#my dad said he's having trouble jumping up to his bed now
a-little-bit-poss · 1 year
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pathologicalreid · 4 months
Hiii I was wondering if you could write a part 2 or a sequel to the fic your wrote a little ago called next of kin. I loved it so much 😊😊😊 thank u!!! <333
stepping up | S.R.
after taking custody of your younger sister, spencer steps up in his role as caretaker
part one
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: flangst content warnings: previous murder of parents, emphasis on not having a dad, maya is bffs with jack hotchner, spencer is an empath, not proofread word count: 1.58k a/n: for a while i wasn't giving my requests summary's but now im getting back into that because i realize I Got Too Silly. thank you for requesting! i love you!
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You jumped as your younger sister slammed the door to the garage shut behind you. Keeping her purple backpack slung over her shoulders, she trudged up the stairs and retreated into her bedroom. The six-year-old was either unaware or uncaring of the way you immediately followed her path to the stairs.
In your periphery, you saw Spencer peek his head over the back of the couch, making quick note of your troubled expression before he snapped his book shut and joined you. Hesitating, you looked up the stairs at the landing, the dim light of her lamp left a pinkish glow at the bottom of her door, but there was no noise coming from Maya’s bedroom.
“She didn’t say anything the whole way home,” you murmured thoughtfully, placing a hand on your chin. You’d thought she’d be happy when you picked her up as a surprise – you and Spencer had just gotten back from a case a few hours ago. Your cousin – who usually took care of Maya when you were away – had offered to pick her up from school, but you hadn’t seen her in three days and needed to see her.
Gently, Spencer placed a hand on the small of your back, ushering you up the stairs with him trailing close behind. With the two of you standing outside the door, you placed your hand on the brass doorknob and let your hand sit there, listening closely as you registered the small whimpers emanating from inside your sister’s room.
Unable to tolerate it, you wiggled at the door just to find that she had locked it from the inside, “Maya,” you said, consciously keeping your voice soft. “I know that you probably want to be left alone right now, but we need to know that you’re alright,” holding your breath, you waited, hoping that she’d open the door on her own and you wouldn’t have to go hunting for the key.
You were afraid that she was being bullied, she transferred to a new school in the middle of the year and was frequently absent in the beginning, but they didn’t make a guidebook on how to ease a child into a new school following the death of both of her parents. Luckily, Maya was placed in the same classroom as Jack Hotchner, so you knew she’d always have at least one friend around.
Just as Spencer was asking you if you wanted him to go get the room key, the lock clicked and the door slowly opened, revealing your younger sister. Her backpack had been discarded on the floor and her face was bright red, she had been crying.
Shooting yourself in the foot, you hesitated. You just stared down at your sister while she lowered her eyes, watching the floor. Despite the fact that you and Spencer had more than willingly taken her in, Maya was still an orphan. She was a six-year-old whose most prized possession was a stuffed bunny named Thumper, but she was an orphan, nonetheless.
Next to you, Spencer knelt down to the floor, meeting Maya at her height. Tentatively, he reached up and took one of her hands in his much bigger one, “What’s wrong, Bambi?”
Your chest ached at the nickname he had bestowed upon her, keeping your eyes focused on the both of them as Maya retreated back into her room, yanking her hand out of Spencer’s and tossing herself onto her canopy-covered bed. Sharing a concerned look, both you and Spencer made your way into the room.
Chewing on the inside of your lip, you sat at the desk across from her bed, and Spencer sat on the flower rug that she kept in front of her dresser. You opened your mouth to speak, but before you got the chance, Maya blurted, “I don’t have a dad!”
Eyes widening, you seemingly choked on air as your eyes darted from where your sister was now sitting up on the bed to where Spencer stayed still, looking equally as startled as you. Jumping up from the bed, she dramatically dropped to her knees in front of her backpack, unzipping the largest pocket before producing a green folder and thrusting a paper in Spencer’s direction.
Smoothly, Spencer accepted the paper from your sister, turning it right side up in his hands before skimming the print. You wheeled the desk chair over in his direction, eyes flickering over the flyer as you realized what it was for. The school held an annual daddy-daughter dance for Valentine’s Day, and your sister had been handed a flyer.
Once you had gotten through the holiday season, you convinced yourself that you could get yourself and Maya through anything – evidently enough, that had been a mistake. This, this made you angry. The administration knew exactly what your sister had been through, and the fact that they still chose to hold this event.
Her biggest worry should be what theme she wanted her seventh birthday party to be, not being left out of a school event because she didn’t have a parent to go with. You checked the time on her Hello Kitty alarm clock, knowing that the school administration would still be around until the end of the workday, you made a mental note to call them and file a complaint.
Concerned with your next steps, you hadn’t even noticed that Spencer had shuffled across the floor, using his fingertips to wipe tears from her face as she looked up at him with big eyes – Bambi. “I could go with you,” Spencer offered, cupping her small cheeks in his hands as he knelt in front of her.
Frowning, Maya shook her head rapidly, “You are not my dad,” she insisted, stepping back and away from Spencer, she crossed her arms in front of her chest, closing herself off.
Your boyfriend nodded in acknowledgment, this had led to a lot of confusion, as Spencer didn’t want to take over the role of father in Spencer’s life, so Maya frequently introduced him to people as her brother. There were a lot of lengthy explanations as to who he actually was. “No,” he responded simply, “I’m not, and I don’t have any intention of trying to be your dad. You already have a dad, right?”
Stepping back toward Spencer, Maya nodded, “Yes, but he’s gone.” Her arms dropped back to her sides, and your chest ached at the euphemism.
“Did you know that I didn’t have my dad around when I was growing up either?” Spencer asked, speaking tenderly to your sister as he tried to navigate this situation. You stayed completely still, trying not to move lest you interrupt the negotiation process.
Maya’s eyes widened in surprise, “Really?” Her small voice came out in a whisper like the information that she and Spencer were sharing was a secret, Maya called whispering adult talk, because that was how you and Spencer always spoke about work.
Reaching up and gingerly tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, Spencer nodded almost indeterminately, “Mhm, not the same way that your dad’s gone, but I know what it’s like to not be able do all of the fun dad things. If you’re alright with it, we can go together to the dance.”
“You don’t have to,” Maya whispered timidly, the standoffishness she had displayed earlier completely replaced with nerves.
Your boyfriend nodded, “I know, but I would be honored if you would let me,” he said, taking both of her hands in his. “We don’t have to go at all, but I want to make sure you know that you never have to be nervous about asking me for things.”
She pondered this for a moment before giving a sly smile, “Can I wear a pretty dress?”
“We’ll get you a new one,” Spencer assured her, looking over at you as you sighed, holding a hand over your chest while tears pricked at your eyes. “Does that mean you’ll let me take you to the Valentine’s Day dance?”
Jumping up and down excitedly, Maya beamed and threw her arms around Spencer who, in kind, hugged her tightly, rubbing a hand up and down her back, “I get to go to the dance, and I have no homework! This is the best day ever!”
Laughing lightly behind your hand, you grinned at your sister who was, after all, only six years old. “Your sister and I don’t have to work until tomorrow, do you want to do something?” Spencer offered, reaching out his hand and pulling you over to the two of them, allowing Maya to tackle you to the ground in a bear hug.
“Can we go to the park?” She asked, looking up at you with wide, curious eyes.
You nodded, “Absolutely we can, and we could go out for dinner after too if you want,” you offered, looking over at Spencer as he grabbed the dance flyer and pinned it to a corkboard in your sister’s room.
She gasped in surprise, even though the two of you rarely told her no – one of the dangers of raising an orphan. “Can Jack come?”
Laughing lightly, you quickly realized that your trip to the park was going to become a BAU family affair while you rose to your feet, wiping your clammy hands on your jeans, “If his dad says yes, then we can take Jack with us.”  
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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— the haunting nightmares of the past | buddy & monkey: double the trouble
here's a piece of angst for you all to read.
thanks to @alotofpockets for her help a long the way with this one.
summary: the anniversary of monkey's dad's death causes a lot of bad memories of the past to resurface.
pairings: leah williamson x reader!monkey x jordan nobbs x reader!buddy
warnings: talks of past childhood abuse and a lot of heavy angst
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"Happy birthday to me," You whispered to yourself, your small voice barely audible over the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. 
You sat alone at the table, a card propped up in front of you that had been given to you by a kind elderly lady who lived next door when you returned home from school. 
You jumped in fear as you heard the front door slam shut, feeling yourself tremble as his footsteps neared. 
"Make yourself useful, girl," Your father demanded through slurred speech, cutting the previous silence in the house, you know he'd clearly been down to the pub after work, "What is this?" He eyed the card on the table angrily. 
You trembled with a sense of fear as he picked up and read over the words briefly, "It's... It's a birthday card, Dad," You said as you watched him tear it in half without even thinking and dump it in the bin.
"Birthday card?" Your fathers' voice sneered in disgust, "You don't deserve one of them, you're nothing but a burden in my life!" His words were venomous and your heart sank even more. 
"But... But everyone has a birthday," Your voice was quiet, afraid of his next move, "I'm ten this year, remember?" You couldn’t help the excitement in your voice, you were a young and innocent girl.
"Oh, really?" Your dad wondered, turning to face you while his words seemed more calmer than usual, "Well then I'd better give you your birthday present then, birthday girl." 
You couldn't help but allow your eyes to light up but that was soon disregarded as the man raised his hand, the sound of his slap against your cheek echoing through the room. 
"There's your birthday present," Your dad sneered with pure venom in his voice, "Now make yourself fuckin' useful and grab me another beer!" With his words sharp and demanding, you scurried over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of beer to hand to him, "Good, at least you can do that. Now get the fuck out of my sight, brat!"
You wake up startled, gasping for breath while your heart pounded in your chest while drenched in a somewhat cold sweat. The remnants of the nightmare of your tenth birthday clung in your mind, so vivid that you remember it just like it was yesterday.
You were beaten that night by a man who you once called your father, it was a memorable birthday for all the wrong reasons.
It was also the birthday that you learnt to never ask to celebrate again.
It’s one of the reasons why you never like to celebrate your birthday, you dread the day completely and want nothing more than to hide away in your bedroom.
Leah and Jordan both found out about that the hard way, but that’s a story to tell another day.
“Stupid damn nightmares,” You mumble to yourself, exhaling a sigh as you take a quick glance at the time on your phone, the words lighting up in white as a faint reminder of the date that it was.
It was the anniversary of the day that your dad died, a whole year ago today.It should have been the day that brought you a sense of relief but you just felt even further lost instead.
Doubtful of being able to sleep again, you sit up in bed and make use of your time by scrolling through your phone until the sun starts to come up, or your favourite little buddy wakes up.
Only a few more hours to wait at least.
You didn’t want to sleep, more so you were afraid of the recurring nightmares that haunt you.
It always seems to be the same one, the stark reminder of your dad towering over you while you tremble in fear in the corner, you wish you could just block it all from your memory.
Oh, if only that was so easy to do so.
You never actually went to the man’s funeral, instead you sat curled up in a heap of blankets and watched your favourite movie with your favourite little buddy.
It was much better than sitting inside a church, surrounded by distant family members who would murmur how sorry they were for his loss.
You weren’t though, you were glad he was dead. You knew he couldn’t hurt you now, you were safe.
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“So, we’ve got the day off today,” Leah starts the conversation as you sit in the kitchen the following morning, a bowl of cereal in front of you as you fight to stay awake, “I was thinking that we could go to the park, perhaps?”
You wish you could say you were paying more attention to the blonde but you’re tired and nothing is really going in your head right now.
You feel completely exhausted, the lack of sleep every single night is catching up on you now.
“Monkey! Monkey!” Buddy’s little hands grip onto your arm to try and get your attention, “Will you play with me?”She asks, sweetly.
You want to say yes, however you're just so tired that you want to do nothing more than go back to sleep, but even so you're afraid to do that because the nightmares that plague your memory.
Every single night, that same nightmare.
It’s haunting.
“Maybe a bit later, okay? I’m not… I’m not feeling great,” You admit to the 3 year old.
Of course you know she won’t understand why you feel so sad today, but you can’t cry in front of her. It’s not right.
“Why are you sad?” Buddy questions, confused.
You don’t answer her directly as you gently lift her up to sit her on your lap and show interest in her bear that she has in her hand as you just cuddle her.
“How about we take a trip to the park? It’s a nice day,” Leah repeats, “What do you girls think about that?” She asks.
“Park, Mummy!” Buddy squeals in agreement.
Leah smiles at her mini me’s excitement as she looks at you, “How do you feel about going to the park? It would be a good chance to take Tate for a walk as well,” She gestures to the puppy asleep in his new bed, “Earth to Monkey?” She waves her hand in your face to get your attention.
“Huh,” You jolt in surprise at the hand in front of your face, “What’re we talking about?”
“I was just saying it’s a nice day to go to the park,” Leah repeats her words as she sees your attention is elsewhere, “Monkey, are you okay? You look like you’re ready to fall asleep in your breakfast,” she notes.
“Oh uh yeah, I’m fine,” You stifle a yawn as you nod, “Guess I’m just a bit tired, Le,” You admit to the blonde, starting to pick at the skin around your nails.
Leah tilts her head to the side and frowns in concern, “You’re not sleeping, again?” She questions, knowingly as you bite your bottom lip, hesitant to speak while there's a presence of a 3 year old who doesn’t need to listen to this conversation, “Buddy? Sweetheart, why don’t you go and play with your toys in the living room?” She suggests.
“Okay,” Your favourite little buddy is so eager to agree as she carefully slides herself off your lap and toddles into the living room to allow you two to talk.
You’re grateful for that, you don’t want Buddy to hear about this stuff. She’s too innocent for it.
“What’s goin’ on Monkey?” The blonde questions, concerned as she moves to sit in the seat beside you, “You’re not sleeping?” She repeats.
“No, no, I mean… I try but I just keep on having this stupid recurring nightmare,” You admit quietly, trying to not make it a big deal, “I’m afraid to sleep,” 
“Oh, Monkey,” Leah murmurs in sadness as she leans forward and moves a stray piece of hair out of your face, “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” She wonders.
“Dunno,” You confess as you shrug your shoulders.
The blonde exhales a sigh as she smiles sympathetically, “You know I’m here for you, my girl,” She reassures you, “Do you remember when I made that promise all those years ago? I still mean every single word that I said to this day,”
You know that you can trust Leah, she’s safe.
When your dad died last year, you had already been living with Leah, and Jordan as well for quite some time, and the two of them knew everything that happened in the past.
You never had the intention to ever tell either one of them about it though, but they found out one day by accident and you just ended up coming clean.
You told them everything, the couple were people that you felt you could trust. Sure it took a bit to warm up to them at first in a new housing environment, but you had known both of them for years.
You did trust both of them to some extent.
Leah had an aura of calmness around her that you feel safe, it made you open up and tell her what happened.
Her words that he told you do still stick in your brain, even to do this day.
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“Ha, I win. Again!” 15 year old you exclaimed, pointing your index finger at Jordan while the two of you were playing Fifa.
So far the score was one-sided, 7 - 1.
Jordan was losing the game terribly.
“What,” The woman groaned in annoyance, “Are you sure you’re not cheating, little one?” She questioned in disbelief about the score.
“Please, how can you cheat at this game?” You couldn’t help but giggle, “I win, fair and square. Sucks to be a loser!” You still wound the woman up.
“I’m not a loser– You’re definitely cheating!” Jordan was quick to fire back and playfully scowled at you from where she sat on the sofa.
“When you two are finished squabbling,” A heavily pregnant Leah appeared in the doorway of the living room with an amused look on her face, “Dinners’ ready.” She stated.
The blonde had your attention at the mention of food, “What’re we havin’?” You wondered.
It was a known fact that Leah couldn’t cook all that well, usually sticking to sticking frozen food in the oven at her convenience.
“You’ll find out when you come and sit down at the table, won’t you?” Leah told you playfully as she looked at the telly, “Really, Jord? Are you letting her win, willingly?” She joked.
“I am not, the little one is good,” Jordan mumbled in disagreement, placing her controller down on the coffee table in front, “Come on kid, let’s go and eat dinner,” She gestured for you to follow.
“But we’re in the middle of a game!” You couldn’t help but whine.
“And the game will still be here when you’re finished,” Leah remarked, laughing a little bit, “Go on and pause it.” She added.
“Fine, alright,” You huffed in the way that a teenager does, before you begrudgingly walked into the kitchen to sit and eat dinner with the two older women, “But I want to play another game afterwards!”
“Don’t worry, Monkey. As soon as you’ve eaten, you can go back and continue to beat Jordan in Fifa,” Leah said, teasing her partner lightly as she ruffled your hair.
The way that you had opened up to them since you started living with them still amazed Leah. The once shy girl that would hide in her room and keep to herself, now so outspoken. She was glad to see you regularly behaving like a regular kid.
Not only were you shy, but in the first few months they would note the way that you would fight to not flinch when somebody came near you. Always afraid that people would treat you the same way that your father had done.
They didn’t understand why, but they knew they had to be patient. The two of them had always suspected things, but nothing was ever confirmed by you. 
You didn’t want to tell them, and they didn’t want to ask.
The constant voice in the back of your mind that everything you did was wrong, was what caused you to freak out the first time you dropped a plate by accident.
You offered to help Jordan dry the dishes up after dinner one evening, when she handed it to you, it had been slippery from the soap and it dropped out of your hands without a chance to even attempt to catch it.
The plate crashed onto the floor with a loud bang and broke into many pieces, you had stood there frozen, afraid of what would happen next.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I will clean it up, I will replace the plate. I am really sorry,” Your hands moved as an instinct to shield your face over your hands when Jordan approached you, “Please don’t hit me,” You pleaded, terrified.
“Hey, it’s alright kid,” Jordan moved to try and rest her hand on your shoulder as you jolted in fear, “It’s just a plate, it can be replaced. There’s no need to be frightened.”
The words weren’t sinking in as you were too wrapped up in your own head to hear what the woman was saying. You felt completely scared.
“What’s going on?” Leah questioned in concern as she walked into the kitchen after she heard the commotion and took in the scene in front of her.
Jordan looked at her with a panicked expression, “She’s scared, Le– I don’t… I don’t know what happened, I tried to reassure her but she’s scared of me Le,” She explained quickly as Leah moved slowly to stand in front of you, “No, Le, don’t. She’s terrified,”
Much to Jordan’s surprise though, when Leah stood in front of you and knelt down to your own height the best she could, you were broken out of the trance that you were in.
“Monkey?” The gentleness in the blonde’s voice got your attention, her eyes were soft in comparison to the harsh and cold eyes your dad often had, “Hey, there you are, cheeky monkey. I thought I’d lost you,” She said, sticking with the gentle approach.
“I’m sorry that I broke the plate,” You murmur the apology to the blonde, “Please don’t be mad,”
“It’s alright my girl, it’s just a plate and they always be replaced,” Leah continued to reassure you, keeping in mind that you felt frightened so she was cautious about things, avoiding enveloping you in a hug and instead just offering her hand out for you to take, “How about we leave Jordan to finish the rest of the washing up and we go and watch a movie, hm?” She suggested.
“But… But the plate is broken, I need to sweep it up,” You told her, looking down at the plate on the floor that is smashed to pieces.
The blonde shakes her head in disagreement, “That doesn’t matter now, okay? We can worry about that later. Let’s just go and watch a movie for now,” She told you gently, keeping her hand held out for you to take, “I’m sure there’s another Marvel film that I haven’t seen yet, isn’t there?”
You felt somewhat calm about the fact that Leah recognised you felt scared and offered comfort, but on your own terms, “Okay,” You agreed, accepting the hand that she held out for you to take, “You haven’t watched Iron Man yet, he’s so cool with the suits he built. I’d love to have one of them to just blast people when I want to do so!”
“What’re we watching then?” Jordan came to join you after she finished the rest of the dishes, weary about your initial fear towards her when you dropped the plate, “Did I miss anything good?” She asks.
“Jordy, you gotta see this!” You insisted, pointing your index finger in the direction of the TV, “Le, rewind it back– Look how cool Iron Man is with his suit, I want his powers! He just goes round blasting things like that!” You started to ramble all about Iron Man and the older woman felt a bit more relaxed, glad to see you weren’t frightened of her.
That was the start of you opening up more, Leah learnt that them by the two of them being patient it did pay off in the end, both Leah and Jordan had to find a newfound interest in the things that you loved but it all worked in the end, and Leah found herself knowing a lot more about these beloved Marvel characters in the long-run.
Anything to make you happy and safe in your new home.
However, you never did tell them the whole truth about your past there and then, you didn’t want them to think any differently of you.
It was easy to fake a cheerful smile and nobody even thought to ask questions now, the memories of your past were just that, memories.
Until that night at dinner where things came to light again.
“I’m gonna make a drink,” You were thirsty and completely forgot about it before sitting down to eat dinner with them both, so you moved from your seat at the table to make it.
“Can you reach or do you need a hand?” Leah teased lightly, poking fun at the fact you were still short.
Sticking your tongue out at her playfully, you walked over to where the glasses were kept, “I can reach, I’m taller than Jordy!” You insisted.
“Wha… Hey!” Jordan playfully scowled at you from where she sat eating her own dinner.
“Be careful,” Leah's maternal instinct kicked in as she watched apprehensively in case you slipped when reaching up high for the glass.
“I can do it,” You continued to insist, standing on your tiptoes with complete concentration on your face to reach one of them, “I’m short, but I’m still capable!”
“Okay shorty I believe you,” Leah joked while still keeping her eyes focused on you as she watched you reach for it, her playfulness in her voice disappearing when she saw your hoodie rise up slightly to show her the jagged scars that littered your back as her eyes widened in horror, “Oh my God,” She murmured quietly.
Jordan had caught onto Leah’s expression and was just as shocked to see it.
