#my close friend who goes to another school offered to go w me but uh
bocadelicate · 2 years
the internal debate of whether or not i should go to homecoming continues, stay tuned at 8!
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nighthaterfrfr · 9 months
Do you have any more headcanons/thoughts about your Steph and Max as half-siblings AU? :)
ive been wanting to discuss this for so long but for ppl who want to know (mostly background)
-i think that max and steph share the same dad, he seems like the one to sleep around. however, he settled w steph's mother and a secretly pregnant max's mother ended up w his ass of a dad.
-for a while, maybe 13-14 years, they never knew about their relation to each other. however, max and steph definitely saw the other one in school. max was praised as a football prodigy and steph was infamous for being a slacking and skipping mayor's daughter.
-they look somewhat similar. from the nose, ears, eyes, hell even the hair? there are small differences here and there, but they were definitely called siblings by their classmates
-they were also quite good friends. apparently, once u find out both ur dads are assholes, u bond. max would invite her to all his football games and she somehowb goes. these two were best friends, practically inseparable.
-one day in 7th grade, solomon was complaining to ms tessburger abt his affair. steph was overhearing about how it's odd to see one of kids succeed at something, while the daughter he has is doing nothing of importance.
-like any teenage girl w a completely shitty relationship w her father, steph was enraged, and a bit jealous. finding out she was related to max unlocked a bit of a one-sided hating towards him
-max however, always knew that he had a sister. before his mom divorced, she told him stories abt his birth father, and how when she was with him, she had no idea solomon already had a girlfriend.
-she reached out to steph's mother and had informed her of what happened. however, since she couldn't get out of the marriage jst yet, her mother instead acknowledged and thanked max's mother.
-ofc, max's mom never told him who his sister was. knowing him and his father, she feared that sudden new relation between him and the mayor's daughter may get to his head. so, instead she jst told him that he had a sister in hatchetfield.
-from around mid 7th grade to early 8th grade, max noticed how whenever steph was forced into a group w him, she'd always looked pissed off. annoyed. generally angry.
-in the 8th grade during lunch, max came up to her table, asking "the hell is wrong w me??? we used to be close u fuckin', uh... DINGUS!" this offended the hell out of steph and she umped out of her seat and started to swing punches at max. as any middle school in america does, a bunch of students started recording and posting it.
-steph and max sat in the principal's office, both with a lot of bruises and some bloody hands and noses. as solomon lauter and jagerman's father walked in, both of them stared at each other. eventually, max's father got into a full blown yell w solomon.
-as the two kids watched their fathers yelled at one another, that was when steph turned to max and finally revealed why she was so distant. "apparently, ur my fucking brother or smth."
-max sighed, looking at steph w a disappointed glare. "im sorry for being.. ur brother, i guess?" he replied, the two laughing as he explained his side of the story, and further strained the relationship between steph and solomon
(alr onto actual headcanons)
-they do love joking abt being half-siblings around their friends. despite it being true, theyre all so confused on if either max or steph is lying or not.
-the first person for max who found out that his sister was steph was kyle. he couldn't rlly believe it, but he jst kinda vibed. so max telling him went rlly chill.
-on steph's side however, when pete found out she had max jagerman as a brother, she was immediately bombarded with questions and pleas from pete. she tried offering these ideas to max, but he dismissed them, telling her "i need to remain on top, steph!" secretly, he does go easier on the nerds. by a little bit.
-max and steph spend the most time together outside of home, more at school or wherever. whether its going bowling w max's teammates at some bowling lanes, or hanging out in the lakeside mall jst the two of them.
-neither of them ever had a proper enough relationship w their family, so spending time w each other relived them of that disappointing truth a little bit.
-one time, max got so pissed at steph he threw a football at her from like, 40 yards away in order to get her attention. unfortunately, steph being preoccupied on her phone did not notice the absolute perfect throw coming right into her head.
-safe to say, he apologized and ran to her, trying his best to relieve her of a bruise.
-because of this incident, steph had wanted to begin learning how to play football. max was her teacher, and he sucked at it. like, explaining anything to her was alien to steph. however, over time, she slowly got the hang of it, and was good to a point when max stopped teaching her
-sometimes after a nighthawk game, if u stay jst long enough, u can see steph and max throw a football at each other from pretty far. and if ur lucky, seeing steph trying to tackle max. but most of the time, that mostly leads to the funniest image of steph falling ever.
i have a lot more, but my ask IS open yall lmaoooo
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
•Don't Say His Name•
Summary: This is a part two to Forget That Extra! There will at the very least be a third part, since this one ends unresolved and I have SO MUCH of the story left in my brain.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (both Bakugo and Reader are aged up to 18+)
Warnings: Rough sex, degredation, impact play, ddlg terms, unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), face fucking, a sprinkling of knife play, fingering, ruined orgasm, Dom Bakugo, Brat/masochist reader, tiny bit of angst.
Word Count: 6,115
Part One • Part Three
A/N: As far as tagging goes, I tagged those that commented on part one, and those that liked the post about this part. If you would like added/removed just let me know!
You walk down the hallway with all the confidence in the world. "You're my woman now." He had said. Katsuki Bakugo's woman. That's you. Walking through his agency covered in bruises he had left, and only he could see. It makes your insides twist and spark with excitement, the idea of belonging to that explosive hero.
You're on your way to his office now, coffee in hand as you try to make an effort at being an actual partner instead of just his play thing. You made sure to get the right kind of milk and sugar, and extra caramel of course. The past few weeks have been all about learning things like that, the little details about each other that exists outside the bedroom or a stuffy closet.
Just as you make the final turn to Katsuki's office, you see a wild flash of green hair and hear an excited voice say your name. A bright smile spreads across Deku's boyish face, cheeks all pink and freckled. He's all dressed up in his hero costume as he bounces towards you before speaking again.
"Hey! On a coffee run for the boss man?" He jokes, nodding at the hot drinks in your hands.
The boss man, right, he's your boss. He should definitely not have been in your guts less than twelve hours ago, and you definitely shouldn't have his teeth marks on your body.
"Oh yeah, either gotta keep him caffeinated or pick up pieces of exploded furniture, and I much prefer the coffee runs to clean up duty." You laugh with him, both of you knowing Bakugo's temperament far too well.
As you laugh your shoulders move a little too much and the strap of your bag falls off, catching on your elbow and nearly jostling the coffee to the point of falling out of the drink carrier.
Deku's reflexes are like lightning as always, before you can object he's taken the coffee as you slip the strap back onto your shoulder. Your cheeks flush as you mumble a bashful thanks then reach for the coffees.
"No I got it, let me walk with you." He says, "Can't risk dropping the precious cargo."
You both share another chuckle as you anxiously adjust your top, trying to tuck it more securely into your plaid skirt.
"Thanks, Deku, I would've been in for it if I had lost that drink."
You both take off down the hall at a rather lazy pace, sharing some pleasant small talk about your days. You find out that he actually just left Katsuki's office, they were going over some boring publicity stuff for their agencies. As you walk you find yourself laughing a lot, especially at Deku's impression of a very grumpy Katsuki.
You've only met Izuku Midoriya a handful of times, mostly in passing like this. Without fail, he's always kind and charming. He's the kind of person that leaves anyone he meets with warm, vanilla tasting feelings.
"Can I ask you something?" He says with a small voice.
"Of course you can." You say as you come up to the door of Katsuki's office.
"This might be a little out of line, and I completely understand if you wouldn't want to, I just- I was uh- I guess I was w-wondering if you maybe would consider grabbing coffee with me?" He trips and stutters his way through his invitation, and goodness it's so fucking cute.
You're floored honestly, of course you'd love to get coffee with him, it's harmless right? It could be, if you make it clear that you're with Bakugo. That's the problem though, being employed by him means you two can't be public about being together. That shit gets messy fast, so you've been sworn to secrecy.
"You're busy though, so I totally understand if you just can't find the time or if you just don't want to or whatever. I just figure you might like actually having coffee with somebody instead of being sent to get it for them, if that makes any sense… s- sorry… this sounded a lot better in my head." As he talks he fidgets with his hands and shifts his feet a little, emerald eyes searching your face for some form of an answer.
"Deku, I'd love to." You say sweetly before he can open his mouth and fumble through more words.
His shoulders drop and his face relaxes.
"Is six tonight ok? We can just meet here so you don't have to give me your address or go to my place, I know that can be uncomfortable sometimes so I figure meeting at a public place would probably make you feel safer- I guess if we-"
"How about you just text me the address of the coffee place you had in mind?" You say gently, interrupting as politely as you can.
You try to keep your voice down, a creeping feeling snaking up your spine. It feels wrong to be making plans like this right in front of your boyfriend's office, if you can call him that. There hasn't really been a lot of discussion about the exclusivity of the relationship, just that he hated the idea of you belonging to anyone else, and that he hadn't been with anyone else… maybe that talk needs to happen soon.
"Huh? Oh, yeah that's a good idea, I would just need to uh- if I wanted to text you I would need-"
"My number?" You giggle as you pull a sticky note and a pen from your bag.
"Uh, yeah, that would be it." He laughs nervously.
You quickly scribble down your number, your heart climbs to your throat as you offer him the paper.
"I'll trade you." You say, nodding to the coffees before sticking the note on his chest.
An adorable blush spreads across his already rosey cheeks.
"Oh yeah, boss man needs his caffeine." He says as you take them.
Just as you accept the drinks back, the office door opens slowly. The twist of the knob makes your chest tighten.
"Oh, there you are. You were taking so long I thought you'd gotten lost." He says gruffly before taking the drink you hold out for him.
His words bite you a little, but you have to just take it for the sake of appearing uninvolved.
"I thought you were leaving?" He asks Deku with a pointed gaze.
"Oh, Kacchan I was, I just uh-"
"He was helping me, I almost dropped the coffee and he was kind enough to carry them for me." You jump in, trying to defuse the tension building between the men in front of you.
You know bits and pieces of their old rivalry, only those that Bakugo let slip. For the most part they've out grown the school yard beef, but Katsuki is competitive, territorial, possessive. You know that it's grinding his gears knowing Deku was there to help you, which might be a fact you can have some fun with.
"So, six works for you?" You ask Izuku, voice laced with honey.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah six is great, I'll see you then." He says, folding the note with your number before sticking it in his pocket.
"I'll see you then, and thank you for the help." You smile, earning a sweet grin from him as he awkwardly shuffles away.
"Oh of course, it's never a problem! Bye Kacchan, thanks again for the meeting!" He damn near hops off down the hallway before disappearing around the corner.
Slowly, you turn to face your lover, apprehension written all over your face. He just sneers down at you before turning sharply into his office. You stand and watch him stalk to his desk, slightly scared to move.
"Get your ass in here, lock the damn door behind you." He says flatly before taking a sip of coffee.
You do as he says, letting the door close quietly before flipping the lock.
"So, I'm assuming you won't be joining me for dinner?" He says as he relaxes into his large desk chair.
"What? No, we can get dinner, I'm just grabbing coffee with Izuku." You explain, trying to sound nonchalant.
You take a nervous glance around his office, and a fond feeling blooms in your chest. It's organized chaos, as he calls it. The desk is covered in little travel tools and makeshift gadgets. He loves to tinker when he can't focus, he says it gets his mind back to a place where he can. He's talented too, could honestly run a whole side business on his creations alone.
The one time you proposed it he shut it down fast, he said he had enough jobs to do, that he wanted to keep his tinkering from becoming work. It brings the smallest smile to your face, but you're ripped away from your dreamy thoughts by the sound of his rough voice.
"First name basis, I see." He mumbles before taking another sip.
You can't help but roll your eyes. It's difficult to discern if he's genuinely irritated by you meeting Izuku, or if he's just trying to egg you on. Either way, you're going to have some fun with it.
"Well people don't usually call their friends by their hero names, do they?" You question as you walk around his desk so you can lean your backside against the edge.
Katsuki turns his chair to face you, glancing over your body once before finding your eyes. His gaze lingers on the undone buttons at the collar of your black top, revealing what you think is a tasteful amount of decolletage.
You sip your own coffee as he analyzes you, seemingly taking the bait.
"Friends?" He asks quietly, quirking an eyebrow.
"Ya know, someone who gets coffee with you instead of sending you on an errand to get some for them?" That was a bold move that will inevitably come back to bite you, but that's exactly what you want.
All of his fine muscles shift and tighten under his well tailored dress shirt as he leans forward in his chair. He places his elbows on his knees, and folds his hands under his chin as he glances up at you through his eyelashes.
A tense moment is spent between you, your chest lights up with nerves just a little bit. You hate it when he's quiet, he's much easier to read when he's mouthy.
"Sounds fun!" He says with far too much enthusiasm as he shoots up from his chair. Before you can reply, he's put his whole body in front of yours. He sets his hands on the desk behind you, efficiently caging you in.
Just like that, the air is hot and thick between you. He looks down his nose at you, waiting for you to answer. His eyes scream "try me" and it makes you dizzy. When you feel his hands slide over your knees, your head spins even more.
Willingly, you let him spread your legs open so he can settle his hips between them. As he moves in your skirt bunches up, revealing where your socks end to expose the thickest part of your thighs. Like a moth drawn to a flame, his hands are on the skin instantly. For some reason, that part of your leg, specifically when they're spilling over some snug thigh highs, makes Bakugo absolutely feral.
"So you don't care if I get coffee with him?" You ask, bringing your hand to tilt his chin up.
Reluctantly, he rips his eyes away from your legs so he can glare at you.
"I don't give a fuck who you get coffee with." He shrugs before sliding his hands up so he can grab your hips with greed.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't disappointed by how little he cares. Where's the guy that fucked your brains out because you simply talked to another dude? You're practically going on a date and he's just… fine with it?
"-But if you're going to get coffee with that damn nerd-" He ducks down and brazenly licks a hot strip up the side of your neck.
The sudden contact makes your eyes flutter as your chest deflates, a shock of heat already thrumming through your core.
"You're gonna do it covered in marks…" He abruptly scrapes his teeth against your throat, easily biting hard enough to create a bruise, as if you don't already have enough.
"... And filled with my cum." The statement makes you gasp, there he is.
His fingertips dig into your hips as he pulls you forward on the best, bringing your crotch flush against his while he looks down at you with a patient expression. The feeling of his hard-on pressing against your core will never get old, it never fails you send shocks up your spine and make your cheeks hot.
You're feeling spunky today, dangerously bold. A terrible idea creeps into your mind, wrapping it's fingers around your common sense.
You slide your hands up his abs, allowing yourself a moment to admire how sturdy he feels. Your hands secure themselves on the folds of his collar so you can bring his face back towards yours.
To mock him, you bring your mouth to his throat and let your tongue drag up his hot skin.
"That's funny." You say with a low voice before you plant a kiss right under his jaw.
"He said the same thing." You punctuate your lie with a nip to his skin.
"Oh you stupid woman." He huffs before he snatches you by the waist and hauls you off the desk. Your legs don't get the chance to hold you up, he spins you around and kicks the back of your knees with his shin, causing you to fall forward immediately.
Once you're kneeling he grabs the hair on top of your head and drags you along beside him. You yelp and grab at his wrist as you try to shuffle after him on your knees. He plants himself in his desk chair, not releasing his hold on your roots for a second.
He pulls your head back slightly, glaring down at you with furious ruby eyes. He looks so delicious like this, dressed in all black, hair and eyes wild as he plans how he'll break you.
His other hand comes up to grab your jaw a little too gently, eyes flashing down to where your skirt is still riding up.
"Are you trying to get hurt?" He asks calmly, thumb running over your chin.
"I'm trying to get fucked." You state simply, dropping your jaw open so you can take his thumb into your mouth.
He watches you carefully, breathing a little heavier when you swirl your tongue around the pad of his thumb before releasing it.
"-But if all you're gonna do is fuck around like this, I think I know somebody who might be up for the job."
All you can register is his face twisting as he realizes which way you're going, before the hand on your jaw pulls back. You brace for the slap, ready to feel the hot pain shoot across your face. Your thighs even clench a little in anticipation, but it doesn't come.
He just chuckles, laughs right in your face as he reaches for the drawer behind him, the hand in your hair releases too.
"Oh, I'm sure he would be." He pulls out a small black bag from the drawer, then slowly unzips it to reveal a wooden paddle.
You can't help but squirm where you sit as you watch him flip it in his hands before turning back to you.
"But there's no way in hell that prick can get you shaking like I can." He sets the paddle on his desk so he can start to roll his sleeves up.
You watch him carefully, nearly drooling over the way his strong forearms flex as he rolls the material of his shirt up. Your hands pull at the bottom of your skirt anxiously, needing to fidget with something desperately.
"I don't know about that, Suki, the shy, quiet ones are usually the nastiest, isn't that right?" You say coyly, trying to regain some control.
You're referring to yourself and he knows it. Hinting at how depraved you can be in the bedroom. You know he's right, he's the only one that can fuck you up the way you need it. It's fun to watch him twitch a little when you hint at Deku being able to compete with him, though.
"Get up here, bend over." He says shortly, neck and shoulders tense.
You're getting to him.
"I think I like it down here, I don't think I want to bend over just yet." You say with a deceptive sweetness.
Feeling bold, you slide your hands up the insides of his thighs, feeling the taught muscle under his dress pants.
Before you can reach his erection, his hands are latched onto you again. One in the back of your hair, the other crushing your throat.
"I fucking dare you, disobey me one more time. You will end up with a busted ass and a ruined orgasm, that's a fucking promise." He snarls at you, bending down so he can glare right into your soul.
His threats don't do a damn thing to calm your rebellious streak, if anything, it lights a fire under your desire to be the biggest fucking brat.
"The busted ass part doesn't sound too bad." You struggle to get the words out, working against the harsh grip on your throat.
He rolls his eyes before almost throwing you out of his hands. He sends one to the collar on the back of your shirt, and the other slides around the back of your thigh. With the new hold he roughly hoists you into his lap. You can't help but squeak when your stomach hits the tops of his thighs. Your knees barely touch the ground and your hands grab at the desk in front of you, trying to steady yourself.
He flips your skirt up and smooths a hand over the curve of your ass.
"Oh trust me, you'll fucking get it." He sends his hand cracking across your cheek, earning an involuntary moan from you.
Your body responds to the sharp pain immediately, cunt clenching and inevitably soaking your panties even more than they already are. You glance back at him as he rubs over the welt he's just created.
"These are cute." He says with a bored voice as he pulls at the string of your thong with one finger.
They're nothing special, a simple pink fabric thong. You didn't put on anything special since you were definitely not anticipating a situation like this to arise. A little foolish now that you think about it, given how many times he's grabbed you by the wrist and hauled in into some forgotten room for a quickie. Never in his office though, especially not during business hours.
Before you can quip back, he's pulling out his pocket knife. He grabs your skirt and hikes it up to your waist before he runs the point of the knife down your lower back. He uses the dull side of the knife, careful not to cut you, but the point of the blade still offers icy friction against your heated skin. Teasing you with the possibility that he could make you bleed.
You squirm in his lap as goosebumps raise all over your skin, pulling a deep breath in when he dips the blade under the waistband so he can flick it up, expertly slicing through the fabric. He makes quick work of it, cutting the pesky fabric out of the way so you're completely exposed to him.
"Does pissing me off always get you this wet?" He asks before flipping the knife away so he can run a finger slowly down your folds.
"That's from thinking about my date later."
That comment earns you a very sudden, very hard strike with the paddle. You bite your fist to muffle the cry that tears out of your throat, desperate to remain unheard by anyone outside of the office.
"Oh hell fucking no." Katsuki growls before quickly snatching up both of your wrists so he can pin them behind your back with the hand not wielding the paddle.
"You want to be a mouthy slut, so be it."
Another skin splitting hit to the other cheek. The pain is blinding, causing your body to jolt and twitch in his lap. You know your ass is going to be purple and welted for days, but there's not a chance you'll complain, because you absolutely love it.
"Is that all you got, sparky?" All you want is more, more bites, bruises, paddles. Anything Katsuki will give you, you'll take it with greedy, desperate hands.
"You're such a masochistic little bitch." His voice makes your pussy contract around nothing, then you feel the shameful sensation of your slick dripping down your thighs.
His hand comes up to grab at the reddened flesh of your ass, digging his fingertips in with a sneer. You feel his dick twitch against your stomach as you writhe from the sharp new pain he inflicts.
