#my fave is fictional languages and dialects
blueflipflops · 11 months
[Tag your fave world building heavy fandom :D ]
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
writeblr interview
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling <3
No further ados! Let's get straight into it :)
Short stories, novels, or poems?
If we're talking about writing them-- novels more often than the others, but i dabble into all of them ngl. I tried writing poetry once upon a time, and while it's not all bad, it's not all good either (i shared some of the bad ones here, buried deeply in the archives. i might share the good ones sometime who knows). and short stories i used to do all the time with my irl writer friends, where we'd give each other 3-word prompts and an hour to bust one out. 10/10 recommend lol in terms of reading, all of them :)))
What genre do you prefer reading?
high fantasy and classics. give me wuthering heights and the iliad. but also, things you'd find on a high school english class reading list. i love those types of inquisitive stories
What genre do you prefer writing?
high fantasy, political fantasies or political conspiracy fictional stories. give me the complicated lore and old history, and all the strategy and war tactics and yadayada. i LIVE FOR IT
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
extreme planner. i have planned every single potential wip i have in the drafts and for the future in my notion. chapter per chapter outline. scene per scene. entire oc wiki pages. lore pages. even a dictionary for their languages and different dialects, AND the scriptures they refer to/believe in. extreme planner.
What music do you listen to while writing?
whichever playlist i'm in the mood for, but typically it's my writing, august 8, or the (un)official tov soundtrack. the genres on those are so mixed, i can't even say: oh its classical, oh its r&b. no. its just vibes. anyhow, on the discord server, you can actually see what music i listen to while i write LOL because i linked it. but yes, i'll link my spotify here too because why not?
Fave books/movies?
favourite books are the iliad, the giver, wuthering heights, the last dragon, a thousand splendid suns, and the remains of the day. i've gone on a tangent about them before here!
Any current WIPs?
i'm in the editing phases of Throne of Vengeance, which I plan on publishing very soon (👀) and the writing stages of Court of Sins!
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Hair half up in a bun and half down. Biker shorts or men's oversized lounge shorts. oversized (men's, probably) t-shirt or hoodie, or if it's with the biker shorts, a muscle-tee or a cropped tank top. layered gold necklaces, rings on every finger, multiple gold piercings and cuffs on both ears, my classic gold chain, gold bracelet, and iron cuff on my left wrist. sneakers/running shoes/vintage mint nike tennis court shoes. i have the whole outfit DOWN lmao
Create a character description for yourself
typical brown girl who can't escape the overenthusiastic punjabi girl stereotype because of her loud and eccentric personality. has strong "youngest sibling" energy with a strong level of independence and yet an immediately willingness to let someone else take care of things. flip flops between dressing extremely well and being a fashion icon with impeccable style, to dressing like she ran out of all her clothes and can only wear knitted dishrags. has been canonically told by her father she is "the son [he] never had". she doesn't know what to do with this information. incredibly studious and a huge academic. if she didn't have the extroverted personality she did, people would be more inclined to calling her a nerd. instead, they call her intelligent and call it a day. slightly a teacher's pet. can convince anyone and everyone around her to do her a favour because she's mysteriously persuasive. doesn't know how to do romantic love, but is 1000% invested in showering people in platonic love. has 10k different hobbies, none of which are remotely related. every week, she finds a new topic to obsessively research about and ramble to her voice memos to. as her sisters and friends like to say, "her life is like a series of side quests" i think that about does it., lest i wished to keep rambling LOL
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
yes and no. i like taking a singular piece of lore from people i know, typically with their permission. so, some of the ocs in my books are named after people i know in real life whom i asked if i could name my character after. it doesn't really go beyond oc naming, tbh. i feel like stealing people's real life lore is kinda... invasive? idk.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
1000% and my best friend hates me for it. i feel like a toxic partner, only capable of showing my ocs affection by making them suffer
Coffee or tea while writing?
both, plus other substances. cold water. diet soda. hot water. milk. hot cocoa. literally everything.
Slow or fast writer?
fast, but it depends on a) if i'm in school or not (pre-med babyyyyy); b) if i have a deadline of not (i once finished a full draft in 3 months because i put the finish date on my document and felt the need to meet that deadline)
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
my childhood and my childhood stories. disclaimer: i DID have a happy childhood, before anyone makes any wild assumptions LOL
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
a bookkeeper, a scholar, or a soldier. or an adventurer. not just because they're cool, but because that's what i currently do irl, so why not in a fantasy setting too?
Most fave book cliche?
friends to lovers trope for romances. jealousy arcs. misunderstandings that are DONE RIGHT. angst. ANGST. found family. the old mentor. things like that, i eat it right up like we're in an all-inclusive buffet
Least fave book cliche?
toxic male leads who everyone forgives because they're hot. i honestly can't think of much. if it's executed right, everything is fun and freegame
Fave scenes to write?
i genuinely have no clue. i love writing in general. maybe the dialogue fluff scenes that never make it to the final draft because they're so absolutely filler but they butter my croissant in ways only a boulangerie would be able to serve?
Most productive time of day for writing?
night time with the cityscape if i'm in my uni town! daytime in my mancave if i'm in my hometown!
Reason for writing?
i've always been a storyteller, and i can't exist with this world in my mind without opening the gates for everyone to pay a visit. i enjoy sharing what i love. they say the universe is expanding, and that is an undeniable fact, for all the proof i need is in the way the worlds in my head keep growing.
thanks again for the tag, my love <3
i'll tag @writingismydrugs @drchenquill @wyked-ao3 @willtheweaver @satohqbanana and @pexchys
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sunsetsarsatequila · 2 years
📻🎥🌼🕹📖🌐 :D
📻 Fave song currently
oh man that's hard to choose but i'll go for never meant by american football. only just discovered them and i'm a sucker for that melodic math rock-esque sound
🎥 Fave film
oh fuck i barely watch films uhhhhhhh genuinely i think the last film i watched was annihilation and that was a couple of years ago
🌼 Fave flower
hydrangea, my mum has some in her garden and they're very pretty
🕹 Video game you are currently playing
lmao i'm playing way too many things at the moment! but mostly yakuza 7, monster train, elden ring (i will get back to it eventually...)
