#my cute lil honey cinnamon bun
rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
What are the nicknames you give to the kny characters to call their s/o? Curious since a lot of writers have their different nicknames and its so cute!
Ooh I just swing with what it sounds best to me!
Giyuu: Rabbit, Coral, Beck, Morgan. (Depends on the type of Y/N)
Kyojuro: Firefly, blaze, flame.
Sanemi: Wind, breeze, gale, cyclon. (Depends on the type of Y/N)
Iguro: Sly fox, fox, snake, (snake)scale.
Shinobu: butterfly, love bug, caterpillar. (Depends on the type of Y/N, she can come up with many more insect petnames)
Mitsuri: Dove, Meow meow, princess/prince, honey bun, cinnamon roll, mochi.
Muichiro: He would just address you by your name but if he forgets(cut him some slack) ge will call you “Misty”.
Gyomei: Rock(I personally used be called like this and I was like wtf??? Lmao??? But then the user said that rock to them means a strong, firm person etc etc.), honey, flower.
Tengen: He would call you by your name then follow it up with compliments, he’s just a smooth talker . (Oh my lil’ flashy Y/N! The most beautiful person I know!)
Tanjiro: Sun ray, sunshine, sunflower, sunday, bunny, honey.
Zenitsu: Spark, thunder, love.
Inosuke: good luck getting this guy to show any ounce of affection, his love language is to fight! He would call you boar or bear, any creature he finds fit for you.
Kanao: …
Genya: This man will address you by your name or with his death piercing stare until you both are alone. He will melt into you showing his vulnerability, its like he’s a completely different person, he’s gentle. Chomper, sugarplum, lavender, amore, honey badger.
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ciutae · 4 years
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Happy birthday taehyung ↳ Taehyung during one of my favorite eras DNA
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Hello! Thank God I found a still active BSD imagines blog 😭 So, I have quite a specific request if it's ok um can you please do a scenario where Ranpo has a smol female s/o and she's very child-like (in appearance & personality) similarly to him but in everyone's surprise, Ranpo becomes mature when it comes to her. Like, he takes care of her, looks out for her and maybe tell her off when she's misbehaving. My advance thanks to you!~also, do you do NSFW? asking for a friend ;) hehe
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When he first saw her in the candy shop he had to do a double take. She seemed almost too perfect. He was salivating, and it wasn't because he was surrounded by sugar filled rock candies and pastries, no, it was her. The way her her legs looked in those knee high socks, the way they traveled up underneath her short skirt, the cute little face she made, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she reached on her tiptoes for a bag of candy on the highest shelf. She was precious, she looked delectable, and she put all the other candy in the store to shame. Of course he went over to help her, even though he wasn't much taller than she was himself, but what other way was he going to make her his if he didn't make his move.
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He woke up to the sound of glass shattering in the kitchen followed by the sound of your soft voice mumbling to yourself. "Shoot, shoot shoot! Darn it! Oh man." He pulled the blankets off himself and got out of bed, not wanting you to cut yourself on any of the glass that you had broken. He was always so worried about you, you were pretty clumsy and you were prone to hurting yourself often, but that just gave him more reason to hover and be close to you.
He slipped his slippers on and made his way into the kitchen, finding you crouched on the floor sweeping the shards of glass into the dustpan. You looked up and saw him standing next to the counter, staring down at the glass on the floor. "You okay, cinnamon bun?" He asked, finally bending down to finish with the smaller shards that you might miss. "Hmm? Yeah! Sorry I woke you up. I was trying to make breakfast for you and the cup got in the way." You said, your voice always so cheerful, your smile never faltered. When he finished cleaning up the glass he checked you over, looking over your hands and knees to make sure that you didn't cut yourself or get any glass embedded in your skin. After he made sure you were okay he kissed along your knuckles before pressing a small kiss to your nose. "Please be more careful." He murmured, but that wasn't a parting statement, that was an honest plead. If anything happened to you it would destroy him completely.
He sat at the table, his feet propped up on the edge as he watched you turn on the burner to the stove. His heartbeat quickened, the thought of you and fire mixed together, it didn't seem good. It's not that you didn't know how to do things for yourself, it's just that sometimes you got distracted and that could be really bad for you and the apartment with the burner on. "Do you need my help with that?" He asked as nonchalantly as he could, hoping that you would say yes. He would much rather you sit at the table and let him take over the cooking, just so he knows you wouldn't get burnt. You gave him his favorite wind chime giggle as you turned to look at him. "Of course not! I'm like, the worlds greatest breakfast chef, like, ever!" You said, and he couldn't help but smile at how adorable you looked. You were wearing one of his shirts and his favorite knee high socks with an apron tied around yourself. He was torn between watching you move around the kitchen, his eyes glued to the way your body looked in the early morning sun, or getting up and helping you anyway.