“I told you I got the glass Le, there’s no need to be protective,” You couldn’t help but giggle as you successfully reached for the glass and stood back to look at them, noting the concern that they both had, “Wha… I didn’t fall, why’d you both look so horrified?” You continued to wonder, not realising they had seen your scars.
“Monkey,” Leah began to say quietly and fearfully, “Those… Those scars on your back, how did you get them?” She wondered, apprehensively.
“Oh,” You tugged at your jumper automatically to try and hide them making another appearance, “There nothing, it’s just… it’s old stuff,” You told them, quietly.
“Old stuff?” Jordan repeated your words, concern written all over her face.
“Yeah, none of it matters. It’s… It’s the past,” Your not so keen to talk about this topic, trying to push down any memories from resurfacing as you make a drink in hopes that they will drop the subject.
They don’t, unfortunately.
Sitting back at the table with the two of them, you tried to ignore their weary glances as you gulped down your drink of squash, “Can we… Can we not make this out to be such a big deal? Please?” You asked them quietly.
“We need to talk about this Monkey,” Leah told you, gently as she tried to reach out and hold your hand, “Sweetheart, what… where did you get those from?” She asked, rephrasing the question to try and figure out the best approach to get you to open up to them.
“It’s nothing,” You were quick to tell them, “It wasn’t anything that I didn’t deserve,” You added.
Leah continued to look at you in concern as her eyebrows pinched together, “Sweetheart, no, nobody deserves anything like that,” She paused briefly, “Monkey, did somebody hurt you?” She questioned.
“No… Nobody, I fell. Nobody did this!” You continued to insist, but your quick response just made them even more concerned.
“Monkey, these scars don’t look like something that you can get from falling,” Jordan stated, honestly as her eyebrows furrowed, “Where did you get them, kid?” She knew she had to be gentle with her approach, the last that either of them wanted was you to revert back to the afraid girl you once was.
Glancing at Leah, you could tell that she was close to tears although you weren’t sure if it was finding out about this or the hormones, but she was close to crying for sure, “Sweetheart, please, I know you’re scared to tell us, but please, if someones’ hurt you then we need to know so we can protect you!” She insisted, her voice sounding hoarse.
“It… It was my dad,” You admitted to them, “He used to get angry sometimes, but it’s not his fault!” Even though he hurt you, you would still defend him.
It was your own fault what happened to you.
“Your Dad?” Jordan swallowed the lump in her throat at the truth, the two of them always had their suspicions it had something to do with the man, but hearing it aloud left the woman with a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Your… Your dad did this to you?” Leah’s own voice is hitched as the tears she’d been trying to keep at bay were let loose.
“Don’t cry, Le,” You told her, quietly as you moved to roll up your sleeve to show a faint scar from a cigarette burn on your arm from a night where your dad decided to use your arm as an ashtray, “They don’t hurt anymore, see?” You stated, pressing your cool finger against the scar.
Right there in that moment, Leah wanted to pull you into her arms, hold you so tightly and never let go, “Sweetheart,” She murmured, trying to fight against the instinct that she felt in case she spooked you.
“They’re just scars now, nothing else,” You told them, innocently, “It’s not his fault, I’m the one to blame. I was a burden to him,” You admitted.
“No, Monkey, no, you’re not a burden– Screw it,” Leah couldn’t fight against the instinct anymore as she moved off her chair in slow motion due to the fact she was heavily pregnant as she enveloped you in a hug, “You’re not– Listen to me, okay? Your dad… What he did, there’s no excuse for that, none at all. Nothing that happened is your fault, my girl.”
“I made him mad,” You mumbled, now trying to fight back your own tears, “I… I didn’t ever mean to make him so mad though, I did deserve it!”
“You didn’t kid,” Jordan chimed in, feeling a sense of anger for the man.
“No, no, you didn’t, you didn’t deserve any of that at all!” The blonde repeated her words, holding you in her arms the best she could with a swollen belly in the way, “What your dad did, none of it is okay. You were… You are just a kid, don’t think for a single second that any of what that man did to you is your fault,” She stated.
“It’s not?” You asked, confused.
You had always been told it was your fault, it was embedded in your brain that it was.
“No it’s not, my girl,” Leah told you truthfully.
“Oh,” You didn’t know what to say, you were used to being told so differently, so you just did what you think is right and rested your head on her shoulder, staring out at the layout of the kitchen behind you.
“It’s not your fault kid,” Jordan spoke up as she tried to control her own anger she felt for the man, “That man deserves to rot in prison for what he did to you,” Jordan stated, firmly as her hands clenched in anger.
“Jord, no,” Leah whispered as she caught sight of her partner's anger and shook her head to motion that it wasn’t the right time for that, “Monkey is our priority right now. We’ll talk about it another time,” She insisted, firmly.
“You’re right,” Jordan exhaled a sigh and started to be calmer than she was, right now the main priority was on you and making sure that you’re okay, “You don’t need to be scared now, kid. We’ve got you,” She promised, getting up from her seat to rest her hand on your back.
“Jord’s right, Monkey,” Leah told you as she continued to hold you in her arms, “We’ve got you, you’re safe and we… I won’t ever let anybody hurt you again, alright?”
“You… You won’t?” You peered your head up from her shoulder and looked at her cautiously.
“I won’t,” The blonde repeated firmly, “I’m always going to be here to protect you, you don’t need to be scared because I’m here. I’ve got you, my girl.” She told you.
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Leah really did keep word, they both did.
The two of them have been there for you a whole lot through the time that you moved in with them 4 years ago just months before your 16th birthday and that hasn’t changed still to this day.
“Do you remember what I told you?” Leah questions, bringing you out of your thoughts that are wrapped up in.
“I do remember,” You tell the blonde quietly in agreement, “It’s just… You were on holiday, I didn’t want to ruin it by you having to worry about me,” 
“You’re my kid, it’s my job to worry about you,” Leah replies without even thinking about it, “And before you say anything else, I wouldn’t have cared if you had ruined it. You need me then I’m here, that’s the way it has been and always will be,”
You feel a warmth spread through your chest at her words, a sense of security in your life that the blonde provided time and time again, “I know,” You whisper, a faint smile forming on your lips, “Thank you, I will… I will tell you next time that something is on my mind,” You tell her.
“How long have you not been able to sleep for?” Leah asks, concerned where it should be something that needs to be looked into with your profession in mind.
“A few weeks, I… I just can’t sleep, I try to and then it’s like the same dumb nightmare again,” You mumble, slumping your shoulders, “So then I wake up in a cold sweat and I can’t go back to sleep again,” You add.
“Well I guess that explains why you’ve been falling asleep in random places,” Leah jokes, trying to keep the conversation light despite knowing your true struggle with sleep coming to light, “Does this have something to do with today’s date?” She asks, quietly.
“You remembered,” You look up at her in shock, “I think it might, I keep dreaming about my dad and the day of my tenth birthday.” You admit to her.
“Of course I remembered, I thought that today might be tough for you,” Leah sympathises with you and understands how hard today might be, “We don’t have to go out today, we can stay in… How about we watch a Marvel movie? There’s gotta be one that I haven’t seen yet, huh?” She asks, offering her hand out for you to take.
You can’t help but grin faintly as you remember the memory all those years back, “That’s what you said before,” Pausing, you accept the hand offered out to you and stand up from the chair, “We can watch Black Widow, I love that one!” You declare, not giving her much choice before you drag her into the living room after abandoning your breakfast.
Watching any sort of Marvel movie was definitely worth it in your own opinion.
“Monkey!” Your favourite little buddy cheers as you both walk into the room, “Can you play with me now?” She asks, sweetly.
“How about you come join us on the sofa instead to watch this movie?” You offer, while making yourself comfy on the sofa and tap the space for the 3 year old, who jumps up from the floor and joins you on there with no hesitation.
“What are we watching?” Buddy asks, peering up to look at you curiously.
“Only one of the best Marvel movies ever!” You exclaim, beaming a wide smile.
“That’s what you say about anything Marvel that you watch,” Leah smirks, looking up from her phone with a knowing smirk before she leans over and ruffles your hair.
Unaware to you, Leah is in the middle of texting Jordan to fill her in on what is going on and much to her relief, Jordan just so happens to be in the area and tells her that’s 5 minutes out from their place with snacks in hand.
You don’t even hear the front door open when she enters because you’re so engrossed in the beginning of the film, “This film is just after Civil War, which you haven’t watched yet but there is still time!” You tell your favourite little buddy, of course she doesn’t have a clue what you’re on about though.
“Room for one more?” The familiar accent pulls your attention away from the opening credits as she stands there with a shopping bag full of snacks, “What Marvel movie are we watching this time?” She wonders, plonking herself down on the other side of the sofa where there’s an empty space for her beside you.
You don’t even know the words to express your gratitude right now as you put your arms around her to hug her, “Did you bring sweets?” You ask, cheekily.
“Like that’s even a question,” Jordan remarks playfully, “Of course I did, so many of them!” She adds.
“Well that’s not healthy,” Leah chimes in, rolling her eyes all but used to her ex’s ways, “You’re not eating all of them,” She says, pointing her index finger at you.
“Oh come on, where’s the fun in that,” You grin cheekily and accept a packet of sweets you’re offered, “See, this is why Dobby’s the fun parent and you’re the stern one, Malfoy,” You joke with her.
Jordan faux’s a gasp, “I want to be offended that you called me that, but you said I was fun so I’m gonna let it slide,” She states.
“See? Fun,” You grin, looking between the two women.
Leah rolls her eyes and clicks her tongue, “Alright, alright. Let’s watch the movie,” She tells you, gesturing your attention back to the first scene in it.
“Whatever you say,” You nod in agreement, making yourself comfy from your spot on the sofa in the middle of both Leah and Jordan, head resting on Leah’s lap while your legs dangled over Jordan and of course Buddy has managed to slot herself to lie down in front of you with your arm protectively over her.
Your favourite little Buddy continues to watch the movie in awe, despite some of the more… graphic scenes that there are, “Wow,” she gasps quietly and continues to watch the movie.
“This is Black Widow, she’s cool, we like the Black Widow!” You tell the little one who’s all but glued to your side, “I’m gonna show you all the marvel films. There’s so many, you’re gonna love ‘em, Buddy!” You insist, smiling at her.
You were grateful to be surrounded by Leah and Jordan at that minute, what should have been a dreaded day has now been overshadowed with their ever growing support to get through it not on your own.
You couldn't have more gratitude for your newfound family.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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gigabyte-flare · 20 days
The Ferocious Beast
[A Gigabyte Flare One Shot]
Summary: After an intense night with your wolf Thiren partner, your unsuspecting daughter notices a peculiar mark on your skin. Lycaon wastes no time mischievously adding fuel to the fire.
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: Von Lycaon x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: dubcon, unprotected p in v, pinning, biting, mating press, knotting, breeding kink, creampie, pregnancy mention
A/N: This came to be thanks to the horny thoughts of myself and @vampiricgf and my equally horny thoughts of Lycaon being a dad. I dedicate this to all my Lycaon besties in the little community we made on here! Line break divider by cafekitsune
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You had no idea what had gotten into him. You had come home from work to find Lycaon making dinner, same as any other evening; your six year old daughter having come home a couple hours prior from school. She was sitting at the kitchen table drawing another picture of her Mommy and Daddy with her beloved crayons. Your heart warmed when you saw her tiny little ears flick forward at your arrival, wasting no time to jump up from her chair to give you a hug and welcome you home. Meanwhile, Lycaon simply looked over at you, a smirk crossing his lips before returning his attention to making dinner. He was strangely quiet for the rest of the evening until he put your daughter to bed.
You didn't even have time to react, immediately upon entering the bedroom, Lycaon had shut and locked the bedroom door and pinned you face first into your shared bed. Your pants were an absolute goner, having been torn off you and discarded before burying his face into your folds, inhaling your scent deeply.
"It took everything in me not ravish you as soon as you walked through the front door…" Lycaon had said with a breathy growl before gliding his tongue from your throbbing clit to your leaking hole.
Your body had shuddered, your fingers gripping into the sheets as your knees dug into the mattress, completely at Lycaon's mercy as he fucked you with this tongue. It wasn't until this very moment with your torso being pressed into the mattress by one of Lycaon's massive hands on your back as his cock rams into you that you realize that he is in his rut. His other hand gripping your hip like a vice, feeling his claws dig into your skin as you feel your cunt begin to stretch around his knot with each of his powerful thrusts.
Abruptly, he pulls out. You begin to whine in protest as drool spills from the corner of your mouth when he flips you over onto your back, his hands spreading your legs open to settle his hips against yours. His throbbing member has no trouble slipping back inside and he takes your legs and drapes them onto his shoulders, practically folding you in half as he resumes his grueling pace inside you. Grasping both your wrists, he pins your hands above your head as he lets out a guttural growl, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
"Let me give you my knot, my little dove…" he moans into you, his thrusts becoming slower but more powerful.
That nickname sends chills straight to your cunt, feeling your walls squeeze around his cock as his knot threatens to seal the two of you together.
A couple of tears involuntarily stream down the sides of your face as you nuzzle your face against his; finally, you give him a subtle nod before whispering, "go ahead, Lycaon…"
With a snap of his hips, you feel his knot pop inside you, the head of his cock pressing against your cervix with each thrust now. His instincts taking hold, his cock aggressively rabbits into you, his claws digging into your wrists as he practically fucks you into the mattress. He lets out another growl as his thrusts become more erratic until finally he pushes himself as deep inside you as he possibly can, his powerful jaw latching onto the crook of you neck as he comes. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you come undone with him, moaning his name as your legs quiver on his shoulders as he pumps you full of his seed.
Once he comes down from his high, Lycaon's entire body weight collapses on top of you after moving your legs off his shoulders, feeling his tongue lap up where he had sunk his teeth into your neck as his arms wrap around your body. You drape your arms around his shoulders, giving him a gentle squeeze as you kiss the side of his muzzle. Meanwhile your legs gently wrap around his waist, knowing full well his knot is going to keep the two of you sealed together for a majority of the night. It doesn't take long for exhaustion to consume you both and you drift into a dreamless sleep.
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The smell of breakfast and coffee drags you from the realm of sleep, your eyes fluttering open only to wince at the sun pouring in from the windows, the gentle late summer breeze caressing your senses. You let out a loud yawn as you sit up in bed; Lycaon is unsurprisingly already up. You swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, your legs still a little wobbly from the previous night's escapade. Also unsurprisingly, you find Lycaon had already cleaned you up; how he didn't wake you is beyond you.
Putting on one of Lycaon's button up shirts and a pair of pajama shorts, you slowly make your way out into the kitchen, where you find your daughter and Lycaon already eating breakfast at the kitchen table. Upon seeing you come in, Lycaon immediately stands up.
"Good morning, my love," he says as he opens the oven, taking out a plate that he had been keeping warm for you, "I made you some pancakes with bacon. I do hope you enjoy them."
He sets the plate down just as you take a seat. You look up at him, smiling warmly at him as he walks back over to his seat to finish eating breakfast.
"Good morning, Mommy!" your daughter cheerfully greets you before biting a forkful of pancakes, a big smile spreading across her lips, "Daddy always makes the best pancakes!"
"He sure does, sweetie," you reply softly before taking a bite, closing your eyes to savor the flavor; fluffy and cooked just right.
"What's that on your neck?" your daughter suddenly asks.
Your eyes snap open, your right hand reaching over and feeling where Lycaon's teeth hand sunk into your neck the night before. You don't doubt that there's bruising, too.
Before you can even think of formulating some kind of response, Lycaon replies to your daughter's query as he takes a sip from his coffee mug, "your mother was attacked by a ferocious beast last night."
You look over at Lycaon just as he lowers his mug, the most devious smirk crossing his lips as he gives you a knowing look in his exposed eye. Your heart palpitating in your chest, you kick him under the table, which is immediately followed by a sharp pain going up your leg when your toes make contact with the metal of one of his prosthetic legs.
"Sh-- Ow!" you hiss silently as you reach down to massage your toes.
"What was that?!" your daughter once again asks.
"That would be the ferocious beast eating your mother's toes." Lycaon replies nonchalantly, that smirk still on his face as he closes his eye while taking another sip from his coffee.
"Oh no, not Mommy's toes!"
"Lycaon!" you say as you give him a playful shove to his shoulder.
You weren't sure if it was instinct or fate that a few weeks later, you decide to pick up a pregnancy test at the store after work. You can't say you were entirely surprised when the result came up positive.
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baibeebrii · 2 months
obsession •
stepson!anakin x stepmom!reader
mdni 18+ ~~~~
word count - 3k+
warnings- reader met anakin when he was a minor, age gap, stepson/stepmother, perv!anakin, unprotected piv, praise, sub!anakin/dom!reader, breeding kink, overstimulation, forcing, multiple orgasms (anakin), oral (f recieving), cheating
info - marrying a skywalker definitely wasn’t on your things to do, but when working led you to meet kahn skywalker. your life changed.
until his perv of a son lets you know just how much you mean to him.
not proofread.
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dating kahn was fun, you guys have been casually seeing each other for about two months now. nothing serious. just a fling you thought. until kahn mentioned how he wanted you to meet his son, you were taken aback.
"kahn are you serious?" you question.
he smiles, "yes, i want him to know the woman i'm going to marry."
you felt odd, you guys have only been together for maybe two months, this wasn't appropriate.
"kahn, maybe it's too soon" you trail off, peeling at the hangnail on your pointer finger.
kahn's smile falters, "oh" he looks down at his lap, "i'm sorry i didn't think"
you feel bad, he obviously cares about you, and for him to want you to meet his son. he must think of you as special.
you start to smile, "okay, i'll meet him. when do you want to do it?"
kahn lifts his head up, smile plastering his face, "right now?" he says.
again, shock hits your face, "my son should be home from his mothers house any minute now"
you couldn't believe it, he was going to make you meet this kid no matter your answer.
you were mad, rightfully so, but before you could say anything this door swings open.
"dad i'm home"
"anakin, my boy, how are you?" kahn jumps up to greet his son with a hug, releasing the hug kahn turns to a very red faced you sitting on the couch. in a not so "meet the son" outfit.
you had on some short shorts and a tight baby tee.
you were mortified.
"anakin this is the woman i've been telling you about, y/n this is anakin" kahn says not seemingly to notice the discomfort on your face.
you stand to shake the boys hand, not ignoring the fact his eyes rake over your entire body, taking in every curve and arch.
if you weren't embarrassed before, you sure were now.
it's been about three months since meeting anakin, and he's been nothing but friendly. you're happy the meeting went so well. you've been spending more time with him. coming over after work when he texts he's having trouble with his calculus homework.
being a 17 year old in high school is hard, he'll say the entire time you try and explain an equation to him.
you would laugh and tell him to focus and get it over with. he'd laugh and turn his attention back to his homework, not forgetting to glance over his arm to watch as your chest moves when you slouch back into the dining room chair.
"ani, im home" kahn's voice is heard from the entry way, "oh honey, i didn't know you'd be here" he says kissing the top of your head.
"little ani here needed help with some homework"
you said, turning to look back at anakin and you swear you saw the grip on his pencil tighten after hearing you use his nickname.
"well, i'll get started on dinner for three. rather then two" kahn says walking back to the kitchen. setting his keys on the island.
anakin finishes his last problem before putting everything away, you get up and start walking to the kitchen to be with your boyfriend before feeling a slight touch in your wrist, turning you face anakin.
his eyes are on the floor, fidgeting with his fingers, "can you come upstairs? i want to show you something" he says with a whisper.
you nod and follow him to his bedroom, the farthest room from the stairs.
stepping inside you take notice to all the knick knacks placed around the room, all the scattered clothes and papers.
you step in first, heading to sit on the end of his bed.
"what's up ani?" you question as he doesn't turn from the door.
you're confused, and question the boy again.
he finally turns to you, eyes a darker shade of blue, something you haven't seen before.
"ani?" you say quietly, but loud enough he hears.
a small groan escapes his throat, "say it again"
"what? anakin what is going on?" you're confused, this isn't typical anakin behavior.
he grabs your hands, rubbing his thumbs across your own.
"please say it again mommy" anakin says just above a whisper, hands gripping just a bit tighter on yours.
you're shocked, in utter disbelief. never once has anakin called you mom, never have you asked him either. this shouldn't be happening.
"ani? what are you talking about?" a soft moan leaves his mouth when you say his nickname again.
"you do crazy things to me" he says, eyes still not meeting yours.
you don't say anything, too confused and shocked to even think of words at this moment, anakin takes notice
"i'm sorry" he says, tears brimming his eyes, looking to the floor
"hey anakin, it's okay, come here." you say bringing him into a hug.
you feel unsettled by what just happened, but to an extent you understand. he's a horny teenager.
"i won't tell your dad, okay?" you say grabbing his chin to make him look at you. his eyes are filled with tears as his face is completely red. tears threatening to fall, "thank you" he says pulling you into another hug, inhaling deeply to never forget your scent.
the wedding was beautiful, you never expected to get married to someone so quickly, but kahn skywalker just has that effect. he proposed to you during your seventh month together. getting married very soon after that.
honeymoon was amazing. you and kahn travelled all through greece for a month, before returning to your shared home, with your now stepson.
as soon as you guys stepped in the door, anakin was there to greet you guys, not hiding the fact he went to hug you first. despite his fathers arms out, wrapping your arms around anakins shoulders, you can feel him squeeze slightly as he inhaled deeply.
"missed you so much" he whispers into the crook of your neck, before pulling away and hugging his dad.
you didn't want to admit it, but the butterflies in your stomach was something you enjoyed.
anakins birthday came and went and you had an 18 year old in the house.
he was still the same anakin, sweet and shy, tending to follow you around the house like a lost puppy.