📖 Fave book
i haven't read any fiction in ages and i barely read tbh so i'll just tell you what the last book i started reading was which is the well-played game by bernie de koven
🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in
english (native), basic japanese, even more basic korean, and conversational understanding of my grandma's dialect of cantonese
thank you for the ask!😁
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kkrazy256 · 3 years
20 Questions Tag Game
tagged by @chiafett tank u :3
Name: Terra
Nicknames: Terra itself is a nickname for my main pseud, Terrako/r. My real name doesn’t have a lot of nicknames (that I use anyway. I’ve seen some good ones recently that feel a bit too late to start using now. Though I yearnnn) 
Zodiac: scorpio
Height: 5′4 average height kings rise
Languages: Cantonese/Mandarin/Toishan dialect, English, Russian (but it’s super shaky now that I’m out of practice) 
Nationality: Asian American
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite color: Black
Favorite animal: Tiger
Favorite fictional character: I only deal in current faves because otherwise I can’t choose uhehuhe. It’s Fox.  
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: Tea
Average hours of sleep: 5-6
Cat or dog person: Cat
Blankets slept with: One because summer. But I would use a heavy/weighted one if it weren’t so hot. 
Places ancestors are from: China
Dream trip: Japan, Iceland or Switzerland
Blog established: 2014 (help kajkjjhs)
Number of followers: 1200+
Random fact about yourself: Uhhh...I went to the...Fortnite World Cup in 2019, mostly because I was fixating on Marshme/llo at the time and wanted to see him... don’t look at me. It did end up being fun though, I was super happy with all the merch I got. I took lots of pics/videos and met one of my favorite Aussie streamers at the time (los/erfruit). I was in her world cup recap video on youtube too :D  
No pressure tags as always <3: @skrillien @amikoroyai @maderilien​ @lovelybasilisk @neverfeedthesarlacc
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txthearteu · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @soobindipity​ 🥰 thank you bb 😌❤️
tagging @btxtreads​​ @choisoobinie​​ @unlocktxt​​ @bffsoobin (this one is long so feel free not to do it ahahahaksksksks)
note: i found the breakers somewhere here in tumblr but i forgot who the owner is, so full credits to whoever owns these breakers
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course it’s their debut song Crown. I have to admit, I listened to them not because i discovered them but because of the whole “bighit is releasing another boy group” fiasco. people thought the hype would die down, i did too, but to this day the boys never failed me. they consistently made me happy with the content they gave out for everyone to enjoy. also adding, i think i’m attracted to them more (compared to their seniors) since they’re around my age– something in which i feel like i can relate to (in terms of the content they put out, or the jokes, etc)
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a music artist (pop star) 😔
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
travel to Japan and explore the place 😩
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chopsticks hahahahaha because i usually eat using the spoon and fork when i eat out 
favourite type of plushies and why?
anything twotuckgom related! they’re so soft and convenient because of the size. i also kinda wanna buy the bolsters 👀
favourite song right now?
i don’t have any but if you ask what i’ve been jamming to i’d say its city girls by chris brown
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
producing music, japanese, korean, hacking 
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
so in the city where i live, there are places in which the canals don’t have any stoppers. i saw this kid walking with his family alongside these canals and he was just vibing with the song he was singing to. he was so into the song he was singing that he missed a step and he kinda slipped and fell in to the canal (don’t worry though there weren’t any serious injuries) and i swear it was a funny sight 
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones! when the opportunity is present then i’d listen to my music with no outside noise
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
corndogs 👀
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since i’m on spotify family 
questions from eri to me:
what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
the vacation i had in Japan last year! 10 days never felt so short in my life and i was planning to go back earlier this year but you know...’rona....
do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
i’m the toughest gal everyone knows but i get really creeped out by butterflies or bugs. i also get scared with inanimate objects that look like a human being when it’s laying still in the dark, i’m scared of mirrors as well HAHA.
weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
i can curl my tongue into what seems to resemble a three-leafed clover. i can also mimic voices well and, from what my friends said, i could actually dance well and im super fast in picking up choreography hahaha (ok but it’s what they said okay)
what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
biking/hiking/camping :> 
when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
i think it was back in 4th grade and it was the famous nokia 3310 
what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
biggest pet peeve?
 i absolutely get annoyed when someone tries to rush me and by the time i’m ready, they haven’t readied themselves
earliest childhood memory?
i put sand in this ice-cream-cone-looking rock, and i ate the sand thinking it tasted like ice cream
as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
a music artist (pop star), until now that’s still my dream but unfortunately, i had to be “practical” 
questions from me to you:
android or apple? why?
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
if someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
favorite season and why
what made you enter tumblr?
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: cj
birthday: oct 12
zodiac: libra
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino (and my dialect), lil teeny bit or korean and japanese kskskskksks
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5'1 and a half (spare me the half pls im trying to act tall)
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: to put it simply, i love txt
blog established: start of quarantine
followers: 43 lovely followers! 
favourite animals: do you know cat and dog?
favourite books: anarchy by styleslegend (swear i've been hyping it since my 1d days) ; the tale of heidi by johanna spyri
favourite colour: yellow/brown/black (can’t choose)
favourite fictional characters: hulk, hinata shoyo, tomoe (from kamisama kiss)
favourite flower: i don’t have any ahahahhaha
favourite scent: mens perfume/deoderant
favourite season: spring
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: (i love them both but i really love dogs but i just wanna hug them both because i love both cats and dogs)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee is my go to energizer, for some chill time i’d go for hot choco
current time: 22:34
dream trip: japan(again)/australia/europe 😩
dream job: music artist 😔
hobbies: playing instruments [violin piano ukelele sometimes guitar and drums], listening to music, writing songs, beatboxing
hogwarts house: slytherin 
last movie watched: oh dear god i cant remember HAHA
last song listened to: bbibbi by iu
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, i’d combine mint choco and bubblegum ice cream; when i’m bored i try to re-read all my past lessons AHAHAHAHAHA; currently in a 5-year relationship akshsskskssjsjduskgkad
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10 things I can’t stop listening to
city girls - chris brown, young thug
angel or devil - tomorrow by together
paradise - bts
zombie - day6
see you again - tyler the creator, kali uchis
dally - hyolyn, gray
love - kendrick lamar, zacari
redemption (with babes wodumo) - kendrick lamar, zacari
pyramids - frank ocean
all in - monsta x
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mautadite · 4 years
may book round up
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24 books this month, a pretty good stack. even though i’m working from home i keep expecting work to swamp me and leave me with no reading time but... that hasn’t happened yet? so, good.
