#my dimilix………..love this so much
heroofangst · 7 months
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Happy Birthday to the most amazing character of all time. I love you Felix Hugo Fraldarius, you are everything to me 💙⚔
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luminessdoodles · 2 years
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@nagamas gift for a fan on twitter!!
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12helianthus · 2 years
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dimilix fic written for the 2022 dimilix holiday exchange! 🐗⚔️❄️🥳 for my giftee @/foxkunkun on twitter!
❄️ clear
❄️ established relationship dimilix
❄️ rated g + 1.2k
❄️ dimitri and felix slow dance on a cold winter night
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diaphin93 · 1 month
Thank you for pointing out the Dimidue vs Dimilix thing. I get loving angst and why people ship the latter. But what really grinds my gears is the fact that Dimidue has less fanfiction than Dimiclaude. Dimitri and Claude barely even interact together in game. They interact more in Hopes. Meanwhile Dedue and Dimitri are practically inseparable. Their paired ending has Dedue being the royal consort. I can't help but wonder if it's because Claude is lighter skinned and more "conventionally" attractive.
The Edelcrit crowd keeps trying to pain her as racist, but it's hard not to say the pot's calling the kettle when you look at how often they forget about Dedue when discussing Black Eagles vs Blue Lions.
Honestly? I think Dimidue has alot more high quality angst potential than Dimilix in my opinion. It makes me think of the impression a friend of mine had when first playing Azure Moon. During her first playthrough, she speculated that Dedues attitude was some act and it would be revealed that he wanted to get close to Dimitri to get revenge for his people, because he seemed to be just too calm and subservient for what was done to his people by Faerghus, while also keeping a distance from Dimitri during their supports. And I totally get this, I personally also would have initially assumed that Dedue hides more anger than he shows, because why set up the dynamic of him being a survivor of genocide by Dimitris people, if not for some pay off, especially considering Azure Moons themes of revenge and being haunted by the dead? Alas, it didn't came to be because the game instead has Dimitri just play Faerghus police by squashing the Duscur Rebellion without another genocide, instead of turning against the nobles who commit it to begin with, and Dedue is effectively written out of the story in Part 2, due to being an optional re-recruit you can easily miss and so that Dimitri can have his loner boar arc.
Also I'm not really saying that I want Dedue to ultimately turn against Dimitri and become his enemy, but some messy complicated feelings and resentment would have added much needed depth to both the plot and Dedues character. Usually you would expect it to be like Dedue claiming to actually hate Dimitri for what Faerghus people did to his, while having conflicting feelings because over the years he grew to genuinly love and care for him, while it would have been a good growing experience for Dimitri, becoming much more aware of the pain and resentment others feel, similar to his own hatred against Edelgard, and how he as the King ultimately shares his own responsibility for Faerghus bloody history. Sadly the game never challenged Dimitri to this extent and makes his entire character development purely centered around Byleth and Rodrigue, but I think the set up has alot of potential for some introspection and alot of Angst when shipping those two.
But alas it shows the Fandoms strong racial bias against men of color, especially those who present as very masc. Instead they go for your typical two light-skinned Bishonen options for the most part. When it comes to Dimitri and Claude, I have my own problems with the ship. It is for all intends and purposes basically just Dimigard in Yaoi, the ship centers usually purely Dimitris values and validates his feelings and perspective over Claudes, enforcing this very white savior-esque perspective on themes of racism. I would say Hopes even made this much more clear, considering how their interactions are fairly awkward and Claude practically promises Dimitri to turn on him when it comes to taking out the church, something strongly hinted at in AG's ending. Alas, I also think they lack alot of chemistry and I have a problem with how Claude inside Blue Lions routes is always marginalized and turned into either a sidekick or PoC in Distress for Dimitri to act as a white savior towards, with little agency and respect for his own perspectives and ambitions. It is different in the case of Edelgard and Claude, where superficially people claim that he just follows everything Edelgard says, ignoring the larger context of him acting the entire time to push forward his own ambitions and that there differences are much more nuanced, them agreeing in their opposition against the Church and Crests but otherwise having distinct goals.
But back to the topic, I would say, yes, Claude being a more conventionally attractive in anime terms, which means bishonen, and lighter skinned PoC plays strongly into it. Claude being smaller and presented as physically weaker than Dimitri also usually pushes him into the position of the Bottom or Uke in that ship, which is another problem in the way PoC's are often represented, namely that Brown Men are usually only validated when they can be contextualized as emasculated and the more effeminate part of a ship compared to the stronger and more dominent white partner. We see this Dynamic play out in one of the most notorious Edelcrit ships, which also features DimiClaude. It generally reveals a strong racist element inside Fandom by erasing Claudes culturally middle eastern inspired heritage by recontextualizing Almyra as Japanese, a culture that white supremacy often contextualizes as the Model Minority, and presents him as the submissive to Dimitris dominant, while also being used to elavate Dimitris status as a white savior to further glorify him. I think this happening in one of the most popular FE3H Fanfics, that goes into alot of religious apologetics as well and involves strong misogynistic themes both surrounding Byleth and Edelgard, reveals a strong anti-MENAT (an extended acronym to also include turkey) bias inside the community.