"ani, im gonna shower, i'll make dinner when i'm done" you say to the boy on the couch in front of the tv. he gives a sound so you know he heard you and you went upstairs.
walking to the bathroom, with a change of clothes, and a towel. turning the shower on and stepping in.
you needed this shower after the day you had, work was hell, your manager was berating you all day. you couldn't seem to do anything right.
thirty minutes into the shower you decided it was enough and got out. getting dressed and doing all your nightly routines. you got to grab you dirty laundry, something missing from the pile.
you look around everywhere for the pink pair of panties you were just wearing, were you wearing them?" you question as they are seemingly gone.
not wanting to keep anakin waiting any longer for dinner you throw your clothes in the hamper and head downstairs. anakin gone from his spot on the couch.
cooking dinner was easy, you decided on something quick tonight. some chicken alfredo noodles.
dinner was done, warming on the stove to keep warm until kahn got home from work.
you haven't heard anything from anakin in the time it took you to cook. you go to look for him.
stepping to his door, reaching for the handle. you stop.
moans and whimpers fall quickly, you're about to walk away, not wanting to disrupt, when you heard you name fall from the boys lips.
you stop, frozen.
"nghh y/n mommy please" can be heard, your name being said like it's a prayer.
your thighs press together, this is wrong you think to yourself, yet you don't move. placing an ear to the door to hear better.
more moans and whimpers are fallen from the red and swollen lips of anakin. your name being repeated over and over again as he rubs his leaking cock with your used panties. 
you listen for a few more minutes before the sound of his hand grow louder and more erratic, whimpers falling from his lips as it gets harder for him to be quiet while reaching his climax.
few seconds later and your name is being said as all motion stops.
he came to the thought of you while using your dirty underwear.
you quickly rush from the door, down the stairs to the kitchen to finish plating diner as kahn should be getting in any minute. 
do you tell your husband what you heard?
you couldn't, you didn't want to get anakin in trouble.
dinner was good, beside the fact all you could feel was anakins eyes on you, and the feeling in your stomach.
this is so wrong.
you needed to stop this.
you decided the week kahn would be on a business trip was the best to confront anakin, better to have his dad away so he doesn't find out.
it's a little past 9pm when you walk to anakins door, knocking slightly.
"ani? can i come in?"
your met with some shuffling before the door is open, and a tired looking face greets you with a small smile.
"oh did i wake you?"
"no, was just laying in bed. what do you need?"
"can i come in and talk?"
he moves from the doorway to allow you in, you walk towards his bed. him following after shutting his door.
the only light in the room is his bedside lamp, illuminating a nice orange hue.
"ani, i need to talk to you about something"
he nods
"a week ago, i came up here to grab you for dinner but i stopped when i heard noises coming from your room." you started.
anakins face instantly grew red, and his face dropped to the floor.
"i went to walk away, but then i heard my name, ani you can't be having these thoughts about me"
you stopped talking, giving anakin a second, you just embarrassed him.
he doesn't speak, so you continue "i'm your dads wife. this isn't appropriate"
he looks up at you, teary eyed, " 'm sorry " he slurs out, obviously fighting back crying.
your heart broke, you didn't want him to feel bad for what he did, "hey, anakin. it's okay, im not mad at you" you say grabbing his cheek, wiping his tears.
he leans into your touch, with a slight whimper.
"i'm sorry, please don't leave me" he says, grabbing your wrists.
"i'm not gonna leave you ani, please calm down"
he's still crying, "i just love you so much, i need you" he's now practically in your lap, your rubbing your fingers through his hair.
"ani, i'm your step mother"
he cries more, grabbing at anything he could.
"mommy" he sobs out, bringing his head up to look at you, he's broken. face red and puffy with tears.
your heart breaks, you little ani feeling this bad, "ani it's okay, stop shhh" you try and soothe him.
you lay him back on the bed, letting him rest on you as you cuddle him.
thirty minutes pass, he's calmed. hiccuping in your lap now.
"wanna talk?" you say running your fingers through his hair. he nods and sits up to face you.
"i'm so sorry y/n" he says, grabbing your hands, "please don't hate me"
"i could never hate you, it's okay"
he stares at you, eyes wide, so innocent.
"please let me be a good boy for you"
you tilt your head, "ani no, this isn't appropriate"
"i hear the way you moan with my dad, how fake it sounds, let me show you how much you mean to me" he says, his once blue eyes, dark and lidded.
he listens when you and his dad have sex?
such a naughty boy.
his hands go up your arms to your shoulders, "please let me be good for you mommy"
you can't deny the heat forming, this shouldn't turn you on.
but to have anakin, sitting in front of you. BEGGING for you, crying for you, it's something you'd never imagine.
he stops you, "please, i've loved you since i met you, look" he jumps up to grab his camera off his desk.
he flips through all the pictures, you doing normal things, you cooking, you showering, and worst of all. you sprawled out in your bed, dildo in hand pleasuring yourself.
this is insane, you thought. this is wrong. he's been watching you??
he wasn't done, he pulled a box out from under his bed.
all your missing underwear, you knew the washer wasn't eating that many.
"see, i want you. i crave you"
he says. on his knees, infront of the bed.
you can't deny the throbbing in between your legs, this was disgusting.
but you loved every second of it.
you knew anakin was attracted to you but you didn't think he was a pervert.
"such a dirty boy anakin, what do you do with all this?"
he moaned, "i touch myself" he says shyly.
how can he be so shy after showing this to you.
you loved it.
"show me"
his head jerks up, confusion on his face. but your serious. sitting back to make room for him on the bed.
"be a good boy anakin, show mommy" he waste no time in undoing the strings to his pants, pulling them down and climbing on the bed.
god he was big, much bigger then your husband.
"oh ani, you're so pretty baby"
you moans, before grabbing his throbbing cock, red angry tip leaking precum. just for you.
his pace is slow, agonizing, he's wanting this to last for ever.
"baby you can do better then that, i want you to cum for me. think you can do it?"  you say running your fingers through his hair before reaching the base and jerking.
the moan that fell from his lips, was nothing but sinful. the pace on his cock increasing, rubbing himself raw.
you say nothing but praises, letting the boy know how well he's doing, and how you're so proud.
you can tell he's getting close when your movements become sloppy and erratic. whimpers escaping his mouth, before his release shakes his entire body.
you help him through it, kissing his head and rubbing your hands on him to help ground him.
he's on cloud 9, he feels so good and to have your hands on him. he's soft cock, slowly getting bigger again, the thought of your sweet pussy engulfs his mind.
the sweet smell he's gotten from your panties, he wants the real thing.
"m-mommy need your pussy, please" the redness on his cheeks, the mess he's made on his stomach. is all too much for you to keep your composure.
"since you've been such a good boy, you can eat mommy out"
you barely finished your sentence before your pants and underwear are being thrown off and his head his between your legs, lapping up all your sweet juices, inhaling your scent.
he takes you clit into his mouth, sucking harshly, inflicting a harsh groan from your throat.
he's eager and eating like this is his last meal, he starved. wanting nothing more then your pussy in his face.
"oh ani, you're so good to me" you moan out cause him to rut against his mattress. he’s pussy drunk, letting his tongue touch every inch of your soaking pussy, you’ve never felt this good.
you didn’t think it get better, until you feel a warm finger entering you. your back arches, god he is making you crazy.
“anakin, oh my god” the right coil in your stomach burning. anakin continues his actions, curling his finger as his lips are attached to your clit.
“ani, im gonna cum, keep going, don’t st-“ you were cut off by your own orgasm, ripping through your entire body. you’ve never came this hard.
anakin moans, face soaked with all your juices, lapping up what he could.
“mommy did i do good?” he asks with innocence in his eyes, you brush his blonde curls out of his face, “so good baby”
he climbs up to lay with you, cock still painfully erect, taking notice, you reach down and touch him so gently. he moans and thrusts into your hand.
“should mommy help you baby?” his head nods frantically, hoping you’d give him what he wants.
“lay down on your back” you say pushing his chest till he’s laid flat. climbing up to hover above him. his cock so close to you, he could feel the heat radiating from you.
moaning as you grab him, guiding the tip through your folds, pushing it slowly into you as you sink all the way to the base.
he stretched you so well, reaching every part of your body. loving how full you felt.
he looked beautiful under you, absolutely stunning. hair all disheveled, lips red and puffy, tears staining his face, you wanted to ruin him.
lifting yourself so slowly, feeling every inch of his beautiful cock, humming as you sing back down, with more force.
picking up pace, bouncing so heavenly on his cock, anakins brain cannot think straight. his mouth agape as the only thing falling from it is moans, sweet boy can’t even think straight.
fucking yourself, using anakin as if he was just some fuck toy, he loved it. his hands finding your waist gripping it so hard you’re sure there’ll be bruises. loving the thought of him leaving marks on you drove you to bounce harder wanting to reach your climax.
anakin became frantic, “mommy gonna cum, inside please, fill you up” he’s ranting.
“hold it anakin, not yet” not wanting to lose your own orgasm. fucking your self harder, ignoring his pleas.
anakin cums, cums hard inside you. filling you up, making such a mess. his eyes open wide, “mommy, im so-“
“disobeying mommy, what a bad boy” you say still with his cock buried deep inside you, rocking back and fourth.
“too much mommy” anakin says, lightly pushing you. you hold yourself firm on him, “baby mommy’s not done, mommy wants to cum around your pretty cock. you’ll do that for me right?”
his head shakes, wanting nothing more then to please his beautiful mommy. “yes yes let me make you feel good” you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
you slowly pull off, and lay down at the head of the bed, “come here baby, make me feel good” motioning with your hands.
he climbs on top of you, eager to please, you spread your legs so he fits so perfectly. you nod your head, giving him permission to re-enter you.
he does so with a fast thrust, beginning his relentless pace, wanting nothing more then to make you cum around him. feel as your pussy flutters, squeezing his cock.
“mommy” he rambles, “so good so good”
you’re in bliss, he’s fucking you so good. your husband long forgotten. he’s never made you feel this good, you never knew this much pleasure was possible.
“oh baby, you make mommy feel so good” he moans into the crook of your neck, loving hearing how good he’s doing. making you feel so good. he lives for it.
your close, the way his cock is abusing that spot inside you, has your toes curling. you tell him how close you are, he’s holding out for you, you can tell how he so badly wants, no needs to cum.
“such a dirty boy, fucking his mommy like a bitch in heat” you couldn’t help but toy with him. edging him on.
few more thrusts and he’s coming again, filling you up for a second time.
“ ‘m sorry mommy” anakin says, slowly thrusting into you, not wanting to upset you.
“baby, it’s okay, we can stop-“
“no, need your cum”
he thrusts back into you, cock rock hard.
how does this sweet boy have this much in him, you didn’t question it when he started pounding that one spot, with his hand moving to you clit rubbing it in slow circles.
“ani” you moan out. “please like that”
he just moans as he continues his rapid pace, bringing you to your climax, squeezing down on his cock as your juices spill making a mess of his bed.
his fourth orgasm isn’t long after, chanting about filling you with his cum.
he slumps down on your chest, soft cock still inside.
“such a good boy for mommy, you did so good baby” you say while rubbing circles on his back.
he sits up, and pulls his cock out, watching all his cum ooze out of you. mesmerized in how you squeeze down on nothing.
he takes his finger and pushes his cum back inside of you, leaning his head on your shoulder, “want you pregnant with my baby” he whispers into your ear
who knew he could be so dirty.
he lays next to you, cuddling into your side, arm wrapped around your waist.
“i love you mommy”
you smile, dragging your fingers through his hair, “i love you too baby”
“i made you feel better then my dad?”
“yes, god yes”
you could feel the smirk on your skin, “is this a one time thing?” he asks so shyly. as if he wasn’t just pounding your pussy with such disrespect.
“no baby, you’re mine forever. understand? you’re all mine.”
he smiles, pleased with your response.
“what about dad”
you completely forgot about your husband, what the fuck were you gonna do?? your just fucked your stepson.
his cum still leaking out of you, you realize how fucked you were gonna be.
“guess this has to be our secret, okay?”
anakin nodded, half asleep. absolutely exhausted from his multiple orgasms.
you sighed, pulling the blanket over the two of you, drifting to sleep yourself.
wishing that hopefully, your husband never finds out so you can keep fucking his sweet innocent son.
a/n :
first post, please tell me what you think.
i just love the thought of anakin being so whipped for you, he’s so submissive.
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johnsgunbelt · 8 months
imagine konig coming home to his dear wife and maybe his two kids 👀 and just cute things like that
I'm home - König
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Pairing: Dad!König x Mom!Fem Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff.
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Tomorrow was König’s arrival back home from his 4 month deployment. The girls missed him dearly, they’re both 14 now. Polar opposites those two. Amaya was like my twin. But May? That was König’s twin for sure. The quietness and reserved personality and the self-isolation while Amaya being a social butterfly like me was a complete shock. But besides that, the kids were so excited to see their father for the first time in months, they could barely sleep the night before he came home. But when they finally fell asleep I changed into my pajamas and sat on the living room couch reading a book.
But then I heard the door unlock and open and I saw my beautiful husband. My handsome boy. He stood at the door as I ran over to him and he wrapped his big arms around me as I embraced him. “Oh what a great surprise but how’d you get here early? The girls JUST fell asleep.” “Hm, I have my ways, Schatz. But shh you’ll wake them. "I missed you so much, Meine Liebe.” We both spoke softly trying to keep a low voice. I let go of him as he dropped his big bag and took off his boots and mask. He finally picked me up into his arms giving me a REAL hug. He spun me around like we both were young. He took us both to the bedroom and sat me on the bed as he went to change his clothes. I laid back in bed waiting for him impatiently. 
And when he came out in his comfortable clothes he laid behind me so I could lay on his chest and he could run his fingers through my hair. I love how gentle he is with me. We both eventually let sleep catch up to us and fell asleep in each other's embrace.
But our daughters ran into our room at 8 A.M. on the dot and were both surprised to see their father home already. “DAD!!” They both yelled as they jumped on us both and he wrapped his arms around them both. 
“There’s my favorite girls! Were you guys good while I was deployed or did you guys give trouble to your mother?” I rolled my eyes and got up so they could lay with their dad. “No you can ask mom we were at top NOTCH behavior!” Is what Amaya said while May just nodded in agreement. I watched how good König was to them as I went to go make everyone some eggs and bacon for breakfast. I smiled to myself. How’d I get so lucky?
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dark-vader28 · 8 months
New Girl
pairing: rodrick heffley x fem!reader
summary: Reader and her family are new in town, the heffleys invite them over for dinner as a welcome, blah blah blah, rodrick offers to give reader a drum lesson and makes a fool of himself doing everything in his power to impress you
warnings: swearing? tooth-rotting fluff. pls this is my first fic so im sorry if this is terrible, not rlly proofread
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Your family had just moved in to Plainview, settled in a cozy home on the corner of the street. Once summer ended, you’d attend Crossland High School as a senior while your younger brother, Jake, would be starting 7th grade at Westmore Middle School. You dreaded school, even in the years you lived in your hometown, surrounded by your friends. Now that you were the new girl, you were sure it’d be all the more worse.
Your younger brother, Jake, on the other hand, made company so easy and made it seem like starting a conversation was as easy as knowing your own name. Sure, he wasn’t very popular, but he never went a year without a new friend or even a whole new group. You were sure he’d already be making friends on the walk to school.
While you were staring at your packed bag that you refused to unpack, in denial that your family had really moved, when the doorbell rang, echoing through the still house. Your attention was diverted and you snuck out your room, quietly walking to the railing by the stairs where you could have a clear view of the front door. You crouched down, hoping you wouldn’t be seen as you watched your mother strut to the door. The door swung open and there was a friendly smile waiting behind, holding some tupperware in her arms.
You were watching and listening, hardly moving or even breathing as they talked. The woman at the door, whose name you heard was Susan Heffley, was welcoming your family to Plainview. You heard them suggest a dinner this weekend so they could meet each other’s families; your mother had mentioned yours and your brother’s age which coincidentally were the same as the Heffleys. You let out a groan as your mom agreed to the dinner.
Mrs. Heffley left a few moments later, wishing your mother another welcome with a gentle smile before walking out the door. Surely she seemed nice but having to attend to dinner with a family you didn’t know was a long dreaded thought of yours.
The rest of the week seemed to go slow as you anticipated the inevitable dinner. You were also attempting to accept the fact that you were truly stuck in Plainview now unless you decided to move out and away when you turned 18, but you knew the thought was pointless considering it meant you’d have to be prepared by then.
When Saturday rolled around, you had finally unpacked your bag, trying to be a little more positive about living here. But that was a lie. Truth was your mom hounded you about living out of a suitcase and told you off for not unpacking. Not wanting to get in any more trouble, you hurriedly unpacked that night, throwing a pair of jeans and some shirt on your bed in the process for you to wear to dinner.
It was 5:50 and you were scrambling to finish up the last of your makeup and hair. If there was one thing your dad hated, it was being late, and you would likely be the cause of it. You had postponed getting ready for so long, procrastinating until there were few minutes to spare. You weren’t sure why you cared so much about your appearance, assuming that you would never talk to that family after tonight.
Jake’s fist pounded on your bathroom door, causing you to jump from the unexpected burst of noise. You nearly burnt yourself with the straightener you were holding. You quickly set it down and swung the door open. You were ready to scold your younger brother but he spoke before you.
“Mom and Dad said we’re leaving now, why aren’t you ready?” he asked. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away from the door, closing it.
“Just one more minute!” you shouted from the other side of the door. He knocked on the door a few more times and when you refused to answer, he gave up, grumbling something under his breath as he ran down the stairs.
A minute turned into two, then three, and then it was 5:59 and your dad was knocking on the door. You turned off the straightener and unplugged it, checking your reflection one last time before hurrying out the bathroom.
Considering how close your houses were, your family walked to the Heffley’s house. Right before the clock turned 6:01, your family was at the door, ringing the bell. You heard a few hushed murmurs from the other side of the door before the same familiar face that had come to your house before swung open the door.
Mrs. Heffley welcomed you in, closing the door behind you. A man, who you could only assume was Mr. Heffley, stood next to Mrs. Heffley, extending out a hand towards your father, then your mother.
“Frank Heffley,” the man introduced, smiling politely. He shook your hand and then Jake’s as Mrs. Heffley introduced herself and the littlest brother, Manny, that she held in her arms.
Then, bounding down the stairs comes a boy, somewhere between 11-13. He comes to a stop next to Mrs. Heffley and wears a nervous smile.
“And his is my second eldest son, Greg,” Mrs. Heffley beams. One after another, you all shake his hand, introducing yourselves. “Greg, you and Jake are both in seventh grade so maybe you’ll make good friends,” Mrs. Heffley comments. Jake smiles a little and Greg is hesitant to return the smile, unsure if he likes your brother.
Mrs. Heffley turns to Greg, whispering something private to him while your father exchanges pleasantries with his father, earning a warm smile from your mother. Greg shrugged at whatever Mrs. Heffley had said to him and she frowned.
It wasn’t long before another set of footsteps came running down the steps, this time a tall boy with dark, messed and fluffed up hair, wearing some graphic tee tucked only in the front behind a pair of dark jeans. He looked your age and from the conversation you had overheard earlier that week, you knew he was your age. But… what did that matter? You had no intent on talking to this family again.
“And this is Rodrick,” Mrs. Heffley introduced, not sounding nearly as enthusiastic as she had been when introducing Greg and Manny. The smile she wore seemed fake as she glared and Rodrick and nudged him. He looked confused, shooting her a look before he noticed my father’s outstretched hand. He shook my parents’ hands as we were all introduced once more, thankfully for the last time. You seemed to catch Rodrick’s eye, and your name was the only one he seemed to remember. He repeated your name in his head, making sure it stuck in his memory. The other names faded from his mind as your families walked to the dining table. A few extra chairs had been added to fit your family, which sat on one side as the Heffley family sat on the other. You faced Rodrick with Jake on your right and your mother on your left. This was already the longest evening of your time in Plainview.
Mrs. Heffley was bringing a plate of food as your fathers chatted away. Rodrick, Greg, and Jake were quick to pile heaping amounts onto their plates. You were the last to go for food, not expecting to eat much since you didn’t have much of an appetite that night.
The parent side of the table was lively, laughter filling the air while it was nothing but the tap or light scrape of the metal forks against the plate on your side of the table. Jake didn’t seem to mind, happily eating away at his food, nearly to the point of asking for seconds. You had picked at the homemade food, taking a few bites ever so often. It smelt amazing, almost giving you your appetite back.
But the worst part of the night wasn’t how they were strangers you were having dinner with, or how empty and silent your half of the table was, but rather how you kept finding Rodrick’s eyes. They were awkward glances where you’d both be caught looking at one another and you’d both avert your gaze as quickly as it had been found. It kickstarted your heart every time, sending a wave of embarrassment flooding through you which was shown through in the heat rising to your face. You were praying someone on your end of the table would feel the silence and ease the tension but with every glance you and Rodrick stole, the atmosphere felt heavier.
The buzz from the other side of the table faded, leaving a few painful moments of entire silence before your dad spoke, speaking to Rodrick this time.
“Was that your van outside?” your dad inquired, hoping to spark up a conversation after noticing the deafening silence.
Rodrick stole another look at you on his way to address your father. He nodded, shifting in his seat a little. The silence was beginning to make its dreaded reappearance and in a desperate attempt to prevent it, you foolishly decided to keep the conversation rolling.
“What’s the name painted on it?” you asked, and Rodrick’s eyes had quickly fallen away from your father to meet you.
“Löded Diper, the name of my band,” Rodrick replied proudly. You attempted to repress a smile. The name was ridiculous and it had you holding back a laugh but something about the confidence and the happiness in his tone made you forget the name and brought a grin to your lips.
“A band, huh? What do you play?” you questioned, shifting in your seat, leaning forward so your attention was nowhere but him. His lips curved up into a smile as his movement mimicked yours, facing you. You could see Susan and your mom smile at each other, gushing at how suddenly you and Rodrick were getting along.