silver moon - catherine lundoff ⭐️⭐️⭐️ a paranormal novel about a small town in which certain women who reach the age of menopause find another change happening to their bodies. i.e. they become werewolves. i fucking adored this concept and there was f/f romance, but the execution and the writing was sadly pretty boring.
no-no boy - john okada ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ post-wwii, following a young japanese american man who was just released from prison. called a no-no boy because like all other japanese men at the time, he was asked two questions: will you serve in the armed forces and swear loyalty to the us? he answered no to both questions and was detained. the novel follows him grappling with that decision after the war, looks into his friends, family life, race relations, and what it’s like living in a country that despises you. enjoyed it a lot.
the husband gambit - l.a. witt ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the kind of tropey romance nonsense that i live for. contemporary m/m slow burn fake marriage between a struggling actor, and the son of a famous hollywood producer. there were some meh parts (like, the plotting and the reasoning behind why they had to get fake married was like... are you SURE marriage is the best way to fix this) but i really liked it for the romance and the tropes.
drive your plow over the bones of the dead - olga tocarczuk ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary polish mystery fiction, following an old woman living in a secluded community in the woods, when poachers and prominent hunters begin turning up dead. really interesting writing and format, and a really excellent protagonist. not sure how much i liked the actual mystery.
the babysitter - jack harbon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ quick and dirty m/m romance, a literature-loving babysitter falls for the divorced father of the kid he babysits. pretty fun.
zipper mouth - laurie weeks ⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary fiction that follows a queer, mentally ill woman as she hurdles through life, unrequited love, jobs, and lots of drugs. i enjoyed the themes when there was a coherent one, but i really didn’t gel with the style. i guess it was trying to be stream of consciousness, which i have read and enjoyed in the past. but this didn’t do it for me. interesting tho, and honestly, i just might not have been the audience for it.
spirits abroad - zen cho ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ a PHENOMENAL collection of stories drawing inspiration from malaysian spirits, culture and folklore. absolutely loved it, fave read of the month for sure. loved the use of language and dialect, and the writing was simple and precise and wonderful. and there were some great f/f stories in here. 
a cat, a man and two women - junichiro tanizaki ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the setting: 1920s japan. the characters: lily, a fat tortoiseshell. shozo, her lazy, well-meaning, but ineffectual cat-dad. fukuko, his hot young former mistress, current wife. shinako, his strong-willed, slightly bitter ex-wife. the plot: shinako decides, HEY ACTUALLY FUCK YOU KEEP YOUR HOT WIFE BUT I WANT THE CAT. a great novella about loneliness and comeuppance and marriage. the best part was the cat lol.
the terracotta bride - zen cho ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ really interesting novella about a young dead woman living in chinese hell. she’s married, and her husband has three wives. the first: estranged, conniving, distant. the second: herself, unwilling but resigned. the third: newly arrived, and made out of terracotta. very interesting novella, beautifully written, grim but hopeful, f/f romance on the side.
king and the dragonflies - kacen callender ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ wonderful queer children/YA book about family, grief, racism, coming to know yourself and also accepting yourself. contemporary, but it almost FEELS like a fantasy/magical realism book. 
orphan number eight - kim alkemade ⭐️⭐️⭐️ a novel about an orphaned woman coming to terms with experiments done on her as a child, when she encounters the doctor who performed said experiments, dying in a nursing home. the writing in this was pretty so-so, did a lot of head-hopping which is my biggest pet peeve. i liked the concept, but the plot and the follow through were meh. loved that the main character was a lesbian though, and some of the writing was great.
firm hand - nora phoenix ⭐️⭐️ meh... not for me. m/m contemporary romance following a guy recovering from the car crash that killed his best friend, and his best friend’s son. it went some places that i’m just not up for, lol.
meet cute club - jack harbon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ REALLY adorable m/m romance, following a dorky, earnest romance novel lover, and the new cashier at his favourite book store. they end up trying to revive the main characters struggling book club, and falling in love along the way. very fun and sweet.
mrs. mix up - candice harper ⭐️⭐️ the concept sounded so so cute: an f/f romance about two librarians with similar last names that go to a library convention and the staff mistakenly thinks they’re married and book them into one room. but the writing and chemistry were lacklustre and it was extremely poorly edited. it’s a shame, i could have liked this.
mine - kim hartfield ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ a sexy f/f romance that i liked a LOT, about a young woman who after a traumatic event in her life decides to quit her job and go volunteer on a farm in the middle of nowhere. she ends up falling for her sexy lesbian farmer boss. it got deep in some areas i wasn’t really expecting it to, though it was a tad... idk, preachy? and the conflict at the end was annoying. enjoyed it a bunch tho.
the hobbit - j.r.r. tolkien ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ nth reread! i’ve been listening to this on audiobook around bedtime since like... march, i think, it’s just such a comfort read for me.
the knight and the necromancer 1-3 - a.h. lee ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ a very solidly good fantasy m/m romance series, about a young prince and a necromancer in a war against an invading sorcerer. sorta enemies to lovers? the three books span their relationship and the war, and though it was only a few weeks in time, it didn’t feel insta-lovey at all. liked it a lot.
the fake game - kim hartfield ⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary f/f fake dating office romance! pretty cute; didn’t blow me away but i solidly liked most of it.
what the wind knows - amy harbon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ historical time travel romance centred around the aftermath of the ireland easter rising. i spend so much time reading solidly gay stuff that it’s so weird reading things where the existence of queer ppl isn’t even acknowledged lol. anyway this was pretty good, i liked it mostly for the historical facts and aspects, but the romance was pretty touching too.
the golem of mala lubovnya - kim fielding ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ LOVELY m/m romance in a small jewish community between a newly created golem and a stonemason. lovely writing and atmosphere and characters. i had my nitpicks with the resolution but holy heck i’m so happy with this.
the electric heir - victoria lee ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the second part of a queer YA duo-logy that i started earlier this year, set in a future dystopian magic-riddled US, dealing with abuse and trauma and survivors. extremely difficult to read, almost unenjoyable at times (because god these kids go through so much) but very very good.
first everything - kim hartfield ⭐️⭐️ aha, possibly my last try with this author, though i liked the first book i read by her so much i might read one more! f/f romance between a journalist and a fictional first daughter (who’s also like, a domme, lol). the plot was fine but a lot of the character stuff and the shitty parent stuff really bothered me.
and that was may! for june i’ll... read lots of queer stuff, but i mean i do that every month. i also want to try to read less romance, more thriller and historical and just general contemporary? i feel like i say that all the time, but i’ll try. (though i did just get my first ever advanced reader copy from netgalley and it’s f/f romance, so... exciting!) currently reading the 7 deaths and evelyn hardcastle, a thriller. pretty okay so far.
