. he couldn’t help but smile at her. he slipped off his shoes and crawled in behind her, making sure to hold her as tightly as he could without waking her.
when she woke up, she wasn’t expecting to find herself in the arms of the love of her life, but nonetheless, she snuggled closer to him. she didn’t quite realize how much she missed him until she was in his arms after avoiding him for what felt like weeks.
“baby?” david murmurs, when he feels her move.
“hi.” she whispers, back, suddenly feeling guilty for the ways she’s been acting and feeling.
“i miss you.” he says, softly kissing the crown of her head.
“I’m sorry.” she says, trying not to cry for the second time.
“hey, it’s okay.”
“mariah told you?” y/n asks and david nods.
“don’t be mad at her, she told me you told her not to tell me.”
“i’m not.” y/n says, pulling back to finally look at him.
“if you’re not ready to move in with me, you could have told me, you know? i would never be mad at you for not being ready. we’ll get there eventually, baby.”
“that’s not it, dave. trust me. i would follow you to the end of the world if you asked me to.” she sighs, “i just wonder if you would be better off without me.”
“why would you think that, y/n? i think i might die if you leave me.”
“i’m so normal.” y/n says, and pulls away from david, causing both of them to feel cold. “you deserve to be with someone extraordinary.”
“you are. and just because i don’t put you in the vlog much doesn’t mean that you mean any less to me than the people i do, or that you don’t belong in it. i have so many clips that would have made it into the vlog if it wasn’t you. and as awful as that sounds, i just don’t want to share you. and besides that, the fans love you. they’re always commenting on how pretty you are or funny and how they want you in it more. i’m sorry, i just didn’t want to share you, i never meant to hurt your feelings.”
“david,” y/n turns back to her side to look at him, “you never made me feel like this. it was nothing you did, okay? i’m sorry. and you don’t have to share me, i’m all yours.”
a month later, so much had changed. y/n now didn’t distance herself, it didn’t happen overnight, but with david’s constant reasurance and mariah being there for her to talk to, she started to feel like the way she did when she first met david. they were planning on moving y/n in as soon as her lease at her apartment ended. she spent more time at david’s than her own anyway.
one morning, y/n woke up to a post notification from david’s account with the title being “SHE KEEPS TRYING TO MAKEOUT WITH ME” she furrowed her eyebrows as she clicked on the notification.
when she presses the play button, david’s face appears, and he says “hey, guys, it’s david.” with a giggle before it cuts to the intro screen.
“soooo, many of you know that i have been in a relationship with a very pretty girl for about a year in a half. if you didn’t know, this is her.” he says as he points over to a part of the screen and a picture of y/n pops up. “very pretty i know.” he laughs, “anyway, some of you have been demanding that you get to see some more of her.” a bunch of screen grabs come up of fans asking for david to post more of the two of them or just y/n in general. “so, i thought i’d give you an entire vlogs worth of her.”
the screen goes black, and then y/n appears, asleep in david’s bed. david screams and y/n jumps up. when she sees that david is fine, she flops backwards and rubs her eyes. “you’re a fucking asshole david dobrik.” and david laughs.
then it cuts to y/n’s twenty-first, way before they started dating, when they had just met. y/n was gone. she smiles at the camera, posing for the picture, but laughs loudly when david says “it’s a video, do something!” and you can see the panic that goes across the plastered y/n’s face. “david! i don’t know what to do!” she whispers, with a hand halfway over her mouth like the camera could no longer see and hear her.
it then goes to a couple months into their relationship, when david set up a camera in his living room to film a sit down portion of his video, when y/n comes in, and lays across his lap, not even noticing the camera. “i hate you.” she says.
“why?” he asks, with a loud laugh.
“i don’t, i love you.” her first i love you. david glances down at her in shock.
“for real?”
“don’t make me take it back.”
it cuts again, this time to a more recent day. this time, y/n is pretty certain that the clip was filmed by jason, “why won’t you just kiss me!” y/n yells, as she sits on david’s lap, with her hands on either side of his head.
“we need to do the podcast, babe” not budging.
“give me love, and i’ll leave you alone.”
“how about i give you a kiss, and you never leave me alone?” david smiles.
“even better!” she yells, leaning down, before it cuts off, and david appears again.
“so, yeah!” david claps. “that is only some of my favorite clips of her. i have so many more, that you probably will never see. but i promise that i won’t keep her to myself anymore. i hope you love her just a fraction of what i love her. but yeah! i’ll see you guys the next vlog! byeeee” the vlog cuts, and y/n grins, wondering how she could ever feel the way she had, when she had everything she had ever wanted.
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syrupa · 3 years
Hello there! I hope you are fine. I jist found you and I need to say, since I'm gay for these girls I'm absolutely delighted! If match-ups are open, I'd like to have a romantic matchup!
So uh I'm 17, INFP, a pisces and a pansexual, I use she/her pronouns. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, literature, myths, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?"
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them. Yet, I'm one hell of an insecure and anxious girl and I bite my lips a lot and I also pick at the skin of my fingers when I'm absolutely anxious and always carry band-aids to cover them because a few people in my family( not my parents though) made me feel bad about them but still, I don't like showing this vulnerable state of mine to everyone so I bottle up everything.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackhead you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.) and my friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't? But I also know how to be serious as well.
My ideal date would probably be an indoor one. Like cooking together, watching a movie or reading a book or just cuddling while some soft music plays in the background.
For my likes and dislikes, I HATE the unnecessary hate. Like, to everyone and everything. Be it black people, asians, LGBTQ+ people, animals, like anyone living! I believe that everyone's life( except a few shits' 😡😤) is a gift so I seriously don't understand hate. I also hate eggplant since I have an allergy and the last time I ate it, I did vomit for 3 days🤮
For the likes, I guess I cannot really pinpoint something but I love books and every meal with chicken🤤! I also love cleaning and tidying up too!
That was soooo long and I apologize for that! I didn't want to include more since I literally poured everything about me here 😅 Thanks a lot in advance and I hope you have a great day! Bye bye👋
I match you with...
Toru Hagakure
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You'd meet on a public bus. The two of you sat next to each other, minding each others business. However, Toru noticed you picking at your fingers. She lightly tapped your shoulder and offered you a napkin to cover it with. You kindly declined, telling her that you had some bandaids but she insisted you have the napkin just incase. In the end you thanked her and took the napkin.
After that, Toru started some small talk. Of course, you went along with it. The conversation went very well. She was a pretty funny girl who had you laughing a lot. Your interaction went so smooth, from afar it would look like you've been friends for ages. When she had to get off, she asked for your number. You happily gave it to her and she waved you goodbye.
You and Toru would message and meet up with each other often. If you said you didn't fancy the girl you would be lying. She was funny, nice, and cheerful! Who wouldn't? It started out as a small crush. But of course, it turned into you thinking about her 24/7. You had even started to drop everything just to hang out with her. In return, she would do the same for you.
Your other friends would tease you for this. To them, it was pretty obvious you liked Toru more than a friend. Your friends also noticed how she was always talking about you. She would try to message or be with you every second of the day. She'd also buy you little gifts saying they reminded her of you. Hell, she would even leave lingering touches. They told you all of this, wanting you to just confess. But, you would always tell them that you probably didn't deserve a girl like her and how she was just being kind.
This went on for almost two years. Two years of hanging out with her every single day. Two years of hiding your feelings for this girl. Your friends had stopped trying to get you to confess, thinking this was a hopeless situation. But Toru's friends on the other hand had just started. Mina had came up with a dramatic idea for Toru to confess. The invisible girl obviously didn't want to go through with the plan, saying she'd confess someday. But that didn't stop Mina.
One night while you were studying, you heard a noise from your window. You quietly opened the window, expecting it to be a bird or something. When you looked out, you saw Toru and her friends outside in cheerleading outfits. Toru was clearly embarrassed as Ochako put on some cheesy love song on from a speaker. They proceeded to perform a quick dance. In all honesty, it was pretty bad. But you'd be lying if you said it wasn't cute. At the end of the dance, Mina had shouted that Toru wanted to take you out someday. Giggling, you shouted back that you'd love to go out sometime.
Although that was extremely cringy and cheesy, it was funny and made for a fucking fantastic story to tell.
Once you finally made it offical, Toru became very clingy. She loved holding your hand and hugging you when you're not expecting it. After long and hard days, she'd pamper your face in kisses. On sleepless nights, you'd cuddle with her and read her mythical stories until you both fell asleep.
She adores how reliable you are. She often feels like a background character in her own life and doubts her abilities to become a hero. You're quick to comfort her and make sure she knows her worth. Of course, she does the same for you. Checking up on you, complimenting you, comforting you, etc. Toru is basically your personal cheerleader for life. When you're insecure or anxious, leave it to your loving girlfriend to reassure you and kiss your worries away!
She started carrying bandaids around herself for you. Even though you always have some, she brings extra just in case. When you started dating her though, you'd pick at your fingers less since she always wanted to hold hands. Whenever you're biting your lip, she taps your shoulder and asks you for a kiss.
When you accidentally flirt with her she gets really giggly and nervous. She never brought it up cause she didn't want to embarrass you so she just took it. It's so cute that you started to flirt with her on purpose. Once she realized you were doing it on purpose, she playfully hit your arm and said something along the lines of, "YOU CAN'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT [NAME]!"
Sometimes you and her lay down in her bed together while she rambles about her day. It's really relaxing for both of you. She likes to talk a lot and you like to listen. It's perfect! Also it's an excuse to hear her beautiful voice.
She started picking up on your motherly acts. Always providing everything people need with little to no hesitation, being the shoulder for her friends to cry on, etc. Toru really looks up to you and can say with confidence that you make her an overall better person.
Your playlist consist of many love songs. I don't make the rules. Also she encourages you to sing all the time. She loves hearing your voice. And when you two sing together? AAAAAAAA It's very cute and adorable. Everyone you meet is 100% at least a little jealous of your relationship.