“Drums,” he answered, and the other conversations resumed from the parent side of the table. Greg and Jake were silently watching you and Rodrick talk, both shocked that you had even acknowledged him. Jake knew you weren’t one to engage like this upon first meeting someone, especially not with someone like Rodrick. And Greg was sure you were way out of Rodrick’s league, whether it was from a relationship or even friendship standpoint. Greg and Jake seemed to read each other’s minds and started talking, filling the once silent half of the room with chatter.
“I always wanted to learn drums,” you commented sheepishly, breaking the eye contact you had been holding. He seemed to light up at that, sitting up a little taller.
“I could teach you,” he blurted out, rather loudly. Everyone seemed to glance at him for a moment before ignoring it and resuming their conversations. You found his gaze again and a smile crept on your lips.
“Really?” you asked. He nodded, and your smile curved into a smirk. “Well, of course, you’d have to been good at drums to teach somebody. Prove you’re any good and maybe then you can teach me.” He paused for a moment before he chuckled, leaning back in his chair as his once awkward demeanor became cocky.
“No no no, i’d be doing you a favour. And i don’t need to prove anything. I’m a great drummer. Right, Greg?” Rodrick asked, hitting Greg on the chest. Greg hadn’t been paying attention but held his chest where he had been hit as he nodded, agreeing to whatever Rodrick had asked. “See?” You rolled your eyes, your bottom lip slipping between your teeth to hide your smile.
“The poor kid is terrified of you,” you chuckled. You turned to Greg this time. “Don’t take any of his shit.” Greg smiled brightly and Rodrick seemed flustered that you hadn’t taken his side.
“Oh, come on, I’ve never done anything to him,” Rodrick defended. He wasn’t a great liar. You glanced at Rodrick before looking back at Greg, raising your eyebrows.
“Is he telling the truth?” you asked. Greg shot a look at Rodrick before laughing and shaking his head. You giggled. Rodrick’s face was turning red and he shoved Greg again.
“Dude! Deny, deny, deny!” Rodrick pestered, pushing Greg. Another laughter escaped your lips.
“So you admit you were lying!” Rodrick froze, his face dropping.
With the exception of Rod, your side of the table was in a fit of laughter. The other side had stilled, admiring how well you seemed to be getting along despite Rodrick being the butt of the joke. He’d felt embarrassed for a moment but hearing your laughter had a bright grin spreading across his face which eventually broke out into laughter. Your stomach and face started to hurt from laughing for too long and you let a few desperate pants as you leaned back in your seat, arms wrapped around your stomach.
Over an hour had passed and your families couldn’t have been getting along better. Greg and Rodrick had told you endless amounts of stories. You learned about The Cheese Touch and the thought of it made you gag, imagining that moldy cheese sitting on the dirty hot blacktop for years.
You asked Rodrick about his band, which he went on and on about until Greg told him to can it. Rodrick might’ve hit him again if Mrs. Heffley hadn’t glanced over at them and scolded Rodrick.
Nearing the end of your time with the Heffleys, you hesitantly asked Rodrick if he was serious about the drum lesson. Sure, your reason was purely because you had always wanted to learn how to play but it seemed as the night went on, your reason was slipping to wanting to see Rodrick again. You didn’t want to have to wait until summer’s end to be with him. He didn’t seem like the greatest influence and you were already sure your parents weren’t too fond of him, but something about him had you drawn towards him like a moth to light.
The Heffleys were escorting your family to the door, chatter still in the air, when you turned to Rodrick. You swallowed the lump in your throat and prayed your voice would come out normal.
“So… about that drum lesson,” you started, not meeting his eyes, but you still saw the smile tug at the corner of his lips.
“Tomorrow?” he suggested quickly, stopping to face you. You looked up, your brow slightly furrowed. “O-or another day. I mean-” He was blabbering, trying not to sound eager or desperate and a grin stretched across your lips.
“Tomorrow sounds great,” you replied. He relaxed, smiling a little.
“Yeah, yeah, cool,” he mumbled, pretending to sound uninterested. You pushed him gently and he couldn’t hide the smile. You rolled your eyes at him, a light laugh falling from your lips. That sound would be stuck in his brain all night as he lied awake, admiring you and feeling like he had dreamed you up cause he wasn’t sure someone like you could be real.
Your family said their goodbyes to the Heffleys as the four of you walked out the door. You headed home, unable to lose the smile of excitement as you thought about your plans for tomorrow. You were so distracted in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your parents talking to you until your brother nudged you to snap you out of your daze.
“Are you alright?” your mom asked worriedly, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. You flashed her a smile and nodded. “Well, how was your night then? Did you like them?” Then to your father, “I thought they were nice, don’t you think?” Then back to you. “How was Rodrick? I was a little worried he was a bad influence.” If you hadn’t stepped in, your mom might’ve pestered with you questions until the end of the night.
“It was fun. I had a good time,” you reassured. She smiled as you reached your front steps.
When you finally got back to your room, you reveled in the once dreaded house that seemed like a punishment. You were now filled with anticipation, wishing it would be Sunday already so you’d get to see Rodrick again. Your mind hadn’t decided what was so endearing about him. Maybe it was his desperate, miserable attempts to impress you that made you nearly giggle like a school girl or his dark shaggy hair that fell in messy strands. But you didn’t let yourself think about that for too long, saving yourself from falling down that rabbit hole.
As the cool air from your open window filled the room and the pale moonlight danced across your skin, you were coaxed into sleep, smiling as you thought about your night.
Maybe Plainview wasn’t as bad as you had believed it to be.
a/n: well… first fic ig. i’m sorry if this is complete shit. i just felt like i should post something after having this account for 6 months and posting nothing. there are a few requests in my inbox that i do intend on getting to at some point i promise, im just a little slow with all of this 😭 let me know what you think and if you want more of these!
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nilolol30 · 9 months
Romantic Mayor, Syntax and Macaque with (Fem)reader giving them the mum face
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(Children and having a kid are in this story so there's that warning ig also fun fact baby monkeys are called infants)
A good friend of yours asked if you could babysit for them and of course being a friend you agreed but you forgot Syntax was going to come over to visit.
So when Syntax walked inside and was met with you and two kids he didn't know he was surprised to say the least "This far into our relationship and you didn't tell me you've had children?" He joked raising an eyebrow.
The two kids a girl around 7 and a boy 4 years old, the boy was sitting on your lap trying to take the TV remote while the girl just sat in the chair watching the cartoon.
"Instead of being an a- ahem a rude person can you help me for a sec" Syntax couldn't help but laugh at the near slip up and picked up the boy from crawling over you immediately they were distracted and asking syntax to play.
So to help you out he agreed and played a few games most of them the two kids made up on their own mostly inspired by actual games, smiling you turn off the TV and joined in.
It was starting to get to their bedtime so you started to make dinner while Syntax was answering the kids random questions while he and them sat at the kitchen table at some point he got curious about how bad he can lie with his answers.
"Why is your hair green?" The girl pointed at his hair "a frog jumped on my head and it made it turn green" he couldn't help but smile as the two kids gasped.
"Why are you purple?" The girl sat on her knees in the chair and leaned over the table Syntax glanced at you and smirked he leaned over and whispered "Y/n is a spooky witch and when I didn't eat their dinner they turned my skin purple" the two kids gasped.
You obviously hearing him immediately snapped your head to face him and glared immediately he sat straight and chuckled a bit while the two children squealed and sat straight, well trying too.
At least they ate dinner and went to bed with no problems.
"Make sure you put your toys away sweetie" you called out as you sat in the lounge room "I will" your six year old daughter called out from the hallway.
Usually 'I will' means 'Im going to forget about it' but the front door opens and your husband walks in the house "Listen to your mother dearest" Mayor chuckles and walks over to you giving you a kiss on the temple.
With a faint "Fine" you hear your daughter put away the blocks she had spread around the hall, though she put up a fuss about it cleaning the blocks up for here was quick and she ran back to the lounge room to give her dad a hug.
"See that wasn't any trouble for you was it dear?" Mayor smiled and picked up the girl as she giggled.
You smiled at the sight Mayor put her down on the couch next to you "What's for dinner?" She asked looking between you and her father, you thought for a moment and said "well I'm open to suggestions" not a second after your daughter jumped up.
"Ohoh! Can we have MacDonald's?" She asked, McDonald's were only for when she gets a award/good grades from school or a fortnight so you didn't hesitate to say "Nope".
But of course she turned to her dad and pulled her biggest puppy dog eyes "But please?" You can see the Mayor visibly consider it but you immediately shut it down with a quick glare.
"Sorry dear but you know the rules now I think we can have some delicious healthy vegetables" the Mayor smiled and strides to the kitchen while your daughter whined letting herself fall onto the couch her head leaning on your arm.
You can remember doing something similar to your parents to you give her a empathetic pat on the head.
Macaque wasn't good with children he has no idea what to do around them even holding off swearing is difficult for him so when you had to take care of a friends two year old he awkwardly sat next to you as you tried to entertain him.
Unfortunately for Macaque the toddler was really curious about him but you can't blame him through not every kid sees a humanoid monkey demon.
Macaque was a little confused, worried and a little impressed with the lengths this kid is going to try and walk over to him but you kept dragging the boy back knowing Macaque is a bit uncomfortable around kids.
But kids are slippery and the kid managed to crawl away from you stand up and stumbled over to Macaque, he didn't really mind since he thought it was hilarious that a two year old gave you the slip.
'Maybe human kids aren't that different from the infants at flower fruit mountain' he thought as the kid poked at his fur on the side of his head.
After assuring you it's fine you quickly went out for a second to get some food ready for the toddler, Macaque was alright entertaining the kid all he had to do was let the kiddo run around in circles trying to catch his tail.
Funny enough the little guy grabbed it and had a little victory laugh which also made Macaque laugh using his tail he wrapped it around the kids waist and picked him up making the kid laugh more.
"Oh you like that? What about this?" Macaque turned the kid upsidedown making him squeal and laugh even more Macaque let out an amused huff.
But you walked back in the room seeing Macaque holding a two year old upsidedown "Macaque you can't hold a kid like that the blood will get to his head!" "Whaat? The kids fine he's having a blast" but as soon as you gave him the glare he gently put the kid down.
He made a note though! Don't hold human toddlers upsidedown too long.
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kenlvry · 2 years
Hi there I same you writing for South Park and I wanted to put in a request, how would the main 4 (separate) when their gf gets hurt/in a fight?
Also love how you write them sm
-orchrid anon
how the main 4 would react when their gf gets hurt in a fight
note: HELLO ORCHRID ANON, you sound so sweet, thankyou for the complement i hope you enjoy this one! tw: slight sa in cartmans
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kenny mccormick
it was lunch and kenny and others was talking about the new game thats about to launch in a couple weeks, stan then asked kenny if you and bebe has been fighting lately.
he was quite confused and asked why he said that, "dude didn't you see? the entire class the both of them was staring at each other as if they wanted to rip each others hair out" kyle chimed into the convo, apparently the whole class noticed it, kenny was focused on something else during class so he didn't notice anything.
all of the sudden some other 4 graders was running outside, cartman asked what was going on and the 4th grader said bebes hair is getting ripped out by you
kenny was shocked af, you weren't the type to get into fights because of how you always forgave people. if bebe did something to you so much to the fact you would fight her makes him worried.
all of them rushed outside to see a big circle and in the middle with you and bebe ,you had your hair tied up with loose hair strands. your lips was bleeding and so was your eyebrow. you cheek was swollen, but if you look at bebe she was a thousand times worse.
you were sitting on top of bebe punching her and kenny knew if he didn't get involved bebe would be dead by the time the fight ended, kenny pulled you away from the fight with you trying to kill that bitch. he quickly took you home despite still being school hours
"what the fuck happened babe? if someones been bothering you, you could've tell me i can handle it" (because of his alter persona being mysterion) "that bitch was talking about my mom being a whore and effing her dad, how could i not get mad???" kenny settled you down on your bed for you to blow some steam off on your pillow.
coming back with the first aid kit he treated your wounds and bruises with you moaning abt it not hurting and wanting to continue fighting. "babe next time dont hurt your precious face like this, just tell me okay? i dont want you to be in trouble"
he was really sweet for comforting you and you calmed down. you kissed him for thanks "damn, do that again but longer" you laughed and so did he. he ended up staying over and listened to you ranting to him about how fucked up bebe is, you two cuddled and watched some movie knowing tmr you'd get sent to mr mackeys for fighting and ditching school . kenny also made a mental note to visit bebe tonight.. <3
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stan marsh
school ended and you stan and the others promised to go play at your house, some of the girls called you out, they waited long for you outside of school and cartman was not having it, about 5 minutes later you came out the door
but it seemed like you got into a fight, your hair was a mess and your face was fucked up, even your coat and scarf was missing, you looked like you could have frost bite any second.
the four of them rushed over to ask millions of questions, while being questioned stan realized you were freezing and gave you his coat, he'd rather him being cold than you, now back to questioning.
"what happened dude? you look like shit" you explained that apparently when wendy and the other girls called you to the playground to "talk" it was about stan, wendy was not happy stan broke up with her for you, when you arrived they were wendy and her cronies surrounding you, "what did i tell you about touching stan y/n?! dont fuck with me!"
they all jumped you trying to fuck up your face so stan would loose feelings for you, what they didn't know though was you could take all of them while sleeping, you were a black belt and your dad always taught you self defense, you easily took them. you should've known that wendy had ill intentions towards you.
when stan heard all of this he was fuming he wanted to go in and beat all of them up, luckily he doesn't fight women (unless necessary) kyle and the others was also mad af, you told them to deal with it tmr because all you wanted to do was go home and play some games or wtv.
the next day stan marched right up to wendy, and wow did you handle her.her face was wayyy worse than you, stan almost laughed. anyways he yelled at her on how stupid of it for her to fight you just because they broke up. it got heated real fast, stan ended it with saying "well fuck you wendy, after this don't even think i'd even consider you as a friend!!" he wanted to say so may things but if he did even you would be mad at him.
he'd take care of you until your wounds and bruises gets better, when you do anything he'd act like a whole mother. after this wendy always glared and didn't dare touch you.
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kyle broflovski
when he heard you got into a fight he couldn't believe it like "y/n??? y/n l/n??? my girlfriend y/n??" "oh my fucking god yes" he was waiting for you outside the counselors office (with the other of course), it took really long and it sounded like you and whoever it was, was arguing inside.
it ended with a loud sigh from mr mackey and telling the both of you to get out. you came out with your hands in your pockets looking annoyed, you had a tissue up you nose, your eyebrows was bleeding and you had a small cut on your forehead. they were shocked at the state of your face. then the girl that you fought came out. it was a random 4th grader the others haven't meet before, apparently it was the new kid.
you told them that she had moved to the house infront of you and caused havoc, she'd throw eggs at your window and rocks at your bedroom windows, would also ask you to come over just to ask you to clean up her house! you told your parents but they would never catch her in the act. you punched her one day not wanting to deal with the shit she puts you through and she promised the next time she saw you it was on. you just didn't know it'd be at school.
you sigh knowing you have to deal with your parents later. kyle immediately took you the school nurse getting bandages for your wounds and a ice pack for whatever he thought its for. he didn't knew how to do anything but tried so hard, so precious. he told you to stay still and wouldn't have to lift a finger because he and the others can handle it.
the new kid was introduced and everyone knew what she did, you were a very famous lovable person, everyone loved you. wendy rolled her eyes at her knowing what she did to you. everyone ignored her. even when she was being introduced nobody was paying attention, they were just playing. she was mad to say the least, she thought everyone would love her esp kyle bc she took a liking to him!!
when you came back from the nurses office everyone greeted you. asking if your ok and if you need help. the new kid looked pissed at the sudden fame you got. you asked kyle what happened and he told you that not only he told everyone what happened between you two, he spread rumours about her, telling everyone she was someone who'd steal everyones mans and how she liked to steal things
you laughed at his efforts and also didn't know he could be such a gossip girl you kissed him to show thanks, the year continued with the new kid having 1-2 friends just because she was a bitch to you <3
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eric cartman
him and three others was at his house waiting for you so they can go and play basketball. while on your guys way to his house some 6th grader called you over, you did and told them to go ahead and wait for you. it was well past 20 minutes now and they re getting bored.
"dude where is your girlfriend? she's taking forever omgg" "i dont know geez" suddenly you burst open the door making them all jump. you were out of breath and looked horrible , your hair looks like you haven't showered in years, your cheek was swollen and your coat had a tear in it, "dude what the fuck happened" "yeah you okay?" you were in tears.
the 6th grades asked to borrow 100$ which you didnt have so you refused but they wanted it now, you told them you didnt have them, you were getting real scared and wanted to run away, you looked behind you to see if it was okay to run or if there was someone you can call for help when all of the sudden someone grabbed you shoulder and demanded the 100$, he grabbed strands of your hair and kissed it saying that you can pay with something else winking at you. the other two 6th graders just laughed and you punched him, you were grossed out. they were shocked, the other 6th grader punched you and it was a full on fight, you could handle two of them but the other was too strong, you just ran off to cartmans house scared.
after you told the story cartman wanted to go and burn the 6th graders house but he hold it in "dont worry, i got this" cartman said to your crying figure on the couch and left the house. you looked dumbfounded but wtv.
(the 6th graders pov)you went home after getting beaten up by some lousy girl, you made sure to make a mental note to meet her tmr. going up the stairs to greet your pet bird, he was your fav thing in the world, you lov- hes dead. what the fuck, your room was trashed, all of your clothing was torn apart and on the floor was a note written on it was (fuck your 100$ bitch) .............
when cartman got back he told everyone to go home and to just play tmr, except you of course you can stay, he acted all tough but he was actually so worried for you, he treated to your bruises immediately, he was surprisingly good, the next day the 6th graders didnt bother you, infact they were scared of you, whatever cartman did you were so thankful
you kissed him and hugged him, he cringed and made puking noises but he loved it, you both knew <3
hope you liked it, cartmans is a bit messy cz i got tired halfway writing all of this sorry!!
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Together (I)
Characters: Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Will Halstead x Sibling!Reader
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, stabbing, guns, arson, drugs etc.
Summary: What was supposed to be a quick trip cleaning your dad's belongings turns into something so much more.
A/N: Posting this before the summer holiday is over for me. This is a series that I've been planning for a while so I hope your buckled in for quite the ride. Enjoyyyyy!!
Series Masterlist / Next Chapter
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"Where were you this morning?"
Kelly jumped, his head snapping over to find you peering over his shoulder and into his locker. "Gosh Y/N, you scared the crap outta me."
"That doesn't answer my question." You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched your boyfriend expectantly. "I woke up in bed alone."
"What are you even doing here?" Kelly asked you, your question going over his head. "I thought you were going to Wisconsin to clean up the cabin."
"I'll answer your question when you answer mine." You shot back, not backing down. You were going to win the staredown you were currently having, even if it was against his incredible eyes that you adored with all your being.
"I'm getting the grill out today. Just made sure we had everything in case I needed to run to the store before shift." Kelly said truthfully, crossing his own arms in retaliation. "I told you this yesterday, did I not?"
You huffed, rolling your eyes when you realised that he did indeed tell you yesterday. "I came for my jacket and to give you my morning kiss which I would've given you like I usually do had you not left."
Kelly awed, his arms unfolding so he could grab your hips and bring you in for a kiss. No matter how much you wanted to hold a grudge against him, you couldn't help but melt and kiss him back.
Before you could wrap your arms around his shoulders, Kelly very reluctantly pulled back. "Be safe alright? Make sure to call me when you get there."
"You'll be the only thing on my mind." You smirked, pecking his lips before reaching into his locker, taking his CFD issued jacket. "Thank you very much."
"You minx." Kelly rose his brow in surprise, shutting his locker shut as soon as you got what you needed.
"Don't let my brothers hear you call me that." You warned him, shrugging his jacket on as you did so, well aware of Kelly's eyes looking you up and down as though he was going to eat you.
"When are they meeting you up there?" Kelly asked, aware that your brothers were still working and were getting off later than you. You mentioned the other night something about them not being able to get off at the same time as you but they'd be up with you soon after.
"Fingers crossed when the sun sets if there's no traffic." You said with finality, looking down at Kelly's watch and taking note of the time. "I gotta go now but stay safe alright? I don't wanna cut my trip off short because Boden's calling me saying you got hurt or into trouble."
"Yes ma'am." Kellys saluted you, pulling you back in for another kiss before escorting you out the firehouse. "The same goes for you. It's freezing out so the roads will be icy, probably going to start snowing today as well."
"That's why I got this." You pointed at the lieutenants jacket on your shoulders, proudly showing it off. "I promise its safe return."
"I'm holding you to that." Kelly pointed at you as you walked out the app floor.
"I'll call you in a few hours lieutenant." You winked, waving at your boyfriend as you approached your car.
"I'll be looking forward to it firefighter."
You hated how Kelly was correct nearly all of the time.
By the time you reached the cabin that was now in Will's possession due to him being the oldest Halstead after your dad's death, the frost developed into snow and was slowly stacking up.
Kelly jacket was way too thin for the snow but once you got inside and you got the heating working, all would be well.
Fumbling with the keys, you locked your car and just about managed to get into the cabin, a gust of wind pushing you inside. With tons of effort despite your job, you found it difficult to push the door close against earth's natural forces.
With a sigh, you slumped against the door once it was finally closed. It took way too much effort than what was needed.
It'd been years since you last came to visit the Cabin. The last memory you had of this place was staying one summer when Will was in high school and your two brothers teamed together to drown you in the lake nearby. Of course, they didn't let you fully drown but it was funny anyways.
The nostalgia hit you in waves as you walked around, rubbing your hands together to create some friction so you wouldn't freeze to death. It also happened that the last time you were here it was with your mother when she was alive and well.
Oh how you missed the simpler times in life.
