#my english feels terrible today sorry if this doesn't make much sense ;;;;;;;;
stormyoceans · 2 months
Honesty hour.
Just for fun, mash up Vice Versa and any other beloved show of yours. Then tell us about a headcanon for the characters meeting/interacting.
and i actually don’t even have to think about the answer because i've got it as soon as i read your message: VICE VERSA AND WE ARE CROSSOVER. i know we are is not everyone’s cup of tea, and maybe it sounds weird that i would pick it for this out of all the shows i love, but listen. IT WOULD BE PERFECT!!!!!!
like hear me out.. i’ve always been just a little bit sad that while puen and talay got to befriend their universe’s version of up and aou, they never got to meet the equivalents of kita and fuse, because while technically they weren’t part of friend credits, they still played a big part in puentalay’s time as tess and tun, HOWEVER!!!!!! if we bring we are into the picture, then this issue is easily solved since aou, boom, and pepper played in both shows, AND we don’t even have to change things much to make it work, we just have to make tan from we are and tou from vice versa be the same person
so, after tan graduates in we are, he decides to apply his engineering degree to the movie industry and finds a job at behind the film bangkok company, where he first meets tup, and eventually talay and puen. then after a few months, tan brings them to peem’s place to meet his boyfriend and his other friends, which also fits perfectly into we are because it would keep the tradition of tan bringing people together. and like.. imagine puentalay seeing fang and beer for the first time!!!!! they know full well they’re not fuse and kita, and yet they can’t help feeling absolute giddy about it because somehow the universe brought them all together again!!!!! and also they were right, there definitely were something going on between aou and fuse because in this universe they are BOYFRIENDS!!!!!!!!!
and this is already getting too long so im gonna wrap it up, but honestly no one can convince me that puentalay (and tup) wouldn’t fit right in with the we are friend group. even leaving aside all the obvious parallels between puentalay and phumpeem, i just know that after two minutes of meeting each other talay would be in a corner with peem and q talking about art and colors while puen tries to answer everyone’s questions about being an actor and then somehow ends up in a fight about who has the best boyfriend. ALSO!!!!!!! fai and gyo bonding over being the only girls in the group and eventually getting together too
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
aaa ok hear me out on this. So I'm pretty sure you've mentioned that darling is one of Damians go-to petnames for his s/o. What about a little thing where his s/o normally will call him by his name but they end up calling him darling by accident? My english is terrible so sorry if this doesn't make much sense 😭
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‘Where could it be.’ Damian muttered to himself as he practically tore his bedroom apart with his bare hands. ‘The stupid thing couldn’t have gotten that far.’
Damian had lost where he had placed his art pencils and couldn’t quite recall where he left them either, which was unlike him as he always had excellent recollection in the whereabouts of his and others belongings. Today however it seemed as though no matter how hard he racked his brain, Damian just couldn’t remember where he last left those stupid -yet expensive- set of charcoal pencils.
‘Tt, this is getting ridiculous now,’ Damian said to himself as he wiped the sweat from his brow that had accumulated from searching high and low for art supplies, ‘it’s not as if they could’ve grown legs and walked off somewhere.’ It wasn’t until that moment did Damian realise that you had came back from your trip to the kitchen for a snack as you stood in the doorway of his room, looking at the mess that you were certain wasn’t there beforehand.
‘Damian, what’s going on here, it’s not like you to just turn your room into a pig sty just because you felt like it.’ You told Damian as you stepped into the room, suspecting the mess before looking back at your boyfriend who was usually good at keeping his room tidy and well organised, but the heavy pout on his lips and the furrow in his brow told you that there was a reason to the sudden mess.
‘I can’t find my charcoal pencils.’ He replied shortly, crossing his arms over his chest.
‘Well you’re certainly not going to in this mess.’ You retorted sarcastically, causing Damian to scoff, ‘why didn’t you try and recall the last place you put them.’ You added, trying to be helpful in this situation.
‘I did but they weren’t there.’ Damian tells you as he went back to tearing apart his room to search for his missing art pencils when something out of the corner of your eye caught your attention; it was Damian’s charcoal pencils, peaking out slightly from his bag alongside his sketch pad and paintbrushes. It wasn’t easy to spot but they were there and it was a surprise to you that Damian hadn’t seem to notice this at all, but that’s what made the entire situation just that little bit more hilarious then it should’ve been.
‘Damian.’ You called.
‘Not now y/n.’ He replied, heavily focused on finding these stupid pencils before he had to head off for school.
‘Damian.’ You tried again, now holding his bag in your hand, getting ready to show to him for when he looked up from under the bed.
‘Tt. Unless you’re going to help me, don’t distract me from-‘
‘I found your art pencils darling.’ Your voice cuts Damian off completely, leaving him taken aback but it wasn’t because you had found his pencils as he scrambled out from under his bed and stood up to see you holding his bag, which did indeed have his charcoal pencils in upon closer inspection.
‘What?’ You asked upon seeing his face.
‘What did you just say?’ Damian said.
You made a face and raised the bag a little higher. ‘I found your charcoal pencils?’ You replied albeit confused and a little worried that something was wrong with your boyfriend, did he hit his head as he was getting himself out from under his bed? You weren’t quite sure as you didn’t hear anything that could indicate that being the case.
‘Not that,’ Damian snipped, the search having left him feeling exhausted, agitated and embarrassed, ‘after that.’
‘I said Damian.’ You told him, your concern growing stronger the longer this went on.
Damian groaned as he ran a hand through his hair. ‘Darling, you called me darling.’ He spat out as a silence befell you both as the realisation sat in for you, meanwhile Damian was looking away from you with slightly flustered expression.
‘Oh.’ You said after a while. ‘Do you…do you hate it?’ You then asked as you looked down at your feet, finding them to be the most interesting thing in the room right now as your heart went crazy within your rib cage. Pet names weren’t new for either of you but you didn’t use them on a regular occurrence like regular couples, sure Damian called you darling or treasure but that was mainly behind closed doors or as little people as possible, but other then that you’ve rarely used them in any other context.
‘No, my treasure I didn’t hate it,’ Damian said softly as he managed to compose himself enough to walk over to you and take his bag from your hand, putting it on the bed before taking your hands in his, ‘I was just taken aback that is all.’ He reassured you by pressing a gently kiss to your forehead. If anything Damian liked it when you called him darling, it sent his heart a flutter and ignited a fire within his soul as his entire body grew warm by a simple pet name from your lips, however this was something he was yet to be comfortable in admitting to you in confidence but he will one day.
‘Does that mean I can call you it more often?’ You asked, already making up future scenarios where that would be the case within your mind in hope of seeing that very same flustered expression on across his face once more.
‘If you must, please do so in places where my siblings are out of range to hear.’ Damian said, smiling softly as you beamed in happiness, this was what he lived to see every day of his life, just you being extremely happy and happy with him; Something he hoped that he could continue to make you far into the future you shared together.
‘Deal.’ You said as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. ‘Darling.’
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neko-loogi · 8 months
Alright! It's time for me to give my thoughts on episode two!
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I actually managed to watch the whole 6 episodes that have been posted (thanks to a friend) without wasting my money on Amazon Prime! So yeah, that's pretty good.
Anyway, let's begin!
Warning: minor spoilers!
So to start off, in this episode we get introduced to Sir Pentious and The Vees (Valentino, Vox and Velvette).
Alright so, I actually liked this episode to be honest! It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I still wanna give my opinion on a few things!
So far, Sir Pentious is the one character that I actually don't dislike compared to everyone else, he's the character that they butchered the least. He's still the silly and goofy villain that he was in the Pilot, so yeah, he's my favorite now!
