#my favourite kind of raspberry
allmyandroids · 24 days
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💛🌿🌱Golden Queen Raspberry 🌱🌿💛
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pretypidge · 1 year
i hung a rose my mom brought me upside down to dry about a week ago, so the petals dont drop, and unclipping it today holy goodness it smells so sweet wow
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muffinpink02 · 1 month
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Okay, this is my first little family/baby story. Its my first attempt at fluff and cute stuff, I hope it makes sense. Let me know what you think. I've already started another one so hopefully you like this.
Summary - You’re pregnant, married to Alexia. Your cravings get you a little emotional. Just little bits and pieces of your pregnancy and Alexia helping you every step.
Warnings - swearing
You stood on your tiptoes as you rummaged in your snack box, trying to look for your latest obsession.
“Babe! Where are those salted caramel chocolates we got? The gold packet ones?” You shouted for your wife as you scanned the cupboards. 
Being pregnant wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. Yeah, your body had completely changed, and your mind had gotten foggy, and your emotions were hard to keep up with and you struggled to do simple things like put your shoes on. But, having Alexia as your wife made the whole experience worth it, the girl was a saint. 
When you were around 6 weeks pregnant you had suffered with some morning sickness, though thankfully it didn't last too long. When you were rushing to the bathroom at 4am, flopping to your knees, trying to get your vomit in the bowl on time, Alexia wouldn't be far behind you. She would always be by your side, rubbing your back as soon as she heard you jump out of the bed. 
“It's okay, amor. Here’s some water, clear your mouth.” 
You rinsed your mouth, washing the taste of acid from your tongue. She helped you back to bed, stroking your cheek until you fell asleep against her chest. She would always feel so bad for you, she hated watching you in any kind of pain.
Then came the cravings. At first it was anything sweet and juicy. You became obsessed with fruit, the berry family in particular. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries if it had a ‘berry’ at the end of it you had to have it. And your most favourite berry was strawberries. You found yourself going through a pack of the sweet fruits every 2 days. 
Anything with the flavour of strawberry you had to have. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry jam, strawberry drinks, strawberry sweets, you even changed your lips gloss to strawberry. If it had a trace of strawberry then you had it in your mouth. Alexia joked that the baby was going to come out with red skin and green leaf’s for hair.
The fixation then progressed to strawberry milkshakes. You discovered the obsession when you and Alexia were out in town, you had both stopped to look at a display in the shop window. But your attention was caught by a whole other shop. Alexia hadn't even realised you had gone until she noticed she didn't get a response to her question.
“What do you think? ….Bebé?” 
The blonde looked to her side where you had just been standing, she only had to look a few shops down, when she caught you watching the milkshakes being made in the other window. She smiled as she walked over to you, eyeing your ever growing belly as it poked out under your t-shirt. 
“Want a milkshake, amor?” Alexia wrapped her arms around you, her warm body pressing into your own.
“Yeah, a strawberry one.” You smiled as you felt her kiss your cheek.
So, Alexia brought you a milkshake, asking for extra strawberries without you even having to ask.
The milkshake obsession then became something you wanted, no, needed everyday. 
So, in the mornings before training Alexia would make your strawberry milkshake alongside her protein shake. You didn't know how, but the girl would always make the fruity drink so much better than you ever could, no matter how hard you tried, hers always tasted sweeter.
As soon as you found out you were pregnant you stopped playing for Barca and went on maternity leave. And of course Alexia became super protective over you, though it wasn't a shock to you when she did, she was protective with you before you even became pregnant. 
Slowly you had to reduce your personal training as you got further along. Alexia watched you like a hawk when you wanted to do any kind of weight training, making sure you never did anything over 5kg. She would take regular walks with you and even joined your swimming classes, as they were deemed ‘safe’ enough for her. 
She insisted on carrying all the bags when you went grocery shopping, not letting you carry anything that could potentially ‘hurt’ you or the baby. Though you secretly loved the extra attention. Until Alexia wanted to build the baby cot alone, because she was scared you would hurt yourself with the hammer, and you had to put your foot down. 
Alexia was also amazing with her hands, and not just for other things. If you ever complained about a painful back or sore feet she would be on you in seconds, massaging your muscles until you couldn’t even remember the ache you had. She would run you baths, make your favourite dinners and always make sure you and the baby were getting your vitamins. 
She was simply the best, you saw a whole new side to her, you didn't think it was possible but it made you fall in love with her more everyday.
Anything you wanted to buy for the baby the Spaniard would look into the product, and study the reviews for hours, making sure it was good enough for the baby. If there was even one bad review from 3 years ago she would ask you to look for another one. “Just in case, amor.”
She of course brought every book you could read on pregnancy and child care, reading them at night before bed. Telling you all the tips and tricks it had for expecting mothers. You listened while you stared at your wife, her serious tone was on but you could only watch her beautiful features as she spoke, making you wonder what parts the baby would get from her. 
You hoped they got everything from her.
One afternoon you came back from a shopping outing with Ingrid. You both walked through your hallway, but was stopped in your tracks when you saw a new gate between the rooms, it was a baby gate. You looked at Ingrid who was already smiling, she knew what Alexia was like. 
“Ale, baby? What's this?” You called out.
The blonde skipped down the hall, a proud smile on her face. 
“It's for the baby, so it doesn't get into trouble.” She tapped the gate proudly, looking at the object like it was a brand new Bentley. 
“But the baby won't be walking for a long time. I don’t know if we need this yet.” You chuckled as she eyed the bars.
“No, no. It's better to be ready. We can get used to it before the baby comes.”
“She has a point.” Ingrid chimed in.
“Sí. Ingrid gets it.” The blonde nodded at the raven haired girl. 
“If it makes you happy, then I’m happy. Now, open it up so we can get through.” 
Alexia moved to open the gate, but it wouldn't open for her.
“Wait, I think it's this way.” The blonde frowned as she tried to pull the handle. But still, she couldn't open it. “Cosa estúpida.” 
“Let me try.” You dropped your bags and attempted to open the gates yourself, but you couldn't do it either. 
“Why won't it open?” You sighed in annoyance.
“No, pull it. Pull that bit up. Towards you.” Alexia tried to direct you.
“I am doing that!” 
And just before you were about to have a domestic, Ingrid silently leaned forward and with no fuss opened the gate like it was the most simplest thing to do. You both gapped at the Norwegian, wondering what kind of trick she used to open it.
“Do it again.” Alexia stared at the gate, wondering how on earth Ingrid was able to open it.
Luckily by the 50th try you both had learnt to finally open it. 
Alexia hated leaving you in the morning when she went to training. She would wake up 20 minutes early just to have extra cuddles with you, or talk to your belly. Your heart would melt when she spoke to the ever growing bump. She had felt silly when she first started doing it, talking to a belly with a small human inside felt weird, but she slowly got used to it.
It actually became something she looked forward to, you would read or scroll on your phone as the blonde shared the events of her day with the bump, she even did it when you were fast asleep, having her own private conversation with the little human. And of course she spoke it in her mother tongue, there was no chance that baby wasn’t going to learn Catalan. 
One afternoon when you were five months pregnant she was talking to the bump, her face resting gently against the side of your stomach, stroking your skin. She promised the ‘Berry’ (as she liked to call it), that she was going to take them to all the Barcelona games and how she was going to train the baby to be a midfielder or striker, and definitely not a defender. 
You chuckled at her words. Earlier that day you had visited Alexia at training. All the girls excitedly greeted you, everyone wanted to feel your stomach, and you gladly let them, you had missed them all so much. 
“Sí, that's a defender in there, I can tell.” Mapi said confidently, smiling at you. 
“No, it's going to be a goalie.” Cata insisted.
You laughed as you watched Alexia’s face drop, the group then all started arguing about what position the baby would play, Alexia had sulked on the way home, but you only laughed at her pout. You were suddenly pulled from your memories. 
You both felt it. Alexia jumped away from you in an instant.
“Oh, Déu meu. Did you feel that?” She looked at you with wide eyes.
“Yes! It kicked!” You gasped as you touched the spot.
“Like a footballer! Berry has a strong kick!” She touched your belly in awe, staring at the bump. Then came another kick. The blonde gasped as you both felt the little life  wiggling inside you.
“That's definitely a striker in there.” She smiled playfully.
You rolled your eyes at the big child in front of you. 
“I love you, amor.” Her large hands cradled your bump, she looked at you with so much love it almost overwhelmed you. 
“I love you too, baby.” You whispered. 
You watched as she kissed your bump, you stroked her hair out of her face as her smile grew. You felt your own eyes water at the beautiful women in front of you. You couldn't believe that this was your life, you felt so lucky that she was the mother of your child.
By 6 months your cravings changed to everything salty. Peanuts, chips, crisps, pretzels, salty popcorn, you name it you had it. You added salt to nearly every one of your meals. Alexia had to conversacate the condiment out of fear of your obsession. 
Now you are 8 and a half months pregnant. You only had 2 weeks to go before the baby was set to arrive. So, now it was just a waiting game.  A long, uncomfortable waiting game.
“What ones?” Alexia walked into the kitchen. 
You looked through your snack cupboard, trying to find the chocolate you had become obsessed with. Your two cravings of sweet and salty had combined and got you into your new favourite obsession of salted caramel chocolate. 
“The ones we got the other day, I’m sure I bought 3 packets.” 
“You finished them, don't you remember? I even warned you that you didn't have any left after that.” She chuckled as she stroked your neck.
You felt your eyes prickle with heat, your tears making your eyes glassy. Of course you knew this wasn't a normal way to react just because you didn't have the chocolates you craved, but you were hormonal, and tired and everything hurt and your back was killing you and your feet were sore and the TV in the background was too loud.
“Oh.” Your voice cracked.
Alexia's eyes widened in panic. “What's wrong, bebita? Are you okay?”
You sniffed, you tried to hide your face as you felt the tears prick your eyes. God, you felt stupid. Crying over a chocolate bar. You felt Alexia’s hand travel to your back, stroking you with the softest touch. 
“Y-yeah, yeah. Sorry, I just really wanted th-” You couldn't finish your sentence as the hormonal dam broke. 
Alexia really panicked then. “Bebé. Shhh it's okay, don't cry. I can get you more.” She pulled you into her chest. “I’ll go get you a crate of them, please don't cry.”
You sobbed into her chest, you couldn't believe you were crying over this, you knew it was just your hormones, but you couldn't control it.
“I’m sorry Ale, I’m just… it's just everything hurts. I can’t get comfortable in any position. I’m hot then I'm cold. My bodies changed so much. I can’t even see my feet anymore! My boobs are killing me. I hate the smell of my favourite perfume and now I’m crying over fucking chocolate.” 
“Hey, shh it's okay. You don’t have to explain yourself. I’m sorry, bebé. Let me get your chocolate, and whatever else you want, we can get a take out tonight or I can cook your favourite meal. Does that sound good?” The blonde kissed your forehead. 
You nodded in her chest, you felt like a sulky child. At least you knew Alexia would be prepared when your child would have their tantrums, or she would just give in and give them chocolate.
“Good. Come sit down. I’ll run you a bath.” 
The blonde ran you a bath with your favourite bath soaks. The bubbles were nearly flowing out over the sides once she was happy with it. She helped you into the warm tub, stroking your hair back as you settled.
“Okay. I won't be long. Be careful when you get out okay.” 
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “I will Ale, thank you for this.” 
“Got to look after my babies.” She kissed your head and winked at you.
She closed the door and made her way to the shops for your chocolate.
You sunk into the hot bath, breathing in the sweet coconut bath milk that Alexia used. You already felt better, Alexia always knew what to do to make you feel at ease. She was always calm around you even when she wanted to panic. 
You laid for another 20 minutes soaking your muscles. You carefully made your way out of the bath, wrapping your fluffy towel around you. 
You began to get your joggers on when you felt a shooting pain, you grabbed your belly on the sharp twinge. Then another one came, but it was a lot less painful then the first. You took in a deep breath as you put on your t-shirt. 
Your doctor told you that you might potentially get pains closer to the due date. So you tried not to overthink it. You looked at your phone, Alexia should have been home by now. That's when you saw her texts.
Alexia - They don’t have the chocolates in the store, going to another one xx 
Alexia - They don’t have it in that one either, I’ll go to Summers.
Summers was over a half hour's drive, you didn't want Alexia to drive so far for a chocolate bar. You called her phone, she answered by the first ring.
“Hola baby, you okay?”
“Ale, you don't have to drive to Summers, it's too far.”
“I’m 5 minutes away now, it’s fine, amor. I know you want this. I know you would do it for me.”
You smiled. “Yeah, okay, well thank you, you’re the best.”
“I know.” You could hear the smile in her tone.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Let's hope the baby gets your humble characteristics.”
The blonde laughed down the phone. “I hope Berry is every piece of you.”
You felt your heart melt at her words. The girl really knew how to make you melt.
“I’ll see you in a bit.” 
“Sí, i'll see you soon.” 
You hung up the phone and made your way to the sofa, trying to find something you could watch without ruining anything you and Alexia watched together. But as you clicked through the options you jumped with a flash of pain.
The pain came again, quicker and longer. You panted as you felt the twinge trickle into your back, causing you to drop you to your knees, you gritted your teeth as the throbbing ache swept down to the bottom of your stomach.
“Owwwww! Shit!” You cried out.
You still had 2 weeks till your due date, surely this wasn't labour? It was just the pain the doctor told you about. Braxton hicks, that's what it was. You grabbed your phone, you tried to call Alexia but she didn't answer, because she was out getting your stupid chocolates! 
Then you called Ingrid. Your best friend. Her and Mapi only lived a 2 minute walk from you. Maybe they could drive you to the hospital. The line rang, Ingrid picked up after the third ring.
“Hello, sweet pea.” She sang down the phone.
“Hey, do you think- fuck!” 
Another sharp pain stabbed through your body.
“Are you okay?” Ingrid asked, panic in her voice. 
“Yeah, well, no. I’m in pain, I don’t really know what to do. Alexias half way across town and-”
“I’m coming over.” 
“Thank you, Ingrid. Sorry I don’t want to be a nuisance- oh my g-” You groaned as another sharp pain hit you.
“Mapi, get your shoes on. Stay on the phone, we’re coming now.”
