#my fave snacc
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meowkarii · 9 months ago
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Happy gay month part 2!
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nuubles · 11 months ago
yay thanks @yuiaka for tagging me :D
last song - negative cat -
the artists name is blank but you can probably find more info with xooox or x0o0x :3
fave color - purple my beloved <3 also magenta, pink and light yellow
currently reading - hhhh so many things :::D. probably the best sfw ones that I'm now reading are In/Spectre, Mieruko-Chan, and Brainless Witch
currently watching - pretty much nothing, the seasons are just finishing up :0. I've watched some solo leveling but it's really edgy tbh and one of the ones that I havent finished literally today :D
spicy/savoury/sweet - I can't handle spice at all ;-;. like literally one person said that they know a person who has a thing with tastes being too strong but they can eat some spicy chips so they should be fine for me too - nope ::3. I just can't handle hot stuff literally almost at all, I'm the definition of a person who can't handle heat. Other spices regardless whether they're savoury or sweet are good and I can't really decide between those two :D. savoury with not hot spices for real food and sweet for snacc <3
relationship status - taken
current obsessions - stickers mugs drawing gaming reading watching :D. artsy stuff
all people I would've tagged have already been tagged so I won't be adding any more tags to this chain :d
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organichotchoco · 2 years ago
Who was your favorite bird in Hatoful? I happened to adore that one little sparrow that theres a secret ending with. Love her.
hmmmmmmm I'm tied between Yuuya and Hitori lol. Azami (the sparrow I think you were talking about) is also pretty cool tho! The ending where we beat up the punkgeons and start a biker gang with her is one of my faves!
Onto my birdie favoritism struggles (Spoilers ahead!):
On one wing Yuuya is sexy, suave, a child murderer, a super cool spy, hates himself a bit and is hiding his true feelings under his carefreeness and flirtyness, and a legit (Christmas) snacc
On the other wing, Hitori is...Hitori. Lost his family, coherced a depressed person into group suicide, but left them for dead and stole their identity, is constantly hallucinating his dead brother and is just mentally unstable in general, is super sleepy, and shot Shuu (Major Hitori W)
...Yeah I think I like Hitori more lol. Yuuya will always be close to my heart tho (and my tummy lol)!
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f-identity · 2 years ago
tag memes and State of Nad
I've been tagged by more than one person in respective posts, so the following are my entries.
Tagged by @chin-up-spartan (thank you bestie <3) 🦅
Rules: Tag some people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below!
Last Song: "Watch The World Burn" by Trivium. Fave band for multiple occasions, whether driving or writing. Studying, even.
Three Ships: KOBD (or Punformers as I call them), Venom/Eddie, uhhh a demon/monster with a self-insert (I've been vent-writing that last pairing).
Currently Reading: Recently finished Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Maybe I was reading too fast, or I just need a break before reading the next two books.
Last Movie: The Green Knight (2021). Dev Patel is a snacc, though the movie is not quite what I expected.
Craving: The household freedom/autonomy to establish a healthy weekly routine, especially after the end of food policing month enforced by household.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this? I don't want to be a bother 😓
----- Next meme, tagged by @whatudottu 🦎
Relationship status: Single, as far as I know.
Favourite colour: Soft pastel or pearly purple <3
Something I want right now: The various fiction and non-fiction books I have in my Kinokuniya Books shopping cart.
Song stuck in my head: "Cid's Theme" from FF VII Soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu.
Three favourite foods: O'Briens classic chicken tripledecker sandwich, karipap / curry puffs, chocolate-filled biscuits.
Last song I listened to: (looks at Spotify this time) "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold.
Last thing I googled: "Garmin Forerunner 55 Malaysia", because I was looking to buy a hopefully proper fitness tracker.
Dream trip: Mentally drawing a blank here because I'd rather escape my current household first.
If you had the opportunity to [safely] become a cyborg via body upgrades, would you take it? Well, fuck yeah. It'd be much easier for me to keep up with machinery maintenance than having to deal with ""diets"" and ""exercise"". I'll choose my own shape, and my alt mode can be a human-sized birb.
No pressure tags: I dunno. If either of these tag questionnaires pique your interest, feel free to do'em and tag me in reading.
