#my first day is generally abysmal and so was this morning when i woke up and waited for the pill to kick in
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fluffy-critter · 11 months ago
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villa-kulla · 6 years ago
just a PSA that I’ve been taking Naproxen for menstrual cramps for about 6 months now, and I honestly have no idea how I managed without it before. It is LIFE CHANGING and I owe them my entire life (or at least the ability to walk and stand up straight on the first day of my period without waves of abdominal pain and the need to curl up in the fetal position before I faint on the spot). HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR ANYONE WHO SUFFERS FROM BAD MENSTRUAL CRAMPS
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urupotter · 4 years ago
So while I've said before that I don't like the HP subreddit, I still frequent it because occasionally I read something insightful. This is one such case, where I read a reading of Lupin that I'd never seen before in response to a comment of mine analyzing the shrieking shack confrontation between Snape, Remus, Sirius and the golden trio, where I mentioned that Lupin was a gaslighter so I wanted to share. It was created by reddit user u/UsuallySiSometimesNo and is posted here with his permission. We had a little conversation in the comments. Read it under the cut
UsuallySiSometimesNo: That struck a cord with me, too. I didn't think about that on a conscious level before, but when I read it, it felt instantly true.
Honestly, I think the strongest examples of Lupin gaslighting are actually done to himself. The biggest, character-defining example, I think, is that after finding friendship with James, Sirius, and Peter, he becomes so desperate not to be ostracized from them (due to his issues of self-worth and his personal brand of impostor syndrome) that he deliberately and routinely feeds himself false narratives about their behavior until he can no longer tell fact from fiction, even as he's experiencing it.
Their relentless bullying of Snape? A childhood rivalry.
Their casual bullying of other students? Kids being young and stupid.
Their clear disinterest verging on contempt for Peter, someone less fortunate and vulnerable with whom they're supposed to be good friends? Just mates being mates.
Even actions taken against Lupin, himself, are revised in his memory to be 'no big deal', because he desperately needs that to be true. Let's pretend for a moment that Snape indisputably deserved to be slaughtered by a werewolf the night Sirius told him how to get past the Whomping Willow. Sirius did not send Snape to be killed by any old werewolf. What happened that night was that Sirius - one of Remus' best friends, if not his actual best friend - attempted to use Remus' curse/illness against someone (which is a big enough betrayal on it's own) without ever telling Remus that when he woke up in the morning (covered in blood and in the presence of a shredded corpse) it would be to find that he had committed the act he was most petrified he might one day commit. In setting Snape up to be killed by Lupin, Sirius, at the very least, risked Lupin's sanity, and, at the very most, risked Lupin being sentenced to death.
Now, I understand that Sirius wasn't thinking about all of that when he did what he did, and I, as a someone removed from the situation (and armed with the additional character/situational knowledge granted to a reader) can even understand why Sirius' own trauma led him to grant such a blind death sentence to Snape (which I think is related to a point you made elsewhere, u/Adventure_Time_Snail, about Sirius' "violence towards those who trigger his fundamental fear of wizard fascists" because of his abusive upbringing). But Lupin's perspective is not one of an unbiased observer. And once James found out what was happening and pulled Snape back before it was too late (which, I would think, was more to save Lupin than to save Snape) and once Remus awoke the next to day to discover everything that transpired the night before, I find it hard to believe there wasn't at least some conversation about the true gravity of the situation. And yet, even all these years later, Lupin doesn't bat an eye when Sirius not only doesn't display shame when the event is mentioned in POA, but offers something akin to regret, NOT at the fact that his actions could have gotten Lupin killed, but that that they DIDN'T get Snape killed: "It served him right...", he sneered. etc. etc.
I think the obvious question here, is 'Even disregarding what Sirius did to Snape - how can Lupin be okay with the knowledge that Sirius has no regret, at all, for what he did to him, even now that they're adults?' Well, we're not in Lupin's point of view in the books, which means we can't hear his internal monologue, but I think a satisfactory answer to the question is that he's done a substantial amount of internal gymnastics in order to get to a point where he doesn't see this as a big deal, or even as something that he has a right to be upset about.... just like a gaslighter does to their victim.
Again, because we're not in Lupin's POV, we can't point to the exact instances that such internal gaslighting took place, but, based on what we do observe from Harry's POV (and based on external knowledge of gaslighting as a true-to-life concept) I wouldn't be surprised if Lupin so desperately needs everything to be okay that he derides himself for feeling bad or betrayed, that he calls himself stupid for thinking terrible things that have happened to him are a big deal, that he wars with himself about how people who are his friends and who are so good to him and who are better friends than he thinks he deserves could possibly do something to harm him/others, and that he beats down whatever emotions and senses and gut feelings he has that tells him something his friends have done might be very wrong. What we see in the books is a man who makes excuses for his friends and harbors a warped perception of reality in much the same way victims of gaslighting do, and he seems to exploit his own insecurities in order to instill doubt in his own experiences in much the same way perpetrators of gaslighting do.
I can't help but think that, by the time Lupin tells Harry that Snape harbors a particularly strong hatred for James because James was a better Quidditch player, Lupin has become so adept at gaslighting himself that he actually believes it.
tl;dr: One of Lupin's defining characteristics is that he gaslights himself out of a desperate need to be liked by others, since he has a difficult time liking himself and seems to believe all of his relationships are incredibly fragile.
This is a fascinating reading on Lupin that I've never seen. I don't read him the same way, in that I think Lupin actually does know that what he's doing is wrong, he just doesn't have the moral courage to act on his conscience. (I view him as the anti Snape, great conscience, but abysmal moral courage, while Snape had unbelievable moral courage but a shitty conscience. Their arcs are about growing their moral courage and their conscience respectively) Realizing that his negligence almost got Harry killed is what triggers his arc, concluding when he goes back to Tonks and Teddy after running away, taking responsibility for his actions for the first time.
But this reading is so interesting that I'll have to reflect on it. Do you mind if I post it on my Harry Potter tumblr blog? I'll credit you of course, I would just like to discuss it with my followers. Of course if you don't want to I won't.
Honestly, I think the lack of in-depth conversation about Remus Lupin (at least compared to fan favorites Sirius Black and Severus Snape) is a missed opportunity and a shame. Don't get me wrong, I can discuss Sirius and Snape until blue in the face, but Lupin's arc is just as powerful in an understated (and often underestimated) way. The muddy, oversimplified truth is, without the fatal-flaw decision making of all four Marauders throughout their lives, the series of events proceeding the first chapter of the first book don't happen, and the story we all know and love never comes to be.
And speaking of sparking a discussion about Lupin...
I think Lupin actually does know that what he's doing is wrong, he just doesn't have the moral courage to act on his conscience.
You know what? I agree. And that's what makes him so interesting, I think. He is constantly and dependably full to bursting with internal conflict. When his friends are wrong/do something wrong/say something wrong, he can and does immediately identify the situation as wrong. When he does something wrong, or when he does nothing in the face of something wrong, in that moment I believe he knows the full weight of the situation. Like you said, he has a strong conscience, as well as a deeper, perhaps more nuanced understanding of right and wrong than do, for example, James and Sirius. Now, Lupin needs his friends. They're not just people to hang out with, they're a lifeline for him. He's not going to engage in conflict with them if there is even the slightest chance that he might lose them (for a variety of reasons, he lacks, as you said, the moral courage to do so). But he's also a generally decent human being, and with a strong conscience comes the capacity for sincere guilt and remorse. So, not only will he not confront his friends, he needs it to be okay that he doesn't confront them. And it's at that point that I think the self gaslighting is triggered.
But Lupin is intelligent and nobody's fool, so the gaslighting creates only a thin layer of ice over the problem. Just enough of a cover that he can live with the things he would otherwise deeply regret. I do think he believes the alternative reality he makes for himself to be accurate as long as it isn't really challenged. Crack the ice, though, and we see him express remorse and reveal an underlying awareness of past and present truths. But then the moment is over, and the war between the uncomfortably and full weight of the truth and his need for the companionship of his friends returns, and then the gaslighting begins again, allowing him an easier return to his closest friends (and eventually his closest friend, singular, after the others have been taken from him as was his fear all along) without conflict and with minimal strain on his conscience.
Once Sirius, the last of his original chosen family is gone - truly gone, as opposed to 'located elsewhere' as he was when in prison - following OOtP, suddenly Lupin's arc takes off at a greater speed than at any point prior. He's now literally lost all of the people he'd been terrified of figuratively losing. Although there are still people and things he cares about, he isn't as dependent on any of them as he was on those foundational friendships, and the finality of their absence allows him to finally grow beyond his stifling cycle of reality shifting, confront the truths of his reality and his circumstances, and, as you said, finally take responsibility by returning to Tonks and Teddy - a decision that, ultimately, triggers his death (I don't mean to imply that it was a bad decision or that it's the sole cause of his death, but Rowling has said that being 'out of practice' contributed to his loss at the Battle of Hogwarts, which makes for a fantastic tragedy).
I don't mean to overstate the importance of this theory or imply that it's always present when he's on-stage, and, as with anyone, many other elements, of course, factor into his actions/words/motives. But I think it's a fascinating potential component of his character all the same. If you have more thoughts on this, I love to hear them - and I look forward to reading the discussion on your blog!
So what do you think? Is this a valid reading of Lupin? I'd say it is, but I'm interested in reading my followers thoughts!
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tomtenadia · 4 years ago
A Little Braver ch.6
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Here we go with chapter 6. I edited but if you see any typos I am sorry I had a long day at work.
During the call they attend in the chapter they mention a substance called ANFO. Click here for more info. I did some research hopefully it makes sense. I am no an expert but I needed something for the scene.
Our two idiots... well, I hope you will be happy (for now) *evil laughter*
I hope you will enjoy the chapter
Three months later.
Rowan landed back at the airbase in the morning. The carrier had docked on the coast a few hours earlier on and then they had flown back to the base with their jets.
He got off his plane and smelled the air of home. Winter had given way to spring and he could smell flowers and wondered if the kingsflames were in bloom already.
“Damn it feels good to be back.” Shouted Gavriel getting off his jet and stretching his back “I am dying for a very long relaxing bath. And peace, without you idiots annoying me.”
“Oh yeah,” said Fenrys “Not having to hear Connall and Vaughan snore will be so good.” He turned to Rowan and Gavriel “Not everyone has the rank to get their own quarters.”
Rowan pretended not to hear the youngster and started walking around his aircraft to do his post-flight checks. He had enough of their bickering and of Fenrys moaning in general.
“Guys.” He bellowed “Less talking and do your post-flight checks.”
“Someone is grumpy.” Added Fenrys.
Connall slapped him on the back of his neck “don’t anger the man even further. Now shut up and do your job. I am so tired of your voice.”
Rowan silently thanked Connall for putting his twin in place.
Once he was done, Rowan grabbed his duffel bag and went to the changing room and took a shower. He would take a proper one at home, for now he just wanted to remove some dirt from him.  
The changing room was busy and he opened his locker with a sigh. He definitely needed peace and quiet and not to be in close quarters for a while.
“I am so looking forward to my month off.” Commented Gavriel “and decent food. I want to sit down for a meal for more than ten minutes.” Then he turned to Rowan “Any plans?”
“Not really.” He shrugged.
“Are you going to see your captain?”
“I don’t know.” He said quickly. He did his best to put her out of his mind during those months away. To ignore those pesky feeling that had been taking root in him even while far away from her. He had hated how he left her and throwing himself into work had been the best way to try and forget. But now he was back and he felt as if he was stuck.
He put his uniform back on and grabbed his stuff “Just stay out of trouble,” he told them before leaving the room.
While walking to his office he pulled his mobile out of the bag, switched it back on and a barrage of notifications hit him and two voicemails awaited him. The first one was from Aelin and she was mad at him. How could he blame her. He had disappeared without a word. How could he even begin to apologise? When he listened to the second and a glimmer of hope appeared in front of him. She wanted to talk. He grabbed his stuff and blitzed out of the airbase. The taxi he had called arrived ten minutes later and once at the station he paid the driver and got off, his duffel bag on his shoulder. An array of emotions passed through him while he moved the first step in the direction of the firehouse, panic being at the top of the list.
He lifted his sunglasses on his head and took in the scene in the distance. Two fire engines were parked in front of the yard. Aelin and the rest of the team were washing them, the day was sunny and mild so the perfect occasion. He chuckled and noticed that she was standing. She was walking normally and he sighed. Rowan found himself staring at her walking around the truck and shouting orders. She was just as stunning as he remembered her. He missed her. He realised in that instant looking at her from far away that somehow, although there was nothing but vitriol between the two, he just missed her. Was his heart actually racing?
Aelin lifted her gaze for one instant and in the distance on the pavement she noticed a tall figure with silver hair. She squeezed the sponge and threw it in the bucket, then stood and marched to him doing all her best to maintain her cool to try and pass as aloof and not minimally interested that he was back. A lie to herself she struggled to believe.
“I am back safely.” He said when she was close enough.
“Well, at least you can do your job well enough to stay alive.” Her tone was hard and unforgiving.
Of course she was still mad at him, what was he expecting?
“Follow me.” She turned around and began walking back inside the station and Rowan knew she was headed for her office. Better have some privacy, he had a feeling he was not going not enjoy the conversation.
“Sit,” she ordered, once inside her office and he complied like a good soldier.
She moved around the desk and plopped on her chair.
“Aelin I—“
“No, you don’t get to go first,” annoyance quite thick in her voice “You left.” She sat up straight “you left me at the hospital and left again three days later for your mission and neither time you bothered to tell me why. You left.” She searched for his gaze and looked at his pine green eyes “Do you have any idea how I felt when I fully woke up and found out you never got back?” She told him unleashing all the anger she had bottled up while he was away “I went to your airbase and I was told by one of the guards that you all had gone for a week already.” She was not shouting but her tone was full of annoyance toward him.
Rowan had thought over and over again how he could apologise to her, but doing so it would mean reveal his secret and he was not sure he could. He should expose his fears and come clean with her, she had lost, just like him, she would understand his struggle.
Eventually he stood and started pacing “I heard what you said in the hospital… about your feelings. And I panicked.” He stopped for a moment “I freaked out because…” he collapsed on the chair, his head in his hands and Aelin knew exactly why but she had to hear him say it.
He had to do it, be a little braver and tell her why he fled, it was his only chance if he even contemplated the idea of being with her or to have any kind of relationship.
“I am scared of getting involved again.” He sighed deeply and Aelin saw pain in his eyes “Over a year and a half ago I lost my wife.” He confessed and Aelin gripped her hands under the table to avoid crying. “She died in a car crash. It was winter and the roads were bad and she just… lost control of the car according to the police.” He looked away for a second “Lyria was also pregnant.” His voice trembled for a moment. “I was away. I was on the other side of the continent when it happened. I left my pregnant wife alone.”
Aelin’s eyes became wet all of a sudden.
“She was going to leave me.” He admitted painfully and Aelin almost gasped at the unexpected ammission “a few days before I left I was looking for something for her in her drawer and saw the papers. She had all the documents ready to file for divorce, my signature was the only thing missing. She had also a letter from her lawyer saying that she would win full custody of our child since, because of my job, I was not fit to look after a child. I would probably win to see my child from time to time.” He stood again “I never told her that I had found out. I left for my mission and she didn’t even come to the airbase with me as she used to do in the past.” He ran his hand through his hair “I loved her. But apparently not enough.” He stopped again as if to gather his thoughts “I got a short compassionate leave and when I got back I just threw myself into work. It kept my mind busy. Since then I haven’t been with anyone.”
“I know.” Aelin whispered and he look at her in a strange way”About the accident, I mean.” She said softly.
“One day I was curious and I looked you up.” She stood and went around the table and sat at the front, facing him. No barriers between them “I read about your wife. Then I read the article about her accident.” She hoped she was not to mess up this one “I recognised our engine in one of the photos from the article.
His gaze widened.
“My team and I attended the accident.” And stared at him but his expression was illegible “It was bad. Only one person survived that night. I had nightmares about it for a week. She… your wife… I think she did not suffer much. I know it’s not much consolation, but from the dynamics it was probably instantaneous.”
Rowan looked at her and she saw tears in his eyes.
“I still have the file.”
“No.” He said calmly “I don’t think I can.”
She took a step to him and took his hand in hers “I know the pain” it was time for her confession. It was only fair.
Rowan looked at her and remembered about the man she had lost.
“His name was Sam. He was a firefighter and a captain at west station. I lost him over a year ago. He attended a call. We could not assist straight away because we were busy on another one. Once we were done we ran in their help. I was too late.” She buried her face in her hands “when I got there they were just carrying his body outside the building.” She looked at him “he did not die a nice death. He suffered and I was not there. I was too late to help him.” She squeezed his hand “I know your pain and your fears because they are the same as mine.” She took another step toward him “losing Sam almost destroyed me. I can’t go through that a second time.”
“How do you get out of the abysm?” He asked tenderly, both with eyes moist.
“One step at a time.” She added and her body was now almost close to his.
Rowan hesitated for an instant then his arm reached out and pulled her closer “Together, then” he whispered, leaning his chin on her head “we can try together.”
“Yeah…” she whispered, her hands against his chest “I am sorry I was mad at you.”
“Shhh… I deserved it.”
She leaned closer and inhaled his scent of pine and snow. He always smelled of home.
“I am sorry I was always so mean to you. I think I was just trying to push you away and keep my distance.”
Aelin smiled and with her fingers brushed his name tag “I think we both did our best to show our unpleasant side.”
She felt him tighten his arms around her “Can we please not? I don’t mean not fighting because I have a feeling that we might get into a few fights from time to time. I mean stop being actually nasty to each other.” He admitted and she felt his thumb tracing circles on her back “whatever this is… I want to give it a go. If you are okay of course,”
She looked up at him and saw a faint smile that reached his eyes. Even with a small smile the man was stunning. She didn’t want to think about with a proper smile.
“Yeah. I want to. I am still terrified, though.”
“That makes two of us.”
“So, where do we start, captain?”
“You owe me two so what about we start with me taking you out for dinner and then we move from there?”
Aelin chuckled “Do you have your mortgage ready?”
He smiled. He gave her an actual real smile and Aelin had to restrain her instinct to slam him against the door and have her way with him.
“The bank apparently does not offer mortgages to pay for meals.” He pulled back a bit to look at her “are you free tomorrow night? I am on my month off so I am totally free.”
Aelin nodded “yes, we will be coming off night shift around 9am. I can go home, sleep and I will see you at night.”
“I still have your address. Can I pick you up at seven?”
“I think I will be alive again by that time.”
“What do we say to our friends if they ask?”
“None of their business.”
He looked down at her “I like it.”
They pulled apart and Aelin went back to sitting on the desk and him on the chair “So your knee is okay again?”
“Yes, physio was a bitch but it’s getting better. The guys, as a joke, gave me kneepads.”
She saw him smile and she realised she would say all sort of stupid things to see that reaction in him. The result left her breathless.
“And you performance review?”
She gave him the biggest grin ever “We crushed it. Absolutely nailed it and I am so proud of my team”
“I had no doubts.” He leaned back on the chair “and I see that you got another engine. That must be great news for you guys.”
She nodded “we got it two weeks ago. It was all thanks to the protest after the embankment fire. Dorian pushed and he got it.” She took a pen and tapped it on her knee “we still don’t have a full team, so at the moment we use it if  the situation requires it and we split our team and Aedion leads it. It’s not optimal but the team is coming,” she explained “west is giving us half of their experienced team in their second truck and they are taking half rookies so we’ll both have a truck of mixed crews. Again, not the best but we can’t have an engine with all newbies.”
“That is wonderful.”
“You interview helped as well. The one outside the hospital.”
He looked away for a moment “they made me so mad. Giving all the credit to us when we did very little. I had to.”
“Thank you.”
In that instant the dispatch alarm went off.
“Shit.” She jumped off the table “Don’t go anywhere. There’s a tv, a kitchen. Stay here.”
He nodded and grabbed her hand “Be safe, please.”
She nodded and ran outside.
“There you are. You are the last one here.” Joked Aedion while they were both getting ready.
“She was with her captain.” Added Ansel with a wicked smile.
“Uh, getting nasty in the office?” Added Brullo.
Aelin opened the door and jumped in the engine at her seat “stop behaving like children and jump in the bloody truck right now.”
“Aedion, you lead the second one. ”
Rowan noticed the two engines and the ambulance drive away and once they were away he wandered around the empty space.
He walked around the deserted station and tried to discover more about that interesting team. He walked back the same way as her office and found a corridor that lead to their beds. On a wall there were pictures of the whole team. He stared at Aelin’s picture. She had the most beautiful grin and it was so like her. He smiled at her and traced his step back to the resting area. He sat on the sofa and switched on the tv and on the news he saw a raging fire as breaking news and he guessed that’s where they were going. The headline quoted a fire in an explosive warehouse near a quarry. It looked terrifying.
“Aedion,” said Aelin over the radio “we are going to the warehouse near the quarry. Explosives. This is your kingdom.”
“I saw it.  Dispatch confirmed west is coming as well. It must be bad for four engines.”
They arrived at the site five minutes later.
Aelin jumped off the truck “Fuck.” Was her first reaction at the scene in front of them.
In the distance she heard the evacuation sirens for the quarry. West station arrived a moment later.
The fire was raging. Luckily the warehouse was near a quarry and away from inhabited areas, that at least was a start.
She saw a man with a high visibility jacket and ran to him.
“Captain Galathynius.” She introduced herself.
“Captain. I am the manager.” He explained “We evacuated the quarry in time as soon as we heard the first explosion. The warehouse team was loading a new load of explosives to be sent to the quarry. Something must have gone wrong. We lost contact with the team in the north wing where we store the explosives.”
Aedion arrived a moment later “what are we dealing with?”
“Mostly ANFO.” Replied the manager “it was meant to be moved.”
“Do you store any other agent or fuels?”
The manager nodded “but in a separate section. Something must have gone wrong while carrying it away. ANFO must have been in contact with any of the other fuels we use. ANFO is just an oxidiser” the manager explained and Aedion nodded aware of how ANFO worked.
“How many people do you have in the warehouse?’ Asked Aelin trying to assess the situation.
“About 60 and I have 40 accounted for.”
“We’ll get them out.” She said. Grabbed Aedion’s arm and walked away.
“Still twenty people inside. You are the expert. What are the chances I can send the team in and make it out alive?”
“Heat will cause ANFO to detonate. The fire is spreading qui—“
Another savage explosion ravaged the area. The blast so strong that the aftershock was felt quite a distance away. Aedion had pulled Aelin down on the ground and when they lifted their heads they noticed the rest of the team had done the same.
“Thomas,” she shouted while standing up “Connect to the water supply and get the water going and keep the temperature down as much as you can.”
He nodded and spurred his team into action.
“Aedion, you and I are going in.”
The man nodded.
“Luca, Brullo, keep the water going as well. We need to cool down the place as much as possible.” Then she walked to Thomas “Aedion and I are going in. There are still twenty people trapped. We’ll see if we can do something. Call dispatch and order all the units they can send in.”
“You can’t be serious.” The other captain protested “Dorian will not be happy.”
“I am.” she said finishing to don her gear fully “we’ll se you on the flip side. Keep the water coming.”
He stared at her and Aedion ran to the area less affected by the fire. It was a suicide mission and Dorian was not going to be happy.
Back at the station, Rowan was on the edge of his seat. He had felt the explosion, heard it mostly. He kept staring at the screen where he had seen Aelin and Aedion running into the building and his heart raced to the point of pain. There was no way there was anyone alive in that inferno. Why was she risking her life like that?
The four engines were woking hard channeling as much water as possible on the building but from his perspective it seemed like the fire was not yielding at all. He stood and started pacing.
In that moment Lorcan called him “Are you seeing the news about the fire?”
“Yeah.” Rowan replied not removing his eyes from the tv.
“They are there.”
“I know.” Rowan felt sick “Aelin just went in.”
“Are you at home?” The man on the line asked.
“No, at the station.”
“Let me know when they are back.”
Rowan hung up and resumed his pacing.
Dorian arrived on the scene and ran to Thomas as soon as he noticed the captain.
“Where are they?” He asked with panic in his voice.
Thomas inclined his head and indicated the building and Dorian swore savagely.
“How long? I got an update on my way here.”
“Five minutes.” Added the captain directing the water to another area of the building “I have called for more units. Two more are on their way.”
“That is not enough,” raged Dorian grabbing his phone. He walked away calling someone. When he came back he was slightly less furious “Being the chief has its perks. All the units available are coming in. This is not—“ another explosion.
Much stronger than the previous one. A mushroom of yellow fire went up in the sky and the blast rocked the ground all the way to Orynth.
“Chief to Captain. Aelin please come in.” No answer.
“Aelin, damn answer that bloody radio.” He started pacing nervously and a hand ran through his hair “Aedion, come in.”
“Fuck, fuck.”
In that instant the sound of sirens filled the air.
Dorian turned and saw a long line of engines filing down the main track.
He ran to the station captains and started shouting orders. The other engines deployed around the warehouse and started tackling the fire.
Thomas joined Dorian “I am going in. My men are manning the engine and the hoses. I am going to get them out.”
“No you are not.” The tone in Dorian’s word was harsh “I am not having another one of my captains in that building. They should not be inside in the first place.”
“We have still twenty civilians trapped inside.”
“Captain, you and I have done this job for a while. You know better than me that with three such explosions the chances someone inside is still alive are slim. We stop the fire and hope they are safe.”
“Do nothing?” Thomas shouted “How the fuck do you expect me to do nothing?”
“I am the chief, I am ordering.”
Thomas stormed away and resumed his position with the attack lines with the rest of his team.
“Aedion?” Aelin’s voice was faint. She removed the pile of debris from her body and tried to stand “Aedion?” She called again, panic rising. The smoke and fire were making visibility non existent “AEDION.” She shouted.
A moment later she heard a groan and noticed his bulking figure sprawled on the floor. She ran to him and saw he was awake “answer me for fuck’s sake.”
He removed his mask “my oxygen tank is bust.”
She removed hers and passed it to him “use mine, I still have some juice left.”
“We need to get out.”
“We haven’t found anyone.”
“Aelin,” he breathed removing the mask and giving it back to her “we need to get out. Another explosion like the last one and we are roast. And the fumes are bad. We don’t have long.”
“Fine.” She helped him stand. Slowly they tried to navigate their way through the fire and smoke.
The radio crackled static as they took a few steps deeper in the inferno.
“I heard something.” Aelin moved to the sound and Aedion followed. They found a heavy door and opened it slowly. Inside they found the twenty workers still missing.
“Is anyone injured?”
A woman nodded and showed her leg that clearly had a fracture and then pointed at at another man who lay unconscious.
“We’ll get you out of here.” She looked at their scared faces “pull up you clothes and cover mouth and noses” then she crouched down and offered the woman a piggyback. Aedion placed the unconscious man on his shoulder. She started to walk but one of the workers stopped her “This way.” They walked to a door that was locked.
“It’s a secondary route. It will take us to some tunnels underneath.”
Aelin looked at Aedion and the man nodded. It was their only option. They deposited their victims on the ground and with their axes they started knocking down the heavy door. Once through they recovered the people and walked on “stay behind us. Do not walk away form the big man behind me. Hold hands and form a line like at school.”
The civilians nodded and followed. The tunnels were full of smoke. They needed to be quick. The fumes from ANFO were toxic. Her oxygen tank started beeping and she knew she had ran out of juice as well.
“This way,” said the man who seemed to know about the tunnels “these were used in the olden days when we still used dynamite to blast the quarry. They would carry it under here. Apparently it was safer than outside were there were people everywhere. They never had any accident.”
Aelin followed the man with apprehension, everyone had started coughing quite badly.
“How far?”
“Not long. We are almost out. My dad was a worker here in the olden days. He told me everything about the tunnels.”
She heard Aedion cough behind her and she followed next.
Then she felt it. The breeze and a few minutes later the tunnel opened up right in front of the quarry. Everyone collapsed exhausted and took great gulps of air. Aelin looked up and saw the fire was diminishing and gasped when she noticed the crazy amount on fire engines.
“Captain, Thomas,” she croaked, while her chest spasmed in another fit of coughing.
“Chief, captain, where are you?”
Fuck, of course Dorian was there. Lovely, a dressing down from him was all she needed “In front of the quarry, we found some tunnels. We have all civilians with us.” And her coughing resumed savagely.
Dorian walked to the manager “my men saved your trapped civilians. They mentioned some tunnels.”
The manager nodded “follow me,” they reached some SUVs, Dorian jumped in and they started driving. Not long after they stopped in a car park and Dorian in the distance noticed two firefighters uniforms.
“You damn fools,” he shouted when he was in close range “that was definitely one of the most stupid thing you two have ever done.”
Aelin coughed “Glad to see you too, buddy.”
Aedion stood “ two of the civvies are injured, the other ones just need to be checked.”
“Load them in the SUVs,” said the manager “we’ll take you all back to the main area with the EMTs.”
“Civilians first, Aedion and I can wait.” The man helped carry the survivors and sat back beside Aelin waiting for their turn and breathing deeply.
Dorian stood in front of them glaring “The whole fire department in the region has been mobilised for this.” He looked away ���how did you two survive the two explosions?”
“We have super power.” She joked but from Dorian’s reaction she realised she had gone too far. The man was pissed.
“I should be mad at both of you and suspend you for being reckless.” He growled “Instead I will just keep on venting my displeasure for a few days more and also thank you for saving the civilians. But I am still displeased with you two. You do your job, you do not play heroes. Do you both read me in this?”
The two nodded silently without adding any comments to avoid angering Dorian even more.