The oil popped in the pan as the eggs sizzled, every pop made him jump especially when you let out a little squeal, he feared that the oil had landed on you and that your beautiful skin had been burnt. Then you would let out a breathy chuckle, he could tell that you were embarrassed. "Turn down the burner, pumpkin." He'd say, and you would slowly inch closer to the stove, your arm stretched as far as you could stretch it to turn the knob on the stove. When the bubbling and popping subsided you would smile proudly at him, your eyes squeezed shut and give him two thumbs up. "I did it!" He would hum with approval, letting himself relax knowing that you won't get hurt, hopefully, in the next five minutes at least.
Everyone at the Agency was shocked at how mature Ranpo had become over a matter of six months. He wasn't as childlike as he had been before, but now that he had someone else to worry about and look out for, he knew he had to do some growing up of his own, especially since you were very childlike yourself. He didn't mind it, as long as you were okay, that was his main concern, you were his top priority. You had helped him find a reason to grow up, to be a better version of himself, and you weren't even aware. From the start, he had begun the maturing process. The first date he went on with you, you had tripped up a set of stairs and skinned your knee. When he saw the small tear clinging to the edge of your eye he had almost cried himself. Then when you had been on the phone with him one night and he heard you slightly whimper in pain, the pained "Ow" that you had muttered into the receiver, he almost had a heart attack. He was about to run to your apartment to make sure that you were okay, that is until you reassured him that you had just burnt your finger on a pan by accident. God, did this man worry about you. It seemed like it took forever for him to convince you to move in with him, just so he could keep an eye on you constantly, but once he did it felt like some weight had been lifted.
You had finally finished making breakfast and he could finally take a deep breath. He watched you carefully as you walked over, placing the plate on the table before sitting on his lap, swinging your legs back and forth as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Did you make a plate for yourself, pumpkin?" He asked, trying to not think too hard about your lack of pants as you rocked back and forth on his lap. He could feel the blood flowing south, and he knew that if you felt it, the two of you would be locked in the bedroom for the next two hours. "Hmm? Oh, nope! Not hungry right now. I'll cook something when you go to work." You said, and his eyes went wide, the thought of you being home alone and cooking scared the hell out of him.
"How about I just bring you home something during my break?!" He said almost too forcefully, and you leaned back to look at him. He thought that he had hurt your feelings, and he was about to apologize until you flashed a big smile, pressing your lips to his. "I love when you visit me during your breaks! Thanks, honey bunny!" You slid off his lap, and ran to the bedroom. He heard the sound of something hitting the door frame and he leaned back in his chair to see you sitting on the floor, your hands wrapped around your ankle.
"What did you hit this time?"
"Funny bone..."
"I'll get the ice."
One thing he loves doing is taking you out on his days off. He'll take you out to eat or out to the movies or when the weather allows it, he'll take you for a stroll through the park. Anything that allows him to spend time with you and give you his undivided attention he loved doing it. He would have his arm wrapped around your waist while you held onto his coat. He thought it was precious how tight you gripped onto him, how close you pressed your body against his.
One time he taken you to CosmoWorld and you had begged him to get on the Ferris Wheel. It's not that he didn't like the Ferris Wheel, he thought it looked beautiful from a distance, especially at night when it was lit up, but the concept of you and him, especially you, being that high up with no harness or really anything to keep you from falling out, it didn't really sit well with him. He wasn't scared of heights, he was scared of you falling to your death.
"Let's just pick something else. I'll win you a prize from one of the games. Pick any prize, I'll get it for you." He had tried to coax you away from the Ferris Wheel, gently pulling you in a different direction. You yanked your hand away from his and folded your arms across your chest, pouting at him as you stomped your foot. "No. I want to ride the Ferris Wheel."
"I don't think the Ferris Wheel is a good idea, not after we've eaten." He didn't like you being mad at him, and he definitely didn't like saying no to you, but sometimes he wished that you would just take no as an answer and move on with it.
"If you won't take me on the Ferris Wheel, I'll find someone else to do it." You said, sticking your nose in the air and turning your back on him. You began walking away, but you didn't get very far before he was right behind you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to look at him.
"Y/N, stop it." He said sternly, his hands moving to grip onto your waist, holding you tightly to make sure you didn't try to turn away again. "Now look, I said I'd get you a prize, but if you want to act like this we can just go home."
Your lip jutted out and began trembling, he tried to not let it affect him, but he hated making you sad. He closed his eyes so he didn't have to see how upset you looked, it helped him keep his composure, but once you started sniffling he broke. "Come on, don't cry."
"You didn't call me pumpkin... am I not your pumpkin?" You asked quietly and as silly as your question was, he knew that you were serious. At this point you had already forgotten about the Ferris Wheel dilemma, you were worried more about the fact that he had used your first name. It was a rarity, the only times you ever heard him say your name was in the bedroom or when he was irritated with you.
"Of course you're still my pumpkin. Don't be silly. How about we just go home, we can cuddle and watch your favorite movies." He'd quickly brush his thumbs across your cheeks, brushing away any stray tears that had managed to fall.
You were childish, and sure you worried him to death sometimes, and sure he sometimes had to be more serious than he liked to be to get you to behave, but he loved you. He loved everything about you. He fell in love with every aspect of you, and he wouldn't change you for a thing. You're perfect just the way you are, and if anyone even tried to say anything about how you acted he would gladly put them in their place. You were him pumpkin, and he was proud to be your honey bunny.