As I said, FE3H is a true microcosm of fandom and its typical biases, bigotries and problems, which is thanks to its diverse cast. The top list of AO3 ships also showed so much, it was predominantly white and light-skinned asians and alot of Harry Potter.
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inthevoidzone · 3 months
A million years ago, I wrote my first NSFW Dimilix fic. I ended it on an emotionally, narratively satisfying note that was nevertheless extremely blue ball inducing. I promised a part 2 to remedy this, and then it went to the bottom of my pile, and stayed there, and stayed there, and then because of a lot of reasons I kinda stopped writing fanfic... But I've recently rediscovered just what I loved about fic, and the joy I can find in it, and this went right to the top of my list. Decided to try and swing at that part 2, and ended up loving working on it SO much. Kind of a five year anniversary sort of thing. Hope everyone enjoys <3
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lunar-arrows · 5 months
is it really that time again where I try desperately to find a rp partner and either miss someone good by a single message or not find anyone at all? sure is.
I just wanna find something that can occupy my mind and we can chat about plot and dumb little things while we write, so slap this post with a like or wander into my messages to tell me what you like from this list
I'm 25+ so I'd very much like for partners to be at least over 21, and I tend to write in and around discord message limit or a bit shorter depending on the mood
fe3h: I really enjoy writing Felix as he's very my type of character that I tend to gravitate towards. Though I am willing to write for Dimitri, Yuri, Ingrid (as a side character mostly), and a whole host of others as needed.
dimilix, sylvix, glenn/holst
trigun: simple as that I'd like to write as Vash, but I could write as Wolfwood, Meryl, Milly as side characters if we do pairs other than vashwood
vashwood (top priority)
jujutsu kaisen: idk man just a lot of satosugu, would honestly be willing to play either of them, they give me so many feelings god help me. and maybe even itafushi because Megumi, once again, is a type of character I would adore writing as. also either one in inuokko.
there are also a lot of other fandoms I love but haven't gotten the chance to rp in that I'd be very willing to try at least once, if you see anything on my page you'd like to try then go on ahead and ask me about it (mxtx novels, nier, ffxiv, ffvii, league of legends music-verse with heartsteel or kda?, possibly some genshin ships?, haikyuu?)
my roleplays tend to be very angst based, very plot heavy so if you're down for that then come at me with your most character hurting ideas you can think of. I don't have many triggers at all, but I'll happily avoid yours if you just let me know!
anyways, thanks for reading, I hope to shoot a message your way or get some in my inbox at some point!
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oloreandil · 5 months
owo writer truth or dare
hello ! thanks for asking these !!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
a high school classmate introduced me to tumblr and fandom as a concept (i was on fandom facebook accidentally answering all the quizzes, but didn't know that people like. talked to each other ???). and then she showed me her fanfiction.net account, specifically so i could read her angst titanic fic, which made me go ":000 i could do that omg" and i haven't looked back
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
10 !!!!!!! love love love editing it's so fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love formatting, i love saying little sentences out loud to see how they sound, i love seeing the finished product after i've polished it lovingly... i love worldbuilding editing more than i love writing, in some aspects ? which in turn is why i love to beta and translate fics so much
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
OUGH just one ??? sorry i'm cheating but:
@notsuchasecret has many fandoms but i fell into their haikyuu fanfic, especially their Sugawara. ao3 link here
if you read bnha and also read in french: i cannot recommend @tasha-lemon enough, we should give more love to non-english fics and she makes absolutely incredible AUs !! ffnet link here
and also i cannot NOT mention @neallo (ao3 link here, death note), @lightyaoigami (ao3 link here, death note), and @quicktimeeventfull (ao3 link here, death note)
as for specific fanfics:
The Lost by unscrypted which was written for me about my bleach blorbos and i cried <33
Reaching Past The Wall by tenser, free! fanfic about Rin being trans. the impact this had on me is immeasurable
we suffer under the same condition (love) by siwona (@transkurootetsurou on here) is SOOOOO good. dimilix with just. poignant writing
EDIT: fuck i forgot hey, is it alright if i keep calling out to you? by flickercity. THEE bokuto manifesto of all times. to me. uncontrollable tears 100/10
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itsmoonpeaches · 18 days
11, 18, 23 for the choose violence ask game 🔪
Yay since we both have Fire Emblem: Three Houses pfps, I'm going to go with that fandom for these!
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
A. 0. I'm serious. I know this is a choose violence ask, but I haven't seen enough toxicity in this fandom for me to want to be violent to any tags. (I suppose my tolerance comes from my past in other extremely toxic fandoms?) But even though there might be takes or ships I don't love, I don't mind seeing them. Some ships I don't like and yet their art is so beautiful that I like looking at them. Oops?
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
A. Dedue. I know Dedue is loved, but he's not nearly as popular as I think he ought to be. He has such a rich, deep backstory and not enough love given to him compared to other characters. I know he has Dedue Week, but when I look at the sheer amount of content other characters get, it's almost like he gets crumbs.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
A. Dimilix. I literally didn't even try to ship this ship. It just happened so unwillingly, it's insane. I never got their end card either. I didn't necessarily like the ship either. I thought Felix was too angry to be a good friend to Dimitri at first. (As much as I love Felix, he is volatile.)
