#my endgame right here
queerweewoo · 2 months
eddie got wind of the bucktommy daddy issues line via hen and thought fuck you, kinard, there is no way you can grow facial hair like a newly gym-ratted half-mexican texan can and proceeded to grow a full lush beard in a little under forty minutes just so he could shave it into a mustache so gay that it'd put freddie fucking mercury to shame, and then buck took one look at eddie and immediately went subconsciously cerifiably insane and shaved off his sideburns in a wildly desperate attempt to twink himself up
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allgremlinart · 7 months
☝️ it was
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deanckley · 6 months
hail to THE bucktommy truther guys it's coming home
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buddiebitch · 4 months
opinions on Tommy
sorry i just like posting polls
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buddiesmutslut · 5 months
Saw a post that Tommy is Abby 2.0 & that feels SO REAL (older & more mature, introducing Buck to a different way of thinking, knows the job intimately, not quite as into him as he is into them 🫣).
I just hope Tommy leaves in a much better way, bc he gives off good vibes and I ADORE LOU.
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nikkiruncks · 2 months
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The One With Mrs.Bing (Friends 1x11) || Something To Talk About (T9S 2x02)
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3416 · 10 months
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are you normal or do you wake up every day and think about this
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hauntingsofhouses · 8 months
hot take time about the mizu and akemi ship. y'all can disagree but i said what i said, because again, it's just an opinion!!!!
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putting the rest under a cut so y'all are free to ignore this if you want. i'm just rambling anyway and, again, these are just my personal opinions.
okay like i gotta hand it to blue eye samurai like it's genuinely impressive that they've written their characters so well, like each one of them feels so real and fully-realised
and as a consequence of that, it actually. for the first time ever. has me rooting against a sapphic ship becoming canon endgame LIKE LMAO ???? i didn't think that was POSSIBLE but here we are ???
cuz like if you know me at all you know i usually instantly latch onto any femslash ship at any given opportunity. like i don't think yall understand. i was ride or die for korrasami before it was even remotely a thing, like at that point korrasami was still a CRACK SHIP in the fandom and i was gunning for it immediately and begging them both to leave mako's stupid ass!!!
but SOMEHOW this show, with all its gender fuckery galore and all its well written characters, has somehow made me look at the mizu/akemi ship and say "i'll pass." like dont get me wrong i was pinning my hopes on it initially in the first episode, but by the time i got to the end??? NAH.
like don't get me wrong they ARE cute and sexy on paper and i DO definitely see them developing feelings for each other (mizu towards akemi especially, less so the other way around because akemi just does not strike me as the pining type) but for an endgame? nah. it'd be weird and messy for both of them like!!! they'd be bad for each other!!!
they both want and need completely different things in life (mizu wants vengeance but needs acceptance/belonging; akemi wants freedom but needs autonomy and empowerment).
and they don't even share much in common that would help them bond in a romantic way? like not even interests-wise, but like. personality-wise too. their perceptions of life and approaches and experiences all directly contrast each other. like i know that they're narrative foils and all, which is great, excellent really, but romantically? there is no common ground between them.
besides, of course, both being AFAB and struggling with the patriarchy and misogyny, both having a surrogate father figure who raised them (swordfather for mizu; seki for akemi). aside from those things, they diverge in almost every single way?
like i do get the appeal of the "yin and yang" dynamic of opposites attract in ships (i have so many such ships from other fandoms after all), so i do suppose that, if given enough time for a really long and intense slow burn, it could work. but with all the plot plot plot the show's got going on, i don't know if that's going to be possible, especially now that mizu is ??? apparently going to london ????
and what would their endgame even look like? the two of them running off into the sunset together? why? when akemi has everything she wants and needs in edo palace? which, by the way, is completely the opposite of what mizu wants and needs, as mizu needs a place where she is free to be herself and is accepted and loved for who she is. she does not need, nor want, a life of political intrigue. she is not made for it, nor is it meant for her. akemi, on the other hand, is perfectly suited for such a life, while being completely unsuited for a life on the road, travelling, or living on a farm in the middle of nowhere. nor would akemi like or enjoy such a life either! she'd get freedom, yes, but it would hardly be fulfilling, especially now that she has decided that she wants greatness!