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quichetein · 4 years
About me tag 💬
tagged by @mainjimin thank youu 😊 I’m tagging: @crytaeby @gukslove @seventiddies
PERSONAL Name: alessia Nickname: alex (it’s usually the name I go by on internet) Birthday: 2nd august Zodiac: leo Nationality: italian Languages: Italian is my mother language, English is my second language, then I also know some French (I understand written French very well just because it’s similar to my local dialect), some German and some Spanish. Height: 5′6
BLOG STUFF Inspiration for muse: this is not a content creator blog, I mainly reblog stuff I like and occasionally make personal text posts. I rarely make edits just because my knowledge with graphic design is so little I’m embarrassed to post anything :( but I used to be into it years ago. Meaning behind my url: oh no fsdjkf 😭 so, it’s made by two words; first one is Quiche, which is a French tart, one of my favorite dishes. Second word is Kirstein which was/is (🙄) my favorite male anime character, Jean Kirstein. These two words have a similar sound so one day my crackhead self thought it was a good idea to put them together 🙂 Blog established: 2011 Followers: 1771
FAVES Favourite animal: dogs perhaps ? every animal is my favorite ok!! Favourite books: White Nights by Dostoevsky, LOTR books, Infinite Jest by DFW 👀 Favourite colors: anything that’s either pale or black Favourite fictional characters: Samwise Gamgee, Beatrix Kiddo, Imperator Furiosa Favourite flower: lilies, tulips Favourite scent: woody scents, but also fruity ones Favourite season: fall/winter 🥰
RANDOM Average hours of sleep: 7-ish? but also 5 sometimes Cats or Dogs: dogs Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee with milk! Current time: 7pm Dream trip: northern Europe countries but also USA just because my boyfriend is from there 💕 Dream job: web developer/any IT job just because it pays fairly well Hobbies: sleeping, watching movies, playing games, listening to music,  learning new things, picking up new languages. Hogwarts house: nah I’m not a Harry Potter fan 😶 Last movie watched: Blues Brothers, that was real fun No. of blankets you sleep with: two Random fact: I have a cat purr purr
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dragontape-moved · 4 years
tagged by qi lol
answer 20 qs and tag ppl.. i cba to tag anyone so if u wanna do this u can say i tagged u
name: slaine
nickname: slaine is literally un-nicknamable unless you count slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaine which is what people call me when they want me to code them things
zodiac: libra sun leo moon sag rising
height: 5′9″ ..... 5′10″ on a good day
languages: eng + little bit of scot gaelic... + the whole shitshow that is the scots dialect + tried to learn jpn
nationality: scottish
fave season: summer
fave flower: im not gay
fave scents: petrol coz im a freak. food. cat smell
fave color: bright blue
fave animals: if its a member of the cat family i love it. tigers, cheetahs, lions, domestic house cats, wildcats
fave fictional characters: fifteen from k0 LOL
coffee/tea/hot chocolate: coffee or hot chocolate i cant stand tea
avg hours of sleep: 9/10 hours rn
dogs/cats: cats
# of blankets i sleep with: just one but its a huge kingsize winter duvet
dream trip: ive never been out the country so anywhere lol
followers: 1.5k
random fact: my cat aurora is cuddled up to me rn
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fishbowl-daddy · 5 years
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
Two characters I also love are:Scott Lang - he is amazing. He is such a great dad even when he doesn’t believe it and deserves the whole world. 
🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in 
I am from Austria so I speak German, even when many german people wouldn’t agree with it because i have an heavy dialect lol. English is... okay? Never was really good in it in school. But its enough for tumblr haha. I can also some words in italian. Not much but i only need it when i am on vacation
🔑 Key to your heart
Pretty easy tho. Stupid humor for example. I have a pretty childish one, haha. So when people make me laugh they get a fancy place in my heart. uwu
📏 How tall are you
1.73 m!
         Get to know me, send me a symbol.        
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gollivant · 5 years
tagged by @aakhun (thank you!!)
Nickname: I don't really have one? Probably because my birth name is p short lol (I'd share but like Paranoia)
Star signs: Cancer sun, leo moon, scorpio rising. Based on what I know Leo Moon does seem p 3 core? I do remember watching a video where a person explained how Cancer's planet is the moon and Leo's planet is the sun so in that way I guess the reversal is p cool.
What I am wearing right now: a red shirt and blue shorts
Favorite quote: Idk tbh? nothing really comes to mind lol
Favorite food: Probably cake in general? I really like deserts. Pasta is nice too.
Favorite movie: I honestly don't watch a lot of movies so I don't really know lol. I did watch the travelling cat chronicles movie this year though and it was p cool (I cried).
Favorite Song: There are lots of songs I like, but So Contagious by Acceptance has been with me for really long without me getting tired of it so I guess that's more consistent overall? I really like how the singer allows himself to be vulnerable whilst still sounding so reluctant and defeated about it in a way which is sad but also a mood.
Favorite Book: The Wardstone Chronicles was a series I really liked as a kid so I definitely remember it fondly, and I read Pride and Prejudice when I was feeling pretentious once and it was honestly p funny. I do read quite a few webcomics though with Tripping Over You and Paranatural being two of my faves.
Language: English and Mandarin (I don't know any dialects, sadly)
What do I hate: incompetence and laziness, especially when together. Like, I get it if you're bad at something but at least put in the effort to be better? If you aren't good at anything then frankly what's the point lol. Selfishness is also pretty annoying. Like it's fine if your personality is unpleasant because people can just avoid you, but when it comes to group work and classes and such people can't just choose to kick you out or anything so it's just basic decency to do your work and put in the effort.
Random Fact: Until I was like 14 I pronounced anime as "a-nime" so it rhymed with mime? But then people around me kept saying anime in the right way which I understood but somehow I didn't adapt to mirror that. Same with me pronouncing method as "mat-hod".