For some reason, the motor was refusing to start up and before you could kick it, you heard the front door burst open, a gust of cold air following that you could feel going through the entire cabin.
Frowning, you glanced down at the time on your phone. Unless Jay and Will got off early without telling you, no one should be here.
With your guard fully up, you silently crept through the hallways, looking for anything to protect yourself but came up with nothing. You knew a few things about self defense from both Kelly and Jay and there was also no way you could scream to get attention because no one would hear you out here.
Gripping your fingers around your phone, you were seconds away from tapping Jay's contact when you were stopped by the barrel of a gun at the back of you head.
You immediately froze at the motion, not even trying to risk anything. There could be several things happening but before you could try to escape, you had to evaluate the situation first.
"Listen man, I don't want any trouble." You said warily, holding your hands up to show what you guessed was a man that you had nothing in your possession but your phone. "If you want money, it's in my car. If you want somewhere to hide out, stay here. If you need any help, I'm a firefighter so I'm sure we can figure something out."
"i've got exactly what I want." The man's voice sent chills down your spine, recognition flooding you despite not having seen his face. This was the voice of the man that haunted you for years now and no amount of therapy could erase the permanent scars in your mind and on your body. "And she's not going anywhere."
And before you could reply, you were struck on the back of your head and was met with nothing but darkness.
Coming back to your senses, you were expecting to wake up in your bed with Kelly and everything that happened was nothing but another nightmare but upon not being able to move your arms or legs, reality struck.
This was all very real and you were about to experience something short from hell.
"Jackson Murray." Your throat was hoarse as you spoke, addressing the man that sat opposite you with the proudest smirk on his lips.
You were currently tied to the heater that you failed to turn on, your feet and hands bound but several pairs of zip ties to ensure you wouldn't escape.
"Y/N Halstead." Jackson said with mirth in his eyes. He looked exactly the same since you last saw him, that scar you inflicted still going across his face, going from his left eyebrow all the way down to his upper lip.
"I take it prison wasn't your scene." You tried shifting but only groaned, finding that you movement was very minimal and if you did try to move, it would only cause you pain.
"It was horrific." He groaned, dragging his hand down his face as he reminisced what was supposed to be life in jail. Currently, he was sitting on a dining room chair which gave him leverage against you, allowing him to look down on you. "In all fairness, it taught me a lot."
"Is that so?" You humored him, your eyes flickering around the room, looking for a way to escape or to make a distraction. Your head was absolutely killing you and if you guessed right, you had a wound at the back of your head and you most definitely had a concussion.
"Not too much science but I learnt so much from other inmates, it was fascinating!" Jackson gushed, his smile eerie as he went into story about all the violent and gruesome things he learnt, explaining that he would test some of them out on you.
You shivered, blocking out his voice as you only now realised your lack of clothing. Jackson must've changed you while you were out because you no longer wore Kelly's lieutenant jacket or your shirt. Instead, you only sported your bra and jeans.
You had no idea what he did with your clothes but no matter how much your appearance was a concern to you, you also had concern for the man that was approaching you with a knife in his hand.
Within seconds, he was crouching down so he could be eye level with you, the tip of the blade nicking your neck as he spoke to you in a whisper. "I've been waiting for this day for years. Dreaming of this exact moment every night since I was arrested."
Before you retort back or even spit in his face, you could hear a very faint door being slammed shut from outside. For a nanosecond you were confused as to who on earth would be out here but then you remembered.
Your already built up dread was now drowning you as you remembered that your brothers were coming up here later today but with no record of the time and from your period of unconsciousness, you totally forgot.
Internally, you were cursing out your brothers. From the corner of your eyes, you could see out the window that it was still bright out which meant they got off work earlier than planned.
Opening your mouth to shout out a warning, Jacksons hand clamped down on your lips, his knife still at your neck but digging into your skin further. You could feel the blood slowly dripping down the base of your neck and going down your chest, your groans muted by your captors palm.
"Y/N, you here?!" Will shouted as he entered the cabin but you could only hear his footsteps as he ventured in. "Your car isn't out front and Kelly said you definitely left this morning."
Will's voice got clearer and louder the closer he came to the living room. Panic was now flooding your bloodstream but you were completely immobile with no way of telling him to get out and run.
Turning the corner, Will wasn't expecting anything when he casually passed the living room but the sight he was welcomed with was anything but welcoming.
Before he could move, let alone react and say anything, Will was bashed on the back of his head by a baseball bat in the hands of a man you thought was dead.
You screamed in Jackson's hand, tugging on your restraints as you leaned as far forward as you could, wanting to go and help your now unconscious brother.
Blood was slowly seeping out from the back of Will's head, the crimson liquid mixing with his red curls that only he inherited from your mother.
You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes at your deadly still brothers body. If it wasn't for the occasional rise and fall of his chest, you for sure would've thought he was dead.
All of a sudden, Jackson was moving away from you, allowing you to gasp as you recollected yourself. Your breathing was erratic as you watched the two men converse in whispers. With a joint effort, Will was further subdued using several zip ties around his wrists and ankles just like they did to you but instead of being restrained by the heater pipes, he was put against the table leg.
"Y/N, you remember my brother, don't you?" Jackson innocently asked you, turning around to talk to you. He was acting as if his brother didn't just knock out your brother cold.
"Ezra." You whispered, too scared to talk any louder. Both mentally and physically you were in shock from everything that was happening but you could never forget the brother duo that ruined your life.
"You guys just want me, let Will go please." You said with desperation, eyeing your oldest brother to make sure he was okay. "He has nothing to do with any of this."
"Oh but that's where you're wrong." Jackson shook his head, coming towards you and crouching down to your slumped height, brushing your loose hair with his disgusting hands. "Your brothers have everything to do with this."
And then it was in this moment you remembered that Will hadn't come alone. He mentioned that him and Jay were going to drive here together.
With wide eyes, your heart dropped when you heard the front door open again but instead of hearing a voice greet you alike to how Will did, you were met with silence.
"Watch them." Jackson ordered his younger brother before disappearing into the hallway. Hopefully Jay could use his detectiveness and figure out that something was wrong.
Keeping your lips sealed, you felt yourself shivering even more than you already were. The cold was slowly starting to get to you and you hated it.
The tension was so strong that you felt it suffocating you, your lungs tightening as it got harder to breathe. You eyed the man that everyone thought to be dead, millions of questions flooding your mind.
The gunshot scared you, making you jump out of your bones but your restraints minimised you reaction, pulling you back as you winced at the bruising around your wrists and ankles.
You felt the biggest lump in your throat at the uncertainty. Who pulled the trigger? Did anyone get hurt? You wanted nothing more than these two brothers to be dead and gone from your life but fate was clearly having its fun.
Soon enough, some of your questions were answered when Jay was pushed into the living room by Jackson. Jay was now unarmed but he was also free of any injuries making you breathe a little easier knowing at least one of your brothers were unharmed.
You easily read Jay as his eyes landed on you and Will. The green eyes that you two shared widened in disbelief and concern; looking you up and down, inspecting your half naked body and Will's limp one, you could feel his fury from across the room.
Without argument, Jay allowed himself to be restrained and due to lack of space, he was restrained on the other side of the heater. He was so close to you yet so far. The brothers ran out of zip ties though, leaving Jay's legs free meaning if he stretched himself far enough, he could reach you.
For some reason, the two brothers found this to be the best time to leave the room, disappearing into the cabin somewhere leaving the Halstead siblings alone.
"Jay, did you shoot Jackson?" Was the first thing you asked your older brother, hoping with all your might that the disgusting man was hurt.
"It's just a graze but yeah I did." Jay answered nonchalantly, worry swimming in his eyes as he fully took in your appearance. "They didn't..."
"No, God no." You immediately shook your head, gagging at the mere thought of what Jay was suggesting. "Just a nick on my neck and something at the back of my head but otherwise, I'm all good."
You could see him relax but only ever so slightly, his eyes dragging over to Will's slumped figure. Following his line of sight, you filled him in before he could ask. "Ezra knocked him out with your old bat."
"Why the hell is Ezra alive and Jackson out of jail?" You asked Jay, desperately in need of answers but deep down, you knew Jay had no answers either.
Before Jay could say anything though, he was stopped by the brothers storming back into the living room, a mix of excitement and fury following them.
Without saying anything, they were both coming towards you.
"No, no, no." You repeated over and over, trying your hardest to get their hands off you. "Get off, get away from me!"
Jays shouts for you to be left alone fell on deaf ears, his attempts to kick either brother away failing the second a needle was plunged into the side of his neck. However, even while drugged up, Jay was relentless and tried his hardest to fight the men off you but soon enough, succumbed to whatever drug he was injected with.
You felt like crying as you couldn't do anything to help Jay. All you could do was helplessly watch and beg him to wake up but alas, nothing happened.
Using your distracted state, the brothers managed to remove you from the pipes and were now dragging you onto your feet.
Despite your weakening body, you tried as hard as you could to fight the brothers off. With their hands gripping your arms and your waist, you tried elbowing, headbutting, biting and spitting but the most damage you did was further annoy them.
Now agitated, you were shoved against Ezra's chest, his arms holding you down as Jackson did what he wanted since the day he met you all those years ago. Clenching your jaw, you screwed your eyes shut as you felt your body cry out at each blow.
You swallowed back your cries, not allowing them the pleasure to hear you in pain. That’s what got them off, hearing their victims cry and scream in agony but you wouldn’t allow that.
“Stop, stop.” You tried pushing them away but the punches kept rolling. “What do you want? I’ll give you anything, please.”
Jackson slowly pulled away, his knuckles bruised and bloodied from his attack. He had the proudest smile on his face, as if he’d just won gold in the Olympics
“I just want you to get what you deserve baby.”
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paddockletters · 2 years
Lewis Hamilton fic
Y/n and Lewis have just had a baby that was born on lh birthday and just them in the hospital doing fluffy skin to skin contact etc
I couldn't ask for anything better- lewis hamilton
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summary: lewis being the best dad since he found out you were pregnant and him having a special birthday by having his first big moment with your baby. pairing: lewis hamilton x reader warnings: none - just lewis being incredibly sweet, I can't 😭 words count: 1.0 k Author’s note: hey anon, i really loved and enjoyed writing your idea! thanks for you request and hope you like it❤
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Since the moment you found out you were pregnant, you couldn’t contain your happiness. You were thrilled at the thought of telling Lewis the news, but a small part of you was nervous. Even though you’d both been together for years and had talked about starting a family, you weren’t sure if the timing was right.
But when you finally told him, Lewis’s reaction was everything you’d hoped for and more. He was over the moon, making it one of the happiest moments of your life. You both felt an overwhelming joy knowing that you were creating a little life together, growing inside of you.
With Lewis’s busy schedule, it was hard for him to make it to all of your doctor’s appointments. He felt guilty for missing some, but you reassured him that it was okay. On one of the days he could be there, the doctor asked if you wanted to know the baby’s gender. Without hesitation, you both said yes.
It was a boy.
From that moment on, Lewis was ecstatic. After every race weekend, he’d hop on the first flight home to be with you—his “safe place,” as he liked to call it. He’d lie beside you, talking to your belly, telling stories and whispering sweet things. He’d read somewhere that babies could hear voices from inside the womb, and Lewis was determined to be the first one your baby boy would recognize.
“Hey, little man. I just got back from a race, and guess what? George and I made it to the podium together. This one’s for you and mommy,” he’d say, resting his head on your lap as you gently stroked his braids.
Then, without fail, your baby would kick, right in his direction.
“Babe, did you feel that?” Lewis would ask, his eyes lighting up. “Our baby just kicked my face.”
You’d both laugh with happy tears in your eyes, cherishing every moment like this with your little family.
As the season finally came to a close, you were grateful for the extra time you’d have together. Before the pregnancy, you’d take every holiday or break to go on adventures—skiing, camping, beach trips. But now, with your due date approaching, you both decided to stay home, just in case your baby decided to make an early appearance.
Lewis’s birthday was just a week away, and you wanted to make it special, even though you couldn’t do anything extravagant. You planned a small, intimate dinner with close family and friends.
On the morning of his birthday, despite your growing belly, you made breakfast to surprise him in bed. Roscoe followed you into the kitchen, tail wagging happily.
“Let’s get daddy his breakfast, shall we?” you whispered to the dog as you carried the tray to the bedroom. Roscoe barked in agreement, trotting along behind you.
“Go on, buddy, wake him up,” you encouraged, and Roscoe eagerly jumped onto the bed, barking and licking Lewis’s face until he stirred awake.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to the best man and future father in the world,” you sang, placing the tray on his lap.
Lewis groggily rubbed his eyes, smiling at you with that husky morning voice you loved. “Oh baby, thank you. But you didn’t have to go through the trouble. I should be making you breakfast.”
“Nonsense, it’s your day,” you said, leaning in to give him a kiss.
But as you stood up, you suddenly froze, feeling a sharp cramp in your belly.
“Love? Are you okay?” Lewis asked, instantly concerned.
“Lewis... I think the baby decided to come today,” you said, clutching your stomach.
Panic and excitement rushed through both of you as you quickly made your way to the hospital. Lewis held your hand through every contraction, comforting you as you welcomed your baby boy, Theodore, into the world—on Lewis’s birthday, no less.
After you rested, the nurses brought baby Theo into the room, and one of them offered a suggestion to Lewis.
“Sir, we recommend doing skin-to-skin contact. It helps with bonding, calming the baby, and keeping him warm. Would you like to try?”
Without hesitation, Lewis nodded. He removed his shirt, and they carefully placed little Theo on his chest. Tears filled his eyes as he looked down at your baby.
“Hey, little man, it’s daddy. Do you remember me? I always talked to you while you were in mommy’s belly,” he whispered, gently stroking Theo’s tiny back. “You’re the best gift I’ve ever been given. I’m so grateful to your mum for bringing you into this world. She’s amazing, and I know you’re going to love her as much as I do.”
You stirred awake to this beautiful sight—Lewis holding your baby boy, his eyes full of love. Tears welled up in your eyes as you took in the moment.
“Look who’s awake, Theo,” Lewis said softly, walking over to you with the baby. “Mummy’s finally up, and she did an amazing job.”
You smiled through your tears as he sat beside you.
" Darling, thank you so much for everything. Theo has definitely been the best gift. You guys are the best and I couldn't ask for anything better."
"Lew, thank you too. I couldn't have picked a better man to be the father of my children."
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Liked by mercedesamgf1, georgerussell and 4,976,862 others
This morning my beautiful girlfriend y/nusername and I, welcomed our little one. Theodore decided to be born on the same day as his father, and I am so thankful for this great and wonderful day! I will take a few months off from social media until the start of the season to spend as much time as possible with my family. Thank you and see you soon!
mercedesamgf1 we are so excited, we are looking forward to meet the next champion! 👏 georgerussell congratulations guys, I can't wait to meet Theo! 💜💪🏼 f1 congratulations Lewis!
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talaok · 1 year
Chapter three: the woman of his dreams
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Pairing: No-outbreak!Joel x married!reader
Series summary: You moved to Austin Texas with your husband due to his job, but your already troubled marriage is about to get more complicated when the contractor remodeling your home, Joel Miller, will enter both of your lives.
Chapter summary: Monday has come, and not without surprises
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Joel’s pov
"Mr. Miller?" she called, her whole body stretched out to reach that oh-so-high shelf in the kitchen.
"Yeah?" He appeared behind her "What is it, doll?"
"I need help" she pouted, turning to him
" 's that so?" he smirked, grabbing her waist and leaning into her to whisper in her ear "What do you need help with y/n?"
The giggle that left her throat made him almost groan "With the shelf Mr. Miller" she scolded him "I can't reach that bottle"
"poor thing" he cooed "Here, let me help"
Their bodies were glued to one another's, and neither of them missed how his crotch rutted against her ass, and the way both their breathing quickened.
"there you go darlin'" he murmured, handing her the bottle and not even dreaming about leaning away.
Her hair smelled of peaches and strawberries, and her body... her body felt too good against his own.
"thank you, Mr. Miller"
"anytime," he said, losing himself in her eyes and the look of that perfect mouth of hers.
"Is that all you needed help with?"
She caged her bottom lip between her teeth, and he felt ready to burst.
"no need to get shy now, doll, you can tell me"
She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes
"well there is one other thing..."
"oh yeah?" he murmured, turning her around by her waist so she could face him better "what's that sweetheart?"
"I-" she murmured "Well I think you know Mr.Miller"
"I think I do too" he smirked again "But I want to hear you say it"
"I need you to-" she whimpered "I need you to touch me,"
"Oh pretty girl" he growled "You should have said so sooner" he breathed, his hands starting a slow journey up her body, caressing every inch of her.
"what else do you need?"
She stood up on her tiptoes
"kiss me please" she moaned.
"you want me to kiss you?" he teased
"yes please I want you to-"
And before she knew it his lips were on hers and he was devouring her.
She was sweeter than honey, sweeter than heaven itself.
He grabbed the back of her legs, not leaning away for even a second, and she jumped up on his waist.
"god you're so beautiful darlin'," he said, setting her down on the table "So so pretty" he murmured against her neck, before starting to kiss each and every single piece of skin on it.
She threw her head back, only giving him more space to worship.
"I'm gonna help you now" he breathed, undoing his belt and pants "I'm gonna help you real good"
"My husband is in the other room Mr. Miller"
"then you're gonna have to be real quiet, doll" he whispered to her ear "can you do that for me?"
"I can do whatever you want Joel- anything you want"
He chuckled, finally freeing his cock "You shouldn't say things you don't mean now sweetheart"
"I mean it" she smirked "Anything"
"fuck me" he grumbled, his forehead falling to hers
"I think it was you who were about to do th-"
mh? No that's not right
she was meant to say-
"Dad wake up! Your alarm has been going off for like ten minutes!"
He opened his eyes just in time to catch the pillow flying to his head.
"Wh-" he squinted, trying to get his eyes and brain to start working "What's going on?"
And then, it all came together.
Sarah was scowling at him from the end of the bed, and the sun was shining through the blinds he had once again forgotten to close before going to sleep.
"What time is it?"
"It's 7:40"
He turned to his right, the alarm agreeing with his daughter.
"Shit" he sighed, running a hand down his face.
"Yeah" Sarah half smiled at his clear state of confusion "Good morning sunshine"
__ __ __
Good morning my ass
The shower's running water wasn't doing anything to silence the constant thought going through his mind.
What is wrong with me?
that's all he could think
yes, she's beautiful, the kind of beautiful that strikes you and never lets you go, the kind of beautiful that makes you want to just stop and stare-
Fuck I gotta stop
But, and let's focus on the but, she's married, as in she is a wife to a husband, and she's my client, my paying client who I have no right dreaming about
especially that kind of dream
In all his years as a contractor, never, had something like that happened,
He could still feel her soft skin underneath his palms, the plump of her lips against his-he could still hear those tiny whimpers, the moans, all the soft little noises coming out of those perfect parted lips and into the thick air-
I'm not doing this
You know what I'm doing? I'm getting dressed and going to work- to her house-
__ __ __
"what are you doing in my house?"
"is that how you greet your little brother?"
"I let him in" Sarah interrupted
Joel stopped in his kitchen to look up and down the man eating fried eggs straight from the pan.
"he's eating my eggs"
"Uncle Tommy don't eat his eggs" Sarah scolded him, clearly done with both of them.
Joel grabbed the pan before his brother could steal some more.
"you're grumpier than usual today" Tommy coked an eyebrow, sitting down next to Joel at the table.
"which is saying a lot" Sarah snorted, watching the pair as if they were a show.
Joel shot both a look, grumbling something under his breath.
"Sarah said you didn't hear your alarm"
"It went off for like twenty minutes" Sarah added
"You said ten before"
She shrugged "Same thing"
"You never oversleep- or sleep for that matter" Tommy continued " 's there something going on?"
"shut up Tommy" Joel struggled to get his tone to remain even
"What? I'm just looking out for my big brother"
"I was dreaming alright?" Joel sighed "That's it"
"oh" Tommy's mouth opened and closed before slowly twitching into a grin "Oh I get it"
"shut up" Joel repeated, struggling to swallow the food.
Screw Tommy and his ability to figure him out in a second.
"Maybe it's just time to raise the volume of the alarm" Sarah chirped in, completely oblivious to her uncle's amusement "Y'know considering your age and everything"
"very funny" Joel grumbled, getting up to rinse his plate
"I'm just saying"
"Y'know what, maybe I'll do that" Joel raised an eyebrow "Can't wait for it to wake you up every morning"
"No" Sarah's eyes widened "No ok I take it back, don't do it"
Joel almost smirked "Too late" he shrugged, walking up to her to place a quick kiss on the crown of her head.
"have a good day, babygirl"
"You too Dad"
He glanced to his right
"Tommy get your ass up"
__ __ __
Why his heart was racing as he knocked on the door was well beyond him.
Today just kept getting worse.
But before he had time to mentally prepare himself, there she appeared, the woman of his dreams... literally.
"Good morning" Her smile would probably be able to light up a whole town
He cleared his throat to try and not sound like a 13-year-old going through puberty.
Flashes of his dream kept flooding his mind.
"Good morning" he managed a small smile.
her eyes looked tired, like she had just woken up, but that something in her that felt almost intoxicating was still very much there
"Come on in" She gestured.
"Hello m'am" Niall nodded, entering the house with everyone else.
"Oh" y/n smiled "I see you haven't informed them, Joel"
Joel grinned
Why the fuck was he grinning?
"I forgot"
"You can just call me y/n," she told the man "No need for ma'am"
"Alright," the blonde nodded.
"So this is everyone" Joel stated "Niall, Kevin, and Tommy," he said, pointing at each one
"Nice to meet you all" she greeted "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me"
"We won't" Tommy told her "thank you"
"No problem" she offered him a smile "Well I won't waste any more of your time, Joel you know where everything is so-"
"right" He nodded "Uhm, why don't you guys start bringing stuff in?" he turned to the men behind him, and they obliged after a moment of confusion.