The SUVs came back and both Aelin and Aedion made their way to the vehicles after the chief ordered them to get their arses back to their teams.
When they got back to where their team was cheers erupted.
Thomas passed his hose to a team member and ran to hug Aelin “you idiot. You damn idiot.”
“Such sweet words.” She joked patting the man on the back.
Aedion was dragged away by Lysandra for some checks and now Elide was pulling her jacket “come on, you will smooch later. Now I need to check on you. It’s protocol and you inhaled enough shit for today.”
Rowan noticed the black SUVs bring back some civilians and his worry grew when neither Aelin nor Aedion appeared. The flames were now under control thanks to the effort of all the engines involved.
Then he spotted her, her dirty blonde hair popping out of one of the SUVs that had just come back, and Aedion followed.
He collapsed on the sofa and finally let out the breath he had no idea he had been holding. She looked a mess but she was walking. She was fine. He saw the west captain ran for her and hug her and for a very brief second a pang of jealousy hit him. The he realised it was just a colleague being relieved to see they were alive. 
Elide dragged Aelin away to the ambulance and he hoped Lorcan was following the news. Elide was petite but he had a feeling the woman had just as much fire as Aelin.
He relaxed and then he had an idea. He grabbed the phone and rang Gavriel “Hey man, listen I have an idea and I need your help.”
Aelin sat on a gurney in an ambulance, with an oxygen mask attached to her face.
“I am fine,” she complained, trying to remove it, but Elide slapped her hand.
“You are violent.”
“What were you two thinking? You and that idiot cousin of yours? Going inside that hell?” The woman complained checking again her blood pressure and oxygen levels.
“It’s our job.”
“Not when the bloody place is about to blow up. You scared the heck out of everyone.”
“How’s Aedion?”
“Probably getting beaten up by Lys.”
Aelin laughed and more coughing wrecked her body. When she reopened her eyes her entire team was in front of the ambulance “Don’t you two do that ever again. You crazy bastards.” Were the loving words coming from Ansel. Everyone nodded “Dorian had to call all the fire trucks in the area.” Explained Ress.
“I guess you two will soon receive another invite from the mayor.” Joked Nox and Aelin gasped.
Brullo looked at her with a grin “that’s what you get at playing damn heroes. Police has been stopping people coming any closer all night. There is a sea of reporters out there.”
“Don’t you have jobs to do?” Groaned Elide “let the woman recover.”
“I always forget how scary you can be Lochan.” Ren shouted back at her while walking away from them.
“How are you feeling? Can you breath better?”
Aelin nodded.
“Your oxygen levels are back to normal. Does it hurt when you breath?”
“No, I am fine.”
It was much, much later when they did manage to finally get back to the station. Aelin got off the truck and then a wall of muscles slammed into her and enveloped her in a fierce hug. She looked up and noticed a pair of green eyes staring at her. She leaned her head against his chest for a second and the smell of pine and snow hit her. His scent.
“Don’t do that ever again.” He whispered in her ear.
“Where you worried about me, captain?” Then she pulled back noticing her team staring at the two. Fuck, no one knew they had sort of reconciled.
“What is the arsehole doing here?” Shouted Aedion pulling Aelin away from Rowan.
“He was here before the call. I told him to wait for me. That’s why he is here. And his name is not arsehole.” She growled back at her cousin.
Then a few more people came out of the station and they recognised Rowan’s squadron.
“We made food. Gavriel is a great cook. We helped. I just thought that you might all be starving.”
“Damn he is good,” said Ansel looking at Rowan from top to bottom.
Lorcan looked at Elide and the woman smiled at him. He tried to smile back but he was nervous and instead walked back to the station with the rest of the group.
“They need domesticating,” commented Lysandra when she noticed her friend’s dejected expression “Let’s go, I hope the food is as good as last time.”
Rowan and Aelin were the only two left behind “Sorry I hugged you in public.”
She shook her head “It’s fine. It actually felt nice.” Then smiled “I just hope you are now ready for all the comments that are going to rain on us as soon as we get back in there.” She brushed his uniform “I covered you in soot.”
“I don’t care. I have never been more terrified in my life. And I had some hairy experiences in my job.”
“Sorry,” she looked down but she felt his fingers lift her chin.
“You were amazing. Totally insane, but I am in awe.”
He took her shoulder “come on, you need food and we got loads ready.”
Together they walked back and Aelin walked to the sink to wash her face. She wanted a shower but she wanted food more.
“Aedion you could have at least washed your face.” She sat beside Rowan and noticed her cousin’s state.
“I am hungry.”
“Lys, did you kiss him in that state?”
“Hell no,” said the woman taking a bite of her food “I gave him a pat on the back and told him to get his arse in the ambulance.”
“Uh, someone is not getting any tonight.” Chimed Ress and the group laughed.
“Probably more than you, boyo.”growled back Aedion without rising his gaze from his meal.
“Well, someone is definitely getting some,” added Fenrys and nodded to Aelin and Rowan who were just sitting normally eating their food, not even brushing against each other.
Rowan growled at the man and Aelin laughed.
“So what is it with you two?” Asked Elide curious.
Aelin and Rowan’s head popped up from their plates.
“You hugged, he did all of this, are you two dating and pretending to fight so we don’t annoy you?”
“We are just us for now.”explained Aelin “before the fire we talked.”
“We are figuring things out. No labels. No rush. One step at a time.” He grabbed Aelin’s hand under the table and turned to her “we will let things develop.”
“That’s boring.” Comment Aedion, mouth half full.
Aelin snorted out loud “You pined after Lysandra for two years. Two years of driving me crazy because you were head over heels for her but could not make up your mind.”
“Aelin.” Shouted the man.
“Two years?” Asked Lysandra “why you never told me?”
“You know him. He always tries to do the right thing. He kept telling himself that it was not proper since you worked together. I had to read him the regulations and tell him that EMTs are not under our chain of command so he was in the clear. Had it be Ansel, now that would have been an issue since he is her superior.” Explained Aelin who enjoyed the shift of the conversation moving away from her and Rowan.
“You are an idiot.”
She noticed Lorcan throwing glances at Elide and she elbowed Rowan but he had noticed as well.
Elide stared at Lorcan, then blushed savagely and went back to her food “this is amazing,” she said out loud.
“Lorcan made those.” Said Gavriel and Aelin was sure that the man had noticed the exchanges as well.
“So you are a good cook as well?”
Lorcan grunted but Connall elbowed him. A very brave manoeuvre considering that Lorcan was his boss.
“I live on my own. I need to know how to cook.” He managed, never looking at her.
Aelin texted Rowan is he always this bad at flirting?
She could hear Rowan silent laugh this is actually going well for his standards.
Aelin rolled her eyes “who has a house big enough with a garden that we can have a nice barbecue? All of us? Just to get to know each other?” Announced Aelin.
Gavriel raised his hand “I do. I have a big yard and I haven’t used my barbecue since last year.”
“Awesome. What about this Saturday?We are off and you guys are on your month off. So it’s perfect.”
“How do you know about our month off?” Asked Fenrys, staring at Rowan.
“Ro— Captain Whitethorn told me.”
“Oh, of course he did, didn’t he?”
She was going to slap Fenrys.
“Lieutenant, I don’t see why it might be any of your business what the captain and I talk about.” Rowan had put on his captain voice and Fenrys went back to his food.
“The barbecue sounds amazing, spring is in full swing.”
“Good,” said Aelin standing and going to the fridge “I think we all need it after tonight.” Then she brought a bottle of coke to the table “we  can’t have wine because we are still on shift.”
“It’s fine,” said Vaughan “we are used to stay dry.” And he pointed at Rowan and Lorcan “their no booze policy is outrageous. We can’t even drink when we are off shift.”
“Blame the twins,” replied Rowan “they are the ones who got drunk, brought two girls on a heavily secure aircraft carrier, got busted and are still on active duty just because Lorcan and I saved their arses.”
“Oh yeah, that was epic.”
“So after that, Rowan and I decided to tighten things and now they can only drink once their mission is over and their arses are back on Terrasen.” Explained Lorcan.
“That’s brutal,” commented Aedion.
The twins had gone silent all of a sudden.
“It must be hard keeping big kids in place,” Elide asked Lorcan and the man attempted a smile at the woman.
“That’s why Rowan is the one who deals with that. He is the babysitter. The perks of rank.”
Rowan gave Lorcan a rude gesture and Aelin burst out laughing.
“You are lucky we are off duty, Whitethorn.”
“Why? Are you going to spank me?”
The group burst into laughter. No one expected the stiff necked captain to come out with such a remark.
“No, because you might like it and it’s gross.”
Aelin was in stitches, her stomach in pain from too much laughing.
“Who is the kinkiest?” Asked Lysandra.
The fire station team pointed at Ansel and the woman stood and bowed happy to be the winner of such a title.
The pilots group pointed at Lorcan and Elide blushed savagely.
“I think he and Essar covered every place of their houses and tried every position known to the human race.” Commented Gavriel.
Elide stared at Aelin in disbelief and Aelin knew the woman’s fears. Elide was the opposite and had no experience and could see why Elide was now panicking.
After their meal, the fire station boys had been put on kitchen duty and were washing dishes and cleaning, while Ansel, Lys, Elide and Aelin were having their meeting in the ambulance.
“I can’t.” Said Elide.
“Why?” Asked Ansel.
“Did you hear Gavriel? Lorcan is basically a sex god and I am the opposite.”
“There is no need to freak out now. All you are doing is staring at each other. When the time comes you just have to talk to him.” Explained Lysandra calmly.
“And tell him what? Sorry Lorcan I do not know what to do with men?”
“Yes,” said Aelin “if he is a decent man he will understand.”
“If he is not, I‘ll deal with him.” Aelin liked Ansel a lot. The woman wan’t always easy to get along with but when it came to them four they had formed their tiny support group and Ansel would back them up at all times. She was loyal and quite an awesome firefighter.
“Yeah but he might want to do things I do not feel comfortable with.”
“Consent, Elide.” Said Ansel sternly “If you say no it’s no. If the bastard pushes, you dump his arse straight away because he is not worth it.”
“Ansel is right,” said Aelin, taking Elide’s hand “If you want to go slow, you tell him. If he says no, well he can fuck off.”
Rowan was helping in the kitchen when he noticed all the women had disappeared “where did they go?” He could not see them anywhere.
“Girls meeting in the ambulance.” Explained Aedion “Aelin, Lys, Elide and Ansel sit in the back of the ambulance and have their girls meetings. Probably to gossip or complain about us.”
“Oh.” Was Rowan’s only comment.
“But I think tonight you and I are in the clear.” He finished washing the dishes “I got a feeling they are talking about Elide and Lorcan.”
“So everyone noticed, eh?”
“They were definitely not being subtle.” Replied Aedion “you tell you CO to go easy on her. He breaks her heart, I break him.” Then he turned to Rowan “same goes to you. You break Aelin’s heart and you are a dead man. She has been through enough.”
Rowan leaned against the counter “I know about Sam.”
Aedion’s mouth fell open.
“She told me.” Rowan admitted quietly while drying some of the dishes “We are taking things slow.” Confessed Rowan. He felt like he could talk easily to the man, although he was positive Aedion was not his biggest fan “I lost my wife over a year and a half ago. I know how Aelin feels.”
“I am sorry, man.”
Rowan brushed him off “Aelin and I are trying. But I don’t want to hurt her anymore.”
“You’d better.”
In that instant the kitchen became populated again and the two stopped talking.
“We gave the guys the tour,” explained Ress, happily “are the girls still in their meeting?”
“Looks like,” said Aedion and patted Rowan on the shoulder “guys I am going for a shower.”
“Go and make yourself pretty for your woman.”
Eventually the women came back as well and Lysandra cheered when she was told Aedion had gone for a shower.
Aelin walked to Lorcan “can I talk to you?”
The man looked at her with a questioning look.
They walked outside in the yard “do you like Elide? Are you interested in her?”
The man looked away clearly not comfortable talking about his feelings.
“Elide likes you, for some obscure reason. She is wonderful and a dear friend of mine. She does not have the same… experience you have. You are free to try and date her if she is okay with it. But you break her heart, you hurt her and I swear you’ll be flying from Terrasen under false identity because Lys, Ansel and I will come after you.” The man was a giant but she was not scared “do you read me on that, sir?”
Lorcan nodded.
“Now you stop playing side glances and go ask her out for a coffee.”
“Are you planning on managing my relationship with her?” He asked annoyed.
“No, but I will be watching you.” And walked away.
With her eyes she followed the man going to talk to Elide and once he was done she saw her friend giving her the thumbs up.
Happy with her job she went to find Rowan and found him sitting hiding beside one of the engines.
“Hey,” she said sitting down beside him “what are you doing down here alone?”
He replied with a heavy sigh “Our two teams together get along a bit too much. I just needed peace and quiet. I landed only this morning. We haven’t slept in a while and jet lag and all. I am a bit wiped.”
“You should go home.”
He leaned his head against the vehicle ‘you should too… after the night you had.”
“Can’t, night shift remember? I will go and take a shower though, and collapse on my bunk. But I am stuck here until tomorrow and hope no more emergencies.”
“It’s not fair though. After that fire you should go home and have someone relieve you.”
“That’s not how it works, captain.” She stood “go home. Sleep, I believe you promised a lady to go out for a meal.”
“Yes, and hopefully this lady will find some time to relax as well.”
Rowan stood as well and stopped in front of her.
“Thank you for the meal. It was awesome.”
“You deserved it.”
She grabbed the tips of his fingers and held them gently “I will see you tonight at seven.”
“Hopefully with less dirt on you.”
She flipped him off and walked away. Rowan chuckled and in the end took his leave as well.
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wolfpawn · 5 years ago
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 42
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - Loki wakes with no memory of his mate's words to him before he fell asleep. They try to relax to allow him to get used to being home again after war but life is not really going to be so easy.
Previous Chapter
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NOTES - So, we're stuck doing this crap where all the fun stuff is gone and shops are charging 5 times the rate for anything good, and even with that, it's taken me this long to write a chapter. Sorry, everyone.
Ella woke to the sensation of their fluids seeping from her. She had not felt it in a long time with Loki’s absence, causing it to feel somewhat peculiar for her. She thought about it for a moment, knowing the reason for it not staying in her body for long was that there was nowhere for it to go. It was rendered useless by an earlier coupling facilitating the need to create a child and now, the entrance to her womb was long sealed to ensure the safety of the little one growing within it.
She recalled the day she realised that she was carrying. She had simply planned to touch one of the wilting petals of the ice flowers Loki always ensured to have in his/their room as she passed it. It was dying anyway and she liked the sensation of them dissolving as she touched it. Only this time, it did not melt. She looked at the flora for a moment, still as it had been before and to her hand, where it was barely even damp from the petal. She walked over and touched it again, noting the soft, silken feel to it as she did. For a moment, she wondered if her seidr had caused her to be able to do it. More than once, she tried different spells to see if she could attempt to touch them, to no avail. When Laufey’s words of how Nal, Loki’s mother, could only touch them when she was carrying Loki, she found herself realising that in their more recreational matings, she and Loki had created a child. Something their initial attempts failed miserably at.
She had contemplated telling Loki but then Thor came rushing onto the realm telling them of the issues that had arisen and the need for Jotunheim to join the fray. That had caused her to say nothing. She did not want Loki to fret while he was fighting. She had let slip slightly that she worried that Býleistr was not on their side and should Loki be harmed, she fretted that as the child was Loki’s heir, who was formally recognised by his father as his own one, they would be immediately gotten rid of, especially if it was a boy. Having an Aesir mother to the future king of Jotunheim would be tolerated while Loki was alive as he would ensure the child had a Jotun upbringing and would ensure it would follow in his likeness as a ruler but there would be no way that the general Jotnar population. It would be as some accused previously, Odin seizing control of Jotunheim through his daughter. That, she knew, would never be allowed happen and fleeing with the child meant that for as long as it would live, she would need to be wary of the risk of it being harmed. Thankfully, that had not come to pass.
When Loki returned, she tried to tell him but he was weary, experiencing the first good night’s sleep in what she would wager was eight months. She did not try to stir him again to repeat her previous words, she had another eight months of carrying their child, her revelation could wait until he was more awake. She turned slightly to look at Loki resting beside her. She felt more comfortable in his room in his absence, his scent almost causing her to sleep and rest better while also seemingly keeping the feelings of nausea at bay. From the manner in which Loki had panicked at the thought of her leaving the bed, she felt he had missed her in some manner also. She stretched her legs slightly and gently removed herself from the bed, doing whatever she could to prevent the seed that was between her legs from staining it as she did so. She had not even made it to the bathroom door when she felt Loki’s eyes on her, telling her that as much as she tried, she had failed to leave the bed without waking him.
When she had cleaned herself and went back into the room, she frowned to see Loki standing close to the door that separated their front room and bed area. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I just ordered some food.” He watched as she changed into day attire with the assistance of her seidr. “That suits you.” It was genuine. He noted the design and gave a smile, noting that she had caused her clothes to mirror the designs of his markings, signifying her allegiance to him as her mate.
Ella found herself blushing slightly. “Thank you.”
“Did you design that this morning?”
“No, I have been wearing items like this for the majority of the time you were gone.”
Loki was startled but proud of that statement. “Very good, I was not sure what you wished to have for breakfast, so I hope you have little issue with some of what I ordered.”
“I assume that you missed your favourite foods and ordered accordingly, meaning that there will be plenty for me to choose from...if you do not eat them all first.”
Loki could only smile at her playful and jovial tone. “I fear you have figured me out.”
“Even with a good portion of our marriage being apart, I think so.”
For a moment, Loki had to remember what that word meant. Marriage was something he heard with regularity in the talks with non-Jotnar through the time on the battlefield yet he rarely thought of the term when he thought of his own situation. To him, it seemed so sterile, too official in a manner referring to legality. It was a contract to most realms, he loathed the idea. Mates chose one another, in some manner and wishing to be together, to tend to one another. Most of the time, love was a factor, but even with regards to his mating with Ella, though it did not have a love like others had but there was mutual respect and understanding. He was happy with that much at the very least, long recalling the times where neither enjoyed the other’s company, both loathing the situation that was their life, they had developed a friendship which in turn became the situation they had now, something he thoroughly liked. She was not a mate he had wanted but she was one he knew was best for him and indeed, Jotunheim. She stood up for the realm time and again and indeed, seemingly acted as his mate should. Defending the name of the house and acting as he would have, demanding Býleistr’s return and such.
“That word does not sit well with you, does it? Or at least, I hope it’s that word that has you displeased and not some other part of my statement.”
Loki realised he had not kept his face neutral as she spoke those words. “No, it is that word.”
“You don’t like it?”
“It’s too formal, official.”
“I feel like I should be insulted.”
Loki shook his head. “It is a word based on agreements and trades, it has no place between mates, two beings that choose to be together.”
“If it were not for its official status, then we would not be together. It was not affection and a meeting of minds that caused us to come together. The fact we can bear one another now is merely lucky happenstance. It could so easily have been so different.”
“I almost caused it to be that you would not even be here,” Loki recalled his actions when they first were forced to be called mates and how his abysmal treatment of Ella affected her.
“That does not bear thinking about now,” She insisted. “All that matters now is building Jotunheim stronger than ever before, with new alliances and such to better the realm for all those yet to come.”
Loki inhaled deeply and felt a new thought enter his mind. “Yes, I recall us speaking some little on that. So many young to be born in the near future. We need to ensure Jotunheim is all it can be for them.” He nodded slightly. “It is hard to comprehend in some manner, thinking of those to come next. I have always seen us as the youth and future of Jotunheim, myself, my brothers and the few our age but now we must think of those younger than us and there will be so many.”
“It is somewhat clear that in less than a decade, there will be more born than since your own birth at this rate.” Ella agreed.
“It is startling but in the best possible way. Jotunheim will be more than it ever was.”
“It will make the sacrifices of the war worth it in the end.” Loki’s face grew weary at her words. Not knowing what to say, Ella placed her arm on his. “I know it is hard to process. I only suffered momentary scuffles but I have seen the effects of all of this before and it is not easy or quick to be dismissed.”
Loki, startled by her genuine concern, nodded slightly and sighed.
“We better eat. You must be hungry. I would imagine Light Elf food leaves a lot to be desired by way of flavour for a Jotunn.”
“It all tastes so starchy.”
“It is, especially when you’re not used to it.” Ella nodded, knowing well that the vegetable foods of Alfheim would have been like nothing Loki would have ever experienced before. “So enjoy some proper food again.” She urged.
Loki went back to sleep soon after eating, still tired and weary from everything, urging Ella to go with him. Her, in her understanding, thought it to be because he knew her seidr would alert them to intruders, allowing him to rest easy for a time, Loki simply because he had no idea as to why it made him feel uneasy to think of her not being close to him but exhausted, he chose to not question it, especially when she did as he silently requested.
It was well past noon and indeed a reasonable lunch hour when there was an almost apprehensive knock on the door to their rooms. Ella turned to look at it before seeing Loki’s eyes wide beside her. “It is alright, if there were someone trying to harm us, they would not wait at the door and knock.” She soothed. She went to get out of the bed when Loki grasped her arm tightly, causing her to look at him worriedly.
“No, I will go.” He rose from the bed, his arm forming an ice blade in his hand as he did so.
Ella rose from the bed slowly behind him and walked towards the door. When she felt the seal of her seidr on the door begin to break, she waited apprehensively. When she heard Arden’s voice, she was calmed for a moment but wondered what has caused him to come when he would know how exhausted everyone was.
She jumped slightly at him calling her but rushed into the other room. “Is everything...the King…?”
“Father is fine,” Loki assured her, watching her as she visibly relaxed at such news. “But there is another issue.” She looked curiously at him, wondering what it could be as she noted him studying her expression. “Apparently, it has just been proclaimed in court that you have been cavorting with other males in my absence.”
Ella merely looked at him with confusion. “Excuse you?”
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stolligaseptember · 5 years ago
okay, having gotten that out of my system; let’s talk about the wrong jedi
or, more specifically, let’s talk about how i got myself so worked up over this arc that i made myself dream nightmares about it
as in; literally. i woke up about 4?? 5??? days ago, with the urge to just cry. and i rarely remember dreams, but this is so vividly imprinted into my head that i think i’m traumatized from it.
like, despite the fact that they haven’t gotten that much of screen time together and their relationship got an abysmal amount of development, i still walked away from, and god this was way back in season 2 wasn’t it, the second battle of geonosis with such a strong impression of barrissoka. like, it just ticked off so much for me and made itself a little space in my head. not only did ahsoka get to finally spend some time with another padawan her age, but another female padawan. that was such a breath of fresh air, both for me and i’m guessing ahsoka too, seeing how she spends most of her time in the war effort around middle aged men. and the way she and barriss fairly instantly connected, and started sharing their experiences and their different views on things and how they both seemed to grow and evolve from their connection to each other. and it was a friendship and a connection that i was hopeful we would get to see more of, but alas, we all now know how that ends.
so long story short; i just really liked barrissoka, and they were precious to me. and i was heartcrushed when i first learned that it was barriss who was behind ahsoka’s excommunication and later departure from the order. and i’m not much from keeping myself from spoiling things obviously but i did want to experience the details of this arc as open mindedly as possible, and avoided as much other spoilers surrounding this arc as i could.
so walked into this arc knowing 3 things; 1) that ahsoka would be accused of and thought guilty of for the terrorist attack on the jedi temple and that she was being framed for it, 2) that it was really barriss that was behind it, and 3) that ahsoka would end up walking away from the order at the end of it. that was everything i knew about this arc, and i had no other context or details. which left so much space for my subconscious to run wild with.
and did it ever.
okay so, another thing that you need to know about me is that i really, as in really, really, loved the younglings arc, and really just younglings in general. i just love kids. so jedi kids?? love them twice as much. so of course my brain latched on to this tiny bit of information and made everything ten times worse.
so okay. as with all dreams, i don’t really remember how we ended up where we ended up, but we started with barriss and ahsoka being assigned to help the temple younglings evacuate the temple. obviously the bombing was way worse in my dream, and certain sections of the temple was in danger of falling apart, so there was this real urgency to the younglings having to pack up their stuff and get out. so there we had barriss and ahsoka systematically working to get all of the younglings and their stuff and removing them from the premises.  
and i obviously didn’t know to which extent barriss had already turned on ahsoka, so of course my mind went the worst possible route, and she had had this whole thing planned out from the start. so she would just continuously undermine everything that ahsoka did, all the while keeping up this false exterior of trying to help, while i, some omnipresent third party, could quite literally see her crossing her fingers behind her back and slowly working to set up ahsoka as the culprit for the entire disaster. like, we’re talking full darksider already. she had no regret and no remorse, and she was just here to make people hurt and suffer. mostly, me. like, primarily ahsoka, but mostly, me.
and like, that sense of urgency of having to evacuate the younglings as soon as possible was doubled, if not tripled, by my omnipresent self shaking the metaphorical bars of the fourth wall and begging ahsoka to finally see the situation she was in and find a way to solve it. but of course that didn’t happen.
and once they’d finally gotten all the younglings packed up and ready to leave, barriss finally pulled the rug out from under them all. a second bomb went off, making the roof cave in and crushing everyone but ahsoka and barriss, who were the only survivors.
yeah. my subconscious brain made barriss do an anakin and had her kill an entire section of younglings too.
and that was about the time that i was finally so emotionally distressed that i woke myself up and immediately had to tell myself that i couldn’t start crying at 5 in the morning because of a dream about fictional characters
like, i’m not disregarding barriss’ actual turn and betrayal in the actual show, and i’m sure i’ll be having plenty of other things to say about it once i’ve finally digested the whole thing. i’m just saying that my subconscious had already made it ten times worse and that i’m kind of desensitized after having already lived through that once.
this all doesn’t mean that i’m not still hurting like a bitch, though.
both ahsoka and barriss deserved better than this.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years ago
When did you wake up today? >> I woke up at like 4a at first, and then finally fell back asleep sometime after 6a, and woke up for good at a little after 8a. IDK why this happens, but it’s really annoying when it does.
Are you a breakfast person? >> I don’t know what a “breakfast person” is. I do eat a meal in the morning...?
How often do you exercise? What type of exercises? >> I don’t exercise. It’s difficult for me to find something engaging and fun enough for me to stick with it. When the weather cools off a bit I will probably take up morning walks again, but right now I’ve reached my limit with summer conditions and can’t be motivated to willingly drench myself in sweat.
Any favorite TV shows? >> Plenty. Here are three: Person of Interest, The Dragon Prince, Hannibal.
Do you pay attention to the news? >> I read news articles sometimes, when the subject matter is of interest to me or I want to get the full story behind something. Also, I get daily emails from The Flip Side, so that’s a bit of news every morning.
Do you ever donate a dollar to fast food charities? >> Not usually. I also am rarely at fast-food restaurants, so.
What type of books do you like to read? >> I like a wide variety of books -- genre matters less to me than whether the content is written in an engaging manner and whether I care about either the characters or the subject matter presented.
Have you ever enjoyed a reading assignment for school? >> ---
Did you get to decorate your own bedroom? What's it like? >> As a child? No. Now? Yes, because I’m an adult and I pay rent here so I can do whatever I want with my own room. It’s not really decorated in a specific manner, though, like it doesn’t have a ‘theme’.
What size bed do you sleep on? >> Twin, because that’s what fits in my room. Fortunately, I am a relatively small person.
Do you wake up easily to alarms? >> I would if I used them.
Do you stay up unnaturally late at night or do you get to bed early? >> I don’t think I go to bed particularly early or late. Ten PM seems a pretty neutral bedtime.
What are you usually doing if you're up late at night? >> If I’m up late at night, it’s most likely because I couldn’t get to sleep no matter what. It’s definitely not on purpose.
Do you keep anything on like a fan or the TV while you sleep? >> I have the fan on in summer because otherwise the heat would kill me. But I don’t like the noise, I prefer silence when I’m in bed.
Do you procrastinate with deadlines? >> I don’t usually have deadlines.
Do you put a lot of effort into school? >> ---
What food could you absolutely live off of? >> I don’t think I could live off of any food (barring survival situations, of course). I require an array of nutrients just as much as anyone else.
What do you get when you go to the movies? >> An alcoholic beverage, sometimes. Otherwise I don’t usually buy concessions, they’re too expensive. I’ve definitely sneaked many a snack or beverage into a theater and I’ll do it again.
Where do you like to sit at the movie theater? >> Back center.
If you're just lounging around the house, what are you wearing? >> PJ pants or shorts and an undershirt or t-shirt.
Do you like wearing heels? >> An inch or two is fine. I’d prefer not to wear anything higher than that.
Would you prefer a night in or a night out? >> A night in usually suits me, but depending on the kind of night out, I wouldn’t say no to that either. Definitely been getting nostalgic for dinner-and-movie outings lately.
Do you enjoy being alone, or does it make you feel lonely? >> I do enjoy being alone. It’s nice to just veg out in the apartment doing whatever I want, and I don’t feel like I’m being scrutinised every time I move.
Obsessed with any songs at the moment? >> Not any that I can think of.
Do you enjoy showers, or do you take them cause you need to? What about baths? >> Showers are a bit triggering for me for a tangle of reasons, I don’t enjoy them at all. I never take baths, those are a hard limit for me.
Shower robe or towels? >> I just get dressed immediately after drying off and moisturising.
Do you have routines for waking up and going to bed? >> I clean my face and take my Pill before going to bed. I usually read for an hour after waking up, before getting up for bio stuff.
Do you remember your dreams often? >> Not often.
Do the dreams you remember make sense? >> I usually only remember ones that have some kind of connection to waking life. The more esoteric ones are difficult for my brain to hang onto, I think. They come through less frequently.