Describe aesthetic things: There's quite a bit of variety I think but I like elegant things the most? But honestly when it comes to aesthetics I just think "oh pretty" or "oh wow that makes me feel things" and reblog blindly. Idk, the things I reblog also feel oddly distant and kind of emotionless unless they're like explicitly annoyed or have quotes.
Do I get asks: Not really
Other blogs: @lierophant is my aes, @yvkhan is my typology sideblog
Hogwart House: When it comes down to it probably Hufflepuff.
Patronus: I have no clue but I like wings so a bird would be nice.
Favorite Characters: Honestly it's been Too Long since I last consumed fiction and even when I do read and watch stuff I do a lot at once so it just swirls around my head and I just... can't pinpoint a certain character I would die for or anything? Like if you gave me a series I'd be able to pick my favourite but just out of the blue?? It's p difficult somehow
Tagging @alverlind @scythiannomad @chimerawife, not sure if you've been tagged already but like if you want to do it then go for it I guess
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des-det-fo · 6 years
Hehe i really like this kind of tag games
Nickname: Desd and Sa with friends (which is short for Sara... but like... super short)
Height: Around 150? Maybe 153? Yeah I'm short
Time: 2:09 am
Favourite song/band: Pink Floyd definitely. As for my favourite song, probably Time or Wish you were here (big emotional sorry) I also really like The Beatles (Strawberry fields forever is 👌)
Song stuck in my head: as of now, Everybody loves me (I KNOW but it's just because of an animation I saw and i couldn't stop watching it.. it was so good). Other songs that were stuck in my head for days were Two Time by Jack St(etc..surname that i can't write) or Blonde Hair/Black Lungs by Sorority Noise
Last movie I watched: Hmm i never really watch movies, it probably was Midnight in paris or, if it counts, i watched some episodes of The chilling adventures of Sabrina
Last thing i googled: This game because i can't remember all the things i have to say haha (before that the translation of an italian word because I'm stupid and i couldn't remember how Pronome (pronoun) was written in English)
Other blogs: Well there's my main @/desdetfo or also @/positive-inazuma-doodles but nobody is requesting anything soo i guess I won't really post anything until someone needs a doodle
Do i get asks: Hmm not really, unless i make an ask game or ask people to request some doodles (ask me... stuff if you want.... i love talking..). I got some asks about my url around the time the Alexa meme went viral (some people said my name reminded them of despacito)
Why did I choose this url: Desdetfo is a word in my dialect and this is my ina sideblog so i added the -
Following: how do u see that... sorry im dumb i can't find where i can see the following count
Dream trips: THE NETHERLANDS (big childhood dream), Ireland again (Dublin is... so good), London. Oh and many Italian cities
Favourite food: Pasta with fish ragù (lmao that word sounds so wrong in an english sentence) and Pistachios. Dark chocolate also gets lots of uwus
Instruments: Hmm i can play the guitar, bass, ukulele and like.. 1/2 serious songs in the piano (string instruments are the BEST ). Well the plastic middle school flute too if it counts haha. I really want to learn to play the Sax or some smaller instruments like the Ocarina or the Lire (I wish i could find some cheap ones but life is hard 😯😯) sorry I'm a big music nerd
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Languages: Italian and English, i did French in middle school but I remember like.. 3 words (sorry Mar)
Most iconic song: I want to break free was a big song in my life hehe, also apparently my father used to sing me Asereje as a lullaby so uh yea (i dont even like it but it's just a big icon)
Random fact: Uh i can move my left foot's pinky alone??? Random fact are always weird haha. I also have super small hands which is unfortunate because playing the bass is hard ⬇⬇
Zodiac: Sagittarius as my sun sign, Pisces as the moon sign
Favourite fruit: Pistachios, peaches and Bananas
Seasons: Late spring is... the best... not too warm, not too cold. You can wear a skirt and something light to cover your shoulders. Perfect season to be honest. And Late summer too is very nice!
Scent: Scented candles, perfumes, fresh and washed clothes, bonfire, oh and hospitals (i hate it... but i like it... its somehow nostalgic)
Colour: Green, Pink and yellow! Big love (orange too sometimes!!)
Animals: Froggies, snakes or cats. Turtles too sometimes?
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Coffee usually, Tea in the afternoon
Average hours of sleep: 7? 8? If i could i would sleep more. How do yall sleep so little time... i could sleep for the whole day lmao
Favourite fictional characters: well you already knoe my favourites from inazuma (i made that 11 favourites post). I really like Amalia from wakfu (hmm sometimes i also hate her... but I love her.. aah), the WKTD worst girls since Eve (Jupiter is a big fave and relatable gal), Dave Strider and Jake English from Homestuck (tho Tavros, Dirk, John and Jane are some of my favourites too) and uh Finn and FP from adventure time
Year in which this blog was made: 2018? Around May
Hogwarts house: I'm not a big Harry Potter fan but my friends made me do the test and I got Hufflepuff! Funky yellow kids are cool
Favourite artists: Mar and Toca's cartoonish styles are my favourites, (@/hidadeis and @/jounetsulovers), @/pir8, @/kirigirikin from instagram and @/narutosmom from instagram.
Whew that was long!! Thank you @inazumafocus for tagging me!
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upwardeath · 6 years
k here’s some more words you’re not going to read. If you actually do you’re my hero. Thanks for tagging me @holy-panther. Also answering some I didn’t get to earlier.
@kishka questions:
1. Which language sounds the nicest to your ears?
2. Does your native language have any dialects you absolutely cannot stand? If yes, why?
Southern American is annoying. Particularly Southern Appalachian. But maybe just bc I grew up in the south.
3. Which is your favorite place you’ve ever been to?
Switzerland, maybe, or any place where I’m completely surrounded my mountains. There are some awesome places here in Colorado. Standing on top of a mountain I just summited is a fave. Sitting and talking with someone I love anywhere.
4. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen an animal do?
My dog ate a giant ass toy giraffe, how in the hell he managed to choke that thing down, I don’t know, but he did and had to have surgery to get it removed.
5. How do you take your tea/coffee/preferred hot beverage? 
Espresso. Or Americano. But I prefer iced coffee tbh.
6. If you could cosplay any character, which one would you choose? Why?
Some badass femme fatale, I don’t know. Because hot.
