#my doll: millions knives
struungout · 11 months
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The Raccoon Doll body I bought secondhand arrived in the mail today! I originally got it for Knives, but whoops, Vergil took it instead lmao. I actually like him a lot more on the thicker body; he’s like instantly nicer to take pictures of.
Unfortunately for Qianna, this means her man is even more of a giant lmao.
As for the resin match, it isn’t too bad at all! The Raccoon Doll body was made in 2020 and is just a smidge darker and pinker than the Rugged Realism parts. The neck definitely needs modifying though since it’s just a bit too thick for the Geneo and Aquilo head sockets.
I’ll likely buy some extra hands from Iplehouse from their FID line to use with Vergil. Don’t know yet if I’ll get everything in white skin and have it dyed, or live with any color different there is with Iplehouse’s normal resin. P;
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tickfleato · 1 year
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wow, i’m kinda on a roll with digital paintings lately huh! incredibly proud of this. anyway i think that one time knives got literally reborn could have been a little bit messier
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bleedingcoffee42 · 10 days
Speirton drabble I just had to get out of my head after seeing a photo that gave me vibes of post-war, Lip finishing his degree while 'roomates' with Ron.
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It was 0700 and Carwood was staring at the cardboard taped to the fridge as he drank his morning coffee.   Moments like this he was glad Ron still was in the army and got up earlier than him because otherwise he probably would have made him late to work.
It had been obvious who took his X-acto, it’s not like the dog ran off with it and he only had one ‘roommate’ to contend with.  One who established early on he could be a bit of a kleptomaniac.  
The top note was his frustrated way of trying to get his shit back so he could complete his presentation model for his engineering class.    They had a million knives in the house, from butter to Hitler’s, and Ron had to walk off with his very specific cutting tool.  It even had his name etched into it!
As Carwood stared at the note, he smiled and shook his head, then went about looking for the knife since Ron wouldn’t do anything to hinder his school progress.   Why the hell did Ron need an X-acto knife anyway?   He put his coffee down on the table and looked at his model building and saw the knife beside it.   He started looking around for something Ron would have used it for, then gave up and went to look in the trash that his ‘roommate’ never remembered to take out.  It was there that he found some local grocery store fliers with holes cut in them and some cardstock from invitations missing people shaped chunks.
So old ‘Killer’ Speirs was now into arts and crafts?  How quickly post-war domestic life had ruined him.   He turned back around to look for somewhere Ron would have stashed his creation, it would be somewhere hidden where nobody would accidentally find it if someone stopped by.  Biggest danger would be one of Lip’s classmates, but the occasional Easy Company man couldn’t be ruled out.  
Ron would keep it in his bedroom, which meant Carwood had looked right past it two days in a row.   He started walking there, eyes scanning the photos on the walls to make sure nothing was added to them.  Nothing.   The house wasn’t huge, he was standing in the doorway of their bedroom fairly quickly.   The master bedroom was decorated by Ron with a handful of high school trophies, his accounting certificate, war commendations and medals, and some trophies he liberated from Nazis.   It gave the appearance that they didn’t share a bedroom--at least to everyone who they didn’t serve with who knew they had been billeting together since Ron ran his ass across Foy.   
Carwood looked around, whatever it would be would be small.  Detailed.   Hidden in plain sight.   Ron’s love language was little tokens of appreciation, little details he’d notice and expand upon to show you he cared, or things he’d think you needed.   
He did need the laugh this morning when he saw the ‘note’ on the fridge.   So that meant Ron had already picked up on his stress level and did something about it.   Something that required an Exacto knife?  Lip walked around the bedroom and checked his own dresser, then nightstand, then moved over to Ron’s.   Nightstand clear but the dresser had a collection of new lighters… and behind them a couple of paper cutouts.   Lip looked closer, and saw a little cardboard bed and table.  The table had a pie courtesy of the grocery store ad, a wine bottle thanks to the liquor store sale announcement, and two people cut from the Winters-Nixon wedding invitation beside it.   Two cardstock people with photo faces glued on them.
Carwood picked one up and looked at it, Ron’s face obviously cut from the photo of him in Bastogne with his damned binoculars.    He put the paper doll down and picked up his own.  A photo from Kaprun, when they took the company photo.   Knowing Ron he had copies made, some abuse of military resources for sure.   Lip looked at the scene and smiled, the two of them with a bed and a bottle and some apple pie?   Yeah, it was one of their moments, the moment Ron told him to shut up and get in the bed and took care of him; because he was sick and trying to work himself to death.
“Just got to get to the end of the semester, Ron.”  Carwood says to the little figure on the dresser before putting his in the bed and Ron’s next to him.  “Just a few more weeks, then I graduate.”
Later that week, Ron came home drunk from a promotion party Lip had to excuse himself from so he could finish schoolwork   The damned officer’s club ruined the man again.
“Car…” Ron slipped his arms around Lip’s shoulders from behind, as he was sitting at the dinner table, ran them down his chest and kissed his neck.  His garrison cap flopped off as he placed a sloppy kiss on his neck.  “Come to bed with me.”
Lip took a deep breath as he smelled the booze on Ron and heard the thick Boston accent emerge which only happened when Ron was completely wasted.   He moved the garrison cap off his notebook as Ron grabbed a pec with one hand and rubbed his abs with another.  “Ron, I hope you didn’t drive.”
“And no, you’re drunk and I need to get this problem figured out before class tomorrow.  You should go to bed though.”  Carwood sighed as Ron got handsy.   
“Not without you.”  Ron leaned harder on him, the chair tipped forward. He attempted to kiss him but just streaked wet lips across his cheek.
Lip braced against the table.  It was 0200!  “Ron.   I’m pulling an all-nighter here, please understand that.”
“I’ll pull an all-nighter too.”
“No, you won’t.  You’re going to either get to bed and slobber on me and giggle and pass out or start crying.   You do not perform well under the influence of alcohol.”
“Then fuck me sober.”
“I have a headache from trying to figure out this math, I’m no further along to solving it, and I have class in six hours.  How about I get the bed ready for you, with a trash can for whatever you’re going to puke up, and I’ll help you out of your uniform?”
“I don’t spit, I swallow.”
“God, you are fucked up.” Lip says and Ron chooses to try and kiss his neck, leaning way too far over for his own safety.  The slurred Boston accent is making him strain to understand what the hell he’s talking about.  “Come on, get to bed.  That’s an order.”
“God, yes, sir.”
Lip barely slips out from under him and Ron’s face is flushed and eyes glassy.   He should have gone out with him and celebrated, but instead he stayed home to work.   Now he was paying for it.  “Sit down, have some coffee and I’ll be right back. Okay?”
“Mmm.” Ron makes it into the chair and looks at the paperwork as Lip goes to do whatever he was doing.  He hums, picks up a pencil and goes to work.
When Lip returns he hears the pencil on the table before anything else.  Someone writing up a storm. Oh, no.   Last time Ron was drunk and around writing utensils he wrote Forrest Guth a ridiculous letter that he was still hearing about.  Except this time it wasn’t a blank sheet of paper, it was his damned schoolwork that he had been slaving over all week.  “Ron, please tell me you’re not…”
Ron put the pencil down and triumphantly said, “Done! Can we fuck now?”
Lip walks over, hands going onto Ron’s shoulder with a death grip as he looks at what Ron did.   It takes a few minutes for him to really comprehend what he was looking at.  “Ron, did you just solve this complicated engineering equation?”
“Just math.”
“Ron, you did.  How did you…how?”
Lip is confused as all get out but Ron is swaying back and forth on the chair and surely not going to answer until morning.  “Okay, let’s see what we can do to sober you up because I need an explanation on how you did this before 8 am.”
“I did this?”  Ron asks and looks at the paperwork on the table as Carwood stands next to him.  It’s time for work, his head hurts and he can't stomach coffee.   
“Yes.”  Carwood insists.  “Last night you sat down and solved this and I am sure it is right.  So how did you do it?”
“Huh.”  Ron says as he looks at it and Carwood leans up against him and he glances over.  He can see it, the desperation to know how he did it and he doesn’t exactly have an answer.  “You know how I am when things need to be done, I just do it.”
“Yes, but running across Foy or swimming across the Rhine are both incredibly physical and stupid things to do.  This….Ronald…what the fuck is this?”  Lip asked and shook him as he did so, probably not the best thing to do to a man with a hangover, but he was desperate for answers.
“I solve problems when drunk.”  Ron admitted.  “I just see it, and do it.”
“You have come to my bed and cried.   You have begged me to fuck you on the balcony of the Eagle’s Nest.  You have written a letter to Forrest Guth about everyone getting hurt and dying, me going on furlough and you sounding so unenthusiastic about seeing your wife and baby…”  Carwood stops and looks at the math problem then back at Ron.  “Oh shit.”