i don't know. if they become canon endgame, the show better put in the work. because this is a netflix adult animated show with the freedom to do that (unlike, say, cartoons on nickelodeon and disney where the creators all faced heavy censorship to get some rep in), so if they're taking the sapphic endgame route, they better buck up and put their backs into it because seeing the state of it right now, the chemistry is bone-dry and the prospects are disastrous!!!!
so until further developments prove me wrong and change my mind, every time i see mizu/akemi content somehow escape the confines of the mute function, i just reenact the gengar gay wrongs gif:
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ilovereadingandstuff · 3 months
Bro, I'm proyecting here: Izuku is in such critical condition emocionally that, please Hori, LET HIM TALK!! let him be.
Izuku will explode soon. I'm saying it. He will, one way or another, do something BIG. He didn't in the war, he WILL after it. Last chapter was fucking insane showing how NOT GOOD he feels.
I know it. come on.
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mythvoiced · 8 months
-. OH to be a rich south korean man standing in front of a tall-ass window, completely still with my hands in my expensive pockets, staring out at nothing and having a bad time because some other character is not letting me do whatever it is i damn want even though I Am The Man™
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sparky-is-spiders · 2 months
Pleeeeease tell me about the time travel jonsasha fic. I'm assuming it's jon who goes back in time? From where, end of s5? 👀👀👀 Is it preestablished js, or canon compliant until the time travel? Are they going to try to kill elias......
Alright. So. This answer doesn't need to have context but I'm going to provide anyway, so buckle up for several paragraphs of rambling. Under a cut for length.
Anyway so last year I made this post. It's not required reading but it is relevant. Basically, in my first six months(?) or so in the fandom, when I was big into jm, I read a buncha time travel fix-its. I've sorta moved away from them (heads up this fic will NOT be a fix-it) but at the time I really enjoyed them.
(To clarify, nothing wrong with liking time travel fix-its or not wanting to touch the implications. Time travel identity theft isn't real and we're all here to have a good time. If that's your jam you do you)
Now. The Thing With Time-Travel Fix-Its is that there's going to be a past version and a future version of your intrepid time-travelers and you're going to have to Deal With That, and a common method of Dealing With That is the time travelers waking up in their past bodies. Pretty normal, not unusual, dodges some complicated tangles re: having two versions of certain characters floating around, a perfectly understandable choice that nontheless carries Implications.
Namely: what does it mean to take the place of your past self? For you? For them? For the person they could be? For the people around you (who may as well be interacting with a stranger)? Is that really you? Are you really them? Could overwriting your past self count as murder/identity theft/Bad?
And I thought about it. And I thought about it. And I thought about it. And then I got super into jonsasha dual archivists AUs.
Okay. Context over. We can (finally) talk about the fic.
So, I am a simple creature and Jon is my darling beloved. So I didn't want to just kill him off before the fic even begins (although. hmmm. tempting, actually). But i did need him replaced by s5 Jon. So. What if he was just... displaced? Shoved out of his own body by an imposter? A ghost invisible to all? Alone? Afraid? Watching his friends interacting with an unknown but possibly malicious entity? And thus, the Time Travel Nonsense AU was born!
So there's no outline and it hasn't had a lot of Rotation Time in awhile, but I do have a series of loosely connected Ideas down so you can have those.
Something else is living in S1 Jon's body. He doesn't know what it is, or what's happening to him. He can't really interact with his surroundings, either. Can't be seen, can't speak to anyone, can't do anything but watch. Even the thing puppeting his body doesn't seem to know he's there. And it behaves... strangely. It has some of his mannerisms, and it acts like him, but a little to the left. It's uncanny, watching something that is him-but-not-him like that... and it's lonely.