How is summer going so far? >> I’ve had my fill of summer and now I am looking forward to fall. That’s the thing about summer -- it’s short enough that by the time I’m tired of it, it’s almost over anyway. By the time I’m tired of winter, the worst months haven’t even hit yet.
Do you spend a lot of time tanning? >> I don’t spend any time tanning.
What would you say occupies your time most? >> The Internet, I guess.
Do you keep your room clean, or are you not phased by mess? >> I try to keep my room clean, although the size and how everything is set up makes it look a little more cluttered than it actually is, which drives me batty.
Do you get hassled to keep a clean room? >> Who would hassle me...? I’m grown, I’m responsible for my own damn room for better or worse.
Do you do your own laundry? >> Sparrow does the laundry.
Do you think graffiti is art or vandalism? >> It’s both. Art from the perspective of me, a passerby who likes pretty colours and funky lettering. Vandalism from the perspective of a building owner or law enforcement official.
How do you like your marshmallows roasted? >> Until they’re crispy? Is there any other way, lol...
How do you get rid of hiccups? >> I don’t do anything, mine go away pretty quickly.
How about brain freezes? >> I don’t do anything for that, either, it’s over in a few seconds.
Do you have any healthy addictions? >> That’s... that���s an oxymoron??? What do you think “addiction” means?
Are you old enough to vote yet? >> Yes.
Is voting important to you, or are you uninterested by politics? >> I am uninterested in politics and yet I still participate in the voting system. I didn’t used to, but I’ve come to understand the importance of participating and so I do my best.
Are you alright at world geography? >> I’m pretty abysmal at world geography. I know where some countries and geographical features are, and I can figure out the general area of where other countries or geographical features would be, sometimes... but mostly I just never put much mental energy into that sort of thing and I’m often wrong.
How about navigating your city? >> I can navigate this city pretty well. I’m good with cities.
What part of history interests you most? >> What part of history doesn’t interest me, at least marginally?
Do you keep your cell phone on you all the time? >> Not necessarily on me, but it’s usually somewhere nearby. ... *looks around* ...Well, right now, it’s all the way across the room, but hey.
Do you answer it when it rings or do you screen your own calls? >> I don’t answer my phone at all. Every call I get is spam or a misdial / someone thinking this number belongs to someone else entirely.
Are you big on the texting? >> I don’t text much because there’s no one to text except Sparrow, who I see every day in person anyway.
Do you like chewing gum or eating mints? >> I like the cognitive effects of gum-chewing. But Orbit changed the formula of my favourite gum so I had to give it up.
Do you use dental floss much? >> I don’t floss.
If you're biking do you wear a helmet? >> I hate the way helmets feel on my head but I understand their importance so I just avoid biking at all, basically.
What is your favorite outdoor activity? >> I’m not sure. Hiking, maybe? I do miss hiking.
Do/did you enjoy living with your parents? >> I did not enjoy it.
Do you have any favorite clothes? >> If I still have an article of clothing, one can assume it’s a favourite of mine. Otherwise I’d just... get rid of it. I don’t like keeping things I don’t enjoy.
How about a favorite pair of shoes? >> I only have two pairs of shoes and I like them both for different reasons / purposes.
How many different types of ID do you have? >> Well, I have a state ID, and a Social Security card somewhere (... I should really figure out where that is, I always seem to misplace those), and a birth certificate. I think those are the major forms in this country (I don’t have a passport, which would be another major form).
Do you always remember your license when you're driving? >> ---
Do you pay much attention to speed limits while driving? >> ---
What do you listen to when you're in the car? >> Sparrow’s iPod, usually. But she got a new dongle for the car and it’s Bluetooth, so now I can play my Spotify sometimes too. I have a playlist specifically for the car that’s my Liked Songs with all the metal and hard rock removed (which is, like, three-quarters of my likes, lmao).
What do you spend most of your money on? >> Rent.
Do you take advice when it's given to you? >> I don’t usually receive advice.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic under the shield of "realistic"? >> I feel like that’s not the whole picture. Some people are plainly pessimistic, some people are pessimistic and call themselves “realistic”, and some people are realistic. Whatever. I think my viewpoint depends on what kind of day I’m having, not some innate preference.
Do you avoid arguments or do you go out of your way to express your views? >> I avoid arguments but not to the point where I never express myself. Sometimes my trauma-inspired aversion to perceived conflict can get in my way, but I try not to let it win every time.
Are you looking forward to the future? >> I don’t usually think about the future. I’m busy enough with the present.
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marigoldbaker · 6 years ago
very really married (4/?)
read it on ao3!
and now we begin to intersect with the canon timeline!!! dumb supernatural shenanigans abound.
The first day of school might not have gone as abysmally as it did had Giles not attempted to re-box the computer again while Jenny was asleep. He’d meant it as a Pointed Gesture regarding an argument they’d had the previous night, one about him not having a desk of his own (his words), and how he could get a desk of his own if he wanted one so badly (her words), and how he did have a desk, it was the desk her computer was on, and she shouldn’t be taking up his desk with her computer that he had never seen her use, and then this had transitioned into an argument about how if he didn’t sleep on the couch all the time, maybe he’d be seeing her use the computer more than he did, and Are You Trying to Seduce Me, Jenny, and NO I AM NOT, and then she’d brought out all the neon plates for dinner just to spite him.
Regardless. The point was that Giles attempted to re-box the computer, Jenny woke up, and they had a screaming argument at two in the morning about boundaries that led to neither of them getting any sleep for the first day of school. This did, however, have the unexpected benefit of both of them being too tired to argue in the morning, and that was definitely a plus.
But then Jenny started demanding to sleep in his office during her free period.
“Absolutely not,” said Giles, “I am going to be getting no sleep for this entire day, and it is wholly unfair that you expect privileges I cannot have.”
“Rupert,” said Jenny. “This is your fault. We are both exhausted because you tried to steal my computer.”
“Stealing,” said Giles with more dignity than he probably deserved, “implies that I re-boxed your computer with intent to utilize its monetary value. I didn’t. I was attempting to utilize my desk.”
“It’s not your desk if it’s not in your room—”
“It is my desk and it is my room, Jenny—”
“You haven’t slept in our bed since we got here!”
“Please stop calling it our bed, it’s disturbing,” said Giles, who was beginning to wonder if day drinking on a high school campus would be worth potentially losing his job over. As Jenny opened her mouth, “Yes, I know, we’re married, but that still doesn’t mean—”
“What it doesn’t mean,” said Jenny, “is that you can justify trying to remove my stuff from where I put it, without asking—”
The library doors swung open. “Let me just handle this,” said Giles.
“Cool!” said Jenny cheerfully, shoved him out of the office, and locked the door.
It took Giles a moment to realize what she had done. “Jenny?” he called, saw her beginning to settle herself for a nap in his office chair, and began to bang on the door. “JENNY CALENDAR,” he shouted, “I SWEAR ON SEVEN GENERATIONS OF GILESES THAT YOU WILL NOT GET A WINK OF SLEEP, AND IF THAT MEANS I HAVE TO KEEP YOU UP BY YELLING FOR A FULL FREE PERIOD—”
“Um,” said a voice. “Should I come back later?”
Giles turned. A small girl with gently curling blonde hair was looking at him with a vaguely unnerved expression. “No,” he said, by this point quite resigned to the fact that having a wife like Jenny apparently meant making himself look like a complete idiot to everyone in the vicinity. “I’m Mr. Giles. The librarian. New.” It was quite difficult to form words when he was this tired, but he was doing his best.
Behind him, the lock clicked open, and Jenny peered out. “Oh my god, there’s someone here,” she said, sounding utterly amused. “How much of your yelling did she catch?”
“Go take a nap in the bloody office,” said Giles thinly.
“Done,” said Jenny, and stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek, then stepped back into the office.
Giles tried not to blush. It didn’t work.
“O-kay,” said the girl. “Anyway, I’m new—”
Giles’s heart sank. “Miss Summers,” he said. The universe really did seem to have it out for him at this point. “Apologies for the display,” he added uncomfortably. “My wife was attempting to take a nap in my office, but that’s—against school rules, I think, so I told her no.”
“And then she went ahead and did it anyway?” said Miss Summers. Her mouth twitched.
“You know what?” said Giles. “Let me just—get you what you need.” He hurried behind the counter, and as he bent down, felt a bit solidly better upon seeing the Vampyr book. This, at least, would go sensibly and according to plan. She was a Slayer who had already had a Watcher, a Slayer who already knew her destiny; she, at least, knew the ropes. Lifting the book, he placed it down on the table with a heavy thud.
To his utter surprise, Miss Summers blanched, taking an almost involuntary step back from the checkout desk. “That’s not what I’m looking for,” she said, slow and uneasy.
Giles blinked, surprised and a bit exhausted. “Are you quite sure?” he said.
“Way sure,” said Miss Summers, which certainly wasn’t grammatically correct.
God, Giles missed England. “My mistake,” he said tiredly, turning to put the book away. As he finished placing it back on one of the lower shelves, he turned back, asking, “So, what is it you said—”
But Miss Summers had vanished, the library doors swinging shut behind her, and Giles was left with the distinct impression that absolutely nothing in his life was going to go the way he needed it to.
When Miss Summers returned, it was thankfully after Jenny had finally departed to teach class. Giles wasn’t sure what he would have done had his Slayer again witnessed his disaster of a fake marriage and perhaps put two and two together. He wanted to be an authority figure to this girl, someone she would respect and value and not unexpectedly leave the library around, and he couldn’t possibly do that if she knew he had gotten drunk married in Las Vegas. It was true that Giles hadn’t been around teenagers in a while, but he did know enough about them to know that they would undoubtedly find that sort of thing mercilessly funny.
“Okay,” she said, bursting into the library, “what’s the sitch?”
“I’m sorry?” said Giles, confused.
“The dead guy,” said Miss Summers, and then things proceeded to get even more complicated.
Giles left school intending to seek Miss Summers out at the Bronze as soon as possible; he’d heard her talking to someone else about it in passing. Unfortunately for his plans, Jenny was waiting outside the library when class finally wrapped, and he then remembered that they would be driving home together—not only that, but she had finally let him drive her. God, she did pick the worst of days to be magnanimous.“Let’s leave,” she said upon seeing him. “I have so much to complain to you about. That’s your husbandly requirement for the day: you have to listen to me complain about the idiot freshman who stuck gum between the keys of his computer, who does that? Not even you, and you’re a total Luddite. Germophobic Luddite, but still—”
“As usual, your presence is a breath of fresh air,” said Giles resignedly, extending his arm. Jenny, unbothered, took it, tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow. “Unfortunately, I have—pressing business of my own. I’ll have to drive you home and then head downtown.”
Jenny looked dubious. “You know they found a dead guy in a gym locker today, right?” she said. “This isn’t a good town to have after-dark business in.”
“Be that as it may—”
Jenny’s hand tightened around his arm. “I’m just saying,” she said. “I don’t think—oh, hi, Willow!”
A small, plaid-wearing girl with long red hair blinked shyly up at the both of them. Her face rang a bell with Giles, who realized that this was the same girl who had stopped in to read a few books during his lunch break. She had been so sweetly enthused at his extensive collection that he hadn’t been able to tell her the library was closed. “Ms. Calendar!” she said, sounding surprised. “And—Mr. Giles!”
“We were just on our way out,” said Jenny, giving Willow a warm smile. “Hey—amazing work in class today. I was blown away.”
“Thanks,” said Willow, blushing and beaming. Then, “Are you two the married couple on staff? Not that it’s any of my business,” she added hastily, “but people were talking about a really fighty couple on staff, and you two are looking all cuddly right there, and oh my gosh why am I still talking?”
“Yeah, that’s us,” said Jenny. “Old world austerity meets new world charm.”
“Thank you, Jenny,” said Giles. “That’s exactly what I needed at the end of the day. Being called austere by my own wife.”
“He’s very dramatic,” said Jenny to Willow, who giggled. “Listen, Willow, he’s talking about going out at night—is that something people usually do in Sunnydale?”
To Giles’s surprise, Willow’s small smile flickered. “The cool people, I guess,” she said, scuffing her sneakers against the linoleum. “I mean, Xander and I try it sometimes, but it’s mostly just—dark. And creepy. Plus my mom set a curfew after that one girl in my Biology class turned up dead last year.”
Jenny gave Giles a very pointed look. “See?” she said. “Willow’s a smart cookie. If you’re not gonna listen to me, at least listen to her.”
“This feels awfully like emotional blackmail,” said Giles. “Willow, it’s lovely to see you again, I hope you’ll stop by the library, I need to take my wife home before she interrogates the entire population in an attempt to—” He stopped, startled, as it finally clicked. “Keep me safe,” he said, his voice softening.
“Took you long enough,” said Jenny, rolling her eyes. “Come on.” Tugging on his arm, she led him past a giggling Willow. “Bye, Willow!” she called over her shoulder.
“Bye, Ms. Calendar!” Willow called back. “You guys are a super cute couple!” She then turned the approximate color of her hair and hid her face behind her open locker door.
“She’s a sweet kid,” said Jenny affectionately. “A little shy, but I really think she’s something special.”
“She’s in your computer class?” said Giles, carefully managing to open the door for Jenny without tugging his arm away from her hand. “She was in the library today.”
“Shockingly, Rupert, computers and books can coexist!” said Jenny, laughing.
“Yes, quite,” said Giles, who was still a bit stuck on the concept of Jenny trying to protect him. “Listen, Jenny—I do completely agree with you with regard to the dangers that surround going out at night, but the fact remains that I do have—business—to attend to.”
“Any chance that I’m gonna get to find out what that business is?” Jenny asked lightly.
“Perhaps not tonight, but—” Giles stopped himself. He hadn’t meant for there to be a but. “Perhaps not tonight,” he said again.
To her credit, Jenny seemed to take this in stride. “Okay,” she said. “Honestly, I have some stuff to get done at home anyway. Just try to get home before eleven, all right? It’d be nice not to worry.”
“You’d worry?”
“Maybe a little,” said Jenny, fumbling. “For Willow’s sake, at least. She seems to like you.”
“Oh, of course,” said Giles, grinning. “For Willow’s sake.”
“…shut up.”
He dropped her at their house, and she watched him drive off from the porch. She was impossibly stubborn, foolishly enamored with technological progress, but…he found himself thinking about her, at home, warm on the couch, working on whatever it was she was working on. Not at all domestic, he was sure. Probably unpacking the belongings of hers that he’d hidden in the closet just so she’d shut up about them, or perhaps rearranging the kitchen cupboards again so that her things were in easy reach and his things were all shoved into corner cabinets.
Making trouble. He liked that, and it was frustrating to like it. Giles continued to drive, weaving through what felt like endlessly labyrinthine suburbs until he finally reached the Bronze. By this point, it was nearly sunset, and he was finding himself wishing he’d stayed at home a bit longer to at least have dinner with Jenny—argumentative, certainly, but somehow much livelier a prospect than this overly loud dance club. Reluctantly, he exited the car, following a gaggle of students inside.
This place actually seemed rather like something Jenny would like. Weaving through dancing teenagers (teenagers, really, in a bar?), Giles decided that the best thing to do in this case would be to find a higher vantage point. Perhaps he might be able to make out Miss Summers from above the ground.
Part of him was beginning to wish he had brought Jenny. This entire endeavor felt rather pointless, and she might have made it…a bit more lively. They’d be arguing about something or other right about now, had she come along. Maybe she’d want him to dance, and he obviously wouldn’t, and she would persist, with that bright, playful, utterly beautiful smile—
Giles nearly walked into one of the large beams supporting the upper level. Flustered, he hurried up the stairs.
Miss Summers was not visible. No one in this bloody bar looked even slightly familiar to Giles, and he was becoming so impatient to leave it that he wasn’t really looking all that hard anyway. He’d talk to her at school, he decided, there really wasn’t any point in—
“So, you like to party with the students, huh?” came a familiarly perky voice, and Giles, already frustrated enough as it was,turned to face Buffy Summers herself. “Aren’t you a married man?”
“Believe you me, I would much rather be at home with my wife,” said Giles, startled by the truth to his words. “As exasperating as Jenny can be, she certainly isn’t as—as tiresome as this meaningless sound.”
“Gosh, I bet she swoons when you tell her stuff like that,” said Buffy, straight-faced with the air of one delivering a punch line.
“This is a perfect breeding ground for vampire activity,” Giles informed her, attempting to steer the subject solidly away from Jenny. “It's dark, it's crowded...” He trailed off, still frustrated beyond measure. “Besides, I knew you were likely to show up, and I have to make you understand—”
“That the Harvest is coming,” Buffy finished with exasperation. “I know, your friend told me.”
Giles blinked. This wasn’t in the handbook. “What did you say?”
“The Harvest,” said Buffy dismissively. “That mean something to you? 'Cause I'm drawing a blank.”
“I'm not sure,” said Giles, frowning. “W-who told you this?”
“This... guy,” said Buffy, turning a little pink. “Dark, gorgeous in an annoying sort of way. I figured you two were buds.”
“No,” said Giles slowly. The phrase rang a few bells, and none of them were good ones. “The Harvest. Did he say anything else?”
“Something about the Mouth of Hell,” said Buffy, then added for clarity’s sake, “I really didn't like him!” and turned away, looking down at the dancing crowd as the band’s song ended.
“I must research this further,” mumbled Giles to himself. Looking up at Buffy, her back to him, he felt a rush of irritation as he added, “Which I cannot do if the one and only Vampire Slayer is hell-bent on refusing to slay vampires!”
“Hey!” Buffy whirled, glaring. “It’s not like I’m never gonna slay a vampire again! I just don’t feel like getting all extracurricular about it. And I don’t see you out there fighting any!”
“We have discussed this,” said Giles, attempting to keep his voice level and professional, “it is not my—”
“Not your job, yeah, I figured,” said Buffy, rolling her eyes. “So is your job just telling me how to do mine?”
“Will you be ready?” Giles countered. “There's so much you don't know about them, about your own powers.” Pointedly, and because he felt like reminding her that he did have a job, he added, “A vampire appears to be completely normal until the feed is upon them. Only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.”
Buffy was not appropriately impressed. “You’re like a textbook with arms,” she scoffed. “I know this!”
“The point,” said Giles thinly, “is that you should be able to tell if a vampire is in this building. Immediately. Without looking, without thinking.”
“I mean,” said Buffy, looking somewhat pouty, “I could do that. If I wanted to.”
“Fine,” said Giles. “Excellent. Do it right now. Tell me if there’s a vampire here.” As Miss Summers turned her attention back to the crowd, he continued, “Reach out with your mind, utilize all your senses, and hone—”
“There’s one!” said Buffy.
“That one,” said Buffy, pointing to a fellow below them in a garish shirt that Ethan would wear unapologetically. “Talking to that girl.”
“You don’t know—” Giles began, indignant.
“Oh, please!” Buffy was clearly affronted at his doubt. “Look at his shirt, he’s got the sleeves rolled up—just deal with that outfit for a moment.”
“It’s dated?” Giles asked tentatively. Lord, he felt old.
“It’s carbon dated,” Buffy informed him. “It’s 1996, who wears a jacket like that? No one but a guy living underground for ten years would think that that’s a good look.”
This was also not in the handbook. “But you didn’t—hone,” Giles managed weakly.
The fellow moved, revealing the lady who had had his attention. A girl, really, though Giles couldn’t quite make her out—
“Oh, no,” said Buffy, her face paling.
The spotlights caught the girl’s long red hair, and Giles remembered. “Isn’t that—”
“Willow,” said Buffy.
“What’s she doing?”
“Seizing the moment,” said Buffy, sounding all but furious with herself, and hurried past Giles, after Willow.
Giles knew that he should be counting this as a victory. It certainly wasn’t the way that he’d wanted Buffy to resume her duties, but if Willow’s peril provided the Slayer with an incentive, the Council would count that as a win. However, the thought of this careless, carefree girl tasked with saving the life of an innocent made him shudder, and he hoped that she lived up to her reputation. All Council reports had painted her as a talented, if rather insolent, young girl, one who had survived longer than most Slayer and even faced a master vampire. Still a bit nervous, he followed Buffy down the stairs, hoping against hope that she would round the corner with a nervous Willow in tow.
He was instead met with only Buffy. Willow, he assumed, must have remained at the bar. “That was quite quick,” he said, surprised and pleased. “Well done. I-I must be off to, to check in with my wife, and then—the library—”
“I lost them,” said Buffy shortly.
Giles reeled. “You lost them?” he echoed. “Well—we should—go find them, yes?”
“I’ll deal with it,” said Buffy, giving him a hard, tired look that didn’t look quite right on a girl that young. “I can handle one vampire.”
Jenny was sitting in the living room when he arrived. “Ten-thirty,” she said, and got up, tugging his overcoat from his shoulders to hang it on the nearby coat tree. “So you didn’t get dead and stuffed into a locker?”
“One dies, Jenny, one does not get dead,” said Giles, but found himself feeling surprisingly less upset. The genuine antipathy he had faced from Buffy made his arguments with Jenny seem much less bloodthirsty. “And I unfortunately am only stopping in to let you know I’m all right. I have some research to conduct at the library.”
“Oh,” said Jenny. Then, “I-I can help.”
This took Giles quite by surprise. “I’m sorry?”
“I haven’t been doing a lot,” said Jenny a little awkwardly. “You know, first day and all—I thought maybe you’d like a little company. It can’t be fun to be—”
“What, a textbook with arms?” said Giles stiffly.
Jenny snorted. “Did someone call you that?”
“…no,” Giles mumbled, trying to make it sound convincing.
Jenny was still giggling. “It’s okay,” she said. “If you need some alone time to recover after an emotional blow like that—”
Giles didn’t particularly like the idea of involving Jenny in Watcher business. Divulging Council secrets within the first official day of his sacred calling really wouldn’t do. “I might, yes,” he said, smiling a bit. “Thank you for being understanding about it.”
“Don’t stay out too long,” said Jenny, grinning. “I’m gonna try and make a pot roast.”
“Please don’t, the kitchen cannot take that stress,” said Giles, grinning back as he picked up his overcoat. “I’ll do my best to be back by—shall we say one?”
Jenny bit her lip, and her smile wavered. “If you die like that dead guy, I really will kill you,” she said.
“You’re not going to attempt to dissuade me from staying late?”
“We had that whole big argument already today,” said Jenny, waving a hand. “I’m trying to limit us to maybe two a day, and I want to be able to yell at you about coming home late, so I’m banking my frustration for the moment.”
“That’s terrifying,” Giles told her.
“I know,” said Jenny happily.
“Psychological warfare, in my opinion.”
“Which could make a case for me being a bit smarter than you think?” Jenny batted her lashes.
“Oh, please, it’s never been up for dispute that you’re dizzyingly intelligent,” scoffed Giles as he exited. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a small, surprised smile on Jenny’s face.
Researching was not lighthearted in the slightest. Researching actually led to Giles missing the days when a fake marriage and an incompatible partner were the worst of his troubles. His books described the Harvest as a preordained massacre, one in which the vampires rose up to create hell on earth and murder a terrifying number of people while doing it. Paging through book after book, he continued to find the exact same thing: that the Harvest would be soon, and that it would be a bloody, gory mess.
When he was quite sure that there was nothing else he could find, at least not today, he drove home, stumbling somewhat exhaustedly up the steps. The living room light was off, and he realized with a small, sad twist that Jenny must have already gone to bed. Flipping it on, he hung up his overcoat, then headed into the bedroom, intending to grab a set of pajamas from the dresser.
Jenny was asleep, curled up under some extremely comfortable-looking blankets, and after a night like this Giles honestly couldn’t remember why he wasn’t sleeping in a perfectly cozy, perfectly lovely bed. Pride, perhaps, but that didn’t really seem worth it when he was this tired and wrung-out. He changed gracelessly, then lay down next to her, getting under the covers.
Jenny stirred, then smiled, then moved a bit closer, resting her cheek on his shoulder. It wasn’t quite cuddling, but it was…nice. Particularly after the day he’d had. “You got back by one?” she asked sleepily.
“Twelve-fifteen,” said Giles.
“Mm,” said Jenny, and rolled back away from him, settling into her portion of the blankets. “Long day, huh?”
“The longest,” said Giles, and closed his eyes. Buffy Summers and the Harvest and their mystery informant were all rattling about in his mind, but lying in his bed was comforting and familiar—and lying next to Jenny, much the same. He liked being tired enough not to worry about what that might mean.
The next day was when things really started getting out of hand.
“Okay,” said Buffy, entering the library with both Willow and a dark-haired boy (the latter wearing a shirt that even Giles knew was truly horrible), “we’re gonna need to brief them on vampires.”
Giles stared. “You can’t be serious,” he said. “This is—these are incredibly secret matters, and you’ve just brought them in here to—”
“They almost got killed, Giles!” said Buffy indignantly. “It’s not like I’m just picking people at random to tell that vampires exist! That’s pretty much a one-way ticket to a mental institution—” She stopped, here, pressing her lips together, then continued, “—and you should know that I wouldn’t risk something like that. So. Just—do your whole big speech or whatever.”
“I’m still not sold on any of this,” said the boy uncomfortably.
“Yeah, well, I say we hear them out,” said Willow, her voice small and wobbly. “If they know anything about what might have happened to Jesse…”
The boy’s face clouded. “Okay,” he said, and pulled out a chair for Willow to sit. “Talk to us.”
Giles still wasn’t entirely convinced that he wanted to talk to a boy he had barely met about well-guarded Council secrets that he hadn’t even told his wife, but the pointed look from Buffy and the shaken look in Willow’s eyes made it clear that avoidance wasn’t an option at this juncture. “Well,” he said, ascending the library steps to idly stop the now-spinning globe on the stack level. “The world is—is older than you know—”
“Rupert!” Jenny rushed in, looking absolutely furious. “Jesse McNally didn’t show up to school today!”
Giles closed his eyes, hoping against hope that Jenny would be gone when he opened them. When he did, however, she just looked even more annoyed with him, arms crossed and chin jutting out. “And this has to do with me how?” he asked; perhaps she might take the hint and leave.
Jenny didn’t. “I was saying don’t go out last night,” she said, “I was telling you that it would be a bad idea—”
“I’m sorry, do I look like I mysteriously disappeared?” said Giles thinly. “No? Shocking.”
“—and you just go ahead with your little Bronzing escapade?” Jenny finished.
Giles stared. “How did you know I was at the Bronze?”
“That’s not important,” said Jenny. From behind her, Buffy winced a little. “My point is that Jesse McNally was last seen at the Bronze, and there’s already been one murder this week, and I am so not showing up at the morgue to collect your corpse when you lie to me about what you’re doing!”
“I said I had business!” Belatedly, Giles realized that they had an audience. “And—I’m working a study group right now, you are being horribly unprofessional—”
“I’m your wife,” said Jenny. “I get to be unprofessional.”
“Don’t play the wife card,” said Giles, hurrying down the stairs to steer her out of the library. “And don’t just come charging in here, Jenny, I am teaching.”
“Teaching what?” Jenny scoffed.
Irritated, and hoping to catch her off guard, Giles kissed her on the cheek. Jenny, without even a moment’s hesitation, turned her head, pressing a quick kiss to his mouth before pulling back. “Don’t try and beat me at my own game, honey,” she said matter-of-factly. Tugging herself free, she turned and left, adding over her shoulder, “Keeping you safe should not be so much work, Rupert, and I expect to know what you were doing at the Bronze!”
The door swung shut. Giles, who hadn’t missed Buffy’s telling wince, turned on her. “You told her?”
“I thought she knew!” Buffy said indignantly. “We ran into each other in the halls, she said she was sorry for how awful she was yesterday, I said it was fine, she was obviously tired, and with you keeping late nights at the Bronze—”
“Oh, lord,” Giles muttered. He had no idea how Jenny would take the concept of him sneaking out to a bar and not telling her why—a bar that teenagers frequented, no less. He really would have to explain…something…to her. Somehow.
“How come she doesn’t know you’re a Watcher?” There was a strange note to Buffy’s voice—almost overly light.
“To protect her,” said Giles simply. That was the sort of thing one said about one’s wife, wasn’t it? “It’s a bit tense between us as of late, but…she wouldn’t understand.”
Buffy was now looking at him with a different expression, one that was no longer outright animosity…almost sympathy, and with a dash of quiet respect mixed in. “Yeah,” she said. “Kinda feels like that when I’m talking to my mom.”
Giles then felt a strange sadness, looking at Buffy. The idea of sending this hard, hurting girl into battle wasn’t quite as easily imagined as the half-conceived idea of his future Slayer. “Well,” he said. “I’d best resume my, my explanations, then, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah,” said Buffy, and managed a tired smile.
“See, I feel like there’s this whole layer of information I’m missing,” said the boy, waving a hand between Giles and Buffy, “like what’s a Watcher? And is he seriously married to the hottest teacher on campus?”
“That’s my wife, yes,” said Giles shortly, feeling an irrational irritation, “and I would thank you to remember that she is much more than just a pretty face.” He cleared his throat. “The world is older than you know…”
And as such, Willow and the somewhat frustrating Xander were sent off to classes, Buffy set off to rescue Jesse McNally, and Giles was left to begin his own search for more information on the Harvest, which transitioned rather quickly into trying to figure out how, exactly, he was going to get his nighttime activities past Jenny without arousing suspicion. Framing it as business clearly wouldn’t work anymore, not when she already knew about the Bronze and how strange it was. She might believe his proclivity for research, but—
Inspiration struck Giles, and he jumped up, all but running out of the library, across the hall, and towards Jenny’s classroom. He managed to skid to a dignified stop so as to walk inside in a more professional manner, but based on the small smirk on Jenny’s face, she’d heard the sound of hurried footsteps. “Jenny,” he began.