Link to second tag meme post template.
----- In further news, 🐌
As per posts I reblogged to my creativity tag, I've thrown ingredients at my brain and worked on unclogging the pipes. Of course, progress on my WIPs will be faster if I can freely have table-space for writing, but I am still re-adapting to my fanfic pond.
Birdbrain is also keen on the topic of demons in general, and the possibility of fallen angels and non-Christian demigods just accepting their common classification as "demons"'. Her working title for this potential new worldbuild is "Decolonial Demons".
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#kitsune #romance #tropes #shipping #OKAY BUT I'M GONNA TAG THIS SPECIIFCALLY #john wick #ON ACCOUNT OF iam low key (HIGH KEY) imagining this as helen and john #and see...usually with my pairings where i have a whump fave i like them to do most of the expressions of devotion in a thing? #which in most of my other rambles means that john is the one being No Chill about the relationship #on account of (1) he CANONICALLY has no chill about the relationship it has defined his life and (2) whump fave #so that would USUALLY mean that john is the green fox #but...i ALSO think that absent being forced to verbalize things or actual literal captivity situations #(the Elder and Viggo come to mind) john is very Not Great at verbalizing how much he loves helen? #john is an Acts of Service or a Quality Time kind of love language guy #AND THE MORE I THINK ABOUT IT - THE MORE I LOVE HELEN AS THE GREEN FOX #because where's that POST about small relatively harmless characters protecting larger ones on principle and affection alone? #john is lying in bed being little spoon on account of JOHN IS LITTLE SPOON I WILL NOT CHANGE MY MIND #and helen is cuddling him and thinking Green Fox thoughts #counting his scars and wondering how he got them - wrapping her arms around him like she can retroactively protect him #thinking about whether or not anyone from the underworld would try to take him back #worrying about the nightmares he has or the times he has trouble sleeping #and then thinking about how very much she would like to kill all of the people who ever hurt him #because john wick is the boogeyman but helen is the one who married him #AND HELEN IS LIKE I SHOULD TELL HIM. John loves it when i give Words of Affirmation (on account of Praise Kink) #but she really doesn't know how to put the complicated mix of very dark but also very protective feelings she has into words for once #on account of she isn;t sure herself how to deal with her darkness or the nature of it #and she is very very sure that john wouldn't laugh at her offering to protect him...but he woudl be convinced he didn't need it #and john NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED FROM THE COLD HARD WORLD #so helen is just like MLEM AND JOHN WAKES UP AND IS LIKE ALRIGHT I AM NOW SNACC I ACCEPT THIS @takiki16
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heartshaped-lou · 3 years ago
bestie youre so right for that tag
only speaking the objevtive truth here <3
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sidetongue · 3 years ago
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Some Ferg updates because I love love love this baby
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old-castlegachi · 6 years ago
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old man sharkface
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cornsketches · 6 years ago
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Zombie apocalypse au where Iwaizumi get turned and everyone dies :)
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daredussy · 6 years ago
what’s ur fave snack (food)
I eat a hell of a lot of rice
ask me anything
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elrondsscribe · 2 years ago
So made a thread version of this on Twitter, but here’s a sermon in honor of my surprise Númenor fave from this season: Valandil!
My friends and I on Tumblr/Twitter noticed that in both the proclamation and Galadriel’s challenge, Valandil steps up while nobody else wants to go first.
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We agreed that he has some big Eldest Child “I gotta make it happen or it won’t happen” energy.
We also theorized a background of underprivilege, at least in comparison to Isildur and Ontamo. I feel this most when Isildur gets them all failed from the Sea Guard — Ontamo isn’t happy, but Valandil is *beside himself* with rage - to the point that he trashes Isil’s dead mom.
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And you’ll notice Valandil’s the one that makes the “your father got you a spot” jab when Isildur makes it on the boat. The tension only really eases when Elendil reveals he’s made Isildur a stable sweep.
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Oh and also! He’s the Star Pupil! Remember Galadriel’s “How to Kill An Orc For Dummies” Class? She said Stab, Twist, Gut. Behold, when Valandil comes to Middle-Earth: stab, twist, gut!
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(He deserves a gold star. And a cookie.)