Baking dates are her favorite! She's obviously not the best at baking but those dates are always filled with laughter and smiles. On those dates, you two try to make loads of desserts. Cookies, Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, etc. You both know it's not healthy but neither of you really care. The kitchen always ends up messy after these days. Once you and Toru decide it's time to call it a night, the day ends with midnight cuddles whilst a movie plays in the background.
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sally-mun · 4 years
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Also don’t forget to check out Part 1 if you haven’t yet!
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Okay so maybe it’s in poor taste to start the British section with dolls I’m not actually sure are British, but fuck it. The one on the left is a doll I’m reasonably sure I got from a British seller, and the one on the right seems to just be a scaled-up version of it, SO. That’s what I’m going with.
No joke, the left doll is my favorite Sonic plushie EVER. It’s so incredibly fluffy and the proportions are just right and it’s really well-made and AUUGHH I LOVE HIM. Interestingly the doll on the right is made of the same uber-fuzzy material, but it doesn’t have as much of a fluffy effect because of the larger scale. Also the shoe stripes are ribbons for some reason, which makes them stand out from all the other dolls.
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So this is from a line of dolls that, as far as I’ve ever seen, are simply known as “Europe prize” plushies. I don’t know if they were actual prizes for some sort of game or claw machine or whatnot, but that’s how I tend to see them listed. These dolls are REALLY nicely made and incredibly cute, like way more than usual. I also have the Knuckles from this set, but he doesn’t live in this net so he’s not pictured here.
I know this line also included Sonic (obviously), Amy, and Shadow, but I’m not sure who else. I’d REALLY like to get the others someday, but I don’t have much hope for that, since they’re long since out of production and prices just keep going up as everyone cashes in on nerd collector culture.
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This doll is fine enough on its own (if a bit fearful in the eyes), but what’s really odd about it is that it’s like literally twice as tall as the other dolls in its line, for some reason. I have the Sonic and Tails from this set, and their sizes both match each other, but for some reason Knuckles is a tall boi?? Oh well.
I believe this set also includes an Eggman doll, but I’ve never seen it before.
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I wish I’d thought to showcase it better in this photo, but the tag on the bottom of Sonic’s right foot here is the real spotlight of this doll. I don’t know much about the background of this doll, but i know that tag on his foot is what distinguishes him from other Sonic dolls, and collectors go NUTS for this guy. I remember missing out on one years ago because the shipping was too costly (it’s always been rough importing from Britain, but it used to be a lot harder), and for a while I thought I’d never get one. Oddly this one that I did eventually nab is the only one I’ve ever seen with suction cups. I’d like to hope that one day I could get the one that doesn’t have them, but I’m not holding my breath.
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Following the last doll, I’m sure a lot of you are immediately noticing that this Tails also has the tag on his foot, albeit a very faded one. This doll is also super odd, because EVERY other time I’ve ever seen this doll before, it has NOT had the foot tag! This one is the only one I’ve encountered with the tag, and I didn’t even know it had it until it arrived in the mail. This doll is also about 50% bigger than the Sonic doll with the foot tag, maybe he goes with the non-suction cup’d Sonic plushie? I don’t know off the top of my head how big that Sonic is supposed to be, so it’s possible! Or maybe these dolls have nothing to do with each other, and I bought some weird anomaly. Definitely one of the weirder Tails plushies in my collection.
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EASILY the ugliest doll I will ever own, short of maybe obtaining the Tails that matches this set. (Trust me, the Tails is REALLY FUCKING UGLY.) I have such mixed feelings on this lil guy because, as many of you already know, this is one of the elusive Sega World Sydney dolls, which means it’s EXTREMELY rare and thus meant to be treasured... and yet holy shit guys how did you fail so hard on this doll. I mean FOR FUCK’S SAKE HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE SOCKS! OR FINGERS!! There were plenty of Sonic plushies in the world by the time this doll was created, and they all socks and fingers, let alone better designed faces. I dunno man, I don’t know how to reconcile how ugly this doll is.
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And then there were two.
Those of you that’ve been following me for years have probably already seen these before, but fuck it, here they are again. The Sega World Sydney plushies are the ONLY official Sally plushies to exist, and like the Sonic one, it’s really difficult to reconcile how incredibly ugly they are. I mean I can at least cut them some slack with the faces I guess, because the one on the left isn’t terrible I suppose. I think the fact that she doesn’t have hands is really stupid, but I mean, if Sonic didn’t get fingers I guess I’m not surprised Sally didn’t either. No, the thing that really gets me about these Sally dolls is the hair. It’s hard to tell from this angle but it’s.... bad. Oh my god it’s so fucking bad. It looks like she had a bad incident with a weedwacker. WHO THE FUCK DID THEY HIRE TO DESIGN THESE PLUSHIES?!
Whatever, I don’t turn away official Sally merch. Vests exist for these dolls, but as you can see I don’t own them for either of these two. I do have a third, smaller Sally that DOES have her vest, but she doesn’t live in this net. Maybe another time!
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More bad Sally hair, this time without legs because she’s a hand puppet. She probably has the worst hair of all of the Sally dolls I personally own, it’s very clumpy and matted. The others’ hair is at least still fluffy.
I’ll let the fact that she doesn’t have hands slide here, being a puppet at all, but even then it’s only because I’m feeling generous. There’s no reason she shouldn’t have had them.
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SOOOO not technically a plushie, but it was in the net and I’m doing Sally items right now anyway, so fuck it. This is a mini-backpack, but the fabric is so furry that it’s pretty much impossible to get a clear picture. I left the strap there sticking out just to help give some idea of what shape you’re even looking at.
I can’t remember what I paid for this, and honestly I don’t care, because it’s so unique and I’ve never seen another one since.
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A friend of mine sent me this as a surprise a few years ago because he thought it was cute, and I definitely have to say it’s one of the more fascinating items in my collection. Most of the time bootleg merch is trying to imitate something official to confuse the buyer, but so far as I know this is completely original! I love it because it’s what I imagine Sonic would look like if he were an Animal Crossing character. The most bizarre detail of all, though, is that the tush tag has the logo for Detective Conan instead of Sonic the Hedgehog. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.
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This is a fake version of the Fang/Nack doll from Sonic the Fighters, but honestly, I don’t mind at all that it’s a bootleg because holy shit this doll is higher quality than some of my official ones! (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, SEGA WORLD.) According to the pictures I’ve seen, I think he’s actually even better quality than the original he’s copying!
It’s hard to describe just how nice this doll is, because the picture seriously does not do him justice. The stitching is perfectly clean, the proportions are absolutely perfect, the fabric is soft and high-quality, and oh my god the HAT!! The hat is AMAZING, it’s actually solid and holds its shape VERY well! The same goes for his tail too, on that note. Plushies with long tails tend to have trouble maintaining their shape, but this doll’s tail is really well done. He also has a much longer muzzle than most dolls of this time were willing to use, which again helps his proportion and overall accuracy. I don’t give one single shit that this doll isn’t official, I love him so fucking much! <3 <3 <3
Other Dolls
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What can I say, I fucking LOVE Nick Wilde from Zootopia, and this is one of the best dolls of him I’ve ever seen. It’s actually really nicely made (they put a LOT of work into his shirt), and he’s very soft and huggable. Also, bless that smarmy expression, they got it just right.
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Jumbo Tom Nook! This is the only jumbo plushie of him I’ve ever seen, so I’m glad I was able to nab it. The fabric is oddly shiny though, and I have no idea why?? I have several Tom Nook plushies from different doll lines, and I’ve never seen another one that’s shiny like this.
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Decided to picture these guys together because why the fuck not. I apologize for the lack of clarity, but I’ve never been willing to open their bags. I want them pristine~
One thing I think is cool about the Undertale dolls is that there’s so much uniqueness put into each one. They all have differently shaped tags to reflect their individual personalities, and the plastic bags they come in have different patterns as well. The fabric patterns all completely unique to each one as well, so they’re not all clones of each other (especially with Papyrus).
You can actually still buy all of these guys right now on the Fangamer website! They’re pricey, but you get a quality that makes the price worth it, and you get a discount if you buy them together!
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Vault Boy from Fallout, and for some reason I’m just now realizing that I don’t know what vault number is on his back. I feel like a terrible fan, FORGIVE ME. He has also never come out of his bag, so sorry for viewing difficulties here as well.
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Companion cube ‘fuzzy dice’ for the car. This is one instance in which I have actually not used the car-related plushie in my car, as at the time I got this it was VERY difficult to get companion cube merch of any kind (these dice were actually a compromise with myself because I still couldn’t afford a regular cube), and after the work I put in to find these I definitely wasn’t going to risk them in my car! Just as well anyway, because they’re awfully big and would’ve been pretty cumbersome to look past.
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...I did, however, put these in my car for a while. These are fuzzy D20 dice, because come on, if you’re going to hang dice in your car and have the option to use these, how can you not?? It definitely got a lot of compliments, even from people that simply saw them through the window. I didn’t even play tabletop games yet at the time, I just really liked them~
AAAAND THAT’S IT~ At least, that’s it for this net! Maybe I’ll do this again with the other nets sometime, if you guys would like to see more. I do have another one that also very much needs a dusting, so we’ll see!
Thanks for tuning in!!
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arobandhan · 3 years
okay this just flowed out of me and idk how it got this long but hope you enjoy it my love! @balenciagastones​
If you would’ve asked Hannah 6 months ago that she’d be catching a flight to Germany to see her guy best friend play professional football, shed call you crazy, she’d call you insane for even insinuating that she had a professional footballer as a best friend. 
But there she was boarding the plane with Emilia and Lewis from Birmingham to Dortmund excited to see Jude. 
See a couple months back she went to visit Emilia and Lewis in Birmingham for a nice break away from home, they took her all around the city along with introducing her to all of Lewis’ home friends, one of them being Jude Bellingham who she’d not expect meeting as he was a friend of a friend of Lewis’ and not expected to be home since playing in Germany. But the two met and being the youngest ones in the group became really close really fast. The rest of the group shocked at how connected they had become in the short time they spent together, but alas by the time was done Hannah had to head back up home and Jude had to head back to Dortmund but they swore they'd keep in touch and they kept that promise. 
