#my day6... how i love u so :(
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ylangelegy · 9 days ago
something very life-changing just happened to me
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withleeknow · 8 months ago
wishful thinking. (07)
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chapter seven: built to break
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summary: the instruction was plain and simple: no strings attached. but you should’ve known from the beginning that it could never apply to you and him.
pairing: minho x f!reader rating: 18+ (minors dni) genres/warnings: friends to lovers, friends with benefits au, college au; fluff, angst, smut; the gorlies are fighting...?, not much for warnings in this chapter ig word count: 4.3k note: i finally got off my ass and wt is finally back lol. i had a last minute change of plans and thought "oh! you know what would be pretty neat? if we prolong the angst so everyone can be sad for longer!" <3 and this is how i announce that the next chapter is not wt8 but wt7.5 and it's written from his pov <3 merry christmas
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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I’ll hold my breath as I wait for your answer I’ll leave it up to you Tell me whether it’s yes or no Baby, love me or leave me tonight
Love Me or Leave Me - Day6
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The warning signs, they're there. You can see them before they materialize. You know your own tells.
Your metaphorical bags are packed, your shoes are already on. You're about to run again, leave a half empty house before it has the chance to become a home. No one has to tell you that you're a flight risk; you're well aware of it yourself.
Wednesday Min: got plans tonight? You: booked and busy with ze old canvas Min: tomorrow? You: same thing probably. sorry Min: u're working hard lately You: yeah this one is just driving me crazy and i need it to turn out decent Min: it'll be perfect. it's u
Thursday Min: running errands at the store Min: want me to bring u anything? that caramel popcorn u like?
Friday Min: don't work too hard. remember to eat
That was three days ago, the last time you'd heard from him after you left him on read. It wasn't a complete lie; this project is driving you kinda crazy and you do need it to end up a decent piece, but you weren't exactly holed up in your apartment to slave over your painting. And you suppose Minho didn't find it all that suspicious because you tend to do this sometimes - disappear for a couple of days and force yourself to focus whenever you had a project to finish, before you come back to everybody again. You've come back to him before; it stands to reason that you'll do it again.
It's been about two weeks since you'd seen him, though the memories of that evening are still fresh in your mind - the evening of the group dinner, when he'd kissed you goodnight and left for his parents' house the following day. True to his words, he did send you pictures of the cats - ones of Soonie wearing a matching hoodie with him, a few of Doongie and Dori napping at the foot of his bed. There was an accompanying text - The kids miss you - along with a frowning emoji, and it made you wonder if what he really meant was I miss you.
You wanted him to miss you, because you missed him too.
The photos brought a smile to your face despite the predicament you found yourself in. A smile that was short lived, a smile that was soon wiped off when you realized your heart shouldn't be swelling with that much affection for him. It shouldn't, but the truth was that it did and you don't know how to live with it.
Love isn't something you've ever learned to hold.
It's beautiful yet full of thorns, and your hands are too clumsy to ever keep it from slipping from your fingers.
You remember when you first met Minho. Freshman year, at some popular senior's house party.
It feels like forever ago when you were just an awkward freshman at orientation who didn't have a single clue on how to make friends. Jess was your first friend in college, and you'll always be grateful that you got along well enough that she adopted you into the group with the rest of the guys.
You didn't cross paths with Minho until you were already acquainted with everyone else. On the night of the party, you remember being enamored with him for those couple of hours, and it wasn't the side effect of too many solo cups of cheap beer. Who in their right mind wouldn't be infatuated with him? He was beautiful, absolutely alluring, and you would always tell him as much.
Back then, he had brown hair, slighter shorter than now but it was tinted with the most gorgeous shade of red. You didn't know much about Minho, only been told that he was pretty quiet and might be off-putting to new people. It was sort of true; that night, you were intimidated by the aura he exuded. Mysterious, couldn't be bothered, didn't seem to give a shit. He looked like a scary little thing, while you were the new kid who was only trying to observe everyone's dynamics, not wanting to overstep any unspoken boundary.
To this day, you're still not sure what really happened, how you two immediately clicked and he's been one of the most important parts of your life ever since.
Maybe it was just him. Maybe it's always been him.
Minho, the one who makes you smile when all you want to do is curl up and cry. The one who makes you laugh when you look for joy but the search comes up empty. The one who grounds you every time you lose your way. Your anchor, the safe harbor you can always return to. The light at the end of a long, long tunnel.
You don't know where you stand, don't know where it goes from here now that everything is changing. He told you so himself, that nothing changed for him, but how could he possibly know that everything is changing for you? And it infuriates you to no end because you don't even have anyone to talk about this with. You're the only person whose world is being turned upside down after all.
You can't tell your friends because they can't know about you and Minho. You can't tell Minho because what would you even say? That you think you're in love with him? That the implications of what it means are devastating to you?
For the first time, you regret everything. Kissing him that night, sleeping with him, becoming whatever this is with him. Letting down your guard and falling for him somewhere along the way and you didn't even stop to notice it. You regret all of the decisions you've made up until now, because they've only led you to the point of no return, the point of losing him. You made bad decision after bad decision after bad decision, until you couldn't anymore. All along, there's been no one else to blame but you.
Maybe it hasn't happened yet, but it's inevitable. You will lose him. You are going to lose him.
There's no other ending, no other alternative that you can imagine. You're going to leave because you're a coward and it's what you do best. You ruin things before they get a chance to hurt you. You leave because if you don't leave then you'll be left behind, and you'd rather not bear the brunt of it.
Now, when you think of Minho, the thought is always accompanied by a painful reminder - Nothing changed for him.
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When you get to the cafe, Hyunjin and Seungmin are already seated in a corner booth, three drinks in front of them, one of which they'd ordered for you before you arrived.
You slide into the seat next to Hyunjin, smiling at him appreciatively for the drink. There's still over half an hour before you have to walk to your shared class, over half an hour before Seungmin parts ways with you two to do whatever or whoever it is that Seungmin does on his off days.
"I still think it's Nara," Hyunjin says, casually sipping his iced coffee.
"Nara from your Lit class last semester?"
"I saw them talking at a party once."
"Okay. And?"
"And what? That's it."
"That's... all the evidence you have to back up your claim?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
You wave your hands in front of them. "What are you bozos talking about?"
"He’s still trying to figure out who Minho is hooking up with," Seungmin is the one who answers you without missing a beat, then he turns back to Hyunjin. "Anyway, it can't be Nara. She's dating Jaehyun on the basketball team."
The friend next to you flails his arms like a petulant child, like he couldn't have possibly seen this coming, like he was so sure that he had finally solved the mystery. "Great. I'm back to square one again."
You straighten your back and reach for your drink, tentatively gulping down the beverage as if it'll hide the fact that you've gone stiff the second this topic is brought up. You feel bad about it, sure. These are your friends that you're lying to after all. They don't have to look anywhere far; the answer to the secret is right in front of them.
"We're still on about that?" you ask in the calmest, most nonchalant voice you can muster. You usually consider yourself a believable liar (which, to be honest, isn't really a flex at all), but whenever someone mentions this little arrangement between you and Minho that shouldn't be common knowledge for anyone else, you feel like you're been put under a spotlight for the whole world to scrutinize.