“I guess I solve my problems with you when I’m drunk?  I didn’t know how to even score when you were embarrassingly cuddly and needy when drunk. Kinda started then.”
“I was sick.”  
“You were very clearly wrapped around me and wanting to be there and I enjoyed it very much, but it got weird after. Want to blame the German couple who told us we were such nice young men and they were glad America was supportive of people like us.”
“Yeah.  I crossed a lot of lines that night.” Lip remembers. "Was a little too loud about it."
“And you got better?  Your lungs cleared up the next day.”
“So you coming to me when Nix got you drunk while celebrating your promotion…”
“Well, I wanted you, but my first instinct was to go to Grant because he would have just kinda swept it under the rug and never said anything.   But that wouldn’t have solved our problem of how weird you were being because we cured your pneumonia.”
“You got drunk and came to me and cried.” Carwood reminded him.
“I had never been drunk, it sucked.  God, I lost all control.   I was embarrassed.”
“And the letter to Forrest?”  
“He was your friend.   He’s at home visiting your family, seeing your wife and baby and you were  in Scotland without me.   I guess indirectly telling you I was not exactly thrilled about going to see my family was a way to hint things weren’t looking promising.   I don’t know, I was drunk?   Did it do anything?” Ron asks and Carwood looks at him like he’s an idiot.
“I’m living with you, aren’t I?” Carwood asks and Ron gives him a smile that says he still doesn’t have a clue how he solved his homework.
“So, you’re a drunken savant.   I can handle that.  You resort to drinking to solve issues we’re having by being a drunk savant….glad to get that out of the way now.”
“You’re going to ask me what my problem is, aren’t you?” Ron asks.
“Yeah.  You feel ignored because of my schoolwork?”
“No, I want this to be a permanent arrangement and you’re going to graduate soon.   I’m tied to the army, you’re going to have to get a job somewhere.” Ron shrugged and looked at the homework.  “I don’t know how to ask you that without impeding on a decision you make about your future.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Ron.  Except class, with no explanation as to how I worked this out.”  Carwood says and gets a smile from Ron, who then sits down and pulls a chair out for him.   He sits and immediately Ron starts pointing to his work.
“Okay, I started here.   How long did it take me to do all this?”
“Five minutes.”
Ron snorted.  “Wow, maybe I should quit my job and be an engineer with you.”
“Thanks asshole.”  Carwood elbows him in the ribs.  “So, walk me through this.”
“Well, this is algebra.”  Ron says and gets elbowed again.  “Give me some paper and I’ll work it out.   Easier for me to just try to do it again.”
Carwood gives him his notebook.  “Thank you.   For everything.  I’m not going anywhere, Ron.   Please stop getting drunk to talk to me.”
“Did I at least try and stay out of your pants this time?”
“Well, at least I’m consistent.”  He says and picks up a pencil.  “Okay, from the top…”     
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angelbaby-fics · 2 years
Chosen Family
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Pairing: CG!Ransom x Little!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mean family members and a canon referencing curse word!
A/N: Ahh the Ransom feels continue.... I saw Glass Onion recently and I absolutely loved it, but it sure made me miss Chris 😅 so of course I've been revisiting Knives Out now 💕 This is kind of based on a true story with my own family, only I wish I had protective Ransom to come rescue me 🥺😣 so even if that didn't happen in real life, I can just write it instead 💕💕 enjoy!!
The tires of Ransom’s car threw gravel across the driveway as he peeled in, coming to a stop directly in front of the house. He didn’t want to be here a second longer than absolutely necessary, and this was the easiest way for a quick getaway. You’d fallen asleep in the backseat on the drive over, the rain on the windows and the winding forest roads lulling you to dreamland. Ransom grabbed your backpack out of the passenger seat and got out of the car. He circled around to your door and opened it, noticing you wince as you felt a blast of cold outdoor air enter the heated car. He undid your seatbelt and lifted you out of the car and into his arms, while you buried your head in his sweater clad shoulder, desperately clinging onto your nap.
“I know, I know, doll. We just have to make an appearance and then we can go home and cuddle by the fire, you like that?” Ransom said softly in your ear, petting your head against his chest. “You wanna walk by yourself, baby?”
“Mmm…” You mumbled, which Ransom knew meant no. You’d been more little this week, more often. The dreary weather and stress of the holiday season, the fact that the sun was gone by 4pm, all this had you falling deeper and deeper into headspace as winter settled over Massachusetts. Not that Ransom minded at all, but you’d never been so little at one of his family’s big gatherings, and he was anxious to see how this day would play out. 
“Aww, come on, baby, I know you can do it.” He said, attempting to lower you to the ground, but your legs latched around his torso. Just then, Harlan’s dogs came bolting from across the yard. Ransom backed up against the car, trying to shoo the dogs away, not wanting to get dirty paw prints and slobber on his clothes. They growled at him, sensing his rigid energy, before you unclenched your fist from Ransom’s sweater and reached a little hand down to give the nearest pup a pat on the head.“Hello good doggy.” You said quietly with a smile, wriggling out of Ransom’s grasp to better play with the dogs. 
“So you won’t walk for daddy, but you will for a doggy, huh?” Ransom laughed, patting your head as your affection subdued the dogs. They happily trotted alongside you as you approached the big house, and Ransom grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze before you walked in. “Well, nice of you to finally join us.” A scathing voice floated through the foyer. 
You shifted behind Ransom, slightly shielding yourself from the judgment of his family. You knew they didn’t like him, and by extension, that meant they didn’t like you. Usually you were big enough to hold your own against them, or to stay home alone when you weren’t feeling up to it, but you’d been inseparable from Ransom lately, and when you were still regressed the day of the Thrombey’s annual holiday dinner, he brainstormed all the ways to get you through the event with as little incident as possible. That’s when Ransom shrugged your backpack off his shoulder and handed it to you.“Here you go, angel,” he whispered, “go run upstairs and play with your toys until it's time to go, alright?”
You nodded, taking the bag and running up the staircase to an empty room where you knew you wouldn’t be disturbed, leaving Ransom to face the brunt of his family on his own. As much as he hated having to spend an afternoon with them, he’d do it a million afternoons if it meant you could be spared. 
You dumped the contents of your backpack onto the rug, scanning your eyes over them before reaching for your iPad. You didn’t get much screentime when you were little, Ransom preferring to have you spend quality time with him, so you were delighted to see he’d packed your tablet for you, allowing for a rare opportunity to rot your brain on mobile apps all afternoon. Your favorite game was still on the loading screen when you heard a voice carry out in the hallway. 
“So bizarre… like his little pet.” You heard someone say.
“Honestly, if I were Ransom I’d be so annoyed.” Another one chimed in.
And you felt it. The words hit your core like a bomb, wiping out any bit of confidence and joy you had in your headspace. You knew they probably talked about you and your relationship with Ransom, your big self knew that kind of gossip was inevitable, but you’d never heard it for yourself, especially in such a sensitive state. The words cut through you like icicles, freezing your blood and your body in place.
Little pet.
Was this true? Were you annoying to Ransom, following him around everywhere, relentlessly clinging to his side? Was that why he’d sent you up here all by yourself, to get rid of you for at least an afternoon of relief? The faces of the colorful characters on your favorite app blurred through your tears as these thoughts swirled around your head. You wished you’d never heard them at all. 
Someone else had heard them too.
Ransom had been stomping his way up the steps, already wanting to leave the gathering after just a few agonizing minutes with his mother, when he heard his cousin’s voice from a nearby room, and then his name. He heard the nasty things they said about you and prayed to anyone listening that you weren’t within earshot. As soon as he found you, still sitting frozen on the carpet with tears streaming down your face, he knew that prayer hadn’t been heard. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ransom muttered, coming towards you with open arms, but you pushed him away. “No, it's okay, I just want to go home.” You whispered, shoving all your belongings back into your backpack.
“Absolutely, honey, I was just about to say the same thing.” Ransom replied, taking the backpack from you and slinging it over his shoulder. “I could’ve carried that.” You spat, hurrying past him out the door and down the hallway towards the stairs. Ransom sped up to match your stride, wanting more than anything else in the world to get both you and him out of that house as soon as possible. You pushed open the front door, Ransom yelling an emotionless “goodbye” to the rest of the family before slamming it behind him. He reached towards the back seat door to open it for you, but you were already getting settled in the front, pulling your seatbelt across your chest. Ransom got in the driver’s seat, zooming out of the driveway just as hastily as he’d arrived. The two of you remained silent throughout the journey home. You stared out the window with a head full of overwhelming thoughts until finally they got too much and spilled out.