He spends a lot of time holding ppl up at the end of this season 2. Here he is carrying Isildur and supporting Miriel. He’s there to break the news to Elendil that Isildur is gone, and he’s there when Elendil has his “should’ve let the Elf drown” moment.
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Someone on Twitter theorized that Valandil might evolve into one of the more prominent Faithful in later seasons, but a friend of mine here suggests that he could easily also become one of the King’s Men. He could observe Elendil’s grief and Míriel’s blindness and say “so much for being Faithful!”
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Whichever it is, this the Second Age and everyone is screwed in the end, and I reeeally don’t like the implications of a scene where Sauron casually hands him his sword back. Seems kinda ominous to me.
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Do we need to say anything about Valandil and Isildur? I don’t think so. I think this right here speaks for me.
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In conclusion!
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
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jynzandtonic · 4 years ago
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HOLY SHIT I FINALLY DID IT, Y’ALL! A COMPLETE MASTERLIST! All of my writings are laid out under the cut. XOXOXO!
Last updated: October 4, 2021 (refresh the masterlist)
Hop on the taglist!  -  Join the Discord!  -  Say hi on AO3!  -  buy me a whiskey! - READ & SUPPORT ADCU WRITERS OF COLOR 
 Aaaand just a quick reminder...
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ADAM SACKLER - Girls (2012-2017)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Adam Sackler - (450 words)
an intro to Sackler in the jynzandtonic universe
The Show Must Go On - AO3 - (1.8k + 1.7k + 2k words)
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
switch!Sackler x switch!reader: “omg they were quarantined!” w/ anonymous webcam sex and edging
Cherry - (1.6k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 tba; it’s on the back burner!}
Daddy!Sackler x virgin!reader: reader has a daddy kink and innocence kink, initiates a pre-negotiated roleplay scenario for their first time sexual experience
Swiped - AO3 - audio - (1.2k + 1.3k + 2k words)
FULL FIC + AUDIO or {part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler x inexperienced/virgin!reader: “omg and they were roommates!” w/ idiots-to-lovers, instruction, dirty talk
Cake - (1k + 1.9k + ?) - to be continued!
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler asks what you want for your birthday. You ask for DAT BOOTY. Switch!Sackler x switch!reader pegging fic!
What to Expect - AO3 - (30k+) - WIP!
ch.1 - ch.2 - ch.3 - ch.4 - ch.5 - ch.6 - ch.7 - ch.8 - ch.9 - ch.10 - ch.11 - ch.12 - ch.13 - ch.14 - ch.15 (epilogue)
You decide to have a baby via donor, but your friend across the hall offers to help out the old-fashioned way. Preggo/Babyfic feat. Sackler!
Whole - AO3 - (500 words)
There are days when it feels like you just can’t get out of bed. There are days when you feel like you’re broken. But with Adam, you know you’re never really alone.
Ask Her - AO3 - audio - (5k words)
When you let it slip that you fooled around with your best friend back in the day, Sackler asks if you’d do it again. When you say you would, he can’t seem to let the idea of the three of you go. Maybe—just maybe—all you have to do is ask her.
Basic Instinct - AO3 - (25k)
ch.1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4 - ch. 5 - ch. 6 - ch.7 - ch. 8
It’s a lucky coincidence—when you’re desperately searching for a new place, Adam Sackler has a room for rent. Plus, alphas and betas make great roommates, right? … Right?
