#my favourite sad gay woman who i love dearly
grimdarknokia · 9 months
it’s christmas, you know what that means? time to go insane over last tango in halifax again.
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Part two
Moon signs and your mum
Cancer moon 🌑🥀💫🦀♋️😇
I’ve noticed with cancer moons, they fall into one of two categories. They fall into the one where they can be quite abusive with their mother, or they are attached to their mother dearly. They will defend their mother to her deathbed mother is everything think their moonshine is cancer. That is the home of the moon, the mother everything where you came from and have this moon placement is really significant specially for the likes of someone like Drew Barrymore, mother was a stage mother and not very good to do. She let her go out partying and taking drugs when she was like 13 maybe younger, and of course she’s a Pisces, and that’s like that goes through the territory and a Gemini rising, if they have that right It’s very sad I feel like cancer so good at picking up the energy of a room and knowing how to deal with it. You also get the stone cold ones who are like don’t care and we’ll just do it as they don’t care about the social graces and they don’t care about trying to fit in which to me is actually a lovely trait. You know where you are with someone like that rather than someone crawling all over like eczema , they like to either be the counsellor or council others. I had a cancer moon boyfriend. In fact I have had two cancer boyfriends and they had two sides of them. Definitely one of them was an Aries and one of them was a Pisces, the Pisces, one was very deep and sentimental already, but he was also could be an eternal victim whereas the other one was had this weird relationship with his father. The mother was everything he loved his mother and he put a lot of emphasis on his mother and the time they spent together, but his father never wanted him so he always had that energy so my astrology now he’s teaching me teaches me that the fourth house can also be father , it’s a put if a cancer is going to have to choose between a parent every time it is going to be mum, even if they have a very close relationship with the father it’s always going to be my mother . you may have had a mum who is very emotional, very heritage and learning about her lineage, she may have had a very stressful start herself emotionally she in the dark and she could’ve had issues getting pregnant. You may have been adopted she could’ve been Baron on the lighter and she could’ve got pregnant really easily and had a lot of children definitely an emphasis on children and emotions. Your mother may also have been mentally ill and you may have felt like a bit responsible for your mother’s feelings. She could’ve been very emotional about your father or her partners and you have protected for all that cancer and moon, who she loved ever so much .
People say that Gemini or Libra placements can be bisexual or lesbian, but I’ve tend to disagree. I feel like people have got strong cancer placements will either be queer, bisexual, pansexual, bisexual, pansexual and the rest, but some of them may pull against that and be closeted case in point Taylor Swift, a lot of her fans believe that she’s secretly gay and has gay relationships instead of the relationships that her PR team put out and if you listen to a lot of her songs which I haven’t, but I know by listening to her fans they’re very pro woman, and I love that maybe because of my Some of them will be quite stone cold like Kurt Cobain, one of my favourites and Courtney Love they could be a quite wild. Can’t is a crazy fuck at the moonchild. Don’t be too hard on these people because they they have the moon cycle like every two days, and it’s gonna fuck with them specially if they’re a cancer rising, and they’re gonna fill that intensity and ability Mariah Carey Aretha Franklin they’re both Aries and they both fucking speak their truth and they ain’t gonna lie about it they don’t know her.
Some celebrity examples of having a cancer moon would be Courtney Love, Tana, Mongeau, Drew, Barrymore , Mariah Carey, Taylor, Swift, Shakira, Kurt Cobain, because that’s face of his feminine , Drake,  Vanessa Paradis, Gwen Stefani,  Kris, Jenner, Queen, Camilla  Janis Joplin and  Sophie Vergara . 
