#my darlings embrace
usertoxicyaoi · 1 month
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"But ... why do we only have sex before it's a sunny day?" TAIKAN YOHOU (2023). EPISODE ONE.
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i wanted to try drawing him visually softer and now im near tears because I Can't Hug Him
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blindmagdalena · 2 months
i'm embarrassed by your blog but idk i keep coming back. idk why i'm telling you this. good job i guess.
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meridiantears · 1 year
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silent-scribbs · 5 months
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fregget-frou · 2 years
@autisticempathydaemon said they loved my Angel listener (along with everything else it was SO SWEETTT OMLLL<333) so here’s a doodle for you! They’re also one of my favorites!
Look at that face.
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Full of mischief.
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Some fun facts about them: they’re native! Specifically they could be from the Salishan (but I don’t know too much so I leave it ambiguous) and are half Filipino, born and raised in British Columbia, Canada around Vancouver. They were raised by their mom and brothers, then moving to dahlia for college.
They originally planned to secure a high end job in Vancouver just going to California for school but they met David. They still visit their family as often as they can.
They’re 5’4, the shortest listener! Aklag is still beefy and could definitely throw David over their head. Their callouses are from being raised on a farm, and they’re starting to fade now.
I took them out of another story I made a while ago so I’m still trying to tweak them seamlessly so I’ll actually maybe probably not but make a backstory sheet for my listeners?
Thank you sm for your words and I hope you like it!
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jtownraindancer · 4 months
"You had seen into the very heart of Owen Harper, and it had burned. It had torn through you with the same devastating force as the bullet which had ripped though him not-so-long ago, leaving a gaping wound in your chest which was likely to never fully heal."
ace babe what are we even doing right now
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cold-neon-ocean · 6 months
What compels you about Baatar Jr.?
Oh goodness, I do love talking about why I like him I cannot lie! (foreshadowing for the length of this, I come back to ominously warn retrospectively..)
Honestly even back when the show was initially airing, he was a character I always liked. Being big into anime in middle and high school I was 100% a "megane man" enjoyer lol which is just to glasses men XD (they get a special genre title because they are apparently very popular in Japanese anime communities which honestly, based) so that was the first thing (not to mention he's voiced by Todd Haberkorn who I knew from anime dubs since he's in so many).
But okay so what I find compelling about Baatar. I think he had such potential to be a very interesting character and one that could have been really put to use in the story. He had such interesting groundwork to me, especially in tandem with Kuvira. You can always trust me to stan the troubled eldest sibling lol, in Baatar's particular case I call it "eldest sibling inferiority complex" (idk if anyone has coined that phrase but I'm claiming it until proven otherwise) but it's something I relate to a lot. Baatar being the first "heir" essentially of the metal bending capitol of the world, founded by the metal bending daughter of the inventor of metal bending itself Toph Beifong, and he isn't a bender in any regard is something I think about way too much, I don't care whatever way you slice it I know that must have SUCKED for him because he was just.. inherently kind of a disappointment? Like he came into the world with the "Oh, shame he isn't a bender." tagline on his life. And then the brother he gets soon after IS a metal bender which I can imagine practically felt like an instant replacement because he wasn't "enough". Ofc that may not have been why Su and Sr. had Huan but I can see Baatar feeling that way. Then the twins ofc have metal bending and Opal later on gets air bending and he's just pushed further and further into irrelevance in the family. Like history will always talk about the Beifong family, the inventors and masters of metal bending, Suyin's younger sons all being prodigies in their own right, her daughter later being blessed with air bending, but what would ever be said about Baatar? He was just "the one who was a non-bender". I thought so so much about how being in a position like that would feel. And even the framing of the writing of the show itself always felt so dismissive of him. When Su is introducing all her kids he gets the least mention, no one ever says his name even, he only has 3 scenes in the entirety of season 3 and only in 1 is he even animated. It just always felt rather sad to me, he really was in line to just become the Beifong family's forgotten son.