Thousands of texts, calls, facetimes later they were still close as ever and unbeknownst to the other one, feelings of wanting to be more than friends lingered in their minds. 
Jude had facetimed hannah while she was doing some school work with a surprise for her, tickets to the biggest game of the season for her, Emilia and Lewis, along with flights already booked. She was shocked to say the least and a first couldn’t accept the gift but he insisted and thats what brought her on the plane today, the excitement bubbled inside her as she couldn’t wait to see him. 
The three of them were going to be staying at his apartment while being there and he was going to go pick them up from the airport as they were going to land not long after he’d be done with training. 
The plane ride couldn't be any longer in Hannah’s opinion, the entire journey her best friend kept teasing her about seeing Jude again, emilia being one of the few people who knew about Hannah’s feelings for him. 
“Will you shut it already!” Hannah whisper yelled, “Jude and I are just friends okay?” 
“Mhmm we’ll see after this weekend.” Emilia smirked and turned to talk to her boyfriend. 
Hannah sighed before hearing the pilot announce they would begin landing soon. She felt her stomach flip with both excitement and nerves. 
They landed safely and headed to the pick up area of the airport with their luggage in hand, Hannah had texted Jude the moment they landed and he had texted back he was already on his way, and soon enough she say his black Mercedes pull up to where they were waiting. He got out of the car and held his arms out to hug Hannah, to which she jumped into his arms. 
“Missed ya little one.” he chuckled. 
“Missed ya too giant.” she said letting go of him. The couple next to them just smiled and stared at the duo knowing the secret feelings they had for each other. 
When they made it to his apartment it was like Emilia and Lewis weren’t there, it was as if there was a bubble around the younger pair, too engrossed in each other and catching up as if they hadn’t talk to each other in weeks. Jude showed them what rooms they’d be staying and let them unwind before seeing what they wanted to do for the rest of the day. 
Jude didn’t leave Hannah’s side, watching her set out her things as he sat on the bed making conversation and joking as they normally did. 
When she was done they both sat on her bed facing each other just making small talk, then there was a knock on the bedroom door making them both look in that direction, Emilia stood there, Lewis right behind her,  with a smirk on her face making Hannah roll her eyes. 
“Hey lovebirds,” she teased, “sorry to interrupt your moment but me and Lewis came by to say we were gonna check the area out so we’ll just leave you two back to do whatever you were doing.” 
“Uhh yeah that's alright, maybe we can all hang later tonight?” Jude suggested
“Yeah definitely, if you two aren’t too busy for us.” Lewis piped in making Hannah give him a death glare. 
Emilia snickered and pulled her boyfriend away before calling out, “See you later cuties, be safe.” 
Jude turned back to Hannah and they both burst out laughing. 
“They honestly are too much sometimes.” Jude started.
“No honestly its constant, all emilia does is tease me saying that we should date and be a couple based on how close we are.” she laughed nervously. 
“Lewis does the same thing to me on the phone, they’re being little masterminds.” he chuckled 
“Are you implying that they are planning on getting us together?” she asked with wide eyes. 
Jude paused for a minute before scratching the back of his neck nervously, “Umm i mean I’m not too sure, it seems like to me, but its harmless fun right? I mean we’re best friends.” 
Her stomach sank a bit, “Yeah exactly just harmless fun,” he could see her attitude change, “soo um what time is the game tomorrow?” she asked getting off the bed to fold her clothes again.
“Nah nah Han why’d you change your mood right there?” he asked getting up from the bed as well and going to her side. 
“Nothing J.” 
“I know when it’s nothing tell me.” she looked up at him and sighed. 
“J i promise its nothing dont worry just tired from the flight.” he didn’t believe her but stopped pestering. 
“If you say so, wanna watch a movie?” he smiled at her making her smile back and nod, hoping the movie will make her forget that conversation. 
The entire movie they sat close to each other, light cuddling involved but nothing crazy. When the movie finished she got up and told him she was gonna shower so she can change into comfier clothes to which he asked if she wanted one of his hoodies since it was cold in the apartment, which she agreed to smiling widely. 
As he waited for her to get out of the shower, he kept himself occupied on his phone, tv on in the background, the door then opened to the couple who left earlier returning from their time out. 
Jude looked up and smiled, “Hey guys you have fun?” 
“Yeah what about you two huh? Where’s Hannah at?” Emilia asked teasingly. 
“She’s showering,” he started, “you two keep doing that thing about trying to make us a couple, basically outing my feelings, she gets awkward when you do that.” 
Emilia and Lewis looked at him and then looked at each other before bursting out laughing, 
“Mate do you know why she gets awkward when we making those jokes?” 
“Cuz she doesn’t like me that way.” 
“Wow those footballs to the head really do make you loopy,” Emilia sighed, “its cuz she likes you back dummy.”
“Nah stop playing, she definitely does not.” 
“She does too.” lewis argued back 
“The entirety of your friendship she calls me and goes ‘Jude said this’ and ‘Jude did that’ ‘Jude Jude Jude Jude’ she's head over heels for you but is too scared to admit it.” 
“Thats why we left earlier so you guys can admit it to each other.” 
“What?!” Jude was shocked at what he was hearing, yeah he had feelings for Hannah but thought the distance and everything would turn her away from being in a relationship. 
“Yes now we’re gonna go to our guest room and you go to Hannah.” Emilia said dragging her boyfriend to their room. 
Jude then walked into Hannah’s room and sat on her bed, he heard the water turn off and gulped nervously. 
Hannah came out in just a towel and just about jumped when she saw Jude sitting on the bed. 
“Oh good lord you fucking scared me,” she chuckled making him laugh, “whats up? Everything okay?” 
“Yeah no everything’s good just came to spend time with you.” he smiled making her blush. 
He waited for her to change into her clothes in the bathroom before she came and sat legs crossed on the bed next to him, he looked at her and handed over the hoodie he grabbed for her. 
“Thank you very much.” she smiled widely putting it on making him smile even wider. 
They both then just laid back next to each other in a comfortable silence before Jude decided to break it. 
“Soooo..” he started 
“Soooo..” she repeated giggling. 
“Emilia told me I’m your favorite topic of conversation.” he teased, making her blush and covering her face. 
“I’m gonna kill her.” she groaned
He turned his body to the side to face her, moving her hands away from her face. 
“I think it’s cute y’know?” he smiled, poking her side making her giggle, “y’know what else i think is cute?” she shook her head as he brought his body closer to her side, basically hovering over her. 
“Well, i think its cute when you blush, I think its cute when you scrunch your nose when being complimented, i think its cute how you ramble when you get fired up about something,” their eyes were locked on each other, “I think its cute how small you look next to me and right now how small you look in my hoodie, cuz you're just overall cute.” 
“Why thank you but what is this all about?” she whispered smiling slightly
“Cuz i heard someone has a crush on you.” he smiled slightly back, her smile started to grow a bit. 
“Oh yeah? I heard someone has a crush on you too.” she responded. 
“Oh yeah? Well the person who has a crush on you really wants to be more than friends but he’s scared you won’t want the same.” he leaned down closer
“Well the person who has a crush on you is scared of the same thing.” 
“The person who has a crush on wants to kiss you right now.” he said confidently 
“Please do.” she whispered before he crashed his lips onto hers. 
Hannah swore she was dreaming, but was glad she wasn’t. 
The kiss was short but sweet and was the confirmation they both needed. 
“Been waiting too long to do that.” he chuckled, making her giggle. 
“Worth the wait.” she said kissing him again. 
The next day there Hannah was in her #22 Bellingham jersey cheering her best friend, now boyfriend, on in the stands for his biggest game at Dortmund. 
The rest was history. 
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hhuta · 4 years
(3D lbqfm anon) y'know after reading ur post on it i realized i a) subconsciously noticed the de-gaying and that's probably why i didn't like it and b) somehow didn't notice ANY changes despite the fact that I watched the two versions less than a week apart,,, i thought it was just the new cravat (tho i still don't like it. the old one was better) | also,,,, is it too much trouble to ask why u don't like the 3D assassymphonie? guessing smtg to do w the women | also ur opinion on 3D vaec?
where do i start with miss l'assasymphonie.. btw u can watch the video of the two versions side by side here. and my rant got wayyy too long so ill talk about VAEC in another post ldkjasl
tw: self harm/suicide mention just to be safe
im going to start with minor differences that make me prefer the 2010 version but not hate the 2011 one
first of all his dramatic soft gay sappy ass touching his heart when talking about mozarts music i like that a lot :(
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then when he sings "killing out of spite everything i create" he metaphorically stabs himself in 2010 but not in 2011
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and i love the first version because its a nice and subtle parallel between how mozarts music makes him feel like (lbqfm) vs how his own music affects him (l'assasymphonie) as i pointed out here before. this is on different levels !! the fact that in lbqfm its his inner gay demon stabbing him, representing mozart(s music) and in l'assasymphonie he stabs himself..... bc he is killing what he creates and what he creates is part of himself... so this isnt about him wanting to kill mozart its about him being self destructive... this is crazy this is just one gesture and i can go on and on about it and honestly my rant will only get more insane.