"Duh," Hyunjin says. "You know, I'm kinda surprised that you don't know. You two are like, attached at the hip sometimes."
You give him a thoughtless shrug, your hands fiddling with the sticker on the plastic cup as you avoid looking at either of your friends. "Maybe he just wants to keep private things private, y'know? You wouldn't like either if all of us is suddenly all up in your business. And besides, what if it's just casual?"
Hyunjin scoffs. "Please, I'm an open book. I tell you guys everything. I tell you every time I hook up with someone."
"Yeah, but you see, literally no one needs to know that," Seungmin says.
The taller one only scoffs, waving his hands around dismissively in Seungmin's direction before he turns to you. "If it was just casual, would he save her name as - oh my God, I forgot what her contact name is. Freaking bird person or something."
You make a face. "What?"
"Dude, seriously?" Seungmin rolls his eyes. "You forgot one word? Dove? What is the matter with you?"
Perhaps it's the half-hearted teasing judgment in Seungmin's voice that makes Hyunjin take offense and drop the topic. The conversation veers off course when they start bickering like children in the busy cafe. You suppose it works in your favor, but you can't focus. You drown it all out.
Your hand is still on the cup but the sticker has been left alone and forgotten, half peeled off, half still clinging to the plastic underneath the condensation.
The single word repeats itself in your mind, over and over and over again.
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The entire time you're in class, you don't really focus on anything. You can't bring yourself to listen to whatever your professor is saying, not after what Hyunjin and Seungmin told you earlier. At some point, your friend has to nudge your shoulder to bring you back down to earth when usually, you're the one who has to remind Hyunjin to pay attention. Class ends soon enough though; time tends to fly by when your mind is lost elsewhere.
"What's wrong with you today?" he asks with his bag slung over his shoulder, slowing down his steps to match your speed as you walk out of the lecture hall together.
You scratch the back of your neck sheepishly. "Nothing's wrong. I was just tired."
"You wanna grab dinner with me and Felix?"
Any other day, you would've agreed in a heartbeat. But today, you want to be alone. Sometimes, you'd rather wallow in your own misery than settle for a temporary distraction.
You're still stuck on the conversation from earlier, on the small detail that Hyunjin and Seungmin had let slip in the cafe.
His dove.
Maybe it doesn't mean anything. Perhaps it's only a nickname that he's assigned to you out of mere platonic fondness, but it makes you conscious about the dove on your own wrist nonetheless, the one that you feel compelled to hide from your friends underneath your long sleeve.
"No, it's okay," you tell Hyunjin. "I'll just go home and sleep it off."
"Okay. I can walk you for a bit," he says. "Just wait with me here. Minho's coming to give me back something he borrowed."
"Minho's coming?" you ask too quickly for it to sound casual. There's a panicked edge that you can hear in your own voice, though you don't think Hyunjin picks it up as he unlocks his phone and types something on the screen.
"Yeah, he was at the library. He's coming over right now, should only be a couple minutes. Then I'll walk back with you."
You shift on your feet uneasily, but you cover it up by rubbing your hands on your arms to pretend like you're just cold. There's no excuse that you could think of that would justify why you can't stand here with Hyunjin for just two more minutes, without giving it away the fact that you're avoiding Minho.
You take in a quiet breath, put on your best brave face. Casual, nonchalant. It's just Minho. Just Minho...
He comes up from behind, where you can't see him. A warm hand gently lands on your shoulder, and it takes everything not to shy away from his touch. It takes even more not to lean into his side.
You've missed it. You've missed him.
"Hey." He smiles at you while Hyunjin only gets a nod in acknowledgment.
"Hey." You return the smile, though you're sure you look a little rigid. You can tell there's an inkling of confusion in his eyes when he senses that your energy is off, but you're thankful he doesn't comment on it, at least not in front of Hyunjin anyway.
You don't notice the paper bag in his other hand until he hands it to your other friend with a simple Thanks, to which Hyunjin just nods along in a silent You're welcome.
"I was going to walk with Y/N for a bit and then meet Felix for food," he tells Minho. "You wanna get burgers with me and Lix?"
"No, thanks. I'm not hungry, I had a late lunch. I'll take the walk though."
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You didn't plan on being alone with Minho today, even though you knew you had to talk to him eventually. You just thought you had a little more time, at least until you got your shit together and face him with a brave façade.
Minho's hand brushes yours the entire time you walk, and it's nothing if not confusing. It's unbearable, the way your fingers twitch with the urge to intertwine them with his.
It persists even after Hyunjin has waved you goodbye to you two and turned to head wherever he and Felix agreed to meet. You think Minho would hold your hand now that it's just you and him, but he doesn't. He lets your skin continue to brush, lets you suffer alone and wanting in your sunken disappointment.
It has very little to do with him and everything to do with you, the conflicting thoughts inside your head piling up one by one the more time you spend in his presence.
Dove, the brief display of jealousy at Yeonjun's party, the way he looks at you sometimes that you can't really decipher the meaning behind, how he kisses you so tenderly that it can't possibly be strictly platonic. You want these things to all mean something, and yet...
You want him to hold your hand, but you know you'd wave it off if he tries to reach for your fingers. You want him to stop you right then and there to kiss you breathless, just as he had that night two weeks ago, even though you're sure you'd only dodge his lips and push him away. You want to stay, you want to leave. You're terrified of things changing, but you wish that something, anything, would be different for him; that you aren't the only one who's spinning out of control. You love him, but you wish you didn't.
Eventually, Minho asks, "You okay?"
It's not until now that you realize this is the first time you've ever been this quiet around him. You purse your lips, glancing down briefly at your feet as you keep on treading the rest of the way home. "Yeah, all good. I'm just tired," you tell him, visibly unenthusiastic despite the smile you try to fake. "I just need to sleep it off."
"The project stressing you out?"
"I guess, yeah."
"And here I thought maybe you were avoiding me," he says, half a joke, half inquisitive. "Were you?"
"Was I what?"
"Were you avoiding me?"
You give him a weird look, one that's meant to be dismissive and call his question ridiculous even though you know you've been caught. And maybe it's the over-the-top glance that you throw his way and the way your pitch goes higher when you reply, "Why would I be avoiding you?" that makes him stop walking.
On the other side of the street, there's a couple of kids in high school uniforms, exchanging shy glances and sharing fond giggles.
Minho calls your name softly, and it's like you're just waiting for the ball to drop. You don't want to turn back and look at him, but what other option do you have? What else is there to do?
You can't decipher the expression on his face. He's still calm, but the air has turned serious, the silence of the mostly empty streets surrounding you only serves as the soundtrack of your impending heartbreak. The tender and innocent laughter fades away when young love moves further and further from where you stand. "What?" you ask with faux nonchalance as you look at him, another attempt at stalling. Biding your time even though a few more minutes aren't going to do any good for your case.
Anyone with half a braincell could tell that clearly it's not the truth, let alone someone who has learned to read you better than the back of his hand. He doesn't look like he believes you, though he doesn't push it, much to your surprise.
"Okay," he says after a moment of studying you, and this should be the part where you heave a sigh of relief because he's letting you off the hook for now, but your chest doesn't feel lighter at all. Your head is clouded with dread, with the anticipation that you're only delaying the inevitable.
You walk the rest of the way in awful silence, because you know that he knows something is wrong. You try your best to appear composed, but he sees right through you. You know he does.