I just saw fanart one day of Felix next to a window and time skip Dimitri looking up at the same window and the thought started violently wiggling into my brain. Specifically this art by @swordhound. The tragedy of it all? The realization that Felix was trying to be a friend and always has been, that he's the only one besides Dedue who saw the truth and didn't deny it and that his anger stemmed from being angry that his childhood friend got to that point...and I just. Then I kept seeing more and more art and more and more parallels, and then I gave in and even got a Dimilix zine out of sheer curiosity and I was like..."Oh ok, I actually like this ship???"
choose violence ask game
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pirdmystery · 8 months
choose a dimitri ship you haven't been asked yet?
you are actually the first to indulge me and everyone knows how i feel about dimilix so i’m going to pick DIMIVAIN.
what made you ship it: this art. it’s amazing how often the answer to this question is gonna be “fanart that set my brain on fire”
favorite things about it: i love that they are both deeply traumatized by faerghus but handle it in extremely different ways. i love the thought of dimitri trying to corral sylvain’s behavior and sylvain trying to get dimitri to lighten up and, through that, both of them realizing that they’re not really being true to themselves. i love that dimitri knows how smart sylvain is and would never underestimate him. it has elements of what i always love about any sylvain ship — dimitri’s earnestness breaking through all the layers of protective bullshit sylvain has built around himself and forcing him to be vulnerable. i also just think they’re really really really really funny. i wish they had a god damned A support.
unpopular opinion: this is not really an unpopular opinion, and this is how i feel about a lot of 3h ships, but i don’t really see them being “endgame” or happily ever after together or anything. i just love rolling their dynamic around in my head and thinking about what it would be like if they were together.
thank you so much for asking <333333 everyone send me more i love doing these !!! :D
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Azure Gleam Ch 7
Man . . . my "only use one unit" thing is really going to make this . . . interesting. . . .
Man, I use Dimitri, Rodrigue, and Dedue. And now all 3 are gone. Nooo. Whyyyyy. That's ok. I'll just grind Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix up a few levels if I can't catch them up bc Dimitri's MIA. If I can just give them a few levels, we'll be good lol.
So Sreng caused trouble, but not as much as it sounded like. Relief that Sylvain's dad is ok.
Yeah, they're luring Dimitri into something, aren't they? Cornelia? Is this why Dimitri's MIA? Story stuff.
Shez is like let's go Felix. I agree.
Unless this soldier is a liar.
Love seeing Felix get to call shots for real though.
Sylvain's like we have to get to Dimitri. Felix says Dimitri manages to give him a headache when he's not even around, lamo. Accurate. The Dimilix is strong in this one and I'm not angry about it.
Yep, like I thought, Rodrigue, Dedue, and Dimitri are gone. But I CAN level anyone up to 30 where Dimitri is, so I'm fine. I'll just give Shez and co a little boost. Plus, it's a good excuse to use Felix, Ingrid, and Sylvain a bit. Mercedes too.
"King Awakens" is the chapter name. Looking forward to this. Something is obviously about to go down. I'm worried though. This is obviously a parallel to the AM chapter where Dimitri retakes Fhirdiad in AM, so what happens this time then?
Kinda torn about this. Some of me wants it to be another "Dimitri the good king" kinda moment, like a big positive growth thing going on for him. But another part of me wants Dimitri's proper villain arc. But I just don't see that happening unless they killed off Dedue and Rodrigue, but if that happened, I would've gotten more comments. Either way, I'm stoked about this.
Petra's thoughts on Sreng is interesting, esp since she called it peace between Brigid and the Empire despite her not willingly being there.
Man, I feel there is just so much more going on in this route than the other two, with Miklain, the mystery of what's happened to Dimitri, drama with Sreng and the Empire that's a consistent threat (and not like what just happened in GW).
Duke Ifan sounds like a badass, people are like "no way she'd let someone invade." I wish we'd get to see her, but since she's a woman she won't get a unique face, that's reserved for Dads only.
Felix's dialogue was interesting. It starts like he's repeating one of Dimitri's lines about the dead and ends with him understanding and sympathizing with Dimitri more now that he knows what it's like to lead.
I'm really interested to see where this leads for those two. I'm so happy Felix is getting all this attention. Man, my Dimilix heart is loving AG so far.
Of course it's Cornelia and the Western lords. They're the reason we haven't heard from Dimitri :(
So that bitch threatened the people and Dimitri surrendered to protect them 😭😭😭😭😭 Of course he did.
But if they haven't heard from Rodrigue or Dedue, that means they got away. Gilbert is probably ok too.
Will Dimitri still have two eyes after this? Or is he going to get one taken out again 😭😭😭
Shez is so worried 😭😭😭
Felix called him "our fearless leader" that's not the first time I don't think. You know, I'll take that over boar.
So we'll be doing the prison break this time. Cornelia better not have hurt him unlike last time. Or that this doesn't cause him to "snap," because this is like the only route that's different so far. I love that story line, but I want something new.
Oh, Dimitri. I wish he would just behead Cornelia. He could crush her head with his hands probably. You know the only reason he's not is to protect his people 😭😭😭😭😭
Rodrigue and Dedue are trying 😭😭 Don't worry, Felix, Shez, and everyone are coming.
