#my crappy photosets part 2
sangurasu · 8 years
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宇多田ヒカル「忘却 featuring KOHH」
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niamh-sims · 5 years
anachronisims replied to your post “New Computer!”
Thank you.  I am equally excited and nervous.  As in “what if the refurbished machine is a dud...”, “what if the tech guys can’t actually load on Win7″..., “What is my crappy Win8 machine is actually better even though its dying (I’ve been assured it isn’t!)...  I spent a lot of time reading the information at Leefish and messaging back and forth with one of its members before buying the machine, and this one is what he recommended (although the specs are very slightly different).  I’ll keep my Win8 laptop until it dies, and it will be useful for playing in SimPE/downloading content/mucking with Photoshop etc.
ratfantasy-sims replied to your photo “Welcome to the Aristocrat Manor, where the lot loads and everyone is...”
This is the worst.
It is!  I will be pulling Realistic Sickness after I have finished with all the families in this ‘hood to give them all a break.  Although, I thinking of sticking in the Disease Mod, so they don’t have it completely easy!  Eowerrania is not so bad, as they have an owned hospice where they can buy ‘Vial ‘O Health’, but the other two ‘hoods, although they have those lots, have no Sims to own them.
princesspiratecat replied to your photoset “Marketer’s House Part 3- Upper Floor”
I feel like I want to clean those walls, lol
She probably does too, but with two toddlers and an infant, I doubt she will have time to eat and sleep, let alone clean the walls!
anachronisims replied to your photoset “Marketer’s House Part 2- Ground Floor”
Loooooove it! How do you determine each family’s starting finances?
I adapted the starting funds from the MCC.  I use much smaller lots than in the original challenge, so reduced the starting funds down.  Some families start with way more than they need, and others really struggle to get all the furniture/equipment they need.  I’ve lost my cheat sheet which outlines what each family gets, but once I have finished the MCC with these ‘hoods, I’m planning on building a GoT mega-hood (currently in planning stages).  I have found these three ‘hoods have been useful to troubleshoot issues.
squeezleprime replied to your photo “Trader Family (Marketers) Followers of Mitra[[MOR] Male Adult:...”
a very lovely family :)
Thank you.  As difficult as they can be to play, I love families with lots of kids.  Looking forward to playing these ones, but they won’t be played until the next round.
anachronisims replied to your photoset “The Charity Hospice Owned Community Lot (Just awaiting someone to own...”
so gorgeous, as always!
Thank you!
ratfantasy-sims replied to your photoset “Jerarevia has graduated from Level 2: Hamlet to Level 3: Village. That...”
This neighborhood view is pretty
Thank you so much.  I’m pretty happy with how this ‘hood has come together, as it isn’t my usual style and I had struggled with decorating it and building the lots!
squeezleprime replied to your photo “And we are done with the Butchers.  They were a blast to play! Notable...”
Lots of cool progress on your MCC!
Almost through round 1 in all three ‘hoods!  I don’t think I’ve ever played to round 2 in a MCC before!  It will be interesting to see if any of the ‘hoods can advance a level in the next round, as they basically have to double the treasury now in order to level up!
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greenplumbboblover · 7 years
A long ass reply post!
So uhm... not that I was planning it on making it so long but I didn’t had much time to reply in the first place, however, I am on summer break now so things will be somewhat easier, even though i’m still living a busy life! Maybe too busy for a teenager/adult like me
If I forgot anyone or didn’t reply on something you left and it was awesome, let me know! Tumblr’s activity thing keeps doing this infinite scrolling thing for me, so it’s really hard to find the comments as well.
Thank you! :D Which song are you listening to on repeat? I'm curious.
2 actually, one being a bit... sexual: x
and this one! (Way less sexual XD) : x
Which... I might have got a little tear-y eyed the moment I heard it for some odd reason!
davidmont replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I cannot believe it is over now!!! I'll be stalking you my dear, beautiful, everything, and the quality is impressive
Hehe I kind of watched your replies going and it was really enjoyable to watch. I think watching a movie with you would be the best thing ever! :D 
Anyways, thank you so much! I do hope I’ll get time to update it but i’m very sure it’s going to be slow... which is a bit of a shame. 
mckatsims replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I'm excited that you're posting another story! All the sims look really nice. That hair on Mortimer works really well on him. Looking forward to seeing where you're going to take these characters. :D
Thank you! ^-^ I’m looking forward to it as well! It’s going to be a hell of a road for the two of them, since I kind of gave away already how different they are compared to most kids and how they do create a really nice balance, friendship-wise. 
thereaperdaughter reblogged your photo and added:
bonehilda looking so creepy on the banner. jeez! morty and bella so interesting kids here in the past. pilot certainly deserve an award. cant wait to see, what you put on the store for us more. #teammorty
Aww thank you! 