Leo Moon 🛍️💘✨😎♌️🦁🌝
The Leo moon and the relationship with their mother Leo actually rules the father so to start off with. We’re not rolling a mother like planet. These guys might have quite masculine energy and may have needed a father figure in their life, even though they didn’t get that, so the mother becomes complicated and almost a third wheel on this relationship, I get this as I’ve got a Leo moon sister, and I feel like she really needed a father. Her father had horrible. Things said about him in the family that he was a child abuser, and I’ve never really ever spoken to my sister about this, but my sister exerts such a masculine energy and I get it because I’m Leo son but it feels like a lot of it locked away. She has very sarcastic sense of humour. She’s an Aries son, the mother almost becomes an irritant so the mother on the end may be narcissistic. Maybe all about her a bit of a victim. This is just how the child sees it. It may not be completely true, but the child is true. The mother may also be a bit emotionally distant from the child, and not so attached to the child on the lighter end of the spectrum, the mother could’ve had quite an easy-going approach but could’ve also been strict in earlier childhood and the early years and then when it came to adult which this child peaked to a younger age they didn’t get as much attention as they maybe should from like their brothers and sisters as their brothers and sisters dead they can feel like a bit lost so they could constantly trying to be striving for that male energy in their life, which can be very exhausting like I feel a lot of Leo placements are looking for that father approval daddies daddy saying like it’s okay so on the lighter and your mother could be very kind, very gentle very humbling she could be entertaining. She could be a caring mother a hands-on mother. She could also be shy at times and sensitive and a lot of the times people don’t get this about Leo energy. This may rub off to you. You can be very quiet but you could also have a very sensitive deep side and if people say something to you that well you up you may it may hurt you for a very long time you may all see partners that are quite a bit older than you as that emphasis like I said on the father other than the moon sign previous to you which is cancer which is doing the opposite of what you’re doing. They’re doing it to their mother, not their father so is a Leo moon always know that you are loved whether your father was there or not you are worth to be loved and you deserve that respect. You deserve the love and know that you are worthy of any kind of love and if anybody hurts you, it says more about them and it says about you I know that you’re sensitive Leo I love you as a Leo son kiss kiss examples of Leo moons
Lana Del Rey, Megan Fox Monica Bellucci, Julia Roberts, Queen Elizabeth the second, Paris Hilton, Megan Thee Stallion, Renée Zellweger, Jane Fonda, Dakota Fanning
I’ve definitely noticed there’s an emphasis on the father like I said with Leanne and them trying to find that relationship with men that’s definitely examples of the mother also though with people like Megan Thee Stallion who is orphan from young adult from her mum and her dad. Her mum was the one who inspired her to be a rapper, but died just before she became famous Very sad. Lana Del Rey seems to be influenced a lot by men and men culture and sexual culture, but that could be like I say high school rising coming into the mix as well which is also about men because it’s ruled by Mars and then her mum is in cancer. So yeah there’s just a lot going on there I feel like Leo moons are very reserved and back and like I said they’re more sensitive than they let on so if theycome across this shitty or arrogant to you just know that this isn’t who they really are they’re just it’s just a bravado with Leo sometimes
Virgo 🌑 moon 🌚🧐♍️🌪️🍏
If you’re a Virgo man, you probably go out with a mother that was maybe very cautious. She might’ve been cautious about your health. She might have been quite dynamic and flexible. She also might have turned her nose up at other people she might have felt like her actions were always the right actions, and she was always right with that earth, sign energy and your relationship with her may have felt very Verbal all about verbality, she could’ve been a massive talker. She could’ve been very sociable. She might’ve made you be quite neat and tidy and make sure that you had that as an ability to be clean and sensible, she might have also taught you all different types of lives out there and not to get caught up in anything. She wanted to pass you on the front of knowledge with Mercury ruling that sign as well as Gemini means he might have had a very social house I have found sometimes with Virgo means to be quite abusive and like I said with dark side and like it’s end of the signs that not every sign is going to have those attributes, but you need to be aware that you come off is quite abusive, emotionally, passive, aggressive, and almost jealous of other peoples happiness or if this is not the case this is the case with your mother, it can be a very psychic placement.You were taught to be very adaptable for a young age your needs emotionally. You need someone who you can intellectually understand you so when you can have a really good chat with Someone you can bond with on that level, but you say might have a tendency to be an introvert and need your own time you’re not the biggest socialiser ever which is some misconception with Virgos. Virgos can actually suffer with anxiety quite a bit but they might have verbal diarrhoea, if they were brought up in a hectic household they were to self soothe maybe from a young ,age. having this placement, you may have also appreciate where in a conversation and use with as a way to get free things but also you may have a really good sense of humour due to this when it came to hell maybe your mother was over cautious with your health. Maybe you had a lot of health problems or stuff suffered with stomach problems upset stomach or diarrhoea and that comes with the anxiety which rules Virgo and also the stomach. You may find things that are really good for this, such as yoga any kind of exercise, walking or reading, also may have a very good singing voice and may be inclined to the arts of music or playing an instrument. You definitely have the attention span to do so, you may have felt like your mother didn’t encourage you enough at sometimes so you had to do it yourself. Virgo grows up from a very young age and I have noticed this placement moves out of home, very young or to another relatives house and that’s not, Virgo means that’s placements. 