Losing your virginity to Sackler
Adam making you cum while out at dinner w/ his parents
Sackler fingerfucking you on a rollercoaster
Facefucking and spitting in your mouth
Sackler screeching for cuddles
Sackler finding ‘innocent’ virgin!reader’s vibrator
Feeling needy and giving Sackler a sloppy, lovey BJ
Sackler teaching anxious reader how to give him head
Sackler wanting to see your lipstick smeared on his cock
Shy reader pulling The Lip Bite (TM) on Adam
Temperature play w/ ice cubes
Shy reader turning passionate for Sackler
What are the odds: wearable vibe at work
You and Sackler jerking each other off at a movie theater
Fucking you so hard you forget you even met your ex
Soft dom!reader overstimulating sweet Sackler
Adam eating your pussy on a hike
Riding Sackler’s face to shut him the fuck up
Sweet, soft sex with Sackler in front of your ex
Soft, sleepy morning sex
Adam loving on your teeny tiny titties
Gremlin!Sackler fingering the fuck outta you
Shit-talking switch!Sackler feat. some bondage
Catching Sackler jerkin’ it and playing with his titties
Some very possessive dirty talk
Adam finding virgin!reader’s dildo
Sackler ‘helping’ busy student!reader unwind
Proud reader fucking Sackler backstage between shows
Sackler buys you your very first vibe
Sackler pulling up your sundress and fucking you in the park
Sleeping in *ahem* too small of a bed with roommate Sackler
Sex that sent you and Sackler to the ER
Sackler in a healthy, communicative relationship
Sackler comforting a reader far away from home
Sackler with asexual!reader
Random shit that Adam says in bed with you
Pregnancy kink with Adam Sackler
Sackler’s nicknames for reader
Daddy!Adam Sackler daydreams
Misc Sackler hcs: dirty talk, sex, exhibitionism, domestic fluff
Songs on my Sackler “bedroom playlist”
Comparing the temperature of your mouth and cunt
Sackler eating out nervous!reader for the first time
How Sackler gives kisses
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Making grumpy Sackler BEG FOR IT
Bashful Sackler hcs
On Adam’s chaotic!switch tendencies
NSFW Alphabet: Cum + Fave Position
On seeing a usually self conscious partner feel confident about their body
Adam Sackler loves love
Sexy HCs: cum, masturbation, oral, kinks, pussy-eating
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CLYDE LOGAN - Logan Lucky (2017)
- FICS -
Meet the Boys: Clyde Logan
Maybe - AO3 - (1k words)
breeding kink/creampie WITHOUT the possibility/goal of reader becoming pregnant
Clyde gets ASMR - AO3 - (1k words)
Your sweet boy Clyde is the first guest on your ASMR channel. SFW fluff, can you believe it?!
Solstice - AO3 - (3k + 1.8k words)
{part 1} - {part 2}
It happens every Winter Solstice–you shift into a fox and wander the West Virginian woods for the longest night of the year. When you’re injured in an accident, the kind local bartender takes you into his care. Little does he know you’ll shift back into your human form come sunrise… without a shred of clothing on you.
The Plunge - AO3 - (3.4k words)
Clyde's not too hot on the idea of you swimmin' all by yourself at night, so it's up to you to convince him to join you for some moonlight skinny dipping.
In Vino Veritas - AO3 - (6.6k words)
In Vino Veritas — ‘In Wine, Truth.' You open up your very own wine bar, but one Boone County bartender isn’t particularly pleased about it. When a rift emerges between the two of you, will you find a way to mend it? And is there really “truth in wine?”
Eyes Wide Open - AO3 - (1.5k words)
It's all anonymous, and you're so hungry for a lover's touch. You'll never see him; he'll never know you. After an hour together, you'll part ways and never cross paths again. You couldn't find each other if you tried. As luck would have it, you might not need to.
Rowdy fuckin’ with Clyde
Clyde comforting reader after a fight with a parent/other
Touch-starved, babbling, dirty-talking Clyde
Daddy!Clyde fucking bratty reader while decorating the xmas tree
Clyde getting riled up watching you do stretches
Mirror-fucking and dirty-talk with Clyde
Phone sex with Clyde
Teaching Clyde to dance
Making Clyde do a homemade facemask*
Clyde wants a baby for Christmas
Admiring and loving on Clyde’s soft cock
The first time Clyde made your cheeks go hot
Filthy fucking at Duck Tape with Clyde 
Clyde’s very first time eating pussy*
Crying on Clyde’s cock
Clyde making you cum seven times in a row (for luck, y’know)
Facesitting with Daddy!Clyde
Clyde fucking your ass at Duck Tape after seeing your plug
Leaving the big city and reassuring Clyde of your choice
Waking Clyde up with some slow head
Sweet n sensual mirror sex with Clyde
Clyde comforting you with slow lovemaking
Clyde comforting isolated reader
Sending/receiving nude pics with Clyde
Corrupting sweet sub!Clyde
Clyde comforting sad reader (gn)
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 1
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 2
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 3
Clyde with a lactation kink
Clyde taking care of you when you’re sick
Netflix and... cockwarming. oops
Riding Clyde’s cock. That’s it. That’s the post.