“Mr. Giles, we’re on the clock,” said Jenny, smiling innocently. “Let’s keep it professional.”
“For the love of god,” said Giles. “Would you please speak with me outside?”
“I don’t know,” said Jenny, wavering theatrically. Behind her, Willow was watching them both with amused interest. “I’ve got some pretty hardcore teacher stuff going on here.”
“I’m playing my—my husband card,” said Giles. “Please speak with me outside.”
Jenny rolled her eyes, but followed Giles out into the hallway, shutting the door behind them. “I’m assuming this is an apology?”
“Sort of,” said Giles. “Jenny…I wasn’t entirely honest about why I came to Sunnydale.”
“I’m…conducting some research for a book I’m writing,” said Giles, struggling to make himself sound convincing. It was much easier to continue a lie of omission than come up with a completely new one. “About paranormal occurrences. I heard that the Bronze was a particularly shady place, a-and I was conducting some…research.”
“And you didn’t tell me this because?”
“I thought you’d think it was…silly?”
To his surprise, Jenny looked a little abashed. “Oh,” she said. “Um. I don’t, I don’t think that, Rupert. I actually think it’s kinda…nice.” She cleared her throat, flushing, then added, “Stupid, too, but that’s just because you’re putting yourself in danger.”
“Oh,” said Giles, who hadn’t had anyone worried about him (was that what this was?) since—well, he honestly didn’t know if anyone ever had been. Watchers were expected to lay down their lives for the cause; anyone and everyone who knew him had always known that he was signing himself up for a messy, painful death. It was strangely lovely to have someone in his life who didn’t. “You’re…very sweet to worry.”
He was expecting Jenny to deny it, but instead she smiled a little awkwardly and nodded. “I can understand if you’d like to be alone for your creepy research, but can you maybe pick safer places?” she asked tentatively. “Like, I don’t know, not the Bronze?”
“Not the Bronze,” Giles agreed wholeheartedly. “That place really is terrible. I have no intention of going there in the near future.”
“You know, I told Jenny I wouldn’t go to the Bronze,” said Giles exhaustedly, lightly touching the place where Darla’s nails had scratched his face. “Said it directly to her. I’m fairly certain she thinks I’m at that cemetery she suggested.”
“Don’t vampires rise in cemeteries?” asked Buffy a little skeptically.
“Oddly enough, the one she picked happened to be, um, sacred ground,” said Giles with a small frown. “Nothing supernatural there in the slightest. I’m sure it was just random, but…it’s still quite sweet of her to try and be of help.”
“Well, I’m feeling pretty okay,” said Willow decisively, sitting down on the edge of the empty stage. “We stopped the Harvest, saved Sunnydale…that feels pretty nice.”
“To say the least,” said Giles. “To be quite honest, I’d really just like to go home.”
“You and me both,” said Buffy, and gave him a small smile.
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softly-speaking-valkyrie · 8 years ago
Some personal and intimate Foster Addison from Andromeda
Under a readline simply because she’s naked.
Addison woke, a new day made up of artificial light, heat from generators powered by solar panels dotted all over the Nexus and the two remaining arks hoisted to her. It was a little warmer than usual as she beat her alarm, turning it off before it rattled her. How Foster wanted to catch a few more minutes resting, but the colonies were expanding from the outposts, and her job was getting busier and busier.
She got up, hazy and a little dizzily from the change in, up until now, constant humidity. She was naked, often how she slept, letting her body breathe under the thin layered sheets, only this morning she felt the muggy sweat race down her bare chest and drip onto her toes. A stretch was first, hoisting her arms high above her head and really breaking out all the dry cranks in her bones. She spread her legs, looking out of the window into the dead of space. Foster Addison was one of those lucky enough to have secured a room with a view of the strange and alien nebula of Andromeda. In a fluid motion, a series of stretches and pulls on her aging joints Addison fell into a routine of yoga of sorts, to wake her body up before she would shower. Most people would shower first, or at least clothe themselves, but Foster knew that no one could see her like this, and the slight breeze of movement on her nude flesh was a pleasant sensation that made the back of her neck tingle. She enjoyed it, the few calm moments of water-like peace before the frantic operations of the day would commence. No doubt Jarun Tann and her assistant Breker were already in dire need of her direction.
Tann, Addison thought, what a spineless Salarian and coward, a man more shady and shrouded in black than even the Shadow Broker himself back in the Milky Way.
The sudden thought of the flat footed amphibian made her neck muscles tense and she almost yelped from the sudden cramp. She stopped all stretching and stood straight, backing up to sit back on the bed. Her thumbs rolled over the trouble spot, massaging it as she sat naked, the windows wide open still with the rays of this new star lighting her up like some form of angel. It had been such a long time in Andromeda already. And Foster had seen it all, all sixteen months of it now, more than anyone else had seen in the new Galaxy, more so than Ryder.
Addison had been one of the first people brought out of cryo, right before the Nexus hit what was recognised by the Initiative as ‘Andromedan Space.’ She was standing at the head of the Nexus with the crew of pilots when they hit the Scourge, and the whole process became that much harder.
When they lost Jien Garson.
“Addison,” Tann’s voice came over the tannoy to her apartment, and while the cramp in the back of Foster’s neck had soothed, her patience for him already broke. She hated him, plain and simple, hated Tann with what little capacity she even had for it. All of it went to what Kesh called ‘Number Eight’, that being Tann. And him being worthy of the nickname was because of his position in the line of succession for Director of The Initiative, number eight. Foster instantly began to wonder what her life would be like if it were Jien’s beautiful voice coming through the tannoy, slow and compassionate understanding of the strain on resources and Foster’s will to go on. Instead it was the irritating slither of Jarun Tann.
All in all, Foster could say she missed Jien the most, out of everyone who had died in the sixteen months adrift in Andromeda. No one else even came close.
She slammed her hand on the answering machine on the bedside table, thrusting an arm over her chest. The thought of even Tann’s voice being in the room with her naked was a disgusting one to her, and not just because any man could disgust her. Jarun was especially abysmal to her mind. Her eyes shut tightly instinctively and she bit her lip.
“What is it Tann?” Addison spat at his omnipresent voice, she wanted just a few more moments alone, with her thoughts, her body, hell with her mind away from his stupid self. She had aimed to shower before he caught her. “What do you need?”
“I need those resource reports from Prodromos, as well as the Salarian Colony on Ayirathil. You said you’d have them on my desk this morning Foster,” Jarun Tann reminded her in his fish-like, dry and throaty tones. They were enough to make Addison want to vomit already.
She pressed again on the answer button. “Yes I have them, let me shower god damn it Jarun and I’ll be up.” She barked back, biting her lip again and silencing the machine so he couldn’t retort. She hated his voice, and sixteen months of it non-stop had been just about enough to drive he insane. Then she looked out to the stars, the alien suns that had been a dream over six hundred years ago to her and every other man, woman, child and other in the Initiative. It did not feel like six hundred years to Foster Addison, in fact she was convincing herself that she was the only person from the Milky Way who thought it now seemed longer away, further back in time.
It felt like a millennium away. Especially without Jien Garson there to lead them.
Feeling vulnerable, Foster walked to the window and pressed her forehead against the glass, wishing for just a second that she could take up a small position on Eos or retire permanently to Elaaden to help some of the outposts or colonies. Perhaps, New London, she thought. She’d like that. But then again. She’d like to go back to sleep, in cryo stasis, and wake up with Jien back in charge.
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archergwenwrites · 8 years ago
A Yellow Rose Blossoms
(Yellow Roses symbolize friendship! Also, the Fire Nation is based off of Japan, not India, but the plot worm got in and wouldn’t quit. Not so proud of how it turned out, but oh well.)
The royal retinue had just returned in time for the turn to autumn, and Katara was tired of traveling. She knew from talk that a harvest festival was on the way, so she wouldn’t be needed anywhere but the Caldera. As Fire Lady and skilled healer, she knew they needed her, but not until tomorrow.
She was just starting to relax when a knock came at her door. A timid servant popped in at her welcome, stating, “Lady Mai to see you, your highness.”
“Of course, of course, just-”
Mai swept into the room without waiting. “Fire Lady Katara, I was wondering if you had completed you shopping for the Woman’s Harvest Festival, and if you’d be so kind as to accompany me as I do mine?”
Katara opened her mouth. “I didn’t-” She froze at Mai’s raised eyebrows and sudden glance at the servant. Never admit weakness. You don’t know they’re not reporting to someone. “I didn’t expect to go out so soon after returning, but that sounds lovely.”
“I’ll arrange the palaquin.” At Katara’s uncomfortable face, she added, “so we can discuss our womanly things without the guards getting uncomfortable.”
Once in the palaquin, shades closed, Mai rounded on Katara. “So what do you know of the upcoming festivals?”
“There’s more than one harvest festival?”
Mai sighed. “I see your culture tutors are abysmal failures. With six months as Fire Lady, plus the three to prep for your wedding, this should have been covered by now. They should be working based on what’s coming up, not what’s most significant. You haven’t made any blunders there.”
“Thank you?”
“So there’s a generic harvest festival, of course. Zuko can give you all the details. But that one comes after the women one. Well, only married women participate.” Mai’s almost-blank expression nearly gave way to something sadder, but she returned to a professional instructor’s look. “You fast from dawn until just after moonrise, spending the day not working and bonding with the other married women of your community. It’s all about building and celebrating those relationships in the day, and then, when night comes, your marriage. As Fire Lady, you’ll preside over the nobelwomen in residence, if any, and the married servants in the house.”
“We’re locked up?”
“No.” Mai made a quieting motion. “Lots of people visit relatives and friends. I imagine you won’t be able to do that, so I advise you set up camp in the largest gardens so others who aren’t traveling have a place to relax. Get enough gathered, and you’ll have informal make-up and hair salons going as women exchange tips to distract from the hunger. Plus, you’ll want the sky view for later. Now, come on, we need to get things.”
Katara looked quizzically at her before they left. “Who are you buying for?”
“I want to send things to my mother. I know it’s been over three years since the war ended, but my parents are still in Omashu, and they miss home.”
“That’s really sweet.”
“Mention it to anyone and you’ll be sick for a month.”
With that, Mai swept out of the palaquin, forcing Katara to follow. The rest of the afternoon was peppered with clothing, cosmetic, and trinket shops - as well as subtle and not-so-subtle lessons. At first, Mai took the lead shopping, Katara acting the kind but aloof soveriegn. Eventually, she stepped in, confident in how to charge things to the royal accounts, order their delivery, and that she was able to show Mai a thing or two about successful bargaining. In privacy, Mai lectured and then drilled Katara on the rituals of the festival.
By the time the Fire Lady collapsed on her chaise in her chambers, she was exhausted.
That was, of course, when Zuko appeared.
“I heard you went shopping with Mai?”
“Yeah.” Katara flipped on to her back to look at her husband. “Since she decided to come back here rather than stay with the warriors, she can help me with culture things I just don’t know.”
“That was nice of her.”
“Yeah,” Katara began, and then fell into contemplative but awkward silence. Eventually, she blurted, “No one brought up the upcoming festivals until she did today.”
“Well, the one is nothing serious, and no one is going to expect you to know all our customs.”
“Zuko.” Katara sat up, pulling her knees up so he had room to sit as well if he chose. “I’m the Fire Lady. I’m your wife, yes, and I’m also an important political figure. I can’t just not take part in a festival that honors that relationship. Also, is there a similar one for you?”
“I’ll look into it, but I don’t think so.”
“Spring would be a good time to start one.”
Zuko smiled. “I wonder how you’re going to take a whole day of fasting from both food and work.”
“Do you think I can’t relax? I can relax.”
He just chuckled and swooped in for a kiss. “I’m just saying you’re passionate, and I love you.”
She hummed. “Care to give a demonstration?”
Just before dawn on the day of the festival, one of Katara’s older servants woke her up. “Your Highness?”
“Hmmm?” She almost smacked Zuko in the face as she rolled over.
The servant held out a tray. “I apologize for waking you, but eat and drink quickly, my lady. The sun will be up soon, and this will help fortify you. When you’re ready, we’ve already started gathering in the main gardens.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, and the servant retreated. As suggested, Katara quickly scarfed down the offered goods, before jumping out of bed and getting ready for the day.
She was all too ready to play hostess first thing in the morning, but she found that after setting up areas for music and cosmetics later, and a few gathering for prayers to the spirits, the women mostly dispersed, running about the city to visit as Mai said, and to give gifts. Katara asked an unmarried servant to find more translucent scarves and sieves before seeking out Mai.
“Katara! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“One visits friends today, right? Tell me, did you manage to get your gifts to your mother sent in time?”
Mai smiled, genuinely, and offered her a seat. “Yes. She might get them tomorrow, but that’s a vast improvement from before your brother’s inventions. Those mail balloons were an inspired idea.”
“I’ll tell him you said so. Shall I pour us some tea?”
“Please. It’s a delight to share a cup with-” Mai hesitated only briefly. “-a friend.”
Letting slip only a small smile, Katara reached for the teapot.
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canaryatlaw · 8 years ago
Today was.....kind of odd. I felt exhausted and like I was running crazy all day, but I actually wasn't? Idk. I remembered today that my psychiatrist wanted me to call him after I'd been on the Xanax for like a week to see if I'd noticed a difference, as I should have, and as I remembered I was supposed to do this I realized I don't think I've actually seen much of a difference. I still feel anxious pretty much all the time and can't stop my mind from racing even when I'm trying to relax, there's always something I need to get done. I'm doing 2 mg of Xanax a day right now (1 at morning and 1 at night) and he wrote me the prescription to use as needed so I can increase it if needed. If I'm remembering correctly, at the time I accidentally went off it I was taking 3 mg a day, I guess I was just hoping I would be doing better by now and wouldn't need that much. Idk, it's weird to be experiencing symptoms of mental illness like anxiety and feeling exhausted and like something in my mind just isn't right without them being accompanied by the overwhelming and soul-sucking dread of suicidal ideation constantly occupying your mind. Because I pretty much consider myself "recovered" at this point. Like I'm SO much better than I was 4 years ago. But I'm still having symptoms that just don't feel like they have a causal connection to my life, because there's nothing that would be causing that in my life- I mean at least as far as the depression, there's obviously plenty to cause anxiety. But I don't really feel depressed at all so I don't really know if that's what this is??? Like my brain felt weird when I was without my meds for a few days but for the most part it's been fine with happiness, just tending to get overwhelmingly exhausted, but with me that could have a lot of causes (see: my abysmal high school attendance record). Sigh. I didn't mean to get into all of this right now, it just kind of came out. I think that's most of what I have to say, though. So, today. Alarm went off at 9:45, and the first thing I notice is its gross and rainy and hell no am I gonna walk 20 minutes to the train in the freezing rain cuz I fucking hate rain, so I consult google maps to see which of the alternate routes I know of would be quickest, and decide on the one that takes my normal bus route to a close by train station of another line that I can then take to the loop. So that worked out fine and I got to school in plenty of time to prep for the panel. Oh, I left out that I woke up to a text from my across the hall at work friend saying she was like ridiculously sick and couldn't come, so that sucked but oh well. After not too long DCFS guy comes over with the PD we were able to get from delinquency, so we hang out and talk for a while as things get set up more and we get food before the panel. So, we ended up having 4 panelists, which worked well because we initially felt overbooked at 6, but 2 had to cancel haha so that ended up being good. We had the PD, DCFS guy, an adoption attorney, and a child rep that does work in domestic relations (divorce/custody court). And of course I was the moderator, so I got ask my questions and they went really well! Everyone had good and varying answers, and even gave some well-reasoned answers to my thrown in at the last minute question about if they could change one thing about the system they work in what would it be, because of course I am so very reform minded, lol. We got to open the floor up a little at the end, and the panelists talked about the last question for like 10 minutes and I was like watching the clock knowing the 1L's all had to get back to class at 1 so as soon as they finished I was like OKAY whoever needs to leave go and we can chat with the panelists if you want to stay, lol. So that felt good overall. I stayed and talked to DCFS guy about some random stuff since he had some time before going back to work since this was an official work sanctioned event for him, lol. So that was cool. When he headed out I switched over to the PAD office for a bit and did something on my computer for a little, I don't even remember what, before going to meet my LARC prof for our individual conference. It wasn't all that helpful because it tended to be just more generalized feedback, and like I know what I'm doing its just a matter of doing it in the form they want. But I got my argument section back and graded so between that and my graded trial brief I should have some good basis to go off when I finish off the appellate brief this weekend hopefully. That's the idea, anyway. After that I went back to school and was gonna go to the PAD office but instead found my spring break friend, summer job friend, and the girl who's gonna be the president of the child and family law group with me next semester chilling in one of the rooms, so I hung out with them and actually got around to reading most of the cases for crim pro tonight. It was nice, even if I still felt exhausted at the end of the day. And I ended up ordering Chinese food because I felt like it before class lol and they had these mango and shrimp egg rolls that are possibly the craziest and most amazing things I've ever tasted. Crim pro was fine, just went over the few cases, and I interjected two short comments on different aspects of police behavior and their consequences (one of which was in result of a wrongful conviction that was affirmed by the fucking Supreme Court before later getting DNA exonerated that besides this man spending so much of his life in prison, there was a fucking child rapist freely roaming the streets). She then told us about how she's gonna like speed through the rest of the cases at the next two classes, and then let us go at 6:45....? Idk, I feel like she wasn't prepared for them or something, although I've discovered when she recites the "facts" of the case she reads almost word for word off the quimbee briefs I've been looking at, lol. But hey, I'll take it. It was still rainy and gross so I tried the alternate route again but with slightly more anxiety this time because I don't like relying on buses at night because, basically, the suck. We end up getting off the train literally right as the bus is pulling up to the stop (like I saw the bus as soon as I got off the train and had to run down two flights of stairs to get to it) and I just made it but like the driver was being rude and I had to like, bang on the door when there were like 4 other people with me trying to get on.....like calm down lady it's not gonna kill you to wait another 2 seconds. So that kind of ticked me off but I was at least glad I caught the bus. Got home and decided to watch the episode of Blindspot that had pretty much just finished airing and OH BOY do I have feelings about this episode. I already did a massive Twitter rant about this (and I mean massive) so I'll just give you the highlights but between this plot and Chicago Justice's (both nbc shows, fyi) treatment of a foster kid earlier this week I had just about had it. The kind of plot Blindspot did tonight was awful because it adds to the idea that foster parents are bad people who are only in it for the money, and that is overwhelmingly false. Are there crappy foster parents in the system? Of course, I spent all of last semester tracking them down and getting the kids removed from their homes. But the vast, vast majority of foster parents are wonderful, loving people who are sacrificing so much for a child they may very well have to say goodbye to some day. And when we are already at such a critical shortage of foster parents, this kind of portrayal is so damaging to that image. It only serves to add more stigma to the idea of foster parents are being corrupt and "foster child" practically being synonymous with "problem child" in some peoples heads, another convention that needs to end. The whole thing just really, really got under my skin. I mean, I know better than anyone that this kind of shit (okay I mean, this was obviously an extreme example, but similar types of mistreatment I mean) does happen, but broadcasting it as one of a very few portrayals of foster parents most people are gonna see is damaging to the idea of being a foster parent and hurts the chance that they would consider being one in the future, and that's just such a major problem for me. I obviously have a lot of feelings about this, and I feel like I should find some higher up at nbc to write to about it, other than tagging the network's account in my Twitter rant. But yeah, the whole thing just really pissed me off. Other than that though, my only other comment on the episode was that I was really sad to see Nas go, even though I knew it was inevitable as soon as she got involved with Weller, because the show has made it abundantly clear that Kurt/Jane is endgame and anyone who interferes with that isn't gonna last. But I really couldn't give a crap about her and Kurt's romance or whatever, she was such a great character in so many other ways and such a fantastic leader that I'm sad to see her character leave. And I mean not all of this is coming from my adoration of Archie as an actress, but she really did a fantastic job with the character that I feel like the show will miss her a lot. Okay, so after that I actually got to watch designated survivor live, which I've only gotten to do a handful of times. And man, this episode was EXCELLENT. Like definitely one of the best episodes of television I've seen from an objective (not fandom based) viewpoint. Like just as a piece of art it was brilliantly done. Admittedly I didn't pay all that much attention to the B and C storylines of Hannah and Aaron's adventures, but they were solid in their own right. But the really just knocked it out of the park with Kirkman's A storyline, like holy shit we're seriously at the point where how can you not be rooting for this character? I loved seeing him prep for the town hall and trying to figure out what he should see and then him in that scene and just being so fucking brilliant. Everything he did in that scene was artistic perfection. I had very real tears running down my cheeks by the end of it, and I have a hard time believing anyone else could watch it and not be similarly emotionally affected (even if you don't cry). Like they used just the perfect amount of personal story worked in there without pushing one issue or over-milking a tragic storyline. Just watching him on that stage and speaking from his heart to that mother was just so incredibly beautiful and I'm sitting there thinking damn, I would give anything to have Tom Kirkman as our actual president right now, lol, I seriously think he would be doing so much better than the current joke of an administration we have. So yeah, obviously I was very impressed with the episode. Kiefer continues to be a spectacular actor, and just shines in this role because he is so very good at bringing out the intricacies of the character, his doubts and fears while still managing to remain a strong leader that the people can trust in a time of such horrific distress. But yeah, obviously very pleased there. And yeah, not long after that I started getting ready for bed and here we are, lol, although 2 hours slipped by somewhere in between (funny how that happens). Big girl job in the morning, and then I'm probably gonna find a Starbucks to chill out and work on my LARC assignment on until small group because I just don't have the physical or emotional energy to go to the kickboxing gym this week, though I have been continuing to do push ups during commercial breaks, so that's good at least lol. Okay I think I'm done here. Goodnight lovelies. Have a good sleep.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
from plays, to hero exams, jailbreak jobs and major storms.
 Arthur: *knocks on Tamaki's door*
tamaki: it's open.
Arthur: *enters* "Hello..." *sits next to her on the bed*
tamaki: whats up?
Arthur: "..." *drops his head on her lap* "Please don't leave me for the Sun God."
tamaki: ./////. *holds him* im not.
Arthur: *nods* "Thank you...I just wanted to see." *hug*
tamaki:....*hug* i love you, you know.
Arthur: "I love you, too..." *sniff*
Arthur: "Mmm..." *kiss, pats her hand*
lana: thanks for picking me up, guys.
rowena: it's no trouble. ^^
Poe: ^^ "How was your day?"
lana: went pretty well. had to clean vomit today, so _thats_ there. -_-;
rowena: yikes.
Poe: -~- "Awful. Some guests had too much to drink?"
lana: you could say that.
Poe: "Hmph. How irresponsible. Well, we can focus on a good hearty meal."
lana: cheers to that.
Poe: "Maybe a good bowl of soup, or a delicious plate of grilled chicken with lemon, or..."
lenore: sunflower seeds.
rowena: ^^;
Poe: "Oh, they serve those at this restaurant, too! Such a wide selection when catering to so many different customers."
Inka: *asleep in her bedroom* "Zzz..."
{Inka: "Okay, you all know what to do?"}
{panda: yeah, we know. *his skin is charred*}
{Sancho: "Just give me a second." *his arm is missing, his left side blown out*}
{Inka: *stares...* "...What the hell..."}
{panda: why'd ya let us die, huh?}
{Inka: "..." *frowns* "You knew how this was. You know what I wanted. Not my fault you couldn't keep up--"}
{???: because you're a selfish coward.}
{Inka: *her eyes shift, forming the shape when activating her Adora* "You think so, huh?" *turns* "Say it to my face..."}
{inka?: *a corpse like inka stares back* selfish, little bitch.}
{Inka: "?!!! ...Who the hell are you?" *she backs up--bumping into Panda and Sancho, feeling their burnt skin* }
{inka?: isnt this what you want? to be so close to death like this?}
{Inka: "..." *smiles, but nervously* "Y-Yeah, it is...It's great!"}
{inka?: *right in her face* then why are you so nervous?}
{-the other inka is rotting at an alarming rate...-}
{Inka: *stares, still smiling, but feeling tears fall* "C-Cool, right?" *she wipes her face* "...?!!" *those aren't tears--it's blood*}
{other inka: *touches the original's face, before unhinging her jaw to swallow her head whole*}
{Inka: *screams, feeling Panda and Sancho holding her, as she is swallowed--*}
sasori: INKA!
Inka: *screams, bolting up-right in bed* *pants, looking at Sasori* "Wh-What..."
sasori: you were shaking....
Inka: "...I-I'm fine...Just a dream..." *wipes her brow, covered in sweat* "Th-That's all...What are you doing here?"
sasori: we have the same room, remember?
Inka: "...Right...I woke you, then?"
sasori: i wasnt even asleep.
Inka: "...Oh...Trouble sleeping?"
Inka: "..." *hug*
sasori: !!!!! i-inka?
Inka: "...Okay, good, you're not some ghost or something..." >\\\> *pat pat* "Sorry to bother you."
sasori:....7///7; *awkward pat* i-it's fine...just glad you're fine.
Inka: "...Thanks...bodyguard. Um...Could you...um..."
sasori:...*lets go* s-sorry.... 7///////7;;;
Kid: *kitten yawn*
stocking: *already getting changed, trying to pick out an outfit* hmmmm
Kid: "Something for teaching? Or a meeting?"
stocking: should i do an office lady style? or should i go with a pantsuit?
Kid: "Maybe pantsuit for a change?"
stocking: sounds good. i'll even wear glasses to go with~ ^^
Kid: "Excellent." ^^
erina: zzzzz
Allison: *peeks in*
Jordan: "Zzzz..."
erina: *hugging him*
Allison: "..." -\\\u\\\- *carefully closes the door*
Jordan: *holds her, small murmur*
erina: *yaaawn* morning, jo.
Jordan: ^^ "Mornin'...Sleep okay?"
erina: yeah...thanks for last night. i-i know it wasnt much but, im glad you were there.
Jordan: "Hey, if you need anything, I want to help..." *soft pat of her hand*
erina: *hugs*
Jordan: ^\\\^ *pat pat*
Vulcan: *sets down breakfast* "Eat up."
yu: thanks for the meal!
lisa: *nom*
nozomi: thanks, vulcan.
Vulcan: "Any time! There's plenty more if you want it..." *sets down his art pad, doodling some shapes on it*
nozomi: what are you working on?
Vulcan: "You know how firefighters have those oxygen masks? I wanted to shrink the size of those while using lighter but denser materials without obstructing vision--and to, frankly, make them look more badass..." *he has drawings of dragons, demons, birds...*
nozomi: *points to one, a bird* that one looks nice.
Vulcan: "You like it? When I get the prototype ready, maybe you can try it out."
nozomi: i'd like that. ^^
Vulcan: "Cool...I think I'll have my work cut out for me--the Commander has me designing a ton of stuff for this trip..."
nozomi: how about one that's a turtle? OvO
Vulcan: "Aw, yeah!" *starts drawing*
Hyde: "Dude, a fight's happening in the hall!"
mahiru: wait seriously?!
Hyde: "Anya flipped a fool! You got to see it!"
mahiru: *looks outside*
Anya: *holding someone down* "WATCH YOUR HANDS NEXT TIME, OR YOU'LL LOSE THEM!"
mahiru: *glances*
Mineta: *pinned to the ground* Q____Q
mahiru: *walks away*
Hyde: *snaps pics*
Mineta: D: "HELP ME!"
ao:....*glances at a dust chute* he should be small enough to fit...
Anya: "Doing it!" *tosses him*
Mineta: "AAAAH--" *crashes into the chute*
Magaki: *looking at various contact lenses* "..."
clerk: see anything to your liking? ^^
Magaki: "What would look normal and assist with UV protection?"
clerk: hmm, let's see here.
Magaki: "I'll try the blue ones."
clerk: ah, and the sclerae color?
Magaki: "Normal?"
clerk: would you like white? or a different color?
Magaki: "...White."
clerk: alright then. *showing a few displays* what suits your fancy? ^^
Magaki: "..." *points to one on the left* "Let's try this one."
Tanizaki: "Yes...Yes, I understand. We'll call with any information...I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Goodbye." *hangs up* "..." *sighs*
-knock knock knock-
Tanizaki: "Coming..." *looks through the peephole*
frances: *waves, holding a wagon full of flowers?*
Tanizaki: "???" *opens the door* "Hey!"
frances: hello~ i come bearing gifts~! *hands him a flower in a pot*
Tanizaki: "Neat--thanks! Dropping them off around the building?"
frances: indeed~ ^^ thought i'd bring some cheerful little blossoms to the building and its tenants~ ^^
Tanizaki: "Not a bad plan. You try the restaurant downstairs?"
frances: indeed i have~
atsushi: (she's even left flowers in all the agency apartments...) *sweatdrop*
Tanizaki: ^_^;;;; "Well, thank you."
frances: do take care of them now, and water them regularly. and do talk to them too.
Tanizaki: " 'Talk'? It helps them?"
frances: indeed~ ^^
kirako: i've heard about that.
atsushi: yeah, lucy does that too. ^////^
Tanizaki: "Huh...Um...Hi, little plant?"
-no comment...-
Tanizaki: "..." ^^; "Welcome...to our office?"
Steinbeck: *holding up a doll* "Want to play?"
lavinia: *staaaaare*
emily:... ^^; not very talkative, is she?