Celebrity placements Sharon Tate,Madonna,Nicki Minaj ,Selma haiak,Blake lively , Jodie foster , Jada pinkett smith ,cab
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duochromium · 9 months
hi who are your favourite touhou characters and why im mostly curious about the why
amazing question! the following list is in no particular order. wriggle does happen to be my favorite but it’s not by a huge margin or anything
first up we got wriggle herself. i’m gonna be honest the way i interpret her bears absolutely no resemblance to her canon character, but i think that the fandom has generally kind of adopted an interpretation of her that’s nothing like her in canon so i excuse it if everyone else does it.
why i like her? really cool design obviously the cape is really sick. what actually draws me to her though is mostly the fact that she’s a member of team 9. she’s basically just “kind of silly bug woman who’s really weird about bugs” which creates a lot of really funny relationships with other characters. i tend to write her as more of the “average person” of the group which also makes her relationship with mystia that write about a lot really fun because it’s just these two pranksters that are background characters from a story perspective and a life perspective (i mean they really are just random youkai). basically everything involving her is just… really casual, and fuzzy. she just doesn’t have a whole lot going on
also i get to write her being autistic about bugs which is really fun.
another one of my favorite characters is remilia, who i’ve only really had an excuse to write once. i go into way more detail about this in microsm chapter 6 but basically i just really love her contrasts. i like writing her as both childish and mature, both fearsome and welcoming, both powerful and vulnerable. it’s clear she does care very dearly for those in the mansion and i just love giving her a soft side where she does want the best for everyone, even if she looks evil. oh she eats people? god forbid women do anything
also because she’s a vampire who owns a badass huge western mansion. that’s so cool
in addition we have reimu, who i honestly just find to be a really nuanced character. i love writing her getting really existential about her life and getting worried about shit. i kind of project onto her sometimes but we’re not here to discuss that. she has a very interesting personality, fluctuating between stern or sad or determined or funny depending on even the slightest factors. being the main character she’s had the most actual stuff happen to her, she has the most story and has the most relationships with other characters. there’s really anything you can do with her, and if you can get her personality right then you can even make a good story out of her going on a walk. case in point: residual by me
the next ones i don’t really like for such complex reasons i’m not gonna lie
ran, who is probably my #2, is just a really nice character. it’s fun to write her being all motherly to chen, it’s fun to write her being a calculator for yukari, it’s fun to write about her being gay obviously, and i really like her character design. she’s just nice and i would definitely be friends with her if that were possible. i’m aroace but whatever the equivalent of a waifu is for aroaces? she’s that to me. i don’t wanna fuck her i just am obsessed with her non-romantically
lightning round:
i like sakuya because her time ability is really cool and it’s fun to write about this woman working herself to death. also bonus points because i love the sdm
aunn because she’s a really fucking funny dog
mystia because she’s a team 9 member too except she also does cooking and is in a band and i get to write her being gay with wriggle
kyouko because she’s really loud and also has a job at the temple and is also in a band
youmu because i like to imagine she has a huge inner conflict. read: any of my youmu x ran works
seija because she has so much potential to be a really interesting character, arguably even more than Reimu. i just haven’t wrote her because i still can’t get her character down
the entire palace of earth spirits because their family dynamic is absolutely hilarious and actually they’re all really funny characters even on their own
cirno because come on man it’s cirno
anyways that’s all the ones i’m obsessed with. i love all 2hus though
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kissingmilfs · 1 year
what is yellowjackets actually about? because I’ve seen hot edits and stuff and the plot really interests me and i think it looks cool but i don’t wanna be freaked out if like they all start eating each other one episode
but i think it looks really interesting and i would love to give it a try so i’d love to know ur favourite stuff about it and stuff
i love the new fic! i missed ur writing so bad
my special interest here we go 😭 buckle in everyone!