“Okay.” You breathed out.
You put the phone on speaker as you cradled your belly. You could hear Mapi’s confused voice in the background. You pushed the whispers of hair out of your face as you felt your body start to heat up from the pain. Why did this have to happen now? 
The girls must have sprinted to yours as they were at your door just over a minute later. Ingrid let herself in with her spare key. You heard their feet as they rushed through your hallway.
“I’m in here gu- uys! Owww!” You groaned.
You felt Ingrid kneel beside you. Her hand instantly rubbing your back.
“How long have you had the pain?”
“Maybe 10 minutes.” You sighed.
“Do you think you're in labour?”
“No, the doctor said this would happen. I’m not due for another-”
Your sentence was cut short as you felt a stream of water coming from between your legs. You waters broke.
“No, no, no, no, please! Fuck. Not now!” 
“Ay dios mío!” Map shouted from the door. “We need to get her to a hospital!”
“Mapi, calm down.” Ingrid's tone was low.
The raven haired girl turned back to you, her face was calm but firm.
“Can you walk?” 
“Y-yeah, I think so.” 
“Okay, I’ll help you. Come.” 
Your best friend slid her arm under your own, helping you to your feet. 
“Okay good. Breath. Mapi, call Alexia.” 
Mapi stared at you with wide eyes, she looked more scared than you, to be honest she probably was. She hadn't even heard Ingrid’s instructions, her whole body stood still, frozen with fear. 
“Maria! Come on. Call Alexia.” Ingrid repeated.
Her brown eyes finally snapped to Ingrid. “Sorry, yeah. Call Alexia, I can do that.” 
The girl mumbled, panic setting over her shaky voice. You watched as she aimlessly patted her body, looking everywhere as if she had no clue what she was looking for. She finally found the device in her back pocket, she took a deep breath, looking for her best friend's name in her phone..
Ingrid looked at you. “Okay let's go.” 
You nodded your head, but as you took a step to walk the worst of the pain finally came crashing down. Your knees gave in once more as your muscles spasmed from the ache. 
“Fuck, Ingrid I can’t!” You groaned as you knelt to the floor.
Alexia smiled to herself as she slotted the big box of caramelised chocolates in the boot of the car. She was able to sweet talk the shop owner into selling her the large supply with a photo and signature. She felt so proud of herself, she couldn't wait to show you her little accomplishment. She got in the car ready to drive back home to you, that's when she looked at her phone to see Mapi calling. 
She pressed the green button as she lifted it to her ear.
“Hola-” The blonde flinched as the sound of your screams penetrated down the phone.
“Mapi? Wh-whats going on?”
“Ale, y/n’s in labour, you need to get back.”
“What? She’s not due yet.” Alexia felt herself panicking hearing your painful moans in the background.
“Her waters broke. She’s ready. We’re going to take her to the hospi-”
A deafening scream came from the depths of your stomach. There was no way you were about to move, not with the pain you were in. This baby was ready to come out. 
Mapi looked shell shocked as she held the phone to her face, her mouth gaping at you. “I don’t know if we’re going to make it to the hospital.” The defender whispered. 
Ingrid held your head, helping you move to whatever position you needed, she grabbed the big pillows of the sofa and tucked them behind your back, her calming presence was everything you needed right now but the one you wanted most wasn't here.
“Where is she? I nee-  ahhh! Oh my god it hurts so bad! MAPI! Tell Alexia to get home now!” You started to sob.
Alexia started her engine and her phone speaker on loud. “Mapi, tell her I'm on my way, I’m coming, I promise.”
Poor Mapi didn't know what to do, she looked at her girlfriend for help. Ingrid stroked your hair, your sweaty forehead making your hair stick to your skin.
“She's coming, sweet pea, isn't she Mapi?” Ingrid looked at her girlfriend urging her to say the right thing. 
“Y-yeah, Alexias on her way. She's already half way.” The defender stuttered. 
You threw your head back as another contraction rippled through your body. 
“Breath, try to breathe.” Your best friend stroked your back. 
“Mapi, let me talk to her.” Alexia said as she pressed her foot on the gas. 
“Sí, sí.” Mapi put the phone on speaker, allowing you to hear Alexia. 
“Bebé?” Alexia's voice rang over the speaker.
“Ale! Please, I need you. Come home, please!” You begged, hearing your lover's voice.
“It's okay, amor. I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise.”
“Okay.” Your lips quivered. 
“Mapi, keep me on the phone.” Alexia called out as she overtook some vehicles in front of her.
“Sí, I will. You're next to her now.” Mapi gingerly placed the phone on the table next to you. 
“I’m here okay, cariño?” 
“Yeah.” You whispered.
Ingrid stood up. “Mapi, comfort her, I’m going to call for an ambulance.”
“W-what? Me? B-but you’re so good at it.” 
Ingrid stroked her girlfriend's face. “You'll be fine baby, you can do it.”
Ingrid gave no room for argument as she started to call the ambulance service, walking out of the room.
Mapi slowly turned around, she had never been so scared before. Walking out to a stadium of 30,000 people was less scary than this. She took a deep breath before walking over to you. She slowly crouched next to your side, trying not to make any sudden movements as if she was in a cage with a wild animal. But in all honesty, you kind of sounded like one.
You felt her hand gently rub your back. “Can I get you anything? Water?” 
“Your hand.” You whimpered. 
Mapi smiled as she gave you her hand, but the smile quickly disappeared as you squeezed it with a force not known to man. 
“Dios mio! What have you been eating!” The girl cried out in pain.
Alexia couldn't help but laugh as she heard Mapi cry out. 
“I can hear you, puta!” Mapi groaned.
“Sorry Mapi, I just need you.” You sobbed as you looked at the defender.
That made Mapi smile even if she was wincing through the pain. But it made Alexia feel so guilty for not being there, even if it was out of her control.
“It's okay, breathe with me.” Mapi breathed out.
You breathed with her, but it didn't subside the pain.
Ingrid walked back in. “They’re on their way, but it won't be for another 30 to 40 minutes.
“What?!” You and Mapi shouted in unison. 
“I can't wait that long!” You cried out.
Alexia was driving as fast as she could without being too dangerous, she definitely went through a few red lights, only because the roads were clear enough, but she was more than willing to get a speeding ticket if it meant she could be with you.
“The operator said to remove your bottoms and get towels ready incase you have the baby.”
“I’m so scared, the baby’s not due for another 2 weeks.” Your voice was shaky.
“I know, sweet pea. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.” The raven haired girl mustard up a brave smile but you could see through it, you could tell she was worried too.
Then you felt it. An agonising pain pushed right at your core. It was happening, the baby was coming. 
“AHHHHHH! It's coming!” You screamed. 
Alexia felt dread take over her body as she heard your pain.
Ingrid jumped into action, kneeling at your feet. “I'm going to pull your trousers and knickers off okay?”
You nodded. 
Ingrid quickly removed the clothing off of you. “Mapi, go get some towels.” 
Mapi went to move but you had a python grip on her hand. The defender eyed her girlfriend for help, too scared to ask you to let go herself. the Norwegian smiled sympathetically at her. 
“You may have to let Mapi go, honey.” 
You didn't even realise you were still holding on to her, you hesitantly let her hand go. You didn't miss the way Mapi winced as she stroked her own hand from the pain. 
“Okay keep breathing, nice deep breaths.” Ingrid said.
You followed her instructions, you tried to take deep breaths, but was cut short when another crippling contraction swept over your body. The pain was nothing you had ever felt before. 
“Erghh! Oh my god! It burns. It's coming, Ingrid!” 
Ingrid was between your legs, her green eyes popped open as she saw the start of your labour.
“Okay, I’m going to call again. I might need help.” She pulled her phone.
Mapi walked in just in time to see what Ingrid was talking about, you would have laughed if you weren't in so much pain. Her eyes bulged out of her head, like a cartoon character, her face turned to a shade of grey as she also saw the start of the birth. 
“Ay dios mío.” She whispered. 
Alexia heard Ingrid, she was only 10 minutes away, she was determined to get home to you. 
You screamed as you felt a deep pressure at the bottom of your back, it made you feel sick. 
“Where’s Alexia, I need her!” You cried out.
“I’m here, cariño. I’ll be there I swear!” Alexia said over the speaker.
Mapi then came back rushing over to you, the pain in your voice made her want to comfort you.
“Hey, need my hand?” The brunette smiled as she grabbed your hand.
You nodded at your friend, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Thank you.”
You took her hand as you felt Ingrid stroke your leg.
“Hello? My friends in labour. I can see the start of the baby.” Ingrid was on the phone to the operator. “Okay, thank you.”
Another jolt of pain hit you, making you squeeze Mapi’s already crushed hand. You watched her wince in pain, easing off her as much as you could.
“I’m sorry, Mapi.” You sniffled.
“No, no it's okay. I’m okay.” The Spaniard gritted her teeth as she tried to hold back her own tears.
The Norwegian put the operator on speaker. 
“Hello, I’m Julia. I’m going to talk you through the steps, okay? You’re doing great. Keep taking big deep breaths for me. How much of the baby's head can you see?” 
“I can see the baby's hair.” 
“Okay great. Can you tell me roughly a measurement?”
“Like 5cm?” Ingrid squinted.
“Okay. She’s going to be ready to push any minute now.”
Alexia was nearly home, 5 more minutes and she'd be there. Until she saw the police lights in her rear view mirror.
“Fuck!” She mumbled.
Alexia reluctantly pulled her car over to the side of the road. She quickly muted herself on her end of the call, not wanting you to hear the commotion. She tapped her finger anxiously against the steering wheel as she watched the police officer slowly approach her car. She rolled her window down ready to apologise and hopefully be on her way.
“You know you’re going over the speed limit- oh my god, Alexia Putellas! I watched your game just the other day, you played so well. How's y/n getting on? She must be close to having the baby now?” 
Before Alexia could answer you let out a high pitched scream over the speaker phone. The police officer looked at Alexia with a confused look.
“Yeah, that's actually her. That's why I’m rushing, she's in labour.” Alexia hoped that would be enough for the police to let her go.
“Oh! Oh right, why aren't you with her?”
Alexia stared at the police officer, was he really asking this?
“Erm, it's a long story, but it's why I was rushing.”
“Ah, I remember when my own were just born. There’s nothing like it.” The police man stared off into the distance, clearly reminiscing. 
Alexia smiled politely. She really didn't need this interruption.
“Ahhh! Fuck! It hurts!”  You shrieked over the phone speaker.
Alexia looked at the phone, your cries made her so anxious, she just wanted to be with you.
“Oh sorry, I’m holding you up. You get on your way. Try not to rush too quickly. Good luck with being a mama!” The police officer nodded as he went on his way, leaving Alexia to finally get home to you.
You couldn't believe this was happening. 
You were so scared that Alexia was going to miss the birth of your baby. Alexia had been with you every step of the way with the pregnancy. Every appointment, every scan, all the birthing class, she was there, holding your hand throughout it all. Now the mother of your child was out driving around town, trying to make you happy, all because you wanted a stupid fucking chocolate bar.
“Okay, give me a push.” Ingrid said.
You took a deep breath as you tried to push as hard as you could.
“Amazing, you're doing really well.” Ingrid smiled at you. 
“Well done.” Mapi gritted her teeth next to you, trying her absolute best not to sound in pain.
“Mapi, what’s going on?” Alexia shouted over the phone speaker.
Mapi jumped at the voice. She grabbed your phone with her free hand, her other hand was sweating in your own. 
“T-The babies coming.” Mapi stuttered from the pain.
“Merda.” Alexia muttered under her breath, pushing her foot on the pedal. 
“Okay, you’re doing it. I can see the top of the head! There's so much hair!” Ingrid smiled brightly. 
“There is hair Ale! The baby has hair!” Mapi repeated Ingrid’s excitement. 
Two more minutes and Alexia would be home. Just two more minutes. 
“Okay, another big push.” The nurse called out over the phone.
“Ready?” Ingrid stroked your knee, her eyes were on you, giving you a reassuring smile. 
You nodded, taking another deep breath. Your body was tired, everything hurt, and your bottom half was burning. It felt like something was ripping you apart. Like that scene from Alien. You just wanted Alexia to be here to tell you everything was going to be okay.
“Eerghhhh!” You pushed again. The pain was unreal. “No, no, no! I can't do it!”
“You can! You're doing so well! The heads out, I can see a face!” Ingrid shouted enthusiastically.
Alexia wheels screeched as she messily parked up outside, nearly forgetting to pull the handbrake up in her rush. She ran as quickly as she could to your front door, keys in hand. 
“Okay, if you can see a face you've done the hardest part. You're done really well. Another big push.” Julia’s happy voice chimed in.
Alexia rushed down the hallway, she easily jumped over the baby gates she had installed, cursing them as she leaped. She turned the corner just in time.
You looked up to see your wife standing at the door. Her face was similar to Mapi’s reaction.
“Ale.” You whispered, not having enough energy.
The blonde rushed over to you, she knelt by your side, pushing your hair off your sweaty cheeks.
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here. You’re doing so well.” She kissed your sweaty head. 
You nearly started to cry, your emotions bubbled to the surface, finally having your wife with you in the scariest and happiest moment of your life. 
She brought your hand up to her lips, kissing you as she looked into your eyes, you could see she was scared but you couldn’t miss the love she had for you.
“You ready? Another push.” Ingrid asked from your bottom half. 
Alexia squeezed your hand, reassuring you. “You've got this, baby. You can do it!”
You took another deep breath, readying your body to do what seemed impossible.
“That's it! Push, push, push, push! It's coming!” Ingrid spurred you on.
Your whole body shook as the little life entered the world.
And she was loud.
“Oh my, god. You did it!” Ingrid laughed in disbelief.
You looked down to see a tiny little baby, crying in Ingrid’s hands. 
You felt Alexia grip your hand, you looked up at the blonde, she was gazing at the baby and you swore you saw her fall in love. She was smiling from ear to ear, her hazel eyes starting to tear up.
“I can hear crying, that's amazing. Wrap the baby up, cover the head, and place the baby on mum's chest.” Julia instructed. 
Ingrid did just that, she gently and neatly wrapped your daughter up placing her on your chest. 
“A little girl.” You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
You looked up at your wife, she had tears rolling down her cheeks, as she looked at the baby on your chest. 