"You want me to touch you here?" He ghosts his fingers over your dripping core.
The tease is almost enough to make you break… almost.
"I'd rather save it for Deku."
There is no composed chuckle, no warning swat, not even a breath before you're shoved off of his lap so you can fall to the floor in a pathetic pile of bunched up clothes and desire.
You try to scramble to your knees, but the bottom of Katsuki's expensive dress shoe meets your sternum and forces you on to your back with a harsh push. He moves like a wolf, planting a knee on either side of your chest, caging your arms under his strong thighs. He leans over and seizes you by your shirt collar.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that right?" He barks down at you, eyes ablaze with disdain for your bratty antics.
"You're gonna choke on my cock for that one, smart ass."
You shouldn't get a thrill from such a nasty threat, but your mind spins and your body sparks.
He makes quick work of his belt and pants, shoving them down quickly to expose his straining cock. It never ceases to make your mouth water, every inch is perfect. He's thick and heavy looking with a beautiful curve that feels devine inside you.
"Open up, and don't try anything cute." He huffs before grabbing the hair on top of your head to bring you towards his dick.
He slides into your mouth with ease, sliding the underside of his head along your tongue. You have to drop your jaw pretty much all the way in order to fit him, but you always love that part.
"Look at me, watch me the whole time." He orders, fist grabbing a little more firmly at your hair.
He presses himself into the back of your throat, the taste of the precum he's smeared along your tongue finally hits your taste buds. You savor the taste, eyelids fluttering ever so slightly but never closing.
Your eyes meet his just as you remember to relax your throat and let him all the way in. He somehow slides down your throat even further, balls pressing into your chin. You can't stop the drool that spills from the side of your gaped mouth or the tears that prick at your eyes.
He grins down at you, predatory and ravaging. Your legs twitch as your hands slide up to hold his sides, clinging to the fabric of his shirt as he starts to set a slow pace with his hips.
It's not the merciless throat fucking you anticipated, but he did only just get started. Something deep in your chest resents the slow pace, something depraved inside you wants him to use your throat until you're heaving and sobbing.
You moan around his cock and try to convey desperation in your eyes as you watch him move above you.
"Oh you poor slut, I know you want more, but you haven't fucking earned it." He says as he presses all the way in again, but this time he holds it there.
You dig your nails into his sides and close your jaw around him a little more, teeth teasing the skin of his hard on. His lip twitches into a snarl like a dog about to snap. He snatches your nose with his fingers, closing off your airway. You don't panic, not even close. You just glare up at him, having played this game many times.
"Little miss composed, huh? How about now?" He presses impossibly far into the back of your throat.
For the most part, your gag reflex has been trained out of you, but somehow he hits it right away. You open your airway and attempt to gasp, a fruitless attempt since all you can do is choke on his shaft. He doesn't release the hold on your nostrils, just glares down while you struggle under him.
Suddenly, but not soon enough, he releases your nose and rips himself from your throat. You let him pull you along like a ragdoll as he settles back into his chair, pulling you to your knees as you sputter and gasp and cry. He grabs you by the hair at the back of your head with one hand, and by the jaw with the other, a hold he's always been fond of.
"Now, unless you want to keep choking on my cock, I suggest you remind me who's about to fuck the breath out of your lungs." He says, low and vengeful.
You're nowhere near ready to give in, all kinds of lust oozes through your body. It's spreading like molten lava, destroying every ounce of self control you've ever had.
You feel drool start to pool on your chest, becoming suddenly aware of how much you're salivating.
Oh what a terrible idea.
You spit right in his face, body moving before your mind has a chance to tell it to stop. For the first time since this all started, you feel a little bit afraid. You welcome it though, scarf it down and wish there was more. You're like an adrenaline junkie, and your addiction is the menacing way Katsuki is looking at you right now.
He slowly wipes the offense off his cheek bone, giving a small, astounded laugh before he brings the palm of his hand to crack across your face.
You cry out as your thighs clench beneath you, your body giving away just how much you adore being treated like this.
"Do it again, please fucking do it again, make my day, bitch." Katsuki barks in your face, hands starting to shake a little. He's losing his calm facade, which is exactly what you want. He just needs one final push.
You open your mouth, ready to retort, ready to mouth off like the miserable little brat you are. You don't get the chance though, the words are smacked right out of your mouth as he hits you again. The sharp pain sends another shock of desire straight to your weeping cunt. You cry out as your head snaps to the side.
You take account of the drool leaking out of your mouth, the tears dripping out of your eyes, the slick sliding down your thighs. You're burning up and your vision is becoming unreliable. It might be about time to give in a little, indulge poor, pissed off Suki. You've gotten enough of a beating, now it's time to stroke his ego and get what you want.
"P-please, Daddy, I'm s-sorry." You sniffle, glancing up at him with big, pitiful eyes.
You don't expect the third slap, it's white hot and full of venom. You know without a doubt you'll be sporting a shiner from the assault.
"You're a little liar. You're not sorry, you just want me to put my dick in that stupid little cunt." He's almost yelling, trembling a little more as he sneers down at you.
If he wasn't pissed before, he sure as hell is now.
"How else are you going to send me to Deku full of your cum? Or am I going to have to ask him to fill me up?" Do you ever know when to stop?
"On my desk, now." He doesn't give you a chance to move on your own, he hoists you up by your waist and sets you on his desk. The abused skin of your ass stings against the cool wood. He pulls you by the hips so your ass is sat right on the edge.
He presses his face into your neck as your arms fly around his shoulders. His hot, open mouth against your neck makes you feel so incredibly dizzy. The soft feeling of his tongue contrasting so intensely with how harsh he's been.
"You make me want to blast this whole building to pieces." He huffs against your neck, your hands find his hair and you feel just how sweaty he is.
He braces one arm on the desk as the other reaches up to move your skirt out of the way.
"God, you're filthy. I can fucking smell how soaked you are."
His teeth sink into your neck as he unceremoniously slips two fingers into you. No, he doesn't slip them in, he shoves them in.
"Suki- fuck-" You say before a moan sneaks out of you, falling on his greedy ears.
"Huh uh- you can't keep that prick's name out of your mouth, say his name. I don't want to hear your whore mouth say mine." He crooks his fingers perfectly as you gaze at him with disbelief. The pads of his fingers hit that sweet spot inside you, and all you want to do is cry out for him, cry out his name.
"N-no, please, let me say yours- shit- please!" You shiver when he brings the heel of his hand to press into your clit as he continues to play with your insides.
"Then are you sorry? Really fucking sorry?" He asks as he adds a third finger.
You clench down on him, hips rolling forward as you let out a sad little sobbing sound.
You nod up at him, struggling to find the right thing to say. Obviously, that's not enough for him. He rips his hand out of your hole and slaps your cunt with incredible force.
You cry out and try to bring your legs together, but Katsuki anticipates this. Grabbing the insides of your thighs, he forces your legs open, causing you to lose balance and fall so your back is flat on his desk.
"I'm sorry, I didn't fucking hear you." He says as he grabs his cock and starts to pump himself just inches from your burning center.
"I'm sorry, I am, I'm so sorry, Suki." You say urgently, pushing yourself up on your elbows so you can truly meet his eyes.
Your core just aches as you glance down at his hand stroking his erection.
His free hand comes down against your pussy again, making you jump and whimper. The sting is exquisite, but the throbbing in your walls overrides it.
"I don't believe you, give me one good reason I shouldn't blow my load all over your thighs and send you on your way." His hand picks up speed and you start to panic a little, he might go through with it. You've pissed him off enough, it can't end like this though, no way in hell.
As quickly as you can, you rid yourself of your shirt and your bra. You leave your skirt and your socks on, knowing that combination is a favorite of his. He watches you like a hawk as you lean back down onto your elbows, eyeing the fading bruises all over your chest and down your stomach.
"Because baby," You coo as you bring your fingers to your mouth, "you need me as bad as I need you." After wetting your fingertips, you bring them down to slide over your hardened nipple.
His hand falters slightly as he watches you play with yourself. He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth when you tweak the sensitive bud.
"God- fuck- you little tease." He whines before shifting towards you.
In some ways, Katsuki is a simple man. All it takes it some teasing and some tits and he's a goner.
In the blink of an eye, his hands have a hold on the backs of your thighs as he folds you up. You feel the tip of his dick rest against your entrance and you almost scream.
"I'm going to ask you one more time, are you fucking sorry?" He's on his last leg of restraint, the grip on your thighs is absolutely bruising and you can see beads of sweat rolling down his temples.
"I am! I swear I am, I don't give a shit about him- I don't- fucking hell, Suki!" Before you can finish, his thumb is rubbing at your clit as he slides in.
Every nerve in your body responds as he does, you throw your head back and let yourself feel it completely. The drag along your walls is maddening. The second his head presses into your cervix you moan and twitch, and more tears pour from your eyes
"I'm going to make sure you are." He growls.
After he slowly pulls back, he fucks into you like it's the last time he'll ever get to. Every thrust in makes you see stars. You let a sob wrack your body as you claw at the desk.
"How would you feel if I couldn't stop saying some other bitche's name?" He says as he delivers a particularly harsh thrust.
Your stomach twists at the thought, jealousy claws at your insides.
"Makes your skin crawl doesn't it?"
"I didn't m-mean it, I'm s-sorry, sir." Your body rocks on the desk as his hips meet yours, so much rage behind his movements. You feel your body start to tighten, the nerves in your core start to get that wonderful warm feeling.
"Why do you keep doin' that shit then? Huh?" You feel a small twinge of guilt because of how genuine the question sounds, how there's just a hint of genuine confusion in his voice.
"Baby- I- fuck- I didn't mean it, I swear- shit, I'm so close." Your walls start to pulse around his cock, the rest of you starts to squirm.
"You want me to hurt you? Is that it?" He smacks the underside of your thigh after his question, earning a deep moan from you.
"Fuck! Yes, I love it when you hurt me." You admit, voice warbling as your orgasm approaches rapidly.
"Then just fucking ask me for it." Then he stops, stilling completely inside you. It's enough to drive you up a wall, your orgasm runs away from you. All of the building pleasure slips through your fingers.
"No no no! Suki please, I said I was sorry, I meant it, please I was so fucking close!" You beg as your fists hit the desk, almost throwing a tantrum.
"Maybe Deku can help you finish." He says shortly as he pulls out and starts to fuck his fist, with a groan and his head back, he finishes on your thighs as promised. You watch in horror as his release paints your skin white, his soft moans and sighs fall on your ears and it makes your heart sink.
He wastes no time in tucking himself back into his pants, making himself look composed in record time.
"I have a lot I need to get done this afternoon, clean this shit up and be home by eight." He says with a flat tone.
You just lay there dumbfounded as you watch him stalk out of the room without a glance your way.
You did it. You pushed too damn far. Katsuki never leaves you hanging like this. There's always a few gentle kisses, a few mumbled reassurances, it's never like this. Even when it was just quick fucks in a closet, Katsuki would offer you a few moments of comfort afterwards. You hit a nerve, you must have. Something far past you're usually bratty teasing.
The sound of the office door closing makes you flinch. You glare down at the mess he's left on you, eyeing the shredded remains of your panties on the floor. No way in hell you're going to coffee with Deku, not with the horrible feeling settling in your gut. You don't know if Katsuki will even want to talk to you, but you have to try, you have to make this right.
@iloveitblackbhna @midnightartist @oblxvion @imonlymildlyinsane @kasumireads @nobody-says-hello @kibayoukai @michigood9618 @evierena @kimchi123n
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Kissing / Making Out HC’s
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Pairing: Kaminari x reader
Warnings: Just a ton of kissing, making out, and mentions of groping (I talk about boobs, uh oh). Still gender/sex neutral
Author’s Note:
Almost didn't have anything ready for this week, but this one only took me a few hours to write up, so here you go! This may end up being my Valentines Day fic. Idk, we’ll see. I haven’t been feeling well lately :/
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● I think this goes without saying, but
● Denki is an absolute s u c k e r for kisses
● As soon as you get together, he wants them constantly
● And who are you to deny him?
● He really doesn't mind PDA (he kinda likes it, actually, getting to show off that he has an s/o)
● So, unless you're uncomfortable with it, he'll kiss you no matter where you are or who you're with (especially around his friends)
● But as I said, if you're not interested, he'll respect that
● It just means he gets to love on you more when you're finally alone together!
● Kaminari loves your lips. Big or small, soft or dry, he's staring at them from across the room, just thinking about when he can kiss them again
● Boy is devoted to you, you don't leave his mind
● After he started dating you, Denki applies lip balm religiously
● He usually goes with vanilla flavors, but he also likes fruity ones
● And he makes special note of what you like. If he knows you'll be kissing soon, he'll pull out your favorite chapstick of his just to make sure he's extra tasty for you
● His 👏 lips 👏 are 👏 so 👏 soft 👏
● Every now and then they'll get a little chapped, but he's pretty good about exfoliating them when they do
● He wants to make sure you have the best kissing experience with him at all times, so he stays on top of things
● Not only does Denki like receiving kisses, he likes giving them as well
● Cheek kisses are his go-to. If you were to keep track, I'd say he'd give you a cheek kiss at least fifteen times a day, if he's around you that much
● Morning kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses—a lot of them end up on your cheeks
● But he also loves kissing your nose! He sees those as more intimate kisses, so usually he saves them for when you're cuddling together
● He just loves the way your face scrunches up in a grin when he does it >w<
● He loves to smother your face with little pecks, and he especially likes to tease you by kissing anywhere but your mouth until you get frustrated
● But he doesn't have that much self-control, so he may just kiss your lips soon enough anyway, if you're patient
● You can expect him to prelude a ton of kisses with either a joke or a pick up line. He thinks he’s being smooth (he’s really not), but he loves seeing you happy and giggling
● He also likes to zap you jus a teeny bit here and there. Never enough to hurt (he'd cry if he ever hurt you), but just enough to surprise you
● Sometimes he accidentally static-shocks you when you kiss, especially right after he used his quirk, so that can sting a bit. He always apologizes when it happens and offers you more kisses
● He likes sweet kisses, especially the ones during or right after dates, where he just gets to close his eyes and let the world fall away into nothing but your warm lips. He likes wrapping his hands around your waist to pull you close, and tilt your chin so he can get the perfect angle on your mouth
● Sometimes he smiles and giggles while you're kissing, and that can make it a little difficult to stay on his lips. But it's so darn cute, you have no intentions of ever telling him to stop
● He loves making out with you. So much
● He likes to “set the scene” if he has time, but it’s usually just dimming the lights a little (he's not above making out to music tho, so if you're interested, he'll be happy to deliver)
● But just having you in your or his room with him, on the bed with you on his lap, kissing you slow for all you're worth—
● Fantastic, easily one of his favorite parts of the relationship
● And he likes the hungry kisses too, where he pins you to the mattress (or you pin him; he's into both 👀) and it's all just sloppy tongue and teeth
● 😞👌
● If you allow it, his hands will be all over your body
● If you possess boobs (no matter the size), he's touching them
● With permission ofc
● I headcanon him to be a boob/chest guy (I mean, he loves all of you, but come on. Boobs. Need I say more?)
● Buuuut, he's also touching your butt. Homeboy's a groper
● He likes to grab handfuls of you wherever they may wander, squeezing your warm flesh around his fingers
● You may have to tell him at first not to do it so hard
● He's a hornee boi, so he likes to make out with you a few times a week. If you have to miss a couple of sessions, he'll get grumpy and you'll have to make it up to him (with extra kissies, ofc)
● If you were to pin him to the wall and passionately kiss him, he'd probably die from how hot he found it. Or he’d just short-circuit
● Any time you kiss him, he'll melt
● He loves kissing you, but there's something a little extra special about when it’s you initiating
● It makes him feel so loved, even if you just walk up to him and peck his forehead
● It's important to him not only that he loves you, but that you love him back just as much. That's what makes him go 🥺🥺
● He simps for one person and one person only now, and it's you
● Extra: He draws fanart of you and him kissing in his free time 👀 just little doodles in the margins of his notebooks. Aizawa always makes a face whenever Denki accidentally leaves one on his homework but otherwise doesn’t say anything
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The overhead light is turned off, a screensaver on his monitor providing a soft glow to the bed opposite in the room. You're seated comfortably on his lap, his hands lightly resting on your ass.
He starts with simple pecks on your lips, each one lingering longer against your skin, heavier in pressure. He's soft but moist, warm underneath where his saliva had cooled in the temperature of the room. An electricity seems to dance between you, and you're not sure if it's just your imagination or if he really is using his quirk.
Finally his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, and you grant him access. Your fingers lace through his hair, displacing the black lightning bolt that had been shaped so perfectly among the golden-blond strands. His tongue comes into contact with yours, touching and licking before securing itself behind your teeth. You're drawn even closer to him, locked in a wet embrace as his hands squeeze.
He could never get enough of you, enough of this feeling. He was obsessed with the way his heart still pounded in his chest, obsessed with the way fireworks went off in his stomach no matter how many times he'd done this before. All it took was a touch, a kiss, a squeeze, and he was gone. In moments like these, you were the only thing that mattered. Not his failures, not his inadequacies, not the stress of school. Just you, and only you.
One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, keeping you close while the other slid down your thigh. He released your lips, only to come back for more more more, desperate to show you how much he loved you, how badly he needed you. A whimper escaped him, swallowed by the kiss but present nonetheless. You answered in your own pretty little moan, fingers alighting on the base of his skull to pull him ever forward into you.
He could stay here forever, drowning in your taste, your touch, your scent. What harm would it be?
Kaminari picked you up, turning you over and laying you down softly onto his bed. He quickly loomed over you, supported by an arm on either side of your head as he dove in for another kiss.
Forever was a long time, so maybe he'd start with tonight.
His thumb traced along your cheekbone, lips still pushing and pulling against yours. He loved the way you caged his hips in with your thighs, keeping him in place. Loved how your hands softly rested by your head on his pillow.
He paused, suddenly realizing just how lightheaded he was. Reluctantly, he pulled back for air, chest expanding and contracting with each soft breath. 
You were under him. He was so thankful it was you. He'd never witnessed a person so beautiful—never experienced lips so addictive, so kissable. You were intoxicating, the way your shining eyes locked with his as your own hand came up to trace his face.
Even in the low light, he could make out every feature he loved—from your nose to your cheeks to your chin, nothing escaped his gaze.
"I love you," you whispered to him, and just like every other time you said it, he knew it was true.
"I love you too," he whispered back, because that was also true. How couldn't it be?
He kissed you once more before shifting to his side, pulling you into his arms where he knew you'd be safe and warm.
'I love you' hummed through his every nerve as he showered your skin with his love—your forehead, your nose, your cheeks. All of it perfection in his eyes, and he wished nothing would change.
You nestled into his neck, your hot skin brushing over his own.
"Sleepy?" he asked, rubbing your back.
He felt you nod, and he couldn't help but smile. Burying his nose in your hair, he inhaled your scent. It was nights like these when he truly knew what the word 'comfort' meant, since he felt it to the very marrow of his bones.
Absolutely nothing could compare to the way it felt to have you fall asleep in his arms. Your breaths began to even out as his hands continued to wander, intent on caressing you and worshiping every inch of skin he was able to touch.
Even before he pulled the blanket over your shoulders, you were warm. Drifting off to sleep in his arms, his lips still lazily pressing kisses to your hair, you felt content.
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre @basicaegyo @hyunmin-1404 @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid @sxngwoos-ash-box @xoxopam4​
389 notes · View notes
ditzydawn11 · 3 years
keep me safe
Neville Longbottom x reader
not requested
warnings: attempted sexual assault
2500 words
THIS STORY HAS MATURE THEMES. My heart goes out to all of the ladies who are a part of the 97%. You are strong, you are beautiful, and you are not alone.
When someone tries to hurt the reader, Neville steps in and protects her like the true Gryffindor he is. 
Neville was your best friend in the whole world.
In third year you had asked Professor Sprout to use her greenhouse to cultivate a plant for your own needs. You had a knack for potions and although you couldn’t stand Snape’s constant droning in class, your passion for the subject was unmatched compared to any other of your studies. 
You had been trying to create a potion that would allow your pet cat, Socks, to levitate. Ever since you first picked her out in Diagon Alley during your first year she had longingly stared out the window in your dorm admiring the owls flying outside. 