7. What details in character designs catch your eye the most?
Oooohhhh, good fucking question. The eyes. Clean lines. Not overly complicated. And the thing that draws my eyes the most is emotion in the expression and dramatic movement in the body. But I guess that’s more what the character is doing and less about the design. I mean attractive character designs catch my eye, lol.
8. What is your least favorite art movement?
9. Moths or butterflies?
Why i gotta pick? Lol, moths?
10. What were you obsessed with as a child?
Collecting sports cards and rocks. My rock tumbler. LOL. Puzzles. My bike. Playing outside. Video games. Designing my dream home, I had a huge notebook and that thing was fucking amazing. Reading. Listening to music by myself in my room.
11. Do you have any houseplants? If yes, do you give them names?
I have some succulents and they’re the only thing I can keep alive. I had a palm that i liked but it died. I killed it. I don’t give them names. But i do talk to them. I just refer to them as little guys.
@holy-panther questions:
1. stupid things you did, whether recently or as a child
I used to “kamikaze” into the bayous on my bike and build forts, like I’d actually fortify it and build traps and weapons to keep people out, I made “bombs” in glass jars out of fireworks and set a vacant lot of fire.
2. do you like the place where you grew up?
In some ways yes, but mostly no I hate Houston.
3. favorite fiction genres
Already answered but I like fantasy too.
4. in what kind of place do you want to be right now?
Not in America I can tell you that.
5. musical recommendations?
I don’t feel like deciding on any right now but I post songs, you can check my music tag.
6. do you believe in eternal love?
7. ideal house/apartment?
Something with wide open space inside and/or out. Something with access to a big city. Or a cabin in the woods.
8. would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
Book, unless I’m very tired.
9. The movie, would you rather watch it at home or at the movie theater?
Home usually unless it’s action/adventure.
10. documentary or museum? why?
Museum, I love art, and while I dig documentaries to, I have more fun in a museum?
11. walk in town or in the wild?
12. would you let me draw on your arms without looking at what i'm doing ?
And here’s my questions again if anyone wants to answer them:
My questions (I’m yoinking some from others):
1. Names you find beautiful?
2. What’s a song that embodies you as a person best?
3. Do you have any weird/out-there theories? What are they if I may ask?
4. Do you have a favorite enneagram/mbti type?
5. What’s the thing that annoys you most?
6. Where would you live if you could choose one place in the world?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. What are your religious beliefs, if any?
9. Do you like pizza? Yes or no?
10. Do you have any vices and what are they?
11. What’s something random you were thinking about today?
Tagging: @syntheticalcomposure @descardess @de-nihilist @antisocieties @azenta @alverlind @new-born-1997 and anyone else who clicks on my stuff and I click on theirs.
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academyeah · 6 years
twenty questions!!
thank you @studyrya​ for the tag!!!!
name: denise
nickname: i go by nicole to some family/friends, coleen to close family + a bunch of other embarrassing/dialect specific nicknames LMAO
zodiac sign: i’m a leo virgo cusp, but i identify more as a virgo
height: five foot flat :~)
nationality: canadian
languages spoken: tagalog + a few other filipino dialects (bisaya and bicolano), english obvi, and i think?? i can still hold a casual convo in french but i’ll probably stutter and cry asjdjsjf 
average hours of sleep: since it’s summer i’m at about 8 ish hours every night, but during school i usually stick to my baseline which is 5 hours 
favorite fruit: MANGO. specifically the ataulfo variety!!
favorite season: WINTER, i’m a creature of the cold
favorite color: pink 
favorite animal: tabby cats!! (i’m biased bc i have one)
favorite candy: reeses peanut butter cups
favorite holiday: CHRISTMASSSSS 
favorite fictional character: this is????? so difficult because i have so many faves, but off the top of my head i’m gonna say piper mclean 
coffee, tea, hot chocolate: coffee!
number of blankets you sleep with: one duvet/comforter
dream trip: go on the pan asia trip my friends and i have been ~dreaming~ about and visit all of our home cities/countries + see all the sights! my main friend group consists of first and second generation immigrants and have spent most of our lives in canada, so it would be so cool! 
last book you read: my english ISU book, white noise by don delillo
when was your blog created: august of 2016, which was the summer going into my grade 10 year! 
i’m tagging @amieducate​ @magicastudies​ @thislittlenook​ @kotadoesschool​ @definestudying​ @studyslava​ + anyone else who’d like to do this!! 
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kaori · 8 years
tagged by @yaoyorozus like forever ago but thank you ning!!
tagging: @itsclowreedsfault @juminss @sesukes @v0ngola @kamiiyamas @taleen777 you guys dont have to do this if you dont want to!!!
rules: repost this and tag 10 mutuals you want to get to know better.
🍓 fave fictional character: bokuto koutarou?? i answered here bc there are more and i honestly cant choose
🍰 fave book: dO yO u m EAN fAN FI Ct iON???? i havent read a book in like forever lmao but my fave fic is probably... this misawa or this kagehina
🎈 fave sport: volleyball!!! i made captain and i play middle blocker!!! (my jersey number is 1 so im totally kuroo tbh) haha no im so bad at vball our team is more for fun than competitive
🎠 last song i listened to: the doukyuusei ed wow its so cute?
⭐ first language: cantonese (a dialect of chinese) but now i speak canto, mandarin, english and bits of broken japanese!! (yay!)
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What country are you from?
I am from the United States of America specifically I was born in Southern California and raised in Northern California. I specify myself as NorCal girl, and I was raised in the North Bay around 30 miles from San Francisco and spend most of my days, nights and weekends in The City, Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward ect. It’s sorta important to remember that I’m Californian cause that’s mostly how I’ll be answering these questions since the United States is so large so traditions and the culture can vary from state to state, and even more specifically the divide between Northern and Southern California is very prominent even with speech patterns, slang, dialect and well... everything.
What is your first language? Do you speak any other languages?
English is my first language, I can speak a conversational amount of Spanish because it would be really difficult to not know any in California, I also know words in Tagalog because there is a large Filipino population in my town and especially at my schools, as well as the tiniest amount of Latin thanks to Catholic school.
What language would you like to learn?
Italian, Spanish, maybe learn like French or German.
What’s one movie from your country that you like (or recommend others see)?
