#my favorite gif is the last one because in that moment you can practically hear todd's inner monologue
Saving Batboy
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It was as though he was being led through the city. Dick seemed to know exactly where he should go next as he drove.
Dick turned off his location as he closed in on Joker's location. If anyone had doubts about what would happen tonight they knew now. The clown dies tonight.
Batman never did it because he knew there would be no coming back once he crossed that line but he was not Batman.
Tim knew the moment Nightwing's symbol disappeared that he had found Joker's location. He knew he could track him still based on where he was before but he held off. The last time Dick crossed the line and killed the Joker, Tim was there to stop him. In the time since Tim had grown to regret it. Especially after Jason's return. He should be avenged after everything that happened.
Tim never put much thought into what happened when he was kidnapped just like Danny. Joker Jr was just a nightmare and everyone pretends it didn't happen. His past self doesn't exist to him and the gaps in his memory are better as they are.
If Dick was really going to finish this then Tim wasn't going to stop him. Bruce's code was his code alone. What of the Robins that suffer for it? What about his kids that he loves to the point of self-destruction if they die?
It was clear to Tim now. Batman isn't strong enough to kill Joker. If he can't handle it, someone else would.
Maybe Dick just cared more. Or maybe he had seen this happen too many times to sit by and let it happen again. The cost be damned.
Tim took a deep breath. He knew it was a bad move but he shut down the bat computer. No one could locate each other for the next 10 minutes. Enough time to give Dick the lead he really needs. All the comms are down and no information can be shared.
Tim looked up and saw Alfred putting down a cup of tea for him. Tim felt like a child caught doing something wrong under Alfred. But Alfred nodded wordlessly before turning to leave. He cast a forlorn glance at Jason's robin uniform before ascending the stairs.
"I was hoping Batman would come for the little bat. Oh sorry, I mean the boy." Joker mocked holding Danny by the back of the neck.
The teen's body was limp. His silver locks stained a rusty brown from dried blood. Blood covered his back and legs. If there had been any doubt if the wings were real there is none now.
"…" Nightwingwing said nothing. His fist clenched.
"You know I debated skinning him next. That fur of his would be a lovely shawl. It's so soft. But it looks like I won't have the time now." Joker provoked, running a hand through the boy's white neck fur.
"Get your hands off him." Nightwing demanded, his eyes locked on Danny for any signs of life.
"You know I am so curious what he was doing here. I was about to build a new trap here for fun when I stumbled upon this little guy here. Practically gift-wrapped. Did he run away from you? Just like you did from good ol'papa bat." Joker's smile widened sickeningly "This all feels so familiar, doesn't it little bird? Are you going to finish what you started?"
"I'm never letting you hurt my family again." No witty one-liners. No games. This bad joke ends today.
Batman had scoured the area. He memorize the last location Dick was before the system went down. He wasn't these kids' father for nothing he knew what they were doing.
When sound came back he had already made it to the abandoned factory. The comms rang back to life as the sounds of crying came through.
"Nononono…please no. Wake up. Please wake up." It was Dick's voice. "It's okay. I'm here now. So just wake up. We need to get home soon. Your favorite show will be on soon. WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T DIE!"
Batman bolted to their location and found Dick hovering over Danny trying to resuscitate him.
His son looked at him with pleading eyes.
"I can't hear his heart. He's not breathing." He let out a shaky breath. As distressed tears ran down his cheeks.
Bruce knelt next to them. Danny didn't react to the pressure on his chest. The pain should have at least caused an involuntary jerk if he wasn't too far gone.
Bruce signaled Dick to move back as he checked Danny's pulse again. Nothing. And he wasn't breathing. Bruce looked at his son. Deep down Dick probably knew.
"I'm sorry. He's gone." Bruce said simply as he took off his cloak.
Danny looked so peaceful. Like he was sleeping soundly. Bruce hated that his own suspension had been the thing that had prevented him from having a relationship with his own grandson. He felt foolish to not realize that of course Danny and Batboy were the same. It was a brilliant disguise. But he'd never get to say this to the boy.
Bruce wrapped the boy in his cloak.
"Come on. We'll fix this." He told Dick, carrying Danny for him.
The journey back to the manor was silent until.
"I'm sorry." Bruce said.
"Don't. Just Don't. He's my son. Its my fault." Dick rasped his voice scratchy from crying.
Bruce felt a bitter sting. That was exactly what he felt when he lost Jason and what happened with Tim. When Damian lost his life. These pains didn't go away.
When they arrived back in the Batcave Bruce laid Danny's body on the table. The others were notified about what happened and had already gathered.
Barbara looked like she had bawled her eyes out as she hugged Stephanie.
Damian had pressed himself close to Tim as the older brother told him that it was going to be okay.
The new hole in the wall was clearly Jason if his bloodied knuckles were any clues.
Cassandra paced the floor deep in thought. She was moments away from starting a new crusade.
Duke stared off into the distance. His anger boiling under the surface. All he could think about was the number of lives ruined by the Joker and even in death he took another.
Dick stood still as a statue. Thinking about if Danny could be brought back and even if he was his wings were gone. What if he was gone for good? Could he live like that?
Never had he understood Bruce more than in that moment.
Bruce braced himself for what would come next. He had a plan to bring Danny back at any cost.
But suddenly a sound broke through the tension.
A sneeze.
A fucking sneeze.
It came up from under the cloak.
Everyone snapped to look at the body hidden under the cloak. It shifted under the heavy black blanket groggily and yawned. Then Danny jumped up twisting to feel his back.
"What happened!!" He yelped.
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ifthatslove · 2 months
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The song playing on the Rodi's jukebox during this scene is Kathy Troccoli's "If I'm Not in Love."
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sometimesanalice · 16 days
just thinking about “like I can” bradley on this fine Thursday evening (and every other day)
Oh my god, you and me both! (He’s never not on my mind, let’s be honest 😂) Cozy, domestic Bradley has been both the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires of late.
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Delicate Sensibilities
Summary: After a long week and having spent too many days apart, Bradley gives his girlfriend quite the eyeful.
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Female Reader
Length: 1.5k
Bradley’s lounging on his couch half watching the game on tv and half aimlessly scrolling on his phone waiting for you to get home.
You’ve been having to work late most days this week because of some tight deadlines with a difficult client. He feels like he’s barely seen you in the past four days.
And it didn’t help that you’d slept at your place last night.
Alone. Without him.
Coyote had even accused him earlier tonight of moping and bringing down the vibe at the Hard Deck. Which he wasn’t wrong and Bradley can own up to it. He was definitely guilty of sulking.
He just missed you.
It’s all he can do to try and play it cool- the game completely forgotten- when he hears open his front door, letting yourself in with the key he’d given you.
You’d technically had one since you first moved to San Diego. One that had been for emergencies back when the two of you were just friends. But he’d made a big show of giving you a new one a few weeks back when he’d realized that he’d mwanted you to have one as his girlfriend. It was a distinction he’d felt was important to make, it wasn’t a step he’d wanted to miss out on taking with you.
As he’d expected, you’d taken the opportunity to tease him about. “Oh, you love me,” you’d practically sang, as he took the old one off your keychain and replaced it with the new one. But he’d seen the look in your eyes as you traced the shiny new key with your finger when you thought he wasn’t looking.
Bradley hears you drop your things to the floor with a heavy thunk, he can practically feel the withering glare you’re probably giving your work tote and laptop as you kick off your shoes with a clatter one by one.
He counts your soft footsteps, knowing each one brings you that much closer to him. His torso already turned towards the entryway to see you the moment you step into frame.
And then there you are.
Your face just as familiar to him as his own. He’s known every version of you. The girl he’d grown up with, his best friend, the woman of his dreams. Still his favorite person, then and now.
He thinks he sees your shoulders release the slightest bit when your pretty eyes meet his.
Bradley didn’t realize just how parched he’d been for you until he’s drinking you in. It still knocks him in the chest sometimes, that you’re here and you’re his.
“There’s my best girl,” he greets you, hoping to see those dimples of yours.
He can tell you’ve had a long day, an even longer week. You look tired, but you’re still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“Jesus, Bradley,” you groan.
He sits up straighter, alarmed. “Sweet girl? What’s wrong?”
You heave a full bodied sigh. “I feel like I’ve been hanging on by a thread all week and then I come here and see you like this? It’s like you want me to have a full blown Victorian Crisis.”
The melodramatic way you fling your arms out to the side would make snort under normal circumstances, if he wasn’t still bouncing between confused and concerned.
Bradley looks down at the comfortable clothes he’d thrown on once he got home from being kicked out of the bar for being- as Fanboy called him- a straight up bummer. All he was wearing was his favorite pair of jogger sweatpants and a soft, worn shirt that he’s pretty sure has a hole under the armpit.
But it wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before. In fact, you’d stolen this particular shirt on more than one occasion. Which now that he thinks about it is probably why he’d gravitated towards it in the first place.
“I- Huh?”
“I mean, look at how much above the ankle skin you’ve got on display over there, Bradshaw.” You point a finger towards his feet, his eyes follow to where the elastic cuff of his pants is slightly pushed up on his calf. “Frankly, it’s indecent.”
He’ll never get tired of that teasing gleam in your eyes. You’re such a menace, but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
Bradley tips his head back against the couch and laughs. “Should I be worried about your delicate sensibilities, kid?”
“That would be nice since you clearly have no consideration for my poor nerves,” you lament, bringing the back of your hand up to your forehead.
“Should I cover up then?” he asks with a smirk.
“Let’s not make any rash decisions. We’re close enough to the seaside that I should make a full recovery. Salt air and all that jazz.”
He lifts an eyebrow and then tugs up the pant leg on the other side. “How are your poor nerves now?”
Bradley sees you fighting to keep from giving into that grin he knows would take over your whole face if you let it. One that would be wide and bright and just for him.
“I toil all day to earn a living and to help the government fund my boyfriend’s paycheck-” Bradley snorts, amused. “And you tease me? In my delicate state?”
He toys with the hem of his shirt before he shucks it off and tosses it to the side. “How about now? Does this make things better or worse?”
You purse your lips together as if you’re pondering, but he doesn’t miss the appreciative way you’re looking at him.
“Unclear,” you say after a minute. “I think I’m too far away, but also I’m pretty sure my distance vision is officially shot.”
“Can’t have you dealing with a Victorian Crisis and eye strain.” Bradley pats his thigh in invitation. “Why don’t come on over here, that way I can catch you if you have a fainting spell.”
“Such a gentleman,” you say, finally walking towards him.
He bites back a moan at the sight of you shimmying up your skirt in front of him, just slightly higher than it needs to be for you to settle yourself on top of him.
His hands come to rest on your hips as you run your fingers through his hair. And low rumble escapes him as your nails gentle scrape against his scalp. The way he’s so gone for you, just one touch and you basically have him purring like a cat.
You lean in and nudge your nose against his.
“I’ve seen too much of a computer screen and not nearly enough of you this week. And all of this, a lot,” you say, gesturing at him. “You’re too damn handsome for your own good. You’re easily the best thing I’ve seen all day, Bradley.”
He feels his ears get warm at your words and the affectionate way you’re gazing at him.
“Think you’ll need some smelling salts if I kiss you?” Bradley asks. He cups your face in his hand, letting his thumb skim over your cheekbone.
“There’s only one way to find out.”
“C’mere,” he murmurs.
Bradley slips his hand behind your neck and pulls you close. You lean into him easily, pliantly, easily. Like being in his lap- in his arms- is the only place you want to be.
There’s no sun flares or orchestral strings, none of the things in those movies you like to put on when you’re stressed or sick. But he knows he can give those ones a run for their money. If there’s one thing he knows how to do, it’s how to kiss you.
He shows you with his mouth just how much he’s been longing for you. How much he needs you. How much he wants you.
Bradley smiles to himself when he hears that hitch in your breath, the way you do when he skims his tongue under your bottom lip. Your arms tightening around his neck as you press yourself against him until there’s not an inch of room between the two of you.
“Missed you,” you hum against his lips. He feels his fingers flex on the soft swells of your hips.
“I missed you too, sweet girl.”
Bradley watches as the corners of your mouth curl upwards, as you twirl some of his hair around your finger. “Oh, I know. Nat texted me a photo of you earlier tonight, you looked like a sad puppy sitting there in the corner by yourself.”
He groans and scrubs a hand down his face.
“But clearly, I didn’t fare much better. The slightest hint of a manly ankle bone and you almost sent me into a state of female hysteria.”
“So, the ankle is what does it for you then, kid?”
“Amongst other things,” you allow, trailing a finger down his chest.
He catches your hand and tangles your fingers with his. “And how are you feeling now? Should I order those smelling salts?”
“I think I’ll manage without them,” you say. “But you should probably kiss me again for good measure”.
“I can do that”, Bradley grins.
He drops kiss after kiss on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead until you’re laughing and smiling with those dimples on full display. Just the way he likes you to be.
Happy and here with him.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 3 months
Ok ok. I'm back from the dead, And with another headcannon! following my last music related ask
What if after the characters hear our music they start subconsciously humming, or even singing it? After all the creator never has their computer volume on... exept this time we do! And we hear venti, or Barbara, or another character singing our favorite song A LOT. So much so that instead of the usual voices it's all song references and lyrics... I imagine it going something like this:
(venti dies) "don't worry... I'm never going to let you down.."
(Barbara's afk) "la- La- LA- ehem, I'm working late because I'm a singer~"
Well a long night of trying to find out if it was an event mihoyo planned or something else is surely waiting right?
- 🦇
Dwdw, Ghost Rebel's been dead as well—you have not been the only one, rest assured 🥲
For this request, I won't be really focusing much on what music the Reader listens to (entirely up to you imo), so apologies if this affects your reading experience!
(The Request 🦇 Anon Mentioned)
Ayo, They Know My MUSIC ✨😎
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
Who would've thought that all that singing pays off—now, all musicians and bards of Teyvat are reciting Their Almighty Grace's ballads like they're some holy, ancient harmonies (to them, it probably is—somehow—)
Let's see what our favorite ones have been up to! :D
With the amount of times you vibed to your songs, Venti's picked them up by listening through the wind. You can 100% assume that he is vibing to it, no matter what time or moment.
People thought he was singing his own ballads when he was humming your songs, when, in fact, he's listening to you jamming out in the distance.
So imagine your shock when you hear Venti sing your song. It was as shocking as Venti without his wine.
"Hehe~ Their Grace looks so flabbergasted!" Venti in the bg just cheering over the fact he made you shocked at his impression of your song!
Bro has zero regrets for breaking the Fourth Wall.
Girlie is singing her heart out in the Church of Favonius, and everyone's there for it. 100% she has become the true Idol of Mondstadt.
Super excited and nervous at the same time when you put her in your party team (for whatever reason, only you will know), because this is a chance to show off her practice. She wants to impress you with the song she's heard you sing and hum to countless of times!
So the moment she let it slip through her idle animation, imagine her embarrassment as you flip out, questioning your life choices and your sleep deprivation
"S-Surely, I didn't scare Their Almighty Grace all too badly...?" Barbara's twiddling her fingers, contemplating if she should've done that in the first place, only to be reassured when the other nuns of the church mention that you were screaming how good it was (Ex. "HELLO???? BARBARA???? THAT WAS SO GOOD HELLO??? VOICE ACTOR BE POPPING OFF MAYBE??? THIS GLITCH IS AWESOME!")
Yes, she's doing this again. Add her back to her team. Now. :)
Oh, she is going to rock'n'roll hard after this. She is definitely going to make a rock cover of your song and play it all through Liyue!
Gurl's on her merry way, practicing with her guitar and singing loud and proud! Yunjin be cheering her on in the background as she masters that small snippet of your favorite song >:D
And when it's her time to shine? When you finally give her the chance to perform? Sure, she's nervous—she's only got one shot, and who knows when the next one will come—but she's gonna rock this song with everything she's got, heart, soul, and mind!