later he grabs the knife at different moments and in different ways and i think the 2010 version is more dramatic and impactful. the editing helps too, it really made me jump, its all done at the right time. but honestly both are valid to me; i feel like in 2010 hes more angry and impulsive, like its the very first time he thinks about doing something like this, whereas in 2011 he feels sad and defeated, like hes going back to a place he fought very hard to get out of and because of this one guy hes back there, but in the end he recognises its his own fault
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another minor difference that i think is worth mentioning, and honestly i like both versions, is what he does at the "senseless (or crazy) symphony" part. in 2010 he almost covers his ears cuz obviously it goes along with the lyrics in a literal sense. meanwhile in 2011 its more of a symbolic interpretation? idk how to word it but 2010 feels like hes just talking about his music and the thoughts inside his head making no sense, but in 2011 when he looks at his writs, his veins, its like he is talking about himself as a whole; a being without any meaning, who is losing his mind, and i like that too
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and this difference goes on when he talks about the "disconcerting concert"; 2010 feels like hes literally listening to it around him, his performance in 2010 is overall more dramatic lkjslkd, meanwhile theres none of that in 2011, hes too melancholic to be jumping around
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here when hes talking about his talent (or rather lack of) u can see how hes more angry in 2010 and sad in 2011 (honestly this corroborates my theory that at the beginning florent played salieri as a legit evil villain but as it went on he added more depth)
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anyways so far both versions are good to me now........ the fucking dancers............... i move away from the mic to breathe in.jpg
theres just. so fucking much going on in 2011. there are a shit ton of people moving around, the flashing lights, the constant zoom in and out, the curtains moving the background, im gonna have a stroke????? l'assasymphonie is such a heavy song, emotionally, and florents performance is amazing on its on theres no fucking need to add 100 more elements!??!? it totally takes away ur focus from salieri ....
my biggest problem is with the dancers as u guessed it cuz honestly idk why they are there, i dont understand the need. i get that they are his inner demons, but not the sexy ones, so they are there to represent his inner turmoil and add a chaos element to the performance and a parallel to lbqfm with the whole hands on salieri part, but its way to obvious that it becomes repetitive! inner demons dancing around a character happens way too much on mor; bim bam boum in a way, j'accuse mon pere, la mascarade, comedie-tragedie, si je defaille, lbqfm and now again?!!?!?!?! bitihc dlajsdlkas
and the worst fucking part to me is when salieri goes to kill the female dancer
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.....why whY... WHY.. why make the song literal like this!!! this is not what its about??!?! i know she isnt supposed to be A Person, this isnt him being A Murderer, she is him in a way but ?? we already saw him almost killing himself??!!? why repeat that, this is just so unnecessary and it doesnt sit right with me why make him stab a woman!! it makes my blood boil. it takes away all the drama from the other scene, of him with the knife on his wrist, because it is essentially the same!
now lets discuss why i prefer the lost half naked blindfolded men. is it because its gay? yes. is it because of the kinky element? yes. u see how that creates a parallel to lbqfm but in a subtle way? yes thank you.
to elaborate i feel like the 2010 dancers represent his psyche at the moment soooo much better. its not just simply his inner demons haunting him again, making it repetitive.
his is how i interpret it and how it relates to salieri:
the blindfold: god it can mean so much... above all i think its his envy and anger blinding him, making him feel lost and afraid. but it can also represent how salieri is a stern man, he only sees things one way and is blinded to other possibilities, other ways of living. because he is so narrow minded, so used to just following the status quo, he doesnt understand mozart and how his carefree way of life is working for him. he doesnt understand his conflicted feelings towards mozart. he doesnt understand how mozarts music can be so unconventional and yet beautiful, etc etc. his world was shattered and he feels lost because of this one little guy
but honestly i think the intention was to give a shoutout to amadeus lmao which is still cool. they do mention in MOR that mozart can play blindfolded so u can view as a parallel to that too
the lack of clothes: around mozart salieri feels naked but not in a sexy and fun way, in vulnerable and seen for the first time way. imagine how strongly he considered changing his name and moving countries after the whole eh bien, maestro? trop de notes? ordeal..... he was caught off guard in that situation so he let the truth out way too much, but he knows he cant fake it around mozart any other time either
their behaviour: they look afraid, lost, in pain and are constantly falling, getting up, then falling again and being pushed up against the wall by something invisible (to me its mozarts music/influence) and honestly i dont have to say anything else ! its all there !!! it represents salieris emotions perfectly !!!!!
in summary, to me the 2010 dancers dont have a lot to do with the lyrics of the song and i think thats good. they are there to add a new element to it, to let us see inside salieris head, while salieri himself is performing what the lyrics are about. so on the other hand i think the 2011 dancers are repetitive and unnecessary, not adding anything new to the performance
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rigelmejo · 3 years
listening reading method updates
Some updates because I’ve done Listening Reading Method maybe 10-15 hours within the past week and wow is it worth doing (for me) if done properly:
First some notes of what “properly” means for me: It means I’ve done step 2 at some point (since I’m using all books I have at least vague prior context for whether its this past year or in life I’ve seen them before). It means I do step 2 first. Then I do step 3, with parallel text so I keep my place OR do it in Pleco (doing step 3 in Pleco is strangely super effective for me).
So, I’ve been testing my general listening comprehension. How I’ve tested it: listening to some audio file of a chapter I did with L R method, and see if I can understand it better. So no text aid. Also generally some time gap (at least a few days) between when I did L R, and when I listen to test my comprehension.
Limits of test: this is not new material - I have both prior context of the plot, and doing L R method on the material before means I have intensively studied that audio material with L R method at one point. I’m trying to find some ‘totally unknown’ stuff to test with too we’ll see.
Benefits of the test: its easy to compare my progress, because I’ve listened to these audios many times so I know where my ‘comprehension’ of them was at a few months ago. I can more easily compare.
So anyway, has L R Method helped listening comprehension? YES god oh my god. 
I listened to Chapter 9 of Guardian’s audiobook just falling asleep, because I didn’t feel like full on L R Method the chapter (I have done Listening Reading Method for chapters 1-8). I could understand enough to follow the entire main plot and all the main scenes - a few descriptive sentences lost me, but I got all the action-related (touched reached stood cried shouted left side pocket held objects movement and set phrases priest uses for certain expressions), key emotion related (like sad cold warm kind sharp worried investigated pushed shivered and set phrases I remember priest using for certain expressions) details, and got all of the main dialogue (this part context helps for though since words like reincarnation and sundial are fairly new to me and I only understand since I already ran into them in previous chapters I’ve done L R Method with). 
I was freaking FLOORED I could just listen and enjoy the story, so today I listened to chapter 1 again. And YEP - same thing applied. I could follow all of the main plot, main scenes, and certain details. I totally missed the part where he talks about his aunt/uncle but I heard his bad grades, got the letter for a job notice, how he hates phone calls, his plan to go, him getting to the place, what the place looked like and Wang Zheng and all the scenes at the job - so like I mentioned, actions/emotions/real objects being interacted with I can mostly follow. The paragraphs of description background (like Guo Changcheng’s upbringing and how his uncle got him a job) are harder for me to catch everything - I am guessing because there’s more description phrases and less straightforward action=response. (For example - xiao guo sees Lao Wu, they respond, so its easy to follow, or he sees Wang Zheng and faints, or he walks into the courtyard and reads the address - all of these moments directly focus on things and react which is easier to follow). 
For the first time I can say I can listen to just the audiobook and follow it enough to enjoy the plot and what’s mainly going on without any text aid. And I’ve only done the listening reading method for 8 chapters! That’s 40-50 minutes a chapter, around 360 minutes or 6 hours. 6 hours spent Listening Reading Method Guardian, and I already see a huge boost in what I can comprehend in listening! (I also did some random L R method chapters of other stuff so add 1-2 hours - that’s still like 8 hours total... that ain’t much). 
Last time I listened to guardian audiobook without any text aid (a few months ago), I could hear some words I knew and some phrases, and had a vague understanding of when he got to the job (heard courtyard and si ming hao), met Lao Wu (i heard him report for duty), when he talked to zhao yunlan and got generally welcomed, met Wang Zheng and thought ‘he has no feet’ and got scared. No fucking details. The vaguest impression of the main plot mainly because I’ve read the chapter before and knew the scenes coming. But that was still eons better than Before That - around 6 months ago i listened to chapter 1 like 5 times until i could hear some phrases instead of just isolated words. 
This time, I could follow things because I could HEAR what was actually going on, not just because I heard some keywords. I could clearly hear the details about Guo Changcheng entering the courtyard, reading the address and special investigations name, go up to Lao Wu and report in and Lao Wu greet him warmly and excitedly mention how lucky it is he came today that their boss is there! And fawn over how cool the boss is, and all the specifics of the convo with Zhao Yunlan (and half of his appearance like how he’s handsome and heroic looking and had a hand in his pocket and seemed cold until he noticed them and smiled and acted warm and friendly). And all the scenes were like that - like with Wang Zheng I could hear all the details of Guo Changcheng freaking out, eventually noticing her head had been cut and it wasn’t a necklace it was like sewn on and how he passed out. It was soooo much better ToT. The amount of comprehension is sooooo much higher than the last time I tried to listen! It shocks me how much better! This is enough comprehension to actually listen and just enjoy it. ToT
So yeah, I’d say Listening Reading Method, as I’m doing it right now, is making noticeable improvements in my reading skill and listening skill. 
So yeah I’m super curious how listening comprehension is gonna be 20 chapters into Listening Reading Method. 
What I do think this would be good for, if you were studying short term? If you wanted to understand a specific audiobook - doing L R Method with the book until you can listen to the rest. It would probably take a short enough amount of study to do within a month if you already have some skills in the language (since this is with 6-8 hours of study). I saw someone once do SRS Flashcard study based on a show they liked in a foreign language, and within a month they could watch that show they liked without english subs and follow the main plot. I think L R Method with a novel works kind of similar - its intensive study on one story. So within a reasonably short amount of time (10-50 hours maybe, something that can be done within a month) you can get enough comprehension skill of that One story to understand it ok. 
I imagine you need to do L R Method longer, and with either a word dense material (lots of varied vocab) or else multiple stories (ideally different authors and genres), in order to get broader listening skill improvement. Like right now my listening skill in general seems to have improved somewhat... but its more like ‘listening to a show without subs’ is now easier. Not like I can turn on a brand new audiobook and follow it this well. So some slightly easier listening activity is now easier, but for other audiobooks I am probably comprehending more but the listening skill improvement is NOT as drastic as it is specifically with Guardian. 