Then we have The Vees, I'mma be honest, I actually like them all, well except Velvette, she's a bit too rude for my liking. I also have mixed feelings about her voice, like her VA sounds okay, but the voice doesn't really suit her. The British accent just sounds a bit off to me. I was legit expecting her to have a really high pitched girly voice and a Harley Quinn personality, but she's the complete opposite of that. It's not a bad thing though, but eh, it's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
Then there's Valentino. To be fair, I don't like him as a character, he's a terrible person and all the shit he does is disgusting, but I have to admit, like his design! But again, I also have a bit of issues with his voice. The thing is, Valentino speaks Spanish (I mean, I guess the name makes sense), and I recently discovered that his VA is from Puerto Rico (I'm from there too!). But I don't like that he speaks with the stereotypical Spanish accent you see in movies. It almost feels a bit.. offensive. I also don't like how he speaks full English sentences, but sprinkles in a few Spanish words, again this is a huge stereotype, we don't speak like this-
As for Vox, I think he is alright, I mean, there's not much to say about him, he's an attention seeking business man. But I actually like him, I think his electricity and hypnotic powers are cool. I also really like when his voice pitch shifts, it's a pretty neat detail! Like this clip for example, I like when he gets angry at Val and screams his name really loudly. I dunno, I like that sound effect.
Anyway, moving on. This episode also features two songs (yeah, I've noticed that every episode has at least two songs, it's honestly a bit unnecessary since they don't add much to the show, but eh, some of them are alright-). So the first song "Stayed Gone" I absolutely love- it's hella catchy, and I really like the rivalry between Alastor and Vox. I'm happy we get to see more of those two since the Pilot didn't show us much (except for the comics). This is kinda random but I find it funny how I've seen people complain about Alastor using modern language and slang in the song, personally I don't mind this, I mean, it's not a big deal. I just like to think he's adapting.
Later in the episode we find out that Sir Pentious was actually working for The Vees, because Vox wanted more info on Alastor (and planned to spy on him with a camera). But then Charlie decides to forgive him for his mistake and let him stay at the hotel. And then we get another song. I don't know the name of the song, I'm assuming it's called "It Starts With Sorry". This song is not that bad, I mean it's a little lackluster, but I like that Sir Pentious is actually singing! So that's alright in my book.
And yeah, that's it! I think this might be the episode I like the most, but I still have yet to give my opinion on the rest of the episodes! Which I will do later- just give me some time.
Anyway, I'm done for today, bye!
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I just read your Azriel × reader one shot, I think I'm in love ! And I have a request for you. I've been in love with one song and one song only. It hhas never been changed since like very long time , lot's of years. And the song is Lana Del Rey- Love. The feeling that it gives me is just enchanting. English is my second language so sometimes I just shut down my brain for English and just feel the song with its melodies and rhytm. And it always gives me hope but also kinda sad. Like it has been raining hard but now you see rainbow or you missed your lover terribly and now you're kissing them. I think you got what I meant. Can you write someting with Azriel that' gonna make me feel like the song does? I know this might be silly or doesn't make any sense but if you do I would be more than happy and appreciated💖 thank you so much!
Hi! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer you, but here it is!! I hope you enjoy it, darling 🥰 ✨don’t forget to make your own request✨ • I don’t own any of Sarah J. Mass’ characters or any of her plots, I’m just a fan having fun. Also I do not own the images. This is story is mine though, so please do not copy • WARNING! this is VERY angsty and sad, and you might cry and/or explode because of the fluff
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My tears dampened the pillow beneath my head. Today, sadness claimed me more than yesterday, sucking the very strength out of me. It paralises me enough that I can’t get out of bed, and that I only wish crawl into a dark corner, staying there forever.
Loneliness was my most hated color. But today, it paints every moment of my miserable existence. And I think it suits me.
The pain blurred my eyes, and I only saw teardrops
The pain took my youth, and left the weight of my mistakes
The pain blurred my days, and I lost track of time
The pain took my soul, and left the monster of my true self
and eventually
The pain blurred my emotions, and I stopped feeling at all.
My mother used to say beautiful words that my young ears never understood. Most of them got lost with time, but one was carved into my very skin.
And yet, even after I learned what it meant, I never got to feel it.
But I should’ve guessed it. Destiny liked me too much to leave me alone as well. So he played the strings one last time, and magic was done. I felt it all again.
The pain blurred my eyes, and I only saw teardrops
The pain took my youth, and left the weight of my mistakes
The pain blurred my days, and I lost track of time
The pain took my soul, and left the monster of my true self
and eventually
The pain blurred my emotions, and I stopped feeling at all.
but I saw his face and
The pain no longer blurred or took anything
The pain was gone.
Azriel, she learned later, was his name. That gorgeous male was her mate, and the classic, beautiful traces of his face never failed to take her breath away.
Once, he asked her, in the middle of the night
“Y/N, why are your eyes so sad?”
He had never seen someone like her, with an indescribable beauty. She was elegant and gracious, fun and unpredictable, but above all, she was intense. And so was her sadness.
What strained his heart the most was her eyes, that even after an eternity of laughter, reflected such a deep suffering. He saw eyes like that on his own face.
The only answer he got was a single teardrop down her cheek.
Turns out, the pain never truly went away. It was just forgotten when she was around him, and because of that, the moments away from him were unbearable.
He found out about this too when he came to see her, and found her crying. Harsh sobs racked through her body, and his gut clenched.
He knelt in front of her, took her face into his scarred hands, and asked
“What’s wrong?”
“Everything.” She whispered. “All of it is so awful, and you are my only light. I drown in grief every day of my life. I feel too much, and feel nothing at all. I want better, but I can’t stop treating myself so awfully.” Her voice raised with every word, and agony filled her. “It hurts. It all hurts.”
He embraced her, pulling her into his warmth, trying to sooth the pain. She laid her forehead on his chest, kneeling with him, and gripped his shirt with an iron grip. She would not loose him as well.
After the tears and sobs, she tried to move away, and he pulled her closer.
Their eyes met, and he laid himself bare to her. Took down all his walls, laid down his guard around himself, and told his entire history to her. Showing her his own pains and fears.
But in that moment, he was too late. Pain had taken everything from her once again.
He flinched when her blank stare met his overwhelmed one.
He tried to move away and succeeded.
She did not pull him closer.
So he left
And she was set alight.
First, pain burned her from the inside.
Second, she was angry, at him and at herself.
Third, she forgave him.
Fourth, she forgave herself.
Fifth, she built courage to face him one last time
He met her at a hillside with a view to the sea. She sat underneath the soft light of the sun, in late afternoon hours. Beside her, there was a panic basket and a pile of books. Her dress fluttered with the passing breeze, the same that caressed her hair. After months of solely thinking of her, seeing that face was a definitive answer. He loved her, with all his might, with all his sorrow and all his happy.
Sitting beside his mate, his heart was at ease, even with the hurt that she caused him.
“Hi” she said hesitantly.
“Hello Y/N”. She shivered with that voice, she missed him so much. There was nothing capable of describing the relief of seeing him.
“I wanted to talk to you,” she averted his eyes, “about what happened last time. What I did was wrong, and you deserved a better reaction than the one I gave you. You deserved support.” She looks into his eyes, her voice breaking slightly. “I am so sorry. You were always there for me, and I ended up hurting the both of us when I forgot who I truly am.”
Her gaze went to the sea, and beyond into the horizon. Her chest moved with a soft sigh she exhaled. “I want to tell that it was not intentional to hurt you in a vulnerable moment, and that I’m grateful that you shared with me such a beautiful story. If you want to try things between us again, I I would love to, but if you —
His fingers touched her chin, turning her blushing face towards him. She froze.
“Y/N, I’m sorry too. For not trying to help you earlier, and for letting my fears control my actions so deeply. But the thing I’m most sorry for is the fact that I didn’t come to see you in such a long time. I hurt the both of us as well with my pride, and I wish I could change that. But I can’t change the past, so I offer you this: I love you, Y/N.”
She blinked her teary eyes, and threw her arms around me, a choked laugh passing through her lips. I hug her back, breathing in her scent, and she whispered in my ear: “I love you, Azriel.”
