#my dearest love (i'm not done yet)
ofpantheons · 8 months
who  :  bellamy quist + imara gill + james saab @iridescences @loftycries when  :  October 31st
It had only been an hour of guarding the armoured vehicle they'd been assigned to and Bellamy was categorically bored. She tried to stifle the yawn that threatened to escape her lips, in an effort to look more focused and motivated. Sadly, all that led to was her pulling a weird face as a puff of air left her mouth. She chanced a glance over at the other agent assigned to the mission and asked a question that had been bothering her. "Immy...how long do these things normally last?" She asked her friend/superior. Hopefully she'd caught her on a good day and she would cut her some slack and not bite her head off for asking. This was her first time guarding anything, after all.
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
live footage of Ryang Eum opening the wardrobe and seeing all of those f*cking shoes meant for Gil Chae that Jang Hyun plans to take down with him when they head back to Joseon for a short visit:
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sunstormrecs · 1 year
ship Kim Seungmin/Lee Minho | Lee Know
tags Major Character Death, Horror, Resurrection, kind of, Gaslighting, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Violence, Suicidal Ideation, Blood Pacts, Unhappy Ending, Mild Gore
“Hyung,” Seungmin whispers, “Baby, I’m here.”
He’s not. He can’t be. But it's a reprieve to pretend.
Seungmin’s dead. Somehow, that’s not enough to keep him from coming back.
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eosofspades · 1 year
best fucking hozier lyrics in no particular order
we tried the world, good god, it wasn't for us
i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
after the foxes have known our taste, i'll be home with you, i'll be home with you
no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her
why were you digging, what did you bury, before those hands pulled me from the earth?
my dearest love, i'm not done yet
who could ask to be unbroken or be brave again?
whatever here that's left of me is yours just as it was
remember me love, when i'm reborn as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn
i'd be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around, and i'd be the immediate forgiveness in eurydice
be like the love that discovered sin, but freed the first man and will do so again
be that hopeful feeling when eden was lost, that's been deaf to our laughter since the master was crossed
love, when the sea rises to meet us, oh, and there's nothing left for you and i to do
true that i saw her hair like the branch of a tree, willow dancing on air before covering me
and i love, too, that love soon might end, be known in its aching
be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking
the last time i felt your weight on my chest, you said "we didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
and just knowing that everything will end should not change our plans
i would still be surprised i could find you, darling, in any life; if i could hold you for a minute, darling, i would do it again
heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i
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transform4u · 11 days
Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
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Dylan, 32 years old and a rising star in the world of journalism, had finally achieved his big break after years of hard work. Now, he enjoyed a comfortable six-figure income, residing in a stylish one-bedroom apartment overlooking a serene park on Chicago's west side. He was known for his easygoing nature, a friendly demeanor, and a contagious laugh that invited others into his world. Dylan took pride in his caring disposition, always looking out for his friends and partners.
Despite his contentment, one persistent annoyance nagged at him: a particular guy on Grindr who seemed relentless in his pursuit. This individual, far from Dylan's type, exuded a flamboyance that clashed with Dylan's more reserved personality. His profile picture, donned in drag, irked Dylan every time it appeared on his screen. Yet, amidst his success and popularity, Dylan prided himself on being his own person—not conforming to stereotypes, but embodying a cool, composed image that he meticulously cultivated.
After a long day at work followed by a rigorous gym session, Dylan returned home to unwind. Just as he settled in, his phone buzzed unexpectedly with a message on Instagram—not from his friend Kyle about their usual happy hour plans, but from the persistent Grindr user. Irritated yet intrigued by the message's tone, Dylan hesitated before reluctantly opening it.
"Hey Dylan. It's clear now that you don't want to date me. And I'm totally fine with that. Maybe you think you're too hot or too cool or whatever to date me. But you've only lived one life. Hah. That's gonna change."
A doorbell interrupted his thoughts, drawing Dylan to the front door where a package wrapped in vibrant red packaging lay waiting. Curiosity overcame him as he brought it inside and unwrapped it, revealing a mirror shaped like a melting heart. Puzzled by its arrival and wondering if he had made a drunken purchase, Dylan decided to hang it on his wall despite its mismatch with his usual decor.
Upon hanging the mirror, Dylan discovered a small letter tucked within. Reading it aloud, he found himself drawn into an impulsive act—reciting the mirror's enchantment aloud, inviting a change he could not have anticipated.
Dylan stood in front of the mirror, mesmerized and slightly apprehensive, as the first effects of his impulsive incantation began to take hold. The air around him crackled with an electric energy, a sensation he could only describe as a tingling wave coursing through his entire body. It started subtly, a faint tremor in his muscles, like a dormant power awakening. He read a note:
"Dearest Dylan. I'm so happy you decided to hang up my mirror. I know how much you love to look at yourself. Hah. Well. Look deep into the mirror. And soon you love life will change. It's a going to be wicked fun. Just look at the mirror on the wall and speak aloud the following words…
Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Give me a life to be hated by all. Mirror, Mirror my face looking back at me. Give me the personality of someone I'd hate to be. Mirror, Mirror show my worst self. Mirror, Mirror change thyself" As he spoke the words aloud. The paper fell from my hands and the mirror glowed and glowed almost incasing my entire room. What had he done?
At first, Dylan relished the transformation. He watched in awe as his reflection morphed before his eyes. Muscles tightened and expanded, sculpting his physique into something that mirrored the fitness models he had admired in magazines. His abs became chiseled, arms bulged with newfound definition, and his biceps swelled with strength. It was exhilarating; a validation of the hours he had spent at the gym, honing his body to perfection.
But as the changes intensified, doubts crept into Dylan's mind. His initial thrill gave way to a growing unease. He remembered the words he had spoken to the mirror: **"Give me the personality of someone I'd hate to be."** Panic simmered beneath his skin as he realized the gravity of his request.
The mirror, now glowing ominously, seemed to reflect not just his physical transformation, but something deeper—an alteration of his essence. His reflection's smirk deepened, its eyes gleaming with a knowing malice. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," the mirror whispered, its voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance that sent shivers down Dylan's spine.
As the transformation continued, Dylan felt an unnatural confidence surging through him, mingled with an unsettling arrogance. His once warm and inviting laugh took on a haughty edge. His friendly demeanor hardened into a dismissive smirk, and his generous spirit twisted into selfish impulses. The very traits he had prided himself on—kindness, empathy, humility—began to erode, replaced by a cold, calculating demeanor that he barely recognized.
Despite his growing discomfort, Dylan found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the mirror. It was as though he was watching a collision of his idealized self and his deepest fears, all brought to life by his reckless words. The mirror's reflection taunted him, mocking the person he was becoming.
In that moment of realization, Dylan knew he had to undo what he had set in motion. But the mirror held him captive, its eerie glow pulsating with an irresistible power. As he struggled against the creeping darkness within him, Dylan's heart sank with the weight of regret.
What had he done? And how could he ever return to the person he once was?
As Dylan wrestled with the unsettling changes in his demeanor, the transformation took an unexpected turn. The electric waves that had initially expanded his muscles began to reverse course. He felt a strange sensation of compression, as if his body was shrinking down, compacting itself while retaining the newfound strength and definition.
His arms, once bulging with exaggerated muscles, now tightened into a more refined and compact form. The exaggerated bulk softened, the lines of his physique becoming sleeker yet still maintaining a toned athleticism. Dylan's abs, previously sharp and defined, now settled into a leaner but no less impressive configuration. The transformation seemed to redefine his physical presence, sculpting him into a different ideal—a more compact, agile version of the muscular figure he had momentarily embodied. At first, Dylan didn't realize what was happening. His focus had been on the muscular changes wrought by the mirror's magic. But then, he noticed it: a gradual shrinking, a diminishment of his stature. Inch by inch, Dylan's height decreased, each moment bringing him closer to the ground until he stood at a diminutive 5 foot 4.
As his body underwent this metamorphosis, Dylan's skin tone deepened into a rich, bronzed tan. It was a stark departure from his natural complexion, now radiating with a sun-kissed glow that seemed to intensify under the mirror's eerie illumination. The mirror's magic continued to work its unsettling effects, altering not just his appearance but seemingly his very essence.
Dylan's gaze flickered down in shock as he noticed his shirt melting away, replaced by a garish gold chain draped around his neck. The chain, ostentatious and gaudy, clashed starkly against the more subdued attire he had preferred. It gleamed in the dim light of his apartment, a visible manifestation of the transformation's shift towards a persona he neither recognized nor desired.
The realization hit him hard. What had begun as a frivolous experiment had spiraled into something far more profound and irreversible. His reflection in the mirror now bore the mark of someone he might have once scorned—an exaggerated caricature of confidence bordering on arrogance, adorned with symbols of material excess that clashed with his previous understated elegance.
Fear and regret coursed through Dylan's veins as he struggled to comprehend the depth of the mirror's power. The once-inviting mirror now seemed to taunt him with each passing moment, its glow pulsating with a malevolent energy that mirrored the darker facets of his altered personality.
As he stood before the mirror, trapped in a transformation he couldn't control, Dylan's thoughts raced. How could he undo this? Was there any way to revert to the person he had been before his ill-advised invocation? With each passing second, the answer seemed to slip further from his grasp, swallowed by the insatiable hunger of the mirror's magic.
As the transformation continued, Dylan's mind began to fog up. His once-sharp intellect was dulled by a sudden influx of base desires and primal urges. The mirror's magic had not only altered his physical appearance but also rewired his brain, stripping away any semblance of rational thought or empathy he once possessed.
In its place grew an insatiable lust for women—their curves, their scents, their soft skin against his own hardened form. He found himself fixated on images of bikini-clad models and celebrities with impossibly large breasts and tight asses. His gaze lingered on every woman who crossed his path, imagining what it would be like to possess them in the most carnal sense possible.
His thoughts were no longer focused on intellectual pursuits or meaningful relationships; instead, they revolved around parties filled with alcohol and drugs where he could indulge in casual sex without consequence or commitment. The idea of settling down with one person seemed foreign to him now—a concept that held no appeal whatsoever in this new reality where pleasure was fleeting but easily attainable through superficial means alone.
Dylan's once-passionate love for men had been reduced to nothing more than a distant memory as he embraced this newfound heterosexuality wholeheartedly (or rather whole-mindedly). He found himself drawn towards masculine traits such as strength and dominance over feminine ones like sensitivity or emotional depth—qualities that were now deemed weaknesses by his transformed mindset.
As the transformation continued, Dylan's mind was flooded with more fuckboy thoughts. He found himself laughing along with the reflection in the mirror, which seemed to be enjoying his descent into shallow superficiality.
His flaws and memories began to change as well. His once-kind nature was replaced by a selfish and entitled attitude; he now believed that he deserved whatever he wanted without considering others' feelings or needs. His intelligence had been reduced to a basic understanding of popular culture and trends, leaving him unable to engage in meaningful conversations beyond small talk or gossip about celebrities.
The mirror erased any memories of Dylan's past relationships—both platonic and romantic—replacing them with fantasies about scoring hot chicks at parties or picking up women at bars using cheesy pickup lines learned from watching reality TV shows like "The Bachelor." His once-loving personality had been completely erased, replaced by an insatiable desire for attention from anyone who could provide him with temporary gratification or validation through social media likes or compliments on his physique which now included muscular abs but also featured excessive tanning.
As the transformation continued, Dylan became as shallow as possible. He wanted nothing more than to bang a hot chick who would make him feel like a real man. The image in his mind was that of a blonde bombshell with big boobs, toned abs, and an ass that wouldn't quit. She had to be tall enough for him to feel dominant over her but also petite enough for him to easily lift her off the ground during their passionate encounters.