I've talked about how I wish something had been said with Baatar and Huan and how starkly contrasting they are. Baatar feels trapped in his father's shadow with nothing of his own, not his own name, nothing of his own to leave an impact with and just quietly relegating himself to the background, meanwhile Huan is so obsessed with his self expression and individuality. I can imagine Huan seeing Baatar and how miserable he was when they were younger and not wanting to end up like that so he takes a hard turn into the opposite direction.
I really think Baatar was the perfect character to bring back the discussion of disparity between benders and non-benders, from a villain standpoint of course, because he is a character who- even from his seat of clear privilege, still has to deal with the effects of it. Like the world of Avatar really is for benders and non-benders are just allowed to live in it. I don't think Baatar actually wants bending, I actually think quite the opposite. I think he just doesn't want to be seen as lesser than for not having it, and prove that he doesn't need it in his life. That's why I love the setup of his relationship with Kuvira so much. I genuinely think the two of them were accidentally written and created so perfect for each other and the writers just.. did it by sheer accident and didn't even notice and thus squandered them completely. They give each other exactly what the other needs. Kuvira wants acceptance and to feel genuinely wanted which Baatar gives her, and Baatar wants recognition and to feel appreciated for who he is and that's what Kuvira gives him. She is one of the most skilled metal benders in the world but grew up in a family that didn't want her or care about her (ignoring Ruins entirely, Ruins of the Empire my beloathed), and Baatar grew up in one of the richest families in the world, the family whose whole identity is metal-bending, born into the lap of luxury but was still written off somewhat because he was a non-bender and thus the family legacy really didn't have anything to do with him. And when Su takes Kuvira under her wing they're both living in what is considered a "utopia" but are both still unhappy because they always feel "outside" of it, and they are able to relate to each other in that way and validate each others' feelings. Having Kuvira choose him- someone considered very remarkable choosing someone most consider very unremarkable, and him being the first person to ever genuinely truly want her and all of her is my Roman Empire, it is the hill I will die on. Like idk how the LoK writers had all that literally right in front of them and chose to do nothing with it, it bothers me so much lol.
Baatar descending (ascending truly in my opinion lol) into his villain era when he is finally away from home because he is reacting out of spite, paranoia, and existential dread because this is his chance to be known for something in his own right and not for anything to do with his family and slowly becoming the instrument of his own destruction is my bread and butter, I love it so much. I hate the fanon that he left Zaofu only to pad after Kuvira, I truly think he saw his one chance to leave with someone he cares about and financial stability and took it. I don't think he's very altruistic, like if I'm being frank I don't think he gives a hoot or a holler about the Empire itself LOL like he is absolutely here to support Kuvira and help her achieve her goals but to him the Empire is just something he can cultivate to facilitate himself and his needs. It's more of a symbiotic relationship to him where he'll always prioritize himself but will do what he needs to to keep the host happy. I do think that when he initially left he DID have good intentions they just were also very self serving, and then as time went on he leaned further and further into the self serving and see's himself as "doing the right thing for them because it is the right thing for me so no one can get mad :)" lol like yes darling, you are the moment, give us everything and nothing. I love love love the thought of him really leaning into the fame and attention because he's actually getting recognition, people are interested in what he's doing, he has the facilities to work on things he wants to work on, and can really just do as he pleases. One thing you will not see me do is say that he was trying his best for the Empire's sake the whole time lol like the man truly was out here in his Applause by Lady Gaga era. The idea that he does in fact do good for the people but for selfish reasons is just so funny to me. He's like "Do you think I'm out here bringing running water and irrigation to rural towns out of the goodness of my heart? No bitch, I'm just not about to get giardia in the name of freedom." LMAOO like yeah he is a little bit wretched but I'm still stanning, I'm still streaming, my shower is working so I have to thank him. Like I do genuinely find the idea of "guy who is doing good things for selfish reasons but is still doing good things regardless" very interesting to think about. Like what does it matter where his heart is at if he's still doing humanitarian work because it provides him in return with accolades and material wealth lmao. In his case though I can see him melting a bit when he sees the good impact his work can have but he has to keep up his big sassy bitch face bc he has a reputation to maintain.