She pulled back slightly, and pressed her lips against mine softly. We join in a slow sweet kiss, my hands on the nape of her neck, and a small humm of delight leaves her.
When we break apart, she lays her forehead against mine.
“Thank you for reminding me,” she says “of who I truly am, and who I’ve always been.”
“And who would be that, my light?” She blushes with the nickname, and answers
“A beautiful star, with her glowing scars and smiles, set alight by love. My love for myself, my mother’s love, your love”
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lia-bones · 4 years
A thousand splinters of glass
Sirius Balck x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) boyfriend Sirius intrudes too much into her friendship with Remus. When he confronts her with his thoughts, they start fighting.
Warning: angst, Language (defilement and swearing), consumption of alcohol, Hint of violence ... I gess.
(Misspelling, Grammar errors, translation errors.)
Words: 2520
Author note: It was super hard for me to write Sirius like that. But it was a friend's wish and I'm fulfilling it.
(English is not my main language. I apologize for all misspellings, grammar errors, and translation errors💕)
Enjoy Reading 🌻
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(not my GIF)
* * *
(Y/N) enter the great hall and take a seat at the Gryffindor table next to her boyfriend Sirius. She looks at her group of friends and still tired, wished them good morning.
"Good morning dear, how did you sleep?" asked the boy next to her after he put a kiss on her temple.
"Oh, very well, unfortunately too short." she replied with a tired smile and put a spoonful of scrambled eggs in her mouth.
"Remus, do you want to do our Arithmancy homework in free period?" she turned to the others Marauder who sat across from her at the table. Remus smiled at her and replied, "Yes, of course. After lunch in the library?"
"Call it a date." (Y/N) winked and went back to her scrambled eggs.
"Hey, I thought I was your boyfriend? What about me?" Sirius grumbled beside her and looked at her confused. She waves it away with a laugh :"You are, but that doesn't mean I can't do homework with a friend. You don't have a free period after lunch you have Divination."
Sirius mumbles something unintelligible but said nothing else. The friends all eat their breakfast and talk about this and that, before they all went to class.
* * *
After noon Remus and (Y/N) met in the library and started their Arithmancy homework. After some time of writing, Remus contacted her and said :"You know, I'm glad you're with Sirius now. You're doing him good." The girl smiled at him and answered :"He's doing me good too. I've got the feeling since I've been with him I've been a lot more confident.I am very happy to have him as my Boyfriend. And of course I'm also happy to have you guys as my friends. I couldn't think of anyone better."
"We're glad to have you too. Finally I'm not the only one holding the boys back." Remus laughed and pulled her into a half-hug with one arm. "yeh somebody has to bring you rule breakers to your senses."
"But I'm really serious (Y/N). Since you've been together he's a lot more relaxed and you make him think before he acts. At least sometimes." Remus told her seriously again.
"I don't want to tell him anything. I like him the way he is. I think sometimes he just needs someone to get him to think again about his ideas before acting. There is no way I want something like the incident in fifth year to happen again." (Y/N) said in a husky voice, put an arm around Remus' shoulders and gave him a short squeeze .
"No, nobody wants that." the boy whispered back and squeezed her once too.
It became quiet and the two pondered their memories of this terrible event for a moment, before they broke the embrace again and continued on with their essays in silent agreement.
* * *
After the last class of the day, (Y/N) and Remus sat in the common room and waited for their other friends.
"What do you think of the book? Have you read it yet? " she asked Moony and with a nod of her head pointed to the book she was reading. Remus put a hand on her shoulder and leaned forward to look at the book. "No but i want..." he is just beginning to speak when the portrait opened and the remaining three Marauders entered the room. " 'e, You two, here you are. What are you doing here?We were looking for you." James called to them and slumped into one of the armchairs. "We just talked, nothing interesting. We have been waiting for you. " declared (Y/N) while she closed her book and placed it on the side table next to her. The boys nodded and Sirius placed a kiss on the (Y/N) head.
Due to the lack of space on the sofa, Sirius sat in the other armchair, instead of next to his girlfriend and Peter sat on the floor between him and James.
The friends talked about everything and nothing for a while and soon landed on James' favorite topic: Lilli Evans
"I mean. She is so perfect. She is beautiful and smart and quick-witted and helpful and friendly. What more could a man want?" enthused James with a dreamy face.
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife'." Quoted Remus softly which made (Y/N) giggle so much that she put her hands over her face and rested her head on his shoulder.
Sirius watched with a raised eyebrow and asked :"What's so funny?"
The girl sat up straight again and wiped her hands over her eyes before answering :"oh Remus just quoted pride and prejudice. You won't know it, it's a fantastic Muggel book."
"Oh, but Moony know this fantastic book?" Sirius asked in a voice tarnished with sarcasm. His friends' eyes fixed on him and (Y/N) briefly shook head in confusion before she answered :"Well, Yes. It's a muggle book. He's half blood. And he reads more than any of us put together."
"My mother gave me the book a few years ago." Remus quietly brought himself into the discussion.
Sirius clicked his tongue and got up from his seat he took a few steps before stopping in front of his girlfriend and saying dryly:" Yeah yeah the perfect perfect Moony.
I understood. We need to talk. Alone." He pointed a finger at the stairs that led to the dormitories. (Y/N) looked up at him from her sitting position, knitted her eyebrows briefly in confusion, then nodded got up and followed him up the stairs.
When she arrived in the boys dormitory, she closed the door behind her and stood in the middle of the room. She watched Sirus go to a cupboard and take out a Bottle of firewhiskey and a glass. He poured himself some and took a sip while staring at her over the rim of his glass. The silence in the room was heavy and thick and the air to cut. Sirius cautiously let (Y/N) play with her fingers nervously. It was not customary for him to be so quiet and well, serious. The last time he acted like this, he had just received a letter from his mother.
Since he still didn't say anything, just looked at her with a serious face, she decided to break the silence in the room. "So what did you want to talk about? "
"You. And what you're pulling off right now." he explained in a low voice.
"Sorry but, I don't know what you're talking about." she said in a calm voice.
That just seemed to upset Sirus more, because now his voice was a lot louder :" Oh don't tell shit. Do you really think I'm so stupid and don't know what crap is going on?" He finished his glass in one gulp and poured himself more.
(Y/N) also got louder now and energetically crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"I already told you I don't know what you mean. What have I done?"
"YOU CHEAT ME YOU FUCKING Slut!" he yelled at her and pointed in her direction with his free hand.
(Y/N) opened her mouth and for a moment. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Had he just really accused her of cheating on him and had he called her a Slut?
"WHAT HAVE I DONE? I am supposed to have betrayed you? How do you get the stupid idea?" she asked and made a wide movement with her arms. As if she wanted to chase the tension out of the air.
"Don't be so ridiculous. I noticed it myself. You haven't really bothered to hide it. You and a your loverboy." Sirus spat and glared at her. This whole conversation was very confusing (Y/N). She had no idea how he came up with it. It deceived her that he really thought she would do something like that, but at the same time it made her terribly angry.
"If someone here is ridiculous then is you. You are imagining things that don't exist. How can you think that? Who should I cheat on you with, please?" seh shodet back, on her face, spots of deep red anger were slowly forming. Frustrated, she ran a hand through her (y/h/c) hair.
The one across from her growled, clenched his jaw and again emptied his glass, which he immediately refilled.
"With your oh-so-perfect Moony. I see how you behave towards the other. It's stupid of you guys to think that I wouldn't notice. Are you serious. With one of my best friends? But what should I have expected from a slut like you. I wouldn't be surprised if you slept your way through the whole school." he laughed bitterly and screwed up his face.
(Y/N) didn't know what to say for a moment. For a few seconds, she started at Sirius with wide eyes before she said in a lowered voice :" This not true."