Her personality didn't matter; all he cared about was how she looked on his arm at parties or how good she would be in bed (preferably multiple times throughout the night). He envisioned himself taking her out for expensive dinners before whisking her away to some exclusive club where they could dance until dawn while sipping champagne from flutes held aloft by waiters dressed in tuxedos.
The thought of waking up next to this perfect specimen of femininity filled Dylan with an almost primal desire—a need so strong it eclipsed any lingering traces of empathy or compassion he once possessed.
With his newfound confidence and shallow desires, Dylan mindlessly walked towards the nearest bar. He knew he would find plenty of women there who would be interested in someone like him—a tall, muscular guy with money to burn and a cocky attitude to match.
As he entered the dimly lit room filled with people drinking and dancing, his eyes immediately scanned for potential targets. Spotting a group of girls at one end of the bar, he made his way over without hesitation or any thought about being polite or respectful.
"Hey ladies," he said loudly enough for them all to hear as he slid onto an empty stool next to them, "what's up?" His tone was crude but laced with false charm as if this was something he did every night instead of being completely out of character for him just moments ago.
The woman he had addressed turned towards him, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in his appearance. "Not much," she replied curtly before turning back towards her friends and continuing their conversation.
Undeterred by her lack of interest, Dylan leaned closer to the group and spoke directly to the woman again. "So what brings you girls out tonight?" He flashed a fake smile that revealed a row of perfectly white teeth now slightly yellowed from too much alcohol consumption over the years.
The woman rolled her eyes but didn't respond right away, instead choosing to ignore him completely while sipping on her drink nonchalantly.
Feeling emboldened by his new persona, Dylan reached out and grabbed the woman's ass without hesitation or consent. She let out a surprised gasp but didn't move away as he expected her to do. Instead, she turned towards him with a look of amusement in her eyes that made his heart race faster than it had in years.
"Well aren't you just full of surprises?" she said playfully before taking another sip from her drink. "I must admit, I wasn't expecting someone like you to hit on me tonight."
Dylan grinned widely at this small victory, feeling more confident than ever before as he ordered himself another round at the bar while keeping one eye on the group of women across from him.
As the night wore on, Dylan found himself growing more conservative and homophobic. His new persona seemed to thrive on these negative traits, embracing them as part of his identity. He began making crude jokes about gay people, laughing along with his friends at the expense of anyone who didn't fit into their narrow definition of masculinity.
His once-open mind had closed itself off completely, leaving no room for empathy or understanding towards those different from him. Instead, he focused all his energy on maintaining an image that would impress others—a tough guy who wasn't afraid to speak his mind even if it meant hurting someone else's feelings in the process.
Looking into the mirror, Dylan saw a reflection of himself that he barely recognized. Gone was the thoughtful, kind-hearted man he once was; in his place stood Austin—a tall, muscular straight fuckboy with a cocky attitude and an insatiable desire for women.
Austin's hair had grown out slightly longer but still maintained its sleekness thanks to regular trips to the barber. His eyes were now darker and more intense, reflecting his newfound confidence and willingness to take risks without considering consequences or others' feelings. His clothing consisted of designer labels that screamed "money" while showing off just enough skin to be considered tasteful by those who shared similar tastes as him.
Fuckboy Austin was the perfect embodiment of shallow, straight masculinity. He had an impressive physique thanks to hours spent at the gym each week, but he didn't let it go to his head—he knew he could always do better. His wardrobe consisted of expensive designer clothes that fit him perfectly, showing off his toned abs and broad shoulders while remaining tasteful enough for any upscale event or club scene.
His personality was just as well-crafted as his appearance; he had a cocky attitude that made women swoon but also came across as arrogant when dealing with others who didn't meet his high standards for attractiveness or success. He loved nothing more than hitting on beautiful women at bars and clubs before taking them home for a night filled with passionate sex followed by morning-after regrets on their part, which only served to fuel Austin's ego even further.
Fuckboy Austin lived a life filled with meaningless hookups, expensive nights out at clubs, and endless self-improvement efforts to maintain his perfect physique. He spent hours each day at the gym, lifting weights and running on treadmills while listening to motivational speeches on his headphones. His diet consisted mainly of protein shakes and pre-workout supplements that he believed gave him an edge over other guys trying to score with the same women as him.
Austin was also quite popular on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok where he shared videos of himself flexing in front of mirrors or giving workout tips for those looking to get into shape themselves. His follower count continued growing daily thanks largely in part due to his good looks but also because many found inspiration in seeing someone so dedicated towards achieving physical perfection.
As far as hobbies went, Austin didn't have any real interests outside of working out or picking up chicks at bars; however, this lack of depth didn't seem bother him much since it allowed him more time focus solely on improving himself physically instead wasting energy pursuing meaningful relationships or intellectual pursuits.
Fuckboy Austin's life revolved around one thing: himself. He spent every waking moment thinking about how he could improve his appearance, his social status, or his chances with the latest hot girl who had caught his eye. His days were filled with trips to the gym followed by hours spent on social media, where he would post pictures of himself flexing or posing in front of mirrors while wearing nothing but a pair of tight briefs.
His nights were even more action-packed as he would hit up various clubs and bars looking for new conquests to add to his ever-growing list of notches on his bedpost. He had no qualms about using cheesy pickup lines or playing mind games with women just so they would give him their numbers or agree to go home with him later that night. Once he had secured a willing partner (or two), Austin would shower them with compliments and gifts before taking them back home for an evening filled with passionate sex followed by morning-after regrets on their part (which only served as fuel for Austin's already massive ego).
Despite all this success, there was still something missing from Fuckboy Austin's life—a sense of purpose beyond superficial pleasures like material possessions and casual encounters. Deep down inside, he knew that there must be more out there than just endless parties and meaningless hookups; however, those thoughts were quickly pushed aside whenever another beautiful woman crossed paths with him at some trendy nightclub.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 11 months
ok but chubby!Aeg with a new wife reader and him just fucking her constantly with a breeding kink and barely letting her out of his chambers until his family finds her would be incredible...
And good luck with your period beautiful, it seems I'm headed there as well
sorry for the delayed response lovely, hope you are better now xox this ask is delicious, thank you for sending it in! any type of Aeg with a breeding kink is something else...
Duty to the Realm.
PAIRING: chubby!King!Aegon ii Targaryen x Queen!fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,522.
WARNINGS: arranged marriage, breeding kink, lactation kink, pregnancy kink, slightly cruel!Aegon ii, female receiving (f*ingering), edging, overstimulation, creampie, cockwarming, swearing, posessive!Aegon, p in v sexual intercourse, mentions of pregnancy/birth.
A/N - I may have gotten carried away a little bit, but that's okay. shoutout for my bitchass anon, that seems to be OBSESSED with me, enjoy reading and hating on this asshole.
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​​The marital duty expected of the woman to the man was one of a common, natural phenomena, that many in the realm would often not bat an eye to, yet one that held great anticipation for you, in your case. Particularly considering, your lawful husband was no other than the sole King of the Seven Kingdoms. An heir was the ultimate and primary responsibility, expected of you both to fulfil. A royal decree and order of the Faith.
He was to bed you as much as it pleased your Sire, as you were to carry and birth as many lively heirs as possible, blessed as the Gods saw fit. Your anointed Septas had spoken to you countlessly to this coming night, and your dearest mother before her untimely passing: all reinstating the other, that childbirth was no easy game. A duty of womankind and also an honour. To be blessed by the Mother herself, with the gift to carry and birth healthily.
Nonetheless, arrangements made, your House meticulously selected, as your husband to be, Aegon the Second of his name, had been thoroughly consulted by his liege council, thought that the most viable candidate to bear the shared responsibility of carrying out the infamous Targaryen dynasty, was you. Now that the Dance had come to its long-awaited end, Aegon the ultimate successor, reparations needed to be made and lines secured for the generations forthcoming.
The wedding was a swift and grandiose occasion: rich food and wine, opulent gifts and crowds [many faces unfamiliar to yourself] gathered in abundance, the union was legitimised by the Faith of the Seven, binded by law. Aegon scarcely spoke to you during the special occasion besides catching his lingering, lilac eyes fleeting over towards you. Strangely you had also noticed, Aegon would not allow for you to speak for yourself. Often promptly intercepting, answering general questions and well wishes on your behalf, before a peep escaped your reddened lips: you found it odd and somewhat harrowing.
It was an ambivalent feeling, as though Aegon acknowledged your physical presence, yet refused to grant you the privilege to speak nor appreciate you? You felt trivial against his stance, nothing more than a vessel at his complete disposal. You came to the haste, haunting conclusion of neglect... "Aegon does not love me."
Aegon took you to bed that dreadful night, ruling against his Council for a meek audience to be present. He vowed a promise, his lingering words "the deed will be done" remained echoing in your thoughtlessly numb mind.  The door locked as Aegon saw to it himself, no words spared other than fleeting glances, as he took a swift swing of his Dornish wine that accompanied him, as he departed from the feast with you. Observing Aegon this near, his authority in the realm, was not the only quality in him that held a substantially formidable presence...
Unlike his younger brothers, Aegon was fuller in size. His stocky thighs and legs accentuated in size by the tightly fitted breeches, was accompanied by a portly round stomach that looked tense and swollen from the delectable wedding feast and drinking. Not that you had much of an appetite that evening, however, Aegon did not halt when a full serving was laid in front of him, nor the seconds that he demanded for, or a slice of the exquisite cake. One thing you had noticed tonight that you had never heard of before, was that Aegon had an impressive appetite. Whether it was from the nerves of having to bed a woman he scarcely knew, or the undeniable, looming fear of failing to provide an heir, he ate intensely and seemed to enjoy himself rather. The way he'd savour his last few bites, eyes rolling back in satisfaction, how he did not shy away from sculling two full pitchers worth of wine [yet remained stable on his feet and wickedly alert]. Although, a strange, yearning sensation began to churn below, a dull ache growing stronger right between your inner thighs, as you fleetingly observed Aegon's large hand tenderly palming over his distended belly. Close enough in his proximity, you heard an occasional low belch escape from Aegon's plump, greasy lips, poorly attempting to muffle his discomfort with a tight fist over his mouth.
Now in the privacy of your shared, royal chambers, his arms looked strong and sturdy: the flesh of his fingers pooling tightly around his precious rings. Although his face was wildly handsome as most Targaryen men beared celestial-like attributes, history would tell. The ruggedness remaining evident from blatant, healing scars strewed across the side of his cheek and forehead, proof of the recent battles he had bravely fought and won, did not hinder your undeniable attraction towards him. And yet, there was also a softness to his features, the flesh of his jaw ample and blurred, his cheeks plump.
You prayed in that very moment, that Aegon was just as pleased about you, as you were with him.
Undressing himself off his fine fabrics, lashing the pieces onto the floor as though they cost nothing, your tense body froze completely, as Aegon took slow strides towards you. Only inches apart, his rough hands snaking their way behind your illustrious gown, untying the strings effortlessly, as though this was not the first time he had bedded a woman.
"You know what is expected of you," Aegon firmly uttered, his tone unfaltering and deep, you felt your body grow rigid, as his rough hands met your bare skin, the gown loosely falling off your body.
Your naked body rigid, and mind frail, you could not muster the valour to respond timely, seemingly infuriating Aegon.
"Speak woman, use your words for me."
Feeling his thumb simultaneously flicking at your sensitive, perked nipple, sent shivers down your spine, his fierce, glowing eyes cursing from your breasts to your timid face.