A/N : What!? Two posts in one night? TWO RANPO POSTS IN ONE NIGHT?! YOU HECKIN KNOW IT! This one is kind of short, but I hope you enjoy it. <3
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kakakakashi · 4 years
I just started BNHA today... I’m on episode 3 and little Izuku is my whole fucking world 🥺🥺🥺 why was he such a precious little child?!?! I just ugh... the no quirk thing and he was so... so sad like you don’t need a quirk little bb you are perfect and that little face could cause world peace 😭 my fucking heart. Makes me think of little Gaara and I am SO SOFT. I’m sorry 🥺 I just had to get it off my chest.
I KNOW, RIGHT??? You should see my snapchat. I scream about how he’s baby very 5 seconds. I just wanna smoosh his cheeks, give him big hugs, and kiss all of his freckles! He’s a lil baby bean cinnamon roll angel cake honey bun pumpkin pie! I can’t decide if I have a crush on him or if I just can’t process how cute he is. Lbr, it’s both.
I KNOW, RIGHT! I was like “Izuku, Deku, honey... you can be a hero. Why isn’t there a Batman or Iron Man in this universe??? Fuck it. Izuku, baby. You’re gonna be the first quirkless hero. I know exactly how. I’m an expert. K, let’s get to work.” *Whips out all of the Marvel material I own and know of, ready to help the lil baby bunny achieve his dream* 
I just... I love Izuku so much... He is just... my fuckin heart! When he does the heart squeeze face, I’m like “BITCH! THAT’S HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU 25/8!” 
Also, just wait until he goes from skinny to buff. I’m like “Look, you little stinker. Just because you could bench press 200 times my weight doesn’t mean I’m not gonna treat you and protect you like the lil baby bunny you are because your face still looks like it’s 5, and YOU ARE TOO PRECIOUS!” He’s just too good for this world, too pure. Please, someone make him stop hurting himself! I just... I love Deku so much. 
Although... Todoroki is my fave... Although, that’s only because he is literally me in high school in almost every way & I just... yeah. Anyway. Izuku is baby, and I love him so much. *SCREECHES* 
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JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE!!! HE IS TOO SWEET!!! HE’S PRETTIER THAN I WILL EVER BE!!! MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT!!! I FEEL LIKE INKO WATCHING THE SPORTS FESTIVAL & BAWLING!!! Speaking of which, can I just be friends with Inko & look through all of Izuku’s baby albums with her & just cry about how wonderful her son is??? 
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chocolvte · 5 years
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BTS HEADCANONS — jeon jungkook as a boyfriend
AUTHOR’S NOTE — it’s jungkook day! everyone please enjoy this post to celebrate 🍰
LISTEN TO — crazy like you by chungha and bibi
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oh my gosh jungkook :(
this boy literally loves you to pieces
he carries you everywhere and brings you a box of macarons every other week because they’re your favorite and knows your coffee order and likes poking your cheeks
he’s got it bad
n for a long long time he was so sure you didn’t like him :( n he was big big sad
until !!!
one day,,
you’re sharing a pot of honey lavender tea on your balcony, watching the butterflies sitting on your climbing roses
and you just confess?? like he hasn’t been in love with you since birth basically??
so can you really blame him for being completely shocked and for once not having a single thing to say
which isn’t great because now you feel really embarrassed and like maybe you shouldn’t have said anything
but finally (finally!) his last lonely brain cell takes over and he’s pressing his lips to yours and kissing you with everything he’s been holding back for so so long
everyone is so relieved
especially namjoon because now he doesn’t have to hear guk pining over you every other minute
(sike biss he still got plenty to say about the smell of your shampoo and how cute you looked today in his hoodie when you got cold)
but the boys don’t mind as much anymore because at least now it’s happy pining instead of sad pining
jungkook really likes filming you
he’s always taking pictures when you’re not expecting them or filming you when you’re just, like, putting your shoes on or something
and he makes you the cutest lil compilations for your birthday
he has a soft spot for calling you honey (plus all of her cute little sisters: honey bun, honey bunny, and honey bunch)
someday he wants to adopt a pet with you, but right now you have a full time job keeping him alive
god he’s so stupid sometimes
like that time last summer when the two of you were on out on a boat in southern italy with some friends for the day and you lost your hat over the side and what did jungkook do? mf swan dived off the boat to get it back
but at the same time he’s very thoughtful and sweet and a good listener
he always knows when you need him
he also trusts you an awful lot and tells you more things than he tells most people so he always protects your secrets really well
he also really really loves seeing you in his clothes
like loves loves it
there’s not a single oversized shirt he owns that you haven’t worn at least once
jungkook might look like a boy but really he’s just a soft little slice of bread, a cute little cinnamon bun, a bunny
please take care of him :( because chances are he’s too busy taking care of you to do it himself
6:14 PM
“close your eyes.”
jungkook made sure his voice was very soft, so it wouldn’t scare you. reaching out with one hand, he cupped your face as gently as he could while the other carefully cleaned out the scrape above your left eye. you flinched, making him lower the washcloth he was holding with a sigh.