OH, REMUS ARE WE BOTH LEARNING IN THE LIBRARY TODAY? OH REMUS YOU ARE SO FUNNY. REMUS IS SO SMART, HE READS SO MUCH. BLA BLA BAL." Sirius spoke in a high voice, trying to imitate her. (Y/N) shook her head in frustration. She had tears in her eyes but she didn't allow herself to cry now. Sirius got on with things that didn't exist and she wanted to make that clear to him. "That's not true. Remus and I are just friends! We study together because we're both in Arithmancy. And since when is it forbidden to laugh when someone says something funny? And we don't touch each other all the time. You see things that not there!"
"YES OF COURSE. AND I SHOULD BELIEVE THAT?" Sirius yelled at her and swung the now almost empty bottle firewhiskey through the air.
"Sirius please ..." she was about to start, but was immediately interrupted by him.
"SIRIUS PLEASE. SAVE YOUR WORDS. I should have known that it was stupid to sacrifice my single life for you. I could have had fun with other girls all the time, but no, I was with you. While you chedit on me behind my back. You dirty whore."
(Y/N) eyes got waterier and more watery during his monologue. She bit her tongue so hard that she could already taste blood and she clenched her trembling hands into fists, her nails digging in her palms.
"...Y...you...you now...i...i woud never..." She didn't get very far with her words, it all happens very quickly. Sirius took a step forward, she took a few steps back, bumped her back against the wall and and shut her eyes tightly. A split second later, Sirius 'glass flew across the room and struck the wall just inches from (Y/N)' s head.
There was a crash and glass splinter hit the ground like raindrops.
Silence spread across the room and the two started at each other, eyes wide open. The remainder of the firewhiskey, flowed over the floor and watering (Y/N) socks. She took a deep breath and suppressed a scream. Her legs trembled and it took all her strength not to sink to the ground.
Sirius had tears streaming down his red cheeks and he pulled his black hair.
"No ... no ... I ... I swear ... (Y/N) I didn't mean to..." he began to stammer. He took his hands out of his hair and wanted to reach for her.
Slowly he took a few small steps in her direction. Arms outstretched as if to hug her.
(Y/N) shook his head vigorously, bit her lower lip and pressed herself even tighter against the wall.
Sirius stopped at the sight of her and stared at her desperately.
"No, stop it. Just leave it." she whispered in a husky voice and walked along the wall to the door, not taking her eyes off him for a second. With one hand behind your back she looked for the door handle, he followed her movements with his eyes. "No (Y/N) please, please don't go. Let's talk, I'm sorry ... I ... I ..." he begged in a scratchy voice and stretched its arms out to the girl one more time.
"No. I think it's all said." (Y/N) shook her head and opened the door. The restrained tears stung in her eyes but she definitely didn't want to cry in front of him now.
She stumbled backwards out of the room, pulling the door with her.
"Bye Sirius." she whispered hoarsely before she closed the door. Muffled through the door, she hears him calling her name a couple of times, but she just turned on her heels and ran down the hall to the girl dorms.
She stopped at her own dormitory, yanked the door open, entered the room and slammed the door behind her with a loud crack. The room was dark and quiet, the air smelled of fresh linen and cinnamon. None of her roommates were there.
(Y/N) leaned against the closed door and put her hands over her face. A heartbreaking sob escaped her and she slid the door down to the floor.
Now sitting on the floor, she hugged her legs tightly against your chest and buried her head between her knees. Now that she was alone she started to cry. The tears wet her face and the noises that came over her lips sounded heartbreaking. She tasted the salt on her lips and felt her tears seep into her tights.
(Y/N) didn't understand how this could all happen. She hadn't betrayed him. She had nothing with Remus or anyone else.
Yesterday everything was fine, they were happy together, laughed together, and fooled around. Today everything went downhill they fight, they yelled at each other and he accused and insulted them. He had thrown a glass in their direction.
Otherwise Sirius made her heart beat faster, makes it jump in joy or stop beating for a few seconds in love. But now her heart felt more like it was made of a thousand sharp pieces of glass. Broken like the glass on the wall. Broken like their relationship due to a lack of trust from his side.
(Y/N) wanted nothing more than to hide under her blanket, cry and not get up for a long time.
But she felt too weak to get up and go to bed. So she sat on the floor and kept crying into her legs.
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anzcty · 3 years
Analysing Episode 6 Sylvie - her actions, her choice and a whole bunch of theories (Spoilers!)
After watching the Loki finale, I have been scrolling through Tumblr for quite a long time. I already knew that people's opinions were gonna be incredibly different but I definitely did not expect this much negative backlash. Especially when it comes to two specific topics - the Sylvie and Loki kiss and Sylvie's betrayal (/choice/actions). I'm gonna be talking about the latter, for it is another time I'll talk a lot about Sylki's relationship. (Beware that this post is also really long though)
First of all, everyone has different opinions and I respect that. I absolutely adore movies, books, TV-shows and videogames because despite what's happening within the story, each viewer has the opportunity to see something else in what they are shown (besides the obvious canon). What I mean is that everyone interprets certain scenes differently and gains the opportunity to make up theories. Therefore I want to clarify that I do, by no means, want to force my views upon others. It's nice to see people talk about the Loki Series (as long as it doesn't get too negative and hateful, iykwim) because every viewer can share their specific experiences with it :)
I'm gonna analyse Sylvie's character a bit ( because, well, I'm bored and I kinda wanna protect my beloved character that I've only had for a few weeks >:^0 AND the only thing I could think about the past day was this episode) and try to explain her actions in the finale (keep in mind: not justifying them, but explaining them).
I'm terribly bad at concentrating on one single topic point so I kinda made a 'list' with questions and whatnot that I wanted to dive deeper into. Your thoughts are also more than welcome!
I already want to apologise for grammatical mistakes, for I am not a native english speaker.
Sylvie's reason for being taken away by the TVA is still kinda unknown
You know, I've heard quite a few theories about Sylvie's nexus event by now. Some people say that she got taken away because she was playing with her toys in a way that indicates her having a good heart (playing as a Valkyrie and wanting to save someone, another hint may also be the reaction she showed towards someone else who got kidnapped by the TVA, yelling at the soldiers to "help them out"). Another theory is that she already knew she was adopted, unlike Loki who found out way later than her. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but we never got to hear the actual reason why Sylvie got kidnapped. Even Renslayer didn't say a word about it.
Now I'm gonna come up with yet another theory. What if Sylvie didn't really have a nexus event in the first place how we know it? In the final episode, Kang has said that he has planned out everything beforehand so both Loki and Sylvie would end up right in front of him. Did Kang's plan also possibly involve him getting killed by Sylvie? Hear me out: We don't actually know if the Kang we saw in episode 6 is the actual 'nice' Kang and not one of his evil variants. He has already talked about 'reincarnation', so who says that after ending the first universial war, Kang didn't reincarnate into someone with an unpure heart (aka, one of his evil variants)? That'd mean that the real Kang would have been killed and the Kang we've seen in the finale is actually an evil version that simply lied to both Loki and Sylvie. Besides that, we also don't know if Kang actually had that 'point' where he didn't know what would happen next. The show revolves a whole lot around trust, not only regarding the characters, but also the viewers. Who's to say that Kang said the truth? Maybe he planned it all out: He created the TVA, let Sylvie get kidnapped and therefore give her a reason to hunt after Kang, who in return could reincarnate if he got killed OR get killed and therefore give his other variants a possibility to conquer the universes yet again. Don't you think that it was kinda suspicious that Sylvie escaped so easily out of Renslayer's hands? The one person who's probably closest to Kang? (Even though, yes, she doesn't know who he is but Renslayer seems to play a very important role in his plan). What if the Kang we saw was the nice Kang though? Would he plan everything up to a point where another universial war would break out because he might know that there is indeed something/someone out there who could end it and therefore, possibly end Kang as a whole or create a new kind of system revolving around the universe? And therefore, get rid of the possibility of another universial war happening? Who knows. I am definitely overthinking and reaching at this point. One more thing that stood out to me while thinking about the episode again today (which kinda weighs more into my theory of Sylvie being a keypoint (or rather a puppet) in this plan): Kang has talked about his Tempad and that he knew that he would need it to have enough energy. But for what? Yes, his initial idea was to give it to Loki and Sylvie to rule over the TVA, but what if it was supposed to be used for another reason? Sylvie used it to transport Loki back to the TVA (though I kinda think he was accidentally transported to another timeline, hence the reactions of both Mobius and Hunter B-15) and therefore get rid of the only thing that could prevent Sylvie from killing Kang. The Tempad was used to secure Sylvie's path and therefore eradicated Kang's only option of safety. You can see the Tempad loosing it's glow after Kang was killed, possibly due to Kang himself being the origin of it's energy. But maybe, it only had enough energy for one specific action: getting rid of Kang's protection. I do think that Sylvie is now stuck at this place and somehow has to find a way back to Loki's reality. The Tempad clearly doesn't work anymore (at least in my opinion) and there was quite a long shot showing the Tempad up close, which is kinda suspicious tbh. Also, something regarding Sylvie's unanswered nexus event feels kinda odd to me, too.