You must look like a frightened animal, one that's about to take off running any second now.
When you reach your building, Minho is quick to keep you with him before you can make up a lame excuse and bolt.
"Hey," he starts, his voice so impossibly gentle that it hurts. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
Heavier and heavier, it weighs you down until you feel like your chest is going to collapse. The nerves gnaw on you, clawing into you until you feel your heartbeat quicken, the overwhelming dread simmering low in your belly.
"I know," you say, but deep down, what you're really thinking is, Not this. This is the one thing I can't tell you.
"Is everything okay?"
It's the way that Minho's got his gaze set on you with those deep brown irises, the concern so apparent in them that it hurts you. It's the way he looks like he wants to reach out and touch you - a comforting hand on your shoulder or your back like you're so familiar with - but he has to hold himself back or you might slip away.
It's him, how he always puts you first, how he cares about you in ways that you've never been cared about before. He understands you, he sees you. It feels like it could be love if you let the lines blur just enough.
Is love supposed to hurt? Like this?
Maybe it's not that you don't know how to hold love. Maybe it's because you're not meant to hold it at all. Insignificant, unlovable.
And... it's the reminder that cuts through the dread like the sharpest knife.
You leave his question unanswered, because nothing is okay and you can't tell him any of it. You can't lie to him either, because it's the last thing that you want to do to him.
Instead, you ask, "We're good... right? We're okay?"
"What do you mean?"
You gesture between the two of you, though you're not sure what that's supposed to signify. "Just...," you trail off for a second, hesitant. "Nothing's changed, right?"
Minho doesn't answer right away. He looks at you for a moment, searching for something in your eyes that you can't tell if he's able to find.
He nods, seemingly wistful as he says, "Nothing's changed."
He seems unsure about it, at least more than he was just a few weeks ago when he told you the same thing in your apartment with his fingers wrapped around your wrist. The tug between his brows - though barely noticeable - tells you as much.
Is it because something is different now? Or does he only sound uncertain out of concern, because of you and how you're acting?
Then he continues, "For me, at least."
And there it is.
It's the confirmation this time around that turns you inside out so his simple words could cut into you.
You swallow thickly, put on a smile like you're pleased with his answer even though you're trying your hardest to stop yourself from shaking. Whatever energy you had left is instantly drained from you just because of a few words.
Your sentences get smashed together, tangled up like barbed wire and they only make you bleed when you try to pull them apart. All your nervous tics coming out to play despite your best efforts to keep them at bay. A frustrated hand running through your hair, gripping at the roots a little harshly. Your bottom lip pulled between your teeth and your eyes turning glassy for a split second before you blink the moisture away, because you can't let Minho see you like this. See you trying to keep your pathetic heart intact while he's none the wiser.
He's fine. And unlike you, he's going to be okay when this is over.
Unavoidable and inevitable, the end will come whether you like it or not. You're the only one who won't make it out unscathed, and it will only shatter you into more pieces the longer you drag this out.
Just rip the bandaid off. Salvage whatever you can. Stop digging the grave even deeper for yourself.
One second, then two, then three. You don't speak until you have enough faith that your voice is even enough to carry out a few sentences.
"Okay, uhm... I think I need some time for myself. We should..." But it isn't, and you crack halfway through. The sound is deafening to your own ears. "We should take a break. We should stop this."
Minho doesn't question if you mean the secret between the two of you, or your friendship entirely. Instead, he asks, "Why?"
"I told you." You clear your throat. "I need time for myself."
You can't tell what he's thinking, but the knife twists inside of you nonetheless.
He takes a step closer, you take a step back.
You watch as his face falls, and the same feeling mirrors itself within the confines of your ribcage. Your heart drops at the sight of his eyes, deep brown irises stained with a little confusion, then a little hurt though it lasts for only a few seconds. The slight slump of his shoulders, the absence of the familiar playfulness he always sports when he's with you.
He blinks.
"Time for yourself, or time away from me?"
You say nothing.
You don't address his question directly, and your reluctance to do so is a loud enough answer in and of itself. "Why does that matter? What's the difference?"
"It matters if I did something to upset you."
"You didn't."
"Okay. So?"
This is confusing, because he's not letting you rip the bandaid clean off and you don't know why. "Nothing's changed, right? If it didn't mean anything to you, why can't you just drop this?"
Minho is quiet for a beat. His eyes are searching again, but this time, you think he finds something.
Everything is still and you hate it - the silence of the streets, the scrutinizing orange glow of the streetlights as if they're watching the scene unfold, even the innocent cat that's sitting by itself on the balcony on one of the floors higher up. You hate all of it.
"I never said it didn't mean anything," he tells you.
It makes you a little angry for some reason, and there's enough red to cloud your vision because his words are contradicting and you're tired, you're so exhausted that you can't focus on what it is that he's really saying.
"So you lied to me?"
"I've never lied to you."
"I asked you before and you said nothing's changed. Now you're saying whatever this is didn't not mean anything. Make up your mind."
It gets redder when he keeps his eyes fixed on you, still so calm despite the frown that has returned to its place between his brows. Still so collected, while you're being pulled apart at the seams.
The ball doesn't drop the way you expect it to. It keeps falling so insufferably slowly, hanging over you like it's mocking you for being stupid, like it's milking every second of suspense to make you implode.
Until Minho speaks next and suddenly, it feels like the air has been sucked out of your lungs. His voice, still so soft and tender. His eyes, reading something in yours that you can't bear to admit out loud.
"You really don't see it, do you?"
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.06.2024]
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gluion · 7 months ago
the book of us — masterlist
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non-idol!zerobaseone x reader
wc — projected to be 10-15k words per story under side a, 5-10k words per story under side b general genre/warnings — fluff, angst, crack, band au, a mix of college, fresh graduates, and highschool aus, crazy case of loserism from the zb1 guys (as it should be), music is the connecting factor <3 make sure to read every story's respective genre/warnings important notes — stories can be read as standalones but it's highly encouraged to read through all! all previous and upcoming y/ns will be referred to as __!y/n titles and synopsis are subject to change but plots/genres are pretty set author's note — happy 500 followers! you cannot separate me from my zb1 guys and day6... i'm excited for this series so please send strength my way <3 i hope you guys stay seated for this series :D thank u again to @vernyangel and @shegotthewoobies for the support and helping me create this universe! always remember that reblogging helps a ton and will help me gain traction :3
want to be part of the series taglist? fill out the form! masterlist
synopsis — listen closely to the stories of zb1 as they find themselves entangled in lives filled with friendships, passions, hardships, love, and of course, music!