there’s two timelines - the 1996 timeline & the 2021 timeline !
the 1996 timeline follows the yellowjackets hs girls soccer team — their plane crashes in the canadian wilderness on their way to nationals. people do die in the crash. they’re stuck out there for 19 months. the first episode does start off with someone being hunted, slaughtered and eaten asdjfbfjdb. we all call her pit girl. but the meat looks like bear meat (important to remember for 2x08 😔)
mm you don’t see them actually eating a body until 2x02 and the other cannibal scene happens in 2x08. that’s one rlly sad and just 😔
oh and 2x06 there’s one kinda but it’s one of the girls hallucinating.
then the 2021 timeline follows the core 6 (taissa turner, natalie scatorccio, misty quigely, shauna shipman, lottie matthews (s2) and van palmer (mid s2)! and it’s rlly about how trauma still impacts you years later.
“the wilderness” is the really big focal point in both timelines. it’s both physical and this big metaphysical idea. and the things they did out there really follows them. they don’t process anything out of fear of being shunned.
there’s a lot of homoerotism throughout both timelines. the only canon gay couple is taivan (taissa a black femme and van a ginger butch) and then tai is married in the 2021 timeline to a woman named simone. but the show doesn’t really deny any of the ships people claim, ya know? it’s definitely a bit of queerbaiting, but also not? like spending your last formative years of puberty surrounded by girls you share trauma with but also sportsmanship from playing together since who knows honestly!!
i can’t even pinpoint all my favorite things about the show. but i do love milfs and the milfs man…the milfs 😭 and taivan are really near and dear to my heart. i see a lot of myself in both of them but especially van!
s2 is little campy and kinda different from s1 but i still love it dearly. the show will make you laugh and cry and fall in love and hate people. it’s genuinely everything i love about horror 😭
my favorite ships are: taivan, lottienat, parkinglot, and mistynat!
i highly recommend watching it and if you need more cw for episodes if you watch im happy to do it!!
- @pocolottie (if u have anything else to add pls feel free )
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laulink · 4 years
So I actually hadn’t watched the last episode of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear until, well, now, because I was very busy with the holidays and family stuff, but now I have and WHAT IS THIS LEVEL OF GAYNESS
(putting a cut because every instance of gay is given its own set of screencaps and that’s a lot)
Let’s start with the obvious, Fina who wants Yuna all to herself but doesn’t get it (it hurt me so much, I swear I could have punched Yuna at some points). I won’t make screencaps of the whole scenes, because there’d be like, 20, but basically, Fina feels lonely for over half the episode and I want to give that kid a hug. Even when Yuna finally comes back to her, she invites other people (Shuri) to spend time with them or only rejoices at getting yet another person to join her circle of friends and acquaintances in Crimonia, meaning even less time for Fina. Poor baby was jealous and lonely the whole time T_T
Then Fina decided to take a bit of distance under the pretense of refining her harvesting skills and 1) she wanted Yuna to stop her and ask her to stay by her side, but Yuna didn’t and I couldn’t bear (lol) the sad look on her face at this point and 2) Yuna FINALLY realised she wanted Fina by her side
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Just look at how unexcited she is at the prospect of finding a place for her future favourite restaurant. That girl misses a piece of her heart and she feels it.
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Nothing to do ? Then I’ll go see my wife that I miss so dearly !
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Aaaaand she’s hard at work and doesn’t even realise Yuna is here. How sad.
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Look at this face. This is the face of a woman who just realised she has lost a treasure she didn’t even know she possessed.
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Fina has never called her “Yuna-san/Miss Yuna”, but she’s so desperate and Fina-obsessed that she’s willing to delude herself
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And she’s super disappointed that the cute girl who came to visit her is not the cute girl she’s spent all day thinking about.
And then, of course, you have my favourite moment of them all.
Gentz and Noa seeing right through their dumbassery and playing matchmakers.
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Your dad busted you, Fina XD
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What did you want her to do, Noa, jump on Yuna and mark her as hers for all to see ? Not everyone is like you, you know
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“Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé” (”One person is missing, and the whole world is empty”. Not an accurate translation, but I focused on meaning rather than text. Anyway, Victor Hugo is always right and Yuna feels it too now)
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Noa realisation XD
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A devastating blow was delt !