My theory in conclusion: Sylvie (and Loki) are unconciously helping Kang with his plan (a big, big, BIG plan). They're his puppets, especially Sylvie, because she's the one who created the Multiverse to begin with. Think about Loki, who was said to be manipulated by Thanos in Avengers? It's basically the same train of thoughts.
Sylvie does not take Kang's offer into consideration
To be honest, this was something to be absolutely expected of her. Sylvie was kidnapped as a child, taken away from her home and family, and had to grow up in countless apocalypses where she could never form a real bond with anybody because she knew that those people were all going to die anyway. (Please don't judge me if I got that wrong, maybe I understood the next thing wrong? Idk, if so, I'm very sorry) She revealed that she was kidnapped way before Loki was even born (something I have to think about, too, because, if Loki is the actual Loki the other variants are based off, why did he exist after Sylvie? Wouldn't that make him a variant of Sylvie instead? Idk timelines and parallel universes are hard to understand for me :') I'm kinda stoopid ), therefore she must've had spent several decades of her life running away. She had no life at all. Her only goal was to bring down the TVA and whoever is behind it, driven by pure rage, seeking out revenge for stealing her life and basically forbidding her existence. And now that she has found said person, the only thing that'd be right for her character would be to go for the kill. As immoral as it may sound, it is the only thing that makes sense. And I am actually very happy that Sylvie's goals didn't change besides the fact that she did indeed soften up a little and has gotten someone really close to her. In contrary, it makes sense for Loki to do the exact opposite. His goals have changed. He does not act the way he did in Thor or Avengers anymore. He has found another goal for himself: to make Sylvie feel alright. He has had immense character growth and didn't take a chance to change his goals back in the Thor movies or in Avengers, (....maybe later in Thor: Ragnarok, kinda). This is exactly what I think might happen to Sylvie, too. She is at the beginning of her character arc. She doesn't take the chance to change her goal, but goes for her original goal instead. Said goal does not really have positive consequences (though, maybe it might have some? We're about to find out), which results in a so called 'negative character development', which Loki has already gone through. I think that Sylvie is gonna grow as a character in season 2 and get a positive character development in addition, just like Loki did. I highly doubt that she's gonna become the antagonist, it does not make sense at this point.
Why does she not take Kang's offer (besides her very obvious intention ofc)? That leads straight (or not so straight, pun intended) to the next thing I wanna talk about. Sylvie's distrust in everything and everyone. Besides not wanting to let other people go through what she has been gone through and wanting to let people have a free will, she also does not trust Kang with his offer of 'ruling' the timeline. And it might be because she also does not trust the one she'd be ruling with: Loki.
Why does Sylvie not trust Loki?
I don't even have a specific answer to that, except that Sylvie has an incredibly thick wall built up around her. Loki has always been portrayed as the one you should not trust because he's known for backstabbing people. Loki could have thought the same about Sylvie, but he didn't. Due to his character arc, he himself has learned to trust other people and tries to redeem himself with making himself a person others can trust (He may project that onto Sylvie, meaning that he puts his trust into a Loki variant and therefore in himself, too). You can connect that fact with both Sylvie and Mobius. They're both people who are incredibly important to Loki. He wants them to trust him. He openly told Sylvie about his mistakes and tells her that he's not that person anymore. Sylvie on the other hand does not trust that easily and is - in my opinion - a very important key regarding Loki's character development. It is incredibly hard for Sylvie to trust others (probably due to her trauma) and it therefore creates a very difficult situation for Loki, where he has to 'prove' himself as trustworthy. It's basically about 'trusting yourself' if you put it that way. It's something Loki has to learn about himself: not betraying the trust of others. Sylvie might have to learn something like this, too: learning to trust someone else. It's kinda like a two sided coin - one side is about putting trust in others, whereas the other is about gaining trust from others (and what you do with it). (Good) Relationships in general are always based off trust and honesty. So in order for them to be able to have healthy relationships with others and themselves, they have to learn about trust within themselves (I hope you understand my point, I got carried away, sorry). Loki started to trust Sylvie very easily (maybe because of love? Maybe because of something else? There are still a lot of unanswered questions) whereas Sylvie doesn't trust Loki very easily. Sylvie's character arc might (hopefully) carry on with this topic in the next season.
Was that kiss initiated due to emotional or practical reasons?
Kinda both, somehow. I do think that Sylvie used the kiss to her advantage but you can also clearly see how moved she is while hearing Loki's words. Facial expressions are insanely important when it comes to acting and both Tom and Sophia delivered perfectly. You might've already heard of the quote "The eyes tell more than words could ever say". Look at Sylvie's face when Loki tells her that he wants her to be okay. She is teary eyed, sighs even. She is indeed touched by his words and I strongly think that Sylvie also has non-platonic feelings for Loki, despite barely showing anything.
Here's a snippet out of an interview with Sophia:
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Both Sylvie and Loki are said to be people who can not trust others. They both have a vulnerable side though. Loki clearly showed that several times when with Sylvie (singing to her, the blanket scene, the comfort scene in the room of the timekeepers, the confession of wanting her to be okay) and is also shown incredibly vulnerable at the end of episode 6: there are several shots showing him, crying. Sure, we have already seen Loki cry a few times beforehand but this time, it's different. He cries because the one person he is the most vulnerable with doesn't trust him, and that does hurt like hell. By the way, if you look at the close-up shot of Sylvie after she yeeted Loki back into the TVA, you can see pain in her eyes, too. But that pain quickly shifts into rage and determination. Something that I have to admit was incredibly well executed by Sophia and the people who directed this shot. Sylvie does show her vulnerable side for a brief moment before putting up her walls again and reaching for her goal.
In conclusion: I think Sylvie initiated the kiss as an emotional response to Loki's words but also used it to distract him to be able to kick him back into the TVA at the same time. Keep in mind that it was because he was in her way of fullfilling her goal. She didn't want to kill or hurt him, so she sent him away instead. So, yes, I think the kiss had both emotional and practical intentions.
Did Sylvie betray Loki?
Even though it really felt like she betrayed him, she didn't. Let me tell you why:
Loki knew exactly what Sylvie was gonna do after reaching the person behind the TVA. Loki supported her all the way up until Kang suggested a deal to them, that's where Loki's and Sylvie's paths divided. Loki is a very smart character, he outsmarts a lot of Marvel characters and therefore I think it's very in character for him to consider one part of the deal and outweigh the pros and cons. Not because he wants the throne, no, but because he wants Sylvie to be okay. A universial war could lead to countless casualties - possibly those people close around him, so of course he would want to keep her safe through that decision. Making them both rulers over the TVA and the sacred timeline would probably guarantee a strong protection from several threats. Also, maybe he thought about the possibility of Sylvie regretting her decision (which she clearly did in the end) and wanted to protect her from even more emotional pain. But as we know, Sylvie's intention has always been laid out in front of her and it didn't change. Loki knew what choice she was going to make and merely tried to change her way - without being successfull.