“She’s so beautiful.” She whispered as she kissed the top of your head. “You did so well. Are you feeling okay?” 
“I’m fine, just tired and sore.” 
She brought her lips to yours, kissing you gently. “I love you, amor. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Don’t be sorry, it wasn’t your fault. Besides, I had two very good midwives. You smiled as you looked at the couple who were now sitting next to each, smiling at your little family. 
Alexia chuckled. “Thank you so much chicas. How’s your hand Mapi?” 
“It’s seen better days, but I’m glad I could help.” The defender smiled as she pulled Ingrid closer to her.
“Do you have a name?” Ingrid asked. 
You and Alexia looked down at the already settled baby, then back at each other.
‘Rudy.” You both said in sync. 
“Rudy Maria Putellas. I like it.” Mapi smiled before Ingrid started rolling her eyes.
“No, just Rudy Putellas.” Alexia smiled, not taking her eyes off the baby.
“But, we do want to ask you guys something.” You looked at the couple in front of you. Ingrid was already smiling and Mapi looked scared all over again.
“Would you like to be Rudy's Godparents?” Alexia asked.
“100 percent, yes.” Ingrid smiled so hard her cheeks resembled a chipmunk.
You looked over at Mapi, her eyes had glazed over, she looked like she was about to cry.
“Mapi, are you okay? Are you crying?” Alexia asked in a teasing tone, smiling at her friend.
“Huh? What? Allergies. Do you have a cat? I’m allergic.”
“Mapi, we have a cat.” Ingrid smiled sympathetically at her girlfriend, knowing the girl was clearly just emotional to be asked to be a godparent.
“Hello? The door was open. Did someone call an ambulance for a mother and baby?” The ambulance crew arrived. 
“And a broken hand!” Mapi called out, rushing to the front door.
Ingrid rolled her eyes. “She’s a big softy, she would love to be a godparent to Rudy.”
You and Alexia chuckled, but your attention quickly went back to the baby on your chest as she started to squirm.
The paramedics checked you and baby Rudy over, everything was looking great, but they still took you in to get checked by the doctors and a couple hours later you were allowed to leave. 
You and Alexia gave Rudy her first bath together, laughing as she sneezed in the baby tub. Alexia dried her off and took her to her room, she got her nappy on her and creamed her little body.
“Okay, baby grow.” You mumbled as you looked through her draws.
“I actually have one mind.” Alexia looked guilty suddenly, smiling at you playfully.
She reached into another draw and pulled out a Barcelona home kit baby onesie. She turned it around to show your number on the back. Her dopey smile looked at the kit then back at you. You felt yourself go completely giddy. You looked at the woman in front of you, her proud smile made your heart melt. In that moment you felt so complete, you had your little family in front of you, with the woman that you loved with all your heart. 
“Do you like it?” She asked as she moved back to Rudy.
“I love it. I love you, Ale.” You kissed her cheek as she began to dress Rudy.
“I love you. I love both my girls.” She bopped Rudy's nose.
Finally, you got the baby down in her cot, thankfully she was already fast asleep. You smiled as you looked at her face, you could already see Alexia’s features in her. You both stood over the cot, staring at the little bundle in front of you.
Then you remembered something.
“Did you ever get the chocolates?” 
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wysteria-bloom · 8 months
▨ "i just wanted a taste..."
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JJK characters taste your flavoured lipbalm
Genre : sfw, tooth-rotting fluff
Warnings : slightly suggestive i guess? Geto is Geto - not Kenjaku for obvious reasons :)
A/n : taking requests! You can read my profile description for rules
Characters : gojo, geto, shoko, nanami
⟢ gojo satoru ␥
Humming as you applied your lip balm, you looked over your shoulder at your boyfriend," Satoru, 'm leaving now." You murmured walking over to him.
Gojo grins when he hears you, reaching out to grab you just as you’re passing by. “Not so fast,” he says, his voice playful. He moves to kiss you, but stops as he sees something on your lips. “Hm?” he says, glancing down.
He looks back up at you, his lips still inches from your face.
You know just how to make his curiosity peak.
You raised a brow at him in confusion,"... what?" You deadpanned up at him," You look dumb."
“You’ve got something on your lips,” he says, running the tip of his finger along your bottom lip curiously, “What is it?”
"Flavoured lip balm... why?"
Gojo laughs when you tell him this. "Lip balm, huh?" he says, sounding just a bit suspicious. "Hm... You know, I think I need a taste test."
He reaches up to lean in and kiss you, but stops when he's an inch away from your lips. His eyes gleam with a hint of mischief. "Gotta see if you're speaking the truth. Don't want a liar for a partner, now do I?"
You let out a tired sigh," there's no need for the dramatics. If you're gonna kiss me then just do it." You rolled your eyes.
"Okay, okay," Gojo says, taking your chin in a gentle hand and then leaning in to kiss you. He presses his lips to yours, his fingers moving to wrap gently around your neck. The taste of the lip balm and his own mouth collide over your lips, the flavors surprisingly good together. His tongue darts in at the last second to run along your mouth, tracing along the outer edge of your lips with a playful, teasing feel.
You pull away with a groan," You're gonna lick it all off!"
Gojo breaks into a fit of laughter, then smiles. "Don't complain," he says. "I'm not going to stop until you tell me what flavor it is."
His hands cup your face, his fingers brushing your cheeks as he stares down into your eyes. "Hmm... raspberry?"
"You... could just keep guessing until you get it right?" You prompted, looking off the the side inconspicuously.
"True..." Gojo says, his tone thoughtful and then leaned down to kiss you again, "Blueberry? Blueberry pancake? Grape? Strawberry?" With each incorrect guess he dove in for another kiss.
He continues off in a steady stream, sounding more and more unsure as he goes. After a bit, he pauses, then grins, as if a new thought has hit him. "Wait... it's watermelon."
"Ding ding." You droned out lazily and then huffed," Jeez... I don't even have any on my lips anymore. It's not healthy to eat lip balm, y'know?" You grumbled out grouchily.
Gojo laughs. "I know, I know," he says. "I just wanted a taste..."
⟢ geto suguru ␥
"Babe, do you have any lip balm?" Suguru hummed out as he walked into the kitchen, tapping his lips cutely with that little smile of content on them," My lips are kind of dry..."
You turned around to face him and nodded," Yeah, I've got some on now. It's flavoured~"
"Flavoured? What flavor is it?" Geto was curious and walked towards you. He looked at your lips, intrigued by what he saw.
Geto suddenly leaned forward and gently kissed your lips.
"Mph!" your breath hitched in your throat by his sudden kiss but leaned into it almost immediately, your lips molding together.
The kiss made Geto's body heat up. As he stepped back slightly, he noticed the flavor of lip balm on his lips. Now he definitely knew it was strawberry flavored.
Geto's voice was as rough as always, but now there was a hint of something else, "You taste like strawberry..." His head tilted to the side in an innocent manner, but he was far from innocent.
"Y-yeah... your favourite." You stuttered out, blinking up at him before chuckling," I guess that's one way to get some lip balm."
He smiled down at you when he heard you chuckle and raised a teasing brow," I dunno... think I need a little more~" He cooed out gently as he pressed you into the kitchen counter, large hands settling on your waist comfortably.
His fingers gently grasped your waist as he pulled you closer once again. He brought his lips down on yours for another intimate and passionate kiss. The feeling of your body pressed against him was enough to drive him mad. Geto's eyes were shut and he enjoyed every second of it.
As the kiss broke off, he panted, "(name)..."
"You're... gonna end up kissing all of the lip balm off.." you mumbled out with a pout on your now glossy and plump lips.
"But it tastes so good." Geto licked his lips, taking in the scent of strawberry. "I want more... lots more." He was now leaning down to kiss you again.
For a second... the disgusting taste of curses were forgotten thanks to your sweet kiss.
⟢ ieiri shoko ␥
"Bleh... my mouth tastes gross." Shoko grouched out with a frown on her lips.
You snickered at her as she leaned onto your body lazily, head resting on your shoulder," That's typically what smoking cigarettes does, hun." You teased out.
"Shut up," she replies, but there's a smile on her face, and she seems to be leaning in for a kiss. The cigarette dangles from between her fingers, and if you get too comfortable, she might just have to ash it on your shirt.
"Leaning in for a kiss, how bold of you..." you hummed out, but you weren't bothered in the slightest as your eyes watched her lips closely with want.
"Who said anything about boldness?" Shoko asks, her voice soft. Her long fingers reach up to cup your cheek, the cigarette dangling between her fingers lazily. Her eyes hold yours for a few moments before she leans in for a kiss. As always, it's slow and deep, and she takes her time with you, letting it linger for as long possible. When she finally pulls away, she's got a small smile on her face.
She ran her tongue along her lips which now had your lip balm on it," Mm... tastes like chocolate." She hummed out lazily.
Your fingers gripped onto her hips gently, running them up and down soothingly as you smiled cheerfully at her," you like?" You wiggled your brows suggestively.
She chuckled," Yeah, I like," she smiled out," didn't know I was a sucker for flavoured lip-balm..."
"Definitely beats the taste of cigarettes, huh?"
"Certainly..." She leaned down again, lips pulled into a smirk," or maybe its your lips that are influencing me..."
"Huh... funny how things work like that, eh?"
"I'm not sure what tastes better..." Shoko chuckles, then shrugs. "If I'm going to be honest, I think I do like the taste of cigarettes."
"But... it's certainly an acquired taste," she continues, her tone shifting to a playful one now. As she leans down again, Shoko's eyes flicker to your lips and then to your eyes.
"But... you've made me curious about other flavours of lipbalm.. I think we need to try more."
And then she's kissing you again, deep and passionate.
Humming into the kiss, you shut your eyes and pulled her closer to you by the waist until she was halfway on your lap.
Shoko meets your kiss enthusiastically, her hands running through your hair, tugging gently. You can feel Shoko's heart racing against your chest, and her grip on you is tight and needy. She's not thinking, she's just following the feelings coursing through her body.
The taste and smell of the cigarette in her fingers is quickly forgotten as she just wants to lose herself in this moment. Even if there was now a permanent burn mark left on your sofa.
⟢ nanami kento ␥
A tired sigh fell from Nanami's lips as he walked into his home, taking off his shoes at the front door in exhaustion.
When walking into the house, he was greeted by the mouth-watering smell of food cooking.
"I'm home." He called out lazily to his partner, setting his briefcase aside.
"In the kitchen!" Your voice called back.
The tired man walked to the kitchen, setting his goggles aside to get a good look at his partner when his eyes first land on them but he was surprised when a blob of (hair colour) ran into his chest the second he stepped to the kitchen.
A soft groan escapes his lips as you run up to embrace him with excitement. He brings a hand up and rubs your back lovingly in return, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“You know I don’t like you putting in too much effort for me when I come home, (name).” He looks at you with mild disappointment in his eyes, yet his voice is soft and calm, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You gigged lightly," Oh, are you saying you don't want dinner then~?" You teased out lightly with a gentle smile pulled onto your lips.
"Oi... don't get bratty." Nanami replies with a grumble, a smile of amusement threatening to twitch onto his lips, and he makes his way from your neck to kiss your lips.
However, your flavoured lip gloss surprises him, and he pauses his kiss to look at you.
"Since when did you start using lip gloss?" He asks curiously, his expression softening slightly as his thumb prodded at your bottom lip gently.
"Since today." You hummed out, leaning into him more, clearly wanting a deeper kiss from him," Do you like it?"
A soft smile spreads across his lips as you lean into him, causing butterflies to flutter through his stomach.
"I like it a lot," He replies simply, his expression softening further as he wraps his arms around you and draws you closer," Tastes like apple."
He gently pulls you towards him and tilts his head slightly to the right before kissing you deeply on the lips, one hand placed against your cheek as he holds you close.
The kiss took hold of you, wrapping around you and filling you with warmth.
Nanami's presence usually did this. The comfort and safety he provided was addicting.
As the kiss continues, Nanami's grip around you tightens, and he runs his fingers through your hair with his free hand. His lips part slightly, and his tongue presses against yours, his breathing quickening as he becomes immersed in the taste and sensation of your lips.
His eyes remain closed as he continues to savor every bit of your mouth, gently pulling you closer until your foreheads are touching and your bodies are pressed tightly together.
The kiss leaves you breathless as he pulls away moments later. Nanami's soft expression and his warm embrace causes some of the tension in you to melt away, and you notice that he's still holding on to you tightly, as if he's afraid you would disappear.
"You're addicting, (name)," he whispers quietly, his gaze locked onto yours.
"Hm... if I had known my lipbalm would affect you this much, I would have worn it sooner~" you giggled out, arms wrapping around his neck so you could pull him downwards and press kisses to his cheeks and nose.
"Oh please, you know very well that I don't need much to be swayed by you," Nanami chuckles quietly, his arms still wrapped around you as you pull him down and continue to shower him in affection.
His voice becomes slightly muffled as he buries himself into you, his body pressed against yours as he holds you close.
"Just you is enough for me..."
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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refulgence — a companion piece to radiant point.
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A montage of your favourite childhood memories plays in your head. Somehow you've forgotten all about how tired you were, and only the sound of your platoon members' laughter could be heard in the background.
Suddenly, you're five, and Soshiro just placed a wooden sword in your hand. You declared yourself his rival, but do rivals really get this excited to see each other again? Aren't they supposed to loathe each other while pushing each other to the very ends of their limits? (Honestly, how could you even loathe that adorable face of his?)
You're eleven this time, beaten to the ground right next to Soshiro while his older brother playfully berated you both for being little weaklings. Soichiro blew a raspberry in your direction, only for his head to hit your shinai with a small thunk.
"One all!" You screamed in complete delight as the younger brother rolled on the ground laughing with tears in his eyes.
Fifteen— you blinked your eyes, light and haze all over— And it's Soshiro handing you a copy of the curriculum for the Neutralization College he planned on attending. You both just started high school and college isn't even until three years.
"D'you want me to talk to your old man?" He asked you with a look of concern, but you shook your head at him. "C'mon, name yer price just for that pretty smile of yours and I'll get it!"