The moment you see it happening, Xinyan's a little too into it to care of your reaction at first, pretty much having a blast at the lyrics and overall music composition.
But after? "Whoo, I sure hope Their Grace liked it...Maybe I should've taken in how they were reacting instead of going all out, hehe..." Her legs are kind of shaking from her nerves, but she swears she's fine!
Upon seeing how the citizens of Liyue Harbor are acting though, and with the amount of positive comments her friends kept giving her, Xinyan is calling her performance an absolute success!
She is definitely doing this again—10/10!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: THIS TOOK TOO LONG TO MAKE I AM SO SORRY UGHHHH. I hate it when I say I'd be active and then the next thing I know, I'm being bombarded with irl problems >:(
Anyways! A few updates as I'm writing this: I am no longer taking Sagau Genshin requests for now (even if I might still be writing for a few—there's some waiting in my inbox that I gotta get to), as I need a break to recharge my batteries. However: HSR and Wuthering Waves are free and up for requests, so don't be shy to shoot your shots there!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
"I can hear you!"
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PAIRING | Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | After a rather intimate moment in the kitchen with Tony, you go to your room to take the edge off for yourself. When he happens to walk by and hear you moan out his name, he can't help himself as he walks in, wanting to give you the pleasure you're so desperately craving from him.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Age gap, mutual pining, friends to lovers, use of nickname (Cupcake)
SMUT | Voyeurism, masturbation, use of vibrator, nipple play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cream pie, aftercare
A/N | This one-shot is based on a request I received from a lovely Anon! From the moment I saw this request, the gears in my head started turning, and they haven't stopped ever since. This is proofread by the lovely @ccbsrmsf1; I could not have written this without your help and support 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @mcukinkbingo | Position: missionary
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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You're practically floating around the communal kitchen while baking, one of your favorite pastime activities. You tend to make the sweetest treats imaginable when you're not away for missions, hanging out with friends, or buried with your nose in a book. One person, in particular, has greatly liked you and your expert baking skills.
Since you joined the Avengers almost five years ago, Tony hasn't been able to keep his gaze off you because you radiate natural happiness and calm. On the battlefield, you always manage to keep a level head no matter how difficult it gets, which he admires. During those years, he has also developed a massive crush on you, which he has managed to keep under wraps all this time. Little does he know, you feel the same about him, too.
"Are you excited to see Tony again?" Natasha asks as you put the cookies in the oven. You made a batch specifically for him after he texted you about how rough his last mission was. The butterflies in your stomach go wild at the mention of his name, though you pretend nothing's going on, just like you have done all this time.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Nat," you said while rolling your eyes, though you know exactly what she's talking about. You've been crushing on Tony for a long time, too, and it seemed to be visible to everyone except you and him.
"Sure you do," she says before standing up straight, letting you know they're back before going to her room to give the two of you some privacy. Tony walks into the kitchen with a look of defeat on his face, and your heart sinks at the sight—you've rarely seen him like this before.
"Hi, Cupcake," he says to you as he sits down on a chair by the kitchen island, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips that doesn't quite reach his eyes. He's really struggling, and you know he needs your company right now.
"Shall I make you a cup of tea? I have cookies in the oven that are almost done as well," you tell him, and he hums appreciatively. Before he met you, he would immediately grab something stronger, but something inside him flipped the moment you took care of him after a challenging mission. So now, he prefers to drink some tea and enjoy your baked goods while in your company because simply being around you lifts his mood.
The tea is quickly made, and you walk around the kitchen island to sit next to him as you put his mug in front of him.
"Thank you," he whispers before he places his head on your shoulder and lets out a deep sigh. His eyes are closed as his hands wrap around the warm ceramic of the mug, and he can immediately feel himself calming down. Your familiar scent and warmth radiate comfort to Tony, and the two of you stay like that until the cookies are done, and you have to get them out of the oven.
"Would you like to try one? I made your favorites after hearing about the mission," you said shyly, and Tony immediately perked up. Knowing you made these specifically for him made his heart beat faster, and the sparkle in his dark brown eyes returned.
"How could I say no to your delicious baked goods, Cupcake? They're my favorites after a long mission," he says, and you nod. You put two of them on a plate before sitting down again and letting them cool while you sip your tea.
"Are you ready to talk about it?" you ask him, but he shakes his head. Tony usually talked about his missions with you as a 'debriefing,' but he wants to live in your comfortable bubble right now.
"Okay," you say softly before sipping your tea again, and Tony does the same with his. He groans softly as the warm liquid slowly makes its way down his throat, soothing him from the inside out. When he puts his mug down, you break off a bit of a cookie before holding it to his lips. It's a seemingly innocent gesture, but how he looks at you with a fire in his eyes lets you know it is anything but.
Your eyes flick from his plump, pink lips to his dark, chocolate-brown eyes, and you must suppress the whimper that wants to move out of your chest. The way your heart beats faster as you lift the baked good to his mouth doesn't go unnoticed by you, but from the look on his face, you know he's feeling the same, too.
His lips parted slightly before he took a bite of the sweet cookie, the taste exploding on his tongue in the best way possible. A soft moan escapes his lips, and you clench your thighs together at the sound, wishing it was you who was coaxing them out instead of the sweet cookie in his mouth. He keeps his eyes closed as he enjoys the taste, though before he can open them, you excuse yourself, quickly making your way to your room after what just happened.
Tony is confused as he wonders what he did wrong, but he ultimately decides to leave it be for now, as he doesn't have the emotional bandwidth to go after you. He makes a mental note to check up on you later, though he won't know what hit him once he does.
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A few hours have passed since you shared that intimate moment with Tony, and you're still horrified by how you left him there. At first, you paced through your room while debating whether or not to go back, and when you finally decided to do so, he was gone, and you were too late.
Now you were thinking about the whole ordeal again, and more specifically about the soft moan, Tony let out when he tasted your cookie and the arousal he made you feel by doing that. A flame roars up in your belly at the thought alone, so you decide to help yourself using your trusty vibrator like you have done countless times before.
The lilac-colored silicone toy lands on your bed with a soft thud before you remove your clothes, leaving you in only your underwear. You quickly slip under the covers before getting comfortable, your vibrator in your hand as you tease yourself a little bit first.
The toy comes to life with a soft hum, and you place it over your panties for some light teasing over your clit. Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you move it up and down, your hips rutting up. The friction of the vibrations combined with your arousal has you on the edge of release sooner than you thought, so you stop yourself before it's too late.
This time you guide the toy under your panties, sliding it through your soaked folds before turning it on, making you gasp at the feeling of it against your sensitive clit. You moan softly as you rub it over the sensitive bundle of nerves, all the while memories of Tony go through your mind.
When you slide the toy into your pussy, you moan Tony's name loudly as you turn up the setting on it, giving you more and more pleasure while you take your time with it. Your free hand is rolling and tugging on your nipples under your bra, only adding to your pleasure.
The moment you gasped out Tony's name, he happened to walk over to your room to talk about what happened, but he came to a halt right the moment you moaned his name. At first, he wasn't sure he heard you correctly, but the moans became louder, and he could clearly hear you say his name.
Tony can feel himself chub up in his pants, and he's thankful he decided not to put on any underwear after his shower; it would only have been in the way of him and his pleasure. He listens for just a moment longer until he's almost at the point of cumming untouched, which is when he knocks on the door, and you shriek at the sudden sound.
"Uh—oh, one moment!" you say as you quickly put your vibrator into your drawer, not caring about the clean-up for now. All you know is that whoever is on the other side of the door probably heard you, and you're scared to find out who it is.
"Come in," you say after gathering yourself back together for a moment, but all that goes out the window when you see it's Tony, who is on the other side of the door. All color drains from your face at the realization. He definitely heard you moan his name, and now he knows you've been fantasizing about him.
"T-Tony, hi..." you say as your voice trails off, and your gaze lowers. Your line of sight is immediately drawn to the tent he's pitching in his pants. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth at the sight before quickly looking away as you know you shouldn't be staring at him and his cock - which has invaded your mind for way too long now.
"I came here to talk, but I think I might want to do something else instead. Hearing you moan my name like that got me so fucking hard for you, Cupcake, and I think I know the best way to relieve myself of the tension," he says confidently as he walks over to you, and all you can do is nod.
"Let me show you how a real cock can make you cum, and I will ensure you it'll be much better than the shitty excuse of a toy you just fucked yourself on," he continues, stripping himself of every last bit of clothing while walking over to you. He kneels on the bed before crawling over to you, caging you in between his arms before lowering himself until he's only a few inches away from your face.
"If you want me to stop, tell me now, Cupcake. I won't be able to once I've tasted you," he whispers, but you shake your head. You don't want him to stop; you want him to make you fall apart on his cock like he promised, as well as so much more.
"I need you, Tony, please," you tell him, and within less than a second, his lips are on yours in a bruising kiss, all the air punched out of your lungs at the movement. Your hand laces into his hair while your other one glides down his back until you've reached his ass, squeezing it in a bold moment. The moan leaving Tony's lips has you ruining your panties even further as a gush of arousal soaks them.
"I've been waiting so long for this, Cupcake; I need you so bad," Tony says, and you nod as he strips the comforter away from you, leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties before him. The fabric of both is pulled off your body in an instant, leaving you bare to him.
"Look at you, Cupcake, you're an absolute sight for sore eyes," Tony tells you as his fingers glide over your body, softly tugging on your nipples before sliding through your folds and gathering the slick there. He puts his fingers in his mouth as he hums appreciatively, and your eyes flutter shut at the sight before you.
"Look at me, Cupcake; I need you to look at me when I slide into you for the first time. I need to commit every second of it to memory because I know it'll be a sight I'll never be able to forget,'' he whispers, and you do as he asks. His hand wraps around his long, veiny monster he calls a cock before pumping a few times and lining up with your entrance.
"Take a deep breath for me, Cupcake," he tells you, and when you do, he slides in with a single thrust, and your back arches into him as you moan his name loudly. The smirk on his face is unmistakable as he allows you to adjust to his size, but he doesn't get a chance to say anything before you do.
"Fuck, I love you so much," you tell him as your fingers squeeze his biceps to ground yourself as you adjust to his size. You've never been with anyone of Tony's size, and even though it's a pleasurable burn, you want him to stay still for a bit longer.
Tony looks down at you with wide eyes after your love confession.
"I love you too, Cupcake. God, I've been dying to tell you that," he says with a breathy laugh, and you pull him down for a kiss as he starts to set a slow pace, his hips rolling against your pelvis in a leisurely rhythm. He cannot even begin to tell you how long he's been waiting to tell you that, but now that he has, he can't stop telling you.
"You're so beautiful, loving, and funny, and I love you so fucking much," he says, and you nod as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer.
"I love you too, Tony, so much," and with those words, he sets a fast pace that has you screaming his name within no time at all. The sound of skin slapping against skin and your combined moans make for a beautiful chorus that Tony can't get enough of as he's nearing the end of his ropes.
"Fuck, 'm close! Where do you want me, Cupcake?" he asks you, but you already know the answer.
"Inside me, Tony, I'm on birth control," you say, and he lets out a sigh of relief at your words. Even though you know it isn't the safest option, you don't want to let him go. You want him to cum inside you and mark you as his because you are exactly that. His.
"Yeah? Does my girl want my cum in her sweet, tight pussy?" he asks, and you nod as you slide your hand between your bodies, your fingers playing with your clit until you're trembling and clenching around Tony's cock, milking him for all he's worth.
His pace falters quickly after your orgasm, and with a loud grunt, he shoots every last drop of his cum in your pussy until he's spent. As he falls to the side, he pulls you with him to have you close as you're both enjoying the post-sex haze.
When you both come down from your high, you take a shower together where there are more kisses shared, as well as some less innocent touches, but you're both sensitive from the sex, so you both keep it to a minimum. When you're both finished and dry, you head to the kitchen to prepare some more tea.
"I'm a lucky man with you, Cupcake," Tony tells you as he stands behind you. You're wearing nothing more than his shirt and a pair of panties, while Tony is only clad in his jeans. He places some soft kisses on your neck, his facial hair making you giggle as he does.
You don't notice the rest of the Avengers slowly coming into the kitchen, too, and they're all sharing looks as they see the two of you all cozy by the counter.
"Finally! It took you guys long enough!" Natasha says, and that's when you both look at all the Avengers. Tony keeps you close to him as a blush spreads over both of your faces, making her laugh loudly. You give Tony a look of 'What is she talking about?' but he shrugs before placing a kiss against your temple.
"Guys, come on. The sexual tension has been dripping off you both ever since you first met; it's a miracle it took this long. However, as long as you let me be the maid of honor during your wedding, I will support your relationship with all my heart," Natasha tells you, making everyone laugh.
"Deal!" you say as you melt into Tony's hold. After that, congratulations were exchanged, and everyone quickly accepted your relationship. From that moment on, you and Tony were inseparable, and you are nothing if not a woman of your word, so the moment Tony proposed to you, you asked Nat to be your maid of honor, which she happily accepted.
Life with Tony is nothing short of amazing, and you're secretly thanking yourself every day for moaning his name that day because it brought you the best thing that has ever happened to you. It shows that sometimes the best things can bloom from the most embarrassing moments, but you wouldn't change this one for the world.
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lurkingshan · 10 days
Japanese QL Corner
In which I cling to the last vestiges of two of my favorite shows of the year, write a eulogy for one of the most disappointing, and rejoice over the entry of a new fav. These shows are available for weekly streaming on Gaga unless otherwise noted.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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Farewell to a wonderful show. @isaksbestpillow has posted all seven episodes as of last week, so if you've been waiting for a binge, now is your chance. I already said a lot about why I loved this one, so I'll just use this space to urge you again to watch! This show is a goddamn delight.
Takara's Treasure
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The main narrative ended last week, but this week we got a sweet little epilogue and one more visit with Takara and Taishin. I enjoyed the brief glimpse into their near future and getting to see Taishin turn 20 with his very first fuzzy navel, though I was a bit sad we got a repeat of the finale's themes rather than treading new ground for their relationship (I could not have cared less about the fujoshi writing RPF). This was a lovely show and I will miss these characters.
Happy of the End
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CWs: Assault, child abandonment, child molestation, childhood sexual slavery, dubcon (including between the main characters), human trafficking, rape, sexual coercion and exploitation, suicidal ideation/possible attempt, unsafe S&M practices, violence
A very rough week for this show in terms of the content--please mind the triggers above because these are explicit depictions and it can be hard to stomach. I am waiting to see where this show is going with its themes before I make a final judgment, but watching the fourth episode in particular, some parts felt like crossing the line into gratuitous trauma porn that provided little additional illumination. We'll see how it shakes out in the end, but please take care with this one. I continue to find the characters and relationship dynamics compelling, and I am invested in Haoren and Chihiro's attempt to have a relationship despite the metric ton of baggage they are shouldering between them. Neither is equipped to even have any idea what a healthy relationship looks like, but they see something in each other and they want to try. That tiny bit of hopeful but likely doomed thinking may be all we have to cling to in this story.
I Hear the Sunspot
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Sigh. I am sad about what this show could have been. For me, the finale definitely did not succeed at sticking the landing and making the last six weeks of wheel spinning feel worth it, and this show is going down as one of the big disappointments of the year for me. As you know if you've been keeping up with this weekly post, I loved the first half of this show, and Taichi's original characterization, so much. And I don't understand what happened here. The second half has felt like a completely different, confused, demonstrably worse show. Taichi hasn't felt like himself in weeks, the plots with Maya and the job at Sign were poorly grounded, inconsistently executed, and offered little pay off either thematically or in terms of character development, and the romance writing was a complete failure. It was actually painful to see Kohei run after Taichi and confess to him again, and the directing and editing of that sequence was so muddled that I had no idea what I was supposed to understand about Taichi's emotional journey or why this was the moment he was suddenly able to reciprocate. After all that brooding and his big speech about communication, he did not communicate much of anything to Kohei in the end. And I'm supposed to be content with leaving them here? Deeply unsatisfying on just about every level.
