#my dumb made up ooc headcanon
adoseoftrees · 1 year
Elves singing at Valinor feast: But stars are yet untouchable safe away from Morgoth’s hands
Random Maiar quietly discussing with each other: Should we tell them or not
Extremely drunk Yavanna’s Maia, loudly: Excuse me that song is wrong. Melkor casted down a lot of Lady Varda’s brightest stars.
Elves: *suddenly get very quiet*
Yavanna’s Maia: He used them to kill dinosaurs
Elves: *uncomfortable silence*
Yavanna’s Maia: *slumps down onto the table muttering Valarin names for each of dinosaurs they helped to create*
Other Maiar: …Don’t worry about him he is just having a flashback
Elves: Did Morgoth really cast down stars
Maiar: It doesn’t matter the fucker is dealt with; just… go on? That song is beautiful and the rhymes are ingenious
Elves: Why you never mentioned it
Maiar, wildly gesturing to the drunk one crying about Tyrannosaurus: Look at him
Maiar: People get sad
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bountycancelled · 10 months
OPLA characters reacting to a sweet, girly reader who turns out to be a a ruthless fighter
genre: headcanons, fem! reader, kinda suggestive??, idfk just read it bro
requested: nope, but reqs are open! pls, for the love of god, request for the opla♡
feat: zoro, sanji
a/n: reader's feminine but not female if that makes sense, only witting again because I'm obsessed with the one piece live action. also, this may be a little ooc, since I haven't watched the anime/read the manga, sorry about that! also, if you wanna be added to my perm taglist, pls feel free to ask!
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when you first joined the crew, zoro was immediately unsure of what exactly you brought to the table. I mean, they already had a swordsman, a sharp shooter, a navigator, a dumb cook and a captain/motivational speaker. so what were you doing here?
from luffy's explanation of you, he was aware that you were a good fighter, but he had never seen you in action.
the only things he had seen from you were stuffed animals laying around the ship, pastel outfits he could spot for miles, and bows that had been put in his hair while he slept.
he was tolerant of you at best, and straight up apathetic at worst, but finally, there came a time where someone tried picking a fight with you since you seemed like an easy target while you were walking with him and nami.
although he wasn't particularly fond of you (lies), he still felt the need to defend you as a crewmate, but the ass whooping you gave the stranger made him freeze in place.
there was blood splatter on your pretty face, deep red sploches of your cute clothes, and a look of pure hatred in your eyes. and you had never looked more beautiful in zoros eyes.
that was the first time zoro had ever smiled at you. sure, he had slightly smirked at your cuter tendencies, but in that moment he was truly smitten with you.
from that day, zoro wanted to train with you. what you lacked that he had in experience, you made up for in absolute cruelty when fighting. you were quick, agile and you weren't afraid to make zoro hurt, and he loved every second of it.
zoro would sometimes smile when he saw bruising on his body from his time training with you but catch himself and go stone faced immediately. no, he was not falling for you, absolutely not.
except he was, and the next time you showed up by his side with a slight limp, some tears in your cotton candy coloured clothes, blood all over you, and a sadistic smile on your face, he would tell you as much.
sanji is unsurprisingly, enamoured by you the second you join the straw hats.
I'm talking, looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, cheesy and constant compliments like "you're cuter than any of your stuffed animals, yn-swan~" and even brushing up on his baking skills to bake you aesthetically pleasing sweet treats that always put a smile on your face.
if I'm being completely honest, it doesn't bother him that he doesn't know exactly what your strengths are, you could be amazing at everything like barbie or you could literally not know night from day and he'd still admire you all the same.
one day, you're wearing bottoms that are on the shorter side not that sanji minds at all and you're out exploring the island you're at with him by your side, holding all your bags because in his words "angels don't do hard labour when he's around" when someone decides to hit on you.
you reject them politely, but when they make a less than appropriate comment about your outfit, you click your tongue and shake your head, readying yourself to hospitalise someone.
sanji's mood switches to one of being happy because he's around you to one of murderous intent the second this rando tries you, but you already have them wheezing on the floor with broken nose before sanji can even lift his leg off of the ground.
you're back to usual self, fixing the bow on your hair while complaining about how fucking hard it is to get blood stains off of your clothes, while sanji is thinking about how fucking hard he is
safe to say that this heartless, terrifying side of you makes sanji fall even harder and question whether or not he's a masochist.
he'll still insist on doing things like carrying you anywhere (most of your shoes you impractical as fuck, but style>functionality always) lifting things for you and treating you like a piece of fine china because that's exactly what you deserve, no matter how badass you are.
only difference is, now he'll never come to aid when it comes to kicking ass, because he enjoys seeing you take people to heaven and back more than anything.
he compliments now range from "omg you are the most adorable, lovable, doll-like angel I've ever seen" to "please punch me, step on me, make my nose bleed, choke me-" and he's now ten times more annoying about you than he was before, which no one thought was possible.
believe me when I say that images of you in frilly outfits with your eyes gleaming like diamonds eveytime you make someone bleed occupy 90% of his thoughts. (the other 10% is all things cooking, of course.)
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venelona · 1 year
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Get yourself a devious monkey for your computer screen to interact with!! 🐒💜(#ghost macaque) (last update 19.05.2023 - the launch!)
⚠!!SPOILERS for Lego Monkie Kid first 4 seasons!!⚠
Made in one week for Ghost Jam 2023, hosted by @ukagakadreamteam, Macaque doesn't include a lot of features or dialogue... but he's still very pettable!
Ask him how he's doing every time you boot him up!
Befriend him and unlock more dialogue
Includes a look with six ears! (right click on him -> change shell -> six eared macaque ✨)
Have him do small stuff like change your computer background or empty your recycle bin
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The link above should bring you to the website with step-by-step instructions on how you can install this guy on your PC!
✨I have a question/encountered a bug/encountered a spelling mistake!✨
Message me away! If you think something is wonky, a weird expression or bad grammar, please @ me, send me an ask or dm me 🙏 This also goes for the suggestions you may have or the things you like about Macaque here and want to share with me, my ask box and suggestions are open!! It's been done in a week so no wonder I missed a lot of stuff, so I appreciate all of the feedback you may have 💖
✨Thanks and inspirations✨
Huge thanks to @rainbowmoonmaiden86 for testing some stuff for me 🙏
And huge thanks to @/zarla-s for a fantastic tutorial with a great template for Ghost creation, \if you're interested in learning more you should definitely check it out!
And thanks to @ukagakadreamteam for making the event, and being huge help with the ghost making and being patient with my dumb butt 🙏💖 The community is so welcoming it warms my heart, and I'm happy to be a participant in a project like this!
✨Thank you for reading!!✨
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anqelically · 1 year
I’m so sorry if I’m bothering you with a lot of tecchou’s requests but I love him😭if you want, you can write annyone else too. May I request tecchou’s having a nightmare (like s/o being a cheater or dying, whatever you want) and then he wakes up and s/o is hugging him in her sleep (I’m so sorry for my bad English, was hard for me to request this ㅠㅠ)
they have nightmares about you headcanons
featuring...! tecchou suehiro, dazai osamu, ranpo edogawa & akiko yosano
content: no manga spoilers, comfort, dreams with blood and death, a little ooc to me (especially dazai's eww)
navi | bsd masterlist | pt.2
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he chose to chase after the criminals, and that led you to be killed in his nightmare
tecchou felt strongly about justice, everyone that knew who he was knew that. so on missions, he was always sure to take care of criminals and save civilians
in his nightmare, things were getting rough on a mission. the two of you, the only ones working, were split up from each other. instead of making his way towards you, tecchou hunted down the leader of the crime organization on his own
you should’ve been alright as a fellow hunting dog. but in this situation, you became heavily injured. you were bleeding out for who knows how long when tecchou found you
“it’s okay,” you reassured him as you bled out, “we all make mistakes sometimes. this one… this one just happened to be a bit more troubling, haha.”
when he wakes up from this nightmare, you’re still sleeping peacefully next to him. he’s freighted, so what he does is try to wake you up. you look at him groggily once he does
i definitely think that tecchou’s facial expression would make it obvious that he was scared. his eyes are opened slightly wider and hand has a slight tremble as it holds your arm
“hey, tell me what’s wrong? did you have a nightmare?”
at your touch and voice, tecchou lets out a breath he had been holding in. the events replay in his mind before he tells you what happened
he places a hand over his heart once he realizes that telling you everything has helped him calm down. he knows you were listening to every word, and he appreciates not only that, but the fact that you were still there with him
“don’t leave me, y/n,” tecchou begged.
his slender fingers were intertwined with yours while he pulled them close to his chest. he had never been as scared of losing anyone that much until you came along. he was strong, and so were you, but loving you came with the natural fear of loss.
you promised, “i won’t. i won’t leave you, i swear.”
before you guys go back to sleep, he’ll fall into your arms and will become the little spoon. my bb just wants to be held after experiencing that nightmare :((
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he lost you in his nightmare
dazai says that he loses things he doesn’t want to lose, which made this dream— nightmare all too real
it was like reliving everything that happened with oda. you were already at death’s door when he arrived and as you walked past that door, his blood-stained arms held you
i don’t see dazai waking up to this nightmare screaming, crying, or even telling you about it. a silly nightmare was all it was, right?