Testing listening comprehension with materials I have not L R Method with:
Alice in Wonderland (story is shorter/simpler than novel): I can follow it mostly when listening only. I can follow it near entirely (know exactly what’s going on just a few words I don’t recognize) if I’m looking at the video (since it has pictures for context - like watching a show). My listening comprehension drops noticeably if I do NOT look at the video visuals for an aid - since I am used to Alice in Wonderland hitting the original novel beats, not this shorter movie-based version. This level of comprehension makes sense, as its written simpler than Guardian so I should have an easier time following details in this. But lack of context means I have to put more effort into figuring out what scene is what if I don’t have any visual cues. So easier ‘written’ audiobook material is much more comprehensible now (easier than Guardian even since I know most words), but I still need context like an image or prior awareness of the overall plot or else I need to pay more careful attention to follow everything: https://youtu.be/HqCg5y8Nwhg
Sherlock Holmes 血字的研究: Some benefit just like Alice in Wonderland in that I have broad context (I know Watson and Sherlock live and work together to solve issues, Watson is a verteran and doctor). First 5 minutes I can vaguely tell its probably Watson narrating, that he lives in London, that before he might have been injured (I heard bing like sick or?) - I’m truly not sure what happened, and now after 5 minutes I heard ‘great friend’ and ‘touched shoulder’ and ‘gaoxing’ so happy. So I’m guessing Sherlock and Watson are interacting now. What improvement in my listening comprehension I can Notice - is that words stick out, phrases, and sentence structures (like finally, since, therefore, actions). So I feel if I paused I might be able to look up some words I notice but can’t understand, to follow along better. As the 2 of them have their conversation I can catch SOME details and I could probably follow what’s going on IF I had some prior context (like what the general case is about). But I only hear - its a pity, what happened last night, poor lad, fangzi, destination. So i’m not sure if someone died or was hurt or what happened the other night?? But again, conversations seem to be the easiest part to follow. For this particular audiobook I almost feel like if I just kept consistently listening or re-listening, I could understand more... like I probably know more words than I’m catching, but since my brain’s working on trying to catch the main gist plot right now its not grasping any details I might otherwise be able to notice. No prior context of plot, no image - hard lol. Unlike guardian, I cannot follow most of it. But I can catch bits of each scene, most clear are the dialogue parts (but cause I have no surrounding contexts I’m still pretty lost). Also the clear action parts are easier to follow (he spoke, moved, reacted to something). Mostly the lack of context is what’s making me struggle. In the descriptions I hear a lot phrases and words I recognize, but I’m struggling to comprehend them together. Unfortunately context is mostly in the description parts I can’t figure out lol. https://youtu.be/J1sbP6_3680
I suspect an audio DRAMA might be a little easier now. Since they’re mostly dialogue, and dialogue seems to be what I’m finding the most improvement in (from very vague to some of the clearest comprehended parts). I listened to tian ya ke audiodrama a few days ago and it was doable to follow along with - but that was before more Listening Reading Method, and of course my prior context (having seen the show/read part of the novel) means it was muchhhh easier to follow cause I had enough context to guess which scene each moment was supposed to be - so I didn’t have to figure out overall context, just details. 
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alfredhoe420 · 4 years
soooo i got bored and decided to write some angst-it’s my first time writing angst so i hope it’s good-
background info:there’s powers and magic, mason is the asshole ex boyfriend while emerson is the ‘villain’ not-boyfriend-but-want-to-date new guy, ENJOY
tagged: @thewaywardimpala @literally-magnus-bane
Emerson was flipping through his book, probably searching for a spell of some kind. Although I really don't see the point in doing this now. Would have been better when they were just shouting. Mason starts to throw potions from the wall Emerson.
“EM, DUCK!” I thankfully warn him before any of the bottles hit him. I'm useless at the moment, I should have known better than to follow mason here.
“All you have done is cause trouble to this town, you've destroyed half the buildings!” Mason is apparently multitasking now, throwing objects and throwing insults. “On top of all that your a horrible arch nemesis”
“Didn't know that's what I was, thought I was just the extremely handsome star quarterback” I swear if Emerson survives this I am so killing him myself. I give him my best are-you-kidding-me look.
“ Mason, we can just talk about this,!” I turned to Mason trying to get him to hear me out. “Lets just go home there's no reason for this fighting” I try to walk towards him with my hands up to maybe calm him slightly. I get lifted from the floor and start moving backwards. I quickly feel sharp pain throughout my body.
“You fucking prick!” I hear Emerson shout as I feel myself drop to the floor. I can already feel the tears in my eyes as I try to get my breathing back, the ringing in my ears never leaving. I keep my eyes to the floor as I try to focus my breathing. The mix of ringing and pounding in my head was not helping. There must be some way I can get everyone out in one peice. I can’t call the police or they would arrest Emerson, I dont have anyone besides the firm but they wouldn't understand. I raise my eyes from the floor to see Mason taking a more defensive stance. The furniture around me starts to float. I look over to Emerson who looks to be saying something although I can't seem to hear anything. The floating furniture starts to break apart and fall to the floor.
“ How did you just do that!’ Since when was Mason so loud. I try to get my vision to even out.
“ i'm not telling you a prick like you”
“ not very creative with those insults.”
“Jeez why would anyone date you!.” I start to glare at Emerson, I see him look my way giving a small sorry before turning back to Mason.
“HEY! Don't look at her, she's not a part of this.” I really was saying that i'm the whole reason that they were even in the same room, but it was probably a bad time to even think about that. “ Since when fighting has turned into throwing insults, start throwing punches, you shit”
“ this turned into an insult match when you lost your floating items” Guess even in a time like this Emerson will be a smartass. Mason starts to move forward, he's using his power to float some leftover furniture into the air. Emerson stays in his place, why isn't he moving? Shouldn't he be moving? Isn't that how fighting works? I center my feet on the ground using the wall as my support, taking my eyes away from the fight is probably a bad idea but I have to get up if I want to solve any of this, I slowly move from sitting to resting myself on my knees, resting to let the pounding in my head settle before I move more. I take a breath in before giving a push of energy to stand. My head started spinning more. I could tell there was shouting and breaking going on but everything was mumbled and sounded watery. I keep my hand on the wall hoping to get the spinning to stop, I fall back to sitting, shit that wasn't the plan. I see the blurry outline of items that were once floating now on the floor and what looks like a broken potion by Mason’s feet. Em must have thrown a power weakener. Emerson still isn't moving, he must know that the potion can only last so long.
“Mason please, listen to me.” He finally turns to look at me,”please let's just go home”
“Really you want to go home with that asshole! He literally just threw you against a wall” Why is Emerson speaking i'm trying to help him. I take my eyes off of Mason to look at Emerson.
“Emerson this is not your relationship, I loved him”
“Exactly ‘Loved’, you wouldn't know what love was if it hit you in the head” Now that one hurt, I’m sure my face showed it. Emersons face quickly turned to shock as he probably realized what he said. As if he could say anything he doesn't know what love is either. I didn't realize I was crying but I can taste the tears on the corner of my lips. I look over to Mason, he looks bored of what's going on.
“Can we wait till after I throw you into jail for the sob story to appear?” He starts to float the broken furniture again, the potion seemed to wear off. I don't even bother to look over to Emerson. I had been sitting the whole time, but at this point I just want to get out of here. The door was behind Mason,if I can get up I might be able to turn invisible long enough to get myself at least to the door without them noticing. I glance from the door to their fighting, they seem to be busy shouting at each other. I plant my feet on the ground in a running position. Hopefully I can make it to the door without passing out. Once I get out the door I don't know what to do. I give a final glance over to the fighting. Emerson has turned more defensive while Mason is going full offence. I see Mason get ready to throw what looks like a broken leg of a table at Emerson, my heart hurts thinking about him not getting out of this alive. I can't think that I have to run while they're distracted.
“That's all you got! How would you like it being thrown at you!”
I close my eyes and focus on getting the power to run . It's been awhile but I hope it works. I open my eyes and see my hands and feet have disappeared. I look up to the door and sprint as fast as I can. I’m at the door when I feel a sharp pain throw my back. I look down and see I'm no longer invisible and seem to have the table leg through my stomach.
“That wasn't the plan,” I mutter as I feel my legs give out under me.
“SYDNEY! Oh no, shit! It's gonna be okay” Emerson has run up to me and is kneeling by me. I look over his shoulder and see Mason on the ground with a broken potion by his feet. “It's just a knockout potion, look at me please,” I look into his eyes although they're starting to get blurry at this point, “I'm so sorry I didn't think he would dodge it so quickly. If I knew you were behind him I wouldn't-” I shush him. He's going on a tangent and I can tell he's starting to panic. I slowly move as best I can to rest my head on his shoulder. I can feel his tears starting to fall onto me. “I promise everything is going to be okay. Come on, let's go, I have to get you to a hospital.” He starts to get up but I put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
“What have I said about promises you can't keep.” My voice is weaker than I thought it would be. “Just,stay please.” I pull him back down. “If I don't make it I don't want my last memories to be running to a hospital.” I look up to where he's now sitting in front of me, I bring my hand up to his face,”please let me have my possibly last moments be of you and, “ I bring both my hands to hold his face. “This amazing face of yours.” he leans into my hands and smiles and throws tears. The room starts to get darker and I can feel my hands getting heavier. I take my hands from his face and lean into his chest. He brings me closer and I feel him bringing me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me.
“Please don't go '' I hear him say above me, his voice sounds like it's breaking but it's getting quieter. I'm surprised I've lasted this long.
“We both knew this day would arrive,” I pushed myself further into his arms. “Emerson?” I look up at him as he pulls away slightly to be able to look at me. I pull my hand from my side and rest it on his face. “Thank you for showing me what my worth is, and for teaching me to never settle for anything or for anyone.” I know my own tears are falling and I can feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness. “I know you're not gonna believe me but I want to thank you for also teaching me that what is right and wrong aren't as clear as black and white” I can barely get my words out as I'm crying and trying to keep my breathing going. “ I'm not gonna have my last words be a sappy I love you. because that's not true, I’m not gonna lie and say I love you when it's not true.” My breathing is slowing. I try to keep it going so I can just finish what i need to say. “I might not love you but I know I now have the capability to love you, and I wish I had more time to do that.”