Also withing the Empire era, that is like my peak Baatar contemplation era because wow it was so rife with potential for him. A non-bender being second in command of what was probably the biggest military force in the world at the time must have been an insane line for him to walk. Because all his authority is superficial. Because Kuvira gave it to him and for almost no other reason. No matter what he does, he will always be weaker than the weakest bender inherently, but he still has to command respect because everyone KNOWS THAT. Him walking through their camps he literally has his life on the line at every second because anyone could just decide to kill him at any moment for no reason and there's nothing he could do to defend himself. So he has to be smart, he has to be scary, he has to be mean, he has to be intimidating because if he doesn't he has nothing else to shield himself with. He can't let his anxiety over it show either because every bender would be able to hear it through the ground. The idea of Baatar having genuine anxiety regarding benders all his life is something that is so important to me. Even in his own home, his heart rate couldn't be something that was private. I love to hc that he quickly learned to become an Azula tier liar like you could never catch him lying because he needed to learn how otherwise his own emotions couldn't even be private. Aiwei could never catch this man and he hated it so much lol Baatar loved every second of it. He would just say lies to Aiwei's face and they both would know he was lying but Aiwei couldn't ever really know and it made him so mad.
I really do think a lot of what Baatar does comes from a place of genuine hurt, and wanting to feel like he has some form of control in his life and he expresses it through anger because his anger is the only power he feels like he has but he lets it eat away at him until he just has this void in him that will never be satisfied. He wants his family to understand how he feels, why he feels so hurt, and for them to acknowledge it, but he needs them to realize it themselves without him saying it because if he has to tell them then it must not be real. Plus how could they understand when they're free of the experience that makes him feel this way. They'll never know that feeling of being a disappointment on arrival. Opal did, but she's beyond it all now. Thinking about his relationship with his father, I think he actually loves his father so much, he was a daddy's boy from day one and still is, he wants his father to feel similarly as himself, not the anger but just acknowledge that "yes, the world really does revolve around benders, and it's okay that you feel scared and unnerved by that reality, there's nothing wrong with your feelings it's okay for you to have them" but his father doesn't feel that way and Baatar takes it as almost a kind of betrayal. In his mind he needs that shared experience because it tells him that if someone else feels like this then his feelings are real and he isn't just making shit up, he can feel that way even if he never acts on it, just knowing someone else feels the same. He doesn't go about it in a healthy way at all and I am by no means defending his actions or blaming his family for everything bad that he's done, you'll never catch me doing that, Baatar 100% engineers his own downfall by choosing to feed into his anger for catharsis. The fact that he did everything he ever did because he didn't want to be forgotten by history, only to get his wish, he'll indeed be remembered forever, but remembered as the engineer of monstrosities is the perfect poetic irony to me and his most perfect kind of villain arc in my eyes. He is so consumed by his anger and paranoia. His fear of being forgotten by time because to him being forgotten means there was never any point to his existence to begin with.
Also okay yes let us briefly discuss my buff Baatar lol I do have reason for it I swear! So okay yes, I do that for me because I love big beefy glasses men okay, sue me, i am indeed an animal in that way. But also I do think it just kinda makes sense for him??? Like he is someone with some clear anger issues and exercise is in fact a very good way to relieve anger and stress. I think it's funny that he just gave that a try because he needed to vent his anger on something and it became his primary anger management and now he's just massive lol but also this is also him making a statement of like "I can take my body even this far but I'd still always be at an inherent disadvantage", he'd have a lot of reasons for doing it- his own vanity, his self-esteem of always feeling unimpressive or unremarkable, wanting to feel like he could in even the smallest way be something of a protective force for Kuvira. Plus him having the kangaroo effect on people between seasons 3 and 4 is so funny, where when people think about kangaroos they're like "aaw cute lill hoppy fellas c:"(season 3) and then they actually see a kangaroo and are like "bitch what the fuck is that"(season 4) lmao like have you seen how jacked kangaroos actually are? Everyone is like "Yeah we know what Baatar looks like" and then they see him for the first time in season 4 and are like "Who the fuck is that?" LMAOO Also yeah he just looks nice that way to me.