I understand from @twig-tea that while the story followed the beats of the manga's first two volumes at a high level, this production chose to remove many of the contextual details that actually made sense of the characters' behavior. It also seems they didn't understand they were setting up character arcs that did not get resolved until a later volume the show will not cover, thus ensuring the story would end at the wrong place. Just a baffling set of adaptation choices, and so much wasted potential. It's a shame.
Love is Like a Poison
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But at least we have a new favorite coming in hot a week sooner than expected! I absolutely loved this first episode, in which we meet Shiba, our cold-hearted lawyer with delusions of grandeur and a sexually charged fixation on his house plants, and Haruto, our flirty scammer who has his number. This show is really well written and packed a ton of story, comedy, and deep characterization into its first episode. It's a promising start! For now it’s only available grey outside of Japan; I am hoping it will get picked up for proper international distribution soon.
Tagging @bengiyo to add this week's anime update.
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starsval · 2 years
6 favours with James Potter
James Potter x f!reader
Summary: James enters your life by asking you weird favours.
Word count: 2,1k
Warnings: kissing, mentions of punching and broken noses, anxiety attacks, crying.
A/N: based on Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys, even though these aren't the vibes of the song.
Pd: I had to make that Taylor reference, I couldn't help it.
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Favour 1
"And do me a favor and break my nose" That's one of the first things James said to you while showing interest. You have talked a few times in class, but not enough for him to ask you that. 
"What?" You ask him, unbothered, sitting under a tree, facing the lake. 
"The other day at the party, you broke his nose"
Oh, yes, you did. Some guy in one of your friend's classes was bothering her a lot, and he'd been doing it for a while. So you took advantage of the situation, and punched him, just to blame it on the alcohol after. 
After that beautiful flashback, you look back at your homework. 
"I don't know what you're talking about" You tell him. 
"Punch me so I can get over you" He suddenly says. 
"Over me? What-" You are even more confused with this than with your homework. 
"I can't stop thinking about you since I saw you at the party, and it's not like we're strangers, so just do it" 
"James- I'm not gonna punch you" You start to pack your things as you see your friend walking to you. "I have to go, bye" Then you start to walk away, but not enough to not hear him shout:
"You know my name!"
You look back at him for a moment, doubting that this is all a prank.
“What was that?” Your friend asks you as you start to walk to the castle.
“It doesn’t matter” You sigh. 
Favour 2
This time you were in divination class, waiting for your friend to sit next to you.
"Lately I've been feeling like" You start talking as soon as someone sits next to you, thinking it's your friend. But as you look up you see James. 
"What? Where's-" He cuts you off by pointing at your friend, who's now sitting next to Sirius, clearly flirting. 
"Do me a favor and tell me to go away" He finally says. 
"What?" You ask, focused on your homework again. 
"Yes, I was thinking, and I'm not sure that I would lose my feelings for you if you punched me” He smiles, like he’s imagining it. “Because, well, you get it. So this is the safest way”
"I don't-" You get interrupted again, this time by the teacher, who just approached you two.. 
"James, could you tell us what you see in the crystal ball?" He focuses for a moment, like he's really trying to see something. 
"I see me in a really happy relationship with Y/n" He whispers the last part, so only the teacher could hear it. 
"You know what? I know I sensed something between you two" She mutters before walking away, to bother another pair of students. James immediately looks at you with a big smile, to which you roll your eyes, but smile anyway. 
"It's in the stars" He points to the ceiling "We're going to be together" 
"Sure" You are still looking at your homework, but you can see how he smiles even more. 
"How have you been feeling lately?" 
"You were going to say that to your friend"
"Didn't you want me to tell you to go away"
"Yes but you didn't, so I'm assuming I have possibilities. So, I want to get to know you"
You sigh, knowing that you can't escape from him, so you just tell him about your favorite food, song, color, flavor and season. You learn that he loves red, eucalyptus and spring, because it's better to play quidditch. 
Before you can answer another of his weird questions, it's time to go to your next class, without him. So you pack your things and get up. You walk away after saying.
"I never said you didn't have possibilities"
Since then James started walking you to class, and you even went to see him practice once. Only to deny it after. But you've been talking to him more and more.
Favour 3
It was all too much, the tests, your family, your friend who you doubted was your friend anymore. It was all too much, all bottled up, until you get a letter from your family. Asking of course about your grades, not about you, or your life, about your grades, no before talking about their lives. 
So you walk out the Great Hall, before everyone sees you cry. You don't even bother in telling your friend, she was too focused on some boy to notice you practically running out the room. 
As soon as you're in the hallway, you feel the tears running down your face, while you walk to some random balcony, to get some air. 
"What happened?" You hear James ask. He noticed you as soon as you got up the chair, and he noticed something was wrong. 
"Nothing" You answer, even though tears keep falling from your eyes. Then he sits next to you, contemplating the quidditch pitch in front of you. 
"It was your friend, wasn't it? You guys are almost all the time together" 
"No, I'm fine" No, you weren't. 
"You know it's okay to cry, right? And to tell people if they're bothering you"
This time you're the one who asks the favor. 
"James, do me a favor and stop asking questions" You tell him, finally drying your face with your hands. 
"Oh, okay" He tries to get up, but you stop him, by holding his hand. 
"You can stay, just, talk about something else"
And he does, you stay there talking about the next prank he's doing, still holding his hand. 
Favour 4
You repeat yourself as you walk around an abandoned classroom. You were having an anxiety attack in the middle of the class, and you didn't want anyone to see you right now. So you just asked to go to the bathroom and here you were. Getting dizzy from walking around a table.
You keep trying to dry your face, even though tears keep coming out your eyes, when someone knocks on the door. 
"Are you okay?" It's James, he's on the other side of the door, worrying about you. 
"Yes" You tell him after getting close to it, so he could hear you. 
"Do me a favor, and ask if you need some help" He says. 
"I don't need help, I just need five minutes" You talk, still reminding yourself to breathe. 
"Can I be with you during those five minutes?" You think about it, and when he's about to leave, you open the door with your wand, sitting on a table, looking at the window. 
"Yes" You quietly say, drying your face as he sits next to you. 
“I’ve seen the way she acts” He talks after a while, when you already stopped crying “Your friend, I mean. And I know I don’t have anything to do with your friendships, but as your future boyfriend, I can tell you that you deserve better” You look at him.
“My future boyfriend?” You smile, and look back at the window. “And I know, but she’s my only friend, she was the only stability I had in my life” You sigh “But not anymore I guess”
“I’ll help you make new friends, I think you would really like Remus” Then he thinks about it “Maybe not him, let's start with Sirius”
You raise an eyebrow at him “Why?” 
“No reason”
“Are you afraid I might like Remus more than I like you?"
“What? No, it’s not that, how could you not like me? Have you seen me?-” Then he realizes what you said “You like me?” He smiles. But before you can answer, the bell rings, informing you that the class is over, therefore, lunch just started.
“Bye” You walk to the door, not looking back to an amazed James, who looks at you until the door closes.
Favour 5
“She likes me! She told me she likes me!” James was telling his friends when he saw you walking in the Great Hall and sitting alone. He was going to sit next to you but he saw your friend walking towards you.
He couldn’t hear what you guys were talking about, but he saw you being confident and your friend frowning, so he assumed you followed his advice. After a meal where James was only focused on you and fully ignoring his friends, he could finally walk to you as you reached the door.
“You like me” He says as he follows you to the garden, it was Saturday so you were going to do homework under the usual tree.
“Hi to you too” You answer, sitting and taking the things out of your backpack.
“Hi, you like me, right?” This time you ignore him, knowing that he wouldn’t shut up about that if you said anything wrong. “Okay, so I can’t ask that…” He thinks out loud. “Are you going to go to the Gryffindor party tonight?” He asks, smiling 
“I don’t think so” You answer, focused on your homework.
“What? Why not?” He frowns.
“If you want me to go, then ask me” You look up at him, causing him to smile.
“Will you go to the Gryffindor party tonight with me?”
“Yes” You focus again on the homework on your lap, and then you notice that he’s too quiet, so you look at him, just to see him smile like he just won a contest. “What?”
“I like you, and I know that you like me, because you said it, and because, who wouldn’t like me? Have you seen me? Everything is just so perfect…” Then he lays down next to you, watching the tree leafs move.
“Do me a favor, and stop flattering yourself” You tell him, avoiding his gaze when he looks up so he doesn’t think that you were staring at him(you were).
“Then I’ll flatter you”
“I need to finish this”
“I’ll flatter you in my head” You roll your eyes and he smiles, looking at you, until he realizes something “You won’t break anyone's nose tonight will you?”
“Shut up” You tell him, smiling.
Favour 6
“I told you you’d have a good time” James asks as he follows through the hall.
“You didn’t tell me that, but I had a good time”
“You know what wasn’t good? That I got in detention and couldn’t talk to you in a week”
“You talked to me through letters” You tell him, sitting in a random window, waiting for him to sit in front of you.
“You know what they say, the best way to get to someone’s heart is by letters”
“No one has ever said that” You tell him, smiling.
“I do” You roll your eyes, looking through the window. “Can I ask you one last favour?” That makes you look back at him.
“Do me a favour and be my girlfriend” He smiles, pretty confident in himself.
“Okay” You smile too, getting closer to him. “Then do me a favour and kiss me”
And he does, he kisses you until you can’t breathe, until all you feel are his hands on your waist, his lips on yours. He kisses you until you forget everything, until all you can wish is to stay here forever. He kisses you like he’s been waiting all his life for this moment, like his lips can’t stop, and you don’t want them to. You put your hands in his neck as he moves you closer to him, so you have no choice but to stay here and kiss him even more. 
He kisses you until you both hear someone clearing their throat.
You both look back at that person, hardly breathing, and you see Remus looking back at you.
“Hi Rem, this is my girlfriend” He smiles and looks back at you “I think it’s already safe for you to met him”
“You said no more favours!” You tell James.
“I know, but that would make me the happiest person alive”
“I thought that being my boyfriend made you the happiest person alive” You raise an eyebrow at him, who smiles at you.
“And it does! But I’d really love that”
“James, I’m not gonna punch Snape just because he looked at me”
“He was mean to you!”
“He didn't’ even talk!"
“But you could see him thinking mean things” You look at him, genuinely concerned, and sigh, laying in your bed.
“Let’s just sleep” You open your arms so he could cuddle you, and he does, smiling all the time.
“We’ll continue talking tomorrow?”
“Okay, and you actually make me the happiest person alive” You smile, hugging him tightly.
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
No Coat - Hardersson x Kid!Reader
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Summary: Kid!R has a very full day but it always comes back to not wanting to wear a coat.
A/N: This is very dialogue heavy and if it seems like a hot mess its because I tried to think like a 3-year-old. Also, how many conversations do you think I've had with my mother about weather appropriate clothing?
Game day is your favorite day of the week.
Mostly because it means that you get to lay in bed for a long time and you don’t have to get dressed and go to nursery or your babysitter’s house.
And sometimes, if you’re really lucky like you seemed to be this morning, you get to have a cuddle with your moms in the big bed.
Grabbing your stuffed moose, Älg, you roll out of bed and make your way down the hall to your mothers’ room.
Opening the door, you aren’t surprised when your Danish mother lifts her head and watches you make your way to her side of the bed.
“What are you doing out of bed lille skat,” your mamma asks you.
“I want to lay in the big bed,” you tell her softly.
She doesn’t respond, just picks you up and pulls you into the bed, where you make yourself comfortable immediately.
The last thing you hear before you drift off is your mamma mumbling about how cuddly you’re being while stroking hair.
You’re practically dead to the world after that, only stirring when you get passed from one set of arms to a different but still familiar pair.
Shortly after that, you’re awoken by a voice asking if you’re ready to wake up and start your day yet.
“Nej,” you whine, trying to bury yourself further within the blankets.
“Nej,” the voice, which your slightly more awake brain recognizes as your Morsa, says in fake shock, “But our friend Älg is awake and ready to eat breakfast. We wouldn’t want him to starve, would we?”
Peeking your head from under the blanket, you see your Swedish mother looking at you and holding your favored stuffed animal.
“If Älg is hungry, I guess we can get out of bed,” you say, sitting up.
“Good choice, älskling,” Morsa says before she gets up and carries you to the kitchen for breakfast.
“Morsan,” you say, once you’ve reached the kitchen and she’s placed you in your seat.
“Sun’s out today, don’t need to wear my coat,” you tell her pointing out the kitchen window.
That gets a laugh from both your mothers, Mamma placing a plate in front of you while ruffling your hair.
“Sorry skat, it’s still February, the sun is tricking you,” she says, making you pout.
Breakfast passes smoothly for you, in that you’re more focused on what’s on your plate than whatever conversation your parents are having.
When you’re done, and your face and hands more than thoroughly covered with food, your mamma takes you from the table to help you get ready for the day.
It goes well until it comes time to get dressed.
“What jersey do you want to wear today, Y/N/N,” Mamma asks, opening your drawer.
“Your Jessie jersey is short-sleeved,” she tells you, “If you wear that you need to wear both a hoodie and your coat.”
“No. No coat,” you say, eyes already beginning to fill with tears.
“Yes, my love, you have to wear a coat,” Mamma says again, “No matter what kit you choose, you’ll be wearing a coat.”
“No, no, no,” you wail, tears starting to fall, “No coat.”
Before you can work yourself into a full tantrum, you feel your mamma take your hands in hers.
“Listen to me, Y/N,” she says firmly, “You and I both know that screaming and crying is not the way to get what you want, I’m sorry you're upset so I'm going to give you a moment to calm down, and then we can try again.”
Taking a deep breath, you roughly wipe the tears from your face, grimacing when your mamma stops you only to do it with a wet wipe instead.
“Finished,” she asks, only continuing when you nod, “Alright. Now we can go back and forth all day about what you’re going to wear but what’s not up for debate is a coat, understand?”
“Yes, Mamma.”
“Good, so let’s go back to jerseys.”
“Wear Jessie’s?”
“We can make that happen,” Mamma says, “But if you wear just that, you’ll get cold, so you need to wear something warm.”
“Won’t get cold, promise.”
“I know you think that but Mamma has been here for a long time,” she says slowly, “So you have to trust me on this one. Okay?”
“Great, so we have a couple of options: you can wear a long sleeve shirt or a hoodie as your extra layer,” Mamma explains, “If you wear the hoodie you can wear it underneath your jersey so that everyone can still see your jersey when we get to Kingsmeadow.”
“Long sleeves,” you say simply.
“Good choice, skat. Now, will you be wearing a hat as well?”
“Uhm,” you say thinking about it.
Then you hear your morsa shout from the hallway.
“That was rhetorical, Y/N/N,” she calls out.
“Don’t know what that means,” you yell back, then in a much softer voice, “Mamma, what does that mean?”
“It means that the question doesn’t need an answer,” she tells you, tugging the long sleeve shirt over your head.
“Oh, that’s stupid.”
“You’re not wrong but let’s try to use kind words.”
With that crisis averted, the rest of the time spent getting ready goes well.
Even the part where your Morsa forces a hat onto your head and your coat onto your body happens without much fuss but that’s mostly because your mini-tantrum has worn you out.
By the time you’re awake enough to protest, she’s carrying you through the players' entrance and into the locker room.
The second the door closes behind your small family, you’re instantly taken from you Morsa’s arms, the culprit none other than Zeçira.
“Everyone, Magda and Pernille brought my good luck charm,” she announces, carrying you to her locker, “Did you wear my jersey today, Y/N/N?”
“No,” you tell her, “Wore it last time. Wearing Jessie’s today.”
“Oh so you’re Fleming’s good luck charm today,” the Swedish goalkeeper says, getting back up and placing you in the space between Jessie and Niamh Charles.