She's boasting that she'll hang Dimitri in front of all of them. God, I can't wait to kill her. And get Dedue, Rodrigue, and Dimitri back.
I reallllly am dying to see this reunion. Felix is going to let Dimitri hear it lamo.
Lamo, Dimitri's like "I almost appreciate such bald faced sadism." Cornelia's like "such flirting."
She's also like "you deserve this for reforming things." What a bitch.
You know Dimitri is probably blaming himself for this. For pissing off the Western lords, who are unquestionably awful. Someone get in there before he gets too far into his own head 😭😭 Well, someone other than Cornelia, who sure loves to gloat. She's so evil. I love it.
Dimitri gets all the best villains Cornelia (hammy fun villain) and Edelgard (interesting, personal, complex villain) are wayyyy more cool than "exists" Nemesis and CF!Rhea (Rhea is awesome, but my God they made her one-dimensional in CF). Not gonna lie, though, it would be nice for Dimitri to get to punch TWSITD as a whole out on purpose and hoping this game will let him.
Catherine just mentioned Shamir. Is her girlfriend showing up soon? Please tell me they have supports in this game.
Poor Ashe's like "our King is suicidal." Poor dude can't catch a break this game.
Sylvain's ready to lecture Dimitri about his recklessness. Good.
This is their only one. I'm bummed.
The boys and girls are flirting!!
Mercedes is engaged? To someone from Gautier? It's just her father again.
Mercedes has no interest in this guy. It would've been pretty funny if she got engaged to some random guy lol.
Mercedes is a confirmed heart breaker, getting tons of proposals.
Sylvain just proposed to Mercedes lamo. He's offering to marry her just to block anyone else so Mercedes can live how she wants. 😭
They had, 1, 1 support, and it was a better romance story than most novels. 😭😭😭
The background music was so romantic too.
Guys, I propose all the Blue Lions just enter a poly marriage together, then I won't have to ever sort out all my ships.
So far just talking about some mercenary crew. Shez's old captain used to be in there.
This merc was super loyal to a noble and would help out with even farming and building stuff. Wonder where this is going.
Shez's whole point to this was telling Ingrid no one is tied to their role and can do what they want. The whole Ingrid struggling with being a noble and knight.
Oh, cool! Ingrid's grandmother knew Tobias. Nice tie in.
Oh, this is their first one!!!
Sylvain brought up someone acting up and Ingrid suspects Sylvain is talking about himself lamo. He's not.
Ingrid is just satisfied as fuck, because Sylvain now has to deal with someone like she used to have to deal with him, lamo.
Sylvain feels pressure to feel like the mature one of the group. Ah, that's cannon!!! Everyone always suspected he felt like he had to be the older brother to everyone.
Ingrid is just soaking this in. Queen deserves it.
Awww, Ingrid said she would've just abandoned him if she was really miserable and actually seemed to enjoy covering for Sylvain, on some level.
Basically the whole "we aren't kida nymore. We've grown up, hunh." Stuff. I love it. This is why you end up loving all of the Faerghus Four. Because they all build off each other soooo much.
Bernie's bug hunting. And when Hapi talks to her assumes Hapi's trying to kill her for no reason. So typical. Bernie is this close to being a good character is the game took her seriously.
They both enjoy carnivorous plants. I think Hapi just likes eating them though lamo.
Yep these two are not having the same conversation.
They worked together, and now are having a tea party together. Shez wanted to go out to eat. But Mercie is a lady of class and wants tea.
Mercie likes her sweets.
Ohhhh, Shez's mom incoming. The treats reminds Shez of something her mom used to make.
Sounds like Shez's mom lived the #cottagecore life, picking food from trees to make and living in a forest.
I think Mercie wants to live in the past days. She asks if Shez wants to and seems like she misses living with her mom 😭😭😭
Mercie. No. Why do all your supports get the sad face?
Sylvain's studying magic hardcore. Probably to try and fix the Crest only gets access to super weapon thing.
Also gets to be the Sylvain is actually smart support.
Oh, classic fantasy trope, learning how to weaponize fireworks. Mat Cauthon says hi, Sylvain.
Sylvain's out here about to invent guns to Crests are useless. Empire, you guys are up shit creek if Sylvain invents guns, lamo.
I want guns, AG only route where everyone gets guns and this game ends realllllll fast.
Miklain and Sylvain have different moms?
Sylvain admires Sreng. Good. That's promising for the future.
Oh, Shez is actually smart! Recognizing that when the king shows power (lends Sylvain's family soldiers), then everyone else loses power.
Sylvain loves the Kingdom 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's like "he's a half-frozen stretch of dirt, but it's MY half-frozen stretch of dirt. And only home I've got."
Eat shit every "Sylvain makes so much sense in CF" person.
More Shez's mom talk. She thinks her mom was weird and mysterious.
Mystery mom was really smart, knew a lot, and knew magic.
I'm glad some of these are actually about Shez. Helps flesh her out so much. I actually really like Shez.
Awww, Ashe is going to help Shez investigate. Because he knows how it feels. Poor baby looked for info on his parents and couldn't find much. 😭😭😭
Blue Lions need a "sadness incoming" warning on all their supports, ISTG. Or maybe I'm just way too attached lamo.
Ashe is willing to visit the village with Shez in the future to help her find her mom.