“Sydney I-” why is he talking now he has so many chances to. My tears fall faster.
“I care so much about you Emerson,” I feel my breathing start to give out. The adrenaline is wearing off and the pain is kicking in. I've been looking into his eyes but never really registering them in my brain as I've been talking. “Your eyes look amazing in this lighting.” I laugh out loud when I feel my last breath as I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes.
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adecila · 5 years
Game of Thrones – A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - 8x02 episode analysis (kind of)
…or the episode we should have gotten last week.
And we’re back! I am not here to shit on last week’s episode I actually enjoyed it very much, if you just take it for what it was, but! I cannot help but remark how much better episode 2 has been to us… the writing was very very good and rich, and in character, and it finally feels like GoT and… I honestly don’t know what happened in episode 1. But moving on…
As you can already tell, this is going to my personal summary, thoughts and analysis of episode 02 of season 8. Going to put it all under a cut – spoilers, you have been warned.
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Are you an Oathkeeper or on Oathbreaker? Or the Jaime Fucking Lannister Fest
Listen I am not calling this a trial, because it is not. Yes I know they call it a trial in the BTS and Inside the episode.
Dany’s speech about Jaime’s deeds against House Targaryen is very good. As I have mentioned in my preview analysis, this is the first time (third time is a charm ha) that Jaime and Dany speak to one another. She doesn’t know this man. This man tried to kill her and he killed her father.
I got right half of the stuff at least, for what it’s worth. Tyrion looks soooo sooo bad. LIKE YOU KNEW YOUR SISTER? Oh the glare!!! If looks could kill, Tyrion would be dust. LiStEn, Tyrion, honey. Sit down. Jeez, read the room, you are not making it better. Dany is right - why should she trust this man? And Sansa is right there with her… until Brienne speaks. 
Gwen called Brienne’s speech something “almost like a declaration of love” and I think that is so beautiful it hurts. Not a Braime fan, but hey you got fed fam, I am happy for you! I already mentioned in my live blogging that it was either incoherent or just plain retcon to forget that Sansa sent Brienne to KL because she thought Brienne would kill her if it meant a showdown with Arya. But I digress. 
I find it very interesting how Jaime didn’t apologise and his cojones to say so because “we were at war” - and I get it, my dude, Ser Hot Stuff, we all know all is fair in love and war, but I guess it would be ooc for him to apologise. Great delivery, I don’t particularly like NCW but this scene? Top notch. I rate it one doggy style fuck out of one, but so good your legs are wobbly and you can barely find the energy to plop on your bed afterwards. 
The things we do for love… and Bran is back with the fucking shit stirring drama. We stan Bran Starkashian. 
I find it interesting since this is also Dany’s chance to show how she rules - Lady Sansa says her opinion, which surprises Dany. Then she turns to Jon, who the entire time has been very very quiet. Like the kind of quiet you are when you have the biggest hangover and you are stuck in class and you just want it to be over with. So Jon says what he could say to get the fuck out of there. “We need every man we can get.” So Jaime is given his sword back after Grey Worm literally gives him the I AM WATCHING YOU BITCH glare. 
But Jon’s chair is not facing forward, it is slightly oriented towards Dany’s. Notice how he doesn’t look at her, even when she addresses him directly. She gets up and everyone does so afterwards FINALLY SOME FUCKING RESPECT and she turns to Jon… and he doesn’t even look at her… and my baby looks heartbroken because he just ignores her *coughs* As soon as the meeting ended, he rushed out, not giving her a chance to say a word. *coughs*
In defence of Jon… Know what, we’ll talk about Jon later, when we get to the reveal. 
Oh and Bran totes doesn’t care about Jaime enough to expose him in front of the entire Great Hall. Because ya know, he is a drama queen, but he keeps his cards close, he either already has a plan for Jaime or as he said, and as I have predicted from the preview, it serves no purpose to expose Jaime for what he did to Bran. Like just click on it and read it. Good that Bran called him out on his apology naaah bitch you don’t get to go holier than thou here. It is what it is. 
Me at Bran this episode:
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Jaime and Tyrion’s conversation is very interesting, not only about Dany in general whether she is worthy or not, and Tyrion seems to be team Dany. Was it just me or Tyrion more like whispered the part where he talks about Cersei’s baby. Also also listen Jaime, unless you’re suddenly a gynaecologist how the fuck do you know she is not lying? I loved how Tyrion called Jaime out on the fact that he loved Cersei despite knowing full well what and who she was. Dude let’s call it what it was. Don’t play coy now. 
Ding ding ding Tyrion mentions marching to KL and killing Cersei … and that’s all I am gonna say about it.
Jaime x Brienne wow this ship is getting so fed - enjoy babies ! And I loved how Brienne was suddenly WHY ARENT YOU INSULTING ME I DONT KNOW HOW TO INTERACT TO YOU !!!! Brienne is leading the left flank and Jaime wants to be led by her. Keep in mind for next week’s episode! I am so proud of my son Pod, I am basically proudmom!Brienne tbh. 
The episode in which Dany gets a lot of counsel - because that’s also the type of ruler she is 
Tyrion x Varys x Jorah vs Dany - Dany gives the best scolding ever tbh. Moms, take notes, because look at Tyrion’s face. He knows this Christmas when the NK comes he will only get coal. No whores and wine for Tyrion. He was naughty boy.  
KHALESSI - Listen. I don’t like Jorah in the books, and my impression of show!Jorah has always been tainted by it. But this Jorah is redeemed and deserves to live I WILL RIOT IF HE DIES. The scene he has with Dany is one of my favourites because it just shows how much history they have together. I will sob if he dies because he is the only one left from S1E01 with her.  Jorah tells her to forgive Tyrion and seek out S.ansa to smooth things over. MY BEAR
S.ansa x Daenerys - First time I thought it was going well, they were bonding… and then S.ansa leaned forward and the hand placing seemed a bit too deliberate to me, too Margaery. What I am trying to say is that it is very hard to know if S.ansa is being genuine. It is a very good scene and it holds a lot of importance later on, more on that when I talk about the reveal in the last scene (and I this is what I wanted from episode 1 - cold but courteous.) 
S.ansa tells Dany Jon loves her and that “men do stupid things for the women they love, they’re easily manipulated” - which, fair point; she saw Cersei and Margaery do it. Buuuut she also had the counter-argument: she saw how Littlefinger manipulated her aunt. So it goes both ways, bby. 
“All my life I have known one goal: the Iron Throne […] until I met Jon 
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“Now I am here, half a world away, fighting Jon’s war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom?”  - I love how Dany turns the tables here, because she is right; if Dany was manipulating Jon, then how come she is the one here, fighting with all her men and resources and dragons? Who gains from this more? SEE S.ANSA IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN- 
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Then S.ansa goes for that smile ugh and agaaaain I am having soooo much trouble taking it for genuine. 
“I am here because I love your brother and I trust him and I know he is true to his word […]” I AM DEAD DEAD DEAD 
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And then it goes to shite because S.ansa is now clearly drawing inspiration from Theresa fucking May since she has no fucking skills to bring up Brexit - is it Nexit? Dany retreating her hands tho - she feels played LIKE REALLY BITCH I WAS SPEAKING FROM MY HEART AND YOU WERE JUST BUYING TIME HERE. 
Theonsa everywhere - or the ship you never thought would happen in this show yet you can’t help but ship it 
That hug!!!! Wow I loved it!!! Sophie and Alfie killed it. Also watch Dany in the background - my baby!!! Do you know how hard it is being around people with big families when you’re… alone? It’s fucking depressing, and I just want to hug Dany and carry her to safety. 
We got 3 Theonsa moments (and one was a Jonerys parallel so you know the romantic undertones are strong) in this episode soooo yeah! Enjoy! I am afraid they are setting Theon up to die, especially since it would be poetic cinema.jpeg for him to die defending Bran after he took WF from him.
Also also feels like book!Theon and show!Theon are colliding again. 
The Merry Men and the Night’s Watch leftovers ; and Ghost for 3 seconds - you’re welcome ; the Hound and Beric; Missandei and Grey Worm
Tormund calling Jon “little crow” was fucking everything! did you catch Jon’s smile??? Precious baby!!! And then asking about Brienne!!!! But did you catch Jon’s face when he saw Sam was also there - like ugh you again - BYE 
Missandei x Grey - one of them is totally dead BYE I AM GONNA FLUNG MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW 
Sam x Jon on the battlements - ugh Sam really you are looking soooooo bad right now. Jon’s face is again precious. He is so over Sam atm and he is just like WHEN WILL THE NK COME FOR ME BECAUSE IF I HAVE TO STAY ONE MORE SECOND WITH THIS BITCH ISTG– Then I got emo when Edd came up. Damn. Watch Edd die too… I feel it in mah bones. That’s how the last of the NW dies. 
Arya x The Hound - I get soooo many dad feels from the Hound tbh and I love it. My guess the Hound makes it. Beric tho??? hmmm Idk about that. 
Tormund is fucking insane and I love him
THE BRIENNE KNIGHTING WAS EVERYTHING AND I CANT EVEN LOOK AT THE GIFS WITHOUT SOBBING MAH HEART - also!!! Dunk and Egg reference - Brienne parallel?? And the title of the episode! ugh Summerhall references? BRIENNE DO NOT DIE 
Sam gives Jorah Heartsbane - Good. It’s what Jorah deserves. *pushes Sam out of the shot*
Pod singing Jenny’s Song is tearing me apart and making me sob harder I FUCKING LOST IT AND I AM STILL GETTING CHILLS YALL THIS WAS FUN. SEEMS EVERYONE DIES. No, I jest. But I love how they paired up the couples for a tragic love song - Brienne x Jaime, Sam x Gilly, S.ansa x Theon, Arya x Gendry, Missandei x Greyworm, Jon x Dany. I wouldn’t look too much into the song choice tbh, since in Inside the episode they say they knew they wanted a song and they just picked this one and added more verses since it was incomplete. I know this is the second Summerhall reference, but ya know, I personally wouldn’t look too much into it.  Edit: I should have never trusted D&D - now go read these amazing posts made by @tomakeitbeautifultolive in which she explains the song and the significance for Jonerys. Also Ramin Djawadi spoke about the song and fed our fandom just today (April 25th).