"Y-Yes, my dear," You delicately stuttered, your sullen breath hitching in your throat, as you tried to focus solely on fixating your gaze on Aegon and not daring to look to the ground.
"Hmm, therefore you realise what is expected of me, yes? As your dutiful husband and as the King of the Seven Kingdoms, you understand what I must do to you, yes?"
Aegon's hand that was previously occupied playfully kneading and teasing your breast, now sneaked below to your waist, along with his other, his fingertips firmly tightening around the curves for your hips. His head tilted down, lowering his taller height to meet yours, as his lips found their way melting over your flushed skin.
"Y-Yes my King. Y-Yes, Aegon. A child I must bear, an heir... As many heirs as you see fit my King, I will do as you ask, as you please."
A low growl etched from Aegon's throat, animalistic even, as they momentarily broke free from you, as his thumb now gently grazing over your blush cheek and shut lips.
"Together we share this burden, but rest assured, my dear. I will do everything in my power to ensure the Kingdom has an heir. If that means fucking you day and night, sealing you in this room and chaining you to this bed then so be it. Till your dripping proudly of my seed until you take. Not until I see your belly swell greatly with my babe growing inside, may I let you roam the halls freely once more. Understood?"
That night Aegon took you to bed with caution and great intent. He was effortless in handling you, guiding and adjusting your body according to his positions, lifting and carrying you as though you weighed nothing more than a feather. Kissing you abundantly and with passion, often suckling at your tender flesh around your neck and breasts, you felt the spots that he had latched onto growing sore. His eager mouth occupied, his free hand found its way to your cunt, now moist with excitement, throbbing for something more. He remained generous, inserting two of his longest, thick digits inside, pumping himself in a steady, slow pace, feeling your keen walls stretching mildly, clenching around the base of his knuckles, the deeper he plunged himself in. With each helpless moan that slipped from your mouth that he earned, the deeper he shoved himself in, feeling a slick smirk spread against your neck.
"That's it, my love. You don’t even need to tell me just how bad you need your King to fuck you, I can practically feel your body begging for me, baby."
Countless more breathless moans escaped your lips that you'd desperately bit shut, that you could no longer resist. The silent void of the room gradually filling with the natural sounds of lust, as you stuttered and whimpered your King's name aloud.
"Ugh- A-Aeg. I need my King n-now. I w-want my Aeg-"
"Fuck-" Aegon spat, his teeth softly biting down on the ample flesh of your breast, tugging at your tender skin, causing a sharp jolt of pain to shock you, before letting loose. All the while unknowing to you, your Grace had a third digit inserted deep within your walls, his fist now coated in your pooling wetness, oozing between the gaps of your entrance, as his pace had hasten, his thick fingers deeply inside pumping and pushing against the natural tightness of your enclosure. The strange, dense weight and friction of his fingertips rousing against your sensitive clit.
"That's right. Warming you up so, yet it seemed you were already a soaking mess for me, my love.”
Muffled moans as you weakly attempted to fight the urge to scream and beg for more. Aegon's wicked fingers inside, tormenting you as he quickened his pace and the ferocity of his motion. Your back arching lusciously, as your hips bucked upwards and back again, motioning for more.
"Think you are ready for me, baby? Think you are ready to take my cock, till I fuck you full of my hot seed. Are you ready to be a mother?"
"Y-Yes, Aeg!" You breathlessly yelp, your hands having instinctively found their way to his platinum locks, the mottled strands caught in your fingers, as you grasped and pulled at his roots. As your arms outstretched below your sides, your breasts naturally shoved and pressed together in unison, accentuating your obvious cleavage more so, that Aegon helplessly found himself tempted. Only a second bypassed, before the bulky King found himself crawling further up atop your yielding body, with great effort, huffing and puffing as he subtly caught his breath, before burying his handsome face between, suckling at your hard, perky nipples. His heavy, round belly laid sprawled against your own abdomen, feeling his clothed, rigid cock beneath his tight pants, the tense bulge probing at your inner thigh walls.
"Soon these will be greatly full of the Mother's blessed milk, and I will relish myself with the spoils of my babe growing inside. Knowing that it was all my undoing, that made you so. Gods be good, they will be full enough, practically leaking from the vast supply. Our babes will be well fed, and I, too, hmm."
"A-Aeg, I need you. F-Fuck a babe into me, a-and I shall feed and fuck you, a-as you please."
"Mhmm, my good, pretty wife. Already at my mercy-"
Feeling the rush movements of Aegon's free hand below [as the other remained steadying himself], you had no sense of what was occurring below, nor could you see, as his stout belly blocked your view. Yet the sudden, grazing sensation of his moist, hard cock teasing at the entrance of your wet, throbbing folds, you could bear it no more.
"You promise you can take me, baby? Show me how well of an obedient wife you can be, just as much of a pretty one you are."
No warning and no remorse, Aegon shoved his thick, stiff cock into your aching, tight cunt. Despite Aegon's perilous efforts of 'warming you up', nothing amounted to the concoction of sheer ecstasy and pain that coarsed through your veins, as your King's cock, stretched you out, pushing your limits beyond comfort. And yet, you could feel the familiar, dull throbbing sensation growing more palpable by the second: desperately trying to clench around the girth of his fat, bulky circumference, your nails digging into the plump adipose flesh of his broad shoulders and back, as you remained stagnant and tense around him.
"That's it, baby- Fuck. D-Doing so, so well for me. I can just fucking feel how tight you really are around me, fuck! L-Let me just break into you, easy, easy now-"
Moaning cries and whimpers filled Aegon's ears, yet he remained focused. His pace although messy and sloppy was steady, slowly slowly, thrusting himself as equipped as his larger frame would allow him, his solid weight weighing him down against you, you move no further than squirm with remaining, great effort. Feeling his pulsating cock inside, striking adamantly against your cervix, and the pressure of his swollen, distended gut, pressing from above, with each passing second as you felt an immense, stimulating arousal brewing from below. The fierce, physical tensity of Aegon's size inside and out, was invigorating, as your body obediently attempted to adjust to your husband's size.
"Good-Good wife. That's it, baby, I'm going to cum any second now. Fuck this pretty, tight cunt of yours was needy for her King to spoil. I can feel how desperate you are for my babe, huh?"
"Y-Yes, Aeg-"
"I'm going to keep you locked up, all for myself. Till I can fuck as many heirs as I see fit. U-Until this entire quarter is full of our babes, till the realm can hear their cries. You and this tight cunt of yours are not leaving. Not until I'm fucking satisfied. All mine, now."
"Of-Of course, my King-"
"Fuck, Y/N, was I right about you, huh? Obedient from the start, you greedy, little brat, you wanted this just as much as I. Could you imagine yourself as I did, only full of my royal seed, only you worthy to take me."
"O-Only me. M-Made just for you, Aeg, as the Gods deemed it."
"No, woman. I deemed it. I made the decision. I wanted you. O-Only this cunt to take my seed, these hips to grow wide for the birth, and this belly to swell proudly. Till I see these tits leak and you waddling around, begging me to hold and carry you, this was all my undoing from the start. I am the King, the closest thing to the Gods, and farthest from men."
"Th-Then I am eternally at your mercy and will. M-My beloved-"
As you felt the tense excitement sparking below, the invigorating relief as your wetness had reached a peaking climax, the shudder of chills that echoed through your body, the momentum evaporated, as you twitched and felt feeble against Aegon’s sturdy build. Your wetness drenching his cock, as it once more, oozed heavily against your folds and inner thighs. Aegon's immediate, instinctive release adjunct to your own, earned a mouthful of deep, growling moans and breathless swears from the King himself in relief. His hot, ample seed shot through inside, painting your inner walls, as you felt his body weight drop even more against you, all energy exerted.
Shifting himself to your side, as to not suffocate you against his bulky frame, embracing your flustered, exhausted self in his strong arms, his twitching, thick cock, however remained buried inside.
"Tonight we shall remain united as man and woman, like so. Heed my words earnestly, Y/N. Until I see this belly grow round and full, you will stay in this chamber, until I say otherwise. You obey no other orders unless directly from me, understood? I will send maids to help you, you will not lift a single finger so long as you are my wife. You answer to no one but me.”’
Feeling your nod against his plump, meaty chest. Aegon’s hands found their way to your unkempt, loose hair. Brushing the strands off your sweaty, blush face. Although his words were stern and mildly threatening, his actions remained tender.
“B-But what if the Gods do not see me fit to mother your heirs? W-what if I am… What if I am barren, my King?”
Aegon’s silence was eerily unnerving, although his breath did not hitch in shock of your sudden question, his breathing now regained to stability, remained unfaltering as he contemplated.
“You are my wife, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. If anyone wishes to question your purpose in my life, regardless of whom, will answer to me… The King. And they will anguish as I see fit.”
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The bright days and chill nights had passed since the wedding night. Aegon, committed to his promise, whenever his duty fulfilled and time free, he would return to you, only to embrace you, love you and fuck you. Proudly filling you day and night full of a fresh batch of his seed, despite practically still being a drenching mess from when he had last left you. Servants attended to your every need: when he felt he had you exhausted, pushed to your limits, your body delicate and tiresome eyes drifting off to a deep slumber. He would let you be, only sharing close proximity as he embraced you cozily. He ordered the chefs to have your supper and meals sent piping hot, in a timely manner and occasionally found himself joining you in attendance, than his own family feasts. A table set up for the both of you, an intimate quiet dinner between a husband and his wife. He much preferred your company, anyways.
His family, more often the Dowager Queen and Hand, himself, promptly questioned Aegon regarding your whereabouts, he would disclose to you.
“At one point my dear mother had feared you’d run away,” Aegon chuckled, as he scoffed a piece of his roast down, followed by a scull of his wine.
“And what if I had? Would you let me be, or have Ser Arryk sent out to seek me out, dear husband?”
Aegon’s familiar eyes flashed towards you instantly, although the longing, tender look was replaced with a cold, menacing pierce.
“Go against this union, means you go against my decision… The decision of your King. I would send out a whole battalion if need be, and when I have you in my grasp, I will rid you of this luxury and see to it that I lock you up in one of the cells below the Red Keep. Fuck you like a common whore, and summon you like a predator to its prey. Until I’m certain you’ve learnt your lesson… Now are you still tempted to run?”
Shaking your head promptly, Aegon’s half-hearted smirk was enough to ease the tension. With all the intimacy involved, you had both gradually become quite comfortable with one another, enough to speak your minds, as Aegon often urged from you on your behalf. Although, only between you two. He firmly ordered for servants and guards alike, to be absent during your shared moments, in an attempt to ease you into speaking with confidentiality and also, to avoid whispers being spread. After the Dance, Aegon was often sceptical of people’s intentions, considering all the treachery he’d been exposed to during the early years of his reign.
Regardless, it was Aegon who was the first to notice subtle changes, only adding it all up when you had meekly disclosed to him that you had not bled in the past two months. Immediately he sought a guard to fetch for the maester and soon enough, his long-awaited wishes had been confirmed.
Aegon often watched over you more intensely now, his eyes ogling over your swelling belly, how the waistline of your gown had grown slightly tighter around your stomach, and your breasts looking fuller, more sensitive under his teasing touch. Relieved, however it was far from the end for Aegon... The King himself, had become even more brutally protective over you, and the babe inside, still adamant on keeping you confined, rested and guarded.
"No harm will come towards you or the babe, so long as I breathe and rule."
He even had Sunfyre tenaciously fly above your tower, granting him peace of mind that no threat could overpower the fury of a dragon.