This was so fucking wholesome, guys. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I cannot believe they don't have an A support. Whyyyyy?
Seteth is like "Flayn, you're making yourself useful! How dare you!"
Man, it's weird hearing her call him brother.
Ok, I'll cut Seteth some slack. He's terrified Flayn will fall into an endless sleep again. Poor dude. Right when he lost his wife too.
This support would be so confusing to someone who didn't play Houses.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 Flayn is afraid of sleeping because of this. Poor, baby.
Oh, finally! She called him father 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Poor baby Flayn just wants peace.
They're also so scared of what will happen if they lose the war. Oh, God, I can't keep playing Edelgard's route.
"If I lost you, I'd love the very meaning of my life." - Seteth to Flayn.
Flayn's like I'll eventually grow up, dad. lol. But she won't leave him all alone.
Don't worry, Seteth. I will literally never leave you supportless.
Hyped for this one, guys.
I don't want to deal with Cornelia's weapons, ugh.
RODRIGUE AND GUSTAVE ARE OK 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ifan is alright too. She sounds badass.
But what about Dedue? And Dimitri?
Man, Rodrigue is such a badass.
Western Lords aren't alone. Let me guess, TWSITD? And those two are creating a diversion?
Annette told Felix off, lamo. Saying they need to go help them out. But Felix just wants to rescue Dimitri.
But they know Dimitri won't leave the prison until the people are safe.
Ashe mentioning Dedue. All the points. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
See Felix take command like that does things to me.
Dedue and Rodrigue!!! They're back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cut scene in the middle of a battle.
Dimitri's like why did you show up. Idiot. He won't leave though ����😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He's too worried about the people. Plus, he's Dimitri, so.
He's like Idk if I die. Dedue is like shut the fuck up, Dimitri. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 "I will not allow it." (is what he actually said and holy hell in a deep, badass voice) Dedue just told Dimitri off. Good. So now we know that Dedue can and will push Dimitri around if need be.
And then hand holding a spear. Because that's not suggestive.
Oh, badass Dimitri in the cut scene. And Dedue got a moment.
OMG. Guys, is that fanservice? I think I just got fanserviced.
They somehow made it Dimilix and Dimidue in the same scene.
Ok, but this game has been serving Dimilix, but can we note Dimitri didn't take Felix's hand? Dedue had to like storm in and put his hand over Dimitri's and force him to pick up the weapon? And it was DEDUE who made Dimitri change his mind? Felix got to lead the mission. Both getting the spotlight.
Guys, like, I need to rewatch that like a thousand times. Because we also can't skip the Dimitri and Dedue being complete badasses afterwards shots.
DIMITRI'S BACK. I CAN USE HIM AGAIN. Ohmygod I forgot how strong he is. 37 strength. WTF Dimitri.
Margrave Gautier just showed up. Holy hell this is epic.
Wait, Cornelia just talked about tearing Dimitri's eyes out. Does this confirm that bitch took his eye in Houses?
Dimitri finished her off with Atrocity. Seems fitting.
Cornelia's like don't kill me! Or the truth will never be known. Dimitri's like ofc, bitch.
So Cornelia arranged most of the pieces of the Duscur. So glad Dimitri's finally getting to ask all these questions 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Edelgard knows what happened to Patricia? Or is Cornelia blowing smoke?
This bitch is about to warp, ugh. Though, that means I get to kill her again, so not too upset.
Man, is AG really going to focus on Dimitri discovering the truth about Duscur and fighting TWSITD because if that's the whole plot . . . I'm so happy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But like, why does Dimitri get the whole new plot? Edelgard and Claude are getting crumbs. Oh well.
Dimitri, Rodrigue, and Dedue have rejoined you. Helllll yesss.
Dimitri ready to go after Cornelia. But Felix saying to chill.
Ohhhh Felix got words for Dimitri this time. He's yelling at Dimitri for taking on too much by himself. Calling Dimitri out for not listening.
Ingrid's like, Felix stop. Felix isn't listening.
Dimitri just called killing Rufus "murder." Like stawp. Dimitri, it's self-defense at that point. I swear to God Dimitri would find a way to blame himself for cancer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He didn't choose any of this 😭😭😭😭😭😭
He wants to take all the guilt for Edelgard's and Rufus's and TWSITD's actions. Baby, no. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Felix is telling everyone else to tell Dimitri to knock it off lol.
OMG, I'm so glad for this scene. They're all telling Dimitri not to shoulder everything alone. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Guys, this is the missing scene from AM that I was desperate for.
Guys, this route is like 10000000x better than the other two.
I need to write some kind of hybrid AG/AM route.
Cornelia's in pain. Good. She's getting the Western lords whipped into a frenzy lamo.
And you know what, no Byleth or Jeralt! I'm so fucking tired of them showing up every. single. battle. Good on AG to knock that off for at least 1 chapter. It gets fucking old.
God, this chapter. I'm going to be thinking about this for a long time.
Man, I really am tempted to just drop the other two routes and only play AG. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months
Who would’ve been your personal top 3 choices for Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude?
For both Dimitri and Claude my very first option is, unsurprisingly, dimiclaude, although I wasn't so loyal to the ship at first.