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It’s super effective ! It caused the Yuna revelation we have been waiting for all episode ! XD
At the same time, Fina is finally opening her heart to someone
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And Gentz earns the supportive dad award of the year
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Understand : “You’ll waste 15 years and see her have two kids with someone else before finally finding the courage to tell her you want to marry her”. He’s giving them his blessing for the wedding !
And then you have Yuna’s confession :
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FINALLY ! After what she just said about her former life in her home country, that really hits hard. And of course Fina reciprocates her feelings
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Yuna looks like she didn’t expect that. It’s adorable =3 Finally she realises she has become the centre of Fina’s whole world.
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You just know that the “I’m a bear though” is code for “I’m a girl though” and the idea that it’s not usual for two girls to stay together like this (aka as a married couple).
To which Fina responds with :
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Yuna’s surprised face and little gasp are adorable too =3 More seriously, I take this answer and Yuna’s reactions as basically meaning that Fina just set aside the “normal” concern (a girl in love with a bear is weird) and implied, with her question/response, that as long as Yuna doesn’t eat/hurt her, nothing else really matters and Yuna didn’t expect that, but she’s very happy with Fina’s answer.
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Small smile and obvious reassurance : they’ve just confessed their love to each other and accepted their own and the other’s feelings. Now they can start slowly getting to a proper romantic relationship.
This show’s producers knew VERY WELL what they were doing with this whole last episode and I can’t thank them enough for it. YunaFina is the OTP in this series and no I will not take criticism.
Let’s now hope that the light novel, when it ends, ends on them 10 years later settled down and living together like any other married couple, snuggling on the couch while planning their next trip to the beach with their pet bears and adopted kids.
Let me dream.
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rationalisms · 6 years
pacific rim for the ask meme :3c
ty alana!!
the first character i ever fell in love with: mako :’) i saw her in the trailer and was a goner. she was honestly the main reason i was so hype for the film and i say this as someone who’s been obsessed with kaiju films since i was a wee baby. she’s such a wonderful character and i adore her journey from this like, sad and angry little girl putting up a wall of professionalism to the actual capable and brave woman she was pretending to be at the start of the film. she’s my wife.
a character i used to love/like, but now do not:the idea of a pacific rim sequel lol
a ship i used to love/like, but now do not: see above
my ultimate favourite character:hermann gottlieb....... my brave boy!! i love him dearly and his arc in the film is by far my favourite. i love the “buttoned up, bitter skeptic” front he puts up and how completely it falls apart when it comes down to it and reveals him for the huge romantic (in the classic sense of the term) he really is. i’ve waffled about him a hundred times so i’m not gonna get into it again but burn gorman rly is the mvp of that movie and i would die for him
prettiest character:mako, duh. also......... knifehead.
my most hated character:fuck raleigh becket sdfjsdkflskdjf he makes my blood boil i honestly hate him so much. he’s THE most milquetoast run of the mill boring ass straight white dude protag who spends the entire film condescending to mako, stacker and everyone else around him and just generally being unnecessary and shitty and yet people wax rhapsodic about him like he’s the second fucking coming. i never ever wanna hear about him again.
my OTP:newtherms. they’re canonically in love and the one good thing to come out of pr:u is charlie day confirming that he agrees and played it that way.
my NOTP:mako/any man. i like that gdt didn’t make her the love interest on purpose and as far as i’m concerned she’s gay. also rly rly rly rly can’t stand newt/hannibal content it makes me rly uncomfortable lol
skipping fav ep/season/etc since it’s a film and as far as my petty ass is concerned only has one installment lmao
saddest death:stacker!! i loved his actual death scene because it’s so well done and i love the moment he and mako get to have and what it means with regards to her standing on her own two feet but g-d, so heartbreaking
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: again, raleigh becket...... i also cannot bring myself to have any positive emotions about either of the hansens lmao
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: newt. g-d he’s the worst. WORST. and yet? i love him.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: i still don’t have an answer to this and idk if it’s because my threshhold for feeling guilt is very high or because i’m very boring
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: the idea of stacker/herc is cute but again, i have a negative amount of investment in either of the hansens so
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reluming · 7 years
Dear Yuletide author
Hi! I’m so happy that you’re writing for me! I’m mapped on AO3, and I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with – please don’t feel like you have to adhere to any of this letter, as long as you avoid my DNWs!