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kim gyuvin’s track: missing home // teaser
when kim gyuvin is forced to volunteer at an animal shelter, the last thing he expects is to be compared to a rescued dog. (and to fall in love with you.) — strangers to lovers to exes to lovers, small town au, summer au, fluff, angst, based on “i smile” by day6
seok matthew’s track: the ballad of a lovestruck friend
while everyone seems to know who seok matthew’s crush is, he refuses to reveal the identity to you. (now, why’s everyone calling you dense?) — friends to lovers, university au, fluff, based on “i like you” by day6
kim taerae’s track: the plotted invisible string
if kim taerae had any regrets, it would be not asking out his first love. luckily for him, he’s got another shot now. (how’s he going to mastermind it this time?) — strangers to friends to lovers, highschool & university au, fluff, crack, based on “wanna go back” & “chocolate” by day6
zhang hao’s track: on (your) strings
if there’s anything zhang hao hated, it’s double harmonics, paganini’s caprice no. 24, and the annoying viola player in orchestra. (so why can’t he stop thinking about you?) — enemies to lovers, university (master’s) au, fluff, angst, based on “i wait” by day6
kim jiwoong’s track: first day(s) on the job
although kim jiwoong is set to impress his boss, he’s unlucky to be assigned with the clueless intern who seems to always cause a mess. (maybe you two wouldn’t be staying in your jobs for that long.) — strangers to lovers, workplace au, crack, fluff, angst, based on “man in a move” by day6
shen quanrui/ricky’s track: eye for talent
as ricky plans to invest in the next big band, his eyes are set on the university crowd’s favorite bar for their breakthrough. (and the owner who always says no to him.) — strangers to lovers, university au, fluff, angst, based on “emergency” by day6
park gunwook’s track: lost in translation
although park gunwook wants to make his name in underground hiphop scene, he’s set on meeting the respected, masked rapper that took the community by a storm. (it just so happens that he didn’t know he fucked up his first meeting with you.) — strangers to lovers, university au, crack, fluff, based on “what can i do?” by day6
sung hanbin’s track: 8,000 kilometers worth
if there’s one thing sung hanbin wasn’t expecting, it’s being kept far away from you. (did you two have what it takes to sustain it?) — established relationship, angst, based on “about now” by day6
han yujin’s track: slowly bruising but healing
han yujin’s biggest enemy is himself, but you’re here to remind him of his worth amidst a sea of criticism. (all you can hope is that he’ll listen to your voice as he hopes the same for you.) — platonic, highschool au, angst, coming-of-age, based on “marathon” by day6
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hyunpic · 1 year ago
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k. , each time you fall in love, sunsetz, apocalypse
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis: wonderwall, hey now
mac miller: that’s on me, everybody
nothing but thieves: amsterdam
bren joy: sweet
back number: i love you
mac ayres: next to you, roses
daniel caesar: blessed, ocho rios, get you (ft. kali uchis), take me away (ft. syd), do you like me?, disillusioned
green day: dilemma
puma blue: already falling
bruno major: nothing, easily, places we won’t walk, the most beautiful thing, old soul
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ad0rechuu · 1 year ago
hello!! i’ve been following you for a while now and noticed how cute your interaction with your moots are~ could you maybe associated some of them with some songs and why? :P i’d love to get to know some of the cool people you interact with!!
hi anon!! that’s so cute, i like these asks but i always wondered why they’re send on anon because i wish i could thank you more personally for this ask anyway i decided to just give my moots random songs from my spotify liked list put on shuffle because im very tired but you should definitely give all of the people a follow :3
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@ari-shipping-stuff ౨ৎ healer. — day6
@yuyusuyu ౨ৎ wildfire. — taeyeon
@kodzumo ౨ৎ flash. — perfume
@seonghwaddict ౨ৎ babydoll. — ari abdul
@tocupid ౨ৎ 突破口. — super beaver
@leo-seonghwa ౨ৎ my satisfaction. — ive
@felixsramen ౨ৎ i love you. — treasure
@gyumibear ౨ৎ yummy yummy love. — momoland
@nyukyujs ౨ৎ hocus pocus. — plt
@thelargefrye ౨ৎ best for you. — slchd
@i-luvsang ౨ৎ keepin’ our eyes out. — fitz and the tantrums
@rieuvie ౨ৎ same dream, same mind, same night. — svt
@cybrsan ౨ৎ what2do. — creepybuggirl
@justhere4kpop ౨ৎ the workout. — utada
@xpixie ౨ৎ have a good night (stage ver.). — victon
@atinycafe ౨ৎ water sign. — spider
@yunstarz ౨ৎ exodus ‘04. — utada
@jaehunnyy ౨ৎ endless night. — dreamcatcher
@brrrkdslek ౨ৎ in my room. — insane clown posse
@nebulousbrainsoup ౨ৎ the guns of brixton. — the clash
@pocketjoong ౨ৎ prisoner of love. — hikaru utada
@phantom-webber ౨ৎ 해장국 Hero's Soup. — stray kids
@a1sh1teruu ౨ৎ breath. — got7
@cheollipop ౨ৎ in the dark. — swae lee
@starryunho ౨ৎ pastel. — qu4rtz
@aestheticsluut ౨ৎ mine. — slayyter
@end0rchans ౨ৎ you spin me round. — dead or alive
@yourfatherlucifer ౨ৎ 나 변했나봐. — swi.t
@alixnsuperstxr ౨ৎ katoki. — oneus
@girls4cheol ౨ৎ not enough. — fur
@mintgki ౨ৎ love me do. — vix
@aoi-turtle ౨ৎ options. — doja cat
@renstears ౨ৎ 優しい彗星. — yoasobi
@alixnsuperstxr ౨ৎ 공중정원 (Garden In The Air). — boa
@mrowwww ౨ৎ girls. — nature
@hwaightme ౨ৎ pink!. — youra
@paradiqms ౨ৎ 雨のキモチ. — wasuta
@starrysvn ౨ৎ borderline. — one ok rock
@tubatu-wari-wari ౨ৎ touchin on my. — 3oh!3
@kitten4sannie ౨ৎ whore of babylon. — zheani
@chokchokk ౨ৎ you(=i). — bol4
@hee0soo ౨ৎ shadow. — seventeen
@joong-of-gold ౨ৎ ハルカ. — yoasobi
@armysantiny ౨ৎ 70億人の頭の上に風船を. — kikuo
@evilsailorsenshi ౨ৎ lumberjack. — tyler, the creator
@mundayoonimnida ౨ৎ viva la vida. — coldplay
@yunho-mp3 ౨ৎ nightmares. — set it off
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i haven’t listened to some of these songs in years so i’m sorry if urs sucks lmao :p if u listened to any of these songs please let me know what you thought! and i love u guys have a great day <33
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briankang · 1 month ago
now i'm gonna need a list of the day6 covers you'd want skz to do 👀
omg i've been thinking abt this forever BUT
first and foremost solo music:
i need jisung to cover guard you and not gonna love by young k. christopher.........please cover waited and best song and goodnight, dear by young k. this just came to me so suddenly but i NEED minho to cover come as you are. his voice does really well with those softer tones imo. seungmin if you're reading this please cover natural. seungmin. seungmin if you're reading this. i also need him to cover nowhere you are by sungjin and a journey by wonpil. this can actually be a vocalracha duet i wanna hear jeongin on this. jeongin i'd love to hear do voiceless by wonpil and easy by sungjin actually. this might sound crazy bc i don't think we've ever heard him do one, but i'd love to hear changbin do check pattern by sungjin
ok onto group songs:
ok before i pick anything else brian and i have the same wish to hear chris do where the sea sleeps for the love of god please cover this song king if u care anything about me. i would give anything to hear this.