“Am I annoying?” You whispered as the Beemer pulled into yours and Ransom’s driveway.
“Not in a million years, angel.” Ransom answered, confidently and quickly, with all his heart.
“But I heard Joni say… I’m like a pet. And Meg said you’re annoyed by it. Your family hates me.”
“Baby ignore them. They’re idiots and they can all eat shit.” He said with a grin that he hoped you’d return, but once again he was out of luck.
“But… but they’re your family!” You sniffled, finally turning to look at him. . “Not anymore, not after tonight. I don’t associate with people who can’t respect my little angel. You’re the only family I need, babydoll.”
The tiniest hint of a smile ghosted your face when you heard your favorite pet name. Ransom hooked a finger under your chin, lifting your face slightly so he could see it better, and gave you a soft, sweet kiss on your lips. “You are too, daddy.”
“There’s my baby. Now to make up for today, I think someone deserves lots and lots of cuddles!”
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katybaby00 · 8 months
Sweet fairy part:02
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König x fairy!reader A/N: i’ve been working this weekend and have done nothing but think about some fics i wanna write and who i wanna write for. i hope you enjoy✨ credits: @cafekitsune for their wonderful dividers. please go check them out. warnings: mild violence, blood, angst...
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Before I can make out who is intruding on my meadow I'm shot down in a net, the wire and rope stinging my skin as it makes contact. König is watching as I fly up to check our surroundings, noticing the shift in in the air. He hears branches snap and the sound of the net being launched in my direction and he takes off after the unknown people lurking at the edge of the meadow. The soldier in him going into overdrive at a potential threat.
König is sprinting to the edge of the meadow and as he gets closer he can hear a man shouting orders at his team members to "Gather the fairy! We'll be getting paid tonight boys!" Fairy bodies, hair, everything on a fairy is valuable, and to the highest bidder? Nothing is off the table. A live fairy? worth millions. König knows this and it tears an angry and primal growl from his chest as he reaches the men.
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He unleashes on the group of men. König comes into view of the men and twirls the knife expertly in his hands. "Tell me who is paying you, maybe I will let you live." His accent heavy and chest heaving. He takes a small step towards them and they all reach for their weapons, but König is faster. He takes 2 of the men down with knives, slicing ones jugular and twisting his neck like an owl. He grabs the other of the two and slams him on the ground, slicing his femoral artery. Leaving him screaming and slowly loosing consciousness.
Furious that they could harm something so delicate and beautiful when all you do is take care of things. His blood pumps and boils as he plunges his knife into the leader of the groups ribcage and twists, his body falls to the ground like a rag doll. The other man can only watch, as König turns to him his body radiates anger. "Now, abschaum, who has paid you to capture my fairy?"
What I wasn't prepared for was the shear weight of the rope and wire against my tiny body. I feel as thought I weigh a thousand pounds at 4 inches tall. I struggle against the net as it singes and burns my skin every time I do. I try to move once more to try and free myself, no use. I am laying on my side trying not to move, everything hurts.
König is panting heavily as he slices the mans throat after he gives him the information he asked for. He is instantly pulled from his almost blackout rage, "Y/n." he whispers and turns away from the bodies and looks for you in the meadow. "Y/n!" He yells. No response. "Nein bitte, Y/n!?" König shouts.
I hear König ever so faintly, the buzzing of the electricity in the wires and the burning of my own skin drowning his calls for me out. "König!" I manage to scream. "I'm here! Please!" I use all the strength I can and shout for him, hoping he hears me. König runs over to where he hears me, close to where he had been sitting before. He bends down to me and as he cups his hands around my entangled body he's shocked from the wires. He winces softly and cuts them free from my body. "Oh meine süße Fee, are you alright?" He gently rests his thumb on my back and sits me up as thoughtfully as he can, not wanting to risk injuring you further.
His eyes scan my small form and they land on my wings, his face etched with concern. "Your wings..." König helps me to sit up further and inspect my wings. I look over my shoulder at the almost translucent and burned wings, or what's left of them, from the electric wires. I look down at his palm and shut my eyes tight, a tear rolling down my face and onto his palm. "A fairy is nothing without their wings." I say softly, remembering the words of the fae king. If you are to ever loose your wings, don't come back.
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König looks down at me softly. "Oh Schatz, please do not cry." He gently lifts my chin with his finger. "You are still meine süße Fee, Ja?" He looks at me through his sniper hood and tilts his head awaiting my answer. "Yes, but a fairies power is held in their wings, I have no wings." I cry softly as I look up at him. I hold onto his finger and sob softly. I feel like a huge hole has been pierced through my chest.
I lean against his finger and hug it tight and cry. König sits by the tree he had earlier and gets comfortable, letting me go through the emotions of loosing my wings. His chest puffs ever so slightly, his protective instincts kicking in. "What if... I kept you?" König says this hesitantly knowing fairies are very wary of humans, especially being asked to be kept by one. I slowly look up at him, my body going slightly rigid and heart rate increasing. He notices this and continues. "Not like a pet or a prize to show off, to help you, take care of you, things of that nature." he says softly. I relax as he explains himself, a relief washes over me and I slump against his finger contentedly.
I smile and nod up at him. "Yes König. I would appreciate that very much." The corners of his eyes wrinkle underneath his sniper hood and he stands from his spot up against the tree and slowly heads back to the KorTac base. Fairy in hand, and a newfound protectiveness blooming in his chest.
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pretty-oooodd · 1 year
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Notes: a little thing I wrote at 3 am instead of sleeping. Better with this song in the background. Remember that English isn't my first language, and I write to improve my skills and for fun!
Characters: Fyodor Dostoevskij, reader.
Genre: angst I guess?
Tw/cw: fem!reader, Fyodor being a bit ooc I think, major character death, fever-dreaming, slightly religious themes.
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One step to the right, another one to the left.
Their feet barely touching while the rest of their bodies seemed to merge into one.
Two steps backwards, one forward.
Her head on his chest, her hands one on his shoulder, the other one tightly interlocked with his fingers.
A quick spin.
No words left their mouths, but the beating of his heart alone was enough. Piano notes came from somewhere in that dark ballroom. Only a few, shy, dying candles lit the death-stenched atmosphere.
Fyodor's other hand rested on her hip, guiding her through the soft music.
-You hold me a bit too tightly to be the one that killed me.-
Words sweet like sugar and her kisses, yet sharp as his knives, echoed in the ballroom together with the music. Still, she didn't dare to oppose his touch and he didn't dare to push her away.
-Maybe I regret doing so.-
His breath flew through her silky hair, like a fooling caress made by a way too sly wind.
-I find it hard to believe.-
She chuckled, but her laugh wasn't crystalline like before; her chest didn't tremble like flowers by the wind anymore. She was just clinging to Fyodor's body, like a stiff, lifeless doll.
Was her heart even beating?
Was she even alive?
"No" was the sad truth in a way too tempting reality, in which he didn't stuck too much to his own pride. But he and his pride were one, inseparable and omens of catastrophic events. Still she loved Fyodor dearly, like a devoted follower loves their God; and like a soldier craves war and like a starving hunter craves their prey to fall.
Even though he stuck with his pride, selfishly like a spoiled noble man, Fyodor missed her. He missed her fingertips through his hair and on his body, their skins against each other, her insatiable mind and her soothing voice.
Fyodor had let the house they shared burn and the gorgeous garden she sweetly, intensely cared for became ash, together with the land she was buried in.
The stench of death in that large room was almost like a perfume. The stench of death to Fyodor wasn't the same as everyone else. The one he felt invading his lungs was sweet: it was flowers, the ashes from his cigarette box and her garden, books and freshly washed clothes, rain, tears and despair of a loved one left to rot in a fancy coffin.
He looked up at the ceiling of the ballroom, while he kept on dancing with the imitation his mind had made of his past lover.
And the ceiling looked back at him; millions of eyes, eyes of angels and eyes of demons, eyes from the Heavenly Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins, and eyes from tarot cards' figures observed his elegant movements. But those eyes looked so much, too much, like hers.
They were judgmental, but he had no fear of those wary stares from statues and painting.
-You are right. Even if it had to be done, I still miss you.-
He looked back down at her hidden figure and pushed her slightly, enough to see her face. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her to be. The light of the candles, barely surviving, traced her facial features just well, perfectly to refresh his memory like sea breeze.
-You are a cruel man. And you are terribly lonely. I took pity on you and I gifted you my heart out of love and devotion for a lonesome man that believes himself to be sent by God.-
Her lips barely moved, her voice was low and sounded heavenly to his ears.
-And I gifted you my heart back, milaya. You took it to your grave. My heart, that was the price I paid to lose you.-
Fyodor raised his hand over her head and made her spin, one, two, three times.