“honey, i need you to hold still,” he scolded you, keeping his hands on your waist. you were sat on the bathroom counter with your legs on either side of him, barely able to think past the throbbing of your head.
“but it hurts,” you sulked, crossing both arms over your chest. jungkook smiled in spite of himself, making a tsk sound with his tongue against his teeth in mock disappointment.
“such a baby,” he teased you, tilting your chin up so he could kiss your sad expression away. “pouting at me over a tiny cut. just let me clean it, okay?”
“no,” you glared at your boyfriend, pushing him away and keeping him there with one foot pressed against his abdomen. “not if you’re going to be mean.”
“i’m not being mean,” jungkook pushed your foot away, biting back a smile so he could kiss you again. “i just want to help, promise.”
11:27 AM
most of the time, jungkook was a sweetheart, treating you like a little prince(ss), but right now he was getting on your nerves.
“guk, stop,” you almost yelled, ducking away from your boyfriend as he nearly swiped your cheek with another glob of cake batter.
“but it’s so good,” he tried, struggling to hold back the grin threatening to take over his expression.
“yeah? eat it yourself,” you sassed playfully, knocking into his side as hard as you could to let him know you had just about had it with him.
“ow!” jungkook protested around the mixing spoon in his mouth. dropping it in the sink, he pouted at you. “that hurt, y/n.”
“you hit me in the head with the cupcake tray!” you protested in disbelief and this time jungkook couldn’t keep the grin off his face, laughing gleefully at the memory.
“okay, okay, i’m sorry,” he giggled, pulling you over to him so he could cup your face and kiss you the way he did whenever he had to apologize for something he wasn’t sorry about at all. pulling away to see your skeptical expression, his grin only got bigger. “i am! i’m totally sorry, honey, i’ll pay for your new head myself.”
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@rvsiq: “hii, can I get a matchup (haikyuu-male), I'm 5'6 and I wear glasses. I have brown hair and blue eyes, I love reading and singing/playing the guitar. I'm introverted but once I get more comfortable with someone I talk a lot. I am very observant and I'm good at reading people. I like to make jokes and make people laugh. I am very optimistic and I love helping people. I am also the youngest in my friend group and they tease me because of that. I like math and chemistry and I like making nerdy pick up lines or something similar as a joke hahaha. My favourite colour is yellow. I love pastel colours/ I like soft aesthetic. In a partner I dont really have a type but probably someone protective and can seem cold but are softie ig? Also, I love nose kisses fejsksnd. I find going in a park with ice cream/ home hangouts cute date ideas (study dates as well).”
notes: thank you so much for entering!! you sound like such a sweet lil’ cinnamon bun and kuroo was honestly the first person who i thought of after reading your submission LOL so i sincerely hope you agree and enjoy your matchup! thank you for your support, and i hope to see you stick around ❥
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why i matched you:
» just like you, kuroo is also a bit of a nerd and often finds humor in any situation he’s in. i feel like you two would be so completely lost in each other when talking about your interests - chemistry, music, reading, coming up with the worst, dorky pickup lines. kuroo really values like-minded people, you lucky girl!
» kuroo finds your selflessness the most attractive quality about you (aside from how smokin’ you are, ofc). he loves that you’re always willing to help the ones you care most about with anything, and you always give so much of yourself to what you believe in. however, he won’t hesitate to remind you every now and then that it’s okay to be selfish, sometimes! he’s always there to help you take care of yourself once things start getting a little too tiring.
» kuroo seems like a suave, cold-hearted ladies man to most on the outside. but on the inside? HUGE softie, especially for you. he likes to pretend he’s a smooth talker when he’s always inwardly panicking over his approach with you. he just wants to make sure you feel comfortable in his presence without making himself seem like too much of a dork, y’know? you just gotta remind him that’s what you love about him the most!
» kuroo isn’t overbearing with pda but he does like having you tucked into his side when he can, both for his own selfish need to have you against him AND to let everyone else know you’re off limits. his favorite thing to do is wrap an arm around your waist or rest his hand against the small of your back while you lean into him with your head against his chest (since he’s literally too fuckin’ talk for you to reach his shoulder). this position always gives him the perfect angle to lean down and press a sweet kiss against your hair, sometimes dropping further to sneak a kiss against your nose or lips to make you blush in that cute way you always do.
» library dates? library dates. kuroo takes his studies seriously, and finds it so refreshing to be able to love someone who feels the same way about their academic goals. he’s always so willing to help you out with whatever subject you’re struggling the most with, and remembers to text you encouraging messages the morning of an important exam you two have been cramming for. his favorite reward to give you when you (inevitably) pass said exam is a big hug n’ kiss from him and a trip to the store to pick up whatever your favorite treat is.