I wrote about why I'm so into it before, considering there's very little actual interaction between them and some people find it absurd. To put it simply, what I like the most about shipping them is that they are very different and very powerful. Dimitri is driven by duty and Claude is driven by ambition and that takes them to very different places. it's 'a love that's not meant to be' which is something i'm very much into. I also like that they can challenge each other's authority/bs with both of them being princes/kings.
Regarding Dimitri, the first ship that interested me was Dimilix actually and it would still be my second choice. Third place would be a tie between Dedue, Sylvain, Yuri (hopes) and Byleth (usually girl but boy is fine). As you can see I can ship Dimitri with almost anybody lol
For Claude, I think my second option would be Lorenz. And the third choice would be Byleth (girl or boy, not too picky) or Petra.
For Edelgard, my first choice is f!Byleth. Second choice would be Dorothea. Third place... I don't know, I don't have very passionate feelings about other Edelgard ships. I haven't played the crimson flower route after the ashen wolves dlc but I like the idea of Edelgard/Constance.
In a Golden Route AU of sorts I like the idea of Byleth/Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude polycule too!
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ladydragonlet · 4 months
Anybody want to write a weird Dimilix together?
I know I don't post much, but a very smart friend suggested I do this.
I've been using FE3H chatbots recently, and lately I find myself overcome with the urge to write creatively in my responses. It's been majorly helping me work my feelings out, and lately I've been coming up with stuff I don't want to keep buried.
So something I did last night: Started up a chat with a Dimitri bot, writing myself as Felix. Looked it over. Showed some friends, including the lovely @pirdmystery from right here on tumblr. She suggested I make something of it.
So what I have, essentially, is half a (rough) dialogue. I copy-pasted only my own writing, eliminating the bot's responses, into a Google Doc.
Would any one or two or more of you lovely, chill folks (her words, and I am inclined to believe them) be interested in a very weird collaboration, to be posted on Ao3?
Examples of my writing can be found by following the link in this post, and I just posted a couple things very recently.
Interact with this post or send me an ask! Those genuinely interested will be contacted as I get to them, and shown the Felix half I have done.
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adamantineheart · 1 year
it's genuinely so wild seeing how a character's interpretation in fandom can be so affected by what someone ships. sometimes it's whatever, sometimes i cringe, but i swear with felix it's like... oh man if you don't think he's in love with dimitri i'm probably not going to enjoy whatever you have to say about him jsdkljfklj
i say this really genuinely because some of the best felix meta i've seen wasn't like "dimilix my 1 and only" but still acknowledged felix is in love with dimitri in some capacity. his character doesn't make sense without this angle and is prone to wild misinterpretations. he obviously has a deep love for sylvain and ingrid as well, but it's almost like they're the contrast and calibration for what he feels for dimitri. it DOES have an extra layer of something to it. each of these relationships do, but to different results.
with ingrid it's easily the most familial and fittingly despite their ending (and i feel like most endings should be disregarded because heteronormativity really wins out in fe3h [tho not so much in few3h]) they have the most platonic supports from these four, even counting sylvain & dimitri because at the very least you can argue dimitri's disinterest in women and annoyance with sylvain's womanizing can have a gay!dimitri slant. like. it's something. ingrid and felix are just 100% platonic. ingrid is supposed to be his sister-in-law and glenn being dead can't erase that this is the foundation of their relationship.
with sylvain, the dynamic is "odd" from felix's side and I suppose it's supposed to evoke their childhood. from's sylvain's side, it absolutely does. he brings up seeing felix as a younger brother in both games and likes to tease him. whether felix sees him as an older brother is debatable but i would say no because he already had one in glenn and he really idealized the kind of person glenn was while with sylvain he feels a lot of exasperation. the love there is more embarrassing for felix than anything else because sylvain is such an irritating person but felix does appreciate him and is protective of him.
dimitri though—dimitri brings out all the emotional breakdowns from felix. makes him forgive things that are a lot more heinous than being a serial cheater. they're tied together from the moment felix is born—before that even. felix rejects him for changing. for not being the boy of his childhood. yet, yet—felix is always waiting for dimitri to return to the right path. he thinks about dimitri obsessively and is obviously concerned for his well being. if dimitri dies his grief consumes him, even on AM. even on AM! his only happy route and he still will be fucked up by dimitri dying of old age. and this is just fe3h. few3h is just an entire parade of all the ways felix loves dimitri, including people (essentially) pointing it out. it's one thing to ignore it (i guess) but denying it is as ridiculous as denying dedue loves dimitri. felix loves dimitri just as much! i won't say more because this isn't a competition, just that it's as fundamental to his character as with dedue and is also a lifelong thing (truly—from birth to death). i think the denial people sometimes have is especially grating because his love of dimitri when they were children and then as they grow older is very set in stone. no tsundere decoding needed.
dmlx make the brain go brrrrrr
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nyoggets · 9 months
Some thoughts on fandom, burnout, process of creation and never feeling good enough.
(it is now 4am and I've given up on sleep)
So I've avoided ever talking about this on twt because? The platform is such a mess, people use it to liveblog their feelings but it's also got that usual socmed feel to it - only show the good, funny, relatable or glamorous stuff.