but starting with newer music i'd looooooove to hear him and jisung do monster i think it'd go CRAZY......seungmin/jeongin/minho on melt down please and thank you........vocalracha on COUNTER would be SO FUN like....u guys hear where im coming from right and on didn't know eugh it'd be so good....seungmin cover of still there and of let me love you.......it could create world peace........chris/jeongin/jisung on welcome to the show could be so healing........jisung/chris/minho on HAPPY like do u guys see the vision
now with other music:
minho/chris/jeongin on healer and they should send it directly to my phone as well as right through me.......JISUNG LOVE PARADE COVER...also hm...chris and seungmin doing we.....would be so nice........seungmin/jisung doing you make me i honestly can't believe they haven't done this yet JISUNG DOING THAT CRAZY BRIAN NOTE IN THE CHORUS OOOOOO it's so good in my head.....also need them to do man in a movie.....it's my favorite song so this is me 100% being biased but chris/minho/jisung on finale........sweet chaos minho cover he needs to give love me or leave me a sister!!!!!! a FULL group cover of time of our life idc how they break it up. i need everyone on this. chris/jeongin/seungmin doing best part......it's just so clear 2 me.......hear me out........chris and jisung doing hurt road...........JISUNG COVER OF HEADACHE AND 121U!!!!!!!!!! jisung/seungmin/minho cover of shoot me. are u guys seeing it. are u hearing it in your heads like me. minchan cover of be lazy no i will not take criticism yes if they did this i could pretend this is what drive actually is this is for me. chris spare i need somebody cover. chris just a crumb. please. chris/jisung/seungmin/felix on dance dance bc i need felix to do the brian rap in the second verse i hear it in his voice so easily alternately this is another big group one for me.......vocalracha on first time.....phew.......ok i never thought i'd be considering this but chris/minho/jisung on hunt. i can't explain it. lastly. i need a minho and jeongin cover of freely. i need to have a little fun in my life.
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ddeongies · 2 months ago
I LOVE UR FICS SM!! do you have recos or favorite ones youd recommend? i trust ur taste!!!
i actually have this post i made back in august that has a bunch of my fave ryejis (and tbh if an author's work is linked there i prolly love everything they write lol)
since that post is ryeji focused tho, here are a list of some of my other faves! (i got carried away..... emojis to represent the ship and if it's explicit or not lol)
dlc by ryeongchaes_plant 🐺🐱🦊 (��)
this is a collection by the homie rcp and it is so good... like i don't really like abo, but i love these fics, bc they're just something special you know? starts out with ryury and very quickly becomes catz (yeji x ryu x ryeong) and it's just like so hot and explores intimacy and desire and sexual dynamics in a really lovely way
lets get away by sanabaechu 🐺🦥
a criminally underrated and underread yejisu long one shot. smalltown mechanic yeji and jisu who just needs to find herself (and maybe something else too;)) i passed by this fic so many times at first bc it has a short description and short tags, but wow i adored this fic. it's an oldie from all the way back in 2019 and absolutely holds up.
hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss by somniums 🐱🦊
i don't tend to read ryury, but when a fic is good, it's good. this is a super long one shot, like over 20k, and it's just genuinely fun. like college au "rivals" to lovers (with background yejisu too!) and it's just a sweet read
baby, it's cold outside by lonewolflink 🐺🐱 (🔞)
genuinely one of my fave one shots. short and sweet, fluffy, sexy, established relationship ryeji like. did i write this??? read this fic if you haven't it's such a fucking treat, and i'm very fond of it
let me be your woman by shoelaceromance 🐺🦊 (🔞)
a two part chaerji (smut) collection that is just WOW. i reread these fics like a lot. they're super hot, i love the characterization, and they've just got that special sauce idk. the kind of smut you read and will never stop thinking about
love in the modern day (the modern way) by westhyo 🐺🐱 (🔞)
idk what to say other than really fun ryeji smut LOL. there is a blindfold, it's really fucking funny (pour one out for lee chaeryeong) and it's super hot. like if you like ryeji and you like smut you will like this fic
making out like it's the end of the world by the archerballet
okay i know we're here for itzy, but this is a really really really cute purinz (chaewon x yunjin) fic, and it deserves more love, so i'm putting it in here :P
this is our page by matchasnow 🐺🦥
another long one shot!! just like the most beautiful yejisu journey where yeji is in an indie band and jisu is an idol and they meet in college and there's lots of day6 songs and there are ups and downs but they FIND EACH OTHER. can you tell i have feelings about this fic... read it
oasis for this kitty by noowoot 🐺🐱 (🔞)
just another really yummy smut one shot. it's just light and fun and sexy and full of love. the yeji in this fic is also just so hot, she like haunts me i swear. don't get scared by the tags, it's genuinely just so hot and fun and full of love
lay me in the snow by vistapoint 🐺🦊 (🔞)
one of the best chaerji fics of all time tbh!!! i love how this author write ryeong, i love how they write yeji, and i love how they write the chaerji dynamic. it's sweet established relationship smut to perfection. it's def a comfort read for me, i really really recommend it
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puckpocketed · 9 months ago
tag game! pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people (if you can)
thank u for the boop @maxkeplers <3 i WILL be flexing my listening range and overdoing the assignment (song blurbs!!!). additionally, all songs link to youtube + collected playlist at the end if anyone would like to listen to them all in one place :3
P - Perfect Blue by Macross 82-99. I used to stream my art years ago and one of my viewers linked some Macross, and I’ve never looked back. this is one of my faves from their discography. I hope that guy is doing okay!!
U - Uh Huh by TrippyThaKid. hehehe weed song . i confess this one’s on my ranked valorant hype playlist for when i need to Lock In <- duelist main (derogatory). the music video by itself is such a wonderful experience but also his flow is bizarrely sick and compelling to me <3
C - Cold Turkey by The Happy Fits. Everyone moved on from 2010s british alt rock but i’m still there and so are THF. theyre still releasing this type of stuff in the year of our lord!! there’s whimsy to them… they have a whistle only section in this song… u will have to pry this music from my cold dead fins…!!!!!!
K - Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer. i love rom coms so bad, and every time i listen to this song i am filled with the sweetest nostalgia <3 if you haven’t seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. please. it’s a batshit film about two deeply damaged people trying to play relationship chicken whilst torturing each other in an effort to get the other person to leave them. they simply do NOT make films like this anymore !!!
P - Pressure by Abhi The Nomad. he’s an Indian hip hop artist, he raps and sings and has this habit of slotting these gorgeous little electric guitar solos into his songs. there’s a pop twist to his music, and he collabs far and wide. this song is slow and buttery smooth and such a pleasure to listen to.
O - Oh Yeah! by Green Day. they’re still making music and it still fucking slaps and i will nevaaa move past my based punk KINGS.
C - Chocolate by Day6. alright so has anyone ever run into that problem of finding a song from an artist/band and it vibes with you hard and brings you joy and you go to check out their other music and it turns out the song you liked was some experimental B-side track and none of their other stuff is like that. well. this was me with this song except this song was a thing they wrote for the OST of a kdrama. i wish i was joking. </3
K - Karma Bonfire by Diablo Swing Orchestra. ill be real. this is theatre kid music. but its somehow not attached to a musical. it’s also got jazz and swing elements. yeah idk either.
E - Escape by Asta. just one of my faves. nothing smart to say i just love this.