» but even he likes to take breaks from learning, so he’ll often surprise you with an evening out to cute little cafe’s tucked away in the smallest parts of town or take you for a stroll in the biggest park he can find, holding your hand as you walk with whatever frozen treat your heart desires from the vendors there. and even if you do decide to stay in for the night, he’s more than happy to snuggle with you on the couch and watch that new movie you’ve been wanting to see. honestly, he’s willing to do just about anything as long as it’s with you!
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“So you really think this looks good? It’s not, I don’t know…” You eye yourself in the mirror, hands smoothing over the fabric of the garment in question, ”loose?”
Kuroo meets your hesitant gaze from the archway of the dressing room, curtain pulled back so he can peek inside upon your request, and his eyes instantly soften at the sight of you in the sundress he picked out for you. White, flowy at the bottom, thin straps that rested beautifully over your delicate collarbones. His knees nearly gave out when he caught sight of your gorgeous legs against the cotton fabric, hem resting at your mid-thigh. You looked like an angel.
“Wow, baby you-...” Kuroo brought a hand up to his chin, covering his mouth with his palm in an attempt to conceal his awe. Not that he didn’t want you to see his admiration, of course - he was just afraid of drooling all over the clothing store’s pristine, tile floor if he kept his jaw open any longer, “You look amazing. Really, you do.”
It took every muscle fiber in his body to not lunge forward and wrap his slender arms around your glowing figure, the heat rushing to your cheeks and the way you fiddled with the edge of the dress making his heart combust in his chest. The only thing that held him back was the fact that it was a dressing room, and, well, the employees that have been side-eyeing him the moment you opened the curtain for his opinion.
However, that all went straight out the window the second he saw you turn to yourself in the mirror once again, this time with a huge smile forming over your delicate lips. Kuroo knew that smile. It was the smile you showcased when you truly felt beautiful, when all the compliments and praise he sent your way had finally nestled deep within your thoughts and stuck to your consciousness like honey. It was his favorite smile, and you wore it so naturally.
Kuroo’s calloused fingers find their way around your waist as his chip lays atop your head, swaying with you in front of the mirror as he drinks in the sight before him for what felt like the millionth time. He couldn’t get enough of you in that lovely dress that he picked out.
“I think I’ve got pretty good taste, don’t you think?” He finishes the proclamation with a sweet kiss to the crown of your head and lips twitching into a smirk against your delicate locks.
“Hmm… yea, I’ll give you this one, Tetsu. But you’re paying for it!”
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deadline for matchups is (08/29/20)! be sure to submit your entry before this date and check the tag #tumplaysmatchmaker to stay updated!
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Warm food and warm hearts
“He wouldn’t say he was anxious. Or, yes, maybe he would say so, but it wasn’t...Bad. It was like when he was a child during Summer’s End, awaiting for father to finish preparing the bonfire so they could eat meat pies and drink hot chocolate with honey (it was one of the only days where he could drink honey besides right before his bedtime), and then mother would dance while holding him in her arms before putting a tiny drunk child to sleep.
Or: Logan's boyfriend invites him to stay the night in his apartment.“
Pairings:Logince, eventual DLAMP.
Urban fanatsy.
Tags: Fluff, First Kiss, a lil bit of angst, trans man!Roman, genderfluid!Logan
Warnings: A whole food discussion.
Characters: Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Remus Sanders, Dot(Cartoon Therapy)
Sequel to my fic “The hands they held”(https://al-pomegranate-seeds.tumblr.com/post/635778410466197504/the-hands-they-held-roman-looked-at-the-flower) and second installment in my “Unicia” series.
Archive of our own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27737170
Logan let out a sigh as he closed the glass doors of the shop. Today had been especially taxing, it seemed. More customers than normal had showed up, right on the day when he felt his social battery had started lower than normal, and Roman hadn’t been able to come visit, having three long appointments to start.
Logan could feel his cheeks heat up(and see his glittering reflection on the glass) as he thought about that last one. It felt a bit ridiculous that Roman’s mere one day abstention was a factor in his mental exhaustation, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel bad about it. Roman had truly been a blessing, appearing on the shop’s first day of existing in that specific location, initiating a conversation with Logan and quickly establishing something they had in common. And then the friendship, which was more than Logan ever expected, going on for a approximately seven months of them sharing their interests and listening to each other ramble about things they didn’t necessarily understand, all of this during work breaks and in their respective places of work.
And today, Roman had invited him to spend the night in his apartment.
Logan wasn’t foolish, he didn’t expect them to go very far. Hell, three weeks and a half of dating and they hadn’t even kissed yet! But it was a big step, to be allowed into one’s home. And besides, Remus wouldn’t be there, occupied with some sort of date (“it’s a booty call, nerdy Wolverine”), and they wouldn’t be exchanging soft compliments and hand kisses on neutral ground.
He wouldn’t say he was anxious. Or, yes, maybe he would say so, but it wasn’t...Bad. It was like when he was a child during Summer’s End, awaiting for father to finish preparing the bonfire so they could eat meat pies and drink hot chocolate with honey (it was one of the only days where he could drink honey besides right before his bedtime), and then mother would dance while holding him in her arms before putting a tiny drunk child to sleep. She hadn’t been able to hold him anymore after he hit puberty, but they still danced the night away, drunk on honey and alcohol and love.