(S5 Jon is going to be an "it" because S1 Jon is perceiving S5 Jon as a monster/creature (although I do believe in it/its Jon supremacy, to be clear)).
He tries to figure things out on his own. Tries to signal for help. Tries to take his body back. Tries to speak to the new occupant. Nothing.
The fic initially opens with a transcript of his statement regarding the experience. It's technically for everyone but it's addressed to Sasha specifically. I don't know what happens with it after though.
At some point, he does manage to make contact with Elias. It's So Weird how only his boss can see him, but it's something at least. Especially because he's so goddamned lonely.
He's a ghost at his own job and in his own house. He hasn't spoken to anyone in weeks. The others think his replacement is behaving a little oddly but seem to be getting along better with it than they ever did with him. It's revealing things about him as if it was him. It feels horribly invasive, and lonely, and frightening, and awful. His only source of comfort is Elias, and they start a sort of weird situationship sorta thing. It's a good thing Elias is so helpful and trustworthy huh?
Maybe Sasha finds the tape. Maybe she just thinks Jon is acting Weird. Either way, she gets to snooping and is drawn closer to the Eye.
Elias, meanwhile, is trying to get Jon marked, and closer to being the Archivist, and back in his body, AND trying to figure out what it was that replaced Jon. Jon is trying to do the last two. Idk what s5 Jon is doing. Maybe finding ways to break whatever binding will cause Elias' death to hurt other institute employees?
Anyway, after a certain point, Sasha is connected enough to the Eye (and Looking hard enough) that she can see S1 Jon, and they start working together too. Maybe they try to keep it secret from Elias? Idk.
S1 Jon will get his body back, and S5 Jon is eldritch enough to probably not need one.
Ok honestly by this point things are reaaaaally vague if I'm being real. So, lightning round:
The JE situationship breaks off due to Elias'... everything really (I mean, once its revealed that he's evil and sinister and stuff).
Jonsasha's misadventures trying to get Jon's body back result in them racking up marks.
Sooooo much of this is me being enamoured w/ outsider PoV... time travel but from the perspective of someone who ain't travelling. Another important aspect is S5 Jon trying desperately to fix things but failing because the whole project is Doomed and he is being sabotaged from the start by an invisible force (himself).
Also S1 Jon accidentally making things worse for himself because all the information available and his general situation push him to do so.
Sasha survives the Not!Them (obviously) (how? good question!!)
Jon and Sasha have a weird complicated Thing. Their research into S5 Jon sort of separates her from the others and they kinda become drawn into their relationship and stuff. Also from the whole "same master same monster" situation they got going on.
There's going to be a short tape transcript of Jon telling Sasha about his situationship with Elias. Idk if I'llbe able to indicate it over audio transcript but they are both sitting on the floor or cot or whatever and Jon's head is on her lap.
Jonsasha are t4t and autism4autism.
I have a really specific image in my head of them running out the institute's front doors while holding hands, very near the end of the fic.
They do run off somewhere (maybe Scotland still idk) and they do read the 160 statement. Together <3.
And yeah that's everything. Got vague and floaty near the end there but to answer your questions: yes, yes, canon-compliant until time travel, and maybe at some point idk.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Will returning to Hawkins after six months and a huge growing spur, and we know he caught pretty girls' attention back in Lenora, so we really have a change of Will catching more than one eye now that he is back. And this time... oh, this time Mike will be there to see it all unfold.
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goatswithtoast · 2 months
Pt. 3, Meetup
Lloyd flies down to the South Pole on Ultra with mixed feelings. On one hand it's very cool to know he can control all four elements, on the other, Morro is probably so mad at the moment.