T - The Dreamer by The Vaccines. this is not the first song from this album i’ve recommended. this is my album of the year. it’s about remembering a relationship, the end of it, the never-end of it. my favourite lyrics in this song are from the chorus, “I know the night has got two faces, there’s one that runs and one that chases, but if I caught you in between, then I would wait for you in dreams.”
E - Eternal Groove by Android52. what it says on the tin. i could listen to this on loop for hours. i have done so!
D - Dark Matter by Steve Vai. to round out our instrumental theme… Can we have him on a Hades 2 music dlc. pleek. steve vai i love uou <3 he writes music i would blast if i was condemned to running solo tank on a raid you know what i mean??
Here’s the whole thing on youtube in a handy playlist as promised! it’s not very coherent in terms of genre or vibes at all so caveat emptor BIGLY
tagging: @oensible <- if u find a way to include weezer i would simply perish from laughter. @em-ptynet @sevennone @brocksfaber @chownkie @mkaugust @larsnicklas @wheelsnipecelebrini as always no pressure to play!! and if you see this and would like to join in, consider yourself tagged 🫵💯🔥🔥🔥
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subskz · 1 year ago
heyyy girlie i miss you 🥹 how you been? hope tht minho fic yr cookin up is going good 🫶🏽
ion know if i ever asked you this but what’s yr #fav lee know hair?!?! i gotta feeling yr very passionate ab this answer idkkk call it my entp intuition purrhaps 😏
hello my love!! it’s so good to see you again i missed you too! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i woke up to lino’s cover of one of my fave day6 songs so needless to say i’m over the moon HAHA how have you been these past weeks?
yes!! thank u babe the lino fic is slowly but surely coming to fruition >:) i still have a lot to cover but hopefully the wait won’t be too long!
ur psychicism strikes again…my top hair color for lino (and all the boys) will always be black!! but i am who era lino w the shorter cut can’t be beat…we will never get anything like this again i fear 😓🙏
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a very close second is his silver hair from the maniac tour in 2022!! i love how long and shaggy it was esp how it’d fall into his face ♡ it complimented his skin so beautifully
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neoneun-au · 5 months ago
thought i'd catch up on ur feed bc i havent been on here in a while and why'd i think our age gap was smaller than it actually is 😭 i thought it was like 7 years NOT 10 (TEN)!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had to sit for a few minutes on that.
anyways that top 100 playlist! Was not expecting blood by day6 to be the song on there but i feel like it is a very you choice. i wouldnt have guessed it, but thinking about it..... it makes sense. also bc i like hearing your perspective on things, i wanna know your take on what Jae has been saying in interviews recently. idk if you saw but he said he feels bad that they named the album fourever and he thinks its the company's way of getting closure (?? very questionable imo but thats what he said). i have been feeling kinda bad for him ngl lol
and speaking of other peoples weddings!! I C O N I C ! i literally recc'ed it to one of my friends that is getting into svt and wanted fics to read. its 1 of 2 svt fics that i read and still remember to this day. and she was asking me for wonwoo recs too so i will def be letting her know about ur newest one!!! which i dont think i have read even before the rewrite so that is what i will be reading before bed tonight 😁 i also see u have quite a few newer fics which is awesome! i'm eating good for the next couple days
other than all that, i hope you've been well! <3
HAHAHAHA thats SO fair yeah a lot of people thought i was younger than i am, even in person i get that often so i must have some sort of youthful air lolol
blood by day6 was the reason i had to include bsides in consideration because it is one of my all time (clearly since its on the list lolol) faves, i listen to it SO much and i was never a massive day6 fan in general. i liked them but it was more casual. but that song??? im in a committed relationship with that song
i havent seen the interviews with him but going off what you're saying i can see where hes coming from. i mean obviously the whole situation that happened was because he was mentally fucking going through a time and he got a lot of shit for it (some warranted some not). i do feel bad for him tbh. i dont know that its the company's way of getting closure necessarily but for sure there is some thought there to at least shutting down what i imagine are consistent comments about jae and if hes coming back. if i were in his position i think i would feel pretty hurt by seeing how easily cast aside i am, but its also like...unfortunately the reality of kpop?? but i get where hes coming from and it would suck to be in his place. im sure he also is at a place of realising the mistakes he made personally as well. tough
eeeeeeee !! it is so funny to me how that on exploded so much and im glad people still love it at a level that i really never thought any of my fics would reach :')) i think the wonwoo fic is better in general now post rewrite so im curious to hear what you think about it !!! and your friend if she reads it hehe
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mosviqu · 1 year ago
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
this was in my inbox for over a month i am so sorry anon... anyways. here goes nothing. not doing aesthetics bc thats a lot of effort but here is how i 'see' my friends ig :p
@satoruly - champagne, voice memos, the ocean, the beach, the metamorphosis by franz kafka, tokyo revengers, movie reviews, manga, shopping, indoor plants, sunsets, partying, singing, the bass, i dont do drugs by ariana grande and doja cat, anime, mini skirts, cherries, digital cameras, the color red, shinichiro sano, sand, headphones, random spanish thrown in convo, hearts, gojo satoru, croptops, manga, late night walks in a busy town, izana, gossiping with your best friend, ambition, the feeling of home, endless mutual understanding, passion, freedom, soulmates.
@csenke - monchichi dolls, sylvanian families, minecraft, streamers, the streets of budapest, instagram dumps, sunwoo, afternoon walks, playgrounds, random vlogs u record with your best friends, the colors yellow green and tan, enhypen, mona lisa by dominic fike, random german words, hanging posters in your room, late night conversations, pretty architecture, silly selfies, the excitement of unboxing your packages, changmin, spiderman, chimney cake, Á, lovejoy, candy, loverboy hats, platonic neighbors (yes that exists).
@from-izzy - woodz, bunnies, psychology textbooks, coffee shops, matcha, late night conversations, talking in all caps, excitement, running to catch the bus, making spotify playlists in the middle of the night, protectiveness, the color tan, bicycles, gratefulness, sharing your worries with someone, cloudy skies, the sound of birds chirping outside of your window in the morning, laying in the grass.
@heemingyu - meme reactions, milkshakes, playful banter, inside jokes, playful annoyance at your friends, learning how to drive in an empty parking lot, keyboard smashes, iced tea, sibling-like energy, comfortable hoodies, silent support, instagram reels in your dms as a form of love language, comfort tv shows in your bed.
@sungbeam - admiration, being proud of your friends, watching someone from afar, brainstorming with someone on the same wavelength, literature, baby blue by luke hemmings, dc comics, fic banners, star girl energy, the weird familiarity of a college dorm room, demon changmin, the summer break, doing ordinary things with your music playing lowly in the background, post-it notes on your wall, pancakes for breakfast.
@juyeonszn - cats, supportive comments under instagram posts, lying for fun, feeling yourself when you go clubbing with your best friends, lipgloss, tattoos, roadtrips, concerts, taking polaroids on a night out, flirting with your friends, screaming a song on the top of your lungs.
@zzoguri - valorant, childhood friends vibes, meeting someone and feeling like you've known them for ages, jacob bae, gaming, discord calls, italy, journalism, the friends you meet in university, found family, warm soup on sundays, laufey, day6.
@kimsohn - delusional conversations, talking shit with your honest friends, juyeon, typing really fast on your keyboard, understanding each others typos, editing, yunjin, being in love with women, confidence, yeehaw, iconic energy.