So maybe a better word to describe how he was feeling would be that he was excited.
“Oh come on kid, leave the cleaning up to me.” Logan heard mother say behind him. He spinned quickly, and she was smiling at him like she knew something he didn’t. She probably did.
“Absolutely not, I cannot allow you to clean everything up alone – “
“Logan.” She said firmly, and Logan shut up. “You’ve been staring at that damn tattoo parlor for eight minutes. Go see your pretty boy, I’m not too old to clean a damn shop.”
Logan felt his face heating up again, the light of his freckles lighting up mother’s face.
“I – ok. I’ll go. But promise not overexert yourself.”
“Fine, fine, I promise, mother hen.” Logan rolled his eyes, before kissing mother on the cheek and grabbing his bag, going for the backdoor.
When he stepped inside the tattoo parlor, he could see that Roman and Remus were already turning off the lights, Roman’s curly, long, cardinal red hair pulled up in a bun, his tanned skin stained with ink, and Remus’ hair as unkept as always.
Logan wouldn’t ever admit it, but he would always melt when Roman smiled at seeing him.
“My love!” Roman exclaimed, running up to Logan and picking him up only to spin him in the air.
Logan would normally feel awfully embarassed at such a display of affection, but when there was only them and Remus, who might as well be his friend at this point? He couldn’t manage to make himself embarassed enough to reprimand his red haired love.
Love. By the stars, love. They were going awfully quick, weren’t they? He couldn’t bring himself to care.
Roman finally put him down, only to grab his face with both hands and start peppering kisses all over it. Logan was almost drunk enough on the kisses to not notice Roman was following his freckles with his lips.
“This is cute enough to make me want to take my eyes out with a spoon.” Logan heard Remus’ voice, and Roman groaned, dropping his face on Logan’s shoulder. Logan could see Remus was wearing ripped black skinny jeans over fishnets and a bright green crop top.
“Oh, fuck off, go rummage for trash you fucking racoon.”
“I have already rummaged, bitch brother of mine, tonight I get to eat the trash.”
“Oh for the love of the ghosts, I literally hate you so much – “
“Sure, sure, hey Logan, bye Logan, use protection!” Remus said as he walked out of the parlor’s doors, mounting his bike and finally going.
“Fucking trash eating little gremlin.” Roman murmured, before kissing Logan’s shoulder(well, his shirt, but it’s the thought that counts) and raising his head to look at Logan, big smile already back on his face. “So! Are you ready?”
Logan, still flustered by the kisses, simply nodded.
“Alright, my apartment is just up those stairs, you can go up and settle down while I finish closing the shop.” Roman said, before laying a final kiss on Logan’s cheek and walking towards the doors Remus had left unlocked. Logan went up the stairs, face still hot, and as he went to open the door that sat on top of them, he couldn’t help but feeling that awfully warm and fuzzy thing inside his chest when he touched the doorknob (thankfully made out of copper), as it finally hit him that yes, Roman was actually letting him inside his home without caring about what Logan could do while he was absent. If any fairy(specifically the fairies Logan grew up around) had done something like this, it would be seen as foolish, if not downright scandalous.
Logan shook his head before finally opening the door.
The apartment was...Not exactly what Logan was expecting(with the level of average drama between Remus and Roman combined, he almost expected for red theatre curtains, swords, thrones and life sized statues), but he couldn’t deny that it did fit both of the twins.
The first thing Logan noticed was that, while there weren’t any theatre curtains, there was a fair amount of red and green decoration, including but not limited to a golden and red peacock statue and a green hand showing the middle finger statue. The floorplan was open, with a living space decorated in whites and blacks right in front of a tiny kitchen decorated in the same color scheme. It probably wouldn’t fit the two brothers if there weren’t paint stains all over the furniture, along with various papers with drawings that Logan assumed were possible tattoo designs covering the walls and the fridge.
Overall it seemed like Roman and Remus had taken something that wasn’t theirs...And made it theirs.
Logan noticed there was a fireplace sitting adjacent to the couch, and there were small amounts of clutter there, like a bunch of unopened letter, a clear glass chocolate jar, silver and gold jewelry and two wands.
He set his overnight bag on the side of the couch and sit down, analyzing the drawings covering the walls while he waited for Roman.
Aproximately ten minutes later, he heard the door opening and Roman’s voice rambling.
“Well, that’s it, the shop is closed, the equipment is clean, the lights are turned off and – wow, is that a cutie sitting on my couch?”
Logan raised one eyebrow, but Roman kept looking at him expectantly. He simply sighed before saying with a smile “Yes, dear."
“I knew it, my suspicions are confirmed! The most gorgeous being is indeed inside my apartment!”
“Oh you – you are too kind.” Was the only thing Logan could say, still not used to having those exhuberant words directed at him, but not at all displeased by them.