Steinbeck: "Well, a lot of kids have their own pace." *shakes the doll--and it talks--*
Doll: "I want to play!"
lavinia:....*sticks the doll in her mouth by its head*
Steinbeck: ^^; "See? She likes it!"
emily: ^^;;;;;;
Doll: *muffled* "I love you."
emily: ._________________.
lavinia: *chewing on the doll's head*
Steinbeck: TwT;;;
Shotaro: "Bandages off!"
mana: amazing how not even being all wrapped up stopped you from doing good deeds. thats determination right there.
Shotaro: "Yep!"
{Shotaro: *stamping paperwork for someone...with the stamp held between his teeth*}
{Shotaro: *walking dogs--while being pulled in a wheelchair* "MUSH! MUSH!"}
{Shotaro: *wrapped in bandages, stuffed into a pharaoh casket*}
nea: i'm both impressed and alarmed.
Shotaro: OwO "...Still not sure why they needed that last one..."
leroux: *walking in the hall*
Hirotsu: *adjusting his collar* *nods to Leroux*
leroux: afternoon, sir.
Hirotsu: *nods* "Afternoon. Could I ask you for some information?"
leroux: about what, per say?
Hirotsu: "You're involved in theatre, correct?"
leroux: why indeed. a stagehand in youth, and theatre aficionado, as it were. ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, good--someone to speak with. I do miss going to shows. The last one was abysmal--the person playing Ophelia couldn't act her way out of a paper bag."
leroux: *LIGHTBULB* why dont we host a production here? *shiny eyes*
Hirotsu: "...Oh, thank God, someone finally recommends it! Yes, please, do! Which plays do you know?"
leroux: which ones DONT i know?! OvO
Hirotsu: "Excellent...but given the quality of, um...potential actors here..."
*Motojiro is talking to a lemon, Kafka is screaming into a pillow, Walter is asleep*
Hirotsu: "Perhaps a simpler play would be the best course of action."
leroux: hmmmm...i'll see what we can come up with!
Hirotsu: *nods* "Thank you."
Konro: "Fireworks, huh?"
fang-hua: yes. it's actually how i also discovered my ability, when my brother jin decided to light one in the house. i managed to hold the flame in place.
Konro: "Oh, no...Was anyone hurt?"
fang-hua: thankfully no. mom tells me grandpa had the abilities too.
Konro: "But not your mother, so it skipped a generation?"
fang-hua: most likely.
Konro: "How goes business for your family without you there?"
fang-hua: it goes pretty well. we get to bring in shipments to the harbor cities too.
Konro: "By ship?"
fang-hua: by ship, by wagon.
Tsukiyo: "Attach sparklers to the wagon wheels?"
fang-hua: no. *sweatdrop*
Tsukiyo: -3- "Boo."
Konro: ^^; "How are the language lessons going?"
fang-hua: they seem to be coming along well.
Tsukiyo: "What're you teaching them? Just enough to get around town?"
fang-hua: yeah. im also teaching them cultural customs and history.
Tsukiyo: "...Think you'll find out about the first fire demons?"
fang-hua: it's likely...
Tsukiyo: "Hope so..."
Spirit: *packing*
izumi: need help, dad?
Spirit: "Sure! Some of the beach stuff can go in the luggage."
izumi: ok!
*Looks like towels, sunscreen...seems to be something in the pocket of the swim trunks*
Spirit: "Just be careful with some of it--don't want anything getting lost."
tensei: *rolling on in*
Iida: "Brother..."
tensei: hey tenya. *smiles*
Iida: *weak smile*
tensei: pretty cool wheels, huh?
Iida: "Heh...Going to customize them?"
tensei: i think so. what do you think about silver with blue stripes?
Iida: "Th-That'd be great..."
tensei:...it's gonna be ok.
Iida: "..." *hug*
tensei: *hug*
Iida: *sniff, pat pat*
Todoroki: *sets out ice tea*
ochako: looks good.
Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks at his watch* "Should be here soon..."
ochako: *looks around*
Izuku: "Hey!" *waves*
momo: hello.
ochako: hey guys.
tsuyu: *wave*
Todoroki: "Welcome. I ordered tea to start."
momo: thanks.
ochako: ^^
Izuku: *pulls out a chair for Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *sits down*
Izuku: "I've been wanting to try this place--looks peaceful..." *glances at the menu*
ochako: so how was the exams for you?
tsuyu: my stomach still feels weird.
ochako: yikes.
Izuku: "...Maybe some ginger ale?"
tsuyu: good call.
Patty: "Pass it to me! Pass it!"
riley: HA! *toss*
Patty: *catches* "Yay!"
*The toy laughs when tossed*
julie: *laughs*
Patty: "Catch, Jules!" *tosses softly*
-nice catch-
julie: i did it!
Lord Death Toy: "You did it--yay!"
Jun: "Okay, let's see them."
takuto: *holds up his drawing of his family*
mitsuba: DAWWWW SO CUTE!
Jun: "Great work!"
takuto: ^u^
Jun: *pat pat* "Let's hang it up..."
Jun: "Um...Hyakuya, up for getting us some snacks for lunch?"
hyakuya: oh yeah, sure.
Jun: "Thanks. Maybe celery with peanut butter?"
hyakuya: sounds good.
Jun: "And I'll get this posted..." *puts the drawing up on the fridge*
-it's of takuto, jun, yumikage, tsurugi...and shifumi-
Jun: "..." *sad smile*
hyakuya: .....
Jun: *hugs Takuto*
kirako:......!!! we need oranges.
Kyoka: "??? What?" *looks*
kirako: also do we have peanut butter?
Kyoka: "...I'll check." *goes to the cupboard* "Yes to peanut butter, not to oranges. I can pick some up."
kirako: thank you.
Kyoka: *nods* "I'll be back shortly." *exits*
Kyoka: *sets down the oranges and peanut butter* "...Soooooo..."
kirako: Q~Q you're such a good person kyoukaaaaaa *hugs her and sobs*
Kyoka: "...I...know?" *pat pat* "How are you?"
kirako: hungwy Q3Q
Kyoka: "...How about we peel oranges?"
Kafka: "...A play. Of all the things we need, right now...a play?"
leroux: yes.
Kafka: "..." *sighs, lowers his head* "Send me a budget projection report, I'll review it...What play?"
leroux: i...havent decided yet. ^^; there's so many to choose from! romeo and juliet, hamlet, the scottish play, sleeping beauty, cinderella, snow white, so many to choose from! >3<
Kafka: -_-; "Why do people insist on calling it 'The Scottish Play'..."
hans: we're back with groceries!
etta: ^^
Kafka: "... ... ..."
{Kafka: *haired swept back, in princely attire with a cape*}
{etta: my prince~<3}
{Kafka: *smiles* "Princess..." *sweeps her off her feet*}
{etta: *leans in*}
{Kafka: *smiles, closes his eyes, leans...*}
leroux: KAFKA? are you paying attention? *waves hand in front of him* HELLO? <friend?> Hellooooo?
Kafka: -3- "Mm...Mm...Mmm..."
leroux:....*sigh* <well damn.> .....girls, your assistance a moment?
etta: oh, hey roro.
hans: whats up?
leroux: i've been more-or-less commissioned for a play showing here! but im having trouble deciding which production to host.
Walter: *walks by* "Oh, neat!" *walks in* "Which plays are you looking at?"
wilhelm: *pokes his head in*
Jakob: "??? A play? It's not some mushy lovey stuff, is it?" *looking through Hans's grocery bag*
leroux: im trying to decide, but im having trouble. AH! MY MUSE! I BEG OF YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THIS DIRE TIME!
Walter: "...We could just put them on a dartboard and let fate decide."
Jakob: *tosses cinnamon rolls to Wilhelm*
wilhelm: awesome!
hans: you can have these later.
wilhelm: =3=#
Kafka: "Mmm~ ..." *opens his eyes* "... !!!!" .\\\\\.
hans: *hands them both apples* you can have these for now.
Jakob: -_- "Fine. It's sweet at least."
wilhelm: ?? whats up with him?
Walter: "??? What did Christine show you?"
leroux: the apple! i've made my decision! our showing shall be snow white!
Walter: "...Neat!"
wilhelm: =3= is there gonna be smooching?
Jakob: >~<
leroux: of course, it is the most pivitol scene after all.
wilhelm: eww gros-
etta: *shoves the apple into wilhelm's mouth* sounds wonderful, roro!
Kafka: .\\\\\\\.
wilhelm: DX
Jakob: ._.;
leroux: im kind of nervous too, this is the first time i've ever done any directing. _should_ i be directing or should i leave the task to someone more experienced?
hans: breathe in.
leroux: *INHALES*
hans: and out.
leroux: *exhale* merci.
hans: we can host auditions this weekend.
Jakob: "??? What, some goofy outfit and a fake beard?"
Giriko: "How's your sister holding up?"
kirika: doing better i think. classes have been helping her too.
Giriko: "Sounds like good news...Any hint she remembers more?"
kirika: not sure, but she's remembering bits and pieces.
Giriko: *nods* "Preacher keeping an eye on her?"
kirika: yeah. 7.7
Giriko: "...Need me to 'talk' to him?" *cracks his knuckles*
kirika: as much as i'd like to, i'm gonna have to decline for oriko's sake. no clue what she sees in him...
Giriko: "..." *opens his mouth to say something, stops...* "...Yeah."
Child: *crying* "I-I want to go home..."
guruna: oh child. this _is_ your home now. *smile*
Child: "No, it isn't! I want my daddy! Give him back!"
guruna:....your papa's in a better place now. and he's happy. and he'd want you to be happy here too. all your brothers and sisters are happy.
Child: "They aren't my brothers and sisters!" *collapses, covering their face, sobbing*
guruna:....child....are we going to have to punish you? *sickening smile*
Child: *tossing on the floor* "I want to go home!"
seraphim: *picks them up* i'll handle this one......*takes one of her feathers.....and burns the child's wrist*
Child: *knocked down*
seraphim: stop squirming.
Child: "..." *their eyes look deadened*
seraphim: this is what happens to children who misbehave~
Child: "..." *stays lying on the floor*
seraphim: you can stay there on the ground until you learn your lesson....
sasori:......*walks away*
Child: "..." *curls up into the fetal position*
mono: *asleep*
*From outside her room, it smells like someone is cooking...*
mono: ?? *looks outside*
*Looks like Assi is cooking something in a skillet*
mono: ?? whats that?
Assi: "?!!! O-Oh, Mono...I-I was heating up some pizza bagels..."
mono: oh. *sits down*
Assi: *sets out two plates, then the bagels* "Sleep okay?" *smiles*
mono: yeah.
Assi: *sets down the bagel--it's...heart-shaped?*
mono: .... 7///7;
Assi: ^\\\^; "This house has some great cookie cutters..." *sits down*
mono: ........
Assi: "..." *awkward nom* >\\\\>
mono:.....i guess...
Assi: "??? ...So...How is it?"
mono: hmm? i-it's good. thanks.
Assi: ^\\\^ "You're welcome."
mono: hmm...
Assi: "...You, um, have something on your cheek." *hands a napkin*
mono: *wipes* t-thanks. =//=;
Assi: ^^ "I get excited for pizza stuff, too."
Benimaru: *sits down, holding his head*
kirei: *hug*
Benimaru: "...Thank you."
marie: *putting up posters*
Sid: *hangs another one*
sayaka: looks good!
nygus: thanks. mind helping out, this is so much work, its killing me.
sayaka: not a problem at all!
Sid: "..." Q_Q " 'Killing'?"
nygus: s-sorry, slip of the tongue.
Sid: "Y-Yeah, right--Death Child speak..."
sayaka: ^^ so what do you need help with?
Sid: "Well, you can pass out flyers, ask local businesses to put up the posters."
sayaka: *salutes* you got it, mr barrett!
Sid: *salute* "Thanks...If you run out, come back to pick up more."
sayaka: if all else fails, i can make my own flyers!
yana:........*stuffing a dead squirrel* .....
Ivan: "How's it coming along?"
yana:....<ok, i guess.> ......(i wonder.....why did i pick up this hobby to begin with?......its just trying to make something dead seem living, even though there's no life to it......perhaps by occupying myself with something so trivial.....im trying to make _myself_ feel alive.....) *sigh*
Ivan: "..." <It looks lifelike.>
yana:...<i guess so.> (doesnt mean it's _alive_.)
Ivan: <You're quite good at it--very creative with the pose...>
yana: hmm....
Arthur: *holds up two images against each other--a photo of Qingdao, and a drawing of Avalon*
tamaki: what are you doing?
Arthur: "I think...I know what caused the Great Disaster. It was...King Arthur's Holy Sword!"
shinra: i dont think that's what it was.
tamaki:......*excalibur face* i wouldnt be surprised if it were, though.
Arthur: "See? Tamaki supports my hypothesis. Why can't you be more supportive?"
shinra: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: *points to the images* "See? Similar designs. King Arthur likely ventured forth to this location, did something with the Holy Sword, caused a fire, then we get Flame Humans. All we need is the Lady of the Lake to restore balance."
Master: *sets out rice crispy treats shaped like bunnies*
mio: easter stuff already?
ao: it's april.
Meme: "When it's that cute, I'm not complaining!"
mio: oh. my brain was still in february.
Master: *nods* "I wanted some new menu items for the spring."
tsugumi: hmmm. *thinking*
Master: "Tsugumi?"
tsugumi: *idea* how about omurice chicks?
Master: "Huh. Yeah, I can add those."
Gin: "So, you're auditioning?"
higuchi: yeah. i auditioned once for the very snow white role in middle school....i ended up being the bottom half of the horse.
Gin: "..." *small laugh* "I-I'm sorry..."
higuchi: this is my chance to make up for past mistakes! *determined*
Gin: "Yes! ...Who do you think will be Charming in this play?"
higuchi: not sure.
Gin: "...Well, I look forward to the play. And I will not be jealous of whoever plays Charming. At all."
Walter: "Hi! I'm here to audition for--"
Walter: QwQ;;;
higuchi: gin, easy.
Gin: *holding a kunai* "..." *exhale*
madoka: *nuzzle* ^///^
Rin: ^\\\^ *puts an arm around her*
madoka: *tail pet* hehe ^^
Rin: .\\\\. "heh..."
madoka: fluffy. ^^
Rin: "Yes, it is...Is it okay?"
madoka: *nod* it's kinda cute, actually.
Rin: .\\\\. "Really~?"
madoka: ^^ *cheek smooch*
Rin: *soft shudder* "Th-Thanks..." *holds her hand*
tamaki: *checking her horoscope*
Iris: "Anything interesting?"
tamaki: hmmmm, 'your dreams will take you on a fantastic journey'... huh.
Iris: "Usually they say something a little more, I don't know, tangible?"
tamaki: *looks again*
Iris: "Hmm...The one for Shinra mentions 'Something is coming up.' I wonder what that means."
Motojiro: "I got the chemicals for the theater fog and magic explosions!"
hans: thank you, just be careful that the kids dont get into it.
Motojiro: "Right! After all, dry ice requires keeping the hands free from the CO2--" *opens the box* "..." OwO; "...Where did it go?"
ayako: got it right here!
Motojiro: *loud exhale* "Thank goodness..." *puts on gloves* "Hand it here..."
Hirotsu: *seated* "Okay, next auditioning for the role of the Queen..."
kouyou: hello~ ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, Kouyou, welcome. Do you need another copy of the script, or are you ready?"
kouyou: i'm ready. ^^
etta: miss kouyou does have a queenly nature to her, huh?
leo: i'm certain she'd be perfect for the role.
katya: what about the witch?
leo: ._.;
Hirotsu: "Traditionally the Queen also plays the Witch."
kouyou: =3=
pushkin:....*meekly raises his hand* i can handle the witch maybe?
katya: *manly tears* you are such a goddamn trooper.
Hirotsu: "That'll be up for auditions..." *hands him the script*
pushkin: *SALUTES*
Hirotsu: "Um..." *half-hearted salute* "That leaves auditioning for Charming and Snow White..."
tachihara:.... (ok, this could be my chance! even if it is a play! it's something!)
Yumi: *making flower crowns with Shiori*
shiori: ^u^
Yumi: "I'm sure your father and siblings will love these..."
shiori: piddy! [translation; pretty!]
Yumi: "Yes, they are pretty!" *adjusts the one for Kid* "Just have to make this one a little more even on the sides..."
Stein: *finds a photo on his desk* "???" *picks it up*
-it's a picture of stein, spirit, kami, marie, nygus, sid, and yumi when they were students-
Stein: "Hmm...Haven't seen this in a bit."
valentine: old class photo?
Stein: *nods* "We all looked different..."
Relan: *reviewing a medical book*
komori: [learning medical training?]
Relan: *nods* "Just more first aid for now...I felt next to useless in the last attack, that many people injured..."
komori: ....
Relan: "...Sorry. Need to stop my self-pity. It's just...Shinra injured, that person he found still in the hospital..."
komori: [its understandable]
Relan: *nods* "It's going to be more difficult with fewer people here--down one nun, one hero, one...whatever Arthur is."
komori: ^^;
Relan: "At least Victor knows some science--hope he or someone in command knows medicine."
Asura: *shivers*
mikan:...the moon looks lovely tonight, doesnt it?
Asura: "..." *looks up* "...I suppose..."
mikan:...*nuzzle* u///u
Asura: =\\\= *wraps his arms--and scarves--gently in embrace*
mikan: hehe ^^
Asura: "...The moonlight reveals so much..."
mikan: *hug*
Asura: *strokes her head*
Hirotsu: "Okay, auditions turned out well...What do you think of the candidates?"
leroux: looks to be quite promising.
etta: this is my first time being an acting coach. im so excited~
Hirotsu: "Good...Should also consider any understudies needed. Miss Hoffman, interested?"
etta: ^u^
Hirotsu: "Let's see..." *checks off the list* "And the dwarves are learning their lines?"
leroux: madame leo is helping them now.
Jakob: "Will the real apple be poisoned?"
leroux: no.
wilhelm: =3= well _that's_ lame.
Jakob: "Are there sword fights?"
leroux: well... ^^;
Hirotsu: "There's, um...dancing?" ^^;
Jakob: "...That is awful, old man."
wilhelm: =3=
Hirotsu: *stabbed* Q_Q
hans: *CHOP* behave you two.
wilhelm: Q~Q
Jakob: "WAH!" T~T
leroux: ^^;;;
Walter: "??? Kafka, you okay, buddy?"
Kafka: *curled up in a ball* "I am the lowly pillbug..." T~T
etta: *pap pap* its ok, kiddos, we can play sword fight later, ok?
wilhelm: YAAAY!
Jakob: QwQ
hans: use the foam swords!
Jakob: >_> "Fine..."
leroux: ^^.....kafka?
Kafka: *still curled up* <What?>
leroux: erm... *in german* <is something mattering?>
Kafka: <I-I'm fine! It's just...um...The expenses! Yes, this play is too, um, expensive...> *looks away...spots Etta* >\\\\>
leroux:..... 7v7 suuuure it is.
Kafka: "?!!!" *small roach hiss*
leroux: xwo;;;;;;
Kafka: >\\\\~\\\\< <Don't say a word...>
Magaki: "...I can't see a reflection, so I don't know how they look."
tsubaki: they look lovely. ^^
Magaki: "...O-Okay. That should be good enough. Thank you. Maybe people will not stare so much..."
Kyoka: "She has been...well, odd."
atsushi: yeah...
Kyoka: "Is this normal? I mean, she seems healthy..."
atsushi: probably pregnancy stuff.
Kyoka: "Hmm...Weird." *shrugs* "Just keep an eye on her."
Chuuya: "How are preparations?"
pushkin: lot's of painting. *phew*
katya: *hammering*
Chuuya: "...Well, don't huff it."
katya: hmm hmm.....
-there seem to be faded war scars on her body-
Chuuya: "..." *looking at the scars*
Chuuya: *looks at Pushkin* "...What was..."
-he's already back to work-
Chuuya: "...Hmph." *sets up props*
Akitaru: "How's packing going?"
shinra: pretty good. vulcan said he was making some masks for us.
Akitaru: "Oh? Halloween's not for a while..."
tamaki: he means gas masks.
shinra: yeah that.
sonia: zzzzzz
-in her dream, she appears to be walking up the stairs of a large crystaline palace-
sonia: ??
-eventually, she finds a door with an odd symbol on it and opens it to a white room-
sonia: hello? *enters*
-when she reaches the center, the floor shatters and she falls-
sonia: AH!
-when she lands, she is in a field of wildflowers, unharmed. she looks up to see a strange girl with white eyes with red crosses in them looking at her-
sonia: *blinks*
girl: hiya!
sonia: huh?
girl: *staaaaaare*
girl: ....oh! are you that person's daughter?
sonia: who are you-
sonia: *she wakes up* nnhuh?
mito: *nuzzles and purrs*
sonia:... *pet pet* good kitty.... (that girl....who was she?)
*The door opens a crack*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: *peeks in* "You okay?"
sonia: y-yeah...*yaaawn*
Chuuya: "...It's time to get up. Are you feeling okay?"
sonia: yes, papa. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Did you sleep okay?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: *nods* "Okay. Wash up--I'm setting out breakfast."
sonia: i will.
sero: Q____Q
mina: TTwTT write back to us from the camp, ok?
Izuku: O_O "Well...I mean, nothing is official yet. Maybe you did pass--"
sero: i really hope you jinxed it.
Denki: *grabs Izuku by the shoulders* "THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! WE FLUNKED THE PRACTICAL! AND IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY WHEN YOU FREAKING PASSED!!!" *violently shaking Izuku*
Izuku: *stammering, vibrating* "I aM SOrrY!!!"
jirou: calm down, kaminari, the teacher's gonna be here soon.
Aizawa: *sits up from the back row in a sleeping bag* "Jinx what?"
mina:....how long has he been there?
Aizawa: "Around the part where Kaminari was shaking Midoriya like a snow globe."
Izuku: Q_Q "...Why didn't I see him..."
Aizawa: *yawns*
-everyone takes their seats-
Aizawa: *unzips, hangs the sleeping bag on the coat hook* "Okay. So, some of you failed the exam. Therefore..."
sero: TT_TT damn you mineta.
Mineta: D:<
Aizawa: "You're going on the camping trip."
everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
eijiro: b-but-but the practical exam-
Aizawa: "You all passed the written exam, but Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Mineta failed the practical exam."
sero: what about me?!
Aizawa: "You also failed."
sero: TT~TT
mina: *pats his back* im sorry you had to be put through that, sero.
tsuyu: *pap pap*
Mineta: "What about me? I lost, too." Q_Q
tsuyu: *tosses him into the trash bin*
Mineta: *muffled shouts*
Aizawa: "But the practical wasn't pass-fail: it was specifically designed around your strengths and weaknesses, with tasks and teachers best suited to where you need to strategize how to win. After all, against those teachers at full strength, you didn't stand a chance anyway."
ojiro: so then, when you said you were going to crush us-
Aizawa: "A ploy to motivate you. After all, what kind of monster would deny students from going on a _training_ trip?"
sero: ._.;
mina: ._.;
eijiro: ._.;
Aizawa: "Call it a rational deception."
Iida: *making a Ffffffffffffffff-- face*
Aizawa: "Those who 'failed' will have special supplemental lessons. Enjoy."
Walter: *looking at the cast list* *whistles*
higuchi: I GOT IT! >u<
Gin: "Congratulations!"
higuchi: ^^
Jakob: "Look, Wilhelm!"
wilhelm: cool!
Jakob: "Even the shorty!"
katya: *grabs them both by the head* you want to say that to my face you little shits?
wilhelm: OxO;
Jakob: Q~Q *crosses his legs*
leo: katyusha, please dont fight with the children.
katya:...*grumble* fine then. i'll let them off.....for now.
wilhelm: QvQ thank you mrs leo!
leo: ^^;
Jakob: Q_Q *runs for the bathroom*
Kid: *ties Shiori's shoes*
shiori: thankie.
Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome! Ready to go?"
shiori: *nod nod*
Kid: *picks her up*
shiori: ^u^
Kid: "Let's walk to the door!"
shiori: *waddling along*
Kid: "Great walking."
shiori: *falls on her butt* uh-oh
Kid: "Uh-oh. Ready to get up?" *offers his hands*
shiori: ah.
io: *crying because her jumper is stuck on a cupboard knob*
saki: *filming* did you get stuck, sweetie? ^^;
Tool: "Need some help, Io?"
io: Q~Q UUU! UUU!
saki: oh, come here sweetie. *helps her out* there you go.
io: >^<
saki: *forehead kiss* you're ok, sweetie. wave bye to the camera.
io: *tiny wave* bai bai....
Tool: ^^ "D'aw..."
Bakugo: "..." *pokes the hamster ball*
sybil: O^O
itsuka: ^^
Bakugo: "Tiny critter..."
itsuka: they are pretty tiny. but chacha here's been putting on the pounds. isnt dat right? *tummy poke*
chacha: *squeek* >3<
itsuka: hehe ^^
Bakugo: "What've you fed them?"
itsuka: the usual hamster food, but chacha needs to share with her siblings.
chacha: >3<
Bakugo: *intense stare at Chacha* "Maybe more exercise..."
itsuka: good call.
Vulcan: "Okay, they're all set." *hands a gas-mask helmet to Shinra*
shinra: *puts it on* well? how does it look?
iris: really cool!
maki: super punk rock!
Relan: *nod nod*
Akitaru: "Rock on!"
shinra: ^u^ d'awww, shucks guys.
Vulcan: "Tamaki, Nozomi..." *hands them theirs*
tamaki: so cute!
nozomi: ^^ a very nice theme as always, vulcan.
Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks! Going to put the finishing touches on the last ones before you all head out."
hagakure: here we are~!
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
ochako: i finally saved up enough for a new sleeping bag. ^^
Ojiro: "Good work!"
eijiro: so meet back here at 3?
tsuyu: sounds good.
Izuku: "Okay! I'll find a first aid kit..."
-and so-
-someone in a hoodie is walking into the mall-
Izuku: *looking through shop windows* "!!! Oh, wow! The new Crimson Riot action figure! I'll have to tell Eijiro..."
???: hey, you're izuku midoriya, right?
Izuku: "???" *turns* "Y-Yeah?" ("I guess he saw me at the Tournament...losing...")
???: *puts and arm around his shoulders* you're the one who got wrecked at the tournament, right? then that hero killer business in hosu, you're just all over the place!
Izuku: "Uummm..." *nervous smile* "Y-You sure know your stuff, huh?"
???: still...i cant help but wonder.....*he puts his hand around izuku's neck, save for one finger* just how did you get this far?.....is it fate? or something else.....it's been bothering me ever since the USJ incident.....
-tomura grins at him-
tomura: why dont we have a little chat?
Izuku: "!!!!" ("Tomura...Shigaraki?!")
mina: *modeling sneakers* pretty slick, eh?
Iida: "But will they wear out too quickly?"
mina: i've had sneakers that have lasted for years, i think they should be fine by the time camp star- *GAAASP* OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THESE! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "...And the price?"
mina: just within my budget~ ^^
-they were a pair of lisa frank sneakers-
Iida: "...A hike on the mountains will rip those apart in a day."
mina: _these_ babies are going into my collection. >3<
Iida: "Fine, but you need something durable..." *holds up plain black hiking boots*
ochako: *now with her new sleeping bag* ^^ *looks out over the crowd below* (lots of people. well i got the main goal complete, so, why not play 'lets spot my classmates'?) *looks around*
*Looks like Sero and Eijiro are stepping into a sporting goods shop*
ochako: (they seem to be doing well.....i wonder if tape can be used to catch fish?)
*Momo is pointing to different duffle bags*
ochako: *smiles and glances* ??
*Looks to be someone in a hoodie with...Izuku?*
ochako: (who is that?......deku's face...) ........ (something's wrong here.....) *she starts heading over to where they are*
tomura: y'know, i really hate everything in this world....but the hero killer is really pissing me off the most right now....
Izuku: "??? W-Wasn't he working for you?"
tomura: you'd think, but that's just not how it is. even after a few months, everyone's still talking about him, and ignoring us, ignoring _me_. he can talk big all he damn pleases, but in the end, he's just destroying what he hates, so how does that make us any different?
Izuku: "...U-Understanding?"
tomura: what?
Izuku: "I...don't accept what either of you have done, the Hero Killer or you...But...I can understand the Hero Killer's reasons, not yours..."
tomura: oh do you?
Izuku: "...For him and for me...we follow ideals inspired by All Might...The Hero Killer even saved me, so even if he's destructive, and even if his methods are wrong, I know he's not just doing this for fun: he's trying to live by some ideal."
tomura: *his face is expressionless, but his eyes have a look of pure, utter hatred*
Izuku: "!!!"
tomura: i get it now...hehehe....i see why he pisses me off so much....and why you irritate me so badly....*wide grin* it's aaaaaall be cause of all might....hehehehehehe, it's soooo obvious! the reason these people go about living, smiling without any trouble, is because of all might and that stupid smiling face, acting like there's no one he can't save. *grips izuku's throat tighter*
Izuku: *coughs, struggling to move--*
ochako: hey deku...
tomura: ???
Izuku: "!!!"
ochako: friend of yours?
Izuku: "...Y-Yeah...It's fine..."
tomura: well, i should be going....best not follow me....*gets up and begins walking away*
Izuku: *coughs, inhaling deeply*
ochako: hey, are you alright, deku?
Izuku: "Sh-Shigaraki!"
tomura: ...
ochako: !!!!
Izuku: "Wh-What does All for One want?!"
tomura: ...._that's_ not what you should worry about.....what you _should_ be worried about is when we meet again....because that's when you'll die....*he vanishes into the crowd*
Izuku: *tries to walk forward--but still struggling to breathe*
-ochako ended up contacting mall security and the mall had to be closed down for the time. izuku and ochako also were taken in to be asked questions-
Izuku: "..."
officer: i see, thank you for your time, mr midoriya, you're mother will be here shortly.
