#my fav brad episode after breaking brad
vigilanteesadrian · 2 months
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cleabellanov · 6 months
Jet-Skiing through Identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 5)🚤
The analyst is now going on missions, and he is doing such a great job. Plus, he's looking damn good doing it.
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I think that in episode 2, "Breaking Brad" (one of my favs, like i really really love this one) , we get to see both extremes of Mobius as a character, which is great! We begin with his steady personality, looking for trouble to resolve it, not to cause it.
This is when we can see Mobius and Loki use that trust that they previously built, and working together. The comfort emanated in the scene where they're trying to fix that TemPad, for example, feels so good and natural specifically because it has background. (...and they're very, very good together. And Tom and Owen always knew what they were doing. Anyway, you get the point.)
Brad/ X-5 is a complicated person, and the others knew that when trying to get information out of him. Does that stop Mobius from trying to ease the atmosphere with one of his jokes? No: he's still running to the beat of a good heart, he can't help it. His way of being, this approach, is part of him, and we've seen that in season 1 as well.
The trigger is, however, pulled in him when Brad tells him he's a nowhere man. He usually endures things well, so what made him snap this time?
I think that hearing it out loud, AND put like that (f u brad), Mobius finally got hurt by the emotions he was trying so hard to suppress.
Distancing from that, and all the past he knows nothing about, he alienated from himself too, because they are essentialy part of him.
Saying "You're a nowhere man" to Mobius is similar to saying "What, like you did with your mother?" to Loki. It's a half truth that hurts especially because it was left in the darkness. Like someone flashing a lantern in your eyes after you've been wandering though a cavern.
We can see he uses denial too as a coping mechanism, in our most beloved scene: the pie room one. He doesn't admit it at first, but with Loki being Loki (and the person he cares the most about as well), he admits he's wrong: "Listen, that wasn't tactical. I lost it".
So it's not pride when he doesn't want to see his mistakes! it's a need to make everything perfect, for others more than for himself.
It's also no secret that Mobius finds comfort in food, especially pie. So having a sweet with Loki certainly calms him down.
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Next, he tells Loki:
"The TVA is the only life I've ever known. I like it!"
"Something bad I can handle. What if it's something good?"
Does he really like his life there, or only the meaning of it?
I interpret him not wanting to look, not even now, for avoiding feeling guilty about leaving that behind. Maybe he even draws a parallel, and realizing that he has a life on the timeline it hits harder that so did all the people from the timelines he pruned
But also, he can't leave his mission! He can't leave Loki! Remember how in season 1 he told Ravonna that if he could go anywhere, anytime, he'd go to his place on the timeline? This changes now, when it's actually possible. A life he never known doesn't have a purpose for him. This one, though? This one definitely does.
One last thing thing I want to mention *for today* is how sweet Mobius is telling Loki that he's the God of Mischief. After years of this title being used negatively, Mobius says it as a compliment. He not only knows the comfort of touch (s2e1), but of words of affirmation too:
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see you for the next part!! I underestimated how long this series of analysis would be :)), but only 2 more parts to go 💙
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blenalela · 4 years
Can I ask for Kagari? If not, Hoosier please😊
Here you go with both🤣 thank you! ☺️💕
Shusei Kagari
favorite thing about them
I love the comic relief he gives the show, but also that he is able to remain serious when needed, but he is just this adorable little baby that you feel you need to protect and that you know you will love. He’s like the heart of Division 1, impulsive, joking, empathic and so on.
You can’t not love him. That’s it.
least favorite thing about them
I don’t think there is any... At least none that I was able to think of in the last 5 minutes so I must say I like everything about him🤣 or at least there’s nothing that bugs me, because whatever he does is perfectly understandable given his background
favorite line
„Don‘t make me laugh. Both you and I are trash who simply envy the happiness others have.“ (this was quite an act because I only know the German dub🤣 and couldn’t remember the line correctly, but this quote is so TRUE for our entire society)
I love his and Akane‘s friendship! They‘re cute together, but not in a romantic sense, but I think they could’ve been such good besties if they only had the chance
I honestly don’t have one. Speaking of which, I don’t think I have ANY ships in Psycho Pass, apart from Akane x Kogami (I mean... it’s obvious, their chemistry)
Masaoka and Kagari (no, they are father and son too. I don’t want to have this innocence tarnished)
random headcannon
It’s been ages since I last saw that episode (before the great break because of *certain* events), but doesn’t he once cook for Akane? So: If he hadn’t been contained as a child by Sibyl, he would’ve opened a small restaurant in Tokio where the others would frequent too.
