#my favorite flavor of ice cream
spartan-way · 1 year
First, fair, second, no you.
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ask-the-roommate-au · 2 months
Okay! Vanilla ice cream for eclipse *hands eclipse a tub of vanilla ice cream*
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It's okay. Kinda boring.
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canisalbus · 10 months
i need to know. would Machete be able to handle licorice?
In modern au yes, in original canon no, probably not.
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chaosduckies · 2 months
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little drawing a did last night featuring: @silly-cedar, @shrimpfried-gt, and @dav8530 (click for better quality TwT)
We’re just trying to figure out where the ice cream place is. Tallest has to pay! >:3
Just made this because I think you’re all really cool people :D
I hope none of you mind me randomly doing this but I hope you enjoy it all the same! What’s y’alls favorite flavor of ice cream? (You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but mine is strawberry cheesecake :D)
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charmixpower · 1 year
got any future plans for adding to the child Valtor au, because the more i think about the more i wonder about how his age changes the way he interacts with the characters and vice versa
I cannot tell you how much I've been thinking about child Valtor ever since I made that post
You what a bunch of hcs??? You get a bunch of hcs!!!
Like Winx says that Valtor was made by the ancestral witches, he wasn't born, and he actively trashes against the control the ancestral witches have on him and they straight up help Bloom kill him for the kicks?? And it's like, just there? I love it but it's so easy to kill off Valtor bc he has control over his actions and he's an adult and you don't get to sit with these uncomfortable implications due to that. The tragedy has already happened, it's passed, you don't have to look at it. You know??? Not anymore, we all hurt forever
Can you imagine being Daphne??? Seeing Valtor hiding behind Belladonna's leg, this child. Can't be older than 11. Fighting your fellow Nymph's, and you can't even think about that, pay attention to that, because you need to fight Belladonna and protect your planet. This wasn't a priority, that child those evil women created wasn't a priority. How would you ever recover??
The company of light is made up of educators, people who dedicated their life to children. A stutter, a small child's eyes winding in panic. None of them could follow though. It was safer to kill him, he was made, he doesn't have a soul, it was the right option. They send him to the Omega dimension instead
He wakes up from the ice to see Belladonna's cold eyes staring back at him. She doesn't look the exact same but he knows that smile and he knows those eyes. He'd recognize his mother anywhere. He does what he's told for new Belladonna too, not that he knows why. Icy has plans, plans he's supposed to help out with
He clings to Bloom. Her magic feels like his, she's the only person who could begin to understand how he feels. She was chosen too, right? She gets it doesn't she? How could she not. He just wants someone, anyone to understand him, to help him. He couldn't tell you what he wants help with. The Ancestral Witches say he's loyal to them, and he's never been able to disagree with them before
He doesn't like the winx, he's never shared in his life and is loathed to start now. He plays tricks and schemes and never kills them. He mains, he disables, he distracts. This is fun. He's never had a true enemy, rival. The company of light wanted to defeat his mother's, these are his fights. It's fun, he wants to keep them
(You ever think about the amount of times Valtor could of straight up killed the winx or put his mark on them and he just kinda doesn't and then gives their romantic rivals a love potion??? Bc I do. That was weird and the entire reason this au exists. Like Valtor basically made the perfect opportunities for the winx to get their Enchantix by never directly trying to kill them. It's almost funny)
Valtor is completely incapable of free will but he does experience desires and he has the ability to think for himself. One of the winx asks him why he's doing all of this and he literally can't answer, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to be here, but he does? That's why he's doing it, right? And the girlies get a front row seat to a child gaslighting themselves to cope with their inability to control their own actions
He wants to be powerful! The most powerful person in the dimension! Then he could do whatever he wants! Then he would be free! At least that's what he tells himself (he knows it's not true, but children are allowed to have their fantasies)
They could extinguish kill. He barely came up to Bloom's chest, and they could just extinguish him. If Bloom pulled at the fire element in his body and Aisha the water they could pull him apart. Making a soul sounded impossible and has never been done before but that's the only way to release the Ancestral Witches control on Valtor, so they'll do it
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niuniente · 2 months
I have a question, or perhaps a challenge for you. Describe the best ice cream of the world, the ultimate ice cream of your dreams – what flavours will it have? Twist: it must not be any flavour you know to exist (such as sweet potato, or fig & white chocolate). Go!