The War Council or let’s gather around Bran Starkashian so he can spill some tea on the NK
Plan sounds basic imo, not that I had expected much about that, but in Miguel we trust and we know he will absolutely crash this battle in episode 3. 
Interesting how the casually dropped that apparently the NK’s goal is to destroy Bran. And the mention of the mark - so now basically Bran is chipped. Cool beans. Sam’s remark about “death is forgetting, being forgotten is very interesting. Memories don’t come from books, your stories aren’t just stories.” - interesting take here. I Sam writing the book about Jonerys? If so I am afraid he has A FUCKING BIAS OMG I AM GETTING HEATED AGAIN. Also my friend @iane-casey  was totally annoyed how much screen time Sam got which honestly same dude I am still pissed at you *joins Jon to brood and glare at Sam*
Dany publicly makes a point in that she still needs Tyrion aka he is forgiven so that there is no bad blood between them. 
Lmao my friend @zavocado says we should totes just tape Bran to Drogon’s belly and lure the NK away from WF *grabs the duct-tape* 
FINALLY A MAP: listen, they are outnumbered as fuuuuck… besides that it is clear that Dany’s forces will get the most hit since they are in the vanguard, Birenne on the left with the Knights of the Vale and some Stark forces, on the right we get the rest of the North, and the Mormonts are inside the gates! 
Jon walks on Dany a second time - Dany stops as the room clears out (Qhono and Jorah and Varys behind her), looks expectandly at Jon, he doesn’t look at her (MY BABY BOY HE LOOKS SO ROUGH DID HE EVEN SLEEP?), falters “Your Grace”, and bolts. She falters, her face is all WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING and she clears the room too. More on that at the end.
Gendrya or the OTP you did not know you need and why you fucking need it
First of all, this fandom is so pure. I loooooved all the Gendrya on my dash from episode 1 and then this episode I got flooded and I am here for it bitch. Give me all the feels.
I cannot wait to see Arya with her new weapon!!! 
The gendrya - jonerys parallels??? EVERYTHING JUST WOW
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Jonerys parentage reveal 2.0 or the reveal Jon also deserved not the travesty he got
I will do a play by play of the scene, but first. Why does Jon avoid Dany? Simple. He is hurting. Since we get the Jaime vs Bran stare down and then we get the Jaime trial, it is safe to assume that happens the morning after Sam blurted the truth to Jon about his mom and dad. 
So at Jaime’s fake trial, Jon had what? A few hours at best to process everything - and by that I mean: Dany is his aunt; Ned lied to him his entire life (no matter the reason, Jon has been raised a certain way and to hear the man who was so honourable was capable of the biggest lie in the realm… das huge! so this is shocking his entire moral compass and belief system built upon the education his dad gave him); his dad actually loved his mom and married her so he is no longer a bastard - ya know aka the thing that affected his entire life and the thing he wanted most; his mom died giving birth to him and she managed to think of him in her last moments, enough to make Ned promise her he will take care of her son; the fact that if Robert even caught a whiff of it, he would have been dead. SO that is a LOT LOT. 
Which explains why Jon was so out of it when he is asked about Jaime. Also explains why he bolts out of the room without looking at Dany - I think if he had even so much as looked at her he would have broken down. He isn’t ready for it.
Oh the stuff I mentioned he had to come to terms with? On top of all of it we must add the stress of finding a way of telling all of this to Dany in a way that he doesn’t hurt her. Also I bet your ass he thought there was a chance she may not believe him (he himself did not in the beginning)… and a chance she may think he wants the throne since Sam drilled this into his head so now he is afraid of that too. 
So when Jon is in the war room he had what? around 12 hours in total since Sam told him? 15? 20? Do you think that’s enough? Because I don’t. But this time he is doing much better. So he is still not looking at Dany, but he addressed her “Your Grace” and leaves - which means he is already in a better place than where he was in the morning, but not quite there yet. 
This is good angst. We should rejoice, it will hurt before it gets better. 
Moving on. Why didn’t he just directly go to Dany? I honestly don’t think it’s in Jon’s character to seek out comfort. This is a kid who had no one to go to when he would hurt himself. That shit stays with you. You don’t just flip a switch and start seeking out your other half. No, in moments of stress the brain reverts to things it knows bets, to muscle memory and old habits; it uses the energy to overthink itself to death so ain’t nobody got time for that new behaviours shit. At this point jonerys have been together for how long? 3? 4 weeks? That’s not that much. They are used to each other, but not enough to break old habits and past traumas. 
Now, the reveal: 
Dany stops, silently asking permission before she approaches Jon. Poor bean must be a bit hurt that he avoided her twice, so better make sure he actually wants her company. Jon actually smiles at her, even if it is a sad smile. It kills me how he is just staring at him mom’s statue. KILLS ME. Only then, she approaches him (look at her face, brief relief!). She stops next to him, he turns to her and nods, and only THEN SHE EMBRACES HIS SIDE, HOLDING HIS HANDS, CHIN TO HIS SHOULDER.
“Who is that?”
“Lyanna Stark.” Jon eventually says
Dany looks a bit like oh… shit, again my family yikes… I would say she looks apologetic. “My brother Rhaegar, everyone told me he was decent and kind. He liked to sing. Gave money to poor children. And he raped her” - ok but this is big, because Dany just in S7 recognised her own rape… So no wonder her opinion on Rhaegar is not that good atm. 
“He didn’t” 
Dany looks shook, but she is still holding onto Jon. Notice how his hand is on hers? 
“He loved her.” 
She doesn’t interrupt. Jon almost looks like he is feeling brave, so he keeps her hand into his and turns to face her. 
“They were married in secret. After Rhaegar fell on the Trident, she had a son. Robert would have murdered the baby if he ever found out and Lyanna knew it.”
Dany is surpised, but so far so good. Jon stares into her eyes.
“So the last thing she did as she bled to death on her birthing bed was give the boy to her brother” – camera on Emilia — oh shit for a split second it starts to show that she is putting two and two together – “Ned Stark” – her eyes widen and she blinks – “to raise as his bastard” – she exhales, breathing accelerates – “My name,” – breathing heavily on her part –  “my real name” -- she looks incredulous and nods a smal no – “is Aegon Targaryen” – she blinks, exhales, puls away her hand and turn halfway away from Jon. 
She looks away, then at him, he is almost leaning over her but still too far. “That’s impossible.”
Camera on Jonerys
“Who told you this?”
“Bran. He was it.”
“He SAW it?” She sound clipped, the ARE YOU KIDDING ME tone clipped 
“And Samwell confirmed it.”He read about their marriage at the CItadel” – camera on Emilia —”without even knowing what it meant” (OK BUT FUCK OFF SAM GILLY READ THAT) - Dany’s face her, she is clearly restraining herself because this sounds insane.
“A secret no one in the world knew, except your brother and your best friend, doesn’t seem strange to you?” she shakes her head and it breaks my heart how you can see the wheels turning in her head going fuck here we go again, I laid my heart bare and that’s it. Yet another betrayal. 
Camera on Kit. He looks at her, takes a step forward “It’s true, Dany.” – camera on Emilia – “I know it is.” (UM HELLO DANY I AM HYPERVENTILATING BITCH)
Dany shakes her head, her face looks full with distrust. Then it goes to despair - her voice shaky “If it were true, it would make you the last male heir of the House Targaryen.” – camera on Kit HE FUCKING FROWNS LIKE WHAT – camera on Emilia – “You’d have a claim to the Iron Throne” – camera on Kit and his face goes again WHA— 
THEN THE FUCKING HORN SOUNDS. Jon turns his head towards the door, but Dany keeps staring at him and she looks heartbroken.
They go out and it’s all business. He nods to her and she leaves. Interesting though - she comes out first. Jon turned back towards the sound so if they were just running out he should have come out first. Either he remembered to be courteous or there is another small exchange we didn’t get to see. Or maybe I am reading way into things and it was a lame ass decision hahah. 
Ok so the reveal to Dany - you better fucking take notes Sam cuz this is how you do a reveal: being calm, level headed, explaining to the person as much as you can, answering questions.
On Dany’s reaction: my friend @oadara said it so so well in this post here. So, building on that, we need to put her reaction in context, just like I did with Jon’s cold shoulder. Dany’s discussion with S.asnsa is fresh in her mind, not just the part about who is manipulating whom, and that must drive her nuts now, but also the part in which S.asnsa did a 180 on her just when she thought she was making progress, so feeling like she was being manipulated. One of course must start asking questions. Has Jon just found out? Has he always known? Did he seduce her to take her armies and her dragons her her throne?? Moreover, Dany specifically tells S.ansa that her only goal in life has been the Iron Throne. Imagine that - having one goal in life, and suddenly someone comes in and can just rip it all away from you, poof just like that, they just need to say the word. Moreover, males have preference… and so many would rather follow a male than a female. And that’s a fact.  
Moreover… she still thinks herself barren… 
Like I am not saying Dany suddenly hates Jon or will cast him away (ok maybe she will initially I have a prediction/theory I will explain in a different post). I am saying… JUST GIVE DANY TIME. She just found out and now she gotta go save everyone’s ass. Let the girl breathe.
I was asking myself but why would Jon tell her now? If he himself wishes she had never known? I think it may be a very Ned Stark thing - he genuinely thinks he will fall, and he wanted to tell her the truth, because Rhaegar Targaryen may be his dad but Ned Stark is his daddy. 
What do you think? As always, dms and asks are open! 
Will make a preview post and another about my jonerys theory. 