Marking his territory with creampies
Fantasizing about meeting Clyde at the bar
Loving fussing over Clyde
High school Clyde (uwu)
Telling Clyde you want to have a baby
Clyde being protective of you
NSFW Alphabet: Oral + Jack Off
Clyde eating pussy
MORE Clyde and breeding kink
The first time you have sex with Clyde feat. SIZE KINK
Sexy HCs: creampies, pussy-eating, and pregnancy
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FLIP ZIMMERMAN - Blackkklansman (2017)
- FICS -
Under the Stars - AO3 - (2.8k)
Flip Zimmerman’s always talking shit—even about the gear you’ve brought on your weekend camping trip. When the rain rolls in, will you help him out with a dry place to sleep?
Sweeter Than Honey (multichapter)- coming soon!
Visiting Flip at the station to show him your new lipstick
Flip daring you to sit on a vibe for 20min (overstim)
Coming home to find you in lingerie + his flannel
Fucking you in the archives division and telling you to keep quiet
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Mirror sex in a dressing room
Breeding kink w/ Flip*
Your first time with Flip - part 1
Your first time with Flip - part 2
Fucking the brat out of you at a holiday party
Flip taking care of you after a long work day
Lovey-dovey drunk sex with Flip
Playing strip-poker with Flip
Slapping Flip (hint: it doesn’t go over well)
Flip spitting on your pussy
JUST how much Flip loves you
Slow lovemaking with Flip
Flip’s kinks, fave things to do in bed, and aftercare
Flip cheering you up after a bad day
Visiting Flip at the station in your skimpiest outfit
Flip being territorial over you in public
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Flip being charming and playful
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare, Goofy, Motivation, Stamina, Unfair
Gender-affirming lovin’ with Flip (transmasc!reader)
Semi-public sex and getting caught
On the subject of Flip’s balls
Growing old with Flip
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OFFICER RONNIE PETERSON - The Dead Don’t Die (2018)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Ronnie Peterson - (1k words)
an intro to Ronnie in the jynzandtonic universe, in which the ending of The Dead Don’t Die is gleefully retconned
Holds Two Nicely - AO3 - (2k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 coming soon}
switch!Ronnie gets road head in the Smart Car, and reader’s gonna pay for pulling that type of shenanigans
This Is The Way - AO3 - (2.6k words)
Bad Day - AO3 - (2k)
blowing off a bad day with some mutual masturbation + squirting
Meet the Boys: Officer Ronnie Peterson
Hand kink w/ Ronnie’s giant paws
Deepthroating + dirty talk with sweet + spicy bby Ronnie
Rescuing Ronnie from the apocalypse and settling in the big city
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Handcuffing and domming Ronnie
Ronnie can’t keep his hands off you at the PD holiday party
Sitting on Ronnie’s face... HE LIKES IT.
Mando!Reader doms subby Ronnie
Cockwarming as a form of dominance with switch!Ronnie
DOUBLE PENETRATION with Ronnie + a Clone-A-Willy
Ronnie finding you half-naked in a Stormtrooper costume
Thigh-riding Ronnie at the station
Ronnie overstimulating you with a clit-sucker + cockwarming
Giving Ronnie head in the bathroom at a frat party
Ronnie spanking you after he has a rough day skiing
Make-up snuggling with Ronnie after a fight
Virgin!Ronnie x virgin!reader thots
Sending/receiving nudes with Ronnie
Fluffy/dirty HCs for nerdy boy Ronnie
What are Ronnie’s hugs like?
How Ronnie dresses when he’s not in uniform
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Ronnie Peterson Tummy Appreciation Post
NSFW Alphabet: Jack Off, Zzzzz, + Dirty Secret
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CHARLIE BARBER - Marriage Story (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Charlie Barber - (550 words)
an intro to Charlie in the jynzandtonic universe, which occurs solely post-Marriage Story
Exit Stage Right - AO3 - (1k words)
Theater smut and a very protective, soft Daddy!Charlie
Special Spot - AO3 - (850 words)
Daddy!Charlie is stressed from work and asks you to play with his ass
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Lost and Found - AO3 - (4.6k words)
You’re an artist in New York City patiently waiting to find your soulmate. But what happens if your soulmate didn’t wait to find you?