Obtaining the magical ingredients was no trouble, Snape often let you come and take what you needed because you were his top student. However, to make it cat safe you needed muggle cat-nip, something Snape definitely did not have on hand. 
That’s what led you to the greenhouse on a cold and rainy April morning with your small pot and bag of seeds in hand. You didn’t expect anyone else to occupy the small plant house at 7:00 am on a Tuesday so you didn’t bother to knock. You let yourself in and were startled to see another student with his back towards you tending to some plant. 
“Oh, hi!” you squeaked out. Before you could react, the poor boy dropped the empty pot he was holding creating a large crash and shattering the clay everywhere. “Oh I-I-I am so-so sorry. I-I didn’t know anyone w-was here,” he said between frantic breaths as he was focused on trying to pick up the pieces. “Don’t apologize, I should have knocked. Let me help you.” you kindly offered. You bent down onto your knees to his level to help pick up the broken pieces. “Here,” you said handing him a rather large piece that was still intact. Neville looked up to grab the piece from your hand. He was so caught up by his own clumsiness that he didn’t get a proper look at you. He was taken back by your beauty, the way your hair perfectly framed your face, the subtle red tint to your nose and cheeks from the cold, and the way your eyes sparkled in the early morning light. Neville could barely get a sentence out when your hands met exchanging the Terra Cotta. “Uh..thanks,” he said quickly looking back down at the ground.
You stood up and dusted off the front of your skirt. “I’m y/n by the way. Sorry again for startling you,” “Don’t worry about it. Oh um I-I uh I’m Neville.” “It’s nice to meet you, Neville, Sprout is letting me use the greenhouse to grow a plant of mine for a potion. So it looks like we will be seeing more of each other,” you happily stated.
From that moment on you and Neville became the best of friends. Though if you were being completely honest, you longed for more. You had gone out with a couple of guys on small dates over the years and Neville even took Ginny to the Yule Ball but you never really clicked with someone like you did with Neville.
Now you were in your 5th year starting to think about life after Hogwarts. Laying with your head in Neville’s lap under a big tree near the black lake you two discussed your futures and what you think you would do after graduation. “Hey Nev?” you asked interrupting the comfortable silence between the two of you. “Yes y/n?” he responded setting down the book he had been reading. “What do you want to do after we’re done with school?” you asked him while staring up at his face from down below. “I dunno, maybe teaching. I’ve pretty much taught you everything you know about Herbology,” he responded with a chuckle. “Hey!” you gave him a playful smack “though I do suppose I wouldn’t have passed my last exam without you basically teaching me the last chapter.” 
“What about you?” the brown-haired boy asked while playing with the ends of your hair. “I think I want to continue my study of potions. I mean imagine developing a potion to finally reverse horrible diseases and terrible curses,” you replied subtly referencing what happened to his parents.
You were the only person Neville had told the story of his parents to. Ever since then you always made an effort to remind him of how proud his parents would be of him. He often doubted his abilities but you how brave and capable he was. You would trust him with your life.
“If anyone can brew those potions it’ll be you,” he said in a quieter tone. “Aww thanks, Nev, I know exactly who I’ll be getting my ingredients from,” you said with a smile. Nightfall was approaching so the two of you made your way back to the castle for dinner. The two of you were an unconventional duo to everyone else but to you, you were best friends and wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Later that night you closed your eyes to fall asleep but your mind began to drift. You began to think about Neville which isn’t uncommon seeing that you spend most of your time together but you were thinking about him in a different way. 
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought of him like this before but what’s even worse is that part of you wishes it was this way. You had noticed a bit of...tension between the two of you on occasion. Like the time you couldn’t reach the top shelf in the greenhouse so Neville came up directly behind you to get the watering can for you. Or when you grabbed Neville from the library to go and watch Fred and George’s newest prank unfold and you held his hand the whole way there. You so wished that something more could blossom between you two but the last thing you wanted to do was jeopardize your friendship. I mean having Neville as a friend is better than not having him at all. You knew you could spend hours thinking about this so you just decided to roll over and try to get some shut-eye.
A few days later you were supposed to meet Neville in your guy’s usual spot after lunch, in the greenhouse, but he didn’t show. You figured he probably forgot (something he does quite often but you secretly think is absolutely adorable) so you left to go and find him. After searching for a bit you went to check for him in his dorm. Before you knocked you could hear faint sniffling from the other side of the door. You gently knocked and called out “Neville? Is that you? Can I come in?” After a few seconds of quiet the door slowly opened to a teary Neville on the other side. You instantly dropped your bag and gave him the biggest bear hug you could. You broke the hug and asked “Neville what’s wrong?  What happened?” “y/n why am I a Gryffindor? I’m so pathetic I can’t even stand up for myself,” he said through his sniffles. “Neville you are far from pathetic. You are the bravest, and most kindhearted, and loyal person I know. That’s why you’re a Gryffindor. Your parents would be so proud of you. I’m so proud of you.” you assured. It turns out that a few Slytherins sabotaged Neville’s potion in Snape’s class so it would explode everywhere. When Neville went to confront them he froze which caused everyone to laugh at him. You continued to hug him until he calmed down but you wished there was some way you could get Neville to believe in himself as you believe in him.
About a week later you found yourself sitting in the courtyard reading your transfiguration textbook for your test tomorrow. You were sitting on a small bench by yourself in a relatively secluded area of the outdoor space. You saw a figure approaching and looked up to see none other than McLaggen, someone who you often complained to Neville about on a regular basis. “So sweetheart, there’s a trip to Hogsmeade coming up and you look like you could use a date,” he said with a sickening smirk. “Bugger of Cormac,” you said as you began to collect your things. “Aww that’s no way to talk to me darling,” he said inching closer to you “you know I don’t like taking no for an answer.” Cormac McLaggen was just about the most disgusting guy at Hogwarts. He had asked out pretty much every girl in the school including yourself on multiple occasions. The answer was always a hard no but he couldn’t seem to get that through his thick skull. “I said I’m not interested now I have to get to class. Goodbye.” you hastily replied while trying to get as far away from the douchebag as you could. Before you could get very far he grabbed you and pinned you up against the stone hedge directly behind you. “What the fuck” you screamed as he began ripping open your uniform blouse and putting his hands on your chest and neck. You fought back as hard as you could but he was just too strong. 
What you didn’t see was Neville watching you from afar. He had been sitting with Dean and Seamus when he saw McLaggen make his way over to you. He knew that you would never stoop to that level but it did spark a kind of jealousy in him seeing another boy talk to you that way. When he saw him push you against the wall Neville reacted before he could think and sprinted over to you as fast as he could. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Cormac?” Neville yelled as he pulled the asshole off of his best friend. “Just showing her what a real Gryffindor is like since she seems to spend all her time with you, a pathetic excuse of a wizard,” said Cormac as he began to get closer to Neville who was standing directly in front of you as a shield. “Don’t you ever come near her again? You hear me?” Neville threatened without any hesitancy or fear in his voice. “Yeah right,” McLaggen scoffed as he advanced on Neville. However, before he could do any more damaged Neville punched him straight in the face causing Cormac to fall to the ground. 
By this time a small crowd was beginning to form. McGonagall broke through the mess of students “What in the world  is going on here?” She looked at the scene in front of her and quickly put together the pieces. “I see, students get to class, I’ll be taking Mr. McLaggen to Dumbledore. We do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Longbottom, I trust that you will make sure Miss y/l/n is alright. Please take her to Madam Pomfrey if she needs anything. Very well.” and she grabbed McLaggen by the arm and made her way back to the castle. 
The crowd had dispersed leaving just you and Neville. Neville realized that he hadn’t even checked in on you yet because he was so disoriented from everything that just happened. He quickly spun around to face you. Your mascara was completely smeared, you were sobbing, and your blouse was ripped open leaving your bra and chest exposed. “Can I- can I touch you?” Neville softly asked not wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way. Instead of using your words you just collapsed into Neville letting his arms wrap around you in an effort to keep all the pain and ugly things as far away from you as he could.
You don’t know how long you two stayed like that but Neville pulled away eventually and used his thumb to wipe off some of your smeared black eye makeup and tears. “Here,” he said while pulling off his burgundy Gryffindor sweater and putting it over your head. He saw that you were still exposed and didn’t want anyone seeing you like that. “Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey?” he softly asked while rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. You shook your head no “can we just go sit by the lake. I don’t want to go back and deal with everyone yet.” “Of course,” he replied. 
Neville guided you over to the lake and you two rested under your favorite tree. There were no words exchanged between the two of you. Just comfortable silence and a telepathic-like connection that told you that everything was going to be alright. Neville rubbed soothing circles on your back as you lay your head on his lap. You don’t know how long you two stayed there but you soon realized that you must have fallen asleep because it was nearly dusk and you were in Neville’s arms walking back to the castle. 
He carried you back to your common room and up to your dorm. Neville layed you down on your bed and tucked you into the covers. He made his way to the door but stopped when he heard you call out his name. “Hey, Nev? Could you maybe stay? I just don’t want to be alone right now.” “Oh, uh sure,” he said making his way back to you. He didn’t want to make you feel bad for seeming hesitant because honestly, he would love nothing more than to stay with you. However, the last thing he would want to do is to make you uncomfortable or seem like he was taking advantage of you in your time of distress. Plus with his massive crush on you, he gets incredibly nervous any time something remotely intimate or romantic occurs between you two. But he swallowed his nerves and kicked off his shoes to be there for you when you need him most. He would do anything for you. He crawled under the covers and kept a substantial amount of space between you two though honestly, the school-issued dorm beds weren’t that big. 
You didn’t say a word but gently turned over so you were facing away from Neville. You scooted closer to him and in a moment of bravery grabbed his hand from the opposite side of the bed and pulled it over you so you two were cuddling. You let out a sigh of relief partly from Neville not pulling away and partly from finally finding some peace from the stress of the day. 
“Neville?” you called out. “Yes y/n,” he called back. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” and soon after those few words left your mouth in the still silence of the room, you were asleep.
Neville let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and bravely planted a kiss on the top of your head. Maybe he really was a Gryffindor after all.
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ptergwen · 4 years
let’s just pretend
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w/c: 3.5k
warnings: rom com references, drinking, and a little bit of angst
summary: you cope with your feelings for peter by getting drunk on halloween
a/n: ok i really really love this and i loved writing it too? it’s the first like original idea i’ve had in a while so maybe that’s why but yeah i hope y’all enjoy and that this puts you in a halloweenish mood :-)
there’s something about fall that makes you nostalgic. the same images pop into your head whenever you hear the word october. pumpkin patches, colorful leaves, and hot coffee. it reminds you of being a kid. only when you were a kid, all you could think about this time of year was what you were going to be for halloween.
you’d spend weeks getting your costume together and coordinating with all your friends. trick or treating was literally the only thing that mattered. if you wanted to get good candy, you had to have a good costume.
the high school version of candy is alcohol. everyone just goes to parties so they can drink the whole night. no one even dresses up usually. you personally would rather have chocolate than cheap beer. your whole friend group agrees on that.
that’s why you decided to throw your own party this year. anyone who misses the old halloween can come hang out. so far it’s only peter, mj, ned, betty, and the rest of the decathlon team coming. betty invited everyone for you. she also asked liz, but she’s going to flash’s party. he only gets so many people because his parents are never home and don’t care if he raids the liquor cabinet. whatever.
you’re out finding something to wear with peter and mj a few hours before it starts. ned and betty already picked their costumes. she’s going as an angel, and he’s going as the devil. you think they should switch. they’re out shopping for snacks while the three of you hit up spirit halloween.
mj groans every single second there’s silence, and peter keeps getting scared by the motion sensor decorations. he eventually ends up having to go somewhere in the store that doesn’t have any. so, it’s a lot.
“why don’t you be a vampire?” mj asks in her fake interested voice, taking a pair of fangs off the rack in front of her. you scoff. “i think i did that in sixth grade.” she puts them back with a huff. “witch?” she’s just suggesting every costume she sees so you can get out of here. her lack of enthusiasm makes you want to take longer.
“what about cat in the hat?”
“mj, what? no.”
“uh... school girl?”
“ok, that’s just offensive.”
“you’re right. why do they have that?” she eyes the costume suspiciously. you cover it up with a random cloak that fell onto the floor. you’re never going to find anything at this point. maybe it’s a sign you’re too old for this. just when you’re about to lose all hope, peter comes over.
he’s holding up the plaid yellow skirt and blazer cher wears in clueless. it’s one of the most iconic rom com outfits. you grab it with a gasp, peter giving you a knowing smile. “oh my god! wait, where did you find this?” “they have a section with movie stuff.” there’s a han solo costume in his other hand.
you throw an arm around his neck for a quick hug. peter squeezes you and chuckles when he pulls away. it gets a sigh out of mj.
“sure you don’t wanna be the guy she ends up with?” she elbows peter’s arm. the two of you share a disgusted look. “josh? ew, he’s her ex stepbrother,” you dismiss her. “they’re, like, related,” peter adds. mj rolls her eyes almost to the back of her head and starts to walk away. “someone needs to unplug both of your tv’s.” you and peter follow after her.
of course she would suggest a couple’s costume. she was probably trying to make you both get weird. you’re always being teased for spending so much time together. even your parents and may make little comments about it. you can’t help the fact that you have almost everything in common.
peter is the only person your age who doesn’t try so hard to be cool. when you’re with him, you can be the biggest nerd and wear fluffy pajamas and play with legos. it’s a judgement free friendship.
you’ll admit you’ve wanted it to become a judgement free relationship. there’s no way he doesn’t feel your heart beating against him when you cuddle during movie nights. he has to notice your goofy smile whenever he calls you a nickname.
but, it could all be platonic in peter’s mind. maybe he sees you as more of a sister. that would make josh the perfect costume to go with you as cher.
you shutter and try to push the idea out of your mind for the rest of your time at spirit halloween.
it’s almost time for the party to start when you get back to your house. your parents let betty and ned in to start setting up on their way out. they’re going for dinner so they aren’t around to embarrass you. you have until midnight, then there’s nothing you can do. that gives you four hours.
mj is changing into the coraline costume you made her get, which she actually doesn’t hate. betty is helping you do some last minute decorating. peter and ned are putting out snacks. it’s a really good system you have.
“love the the plaid, y/n. you look so fetch!” betty compliments in between throwing fake cobwebs over your couch. you snort and finish stringing up some lights. “wrong movie, but thanks.” “oh. oops,” she shrugs and gets back to cobwebbing. “peter found it for me.” all the lights are up, so you go to plug them in. betty giggles on your way over.
your living room has an orange glow to it now. dusting your hands off, you admire your work. the moment of admiration ends when you notice how betty is looking at you. “what?” “peter found it for you,” she repeats suggestively. “when he was getting his costume, yeah,” you say like it’s nothing because it is nothing.
“so, what i’m hearing is he wanted to see you in a skirt.” you furrow your eyebrows at her. “what? no, he just-“ she wiggles her own eyebrows at you. you’re going to start sweating if you talk about this any longer. too aware of yourself now, you pull down your skirt and trudge over to the stairs. “i’m gonna go check on mj.”
you’re in the middle of convincing her she looks great and to leave your room when everyone calls your name downstairs.
“what?” you shout back from behind the closed door. “you should get down here.” it’s only peter this time. mj widens her eyes at you, but you’re gone before she can say she isn’t wearing this again.
you make your way down the stairs. the three of them are huddled in front of the door. “is someone here?” you mouth, ned looking off to the side awkwardly. they all move out of the way so you can see who it is. it’s flash. you’re obviously surprised to see him at your house, especially since he’s supposed to be having his own party right now.
“um, what are you doing here?” you try not to sound mean. “didn’t you invite the whole decathlon team? i’m on it.” you’d forgotten about that. peter says he’s only an alternate. flash side steps past you to get inside. you didn’t say he could come in. he heads straight to the chip bowl on your living room coffee table. you’re left shaking your head in pure confusion.
“dude, kick him out,” ned whispers to you. you wave your hand dismissively and walk over. he’s kicking his legs up on the table when you get there. “dope outfit. you look good.” he winks and crunches on a tostito. peter is clenching his jaw, but no one sees. “why are you in my house, flash?” you push the bowl away from him. “oh, yeah. my parents came home from vegas early.”
mj finally gets downstairs, squinting at whatever is going on with you while she walks over to everyone else. “i thought we could combine parties.” flash eyes your friends in a way you don’t like. “all your guests are pretty much here, so don’t worry about space.”
you look back at peter to see what he thinks. he shakes his head no. betty is nodding her head so fast you’re pretty sure she’s going to get whiplash. ned agrees with whatever she thinks, and mj doesn’t care. majority rules. plus, you could use one of flash’s playlists to liven things up. how bad could it really be?
“text everyone my address.”
people are flooding your house in the next fifteen minutes. like, your entire grade might be here. flash hooks his phone up to your speakers and blasts his songs. people grab fistfuls of candy and dance around. you’re running low on soda, but one guy brought extra drinks. alcoholic drinks, which you’re uneasy about. that was a big reason why you wanted to have your own party in the first place.
you don’t want to be a lame host, so you let it slide. a girl is sitting on top of your kitchen counter making out with someone. people are yelling so loud you can’t make out a single conversation. this is all going on and yet somehow, the most surprising thing is that they came in costume. some are more casual, like cat ears and lifeguard hoodies. it still counts.
feeling a little bit lost in your own house, you search for peter. he’s sitting on the top stair just watching what’s going on. you get his attention by throwing a mini packet of sour patch kids at him. he catches it, grinning when he realizes you did that. “i love these.” “good. they were the only ones left.” you take a seat next to him and scratch at the material of his vest for emphasis.
“i can’t believe you said yes to him.” peter opens the sour patch kids. the first one is yellow, so he offers it to you. sharing food with him always works because you each seem to like what the other doesn’t. “neither can i, but i think betty would’ve actually hurt me if i didn’t,” you joke while chewing. he rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling. “please. she’s too nice.”
you lean your head on peter’s shoulder and grab another gummy. he pokes your arm in protest. “this bag is small. get your own.” you’re nuzzling your cheek against him. “i told you they’re gone.” he’s about to put an arm around you when someone screams downstairs. you quickly sit up.
“i’m gonna go see what the hell that was. i’ll find you later?” peter does his best to hide his disappointment. “yeah, of course. good luck.” you clench your teeth and run down the stairs. this is somehow flash’s fault.
it’s been an hour and a half, and peter is nowhere to be seen. the chaos was just that someone really liked the song that was playing. it didn’t take you long to figure that out. when you went to tell peter, he was gone. you’ve looked everywhere for him since, except the backyard.
a pretty big group of people is out here either playing catch or talking. someone also brought a case of beer outside. you spot mj huddled up by the fence with a bottle. it doesn’t necessarily surprise you. it’s weird to see, either way.
“have you seen peter?” you walk up to her. she uses the bottle to gesture somewhere. he’s in the middle of a conversation with liz. your entire body feels like it’s collapsing into itself. it didn’t cross your mind she would be coming even when the party moved to your house.
she’s nice and all. you don’t have any issues with her. not that she knows about, at least. peter had the biggest crush on her for about a month, then it fizzled out. that’s what he told you. unless, he said that to save face.
you’re speechless. mj figured you would be. she gives you a sympathetic smile and holds out her beer. “yep. drink up.” your instincts tell you to take it, so you do. she heads back inside and leaves you alone with your thoughts. that’s not good for you. the only to way to get rid of them is by chugging the rest of this bottle.
you’ve never had your own drink before, and technically you aren’t now. this is still the most alcohol you’ll ever have in your system. before you can change your mind, you take a generous swig. it’s bitter. you don’t hate it as much as you expected to, though.
your eyes land on liz touching peter’s shoulder. that inspires your next big gulp of beer. you finish off the rest, and it hits you fast. you’re understanding why this is such a popular vice. you don’t feel anything but how tipsy you are. light and floaty. you decide to stumble back into the kitchen and find out what other drinks people brought.
the bright color of your costume catches peter’s attention. he was wondering where you were. excusing himself from liz, he follows you in. you bump into betty on your way to the punch bowl someone filled. she’s holding a red solo cup with the mystery liquid. both of you buzzed, you laugh and grab her arm.
“sorry. s- sorry.” you’re squeezing behind her, her angel wings brushing against your face in the process. you have to weave through everyone to make it to the drink table. peter meets you there when you’re getting a cup. he’s shocked.