All in all, this episode was incredible and I loved it. I am so not ready for the fight fuuuuuuuuuuuu-
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b-ap · 5 years
[181117] B.A.P Forever Tour in Philadelphia - Highlight of my Life
This was really one of the best concerts I’ve ever gone to. Despite being skeptical of JSJ from the beginning, I was still willing to risk it and buy the tickets. I was debating for a while to drop $400 or not for m&g but when you think about it, it was only $30 per photo with each of the boys (+ a hat, hoodie, and whistle) so that’s HELLA worth it.  So I dropped nearly $600 for this concert but for real it was SO worth it. I was even willing to go down by bus all by myself and possibly wandering the streets of philly late at night for it but luckily was able to catch a ride! 
These two BABYz gave out numbers from the very beginning like they marked down if you were plat or baby package and in the end JSJ and fans actually honored them! It was really great cuz we were able to leave the line to go to the bathroom or get food! BABYz around me were so nice and friendly too ;u; When it was time to go in to soundcheck and for the concert, we all actually got in order! It was REALLY nice like wow thank you philly babyz!! We were let in a little late for soundcheck cuz apparently bap was doing some kind of interview?? As for soundcheck, it was sooOOOoooOOO good!!! They kinda mixed up plat and baby but oh well whatever I still got like 3rd row so *^* WOOHOO! The stage was up really high and the venue was quite small, but philly crowd’s passion was explosive and powerful!! At the beginning of soundcheck Zelo kept like peeking out from the backstage door *^* they were ODing the fog machine so you could only see silhouettes at the door sometimes OTL. Daehyun was the first to come out! He came in this big puffer jacket and had earphones and and was smiling so cutely!! That wonderful wonderful kitty smile!! OH MY HEART PLEASE HAVE MERCY!! And then the others came out! <3 Zelo was wearing like PJ pants lmao the same one he wore in that IG pic of him in the truck, jongup was wearing leather (i think.....), himchan wore the tour hoodie, and youngjae wore a long coat. BUT YEAH the first song they did was TMJ and the crowd was hella LIT!!! Like everyone was singing their lungs out and jumping and being really really excited! We all started jamming out hardcore at the very first note of TMJ and I just knew it was about to be epic. BAP was sooo happy!! They really enjoyed it as well!  And then they did DWIF and omfg daehyun was soooo cute cuz we were so loud during the OH!! part that he was like :O!!!!! and gave us two thumbs up!! The others were really happy too!! And then Zelo was controlling the crowd with his hands LOL like he was making us go side to side like a wave and then jongup was doing this weird dance too lmaooo we hyped up each other so much! It was soo much fun ;A; too bad we couldn’t record but JSJ got a ( video )~!! Like just listen to BABYz singing along at the beginning!! ( dh shocked at 0:41, thumbs up at 0:51)
We had to go back outside again after the concert and that’s when the line got a little messy since now there was also GA peeps and the sidewalk is only so big to fit like 3 different lines. But it worked out in the end and we got in order!! AND YA GIRL GOT FCKN 2ND ROW HEEEEEEEEELLLL YEAHH!! I had a GREAT view!! There was actually quite a lot of space and like NO pushing!! (except this one bishhhh but whatever that’s another story -.- i’ll delete her from my memory) But wow pit was fCKN great like wow the fanchants!! The whistles!! NO PUSHING!! LIKE WHAT WOOOW I LOVE YOU (this was an all standing venue btw). When we were waiting for the concert to start, they played a bunch of their songs and everyone was scream-singing the lyrics (well more like trying to LOL we can’t korean) We had our own bap concert with an empty stage lmaooo 
AND AHHHH BAP WAS SOOOO GOOD AT FANSERVICE!!! Himchan noticed me like several times i fucking cRy!! He looked and waved at mee TWICE and like gestured to focus on zelo for recording and taking pics when it was his part AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Like last year he saw me struggling in pit (cuz that was HELL) and looked worried I CRY and he smiled at me too huuuhuuu himchan youre a fckn angel I LOVE YOU!!! I made a half heart at daehyun and hE FCKN COMPLETED IT I WAS ABOUT TO FCKN DIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!! JOngup threw so many hearts and kisses at the crowd and youngjae blew so many kisses!! They were waving as much as possible to fans and daehyun, bless his heart, kept saying thank you!!thank you!! at any chance he could get!
During Q&A, bap spent the longest time arguing about harry potter houses pmsl and then yj was just like idk i never watched it (shame on you bro) and then himchan was like EXPECTRO PATRONUM!! (nerrRRRddddd). Jongup said he was fckn Dobby like bruH thats not even a house!!! YJ was like forget this!! and said, “PASS!!” Himchan said that he was Slytherin and then jongup said that Himchan would be fkcn Snape and did this dramatic coat sweeping straightening up his back thing LOL so himchan said Jongup would be a muggle pmsl Zelo did like a broom riding imitation??? irdk.... Next question was what was your favorite song that you’ve ever made. Jongup answered Photo and sang a little of it (so then where is the studio version biiSHHHhh) but lol BABYz were like SEXY CLAP!!!!!! Youngjae pulled out a question, looked at it and was like NOPE! and put it back pmsl! The next question was what tricks can Mochii do and then youngjae was frckn like body slamming zelo and jongup lmaooo. Zelo was sooooo cute he was telling the story of how Mochii bit in all in English!! He said how he was eating and was struggling to explain that Mochii was under the table so BABYz were helping him! He said that he dropped cheese and then Mochii went to eat it but Zelo tried to stop him. Mochii bit and and then Zelo was like “ooh! bloood! my dog is ...wildlife” but the way he said blood was soo cute like the oo in moon instead of “blud”  This sweet precious boy!! His English was so good!!!! The next question was to sing happy birthday to a BABY named Jenny (wow you LUCKY girl im sooo jelly omfg). So Zelo sings her hbd really dramatically lmao and they give her their sweaty towel and Zelo gave her a water bottle too!! They’re so sweet!!!!!!! 
During their other talk segment, Youngjae was like since our tour in america, philly has been the most passionate! So we all SCREAMED and cheered like crazy! Daehyun was like hold up!! AGAIN! and went to grab a phone. He made us all scream and cheer again so he could record it. The boys kept gesturing to scream louder and more and were totally enjoying the cheers! I hope we conveyed our love for them well enough!! Also Daehyun release that footage soon pls!!! He told us we did a good job screaming lmaoo! Youngjae kept making sounds for us to repeat lmao like ooOOoooo (idk how to describe it LOL) and then was like “maestro!” when trying to silence us with his fingers like a conductor LOL but we kept screaming things LOL someone was like “this is my first kpop concert!!” so youngjae was like “sounds good!” and gave a thumbs up. Jongup also did the conductor thing hahahah Daehyun promised to come back again next year and I REALLY REALLY hope that they do!!!! 
The solos were beyond amazing. Like rewatching youngjae and daehyun’s solos made me tear up like how do such beautiful voices exist in this world? Did I really hear those ethereal voices in real life? It was sooo mesmerizing and breathtaking! Youngjae’s gorgeous baritone voice singing that smooth ballad huuuhuuu my heEArt!!! Daehyun’s heartwrenchingly beautiful voice, song, and lyrics wow let me just lie down and drown in my tears rn bYE! DaeUp’s duet was so cool, Jongup’s TML was perfect as usual, Zelo’s solo was sinful oh my those hip and that peach *blushes* it was suuuper fun and Zelo enjoyed it a LOT too!!! He lifted up his shirt!! 
THEN IT WAS M&G TIME!!! They set up the background right in front of the stage. We lined up to go in and bap was standing like: jongup, youngjae, daehyun, himchan, zelo! It was plat individual photos first, then baby group + hi-touch, then plat group + hi-touch. BABYz really went for it!! Like a lot of us got hugs! We were able to watch the whole m&g but they didnt let us have our phones out ;A; (and I also had used up all 6.5 GB of space on my phone OTL) BAP were SOOOOOOOO sweet UGH we stan literal ANGELS!! They love BABYz so fricken much!! JSJ was sooo nice to allow a lot of fan interactions AHHHHHHHH BAP did a lot of cute poses and played around with BABYz! LEt mE TELL YOU THAT BAP IS SERIOUSLY SOOOO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME, GORGEOUS, STUNNING, MESMERIZING, UP CLOSE HOW DID MY HEART EVEN SURVIVE?????? I GOT TO BEAR HUG EVERYONEEEE THEYRE ALL SO TALL AND IM HELLA SMOL SO THEY HAD TO SQUAT DOWN FOR ME HUUHUU THYE LIKE PATTED MY BACK DURING THE HUGS TOO AHHHHHH WE HAD A DECENT AMOUNT OF TIME WITH ALL OF THEM!!! I TOLD DAEHYUN I SAW HIM IN KOREA IN ASU AND HE WAS LIKE OOOOOH THANK YOU!!! CURSES TO MY TINY AF VOICE CUZ I DONT THINK THEY ALL EVEN REALLY HEARD WHAT I SAID SOMETIMES!!! I told Zelo he was too tall for me lmaooo I really wanna see how much he had to bend down for me! I seriously wished that my m&g was recorded but :((((((((((( After my m&g I legit squealed and hugged my friend lmao but the staff yelled at us for being too loud LMAO BUT GIRL WE JUST HUGGED FCKN KINGS LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We tried to contain ourselves as much as possible LOL Daehyun said thank you out loud to a lot of BABYz after their m&g! Zelo kept dabbing at BABYz lmaooo a lot of them didnt notice tho cuz he would do it after they had already passed him HAHAHA when it was my hi-touch I dabbed at Zelo hahah and he dabbed back :D I wanted to get a group hug from them but i got too excited and FUCKING FORGOT to ask for a group hug *kicks myself* Now I wish I had written my name on a name tag (like “HI I’M JUNIE”) and hope they wouldve said “HI JUNIE”  but I didnt OTL 
I really wish I could relive the whole day. I wish I was able to record my m&g and got a group hug or them to say my name or I had said something more to them but it’s ok my heart is very very happy and I love bap soo much. My 7 year love for them continues and I will really love them forever. Let’s meet again soon, my loves! I’m looking forward to then~! 
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