I don't really know what to think about this scene though. To me, it doesn't meet the requirements of a 'betrayal' but at the same time it does feel like one. It's very difficult to explain :'D
Also, I've seen some people asking themselves how or if Loki will ever be able to forgive Sylvie for making her decision. Let me assure you one thing: he will forgive her. He has said it himself: "I know what you're feeling, I know what you're going through". He has been at Sylvie's point, too. Not only once, but several times already. He seems to have learned from his mistakes, Sylvie has yet to do so. ("I betrayed everyone I've ever loved" is a line to keep in mind now, too. Maybe it could even be projected onto Sylvie this time, because Loki is indeed very dear to her) If there's someone out there who can empathise with Sylvie the most, it is Loki.
Why would Sylvie straight up cause another Universial War?
As I already said. Sylvie's arc is a negative character arc. It does not end well and causes a lot of chaos. Think about Peter Quill in Infinity War and his rage moment on Titan. They could have had the infinity gauntlet way before but Peter got emotional (understandable) and therefore destroyed the chance of an early good ending. The same happened with Sylvie. Her decision was mostly emotional, but also practical on the other hand (giving people free will and freedom). She will face the consequences and I'm pretty sure she's gonna redeem herself and tries to help fix the big mess she has caused.
Sylvie's breakdown
Another scene that was absolutely brilliant was the scene after Sylvie has killed Kang. She backs off slowly and then slumps to the ground, breathing heavily (now that I think about it, I think she even started to cry). She has waited for this moment her whole life, but now that it's done, it kinda feels like she didn't exactly get what she needed. Hunter B-15 has already mentioned it before that Sylvie needs to hunt the person behind the TVA down, unlike Renslayer, who only wants to find out who it really is. Although Sylvie might have recognized that this wasn't everything she needed at this point. We already got to know that she didn't have a clue what to do after she's done with the TVA. She didn't have a goal beyond that. And now that she has reached the point where she is clueless, she might have recognized what she really needed beyond finishing her goal: friends, a life, literally anything that doesn't make her feel alone. And she literally just kicked that one thing away from her. Loki, the one person who has been closest to her and gave her the feeling of not being alone anymore, the feeling of having a friend (or someone more than a friend), has been pushed away by herself. I think that in this exact moment where she sinks to the ground she recognizes that not trusting Loki was a mistake this time and that revenge isn't enough to satisfy her forever.
But maybe that one thing that will satisfy her for a long time is something she's returning back to in season 2. I am so excited to see her again and find out more about Sylvie's character!
Thank you so much for reading this! If you want to add something to this list or correct something or anything, feel free to do so. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Sylvie's character in the finale and what you think might happen with her in season 2 :) see y'all, stay safe and have a nice day/night!
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Mortal Kombat (2021) Review
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Well, well, well....here we are, a Mortal Kombat movie -- not the first, obviously. I will say, it's much better than both films from the 1990s. I will also say that, for the most part, I enjoyed it more than "Mortal Kombat 11" and its garbage DLC "Aftermath."
Come for me all you want, but I am standing by my thoughts on that game and its DLC.
Overall, I did like this new "Mortal Kombat" movie. It was entertaining. However, I have...a lot of issues with it, too, pertaining to lore, acting, and special effects.
What was the best part of this movie? If I had to pick one? Oh, definitely Hiroyuki Sanada as Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion. He is one of the best Japanese actors working today. He's one of the best actors working today. Having him play such an important character was probably the best choice the producers made.
Also, quick side note: Hiroyuki is 60 years old. HOW?! I mean, he doesn't look 20, but 60? I have my doubts.
Also, this is the first time I've heard him speak English. Interesting.
Another wise decision the producers made for this movie is casting Josh Lawson as Kano. I don't like Kano. He's a dick, but Josh gave the idiot a sort of douchebag charm that you couldn't help but be amused by.
So, what did I like, broken down:
Josh Lawson and Hiroyuki Sanada
The opening scene and final fight were the best scenes in the movie. Fantastically done, both of them.
Some cute little references to MK lore: a picture of Nightwolf, the use of "flawless victory," the use of "fatality," some suspiciously MK-sounding music cues, the massive statue of Shao Kahn...There were some nice fan service moments.
The fights, even the training ones, were all entertaining. Kind of like with "Godzilla vs Kong," the action is one of the strongest points of "Mortal Kombat" (2021).
The concept of the dragon brand to indicate who would fight in MK tournaments was actually a great choice. It does give the writers an excuse to not worry about including EVERY MK character; only the ones who have been "chosen" can fight at this time. It makes sense, it works, it's intriguing.
Kung Lao slicing Nitara in half (Sorry, Nitara -- love ya, Girl!) with his "spinning hat" technique was probably the most Mortal Kombat kill of the movie. It was extremely graphic, bloody, gross, over-the-top...it was perfect.
Hanzo toasting Bi-Han with his classic fire breath was a badass move if I ever saw one.
I did like how Mileena's mouth "worked" in this movie. She had sharp teeth and reddened skin(?) around her mouth to indicate that there was something not quite right with her face. Then she gets pissed later in the movie and opens her jaw completely, revealing an almost snake-like mouth, the skin tearing in the process. It was pretty badass. I liked it.
I actually liked Raiden a lot in this movie. I don't particularly like him in the games (don't come for me -- it's just my opinion) but I thought he was awesome in this movie, a truly intimidating but wise presence. His lack of full assistance made more sense in this movie, too (again, don't come for me because this is just my opinion).
The special effects were sometimes quite good. Sub-Zero's ice powers were well made, for example. Another example is Goro, who was fantastic (so much better than he did in the 1995 movie).
The backstory behind the main weapon of Hanzo was a pleasant surprise: it was a gardening tool to being with, and he just so happened to find it and turn it into a weapon.
Mixed thoughts:
The acting was decent overall. The only two I thought did great were Josh Lawson and Hiroyuki Sanada, but everyone else was ok. Some of the performances got a little hammy at times, but...I'm not going to take too many points off for that.
I liked Mileena but also was disappointed. She wasn't as malicious and flirty as she normally is; like she was watered down in this movie for some reason. However, she still was a dangerous fighter and her mouth was crazy! 👄
What I didn't like:
Some things didn't look so great. When Jax lost his arms, it looked...well it looked like blatant CGI. The lighting barrier Raiden created to protect his fighters from Shang Tsung looked pretty cheap as well. Some set pieces looked a bit too much like set pieces. I know we're on a set because this is a movie. However, when it looks kind of obvious, it really distracts you. I know this is a Marvel movie or something, but I think the special effects and sets could have looked a bit more refined.
I preferred the Quan Chi twist in regards to the death of Hanzo's family. It provided a much more complicated revenge story, and...I just think it was a better choice than making Bi-Han the murderer, like in this movie. I get that if they did use the Quan Chi twist, this movie would have become, like, 5 hours long or something, and would have had yet another character to develop (or attempt to develop). Still, it's not my favorite take on the Sub-Zero vs Scorpion story. So...meh.
Reptile looked impressive. He was more like a ... reptile than usual, you know, as opposed to a humanoid reptile creature. However, he didn't speak and didn't wear any armor, and his role in the movie seemed forced. It felt more like a badly executed fan service moment, like, "Heeeyyyy, it's Reptile, Guys! Ok, kill him because we have too many characters already...."
Cole was a likable guy, but I didn't see a point in his character being in the movie. He isn't an MK character from the games, and this just doesn't seem like the time to make a new character for the franchise. There are so many more MK characters to choose from, I think they could have avoided making up someone.
At the same time, though, this movie does suffer from having too many characters to focus on: Cole Young, Kano, Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Reptile, Mileena, Reiko, Kabal, Shang Tsung, Raiden, Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion, Bi-Han/Sub-Zero, Goro, Nitara...I mean, damn, that's a bunch of characters to cram into one two-hour film. People who know little to nothing about MK may not be bothered by this, but fans like myself most likely will feel disappointed with how certain characters were handled in the movie.