Well it’s the goths after all ;D I do think I will go through the childhood part a bit faster than expected as there’s more to tell in teenhood. Although there are a few things I have to explain before moving to that part, which is... well, Bella’s family!
fyachii replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
Still, love that banner. I'm enjoying the story very much. ����
Thank you so much! 
ashuriphoenix replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I think this is such a sweet and thoughtful story. In particular I love how you've kept the sims relatively MM without being... well, tapioca. They're all quite pretty. Mortimer reminds me of the Bug-Catching Kid from Legend of Zelda 3. xD
Oh god you’re right XD I didn’t even think of that! The only thing they don’t have in common is : 1. where the fuck is Link. 2. He’s not in bed ^- ~
Anyways! Thanks! That really means a lot to me! :) I do know that the other story won’t be as MM and gameplay-ish as this one. I didn’t want people to somehow get confused with the both of them being the same thing. So that would meaaaan Greenie’s gonna test those Photoshop skillz which she doesn’t have but somehow does! :D
let-it-sim replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I have been loving every single post! I cant wait for more posts! Keep it up! �� �� ��
Thank you so much! :D I will try update it as soon as I can!
mspoodle1 replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I was sitting here thinking what an awesome banner. Best I've seen in a while. Before I read your comment tag. ;)
That’s a really sweet thing of you to say! I guess I’m, as always, being too much of a perfectionist again as always ;)
inda-sims replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
It's great so far! Love it! ;)
buckleysims replied to your photo ”Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I love your banner!
nineyellowgirl replied to your photo “Curiosity’s journey - Pilot Feed back is always appreciated! So are...”
I loved it, really, and can't wait for more! :D
fyachii replied to your photoset “Curiosity’s Journey - Pilot Beginning || < Previous | Next >”
�� and now that image of child Bonehilda stuck in my mind.
Hehe oops? :P
let-it-sim replied to your photoset “Curiosity’s Journey - Pilot Beginning  || < Previous | Next >”
Bonehilda in the back is the best������
Fun fact! Originally she was suppose to warm her butt, as... well we all know from the interaction, however that didn’t go as planned as apparently Mortimer was a little taller than I thought!
ashuriphoenix replied to your photoset “Curiosity’s Journey - Pilot Beginning || < Previous | Next >”
Thank you for tweaking the hell out of Bella but still leaving her looking like Bella. She looks pretty hideous as a child and makes a horrific adult, but there's nothing some TLC won't cure.
Oh god she does! I actually compared Original ts3 bella with the sims 2 bella and I can see what EA tried to do but... it really didn’t turn out as good as thought probably. Which is funny! Because sunset valley is like filled with pudding and unique sims! Which makes me wonder if EA let 2 people create the assigned sim, or just a sim in general whereas one would make unique looking ones, while the other person would make... crappy ones. Who knows!
For the one I have though... I aged the adult bella down, tweaked her jaw a bit since it was a bit too much for a child. And... yeah! Then i also realised how I don’t have much makeup for kids at all XD I mean... facial-defining one, like, say cheek shading etc. 
holycannolis replied to your post “TAG. YOU'RE IT. The rules are to state 5 random facts about yourself....”
i have the same difficulty to get a tan! in the first day i look like a shrimp (really red!!!) and after that i turn back to snow white!
I feel so bad for people who get reddish instead of tanned once they touch the sun! Or... wait the sun touches them... I’ll shut up :P
Anyways! have a free hug! (As long as you’re not sunburnt! That wouldn’t be too pleasant >.<) Because I feel really bad for you! 
For me though... I... just don’t tan. Like there’s no reddish, or well, I get a little, almost not recognizable, reddish, and the day after I’ll still be white as snow! I do have cute little freckles on my hand though! :D 
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i miss him !!
2nd June 2017 11 pm 
By God, we are nearly 1/2 way through with this year and less than 5 months left until I'm finished with my yr12 exams. Things have gotten a lot more steady because we haven't had anything due in the past week. I feel very vulnerable and ‘fuck all’ atm so I don't think I care about revealing private parts of my life. Apart from my photosets, nothing else have gotten notes so I think it’s safe. I’m going to tell myself that any of these thoughts are just me being paranoid.