“y/n?” smiling lazily, you take a sip. “hey, peter. pete.” the sober voice in your head tells you to stop talking. he probably shouldn’t know you’re drunk. then again, your cup gives it away. “y/n, have you been drinking?” he sounds concerned. everything is funny to you right now. you giggle out a “yes.”
peter doesn’t want to be that person, but you’re not acting right. he reaches for your drink. you pull it away too abruptly, and some of it spills onto the floor. “you... you’re so...“ you start losing your balance. “woah.” peter wraps an arm around your waist to steady you. he takes the drink out of your hand and sets it on the table.
frowning, he throws your arm around his shoulders so he can help you get upstairs. “come on, y/n/n.” you don’t argue this time. you’re at the part of being drunk where it doesn’t feel good anymore. peter holds you close to his side and walks you out of the kitchen. he stops to talk to ned for a second.
“hey, man. y/n’s parents are gonna be home soon. could you get everyone out?” he says into his ear. “why can’t she do it?” peter moves out of the way so he’s not blocking you. ned sees. you’re completely faded. “oh, shit. is she okay?” he whisper yells. “i’m gonna take care of her.” “i’ll tell everyone to go.” peter presses his lips into a tight smile, then he’s taking you up to your room.
you flop down onto your bed face first. peter shuts the door behind you. “you okay?” he chuckles, you nodding with your face smushed into the comforter. he’d think it was cute if you weren’t piss drunk. gently nudging you, he moves you so you’re on your back.
“let’s get you out of this.” “ooh, betty was right. you do like me in a skirt,” you giggle and bat your eyelashes at him. he huffs. “no, i mean you have to put on pajamas.” you’re pouting now. “you don’t like me in a skirt?” after going through your drawers, he comes back over with a big t-shirt and fuzzy pants. “i never said that.”
you grin again and grab them from him. “ha.” “do you need help changing?” he sits at the edge of your bed. you’re still laying down. he’s not sure you can handle getting up. “no. don’t be creepy,” you say completely serious. peter has to remind himself you’re drunk. “you were the one who thought i wanted you naked, but ok.”
making peter close his eyes, you peel the costume off your body. you got pretty sweaty. you kick everything onto the floor and start putting on your pajamas. your head gets stuck in an arm hole by accident, so peter has to fix that. the rest is fine. he’s about to bring you into the bathroom to brush your teeth, but you face plant into his lap. you’re out.
the next morning, you wake up feeling like ass. your breath is hot and tastes disgusting. your head is pounding. you could throw up. you’re not even sure how you ended up in your bed. then, you notice peter sitting at your desk. he must have helped you in.
a vague memory of him tucking you under the covers while you whined comes back to you, along with a few others. one of them is of him and liz. the whole reason you did this to yourself.
“hey.” your voice comes out hoarse. “hi.” peter nods and points to your night table. there’s a fresh glass of water. you drink it all down as fast as humanely possible, a hand on your heart. it doesn’t phase him after what you did last night. you set the empty glass down and pat the spot next to you. peter sits by your side.
he’s still dressed as han solo, but his vest and belt are sprawled out on the floor. the boots are under your desk. he actually stayed all night for you.
“i think i’m hungover.” you rest your head against his arm. his body relaxes. “you didn’t drink that much. mj said she gave you half a beer,” he almost laughs, you groaning. “that means i’m a lightweight.” “for now.” your arm wrapping around his, you look up at him.
“sorry you had to deal with me. am i in trouble?” “nah, your parents don’t know. we cleaned everything up before they got home.” he lightly pats the top of your head with two fingers. you squeeze your eyes shut when he does it. “you did? thank you so much, wow.” peter nods and smiles for a second.
he lays his back against the pillow on his side. “let’s just pretend that never happened.” “you’re good at pretending,” you mumble to yourself. you’re not as quiet as you think because peter hears it. “um, what?” you feel too woozy to come up with a cover. letting out a breath, you take your head and hands off of him.
“i saw you talking with liz.” “she wanted to know if i could lead decathlon practice next week. she’s not gonna be in school,” he says slowly, not getting it. “why?” having to spell it out is making you frustrated. “didn’t you say you don’t like her anymore?” “yeah, i don’t.”
“so, why was she being all... touchy?” the jealousy is clear in your voice. peter shrugs. “that’s how liz is. i still don’t get why it matters.” you ease yourself to sit up and turn to face him. those three words you’ve been meaning to tell him are on the absolute tip of your tongue. they’re about to come out.
“i like you, y/n.”
peter says them for you.
you’re so surprised you nearly vomit for real. or, it could be the possible hangover. almost a minute has gone by when you realize you’ve been sitting there with your mouth hanging open. you swallow your spit. “you... you do?” “a lot. i kept trying to tell you, but there was never a good time.” his voice is softer now.
“i realized after homecoming. i wished i went with you instead of...” he doesn’t have to finish the sentence. you nod, a small smile spreading across your face. peter’s eyes are so hopeful. “i like you, too. a lot.” your gaze trails down to his lips.
“i’d kiss you if my breath didn’t stink.” “i’ll let you owe me one.” he’s fully grinning now, and both of you laugh. they’re the kind of laughs you do because you’re so happy you don’t know what to say.
peter presses his lips to your temple, your eyes fluttering closed. “get some more sleep. i’m gonna ask you out when you wake up,” he mumbles against your hair. you grab his hand that’s resting on the comforter. “can you stay with me?” “of course.”
he lays down next to you. you pull back the covers so he can get under them. your head is resting on his chest, an arm around his torso. both of his hug your waist. you’re instantly comfortable cuddled up in his embrace. you drift off to sleep with a smile.
this feels like such a dream. it’s the exact type of situation you’d make up in your head. but, it’s real. peter is still holding you when you wake up. he’s not going anywhere.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Valentine’s Day with the Haikyuu Boys
Various x Female Reader || Different Lover Tropes (sfw)
Iwaizumi Hajime (Friends to Lover Trope)
Y’all have been friends for as long as him and oikawa have been friends- but just a little more distant
You’re the person he goes to when he has girl problems or problems in general
So when he isn’t feeling particularly well about himself he goes to you.
He lays his head on your chest, your shoulder, your lap (usually 99% always your plush thighs)
He makes you play with his hair and his hands when he’s feeling sad because you care for him like no one else has (well, his mother but you know what I mean.)
But tell me why y’all haven’t dated. No one fucking knows. Not even oikawa.
So a few days before V-day you ask Iwa if he was a valentines and he says No and questions why you asked him.
You tell him not to worry and plan out everything
He’s like? “W-why? Why’d you do that?”
and you obviously have the tsundure qualities he has so your like “B-because i like you stupid!!! Now are you taking the damn gift or not? I know Oikawa would-”
He’s like- NO NO. Stop right there. “Give me that! SHITYKAWA WOULDNT APPRECIATE THIS THE WAY I WOULD!” Iwa is barking at this point
whole school it just watching you guys romantically bark at eachother
You: “YES.”
Iwa: “GOOD.”
You: “GREAT.”
it’s so awkward the whole day. like grossly awkward. but the tension dies down when you sit next to him during lunch and slowly caress the back of his hand the way you did when you weren’t dating
he’s glad you opened up to him because it would have taken him much longer to admit that he liked you
Time Skip Iwaizum Hajime 
Buys you a bouquet of 23 white roses the day before valentine’s day to give you the twenty-fourth on valentine’s day. He does this every year now.
You guys invite friends over because as (almost) 30 years old you think it’s a little cheesy, Hajime acts like its Valentines Day every day. So when Matsukawa and Hanamaki come over, they get really drunk and they appreciate you guys for not being lovey dovey around them and they start sobbing and laughing bc they’re single.
This becomes a tradition but ofc, sometime iwa calls ahead of time to tell them not to come over for... certain reasons.
He’s probably the cheesiest man on earth because he does not romance well- neither do you but he tries his best.
Would probably ask you to marry him on valentines day if you hadn’t told him before hand “If you even think about proposing on valentines day- I will rip out your organs... Ugh- thats so cheesy, everyone gets engaged on valentines day... Do it like the morning after new years or sum...”
*iwa secretly putting a red velvet box back in his underwear drawer* 
*laughing nerveously* “Hahaha, right- fucking stupid...”
You look at him blankly “Don’t tell me you where about to propose?”
Iwa: “NO! NOT AT ALL.”
You: “What are you hiding in your underwear drawer then, Hajime?”
Osamu Miya (Platonic)
You look so pretty when you come into the gym and everyones like “looking good y/n.” and it’s normal bc your their manager- ofc they’d hype you up.
But the closer they get, they notice your crying.
Osamu isn’t in the gym, he’s getting water in the back and he sees that Aran is holding you in his arms and he just knows something is wrong and everyone is trying to hold him back because he knowns exactly what happened. He’s calling Atsumu over and he’s ready.
Everyone is chasing them down and Osamu already has his guy pinned to the floor (lets just say he has baseball practice)
You’re rushing to get Osamu off but get gets a few swings in before you completely pull him off.
Samu: “You’re too good for this Idiot anyway.” he looks at Kita, “I’m ditching practice and I’m taking her out, I’m not taking no as an answer.”
It was the first time anyone has stood up to Kita and he just nods.
Samu: “Let me wash up, alright? I’ll take you somewhere nice.”
He kisses your forehead and runs your thumb on your cheek, “Stop crying, makes you look ugly.”
As much you wanted to frown, you bursted out a laugh before shoving him away, “Not as ugly as Atsumu.”
Time Skip Osamu Miya (Boss/Employee Trope)
Osamu calls you really early in the morning to ask you to work on valentines day. For some reason, he hates this day more than anything. He doesn’t like how girls (of all ages) bring him stuff and he ALWAYS has to reject them but now since your working you’re the the ones who kicks them out.
He loves watching you run them away with a sweet smile and when you turn around you have the most annoyed look on your face, it’s really cute.
Samu: “Thank you princess.”
You: “Yeah, shut up and get to cookin’ boss.”
He just smirks and tilts his little onigiri hat and starts on orders again
Once the shift is over and the restaurant is closed, cleaned and organized, you’re waiting for him at one of the tables you didn’t pick up yet and he brings you out a really cute meal.
You: “What’s this for?”
Samu: “A thank you, for- *clears throat* not leaving my side... and I-uh don’t want you to do so, any time soon.”
You’re looking at him blankly. He forgot how blunt he had to be with you.
Samu: “I- God, I’m trying to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
You: “OH! Oh my god.... Really? Are you sure?”
Samu: “Y/n, I- You’re lucky I love you....”
You: “L-Love me?”
He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights... “Uh-I uh... crap- I didn’t mean-”
You: “Shut up and kiss you Idiot.”
Samu: “Okay- yeah good idea.”
Matsukawa Issei (Best Friends Older Sister || First Love Trope) @sloppykyuu
You’re only two years older than him but ever since he became friends with Hanamaki (around the age of 7) he came over once and you bumped into him and he blushed to the point he looked like a cherry tomato
Maki thought it was gross that he suddenly started liking his older step sister
You and Hanamaki get along really well now (You’re 18, making Maki and Matsun are 16), so whenever Matsukawa is around you jokingly called him “Nii-san.” When Hanamaki wasn’t there and he spit out his drink. 
You laughed so hard and just ruffled his hair a little and left him alone for the rest of the day
Ofc you teased him a lot but the second you turned 18, they cooled down a lot. 
So when he gives you a bouquet of Sakurasou (Primula Sieboldii, which signify desire and long lasting love. 
Matsukawa: “ Please accept the flowers- I know you’ve been keeping your distance because of your age and you don’t have to accept my feelings for you but please accept these flowers.”
The sweetest boy you’ll ever meet ngl, “Thank you Matsun...” you gave him a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his hair. “As me again when you’re older, yeah? I’ll always be willing to give you a chance.”
Timeskip Matsukawa Issei
When he turns 18, you weren’t single. He was so miserable watching you be happy but when you come home a little sad looking, Hanamaki and him are pretty confused when you tell them that YOU broke up with your boyfriend
Maki: “Everything was going alright with you guys- what happened?”
You: “I uh- I lost feelings... Nothing against him or anything, I just... just happen to like someone else now.”
You don’t look at Matsukawa so he’s like- ugh.... another guy? he’s heartbroken just a little.
3 years later when both of you got drunk when Maki was out for a valentines day date- Matsun was like, “Admit it already, you’ll never find a guy who dedicates to you the way I have.”
You’re a blushing mess since your drunk and you just pin him to the floor, a little teary eyed, “Maybe your right... Maybe I should give you your chance. You’re still so in love with me? After all this time?”
He brushes a strand of hair away from your face and smiles, “Of course I have... You I would have lasted being friends with Maki if it weren’t for you?”
Both of you laugh but you lay your body on him as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead as your step brother grimaced at the sight. “Took both of you long enough, disgusting...”
 Ushijima Wakatoshi (Reunion Romance Trope)
You’ve known Ushijima the longest out of everyone, even Tendo. And every year you ask him to be your valentines and he agrees bc your friends.
From the start it was always a friendly thing but at some point, your feelings for him changed during high school.
You don’t tell him, you never dared because you know his dedication towards volleyball would always go before his feelings.
One day you’re down the hall from his class and you notice that he’s talking to a girl- or more the girl is talking to him, so you hide in the corner. She was offering him a box of chocolates but he politely denies by saying “There’s only one girl who’s allowed to be my valentines, but please don’t take this personally, she mean’s everything to me.”
D-did you just here that right? Your leaning against the wall and sliding your back all the way to the floor, blushing like a mad woman.
So when Ushijima walks down the hall and sees a small figure to his side, he’s really worried as to why you are on the floor looking hot. “Y/n? Are you alright? Do you have a fever?” 
You’re trying so heard not to breathe onto his face but then he looks into your eyes when hes doing this and you shove his gift onto his chest. “PLEASE GET OUT OF MY FACE AND J-JUST TAKE THEM, IM FINE...” His warm fingers graze your for a second when he takes the chocolates and you just can’t do it anymore “I N-NEED TO GO NOW, BYE TOSHI- WAKATOSHI.”
Doesn’t question you, like ever.
During graduation you tell everyone that you are leaving over seas and Toshi honestly looks like a kicked puppy- his best friends, they’re all leaving. 
You’re crying into his arms when he’s dropping you off at the airport.
Timeskip Ushijima Wakatoshi
7 years. It’s been 7 years since wakatoshi has see your pretty face. 
You send a valentines post card and somehow it always gets there a day before, the day after or sometimes- even on valentines day.
You forced him to give you his address when he moves every time bc you send him a basket of goods. Usually a fruit arrangements bc you know he has a sweet tooth for fruits covered in chocolate- even tho he doesn’t really understand them
But this year nothing has arrived yet, until you text him to open the door since something was dropped off.
He’s a little confused as to why you noticed him but he opened the door, and there you where- standing right in front of him with luggage and his yearly valentines gift. 
“You’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost?”
He doesn’t say anything but pull you into a hug.
“...I missed you too big guy.”
After several, long virtual calls- he finally got to see you in person.
He pulls you back and looks a little upset.
You: “What? What’d I do?”
Toshi: “I might have sent flowers to your home.”
You low key wanna start crying, “What kind of flowers?”
Toshi: “Um.... anarrangementoftwentyfourwhiterosesbecauseiwantedtotellyouhowifeltbutididntknowhowtodoitanyotherwayandididntwanttodoitthroughacomputerscreen.”
You: “I hope you know, I understood every single word you just said.”
You give him a soft smile and lean down to pick something up that was covered by your bags. A bouquet of 24 white roses.
You: “I think... I feel the same way.”
He has never wanted to kiss someone so bad.
Toshi:“May I kiss you?”
You: “Do you really have to ask?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi  (Enemies To Lovers || Secret Admirer Trope)
You probably get 20 confessions on valentines day every year, every time it’s the same handwriting and sometimes it’s new.
But one day, a specific letter get’s into your desk instead of your locker, a black envelope with a white pearly wax stamp with silver lettering on the back “From your secret admirer :]”
The smiley face is a little distorted and you smile at it, but it turns into a scowl when Sakusa naps it from your fingertips. Luckily it was lunch and not may people where in this class. “Secret admirer? Who’d like your dumbass.”
You pull the note out of his hands and sit back down, “Maybe a bigger dumbass, now leave alone asshole.”
He rolls his eyes and sits on his desk, that just happens to be at your back left.
He noticed the smile you had on your lips when you sat back down and looked at the letter. He could tell that your mood had changed when you leaned back and read the letter with awe. He obviously couldn’t tell you in was him.
If he did, you’d probably think it was a joke. But it was nothing like that, he never meant to create an awful relationship between you to but he had made a nasty joke about you and you happen to overhear and have disliked him every since.
He’s kept the bully act ever since and now doesn’t know how to go back.
You looked giddy all day after reading the love letter he left for you, he didn’t know how to feel.
He never stopped sending the letters.
Around the third year, they began to stop and so did Sakusas bullying- but only because you didn’t have any classes together. So when one day you’re walking towards your locker, really late because you had to clean up the classroom. You see him slide a letter in your locker. 
You don’t confront him right then and there but you decide to let him walk a way just a little before you quickly get to your locker and open the letter.
You scan over the letter and you see that famous distorted smiley face and all the feelings they had written down. You where furious.
“Hey Sakusa!” You somehow where able to catch up to him and pushed his back as he walked away. “Is this funny to you?! Is messing with people’s feelings fucking funny to you?”
When he turned around he didn’t expect to see you crying, so he just stood like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Answer me! Why’d you do this? Three years, three fucking years I thought this was someone who actually had feelings for me, someone I thought I could fall in love with myself but I guess this was just some joke right? Some prank? Who wrote these? You know what- It doesn’t even matter. Fuck you and your fucking letter.” You shoved the letter at his chest and push him in the process.
 He freezes a little but he’s running to catch up with you, “Y/n! Y/n stop walking away. L-Let me explain. Y/N!” He’s able to snatch your wrist and pull you towards him.
The tears are still running down your cheeks and his heart is shattering. “It wasn’t a joke. It- it was never a joke, never a dare. I promise, every word in those letters, are what I truly feel.”
You: “Bull- How do I even know that you wrote them in the first place, you can just be the messenger.”
Oomi: “If you put every letter together, it spells my name.”
You roll your eyes at him. 
Oomi: “Don’t believe me?
You: “Of course I don’t.”
“Fine, umm.....”
Both of you didn’t really notice how his hand was still wrapped around your wrist. “Every time I just happen to catch a glance at you when you aren’t looking, it seems like peace on earth... There is no other sight i’d rather see then to see you smile at me, at me only. I want you to look at me the way you look at them but I know in my heart that it will take years for you to look at me that way.”
You pull your wrist away from his hand and wipe your face clean from the tear that have dried down.
“The day you heard me make fun of you... I don’t have any excuses for it. I did it and I regret it and- and I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head and begin to laugh... “I don’t even want to believe you.”
“I know, I just please let me make it up to you.”
Timeskip Sakusa Kiyoomi
You: “Oomi, I thought you hated valentines day.”
Oomi: “I do, but you deserve flowers because I was an asshole for so long.”
You: “... that was like 8 years ago...”
Oomi “Your point?
He hands you over the flowers and gives you a soft kiss. “You deserve so much more, and every day I will give you more, understand?”
You begin to giggle mid kiss, “Yes sir.”
Oomi: “Do you still have those letters?”
You: “Of course, I read them every time your gone.”
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
Devils of Remnant
Chapter 1- Dances with Guns
Sitting at the bar of The Black Bear, a club in downtown Vale, Ruby tapped her fingers on the table to the beat of the music. Red Like Roses was her favourite song and the new remix brought a smile to her face. Hei Xiong, known as “Junior” to his friends, was on bartender duty tonight. Ruby smiled as soon as her drink was served.
Junior: It’s on the house. *two finger salute*
Ruby: Thanks, Junior. *drinks the lemonade*
???: Is that lemonade on the rocks or neat?
Ruby turned her head to find a boy sitting next her. He had golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He wore casual clothing; a yellow hoodie with a black shirt underneath, blue jeans and white shoes.
Ruby: *deadpans* Very funny.
???: Okay, that was mean. Sorry. *chuckles*
Ruby: It’s okay. *chuckles back*
???: I’m Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet and rolls of the tongue.