To start with, here are some of my general likes and dislikes!
I read slash, femslash, het, and gen. I love poly relationships. I love fluff, I love angst, I love porn – porn without plot and porn with plot. I love slice of life, and fics with heaps of domesticity. I love character studies.
I prefer happy endings, but bittersweet/sad ones are okay too.
Things I love in porn:
Spanking/caning/corporal punishment
Dirty talk
Praise kink
Exhibitionism/public sex
Double penetration
Characters being super into giving oral sex
Rape/non-con (dub con is okay!)
Non-canon character death
Onto fandom-specific stuff!
The Bold Type
Requested characters: Any
What’s the canon about? A contemporary TV show featuring three young women who are best friends, working for a fashion magazine in New York and being there for each other through various career and relationship ups and downs. There’s one season with 10 episodes out so far, and it’s been renewed for two more seasons!
What I love about the canon: I love every character on this show! I love the fun and upbeat vibe, the awesome, flawed, beautifully strong women who are so supportive of each other. The focus on the friendship between the three main characters is the best thing! Every time they say “I love you” to each other my heart grows three sizes. 💞 I love how we see them being ambitious and going for their dreams, taking risks and fucking up and having to learn how to deal with their mistakes. I find it very comforting and inspiring at the same time, watching them being confident and amazing and human. People who don’t always get things right and who don’t always know what they’re doing. I enjoy watching them figure things out: Kat especially, who keeps changing her mind and doubting her choices and not really understanding what it is she wants.
Gen friendship fic with Sutton, Kat, and Jane! I could happily read about them doing something mundane and silly together (like getting froyo, or just hanging out in the apartment on a typical night). What were their first impressions of each other? How did they become friends? When did they agree to move in together and what was apartment-hunting like? What was it like the first night they moved in, did they all end up sleeping in the same bed talking till late? Did it take them some time to get used to living together, and was there a bit of friction at the beginning?
I would also be overjoyed to read anything sexual and/or romantic between Sutton, Kat, and Jane, in any combination! I’d be particularly interested in some kind of scenario where Kat is trying to figure out whether she’s really into women and she sleeps with both of her friends. At the same time. :’) Maybe during that brief time in the show when they’re all single?
Anything that explores what a wonderful woman and mentor and boss Jacqueline Carlyle is. How did she get here? Tell me about her moments of failure and heartbreak, her mistakes and regrets, her moments of triumph and breakthroughs! What does she think when she looks at Jane, especially, who she must see so much of herself in? That MOMENT at the end of S1 when Jane and Jacqueline are staring at each other while they go through their revolving doors and they’re both dressed in red and they’re mirrors of each other!! I’M SO HERE FOR MORE OF THAT CONTENT.
Sutton!! MY PURE RAY OF SUNSHINE. Five fashion moments in Sutton’s life she’ll remember forever? Memories she associates with a particular blouse, or scarf, or bracelet, or coat? (Btw, I prefer Sutton/Alex to Sutton/Richard, although I don’t mind Sutton/Richard. I really love Sutton and Alex’s dynamic and would even appreciate a friendship fic about them!)
One thing I feel like the show didn’t really give me was how JANE got here. Like, clearly writing for Scarlet was always her dream, but I just wanna know more about her motivations and her journey as a writer growing up!
I’d also be happy with a Jane/Ryan fic, they're super cute together! I would love to read about Jane exploring more kinky things with Ryan tbh? Like when Jane was SO OUTRAGED about the wax play thing I just thought maybe she should have the opportunity to try something similar with him! But I’d prefer if Jane/Ryan wasn’t the sole focus of the fic; if there was some focus on Jane & Sutton & Kat’s friendship as well, that would be fab.
Kat/Adena: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I would be extremely happy to read fic about them, post-series, during the series, whatever. Missing scenes, conversations and kisses and dreams. What happens in Peru? Future!fic! ANYTHING
Actually future!fic about where any of these characters are in five or ten or twenty years’ time would be very welcome!