When you were eighteen, you cried your whole flight to France because Soshiro didn't see you off. You scolded yourself for being selfish— Come on, he can't put off everything for you, you thought to yourself. When you messaged him first thing after arriving, you didn't expect him to reply to you immediately. [ 😂😂😂 Glad you made it there in one piece! ] [ Miss you already, princess. ] [ Be good there. ]
You punched a guy in the face when you were twenty. "Ne me touche pas, connard!" And you would have buried your fist in his hollowed cheek again if not for your clubmates pulling you aside. "You don't get to call me your rival when you're hardly at my level! I only have one rival and he's waiting for me back home in Japan!"
Though Soshiro was hardly a rival at that time of your life. On your desk at your lodging was a letter asking him to ask for your hand in marriage but you'll subsequently die of joy afterward if he does. He was everything to you— your very first friend, your rival, your first heartache, your very first love—
"Oh, my gosh. Our Platoon Leader is crying! N-No, wait— I-Is she smiling?"
"Are you blind? She's obviously smiling while crying."
"That's what I just said!"
Somehow the voices in your head were getting realistically louder and your narrowed vision only showed several of your young officers fussing over you now that you're evidently drunk beyond sense.
Man, what a shining example I am to the rookies...
Now, you felt someone pry away your beer glass from your hand. There was a certain tenderness and familiarity to their touch, but all you could respond with was a low grumble of protest. "I'm fine...!"
"Yer obviously not fine. Come on, let's not make your team worry—"
Where were you this time? Was this some kind of memory again? Or perhaps a glimpse of something that had yet to happen? This can't be real, either. Your team members extended an invitation to the Vice Captain, but he said he was going to be busy tonight.
So who was this person who looked exactly like your Vice Captain— your silly little first love— trying to ease the half-empty beer glass from your hold?
"Soshiro? Ah, who am I kidding? You said you were busy, so... I'm probably just dreaming this up," you said with surprising clarity that seemed to shock everyone at your table. "You weren't there to see me off when I went to France! I'm still so sad about it!..."
The hand on your back started rubbing gentle circles that seemed to make you cry even more. "I'm sorry about that. Fer what it's worth, I did try to see ya off back then. I was just a li'l late is all..."
Your team members couldn't believe that their Vice Captain was there in the flesh now, an index finger raised to his lips as he still tried to coax the beer glass out of your hands. "I finished my reports early, so here I am. I forgot ta mention that she gets all weepy when she's had one too many drinks."
Your table fell so silent that you could hear a pin drop to the floor, and all they could hear apart from the izakaya's muted music was your soft sobs of relief and grief— relief that your officers were doing their best to get to your standard, and grief for tragedies that have yet to come. Tragedies you wish would never come. "My adorable little officers are doing so, so well, are they not? They have to keep up their good work b-because I don't want any of them to... to die!..."
"'Course they're doing great. You're an excellent Platoon Leader yourself!"
With your head lowered to the table, you cried and sobbed and hiccupped until you were eventually out of your wits and fast asleep.
"Out like a light. Now, don't stop on my account! I'll be here 'til you guys wrap up," Soshiro stated with his usual cheer as he raised your empty beer glass for a refill.
"W-We're glad to have you here, Vice Captain, sir!"
Even though he said they could carry on with their drinking, the excitement of the evening died out as soon as they heard their Platoon Leader crying over them even though they were still alive and breathing and celebrating.
"We didn't expect our Platoon Leader to be so... sentimental," said one of your newer members as they took a rather small sip from their glass. They all had the same strange and expectant looks on their faces as they eyed the older man and his uncharacteristically gentle nature when it came to you.
"Naw, she's always been like that. Ever since we were kids," the Vice Captain said as he received a full glass of beer from one of the servers. "I suppose you're all wonderin' why we're so close in the first place. Now you know!"
"The Platoon Leader and Vice Captain are childhood friends?!"
A small sigh of relief left your lips as you felt a cool hand gently brush away the hair stuck your forehead. The touch was subtle but tender and left a faint scent that reminded you so much of your first love.
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It came to light that one of your platoon members had fencing experience, so what better way to have a test of skill than to duke it out with your sabres? A duel was declared, and when you returned to your quarters to retrieve your carrying case, you found one of the pockets neatly zipped closed.
Hey, wait a sec.
That specific pocket had something in it, but now it was empty. Your old letters to Soshiro were missing.
And it puzzled you because no one else has ever been to your room. No one but—
A knock on his office door prompted Soshiro to look up from the documents on his desk. "Come in."
His usual cheerful expression turned up even more when you entered the room all flushed and breathless. Regardless of your evident exhaustion, you maintained decorum and gave him a sharp salute.
"Vice Captain, sir!"
"Anything I can help you with, Platoon Leader?"
"Sir, you have something... No, I believe you took something from my... room after the, uh..."
So you already knew. Soshiro wanted to read them a little bit longer because they explained so much to him, especially why you stopped writing to him. The unsent letters were surprisingly honest and voiced the very depths of your feelings for him. Feelings that you promised your Captain would not get in the way of your work.
He chuckled at how flustered you were. "Use your words, Platoon Leader. I can hardly understand a thing yer sayin'."
"Y-You took my letters! The ones I—"
"You mean the letters addressed to me? The ones you weren't able to send because of how candid they were?"
"Y-Yes! Those letters are—!"
Soshiro could only shrug in his seat. "All right, you got me. I couldn't help myself. How was I not supposed to read those when they had my name on them?"
"I... uh..."
"C'mere," he motioned for you to approach him. "It's just the two of us here, so don't worry."
You made your approach, but he gestured for you to come even closer to him. When you were finally standing right before him, he took your hands in his and gently tugged you into his arms. A bold move, too, considering someone can walk right into his office and once again find you both in a compromising position. He hardly paid mind to that possibility, though, by the way he comfortably nuzzled and buried his face into your chest.
"It's just us," he murmured against your chest, but you were far too embarrassed and self-conscious at how rapidly your heart must be beating this time.
"Y'know how I'd devour every single thing that had words on it, yeah? But your letters always made me the happiest," he continued. "You can always write to me even though we're just here. Just like this. If there's anythin' ya can't say to my face or whatnot... You can always write to me."
Soshiro looked as pleased as a cat with a treat when you raised your hand to caress the hair just above his nape, a smile pulling at your lips as you saw just how contented he was holding you in his arms. "All right, Soshiro. I think I will."
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Your platoon members knew better than to cross your path when you were paged to the Command Centre to receive a call from the Sixth Division Captain. The drills you were holding forcibly ground to a halt as you tempered both your visage and your disposition, because of all the people, he had to be the one to call.
You took a deep breath as you held the receiver in your ear, greeting him with the same kind of snappiness you'd have for any superior. "Hello, Captain, sir!"
[ "You do know that there's no need to be so formal with me. We're friends, aren't we?" ]
"I could hardly call you a friend, Soichiro-san," you scoffed at the phone, closely followed by a soft chuckle. You decided it was safe to drop his honorific for now. "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"
[ "I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement. I'm only glad to know that you're officially Soshiro's headache now." ]
You rolled your eyes at the older man's remark, feeling extremely lucky that he couldn't see all the faces you were pulling. "Oh, please, you exaggerate! I've always been a good girl to you and your family. Just admit that you couldn't handle my growth and the fact that you would have a wife your equal in strength and skill."
Soichiro laughed from the other end of the phone. [ "No one wants a brat for a wife. That's why you and Soshiro make a good match. You're both equally incredibly bratty and stubborn. I still remember that time he challenged me for you. He put up a fight, that one. I knew he'd bother me to no end unless he won with his own strength." ]
Huh. You didn't know that.
[ "Soshiro said that if I didn't want ya, he'd gladly take you off my hands. Too bad you pulled that stunt with our old man, though! Tellin' him and everyone else that you didn't want to marry me." ]
"That's still true, you know. I could afford to be a fool for lesser things back then. Now is different."
There was a pause from the other end of the phone, followed by another chuckle from Soichiro. [ "You like him that much, huh?" ]
"I like Soshiro more than you can ever imagine. My family knew I didn't like you, Soichiro-san. But considering everything, I was smart not to ask for your brother back then," you replied with a smile. "I was a beggar princess, after all. My family owed yours, so who was I to make any demands?"
[ "Ya didn't know any better back then, so cut yourself some slack. Though if you did ask... I'm sure you'd both be beggin'. He likes ya that much, too." ]
You knew that. You knew that Soshiro loved you to the point of humbling himself to your family, the very people who owed something to his own.
[ "Well, that's all I have to say to ya. I'm hangin' up. Knowin' Soshiro, he'd get all green with envy when he finds out I called you," ] He said. [ "Tell me if you want anythin' from Kobe and I'll send it to ya pronto. Consider it a gift from me." ]
"Thanks, Soichiro-san. For the record, you're an awful brother. But you're a pretty great brother-in-law," you replied to him. "I'll let you know if I ever do want something."
But you knew better than to take up his offer. Soshiro would sooner head to Kobe himself to get you something you want rather than have you receive something from his older brother.
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"To Hoshina Soshiro-副隊長,
Please be more mindful when you refer to me as 'wifey' while we're here at base. You nearly gave my team members a heart attack when you let it slip while they were training! While it's true that I don't mind a simple ceremony, please don't give my members any crazy ideas because they will plan something, and they're already a handful as they are now."
For the record, I like how it sounds. It just gets everyone worked up, though! They're all so happy for me we can hardly train properly!
I'll see you at dinner, but please refer to me by my rank and name! You're incredibly lucky Captain Ashiro gives you a free pass! But remember that we're at work. You'll have all the time in the world to call me 'wifey' in the future, for as long as we're fighting for it.
I love you always, my hard worker. ♡ Let's continue our good work! Not that you even need me to tell you that lol."
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✧ x
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hoe4sports · 5 months
“Three is perfect, but four is too many”
Jenni Hermoso x Alexia Putellas x child reader
A/N: Pretend that Jenni never left Barça <3 I’m also very nervous because I usually don’t write this kind of imagines.
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Jenni had always been so attentive to you. She was always making sure that you were comfortable. That you felt loved. That you knew how she proud she was of you, her little girl. Things hadn’t always been like this. When you were first born, Jenni wasn’t your only mama. You had another mama, but she had left you and Jenni in the middle of the night claiming that having a baby wasn’t for her as her career as a dancer was on a rise. Jenni promised herself to never let disappoint you like that. She had brought you with her everywhere. To training, to camp, to press conferences. It wasn’t really a problem as someone was always injured, and you were so loved by the team. The same team that had seen red when Jenni brought you in strapped into your car seat and told them what had happened. How could their friend who they had spent so much time gotten to know, leave her child and her fiance? But to Jenni, that didn’t matter. She had promised herself that she was gonna love you enough for two parents. She had made arrangements within the Barcelona team and was allowed to bring you as often as she’d like. You were her pride and joy, and if the team didn’t let her bring you? Then she would find a team that would. No medals could ever compare to the joy you gave her.
“Mami!” You giggled as you bounced up and down in her big bed. Jumping as high as your little 3 year old legs would let you while the bright morning sun shines through the curtains. “Ah, mi princesa! Come here and give mami a hug” she said as she reached out and caught you mid air while hugging your tightly. You loved mami hugs. They were big, strong and safe. Her arms holding around your tiny frame allowing you to feel little. “Si, mami! te amo mucho!” You giggled as she placed kisses all over your face. You loved mami so much. She was the best mami, always letting you sit on her lap, always allowing you to be carried, always stopping if you needed her and always protecting you from bad guys. “I love you most, my favourite girl” she said as she blew raspberries on my cheek causing me to giggle again. You liked how mami always had time for you, always saying how you were the most important girl in the whole work. Even more important than football, and mami loved football a lot.
“pequeña, how about some breakfast no?» mami said as she looked down onto you while stroking your already ridiculously long hair. You had long blonde hair, much like your tummy mommy when she was your age. “Si, si, si!” You said as you jumped out of mami’s embrace and ran towards the door as fast as your tiny feet let you. You were fast for your age, the teams physicians and physios were amazed by your balance. Mami always made sure to practice with you, always doing everything right. She would make little tracks for you to climb, jump and crawl through in a hidden attempt to help your balance. She made sure to talk to you early, allowing you to be able to express yourself from a young age. Mami jumped out of bed and chased after you. “Mami is gonna get you, pequeña princesa!”. You started laughing hysterically as your little feet rhythmically tapped on the wooden floors in the hallway. Mami quickly caught up and scooped you up while throwing you up in the air. “más mami, más!” You squeal as your innocent laughter rang throughout the house. Mami shook her head as she held you close and kissed your cheek. “Breakfast now mi sol, then we go to the arena and see aunties” Jenni said as she carried you while walking down towards the kitchen. Mami placed you on the counter to let you help with making pancakes. You loved when Mami let you help in the kitchen. Her warm embrace making you feel safe as eggs, milk and flour became pancakes.
“Alright princesa, we are here” Mami said as she pulled up in the big parking lot in your black suv Lexus. You squealed as you held on to your favourite toy. A donkey named Alo because it was given to you by your tia Alexia. She wasn’t your real tia, but you didn’t care. She was still tia. Alexia had been the most scared when you started joining the team as she was generally scared of hurting anyone’s children. You on the other hand, had always smiled as her even as a newborn placed in your stroller or car seat next to the pitch. Alexia couldn’t help but love you. You really had grown onto her. Mami hopped out of the car and got you out as she held you close while walking to the busy parking lot. People was always greeting Mami, but you didn’t understand why. You settled with the thought of that it was because she was the best Mami ever.
“Hola tia! Look, look! I bringed Alo” you said as you waved towards the blonde. “Hola mi Sol, hola Alo! I have something for you” she said as she smiled. You loved Alexia’s smile. It was crooked and funny, but you loved her regardless. «Wow, look Princesa, tia is spoiling you!” Jenni said as she sat you down and squatted next to you and Alexia. “You know how tia had to go to England? To dress up and take pictures?” She said as you nodded attentively. “With tia Ingrid?” You said as you tried your best to remember. “Si, you are so cleaver!” Alexia confirmed as she kept going.