Ruby: *smiles* I’m Ruby. Ruby Rose.
Jaune: *smiles back* Nice name. So, Ruby, what’s a girl like you doing in a dingy place like this?
Junior: Hey!
Ruby: It’s my last day before I go to Beacon Academy.
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* Beacon Academy? You mean the school for Devil Hunters?
Ruby: Mm-hmm.
Jaune: Huh, small world. I’m a student there myself.
Ruby: *eyes wide* No way!! Really?!
Jaune: You bet! *shows student badge*
Ruby: EEEEE!!!!! Oh my god, this is so cool!!!! I can’t believe I’m actually meeting a Devil Hunter from Beacon!!!!!!
Jaune: *giggles* Guess like someone’s a fangirl.
Ruby: Wha-? S-Shut up! *blushes*
Ruby and Jaune’s chat was cut short by a group of four guys. One had long, blue hair and wore a grey suit, the other wore a green vest with a light green mohawk, the third wore a brown t-shirt and had brown hair and finally there was the burly lad, with ginger hair and wearing a grey shirt that the logo of a golden cardinal bird. Their names were Russel Thrush, Sky Lark, Dove Bronzewing and their leader, Cardin Winchester.
Cardin: Why hello there, hot stuff. *winks at Ruby* How about you and I head over to the dance floor?
Ruby: *ponders* Hmmm, a tempting offer but I think I’ll stick with Jaune over here.
Jaune: *raises his glass*
Cardin: *sneers* Really? This guy? Come on, he’s a total dork. You need a real man, like me.
Ruby: I happen to like dorks, thank you very much.
Cardin: Ugh, quit playing hard to get! *grabs Ruby’s wrist*
Ruby: Agh! Let me go!
Jaune: Hey get off of her!
Sky: *pushes Jaune*
Jaune: Agh!
Russel: What the boss says, goes. *kicks Jaune*
Jaune: *coughs in pain*
Ruby: Leave him alone!
Cardin: Oh we will, as soon as you give me my dance.
Ruby: *grunts* If you don’t let me go, you’re gonna be sorry!
Cardin: *grips tighter*
Ruby: *smirks* Okay... you asked for it.
Using her free hand, she reached behind her waist and pulled out a silver M1911 handgun. Before Cardin react, Ruby shot him in the shoulder. Black blood leaked from the wound. The blood of demons. The sound of gunfire caused the people at the club to panic and they scrambled towards the exit. Cardin’s eyes turned red and his teeth became fangs.
Ruby: If you’re gonna disguise yourself as a human, you gotta be a little more convincing than that.
Cardin: *snarls* You bitch! I’ll you apart!!!
Surrounded by black smoke, Cardin transformed into his true self; a lanky wolf-like demon with black fur, white fangs and a skull-like mask. He lunged towards Ruby and bared his claws. However, he was shot again from another one of her pistols, this one red in colour. He yelped in pain as he hit the floor. Standing above him, Ruby put the guns close to his head.
Ruby: Say cheese! *shoots Cardin*
Cardin’s friends looked on in horror. Their leader was reduced to nothing but a mere plaything right before their eyes. Ruby reloaded her guns and turned to them, giving them a deadly smile.
Ruby: So boys... *cocks guns* you up for Round 2?
The others screamed and ran for dear life. Ruby pouted, upset that her fun was ruined. Jaune stared at her, baffled at what just happened.
Jaune: Woah! That was- uh, what? H-How did you know they were demons?
Ruby: *nervous chuckle* I-It’s kind of a sixth sense I have. I can’t really explain.
Jaune: Either way, that was pretty impressive!
Ruby: Thanks! *scroll beeps* Aw no! I’m late. So, um, I-I’ll see you at Beacon tomorrow?
Jaune: Oh, um, y-yeah. Uh, I’ll see you soon.
Ruby: C-Cool, bye! *runs to the exit*
Jaune: Looks like I didn’t need to hide myself after all.
The injuries Jaune sustained completely healed in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, watching from the sides, was a Faunus girl, Blake Belladonna. From her pocket, she pulled out a picture of a white, armoured figure carrying a blood red sword. She stared at it intently.
Blake: Ruby Rose.
* * *
Ruby ran through the streets until the reached Schnee Manor, her home. Standing in front of the door was her younger brother, Whitley and he didn’t look happy.
Whitley: Where have you been?
Ruby: U-Um, nowhere? *innocent smile*
Whitley: Don’t try to act like the cute sister to fool me, I know you were out.
Ruby: W-Well so what if I was? There’s nothing wrong with having a bit of fun!
Whitley: We all like to have fun, but you will be starting at Beacon tomorrow. This isn’t your standard school, you’re fighting demons to protect the world! Start taking this seriously!
Ruby: I do take this seriously, Whit.
Whitley: You’re certainly not acting like it. Your reckless actions are going to come back and bite you in the ass one day.
Ruby: *sigh* Fine, whatever. I’m going to bed. *walks inside* .
Whitley: Fine, but don’t expect me to wake you up tomorrow.
Ruby stormed in her bedroom and slammed the door, collapsing herself onto the bed in a huff.
The next morning, she heard a loud knock. Groggy and feeling irritated, she drowsily made her way to the door. She opened it to find Whitley, who had a panicked look on his face.
Ruby: *groaning* I thought you said-
Whitley: *covers Ruby’s mouth* You have to keep quiet. An Alpha Beowolf has tracked your scent right here.
Ruby: *mumbles* Alpha Beowolf?
Whitley: *nods head* Look, I know I said that I wasn’t going to wake you up this morning, but I’d rather not see my sister get torn to shreds. Take this.
He let go of his mouth and handed Ruby a white, single edged sword.
Whitley: It’s not much, but it should help in holding him off.
Ruby: Okay, thanks Whitley. Let me get my guns.
Leaping out from her bedroom window, Ruby landed in front of the Alpha. It smiled sadistically at her, baring it’s razor-sharp fangs.
Ruby: Well hello there, doggy. You wanna play some fetch? *draws guns*
The Alpha roared at her and went in to strike. Ruby dodged with a burst of speed, sending several shots in its back. The demon howled in pain and tried to swipe her with her claws. Immediately, Ruby parried the blow with a quick draw of her sword, pushing its claws back. With an opening in sight, she cut off its arms. The black blood sprayed all over the courtyard and she plunged the sword into its chest. The Alpha shrieked and collapsed to the ground. Ruby approached it and pulled out the sword.
Ruby: Aw man, from the way Whitley described you, I thought you’d be more of a challenge.
Alpha: W-White Thorn.
Ruby: Huh? What’s White Thorn?
She didn’t receive an answer, as the Alpha turned to dust upon its death. From the doorway, Whitley was cheering.
Whitley: Yes!!!! Take that, Alpha bitch!!!! ...um, I mean *clears throat* that was a well done effort.
Ruby: Hey Whitley, what’s a White Thorn?
Whitley: I have no idea. *checks scroll* Also, you’re going to be late for the airship to take you Beacon!
Ruby: AHHHHH!!!! NO I CAN’T BE LATE!!!! *dashes back inside*
Whitley: *facepalms* Sparda give me strength.
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rudypankwow · 4 years
climb through my window (pt. 2) | jj maybank
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not my gif! (i think it was posted by ssjiara)
warnings: s l o w b u r n, briefly talks about violence and abuse (bc it’s jj and his dad’s a meanie)
word count: 2.7k
masterlist, pt 1, pt 3
a/n: i know the beginning is also a little slow, but pls stick with me bc after this it’s gonna be so good! jj comes in at the end, and from this point on he’ll be the main focus of every part. but i had to set up the story :) also big thanks to kay bc i complained about this nonstop for the last few days sorry kay ly
Yelling was something you had become well acquainted with in the last year and a half. It was your sister’s fault. She didn’t stick to the plan.
“She was always supposed to go to Yale and she’s still going to Yale!” your mom shouted, her hands practically slamming on the table. “That was always the deal,” she continued, ignoring your sigh and tense jaw, “you got Meg  and I got (y/n).”
You had moved on from the, “Isn’t it my decision?” argument long ago, instead choosing silence as your parents battled it out. When your sister, Meg, had decided to forgo college and instead spend some time traveling (she had secretly saved every penny she received from presents, allowances, paychecks, etc), your parents had moved on to you. Your mother had attended Yale and your dad Dartmouth, and the plan was always that Meg would go to Dartmouth and you’d go to Yale. It was a whole legacy student ordeal. It didn’t matter anyway, because your sister had ruined it. You were only a junior, and the school year was still a week away from starting, this was your reality for the time being.
“Well I think she’d like Dartmouth more, anyway,” your dad said. He didn’t even look up from his plate. “New Hampshire has way more to offer than Connecticut.”
Your mom on the other hand, was red in the face. Her arms were flailing, pointing her fork at you and your dad. “You’ve hardly even been to Connecticut, how in the hell would you know?”
“I just know it is, who goes to Connecticut for fun?” your dad continued. “New Hampshire has way more to-”
“You know what?” you cut them off. They both turn to look at you. Every time they get into these arguments, they wait for your input, for a final “I’m going here,” but it’s not coming today. Instead, you say, “I’m leaving.” You stand up from the table, pushing in your chair, making sure it angrily scrapes against the floor. “Feel free to keep arguing on my behalf, though.”
Your favorite spot in town was a 20 minute bike ride from your house. There was a little hill you could climb up, and when you reached the top it was a beautiful view of the ocean. You sometimes brought a book and read, and other times you just laid down and enjoyed the sun. Either way, that’s where you were going.
You decided to take a different way there this time, it was a little longer but it was so nice out you didn’t mind. As you turned the corner to ride past the police station, you saw the back of a blonde head that looked a lot like JJ walking out with another man. Your heart immediately dropped, too worried about why he was walking out of the police station to be disappointed in yourself for knowing him by the back of his head.
You were still some distance away when they got into the car. Despite no longer being able to see JJ, you kept your eyes on the movement in the car. As you started to get closer, you noticed the movement you could see get more violent, causing the car to shake. You finally become parallel with the car, staying on the opposite side of the road. You were nervous to stop, scared of what you might see, but you knew you had to.
JJ was pressed against the passenger door, his hands covering his face. The man in the car, which you could only assume was his dad, was hovering over him. You could probably hear his yelling if your ears weren’t ringing. You knew what was coming next, and you tried to will it not to happen, tried to focus all the energy into the universe to make what was going to happen not happen.
His hand collided with JJ’s face anyway. Over and over again. And you couldn't look away, couldn’t stop the tears that started to form, couldn’t believe the universe for being so unfair. The police station was right there, it would be so easy to run in and get help, but you were completely frozen in your spot. 
His dad settled back into his seat and you saw JJ touch his face, attempting to clean the cuts but only producing bloody hands. The car engine started, and quickly peeled away, leaving you stuck to the pavement. You stared as they turned at the end of the road and reached up to wipe the few tears that you didn’t realize had fallen.
Once your breathing finally evened out and your heart stopped pounding out of your chest, you pushed your feet off the ground and started pedaling your bike. You had forgotten where you were supposed to be going, instead just seeing where your feet took you.
You hadn’t planned on making your way to the Wreck, but before you knew it that’s what happened. You debated going in for a few minutes. You weren’t sure you wanted to explain what you just saw to Kie, though you were sure she knew. You could just not tell her, but your anxiety was without a doubt written on your face. You probably should tell her, or anyone for that matter. But on the other, was it yours to tell? 
You were still standing over your bike outside the restaurant when the front door opened. “(y/n)?” Kie’s dad called, garbage bag in hand. “Are you okay?” he asks. “Why are you just standing there? Come in!”
It snapped you out of your trance, and you nodded, stepping off the bike and walking it over to the rack. It was way less crowded than the last time you were there, especially for a Saturday. “Oh, hey, (y/n),” Kie says.
“Hey, Kie,” you said. You smile, trying to put on happy face for your friend.
“Are you hungry?” she asks. “I can make you something if you want.”
“No,” you say. You’re pretty sure any food you tried to eat right now would just come straight back up. “I was just passing by,” you continue. “Your dad invited me in and I didn’t want to upset him.”
“Oh,” she says. She stares at you for a second. “Are you okay?” You look down at the counter. “You look like you don’t feel well.”
“Yeah, I just uh-” you try to fake a laugh, “I just have a headache.”
She seems to buy it. “Well let me grab you some water and then you should head home and get some rest,” she says, raising her eyebrows at you. You give her a nod and she takes a few steps behind the counter. She hands you the bottle and takes a sip.
Before your common sense can stop you, you say, “Hey, I saw JJ mowing the Copelands’ lawn the other day and noticed he had some bruises. I don’t know if there’s any reason to worry but,” you pause, unsure of how to finish, “uh, I don’t know. I guess I just wanted to make sure he was okay?” You immediately wish you could suck the words back out of the air and take them back.
But Kie just shrugs, giving a little chuckle. “Honestly, (y/n), who knows? It’s JJ.” You smile and nod, looking back down at the counter. “Look,” she continues, “if it ever seems like he’s in trouble just let me know. But he’s usually got it figured it out.”
“Yeah,” you say quickly. “I’m honestly not even sure why I asked. Something about it just made me nervous, I guess.”
She smiles. “That’s sweet of you, really,” she pats your shoulder. “But I wouldn’t let it worry you too much, okay?”
You nod, suddenly desperate to get out of there. “I’m gonna go,” you say. “Thanks for the water.” It seems awkward, but you’re not sure what else to say.
“Let me know when you’re feeling better,” she calls as the door shuts behind you.
You lean against the side of the building once out of sight, once again trying to calm yourself down. You take a sip of the water and click on your phone to check the time. It had only been an hour since you left home, but it felt like it had been at least five. 
Unsure of what else to do, you get on your bike and start back home, stopping at the library on the way to pick up a book. Halfway through your ride, the sky seemed to open up, big drops of rain soaking you through to the bone.
When you were little, your mom used to say that it only rained when people wanted things to be washed away.
It only seemed fitting.
JJ hadn’t come by to mow that Friday. It was Sunday now, and all you’d done was think about him and what you saw the day before.
School was starting in a week, and despite the fact that you almost liked school, the thought of being forced to see all the other kooks every day was enough to ruin the idea. And since junior year meant college planning, you knew tensions would be high.
Needless to say, you were dreading it.
But today, it was gorgeous outside. So, before your parents could even try to bother you, and before you spent another minute staring at the ceiling in your bedroom, you grabbed your headphones and your book and headed out to your back deck. You had made a deal with your parents long ago that any arguing had to stay in the house, so you knew you were safe outside.
No matter how hard you tried to focus on your book, your mind couldn’t stop wandering. After twenty minutes, you basically give up, dropping your book in your lap with a huff. You close your eyes and lean your head back against your chair, sighing. The sun is as burning you skin, but it’s lnice to feel something other than anxious.
Your heart just about skips a beat when you hear a lawn mower start. Your eyes open immediately and you swallow hard. Sitting up slightly, you turn your head to look at the house next door.
And, of course, there he is, two days late, mowing the lawn. Part of you hoped that you’d be able to avoid seeing him for the rest of the week after what you saw yesterday.
You’re trying your hardest to not stare, you don’t want him to catch you again, but you need to see his face. He’s actually wearing a shirt this time, which is a bad sign. You can’t remember the last time he wore a shirt while mowing in the summertime. You can’t quite see his face yet, so you turn around and pretend to read your book, waiting for the sound of the mower to get closer. When it does, you try to peek over. He’s still a bit too far away, but you think you can see a dark spot on the side of his temple. It makes your stomach turn.
You did have one thought in the back of your mind, but it was borderline crazy, nevermind how it would make you look. You had been mulling it over for the past few days, but always dismissed it immediately. Seeing him here, however, a dark bruise on his face and likely countless others across his chest, made that horrible idea seem not so horrible.
Your feet were moving before you knew it, before you could stop them.. You always felt like there was a magnet drawing you into him, but up until now you’d tried your hardest to act against it. 
“JJ!” you called. Your palms were starting to sweat. In all honesty, you had no idea what you were doing, but for some reason you were still doing it.
He turns around, shutting off the lawn mower when he sees you standing there. “Oh, hi,” he says, thinking for a minute. “(y/n), right? You’re friends with Kie?” You nod. He thinks for another minute and smiles. “You’re that girl I always catch staring at me?” The smirk on his face tells you everything you needed to know. You knew he had noticed a few times, but had no clue he’d picked up on a pattern.
Your eyes go wide and you shake your head. “Uh, no,” you try to be casual, “I don’t think I know what you’re talking about.” He could probably hear your pulse from where he was standing.
“No,” he continues, nodding, “you almost crashed your car into your garage the other day because you were staring at me.” His hands are crossed against his chest and he’s smiling wildly.
“No,” you say say again. “No, I was just,” you can’t come up with anything good, “looking at the Copeland’s dog. It had gotten out,” you finish, knowing the Copeland’s have never had a dog, not for as long as you’d lived next to them.
He clearly knew this too, because he answers, “The Copeland’s doing have a dog, (y/n).”
“Okay, well, that’s beside the point,” you say, shaking your head again and waving your hands. His eyes are wide when you look back up at him, and you sigh, seriously regretting whatever it was you were doing. “Look,” you continue, “I came over here because I wanted to tell you,” you pause, your hands are shaking. You take a deep breath. “I saw you. The other day. Outside the police station. With your dad.” You can’t say the whole thing at once, cause you think the weight of the words might poison all the air around you. “At least I thought it was your dad, anyway,” you say, looking down at your feet.
“Look,” he says, taking a step forward, “please don’t-”
“Wait,” you interrupt, because you think if you don’t finish you might never get out the words, “just let me finish, please?” You look at him and he nods. You exhale, still not believing the words you were about to say. “If you ever need somewhere to crash, for whatever reason, my window is the last one to the left on the back side of the house. It’s easy to climb in. I’ve done it a few times before.” He looks completely thrown off. “I just know how Kie’s dad is, and I know how Mr. Heyward can sometimes be a pain, and after what happened to John B-” you falter. “I just figured you might need somewhere to stay from time to time,” you explain. “I have a couch in my room and I promise not to ask questions.”
There’s a pause. He finally says, “Okay,” and when you look up at him he’s got that same smirk he did before.
“Don’t give me that look,” you say, pointing a finger at him. “You will be sleeping on the couch, believe that.”
His smirk doesn’t dissipate as he nods. “Sure,” he says.
You roll your eyes. “Oh, my god, I’m leaving now.” You turn and start walking away, resting your hand on your chest, trying to calm your heart rate.
“Hey, (y/n)?” he calls after you. Reluctantly, you turn back. He’s got a different look now, less cocky. “You were close with Sarah, right?” He rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
“Yeah,” you say, “we used to be best friends when we were little.” You hadn’t been that close with her in a long time, but you don’t tell him that.
“Do you think they’re,” he drops his hands by his side, sighing, “you know-”
“Dead?” you ask.
He rolls his eyes. “Well, yeah, but I was trying not to say the word.”
You smile a little, brushing some hair out of your face. “No, I don’t,” you say simply.
He nods, looking down at the ground, and gives you a smile. “Last window to the left, right?” he asks. “On the back side of the house?”
You try to stop the smile that’s threatening to engulf your face. “Yeah.”
You turn around, walking back to your deck. You hear the lawn mower start. Your feet feel like they’re no longer touching the ground. You have no idea if he’ll come, and you wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t, but you feel better knowing you’ve offered, that he has the option.
And the thought of getting to see his face more sure doesn’t hurt.
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raph-and-spike · 4 years
My Hero - Mikey x fem!reader
requested? yes/no
“Well i just found your blog and im super excited to see where this goes! My request is April has a cousin the turtles have heard of but never met and before they finally do she warns them that shes a little reserved, keeps to herself but over time when she warms up shes super dorky and like mikey? Idk if that makes sense. Just some fluffy michelangelo x reader 😅”
a/n: My first request! I was sooo excited for this one! I kinda took it in a different direction, but I tried to keep it as close to your request as possible. I can’t wait to write all of the other requests you guys have sent me!
warnings: none :)
“Oh my God, that movie was crazy!” April exclaimed. 
You had just moved back to New York two weeks prior, and your favorite redheaded cousin invited you to see a movie with her and her boyfriend friend, Casey–much to his dismay–which you’d been thankful for; April was the only person you knew at school. 
As someone who tended to keep to yourself, April was aware of your anti-social tendencies, and she’d do everything to avoid it. She was determined to make New York City actually feel like home. 