Luckily for you, the two young players are more than happy to keep you company in the spare that they have before they need to head out for warm-ups.
“Lose the battle again today, Y/N/N,” Niamh says, helping you take off your coat.
“I don’t like it,” you tell her pouting, “Don’t like the hat either.”
“Yea mate, we know.”
“It’s not all bad though,” Jessie says, “If you weren’t wearing a hat I couldn’t do this.” She pulls your hat down further so that it covers your eyes. “Much better.”
Pushing the hat back away from your eyes, you begin to grow frustrated when Niamh reaches over and pulls it down again.
“Cut it out,” you whine, looking up at her.
“Yea Niamh, cut it out,” Jessie says, trying not to show her smile.
“Sorry, Y/N/N,” Niamh says, “I know you like being a living ice cube.”
“It’s okay,” you say, forgiving her easily, “We can play still after the game.”
“Sounds like a plan, mate. I bet you and me can score tons of goals on Zeçira.”
“And Jessie too,” you say, unwilling to leave your favorite Chelsea player out of the planned fun.
“Yes, Jessie too. Maybe Alsu will want to play as well.”
“Of course, I want to play,” the Russian woman shouts from across the room.
You smile widely, glad that all four of your favorite Chelsea players have agreed to play with you after the game.
A few minutes later, Emma comes into the locker room to give her pregame talk and send the players to warm up, so you go around giving your customary prematch high-5, making sure to pause and give both your moms a cuddle.
Once in the stands with your babysitter, time passes quickly as she lets you do and eat whatever you want. By the time the game is over, you’ve had a hotdog, a cheeseburger, some chips, and a soda.
It’s safe to say that you go a little overboard with the freedom your babysitter allows.
At the end of the match, you’re allowed on the field and while you do take a moment to congratulate your parents on their performance, it takes less than a minute before you wiggle away and run toward where Jessie and Niamh are kicking around a ball.
When you reach the players you waste no time, stealing the ball away and sprinting towards the goal as fast as your little legs will carry you. You’re laughing gleefully as Jessie and Niamh, and Alsu when she spots you, all put on a show of trying to stop you.
Once you get inside the 6-yard box, you come face to face with Zeçira who dramatically dives the wrong way when you shoot. When it crosses the line, you can hear the fans that remain break out into raucous applause.
You and the four footballers continue your mini-game for a while with them allowing you to take up different roles on the field. Your smile only grows wider each time you steal the ball or stop a goal after Zeçira gives you her gloves.
Eventually, after your third attempt to take off your hat and coat, the players decide that enough is enough and Jessie carries you back to the locker room.
Unfortunately, neither of your moms are to be spotted in the changing room and although you can hear the showers running, you aren’t willing to check there and instead wander back out of the room and down the hall to where the press conferences are held.
After taking off your outer layers of course.
Opening the door, you quietly make your way to the front of the room and the table where Coach Emma and your Morsa are sitting answering questions.
When you get there, you stand silently between the two women, head barely peeking out over the top of the table, patiently waiting for Morsa to finish speaking.
When she does, you make your presence known by climbing into her lap.
As you try to make yourself comfortable, you can hear the soft laughter of the reporters and you’re pretty sure you hear Emma say something about being joined by the youngest member of the squad.
None of that matters to you though.
You’re more than content to sit with your head on your mother’s chest, zoning out as she answers the boring questions.
You stay like that for a while, feeling the vibrations of her voice through her chest before you notice she’s turned her attention to you.
“Are you going to answer the question Y/N/N,” she asks when you make eye contact with her.
When you stare at her in confusion, she repeats the question.
“They want to know who your favorite player is.” She then helps you shift on her lap so that you can speak into the microphone. “Go on.”
Leaning forward you go to speak into the mic pausing for a second to look at your Morsa, when she nods her approval you continue.
“My favorite player is Rolfö,” you say.
“It’s not one of your mummies,” one of the reporters asks.
You shake your head, leaning back once more, feeling your mother laugh again but you tune back out before you hear if she says anything.
The memories you have of the rest of the press conference are blurry, you hadn’t been paying attention and you really had only come in here because you wanted to be held anyway.
Which is why no one should be surprised when you fall asleep despite all the bright lights shining in your face.
You wake up slightly in the locker room when your mamma tries to put your coat on you. You know it’s her because only she would try something like this.
So without opening your eyes you begin to whine in protest, “Nej, Mamma, jag vill inte ha jackan på mig.”
You're pretty sure that your protests are ignored, especially since you fall back asleep almost instantly.
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maytheleiabewyou · 5 months
Analysis of the German gay film #freierfall / #freefall PART 5
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For the 10th anniversary (omg! 10 years already!) (11 now because its 2024!) of one of my favorite movies I decided to make an analysis of the film and especially of the scenes between these two great actors.Max Riemelt and Hanno Koffler. Kay and Marc. Marc and Kay. I hope you like it and that above all it serves to encourage the creators to give us that long awaited second part.
Remember where we left it? :)
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Gif de everythingmaxriemelt
Are you ready? I think THIS IS one of the best parts of this review and of the whole film!!!!
[Before going to the scene... have you notice this moment when Marc stops everything just to think or "think" what he is about to do.. (all this after having gone to see Bettina and having tucked her in lovingly)]
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gO to track nº10! "The Woods: Love" aaaaaaaaaaaaaa the name!! Its just an instrumental track that introduces us to the passion!!! and makes us our hearts race? ofc!
NOWWW LETS GOOOO!! (*let the gif feast begin*)
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Gif de everythingmaxriemelt
They've arranged to go for a run and it's literally pouring. Who do they think they're going to do sport? Well in a way they ARE going to practice some kind of exercise haha
This scene if you ask me makes me so embarrassed (in a good way!) because it is so clear what is going to happen between them, not only because of the clues in the last scenes, but also because the weather is not only telling us what is going to happen but SHOUTING IT OUT!
This scene is not about deceiving the viewer or faking a normal situation, nothing like that, this scene is transgressive in itself. This scene is telling us: this is what you wanted (and the protagonists too, obviously) this is what you got!
<<<<Now our minds can only think about one thing>>>>
Who is going to make the first move?
It should be Marc because Kay was the one proposing this plan, or it should be Kay because Marc already did the hardest part of going there to do what we all know is going to happen? haaaaaaaaa lets see!
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I can help it to say that Kay is my favorite. Once again he being the one facilitating everything <3
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And now the next is simply p-e-r-f-e-c-t
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Im adding the video of the whole scene BECAUSE IT IS NECESSARY!
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But never in our wildest dreams did we imagine their first scene like this! In the middle of a storm!
lOOk please their looks!!! Again so much information without them saying anything!
Kay's look conveys desire, but also the desire to be playful with Marc. They are going to f*ck in the woods while raining and in PUBLICCCCC! Do you hear me screaming?! Marc is ENJOYING HIMSELF FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE MOVIE! Marc is determined to have a good time, to enjoy himself and above all to show Kay what he can do!! I can't handle it!!!!!!! AMIGAS THEY ARE BOTH SMILING!
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now the uncertainty begins!
Do they like it? Is Marc happy with what happened? (Because we all know that KAY IS HAPPY!) and above all, does Marc regret it?
<<awkward silence fills all the scene>>
Again, my KAY asking Marc if everything is okay.
((AND OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS OKAY)) Or at least that is what we all want to think because it is true that Marc says yes to Kay but he immediately leaves the car without kissing Kay as a goodbye or something!
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Kay saying
-it has been good
+ And Marc nodding in embarrassment!
The cutest? YES.
End of part 5.
I want know to dedicate a whole part to some scenes that for me are everything! Those scenes deserve a bunch of posts, parts or whatever all by themselves! Im SO happy!
Thanks for all the feedback from the previous publications and to the owners of the gifs I used <3
And here you have the previous parts in case you missed them!
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
Hear My Voice
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Summary: being trapped in an underground bunker with a deadly virus wasn’t how the reader wanted to spend her last moments. . . But here they were.
A/N: have another terrible piece of writing by me! I’m just up in my Rex feels and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
Warnings: none.
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“I’m disappointed.”
Letting yourself fall back against the wall behind you, you slid to the floor, your legs kicked out in front of you.
“I always thought I would go out guns blazing atop a pile of battle droids not by some virus.” Looking up at the captain across fromyou you gave him a weak smile, though Rex only shook his head in return.
“You’re not going to die. No one else is dying.”
Letting out a sigh you cast your eyes around you. Several of the remaining clones mingled in little groups, taking in hushed voices as they sat on the ground. A foot or so away from you Padme was leaned against the same wall, Ahsokas head in her lap as they both slept, their bodies no doubt fighting the virus like yours was.
“I hope your right.”
“General Skywalker is getting that antidote for us as we speak.”
“And he’s half a galaxy away.” Letting out a breath you folded your hands in front of you. “You should sit down Rex, right now all we can do is wait.”
The captain was silent for a moment before taking off his helmet and sinking to the floor, leaning against the wall across from you. Hanging out in a hallway wasn’t the comfiest of places but it was the best you had to work with.
“How are you feeling?” Rex looked over at you, a slight tilt to his head as he spoke.
“I am the perfect image of health and vitality.” You joked weakly, knowing full well you looked anything but. You had caught your reflection in a shard of glass earlier. You had blue veins crawling up your neck and spreading out from underneath your eyes. Not to mention you were insanely weak.
“Don’t lie General.”
“Don’t worry about me Rex. How are you feeling?”
Fiddling with the helmet in his hand, Rex sucked in a breath. “I can feel the symptoms starting.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Looking up Rex found your eyes, the two of you holding your gazes until you felt an awkwardness settle over you and you let out a cough.
The truth was; if you were going to be stuck in an underground bunker waiting for death you glad you were with Rex. From the moment the captain had entered your life you knew you wanted him in it for a long time. Rex was like no one you had ever met.
He wasn’t the galaxy but you were sure that he was everything that made the galaxy good.
“So. . . What do we do now?”
“Sit and wait for General Skywalker and Kenobi.”
Slumping lower against the wall you let out a sigh. “Sounds boring. We should play a game.”
At that Rex raised an eyebrow. “A game? Like what?”
Sitting in silence for a moment you sucked in a breath. “I know. Interrogate me.”
“Interrogate you?”
“Yeah. Ask me any question you want and I have to answer in complete honesty. Only I also get to ask you question in return.”
Letting out a weak chuckle Rex relaxed further into his spot. One leg stretched out in front of him while the other was bent, his wrist balanced on his knee, bucket dangling limply from his fingers. “Alright, but why?”
“Because we practically see each-other every day and yet we still know so little about each-other.”
Rex was silent for a moment before he spoke. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Seriously you could ask any question and that’s what you chose?”
“You said any question.”
Folding your arms across your chest you gave the captain a look before answering. “For the longest time it was green. Growing up on Corucant I never saw the color much but when I did I was extatic.” You paused. “But then the war started and I supposed it changed.”
“To what?”
“Blue.” In truth you didn’t realize your love for the color until you saw it painted on the armor of the 501st troopers. Your favorite color wasn’t blue until Rex came along.
But it wasn’t like you were going to say that aloud.
“Alright captain, it’s only fair that I know your favorite color now.”
Rex studied you carefully for a moment. “I thought you didn’t like the question?”
“Yeah well you started it so out with it blondie.”
Yet again the captain was silent for a moment, deep in thought.
That caught you off guard. So much in fact you tilted your head as he spoke. You never took Rex for much of an orange guy.
But the truth was in Rexs mind it was the only right answer. It was the color of your lightsaber. It was the color of warmth and fire and energy. If you were a color that’s what you would be.
“Good choice, now hit me with another one but this time make it more interesting. . . No offense.”
Shooting you an amused look, Rex shifted in his spot. “Alright uhm. . . Do you like being a Jedi?”
A pause.
“That’s a bit more of a bold question.”
“Forgive me General, I overstepped.”
Shaking your head quickly you sat up properly, pulling your knees into your chest as you did. “You didn’t. I like the question, makes me think.” You were silent for another moment as you folded your arms over your knees. “I do like being a Jedi. I get to help people, I get to help make the galaxy better. . . But there are things about it I question.”
“Like what?”
“There’s so many rules. So many codes to stick by and sometimes it’s overwhelming and I can’t get myself to follow some of them no matter how hard I try.”
In truth you were thinking about a certain rule in particular. One you had never been good at following: No emotional connections.
How could you follow such a rule when having connections is a part of living. Without them everything would fall apart.
The deepest connection you had ever felt in your life had been with Rex. He felt like your other half and yet because of the Order and it’s rules they made you feel as if something was wrong with you for having such feelings.
“General? Are you alright?”
Looking up at your captain you hadn’t realized you had fallen silent. “Sorry, got lost in thought for a moment.”
“No need for apologies. . . Now if I’m correct it your turn to ask the question?”
“Right, right. . . Uhm, is your hair naturally blonde or do you bleach it?”
A laugh nearly escaped your lips as you watched Rex’s face go through a range of emotions, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to process the question. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I’m extremely curious. I need to know!” You mused, resting your chin atop your folded arms as you did.
“It’s natural! Why would you ever think otherwise?!”
“Aha! I kriffing knew it! Anakin owes me twenty credits!”
“You bet on this?!”
“Do you not know me and Anakin? C’mon Rex.” You smirked, only for it to falter a moment later as a sudden fit of coughing racked your body.
Force, you’d nearly forgotten you were sick and dying at the present moment.
“Are you alright?”
Waving him off you nodded your head as you inhaled air into your lungs. “I’m fine. You?”
“A bit lightheaded and nauseous but it’s nothing I can’t handle General.”
“You can call me Y/N, Rex. We’re friends and I think we can cease the formalities for now.” You spoke, casting your eyes around the hallway of the bunker. The little group of clones down the hallway were sitting on the floor, clearly now to weak to stand as they played a game of sabbac, showing that one of them had had a pack of cars on them during the mission. “Now ask me another question.”
Another band of silence.
“Tell me a secret.”
“ a secret?”
“Yes. . . I mean if you’re comfortable doing so of course.” Rex quickly added, his social awkwardness coming through as he sounded slightly panicked.
“We’ll let me think of a good one first.” You hummed, returning your chin to your folded arms atop your knees.
You weren’t sure what triggered it, what made your eyes suddenly sting with oncoming tears but all you knew was one second you were fine and the next you could feel the burn in the back of your nose signaling you were on the verge of crying.
Maybe it was the image of a slowly weakening Padme and Ahsoka besides you, maybe it was the ones you had already lost within the last two hours. . . Maybe it was the way you were sitting across from someone you loved deeply.
Either way you couldn’t pin point it.
“I don’t want to die, Rex.”
“. . . That’s not really a question but you’re not going to die Y/N.”
Sniffling slightly you turned your eyes back to Rex, peeking over at him from where your head rested in your arms. “You wanna know my deepest secret? There’s someone who I’m deeply in love with and I have no idea what to do.”
At that Rex fell silent, pulling his eyes from yours as he looked down at his gloved hands. He wasn’t good at giving this type of advice. He was a clone. He knew nothing about love.
Well maybe he didn’t but he still wasn’t entirely sure. It was like stepping onto a foreign planet for him.
“Well whoever they are I think they would be lucky to have you. You’re one of the most brilliant people I know.”
At that you smiled. Though your vision was beginning to grow fuzzy you could still make out Rex across from you. “Thank you. But I don’t think they could ever look at me in the way I look at them.”
Rex wasn’t sure what he was feeling in the moment all he knew was that it was something he hadn’t felt before. Was that. . . Jealousy?
“Well whoever they are you should tell them. If we get out of here of course.” He mused, letting his eyes glance around the bunker hallway as he did. “And we will.”
“I don’t think us getting out of here would help me at all.” As you spoke you could hear the way your voice wavered.
You were nervous now. Really, really nervous. But if you were going to die in here you might as well get it off your chest before you go.
“Why would you think that?”