“On the contrary, I am not kind enough!” Was the answer he received, as Roman jumped to sit on his side and grab his face with both hands. “For example, I have yet to tell you how stunning your freckles look today, they look like you were carved out of a giant diamond then strategically painted over with the finest pigments one could find – “
“Oh – Roman.“Was all Logan could say, as he felt his stomach fluttering like it was full of living snap-dragonflies, and Roman’s entire expression went too soft for him to handle. Luckily, Roman bent down to kiss his cheek before Logan had to decide what to do to hide his undoubtedly lovesick expression. The peck on his cheek went on for long enough that he could calm down. Roman looked at him before leaving a final quick kiss on the other cheek and retreating.
“I have vegetable and mushroom pie, butterscotch pie, linean bread, and cinnamon rolls in the shape of a bunny. Do you want to eat before watching the movie or after?”
“I’d like to eat before. It’s hard for me to concentrate on the movie if I am eating.” Logan responded, trying not to get distracted by Roman’s hand on his cheek.
“Ok.” Roman said, before letting go of him and getting up. “ You can go change while I set the table, if you want. The bathroom is that door on the left.”
Logan nodded and got up, going in the direction of the bathrooom as Roman went in the direction of the fridge.
The bathroom was a small, simple one, with slightly off white tiles on the walls and floor, a normal toilet, sink and shower. He set the bag down on the toilet to grab his pajamas, a knee length, dark blue pajamas skirt and a black baggy t-shirt. He put on simple black socks before closing his bag and getting out of the bathroom.
Roman had already set the table, it seemed, as he was getting out of what Logan assumed was his bedroom, finishing the process of putting on a red tank top over white sweatpants.
“Hey.” Roman said, grabbing Logan’s hand and leading him to the small square glass table on the space to the side of the living space, on which was laid out all of the food he had mentioned before. “What do you want?”
“I’ll have the vegetable pie, and I want to try the bread, I’ve never heard of it.”
“Oh, then you’re in for a treat, my love, it’s bread made in Linea, the elf nation I – that is, the elf nation my mother comes from. It’s made with ground lineo and mock-turtle milk, so the texture is different from wheat bread, and it’s savory.”
Logan simply nodded, grabbing butter and spreading it on one of the orange colored slices of bread that had already been cut, before cutting out a slice of the vegetable pie.
He went for the bread first, and it was...Delicious, certainly, but also not what he was accustomed to. The texture was less starchy and more smooth, more, well, damp, than wheat bread. It tasted like a mixture of ground beef, chicken, lentiles, and was almost spicy, the saltless butter balancing out the savory taste.
“This is delicious. I’ll have to introduce you to a dish to thank you for it.”
“Oh hell yeah, I can’t wait to find out what fairies eat.” Roman responded, grabbing a slice of the butterscotch pie and two cinnamon buns. Logan looked at him, amused, before saying:
“Oh, you’ll probably like it, there’s enough sugar in a single meal to rot your teeth. My favorite drink is hot chocolate with strawberry sugar and honey.”
Roman smiled like was planning something, before finally saying “Ah, explains how you’re so sweet then.”
“I – Roman.” Logan responded, slightly out of breath and only able to reach for the other’s hand so he could hold it while eating, just like the day Logan brought him to the shop’s kitchen and they – well, confessed wasn’t exactly the right word. Caught up to each other, that fit better.
“My father used to cook plenty of meat with honey for – well, it wasn’t dinner, exactly, we ate right before going to sleep, it was the only time I was allowed to ingest honey in any way, lest they had to deal with a drunk seven year old that wasn’t going to sleep soon.” Logan smiled softly while allowing his gaze to go unfocused with nostalgia for a few moments. “Now I cook too, and I couldn’t be more grateful for him.”
“Did you grow up around fairies?”
Logan’s smile widened a bit. “Yes. Mother, father and I grew up around my grandmothers, my father’s mothers. They were both fairies, and one of them was my stepgrandmother. We lived in quite a cold location, so the food was always very heavy and full of calories for our bodies to burn. By the moon, I...I miss them so much, I loved them so much.”He smiled softly at his hands, caressing Roman’s wrist, before looking back at him.” What about you, did you grow up around elves?”
Roman’s hand suddenly tightened around Logan’s own, and Logan saw an aprehensive look on his love’s face for about two seconds before he relaxed.
“I...No. Remus and I grew up with my father and stepmother. I don’t...Have the best memories about them, because well...”He trailed off, biting his lip while looking lost in thought.
“You don’t need to tell me, if you don’t want to.” Logan said, squeezing his love’s hand. Roman squeezed back, smiling at him with that besotted smile that still left Logan quite breathless.
“It’s not that, I do want to tell you. Um. Hey, love, did I ever tell you how my birth name isn’t Roman? It’s actually Valerie.”
Logan was startled enough to stop caressing Roman’s hand for about one second before he came back to himself and his task.
“I see. So I take it neither of us is cis?”
Roman let out a shaky breath, before smiling. “Yeah.”
Neither of them had felt like watching the movie, after that, and when Roman put on some romantic Disney songs, Logan couldn’t bring himself to resist the invitation to slow dance in their pajamas in the middle of the living room.