Also, let’s not forget that he is Masaoka‘s youngest son and the little baby brother of Kogami and Gino☝️
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
Hope for the underrated youth - YUNGBLUD and Namae no nai kaibutsu - EGOIST (the title song) (again I didn’t really have one, but the opening is, well, the opening, and the other one just gives me some Kagari vibes tbh)
favorite picture of them (from the manga I think, if not please tell me so that I can give credit!!)
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Bill ‚Hoosier‘ Smith
favorite thing about them
Hoosier is just so relatable!! A wholesome mood. Sarcastic and snarky with an answer to no matter what you say to him, laid back, loves dogs and sleep. I love his character as a whole, not one single thing.
least favorite thing about them
This is not directly about him, but who thought it was a good idea to leave us watching the show in the dark about his well-being for half the fucking series?
Apart from that, I have nothing. He’s just too wholesome and I have spent far too much time brooding on this question now😂
favorite line
„Oh, to hell with this, I‘m gonna sleep for a few days.“ (my spirit animal)
Hoosier and Runner are the riflemen in the squad, so I can imagine they‘re super close and I think they‘re also pure chaos together😂
And who‘d be also perfect would be Snafu, but no one could handle the sass, so they didn’t have any scenes together apart from their perfectly fitting comments in movie night.
Hoosier x Leckie (I mean, they‘re perfect together, all this sarcastic energy, they‘re superior to all of us. And they have so many great moments in the series and my fav headcannon about them is how they bicker like an old married couple)
A good question... I can’t really imagine Hoosier with anyone besides Leckie, so that’s be my answer🤷‍♀️
random headcannon
Hoosier is an excellent student and super intelligent and he went to a super renowned college, but much to his parents dismay he dropped out voluntarily because he hated it there and joined the USMC. After the war, he didn’t continue his studies, but started a dog shelter where he would have veterans spend time with dogs in order for them to heal. (What he studied, you ask? Law. As per his parent‘s wishes)
unpopular opinion
Behind his sassy sarcasm is actually a softie. Not as big as Brad, but come on. Do I have to remind you of the dog? This man is a super soft inside.
song i associate with them
March to the sea - twenty one pilots (I have no explanation, just take it as granted😂)
favorite picture of them (🤤)
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lostinthewiind · 5 years
Get to Know Me Ft. HBO War Questions
1. What was the first series you watched and how did you find out about it?
Band of Brothers. My dad told me about it because he watched it while he was overseas in Kuwait in 2005. I think he regrets introducing it to me. 
2. Which series of the three is your favourite? Why?
Band of Brothers. There is just something about it that makes it re-watchable over and over again; probably just the feeling of family that the guys have with each other. Plus...them bois be pretty :)
3. Have you read any of the books related to the series?
No, but I want to! Hopefully, I’ll be able to get my hands on some when I finish my summer classes.
4. Favourite/least favourite Band of Brothers characters? Why?
Favourite is a toss-up between my 3 main boys, Luz, Toye, and Liebgott. I love Luz for his humor, Toye for his angry relatableness, and Liebgott for just always being so done with everything and everyone...and they’re all pretty :)
Least favourite is probably Cobb. Most people would probably say Sobel, but Sobel’s maniac ways actually provide some humor at times. Cobb is just annoying. 
5. Favourite/least favourite Pacific characters? Why? 
Ugh...fav would either be Sledge, Leckie, or Basilone. Sledge is just so adorable with his drive and passion and Leckie’s mental strength is very admirable. Basilone is just amazing, ‘nuf said. 
Least favourite would prob be Snafu...I’m sorry, I know a lot of people like him, but he just really pissed me off a lot (except that one time he felt bad about Sledge’s dog dying)
6. Favorite/least favorite Generation Kill characters? Why?
Favourite is definitely Ray because he is a RAY of sunshine. Hahaha. No, but honestly, I sing a lot and annoy people so I relate. Brad is close second along with Fick. 