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rpfofficial · 11 months ago
ethan. i chose whatever music asks you haven’t done yet.
hi kieren im kind of obsessed with u. there are a lot that i havent done but some of them i cant be bothered to answer/genuinely cannot answer or the answer is just no so here's the ones i like <3
Do you listen to more oldies or more current stuff? A mix of both but leaning more to oldies, the majority of my favourite songs and artists are either from the 60s & 70s era, or the 90s & 00s era <3 
Would you wear a t-shirt of a band you're not into? Probably not, even if the design is cool i only wear band tshirts if i care abt the band. But if someone gave me an artist tshirt as a gift, i’d wear it AND listen to the artist it depicts 👍
Is there an artist or song that you like, despite being of a genre you don't usually like? I like all genres i don't discriminate. i’m bisexual 
A song or album from the 50s or earlier: this compilation album of old japanese pop 1950-1951… discovered through mash playlists
A song or album from the 60s: 1-800-are-you-experienced by jimi hendrix 1967 :) 
A song or album from the 70s: Born to run by BRUCIE 1975 raaaagghhhhhh 
A song or album from the 80s: King of rock by run-dmc 1985 💪💥
A song or album from the 90s Call the doctor by sleater-kinney 1996
A song or album from the 2000s: Cheap pop for the elite by kore. ydro., 2006
 A song or album from the 2010s: TRANSANGELIC EXODUS BY EZRA FURMAN 2018. GOAT
Do you and your partner/best friend share a special song? One you’d call “our song”? unfortunately for my boyfriend and i it is the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us by sufjan stevens which is indicative of how normal we both are 
Do you play any instruments? I’ve been “learning” the bass for about 2 years but havent made much progress but i can do basic riffs and improvise a little 
Who’s your favorite fictional band or artist? Marceline The Vampire 
When was the last time you cried when listening to a song, if ever? I couldn’t tell you the last time a song made me properly cry but i sort of cried listening to come on in yesterday because i was having a category 5 peter tork moment 
Your favorite artist from your city/state/country? At the moment its marina spanou and based on her lyrics i think she is literally from the same area of athens as me <3
A song you like in a language you don’t speak:
A song you like with lyrics in two or more languages:
songs that are symbolic of a time when i was literally and without exaggeration in the trenches. korean & english
Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what’s your favorite? Top 5: fiddler on the roof, jesus christ superstar, newsies, les miserables, hadestown.
Have you watched any musician’s biopics? Do you have a favorite? I’M NOT THERE DIRECTED BY TODD HAYNES MY NUMBER 1 ☝️ even if i am not the biggest bob dylan girl out there i fucking love that movie so much 
Do you listen to music when it's raining or do you stop to hear the sound of the rain? Im answerin this question cos i like it. If its raining really hard i take out my headphones and turn my music up so i can hear it out loud blended with the sound of the rain <3
Do you prefer live recordings or studio recordings? LIVE RECORDINGS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS. I dont know if i prefer them but theres something so comcorting and beautiful of hearing live stuff so yeah <3
Okay these were the questions i cared about. thank you i love you . heheheheh
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icyminghao · 2 years ago
Hi Noelle! I read so many of your work and there really amazing and fluffy, I don't know if you did this but what songs or svt members you would associate your moots or friends with! I checked out nearly all of their accounts and they too write amazing! (Sorry for bad English) You don't have to do this if you don't have time! Take care!
omg thank you for the support anon! and i love this omg thank you for the ask!!
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songs i associate my moots with!
zanna (@slytherinshua) is day 1 by honne! cause you’re my day 1 and i feel like this song is super like cafe aesthetic and i associate cafe aesthetic with you!!! (prob bc of your layout too its so cute)
hana (@wqnwoos) is golden by harry styles!! hehe the song rly suits u rly well and i love your writing too!! you’re so golden fr
rania (@wheeboo) is network love by seventeen! the song is so so vibey and i feel like the vibes match you hehe it makes me bop everything and i rly like the song like i like interacting with you!!!
skye (@etherealyoungk) is time of our life by day6! you always make me smile like this song does!! the song gives off such a happy vibe so i hope you’re always happy too :)
yena (@fairyhaos) is butterflies by fiji blue!! i love that song sm and its so sweet just like u fr!! i love how u call me little bear and this is kinda alluding to how i call u butterfly too HAHA ily!!
mellow (@haowrld) is seasons by wave to earth!! this song is just so calm vibes and cool and it suits u rly well!! just the chill vibe and how easy and fun it is to talk to you hehe <3
jem (@pepperonidk) is ah! love by seventeen!! this song is so 😩😩 and i feel like it matches you well! like you’re so nice and fun to talk to and this song is super like vibey and all am i making sense HAHA
nia (@rubywonu) is perfect places by lorde! the song gives me such good vibes and you give me rly good vibes too!! thank u for being so nice to be hehe i don’t deserve u fr
axe (@blue-jisungs) is low by sza! this song never fails to hype me up and make me feel like a girlboss and i feel like you give off such girlboss vibes!! keep slaying the day away
ylli (@ylliris-hanniehae) is satellite by harry styles! it’s such a cute song and i feel like the cute vibe matches you rly well!! stay happy always ylli :)
rain (@gyuslcve) is fairy of shampoo by txt!! you give off the mysterious vibe (in a good way!) and i feel like you give off like elegant vibes and stuff like this song does!!
nish (@nishloves) is good day by iu! i rly love our interactions and how you’re always wishing for me to have a great day TT__TT i hope your days are only filled with happiness and good things!!!
star (@frenshushutoast) is about you by the 1975!! you’re so sweet and nice hehe and i feel this song really suits u the vibes is so ✨✨
minli (@trblsvt) is rock with you by seventeen!! this song is super aesthetic and i feel like you radiate rwy energy (maybe its bc of your layout for meraki-mark but i feel like rwy suits u!!)
jada (@kyeomyun) is no rules by txt!! this song is super super upbeat and cute and i feel like you’re really cute and sweet so i associate this song w you!!
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calciumcryptid · 1 year ago
Calcium's List of K-Pop Worth a Damn Pt.2
Hello my beloved mutuals.
It is I, Calcium, who has consumed way too much K-Pop and has opinions on which songs (and by extension artists) are actually worth a damn.
This is part two because there was so much K-Pop to sort through, and this part is going to cover the male artists whether groups or soloists. I do not expect you to enjoy every single one on this list, but I do think these songs are worth at least one listen.
In Case This Breaks Containment: Please understand this list was made for my mutuals and my mutuals only. Just because a song or artist is not on this list does not mean I think the song or artist is bad. Except for BTS, with all due respect I think their solo work outshines their group work by a margin which is why two of their members are in the solo area listing but there is no group song listed.
Important Language Note: When Romanized, the word 'you' in Korean translates to 'nega' and the word 'I' in Korean translates to 'naega'. When said very fast it sounds like the n-word. I promise it is not the n-word, they are saying 'you' or 'I'.
Without further ado, let's finish these recommendations.
Boy Groups
Goblin (Favorite Boys) by A.C.E.