“And you remember how you had those really big feelings when I left? And I promised I would bring you something back?” Your eyes widened. Alexia had grown to be mami’s best friend. You loved Alexia, and she loved you (and Mami) like her own. “Yes, I remember tia! I do, i do remember” you squealed as you jumped up and down with excitement. Your little blinker sneakers blinking rhythmically. “I got you this” she said a she pulled out a wrapped gift from behind her back. It had princesses on the wrapping, and it was pink. You two favourite things! “Wow! It’s prettiest tia! I hang up in my room!” You said as you bounced up and down with the gift not realising that the wrapper wasn’t the gift. “Mi Sol, you need to look inside the gift” Jenni said as she laughed and shared a look with Alexia. Your eyes widened, “there’s more?” You said as you carefully unwrapped the gift trying your best not to break the paper. As you opened up the paper, you saw it infront of you. A big bunny and a farm animal play set. You had seen nothing like it and your tiny jaw dropped in shock. The bunny was soft and cuddly, you immediately gave it a big hug as you kissed it nose. You picked up the farm set with two big horses and one tiny baby sheep. You studied it closely from the packing. “You have unicorns in England?” You said as you had the box close to your eyes. Alexia giggled “no, no, princesa. It’s a horse! It’s not unicorn. Unicorns have horns” She said as you nodded. You were like a sponge always sucking up any knowledge that people would present to you. “horsies?? Like on tv??” You said as you looked over at Alexia and threw yourself at her. “Thank you mama, you are the bestest! Almost as bestest as mami! I love bunny and not unicorn!” You said as you didn’t realise what you had said. Alexia looked at Jenni, and Jenni looked at Alexia both blushing. “Alright, let’s go to the warderobe, si?” Mami said as she stood up. You grabbed mami’s hand and Alexia’s hand as you walked in together.
“Look! Look! Mapo! I have bunny and not unicorn!” You said as you rushed over to greet her at her cubby. She put you on her lap and nodded. “Wow, aren’t you a lucky girl!» She said as her eyes looked attentively at the bunny and the not unicorn you had showed in her face.
“Alright, princesa, do you wanna wear your sneakers or your cleats today?” Mami said as she held your bright tiny pink cleats up. You loved wearing cleats. You felt like Mami. “Cleats! Cleats!” You squealed as you rushed over with your new toys and your tiny pink backpack with pencils, a book to draw in, a book and your plastic animals. Mami always made sure to make you feel comfortable. She had given you a lot of jerseys. Probably more than 6. You couldn’t count so you weren’t sure, but you had a lot. Today you were wearing your pink jersey with your white shorts. The name Hermoso on the back. Jenni had changed your name as soon as she was allowed to, not wanting your tummy mom to have anything to do with you. Mami helped you put your cleats on as she held out your tiny team Norway Nike jacket that Ingrid had gifted you when she went to play Finland. She had your blonde hair up in a bun and you smelled like sunscreen. You ran out on the pitch finding the spot where you would always be when the practice was taking place.
It was a big blanket set up by the team’s assistant with water, apples and crackers so that you wouldn’t get cold or dirty. You sat down with a pop and took out your new reindeers from their packaging. “This is mami” you mumbled as you took the not unicorn out of the packaging. “This is me” you repeated as you pulled the little not unicorn out. You grabbed the last not unicorn and looked at it for a while. Who was the last not unicorn? Tia? Or Abuela? “This is tia” you said as you looked at Alexia and smiled. Alexia waved at you making you giggle. You sat there and played with the not unicorns making them walk all over the blanket while you were talking to yourself. You loved when mami had practice because you could spend hours playing outside with your toys using your imagination.
The coach’s whistle was loud and you held your hands infront of your ears while it rang marking the end of the workout session. You quickly put your not unicorns in your backpack at the speed of lighting according to you. You hopped up and grabbed the cuddly bunny. “Mami!” You said as you got up and your feet started running. Your backpack in your hand and your team norway jacket with your tia Ingrid’s name written on your back bouncing with you. «Mi sol, Lets get lunch!” Jenni said as she picked you up. Mami was all sticky and smelly, but you didn’t care. You just loved Mami.
As you sat on a chair next to Mami, you looked around you. Mami was talking to Alexia, Ingrid, Mapi and Lucy. You thought Mapi was a little bit scary, but she would let you color on her tattoos so you decided to keep it to yourself. You slurped up spaghetti and the red sauce. It was your favourite and the abuelas at the canteen would always make you an extra special lunch while the adults had salads and fish. As you were trying to slurp up a spaghetti, it slipped and fell onto your face. “Oh pequeña” Alexia said as you looked at her in shock. She quickly grabbed her napkin and carefully wiped it off your face. “Gracias tia» you said as you decided you were finished eating. «I go play?» you asked as you looked hopefully at mami. She nodded and pushed your chair out so you could climb down. You grabbed your not unicorns and sat down in the corner that the abuelas in the canteen had made for you with pillows and blankets. The pillows were soft and you suddenly felt tired, it was normal as it was your expected naptime. Your laid down and closed your eyes as you jawned, blinking slower and slower until you fell asleep. Drifting away into dreams about bunnies, donkies, not unicorns, mami, tia and this weird place called England.
“Ai no, go away! You don’t get to see her!” Your dreams were interrupted by the sound of your mami’s voice ringing through the hallways. You thought you were dreaming because Mami never yelled. She never raised her voice. “Jenni, pot favor, you can’t decided that! I’m also her moth-“ an unfamiliar voice pleaded back. “You don’t get to call yourself that, not after leaving us for two years. Get the fuck out of my sight before I kill you!” You sat yourself up and rubbed your eyes trying to feel more awake as you yawned. “Hola sol, Come here! Let’s go on an adventure!” Some familiar voice said from behind you. You turned your head and as soon as you saw the person, she picked up with one hand while grabbing your backpack and not unicorns with her other. It was Alexia. You trusted Alexia. She was kind, pretty and funny. She also made mami smile and laugh, so that meant that she was a good person. She held you close, your face meeting her chest as she jogged with you in the opposite direction of mami. It had you confused, but you didn’t think much of it. Alexia had a hand underneath your butt and one hand on your back leaning you towards her to support you. It was funny, Alexia’s jogging made you bounce making your laugh. After some running, you slipped into an unfamiliar room with a bench and the room smelled minty. Alexia shut the door and locked it while she moved towards the bench. “How about we read a book, si?» she mumbled as she rumbled through your pink backpack. The book she pulled out was about two mom families. You loved it, you had gotten it from Ingrid and Mapi after you had asked if they were gonna get married. “Si, si, please! Read book Ale” you said as you popped yourself down on Alexia’s lap. She started reading while stroking your hair attentively. “There once was a girl named Clara, who loved a girl named Mia very much..”
Just when your book was finished, Mami came into the room. “Gracias, Alexia. So much. We are gonna head home now peanut” she said as she looked serious. You pouted because you wanted to be with Alexia. “Mami, i wanna be with Alexia? Can she come home?” You asked up and stomped one of your little feet. “Princesa, she has to go back to training” Mami said as she attempted to pick you up but you slipped out of her reach and hid behind Alexia’s legs. The tall brunette putting a hand on your head and picking you up. “It’s fine Jen, I’ll come with you. They’ll understand” she says as she kisses the top of your head. You all walk towards the exit, but not your usual exit. This exit is weird, and narrow. It’s not bright and full of players on the walls. It’s grey and the door has a green beam. Your thoughts cannot seem to understand why you have to leave through this exit. This exit dosent have the nice canteen abuelas waving at you. You don’t get to say goodbye to Ingrid. Walking out of this door is different. This different isn’t a good different. And you don’t understand why it has to be different.
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Baby, you're my sugar
pairings - Cobra Kai characters x you/non-binary reader
kg's notes - i just wanted to make something that was cute, fun, and overall a new layout of how I would present my headcanons. so here are the Cobra Kai characters sharing their favourite sweets with you, because they love you!
Demetri Alexopoulos - he would really love to share a Whatchamacallit or Cherry airhead with you and tear off small pieces and feed them to you. he goes from doing that to having it in his mouth to 'feed' you like that when you know the truth is he wants a kiss from you which you happily accept with chocolate on your face from the Whatchamacallit.
Miguel Diaz - he would love lots of Spanish candy and would tend to bring you back a lot of it, especially since he makes frequent trips to Mexico to visit family. the different varieties and textures make you both excited (and nervous) to try them and he'll make sure to take note of which candies you prefer so the two of you can enjoy them together, even if some of them aren't in his personal preferences but he likes seeing you happy.
Robby Keene - he's definitely spicier than anything actually sweet, but he tries to get something not so spicy for you to try, which makes you scoff and say you could handle it. he looks at you funny knowing that you're either lying to him or telling him the truth, either way he's intrigued about how motivated you are to try his "spicy" candies. if he doesn't eat candy he shares the corn nuts with you and you say the ranch flavor is your favourite.
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - he's the type who really appreciates sour candy and if you don't like it he's willing to share his dark chocolate with you. he wasn't raised eating candy, so you two would share a slice of fruit like: watermelon, apple, orange, or whatever kind he has in his pantry the moment. you actually started his love of chocolate (he would never admit this to your face but he would tell Demetri and Anthony) after telling him to get you some during your period since it helped you with the cramps, even though he retorted with a banana when you asked for the chocolate.
Anthony LaRusso - he would get the little variety packs like Kit Kats, Buenos, or anything chocolate related. he's not a big fan of regular-sized or larger chocolate (like King-size Hershey bars), since it now makes him uncomfortable to eat so much chocolate again. he would unwrap it and feed it to you instead of allowing you to make it yourself, although he would only allow you to take a couple of pieces of chocolate before hiding it in his room. he got better at hiding candy because you were sneaking around while he was trying to hide it once.
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso - similarly to Eli, she would rather eat fruit than real candy, but she sometimes eats real candy and it normally comes from Italy instead of here, America. she's not a fan of chewy or gummy candy, so the cappuccino candy she likes comes as a hard candy to make it last longer, plus she says it's better than the coffee you might get at a coffee shop. you're on the fence about that. it's not your favorite thing while it's hers and you offered her yours to see if she would like it and that is to be determined…
Tory Nichols - she's used to sharing a lot of things especially with her brother (Brandon) because that's all she knows, so it's no surprise when she offers you pieces of her chocolate. she's more on the bitter side of things like something rich—an espresso or a cappuccino if you will for her chocolate, although there are rare times when she would eat Sour Patch Kids or Jolly Ranchers (blue raspberry and watermelon are her favorite flavorus).
[I will add Kenny, Shawn, Aisha, and the adults depending on how well this does and I still need to finish my fic and the last two suggestions in my drafts right now]
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
The way you write ghost and like a specific reader is so good it has me going insane, on that I just read the cottage one where Simon admits to himself he loves sweet things and would it be possible to get a baker reader x Simon, with him often comming because he's hooked on their desserts but also how fine they are
something sweet
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this is possibly one of my FAV tropes, thank you!!
warnings: fluff, gn pronouns, mutual pining, mentions of food throughout, ooc!ghost, kissing, not proofread
People always assumed Ghost ate purely for nutrients, the majority of the meals he consumed on base or in the field involving all four food groups, centred on protein. The truth was he had to stop himself every day from eating entire sleeves of cookies, his favourite being the bourbon biscuits that his mum used to buy.
He had an insatiable sweet tooth, always having loads of sugar in his tea, sneaking into the mess late at night to steal sweets from the kitchen, if you were to search his pockets you’d find wrappers for candy littered throughout them.
He was less restrained when he came home, often buying some sort of treat to pair with his tea when he’d visit a cafe, he’d gone for a walk that morning and decided to explore a few shops, stumbling across a bakery that he’d never been into.
It wasn’t even a question of should he go in, the scent of baked goods wafting from the open door as he looked through the window, trays lined with pastries and cakes, he was practically salivating at the sight of them.
He felt out of place in the cafe, his eyes falling in various couples having coffee together, a few others set up with their laptops as they picked at their food.
“What can I get for you?”
He didn’t intend for the interaction to be awkward, he’d never stumbled over his own words but the sight of you, hair messy, sleeves rolled up, a mess of flour sprinkled over your apron as your wide eyes and bright smile looked back at him had him frozen.
“You look like a tea guy, earl grey?”
How could you possibly know that? He moves closer to the counter, doing his best to make his stride less intimidating as he approaches you.
“How’d you know?”
“Get a lot of customers, I’ve gotten pretty good at knowing what people like”
Heat flushed his cheeks under his balaclava, his eyes nervously moving from your face to the display beside him.
“What do you recommend”
You follow his line of sight, pursing your lips as you think over the options,
“The muffins are good, chocolatines are a favourite, personally I’m partial to the biscuits”
“Which kind?”
“Bourbons are my favourite, the empires are a close second”
He hums in response, “Those are my favourite”
“You have good taste”
He moves his gaze back to you, “I like to think so”
You huff a small laugh, your fingers tapping against the counter as you lose yourself for a moment in his dark eyes.
“So earl grey and some bourbons”
“Sounds perfect”
You swallow a lump in your throat, biting back a smile as you move to collect his order, you toss a few biscuits into the bag, placing the tea bag in a cup before pouring the hot water on top, capping it and handing the pair to him.
“I threw in a few other things I thought you’d like”
“That’s very kind”
His fingers brush against yours as he takes the items from you, the contact making the hairs on your neck stand up. You drop your gaze nervously, smoothing your hair before turning back to him,
“Have a nice day” You stop your sentence abruptly, your eyes squinting slightly at him,
"Have a nice day Simon"
It was less than 24 hours before he was back, strutting through the front doors, oblivious to the various shared glances between other customers, his sights dead set on you.
"Back so soon?"
"How'd you know?"
"Know what?"
"Those extras you gave me yesterday, that raspberry thing and those little chocolates, how'd you know I'd like them"
"I didn't really, just a guess, they're my favourites"
"You have good taste"
"I'd hope so, I'm the one that makes them"
In a moment of realization, he looks around, there's no one else behind the counter, no noises from the kitchen, it really is just you there.
"You own the shop"
"For two years now"
"That's impressive"
You tilt your head down to hide the flush on your cheeks, smiling, "I have something for you"
"You made me something?"
"Was hoping you'd be back"
It's his turn to hide his face, even behind his mask he's scared you'd see the pink tint to his skin, the way his eyes crinkle at the edges, you push a small tray toward him, a cup of tea paired with an assortment of treats.