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On Monday there was the English viva exam, which I skipped school for because I didn’t prepare. Turned up the next day and visited my babe of a teacher first thing in the morning. Landed in my ancient classroom and the door open slightly, sparking all these disturbing intrusive thoughts. Recently (in the past few months) I've conditioned myself to just allow these types of thoughts to pass by instead of fighting them and being embarrassed and having a war in my head. This approach is a lot more helpful. Back to the Hamlet viva... so I was very nervous and had nothing to say when he asked me and he said we could do it in period 3. He interviewed me in the deputy principal’s office and there was a strong beam of morning light coming through the top window and shone on his face.  I rambled on and he said it was unstructured but otherwise ‘good'. The first question was what lines of the play did you find the most inspiring, giving me an excuse to read (not even recite) Hamlet’s ‘ what a piece of work is man..’ soliloquy... I do think I was ver expression and on that 30 sec along he could tell I just LOOVE Hamlet. I guess that's the last of High school Shakespeare completed! (Oh no wait there's trials and HSC) viva... so I was very nervous and had nothing to say when he asked me and he said we could do it in period 3. He interviewed me in the deputy principal’s office and there was a strong beam of morning light coming through the top window and shone on his face.  I rambled on and he said it was unstructured but otherwise ‘good'. The first question was what lines of the play did you find the most inspiring, giving me an excuse to read (not even recite) Hamlet’s ‘ what a piece of work is man..’ soliloquy... I do think I was ver expression and on that 30 sec along he could tell I just LOOVE Hamlet. I guess that's the last of High school Shakespeare completed! (Oh no wait there's trials and HSC) 
Today is Saturday and I've been on a break with my boyfriend for about a fortnight. Yes one fortnight without talking to me, I have come so far... This break has been different from other ones. I think I have changed. I’ve stopped pestering my friends. The days feel a lot faster and I don't feel so emotional. I’ve only felt sad when I talk to one of his friends. The reason I started a post for today was that I want to take down the thoughts I have at this moment. Regarding my collapsed friendships and my failing relationship. I’ve become very dependent on my best friend and she’s the only person I message on a daily basis. Whether it’s the first period at school or when I wake up at 1 pm on Saturday morning. She's the only person I feel like who understands me and who I trust with everything in my head. However, as life always works in this way, coincidentally this time where I feel like talking to her the most she has landed herself in her own friendship with a boy. I spam her with messages when I'm curious about where she is and she replies after a few hours. If this were a few months ago i would’ve become terribly paranoid and upset and read it in a very paranoid way, but I of now just accepts it. Time passes fast for me too. I find myself sitting in bed in the dark from 7 pm onwards, not even trying to sleep, just in bed surfing the web, reading, watching youtube, not studying until 2 am in the morn. Lonely isn’t the word I'm looking for to describe how i feel. 
James has exams in the next 3 weeks, his exams will end at the latest 26th/28th of this month. I feel sad thinking about it all, trying to make sense of it all. Whenever I think about it i feel very sad. i don't think I've been truly honest with myself about this relationship. From the bottom of my heart, i don't think that I add to his life in any significantly positive way. I don’t think I'm a very approving girlfriend and i think my emotional outbreaks to everything he does makes me incredibly unsupportive and negative for him. When he is in my life my life just revolves around what he’s doing and i schedule my life around his. When we hang out we just walk around talking about nothing at all that either of us is interested in. Lurking around on Quora, it really is the best platform for relationship advice. Very high IQ and EQ people giving anecdotes in response to others dilemma Qs. In that process, it confirmed how off i found my relationship. I am so immature and i credit all the flaws to my half and not his because I have found him extremely cooperative this whole time. This answer below really hit the nail on the head and I saved it into my personal note documents. 
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I know he is happier than normal on this break on me at the moment and i think he will secretly be very happy that i am going to propose a breakup. Sunny told me it’s all about power play and he wants to be the one breaking up with me. I don't have many memories of him but we had a lot of fun in yr9/ early year 10, when he was only in yr10/11. We used to talk every day, all day until very late, about everything and anything. I would screenshot a lot of his responses and send it to the group chat had at that time. I found him so smart and funny and i had never met anyone like him before. He was absolutely perfect. I watched the Ryan Gosling Movie Blue Valentine the other week. I read about it a year or so ago and the reviews and comments that came along with it and i’m happy i watched it later instead of sooner. I think i can see reflections in my shifting mindset and attitudes in the female protagonists’. How you start off and think your partner is the greatest but over time reality kicks in. Gosling’s character has a paragraph and im not going to generalise the attitude of the whole male sex on his statement but i can also see how James thought/ still thinks in this way. Women are more realistic than men. im not going to generalise the attitude of the whole male sex on his statement but i can also see how James thought/ still thinks in this way. Women are more realistic than men, however, i think this isnt the case maybe. Chris is only naive because this is his first relationship. 
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I do want to be with James forever. I have expressed countless times to different people that I want him to be the father of my children. I adore him and no one makes me happier than he does. However, i don’t think we should be together at this point in our lives. He is in university and doing a very hard course, studying full time too. Studying is his priority and he should focus on it 100%. This is his first semester and when i did ask him about whether the rest of the 4 years would be like this he replies (I'm getting teary for some reason) very snappily that it is not and it’s only like so because he’s in trouble with his parents or whatever.  
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Had a very bad breakdown last night and ended up downloaded snapchat to text him. I am very disappointed in myself. i want to swallow 40 pills and take a holiday ( that isn’t guaranteed to end) if you know what i mean. I need to be locked up or taken to a fucking sanatorium but im not rich or living in Japan in the 50s like  Naoko. FUCCCCCCK 
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