Least favourite is prob Captain America cuz he’s just gonna get someone killed tbh...someone’s plz take that AK away from him. 
7. What was your favorite thing about Band of Brothers?
How much it taught me about wwii and the comradery between the guys. Watching that show made me feel like I had a second family (is that weird? Yeah, probably)
8. What was your favorite thing about The Pacific?
How it didn't shy away from showing the true nature of what being at war is like. The bad, the ugly, and the terrible. 
9. What was your favorite thing about Generation Kill?
How it portrayed the men so accurately and showed the kind of bullshit the guys got up to in order to keep themselves sane in such a shit situation.
10. Which Band of Brothers scene broke your heart the most?
When Joe Toye frantically cried out “I gotta get up” after he got his leg blown off. 
11. Which The Pacific scene broke your heart the most?
When they had to kill that one guy because he wouldn’t stop screaming after having a nightmare/mental breakdown...really got to me. Also when John Basilone died. 
12. Which Generation Kill scene broke your heart the most?
Generation Kill didn’t have any major character deaths, so I guess the most heartbreaking moment was when that village of women and children got blown the fuck up. 
13. Do you have a favorite Band of Brothers episode? Which one and why?
Hmmm...this is a hard one. It would probably be a toss-up between The Breaking Point (for the heartbreaking emotions) and Points (for the happy emotions) 
14. Do you have a favorite The Pacific episode? Which one and why?
Being fully honest here, I didn’t like The Pacific that much (I’ll prob try to re-watch it at some point to give it another chance) so I don’t remember a whole lot but my favourite episode was the one that revolved around John Basilone. His story broke my heart.  
15. Do you have a favorite Generation Kill episode? Which one and why?
I really enjoyed the first episode (Get Some) and how it introduced all the characters and their quirky ways (especially Rudy) 
16. A Band of Brothers scene that made you laugh.
Pretty much any scene with George Luz in it
17. A The Pacific scene that made you laugh.
The peaches scene and I have no idea why
18. A Generation Kill scene that made you laugh.
any time that Ray broke out into song (especially a country song) or when Brad was being an airplane...he makes such a good airplane
19. Did any of the series change your perspective on the historical events? How?
They all were really eye-opening (Band of Brothers and The Pacific in particular) to the way these men endured the worst conditions to fight for their country. 
20. Band of Brothers opening credits or The Pacific opening credits?
Band of Brothers every. single. time. 
21. Are you excited for Masters of the Air?
If it ever comes out, yes :)
22. If you could make HBO create another series, what would it be about?
Any series revolving around the women of wwii! WE NEED IT HBO! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!
23. Army or USMC?
Do I have to choose? I can’t. I’m sorry. Army. 
24. Your brOTPs, if you have any.
Ray & Brad, Guarnere & Babe, Luz & Perconte 
25. Your OTPs, if you have any.
pretty much every single one from Band of Brothers if I’m being completely honest here 
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Weekly Link Love – Edition 77
Research of the Week
Outdoor transmission of coronavirus is very rare, according to new research.
Exercise increases superoxidate dismutase, an antioxidant that protects against advanced respiratory distress syndrome.
Oncology journal editors get a lot of non-research payments from industry.
Bearded dragon falls for the Müller-Lyer illusion.
New Primal Blueprint Podcasts
Episode 417: Cristina Curp: Host Elle Russ chats with Cristina Curp, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a former chef with a BA in anthropology.
Episode 418: Connie Hartel: The Fit Farming Food Supermom Bodybuilder: Host Brad Kearns chats with Connie Hartel.
Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 56: Laura and Erin chat with Dr. Cate Shanahan.
Media, Schmedia
Isolation is especially bad for the elderly.
Obesity is a very bad idea if you have coronavirus.
Interesting Blog Posts
What a lockdown exit strategy might look like.
Social Notes
What I’ve been up to.
Everything Else
Nice video overview of forest bathing.
Indonesia employs ghosts to enforce stay-at-home rules.
How’s the vaccine looking?
Why grocery store shelves are still emptying.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
I hope this works: A new study is exploring high-EPA fish oil for coronavirus.
Is there no other way?: Dealing with budget shortfalls, a Berlin zoo may end up feeding the animals to each other.
Podcast I’m enjoying: A new one with Art Devany.
