#my dream will one day be fulfilled
goodluckclove · 18 days
hey so like i'm sure we all know this is a thing in the back of your mind, but i feel the need to say it. flaunting ignorance and having that be the end of the story is a bad look. most would agree with that.
but shaming people for what they don't know? also shit. it's shit, and it's very likely a major factor in people who end up doubling down in being proud for not trying to learn more things. because in they're mind, doing that keeps them from acting like you.
when i was in school i was not in advanced science or math classes. i just followed the sort of default path there. but i definitely had people younger than me who made fun of me for not being Ahead of the Curve, and that radically decreased my enthusiasm to actually try. I used to avoid my friends when they were all gathering to do homework because i was embarrassed that i was in a more remedial math class than they were. it wasn't until nearly a decade out of school that i realized i actually had a great deal of interest in certain aspects of STEM subjects - because by then i fully separated myself from the kinds of people who would probe asking oh you don't know this? why don't YOU know this? EVERYBODY knows this. look how much I know LOOK AT MEEEE.
like anti-intellectualism is not great. but it's also - like - not entirely the product of the people that believe in the philosophy. i am not one of those people, but i can absolutely see why someone would fall down that pipeline if they stick to certain channels for long enough.
i don't know where i'm going with this. deeply annoyed by people who take the amount of information they've accrued and treat it as if it's proof they're morally superior. incredibly grateful for my brilliant engineer wife, who has been immensely passionate about science for all their life and allows me to ask as many questions as i want about a subject until i understand it.
learning about the world is actually super cool and even cringe people should have welcome access to doing so without feeling like the alternative is societal exile.
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milktea-grn · 3 days
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miusato · 6 months
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Ahh yes, the autism brothers 🤝🤝🤝
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transdrowned · 11 months
(verticals your wolf)
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bottomvalerius · 5 months
T4T play party save me…… save me T4T play party….
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raycatz · 7 months
In fourth grade my class had a unit where we learned all about ships and sailing and sea shanties and then spent a day/overnight on a retired ship. We were split into different roles. I was in the galley team. Which was fun. But in retrospect I was probably put there because I was one of the quieter less athletic kids. BUT ALSO. I didn't get to see anything other than the main deck and I'm so pissed about it still!!!! My classmates got to mess with the ropes and tie knots and see the ship. I got to go down one flight of stairs for the historic tour section but nothing else!!!! Didn't get to stand under any of the other masts or see any cool views or go on any of the other decks I'm o|< little me missed out I would've loved to see more. They should have made sure all the kids got to experience more. They had us take night watch shifts of like half an hour, so like, we each were woken up separately and went and stood out in the cold and were given a journal to write in. I did like that part.
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dogearedheart · 15 days
#the thing is I'm not proud of many things I've done. It's actually the exact opposite.#I kinda suck most of the time if I'm honest. but getting sober and doing it all on my own...#it's one of the only things I'm proud of when it comes to myself. sure.it's my third attempt but 1 year and 3 months...#it's the longest time I've ever managed to not try and deal with myself in a way that slowly but surely fucked me up in a very different way#I still struggle. some days are easier than others#but I'm still doing it.#being sober doesn't magically solve all my other issues but I don't spiral as much as I used to.#i don't think I'll ever be someone people can be around. which is like i don't blame people. i know how i am and how fucking difficult it is#to deal with that. the fear of abandonment that makes me push people away until they leave. the self-fulfilling prophesy of it all#the way i push and when i get the result i was expecting the immediate pull the fear and irrationality#the emotional disreggulation the self-pity#it's gotten better since i stopped drinking. less frequently and all that... but it's never gone not really#sometimes i think about the what could've beens.#what if my childhood went a little differently. what if my dad was there for me when i needed him. what if i wasn't me.#my ex best friend once told me that I'm to desperate to be saved. that nobody can do that anyway.#I'm not sure if I'd deserve it anyway. i have dreams in which I'm still me still dark and ugly and selfish and cruel at times#but i am trying i like to believe that i am already trying. i am. I'm just scared that it'll never be enough.#I'm not proud of many things but I'm 1 year and 3 months sober#only a few days and it's gonna be 1 year and 4 months#i didn't achieve much in my life but I'm here and i am trying every day i am trying and i hope on day it'll be enough#i hope one day i won't cause pain but build something good#sorry... I've just been thinking about it lately#because it is an achievement and i didn’t let myself be proud of how far I've come#alex talks#I'm still scared that people will look at me differently when they know... sometimes i feel like they can see the my rotten core anyway#to delete
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mars-ipan · 24 days
OK green day concert highlights bc it’s the next day now and i’m really happy i got to go still. these won’t be in chronological order bc i don’t think like that
billie joe did the freddy mercury call n response thing throughout the whole show and it was sick (i have always wanted to participate in that)
he also kept telling us he wanted to see us “jump around and go fucking crazy” and the entire time i was just thinking BILLIE MY KNEES. PLEASE
tre cool has a really good stage presence (i mean obviously . he’s a performer. but still) also he kept throwing his drumsticks throughout the Entire show he had. so many drumsticks