"I am supposed to stay in shape"
"C'mon, try them" You nudge the tray a little closer
"Only if you eat them with me"
You turn to grab an extra fork, resting your elbows on the table as you portion off a piece of the small pastry in front of you, careful to create the perfect bite,
"Wait, you need to get some of the jam"
"You're telling me how to eat?"
"It has to be perfect"
You use your fork to push some jam onto his piece, nodding to yourself in satisfaction, he takes a quick glance behind him to see if anyone is watching before lifting his mask just slightly, revealing his lips, your eyes linger on them for a little too long, the soft arch of them, their plush pink tint.
"This is amazing"
His praise breaks your trance, your hand covering your mouth as you smile, hiding the food inside it, "I told you"
"You're right, I'll never doubt you again"
You let out a giggle and this time he can't hide his smile, a small dimple forming beside his lips as they curve, you could watch him smile all day.
"This might be strange but, what are you doing later," You ask with a breath of confidence,
"Working off all this sugar you're feeding me"
"What about you skip the workout and meet me here at seven?"
"I'd like that"
You bite back a smile, "Great"
You pack the remaining treats in a small bag, handing it to him before bidding him goodbye, your senses focused solely on him, completely ignorant of the line of customers forming in front of your eyes.
It's a panicked few hours around the cafe, rushing to fill orders, tidying the kitchen, and attempting to find time to fix yourself up before Simon arrived.
The bell atop the door rang at 6:53, apparently, he was insistent on being early, he calls out for you, your voice echoing from the kitchen as he makes his way behind the counter.
"Hey, you're early"
"You're a mess" His eyes scan over your flour-clad form, your hair a mess as your palms dig into a circle of dough.
"Had to get some orders done before tomorrow, wanna help?"
"Not sure how good I'll be"
"Please, I could use your muscles"
"Alright," He rolls his sleeves up his arm, revealing his tattoo before reaching behind him to grab an apron, securing it around his form. You erupt in a fit of laughter as you turn your gaze to him,
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing just, never pictured you in an apron covered in tulips and daisies"
"You saying it looks bad?"
"No, you look perfect," You say, fighting back your laughter, "Okay, grab a piece and start pushing it with your palms, just like this" You demonstrate the move to him, his curious eyes watching intently as you knead the dough, sprinkling bits of flour on it.
"Got it" He places a circle of dough on the table, dropping some flour onto it before digging his palms in, quickly turning to you with worried eyes as his hand forces a hole in the centre.
"Maybe not so tough, try like this" You position yourself next to him, your sides pressing against each other as you rest your hands atop him, guiding them into the dough, your gentle fingers intertwining with his.
"Got it?"
He shakes his head lightly, "I think you need to show me again"
You laugh lightly, the sound warming his chest as you slowly release your touch, urging him to work, "That's better, I have to make some icing so I'll be over there for a minute"
You move from his side, wiping your hands on your apron before standing in front of the large mixer, he watches as you struggle to lift the large bag of powdered sugar, dropping his task to help you. He lifts the bag with ease, watching as you release a small breath of gratitude,
"Wait not all at... once" Your instructions come too late, he dumps the entire bag into the bowl, a cloud of sugar enveloping the room as you drop your head in laughter.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know"
You raise your hands, palms to the roof as you smile, "It's okay, kinda looks like snow"
"Kind of"
His gaze softens as you close your ears, tilting your neck back and slightly sticking your tongue out, allowing the sugar to settle on the muscle, the sweetness dancing over your tastebuds.
You smile, lifting your head back up and opening your eyes, he's watching you with such adoration in his eyes, his heart swelling out of his chest, he'd never met anyone that maintained such a wonder in themselves, you were so warm, so kind, he'd always been punished for mistakes but the sight of you unknowingly creating a happy memory out of one of his mishaps has his brain rewiring.
He doesn't think, just reaches for you, one hand lifting his mask while the other grabs at your waist, tugging you into him, his lips crash into yours as if his addiction to sweets wasn't enough, you literally tasted like sugar, he couldn't get enough. His free hand moving to cup your jaw, his thumb swiping over the skin as you press yourself into him, your gentle hands settling around his arms as he holds you close.
It's intoxicating, his taste, his scent, tobacco, vanilla, and sugar, you had managed to escape the consequences of a sweet tooth until now, this was a taste you'd never get sick of.
He pulls back with a heavy breath, his chest rising against yours as he rests his forehead against yours, that beautiful smile beaming back at you as your flesh ignites under his touch.
"Kiss me like that again and I'll give you all the baked goods you want"
He lets out a laugh, a genuine laugh, one he hasn't heard in years before pressing his lips to yours again, smiling against your skin as the sugar settles around the two of you, cloaking the room in a soft white dust.
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itstheghostofmypast · 11 months
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Hongjoong x f.Reader
Genre: Fluff (pure birthday fluff)
Warnings: None
A/N: I should've been reading research papers but Hongjoong's birthdate had me tripping. It's short but it's sweet❤️ Please remember to show some 🫶 if you like it.
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"Mhmm." smiling at him, she tossed him a bun, "It reminds me of you." Propping down next to the man, in her swivel chair, one that he had got especially for her, for whenever she'd want to drop by his studio.
Baffled at the sudden confession he stared at her then the bun, "I...is it because of my birthdate and the name?" he asked, before gently ripping the bun in half, letting out a soft gasp when the raspberry filling inside began to ooze out, dripping onto the leg of his pants.
Clicking her tongue she reached for a tissue nearby and began to wipe off the jam from his leg, mumbling a "told you they were filled," before tossing the tissue aside and turning to poke the red stain on the blue denim.
"I said you remind me of 7/Eleven because it's my favourite store! It has everything, from food to snacks, to drinks, to tea to little trinkets!"
"Somehow..." Taking half of the bun he pressed it to her lips, her mouth instinctively parting, welcoming the tangy taste surrounding the soft texture of the bun, watching her chew he continued, "That explanation confused me more" he whispered, swiping the excess jam off the corner of her lip with his thumb, only to bring it back to his lips and taste it, humming in delight.
With a frustrated groan, she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, the armrests of their chairs bumping into each other, "Man, you are so slow" whining she interlaced their fingers, with her free hand she reached for the remaining bun, and copied his movements, pressing the bun against his smirking lips.
Arrogant bastard.
With a little huff, she pressed the bun, making sure to make a mess with the jam, spreading it all over his lips before shoving the whole bun in his mouth. He jerked at the sudden roughness, letting out a low whine, since his dominant hand was occupied - held captive by her- he reached to wipe off the filling with his free hand, swiping at it with his index finger and then pressing it against her frown, "Okay, elaborate so my dumb brain can understand." With that he slipped the finger past her lips, watching her with great intent, letting her clean his finger with her pretty little mouth, pulling back with a loud pop, once she was satisfied.
"Didn't anyone tell you to not play with your food?" he mused, only for her to roll her eyes and glance down at their laced fingers.
"What I meant was, that it's a comfort store, it's bright, it's warm when you feel cold and cool when you feel hot. It has food that makes your heart swell with joy, and the store itself is like your companion. I've had so many lunches alone, and that store's always been my friend, one that never let me down" She paused to glance up at him, admiring how his cocky smirk had turned into a gentle smile, eyes boring a certain kind of softness that was only reserved for her, "Exam days or days where I just wanted to give up, I'd end up there, I don't know, I guess I was just drawn to it all, the low buzz of the fridges, the way the air carried a certain warm buttery scent to it, even if I didn't eat anything there or didn't need anything, I'd just be there, like I am here..." whispering she brought his hand closer, pressing a gentle kiss the back of his hand, "So, my birthday boy, you are my 7/Eleven, my companion, one who bought me a special chair for his studio, one who lets me eat here, lets me drop crumbs all over his desk, one who lets me sleep on the couch at odd hours of the night because I don't want to go home to an empty apartment."
Letting out a content sigh he smiled at her, the tips of his ears turning pink at her little confession, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as he turned around staring at the screen, letting out a, "Let's finish this quickly so I can treat my girl to a proper birthday dinner."
"Shouldn't I be giving you a treat, birthday boy?" she asked, now cleaning up the crumbs off his desk, earning a small nope from him.
A comfortable silence settled between the two as she leaned back in her chair, watching him type away, admiring the way the light reflected off his well-sculpted face, his giant glasses adding a touch of cuteness. Only to notice the boyish little smile that had her heart doing flips, one that he had given her when he had first confessed to her.
What she didn't know was that her little surprise visit was probably the best gift he had received today, one that he would cherish for years to come. It's not like this was the first time she had told him how much he mattered to her, but perhaps he was on the softer side today, perhaps his birthday made him feel more special, and perhaps she made him feel special.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 6 months
"wait...is this a date?" with Husk & Angel please :3c
Slight C/W for typical Val behaviour
Angel kicked his feet idly where they hung off the arm of the lobby sofa as he scrolled through his socials. He'd only just been able to start moving around without a limp that morning after Val had damn near broken his leg and while he was happy for the break (hah!) from work, he was now starting to go slightly stir crazy after being housebound for two days after Val had decided he was useless while one of his legs was twice the size of the other.
He scowled to himself as he shifted around slightly. He was pretty sure that was a spring digging into the small of his back but he couldn't muster the energy to rectify it - as Hell's most famous pornstar, he'd been in way more uncomfortable positions - he could live with something that wasn't a dick poking him in the back until someone or something gave him a worthwhile reason to move.
"Hey, Legs."
Angel yelped and cursed in quick succession as the sudden appearance of the hotel's resident cat demon made him promptly drop his phone onto his face.
"Asshole." He grumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "First ya ditch me, and then ya make me injure myself. I should make ya kiss it better."
"It's not ditchin' ya if it was work." Husk answered as he placed the new bottles on the bar top, "As for the other thing, can I substitute one of those cups of sugar masquerading as a drink?"
Angel sat up to peek over the back of the sofa. Sure enough Husk was stood holding out a hot pink frappe from his favourite coffee place, an eyebrow raised as he shook the cup slightly, enticingly, "Well?"
"I've told ya you're my favourite, right?" Angel asked, making grabby hands until Husk handed it over, the smell of artificial raspberry filling his nose. "What's in the other bag?"
"Nothin' much. You wanna hang out in my room for a while?"
Angel blinked, finger still in his mouth as he paused in licking off melted whipped cream from where it had run down the side of the cup, "Ain't we got another redemption exercise or hugging circle or some shit in like, 5 minutes?" Not that Angel was complaining; Charlie had used his unexpected freetime to really double down on his possible redemption. Whatever had been said in that meeting with Heaven making her more determined then ever and if he had to look at one more crayon drawing or diagram he was going to start tearing his hair out - he may or may not have played up the whole wanting to rest up and heal thing once or twice, just to get her to leave him alone for 5 minutes (and God bless Vaggie for having his back on that one, even if the look she threw him told him she knew he was exaggerating and even though the princess was always quick to comply with minimal fuss and puppy eyes ever since the whole 'boundary crossing' thing).
Husk shrugged, holding out a hand, "Talked to Charlie earlier, we've both got a pass on this one."
"Fine." Angel took the hand without even thinking about it, gingerly testing his leg after laying down for so long - it still ached, but he didn't end up face planting or anything, "But if we end up having to do some weird extra credit thing later on, I'm blamin' you."
"Noted." Husk chuckled as he grabbed the mystery bag and headed upstairs, Angel's hand still in his.
Angel had only been in Husk's room a handful of times but he'd made a game of trying to see if anything was new or even remotely out of place whenever he entered. The small space was so uniformly neat and organised it was almost like a display rather than an actual living space. Part of Angel wondered if it was a control thing - he used to seek some semblance of control over what entered his body and when and what he'd remember through drink and drugs, why couldn't this be Husk's way? It seemed kind of funny now that the old him probably would've purposely moved things around or hidden something, just to fuck with the other.
"Sooo.... anything specific in that fuzzy head or ya just wanna bask in my presence?"
"So fucking humble." Husk opened up a laptop Angel hadn't noticed sat on the bed before now, "And I was thinkin' a movie. You in?"
"Sure. Surprised Al lets ya have one a those. Y'know, with the whole hatin' any tech after the 40's schtick." Angel said as he settled at the head of the bed, using one set of arms to attempt to plump up Husk's measly excuse for pillows.
"Borrowed it." Husk answered, not giving any details about who from (although Angel had a pretty solid idea if the rainbow and heart stickers were anything to go by).
"Oh my fuckin' God. How dense is this broad?" Angel laughed, throwing his head back against Husk's shoulder after having decided the cat was comfier to lean on than his flat pillows, Husk's arm resting on the low headboard behind them, "The guy's been pining since like, day one!"
"I think the dialogue's maybe one step up from the shit they have you spewin' and that's a low fuckin' bar!"
"Hey, it's all in the delivery, an' I got toys that ain't as stiff as these two." Angel crunched on a strawberry lollipop as the two protagonists acted out yet another 'cute' encounter like they had a gun pointed at their heads, "Y'know I'm surprised ya agreed ta this one. I didn't think it'd be your kinda thing."
"It ain't, but the fact it's so bad it's funny is makin' it bearable."
Angel hummed in agreement, snuggling further into Husk's chest fur as the female protagonists stereotypical gay BFF was laying the truth out for her in that the casual 'not a date' had totally been a date.
"Girl, he invited you over, made sure you weren't going to be interrupted, got you your favourite foods -"
Angel snuck a glance at the various wrappers covering the bed after he'd finally been given permission to dump out the contents of the bag.
"Jeez Husk, you raid a candy store an' just grab anythin' pink?"
"Oh my god, you just grabbed anythin' pink!"
"I didn't know what you'd like. Seemed a safe bet."
"Well, well, ain't we the cocky one? Ya that sure I was gonna say yes? And ya bet payed off, just so ya know."
"-sat through something he knew would make him want to gouge his eyes out 'cos he knew you'd like it. How many more clues do you need?!"
Angel blinked, this insult to romcoms suddenly feeling a little too on the nose. Husk clearly felt the same if the way he was suddenly showing great interest in the acid rain falling outside was any indication.
"Wait...Husk, is this a date?"
Husk's tail twitched as he bought his attention to the other demon, cheeks slightly pink under his fur and ears dipped slightly, "It can be, if ya want. Or it can just be two friends hangin' out, rippin' a terrible movie to shreds. Your call."