Izuku: *nods* "I wish I could've stopped him..."
officer: you did what you could.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
-outside, ochako was sitting on a bench-
ochako: ....
???: "Ochaco!"
ochako: dad! *she hugs him*
Mr. Uraraka: *hug* "I was so worried! Are you okay?"
ochako: y-yeah. i'm alright. (physically at least)...
Mr. Uraraka: "You could've been hurt...Come on, let's get you home..."
ochako: ok, just waiting on my friend first.
-mrs midoriya is sitting across, weeping-
Izuku: *exits from the interrogation room*
inko: my baby!! *she hugs him* oh thank goodness you're ok! you're poor mama's heart can't take it. *she's crying*
ochako: how did it go, deku?
Izuku: "I-I'm okay, Mom...I'm sorry..." *looks at Ochaco* "I don't know...They asked me a lot of questions..."
ochako: well, we're alive, so that's good news.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
ochako: *smile* well, we should probably get home now... see you later? *offers fist bump*
Izuku: *weak smile, bump*
ochako: *laying in bed*
mrs uraraka: *opens the door a bit* you need anything, sweetie?
ochako: im good.
mrs uraraka: well, let us know if you need something, ok?
ochako: i will.
Mr. Uraraka: "..."
mrs uraraka:....*hug* she's a brave girl...
Mr. Uraraka: *nods, hugs her* "Our hero..."
Kurogiri: "..."
banshee: he actually did that? talk about a ballzy move.
himiko: *peeeeks in* OwO~?
Kurogiri: "Reckless, but I think it stirred fear in enough heroes, so, it evens out..."
mr compress: and how is mr shigaraki now?
Kurogiri: "He's focusing on the next step to take."
-in a small bar somewhere in europe-
???: *sips*
bartender: <dont you three have anything else better to do?>
???: <when a job comes by, yes>
bartender: *looks at the two other men seated across from the blonde one*
???: *smiles, waves* <Hello!>
blonde man: *holds the bartender's arm* <if you arent too busy, mr bartender, maybe we could spend time together later~?> <3
???: *sighs* <Please don't flirt with people you don't know.>
blonde man: *pouts* <you're so meeeeean, dumas.>
Dumas: <No, practical.> *tugs the Blonde by his cheek*
blonde man: <ah~!> >///T
-someone enters-
mailman: <telegram for a mr cervantes?>
Cervantes: <I am Mr. Cervantes!>
mailman: <telegram for you, sir.>
-it seems to have an odd symbol on it, like a golden ribbon?-
bartender: (who sends telegrams anymore?)
Cervantes: "..." *grins* <WORK!>
-it reads; salutations, mr cervantes. i hope this message reaches you without too much trouble. you see, i have a job for you and your companions. you may meet with me at the prince hotel at your earliest convenience and we shall discuss the details further there. cordially, TS.-
blonde man: <oh joy!> ^u^
Dumas: *sighs, pulls out a wallet*
Cervantes: <Happy times!> *puts his foot on the chair* <Onward, to adventure!>
Allison: "You're looking happy."
erina: really? i hadnt noticed.
Allison: "Heh--most people don't." *nudge*
erina: ^^;
Allison: "You going to see him after work?"
erina: yeah.
Arthur: <--which then led to new trade opportunities, including the export of electronics and food.> *closes his Chinese textbook*
shinra: wow.
fang-hua: very good, arthur. ^^
Arthur: <Thank you.>
Victor: *thumbing through pages, trying to keep up* O~O
tamaki: *whispers* was that mandarin or cantonese?
shinra: *shrug*
Arthur: "Have you finalized the itinerary with the Commanders, teacher?"
fang-hua: yes.
Arthur: *nods* "Very good." *pulls out a sword* "Point me in the direction." *points East*
fang-hua: ^^;
Honda: "--big beautiful scenery! Strong people! Fast waters! GO FORTH, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GREAT DISASTER! I-- ...Could you lean down a bit--I can't reach your shoulders, Takeru."
takeru: um y-yessir...
Honda: *pats his shoulders* "MAKE US PROUD, MY BOY!" *warrior cry*
takeru: *strained warrior cry*
hito: *sweatdrop*
Honda: "Where was I...Oh, right! Souvenir shopping! Get something for everyone in the Brigade! Don't skimp!" *hands him money*
Hirotsu: "Okay, let's see the costumes..."
higuchi: *modeling her dress*
maggie: wow!
Hirotsu: "Excellent. How is it?"
-she wore a wig with a brown, yellow, and red colored patchwork dress-
Hirotsu: "Most certainly our Snow White...Let's see the others..."
-kouyou is in quite the elegant gown, the kids are in cute little costumes as well-
Hirotsu: "That leaves Charming..." *looks around* "Where is he?"
Tachihara: *behind the curtain* "...Um...I feel kind of goofy."
katya: come on out here, y'coward.
Tachihara: *grumbles...* stumbles out slightly in tights and a princely jacket* .\\\. *he doesn't have the nose bandage on*
Gin: "...Who the heck is this guy?"
Tachihara: D:<
higuchi: *snickering*
katya: holy shit....he's seriously average looking.
Tachihara: Q_Q "I'm not _that_ average..."
george: ouch.
Hirotsu: "Costume rehearsal begins in five minutes. Take your places..."
Master: *puts up the posters*
nygus:...those are…
-sayaka made doge posters that read 'very festival' 'much spring' 'wow'-
sayaka: ^^
Master: "...Creative."
nygus: that's a polite way of putting it. *sweatdrop*
Master: "Gives me an idea for other menu items..."
Fyodor: *whistling*
Fyodor: "Hmm hmm hmm..." *taps his knuckle on the wall*
Fyodor: "..." *stretches* <Dull.>
Cervantes: *humming, walking along a fence*
Dumas: -_-
blonde man: *humming* ~^^
Cervantes: <Dumas, check the GPS~>
Dumas: *looking at a map*
Cervantes: <I said the GPS~>
Dumas: <A printed map is just as reliable...>
blonde man: <i wonder if our benefactor is good looking..>
Dumas: <They probably have to wear a mask so you don't see their horrible features.>
blonde man: =3= <so gloomy as always.>
Cervantes: <And GPS would be more up to date-->
blonde man: <there it is~!>
Dumas: <I mapped this myself. I am the resourceful, responsible one here.> *turns--and walks into a wall* <...>
Cervantes: <...Please pick up Dumas and bring him in~> *walks on in*
Dumas: "..." X_X *falls back*
-in one area, and individual with long white hair is reading to themselves-
???: hm? <you are cervantes, are you not?>
Cervantes: <Yes! I received your message!>
???: <please, do have a seat. care for some apple slices?> ^^
blonde man: *shiny eyes* <so lovely...>
???: fufufu, <why thank you~>
Dumas: X_X *collapsed on the couch* <Gather the horses, my knights--we will storm the castle...>
???: ?? <is your friend alright?>
blonde man: <he'll be fine momentarily~>
Cervantes: <Just a minor head injury...> *slaps Dumas's face*
Dumas: Q_Q
Cervantes: <See~?>
???: <well, glad to see he isnt dead. now, onto the job. you see, an associate of mine has been wrongfully imprisoned in death city.> *they hand him a folder*
Cervantes: *opens, reads the file, passes the photo to the Blonde Man*
blonde man: *examines* ovo; <um...this is...erm....>
-the photo is of fyodor-
Dumas: *holding his head* <Ugh...> *looks at the photo* <...Oh, yeah, that's a reassuring smile...> *cringes*
???: <so you'll do it? i'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your trouble.>
Cervantes: *looks over maps and reports* "..." *smiles widely* <Yes! We accept!>
blonde man: <it shouldnt be a problem, with my ability, freeing him will be a snap~!>>
Dumas: *sighs* <Escaping a prison? I thought it would be a challenge...>
???: <thank you kindly, gentlemen. i will make sure you do not regret it~>
Iida: "And then one approaches a classmate."
tensei: seriously?
Iida: *nods* "No sign where he went. It was the same who attacked USJ."
tensei: ....
Iida: "Let me pull it up..." *his laptop is frozen* *sighs* "So much for dependable tech..."
tensei: let me try something.
Iida: "???" *hands him the laptop*
-after a while, it seemed to be fixed-
Iida: "Oh, thank you! That was impressive."
Poe: *curled up under a blanket, reading*
karl: zzzzz
Poe: *pets Karl, stroking his back*
karl: =w=
Poe: ^w^ *returns to reading, jotting some notes*
Damon: "Then teacher gave us a quiz for chemistry."
soul: how was that?
becky: i got an 89.
Damon: "84?"
soul: great job you two. ^^ *double head pat*
becky: =,=;
Damon: ^^; "I wanted to do better..."
becky: want me to tutor you?
Damon: *nod* "Yes, please!"
becky: ^^
Damon: *takes out his quiz* "I got Number 5 wrong."
Dumas: *checking off items on the list* "We're still short on flash bombs..."
blonde man: <i can secure more for us~>
Dumas: <Do it. And we'll also need-->
Cervantes: *snores*
Dumas: "..." *poke poke*
Cervantes: "Zzz..."
Dumas: "..." -_-
Lucy: *looks out the window* "...What the heck is he doing?"
atsushi: hmm? *looks*
Dazai: *on all fours, sifting through something in the grass*
atsushi: *watching*
Dazai: "..." *looks surprised, starts pulling on something in the grass*
Lucy: "Did he lose something?"
Dazai: *tugging on what looks like a weed*
atsushi: i better check on him to make sure he isnt hurting himself. *heads outside*
Lucy: "Good thinking..." *follows*
Dazai: *grunting, tugging* "Come on...Get loose!"
atsushi: hey dazai, what're you doing exactly?
Dazai: "Ah, I dropped a quarter while walking back--*GRUNT*--and then I saw this weed--*GROAN*--that won't come loose..." *the 'weed' looks...metallic?*
atsushi: ??? (odasaku, you have any idea what the heck that is?)
odasaku: your guess is as good as mine.
Lucy: "...?!! Wait! I think that's the phone--"
Dazai: *PULLS--and the 'weed' snakes up the grass, to the building--and pulls wires off the wall*
atsushi: ._.;;; um.....
naomi: DAZAI! D8<
Tanizaki: "I had an important call!"
Dazai: "..." *points at Lucy, shoves the weed into her hands*
Lucy: "..." -_-#####
naomi: where do you think _you're_ going, mr? ^^# *she has a rope*
Dazai: OwO;; "...See, I already tried rope before, and it's too painful for proper suic--"
Tanizaki: "Grab him!"
-one nice boat later-
atsushi: .____.
Tanizaki: *finishes the sign, puts it around Dazai's neck* " 'Do not pull wires you don't recognize.'"
Lucy: *snaps a pic*
Dazai: *tied to a tree by his feet and hands* QwQ
kirako: *covers aya and kenji's eyes*
Lucy: *typing* " 'The majestic jackass, soaring over the crowd...'"
atsushi: ._. (he seems to be enjoying this predicament....) *sweatdrop*
Dazai: QwQ "...See, ropes are not good for suicide, but when it comes to S and--"
kirako:...*awkward cough*
Dazai: QwQ "..." *nod nod* "I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry for interrupting your phone calls and downloads. May I come down now~?"
naomi: wait up there for a while.
Benimaru: *sets down tea*
kirei: ^^
kabuki: thanks for inviting us, commander.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome. I thought it best before Kohana departed for her mission."
fang-hua: ^^; you didnt have to go to all the trouble, commander-
Tsukiyo: *gobbling snacks*
Benimaru: "It was no trouble. It was the least we could do." *pours her tea*
fang-hua: well, thank you. ^^
Benimaru: *nods* "I have full confidence in you. Keep an eye on the other brigades and report."
fang-hua: *nods*
kirei: *hands her a charm* this will bring you luck.
fang-hua: thank you!
Tsukiyo: *mouth full* "Wow, so pretty!"
Shotaro: *hands Mana mail* "It keeps coming in for you..."
mana: wow.
Shotaro: "Feeling more healed since your fight?"
mana: i think so.
nea: well, arent  _you_ miss popular?
Shotaro: ^^ "I mean, she did advance far in the competition." *holds up his phone* "Although this one fan site is kind of rude..."
nea: let me see that!
mana: hah?
*The fan site seems to have rude remarks in the comments section, as well as photos of Mana walking around town*
mana: what the hell?
nea: kepuri, find their IP address.
Kepuri: "On it!" *takes Shotaro's phone, taps a few keys* "...Um...It's about 12 feet from us..." *looks down the hall*
Emine: *on his laptop* "..."
-nice boat-
mana: *brushing off her hands*
Shotaro: "...Wow...That's gonna need a whole bucket of bandages..."
Steinbeck: "--and that's the family tree!"
twain: wowzers.
oscar: quite a family, johnny-boy.
ebie: cool!
Steinbeck: "Well, we're extended. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everyone when you have a big family."
emily: i could imagine.
Steinbeck: "How about you--extended family?"
emily: not that i'm familiar with.
Steinbeck: "Aunts or uncles?"
emily: probably, but i havent spoken with them much.
twain: i just have my aunt polly.
oscar: didnt miss porter have an aunt polly, as well?
Hemingway: "Think so..." *flipping through photos*
oscar: *glances*
*Looks like photos of Cuba, with a younger Hemingway in them*
oscar: where was that, ernie?
Hemingway: "Havana, during a fishing trip."
oscar: oooh.
Hemingway: "Work took me to a lot of places."
ebie: *listening* OwO
Hemingway: "Spain, France, Rwanda, Congo--lots of reports to file." *shows a photo of him--wrestling a lion*
emily: (is this man even real?)
Hirotsu: "Hmm...The stage looks sound. How are acoustics?"
naoya: *strumming guitar* *thumbs up*
Hirotsu: "Ah, yes, good. Now, onto seating for the audien--"
Kafka: "OW!" *holding his thumb, dropping a hammer*
naoya: ?? you alright?
Walter: *vacuuming*
Kafka: "THESE BLASTED--" *sound drowned out by vacuuming* "--SEATS WON'T MAKE THEMSELVES, SO I--" *more vacuuming* "--HAVE TO FIX THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCH PIECES OF--" *more vacuuming* "--THAT NO--" *more vacuuming--* "--ING PERSON WOULD EVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN!"
blonde man: <so how much farther to the airport?>
Dumas: <My map says another 17 miles-->
Cervantes: *points at a sign* <The sign says 1 mile the other way.>
Dumas: -_-#
blonde man: <maybe i should try and get us a lift?>
Dumas: <If you insist--we have enough money...>
blonde man: *stripping by the side of the road*
blonde man: *coy pose*
Cervantes: <No, no--this is all wrong!>
Dumas: <Thank you!>
Cervantes: *imitates a pose* <Like this!>
Dumas: ._. "..." *facepalm*
driver: <what the hell?> *pulls over*
blonde man: <would you pwease give us a ride~?>
Cervantes: *smiles* <See? It worked!>
Dumas: <How do you even know the driver will agree?>
driver: <what the hell is going on here?>
Cervantes: <We request transport to the airport, my friend!>
driver: um...o.....k?
Cervantes: *smug smile at Dumas*
Dumas: >_> <This proves nothing...Just get in the vehicle...AND PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!>
Anya: *putting on a kimono*
tsugumi: trying on outfits for the spring festival?
Anya: *nods* "Not sure about the color."
tsugumi: it looks nice, a different change of pace. ^^
Anya: "Thanks...Which color will wear?"
ao: isnt blue your image color?
Anya: "I guess that would work..."
naomi: that's one fancy hat, lucy.
Lucy: ^^; "Thanks...I picked the flowers myself in time for the season..."
sylvia: i-it's really pretty, miss montgomery.
Lucy: "..." *clears her throat* "Well, I could make one...if anyone wanted that kind of thing..."
sylvia: a-are you sure? i dont know if i would make a-a hat like that look good, y-your hair is a lot p-prettier than mine...
Lucy: "Then consider it an opportunity to try something to make your hair look better."
sylvia: ....
naomi: maybe we could braid it?
Lucy: "Oh, that'd be great!"
sylvia: .~.
naomi: we're gonna need to wash it and brush it out really good, first.
sylvia: b-but what about m-my ability?
naomi: i dont think your hair will cause any trouble.
Lucy: "Even if it did, 'Medusa,' some hair salon gloves would keep our hands safe enough."
-25 minutes later-
naomi: ._.; how does she _get_ it this tangled?
sylvia: Q~Q
Lucy: "..." *small grunt, grabs a headband, puts it around her own head, stretches* "Leave it to me: if I could style Howard's hair, then I can style hers!"
naomi: good luck.
sylvia: Q~~~Q
Lucy: "Now, just stand still, and if it hurts, please tell me."
sylvia: o-okaaaay....
Kafka: *looking over musical sheets* "...You have to be kidding."
leroux: ??
Kafka: "This score, it's just--BLECH!" *starts scribbling*
leroux: *peeek*
*Looks like Kafka is changing some instructions*
Kafka: "There! You need to be *quiet* in this part, not crescendo!"
leroux: hmm, hmm, i see.
Kafka: "Jeez, who is even handling music in this play?"
karl: *stares at mr shephard*
Mr. Shephard: *puts down his book* "Oh...Hello, um, Karl."
karl: o^o
Poe: "Karl? Karl, where are you?"
karl: *chitter*
Poe: *walks in* "There you are--EEP! M-M-Mr. Shephard..."
Mr. Shephard: "Edgar." *nods*
Poe: .______.
karl: *nudge*
Mr. Shephard: " 'Kay?"
Poe: "I...want your blessing!"
Mr. Shephard: "...Um...I'm not a priest or anything, but--" *makes the sign of the cross* "Amen?"
karl: *facepaw*
Poe: .___. "...Maybe I need to be clearer..." *opens the box, shows the ring*
Mr. Shephard: "Oh, that's pretty. Is it for Lana?"
Poe: "I-I-I-I want to marry her. W-Will you give us your blessing?"
Mr. Shephard: "... ... ..." *sets down the book*
karl: ovo
Poe: *whimper, but stands his ground*
Mr. Shephard: "...Do you love her?"
Poe: "With all my heart!"
Mr. Shephard: "Will you protect her? Against anyone who would do her harm?"
Poe: "Yes!" *inhales deeply*
Mr. Shephard: "..." *sighs* "Then I leave it to her to decide."
Poe: *loud exhale* *hug*
Mr. Shephard: ._.
Poe: *SQUEE!* "I have to go ask her!" *runs outside--then runs back inside, slamming the door, panting* "...It's so bright."
Mephisto: *clears his throat* "How are you?"
stocking: doing well, workwise.
Mephisto: "Good. I had some high compliments from staff and students~"
stocking: oh?
Mephisto: *nods* "On time, prepared for lessons, managing classrooms discussions..." *pulls up a web page* "I had this designed for just such an occasion." *the site is called 'GradeMyTeach.DC'*
stocking: oh cool.
Mephisto: "You're ranking better than Neuhaus--low bar, I know--but your score is going up...Just avoid the hate online."
stocking: i know. is triple A still being a pain in the A?
Mephisto: *Excalibur face* *points to his face* "Does this answer your question?"
stocking: good point.
felisia: *snicker* nice one.
Mephisto: *sighs, resumes his usual face* *pats Felisia's stomach*
felisia: only a month away now...
Mephisto: ^w^ "Glorious~" *nuzzle*
atsushi: *helping dazai down from the tree* easy now.
Dazai: TwT "Thank you, kind sir..."
atsushi: i figured you'd been punished enough, today...
Dazai: "I just wanted to see where it was going--and we have enough other spy risks..."
atsushi: .....
Dazai: "I didn't want someone trying to spy on Kirako...And, you know, too much time on the Internet isn't good for anyone."
atsushi:....did you want to get something to eat?
Dazai: "...Sure. Rice sounds good."
atsushi: yeah, i could go for some chazuke right now...
-and so-
Dazai: *claps his hands* "Thank you for this meal!"
atsushi: *nom* =w=~ *tiger chuff*....*ahem* 737;......so...anything else on your mind, dazai?
Dazai: "...The usual. Scared to death of fatherhood. Want to find the rest of the Rats. Have a rash."
atsushi: did you get ointment from yosano?
Dazai: "I tried--but I got...tied up." OwO
atsushi: maybe i could ask?
Dazai: "Thank you..." *looks at him* "...Huh." *looks at him back and forth*
atsushi: ?? whats up?
Dazai: "...What happened to that scrawny kid Kunikida and I picked up at the canal?"
atsushi: *points to himself* ?
Dazai: *nod nod* "You've bulked up a bit."
atsushi: i guess i have gotten some more muscle...and i think i might be a centimeter taller?
Dazai: "See? A better diet and exercise helps!"
sonia: *putting a rock into the garden with something written on it*
Chuuya: *watching*
-the rock reads 'mama'-
Chuuya: *rubs his eyes*
sonia: *she looks up at him* did you want to put down a rock, papa?
Chuuya: "Um...Yes..."
katya: what're you two up to?
Chuuya: "Just writing..." *putting something on a stone* *looks like he's writing "Rain"*
katya: this some kind of memorial garden?
Chuuya: "Yes..." *sets down the stone, takes another*
katya: i see....
Chuuya: *writing "Oda"* "..." *sets it down*
sonia: did you want to put one down?
katya: nah, there wouldnt be enough room to write all the names down...
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
tamaki: any idea where we're gonna be staying, other than in fang-hua's hometown?
Arthur: "I think visiting Takeru's farm in Qingdao."
tamaki: wonder what that will be like.
shinra: i think a lot different from most farms, i'd think.
Arthur: "Like dragon tooth farms?"
shinra: um....i guess?
Arthur: "Then we shall raise the small warrior babies born from their teeth."
shinra + tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: "I'll name them Agenor, Guinevere, Phoenix, and Tamaki Jr."
Giriko: *wiping something off his shirt* "Poor thing..."
anna: bwah?
Giriko: ^^; "It's fine, little lady." *light nose tap*
anna: =3=
Giriko: *hug*
anna: ^o^
Giriko: "Heh heh..." *wipes her face carefully*
Patty: "Sis, Kid's doing that thing again."
liz: oh boy.
Kid: "N-Nothing. What makes you think anything happened?" *there's crayon on the wall*
liz: ^^;
Patty: "Um, most kids crayon the walls--it's part of growing up! You could frame it!"
Kid: "..." Q_Q "Do we have extra frames?"
Cervantes: *snores*
blonde man: *reading*
Dumas: *looking out the window* <So dull...>
blonde man: *fidget fidget*
Dumas: <Sit still. Can't you be still?>
blonde man: <too antsy....i wonder if i can join the mile high club>
Dumas: *tugs his ear* <No.>
blonde man: ah! <owieee~>
Dumas: <Contain yourself. Order another drink if you have to...> *looking through his book on poisons*
blonde man: *peeeeek*
Dumas: -_-# <...Yes? I am looking at poisons.>
blonde man: <is it interesting?>
Dumas: <A bit. Did you know there are some poisons you can ingest in small portions to build up resistance?>
blonde man: <oh? i didnt know that.>
Dumas: <Yes...Just takes time...>
blonde man: hmmm....
Dumas: *jots something down* <Yes, just a few more milliters would do it...>
blonde man: *looks around*
Cervantes: *sleep talk* <Curse you, you vile waste of grain grinding...>
blonde man: *fidgeting in his seat*
Cervantes: <BRING ME MY LANCE!> *swings an arm, just missing the Man*
blonde man: ah! >3< <miguel, be careful!>
Cervantes: *yawns, stretches* <Have we landed this giant metal bird yet?>
blonde man: <not yet...> *examines english language guide*
Dumas: <How is language studying coming along?>
blonde man: good.
Dumas: <Oh? Why don't you try asking the flight attendant for something.>
blonde man: ma'am?
Flight Attendant: "Yes? May I help you?"
blonde man: where do i sign for the mile high club~? ^^
Flight Attendant: "...Sir, that is prohibited on flights. And technically it wouldn't be a mile above the ground." -^-
Dumas: *covering his face* <How mortifying...>
blonde man: T3T oh poo.
Flight Attendant: "Now, unless you had anything else to say, I'll take your trash..."
Dumas: "He wouldn't fit in your trash bag."
Flight Attendant: "..." *giggles*
blonde man: <mean> =3=
Dumas: *small smile*
Takehisa: *flipping through a military academy yearbook*
maki: looking at old photos?
Takehisa: *nods* *there's a photo of a younger Takehisa with other cadets--he doesn't have his glasses on* "I couldn't see a thing."
maki: hmm.
Takehisa: *points to a photo of Maki*
maki: man, i was a small-fry back then.
Takehisa: "Yes, not as tall as now. Have you spoken with anyone from the division recently?"
maki: not recently.
Takehisa: "Neither have I...And your father?"
maki: what _about_ him?
Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Sorry."
maki:...*sigh* it's fine.
Takehisa: "...Coffee?"
maki: sure.
mina: yessir!
-they're playing games on bakugou's gamecube-
Eijiro: "Ease up, man--Mina had socks on--OH, YOU JERK!" *tapping on the controller* "No, no, no!"
Bakugo: "IT'S ABOUT POLITENESS!" *leaning while moving the controller*
sero: ooooh oh snap!
mina: nyehehehe~
Eijiro: "You won't be so high and mighty when I--"
*Eijiro loses*
Eijiro: Q_Q
Bakugo: "..."
mina: aw yeah! team acid tape wins again!
sero: up top!
-high five-
Eijiro: "Dang it! Well, Team Shrapnel will be victorious next time!"
Bakugo: "...You no longer get to pick names."
sero: i dunno, 'shrapnel' sounds kinda badass.
mina: it does
Eijiro: ^w^ "See? It's the combination of explosions and rocks--"
Bakugo: "No."
Eijiro: "...You're jealous you didn't think of it first, aren't you--"
Bakugo: *his controller blows up in his hand* -n-###
sero:....guess we have to make another trip to the game-in-box, huh?
Eijiro: "Wow, harsh!"
mina: yeah, baku, no need to be so mean. -3-
sero: at least he's using his name, and not some insulting nickname, eh?
stocking: i'm home.
Kid: "Welcome back." *smiles*
stocking: *huuuug* *whisper* can we go to bed? i wanted to try some new costumes out~
Kid: .\\\\. "O-Oh? Sure..."
stocking: *smirks and drags him to their room by his collar*
Kid: *follows, blushing* "Oh, wow..."
stocking: i thought we could try a little role-playing. some school year nostalgia~ *whispers* i even got us some uniforms~
Kid: "Oh, Stocking, yes..." *lightly brushes his hand along her wrist*
stocking: hehe~ *closes the door*
Kid: "Shall we change?"
-and so-
stocking: *in a uniform, bent over the bed, shaking her rear a bit*
Kid: *in his own uniform* "Well, well, have you been a bad girl?"
stocking: yes. could you tutor me in sex ed~?
Kid: "I don't know..." *rests a hand on her lower back* "I am a hard tutor."
stocking: i would like that~
Kid: "Would you now~?" *rubs her lower back carefully* "Because I think I have to give you an incentive to learn..." *soft pat on her bottom*
stocking: ah~
Kid: "After all, a little stimulation goes a long way..." *his hand passes down over her skirt to her leg, stroking*
stocking: ahhh~<3 T///=
Kid: *leans, his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear* "And I like to get close and personal with my tutoring~" *soft kisses along her ear, as his hand slides slowly up her leg*
stocking: nngh~ kid~
Kid: "I love you...but you need to learn a lesson." *small quick spank*
stocking: ah~!
Kid: "I bet that's something not told in the classroom..." *looks down at her uniform* "Oh, that outfit complements you so well..." *his hand brushes above her breasts*
stocking: *soft moan*
Kid: "So after talking and stimulating your partner, you want to check..." *his lower hand brushes against her underwear*
stocking: ah!
Kid: "Oh, too fast?"
stocking: *shaking her rear a bit at him* f-feels good...
Kid: "Oh~?" *spank spank spank*
stocking: *she moans in time with each smack, her legs quivering*
Kid: "Too much of a work-out? Maybe you need some more exercise..." *positions himself behind her, as he rubs against her and cups her breasts over the uniform*
stocking: ahhh, that feels so good...
Kid: *rubs her breasts, lifting the sweater from her stomach, as his hardness is against her* "Oh, Stocking, this takes me back..." *kisses the back of her neck*
stocking: nnnm~ damn, you're so hard already...
Kid: "Can you blame me, my delicious honor roll..." *he reaches down, his fingers sliding up to her* "You're getting wet..."
stocking: ahh, oh god kid, your fingers feel amazing!
Kid: *smiles* "You've given me plenty of practice..." *rubs along her slit* "Tell me how much you want it."
stocking: i want you so fucking bad, baby. i even wore my striped undies for you~
Kid: *lifts her skirt* "Oh, God, Stocking--I'm going to cum so hard in you." *tugs on her panties*
stocking: *panting and blushing* please, please fuck me.
Kid: *loosens his tie* "Beg for it..." *he rubs himself along her lips before guiding himself into her*
stocking: please baby, i need it in me so hard. please. *shaking her rear*
Kid: *smiles* "Then let's start..." *thrust*
stocking: AHH~<3
Kid: "I want to make you feel so good that you can't even stand..." *spanks her, before continuing*
Kid: *still wearing the tie, and not much else* "Ahh..."
stocking: *panting, laying next to him, cum still dripping out of her and decorating her chest* ahh....that....was....incredible....