That's actually impossible because when I'm aware of almost 200 ice-cream flavors (if not more) which all are out of the question, and when beating matcha as my ultimate dream flavor for ice-cream ever to exist is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hard, I'm not left with many options, right?
(I love good quality matcha ice-cream so much that if I had to choose only one flavor to ever eat again, it would be matcha).
But, if there's no limitation to the ice-cream flavor in question, I think my ultimate ice-cream of my dreams would taste like Love or How Does My Art Taste Like.
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arttsuka · 3 months
that wasnt disappointing :)
Glad you think so :)
Here, look at my dog
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canisonicscrewyou · 3 months
it's my own fucking fault but one day I hope I can teach my roommate the difference between "you can have some of this thing I made/bought myself" and "eat half of this thing in 3 days"
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fisherrprince · 1 year
idk how it would happen but I imagine ven meeting his younger selves and they’re both so different. But the same. But different
he meets the one stuck in the desert with no memories and immediately almost gets his head cut off, just because — for ease of reading, he’ll refer to himself as Ven and the younger one as Ventus and the youngest one… Little Ven. Look, he never said he was that creative, and they like their name — because he startled him. He doesn’t remember the badlands that well, but he does remember how jumpy it made him. That’s still… there.
anyways he almost gets his head cut off because Ventus hears someone’s big metal shoes behind him and whips around, keyblade in hand, and Ven backs out of the way with his hands up and an eep! and puts a lid on the instinct to summon his own keyblade. Ventus’ face gives away his emotions pretty much instantly, which it doesn’t do so much anymore, but it goes fear-anger-confusion-VERYconfusion-fearagain-curiosity-confusion-bigshowyhuffyface. Like a kitten making itself look bigger. Ven tries to make himself look smaller, or at least non threatening. Or at least not like an evil future version of himself come to end his bloodline here and now. Would you believe he had that irrational fear every once in a while he’d make some kind of dumb mistake and go ah, I hope this doesn’t have universal consequences i feel the repercussions of via someone smarter than me coming to tell me off! which, I mean it’s not The Most irrational. Time travel exists. He’s doing… it(???). Ventus seems to settle somewhere between genuine curiosity and cornered kitten.
“Who are you?”
Wow his voice is higher! It dropped pretty late. Mostly while he was training here, so he never really had the embarrassed-by-voice-cracking thing Aqua told him about with Terra, he was worried about other things. And his hair is so much scruffier, and his skin is dry-looking, he doesn’t remember taking care of himself very well out here. There’s nothing here, really. Has Ventus eaten? Today? Should he have brought the conchas from the kitchen. Is that an open cut on his arm? That’s blood. That’s bad. Ven’s been forgetting to speak and just looking at his younger self which is not helping his nerves, he doesn’t think. “Uh… you? Older you! We’re in a dream, sort of, I think.”
probably not the right thing to say, even though ven’s not sure what WOULD be the right thing to say. That was about the most succinct he could make it. Ventus’ eyes narrow, and he drops the curiosity, and Ven knows what just happened, he thinks this is a test now. It’s absurd enough to not be real, and it must be illusion magic. Ventus spins his keyblade behind him and lowers his stance (still kinda sloppy, the Master was always— Xehanort was always on him about it even though apparently holding a keyblade backwards was fine). “Bullcrap,” he spits.
“Language!” Ven scolds, feeling the spirit of Aqua fill him. Ventus is too nervous to say anything more than “crap” though, which is kind of cute but weird to think about now that he’s still nervous around adults but swears like a sailor around, like, Roxas.