Nonetheless, the Gods had blessed you to full term, and a healthy babe was born. A son, a true embodiment of the Targaryen dynasty, and the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Aegon was beyond sated that you and the babe had recovered from the gruelling nature of birth, and seldom to his words, he allowed you free to roam, with the newborn warmly nestled in your arms, and Aegon relentlessly by your side. That was until, the King felt the desire for yet another heir to be proclaimed."Need I remind you of our wedding night, my beloved... You promised your King as many heirs. It is only natural as a true-born Targaryen, that I take what is mine."
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe
credit for divider - @/babesindestroyland
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mncxbe · 1 year
pls pls pls can i pls ask for a part 3 of taking a bath with them ??? maybe with fyodor nikolai and sigma ??? i LOVED the other two parts you made , they are amazing !
TYSM I'm so happy to hear that and yes of course I'll make a DoA part. I romanticized Fyodor so much oh my I loved writing his part. Hope you enjoy dear♡ also tysm for 150 followers love you guys
Taking a bath with them♡ p3
𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓, 𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂, 𝑵𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff/ slight smut♡
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: mentions of drowning in Nikolai's part but it's silly
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due to his occupation he has to change hideouts/ houses quite often so y'all always use your tub.
not a big fan of bubbles but enjoys herbal scented oils
due to his anemia Fyodor can't handle really hot baths so the water is lukewarm most of the times
he's usually the one who pampers you, but after a harsh day he may let you wash his back and hair (let's be honest he needs it)
play some classical music, light a candle and brew him a cup of tea and he's all yours for the rest of the night
may not show it all the time but he's so grateful for spending time like this with you
It was around 10 p.m and you were getting ready to sleep when you heard a faint knock on your door.
"Yes?" you asked quietly as not to disturb the neighbours; the walls in your apartment building tended to be quite thin.
"It's me, my love" spoke the man from the other side.
You immediately unlocked the door and let your boyfriend inside, throwing your arms around his neck. "I missed you so much Fedya" you said in a sweet voice, gaining a chuckle from him.
Fyodor caressed the small of your back with his gloved hands, gently squeezing the plush of your hips "There, there darling. Thanks for letting me in."
"Of course"
You stepped away from him, giving him space to undress. Watching him stuggle to untie his shoelaces and hang his hoat, you couldn't help but notice how exhausted he looked.
"Tough day at work?" you asked, raising a brow.
"Yes, my love." he confessed, trying to keep his composure. Fyodor was still in the process of learning to be vulnerable around you so he tried to keep up appearances most of the time. Yet, he could not fool you.
"Would you like me to fix a bath for us? It'll help you wind down a little."
"That would be most wonderful, my dearest." he nodded, trying to suppress the smile that rose to his lips.
"Alright. Just give me a moment."
Around twenty minutes later the bath was finally ready. You had filled the tub to the brim with tepid water and threw in a few drops of his favourite essential oils: wintergreen and sweet orange.
"Mm it smells amazing sweetheart" he stated as he entered the bathroom. A slight smirk made his way to his lips when he saw you in the tub. "But I may love the sight of you even more"
He quickly took off his clothes and joined you, silently enjoying the pink tint that stained your cheeks.
After a few minutes in the water Fyodor started getting sleepy so he let his head fall back and closed his eyes. The sweet fragrance of the oils was soothing his senses and the water was just warm enough to relax his tense muscles.
He suddenly opened his eyes when he felt you shift closer to him. "Come on, Fedya, let me wash your hair."
Normally he would refuse, but considering his state he couldn't muster up the energy to say no. He simply turned his back to you, relishing the feeling of your lithe fingers gently massaging his scalp; at some point you started slowly humming a familiar melody. His shoulders jolted faintly at the sound of your voice.
"Ah, дорогая. I didn't know you liked Tchaikovsky."
"Well, I'm starting to enjoy classical music. I wonder why." you teased, placing a kiss on his cheek. You quickly rinsed off the shampoo and conditioned his hair before washing his back and shoulders. Tonight, your boyfriend was more quiet than usual but you didn't mind it; simply having him by your side again was enough.
"And you're all done" you informed him as you washed away the remainings of soap. "Ready to go to bed now?"
Fyodor nodded and got up, wrapping a towl around himself. "Thank you, my dearest." he said as he helped you out of the tub "I cherish you with all my heart."
"It's really nothing, мой любимый." you replied, struggling to pronounce the foreign words correctly.
Your partner chuckled and gently stroked your head; his violet eyes were gleaming with pride. "I see you're also learning Russian. Я горжусь тобой"
"Er... I didn't get that far yet." you babbled shyly, tucking a loose strand of hair behing your ear. Fyodor's lips curled into a smile.
"I said I'm proud of you~"
Once you were in bed your partner's arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. He thanked you again for sharing this moment with him and showed his gratitude by leaving a trail of feathery kisses along your neck.
"Mm Fedya let's go sleep. It's late" you whispered, attempting to conceal the hint of desire in your voice.
"All right, my love. But I'd like to ask you one more thing before." he chuckled lightly
"What is it?"
"Sing me some more next time we do this."
this man's bathroom is full of mirrors you cannot change my mind; the floor has those black and white tiles and the tub is in the middle of the room
doesn't mind bubble baths but he has a strange fascination for bath bombs
he is so handsy oml
every five minutes he's like "Riddle me this, dove" and begins to tell you all sorts of silly riddles
performs magic tricks for you if you ask him
"Kolya... I think that's enough". For the past ten minutes you've been watching your lover throw bath bomb after bath bomb in your square shaped tub.
"Nah one more dove I promise I'll be done." He spoke the words in his usual perky voice, without averting his gaze from the fizzy bubbles that rose to the surface. The water was coloured in a hue of pink, red and purple, resembling the twilight sky.
"Alright dove, hop in" he finally said before sliding in the ceramic tub.
You carefully slipped out of the silk robe that you were wearing and joined your boyfriend; as you were about to seat yourself, he swiftly hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap, deliberately pressing you against his pelvis.
"Oh take care pretty girl. You're going to get me all riled up" he snickered, running his fingers up and down your thigh.
"Aha so it's my fault now" you teased, narrowing your eyes at him.
He flashed you a suggestive smile before resting his chin on your shoulder; your eyes started darting around the room. No matter how many times you took a bath in Nikolai's bathroom you could never get used to the eerie atmosphere: the walls were covered in mirrors, making you lose the sense of space.
The biggest mystery was the source of light; the room was dimly lit, the golden light seeminly coming from the mirrors themselves.
"A magician doesn't reveal his tricks, dove" stated your partner whenever you asked him about the strange luminescence.
This time was no different. The feeling of nervousness was starting to take over you, your heart beating faster. The sudden change in your demeanour caused your partner to giggle.
"Aww is my little dove getting anxious? Now we can't have that let me help you relax a little"
His lithe digits gently squeeze the upper part of your thigh, moving closer to your core. You tried to seize his wrist but he stopped you.
"Nuh uh dolly. Be good and stay still for me, will you?" he purred, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
Your cheeks began to bloom with colour at his daring words, but you laid back against his chest.
"Good" he chuckle, resuming his movements. His thumb brushed over your clit, gaining a soft moan from you. Nikolai's ministrations continued for a couple of minutes, his needy hands not leaving any part of you untouched; his lips trailed along your neck, leaving lovebites and sweet kisses.
Your tense muscles slowly began to relax, every tender touch leaving you yearning for more. Your breath hitched when his digits finally slid along your folds, lightly parting them before...
"That's about enough, my dove. You're going to get all wrinkly if we don't get out of the water."
"Nah, just a few more minutes please" you whined, drawing his hand close to your core again.
"Look how impatient you are now, how cute. I'll give you more when we get to bed" he cooed, gently pinching your cheek.
You still insisted on staying a few more minutes, just to spite him; but he ultimately agreed.
"I'm surprised you agreed to take a bath with me again. Considering what happened last time..." he eventually said
"What? Oh yea you tried to drown me in this fizzy water."
"Yes, I did" he snickered as he placed his index finger under your chin and made you face him. "But you know why I stopped?"
You shook your head, holding his loving gaze; his eyes bore a shadow of longing.
"Well, my little dove, I decided to be selfish for once in my life. I figured that loving you in captivity is better than hoping that our dead souls will be bound for all eternity."
it takes a while to convince him to bathe with you, but he'll do whatever it takes to please you
has both a regular tub and a jacuzzi in his casino
he treats you like a queen and blushes so hard when he sees you naked for the first time
Sigma doesn't have much free time so the baths don't usually last long, but he makes the most of that time
lets you wash and braid his hair and is incredibly fond of lavender and vanilla scented candles
You liked the sky casino: with its glitz and sophisticated night life. Seemingly a pretty normal place during the day, the casino turned into an airborne Sin City at night. The crystal chandeliers were all gleaming, music was roaring, drinks were poured and guests wearing glamorous garments walked the hallways of the gambling house till the sun came up.
But what you loved most about the casino was its manager. You don't remember exactly when the two of you got this close, but Sigma was now one of the people you cherished most in life. He was a caring boyfriend and although he didn't have much free time on his hands he always managed to spend a couple of hours with you every day.
Tonight he prepared a bath for the two of you. When you entered the bathroom adjoining your bedroom, you were instantly struck by the light scent of lavender.
Sigma was crouching next to the tub, testing the water.
"Hey honey" you chuckled "What are you doing?"
His head snapped towards you at the sound of your voice. "Oh, hi Y/N. I got a bath ready for us. Will you join me?"
He extended a hand for you and, before taking it, you quickly stripped off your cocktail dress and tip toed to him. Although you were still wearing your lingerie, your boyfriend's face turned a pretty shade of pink. He carefully twirled you around once, admiring your figure.
"Gorgeous as ever, darling" he smiled as he briefly pulled you into a hug. "Now get in the tub before the water turns cold, okay?"
You stepped out of your undergarments while he took off his clothes and soon you were both immersed in the scented water.
The night sky was visible through the large window of the bathroom; it was tinged an inky black, like the depths of the sea. The stars always appeared washed out from the ground, but up here they gleamed like sapphires.
You ran your fingers through Sigma's silky hair, gently separating it into strands.
"What are you doing back there?" he asked playfully, trying to turn to face you.
"Stay still, hon. I'm just braiding your hair."
You entwined his white and lilac curls, forming a beautiful pattern. During this time your partner was anxiously checking his clock.
"Do you need to leave already?" you asked in an understanding tone.
"Not yet. But some important guests will be arriving tomorrow at noon and I haven't managed to learn anything about them yet."
"Oh don't worry darling. You'll do great"
"I suppose..." he muttered.
After finishing his last braid, you spun him around so that you were facing each other. Your arms snaked around his neck and you pressed his forehead against yours.
"Listen to me, love. You're incredible at your job but you work too much. Take some time to relax, ok? You deserve it more than anyone."
You spoke tenderly, placing feathery kisses all over his face. Sigma's hands grabbed the plush of your hips, pulling your body closer to his and kissed you. He wasn't usually the one to initiate such saccharine affections, so his boldness took you by surprise. Nevetheless you indulged him, your manicured nails languidly grazing the back of his neck.
Your partner deepened the kiss as a response to your actions and tugged you impossibly close to him. Whenever Sigma kissed you, you saw the starry sky behind your closed eyes.
The tender moment was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sir?" spoke a man in meek voice "I know you've specifically requested not to be disturbed tonight, but you are needed in the game room. There's been a misunderstanding between two players."
"I'll be there in a moment" Sigma responded, trying his best to conceal the annoyance in his voice. The steps of the valet soon faded in the distance.