Desperate, touch-starved fucking with Charlie
Cockwarming in the theater with Charlie
Charlie buying sex toys for reader
Building IKEA furniture + drinking wine
How Kind of You to Let Me Cum: etiquette kink with Daddy!Charlie
Counting belt spankings for Daddy!Charlie
Charlie rubbing your clit on the subway
Daddy!Charlie feat. squirting kink
Charlie comforting you after a hard day
Christmas party cockwarming with Charlie
Thigh-riding Charlie in his office
Professor!Charlie Barber fucking you in the library stacks
Charlie and a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism
Teasing Charlie like a little brat
Charlie fucking nonbinary!reader senseless for looking too good
Sleepy morning head with Charlie + erogenous zones
Charlie punishing you with edging, spanking, and overstim
Wearing Charlie’s hand like a necklace + mirror sex
Late-night somnophilia with Charlie
Distracting Professor!Charlie during office hours
Getting messy making pancakes with Charlie
Cockwarming for Charlie during his zoom meetings
Charlie taking his frustration out on you + aftercare
Student/teacher cockwarming with Professor!Barber
Falling asleep after sex with Charlie
Soft breeding kink feels with Charlie
Misc Charlie hcs: nicknames, sex, aftercare, + more
Charlie sending you gorgeous NYC lingerie
d-d-d-d-DADDY KINK + more
NSFW Alphabet: Unfair - remote control vibe
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, Fave Position, Goofy, Stamina
Charlie teaching you your manners before a fancy date
Daddy!Charlie on erotic piercings
Threesomes with Charlie: Adam, Dan, + Toby
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PHILLIP ALTMAN - This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
- FICS -
A Great American Pastime - coming soon!
Edging bratty sub!Phillip
Phillip messing with you during Passover Seder
Sudsy shower sex with Altman
Altman fucking you in the pool during a family bbq
Making Philly cum in his pants at a house party
Phillip buying you a naughty present
Pegging bratty Phillip
Phillip degrading + facefucking you
Handcuffing Phillip and riding his face
Phillip + Sackler on the BDSM test
NSFW Alphabet: Goofy, Motivation, Unfair, Volume
Spending Hanukkah with Phillip
Sending/receiving nude pics with Phillip
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DAN JONES (au context) - The Report (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Dan Jones - (550 words)
an intro to Dan in the jynzandtonic universe, in which he is still a Senate staffer and the lead investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; this is not RPF
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Long Day - AO3 - (2.7k words)
DOM!Dan Jones!
Consumed by his work for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dan comes home to you tense and exhausted, desperate for an outlet for his stress. Lucky for him, his little dove always knows just what he needs.
Professor!Dan Jones AU - coming soon!
Sensual phone sex with Dan
Subby!Dan with assistant!reader
Riding the fuck out of Dan in his office chair (drabble)
Disciplining Dan when he’s misbehaved
Semi-public sex with riled-up Daniel
Dan begging you to swallow his cum*
Surprising Dan with head when he comes home from work
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Dan with a shy!reader
Aftercare with Dan
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, + Toys
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TOBY GRISONI (GRUMMET) - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2016)
- FICS -
You Can, You Shall, You Must (multichapter) - coming soon!
Distracting Toby mid-film by being a brat 
Toby eating your pussy on the train + getting caught
Misc Toby HCs: fucking, protectiveness, aesthetics
Misc Toby HCs: thigh-riding, hair-braiding, polaroids
NSFW Alphabet: Kinks + WILDCARDS
Toby mustache HCs
RICK SMOLAN (au context) - Tracks (2013)
- FICS -
Meet Me in Moab (Vanlife!Rick AU) - coming soon!
Watching sub!Rick jerk himself off for you
Rick shooting outdoor lingerie photos
Fucking a very touch-starved Rick
Making Rick cum in his pants
Rick worshipping readers phat titties
Roadtripping with Rick
Rick tickling and teasing your pussy
PAUL SEVIER - Midnight Special (2015)
- FICS -
Sugar Daddy!Paul Sevier AU - coming soon!