-That's the only thing that consoles my restless soul. My nails are now digging and carving your heart just like you did to mine. But beware that your heart, nor my love, will be enough to save you from your sins and your faults. My tears and care weren't enough to wash the blood off your hands and clothes, and my arms won't be enough to stop demons from dragging you to Hell.-
A candle died completely and he noticed that only two of them were still fighting to light the large room. The music started to fade, sounding distant as if the mysterious pianist was walking away with his instrument.
-I know. Soon I'll reach my goal, and I will rest in the same land were you lie, my dear. I'll make sure to leave my corpse next to yours and my soul to your judgment. Until then, haunt me. Bruise my skin and make me insane, but don't leave me.-
Fyodor spun her around two more times. Another candle faded away like a silent whisper in the night as their dance became more aggressive and the music grew more distant.
She moved her hand from his shoulder to his face, cupping his cheek gently.
-I won't leave you. Maybe I'll even follow you in Hell, who knows... Perhaps loving you was a sin itself.-
He raised his hand again to spun her one last time, but the music abruptly stopped and the last candle gave up to the darkness before he could face her again.
So he woke up, in a puddle of his sweat, a mess of his hair and sheets.
His forehead was hot and his vision blurry, he felt cold and oddly nervous.
Fyodor calmed down his breath and dizziness, and promised to himself that he would bring flowers to her grave and check if she were still in the coffin next time he visited her.
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Don't steal, copy or translate my work!
Reblogs and reviews are very much appreciated!!
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doriandistortion · 1 year
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About me
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My poetry: 🖤
My photography: 🩶
Rambling n stuff 🤍
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Dorian || INTP || Ambidextrous || This is mainly my poetry account ||
˗ˏˋ Shitty people safe space ˊˎ˗
I’m chill with anyone interacting + I’m not mean I promise! I just look that way lol
DMs are always open
Dog bless
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Fandoms I dabble most in:
Tales from the gas station, true crime, The Vampire Chronicles, villains duology
Things I’m into:
Old web graphics, Vampires, Pretty knives, Explore With Us yt channel vids, Psychology, Sad gray aesthetics, 90s emo, 90s anything, atwwd + wine and crime, The Magnus Archives, Tales from the gas station, creepypasta, audiobooks, analog horror,
Fave media:
Exquisite Corpse - Poppy Z. Brite
These violent delights - Micah Nemerever
Villains duology - V. E. Schwab
Scream (1996)
The Magnus Archives - podcast
The talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
Fave bands:
Sunny Day Real Estate, Million Dead, 12 RODS, Knocked Loose, Nirvana, Dismemberment Plan, Reuben, My Chemical Romance, Far, Mineral, Joy Division, The Decemberists, Scarling, Dresden Dolls, Manic Street Preachers, HIM, Bright Eyes, Acid Bath, Panuccis Pizza, KMFDM, Silverchair, Death Cab for Cutie, Slint, Leonard Cohen, Cursive, Modest Mouse, The Dear Hunter, Glassjaw, Set to Stun, Nine Inch Nails, Dumb As Rocks, El Creepo, Jack Conte, The Paper Chase, The Devil Makes Three, Braid, The Requiem, Mad Kelly, Blue October, any emo band ever new or old
Follow me on Spotify
0:00 ───|────── 4:25
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lady-eclipse3 · 2 years
Happy Stampede Saturday here’s some of my thoughts on what pokemon the gang would have.
Vash - I want to give this man a Sylveon so bad. I fully believe he could love and care for an eevee enough that it evolves into a Sylveon. Their skillset would be good for him as well, as they're capable of emitting an aura that can completely erase any hostility their opponent has which would make them great for Vash what with him being a pacifist. I also think he’d have an Absol. It just started following him around one day because of their whole “appear whenever a disaster is going to happen” bit and well, we all know how Vash can’t-step-foot-into-a-town-without-something-happening the Stampede is. Absol also dislike fighting and Mega Absol has that whole angelic vibe going on.
Meryl - I keep imagining her with one of the dog pokemon, possibly a Growlithe or Yamper. I could see Growlithe being helpful with her journalism career due to their ability to track down people with their heightened sense of smell and their ability to never forget a scent. Yamper would be more of a joke option. They’re a high energy pokemon that are often used as a herding dog and I just think they’re funny. That said, they’re also an electric type and can generate electricity just by running which could be useful whenever their car runs out of electricity.
Roberto - I keep imagining him with just the meanest looking Chatot you’ve ever seen. Like some disgruntled, I’ll-bite-you-if-you-come-too-close looking bird. I want to say he inherited it from someone/it had a trainer before him because parrots live for a long ass time and the mortality rate on Gunsmoke is really high. It probably knows a bunch of swear words. It does not fucking like Wolfwood.
Wolfwood - I wanna say he’d have some kind of ghost type pokemon but I'm not sure which one. Lampent or Chandelure might be a good possibility as they both hang around where people die so they can take and burn up their souls and Wolfwood’s whole job involves a lot of dying people. Possibly he found it near the facility where he was experimented on as there were a lot of people that died there. I could also see him with a Bannette. Perhaps an old doll that was discarded by one of the orphanage children when it became too worn to play with wound up turning into a Bannette and he caught it trying to hunt down the child that had tossed it.
Zazie has a Yanmega purely because it and the worms he controls resemble dragonflies.
Legato has no pokemon because having one is a gateway to caring about them and he refuses to have any emotions. Or he has a Hattrem and every time he accidentally experiences an emotion it beats the shit out of him.
Knives has a half a million Doublades.
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xxthefairywitchxx · 7 months
Are there any F/Os you're uncomfortable sharing? I couldn't find any info about it in your carrd
To be honest it's usually most of them, though I've been getting less...idk intense about it? It's been less of an issue lately? Maybe it's cause my current main is Ian Duff, a dating sim character, so it makes it a little easier to deal with?
Generally I just block people if I see we share an f/o unless it's a mutual then I just block their tag for that character.
Lemme just...Copy paste my whole ship list under the cut for ease of explaining who I am and am not comfortable sharing, that'll make this simple...And I'll keep the tags so anyone can block any tag they need to
encouraged actually, not just okay with: 💓
yes: 💖
no: 💔
depends: 🫀
Princess Peach - Fruitbowl 💓 Jaden Yuki(Yu-Gi-Oh GX) - SuperLuv 💔 Jesse Anderson(Also GX)- Southern Jewel 💔 Aster Phoenix(GX) - Angel 💖 Sartorius Kumar(GX) - Gummybear 💖 Blair Flanagan(GX)- Kitten 💖 Adrian Gekko(GX) - Insurance 💓 (take him) Jack Atlas♥(5Ds) - Bastard Man 💖 Kalin Kessler(5Ds) - Puppy 💔 Carly Carmine(5Ds) - Lady Friends 💖 Link(LOZ) - My Hero 💔(this one sucks, he's so popular and z3l!nk is every where) Dark Link(LOZ) - Shadow 💖 Linkle(LOZ) - Girls Do It Better 💓 Bonnie(fnaf) - Bunny Boy 💔 Foxy(fnaf) - Pirate Protector 💔 Monty(fnaf) - Rock And Roll 💔 Baby(fnaf) - Clowning Around 💓 Nova(fnaf oc kinda?) - Shooting Star 💔 Broly(Dragon Ball Super) - Let’s Rock 💔 Tadase(Shugo Chara) - Strawberry Shortcake 💓(he was bullied so much when I was in the fandom he needs more love) Frankenstein's Creature - Patchwork Hearts 💓 (more people need to love him) Dylas(RF4) - Tsundere Tango 💖 Keith Claes(Villainess Isekai) - Linked Hearts 💖 Alan Stuart(Villainess Isekai) - Resonate Soul 💖 Red Velvet(CRK) - Dark Desire 💖 Pure Vanilla(CRK) - Sweet As Sugar 💖 Vash(Trigun) - Heart Typhoon 💓 (love him getting love) Knives(Trigun) - Million Hearts 💓 (get him away from me) Joe Tazuna(YTTD) - Keychain Buddies 💔 Alice Yabusame (YTTD) - Love Crimes 💔 Rio Ranger (YTTD) - Dressup Doll 💔 Naomichi Kurumada(YTTD) - Final Countdown 💖 Mai Tsurugi(YTTD) - Creampuff 💖 Trash, Garbage & Scum(River City Girls) - Brothers Gross 💖 Sunny Day Jack(SWWSDJ) - Sunny Days 🫀 Ian Duff(SWWSDJ) - Second Chance 💖 Bo(Dachabo) - Dog Toy 💓 Taylor Pots(Gallagher Mansion) - Lovely Dork 💓 Garrett Golde(Snaggemon) - Pretty Idiot 💖 Bram(Snaggemon) - Rival Bicycle 💓 Keaton(Fire Emblem Fates) - Favorite Treasure 💔 Kaden(Fire Emblem Fates) - Mutual Pampering 💖 Corrin(M) - Dragon Prince 💖 Chrom(Fire Emblem Awakening) - Hot Dad 💓 Dimitri(FE Three houses) - Taste Of Love 💔 Alfonse(FEH) - Prince Charming 💖 Otr(FEH) - Dear One 💖 Elm(FEH) - Batty About You 💔 Karamatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Fashion Disasters 💓 Ichimatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Furreal Boyfriend 💓 Sir Pentious(Hazbin Hotel) - Soup Snake 💔/🫀(I have a mutual who ships with him and I just...don't look at that tag...) Cherri Bomb(Hazbin Hotel) - Cherry Pie 💖 Arackniss(Hazbin Hotel) - Spider's Kiss 🫀 Striker(Helluva Boss) - Cowboy Snake 🫀 Gonta Gokuhara(DR V3) - LoveBug 💔💔💔 (idk why but I've had to block more people for him than anyone else) Kaito Momota(DRV3) - Outta This World 💖 Nagito Komaeda(SDR2) - Lucky Day Hajime Hinata(SDR2) - Loverboy 💖 Izuru Kamakura(SDR2) - Ultimate Love Junko Enoshima(DR) - Terrible Queen 💓 Mukuro Ikusaba(DR) - She Wolf 💓 Sabro Sabnock(M!IK) - Precious Metals 💔/🫀 (someone rebloged a gush post for him but otherwise it might be fine?) Shichiro Balam(M!IK) - Gentle Sunset 💔 Ameri Azazel(M!IK) - Blushing Beauty 💓 Atori(M!IK) - Wax Prince 💓 Purson Soi(M!IK) - Daddy Issues 💖 Kisshu/Dren(TMM) - Alien Feeling 💔 Anos Voldigoad(Misfit at Demon King Academy) - Sweet Laughs 💓💓💓 Arven(Pokemon ScarVio) - Puppyboy 💖 Piers(Pokemon SWSH) - Dark Heart 🫀 Riddle Rosehearts(TW) - Red King 🫀 Andrew&Ashley Graves(TCOAAL) - Three Of Them 💓💓💓💓💓
that is so much and I hope I didn't miss any...And didn't lose any since the formatting got hella fucked...