but if he has that same silly nightmare constantly, then i imagine that he’d lose sleep over it. the nightmare was a reminder that you were someone important for him to lose. avoiding it meant sleeping less, or not even sleeping at all
not knowing the details, you were concerned about if he was sleeping well, or sleeping at all. you fall asleep before he does, but he seems to be wide awake when you just get up in the early morning
although he tried to be energetic around you like normal, it wouldn’t be long before he’d laze around as if something was clouding his mind
if you make the decision to confront him, dazai will surely play dumb at first
“work is just so tiring these days! kunikida won’t stop piling work on me~” a lie.
you only figure out he lied once kunikida calls you. since you don’t work at the agency, you’ve only talked with him and a few of the other members a few times
“thank you for calling me, kunikida-san. i appreciate it.”
you found yourself bowing to dazai’s co-worker while you all stood by the main office door. a few of the other members sat at their desks, either watching or minding their own business.
the blond called you to bring dazai, who had been constantly sleepy as of late, home. although he ignored the work he was given, he still managed to act exhausted instead of lazy like he normally would. if he wasn’t going to get anything done during the day, he might as well be sent home to rest.
dazai rubbed the back of his neck, thinking that his partner calling you to the agency was unnecessary. not only that, but his cover had been blown. once you finish talking with kunikida, you take dazai’s hand and walk with him to your shared apartment. it was a quiet walk from there to home.
the moment he’s inside, dazai will flop onto the couch. it takes a little bit of convincing to get him to talk about the repeating nightmare
he thinks he doesn’t need it at first, but comforting him actually affects him greatly. it lets him know that he has your support as he fights his own battles. please have him close so that he can put his hands on your waist and rest his head by the crook of your neck
“you can tell me anything,” you tell him. “there’s a lot about yourself you keep a secret, and that’s okay. i get that there are things you can’t find yourself to share, but this is something you have to. talking about these things are important, dazai. i don’t want you losing sleep over it, m’kay? just talk with me.”
to love and be loved is a curse— but even so, dazai couldn’t resist
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you were set up to be killed and he didn’t realize until it was too late in his nightmare
as the greatest detective in the world, nothing seemed unbeatable to ranpo. though there have been some obstacles, there was always a way to win in the end. well, that’s what he thought
his sleeping mind toyed with him by placing you in a situation where there was no way for you to live. fyodor had set up a plan to kill you, a valuable asset to the agency, and it went right under ranpo’s nose
it obviously felt so real to ranpo. so if he wakes up and you aren’t with him in bed, he’s afraid that maybe everything wasn’t a nightmare. he scurries out of bed and to the first place you’d be
“come back to bed.”
sometimes, you’d find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night. it was a problem that settled down when you got together with ranpo, but still happened on a few occasions. whenever it did, you sat on the balcony of your shared apartment and read a book. if the weather was harsh, you’d read in your study.
you were surprised when ranpo suddenly told you to go back to bed with him. his voice was more pleading than you ever heard it to be, leading you to think something was wrong.
you shut the book in your hands, “hey… are you okay?”
i feel like ranpo would play it off as something stupid that he doesn’t even understand, but you know better. the two of you would have to be hugging in bed for him to tell you what happened. as he does, his hands grasp the back of your shirt and he buries his face into your chest
once he finishes, he already knows what you’re going to say. you wouldn’t let yourself fall into fyodor’s hands that easily, so he shouldn’t think about it
“stay in bed from now on,” ranpo suggested. “if you wake up, read your book here.”
“but what if you wake up?”
“doesn’t matter to me.” he’s shy to admit it, but, “you scared me…”
safe to say, ranpo prefers to have you by his side so he can hug you if he was to ever wake up from any nightmares (my bb <3 im so soft for him rn)
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you died before she could save you in her nightmare
yosano wasn’t sure how she got there, but she had been running for what seemed to be forever. the aching in her feet seemed all too real as she sprinted towards where you were
but once she found you, it was too late. your wounds were deep and your blood was everywhere. she tried to use her ability, but it was futile to even try. the butterflies of her ability appeared, but your heart just wouldn’t beat again
“y/n, please,” the woman cried.
it was happening all over again. that soldier… a kind soul that couldn’t carry the weight of war any longer. he was gone, and yosano tried so desperately to bring him back. now, you were in his situation— gone and never able to return.
she let out a scream, both in that nightmare and in real life. it obviously woke you up, and you were quick to respond by holding her forearms
once reality sets in and she realizes it was only a nightmare, yosano is quick to take a deep breath. as a doctor, she’s had to help calm down patients many times. she knows what to do in order to ease her own mind, yet it was harder to do that she thought
her lips trembled as the breaths she let out were short and shaky. even if you hold her, her fists are clenched. it takes a moment with you rubbing her back to calm her nerves
being with her means you know her past with mori during the war. if you knew all about that, then yosano will definitely be open about the nightmare
she immediately feels a sense of relief after telling you about it, but is still shaken up. yosano will embrace you and try to fall asleep in your arms, even if the image of your dead body keeps on popping up in her mind
“a nightmare,” you reassure her, “it’s just a nightmare. i’m right here, darling.”
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note: hi nonnie!! literally request for tecchou all you want (when my requests are open), I'm absolutely here for it!! someone else requested something similar and i planned to put all the requested characters in one post, but it was a lot so I'm splitting it into two <3
reblogs are appreciated + join my taglist !
@nagicore @enomane @er0ses @spenzitz @wineaddict2904 @aeshiiteiru @chuuyrr @ashthemadwriter @sanjis-fav-w1fe @bejeweledgirl @ma3mae @piichuu
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hello hello!! i was rereading the sunshine p2 headcanons, and i read a part that said “it’s not even the worst he’s done, you’re just that type of person in bed.” and it made me wonder… so what’s the worst san lang and xie lian has done to m!reader?? and what triggered them to be so horny towards reader? something reader said or wore? or was the two talking amongst eachother and had ideas?
i hope you’re taking care! i remember once you said you’re in school, so i hope that’s going well too!!💗
Sunshine headcanons 3
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Thank you for waiting so long💕
I'm continuing off the sunshine reader headcanons for this
If the gif isn't Tgcf ignore it because the Internet sucks ass I'll fix it later
I did this at school 😊
I'm putting it in headcanons since there's multiple questions but just tell me if this isn't what you meant
Made up scenarios
There might be slight misinformation remember when Hua Cheng had the weird rut thing? Yeah I'm using that, but my details might all be messed up.
Ignore grammar mistakes
Maybe OOC
If you do not like these things do not read this.
NSFW, slapping, spanking, bondage, overstimulation, edging, choking ahead!!!
Sunshine headcanons part two
Sunshine part four
Xie Lian and San Lang have done plenty of things to you!
Of course you've enjoyed it
San Lang likes to bully you so of course the things he's done have been more rough.
San Lang likes to edge you, or overstimulate you. It just depends on his mood
He'll do it for hours too.
Each time he makes sure you're crying and babbling. If you're not then San Lang doesn't think his job is done.
San Lang's favorite things is to fuck you dumb
Whether it be in bed, or over a calligraphy table, or in the gambling den, even over an alter!
His goal is to make your vocal chords raw and your legs shake.
San Lang makes sure by the end of the night that your poor cock can't cum anymore and you're all emptied out
So after a long time of making you wait, or pushing you over the edge many times you obviously start to squirm.
It's a natural body reaction that San Lang enjoys to see but he doesn't appreciate when your hands reach him and attempt to pause his ministrations.
(Obviously he would stop if you said your safe word or seriously wanted to stop)
Which leads to something else he enjoys.
San Lang loves, loves, loves to tie you up in pretty red ropes so that you can't escape him
It just does something to him, to see you tied up like that.
Like if you wanted to you seriously could break out of them but you enjoy being good for him and being pretty for him too.
San Lang won't get physically rough with you, he isn't one to hit you or spank you.
He likes to watch though
Xie Lian is mostly the gentle one, you both are gentle.
That doesn't mean he can't be rough though
If you're in the mood to get physically aggressively that's Xie Lian's domain.
While San Lang would rather not put you in serious pain, Xie Lian knows you want it and it's in a safe space.
He wouldn't ever purposely hurt you either, this is only in the bedroom.
So Xie Lian surprisingly enough is the one who will slap you if you get too mouthy, or spanks you if he thinks you deserve such a punishment
Your guy's sex life didn't always look like this.
It used to always be vanilla and gentle. Which of course you all enjoyed but everyone was hiding deeper desires
It started more with Xie Lian and San Lang talking
You aren't assertive at all so of course you didn't make a peep about your own feelings
Xie Lian and San Lang had just been making ideas of their own, they aren't dumb
They just decided to keep it to themself for now until there was an opportunity to discuss a more complex bedroom life
Their plan of smoothly introducing you to this failed very quickly when Hua Cheng went through one his strange rut things again
Xie Lian doesn't know why but he had been planning on taking care of it himself.
He's dealt with it before and he's sure Hua Cheng doesn't want you to see him like this
Especially when Hua Cheng rarely remembers what happens
Well that didn't go as planned either, when you accidentally enticed Hua Cheng
Honestly it's all your fault (jk)
Xie Lian had left for a literal 30 seconds before he could hear thumps in the room.