Reiko, what...did they do to you? Did...he even need to be in the movie? I mean, he was just.....there.
Having the concept of "arcana" was just...I don't know. It wasn't a terrible idea but it also made things even less believable. No one got their unique traits due to some sort of weird-ass prophecy or whatever in the games. I suppose the writers used this "arcana" thing as a way to keep the movie flowing and avoid having it be hours long. However, it just didn't sit right with me.
I know this movie is only two hours but I would have liked a little more development for Mileena, Reiko, and even Kabal. Kabal gave us the short version of what happened to him but, again, it was so quick. Like, blink and you'll miss it. I think Mileena and Kabal are two very interesting characters in MK, and having them be so one-dimensional was disappointing.
Hanzo was barely in this movie. It seemed....weird to me. Bi-Han was out there wrecking everyone's shit and Hanzo was somehow trapped in the Netherrealm until Cole was forced to fight Bi-Han one-on-one? I mean, eh? They chose the absolute best actor to play Hanzo but didn't use him much.
I was so disappointed to see Kung Lao killed off. I mean, characters that die in MK games don't always stay dead but still....he was so much fun in this movie (as he should be).
I didn't care for the portrayal of Nitara at all in this movie.
I didn't hate "Mortal Kombat" (2021), but I didn't love it, either. I'd watch it again, and I would watch a sequel, but there is definitely room for improvement. There is a lot of potential for the next MK movie(s) to be much better (this movie had clear potential, too, to be honest). I just hope that maybe the writers will realize this if a sequel is made.
Final grade: C+
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Imagine Eijirou Kirishima and reader
Part 2
Part one here:
I'd like to remind you that English is not my main language, but I am doing my best.
So, you work at Fat Gum's favorite bakery and were used to having him or Suneater buy bread at 3 o'clock until one day Fat Gum's new sidekick Red Riot starts coming instead. You always have difficult interactions that trigger your social anxiety. Until one day you are attacked by a villain and saved by him. When he walks you home, he asks for your number and you give it to him, even thought it is just for the sake of making him stop apologizing.
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You are at school, sitting in the back, as always, not paying much attention. This is your senior year and you already know you don't have much room to grow with your anxiety problems, distant family and lack of self confidence. Your intention is just graduating and keeping your job at the bakery.
You can't stop thinking about the villain who held you hostage, this makes you feel your body heavy and your head dizzy. This mixes up to the memories you have of yourself caught in the middle of a terrible fight between a villain and a hero when you were a kid.
You can hear people whispering about seeing you in television the previous night. Your colleages don't talk to you much due to your social anxiety.
"Y/n was held hostage."
"What weird person comes to school after going through something like that?"
"Did you see that new hero with Fat Gum? Red Riot is the name. He is so handsome!"
"He is two years younger than us!"
"Oh, come on, that is not too much. And he is a real piece, have you seen those abs??"
"Such a nice and deep voice too. He was interviewed, he got all shy, but not weird shy like that Suneater guy."
You should have skipped class, all this conversation was making you nervous.
Suddenly there is a loud message bip that echoes in the class and everyone checks their own phones. The teacher doesn't even bother lecturing them anymore.
But it is none of their phones. It is yours and it rings again, bringing all the attention in class to you.
"Ma...may I go to the restroom?" You ask, almost bursting into a panic attack.
"Yeah, yeah." You see your teacher has no more will.
You run to the restroom and hides in a cabin, unlocking your phone's screen. There are 4 messages in it.
The first one is:
Hello pretty!😚🥰😋
The second one:
Would you care for some 😈🤭🙊☻
The next is just:
And the final one:
You're so lovely! Let's hit the dancefloor together someday?! How about that?💕
You see the simbol of someone typing and a new message arrives:
"Sorry, my stupid friends got my phone. It is Eijirou here... Red Riot."
You keep staring at your phone as the typing message shows up again.
"How are you? I am sorry for last night, it was bad of me to ask for your number that way. I don't want you to think that you need to speak to me just because I saved you."
You ponder what to answer while sitting on the toilet when another message comes.
"Sorry again about my friends. They are really dumb😅"
"It is ok." You reply.
The typing sign shows up again, but then disappears.
"I'm fine." You send. "Just a little traumatized by yesterday."
You wait a while and he texts you back.
"Who wouldn't be, right? I am glad I showed up."
You start typing but he does it too, so you wait.
"Sorry, I seem like a perk talking like this. I really mean I am glad you are ok. It must have been awful for you."
This text makes you smile thinking of his sudden worried expression when realizes he might have sounded arrogant. He always made a cute blush expression when realizing something, like he forgot the money to pay for the bread or he had said something weird.
"I can't thank you enough for saving me." you reply. "People here at my school are commenting about you?"
The answer comes quickly:
"Really?! Nice things, I hope.🦈"
You can't help but laugh. He uses a shark emoji instead of a smily one. This brings his sharp smile to your mind immediately.
"Very nice things. Mainly that you are handsome."
It takes a while before he answers.
"You think I'm handsome?"
You feel your heart coming to your mouth when reading this. It tottally came out the wrong way for you. You quickly type back:
"I have to go back to class! Talk to you later!"
You turn off your phone and spend some more time in the restroom with your red face between your hands. You didn't have to think anything, he IS handsome.
When you arrive your house and turn on your phone, there is a message waiting for you.
"Don't forget to pay your phone bill this month. You can do it by acessing..."
You sigh and leave it on the table, then, turn on the TV to watch anything. You don't really know what to do with this free time while the bakery is repaired.
You are in the middle of an episode of a cheesy dorama when your phone vibrates on the table.
"Hey. Are you free?" It is him.
You don't really know what to answer.
"I guess..." you reply after a long time thinking.
"I really didn't want to bother you with this,but Fat Gum asked if you could come to the bakery to tell him a little more of what happened yesterday. He thinks the guy had an accomplice."
Your hands get cold at the thought of it, your heartbeat increases and you start typing a "I can't" but a new message arrives.
"I am at your building's door. Sorry."
"What?!" You reply by impulse.
"Sorry! I must seem like a real creep to you. Fat Gum made me come here to make sure you are safe in your way to the bakery."
You freeze until a new message arrives.
"He can be very persuasive 😅. But if you say no, I understand."
Not wanting to be inpolite to him, you find yourself putting on your coat and boots and going downstairs to meet him. There he is smiling at you with embarassment and wearing those revealing clothes that you are sure are even more appealing today.
"Hey y/n! Thank you a lot for agreeing to come. Fat Gum would totally kick my ass if I showed up alone." he says.
You just nod as he stares at you looking unconfortable, wich makes you feel unconfortable.
"So... let's go?"
You nod again, even more nervous.
You start walking in silence when you see him pull off his phone. Great, you are boring him so much he needs a distraction, you think. Than you feel your phone vibrate.
"Please don't be mad at me." You see his message and look at him from the corner of your eye. He seems really worried.
"I am not mad at you. I just get really nervous around you." You type back.
"Really? Why?"
"I get anxious around people, in general..." you answer him pronto.
"Oh, I have a friend just like you." He replies. "He is a very nice guy."
You put down your phone and look at him. He is giving you the biggest and most friendly smile ever. You immediately put your head down.
"How can I help you being less unconfortable around me?" He sends you after you do it.
"I don't know. It is a thing that happens to me since I was a kid. I am just weird like that." you reply.
"I don't think you are weird." He says out loud and it makes you turn to him. "You are so nice."
You blush completely and get your phone, typing really fast.
"Don't say things like that, it makes me unconfortable." you send him.
"Sorry." He answers back. "But I really think you are a really nice perxnroal !(($$&@(!)....."
You look up and Red Riot is sunk inside of Fat Gum's back.
"Hey! Look where you are walking!" The hero says, pulling him out. Red Riot takes a huge breath and falls on his knees. Fat Gum turns to you. "Y/n!! I am glad you are here! Can you please help me? We need you to describe everything you remember about that night! Anything helps."