Don’t touch me, my family is from SoCal, films are like what they live and breath, even my Dad. I grew up watching films, so I’m not going to say just one, because I’m trash okay. So let’s talk, the must see films that have been produced, directed and written in America would be; Giant (1956), Dead Poets Society (1989), Rebel Without A Cause (1955), American Graffiti (1973), The Birds (1963), The Godfather (1972), Sunset Blvd. (1950) Juno (2007), Little Miss Sunshine (2006), Fargo (1996), Dances With Wolves (1990), Funny Face (1957), Citizen Kane (1941), Her (2013), All About Eve (1950), Meet Me In St. Louis (1944), Working Girl (1988), Across the Universe (2007), Sound of Music (1965), Sophie’s Choice (1982), Inglorious Bastards (2009), Birdman (2014), Pulp Fiction (1994), Life of Pi (2012), Auntie Mame (1958), Grand Budaest Hotel (2014), Spotlight (2016) Do The Right Thing (1989), Jaws (1975). This is from a really long list of films that I happen to love and just adore, like I could keep going for the next few days on the subject, but these films I would say are a great explanation for the ‘American’ film style. Plus I’m excluding all the animated films, cause this would gt really long, really fast, and it’s already pretty hefty.
Pick a song from your country (or in your language) and talk about why you like it.
Bitch, here is a list of artists, cause a single song is too much to ask, that I think are important to this country; Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Green Day, Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Elvis Presley, Joan Jett/The Runaways, The Ramones, Talking Heads, Diana Ross/The Supremes, Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac, Carlos Santana, Tupac Shakur, Micheal Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Arthea Franklin, Selena, Lou Reed/The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys, Little Richard. I can literally keep going, but I’m not total trash.
Pick a classic song from your country - aka one that everyone knows, one that’s representative of your country, etc.
There are a number of songs that everyone knows, they might not be fucking genius songs, but we all know them, or at least out here in Cali we do; California Love (Tupac), Yay Area (E-40), Thriller/Billie Jean/Smooth Criminal/ABC (Micheal Jackson), Sound of Music (Julie Andrews),  Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Nirvana), Wonderwall (Oasis), Barracuda (Heart), American Idiot/Blvd. Of Broken Dreams/Most of the Dookie ALBUM (Green Day), Welcome To The Black Parade (MCR). Again I can keep going and it will get ridiculous. Also the fucking Macarena.
What’s a book from your country (or in your language) that you’d recommend?
Dharma Bums (Kerouac), Coming of Age in Mississippi (Anne Moody), The Awakening (Kate Chopin), Love, Castro Street (Katherine V. Forrest), The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Anything Steinbeck tbh, Slaughterhouse 5 (Vonnegut), J A C K  L O N D O N.
What’s your favourite childhood story from your country or culture?
Bro, alright, some of my favorite childhood stories are mostly Disney Films, Pied Piper, and I would even say that Harry Potter to me is considered a childhood story though it’s British & not American.
Talk about a tradition from your country or culture that you love celebrating.
Halloween/Dio De Los Muertos is a big tradition, both culturally for my ethnicity and for generally living in America. I love the event, both sides, the religious & and commercialized stuff.
Fave food from your country/culture:
American Food: BBQ & Mac ‘n’ Cheese & Root Beer w/ Flan as a dessert, and don’t talk to me about Chile Verde. Like fucking Y U M.
Best season of the year in your country?
Summer in California is where your life should be at.
What’s one thing that you wish you could change about your country? Why?
Trump. Also the Alt. Right, because they’re Neo-Nazi Trash and IDGAF about their current ‘moniker’ because they are traitors to everything our Military fought against in WWII and the lives lost. Also the amount of sports channels we have, it’s a bit unnecessary. 
What’s one thing that you’re proud of about your country?
Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion/Freedom FROM Religion, our goddamn Military is the world’s fucking finest, I love capitalism, I love our history of revolution, evolution, revolt & rebellion. Our love our tradition of thought, of the melting pot of cultures, I love every single equalizing movement in this country and every person’s voice even if they’re dumbasses who should be quiet, I love that they can speak. 
Name a country you’d like to visit.
Top three cities you’d like to visit:
New York, New Orleans, Chicago.
What’s the best place in your country that you’ve ever visited?
I grew up in the Bay Area, where places like Berkeley and San Francisco are places people dream of going to, and where I go to on a whim to pick up records, or grab lunch, or go see a film. I go to school in Napa, and bitch about traffic as I pass world renowned vineyards. I go to LA alot because of my family, so driving there, walking down Hollywood & Sunset, being there is a bit of a trip but also normal. The best place I’ve visited, in this country this far, is Hearst Castle-- a monument to American extravagance, capitalism, architecture, natural beauty, California life, the Press, and equal rights. Built by William Randolph Hearst, the rival of Pulitzer, a newsman, a media conglomerate. It rests in the Heart of California, off HWY 1, North of San Luis Obisbo. It’s entire architecture, the building, the site, all of it was created by a woman named Julia Morgan, a pioneer at the time for being a female architecture, having attended in University of California Berkeley, and became an architect far before when women got the right to vote in 1920. Hearst Castle is the melting pot, and symbol of Californian dominance and a sign of things to come of how media would shape California. It’s one of my favorite places in California and I encourage everyone to visit.
Have you ever been abroad (out of your country)? If so, where did you go?
Nope. I lied, I went to Mexico for two weeks when I was like 8, totally forgot.
What are some myths or stereotypes about your country or culture that are either true or are false?
The ‘hardworking Latino/a’ is pretty true, I’ve yet to meet someone from my culture & ethnicity who doesn’t work so fucking hard.
There are way too many American stereotypes, most of which are moderately true, though not explosively wrong either. Mixing pot guys.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
August 24th-August 30th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from August 24th, 2019 to August 30th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is your favorite aspect when writing character dialogue?  What is your least favorite aspect?
My favorite aspect when writing character dialogue is when characters get into arguing or other verbal conflict; this stuff writes itself! My least favorite aspect is remembering to put in all the minor character verbal tics, such as no sharkfolk using contractions. Oh, and the obligatory link: http://thewideocean.thecomicseries.com/
I love writing personal or emotional dialogue for characters, it's fun to see how they all express themselves differently in these situations and how they handle it! One thing I struggle with is adding bits of different languages in character dialogue if they're bi/multilingual. I'm not bilingual myself and I don't have the best resources or references to turn to when writing dialogue, so I worry if it comes off a bit silly(edited)
@spacerocketbunny I'm bilingual and know a lot of multilingual folks IRL. I don't know if this is universal, but it seems to be the case among the people I know: if someone is fluent in both languages, they won't switch between languages while talking to someone not fluent in both languages. (This ruined the character Mako for me, in her intro scene in the Pacific Rim movie...)