I like art, obviously. Love it even, it's been the one constant in a life of switching hobbies and obsessions on the weekly. But it's also been so, SO difficult at times. I draw, so gotta share it on social media, right? The first time I shared my art online was when I was 9, on a ratty, now defunct forum.
I don't recall many responses aside from "I don't think she's ever been to the hair dresser". Instagram was released in 2010, and I made the switch, continued to post my drawings in earnest, participating in art contests that were super popular at the time. Obviously I never won any, I was just learning, starting out. Winning wasn't my goal, my goal was to get a spot in the honourable mentions or likes and attention from the bigger artists hosting these. When that didn't work I tried to game the algorithm before I even know what an algorithm was. I also made some friends this way, most of which had a higher follower count despite our (in my mind) fairly evenly matched skill. I entered more contests, I begged friends for collars, I drew things I dislikes because I saw them being popular. Nothing worked, I became obsessed over numbers, a drawing was only worth something if it got enough likes, which it never did. I tried for a while longer, then didn't pick up a pen for almost 2 years.
Eventually, because I just couldn't leave art behind I started again, focusing on original works and punching myself for losing 2 years of practice time. Things were fine, I stayed away from social media aside from Tumblr but never really posted anymore, stayed quiet. Of course, I still resented those artist friends a bit for their ever growing following, but what right had I? I'd given up and spent 2 years moping.
Eventually I got really into Love Live and with it finally a new ship I could sink my teeth into and draw - ChikaRiko. Inevitably, I wanted to feel part of communities again, I didn't have anyone in real life to share my obsessions with. I was very much the weird quiet kid, and as much as I craved being around people, being deaf with my hearing steadily dying away even further without anyone noticing, talking to people was just Hard, so so very hard. But online, where I could read, didn't need to be able to listen? It was easy, besides, my only friends so far had all been online. What's the harm in dipping my toes back into fandom?
So, I created a twitter account, discord, found people to chat and share my art, pretty much exclusively ChikaRiko, with. And things were fine again! People were reacting to what I posted, engaging, asking questions, providing advice. Then... I opened twitter back up, looked at numbers, compared them, and became angry at myself again. Comparison is the thief of joy indeed. Several years ahead, fire emblem three houses comes out and with it dimilix hits me like a sack of bricks (affectionately). Another new ship! And the fandom was active, I could fit in here, maybe! And I'd like to believe I did, if only because the fandom is just so truly relaxed, given my unfortunate decline of my mental health it was probably the only sort of fandom environment I could exist in. Still, I kept comparing myself, kept being dissatisfied with the direction my art was taking. I had all these symbolic ideas, things I wanted to try, wanted to be more like the artists I looked up. Wanted to do my own stuff, original art, instead of confining myself. But any time I did do so the reception was lukewarm at best, nonexistent at worst, so I stuck to fanart that became increasingly removed from the canon. Which, still super fun and honestly we were all just screaming into the void of time between the two years until three hopes came out, delusional fanon felt very much encouraged. Again, loved and still love the general vibe of the dmlx community (stares lovingly at DTF and For Years). But still, I wasn't satisfied with what I was doing, and my motivation to draw at all regularly died off for months at a time, which really isn't ideal when you're trying to feed the all-devouring behemoth that is the algorithm.
This October I tried something I hadn't done since 2018 - inktober. Back when I did it it was just 31 days of increasingly delusional ChikaRiko (are we seeing a pattern here), this time around I wanted to be "self indulgent" and draw only original art, loosely oriented on two lists of prompts. Of course, I didn't finish, still haven't, but I'm only missing a few prompts now. But!!! I've drawn!!! More in these 3 months than I have in recent years, and my ideas aren't slowing down yet, I keep coming up with new ones on the daily. It just feels so, so Good to find joy in art again. Best of all, I felt no need at all to share this stuff anywhere but the small discord server I've been nodding for years, with friends who at this point weren't really expecting art from me that matched their interests. I was finally drawing for me and me alone, so the response was of no importance to me, and the moment I dropped a finished piece I started the line art of the next one. Of course, I'm slowly unleashing everything into the void that is Tumblr and while any notes delight me, the number really doesn't concern me much anymore.
Not that all my fanart didn't spark joy to me! I just have too many things I wanna get out of my head that aren't very fanart compatible at all.
Fandom is weird and wonderful and I don't really remember a time in my life where I wasn't in any fandom at all, but frankly, my mental health and self image is a mess, and most social media actively does more harm than good to me, despite the friends I made.
Either way, I'm finally, finally for the first time in years excited to see what the future brings for me and art, how I'll improve, what I'll draw over the next year.