Kid: *smiles* "Yes, you were..." *reaches for the drawer, and pulls something out* *it's a box...* "Pocky?" *puts one between his lips*
stocking: yes please~ *nom* ^///^~<3<3<3
Kid: *smooch* ^\\\3\\\^
stocking: hehehe~<3 so cute~
Kid: *smiles* "So are you...We go together so well..." *rubs a hand over her stomach*
stocking: *smiles* i love you.
Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek smooch*
stocking: hehehe~
Kid: *hug* "...Forgive the corniness, but I think we gave a new meaning to 'cram school.'"
stocking:....*snerk* *laughing* oh my god, kiddo.
Kid: ^\\\^; "Sorry..." *nuzzle*
airport intercom: now arriving at death city airport.
Dumas: *stretches* <Finally.>
Cervantes: *holding up a tiny bottle of liquor* "..." <I AM A GIANT NOW!>
blonde man: *yaaaawn*
Dumas: <Focus. Once we leave here, we go to the safe house...>
blonde man: *streeeetch* <do we have a plan?>
Dumas: <Yes, but we'll need to observe the patterns at the prison.>
clerk: passports.
blonde man: *shows his; Marquis De Sade*
Dumas: *his passport: Alexandre Dumas*
Cervantes: *his passport: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra*
clerk: carry on, then.
Cervantes: *smiles* "Thank you!"
marquis: ^u^
Dumas: *follows* "Let's find the taxi stand..."
frances: *watering flowers* ^u^~♫
Kyoka: *walking down the stairs*
frances: hello miss kyouka, lovely day, isnt it~?
Kyoka: "Yes, I suppose so. How are your plants?"
frances: quite well. ^^ .....*smiles* i think something interesting will happen very soon.
Kyoka: "Oh?"
frances: *humming to herself*
Kyoka: "...Hmm...I'm going to run an errand."
frances: you do that now, dearie~...........................*talking to her flowers again* now, what else do you have to tell me, my pretty little babies?
Kid: *smiles, setting out files*
homura: you seem to be in a good mood today, kid.
Kid: "Sometimes there are some small pleasures..." =\\\\=
homura: *sweatdrop* i..see...
Kid: *ahem* "In any case, I was reviewing the next mission assignments."
homura: and?
Kid: "Some activity following incidents in Qingdao, Salt Lake..."
homura: hmm.
Kid: "Any preferences?"
Sakuya: "..." *facepalm*
Belkia: *stuck in the crawl space* "..."
otogiri: *pulling him out*
Belkia: "Ow ow ow--" *pops out* "Pfew! Thank you!" *all scrunched up*
Gin: "How's line memorization?"
higuchi: pretty good.
Gin: "Will you be ready?" *looking at the set*
higuchi: i hope so...
Gin: "I guess just keep calm and practice...If the others can do it..."
higuchi: y-yeah....
Gin: "..." *pat pat* "Need advice?"
higuchi: just excited, and not exactly looking forward to the kiss. 7-7;
Gin: "That makes two of us...Hmph. It is just pretend, so I guess get through it."
higuchi: and you get to kick tachihara's ass later if you want. ^^
Gin: "Always." *takes her hand*
higuchi: ^^ *smooch*
Gin: =/////=
Rin: "Now, tap the egg lightly against the bowl, inside." *demonstrates* "Now you."
momo sakura: *tap tap* like this?
Rin: "A little harder--just until a tiny crack forms on the shell."
momo sakura: what if shell bits get into the bowl?
Rin: "That's why we start with a tiny crack, so we don't have a bit fall in. Plus, after one tiny crack, the shell should mostly stay together. And I always got a handy spoon here to pluck out the shell!"
Dumas: "Here's our new temporary residence..."
marquis: oooh, i like it!
Cervantes: *ringing the doorbell* "Such pleasant music!"
marquis: *plomph onto his bed* silk sheets~ =w=
Dumas: *eyeroll, opens the fridge, dropping in some frozen dinners* "Let's review the map--"
Cervantes: *already asleep on the couch*
Dumas: "..."
marquis: *naked and rolling in his sheets* =w=~<3
Dumas: "STOP THAT!"
marquis: =3=
Cervantes: *wakes up* "...We need to plan."
Dumas: "Good--"
Cervantes: "First, a bubble bath and a toy boat!"
Dumas: "..." *goes back to mapping*
Rino: *opens the door* "I'm home."
*it's empty inside*
Rino: "..." *sighs, drops her bag, goes to her room* "Hey, Seymour."
seymour: 030
Rino: *opens the fish food container next to a note, drops in flakes*
-working late tonight, be home at 10 ~ mom-
Rino: "Of freaking course..." *taps her phone to put on some music*
-text message-
Rino: -_-; *reads the message*
ryuuko: [you get home safe?]
Rino: "???" [yeah]
ryuuko: [glad to know.]
Rino: "..." [thanks] *walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge, takes out some chicken* [going to make dinner and get to bed]
ryuuko: [you need anything?]
Rino: "..." [nah. i'll be back at the 5th early tomorrow before i head off to school] "..." [could i ask one favor?]
ryuuko: [what is it?]
Rino: "..." [would mikami mind if i played with her pet rabbit?]
ryuuko: [if you're interested. she's having a sleepover this weekend.]
Rino: "... ... ..." *looks at the calendar...Mom's at work [i'll check my schedule, but i should be able to come]
ryuuko: [ok]
Chuuya: *playing with Mito*
mito: *purr*
Chuuya: *happy sigh* "Enjoying this, kitty?"
mito: *mewl*
Chuuya: "That's good...Sonia, you washing up?"
sonia: yes, papa.
Chuuya: "Okay--it's a few more minutes before bedtime."
sonia: ok....can you read me a story?
Chuuya: "Sure! Any you had in mind?"
sonia: do you know any grandma used to tell you?
Chuuya: "How about...'The Ant and the Grasshopper'?"
sonia: *nods, holding her teddy close*
Chuuya: "Well, one summer, a day like any other, there was a grasshopper, without a care in the world..."
[*The grasshopper looks like Dazai*
Grass!Dazai: *bouncing along* "I haven't a care in the world!" ^w^
Narrator!Chuuya: "This grasshopper was so full of himself--I mean, itself--that it almost knocked over an anthill--"
Ant!Gin: "Watch it!"
Ant!Motojiro: "Hey!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Pay attention, you jerk!"
ant!higuchi: DX>
ant!akutagawa: *monotone* ah.
Grass!Dazai: "Oh, I didn't see you there. On account of how short you all are."
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "You're real tiny!"
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "Like, microscopic!"
Ant!Chuuya: "...If this was not a children's story, we would all be swarming you right now and eat you alive--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "*AHEM*"
*Grass!Dazai and Ant!Chuuya look to the left*
Ant!Chuuya + Grass!Dazai: ^\\\\^; "S-Sorry..."
Grass!Dazai: *ahem* "So, why all the hard work? It's summer! We can hop, jump, and play!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Some of us are busy toiling to get enough food before winter--"
Grass!Dazai: "Ah, phooey! That's, like, years away!"
Ant!Motojiro: "4 months, 4 days, 12 minutes, 37 seconds, give or take."
Ant!Gin: "Hmph. Come winter, we'll be warm and well-fed. Best to prepare early than regret it later--"
Grass!Dazai: *rolling up a blade of grass, holding it to the sun until it catches a flame, puffs*
Ant!Gin: "...I thought this was a kids' story."
Narrator!Chuuya: "I think the conceit is broken on that--let's just skip to winter."
*The ants run inside*
Grass!Dazai: "??? Where did everyone--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "The snow came."
*Snow falls all at once, putting out Grass!Dazai's smoking blade*
Grass!Dazai: ._. "..." *shivers* "D-Dang, that was quick...I better get some shelter and food--" *looks* "...Um...Where did all the grain go?"
Narrator!Chuuya: "Meanwhile, the ants were warm and--"
sonia: zzzzzz
Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Well, better then get to the sad ending..." *forehead kiss*
sonia: =w=
Prison Guard: *closes their locker*
marquis: hello~
Prison Guard: "???" *turns*
marquis: *blows a kiss......there is a soft sweet smell*
Prison Guard: *sniff* "..." *goofy smile, collapses asleep*
marquis: *unbuttons guard's shirt* i'll be taking this now, sweetie~
-one clothing change later-
Dumas: *adjusting sleeves* "Too big..."
Cervantes: "Off to the galley!"
marquis: i'll handle the cameras~
Dumas: "Proceed." *points* "We go left, then right, upstairs three floors, down the hall, around the corner--"
Cervantes: "Why not a direct approach?"
Dumas: "...What, through walls--"
Cervantes: "If you insist~"
Dumas: "NO."
-elsewhere in the prison-
Fyodor: "...Well, this is lonesome."
-some noise can be heard some ways down the hall-
Fyodor: "???"
*The lights go out down the hall, with one light left on in Fyodor's cell*
Fyodor: "???"
Fyodor: "..."
Guard #2: "Here is it, Princess~"
Cervantes: ^^; "Why, thank you~"
Dumas: *wearing night-vision goggles, dragging an unconscious guard with keys on their belt*
Guard #2: "Don't I get a thank you kiss? I did bring you back to your throne room to reunite with your father~"
Fyodor: "...Well, this is bizarre."
marquis: OvO
Dumas: *looks* *points* "I found the target."
*Dumas is pointing at the wrong cell*
marquis: *turns dumas around*
Dumas: "..." *points* "I found the target."
Cervantes: ^^; "My friend, please give the brave knight their kiss while I speak to the galley-man we must free."
marquis: ok~ *smoooches the guard....with tongue*
Guard #2: *moaning* "Oh, Princess~"
Fyodor: "... ... ...What the hell?"
Cervantes: *waves* "Hello, galley-man! We're here to free you from your unfair imprisonment! Why, look at these surroundings! They didn't even let you have a cellmate--"
Fyodor: "I killed previous cellmates."
Cervantes: OwO;;;;
Dumas: *sighs* "Ignore them, Prisoner. They are weirdos."
Fyodor: "Well, at least I can speak to someone rational--"
Dumas: "Put this on." *he's holding an iron torture device* "It goes around your head."
Fyodor: "... ... ..." *looks around* "Is it too late to call for more guards?"
???: "You're freeing him?"
Cervantes: *spins around, points at ??? in the other cell* "Yes!"
Grimoire: "..." *sets down his book* "He is dangerous."
Cervantes: *raises a finger in the air* "We never turn down a job upon taking it!"
Dumas: "And we can handle someone like him. Right, Marquis--"
marquis: *on the floor, making out with the guard*
Dumas: "...Right, Cervantes?"
Cervantes: "Or die trying!"
Fyodor: "That can be arranged."
Dumas: "..." *shudders* "J-Just...Come on..." *unlocks the door*
Grimoire: "Fools..." *turns back to his book*
Cervantes: "Lead the way, Dumas!"
Dumas: "In a second..." *fire his gun at the last light bulb, completely darkening the entire room* "Follow me."
marquis: *following* ^////^~ hehe
Cervantes: "Sorry!" *puts on night-vision goggles* "Which way, Dumas?"
Fyodor: "How can he even see? Those goggles can't be enough..."
Cervantes: "Dumas is empowered by the dark. Our little night owl..."
Dumas: -\\\\- "Shut up. This way--" *SLAM, CRUNCH* "..."
Cervantes: "...You ran into the wall, didn't--"
Fyodor: "...Help? Guards?"
marquis: shhhhh. >3<;;
Dumas: *angry whispering* "You 'shhh'! Go back to humping the wall!"
marquis: T3T meanie.
Cervantes: "Now, now, no need to fight! We are a trio destined for greatness! We have a task to complete! Now let's bring our victim to safety--"
*step step step step*
Dumas: "...He's running away."
marquis: ._.;
Cervantes: QwQ "Well, that's disappointing. Shibusawa will be unhappy with us--"
Fyodor: "...Shibusawa?"
Cervantes: "YES! Shibusawa asked us to--"
Fyodor: *walks ahead of them* "Let's go."
Cervantes: OwO "...But I had a speech ready--"
Dumas: *drags him along*
marquis: *following*
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Dumas: "Riches left by your benefactor, hidden in the walls?"
marquis: some #######
Dumas: .___________________.
Cervantes: "Marquis, no. It's pronounced--"
Fyodor: "There."
-inside the box is a set of clothes, a cloak, a phone, a knife, and an unshanka-
Cervantes: "Ah! Your uniform! It suits you--"
Fyodor: "..." *death glare*
Cervantes: .w.;;;; "...Right. We'll leave you to it. Come along--"
Fyodor: *unbuttons his shirt*
marquis: OvO
Fyodor: "...A little privacy?"
marquis: T3T
Dumas: "Come along..." *drags Marquis* "...Cervantes, this man seems more...axe-crazy than I expected."
Cervantes: "Nonsense! He's friendly! He'll be our new special friend."
marquis: i like him, he's cute.
Dumas: "No, _we're_ special. He's...creepy. Not even creepy cute. Just creepy."
marquis: =3= you're too paranoid, alex
Dumas: "I am not--who told you that? Was it Cervantes?"
Cervantes: *whistles innocently*
Fyodor: *picks up his phone*…*scrolls down, dials a name marked "порождать"*
yana: <yo>
Fyodor: <Change of plans.>
yana: <bossman? whats up?>
Fyodor: <Someone wants me to pay a visit.>
yana: <in jail?>
Fyodor: <Hmmm, not quite. They want to take me out for a bit.>
yana: <and what are we to do then?>
Fyodor: <Await my instructions.>
yana: <ok. do you want to say hi to the others or->
Fyodor: <No. I'll let you know when to tell them.>
yana: <ok>
Fyodor: "..." <Problem?>
yana: <no...>
Fyodor: <Good. More reports will come to you as necessary. Keep the radio on.>
Kid: *shifts under blankets*
stocking: zzzz
Kid: *hug*
stocking: mmmm =w=
Kid: *smooch*
atsushi: zzzzz
*tap tap*
atsushi: nnhnn...hmm? *yaaaawn* huzzah?
*Something on the window*
atsushi: ?? *goes to check. it's still the early hours of the morning, and the sun is just starting to rise*
*sitting on the tree branch near the window is Lucy*
Lucy: *waves*
atsushi: *rubs eyes* morning-...wait, how did you get up there?
Lucy: "I climbed."
atsushi: i kind of figured. i just wasnt expecting it. ^^;
Lucy: "I used to do this a lot! Now, get over here..." *pats a seat next to her on the branch*
atsushi: um.... oh boy, how do i get over there?
Lucy: "You're the tiger here."
atsushi: um....ok...*steps back...runs forward and jumps* HUP!
-nice grab onto the branch-
atsushi: *legs dangling* ._. little help?
Lucy: -n-; *pulls him up by his arms then lifting him by one of his legs* "UMPH!" *
atsushi: woah!
Lucy: "There..." *pats his bottom* "Now sit."
atsushi: *sitting down* this is nice.....
Lucy: *nods* "I wanted to see the sunrise...and with someone..." *rests her head on his shoulder*
atsushi: ./////////////.
Lucy: *interlocks her fingers with his*
atsushi: *holding her hand and smiles*
Lucy: *soft sigh, smiles* "You know I love you, right?"
atsushi: i-i love you too... *leans in*
Lucy: .\\\. *gulp* >\\\<
Lucy: *smooch* "Mmm~" "..."
atsushi: ./////.
Lucy: *smiles, blushing* "That was really good..." *leans closer*
atsushi: u/////u
ranpo: ooooi, lovebirds! you gonna make a nest or what?
atsushi: ACK! *falls back, bringing lucy with him as they fall into a bush*
Lucy: *groans, struggling to get up*
ranpo: dat got your attention, huh?
atsushi: you ok lucy? *coughs up leaves*
Lucy: *groans* "N-No...I think I bust my bottom..."
atsushi: oh no...
Lucy: *frowns at Atsushi* -n-
atsushi: did i at least break your fall? ^^;
Lucy: "Yeah..." *looks at him* "Are you hurt?"
atsushi: a bit scratched up, but i've had worse...
ranpo: when you get outta there, head to the meeting room, kay?
Lucy: *grumbles* *holds onto Atsushi*
-and so-
atsushi: so what's going on?
kirako:....*looks at fukuzawa*
Fukuzawa: "Dostoyevsky has escaped."
atsushi: ??!!
aya: what?!
yosano: are you serious?!
Kunikida: "...It appears th-that someone infiltrated and pretended to be guards..."
atsushi: the rats?
Kunikida: "One prisoner tried to identify them, and the description doesn't match any Rats we have encountered."
ranpo: then again, we havent met every one of the rats thus far.
Kunikida: "We'll be reviewing the descriptions against known criminals..."
-there is a flower on the windowsill...-
-in frances' office-
frances: *listening to the flower*
*There's a sound coming from the flower*
Flower?: "--and interview the guards, too."
frances: hmmm..... *on the phone* this is quite the curious predicament, ma'am.
agatha: indeed it is. for now, just monitor the situation. don not intervene just yet.
frances: understood. till next time~ *hangs up* ..... hmmm....
*Voice in the flower*: "Two of you will visit the prison to speak with guards. I think it would be best for Kunikida to stay here..."
flower voice 2: understood, sir.
Kunikida: "..."
yosano: ....*pats his back*
Kunikida: *nods* "We'll be researching here..."
Fyodor: *blindfolded*
marquis: are we there yet?
Dumas: "A bit further...I told you the Iron Mask would've been better. He's probably following us even blindfolded."
marquis: hmmm...
Fyodor: "I assure you, I see nothing." *looks at Cervantes* "...What are wearing?"
Cervantes: "Cologne!"
Fyodor: "..." *sniffs* "...Awful."
marquis: so why dont you tell us about yourself~?
Fyodor: "What do you want to know?"
marquis: what are your companions like?
Fyodor: "Loyal…..Mostly."
Cervantes: "As leader of this trio, it is not loyalty so much as--" *pose* "FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSHIP!"
Dumas: -_-;
marquis: any special someone in your life~?
Fyodor: "...There are people with whom I am intimate."
marquis: do tell~
Fyodor: "What's in it for me, lovely?"
marquis: hehehe~ oh you flirter, you~ ^///^
Dumas: "Stop that." *pulls Marquis away* "We're here."
marquis: =3=
Dumas: "Now, how to let them know we're here--"
Cervantes: "WE'RE HERE!"
marquis: *looks out the window*
-there seems to be a large house in the middle of the desert, surrounded by large hills. it almost looks like a large cabin-
Dumas: "...Yeah, that's conspicuous."
Cervantes: "Ring the doorbell!"
Dumas: "Why would a place out here have--"
Cervantes: *suddenly has a doorbell*
marquis: hellooooo?
-a servant answers-
servant: welcome.
Dumas: "Um, yes, we have completed a mission for your employer..."
Cervantes: *waves* "Hi, Sancho!"
Dumas: -_-; "Not every person you meet is 'Sancho.'"
servant: thank you, sirs. my employer first has some business to take care of in europe before coming here to the states.
Dumas: "Wait--they're not even here? Then how do we do this transaction--"
servant: *hands them a briefcase*
Dumas: "..." *puts an ear to it* "...It's not ticking."
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: "So we have to say goodbye to our new friend?"
Fyodor: "I was not your friend."
marquis: so mean. =3=
Fyodor: *looks at the servant* "So, one prison to another..."
servant: do you wish to invite your subordinates to the establishment?
Fyodor: "...Hmm...Interesting proposal. You'll forgive me if I am suspect."
servant: shall i give you a tour, sir?
Fyodor: "..." *follows*
-there's a living room area with a TV, a kitchen and dining area, a game room, a study, and several bedrooms-
Fyodor: "Large."
servant: you can take any of the bedrooms you'd like.
Fyodor: "I don't have much with me."
servant: *nods and exits*
Fyodor: *sits on the bed, looks at the phone*…..*dials*
Fyodor: "..."
*The phone clicks, connecting*
yana: yo.
Fyodor: "I am at the safehouse."
yana: want me to put you on speaker to talk to everyone?
Fyodor: "Yes."
yana: ok..... OI! everyone get on in here! fedya's on the phone!
zoey: master??
lydia: ???
barkova: owo
Gogol: *sets down his tea*
Ivan: QwQ *inches to the phone*
Fyodor: "I am no longer in the prison."
lydia: so we've heard in the news.
elizaveta: yay!
Fyodor: "I will have updates soon--but you must prepare for a move."
yana: to a new location?
Fyodor: "Yes. Just wait until our host gives me more information."
lydia: your host?
Fyodor: "Yes. I am someone's guest."
Ivan: "..."
lydia: who's?
Fyodor: "I'll tell you more soon, but they'll be an...interesting ally."
yana: hmm...
Ivan: OwO "...WE MISS YOU!"
zoey: i want to see you again, master! i want our baby to see you when it's born!
Fyodor: "...I will see you soon."
zoey: *moan~*
Fyodor: "..." *makes a noise* "Whoops--reception--"
lydia: <calm down, vanya, take a breath..> -A-; *sweatdrop*
Ivan: *hyperventilating*
lydia: <inhale, vanya, inhale!>
Ivan: *takes a paper bag, inhales*
lydia: *pats his back*
zoey: pheh....
Fyodor: "I got to go--until then. Yana, may I speak with you..."
yana: sure thing.....do ya'll mind?
Gogol: ^w^ "Let's depart, everyone..." *pushing them out*
yana:...............<what did you want to say?>
Fyodor: <The move will be difficult getting out of the city: keep them in line.>
yana: <noted.>
Fyodor: <Good. Don't disappoint.>
erina: *waking up*
Allison: *looking at the news* "..."
erina: *yaaawn* mornin'
Allison: "!!!" *puts down her phone* "...Morning."
erina: *streeeetch* bacon....
Allison: ^^; "Coming up..."
-phone rings-
erina: *answers* m'hello?
???: "Erina."
erina: *her stomach drops, and her eyes widen in horror*
???: "I hope you did not think I forgot you."
Allison: "Erina...Who is it?"
erina: *she's shaking, unable to speak* ah...
???: "I'm sure you heard the news already: I'm free."
Fyodor: "I'll see you soon."
erina: *she drops the phone.....and falls to her knees*
Allison: "!!! Erina! Erina!"
Fyodor: "..." *smiles*
erina: ah...ah.......*she screams at the top of her lungs in horror, shaking violently*
Allison: "Erina!" *grabs her, holding her*
erina: *hysterically sobbing*
Allison: "..." *keeps holding onto her, strokes her back*
erina: oh god, he's going to come after me! he's going to hurt me!
Allison: *grabs the phone, hangs it up* "Erina...Look at me."
erina: *her eyes look dead, pupils shrunk*
Allison: "..." *gulps* "W-We're not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let him hurt you."
erina:...i cant leave the apartment...
Allison: "...You have to...This is not your prison, this is your home. And...I don't know, we can call the police..."
erina: how can they help me after i-....*urk* *shaking*
Allison: "...I don't know..." *hugs, cries*
erina:.....i feel sick....
Allison: *nods* "L-Let's get you some water..."
Kunikida: *sitting in front of tea* "..."
naomi: ....
Kunikida: *tries to pick up the cup--misses* "..."
naomi: *pat pat*
Kunikida: "...This is not ideal."
naomi: .....
Kunikida: "No one stopped him, again. And he's going to get people killed, again."
yosano: we're going to find him and stop him.
Kunikida: "..." *nods* "Right."
Chuuya: *freezes*
katya: *malicious giggling* ohhhh im gonna kill hiiiim.... OOOOHHHHH IM GONNA KIIIILLL HIIIIIIM NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
pushkin: 0-0;;;;;;
Gin: "Easy there..."
hirotsu: ._. she's certainly....erm... enthusiastic.
Gin: "Yes...I suggest directing her energies towards something effective." *pulls out a sword* "This would work..."
Akutagawa: "..." T_T ("She's still worried for me...")
leo: katyusha, do you want to use the punching bag?
katya: it'll do.....for now....
Tachihara: "Yo, all--"
Gin: "Speaking of punching bags."
katya: *pulls out a knife* C8<
higuchi: not yet, katya.
Tachihara: O_o "..." *slowly backs away*
katya: move it, <shitbag>.
Tachihara: *takes off running* "WHYYYYYYYYY?!!!" >____<
Fitzgerald: "..." *sets down the newspaper*
alcott: oh dear heavens....
Fitzgerald: "Get Eckleburg on this. Track surveillance."
alcott: right away, sir.
Fitzgerald: *looking through files*
Taneda: "I think this calls for additional support."
ango: hmm....
Taneda: "Go through the files, arrange a meeting."
ango: understood.
Taneda: *sighs* "What a mess...Some prison."
ango: *making a call*
*The line is connecting...*
???: "Hello?"
ango: this is ango sakaguchi, with the death city special abilities department. your group has summons to the city ASAP.
???: *sigh* "Very well. I'll make the call."
Yumi: *hands Shiori* "We'll be working until around 2."
kirika: kay.
stocking: *nod*
Yumi: "Thank you." *waves to Shiori*
shiori: baba...
Yumi: *weak smile, as she leaves*
kirika:...be safe mom.
Yumi: "..." *nods* "I will. Thank you."
Dumas: *counting the dollars*
marquis: so what now?
Dumas: "Onto the next task, including dividing up the money--"
Cervantes: *holding binoculars, looking around* "Hmm...Not a bad setting..."
marquis: *pokes head out*
Dumas: "...No--"
Cervantes: "A lovely new home, with chandeliers!"
Dumas: "I said--"
marquis: we can bring your doggy. ^^
Dumas: "... ... ..." >_> "...Backyard?"
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: ^w^ "Even can build our own cave for you~"
Dumas: "...Hmph. Call a real estate agent."
Cervantes: *victory pose*
Yumi: *reviewing maps* "There are multiple exit points." *taps one part of the map* "Here we had reports of lights going out, as well as mass hallucinations."
homura: hmm...
Yumi: "By the time reports came in of the hallucinations, we found border agents at the northwest sector also under the influence. At this time, we cannot confirm whether it was madness, black blood..."
nygus: have we checked the cameras?
Yumi: "Many were disabled in the prison itself. We do have some footage from around the city..."
nygus: lets review that.
Yumi: *taps onto a tablet, pulling up the footage*
homura: ....
*The footage shows three people bringing along what looks like Fyodor*
*One of them starts pointing wildly at skull-shaped decorations on the buildings*
*One of them starts walking off in the wrong direction*
homura: *sweatdrop*
*The one who looks like Fyodor claps his hands, as if trying to get their attention*
nygus: ...
Yumi: "Wait, where did the third one go?"
*the third was out of view of the camera*
*The one looking like Fyodor just stands...tilts his head*
*The one who got lost starts yelling and pointing*
*The other grabs the one off-camera, pulling him along*
homura: hmm....
Yumi: "That's where our footage ends."
nygus: it doesnt help much...
Yumi: "No. Forensics is searching that spot to find any evidence that could identify the trio."
*Rain starts falling*
izumi: *walking along with an umbrella* ^^
rowena: hello, miss albarn.
izumi: hey ro. ^^
Magaki: *nods*
alice: hello....
izumi: heading anywhere?
Magaki: "I was going to the bakery--was asked to pick up bread for the, um, house."
izumi: sounds good.
rowena: ^^ edgar asked me to pick some supplies up for him as well.
Magaki: "??? Ink?"
rowena: *she nods*
Magaki: "Ah. Does he enjoy sweets? Maybe pick one up for him."
Shotaro: *hangs up a teru teru bozu*
setsuna: ^^
Shotaro: "How's yours coming along, Em--"
Emine: *holds up one looking like it's been hanged*
mana: ._.
mono: _that's_ totally not disturbing at all.
lin-kimpur:... ^^ creative.
Emine: "Thank you." *hangs it up*
Shotaro: "Let's make more!" *draws out a face like Mana's*
sonia: *looking out the window*
Motojiro: "--then the light shines through like a prism*
bessy: oooh, neat.
Motojiro: "Then the worms will come out of the ground--"
sonia: ...
Motojiro: "What can you all tell me about the process of how rain is made? Sonia?"
sonia: .........
naoya: *whispers* maaaybe not the best subject to bring up with her.
Motojiro: OwO;;; "...How about we listen to the frogs croaking--MAKING NOISE! Making noise..."
tom: yay!
naoya: you could call it a....ribbeting, experience.
ayako: you did not just say that.
-some of the kids laugh. sonia says nothing-
leo: miss sonia? did you want to go for a walk?
Motojiro: QWQ "..."
Arthur: *meditating...under the pounding rain*
shinra: he's gonna get a cold.
Relan: "I mean, have you ever seen him have a cold?"
Vulcan: "Must be mind over matter."
shinra: mind?
Vulcan: "...Touche. I don't know, maybe Arthur is a robot--"
Viktor: OwO *picks up a screwdriver*
shinra: nah, he'd be short-circuiting if that were the case.
karin: that is also true.
Vulcan: "Could always waterproof things...Hmm...Maybe a submersible...but fire-powered...and with torpedoes with shark faces on them..." *mutter mutter mutter*
karin: *sweatdrop*
lisa: ^^;
Arthur: *eyes break open* "I got it!" *jumps up*
nozomi: oh?
Arthur: *lifts a rock* "The key!" *holding up...a key to the front door?*
shinra: what an epiphany.
Arthur: "The key is what is needed to unlock the secrets!"
Vulcan: "..." *shudders* "A-Already been there..."
shinra: ....
Rino: *looking around* "So...What's the plan?"
mikami: looking for snacks for the party.
Rino: "What does everyone like?" *grabs some gummy worms*
mikami: from what the others tell me, usual party snacks consist of popcorn and chips, right?
Rino: "True, but can't hurt to have something sweet..." *grabs some soda*
ryuuko: *gets some hi-chews* these are really good.
Rino: *small smile* "Good choice...Any cooking?"
mikami: shrimp?