Bouncy by Ateez
Halazia by Ateez
Wave by Ateez
Bang Bang Bang by BigBang
Fantastic Baby by BigBang
Sober by BigBang
Movie Star by CIX
Save Me, Kill Me by CIX
Adrenaline by Cravity
Shoot Me by DAY6
Young Blood by DRIPPIN
Dangerous by E'Last
Drunk-Dazed by Enhypen
Fever by Enhypen
Bite Me by Enhypen
Electric Kiss by EXO
Growl by EXO
Love Shot by EXO
Not By the Moon by GOT7
You Calling My Name by GOT7
Dive by iKon
The Chaser by Infinite
Medusa by Just B
RE=LOAD by Just B
Crush by MCND
Ice Age by MCND
Beautiful Liar by Monsta X
Hero by Monsta X
Boss by NCT
Kick It by NCT 127
Simon Says by NCT 127
Perfume by NCT Dojaejung
Baggy Baggy Jeans by NCT U
Face by Nu'Est
Come Back Home by OneUs
Same Scent by OneUs
Valkyrie by OneUs - Rock Version
End of Spring by OneWe
Gravity by OneWe
Rain to Be by OneWe
Jump by Ph1Harmony
libidO by OnlyOneOf
Fall in Love Again by Ph1Harmony
Daisy by Pentagon
Do Or Not by Pentagon
Shine by Pentagon
Hot by Seventeen
Rock With You by Seventeen
Super by Seventeen
Good Guy by SF9
Atlantis by SHINee
Lucifer by SHINee
Sherlock (Clue + Note) by SHINee
Case 143 by Stray Kids
God's Menu by Stray Kids
Voices by Stray Kids
Jopping by SuperM
Get a Guitar by Riize
Red by The Rose
Anti-Romantic by Tomorrow X Together
Crown by Tomorrow X Together
Sugar Rush Ride by Tomorrow X Together
Mirotic by TVXQ!
Energetic by WannaOne
Love Talk by WayV (I recommend both the Korean and English version.)
Designer by VAV
Mayday by Victon
Test Me by Xdinary Heroes
Male Soloists
Daechwita by Agust D
Bambi by Baekhyun
Sacrifice by Han Seungwoo
Moondance by Jeon Woong
Mmmh by Kai
Peaches by Kai
Another Life by Key
Bad Love by Key
Killer by Key
Daddy by Psy
Gentleman by Psy
Gangnam Style by Psy
Criminal by Taemin
Guilty by Taemin
Move by Taemin
Love Me Again by V
Lose by Wonho
Feel Like by Woodz
Overall Artist Recommendations
Ateez: They are very hard hitting and all their songs feel like cinematic experiences. My go to boy group, and I don't think there is a song of theirs I don't like.
Enhypen: Can I just say supernatural concept and be done with this section? Yeah, I think I will.
Taemin: Honestly I was just going to leave it at his name, but I cannot explain how sexy his voice is. The man is known as The Idol's Idol for a reason.
Tomorrow X Together or TXT: They honestly have a little bit of everything from more chipper music to darker music. My personal favorites are the moments where they sound like an actual band like Run Away, I Know I Love You, and Loser=Lover.
Stray Kids: A little grab bag of everything when it comes to the 'love yourself' message. If that isn't enough for my mutuals, not only do they have my seal of approval but they also have my mother's seal of approval so uh take that as what it is.
Bonus Recommendation
KARD's music is wonderful, but since they are a co-ed group I was unsure where to put them. In terms of their songs I adore Gunshot and Red Moon as it was the song that got me into them.
@insomniac-jay @opalofoctober
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starlostseungmin · 8 months ago
i love kim seungmin so much i love his silly mirror selfies i love his solos i love his osts i love his covers i love his voice i love his smile i love that he loves baseball i love that he wanted to be a baseball player when he was a child i love that he threw a pitch at a professional baseball game when he was 10 i love that he wanted to pursue law if he didn’t become a kpop idol i love that he loves day6 i love that the first food he ate after getting his braces removed is curry i love that he is a morning person i love that his favorite season is autumn i love his pororo costume even though so many people sent him hate comments about it i love that his english nickname is sky i love that he still has the jacket he wore to his audition i love his little habit of jumping when he starts crying i love his new haircut i want to see him and tell him how much i love him and and tell him how much comfort he brings me and hug him tightly and tell him there’s no other guy like him in this world
do u get me 😕
you just wrote my love for him in one ask 😔 of course anon i get you so much... it’s seungmin we’re talking about and i miss our silly little puppy so much 🥺 “there’s no other guy like him in this world” damn you got that right like it hurts my heart that there’s only one of him (can we get a dupe? 😔💔) anyway, seungmin is still seungmin from then until now and we love him no matter what 🤍
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slytherinshua · 8 months ago
Physically, you survived. Mentally, that's a different story lol. I honestly don't think I could survive. He definitely belongs centre stage oh my goodness. I am so glad that he decided to pursue music, I was listening to his solo album this afternoon and oh my goodness. It was amazing. It felt like a hug, I don't know any better way to describe that lol
Oh I'll definitely check out discord then! I will take any Lucy content ahaha. What did you think of the set list though? Did you get to hear everything you wanted?
I definitely want to listen to Hyunsang's solo stuff! I don't know much about Hoppipolla in general, but I would highly recommend their music. I find it so relaxing to listen to, or I'll put it on when I want to listen to music but need to concentrate on a task (I listened to a lot of their stuff and Laufey while doing my dissertation lol). I would highly recommend Day6 or N.Flying if you've never listened to them. I absolutely love Young K from Day6's voice, I could go on all day about how beautiful he sounds ahaha. N.flying have some really goofy songs which are so catchy (my introduction to them was if BSS were a song by a band, they would be Hot Potato by N.Flying and honestly I agree)
Ahaha I'm glad you've enjoyed talking to me (I've enjoyed talking to you too!!)
right 😭 but even physically ngl i was wrecked LIKE MY LEGS WERE SORE EVEN BEFORE SOUNDCHECK STARTED AND THEN IT JUST GOT WORSE 😭😭 my neck and arms and like basically everywhere was so ruined by the end of the concert BUT IT WAS WORTH IT 100%. his solo album is soooo comforting oh my god :( i love everything sangyeop does i could listen to his voice forever
yeahh there are some lucy servers maybe you can find some lucy friends!! and we can also talk more on there since im more active!! (my discord is on my carrd if u click on the discord icon)
omg if you're gonna get into hyunsang's music you need to listen to burning sunset, time and trace, snowflake, 3108, and dawn (and gone tonight... and late night movie... and close... and lighthouse ahem) <33 he makes such emo/rock music its such a vibe :( and his voice is literally unreal!! his entire discography is amazing tho (including his osts!!) <3
i love day6 and n.flying omg i can't wait for the new nflying song <33 and it's not too long until the other members are gonna be back from the military!! dongsung comes back on my birthday 🥹🥹🥹 who's your bias in those groups? for me its wonpil and hweseung <3 and i love young k sm as well he's always doing things with lucy or ha hyunsang and i love all the interactions so much he's so sweet and his voice is incredible (he has a cover with lucy and another with hyunsang i think) HOT POTATO IS SO PERFECT TO DESCRIBE BSS LMAO PLS IT ALWAYS MAKES ME GIGGLE WHEN I REMEMBER THAT THEY ACTUALLY HAD POTATOES FOR LIGHTSTICKS DURING THAT PROMOTION 😭😭😭
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