Feeling the tears gather on your folded arms, you looked up at met Rex’s gaze once more. “Because he’s sitting across from me.”
You watched Rex through teary eyes as he tried to compute what you had said, his eyes widening as he quickly realized. When he said nothing for a good long while you squeezed your eyes shut before burying your head in your arms, too scared to look up anymore.
“You don’t need to say anything. I just wanted you to know. . . Since we’re, you know. . . Dying.”
Kriff you had faced both Sith and battle droid alike yet you had never felt scared like this before. You would almost rather face down an entire separatist army alone rather than sit here a face the fact that you had probably just ruined your entire friendship with Rex.
“You don’t need to hide.”
At the sound of Rex’s voice you looked up, startled by the fact that you hadn’t heard him get up and move to sit down besides you, his back resting against the wall as he let out a heavy and tired sigh.
“I’ve ruined everything between us, haven’t I?”
At that Rex shifted his head to look over at you, a confused look on his face. “Why would you think that? If anything I’m surprised Fives never cornered you and told you about how I feel.”
“How you feel?”
“No offense General but for a Jedi you are quite oblivious.”
“You never wondered why so many times I acted so awkward around you?” The captain spoke, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as he did, eyes averted to his lap.
“Rex, I thought you were that way with everyone—“
“Ah. . . Uh no actually. Just, just with you.” He spoke bashfully, his cheeks turning a dusty pink.
Reaching out slowly you grabbed onto the hand nearest to you, lacing your fingers through his. A second later he returned the grip, The small action enough to make your breath hitch in your throat.
Rex felt the same.
He felt the same.
“We are not dying in here.”
“No. No we are not.”
And that was a promise. You had just truly gotten each other, and you would be damned if you let some stupid virus take you out before you got a chance to kiss him true and proper.
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ma1dmer · 6 days
Warhammer - Tyrith Shiva Kyrus NSFW
no this isn't lore accurate, no i don't care, fight with my left tit, i have paid my dues to the warhammer fandom, this is my turn to have fun, anyways all hot girlies write warhammer smut and ignore canon....
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): before she shuts the doors to her quarters, she'll always tell a serf at around what time they should bring in food and water for you, it's always embarrassing because you get to hear for how long exactly she plans to ravage you for, she always gets you both to finish multiple times five minutes before the serfs come in. she is very precise with her time, she doesn't even need a clock to keep track of that.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): as a custodian she is extremely proud of her body, crafted by the emperor's own flesh and blood. as such, a bit of body worship goes a long way for her, trail your lips gently down from her neck to the middle of her breasts to her abs and then down to her legs until you are kneeling in front of her with your forehead pressed to her feet, it's the fastest way to get her to fold you in half, it might be a bit heretical, but nobody would dare ask or question her as to what exactly happens behind closed doors.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): she likes the mess, she doesn't care about getting it on herself, but she isn't shy about getting it everywhere else, letting any serfs, coming in to clean after you two are done, see your spent all over her sheets/floor, she might chastise you for making more work for the poor serfs but she is a bit too smug about it to truly make you feel bad.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): she loves the size difference, she loves having her strap/toys match her size, of course she doesn't push you to take her right away and trust you WILL be taking her. this is why it's so convenient to have only one partner for a long time, so she can slowly mold you to her needs wreck you for anyone else, she starts off with her fingers and mouth and simply grinding herself against you, her cunt against yours/using your cock ,then bit by bit she starts bringing in bigger and bigger toys crafted for you specifically, until she finally brings the one that is proportionate to the rest of her body.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): a few flings here and there throughout the millennia, but they never lasted long and they were always more of a sort of exploration, a learning opportunity rather than just fumbling to satisfy her baser urges.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): she likes to keep you pressed down or against her, she takes full advantage of her strength and size to keep you pinned or held up, she doesn't like when you move around too much, it distracts her from her goal of getting you to cum as many times as possible before you pass out. she also loves mirrors, loves watching both of your reflections as she takes you apart.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): just like with everything else she takes her duty very seriously, even something like this, she doesn't want you to feel intimidated by her, not when you let yourself be so vulnerable and place your trust on her like that, but she just can't help it, the way she stares at you, practically devouring you with her eyes makes you feel as if she might actually do it, it's extremely intimidating.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): it's fine and fair and soft, she doesn't do anything to it. she ,like most of the emperor's creations, always carries a sort of artificial scent mixed in with her natural musk, unlike space marines, custodes represent the emperor directly so she doesn't neglect her hygiene. she always makes sure to come to you already washed up, especially after a battle.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): romance isn't exactly in her code, but she is very passionate, she can make you feel as if you are the only person in the world just by the way she treats you, she'll open doors for you, she'll guide you by the small of your back, she'll gently unwrap you like a gift, she'll focus her entire attention on you rather than simply chase her own pleasure through your body. she is also very touchy, she holds you close, always pulling your hands or legs to wrap around her in some way.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): she doesn't really feel the need for it, she doesn't get the point of it, it doesn't satisfy her, not like taking you does and she'll scoff at the idea of you giving her a show, she brings you to her bedroom to touch you, if she wanted to just watch something she'd watch a holodrama.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): body worship, slight exhibitionism etc
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): preferably back in the imperial palace, in her personal quarters, where she can keep an eye out in case she is called for duty, her bedroom isn't the most luxurious place, she doesn't get to use it often enough to warrant having anything other than the bare necessities ,but the bed is big and comfortable enough and the serfs know to mind their business when she brings you around.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): she definitely has a thing for you submitting to her, she gives orders and she expects you to follow them, be in her room in 30 minutes, wait for her on the bed ,leave your clothes on, wear that perfume/outfit etc etc, she is very satisfied when you fully follow her instructions, it makes her want to reward you for being so obedient. she is a woman used to always having her orders followed and that doesn't change in the bedroom.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): she is a very stubborn woman, it is very often you get told no, it doesn't even have to be something specific, sometimes it might just be your tone that makes her shut you down.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): she can spend hours between your legs coaxing orgasm after orgasm from you simply with her mouth, her tongue buried inside of you/taking you into her mouth ,she has amazing breath control and isn't shy about flipping you on your stomach to explore other parts of your body equally as thoroughly. she gets almost annoyed if you try to pull her away, she doesn't even need the favour returned simply lie back and let her do her thing.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): she is like a machine, she doesn't falter , doesn't change her pace its almost overwhelming, she loves overstimulating you, you'll be gasping shaking beneath her and she'll tell you to just keep taking her, give her another one,she knows your body, she knows how much you can handle and she knows you haven't reached your limit just yet.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): they just aren't practical, she doesn't like them, simply getting in and out of her armor and bodyglove is a whole process, she would much rather make a day of it rather than rush it like a fumbling teen, she wants to take you out for a walk, listen about your day and then take you to her bed, you can usually tell what she has planned from the fact she has forgone armouring up and told the serfs around what time they can come clean up the next day.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): not really, again following up with what we said above she is very stubborn and knows what she is into, hearing no from her is more common than hearing her say yes, she does want you to come with your own ideas if anything just to learn more about you and she is willing to indulge the safer requests of the bunch, but she isn't sharing you, she isn't taking you outside her bedchamber, she isn't doing any weird roleplay for you etc etc
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): she is not human, she does not tire like you do ,she is always aware of how much quicker you get tired than her and tends to push for you to keep going, never past what she knows are your true limits.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): huge space strap, i think i hauev covid
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): she is very blunt and straight forward, she doesn't like playing games like that, but she loves to hear you beg her for mercy, it gives her the same satisfaction as besting a foe in battle.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): she grunts and groans and sounds almost angry whenever she cums.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): she loves having her hair pulled, i feel like she usually simply shaves it for convenience, she only tends to grow it out a bit, like we saw in the episode, if she is seeing someone, just to give them something to grab onto. she also loves when you try leaving marks on her, they never last long enough to enjoy the sight of them on her body, but that's part of why she enjoys them, drag your nails down her shoulders or down her back or on her forearms and watch her stare at her reflection in the mirror as they heal up.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): all such feelings are kept firmly under wrap, her duty comes first before everything else, that doesn't mean she doesn't let herself indulge every so often, she is fond of the way her mind drifts off to thoughts of you when she wanders the halls of the imperial palace or in between missions, you are a welcome distraction, another reminder as to what she has pledged her life to protect.
she knows its not feasible but in these cases she often thinks about how she wishes she could keep you in her quarters, waiting for her in the imperial palace, she knows you have your own life, your own duties and such. in another life she would perhaps love to be a provider for you, you her pretty little partner simply waiting for her to come back.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): she is a light sleeper and can fall asleep at will, especially considering the fact she probably doesn't need a lot of it like normal humans do. at the start of your relationship she waits for you to fall asleep before she let's herself drift off, but as the two of you draw closer she learns to let go a bit, she starts pretending more and more that she doesn't feel you move around when you wake up, just to get an extra few minutes of just having you in her arms.
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Yavin-4 Boy - Poe Dameron
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A/N: I've been bopping to London Boy lately (always?) and have been itching to write, AND just recently rewatched the entire SW saga, so behold, this creation. Hopefully you'll see me more regularly, but we all know how that goes.
TS Prompt #3: London Boy
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 1.9k Synopsis: Poe begins to wonder if life on Yavin-4 is enough for you.
When the alarm goes off before the sun has even risen, you let out a groan of annoyance. Not that the alarm should surprise you. Since moving in with Poe after the defeat of the First Order, this had become routine for the two of you.
Where you are all grumbles and large stretches, Poe is up at the first chime of the alarm. He leans over to wrap a strong arm around you, and like always, you try to coax him to stay in bed for a while longer. Only occasionally do your temptations work.
This morning is not one of those mornings.
After kissing you at least twelve times, Poe reluctantly pulls from your embrace and heads toward the kitchen. He shuts the door behind him, knowing full well that you will fall back asleep.
Because that, too, has become habit for the two of you.
When Poe rises early, the first thing he does is start up a pot of your favorite tea from Naboo. By the time the scent drifts to your bedroom, the intoxicating smell is enough to coax you out of the sheets.
There is a mug steaming on the counter when you step into the kitchen. You take a healthy sip, feeling the warmth travel to your stomach. You hum happily and hear Poe laugh.
"I don't know how you make this so much better than me," you say as he passes behind you, smacking your ass.
"I've had lots of practice. You might be better at it if you ever made it," he teases with a grin.
"Hey, I make it in the afternoons, sometimes. You've just got the morning tea shift."
"A position I happily accept," he says as he kisses your forehead.
"When do you have to head out?" you ask quietly.
"Half an hour."
"Will you be back in time for drinks at Finn's?"
"I'll be sure to. Wouldn't want to miss the Frantxis beer."
"Well of course," you say with a laugh, wrapping an arm around his waist, "Who would ever want to miss Frantxis beer?"
"A fool."
"Precisely my thought." Your humor dims for a moment. "Be careful?" you say quietly.
"Always," he says, his dark eyes locked with yours. With a hand on his cheek, you pull him in for a kiss that lasts much too long. For this, too, has become part of your every day life.
You fell in love with a man with a strong work ethic, something he learned from his parents, from his years spent working on their farm. Even though the fight with the First Order has officially ended, Poe's loyalty to the Resistance hasn't.
When there was a former First Order base that needed to be destroyed, or a former convoy that needed breaking apart, Poe was the first to volunteer.
And he knows the strain it puts on you. He knows the anxiety that comes over you when he leaves. But it's a integral part of him, one that he cannot fight, even if he tried.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
The mission this time around is a simple one. Chances of running into any severe danger are low.
Poe arrives to Coruscant to speak to the Senate. They have been asking for a member of the former Resistance, and now the Reformed Republic, to address the Senate.
Peace was tentative, it always was. With his speech to the Senate, they hoped to work it into their propaganda, to let former First Order controlled planets know that it was safe to go back to the freedom they had known before.
Poe enjoyed the change of pace, but when he finds himself done for the day in the early afternoon, he faces a choice. He can return home to you early, albeit empty-handed. Or he can return home a tad later, and bring you an elaborate gift.
Poe was under no impression that life on Yavin-4 was easy. When he wasn't taking off with the Republic, he was helping his Dad on their farm. And on the days he was off-planet, you were there helping.
You had grown up in a life of luxury: fancy dresses, decadent food, elaborate parties every night. None of which, Yavin-4 was in excessive possession of.
After the reformation, after your marriage, Poe had asked where you wanted to live.
"With you," you had said plainly. Poe began to laugh and explain himself, but you cut him off. "I know what you meant, and my answer remains the same. Wherever you are."
So you had settled onto Yavin-4, and left behind the life you knew before.
Poe has one of the million cruisers of Coruscant fly him to a nearby shop. When he steps inside, he doesn't even know where to start. The surrounding walls are stuffed with elaborate outfits, arranged by color, all different kinds of fabric ready to swallow the shop whole. On the tables filling up the sales floor, are shoes, bags, and jewels on top of jewels.
He isn't sure where to start.
His attention first clings to the dresses coating the walls. It's been so long since he's seen you in something ridiculously fancy. He touches a soft purple dress that looks and feels like it's made of water, but when he thinks about you wearing it, in the damp forest that is Yavin-4, he laughs.
There is a reason you don't wear all the gorgeous gowns that fill an entire closet of your home. Your wardrobe these days consist of the same utilitarian type of stuff the rest of the planet wears.
Poe wanders over towards the shoes, but again, can't imagine you wearing them instead of your battered work boots.
The tables full of jewels beckon to him next, and they are overwhelming to say the least. The only piece of jewelry that Poe consistently sees you wear is the wedding ring he gave to you a year back.
A necklace catches his eye just when he's about to give up. It's a small pendant on a gold chain. The pendant itself is a black circle, and at it's heart is your home planet of Naboo. Poe knows before he's even touched it that this is the perfect gift for you. He knows that Yavin-4 is completely different from your home, but if you have a piece of it with you--
"Anything I can help with?" the sales representative asks, interrupting his train of thought.
You are pulling on a black sweater when you hear the X-Wing land in the yard. You glance at the clock in surprise. You weren't expecting him for at least another hour. You finish fussing with your hair and walk into the living room just as BB-8 and Poe enter.
"Hey," you say, hugging Poe. His embrace of you is tight. "Did something happen?"
"What? No, I just missed you," he says, before kissing you.
"How'd it go today?"
"Politics is never really my thing," he says. A non-answer.
"Do you want a drink?" you asked, already walking towards the kitchen. There is something different about his demeanor, and you fear there is something he isn't telling you.
When you hand the glass to him, he sighs before taking a drink. He must feel you studying him closely, because he looks up at you with a laugh.
"What?" he asks.
"You tell me."
"I just missed you," he says, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"I missed you, too," you say, and kiss him again. When you break apart, it's his turn to study you closely. You wait a moment, hoping he'll tell you what's gone wrong, when he says the last thing you ever expected him to.
"You're happy, aren't you?"
"What?" you ask in disbelief.
"You're happy?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"You don't miss all the fuss of life in Naboo, or crave the hustle of Coruscant?"
"What happened today?" you ask.
"I was just reminded of what you've given up, to live here with me."
"I haven't given anything up--" you begin, but Poe cuts you off as he paces towards the living room.
"Come on, this place is nothing like Naboo. The dense trees, the farms, we're miles away from any civilization," he says, running a hand through his hair.
"You said you only needed to be with me, but after seeing all that you're missing, all the nice things that you can't have here, I . . ."
"Poe," you say, walking towards him. He is shaking slightly as you put your hands on his arms. "I love Yavin-4."
"I know--"
"Let me finish, please. I love Yavin-4. I love that we get up at the crack of dawn every morning. I love how quiet it is here. I love going to your Dad's and drinking his insanely strong moonshine.
"I love farming with the both of you. I love that we have to travel so far to get our food, and that it tastes better than anything we could ever get in a city like Coruscant.
"I love that it's almost always just the two of us. I love this cabin, how we can have sex as loud as we want, because there's no one to hear for miles." He lets out a breath of laugh at that.