Rino: "That could be good..." -_-; "Unless Hibana cheaps out."
mikami: isnt shrimp always a party food?
Rino: ._.; "...I mean, if you have the cash."
mikami: sorry, im still trying to get used to how other people do things like this. ^^; i know a bit about it i think...at least i hope so.
Rino: "Jeez, don't tell me you haven't had 'commoners' food' or something." *holds up instant ramen*
mikami: o-o-of course i have! i-i didnt mean anything rude a-at all....
ryuuko: easy mikami, easy.
Rino: ._.; "I hit a nerve?"
mikami: n-no, i-i-it's fine... *wipes her eyes*
Rino: ._.;;;; "...Sorry."
mikami: it's alright. i-im not mad at you.
Rino: "...How about I show you a recipe for a simple cheesecake?"
mikami: o-ok.
Shima: ^^; "Maybe I could help. I read about the prison break, and I know a bit about those kinds of thing--"
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: OwO;;; "...Ah, come on--I'm just trying to help. After all, we're all classmates and teammates again, right?"
izumo: that depends....
Shima: "Depends on what?"
konekomaru: after what you did, it broke a lot of our trust for you. and if you really are being truthful, you're going to have to do a lot of work to earn that trust back.
Shima: "Oh, totally. That's why I'm here! First, help solve this prison break. Second, pay for some meals for you all. Third, take out Izumo--"
izumo: *GLARE*
seiya: *glare*
Shima: ^^;;; "I can skip the last one." *opens a book, showing some arrays*
Kid: "We're back."
lord death: hello~!
kirika: yo.
Kid: "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: kid!
kirika: how was it?
Kid: *picks Shiori up* *sighs* "I haven't heard any progress. I don't think it's good for prison staff..."
Ivan: *folding clothes into luggage* ^w^
lydia: <so we're moving base then?>
Ivan: <Because Master asked~>
Gogol: <Likely to keep an eye on us.>
yana: we'll have to take unused underground maintenance tunnels out to avoid public eye...
Gogol: "AKA the sewer."
yana: <pretty much>
Gogol: >_< "That stinks. Literally."
lydia: =_=; grow up.
Gogol: <It's not sanitary...> *grabs soap*
Dumas: *looking at furniture*
marquis: hmmm.....i wanna go on a date.
Dumas: "We still want to be low-key, and you haven't met many people here yet."
marquis: but i get wonwy Q3Q
Dumas: *sighs* "Promise you won't out us?"
marquis: i woooont! im not stupid. *pouty face*
Dumas: "And be quiet bringing any date home."
marquis: okaaaay.
Dumas: "Good luck finding someone--even this city seems limited on options."
marquis: you never knooow~
Dumas: *eyeroll, looks at table coasters*
Dabi: *flipping through posts on his phone*
fang: *chewing on a washcloth*
Dabi: *grumbles, looks*
fang: da-
Dabi: "???"
fang: da-bi! ^o^
himiko: OuO
Dabi: "..." *groans*
fang: dabi! dabi! ^u^
Dabi: "Ugh...Why are you repeating that?"
himiko: you're his daddy! ^u^
Dabi: =_=; "Super..."
tomura: ....
Dabi: *looks at Tomura* "What up?"
tomura: *slinks back into his room*
Dabi: "...What's with him? Is he hard-up for attention?"
Gopher: "Hmph..." *looks up at the clouds* "Was hoping for clearer skies..."
kotone: ....
Gopher: "Could fly or go to the park..." *sad sigh* *looks at Kotone* "...Want to make something to eat with me?"
kotone: ok, brother.
Gopher: *smiles* "Cupcakes? With frosting?"
kotone: yes
Gopher: >w< "Okay!" *puts on an apron*
Free: "We're home!" *Milia is in a poncho and rain boots...Free is just in his shirt and pants, soaked*
milia: hi mama!
eruka: welcome back! ^^
???: is this our little granddaughter? she's such a sweetie! ^^
Free: ._.; *turns*
-eruka's parents are there-
sephy: heya, kiddo.
milia: um...hi?
Free: ^^; "Didn't know you were stopping by..."
kerona: we thought we'd come visit due to the lovely weather~ ^^
Free: "Greeeeeeeat..." *shakes the rain off himself*
kerona: we even brought some treats from the witch world along~
milia: *shiny eyes*
Free: "Guess you can have one for now..."
milia: yay!
eruka: it's been a while since i had food from home. *stomach growls*
Free: ^^; "I guess we're all sharing for a bit--" *reaches for one*
Free: *picks up what looks like a cross between an orange and an apple, only it's got green and purple stripes*
eruka: ooh. *picks up another one* *nom* tangy. ^^
Free: "Milia, try this--" *holds up what looks like a dip container--only it's bubbling, neon, and...did it just blink?*
milia: *nom* =w= yum!
Free: "Thank you for trying something new." ^w^
Tool: "How's your arm holding up?"
mana: a bit sore, but fine.
Tool: *nods* "That's good...The streets are saying this isn't going to stop for a bit--and may flood the road."
mana: hmm.
Tool: "I think it's best to put some towels down around the door edges--" *opens the curtains, looks outside* o_O;;;
*Shotaro is now a dolphin, swimming outside*
kyouko: *helping put up sandbags by the edge of the canal*
Rin: "Got another one..." *picks it up*
nygus: thanks again for helping out here today.
kyouko: not a problem, ma'am.
Sid: "The nearby houses are evacuated. Where did this storm come from?"
homura: it could be an incident by a rogue witch.
Sid: "Maybe...Homura, call up some meisters, see which souls they detect. I'll get some other divisions to check on other sources--demons, quirks, abilities..."
homura: understood.
Sid: *texts* [can you patrol for certain rain-based or water-based quirks in the area? potential source of current downpour]
Aizawa: *asleep next to his phone* "Zzzz..."
yuuji: oi, get up. *nudge*
present mic: i got dis.....HEYYYYYYYYYYYY AIZAWA!!!
yuuji: >~Q ow.
Aizawa: =_______= *grabs Present Mic by the throat*
present mic: GRK-
Aizawa: "What."
present mic: text message for you.
Aizawa: *looks* "..." *sighs* "I'll get my poncho...Come along."
Charon: *shivers* "Stupid rain..."
kagu-tsuchi: it should pass soon enough.
Charon: "Not soon enough. I'm freezing." *he's standing with no shirt*
kagu-tsuchi: *sweatdrop* you're the one walking around without a shirt on.
Charon: "??? How could you--"
kagu-tsuchi: your heat signature was different from usual.
Charon: "Hmph. Fine." *puts on a shirt* "It's still unbearable. Rain requires adjusting any techniques in combat."
*There's a child jumping around in the rain, giggling*
shop owner: hey kid, you shouldnt be out here alone, it's dangerous.
???: "???" *smiles, slightly creepy* "But it's fun! Whee!" *plops down, rolling in the puddle*
shop owner: where the heck are your parents?
???: -___-; "Shut up! I'm here because I want to be!" *kicks up water*
shop owner: woah!
???: >n< "I don't need any, any more!" *stamps their feet--and more rain pours down, flooding into the shop*
shop owner: h-hey! hey!!
???: "I get to do what I want! Because I can do THIS!" *splashes water at the window, shattering it*
shop owner: !!!!!
Sid: "Hey!"
???: "???" *turns* "..." ._.; "What the heck are you supposed to be?"
homura: *grabs their shoulder* disciplinary committee.
-one spanking later-
???: Q~Q "You mean ugly jerk!" >n<
*The rain stops falling...*
nygus: so they were the source, then....
homura: *looking up an ID for the kid*
*Looks to be a runaway from the Slums, missing since the disaster there*
homura: you're from the slums, right?
???: "I don't have to tell you anything--you're not my mom!"
nygus: what's your name, sweetie?
???: "...Kai."
nygus: now, how are you able to use this ability of yours, kai? is it a quirk?
Kai: "Dunno...It started happening last week after I...ran."
homura: so you recently discovered your ability, then?
Kai: *frowns at Homura* -n- "Yeah."
nygus: where's your family, kai? in the slums still?
Kai: "...I don't know. After the fire, I couldn't find them...No one came for me anyway, so that's fine."
nygus:.....tell you what, you can stay with us for a while until we get this squared away, alright?
Kai: "Why would you do that for me, Miss Mummy?"
nygus: someone has to make sure you're safe, so that your power isnt used to cause harm to others.
Kai: -n- "I didn't harm anyone..."
*The shop is still flooded*
shop owner: does my insurance cover this?
Sid: "I'm going to guess yes, but I'll check with the Academy--they are taking responsibility for this kid."
shop owner: thank you, mr barrett.
Sid: *nods* "Now, let's dump this brat into a warm bath, get them cleaned up--"
Kai: >_< "MY NAME ISN'T 'BRAT'!"
Joker: "Huh. Rain stopped."
scarlet: weather's odd like that, i guess.
Joker: "Hmm..." *picks up a cigarette box--it's soggy* "...Oh, damn it."
Walter: "Almost ready to put this show on stage, Leroux?"
leroux: just about~ ^u^
Hirotsu: "It's shaping up very well. The costumes in particular."
Kid: *smiles, looking at the rainbow outside*
shiori: woooow!
Kid: "It's so big and colorful! We can see red, orange, and--what else, Shiori?"
shiori: bloo?
Kid: "Yes! The rainbow contains the seven main colors, including indigo."
shiori: indigo?
Kid: "A kind of dark blue..." *Excalibur face* "There should be _eight_ rainbow colors..."
shiori: how about brown?
Kid: "Hmm...Well, that could give us an eighth color, but then it wouldn't be a rainbow but a rain-_brown_." *smiles*
shiori: *giggle*
Kid: ^w^ "Ha ha...The rainbow comes after even the worst rain, kind of a sign of hope."
Todoroki: *passing a finger along rain droplets on the window*
fuyumi: quite a storm, huh?
Todoroki: "No kidding. It wasn't reported at all, so I'm glad it's done."
0 notes
londonlanded · 7 years ago
Week 28
Monday morning, I woke up to the little voice inside my head, the same one that’s usually passively observing the world as I stumble fervently through it, sternly grumbling a warning, saying firmly but fondly to my excitable consciousness, “hey dickhead, yes you with the reins, slow down or the cold you feel coming on is going to genuinely total you.” And so, I listened. I had a bit of a sleep in, skipped my workout, strolled into work and had a manageable day there, went to a restaurant called Kricket with a friend from high school, and crashed.
Tuesday, typical day involving an early shift and a good workout, complete with a lazy dinner and bedtime. Wednesday, we experienced the first massive “disaster” I haven’t myself triggered (throwback to that time in September I accidentally shut down the phone lines to all three hotels when I was on shift on my own the first time). Turns out one company provides  internet to all three properties, so when the company’s server had some sort of fault, we lost phone connectivity for all three four seasons properties instantly. Everything was down for about 20 minutes, but that was enough to send everybody into panic mode. It was also pretty much the only time we have ever had to test the failsafe mode as well, which we realized only after needing it that it didn’t really work. Whoops. Currently being resolved, but nothing like a 'wake up call' to remind us how reliant we are on technology.
We did however experience some amusing side-effects of being a switchboard operator during a telecomms outage though. Paris and I, left with literally nothing to do but wait, briefly danced around the office, amused at the silence that normally didn't occur during normal waking hours. Unfortunately, our dance party turned into an understandable management freak out once we realized the gravity of the situation, but once it was all over, we had a laugh at how redundant we'd be if Mr. Bell hadn't gotten the idea to connect us by telephone. I also had dinner with Penny and saw her flat, stopped in at whole foods and found this glorious item on display. If you know me at all, you'll know that this is a monumental discovery - even at a hefty cost, if you feel like posting me some whole foods gift cards you know this is exactly where it'll go.
Thursday, lovely day off that involved a quiet morning in my favourite cafe, the Blue Corner, which is a grand total of 100 feet from my house and full of people who know my name. The owner is Brazilian-French and named Oona, she’s 28 and is helping me practice my out of practice linguistic skills before I replace the french woman who’s job I’m taking. I’m genuinely afraid that some of her clients are francophones and I’m going to have to dredge up every last piece of vocabulary I can find in the dusty corners of my brain, and having a my local barista’s help doesn’t hurt. 
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I’ve also realized that my handwriting serves more of a purpose than I initially thought - no matter that it predicted the wrong career for me (doctor’s scrawl), it’s an excellent safety mechanism considering I can post photos of my journal and no one (not even me) can figure out what I’ve written. 
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My day continued with me desperately shopping for clothes suitable for my new job (FYI I recruited my friend Veronique for her taste and efficiency and without her I probably would have stared in awe at the shelves without a clue as to how to remove cute items from them). Friday, tested out my new morning routine (assuming I start at 9 at my new job) and realized that I might actually be able to pull off something resembling regularity. Attempted shopping on my own after work, failed abysmally.
And this brings us to Saturday, the day of the Four Seasons Park Lane staff party, Harry Potter themed and executed the way only hospitality professionals could. Still, the most surprising element of the evening had nothing to do with the decor, the food, my amusingly-dressed company or the hotel management's annual dance. Walking into the hotel without my uniform on, completely relaxed and without personal expectation, without being stressed as to how guests and management were perceiving my comportment, that was the strangest part of the evening. It was incredibly weird at first, I felt so foreign in the stately front hall, marble and dark red walls finally came into view, I realised that I tune out my environment when I'm wearing my uniform. I'm seldom relaxed enough to appreciate the beautiful space I work in. I should say, I equally rarely get to leave the confines of my small office, but when I do, it's generally not with a ton of time to marvel at the decor. I wish I had the wherewithal to take photos, I'll be staying at the hotel in two weeks as part of my 'employee appreciation' package (more on that later), and I'll try and take photos to show you what I mean.
Dinner was probably the best I've ever had by way of staff-party food, we're talking lobster, crab, a whole roast pig, and pretty much everything else one could imagine wanting to eat.The pastry kitchen showed off, and showed up, crafted this masterpiece that I'm sure looked better than it tasted (ew fondant), but we didn't wind up needing to dig in thanks to the rest of the stuff that was made. 
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Handmade chocolate truffles designed to look like snitches, chocolate frog cupcakes, potion blue candy floss and fruit bowls that looked like they could have been served on the great hall hog warts table. 
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Paris and I even found a plastic dragon to pose with, he wound up taking a dive in the plastic-egg filled kiddie pool on the left of this photo, and wiping out in the process, I wish I could share videos but he’d probably kill me if I did. 
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All in all, it was a magical evening, executed only the way a hotel like ours could. Dare I say there’s a bit of pride leaking into this post...?
Sunday, a quiet afternoon before heading home to catch up on the sleep I missed in favour of playing with magic and my friends.
Next week, my last adventure before starting a job with hours everyone is going to be more familiar with!
0 notes
latinamericandreams · 8 years ago
Chapter 10 - The wake up call
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Diario del sottocomandante,
The wake up call kept insisting, and after snoozing ten times I woke up.  I opened my eyes to find myself in a cosy room back home.  It had already been one week since I was sleeping in this same bed.  Quite strange considering that in the last year I had changed hundreds of beds.  I was dreaming about snowy mountains and beautiful blue lakes.  They were obviously flashes from my trip.  The backpack was still half unpacked lying in the middle of my room so I decided that now that my dream was over I had to start becoming pro active, unpack it and start sorting out my life back in Malta.  I got out of the bed only to let apathy take over and lied again.  Post vacation blues is very common among travellers going back home after a long time travelling.  Personally I never had it, even after my last 9 month trip.  This time however it hit me really bad.  Probably the amount of jetlag, and shit weather outside made it even worse.  I was spending my first week trying to avoid contact with everyone, looking at photos from the trip and researching flights for my next vacation (even tough I was about €4000 under).
In the next days I slowly started readjusting to my life back home.  Weather was getting better.  I was meeting all my family and friends.  I partied a bit and started rock climbing again.  Life in general started feeling better.   I started unpacking my backpack and reorganizing everything.  Every piece of clothing or item took me back to an exact moment during my trip, and it seemed that while taking stuff out of the bag I was entering different dimensions and taken back in time.  I can safely say that my backpack became a time machine.
As I took a metal shot glass out and held it in my hand, the background scenery started changing until I found myself about a year ago in a hostel room in Fortaleza – Brazil.  I was still holding the same shot glass in my hand and there was Marsim hugging me and telling me how excited she was to see me again!  It was the few first hours in Brazil and she had just given me the present that she got from Russia.  We soon met Talita and went out on what was going to be the first of many street parties in Brazil.  After that, the sensual and vibrant lifestyle of Brazil had got us.  The scenes I was in started fast-forwarding on a rollercoaster ride down the east coast fuelled by alcohol, heavy partying and beaching! We experienced the most celebrated feast in Brazil i.e. Carnival, partied in the best clubs, visited beautiful tropical cities like Rio, Salvador and Floranapolis, went through natural wonders like the wetlands of Pantanal, the abysmal caves of Bonito and the unreal falls of Iguazzu until I woke up on the border of Uruguay at 4am in the morning surrounded by five new persons – Mark, Kristina, Fabian, Nick and Fi.
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I shook myself back into reality, put the shot glass away and kept unpacking my backpack.  I couldn’t help but being transported back in time again as soon as I spotted my snorkel mask between all the shirts and bits and pieces.  I wore it and soon found myself diving into the sea at night while it was pitch black.  As soon as I dived, the water lit up with millions of tiny green sparkles all dancing around me.  The sky was in turn sprinkled with millions of white sparkles and the beautiful blue hues of the milky way.  There was Kristina and she asked me “Isn’t this the most amazing thing you’ve seen in your life?”.  We were in Cabo Polonio – Uruguay swimming into the sea crowded with fully-charged florescent plankton.  I felt that nice travelling feeling as I got out of the water and greeted the rest of the group.  This was my first travelling crew and soon I also felt that shit feeling while I was telling them bye at the border of Argentina to continue travelling solo.
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Back in my room in Malta I found the box of a mobile.  I held it and swishhhhh ... there was Mark infront of me laughing and telling me “That’s the box mate… you can claim it on insurance”.  A day before that he was feeling sorry for me not getting any action so he offered me his smart phone, and installed tinder for me.  That night in Buenos Aires - Argentina I went on a massive bender and came back to the Milhouse hostel with full shame, waking Mark up to give him the bad news.  “Dude you can’t believe it … someone stole the mobile phone that you lent me” .. he just laughed and told me to claim it on insurance.  That night I couldn’t sleep so I did some antics by getting naked and locking myself in one of the cages used to store backpacks.  Mark gave me a sleeping pill and I passed out in the cage.  I was feeling my liver about to give in during the massive benders we had in Buenos Aires.  Mark and me partied hard there, went to Lollapalooza, tango nights and outdoor parties until we decided to start a healthy lifestyle and flew down to the edge of the world in Ushuaia.  The scenes started fast-forwarding again up the peaks of the Andes, upon mighty glaciers and inside tents on cold nights in Patagonia until I saw myself again giving my last farewell to Mark - my 2 month travelling brother.
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Oh wow, time to start unpacking the shirts and the first one on top was a red shirt saying ‘I survived the W trek’.  I found myself in a bar in Torres del Paines, talking to probably the drunkest guy in Chile.  My Spanish had already started taking shape so I could hold a drunk conversation.  He asked me “Me gusta tu camiceta, la quieres cambiar conmigo?” (I like your shirt, wanna swap with mine?).  As much as I loved the shirt I was wearing, I loved his shirt too.  I had just finished the W trek – a 6 day trek into the most amazing scenery of Patagonia and the world.  I wanted those six days to be stuck with me for as long as possible, so I said “Claro” and we swapped shirts.  Around me there were the familiar faces of all the people who finished the trek.  Oh – Itai, Solenne, Laura, Jose, Eduardo!  This was going to be my next travelling crew all the way up to Santiago – the middle of Chile.  Together we started exploring the amazing fjords of Southern Chile, the crystal clear lakes and forests of Bariloche and Bolson and the volcanoes of Chiloe and Pucon.  Finally we made it to the party center of Chile - Valparaiso.  Here the crew had grown up to over ten people with Thomas, Antoine, Bertille, Adele and Stephanie all joining in as we conquered our way up Chile.  The fossilized salt, I found in the top pockets of my bag, warped time again a few weeks forward all the way up to the desert of Atacama.  Here I was solo again exploring the dry alien landscapes and the surreal mountains and lakes of this desert until a jeep ride later I was in the vast salt flats of the Salar de Uyuni.  Exploring Bolivia indeed felt like travelling to a completely different continent, as now the indigenous influence was much more obvious than the previous four countries. I could see it in the way the people look and act, the traditions, the food etc.  I could feel that life here became slower and rawer.  I wasn’t close to the sea anymore; instead I was now in the dense jungle lying down with a puma by my side.  I could again feel that adrenaline when she chased me to play and all the affection she gave me.  I was now with my other adventure buddy.  This time not a human, but an ocelot – exploring untouched pieces of the jungle, cutting new trails and discovering hidden trees and places.  It wasn’t only cats I was sharing these experiences with. There were my partners in crime Celine, Stef, Will and Max running rampages down forgotten Bolivian towns, drinking and enjoying being sick of Jungle fever.  More adventures followed, and I was by now exploring the remotest of the Bolivian villages until entering the Amazon for a survival trip and partying one last time in the great capital of Bolivia – La Paz – the sin city.
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Only few last things were left in the backpack, but the memories, all these items were bringing back, were nowhere to stop.  A yellow euro football shirt saying, “I scored in LOKI” brought me into the backroom on top of a bar somewhere in Cusco - Peru.  I was presented with a choice of 4 tshirts, and I told Jacob “Yeah I like the yellow one”.  I wore it, went downstairs and started my first shift behind the bar into the craziest hostel in the world.  A whole intense month packed with bloodbombs, beautiful friendships, beautiful girls and massive parties ridiculous amount of parties.  I was revisiting all this chaos, until time slowed down again and I found myself at Cuzco’s airport picking up my dad, my travel buddy for the next three weeks.  Together we climbed to the lost city of Maccu Picchu, explored deserts, sea side villages up to the summits of the Corradilera Blanca and down into the deep waters of the Galapagos islands where we danced with turtles, hammerheads and sea lions.  I left my dad and went back in Loki - Mancora - Peru to work as an events manager.  Another intense month and a half, were with my partners, Lucio and Ewelina, we took up the events of this hostel to new proportions with massive parties and fun activities.  I could see the birth of the Pirates of Mancora here, were weeks consisted of sunset drinks on our boat, pirate parties, treasure hunts and rowdy benders. I was seeing hundreds of faces coming and going until in the end it seems that I had too much blues to deal with and I left.
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I was back in my room, finished unpacking my backpack and organized everything.  I was pretty much settled now back home here in Malta.  Slowly I also got used to the little things, which I found shockingly different at first.  For example it seemed strange to reply with a ‘what?’ rather than a ‘che?’ or being able to flush toilet paper down the toilet.  I went to my studio to play drums for the first time after one year.  As I expected, I was sooooo rusty.  I couldn’t even finish a drum fill, or keep a straight rock beat.  At some point I started playing some samba and salsa rhythms and without knowing I went into an hour trans of full-on Latin drumming.  I don’t know from where all the drum patterns and rhythms were coming, but I just kept banging my heart out onto the drum kit.  Unconsciously the Latin rhythm was now fully running into my blood stream.  All those salsa and samba sounds that I was exposed to, anywhere I went in south America, were slowly making their way into my unconscious.  I came out of the studio happy about my impromptu performance still with the shirt and a necklace in my hand.
Oh and that necklace.   One last item to take me a few months back.  I found myself in Banos – Ecuador near the famous swing at the end of the world. I was observing a stand of a craftsman and was intrigued by this ring made out of precious stones weaved into each other.  A friendly man called Camillo approached me and said he was from Colombia.  We talked for ages and finally asked him how much money for the precious ring.  It was too steep for me, but then he showed a necklace, which was actually a coin cut into two parts, forming two necklaces that fit into each other.  He explained the meaning of the symbols, and told me to keep one part for me, and give the other part to someone special.  I knew exactly whom I would give it to.  The girl that without knowing convinced me to leave Peru and follow my heart up to Ecuador.  The girl who inspired me so much in everything she did.  My travel buddy and also my soul mate.  We travelled all of Ecuador together were every day was more exciting than the previous one.  We climbed volcanos, bungee jumped, cycled and visited the beautiful colonial cities of Ecuador.  We carried on and crossed to Colombia for some daring adventures, horse riding, chilled nights in the middle of nowhere, camping adventures in the lush deserts and hills of Colombia, until we pushed our boundaries to go where no one dared going. We travelled to Venezuela to discover a country falling to pieces, but with a very strong sense of identity and awesome natural phenomena like the relampago.  Our days together were coming to end so we visited the whole north coast of Colombia in the Caribbean sea, hopping from one beach to the next sleeping into postcard perfect places.   My dream eventually came to an end and eleven months down the line I bid farewell to this great person and this great continent.
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Of course thinking about this one-year dream brings a lot of blues, but I was lucky enough to live my dream.  At some point there comes the wake up call, which will show you that perfect dreams don’t last forever.  You can snooze as much as you like, but finally you have to wake up. Once you wake up you can either feel like shit because it was only a dream, or otherwise thank god you’re awake again, live the day and look forward for the evening to start living your next dream!
That was my Latin American Dream.
I am now looking forward to live my next one.
Thanks to all the readers of this blog for the massive support you gave me.  Everyone likes stats so here’s a few:
Days travelled: 326
Number of Countries: 9 –
Brazil (45 days), Uruguay (9 days), Argentina (18 days), Chile (33 days), Bolivia (60 days), Peru (82 days), Ecuador (25 days), Colombia (38 days), Venezuela (7 days)
Kilometers travelled (excluding incoming and outgoing flights): 28,330.5 km
Hops: approx. 100
Highest altitude: 5750m - Vallajuanhu summit (Peru)
Lowest altitude: -35m - Galapagos (Ecuador)
Northest: 11.2882° N, 74.1517° W - Tayrona (Colombia)
Southest: 54.8019° S, 68.3030° W - Ushuaia (Argentina)
Methods of transport: bus, minivan, ferry, taxi, train, motorbike, flight, horse
Longest single bus ride: 24 hours - Santiago to San pedro De Atacama (Chile)
Longest hop: approx. 36hrs - San Ignacio de Velasco to Rurrenabaque (Bolivia)
Outdoor activities: Sandboarding, Surfing, Kayaking, Rock climbing, Paragliding, Trekking, Mountaineering, Diving, Ice climbing, Bungee swing, Cycling, Quadbike, Horse riding, Caving
Days camping: 22 days
Number of treks: 18
Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), Perito Moreno (Argentina), Fitzroy (Argentina), Torres del Paine (Chile), Cajon Azul (Argentina), El Cane (Chile), Samaipata (Bolivia), Rurrenabaque (Bolivia), Salkantay (Peru), Rainbow mountain (Peru), Laguna 69 (Peru), Mount Vallanuranju (Peru), Galapagos (Ecuador), Macchu Piccu (Peru), Quilitoa loop (Ecuador), Cotopaxi (Ecuador), Tayrona park (Colombia), Salento (Colombia)
Bike Rides: 7
El Bolson (Argentina), Valle della muerte (Chile), Valle della luna (Chile), Death Road (Bolivia), Paracas (Peru), Cuenca (Ecuador), Banos waterfall loop (Ecuador)
Longest trek: 6 days – Torres del Paine
Top exciting experiences:
Wildlife (Bolivia, Peru, Galapagos)
Mountaineering (Ecuador)
Survival Jungle Trip (Bolivia)
Death Road (Bolivia)
Horse Riding in San Augustin (Colombia)
Top parties:
Salvador and Rio carnival (Brazil)
Lollapalooza festival - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
San Paulo (Brazil)
Desert Party (Chile)
Peru Independence Day (Peru)
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Top drinks:
Caipirinha (Brazil)
Terremoto (Chile)
Wine (Chile)
Pisco Sour (Peru)
Michelada (Colombia)
Bloodbombs (Loki - Peru)
Top food:
Steak (Argentina)
Cevice (Ecuador)
Casuera (Chile)
Brazil beach food (Brazil)
Tallarines (Peru)
Top places to stay:
Pousada Xama (Pipa - Brazil),
Casa del arbol (El Bolson - Argentina)
Loki (cuzco, mancora - Peru)
Rose Cottage (Otolavo - Ecuador),
Hotel Campestre Las Heliconias (Zetaquira - Colombia) 
Top natural shows:
Torres del Paine sunrise (Chile)
Flocks of birds in Islas Ballestas (Peru)
San pedro - Valle della muerte sunset (Chile)
Relampago (Venezuela)
Flourescent Plankton (Uruguay)
Top places to visit:
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)
Macchu Piccu (Peru)
Foz do Iguazzu (Brazil / Argentina)
Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)
Torres del Paine (Chile)
Top beaches:
Cabo Polonio (Uruguay)
Custeno beach (Colombia)
Jericoacoara (Brazil)
Ilha grande (Brazil)
Baia del la Tortuga (Galapagos - Ecuador)
Top colonial architecture:
Cuzco (Peru)
Paraty (Brazil)
Cartagena (Colombia)
Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay)
Villa de Leyva (Colombia)
Top cities:
San Paulo (Brazil)
Rio (Brazil)
Buenos aires (Argentina)
Valparaiso (Chile)
Quito (Ecuador)
Cartagena (Colombia)
Top songs:
Los Autenticos Decadentes - La Guitarra
Enanitos Verdes - Lamento Boliviano
Ráfaga - Una Cerveza
Molotov - Puto
A.N.I.M.A.L - Familia
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