Slideshow I enjoyed: 30 years of holistic management.
Research I was pleased to see: Taking vitamin D every week improves aerobic performance in combat athletes.
Question I’m Asking
What are you going to change about your life after all this is over with?
Recipe Corner
Ever roast green beans?
Chicken poblano soup, Whole 30 compliant.
Time Capsule
One year ago (Apr 12– Apr 18)
13 Keto-Friendly Fiber Foods – How to get fiber on keto.
Dear Mark: What Breaks a Fast Follow-up– Answering questions on breaking fasts.
Comment of the Week
“I work full time from home and feel blessed every day. I intersperse microworkouts with work most days. When it’s not raining, I have sanity bike rides after work. It is so glorious to be outside. Life goes in for Mother Earth, she’s in full spring mode here in Chicago. My fav microworkout: walk down 6 flights of stairs, do a plank on the lawn (bunnies everywhere) and sprint up the stairs. Blessings to you!”
– Christopher gets it.
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The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 77 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Weekly Link Love – Edition 77 published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Weekly Link Love – Edition 77
Research of the Week
Outdoor transmission of coronavirus is very rare, according to new research.
Exercise increases superoxidate dismutase, an antioxidant that protects against advanced respiratory distress syndrome.
Oncology journal editors get a lot of non-research payments from industry.
Bearded dragon falls for the Müller-Lyer illusion.
New Primal Blueprint Podcasts
Episode 417: Cristina Curp: Host Elle Russ chats with Cristina Curp, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a former chef with a BA in anthropology.
Episode 418: Connie Hartel: The Fit Farming Food Supermom Bodybuilder: Host Brad Kearns chats with Connie Hartel.
Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 56: Laura and Erin chat with Dr. Cate Shanahan.
Media, Schmedia
Isolation is especially bad for the elderly.
Obesity is a very bad idea if you have coronavirus.
Interesting Blog Posts
What a lockdown exit strategy might look like.
Social Notes
What I’ve been up to.
Everything Else
Nice video overview of forest bathing.
Indonesia employs ghosts to enforce stay-at-home rules.
How’s the vaccine looking?
Why grocery store shelves are still emptying.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
I hope this works: A new study is exploring high-EPA fish oil for coronavirus.
Is there no other way?: Dealing with budget shortfalls, a Berlin zoo may end up feeding the animals to each other.
Podcast I’m enjoying: A new one with Art Devany.
Slideshow I enjoyed: 30 years of holistic management.
Research I was pleased to see: Taking vitamin D every week improves aerobic performance in combat athletes.
Question I’m Asking
What are you going to change about your life after all this is over with?
Recipe Corner
Ever roast green beans?
Chicken poblano soup, Whole 30 compliant.
Time Capsule
One year ago (Apr 12– Apr 18)
13 Keto-Friendly Fiber Foods – How to get fiber on keto.
Dear Mark: What Breaks a Fast Follow-up– Answering questions on breaking fasts.
Comment of the Week
“I work full time from home and feel blessed every day. I intersperse microworkouts with work most days. When it’s not raining, I have sanity bike rides after work. It is so glorious to be outside. Life goes in for Mother Earth, she’s in full spring mode here in Chicago. My fav microworkout: walk down 6 flights of stairs, do a plank on the lawn (bunnies everywhere) and sprint up the stairs. Blessings to you!”
– Christopher gets it.
(function($) { $("#dffBXIk").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dffBXIk" ); })( jQuery );
The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 77 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Weekly Link Love – Edition 77 published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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Part III: 2/21/17
“Oh thank God, you brought vodka." Whitney said, anxiously grabbing the handle from Steffi's hand. “Fucking Todd only got beer. Like, hello?, you know I don't drink beer. Talk about liquid calories."
Todd lived halfway to Josh's, so his house was the natural choice for the party pregame. Steffi and I had come alone, as Eddie, Chopper, and Aaron were meeting at Brad's beforehand.
“I hope vodka club is alright with you girls. Todd's parents have like no mixers." Whitney said, expertly mixing our drinks (heavy on the vodka, light on the club).
“That's fine." Steffi answered for both of us.
“Tell me about Taylor! Todd's in the shower so we can have some girl talk." Whitney explained, reading Steffi's apprehension.