he was also incredible with his performance of all by myself. funny as fuck song (has an angsty kmhn animatic in its head about it)
before the show these green and pink paper hearts got handed out to us and we put them over our phone flashlights for wake me up when september ends and bobby sox. a lot of the show’s lighting and branding was green and pink too which felt special To Me as someone who. well. marzi is green and pink Das Me. so i’m letting myself take that as a sign that things are looking up bc i need that lmao
someone complimented my epic heart-shaped bag <3
when brain stew ended i pulled my phone out to record what i thought was gonna be the transition into jaded. what i ACTUALLY ended up recording was the transition into american idiot and it fucking ruled
during “know your enemy” billie joe brought an audience member from the pit up onstage and had them sing and it was really cute. shoutout to kierstan i loved watching you jump around onstage <3 oh-way-oh-way
in the middle of letterbomb billie joe paused the song and gave this huge speech about how tonight he wanted to see us all jumping together and dancing together and singing together for us and for each other and for our loved ones and those who are gone and that this wasn’t a party but a celebration and It Made Me Tear Up. letterbomb is one of my favorite songs in american idiot (love me an anthem) and the unity i felt with everyone there as the song resumed was incredible
just. scream-singing lyrics with the rest of the audience in general. extra big love to when the band would play at a slightly faster bpm than the song usually is so we would all sing a little faster too and it was so hype
for most of the show i was next to this blonde girl who clearly was just as passionate about the band as i am. and we never spoke and we didn’t know each other but singing and dancing alongside her was really really fun. my opinion of her was slightly lowered when she pulled out a vape but at least she always blew the cloud somewhere where people Weren’t
during bobby sox (which also made me tear up bc i am a faggot !) someone handed billie joe a pink ribbon bow and he put it in his hair and it was really sweet and queer and i’m so happy i got video of it
sidenote for being like. in their 50s. green day still look really good. billie joe especially. seeing him live made me realize it is not just gender envy i feel for that man he is genuinely just attractive. cannot help my weakness to guyliner and boys who look a little like girls </3 it’s ok tho i needed some middle aged man rep in my “people i find attractive” list. first realized it when he blew kisses to the crowd and my heart skipped i went “wuh oh” to myself
he’s Been doing this for this show but the line “not a part of your redneck agenda” in american idiot was modified to say “maga agenda” which was. satisfying
at some point during dookie this huge blimp-shaped balloon with a sad animal face on the front and the words “BAD YEAR” on its side was carried through the audience by staff and i got some cool videos of it. saw that thing and immediately thought “oh so real”
so many of these songs felt amazing but look ma no brains felt particularly electric to me for some reason
at the start of are we the waiting billie joe jumped down into the pit and i presume mingled with the audience for a bit. it was cool :)
i LOVEDD watching billie jump around and get into character during st. jimmy. he was cheeky and energetic and cute and it was fun
at some point during dookie billie joe was given a mexican flag and he held it up to the camera and wore it like a cape for a bit. viva la méxico
this is standard concert fare but hearing billie joe shout “AUSTIN !!!!” and “TEXAS !!!!” throughout the show and include the location in the lyrics felt really really good. loved cheering with the audience every time it happened
billie joe started singing the “nobody likes you” sequence in a falsetto to mimic the female voice in the recording and slowly faded out to let the audience hit the notes exactly as we sang it with him. it felt like we got to pitch in and help it was cool
for some reason abt halfway through american idiot (album) a solid amount of people in our little chunk of audience just . got up and left. it was really bizarre but also worked out pretty nice for me bc i was able to get better videos and when i had to take sit down breaks i could still actually see the show. which was REALLY nice for homecoming because that song is another of my favs from the album but i was getting Tired and couldn’t stand for the full thing
usually with live music you feel the bass in your head but for some reason i felt it in my chest (as did the friend i was with) especially sitting down. it was a little odd but also made you feel like the music was squeezing your heart which. on brand. i had the song in my veins
the last song billie joe played was time of your life bc. duh. obvious end-of-show choice and i’m sure that’s something they’ve been doing for years and years now. but i pulled my phone out to record it bc it was Sweet and clearly i wasn’t the only one bc billie literally got two lines in before pausing to make fun of all of us for pulling out our phones. we got scolded lmao. i recorded through him chastising us but put the phone away afterwards bc He Was Right. so now i have a recording of billie joe armstrong going “let’s see how many videos we can get on The Youtube” and giggling to himself :]. he laughed through the song too. also later on during the song tre came back onstage with his phone out and got way up in billie’s face with it and made him laugh again. it was very silly and sweet
god the set was so cool. it made me miss doing theatre it was so fucking cool. we had fire and fireworks and lights and fog and
after the show tre pulled out a giant trash can filled with drumsticks (this must have been where his infinite supply of drumsticks was coming from) and threw them into the pit for the audience members. when the trash can was empty he threw the can OVER his drum set and cleared it. i was so afraid he was gonna hit it but he did not
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letthebookbegin · 2 years
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mzannthropy · 5 months
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Everyone knows I fucking hate this piece of garbage film (okay, I haven't watched it, but I read the book so that's how I know it's trash) but hey, a smiling shirtless Sam Claflin is still a smiling shirtless Sam Claflin.