Lloyd lands in a quiet and peaceful area, though it doesn't stay that way for long, as a group of kids who had been playing spotted the Dragon flying down and ran over to see it. When confronted with the sheer size of it, and a complete stranger standing next to it, the group shies away. One of them spots a familiar man walking to town and runs to hide behind him. The others quickly follow suit, calling for the help of 'the Ice Guy!' and cause Zane to draw his attention towards the new arrivals.
Zane is absolutely stunned at the sight of a real-life dragon, and was completely taken aback by the Air Nomad child asking if he's seen a waterbending master around. Zane of course brings him to Sorla.
Sorla quickly deduces that this boy must be the Avatar and says he must be brought to the Chief so that he may inform the world the Avatar has started his journey. Just as they go to leave, Nya appears in the doorway ready for training, only to have to turn right back around to head into town with a groan.
Together they go to town to the wise and humble Chieftain, Darreth, who's more than happy to put Lloyd with the best Master they have. Suddenly, the alarm for a Fire Nation ship sounds. (Lloyd says he did find the ship kind of weird flying in) (Nya's ready to kill this weirdly dressed stranger) As everyone is preparing for battle, gearing up and taking positions and whatnot, Nya sees that a quick and strong attack would do the job. So she calls Zane to help her as she pushes the boat off-course, Zane freezes it in place. An unexpected fireball fired from the ship is deflected efficiently by Lloyd.
The army then moves in to find they're just needed to take prisoners. A few soldiers comment on the teamwork and speed of the group, sparking the idea of these two being his waterbending masters to Lloyd,
After considerable deliberation, and much convincing from Nya, the two agree to join him. (Nya wants to see grass again and promises her mother that if she ever does end up in the Fire Nation, she'll find her family and tell them she loves them.) (Dr. Julien is worried for what his son will face, but ultimately proud that he's able to get out and see the world, with friends no less) Lloyd thanks the 'wise and all knowing' Chieftain for offering to find him a teacher, but he's found two that suit him perfectly.
(Darreth will later claim that he's the reason the Avatar mastered Water, naturally.)
Part 1 (Nya, Zane +Kai) | Part 2 (Lloyd) | Part 2.5 (Morro) | >Part 3 (Meetup) | Part 4 (Cole) |
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@19thsentry-blog tagged me for this little gem
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people! 
A big thank you to Nat & Quick & Haphira for helping me pick which ones I should do for this  💖 (seriously, my brain is completely fried after the day I had at work).
@haphira @mintaka14 @verfound Tag, you’re it! 😘
And since it’s December, we’ll start with the festive ones! (Under the cut to spare you all from scrolling unless you want to actually read it 😂)
December Dreams
She had been ecstatic upon first seeing the tree- every lot she and Luka had tried the previous week had been completely sold out.
When he had admitted to driving all the way to Belgium just to get a tree… she had been brought to tears.
Trying to get the tree set up had also brought her to tears. Luka had said he had measured, but he was still a Couffaine. They had managed to get it to fit in the end, even if it was just barely. Though they had had to chop off quite a bit off the base of the trunk.
‘Twas the Night Before Fang-mas
He nuzzled their ankles, then retreated back to the living room. He made his way over to the curtains and wiggled into the space he had made for himself. Once he was fully behind them, he stuck his head out from under them so that he would be able to see the fireplace.
He wouldn’t be having any sweet dreams tonight.
Because he was going to see Santa. He just knew it.
The Big Day
Over the past few months, he had learned a great deal about flowers. There were lots of different types of flowers; some were meant to sit in jugs on tables to block people from each other’s view, some were meant to be carried around, and some were meant to be left on the floor for people to walk on. He had learned so much about flowers in fact, that some might even call him an expert.
And as flower girl, his first job was to make sure there were enough flowers for Marinette to walk on.
Camping With the Couffaines
She offered him a sympathetic smile. “In a few days, you won’t be able to tell!” He didn’t look very convinced. “I can kiss it better if you want?”
“Yeah. Maybe that will make it grow back faster.”
She ignored Juleka’s gagging as she peppered his face and head with kisses.