“So this is love, mmm, so this is love...” Roman sang into Logan’s neck, while the fairy traced the lines of a tattoo he had in between his shoulderblades, a red crest that depicted a castle standing before a sea and under a spiral sun. “So this is what makes life divine...”
“I cannot believe I’m the one saying this, but you, sir, are a giant nerd.” Logan said, his voice far too soft to be mocking. He then sighed “Love, huh? We are going awfully fast.”
Roman raised his head, his expression way too worried for the fairy’s taste.
“I don’t intend on stopping it. It’s...Scary, maybe, but I’m nothing but sure in what I feel for you.” Roman looked a little bit like someone had punched, before asking:
“May I kiss you?”
Logan felt like he had been punched, then, punched by how much he loved the man in front of him and wow, he was really head over heels huh.
“You most definitely may.”
The kiss wasn’t how it happened in movies. It wasn’t desperate and full of passion. It was calm and gentle and only warmed up slightly when Logan introduced tongue, and he was almost overwhelmed by how much love he could pouring from Roman and himself.
They kissed until they needed to breathe, and considering the both of them could hold their breath for longer than most species, it took a good two minutes before Logan had to break away with Roman chasing him, only to settle for kissing his neck.
Logan let out a shaky sigh as he felt Roman’s lips leave soft, gentle kisses on his skin, and he simply stood there until Roman was satisfied. When he was, he raised his head, looking at Logan with na aprehensive expression that didn’t fit the occasion.
“I...I hope the neck wasn’t too much. I could stop myself from kissing you as easily as I could stop the sea waves.”
“It was perfectly fine, dear.” Logan said, a little breathless. “But maybe we should go to sleep now. Tonight has been full of...Emotions.”
Roman smiled, before kissing Logan quickly on the lips and pulling him by the hand toward his room.
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platinumjeon · 8 years
Boyfriend! J-Hope
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Dating J-Hope would include:
you would never feel sad around him
not ever!!!
his antics and random dance moments make you laugh so hard you almost pee
you love how he always wants to pull you into his lil dance moments
“y/n!!!! dance with me!!!!”
“no hobi im not a good dancer”
“c’mon, namjoon dances worse”
and after that conversation you hear namjoon protest in the background
and hobi will pull you to him and put his hand on your waist
then begin corny ballroom dancing with you while Cypher pt.4 plays and as soon as hobi’s part begins he pulls away and starts doing his own dance moves, leaving you totally in the dust
boi dances circles around you honestly
but you just collapse in a heap on the floor and admire how amazingly he moves
ya’ll have CUTE
NICKNAMES for each other
it’s not the simple “baby” or “honey”
but the two of you will go out of your way to make up the corniest, cringey nicknames you can think of and call each other them in public
“my lovely sweet bunches of honey oats”
“my cuppy-cake cinnamon bun”
the boys DIE everytime they hear a new nickname
and they make fun of you two for it
((but secretly want to hear the next ones you guys come up with))
the only one who doesn’t enjoy it is poor suga who just gags because “you guys are like that really sour candy that you have to spit out after a few seconds because it’s too much”
hobi just sticks his tongue out at him
while you guys are sleeping, this boy is literally a koala
he would just hang on you no matter what, even if it was 1845645646 degrees in your room and you had every window open and every fan on
he would STILL hang on you because he’s that cuddly even if it means sweating all night
when you’d turn over in your sleep j-hope would unconsciously pat the space around him and scoot over to spoon you
but when you two were awake it was all pillow fights and late night confessions and little gestures like sweet forehead kisses
and sex was pretty occasional and j-hope made sure it was perfect everytime
he was pretty gentle and never wanted to hurt you and made sure you knew that
“you’re ok right? i’m not hurting you, right?”
and when you guys fought, it was really rough on the both of you
because as a couple you two were so needy for each other and didn’t want to spend time apart when you could be together
fights usually revolved around one accidentally hurting the other or one taking the others stuff without asking 
((for example, him using your bath and body works sugar scrub that he gave you for christmas))
but its always resolved super quickly and its back to random food fights in the kitchen and cuddles on the couch
j-hope always asks you how to cook a thing
at work he’ll text you and ask you how to make macaroni and cheese
so you call him and hope that he hasn’t burnt the house down yet
“hobi just put water in a sauce pot and heat it up-”
“but how y/n?? which knob is it?”
“hobi, just-alright, im on my way home”
sleepovers with the boys happen constantly
because despite his energetic personality he is a responsible hyung and misses his best friends
so when you two were buying a house hobi made sure to get at least one extra room 
its taehyung who always ends up crashing at your house and sometimes suga
shopping with this boy is a nightmare
you thought you liked shopping? nah
are spent in every store imaginable and hobi loves everything and buys it
thats why when you steal his sweaters and shirts he never notices because his wardrobe is almost as big as his heart
Ugh, I love J-Hope guys. He’s the last of the Boyfriend! BTS series! Hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you so much for the notes, it honestly shocks me how many Jungkook’s version got!!
Requests are open!
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