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ravenscharm · 1 year
IS FEM NAI NOT SOMETHING PEOPLE ARE IN TO????? How are people not into fem MILLIONS KNIVES. I want her so bad and I never even seen her.
God she would be so hot. I’m gunna miniaturize her and give her giant tits. I’m gunna give her long blonde wavy hair and giant blue green eyes. She’s going to be so feminine I’m gunna dress her up like my own little porcelain doll. AND she’s gunna be so fucked up. Absolutely bat-shit!!! Completely deranged!!! A nightmare with long legs, a short skirt, and a perfect, pink little kitty. The meanest bitch you ever met.
Anyway. I love the kind of woman who will actually just kill me.
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struungout · 1 year
Millions Knives
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No proper doll photos as of yet.
Rugged Realism Rites of Passage 51cm Aquilo
Raccoon Doll 51.5cm man body (NOT PURCHASED YET)
Resin Color: Peach (head) / Normal (body)
Doll specific images are here. Character specific images are here.
Story Universe: Trigun
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beyonceisstraight · 9 months
I grew up as many many millions of brown girls do watching the women in our families serve the men around them and be unappreciated for it. Beaten when they didn't finish cooking something on time because he was drunk and hungry. Waking up without thanks at 3 am to cook so he might leave home at 5 am with food. Women who then eventually turn to me and ask me when I'm getting married. And how unreasonable I am to want a partner who would see me as an equal. As a person who needs to be fed and taken care of as well. Tell me these things while they themselves are deeply unhappy and have always been unhappy but they don't see how else a good muslim woman should live. They'd tell me these things and I'd think about how much I sometimes wanted a girlfriend. I'm nearly 30 now and I just feel like those women I'm related to are lost little girls who should have been given much more than the traditional gifts of abuse that brown women receive. Children are angry when they are denied love so these women try to fit you, tried to fit me into what they thought I should have wanted not to show me love but to angrily make me the same as them. So much healing is owed and thats why a lot of them remain in their faith because allah does not beat them.
And this is why I see the white women spreading tradwife, stay at home girlfriend nonsense as girls playing dolls with the patriarchy's knives. I could hate them but I don't. And that's a choice I make because I'm aware that if I hated them they would live inside me, inside my mind. So I look beyond what's initially there and see women who didn't grow up as millions of brown girls do.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 9 months
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Pairings: No pairings
Summary: Daisy wins Album of the Year at the Grammys, which is watched by millions of people around the globe (even by little Julia Dunne, who adores Daisy Jones).
Masterlist | Albums | Speak Now Album
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You, with your words like knives, and swords and weapons that you use against me. You have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like I'm nothing. You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded. You, picking on the weaker man
“And the album of the year goes to…” Sigourney Weaver opened the envelope and read the name before her. “Daisy Jones!”
Daisy looked over at the stage and the award in surprise, turning around to look at her producer and partner on the album, mouthing the words ‘What the fucking hell?’. She slowly got up from her seat, crowded by people who helped her with the album as well as her date for the evening.
Making her way up to the stage, she made sure not to trip over the edge of her dress. She reached over and hugged both Sigourney Weaver and the man (Daisy has no idea who he was) and was handed the award.
She looked out into the crowd as they cheered and applauded her.
Daisy rested her hand over her heart as she felt the tears close in her eyes.
“Thank you so much!” She said into the mic, looking between the crowd and the award now hers. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
They cheered again.
“I am so incredibly grateful that you have given me this. That you can tolerate me for as long as you have. I mean… I am in my 30s, I honestly didn’t believe that you would be able,” Daisy twisted the Grammy in her hands. “I am so unbelievably thankful that you have given me this honour again. That I was able to win it with…” She trailed off and saw one Karen Sirko sitting in the crowd.
The keyboardist waved over at the band’s former lead singer.
“Karen! I didn’t know you were here!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down and showing her the award. “Look at it! But in about 10 minutes, I am going to smother you to death!”
The pair let out a laugh.
“But this one means a lot to me because on this album is a song called Mean that I wrote. Um, and there’s… there’s no feeling quite like writing a song about someone mean to you and someone who completely hates you and makes your life miserable and winning a Grammy for it,” she sighs and smiles brightly into the crowd. “Thank you so much!”
She walked away from the stand and off the stage to do the press conference with her new award.
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Sitting as close to the television as her mother would allow her, was little Julia Dunne (who was proudly Daisy Jones's biggest fan).
"Mommy, look! She won it!" Julia bounced on the floor cradling a stuffed Daisy doll she had somehow managed to persuade her mother to buy her.
Camila looked up from her book to see Daisy receive the award and clasp her hand over her breast near to her heart.
"She did."
Someday, I'll be living in a big old city, and all you're ever gonna be is mean. Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me, and all you're ever gonna be is mean. Why you gotta be so mean?
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braveclementine · 1 month
All of Them
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, could be uncomfortable for some readers since their are a lot of mentions and descriptions of an OC on her period. If you don't like blood or mentions of periods, perhaps skip the chapter.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Elizabeth at her wedding. Violetta put a filter on the picture. 
🦢😡 𝐒Ⓣᵒя𝓨 🫓🦻
Elizabeth was pretty sure she was dying. She was curled up on the bathroom floor, a strange pain radiating in what felt like a circle just below her hips. She couldn't tell which side hurt more: her front or her back.
She was also bleeding from somewhere she had never bled from before so she was pretty sure she had some strange disease. It felt like she was being stabbed with tiny knives, but not in a hurtful way. It would fade and come, but it always came back so hard.
She felt the stab to her gut and she whimpered, curling up even more, but that seemed to hurt her back.
"Doll?" She heard a worried voice outside of the door. "Doll are you okay?"
"James." She cried out in a soft whisper.
Bucky came into the room and quickly surveyed the crime scene. He chuckled softly under his breath, kneeling down next to the bathtub and started to fill it with hot water. "Aww doll."
"It hurts. I'm dying." She pouted at him for laughing at her.
"You're not dying doll, though I'm sure you feel like it." Bucky said softly. "Let me help you out. Give me one second." Bucky said, turning off the faucet and then picked Elizabeth up in his arms. He put her down in the hot water and said, "I'll be right back."