“Eh,” Casey shrugged. “It was alright. I don’t really see the hype.”
April rolled her eyes. “Don't pretend that we didn’t see you jump at all the jump-scares, Casey.”
Casey grinned. “You paying attention that closely to me, Red? You must like me or something.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched the two bicker back and forth.
“Shut it, Jones,” she rolled her eyes. 
A crash behind you made the three of you jump and turn around instinctively. Though, nothing could be visible. 
“What the hell was that?” you muttered to yourself. The eery streets of the city at night had yet to make you feel welcome.
Suddenly, what had looked like slender robots in black robes began sprinting toward you three, jumping out behind trash cans and street corners. Your heart sank to your stomach at the scene in front of you, your body frozen in shock.
“Footbots!” April screamed, exchanging looks with Casey. “Casey, get Y/n back home, I’ll handle them!”
Casey raised his eyebrows. “What?! No way, Red! You go home with Y/n, I’ll handle it.” He grabbed one of his hockey sticks and charged at the Footbots, leaving you not knowing what to do.
April grabbed what looked like a steel fan from her pocket and began fighting as well; it was a sight you never thought you’d ever see.
“Y/n, run!” April shouted over the sounds of steel against steel, and hockey sticks against cement.
You began running in the opposite direction of the chaos, in the direction of your home. Though it’d take about another ten minutes to get there, you were eager to do anything you had to get away from what you'd just witnessed.
You weren’t able to get far before one of the robots appeared in front of you, causing you to stumble back onto the cement. Your eyes wide with fear, staring at the huge being towering over you with a sword in hand. As it raised its sword, a blade sliced across its torso with a quickness you would have missed if you weren’t watching so intently. As the robot’s body fell in half onto the pavement in front of you, another being with green skin and a blue mask appeared, holding the katana that had saved your life. 
“Woah,” was all you could manage, staring at it. Green speckled skin, a plastron and a shell...was it a turtle? 
It left, fighting off the rest of the bots with three more that looked just like it, all with different colored masks and different weapons. Your heart was racing, you could feel your body pulsating with the very beat of your heart as the fight ensued. 
“Guys,” one of them spoke up. “Splinter’s not gonna be too happy about another human knowing about us.”
They can talk?
The four turtles and your two friends looked your way as your eyes rolled back and you felt your head hit the pavement before falling into unconsciousness.
You woke up in your bed, your redheaded cousin sitting at the foot of your bed. You groaned, your hand going to the back of your head where gauze had been placed. 
“Y/n,” April began, her voice soft. “We need to talk.”
“What happened last night?” you moaned, your vision spinning as the pain in the back of your head increased.
She grabbed a glass of water on your nightstand and handed it to you.
“Here,” she kept her hands on your own to ensure that you were holding it tight enough, tipping it back as you gulped. 
She stared down at her fingers, fumbling with them. This was a nervous habit you’d remembered your cousin having for as long as you could remember. But why would she be nervous, you thought to yourself. 
“Last night–”
“I saw something,” you interrupted. “Or some things,” you corrected, goosebumps rising along your arms as you thought about the turtles.
April sighed. “I know.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What exactly were they? And what was attacking us?”
And so she began.
She told you everything; the turtles, Master Splinter, Shredder, the Kraang, mutagen. It was a moment of trust, a moment of trusting in one of her favorite people–one of the only people she had left.
“And now that you’re going to be living here,” April began.
“Then I should learn how to defend myself,” you finished for her.
She nodded, letting out a sympathetic sigh. “I’m so sorry for dragging you into this.”
You shook your head, grabbing her hands to hold within your own. “’United we stand, divided we fall’,” you quoted, a quote both your parents had said to you multiple times as children. “If you need another addition to your army, then count me in.”
As you both walked through the tunnels of the sewers, you kept your nose plugged.
“Does the smell get any better?” you groaned.
She nodded. “You get used to it; I had to live down here for a few weeks.”
You nearly gagged at the thought, before entering the lair.
There they were, once again. The red masked one was punching a large punching bag, the blue masked one was sitting in front of a television whilst the orange masked one sat next to him, pizza in hand. Pizza?! The fourth one was nowhere in sight. 
April gestured. “Y/n, these are the turtles,” she pointed to the red masked one, “that’s Raph,” she pointed to the blue masked one, “Leo,” she pointed to the orange masked one, “Mikey,” she paused, looking around. 
“Where’s Don-”
“Hi, April!” a voice exclaimed, nearly scurrying over to you both with a blush painted on his cheeks.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “And, that’s Donnie.”
Supposedly, after getting permission to bring you to the lair from Master Splinter, she’d warned them that you were coming. 
Leo looked over, his eyes finally peeling away from his show with a smile. “How’s your head feeling?” he asked, walking toward you.
You shrugged, gently blushing at the sudden attention. “It’s, uh, better now, but I don't think I hit it too hard to begin with.”
“Actually,” Donnie spoke, “the impact wasn’t enough to cause a lot of bleeding, but it'll be bruised for the next couple of days.”
You frowned. “W-were you the one who took care of my head?”
He nodded, invisible eyebrows furrowed in query. 
“Oh, thanks,” you said softly, “it’s healing really fast.”
He blushed, about to say something in return before his orange-masked brother interrupted him by running up to you.
“Well,” Mikey began, “I was the one who saved you a slice of pizza!”
The gang groaned in disgust; the slice of pizza had lint, worms, and an undetectable bug species sitting on top of the cheese. 
“Mikey, did you get that from under your bed?!” Leo scoffed.
Mikey smirked. “Mayybeee,” he eyed the slice. “It’s still good though, I think.”
He grinned at you, but could see the disgust in your appearance. He hung his head. “I guess I’ll just eat it,” he sighed.
You felt horrible, but in all honesty, the sight alone made your stomach churn. 
“Y/n,” you heard, distracting you from the moldy pizza.
You looked up, seeing the one and only Master Splinter. He looked completely different than how you’d pictured him in your head; he was much taller than you expected. He walked closer to you, until you were just feet apart. 
“April has told me a lot about you,” he began, his voice soothing to the ear. “I hope that you fulfill my wish to keep my sons and I a secret.”
You nodded. “Of course, urm, Master Splinter.”
He nodded, before calling the turtles to train with him.
“See you latah, Dudette,” Mikey bid with a wink, before running off to train with his brothers.
April looked at you, an eyebrow cocked at the deep blush on your cheeks.
“What?” you asked shyly.
“Nothing, Dudette,” April mocked with a grin.
You began to spend multiple days of the week at the lair with April and Casey, even bringing your homework down there after school; Master Splinter offered to train you, and you obliged. Mikey would be over your shoulder, asking you questions about your homework even after Leo had told him to give you some personal space. 
But you began to feel comfortable with the turtles, and you started to open up and reveal your personality. 
“Hey Mikey,” you announced, walking up to him in the kitchen. “Want to go train with me?”
You could have sworn that his pupils grew the size of bowling balls, and he was there with his nunchucks in no time.
You began training with the turtles, almost always with Mikey, though he refused to fight back or hit you. You’d share a pizza after, watch television, and eventually take a nap before he’d have to leave for patrol.
“You’re getting so good, Dudette!” he exclaimed after training, shoveling pizza slices into his mouth.
You blushed. “Thanks, Mikey...” You rolled your eyes as you watched him finish the box to himself. “Do we really have to eat pizza everyday?” 
“Yesss,” he said in a sing-song voice. “I love days like this; it’s my two favorite things!”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What?”
“You and pizza, duh!” 
Your cheeks heated up, and you pressed a kiss onto his green freckled cheek.
“Thanks, Mikey. You know, if it weren't for you and your brothers saving me from those Footbots, then I wouldn't even be here,” you pointed out.
He grinned. “That makes me, like, a hero!”
You planted a kiss onto his lips, causing him to nearly melt into the floor.
“My hero,” you corrected.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Jealousy (Diego Hargreeves x Fem! Reader)
Wainings: Ok, this is from Season 2 soooo... you know, spoiler alert...maybe
Words: 1,307
Request:  Do you guys take requests? If so can you write a Diego hargreeves x reader in season 2 where the reader isn’t in the academy but is family friends w/ them and gets sucked into the 1960s and she sees Lila and Diego together so the reader flirts w/ Luther to make Diego jealous
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"Ok so, you brought us by mistake to 1960, I worked in a stupid restaurant for a year until I finally found you," I pace back and forth in Elliot's little living room. "And now you tell me you'll go, without really telling me why?" Five looks at me raising his eyebrows. "Are you crazy!?" I scream facing him.
"Would you calm down? I won't be long, I promise,” he walks toward the stairs, but stops before going down. “Let's say that when I come back, I'll bring you a surprise," he smiles dryly and then leaves the store.
I clench my teeth, though Five isn't as rude to me as he is to his brothers, he's not always the sweetest person in the world.
"Do you want coffee?" Elliot asks, offering me a cup.
"Why not?" I sigh, "I guess I'm going to have to wait a long time."
I decided to take a walk to calm down and went back to the store about half an hours later, as soon as I enter I hear a gunshot, so I quickly run upstairs.
What I find isn't normal, but at this point and after knowing the Hargreeves for many years, I'm not surprised.
Five is with another man trying to tie Elliot to a chair, while a woman watches them with a smile.
"I leave for five minutes and this happens," I sigh.
The four of them turn to see me and my breath catches at the sight of the man who's helping Five.
"Diego!" I run into his arms and then hug him tightly.
"It's nice to see you too, sweetheart."
When I fell into the alley alone, I was scared that I wouldn't be able to find any of them, especially Diego. We have a special connection, ever since I've known him I've always liked him, and I know he also has feelings for me, but neither of us dared to do anything.
Then in 2019 everything got strange and dangerous, a few seconds before traveling to the past, I confessed my feelings and he also confessed, but for obvious reasons we aren't together.
"Hi, I'm Lila," says the woman when we part from the hug. I turn to her and shake her hand. "Diego brought me here."
"Okay?" I say confused.
"Long story," Diego whispers.
My attitude has worsened with each passing day. I feel that everything that's happened has been in vain.
When telling Diego what I felt, being lost, trying to find him, waiting, and when we can finally be together, he decides that it's better to be with Lila.
Something about her didn't make me happy, but I didn't want to say anything, I thought it was just jealousy and I didn't want to be one of those manipulative girls, but now it's clear to me that Diego completely forgot what we were able to achieve.
We haven't been able to speak alone, they always interrupt us with some mission or Lila enters and when Diego sees her, it seems that I don't exist.
I try to ignore the lump in my throat every time I see them together. I'm not sure if they're more than friends and I want to ask, but something tells me that it won't end well.
It's only when Luther shows up that an idea occurs to me -a stupid one- but it's all I have.
"Hey," I sit next to him on the couch in Elliot's living room.
"Hello, Y/N," He replies with a sweet smile.
Not far from where we are, Diego's in the kitchen taking things out of the refrigerator.
"You look tired, are you okay?" I touching his arm feigning concern.
"I've been better, maybe need a vacation after saving the world again," He laughs and I follow, exaggerating a bit.
"That's a good idea, we should go to the beach, don't you think?"
"I don't know, it'd be hot and I don't think you'd like to see this body shirtless," He says, awkwardly raising his arms. I hear the fridge's door closing.
"Don't be silly, you look quite impressive, besides, we'll all be having a great time, can you imagine? Lying on those chairs, drinking coconuts... Damn, what I would give to wear a bikini and work on a tan! Do you think I'd look good with a tan?" I ask him with an innocent smile.
"Uh, I..." he clears his throat and shuffles on the couch. "Yeah, yeah, I think it would suit you."
Diego approaches and clears his throat. Luther and I look up at him.
"Diego!" Luther says i'm relief. "What do you think about Y/N getting a tan?"
I cross my arms waiting for his answer. Diego sits in a chair in front of us.
"I think You shouldn't talk about that when we're on an important mission," He says in annoyance.
“Oh come on, D! You can't blame us. Wouldn't it be great to be in a bathing suit under the sun? I haven't used a bikini in a long time, I remember you really liked that blue one..."
His eyes fixed on mine and he fidgets with his hands.
"I'd better go," says Luther, getting up, but neither Diego nor I look away.
"What are you doing?" He asks me.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Cut the crap, were you flirting with Luther?"
“So what if I did? You're no one to claim something, Diego,” I clarify.
He leans in.
"I'm no one? So this is how you want to end everything?"
I raise an eyebrow.
"End what?"
"Oh, come on,  you forgot what we had?"
"Me? You're the one who's ignored me for days!" I get up and he does too. "You only have time for Lila..."
Diego looks at me with an amused smile.
"You're jealous?"
"Of course I'm jealous, you idiot!" My yelling surprises him, erasing his smile. “We were supposed to have something, and I did my best to look for you, but that didn't matter since you have someone else in your life and you don't care about me anymore! How dare you try to make fun of what I feel now?"
We're silent for a few seconds.
"I, uh, I didn't know that,” He stutters. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way," He takes my hand but I back off. "Y/N, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, maybe you're right and I spend more time with Lila, but..." He approaches again. "With all that's happening, it's hard."
"You're not the only one going through stuff."
“I know, but with you... I want to do things right. Before this happened, I was an idiot who was afraid to tell you what I felt, now I can't find the time, and you have every right to be upset. But you must know one thing," He smiles. "Lila's fed up with me because I always find some way to mention you."
I raise my eyebrows in surprise.
"Ugh, it's disgusting, seems like a school boy in love, but it's true, he only talks about you," says Lila coming to our side. "You don't have to worry, you have it tied around your little finger," She finishes and then goes down the stairs with little jumps.
When she disappears, I hit Diego hard.
"What was that for?" He grunts.
"For being an ass, and I assure you that, if you ignore me again, that blow will be lower..."
"But-" He tries to defend himself, but I interrupt him by grabbing his face and pulling him down to kiss him.
Diego quickly reciprocates and draws me by putting his hands on my waist.
"I'm sorry," He whispers. "I promise not to do it again."
"Okay," I say and kiss him again.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Lose Control
Stalker!San x female reader
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⚠️Warnings: violence, aquaphilia, choking, degradation, overstimulation, drowning, spitting, unprotected sex, yandere behaviour, slapping, spanking,
Please read at your own risk!
San’s Point of View
“Don’t worry San, you look so handsome! I’m sure she’ll say yes when she see’s you all dressed up.”
His grandmother goes over to San and fixes his collar while San puts on his last ring. The freshly picked flowers lay on the table as he gathered up all the confidence in his body. He was going to ask out his long time crush Y/N. San had liked her for quite some time, but never told anyone except for his grandmother.
He could go on and on about her and his grandma was always there to listen. She always encouraged San to confess to Y/N, but each time he would back out at the last minute. Well not today. Hopefully. He was tired of watching her sleep. He wanted to sleep with her. Cuddle against her small little body. Take her into his arms, and make her feel like she was the only girl in the world.
But he couldn’t.
But maybe that could all change today.
Key word: Maybe
He hugs his grandmother and thanks her for everything. He grabs the bouquet of flowers, and lavishly walks out of the door.
He gets into his car and drives to the university to ask you out after your class. His palms were sweating on the steering wheel and his face started to warm up.
What if, what if you say no? Embarrassing scenarios play in his mind, and he almost wanted to turn the car around and bail out.
San takes a deep breath in and gives himself a pep talk,
“I am Choi San! I can do this!”
He pulls into a parking spot and gets out of the car. With the flowers in hand, he locks his car and makes his way to the entrance.
As soon as he walked in, the atmosphere changed. All eyes were on him. The sudden change of look made everyone’s jaw drop. He was minding his own business until one of the girls that used to bully him came up to him.
“Are those flowers for me?”
“Not these ones sweetheart. I can buy you a cactus so you can shove it up your ass.”
“Funny Choi San. Who are they really for?”
“For my cock. Mind your own business lady.”
San walks past her, feeling a sense of relief now that he’s told her off. She was the reason why everyone was creeped out by him, including Y/N. He had a tremendous amount of hate towards her. But it was understandable.
The nervous man had made it to her class, only to see that it was empty. He checked the working spaces nearby and his eye finally catches her working alone. His hand dusts off his shirt and he starts walking towards her.
“Uh hi, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey San!”
“I w-wanted to ask you if- if you w-would like to go out sometime? I-I brought you flowers.”
He hands the girl the freshly picked flowers and waits for her response.
“There’s no easy way to say this San. But I’m dating someone right now. I’m truly flattered and I would love to be friends, but I have a boyfriend.”
She looked at him with sincere eyes, trying her best to let him down easy.
“O-oh. I had no idea. I’m sorry. I’m actually gonna go now.”
San quickly exits the scene before bursting out into tears. He should’ve trusted his gut, because now you’re with someone else. He quickly wipes away the tears and walks back to the car.
“Where are you going, Choi San? I see the flowers are gone. Who did they go to?”
“Like I said before mind your own business.”
“What? Did she reject you? It’s okay honey. I’m here now. I like this new ‘bad boy’ attitude. It’s hot.”
San turns around and pushes the girl against the wall. Without thinking it through, he rips her shirt revealing her bra and roughly kisses her. His tongue slides into her mouth and their saliva exchanges in the hot make out. San grabs her bra and rips it down exposing her tits in front of everyone. He then pulls away, spits out the saliva and leaves the half naked girl.
Angrily San goes home and does research on Y/N again. His grandmother frantically knocks on his door continuously, hoping that he was okay.
“Grams, please leave me alone. Just for a little while, please!”
San was frustrated. He could be violent, but never towards his grandmother. To avoid putting her in danger he locks himself in his room and cry’s his broken heart out.
Y/N’s Point of View
I was walking back to my locker hand in hand with my boyfriend. He was such a kind and generous soul, I felt so lucky to have him. Although he’s all I think about 24/7, San still was floating around at the back of my mind. He hasn’t come back to school in 3 days and I was genuinely getting concerned. Thinking that it was my fault, I question myself.
Was I too harsh?
Maybe I should’ve offered him to sit with us.
I felt guilty of course.
He was creepy, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. What if he comes after me?
I quickly slip in the embrace of my boyfriend, feeling a little scared.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have thrown the flowers away.”
“Why? Do they mean something to you Y/N?”
“No, I just feel bad.”
“Well don’t feel bad. I’m your boyfriend not him.”
I reach my locker and open it up, only to be suprised by a cute, pink note. I turn to my boyfriend and ask him,
“Did you do this?”
With a bright smile glued across my face.
“Stop playing. That’s so cute!”
“Y/N it wasn’t me. I was with you this whole time.”
Reality hit me like a brick. He was right. He drove me to school and I had all my classes with him.
“Do you think it’s-”
“I will kill Choi San if he doesn’t back off.”
My boyfriend punches the locker door, startling me.
“Relax. He’s probably trying to get over me. Let him do what he has to do. I’ll be with you no matter what.”
I give him a reassuring smile and he pulls me in a deep, passionate kiss.
“Okay babe. I’ll see you later, I got practice.”
“See ya.”
I sigh and lean against my locker. I pick the note up and read it,
“I love you. I love you so much. You don’t know how long I’ve loved you for. I love everything about you. Your hair, face, body, personality. I love everything. If you can just give me the chance, please. I love you Y/N please. I will do anything for the love of my life. I want you to have my kids. Although we are young right now, I want you to be the mother of my kids and I want us to get married and have a life together. Without you I’m nothing. But fear not my love, I will always take care of you. I can show you the world. You can always be in my warm embrace. Please let me pleasure you. I will do anything for my one and only love. You are made for me and I am made for you. Please expect my love~ p.s I cummed on the gym shirt that you’re probably wearing right now.”
That’s why it felt so sticky. I rip the note up and throw it in the recycling. I grab my backpack and leave, trying to remain calm because he could be here.
San’s Point of View
After crying for days, he finally stops and faces reality. He has to get rid of him. But how?! He puts on a new outfit and sneaks out the window. He promised himself that he won’t come back unless that man is out of her life for good.
He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the address to his house. He puts in the address on the ‘maps’ app and heads over to the man's house.
San knew this routine. His research showed that the man lived alone, with 3 cats. San gets out of his car, like it was another night and breaks into the lock. It was too easy. He got inside the house and went upstairs to the man's room.