"I love that I had to learn all 53 rules of Primagge, and that when we play, I usually end up throwing the cards. I love that when I go into town, I usually end up hearing stories about you.
"I love that our friends come to visit, and that we have room for them. I love that you are teaching me to fly, and that BB-8 sits at the dinner table with us most nights.
"But mostly, I love you. And you are who you are because of Yavin-4. You are Yavin-4 through and through, and I wouldn't change a single thing. Believe me, if I wanted to put on one of those gowns, I would, and I would show this forest style like it has never seen. But I don't need those things anymore. I'm just happy here with you."
Poe takes a moment before he replies. Well, before he takes you in his arms and kisses you dramatically. You are both laughing as he tips you a little, but when he rights you, there are tears in his eyes.
"I love you so much, and am so incredibly lucky."
"You are," you say simply. He walks over towards the leather jacket he threw on the couch.
"So," he says, "Given all that you just said, this might seem like a stupid gift, but I saw this when I was on Coruscant, and I couldn't help myself."
He brings over a jewelry box and when you open it, you find a pendant, with Naboo emblazoned on it. It takes your breath away for a moment, and you see Poe smile.
"I figured you should have it, so even if we stay on Yavin-4 forever--"
"Don't threaten me with a good time," you interrupt, making him laugh.
"So even if we stay here forever, you'll still have a piece of home with you."
"Now who's the lucky one," you say quietly. "I love it."
"Here," he says, taking the necklace. You turn and he clasps the necklace close around your neck. He spins you back around and examines it. "Beautiful."
"It is."
"Not who I meant."
He pulls you into his arms, kissing you deeply. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him close. Even the taste of him is home. You wouldn't change a single thing about the life the two of you live, the life you fought so hard for.
"You are my home, Poe."
"And you're mine."
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riddler-green · 1 year
Tea for three. Prologue
Summary: You have been a patient/prisoner of Arkham for several months since you were charged with a crime you did not commit. But what happens when you meet Batman's latest enemy? the man of the hour? In which you help Batman on his cases, you're Edward's new favorite person, and Jonathan is part of your past that you want so badly to return to.
Edward Nashton x reader, Bruce Wayne x reader, Jonathan Crane x reader.
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A/n: Holaaa everyone! here I am posting another story that I thought of in a sleepless night, I think it's one of my most ambitious fics that I've been planning but that makes it cooler! I should clarify that this fanfic is mixed with the 2022 movie with the Nolan saga (but in such a minuscule way that it's barely imperceivable). I'm back from my vacation so I'll update my other work soon! ♡
I also want to clarify that English is not my first language, so an apologize for the spelling mistakes. ✧˖°. (My English is rusty :´p).
(Also this fanfic is published on AO3) ✿
Warning: Fluff and angst, Obsessive Behavior, Canon Compliant (the flood occurred, sorry) Movie spoiler (Batman 2022) if there is another warning I did not put, please let me know.
Words: 5,400
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You stroll as two guards lead you to a room, you don't know where they are taking you but it's not like you could complain either. The guards behind you ignored you all the way chatting with each other as if they were not watching an Arkham patient, they let you into the individual visiting room. Still, you nicknamed it the interrogation room because you only come here when that person requests your presence.
You sit down without a problem in the stiff metal chair, the approving noise of the iron partition sounds throughout the place, and you hear one of the guards closing the door leaving you alone with him.
At first, it was tedious, even traumatic in a way to come to this room to talk to the person who captured you and brought you to Arkham without hesitation. You couldn't refuse to see him, not when the caped man is a colleague of an important commissioner. No matter how many times you told him, how many times you yelled at him that you were innocent, he either didn't believe you or just wouldn't listen. You got tired of telling everyone around you that it wasn't your fault, none of them listened to you.
The metal partition rises completely, and little by little you see the almost imperceptible figure of the knight of the night. He kept silent without sitting down, standing in front of you analyzing you as everyone does nowadays, but you no longer care what he thinks of you, you are practically a hopeless case for him.
"Hello?" your greeting sounded confusing, you were not expecting a visit from him, but you have an idea why he comes to you, on certain occasions he shows you cases of different indoles, also that he has found some clue of the…
"I'm looking for the Riddler" He doesn't greet you and moves closer to the glass that separates them, you can take a better look at him, he's still the same since the last time you saw him, his attire nor his face have changed at all, but you notice something different in his voice, is it tiredness you hear?
"The Riddler?" you look at him unclear as to what he means "Who is that?".
"A serial killer" he informs you, you often hear those terrible words from him, how often does Batman chase killers like that, it's like there's one every week, it's cruel but it's the truth, Gotham is the cradle of evil, hell on earth, some would say.
"And what have I got to do with him?" you ask hesitantly.
Batman leaves a gray folder in the crack that connects the two rooms as if it were a mailbox "I need to know your perspective".
For a moment you thought about rejecting whatever is in that folder, but your curiosity won you over, you slowly grabbed the folder somewhat heavy because of the many sheets stored, on the cover of the folder you can see a CLASSIFIED in capital letters, that fuels your interest even more and you open the folder.
It's a lot to take in at once, you open your eyes from the initial shock, you haven't seen so much blood since your clinical internship days, you close the folder for a few seconds to recover, and you look Batman in the eye with a frown, he didn't even warn you how grotesque the case could be. 
Batman looks back at you completely seriously, he looks immutable and silent. You open the folder again and are greeted by the same disturbing images "Wow, it's something " you comment uneasily.
You see the evidence, black and white photos of the murders stapled to the autopsy reports, it is amazing how this man can have such information. the more time you spend reading the events and the evidence the more disturbed you become. 
Mayor Don Mitchell Jr, mayor of Gotham for several years, you saw him once at a social event done by Gotham University, he was happy and smiling maybe because of the excess alcohol in his veins. but now you look at the crime scene, his face completely wrapped in duct tape.
"No more lies..." you whisper reading the message on the corpse of the mayor, then that was with an already established motive, to give a statement.
On the other hand, Commissioner Savage's body is barely recognizable, the cage on his head says it all.
This is no ordinary killer.
What have you gotten yourself into, batman?
"why are you showing me this?" you manage to ask him even with the murders fresh in your mind, you don't think you will sleep tonight.
The already-seated masked man repeats to you "I need to know your perspective".
"As a patient or as a psychologist?" technically you can no longer practice your career since they took away your degree, but he doesn't correct you, you peruse everything that was offered, the riddles, the pictures of all the letters he has left for Batman, descriptions of the crime scene, write-ups of the witnesses who found the bodies.
"Both" he declares.
The handcuffs on your wrists do not give you much freedom to move your arms but do not prevent you from handling the documents in the folder, if Batman thought this might interest you he was right, for better or worse you did not stop seeing file after file.
"How extravagant," you say your first impressions "Brusque with his victims, he really is angry" You turn the page to see the pictures of his riddles "But he is also ingenious, this is not prepared from one day to another, he has been planning this for a long time, I would say years".
"Angry at who?" the man in front of you asks but you don't answer him instantly, you take your time carefully reading all the research, it's a lot for only one killer and few victims, but it's nothing that can be used to find him.
"With the world" you turn the page to see Commissioner Savage's crime scene photo "The pattern is evident, the mayor...the commissioner...does not kill ordinary civilians." 
"Do you think it's political?".
You barely smile at the mere idea that this is just politics "No, this is too intimate for him, riddles are an essential part of his life that he knows how to use to his advantage...and I only come to one conclusion..." you shut up and rearrange the documents to close the folder. 
"What is it?" batman questions you with intrigue in his voice.
You see him again, he must be desperate somehow to find this Riddler who asks for the opinions of third parties, of "crazy" people like you, something he dislikes, he prefers to work alone, that's his emblem. Deep down it angers you to no end, he hasn't caught your living nightmare and he's already looking for another asshole.
"That" you passed him the folder through the crack in the partition between rooms, and he retrieves it in his hands "Is revenge, Batman, and a very wicked one."
"Give me a diagnosis" he speaks faster, and the anger starts to seep into his face and it satisfies you to sometimes see him like this, frustrated Batman...yeah that's a first.
you smile and relax in your stiff metal seat "You should ask Dr. Crane for that, he's more prepared than I am, don't you think?".
"He refused" You'd know he'd turn it down, he's not like Batman or you, he doesn't even like to play Clue.
"yeah, he doesn't have the hobby of playing detective" you shrug your shoulders "I can't give you a diagnosis because it's little, he has left only what he wants us to know, maybe he includes you in this because he admires you or because he wants to kill you, who knows" you blurt out everything you think without any shame, in your mind you are already putting together a criminal profile with only what he gave you, but you won't tell him that, he doesn't deserve your help.
The masked man's posture tenses and he begins to clench his fists, your smile grows. 
"all that, all those little clues he leaves you make me think this is all a big riddle on his part" You pointed to the folder held by one of his gloved hands.
"I don't think he's going to stop until he sees everyone on his list dead."
What you told him seemed to affect him, because he suddenly gets up and goes to the door without looking at you, and he found no news "I can't waste time" he whispers with disdain, he leaves the room and you stand watching the door where he left.
So it's a riddle against the clock, huh? you think.
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The sky in Gotham looks like a landscape worthy to take a picture of, from here you can see the buildings of different heights, the traffic between highways, and the bridges, even if you force your sight you can see people walking.
"Do you like the view?".
You continue to look through the window reinforced with bars and tempered glass, the bars cover part of the landscape but you can still admire the beautiful gray sky full of clouds ready to rain.
"yes..." you say putting your hands between the bars without stopping to think how happy you would be just to be out of this abyss. you didn't appreciate the beauty of the freedom you had before you were here.
"What do you like most about the view?".
You take a few seconds to respond, the handcuffs on your wrists started to itch on your skin, that itch so normalized on your skin that you don't do much to get rid of that itch, you didn't look away from the window, this simple reinforced window brought you comfort for all these months.
"You hear the voice of your therapist repeat your answer and nod, will your cafeteria still be open? The Gotham Library will have finally added new books? the university will have already changed that horrible lamp in one of your favorite classrooms? 
Batman already caught the Riddler?
"What a good answer actually, but I need you to sit down for a further conversation, soon the session will be over" The doctor's professional tone makes you tense up, you feel like you are not talking to a human but to a fucking robot, that's how you have thought them since you were imposed to this therapist.
You listen to what you say and sit in the other chair where you are supposed to be for the whole session, however, Mr. M has let you have the sessions while you watch from the only window, you are grateful for that, even if you didn't like him at all.
"I have been informed about your good behavior this week, if you continue like this you can be given more access through the hospital" Mr.M speaks calmly looking through several documents held by a wooden board.
Fuck you, you thought but didn't tell him, you don't have the luxury of being rude to him. you'll never get the same freedom you got when you were still an average citizen of Gotham and it saddens you, it makes your blood boil to remember every moment of your existence that you're here unjustly.
"Thank you" You speak as little as possible because you know you would break down in tears just remembering that you are another day of your life wasted locked up among so many criminals.
"But" Mr.M stops looking at his documents to turn to look at you "I was also told that you refuse to take your medication, why is that?".
"Why don't I need them" you speak cuttingly again, the itch in your wrists grows and you scratch with your fingernails without realizing it.
"you have to take his medicine...it will make your recovery process more enjoyable" he grabs his tablet with documents and writes again, Mr.M does not scold you but you perceive it like this, you want to go back to your cell, you feel so ashamed that your skin gets hot, how did you come to this? How did you fall so low that you are the one they have to medicate? 
"Fine" you lie to him, you dislike the taste of the medicine they force you to take, you know perfectly well what they prescribe you, you studied for it after all.
But everyone seems to forget that.
Only Batman can recognize your abilities, but he does not help you at all in your case.
And well, you paranoidly believe that Jonathan is only talking to you out of unconscious guilt.
"Okey" Mr. M gives a soft smile "Just one last question before our time is up" he checks the time on his wrist watch "Have you made a new friend? Have you managed to get along with anyone?".
You avoid the gaze of your therapist "No" you denied, another issue you don't want to address, your notorious loneliness in this hospital. If it weren't for your unique best friend who works here, you would be all alone.
You don't answer him, you also question the same thing, you haven't had an interest to socialize with the other patients since you arrived, and there are still things that are not clear to you.
Mr. M sighs dropping his papers in a file cabinet near him "Well, I'll leave it as homework for you to start seeing new people, making a friend sounds excellent."
"I'll try" You don't lie to him.
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It's been a day since Batman visited you and you had your weekly session with Mr.M, you haven't been able to sleep due to the tremendous curiosity of the new assassin the bat is looking for.
Just when you thought nothing could surprise you in this city since your accident, along comes a man with a question mark and puts the whole city in check, that's the city to him, a colossal chessboard, the DPGC, the Gotham elite, the citizens, they are all pieces in the game, and Batman and he are the only players.
Batman said he didn't have time, Does that mean that he has to catch him these days? how curious, with the Joker, it took months to find him, you were only intercepted in a couple of hours, and the Scarecrow...
no, you don't want to think about him.
You get distracted thinking about the Riddler again, you do your daily service arranging books in the small library of Arkham, your safe place where few or no people stop around these parts, here it is not necessary to use your wrist and neck cuffs, but your uniform is still on, and the plastic bracelet with your information identify you as a patient.
You yawn as you place a couple of worn-out books on the shelf, you felt like a bookstore worker, sometimes you usually fantasize that you are one to take away your boredom, but others usually burst your dreamy bubble.
Today, one of the guards decided to turn on the old-fashioned TV set in one of the upper corners of the library, you stand near a bookcase to see what channel they put on this time, usually they only put on the sports channel to watch the game of the moment.
But on this occasion, the guard put on the news channel, and you immediately put down the books you have to accommodate to concentrate on what is shown on TV.
The guard is still standing and so are you, both watching a live breaking news broadcast. The news anchor reports a new Riddler attack.
He bombed a prosecutor at the mayor's funeral.
The guard's face looked more and more frightened, you watched the news with morbid curiosity. Batman's new opponent seems more sadistic than you thought, that detailed report confirmed it.
But seeing their repeated acts on TV was shocking, you even heard the guard who put on the news say in a low voice " We are doomed. "
You silently agree with him, for the first time you are relieved to be locked away from all the chaos going on right now.
You saw how the explosion managed to reach Batman, surprising you as the guard, the man takes off his distinctive security guard hat when he sees the video, on the other hand, you are still stunned, not believing it, somehow you forgot that this man dressed in black and wearing a cape is still a human of flesh and blood, he simply can't die like that, not when he has things to save, people to capture.
He hasn't found your living nightmare yet.
Before you pull your hair out in frustration the news anchor states that Batman is still alive, the guard satisfied by the information puts his cap back on and returns to his guard position which is the entrance to the library.
You are still looking at the report, and suddenly the image of the man who calls himself the Riddler appears. You hadn't seen him in such detail until this moment, the photos in the Batman report were extremely blurry images, but this time he is in HD, he is completely wrapped in green clothes, and the only thing you can see of him, is his eyes. 
His voice is altered but you can notice that venomous tone of his he asked prosecutor Gil Colson some riddles, but in the end, he couldn't answer what Riddler wanted.
You sigh while grab another couple of books and start arranging them one by one. If Batman is still alive it means this isn't over.
"I knew I would find you here".
"It's not like I can go many places" You smile slightly turning to look at the man who spoke to you. 
Jonathan Crane, the living legend of the hospital, with tailored suits, no wrinkles in his coat, and a well-made tie that matches the sweater he wears under his coat. There isn't a single time you haven't seen Jonathan without his perfect appearance but maybe it's just you idealizing as usual. 
Jonathan gives you a polite smile "Right" Just by hearing that you know he won't stay to chat for long, he tends to contradict you most of the time just to annoy you and agree with you when he's busy.
"Are you coming to get a book?" you ask him the first thing that comes to mind.