“There's not much to tell. He came over last night after the concert and then spent the night. We didn't have sex though." Steffi explained.
“What? Why not?!" Whitney asked, incredulous.
“We’re taking it slow I guess. I mean I totally would have last night, but he didn't want to have sex with me for the first time with both of us drunk.”
“What? God drunk sex is the best kind of sex. Todd loves it when I get all liquored up and horny." Whitney overshared. “And what about you Marge? Anything new with Aaron?" She pried.
“Not really." While I didn't mind sharing the details of my sex life with Steffi, I was reluctant to share with Whitney. She might be Steffi's friend, but I had recently met her, and felt certain things to be earned with friendship (sex details being one of them).
“Liar." Steffi said, clearly wanting to shift the attention to me. “She stayed at his place last night.”
“Ooo." Whitney cooed. “You slut! I love it." Apparently Whitney fell into the esteemed category of girls that use “slut” as a term of endearment (God save me).
“It's just whatever. We had fun together." I explained, feeling the need to defend myself from the whole “slut” labeling.
“Good for you!  If it weren't for Todd, I would have fucked him myself. He's got that sensitive, damaged boy sexiness." Whitney jumped to the correct assumption that Aaron and I had sex.
“He is sensitive alright." Based on Eddie's account of Aaron's reaction to me sneaking out, I had to agree.
“I totally called that!" Whitney said, remembering her prediction at Taylor's party. “Is he coming tonight?" She paused and laughed (I assumed at the double meaning of coming).
“Yeah. They're all at Brad's." I explained.
“Let's play a game or something." Steffi said, sipping her drink.
“Perfect! We can play a 'Real Housewives' drinking game!" Whitney exclaimed, turning on the television. “Okay. It's the Main Line one. Totes not my fav, but it will have to do" (as if I could tell the difference between the various “Real Housewives” franchises). I should have known Whitney would be the type of girl who a. played drinking games to TV shows, and b. watched “Real Housewives.”
A full episode later, we were relatively hammered. Drinking every time a “character” says “like” is the recipe for drunkenness. I felt good, not shit-faced, but a good tipsy. I didn't want to repeat what had happened at Taylor's, so I had switched to water (one episode was enough for me).
Todd had joined the game and as he was drinking beer, became the voice of reason. “Okay we need to go now." He said, standing up and turning off the TV right after the cold open.
“Come on Todd. One more episode!" Whitney said, reaching across Todd for the remote.
“No. Seriously. I told Josh we were leaving 15 minutes ago." Todd said.
“Boo." Whitney pouted at Todd.
“Let's go!" Steffi shouted, rising from the sofa and stumbling slightly.
“Fine. But only because I am a good friend and girlfriend." Whitney said.
Armed with go-drinks, we went outside, located our bikes, and pedaled to Josh's (I followed Steffi, who seemed to have become giddy at the prospect of seeing Josh at the party).
Our bike ride was altogether uneventful, save for Whitney almost colliding with Todd while attempting to not spill her drink on her precious white shorts (hello, don't wear them if you're so afraid of spilling on them).
We arrived at Josh's house, not unlike Whitney's in grandeur. I could immediately tell that his family would be categorized as “nouveau riche,” on Kitty's scale of wealth. Underneath the gargantuan wrap around deck were the ubiquitous (as I had begun to learn) bikes that accompanied any Island party.
“We can just park by the beach entrance, there should be room there." Todd said, ushering us to the path through the dunes. He was right, so we didn't even bother locking our bikes (as they were the only ones between the dunes).
“Okay so don't say anything about how Taylor and I are hooking up. I don't want to be rude." Steffi reminded us as we headed inside via the deck (Taylor was pregaming with the guys at Brad's house).
“Fine, but you're playing with fire." I warned, as it was obvious that Steffi still wanted Josh to want her (but also wanted Taylor to want her).
We approached the sliding glass door on the deck (the party was already spilling out of the house). A super preppy, tanned, toned guy stood by the door. I knew he had to be Josh, based on Steffi's extensive collection of couple photos that had adorned our dorm room pre-breakup.
“Steffi!" He exclaimed, abandoning all other tasks, and pulling her in for a hug.
“Hey." She said.
“Whitney, you look amazing as always." Josh said, hugging her. He then turned to Todd and pulled him in for a bro-hug-handshake.