It was an accident on your part, you had come home with a new outfit you wanted to show your lovers
Some pretty robes you got from the ghosts
You were very pretty but the robes were obviously meant for more vulgar work. Not that your oblivious self knew.
So when you decided to show Hua Cheng how you looked, his rut-adled brain jumped on you immediately, pushing you into the bed and ripping the many layers off
Which was unusual for Hua Cheng, who was usually patient and waited for you to carefully disrobe.
So when Xie Lian went to go check what was going on it was already too late🤷
Hua Cheng already had you pinned under him and your poor, ripped up robes were now just scattered cloth on the floor.
So that's how your bedroom life changed.
After that night of aggressive, and endless sex you decided you white enjoyed it
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng enjoyed it too
"A-Lang, A-Lian, I'm home!" You call, walking into Paradise Manor. However your lovers don't answer, do you decide to just go to the bedroom. Unknowingly for you, you've just passed Xie Lian in the kitchen, and your lover can't warn you about San Lang. Woops. Your first mistake of the night.
You continue on to the bedroom. You had been out most of the day. Xie Lian and San Lang ushered you out of the house, so you decided to hang out with your ghost friends. The women were absolutely adored with you and wanted to dress you up. The women's work was to try and attract the attention of men to have sex but you were friends with them anyways!
They're quite chaotic and fun to be around. They dressed you up in some of their robes. You know how you looked. Enticing, pretty, sexy, etc. The point was you wanted your lovers to see you. Why wouldn't you show them? You're dressed up so pretty for someone's attention so of course you want your lovers to be the ones to give you such attention. Your second mistake of the night.
When you open the bedroom door, you find only Hua Cheng in the room. You don't remember seeing Xie Lian anywhere else in the manor so maybe he went out? "A-Lang what are you doing all alone in the bedroom?" You hum.
Your voice immediately drags Hua Cheng's attention. His head snaps in your direction and then you see his eyes roaming over your form. He never replied and he only looks at you like prey. You should've run them but that was your third mistake. You just watched your lover stalk closer to you and stay where you are instead.
If Hua Cheng is a fox, and Xie Lian is a ferret, you're definitely a rabbit. You just freeze in place, staring at him. Hua Cheng lightly runs a hand over your cheek and he just looks at you for a few seconds. The silence is broken when he's suddenly grabbing you by the elbow and showing you down in the bed. He doesn't even say anything just low grunts and growl like sounds come up from his throat.
You yelp in surprise. Hua Cheng has never done this. He's always careful and even hesitant to touch you but something has changed. Before you can ask what's happening or try to move out of under him, Hua Cheng rips your robes. "S-san Lang, wait just a minute?!" You shriek and blush. You try pushing back, and attempt to sit up but Hua Cheng shoves you on your back and forces you under him.
Xie Lian finally decides to see what's going on and quickly finds the two of you. He blinks in shock. He never saw you come in. Also your situation right now is shocking as well. Xie Lian is quick to move Hua Cheng back and off of you, using rouye to keep him in place. Xie Lian at first though you might've been scared. After all you've never seen Hua Cheng like this but you're actually, shamefully hard.
You're blushing and shut your legs, trying to hide but you can't when Xie Lian has already seen. You don't know why you're turned on. This should be scary and frightening but that's the opposite of what you're feeling right now. The way Hua Cheng harshly forced you under him, as if he was going to devour you right then and there? The way he ripped your robes without care, because he's too impatient and wants to fuck you now?
You quite enjoyed that.
"A-n, are you alright?" Xie Lian smiles at you and walks closer to run a hand over your hair. You can only bid slowly. You're still staring at Hua Cheng who struggles a bit in Rouye's hold.
The perfect time has presented itself so why not take it by the hand? Xie Lian tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, and he leans down, pressing his lips near your ear. "Baobei, do you like this? Do you like how San Lang treats you?"
You blush and gulp nervously. You turn your head trying to move your sensitive ear away from Xie Lian's lips. His breath tickles your ear and his voice just makes you ache more. "U-uhm"
Xie Lian tried out something for himself and he grips your hair, forcing your head to stay where it is. When you moan, Xie Lian stops feeling bad about it. "Do you A-n?"
"I-I like it" you gaze at bed, too aroused to meet any of your lovers gazes. Xie Lian smiles at your answer, and sits next to you on the bed. "Would you like to help San Lang this time around?" Xie Lian looks at Hua Cheng, who's staring at both of you with a predatory gaze.
Xie Lian's hand rubs over your thigh, "Let's try it then." He releases Rouye and lets the bandage wrap back around his wrist. Hua Cheng is immediately up and moving, getting on the bed and dragging you into a rough kiss. It's different and you like it. Hua Cheng explores your mouth with his tongue, and he nips your lips until the bleed a little.
Xie Lian doesn't mind watching, he likes seeing Hua Cheng enjoying you. He leans back against the headboard while Hua Cheng decides just kissing you is getting boring. His hands find your hips and he pulls you into his lap, spreading your legs around him so you can't hide your pretty cock away from him.
Hua Cheng attacks your neck next. Biting, and sucking roughly on your skin. Hua Cheng gets more handy though and one his hands dig into the plump flesh of your ass. Another hand starts rubbing your dick. You thought it was Hua Cheng but it's Xie Lian. You can only cling to your lover and moan. "San Lang face him this way" Xie Lian switches up the position.
You're still on Hua Cheng's lap but your back is to his chest, and now Xie Lian is in front of you instead. You cling to your lover's arms trying not to tip over, but Hua Cheng pulls your knees up to your chest instead, spreading you apart again. "You're pretty flexible A-n" Xie Lian laughs softly.
You flush at his words but a moan leaves your mouth when Xie Lian starts prodding oil covered fingers into your hole. "San Lang really wants to bully you Baobei but I'll make sure you don't get hurt" Xie Lian is only teasing you though, and you really want to cum by now. You whine impatiently, as Xie Lian purposely avoids your prostate.
Your prayers are answered though and his fingers leave you empty, the emptiness is soon replaced by something much bigger though. Hua Cheng keeps your legs hiked up and he bullies his cock inside you. A cry tumbles from your lips when Hua Cheng pushes your hips down, forcing you to take all of him.
He doesn't wait for your comfort like he usually does and goes straight to thrusting his dick into. He acts like he's been starved for years! "Ah~ A-Lang please, p-please!" You don't really know what exactly you're begging him for. Whether it's to slow down or for him to keep going but he successfully wrings an orgasm out of you, and it splatters across your tummy.
You've never had the chance to have more than one orgasm in a night but that's going to change today because Hua Cheng is moving again and he's shoving your face in the pillows. Hua Cheng prefers this, he can fuck you better when your on your hands and knees, and perking your ass in the air. His cock bullies deeper into you and his hips slap hard against your ass.
Xie Lian is thoroughly enjoying himself. Your eyes rolled back and your cries muffled by the pillows. He has a better idea though. "A-n can I borrow your pretty lips?"
You only babble an incoherent sentence at him, a mumbled "yesh~" and something else. Xie Lian really only cares for the consent though. He disrobes, enough to where he can let his cock escape its confinements. Then he fists his fingers into your hair and forces you to look up at him. Xie Lian was going to try and guide you through it slowly but you immediately nuzzle up to his dick and start licking his head.
Xie Lian moans and grips tighter when you take his cock down your throat and gag. Hua Cheng's fucking only makes you take both of their cocks deeper and soon tears are running down your face and another orgasm shakes you to your core. Xie Lian takes the initiative to face fuck you. Both of them make sure your holes are never empty for too long.
"A-n you're doing s-so well" Xie Lian purrs out, he stutters from your lips around his dick though. Not that you would notice you're too busy drooling and babbling. They aren't invisible to the pleasure they're receiving from you either and it's not long until they're both cumming in you at the same time. Hua Cheng's and Xie Lian's cum both feel warm in your belly. You can feel Hua Cheng's cum drips down the back of your thighs.
They pull out of you but Hua Cheng doesn't let you go. He keeps his arms wrapped around you and tucks his face into your neck. You breathe heavily and Xie Lian wipes the drool from your chin. You sigh leaning back on Hua Cheng's chest, resting. Hua Cheng chuckles in your ear and for the first time in the night speaks for the first time. "You don't think we're done do you?"
Of course you aren't. 💕
I hope you like 😭🙏
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hey-august · 5 months
August, if you ever wonder if some of your readership would like to hear your thoughts about Buggy and Reader in a poly relationship with either crossguild or Shuggy… WELP. There’s at least one.
I just want that clown to smooch me and also several other men who may or may not scare the shit out of him or incite deep feelings of rage in him. He’s very smoochable and I’m willing to share (and I just like to think about the added hilarity with any of these characters still in the picture)
omgggg yes!! I deeply adore the dynamics of all those relationships. The clown is just so...adaptable? Blendable? Sharable? Adorable.
I do have some Shanks x Buggy x Reader headcanons to share!
But first, for Cross Guild x Reader needs, I so strongly recommend @discordantwritings stories here (I'm pretty sure Our Precious Assistant Pt 2 changed my brain chemistry) and @turtletaubwrites' Numbers Game, which just started and is so good already. ❤️❤️❤️
Nowwww, let's talk Shuggy x Reader.