Someone who's only fluent in one language might very well be different. Also could be different if the two languages share a lot of similarities, e.g. two Latinate languages. Most of the bi/multilingual people I know speak Korean/English, so it's hard to mix them up unintentionally.
I am also bilingual, though it is in ASL so it would be incredibly difficult for me to even "accidentally" switch between languages. Though, I can attest that all my multilingual friends (usually spanish/english) don't really switch either. I can think of one time a friend yelled angrily in spanish at a videogame which was an accident, but that's it.
In any instances that I have written parts with a bit of different languages it's always been intentional on the character's part, so none of them have been "accidental slips" and whatnot, Thank you for your insight though, that's very helpful!
As per the question: dialogue is my favorite part to write, in all honesty. Probably why comics are fun for me. I think my favorite part about dialogue is figuring out how to weave exposition into natural character interactions. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to do that (like someone explaining a problem), but for things that the characters would naturally know (like how the world works or relationships between other characters) I enjoy trying to tie in exposition for the reader while still making it seem natural. Least favorite is probably just keeping things trimmed down, I tend to get carried away. I also find remembering character voice a little difficult to implement, like one character using specific words or ways of speaking. And the comic plug: https://www.ingress-comic.com/
mariah currey
Lol same X') sometimes it feels more like the plot is directed more by conversations I want the characters to have than anything else. That's kind of an exaggeration, but the most fun part for me is thinking about the emotional exchabge between characters. And yeah my least favorite part is editing the dialogue down. I tend to write long so a lot of the time it's like a puzzle of trying to figure out how to still communicate what I'm trying to get across in half the words I originally wrote it to be. Link: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/
I don't so much write dialogue, as I do let it play out in my head. The characters of AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ sort of just write their own. Each has their own mannerisms from Piago's unexplained southern accent, that none of her family shows, to Pooky's use of British slang picked up from watching too many Britcoms. So my favorite part is just playing the scenes out in my head, and letting them form organically. Least favorite part is when it comes to the final draft, and cutting it down to what will fit on the page and flow well with the action. A lot has to go in the name of flow, just like a realistic organic conversation can't really be depicted in fiction and tell a cohesive story. So it has to be distilled down to the message that needs to be delivered, and then that needs to be balanced for what will display properly in sequential art.
As far as the bilingual tibit goes- my family has a lot of french /english speaking people and phrases often go in and out of each language when speaking to each other. The sentence doesn't straight up go into another language mid thought, rather its peppered in. Often when the point can't be articulated in the speaking language, in my example, french would be used to emphasize a feeling. And it's something I've done and seen a lot- i think it depends on where the speakers are in these situations. There are specific bilingual provinces and states that show people doing the same (im from quebec and the way the pepper in both languages is very much how they speak.) So, when writing characters, having a sense of environment and placement of culture is something to consider to flesh them out with dialogue. My least fave part of writing is trimming as well to fit the pages and not sound too wordy haha
For me, I have fun writing dialogue when there's conflict and tension between two characters, like a situation where another has to decieve through their words or confessing their feelings. It does play a bit of foreshadowing but I also want it to appear as contingent as possible lol. About the bilingual thing, I'm also bilingual but i often struggle trying to say the right words either in english or vietnamese (such as describing a certain word in english to a Vietnamese speaker and I end up saying the english word of the thing I want to describe lmao. It happens a lot). I think that situation is common with a lot of folks who grown up in a bilingual household (such as both of your parents speak 2 languages, and you end up assorbing most of that native language of the country your in instead your parents native tongue). I'm planning to incorpate this through my MC's dialogue for that kind of naturalism (plus other factors too lmao).(edited)
least fav part is also trying not to be wordy as well. lmao. i do like trimming dialogue just to make it feel kinda punchy in a way depending on the character.(edited)
For Super Galaxy Knights http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/, I just love writing dialogue in general. Figuring out how different characters should react in different situations, figuring out a way for it to all sound natural... it's all fun. The one thing I dislike is when I have to explain some concept to the readers in a character's voice. Taci explaining energy usage to Mizuki was fun because he's the type to lord over his knowledge of something. And Pejiba explaining magic abilities to Mizuki made sense, though that dialogue still feels a bit lacking to me. But there's this one upcoming scene in book 3 where I HATE the dialogue, just because there's no other way to explain stuff other than "as you know, only one in every million people can survive the radstream" and it's annoying.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I love finding moments to slip in random quirky character-building dialogue bits in Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/). The phenomenon of having a character say one thing - funny, heart-wrenching, relatable, or otherwise - and have the audience immediately fall in love with them (or hate them intensely!) is something I like trying, because I’ve experienced a similar phenomenon many times, both with fictional characters and in real life. Sometimes, all it takes is a single sentence for me to go “Ooh, you’re a unique one. I like you. I want to know more about you. What’s your deal?” My gold standard is the introduction of Lilo in “Lilo and Stitch.” She’s instantly memorable and relatable in her weirdness. My instinct is to streamline dialogue to convey information as clearly and quickly as possible, but adding those non-essential characterization moments is so important - it makes the characters so real, and breaks up the pacing nicely, especially in a story that’s generally pretty serious. Those quirky bits make the experience so much more fun.
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
I absolutely love writing dialogue for http://oldmanandtheseawitch.tumblr.com/. I think it's really where a lot of characterization shines, especially if you know how to use speech bubbles fluently to do so. Every character has a different beat, a different musicality. Ains (and most of the Pub Lads) tend to have dialects a bit like dropping a rock into a puddle. A sudden beat with few ripples--they're laymen, fishermen, you have to get across a lot in only a short time span. "Yep," "nope," and for Ains, he's especially prone to this. Witchy, comparatively, when he finally talks (minor spoiler but not that surprising), has a purring, flowing, flowery sort of language. Ains is very upfront and forward. Witchy's comes across as having an ulterior motive. Dialogue becomes another means of illustrating their individual personalities. My least favorite part is purely technical: formatting and consolidation. Having to pick where you sacrifice legibility for character and character for legibility. Blurbs don't always fit nicely into bubbles, or I have to add a word so as to not break the rules of bubble formatting too much.
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