He guides you inside the store, where Suneater is trying to organize some merch in a shelf. When he sees you, he drops everything and puts his head down. He has the same effect in you. You REALLY don't want to interact with each other.
"So... can you help us?" Fat Gum asks.
You take a deep breath and look around. You can remember everything that happend. Exactly how it happened. Every detail and second of it. That is your quirk, remembering everything that ever happens to you and around you.
You give such and accurate description of that night that the three heroes get impressed by it.
"And... do you remember seeing anyone with the guy?" Fat Gum asks, amazed.
You pull from your memory the moment you look at the door before the villain comes in. You can see a woman wearing a similar overcoat talking to him and standing by the door, looking out for any incomer. Than you remember her fleeing right at the moment you see Kirishima arrive.
You describe her as a tall lady with black hair, say the exacr brand of her coat and even the color of her shoes. They all stare at you again, impressed.
"You should be a detective, y/n!" Fat Gum says giving you some slaps in the shoulder.
You shake your head as a firm no and he smiles at you.
"Ok, ok. You are right. There are better carrers around." he says"Red Riot! Take y/n home, safe, please."
"Yes sir!" Red Riot replies.
For your surprize, Fat Gum lifts you in the air and hands you to Red Riot as if you were a kid. He takes you in his arms so you don't drop on the floor and you see yourself being carried by that hero damsel style.
You stare at each other in shock. You in literal shock, pale. He with his cheeks blushed.
"That was mean of you." You hear Suneater say to Fat Gum.
"Let them kids be in love." Fat Gum replies. "It is healthy to have some passion by this age."
"No. Y/n is going to pass out." Suneater says.
In fact, you do. The last things you hear are Red Riot say: "How did you know?!" and Suneater reply: "Because I would."
When you come to your senses you are lying on your couch, the TV is on showing a documentary about sea life. For a moment you think it was all a dream. That is when you hear:
"Hey! You're awake!"
You scream caugh by surprize by Red Riot, in your Kitchen and almost scare him into dropping the bowls of lamen he had in hands. He is only wearing the pants from his costume and this makes your whole face burn in shame. You almost pass out again.
"PLEASE DON'T WALK AROUND MY HOUSE NAKED!!" you yell, throwing the blanket that was covering you at him.
After he puts on a shirt that is probably a school uniform,the two of you sit down to eat.
"I am so sorry for what Fat Gum did. This anxiety of yours is really serious." He says.
"It wasn't that." you reply while sucking in some noodles. "I usually get very tired after intentionally using my quirk. It can cause me to pass out like this."
"Really?! So I am sorry we made you use it!"
You shake your head and say:
"It is fine. I am just glad I could be useful for a change."
"For a change?" He repeats staring at you with a pitful face. "You are always helpful! We love your sweet bread."
"I am not the one who makes it. I just sell them to you."
"You are the most special part of it." he says, smiling at you with a soft expression.
You feel your heartbeat increase, but it is not panic attack-like. It is something different.
"Don't say this kind of stuff. You make me nervous." you say, looking at the other side. But you can't help a smile from coming to your face.
"Sorry!" He replies with a sharp teeth smirk.
After you eat, he thanks you for helping and you take him downstairs to say goodbye.
"Here, your keys. I got them from your pockets to get in." he says.
"You are the first visit I get here, besides my mom." you say, getting the key from his hand. "I shouldn't say that, it makes me sound like a weird paria."
"Makes you sound lonely." he replies.
You look at him a little offended by the honesty, but he actually looks concerned about you.
"I prefer it this way." you say, and turn around to get inside.
"Can I call you tomorrow?"
His question makes you freeze at the door.
"Why would you?" you ask without turning to him.
"I want to be your friend."
You look at him from above your shoulder.
"Sorry... I can't befriend a hero."
He looks horrified by your answer and reaches towards you, but you run inside before he can say anything else.
You feel dizzy. Your quirk is forcing itself onto you again. Everytime you remember, you literally live every aspect of the memory again. You live again the moment your father was accidentally killed by a hero.
You wake up as always. You eat your breakfast. You get yourself ready to go to school, a normal day this time, you hope. Maybe people won't be speaking about what happened anymore.
You check your phone and see there aren't any messages. This should make you feel relief, but it actually makes you sad.
Another day of school goes by. People are still gossiping about you. Maybe it is a good idea to spend some days away from school. You ask for a license and they give it because of what happened to you.
"What am gonna do at home with all this free time?" you mutter while walking back.
You wish you could work all day along stocking the bakery. This was your favorite part of your job. No clients to attend, no social interaction, no worries, just you and the products getting organized.
Then, you rise your head to the door of your building. You can't believe your eyes.
"What are you doing here?!" You ask by impulse and it sounds a bit aggressive.
"Sorry! Sorry! Fat Gum told me to check on you." Red Riot said moving his hands anxiously.
"Well Fat Gum should let you leave me alone!"
He sighs and shakes his head. He is wearing his school uniform and it makes him look a little less intimidating.
"I lied. I wanted to check on you. It is my fault." he says.
"What do you want from me, Red Riot?"you ask, crossing your arms and staring him with as much determination as you can. Wich is not much.
"Please, call me Eijirou or Kirishima. I... I really want to be friends with you. But... but I also don't want to look like a stalker."
"Well, you are not having much success." you reply.
"How about an Ice cream?"
You get surpsrized by the invite and can't help but noding in agreement. It is a hot day after all. After a while you are both sitting in front of the Ice cream shop having some icream cones.
"I like pistache, but I guess strawberry will always be my favorite Ice cream flavor. It reminds me of my childhood." you are listening to him blab about ice cream flavors for a while now. "I don't mind chocolate, too. It is the top choice among my friends. Except for Bakugo, that creep likes even his ice cream spicy."
You stare at him in silence while eating your vanilla ice cream. He seems unconfortable with it, so he continues to blab about his friends' favorite ice cream flavor.
"Mina likes anything that is pink like her, so she likes strawberry too. But I think it is just because of the color... I can't eat anything grape related anymore because it reminds me of Mineta."
You are actually interested in what he is saying, but you can't bring yourself to answer. Mainly because you don't have friends unlike him.
"Yao-momo is lucky. She can eat as much ice cream as she wants, it becomes energy for her quirk. I have to be careful, this body can only take so much carbs before I have to do some heavy exercising." He hits his own belly and you can hear it make a rock-like sound.
The image of his well defined abs comes back to your mind with your quirk fully activated and you turn bright red. You remember the exact moment he took you in his arms and you coul feel how jacked that guy actually was. You gag with your ice cream and Kirishima starts giving you small slaps in the back to help you.
"So... is vanilla your favorite flavor?" He asks after you stop coffing.
"It is not." you reply. "Smells and flavors bring back memories. I try to avoid things I like too much."
"What do you mean?" Kirishima asks throwing the last piece of the cone in his mouth.
You remain in silence a while but then sigh and decide there is no reason not to tell him.
"Everytime I remember something it is like living that again."
"Wow! That is an awesome quirk!! Imagine re living all of the best moments of your life as much as you want!" he smiles, all excited, as if he was picturing many nice things in his head.
You smile at the sight of him. He is such a bright boy, with a happy energy. It makes you feel good when around him. But, then, you put your head down and sigh.
"The good memories are the saddest ones." you say, and stand up, bowing to him. "Thank you for the ice cream, Kirishima. Nice work for you today."
You turn around to leave, but he holds you by the wrist.
"I will come tomorrow, too." he says, his expression is serious and firm.
You feel like telling him to leave you alone. But it is not what you actually want. You smile at him and nod. You can feel your whole body warm up when he opens the most beautiful sharp teethed smile, so satisfied.
As he lets you go and you go back to your appartment. Each step you take, you remember a bit of him telling you things about him and his friends.
You pass out on your coach as soon as you arrive. It is the first time in a long time that you have a wonderful nap.
Next part here:
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