God I just scrolled up this to see where I was at and this ended up way longer than I intended alksjdf I'll stop myself here I'm so sorry, I just truly cannot Shut Up about this man. He genuinely means so much to me. For so long I didn't talk about liking him or did any art of him because in the early days of the fandom and even relatively recently, the hate for him was so... vitriolic and cruel it genuinely made me so uncomfortable. I'd see rare pieces of fanart of him and the comments would always have people expressing their hate for him in them, I've even gotten comments like that on my own art. It really has always baffled me tbh, even the writers and Bryan himself are not shy about talking about their hate for him, one of the s4 episode writers called him "the worst character in the entire franchise" and it just hurts my heart so much. Like they wrote him already down and just continue kicking him while he's there like they weren't the ones who put him there. In that way Baatar's spite and anger feels almost all encompassing as corny as that sounds. I just love angry sad men and Baatar is the angriest saddest man of my heart haha if he has no fans I am dead. I really cannot express how much it means to me to hear that people have become to like him more because of my portrayal of him, I've even had people who used to hate him tell me they love him now because of me and I truly could cry about it, I really could.
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slightlymad · 4 months
Howdy, partner!
I haven't seen you new beautiful pretty face in these parts around here. You must be new here!
Well, just to let you know, darlin', come back home. Your gatos and wife misses you!
Yer wife, jumping through everything to come to you: >_<
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hullo, me lovely lady! <3
oh me love, i'm back home and when i tell yer i've never felt better!! <3 i've missed yer and our gatos SO MUCH of course, i mean you ARE the love of my life after all, how could i NOT miss yer?? <33
actually!!! i've decided to take up permanent residence here with yer, my most beloved, and all of our gatos <333
me staring at you lovingly and being certain that i'm never going to look away because i just ADORE YOU SO MUCH:
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basilsbestpainting · 2 months
"I want to plunge our society into chaos, sure, but I want to do it legally"
Okabe, you dumbass. You can't have it both ways. Either you follow societal rules or you're a fucking criminal. You've already had Daru hack so much shit.
Well, that may not have happened on this world line, but you still do it a lot.
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chigirisprincess · 8 months
i bought a blush in the shade “baby doll” and that is just so me coded 🥰
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mister13eyond · 2 years
Jesus christ i just blocked someone who followed me with "gender critical" in their bio and honest to god terf posts on their page. What the fuck.
anyways I'm fucking cleansing my blog by posting I'M A BIG QUEER TRANS FAGGOT WHO LOVES OTHER TRANS PEOPLE, I ADORE TRANS PEOPLE OF EVERY ASAB AND LABEL, I love you people who label as transsexuals and people who label as neo genders and people who don't label with any any gender at all, I love you neopronouns and it/its pronouns, I love you women with beards I love you men with tits I love you people who reclaim slurs for ourselves I love you everyone under the queer umbrella I love you trans people and gender outcasts.
Also every work I've ever made has come from a place of t4t love, even the works where they're supposedly cis, because I make work for the people I love and the people I love are trans.
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wandapinkay · 8 months
HI friendly anon dropping in again because i simply keep rereading your last answer over and over again, you are so very nice!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
i have been trying to work out a way to one-up your super totally 100% fresh, rated e for epic, 10/10 5-star Vibes™ in my next ask, but i fear i must admit defeat. FAIL!
so instead, i will simply say,
drop the cat ear daru edits!!! ❤️‍🔥
we were robbed of cat maid daru in darling of loving vows after all 😔
—but really, 11 years is such a long time!! you are indeed a veteran selfshipper, i bow to your superior expertise… and i really appreciate your kindness and supportive response to my last ask, i am so thrilled to have found your blog at just the right time!