Angel moved slowly, partly because of his leg and partly because he didn't want to spook the other as he sat himself in Husk's lap, mindful not to let his expression slip into the lewd mask he usually had to wear when he was practically straddling someone on a bed as he cupped Husk's jaw so the cat couldn't look anywhere but at him, "Yeah. I want."
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d00si · 2 months
a new neighbour
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✦ rafe x reader
— no warnings ¡
content ⦂ fluff, soft
you had just moved into a new city …
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you just moved on to this new city. all your friends have left now that you’re well settled and you were thinking about introducing yourself to your neighbours. you took a quick shower and went out of your new home. "hi !" you were happily saying to everyone who opened the door, just before telling them your name and who you were. they all seemed really kind. as the day was slowly ending, the sky turning orange and pink, you knocked at the last door of your neighbourhood. a tall and broad blond man opened the door. "hello ?" He said, looking confused. "hi. i’m y/n. i just moved here and…" you stopped suddenly as you noticed that his piercing blue gaze was like staring at your soul. he gave you an interrogating look. "yeah hmm… i just moved here. and i just wanted to introduce myself to my new neighbours. that’s all !". the suspicious look on his face became softer and he smiled. "oh alright ! nice to meet you then, i’m rafe." he held out his hand, inviting you to shake it, which you did. "then hmm… have a good evening, bye !". you quickly walked away, your cheeks slightly flushed for no real reason.
the next day, knocks on your door woke you up from your nap. you yawned, wondering who was knocking and went down the stairs to open the door.
"hello…" your eyes opened wider "hi, rafe…". he offered you a warm smile "hi y/n. i can’t stay long but i just wanted to let you know that i’m a gardener, so if you need any help with your garden, feel free to ask. it’s a weird offer but yeah, just tell me." you smiled softly, a bit confused by the offer though. "thank you i’ll think about it then. really nice of you by the …". he didn’t really let you finish and walked away, smiling politely and joining his car that he had parked on the street in front of your house. "…way." you finished after he left.
⩩ two months later
"i made some cookies ! these are your favourites, with chocolate and raspberry chunks." rafe laughed softly and followed you into your house, sitting on the couch next to you. "so… are you taken where you applied ?" you nodded happily. yes, you now had a job you were going to enjoy. you had applied to multiple job interviews and finally got in a bakery. "waking up at at four to bake pastries every morning won’t be easy at the beginning but… i’m really glad. come on, take one rafe !" you handed him a cookie, waiting for him to taste it. he rolled his eyes playfully and took the cookie to taste it. as he chewed on it, he nodded slowly. "this, y/n, is really, really good."
⩩ five months later
before ringing the doorbell, you took a really deep breath. "relax y/n. it’s going to be so okay" your hands tightened a bit around the box, and you finally rang. "c’ming !!" you heard from inside of the house, ten seconds before Rafe finally opened the door. ten seconds during which you could’ve fled ten times. "hi sweet. have you brought a cake ? which kind this time ?" you laughed softly and shaked your head. "no… it’s not something we couldn’t buy today… actually i baked it for you." his eyebrows raise a little in astonishment. "for me ?" "please open the box, rafe" you asked him, nervously biting your lower lip. he did as you told him, carefully opening the box to see the cake. but when he did, his eyes opened widely as he read reading the two words wrote on the cake with red icing. kiss me "is that a joke or something y/n ?" "it’s not a joke, rafe..." you answered, laughing nervously, your cheeks now a soft shade of pink. "so i can kiss you ?" but without waiting for your answer, he took the cake of your hands and put it on the floor, before gently cupping your face and pressing tenderly his lips against yours. when he pulled away, he asked, his face inches from yours "can i do it again ?" and instead of answering, you placed another sweet kiss on his lips.
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— first time i really post here, i hope you guys enjoyed it, feel free to give me feedbacks ! also, i am not a native english speaker so i may make some mistakes, sorry ! take care <3
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silent-words · 3 months
cherries + gale 💜
I had to make a research on different kinds of cherries, so it took a long time to write. But now I'm prepared to present you a little fic that got suggestive in the second part. Nothing explicit, but you can count it as a foreplay.
The Intricacies of Cherries
Gale x F!Tav, Druid Tav, suggestive. Post-canon, Waterdeep.
Who would think a summer day in a coastal city would be utterly unbearable? In moments like these Tav really missed her faraway forest home. Hot and humid air with a scorching sun made her think Grymforge had been a comfortable place to exist. She didn’t miss the tadpoles and bedrolls though. In fact, she was hurrying towards her new home – a nice tower cooled by magic (and thick stone walls, of course). Today was her day off at work. She had just been to the market – the hottest place with sweaty people around, which was awful in itself. But she didn’t endure it all for nothing. She was carrying a tasty surprise for her husband.
When she entered the tower, a cool breeze made her dizzy at first. A slight heat stroke, but nothing her druid magic cannot heal. She heard a distinctive smell of delicious food being cooked and heard a melody hummed by a familiar voice. That meant Gale had returned from Blackstaff academy and was making them dinner. When she entered the kitchen, he turned to her and smiled:
‘Hello, my love! Where’ve you been today?’ He looked back at the stove to control the food. She started unpacking her bag of holding:
‘I’ve been to the market, love, and look what I’ve found there! My favourite berries: raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, cloudberry and cherry. I hope we’ll enjoy them together.’ She pulled little wicker baskets filled with berries of one kind each and put them on the table.
Gale strode towards the purchases and grinned: ‘What do you think about adding them to the ice cream? Ah,’ he looked at the cherries and furrowed his brow. Then he put his index finger uo and continued: ‘It seems you mixed up the cherries. This is the sour sort,’ he pointed towards the cherries in front of him, ‘they are used for baking and brewing cider. You should have bought the sweet sort, they are suitable for consumption as they are.’
‘Who are you that you should teach me, a druid, what kind of cherry this is?’ she crossed her arms. ‘While you have always been a city dweller, I spent a big part of my life in the forest. And these are the cherries we consumed, not the saccharine kind you call “cherry” here. You just need to get used to the taste.’ She was offended that this magic man didn’t want to understand the obvious.
‘Get used to?’ Gale laughed. ‘I beg your pardon, but I remember, when I was a very young boy, I stormed into my mother’s kitchen, took a mouthful of cherries and tried to eat them. It was so sour that tears started running down my cheeks. Then she told me that these cherries were meant to be a filler for cherry dumplings. The dumplings were still delicious, but I learnt the lesson that day.’ He gave Tav a warm look. That charming look that made her forgive him for anything. ‘Every time I see them I remember that day and that acidic taste in my mouth.’
‘Okay, Gale, I can never properly argue with you. I was taught to eat them since before I could remember, that must be the reason why I enjoy eating them. I can think of making you a better memory to associate with sour cherries. Teaching you properly to eat them, so to speak.’ She gave him a mischievous smirk. ‘But only after dinner.’
‘Your wish is my command, my lady.’ He put the fire off and started to dish out the food.
* * *
It was not long after dinner when Tav was sitting on a balcony, a bowl of thoroughly washed cherries on the table by her side. She had already changed into the silken summer dress she wore at home, which was coloured in pink and orange by the setting sun.
‘What a sight to behold,’ she suddenly heard Gale saying. When she turned to the door, she saw her husband leaning on the door-post. He wore his linen shirt, half-unbuttoned and with his rolled up to his elbows. His skin, even more tanned in summer than usual, was a stark contrast to white linen. She looked wistfully at his forearms, his damp hair fresh from a bath, his smile and his eyes that seemed to devour her.
‘I remember you wished to show me something about the sour cherries,’ he chuckled, ‘I promise I’ll be an obedient student.’ Gale walked towards Tav and sat beside her. She resisted the urge to kiss him immediately. Instead she took a cherry and held it between her thumb and middle finger.
‘At first you need to watch carefully,’ she said and slowly brought the cherry to her lips. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Gale swallowing hard but never looking away. She bit through the skin of the cherry and felt the sour juice run into her mouth and down her chin. Her husband’s breath quickened. She threw the kernel into the bowl and said:
‘Now you can taste the juice on my lips.’ He didn’t need to be told twice. He licked the juice from her lips and kissed them. But the kiss was short, for he was too excited about what would come next. Tav smiled and ran her clean hand through his hair.
‘Good boy. Now, to the next part of our lesson.’ She took another cherry and popped it above the neckline of her dress. The juice ran down her hand, but a few drops reached the destination and made their way under the fabric. When she looked at Gale, his pupils were dilated. He swallowed again. ‘Now you can taste the berry with my fingers,’ Tav whispered, for Gale was very close to her now. He took her fingers into his mouth obediently, and, while wincing at the sour taste, he still shut his eyes and moaned with pleasure. Soon she withdrew her hand. ‘You did so well. Now as a bonus you can catch those droplets that escaped under my dress.’ Gale licked a stripe between her breasts.
‘As much as I enjoy the lesson,’ he looked into her eyes with burning desire visible in them, ‘I think I’ll never enjoy raw sour cherries. However,’ he gave her a mischievous grin, ‘I am all too curious to find out where those droplets might end up. And for this thorough analysis I would require a special environment,’ he stood up and extended his hand towards her, ‘so I suggest we go to the bedroom, my lady.’
‘I’m thrilled at the prospect of bearing witness to such meticulous research.’ She took his hand and stood up. ‘Shall we?’
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ninyard · 3 days
Okay I NEED some Allison headcannons
Here’s some ideas if you need any lol:
Like how does she help Neil feel more “normal” after everything that happened? I feel like Matt, Dan, and Renee would probably walk on eggshells around him for a while, even after Nathan dies and the championship game and everything, cause now the adrenalines over and now they have to deal with the aftermath. I feel like Allison would just treat him normally. Not unkindly, but give him a sense of normalcy, yk?
favorite ice cream flavor
How does she react to Seth’s death post-aftg? How do the rest of the Foxes help her process her grief about Seth? Cause from Seth’s death to the last championship game is about 8 months, and death (especially of someone you love) doesn’t just go away like that fast ofc
Favorite brands? (She definitely owns AT LEAST once juicy couture set)
Music taste?
How do you think her relationship is with the other foxes? What are some things that she talks about and does with one person, but might not do with another?
How motherly she is with Neil. Seriously we all know she dragged this boy by the ear to the mall so she can buy him some real clothes.
Some chaotic Allison cause this bitch (affectionate) definitely has done some crazy, weird shit
Girls night with The Girls!! (And Neil, he’s an honorary member)
her friendship with Andrew (srsly i so hc them being friends..they’re both judgy rude bitches (in a good way) so there’s no way they’re not like..secretly watching shitty reality tv together)
Sorry about how long this is! Make sure to go eat and drink some water Nin :)
YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME bc now i just. want to write about them all so
I feel like Allison wouldn't tiptoe around the things Neil's been through or done. She's been straight up with him before about all of his lies and how she doesn't/didn't trust him, so I think if there's something on people's minds, she's not going to step around it or avoid the elephant in the room. If she's pissed, she'll tell him. If she doesn't understand something, she'll say it. But I think Neil would appreciate that more than knowing people are talking about him but won't just come up and ask him something themselves. It'd feel more normal if she addressed it, rather than just leaving a tension in the air/nobody feeling like they can joke about it or anything with him.
Some sort of sorbet. She used to say something like lemon, but truth be told her favourite is raspberry.
God, grief works weird. I think she cried. A lot. I think she spoke to Bee about him a lot, and I think every time she heard his name or saw his picture it was like she was finding out he was dead all over again. I think it was really, really hard for her. As much as they fought, as much as they broke up and got back together again, he was her rock. He was all she had, he knew her. She doesn't really have family to rely on, she can't call her mom or dad up to be like "My boyfriend died and it's destroying me". I think it was a very lonely time for her no matter how much the team insisted they were there for her. (I would worry about her recovery in the immediate aftermath of his death - I like to think that Abby was really looking after her for those first few weeks to keep her on track and make sure she was being safe and kind to herself)
Youre SO right with the juicy couture. That's just such a given when it comes to this series. Maybe she wore Abercrombie and Fitch too but i don't really know any other brands from 2006 oops
She's a bubblegum pop girly i think. Probably fucked with Avril Lavigne and Rihanna at the time. In my head she's a girls girl so Kylie, Britney, Fergie, P!nk and Beyonce. All the ladies like that.
I've mentioned my thoughts on her and Kevin before and how their relationship as friends develops post-TKM but as for the others. I think Dan, Matt and Nicky are the ones she's closest with, but the first one she'll call for advice is Renee. I feel like Nicky is literally like her gay best friend and they're ALWAYS arm-in-arm. If she needs someone to go shopping with it's always him. They're always bitching and gossiping. Her and Aaron aren't very close, especially considering the choking incident, but I feel like they still appreciate each other on the court and still with hug and congratulate each other when they do well. I don't know about her and Andrew either. That's a tricky one, also considering the choking thing, but I know she's also not afraid of him, either. She sees what he did for her after Seth's death, and so that have a sort of mutual respect, but I don't think they're exactly friends. I feel like her and Neil would be pretty good friends, but aren't exactly going out of their way to hang out with each other.