"No, I wanted to talk to you before I left," he says adjusting his glasses "I'm going away for a couple of weeks to blüdhaven University to give lectures, it will be a simple thing" Your smile doesn't falter, you are touched that he lets you know when he won't be able to see you, and how he manages to keep the conversation so casual. 
As if they were still colleagues.
"Is that so? What will you talk about?".
"Childhood traumas" he reveals looking at you without any shyness, he has a barely perceptible smile but you notice it. 
"why am I not surprised?" you resume your work in arranging books "Although you know how to pick interesting topics, I wish I could attend" You recognize that Jonathan has been too devoted to his work and student life, he is that kind of strict professor who gives his students nightmares from the assignments and exams he gives. His lectures are fascinating, to say the least, you attended many.
"I'll tell you about it when I get back, in the meantime" From inside his suit he pulls out a  flyer in half "It's something extremely summarized but it'll do" You take the piece of paper and stuff it in one of your pockets. It's not the first time Jonathan smuggles things to you, god, you can even be sure he gives you something every time you see each other. 
"Thank you" you thanked looking at his face, he also remains silent looking at you, the eye contact between you is not something out of another world either, on your part, it's a habit that started when you were still studying, you can't help but want to observe everyone around you, analyze them somehow, see their behavior.
Jonathan does the same, but more rigorous and practical, he is direct and not afraid to say it, you see his hair combed to his liking, his glasses clean without any smudge, his eyes examining you. 
You leave your admiring mode when you diverted your gaze a little to the old TV that is still on, the news keeps showing the latest events of the hours, repeating the most recent crime of Riddler.
Your smile dims as you recall the video of the explosion, the prosecutor begging for mercy and the bomb stuck in his chest.
"Did you see what happened at the mayor's funeral?" you whisper to him in a low voice trying not to let anyone hear them, you look with your eyes for the guard on duty but you can't find him, Jonathan must have asked him for some privacy time, at times you forget the influence that the man in front of you has generated with years and effort.
He turns his head for a few seconds watching the news on TV and turns to look at you again with a sensible and neutral face. 
"yes, I saw it, I was there when it happened".
"What?" you utter with surprise "You were there?" there was no sign of a lie on his face to make you think he wasn't telling you the truth.
"Some teachers from the university we went to give condolences when the show happened" Jonathan clarifies simply, you approach him to talk closer, he doesn't seem upset "So it's true? Riddler attacked that prosecutor?".
"He killed him."
You shut up for a moment because of his statement, it's true, Riddler killed him, and almost Batman too.
"And Batman? Did you see him in action?" at this point you sound like first-rate gossip, but still Jonathan answers your questions, but is no longer as pleased doing so, the moment you mention Batman. 
"He arrived when most of the people had already been evacuated."
"Wow" you blurt out surprised, if you didn't know him better you would have been uneasy with his calmness when talking about the experience, he says it without any fear because that's exactly what's so special about Jonathan in your eyes, he's not afraid of anything.   
"Batman looked you up, didn't he?" Jonathan changes the subject quickly and you nod your head, you move away from his side to reach for a cart full of books to be arranged "He wanted my opinion on the riddler, can you believe it?" you laugh "I told him to look you up better, but you turned him down."
"That's right" he assures leaning on one of the bookcases for comfort, he looks at you picking up a book and you place it among several other books on another bookcase "I don't lend myself to that sort of thing".
"I know, killjoy Crane" you scoff boldly.
"Whatever you say" he sighs "I have to go, there will be a meeting at the university" Before you could say goodbye properly, he approaches you to give you an extremely momentary hug, it was so fast that you couldn't return the hug because he had already separated from you. You swore you could smell some of his cologne.
"uh yeah, see ya" You are barely able to utter the words without getting over the small contact they made, he has said goodbye to you like this, but you are still not used to it.
Jonathan smiles at you picking up his briefcase that you didn't see in the first place, walks to one of the tables where the TV control is, picks it up, and turns off the TV "I don't like you watching that" he tells you already heading for the exit where the guard re-enters the library.
You wrinkle your forehead due to irritation. Sometimes you don't understand Jonathan.
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You genuinely thought your head was going to explode from the pain. 
Being in Arkham meant being cut off from the outside, you had no idea of the chaos that erupted overnight, the perverse game of Batman and Riddler was so forceful, that Arkham unexpectedly came into the spotlight when the green-masked man was captured. An alert in your head went off when you heard from a very nervous guard. You thought it was almost impossible for Batman to catch Riddler, and that he's here being processed to this hospital gives a lot to suspect.
The report Batman showed you are not wrong, the madman of riddles is too elusive to be caught in such a short time.
Why? You ask yourself, why did he let himself be defeated?
The hospital was in chaos with the arrival of the new patient in the middle of the night, nurses running around, and security guards moving patients to different cells temporarily, you were taken out of your small cell to another one just as small and almost the same.
Even with suspicion in your being, you don't understand what all the fuss was about, not even when they paraded the Joker through the main hall in a straitjacket as if he were a villain from some movie did they get as upset as they are now with Riddler.  
You sat on your new bed just as hard as the one in your previous cell, not wanting to catch the social panic you try to meditate, Mr. M advised you to do so and since then you put it into practice.
Maintaining a state of relaxation is difficult but you have practiced it for months, you started the breathing exercises, and as you slowly inhale and exhale your thoughts begin to melt one after the other, calming you down, and making your anxiety about all the fuss disappear.
You exhale again and inhale hard again, you could be doing this all day, you have nothing to worry about, you're in your world, locked away from society, and must be recovering from whatever Riddler did as his closing snap.
You open your eyes and stop doing your breathing exercises, you hear a laugh. But not just any laughter, but a loud and annoying laughter, you instantly get up from your bed and run towards the door with a small glass window. The laughter was not your imagination, and you can recognize it now that you are closer to the door.
You don't see any guards guarding this section of cells, how strange. The laughter continues unabated. It must be some neighbor of your cell because of the proximity of the noise and you have an idea of who it might be but you ignore it for only a few minutes, you can't take it anymore and yell "Can you shut up for once?".
Your cell neighbor stops laughing and you can finally feel at peace, but instead starts a conversation.
"Scarecrow?" you close your eyes just hearing that horrible nickname he gave you at some point during his hospital stay. relatively the two have been in Arkham for a similar amount of time, both trapped by Batman and calling them the dark knight's worst enemies. 
But you could never compare yourself to someone like him Joker. 
You had a chance to get to know each other when you let him participate in common activities, you don't want to remember the first time you spoke to each other, it ended badly, period.
"Don't call me that, asshole" you insult him and he sounds pleased with your response.
"Ah! Are we sensitive today? It's a holiday! Let's celebrate!" 
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"our guest of honor has arrived, only his final trick is missing!" he continues to speak in that animated voice that irritates you.
When you talk to the Joker you get that feeling that he is speaking in another language, but he is not, you understand what you are saying but at the same time, you don't. You also realized that he knows too much to be just an Arkham patient. 
But everyone at the hospital can assure you that your neighbor is not an ordinary patient at all.
This time you managed to understand his words, Riddler still has an ace up his sleeve, how could the Joker find out about that?
"Did Batman interrogate you too?".
"Of course he did...I'm his favorite!" he replies in the same arrogant manner as always "but I don't forgive him for being so crude on our anniversary."
"So you saw it, huh? I don't think this is a coincidence" You suppose the Joker must have seen it too, of course, he may be reciprocally insupportable but he's not stupid.
The clown laughs, but you don't, you didn't say anything funny in your opinion.
"Poor little Riddler, he thinks he can be just like him."
You ponder what he says, returning to your bed as you sit up again, the sky begins to clear and you can see it through the tiny barred window.
What if this assassin wanted to imitate Batman in some way? 
"What a bizarre introjection you've made, Riddler" you whisper.
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First, there was an explosion.
You felt the whole cell rumble, you woke up instantly and got up from your bed to run to the door even with your eyes swollen from sleep, naively you thought it was some kind of earthquake. You stuck your face to the glass of the door in search of a guard or nurse, whatever it is that will help you get out of this cell, you don't want to die here.
However, the section was still empty, there was no one in the guards' small surveillance cubicle, and you could only perceive the monitors on, showing the news. 
You heard a completely strident noise, there was no earthquake. You turned slowly to the window, the color was changing from gray to orange.
It can't be.
you rush to see what's going on, you grab a piece of your bed to climb on it and reach the high window of the cell, you level yourself by holding your hands on the rusty metal bars, and you catch a glimpse of what caused such a noise. 
You saw the light of an explosion, the combination of yellow and red colors coloring the sky, the smoke, the fire. The explosion happened far away from Arkham, but you can still see it in detail, then the noise became present, and you grimace at the impact on the walls, but it was not over yet.
Explosion after explosion went off all over the city, from bridges to seawalls, a scene so hard to believe if you weren't watching it right now.
The sight takes your breath away, you are so stunned that you almost fall to the floor witnessing such an act, this is what the Joker is referring to? the Riddler's final trick?
not even the scarecrow did so much damage to this city, you underestimated the man with the riddles.
You could not take your eyes off the explosions, there were too many and well-armed to generate so much destruction. The second thing was the water, the waves and drains getting out of control and flooding several streets.
You grip the metal bars tighter, not believing this is real, but it is. Not just bombs but a flood, was that what he had under his mask? Is Gotham drowning with innocent people? 
It makes sense now, his cooperation when caught, the guards' restless attitude, and Batman's uneasiness.
Suddenly you focus on the bustle of what seems to be your cell neighbors, you didn't notice when they put the other patient in the cell next to yours. The noises came together to form a horrifying atmosphere. The laughter of the Joker, the excited laughter of your other neighbor, and the explosions that went on and on. Even with your breathing exercises, you could not relax in the face of this horrifying event.
Slowly you let go of the bars and stop looking in the window, slowly you understand one thing.
Someone beat Batman.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
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My favorite- Lady Lesso X TeacherReader!
Synopsis: Lesso vowed to never let their words effect her, but what happens when they do?
Warnings: Kinda OOC Lesso, she's sensitive and emotional and soft as hell. Lmk if I missed anything.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/n: I've been in an angsty writing mood lately. Could be gn reader? I have a smutshot coming soon but idk when. Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Many thoughts and feelings were swirling within the Dean, and she tried her damndest to ignore them. She tried ignoring the sorrow and detest for everything she heard about herself.
'Everyone is right about her...'
'I don't see how anyone could like her...'
'Evil isn't enough to describe her, maybe... monstrous...'
'She's really pretty, such a shame that won't hide her hideous personality...'
'It's not an insult if it's describing her...'
Each 'whisper' would be accompanied by an elbow nudge from one friend to another, partnered with blatantly obvious side-eyed looks.
These were things she's overheard, and that was just today. The worst part of them was that some of them had even come from her own Nevers, the very ones that she'd do anything for. The Evers? Well, these things are practically expected from them. And Lesso would vehemently deny it but these painful, venomous words were getting to her. More than she knew.
She knew she was evil, of course she did. She was proud of it.
But why does no one else seem to understand that it's not who she is, it's what she does. That evil isn't born, it's made. That she does have a heart. And just because she doesn't show it when she teaches doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
For some reason, the bitter words became more and more common as the years came and went. They're just getting softer, Lesso tried justifying the words of the insipid little creatures, that they were simply sheltered and couldn't handle her nefariousness.
And while that was partly true, Lesso couldn't help but think maybe they were right.
Maybe she was just a vile and heartless being with no regard for anyone but herself.
Well, that was the picture she thought she liked to paint.
She also thought she was doing a good job at handling their words, not letting them penetrate deep into her.
But she was wrong if the way she was currently pacing and ranting in your office was anything to go by.
"They speak as if I've done something to them personally, I can if they want me to!" She didn't spare you a single glance as she turned on her heel and began walking the same path she had been on for the last 10 minutes.
You knew she just needed to let off steam, to get things off her chest, but it didn't hurt you any less. Seeing her talk about herself like this, even if she didn't realize she was doing it.
"Them and their, their opinions... This just proves that everyone is unimportant and they don't matter. The only thing that matters is me and being evil." Wait, you don't matter?
Did she even know you were in the room? Of course, she had to... She was in your office. You knew you shouldn't take anything she's saying right now too hard, doesn't mean you won't.
You never took your eyes off of her, "I-" You just stopped talking because you kind of didn't want to hear the answer, and also because she may not even know what she was saying.
"I'm just a vile, no-life monster... I'm nobody's favorite person,"
"You're mine." You interrupted her rant, teary-eyed. Your Leo, talking horribly about herself and then saying that? No, you won't let her do that to herself.
She stops pacing and looks at you.
Only then did she see your tear-filled eyes watching her every move, the utterly broken look on your face. And that was the moment that she processed what she was saying.
"I said," Your voice came out all squeaky, but you didn't mean your words any less because of it. "You're mine. You're my favorite person. And I don't know where you get off thinking that you're alone in this forsaken world because you're not."
She sighed, straightening her back slightly, "If everyone is only going to see me as evil and ruthless, then there's no point in trying to be anything else-"
You abruptly stood up from your spot leaning against your desk, "No! I don't know where you got these ideas that you're this horrible, low-life being that deserves a life of pain and misery because you don't."
You started walking towards her, and the tears began welling up in her eyes as she saw the tears falling down your face.
"No. You deserve better than that. You deserve all the amazing things you have in your life."
"Everyone seems to think otherwise."
"Well, I'm not everyone. I'm yours. And I'm telling you the truth, I'm telling you what truly matters."
She searched between your eyes and you reached up and cupped her face with your hands.
"Leo, my amazing girl. I don't know where you've heard these lies but I'll make it my personal mission to eliminate every single one of them from your beautiful mind."
You saw her bottom lip quiver, she was fighting off more emotions, you took this as your cue.
You placed a kiss on her forehead, "You are an amazing, intelligent woman." You planted another kiss on her nose.
"You are more than enough," A kiss to her cheek. "You're immensely breathtaking and beautiful," A kiss to her other cheek.
You saw the corner of her lips upturn into a faint smile and you knew that she at least wanted to believe you.
"You are incredibly charismatic," Yet another kiss placed on her chin, "You're loving, affectionate, magnificent, funny, genuinely you, and most importantly. You're mine." You finished off with a kiss on her lips.
She instantly melted into the feeling of you, enjoying your warmth against her, and she wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you closer to her. She was certainly not letting you go.
Your lips moved together harmoniously until neither of you could resist the urge for oxygen anymore.
You rested your forehead against hers, "I don't like when you talk about yourself like that. And I know that it won't be easy to banish these thoughts of yours, but I won't let you do it alone."
"I don't know what to say, I can't thank you enough."
"You don't have to say anything."
"But, I do. You're too kind to me,"
"If you're about to say that you don't deserve it, you can save it. Because you do deserve everything I can give you and more. You're the most incredible person I've met and you don't deserve these things being said about you, let alone having them as your own thoughts."
"It's just, hard you know?" You listened attentively, "At first it was easy, to ignore all the whispers. But it just gets to a point where you can't ignore them anymore and you start believing them." Her eyebrows furrowed.
"It's perfectly human for things to get to you. To feel all these things, even if you don't want to. And that is what makes you human, my love. To be able to feel things so deeply, to resent the things being said and the emotions they evoke. And the most important thing, never let anyone tell you what to feel or when to feel it." She moved her head to nuzzle her face in the crook of your neck.
You felt her breath on your skin, involuntary chills erupting during it, "Thank you, Mon Amour." She placed a soft kiss on the skin just below her lips.
"Any and every time, Mon cœur."
You didn't let go of her, knowing that she needed this. And when she held onto you tighter, you held onto her tighter. You brought a hand up to her head, lightly scratching her scalp for a moment.
You weren't sure how long you were standing there, just in the center of your office, but you didn't care because it was just you and Leo. Nothing else mattered at this moment.