Word count: ~1.2k Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, shanks x buggy x GN!reader, mix of fluffy and smutty thoughts, teasing, oral reader + m receiving, insertion sex, threesome, some praise, sorry for anything that's extremely ooc
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Date Nights
The first time you had a planned date with Shanks, Buggy sailed away so “date night” became “date week.” Buggy was jealous and embarrassed, which you both expected. You were annoyed at first, because this had been planned and discussed, but talking with Shanks calmed you down. This was new territory for all of you and it would take time to navigate. So when Buggy came back, no one made a fuss about it. If anything, you and Shanks were a little softer and a little kinder with the clown. Buggy picked up on the acceptance in your actions and it made him feel better. This also kicked off weekend-long dates, which you all look forward to.
One of your favorite dates with Shanks was when he took you to a town he frequented. The afternoon was spent strolling Main Street and shopping, although that was more of an excuse for Shanks to show you off. The evening ended at a cozy pub where he regaled you with alluring tales. Even though you heard some of them before, listening to him talk puts stars in your eyes. An expression that simply melts him.
Your favorite Buggy date was actually a party on his ship. You two were inseparable the entire night and the highlight was singing along to music at the end of the night. “Singing.” You were both bottles deep and could hardly get full words out, but the (hazy) memory of laughing and giggling your ways through the inebriated performance while holding on to each other always makes you smile. Buggy often catches that particular goofy grin on your face and he just adores it.
Buggy and Shanks also spend time together, which is surprising-not surprising. Buggy might claim that he’s upset with Shanks and needs to go yell at him, or wants to gloat about something. Shanks tries to entice Buggy with the promise of shiny goodies and treasure. Everyone knows it’s a farce, but it’s how they show they care for each other. There’s no denying the sparks in their eyes afterwards.
Petty Arguments
When these two get together, their inner children teens come out in full swing. And so do the jokes and petty arguments.
Shanks messes with Buggy any chance he gets. Teasing comments, swapping his nearly empty drink with Buggy’s fuller glass, dumb jokes.
He’ll also tease you, but in the form of cheesy pick-up lines. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.” “I was feeling a little off today, but you've turned me on again.” “Did you do something to my eyes? I can't seem to take them off you.”
Buggy can’t stand when your attention is on Shanks for too long, so he’ll try and out-do the other pirate. He has a repertoire of card drinks and sleight of hands, which often do the trick.
Shanks knows what Buggy is doing and teases him. “I know you’re a performer, but there’s no need to make a scene.” Buggy didn’t like that one.
There was the one time Buggy challenged Shanks to a juggling challenge. When Shanks declined, Buggy was ready with his own comeback. “It’s not because of the arm, it’s because he doesn’t have the balls.” Surprisingly, that spurred Shanks into joining the 2-man competition.
Speaking of being competitive…
Sex with them individually is nothing like having sex all together.
At first, you were often at the mercy of the two men who were intent on proving how well they could pleasure you. Once, they wanted to see who was better at oral and could make you cum the most times. The more orgasms you had, the less lucid you became and the competition turned into finding out who would you beg to fuck you. Even though the countless orgasms emptied your head, you remembered that this all started with oral and you didn’t want to mess with the rules of their contest. When they realized you were trying so hard not to whine and ask for their dicks, they started asking you. - “Baby, want me to fuck you? C’mon, don’t you want to feel this inside you?” - “You look so good on my tongue, but you’d look better on my cock. Tell me you want it.”
Unfortunately (fortunately?) there was no clear winner. Buggy was between your legs yet again, with your fingers entwined in his hair and your head was flopped to the side. You said “please, want you inside,” but they couldn’t agree on who you were talking to. Shanks is adamant that you were looking at him, but Buggy calls bullshit and claims you were talking to him because he was the one making you feel good.
There are sessions where you and Shanks focus more on Buggy. It took a lot of time for Buggy to feel relaxed enough to accept the attention, but you two wore him down and won him over. He’ll rarely admit it, but Buggy loves being sandwiched between you and Shanks. The feeling of sinking his cock into you while he’s stretched around Shanks is so overwhelmingly delicious that Buggy gets greedy. He can’t get enough of moving his hips so he can fuck you and fuck himself on Shanks’ cock. The sweet moans and whimpers he releases are intoxicating. Buggy’s often the first to cum in this position, but Shanks will continue to fuck you through Buggy, knowing how to maneuver Buggy’s hips and thrust until you climax.
In turn, there are the moments where you and Buggy cater to Shanks. He never gets tired of watching you and Buggy fight to suck his leaking cock. The way you struggle to throat his member while Buggy focuses on smearing his face paint on Shanks’ thighs and balls through sloppy kisses is a vision that gets Shanks hard at a moment’s notice. Buggy’s attention is fierce and demanding - he’s trying to unravel Shanks entirely. It's a power trip thing. Whereas you balance that heat with restrained touches. When Shanks cums in your mouth, you always share with Buggy and make sure to show Shanks that you both swallowed his entire load. Seeing you hold Buggy by his hair and squeezing the clown's cheeks to present his empty mouth is a sinfully beautiful encore.
Your favorite times are the ones where you get to spoil Shanks and Buggy. You tend and care to their needs. Your gentleness wipes away their fierce competitive streaks. You make sure that you give them both a surplus of attention and shower them with desire. If you’re riding or under one, your hands and eyes are on the other. You pour praise and compliments until they’re overflowing. And the way it overflows is music to your ears. They turn the praise to you and to each other. - “You look amazing on Buggy’s cock.” - “Get on Shanks and make him feel good, I wanna see that sweet face you make.” - “Pretty thing, you’re taking him so well.” - “Good job, you know how to make him moan so loud.” - “You’re going to make him cum, keep going.”
The cuddles after these sessions? Heavenly. Amazing. Buggy, who normally takes up the entire bed, sleeps so peacefully when you and Shanks are on either side of him. Sometimes, when Buggy passes out first, you’ll claim the middle spot and wake up to the two pirates wrapped around you. It’s a little sweaty and a lot comforting.
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pitchouna · 2 months
Meeting Goku x reader headcanons!!
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(It's an AU where Chi-chi doesn't meet Goku because I love my girl and I simply hate angst.)
May be ooc since it's my first time writing </3 but overall it's just Fluff!!
Haven't checked for any spelling mistakes I'm too lazy.
Okay so I've recently became a Goku simp and Dragon Ball lover, and I've noticed there's little to no works about him. Which surprised me with how popular the DB series are. Anyways we'll talk about this another time let's begin!!
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To Begin, you and Goku met during the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament where you both fought.
Even though you were beaten easily, Goku was amazed to find a strong woman for the first time. He immediately fell in love. (he's too dumb to figure it out and needed Krillin's help.)
Which lead him to ask to train and spar together when you'd both be free. So like everyday.
But of course it wasn't enough interaction for our lovely saiyan so Krillin's helped his best bud having dates ideas such as going to the beach together, going on restaurants (sadly you're the one paying
You two even nap together!!
As you guys may know, this man has got no experience about what personal space means.
So don't be surprised if you get trapped in a hug randomly if you guys nap together!!
No matter how far your beds are he'll randomly find a way to stick with you.
Of course there are some days where Goku may piss you off..
For exemple, when he asks too many dumb questions that your brain just want to disconnect.
Or when you simply don't want to train yet Goku doesn't understand why since training is literally all his life so he could be overwhelming without knowing it.
So you see theses excuses we use when we're too lazy to go out with friends? That was your first thought.
You'll sick to not train since it's the only way to escape training you found yet.
With how dumb he is, you could easily avoid the senzu beans solution.
Unless someone reminds him about it... ( Either it's Krillin, Yamcha etc... )
When learning who told him about it you'll always have a grudge against them.
You'll always be able to count on Bulma though!! Since she knows how men could be such a pain.
Y'all are besties forever and goes shopping at least once in the month (She's such a generous BFF she'll pay for everything)
You both always gossip.
However, Goku hates the days when you go hang out with Bulma.
He's just so bored.. Even if he can train, nap and eat as much as he'd like which is supposed to be his favourite hobbies it won't help..
He just has the need urge to see you!!
So sometimes, when he knows where you and Bulma hangs out, he'll randomly pop up out of nowhere with the Nimbus cloud.
Disappointed, Bulma still gets the message and sometimes will leave you two alone.
"Huh leaving already Bulma? You usually stay longer!" You exclaimed confused as why she was packing up so early.
"Sorry n/n! I just remembered I have a special meeting with some scientists!! Here's the money to pay for the addition. See ya!!" Bulma said in a rush as she left too much money on the table.
"Hold on Bulma you-" You were about to yell so she could take the money back before Goku interrupted you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"It's too late Y/n she's already gone now! Why don't you accept the money?" Goku said with his usual innocent which made you sigh in disbelief. Yet you didn't felt like scolding him right now you were too tired.
"I hope you don't want us to spar or train right now.. I'm too lazy." You mumbled with an irritated voice not wanting to deal with that right now.
"Heheee.. I just wanted to see you!!" Goku chuckled with his usual goofy smile that you started to like so much (But you didn't wanted to admit it yet...)
"You interrupted me and Bulma for that?.."
"But she has to go anyways!!"
"... Fair point."