Introspective fic about how Kat feels about her identity and how that’s evolved over the course of S1
Backstory about Adena and the countries she’s travelled to and the women she’s fallen in love with. What’s the story with Coco? Why isn’t it working out? What was it like, back when it did work?
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Requested characters: Kikuhiko, Miyokichi, Sukeroku
What’s the canon about? An anime (complete, two seasons, 25 episodes in total). Focuses on the art of rakugo, a centuries-old tradition of comic storytelling in Japan. A gangster, fresh out of prison, wants to become the apprentice of an old rakugo master after seeing the master perform in prison. From this, the story of the old rakugo master unfolds, and we learn about two boys who become rakugo apprentices when they’re little, and the friendship that grows between them.
What I love about the canon: This anime!! I was not expecting it to make me feel SO MANY FEELINGS. I love the historical setting, I love the STUNNING use of the unreliable narrator, I love the careful and slow development of Kikuhiko and Sukeroku’s friendship from childhood to adulthood; the way they’re such striking opposites at first glance, but there’s something at the core of them that’s the same. The heady mix of envy and love and bitterness that pulls Kikuhiko to Sukeroku always; the things left unsaid. How Miyokichi’s presence in their lives disrupts some things and catalyses others. The way Miyokichi’s choices have been limited because she’s a woman, and Kikuhiko and Sukeroku are both such terrible assholes in their own ways, but she can’t help being pulled into their orbit. I love the feeling of transience in this anime, of something always slipping away from your grasp, of history crumbling away beneath your fingertips; but there’s a gorgeous sense of continuity too. Beautiful things are fleeting and immortal at the same time. They are preserved – diluted, sometimes; changing and evolving. But still preserved, in some way.
I want fic that explores their complicated and tangled relationship in all its glory. My dearest wish is for them to be all reunited properly in the afterlife, for them to finally sort out their feelings, and to be a happy OT3.
Or a canon AU where events went differently and they lived and raised Konatsu together and were messy but happy, somehow.
I could see Kikuhiko as gay or bi, but no matter what, I feel like his feelings for Miyokichi are fascinating and would be interesting to explore in fic either way; if it’s not that he’s sexually attracted to her, what is it?
I would love something that deals with Kikuhiko’s repression of his sexuality, a fic where he was never able to let himself acknowledge his feelings for Sukeroku while he was alive. But equally I’d love a fic where he did acknowledge those feelings and those feelings were requited and they did something about it, once or twice or many times. But please don’t sideline Miyokichi, whatever you do!
If you want to make me really sad, that’s okay too! Give me Kikuhiko mourning the two people he cared about most in his life and struggling always with their ghosts. I’d be very interested to see something that just falls on the side of horror, or is at least spooky and supernatural in some way, based on the shinigami stuff and those S2 OPs where they coloured Sukeroku’s eyes red. I loved the eerie vibe of all that, so please feel free to run with it! Weird AUs featuring undead!Sukeroku and Miyokichi would be fantastic.
I am particularly into Kikuhiko crossdressing, and I’d love to read about a Kikuhiko whose relationship with gender is complex and hard to define. That scene where he’s in drag and Miyokichi does his makeup is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favourite scenes in the show and if you could do something with that I’d be eternally grateful. I’d be really happy with nb/genderqueer/trans interpretations of Kikuhiko! And if he could talk about his gender feelings with Miyokichi that would be A+++
OR if you just want to write me a Miyokichi-centric fic exploring ANYTHING about her whatsoever I would be ecstatic, I love her to pieces and would dearly love to read some backstory, introspection, character study, anything. 
Requested characters: Aneela, Delle Seyah Kendry
What’s the canon about? Sci-fi TV show with three seasons (10 episodes each). Follows a trio of bounty hunters through hijinks and mysteries. 
What I love about the canon: I love how fun this show is and how despite the gritty sci-fi settings and the dark look of the show it’s pretty much the OPPOSITE of grimdark? It’s such a joyful and optimistic show and it’s bursting with humour. It doesn’t take itself seriously but it loves its characters and it loves its audience; all the character interactions are just wonderful and the arcs are all fantastic and it always manages to give me exactly what I want. It’s SO satisfying! And SO many people of colour in the foreground and the background!! That’s such a rare and beautiful thing in this genre and I’m so grateful. Plus, so many of those characters of colour are queer too!!