“Dude, you been lifting?" Todd asked, squeezing Josh's bicep.
Josh laughed and pulled away. “Very funny." Apparently it was an inside joke.
“Josh, this is Marge, remember, my roommate?" Steffi introduced us.
“Hi.” I said, unsure of the proper etiquette when meeting your roommate's ex-boyfriend with whom she might want to rekindle things.
“It's nice to finally meet you Marge. I feel like I've heard so much about you, I already know you." He said, as he pulled me in for a hug. He clearly felt our relationship was on the hugging level.
“You too." I didn't know how to respond.
“Alright, so there's a keg in the outside shower, I'm sure you remember where that is, Steffi." Josh said with a knowing glance. “I'll see you guys around." He sauntered back into the house, leaving us to find the keg.
“What was that about?" I asked Steffi as soon as Josh was out of earshot.
“We had a standing shower date on Friday nights when he got off work. It was our thing. We would do a shower, drink, sex combination." She explained.
“Oh." That sounded like fun. Especially now that I had met Josh. In all of Steffi's recollections and stories he seemed slightly obnoxious, but meeting him, he somehow pulled it off in the most enigmatic of ways (not to say he wasn't obnoxious).
We headed out back to the shower, found clusters of people drinking and talking. Todd had abandoned us for his lifeguard friends, about which, predictably, Whitney had something to say.
“Thank God you girls are here. I could not stand being Todd's girlfriend at another party. As much as I like all of the other guards, they get boring and do the same bullshit every night. Pregame and then head to a house party or the bar where they just hang out with themselves anyways. It's like, what's the point of even going out?" Whitney complained. She did have a good point. In my short time on the Island, I had even noticed that the routine varied little.
“I think we'll have to settle for beer." Steffi said, as we located the keg and she began filling up cups for us. “I'm sure there's alcohol somewhere though." She added.
“Beer's fine.” I said, willing the hard liquor to appear.
Whitney seemed to be less enthusiastic about the whole beer situation. “I'm not drinking beer. Don't Josh's parents have a liquor cabinet or something?" She asked Steffi.
“You're terrible." Steffi said, having the wherewithal and social grace to realize the inappropriateness of breaking into the host's liquor cache.
“Ugh. Fine. I'm going to find Todd. I guarantee you Brett brought Rum." She said, leaving Steffi and I at the keg.
“Who's Brett?" I asked Steffi.
“Another guard. He has a gluten problem, so brings his own alcohol everywhere.”
“What a drag." While I appreciated a good BYOB, I would hate having to BYOB everywhere.
Steffi handed me a cup of beer. “Taylor texted me, they're on their way and heavily intoxicated. Chopper talked them into doing a power hour or something. He wasn't very clear.”
I laughed. “Chopper totally seems like the power hour type." There certainly was a type associated with power hours, the kind of people who need to be told to drink and typically drank to get drunk. I preferred to drink at my own pace, though I could not turn down a rousing game of flip cup.
“Okay, let's mingle." Steffi said.
We headed back into the mass of the party, which wasn't all that crowded or exciting, to be honest. It seemed that the majority of partygoers had missed the “pregame before you come” memo, and the atmosphere tilted towards awkward with distinct groups clustered in sections of the house. No one was drunk enough to cross social barriers (and I was pretty sure everyone already knew each other and had the baggage associated with knowing each other since a young age).
Steffi gave me the run down of some partygoers, it seemed she knew most everybody in attendance.
“Well it is a small island." She explained. “And we've been doing this with the same people for the past 4 years.”
I quickly did the math in my head. “You've been partying like this since 15?”
“Pretty much. I mean people can handle their alcohol now, but other than that it's been the same shit every summer.”
“That's crazy." I said. Where were their parents? Kitty had been in helicopter mode until I went to college, and even then she needed constant updates about what I was doing and with whom. It surprised me that she had allowed me to spend the summer away from her prying eyes.
“Most of our parents work at home during the week and are only here on the weekends, so everyone takes full advantage of their well stocked liquor cabinets. And growing up, Eddie always had a fake and was willing to supply parties with booze. Speaking of Eddie..” She glanced towards the door as Eddie, Chopper, Taylor, and Aaron arrived at the party.
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