"I'm sorry I have to go so soon, love. I promise I'll make it up to you"
"There's no need, my angel." you hummed "I'll wait for you in bed, okay?"
He nodded eagerly before stepping out of the tub; you watched him dry himself with the white towels you kept under the sink and hurriedly put on his clothes. His heels clicked against the tiled floor as he made his way to the door.
"See you soon!" he chimed, closing the door with a thud.
After your partner had left, your gaze turned once again to the infinite blackness beyond the window. Then and there, your realized that you were in face a night sky too; and your lover was the multitude of stars that made you shine bright like a diamond.
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dragon-ascent · 2 months
Bathtub Mermaid
another mermay special, not really, but also yes.
It's an intimate thing for one to give their lover a bath - and Zhongli makes the activity all the sweeter. After a long week of work and responsibilities, your husband had decided to surprise you with a relaxing soak, the bathtub filled with warm water, bubbles, bath salts, and all the nicest shampoos, conditioners, and bath gels you can think of.
You don't even have to lift a finger while you're in; Zhongli happily washes your hair and body for you, making sure you're squeaky clean!
"You're the best," you tell him for the umpteenth time this evening, swaying your legs and watching the ripples hurry along. Zhongli, sitting on a stool beside the tub with his sleeves deliciously rolled up to expose his forearms, merely chuckles softly. You turn around gracefully so you're directly facing him, placing your elbows on the edge of the smooth, cool tub. "Guess what!"
"What is it, my dearest?"
Grinning, you say, "I'm a mermaid!" To prove your point, you glide around a bit in the limited space you have.
"Oh?" he asks, raising an eyebrow and running his sensual fingers along your bare leg (which makes you blush). "You say that, yet you have human appendages."
"That's because...I chose to have legs! I'm a shape-shifting mermaid!" You bring your legs closer to your chest.
Zhongli laughs again, leaning over to kiss you on your soapy head. "That you are. Will you sing for me, then?"
"Mermaids can only sing well underwater," you say with a giggle, "above water it'll just be weird and screechy! And unfortunately, I used up my underwater breathing for the day, good sir."
"That's all right, I'm sure I will enjoy your over-water singing as well, dear mermaid."
"Suit yourself!" You take a deep breath...and unleash the unholiest gremlin noises known to mankind. While your little concert of mayhem unfolds, Zhongli's fond smile never leaves his face.
When you're done, he claps, much to your amusement. "It was quite...powerful. The lyrics seem mysterious and intriguing as well - are they symbolic of the emotional turmoil you feel at the dissonance between land and sea?" This man could be a literature professor.
You nod cheekily. "You totally got it. You're a genius, darling!" Humming, you continue idling about in the water with as much grace as you can muster. A while passes before Zhongli reaches out again.
"Ah, look at you glow," remarks your lover, cupping your cheek. "Such beauty, playfulness and charm...you truly are a mermaid."
"Hey!" you squeal, blushing deeply, "I'll screech-sing again!"
And you do, but Zhongli's loving smile only grows.
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thegoldencontracts · 12 days
Summary: You're bored. What better way to pass the time than surprise-kissing your boyfriend?
Characters: Azul, Jade
Notes: Flustered Jade and Azul aghhh
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul was startled from his paperwork by the sensation of your lips brushing against his cheek. He loathed to admit the way he practically leapt up from his seat, scrambling to turn to meet your gaze.
"W-What was that?" He asked, desperately attempting to fan away the flush of his cheeks. You smirked.
"I was bored," you said. "Is that not reason enough?"
To tease him like this? Certainly not.
Azul turned away from you with a huff.
"Please refrain- refrain from such... Improper behavior, in the future," he said. That was a terrible mistake.
Your grin widened, somehow.
"Oh?" You said, tilting your head in amusement. "You don't like this?"
The ticklish feeling of your hand on his side made him squirm, but not quite as much as your words.
Azul sighed. He didn't have the time not bandwidth to cower like some child at the mere sight of your smirk. You could find someone else to indulge you.
"I'm busy, dearest," he said, meeting your gaze for a moment before turning back to his paperwork.
"You suuuuure?" You asked.
Azul merely rolled his eyes.
"Yes, yes, I'm certain," he said. A pause.
"Okay, then!" You said. "I'll leave you be!"
Azul's eyes widened. You were- leaving him be? Just like that?
Well, wasn't that- Just lovely?
He felt his leg bouncing antsily as he continued his paperwork. He concentrated, yes, got some work done-
For a grand total of five minutes. Then, he turned to you with a pout.
"Huh?" You said, playing dumb. You knew what he wanted. "Did I do something, Azul?"
Azul pouted.
"Y-You're well-aware," he said, desperately attempting to retain eye contact. You laughed.
"No, no," you said. "Tell me: do you need something?"
Azul glared at you. You just laughed, entirely undeterred.
After a few seconds, he sighed. Clearly, he'd have to be honest.
"I- don't suppose a break from my work would hurt," he said, barely able to retain his composure.
A pause. Then, the feeling of your lips against his cheek.
Again? You-
"Great!" You said, giggling at the way his cheeks flushed. "Let's go, Azul!"
He huffed.
"Insolent cretin."
You just laughed.
"Love you too, Azul."
Jade Leech
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"So, the spores require careful-"
Jade was cut off from his highly informational speech by the feeling of your lips against his cheek.
So that was what you wanted. How amusing.
"Hmm?" He said, tilting his head in faux-confusion. "Did you need anything?"
You laughed.
"I was bored!" You said. "And isn't this a nice way to pass the time?"
He'd said it quite a few times already, but this really was dreadfully amusing. You really didn't know what you were getting yourself into, were you?
"Really, now?" He asked. "Well then, be careful what you wish fo-"
The sensation of your lips cut him off once more. His eyes widened for a split second as he processed what you'd just done.
Curses, he'd lost his composure once more. You just stood there, flashing him an impish grin.
"You always are so adept at catching me off-guard," he said with a laugh.
You merely shot him a deadpan look.
"Your face is red, Jade." You said. "Like, really red."
Of course you'd noticed.
"Apologies," he said. "I- forgot my sunscreen, you see, and I'm an individual who tans rather easily. I truly am embarrassed at my failure to remember to care for my skin."
"Right," you said. "Totally believe you."
"So," you said. "You won't mind if I do it again?"
Jade cursed himself. You'd called his bluff. Why hadn't he anticipated this? Really, he should've prepared himself!
"I'll take that as a 'no', then," you said, pressing yet another kiss, this time dangerously close to his lips.
W-What was that? Why exactly were you being so affectionate all of a sudden?
The fluttering sound of a phone camera instantly snapped Jade back to his senses.
"Heh, sorry," you said, not looking too apologetic. Jade grinned. You'd just gone a step too far.
"Oh?" He said, holding your hand with a smirk. "You've just collected blackmail of me?"
You gulped.
"How rude," he continued, bringing his own lips up to yours. Unlike you, he had no hesitation in going in for a proper kiss. So you were shy in your own ways. How amusing.
And as you stood there, dazed, he brought up his own phone to your face, taking a picture.
"Well then," he said- more cooed. "I do believe that makes us even."
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
MC: Let's see. I've got you clothes, groceries, allowance- What else do you need?
Yuu: ...
Yuu: A parental figure.
MC: *frowns* Ew.
Yuu: *amused* What?
MC: *mutters* Ugh. To think that this human is my future in-law.
MC: Them and that egg-face combined. Tch.
Yuu: ???
Malleus: Sibling-dearest.
MC: What?
Malleus: I've heard you were helping a human from another world.
Malleus: Are they your lover?
MC: Are you fucking kidding me- Where the hell did you get that idea?
Malleus: Well, you have never been closed to humans. Except Silver.
Malleus: And you never spent time with him a lot.
MC: I'm gonna fucking punch you.
Malleus: Is my sibling-dearest keeping secrets from me?
MC: I'm out of here.
Lilia: You just came back.
MC: Your son annoys me. *disappears*
Malleus: *frowns*
Lilia: I told you not to jump to conclusions.
Malleus: But I'm worried.
Lilia: Then why not visit the human? They're currently staying in that old, shabby dorm.
Malleus: Yes. I'll do that. Thank you, Lilia.
Malleus: *after meeting Yuu*
Malleus: Sibling-dearest-
MC: For the love of- WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: The human you're taking care of. Could you introduce me to them? *blushing*
MC: *making face* Why? You haven't done that yet?
Malleus: I don't want them to be scared of me.
MC: ...
MC: Handle that yourself.
Malleus: *pouts* But I'm your brother. And the future king of Briar Valley.
MC: Which I don't give a fuck. You still act like a teenager.
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ofpantheons · 8 months
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bellamy quist, better known as agent wraith  has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2019 and is LEVEL III. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was touch and go but agent wraith pulled through in the end when giving out the next one.
name  Bellamy Addison Quist nicknames  Bell age  30 date of birth  July 7th 1993 zodiac  Cancer place of birth  Midwood, Brooklyn current residence  Above her bookstore near Park Slope, Brooklyn  gender  Cis woman pronouns  She/her sexuality Lesbian languages English, some basic Spanish occupation Agent/bookstore owner
faceclaim  Victoria Pedretti height  5ft 7 tattoos  None piercings  Single lobes that she had done as a child distinguishing features  Crooked smile, wide eyes, a large scar on her right arm from a compound fracture she sustained during her NDE
positive traits Gentle, trustworthy, compassionate, negative traits  Skittish, gullible, tempestuous  labels / tropes  Reluctant warrior, wide-eyed idealist, cute bookworm likes The smell of old books, new books, books, bookstores, have I mentioned she really loves books? plants, cosy spaces, a warm crackling fire, animals,  dislikes  Loud noises, heights, the sight of her own blood, dares fears  Someone dying because of her, needles, hobbies  Reading, knitting, going for long walks,  habits  Picking at her eyebrow when she’s nervous, tapping the tips of her fingers together while she’s thinking
near death experience…  Looking at her now, no one would guess that a young Bellamy was the more adventurous and outgoing twin. Despite being younger by a good 8 minutes, she was definitely the leader of the two of them. Wherever she went, her brother would follow, which is how this sad tale starts. Just another day of exploring, turned into the worst day of Bellamy's life. She remembers it vividly and regularly relives it in her dreams.
The two of them had been sent to stay with their grandparents for the month and there was only so much to do. Having made friends with some of the kids in the neighbourhood, Bellamy soon learned about the O'Connell house - an abandoned and assumed haunted house at the end of the street. Spurred on by the idea of being seen as brave and just generally awesome by the other kids, Bellamy strong-armed her twin into exploring the house with her. He'd kept trying to voice his concerns but Bellamy had waved them off and dared him to come with her, which of course meant he had to do it. Those were the rules.
Going through the house was mostly uneventful, save for a few run ins with spider webs and the accompanying groans and creaking that any old house would do if two ten year olds are trying to sneak around without being discovered. It was only when they'd gotten to the attic that things went horribly wrong. The floorboards had rotted through and one literal false step and everything came crashing down around them. Both siblings went straight through the floor and the didn't stop until they hit the ground floor with a sickening impact. Bellamy awoke in hospital with her arm in a sling, and her father sitting across from her looking like he'd aged 20 years overnight. When she asked about her twin, her father broke down crying and he didn't even need to say the words for Bellamy to know that he hadn't made it.
power… Intangibility - the power to phase through physical matter. Bellamy can shift her particles to move around different particles.