Too lazy to argue further you just decided to let him win only this time. Since it was very late and you are the laziest person ever.
"Oh!" You heard Goku yell and wondered what that was about.
"Hm? What's up?" You asked him wanting to know what's on his mind.
"How about I take you on a ride home on the Nimbus? We'll get to watch the stars together!!" Goku said patting the Yellow cloud beside him.
"I guess I wouldn't mind..." You said as a small smile appears on your face.
Knowing that only pure-hearted people can go on it you decided to put a hand on the Nimbus and not to your surprise it went through it. Goku seemed very surprised though.
"How? You're one of the kindest person I know!!" Goku frowned wondering why that didn't work but you just chuckled at how innocent and cute dumb he was.
"That's not how it works Goku.."
"How does it works then?"
"I'll explain you another day. I'm too lazy right now... But what do we do now??
After your question, Goku put a hand on his chin thinking about a solution. He found it faster that what you were expecting.
" What about you get on my lap?" Goku said smilling innocently which made you blush.
"Why are you all red so suddenly Y/n??" You just brush it off not wanting to break his innocence of the poor guy.
"Just forget it alright? I'll go on your lap."
Goku chuckles in happiness hearing this. He wasted no time sitting on the Nimbus cloud and putting you on his lap.
He also took the opportunity to place his chin on your head. Which made you blush a little.
"Ready Y/n ?" Goku said Holding your waist. Too lazy as always you just nodded with a hum.
The Nimbus started to make it's way towards your home, as you took the opportunity to watch the beauty of the sky.
Goku smiled at your amazement, he found you so cute.
" Like what you're seeing Y/n?" Goku asked, his happiness obvious in his voice.
However, he heard nothing.
"Y/n ??" Goku asked looking at you just to find you asleep.
Oh well... He was already happy having you in his arms
He made a big detour to enjoy this moment even if you were sleeping.
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Oh my god this took much longer than expected... The way I decided to randomly write headcanons out of nowhere instead of finishing my homeworks is wild. I hope y'all will like this!! If not I'll probably kms but it was very fun to write though!!
Will maybe do that another time if I don't forget this account 😭😭
Take care <33
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thefangirlfever · 3 months
Miguel O'hara x !bimbo girlfriend
Tags: F/M, femme character, fluff, alternate universe, a bit suggestive, I hope this is not too cringe for ya’ll, maybe a bit OOC, soft Miguel O'hara
Notes: I’ve seen this trend on many accounts, especially @xxxsugarbonesxxx and even if I do not identify as a bimbo myself, I wanted to give my own twist to this trope.
The more I was writing this thing, the more I started to doubt that I even knew what a bimbo was. I’m so sorry ToT but for reference, when people say bimbo, I think of Elle Woods in Legally blonde.
I hope you'll enjoy this small headcanon. It's just for fun and an excuse to write some more fluffy and smitten Miguel O'hara. It's not my best work so far but I'm slowly getting back to writing after this awful month.
So...a bimbo, huh?
This would mean all pink, glitters and long lashes with fake blond hair? Honestly, she is quite fitting the stereotype and that was the first thing Miguel thought when he saw her. The woman was strutting down in the lobby of Alchemax, walking on heels that would be defying the law of gravity. It was truly a mystery how she could manage to walk like this with such high heels. To a certain extent he was impressed. The second thing he noticed was just how pink she was overall. Only her labcoat was a different, but she still managed to add some clips on her collar.
If a Barbie had came to life, she would look like this. She was looking like some scientist Barbie came to life.
He was even more surprised when he saw her in the lab, typing something on her computer with the sound of her acrylic nails making a small “click-clack” that filled up the small space. He wasn’t sure that these things that could poke an eye out were very safe in a lab but he soon realized how prejudiced he was. The woman standing there was very aware of the lab protocole and always made sure to respect the safety rules. Plus, she was not any scientist working there but the assistant of the head of this new project, making her his assistant.
When Miguel had checked her resume, he felt quite stupid for judging her so fast. She was major of her promotion, the youngest intern to have reached such a high rank in 20 years at Alchemax and her name appeared on many papers and projects. At this point, when he realized that, he was practically a fanboy, wanting to ask her opinion on every small subject that had a link with dark mass or quantum physics.
But there was still something he couldn’t understand...why the pink bows and glitters? Because, as much as this woman was competent, no one was really taking her seriously. If she changed her looks, then maybe people would stop acting around her as if she was some dumb blonde. Miguel once saw one of their coworkers explaining to her how the elevators worked when she was already there for a month.
What surprised him even more was that no matter how many times people would make fun of her or simply dismiss her opinion during a meeting, she just kept on smiling. He could not understand how she always kept her cool around condescending people. He knew himself and he was sure he would have already gone mad if someone talked to him this way. In fact he would quickly take the habit to clap back at the coworkers who made fun of her.
He couldn’t really explain why he felt so invested in this but he couldn’t stand this or accept the fact that something or someone would make her sad or upset. This woman was literally a ray of sunshine, always talkative curious and exhibiting such a bubbly personality. She was the exact opposite of him in every single way and after some time, Miguel realized he didn’t want her to change. He used to think that the most simple way for her to fit in was to just change her looks but he realized that he didn’t want that… He had grown used and fond of her weird, glittery, hyper femme look. He would not define himself as a fashion icon, quite the opposite even but it was always fun to watch how she was dressed on. Some days, she would channel glam Jackie Kennedy with a tailored suit, or rock a Y2K set that just enhanced her shapely body and some days she would just go full fairy tale princess mode with the most outrageous level of ruffles, pearls and lace an outfit could ever hold. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes away from her. He was truly admirativ of her good taste; coordinating outfits and accessories in a way he would never be able to do in a million years, but also impressed at how unapologetically herself she was.
Miguel liked when they were working together in the lab without anybody else. He was a rather closeted person, not talking much with the others, but she just had a way to crack his shell. She was a very talkative person, always smiling and open. Miguel knew people far less competent than her who acted like they were the shit, but her, she never made people feel like they were under her level or anything like that.
She was also a bit touchy, not in an inappropriate way, but she would rest her hand on his arm, lean closer to him while they were working or grab his arm on the way to the cafeteria. He is not used to this in the beginning but as they keep interacting with each other, he slowly grows more comfortable with this, even returning some small gestures as time goes by, like placing his hand on her back or shoulder as he holds the door for her or when he lets her go first in the elevator.
They have grown comfortable enough with each other and finally feel free to talk about other things than work. She has so much enthusiasm when she talks, even about the smallest things. Whether she is talking about the latest breakdwon in Science or her favorite fashion designer, he can just listen to her, in awe. Does he care about things like make up, cute coffee shops and fashion? No. Would he listen to her talking about these for hours just because of the way her eyes shine and how she moves her hands while talking? Absolutely yes.
When they start dating, Miguel realizes just how much she was actually holding back with him. She was way more touchy and bubbly once they got closer. Not that he would complain. He likes when she hugs him without saying a word, feeling her sugar vanilla perfume tingling his nose, how it stays on his own clothes...He likes when she kisses him goodbye with a small peck on his cheeks, leaving a mark with her lip gloss. It always makes her laugh how flustered this man can be in these moments with a giddy smile painted on his lips as he keeps admiring her shiny lips tainted in some exotic color he didn’t know the existence of like ‘acid strawberry’.
Miguel who got slowly invested in her fashion choice. He would act uninterested when she talks about it just to tease and annoy her, but in the end he loves watching her twirling in her new frilly dress or trying to make him guess what she is going to wear on their next date.
The first time she mentions to him that she had a dog, he is imagining some sort of chihuahua or any of these ratty dogs – just to fit even more to the stereotype. But he is utterly surprised the moment he goes through her door and a large Staffy tackles him. The dog is overly friendly, just like her, and well-trained. His glitter collar oddly fits him and Miguel can’t stop grinning every time the dog looks at him with his head tilted to the side, on of his ears turned-in.
It’s a little hard for him to admit but he likes her place, no matter how girly it looks. It just feels very comforting. The place is warm, always filled with a nice scent, cute pillows, heart-shaped frames on the walls and so many vivid colors. It looks like a bubble out of this world. And he enjoys staying there, whether it’s just for a small dinner with her or for one of their movie nights. He really has a lot to catch up on rom-com but they are working on it. Surprisingly, he finds himself really invested in these stories and even liking them; the fact that they can make out during the movie only adds to the fun.
After some time dating together, she finally accepts for him to let some of his stuff at her place, even if it doesn’t match the aesthetic of the house.
One of the things that he finds truly fascinating at her place is her shoe collection. She could open a store at this point with all these shoes and he is pretty sure she owns some of them twice. There’s no way she needs that many high heels, especially when they are all the same color. Turns out the neon pink heels only go out for big occasions, while the pastel pink ones are more casual and the ones with an open-toe are for dates only while the platform ones are more for brunch… that’s like getting on a new planet for him. But it’s not like he doesn’t have his own little perks…
Miguel who watches his girlfriend finally standing up for herself at work, not letting anyone talk shit to her anymore. And every time she proves just how competent she is, he just stands back and watches her with a proud smile on his face, thinking “Yep, that’s my girl.”