“Don’t mind me, I’ll just put out this fire while you kiss my idiot brother,” Juleka grumbled.
The Weight of the Mask 
She could feel her cheeks growing warm as she scrambled to clean herself up.
“You’ve got something- right there.” She furiously wiped at her face as his face crinkled in mirth. “No, it’s right there,” he gestured to his own chin, to show her where it was. But it was no good. “Here, let me.” His thumb swiped along her chin, getting the last dribble of strawberry, leaving a growing warmth in its wake.
Her cheeks burst into flames.
All it Takes to Grow 
She snapped her attention up, glancing towards the source of the sound. Luka was sprawled in one of his chairs. A battered briefcase sat by his feet, and he was poking at the soil in the pot.
“Long day?”
“Yeah,” he groaned, offering her a smile before screwing his face up in distaste. He pulled a water bottle out of the briefcase and slowly poured some into the pot.
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “I don’t think watering it is going to do much.”
“Oh?” He quirked a brow and gave her a boyish grin as he put the cap back on the bottle. “Why’s that?”
She shrugged, shaking her head as she laughed. “Somehow, I don’t think it’s going to grow into much.”
“Well,” he shrugged as well, his smile softening, “give it time. Who knows what will grow given the right care.” She snorted as politely as she could, and he laughed. “I haven’t seen you around much the past couple of days.”
Chords and Courtship
“Luka?” He blinked. Kaalki was staring at him expectantly, with a knowing smile on her face and a glimmer in her eyes. “Perhaps we should try this one.” She closed her fan and let it rest gently against her lips.
He wracked his brain. He knew this one. He knew he knew it! He furrowed his brows, willing the answer to come to mind as he stared at the fan, with its handle just grazing her lips. Her lips…
“Kiss me!”
“I’m afraid I will have to object to that.” He jumped at the sound of Sass’s voice.
Songs, Snowballs, and Storms
He laughed as she took another stumbling glide forwards. “It’ll get easier, I promise! Here,” he said, turning and pulling ahead to face her. He took her tiny hands in his, “I’ll help you.”
“Show off,” she mumbled as he skated backward, pulling her along with him. But she was smiling as she said it.
“Only for you.” He chuckled at the bright pink flush that bloomed in her face. It was something she always seemed so embarrassed of, but he loved the way her cheeks turned rosy at even the slightest compliment, the way she wore her heart on her sleeve. So he took it upon himself to compliment her as often as he could.
Count Me In
And then, Juleka had managed to coax the Marinette into a casual conversation, and he had been absolutely beyond help.
Because Marinette was clever and funny, and she was incredibly kind and so amazing and miles out of his league.
She would have been out of his league even if he wasn’t the idiot that had spammed her phone with gifs of the Count.
But he was that idiot.
And Juleka didn’t seem in any hurry to let him forget it.
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe 
“Luka! Juleka!” They both turned at the sound of their names being called. Aimee was waving at them from in front of the bakery. She had a camera bag around her neck, a tripod slung across her back, and two large duffle bags at her feet. “Great, I was worried I was too early.”
“Aimee? What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to take the pictures, silly.”
“Pictures? What pictures?”
“For the photoshoot, duh.”
“Photoshoot?” He rounded on her, staring hard at her. “Jules, what is going on?”
She smiled as innocently as she could. Over Luka’s shoulder, she could see Aimee cracking up. “Marinette needs to post photos of her new stuff for her insta and website. We’re going to model for her. Now come on, we don’t want to keep Marinette waiting. Do we?”
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I love that you tag a lot of posts as "Independent El and Byler endgame is the only happy and right ending" because it's always true, and we should always say it :).
Thank you, thank you. And they usually come with the "i've said it before and i'll say it again" beforehand.
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scoopstrooptm · 1 year
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i'm not really fussed about actually reading this comic (especially as i feel like rebel robin had this covered, and would have preferred something set between s3 and 4 and not involving tammy), but i do like continuing to be Correct about robin
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