He left the room and then he called Elijah while going over to the medicine cabinet and looking for Advil. "Hey, Elizabeth's on her period and she's in a lot of pain-"
"Don't give her any medicine." Elijah said quickly. "She never does medicine when she's on her period. She only does natural remedies."
"Okay." Bucky closed the medicine cabinet and then went ahead, searching for the heating pad. "What about heating pads?"
"Sparingly. She's read articles that says to much heat near a woman's ovaries can affect them. Women who are pregnant and go into hot springs consistently mis-carry and such. But she's not pregnant so if you use it for a couple of minutes every couple of hours I can't see it hurting. Though usually I just put my hand on her back." Elijah answered. "Don't let her have sugar. Just fruit and high protein like steak. I'll see if we have that in the kitchen. Oh, and hot water and I'll make tea."
"Got it." Bucky said, looking down at the heating pad. He hesitated, and then tossed it into the trash. No reason for any of them to use it then if it could affect their reproductive organs like that.
"Thanks for taking care of her. Let me know when she wants to eat. She gets really snippy and moody. Just be patient with her." Elijah chuckled.
"I will." Bucky smirked and then headed back to the bathroom. He knelt on the other side of the tub. Elizabeth still looked like she was in a lot of pain and he grabbed one of the washcloths off the counter.
"How are you feeling now doll?" He asked.
"It hurts. Why does it hurt?" Elizabeth asked.
He never thought in a million years that he would be explaining this to her. Or anyone.
"As a female, your body will shed your eggs every month to help um, drop the egg for fertilization for children?" Bucky said like a question. "It's usually five days long, but I've heard it's only really bad the first two days."
Elizabeth whimpered, "I don't want this."
"Sorry doll." Bucky said, almost habitually leaning forwards to kiss the side of her head. He jerked himself a little, heart pounding. Shit, he needed to be more careful.
"Is there no cure?" She asked.
"There are remedies. Elijah is making you fruit and protein. I'm going to get you some hot tea. You can soak in this hot water and relax. And then if you want, you can fall asleep in bed and sleep for most of the day." Bucky said.
"Will you stay with me?" Elizabeth asked, "You're kind've like a teddy bear."
Bucky chuckled, his heart going out to her, "You used to call me that you know. Your um Bucky Bear."
"Did you call me anything?" Elizabeth asked.
"Mostly just doll." Bucky admitted. "It was a common nickname for dames back in the forties. But uh, it's not really used anymore. But I can't break the habit and you like it anyways."
"I do." Elizabeth said softly with a slight blush. "It's a cute nickname. I like American girl dolls. I like being your doll I think."
Bucky willed his hard on to go down.
He chuckled. "Yeah?"
"Mm." She hummed, closing her eyes. "I'm kind've tired."
Bucky pulled the plug in the bathtub and grabbed one of the towels. He wrapped her in the towel tightly, smiling as she had already fallen asleep. He quickly carried her into the bedroom, laying her down on the bed in there. Whose bedroom even was this? Vi's maybe? What was she even doing in here?
He quickly went to the bathroom cabinet and found the pads. He hesitated, looking at all the different types, then just went with the biggest for the safest bet. He struggled a little, but eventually got everything situated and then pulled back the covers to lay her down.
He wondered why women didn't just wear pullups or diapers. Wasn't that easier than trying to arrange these slender materials that ended up leaking through the underwear and jeans anyways?
Well, he was sure they had a reason for what they used.
Elijah called him, "Um, what room are you in?"
"We're in. . . I think it's Violetta's room." Bucky said. "I was looking for Vi cause Trang needed her. Long story short I was just on this floor and I heard Elizabeth whimper. But um its a lilac painted room with a Vampire Dairy calendar on the wall-"
"Katya." Elijah chuckled.
"Oh." Bucky said, then realized it made sense. Elizabeth and Katya's rooms were the only ones on this floor.
"Alright, I'll be there in a second." Elijah said.
Elijah came in soon after he hung up, with a bowl of fruit and a cup of red raspberry leaf tea that was steaming in spirals of gray whisps.
"She's asleep right now." Bucky said. "I can carry her down to her room-"
"Nah, it's fine. Kat hasn't stayed in this room since. . ." Elijah drifted off, putting the food down on the nightstand. "She won't care. Are you staying with her?"
"She asked me to." Bucky answered, "But maybe you should-"
"She asked for you." Elijah shrugged. "I'd say only leave if you have somewhere you need to be. She'll understand."
"Nah, I've got her." Bucky said. "I guess I'm just. . . a little nervous is all."
Elijah clapped him on the shoulder. "She's still the same. She's just a little bit more clueless."
Bucky chuckled and carefully climbed into the bed as Elijah left. He didn't touch Elizabeth as she was probably comfortable the way she was. He did hold her hand however, lifting it so he could kiss the back.
"I love you. And when you're ready, I'll say that to your face." Bucky whispered, and then fell asleep too.
💈🤬 𝓹ᗝש ℂᕼ𝔸几g𝔢 👩‍🍳🤯
Ghaida sighed as she woke up that morning, heading for the bathroom first thing to start getting ready for the day.
'So anything interesting or new that I should know?' She asked inside of her head.
'You're pregnant with twins. Congratulations!' Viden seemed to be smirking inside of her head. She, on the other hand, nearly swallowed her toothbrush.
"I'm Pregnant!" She shouted out loud, spitting toothpaste into the sink.
'With twins. That's what I said.' Viden gave her the sass now.
"Whose are they?" She continued to speak out loud, sitting down on the toilet. Her parents were going to kill her. She was pregnant with twins of some man that she wasn't married to. She was definitely disowned.
'Both of them are Thors, surprisingly, despite the fact that the night you conceived them you were also with Steve Rogers.' Viden answered.
"So before Penelope was kidnapped by Lucinda?" Ghaida asked, trying to breath.
"Is anyone else pregnant by any chance?" Ghaida asked, standing up. This was news she would have to share with the entire group very soon.
Thank Allah. She wouldn't be the only one.
"Who else?" Ghaida asked, walking out to the bedroom to quickly throw on a pink sweater with bows at the elbows and wrists. She paired it with jeans and brown heel boots.
'Would you like a list?' Viden asked.
Ghaida frowned a little, 'What do you mean?'
'I mean, that every woman in the building except for Elizabeth is pregnant.' Viden answered.
Ghaida dropped her phone. "Pardon?"
'It's in the book.' Viden yawned.
Ghaida stopped talking to Viden, going over to the closet, kneeling down and unlocking the safe. She pulled the somewhat large book out and into her arms. She opened it up and flipped through the pages as she headed for the community room.
As she stood in the elevator by herself, she asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to ask the other Avengers to come to the community room so she could address them.
"How is everyone pregnant in the first place?" Ghaida asked out loud.
'Thor and Loki.' Viden replied smoothly. 'And some Asgardian magic.'
Ghaida snapped the book closed. Well, weren't they in trouble.
🦩🥪 p𝐎v ᑕ𝓗αŇᎶє 🐇🅱️
"THOR! LOKI!" Ghaida shouted as she entered the community room. Steve glanced over at the Indian girl who seemed strangely angry. Which he almost never saw from her.
"What'd I do?" Thor asked confused, looking like a puppy with his tail trapped in a door.
Ghaida slammed something that Steve couldn't see, down on the table and he knew that she had her book on her. "Really? A pregnancy spell?"
"Oh." Thor said, glancing over at Tony, "Well Stark wanted to see if Trang could find a way to have children and Loki and our mother helped us fix it up. . ."
"Do you know what your spell did?" Ghaida sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Am I pregnant?" Trang asked immediately.
Ghaida looked down at her book and then said, "Yes."
"YES!" Tony shouted, scooping Trang up into his arms and kissed her passionately right then and there. "Fuck yes."
"The thing is. . ." Ghaida said and Tony and Trang broke apart, looking at her apprehensively. "Trang isn't the only one pregnant."
"Who else?" Nat asked in curiosity.
Ghaida was silent for a moment, running her finger down something in her book. Then she addressed the rest of the group. "Every single female in this building except for Elizabeth is pregnant."
The room was silent for a moment and then everyone turned to look at Thor and Loki.
"It's not that bad." Thor protested. "Is it?"
"Well, no." Ghaida answered. "Most of everyone is probably impregnated by their soulmates anyways. . . but there still will remain those who. . . well um Sharon is-"
"Oh fuck that." Sam growled. "Whose child?"
"Scotts." Ghaida answered.
"Well, I'm happy for all of you." Nat said, looking a little sad. Steve just wanted to hug her tightly, but knew she wouldn't appreciate it.
"You're pregnant too." Ghaida answered.
The room was silent again and then Natasha almost collapsed. Bruce managed to catch her quickly and helped her into her seat. "Nat?"