Notes: Thanks for reading this. It’s just a small blurb but I thought the idea could be cute. Miguel really giving Howl vibe in that last part I guess ^^
Tag list: @xxsugarbonesxx
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mari-lair · 7 months
There has been a massive argument about aoikane on Twitter since this morning ,people are calling Akane a domestic abuser ...
I'll be honest with you, Anon, my reaction to that was "Of course they are, the dumb fucks" cause I have no respect for twtbhk. Zero. Negative even.
I don't need to tell you why Akane isn't a domestic abuser (I hope i don't have to. Please, I want to believe tumblr have basic reading comprehension) but I'll use this ask to vent about Twitter.
Most of twtbhk don't care about the manga, they don't even have their own opinion. I am not joking. It's like a cult of ungrateful kids that use 'jokes lol' to hate on everything they disagree with, being so immersed in their own headcanons that they don't even know what they are talking about anymore
They don't care about Akane as a character, at all, if he is a domestic abuser or not in canon doesn't matter, they won't check, they won't change their opinion, they won't go "oh this character action doesn't fit my perception of them, let me see if I missed something" they'll just claim the character was "written wrong" or "acted ooc in that scene" because they want a character to just be an accessory to a ship or to be an easy target to hate. They'll forever ignore the manga for a version that they created that is the "correct version of the manga" and they'll keep mischaracterizing Akane, or Aoi, or any character they like/dislike to fit their cute troupes or easy to hate 'version.'
They'll basically create OCs and act like is the truth, aoikane doesn't exist on twitter, it never did, I have seen people say "Chapter 69 doesn't exist cause I personally hate that chapter" unironically. So yeah... They don't care about aoikane, the ship they are talking about, where Akane is a domestic abuser? It's just something they made up.
Picture this:
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They are openly disrespectful towards Aidairo (I no longer check the comments on their wonderful art) when they created the manga they claim to love, so of course they have no respect for other fans and won't try to hear them, of course being kind to a stranger is something that doesn't cross their mind, they want to argue or 'joke' about it instead.
At this point, if I visit twtbhk expecting anything insightful, that's on me, shame on me. I should have known better.
So my advice to you is to not go there, and if you're addicted to the site and can't escape, just block people without restrain. I promise you're not missing anything, they aren't even reading the manga you like.
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augustinapril · 8 months
𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬 — send in a winter prompt and a character, and I'll write you headcanons or a blurb
being sick bc y/n didn’t put on enough layers in the snow w miguel díaz? <3
Omg this is so cute!! Idk if the ending for this was good or not. </3 also very very short. winter wonderland event.
cw: gn!reader, coughing and being sick, probably ooc Miguel. O.2k words.
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You know the soup Miguel brought wasn’t made by him. He can’t cook to save his life and that soup smells far too delicious to have been his, which means he probably procured it from the grocery store nearby. A school trip to one of the winter states should have been fun but you underestimated the power of the cold.
“How did you forget a jacket?” He asks you as he sets the bowl of soup on the table beside your hotel bed. He’s careful not to knock against it as he helps you sit up, shuffling around the pillows so you can lean back against them. “We came here for a ski trip and you forgot a jacket.”
“It slipped my mind. I’m a little dumb sometimes.” You smile at him bashfully, your voice a little hoarse from the cold that’s dug its way into your body. You lick at your chapped lips, setting them to get rid of the dry feeling.
“You’re not dumb.” He’s fixing your words quickly, a look of adoration on his face but his voice is soft with its firmness. “Forgetting something doesn’t make you dumb.”
“How about silly?”
He smiles and nods his head. “Silly is better. You’re definitely silly.”
You’re about to laugh when the action irritates your lungs, sending a cough up your throat. You cover your mouth with your arm, turning away from Miguel until the coughing fit subsides. “You should eat your soup.”
“I don’t like soup.”
“I know which is why I unsouped the soup.”
You look at him incredulously, his words not mixing well with your sickness fogged brain. “You what?”
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adoseoftrees · 1 year
One thing Este’s Maiar often told people was “Yes, you were born with this condition. But you don’t have to stay this way forever until Arda was remade. Arda is marred but it doesn’t mean we must do nothing to ease the pain.”
The thing about healing in real world is it does not stop a body from dying. But no one will say there is nothing to be done and it is meaningless to reduce the suffering.
I think Este and her Maiar had similar mindset. They probably could not bring forth Arda Healed themselves. But it didn’t mean they were going to give up on Arda Marred. They were not fighting battles that only the final result mattered. They were helping things to heal and change and evolve.
I don’t think healing is completely natural. It’s natural for things to want to stay alive, but it’s also natural for things to suffer and die horribly despite their wish to survive. Healing is to encourage and help and even force things to to survive despite the pain and injury and permanent damage. Healing happened because someone was hurt.
My headcanon was during the Song, when Morgoth was making his discord, Este and her Maiar listened, and thought “so what can we do to erase that.”
Healing was the good thing that was brought forth because of, despite, and against evil.
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noellefan101 · 3 months
Heyaaaa, I saw a yandere Genshin blog that writes for ladies and I know what I must do!
Could I see what Yandere Yoimiya's like? Perhaps general headcanons as to how she acts once she's in a relationship with her beloved?? TYSM, I'd love to see what you make of this!!
:3 no real intro cuz im really tired, sry
prob ooc yoimiya, but like extra ooc cuz im too tired to think straight
i wrote most of this at 1 am and the rest in math class
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i feel like she would be a very soft yandere, yk not hurting her darling or not even wanting to kidnap (but she would if she thought that you would be more safe like that, will hate so much herself if she ever hurt you)
ofc like any other yandere she would kill for you, but it wont be for dumb reasons like some dude looked at you for 0.1 second, no,
but it'll be more if you really hated your boss or someone dared actually hurt you or say something that really broke you
she is really gentle and sweet, plus she loves to make you new fireworks and just gifts you a lot of things in general, even if you're "just friends"
"[y/n]! there you are, i brought you some of my new fireworks!" she yelled as she ran up to you, her eyes glued to your figure ignoring anything else around her in the process.
"look, arent they going to be pretty!" she said as she showed you her concept drawing for the fireworks, and ided they were pretty, and going to be even prettier when in lit up in the sky
"im sure they are, yoimiya" your smile was so sweet and looked so lovely on you, you were the only thing going trough her mind as she got lost in your eyes.. "uhm yoimiya, you ok?
"h-huh?! o-oh yeah love, uh i mean [y-y/n] i-im fine, uhm, would you uuhh like to see the f-fireworks in action?" her face was so warm it felt like she was burning more then that guy would be right now, what stupid idea he had, he should've never even thought about touching you then she wouldnt be so late to seeing you today and- "yeah of course i want to see the fireworks you made!"her thoguh got cut off with your voice, that beautiful voice...
and also acts like you're the litteral reason she is alive (you are), so if she ever hurt you if even by a tiny scratch she would actually just die inside, and look like she died on the outside
she is really supportive of whatever you do, and if you have like a fashion brand or something it would be the only thing she is willing to wear, or if you work at restaurant she would eat there everytime you have a shift
she would definitely bring you flowers on random occasions and just say it wasnt because of anything special or anything, but it was just because she missed you and really needed to see you or she would've mentally destroyed herself not knowing if you were ok or not
"h-hi, i uhm brought you flowers! y-yeah, flowers i hope you like them i picked them myself" she said giving you a beautiful and big bouquet of your favorite flower, wait did you ever tell her what your favorite flower is?? you dont think so, but you guess it doesnt matter right now, maybe you just forgot you told her (you never told her your favorite flower, yet she knows the exact shade of that flower you like the most).
"awww thank you, yoimiya! i love them!!" you said as you held them close to youer chest, she really wishes she were those flowers right now, all close you. she looked up at your lips, getting cought in the thought of how soft they look and how she so wanted to kiss y-
"y-your w-welcome, i-i just thought t-that you were so pretty that you c-could use some flowers- what! n-no no i-i mean you i uhhh i-i have to go n-now yeah, i-i'll see you l-later" she panicked, what was she saying and in front of you too no no no, what if you thought she was weird now, or what if she went too fast and too far...