Praise kink with sweet Sevvy
Catching feelings for Sugar Daddy!Sevier
Sugar Daddy!Sevier comforting you during hard times
Paul spanking you with his file folders
Giving Sevvy head so good he cries
Overstimulating sub!Sevier
Somnophilia with Sevier
Sevier comforting sad reader
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Dirty texts from all of the boys
How the boys feel about stretch marks
Cute lil’ domestic arguments with Clyde, Ronnie, Charlie, Dan, + Flip
The boys with pregnant!reader
The boys on hickies and love-bites
The boys on period sex
Loving on fat!reader
Sunday morning snuggles and ~shagging~
How the boys would ask you to move in with them
The boys with a nonbinary!reader (they/them)
How the boys would spend a snow-day with you
The boys on thicc thighs
Dominant/submissive x LNC chart for the boys
Charlie + Ronnie comforting sad reader
~Soft~ hcs for Flip, Dan, Sevier, Ronnie, + Phillip
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 1
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 2
TRUTH OR DARE with Charlie, Phillip, Ronnie, + Dan
Top three boys with a breeding kink
The boys on the BDSM test
Flip, Daddy!Charlie, Clyde, + Sackler on being called ‘himbos’
A lil’ bit of clit worship
Sweet + spicy hcs with Clyde + Sackler
Sweet + spicy hcs with Flip + Ronnie
What kind of porn the boys watch/read
Falling asleep and waking up with you
What to do to get the boys weak for you
Must-have songs on their “bedroom playlists”
How kinky do the boys get + fave positions
How the boys rate in the exhibitionist category
The boys taking care of you when you’re sick
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare with Sackler + Charlie
NSFW Alphabet: Experience
NSFW Alphabet: Dirty Secret
NSFW Alphabet: Location
NSFW Alphabet: No
The boys with a transman (transmasc!reader)
What the boys sound like before they cum
On finding out you’re bisexual
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Toby, Dan, + Rick
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Charlie, Clyde, Flip, + Ronnie
How the boys give hugs
What the boys prefer to fuck
Reverse cowgirling Charlie, Dan, Sackler, + Clyde
What alcohol the boys like to drink
A few New Year’s Resolutions
How the boys feel about verbal debasement/degradation kink
Size kink with Flip, Ronnie, + Clyde
Favorite rewards for The Subby Boys (TM)
Romantic nights with Flip, Charlie, + Clyde
Reactions to participating in skin-care pamering night
On dating a reader who does camming
The Babie-Daddy-Gremlin Triangle
The boys helping you when you’re overwhelmed with work
Would be most likely to roleplay Mulder/Scully with you
Is most likely to cum on you vs. cum in you
Likes to be called “Sir” (for scientific purposes)
Has the biggest dick - part 1 
Has the biggest dick - part 2 (NSFW Alphabet)
Has the best cock
Prefer showers or baths
Is the dirtiest and softest
Give the best back scratches when tucking you in
Wear speedos vs. trunks
Want to bring snacks to sexytime (food kink)
Is an ass man vs. a boobs man
Would be into having a threesome, and what kind
Would want to have children*
Is the best at eating you out
Has the heaviest balls feat. @clydesducktape​
Love facials the most
Is most likely to eat ass
Do I ship with each other + threesome ideas : paul x rick threesome, flip x phillip
Like to dole out orgasm denial/edging
Is the cuddliest
Is most likely to fuck the bratty attitude out of you
Has an edging kink
- FICS -
The Dungeon Master - AO3 - (1.7k words + 1.9k)
{part 1} - {part 2}
Matt plays D&D on Thursday nights, and you decide to interrupt him for a good dicking. You get more than you bargained for.
HCs: Matt the Radar Tech, Cameron the Actor, + Mr. Ketchup
HCs: very NSFW chaotic-dom!Matt the Radar Tech things
Matt the Radar Technician’s pet chinchilla, Greg by @rollerdiscodiva​
How you got together with Matt + misc HCs
A few Matt x chubby!reader HCs
Feral Matt the Radar Tech being... sweet??