So I shipped Dutch/Delle Seyah DESPERATELY in the first two seasons, and I still do! But oh man, I love Aneela/Delle Seyah, how they’re SO PERFECTLY MATCHED and on equal footing. EVIL SPACE LESBIAN QUEENS!! I love the united front they present, I love how quickly they get into each other’s heads and hearts and develop this fierce and steadfast loyalty towards each other.
So, while I didn’t request Dutch as one of my characters, I’d love a fic that compares Delle Seyah’s feelings for Dutch and for Aneela. Like, obviously Delle Seyah was physically attracted to Dutch and since Dutch and Aneela look the same, there’s that element there from the beginning. Is that weird for Delle Seyah, considering how different Dutch and Aneela are otherwise? What differences between Dutch and Aneela are the most significant to Delle Seyah, and what similarities does she notice, beside the physical? What is it that makes Delle Seyah fall in love with Aneela, as opposed to whatever it was she felt for Dutch? Is she still attracted to Dutch at the end of S3?
It seems like neither Aneela or Delle Seyah have ever felt like this about anybody, so I’d just love any sort of fic dealing with how either/both of them process these emotions!! Is it scary for them? Exciting? How anxious does it make them? What are they most worried about?
I wouldn’t mind a fic about Aneela and Delle Seyah just being evil queens and unleashing themselves on the universe together while luxuriating in their power and having the most passionate, wild sex as they think/talk about all the evil deeds they’ve accomplished!
Honestly uhhh any sort of porn about them would be SO welcome, I’m shallow and they’re beautiful and they clearly seem like they have a lot of fun in bed!
Maybe there’s something you can play with about the green and mind-melding here? I don’t know, just an idea I’m throwing out there! :D
“Be careful” / “Be brutal” might just one of my favourite dialogue exchanges in any piece of fiction ever 💖 I just love their dynamic and I need more of it, so I’d be interested to read anything you’d like to write about them!
The Handmaiden
Requested characters: Sook-hee, Hideko
(I’m basically copy & pasting from my letter last year because I still want the same things!)
What’s the canon about? A 3-hour long movie; Korean adaptation of Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith. A conwoman falls in love with her female mark!
What I love about the canon: It’s such a beautiful gay romance with brilliant twists and the two female leads are SO endearing in their own ways; the triumph of the women over the horrible men in their lives, and in particular the triumph of Hideko over the trauma she’s experienced, is really moving and buoyant to watch. The movie is also just lush with careful detail and a dazzling experience from start to finish.
I’d love anything about Hideko and Sook-hee, set during or after the film.
If it’s set during the film, I’d really love something from Hideko’s POV, because I feel like her thoughts are much more opaque in the film. I’d like to read about how she feels about her life before Sook-hee appears, what her first impressions of Sook-hee are, and the journey of her falling in love with Sook-hee. (I don’t want explicit detail about the abuse that Hideko has suffered: the level of detail that the film goes into is fine, but nothing beyond that, please!)
Missing scenes from the movie would be SO welcome! I can’t get enough of their precious interactions and how they always feel so honest somehow, even if they’re both hiding behind secrets and lies at first?
After the movie: where do they go, what do they do? Something that takes place immediately afterwards, or something that takes place years in the future – even something that looks at them being old and grey together, omg, that would make my heart melt!
I could totally be into a more plotty kind of fic that shows them running more cons together! Equally, I would be SO here for simple, slice-of-life stuff.
Something that explores Hideko and Sook-hee’s relationship with kink after the movie would be WONDERFUL. How does Hideko feel about kink after the abuse she’s suffered? Does she want to be kinky with Sook-hee, but have really complicated feelings about it? The mutuality and symmetry of their sex scenes in the movie is what strikes me, how the focus is on mirroring each other, doing the same acts together. But I could see them trying out different things as they become more comfortable and settle into their relationship. Like, the ending scene with Hideko reclaiming for her own pleasure the bells that were once used to abuse her – that scene is so lovely and anything in this vein would be great!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Yuletide, and I can’t wait to read your creation! <3
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