"o-oh ok, have a nice day yoimiya! thank you again for the flowers" you waved goodbye with one hand and had the flowers in the other, wondering why she seemed to be running out to the middle of nowhere. she talked so fast you didnt even hear what she said other than a few words which were "you were so pretty", and they left a blush behind that certainly would go away for a few hours or so.
if you lived far away, like not even in inazuma, she would send so many letters to you, even if you didnt know who she was as she just saw you while on the road once and fell so badly in love, its fine you're going to fall for her sooner or later
she would also visit you again and again but that costs a lot of money so she tries to convince you to move in with her, but if thta doesnt work she might actually get frustrated and just drug you and then take you home herself
with that idea still in mind, if she met you while in sumeru and you were a student she still doesnt want to interfere with the things you love (though save some of that love for her pls) so she wouldnt kidnap you but would wait patiently for as long as you need, or promise to take you out to study the things in inazuma instead (she would murder your professer if they said no and that you should stay in the akademiya, abselutely)
"how are you doing this week? i know i send you a lot of letters but i just had to when i found out where you lived so i didnt have to travel so much as it costs quite a bit. but its worth it if it means i can see you every so often, as you are slowly becoming the reason i exist, i would love to hear about everything you have done in your life, big or small. please think about visiting inazuma soon, i would love to show you around all the different regions, shops and more. i also learned what proper love is now because of you, and i think it indeed is you, as i cant find anything that i love and adore more than you.
i also picked some fireworks out for you, they are from my personal collection and are very pretty, just like you, i would love to get your feedback on them and would happily make you a thousand more if you want me to. i will also make different ones if you get bored of the ones youcurrently have
please keep yourself safe
Your Love-Yoimiya"
attached to the letter is a few too many fireworks, and some inazuman snacks and accessories too, she doesnt seem to be very wealthy yet has bought you what looks like a diamond necklace and a very pretty ring.
would absolutely cook you meals throughout the day, she'll cook you anything you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but she also makes sure you're healthy and checks in on you every few hours to make sure you drink enough too
if you're really depressed, she would make sure you had your meds for it and stuff, would also hand feed you everything. she calls it that because she hates using the word force but yes, she forces you to eat and will not take no for an answer
almost killed your doctor when the meds stop working, but then found out later that its completly normal and its not the doctor trying to kill you (you saved a life that day, multible even)
*knock knock* "oh, my love, i found you! here's your lunch for the day, i used some of the leftovers from yesterday, i really hope you like. oh i also got you your favorite snack right here, and then remember to drink your water too." she left with a kiss to your cheek and blew you an extra kiss before closing the door to your room again.
she wasnt lying when she said you would fall inlove with her at soem point, as you were certainly beginning to fall down deep in the hole that is Yoimiya.
she loves to hug you when around you in general, but loves to kiss you cheek when she feels like you've been away from her for too long. would never actually kiss your lips, altough she wants to, you have to give her permission first and then she might if she still has the confidence
she becomes a literal puddle when you just as much as touch her cheek, yes she has to touch you every second you are near her, but its different when its you doing anything!!!
she thinks you're a god, and in her eyes you are, doesnt matter how ugly you think you are or how weak you actually are. she will worship you so much you would think every 'imperfection' you have is prettier than ever.
she looked into your eyes as she lays in your lap, the sky is pretty, and that was what she thought she would be looking at the whole time, but it seems she made other plans. your eyes are just too captivating, too pretty, and too- her thoughts cut off as she felt your hand play with her loose hair, as she had put it down just as you started to ask her the question.
your hands were soft, and felt nice in her hair. she could lay here forever if it meant you were going to be here and stroke her hair like this, she's sure her pops wouldn't mind if she feel asleep for just a little longer, and she definitely could when she is laying on her darling.
"yoimiya? oh, you're awake, how as your na-" "you look divine" she cut you off as she just stared up at you like you were the god of beauty, like you were the god of her heart, and maybe you were, but to her it wasnt even a maybe. "y-you think so? dont i just look messy? or ugly? i dont think i even brushed my hair today" she looked up at you with a questioning look in her eyes
"no how dare you even think that, you look divine, beautiful, pretty, majestic, lovely, attractive, god-like, charming-" she stopped when you held a hand over her mouth, she wanted to kiss it so badly... "ok ok, i-i get it, i look pretty to you" your face was red, really red, and it looked cute she thinks, very cute indeed. she should make you blush more often so she can see more of your beauty that is only for her too see.
she had an even bigger smile on for the next week and no one knew why, but she normally smiles a lot so they didnt question her. though she would have happily answered with a long rant about you.
when you two actually started dating she would have a constant blush on her face for the next month or smt, she just cant believe you would actually date her, i mean you were just so perfect in every way, and then theres her what do you even see in her, do you even see anything in her?
but its fine if you dont, she wont let you leave anyway, she cant lose you not now, not ever. you are hers and hers alone, and you know she will make sure it stays that way, even if it costs her verything else. you will be hers, and she will be yours.
i uhh didnt just give you general headcanos heh, your welcome??? wtf is going on with me rn
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im so single that being kidnapped by a hot person doesnt sound bad at all, like take me PLEASE... *cough cough* thank u for reading pls kidnap me, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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diobrandosbitch · 21 days
I'm humbly requesting something for our melon man Melone. I don't know if you do just gn!reader but I'd like female reader if that's okay;;; Say he made reader mad about something but didn't apologize cause he thinks he's in the right. So they leave the house they live in together and he figures they'll just come back the next day after cooling down. But they don't. And not for probably another 3-4 days either. They were just THAT upset because the subject was something sensitive to them and he offended them. They needed that time away. But then happens that downward spiral in situations like this as the days go on. They haven't texted + called him and he can't use Babyface because he doesn't have the proper kind of sample he needs. So he's left wondering if they're okay. They come back of course, this isn't some run away from home or kidnap thing;;; just a real bad spat where Mel was a dumb dumb. I'm sorry if I was too specific with this chdjwndkchd. I'd like if this was an imagine but I don't mind headcanons instead if you wanna do that 👉👈
Sorry this took forever, but im back in the game now. It may be a little rough, but that's what happens when you stop writing lol. Anyways, If you enjoy this please feel free to leave more la squadra asks. Im obsessed with these men. (prolly ooc)
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Melone sat at his desk, tapping erratically at the keyboard of his computer. His hair was unkempt from the numerous times he ran his fingers through it, bloodshot eyes, and gritted teeth as he tried to focus after one too many sleepless nights. His once cold, and calculated exterior, now threatened to come apart at the seams.
What if she had been captured by the boss? What if she was in trouble? All these questions plagued his mind, but one stood out.
What if she’s never coming back? 
“Damn it all!” He swiped the machine off the table, head in his hands. He doesn’t even remember what the argument was about in the first place. He should have just set aside his pride and apologized; after all, she made it so stupidly clear how much it hurt her.
“Where could she be?”  All efforts to find her had been exhausted, even babyface was futile as he never took a sample from her per request. The one time he agreed to something like that and of course this is the outcome. Logically, it had only been three days, sure a lot could happen in that time, but it's not like it was a week. Yet here he is, his body threatening to cave in to every emotion he’s been trying to bottle up.
“What do i-”
Keys began jingling on the other side of the door, locks turning causing Melone to jump and whip his head to that direction. The door slowly creaked open, which caused his heart to drum in his chest faster than he thought possible.
“Melone? You here?” He shot up from his chair, catching the leg with his foot and stumbling over it.
“Shit! Melone are you okay?” She rushed over to him, dropping her bags as she did so.
When she was close enough he pressed his face into her torso as he held her tight.
“Im sorry. Im so sorry i should have thought about what I was saying, I should have realized it was upsetting you, I- Im so sorry just please don’t leave me.” She smoothed his hair, raking her fingers gently through it. She looked around, taking note of the disheveled look of the room that perfectly mirrored the man in front of her.
“I didn’t realize my leaving would affect you like this. I just needed to clear my head for a few days and I didn’t want to say something I would regret. I didn’t know what else to do.”
She lowered herself to be face to face with him on the ground, cupping his face in her hands. 
“I suppose we’re both terrible when it comes to emotions, wouldn’t you say, bella?” She let out a half-hearted laugh, nodding her head.
All of the repressed emotions he held onto came through as tears began flowing down his face freely. She wiped them away with her thumbs and he nuzzled into her touch.
“I was so afraid you weren’t coming back. So much was going through my mind, amore mio.” 
“I’m here now, Mel. And I'm not going anywhere.”He placed a long kiss to her palm and she smiled softly, leaning forward to meet him in a kiss, letting out all negative emotions, all worry fading. He pulled back, gazing at her features with soft eyes and mouth agape as he took in the sight of her.
“You’re beautiful, Tesoro.”  
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Hey! I hope you’re doing well. I’ve just recently come across your account, and I love what you write! I have a request though— how would Caesar react to seeing his female S/O faint after accidentally inhaling some toxic substances? Thanks for taking the time to do this!
“faint-fully yours”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· as a lover of this mad scientist is tough, so accidents like inhaling toxic substances is unavoidable, but despite that, you promise caesar that, “i'm faint-fully yours.”
⠀⠀➧ v small angst? (not really) | caesar clown × f!s/o!reader | headcanons + scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, but caesar might be ooc...! mistakes and swearing may be present too.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: aAaaaAahhHhhHHHHh, sorry for the wait, and for the poorly written work, i'm finding it hard to get caesar's personality. 🥺 @condoriano-67890
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when you faint after inhaling toxic substance
caesar, as usual, is in his lab brewing new toxic substances to sell to the underworld bosses to aid with their.. business.
so you then decided to check on your husband to make sure he's doing good with his work...
knocking on the giant, metal door before you, you then called to your scientist lover. “caesar, honey, how's work there? can i come in?”
hearing no responce from the man, you sighed, knowing that he's probably too focused on his work. so now, you ended up entering the passcode to the room and just letting yourself in. “i'm coming in.”
upon entering the room, you were then startled by the thick clouds of gas inside that immediately caused you to feel lightheaded..
“y/n..!? you.. wait, wait let me get you a mask real quick!” dashing around to get a mask, caesar rushed to you in a hurry, but..
“cae..sar, hon, what's with the...—” not even being able to finish your sentence, you ended on the floor, unable to handle the toxicity of the air, causing your husband to shiver. “gah, y/n!”
worry was quick to run through caesar's system the instant you dropped to the floor, unconscious.
he's panicking, real bad too. obvious by how he's hastily finding the antidote for the gaseous drug he made as he screeched, eyes averting to your unconscious self each second...