"What a crew you've gathered Mr. Miller" she joked, once they were alone.
He would have laughed if it wasn't for the images flashing in his mind at the name.
"They're my best men," he said "Tommy's my brother so-"
"That's why you looked so similar" she laughed "I was wondering the whole time"
"yeah" he smiled, getting lost in the sound of her laughter for a moment more than necessary "so- uhm-" he cleared his throat, trying to also clear his mind "You know how the other day you told me that stuff about meeting people?"
"yeah sure"
"Well I was talking to my daughter the other day- and she- uhm- she suggested this book club she goes to" he said more like a question "and I was just- I just wanted to tell you"
"oh" she breathed "I-I'm sorry but isn't your daughter like... young?"
"oh!" he gasped "Yeah no- they do a book club for adults in the same place- that's what I meant"
She let out a soft chuckle "Of course" she smiled, looking up at him "that's-that's really sweet Joel, thank you. I'd love to go"
And once again, she flashed that smile of hers at him.
"I'm glad" he managed, looking back at his truck to avoid her gaze
"I better go help them out"
"of course," she said "and thank you again"
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Im sorry i know this is not great ive been feeling like shit
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Note: another request! thank you once again :)
Warnings: angst/fluff. death, pregnancy, birth (only mentioned, not described)
pairing: SKMD!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric got you pregnant while the lands were at peace, but that would soon change.
wordcount: 2k
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'Please, come back soon.'
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'Pregnant?' Sihtric dropped his spoon along with his jaw, 'are you sure?'
'Yes,' you chuckled and took your husband's hands, 'I am sure my love, we have been blessed by the gods once again.
Sihtric was shocked, terrified and ecstatic all at the same time. Then he jumped up and wrapped his arms around you, and kissed your face all over.
'My love!' he smiled, 'I already can't wait.'
It's been a while since you had raised children together, as those were all grown up by now. And you and Sihtric also weren't that young anymore. A lot of time had passed since he had married you. Uhtred had reclaimed Bebbanburg years ago and you lived with Sihtric in Dunholm ever since, enjoying the peaceful times as a simple, domestic couple. And you both loved it. Sihtric was a fantastic warrior, who lived and breathed battles, but those days were over.
These days your husband got his adrenaline rush by hunting, scouting the lands, and drinking one too many jugs of ale with Finan occasionally. Raising another child was not something you both expected, but you welcomed it nonetheless.
You and Sihtric decided to not tell anyone yet, until your bump would start to show. And Sihtric had no trouble at all switching into dad/husband mode again, treating you like a queen every day from the moment you told him you carried his pup.
Weeks later while scouting the lands, Sihtric met with Aldhelm, who had a message for Uhtred. And so you travelled with your husband to Bebbanburg.
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You and Sihtric snickered as Finan complained about his arse. You were all getting older, and you all started to have complaints, but as you and Sihtric were quite some years younger than the others, you both still felt in good shape. Soon, Ingrith came over with a soft fur cover, for each of the warriors, so their travels would be more comfortable, and upon Uhtred's request, she also told her haunting prophecy, which you and Sihtric hadn't heard yet.
'Seven kings must die, Lord,' she said, 'and the woman you love.'
'I am no king and I have no woman,' Uhtred shrugged.
Finan seemed worried while Sihtric looked concerned all the same. And he grabbed your hand, pulling you closer as the words settled in your minds.
'We should tell them now,' you whispered to Sihtric, wanting to break the awkward and sad silence, and he agreed, smiling again.
'My wife,' Sihtric blurted out with a beaming smile, 'is pregnant!'
Aldhelm had just walked over and everyone stopped what they were doing, staring at the two of you for a few long seconds.
'Aye!' Finan finally laughed, 'congratulations, you old bastard!' 
Finan patted Sihtric on the back and gave you a hug, as did Aldhelm, Uhtred and Ingrith. After all the warm words and smiles, you turned to face your husband as he was adjusting his leather belt, and he looked dashingly handsome with his braided hair. Which was a nice change from his wild, loose hair you had gotten used to, after there were no more battles for him to fight. You loved his careless hair when you had him in your bed, but you had to admit you were happy to see his hair more taken care of again in public. But you were also happy that Sihtric's hair was nowhere near as horrid as Uhtred's long, uncombed locks, which you had laid eyes on the other day.
'Be safe, my love,' you said and kissed Sihtric's cheek, 'it's not just me anymore now who needs you back home again.'
'I know,' Sihtric smiled as he cupped your cheeks to nuzzle your nose, 'wait here for me, darling, I will come back as soon as I can. I love you.'
'I love you.'
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Things didn't go as planned and fights broke out where Uhtred and his pretty boys had travelled to. Shortly after the horrible and sudden fight, they returned to Bebbanburg, and Finan ran to Ingrith while Sihtric was quick to pull you in his arms. 
'My love,' he sighed, holding onto you for dear life.
'Are you okay?' you asked, your eyes darting over his face and armour, 'have you been hurt?'
'I am okay,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your forehead, 'just a few bruises, love. But how are you and-'
'I am okay,' you smiled too, 'and so is our pup.'
Time passed by and, as your belly grew, you needed all the help you could get. And your husband was still the most caring and helping man you had ever met, even after all those years. Always making sure you were comfortable and looked after.
When Uhtred ordered Sihtric to find out what Aethelstan was up to, he left you behind with a heavy heart as he went on his way.
Sihtric tried to make the journey as quick as possible, without getting reckless or seeking danger. He spied and gathered the information he needed as fast as he could, desperately wanting to go back home to you. Every hour he was without you he felt his heart ache more. Always concerned and worried about you, and the pup in your belly added even more weight to his worries and his eagerness to go back to you.
Days later Sihtric returned to Bebbanburg and shared the intel he had gathered with Uhtred and Finan. Uhtred turned a blind eye to your husband's concerns, but Finan shared the worry. And soon, you and Sihtric had to kiss each other goodbye again as they were to travel to Eoferwic, only to return a short while later again, before Lord Ingilmundr knocked at Bebbanburg's gate. Uhtred and his men had been aware of their plans, and Sihtric had told you to stay safe and hidden. But as you were naturally curious, you wanted to watch the events unfold. 
You saw how Sihtric and Finan got a hold of Ingilmundr, and how Uhtred ordered them to put him below. And you smirked when you caught a glimpse of the eager warrior who still lived inside your husband. The man who would always protect you, at all costs.
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Many things happened ever since Ingilmundr's capture, to everyone's horror, and you finally listened to Sihtric and kept yourself safely hidden away most of the time now. Therefore you also missed the gruesome event that happened months later.
'Uhtred has been banished,' Sihtric said after the rough day, as he held you in his arms late at night, 'we're waiting till he reaches out to us, then I will have to leave your side again,' he kissed your cheek, 'I am sorry, my love. I wish things were different. My heart hurts each time I am away from you.'
You nodded understanding, feeling equally as sad as him that he hadn't been very present during your pregnancy. But you also knew that no one saw the troubles coming that everyone was facing now. And when Sihtric and Finan finally received a message from Uhtred, they were quick to leave at first light, while you could give birth any day now.
'Be safe,' you said, as always, and kissed your husband's cheek, 'something doesn't feel right.'
'What do you mean?' Sihtric asked, concerned, 'our child?'
'No, no,' you held his hands and looked up at him, 'this whole situation, Sihtric. Something feels wrong, but I don't know what it is.'
'Everything will be fine, darling,' Sihtric smiled softly, 'we're just going to get Uhtred since he asked for us. I will be back again before you know it.'
'Please, come back soon,' you whispered as you tugged at his leather armour.
You wanted to press yourself against his body, but your large baby bump was in the way.
'I will,' Sihtric said as he cupped your cheeks, 'you be safe too,' he kissed your lips, 'I love you,' he smiled and placed his hand on your belly, 'and I love you too,' Sihtric said as he smiled at your bump.
'I love you, Sihtric,' you took his hand and pressed a soft kiss to it, 'we love you.'
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You soon found out that your gut feeling had been right. Something had been wrong, and it turned out that Uhtred had never sent a message to Finan and Sihtric. They had been lured out of Bebbanburg, and the city you stayed at was under attack. 
The Lady Eadgifu had run to you, just in time, as you were about to give birth, without your husband by your side.
And as tons of innocent people lost their lives that afternoon, you held a new living soul in your arms that night. You desperately wished Sihtric was by your side, because you were filled with joy as well as with a gnawing feeling of fear, and you needed his arms around you.
But all you could do was wait and hope that your husband was still alive and would return soon. 
And the waiting seemed to be endless, as it took days before you would be able to look into his mismatched eyes again.
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'Finan, I send no word. No command for you to leave Bebbanburg,' Uhtred said, bewildered after Sihtric and Finan found him.
And then it dawned on them how it had been a trap.
'We have to go back,' Sihtric said, panicked, 'my… my wife!' his eyes grew big, 'my wife and my c-child!' 
And before he could completely lose his mind, they made haste to travel home. Sihtric kept thinking about your words, and about Ingrith's words. "The woman you love dies". He kept hearing it in his head, and with each new repeat, he grew more and more concerned. You had felt something was wrong, and Sihtric felt a terrifying feeling in his bones. He spurred his horse faster, as fast as the beast could possibly go.
And when they finally reached Bebbanburg, Sihtric signalled the men who travelled with them to halt, as they saw there had been an attack without even setting a foot inside the walls.
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'Ingrith!' you thought you heard Finan shout in the distance.
You quickly sat up, holding your newborn in your arms, wrapped in fur, and you saw how Eadgifu carefully peeked through the door that kept you hidden.
She saw how Uhtred and Sihtric stepped into the wrecked hall. 
'Lord, where are they all?' you heard your husband's muffled voice, 'w-where is my wife?' he asked, dread and uncertainty in his voice as his eyes darted over the torn up hall.
Eadgifu looked back at you, and you motioned her to open the door. You weren't strong enough yet, but if you were, you would've ran up to Sihtric in a heartbeat. Eadgifu was quick to tell her story to the men, but she was interrupted by Sihtric, who kept asking for you.
'She is safe. There,' Eadgifu pointed to the doors she had walked out of.
'Sihtric!' you yelled, and his head snapped up towards the sound of your voice.
Sihtric sprinted towards you when he finally saw you, on the floor, and he immediately crouched down as tears fell from his eyes.
'My love,' he said with a trembling voice, 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,' he took your face in his hands, pressing soft kisses all over, and he was startled when he suddenly heard a baby cry softly.
'Sihtric,' you smiled through your tears, pecking his lips before you gently pushed him aside, revealing the newborn in your arms as you lifted the fur.
'Gods,' Sihtric gasped, his hands clasped in front of his mouth, 'w-when?' he asked and swallowed hard.
'Only days ago,' you whispered and carefully handed your husband his son, 'your son,' you smiled and wiped your tears.
You looked at Sihtric, your husband, completely in awe with how he looked at his son, your son. He always thought he couldn't possibly feel more love for you than he already did, but the overwhelming feeling he felt right now was something he could never explain.
'Where is she… where is my wife?' you suddenly heard Finan's voice, and your heart sank.
Sihtric looked up at you, and he already knew it was bad news when he saw the look in your eyes. Your joy was, rightfully so, overshadowed by Ingrith's death.
And later that night, Sihtric held onto you tighter than he had ever done before, while you held your son. And you cried together, silently, both tears of joy and of sadness. Tears of love and loss.
Sihtric would thank the gods every day after that one, because you were still by his side, and you had both been blessed with a healthy son.
And Sihtric warned you that there would be a battle, but he also promised you he would come back to you, alive, and he promised that you would raise your boy together.
And he kept his word.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Gender Reveal -P.G
I saw a video of a really cute gender reveal from a Chelsea player, can't exactly remember who was, sorry about that but I instantly thought of doing a cute gender reveal with Gavi so here it is. Gavi's aged up to 24-26, I don't see him as a dad while having just 18-23 years old
Summary: You are expecting your first child together and still don't know what gender it'll be. Xavi plans a surprise for both of you
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When the team found out you and Gavi were expecting they instantly threw themselves to buy some pacifiers, diaper bags, sent you crib images thinking of the best one that would fit the baby, bib, onesies, high chair, stroller, you name it; you had it.
The little problem was baby clothes, most of the team were in a fight, wanting to have a little Gavira princess all around them, making them uncles, grandads and more, already making up stories of how to scare her future boyfriend's away. And, they also wanted a little Gavira boy (Without his dad's angry issues), to run around the field and take care like one more of them.
So when you said you wanted it to be a surprise they brought every neutral color possible: blue-red, yellow, green, white, red, blue-red, brown, stripped, black, blue-red. Let's just state that the unborn baby had more clothes than you had in your whole life.
While being with both of your families in a get-together at yours and Pablo's house, Xavi persuaded his way to surprise the both of you with the gender reveal, Pedri and Aurora instantly adding themselves up to it seeing as Pedri was going to be the godfather and Aurora was ready to be the spoiling aunt.
You were 21 weeks into the pregancy, your bellly was starting to appear when that happened. Aurora went with you and Pablo to your next appointment
"Do we wanna know the gender of this healthy beauty?" The Doctora had asked but before either you or Pablo could answer, Aurora had beaten you to it
"No, they don't. Auntie is the one that will know for now" You laughed as the Doctora nodded printing some things and removing the gel out of your tummy
"Well Auntie. Here it is, baby Páez's results"
She couldn't wait, she opened the envelope and you'll never forget her excited face as she started jumping up and down
"I'll be an auntie to a beautiful little precious..." She stopped talking
"Baby" Pablo said
"Yeah, exactly!" You laughed pulling down your hoodie and fixing your pants a bit, your husband helping you off of the bed
"Excited?" You ask smiling grabbing your things and waiting for the Doctora's recommendations and stuffs
"I fucking feel like flying" You smiled shaking your head "It's fucking awesome"
"Stop fucking swearing, my baby can hear you now" Pablo replied softly with a smile on
Now, you had 26 weeks into pregnancy, your tummy bigger and bigger each time. Xavi, Aurora and Pedri were the only ones who knew your baby gender, the males were excited and started jumping up and down around the pitch and hugging each other while laughing when they learned the news.
It was a Clásico at Camp Nou and Barca have won 3-0, goals of Raphina, Araujo and the other in the last minute of your husband, Gavi who dedicated it to you and your baby.
The hormones made you emotional and almost cried of happiness when you saw Gavi grab the ball put it underneath his shirt, thumb on his mouth, signaling you and doing your initial before blewing you a kiss, your mom, Aurora and Belén calmed you down laughing quietly
You guys were on the pitch celebrating the success of the Barcelona team, you instantly hugged Pablo not really caring if he was sweaty or a bit dirty with grass on his facce
"Congratulations, mi amor"
"Thanks, mi vida" He kissed your cheek "How are you? How's the baby?" You nod
"It's fine. Kicked a lot when the crowd started cheering your name and when you scored" You both smile as Pablo tightens his grip on you lightly "Baby already knows it's daddy is amazing" Pablo laughed
"Didn't give you any trouble?" You shook your head
"I'm fine, bit tired but nothing I can't handle. Hasn't stepped into my ladder, kidney, stomach or any other organ, so I'm fine"
"I'll talk with Xavi, tell him you're tired so he can let me go shower quickly and then go home" You shook your head
"You jus won LaLiga" You smiled "There's no way you are losing tonight's celebration with your team. I'm fine and you're not talking me or anyone else into it, sir" He laughed looking down at your tummy, one of his hands going to it caressing it on top of the "6" Barcelona Jersey, you were wearing.
"How's my favorite Páez?" Pedri came into the convo
"I'm doing fine" Pablo said
"Wasn't talking about you, cabrón; was talking about baby"
"Baby's fine" You laughed "And so I am" You exclaimed a bit scolding him
"Sorry" Pedri guilty-smiled opening his arms to hug you "How are you?"
"I'm good, a bit tired but good" You smiled "Congratulations"
"Thank you" Pedri smiled widely "Xavi has a surprise for both of you but first we gotta go and lift that trophy, Pablito" Pedri clapped your husband on the back
"Be careful" Pablo said kissing your lips repeatedly as you smile
"Will be. Don't worry about me" He smiled kissing you again before letting you go.
He watched as you walked back towards your families and stood next to your sister-in-law, hands on your tummy, smiling back at him. It was your turn to watch him lift the trophy with his teammates, wear his medal proudly and yell in happiness for their win. You feeling extremely happy as well for them and for your club.
"I'll go to the loo" Aurora told you as you nod
"Don't get lost, please" You said laughing lightly remembering the time she got lost while looking for the bath and had called you to help her, she pinched your arm and left.
You were talking with Pablo, your dad-in-law and with Belén, your mom-in-law when you saw a bunch of balloons blue and pink come out and so did a big grey box. Aurora and a few members of the staff pulled out a big sign that could read: Baby Gavira, boy or girl?
You laughed feeling tears up your eyes as Xavi called you over next to Pablo and gave him a ball
"Hit the target and the box instantly will open" those were Xavi's words as he make some space for Gavi to shoot, the Barcelona guys were all around you and some fans were also recording the moment.
"Ready, preciosa?" Pablo asked you looking at you with a smile on, you nodded excited feeling hands on your shoulders, looking behind you saw Pepi hugging you.
"Uno, dos, tres!" Aurora yelled and Gavi kicked the ball hitting the middle of the target.
The box inmediately opened revealing balloons and dust of a certain color. The cheers of everyone in the stadium grew louder but you couldn't process any of it.
You were too busy looking at the baby pink balloons flying around and the pink dust still lingering in the air.
The boys went to Pablo hugging him but he only wanted you right now, you felt his body crash with yours and felt his lips on your watery cheek.
"Te quiero" He said as you both cried a bit of happiness "Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero" He whispered against your skin "And thank you"
"Una nena" You managed to say "I love you so much" You kissed his lips but soon felt other bodies on top of you, congratulating you and hugging you both
"Princess Páez Y/L/N on her way" Xavi yelled making all of you laugh "Congratulations!"
"Thank you for the surprise, Xavi" You hugged him
"Gotta spoil my other babygirl" You smiled, the other boys came to congratulate you, your family and soon you walked over the grey box smiling and looking at it.
"Our little baby girl" You felt Pablo hug you from behind.
"I really can't believe it" You said still over the moon.
"Well, do it because I'm doing it. And soon, we will have another little you running around our house" Pablo fell in silence for a few seconds "...We have to take into account the fact that we still need to have baby number two" You laughed. Baby number one hasn't even born and Pablo was already planning Baby numer two
"Let her come into the world at least for you to then start planning the other" Pablo laughed
"She'll be blessing us with her presence, with her love, making us parents and more happy than we already are. Couldn't ask for more than what we already have, I love you and thank you so much" He finished his speech as you turned around to hug him and kiss him.
Honestly, you didn't had a preference, all you wanted was for your baby to be healthy but seeing the pink color made your mind instantly fly to places, future moments of joy and happiness with the two loves of your life, your baby and your husband.
You were already thinking how that babygirl would have Pablo on his feet, imaginating already the puppy looks she could give him and him agreeing to every little wish she could want, the fact Pablo would do anything to not seeing her cry. And not only Pablo but everyone in your family and close friends. She was already so loved. It warmed your heart inmensely.
You couldn't wait to have your little ray of joy, your baby girl.
"Baby Páez Y/L/N is on her way"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover
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nikethestatue · 7 months
A Match Baked In Heaven
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Chapter IV
Strange Times
Warning: Explicit
The plan was solid: Piglet was going to eat some flowers (they didn’t taste bad, just weird, like cucumbers, and Piglet hated cucumbers!), then get a mild tummy ache, get his Elain all nervous and then guilt her into giving him chicken and rice. Once he was full of chicken and rice, he was going to be let out of his enclosure, having lulled his unsuspecting humans into a false sense of calmness and security. Then he was going to jump on the tree, topple it, and finally destroy all the shiny balls. He was sure he was going to get in trouble. But did he care? Nope. It would be worth it. 
What his plans did not include was a trip to the vet in the middle of the night. 
Or an angry dad, who was super mad at him, as he strapped him into his new dog seat in the car.
“Don’t think I don’t know that you are faking,” Azriel hissed. “You think I can’t spot a faker when I see one? I’ve played Neymar! That silly fucker dives like he is gunning for an Oscar. You are not far behind. There is not going to be any chicken and rice for you. No meatloaf,”
At that, Piglet expelled a horrified squeal.
“Yeah, too late to be moaning now,” Azriel rounded the car and got into the driver seat. “You done a fuck up, lad. Also, I don’t know how much this little excursion is gonna cost me, but it’s all coming out of your IG sponsorships and allowance. No more Fuji water. You gonna drink tap.”
But, let’s rewind. 
“But where are we going?” Elain wondered, as Azriel’s heavy palm squeezed the back of her neck and he gently guided her down the spacious hallway.
There was an open den, where the walls and shelves were covered with trophies, trainers, kits, medals and lots of Arsenal gear. 
“My little spot of pride and gloating,” Azriel joked.
“Nice,” she shook her head, but she was also proud. And therefore, she turned her head to him and said, “and I happen to think that you are brilliant.”
“Aww, baby,” he smiled. “Are you going soft on me?”
She blushed but didn’t answer, only asking, “so?”
“I want you to hear a song that I love. I think that it’s about us,” he told her, a bit bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“A song?” That was unexpected. Elain knew that Azriel was musically inclined–he always hummed something to himself, there was music playing in some manner whenever he was at her house, he made up songs for Piglet, and sang in the shower–she had to admit that he did it well and had a husky, gravelly voice, which had a lovely sexual quality to it.
“Maybe we can dance to it as well,” he proposed quietly.
“Oh, a slow song then?”
“Pretty slow, yeah,” he nodded, and opened the door. To his bedroom.