#sam claflin#samblogging#i made a better story out of it in my head#might write it too if i get round to it#basically he narrowly escapes the accident bc alicia calls him that he forgot to take his lunch#that she prepared for him. a special sandwich from her that he likes#(also it's not raining bc it makes no sense him walking in the rain on the way to work and talking on the phone)#but he gets a scare and starts lashing out and becomes even more ruthless at his work. alicia leaves him#he spirals and begins a string of one night stands#rupert worries about him and suggests he takes time off. will rebuffs him#then one day his boss recommends a leave so he finally takes time off. visits home town but parents are at loggerheads#he has a long talk with his sister and starts coming to his senses#goes to scotland or lake district or somewhere like that for a week. comes back refreshed#tells his parents to either work it out or get a divorce. they decide on a divorce and both are happier that way#goes to a cafe with his sister where louisa the cow works. she has a helpless crush on him but he ignores her#will & his sister talk some more and she says alicia was the best thing to happen to him & he agrees#later there is a commotion outside so they go out and louisa has been run over by a bus. they see her legs in stripey tights sticking out#will realises how fragile life is & how shallow he has been#he quits his job and starts working for a non profit#and he wins alicia back. they get married and live HEA the end#louisa thus fulfils the manic pixie dream girl role she failed in the original story - she changes will's life. by dying (good riddance)#mypost
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daz4i · 7 months
wait actually i think this is a fun combination so here's a list of jobs i at least took some first steps towards getting at some point in my life, in no particular order
actor (duh) (also currently the main direction)
voice actor (hopefully still gonna do it some day. in addition to acting it's probably the one i got closest to)
singer (i was in a band when i was younger n all!) (second biggest direction rn really)
zoo guide
tattoo artist
psychologist (that was a big one for years tbh)
clothing store worker [i actually did (1) shift there even]
marine biologist
sfx makeup artist
pet store worker
sex work à la onlyfans (i don't think it was mainstream enough back then tbh)
graphic designer
book store worker
sound engineer(? this is the closest word i could find)
math tutor
some random high-tech thing. in like. programming machines for the field of medicine. yeah that one wasn't my own goal
i am so on point guys it's a real mystery how i've never had a job before /s
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kozzax · 1 year
I love soulmate aus. I love them so very much they bring incredible joy into my life, and because of this I've read a lot of them. Personally I always prefer to read soulmate aus with less common manifestations of soulmates-- the goose of soulmate enforcement, when you can hear what your soulmate sings, stuff like that. There's a lot of really interesting manifestations out there, and I've found that they fall into a couple categories.
The two big categories I like to put soulmqte aus in are active and passive. Which one a fic is in depends on how much the soulmate manifestation interacts with their day to day lives. A passive soulmate manifestation would be something like the ever-popular 'first words' soulmark, something that you know when you see it but doesn't really directly affect you outside of that [not that it can't affect you indirectly, through societal expectations and such]. An active soulmate manifestation, then, would be something like writing on one person's skin showing up on the other, something that transmits information between soulmates over time.
Personally, I've always found active soulmate aus to be far more interesting conceptually. While there can be really interesting uses of the passive soulmate au [for example, using the red string of fate as a stim before or after you find your partner and finding comfort in its presence], these typically depend on the characters to almost force their soulmate manifestations to take on an active role they weren't meant for. I think it's just generally more interesting if the soulmate part of a soulmate au has a heavier impact on the world and the characters than a passive soulmate manifestation generally allows for. First words soulmates often feel hollow to me, because they're typically just... getting together with one less step.
Anyways. I like soulmate aus and I always will.