“Either leave me alone or fight!”
“I don’t wanna—“ And then Ventus jabs at him, his patience for the test spent. The faster he passes, the faster he can go sit down and the less of a chance he gets hurt. Ven dodge rolls out of the way once, twice, threefourtimes, getting ten pounds of dust down his shirt. He never liked this feeling. Dust stuck to his skin. Ventus gets more and more frustrated with every miss, starting to make angry growls when he does, and snaps out a strike raid, which misses, and it misses on the way back, but Ven is busy righting himself from where it missed and Ventus gets a heavy slash in right on his knuckles, which stings.
Ven recoils, and Ventus sees the real actual blood on his knuckles and the teeth of Wayward Wind and his eyes blow wide. Almost immediately, he drops his keyblade and backs away, hugging his arms to his chest and turtling in his jacket. “Oh— sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry! I messed up.”
“it’s okay! It’s okay, it’s fine,” Ven reassures him, really really wanting to stop hearing himself over-apologize. He quickly, telegraphing his moves because he knows how bad this could look, summons his keyblade and casts a quick Cure. The wound vanishes, even though it’s gonna leave a bruise anyways. Ven shows his arm. “See? Totally fine.”
Ventus doesn’t move towards him, but un-turtles slightly. His eyes linger on Ven’s hand — fine. Like he said — to the space his, their keyblade was just summoned, the one he’s holding his version of. To his face, which is pretty similar, though Ventus hasn’t looked at himself in a mirror in a while. To his outstretched arm, and the thin scars over it, and his own scrawny arm, dried blood still shiny over a thin but deep cut.
Ven follows his gaze. “Can I see that?” he asks, gently.
Ventus slowly, very deliberately shuffles his way over and gives up his arm to be looked at. Ven takes it — Ventus almost flinches when he touches him, totally real and corporeal and warm and stuff — and once again casts Cure, this time a Curaga just to cover anything he might not be showing him. Ven used to do that, before he knew what he was doing but after he was too floaty to know what he was doing at all, he’d just not tell anyone he was uncomfortable. It felt shaky and bad to verbalize, and it took Terra specifically a long time to teach him that no was a good word and I made a mistake was not the end of the world. Ven’s not gonna be able to teach the younger version of himself that whole thing in a few hours. But y’know — at least he can be nice.
Ventus studies the spot on his arm that he cured. It’s going to scar because he didn’t get to it on time, but he knew that, and Ventus figures that out, his stare moving to the same scar on Ven’s forearm. And the rest of them. Some the same, some came later. He is not, pointedly, removing his arm from Ven’s hands.
Ventus’ voice is tentative and scratchy. “Why’re you here?”
“Um,” Ven says, elegantly. “I’m not sure.”
”That’s dumb,” Ventus huffs.
“Sorry. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Ven says, gesturing for his other hand. Ventus hesitates — fear-worry-want, his face is like an open book — and gives it to him, finally desummoning his keyblade. “Do you not know Cure yet?”
Ventus scowls again. “Shouldn’t you remember? No.”
Ven shakes his head. “I don’t remember when we learned it. I thought it was before this.”
“I don’t remember anything before this.” Ventus, despite curling forwards into the touch he’s being given, somehow scowls even deeper.
Ven kneels. “And I don’t remember being so angry,” he says, softly. “We don’t get much better at the memory thing in the future.”
“Oh.” Ventus keeps standing. “Do—“ he bites his lip.
“Do what?”
“Do we… do we get better at — you’re … I’m… mad. I don’t like— You don’t look— Do we— nevermind, sorry. It’s nothing.”
“We get happier,” Ven says, something inside him crumbling. “We do, we get friends, even.”
Ventus’ eyes widen, not looking at him. “Here?”