…you know. in fact you could. uh. you could almost. um. say that. that. that it was. um. the um. that. that it. it was the. um. you could say. that. um. it was the. uh. the. you know. it was the. the. choice. of.
(help, okabe is holding me hostage)
OMG HIII welcome back! Always a pleasure to receive your asks! I'm so happy you personally feel comfy enough to do that still! Just so you know I appreciate you a lot 💕 ALSO UM AS YOU WISH, HAVE SOME CATBOY EDITS
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Unfortunately, the screenshots from my enormous Daru pic collection of almost 200 units, have crops very close to his hat, so some would look kinda wrong if drawn over I guess? So here's some that actually aren't that bad to draw on! These were actually incredibly fun to do and.. incredibly fitting for his character too. I do believe we were robbed as well; I think it was from My Darling's Embrace's VN (at least I think that's what you're referring to) and oh my gosh.. he wanted to wear a cat maid outfit so bad but everyone called him a perv for it.. JUST LET HIM FUCKING WEAR IT OH MY GODD I genuinely wanted him to live his dreams, and that's why me, as the ultimate gf, I will let him do it and I'll wear a cat maid outfit too to match! That's what partners are for damnit.. Also, I'm happy I could be of help! I am pretty old but I don't feel like an expert at all in the matter,, and there's no expertise in shipping imo. Hell, I joined the selfship community on Tumblr not even an year ago and didn't even think it was a thing too, really. Anyone can be the master of their own ficto relationships! But still, I'm flattered I was the thing you needed to start off of! Thank you again for reaching out btw! I'm here anytime if you'd like as always <3 *GASP* YOU SAID THE FUNNY LINE NO WAY
Also please tell your bf to buy you chicken tenders and actually pay for Tennouji's rent too at the very least Also kiss him for me as well, he's a sweetie when he's not a chuunibyou DFHGGFDHS /lh
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widevibratobitch · 10 months
its 'i know it doesnt matter and im used to it at this point but im actually a little sad that im kinda ugly' hours
#its ok ill stop thinking about it in a moment but yeah. thats what happens when i see pictures of myself next to my friends#they're all so hot and beautiful this is like. kinda unfair ngl lol#and like. i realise they dont mean those as actually backhanded compliments. but it sure does feel that way#most of the time i do try to embrace it and ive mostly made piece with the fact that im not here to be pretty but to be weird and funny#peace ffs*#but sometimes you'd just want to see a candid photo someone took of you when you weren't looking#and not feel the need to immediately turn it into a joke because the only alternative available is to confront that the fact that you are.#indeed. Fucking Ugly lol#like idk. i genuinely dont mind that when im with my friends at home. but here all the girls at this fucking uni#are so OBSESSED with their looks#and i was kinda mean to one yesterday. still in a haha-jokey way but goddammit i hate how good it felt#cause like girl. dont think i dont know what you're doing when we're taking selfies. and its okay.#i can be The Ugly Friend That's Only There To Make You Even Prettier. i can be that. but i want you to KNOW that I KNOW.#you're not fooling me darling <3 and i honestly find it even more insulting that you'd think you could lol#babygirl ive been doing *this* my whole life. believe me i know how to stop that fucking behaviour. you're not being as subtle as you think#*spot lol#peace and love but i really would be SUCH a different person if i were pretty its not even funny. so maybe it's for the better huh
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Was l supposed to be shipping Dr. Jillian Salvius and Sister Lilith?
Because that also happened.
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ikr? they didn't invite me either! >:( they just gave me a photo to show me what happened :( BUTTT, here's kitty kat childe to cheer us up <3
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~Volkov (not my art work!)
they give us a photo but don't invite us- they're TAUNTING us i tell you!!! taunting us!!!! >:O
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