“shit, shit, shit! fuck this, damn it!” caesar cursed, shaky hands reaching out to you, holding you in his arms as he pry your mouth open, getting you to drink the antidote and then putting a mask on your face.
caesar's heart is racing in fright, blood running cold as he waited for you to awake in silence, blaming himself.
“..argh...! this is my fault, i forgot to give this dammed, lovely wife of mine a heads-up that i'm making a toxic drug..!!” he says to himself, running his fingers through his hair, gripping it as his teeth clenched.
your husband is getting crazy right now, for you have not awakened yet even after a minute, monitoring your breathing and small movements with hopes that you'll be up..
“ugh..” you groaned, taking a deep breath in despite struggling to get air with a mask on, shocking caesar who immediately held you tightly, holding a sob back. “you dumb girl! you scared me!”
“pfft... sorry, sorry, my fault. i forgot you were doing your great experiments, hon.” you snickered, soothing your lover who tightened his embrace.
“you could've died, you know!” caesar huffed, his words only causing you to chuckle, rubbing his cheek before pinching it. “i wouldn't, don't worry. i won't allow anyone to take me away from you, even death, because...”
“i'm faint-fully yours.” you continued, embracing your husband who got a blush on his face, not able to utter a word from being flustered like that..
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© butterfluffy 2022
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daryldamnson · 2 years
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Surprise, Surprise (complete)
Summary: Eddie has to reckon with the fact that the rich cheerleader he thought he could brush off as another basic conformist has a few surprises up her sleeve. (6.6k words)
part i
part ii
part iii
part iv
part v
Sweet Boy
Summary: Requested!  Eddie’s father shows up unexpectedly.  At first Eddie freezes up, but when his dad starts harassing you, years of pent up anger gets released.  soft ending!  (1.1k words)
Summary: Requested!  After Corroded Coffin gets famous famous, Eddie buys you stuff.  Lots of stuff.  You reassure him that all you really want is him.  (0.7k words)
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Summary: On the drive home from a day out with the regular troupe, you and Eddie get shoved in the back two seats. It doesn’t take long for you to drift off when Eddie offers himself up as a human pillow. pre-relationship fluff. (1k words)
Elm Street and Other Things Worth Waiting For
Summary: Eddie’s convinced he heard you listening to Black Sabbath.  Steve’s not having it.  You just came in to rent a horror movie; you leave with a maybe date with the metalhead who’s kind of already obsessed with you.  (2.1k words)
Homespun Remedies
Summary: Requested! You get the hiccups. Eddie is a dork. cute and dumb fluff. (0.4k words)
Caught Up In You
Summary: Jason manages to corner you at a party. You’re saved by a knight in shining leather jacket who does very well at playing boyfriend. Maybe too well. (2k words)
made a wish on elevens - historical royal au
Summary: Eddie’s a servant. He knows what that means. He knows he can’t have you. He loves you anyway. hardcore pining. (1k words)
Sweet Nothing
Summary: Requested! A quiet day in where Eddie doesn’t feel the need to put on any airs because he’s with you, his favourite person. (0.5k words)
Steady (in progress)
Summary: soft post-s4 steddie/reader. no real summary yet. the name makes me laugh ok.  1.4k words and counting
Close Calls (in progress)
Summary: Eddie likes to pretend he hasn’t been crushing on you for the better part of a year.  It becomes a much more difficult task after you begin tutoring him.  6.5k words and counting
Eddie’s kinks
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Crime and Punishment (complete)
Summary:  One day when you’re in the library Steve Harrington attempts to engage you in a conversation about a book he’s clearly never read, because he’s crushing on you and all other attempts of striking up conversation have flown right over your oblivious head.  Fluffy and short.  Awkward!Steve. (3.8k words)
part i
part ii
part iii
part iv
part v
And Suddenly, I See It At A Glance (on hold)
Summary:  Anastasia prompt - “ah, an unspoken attraction.” “attraction? to that skinny little brat? have you lost your mind?”  Steve realises that yes, he does have feelings for Y/N.
part i
part ii
part iii
Meeting you
Camp counsellor Steve
Steve confessing his love
Semi-public sin
Protective Steve (angsty version)
Lazy day in bed
He’ll be such a good dad
Comfort after a nightmare
Christmas Shopping
Steve’s kinks
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Lemons, Limes, and Tomatoes (complete)
Summary: She finds it hard to describe.  Realising she likes Dan Humphrey. (0.4k words)
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Reader is a youtuber
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Five Times He Wanted To Kiss You + One Time He Did (on hold)
Summary:  You’re a good friend of Tony Stark’s who decides to drop in for a while.  Bucky can’t seem to help becoming captivated by you (and your lips).
part i
part ii
part iii
part iv
part v
part vi
pining for you (pt. 1)
confessing his feelings (pt. 2)
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BILLY HARGROVE (will be ooc bc i hate him really):
Christmas Shopping
Meeting him (+Billy loves your ass)
Safety Hazards and Lethal Smiles (on hold)
Summary:  Billy Hargrove is an asshole of epic proportions.  You know that.  Everyone knows that.  So why does your heart stutter every time grins at you?  Man, are you in trouble.
part i
part ii
part iii
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
I’m going a hiatus but I wanted to ask for something before I doooooo!!! May I ask for some Epic Sans x reader headcanons?
Where the reader and Epic are friends but they unknowingly crush on each other and when Epic finally tries flirting, he learns the reader gets extremely flustered very easily. (Ah yes kabedons….instant melting-)
Thank you in advance! Also it’s been awhile, how have you been?
genuinely still dont know much abt epic but hes kinda silly so lets see how this goes!! apologies if he's ooc im too lazy to look up anything about him
also ive been good thank you for asking ^^ livin life in beast mode since i got a cross bodypillow,,
motherfucker is WHIPPED goddamn 👴 always has some degree of a blush on his face when you're around,,,, or when he's talking about you,,, or thinking about you,,,,
you think his lil flushed cheeks are soo cute
because they ARE?? if only u knew they were flushed cuz of you <33
he likes to rant to anyone who'll listen abt how adorable you are. how in love with you he is. how he just wants to kiss your cute little face all over, leave you flushed and dizzy—
cross is FED UP with listening to his simping 😒😡
he's always so giddy around you. boundless energy, like you're some drug that gets his metaphorical heart pumping. really, you ARE like a drug to him. he's ADDICTED to you, the way you make him feel,,
ofc he'd never tell you that... that's too embarrassing!
until he decides to somehow make a stupid pick-up line.
"hey bruh, are you a drug? cuz i feel like im dying when im without you for an extended period of time."
WHY are you blushing at that horrible, stupid line?? he could have made it SO MUCH better, but this is SO him—silly and slightly nonsensical—and while it was kind of dumb, he's using a pick up line on you oh my god
nerd ass weeb anime mf will call you his waifu or husbando or whatever. it always makes you blush when he introduces you as "my awesome (waifu/husbando) whom i love" but you always just. brush it off as a joke. cuz i mean he can't ACTUALLY like you right? haha he's just overly friendly pshh ofc ourse he diesnt actually like you that's crazy—
sorry writing that actually made me cringe i cant believe he would say that 😭 life is so hard when that's my husband's best friend #savemefromepic
for the longest time he doesn't even realise that he's flustering you, but OH BOY, when he DOES become aware,,,, lord help your poor poor SOUL, you won't have a moment of rest
i mean, c'mon, he thinks you look so cute when you're all flustered because of him,,,, so adorable how your eyes widen fractionally, the way your lips press together, how you try to hide your heated face from anyone's view,,, so cute <33
dude double's down in his flirting. no matter how wild what he says is, you always get that cute look on your face that makes him want to kiss you so fucking bad bro
then, one day, after the two of you watched some stupid cliché romance anime where the female protagonist was pinned to the wall by her love interest...
it's like a lightbulb went off in his empty head. that's peak anime romance, so why doesn't he do that to you? he bets you'd get so embarrassed and cute if he did that~
except it kind of backfires. he slams his hands against the wall, effectively caging you between them, but he's a little shorter than you and the force he used rocked him right into your body and it's more like he just body-checked you than anything. it took all of his strength to make sure he didn't accidentally nail you in the nose with his big fat head. still, the close proximity got you all flushed.
he really can't help himself when he leans up and finally, finally kisses you. call it the heat of the moment, but it was the perfect opportunity. pressed up against the wall, so close to each other,,, when you just look so cute, your soft body against his bones feeling just right, like two perfect puzzle pieces coming together...
he could feel when your breath hitched, the way you tensed for but a moment before fervently kissing him back. your face is positively burning, but it makes the kiss all the better, feeling divine against his cooled cheeks, flushed with his own blush.
he pulls back and then...!! leaves. he disappears, falling into his bed and kicking his feet. he's totally squealing, fanboying harder than he ever has before.
you're allowed to kick his ass for just leaving you like that
but he'll text you later that night asking if you wanna be his "official (waifu/husbando)" because he's cringe and can't just ask if you wanna date the normal way.. </3
i keep cringing at him. have fun with your weeb man. i'm judging you for your tastes (/j)
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