While she woke up feeling different after her NDE, Bellamy didn't actually learn about her powers into her brothers funeral. While sitting and watching the service, Bellamy's only thoughts were that she didn't want to be there. One second later and she had fallen through the ground and had landed in her synagogue's basement. Her trauma response kicked in from basically reliving her NDE again and she could feel parts of herself phase in and out as she hyperventilated. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around herself and remained there until her parents eventually found her. Her father was terrified and so very confused, but he was mostly just glad to see she was okay. Her mother on the other hand looked at her as if she was a monster.
Bellamy only had a basic grasp of her power before becoming an agent so is only now starting to learn how to use them offensively. But so far she's learned that there is nothing she can't phase through and that she can also use her powers to disrupt electrical circuits and shortcircuit/potentially destroy electrical equipment. This also applies to knocking out people by phasing through them although Bellamy hates using this aspect of her power. She's also learned how to phase at least one other person with her but it drains her considerably.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… The main drawback of Bellamy's power is that she has to hold her breath the entire time while she's phasing as air molecules are also being displaced when she phases. Her tendency to disrupt electrical circuits when she phases through them also means she's gone through so many phones and laptops that it's not even funny. She has better control of her powers now but still has problems controlling them when she's feeling extreme emotion.
cerberus corp…  Being an Agent for Cerberus Corp was never on the agenda. Bellamy just wanted a quiet life working at her father's bookstore. It had been in the family for three generations and she wanted to be the next Quist to take it over eventually. Only eventually happened too quickly. Her father became ill and within a week the bookstore was hers. She didn't know the first thing about running a business and it had turned out things weren't looking great when it came to their profit margins. Faced with potentially having to sell, Bellamy looked for other avenues to make money and came across Cerberus Corp. Not even sure that she would pass the interview, she auditioned and the founders must've seen something in her because she passed and was suddenly a level iii agent for them. She's been there for four years now and still hasn't moved out of level iii (mostly because she panics easily and isn't the best fighter) but she makes enough money that she can sustain the bookstore and that's enough for her. It also means she has enough time to continue working at the bookstore so she doesn't even want to move through the ranks.
codename… Bellamy's codename was assigned to her. The PR team went through a number of options before eventually settling on Wraith as a name that fit her powers but also offered a certain degree of ominousness when it came to people hearing her name. They'd hoped it might help her image a little bit to have her called something suitably scary sounding, but Bellamy as a person quickly undoes any impression her codename might've made.
Bellamy's mother walked out on her and her father when she was 12 years old because she couldn't handle the loss of one child while the other became an EO
I like to imagine that wherever Bellamy's mother is, she's now also an EO
Bellamy's bookstore is called 'Bound to Please Books'
She visits her brother's grave every year on their birthday to leave a stone on top of his grave and tell him everything that's happened in the year
She still has a polaroid photo that she keeps next to her bed, of her and her twin that was taken on their last birthday before he died
Bellamy would love a tattoo or to get more piercings but her fear of needles and her inability to be in control of her powers during extreme emotion means that there is no way a needle is meeting her skin.
Roommates - (also on the main) Bellamy has a fairly large living space above the bookstore and not wanting to be alone she decided to rent out a couple of the rooms. One roommate taken by remi @loftycries
Grumpy cloud to Bellamy's ray of sunshine - think Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. Bellamy is an unrelenting positive force and I would love to have someone who is the complete opposite of that as a friend for her. They shouldn't work as friends but they do. taken by imara @iridescences
Work Friends - Just general people that Bellamy is friends with at work
Surrogate Brother - Someone that reminds Bellamy of her brother and it's a bittersweet feeling
Benevolent mentor - a mentor/trainer who is nice and patient with Bellamy because honestly she's not the best agent but she's trying! - taken by cass @godenvy
Bad cop mentor - the complete opposite of the above. Someone who gives her a much needed kick up the ass to get her to improve taken by kyungseok @fatalled
Partner/s - Someone Bellamy's powers match well with and she works with frequently. She's a level iii and needs a lot of supervision so probably this person will be a level i or a level ii that's been there awhile
Bookclub - Bellamy runs a book club and is always trying to recruit more people
Crush - Someone in level i or ii who Bellamy is starstruck over. She doesn't think they know who she is so she is pleasantly surprised if they acknowledge
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brittle-doughie · 7 days
Hello! Hello! I'm a shy cookie run artist Just dropping a silly summer sketch of Benign butter cookie since I liked their design a lot :))!!
(I think that they secretly (or not) enjoys to go fishing so.. i drew them like that. Maybe they enjoyed go to at some kind of beach day (in a day off) with the beasts when they weren't corrupted yet like, mystic flour Refusing to get off the beach umbrella shadow or eternal sugar was playing with shadow milk with water soda).
I also think that since they're basically butter I think that in hot days they hair just melts. A silly HC though.)
I'm so sorry if it's cringe or something. I'm not used to this things... (Sorry if bad English)
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Ayo @ax0lotly , it’s fishing season
You: “Come on, Mystic Flour Cookie. Why not have fun out in the sun with us?”
Mystic Flour Cookie: I am afraid that I cannot join you. The sun will show no kindness to my dough. I will wait for you here under the umbrella…
You: “Ok…how about you, Eternal Sugar Cookie? You always like doing things with me.”
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “Forgive me, my love. I don’t want to get in the way of how handsome/beautiful you look as you fish. You wear that outfit wonderfully!”
You: “Burning Spice, Silent Salt. I feel like I don’t even need to ask with you two, hehe.
Burning Spice Cookie: “Damn it, give us a minute! We’re so close to building this large sandcastle! Silent Salt Cookie, structure your side more firmly!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..” (Silent Salt nodded as they patted down their side of the sandcastle.)
You: “Ok, don’t take too long! I want us to catch as many fish as possible together!”
Your fishing line tugged suddenly! You got one! You start to slowly reel it in, you didn’t want to risk lose it!
You pulled it in…pulling…pulling…THERE! You lifted up your line to see…a willing fish? You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile.
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie…”
The cookie himself poofed right next you.
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Yes, love?”
Him and his pet names!
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie, you know it’s not true fishing if the fish come to me so easily. Let me fish them naturally!”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Oh, but why would I want to see a frown on my dearest’s face. Your smile is what inspires me to get morning, it’s what I want to see now…”
You: “Oh you~!”
You and Shadow Milk laugh as you two held each other in a hug. This garners the attention of the others.
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “My love, I’m coming down now!”
Mystic Flour Cookie: “On second thought, if that’s your wish, then I must do everything I can to grant it.”
Burning Spice Cookie: “We’re done! Heading over to you now!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..!“ (Silent Salt nodded vigorously as they followed after Burning Spice.)
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Now now, everyone. I was here first!”
You sigh with content as your friends head over to your fishing spot.
Fishing is always fun with friends!
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tulipsforvin · 2 months
smudge of love & lipstick ✦ wj. moriarty
⚠️: a little suggestive, make out sesh with liam. not proofread.
author: creds to val dearest for the idea @.starsh1ne-va1ly btw
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art by @.ogata69 on x // william j. moriarty x fem!reader
“lord william is certainly the very epitome of gentlemanliness out there, isn't he?”
“of course, lady adelaide! not only is he kind and gentle, but also smart, good-looking and...” chirping from noblewomen fade into the background. william exhales slowly, looking down at his pocket watch.
forty six minutes.
in forty six minutes he'd have to open up an entrance for his colleagues to slide in and go forth with their mission for tonight; however, with the way things were going on, women from high society clinging onto him—it certainly proved to be very difficult.
“hm..” william hums absentmindedly, gaze searching for you in the crowd. he seems to be doing this more often than usual these past few months. he tells himself it's because he's looking out for you—another colleague of his, but he knows the way he looks at you is different than the way he looks at others.
did he perhaps like you...? no way. certainly not.
“looking for someone?”
you pop up behind him, hands behind your back and a cheery smile on your lips. he stares at you too long, though, and you can't help but ask: “william?”
“ah, yes. i...” he clears his throat. “there is something i wish to talk to you about.” he glances back at the noblewomen all looking curiously at you two, eager to listen in to your conversation. a sigh. “privately.”
“oh.” you nod. “okay, sure. let us go, then?”
william gives you the smallest twitch of a smile and turns to the noblewomen with a bow to excuse himself, “pardon me, ladies. i will be right back.”
“exactly where are we going, by the way?” you question the blond when the two of you are scurrying away from the party with long, fast steps.
“somewhere private.”
“not much of a hint, willie.”
“it was a joke.”
you could tell he was fidgety than usual. had something gone wrong with the plan? his calculations? what was the issue here? unable to ask and wanting to co-operate, you follow him silently.
“woah. pretty.” you look around when you finally enter a tall but cramped room, dark and heavy purple silk curtains draping everywhere, accompanied by the sense of incense, a table in the middle with cards along with a hand-held mirror atop it and an.. orb?
“it's a fortune reading room.” william explains when he reads the confusion and curiosity on your face.
“mm.. well,” your fingers travel across the fabrics of the purple silk lazily. “what are we doing here?”
“do you have lipstick on you?”
you pat the hidden pocket on your dress. “yep.”
“kiss me.”
you freeze. a brief, almost painful pause.
“kiss me.” he repeats, like the first one wasn't clear enough. “..for the success of the mission, of course. being swarmed by a horde of noble ladies would prevent me from entering the men's club and opening a route for fred to infiltrate, thus dropping the success rate from a whole 100 percent to—”
“okay, okay, okay.” you throw your hands up in the air. “i understand. just, y'know, don't speak maths.”
“my apologies.”
you make your way to the round table, take your seat, hold up the handheld mirror, pull out your lipstick and start painting your lips red. occasionally you'd happen to peek at the reflection from the mirror to william and what you'd see was:
a strange expression. heavy—yet not sad. contemplative—yet not harsh. soft and hazy—yet focused on you. fond; the way he looked at you.
“okay, i'm done.” you stand up and make your way to a william staring at you with folded arms, leaning against a wall. “how.. do i look?”
you can't help but ask.
and he can't help but answer: “ravishing.”
as always. he'd add, but that would be too much.
“here i go, then.” you lean in and william leans his head downwards. your heart beats are loud, drumming past your chest and into the open and..
a soft, barely there kiss, no—a peck on the cheek.
“...” that ended too quickly for william. he seems almost disappointed when you pull back and away.
you hand him the hand held mirror and he observes the light mark of your red lips on his right cheek.
although it was a mark enough and visible to the naked eye, it wasn't enough. for him, to be exact.
a single kiss on the cheek isn't enough for him.
“that won't cut it. we need to be convincing, (name). as much as possible.” he leans back in towards you, pulling you back to him gently by your wrist. perhaps he was being too selfish. “let me have some more.”
“..alright.” but it didn't matter anymore. especially when he feels the touch of your soft lips bless his skin once more. it starts innocent; a kiss on his nose first, then his cheeks again, one on his brow and—
“ah,” your lips press somewhere on his neck, somewhere that makes him shiver—somewhere that causes the adam's apple on his neck to move.
“oh—oops. too much?”
were you teasing him?
william looks down at you dizzily, pupils dilated and his voice is slightly hoarser, rougher when he begins speaking once again. “no.. please continue.”
and so you go on with your charity of kisses, placing them wherever his bare skin laid; more and more. bolder, harder, passionately. hotter and hotter—he feels his composure, the one he was known to hold during all difficulties snap in an instant with you.
a loud crash. and then silence.
william's knee is between your legs, pushing you up against a wall—your wrists pinned against it's cold, hard texture by his long, slender hands.
“haa.. haa..” hot breaths tainting each other's skin; panting and panting. there's a look in his eyes; wild and feral, almost teetering on animalistic. his gaze falls to your lips; those soft, alluring lips of yours inviting him in for a bite. william gulps, licks his lips, contemplates, hesitates. and then pulls back shakily.