There he was. Sleeping peacefully, like he totally wasn’t going to get murdered. San grabs the belt that was hanging on a hook, and makes his way over to the unaware man. He smoothly slides the belt underneath his neck and in no time, jumps on top of him and pulls on the belt, strangling him.
The man rapidly taps on San’s thighs and he loosens it. San was indeed a psychopath, but not a murder.
“Stay away from Y/N! This is your only warning, or I’ll strangle you and all your cats understand? I want you to text Y/N that you're breaking up with her. Then I want you to block her number and her social media accounts. By tomorrow morning I want you out of this city. If you dare call the police, I will make your life a living hell and I stick with my words, understand?”
The horrified man nods and immediately pulls out his phone and breaks up with her over text. He shows San and San gets off of him with a satisfied smirk.
“Thanks for cooperating. I thought that I had to kill someone.”
San causally leaves and pets one of the cats on his way out. He gets into his car and speeds to your house only a couple blocks away.
Your Point of View
What a way to end the night. The window was half open, letting in the cold breeze in, while my body sat in hot water. I was enjoying an episode of ‘Grey's Anatomy’ until the power shut off. The T.V being the main source of light, the bathroom was now pitch black besides the street lamp outside that was making my bathroom glow, just a little bit. Thinking that the power will come back on, I wait in the tub and splash around in the water.
That was until a figure from the window lunges towards me and splashes into the water. I let out a high pitched scream and tried my best to get out of the tub, but the bigger figure held me down.
I kept squirming underneath them, trying to escape, until I felt something unordinary. It felt like a dick. I yell out again until a hard slap slants my face to the right.
San finally got the girl he had desired for pinned underneath him. She couldn’t escape.
I splash the water and get it in his eyes. Hurriedly l push him off of me and get out of the bathtub. I was so close to my phone until he pulled me back by my hair.
I scream at him to let me go. He bends me over the bathroom counter and makes me look in the mirror.
He lets go of my hair and punches the wall in anger, leaving a hole. He then comes back to you and cups your face.
“Do you love me?”
He whispers.
The girl stutters because she was stunned by the question and the sudden personality change.
“Of course you fucking don’t!”
San growls at the girl and pushes her onto the bathroom counter. The girl however wasn’t scared. She knew it was wrong, but had a hidden desire for the man as well. Ever since he gave her those flowers, something in her changed. In a way she wanted this.
Before San could make the next move, she wraps her arm around his neck and lays her lips on his. San stood there, wide eyed, not realizing what was happening.
Adrenaline pumps inside their body’s, as their lips mold together. San grinds his tip on the girls wet opening, making her moan. He picks her up and places her on the floor. Her legs get placed on his shoulders putting her in perfect position.
San smashes his lips on hers one more time, practically swallowing her tongue and slowly thrusted in.
“ooh fuck, baby you’re so big!”
The girl under him moans and arches her back at the sudden stretch. His large, firm dick, wasn’t fully inside of her, but she could already cry from it.
“You like that babygirl? This is your first time fucking a real man. Fuck! You have such a sweet, tight cunt ready to be destroyed by me. By your daddy.”
San pushes in his entire dick making her scream. He then pulls it and slams right back in; making the vulnerable girl cry out of pleasure. San pushes her head down and starts pounding himself into her. Releasing all the stress, pain and heartbreak she had caused all these past few years.
His hand wraps around her throat and he starts going even harder into her. One hand on her throat while the other pushed down on her stomach so he could feel his own cock thrusting into her.
The girl becomes a sensitive mess under the man. He already had such a great control of her already, she would do anything to please him.
“Fuck darling. You’re making me Lose Control”
San cock grew angrier and he started thrusting into her furiously. Her tiny hand holds his muscular arm and lets him do whatever, because she feels on top of the world.
Her buttcheeks clench and her walls tremble around his cock. Her cum rushes out covering San’s cock.
“Who told you that you can cum?”
“No one daddy.”
“Tsk tsk tsk, such a bad little girl you are.”
He picks her sensitive state up and places her on all fours, giving her the bathtub ledge to hold onto.
Y/N pouts as she feels a burning sensation on her buttcheek. He spreads her ass cheeks out so he can observe the stretched out pussy. He spits on it and slowly thrusted his cock again.
He grabs her hair away from her face and pulls her head back. The sounds of wet, skin slapping was a turn on for both. It made San roll his eyes, knowing that it was his balls slapping against her pussy. Wanting it to be louder he pushes her head down into the water and makes it clap louder and louder.
The girl screams under the water and the air bubbles come up, amusing San. He pulls her hair back and she comes up trying to catch her breath. Her hair splashes water on his face, collarbone and abs, making it a delicious sight to see.
“Hold your breath babygirl.”
She takes a deep breath in before San pushes her head down and fucks the life out of her. She taps on the tub not being able to hold her breath anymore and San yanks her out. He lets her lean back on his body, and turns her face towards him and gives her another nasty kiss.
“Let’s go in the water.”
His arms wrap around the panting mess, and he sits down in the tube. Her head lays on his chest until he said,
“Ride me princess.”
She weakly pushes herself up and holds the sides of the bathtub. San hands come to her hips to guide her. The girl's hips started grinding on his hard cock, and before she knew it she was bouncing on his cock.
San enjoyed the sight of your tits bouncing. He pulls your body closer and marks your breast so the sight can be even better. Dark purple hickeys were scattered all over your chest, and you grab onto his shoulder and start moaning in his ear.
“Daddy! You make me feel so good. Fuck, daddy! Your cock is so big, it’s making me feel so good!”
You cuddle your face into his neck, while the water kept splashing out of the tub. Being turned on by your words, San grabs your hips and rams up into you, creating waves in the water. Your pussy twitches at the overstimulation, causing tears to form in your eyes.
He gives you one more aggressive thrust before both of you release is the bath water.
I throw my head back as San starts playing with my clitoris. With his fingers still massaging the sensitive bud, he takes me out of the bath and places me on the floor for one more round.
San didn’t hesitate to take me again. His fingers wrap around my neck and press down. He started thrusting into me again because if he waited any longer his cock would’ve exploded. His hand rubs my clit up and down while he pounds into my swollen pussy. He then stops and hovers over your face and licks it.
I beg him, almost over the edge.
I become a sobbing mess as my orgasm reaches, pushing me over the edge. I felt a warm wave go from my clitoris up to my chest, making me shake uncontrollably. I whimper under San, with my wet hair sticking to my face and the floor. All of a sudden my cum splatters all over his long cock, making me moan louder. My legs wrap around his tiny waist and I try to recover from the best orgasm of my life.
San thrust his angry tip into me one more time, directly hitting your gspot. He cums in me and I cum around him one more time.
San immediately picks my sobbing figure up and rocks me back and forth trying to calm me down.
“Shh, darling you’re okay. You’re okay.”
He kisses my wet forehead and takes me back to my bed.
He cleans me up and puts me in a fresh pair of pyjamas. He takes some of my now ex boyfriends clothes and wears them.
He cuddles next to me in bed and pulls my body close to his.
“I love you.”
“I love you too San.”
“Wait really?”
Sans eyes sparkles and he looks like an excited puppy.
“Yes really.”
I giggle at his cuteness
“Well I love you more.”
He squeezes my body and lays gentle kisses on my neck and making me fall asleep.
Point of views were messy, but i was just trying to figure out which one i liked the most.  this was a request 
Xoxo, N❣️
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bokutos-eyebrows · 4 years
A Trip to Paradise
I literally am so in love with Hinata I just want to give him everything. In celebration of his birthday I present to you a smut fic starring our favorite Tangerine boy… :) he deserves all the pleasure in the world. Please enjoy~
Hinata Shoyo x fem! Reader
Word Count: 2,304
Warnings: NSFW 18+, semi spoilers
On vacation in Rio, you get ditched by your “friends”. With nothing better to do, you watch the local beach volleyball tournament, and catch the eye of the best player there…
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Hey, we went out to the club~ See you later tonight maybe? We might need a ride to the hotel!
“Fuck,” you groaned as you read the text that popped up on your phone. “Who goes clubbing at 11 am?” 
You had come on this trip with girls from school who thought you were your friends, but they had ditched you to go clubbing multiple times throughout the week.  Not wanting to babysit a bunch of drunk girls, you decided to ignore their text and explore the city.
It was another hot day in Rio, the beach was crowded of course, but you enjoyed people watching. Your eyes scanned the horizon before falling on a large crowd. Huh, beach volleyball? You watched as the crowd erupted in cheers. Curious, you made your way over to the commotion. 
The star of the show was a tan, orange haired boy. He was fast, even in the sand, and could both set and spike almost flawlessly. You were awestruck by his passion for the sport. He and his partner won that set, furthering in the competition. You stayed to watch the next game, unable to take your eyes off him. 
“Another win for Hinata Shoyo,” The announcer boomed as the crowd cheered loudly. Someone started chanting “Ninja! Shoyo! Ninja! Shoyo” which caught on quickly. Hinata beamed at the praise, waving his hands and bowing. He must be a local, you thought before locking eyes with him through the crowd. He shot you a huge smile and thumbs up, and just like that, you fell under the Shoyo love spell.
You stuck around for the remainder of the competition. Watching Hinata dominate the court was addicting. You loved seeing his smile when the crowd cheered for him. Entranced by the talented player, you didn’t realize you had 4 missed calls from your friends.
Walking away from the tournament, you called your friend back only to receive a drunken earful about how you needed to come pick them up. Begrudgingly, you left the beach. After an hour of trying to wrangle up the drunken group safely back to your hotel, you headed back to the beach.
“There's still a while before sunset,”  you mumbled to yourself, “I hope I didn’t miss the end of the competition.” But to your dismay, there was no longer a crowd, just a few groups playing around on the courts. You sighed, sad that you wouldn’t be getting another glimpse of the majestic Shoyo.
“Oh! There you are!” You heard an enthusiastic voice call out from behind you. Turning around, your heart fluttered as you saw the orange haired boy running towards you. 
“Hi! I’m Hinata Shoyo! I saw you in the crowd today, thanks for cheering me on!” He beamed at you, smile as bright as the sun.
“H-Hi I’m y/n.” You stuttered, surprised that he recognized you.
“Aah! Y/n! Are you here on vacation?” 
You explained your situation to an empathetic Hinata. He knew how lonely this city could be when you’re on your own. He took you for a walk down the beach as he listened to you vent about your ‘friends’.
“Well, if you want, I can show you around! I know all the best spots in town!” 
You smiled at him, “It’s okay! You really don’t have to just becau-”
“But I want to...” Hinata interrupted, “So let’s go, yeah?” He grabbed you by the hand, leading you to the best date of your life.
Everywhere Hinata took you, the locals were calling out to him, asking about his day and offering fruits or drinks. He had friends in every part of the city, even the stray dogs and cats adored him. He bought you your favorite ice cream, fresh from the local paleteria. 
Shoyo had so many stories about his volleyball antics, things that happened during his delivery job, and just daily life, that you were convinced he was the most interesting person in the world. The way his eyes lit up when he remembered something funny or talked about his friends back in Japan was enamoring. I could listen to him for hours… you mused.
“Oh! It’s almost sunset, I know a really nice spot overlooking the ocean, if we hurry we can make it in time!” Hinata exclaimed, grabbing you by the hand again.He took you to a secluded hill with a panoramic view of the entire coastline.
“Hinata, will you take a picture of me please? I want to remember this view.” 
He took your phone as you posed with the sunset in the background. After taking a few pictures, you noticed him struggling to focus on the camera.
“Is something wrong?” You asked.
“N-No, I’m just having a hard time since the view is so beautiful…”
“Yes! I’ve never seen a sunset like this!”
“No,” Hinata looked up at you, “You’re the most beautiful view.”
As much as you wanted to giggle at the cheesy line, Hinata said it with so much genuine sincerity you couldn’t help but blush. He stood next to you, handing your phone back, also blushing deeply.
“W-Was that too much?” He stuttered nervously.
“Not at all,” You put a hand on his cheek, “It was really sweet...you’re really sweet. No one’s ever shown me such a fun day..” You felt Hinata’s breath hitch as you leaned in closer. 
“Shoyo, can I kiss you?” 
“You can do anything you want to me, y/n.”
With that, your lips gently pressed onto his. He tasted faintly of strawberries from the ice cream he had earlier. You felt Hinata’s hands slowly grasp your waist. Not wanting the moment to end, you deepened the kiss, slowly moving your lips in rhythm with his. You loved how he smelled like the faintest hint of sunscreen and sea breeze. 
Hinata squeezed your hips as you opened your eyes slightly just to look at the precious boy. His long lashes fluttered as you kissed him. He looks so cute even with his eyes closed. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. The slightest gasp left your mouth as you felt his growing hard on press up against your stomach.
“I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it..” 
You giggled and pressed your body closer to his. “Why don’t you take me to your place next?” Hinata smiled slyly as he led you back to the city towards his apartment.
As you arrived, Hinata was fiddling with the lock on his front door. You hugged him from behind and started kissing his neck, making him almost drop his keys in his frenzy to get you to his bedroom. He finally got the door open and gently pulled you inside, pushing you up against the door after closing it.
“I’m going to get you back for that, y/n.” He teased as he started to leave wet kisses on your neck. You moaned, excited to see what the night had in store for you.
“Hinata! OH! UH S-Sorry!” You hear a new voice yell as the silhouette of another man runs away.
“Oh, shit! PEDRO I’M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hinata broke away from you and chased after the man, only to drag him back to where you were for an awkward introduction. 
You learned that the man was Pedro, Hinata’s roommate for the duration of his stay in Brazil. He was a little awkward at first, but opened up to you when Hinata told him that you like anime and manga too. The three of you talked for a while. Hinata gave you an apologetic ‘sorry we got interrupted earlier’ look but you didn’t mind. As long as you got to stay wrapped up in the world of Hinata Shoyo a little longer, you were happy. 
“Well, I have an exam to study for tomorrow,” Pedro yawned, “If I can stay up that is…”
“Pedro! Take your studies more seriously!” Hinata chided. His roommate just waved him off and left towards his side of the apartment.
“He seems nice! I’d love to have a roommate with the same interests as me!” You spoke, turning to face Shoyo.
“I love Pedro! I feel lucky to have found him..” He scooted closer, thighs touching yours, “And I feel lucky to have found you too...should we head to my room?” 
You smiled, eager to finish what the two of you had started. “Yes, please!”
Hinata picked you up and ran to his room, locking the door behind him. He gently tossed you onto his bed. You studied his room as he got on top of you, only to have your arms suddenly pinned down above your head. 
“Hey.” Hinata bent down, face inches from yours, “Pay attention to me now, okay?” He commanded. You nodded, entranced by his sudden change. 
He smiled at you cooing different praises as he started to trail kisses up and down your chest. He released your hands as he helped you shimmy out of your top, gasping in awe at his full view of your chest.
“You’ve got such a nice body, y/n.” He whispered, fondling your breasts. You gasped in pleasure as he flicked his tongue over your nipple, earning a slight moan from him. “I’m going to make you feel so good..” 
He released your soft bud from his mouth and started kissing down your torso, licking the area above your waistband. You whined in anticipation as he unbuttoned your shorts slowly before pulling them down, leaving you in just your panties.
“Ooh! What cute panties! They’d look cuter on the floor though!” Hinata giggled, tossing off your underwear in one swoop. “Ah! That’s more like it.” He lowered his face to your already sopping wet core.
“Thanks for the meal!” 
Hinata wasted no time plunging his tongue onto your slit. He licked circles over your clit so quickly, with just the right amount of pressure, you thought you might cum right that second. You felt your orgasm building up, just as you reached the edge, Hinata moved his mouth off your clit and directly on your entrance. He pushed his tongue in, licking around your walls diligently. You gasped, eyes rolling to the back of your head. The feeling was even more intense than before and you rode out your release on Hinata’s tongue.
“Ahh! Shoyo,” You moaned out, fistfull of his hair in your hands. You felt his lips curl into a smile at your quick orgasm.  But he didn’t stop there. He started licking up and down your slit, making sure to lap up every drop of your release. You gasped in delight when you felt his fingers start rubbing your clit at the same time he was eating you out. He started to go faster, rhythmically matching his tongue with his fingers. You felt another orgasm start. Hinata reached up to cover your mouth from being too loud as you came a second time on his face. 
Exhausted, you panted out his name. He gave one more lap up and down your slit before getting up. “You’re so pretty when you cum for me.” He mused, stroking your hair. 
“Hinata,” you breathed out, “You’re amazing..I..want to feel you.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Hinata threw off his clothes and started teasing you with his erect length. 
“Do you really want me to put it in?” He double checked that you were okay.
“Yes please right now!”
Hinata entered you slowly, stretching out your walls with his stiff member. He groaned out in pleasure.
“Y/n, your pussy’s so wet for me.” He whispered as he started thrusting into you. You grabbed his hips, pulling him in deeper with every thrust. He took the hint and started fucking you faster. You kissed his neck, making sure to leave hickies that would last a while after you had gone. 
Shoyo pulled out of you, flipping you over onto your stomach. You propped your ass up and he smacked it hard before pounding you from behind. He was going absolutely feral and you loved every second of it. 
“Spank me harder!” You cried out. Hinata obliged, leaving red hand prints all over your ass. He loved the fact that you’d probably still feel the sting of his hands the next day. As he thrusted into you again you felt yourself let go. Your mind went blank and your third release came out.
“Ohh y/n, you love my dick so much you squirted everywhere!” Hinata teased.
“I-I’ve ah,” you tried to speak, “I’ve never done that before.”
Hinata beamed at his accomplishment, “I told you I’d make you feel good.”
Now it was your turn. Wanting to make him feel just as good, you started thrusting back onto him, shaking your ass to give him a nice show. He tightened his grip on your hips as you clenched your walls on his length. He gasped at your change of pace.
“Y/n, I’m gonna- ah,” He pulled out of you and painted your backside with his release. Panting, he reached over and grabbed a towel to wipe you off before you both collapsed onto his bed. 
“Shoyo that was amazing.” You whispered, too exhausted to talk at full volume.
“How much longer are you staying in Rio?” He asked suddenly.
“I don’t leave for another 3 days..”
“Stay with me till then.” Hinata grabbed your face gently. “I’ll give you the best three days of your life.” 
You smiled, excited to be able to enjoy the rest of your vacation with Hinata.
“Okay. I’ll stay with you, Shoyo.”
I literally only meant this to be a short one shot and it ended up taking 6 google docs pages I am a SIMP for this man 
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nonawaaa · 3 years
Lovers Series: Forsaken Story 
1, 2 , 3 , 4
Sakura cannot believe she is in a coffee shop with a guy who isn’t her classmate or friend, well maybe he is her friend but to her, he is more than a friend. Uchiha Sasuke is her major major major crush. To repeat that, her MAJOR crush. He helped her with some duties she had in the campus once then they started hanging out from time to time and she thought that he was really cute. WRONG. He is dead handsome. A God-given angle to be honest. But she isn’t the type of girl who would jump into him just to go out with him. She likes it more casual, and secret, she is not sure if her having crush is still a secret but she likes to believe it.
They are studying in this coffee shop near the school library, normal college stuff if you would say, they were really to stay in the school library but Sakura is surprised that he suggested to go to a coffee shop because she knows he doesn’t want anyone seeing him with other people, especially girls, rumors travel easily in their campus, also his friends are loud and they can really tease someone to death if they wanted to. Sakura likes to study alone in her dorm, where it is quiet so she can focus more, but when your crush calls you asking if he can study with you, you wouldn’t say no right?
“Sakura? You’ve been staring you know. Are you tired? Should I buy you another coffee?” Sakura snapping from her train of thoughts to look at this handsome guy in front of her.
“What? Uh no! I’m fine, I was just uhh… memorizing…yes!” she blushed a little by the thought of him looking at her, maybe, she doesn’t really know as her mind likes to daydream today instead of paying attention to her surroundings.
She looks at their table, full of books and snacks. They bought their coffees already but she notices that Sasuke’s coffee hasn’t really been touched, she guessed he’s more of a snack guy.
‘He is a snack,’ her inner thoughts speaking to her and her eyes widen by the thought of it. He is more of a meal if she would clarify that.
“I guess you don’t really like studying in public do you,” he asked while writing something on his notebook, maybe some notes.
“I’m more comfortable studying at home but this is fine too,” finals are coming so Sakura needs to study anytime she can get, though she can’t really focus when she’s with him.