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unamused-kookaburra · 10 months
Life is full of highs and lows
Negative: I wasn't feeling the vibe at the work christmas party so I left after half an hour without having any drinks (I arrived late due to finishing work later than everyone else and most people had already left)
Postitve: I got 3 drinks half-priced at the bottle-o on the way home (wasn't planning on buying them originally but a sale's a sale)
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cxnsolatio · 1 year
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✚ | ❝ you're standing in the wings ; there you wait for the curtain to fall ❞ { c / donquixote doflamingo }
✚ | ❝ silent screams laughing here ; dying to tell you the truth ❞ { c / donquixote rosinante }
✚ | ❝ not alone with a dream / just a want to be free ; with a need to belong / i am the clansman ❞ { c / monkey d. luffy }
✚ | ❝ teach me the art of war ; for i shall bring more than you bargained for ❞ { c / roronoa zoro }
✚ | ❝ but brutus wasn't kind / wasn't strawberries that were red ; he wasn't cutting bread ❞ { c / eustass kid }
✚ | ❝  just for a second a glimpse of my father I see ; and in a movement he beckons to me ❞ { c / usopp }
✚ | ❝ i see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost / as they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost ❞ { c / brook }
✚ | ❝ but a ghost lives in my veins ; silent the terror that reigned marbled in stone ❞ { c / sanji }
✚ | ❝ nowhere left to run ; navigator's son / chasing rainbows all my days ❞ { c / bepo }
✚ | ❝ face up ; make your stand / and realise you're living in the golden years ❞ { c / shachi }
✚ | ❝ say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death / hello to eternity and live for every breath ❞ { c / penguin }
✚ | ❝ can i tempt you? come with me / be devil may care ; fulfill your dream ❞ { c / ikkaku }
✚ | ❝ unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds / slowly unveiling the power he holds ❞ { c / tony tony chopper }
✚ | ❝ you watch the world exploding every single night ; dancing in the sun / a newborn in the light ❞ { c / nico robin }
✚ | ❝ they dared to go, where no one would try / they chose to fly where eagles dare ❞ { g / straw hat pirates }
✚ | ❝ when it comes to the time are we partners in crime? when it comes to the time ; we'll be ready to die ❞ { g / heart pirates }
✚ | ❝ and the ship it sinks like lead into the sea / and the hermit shrives the mariner of his sins ❞ { v / contemporary }
✚ | ❝ we fly a flag in some foreign earth ; we sailed away like our fathers before ❞ { v / ??? }
✚ | ❝ can i play with madness? the prophet stared at his crystal ball ❞ { crack }
#✚ | ❝ you're standing in the wings ; there you wait for the curtain to fall ❞ { c / donquixote doflamingo }#✚ | ❝ silent screams laughing here ; dying to tell you the truth ❞ { c / donquixote rosinante }#✚ | ❝ not alone with a dream / just a want to be free ; with a need to belong / i am the clansman ❞ { c / monkey d. luffy }#✚ | ❝ teach me the art of war ; for i shall bring more than you bargained for ❞ { c / roronoa zoro }#✚ | ❝ but brutus wasn't kind / wasn't strawberries that were red ; he wasn't cutting bread ❞ { c / eustass kid }#✚ | ❝  just for a second a glimpse of my father I see ; and in a movement he beckons to me ❞ { c / usopp }#✚ | ❝ i see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost / as they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost ❞ { c / brook }#✚ | ❝ but a ghost lives in my veins ; silent the terror that reigned marbled in stone ❞ { c / sanji }#✚ | ❝ nowhere left to run ; navigator's son / chasing rainbows all my days ❞ { c / bepo }#✚ | ❝ face up ; make your stand / and realise you're living in the golden years ❞ { c / shachi }#✚ | ❝ say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death / hello to eternity and live for every breath ❞ { c / penguin }#✚ | ❝ can i tempt you? come with me / be devil may care ; fulfill your dream ❞ { c / ikkaku }#✚ | ❝ unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds / slowly unveiling the power he holds ❞ { c / tony tony chopper }#✚ | ❝ you watch the world exploding every single night ; dancing in the sun / a newborn in the light ❞ { c / nico robin }#✚ | ❝ they dared to go where no one would try / they chose to fly where eagles dare ❞ { g / straw hat pirates }#✚ | ❝ when it comes to the time are we partners in crime? when it comes to the time ; we'll be ready to die ❞ { g / heart pirates }#✚ | ❝ and the ship it sinks like lead into the sea / and the hermit shrives the mariner of his sins ❞ { v / contemporary }#✚ | ❝ we fly a flag in some foreign earth ; we sailed away like our fathers before ❞ { v / ??? }#✚ | ❝ can i play with madness? the prophet stared at his crystal ball ❞ { crack }
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
the title sequence to zombieland (2009) is possibly the most perfect opening sequence in all of history.
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