What Matt’s cock is like
Feral Matt being a little sweet after sex
Crumbs on soft!Matt
Surprising Matt with some DnD cosplay sex
Matt + first-time somnophilia
Matt congratulating you for acing a test the way he knows best
Trying to give Matt a slow, sweet blowjob
Keeping grumpy Matty up late with some deepthroating
Sweet Matt buying you succulents
Wearing Christmas Lingerie while Daddy McTavish tries to work on Zoom
Your first Christmas with Mr. McTavish and Mr. Pennyham (Sleepover Dad)
Kylo’s guilty pleasures
Kylo fucking his hand in the refresher
How Kylo/Ben shows everyone you belong to him
Sub!Kylo begging you to let him cum
Tending to each other’s wounds after defeating Snoke’s guard
Dom!Kylo fucking your throat
Kylo/Ben and possessive behavior
Kylo and pregnant reader snaccs
Rough, post-battle sex with Kylo
Tending to Smuggler!Ben’s wounds (Mando!Reader)
Sucking Kylo’s cock in the refresher
Cockwarming in the throne room
Kylo watching you kick ass in training
Sparring with Kylo till he fucks you senseless
Daddy!Kylo Ren overstimming and spanking your pussy
Kylo/Ben taking care of you after a hard mh day
A full month of kinky prompts with all your favorite boys!
Love Letters from The Boys
KINKS/TROPES - (will be expanded)
-additionally, all of these are tags that can be blocked 🖤-
daddy kink
virginity kink / innocence kink
pregnancy kink
breeding kink
size kink
body positivity
light verbal degradation / degradation kink
light bondage / bondage
light exhibitionism / exhibitionism / voyeurism
semi-public sex
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angstyastro · 3 years ago
Hiya ya'll!
So I recently restocked my Takuto Maruki charm and if anyone is interested in having our fave counselor with you at all times you can get him right here!
He comes with an identical sticker as well~
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lycheeart · 3 years ago
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haikyuu snaccs 🧃🍊🍡🍬 back again with the puns!! next shall be my nekoma faves and oikawa 🥺
art ig: @lycheeart
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mrstsung · 3 years ago
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Happy and in love shang.
This could be because of a number of reasons:
I did my first fatality(and maybe my only)on someone,he's proud of me
I finally killed quan chi for good
I told him he's a sexy old man and it doesn't matter if he's grey or not,i still would love him and smother him in kisses.
I insulted shao kahn....for no reason.
I said he's the best sorcerer ever
I gave him a cool sneky friendship bracelet. Because sifu is cool.
I told him that he's loved more than he would ever know and a thousand simps would follow him into hell for one tiddy touch. I am one of them.
I got him his fave snacc
I kissy his booboos because he got in a fight with Johnny cage. You know what booboos he gives. Lol
I stroked his ego. Not hard to do.
I just in general being nice to him for no reason other than that I love him
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years ago
lit and y/n going on a road trip pls?
Okay, okay, look, Lit cannot drive. I'm sorry but you're gonna be stuck in the driver's spot for the entire time 😔
That's okay though because after being in modern times long enough, he's got impeccable taste in music! He plays all the bops
Snaccs. Boy loves his snacks and he's got all different kinds. Chips, candy, sour candy, chocolate, sunflower seeds, you think it's at a gas station, he has it. Also drinks!! He made sure to grab water, a lot of it, and gatorade!
He keeps you awake very well. He keeps conversation going and engaging so you're not bored. You guys get into some pretty deep convos on the road but that just brings you guys closer!!
If you need to pull over to take a nap, he's on the lookout and alert for monsters. You trust him so much that you sleep very easily.
He sings the music at the top of his lungs because he's comfortable with you. He knows his singing isn't showstopping but its nice to you so he sings.
In the lulls between excitement, he rests his hand over yours on the gear shift or just on you thigh to remind you he's there. He's really physical so long roadtrips without touch is rough. You've learned to keep your hand available for him to play with.
Just, imagine, the two of you driving along with windows down, laughing loudly as the air whips through your hair and the sky above seems to shimmer with excitement to see where you're going. You're comfortable and at peace. There is no danger that's going to appear because you're always moving.
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