"W-who is the father?" Nat whispered.
"Vision is." Ghaida answered. "The night of the um. . ." Here she blushed darkly. "The night we showed off the pole dancing was the night that it happened." She looked over at Thor. "I know you know-"
"We're having twins." Thor said happily, hugging Ghaida.
"Wow, congratulations." Penny said in excitement.
The only people, Steve noticed, that didn't look thrilled were Katya and Elijah. Elijah stepped forward for a moment and everyone look at him, "Who was Elizabeth with that night?"
"She was with Bucky and me." Sam said quietly.
Elijah nodded, but said nothing, instead glancing over at Katya, "Who were you with?"
"Lan and-"
"It's Lan's child." Ghaida answered softly.
Katya sunk into the couch, crying. Clint immediately joined her side.
"Does that mean Vision is the father of my children too?" Wanda asked, "Because Vision was the only male that we spent the night with."
"Yes." Ghaida and Thor answered at the same time and they both also continued in unison, "Twins."
"And me?" Vi asked hesitantly.
"Bruce." Ghaida answered.
The two of them looked at each other in surprise and both of them blushed as well.
"Oh damn." Trang groaned, "If we're all pregnant at the same time, then we're all giving birth at the same time too."
Penny smiled a little, knowing that she was a few months ahead of them all, looking over at Steve who smirked back.
Elizabeth and Bucky came in at that moment. Bucky was carrying Elizabeth in his arms and they went to sit down on the couch. But Elizabeth came out of his arms suddenly, rounding to stand next to Ghaida. "Whoa, this is such a cool book. Where did you get it? Why are all of the names. . . my name isn't in here."
Everyone stared at her. Even Ghaida stared at her in shock.
"You can see the book?" Tony finally blurted out.
Elizabeth gave him a confused look. "Huh? This book? Yes. It's glowing. I think it would be pretty hard not to see."
Clint looked over at Thor and said, "Maybe you should see if she can lift your hammer too."
"She already can." Loki, Thor, and Elijah all answered together without looking at Clint.
Steve threw his hands up in the air, "Why do we never know this stuff?"
"Because I didn't think it mattered that much." Elijah answered. "She doesn't really like electricity so she was never going to touch Thor's hammer. It comes with the water persona."
"When did she lift it? I feel like this is stuff I would've remembered seeing." T'Challa said.
"Oh, well when Fury was trying to figure out whether or not to trust us, Loki said he'd help if she could pick up Thor's hammer. She didn't know what it meant, of course, because she didn't have any recollections of Thor's hammer. So she just reached over and plucked it off the table. And Fury trusted her immediately." Elijah shrugged.
Elizabeth winced, holding her hand to her lower abdomen and then went back to Bucky, crawling into his lap, snuggling into him. Bucky looked right pleased with himself and when he caught Steve's eye, he smirked, taunting him by raising his eyebrows. Steve gave him the finger.
"So everyone but Elizabeth is pregnant? Even the staff and Agents?" Tony asked.
Bucky looked bewildered and Steve mouthed 'I'll fill you in later' to him.
"Yes." Ghaida said. "Everyone except. . . ya know."
"Why can she see the book? This isn't freaking anyone else out?" Clint asked.
"Does Viden know?" Trang asked, putting a hand on Ghaida's shoulder.
Ghaida paused, her eyes flashing the normal golden colour as she talked to him. Then Thor lunged and caught her as she fainted.
🦝👃 𝐩𝐨𝔳 ᶜⒽ𝔸𝓝𝕘𝑒 🫀🦨
When Ghaida was three, she met her soulmate. He lived across the house from her and was only a year older. He was also of Indian descent and his name was Navi. They were playing tag one day and he touched her skin as he caught her and their tattoos appeared. There was a small ladybug that sat behind her ear. There was an Eagle across Navi's back, but also an Okapi on his chest.
Their parents went looking for answers of the two tattoos, while also celebrating that their families would be family one day.
When Ghaida was five, she was hit in the street by a car as she chased her ball. Navi screamed and ran to her side, putting his hands on her.
His parents and her parents couldn't pull Navi away from her, for when they touched either of them they felt pain. Navi screamed and screamed until Ghaida awoke suddenly, and Navi fell to his side- dead.
When the parents realized what had happened, they called to the Gods. Calling to Yama and Vishnu, the Gods of death and life, afraid that the transfer would bring down vengeance upon them.
Navi's parents moved away after that, full of sorrow. Ghaida had forgotten everything and being so young, she wouldn't have remembered that bit of her life anyways.
When she showed up on the doorstep of Navi's parents, they recognized her immediately and knew she had forgotten when she asked about her soulmate.
And that was why Elizabeth could see the book now.
They had both been marked by death.
And that was what an Auraling was.
A reader, of death.
🆎🥾 ρ𝕆ν c𝔥𝔸η𝐠𝐞 🦡🦫
"Are you feeling better doll?" Bucky asked as he cuddled with Elizabeth in bed. His heart was a little heavy, knowing she had been pregnant with either his or Sam's child when she had died. Part of him wanted to know whose child it had been, part of him never wanted to know.
"It still hurts but these really warm blankets make it better." She said happily, though she was moving slightly unconsciously against his leg. He was honestly starting to get turned on as she continued to rut against him. She pouted up at him through her long lashes, "I don't like the. . . the thing. . ."
"The pad?" He asked gently.
"Yes. It's giving me a rash." She dipped her head in embarrassment, but he wasn't uncomfortable.
"Well," Bucky answered, "Let me go and see if there's another solution, okay?"
He went to the bathroom and searched and found a box of tampons shoved in the back of the cupboard. These would be better, right?
"Do you want to try this doll?" He asked, showing her one.
Elizabeth eyed it warily. "I don't know. Will it feel better?"
"I don't know doll. I'm not a woman." Bucky grinned a little. "You'd have to ask one of your friends. But I know it won't give you a rash."
Elizabeth whimpered a little, burying deeper into the blankets. "Don't wanna move."
"You're a little baby today aren't you." Bucky cooed, wrapping the blankets tightly around her in a little nest. She was reminding him a lot like a cat. He gently kissed her forehead, making sure he wasn't overstepping any boundaries, but she pretty much just purred, "I'll be right back."
He went ahead and downstairs to find Violetta and told her of Elizabeth's predicament.
"Hold on." Vi said, disappearing into her room and then coming back with a package of what looked like normal underwear. "These are basically what you were thinking about with diapers, but they're much more comfortable."
"Thanks." Bucky answered and went to go back upstairs.
"Who are those for?" Steve asked, looking over as he and Sam were standing in the elevator, heading up to their floor.
"Himself of course." Sam smirked and Bucky smirked back.
"Nah, they're for Elizabeth." Bucky said, shrugging. "It's just that time of the month." He glanced side-eyed at Steve to see his blonde soulmates' face had gone slack, his eyes glazed over in fantasy.
He clicked his tongue in faux disappointment, "Stevie."
"Sorry." Steve blushed, casually running a hand through his hair.
Of all the people in the world to have a blood kink, Bucky wasn't quite sure how it ended up with Steve. Of course, Loki, Thor, and Stephen both had it as well and Bucky wasn't to shy to admit he had a small one. But Steve's was huge.
"You're so cute." Bucky kissed his cheek and chuckled. Steve blushed darker. "Take care of him tonight Sam." He kissed Sam on the lips and then headed back to Elizabeth's room. He snickered quietly to himself when he heard Sam groan behind him as Steve immediately took over right then and there.
Bucky was a little worried when he saw that Elizabeth was asleep. She normally wouldn't mind if he changed her when she was asleep, but as she couldn't remember. . .
He didn't want to wake her up though, she was finding it hard to sleep today. . .
He sighed, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Elizabeth? Doll? I need you to wake up baby."
Elizabeth grumbled, curling up in the way that she did when her back was in pain. He opened up the package and pulled out the first pair. "Elizabeth sweetheart?"
"I'm sleeping." She whined.
"I need you to put these on for me." Bucky said softly. "It'll stop the rash from growing."
Elizabeth flickered open her eyes and then rolled onto her back. "You."
"You sure?"
"Mhmm." she said, drifting off to sleep.
Bucky hesitated for a second, then took care of everything. Once he was done, he turned out the light and climbed into bed with her again, pulling her into his arms. "Sweet dreams doll." 
Sorry if this was a little uncomfortable to read. I was on my own period writing this and I just wanted to write some fluff about how I would want to be taken care of. I did delete some details that I thought were more TMI and tried to make it more vague. 