Elain swallowed, but put on a brave face and entered, though her hands were balled into little fists and he smiled to himself. 
It was a huge space–completely unlike her own bedroom, which was lage, but also cosy and personal. This was right out of a modern hotel catalogue–vast, comfortable, but without an identity.
“Yeah, I know. It needs a woman’s touch,” he chuckled, as she looked around the space. At least it had gorgeous views. 
“None of your lady friends stuck around to redecorate a little?” she asked, her tone a bit tart, as she stared at the oversized luxurious bed. 
“Oh, is my matchy a little bit jealous?” he teased, spinning her around carefully, until she was facing him, her expression sour.
“Not. At. All.”
“Hmmm, you sure pretty girl?”
“Why would I even care?”
He shrugged and then threw himself across the bed, while propping his head and watching her. 
“I’d care!” he argued. “For example, I care about your Lord Eris. I don’t like him very much at all. Not at all. In fact, I think he is a bit of a cunt.”
“Azriel!” she gasped, whirling to him.
He shrugged. 
“What? I am jealous. I am jealous that he got there first. I am jealous that you loved him…kind of,”
“Kind of,” she murmured to herself. 
“I am jealous of all the time he’s had with you that I didn’t,” he continued. 
“You’ve spent all the time with me since you’ve met me,” she reminded him.
“Still ain’t enough. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stand the cunt,” he said roughly.
She bubbled her lips and shrugged, “well, doesn’t matter. You don’t need to worry. I’ve not heard from him in weeks and he didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I think we can conclusively say that it’s over.”
Azriel smiled, his smile a little too knowing, and then declared, “Fucking brilliant. I am more than happy to hear that.”
“Meanwhile,” she bristled at him, “what about your girlfriends? Mr. Orgy.”
“Ehhh,” Azriel waved his hand dismissively. “My orgy days are long behind me. Don’t have girlfriends. Well…one. She is standing in front of me now. And don’t worry, no one’s been in this bed except for the lonesome me.”
She stared at him so hard, he thought smoke was going to pour out of her ears. 
“I ain’t lying, beautiful,” he raised his hands in futile defence. “Okay, maybe a little,”
“I think Cass slept here after shoulder surgery, when I played his handsome nurse,” he recalled, smirking.
At that, Elain’s expression softened and she cooed, “You nursed him?”
“Someone had to. He was as dramatic as Pinky when you break his treat into halves.”
“That’s very dramatic,” she agreed solemnly. 
After a pause, where they looked at each other, Azriel pulled out his phone and Elain asked, “What about this song you wanted me to hear?”
He searched and quickly found what he was looking for. A slow, mellow melody came from the speakers. Then, a woman’s voice sang:
It’s gonna take a bit of work
Oh work
Now that you are here, 
Oh work
Because people come and go
But I think you should know
That I, I think this will work
It’s gonna take a little time
But with you by my side
I won’t let go, till I got what’s mine
Because people come and go,
But you should know,
That I, I’m taking it slow
There was something haunting about the simple rhythm and when Azriel got up from the bed and slowly approached Elain, wrapping his strong arm around her waist and pulling her closer, she succumbed to the flow of the song immediately. Azriel’s scarred palm squeezed her own and he placed it against his chest, as they swayed steadily to the song.
This was their song. Nothing about them and their relationship was quick, and everything took work. Nothing was quick, other than Azriel Night falling in love with Elain Archeron. Because that took no time at all.
When Azriel kissed her at last, he was so slow. So indulgently slow, as his body moved languidly and gracefully against hers, sweeping the two of them in a gradual circle around the room. Elain closed her eyes, giving herself over to the music, but also wholly to him. His lips were hot on her mouth, the kiss lingering there for a while, moving with assured intention. He pulled her closer to him, her breasts smashing against his chest, as she melted in his embrace, her arms circling his neck instinctually, while he made her back arc in his big hands, as he leaned against her. From the small of her back, his warm hands travelled up, and he squeezed her waist and then appreciatively ran his palms over her sides, up and then down, until he splayed his fingers over her bottom and gave each cheek a generous squeeze. 
“Oh,” she gasped into his mouth, but he only cupped her ass in his palm and pressed deeper into her soft flesh. 
If there was a true ‘ass man’ then Azriel Night was the definition of one.
Their kiss was unhurried, but it felt otherworldly in its dreamy hotness. It was like with every kiss, another barrier was broken. Azriel chipped and carved at her defences with lustful, unyielding determination, and Elain clung to him with needy desperation which might not have been attractive with anyone else, but with her, it only ignited the spark of blind, all-encompassing love within him. As he moulded his mouth impossibly closer to her lips, breathing and drinking in her oxygen, he thought for a moment that if they’d cut him right now, he’d bleed Elain. That’s how deeply she was ingrained in his very soul.
Elain stroked his neck with her hot little hands, her nails lightly raking over his skin, pressing into his collarbones and then gripping his broad shoulders. 
When the song ended, it switched to the sexy intro of ‘Beast of Burden’, the riff of Keith Richards’s  guitar completely unmistakable. And Elain loved it. Moving her hips within the circle of Azriel’s hands, she gyrated to the tempo, her head buzzing from the champagne and for the delicious taste of Azriel’s lips. She wasn’t sure what she was doing exactly, but she pulled on his black hoodie’s zipper and bared his sculpted, incredible torso with flourish. 
Azriel tore away from her mouth only to kiss down her jaw before sinking his teeth into her neck. Elain figured that he needed to ‘refresh’ his nearly-permanent hickey that he sucked into her skin. 
“I have to feel you,” he growled into her neck.
“What?” she breathed, half-drunk from their kiss.
He pushed her back towards the bed and all but collapsed on his knees in front of her, his hands on her thighs, rubbing them slowly up and down. 
“Let me give you another present for your birthday,” he pleaded, his voice urgent. 
“What present?” she breathed, though Azriel’s rough, large hands slipping under her knit dress and resting on the bare skin of her thighs, while he fingered the clasps of her garter, which held her knit stockings, told her enough of what he desired. He groaned, as he caressed her fleshy thighs, his palms slipping between them, parting her legs slightly. Elain acquiescent, allowing him to touch her in a manner in which he’d never dared to before. 
“Fingers or tongue?” he asked, his voice rough. Before she could answer, he dragged her dress high up, baring her legs, her stockings, and finally her thighs. Elain’s chest was rising and falling erratically, her breathing heavy and rapid, especially when Azriel rubbed his knuckle over her flowery panties. He shrugged off the hoodie completely, tossing it on the floor and Elain was faced with his absolutely incredible body. Unable to stop herself, she reached to touch the stacked cobbles of his abdomen, carved with an almost obscene precision beneath his bronze skin. The sculpted shoulders and his big, muscular arms flexed and gleamed in the sexy buttery light of the bedroom, thick, black swirls of his tattoos spilling from his shoulders down to his arms and over his pecs. She couldn’t resist tangling her fingertips in the dusting of soft dark hair beneath his navel–and he was right when he teased her about it. Even back then, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Or from his ridiculously defined Adonis Belt which lewdly pointed straight down towards his cock. It was inescapable.
He didn’t wait for her final decision, and instead, gripped the side of her panties. Before she could even squeak, he ripped the underwear at the seam and crumpled it in his fist, before stuffing them in his back pocket. 
Pressing his forehead to hers, he smiled at her with encouragement and then thrust two thick, long fingers straight into her tight, tender hole. All at once. Rough. The noise that Elain made was something like a pathetic, shocked rasp, while her pussy responded to the invasion with an erotic, almost profane squelch, sucking his fingers deeper. 
Elain’s head lolled back and she fell on the bed, shuddering visibly, her thighs tense, while Azriel settled between her legs, opening them up brazenly and exposing her soft, wet, pink slit. Elain’s moan was loud, explicit and it was obvious that she relinquished all control of the situation, opening her legs further, even without him prompting her to. Azriel smiled and kissed her knee, soothingly stroking her with his free hand between her legs. His eyes were literally glued to her pussy and he was physically incapable of looking anywhere else. It was the prettiest, most perfect pussy he’d ever seen–and he’d seen many. It could be that he was completely pussy blinded right now, and seeing Elain’s for the first time was almost a religious experience. 
She felt tight and soft against his fingers, enveloping his hand greedily, like she’s been hungry for him, or maybe for someone to pay attention to her.
Elain felt so incredibly full with only his fingers inside, and yet, the beautiful torture of having him in her was worth the discomfort. He moved slowly, but firmly, exploring, stretching, spreading her with appalling, delectable vulgarity. God she loved it. Fucking loved it. That hand was brazen and strong, and when the tips of his fingers found her sensitive her front inner wall was, she bowed on the bed, digging her fingers into the plush duvet. 
“Keep like this,” he ordered, “so I can finger you like you need.”
How he knew what she needed, Elain had no idea, but she obeyed him, legs falling open, her pussy fully exposed, as he pressed on her inner thigh with considerable force, keeping her in place. His other hand began to move rhythmically, with deft, knowing movements inside her hole, and she bit her lip so hard, she tasted blood. The intensity of the movements was almost painful, as he took from her with glutinous need, but she couldn't even keep her eyes open from the savage pleasure that she was now experiencing.
Azriel’s voice, hypnotic and breathy with lust, whispered, “is this good, beautiful? Getting what you need?” and then he leaned over her and kissed her deeply and filthily. His fingers never paused or changed their perfect rhythm and Elain clutched the rock-hard muscles of his shoulders, raking her nails down his arm.
She couldn’t explain what he was doing, but he hadn’t even touched her clit, and yet she was arching and shaking like she was being exorcised. But his fingers…god, his fingers. He was so horribly ruthless too–pushing a third finger into her, burrowing deeper and deeper, while whispering, “you are going to be a good girl for me and take it all in your sweet, tight pussy for me?”
She made some inhuman noise and Azriel laughed darkly. The prodded further, stretching and pumping her hard and oh-so beautifully, half of his heavy body covering hers, as he watched her reactions and listened to her loud moans. When she didn’t answer, he murmured ‘yeah you are, gorgeous” and even if Elain rebelled internally for being so predictable and so easily broken, she couldn’t argue, and succumbed to his demanding hand that filled her so completely. Azriel kissed her, slow and tender, his lips in complete contrast with his hand. 
“Can you take one more, sweetheart?” he asked, voice husky, eyes dark, perspiration covering his chiselled chest. Elain grabbed at him just when he pulled his three fingers out and the emptiness had her gushing with her sweet nectar. He breathed heavily, inhaling the scent of sex and her essence, and then leisurely licked his fingers until dry. Elain was panting, watching him half-lidded, desperately needing him back inside of her, So she didn’t ask, but took his hand and brought it back to her plump, bare mound which leaked like an overripe fruit. 
“I want more,” she told him simply, biting her lower lip.
He kissed her brow and nodded,
“I know, sweetheart. Here’s more.”
And he plunged four fingers inside of her with one firm thrust.
“Elain,” he groaned, his own eyes closing, as he felt around inside of her. “You are so fucking tight, baby. I can’t wait for fuck you for real. My cock is gonna go nuts!”
He slowly pulled his fingers back, almost all the way out, but the soft walls of her pussy squeezed him and dragged him back in, before he pressed his thumb into her clit.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned.
Elain felt like she was being torn apart by his savage hand, but the pain was so glorious, and the way it mixed with pleasure only had her opening further for him. She was no longer concerned with any propriety, all her modesty having flown out the window a long time ago. Here she was, turned inside out, groaning and panting, holding most of Azriel’s huge hand inside her pussy and loving every second of it. 
Yeah, this was a gift that kept on giving. And how grateful she was that Azriel decided on giving her another present today. 
His pace was merciless, four fingers inside, pushing and rubbing at her tender inner walls, two fingers curled and massaging that wondrous spot inside of her, while his thumb worked her clit roughly and unforgivingly. 
“Bite me, Ellie,” he offered and Elain didn’t know that that’s what she needed. But when she latched onto his neck and bit him hard, feeling the throb of his blood beneath her tongue, she realised that it was perfect–the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, musky, lightly spiced with cedar, the strength of him–all beneath her tongue.
“That’s good,” he approved, moaning softly with his own pleasure. “Do you want to come for me, sweetness?”
Did she want to?
Yes, the smouldering heat of her body, the spasming muscles of her pussy, the gorgeous pressure on her clit all told her that she was about to explode like never before. But part of her yearned for this to continue for as long as possible. And Azriel was patient. So patient with her, even though he was basically fisting her at this point. She never knew that she’d be able to stretch like that, to accommodate almost all of his hand up to the wrist, where only his thumb remained firmly pressed to her clit. God. It was positively crazy. It hurt and it ached and it was blissful and intense and the sounds that her body emitted–all the slurping, squelching, groaning, moaning–would’ve been completely indecent in any other situation. But today, Elain didn’t care. She guessed that Azriel was the type of man who liked his woman undone. Feral. Unbound. Uninhibited. 
“Azriel, Azriel,” she screamed out, jerking upright, unable to stop, or keep from thrashing against him.
“Say my name, Ellie. Let it all out.”
Fuck, did she ever. An orgasm to end all orgasms. Azriel’s unique gift, his personally crafted orgasm that only he could’ve given to her. Only he had the skill and the unflinching ruthlessness to do this so well. 
Elain came and came, her hole sucking him in almost fully, her voice hoarse from screaming. She probably looked possessed, but she didn’t care. And Azriel was probably going to be evicted, but it would be worth it. It was so brilliant–waves of pure ecstasy crushing all over her body, every muscle inside of her alive with pleasure and tension. 
And then she blacked out.
Legitimately blacked out. 
…Azriel was chuckling.
Elain was being jostled about, something around her getting tugged and pulled. 
When she opened her eyes, while moaning, she saw his smiling face hovering above her.
“What...what happened?” she mumbled, disoriented.
At least the jostling began making sense–Azriel was pulling off her dress over her head. 
Yes, she was still wearing her dress. 
“I might have semi-murdered you with some light fisting,” he said innocently.
“Light?!!?” Elain screeched, a nice, but definitely acute soreness radiating from between her thighs. “You call this light?!”
He was laughing, while he manoeuvred her out of the dress, folded it nicely and left her only in her bra and the stockings, which had descended all the way down to her knees. 
Then, Elain watched him get up from the bed and unbutton his trousers, pulling the belt out of its loops in one crazy, half a second move. She stared, open-mouthed, while he tugged the trousers down and she tensed.
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled. “You pussy ain’t ready for my dick tonight,” he assured her. “I’ve given it a nice gentle pounding,”
“It was not gentle!” she protested.
He stepped out of his pants, got rid of his socks, and stood there, in all of his almost-naked glory. 
That body.
It was almost unfair how stunning his form was–so long and so firm, every tendon and muscle on display, gorgeous lean sinew wrapping around his muscular thighs and the robust shoulders.
“Didn’t I tell you before that I was rough?” he reminded her, crossing his arms on his chest and looking down at her sprawling in his bed.
Elain fucking Archeron, in his bed. 
It was incredible.
Her pussy bare and wet, because of him. Her body, naked and glorious, for him. Her fucked up hair, her smudged mascara, which made her look extra sexy and wanton. The way she looked so cosy and comfortable on his sheets. 
He couldn’t comprehend it. That after all this time, months of courting and cajoling, or slow, baby steps, they were finally here. Elain naked. Happy. Satisfied. Actually passed out from the orgasm that he gave her. 
If he’d known then that he should’ve cherished that moment even more he would’ve. But he didn’t. So he just enjoyed watching his girl in his bed.
Her cheeks turned pink under his scrutiny and he tracked her eyes staring at his raging boner beneath his black boxers. 
“It’s out of your hair tonight, sweetness,” he assured her, palming his cock for emphasis.
“You don’t want me to…” she swallowed nervously and he chuckled.
“Choke on this dick?” he clarified.
She reddened ever more and he thought that it was completely adorable.
“Well, yes,” she nodded.
“Not tonight. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Elain looked down, at her bare stomach, her bare pussy, the swollen, glistening folds, remembering how just a few minutes ago he had his hand in her and squirmed, feeling embarrassed.
“May I have something to wear?” she whispered. 
Azriel landed on the bed next to her and brought her face closer to his, before kissing her lips.
“Baby, you ain’t got nothing I haven’t already seen,” he reminded her, his smirk salacious.
“Well…ummm…still,” she tried, her little toes curling, as she tucked her legs to her belly.
“But I like you naked, in my bed,” Azriel wrapped his arm around her and drew his thumb over her skin which pebbled with gooseflesh.
Elain threw her arm over his stomach and snuggled to him.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What for?” he asked curiously.
“The best birthday ever.”
He smiled,
“Better than Annabel’s?”
“Yeah. Better than that.”
Elain didn’t know that this was the happiest birthday. She didn’t know that she needed to cherish the moments with this man whom she loved. She didn’t know how things would change.
When Elain woke up, she was disoriented. 
She knew where she was–at Azriel’s, because she wasn’t that far gone–but she had no idea what time it was. She was still nearly naked, her pussy lips splayed over Azriel’s thick thigh. She’d drooled all over his bicep–very sexy–but he didn’t mind, and kept her bundled up next to him like she was his plushy toy. Outside was dark, with night lights twinkling all around. She carefully extricated herself from Azriel’s heavy embrace and slipped from the bed. She tiptoed to the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the lights. The bathroom was as opulent as expected–enormous everything, shower so big, you could wash a car in there, a long sink that resembled a trough, a gorgeous bath tub, and even a sauna tucked in the corner. Elain looked at herself in the mirror. Yeah, she looked a proper state. Naked. Her hair a terrific mess, as were the remnants of her makeup. She washed her face, scrubbing at her eyes, then saw Azriel’s hair brush and with no alternatives, combed her hair, before breaking the handle of the brush on a mega tangle. Well, that was just wonderful!
There were bruises on her thighs, and she was sure that it was from the grip of Azriel’s fingers. Her pussy lips were swollen and overly pink. It was obscene and sexy and she didn’t mind the sight of it. Of course she snooped behind one of the mirror panels, finding nothing incriminating, other than an alarming number of face and hair products. Well, that was a surprise. Mr. Night had a skincare routine apparently. There were nice French creams, some very expensive, some cheaper: moisturisers, retinol, anti-wrinkle. Serums, oils, argan and olive oil extracts, Japanese and Korean hair care products, fancy tubes of lip balms from Sweden. 
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” she muttered to herself, as she lined the products on the counter and began sniffing and trying them out.
She was so into it, she didn’t even hear the door open and Azriel padding into the bathroom.
Before she could even begin to lie and weasel out of her predicament, Azriel dropped on his knees behind her and wrapped his arm around her thighs. He rubbed his stubbled cheek over her bare behind, before latching onto her ass cheek with his teeth. 
“Awww!” she cried out, but he only laughed, but also licked away the pain that his teeth caused.
“That’s for breaking my brush on your wild horse mane,” he told her.
“I do not have a horse mane!”
“Right. More like an unkempt lion’s mane.”
“It’s still my birthday!” she complained. “You have to be nice.”
“Oh yeah? How do you figure?” he asked, his hand caressing her hips, both of her bum cheeks before he nosed below and buried his face in her pussy.
“Ohmygod! Azriel,” she moaned, gripping the trough sink, when his tongue swept from one hole to the other. She’d never been licked like this. And when his tongue poked boldly at her butthole she thought she was going to pass out…again. To imagine that Eris or Graysen would do something like this to her was laughable. Eris barely ever did any oral, his sex drive never very high, so much so that he didn’t even ask for oral himself. 
Azriel, ever the biter, bit her puffy nether lips, bit her ass again, lazily licked over her hole, pushing his tongue inside, before scooting back on his hunches and sitting on the floor, crossing his long legs at the ankles.
“I can’t believe you are not just a snooper, but also a user,” he scolded her humorously, shaking his head like a disappointed parent.
“Why do you have all this?!” she demanded instead.
“Don’t change the subject, snoop!”
“I was simply trying out your weirdly huge collection of face products.” she huffed.
“Turn around,” he told her.
“Turn around,” he repeated. “I want to see your pussy.”
Elain blushed like crazy and he watched her squeeze her thighs tightly.
“I can’t,” she mumbled.
“I am not used to this….this familiarity…you are still,”
“If you say ‘a client’ you will make me angry, Elain,” he said sternly.
She bit her lip, not saying the word, but Azriel saw it on her face and sneered with annoyance, before getting up.
“No, don’t be mad,” she begged, grabbing his hand.
“Well, then don’t be daft,” he told her. “Decide what you want from me and for yourself,”
“I know what I want,” she argued.
“Are you sure?” he cocked his brow at her.
“You are being very cross,” she pouted.
“Then give me a reason not to be cross,” Azriel said instead. “Sometimes, I find you very frustrating, Elain.”
“I am sorry,” she whispered guiltily. 
“Why won’t you just let go and be mine?”
Before she could answer, they heard an audible moan.
Azriel rolled his eyes and groaned, “Oh fuck. Now what? What did he do?”
Because the moan was definitely Piglet’s. It was a touch dramatic, which made Azriel wonder what the hell was happening and whether the pug got to a bottle of whiskey or something as questionable as that. Wouldn't surprise him though. 
“Oh my!” Elain cried out, “it’s Piglet!! What happened to him?”
Before Azriel could even respond, she was running off, barefoot and naked, her perfect ass bouncing with every step. Azriel followed, because he knew that he had to see it for himself.
Piglet was in his enclosure, laying on his side, moaning. Flowers from Elain’s bouquet littered the floor around him. They’d left the vase on one of the side tables near where he ended up. Well, apparently, he was so starved for snacks that munched on a bunch of flowers and petals, tearing them off the stems. He only ate the heads and only specific flowers. 
“Piglet! What did you do?!” Elain wailed. “Oh my god. Is he going to die?!?!”
“Of course he is not going to die,” Azriel sighed. 
“How do you know?” she was almost in tears. “We need to go to the vet!”