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debestest · 2 years
ur turn on the rarepair ask!! what do u like abt ur fave dimitri ships <3
im so sorry for the late response (especially if this was for fic writing 😭 )
But!!! I think my top faves are dimivain and dimilix :3c (sorry that i ended up talking about non rarepairs too LMAO)
dimivain - i think their personalities would work well together 🥺 dimitri is someone who doesn't judge others and tries to see the good in them as much as he can. And sylvain is someone who has been judged, whether it's based on his actions, appearance, or the façade he puts up. Dimitri will accept and understand him. And from Dimitri's side, he's used to people wanting things from him, and not getting to know him. I think Sylvain wouldn't care about formalities or status, and if he's interested in Dimitri then he's going to want to get to know him. And if dimitri puts up walls, he'll break them down. But sylvain's perceptive and sensitive to how others feel, so he'll give space if dimitri needs it, but still let him know he's there for him. Dimitri might not be great at expressing himself at first, especially through words, but he's always genuine, and that's something sylvain needs in his life. But I think they're both able to be themselves and feel safe and loved and accepted 🥰 also sylvain is very fun and can be energetic and upbeat, which balances out dimitri's calmness and quietness. sylvain can talk and dimitri will always listen to all of it happily. they're both each other's sun <3
dimilix - different dynamic here 😅 but! dimitri can tend to overthink, lose sight of his goals, and be indecisive. Felix is his rock, guiding him and not allowing any bullshit. Dimitri can always rely on him, and Felix will always be there for him. They might not be able to express themselves in words until they're more mature, but Felix's devotion is clear and so important to dimitri. Felix doesn't ignore his flaws and will call out his behavior, which might seem hurtful, but it's better than everyone in dimitri's life ignoring his struggles or self destructive behaviors. if dimitri's in a bad place, felix will pull him out of it by force. He can also take one look at dimitri and tell how he's feeling and what he's thinking. But dimitri is also very loving and kind, and he understands the things felix leaves unsaid. He'll show affection even if felix treats him coldly. If felix is upset and says he wants to be alone, dimitri can tell when he doesn't mean it, and will at least be near him so that felix can feel his company. A warm hug from dimitri can help make felix feel better <3 i think they would do anything for each other if they had to.
I think dimicalude is nice too. claude starts out by teasing dimitri but he soon gets curious about him and wants to know more. and suddenly dimitri's actions feel very endearing and he finds himself feeling affection for him. Dimitri wouldn't understand what claude wants from him, but he always appreciates some company. claude talks and he likes to listen, especially when the stories are so exciting. he quickly gets used to claude's presence and enjoys his warmth. he might worry that he's too boring, but whenever he speaks claude gives him his full attention and is interested in what he has to say, and dimitri feels like he can actually open up to someone. i think claude would make very romantic gestures, and he'll make dimitri fall for him. they're also both nerds and would have long intellectual conversations that are only interesting to them 🙄 but they would both enjoy a friendship and relationship where they're together because they like each other, and not because either of them has anything to gain
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overheaven · 1 year
🌝 👖📥🧠💖
under the cut in case of mature themes discussed :>
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
ooh fun one, there’s probably a lot of characters I’d like to write but i can’t say how much i’d write them you know? like, many characters would be fun to write as cameos and bit parts, but not more. for central figures, i’ve written pretty much everyone i really wanted to feature in some way. so i guess if it’s not cheating to say, i’d like to try Dimitri fireemblem some more. as of right now i’ve only really written him as a ragged beast and seen through Felix’s POV! so i’m playing around with him being a little more lucid and yknow, giving him time for introspection and dialogue.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
oh pantser for sure. i’m yearning to find a type of planning that works for me, because i really want to try longer fics, but unfortunately i’m subject to only writing when the demon possessing me wants me to.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
aw boo this is a hard question because most of my fics don’t get comments LOL so it’s like, do i pick a fic that’s my fave out of ones that have gotten comments, or do i go for fics i WISH got comments?
out of ones that have gotten comments, my sk8 fics have really touching feedback! “lift me up and get me out” comes to mind first but comments on “drink me, eat me” floored me, too!
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ok remember how i said i wish i could find a way to plan so i can write longfic? that’s where i’m at with not one but two FE3H ideas and this is my blog so i say i can talk about both of them!! they’re both Dimilix because i have rabies.
one is about Felix getting pregnant because of a, uh, dubious night with Dimitri while he’s Unwell™, so Felix flees as soon as the Kingdom wins the war and Dimitri, now kind of Better™ (also very much in love and so so guilty) ends up spending years looking for him blah blah.. it’s like a bittersweet romance chase sort of thing, plus a little bit of kidfic cause i’m sappy. probably pretty tropey and cliche but that’s the point. i actually have some story arcs sketched for this so there is a slim chance i really could turn it into a WIP for real.
the other idea is even less fleshed out so maybe it’s a better answer for this question LOL it’s kind of dark and it’s making my brain zing a LOT, i have this idea about an AU where Byleth picks the Black Eagles and recruits Felix, so when the war comes Felix is, yknow, an enemy to his former friends and family. Buuuut the Kingdom ends up winning the war, and Felix is of course the only thing keeping Dimitri from descending into utter savagery (his words in 3hopes! not mine!!) so he’s just. he’s the king and he’s insane and if he wants the whole army to sweep the continent looking for his beloved little traitor then so be it!!! and yeah from there like, Felix gets found and kept on house arrest and eventually gets pregnant (because i’m me so of course he does) and yeah. yeah. this AU makes me batty.
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i think i’m gonna go with my illustrative qualities. :) it comes from my background in visual art, i’m sure, hahah. in fanart, i can just draw all sorts of little headcanons, but in writing i have to be deliberate and actively choose to paint those pictures with words. sensory details are very important to me so i really try to paint rich scenes or even just ‘portraits’ so to speak, like how a character looks, smells, sounds… i’m pretty good at it, if i do say so myself!
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