“No, not here. It… it’s a long story. But I promise it gets better.” Ven doesn’t like looking at this. He spent so long not thinking about it — on purpose, not thinking about it, ever since he woke up in the Land of Departure “thinking about it” was more of a phrase that meant shaky, scattered flashes of memory and sharp copper smells and waking up with his heart in his throat and his muscles trying to scatter out of existence or hearing a metal fixture drop to the floor with a loud clang! and suddenly he couldn’t hear anything except ringing and it was all, an abstract cocktail of not good that he never untangled and avoided like the plague — that… making it real, seeing himself just exist in a terrible place while nothing happens to him like those flashes of memory, it makes it real. And it breaks something inside him, something really small but gummed up because before this he had a layer of detachment from the whole thing, and he almost wants to cry. Ven knows now that he didn’t deserve this and it was stupid and horrible and he should have just had friends who loved him this whole time because it’s possible and he’s a likeable person and he has good to give and love to receive. But Ventus doesn’t know that yet, and he sure won’t believe it until it happens. He remembers not believing it. He remembers thinking it wouldn’t ever get better, and how much better it feels now that it has, and — oh, okay he is crying cool. Ventus looks at him like he’s grown a second head, all confusion and worry and tentative digging inside himself to see what he should do.
“Do… um. Do you want a hug?” Ventus asks nervously.
Ven nods. Ventus’ arms curl around Ven’s back, all thin shaky noodles and no muscles and fewer scars and not used to doing this. Not too hard — he doesn’t want to weird him out — Ven hugs back as best he can. He learned how to give pretty stellar hugs from his friends. He hopes Ventus can feel it.
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“My favorite summer food and drinks!”
1. Watermelon
2. Veggie kabobs
3. Pineapple
4. Lemonade
5. Fruit punch
6. Sun Chips
7. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
8. Cheese cubes
9. Pea pods
10. Sweet corn
11. Smoothies
13. Blueberries
14. Cucumbers
15. Yogurt
16. Popsicles
17. Coleslaw
18. Cupcakes
19. Crackers
20. Jello
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icy-dark-star · 1 year
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Don't cheap out on cones guys!
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
Ya'll are so weird for getting bitter about not getting Damangela. As much as we love their dynamic, we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo. Smosh has no obligation to put them together and they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common. I love them and I hope they kick out Noah so they can have more videos together but getting bitter about kt isn't going to solve things. Let's enjoy the current dynamics we have and wait for another Damangela video.
DOG, did you read the posts??? anybody that sent in an ask about "feeling bitter" ended it with "sorry to rant". They were just speaking their mind, I see no problem in it. (I believe one of the Anons even said they felt BAD about feeling that way)
"we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo."
?? who are you? the Smosh casting director?? while I slightly agree that it is a little bit of a 'rare pair' the top comments of videos they appear in are almost ALL talking about them. I would say they are somewhat 'established' as a duo. (more like rivals, but that's still in the realm of 'duo')
"they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common."
Once again, ??? they have plenty in common?? they both are improv/theater kid nerds? and they get along swimmingly I don't see what you're getting at.
While I agree being bitter isn't going to solve things, (obviously? what is it I can solve?? I have no power over Smosh??) it doesn't hurt anybody? what are you trying to gain by telling other people how they should feel.
What do you want me to do? walk into the Smoffice and DEMAND they cast them in another video? /lh (I would if I could tbf)
YOU are WEIRD for trying to tell people how to feel!
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iced-american0 · 30 days
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Anyone else have that experience where a group will constantly default to a flavor “everyone” likes, but you fucking hate that flavor?
I can’t stand rocky road ice cream.
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tawnyevergreen · 7 months
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I was feeling nostalgic and this fell out of me
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martyrbat · 1 year
i love dropping random pieces of lore with the same level of casualness for them... are you gonna learn my favorite ice cream color or are you gonna learn something very obscure and horrific that played a fundamental role in who i am today? who knows, i certainly don't ^_^
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