“sorry.” he mumbles hoarsely, staggering a step back in shock of his own actions. he clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. “i'm sorry, (name).”
he'd almost gone and done it. he almost, almost kissed you. almost pulled you in by your waist. almost ruined whatever relationship the two of you had—
william's eyes widen in surprise. hot, wet lips against his own trembling ones. you take a step further, fingers digging into the fabric of his sleeves, pushing yourself onto your tiptoes all the while you're stepping on his shoes. but he doesn't seem to mind.
not one bit.
he leans his head down, angles his lips to your own lips, holds you by the hips and kisses you back with the same passion, the same heat and desperation.
you pull back for air. “if you're going to do it, go all the way. don't back down—that's not like you.”
“..haha.” he's too drunk in your shared kisses, he chuckles half consciously; gaze hazy and nips on your bottom lip teasingly. your hands loop around his neck and attack him with more of your heated kisses.
and they go on for a while; lips smushed sloppily against each other—stopping only when the two of you head voices outside of the room, making you both flinch and bringing yourselves to a halt.
“before we go out..” he whispers lowly, forehead resting atop yours; his eyes are closed—his expression calm, but it was clear from his thundering heartbeat that it was the opposite.
“i must tell you something i've hidden too deep in the crevices of my heart for far too long.” a deep breath. “i do not remember when you first made an appearance in my life, all i know is you been there since—with and without your presence; you have made a home for you to live in every inch of me. every hour, every minute and every second i spend thinking and drowning in a possibility of you and me.”
and then he presses his lips against your own for the last time; infinitely softer. “i love you dearly, (name).”
he pulls back, detaching himself away from you.
both of your appearances are messy when you return from your secret little rendezvous, messy hair, half crumpled clothes and lipstick smudges everywhere. it is certainly a sight to look at and you realize nobles—men and women alike are practically gawking at the two of you. william slips past for a few minutes to finally clear a secret pathway for his colleagues to enter through and follow on with their mission, all while noblewomen swarm you with questions.
“my god, lady (name)! did you truly kiss lord william?”
“are the lipstick marks on him yours?”
“what is going on between the two of you?”
an arm wraps around your shoulder. william's back.
“i must apologise for my curtness, ladies. but i must ask that we all be calm with our queries and curiosities. can we do that? my darling seems to be feeling a little under the weather, you see.”
“p-pardon? ‘darling’? then—!" the noblewomen feel their eyes practically fall out of their sockets.
“yes,” he smiles kindly at the noblewomen. “if i'm allowed to, and would certainly feel honoured to, i can answer any questions you have in my her stead.”
click. all lights go off. people shriek. they are here.
and you are nothing but glad because at least in the dark nobody can see how red your face is burning up in embarrassment and fluster, especially when the blond pulls you in close to him protectively.
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maopll · 7 months
Could I request Dan Heng, Blade, and Caelus with a very sleepy s/o?
Sweet Dreams —
# honkai star rail !
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⌗:, a/n : sleeping beauty trope. how lovely. but caelus would be really sweet towards you I'm pretty sure !!
⌗:, warning : none. only wholesome moments w/ your lover <3
⌗:, pairings : dan heng, blade, & caelus w/ gn!reader (separately)
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Clothes? check. Guide books? check. First Aid? check. He took note of every single item that was in the bag he frequently took during trailblazing expeditions which had every single important thing. However, he does not remember putting you in the checklist nor finding you half-asleep on the bag. Somehow, you managed to snuggle yourself inside the bag while having your legs and hands close to yourself. Sure it didn't look comfortable but the question was 'how did they sleep like that?'
Heaving an exasperated sigh he said "wake up [name] the preparations for the expedition aren't done yet" and rubbed on his temples. You woke up with droopy eyes and yawned. "The smell of the old books truly helps you sleep well," and once again flopped yourself on the bed. He finished packing and went to join you on the bed. He rolled you over to the other side and made space for himself. He hugged you close to him as you entangled your legs with his. You snored softly as he kissed you on the forehead. "Good night dearest."
He was looking at the Xianzhou from atop a building. Or was it a cliff? you cared less since the sleep was already starting to get to you, and you really needed a nap. Balde turned back to report to you that the work is over, only to find your legs crossed and leaning on your weapon for support as you slept on it. He has seen this many a times before.
"[name], dear, please get up there's a lot of things that we need to do. Your sleep can wait." However, his words were futile since you only just replied with a "hmm". He wad having none of it. Like his usual routine, he princess carried you on his arms and trodded his way towards the designated location. You cracked a soft smile on your lips. You had to admit that this was primarily the reason you would fall asleep at odd places and at odd times. He knew of this but indulged you often to let you feel his strong bulky arms under your shoulder and let you snuggle yourself to his chest. "You're a sly one aren't you?"
What time is it? Perhaps 6 in the morning. It's hard to tell the time because of how dark the underworld in Belobog is. His hair was deshelved, and clothes were wrinkled. He came from the showering after freshening up. Even after 2 hours, you were still asleep. He slowly creeped into bed and tackled you. You were jolted awake by him smothering kisses all over your face and neck.
"Oh aeons! Babe that's!" but to no avail could you get enough word out. He held you close to him not letting you escape, "isn't it about time you get up from the bed hm ?" His words and actions didn't match. He had you trapped between his strong pair of arms all while snuggling beside your neck. You huffed and said "fine fine! just give me 5 more minutes. Y'know I keep my word..." by this time yours words were quite slurred, a clear sign of the imminent arrival of sleep. He sighed, "what am I supposed to do with a sleeping beauty as my partner?" and looked at you fondly for a while.
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saltywinteradult · 3 months
“there is no way in hell Alicent is going to abandon her children” why not?
Aegon’s a rapist and Aemond’s a sociopathic kinslayer, why should Alicent be forced to stay loyal to them?
I understand Rhaenyra why loves Jace, Luke and Joffrey because what’s not to love, they’re perfect. But I cannot see Alicent genuinely loving Aegon and Aemond after everything they’ve done.
It would be 100x more radical and feminist for Alicent to choose Rhaenyra, to put herself first, to stop letting men control her.
Goodness me, I hardly know where to start with this.
I don’t know how you think parental love works, nonny dearest, but it sure as hell isn’t "I won't love my children if they're not perfect people". That’s generally not how parenthood works. And Alicent loves her children. She was sold as a child bride and endured years of rape for the sake of producing those children. Raising and protecting them has been the main purpose of Alicent’s life for twenty years. How could she not love them?
In case you need proof, Alicent physically attacked Rhaenyra, arguably the big love of her life, because she was that angry (and rightfully so) about her son being maimed. Alicent went along with usurping Rhaenyra's throne, despite knowing it would lead to war and ruin what little chance she had left of mending things with Rhaenyra, because she loves her children and is desperate to keep them safe, and she believes that Rhaenyra would kill them to secure her claim to the throne. (Whether that is true is a different discussion - what matters here is that Alicent believes it.) Alicent stepped in front of a dragon to protect Aegon, for crying out loud. Aegon being a rapist clearly tarnished him in her eyes, and yet she still stepped in front of that dragon to protect him. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Alicent's love for her children, I don't know what will. So I don't know that this is a case of Alicent being "forced" to stay loyal to her children, as much as it is Alicent choosing to stay loyal to the people she loves most in the world.
I would also like to point out that Rhaenyra's children are very much not perfect. Jace and Luke both participated in bullying Aemond. In case you forgot, it was Luke who literally mutilated and permanently disabled Aemond. It doesn't matter if Aemond was in the wrong for claiming Vhagar or calling the Strong boys bastards. He wasn't, but even if he was, cutting out someone's eye is not a thing that good people do. So I don't know where you got the idea that Jace and Luke are "perfect", nonny dearest, but it sure as hell wasn't from HotD.
I'm not going to argue over whether Luke maiming Aemond is more or less bad than Aegon raping Dyana or Aemond killing Luke (which is his fault, even if in this version of the story he didn't intend for it to happen). That's not the point. And please note, I am not making a single excuse for Aegon raping Dyana or Aemond killing Luke. I'm simply pointing out that it is extremely hypocritical to claim that Aemond and Aegon are unloveable because of the terrible things they do, but Jace and Luke are loveable when they both do terrible things as well.
And here's the thing. Rhaenyra clearly loves Jace and Luke anyway. Why wouldn't she? They're her kids and she loves them flaws and all. So why is it any less believable that Alicent would love Aegon and Aemond? Why are Jace and Luke loveable despite their terrible deeds, but Aegon and Aemond aren't? And if Alicent choosing Rhaenyra, whom she loves, would be a feminist storytelling choice, why would it be any less feminist for her to choose to stay with her family whom she loves just as much? Why are Alicent's choices only Feminist and Radical when they benefit Rhaenyra?
Even if it were true that Alicent abandoning her family and becoming lifetime president of the Rhaenyra Fan Club would make for a more feminist story - which, to be clear, it isn't - my first priority is not for the story to be The Most Radical And Feminist™. I want the story to be good. And I do not think that making Alicent abandon her family for Rhaenyra would make for a good story. It goes completely against Alicent's characterisation to have her abandon the family we're shown time and time again that she loves more than anything else. Not only would that be a betrayal of her character, it would undermine the narrative as a whole.
For better or worse, these two women and their relationship have been made central to this story. They are foils and they've each been made into the figurehead of their respective teams in every way, down to the marketing of the show. It would simply be bad storytelling to throw off that narrative balance by having them team up. It would completely upend the story being told. The point of making Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship so central to the show is that despite their love for each other they were still driven apart and forced to become enemies. Having them reconcile would undermine the point that this story is a tragedy.
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hanniluvi · 3 months
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“ one day, i will stop falling in love with you. ”
SYNOPSIS Jungwon was going to try to move on—he had promised you. But, with his new career choice, he found himself writing books about his past lifetimes with you. As he convinced himself it would help as he could finally “let go”, you just had to come stumbling into his life again…after all, promises are sometimes meant to be broken.
( 🗝️ ) THE PAIRING author!jungwon x fem!reader
𓍼 WARNINGS character death, mentions of injuries (blood), use of petnames (my love + dearest), profanity (barely)
⌞ + ⌝ GENRE doomed immortal x mortal, angst, fluff-ish?
♡⸝⸝ WORD COUNT — 2.6K+ ( 2694 WORDS )
AUTHOR’S NOTE FINALLY part two is here !! i just loved part one too much so i had to let it get its moment one more time ( yes , we have favs around here !! ) writer jungwon is to DIE FOR and ugh, i just might write a long fic based on that idea SOLELY for my own satisfaction so yeah the wheels r turning in my head as we speak 🤍 but i hope you enjoy ^^
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Jungwon should’ve known.
Each step echoes in the hollow corridors of his mind, a haunting reminder of the cruel cycle of fate. Your fragile form lies before him, a mere whisper of the vibrant soul he once knew. "YN!" he cries out, his voice choking with anguish as he gathers you into his trembling embrace.
With his eyes blurred with tears, he notices how you looked up at him, life escaping from you within the minutes, or even seconds you had left.
Through tear-streaked eyes, he watches as your gaze meets his, a bittersweet reflection of love and loss. "Jungwon..." your voice is but a fragile whisper, fading like a distant echo.
“Why are you still smiling?” His voice trembled, his fingers caressing the side of your face as if he was trying to remember every detail about you into his memory.
How could you still smile so beautifully during your final moments?
Searching into your eyes for answers, he notices you trying to speak to him. Yet, instead of words, trickles of blood start escaping your lips, only intensifying the moment. “Take your time, YN…” His voice quivers as he tenderly brushes away the blood that mars your once radiant face.