"What do you say," She pulled her head back to face you, still tightly embracing you, "We go back to my quarters, share a nice hot shower, and I can read to you for a little bit, hmm?" You asked as you began toying with the baby hairs on the back of her neck
The sweetest smile came to her face, "Can we cuddle too?"
You absolutely adored it when she was needy like this, it didn't happen often so you silently savored it.
"Can we cuddle? Of course, we can cuddle! Leo, dear, if I ever say no to that, curse me." A light chuckle came from her.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "I won't curse you, but I certainly won't let you off the hook if you do."
"Come on, let's go, Mon Cœur." You grabbed her hand and led her back to your quarters.
She never left your side for longer than a moment, but you knew it was all a part of what she needed to take her mind off those cruel thoughts.
She wanted to be as close as possible to you, being on you wasn't even close enough. She wanted to be a part of you, to feel you, all of it, all of you.
She insisted that she be the one to undress you for the shower, just as you insisted on undressing her. Though, that was more for pleasure for you both than comfort.
You kept things tame, too afraid to take advantage of her emotional vulnerability. You and Lesso have been together for over a year now, and she knew that you were like that. And at first, she couldn't understand it. But within a few months, she's learned to appreciate it and you.
She may not agree with you, but to you? She is a goddamn queen. She deserves to be spoiled and cherished and worshiped, and you did your best to do exactly that. And Lesso adored it.
And your Leo treated you no less than you treated her.
Once the shower was done and you both were feeling significantly refreshed, and you could clearly see that Leo had become significantly more relaxed, you came out to your bed.
You laid down first with Leo laying directly on top of you. You laughed to yourself as you struggled to reach for your book with the way she was on you.
"Are you okay with me reading where I left off or would you like me to restart?" You said, opening your book to the front cover and waiting for her response.
"You can start where you left off, I just want to hear your voice." She nuzzled herself into your chest.
You just smiled and opened to your bookmark, continuing where you left off last night.
As you were reading the words aloud, you had one hand in Lesso's hair, gently grazing your nails on her scalp. A soft, low hum escaped her lips.
You knew that in no time at all, she'd be fast asleep, but you didn't mind, you loved seeing her so relaxed and it brought you your own comfort knowing it was because of you. And she didn't mind either, whenever she fell asleep on you it was always the best sleep she's ever had.
Once you noticed she had fallen asleep, you continued to read to yourself for a bit. Just long enough for you to get tired yourself.
And once you were, you put your book back in its place on your nightstand and maneuvered to be laying flush in the bed with Leo in your arms.
When she didn't wake, you knew it was a success. And for a minute, you just laid there, holding her tightly in your arms.
"For you, I'd do anything." You whispered into her fiery hair.
Your hold on her didn't lessen for one moment. You loved having her this close to you. And her rhythmic heartbeat and soft breaths are what lulled you to sleep yourself.
Taglist: @v3nusxsky @pebbleswritessometimes
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I am very curious about headcanons of what the Rise!boys would be like with a small Reader. By small I mean shorter than Mikey, only up to his chest. :3 I am imagining the Reader being easily flushed when it comes to their heights (might be a little selfconcious about it), but there could be some cute things, like them perching on Raph's shoulder? But also being teased about it, like Mikey, now not being the shortest, holding something over the Reader's head so they can't reach it? I thought it might be fun and wholesome. ^w^ (Also, thank you for your answer last time, you're so nice! I can't believe I was so nervous about writing you >///<)
The Smallest
author’s note: hiiiiii, i take wayyy too long with hc’s, sorry for the wait <333
warnings: nothing but fluff :D
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Raph would be super worried around you at first. Him being so large and you so tiny, tinier than Mikey who was literally the size of one of Raph’s arms. Yes he felt really self-conscious, because the last thing he would want to do is hurt you.
So don’t be too upset if he doesn’t approach you at first, he just needs time, time to see that he won’t accidentally hurt you. Because not only is he bigger he’s also pointier. His spikes have ripped through so many of his clothes he’s just accepted it at this point. His clothing will always have tears.
He feels the most comfortable around you when he’s lower to the ground, sitting on the couch or on a bean bag chair in the common area. The two of you could practically be the same height during those times and he finds it endearing when you take those moments to shower him with attention! “Lookie here we’re eye level now!!” You teased, yes you made fun of yourself most of the time because otherwise Leo would beat you to it.
The more time that passed the more Raph would feel at ease, scooping you up in his arms was just natural for the two of you. You were so light, he could hold you for hours without strain! And you appreciated the new view, sitting on his shoulders was your absolute favorite though, feeling super tall! “Gosh Raph, this is what it’s like to be you huh?” and he laugh, “Yeah, how’s the weather?” He would joke and you’d smack the top of his head playfully.
“Ow okay okay!!” It didn’t hurt him at all, but he played along, smiling happily, he thought you were just the cutest. “Raphie wanna go play DDR?” He’d immediately turn from the ramp room, heading for the arcade. “Challenging the champ?” He’d say glancing up with a smirk. “The champ is about to go down!!”
It was a close match, Raph coming up short by just one point but he’d turn to you and see you jumping up and down with excitement. You couldn’t believe you had actually beat him!! You’d jump up into his arms and Raph just couldn’t sulk with defeat, not when you were celebrating like that. “Did you see that?!! I was on fire!!!”
“You dance like a boss!!” He’d beam, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Raph!!” You squeaked, blushing furiously and he’d just pretend to be none the wiser. What did he do?? Kiss you?? When?? And he’d kiss your other cheek just as quickly, a big smug grin on his face.
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He would definitely tease you the most. “Hey short stuff~” you’d never hear the end of your height. He wouldn’t stop unless it really bothered you. Some days you wouldn’t tolerate it and he’d shut his trap real quick, offering genuine apologies, going down dramatically to ask for your forgiveness.
But on most days it was fine, and he only teased because it was part of his love language. “Y/n, I can carry you on my shoulders too you know!” He’d definitely get jealous to see you having so much fun on his older brothers shoulders. He was taller than you so it’d still be fun, right?! Though Leo couldn’t hold up as long as Raph would, he’d definitely pick you up, twirl you around in a tight hug, before placing you back down on your feet.
“Someone said what??” He’d perk up at the thought of someone else teasing you for your height. “Want me to portal over to their house and scare them?” He’d ask mischievously. Would definitely want to have some words with this bully. Or an even worse thought, they were flirting with you?! Gah it almost made him gag, that type of flirting was reserved for Leo and Leo alone!
“No no, I think I will pay them a little visit, don’t worry I won’t scare them too bad.” Total lie, he’d make sure they wouldn’t mess with you ever again. “Lee, it’s fine, you tease me like that too!” You even pointed it out to him and he would glower, “well yeah but only I can do it, I don’t go as far as them either!” He’d convince you one way or another.
What he loved to do most was keep things out of your reach. “Hey Leo can I have some chips?” You’d ask coming up to where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, munching away. “Hmm these?” He hands them over only the stretch his arm up and away at the last second. This game of keep away would go on for a while. “Okay okay I promise, that was the last time,” he’d smile endearingly, offering you the bag for the thirteenth time.
Your eyes would narrow, slowly reaching out your hand then making a mad grab for it. Leo was too quick for you though, and he’d laugh at how you would groan and give up completely. “Awww c’mon shorty, here here, no more teasing,” and you’d snatch the bag from his hands still not trusting him to try and annoy the hell out of you. “You’re so lame!” Sticking your tongue out at him. You better run after that because the mischievous look in his eyes would tell you that he was going to prove you how not lame he was.
“Oh babe, me lame? Ohoho where are you running off to?! Come back here!!” He’d already have a plan at how to make you eat your words.
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Donnie would be the most unaffected by your height. Practically never brings it up! He would be protective of you, worry about the things lying around in his lab. Wondering if something was a hazard to someone at your stature.
“Wait wait Y/n, I’m not done with this project, and it’s dealing (insert crazy toxins that could be dangerous to humans/anybody without the right gear on)” Donnie would be in like a whole getup, opening his lab door only a smidge to be able to tell you, no you couldn’t come inside that day.
“But when are we gonna hang out??” You said trying to peer past his form to get a look at the cool dangerous stuff. Your interest in hanging out with him would definitely have Donnie ending his lab work for the day quickly, “I’ll be just a moment more!” He said hurriedly, closing the door as you took steps away.
About 15 minutes later you were leaning against the wall by his lab door, on your phone scrolling aimlessly, perking up when you’d hear a loud boom or crash from the lab. Then suddenly the door opened, Donnie fumbling to put up his goggles. “Greetings!” Donnie smirked after getting them to lay perfectly atop his head.
“Greetings mad scientist, how’s the toxins?” He started his stroll to the living room, sounding way more casual and less worried as you continued to follow him away from the lab, “hazardous as usual,” he shrugged. And you wondered if he was trying to get back into his bad boy persona.
“So the plan today?” you asked curious to see if he would remember. He took out his phone, “Hey!” and he started walking faster, “that’s cheating!!!” you whined, knowing he was going check the messages between the both of you. “Ah yes!” He turned back to give you a sly smile, “fly you around New York, how could I forget!” He mused entertained to see you grumbling.
“For a genius who can remember all of pi how can you forget something we just texted about yesterday?!” You pouted, wondering if he was acting like he forgot to keep up the persona or if he really was losing his memory. “You’ll have to forgive me it may be the side effects of the-“
“toxins” you finished and smacked your palm to your face. “Remind me why you are working with such dangerous chemicals again?” And it was Donnie’s turn to gasp. You blinked coming to stand next to him. He looked down at you with hurt eyes, one hand going to his chest. “Don’t you remember?”
And your eyebrows furrowed, “Y/n! You wound me, it was just yesterday when I told you the why’s and how’s and when’s!” His hand went up to cover his mouth in disbelief. “You’re messing with me! I don’t remember..” you had started strong but then you began to second guess yourself.
It was your turn to whip out your phone going to check the messages you and Donnie had sent yesterday. Which had been a lot. As you scrolled, eyes set in concentration, you missed the way Donnie’s face morphed into one of adoration. Snickering to himself at how serious you looked. His hand came to rest atop your head, leaning down to your ear, “gotcha~”
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Mikey would be a ball full of joy at not being the smallest anymore. And he’d be allllll over you, from the very beginning. “Oh-mi-gosh!! You are soooo adorable, hi I’m Mikey, and what’s your name cutie?” He’d be fawning over you 24/7
“Y/n, oh wow what a beautiful name! It suits you perfectly~” he honestly isn’t even trying to flirt, he’s just the sweetest person ever and a definite hype man/turtle! If you ever feel self conscious about your height he is there to tell you, “what?! Y/n trust, you are perfect the way you are, who doesn’t love fun-size!!” Seriously he’s always cheering you up and cheering you on
If you are ever nearby he’s swinging his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close and leaning over you. He likes to put his chin on top of your head and you can just feel when his face breaks into a big happy smile. If you grow even an inch he’ll notice, “cutie pie?! when did you start growing! you have to stop or else you’ll be taller than meeee!” He’s teasing of course
Mikey wouldn’t care if you suddenly had a growth spurt and shot past him, he’d just jump into your arms! “They’re not little, they’re fun-sized!” Out of all the terms for small you hate being called little the most, it always sounded so demeaning. Mikey would speak up for you, because this was a job for Dr. Delicate Touch! “And what’s so great about being an absolute giant lanky beanstalk anyways?!” He’d retort to your bully
You’d have to cart Mikey away, pulling at his arm for him to reluctantly follow you. “It’s okay Mike, really,” he’d get serious, squeezing your hand, “no, I could tell what they said hurt your feelings, honestly they must lack brain cells!” He’d huff, turning his face back to see if the culprits were still there. But you’d tug on his hand and he’d immediately look down. “Thanks Mikey,” you said smiling all teary eyed at your defender.
His eyes would get misty too, “shucks Y/n! Of course!! anytime!! I’ll always be here for you,” and he’d pull you into a crushing hug. The best kind, where you just felt so much love. “When’d you get so tall?” You joked, sniffing back the tears from falling. He snickered looking down at his feet, and you followed his gaze seeing he had obvious sole inserts. “Pftttt,” you laughed and he laughed too, “what’re you talkinggg about I’ve always been tall!” he continued joking
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takenbypeter · 4 months
Take You Away
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 817
Author’s note: work was kinda stressful today so I whipped this up because I literally hate my life when I’m at work. Also prompt was given to me a few weeks back, “…sorry I talked too much.” “No no no not at all. Keep talking.” From @bullseye-devil
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“I swear I’m going to kill someone,” you growled practically belly flopping onto Dex’s couch the moment you arrived. 
While Dex hated when you were upset he loved when you talked like that, it made his own frustrations feel normal. 
You rolled onto your side, clenching and unclenching your teeth. Dex didn’t say a word as he occupied himself in making you both a drink. 
“I really don’t think I can take it anymore. If I stay at this job I’m either going to kill myself or kill someone else.”
Finishing up the last stir, he listens as you continue ranting, in all honesty Dex doesn’t know how you do it. He knows he couldn’t do it, all the fake smiles, all the greetings and small talk. It didn’t matter if it was a coffee shop, fast food place or a diner, any of it would drive him out of his mind. 
“All the people there are nice but they just use and use, and I feel like the only reason I’m there is so they can slack on their own job.” 
He tapped the spoon he used to stir your drinks three times against the rim before rinsing it under the water and rubbing soap against it. 
Only when he was done did he grab his own mug and the mug that he kept just for you and walked over to you on the couch. 
At the overcast of his figure you move your legs to open a spot for him to sit and when you do you finally notice the mug he has outreached towards you. 
With a small smile and thanks you take the cup and your hands immediately warm up. Bringing the cup to your face the steam warms your cheeks as you blow on it before taking a sip. 
Hot chocolate, your favorite. 
“Sorry, I talk too much,” you said, realizing you’ve been doing most of the chattering.
”No, no, no, not at all. Keep talking.”
So you did so.
“On hot days the customers are rude, on rainy days it’s too busy…” you set the cup on the coaster Dex had already prepared on the table, before finishing that sentence, “I really don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.”
You had been looking for a new job for weeks but it was hard when all you heard back was, ‘looking for someone with more experience.’ 
You shut your eyes for a moment, and took one more sip of the chocolate, feeling that warmth hit your chest again. Yeah that hit the spot. 
“Well…” you heard Dex’s voice for the first time since you started your angry spiel. “…quit. I can take care of you until then.” Dex figured it was a good idea he made enough money for the both of you. 
You blinked a few times at the proposal before shaking your head, “are you kidding me? I couldn’t ask that of you, I have bills to pay and rent. Absolutely not.” You denied. But then he said something you would’ve never expected to hear from him. 
“Move in.”
The sentence hit you hard in the stomach as you felt a rush of unease sting your chest. 
Dex himself didn’t even expect those words to come out of his mouth, he was as surprised as you were. 
“Move in?…” you repeated, “…you don’t mean that,” you said with a singular laugh. 
Your eyes were still wide as you anticipated his answer, sure the thought was compelling but he didn’t mean it, did he?
In actuality he did. He really did. This step in the relationship was something he actually had been wanting to ask for a while now. It made sense to him, you were already practically living together. If you weren’t at his place, he was at yours. 
But he could tell by the look of apprehension on your face that you didn’t seem as into the idea as he was. 
“Of course I mean that—ahem—I mean—“ Dex’s mind scrambled for some sort of excuse. Panic rose into his chest at the thought of rejection that he expected to come next. His throat was drying up. “—if you want to, that is.”
You sat for a moment replaying what Dex just proposed, were you ready for this? Your thoughts rang the same as his realizing you were basically living together anyways. 
With a few blinks from you, you finally gave a response, “I mean sure!…If that’s what you want,” you added, copying his words and tone from earlier. 
Dex’s expression finally relaxed, but you threw a finger up at him, “but obviously I’m not taking your money. For now my job is fine.”
Dex could argue against that but for now he was satisfied with what came from all this. 
He sends a little smile in your direction before leaning closer, “for now.”
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