#dash: bellamy quist
ofpantheons · 8 months
who : bellamy quist (agent wraith) & open where: somewhere in cerberus hq
Just returning from a mission, Bellamy couldn't help but feel like she was being stared at by everyone she'd passed. But it wasn't until she'd run into someone who was staring so intently that they'd nearly bumped into a glass wall, that she finally looked down and saw several bloodied handprints on her new uniform. Glancing up, she caught a different person looking at her and immediately tried to explain. "Oh shoot...It's okay. It's not mine, promise," she said, attempting to smile while sheepishly scrunching her nose. "I mean...oh god, that sounds so much worse. The other guy's okay too!"
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ofpantheons · 8 months
who  :  bellamy quist + imara gill + james saab @iridescences @loftycries when  :  October 31st
It had only been an hour of guarding the armoured vehicle they'd been assigned to and Bellamy was categorically bored. She tried to stifle the yawn that threatened to escape her lips, in an effort to look more focused and motivated. Sadly, all that led to was her pulling a weird face as a puff of air left her mouth. She chanced a glance over at the other agent assigned to the mission and asked a question that had been bothering her. "Immy...how long do these things normally last?" She asked her friend/superior. Hopefully she'd caught her on a good day and she would cut her some slack and not bite her head off for asking. This was her first time guarding anything, after all.
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