Looking at your current state, he knew time was no longer a factor. Still, those words spill from his lips, a feeble attempt to offer comfort to both you and himself.
"I'm always here for you, remember?"
"I'm sorry," you murmur, your voice barely audible above the relentless march of time.
As the weight of your apology hangs heavy in the air, Jungwon's heart clenches with a mixture of sorrow and regret. "There's nothing to apologize for," he whispers, his voice barely audible amidst the suffocating silence of impending loss. “I should’ve done more.”
"You've done what you could. I was the stubborn one," you reassure him, your words a soothing balm to his troubled soul.
"I still could've tried harder," he persists, unable to shake the burden of guilt that weighs heavily upon him.
"Stop blaming yourself, my dearest," your pet name pierces through his turmoil, a reminder of the depth of your connection.
How many more times would he hear it before you slipped away?
“Listen, can you do me a favor?”
“Anything you ask, I’ll do it.”
“Anything, my love.”
“Pursue in something else in your life. Something that isn’t me.”
"How?" Jungwon's tone is laced with uncertainty, his mind grappling with the thought of creating a new path without you by his side. He’d always believed that you were the person he needed to have to live peacefully. But, the more he thought about it, the more he had led himself to the most painful goodbyes he’d forever remember.
"I know you can do it. You've spent so much time searching for me, knowing that I won't remember a single thing about our past lives—isn't that right?" Your words striked something within him, a painful reminder of the futility of clinging to pasts that can never be reclaimed.
"Try to change your fate," you urge, your voice tinged with hope.
"I can't see a life without you—even if you're in different bodies, or lives—I need you," Jungwon confesses, his desperation laid bare for you to see.
"You're..." you cough out, a sudden wave of panic flooding through him. "You're only going to keep hurting yourself."
"Jungwon. Please," you implore, your voice barely above a whisper yet filled with unwavering determination.
"Okay," Jungwon concedes, his resolve crumbling in the face of your earnest plea.
"Promise me," you insist, your hand trembling as you extend your pinky towards him, a silent vow of mutual understanding and commitment. Despite your weakened state, your arm strains to support your hand as it reaches out to him.
Jungwon clears his throat, his own hand trembling as he interlocks his pinky with yours. A fleeting smile graces your lips, a final testament to the love that binds your souls together.
"I love you, my dearest," you whisper, your words a tender farewell as the grip of your hand on his begins to loosen.
Tears stream down Jungwon's cheeks uncontrollably as he watches you slip away, the echoes of your parting words resonating within his shattered heart. No matter the amount of lifetimes he has gone through, he could never get familiar with the pain he’d experience when losing you.
The only thing that was different was the thought of him finally wanting to take your advice seriously. After all, he did make one last promise with you.
“I love you too, my love.” he whispers, his voice choked with emotion as he finally surrenders to the overwhelming tide of grief.
“I’ll try my best.”
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Sinking into his chair, Jungwon's gaze drifts across the scattered stacks of notebooks adorning his desk. With a flick of his wrist, he switches on the desk lamp, its soft glow casting a comforting aura over the room as he reaches for the nearest notebook within arm's reach.
With pen in hand, he begins to jot down the fragments of ideas swirling in his mind. As the words flow effortlessly onto the paper, he can almost feel the weight of his burdens lifting, if only for a fleeting moment.
Dropping the pen onto the desk, Jungwon stretches his cramped fingers with a small groan, the fatigue of sleepless nights finally catching up to him. Adjusting his posture, he straightens his back and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, the lenses reflecting words he had written in such a short amount of time.
Writing the last sentence, Jungwon closes the notebook with a sense of accomplishment, a faint smile gracing his lips as he flips through the pages one last time before setting it aside. It was one of the fifth notebooks he had put aside for this book—one of the books he’d spent so much of his time in because you had told him to follow his dreams.
So, he took it to heart, and he seriously never thought he’d be so committed until he finally managed to publish a couple of books of his own.
Finding himself in one of the bookstores, he found himself staring at one of the copies he had made. The countless hours spent hunched over his desk, the sleepless nights fueled by caffeine, and sheer determination had finally paid off.
Stepping closer to the display of his book, Jungwon feels a surge of pride swell within him as he runs his fingers over the glossy cover.
This couldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for your words.
Just as Jungwon is about to place the copy back onto the shelf, a voice startles him from his reverie. "Oh, you like that author too?" The sound of the voice breaks through the silence of the bookstore, drawing his attention to the person standing beside him—a cheerful stranger whose presence catches him off guard.
As he recovers from the sudden startlement, Jungwon's shock only intensifies when he realizes who is standing before him.
It's you.
You've been reincarnated, your familiar presence sending a shiver down his spine.
Quickly averting his gaze, Jungwon feigns casual indifference as he shifts his attention back to the shelves. "I was just curious, that's all," he replies with a slight nod, his heart pounding with a mixture of disbelief and longing.
Though he knows that you cannot possibly remember the countless lifetimes you've shared, the mere sight of you was overwhelming him. It was as if you knew, and you were simply mocking him for his misery.
“Oh, cool.” It would’ve been cool if he didn’t happen to bump into you now, especially since he tried his absolute hardest to not go out looking for you again. But, fate seemed to have their plans, and brought you to him like it was nothing.
“I didn’t know they released a new book—did you?”
“I’ve heard about it, that’s why I went to check it out.” he continues, his gaze fixed on the books before him as he struggles to maintain his composure. Despite the casual tone of the conversation, every fiber of his being longs to reach out to you, to hold you close and never let go. But he knows that such desires are futile, destined to remain unfulfilled in the cruel dance of fate.
He can’t fall for you again.
“Mind telling me what you heard about it? I’m quite curious as well,” Jungwon's heart races as you scoot closer to him, his pulse quickening for several reasons. It's been a while since he last saw you, and the sudden proximity is enough to make him feel flustered, a jumble of conflicting emotions swirling within him.
"Well, it's about a knight and a sorcerer," he replies with a bitter smile, carefully masking his true feelings behind a facade of casual indifference. After all, he can't afford to reveal his true identity as the author—not when he's spent so long hiding it from the public, especially for moments like this.
"Is that so?" you hum in response, your curiosity piqued as you peer over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of the book in his hands. Jungwon's shoulders tense up, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected interaction. Should he reveal his secret to you, or continue to play along with the charade?
"It's quite different as the male lead is convincing the female lead to stay with him—oh and I forgot to mention, the female lead is a knight," Jungwon remarked, his enthusiasm evident in his tone.
"Wow, that's kind of badass," Jungwon chuckles, momentarily forgetting his unease in the warmth of your reaction.
"She certainly was," he responds almost instinctively, before catching himself with a slight frown. "...from what I heard, that is," he quickly adds, cursing himself for the slip-up. He can't afford to reveal too much, not when his true identity as the author must remain hidden.
"What do you mean he was trying to convince her to stay though? What happened?" you inquire, effortlessly steering the conversation in a new direction. Jungwon feels a wave of relief wash over him at your gentle redirection, grateful for the sudden change.
"Well, since he's immortal, he had finally figured out a way for her to stay," Jungwon recalls, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "But, she refused. And even with his pestering, nothing could convince her."
"Yikes—this author hates seeing people happy, huh?" you remark sadly, your empathy for the characters noticeable in your tone. "They always manage to write something sad, I feel bad for the characters."
Jungwon chuckles at your words, though there's a hint of sadness underlying his amusement. It's not that he hates seeing people happy; rather, he's grappling with his own memories, desperately trying to come to terms with the past in order to find solace in the present.
"It seems so," he finally manages to say, his voice betraying none of the turmoil raging within him. "But, you know, I haven't read the whole thing. It could have a good ending, who knows," he adds optimistically, though he knows all too well the outcome of that particular fate.
"I like the creativity though, I wouldn't have imagined this," you remark, your admiration for the author's imagination evident in your words. And as Jungwon listens to you speak, he finds himself drawn to the warmth of your presence, fully knowing he shouldn’t be.
He would only hurt himself again.
As silence envelops the room, Jungwon finds himself lost in his thoughts, the weight of his past with you casting a shadow over the present. But then, your voice breaks through the quiet, pulling him back to the present moment.
"I don't blame her though—I would've done the same," you added, your words tinged with understanding and empathy. Jungwon's gaze shifts to you, his heart aching at the familiarity of your smile. It's a bittersweet reminder of the lifetimes they've shared, each one leaving an indelible mark on his soul.
Meeting your gaze, Jungwon is struck by the overwhelming sense of deja vu that washes over him. Your face, so achingly familiar, holds a mirror to his memories—the way your hair falls in gentle waves around your face, the curve of your smile, and the moles that adorned your skin.
Your moles.
As Jungwon's gaze lingers on the moles scattered across your face, he can't help but feel a surge of nostalgia wash over him. Each mole seems to hold a memory, a testament to the countless kisses he had left upon your skin in your previous lives.
The urge to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss each mole floods Jungwon's senses, a longing that was meant to be fulfilled every lifetime. His heart falters, torn between the overwhelming love he feels for you and the bittersweet ache of your shared pasts.
You are just too pretty, he thinks, his breath catching in his throat as he struggles to contain the flood of emotions threatening to consume him. In that moment, you are more than just a familiar face—you are a living, breathing reminder of everything he has ever loved and lost.
He knows no matter how many lifetimes may pass, you will always hold a special place in his heart.
"Why?" Jungwon asks, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation as he searches for answers in your words, hoping they will provide solace for the choice you made to leave him in your past life.
"Living on forever doesn't seem like a good thing. It could get boring, so I would understand the female lead's thoughts. After all, not knowing the outcome of your life could only push you to work harder, no?" you respond, your words carrying a wisdom that resonates deeply within him.
"Even if it meant staying with your lover?" he presses, his heart pounding with anticipation as he awaits your response.
"Even if it meant staying with your lover," you affirm, your gaze unwavering as you meet his eyes.
Hearing your words stings, but Jungwon finds himself strangely grateful for the insight they provide into your perspective. They were all too familiar, and it was as if you meant to give him that reminder in every life of yours.
Perhaps he had always viewed love through a narrow lens, assuming that staying together for eternity was the ultimate expression of devotion. But now, as he reflects on your words, he realizes that love is as much about understanding and acceptance as it is about passion and commitment.
"I see," he murmurs softly, the words heavy with resignation yet tinged with a newfound sense of understanding. Maybe, just maybe, he should stop chasing after a love that may never be fully realized. "I understand, thank you."
Just as he is about to turn away, ready to take the first steps towards letting go of his past, he feels a tug on his sleeve—a gentle reminder that some bonds are too strong to be easily broken. Turning back to face you, Jungwon is surprised when you hand him a piece of paper. Confusion flickers across his features as he accepts it, watching as you walk away with a smile.
Opening the paper, his eyes widen in surprise as he reads the number scrawled across it.
"You're cute – call me? :)"
The boldness of your gesture catches him off guard, but a warm feeling spreads through him nonetheless.
Chuckling softly to himself, Jungwon realizes just how much he has missed you. Despite the promise he made to himself to let go, he finds himself unable to resist the temptation of reconnecting with you.
After all, you in your previous life never managed to keep your promises either.
With a sigh, Jungwon inputs the number into his phone, a mix of apprehension and excitement coursing through him. Perhaps, he muses, promises aren't always meant to be kept—at least not when they stand in the way of finding happiness and connection with someone he cares about.
Sending the first text, Jungwon felt like this was bound to happen.
As if it was his expected fate.
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💬 : 🥸
ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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