“I guess me too… but I really like studying with you,” Sasuke said almost mumbling as he focuses on doing his notes, what did he meant by that?
“Huh?” Sakura looks at him a bit confused.
“You like to study, so you kind of rub that on me,” he answered normally, his statement not even bothering him. Sakura wanted to ask more but she notices that almost half a day has gone by and the amount she has studied is not even close if she wants to pass, she needs to focus, she needs to study, this is what they came for right? Right.
The day has gone by and it’s already 7 pm, they both wanted to study in the coffee shop more if the staff didn’t tell them that they would be closing for the day. Sakura found her focus and she is a bit irritated that they needed to stop, Sasuke looks like he is a bit irritated too. They both didn’t know that the shop closes so early.
“We have been there since morning,” Sakura stated, she doesn’t know what to feel by her statement as she just wanted someone to talk, she doesn’t do well in the silence, so she wanted to start a conversation.
“Hn,” Sasuke replied, she guessed it was a reply even though it is too short to consider one. She wants to spend more time with him, but maybe this is enough for the day, God has replied to her prayers more than once this time.
“So yeah… I’m goi-“ She was about to tell him her goodbyes when he speaks again.
“Would you like to uhh… have dinner?” Sakura cannot even comprehend what he said, her brain is too tired. Maybe she misheard him? She realizes that his ears are getting red, maybe he’s embarrassed? Sakura is trying hard not to blush too much by the offer.
“Yeah, sure… w-Where do you want to have dinner?” They are both blushing at this point, Sakura is trying hard not to stammer, should she consider this as a date? Oh my gosh what if this is a date? She is not prepared for a date, she is wearing slide ons! Sakura’s brain is jumping conclusions after conclusions.
‘No this is just a simple dinner dumbass,’ Sakura repeated on her mind to calm her heart down, but she can’t stop her own what ifs.
‘God if this is a date, please let me have some sneakers or heels next time,’
“There is actually uhh… my mother sent me a message earlier… she said we should have dinner at our house, only if you want to of course, we can look for somewhere you like...,” the last part is almost a whisper.
Sakura’s brain is ringing all the bells it can ring, what did he said? Did he just say at his house? They are not kids anymore, right? This is normal, just normal. But holy shit.
‘What have my past self done to be this lucky today!’ her inner thoughts are shouting.
“Also, my mom said… she would like to meet you,” Oh her heart is about to explode at this point. What is happening?! Why is he saying this? Sakura’s mind is just going blank, she is just staring at Sasuke at this point, staring blankly, she is trying her best to remain calm.
“Sakura? You don’t need to if you don’t want you know,” Sakura smiled, she thought Sasuke is cute when he’s like this, all embarrassed but she remembered that she is too, maybe she even looks like a tomato at this point, too red.
“Uhh... it’s a bit embarrassing but yes of course I would love too,” Sakura said almost too fast, but when she finished saying that she also saw Sasuke smiled. Oh, to see that smile.
It is safe to think of this as a date, right? Sakura thinks it is more than a date, she is meeting his mother! Maybe, just maybe, this is her moment. Maybe he also feels the same.
Maybe she has a chance.
Going in the Uchiha household is a roller coaster ride for Sakura, mentally and emotionally. She still can’t believe that Sasuke invited her. Transportation wasn’t a big deal, she didn’t know that Sasuke brought his car so they didn’t have any problem, but that became Sakura’s problem.
‘Is this really alright? Me? Going to his house? Having dinner with his family? I. Am. Wearing. Slide. Ons.’
Not that wearing that is big of deal for her, but she knows she could do better when she is going to meet her potentially, future in-laws, is what she likes to believe. They are on their way to Sasuke’s house.
“Sasuke-kun, is this really alright?”
“Of course. If you don’t want to, we could have dinner somewhere else,”
“It’s not that,” Sakura do not know how to tell him that she is embarrassed, one of the many emotions she is feeling right now. She noticed that Sasuke is glancing at her.
“What are you looking at mister? Eyes on the road please,” She began to tease him to ease her growing anticipation of what to expect when they arrive there.
“If you’re worried about your slide ons, they’re fine,” Sasuke said while smiling as he looks at the road ahead. Sakura blushed as her embarrassment goes beyond the car roof.
“You are so bad!” Sakura exclaimed while Sasuke chuckled at her response. Sakura smiled at his action, why is he doing this? What is his game? As they fall into silence, she was feeling so comfortable with him.
“I could get use to this you know,” she said while looking at the window beside her. As not to be awkward if he notices her blush.
As they arrive in the house it’s just what she expects, a very big mansion, she knows that Sasuke’s family is good in businesses so she didn’t expect less than this. Now her slide ons are shaking, what if they mistake her as a maid?
‘They wouldn’t, right? I heard they are very polite,’ Sakura talks to herself as she observed the house. They were pulling up the drive way and it is a long drive way.
“My mother really wanted to meet you, she likes to meet all of my friends,” Sasuke said while he turns off the engine.
‘Right. Friends. Duh’ her inner self talking to her.
Sasuke walks out of the car and she follows. The mansion is beautiful full of lights, bright lights that shows the house’s intricate designs, it’s a mix of traditional and modern house but more on the tradition side. As they walk through the front door, a very beautiful lady great them.
“Sasuke-kun! I am so glad you chose to have dinner here! You must be Sasuke’s friend?” She hugged Sasuke and smiled at her. She looks so beautiful, she looks like Sasuke. Sakura couldn’t help but stare at her, she is mesmerized by her beauty. Sasuke notices that Sakura has no plans of looking away.
“Kaa-chan, this is Haruno Sakura, Sakura this is my mother,” Sasuke said and in an instance, Sakura looks at Sasuke with wide eyes.
‘His mother! She looks like our age! What’s with their genes?!’ Sakura is freaking out, but she smiled at the beautiful woman in front of her and tried her best to talk.
“Good evening Uchiha-san, I am Haruno Sakura, pleasure to meet you,”
“Oh! Don’t be too formal my dear! Just call me Mikoto-san, everybody here is Uchiha-san,” Sasuke’s mother said while smiling at her, smile so warm.
“Let’s go and have dinner, shall we?” Mikoto-san continued and walks toward the right hallway of the mansion. Sakura notices Sasuke looking at her and she can’t help her smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me she’s your mother?!” she whispered to Sasuke as they walk behind Mikoto-san.
“Doesn’t she look like my mother?”
“She looks like your sister!”
Sasuke smiled at her, more like laugh at her but he’s holding it in so his mother wouldn’t notice. He grabs Sakura’s arm and continued to walk while dragging her with him.
Sakura couldn’t help her emotions. She wants to cry, cry to God for listening to her wishes. She feels so lucky. She finally decided, this is her time, this is her moment, this is God’s will, she will confess to him, she will tell him her feeling, at this moment she knows, that there is a chance that Sasuke feels the same.
She will take her chance.
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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m0onbean · 4 years
tutoring & loving
genre: enemies to lovers!AU, tutor!reader, popular boy!eunwoo, high school!AU, JEALOUSYYYYYYYY, flooooooof!!! angst but it’s okay because angst is wonderful, basically most of my favorite AU’s combined in one
warnings: jealous eunwoo and this AU is much more in depth than the others ones
words: 2.8k 
note: this is an old draft that has been sitting in my notes so i thought i would post!! enjoy and I HOPE  EUNWOO IS CASTED FOR TRUE BEAUTY!!!
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as one of the top students in class, all of your teachers absolutely ADORE YOU
school is pretty smooth for you: you study well, pass tests, socialize with friends....... except for one little threat that makes your life so much more difficult... 
Cha Eunwoo.
not only is he one of the most popular boys in your grade, but unfortunately he’s also your seat partner for English and he’s the most annoying person you have ever met
you haven’t given him a reason to disrespect you!! ... okay maybe sometimes when you see him and his group of friends being loud in the hallways you shoot an icy glare....... ok and MAYBE you roll your eyes everytime he says smth dumb in the middle of class
but other than that??? completely innocent you are. but this man doesn’t seem to agree, as he seems to have made his life goal to ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. 
foe ex. you would be peacefully paying attention in class when suddenly you feel something kick your foot 
and when you look up, you see eunwoo “paying attention” to the board and feigning innocence
but you immediately know that he’s just trying to aggravate you because when has this man ever actually paid attention in class??
so you go back to listening when you feel ANOTHER kick and you’re like BITCHoh hell no so you kick him back bc we’re not all perfect human beings let’s be honest
and now y’all are kicking each other back and forth, and everyone can hear the desks shuffling underneath them
he also makes snarky marks constantly when you literally just breathed???
like you would sit down at your seat and he’d be like “Congrats, you’ve somehow managed to choose the ugliest outfit in the world to wear today”
and you respond, “It’s about time i have a turn, you’re wearing the ugliest outfit everyday” and then you just glare at each other until the teacher tells you two to snap out of it
on some days eunwoo will just flat out point out one of your flaws like if your hair is messy or if there’s a stain on your shirt
so one day your English teacher asks to see you after class and you’re like Oh he’s just gonna offer me extra credit ... but instead of doing that he asks right off the bat, “i have another student that needs tutoring, are you willing to take one more?”
for the past month, you’ve already been tutoring a few students your teacher recommends to you. it’s easy money, especially since you’re saving up for college 
only this time, you can tell he’s desperate because he’s like “Please (y/n) he’s failing in English and misbehaving in class you’re my only hope!!”
and now you’re like Hawld on..... Why Is He Being So Desperate About This.... like you’re cool with tutoring..... what makes this-
the realization strikes across your face. 
who in this school would you would hate teaching??? who is failing in English??? WHO IS THE BANE OF YOUR EXISTENCE. look to: c. e. w.
 “ofdjoaaja i’ll give you gummy bears or something” he pleads. and honestly, if you were not so broke, you would’ve spat on his feet and walked out the door. but you need the cash, and you sure do like gummy bears.......
you gracefully relinquish, and your teacher gives you a proud smile. he then goes on to tell you that his mom requested extra help smh why couldn’t she have just hired a tutor i hate rich people.. anyways so yeah pls Help me
so the next day @ school you approach your seat and you see eunwoo sitting on his desk, talking to his friends until he notices you.. and he’s about to open his mouth to probs criticize your untied shoelaces but you interrupt him and are like:
“eunwoo i’m privately tutoring you starting today. Meet at the library after school.”
and he’s just sitting there, jaw dropping to the floor and you’re like :) He’s finally quiet for once... 
but little did you know that during class he’d be pestering you with complaints like:“why you??? is there anyone else that can do it???” “i don’t need tutoring.. i’m getting consistent D’s... not a singular F and it ain’t much but it’s honest work” 
at a certain point, you get so sick of his complaints and go like “your mom asked for you to be tutored!!! OK i didn’t just ask to tutor you, you dumbfuck.”
and once you mention his mom he just kinda shuts up... and stares at his desk for the rest of the period
ou notice this and recall the teacher telling you that eunwoo’s mom is a tiger mom... you keep this in mind because now you know that making his mom proud might be his motivation
after school, you wait at the library for him inside.. but a couple minutes pass and you’re like ? did he forget ? .  
and eventually an hour passes and you’re like nope he’s definitely ditching
and honestly,,, you feel a little betrayed and a little hurt ... but just when you’re about to leave you see him panting and making his way to your table nd you’re like ???????and eunwoo’s like “im so sorry i forgot...”
and you’re like oh? so you didn’t ditch? 
and he’s like No!! i just ... forgot. 
and you’re like well you little shit don’t forget next time i’ve been sitting here for an hour..but then he reaches something from his pocket and hands it to you and it’s a triangle sushi (it’s super crumbled too...) 
and he’s like “i got this to make it up” and you’re like flustered and just weirdly but pleasantly surprised he feels this bad about almost flaking
but you catch yourself slipping and go back to your annoyed tone: “uh-What the fuck are you on?? I-Wh-I’m not hungry. T-thanks tho.”
the first tutoring session is... awful to say the least. 
he couldn’t pay attention well and continuously complained and even tried to go off topic
like you’d be asking him what foreshadowing meant and then he’d be like “so.. where’s your family from (y/n)?” 33r*#$&(@$
after an hour of no progress you get frustrated and shut the textbook, about to call it a day
but just when you stand up eunwoo grabs your wrist 
and he’s like “where do you think you’re going?” you scoff and reply with “why do you care? it’s not like you want to be tutored right? well i don’t want to tutor anymore”
when you try to budge, you feel his hand still firmly gripping onto your wrist and you’re like “let go of me” until you realize he’s staring at you dead in the eyes
and in a quiet voice he sadly says “please don’t give up on me... i’m trying my best.” 
it looks like he’s about to tear up and that’s when you realize that you need to be patient for him... and need to help him because he’s trying to make his mom proud. 
when you sit down again, he gets a bit startled that you gave in so easily but regardless, a relieved smile spreads across his face. 
instead of going back to teaching, you conclude that you two should “break the ice” first so tutoring wouldn’t be you two just glaring at eachother
“breaking the ice” turns into a two hour conversation about random things or anything that comes into mind. 
eunwoo is really good at conversing and he’s good at filling in the awkward pauses and bringing up new topics!!
next thing you know the librarian is trying to shoo you guys outside since the library already closed fodjsoakal
when you get back home, there’s a stupid smile on your face and you’re like SHIT why am i smiling? why can’t i stop smiling???? get yourself together youRe just helping him you still think he’s annoying!!! ..but he has a breathtaking laugh... NO he’s still that annoying guy i hate
the rest of the tutoring sessions aren’t as bad at you thought.. eunwoo is actually pretty smart he just has the attention span of a toddler honestly.
you could be trying to read him an excerpt from The Great Gatsby and when it’s his turn to read.. it’s absolutely silent and when you look up like ??? 
you see him staring at you and you’re like “eunwoo.. it’s ur turn” and he’d be snapped out of his trance and be like OH! and ask you where you left off
and inside you’d be like.. was he.. staring at me?? (he actually was. you just looked so pretty reading out loud with such emotion)
after a couple of more classes with him, he starts immensely improving in class. he doesn’t really bother you anymore, but he stills throws some playful remarks at times. 
tutoring sessions seem to be effective, and you learn that he actually has a really.. really great personality
one day, you’re approaching your seat in English and are about to roast eunwoo as your daily routine when you almost bump into somebody
but thank god you have great reflexes so you managed to stop yourself... and when you look up you see a handsome face and you’re like. Oh.and he’s like smiling sheepishly and is like “sorry! i’m clumsy hehe” and you’re like Oh.. he’s cute
you smile back and insist it’s fine.. and now you’re both still standing there smiling at eachother because he’s like eye candy
he manages to introduce himself as Moonbin and you’re like I’m (y/n)!! and then his face transforms into recognition and he’s like “oh! you’re eunwoo’s tutor aren’t you?” 
and you’re like “Oh?? yeah how’d you know?”and he’s like “Ah.. i’m good friends with him. i heard your tutoring sessions are really helpful though. you’re super smart”
and on the outside you’re like :3 m-Me????!??! <3
what you actually say: ah, thank you. 
then he’s like “do you mind if you tutor me too?? i’m kind of struggling in English as well” and you’re like “oh sure!” it’s raining money girl
the bell starts ringing and he waves goodbye 
 you go to your seat with a wide smile, and when you sit down, you don’t notice that eunwoo is glaring at you 
so when you look at him with a smile on your face, he gets even more glary. 
you quickly wipe the smile off and are like “oh it’s you.”
but instead of insulting you back he’s like “why were you talking to Moobin?” and youre ???? “why CAN’T i talk to Moonbin? he was asking me to tutor him.”
when he hears that, he clenches his fists under the desk and is like.. “did you accept his offer?”
and you’re confusedly like “yes.. why would i reject him?”
not one to handle complicated feelings well, eunwoo just stands up, his chair loudly screeching against the floor. 
he wants to tell you that he doesn’t want Moonbin to watch you read lines from poetry so dramatically, smile whenever he makes a joke, text him reminders to study before he goes to sleep. 
but when you’re looking at him with such bewilderment in your beautiful eyes, your facial features frozen as you wait for his next move, he feels disgusting for having these feelings towards you. you’d probably be happier with Moonbin, who doesn’t have these nasty problems you’d be burdened with.
but before you can even properly react, he’s leaving the classroom and you look around, grateful that nobody was watching. 
and you don’t know how it happens.. but your feet control themselves and now you’re running after him, not caring about class starting already
and as you’re sprinting, so many scattered thoughts run through your mind. eunwoo.. jealous? does he like you? and even though you thought you were interested in eunwoo... there’s something about eunwoo you can’t let go about.and there’s no way you’re going to lose him.
so when you finally catch up to him you grab him by the arm and turn him around so he’s facing you... you hug him tightly.
and the crawling feeling that’s been stirring in eunwoo’s stomach suddenly dissipates
and bc you know that nothing will be the same after this, why don’t you just end it off strong? so you confess
you quietly tell him that you’re new to this... relationships have always been a new territory for you. liking somebody is new for you. “please don’t run off and let go of me either... i’m trying my best, too”
and he wants to push you off of him, tell you what’s best for you, and go back to being the annoying shit he once was. but your hug feels so nice and.. well.. maybe eunwoo can be selfish once in a while.  
falling in love with eunwoo is a gradual but addictive progress. when people describe falling in love, they would describe it as fireworks... exciting but risky. you would pretty much say the same but.. it’s so much more than just that.
it’s feeling tingly and funny when he randomly holds your hand or shows affection. it’s feeling enormously upset when you’re not around him or when you see him talking to somebody attractive. it’s feeling empty when he cuddles you because you want this to last forever, but you’re scared because you know it won’t.
you tell him this as you two are nestled on his couch, blankets jumbled across and TV playing some cooking show neither of you care about
he laughs and kisses your forehead which makes you feel that stupid tingly feeling again. 
“are you confessing that you’re in love with me (y/n)?” before you can try to smack him, he says “i love you too.”and with that.. you quietly respond “i love you...” 
and it feels so refreshing voicing that out loud.
eunwoo as a boyfriend would be the most blood rushing and adrenaline pumping feeling there is. he’s filled with so much energy that it’s never not fun around him
he would sneak you into carnivals, and take you on the ferris wheel where you two would probably makeout in the passenger car scksksoao
he’d also try to win you prizes at the arcade but.. he’s just so bad at playing it and either A) you end up playing and winning him a prize or B) he bribes the arcade owner to give him the prize
lots of PDA. lotssss of them. 
sitting next to eunwoo in English is a struggle now.. he’s always distracting you from the teacher. 
like you’d be taking notes but then you’d feel his head on your shoulder and now he’s straight up cuddling you in class
eunwoo always encourages you to have more fun 
“you’re always locked up in your room, studying.”
thus, he likes to knock on your door and enter the house with your parents’ delightful approval (because your parents love him. so much.) and go in your room and shower you with kisses while telling you that it’s time to stop studying because you’ve been reading the same chapter over and over again
your texts to each other would be littered with emojis that don’t even relate to the message. like you’d text “i stopped studying. are you proud of me 💃👒🐟🥐”and he’d reply with “of course my sunshine 🍣🎧🔑”
you still tutor him but your tutor sessions are a lot more longer now since they take place at either of your houses instead of the library LMAO. 
+ after tutoring him, you two would just cuddle and raid your fridges
when you meet moonbin again, eunwoo gets a little jealous again since he thinks that moonbin has a chance of snatching you 
but after kissing him and assuring him that you’ll never be “snatched”, he feels so relieved
eunwoo relishes all of the affection you give him. and he always gives you twice as much :’)
one day the same English teacher asks to see you after class and you’re like “is there something you need?”and he’s like “.... ok so tell me how y’all went from kicking eachother to cuddling together in class 🤔🤔”
the doors were closed... nobody heard anything... 
when you ask eunwoo why he hated you so much in the beginning, he tells you that he was just jealous of you. jealous of how flawless you did in academics and how you’re such a bright student + your glares were “extremely unnecessary” 
he also tells you that his older brother is already a doctor and has been so successful in everything so his mom always pressures him and compares them
and you’re like weaving your fingers together while telling him “don’t compare yourself. he is him and you are you.” 
and you pause.. and say “and i love you this way. i’m proud of you”
and eunwoo just immediately breaks down right there because nobody ever tells him that.. nobody is ever proud of him
falling in love with one of your enemies was definitely one of the best things that’s ever happened to you :)
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