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kendrixtermina · 1 year
(cthonic siren)
I bet you don’t know whether to be attracted or repulsed
Let’s talk about bountiful opulent buffets of fruit laid out,
the responsibility yours to deal with if all that exess
does not get eaten before it rots
Let’s talk about the folded
hands that are filled with a great extensive bouquet
one by one, they’re revealed as meat-eating organs
once your eye dwells on them long enough to tell
Let us just for a a moment consider
the alluring curves of the stomach, the swell of the mammary
only garnished with the knowledge of the fat and entrails beneath
to speak of the collarbone, of the sharp bend where the ribs end
to speak of the devil.
Let us consider the mermaid, beckoning forward
from right where she reclines in her lair of kelp and corals,
the coils of her tails and the leathery skin of her fins
wafting up to you from where she lies in the cold and the deep
cold kiss like nitrogen narcosis
like the hard keys of ivory taking forever a hold
of the one who was going to play them,
permitting them to other love
entertwining ebony fingers
of dangled tentacled appedanges dancing tranlucent in the current
cold amd warm streams trading places
dulcet membrane, a nettle-stinging caress.
An alluring doll dragging her long hair out from the uncany valley,
winking straight at you out from her hard porcelain face
presenting the heart as on offering
that lies caged like a bird inside her hollowed chest
beneath the brittle plastic:
Perhaps you had enjoyed this story, but you won’t really like how it ends.
You’ll be left gaping in denied catharsis, wounded, leaking,
infested with seeds that are soon to blossom into a garden of stories of your own.
Drawn with the same luscious oil-painted details
is the touch of the rosy-fingered dawn
and the wormlike pink of a rat’s tail
bleeding ivy clinging:
Blessed be the ghouls who can kiss with their grotesque serpentine tongues
literally act out the urge to devour every last morsel of each other
and never face the mundane dissappointment of the not-so-great next morning
If this is how it could be forever,
I’d hide my skull amid the flowers.
I’d stuff back each and every one of the bones I had collected
into the hollow’d carcass of that little bird
and put the cracked eggshells right back in the nest.
Were not my neck already ripped,
the very nakedness long since having been bloodied,
the ardent embrance in nothing but sheets all that ever existed,
nothing before and naught ever since:
Nude lies the beaury, but she is bound and gagged to be sacrificed to the devil.
Tight is the latex, but its face wears the red mask of death.
Those muscular limbs are but cyborg machines,
or else the water she so elegantly floats in would have drowned her
you could push your clever fingers
only into the folds of her books
above that batoque wreath crows a raven,
the wings are of a moth, and not an angel,
the feathers are only those of chickens,
and her long feet now ends in hooves.
Could you convince her to uncoil from where she has curled herself,
you’d come face to face only with the hollowness of her chest,
the blood on the hole long dried and blackened
and beneath the roses have grown tentacles:
Seafood-soft, leaving not even bones.
When she exhales, it smells of squid ink,
it smells of opium, and canabis,
and multitides of mushroom fibres picking clean the rodent bones
She would beckon your still,
looking over her shoulder, from there in the corner
but the other side of the hole gapes out from her back,
garnished in a song made out of one million knives
I bet you don’t know whether to be attracted or repulsed
Neither do I.
0 notes
armanskij · 2 years
News, Talking about News
Saturday Night Live の旧キャスト Vanessa Bayer が Weekend Update 内で演じていたキャラ Laura Parsons が大好きだったので彼女に敬意を表しタイトルコールをパロディしてます。
‘Glass Onion’ Box Office: How the ‘Knives Out’ Sequel Left Tens of Millions on the Table
 ‘Knives Out’ の続編が感謝祭の週末に1週間限定で劇場公開された。本番は12月23日のストリーミングだそうだ。 Wall Street アナリストの分析によれば「Netflix はもっと儲けられた。 チャンスを棒に振った。」とのこと。一方、 Netflix の言い分は「劇場公開は試金石。これで期待値が高いことが分かった。映画は家で観るものだ。」劇場公開された映画が当たったからこその続編だぞというコメントもあったが、いずれにせよ現在の映画ビジネスは各社が持ち前のプラットフォームで利益を狙う混戦模様。ストリーミング時代に突入した現在、ヒットの定義は曖昧で戦略も複雑化の一途を辿る。
Netflix’s Reed Hastings: ‘Glass Onion’ Left “Lots” of Money on Table With Release Plan
 続報。 Netflix CEO のHastings は戦略ミスだと炎上していることに対し、これは映画祭のようなものだと説明。上手くいくようなら再び行うそうだ。あくまで劇場における映画ビジネスを作り上げるつもりはないとのこと。
しかしこの Hastings 、 Twitter のElon Musk を弁護したりとちょっと挙動が怪しいのが気になる。
Helena Bonham Carter Rails Against Cancel Culture, Defends J.K. Rowling and “Vindicated” Johnny Depp
 Bonham Carter がキャンセルカルチャーにもの申す。私の一貫した考えは、こういう問題は単純化してはいけない。あくまで個別の案件ごとに考えるべきだということ。どんな考えを持っても良しとするわけにはいかないが、白黒はっきりしないグレーの中で対話することこそ大切だと思う。
Will Smith Opens Up About the Slap on ‘The Daily Show’: “Hurt People Hurt People”
‘Indiana Jones 5’ Gets First Trailer, New Title
 11月30日よりLa Cinémathèque Française で Marilyn Monroe の回顧上映「永遠のイコン」(拙訳)が開催。クリップを見ただけでも彼女の美しさに脱帽する。
Annie Colère
 同じく30日より公開「怒れるアニー」(拙訳)。70年代、フランスで人工妊娠中絶が合法化された。本作はその時代に自らのバースコントロールという権利のために闘った女性たちの物語だ。「男性だけが選択できる。私たち女性にも選ぶことが可能になれば、それは革命だ。」の台詞は胸を打つ。今度公開される « L'Événement » もしかり、いまフランスで、いや世界的に中絶の合法・違法について取り上げられている。
Mariah Carey Joins Broadway Some Like It Hot Producing Team
 12月11日にプレビューが予定されている本作を Mariah Carey がプロデュースする。作品のクオリティを予想する上で良いニュースなのか?といえばよく分からない。ホリデーシーズンなので逆にプロデューサーがあの名曲を歌うっていうクリスマスの奇跡はどうでしょう?笑
 あれ、一番推しの曲がもしかして ’Smash’ からの一曲?逆に Megan Hilty のバージョンを聴きたくなるじゃないか笑。未見だからとやかく言うつもりはないけどさ。
Broadway Grosses Analysis: Thanksgiving Week Delivers Broadway's Highest Box Office of 2022
 ‘Phantom’ に駆け込み需要が。 ‘Funny Girl’ は Lea Michelle も Julie Benko も人気とのこと。映画界では注目作 ‘Knives Out 2’ の戦略ミスが指摘されたのとは対照的に、粒揃いのラインナップで文句なし今年最大の売り上げを記録したようだ。なお、この盛り返しを受けてかどうかは知らないが ‘Phantom’ の千秋楽が来年4月16日まで延期になったようだ。
A Doll's House Revival, Starring Jessica Chastain, Finds Broadway Home; Dates Set
 Jessica Chastain のブロードウェイ復帰作が Hudson Theatre に決定。来年2月23日プレビューの3月9日に開幕する。
Senate Passes LGBTQ+ Marriage Bill; How Does It Affect Queer Theatre Artists?
 上院で同性婚法案が可決。あとは下院の採決と Biden 大統領の署名を待つのみだそうだ。しかしながら、もし連邦最高裁が Obergefell 判決を見直したら各州の判断で同性婚を禁止することができるらしい。昨今の連邦最高裁判事の雲行きからすると非常に怪しい。
Grammy Nominated Record Producer Harvey Mason Jr. Producing KPOP Original Broadway Cast Album
 GMA でパフォーマンスを観たときには、っぽいカラオケっていう印象を受けて、自分の中では評価は高くなかった。でも Instagram に上がっていた動画なんかを観るとわりと良い曲で見直した。
Britney Spears Jukebox Musical Will Open On Broadway in 2023
 プリンセス・オブ・ポップのジュークボックス・ミュージカルが始まる。来年6月22日開幕。正直、 ‘glee’ でも名エピソードが作られ、 ‘Spring Breakers’ でも涙なしには観られない名シーン(Disney Channel の後輩たちが合唱)ありとこすられている題材だから中々にチャレンジングだと思う。女性のエンパワメントか~ Britney でいいんじゃね?とかいう軽いノリだと彼女のファンから総スカンを喰らう可能性があるので注意だ!
 今週のお別れ曲。誰も興味ないと思うが恒例 Spotify の年末まとめを貼っておきます。 F+M をせっせと聞いていた意識はなかったものの、な結果。笑
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