At the word vet, Piglet immediately quieted down and the moaning ceased just like that.
“See, he is faking it,” Azriel nodded towards the dog. “He probably just wants chicken and rice or something,”
At those words, Piglet not only stopped moaning, but also raised his head, giving Elain a hopeful look and a little bark of encouragement. 
“You don’t know this!” she argued.
“I do. I know men and he is a man. He is faking it to get attention and to get the food that he wants. He wants his woman–you, in this case–to cook for him and feed him.”
“He ate half the bouquet!”
“Yeah, probably on purpose,” Azriel noted, to which Elain rolled her eyes. 
At first, things were going well and according to plan. Piglet gave a pretty good moaning performance and soon after he began, he watched his Elain run into the big room. He wasn’t sure why she was naked, but maybe she was drowning herself for fun, like humans tended to do. He trusted his Elain with his own drowning, but he wasn’t a big fan in general, though he enjoyed it when she soaped him up and scrubbed him with a brush. But the drowning…he didn’t like so much.
Then dad mentioned ‘chicken and rice’ Piglet whooped internally and gave himself a high four. But then the words ‘vet’ began spoiling his hopes. What the hell? He didn’t want to go to no vet! Defeated, Piglet watched dad get his phone and start doing something on it, while Elain picked him up and carried him around the room, rocking him like he was a baby.
“Baby, you know it’s Christmas Eve,” Azriel kept saying, as he dialled what felt like the fifteenth number for a vet clinic in and around Canary Wharf. No one was picking up–not surprising, because it was around 11 pm and most outgoing messages stated that the clinics would be closed for the Christmas holiday.
“Can’t we just give him a laxative? So he can shit flowers?”
“This is not a joke, Azriel!” she exclaimed, stroking Piglet’s head and kissing him.
It’s not that Azriel didn’t want to help Piglet–even though he was convinced that Piglet wasn’t as sick as he pretended to be–but Azriel wasn’t trying very hard, because he was currently entranced by the fact that his gorgeous Elain was walking around his home, circling the vast expanse of the flat basically completely nude. He sat back on the sofa, threw his legs on an ottoman and made calls, while watching Elain and her bare pink pussy. Just like that. He didn’t even have to ask for it. It still blew his mind and he knew it was going to take him some time to get to terms with what was happening in his life and that Elain was almost his…but he’d have to deal with that later.
“Yes, yes,” he was surprised when someone finally answered. Elain stilled and looked at him. “We have a pug who ate some flowers…no…not garden…from a bouquet. How old is he? He is two-ish. Oh…I don’t know. He is a big pug. Short legs though,” at that, Piglet offered him an unimpressed side eye. Amazing, how Piglet miraculously understood everything whenever he wanted to. “I don’t know…he is kind of chunky. I’d say 13 kilos? Just under 30 pounds…Well, like I said, he is a big pug. No…not fat. Just bigger than normal pugs.”
He is? Elain mouthed, looking at Piglet.
Azriel nodded. How did she not realise this before? Piglet was only slightly smaller than a Frenchie. He was the biggest pug Azriel’d ever seen, with short little legs. 
“Alright. Thanks mate. We’ll be right over. Yeah, yeah…we have money and insurance too.”
Piglet raced down the wide hallways and sitting rooms of the palace. 
He wasn’t exactly sure whether this was actually a palace, but this was the biggest house he’s ever been in. He came here a few times a year with his Elain and with Fey, and some of the times Aunt Nesta came along as well. Mostly, he loved it because it had a huge park around the building, and in the summer, there was a pool, where he could splash and where the sisters swam and played with all kinds of toys. Pool was different from the drownings that he was subjected to, and therefore, he loved the pool. And then, there were the meals! Oh, the wonderful meals, where he got chicken and steak, where he ate sweet potatoes, and rice, he ate ham and hard boiled eggs for breakfast, he drank the best water and had so many treats, he couldn’t even count them (okay, he didn’t know how to count). There were fruits and berries in unlimited amounts and pup cups whenever he wanted. Oftentimes, grandpa came as well, and Piglet spent most of his time with him–they went for walks, they played, Piglet could run with all the sticks, he could zoom as much as he wanted, and then grandpa gave him treats, or let him nap in his study. 
As he ran along, Piglet noticed a whole lot of big trees, with lights and shiny balls on them. In fact, the whole house was decorated with shiny things and he was contemplating how he was going to get to some of them.
He and dad came to an agreement earlier in the day.
While Elain was sorting out insurance information at the vet’s, Azriel told Piglet the following,
“Not only do I know that you were faking all of this, so you could get food and attention, I also saw how you’ve been looking at the Christmas tree.”
At that, Piglet made a show of looking indifferent and almost surprised.
But dad, unfortunately, was too smart.
“Here is how it’s gonna go,” Azriel continued, also making a show of watching Elain, because he was always watching her, instead of what he was actually doing, which was scolding Piglet. “You will leave Ellie’s tree alone. You are not going to jump on it, poop under it, or try to tear any of the ornaments off. By the way, they are glass, and it won’t be fun for you, if you do. It’s mum’s tree, she loves it and you will remember that.
“In exchange,” he continued casually, “I will ask the vet not to stick anything up your butt.”
Piglet swallowed audibly.
He hated the vet so much.
And he especially hated it when they put things…up there. Which they did, almost every time. Thinking backwards, he was now regretting the whole flower-eating plan. It was stupid and he shouldn’t have done it.
“The tree stays, and nothing goes up your ass,” Azriel concluded. “If you attack the tree, I’ll tell the vet that he is free to do whatever he wants.”
Piglet quickly barked in agreement. The tree could stay.
“Wise move,” dad approved. 
True to his word, Piglet didn’t get anything stuck up in his butt. They gave him a pill, he had some diarrhoea in the park and that was that.
Mid-day, they all got dressed up and piled into the car. 
Piglet had to wear a tuxedo today–his black dungarees, a white shirt and a bow tie. Dad looked very similarly to him–he wore a tuxedo as well. Today, they were like a real father and son duo, and Piglet liked that. His Elain was dressed so prettily, in a beautiful dress, and she couldn’t touch him, because the dress was so fancy.
There was tension in the car, which Piglet didn’t understand. They humans spoke, but their tones were clipped and there was something going on that he couldn’t quite put his paw on. So when they reached their destination, he was very happy to get out of the car and run to find grandpa, because he was tired of the drama.
That’s what the country seat of the Duke and Duchess of Velaris was called. Rosehall Manor.
Manor was an understatement of the century. It was an enormous estate, with over 10,000 acres of land around it, and a stately mansion with 140 rooms. Though technically it belonged to the current Duchess of Velaris, which was Nesta, the ownership documents stipulated that the house and the land belonged to all the female members of the family. The estate was shared equally between the three sisters, with all of their female cousins having access to it as well.
The family always celebrated Christmas with a formal Christmas Eve dinner–hence the tuxedos, followed by a more informal Christmas lunch the following day. 
It’s not that Azriel was unfamiliar with this level of wealth and old money extravagance, but this was something straight out of Downton Abbey or something. Legions of servants, footmen, maids, butlers, valets greeted them as he helped Elain out of the car. Once unclipped from his dog seat, Piglet dashed inside the manor, feeling perfectly adept with all this finery and not giving a fuck. Azriel envied him. 
Elain took his arm, a lovely smile plastered on her face, but he knew that things between them were tense, at best. She didn’t show it though. When they entered the foyer and then the reception hall, Azriel saw Rhysand and Feyre, posing on the grand staircase, while professionally-looking photos were being taken of the two of them. 
Feyre wore an opulent gown of heavy pale silk with sheer sleeves and neck, embroidered with all kinds of gems. She looked regal and bridal. And happy, draped over Rhys’s imposing, tuxedo-clad form. 
“Happy Christmas. Helios Day, Hello Magazine,” a man approached them, slick and professional, handsome and curious. He handed out his card, which Azriel absently thrust into his pocket.
“We are here to take Christmas photos of Lord and Lady Darling. Their nuptials were so unexpected–but we are lucky to have snagged the first interview and the first photos of them as a married couple.”
He then turned to Elain and said,
“Lady Elain, do you have a few words for the article? And then, if you don’t mind, we’d like to take a few photos of you and Mr. Night,”
Azriel was surprised how quickly the man recognised him, but he supposed that that was his job. 
“And then of course the Duchess of Velaris and Mr. Cassian Night as well…”
Azriel hid his smile. Cassian hasn’t even gone on one date with Nesta, and yet here they were, being photographed as if they were a couple. Apparently, Hello Magazine just christened them as one, and was going to declare it to the world. He wondered how well it was going to go over with Nesta. But Nesta had invited Cassian to Christmas dinner here, at her family home. She didn't have to, but she did act like he was something more than a guest, so perhaps, she wouldn’t be affronted by the insinuation that they were a couple.
Speaking of Nesta–she appeared in the reception hall, with Cassian looming behind her.
She looked beautiful, in a blue gown with a lace overlay, which fit her gorgeous body like a glove. 
The three sisters were pulled to the staircase, and photographed together. Feyre–the bride, Nesta–the blade, and Elain–the flower. 
He might have been biassed, but Elain looked the best. She also wore a lace gown, with a very intricate pattern, in a sophisticated shade of pink, and with a full skirt. She definitely looked like his little princess tonight. 
Dinner was a traditional, if elegant affair held in the Walnut Dining Room, and thankfully, Azriel was seated next to Elain. The Darlings were here too–meeting of the families and all–and it seemed like Sir Charles and Lord Darling knew each other from before, and found each other companionable and there wasn’t any odd tension to contend with. Nesta and her father played hosts, he recited grace and then dinner was served. 
There were platters of chilled seafood, blinis with caviar, and cold oysters to start off with, and bottles of champagne. The ubiquitous roast turkey was the main course, but it was stuffed with apples and chestnuts and tasted spectacular (for turkey). Indulgent dauphinoise potatoes, and roasted vegetables made Azriel think that he’d soon need to go on a diet. He was barely training, not playing, and eating apple crisps, and cheese, and bacon sandwiches every day because of Elain. He loved it. Loved every moment of it, but still…And speaking of cheeses–then the cheese course arrived and…well, he couldn’t say no. Lastly, there was trifle and Eton Mess for pudding.
“Interesting menu,” Azriel commented, attempting to start a conversation with Elain.
“It’s been the same since Victorian times,” she answered, sipping her coffee. “Curated by my great-great grandmother,”
“The infamous Elain,”
“Indeed. This is what the Duke of Velaris liked to eat, and what she enjoyed as well. It’s been the same for generations.”
“Not bad. Not bad at all. Beats Brussel sprouts and weird bread sauces.”
“She loved trifle, and he loved Eton Mess, so here we are.”
And then Elain smiled at him and Azriel realised that he lived for that smile.
“What’s wrong with you tonight?” 
Cassian’s booming voice sounded even louder in the glass enclosure of the Winter Garden. 
“I think all things considered, everything’s been going pretty well. Nes even agreed to get her photo taken with me. So I guess I am now ‘the boyfriend’.”
He snickered to himself at the idea.
“I think it took her by surprise.”
“But she didn’t say no,” Azriel noted. 
He had loosened his bowtie and took off his jacket. He’d come here after dinner, leaving the revelry behind, because guests began playing charades and Rhys even got behind the piano, urging everyone to sing along to Christmas carols. 
“So, what is it?” Cassian pressed, seating himself in a wicker armchair, not so close to Azriel that it would feel like a confessional, but close enough to listen.
Azriel shook his head with annoyance, and Cassian waited. 
He knew his brother.
Azriel would speak only when he was ready. And that is IF he even decided to speak. The man was not exactly in tune with his sensitive side. 
“Hey beastie the pug!” Cassian suddenly cried out and Azriel knew who he was talking about. “My little wingman–wingpug–got me together with Nes at Fey’s birthday. Come here, boy.”
Piglet trotted to Cassian and Cassian picked him up and laid him on his lap, and as soon as he did, Piglet promptly fell asleep. 
“I am alive! I am dead! I am asleep! I am running! I am dead again! I am asleep!” Cassian muttered, and Azriel couldn’t help but smile. That really was Piglet in a nutshell.
Suddenly, Azriel began speaking, and Cassian stilled, listening and not making a sound. 
“I don’t know what to do, Cass. Like she is driving me crazy. I am so consumed with her, I can hardly think straight. Everything is her. Every word, every gesture. I over-analyse all of it until I give myself a headache. If I don’t talk to her, I stalk her social media, to see if she posted anything…I have this photo of her that she sent me a while back. She was wearing my jersey in it, it was before that game with Liverpool. And I’ve looked at it so many times now, I think I’ve poked a hole in my phone screen. 
“My thoughts…I scare myself sometimes. If she ever said no to me, if she tried to break it off, I think I would kidnap her, Cass. I would steal her and I would keep her in a cage,”
“Whoa,” Cassian breathed.
“I know. And I’d feed her my dick when she got hungry.”
“No, you don’t understand. She is everything to me, Cass. I want to hear her voice first thing in the morning. I want her face next to mine. I fucking want her to submit to me and be fucking mine!”
“I am assuming we are talking about Elain,” Cassian said carefully.
“No. About Kevin!” Azriel snapped.
“Okay, okay. But–I don’t understand–aren’t you with her already? Aren’t you two dating?”
“We are…kind of,” Azriel agreed. “But it’s like she has this wall around her that I can’t seem to penetrate. It’s tug and pull all the time. She is so skittish with her feelings,”
“Elain?” Cassian confirmed in disbelief. 
“Yes! Elain. You think only Nesta is all prickly and cold? You’d think Elain would love all the lame couple things! But no. The moment I push even a little bit, she pulls back, as if she is scared…I’d never hurt her!”
“But others have,” Cassian said reasonably. “Wasn’t she engaged once? And the bloke cheated on her? And her current one–he is AWOL too,”
“I am her ‘current one’!!!” Azriel snarled viciously.
“Okay, sorry, I know,” Cassian said quickly. “That’s not what I meant, you know,”
“That’s exactly how she thinks as well! That somehow, this isn’t real. We are not real. That one day, I would walk away like those other cunts. But that’s not me. She’d have to cut me out of her with a knife,”
“Mate, enough with the graphic imagery today!” Cassian raised his arms defensively. “I just ate.”
“We had a fight today,” Azriel muttered. “A really stupid fight,”
“Aren’t most fights stupid?”
Azriel ignored him.
“What happened?”
“We had to take Pink to the vet,” Azriel explained. “And she texted me something in the car and when it popped up on my phone, she saw what she is saved under,”
“Which is what?” 
“Mrs. Night.”
“Oh, well…” Cassian didn’t know how to respond to that. 
“And she flipped out!” Azriel snapped. “She yelled at me and said that it’s too soon, that she didn’t ‘sign up for this’, that we’ve only known each other for a little over two months, and that I am–and I quote–her client!”
Cassian sighed. He sympathised with his brother, but he also understood Elain.
“Maybe you are moving too fast and it’s scaring her?”
“Oh, fuck off! This is not what I need to hear,”
“Maybe you need to give her a bit of space,”
“Out of the question,” Azriel said sharply. “I am not giving her any fucking space. She is mine. She was born to be mine. I love her and I will make her mine. She will be Mrs. Night. She will carry and birth my children. And we’ll die on the same day.”
“Well, I am glad to see that you are not all weird and intense about it,” Cassian said helplessly.
Azriel buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.
Cassian gently lifted Piglet off his lap and picked him up, cradling him to his chest. Then he got up from the chair and proceeded to give the worst piece of advice that he could possibly give.
“Why don’t you stop obsessing and do what she asks of you. Don’t push. Dial back the intensity like 134%. If she asks you for something, just do it, and show her that you’d be there for her. That when she needs you to do something, you’d do it.”
“Like I haven’t been,” Azriel groaned. 
“Just keep going. Don’t talk about babies and how you’ll make her Mrs. Night. And I’d keep quiet about the cage thing too.
“It’s not a big thing, you know. It’s just a little fight. Everyone has those. Elain just need a bit of time.��
“So, do what she asks?”
“Yeah,” Cassian shrugged. “Do what she asks.”
**The song that Elain and Azriel danced to is called “Work’ by Charlotte Day Wilson
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The Archeron sisters Christmas dresses (left to right: Feyre, Nesta and Elain)
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mgc02 · 3 months
A Day Just For Them
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Blitzø sat at the table in his tiny apartment. His thoughts from the argument with Stolas still refusing to leave his mind.
Fuck it. He thought as he rifled through the fridge for his Belzejuice but it didn't turn up. He must've already drank it. Or maybe Loona drank it
Oh well, he'll just have to wallow in self pity while sober. He sat down and poured himself some cereal
The silence while Loonie slept in was usually so peaceful but now it felt so lonely. More lonely than ever before
Stolas struggled to find the motivation to get out of bed. Via was visiting today. He needed to be up and ready to greet her (and to pretend like everything was fine)
Why was Via supposed to be over today? It was the weekend wasn't it? She was supposed to spend weekends with her mother. Not that he didn't want to see her but he wasn't sure how well he could put on a happy face for her
Although that's what he'd been doing for years
Why was she coming today? His brain was so foggy and tired he couldn't seem to remember what was so important about today
He really didn't want to forget something important to Via again after Esther thoughts tears when she ran off with his book
He felt terrible that it was he who compelled her to do that
So with all the strength he could gather he groaned and got out of bed
Blitzø sat there letting his cereal get soggy when he saw Loona exit her room. Oddly enough she was already dressed
That was unusual. He didn't think much of it though
"Alright espresso depresso, get dressed and let's get going" she said as she stretched
Blitzø blinked obliviously. "Going where?"
"To your father's day surprise"
Oh shit! That's right it was Father's day!
Stolas put on his usual wear and took his morning meds. He stepped outside to see the limo pulling up.
He took a deep breath and forced a smile and waved
Via jumped out of the car and joyfully bounced over to him. She seemed to be in a good mood
Anxiety spread over him at whatever it could possibly be that he had promised to with her today and how she would take the news that he forgot
She ran into his arms
"Hey dad! Happy Father's day!"
Stolas almost tripped over his words
"Th-thank you... Via. I'm glad you're here"
Of course! It was Father's day! That's why she was here. He didn't know what they would do together but maybe it would actually be quite nice
He could use a little love today
Blitzø ran into 3 different signs and a telephone pole with his blind fold on as Loona was not putting a lot of effort into leading him
But he was actually a little excited. He could use a distraction. And it had been a while since him and Loona did something fun together
"Alright, check it out" Loona said casually
Blitzø began to take his blindfold off but as he was doing so heard a noise. A noise that sounded like a certain animal
A noise he knew anywhere
"No way! That's not what fucking think it is. Is it?" He rushed to take off his blindfold. His eyes practically bulged out of his sockets when he seen it
A ranch filled with horses
Wait! Were they in the wrath ring?
"Ta da!" She said not so enthusiastic although she was smiling at him
"It's a whole day across the mountain on horseback" she explained
He began to tear up. "Loonie you did this for me!?!" Loona groaned in an annoyed tone "don't cry" she complained
Blitzø whiped his tears away "right yeah sorry. I'm just... I needed this. Oh my God Loona you have NO IDEA how much I needed this."
Loona smiled "I think you'd be surprised. I kinda had a feeling. Now pick out your horse for the day"
Stolas had managed to find something for them to do together. Put put. Then he had decided to get them a last minute reservation at a restaurant he knew she liked. Being royalty had its perks
Via just seemed happy to be with him. "Dad you didn't have to go through this trouble. This is my day to do something for you" she spoke appreciatively as they sat down at the restaurant
"I know, I know. But nothing makes me more happy than to see that smile. That's the best gift I could get today" he cupped her cheek with his hand as he said it
"Well dad. I did get you another gift if you would like it now" she began to pull something out of her bag
Stolas's eyes lit up in anticipation.
Via reached in and pulled out a present in a box and wrapped up with a bow on it
"Oh Via you really didn't have to do this" he said with excitement as he carefully opened the present
His glee on his face fell when he saw his gift
In the box, was a book entitled "memories with dad"
He carefully opened it to see it was filled to the brim with pictures of him and Via together. A lot were taken from her hellphone. There were funny and lighthearted captions on some of them
He was too stunned to speak
"Is it alright dad? I know it's not the most expensive gift but I-" she was cut off by him hugging her as tight as he could
"This is the greatest gift! Thank you so much! I think I have a new favorite book" he said as he began to flip through more of the pages
After Blitzø FINALLY decided on a horse they were off. Blitzø decided to call this beautiful baby "little lawnmower". Loona didn't have the heart to tell him it's name was "Sunny". She picked out a big white horse with a fiesty attitude named "Phantom"
They rode up and down a windy path to the top of a tall mountain. The view was gorgeous so of course Loona wanted to snap a pic with Blitzø for Father's day
They took a photo and Loona immediately tried to post it.
"Shit! No signal up here. I guess I'll have to post it on sinstagram later" she noted.
Blitzø looked on to see two eagles building a nest together
He begins to tear up
Loona looks over "hey Blitzø I said no crying"
Blitzø tries to calm down "sorry, it's just... did you know eagles mate for life?"
"I did not know that" she responded
"Even after they grow old and get fat or ugly! They stay together. They stay together cause they want to" he broke down crying
Loona pulled him in and comforted him as he cried in her arms
"Big. Beautiful. Dumb bird!" He sobbed.
"You should talk to him" she replied
"He doesn't wanna see me." He mumbled
"I think you should still try. I don't wanna become your tissue every time you see something that reminds you of him. Now go."
She was right. He was gonna make it right.
Blitzø hopped onto Little Lawnmower and took off. He was gonna make it right. He was gonna talk about his FEELINGS like a FUNCTIONAL PERSON! And it was gonna super romantic him riding in on a horse
He took out his phone to see Loona's post finally up...
On top of the world with my dad on Father's Day
He did feel like he was on top of the world
And he didn't want this feeling to go away
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