I LOVE how much she cares about Neil. I think he's cute to her. I think she literally wants to pinch his cheeks and cuddle him even though she knows everything about his past and what he is capable of. He has that Wesninski smile and she's like AWWWW
Like. Listen. I do feel like Allison can be NUTS. I feel like if she didn't restrain herself she's the kind of girl to key someones car for cheating on her or pop someones tyres because they catcalled her. She'd fight anyone on a night out to stick up for her friends, even if she's just about blackout drunk, she's ready to fight. I feel like she's had one of those movie moments on the court where she screams. Like you know what kind of scream I'm talking about. One of those movie girl screams. She can be a total cunt if she wants to be. But most of the time she doesn't
okay i want to write more about the last two but im trying so hard rn to clear my inbox and drafts because i feel like so many ppl think i'm ignoring them so i will leave you with these few thoughts on Allison <3
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dnphobe · 7 months
Looking at how they've presented themselves over time is always interesting. I think the queer experience of slowly questioning societal and gender norms (and gender, in many cases) is something I recognize in them. Im also curious how Phil's journey is different because he was out to his close ones for a lot longer, and it feels like Dan has more fun shouting about being gay because of the trauma that he associated with the label. I loved seeing their support of queer identities even when they were publicly closeted. It's nice that, even if they weren't comfortable being out, they wanted everyone to know they were a safe space
i agree! the different ways they've presented themselves to us over the years is one of my favourite topics to talk about tbh!
dan's journey wrt to gender presentation and how he feels about gender (not gonna theorise on how he identifies bc what do i know, but to quote him he's fine with being viewed as a man but also not offended if people use pronouns/gendered terms outside of that to refer to him) is interesting because he's said he's always been "flamboyant" but tried to hide that in his youtube career for a long time, and he's gone from saying "i can't do it i'm just such a boy" about painting his nails to having them painted more often than not, but also in day in the life of manchester he said he sometimes wishes he was a girl when looking at 'women's clothing', so it's clearly something he's felt for a long time.
i don't think phil necessarily feels the same pull to be gender non-conforming, but it is also something he's struggled with doing (in one of the stereo shows, when talking about the maid dress he wore in VPMO 2, he said that while it was a cheap joke outfit, a few years ago he would not have felt comfortable wearing a dress at all) so that might be something he's still working toward being comfortable with, but at the same time he's never felt shame about telling us things like he likes using raspberry scented body wash or that he does skin care (while when phil mentioned doing skin care dan was clutched by toxic masculinity saying "don't do- i mean that's fine!"
agree with dan having more fun shouting about being gay because of the trauma and i'm so glad he's reached where he is now! phil...i think for a long time he thought he didn't NEED to shout about being gay, especially because like you said he was out to a few people for longer. but i think it's something he realised he DID want to do after coming out to us. as he said in his coming out one year later video he didn't realise how much of himself he was holding back from us by not being out and it feels like a weight off his shoulders now. i think they both love being gay and shouting about being gay and celebrating that with us and im so proud of phil too <3 i actually have a hot take which is i think if it wasn't for dan's coming out he might have never fully come out to us, not just in a "if dan never had he never would have" way, but in a "if he and dan never met he wouldn't have" way, because he IS a private person and didn't think he was missing out on anything.
i am always so glad they made sure we knew they were accepting of us even if they weren't ready to be out. ngl it got kind of rough in like 2012 for me when dan was so adamantly against people thinking he was gay my own internalised homophobia brain went "does he hate gay people?" but that's on me, not him, or more accurately on BOTH of our internalised homophobia situations lmao. but yeah they've always been so sweet about their queer and trans fans, and one thing i personally appreciate so much is how they will use they/them for any fan they don't know the gender of no matter what their name/appearance/voice would make other people assume their gender to be! i feel so safe with them, and im gonna add this bc im still sappy after this weekend, so safe with phannies too <3 i think phannies queer identities and dnp's queer identities have ALWAYS flowed into each other and both sides of the parasocial line have made the other side feel safe and grow into their identities and helped them accept and appreciate other people's identities.
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tomssexdoll · 4 months
i was wondering if you could do a gustav fic where he and reader are at a party and they play 7 minutes in heaven and the bottle lands on her. it can be smut or fluff you can pick. if not that’s fine! i hope you have a good day/night!
yes ofc!
Party girl
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PAIRINGS: Gustav 2009 x Female reader CONTENT: SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Y/N goes to a party with the rest of the band, she gets super drunk and decides to play spin the bottle with gustav and multiple other people, when it's gustavs turn he spinned on you, leaving you in shock.. A/N: HI ILY WARNINGS: dom!gustav, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), boobie playing, teasing, fingering
Me and my 4 friends were invited to a party, it was hosted by one of the most popular guys in our grade. He had yearly parties, throwing absolute ragers. People passing out, getting hurt, backflips off the roof into the pool, all crazy shit you imagine, is what happens at those parties.
His parents are not strict at all, always on business trips, he is filthy rich and always provides alcohol. I'm pretty chill with him, we talk about our issues in private and do each others homework.
He always gets me my favourite vodka, raspberry absolut vodka. And it's off limits to everyone except me. We walked into the party, I was holding hands Bill, he was my best friend, we were the closest out of the group.
Tom was annoying Georg and Gustav, making stupid jokes and trying to impress girls in the driveway, all of them turning him down. I ran over to the hosts room, grabbing the bottle he had saved for me and running downstairs to Bill, pouring multiple shots for us.
Tom chimed in and tried to charm me, "cmon beautiful give me some" he wrapped a hand around my waist, I scoffed and pushed him away "fuck off Tom, go flirt with another bimbo" rolling my eyes and throwing back a shot, the clear liquid burning my throat.
Before the party, me and Bill had done our makeup, applying loads of glitter and black eyeshadow. I was hoping hoping that it wouldn't get ruined tonight by me getting absolutely wasted.
I planned to go blackout, do crazy shit and have fun. We had finished our final exams and wanted to just relax after studying for so long.
As the night went on, I was 6 shots down, my throat raw from all the shots I'd taken. I grinded on guys, kissed random guys and girls, flirted with just about anyone and nearly sucked someones dick.
Gustav was dragging me out of stupid situations, eyes lighting up with anger when he saw me with another guy. I just pinned it down to him being overprotective, he was sorta like a body guard.
He kept his arm around my waist as I drank more, a beer in his hand as he looked around, attempting to protect me from anyone and everyone. He was also drunk, Gustav knew how to handle his alcohol, he could be blackout drunk and function like a normal person.
He leaned down and softly whispered in my ear, "they're playing a game over there, wanna go play?" his hot breath tickling my neck, I nodded eagarly, ripping myself out of his grip and running towards the circle of teens, pushing in.
I saw it was spin the bottle, squealing with joy. I loved spin the bottle at parties, it was stupid and lighthearted and even formed some relationships. We had been doing this since we were 14, the people who have been going to these parties for a while are considered "ogs", usually partaking in silly games like these, the others just come for the alcohol and drugs
"Alright guys, of course we are playing spin the bottle but the twist is..you have to go with the person into a empty room for 7 minutes, kind of like seven minutes in heaven, only 2 couples will be allowed at a time" the host smirked.
We grabbed a random beer bottle, placing it at the center of the circle. Some random guy was picked, spinning and landing on a girl in my math class. I watched as Gustav sat across from me, sending a wink my way. I blushed softly, smiling and looking away.
We continued to play for another 14 minutes, people in and out of rooms. Then, it was Gustavs turn, he spinned the bottle with ease, the glass grazing against the floor, coming to a stop.
My eyes widened as I realized it stopped on me, my head shot up to look at him, a grin plastered on his face, the host slapping his thigh, cheering him on.
I slowly stood up, Gustav grabbing my hand and leading me away, sneaking into one of the empty rooms. I sat down on the bed, awkward silence filling the room.
He finally spoke up, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist, looking deeply into my eyes, "so..? I don't want to waste 7 perfect minutes with you" he smirked, smashing his lips into mine.
I whined on his lips, kissing him back, deepening the kiss. He grabbed my hips softly, pushing me back onto the bed and continuing to kiss me, his erection rubbing on my jeans.
"Oh gustav.." I muttered, throwing my head back as his lips moved down to my neck, sucking softly. I moaned as he found a sensitive spot on my neck, my arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer.
"You're so beautiful maus.." he groaned, grinding into my leg harder, "fuck.." I whimpered, tugging at his shirt. He chuckled and helped me, taking his top of, along with mine, my pink bra on display for him.
His hands rushed to clip my bra off, throwing it to the other side of the room and staring in awe at my hard nipples, grabbing my breasts roughly, grinding into me again.
"Gustav..stop teasing" I whined, reaching out and pulling his shorts down, his cock straining against his black boxers, his size very obviously big. I bit my lip, worried I wouldn't be able to fully take him.
"So impatient" he smirked, grabbing my skirt and sliding it down my thighs, ripping my stockings open, a wet patch on my baby pink panties. "Someones excited, hm?" he dove his head down, licking the stain, my hips bucking up, "ah!" I whimpered.
"So sensitive..fuck.." he groaned, moving my underwear to the side and dragging his boxers to the side, his cock springing out and hovering over my needy pussy.
He rubbed the tip on my clit a few times, getting me soaked before he put it in, not wanting me to be uncomfortable. His hands slithered to my hips, spreading my legs more, my pussy opening for him.
He spat on his fingers, lubing his cock up before slowly pushing it in, my hands flew to his shoulders, groaning at the pain of his cock stretching me out. Have I been with other guys? Yes. This big? Hell no.
He started to thrust slowly, trying to warm up my hole, only halfway in before slamming all of it inside, a yelp coming from my lips. "Sorry baby.." he laughed, kissing my cheek sweetly and picking up his pace.
"You're so fucking beautiful..my angel.." he groaned, throwing his head back as my tight pussy engulfed his cock, a slightly resistance in place because of my pussy not being used to his size.
My body eventually warmed up to him, his cock being able to fully slide in and out, fucking me deeply. He held onto my hips tightly as he pounded his cock into me, I threw my head back as his tip hit my sweet spot, ramming into it with all his might.
"It's been like 10 minutes, aren't they supposed to be done?" someone said, the host smirking, "oh leave them, Gustav has been waiting years to do this"
They all nodded and continued the game.
"Oh fuck!" I moaned loudly, the sound of skin slapping filling the room, thankfully not being able to be heard by the blasting house music. His cock felt so good in me, like it was made for my pussy, fucking me so well.
"You're amazing..taking my cock so well" he grinned, leaning down and sucking on my neck again, biting softly and leaving marks, running his tongue over the stinging wound.
My eyes started to water, tears running down my cheeks, I was sure my makeup had been ruined, all the tears and sweat smudging it. I didn't care though, it was an easy fix.
Bill brought a little fanny pack incase this happened, he knew I was going to hook up with someone but how could I break to him it was Gustav..
He continued fucking me, slamming his cock into my cunt, getting more wet with each thrust. "You're perfect..so so gorgeous.." he mumbled against my neck, running his hand up and down my waist.
"Mmm!" I cried out, feeling tension build in my stomach, driving me crazy. My orgasm was dangerously near, his thrusts getting harder, tip kissing my cervix.
My sopping cunt made squelching noises with every thrust, pure ecstacy flowing through my veins. "Gonna cum!" I cried out, digging my nails into his back.
"Oh..fuck.." he groaned "cum for me baby..cum on this cock" he kissed harsher, marks left everywhere on my neck and chest. I knew the group was going to have a fucking fieldtrip when they see us.
"Fuck!" Gustav groaned loudly, shooting his load deep into me, causing my orgasm to activate, my pussy coating my juices all over his cock, a potion of our bodily fluids mixed together.
He panted and rolled onto the bed, I smirked and climbed on top of him, taking my chances to mark him back. I started by kissing his neck, sucking softly as he did.
I felt his hand snake up to my pussy, rubbing 2 fingers against my folds, collecting the cum that threatened to drip out of me, shoving it back in.
He fingered me roughly, making me struggle to make perfectly hickeys, I left sloppy kisses on his neck, whimpering as his fingers hit the perfect spots.
"Keep going baby.." he chuckled, I moaned loudly, stuffing my face into his neck as another orgasm approached quickly. "Cum for me again.." he grinned, slamming his fingers into me.
I whimpered, my legs shaking as I came on his fingers, "oh fuck.." I collapsed onto his chest, "keep marking me baby, cmon" he tapped my ass softly.
I sighed softly, continuing to kiss his neck, "good girl.." he caressed my head, tangling his fingers in my hair. I slowly snapped out of my trance, pushing his head back to gain easy access to his neck.
I bit softly on the skin, leaving dark purple hickeys everywhere. "Oh fuck.." he moaned, a hand trailing down to my ass, squeezing it gently. I pulled back, admiring my work, a huge grin on my face.
"Cmon, let's go see what we look like" I giggled, getting off him and helping him up, running over to the closet in the corner, both of our necks brutally covered in marks, deep red and purple hickeys.
"Let's get you dressed maus, cmon" he grabbed my waist, kissing me softly and helping me put my clothes back on, shoving his on shortly after, holding my waist as we went outside.
The party ended shortly after, we met up with the group, they waited outside for us, all smoking a cigarette each. When they saw us their eyes instantly flashed to the hickeys, "oh my god.." Bill covered his mouth, georgs eyes wide and Tom bursting out laughing.
"I knew it!" Tom jumped up and down, Bill handing him a 5 dollar note, obviously annoyed. "Hey what the fuck was that?" I crossed my arms, "oh, well we had a bet that if you guys hooked up i'd give him 5 dollars.." Bill chuckled nervously, scratching his neck.
I rolled my eyes, "whatever" "whatt? you guys had the most tension out of anyone in the room, everyone could sense it" Bill smirked, ashing his cigarette.
Gustav chuckled and kissed my cheek softy, "well Tom, now you know to keep your hands off her you horny bastard" Tom chuckled in response, putting his hands up to surrender "yeah yeah fine"
We all caught a taxi to Bills house, me and Gustav sleeping peacefully in the guest room, cuddling all night long.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @charliesgoodboy @estxkios @tomsonlyslut
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hungharrington · 10 months
Hi love! This is kind of sappy but I wanted to pop by and say that you write Steve so soft, so sweet. So good that whenever I’m having a bad body image day (which has been a lot late, ngl) I’m always able to make myself feel better by reading your fics. Boyfriend Stevie would want you to feel beautiful all the time and you show that in your writing and I appreicate it lots xx
hello angel!! i’m so unbelievably gooey over your sappiness thank u for sharing it with me 😭 i’m sorry about the bad days but hey! everyone gets them! i’m glad that you can some semblance of comfort and luv in my fics bcos that’s what u deserve <3
and are you kidding?!?! steve froths making you feel beautiful. he probably wouldn’t even mean to but he totally pavlov’s you until you associate only light happy lovely feelings with your body !! like seriously, how can u dislike your adorable tummy or your thighs when steve spends so much time kissing them, blowing raspberries on them, calling them his favourite place to rest his lil head, trying to tickle laughter out of you, just endlessly soft loving activities that make u feel good n happy?? how can u not have that association??? like i said, he probably doesn’t mean to but he spends so much time on his loverboy shit that it happens anyways 🫶 totally pretends he planned it from the beginning tho if you bring it up, cos he’s smooth like that 😎
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